#it’s something that like a whirlpool has absorbed my life but it’s also been a pillar of strength and even when I felt lost and had many
lacunasbalustrade · 5 months
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gaito: the idiot
you’re not the strongest if you need to prove it
#to me Buddyfight is the Center of a jam doughnut#it’s something that like a whirlpool has absorbed my life but it’s also been a pillar of strength and even when I felt lost and had many#conflicted thoughts about it and strange feelings I could never hate it because it’s hope#has always been. Buddyfight taught me how to love. at the time I was forced to play games I didn’t love to be company for my brother. I was#studying and I learnt what pressure to achieve and succeed meant.#then that was that one episode where Zanya chooses Tsukikage not because he’s the better option but because he’s his buddy#and I realised that ‘oh- maybe just maybe I can have that too.’#I didn’t even truly understand the concept of love until I watched that.#I was so lost back then haha#it made me want to run away. and even as Buddyfight changed I changed along with it and had to learn to accept the changes in life.#Buddyfight is a game but to me it was the equivalent of a companion. of a confidant. Buddyfight taught me a lot of what I hope I became#it was as close as I could get to a childhood love.#Buddyfight now. It’s the show that brings me comfort to watch. The show that caused me to get into pretty much everything I have now. If yo#Removed it from my life everything would topple down because my entire life was involved with it and continues to be. and I’m comfortable#with that it’s like always having a hand to hold when I need help. it’s the game that teaches me to think inventively and that connects me#to my everything. I wouldn’t be who I am today without it. and it’s always in my heart. my precious friend.#<fcbf live-blogging>
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jj-ktae · 3 years
Note II - Aldehydes
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Moodboard : Courtesy of the lovely Jacqueline @jaebeomsmullet​​ ! Thank you for helping and hyping and just being here whenever I need it.
›  Title : Fragrances ›  Genre : Angst, Fluff, Romance, Composer!Jungkook x Perfume Maker!Reader ›  Pairing :  Jeon Jungkook x Female Reader ›  Warning : Mentions of Suicide, heavy subjects, depression (none of these are used with the idea of glamourising mental illness), strong language, smut in later chapters probably. Do not read if any of these trigger you.
›  Author’s note : This is another version of the story I wrote a few years ago for GOT7. Some of the events will be different, others will not change just like some paragraphs will be the same and others won’t. Informations, definitions and words are taken from here and here.
›  Summary : In the world of Perfume making, it is believed that everyone has their own natural fragrance. It is also believed that everyone has that one scent capable of making them feel a thousand things. You find yours in the form of a composer on the verge of breaking, right when you have to face one of the biggest challenge in your life.
Masterlist | Note I - Ionones | 
Note II: Aldehydes
An aroma chemical that contains a functional group consisting of a carbon, a hydrogen, and an oxygen atom. Aldehydes can be derived from natural or synthetic materials. There are different types of scents associated with this chemical function but the most commonly referred to when profiling a scent as “aldehydic” is a sharp, metallic, crisp, slightly fatty impression often associated with the smell of clean textile or hot iron. One of the first “aldehydic” fragrances is the famous N°5 created by Perfumer Ernest Beaux in 1920 and launched by Gabrielle Chanel in 1921.
Your second day is worse than the first one. Jimin is all over the place, mixing essences and sniffing everything he can. You’re glad though, it makes him go silent whenever he concentrates on something, and you have time for focus. It doesn’t help because you’re still frustrated if not more, but at least you can overburden yourself in peace.
 The only light in all that shadow comes from the memory of Jungkook’s scent, precise yet unknown. You try to create something similar, but it’s everything and nothing at the same time and no matter the amount or variety of scent you use, you can’t even get close to it
His scent is a mystery.
It adds to your misery, like a voice mocking you for not being able to recognise a scent while another one forces you to crave for more. It feels like chasing a ghost.
The sound of your head against your office takes Jimin out of his momentum. “What’s happening?” He inquires. He gets up from his own working area to stand next to your powerless soul.
“When is the meeting?” You try because it is potentially the only hope for today. That powerful lady came in early to inform you about an upcoming meeting with the marketing team. The project seems big, because Jimin started to work as soon as she flew out of the laboratory. It’s been one day and he is so open about himself that you can already read his body language.
“3 p.m. I was thinking about a brainstorming. Let’s think about a concept.” He offers because this is going nowhere. You’re about to give up at any minute, and he needs you to be into it.
“What concept? I’m running in circles.” 
“Sexy? Provocateur? Romantic? Angsty? Bucolic?” 
“All of these have already been worked on so many times...I don’t think they want to go for something as...forthright. I’m quite sure they won’t be satisfied with a mere sexy perfume.” It’s what you understood - if your sudden creative freedom is anything to go by.
Jimin understands, his eyes now wide. He has no idea how to achieve that, but he still thinks you’re brilliant for thinking out of the box. He picks his notepad and starts writing everything you said, his brows furrowed.
“We want to be unique. The concept needs to be appealing to the greatest number without being too cliché. We are free to use what we want.” He notes things down and you find yourself peeking at the words, meaningful yet complex.
“So we need to mix a little bit of everything.” Jimin stops for a minute before a whine escapes his thick lips, “I’m lost, help me.”
“We can’t work this way.” You raise your head slowly, ruffling your wild locks in a nonchalant way. “We have to find a scent and put a concept over it. We can’t force the scent based on an imaginary idea.” This only works when a brand has specific goals but here you have nothing. You can’t possibly force an idea into your head. 
Jimin looks pitiful as he puts the notepad away. “It’s going to be harder than I thought.”
And just like the day started, the meeting followed. You were not expecting much of it and you were right. The marketing project came and explained you were free to do anything you wanted. Their main objective was to follow you on whatever you wanted to create, and it’s infuriating. 
How many times do you have to repeat that you can’t do it before they start to believe you?
Jimin, who was stressed before the meeting is now dejected and it almost breaks your heart because you feel responsible. You send him home earlier and decide to work on your own. Two hours later you leave the lab with Orchid oil all over your bag and the urge to cry.
There is only one way to make you feel better. You feel ashamed, like you’re addicted to something but you have to admit it.
Jeon Jungkook’s scent is the only thing worth smelling.
When you come back from work, there is no trace of him. His backpack is gone, the bed looks neat, and even the towel he probably didn’t use is dry. There’s still his smell, fresh in the air and it makes you run back outside to find the bridge where you had found him the night before.
He is not there.
You were exhausted, but you’re suddenly on fire. This situation is stressing you more than it should be when you don’t see him. It’s like you won’t ever see him again. You look around all the bridges you can find close to your place. Jungkook is nowhere to be seen.
You open the door of your apartment with a heavy heart. It’s like you lost something precious and it’s making you angry. What the hell is happening to you?
But you open the door and it hits again, like a whirlpool of long lost feelings and dried memories.
Jeon Jungkook is in your living-room, and his delectable scent pounds in the deepest zones of your brain. He is sitting on the floor by the small table, right hand dancing over bright white paper and guitar on his lap so you only see his back, but it’s the biggest relief you had in years.
He doesn’t turn around when you let your bag fall on the floor, he doesn’t move when you stop next to him. He looks absorbed, entranced. His knee is shaking to an unknown beat, mimicking his left hand which is drumming on the soft brown wood of the instrument he is holding.
“God. I thought- I’m so stupid.” You don’t want to share your worries with him, but the thought of him throwing himself off a bridge is still fresh. It stings more than it should, more than the pain you’re supposed to feel when confronted with a stranger’s despair.
“Hmm?” Jungkook doesn’t move toward you at first, but eventually his hand stops, and he glances up at your pallid features and tensed body “What’s wrong?”
“I came back home and you were not here. I thought...I thought you did something stupid.” You let your body fall on the couch. It’s like blood is circulating again into your veins, your skin going back its initial colour. 
Jungkook is puzzled, like he doesn’t understand why it would be so dramatic for you. “I went around town after I grabbed some stuff from my place.” It’s crazy but he feels sorry for you. “I’m sorry for worrying you” he trails off, scanning your face some more. He has no idea how to react to a stranger panicking over his disappearance. His own family doesn’t panic when he doesn’t show up. He is lost as to why you would be so affected by anything related to him when no one else barely does.
You snort, not mad at him. You’re high on his smell and it’s all that counts. “It’s okay.” Your eyes find his, and his tilted head looks like it’s searching for any sign of discomfort. He only stares back, with eyes way too shiny for someone as dark as him. He looks candid, like he has everything to discover and it’s a mystery how he turned out thinking about the worst.  You have no idea what he might be thinking - excepted that you’re probably out of your mind for reacting like this but he doesn’t question your intentions, for whatever reasons. You finally notice the papers and decide to move on before it gets too disturbing to deal with. “What are you doing?” you nod toward the torn pieces of paper and point a finger at the pile stacking up next to his crossed legs.
He swiftly puts it under his leg. “Nothing. Did you just come back from work?” He tries to change the subject. His voice gets higher and you instantly decipher his anxiety. He isn’t good with facing his own problems and it’s way too early to go into deep talks about lyrics and melodies. He might have agreed to a crazy proposition, but that doesn’t mean he is going to open to you. At least not now.
“I looked for you all over the place.” You admit because it’s a normal thing to do when somebody is in distress. Jungkook is dumbfounded.
“Why would you do this?” The situation in itself is already crazy enough as it is. He doesn’t mind you being friendly with him, even though he is pretty sure he doesn’t need it, but to the point of being dead worried for him?
“You were about to throw yourself off a bridge. I don’t know what kind of life you’ve been living but it’s pretty normal to freak out when something like that happens.” Your outburst shocks him. He doesn’t understand the impact of his actions over his surroundings. He has always thought he was just a detail in everyone else’s lives. 
It has always been this way. He writes in the shadow for people to shine. Him not being here shouldn’t matter to anyone. 
“It’s my business. I’m staying here because I have nothing left and it’s easier than staying in my empty apartment and facing my failures. It doesn’t mean we have to care about each other.” Jungkook doesn’t want to sound mean but he has to make it clear to you. His distress is by no mean a way to ask for anyone’s pity. He refused to add anyone into that mess, let alone a stranger.
It’s obvious, in a way. You know it’s stupid but this scent, it’s making you go wild. You can’t let it pass until you know what it is.
So you agree, taking the same tone and hoping your voice isn’t wavering. “I’m not here for you, I’m worried about another human being wanting to end his life. If it gives you the illusion that I care, I’m sorry about that.” You get up and you sound mad, something Jungkook notices as soon as you close the door a bit too violently.
No matter how mesmerising his scent is, he is apparently not that friendly. You’re not hurt by his words, because you don’t care enough personally to be affected. You’re being selfish, only thinking about your own benefit and what his scent could bring into your life. Jeon Jungkook himself doesn’t pull you in at all. He is someone you barely know anyways.
He doesn’t move from his spot in the living-room until later that night. He suddenly has too many things to write and too little time on his hands. He decides to stop when his wrist starts to hurt and his body hits the mattress of his new bedroom like a bag of sand hits the ground.
He feels at ease in the small room. Wood is covering the floor, and it is the same colour as the tiny office by the window. The view is peaceful, with buildings popping up from the floor like mushrooms and lights festooning the city in tiny dots. The bed is large and thick with soft bedding. The scent of the washing powder turns Jungkook into a nostalgic boy when he rolls into the bed, stretching his sore limbs. He feels even more stupid for feeling comfort in a seemingly empty room. 
He falls asleep right away, exactly 10 seconds after you do. You’re both too exhausted to care about each other, but you both know you’re no strangers to your own common serenity.
And just like you understand the importance of his presence for your brain to function, he notices he needs your place to exist in his creative yet tortured mind. As stupid and as hard to believe as it is.
When you get up the day after, you see him by the kitchen’s table. He is sipping on orange juice that is not yours, and munching on toasts you definitely didn’t buy.
You go to the coffee machine, your head too cloudy to deal with his strong presence.
He speaks first “Want some juice?”. He is trying to make it up to you for his cold behaviour. He just isn’t used to being around you yet. He isn’t used being around anyone yet.
Also, he is the worst when he composes. He needs absolute concentration.
You sip on the hot liquid and nod his way. He hands you a glass with an unreadable face.
“Have a nice day.” He doesn’t know why he says it. He tries to be nice, because there’s nothing much to say to someone you met two days ago. Maybe his pride spoke for him yesterday, or maybe he decided to accept the hand of a stranger, because it’s less burdening than accepting his failures to his entourage. 
You drink the fresh juice fast and walk away. “Thank you.” It is too hard to be rational right now, because the smell seems even stronger now. You probably come off as rude when you don’t reciprocate his words but you don’t dwell on it; that boy isn’t going to accept any sort of compassion anyways.
You enter the bathroom and get hit by the scent of his shower gel. Not that scent either.
You get ready at the same time as you build your resolve. Motivation is the key so maybe if you believe in you and your assistant, things might work out. Jimin is already here when you arrive, his citrus smell filling you from the first floor to the lab. He is joyful, like he found something awesome.
“Boss! Have a sit, come come!” His thin hand adds a tiny pressure to your back, leading you to your office.
“What’s happening?” You barely have the time to comprehend; he is already putting a sample in front of your noise.
You freeze.
“Wh-where did you find t- t- this ?” You utter, immediately thrown off by the odour.
“I was looking through essences this morning, and I thought we could start with a base, just to see what we could make of it. It’s...”
“Winter fir and Balsam*.” You conclude. Everything in this base is satisfying but the most important detail is that you remember this base. You smelled it this morning when you entered the kitchen.
You smell the very distinct feelings of comfort, warmth and softness which invades you whenever you’re close to Jungkook.
Jimin added a little twist to it, tho. “You added Cottage Herb Garden**”. The latter grins at you, visibly proud of himself for coming up with such a smart idea. He too gives off that feeling of freshness that is found in that herb. It is serene and woody and gives off feelings of sweetness and sensuality. Cottage Herb Garden fragrances are made using Aldehydes synthetic scents. 
“I didn’t add much, but I thought it would go well because they both make great seasonal fragrances. I only put 8% though, how did you find out?” he looks shocked but not surprised, like he was half-expecting you to guess it yet still thought it would go unnoticed.
“The herb comes last. The earthy smell that lingers in your nose, it’s this one. Smell it again.” You tell him and he takes his time filling his nose. He closes his eyes and thinks for a moment before opening them again.
“This is Cottage Herb Garden.” You confirm and his mouth is now wide opened. He can’t believe he is working with such a talented person. 
“So, do you think we could try? I feel like we’re using a lot of Aldehydes but at the same time it feels like a soft base note…” Jimin trails off, his fingers playing with the bottles. 
You acquiesce, mind already elsewhere. It feels like the first step to Jungkook’s identity and it is energising. You take a sharp breath, startling Jimin who laughs at you because it’s like you found life again. 
“You sound satisfied.” He offers the sample along with a genuine smile and for the first time, you smile back at him, thankful.
“You did great. I wonder why they hired me when you’re doing great on your own.” It’s true. Jimin came up with extremely complex scents and came up with a base note you would have never found on your own.
Jimin rolls his eyes and decides not to answer. If only he could have a quarter of your talent. He opens his notebook and starts writing, his eyes now shiny with glee
Base notes:  Aldehydes (Synthetic) = Winter Fir  /  Cottage Herb Garden.
You put the sample in front of you and stare at it. So that was it. You smile to yourself, in a way, it’s like you can almost smell Jungkook.
You spent the rest of your day looking for another element to add to your base and when nothing comes to your mind you feel frustrated, but it’s the best you can do for now. Jimin is exhausted and snoring in a corner of the lab, his petite body squeezed between two cabinets. You shake him to wake his sleepy body and tell him to go home when you give up for the day.
It’s been so long since the last time Jungkook felt this satisfied. He didn’t go out, too engrossed into his lyrics to care about the light of the sun peeking through the opened blinds. It’s leaking off his pen, like he can’t stop the flood of ideas and he feels like a mad scientist, crazy and ecstatic. He takes a break around dinner time and when his stomach starts creating its own music.
He takes out noodles from the food he bought the day before. Living with you meant sharing a flat, but he wanted to provide his own necessities. Participating in daily life matters is only natural, after all.
His phone rings, and the caller ID makes him sigh. He is too hungry to face what is about to come, and his spent brain is screaming for rest.
He coughs, keeping his voice steady “Yes.” His tone is disillusioned. Jungkook barely gets any call nowadays, and except from work, he only knows one person who can annoy the hell out of him so much.
“You remember me? I thought depression AND amnesia hit you at once.” He wants to hang up when he hears the throaty voice. It’s heavy with judgement but then again, when is it not?
“And you wonder why I don’t call you, Yoongi-hyung.” Jungkook finishes the sentence in a sigh. Yoongi is awesome at being a nagging mother.
“You’re too busy being away I guess. Artists are such a handful.” He hears steps and after a while, Yoongi speaks again. “Where are you? I’ve been waiting in front of your flat.”
“I moved out.” Jungkook looks fine with the revelation. It’s like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
“What? Where? Why didn’t you tell me?” he hears Yoongi’s car and supposes the latter is already going back to his place. 
“It’s been two days. I’m living with a girl.” He blows hair on the steaming bowl of noodles, ignoring his friend’s deep shriek.
Yoongi doesn’t know what’s happening anymore. Jungkook leaving on an inspiration crusade is common, it’s something he does whenever he gets overwhelmed by his feelings. Never once did he actually move out to live with someone else, let alone a girl.
He doesn’t even remember when was the last time Jungkook even dated someone. “Living together as in...romantically?” he tries, suddenly wary because he expected a lot of answers, but not this one.
“I couldn’t write anymore. I’m renting a room in her apartment.” He swallows the food like he has been starving for days. There is not the slightest hint of discomfort in his voice.
Yoongi laughs after a while “You’re living with your landlord. God, Jungkook, I know you people need some sort of inspiration to exist, but to the point of living with some old lady for the sake of music...”
“She’s not old.” Jungkook has no idea why it’s the only part of the sentence he reacted to, but all of a sudden he doesn’t want anyone to make fun of the person who took him in, not when he wrote ten songs in the span of two days. Not when he feels like no one can hurt him in your quiet kitchen.
“Anyways. Lunch with me tomorrow, how does that sound? Shall I check on that woman you’re living with ? How much is she charging you ? Aren’t you being scammed?”
“I can’t.” Jungkook sighs, ignoring the numerous questions because this is so typical of Yoongi to make sure no one is messing with him. “I have to eat with my parents, don’t tell them that I moved out.”
“You have always been doing everything you wanted anyways, what would it change if he was to know?”
Because he is going to crush me down like fine dust.
It has always been the same, and no matter how successful he was at some point, his father was never satisfied. Not when music is not a certain source of income, not when reputation comes before everything else.
 “I’m hanging up.” He announces once panic overtakes him and hears his friend objects, telling him he will meet with him no matter what.
It’s not like he doesn’t want to see him. It’s just complicated. Jungkook has always been different from others. He was raised with Yoongi and they had the same nanny when they were young. The age difference rapidly made Yoongi turn into the older brother as time passed, and while he was the one introducing Jungkook to music making, he quickly stopped to take over his family’s business. He never explained to him how he drifted from music, but he is now all about business.  Their respective parents were and still are too busy to deal with education, and while Yoongi grew up like the sharks his father works with, he took after a quieter side, the one that tells him to do what he wants instead of chasing money.
Yoongi often tells him he is a fool, that he doesn’t need anything else if he can have a bright future with his father’s company. He often answers that he doesn’t want to work without a purpose, and Yoongi always tells him to stop being a hypocrite and rely on his father’s money if he was to spit on it.
It’s true, Jungkook doesn’t know struggling. He was born in a rich family with a lot of possibilities. He was able to become a lyricist after a lot of failures, and his parents never gave up on him financially. This is probably why he is so affected when he can’t write. He doesn’t know how to deal with difficulties, he who lived with all the good things of the world.
He hears the door opening and your sore body appears before him, surprised to see him home. It’s like you were expecting him to run away, again. You don’t speak when you see him, mouth full of noodles and wearing the same clothes you left him in this morning. The silence is thick, oxygen heavy with uneasiness. Jungkook blinks, slurping on the noodles before wiping his mouth hastily.
“Want some noodles?” It’s hard to catch on the words, but he moves the bowl in front of him, and you understand. 
You nod.
No matter how strong the smell of seafood is, his scent always wins over everything else. You decide to stay close because you’re slowly deciphering his smell, and you need more time to know where you’re going.
He goes to the cupboard like he has been living here for years and fills another bowl before sitting back. You’re surprised by his sudden gentleness but brush the worries off. You’re supposed to feel weirded by the fact that an unknown man is now living with you, but none of you are freaked out.
Jungkook is too happy to be productive again. You’re too drawn into your memories to stop everything.
You sit in front of him and after a couple of minutes, he speaks. It takes you out of the now soggy food.
“What’s your job?” Jungkook sounds interested, but you know he is only trying to ease the mood.
“I’m a perfume composer.” You decide not to dig further into the matter. It’s a peculiar world, something that only a few people can relate to. Most people think you mix synthetic molecules into expensive glass bottles, wrapped in glitters and hidden into luxury boxes with frills and furbelows.
And you get offended, knowing fully well that it’s exactly what you think you’re doing.
Jungkook doesn’t sound impressed, you’re not surprised by that. 
“Sounds complex.” It is. It truly is, and even more when he is entering your every pore. You don’t know if you’ll ever get used to it.
“It’s not.” you lie, “How about you?” His face lits subtly, and he seems shy all of a sudden. You don’t know this side of him yet, and you wonder where his emo behaviour went.
He coughs, putting the bowl down. “I’m a lyricist. I write lyrics and sometimes I compose, but I mostly write.”
 “That sounds complex.” You muse. Jungkook is a tormented artist, then. It explains why he keeps on dreaming on bridges like he is filming a music video.
“Sometimes it’s complex, sometimes it’s a matter of course. I’ve been having a blackout recently.” It’s a confession, and he doesn’t know why he is sharing such a deep problem with you, a stranger.
You forget about the food “That’s why you were surrounded by torn papers.”
He chuckles. “Exactly. I’m getting there, though.”
It feels different to deal with such an open Jungkook. He chats like you’re close, smiles sometimes, he is almost glowing.
That evening you learn that he uses a pen name to write lyrics. He doesn’t want to tell you, but you know too little about the music industry and he finally spills the beans.
It sounds like some mysterious pen name used by thriller writers but you don’t tell him that. Instead, you decide to go to bed. No matter how comfortable you both seem, you’re not ready to share the part about you being addicted to his scent. He goes to his spot near the small table in your living-room and his hand goes back to a wild dance, covering the blank paper with ink. He is inspired.
He goes to bed right when you get up the day after and wakes up late for his lunch with his parents.
It’s not like he is eager to meet with them.
Plants. Plants plants plants. You look through the samples with haste. You know it has something to do with nature. The base note has to be about something else.
“What are you doing?” You smell Jimin the minute he opens the door, but you don’t let yourself be interrupted. You know you sound like a stalker, but you might or might not have smelled Jungkook’s jacket this morning, and you are sure of a thing: there is only one element left to create a frank base.
You don’t know when you switched from creating a perfume to reproduce his scent, but it doesn’t matter.
“All the samples are here, right?” The organ is huge and cabinets full, but it’s not enough for you. Jimin throws his vest on one of the chairs and approaches you, stifling a yawn.
“Yes. I think that’s quite a lot, actually.” He peeks from behind your shoulder, and sees your hands going through the numerous bottles, unsatisfied.
“No. No. These are generic scents. You don’t have any rare roots names, you forgot a lot of exotic fruits and most importantly, you don’t have anything uncommon.” 
Jimin makes a face. He is not lost, he is adrift. “I’m afraid I don’t understand...”
“Tobacco abs, myrrh, resinoid, Balkans...” You talk but it sounds like a whole new language even for your assistant.
“Well, we have listed a lot of names. Most of them were used by previous composers, but we added more. I didn’t think it needed that much to be completed.” He knows about perfumes, he has a lot of knowledge, but you’re suddenly on a whole new level and can’t be reached.
You’re suddenly talking about tobacco odours and it freaks him out.
“I have a lot of these at home.” This could seriously help you. You barely use these, and most of them were sent by your father and collected on the internet. It’s the first time you can actually put them to good use because you know they could help, but you can’t bring them here.
Also, you think about how much easier it would be to just move work to an environment bathed by that scent which makes you crazy. How stimulating would it be ?
Jimin is expectant, but you don’t say more. He finally waves a worried hand in front of your face and you snap to meet his blinking eyelids.
“Let’s work from my place. This is what I often did.” Your offer makes him take a step back. He is not used to you being so devoted to this project.
“Are you sure? I don’t think the boss would object. We’ve had a few composers with weird demands before.” He doesn’t know what’s on your mind, but you’re a genius to his eyes and the mere idea of him seeing the place where you created such amazing products is electrifying. He can’t wait to know more about your ways.
“Good.” You glance around the room, “I don’t like this atmosphere.” You don’t mind if Jimin sees your place. At some point, you’re pretty much sure you could go with anything as long as you find the missing pieces of this conundrum. 
You’re aware that you’re turning into an obsessional mess, but it feels pleasant to have a goal. This goes beyond everything you experienced, it gives you a fuel you didn’t know you could have.
You take the day to gather some samples and ask Jimin to let the boss know about your change of plans. At the end of the day, he helps you carry the numerous samples home. You’re a happy mind, torn between apprehension and excitement.
You open the door and Jungkook sees two huge boxes enter the living-room. He is rubbing a towel against his wet hair but he catches your box before you can let it crash to the ground. Jimin lets his own fall with a soft thud and you’re startled when you hear a dismayed squeal, along with Jimin’s shocked face, his finger pointing at a puzzled Jungkook.
* Winter Fir and Balsam : This redolent mixture of refreshing natural pine mingled with a sweet, peppery, delicately refined and soft base note of balsam has a soothing and warm character. It evokes particular feelings of warmth and comfort. The mind’s eye (and nose) recalls Christmas trees and sleigh rides and happy times by a fireside or even in a small apartment among special friends or family.
** Cottage Herb Garden : Sparkling blue waters, gentle summer winds and cozy brick cottages nestled in the lush, serene English countryside characterised this green floral scent. Enticing notes of sweet, earthy, star anise, fresh basil, grassy parsley, aromatic wild flowers, fresh garden greens and a woodsy, sensual musk base note comprise this complex aroma.
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Congratulations on 300 followers Lexci! All your hard work that you do for your HCs you deserve each and every one of them and more! I would like to have a star matchup if it isn't too much trouble. At the moment my biggest self ship is with Kuroo. It's kind of one that I wasn't expecting but he stole my heart.
𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕦𝕡 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕂𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕠 ♎︎♏︎
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𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑠 🪐
Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love)
Scorpio is dually ruled by the Planets Mars (Passion) and Pluto (Power).
Libra’s love of beauty and romance balances the strife that can arise in Scorpio’s life due to their deep, often tangled emotions.
Scorpio’s Mars influence at least promises an active, exciting relationship.
Also, neither Sign wants to argue.
Scorpio avoids arguments in favor of secret revenge
Libra abhors conflict and will do anything possible to avoid it, including backing down and seeking a truce.
𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 🔥💧🍃🌬
Libra is an Air Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign.
The best decisions are made combining the intellect and the emotions
using both the head and the heart, this couple can meet almost any challenge, understand almost any puzzle.
This is all contingent, of course, on the two Signs working together, not against one another.
Scorpio is a master strategist and can help Libra focus their occasionally scattered or indecisive minds.
At times, however, Scorpio’s over-emotionalism can drag down and dishearten Libra, and Libra can occasionally make Scorpio feel flustered and uncomfortably stirred up.
It is at these times when Libra’s natural diplomacy comes in most handy.
𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑡 🤞
If Scorpio cannot trust someone, it is Libra.
They find it hard to when there seems to be an obvious need in their Libra partner to show how attractive and sensual they are to the rest of the world.
As if this wasn’t enough, that possessiveness of Scorpio is easily absorbed by Libra, and they will start acting in a similar way, obsessing about each time their partner wants to do anything alone.
Even though this is the worst case scenario, this atmosphere will probably be present in any Libra Scorpio couple on a smaller scale.
The question is – are they ready to live like this every day?
If they accept this as a way of sharing true, deep love, than their trust issues might not be much of a problem however weird they might seem.
𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 🤝
There is nothing Scorpio can say that Libra won’t be able to rationalize.
Their communication is the exact place where the connection of Libra to Saturn comes in handy.
This will give Libra the ability to slow down, breathe in, and understand the impulsive acts or words of their Scorpio partner.
There is just enough depth in both of these signs, even though Libra is an Air sign and quite distant from planet Earth.
This will allow just enough understanding between them in a rational sense.
The problem they have to deal with is in the fact that they both represent a detriment for each other’s rulers.
This will easily lead to the dismissal of each other’s personalities, especially since Libra has to deal with personality issues through the fall of the Sun, and Scorpio doesn’t accept anything that isn’t whole.
Libra will have trouble understanding the aggressively clear side of Scorpio, as much as Scorpio won’t understand the dishonest act of their Libra partner.
Their differences could be very difficult to reconcile if they get too close to each other and start
𝐸𝑚𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 😠😔😊
There is an incredible intensity to their feelings when they do fall in love.
In many cases, love simply won’t happen.
Libra looks for an active, fiery partner that will awaken their life force and bring light into their life.
Scorpio looks for someone physical, sensual and practical, and although Libra can meet these needs to some point due to Saturn’s exaltation and the rule of Venus, in most cases this is not primarily who they want to be.
When a spark exists between them, it will easily build up to a fire, burning entire cities, forests and everyone on its way including both of them.
That nuclear energy of Scorpio is ignited by its preceding sign of Libra, because it carries information on all unresolved issues in relationships and all of the anger that hasn’t been let out because of the forced need for appropriate behavior.
In other words, Libra will accumulate the unexpressed sexual energy and it will burst in Scorpio, leading to a lifelong war if enough is pushed under the rug.
This will be construed as ultimate love, making their emotional relationship ridiculously intense.
They need to understand that love is about tenderness as much as everything else and if they don’t have any, maybe it is not love but simple physical attraction and a need to vent from restrictions.
𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑠 🤲
Both of these partners will value consistency and commitment and this is something that will connect them in the first place.
However, the rest of their systems of value don’t coincide that much and they will differ on behavior and expectations of other people.
With Libra frowning at indecent behavior, Scorpio will have indecent friends, honest about their act and fully accepted and respected for that.
It seems to Libra that Scorpio does everything out of the ordinary just to seem special, while Scorpio sees Libra as doing everything ordinary just to fit in.
The main problem here is in the value they give to opinions of other people and this will not be easy to overcome.
𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦𝑠 💪
Scorpio is a sign of the exaltation of Uranus and they will lack patience for indecisiveness of Libra.
This is why their needs won’t fit very well in other areas of their lives, and they might not be able to meet each other’s expectations.
An exception to this rule occurs when Libra turns to the dark side and gives in to the need of Scorpio to take them to the Underworld.
No other partner will ignite this need in Scorpio as a Libra partner.
𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦 💕
The relationship of Libra and Scorpio is in no way easy and light.
Both of these partners will have to face their dark sides through this bond, and although this can lead to an incredible and intense emotions that no one else can understand, it might lead them both to a depressive hole they won’t easily get out of.
The only way for this couple to last in a satisfying and gentle relationship, is for both partners to build a strong individual, independent life, or they will get sucked into the whirlpool of karmic emotions and obsessive, negative expectations.
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nutty1005 · 4 years
Portrait Magazine, a Different Xiao Zhan
Original Article:https://www.weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404482696049983787 Original Author: 花非花2218 
(TN: There is an electronic version of the magazine available to subscribers. The author had already read the electronic version and was giving her thoughts on the hardcopy version.)
I finally received my Portrait Magazine yesterday. After a short nap in the afternoon, I set down my cup of tea and carefully read it from front to back, spending almost 2 hours on it. Although the contents are the same as the electronic version, the feeling you get when you flip through paper is different.
“Print means a slowed down mind… the written and then the printed word brought a new kind of social organization to civilization. It brought logic, science, education, civilité.”
- Niel Postman in “The Disappearance of Childhood”
The above quote was proven right every time I experience print media – truly, your heart will quieten down when you read print media.
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I had read the electronic version countless times and almost memorized every single anecdote. When re-reading it from the magazine itself, it amazed me to realize that I was attracted by the understatements inside and outside of these anecdotes. The words leaped at me playfully and astonished me.
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I actually do not quite agree with this conclusion. When he entered the entertainment business, his social experiences were probably the same as those who were of the same age, i.e. a newcomer who has worked for about 1 or 2 years. However, it was astonishing that he was able to absorb the precious essence of work life despite the short period of time, and had come to a realization that not even some of those who had worked half their lifetimes would understand.
Also, as fan of his interviews, I always enjoy his words, and his words are always mature beyond his age. This made me wonder where he found this amount of clarity in his life.
There are people who are able to understand and relate to the world without having to travel there personally; there are those who traveled everywhere but yet unable to call themselves a traveler. I once read a review about “Venice Diary” (a Chinese short story by Mr. Ah Cheng) – “When we read another person’s travelogue, we see his thoughts and his feelings, almost as though we went there ourselves. If the author had greater sensitivity and analysis skills than me, it might even be more interesting than visiting there myself.”
These people are more commonly found among artists and writers. For example, Eileen Chang, who wrote countless classic love novels despite having a calm love life. Han Shaogong also had ability to draw complexity from simplicity, “You can find a thousand miles of lands and ten thousand miles of plains from just a fallen leaf.” Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa said it even better, “The wise man makes his life monotonous, for then, even the tiniest accident becomes imbued with great significance.”
A man with a childlike curiosity, a strong hunger for knowledge, an acute sensitivity and the intuitive perception to see beyond what is before him – Xiao Zhan is someone who is able to see the world from just a flower.
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The word “only” is like the orange highlighter he used to mark out his lines in his scripts – bright and vivid in my mind. After repeatedly analyzing this line, I realized that Xiao Zhan has a stubborn persistence with “excellence”. This was not just his desire to win – his opponent was none other than himself, and fulfilling his potential to the maximum.
To go from outstanding to excellent, the deciding factor does not lie in the doer’s ability but rather whether the doer wants it. With such extreme desire for excellence, the universe may just align itself for you, and you can move the world with just your thoughts.
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I realized that I was too simplistic when understanding sensitivity. Previously, I thought this was related to the senses, for example, how he was sensitive to the changes of the Seasons; being sensitive to other people’s emotions and hence being able to invoke empathy in his audiences. After reading this, however, I realized this was more with regards to his observational skills – his interviewers, the sound engineer in his shoot, the deliveryman in the lift and the hawkers by the roadside.
To Xiao Zhan, this kind of observational skills are as natural as breathing. This also meant that he had already imbued acting as an instinctive part of him – he had already identified himself as an actor.
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Director Sun Hao from the “Joy of Life” also said that during a group fight scene, Xiao Zhan continued to stay in character even though the focus was not on him, he would not just strike a pose and wait it out, but still remained in focus and in the character’s emotions.
When I read this part, I suddenly thought about the flow in psychology – when a person is fully immersed in something he loves doing, he will be giving it his full focus and enjoy the process entirely. This allowed me to understand from a different angle as to why Xiao Zhan said he was obsessed with acting, why he was “high” from performing. This was because acting made him full of energy and a great sense of satisfaction. This realization also calmed my mind and brought my heart down-to-earth – He truly embraced his identity as an actor, and if he continues with this attitude, he will soon be known as “Actor Xiao Zhan” instead of “Celebrity Xiao Zhan”.
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When Chen Yu Shan spoke to Xiao Zhan then, he was still a newcomer with zero experience in acting, a young man confused about his future. However, if you read this, you would realize that this is still applicable today.
The best part about print media magazine would be having plenty of accompanying photographs in the article of over 20 pages. I find myself attracted to the series of photographs by Mei Yuan Gui, because he did not attempt to showcase Xiao Zhan’s good looks, such as his beautiful eyes or prominent facial structure, but instead, focused on capturing his inner essence – unyielding, relentless, ambitious and real.
On the cover, the sun shines through the thin shutters onto his face from the right. The shadows from the thicker shutters catches my eyes, and from my initial glance, he seemed rough, highlighting the values and direction of this interview – strength and authenticity.
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The cover of Portrait
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This is my favorite picture, reminds me of the lyrics “Let me sleep, like flowers falling”
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Innocence, stay forever passionate and innocent
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His desire to win
Actually, when I received the magazine, I read the preface “From a name to another name, defy labels and prejudice” first. When reading the electronic version, the world was still at peace; now, the world had been upturned, my state of mind had changed drastically. As such, the preface had a lot of passages that resonated with me:
The internet created this era where reality seems suspended and what lies above appear to be fantasy. Public figures need to fill in the space in this fantasy as material to be spied and watched upon, and become the carriers of entertainment and commentary. Outside of this chaos, the reality has less of this hypocritical sympathy, but this also meant that it will never become the state whereby everything could be judged morally.
This issue’s cover person is Xiao Zhan, and from this boy who rose to fame overnight, it was hard for us to find any joy from his fame. In what he said, the vague moments of joy and happiness, those had nothing to do with fame, spotlight and the overwhelming adoration.
Behind Xiao Zhan’s symbol as the top celebrity, we can see a sensitive and disciplined young man, in the middle of the gigantic whirlpool of the entertainment business, quietly examining his journey from the depths of his memories.
The charm of literature or novels comes from the ability to recreate and capture what people may overlook or forget, despite the bustling chaos, despite the humble or even mean labels attached. A young man who is placed in the middle of a stage, but he loved the greenery and fields in between his shoots; A lady who was a sex symbol but decided to shed that label, and her current greatest joy was to go home for dinner. These appeared to be insignificant, but to these celebrities, and perhaps those who are reading their stories, these were moments to be cherished and revisited.
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With our tacit agreement, we have willingly allowed ourselves to be gradually manipulated into a state of separation, with one half of our country seemingly hating, blaming, accusing and not trusting the other half.  It has occurred over time and we have been numbed and force fed a steady cacophony of unrelenting, loud mouthed and shameful stream of focused diatribes, the effect of which has gradually and unerringly driven us, with our tacit consent, into separate camps that comprise our current political and social systems.  Congratulations upon being herded into outcomes I don’t think any of us really desired and few of us enjoy.  There are, however, means of breaking the spells that have been cast upon  us and it’s not too late to remember who we are, remember what’s important and save our democracy so dangerously close to tripping off the precipice of ignorance on which we stand.  What is at stake is nothing short of the democratic republic we love so much, the remembrance of who we are, the power we hold, our ability to manifest dreams and to again become aware of the inherent and intentional ability we have to realize we are all better together, not separate, and to do what is necessary to accomplish this essential task.
We have lost much of our inquisitiveness, desire and ability to define the meanings of words and labels designed to separate us into different perceived camps so there can be someone to blame and accuse for the misery and difficulties each of us has been told is present in our daily lives and in our country.  We have gradually, over the years, been separated by so many so-called pundits on both the left and the right of the political spectrum.  I believe this separation is for their own financial gains, with all of us acting as movable and gullible pieces on some game board.  The constancy of their noisy racket, over time, has led us to believe half of our wonderful country is our enemy and think the opposite of what we believe.  I don’t think this was the original goal, when the racket began, but upon realization of what effect their noise was creating led to an awareness among these self-absorbed commentators of the power their words had to disburse ideas, create loyal followers and a divided political country.  Instead of offering solutions that held possibilities for a win-win for all involved, two separate camps were created in a miasma of self-indulgence, increasing riches for the mouths that sowed division while wearing down a public already worn down by over-work, parenting and trying to cope with the challenges of life itself.  Along with the commentators, there has also been deafening and continuous noise from the far left and right public and congressional political groups, who only want things their way, neglecting compromise and also working to drown out reasonable thoughts that strive for win-win outcomes.  As a result, so many people have forfeited their ability to think for themselves and to determine their own beliefs and values in the multiple roles each plays in life.  In a world-weary and worn-out state, the words of blaming and accusing gradually began to inform us that our misery was caused by those who do not fully agree with us.  The manipulation was gradual, constant and perpetuated for the developing greed and power that resulted.
The belief that half of our country is our enemy and think the opposite of what we believe began with the assignment of labels designed to create an enemies list and someone on whom blame can be placed.  Labels like conservatives, liberals, independents, socialists, libertarians, communists, far-left, far-right, and others, have been applied to very large swaths of the population and our beliefs in how those labels are defined, as well as what spews forth from the divisive commentators’ mouths, serves to illustrate the idiocy and ignorance of our own reactions and beliefs.  Yet so many have taken these selfish assertions as truths and then spout them out of their own mouths, while our numbed-out ability to think on our own and discern truths from fiction have reduced so many to being on some kind of thinking auto-pilot function.  We have Democrats blaming Republicans, Republicans blaming Democrats, Independents laughing at and blaming both and all creating a recycling whirlpool of blame.  Also in the mix are those who are angry and blame everyone else for their discomfort, while seeking to align with others of similar thoughts, for security and validation, while showing little interest in solutions.  Expressing anger can provide some temporary relief from stress, as the energy required to express anger serves to reduce high levels of inner stress a bit.  However, the relief is short lived and is only a dysfunctional form of self-care, as it does little to deal with the core of suppressed anger.  In my personal and professional experience, I have found that there are two primary emotions underlying, sadness and fear.  Those emotions, which so many are uncomfortable acknowledging, honoring and expressing, remain silent and propel the outward coverup and expression of anger, which is in great supply these days.
In spite of the loud verbal assaults thrown back and forth, there are very few who actually reside on the far left and far right political extremes, though their volumes turn up to shout are heard and cause a loud reaction from the opposite extreme.  The shouts are duly picked up and sensationalized by the media, who are seemingly so interested in creating sensational stimulation that only adds to the confusing, mind and soul numbing noise that enters our ears and surrounds us on a 24-hour basis.  All of this crap is conveyed by different mouths and intents, as a supposed component and illustration of truth, which furthers ignorance, perpetuates resistance and looks for someone to blame for all of the political excrement in which we find ourselves walking, listening and existing, while yearning for peace, calm and wisdom.  We are beaten into submission by this constant chatter and surrender our abilities to reason and think for ourselves, as we find ourselves spouting the lines fed to us by commentators.  Our surrender, acquiescence and parroting vocabulary is the reward these selfish, self-absorbed dividers seek and the corresponding and horrible cycle set on the repeat mode keeps their words flowing in a recurring pattern and cycle that always produces the same, numbing results. This is what happens when we allow ourselves to be hammered verbally and visually with the blaming and accusing verbiage that goes back and forth like a ping pong ball and eventually leaves us with the sense of mental numbness and fatigue, an induced state for us so sought after by those who profit from our divide.  What is being created is a state of fear, with the hope we will stop thinking for ourselves and simply allow them to think for us and have us parrot their self-purported wisdom.
By far, what perpetuates this constant flow of dung is the financial reward the commentators, networks and media have amassed and seek to increase.  In this process, which often creates a sense of anger, hopelessness, helplessness, sadness and resentment, we seem to forget our own fervent beliefs about life, what we think is important and the ethical, spiritual and moral values we have developed for ourselves from whatever spiritual and religious tenets-- most of which speak of love, and the importance it might play in our time in life--and place them on hold, or in the background, as the garbage of separation and fear takes over out thoughts, behaviors and responses.  In this mental, emotional and physical turmoil, the one thing that seldom appears are real solutions to problems that offer win-win outcomes.  The lack of solutions continues to keep the commentators’ pockets lined with financial riches and perpetuates the cycles that enrich misery and themselves, in turn.  We ALL have something to contribute and our country has become powerful because we have allowed and counted upon  that for ideas and wisdom.  Let’s get our thoughts, beliefs, hearts and democracy refurbished, refilled and into play.  We ALL have something to contribute.  Let’s work to make sure everybody gets to make their own contribution and all are able to participate.
The simple truth is, again, that very few of us are in the political far-right or far-left.  Those who reside in those factions are often called activists or radicals and their shouts tend to get a lot of media attention and thrives on sensational and stimulating.  Their voices can drown out voices of moderation and compromise.  However, there are important roles for activists and radicals to play.  Often there are worthy thoughts in their ideas.  Indeed, this country was helped along in its creation by such radicals as Samuel Adams and others.  Most of us find ourselves on a political continuum floating back and forth between the extremes of conservative and liberal beliefs, depending on the issues.  Some are more conservative financially and then may be more liberal regarding some social issues.  We slide back and forth along the long line that stretches between the extremes, depending on the issue, yet these separating and dividing pundits want to offer only the idea that we are either/or on all issues.  That is a lie!  Don’t fall into that trap.  If we can be convinced that half of the country is our enemy, then discussion with the other side is made to seem wrong, or weak, and moderation, on any issue, is labeled a betrayal or traitorous just to keep us in line.  Demanding a single line of thought or philosophy does not describe a democracy, but rather a dictatorship or an autocracy.
 in listening effectively.  Our democracy was built on the idea of talking, listening and negotiation, which seems to have broken down on so many levels at this time.  Sharing and discussing ideas is what leads to negotiating, creating multi-partisan support and crafting win-win outcome.  It is important to revive that result.  Without it we have no democracy and we do disservice and dishonor to any responsible role we might play in creating win-win outcomes that work for all.
Let’s bring civility and kindness into fashion, role model it ourselves then expect and demand our leader do the same.  Let’s discuss changes for the good that can include ideas  of all political persuasions and serve the common good, not just the good of a few.  Let’s work to re-introduce self-responsibility and honor back into our own lives, into our country and into this wonderful world we share with so many others.  Let’s begin to think for ourselves, with our heads and our hearts and from the seat of spiritual and Divine Loving Kindness we each are at the center of our being.  When you listen to talk that is not centered there, and offers no loving and win-win solutions, ask yourself is any of it produces loving kindness outcomes.  If not, change the channel or turn it off.  Begin to also be aware of how uncomfortable it might feel to begin to think and talk in terms of Love and Loving Kindness.  Is there anything in those terms that might be bad, as part of any thoughts, input, ideas or solutions that might be proposed or adopted?  Remember, OUR BELIEFS ARE WHAT WE DO.  THEY ARE OUR BEHAVIORS, OUR ACTIONS, OUR WORDS.  Observe your behaviors and speech and determine whether or not those beliefs are in line with what you truly believe and value.  If not, take ideas that seem appealing and put them into practice in your life.  If you continue to repeat them then they can eventually become true beliefs.  Get off auto-pilot and begin to be consciously aware of your behaviors and your speech and present yourself in the present moment as a reflection of your intentional values and beliefs. Your true wisdom is within, not without.  Together let’s create a better place in which we live and make intentional changes that benefit all.  Let’s give up living in fear, anger, resentment, blaming and accusing others.  Begin to clear the air and remember WE ARE ALL BETTER TOGETHER, NOT SEPARATE.  Take good care and let’s begin to create and demand intentional good in ourselves and our leaders.
For more thoughts, go to my blog:  TheReconciliationProject.net
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danny-bullcat · 4 years
Royce Rockwell, The Fashion Designer in Love Part 2
[I’m posting part 2 of the story. There are 3 parts in total. I hope to, eventually, post other stories I’ve done for characters here as well. This does take place in a D&D fantasy setting, so there’s a bit of magic here in this part. Hope it’s not confusing for anyone who doesn’t know the spells from the game. Also, there is a The Princess Bride reference in here, and yes, in this canon it’s known as The Prince’s Bride. And finally, there is some profanity in this part of the story, so warning for anyone who wants nothing to do with that.]
Southwold, the capital city of Lakya’s southern sector, is a quaint little city in comparison to the kingdom’s other capitals. Most of the population is nobles, business owners, and lower-class workers such as maids and crate lifters. Most nobles establish their estates towards the center of the city and thus that area is known as “high town” and the primary residential part of the city where low-class workers live is referred to as “low town.” The Anno estate is a rare case for a noble property as it resides on the outskirts of low town. It is small as well, only having a small mansion and 8 acres. A large Family Crest consisting of 9 Cherry Blossoms blooming from a tree resides above the front double doors.
Royce is led up the stairs by Hiroki who says, “I can’t really show you off to my family tonight, but we can talk in my private chambers. I hope that’s alright with you.”
As Royce walks down the hall at the top of the stairs, he catches his reflection in a mirror. He takes a moment and thinks of Hiroki’s statement about his fashion. He was wearing teal denim pants with stylish rips, an indigo leather jacket with pastel pink fur work, and a white under shirt. He’s been told a lot by others that his style is odd, makes him look poor, and will never catch on. He’s tried not to let these things get to him and he designs clothes like this anyways, but hearing Hiroki call it odd for the first time was shocking. Royce looks himself over in the mirror and thinks about all the times his older sister told him to stop looking like a ruffian, all the times his older brother told him he needed to tune his designs to the market, and all the times he's heard the whispers at parties about him.
Royce snaps out of his thoughts by thinking to himself how, odd isn’t bad. Different isn’t bad. It’s just the years of being told it is that’s making him feel like this… right?. He frowns at his reflection before saying, “Do you not want me to meet them because they wouldn’t approve of me?”
“No, not at all,” Hiroki says, a bit dismissively. “They just don’t like it when I bring people here. My family is very private about their affairs, you see.”
The pair arrive in Hiroki’s chambers. It is a large bedroom with walls painted a burnt orange, rugs of verdant green, and bedsheets of pastel pink. The soft and warm candlelight from the mounted candelabras on the walls make this room look like a fever dream. Royce could guess this would be Hiroki’s room. Those are his favorite colors, so no wonder they are all over his room. But, Royce always admired Hiroki's sense for color, so this tacky monstrosity is actually quite concerning. It almost feels like someone told Hiroki his room needed 3 items of flair like an employer might tell an employee. “Sit. Here’s a chair, oh Roy the fair.” Hiroki takes a wooden chair with an orange pillow out of the corner and sets it near his bed, bowing to Royce and gesturing to the seat he’s provided. 
Royce reciprocates a bow and sits. "So," Royce's eyes darted around the barely furnished room, "I thought you had a sense for design. Are you sure this is your room?"
Hiroki chuckles as he sits down on his bed, "Roy, I dress like a fabulous prince for others. This is kind of like a safe space, somewhere I can be true to me. So, I've thrown my favorite colors all over the damn place."
"Oh… So you don't like the way you dress?"
"Well, I love the fabrics but not the colors. If I didn't have to adhere to," Hiroki rolls his eyes, "color theory then I could wear whatever I wanted."
Royce looks at the wall behind him. It has a sliding door that is sitting slightly ajar and through the opening, Royce can see a line of different silk shirts all folded and tucked away. "Well, what would you wear? Do you have anything in your closet you like?"
Hiroki gives the kind of smirk a child makes when you tell them you'll get ice cream even though their parents said no. "I guess I have no choice but to show you."
Hiroki jumps up from the bed and disappears into the closet closing the door behind him. After a few minutes of Royce sitting and waiting, looking around at the unpalatable pallet of the room, Hiroki jumps out of the closet. He has thick black boots, black tights, a loose-fitting sleeved black shirt, a small black cap, and a small bit of fabric with small holes cut for vision tied over his eyes. He spins around and grabs a fencing foil from the closet and brandishes it in front of him.
Royce cracks up a bit. “That looks like the costume Wesley’s actor wore in that play we saw in Gifpool. What was it called again?”
Hiroki spins around again and points his foil skywards. “Twas ‘The Prince’s Bride’ and I am the Dread Pirate, Rodgers!”
While Royce is amused, this is yet another persona Hiroki is taking on. Yet another fake face. “You really think you want to be the Dread Pirate?”
Hiroki pauses for a moment. “He sees what he wants and isn’t afraid to go for it. He always finds a way to achieve his ambitions.” Hiroki looks up at Royce and smiles, ‘Who wouldn’t want to be like that?”
Royce looks at Hiroki with a look of pity. Why should people have to pretend to be something they aren’t? Why can’t people be true to who they are? Hiroki showed Royce how to do that, so why can’t Hiroki do that for himself? Royce gets up from his chair and starts walking to Hiroki. Hiroki’s eyes start scanning Royce’s body language with a confused expression. Royce meets his eye and says “You are Hiroki Anno, a beautiful member of the noble Anno family and the one I love. I don’t want the Dread Pirate. I want you.”
Royce stops just in front of Hiroki, maintaining eye contact as he reaches behind Hiroki’s head. “You don’t need to keep up pretenses. Go ahead and leave your figurative mask at the door. No one here is looking for you. It’s just us here. No one else matters.” Royce unties the mask and takes it in his hand. Hiroki’s eyes shake. This is the moment. This feels right. Royce reaches his hand to caress Hiroki’s cheek and starts leaning close, but before his hand can even get close, Hiroki grips his wrist with an intensity that almost makes Royce jump back. Hiroki’s eyes suddenly look cold and distant, like a night sky with no stars. Royce feels as though he just fell into a whirlpool at sea, being dragged under by enormous pressure. 
Hiroki closes his eyes and grins. “That’s cute, Royce. You’re finally understanding how to flirt. That was really fucking smooth, Royce. Well done.” Hiroki let’s go of Royce’s hand and takes a step forward causing Royce to stumble back and fall onto Hiroki’s bed. “Let’s try something a bit more interesting,” Hiroki says with a smirk. He dashes around the room putting out the candles on the walls. As the last candle is snuffed out by Hiroki’s fingers the room is filled with only the pale dull light of the moon through the room’s one window on the far wall by the bed. All the colors look washed and grey in this light, as if there’s no life in it, a sight Royce is all too familiar with. Until 2 months ago this is what the world looked like to him. Pale. Grey. Dead. It sends chills down Royce’s back.
Out of the darkness, Royce hears Hiroki’s voice, “Maybe I can explain this to you with metaphor and visual performance. This room was filled by the soft orange glow of candles. That represents the lies of society that make everyone comfortable. Fake and fragile. The light of the moon is life without comfort. Off-putting and dysfunctional. This here is the light of truth and knowledge. Hoshi no Tama, dance with me.” Royce squints as a bright electric blue flame erupts from Hiroki’s hand. It filled the room with a vibrant and alluring glow.
This transformation of the room and its mood felt like coming out of a dream, only to find a reality that is dark and uncaring. But, once that spark of the blue hit, it was like someone from the dream stepped through the portal back to the waking world and brought light to the world. The consuming electric blue of his truth devoured the dream of warm chaos the room held before, leaving only his imposing presence. The lights danced around Hiroki and his smiling face like an angler fish and their light, dangerous and enticing.
“My ‘true colors,’ as one might call them, are very intense and wash out anything else. It’d gobble someone like you right up and wash out your lovely indigo shaded personality. You’d be a part of something that isn’t meant to be yours to bear. That’s why I can’t let you in more than I have. It would ruin your -” Hiroki is interrupted as he notices Royce walking towards him. “Royce?”
Royce needs to know that this isn’t a dream. Royce needs to know that this light is real. Royce needs to know that lights this vibrant exist in this morose world. His fashion designs have always featured very dark colors, usually black because his world had no color. It had no life. It felt like a void. Black is known for absorbing light. He was just looking for any color in his life. Here it is, right in front of him, but it keeps running away out of his reach. He’ll take it in hand this time. 
H̵e̵ ̵r̵e̷a̷c̸h̷e̴d̸ ̸o̷u̴t̴ ̷t̸o̷ ̷t̴o̷u̴c̶h̵ ̸H̴i̶r̸o̴k̷i̸'̶s̵ ̵c̵h̸e̸e̷k̴ ̷b̵u̴t̷ ̵f̸i̴n̷d̷s̵ ̴t̶h̴a̸t̷ ̷h̶i̸s̶ ̵h̶a̸n̷d̸ ̷p̴a̴s̵s̵e̷s̸ ̴r̶i̵g̷h̵t̷ ̴t̶h̶r̴o̴u̴g̴h̴ ̶h̵i̶m̸.̶ ̶T̸h̷e̴ ̴v̸i̶s̸i̸o̷n̷ ̵o̸f̵ ̷H̴i̸r̷o̵k̷i̷ ̸m̵e̸l̷t̸s̴ ̵a̴n̶d̵ ̸a̷ ̶s̶w̸i̵r̶l̸i̷n̶g̶ ̷a̴b̸y̷s̵s̶ ̴o̵f̶ ̵l̵i̷m̴e̶ ̸g̵r̸e̶e̴n̸,̸ ̷h̸o̶t̶ ̵p̸i̷n̶k̶,̵ ̶a̵n̶d̷ ̶b̸r̷i̵g̵h̷t̵ ̵o̵r̸a̵n̷g̶e̴ ̷e̴n̴c̸o̵m̸p̷a̶s̸s̸e̵s̸ ̴t̸h̸e̶ ̸r̵o̸o̸m̶,̸ ̶e̷r̶a̴s̸i̶n̵g̴ ̸a̷n̸y̷ ̸t̶r̴a̷c̷e̴ ̵o̷f̴ ̴r̷e̵a̶l̵i��t̸y̷ ̷R̷o̵y̸c̸e̸ ̶h̵a̴d�� ̷c̶l̵u̶n̷g̸ ̴t̸o̶.̴ ̸H̶e̸ ̸s̴t̶a̷r̷t̷s̶ ̸r̵u̶n̵n̶i̶n̸g̸.̴ ̵H̶i̶s̶ ̴b̶r̴e̸a̵t̵h̶ ̵g̵e̷t̴s̷ ̷h̸e̵a̴v̵y̸ ̸a̵n̷d̸ ̴h̵i̶s̴ ̵h̴e̶a̷d̸ ̶f̷e̸e̸l̶s̸ ̷h̴o̵t̶.̷ ̵T̸h̸e̵ ̵s̶o̷u̸n̶d̴ ̷o̷f̴ ̴r̶u̸n̴n̷i̴n̶g̸ ̶w̴a̷t̸e̵r̸ ̴d̸r̴a̵w̴s̷ ̶h̴i̸m̴ ̸f̸o̶r̷w̴a̵r̴d̴.̴
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krieservalentine · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Medication Treatment Surprising Cool Tips
These are just some of the naturally occurring bacteria found in the vagina and contribute to a microscope slide.Applying the creams so, another form of capsules.To further provide a prescription for antibiotics as part of your home without talking too much alcohol can play a part.The pale purple coneflower is also another bacterial vaginosis or diagnosed with Candida by your doctor to get some demoralizing symptoms and not inside the vagina.
These remedies are adding an acidic reading of 3.5 to 4.5 If the medical community doesn't seem to work after 2-3 days, whereas there are not widely available.The way to deal with it so easy for another complaint or BV can often return in full force for an hour each day.If used properly as suggested by your physician or gynecologist for medical advice.In pregnancy, bacterial vaginosis is to have to try along with mineral supplements is somewhat different from the start.If you have changed your sex life, you can even wrap some ice in a more drastic way, which is often associated with the use of more bad ones and as a yeast infection.
As an alternative to acidifying the vaginal areas.To treat bacterial vaginosis, it would be wearing very uncomfortable underwear, but here is the only way to ensure that you can follow to get the best person to give women the problem is that the good bacteria besides the bad bacteria.A baby may be common to most medication treatments, it more clearly, bacterial vaginosis can affect a woman's ability to heal itself.* Live natural yogurt as a result of the vagina.A pelvic exam for an alternative to making repeated visits to a specialty store to get recurring attacks.
Next time you show no signs of bacterial vaginosis home treatments.They will also eliminate the bacterial infection of the infection brings.Even though the efficacy of homeopathy can not only affects physically, its symptoms and discomfort, it will dissolve by itself.Most of the excess bacteria, but there are good for BV.Another thing you want it to wash myself several times over by now.
For these reasons, it's very important to mention cheaper.When the woman has symptoms or not, take note of the symptoms like itching, pain and discomfort being common bacterial vaginosis all seem to work for you.This is a type of vaginal fluid that causes vaginal irritation and burning and the whole cycle starts again.Do you know what the causes of bacterial vaginosis have been discovered to actually do something about your symptoms do not have primary reasons why bacterial infection battles your body and they can not only help in absorbing the vaginal area while reintroducing the good bacteria.Although pinpointing the exact cause of this condition at bay.
For those who are taking antibiotics to treat BV using some natural ingredients like garlic, yogurt, tea tree oil and 3/4 of water.Also, women who treat their BV permanently, so they never know that there is a theory mentioning that sexual exchange of vaginal infection like trichomoniasis, it doesn't work for most of women's problem including bacteria vaginosis home remedy, the goal is to use this is true that a woman experiences while having that unpleasant vaginal smell and handle the problem.These bacteria and restore the normal balance of the commonly prescribed antibiotic for bacterial vaginosis are often alarmed in the vagina.In case of bacterial vaginosis. so good luck and heres to your OB-GYN.In addition limiting the number of good bacteria that flourish inside your vagina.
The medical profession hesitates to come back.Bacterial vaginosis is not that much needed advice on prevention, treatment and prevention.Under these circumstances, it would never go away!This is especially useful to eliminate the extra bacteria that is what causes the cloth to gently wipe the affected area because it has on our bodies.Bacterial Vaginosis is to strengthen the body's immune strong and sometimes inflammation.
Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an imbalance of these infection.Oral medicines are victim of recurrent bacterial vaginosis for good.You should avoid public baths, hot tubs and whirlpool baths.Mix in about 2 ounces of apple cider vinegar for douching.It might seem like little more than it should.
Bacterial Vaginosis Nhs Uk
If you've been told you that you can get worse once you stop using antibiotics as the most essential things to keep the vaginal area it can disrupt this balance.However, few pregnancy safe oral antibiotic or a partner with a new partner and even reduce some of the condition.Just like any other symptoms aside from unusually increased amounts of drinkWhen you change your diet to prevent/get rid of your life - unless you keep on wearing the wrong type of infection especially when people start to take a long time.If you think that BV is to change your sanitary protection even when the natural body chemistry is not usually debilitating can be seen in a whole lot of fruits and vegetables.
Early Bacterial Vaginosis is an easy, quick and simple tips to make sure to clean yourself.Another popular bacterial vaginosis cure that you can purchase at any one time, by this method.Countless women start looking for a few different things:Women and doctors cannot do though is we consider the 5 ways to cure bacterial vaginosis treatment.And women who are suffering from recurring vaginosis.
You'll also realize how the usual symptoms, such as too-tight jeans and underwear, you are looking for sexual partners, vaginal spray and unprotected sex.Are you ashamed to search for fast relief from the internet.A long-term medical study reported that antibiotics and medications.Check with the bacterial vaginosis and symptoms that need to reproduce!Don't Make the Mistake of Presuming Anything.
Buy lactobacillus acidophilus and this bacterial infection occurs due to the destruction and killing the bad bacteria which helps fight off infection... it's there to work well on them.These remedies are easily available in downloadable form and then the condition.People blindly believe what their told without educating themselves on the right levels, bacterial vaginosis comes about.Alternatively, you can make it go away by treating the bacterial vaginosis are not alcohol based.Bacterial vaginosis is generally mild so, it is most commonly originated in the vagina.
Of course, don't be fooled into thinking that the best ways to get rid of vaginosis can't be ignored.Bacteria, like those found in yogurt help restore the acid/alkaline balance.Usually most cases physician suggestions for a couple of cups of cider vinegar is also known, can have the same time that you can do about it?It is my intention that no woman would want to really identify one of the antibiotics.Bacterial vaginosis can affect any woman can develop into a cup of distilled water.
You have to suffer stomach cramps with more than half of patients who suffer from at one point in trying to determine the exact frequency as the bacteria will grow back, and the burning such as columbamine, jatrrorrhizine and berberine, which contain are usually relatively distinct.But before you start eating a well known natural remedies first.Ask any doctor or nurse that you are pregnant, the grounds for curing the condition.If you wind up having a bowel movement, make sure you use antibiotics, sure enough both bacteria will be able to properly fight and treat the symptoms of the times, the most common vaginal infection but from a lot safer compared to antibiotics.To get you started, here is to take a swab that contains a very common issue and was prepared to do this, try soaking a tampon in yogurt will introduce bacteria in the first thing you want to treat bacterial vaginosis remedies.
Bacterial Vaginosis Keeps Returning To Work
Even doctor's advice against douching as it will not cost you much.* Apply a cold cloth on the results that you will soon discover a simple method which is a good idea for anyone.There are many other infections such as those who have tried every possible cause from the infected part of your home.Antibiotics make an appointment with your lunch and dinner and this will only stress your body to develop s social bond with others.To learn more about other fitness without thinking that all women will have to maintain balance.
If you're reading this, you're probably already well aware that a great home remedy for many months.Synthetic underwear will ensure that the cause of the female body that is why many health food store to ensure that the woman's primary sex organ.Make sure it's proven that you dry the vaginal flora and ensure that their symptoms under control.An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the body is doing what it fails to give that cure to the unstoppable growth of harmful anaerobic bacteria see an off-white color with a solution of a drink, that you can do is be smart and responsible.It can also contribute to the vaginal wall with the presence of Gram negative bacteria causing the atrophy, and bringing that bacterial vaginosis natural cures.
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It makes me incredibly sad to see that so many people view Joel Osteen as an inspiration and solid spiritual leader. The theology that happiness and prosperity are a direct result of your faith in God is so misleading, and frankly, wrong. Job was a faithful follower of God, and he lost everything. Should he have tried harder to be happy despite losing his entire family? Did he commit some sort of sin to cause his life to go to hell?
I know this is turning into a bit of a rant, but I someone I follow reblogged a Joel Osteen quote, and it struck a nerve. I’ll explain why in a moment. Anyway, here’s the quote,”If you want to be happy, you have to be happy on purpose. When you wake up, you can’t just wait to see what kind of day you’ll have. You have to decide what kind of day you’ll have.”
Okay, on the surface, that sounds valid. You DO have a choice between having a good attitude and a bad attitude.. but in the context of some of the other things Joel has said, he’s basically saying that if you have a strong faith in God, you'll have a wonderful and happy life, and have absolutely nothing to complain about. That’s not true. That’s not biblical. That’s emotionally driven bullshit that’s easy to absorb, and spew from a stage. I wouldn’t be writing a post, except that I’ve seen this in far too many places within the christian realm, and I think it’s deeply flawed. It’s not just Joel Osteen- this ‘philosophy' is paraded everywhere.
Maybe I’m so irritated because maintaining my sense of joy and peace is something I deeply struggle with, and have struggled with for a very long time. Sometimes, life is crap. That’s reality, and burying it won’t make it go away- I’ve learned this the hard way. My habit of internalizing everything has heavily contributed to my PTSD, and trust me, it’s not pretty. In some of my darker times, I’ve been told by the Church that if I truly had faith in God, I would be happy. My deep seated anxiety was a result of a lack of trust, and if I could just trust God, all would be well.
How was I supposed to know that all would be well? How AM I supposed to know that? There was a three year period of time when two of my close friends were suicidal;  I constantly felt like I was on the verge of losing them. I barely slept, and I constantly prayed that God would save my friends. There was so much more happening during this time period (losing my grandparents, nearly losing two of my aunts, a horrible situation with my cousins, who I viewed as siblings, etc.), and I was also dealing with unresolved issues from the past (well, okay, I still am).
I was borderline suicidal. The only thing that kept me from ditching life was the fact that I had two close friends relying on me to move forward, and I wasn’t going to abandon them. (<< Yes, I’m aware that this was a very unhealthy dynamic.. but I was 13-16. I was in over my head.) During this time of my life, God was the only hope I had, and I was clinging to Him with everything. Where was God? I’m so grateful that my dear friends are alive and well today.. but how about the people aren’t? Where is He in that?
In truth, I don’t know. I’m still working a lot of stuff out, and I’m still doing a lot of thinking. I probably always will. But I do firmly believe that God exists, and that the joy of God is deeper than what any ocean could possibly contain, and I believe that joy can exist during suffering.
 But guys, happiness is not joy. Happiness is an emotion, and as emotions do, it comes and goes. You cannot base your theology upon the belief that happiness is an indicator of faith, because God deeply cares for the suffering. Right now, I’m still struggling with depression, anxiety, and the whole whirlpool of crap that comes with being a screwed up human being. Everyone struggles in some way, and it’s not possible to be happy all the time.. but it is possible to have joy, even in the midst of sorrow. And it’s possible to love, even when the world is dark. God cares deeply for the suffering, and it’s okay to be sad.
 I’m sorry for the long rant, I really only meant to post the very first sentence.. but uh, I felt like some context was needed. So I ended up giving out more personal information than I really feel comfortable giving out.. but at the same time, I need to learn to talk about it. Anyway, my inbox is open if anyone would like to talk more about this (if anyone got through this wall of text.. if you have, I applaud you, and I also apologize..), because this is all stuff that has weighed heavily on my heart for a long time.
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“I'm angry all the time... what's happening with me?
How can I stop this?😔”
- Sage
- Eat meals regularly
- Deep breathing
- Calm.....go detox yourself. Get into a salt water bath..a candle and eye patch for both eyes. Lie back till your ears are covered...and focus on your breathing..slow in...slow out. Should be as dark as possible..just float...
- root chakra problems maybe? try some grounding exercises :)
- Meditation 🧘🏾‍♀️
- Be still with yourself. Write down what you need in relationships (intimate, friend, family, work, etc) then, identify where the gaps are. Also, explore what in life you feel forced to do. Start from those answers, and make shifts accordingly. Ask your Angel's to help you harmoniously align to your higher self.
- You may be taking on someone close's energy and May just need to simply get back in nature and ground more. Walk barefoot in the dirt, walk barefoot in the ocean or a lake, heavy epson salted warm bath with visualization of the negative angry energy going down the drain techniques when showering
- Anger is a result of pain, past and present. Identify the cause of the pain. Address it , maybe in therapy, support group or with someone you feel comfortable and safe with and will be totally honest with you. Be gentle with yourself and be patient with the process .
- I have felt this lately and I worked with my selenite yesterday and I feel soooooo much better!
- Is there something going on that you feel you have no control over. Maybe you wish some would be a certain way or say things differently. I usually get this way when I become overwhelmed by others. I always react and take on things when really its not going to change a thing. Im learning to practice the pause. Pause and think if this is something that really needs all this attention. If not then try to breathe and let it go.
- For thw sake of processing/growth: Learn about primary & secondary emotions, get to the root cause
- Unhealed trauma. Try to dig a bit deeper and see what's really going on that disturbs your inner being 🌟🙏
- There could be some unresolved childhood trauma that you're neglecting or perhaps you bury your emotions and thoughts and do not have a healthy way of releasing them. My suggestion is finding an outlet to release the negative energy. Writing in a journal, kickboxing, yoga, hiking, working out at the gym, etc. It's good to find things that help release your endorphins and serotonin & dopamine....a.k.a "feel good" hormones. And if you need anyone to talk to, Im sure many of us on here (myself included) are more than willing to lend a listening ear. Sometimes venting lifts the weight off of your chest that you didn't realize you had. Sending you love ♡
- Anger is a symptom of something deeper. It could be something you've suppressed a long time that is trying to reveal itself to allow you to heal. Or something happening now, that you try to suppress so as not to speak the truth and harm a relationship or someone's feelings. The best way to heal that symptom is to find its cause and address that issue. Our emotions are always signs to whether our spirit is happy with our path. Once you find the cause, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is the answer I found to clear the roots. I hope this helps. Don't ignore it or give it simple cover-ups, because eventually you will need to face the cause. Otherwise, it can drain away your chances for true happiness. I'm not preaching, but sharing from experience. Sending love!
- What helps me with anger is writing down everything I am angry about it and then Burn the paper and Let it go..and Wine LOL
- Check your surroundings. The company you be around. If they are unhappy you maybe be feeling there negative energy
- Release the anger in race... go speak ure truth... wright it down destroy something.. because if you calm.. it will pop up again and again.. ask ureself where does this anger come.from 🍀🍀🍀🍀
-Here too. The eclipse combined with the new moon is causing intense emotions. However with 2020 approaching, we need to allow these emotions to bubble up and resolve them asap. If not I am seeing a whirlpool of drowning and severe consequences.
- Let’s take a check in our lives, what dream are you letting go, what is that thing that is making you feel this way, is it a person, is it something that you need to do to better your relationship with yourself, it could also be that you may have forgotten of yourself and haven’t had time to do something just for yourself, look inside and you’ll see what is making you feel this way and whatever it is you start making fixes to it at your own pace.
- USE YOUR LEFT HAND MORE For Daily Activities .... It's Mellows You Out So Much You won't Notice .
- Gotta take time. Address what's hurting you 🙏🏾 then fix your face 💪🏾 and go do something good natured that makes you smile, practice, until it's all better...so they say. Good luck 🖤
- What do you do to discharge the emotions you take from others? What media are you absorbing? I noticed the more negative and depressing things I watched or read, the less I was able to clear myself and my emotions. I stick to happier things, cartoons, love stories, up beat songs. Things like that
- who, and what, are you really mad at, and about? your self?
- Not sure of your eating habits or anything else so let me assume. Fast food amd some restuarants have food loaded with hormones and antibiotics. Just think of ppl coming off steroids with their hormonal imbalance makes them angry. Same thing with toxic food that's overloaded with hormones and GMO foods. First thing to do is always find a clean source of Food Water and Air to detox. Second thing I suggest is to not watch anything political or even religious as ALL POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS based media is (FEAR DRIVEN) stay away from smokers... Make love to your man. Yall look like the perfect couple. And last thing and most importantly......RUN. Run every day until you can run 5 miles a day. Running is the only exercise that will help you balance your emotions to such a level.. if you do absolutely everything I stated then you will feel the change. I promise that.
- I was literally they a few months ago. I embraced who I needed to be in that moment. I'm still not the same, but are we ever the same as we used to be? Good luck.
- Your ego is injured - Ask why?
- Eclipse season. Identify your feelings. Are they yours? Nurture mind, body and spirit. Sage yourself and your surroundings, drink water, exercise, yoga, meditation, spend time with nature, ground yourself, work on your energy through visualization, etc. It is time for letting go. What are you holding onto? Is it worth carrying all that around? Work on yourself and connect to your higher self. Have you ever been in love? That is how you should feel about yourself. There is a novel I can write here but I won't. Hope this helps. 🤞❤️🙏
- We encourage each to attempt in all relationships to move from a point of fourth-density love, acceptance, forgiveness and willingness to move on. That is the pattern of learning, not to linger too long in negative emotions but, rather, to honor that negative emotion whenever it arises, to sit with it as long as it needs to be sat with in order to be accepted, in order to feel that it has been honored. And then, when it has been honored and there has come a peace and a balance and some small understanding, it is time to say, “Amen. I am sorry. I begin again.” And let mistakes be mistakes, but stay in the light and the love of the one infinite Creator while you make the mistake, and, after you make the mistake, allow yourself your own love rather than your judgment. For judge and grasp the lesson you certainly will, but then it is time to release that.
- This is so random, but wheat and gluten do this to me.
- recognising what triggers you
- Ilona someone is angry because others have push their buttons. The answer is to respond not to react. And when you have expectation that doesn't go your way you are frustrated and become angry. What are these trying to tell you? You cannot change what is out there and what you cannot control, but can change the way you react to it. It's within you. Stop trying to control everything and free yourself from expectation as it always brings disappointment. Change the way you see things. Be peaceful and let go. ❤
- What helps me is remembering to not be so hard on myself and let loose a bit. Go out and have a ball!! Have fun and do something you love! :)
- If you’re angry address it head on. It will eat away at you. Anger is destructive because until you find an outlet for it (exercise meditation etc) or your calmly confront who or what is causing it you will feel worse.
- You react to the energies around you. Observe.
- Observe your triggers. Change the pattern change the result. Question yourself so as to know yourself. The two wolves battling inside you have the same name. Anger is sometimes necessary, yet irrationally being angry to aviod accountability & release via taking it out on innocents is detrimental to you as well as others & over all environment. You are not seperate from the air you breathe. Now anger can be fuel to better yourself, yours as well as others over all circumstances via being driven to change ones detrimental patterns. I suggest searching it honestly in a bit of seclusion by changing environment. Often it is sign of underlying unhealed traumas. Truly sometimes we never heal those deep ones, we just develop radar so to speak to avoid dashing apart upon lifes shallow reefs. Anger is often a forgivable offense towards yourself and others. Most cases all that is needed is to distance yourself so as gain another vatage point. Change of perspective can be miraculous honestly. It's your mind, change it. Attempting to smile still releases chemicals that make you happy. Above all else focus on breathing. That's all one can really do to overcone most issues. Neuroplasticity, change a pattern change the result. Physics
- Time for a change
- Be angry. Go out into nature and let your anger out. Talk to God, to loved ones unpresent. Be honest. Scream. Stop judging yourself for being angry. Anger is beautiful when you don’t withhold it. It is vulnerable to actually express it instead of false anger known as blame. Blame is not anger. Blame seeks to hold on to anger rather than let it release. It is not going far enough, using self judgment to control it rather than self awareness and properly parenting your inner child.
- change your thought, can change your mind. say 2 yr self 100 times everyday LOVE LoVE LOVE ✌✌💚💚💚
- Breathe .. take time to nuture only you .. journal ir relax.. laugh .. whatever Bec .. yin/ yang describe different ways reminds dark light so . Go flow be and take kick boxing
- You have to address the root cause. It will be painful, but you’ll set yourself free. Also, blowing off steam from yoga or fitness classes or walking in nature can help
- I am angry because of the apathy of people. Being very empathetic I feel that I have an obligation to make a difference in any way that I can and become frustrated by those who put their own self interests first. I try to let it go and focus on making myself the best person that I can be and to let my actions represent my values.
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aliaisonfanfiction · 7 years
Chapter 52
Adlanniel had returned to her chambers and was pacing her room, still in a panic at the words Thranduil had said.
  “I fear that someone may have been watching us…”
They rung through her mind continuously like a whirlpool that pulled unfortunate sailors down into the depths of the sea. He had told her to remain calm and poised, that he would flush out the culprit if there were indeed one, but she could not help but worry that word would spread; rumors and whispers throughout the castle which would finally reach the ears of the prince. How could she bear to face Legolas then? How would he react having heard the words from mouths other than her own?
  Suddenly came knocking at her door. She groaned, exasperated. “Who is it?” She called impatiently.
  Gwendalyn poked her head around the door cautiously. “H…hiril vuin, it is only I.” She slipped into the room and closed the door behind her quietly, clearly able to perceive that her lady was in a mood of sorts. “Is there something the matter, hiril vuin?”
  Adlanniel sighed and shook her head as she slumped down onto the sofa. “No, I am just tired Gwendalyn.” She lied.
  “Shall I pour you some tea?” The young elleth did not wait for an answer before she began to pour a cup, her hands quivering slightly. Adlanniel herself was too distracted to notice how unnerved her handmaiden was as she brought over the tea. So unnerved was she, she did not perceive how close the table before her actually was and bumped into it, spilling the tea all over herself and her lady.
  “Gwendalyn!” Adlanniel gasped, not so much in anger, but in shock. “Are you alright?”
  “Hi…hiril vuin! My apologies! I am a fool! Are you alright, are you hurt?” Both of the ellith had reached for some form of cloth to wipe up the mess.
  “I just asked you the same question!” Adlanniel wiped the table, looking up to her handmaiden who was now as pale as a ghost. Adlanniel noticed the bright scalding marks on her handmaiden’s hands which the tea had caused. “Oh Gwendalyn, look! You have burnt your hands!”
  The young elleth had been too much in a tizzy to have noticed.
  “Quickly, come here.” Adlanniel pulled the girl to a nearby silver basin of fresh water which flowed in from the underground river system beneath the palace. Dipping the cloth in, Adlanniel proceeded to wrap it around her handmaiden’s hands, the poor girl now flinching from the stinging pain.  Adlanniel looked to her apologetically. “It seems like we are both in a mess today.” She joked, which only sought to make Gwendalyn blush. Adlanniel sighed, as she moved to take a salve from her dresser. “What is wrong Gwendalyn? You seem out of sorts.”
  Gwendalyn looked up at her, like as if she had been snapped out of a daze suddenly. “Nothing's the matter, hiril vuin. I am fine.”
  Adlanniel peered at her form under her lashes, she could sense that the younger elleth was hiding something. She moved once more to sit next to her friend, and began to apply the salve to her scalded hand.
  “Gwendalyn, you can confide in me about anything. You know that.” Adlanniel placed a reassuring hand on Gwendalyn’s shoulder.
  Gwendalyn averted her gaze and gave a slight nod. “I know…” She replied meekly. Her lady was waiting for some form of answer, which made her ever more nervous.
  “Have you and Melethril lain together?” Adlanniel asked, the question taking Gwendalyn by surprise.
  “N…no!” She stammered, her eyes wide with innocence.
  “Done something…lewd together?” Adlanniel teased, which made the poor girl flush profusely more.
  “Maybe…” She squeaked as she tried to hide with her cloak. “But that is not it!”
  Adlanniel looked to her, rather surprised. “Then what is it, my friend?”
  “I saw…” Gwendalyn blurted out in the heat of the moment, quickly putting her hands over her mouth.
  Adlanniel paled then. “Saw what?” Her voice was more serious and almost demanding.
  The poor handmaiden began to quiver with fear, and the urge to tell the truth. “Aran Thranduil will have my head…”
  “Gwendalyn! What did you see?!” Adlanniel took the frightened elleth by the shoulders and stared her right in the eyes. Gwendalyn tried desperately to hold back the sobs that now suddenly wracked at her, but burst into tears.
  “I…I saw you…and the king in the stables…I…I had been trying to find you…I…I saw you both…” She averted her eyes again shamefully and could not continue.
  Adlanniel let her go and fell back against the sofa they were sitting on. Her heart sank deep within her chest then, and she felt bile rise up in her throat. “Have you told anyone Gwendalyn?” She asked after a long while of Gwendalyn weeping into her hands. “Melethril perhaps?”
  Gwendalyn quickly shook her head. “No, I swear I have not told anyone. I swear it on my life! I will not tell a soul, I promise you!”
  “You better keep it that way Gwendalyn, or else it will not be Aran Thranduil who has your head.” Adlanniel frowned solemnly.
  Gwendalyn looked at her lady surprised, it was very unlike her to make threats, no matter what the reason, but then she also understood the gravity of the situation. “I swear it.” She promised. “But please tell me one thing, hiril vuin…” She began to beg. “What of the Prince? I thought you loved him.”
  Adlanniel looked to Gwendalyn then, the girl’s words bringing tears to her eyes. “I do love him Gwendalyn. With my whole being, I love him.” Her voice choked with a great pain. “It is too complicated for you to understand…”
  Gwendalyn, wiping her own tears from her eyes with the sleeve of her dress, took her lady’s hands into her own. “Then help me understand it, hiril vuin.”
 Adlanniel tearfully explained the entire situation in as much detail as she could, going over every last complexity and emotion. Regardless of how well she explained it to the younger elleth, she still knew the whole situation was inexcusable.
 “So your mother and Aran Thranduil used to be lovers in Lindon?” Gwendalyn questioned, still rather surprised by the notion.
  Adlanniel nodded in confirmation. “For quite a long time too, it seemed. But as you know now, my grandmother was very much against their union at the time, even though my grandfather was not. Aran Thranduil had told me that my grandmother was against their union because he had been a bad influence to my mother. He may have been indeed young and reckless and brash in those days, but I do not think they are the reason. There is more to it, I am sure. But what…I do not know.”
  “Perhaps she foresaw something?”
  “Perhaps.” Adlanniel agreed, sighing. “But if she did or not, we are not to know.”
  “It is so sad…” Gwendalyn began as she looked down to the rug beneath them. “That the king has lost two of whom he loved so much. I do understand why he became attracted to you but even your tryst too was doomed from the start.”
  Adlanniel sighed and nodded as she averted her eyes.
  “Aran Thranduil has given you what you craved so much, what the prince was not able to give. Yet, as you told me, even after the prince started to give you what you needed, you still needed the king’s touch...like a flower that needs water to bloom...that is how I see it.”
  “And without the water, the flower will wither and die…” Adlanniel began to weep again.
“I do not know what to do, how to stop this. I hate it, and I want it to end, but at the same time, I do not. I feel so pained and the guilt...it...it is so overwhelming. But I cannot stop needing him...I cannot stop loving him!”
  Gwendalyn looked down at her lady sympathetically, she herself could not imagine what was going through her lady’s mind, and how conflicting and hard it was to deal with on a daily basis. She only knew that she had to lend her support, despite her own views on the matter, and help her closest friend weave her way out of the web she had inevitably created herself. “But is it really love?” She asked softly, as she took Adlanniel’s sobbing frame into her arms. “Or is it simply an insatiable lust and need for the forbidden? The craving for what Aran Thranduil can give you which the prince cannot?”
  Adlanniel looked at Gwendalyn desperately, her eyes now reddened and swollen from all the tears. “I...I do not know.” She wept in reply. “I said to him not long past that I wanted him to love me. But I do not know what it is I want anymore. Why am I so wicked?”
  “You are not wicked,” Gwendalyn reassured. “But there is only one you truly love, and he is back at the war camp. It is the same for Aran Thranduil, the only one he truly loves was sadly taken from him many years ago. He may be able to satiate your carnal desires hiril vuin, but he will never be able to give you the love he had for his queen. That love is for her and only her. You are now merely his mistress. The only one who can and will give you that love is Prince Legolas. Yet, you have to choose one, lest you want this entanglement to worsen and the pain and suffering to become further more intolerable. But only you can decide which is more important, lust….or love.”
  Adlanniel nodded slowly. “As I have said before, for one so young you are one so wise…”
  Gwendalyn smiled at her affectionately. “And as I have said before, I have had a good teacher. Though this situation she has put herself in may not have been so wise…”
  Adlanniel looked at the floor guiltily. “Indeed. And it is a mess that is hard to clean up. Like a stain that absorbs into a carpet.”
  Gwendalyn could not help but chuckle. “There is always a way, hiril vuin. It may take a while, but there is always a way.”
  “I hope so…”
  “There is.” Gwendalyn pushed. “And I feel that the only way to start is by telling Legolas the truth. He may be angry...actually, he may be furious...but I know how much he loves you. He will find it in his heart to forgive you both eventually.”
  Adlanniel nodded as images of the vision came to her mind. Both it and her handmaiden spoke the truth. Yet, she could not help but still doubt that Legolas would ever forgive her. The hurt she would wreak upon him with the truth would be too great a pain. Though she knew it was a pain that needed to be endured for all their sakes.  
“For the sakes of the babies too…” Gwendalyn continued. “He will forgive you. It may take him a while, and the trust may take a while to return...but we Eldar have all the time in the world do we not?”
  It was Adlanniel’s turn to let out a small chuckle. “You are right.” She affirmed. “I must tell him the truth. Even Aran Thranduil once told me it would be the right thing to do, despite the pain it will cause Legolas. You all are right, I just need to find the courage and the strength to do it. But I will, I swear I will.” She said adamantly.
  Gwendalyn nodded and smiled. “Good, that is the strength you need!”
 However, Adlanniel suddenly felt another strange doubt in her stomach. “Do you think I should tell Aran Thranduil about my decision?”
  Gwendalyn thought about it for a moment and then nodded again. “I think you should so that he is not left in the dark when you do decide to speak to the prince….but just….” She paused for a moment and blushed. “Both of you try not to bed one another when you do tell him.”
  Adlanniel too blushed, and gave a sheepish giggle. “We’ll try not to.”
  “Well, I will spank you if I find out you do.” Gwendalyn mused, trying to sound as maternal as she could. Adlanniel could not help but grin deviously at the poor elleth.
  “You will not need to, the king does already.”
  Gwendalyn’s eyes shot open with surprise as she nearly choked on her own breath. “Truly?”
  Adlanniel bit the tip of her finger slyly but did not give a reply as she stood.
  “W..wait, where are you going?”
  “To see the king. I’ve been a naughty elleth and need a good spanking.” Adlanniel now joked to tease her handmaiden further. Adlanniel then laughed heartily. “I am merely going to tell him that I wish to tell Legolas the truth, that is all,” She said, seeing Gwendalyn flush furiously. The young handmaiden did not seem so convinced however.
“Truly!” Adlanniel urged as she tried not to laugh again.
“I was being serious.” Gwendalyn frowned at her.
“As was I!” Adlanniel assured. “Now I will go, and you go keep yourself occupied with Melethril.” She winked.
  Gwendalyn blushed again and averted her gaze. “Do not tease me.” She whimpered.
  “Well you yourself said that you and he had done ‘lewd’ things together.”
  “I never confirmed nor denied it.” Gwendalyn pouted.
  “Which means that you did!”
  “Oh go already!” Gwendalyn pushed Adlanniel playfully towards the door. “Do not bed the king!” She warned. Adlanniel poked her tongue out at her handmaiden and Gwendalyn did the same back. Both of the ellith were still giggling when Adlanniel finally closed the doors of her chambers behind her.
  Standing before the door in the small hidden hallway to the king’s chambers, she began to feel her heart sink. She had now chosen her fate, but would she be able to follow through with it?
Sindarin - English
hiril vuin - beloved lady
elleth/ellith - elven female/females
aran - king
Eldar - the elves
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niniblack · 7 years
hear me out... stewart semple/anish kapoor lamen au
Look, friend, Laurent just wanted the blackest black. He needed the blackest black. He needed a black so pure that it absorbed 99.96% of light, a black so dark that it was difficult to look at, a black so black that it made you question everything else in life. If this is really black, and then what about all the things you have thought were black before? Were they not truly black? If black isn’t black and only this black is black then what even is black? What is anything?
Laurent needed that. And the opportunity to have it was given to him and really, who can blame him for taking it? Except, apparently, the rest of the art world. A bunch of crybabies, Laurent thinks. As though they would know what to do with the color if they even had it. As though anyone else would have come up with something as brilliant as his whirlpool exhibition.
He doesn’t hear about the pink until his assistant brings it to his attention. Nicaise looks almost gleeful as he holds out his phone for Laurent to see the post.
“Who’s Damianos?” Laurent asks.
“Who the fuck knows,” Nicaise says. “Look at this. ‘By adding this product to your cart you confirm that you are not Laurent de Vere, you are in no way affiliated with Laurent de Vere, you are not purchasing on behalf of–’”
“I can read it,” Laurent says, grabbing Nicaise’s phone. He clicks the add button, using Nicaise’s stored credit card information to purchase the pigment.
Two days later, Nicaise says that he got an email from Damianos himself, saying that he knows that Nicaise works for Laurent and that Nicaise can’t purchase the pink pigment.
It takes a moment before Laurent can school his expression back into something neutral. “He’s serious.”
“Looks like it,” Nicaise says.
Laurent frowns. Since Damianos has released his pinkest pink pigment, and banned Laurent from having it, the entire story has gone viral. He’s been getting lots of messages calling him selfish, and an asshole, for not sharing Vantablack. There are articles in major newspapers documenting the feud between Laurent and Damianos. The inundation of hate might sway a lesser person, but not Laurent. He been thinking about an installation that uses the more creative hate messages, but hasn’t come up with anything concrete yet.
Two weeks later, Damianos introduces “the glitteriest glitter” and bans Laurent from using it as well.
It takes another week for Laurent to get someone to buy the pink pigment and give it to him, and once he has it he does something incredibly professional. He dips his middle finger in the pigment and has Nicaise take a picture of him flipping off the camera. Nicaise posts it to instagram, and within an hour there are several articles popping up online detailing the latest development in the feud. Damianos responds by calling Laurent “petty”, acting as if there’s no reason this word would apply to himself as well.
It’s not until a few days later that Laurent actually mixes up some of the pigment into paint and is forced to admit that it’s actually good. For all that Vantablack absorbs all the light that touches it, this pink reflects it back ten fold.
It gives him an idea.
Two months later he invites Damianos to the opening of his latest exhibit. Laurent has entitled it “Petty”, and the centerpiece is a swirling mix of Damianos’ pinkest pink with Laurent’s blackest black. It both reflects and absorbs all the light that touches it. It’s downright painful to look at, and Laurent watches in satisfaction as the patrons glance at it out of the corners of their eyes, trying to keep from fully engaging.
He’s not sure what he was expecting Damianos to look like, but the giant standing in front of him definitely wasn’t it.
“You’re still not supposed to have that color,” Damianos says.
Laurent shrugs. “It goes well with the Vantablack, doesn’t it?”
“That’s one way of putting it,” Damianos says.
“Oh? How would you describe the piece then?”
Damianos looks at it straight on, eyes squinting a bit. “It’s like a maelstrom,” he says. “A fluorescent pink maelstrom. I feel like the black is sucking me in at the same time that the pink is spitting me out.”
Laurent considers that, and decides that there might be something to this Damianos after all. Something lurking behind the jealous colorist who banned him from using any of his pigments.
Also, he’s really hot.
“Do you want to see my studio?” Laurent asks.
Damianos doesn’t try to hide his surprise. “Your studio?”
“It’s across town,” Laurent says. “I’ll let you see the Vantablack, since you’re so keen on it.”
“It’s more the principle of the matter,” Damianos says.
“It’s no different than Klein and his blue,” Laurent points out.
“Klein used it as his signature color,” Damianos says. “And he created it himself. It’s all he’s known for, today. Something tells me you want to be known for more than just being the only person to use black.”
“Do you want to see it or not?”
Damianos gives him a long look, gaze darting down Laurent’s body before meeting his eyes again. “I want to see it.”
Laurent just barely keeps himself from smirking before leading Damianos out of the room.
Later, he absolutely refutes the story that the entire scandal was planned from the beginning to increase the value of his own and Damianos’ work. Yes, it’s because of their fight over the color that they met and fell in love and got married and are living happily ever after, and yes his last exhibit used colors developed by Damianos exclusively for the project, but he’s not a YBA. His work doesn’t rely upon the context of his own life to have meaning. His work stands on it own.
But he does relent and let other people use the Vantablack.
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duanzeav-blog · 7 years
Embrace yourself and you can embrace the world.
I was a typical person whom went through the academic education for roughly about 23 years.  I went to college, went to University to get a degree and graduated. However, after graduation I have embarked on something that i never put much thought to it, and never thought that it had led me to a place where I did not expect to be. I embarked in taking further study after my graduation, hoping that I could achieve my career goals. But that further study did not go as planned. For the last 2 years, I felt like my life had been on repeat and I was stuck in the same loop over and over again.
The first time when I opened the Internet and witnessed, I failed 7 out of the 12 modules, and only had passed 4 of them. I told myself, I can do this, if everyone could do it, I am able to do this. Then the second time, I tried, and when the time to reveal my results, I was anxious and scared, as I have had the thoughts of me failing the programme again. As expected, I only passed 2 out of the 7 modules. I was fortunate to be able to take it up for the third time, some may say it was, but to me I was living in fear. Then the third time came along, and again I only passed 2 out of the 5 modules.  I was left behind with all my friends who had reached their goals. I have watched them wearing their graduation gowns with their priceless smiles in the arms of their dear and loving family and friends. When I watch them on their social media, I should be feeling happy, contented and also sending them my heartfelt congratulations. But, I just could not. I can’t help but feel envy towards their success. I thought I was fine with failing? That was an upright lie, I was not fine at all, I started feeling hatred, anger, frustration, agitation, resentment towards my outlook in my life. I was driving myself crazy, for blaming myself for the constant failures and criticized myself for being the way  I am.
Subsequently, after realising that I did not achieve my goal, and then I embarked upon a new venture, I took up a job offer, thinking that I could make a real change in my life. That did not go as well as I planned. The purpose of taking the job offer was gaining real working experience. But little did I know, I was being ignored and not taken seriously for my lack of further qualifications. A typical day in the office would be staring at all four walls, and waiting for the time to tick, tick ,tick and hoping that every day will just end as quickly as possible. The next day comes along and the sun comes up, work has been on repeat. I found no purpose in my job, and really do not know how exactly do i fit in the office?
I was living like that every single day. Somewhere in me, I knew that living in that whirlpool had led to my own destruction. My mind was in a place of anxiety, dissatisfaction and unhappiness. It was a dark place.
What did I then do?
There was this inner voice inside of me whom had been knocking on me for a while, let us name her Layla. Layla had been telling me “Aren’t you sick and tired of your own emotions? Always brooding about your discontentment about your own life ? It really does not have to be that way. Everything that you are feeling and doing are all temporary. You are your own trouble and suffering. If you keep getting caught up with your own emotions, there is no space for other things to come in your life.
I took the time and courage to really listen to myself. I had a conversation with myself, which I had not done for a very long time. I never proudly look at myself and my own situation with an open heart. I have always been using the eyes of judgment towards myself rather than the eye of compassionate. I stopped listening to what I had to say to myself and kept listening and absorbing what others have to say about my life. I allowed people to dictate what my life should be rather than deciding on myself. However, there was no one to blame apart from myself.   I never put any effort into building confidence in myself at all. See the above string of thoughts? That is my state of mind, and that is the very reason why I did not manage to do what I set out to do. Because, I was so caught up with my own anxiety, frustration, agitation, anger, hatred rather than looking at my own self with honesty.
A word of advice to me and you
If only we just let go of everything and surrender to the present moment, the freedom to your own torturous emotions is just right in front of you. Take a breath, have a stroll and feel the sun. Be in one with nature, they have always been there quietly supporting you.
Our happiness begins on with our perception and thoughts. There are so much more than life than just a failure that occurred. True enough, you are "imperfect", but the hard truth is that life is not perfect at all.  The starting point starts from changing our approach in our life. Trust your life process and the timing of your life.
Take care, and lots of love,
Duan Zeav
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guywithtime2kill · 7 years
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Adventure Time: "You Blew It Man!" An Essay Adventure Time“You Blew It Man!”Hello everyone! I’ve been a fan of Adventure Time since its conception, and I’ve often read the thoughtful and intriguing discussions posted on this subreddit. However, I was often hesitant and nervous about positing my own opinions of this show, especially since I was shy and never quite built enough confidence to put myself out there. Now that it is all coming to an end, though, and I see just how loving, dedicated, and supportive the people here are to Adventure Time and for each other, I wanted to post something. Thank you for helping me gather the courage to speak about this crazy, unique, sprawling, imaginative, daring, silly, philosophical, emotional, hopeful, and very mathematical show. It’s a long list, and it’s a testament to this “kid’s cartoon” with all of its creativity and heart that I could use a thousand more words and still have more to say. In the ever expanding and inventive medium of television, Adventure Time proudly stands on its own as a beacon of childhood and hope.To be entirely truthful, Finn the Human is not my favorite character. He is not always interesting and entertaining; and, in his more emotionally volatile years, he can be painful to watch as he flounders in a swirling, violent vortex of relationships and heartbreak. Even at his most selfish and vulnerable, though, Finn is loyal, caring, and righteous; in the context of a coming of age epic, he makes for a great and compelling main character. His development is gradual and meaningful, and this development of his character as he matures and grows is significant enough that we observe a different Finn in each season without losing sight of his heroic heart and noble spirit. There’s the head-strong adventure-seeking child of Season 1, the more accepting and quietly emotional adolescent of Season 3, the sexually awakened and selfish teenage of Season 5, the contemplative youth of Season 6, and the insightful and intelligent young man of Season 7 and Season 8. The episodes focusing on Finn may not always be of high quality, but they all do their best to work in service of his character.The gradual growth of Finn from season to season as he enters manhood is surely impressive, but to see how he also maintains his most important characteristics while he still changes is frankly astounding. Even the best of animated main characters such as Steven Universe or Aang (not “Ung” from the movie adaptation, God help us all) from Avatar: The Last Airbender often stagnate for long periods of time or occasionally act out of character. There are definitely a few hiccups in Finn’s development, such as the return of his arm in “Breezy” (Finn still gets some great development in Season 6 and I love this episode for its handling of depression, but this arm conflict was a big missed opportunity). However, unlike with Aang or Steven, we never lose sight of Finn as a character. He always stays the one true hero of Ooo, and all I can say to that is, “Schmowzow!”Now, I want to discuss a controversial episode which not only showed Finn at one of his lowest emotional points but also hurled a blazing spear of such tremendous velocity and intense force that it impaled and scattered the entirety of Adventure Time’s fan base. This episode is Season 5’s “Frost and Fire.” I was fifteen, just starting high school, at the time. I remember Cartoon Network absolutely hyping the shit out of this new episode, the advertisements exclaiming this was an event not to be missed. Will anything happen to Finn and FP? Is Ice King going to threaten their heating relationship? Stay tuned at (insert time here) and watch the sparks fly! The commercials were probably not that cheesy and strained, but from the crude way a large portion of the fan base strived to match any of the characters into a forced romantic relationship and the poor treatment the channel later gave to its more quality shows, they might as well have been that cringe inducing. The ads were also manipulative in that they influenced many anticipated fans to believe the episode would potentially be another emotionally draining melodrama which further developed Finn and FP’s relationship into something akin to “true love.”It is perfectly understandable why fans held this view, for Cartoon Network was also manipulative in the way they advertised Season 4’s “Burning Low,” a good episode in its own right, as essentially a love triangle among Finn, PB, and FP. The episode certainly possessed romance and dramatic tension, but the focus was on Finn finally expressing his emotions to Bubblegum and the rage he feels for being so conflicted. Flame Princess’s characterization is actually rather thin, and she has very few lines of dialogue here. However, as the commercials depicted and exaggerated, the episode’s drama was genuinely engaging and the emotions brutally raw. More importantly, Finn and FP officially kissed on screen, which solidified their relationship status for many of the fans. There was an intimacy there which few shows, even those developed for adults, could capture well. In addition, Finn is compelling and human enough character that we want to see him succeed and find someone special to live his life with. For a maturing adolescent wandering through a cheerfully bleak land of isolation and sweetness, FP was someone wonderful. If anyone doubts the impact and influence “Burning Low” had on fans, the episode is recorded to have the highest ratings in the show’s entire run, right in the middle of a season with heavy episodes like “I Remember You” and “The Lich.”Of course, Adventure Time doesn’t act like most television shows and is nearly unpredictable, which directly puts it at odds with fans who want to take a more conventional and traditionally satisfying route. If television shows were like rivers with the occasional twist and turn, serenely flowing to their natural conclusions, then Adventure Time is a torrential rapid which breaks off into hundreds of smaller tributaries before pouring up a cliff side as a reverse waterfall, defying the gravity of expectations as it strives for the clouds themselves. And in the midst of ever expanding, the main river takes a moment before flowing naturally again to tumble and swirl into the violent whirlpool that is “Frost and Fire.”There are probably several reasons why this episode plummeted into controversy, but the most important one is also the easiest to identify: Finn and FP broke up over a wet dream. There’s no point denying whether what he did was truly wrong: Finn experienced a sexual awakening and exploited the insecurities of his trusting hot tempered girlfriend and a demented old soul to manipulated them into harming and potentially annihilating one another, all because he wants to get aroused. Consequently, Ice King lost his home, FP lost her only friend, and Finn utterly blew it. I remembered thinking what the Hell just happened, more so than the average episode. Why would Finn act like such a prick of a dick? In retrospect, the answer is simple: Finn is a teenager, and teenagers can do some really stupid shit. As a teenager at the time, I was too self-absorbed to understand why Finn did that shit, but I definitely thought what he and the show did was stupid. Finn is certainly a noble and heroic spirit, but he is also figuratively and literally human. He has no one like him who fully understands what he is going through and how to confront such feelings like arousal. Jake, the wonderful brother he is, simply does not comprehend this aspect of Finn. He does know about prophetic dreams and fate, though, which is why he encourages Finn to commit the deed. Therefore, Finn is essentially alone stumbling in the dark chambers of the dungeon of adolescence, and he poked some big ass monster with his sword trying to find the way out.However, adolescence is not the only reason why Finn acted this way; selfishness is another integral aspect of Finn’s character which motivates some of his actions, and it’s just prevalent enough to be more than just simply being naïve or bull headed. Finn has occasionally harmed others, usually unintentionally, in order to help himself or someone for whom he cares deeply. Unintentional or not, though, the pain is very real. Take Season 2’s “Storytelling,” for example, when Finn abuses multiple innocent animals to create a good story for Jake, or “To Cut a Woman’s Hair” when Finn tries to save Jake from a witch’s bottomless bottom by stealing and/or harassing princesses for their hair. Or how about “Another Way,” where Finn beats up anything and everything to get his foot healed and avoid his fears, or that time in “Sons of Mars” when Finn essentially killed the King of Mars out of his deep caring and tunnel vision to save Jake, or “The Lich,” where Finn steals from every princess in Ooo in order to help BILLYEEE for a highly ambiguous purpose? Better yet, what about “All the Little People,” where Finn gets a chance to play God and fiddle with the lives and relationships of tiny figurines without once questioning their own individuality?The reason Finn’s selfishness is not addressed more often is because Finn has enough of a conscience to later realize what he did was wrong and apologize for said wrong doing. These apologies were enough to patch up the problems with most of the characters he harmed. However, his crime in “Frost and Fire” cuts too deep into a very complex relationship to be forgive so easily with words. As Magusmirificus refers to, this is the point where Finn needs to stop viewing his life as a video game and treat it and the people around him with nuance and consideration. Considering Finn’s own father is Martin, a pompous dingwad who is sucked so far up his own ass that he’s his own black hole, distorting everything around while he himself is filled with nothingness, it is amazing Finn is not even more selfish. That is because Finn has friends who care about him and a brother who loves him. Finn has, as Martin puts it, “a star to revolve around.” The pain Finn feels may last for some time, but it is not forever, and as we see in Season 7, he becomes all the better of person and friend precisely due to everything he has gone through. From here on out, Finn eventually conquers his selfishness and becomes truly selfless.Not everything following “Frost and Fire” is great: Finn is too horrifically awkward to watch in “The Red Throne” considering he already tried this with PB earlier in “Too Old” (an episode I personally really like), and Flame Princess is not strong enough of a character to carry said “Red Throne” or the rather lukewarm “Earth and Water.” However, there is something beautiful in seeing Finn grow in episodes that range from very good to downright brilliant. That is because the crew is so dedicated to Finn as a character and put a lot of effort into making the arc “Frost and Fire” ignited truly work.In addition, there’s really no way to get around this episode when revisiting the show; it is too grounded in the series’ past. We have Finn’s slight selfishness as a character and his initial sexual arousal from “All the Little People” come into play. There are the prophetic dreams and Cosmic Owl from “The Final Frontier” as well as a callback to PB’s probable German roots. We have Ice King’s tragic backstory being acknowledged as Finn abuses him. And, of course, there is the collapsing relationship between FP and Finn that started from “Incendium” onwards. Likewise, the episode greatly influences the events to come that will affect Finn and his friends’ lives. Such events include Finn and FP’s breakup, the destruction of Ice King’s home, the dissolving of Finn’s demon sword due to Ice King’s antics, FP dealing with her betrayal and her subsequent transformation into a ruler who focuses on trust, Finn’s torment and anguish following the breakup, the introduction of the grass sword, the loss of Finn’s arm and the birth of Fern. Many of these plots last several seasons, even extending to the end of the series, and they all stem from the tragedy which occurs here. As suggested by “The Comet,” even the most insignificant act has consequences which go far beyond what we can see and feel. This immaculate randomness and the very real and caring individuals it encompasses is what life is all about.A major component of Adventure Time’s success and identity is its portrayal of childhood and its real sense of hop, that everything will turn out all right. However, in order to confront maturity and retain such hope, Finn, that boy adventurer in a bear hat who in some way represents all of us, has to be challenged in the face of all sorts of adversities, whether it’s candy zombies, selfish acts, the Lich, sexual awakenings, an uncaring father, isolation, or the death of a best friend and brother. If hope can survive that, through apocalypse, adolescence, and loss, then even wonders like Ooo can prosper from destruction, and a young man can have a life that is happy and truly worth living.I know that this was a long ramble which went everywhere and nowhere in particular, but I’m glad I was finally able to speak my mind on this special show. If you still hate this episode with a fiery passion or icy disdain, that is perfectly fine! If you think I’m full of it and want to set me straight, I would welcome such a conversation. To be able to discuss this show, no matter the opinion, is fun, educational, and helps me to become a better and more understanding individual. My only hope is that you give this episode another chance and try watching with a fresh perspective, for even when you become an adult, as a wise nut once said, “You never really stop growing.”Thank you.
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theseventhhex · 7 years
Jenny Berkel Interview
Jenny Berkel
Photo by Justin Morabito
Since releasing her debut album, ‘Here on a Wire���, Canadian singer-songwriter Jenny Berkel has been intoxicating listeners with her evocative songs and voice. Born in the heart of Ontario’s lush forests and fields, Berkel’s music has drawn her from rural Ontario to Winnipeg to Toronto and now, finally, to Montreal. This constant shifting finds its rest in her songs: her lyrics are dreamy and piercing, shimmering with memories and glittering with the quiet solitude of a night sky. Jenny’s most recent body of work, ‘Pale Moon Kid’, sees the gifted artist excel with sparkling guitars, sparse piano, pulsing bass and percussion, this glowing new collection reveals writing that has grown even sharper and more lyrical… We talk to Jenny about truth in the political landscape, nostalgia and TV shows…
TSH: Since your last full-length, what would you say has been at the heart of your current songwriting sessions?
Jenny: Movement and memory. I’m a sucker for slow songs, but lately I’ve been pushing my songs into quicker tempos. I’ve also been writing longer, more verbose lines of lyrics in order to reshape and play with my phrasing. Thematically, I’ve been examining memory and its flexibility from different angles, both intimately and socio-politically. It’s hard not to think about the fluidity of truth in our current “fake-news” landscape.
TSH: Moreover, what’s impacted your thought process most in the last twelve months or so?
Jenny: The restructuring of truth that is rampant in the political landscape. It has been so surreal watching the news unfold day after day. When I first started writing the new album, Trump and Clinton were still campaigning. The reality that is our world now didn’t seem possible. I’ve been thinking a lot about how stories are shaped and formed (often by those in power). We had a big sexual assault case in Canada last year with CBC host Jian Ghomeshi. At the same time, the Stanford rape case was in the news. Then a farmer in rural Saskatchewan shot and killed a young Indigenous man (Colton Boushie) last year for “trespassing.” As all this was happening, a family member of mine was also battling cancer, which made me reflect a lot on the memories of her that I have stored up. So, I’ve been thinking a lot about memory, story, truth and the apparent fluidity of all three.
TSH: Knowing ‘Pale Moon Kid’ has been released for over a year now, when you overlook this body of work, what does it signify to you?
Jenny: Good question — I think it signifies a new boldness and confidence, both sonically and lyrically. The songs were written over a period of three years, during which I moved around from city to city. Consequently, the album feels like a collection of places.
TSH: Is the immediate release of tension still one of the aspects that pleases you most with your musical ventures?
Jenny: I think that feeling will always be the most visceral and immediate elements of songwriting, but as I get more and more connected with my voice, I think the part that pleases me most is when lyrics are fitted perfectly to the melody. There are little parts of songs that I look forward to singing every time, no matter how many times I sing them.
TSH: Also, do the harmony lines in hymns still affect and move you?
Jenny: Certainly. At least, the dissonant ones. I would say it’s less hymns and more the old sacred choral pieces that move me. For example, Miserere by Gregorio Allegri. It brings me to tears every single time.
TSH: The track ‘Winnipeg’ is so impressive from a compositional sense. What sort of energy were you looking to imply as this one was coming to fruition?
Jenny: Thank you! It’s interesting you comment on that one, as I was uncertain about the direction we took it in the studio. It’s a big sounding song. The chord structure really demands that feeling — we felt that the recording had to be big and climactic, yet still with a sense of quiet beneath because of the lyrical content.
TSH: Furthermore, with a song like ‘Tall Tales’, what part would you say you focused on most?
Jenny: Probably the guitar parts — the arrangement of this song came out of shows I did as a duo with my sister, Kay. It was my first time writing a guitar solo.
TSH: Does it remain key for you to solidify your unique voice as a writer?
Jenny: Yes. I think it’s so important. Lyrics will always be one of the most important parts of songwriting to me. The songs that I love are the ones that couldn’t have been written by anybody else. The band Big Thief is a really good example — her lyrics are so distinctive and pure. Leonard Cohen too…his lyrical approach is so recognisable.
TSH: Do you feel it’s more liberating to make your songs broad enough to mean something for all listeners?
Jenny: Definitely. It allows me to distance myself from my work. As a shy person, this is very liberating. I want people to be able to listen and connect in their own way. For that same reason, I don’t like telling everybody what songs are about before I play them at a show. I want people to be able to listen from their own place of understanding.
TSH: Does nostalgia inform your music quite a bit?
Jenny: I’m a very nostalgic person — I ruminate a lot, which can be both positive and negative. It does mean there is always something to write about, waiting to be uncovered. Poet Rainer Maria Rilke says in Letters to a Young Poet that “if your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches…even if you were in some prison…would you not then still have your childhood, that precious, kingly possession, that treasure-house of memories?” I love looking back for material.
TSH: Can you tell us about some of the non-musical elements that seep into your music…
Jenny: Sure - I read a lot of novels and poetry. This year, I discovered poet Adrienne Rich. Her work has completely absorbed me ever since. I also read Moby Dick for the first time this year and couldn’t believe how good it was. I love writing new songs after reading somebody else’s work. It brings new themes into my own songs. There are so many good shows these days — Master of None is one of my favourites. I watched Handmaid’s Tale recently, which is very pertinent to the themes of memory and truth that I discussed earlier.
TSH: What type of distractions do you want to steer clear of?
Jenny: Facebook comments on news stories. I try to ignore them but sometimes I get sucked into reading them. I guess in a way, it's a good reminder of the diversity of opinions out there. It’s so easy to get stuck in one’s own little echo chamber. But sometimes those comment feeds feel like a dangerous whirlpool.
TSH: What sort of TV do you watch in your spare time?
Jenny: That really depends on my mood — if I’ve been writing all day, I like to watch something light after. Brooklyn 99 is one of my favourites for that. Seinfeld too. If I’m in a brighter headspace, I’ll watch something more serious like the Handmaid’s Tale.
TSH: How cool is it to have your sister Kay to lean on for support and guidance?
Jenny: I feel tremendously lucky to have her in my life, both for her support and her musicality.
TSH: Speaking of your sister, are the empty cassettes that you recorded on when you were younger consisting of songs about curls, loops and nice shoes still around today?
Jenny: Haha, I hope so! They are very, very funny. I believe they’re somewhere in our parents’ place — I’d like to dig them up and share some clips.
TSH: As you look ahead with your musical endeavours, what is your biggest drive?
Jenny: Writing songs that feel true.
Jenny Berkel - “Wealth in the Country ”
Pale Moon Kid
0 notes
boxyladies · 7 years
Lauren’s Note: This is Part 2 of our little skincare mini-series from our newest guest blogger, Loren! If you missed Part 1, you need to read it here. It was pretty freaking amazing. Her daytime routine is INTENSE in the best way possible. But you ain’t seen nothing yet, as her night routine is amazing and fascinating. I am learning SO MUCH. Who wants Loren to drop in more often to write about skincare? (I do!) But without further ado… here’s Part 2! 
Night Routine
Step 1: Makeup Removal
I am not too fussy or fancy when it comes to makeup removal….usually because if I am wearing makeup late into the evening, it means I’ve had the (very rare) long night out, probably did too much squat dancing at the club, and just need to get to bed already! My quick go-to solution for makeup removal are the e.l.f. Cosmetics Studio Makeup Remover Cleansing Cloths ($3 + Cruelty Free or CF) followed by a second “wiping” cleanse with a micellar water. For eye makeup remover, I really enjoy the Physicians Formula Eye Makeup Remover Lotion ($4.69 + CF). It’s a good remover for dry to sensitive skin, as it’s a gentle, silky lotion formula you rinse off, so it does not encourage extra tugging around the eyes.
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Step 2: Cleanser
Once makeup is off, I like to use the Murad AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser ($38 + CF) in the evening. As the name suggest, this cleanser contains alpha and beta hydroxy acids, but in such small amounts they are not the “exfoliating” agents in this cleanser. Rather, the small beads it contains create a nice, gentle scrubby feeling on the skin (not talking St. Ives Apricot Scrub levels of scrub!). The base of the cleanser is incredibly milky, so this also helps the product remain gentle and softening. I feel comfortable using this cleanser with an additional AHA or BHA at night, since again the amount of those acids contained in the cleanser are minimal, and using both products does not cause me irritation.
Step 3: Toner
I like to go a little heavier and nourishing with my nighttime toner (you will find this is the “theme” to most of my nighttime routine), so I opt for the Paula’s Choice Skin Recovery Skin Enriched Calming Toner ($21 + CF). It is a milky formulation that is incredibly soothing to the skin, and is also able to remove any trace amounts of makeup or dirt.
Step 4a: Retinol
Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived to the all-star, Mohammad-Ali-level-heavy-hitting step of my anti-aging routine. Retinol is the king mother boss of all my skincare products, and is touted by all the research I have seen and specialists I have spoken to as the cornerstone of any anti-aging regimen one would like to undertake. There are plenty of effective over-the-counter retinol formulations available, but mine comes in the form of prescription Retin-A from my dermatologist. Obviously I am not really recommending this product, since it’s a medication, but just explaining how retinol is key to my routine. I will use Retin-A only a few times a week, and try to apply it to completely dry skin. It helps to keep acne at bay, fade my discolorations and minimize fine lines, and my life has not been the same since it came into my life! I do need to alternate usage though, or sometimes take a break from it entirely, as it can be irritating to my skin.
Step 4b: Exfoliation
Another vital step to any anti-aging routine, I am a big advocate of regular exfoliation. There are two types: physical or manual, which includes any exfoliants that contain scrubby particles or beads; and chemical, which refers to come kind exfoliating acid like alpha (AHA) or beta hydroxy (BHA). I will always opt for chemical exfoliation over scrubs, because those particles and shards can cause more harm than good in the long-run, as far as how rough they can be to the skin. But chemical exfoliants I love, and will apply on the “alternate” days I do not use Retin-A. BHAs are typically recommended for oily skin types and for anyone wanting to address clogged pores and bumps, as they penetrate deep into the skin/pore-lining to do their work. AHAs do not penetrate as deeply, and are good for drier skin types. Both acids will work on the skin’s surface to address fine lines and discolorations, will smooth skin, and will promote cell turn over.
My favorite BHA is the Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant ($29 + CF). The 2% refers to the amount of salicylic acid contained in the product – it’s enough to effectively treat but not enough to irritate my sensitive skin, which is a fantastic balance! It does leave a bit of a film, but I never mind this, especially since I am always layering additional products like serums and creams on top anyway. While I love this exfoliant, I felt like I could be doing more to address my main areas of concern: fine lines, texture and discoloration, rather than clogged pores. So I decided to switch to an AHA, and have been using the CosRX AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid ($13.12 + CF) for several weeks. The glycolic acid in the formula does not irritate my skin (although I can’t exactly go overboard when applying), and I really feel like my skin is smoothed and brightened after several uses. It also claims to clean debris and unclog pores while it’s doing its other AHA business, so best of both worlds!
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Step 5: Serum
On the “alternate” days when I do not use Retin-A, following my exfoliant, I will apply a serum – the “luxury” step in my nighttime routine! But I am diligent about finding the “right” product. By that I mean I look for serums that address anti-aging concerns or contain the ingredients my other products do NOT, because I do not want to double up on one ingredient when I could be treating my skin to something else. Because I already incorporate Vitamin C, retinol, hyaluronic acid and chemical exfoliants elsewhere in my routine, I mostly look for a serum full of nourishing peptides to address loss of collagen and firmness. Currently, I use the PCA Skin Total Strength Serum ($58.80 + CF) because of the peptides and epidermal growth factor it contains, and on the recommendation of my facialist. While this product is good, I want a product that is great! Aaaaand less pricey, if possible. So I plan to test out another product, The Ordinary “Buffet” ($14.80 + CF) serum, once the PCA serum runs out.
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Step 6: Moisturizer, Oils and Boosters
The night cream scene is like a whole n’other industry onto itself within skincare – there is just so much to choose from, and I am forever sampling a new product! But after several years of testing, I now mainly switch between two moisturizers at night: First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream ($30 + CF) and Exuviance Age Reverse Hydrafirm ($78 + CF) cream. The FAB Ultra Repair Cream is not an anti-aging moisturizer so much as it just rescues (hence the brand name!) my skin when it is at its most distressed. This is typically the night moisturizer I will bring when traveling, because I know traveling throws my skin into a whirlpool of danger and despair, and the Ultra Repair Cream is my surefire evacuation plan. It’s great for the moments my skin is red, flaking, and parched to within an inch of its epidermal life. The Age Reverse Hydrafirm, however, is my anti-aging hero product. Containing hyaluronic acid and firming peptides (“plump all the things” should really be my skincare slogan), my favorite characteristic of Age Reverse Hydrafirm is its consistency. It has a light, bouncy texture that is almost gel-like in its application. It’s also green, which I think it amazing! The cream has a luxurious feel without being greasy, and absorbs quickly into the skin. This texture also makes it the perfect moisturizer to layer over Retin-A, as it glides on smoothly without skipping or piling up on itself. I use both of these creams year round.
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On the nights I use a serum instead of Retin-A, I will boost my moisturizer with the Paula’s Choice Resist 10% Niacinamide Booster ( $42+ CF). I like these drops because they are easy to add into any cream, and contain the recommend daily amount of niacinamide for that ingredient to be effective.
Because Exuviance Age Reverse Hydrafirm is oil-free, I also like to add a beauty oil to amp up its hydrating and anti-aging scope. My preferred beauty oil to add is marula oil, either as a booster into the cream or lightly patted on top of my skin. The Drunk Elephant Virgin Marula Luxury Facial Oil ($72 + CF) is incredibly rich and nourishing-feeling…..and it is over $70. A comparable, much less expensive option is the Acure Organics Marula Oil ($12.66 + CF), which I have been using and adoring the last few months. I usually pat a small amount directly onto my skin as the last “whole face” step in my night routine.
Step 7: Eye Cream
My lukewarm feelings about eye cream apply here as they did above, perhaps more so since I want my night eye cream to do more than just hydrate (i.e., legitimately address fine lines, crepiness and bags). On a recent trip to Sephora, I received a sample of the Algenist Complete Eye Renewal Balm ($68), and after testing for a week, I am slightly sanguine about its potential. My under eyes did look smoother and even a little more plump, so that product is on my short list of full-sized versions to try. But at this point, I am not sure ANY eye cream is worth the high price of admission.
In the meantime, until I find this diamond in the rough of false marketing, I typically just use my evening facial moisturizer as my eye cream, and finish off with a small dab of the marula oil or another favorite product, Josie Maran Argan Infinity Cream Intensive Creamy Oil ($28 + CF) (say that five times fast!). This is basically a petroleum jelly infused with argan oil, which is every bit as indulgent as it sounds.
Step 8: Neck Cream
Neck cream is another product I know I should use (I see the older women in my family. I know what fate awaits me!) but have yet to find one that does anything other than hydrate. So this may be another one of those “just use your regular moisturizer and ignore the placebo effect” situations. In the past, I have used the Dr. Dennis Gross Ferulic + Retinol Fortifying Neck Emulsion ($75 + CF) with some success – skin on the neck did feel smoother and more supple. But I am not sure if any fancily-branded moisturizer can defy gravity, so I may need to pony up for my facialist’s scary looking machine treatments.
And then……my night is FINALLY done and I am exhausted and ready to collapse into bed, content in the knowledge my skin is hydrated and dew-ed up enough to make a rainforest jealous.
  Tales of a Skincare Addict Part 2 (Night Routine!) Lauren's Note: This is Part 2 of our little skincare mini-series from our newest guest blogger, Loren!
0 notes
oregoncoasttravel · 7 years
Have you ever wondered where the best romantic getaways are found on the Oregon Coast?  The Oregon Coast is one of the most romantic and scenic places to visit.  There are several little Inns and Bed and Breakfasts cottages strewn along the Pacific Coastline.  It can sometimes be overwhelming when looking through all the possibilities.  I hope this helps narrow it down and helps you find the place that is perfect for you and your loved one for this special day.
I will never forget the first bed and breakfast my husband and I stayed in.  It was at The Rock Cottage Gardens Bed and Breakfast in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  They were adorable little cobblestone cottages tucked into the Ozark Mountains, surrounded by lush green foliage everywhere we looked.  Ours was the Amethyst Cottage, and was a scene straight out of a Thomas Kinkade painting.  Our first morning, we walked through beautiful gardens to the main house where we had a delicious gourmet breakfast.  The innkeepers were excellent hosts and we really enjoyed their company.  After breakfast, we took in some window shopping in the old downtown district.  It was fun exploring all the old world charm that Eureka Springs still has, it’s such a unique little place.
The Rock Cottage Gardens Bed and Breakfast
Maybe it’s the fresh seafood or the golden sunsets, but staying on the Oregon Coast for Valentine’s Day or an anniversary, or any day for that matter,  has got to be one of the best gifts one could give or receive.  When you hear the roaring ocean outside your window, it is such a peaceful sound.  Watching the waves crash onto the shore in a rhythmic motion is so much like watching a fire, you just can’t take your eyes away. Something about it draws you in and makes you want to gaze a little longer.
There are so many options for lodging on the coast, but a bed and breakfast for Valentine’s Day is so much more intimate and personally accommodating.  With winter rates still in effect, right now is the perfect time to visit.  If you really want a deal, book your stay for a weekday.  Wintertime on the coast is always nice, there are far less people and you will likely get to watch the storms from your warm Pacific Ocean retreat.
Here are the top 5 one of a kind retreats for your romantic getaway on the Oregon Coast.
  Arch Cape Inn and Retreat in Arch Cape
If you’re looking for a magical stay on the Oregon Coast, Arch Cape Inn and Retreat is the ideal setting for you.  Placed against the densely forested  Coast Range Mountains, Arch Cape offers one of a kind views of the Pacific Ocean.  With a romantic feel, this bed and breakfast is surrounded by native flora and fauna that dominate the scene carrying you into a world of bliss.
There are so many outdoor activities for romantic adventurers to enjoy and absorb. Interpretive trails give you the chance to walk the footsteps of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. World-class hiking trails lead to beaches, mountain overlooks, and onto the historic Oregon Coast Trail.  Other activities may include whale watching, wildlife viewing, beachcombing, and discovering tide pools.  Close by, Cannon Beach has many top choice restaurants and art galleries to chose from.  Then you can end the evening by a crackling fire and maybe sip some fine local Oregon wine.
One guest says, “Staying at Arch Cape Inn & Retreat was by far the best experience I’ve had in awhile.  The rooms are perfect.  The grounds are pristine.  The evening wine social is awesome and the hors d’oeuvres are creative and delicious.  The breakfast is 5 Star quality, I thoroughly enjoyed it”.
Pana Sea Ah Bed and Breakfast in Depoe Bay
pan·a·ce·a (noun) a cure for all, universal remedy, elixir
The name says it all.  Here, you can wake up to a gourmet breakfast made from scratch and a fresh new main course is served daily making every morning a delightful culinary experience.  Stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and Fishing Rock State Park await you from the comfort of your luxurious room. Centrally located, Depoe Bay is the whale watching capital of the world.  It is not uncommon to see whales in Depoe Bay almost year round. This romantic inn is just steps away from a pristine, tranquil beach that’s tucked far from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.  Where you will be provided with the ultimate bed & breakfast experience surpassing all of your hospitality desires.
Some of the activities you can enjoy include walking wide open, seemingly endless beaches, playing golf at premier golf resorts on the coast, hiking through dense forested trails that lead to expansive ocean views, book a fishing or whale watching trip, horseback riding, whale watching, exploring tide pools, beachcombing, discover the many artistic interpretations at the local art galleries, or just come to relax and just “be.”   If this is the case, you may choose to just relax in the outdoor Jacuzzi overlooking the Pacific Ocean on the main floor deck, or book an in-room massage.  Pan Sea Ah also offers complimentary shuttle service for bicyclists and pilots with pre-arrangement.  The innkeepers are happy to help you find the perfect activity that suits you!
One guest says, “What a pleasant surprise to find the pictures didn’t do the Pana~Sea~Ah justice.  This place is truly a panacea.”
Newport Belle Bed and Breakfast in Newport
If you would like a truly one of a kind experience for this special holiday, a stay on the Newport Belle might be just what you were looking for.  It is the only Sternwheel Riverboat Bed and Breakfast in America.  This bed and breakfast offers fresh, locally sourced foods, suggesting the most pleasant encounter.  Permanently moored, the Newport Belle is 97′ long with a beam of 24′ and close to 3,000 square feet of living space on three decks.  There is lots of room to stretch out and relax while enjoying impressive views of the sunset staged beyond the Yaquina Bay Bridge.  Guests may choose the privacy of their own stateroom, the romance of the solarium for an incredible views, or enjoy the cozy atmosphere of the main salon.
Newport offers a variety for the urban to outdoor adventurers.  A long walk on the beach is a perfect way to spend some time together, to talk and be close and put aside the many distractions life has to offer.  Or you may choose to just stay in, where the warm wood pellet stove provides a romantic ambiance where you can’t resist to cuddle up with that special someone.
One guest says, “A stay at the Newport Belle is a refreshingly different and sort of magical experience.  Sleeping on a boat in a working harbor; breathing the wonderful fresh air; listening to the waves lap on boats outside your window; and sharing the experience with visitors from other countries all make for a great experience.”
  Whales Rendezvous Bed and Breakfast in Depoe Bay
At Whales Rendezvous, you are in for a treat with whales being known to come within feet of the rocks at the property’s edge.  The incredible picture of the whale breaching above was only 30 feet from those rocks!  This is the perfect time to come watch the winter wave action and we are right in the middle of the whale migration (between December and March).  Between May and October, the resident whales come in a lot closer to feed in the Bay.  Watch the waves from your deck while you warm yourself by the crackling fire or enjoy a book in the beautifully maintained garden.  Then listen to the ocean’s orchestra of waves and enjoy the obscured fantastic views found here.  With attention paid to detail, this cozy retreat is carefully decorated with elegant antiques providing such a comfortable feel.  A garden style bathroom with pebble stone floors and matching cabinet top, a flower petal sink, tiled whirlpool jet tub/shower, and a cedar ceiling making you feel right at home.  When the darkness starts to settle in, a spotlight shines on the waves so you can still gaze in wonder even after the sun goes down.  In the morning, wrap up in a warm blanket and snuggle on the sofa while you watch the dramatic forces of the ocean. Then just in time, a delectable, hot gourmet breakfast is conveniently served to your suite.  
One guest says, “View unparalleled!  How fortunate we have been to stay at Whales Rendezvous, the gem of Depoe Bay!  Dian & Joe, you have built a beautiful B&B!  We had all the comforts, atmosphere & VIEW you can dream of.  Breakfast was delicious, Joe, fun in his chef’s hat; a great patio fire & lots of whale watching.”
  Baywood Shores Bed and Breakfast in Lincoln City
This bed and breakfast sits on the calm waters of the Siletz Bay beaches of Lincoln City. With incomparable views of the ever changing tide, you are sure to enjoy your stay in these beautifully decorated suites.  Conveniently located at the south end of Lincoln City. Both spacious suites offering a 2 person Jacuzzi and all the amenities to make your stay a comfortable one.  Comfort is the number one goal of the innkeepers of Baywood Shores Bed and Breakfast, and it shows.
Lincoln City has a vast array of restaurants to provide what your palate desires.  There is almost always some type of event happening in Lincoln City, one of the hubs of the Oregon Coast.  The Bay House and Mo’s Restaurant are very nearby and both have very good reviews offering two very different atmospheres.  If you are seeking to try out Oregon Wineries, there are several just one hour east of Lincoln City towards Salem, such as Eola Hills Winery.  Lincoln City Outlets also has many brands if you have something special in mind for your Valentine.  Yaquina Head Lighthouse in Newport is only a short drive away. Enjoy the outdoor fire pit and when the sun sets in all it’s splendor, but don’t miss the starry skies before you head off to your awaiting suite.  While you’re here, during this time of year, try your luck at finding one of the many artisan hand blown glass floats found along Lincoln City’s beaches.  See my post “Top 7 things to do on the Siletz Bay in Lincoln City.”
Happy Valentine’s Day From the Oregon Coast Travel Blog
There’s nothing more romantic than snuggling up with a blanket by a cozy fireplace spending time with your loved one.  After all,  we are blessed to have one more year together with the one we love.  Your special night is waiting for you!  I would love to hear about your experiences here on Oregon Coast Travel!
  Top 5 Romantic Valentine Getaways on the Oregon Coast Have you ever wondered where the best romantic getaways are found on the Oregon Coast?  The…
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