#conflicted thoughts about it and strange feelings I could never hate it because it’s hope
lacunasbalustrade · 5 months
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gaito: the idiot
you’re not the strongest if you need to prove it
#to me Buddyfight is the Center of a jam doughnut#it’s something that like a whirlpool has absorbed my life but it’s also been a pillar of strength and even when I felt lost and had many#conflicted thoughts about it and strange feelings I could never hate it because it’s hope#has always been. Buddyfight taught me how to love. at the time I was forced to play games I didn’t love to be company for my brother. I was#studying and I learnt what pressure to achieve and succeed meant.#then that was that one episode where Zanya chooses Tsukikage not because he’s the better option but because he’s his buddy#and I realised that ‘oh- maybe just maybe I can have that too.’#I didn’t even truly understand the concept of love until I watched that.#I was so lost back then haha#it made me want to run away. and even as Buddyfight changed I changed along with it and had to learn to accept the changes in life.#Buddyfight is a game but to me it was the equivalent of a companion. of a confidant. Buddyfight taught me a lot of what I hope I became#it was as close as I could get to a childhood love.#Buddyfight now. It’s the show that brings me comfort to watch. The show that caused me to get into pretty much everything I have now. If yo#Removed it from my life everything would topple down because my entire life was involved with it and continues to be. and I’m comfortable#with that it’s like always having a hand to hold when I need help. it’s the game that teaches me to think inventively and that connects me#to my everything. I wouldn’t be who I am today without it. and it’s always in my heart. my precious friend.#<fcbf live-blogging>
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padfootdaredmetoo · 5 months
Can you do a part 3 of spellbound I would love to see a tommy shelby talks with luscious malfoy at diagon alley and what are his thoughts on dracos dad on talking bad about hermione's parents who are muggles
Hey Anon,
Embarrassed at how long this took as usual please know how sorry I am. I love that you enjoyed this series because I LOVE writing it. Hope you enjoy it.
Warnings: General Peaky themes, Harry gets scared of Tommy at one point sort of,
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Harry had always tried to make his parents, all 6 of them, proud. A task he was never really sure he did well. The more he moved through the wizarding world the more he felt an appreciation for his mostly muggle upbringing. The magical world was a wonderful place with possibilities and friends, but it had a dark underbelly that Harry couldn't shake off. 
After the final events of his first year, his family almost didn't want him to return to Hogwarts. It was an odd conflict as both Tommy and Sirius had sided with him insisting he go back. Harry hated the pain in your eyes or the fear that Remus felt for him, but deep down Harry knew that Tommy and Sirius were right, the wizarding world was stirring and he needed to be ready. Big and darker changes were swirling through the air in small little ways that to the untrained eye would have been missed. People called them paranoid, but Harry wasn't sure that the war ever ended for Tommy or Sirius. They wanted him trained and well-studied. 
This year Tommy was going to accompany them to Diagon Alley. Harry hoped it would be to spend more time with him, but he could tell he didn't like you or Harry going anywhere near the magical community without him. Heck, he even came to dinner at The Burrow just to get a feel for the Weasley family before letting Harry stay for a week during the summer. Harry watched Tommy’s face take in all the strange differences that the shops had and wondered what he would think of Hermione. Tommy kept his face straight as he normally did in public. He was outnumbered and completely at a loss without magic, and yet people would move out of his way as if he was a powerful Wizard. 
You gestured towards Flourish and Bolts and Tommy pushed open the door for the two of you. The place was crowded with families and students. You let go of Tommy’s hand saying you would track down Harry’s school books and moved towards the staircase. 
“Going to take ages to get her out of here,” Tommy said with a sigh as he looked around the shop. High vaulted ceilings with endless shelves of books. Tommy hated shopping but Harry knew he would be patient with you. 
���Maybe she’ll find something to keep her mind off me going back.” Harry said absently as his focus moved to the gathering group of women at the back of the shop. 
“I doubt there is a book that entertaining-” His eyes moved toward the group and they decided to move closer. A man with golden hair and pearly white teeth flashed them a salesman's smile. The girls audibly swooned and Harry let out a deep-bellied laugh. Tommy smiled at the sound before the man’s eyes flashed with recognition.
“My God it’s Harry Potter!” The crowd turned to Harry and he felt Tommy’s hand land on his left shoulder. He was immediately uncomfortable but steadied by Tommy’s presence. Mrs. Weasley came forward and grabbed his arm pulling him up towards the man as he called for Harry to join him. Harry’s eyes never left the comfort of Tommy’s face. His face would never reveal it but Harry could see there was a spark of humor in his blue eyes. It was over before Harry knew it, shake of hands and cameras flashing. He got awarded a signed collection of Lockhart's book collection and quickly insisted that Molly keep it. 
“Don’t be ridiculous dear.” She waved him off. 
“Remus already has a set at home I -” Harry pleaded, he really wanted her to have them. They were fancy with gold-lined pages and everything
“It’s true we have a set at home collecting dust, I insist Molly. As a thank you for having Harry this summer.” Tommy flashed her a smile and she accepted the books. 
“No need to thank me, always happy to have your family around Thomas.” She gave him a big smile. Harry wondered if he would ever be able to make people do stuff that easily. “You’ll need your set for school this year!” She said with an excited wink. Harry found Ron’s face and they both resisted the urge to start laughing again. 
Harry and Ron hugged. Tommy gave them a moment but stayed close by examining a stack of clear crystal bookmarks that would read out whatever words you placed it over. 
“It’s true though, he’s this year's defense teacher.” Ron made a retching face and Harry let out another loud laugh. 
“Hope we don't need defensive magic this year then,” Harry said half joking. 
“That’s what I’m here for anyway.” A voice mumbled as bushy brown hair came into view. She gave him a big hug and Harry’s face flushed as Tommy took that moment to look over his shoulder at Harry. He raised his eyebrows before turning back towards the bookmarks. 
“Hi Harry!” Ginny said stepping out from behind Hermione. He wasn’t entirely sure how on how to greet her but gave her a hug as well. Her face turned beet red and she stepped closer to Hermione. He was wondering if he had offended her but Hermione had already moved his attention and started to introduce her parents to them. Harry then pulled Tommy back into the conversation. They shook hands and Harry could tell they felt relieved to meet another muggle parent. 
The three of them started to talk about the rest of the summer they had left out of their letters. Hermione had spent the summer in France and was sad she missed out on the week the boys had at the Burrow. 
Naturally, Harry noticed when the Malfoy family entered the shop. His scar prickled when Malfoy took a step closer to Ginny who was flipping through a book near the entrance.  Harry’s first move was to run in head first but Tommy caught his shoulder and squeezed it telling him to stay put. 
“Ron.” Harry said and nodded towards Ginny. 
“Oi, Ginny!” Ron motioned for her to come back towards the group and she did giving Malfoy a hard stare as she passed by. Just then you had reached the bottom landing of the staircase. Your dress twirled around you as you moved around the bend to the final set of steps. 
Malfoy reached his hand out to you and said something that made your face fall as if he was a stain on a new dress or a fire burning in a meadow. You rejected his hand.
Tommy kept his place with his hand still firmly on Harry’s shoulder. Words were exchanged and Malfoy’s eyes darted to land on Tommy’s. Much like that first night at Hogwarts, they continued to stare at each other till Lucious backed down.  You said something to him and his hand grabbed Draco and they left. 
You came and took your place at Tommy’s side. 
“What did he want?” Ron asked bluntly. 
“Ah, just the usual creepy bad guy stuff.” You said lightly but Harry didn't miss the look that had passed between you and Tommy. 
“Typical,” Ron said rolling his eyes. 
The day carried on without a hitch. Harry watched Tommy navigate the crowd of parents and kids with a cautious eye. Whatever happened there he wanted to know about it but he knew better than to ask in a crowded place.
He hugged his friends good bye knowing they would see eachohter in less than a week. 
Once in the car he started on about it. 
“Look Malfoy is rotten I know he is, anything he said to you could be -” Harry started. 
“What is everyone’s obsession with this bloke?” Tommy said lighting a cigarette. You rolled down your window slightly and sighed. 
“He’d asked me to dinner actually.”  Tommy hit the breaks so hard the only reason harry didn't fly into the windshield is because Tommy had stuck his hand out catching the boy. 
“He did what.” Tommy’s voice had a dark sort of venom in it that Harry had never heard before. He knew Tommy wouldn't hurt him but his body still tensed up with fear. 
“Let’s discuss it at home. Please.” You said with an edge to your tone. Tommy gave you one last look before driving very fast. He tore up the gravel in front of the house and slammed the car door. Harry felt a weird sort of feeling rise up in him. He followed you out of the car and into Tommy’s study. 
Remus wondered in with a piece of toast in one hand and a newspaper in the other. Sirius was close behind. 
“What did you get then!’ He asked excitedly, oblivious to the icy texture of the room. Tommy pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“What exactly did he say?” Tommy said his voice still scary. Harry stepped infront of you and you placed a hair on his head paying no attention to the gesture. 
“He asked if I would fancy coming around for dinner sometime.” 
“Who did?” 
“Malfoy.” Tommy almost growled the man’s name. 
“Fuck” Sirius said and he let out a sigh. 
“Means that they are probably recruiting again.” You said softly with sadness in your voice.
“Why on earth would they ask you to join.” Remus said abandoning his toast on the side table beside the couch. 
“They pestered her non-stop in school Remus, you know why they want her to join. He was just letting you know there’s more of this - fucking rubbish to come.” Sirius was just as angry as Tommy now and Harry didn't know why but he hated it. He wanted this to be a fun day with his parents. Guilt hit his stomach at his own thought. With his adoptive parents, he corrected himself. The tone of their voice, and the way they were standing made him feel like he needed to protect you from them. Anger swelled in his stomach and he felt sick with it. 
“Stop.” He said firmly. Sirius started up again and Harry shouted. “STOP. JUST - FUCKING STOP.”  His voice shook and he hated how shaky he felt. The room fell silent and he didn't know what to do so he ran. Up the stairs and into his room. He slammed the door. This stupid war ate up so much of everyone's time and headspace. War had caused so much damage to his family to Tommy to Sirius especially. 
Their anger made him so frustrated but he still couldn't place why. The way Tommy’s voice was in the car towards you, it just made him sick. A knock landed on the door before Tommy’s entered Harry’s space. He wanted to fight him and he still didn't know why. 
Tommy just sat on the end of his bed looking very out of place with his going-out clothes still on. Harry hated being studied so he broke the silence first. 
“It’s not her fault.” His voice picked up. “That - creep - was bothering her. It’s not her fault -” 
“I don’t blame her for anything,” Tommy said carefully his eyes wandering across Harry’s face. 
“Then why did you shout at her like that.” The words were hard for him to get out. Tommy kept looking at him for a long moment. 
“Harry. You know I would never let anything bad happen, that includes myself.” Harry thought about his words for a moment before relaxing slightly.  “I have a temper, but it’s never directed at her. She’s been through enough in this life and I know more than anyone what happens when you shout at her.” Harry moved to sit next to him. 
“What happens” Harry asked and Tommy patted him on the back. 
“Bad stuff. The dining room burnt down twice in one year.” He took a long drag of his cigarette. Harry smiled. 
“Your voice was just so - I haven't heard you speak to us like that before,” Harry said. 
“That prick asked my wife out. How else am I supposed to act? If you weren't in the car I would have gone over there and -” 
“And what?” Harry said wishing Tommy had magical abilities. 
“There are lots of ways to hurt people that don’t involve magic, Harry.” Tommy gave him a serious look. 
“You know he goes on about Hermione and her parents all the time. Calling them all sorts of awful things.” Harry’s stomach twists and he knows that every chance he gets he stands up for her but it never seems like enough. Tommy let out a small laugh taking Harry off guard. 
“I don’t know how this will come to a head, but when it does. I’ll be the one to kill him.” Tommy took another drag of his cigarette. “You don’t have to worry about that.” 
Harry could feel you fussing over him the rest of the night. Trying to reassure Harry that Tommy wasn't going to kill anyone and that they will pray for Malfoy’s family that they find the light. That Tommy would never hurt her, she’s used to his temper, and even when it was directed at her that she can handle him perfectly fine. 
Harry took comfort in knowing that it was true. He could also tell that you liked having a husband who would kill someone for asking you out to join their creepy cult. 
Harry was a week into his second year when the news hit. The Daily Prophet was swimming with articles stating new evidence had been uncovered that linked Malfoy to being a Death Eater. He would be going back on trial and has currently lost all connection and ties with the ministry. Other hateful statements about wanting to purify the wizarding world had also come to the surface. The article was written by a woman named Rita and Harry was sure Remus had mentioned her at one point. The article was 3 full pages with images of Malfoy and his wife being rushed out of their estate by ministry officials. 
Harry let out a laugh thinking back to Tommy saying there were lots of ways to hurt someone. 
Of course, it only took another week for the attacks to start happening and the year took its usual chaotic turn.
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lovelybrooke · 2 months
Can you do headcanon of the 3 chosen (Ketheric, Orin, Gortash) Yandere? Platonic or Romance, what make you comfortable the most. (I would appreciate Ketheric platonic tho if its not too much to ask)
like how they will act and all
I hope you have a good day !!!!
So here is how I interpret the villains in my au. This will be kinda short, since for Gortash and Orin I'm basing it off of stuff I've read on their wikis.
Ketheric will be platonic, while I'll keep Gortash and Orin in between (subject to change). If anyone has any ideas, platonic or romantic, for them, please feel free to send them in.
I think Ketheric is drawn to reader because of their association with Isobel. Ketheric cares about his daughter so much, so to see reader try so hard to protect her definitely stirs something in him. It's not much, but it's enough to make an impact. 
Ketheric definitely sees reader as another version of his daughter, a distant memory that he tries so hard to hold onto. When he hears about readers involvement with the Harpers, he starts to worry about them, a strange and distant feeling overwhelming him. He doesn't like it, but he also doesn't do anything to prevent it. 
I mentioned in this post, but Ketheric eventually becomes consumed by his delusions. He views reader as his surrogate child, and until his death, fights to get them on his side. He doesn't want to lose anyone he cares about again, even if that means tearing down everyone and anything in his way. 
Gortash is a little tricky to place. He seems like a mixture of Orin and Ketheric in the sense that he's protective and sadistic. He takes pleasure watching you struggle, but at the same time he's fascinated by your claims that you're from another world. Part of him doesn't believe you, he thinks you're crazy. But he sees the way that your companions treat you and thinks that you're something valuable. 
Gortash is like Orin in the sense that you're something shiny and new to own. He's like Ketheric in the sense that eventually, he does want to get to know who you are. He's fascinated by you and your ability to capture people, especially since you don't even seem to be aware of it. 
In game, if I'm correct, Gortash gets you to form an alliance with him, and you eventually betray him (again I could be wrong, I haven't played the game in a while). I think this holds true to how reader is treated when he grows close to them, he manipulates reader into believing that he can find a way for them to get home, only never to deliver on that promise. Of course, it doesn't go that way in reality, but that's his plan. 
Orin is the definition of sadistic. That isn't going to change just because she's obsessed with you. I think Orin is the type of person who ends up hating herself for the feelings she has for you. She ends up blaming you for making her feel too much, and that reflects the way she treats you. 
Most of the thoughts she has about you revolve around wanting to kidnap you and open you up, in the most literal sense. She wants to learn more about you, but to her that involves cutting you open and gazing at your insides. But she's also conflicted, because she doesn't want to lose you, she likes how combative you are and how you make things a challenge for her. She wouldn't want to lose that. 
I don't know much about the Dark Urge, so I can't really comment on how that plays a role in her relationship with you, so if any of you have any thoughts please feel free to send them in.
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raayllum · 18 days
im new to the fandom, so I miss a lot of the discourse (helped ofc by the fact you're kinda the only dp blog I follow), so everytime you mention the s4 backlash I'm like....how in the world could people hate that season or rayllum in it? It doesn't compute for me!
The last ship I was particularly engaged with, has a lot of similarities with rayllum. They were best friends, life partners before they were ever /romantic/ life partners. And they went through a /lot/ of trauma, miscommunication, and being on opposite sides of the same fight, etc etc.
the difference to rayllum was that they never rlly gave each other the grace they need. They also never talked on screen, but unlike rayllum it wasn't because it was the best option for them, it's just that the writers didn't want to include it ever - to the point that when they finally did an episode addressing it, it landed...very flat? Because it was about six seasons in, addressing things as far back as the second season, that they'd apparently never spoken to each other about before (they were tragically engaged when this happened).
Rayllum GENERALLY but especially in s4 have a really special place in my heart, because they feel very realistically messy - but it doesn't feel like it's there so there's some drama to keep audiences hooked. It feels authentic, and is one of those rare cases where it strengthens their relationship. I definitely could buy that rayllum would survive anything that hit their relationship by the end of s3, but getting to actually SEE that and see how much they're willing to work through out of love and respect for each other? Fantastic.
(also like it's such good character development....i am with u in the s4 defense squad. is there a squad? If there is I'm in it)
First off welcome to the fandom and I hope you're having a good time!!
The fact that my blog is mostly discourse free cause while I tag accordingly (fandom nonsense and dragons gets salty for potential blacklisting purposes) I always worry I can dip too far into that on occasion (I do my best not to unless being called out by name, and even then mostly do my best to ignore stuff), but there's not too much discourse within TDP in general — at least not in the Rayllum corner, luckily.
I think that's why the S4 backlash really surprised and threw me for a loop, because my partner and I finished the season at like 7AM on release day and while different than expected, we loved it and thought it was great from the start. Then we went online and people in the fandom who I'd largely always agreed with were having a really hard time with the season and it was disheartening at least to not have many people to talk to about why 1) S4 is TDP's thematically strongest season thus far and that's still true, 2) it's Ezran's best season imo, and 3) it does a lot of things really really well in really interesting ways.
I always try to never come down Too Hard on the s4 backlash just because people are of course entitled to their feelings/opinions then as well as now (even if some people's tunes have definitely changed), but a lot of it did feel sometimes short sighted if not immature.
Like soo many people are still mad that Rayla and Callum broke up in an offscreen graphic novel, when S4 would still be S4 regardless of whether TTM existed and like... if Rayla worrying that she failed (again) and went off on her own (again) to protect Callum was a big logical leap, then that person honestly just wasn't paying attention; there's not much else to say there. I also think it's just a strange choice to assume that Nothing Major would change the second you find out about a timeskip; like, almost everything else is status quo, Rayla being gone is the One Major Change and people couldn't handle that being a Surprise?
Like you said, conflict between a couple is not inherently a bad thing; it can be good and interesting, and this was always a relationship hurdle I think a lot of Rayllums (myself included) expected Rayla and Callum to have to tackle. Not liking how extreme or 'dramatic' it was (ie. season long arc > just a few episodes, or Rayla leaving > just trying to leave) is fair enough, but given that it's rooted in so much of Rayla's character, I'd much rather take a long way around approach that's in depth. I'm also just Glad and Grateful that the show is tackling it and treating it like the issue it is rather than sweeping things under the rug.
The fact that Callum's version of anger wasn't the one people wanted is another issue, but again — his anger went the way I'd always thought it might if he just went through enough trauma, and even if he had yelled at her, I don't think the season would've necessarily gone any different than it did other than them crying more early on. Which I've written and wouldn't have minded, but I also don't dislike the alternative route canon took — of course they were never going to get all variations out there, but Callum is cold as hell and being a bit of a jerk while also being valid and tempering himself because he doesn't want to hurt her anymore than she wants to hurt him (and Callum has always been very very bad at being/staying mad with Rayla or Ezran anyway).
I saw a lot of pushback against Rayllum being 'platonic' (which was annoying as an aromantic person lemme tell you, as though platonic is lesser), being "broken up for no reason" (Rayla being hyper-independent was not a secret and always going to be what threatened to rip them apart; they are also still Visibly and Repeatedly In Love with each other how is that broken up), or that they didn't get to have a Big Feelings Time in S4.
With that in mind, there's a lot that also matters in a relationship beyond just Open Communication, tbh. There's going to be times in life where you're not able to or unwilling to talk about certain things (given that S4 is maybe a week, I think that's reasonable; especially when Rayllum still haven't talked to each other about it as of s5 and no one I saw have an issue in S4 about it has complained about it there) and like... how do you treat each other when you're still mad or confused and haven't talked everything out? Do you still take care of each other, are you still doing your best to be considerate of each other (even if you're also not going to be perfect)? That shit matters just as much if not more as people able to sit down and hash things out.
I think the truth is a lot of the things that pissed people off about S4 would've been true even if the opposite things had happened:
N'than is flat and under developed unlike Ellis → N'than is more developed → why is N'than taking away from screentime for other characters?
The Sunfire plotline feels disconnected from the rest of the story (nvm that Viren's arc from 1x06 onwards doesn't affect any main character again until 3x04) → the Sunfire plot line has more connections to the main cast crammed in → more complaints about pacing and things feeling overly stuffed, as scenes already change from one to the next quite clearly
Callum and Rayla have a big talk sometime between 4x03-4x07 → this doesn't give Callum enough time to be angry / makes him seem unreasonable because he's admitted he was mostly worried but is still not fully letting her in despite her spilling her guts to him (and in what world would Rayla give excuses, again, when she knows he's the one hurting and taking priority in her mind)
S4's humor was bad because there were fart jokes (in one episode) → the crowlord's joke is so much worse than the fart jokes imo and is on par with the walnut joke in 1x06. also 1-2 scenes with jokes that didn't work for you out of 9 whole ass episodes is like. you're just a wuss i'm sorry
The Sunfire plot line is boring → will never not feel like "I just can't connect or be interested in politics and religious disagreements when it's mostly about Black people for Some Reason (racism)" to me tbh
There was no way to please everyone especially after a three year hiatus (because people think, For Some Reason, that how much time it takes for a story to come out should change how that story is written and it really, really doesn't) but yeah. The internet showed their asses and I was Not Impressed lmao
TLDR; a lot of the S4 backlash was "I'm mad this isn't happening now and I'm stressed out/worried that it won't be" as opposed to "this is only a problem if it never happens at all, but I have faith that it will," and I will love S4 forever. The Callum-Viren parallels being ramped up, the theme of duality and moving "doing terrible things for love" to the forefront with multiple characters (Rayla, Terry, Viren, Claudia), seeing Ezran step into his role as king, Callum's arc being shown > told, the set up for the possession plot line, Janaya's engagement and relationship development + Amaya and Janai's independent arcs? Chef's kiss. S4 is my best friend and its Rayllum dynamic is on par with S3 for me, and I am very grateful the fandom's attitude towards s4 and s4 Rayllum is a lot warmer / more reasonable now
When Callum says "unconditionally" in 5x01 and all their stuff in S5 we know and believe it because we've seen them fight and work so hard to come back from some pretty terrible brinks in imperfect ways, and I'll always love s4 for that. The most aspec Rayllum season by far
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chaseprice · 18 days
hi!! hope i’m not a bother. i just came across u and i wanted to ask something,,,
basically, i joined the life is strange fandom in 2018 so i never got to experience the pre-bts era, meaning i didn’t get to experience what rachel was like to the fandom back then or see the different interpretations of her.
i did some digging and i found some fan content of her from 2015-2016 & i’m absolutely infatuated with all aspects of the fanon version of her, especially her personality & how she looked. i totally wanna embody her. also the love is strange vn was so interesting to play, i love how she was written. i’d love to know more!
i stumbled across ur blog while i was doing my digging and i saw an old long post of urs saying how bts didn’t live up to the fandoms expectations, as almost everyone perceived her differently.
sorry for all the yapping LOL but what i basically wanna ask is,,, how *exactly* did the fandom perceive rachel back then (2015-2016). what were some popular headcanons for her? things you guys even considered to be canon? what were some of your own *personal* headcanons? (can be silly, realistic,,, just anything you thought resonated with her)
do you have any favorite arts from that time period that you thought really captured her? what were your hopes for the prequel/rachels character before it was released? what did you want to see in terms of story? was rachel’s style, appearance, & personality extremely different than what you expected? what did you expect?
i assume that rachels treatment in the fandom was different then than what it is now. whether it’s better or worse, i’m not sure. i was hoping u could answer that too😞. recently i’ve just been seeing constant hatred or lack of care for her character so i’m starting to think that if bts was written differently and based on the fandom’s interpretations instead, the hate now wouldn’t be this bad.
from my digging it seems like you guys had alot of fun sculpting rachel’s character on your own, and the interpretations were probably more realistic than what decknine put together.
anyway i’m sorry for the yapping essay on this random saturday, most old lis accounts are dead & i didn’t know who else to ask☹️. just trying to relive what you guys experienced the best i can. hope i’m not bombarding you with this. thank you so much if u respond !!
hiii u def did not bother me, i am not in a position to answer all of these questions, but although it makes me feel ancient, it's cute to see so much passion for rachel and pre-BTS fandom opinion, so i'll try answer some and for the rest (art, hcs, etc.) im just gonna have to direct you to my archive* (will continue under the readmore)
*(tumblr archive is so broken on mobile so you gotta go on pc for this, but also there's so many gifs from that time so it will Definitely slow down your browser). i was insane and 17 years old so like, just excuse all of the cringe content i guess. you can click tag and filter it by either #lis #rachel amber #amberprice or whatever to try and find stuff like art. and i got into lis sept 2015 so that's like, as far back as it will go, but i was fully lisbrained from 2016 through 2018)
to be honest, in alignment with pre-bts thought lmao, rachel is whoever you want her to be. there was less of 'this is a correct objective fact about her personality/history' and more 'yeah, this is an idea the fandom really likes and has become fanon, most likely because it is a nuanced and entertaining and realistic interpretation of what we have seen of her character in lis1' which means people whose opinions conflicted with that might've be contested/laughed at/unpopular, but they weren't wrong per se. there were plenty of people i'd criticise (and ridicule) back then for implying that this teenage girl was evil, and being a teenager myself back then, i'd call them morally reprehensible and cancellable and whatever, but tbh, as an adult now, i can just see that it was simply a boring interpretation of her character informed by misogyny
i'd disagree with the notion that fandom treatment of rachel's character was better before bts, back then there were plenty of people seemingly excited to characterise her as emotionally manipulative, a cheater, deserved what she got, etc. as well, bc tbh, the story did leave room for that interpretation, but it left room for so much more as well. i feel like bts just really locked in on a certain story they wanted to tell plot-wise, and didn't choose to explore a lot of the questions fans had about rachel as a person. it's hard to turn the ambiguity of a friendship turned situationship over a period of 4 years into a playable experience for an audience - so they didn't. regardless, it got people thinking about rachel more, putting a spotlight on her, hence increased attention both positive and negative. i feel like there's just a fundamental difference between what lis1 fans enjoyed about the potential for her character and how she related with chloe and the world around her, and what deck9 wanted to portray in bts (yes they hit the astrological headcanons, the charmingness, her rebellion, the emotional conflicts... but it personally felt hollow, contrived sometimes, i suppose). but there were a lot of people who loved bts (i enjoyed a lot of parts of it!). just, in my opinion, some of those were quite different people from who loved lis1, and with that wave it brought a lot of emotional immaturity to the fandom (like... ship wars, really? that was an insane change to fandom dynamics for me lmao, but maybe i was just spoiled by surrounding myself with people whose takes i respected)
anyway i highly recommend also that if you're hungry for that kind of content, read fanfiction on AO3 by the old fans - by Mogatrat (TON of rachel centric ones there), explosionshark and tippytypewriter, chicknparm (though Cusp is written post-bts, it's informed by pre-bts characterisations), vicepoint (me hehe), def many more good ones out there those r jus my friends so they come to mind first, e.g. i liked homecoming by kriegersan back in the day, but you could def find some more by sorting the lis ao3 page by kudos and reading the older ones that are highly rated featuring rachel. and lastly, my gf wrote a beautifully worded blog post called "The Assassination of Rachel Amber by the Cowards Dontnod and Deck Nine" which gets into some of this from a media crit perspective (not about fandom) in a very eloquent way thru comparison w twin peaks and i highly recommend that
rachel hcs that def started way before bts: skater rachel, stoner rachel, punk music listener rachel (but also like, fleetwood mac cranberries cocteau twins grungy hippy stuff rachel too), rachel's parents being distant and still living in california, curvy thick rachel, things that i've accepted as canon but were def created by diff people: bri explosionshark hc'd that rachel paid for chloe's sleeve, mogatrat (i think) hc'd that rachel initially went to get her nips pierced with chloe (that's a longtime fan hc now idk who started that one) but chickened out at the last minute, i think she also hc'd that chloe made the earring for rachel which is cute too
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rosypenguins · 5 days
🖤Droey Dump🩷
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Synopsis: Following Jake’s comment about Zoey’s ‘busy weekends’, Drew decides to call Zoey to talk about about.
A/N: This one’s a bit shorter than usual, I mostly just wanted to explore Drew’s feelings regarding the breakup, not the actual build-up to it. This also takes place after Episode 10, but before Episode 11. ALSO the fics from this point onwards are some of my favorites so HYPE. (Spoilers: I got a lot of Drew angst this month.)
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The sky had faded from a soft pink to a deep shade of black, and for the past several hours, Drew had been on the phone with Zoey. Her voice had been unsteady for most of the night, her words rushed and her stories almost never ending.
He’d called her a while ago to confront her about the comment Jake had made earlier that day, and after listening to her conflicting stories and blatant lies, the truth slowly began to unravel itself.
Zoey had gone out with someone else behind Drew’s back… multiple times. And his love had been nothing but more than a toy for her to discard the moment it became anything but useful. After everything he’d done, he barely meant a thing to her.
Zoey’s voice wavered on the other end of the phone, broken by sobs as she desperately tried to apologize. But Drew swallowed; he wouldn’t let himself fall for her again.
“We’re done, Zoey.”
“W-what?!” Zoey cried, and Drew hated the way her voice still tugged at his heart. “Drew, please! You can’t-”
Drew hung up the phone, and blocked Zoey’s number without so much a second thought.
Zoey’s words echoed in his mind, but Drew felt almost nothing towards them anymore. Everything just felt… numb. He would’ve expected himself to feel angry, to raise his voice, to do something… but he just felt… nothing.
With a shaking breath, Drew turned off his phone; the shattered black screen reflecting hollow eyes and messy magenta hair. It took him a few moments to finally set it down.
He buried his face in his palm, and he wondered why he allowed Zoey to talk for so long.
Maybe… he was just hoping she’d somehow convince him she truly cared about him. And that this was all one big misunderstanding. But of course it wasn’t.
God dammit, Jake was right…
How had be been so oblivious? The signs had been there from the start…
The way she only ever seemed happy when she was spending his money. The way she only seemed to care when she was showing him off. The silence between the two in private. The constant texts to other people, the-
God, he was such an idiot.
He shouldn’t have brushed off the signs. He shouldn’t have lied to himself, and told himself everything was fine between them. He should’ve known better…
He thought he’d done everything right. He gave her everything she asked for. And all he wanted was her love in return. But she couldn’t even give him that…
That’s the whole reason he even went out with her. He just wanted someone to care about him. He didn’t care who, just… someone who could make him feel useful-
Drew pressed his palm against his forehead, forcing himself to take slow, steady breaths. And he had to remind himself that he doesn’t cry; that he wasn’t supposed to cry.
And it was strange, because he didn’t even realize he wanted to cry until tears had already pricked the corners of his eyes.
His mind began to wander; back to the past, back to all those shopping dates and… back to when it seemed like he was all that mattered to her…
But of course it was never him. It was the money she admired. And she couldn’t give a damn about who it came from.
Drew brought his knees up to his chest. If all she wanted was his money, why did she have to bring his heart into this? Why did she have to go and make him feel like he was special? Like he was loved?
Like he deserved to be?
He wished he’d never let her close, never opened his heart to her, never made a place for her…
And in the end, Drew didn’t get even an hour of sleep that night.
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mailjeevasfan · 10 months
could you write a near x gn!reader angst? like how it'd be if they were to break up?
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ofc ty for req <3 idk how i feel about this one but thanks @kissforjinko this probably wouldn’t have been possible without you bff LMAO
near x gn!reader
break the silence ❦
when you sit next to him, the silence is piercing. your ears ache, and your head is pounded with the idea that this silence needs to be filled.
you’d never felt this way before. near likes things to be quiet more often than not, and doesn’t have a lot to say most of the time. but today, you know that there’s something he should say. he just doesn’t know how.
before you attempt to break this silence, you look deeply into his eyes. you need to get a read on his thoughts and emotions, because you know that he probably won’t express them aloud. when you look into his unblinking eyes, you see less than you’d hoped for. it’s his usual expression; very flat. emotion isn’t completely absent though. his eyes are slightly glazed over. or were you just imagining things?
maybe it was just a projection of what you wanted. you didn’t want to give up yet though. although his tone of voice is as flat as his expression, it speaks volumes to you. you know that he’s aware of the problems you’re facing. he knows that you’re unhappy with how detached he’s become, how distant he is, physically and emotionally. no matter how hard you try, you can’t stop him from working himself to the bone.
it felt so strange. to know that the passion he feels towards his work, his incredible work ethic, the thing you’d fallen in love with was the very same thing that would rip your heart away from him. you hate to admit it, but you saw the problems from the start. you found yourself worrying about him so much, trying so hard to help him with what you knew he was struggling with, even when he didn’t know it himself. you felt that you didn’t know what to do anymore. this just wouldn’t work.
you let out a deep sigh and tried to organise your chaotic thoughts. a conclusion seemed to be forming in your mind but you didn’t want to accept it.
you really did love him. but you didn’t want to let this go on anymore.
‘i, um… i think we need some time apart. i don’t know if it’ll be indefinite, but… i need some time to myself. okay?’
a conflicted look enters near’s expression for a moment. he stares for a moment before replying.
‘…yes. okay.’
you wish he’d offered you a better response, but you know that he needs time to process it. so you leave the room. and when you do, near thinks.
he isn’t exactly shocked, even he could see that there were problems. but he is puzzled in his own way. he realises he let things come to this, but he didn’t know how to fix it. he thinks about the times you wanted his attention, but he’d brush you off without a second thought. he remembers the times he’d robotically explain to you why he was so busy, and the times you needed the kind of emotional support he couldn’t offer.
now he thinks he can get a better understanding, but the sadness begins to settle in. he wants to talk to you, but he worries that it could be too late. did he miss his chance to fix things?
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proxductions · 11 months
“Love you in any Other lifetime”
summary: You once loved him with all your heart, and he still loves you deeply. Unfortunately, there's a misunderstanding between you two. While you see him as a friend, he feels something more.
pairings: Regulus Black x Muggle!F!Reader
warnings/notes: angst because I absolutely love it. also lol reg is gonna speak french here because I stand by the fact he speaks it
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Our love never had a chance in this life, but I'll love you in any other lifetime.
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People called you different. Bizarre, peculiar, strange... the list could go on,
Sometimes you questioned how exactly and why Regulus Arcturus Black became your friend. your only friend, to be truthful,
While you hated your weirdness, Regulus saw your 'weirdness' and realized it was the most beautiful thing about you.
Regulus sometimes questioned how and why exactly he came to fall for you,
When you called his name, he would be there within a split second. When you needed something, he would give it to you without hesitation.
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It was finally sweet summer. You both had graduated and left Hogwarts a while ago, and it was finally time for a much-needed break.
You and Regulus were going out to have a picnic in an open field. You couldn't be happier. You had a book in your hand called 'Little Women,' which was a Muggle book. You were eager to read and show Regulus the book.
“Oh, Reg, you don't know how ecstatic I am!" you said while laying the dotted black and white blanket on top of the grass and smiling widely.
"I can only imagine, Y/N," he joked, then sat down beside you. He tucked a strand of your loose hair behind your ear, but it went unnoticed.
"Years of Hogwarts and the unbearable stack of homework we've been given...gone! Finally!" you laughed while finally taking out and putting down the "Little Women" book.
Regulus only hummed as he looked down, seeming distracted and lost in his own thoughts.
"Anyway, I was thinking about going to Italy again to meet my cousins. Italy is such a beautiful place. I'll start with that, and maybe I'll live there," you said, but trailed off when you noticed Regulus seemed distracted. He wasn’t talking back.
You turned your head and looked at Regulus. He had a look you couldn’t describe. He looked sad, but at the same time, he wanted to say something.
At that second, realization kicked in. You were stupid for not realizing it yet. You were alone in a beautiful field, and he was the one who strangely suggested the idea for the picnic.
You were truly stupid for not realizing it.
"No. No," you started, getting up quickly.
Regulus quickly got up after you. "Non, non, s'il vous plaît arrêtez et écoutez, s'il vous plaît!" he exclaimed.
"Reg, no!" you yelled back.
"I have loved you ever since I have known you. Ever since you stepped foot on that train, please, just say those four words!" Regulus pleaded.
"I can't love. I've told you this-" you replied, feeling conflicted.
"I have loved you," he had started again as you began to back away from him. "For years- I've never stopped loving you, y/n. Stop and listen for a second! Arrêtez de bou- Arrêtez de bouger - s'il vous plaît arrêtez de bouger!" Regulus pleaded, trying to reach out to you.
"I am not made for you! I am a Muggle, Regulus, a Muggle!" you practically sob out the last line, feeling the weight of your differences.
"Je m'en fous complètement! I do not fucking care, I don't! Loving you is the best fucking thing that has ever happened to me! You have been my light in the dark. The only hope I have is you!" he screamed out as he grabbed a hold of your trembling hands.
"Regulus! I don't love you... I can't change the way I feel. I'm sorry!" you had finally said with trembling lips. That's when it finally hit him.
He let go of both of your hands and kissed his teeth, feeling the pain of rejection.
“You know I’m-”
"No, no. I understand. It's okay," Regulus declared, cutting you off as he started to walk away from you, like you did to him.
"I'm sorry," you said, now feeling the hot tears spill out from your eyes.
Regulus looked at you and ran his fingers through his curly dark hair.
"You know," he started shakily. "You still would've turned my head in any other lifetime. Our love never had a chance in this life, but I'll forever love you in any other lifetime," he said softly as he walked away.
You bit your bottom lip as you heard this. He finally turned to leave.
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papaue00 · 9 months
confession but i have an inkling arthur and abigail were exes, bbuuut please bear with me as i explain (and honestly feel free to fact-check anything i say here)
but first of all, let me be clear that i hate the whole “who’s jack’s father?” discourse. imo it’s pointless and frankly a boring topic, considering many characters have already affirmingly said john is jacks father. so i’m not here to make a case that arthur is jack’s father actually.
what i wanna draw attention to is the period where john left the gang for a year (which is after jack had already been born), because something roger clark said in this panel (the question starts at 41:43 and roger answers a bit later) caught my interest. basically he said there were cut dialogue that alluded to arthur and abigail’s romance, and by rhetorically asking “who knows what happened [during the 1 year john left]?” it’s hard for me not to think it’s his way of suggesting that’s when the relationship happened.
granted, roger also explicitly said those lines/content were cut, but he seemed to also say rockstar conveyed to the two actors that they (rockstar themselves) weren’t doing away with the “attraction undertone”. and that is very much felt, given how they never actually walk back on the things they let arthur write in his journal when it comes to abigail: conflicted thoughts of wanting to marry her, thinking how she’s “the finest woman” he’s known, saving john from prison “for abigail, of course”.
there’s just this really strangely intimate and possessive undercurrent in many things he’s written about her, in a way that would feel very creepy and ooc if she weren’t his at some point.
and it makes me think perhaps when rockstar decided to cut their content, they only did so out of a desire to avoid being overt and unbecoming (probably bc they figured it could be off-putting for fans and subtlety/ambiguity can be more palatable here?), but this shared past about arthur and abigail wasn’t meant to be erased. basically rockstar themselves actually never fully committed to ditching the idea, just decided to be coy about it, handling it in a way so that there’s room for deniability.
and from a story stand point, i think it does make sense? as a bereaved dad (and let’s face it, somewhat of a deadbeat one, too), arthur would definitely take pity on abigail and jack’s situation. if anything, i think arthur’s attempt (be it a conscious or unwitting one) to integrate with them was initially driven by guilt, then probably morphed into actual appreciation/attraction for abigail. for abigail’s side, well, she was abandoned by her true love who (iirc?) denied paternity to their son, that’s gotta enrage her to no end, but also hurt a whole lot. she would definitely appreciate arthur for stepping up and come to care deeply for him in return, but i don’t think she quite shares his level of appreciation.
though by stating this, i’m not in any way trying to frame her as an “ungrateful bitch” who didn’t properly return arthur’s favor— she doesn’t owe arthur love, and i don’t think arthur showed kindness to her with the expectation of winning her over anyway— it’s fair to say arthur did all this simply because he is, well, a good man. so once john eventually returned to the gang and abigail parted ways with arthur, she would be well within her rights to do so, and imo arthur would never in any way berate him or her about this, bc he would know what he had signed up for. that being said, i also don’t think arthur and abigail’s situation was all or nothing. they might never have progressed into true love, but it’s also not unrealistic to think they started being intimate at some point, if only to cope with their problems or try to move on from their pasts (this is assuming abigail gave up hope of john coming back.)
as a bottom line, i guess i wanna say i wrote all of this to sort out my cognitive dissonance. the idea of arthur/abigail is alienating to me and i used to try to pretend it didn’t exist, but the intent is so undeniably there that i kind of started getting frustrated whenever i see people tiptoe around it, coming up with multiple unsatisfactory explanations and never getting into the meat of it, to the point i think it’s just more sincere and liberating? to just confront it lmao. now i’ve come to regard it as an interesting aspect about arthur.
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walkingstackofbooks · 11 months
DS9 4x04 Indiscretion thoughts (I'm re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
"You are going to go looking for that ship, and all I can say is good luck." Odo is a good friend, and understands Kira just so well.
"Well, why don't you stay here? I'm sure that Benjamin could arrange for some quarters." Ben's look at Dax's interference XD
....And of course, it's Dukat
Kira's carefully schooled expression ❤️ I love how professional you are (but also I'm looking forward to you unleashing your anger on him)
"I've found that when one is trying to do a difficult job, personal reasons can be quite an incentive." I'm sure you do, Dukat...
Kira's incredulous expression when he says "I believe that in some ways the occupation actually helped Bajor." 😡😡😡 Yeah fuck you Dukat?
Ugh, of course he's bringing up a topic he knows she'll argue with him about 🤮 why does he have to flirt with her? I hate this
The fact that, in this specific context of Nerys asking to meditate in silence on a shuttle journey, Dukat is better at shutting up than Julian ... ???😅😅
Oh Sisko, Kasidy's right, you weren't exactly thrilled at the idea...
I love how Julian's in on this conversation XD this feels definitely like something Sisko grudgingly accepted he'd have to discuss with Jadzia, and for whatever reason she brought Julian along too (maybe he complains, in the way he does, that this is a conversation he'd need to have man-to-man, so she says "I understand! I'll think Julian's off-shift soon!" while Sisko groans)
I love how they're both teasing him by talking as though he isn't there, this is such a fun conversation - Jadzia isn't a surprise, but we've never seen Julian this casual with Sisko.
Quark just butting in - "Who knows more about women than me?" - and Julian's deadpan "Everyone." XD
"I got them from Bajoran intelligence before we left." ...Dukat's impressed smile and "Very good, Major" as she walks away - I hate that he likes her (conflicting with my belief that everyone should think she's awesome)
I'd forgotten about Dukat getting something stuck in his ass... Such a strange scene...
"You're hoping that she's still alive and you can rescue her." "Not quite. You see, if my daughter is still alive, I'll have no choice but to kill her." And you still don't see how you're the bad guy, Skrain?
"She's your daughter. And there is nothing more important to Cardassians than family. At least that's what your people are always saying." Yiss, let him have it, Kira
"And when I bury Ziyal, I'll weep over her grave just as I wept over her mother's." Jeeeesus, Dukat! And the fact he's so convinced he's right!
"If things don't work out, you're going to feel responsible, and that's scary." I love how well Jake knows his father.
"You figured out all this by yourself?" "Actually, I talked with Nog about it." HAH. Oh Jake, never change. Incredible.
I always thought the Breen would be more significant villains at some point.
This kid has suffered way too much, and I'm so uncomfortable seeing her just hug and forgive Dukat, she deserves so much better
" I wanted to tell you how happy I was for you, for us. But it didn't come out that way. I was uncomfortable, and a little nervous." "A little nervous?" "All right, a lot nervous." XD
"Do you think I'd give up a great opportunity just because you got cold feet? You're a good man, Benjamin Sisko, but you've got a lot to learn about women. Especially this one." I love Kasidy Yates. Ben might be a good man, but she is a fantastic woman.
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 7 months
Alpha's Temptation - Chapter 35 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Instead of Wren being the one avoiding me, I'm now the one avoiding him.
Lylah can't even hang out with me at school anymore because she feels bad leaving Wren alone.
I'm with Jay most of the time, which earns me dirty looks from Wren on the occasion that I do see him.
It's a whole mess, really.
I've tried to stop being guilty about it.
There's nothing I can do. I don't want to talk to Wren.
I don't want a confrontation.
I don't want anything to do with it.
Usually, I wouldn't be so worried about all this if Daemon was around but he's been gone for two days already.
We call and message every day but of course, nothing can replace actually being in his presence.
He sometimes gets me to send pictures of myself and compliments my outfits, even though I'm hiding my face in every photo and take an hour to get one I'm okay with sending.
I've been hoping I'll get one back but all I ended up getting was one disgruntled, looking selfie where he looks like he just woke up.
But it made me smile anyway.
While on a call with him later in the day, something pops into my head.
"Oh, I never got the chance to ask you... um what happened with that guy who died? Zeke?"
"Hmm?" Daemon sighs. "Like I said. We thought he was going to make it. He had traces of heroin in his bloodstream, the amount was concerning but the doctors said it'd be okay. Then a day later when they checked again, he seemed to have more in him and it was impure, laced with metals. You know how deadly some metals are to wolves."
"Hmm," I acknowledge.
We learned about that stuff in school.
"Tristan thinks it has something to do with my brother because he used to be an addict..."
"He was?"
I mean, I did have my suspicions.
"Yeah. I even saved him from an overdose once, that ungrateful little shit."
"Really?" I exclaim. "That must have been so... so scary."
"It was. And he's sober now but if he's still got access to the shit... uh... he might be connected to all of this."
"You've got to tell Lucien..."
"Trust me. We have. And he investigated too but there's no evidence correlating with my brother. So he just has to take Theo's word."
"But you don't buy it?" I ask.
"I don't know what I buy," Daemon sounds conflicted. "We have a big pack. There are plenty of others out there that could be the culprit. Tristan just hates Theo. I don't blame him for being suspect, though. That's why we're looking into it."
"I see..."
"Drugs can spread like wildfire through a pack. It's dangerous. Leaves us vulnerable to attack. The thing is, Lucien already has so much on his hands and I'm helping too but it doesn't change the fact that he has no Luna to support him."
I feel for Lucien. I really do.
He's responsible for so much, the weight of it all on his shoulders, yet he keeps himself together.
Even without his mate. I just want to give him a big hug.
Today is the day Daemon comes back, so I'm pretty excited to say the least.
We're also starting a play in theater which has been super fun so far.
I'm just going to be doing work backstage because I have severe stage fright but it's still fun to see the people rehearsing their scenes as I design the props.
I'm finishing my homework up on the couch as I think about school stuff when I hear the door open.
I look to see if it's Lucien but to my surprise it's Theo.
His eyes dart around strangely, immediately spotting me.
"Ash," he says.
I give him a look of confusion.
I don't really understand what business we'd ever have together.
Theo looks about the room, turning his head left and right.
"Daemon isn't here, is he?"
I'm getting really off vibes from him.
"No..?" I reply, my voice going up in question.
I don't have time to ask what he means before he's coming toward me, moving quickly.
I jump up from the sofa, backing up as he reaches for me.
"What are you doing?"
Fear starts rising in me, adrenaline rushing through my veins.
What is he trying to do?
Theo doesn't reply, just advances on me.
So I skitter around the sofa, nearly tripping over a small table at the end of it.
"Stop," I demand but he's nearly right behind me so I attempt a dash to the front door, barely making it two feet before he grabs me by the arm, forcefully yanking me back.
I yelp in pain as he slams me against the wall, holding me in place with his sheer strength.
"Let go," I yell. "Let go of me."
It's impossible for me to move, smashed against the white plaster on my stomach.
Theo ignores my request.
"I've been waiting for a chance to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me," he says, breathing heavily in anticipation.
His hand grips the bottom of my shirt and I realize what he's trying to do.
He wants to take it off.
"No," I scream. "STOP. STOP."
He rips off my shirt, tearing the fabric in the process so it falls to the ground in a useless muddle.
He starts to laugh maniacally.
"I was right. A fucking Dark Moon pack mark."
No sooner than a few seconds later is the front door slammed open, a furious-looking Daemon charging into the house.
"What the fuck is going on here?" he growls when his eyes find Theo pinning me to the wall.
I feel Theo's hand on my back, pointing to my mark.
My face is smashed up against the wall but I'm able to spare a look at Daemon.
For a brief moment, he looks shocked as he takes in the sight of my bare skin.
Dread floods me because I know that means he's seen them.
Not the mark but the deep, gruesome scars that litter my upper back, my stepfather's favorite place to mutilate me.
"Right under our noses," Theo sneers but at the moment I don't care that I've been discovered.
I care because Daemon saw.
That's all I can think.
Daemon has seen all of me, how disgusting I am.
My stomach drops in terror.
There's no way for me to reverse this.
I burst out crying, thrashing helplessly under Theo's strong hold to try and get him off.
At that, Daemon's face darkens, snapping back to full-blown anger.
Before I can register anything, he's lunging at Theo, violently pulling him off me.
He slams him back into the opposite wall, so hard that it cracks and caves in.
"Don't touch him..." he roars, eyes glowing bright with rage.
He punches Theo hard in the face.
Blood immediately blooms on the blond's cheek and he winces but reopens his eyes to glare at his brother.
"By your reaction, I'm guessing you knew," Theo snarls.
Daemon's nostrils flare.
"Shut your fucking mouth."
"You knew, you traitor. I should've known a dirty rogue like you was in on this."
Theo pushes him back, raising his fists.
Daemon blocks his first few hits, getting a few in himself but misses blocking Theo's last one, also getting a blow to the face.
That fuels his anger and he grunts, punching his brother in the gut.
I watch in horror as they fight, sinking to the floor  by the stairwell.
I'm scared. I'm scared of how they're hurting each other, knocking things over.
"Stop," I scream. "Stop it."
But my plea falls on deaf ears.
"Did he seduce you? Is that why you're trying to protect him?"
Theo takes another punch to the stomach before kneeing Daemon hard in the leg.
"You try anything and I will..."
"Why? You really care that much about a runt?" Theo spits, shoving Daemon back.
The bigger Alpha growls in rage, grabbing Theo by the neck and slamming him against the dining table, shattering the wood.
"You're dead."
"What's it to you?" Theo continues, despite sputtering for air after getting the wind knocked out of him. "That's what he is. A runt. Good for getting fucked and not much else..."
I swear I hear the bone crack before I see it.
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Holy shit your insecure Michael fic woke something up inside of me 😂 I absolutely love this softer side of Michael. I was wondering if I could request a piece on michaels conflicted feelings about falling in love and opening up to his s/o? Like just really soft and fluffy, maybe him noticing that he leans into her touch and craves intimacy more etc. I’m just a slut for our big slashers being soft just for their s/o. Thank you so much I loooove this page and how you write for these tough guys 🥰🥰
Michael Myers feeling conflicted about falling in love and opening up:
He couldn’t place when it started...probably when he started coinhabiting with you, when he decided not to kill you. Yeah, that was probably the start of it, right at the beginning, but realisation settled too late, it was unavoidable. 
He could kill you...technically that would end the problem, right? No more new and strange feelings, no more conflict, it would be over. However, the thought of you being gone did not settle right with Michael at all, it made his fists clench at his sides and his jaw tense behind his mask. No, that wouldn’t solve the problem, it will only bring a multitude of new ones.
It started when he spared you, he decided. Then when was the turning point? When did he realise that there was no turning back? He knew the answer to that fairly quickly as well, when he removed the mask around you for the first time, letting you see his face, letting you see the real Michael. The man, not the monster.
It was all unavoidable. You and these feelings...unavoidable. At least that was what he told himself to avoid thinking about why he made each individual decision that led him here.
You had become his partner, you cared for him and he cared for you even if you both showed it in very different ways. You meant something to him, he was somebody to you. You saw him. All of this had been true for a long time, even you had known it, but Michael had refused to open his eyes to it. Hoping that ignoring it would avoid the realisation forever. 
He could let things continue, let things be, but he couldn’t actually wrap his head around it. So, he supressed it the best he could.
The moment he knew he couldn’t ignore it any longer, when the conflict rose to the front of his mind and planted itself there, was when you were tending to his wounds.
It was an intimate act, though you had been intimate together various times before this felt different. It was a soft, caring act on your behalf.
He couldn’t ignore the way your touch slowly eased the tension in his body, how he allowed himself to trust you at all when he had never trusted anyone. What really caused him to linger on his internal conflict was the way he lent into your touch without even realising it at first. How could you have so much power over him?
The thing that really gets him is when you’re in bed and you move closer in your sleep, cuddling into his side, like you trusted him. Hell, you did trust him against your own better judgement. He allowed it...he liked it.
The only reason Michael didn’t end it all was because he...enjoyed it. It was a nice, warm feeling. Of course he liked that...he just wasn’t used to it.
The conflict wasn’t whether he enjoyed having you around or not. It was about whether or not he would accept it. 
Letting you in, opening up to you, it felt good but it made him feel vulnerable, something Michael never wants to feel. He hates it.
It was late but you were cooking, making something for Michael to eat when you noticed that he hadn’t eaten much that day. Caring, just like always. Normally Michael enjoyed your cooking and would eat anything you placed in front of him, but he was starting to feel that itch, the one that could only be satisfied by going out for a hunt.
“Michael” you smiled, turning when you heard his footsteps enter the room. “I guessed you were hungry so I’m making you something to eat” you informed him, he hated the way it make his heart twinge. “Sit down” you kindly gestured towards the table, seemingly not noticing the mask clutched in his hand.
Michael just shook his head, pulling the mask over his face before heading for the backdoor.
“Oh...okay...” you frowned a little when you realised he was leaving for his...nightly activities. You had become used to it, loved him despite it, but it still hurt a little when he left you like this. “I’ll uh...put it aside, you can heat it up when you come back if you’re hungry” you offered, forcing a small smile, “oh, and try not to get blood on the sheets when you come to bed, alright?” 
It was...oddly domestic, the things you requested of him, the bare minimum honestly.
He responded with the smallest nod and a quiet grunt of approval, though it sounded a little dismissive. 
You sighed as he left the house, turning back to the food you had been cooking. You would put it in the fridge for when he returned, you wondered if you should try to stay up for him or if you would tire before he came home.
You jumped a little when you heard the door open again, turning to see Michael striding towards you. You paused, blinking up at him curiously. You knew that he couldn’t help when he needed to go out like this, so you wondered why he decided to return.
You didn’t speak, you just waited. Surely he wanted something. 
It was incredibly surprising to you when he lifted the mask up to just above his nose, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. Your face flared up in a warm blush, definitely not expecting the affection. Without anything else, Michael lowered the mask, turning on his heel.
There, affection. It wasn’t a lot but it was a step in the right direction, enough to express some of the things he was feeling.
“I love you too!” you called after him as he disappeared out of the house, leaving you smiling brightly to yourself.
Those words. They just started a whole new conflict. You loved him, you loved him too...you knew how he felt about you even if he couldn’t completely comprehend them himself.
For now, this was okay. He was slowly coming to terms with his new feelings, and it seemed that you were willing to wait, finding the small achievements satisfying.
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beespeaks · 3 years
Just in case...
Stu Macher X Reader 
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Stu gets nervous before his party and decides to come see you in case anything goes wrong...
Aged up characters in college/uni
Tags: Swearing, mentions of murder, character death, basic Scream plot with added character and it’s in college though that’s not mentioned, Making out, angst
Warnings: mentions of murder/violence, major character death
You were laying in bed, book in hand, trying to process the day. Casey Becker and Steve Orth had been murdered the night before, and if you were being honest, that scared you. From what everyone had said at school and what you had heard on the news, it had been a pretty violent death too. You didn’t understand who could ever do something like that and why? What could have possibly possessed someone to do that? It wasn’t right. 
You tried to push the thoughts away and focus on the book in your hands but you couldn’t shake the fear swirling in your belly. You were home alone and that just made it worse. You usually craved the nights your parents would go away and leave you alone, but tonight you wished there was someone else here with you. 
Stu was having a party tonight, and he pointedly didn’t invite you which just made you feel worse. In fact, he went out of his way to uninvite you and tell you not to come. You weren’t sure why he didn’t want you there or what you had done to upset him, but you pretended you didn’t care, laughing it off like it was no big deal. You hated parties anyway. 
A tapping on your bedroom window pulls you away from your thoughts and the neglected book in your hands. There was silence for a second as panic mounted in your gut and then you saw another flash against the window. Someone was throwing something at your window. The only person who ever did that was Stu. You hoped. 
Shakily, you padded across the floor to the window and peaked out into the night. It was hard to make out anything much but when you saw another flash against the glass, you knew it was Stu. This flash was green. He was throwing Skittles again. When you had asked him why, he said they were more fun than pebbles.
You sigh and slide the cool glass up the frame and peer out just as a red Skittle goes flying past your head into your bedroom. 
“Fuck!” Stu curses. “Sorry!” He stands on the pavement outside, a sheepish look on his face. He’s hunched in on himself, almost like he’s cold. 
“Can I come in?” He calls, his voice sounds strange and yet it still comforts you just like it always has. You shut the window and run down to let him in, trudging back up the stairs before he even gets in the door and refusing to look at him. Just because you hadn’t planned on going to that party, doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck that he didn’t want you there. 
Your bedroom is cold when you return and it feels smaller with Stu leaning against the doorframe behind you. 
“Y/N.” Stu starts and you turn around to look at him. He looks conflicted and small somehow, even considering his tall frame. Something is definitely bothering him and you want to ask what it is. You don’t though, something tells you that you don’t want to know. 
“Why wasn't I invited to your party?” You ask instead, you decide you can ask him about it tomorrow. Stu looks surprised by your question, it probably hadn’t occurred to him that it would bother you. Part of you thinks that’s sweet. 
“You don't want to come. Trust me.” Something dark laces his words but you brush it off, choosing instead to let his words irritate you. You cross your arms over your chest and glare at him. 
“How do you know? I might have wanted to.” Stu smiles slightly but his eyes still won’t meet yours, he keeps them trained on his shoes. 
“It sucks. You would hate it.” He murmurs and you scoff. 
“So, that’s why you’re here then, your party sucked so you thought you’d come and annoy me. How did you know I wouldn't have plans? I could have gone out tonight despite the curfew.” You almost yell. Stu is one of your best friends and there is defiantly something more there, but he always treated you like a second choice. A backup plan. He was always off with Tatum - his actual girlfriend, or Billy Loomis. The only times he ever had time for you was when no one else was around. You were sick of being a secret. 
Stu sighs at your outburst and pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“I’m glad you were home.” He whispers. It’s quiet, you almost miss it but it changes something. All the anger and hurt you had been holding onto vanishes and you finally take a proper look at the blonde boy in front of you. 
The usual loud, goofy idiot is quiet and he looks like he might break any second. He’s standing as close to the doorframe as he can, like he needs to it to hold himself up. His eyes are on anything but you and even from here you can see his breathing is uneven. 
“Stu? What’s wrong?” Taking steps towards him, you reach your hand out and touch his shoulder. He flinches slightly before leaning into your touch. “Stu, look at me.” You keep your voice low and soft, like you're talking to a frightened animal. Shaking his head a few times he turns his head slowly to you. His blue eyes are scared and sad and something else that breaks your heart. Now that he’s finally looking at you, his resolve starts to crumble. You were always the one thing that could break down his defenses. You were the one person he never had to pretend with. You were his safe place. 
“I’m scared, Y/N.” His voice breaks and then he’s crying, almost hysterically. Deep, laboured breathes and attempts to stop. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a hug as fast as you can, wanting to make him feel even a little better as soon as you can. 
His arms wrap around you instantly, his face buried in your neck as he sobs. He’s shaking and digging his nails into your back but you don’t care. You have no idea what it is that could have him this upset. Stu has always been sensitive and he’ll cry at any sad movie the two of you watch, but even you’ve never seen him like this. 
“It’s okay, Stu. It’s okay.” You whisper as you press a kiss to his temple. He doesn’t tell you, but this is all he needed. All he ever needed. 
He does whisper something into the crook of your neck though. You don’t catch what it is until he pulls himself away from you to look into your eyes. He swears your eyes are the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. His own eyes are still red and filled with tears. 
“I love you.” He whispers and you gasp softly. If he had told you this any when else, you would have called bullshit and told him there were easier ways for him to get laid than fucking with your emotions. But the look in his eyes and the way he holds onto you like a lifeline, you can’t believe it’s a lie. You also can’t lie to him. 
“I love you, too.” 
His lips are on you before the words are even fully out of your mouth. A passionate, heated kiss filled with unspoken words and over a year of holding yourselves back. Your hands grip in his hair and his knead at your hips, pulling you impossibly closer. You cling to each other like you don’t need anything in the world as much as you need this, like he’s the oxygen you’ve been craving, like you’re the rain after the longest drought. 
The two of you move backwards and fall down onto the bed, never letting go of each other. He’s on top of you now and his lips are traveling to your neck to leave open-mouthed kisses and whispers of ‘I love you’ over and over again. You whisper it back every time. Even if you don’t know why he’s falling apart, you know that’s what he needs to hear to keep him together. 
Just as his lips are back on yours, softer and slower now but still as passionate as before, you hear a ringing. Stu pulls back and curses as he pulls a cellular telephone from his back pocket. He looks defeated and scared again. 
He doesn't answer the phone, just switches it off and slips it in his back pocket with a sigh. You don’t know why, but you know he’s about to leave. Maybe it was Tatum. She is his girlfriend after all. The reminder pangs in your chest. 
Stu’s blue eyes meet yours and you can’t find it in you to ask about Tatum or push him away like you should when he kisses you again. Softly and sadly. A kiss full of ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I love you’ and something that feels like goodbye. 
He pulls back to rest his forehead against yours and just breathe in your familiar, comforting scent for a moment longer. 
“I love you.” He whispers before getting up and leaving the room. He doesn’t look back.
When the phone rings in the middle of the night and your friend Randy recalls the events of Stu’s party, you collapse onto the floor as everything clicks into place in ways you really wish it wouldn’t. It felt like goodbye, because it was. 
Stu Macher was dead and you were always going to think about the fact that you saw him last. You could have stopped him, if you had just asked him one more time if he was okay. Just one more time and he might have told you what was happening. One more time and he might still be here.
At least now you knew why you weren’t invited to  his party.
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angrelysimpping · 3 years
im SCREAMING , i feel bad for even reading the ones under “hate them” (except for bailey, he gets extra love out of SPITE)
but also i cackle at the thought of instead of the pc crying, the LIs get to listen to you go through the rollercoaster of emotions of a crush. screaming into pillows, vaguely daydreaming about them every minute of every day sort of crush. of “im worried about them as a FRIEND” to “nonono i cant be in love with THEM” to “shit, my buddy animal pal, ive got a crush” to finally being quiet and crying because yeah you love them but they’re still missing and if the option is for them to be hurt or avoiding you, you obviously hope it’s the latter for their safety, but goddamn if it doesn’t hurt to think it’s that :(
😢 oh nooooo
Worrying that Alex got yoinked by Remy. Telling your pet about how you're tempted to get yourself sent to the underground farm, just so you'll know if they're there and need your help. But you won't. You can't leave your little animal friend alone. It's all Alex can do not to freak out over what you're saying. It doesn't even register that you're crying about how you love them for a while.
It's strange for Avery, sitting on your lap (or perched on your shoulder, if we're going with pretty birdie Avery) as you cry about how the businessperson is avoiding you. How you know the relationship is transactional, how you know that their feelings for you aren't the same as your feelings for them, but it still hurts that they're avoiding you. They can't help but feel a little proud of how deeply they've affected you.
Shut the fuck up, you do not like Bailey. They don't care if they watched your slow process of going "I'm worried about the orphanage" to "I hope nothing bad happened to them" to "I actually kinda like them" to "Oh my god I really like them" to "Fuck me, I think I'm in love with the bastard and they've dropped off the face of the earth. What if someone hurt them?" They don't care! They don't! You're delusional if you think you actually care for them because there is no way you actually care for them. And they don't care about you! They're sitting in your lap so you stop crying because it's annoying, and that's the only reason.
Eden is conflicted. They're watching you come to the realization that you need them, love them, even. And they like that. But you also think they've abandoned you, maybe even died. You're crying. They know they shouldn't feel as good as they do that you're crying over them. They can't help it, though.
When you say you love them, Kylar swears their heart almost stops. They'd been trying to comfort themself being just your friend. If you'll let them be near you, maybe they could live with that. But you love them? Love! That's all Kylar wants. They try to cheer you up as you cry, even if there's a warmth growing in their chest that you're worried about them.
Robin was already feeling guilty about causing you stress when you referred to them as your missing best friend. Now, you've come to the realization that you might love them. That you're worried something happened to them. That you know they would never avoid you, but you hope they are for their own safety. Robin is going to try everything they can to comfort you, even though they feel like crying themself.
Sydney knows you think of them as a friend, you're one of the few people who talk to them, after all. They may think of you in different terms, but they're happy with just being your friend. Then you confess that you might have a crush on them, that you're distraught at the thought that they're avoiding you, and they want to cry. You like them too! They really like you, they would never avoid you! They don't want you to cry!
Your relationship with Whitney is a strange one. They're an asshole, but you don't hate them. You're even worried about them when they go missing. As time goes on, you come to the realization that you actually have feelings for the bully. Sharing your discovery with your pet while you hold them and cry leaves Whitney reeling. Whitney is not good with their own emotions, let alone other people's.
You know Wren can take care of themself. You've seen them do all kinds of wild things without getting hurt. They're fine. They have to be. But they work with Remy. Remy. You know what goes on behind that fence, and you can't help but worry Wren somehow got in too deep. The only reason you haven't gone looking for them, intentionally gotten yourself put back into Remy's care, is because you don't want to leave your new pet at Bailey's mercy. Wren's trying to cheer you up, distract you from their disappearance, and pointedly ignoring the part where you said you had feelings for them.
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
Bumbleby: Burning Beauty & Shadow-Beast
Black the beast descends from shadows. Yellow beauty burns gold.
These lines from Red Like Roses convey two ideas that are intertwined in Blake and Yang characters.
1) They share a Beauty and the Beast motif.
2) They are respectively the Shadow (Blake) and the Sun (Yang).
The first idea foreshadows Blake’s allusion and Yang’s role in it, other than their love story.
The second is instead about their complementarity, which is why they work well together, but also why there is a conflict between them early on in the story.
Let’s see more about these two motifs under the cut.
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The Beauty and the Beast is Blake’s fairy tale allusion and it is used in multiple ways throughout the narrative.
To be more specific, Blake’s story has two beauties and many beasts.
1) Blake is Adam’s Beauty:
The final traces of love, the beauty he let go, never returns, and as the last petal falls, Adam is cursed to forever remain a beast. Because, in this tale as old as time, there is no happy ending. In this story... HE is the monster.
She starts the story as his prisoner, at least psychologically. This is shown in the song From Shadows, where Blake echoes Adam’s words and his violent ideology:
Born with no life, Into subjugation. Treated like a worthless animal,
Stripped of all rights, Just a lesser being, Crushed by cruel, ruthless Human rule.
So, Blake is the Beauty that must free herself from the Beast:
Your hopes have become my burden. I will find my own liberation...
While Adam is an inversion of the Beast (and is also Gaston too). He is given love (a rose to nurture), but chooses to let it wilt and to manipulate Blake not to feel vulnerability. The result is that he spirals and is never redeemed.
2) Blake is also the Beauty of the Faunus as a whole. She is the Beauty that wants society to see  the good in the Faunus (the “Beast”).
This is made even more poignant once her father Ghira is introduced as Managerie’s chief and the previous leader of the White Feng:
We'll stand undivided Our futures aligned A new brotherhood This time
This is why Blake shares the song This Time specifically with her father. It is to show how she is already growing to be like him, actually even better:
Saber: What does she think she's doing?
Ghira: She's learned a lesson that evaded me until I was much older: That there is strength in forgiveness.
All of this is also conveyed through Blake’s family name, which is Belladonna (beautiful woman). The Belladonna family fights for the rights of the Faunus, like the Beauty fights for the Beast.
4) Blake plays the part of the Beast too.
She is specifically the Beast that looks for redemption:
Blake:  I joined the Academy because I knew that Huntsmen and Huntresses were regarded as the most noble warriors in the world. Always fighting for good. But I never really thought past that. When I leave the Academy, what will I - how can I undo so many years of hate?
And is given a second chance at Beacon where she meets a “rose” to look up to:
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Blake: I know you don't always know what to do, but that's never stopped you from doing something. I was like that as a girl, but time and... a lot of other things, took their toll on me. Then I wasn't sure if that kind of girl could actually survive in the world... until I met you. It was a little strange at first because you were younger, but I've always looked up to you, Ruby. And I still do.
5) Finally, there is another Beauty to Blake’s Beast and that is Yang:
Scathing eyes ask that we be symmetrical, one sided and easily processed. Yet every misshapen spark's unseen beauty is greater than its would be judgement.
Yang’s beauty is strongly linked to asymmetry, like her trailer’s quote highlights.
This relates to her losing an arm to Adam, but there is also another layer to her asymmetrical beauty. It ties to Yang’s own allusion aka Goldilock and the Three Bears:
Shay: Are you telling me you're too young to drink? You look like a regular Huntress. And a beauty at that.
Yang: I'm good. Thanks, pal.
Shay: Seriously. Not too bulky. Not too lean. You're...
Yang: Just right. Yup. Like I said, I'm good.
Deep down Goldilock and the Three Bears is a fairy tale about a child not fitting into a family.
Goldilock enters the three bears’ house and looks for her own place in it. However, the place she thinks as hers is actually the Baby Bear’s. It is the Baby Bear the child of the family and Goldilock does not fit in.
Does it sound familiar?
Yang:  It was tough. Ruby was really torn up, but... I think she was still too young to really get what was going on, y'know? And my dad just kind of... shut down. It wasn't long before I learned why. Summer wasn't the first love he lost; she was the second. The first... was my mom.
Yang is loved by both Summer and Tai exactly like Ruby. However, after Summer’s death, Yang finds herself in a role she does not fit. She must step in as Ruby’s emotional caretaker. At the same time, she discovers she and Ruby do not share their biological mother and that Yang’s mom abandoned her.
So, Yang is the Goldilock that is scared not to fit in her own family and that looks for a place that is just right for her.
This is why the times her allusion is played straight or most directly referenced, have all to do with Yang looking for Raven.
In the Yellow Trailer she is the Goldilock going to Baby Bear’s house (Junior’s pub) and destroying it. She does so while searching for information on Raven.
Yang: Tell me where I can find her and I'll let you go.
Similarly, she ends up in a fuel station called Just Rite, where she has an exchange that echoes the famous “just right” quote with Shay. This meeting happens when she is looking for Raven and eventually the bandit leads her to her mom.
Finally, Yang’s story in Burning the Candle can be seen as yet another reference to the fairy tale:
Yang: I waited for Dad to leave the house, put Ruby in a wagon, and headed out. I must've walked for hours. I had cuts and bruises, I was totally exhausted, but I wasn't gonna let anything stop me. When we finally got there, I could barely stand, but I didn't care; I had made it. And then I saw them. Those burning red eyes...
Yang looks for her mom and finally reaches a house in the woods, but instead of her mom, she finds three monsters:
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This can also be seen as a combination of both Yang’s Goldilock allusion and Ruby’s Little Red Riding Hood one, since the Grimms inside the house are beowolves.
In synthesis, Blake’s allusion combines a very broad conflict with a very personal one. She must find answers both about the Faunus and society and about her love story with Adam and how it affected her.
Yang’s story is instead about finding beauty in asymmetry both when it comes to others and to herself.
Blake is the Shadow:
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Yang is the Sun:
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These symbolic frames are taken respectively from the end of the Black Trailer and from the beginning of the Yellow one.
Blake is leaving the scene and her frame is becoming smaller and smaller, while Yang is taking the stage and her frame becomes bigger and more definite as she approaches.
They are two moments where Blake and Yang’s respective motifs are shown. They are clear throughout the whole series, though, and conveyed also through their respective sets of songs.
Yang’s songs all mention fire and the sun:
You're standing too close to a flame that's burning Hotter than the sun in the middle of July
Fool, you shouldn't stare into these eyes of fire (...) You'll watch me ignite
Just look at the fire in my eyes And bring my Strawberry Sunrise
Moreover, her sun motif contrasts with Ruby’s moon one:
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Similarly, all Blake’s songs and character shorts have her sharing the spot with another character (Adam, Ghira, Sun, Ilia, Yang herself). This is because Blake is always someone’s shadow symbolically and at the same time she is always either the Beauty or the Beast.
What does this imagery mean for the two characters though? It is about them being opposites, as their respective shorts show.
Blake runs away from a loved one (Adam) and a conflict:
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While Yang runs after a loved one (Raven) and into a conflict:
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This is mirrored in their respective semblances, which are fittingly called Shadow and Burn:
Blake: Even my Semblance! I was born with the ability to leave behind a shadow of myself; an empty copy that takes the hit while I run away!
Taiyang: Once you take damage, you can dish it back twice as hard, but that doesn't make you invincible! (...) You've always been one to burn brighter than everyone else, whether it was with your smile, or, well, I remember your first haircut.
Blake’s semblance gives her the ability to avoid hits. She does not have to feel the pain. She can just have an empty copy go through it, while she runs away.
Yang’s semblance instead works only if she gets hit. So, it is a semblance that needs her to feel pain.
In short, Blake’s semblance is about avoiding conflicts, while Yang’s is about taking a conflict head on.
Both approaches are extreme and can be damaging if they are not toned down, as the Battle of Beacon shows:
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In that instance, Blake runs away from both Adam and Yang, even if for different reasons.
She runs away from Adam because she is scared of him and can’t face her past. She runs away from Yang because she is scared of letting someone new in. She thinks that her past prevents her from forging a future. She is scared to be hurt and to hurt others.
This is why her personal journey involves two other Faunus that help her in two different ways:
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Through helping Ilia Blake helps herself. Ilia represents both her past self and the past Adam:
Blake:  That’s what worries me about Ilia. She’s not like Adam, not yet at least, but I don’t know how long that will last.
Ilia could turn out just like Adam, if she is not helped in time. It is meaningful that in her and Blake’s interactions Ilia keeps telling Blake she should just leave:
Ilia: Your plan isn't gonna work, Blake. Please... just leave Menagerie before it's too late.
She wants Blake to give in to her flaw. This is why it is meaningful that Blake chooses instead to take a stand:
Ilia: Why couldn't you just leave?!
Blake: Because I run away too much.
By facing Ilia Blake starts to face her past. This is the first step of a process that makes her strong enough to face Adam.
Sun is instead the person who teaches Blake the importance to rely on others:
Go where you need to Know I won't leave you I'll follow you like morning follows night You can run 'till your pain's through One thing I won't do is to let you go Alone to face the fight
He conveys to her that she can still look forward to a happy future. Thanks to him Blake gains enough confidence to go back to her team and to Yang.
When it comes to Yang, she attacks Adam out of anger at Beacon and this results in her losing an arm. This is the culmination of Yang’s hotheadeness that has been pointed out several times throughout volume 3:
Port: Ooh, looks like Yang's angry! And you wouldn't like her when she's... upset.
Taiyang: No, no, you were predictable. And... stubborn. And... maybe a little boneheaded.
Yang acting before properly analyzing the situation is also why she falls for Mercury’s trap, as I point out here:
In a sense, it is the philosophy embodied by her semblance (you punch me, I punch you back harder) that leads her to fall for Mercury’s trap. She shoots him without properly analyzing the situation or questioning Mercury’s actions
In general, Mercury and Yang are foils because both of them weaponize their traumas:
Both characters weaponize their pain, but in opposite ways.
Yang does so through her semblance. Her strategy consists in enduring and feeling the pain, so that then she can give it back with additional damage.
Mercury does so through his weapon aka his legs. He uses his unfeeling limbs to endure damage he could not withstand if he had legs made of meat and bones.
These opposite coping mechanisms are shown through the two characters having similar yet opposite weapons and fighting styles (punches vs kicks). Moreover, they come out in their fight during the Vytal Festival.
Both Yang and Mercury have built their own self-image around the idea that suffering and pain make them stronger. So, they take damage even when they could avoid it.
It is specifically because Yang’s own self-image is so intertwined with the idea of strength that she takes her loss at Beacon so badly. However, she learns from this loss:
Taiyang: But you gotta keep your emotions in check. Keep a level head, and think before you act. Your Semblance is a great fallback, but you can't let yourself rely on it. It won't always save you.
And is able to work through the true root of her trauma:
Taiyang: Obviously. You definitely have your mom's stubbornness.
Yang: Oh, so now we can talk about her?
Throughout her break from fighting Yang is able to think things through and to become strong enough to face Raven when she finally meets her mother:
Yang: I'm not here for you. Ruby is somewhere in Mistral. She's with Qrow, and she's going to need my help. I just need you to take me to her.
Both Blake and Yang are deeply hurt in the Battle of Beacon, but they manage to work through their problems separately and by the end of volume 5 they have both solved their individual major conflict (or at least an important part of it).
On one hand Blake has found her own answer to the broader conflict she is involved in:
Blake: You have to understand that all of you are looking for simple answers to a very complicated problem. And I can't give that to you. I don't know how to make hate go away, I don't. But I know that this kind of violence is not the solution.
And is strong enough to face Adam.
On the other hand Yang has grown enough to not let herself be defined by her emotions or her strength:
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Yang: Oh, shut up!! You don't know the first thing about strength! You turn your back on people, you run away when things get too hard, you put others in harm's way instead of yourself!! You might be powerful, but that doesn't make you strong.
And is able to tell Raven off.
So, their next step is to work through their conflict with each other, which is still strongly defined by their shared trauma at the hands of Adam.
What is the root of Yang and Blake’s conflicts?
The answer lies in these two quotes:
Blake: I had someone very dear to me change. It wasn't in an instant, it was gradual - little choices that began to pile up. He told me not to worry. At first they were accidents, then it was self-defense. Before long, even I began to think he was right. This is all just... very familiar.
Yang: I know she's our teammate, but I'm not just going to change my mind. I'm sorry, I just... I don't think you know what it's like to be left. You have a giant family, recitals to perform at, dinners to attend. I didn't have any of that. My mom left me. Ruby's mom left too. Tai was always busy with school and Ruby couldn't even talk yet. I had to pick up the pieces. I had to keep things together. Alone.
Every conflict between Yang and Blake so far has been about them projecting on the other a trait of either Adam or Raven.
Adam and Raven are linked to respectively Blake and Yang’s trauma.
This is also why both have similar designs. They both wear a Grimm mask and use their swords to channel their respective semblances. These two details are symbolic.
They wear a Grimm mask because of this:
Adam: We may not want them to know who we are, but we should make sure they never forget what we looked like. Now - it's time we got what we deserved.
It is not about who they are, but what they look like. Both Raven and Adam are too scared to truly show their true selves to people, so they dehumanize themselves.
This ties well with them both using their sword to activate their semblances. Raven and Adam’s respective semblances have to do with bonds and feelings.
On one hand Raven’s connects her to her bonds. On the other hand Adam’s semblance is like Yang’s. It is about enduring attacks, so that then he can give the damage back.
However, both characters have linked their semblances to a weapon. This means that they are weaponizing the parts of themselves represented by their semblances. They are detaching them and using them utilitaristically.
So, Raven weaponizes her bonds. She runs away and pops up only when she needs others. Adam instead  weaponizes his own pain and trauma. He did suffer at the hands of humans, but chooses not to feel anymore and uses his past as an excuse to hurt others and play the victim. This is why he went from Justice/Passion/Hate to siimply Spite:
Blake: At first, I thought Adam was justice. Then, I thought he was passion. But over time, I realized I was wrong. He wasn't any of those things. He was spite- not hatred, not rage, spite.
So, both Raven and Adam are darker versions of respectively Blake and Yang. To be more precise, they are how Yang and Blake are scared their partner will turn out to be.
Yang is brash and strong just like Adam, but what if she starts enjoying the thrill of violence more and more and loses herself?
Blake runs away just like Raven and what if she never comes back?
What is important is that for us viewers it is obvious neither Yang nor Blake are remotely similar to Adam or Raven.
Yang is loyal and honest and interacts with others earnestly. Blake runs away in a twisted attempt to protect others and not because she wants to save herself alone.
Both Blake and Yang struggle not against the other, but against their own insecurities and pain. Theirs is a struggle to trust their partner despite their wounds.
Still, even if they struggle, they never forget to always see that the other person is more than their own projection. Actually, they are able to recognize parts of themselves in the other and are able to help with that:
Yang: I told you: I'm not telling you to stop! I haven't! To this day, I still want to know what happened to my mother and why she left me, but I will never let that search control me. We're going to find the answers we're looking for, Blake. But if we destroy ourselves in the process, what good are we?
Blake: Adam's strong, but his real power comes from control. He used to get in my head, make me feel small. But now I see he just wanted to pull me down to his size.
Yang is the only one able to get through Blake while she is burnt out, while Blake is able to understand Yang’s fear for Adam and helps her overcome it.
Their growth and development is tested in their final fight against Adam.
Adam is mostly a foil to Yang:
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This is why he is associated with the moon. It is to contrast him with Yang’s sun imagery.
Still, he also represents Blake’s negative traits, like her past criminal life, her abusive love life and the tendency to avoid facing one’s own problems. Blake initially runs away from them, while Adam projects them on others:
Adam: Why did you have to come into my life and ruin everything?!
Bad things happen to him as a result of his own poor choices, but he prefers to blame Blake for them.
This is why symbolically Adam’s semblance is the same as Yang:
Blake: His Semblance is like yours! He absorbs energy through his sword, stores it up and then sends it back when he's ready.
But he is also able to create copies of himself when he attacks, so that he mirrors Blake as well:
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To be more specific Adam has two flaws linked to communication and vulnerability.
Firstly, he does not let anyone truly in:
Yang: Did she make that promise to you? Or to the person you were pretending to be?
His mask is not only physical, but psychological as well. He acts nobler than what he is, so that he can manipulate others.
The result though is that he ends up alone. This contrasts him with Blake, who used to wear her own mask:
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Still, she manages to reveal her true self to others and is accepted by them. This is why in their final confrontation Blake is not alone, while Adam is:
Adam: So... tell me, Blake... how does it feel to be alone?
Blake: I'm not alone.
Blake was scared that her past and Adam’s influence on her life condemned her to cut all kinds of bonds with others, so it is fitting that in her final fight with him she is with her partner.
Adam’s second flaw is his inability to see others. This is why there is an eyes/see motif when it comes to him. It is primarily shown in the episode of his death being called Seeing Red. However, it is also conveyed in Armed and Ready:
The place I can't forget The hidden eyes that I can feel there
This contrasts him with Yang:
My eyes are open wide I'm racing to her side
Adam hides himself, so that he can be in a position of advantage in his relationships, while Yang faces others directly and shows her feelings openly.
At the same time, their shared eyes motif has another implication. It actually ties with Yang’s overall development:
Crash and burn (crash and burn) Some lessons are just hard to learn Scathing eyes (scathing eyes) That see things from only one side Yet every misshapen spark Suffers the judgment and pain But just as light conquers dark There's a beauty that's greater Than pure symmetry can contain So let's start the game!
This idea of beauty in asymmetry and of learning to see things from different sides is as much about Yang being beautiful because of her imperfections as it is about her learning to see things from other perspectives:
Taiyang: You both act like the easiest way to tackle an obstacle is through it. That strength is all that matters in a fight. But if you just take a second look, then maybe you see... there's a way around as well.
It is only in this way Yang can make peace with herself, her past and Blake’s actions. It is about aknowledging complexity:
Weiss: You're right though. I don't know loneliness like you do. I have my own version. And, I'll bet Blake has her own version too.
This is the meaning of becoming “smarter”. It is about being more calculated in fights, but also about embracing asymmetry and imperfection in life.
Yang’s final fight with Adam is about her applying this idea on different layers, while Adam fails to do so.
Both Yang and Adam have the tendency to easily see red. Yang is linked to this imagery because of her flaming eyes, while Adam because of his bull imagery.
Still, in their final fight Adam loses specifically because he is no able to see outside himself and his anger (red), while Yang wins because she can.
From a practical point of view, Yang never loses trace of her surroundings. She keeps monitoring Blake’s movements and moves accordingly, so that Adam does not see her teammate. She is able to endure until Adam acts recklessly and at this point she steals his weapon and uses it to lure Adam where Blake is waiting to attack.
Adam instead is too focused on Yang and his anger and jealousy to understand what is happening hence why he loses.
From a symbolical point of view, Yang wins because she never loses sight of Blake. She never forgets about her presence in the fight. She protects her, but also trusts Blake’s strength.
In other words, it is not this:
Adam: What does she even see in you?!!
But rather it is that Yang sees Blake as her own person instead than as an extension of herself, like Adam does.
Adam does not care about Blake, but only about himself and this is why he loses both the fight, but also Blake’s heart.
Ultimately, what Adam accuses Blake of doing:
Adam: You didn't leave scars, you just left me alone.
Is something Blake has done to Yang as well. As shown in this meta, Blake runs away for different reasons from both Adam and Yang. However, Yang is able to understand why she does it and forgives her. She trusts Blake’s promise not to run anymore. Adam chooses instead not to listen to why Blake leaves him and blames her for his own shortcomings.
In conclusion, Blake and Yang’s fight against Adam cements their relationship and development.
On one hand Blake does not run away, but fights. On the other hand Yang keeps level headed and even more importantly accepts vulnerability.
This is why they win and come out strengthened both as individuals and as partners.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Side Effects | Bruce Banner x reader
summary: you never know what might be in the beakers at another chemist's station. you never know which of your colleagues might come along just in the knick of time to become the only antidote to your affliction.
word count: 3.6k
warnings: smut! (dub con due to sex pollen), semi-public sex (because technically someone could have walked by but unlikely), guilt/hesitance, kinda pining??, fingering, creampie,
a/n: yes, this is an accurate depiction of emergency shower protocol in a chemical lab and yes it is every lab technician's worst nightmare. thankfully the other stuff is not an accurate depiction of any known chemical, lol.
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You wiped your forehead with a tired sigh, staring down at the calculations in front of you before using your pen to scribble over them before tearing out the page and throwing it away.
“You still do that by hand?” Bruce interjected, making you look up at where he was leaning in the doorway to the lab, watching you work.
“Oh, Dr. Banner!” you greeted with a smile, wondering if it was too ecstatic. You weren’t so good at the ‘playing it cool’ thing like he seemed to be.
“We have all those fancy screens and digital whiteboards, you know,” he explained as he stepped in and looked around at your work. “Not to mention the computer can do that stuff for you.”
“I know,” you scoffed, “but I always feel better doing it myself, on real paper. Not that I’m having any luck at the moment…”
"Here, I'll give them a quick look while you take a break," he offered, glancing at the numbers from over your shoulder. "You just get up and stretch your legs for a minute, doc."
You always thought it was sort of silly for him to call you that when he was a doctor as well, but you didn't complain.
Regardless, you were about to tell him that it was fine and you didn't need a break, but he was leaning in closer to take your seat and the proximity was so intimidating that you hopped up and went along with it anyways. He sat down and pondered your calculations while you circled the lab, taking a moment to appreciate how nice it felt to stand up and move around after sitting for so long.
"Your handwriting is…" Bruce trailed off, adjusting his glasses.
"Feminine and graceful?" you finished sarcastically.
"Sure," he chuckled.
"Yeah, just like me—" you started to quip, but mid-sentence you (ironically) stumbled and tripped, using a nearby table to catch yourself— but you accidentally grabbed onto a beaker, which tipped over and smashed onto the ground. The liquid inside spilled onto the floor just before you did, and you winced as you fell into the puddle of the unknown substance.
“Shit!” you hissed as you scrambled to get up, looking down at your clothes and seeing they were covered in the fluid, which was beginning to evaporate, or steam, or something. Remembering lab safety protocols, you instantly began to strip, closing your eyes and wishing Bruce hadn’t come in just before this. As you shirked your lab coat, shirt, and skirt, you walked to the emergency shower, pulling the lever and gasping when the chilly stream of water poured down on you. Bruce looked at you with wide eyes before being kind enough to turn around as you shivered and removed your bra and underwear, now completely naked and weakly scrubbing yourself with your hands in hopes that none of the chemical had gotten onto your skin.
“What is it?” he asked nervously, turning his head back enough that you could hear him over the flow of water, but hopefully not so much that he could see anything important.
“I don’t know,” you answered, “it’s not mine. It’s something Dr. Sutherland was working on…”
“Is it… are you in pain at all?” he asked, even more concerned, and you tried to decide if you could feel any effects.
“N-no…” you answered hesitantly. You felt hot, and strange, and you were covered in rolling chills, but you figured that was just the situation you were in— naked in a tepid shower in front of your coworker who just so happened to be incredibly sexy.
“I should call poison control,” Bruce offered as he reached for his cell phone.
“No, I’m fine,” you denied as the water flow slowed down and you wiped your face, confident that you looked like a complete mess— but at least you saved yourself from whatever was in that beaker, right?
“Here,” Bruce offered an emergency blanket to you after pulling it off a nearby shelf, and it was not at all absorbent but it helped with the draft as you stepped away from the shower which was still leaking the last few drops of water onto the drain on the floor.
“Thank you,” you nodded nervously, shivering and dripping and looking back at him with no idea what to say at all.
“Do you feel alright? I should check you for burns,” he suggested. “I— I won’t look…”
“Please,” you sighed, pulling the blanket a bit to expose your chest and stomach. He brushed his hand over the skin there, making you instantly whine as heat burned just under your skin, clouding your mind and making you crave even more.
"Did that hurt?" he asked anxiously, pulling away, but you stepped closer.
"No it's… it's good, it's so good."
He furrowed his brow as he looked down at you, putting the back of his hand to your forehead. "You're burning up, doc, you must be running a fever of 105."
"Touch me more, please," you whimpered. It was like you were in a dream, everything foggy and distant, and the only time that anything made sense was when he touched you. Or maybe it was that his touch sent you further into delirium; you couldn't be sure.
He gasped when he looked at your quivering legs only to find slick arousal running down the inside of them, threatening to drip onto the floor.
"Oh," he sighed.
"Please," you begged mindlessly, "Dr. Banner, I n-need you…"
"No, you need medical attention."
You whined and grabbed as his shirt, humming at the feeling of his warm skin just beneath. If the forearms that he often left exposed in rolled-up sleeves were anything to go buy, his chest was probably toned and tanned, lightly dusted with dark hair… you were all but drooling at the thought. "Please, Bruce… just help me," you pleaded, looking up into his eyes which were swirling with conflict.
"I can't," he shook his head. "I'd be taking advantage."
He must have seen the heartbreak of rejection make you wince, because he tried to soothe you with his hands resting on your arms— even just that contact making you suppress a moan.
"I've wanted this for so long," he explained, "and you— you haven't. You're unwell, you need to go to a hospital."
You sobbed a little at the idea of being taken away from him and examined by strangers, when you knew the solution was right in front of you. "No, no Bruce they'll touch me! Nobody can touch me but you, I only want you."
He scoffed, but you heard the weakness in it and you needed him to give in soon before you melted from your own hear. "You're deranged— delirious," he reiterated.
"It'll feel so good, please Bruce, I'll be so good for you— anything you want, I'll do it, I'm yours."
"Stop talking like that," he winced. "I can't… I can't."
"I need to feel you inside me, Dr. Banner, I need it more than anything. It's just gonna get worse… please, help me. I want you. I trust you."
"You'll hate me in the morning," he asserted. "God, this is so wrong…"
But much to your relief, he reached down and hesitantly slid his thick middle finger through your folds, gasping gently as he felt how wet you were. "I should t-take you somewhere private."
"No, need you now— right here," you pleaded, trying to chase his touch with your hips.
"But if someone came by—" he began to fret, glancing at the door; but his attention was turned back to you by your hands weaving into his hair.
"Nobody else stays this late, god, Bruce please I just need you so bad—"
He cut you off with a sudden kiss, which was enough on its own to make warmth bloom in your gut, but then he started to move his finger again and you shuddered with a moan that was muffled by his lips.
"Maybe I can make you come like this," he offered as he pulled back just enough to whisper to you, "would that help you? It'll take the edge off."
You bucked and moaned against his fingers, just those subtle touches driving you wild. "N-no, it has to be inside! You have to fuck me, I need your cock."
He breathed through his teeth, like he was almost considering it, but then looked away. "I can't," he shook his head.
"Can't or won't?"
He frowned. "Won't. I'll get you off with my fingers, otherwise it would be… too selfish."
"Bruce, I'm literally begging you for it," you sighed, the irritated tone that you'd intended lost in the moans he elicited by rubbing your swollen clit.
"I know," he winced, "I know and it's killing me that I can't give you what you're asking for… I swear if it wasn't like this…" he trailed off as you looked up at him with your bottom lip between your teeth.
"What would it be like?" you asked lowly. "Tell me how you would fuck me."
For all his shyness before, there was a brief switch in his demeanor as he leaned in, breath hot against your neck as he whispered, two fingers sliding into your channel at the exact moment that he spoke.
"So fucking hard."
You whimpered, knees wobbling a bit as you tried to ride his fingers— but he wasn't pushing back, wasn't giving you enough force to balance against when you sought more friction. "P-please, Bruce— I know you want to, please, please baby I need it so bad…"
"I know," he breathed, free hand cradling your face as his thumb stroked your cheek, and it was so needlessly compassionate, so effortlessly soothing that your heart had no choice but to clench at his tenderness. Other parts of you clenched as well, in much more literal ways, but the heart thing was more important.
You gingerly reached forward and palmed his cock through his pants, moaning when you felt how hard it was. "You're desperate, too," you informed him with a little smile. "It hurts, doesn't it? It aches."
"Yes," he answered tensely.
"I'm hurting too. I'm aching, for you. Please, Bruce, help me."
As he pulled back and examined your face, he chewed his lip and contemplated. He couldn't stand to see you in pain, but he couldn't comprehend what he had to do to help you. Well, okay, that's not totally accurate because he had actually "comprehended" the idea of making love to you plenty of times. But that was just a fantasy, a very misguided one that he only indulged in in his weakest moments. And in those fantasies, shockingly enough, you were always completed lucid and of sound mind and body. He sadly could not say that for you at the moment, and of course he couldn't because of course when you were sober and healthy, you didn't see him that way.
Bruce prided himself on his logic, his integrity, his patience. Suddenly, those qualities were falling prey to a much deeper, carnal instinct that saw this not as a predicament but as an opportunity. Logic states, after all, that it would be wasteful to have everything he wanted thrown into his lap and to let it go to waste.
"Fuck," he groaned as he kissed you again, fucking you faster with his fingers. You moaned and went for his belt, barely managing to open it with your hands shaking so much; part of you had considered just trying to rip the leather off of him, and with the force of your need it seemed almost plausible.
Finally getting his trousers opened just enough to reach inside, you purred as you reached in and navigated past his boxers to wrap your fingers around his hard cock. It was so thick and smooth and hot and you almost wanted to drop to your knees and take it in your throat right then, but you had better plans.
He pulled his fingers out of you slowly, grinning against you at the way you whined, before wrapping his arms around you and quickly instructing you to jump.
It was infuriating, how easily he caught you when you wrapped your body around him. Infuriating and so painfully sexy.
He never broke the kiss as he walked the two of you to your lab table, sliding the papers aside and onto the floor to set you on it. You started on his aggravatingly-small shirt buttons while he pushed his trousers and boxers down the rest of the way, and god his cock was right there between your legs, so close but very much too far away for your liking.
You didn't have the time or energy to get his shirt off, settling for just running your hands over the exposed skin instead. He grinned and watched the path your hands made, hissing slightly when they wrapped around his shaft— for a second you swore you could feel it throb.
"Don't make me wait anymore," you whispered your plea, sighing a little when he nodded.
"Okay baby," he agreed.
"Been waiting so long," you whined.
"Me too," he nodded, and with a little push, his cock slid all the way into you and filles you to the brim. Even when you were completely drenched, the girth of him was so wide that it stung, that it tore you open, but you loved it. Your head fell back and just from him being inside you, you came. The substance had you so needy and sensitive that that was all it took. It wasn't enough yet, of course. You knew you needed more. But God, he felt so good you could hardly breathe.
"Baby," you heard Bruce gasp, his fingers digging into your hips. Your chest twisted when he laughed a little, breathless and just teetering on the line between complimentary and mocking. "Did you just come?"
You considered playing dumb, but nodded instead.
His smile was apparent when he pressed his lips just below your ear to suck on the delicate skin there, his teeth trailing up to nibble your earlobe lightly. You hoped he would leave a mark, you hoped he would leave lots of marks that you could remember this by for weeks to come.
"Couldn't help yourself, huh?" he asked breathlessly, whispering so quietly you could barely hear it over the beating of your own pulse which echoed in your ears.
"You feel so good," you justified, "so fucking good, Bruce."
"You too," he sighed as he finally pulled back and slid into you again, the friction making your back arch instantly. "Even better than I imagined."
You smiled and wrapped your legs around his hips, forcing him to push deeper with each thrust. When he pushed you to your limits it felt like you might just fall apart right there, but it was so worth it.
As if that wasn't enough, he reached down and circled a thumb over your overstimulated clit, grinning down at you at the sight of you writhing and bucking wildly in his arms.
"Fuck!" you cried as you tightened your hands on his shoulders into fists hard enough to risk tearing through his shirt.
"Too much?"
"More," you pleaded instead, crying out when he gave you exactly what you wanted with fast, rough thrusts into your drenched walls. "Yes," you sobbed, "yes, fuck— m'gonna come, Bruce, gonna come again."
"Go ahead," he encouraged, voice so much rougher than normal, "show me how good it feels, baby."
It felt like his words were the thin that pushed you over the edge, as if your body somehow both understood and obeyed his command. You could feel a renewed wave of slick leak out from you, enough that you could hear the wetness in each slap of his hips against yours. His name was somewhere in the litany of curses and praises that spilled from your lips, your mind too clouded with hazy pleasure to keep track of what you were actually saying.
"Just like that," he groaned, "doing so good, fuck, say my name just like that every time I make you come."
An easy enough stricture to follow, especially when it seemed like he was all you could think about. He looked so different with his clothes half-shorn and his eyes dark with lust. He hadn't taken his glasses or labcoat off and you weren't sure which of those you were happier about.
His lips and hands were all over you; you couldn't even keep track of everywhere he was touching you, that's how overwhelming it was. "God, you're so fucking perfect," he groaned against your skin, finding a hardened nipple as his tongue explored you and wrapping his lips around it. "You are so goddamn sexy, you know that? I love seeing you with your legs spread for me like a needy little whore. I love hearing you moan and knowing I'm the one making you feel this good."
He took a moment to look at you and soak in your shocked reaction to his words before leaning in to continue.
"I love feeling you come for me," he purred in your ear.
"Then you're gonna really like what I'm about to do," you shivered.
"Yeah? You can gimme another one already?" he smiled. "Such a good girl…"
You really couldn't help it, it felt like everything he did only enhanced your pleasure— his words, his hands all over you, not to even mention his cock inside you. As much as the hedonistic corner of your brain was happy to let this go on forever, the ramifications of constant orgasms were finally catching up with you as you wondered how much more of this you could take.
"F-fuck, are you close?" you asked weakly. "Want you to come for me, Bruce, please."
"I-I'll pull out," he suggested, although the way he looked down at his length sinking into you and pulling back out, covered in your abundant arousal, didn't exactly indicate that he was willing and able to actually make good on his offer.
"No!" you yelped, pulling him closer by his unbuttoned shirt. "It needs to be inside, Bruce, please come inside me."
"Fuck," he hissed through his teeth.
"Please, Bruce, please, promise you'll come inside."
"I will," he sighed, "fuck, I will baby, I promise I'm gonna fill you up so good, you're gonna have my come so fucking deep inside you…"
"Yes!" you moaned, completely unabashed as the unknown substance had apparently absolved you of any shame whatsoever. "Yes, I want it, Bruce, I want your come."
The moment you felt his seed start to paint your walls, you felt relief begin to wash over you. Your mind and body relaxed, the overwhelming heat under your skin subsiding into a comforting warmth, the desperation that had burned in your gut satiated at last.
And that left you staring up at him in realization of what you had done, just as he looked back at you with the same.
"God, I'm so sorry—" he shuddered, moving to pull away. Instinctively your legs wrapped around his hips again, holding him close.
"N-no, wait," you groaned, "it's okay. Don't go."
"You don't hate me," he said, the exhaustion in his tone making it hard to tell if it was a question or a statement.
"Never," you sighed with a weak smile, sitting up to clutch his face and kiss him again. "God, Bruce, now I'm just wondering what took us so long."
"Our lab safety is just too good, clearly," he smiled as he kissed you again, pulling back a little too soon to examine your face where he held it in his hands. "Are you okay? You should still probably go to a doctor…"
"I'm already with a doctor," you smirked, "and his treatment was very effective."
"Yeah, that was…" he trailed off, wide eyes as if he were reminiscing about what had only just transpired.
"Sorry for being so… desperate," you cringed. "I didn't mean to… um… impose…"
He just laughed and kissed your forehead, making you feel your cheeks warm a bit; ironic that with everything that had just happened, this was what made you blush. "A beautiful, amazing woman that I've been dreaming about for months begs me to take her in the laboratory… really inconvenient."
"I mean, cleaning up these papers and the broken glass is gonna be pretty tedious, along with the incident report," you frowned.
"I'll help you with it," he offered.
"Tomorrow," you decided. "Right now, I'm taking you to my place."
"Is that so?" he asked with a bemused smirk.
"Yep. We both are in serious need of a shower, and then I wanna go again," you grinned wickedly.
"I thought you said you weren't feeling the effects of the chemical anymore," he recalled, voice tinted with concern.
"I'm not," you reassured, "I'm just feeling the effects of you."
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