#it just wouldn’t make sense for him to turn on them imo
nerdyenby · 2 years
Unpopular opinion but I like that they didn’t give Lloyd a villain arc. I would’ve been down for it but I support the final decision. It’s more real, more humanizing. Sure, he could’ve snapped and taken over the world, but that not Lloyd. He’s been fighting to evade that destiny since s1.
He was the son of the dark lord, he was abandoned by his mother and left at an evil orphanage, where he was an outcast. He was pushed aside again, bullied, he sought Allie’s and they betrayed him, each more painful than the last. Then he finds out that he has to fight his father, and he does it, and he wins.
He was thought to be destined to destroy the world back in s3 (the whole “Golden Master” shabang), and even back then his friends didn’t believe he was capable of that, because he’s overcome too much to fall that far. Because he’s grown so much, that’s not who he is, nor who he ever was. Even back when he was a primary antagonist, he was just a kid, overwhelmingly hurt and abandoned again and again.
He was repeatedly held as the most powerful elemental master (and just person) in s4, but that never manifested itself in greed or selfishness. When others desired his destiny in s5 is when he learned to let go of the notion that every battle had to be his, that he can rely on and trust his loved ones. When he was formally named the ninja’s master in s7, he got caught up in the fear of what he could do wrong before he realized that he needed to trust himself and his friends. When he thought said friends were dead and he was powerless in s9 it broke him, but not to the point of rage or greed or desperation, but to feeling aimless. Without the family he’s found himself, what does he have left? Nothing to fight for, no one to fight with. This is the pattern we see throughout the following seasons. There’s no greed or desperation, he’s just a kid trying to keep his family whole and make the world a safer place. He’s sick of losing people, to death or to darkness. He’s no longer afraid of loss, he’s too acquainted with it for that dread to be anything more, but he’s terrified of being the reason, of losing himself.
Lloyd has been angry and tired and distraught and selfish, but he keeps himself anchored in his family. After all he’s learned, endured, and conquered, the only thing he has left to fear is himself, and he’s not about to lose that fight, not after all this time.
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r-2-peepoo · 2 months
Here is why I really doubt that the clone assassin is Cody:
So either CX-2 is Tech or they are throwing a hell of a lot of red herrings at us which wouldn’t really make sense unless the writers decided to completely switch styles right at the end, but the alternative theory people have is just not good imo.
It shouldn’t be Cody. I truly don’t believe it is and if it somehow was, then I think it would be a bad idea.
Cody is why Crosshair ultimately leaves the Empire. Jennifer Corbett actually said it herself. Cody is someone Crosshair admires and who has always treated the Bad Batch with respect and kindness even if no one else did, and it is him that makes Crosshair begin to change his mind. Mayday exposed the horror of what the Empire was really doing and Cody starts him on his journey of wanting to leave.
Cody was obviously just a throwaway character at the time ROTS came out but who he became in TCW is so important. Even if he doesn’t have the most screen time, it’s more about what he represents than anything else. His personality evolving into what it is when he is the Commander who serves with Obi Wan is very intentional because both characters serve similar purposes for their respective groups, those obviously being the clones and the Jedi. They both are imperfect people who are genuinely good at heart and it’s that goodness that is so important. They don’t know everything but they do their best to navigate the galaxy with empathy and respect for others. There are so many lovely parallels between the two of them and I think analysing Obi Wan actually allows you more insight into Cody too. They have differences of course, but there is so much that connects them and their influence on each other is undeniable.
Cody turning into this antagonistic figure would undercut Crosshair’s journey in my opinion. Cody needs to just be in the one episode to be a symbol of Crosshair’s development. Any further involvement from him devalues his contribution which was so crucial. One single episode created such a ripple effect. Obviously Cody wouldn’t choose to be like this, but even being forced against his will to become a monster still colours what he gave Crosshair and also feels like a very unfulfilling arc for him. There’s been no set-up and it contradicts everything he has ever been. Cody should stay as this pure moral character because that’s what he’s been from the very beginning. Order 66 was his moment of tragedy. There shouldn’t be anything else. It wouldn’t feel complete, narratively speaking, and I’d hate for him to be used just to develop someone else, like Rex. He just drops wisdom in random episodes of shows he’s in and then gets the hell out of there and I love him for that. The clone assassin shouldn’t be him and I truly don’t believe it is.
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kuroowo · 11 months
Post break-up HCs
- Gojo x Reader x Geto
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Genre - Angst, Hurt/No comfort, Exes, No-Curses AU
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The relationship was hurting you more than you could bear. It reached one too many dead ends and faced with your final straw, you decided to let go of their hands and leave them watching your back.
At first, Geto & Gojo didn’t and couldn’t accept it & were trying to reason with you at every chance they could get. No matter the time or place or event, if you were there, you would spot them and their mile long reasons why. Over time though, Gojo was the first to accept the reality of your relationship whereas Geto was a bit more stubborn in believing that this was just a very rough patch the three of you were going through.
However, after awhile, Gojo and Geto seemed fine. Outwardly, that is. To the rest of the world, it’s as if they’ve moved on relatively easy (for such a sweet looking and long standing relationship) and it was like you never really made that much of an impact on them. But to the keen eyed, it was terribly obvious how in love they still are and how they can’t seem to let go no matter how much time passes.
Note - I personally think in a world without curses and it’s looming threats, Geto & Gojo would be more open (in many senses/aspects). I’d also like to think that you complete them. IMO they’re both individuals with a strong sense of independence and freedom, but their communication could be better and sometimes they need to be grounded. I think you bring that to the table and it makes everything work so smoothly that the three of you can’t be anything but soulmates. At least, that’s what STSG believed. It’s what they still believe, even after you left them.
Gojo, who can’t let go because he associates much too many things with you and the memories of you.
Every little thing, whether useless or useful or in passing or significant or eye catching, it doesn’t matter — every single thing reminds him of you. A little trinket he spots during his travels, a cute dessert spot he could’ve dragged you to, places you would’ve loved to visit, Megumi’s pets you loved to pet and spoil, kikufuku, little doodles, coffee shops, certain accessories, anime shows and merchandises, & etc. etc. (Gojo still accidentally buys a number of things meant for you, and he doesn’t ever bother to return them)
It physically pains him to a stop the first few weeks because when he turns to his side, it’s not you and Geto anymore. It’s just Geto and the sorrows you left behind. (He accidentally texts you the first few weeks because he was still in a little bit of denial. He blamed it on habits, but even that he knew was blatant denial)
It didn’t help either that during the first month, he wouldn’t stop talking about you. Nearly every conversation, nearly every passing comment, Gojo would not miss the opportunity to relate it to you somehow. Nanami tapped out at day 6, Shoko tapped out at week 2.5 (surprisingly long, he thinks), and Haibara, sweet Haibara, still listens to him to this day. It’s not very often anymore. He’s learned some semblance of self-control (he thinks you’d be proud and also because his pride wouldn’t let him do it much anymore), but on days where he can’t seem to shake your hold on his heart, he goes to Haibara. (He can’t go to Geto because the first and last time it happened, they got into a fight and then tried to call you after. He couldn’t tell if the constant ringing haunts him or elates him, since that means you didn’t block him)
Note - I would like to think that Gojo in a No-Curses AU would be more open to talking about his feelings/being vulnerable/being open to his close confidants to some degree because well, the weight of the literal world doesn’t rest on his shoulders. He doesn’t exactly cry to them, he more so just… talks about you. Nanami could be drinking an Americano and Gojo would tell him that you liked yours in a certain way, as if he was telling him about the weather outside. As time passes, he talks less about you, but on days he can’t seem to shake off the heavy feelings, he’d talk about his memories of you & what he knew about you.
Geto, who can’t let go because he’s still in the belief that you’d turn around and come back to them, to him.
Geto can’t fully accept the reality of you leaving them, so his fractured heart feeds him with grand ideas of you knocking on their door, with tears in your eyes and flowers in your hand, begging for them to take you back. That you had a lapse in judgement and went through a period of craziness that convinced you that you didn’t need them. You’d apologise, sincerely and earnestly, and with open arms he would snark at you, but kiss you almost urgently in the same desperate breath.
He longs for such, more than he would ever be willing to admit. So he puts on a brave, nonchalant face. Smiling and chuckling, touched with a twinge of tension, and goes about his days being branded as someone you left.
An ex who still yearns for you deep down, and it manifests terribly in his dreams. (Sometimes, Suguru would wake up with tears staining his cheeks, but he’d refuse to acknowledge it)
An ex who used to tease you about the silly Sanrio plasters you used to buy for yourself, but now has a drawer full of them. One by one, he’d pay for them whenever it catches his eyes. One by one, stored in a space you used to occupy. Untouched and waiting to be used.
An ex who still keeps the knickknacks you gifted him. Handmade and one of kind, “Like you.”, you used to tell him. His heart still flutters. He keeps them packed and hidden in a compact box, sealed with memories tainted in quiet regrets and dried out anguish. His favourite will always be the two little clay dolls you made. One’s a snow white dragon with ugly bulging blue eyes in the shade of Gojo’s and the other’s a black matching pair with tiny purple irises in the shade of his. You promised him you’d make a version of yourself so the three of you could match like those lovesick couples you always made fun of, but you never got around to it. 3 weeks later you were gone, and a year later he’s still waiting.
Note - I think Geto would take it really hard in the lonesome comfort of his own presence. Keeping every single thought, tear, and hopes locked in his big, brittle heart.
It doesn’t do well on them that you share mutual friends either. It makes them want to be petty and hurtful, make you see what else you could lose, but when they catch your smiles and laughter in their peripherals, it simmers their bastard urges and quiets them down into pitiful longing.
It’s even worse when the kids ask about you because they didn’t know how to tell them that it was a lot of their fault why you left them.
Megumi, who loved you most out of all of the children, took it the hardest and it made Gojo & Geto hurt in different ways. But surprisingly, Megumi was also the fastest to bounce back once he realised that you breaking up with them doesn’t mean you’ll stop interacting with him too. “Don’t be silly, Megumi. You have my number and new address, just call or text or visit whenever. Nothing much is changing between us, y’know? Unless you wanna get rid of me?”, you can’t help but tease him when he pouts at you. Gojo & Geto couldn’t have been more jealous (and maybe even a little resentful) of Megumi.
Mimiko & Nanako had a mix of emotions. They were anxious, thinking maybe it was their fault somehow. They were young, they were angry, and they were hurting on behalf of their beloved dad(s). They were in denial, you had made so many promises with each other already. They were tearful. They miss seeing you everyday. They miss your head pats. They miss your praises. They miss your comfort. They miss you. (They tag along with Megumi when he goes to visit you. The ache in Geto’s heart twofolds each time.)
Tsumiki was the oldest one out of the 4 and has divorced parents and separated co-parents. She knew the protocols and how to still maintain your relationship with each other, but it didn’t mean that she didn’t felt sadden by your departure and change in relationship dynamics.
(STSG tried using the kids as a reason to make you stay too. Nanami gave them the good ol’stink eye for this)
Gojo & Geto are still together, but they don’t entertain the idea of a third anymore. (They won’t admit it, but no one could ever take your place. And truth be told, they’re still holding out hopes for you to come back to them)
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tall-glass-of-nope · 1 month
I saw Chasing Amy for the first time last night and since I’m generally uninitiated in the world of Kevin Smith films I guess I have no basis of comparison but I was shocked at the candor with which a lot of the sexual topics and relationships are presented.
I expect this will be one of my most unpopular opinions but I’m willing to say it: I thought it was a good movie.
I don’t know how it was MEANT to be interpreted, but here’s what I got from it (spoilers ahead).
I get that many people find it problematic that Alyssa describes herself as gay when she’s clearly bisexual, but with the context that this film was made in the late 90s and the fact that there are STILL people who think bi identities are just noncommittal experimental stops between gay and straight… I just don’t find it that unrealistic that she’d be imprecise with her own label.
Ben Affleck’s character sucks. Like, I hated him. But I don’t hate that I hated him, because it’s a movie and I’m pro-unlikeable protagonist sometimes. There is a lot of dialogue about turning the lesbian, and I think his character does fetishize that. I also think he’s wrong to believe that’s what happened at all. She chose to spend all that time with him, to accept his stupid cringe car speech, and eventually to leave. He doesn’t actually change her. She’s using him (romantically) like she used to use people sexually in her past, AND I don’t think that should be a condemned character trait on her part. If he had really loved her back, well, then it wouldn’t have been using. But it was one-sided imo. I believe she saw the red flags and still chose him, until he disappointingly came around to a proposition that demonstrated he’d never treat her the same again and she knew she didn’t deserve that.
But also I do think she really thought she was in love, so at the one year later mark her emotionality makes sense because that’s a kind of nostalgia that is so personal, even if that chapter is well and truly over.
Banky is gay. Full stop. So, interpret all of his problematic diatribes with that filter. His “everyone needs a good dicking” speech is him telling on himself. It’s repression and a lot of internalized issues, and he talks about this stuff in ways I’ve heard other people in my real life talk about them in private spaces. It’s a realistic portrayal. Also Jason Lee NAILS the little details. He’s staring at Ben Affleck’s lips. He’s jealous of the attention Alyssa gets. I didn’t doubt for a single frame what was going on under the surface for that character.
I will never defend the two main boys in this movie, but they’re written extremely realistically. I know guys like these two dudes. The whole movie long I had two specific people in mind, in fact. And no, I do not have anything to do with them anymore, but I was someone’s Alyssa (or Amy) once.
One final note: I’ve never seen a movie where a straight character actually suggests a three-way as a solution to his love triangle problems and this was portrayed so surprisingly earnestly as a request. Yeah, it was cringe and incorrect, but so is everything about Holden. I just found it surprising that it happened at all, and I don’t think it was entirely played for laughs or pure shock value.
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is it just me, but if reader and suguru are in their twenties, i don't see the four year age gap being a big deal? and later on, it becomes even less of a big deal.
i get that there may be some moral deliberation on suguru's part with the growing up aspect, but for them to keep their relationship a secret forever? really? that's kinda weird imo and making a big fuss out of nothing
if they're like 24 and 28, why the hell do they have to hide? i literally don't get it at all. they're not doing anything immoral. and reader is not a child by any means, and it's not like they have some cognitive gap or anything. i just don't get it. maybe it's a cultural thing, and for you it's a bigger deal than it is for me.
obviously fourteen x eighteen is super fucked up and wrong, but we're not talking about that, my god
aaa and !!! as for riko !!!! kairo COOKED w the shoko thing.
i think... that this pairing makes a lot of sense! i think it makes more sense than riko x reader, tbh
i just... i don't see the need of turning every best friend friendship into a romance
like irl i don't want to fuck my friends (pardon me for being crude) and i will never want to fuck them, and that's okay. i'm perfectly satisfied with our friendships staying friendships, and the transition to a romance is not necessarily a signification of a 'higher-level' relationship
at the end of the day though, as others have said, it's your stories so you get to do whatever the hell you want to do with it
…. anon i talked abt this a bit in another ask but maybe you missed it so i’ll say it again :’3
(this got very long i’m sorry in advance 😔)
the gap itself isn’t the problem, it’s not a big deal in their twenties. the issue here is the way their dynamic started. satoru always viewed reader like a younger sibling, and it was the same with suguru. don’t you think that would be awkward for them at all? 😭 i think you’re focusing on the present point of their relationship which is fine, but their history as a whole is important too!! if you grew up with a younger kid who was crushing on you, while you viewed them as a sibling, wouldn’t you also feel weird about developing feelings for them later down the line? i definitely would!!
the important part is the shift in their dynamic, not the age gap (but i mention the gap bc it’s so central to their prior dynamic). satoru can’t bring himself to shift his view on reader, bc he still sees them as someone younger that he needs to protect. there’s a kind of power dynamic there that’s important to remember, and it was established when they first met. he’s older, he’s known you since you were a little kid, he’s spent all those years making sure not to give you the impression that he’s leading you on at all. satoru doesn’t want to break that pattern, and he views that choice as important.
so don’t you think he’d be kind of pissed if he found out suguru had gotten together with you? if he found out suguru had made a choice to break that pattern, when he was so adamant on not doing so? there would definitely be a lot of tension there. satoru literally spends the fic talking about how he thinks reader should be with someone better, someone closer to their own age, someone who they didn’t meet from such a young age — and then he finds out they’re with suguru??
like . there’s no way there wouldn’t be a fight there. i’m not saying it’d be the end of the world or their friendship or anything, but satoru would absolutely be upset with suguru. especially since he places him on such a high pedastal. it’s less about morality and more about convictions. there’s nothing immoral about them being together, but it goes against the convictions satoru’s found himself sticking to.
so!!! that’s the reason i think they would keep their relationship secret. to avoid that tension. i can’t see it being anything other than a sneaky summer romance. maybe in the future they could tell everyone, but i also just don’t see suguru/reader as an actual endgame couple in this au… i didn’t specify this in the fic but the two of them aren’t nearly as close as reader is with riko and satoru, since they only met when suguru was hanging out at the gojo household.
anyway!! that’s my take on that. again, the gap isn’t the issue, it’s everything surrounding their dynamic, and the history of it. bottom line is that stsg grew up viewing reader as a sibling of sorts, so of course any kind of shift from that pattern would feel strange. if you meet someone when they’re fourteen and you’re eighteen, i’d argue that it’s a lot weirder to not consider that part of your dynamic important when thinking of them as a potential romantic interest in the future.
like, imagine someone asking you and your partner for your age, and you tell them you’re 27 while your partner is 23. not a big deal, obviously!! but then they ask what age you were when you met and you have to say you were eighteen and they were fourteen. even if you quickly explain that you didn’t get together until you were both adults, don’t you think that would earn you some weird stares? it’s not immoral but it’s a delicate situation, and i think satoru would get angry at suguru for not handling it delicately enough from his pov. remember that satoru himself can only see it as totally normal like. a decade into the future LMAO. his view doesn’t have to be the same as yours or mine, but it’s satoru’s own view that’s important here.
….. hopefully that made it all a bit more clear 😭 sorry for rambling so much anon!! hopefully you’re still with me :’3 obviously you’re free to root for whichever couple you want, but i don’t see myself changing my stance on these two. it’s a fun what-if bonus ending and i think that’s more than enough!! nothing that’s meant to be angsty or whatever, just suguru and reader sneaking around a bit because they know riko and satoru will be angry.
AH ALSO one more thing !! :’3 i’d argue that there is a cognitive gap between reader and suguru. reader is 22-23 in the fic, suguru is 27. it’s not a big gap but the human brain doesn’t finish developing completely until your mid/late twenties!!
i just... i don't see the need of turning every best friend friendship into a romance like irl i don't want to fuck my friends (pardon me for being crude) and i will never want to fuck them, and that's okay. i'm perfectly satisfied with our friendships staying friendships, and the transition to a romance is not necessarily a signification of a 'higher-level' relationship
wait nevermind i also wanna talk abt this 💔 a bit more rambling incoming.
overall!! you don’t have to like riko/reader anon. that’s totally understandable!! a part of me also prefers them staying as friends and nothing else, and i’ve always hated the idea that romantic love is seen as stronger as platonic love bc it just . isn’t. platonic love can be and often is just as powerful!! canonically reader and riko are best friends, nothing else, but i still think they’d be cute in a what-if scenario, that’s all :3 if it’s not your cup of tea then that’s totally fine, none of the endings are canon anyway.
as for the sexual aspect 😭 i just wanted to point this out bc i never write any of my character dynamics with a sexual aspect in mind, even the romantic ones. sex doesn’t have to be a part of romance!! maybe you were just joking so i’m sorry if i’m reading too much into it, just wanted to mention it bc i do see it as important :’3 being lovers doesn’t equal to having sex!!
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stoat-party · 1 year
Canon/Headcanon ages for Fallout characters (potential spoilers)
I’m standardizing the ages to 2281, which is when New Vegas begins. (Fallout 3 is 2277 and 4 is 2287 but I haven’t played it yet). These are kind of estimations because obviously everyone doesn’t have the same birthday.
ED-E: 6. Literal toddler. Darling infant child baby.
Dogmeat (from Fallout 3): 12. (Not canon.) It’s on the elderly side for his breed (fanon pretty much agrees he’s a blue heeler), but I choose to believe that Fallout dogs have mutated to live longer. My version of Dogmeat either got too old or took too many hits by this point, so he’s retired to become Three Dog’s co-host.
Arthur Maxson: 14. I think it’s also canon that he became elder at 16, which I adore. Boy is way too young to look like that.
R.J. MacCready: 16. Mungo 😔
Follows-Chalk: 19. (Not canon.) Honestly, I’d be surprised if he weren’t a teenager. He’s very much finding himself and choosing who he wants to be, which you can still do at any age, but it’s a hallmark of your teen years. And he’s adorable.
Amata Almodovar: 23. (Pretty much canon.) Younger than the Lone Wanderer because she has no Pip-Boy when LW turns 10. Can’t be too many months apart, though, because they go to play with her when they’re 12 months.
Lone Wanderer: 23. They were born on July 13 and left the Vault at 19.
(my) Courier Six: Also 23. (Not canon.) I like having them be the same age. In terms of canon information, all we know is that they were well-established as a courier in 2277, so they probably wouldn’t be younger than about 21. It’s implied in one Lady Killer dialogue that they’re at least 36 (apparently had some sort of fling in Montana 18 years ago), but the dialogue is optional, so you can have them be whatever age you want.
Butch DeLoria: 24. (Not canon.) IDK where I got the idea that he’s a year older than the Lone Wanderer, because the only canon evidence I can find is that he already had his Pip-Boy at their 10th birthday, but I like it. Either he got held back a year, or Vault 101 combines classrooms due to low population.
Craig Boone: 26. Let the man be young pls.
Veronica Santangelo: 27. Older than she seems IMO.
Sarah Lyons: 27-28. Would be 30 if she were still alive.
Christine Royce: 28. (Not canon.) Because if you grew up with someone, I feel like it would be weird to date them if there had been a substantial age gap.
Nova: 29. A successful innkeeper living life and not being exploited, bless.
Charon: 30. (Extremely not canon.) I feel like most people would cast him as way older than that, but I’ve written his whole backstory and it requires him to not have been hanging out in Underworld for the past century. There’s no concrete information on this, so go wild.
Waking Cloud: 32. (Not canon.) Her third child is six, but she still seems pretty young. I imagine marriage age is a little lower in the tribes.
Vulpes Inculta: 34-38. (Canon is a passing shadow at this point.) Try as I might, I can’t figure out why people place the destruction of the Twisted Hairs as happening 25 years prior. Not only would Vulpes have to have been an adult then, he was a decanus before that. Which would put him in his fifties. He’s described in canon as a young man, though, and I’m also attached to this interpretation of him. It’s a mess, and I’m going with my gut.
Arcade Gannon: 35. Probably on the tail end of 35 since he says he’s in his late thirties. Happy birthday, Arcade, your prize is bandaging me up on our stupid adventures.
Daniel: 36. (Not canon.) In my timeline, he’s Joshua’s nephew, and he was a toddler when Josh left. I know that’s completely unsupported by canon, but I wanted to add personal drama to their ideological drama.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: 37. Which makes sense because her father was in Fallout 2.
Benny: 40. (Not canon.) I’m a Benny-in-his-forties truther. He’s led the tribe for seven years, and he really doesn’t strike me as young. It’s also just funny that cosplay is his literal whole personality when he’s edging into middle age.
Lucius: 43. (Not canon.) Appears to be graying, still quite capable in a very physical job. He’s considered old in the Legion, but since it’s a young nation, most men are taken from their tribes as children, and death comes early and violent, I think old is a relative term. Caesar purposefully isolates men from their families so they’ll focus any filial loyalty on him, so I feel like he must be significantly younger than Caesar.
Ulysses: 47-50. (Not canon.) I’m even comfortable with casting him a little older. He exudes knowledge and experience with everything he does. He seems to have been an adult when he entered the Legion — which, as discussed, gets placed 25 years ago but IDK why.
Gob: 51. (Not canon.) Acts very young (could just be learned helplessness), so I’ve got his age frozen at like 20. He’d been a slave for fifteen years as of 2277, so I gave him about 12 years of being happy in Underworld with Carol.
James: 51-52, depending when you got around to the main storyline. He would be 55, but… yeah.
Joshua Graham: 54. (Not canon.) He says he was “young” 35 years ago when the Legion began. 19 is the standard age for Mormon men to go on their mission trips, and it’s also an important age in my version of the Fallout universe (i.e. the age I ruin my characters’ lives). I also like the idea of Joshua being a little younger and more sheltered than Edward, it makes his path to darkness more interesting.
Edward Sallow: 55. Again, this guy was my little brother’s age when one day he just decided to take over the world.
Star Paladin Cross: 60. (Not canon.) She’s a cyborg, so I think her cybernetics kept her in fighting shape a little longer.
Lily Bowen: 203. They turned her into a nightkin at 75! :((((((
Rex: 209. Ultimate immortal doggie.
Fawkes: 227. (Not canon.) I’m basing this on the cut Sheldon Delacroix logs, which would imply he moved into Vault 87 as a married adult.
Carol: 230. There’s some debate on this because she claims to have been a little girl when the bombs fell, but from her perspective I imagine everyone is a little child.
(my) Sole Survivor: 233. (Not canon.) Nora is a lawyer, and most American lawyers are 25 or older when they pass the bar. She also probably didn’t get married or have a child during law school (if she did… queen), so she’d have to be at least 26 or 27 during the prologue. I have her at 29 to make her the same age as my other two protagonists. Besties!
Raul Tejada: 234. By his dialogue, I had assumed he was a teenager during the Great War, but it turns out he was about 30. Multigenerational households FTW. Which probably means his age is frozen somewhere in his thirties and he’s not actually elderly. (Not that ghoul lore is actually consistent. Also, I’m not going to be the one to tell him it’s all in his head.)
Robert House: 261. Bro was born in 2020. Why, why would you do that to yourself?
Some of these are completely unsubstantiated so feel free to correct me or give your own opinion. I’ll probably edit if I think of more.
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kmgkmg · 11 months
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word count: 1.8k
pairing: seventeen (ot13) x gn!reader
synopsis: each members’ reaction to your unexpected phone call
genre/s: angst (some reactions more angsty than others), svt as exes, headcanons/scenarios
warnings: none!
rating: pg
a/n: inspired by this post by @kyuala​ (still not over hyeongjun’s reaction)!! my first headcanons post on this blog, hope y’all like it :D
choi seungcheol 
he wouldn’t know how to react to your call. were you calling him to make him feel bad for not trying harder in the relationship?
he definitely would pout and turn the question back on you…
"y/n, you were the one that wanted to end things. so...why are you asking this now?”
after hearing your reason for why you wanted to know though (regardless of the reason) he would sit on the phone with you talking through past arguments and differences to try and figure it out together.
seungcheol is the drop everything he’s doing to give you his full attention type imo…
the conversation would leave you both feeling content. sure, you brought up old arguments but also walking down memory lane made you both happy. 
in the end, he was glad you called him, but now he misses you even more. 
yoon jeonghan
oh, he would be so smug about it.
“asking this months after we broke up, y/n? still thinkin’ about me i see.”
everyone knows this man is the most persuasive person in seventeen, his skills aren’t just reserved for them.
he would give you a reason so airtight proof you would be unable to refute it.
only after the call would you question what he said as right. 
but literally weeks later. it would occur to you way too late that his reason was contradictory or something and you couldn’t ask him about it since it was weeks after the fact.
well you could, you just didn’t want to and hear him be smug again.
joshua hong 
cliche because of the whole ‘gentleman’ image but i genuinely think he would let you down easily.
“well i guess we just grew apart as most people do…”
his answer gets rid of your curiosity, satisfied with it.
you would end the phone call after like 15 minutes of chatting and end it with something like “sorry about the sudden question…i just saw it as a trend on tiktok so i wanted to see what you would say.”
“oh, that makes more sense! take care of yourself, y/n.”
“you too, shua.”
after ending the call, you would certainly reminisce about the time you dated him.
wen junhui
his mind would take him so far from the conversation at hand…
wondering if you were asking because you found someone new or if you were moving somewhere else.
it would take you repeatedly calling his name for him to snap out of it
“sorry y/n, what did you ask again?”
his question threw you off and you lost all courage you had to ask him so the phone call ended. 
you just moved on with your day but jun was left confused all day
just because you ended the call, that didn’t stop jun from sending you a text later, asking you again why you asked him that.
kwon soonyoung 
soonyoung would have a similar reaction to cheol in wanting to get to the bottom of it too. 
because when you ask the question his curiosity would be piqued 100%. 
soonyoung is a huge fan of the hypotheticals. 
“what do you think it would’ve looked like if we were still together? what if i didn’t say this when we were arguing about that? what if you didn’t run late to the dinner party i planned for your birthday that one year? there’s too many what ifs y/n…” 
you called him just because you wanted to know his thoughts, not have him spiral down the what ifs hole.
the last couple minutes of the phone call would consist of you trying to get soonyoung out of his own head and apologizing for even bringing it up.
jeon wonwoo
logical response to the max. 
“well, our schedules both became too hectic. and when we did have free time, i spent too much time gaming. you spent too much time with your hobbies. y/n, we became too comfortable living independently. granted, couples aren’t supposed to be so dependent on each other that it’s harmful. yet, for us the problem was we didn’t rely on each other at all.” 
his logic could come off as being cold but you dated him for 5 years. you knew not to view his thinking as anything malicious. it was his way of rationalizing.
although it was easy to understand his factual response now, you came to realize that in the relationship you weren’t as understanding.
when y’all would get into fights, he would never express his emotions which drove you insane.
reminded of how neither of you were considerate of each other’s feelings, once you hung up you understood why you didn’t work out.
lee jihoon
jihoon is the extremely loyal type. if y’all broke up, it was after he tried his best to stay with you and work through the relationship’s problems.
so, honestly y’all weren’t on the best of terms.
he holds grudges and when you ask him why you didn't work out, he would pull out the receipts for you. 
“remember on october 25th when you said…”
like, it was dormant while y’all were dating but he can be pettyyyyyy
sure, he acts like he’s over you but that doesn’t change the fact that you hurt him. 
his answer would be to the point and he wouldn’t ask why you randomly called or why you wanted to know. 
would probably go to the gym and work out extra hard that day to get rid of the anger you resurfaced with the call. 
lee seokmin
“ooh, what’s the occasion for you to call me, y/n?”
he’d think you were asking why because you wanted to get back together.
you would squash his thoughts before allowing him to get his hopes up further.
“no special reason, seokmin! i was just wondering why we didn’t work out as a couple?”
he would be super flustered. an understatement really
“oh…um, that…i think…” then just…silence…
“i’m not going to get mad, min.”
“you aren’t?” 
after you reassured him again, seokmin would still be tiptoeing around telling you what he really thought. 
eventually, you’d give up and move on to talking about something else
he’d probably ask you later that week to meet up for coffee or something and ask to get back together. 
kim mingyu
“why we didn’t work out? wait that’s seriously what you called me for y/n?”
would definitely take personal offense to the question but quickly regain his cool facade 
“i don’t know, weren’t you annoyed by how clingy i was?”
“what makes you think that? i loved how affectionate you were and how you wore your heart on your sleeve, mingyu!”
“well then, let me ask you: why didn’t we work out, y/n?”
you couldn’t answer his question and murmured a hastily made excuse to hang up. 
the phone call would definitely leave a weird taste in his mouth…why did you call him if you didn’t know any better than he did?
the conversation for you left more questions than answers.
why didn’t it work out between the two of you?
would eat at you for a while before finally moving on from him
xu minghao 
tbh when he’s in love he would treat his partner extremely well
but once they’re broken up…oh he is very detached from you and your feelings
not in a toxic way but in a mature and moved on type of way
if he didn’t block your number, he would say something along the lines of: “y/n, i’m not sure what you’re hoping for me to say.”
he would just overall find it hard to entertain a response for your question
he found it even harder to devote more time to something that he views as his past
he would end the phone call as promptly as possible and not think much of it after that day
boo seungkwan 
seungkwan was absolutely stunned you decided to call him
you’re asking him when you should already know??? the audacity…
still…i feel like he would express his disbelief in you calling only through facial expressions
granted, y’all are still cordial at mutual friends’ functions and follow each other on social media…but that’s the extent of your interactions since you broke up
he would respond surprisingly friendly…but then say something a little too sarcastic and that would definitely start some bickering between the two of you
“guess you answered your own question, y/n. we butt heads way too often.” he laughed into the phone, surprised by your old habits kicking in.
“we really are too similar, huh.” you chuckled back. 
the phone call would definitely be an eye-opener for the two of you. 
you missed each other. but not romantically, as friends.
yeah, he gave you attitude but at the end of the day he’s a sweetheart.
you were each other’s best friends before dating…why not try going back to that? 
chwe hansol
he wouldn’t suspect you were calling him for any other reason than to catch up
he’s the type to stay on good terms with his exes, probably sliding up on stories or sending memes that he thinks you’d like.
when you ask the question he’s taken aback a little, but willing to answer the question without hesitation. 
“oh, didn’t we call it quits because we couldn’t decide what our future together would look like?”
like his truth bomb would sting, but without him meaning for it to. 
“yeah, you’re right! i just couldn’t remember why we broke up for a hot minute there.”
“no biggie. hey not to be random too but do you wanna go to woodz’s concert with me? i have an extra ticket and i know you like his music, y/n.”
and just like that, all was still good with you and hansol. 
lee chan
chan still had fondness for you in his heart so it should be no surprise that he’d blame himself in his explanation.
he’s giving first love energy. 
because of that, he’d have rose-tinted glasses looking back at your relationship. 
you would remind him of your own faults in your relationship, telling him relationships work when both people are fair with each other and their emotions.
that would only cause him to double down on how much of an amazing partner you were.
“y/n, i’m sorry i didn’t treat you better. you deserve to be with someone who makes you truly happy and matches your bright energy.”
“you’re too kind, chan. please. you were the perfect first boyfriend for me.”
chan would still try to think of his shortcomings and probably text you with more details he recalled later on.
it would remind you that in the relationship he always sacrificed his happiness for yours. 
it didn’t work because when the two of you dated, both of you were too immature to understand what love was.
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midnightkolrath · 5 months
Quick thought ideas on a DMC2 remake potential
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Thinking about DMC2 recently and how a remake could benefit into making the story MUCH better than how it unfortunately ended up (due to the messy development of the game but alas). These are just things I've thought about off the top of my head on how they could easily benefit from remaking 2 and putting in much needed reworks and additions because man this game has potential still if redone right. I threw these on Twitter recently, but I'm giving abit more expansion here. I'm sure there's more ideas, but this is all I've gone to throw on the floor for right now.
Give Argosax an actual personality that matches their description of being a demon lord and rival to Mundus in territory terf war. They also have a cult like Mundus, as DMC2 has highlighted, so...surely they need to be represented better as a threat, yeah?
Make Arius much more of a threat. He’s a sorcerer, so have him FLEX that alot more. He made Lucia and the secretaries, who're artificial demons, and he ends up taking in Argosax's power...so like...keep him abit hammy if you want but make him the SCARY kind of hammy.
Potentially have Dante and Lucia’s campaigns be steamlined into one consecutive storyline. Alternate as the story goes on like in DMC5. I feel like since the two campaigns were mostly, iirc, copy paste parallels...they could just have the two stories basically run side by side. Give Lucia's side more room to be more unique.
Have more lore for the Protectors (The group Matier and Lucia belong to). They fought Argosax and worked together with Sparda, so like…an added crumb of flashback or so wouldn’t hurt imo. I'm not asking for like a whole big thing on it, just... [pinches fingers together] abit more.
Have Dante and Lucia interact abit more. Lucia being outted as an artificial demon is something I feel can have more connection there. A ‘Devils Never Cry’ moment, if you will. As cheesy as it can be seen nowadays, the series IS named after it. Well....moreso the fact that any demon encountering Dante 'may cry', but you get what I mean. Plus, its stated Lucia has a crush on Dante....so like...give that more to lean on? I'm not saying they have to build to anything actually happening, as we know how Dante is, but juuust enough, you know?
Have Dante’s brooding be more akin to, say, how the first DMC anime handled it. I feel like he was a good balance of ‘Man I’ve been through shit’ tiredness but still ‘I got some snarky humor and understanding towards others’.
The obvious rebalancing of weapons so it isn’t just GUN 24/7, but they can be cheeky and add an achievement referencing that, sure why not.
Maaaaybe add styles. Though acrobatic Dante with the movement he can do in this game, while silly, is still kinda fun. Trickster DOES have its roots from this game, as an inspiration.
Give the bosses in this game personality, please I am begging. They’re barely, if at all, memorable because they’re plain as hell. Remake them, replace, idc, I just want that boss banter.
Speaking of, make the Argosax fight less a pain and maybe better utilize that fact that it reuses the DMC1 bosses. I feel like we can go more body horror on it, esp if Argosax gets more a personality. Like…Argosax’s title is literally Argosax the Chaos, go crazy on that.
Speaking of Argosax having potential...did you recall that they casually flip genders in the second form they turn into? To me, you can make that unsettling in the sense that you can make Argosax sound more unsettling. Like the idea brewing in my head is to make it sound like more than one person speaking at once...like a legion. Or akin to how the true final boss for Sonic Frontiers was handled voice wise. Like I said, you can REALLY potentially run more with the fact that Argosax has 'Chaos' in the title.
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i-am-befuddled · 9 months
Ok honestly, I think “Oops” is the best Helluva Boss episode of season 2 thus far. The previous ones have struggled with tone switches and using too many vulgar jokes in the place of substance, but imo this episode knocked it out of the park. (Details below, long post warning)
Yes, there were sex jokes but that’s to be expected in HB, and I didn’t feel like they were out of place majority of the time. The tone balancing felt pretty good overall, and I loved seeing the different sides to each of the characters.
Fizz and Ozzie are somehow the cutest and most wholesome couple, and they were a great contrast to Stolis/Blitzø. I adored getting confirmation about Fizz and Blitzø’s backstory, and the added detail that Blitzø actually had a crush on him was cute and made it all the more heartbreaking. It also confirmed that he lost his mom in that fire too, but I find it interesting that he keeps this detail from Fizz. I think he’s still holding onto that guilt/doesn’t want to burden fizz with it, so that was really interesting character writing.
I’ve seen a couple complaints about the apparent “miscommunication trope” between them, but I somewhat disagree. Yes, miscommunications are always annoying in fiction, but they do happen irl. And given what we know about blitzø, communicating has never been his strong suit. It’s implied that their relationship was stressed leading up to the fire, due to some jealousy or insecurity, and given how severe both of their injuries were (and the emotional damage dealt), I think it makes sense that they wouldn’t investigate the miscommunication. Fizz did have every reason to cut blitzø out, even if he didn’t have the whole story. And blitzø was dealing with enough of his own trauma and guilt to let it fester. They both turned to bitterness and lashing out in anger, so I’m glad they had the opportunity to set the record straight (and that they’re not entirely on good terms yet, but can grow)
Also Fizz talking about his disability in a mostly positive light was really cool to see. He acknowledged how it was painful and took a lot of adjusting, but he’s happy with where he is today and has learned to live with it.
I’m also enjoying seeing blitzø reaching out to more people in his past. First Barbie and now fizz. I assume this has to do with Stolas getting hurt, but whether Blitzø is doing it consciously or not remains to be seen. Regardless, I think we might see a real turning point in his character soon.
Like I mentioned previously, I also loved seeing the different sides to each character. I liked seeing Ozzie interacting outside of a stage and as a business person, as well as how he acts around fizz. Seeing Stolas admitting to catching feelings and still wanting to be respectful was awesome, as well as seeing the side of him that’s not just a horny owl.
Also seeing that crimson and striker are still threats was helpful. While I was missing their motivation in the beginning, I realized that kidnapping Fizz and Blitzø wasn’t really their plan — it was happenstance that they took advantage of. Which feels in character.
Only minor complaints I have are that Fizz’s song went on for just a touch longer than I felt necessary, and some of the characters (Blitzø, crimson and striker) felt like they were just in Greed for the plot to happen, but that’s sometimes necessary for storytelling. I might find a couple other critiques upon rewatch, but my immediate takeaways were largely positive.
Overall, fantastic episode. The animation was stellar, as was a lot of the character work, and the voice acting was very good. I really hope that future episodes can take after this one.
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lumax-mayclair · 10 months
Watched the the new Zoey 101 movie (guilty) and I thought it was fine. I really think if they wrote a couple things a little differently it would’ve been better:
Like Quinn being overwhelmed by the wedding preparation because she’s never thought about having a big wedding but ofc Logan has, that all makes sense and I hear what she’s saying but I don’t really see what she’s saying. In terms of storytelling and film making, I feel like they should’ve dramatisized everything more. Like the life sized cakes was the only thing that seemed over the top and I can see how that’s a little much but nowhere else did it seem like Logan was making more of a “spectacle than making it meaningful”.
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They should’ve run more with the sight gags like those cakes because as the wedding ends up looking just very plain (not a diss) but very classy and elegant looking. Even Quinn’s dress is so simple but beautiful.
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It’s a small venue, the wedding colors are green, black, and white. Very simple. Some flowers here and there.
I guess Lyric was one of those overwhelming gags also to emphasize how “over the top” all this is but that’s her “gift” to them, she’s Quinn’s sister in law and they’ve known each other for nearly 15 yrs so why are we overwhelmed with something that should be normal coming from her ???
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(p.s. unpopular opinion: I liked Lyrics’ song, the melody was great, the lyrics eh, but I like the line “she’s in her wedding dress and he’s hoping she’ll say yes”; very Quogan, very “She’s everything, He’s just Ken”.)
Anyway moving away from Quogan: Michael. Literally what is the point of taking one of the main main characters who bothered to return for this reboot, and having them lose their voice so they can’t speak for half the movie. You might say it’s due to controversy but if they cared about controversies, they wouldn’t have done this movie at all 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Stacey & Mark: to preface: personally I loved Stacey in the original and Mark is…Mark 🤷🏻‍♀️. I kinda wish they had mentioned Stacy’s original obsession with Logan in the series, I think that could’ve been fun if they worked that in somehow. They did mention Mark & Quinn dating but (ins how everyone feels about this) I would’ve liked if Mark had regret about dump—breaking up with (😅) Quinn and was holding a torch for her or something because again: she’s everything. The whole dynamic of Quogan and Stark being couple besties…wasn’t the vibe imo. The whole thing of Stacey interrupting the wedding bcs she’s obsessed with murder mysteries like since when?? How did that happen?? WHERE ARE THE COTTEN SWABS AND WHITE GLUE!!!!!? You’re gonna tell me a friend officiating their 2 friends wedding doesn’t think to turn off their notifications when they’re reading the nuptials off their phone during said wedding like—?? Especially when one of her announcements was for everyone to silence their phones????!
Speaking of phones out during the wedding: Zoey.
I mean…it’s Zoey (JLS) who’s surprised that this, the most special of days has to be made about her and her really weird and sad desire to go back to PCA. Also it’s really weird to me how that was the solution to the wedding being ruined when literally she’s the only one feigning to go back, the others are doing great and are cool being done with that. They look back fondly, not longingly, so idk why it was played like getting married at PCA is somehow Quinn’s dream and the solution to their problem. And if we do go back and have the Quogan wedding there, HOW ARE WE NOT GONNA INCLUDE THEIR BENCH!!!!? I mean maybe the group didn’t know about it, maybe, but Logan definitely would and speaking of Logan.
Nothing much wrong with him in the film tbh, he was so husband it was great actually, but what the hell was that line?? They’ve been together, again, almost 15 years. There is 0 chance he doesn’t know to talk to her if they’re having a problem. To be fair tho, I think the implication was that in the hustle and bustle and over the top ness of the wedding he lost sight of them as a couple and how their dynamic works and that’s why Quinn was upset but like, really?? all Zoey has to say is “have you tried just talking to her” and he remembers that that’s what they do…?? Okay.
Anyway, I think we all agree a Quogan movie would’ve been better. 😊😊
Oh! P.s. Chase! This is really sad and pathetic. Get over this, bitch!!
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rotworld · 2 months
I just finished Avici and I had to come over here to express how amazing it was. I'm usually not into romance fics but Sukuna/Reader stories usually get at least a second look from me because his canon character is just very hard to write a 'normal' romance for so any story seriously tackling that is worth trying imo, and I'm so glad I did!
The characterisation of Gojo and Sukuna are wonderful, you really delved deep into the darker side of these monstrously powerful sorcerers in the frankly grim world of jujutsu. I've seen a lot of fics make these two softer (especially Gojo) so your portrayal is like a splash of cold water on a hot day lol. I don't even particularly like Gojo honestly but stories that show his darker side kind of make me see his appeal, a little.
I gotta say normally I'm ambivalent towards smut and don't actively search for it, but it's such a core part of Avici that I feel it wouldn't really work as well without it. The flashbacks and slow reveal of what exactly the reader is and the twisted bond they have with Sukuna and later Gojo really add a sense of tension and like, dread? To the whole thing, which was lovely. I also read your director's cut bc I was so enthralled, I'm blown away by how much went into it!
If you're willing to weigh in, what do you personally imagine happens to the reader during the canon timeline?
answer is long and contains jjk manga spoilers. 
aaaaaaaaaa that makes me so happy!!! i started out with very little interest in gojo but sort of wrote myself into liking him lol working on avici made me realize how easy it is to draw comparisons between him and sukuna. the things i've come to like about him are mostly things that lend themselves well to angsty scenarios, characters who are messy like that are like catnip to me. as for how things would go for the reader, it’s mostly just more misery.
by the end of the shibuya arc, the reader is in the custody of kenjaku and uraume. as a result of the failed noh exorcism, they have a strong connection to gojo so they would’ve felt it when he was sealed. it would resemble what sukuna’s dormancy feels like, and i think it would leave them with some complicated feelings. maybe that would be enough for them to leave and start wandering in search of some other way to pass the time, or maybe they’d stay there waiting. either way, uraume finds and retrieves them. this would probably involve a fight. the reader by the end of avici isn’t the docile creature uraume remembers. sukuna probably had the foresight to warn them, since this is an outcome he anticipated and even wanted, but that wouldn’t make the reader any easier to deal with. they are, by design, the kind of curse that only someone like sukuna or gojo can safely handle. maybe kenjaku can help with the apprehension lol
for the most part, i don’t think the reader would be very active. they would stick with uraume and kenjaku because they know that’s where they need to be. they would be there to spectate the culling game, they would be there when sukuna reappears in a new host, and they would be there when gojo dies. that might be the thing that finally sets them off, since they were counting on gojo to win that fight. if we’re going into fully indulgent territory lol then the reader would be involved in the final battle against sukuna, however that turns out. that’s the natural conclusion of their arc and it would be poetic for him to die at not only the hands of the thing he created, but the collective remnants of the people he used and tortured in the past. and it would be fitting for the reader to follow him, as promised, into whatever kind of oblivion comes next for curses. 
i guess that’s a little bleak lol but that’s more or less how it was always going to be. there’s no end to this for the reader, they’re stuck with him for eternity because he made them that way. but maybe there’s some closure there at least.
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gone-series-orchid · 4 months
literally one of my biggest gripes with gone is just how wasted the characters are. like all the women obviously because god forbid a woman have depth but also the male characters.
like, i hate caine as the character he is and i’m so annoyed at the potential he had. he was given away while sam was kept. that’s gotta be damaging. he was sent to coates that had a reputation for “troubled kids”. he was bitter, jealous and most importantly 14. the shit he did in the first book was horrific but all the coates trio shouldered some blame (diana less but still) giving him some leeway. drake was turned into the “big baddy” giving the angle of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” allowing an opportunity for caine (and diana) to join perdido gang under “we kinda have to” circumstances in which we could’ve watched both of them grow and repent the best they could for their actions (again more caine than diana) and then caine could sacrifice himself and it wouldn’t have felt so hollow. i have so much more i could elaborate on but part of the reason i hate caine so much is that he could’ve been so much more just like so many of the other characters.
sorry for the rambling
never be sorry for rambling, anon! i love rambling. i do it all the time!
i agree that caine's character had wasted potential. i really think mg just exaggerated his cruelty way too much in the first book for any redemption to work, though, at least imo. i'm not sure the argument that the coates trio all had a part in the cementing really holds up under scrutiny--caine's clearly positioned himself as the ultimate authority on things, so drake successfully swaying him to do such a cruel thing either makes caine weirdly malleable (which feels too vaguely out of character for me to take seriously, especially since he just established that he wanted to be king of the fayz, thus not sharing the power with orc or any of the perdido beach thugs).
not to mention cementing however many mutant kids in coates must've taken a lot of time and premeditated activity, (getting the cement in the first place, etc.). even if caine did it with his telekinesis, there would be a lot of time for him to come to his senses about how screwed up it is. and he just...doesn't. which to me seems a lot more evil than i think mg wanted it to be. drake may be a sadist, but he's not the one insisting he should have unchecked power and doesn't pretend to be doing things for the greater good. and diana is definitely culpable, too, but she doesn't have any direct hand in the cementing as far as we know. still is an absolutely terrible look for her morality-wise and one of the number one reasons i've never liked her much, but she definitely isn't as bad as caine.
i totally agree that, once drake lost his arm and was cemented (ha!) as the big bad antagonist he is, caine should have stopped being an active thorn in sam and co.'s side. it's kind of baffling that caine's one of the only characters who's gone into the mineshaft and realized the extent of the gaiaphage's evil, to the point of going catatonic over it, but then after he recovers he just goes on as normal, trying to take over the fayz. he makes tenuous peace with sam in order to get the mineshaft plugged up or whatever at the end of hunger, but his trajectory doesn't change overall. it's low-key maddening. i totally agree that a sooner redemption would make caine's sacrifice that much more narratively satisfying!
thanks so much for the ask! please feel free to send more!
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hudson-whorenet · 11 months
Random Cars thoughts I think about all the time pt.1
It’s currently fairly late (early?) and I can’t sleep so imma talk about things in the cars universe that I think about near constantly. Ok 1 2 3 GO
Mater private eye
Dude I think about this short all the fucking time man, but do you know what the best part about it is imo?
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This character design RIGHT here. DUDEEEEE ok this might just be my sheer adoration of classic/vintage cars but this bitch showed up and I went feral a bit. First of I cannot believe they created such a bomb ass character for this five minute short and he’s just never seen again but dude it fits the 1920’s theme so perfectly, the way they’ve exaggerated the front fenders to resemble the turned up collar of a trench coat, the way his roof resembles a flat cap like it’s literally so COOL MAN. I actually can’t stress enough how excited my pathetic little monkey brain got when I saw this design for the first time. The fact (In my opinion) that they were trying to mirror the car seen in peaky blinders (1927 Bentley 6.5 litre) is also extremely cool as you can see the whole gangster element really come through in the character before he’s even properly introduced RAHHHH. I’m so incredibly biased about this because this design alone hits like three of my hyper fixations at once but RAHAHRBHAHAHSBS HES SO FUCKING COOL I NEED TO OWN HIS DIE CAST AHHH
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The Thomasville racers
I would just like to state my love for the thomasville racers. YES I know they play a moderate role in the third film and get plenty of screen time I guess but in my humble opinion THEY DESERVE MORE. Do you have ANY idea how hard a prequel movie/series would go (I KNOW ITS EXTREMELY UNLIKELY AND KINDA IMPOSSIBLE) I would give a kidney to see these characters in their prime, just from the flash backs of their races I just know it would be so much fun to watch. Seeing them interact with Doc would be an absolute highlight, being able to gauge their own personal relationships with him, Louise’s feelings towards him (fucking pop off babe love her) it would all be so interesting to see and I would start backflipping irl if Pixar EVER announced they were going to expand on them as characters. Also river is the best I didn’t talk abt him here because I don’t have any immediate thoughts but be’s silly and I enjoy him.
Car biology
Now there is one thing that comes to mind in this fucking fandom when you talk about car biology, and that is the obvious how the fuck do they reproduce. DOESN’T MATTER I HAVE A BIGGER QUESTION. Are their eyes wet. Hear me out here ok, cars cry, we see it happen and there’s implications at multiple different points throughout the franchise that they have tears. Does this mean their eyes are wet??? Or are they crying wiper fluid or something? I feel like that would make sense but the line between what are bodily fluids and what are yummy delicious beverages is so painfully blurred that It wouldn’t surprise me if they’re chugging wiper fluid too. The eyes are wet argument is overall kinda silly because we see lifeless car wrecks in some of the shorts and the windshield is still intact! So this presents something worse than eyes are wet, it implies that the car itself is like an exoskeleton and all the meaty important parts are on the inside! Yay! I only say this because we know they have brains obviously and it’s mentioned in some official book that I can’t remember the name of right now but it’s CANON they have brains. So are the brains MEAT? Because if the brains are meat then the eyes are probably squishy too!! But if they have windshields and we think about the exoskeleton thing are their eyes just freakish gelatinous cubes smushed behind the windshield? BUT IF THATS THE CASE WHY DO THEY NEED EYELIDS? I’m aware that this is all highly stupid and trivial but Pixar made too many decisions with absolutely no was to explain them in a child-friendly way and ultimately backed themselves into a corner about stuff like this and now there’s sleep deprived neurodivergents on tumblr dot com trying to pick up the pieces.
Anyway that’s it for this one I might post more of these in the future because it’s fun to just rant about ridiculous shit for no reason lmao
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yellowhollyhock · 4 months
Hey since you’re the Donnie expert would you say this is ooc for him? https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2181404/1/In-Between
Ooh I’ve actually seen this fic before and I enjoyed it. Donnie is written well, especially for it being a time of stress, he’s withdrawn, passionate about his beliefs, annoyed with verbal conflict. Looks like Donatello to me
Now, personally, I find Raph to be a little out of character. I think I get why, though, he had a role to play in the story and I don’t think it would have stung the same coming from someone else?
This got long so I’m putting in a cut
So Raph. Maybe I’m wrong, I mean he’s stressed out too having just lost their home, but I don’t think he would just straight up call Donnie a coward unless he was specifically provoked (and maybe not even then, he seems to have a soft spot for Don). Also if he did, I think Leo would say something. But maybe that’s just because I always see those two as perfect, lol. Idk I feel like this fic was really giving Donnie the front seat, and maybe the others got a little flattened to fit into the background, if that makes sense? Which, you know the show(s) do that too sometimes, when one character has their turn to shine the others act for Plot even if their personalities have to bend a little. Not so much in 2003 though (I am biased)
I also personally think Donnie was a lot more affected by Kirby’s disappearance, even though he knew he was safe. I think he still would’ve worried about the life Kirby left behind and probably felt responsible. I mean, this is the turtle who saw Angel get hurt in the Darkness Within episode, and while I personally (as you might know if you’ve seen my posts about Donnie) headcanon them being close later, he didn’t know her well at that point. He gets attached to people quickly and feels immediately responsible for them. We see that with the whole Underground City arc that came just before this as well.
I personally see Raph and Don as being very close, that’s a pretty big thing in the fandom actually. But I can respect that the family dynamics look different depending who’s watching, and that not all family dynamics can be shown in one fic (I have one myself that centers around Raph and Leo fighting even though I always keep saying I wanna see more of their friendship and less needless conflict). I guess I just can’t see the Raph and Donnie I have in my head failing so spectacularly to listen to each other. Then again, they are teenagers, but then again again they’re very mature for their age, especially when it comes to each other. But then again again again, they’re in a very stressful situation and most adults wouldn’t be at their best.
I feel like I have not given anything close to a clear answer. Here is a sentence: good fic, good Donnie characterization, did Raph a little dirty imo.
I looked at some of the other fics by this writer and there’s some really good stuff. I think I just see Raph as more mature than this writer generally seems to. Idk there are probably other Raph lovers reading my fics wondering what I did with his temper. In canon he always seems reasonable to me, even though I know he is supposed to come across as a hothead. In my head he’s only mad when people deserve it, it’s not that he get mad real easily just that when he does he has a hard time self-regulating. So it is a little off putting for me to read about him coming after Don for what seemed like no reason. But you know, sometimes with siblings it is like that. Reasonable people have off days and there’s no place like home to be at your worst (idk about you guys but my friends wouldn’t believe the things my siblings had to put up with).
Okay overall straight answer lemme try: this is a good well written fic. Donnie is in character. The rest of the brothers, especially Raph, seem a little ooc to me. To be fair I’m a little bit obsessed with Raph and Donnie’s dynamic, so I have strong opinions, but at the end of the day they’re just that: opinions.
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webbo0 · 8 months
*sighs* because none of my friends have watched it and I’m at a soccer game and I’m bored out of my mind could I ask you some questions?
Have you watched Remember the Titans? (If you haven’t it’s on Disney Plus and is literally the best football movie I’ve ever seen; plus young Ryan Gosling who plays a guy named Allan which I screamed at because “all his clothes fit me”)
If you have…I dunno, thoughts, favorite moment, anything (beggar me, scrounging for crumbs)
More Tiny Little Headcanons for Henryyyy (+ some Henry Lives AU headcanons)
Because Athena acts in older plays, he’s tried to read more Shakespearean books and stuff like that so they can talk about it together and he can be of assistance when she’s rehearsing. (This is how I see it, you’ll probably have something different: he’s OKAY with them, but not the hugest fan. Whenever Athena is ranting about how useless the female characters are, he’ll just nod with a small smile and agree.)
He’s the kind of person to be kind of awkward around small kids, convinced that they don’t like him. I think that kids can sense a kind person, so that doesn’t deter them and he ends up teaching them how to draw and stuff.
I’ve never been in a hospital as a patient and I’m guessing ways to kill yourself wouldn’t be TOO numerous but when Henry first wakes up to a few weeks out he tries many times to pull the tubes out of him or turn off the numbing medication (the stuff that’s in the bag; not hydration but…ughhhh stoopid), get out of his bed and stuff to the point where they have to tie him down. (IS THIS FACTUAL I DONT KNOW). After that, when Sam comes to visit and he asks what happened, Henry says, “I’m a monster. Thats why.” Or something.
In a lighter note, Henry DEFINITELY makes for some awkward situations when he asks Sam “when are you gonna marry your girl?” And Sam tries to explain that he and “his girl” have been on one half date to get coffee after seeing his broken body being taken away to the hospital. “Where’s your ring?” “What ring, Henry?” “Your- the ring you were gonna give her; you didn’t lose it, did you?” “Who is her?”
That’s all for now. Probably will continue in ten minutes. Thanks for reading all this shit.
I haven't seen Remember the Titans yet, but it's on my list!
And I'm literally so happy to get headcanons I'm twirling my (non-existent) long hair ✨
• I would love to dive into their relationship more! We get so little about her but I love the classic "visual artist doesn't fully understand the literary artist and vice versa but they are super supportive of each other" bit!
• I also think he'd be good with kids, or at least they'd sense that he's chill, he's Definitely a cat person IMO
• I'm honestly planning on him being on a psych hold at some point in the story so I SEE the vision
• And yes!!! The blurring between realities!!! That's also something I'm Super excited to write about!!
As always I owe you my life lol, thanks for the inspiration!
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moondal514 · 1 year
Ok I’m going to rant about something aftg fandom-related that’s honestly not a big deal but it bothers me
TW: eating disorders
So quick note for transparency: i don’t read fics dealing with eating disorders/diet and weight angst that much cuz it’s one of the few tropes out there that I really can’t handle all of the time. Of course, there are exceptions, especially in the aftg fandom where I’ll read nearly anything if you slap an Andreil label on it. I wanna rant about some of those exceptions I’ve read, specifically something about them that I’m very bothered by. Namely, if there is a character with an eating disorder in an aftg fic…why is it usually Neil?
Like what about Neil as a character screams give this man an eating disorder? Is it just cuz he’s the main character? Is it a bad handover from the side of the fandom that likes to feminize him? Is it a fanon!Neil thing? Like truly I’m genuinely baffled by this because canonically the man eats basically anything put in front of him. I genuinely can’t recall if there’s a single moment in canon where Neil refuses to eat something (not counting his refusal to eat sweet things cuz he’s not a fan of them), so to have this whole side of the fandom that’s randomly decided to give him issues with food…why?? Does the man not have enough neuroses already?? Is all the canonical torture he gets not good enough for you?? (obligatory disclaimer: I personally hate adding trauma to Neil when he already goes through so much in canon) Like why??? Seriously. Why???
But more than that, I genuinely don’t understand why a writer would choose to explore eating disorders through Neil when there are like…so many better options of characters to do that with. Like if I were to write an eating disorder fic, Neil would probably be at the bottom of my list for characters I would center the fic around. There are just so many other characters that would to me make more canonical sense to write about having an eating disorder.
Like Allison! Hello??? It’s literally a canonical part of her backstory! Why tf would you fuck around with Neil having an eating disorder when there’s a whole ass Allison who literally had to be put in a clinic to recover right there??? You could write about her entire backstory or, if you really wanted to be angsty, write about her relapsing. That could be dramatic
Or maybe a writer wants to explore men having eating disorders, cuz it’s true the social dynamics/pressures are different for male eating disorders compared to female eating disorders. Ok then, Kevin is right there!!! Like this man is so obsessed with exy that it seeps into his eating practices. He’s so canonically super strictly diet oriented that it really wouldn’t be that much of a stretch for it to turn into disordered eating. Maybe it’s a part of his Nest trauma or something, idk
And of course, who is the character with canonically conspicuously weird eating habits? That’s right, Andrew! That habit he has of tearing up his food into tiny bits? That’s a classic eating disorder tell. When he’s on his meds, we know his diet is fucked up by them, as demonstrated by the scenes where everyone’s eating at Abby’s and Neil notices Andrew hasn’t touched his food. Andrew is a character that is both self-destructive and has control issues, a combination that would lend itself unfortunately well to an eating disorder. Simultaneously quiet self-destruction and a way to exert control over his own body, very Andrew yeah?
Maybe a writer doesn’t wanna write about the Foxes though. Maybe a writer wants to write about the Ravens. Ok. Jean motherfucking Moreau is Right. There. The guy goes through so much fucked up shit in the Nest that isn’t really greatly detailed in canon, so why not add an eating disorder to the mix?
TL;DR: I’m bothered that all the fics in this fandom that center around eating disorders seem to always be about Neil and it makes no sense cuz there are imo much better characters in aftg that are better options for writers to explore these concepts with
Disclaimer: obviously no hate to anyone who has written or does write fics where Neil has an eating disorder. I’ve read many excellent fics with that concept. I’m just trying to understand why they are so overrepresented
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