#it’s fucking disgusting
jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 7 months
*clears throat*
Trans women do not have it easier.
Trans women are not just a fetish.
Trans women can be asexual.
Trans women are not ‘begging for attention’.
Trans women are not ‘asking for it’.
Trans women are just as equal as trans men.
Trans women are just as equal as cis women.
Trans women are just as equal as literally anybody.
Trans women deserve respect.
Trans women deserve rights.
Trans women deserve to feel safe.
Trans women are women. If you cannot wrap your head around that; get off my fucking blog.
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rachelchinouriris · 8 months
they’re fucking liars all of them are fucking liars. the israel government saying they won’t stop their attacks until the hostages are freed when we know hamas told them TWICE that they would return the hostages but israel told them no, biden saying it’s a priority to give palestinians humanitarian assistance when we know the us government aiding israel in this genocide and they voted against a ceasefire. they’re all fucking liars and i hope they burn in hell. also, a big fuck you to the news for perpetuating the idea that israel is fighting against hamas to protect themselves instead of calling it what it is: genocide. ethnic cleanse. colonialism. imperialism
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chasing-dreamers · 4 months
Nothing is more heart breaking than trying to find any kind of Jimin fics for it to be so difficult in the first place…and then to add onto the fact that almost half of them are fucking r*pe/non-con. Like leave him the fuck alone. 😡😡💔💔
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
swifties are literally trying to argue that “2/3 years isn’t a big deal” when we say taylor dated more than one minor while being 20/21, but when you talk about her age gaps when men were older it’s “omg she was 20 dating a 29 year old!! what a creep!!” like. y’all. being 19/20 at least makes you legally an adult. if you ever considered taylor an adult making her own decisions in her 20’s for any reason, you have to apply that here. that being said, her being 19 dating someone 32 is not the same as her dating someone 16/17 when she’s 20. yes, john most likely used the fact that she was younger and less experienced to more easily abuse her. she was not a fucking child. you know who was? taylor lautner AND conor kennedy. she doesn’t get a pass to date actual minors because she was in an age gap relationship that was abusive. if you argue differently, you’re fucking disgusting.
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
I’m actually horrified that the English Media is doing this, I get you love Hamilton, Norris and Russell but come off it man, Max and Redbull have done nothing but defend themselves, F1 really needs to come out with something because if they don’t then Christian I will be cheering you on when you let one rip at the media and please Sue Toto and Mattia because it’s there fault it’s gotten worse.
I’m actually horrified being English at the moment, I know I’ve done nothing wrong but still.
Lewis forgets that he was in McLaren when they cheated!, he’s also forgetting that the 2008 championship battles also ended slightly controversial to some, he also goes on about peace and love yet he fucking allows the media to attack Max, he allows them to attack other drivers and says nothing but when he gets the abuse he’s saying something, yet all the other drivers stand up for him.
Normally im not a fan of Lando, but on Sunday when he had that interview with sky after the race he did not look happy doing it, people conveniently forget Max is friends with half the fucking Grid.
Lewis fans forget in 2016 he boycotted the Media he’s done that a few times yet they praise him but any other driver that does they are babies.
Be kind people say, pffft the people that bully, send death threats and even racist remarks to Any driver deserve all the fucking Karma they get, no one should get any abuse.
What annoys me about f1 they defend Lewis when racist comments come but they have 4 other POC drivers on the Grid now but they say nothing 🥴 work that out
Alex - Thai/English
Yuki - Japanese
Zhou - Chinese
Nicholas - he’s half Iranian for people who don’t know
Yet Mattia can call Yuki a tsunami and get away with it, the abuse Zhou got when it was said he’s coming into F1, Nicholas need I say more 2021, and Alex he’s gotten threats before?
It’s fucking wrong F1 and the sporting world do fucking better!!!!
Sorry for the rant but it needed to be said
My blog is here for rants bestie dw!!
F1 and f1 fans do not care about the abuse they sending to Red Bull, the families of Red Bull employees or the drivers. If you are friends with Max that makes you a target for abuse and f1 will never speak on it because they only speak when it’s certain drivers. People seem to think it’s okay to abuse Max because he doesn’t speak out about it? So that makes it okay to abuse him apparently.
Red Bull and Max will never get support, they won’t it’s that simple we just need to keep calling it out and hopefully one day something will change. I really hope Christian will think about legal action over cost cap comments and also speak to the fia and Sky about their bias cause this is going too far.
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i-ate-a-turnip · 2 years
This is actually disgusting, like we’re in 2022 and people are STILL saying things like this and targeting POC and minors. This is a) RACIST and b) just plain horrible. These things can ruin peoples lives, and the people doing it are just idiots who get worked up about shows. And when the exact same thing happened to a white teen, these people explode. This is fucking racist and it’s got to stop.
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lifeisahighway · 7 months
what the actual fuck ee
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Billy Stans suddenly forget that abuse has after effects on a person despite being free of their abuser. And it shows with the way they talk about Jonathan, Will, El, and Max’s situations. Also ironic how they’re so dependent on advocating for wanting others to respect victims of abuse in media and then fucking just disregard the after effects of abuse in characters. Really showing your priorities here buddy. It’s like saying “I’ll respect victims of abuse but only when they’re being abused. When they’re not I will not respect the trauma it has on them.”
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asher-ic3 · 2 years
Burn 2nu, Burn
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jamminvroomvroom · 2 years
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i have been physically i’ll most of today bc of everything happening
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livingjoke · 2 years
People always worry about AO3 being “censored” but some of the reprehensible shit on that site should at the very least be putting some people on a list somewhere
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cemeterything · 6 months
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are we still doing this because i have a late submission
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l-na · 4 months
hi everyone please pay attention to this
a fellow black trans mutual of mine, @rulerofpurple was terminated today for criticizing tumblr's unjustified banning of trans women and black people on their platform. @rulerofpurple 's partner was banned as well.
here are the screenshots of his cohost post discussing it.
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please spread this around! @rulerofpurple was terminated and wants his mutuals to know!
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corvigae · 1 year
I keep having to tear down extremely predatory/misleading Scien.tology flyers in my school's art building. This is the third fucking time I've ripped the fuckers up and I'm getting Real Fucking Tired of it.
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finalshaper · 3 months
If my mom could stop using my toothbrush and then scream at me because it’s “her toothbrush” and “you can’t tell the difference” (we have both completely different toothbrushes) that would be GREAT
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