#it is a curse that I bear
agentplutonium · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
I haven't done one of these in forever, and once again haven't been tagged. Either way you guys get the littlest update on what I am working on so that I am held responsible for what I do. ANYWAY
(if ya'll wanna do something too you should tag me! I love seeing people's works :D)
This week I wanna show y'all two snippets, one from my OC work and one from a fandom I rarely talk about on here. I'll start with the fanfic stuff first (all is gonna be under the cut because I think it looks cooler that way)
So, here I present a part of my Cher & Sherlock character study. These guys are from NeXus (created by the one and only @mr-laveau which can be found on their youtube channel). This mostly is just me seeing how my Characterizations of these two listener characters play out with one another. That and I have been itching to write something NeXus related since the second video on the channel. Anyway:
The clock ticked on the wall. There was the occasional shout from outside the apartment. Cher sat at the table, shoulders rigid, fingers tapping the wood beneath them impatiently. The wood was smooth under their arm, the back of the chair digging into their shoulder blades. They wanted to keep moving. They wanted out of here. They wanted to keep everyone safe. Cher was dropped off at Alonzo’s and his partner’s place to be babysat, despite what Uriah told them. He said it was for their safety but they felt Uriah didn’t trust them, or that he thought they couldn’t take care of themselves. It was humiliating. Not to mention this was probably putting the lovers out of their way just to be there with them. They did not want to do that to them. They were not worth the amount of effort the two vampires were putting into them.  Suddenly, a mug was placed before them, snapping out of their thoughts. Owl, what Cher has taken to calling Alonzo’s partner, took the seat across from them, a matching mug in their hands. They were silent, not looking at Cher. Their presence wasn’t… unwanted, but Cher still felt on edge. Their fingers stopped tapping. They couldn’t help but analyze the situation, Owl’s body language, the way they kept their eyes on the mug in their hands, the mug that was left suspended between the two of them. But Owl just fucking sat there. The silence lasted for a few more moments. “It’s just hot chocolate, I’m not trying to kill you,” Owl said, those eyes finally glancing at them. “Thought you might like something to do than just sitting here.”
(You will probably be able to find this fic soon on my AO3 :D)
And now my favourite part of this: the part where I get to show off my OCS. If you haven't seen anything before these two are my god characters. They are the sole reason why in my world anything exists. They are literally my heart and soul you guys i don't know if you understand. ANYWAY, snippet of the creation of the Strix:
Terra had been messing around with different designs for a bit, shaping and reshaping the clay in her hands in an almost bored manner. None of the designs were sticking out to her, and weren’t exactly how she was picturing things. Normally, this wasn’t such a problem. She was usually able to perfectly recreate what she was thinking. However, each time she did just that she found that the design was impractical, or didn’t look the way she imagined it would. In all honesty it was starting to irk her quite a bit.
She was about to give up on the design, but tried one more time. This one was also imperfect, but… Terra thought it had potential. It was a small, winged creature that Terra was going for, but there were a few things that she fixed or added. One of them was a short, curved, needle sharp beak. The other was sharper talons as well. After messing with the colours for a bit, making them a clash of green’s and blue’s, Terra brought the prototype to life. It slowly became mobile, turning it’s head from side to side, watching Terra curiously. Terra held out a finger to it, and it readily hopped over onto it, turning back to Terra and giving a small chirp.
Terra grinned, mouth stretching wide as she watched her creation. “Well, hello, little one,” Terra said gently. “You’re not as big as some of your cousins, but I think you look absolutely adorable.”
The creature chirped in response.
Terra only smiled wider, nose scrunching in the process. “Well then, what shall we name you and your siblings? Hm? Any ideas?”
The creature didn’t respond, only tilting it’s head in the other direction. Terra pursed her lips as she thought.
“What about… finches? No, that’s a bit to human sounding. We need something different.” Terra hummed, reaching up to gently stroke her fingers over the creature’s feathers. She had gotten an idea, and her eyes lit up. “Oh, what about Strix? That’s a fun sounding name. What do you think?” The creature chirped again, and Terra smiled. “I’m so glad. We’ll have to tell Caelus next time we see him, I did promise I’d keep him-”
“Tell me what?” Caelus asked, beside her all of a sudden. He settled next to her on the ground, eyes immediately falling to the Strix. “Never mind. I figured it out.”
Terra gave a sheepish smile, holding out the Strix. “Don’t you think he’s cute, though?”
Caelus didn’t seem like he did. He was never very good at hiding his feelings, especially not from her. “He’s… something,” Caelus said.
Terra swatted at his arm playfully. “Be nice at least. He’s technically yours too.”
Caelus looked spooked by the prospect, however he didn’t have time to comment on it before the Strix was hopping onto his knee. Caelus held as still as possible, eyes not leaving the thing.
“Aw! He likes you!” Terra gushed.
“And, uh… what is he, exactly?” Caelus asked.
“I call them Strix,” Terra said matter-of-factly, but she was already getting distracted.
Caelus stayed like that, staring down this creature. If he was honest, he actually didn’t mind this one all that much. It was a bit of an eyesore, but he was a bit smaller than the others. It was roughly the size of half his forearm in height. A manageable size. The creature chirped at him, and Caelus couldn’t help but give a small smile, reaching forward to cautiously stroke the feathers on the creature’s head. It looked like a freaky bird, he commented to himself.
Terra’s words caught up to him then, and he snapped his gaze to her. “I’m sorry, them? What do you mean them?”
“There’s more than one,” Terra said, like it was obvious, “I just haven’t had the time to make them. But-” She trailed off, taping the ground in front of her, at the feet of a few dozen more. They came to life in a blink, all staring at their companion and at Caelus. It was only a second more before Caelus was swarmed in a flurry of feathers and wings. Terra gasped, watching as the creatures settled and Caelus was covered with the birds.
Caelus did not look happy. Terra tried to keep her giggling subdued.
“Get them off,” Caelus said through his teeth.
“I don’t know, I think this look suits you,” Terra snickered.
“Okay okay,” Terra said, though her amusement was still evident. She rose to her knees, hands reaching for the creatures, fanning them away or moving them herself. “Come on guys, you heard him. Shoo. Go.”
Caelus was relieved when they were all gone, but he was still grumpy. Terra giggled again.
“Oh come on, It wasn’t that bad! Stop being so grumpy. I saw you smiling at the first one, I know you secretly like them,” Terra teased.
“I do not,” Caelus denied.
“Uh-huh, okay, whatever you say big guy.”
Terra’s amusement was cut short when one of the Strix flew over and pecked at her neck.
“Ow!” She cried out, hand flying to the spot. She frowned at the creature who fluttered in front of her, looking up with that curious gaze of theirs. She pulled her hand away, only for it to come back smeared with blood. Her frown deepened even more.
“Are you okay?” Caelus asked, concern in his tone, half reaching toward her out of habit.
“Yeah,” Terra said, more mystified than in pain. “They shouldn’t… they probably don’t know better. They were just created after all.”
Caelus still seemed wary, but Terra didn’t allow for the conversation to continue. Instead, she started herding the birds up to place in a temporary home until she felt like they could join the rest of the world. It was going to be a while before they were accustomed to their new world, and Terra also had to train them on a few things to keep them safe.
This will be fine, Terra could feel it in her very core.
If you wanna read more, I also have this story about Terra and her realization that Vampires exist.
that is all I have, but but I love talking about my things and am open to any questions, and like I said i'd love to see y'alls work too!!
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sincerelystesichorus · 4 months
i have spent so long trying to place who astarion reminds me of
his dry little sarcastic bits gets me every time and like it's automatically funny but it felt so familiar...
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this bastard.
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and some more similar comparisons i think
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thank you for coming to my ted talk
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artsyvamp · 1 year
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cool biker guy // frog enjoyer
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kingzombear · 4 months
Spicy art trade w @pixie-inkk of their ladies from their Cursed Monsters AU!! (@ask-gorgon-ragatha teehee)
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Go ahead and flirt w her girl, if you wanna be a stone statue THAT damn bad 🙄
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sensitiveheartless · 6 months
It's now been two years since I began drawing BSD fanart, and I recently went back and discovered that the very first sketch I ever did was of Chuuya! So I thought it would be fun to go through and line up a bunch of my attempts at drawing him — progress over time, and all that :0
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agentof-chaos · 7 months
We're all aware of the common thing in fanfics where Tim uses Bear as a nickname for Bernard, but I feel like we should give Tim a similar nickname.
I suggest Moth, cause his full first name is Timothy, and if you drop the first two letters and the last letter, you're left with "moth," and I think that's really cute.
Bear and Moth
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u3pxx · 3 months
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got the disco meshi au on my mind and i remembered that one time i drew a cursed elf!harry (like if they ever encounter a changeling circle in the au) and this is kind of just the extended version of that idea pftt
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this was the original sketch for that. elves in dunmeshi don't really have facial hair so i just had to base what to do with his muttonchops on what happened with senshi's luxurious beard, stubble it up ig lol
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
One of my mutuals refers to me as “golden nipple milk” to their partner. That’s me. Golden nipple milk.
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robinfollies · 2 months
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Been really pondering Fantoccio and the cursed citizens lately… like, if you’re stuck in a city for 15 years with some of your only company being these cursed globby versions of the people that used to surround you normally, you’d start to Notice Things that remind you of who they used to be, right?
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elquacktism · 2 months
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Comic based on @bugflies00 textpost :3
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daguerreotyping · 9 months
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Cabinet card of a well-groomed young man and his equally dapper dog, c. 1890s
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sp1resong · 6 months
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i (tumblr user sp1resong) will see some bugs and go 'is anyone gonna put those in a maze' and not even wait for an answer
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gunpowdercarousel · 7 months
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Aww isn't that cute they're sharing a tent lol maybe they can learn to get along and
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hamletthedane · 25 days
I hate dating apps I need to meet the love of my life more organically*
*in hand-to-hand combat before the great walls of the City of Troy
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naariel · 7 months
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Brunebjørn Druid Halsin
Based on Kvitebjørn Kong Valemon by Theodor Kittelsen. As a kid I always really enjoyed that painting, and the norwegian folktale it depicts. So naturally I had to recreate it with Halsin and Gaia.
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freshmeatz · 1 year
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he is my best friend forever 
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