#it’s been helping my headache and sinus congestion all day
All hail rice bag
It cures all aliments
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panda-writes-kpop · 24 days
Dreamcatcher - Reaction to Reader Having A Sinus Infection/ Cold (Requested!)
a/n: two posts in less than a week???? who is this more motivated panda??? jk i'm trolling myself but i really wanted to have the two requests done in the same week. also happy jiu day!!! here's to the hope that her fic won't come out three weeks late! :] ❤️
tw: gruesome descriptions of a cold, food mentions, my brain went brrr when it got to Dami's section so hers is longer
related fic: le sserafim's version
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Prompt: You swear you didn’t feel this terrible yesterday. All you had was a bit of congestion and a scratch in your throat. Today, when you woke up, you could barely lift your head off of the pillow due to the congestion in your head. You were sure that you had enough snot to fill a trash can within your two nostrils. All you wanted to do was lay down and rest, but the ding of your phone causes you to lift your head again.
My Love: Do you mind if I come over? I miss you :(
You text her back with what you think is a comprehensible answer, and you rest your head against the pillow.
The next moment you’re awake, your girlfriend is sitting right next to you. So much for self-isolation.
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“Darling, I’m here for you.”
JiU’s voice and gentle touch pulls you out of your slumber. You sniffle for a bit as she starts to rub your arm in a comforting manner.
“I can tell you’re sick,” She frowns for a moment before softly smiling to herself, “and I’m going to try to help you. What do you need from me?”
You cough into your elbow before sitting up in bed.
“You could cuddle with me, if you don’t mind getting sick?” You joke to yourself before seeing JiU move to your side. “I’m joking, please don’t make yourself sick-"
“If it’ll help you feel better, it’s worth the risk.” She wraps her arms around you as you gently pull her into the bed.
“I always feel better when you’re with me, Minji.”
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A stuffed animal to the head isn’t an ideal way to wake up, but it sucks more when you’re sick and your sinus headache flares up immediately.
“You’ve been sick for days, and you didn’t text me earlier?” SuA scoffs as you toss the stuffed animal to the side.
“I would’ve, but I was afraid of that sort of reaction.”
“C’mon, I’m your girlfriend! I can take care of you when you need me. You do the same for me when I need you most.” SuA looks disappointed, and you sigh to yourself.
“Alright, Nurse Bora, you can take care of me. But don’t take it as an excuse to rearrange my whole apartment-” You state as she laughs happily.
“I won’t, I promise! You won’t regret this.” SuA gives you a big hug, which tackles you further into the bed.
“Is this supposed to be healing?” You joke.
“Is it working?”
“Oddly enough, it is.”
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“Babe, wake up.”
You rub your eyes before looking over at Siyeon.
“Siyeon-ah?” You croak out before she shushes you.
“I saw the tissues and the medicine on the counter. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s wrong,” She looks around in her bag for a moment, “but it does take a genius for me to remember my gift for you.”
Siyeon continues to dig in her bag as you grab your water.
“Siyeon, it’s okay, I’m just happy that you’re here with me,” You try to reach out to her with your hand, but she’s preoccupied, “Siyeon?”
Siyeon pauses for a moment, blinks twice, before gently placing her hand on her forehead.
“I forgot your care package at the dorms, I’m so sorry-”
You go to grab Siyeon’s hand, and you successfully do so before tumbling out of bed.
Siyeon laughs as she lays on top of you, apparently you pulled her down with you, and you find yourself doing the same.
“Feel better?” She smiles at you.
“I do.”
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You wake up, alone, and you attempt to reach for your phone, but it’s not there anymore. You fumble in the dark for a few moments before a soft light appears next to you. Handong (who looks absolutely beautiful in the light) sits next to you.
“Sorry, love, your phone was almost dead and I wanted to make sure it was charged for you.” Handong adjusts the light as you cough and sit up in bed. “I wasn’t sure you were in the mood for company.”
“I’d rather have you here.” You weakly say. “Thanks for coming.”
“Good, because if you asked me to leave, I would’ve stayed in your living room until you passed out from exhaustion or fell asleep.”
“Geez, Handong, it’s like you’re obsessed with me or something. What a perv~” You chuckle as she scoffs before lightly smacking you. “Wow, hurt the ill. Way to prove a point.”
“Glad you’re feeling better.” She smiles before rubbing your shoulder. “You deserved that, by the way.”
“I disagree, you’re so mean to me.” You whine before laughing alongside her.
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"Hey Siri!”
You raise your head, checking for Yooh’s phone, before burying your head back into a pillow.
“She’s not here.” You mumble to yourself.
Yoohyeon calls out to her phone, again, before opening the door to your room.
“Have you seen my phone?” She asks as you rise from your bed.
“No, I don’t think you’ve been in here. I would've woken up earlier if you had been.”
“Oh, you’re totally right!” She closes the door for a moment before opening it again. “I bought a few things from the store, and I’m going to order food when I can find my phone. Just stay in bed until you feel better, and I’ll bring you everything, alright?”
“Yooh, it’s okay, I can get out of bed.” You try to pull off the covers, but Yoohyeon’s disapproving glare causes you to stay in bed.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you… once I find my phone.” She sighs to herself before facing away from the door. “Hey Siri!”
You’re happy to have Yoohyeon as a caretaker since you know she’ll take good care of you once her affairs are in order, of course.
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Before you rise out of bed, you pull the mysterious, foreign (wet?) object from your face. When you realize that it’s a washcloth, you put it back onto your face. Laying down with that thing on your head feels like the best thing possible, since it helps relieve your headache.
Unfortunately, the drainage from your nose prevents you from completely lying down. You suffice for a half-up, half-down method of lounging before reaching for your phone.
Your hand meets a glass of water before your phone, and you happily drink from it as you are provided with some temporary relief from your sore throat. You wonder who did all of this… you didn’t text anyone, did you?
When you get to your phone, you notice multiple missed calls and messages from Dami.
My Love: I’ll be over in a few minutes, I need to grab a few things from the dorm.
Are you alright? You haven’t answered me yet.
One of your work friends texted me that you called out sick, so I’m guessing that you’re resting. If you see this, I’ll be there when you wake up.
“Dami, honey, where are you?” You call out to her before coughing.
“I’m in the living room, darling. Do you want me to come in?” Dami asks from the other side of the door. “I came in earlier to put a washcloth on your face since you were running a fever, and then I grabbed water in case you wanted it.”
“You can come in, if you want.” You set the water down as Dami opens the door. “Thanks for the water and the washcloth.”
“I don’t mind helping you out since it looked like you needed it.” She says before a light smile breaks out onto her face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Thanks, Dami,” You sit up fully and readjust the washcloth, “I appreciate the sentiment. Hopefully, you weren’t busy before you came over.”
“I wanted to see you, anyway. How are you feeling?”
“Not great, but I’m managing. I get these sinus infections every year.” You shrug to yourself. “They’re terrible, but after a day or two off of work, I’ll be back to myself… mostly.”
She smiles to herself before looking you over again.
“If there’s anything you need, at all, I can get it for you.”
“Thanks, love, I appreciate it.” You say before Dami closes the door and leaves you to get more rest.
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“Why did you text me? I'm right here next to you.” Gahyeon grumbles for a moment before turning to face you. “Listen, I know you're upset with me for getting you sick, but I'll make it up to you-”
“-with hugs and kisses and lots of affection?” You force your cutest expression as she tries to hold back her laughter.
“I was going to offer to pay for dinner, but I can go for the free option if you would like.” She wraps her arms around you after you pull her closer. “I'm really sorry, babe, I didn't mean to get you sick after you took care of me.”
“It was worth it, seeing you so happy. I'd do it all over again for you.” You say before covering your mouth for an incoming cough.
“You're so sweet,” She blushes as she mumbles into your chest, “and I love you so much.”
You hear her sniffle as you chuckle to yourself.
“I love you too, every bit of you. And you don't need to apologize for getting me sick, I was probably infected before I came over to your place.”
You both laugh as your ailment drifts toward the back of your mind, at least until you feel the urge to sneeze.
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
Heyyyy ik ur are tired ,just wanted to ask if you will post a chapter this week ,get well soon
Honey, I am not "tired", I am sick.
Congestion, sinus pain, headache, fatigue, sure my sore throat went away last night but now I have a cough. I can't sleep because I don't want to use my cpap while sick, so I wake every hour either from not breathing or because I'm choking on sinus drainage. (And yes, I sleep at an angle and it still doesn't help any.)
I wrote 600 words of chapter 16 on Saturday when I was getting sick, and I have not touched it since then, nor have I even thought about touching it because I am now fully sick.
I gave y'all two chapters last week. Two. You have no idea how badly I was stressing about Chapter 15 and how close I was to giving up writing and I still got the chapter up for everyone on Sunday WHILE I HAD A FEVER.
Regardless of the extra bonus chapter everyone got, I still would say it's not likely you'll get a chapter this week because I AM SICK. I want to rest and sleep and try to get better because I have things in my real life that I need to do too that I haven't been able to because I've been sick. I'm not even thinking about this fic and updating it right now.
I am begging y'all to remember I am a real person with a real life behind this blog. I get busy, I get tired, I get sick. I do this as a hobby. I post here on tumblr for free. I pump out 7k word chapters every week, and in the case of last week, multiple times a week. It's hard. It takes a lot of work and dedication just to do this alone while I feel healthy and normal, much less everything else I do during the week.
On top of that, Friday is my birthday and I'd like to take that day to do what I want to do and celebrate the crisis of getting yet another year older.
So no, chances are, there's probably not going to be a chapter out this week. I want to rest and recover and even if I did try to pump out 7k words in the next two days, I'm not going to be happy with it. I'm not going to like it. It's not going to be up to par with the standard I've set with the rest of the chapters quality-wise and I'm going to be tearing myself up because I'll have felt like I cheated y'all trying to write while sick just for the sake of getting a chapter out this week.
Now that I've got myself all worked up, I'm going to go lay down and rest and maybe have some soup because I'm hungry and for the first time in days, it does not hurt to eat. So take one of the chapters from last week and consider that the update for this week.
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caspersickfanfics · 2 months
OKAY!!! I have been released to spew emotional sickie headcanons and tropes and more and I’m thrilled
now ofc not all of these may fit the current fic you’re working on but these are some of my favorites 🥰 AND these specifically I think apply to Cyno
You already captured it perfectly but- the insecurity!! Cyno just losing his confidence and all of the deep rooted fears come to the surface with him asking “are you mad at me” like when a sickie is just so sensitive that any criticism they’d normally brush off hits exactly where it hurts the most. Cyno fears failure in my mind, and Cyno probably HATES letting Nari down the most.
also- irrational sickies. Like sometimes when your fever is that high or you’re just that unwell it doesn’t matter anymore you’re just upset. For cyno i feel like he’d be crying a lot of frustration tears too?? Like at first he’s just upset cuz he thinks nari is mad and every insecurity he has ever had is so raw and loud right now and then he’s crying AND THEN he’s upset, because he got upset! And now he’s crying because he is embarrassed he started crying and he just can’t figure out why he’s crying so much and ‘I can’t ever do my job again cuz I just can’t calm down’ full on spiral. I love this especially when the caretaker takes a clinical calming approach, helps them focus on breathing, and explains “baby, you’re sick. You have a high fever, and sometimes fevers can make our emotions yada yada whatever” and then like, tries to get them to have some water or just holds them.
I also feel like Cyno would start out trying really hard to keep it together and it would result in him just pouting? Like after nari assured him he isn’t mad or however that plays out, nari can see he’s still upset. And he’s trying to not let it show, but the second Tighnari asks him if he’s okay, the tears instantly pool, and he can’t really explain why? 🥺
I will die on the Cynos love language is physical touch hill with pride. He probably didn’t realize it till later in life but he wants to be held. He wants to feel safe. He likes deep pressure and hands in his hair and he wants to be compressed (I may be projecting but whatever)
NIGHTMARES!!! I also am very much sold on the idea that feverish Cyno has wild fucking dreams. Some fueled by his past ofc, but ALSO I’m thinking about you AMAZING fic where Cyno wouldn’t sleep cuz of anxiety and general fears that he’s a monster and will one day hurt tighnari. I feel like, he’d wake up just in pure, sick, panic cuz he dreamt that Tighnari was sick or hurt or killed or whatever and he couldn’t help him, no matter what. So he wakes up confused and scared cuz maybe nari stepped out, or something. Idk I love the idea of his fever brain being more concerned for nari and forgetting that he’s the one sick.
now for some more physical tropes
when an already congested character cries so much they just get MORE congested. Also as someone who eyes have swelled shut after crying too much I am biased to that as well. Like you cry fall asleep and then wake up just blind 🤣 OH and post crying sinus headaches
there’s also throwing up from said panic- or from crying which we have already seen a bit with Cyno in your other work as well. So we know for a fact that fear and anxiety makes him sick to his stomach 👀
self soothing?? Like when asleep, to they rock themselves, or rub their hair between their fingers or try and get really small and tight. I’m not sure if this fits for Cyno but I feel like there’s potential possibly from years of having to deal with illness as a baby on his own.
glassy, watery eyes, whimpers, dehydration from too much crying. Body aches, from flu but also from exhaustion. All wonderful things imo
AND the caretaker- when sickie is emotional it’s so so good when they talk them through whatever it is they are doing next. Even if it’s just to ground them. Cyno is probably used to the silent treatment from his childhood. So after nari gets him to settle I imagine Tighnari just, calmly talking to him or explaining what he’s doing next, or why he’s feeling what he’s feeling or what plant he found etc would really help remind cyno that he’s not being abandoned and no nari isn’t mad at him. oh!!! And last thing- I think- when the emotional sickie, gets upset AGAIN but this time it’s because they are overwhelmed with affection and are just, so grateful for their loved ones that they don’t know what to do. they finally feel they are safe and loved and then they cry all over again lmao
That’s all…..for now 😈
HELP I am!!!! So on board with all of this oml this is incredible!!!!!!!!!
Fear of failure fits Cyno SO well and like! I think it's in a bit of an unconventional way? He's not sensitive to just anyone deeming him as having failed. He genuinely doesn't care what most people think (based on him resigning from his position in canon to do The Right Thing according to his own beliefs). It's only the people who's opinions he values and respects (...Tighnari. also Collei. I could see him getting really sappy over accidentally doing something to upset Collei when he's sick. Or perceiving that he's not been good enough to her etc etc). And I think with Tighnari it's like. He values his opinion so highly, the absolute last thing he wants is to disappoint him.
Irrational sickies, so cuteeeee. My brain connected this one to the nightmare one and like. I just had this thought of. Tighnari is used to Cyno having these really intense, traumatic nightmares. So when he's sick and has a bad dream, Tighnari is thinking in that direction. But then it comes out that Cyno's dream was actually reliving the moment from earlier that night, where he asked if Nari was mad at him, except in the dream he actually was??? And now he just. Won't be convinced otherwise.
Fully agree about the point on physical touch!! Characters who were either overly manhandled or received little to no affectionate physical touch as children (OR BOTH, which may well be the case for Cyno) growing into touch starved adults >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Honestly, I need to write more of Cyno pouting. Thank you for reminding me and motivating me with such a lovely image of him tearing up and not knowing why, I adore that!!
Ugh yes I always lean in the direction of throwing up from crying because that's how my brain is wired, but I love these sinus/eyes/muscle achey consequences too!!! Like. Baby omg </3
Uhm. The self-soothing point. Is one of my favorite things. I had never put a name to it but!!!!!!! I'm so glad you put it into words!!! I DO think this can fit for Cyno, although I imagine it comes up a lot less when Nari's around because he's always going to reach for him first (re: touch as Cyno's love language). If Nari steps out, maybe he comes back and Cyno's hugging himself because he couldn't hug Nari. It might come up more with another caretaker - Collei, Alhaitham. Maybe Kaveh but I like them being cuddly with each other, too. OH the thought of Tighnari coming to help out and finding Cyno self-soothing, all curled up really tight, and knowing he's resorted to that only because Nari wasn't there sooner and Cyno doesn't trust anyone else enough to get close when he's feeling really bad????? *cries*
And yess!!!!! Caregiver communication is so good, especially with the context you gave of a possible history of silent treatment. Yeah. Like. Cyno having been experimented on as a little one, not being told anything, and just silently enduring because getting upset would make things worse. Maybe when he's really feeling awful he tries to hold the emotion in because he doesn't want to get in trouble for it, but Nari picks up on it and is so gentle and reassuring and good at opening that door of two-way communication. Reminding Cyno that he's here to care for him, and also that Cyno's bodily autonomy is going to be respected </3 and then the comfort cryyyyy freaking. Ugh. He's hugging Tighnari and suddenly Nari's shoulder is wet and he's worried, starts to pull away but Cyno just squeezes him tighter and whispers "thank you." Nari gets it, then, and he just holds him and lets him cry it out.
(Also we must have some kind of psychic connection because the next scene I had written was Cyno waking up from a nightmare and getting upset because he doesn't feel right 😂 Idk if that fits the irrational sickie trope exactly but like!!! Close enough lol)
This is all. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! Just so fantastic!!! Thank you so much!! For sharing all of this with me!!!!!!!!! Genuinely made my night <333 I see that "for now" and :DDD Please feel free to continue or share other headcanons/tropes/etc. whenever you wish!!!!
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laurelnose · 4 months
good news! I don’t have a brain tumor 🥰
so basically what happened is
mid-december: i acquire Debilitating Migraine, 10 out of 10 worst pain I’ve felt in my entire fucking life Migraine, worse than the time I spent three weeks recovering from major surgery completely sober because I am inexplicably resistant to just about every class of painkiller I’ve ever tried Migraine. (I actually only rank the surgery experience about a 6 out of 10 on the pain scale.) we get the migraine down to Bad But Manageable by locating several new Christmas light strings that turned out to be flickering at speeds the human eye could not detect but my human brain certainly could and throwing them all out. I make a doctor’s appointment.
last week: I finally see my PCP. she prescribes me a triptan, which is an abortive med that is meant to stop migraine attacks. the triptan decreases the headache but does not remove it entirely. also, the damn thing keeps getting worse again. I try it three times over the week, which is the maximum number of times you’re supposed to take a triptan in a month. almost like you’re not supposed to have more than three headaches in a month or something?? weird. well, technically I haven’t had three. it’s all the Same Damn Headache.
this same day I also pick up a topiramate prescription, which is a preventative. i am advised i can start the topiramate even if i am not pain free. maybe if i give it a day or two it will help even if i am currently having an attack??
wednesday i see my PCP for followup and tell her i am still in pain. she offers to get me squeezed in to have an intramuscular toradol (heavy-duty NSAID) shot. this kicks in within 20 minutes and doubles my migraine pain. I was at 3-ish and now I am at 6 and unhappy about it.
i do not come back down from the level the toradol kicked me up to. i survive thursday by not doing very much of anything.
uh? holy shit? yeah, sure?
friday the pain becomes unbearable. back up to an 8, which isn’t the worst it’s been but it’s also Day Forty Fucking Two and I’m so tired. I leave work early & go to urgent care where they pump me fulla benadryl and dexamethasone. absolutely none of this is fun — the dexamethasone feels like a panic attack and the benadryl makes me dizzy and light-headed + makes it very hard to think of words? what the shit do people take benadryl recreationally for? but! the pain diminishes dramatically. after the IV’s done they get me in for a CT scan and are like hey! you don’t have a brain tumor! (I was not actually worried I had a brain tumor but it’s always nice to rule it out.) but you do have a sinus infection and a bunch of fluid buildup that’s probably triggering the migraine. (really? but I haven’t been congested?) yeah, no, it’s really deep in there. do you wanna do antibiotics and sudafed about that to clear up the fluid?
saturday morning the head pain is back but it’s mild and it feels LIKE A FUCKING SINUS HEADACHE and not a migraine anymore oh my god. Guess what kinds of headaches are fucking fixable and tend not to be intractable and unpreventable. It’s also like, a manageable amount of pain? It hurts but I feel okay?? I get thru work without taking my breaks in the dark with a heat pad? I look at headlights on the dark road coming home and am not immediately debilitated? 😭 Maybe in a week and a half when the antibiotics course is done I will actually just be Fine??
I really shoulda gone to urgent care back in December. Too bad I didn’t quite realize you could go to urgent care for migraines until I’d seen my PCP for the first time and that couldn’t happen earlier bc, well, appointments are hard to come by.
I’m wondering in hindsight if the triptan WAS kicking the migraine more effectively than I thought it was and i couldn’t tell because I had a sinus headache underneath (which kept bringing the migraine back). this also explains why I was getting decent results with Vick’s VapoRub LMAO. Like some people do swear by menthol for migraines but it was probably helping the congestion too.
anyways this is why I’ve been quiet. I will be quiet for a little while longer probably bc the sinus headache is still not fun but it is getting better. in fact i had to get up and eat breakfast to take my antibiotic but it is sunday and i don’t actually want to be awake so i think i’m going back to bed
i am never letting anyone talk me into taking another NSAID ever fucking again.
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poetriarchy · 6 months
i've been relatively inactive on tumblr for the past few weeks but i NEED TO VENT about this somewhere because i'm losing my marbles and being an adult means you have no one to tell you what to do in these situations. i've had a sinus infection for like the past four weeks (maybe four and a half? I've kind of lost count), been doing the neti pot for the past two weeks or so, did flonase for a bit before i stopped because it was making me nauseous, etc.. It's definitely better than it was three weeks ago but every time i think I'm getting better it just gets worse again and then i feel like shit. initially i had like crazy congestion, crazy fatigue, headaches/sinus pressure, maybe a low fever. now all of those come and go, with the exception of the fever (haven't had that in forever). i got prescribed antibiotics a week and a half ago but i had to cry to the doctor about it in order to even get them because she was really convinced it was viral and not bacterial, which i totally understand. she was like you can start taking them whenever and it's fine, i wouldn't prescribe them if i thought it was a really bad idea, but maybe wait a couple days and do the neti pot + flonase combo. so now i'm here. still haven't taken the antibiotics, i feel stupid for not taking them after everything i went through to get them but she kinda scared me about antibiotic resistance lmao and now i'm worried about dealing with side effects on top of everything else, especially because apparently only .5-2% of all sinus infections are bacterial so idek if it'll work.......i'm definitely going to take them by this weekend at this point i think, but i'm trying to decide if I should start taking them now.....have a few deadlines on friday and don't wanna fuck up my equilibrium even more. beloved mutuals and followers alike. help me
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babybearsnz · 1 year
Could you do a sneezy/sick Mingi from Ateez where he tries to hide his illness cause he 'doesn't want to be a burden' to his members but eventually after some tension at dance practice he falls apart and the members comfort their emotional, feverish and sneezy princess mingi🤣🥰
Acting weird— er than normal
Sickie: Mingi
Caretakers: Hongjoong and Jongho
Relationships: Platonic
Hongjoong’s pov:
When I woke Mingi up, he sounded slightly congested. It was a bit odd I had to wake him in the first place, but it wasn’t the weirdest thing I’d witnessed in the dorms.
“Mingi-ssi!” He rubbed his eyes and stared up at me. “Schedules soon, bud,” I said while I opened the blinds.
“Morning, hyung.” He sat up and sniffled before bringing his blanket up to cover his face.
“heATCHUuh! huESHUu!” Mingi jerked forward and bent at the waist with each sneeze before clearing his throat and getting out of bed.
“Oh, bless you.” I couldn’t help but cringe a little at how harsh the outbursts had sounded.
He prodded his nose with a knuckle. “Thank you,” he yawned.
I didn’t worry too much, thinking his room was probably a bit dusty. Jongho had complained earlier about dust and his nose feeling itchy so perhaps the dorm just needed a quick clean.
Mingi’s pov:
I woke up with a stuffy nose and a sinus headache. My body ached and I felt cold. It was not a good day to catch a cold and I mentally scolded myself for overexerting myself for the past few days. I got up and started washing up despite the pounding pain from the pressure in my head.
We had dance practice which I was not excited for. I felt like crap. The first day of a sickness was always the worst. A t-shirt and sweatpants would have to do.
I started walking down the hall when I had to stop. “haESHH! ESHHuuh!”
I shook my head to try and clear the feeling, regretting it when the pounding in my head returned.
Downstairs, the rest of the members were already dressed and wide awake. I sat down and put my head on the kitchen table. Wooyoung put down a mug of hot coffee for me and scratched my head.
“You okay?” San asked after draping his body over my back in some sort of weird hug.
“Yeah,” I lied. “Just tired.”
He nodded and left me alone shortly before Jongho called for me.
“I put the rest of the food in the fridge because I didn’t know when you’d come down,” he said. “I’ll take it out. How much do you want?”
I shook my head. “I’m not all that hungry.” I got up and opened the fridge myself. “I’ll just have some fruit.”
Jongho gave me a questioning look but accepted and I grabbed some melon when he quickly turned away and covered his face.
“Bless you, Jongie!” San yelled from the other room.
Jongho rubbed at his nose. “Ugh, thanks.”
I stood there in slight shock, surprised I wasn’t the only one sneezing. Hongjoong scolding me to close the fridge snapped me back to reality.
I obeyed and turned to the maknae. “Bless you,” I mumbled. “You alright?”
He looked at me as if he was offended I asked. “I’m fine it’s just dusty,” he sighed. “I’m starting to get annoyed.”
This was my perfect opportunity. “Same, it’s making me all sniffly.” The members wouldn’t bat an eye if they thought it was only dust bothering me.
Jongho went on a rant about the dorm not being cleaned as everyone made their way outside to the cars to head to practice.
********time skip********
Jongho’s pov:
I was worried about Mingi. He was acting weird… er than normal. Usually once he wakes up all the way he shows his goofy personality, but today he seemed unhappy.
We had been away from the dusty dorm for long enough that my nose wasn’t being bothered anymore, but I couldn’t say the same for Mingi. He sounded super stuffed up and his eyes were glossy. Maybe he was even a little pale? No. It had to have been the lighting.
I was staring at Mingi, trying to figure him out, when he stopped in his tracks. He suddenly sneezed, twice as usual, but they looked and sounded harsh and painful. There was definitely something wrong.
Mingi’s pov:
Jongho kept looking over at me for all of practice. He appeared to be suspicious of something I was doing, but I was too sluggish to be able to tell or care. I was so tired. My head hurt. I couldn’t breathe through my nose. My body was so sore. I was a disaster.
I was trying so hard to act like everything was okay that I bumped into Hongjoong. I nearly fell to the ground. Someone paused the music but I didn’t know who. I felt like I was losing my mind.
“Mianhae,” I managed.
Hongjoong reached out to steady me. “Mingi, what’s wrong?”
I shrugged. “Just having an off day I guess.”
Out of nowhere, Jongho approached me and placed a hand on my forehead. The cool touch made me shiver.
“Hyung,” he groaned. “You have a fever.”
That was all it took. The floodgates opened and tears streamed down my face.
“Aish, come here.” Hongjoong wrapped his arms around me. “Let’s go, I’ll drive you home.”
I cried harder, not wanting to leave his embrace and kept a tight grip on his shirt.
“It’s okay, let hyung drive.” Jongho rubbed my back. “I got you.”
I couldn’t resist that offer. Our maknae, who hated physical touch, was willing to let me hang on him just so I could get better.
********time skip********
Jongho’s pov:
By the time we got home. Mingi was asleep with his head on my lap. I could feel the heat radiating off his scalp.
We walked inside together, his eyes barely open, and Hongjoong took over as Mingi’s cuddler on the couch while I went to find medicine and a thermometer.
I frowned when the numbers came back. 38.8ºC (101.8ºF). Fever reducers should do the trick.
“Do you need anything else?” Mingi shook his head. I stroked his hair and he grabbed a tissue to blow his nose.
When he was done, he didn’t lift his head back up. “huTCHH! hehTCHH!”
“Bless you, Mings,” Hongjoong cooed.
I sighed. “Bless you.”
He nodded in acknowledgement and sniffled. Hongjoong and I brought him to bed and he all but forced me to lie down with him. I fell asleep with him not long after making sure he was comfortable.
Hongjoong checked in on us frequently through the night and I checked his temperature every few hours as well as giving him more meds. Mingi’s fever broke by morning and he was back to his goofy self a few days later.
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swampgallows · 7 months
just threw up. cool.
im having two different kinds of issues right now. first, i was having tachycardia, a resting heart rate of over 100 bpm for several days. sadly i think it is because i got novavax, and i regret getting it at cvs instead of Costco. i feel like Costco would've known more what they were doing compared to the morons at cvs, but i didn't know at the time that Costco would've taken my insurance. literally every time i make an impulsive decision i end up paying for it. after several days of high rhr i talked to an advice nurse who told me to be evaluated. my ekg was normal, and i was prescribed propranolol prn. after taking it for 4 days, ive had a nonstop headache/migraine for 3. it lowered my heart rate down to mid 70s, which is slower than it was even before the tachycardia, and slightly lowered my bp (which wasn't too elevated, just the rhr). i broke down this morning and took excedrin, and decided i would no longer take the beta blocker. (it's a low dose, i only took it for 4 days once a day, and it was prescribed "as needed", so it's fine to stop.) luckily my headache is mostly gone and my heart rate is still in the 70s, but the spasm/twinge feeling is back (probably from the caffeine in the excedrin), and like i said, i threw up.
the other problem ive been having on and off since mid August is some kind of sinus issue. i don't get congested per se, no sniffles or phlegm, but my upper sinuses feel blocked or inflamed, resulting in pressure/pain, ear fullness, difficulty breathing through my nose, and sometimes a feeling like choking or drowning from a phantom post nasal drip (nothing actually drips). decongestants and some sprays have helped but i don't want to rely on them, especially now with this new heart rate issue. two rounds of antibiotics didn't seem to help. my house is too dry for mold, and i don't have any known allergies. sneezing feels amazing whenever im lucky enough to experience it. i also have tmj issues, which makes the ear fullness even more annoying. i tried a neti pot as a natural alternative to decongestants, and the crackling sound it made in my ear was so loud i immediately stopped (it says not to use it if there are ear issues).
waiting on a ct scan as ordered by an ENT. cursory looks in my nose and ears were clear according to doctors.
threw up again in my mouth just now.
tldr something is fucking up with my sinuses, and sadly i think the novavax gave me heart problems. i had absolutely zero issues with my heart before this. hoping it goes away. i didn't have these issues with mrna vaxes, but i thought novavax would keep me safer from covid. to my knowledge ive still never gotten covid. who knows, maybe all of this really is just "Anxiety™️" like the dismissive doctors keep telling me, and the stress of sacrificing everything to be vigilant about covid is killing me instead of the dumb virus. whatever.
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claudemblems · 9 months
I'm making you all worried I'm sorry 😭 But yes, I'm okay!!! Maybe I need to give a brief update
Day 1 was the absolute worst. I've rarely felt pain like that in my life. Thankfully it was only for 1 day.
Next day I woke up with a cough that I still have, but it's not as frequent. I think I just have congestion my body is trying to get out.
As for my ear bleeding...idk why? I've had a lot of sinus problems and ear infections over the last few years so maybe my poor ear just had enough 💀
While I'm feeling better, my grandma keeps having the headaches and body aches 😭 I'm gonna have her try out some foods and drinks that are supposed to help your covid symptoms.
Basically: We're gonna be okay. We're fortunate we got this strain of covid and not the very first one. It hasn't been a fun time but all we can do is try to alleviate our symptoms and try to get as much rest as possible. Hopefully our recovery doesn't take a long time.
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self-pity party:
i don’t have it in me to celebrate or even be a remotely pleasant person right now. i had a cold starting on december 11th, which never progressed into anything worse but never entirely went away, then i must have caught something on the way to florida on the 23rd, because on christmas day i came down with what felt like a cross between covid and strep throat (maybe it was lol; i didn’t test). eating and drinking became a chore because of my swollen lymph nodes. my whole body hurt. i got a plush toy to remind me of my cat because i wished i could have my cat to cuddle with. the sore throat and aches gave way to a massive sinus infection. on wednesday morning, everything just started coming out. i had to work, but i also had to blow my nose every couple of minutes. falling asleep was hard because it was hard to breathe from the congestion. normal cold & flu medicine didn’t help. by friday night, i’d lost my voice. saturday morning, my eye hurt and there was never-ending green gunk coming out, my voice hadn’t improved, the congestion hadn’t improved, the sinus pressure was barely tolerable.
i spent the last day of 2022 feeling the worst i’d felt all year, unable to speak in anything above a hoarse whisper, a never-ending headache and pain all over my face, my eye clogged with goop, weak and fatigued from days of illness. i spent three hours of the afternoon waiting to get prescribed antibiotics at an urgent care. my head throbbed more and more as the night wore on. i was in so much pain and discomfort and frustration from being sick for three weeks and all-around misery that i wished i was a child so it would be okay to fall on the floor and scream. i watched the fireworks (at least 2 dozen displays) from the balcony and kissed my plush toy and went to bed. 
medicine and sleep marginally improved things; i can now think without a pounding headache and my eye isn’t oozing every minute. i might be able to travel home without people freaking out because i look like i’m patient zero for the next pandemic. i can still barely talk. i woke up coughing from post-nasal drip. i’m so over it. i’m over being asked how i feel, i’m over being told what to do to feel better, i’m over being asked if i’ve taken my medicine, in fact i would like to not be spoken to at all. i just want to go home, pull the covers over my face, and hide in the dark with my cat.
[i don’t even feel happy about the new year; i actually feel nothing much at all. i had never looked forward to 2023 anyway because i didn’t like the number. besides, from a global standpoint, it’s going to suck. we have possibly the greatest concentration of “leaders” who don’t know how to lead in human history. they’re all either weak-willed, stupid, or just plain psychopathic. there will be zero accountability for the people who just from a moral standpoint deserve to be hanged for crimes against humanity over the past three years. they’ll just come up with creative new ways to abuse us. can’t wait to see what the next annual propaganda campaign is!]
i feel awful because i’m a walker and a hiker and a step counter and i’ve barely been able to do anything for days. i haven’t had 10K steps since the 22nd. i’ve had one meal i would consider satisfying in the entire past week. i look scrawny. i have to do a lot in january to make up for it, but right now, instead of excited, i just feel exhausted.  
i think i’m gonna try crying and see if that helps get more... you know... out. 
happy new year same shit, different digits. enjoy it while you can, before WWIII hits. 
i might be back in a few days. idk.
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phantomof-blog · 2 years
Back again...again
As stated in my last post and the post before that, and the post before that...
 I feel like I need some kind of outlet. I have this weird feeling of absence in my life and i don’t know what that is. I’m hoping that maybe blogging here can help fill that void or help me find something to fill the void? I don’t know. And It doesn’t really matter if anyone is reading this, I don’t think any of my friends still use this? Anyway... like i said, i hope this helps with whatever it is i’m going through....
 I woke up today from turnover with a crazy headache and sinus congestion. I never experienced anything like that before. I was sneezing all day yesterday while i was duty driving around town. Could it be allergy season? When the hell is allergy season? I thought that was around the spring time? I could be wrong. Whatever it was, it had me sneezing like crazy, and thats what led to my sinus headache. I saw one of the HMs at work, hoping they would send me home. They didn’t. All they did was give me some mucinex and some cough drops...which did help a little, but i was hoping they’d just send me home. 
 I got home and took a nap, then worked out. Worked out my core along with Jump roping and boxing for cardio. It was a good work out. Ever since I got back to standing duty, I feel like i lost my consistency with working out. I would miss a day (because fuck working out on duty days) then it would throw me off my schedule because it would then either supposed to be a rest day or it would have me start on  a day where it’s supposed to be another body part because I skipped a body part because of the duty day. I need to get my rhythm back. I’ve gained weight, which is both bad and good. Good because i see all my other parts get thicker (like my skinny arms and small chest), but bad because my gut got noticeably bigger. It’s fucking gross.  I also can’t seem to eat right. I’ve been eating like shit more than usual and it’s been really hard to fight the urge not to. A part of me thinks i should just go with the motions and i’ll eventually snap out of it, but i also feel like i’m just sabotaging myself if i do that. God I hope i snap out of it. 
This should be enough for today. I’ll write back tomorrow...hopefully.
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jessicamdawn · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 2,734 times in 2022
That's 2,601 more posts than 2021!
35 posts created (1%)
2,699 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,343 of my posts in 2022
#thai drama - 619 posts
#not me the series - 288 posts
#kinnporsche - 181 posts
#kdrama - 159 posts
#jdrama - 109 posts
#bad buddy - 73 posts
#extraordinary attorney woo - 72 posts
#not me white - 56 posts
#not me yok - 53 posts
#not me sean - 51 posts
Longest Tag: 91 characters
#the bravest thing in the world is being able to tell someone you’re sad or lonely or scared
My Top Posts in 2022:
Just passed the 20k mark in this Clone!White Not Me AU fic
Feels like a milestone
Officially a Long Fic
6 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Wednesday, I had a slight sore throat that persisted throughout the day. Since I had other symptoms of dehydration, we figured it was that and I drank A LOT of water and by the time I went to sleep, it didn’t hurt.
Thursday, my throat hurts worse and only sucking on medicated cough drops helps (which also NUMBED MY TONGUE, I thought I’d lost my sense of taste, y’all. I freaked out.) I had a slight cough and slight headache.
Friday, my sore throat was gone, poof. But! lots of sinus drainage, leading to more coughing, And a slight headache that got worse over the day (ended up taking a migraine pill cause it got so bad. was probably a major tension headache from the stress of being ill in some way.)
Saturday, my throat feels fine until suddenly I HACK. It’s like when your body overreacts to an allergen, where even the smallest thing makes you sneezy or itchy or w/e. The smallest thing tickles my throat and I start coughing (that ‘smallest thing’ being so much nasal drainage, or, you know, bread.)
I was coughing so much I started timing it and realized that, if I’m distracted, I can go 5-6 minutes between coughs, but if there’s no distraction, I cough every 40-50 seconds. So some part of it is psychosomatic. The cough is also worse when lying down.
Now it’s 11 PM and I’m congested enough I need to stack pillows to sleep. While I don’t think it’s COVID (my mom was sick first and tested herself and it came back negative), I’ve still been wearing a mask around any other people and sequestering myself when possible.
Please send well wishes and good prayers my way.
7 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Chapters: 3/12 Fandom: เขา...ไม่ใช่ผม | Not Me (TV 2021) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sean/White, Dan/Yok, Black/Gram, Eugene/Namo, Gram & Gumpa & Sean & White & Yok Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Clones, Clone!White, White is not Black's twin but his clone, becoming a person, Self-Reflection, Vigilantism, Illegal Activities, disability rights, Rule of Law, Mental Link, Physical Link, Falling In Love, SeanWhite's real ship name should be TrustFall Chapter Summary:
White takes part in his first acts of vigilantism with the gang, working for disability rights. In the aftermath, he experiences a violent episode that leaves him gasping and certain he has just drowned on dry land. Concerned, Gumpa insists White stay with him at the garage. Now roommates with Sean, White begins to see a new side of his hotheaded teammate.
11 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Things My Sister Said While I Showed Her “Not Me” Episodes 7-9:
- Todd is sus. Todd is sus when he breathes.
- Sus hair. Sus smile.
- All I hear is -flirt- Officer- we're so wrong for each other. but so right. -passion- flirt-
- I don’t know if I even know what happened in the scene. I think I was having a stroke. It was beautiful.
- Sean is like 'fuck. omg. breathe.’ touching. more touching. went from the knee to the arm. face. this is what friends do. ear. how is sean not freaking out?
- Hey, Google. Call Sus Todd
- Todd’s soy milk is sus
- stfu. I’m dying. I’m screaming. kiss him. fuck. KISS HIM. YES!
- I feel like one of those posts that's like "Yeah, sex is great, but have you ever seen two ex-enemies doing a trust fall and kissing on a rooftop before?"
- Todd is at fault until I say otherwise. Guilty until proven innocent.
- I'm expecting Black to come back and everyone is like "ew. Where's the other guy?"
- (Black slapped White) 😶 Kill him.
11 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Given that both White and Sean do a trust fall to prove their deep trust in the other, and that Sean uses a trust fall to prove that Black is not his Black, I suggest that their ship name is not “SeanWhite” or “WhiteSean,” but “TrustFall.”
15 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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amidstsaltandsmoke · 3 years
51&84 plss you drables are so cute. its like a comfort read
Anon, thank you 😭 that's sweet of you to say and I'm happy that you think so! Thus, here is my gift to you; hope you enjoy it!! 🥰 _____________________ Prompts: “I’m your husband. It’s my job.” & “Come on, baby, up to bed.”
Jon Snow was certain about approximately two things: one, that he adored and cherished and loved his wife more than any other living soul on the planet. And second, that she had to be the most bullheaded, stubborn piece of work he’d also ever come to know. He knew these things could not be, and were not, mutually exclusive.
At present, Daenerys was buzzing around the house, corner to corner, leaving not a centimeter untouched with her magic cleaning sponge, the vacuum practically an extra limb at this point, and a bucket full of various other cleaning supplies.
She had come down with a nasty case of the flu two days ago, and he could not figure out why (for the life of him) she was absolutely insistent that she do this. Actually, he did: her parents were in town, had dropped in last minute yesterday afternoon, and all but demanded they come over tomorrow to visit. Even despite Dany telling them over and over again that it wasn’t a good time right now, that she would get them sick (selflessly leaving out the bit where she was actually, completely miserable).
Jon didn’t much care for her parents, but he was able to survive their get-togethers thus far. Seven years and he hadn’t yet lost his mind in their presence. They were rich, snobby, judgmental arseholes who disapproved of every decision Dany made in her life because she had made them and went against their expectations. Even down to their house decor, or tidiness, which was why Dany was being the way she was right now.
They especially did not approve of her choice of husband, but he couldn’t bother to give any less fucks. She was his, and he was hers, and the Targaryen in-laws could quite honestly shove their phony, one-dimensional personalities right up their uptight asses.
...Maybe he was a little bitter.
Nothing he did could convince Dany to stop. She’d been going and going with barely a break, except when he could distract her enough to do so, whether by luring her into the family room to catch her favorite movie and fibbing a little by telling her it was on cable (it wasn’t, but there was something about them being on live telly that she loved so much, even despite owning the physical copies, which he had put on to convince her to sit her perky little arse down). Or, when he’d set up the extra bed in the guest room for her parents to stay (he prayed to all seven gods it wouldn’t come to that), that he really needed her to go lay on it for a few minutes and be sure it was comfortable enough (because, yes, her parents were that finicky and found no issue voicing their opinions). When she hadn’t come down ten minutes later, he found his plan had worked, and she had passed out.
It didn’t last; she had woken in a panic some thirty minutes later, half-asleep and still muttering that there was too much to do yet.
Multiple times did he attempt to intervene and take over, but she would not have it. And he understood it on a normal day when they might host something; she had certain things she was particular about, and he had his. But this was overkill, even on a normal day. He took to all the other chores, but not without keeping two eyes wide open on her, for fear she would exhaust herself into a coma.
At the rate she was scrubbing away every spec of dirt she could find, he was beginning to worry she’d burn holes in the walls and floors. He was exhausted just by watching her, and he decided he had enough. Her hair was frizzed and pulled away from her face, her skin clammy, her pallor more desaturated than normal and that was with a new golden tan after their mini vacation, and overall, she appeared too frail for his liking.
Jon set down the clothes he had bundled up before he was going to shower, padding over to where she was on her hands and knees, swiping away at the floorboards. “Dany...come on. You need rest, not to be worrying over parts of the house nobody notices.”
As soon as she halted her movements and cut him a glare, which was adorably terrifying despite her condition, he knew she was right, even without any words. Her parents did notice these things, for why he could never and would never even begin to try to understand, but to be reiterated, he gave zero shits as to what they thought.
They lived a perfectly comfortable life, organized messes and all.
Resuming her cleaning, he was shocked by how weak her voice sounded. “Would you rather they nag me about my inability to manage a house - or my life, for that matter - or listen to them ramble about their thousandth trip to the Virgin Islands?"
"If it were up to me they wouldn’t be coming at all,” he muttered, earning himself a look that, this time, read, ‘I know, me too’.
Jon sighed. “I’m goin’ to shower - if I find you down here still at it…,” he cut her his best implacable eye, brows raised.
Dany went to roll her eyes, then winced and squeezed her eyes shut, her fingers rubbing at her orbital sockets. She was so congested that she couldn’t even get snarky with him. Instead, she playfully, threw a wet rag in his direction, but it fell with a sad flop barely two feet from where she was kneeling. She burst into a snotty fit of giggles, whilst Jon simply shook his head at his wife and her heavy red eyes, clucking his tongue. “Am I to take that as you throwing in the towel?”
“Jon!” She squeaked, a nasally little sound as she doubled over, not an ounce of energy in her petite and fatigued frame to handle even that. “Augh, disgusting,” she mused after a minute, grabbing a tissue from the second box that had been attached to her hip and blowing her nose.
“I mean it, Dany - ten minutes. Consider that a warning. No arguing this time,” he jut his index at her, but she waved him off without acknowledging him as if she had the most mild case of a cold and not severe body aches, a sinus headache, chills, and fever. Because her parents had never supplied her with love and comfort as a child, her defense mechanism was to do everything herself as often as possible.
It was still a work in progress; she was better at accepting his help these days (except for now, when her parents exacerbated her need to prove herself, of which she most certainly did not need to do), and she was open to letting him pamper her with all the TLC he wanted to give her. He understood that desire for independence, he longed for it himself, but it was time to take matters into his own hands.
Less than ten minutes later, after a quick washing down, Jon came downstairs, and paused. He didn’t hear any sign of movement at all, and for a moment he panicked, the worst of his thoughts diving into his worst fears that she passed herself out from exertion.
However, to his (sort of) relief, he discovered her sitting and hunched over the kitchen table, her forehead on her arms. As he stepped closer, she produced a towel, the very one she’d tried to assault him with earlier, and flung it blindly across the table. “Yes, that’s meant to be literal this time,” she mumbled in the cave she was hiding herself in.
With a victorious smile, Jon made a quick job of switching off the lights, then tucked one arm under her knees and the other around her back. The deep wrinkle between his brow was immediate. “Gods, Dany, you’re soaked.”
She hummed a pitiful laugh into his neck where she nuzzled. He’d foregone a shirt, and her skin was blazing against his, even through her clothes. “Not the first time you’ve told me that.”
“Seven hells,” he grumbled good-naturedly, “and you’re delirious. Come on, baby, up to bed. Let’s get you a bath goin’ first though, love.”
After some careful finessing, Jon deposited Dany atop the closed toilet seat, then went off in search of clean, dry, cool clothes for her. While the bath filled, he instructed her to stay where she was so he wouldn’t need to worry about her hurting herself with how unbalanced she was at the moment.
He boiled her a cup of ginger sweet tea and water, dumped a couple of ibuprofen into his palm, and made his way back to her. Luckily, she didn’t try to move, and soon enough he was helping her peel away her sweat-ridden clothes and getting her into the bath. Nothing too hot so her fever wouldn’t spike further, but a little tepid.
As soon as her medicine was down and he handed her her tea, she turned her sleepy eyes on him where he knelt beside the tub, freeing one hand to gently scrape over his beard. “You spoil me,” she murmured, a soft smile tugging on her lips.
He took her hand and kissed the inside of her palm, scooting closer so he could do the same to her damp forehead. “I’m your husband; it’s my job,” he said, his own eyes weighing down as she played with the hair at the nape of his neck.
The water had begun to cool shortly after, and a chill took over her. Jon grabbed the thickest towel in their storage closet and wrapped her up like a newborn babe, swaddling her with his arms until the quivering stopped. The medicine still had some time to kick in yet.
Clothed in a tank top and underwear, dry, and warm enough, Dany let him carry her to their bed, setting her down on her side and bringing a light sheet up to her waist. Once the lights were off, he slid in beside her, the pair of them immediately seeking out the other, her back to his front. Jon sat up to lean his head in his hand, using the miniscule light from outside to see her and brush some half dry hair away from her face, running his knuckles down her arm and back up again.
Dany rolled onto her back, her eyes adjusting until she could see him clearly enough. “Thank you for taking care of me,” she whispered. His heart broke, and virus be damned, he leaned down and kissed her plump lips, though she tried (and failed) to weakly push him away.
“You’ll get sick,” she said, her hand cradling his neck.
“Worth it," he declared, giving her neglected lips several more pecks before laying back on his side. "Dany…"
"Mm?" She rolled so she could face him.
“You never have to thank me for taking care of you,” he said softly, tugging her closer, but also trying to be mindful of too much shared body heat would make her fever rise.
“Okay,” she agreed, her voice slightly hoarse.
“I love you,” he whispered against her forehead.
“I love you, too. Even when I’m a disgusting snotty, sweaty, contagious mess?”
“Do you remember our first date?” He smiled into the dark room, a chuckle already bubbling up in his throat.
“I don’t think I could ever forget you trying to pretend you weren’t on your deathbed, just to go on a date with me,” she mused, and he could hear her own grin in her words, her head tilting up so that she could see him.
Ah, yes. The ultimate game of cat and mouse. Daenerys Targaryen had been convinced she would never date again, never give a man a second look for at least another twenty years. Even after Robb introduced the two of them, and Jon was ninety-nine-point-nine percent certain he’d fallen in love with her at first sight, she was reluctant. For six months. But he was patient, and he gave her space while also being conscientious that there was a balance between coming off as far too clingy and seemingly disinterested if he didn’t at least try to find a place in the back of her mind.
Naturally, as was his luck, she finally accepted...and the next morning he’d woken up with a severe bout of the stomach flu. Fate was trying to fuck with him, but despite a trip to the toilet to heave every forty-five minutes, the gods would not win that day. Unfortunately, their plans included dinner, and nothing would stay down in the time leading up to their date. They went to a movie first, and he only had to make two trips to the bathroom to throw up all of his popcorn. When dinner came, it was so physically demanding to keep everything from not reproducing onto the shared table between them, Dany noticed the sweat on his face and kept having to ask him if he was alright
Then his anxiety spiked and he knew, for sure, he would fuck up a very important day by completely freaking her out by his odd behavior. There was bowling, and then they concluded with ice cream, and that did him in. As they took a would-be romantic stroll around the nearby park, the garbage bin never looked so appealing, and that was where he, ironically, definitely fell in love with her. Because rather than run away or laugh at his humiliation, she threw out her (and his) remaining ice cream and rubbed his back as his body seemingly caught up and punished him for holding it all in for hours.
When he tried to apologize between ralphing, she shushed him and told him to stop being ridiculous. Then she took him home and doted on him like a pitiful, helpless little boy (not that he didn’t completely eat it up - not unlike tonight, but roles reversed.
“We’ve come full circle,” he snorted, running his fingers up and down her back.
“I think it was meant to be,” she giggled.
Jon hummed and pressed his forehead to hers, shutting his eyes. “I know it was.”
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i-am-bella-donna · 3 years
Just Allergies Chapter 1
AO3 | Next Chapter
Story Summary:
Sore throat. Congestion. Headache. Chills. Fatigue. Craving of death.
It was probably seasonal allergies.
Pairings: Platonic Dukeceit
Word Count: 1,186
A/N: Frankly, I have no idea what this is. I am essentially dumping my personal issues with allergies onto Janus.
Would I rather work on my other stories? Yes. Do I have the energy to do so? Nope.
Onto the story. Read at your own risk.
Janus enjoyed philosophical debates as much as the next Side. They were lively and engaging; full of sound reasoning and sophisticated arguments. Debating was always an entertaining activity. No matter what. There were absolutely no circumstances under which his favorite hobby could turn into his worst nightmare.
Not when the opposing party strapped oversized wads of pure denial to their ears.
Not when they refused to listen to his points.
Not when his arguments were dismissed the moment he opened his mouth.
However, everyone had their limits, and if he had to spend one more moment arguing with these sentient brick walls, he would start screaming loud enough to make even Remus look tame in comparison.
Janus shifted on his feet and leaned against the stairwell, clenching his entire body in an attempt to stop himself from shivering. His head was pounding rhythmically, pulsing with pain every few seconds. The front of his face burned from sinus congestion—not the type where he was too stuffed to breathe, but the type that drained back into his throat, practically forcing him to drink his own mucus.
He wanted nothing more than to sit down and take the weight off his shaky legs, but that would only lead to questions—and probably baseless accusations. After all, just two days ago, Roman had accused him of attempting to steal Patton’s cat hoodie. All Janus had done was try to retrieve it for Patton after Patton had asked him to.
Speaking of the angel….
“C’mon, guys,” Patton was pleading. “Can’t you see that Janus is giving us some really good ideas?”
Virgil scoffed, sending a vicious glare in Janus’s direction. “Since when is it a good idea to skip out on an event just because we’re feeling tired? Thomas promised that he would help Lee and Mary Lee pick out some new furniture!”
“But Thomas is more than just tired! He needs to catch up on his sleep if he wants to help anyone! Kiddo, doesn’t he deserve it?”
Roman let out a dark chuckle. “I don’t know, does he?” He lifted his head to shoot a glower at Patton, expression so hateful that even Janus…totally did not flinch at it.
Nope. It was just his headache. He flinched because of the headache, and nothing else.
Stupid allergies, he thought to himself. While it was odd that as a Side, he experienced seasonal allergies that Thomas did not, Janus had simply learned to accept it as a part of his life. They got better or worse depending on how exposed Thomas was to pollen and the outdoors, but allergies had been there since his creation. Unfortunately, this year was worse than normal.
He would willingly volunteer to be Remus’s torture dummy if it meant putting an end to this utter hell.
“Deceit?” Logan’s cool voice brought him out of his haze. The room had fallen silent, and the Light Sides were all staring at him expectantly. Janus blinked and raised an eyebrow.
“Yes?” he asked, refusing to wince at the invisible cat claws raking across the interior of his throat.
Roman threw his hands in the air. “Oh, would you look at that! He isn’t even paying attention!”
Janus rolled his eyes. “Forgive me for losing interest in the conversation after hearing the same baseless argument repeated approximately eight times!”
“Do you see, Patton?” Virgil asked, gesturing wildly at Janus. “The snake doesn’t even care! Why should we listen to him if he isn’t going to take this seriously?!”
Anger prickled under his skin just as pain prickled in his head. “Because you’re so perfect yourself, Virgil,” Janus said, tone dangerous as he shot the other a glare. “After all, if my memory serves me right, the last time we needed you for an important conversation, you chose to lock yourself in your room, so do not berate me for a moment of distraction when you yourself have made the same mistakes in the past.”
“Please!” Roman snarled. “At least Virgil is wanted! None of us want you around, so if you aren’t giving it your all, why should you even be here? Your function is worthless right now!”
Janus froze at the word before it could even register. He attempted to scrape together a shield of his usual witty retorts; every argument he had already constructed against his own insecurities. Had he been in his right state of mind, he might have been able to scrape his broken pride off the floor and carry on. Maybe—had he not been so distracted by his own discomfort. Too hot against his clothes; too cold against the air; his throat was on fire; his sinuses were burning—
Janus wished that the concept of allergies could be solidified into physical form so he could utterly destroy it for all the pain it had caused him over the years. Nevertheless, drained of his will to fight yet another verbal battle, he simply let out a bitter laugh.
“Fine,” he muttered, and sank out.
He appeared in the middle of the Dark Mindscape with no flourish, immediately removing his shoes, hat, and capelet before collapsing on the couch. Janus still had work to do, but the only thing he wanted to do was scream into oblivion.
Fuck this. Fuck the Light Sides, he thought as he buried his face in the pillow. He wanted to throw something; to hit something; but lacked the energy to do so. Much to his frustration, he found his eyes welling with tears. Fuck Lee and Mary Lee! Fuck philosophy!
“Just fuck everything!”
“Sounds kinky!”
Janus did not roll over, simply opting to raise a hand and shoot Remus a middle finger as he attempted to keep his composure. He loved Remus—the two of them were more than friends; they were family—but at the moment, he was unable to deal with…anything.
A finger poked at his shoulder.
“Janus. Jay-nus,” Remus said cheerfully. “If you’re done lying around, I wanna show you something!”
Janus roughly shook off the hand. “Let me rest, you trash gremlin,” he grumbled, voice muffled.
“What was that? Couldn’t hear your bullshit through that mouthful of pill—”
“Leave me alone, Remus!” Janus regretted his words the moment the other fell silent.
Great, just another thing you messed up at—
He heard Remus laugh. “Okay, Snake Butt. Since my bestie is abandoning me, I guess this friendship is over. Have fun being alone forever!”
And Janus knew—he knew that Remus was joking. He rarely took things to heart, and both him and Janus could read each other well enough to tell whether they were serious.
Janus knew that Remus probably wanted to annoy him a little before letting him rest and checking on him at dinner. He knew that Remus cared about him. That he was teasing. That this small interaction meant literally nothing.
But on top of everything else—his allergies, the prospect of work that he was in no state to do, and his hurtful dismissal from the Light Sides—this was the straw to break the camel’s back.
Janus squeezed the pillow tighter and broke down sobbing.
A/N: If you have made it to the end, congratulations! Have an imaginary cookie. Except for the snickerdoodle ones. I already ate them all.
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
closer. [ Nenchuumatsu ]
In which Ichimatsu realizes that he enjoys being taken care of more than he wants to admit. Of course, the fact that he practically begs Choromatsu to stay while he feels bad is almost an admission.
The house is so cold tonight.
Or perhaps, just perhaps, it’s only Ichimatsu who’s cold. Because as far as he can tell, the temperature doesn’t seem to be bothering a single one of his brothers.
Meanwhile, he can’t seem to get warm no matter how hard he tries. He’s spent most of the day withdrawn from the rest of the family except for (or maybe including?) when he attempted to nap under the kotatsu. Choromatsu had to drag him out, insisting that one couldn’t sleep so close to an electric heat source, that Ichimatsu was going to end up burned if he did that, and chiding as usual, “What is wrong with you, Ichimatsu??”
Honestly, fuck if he knows what’s wrong. Apparently something given how he appears to be the only one freezing his ass off.
That’s the only odd thing he’s noticed so far today, other than being abnormally tired. But that part he chalks up to his selfish eldest brother stumbling in blind drunk last night and waking them all up, so it’s not too surprising. Most of the others end up sleeping on and off through the day, as well.
It’s just… unbearable. It’s like the cold has seeped into his bones, making his whole body stiff, and making him even grumpier than usual. The others markedly avoid him, seeing how irritated he is, probably too afraid of his wrath to ask if anything is going on.
He hates that more than anything. Although he likes time to himself and being left alone for the most part, he wishes someone would just ask. Then he could admit that, yeah, he’s not feeling so great. (If it’s anyone besides Karamatsu.) He might get a little fussing, some hands run through his hair or a hot cup of tea brought to him or a sympathetic, “Aww, poor Ichimatsu.”
That’s pathetic, isn’t it? He’s a grown man silently wishing for his dumb brothers to treat him like a little kid. If he really wanted it, surely he would just open his mouth and say so.
He… definitely can’t do that. Not without prompting. Not without being asked. That’s too Goddamn embarrassing.
That might be why, when he wakes up in the middle of the night, unable to stop shivering and feeling like his whole face is on fire, he doesn’t wake up any of his brothers.
Instead, he sneaks out of the futon like a teenager coming home after curfew, he goes into the other room, and he curls up on the couch.
Maybe one of the others will come looking for him. Maybe not. Maybe he could sleep all night here and not have to be near them. If he’s come down with something, it’s probably better that he tries to avoid them anyway, right? The six of them can bounce one stupid cold back and forth for weeks. They all just got over one. If he can keep from infecting any of them again, hopefully the house won’t be a fucking petri dish for the entire winter like it typically is.
He’s not sure how long he’s attempted to rest here when he feels someone’s hand, gentle and cautious, shaking his shoulder. “Ichimatsu? Ichimatsu, hey… how come you’re in here?”
Ah. It’s Choromatsu. The simple act of lifting his head causes Ichimatsu’s body to protest. There’s a horrible, squeezing pain clamped down on his teeth, and just breathing is painful; every inhale of air stings. He closes his eyes immediately, a clear grimace of pain etched onto his features.
Everything has gotten worse from when he initially woke up. His face is burning from the inside, and he’s got the worst headache of his life. It bears down like a vise around his head, stabbing from every angle. “Fuck…”
He doesn’t even think he has the energy to pretend he doesn’t want someone else here. His head is turned down against the cushions and an incredibly embarrassing whine forces its way out of him. “Don’t feel good.”
“O-oh… oh, gosh, that’s not good.” Obviously. But Choromatsu is trying, so any biting comments Ichimatsu might think up are kept to himself. “What doesn’t feel good? Is it your head?”
A nod is what he gets first, then Ichimatsu amends it by making a wide, circling gesture in front of his face. “All of it… I’m all stuffy… hurts to breathe through my nose… pain in my teeth…”
The cool hand of his older brother sets carefully against Ichimatsu’s forehead. It’s a welcome relief, though it doesn’t last too long. “Whoa, o-okay, you’re… you’re running a fever for sure. It sounds… like you have a sinus infection. Probably from that cold we all had last week.”
He can hear the frown in Choromatsu’s voice. “Is… that why you’ve been even more antisocial than usual? You’ve been feeling sick all day and didn’t tell us?”
“It wasn’t th-this bad before,” he says, defensively, as if none of them have ever used that excuse to chase off any of the others worrying. “I was just s… so cold… then I woke up and…” He huffs, trying to curl himself up tighter. “W-what are you even… doing up…?”
“Oh, Totty had to pee, and when we got up, we noticed you were missing. So I told him to go back to bed while I went to find you.” He runs a hand through his little brother’s hair. “Found you, hah.”
“… Yeah. You did.” God, when was the last time he was so tired? He wants to fall back asleep, but he just feels so shitty, he doesn’t think he can. A violent shudder runs through him, and as soon as he feels Choromatsu sitting beside him, he presses himself into his older brother’s side. “A-ah, I’m… I’m gonna freeze.”
Choromatsu chuckles softly. “Hmm, Ichi-sicle? Echh. You’ve got a fever, so it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to pile on the blankets…”
The younger of the two gives an absolutely miserably pleading look up. “J… just one…?”
“― Uh!” Choromatsu’s face reads as stunned, likely because none of them are used to Ichimatsu begging for anything. Especially for something as silly as a blanket. He reaches down to pat Ichimatsu’s shoulder in what he seems to hope is a reassuring gesture. “Well… I-I guess… a thin one would be alright. There’s probably one in the closet here…”
Within a moment, Ichimatsu is wrapped up, not too snugly… enough to take the edge off, though. He’s still shivering. His head still hurts. His teeth still hurt. Having something to tug around himself makes him feel a little better, so he’s relieved Choromatsu didn’t completely deny the request.
“There, how’s that?” he asks as he does a final adjustment to the blanket.
“I… it’s okay.” Ichimatsu wiggles himself closer to Choromatsu, because the other man feels a lot warmer than Ichimatsu is right now. “I still f-feel shitty. Like my head’s gonna explode.”
Choromatsu clicks his tongue. “Ah, yeah…” He tenderly strokes down Ichimatsu’s hair, eliciting quiet sighs from the ill sextuplet. Despite the fact that he thought any contact with his head would feel like hell right now, it… actually feels nice. Choromatsu’s touch is delicate, knowing how poorly his little brother feels right now. “I’ll see if I can get you to the doctor in the morning, okay? If it’s a sinus infection, it won’t get better on its own and you’ll need medicine.”
Ichimatsu nods, but his head just feels full and he winces from that little movement. As much as he hates going to the doctor, he hates being sick even more, so it’s a necessary evil.
It still feels like there’s no heat in the house. If none of the others feel it, however, it must just be his fever. How deceptive is that? A rise in body temperature is making him feel like he’s freezing to death? God has a sense of irony.
“Well,” Choromatsu sighs, pulling away, “if you really want to sleep in here, if it’s more comfortable for you… I guess I should leave you alone and ― o-oh!”
He’s interrupted by Ichimatsu pressing his head into his older brother’s side. He knows it’s not going to help, and yet, he certainly doesn’t want Choromatsu going anywhere. The other man is warm… plus… well… being by himself when he feels so miserable isn’t an appealing prospect.
“Oh… ah… Ichimatsu?” Things are silent for a moment, then he slips a hesitant arm around his younger brother. “Do you, um… want me to… stay for a little bit?”
There passes a moment where there’s nothing but the sound of Ichimatsu’s congested breathing. At last, he grips the leg of his big brother’s pajama pant and offers a small, self-conscious, “Y… yeah.”
The response clearly surprises Choromatsu, who gathers Ichimatsu against him like he’s some precious thing. “A-ah… gosh… of course I’ll stay with you.” He can’t remember the last time Ichimatsu spent any length of time huddled with anyone, except maybe Jyushimatsu. Even that’s a big maybe.
“Mmm.” Ichimatsu lets his eyes fall closed. When was the last time he just let one of his brothers care for him like this? Why doesn’t he let them do it more often? At the very least, Choromatsu is apparently willing to do so. “Choromatsu-nii-san… I’m still cold.”
“Oh, y-yeah, well… I don’t think another blanket would be a good idea. I… I don’t wanna make your fever worse.” His hand continues to caress his brother’s hair, making slow passes through the locks. Ichimatsu is sure he feels bad about saying no, particularly when some warmth is literally all Ichimatsu is asking for right now.
Ichimatsu hums in discontent. All he can imagine is some blissful heaven where he’s allowed to be wrapped up in something cozy. Where he’s allowed to sleep under the fucking kotatsu with no problems and no big brothers trying to stop him! “Can I have some tea?”
“Oh… oh, yeah, sure! Sure, I can make you some tea.” Choromatsu leans down to very, very tentatively brush a kiss over Ichimatsu’s forehead. The last time anyone did that kind of thing to Ichimatsu is so far in the past, neither of them can pull up an immediate memory. “Um, but… in order for me to do that… I have to get up.”
The very idea is a threat to the position they’ve just taken, so much so that Ichimatsu nudges his head harder against Choromatsu’s side. “No…”
“Shhh, shh, hey, it’s… it’s okay, Ichimacchan. It’s okay.” The understanding reassurances are coupled with another few swipes down his hair. Something about the way Choromatsu says it makes the growing panic in Ichimatsu’s chest calm down to barely nothing. “There, it’s alright. If you don’t want me to leave right now, then you’ll just have to wait a bit for your tea, that’s all. Does that sound alright? Try to get some sleep now, and then I’ll make you tea a little later?”
Ichimatsu nods groggily. He feels exhausted and ice-cold still and he just wants his big brother. Tea would be nice, but not if Choromatsu has to leave right now to make it for him. He’d rather have his brother than a cup of tea.
He eases readily into the almost-hug Choromatsu pulls him into. It’s been so long since he curled up with one of his older brothers, feeling small and fragile and safe. He forgot how nice it is to be taken care of.
“Ahaha… poor Ichimatsu.” Choromatsu rubs gingerly at Ichimatsu’s back, letting Ichimatsu muffle coughs against him. “It’s alright. I’ll take care of you. Try to get some rest, okay?”
“Mhm…” As Ichimatsu starts to drift off, he pulls his blanket a bit tighter. “Tea later, though… right?”
Choromatsu laughs and ruffles his little brother’s hair. “Yeah. Tea later. I promise.”
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beauvibaby · 4 years
cold – j.benn
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a/n: inspo was how I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck 🙃
Your frown only widened when Jamie’s contact came through as a FaceTime call, you’d been together long enough to know better than deny how badly you were missing him, but that didn’t make it any easier to be vulnerable when he was thousands of miles away. “Hello.” You answered with a pout, Jamie’s face popping up with a soft smile, “hi baby.” He laughed, seeing the child like annoyance on your face. “How are you?” He added when you didn’t speak, “sick, and I miss you.” You sniffled, you had caught a simple cold but you were terribly moody when your nose was backed up like it is right now. “M’sorry sweetheart.” He sighed, “I miss you too.” He gave you that smile that he always gives you, the one reserved only for you, the carefree-totally in love smile.
“No, don’t cry.” He whined, now feeling a little bad for not telling you he was actually going to be home tonight, he wanted to surprise you, but now he wondered if it was worth it. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it.” You rolled your eyes, smiling through the tears. “How’s bear?” He asked, trying to change the subject, shushing someone in the background, you could swear it sounded like Tyler–but it couldn’t be, Jamie was in Canada visiting his family, while Tyler was at his house just a few blocks away. Bear, your Aussie doodle picked his head up at the mention of his name, you flipped your camera around and showed him the dog curled up on the floor beside the couch where you laid. “Keeping mom company, good boy.” He spoke to the dog who only tilted his head, recognizing the voice as Jamie. You giggled and turned the phone back to you. “How much longer until you’re home?” You sighed, dramatically pouting. “Two days baby, not too much longer.” He assured you, hiding his devious smile, “go take a nap, it’ll make you feel better.” He laughed gently, seeing the tiredness under your eyes. “Fine.” You gave in, “I love you.” You whispered, “I love you.” He responded, hanging up afterwards.
Jamie walked in the front door, careful to be quiet as he figured you were still sleeping, it’s only been a little over an hour since he called you. Bear jumped up at the noise, but it didn’t wake you as you let out some crackly congested breaths from the couch, deep into a sleep that you desperately needed. Jamie knelt down to greet the dog, “hey boy, I missed you, yes.” He spoke hushedly, scratching behind the dog's ears. “Quiet, lay down.” He demanded, pointing to his bed in the corner, the dog huffed but listened, curling up into himself like he was still a little puppy. Jamie chuckled and quietly made his way towards you in the living room, he could tell you weren’t waking up anytime soon, so he took his bag upstairs, unpacking it, which mostly entailed throwing the dirty clothes into the hamper, he changed out of his travel clothes before tiptoeing back down the steps. He frowned as he saw you visibly shivering on the couch, despite the hoodie of his you were wearing and the blanket draped over you.
He made his way to the kitchen, getting water for you before making himself something to eat, all the while you and the dog were sleeping in the next room.
Eventually, he sat on the other end of the couch, scrolling on his phone while he waited for you to wake up, you stirred, whining as you flipped over on the couch, now laying on your stomach with one leg poking out of the blanket. Jamie walked over to you, kneeling beside the couch. He placed a hand on your forehead, feeling the small layer of sweat on your skin, he pushed the blanket back, “hey, baby.” He whispered not wanting to startle you, his hand sliding underneath the hoodie to rub your back. You moved, nuzzling further into the pillow feeling like you’d been drugged you were so tired. “Y/N.” He murmured, smiling when you peeled your eyes open. It took a minute to register what was happening, you stared at him before it hit you that he was actually here in front of you. “Jamie?” You whispered, mouth dry from sleeping with it open, your nose being no help. “Surprise.” He grinned, laughing under his breath when you cried for the second time today, “stop, don’t wanna get you sick.” You mumbled turning away from him when he reached out to wipe your tears. He scoffed, kissing the top of your head, “I don’t care, let me take care of you.” He complained, continuing his movements on your back, feeling you relax under his touch. “I’m tired.” You whispered into the pillow, he nodded, “I know, baby.” He pulled his hand from under the material.
“You’re burning up.” He frowned at you, “cold.” You looked at him, lips chapped and pouted. “Wanna take a nap with me?” He offered childishly, laughing at your sudden enthusiasm. He easily scooped you up off the couch, you squeezed your eyes shut at the pain rushing through your head, a sinus headache–go figure. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep.” You whimpered, hiding your face in his neck, he pressed a kiss to your temple as he pushed open the bedroom door. “Mhm, I don’t know about that.” He joked softly, setting you down on the bed, leaning over you to rub your cheek, he kissed your forehead once more before climbing in beside you. “My head hurts.” You sighed, instantly curling into him, resting on his chest, his arms circled around your waist. He didn’t say anything, he moved one of his hands to your hair, lightly playing with it to distract you. Jamie frowned as he heard the crackling in your breathing, you never got simple colds, it always turned into a week of wheezing and coughing and sinus infections. “I’m happy you’re here.” You whispered after a while, tracing over his tattoos, “I’m happy I’m here too.” He smiled down at you, seeing the peacefulness resting on your face as you laid with yours eyes shut, your fingers starting to slow on his arm. “I love you.” He added, a faint smile stretching on your lips, “I love you too.” You mumbled, words slurring with oncoming sleep once again.
Taglist: @vinceduhn​ @kiedhara​ @josty​ @kempe​ @jackiesquinn​ @literarycharleton​
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