#it's me i'm the bisexuality community
twiyke · 1 year
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shout out to the bisexuality community. PIPE BOMB !!
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future-crab · 4 months
It's been said before, it will be said again, but it's still worth saying: the fact that art centering on straight romance is allowed to just be bad, but art with queer romance in it always has to be indicative of A Serious Problem With the Way We Tell Queer Stories makes being a queer person making queer art deeply stressful
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yasyassie · 2 months
sapphics on tumblr be like "oh i want a gf so bad :(" and then never proceed to actually do anything to get one
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gh0stz404 · 6 months
"our grandpa made a respectful gay joke? i didn't know he knew how to do that!" -me when my grandpa makes a respectful gay joke
and the joke, for those of you who might be curious: "Someone told me my jacket looked gay, and so i told them "it just came out of the closet!""
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moonlightsapphic · 1 year
Kitty doesn't have to end up with some girl to make her bi+ awakening arc valid or anything. But I do wish people didn't pretend that Kitty‘s bisexuality will obviously no longer play a major role in the show anymore now that she's gotten rid of Dae through her "harmless" crush on Yuri. (And then jump to defend why Min-ho is certainly going to be endgame—Besides, if Kitty ends up serious about Yuri, that'll imply that she emotionally cheated on perfect Dae simply to satisfy her bicuriousity. We don't want that bi slander now, do we?)
What if I told you there was a secret third option?
I think we need to all clarify that Kitty being attracted to Yuri in the first place was not an implication of bisexuals being prone to infidelity or dissatisfaction. Kitty never shopped around for new potential partners (read: girls) while she was really with Dae. It only started when Kitty was just beginning to give up on him. As she nursed her heartbreak, she developed feelings for this new person—Yuri—who just happened to be a girl. By the time Kitty and Dae were together again, Kitty had already moved on from their relationship. Her heart was no longer in it.
As they explicitly discussed in the show, it's valid to have a silly crush while you're in a steady relationship, but something that intense and serious only happens when you're open to really being with someone. I think it just makes sense that Kitty is falling in love with Yuri, and her feelings for her were not just a temporary launch pad to get rid of Dae.
Logically if (hopefully!) we get a second season, I think Kitty will end up dating Min-ho for a while (as a sort-of rebound after Dae, sort-of trying to forget her crush on Yuri) but eventually break things off. And that Yuri will find that things are not the same with Julianna anymore after such a long time apart, even though their circumstances were unfair and out of their hands (paralleling what happened between Dae and Kitty in S1).
I think that the two of them will circle back to each other, mutually. Not because it has to happen for Kitty to remain bi+ (it really, really doesn't), but simply because of the narrative satisfaction it brings to a romcom/drama like this. Their moms were best friends, they were archenemies at first. They bumped into each other the same way LJ and Peter did, long before they fell in love and became endgame. Kitty thought she knew everything about love, but in her coming-of-age she finds that herself in love with someone impossible—a woman.
And, well, no, I’m never going to assume the queerness of a canonically bi+ protagonist (regardless of how much or how little it’s addressed) exists simply for the sake of token representation or queerbaiting or whatever. Because in real life, bi people just are, you know? But boy is this show set up beautifully for Kitty x Yuri to happen as a neat ending.
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a-weird-cryptid · 1 year
I think we, as a community, should start to reclaim the word "queer" as an umbrella term for us, instead of adding letters to "LGBT".
Why? Because let's be honest, that letter soup is starting to get ridiculous. I can't be the only one who doesn't like to say every single letter of "LGBTQIAP+" when talking about my community.
It not only sounds extremely weird, but it's also getting harder to say. Plus this term makes us seem even more like "just special snowflakes and attention seekers" in the eyes of homophobic, transphobic, etc, people.
Don't get me wrong, I understand the idea behind it. With every letter standing for another sexuality, gender, or similar.
But calling out those specific ones, makes it look like any people who don't fall under those letters aren't worth representing. What about genderfluid or non-binary people for example?
We could argue for hours about that, but it just shows one of many problems this letter soup has. You'll NEVER be able to represent all by adding more and more letters.
Because something as complex as sexuality, gender and sex are not just a "rainbow spectrum" that goes from violet to red and that's it. And even if that was the case, they're still hundreds of different shades, that are too complex to really categorize. It's the reason we have so incredibly many labels in the first place.
I like to imagine queerness always starting with a "rainbow spectrum", (seeing it as the general direction you're taking, for example with homosexual represented by red) with all the different shades of the color, of the color you're choosing, being a more specific label under the umbrella term (for example a shade of "light pink" standing for lesbian).
I know that the word "queer" was used as a slur against us at some point. Coming from the German word "quer", which can bei used in German slang for "weird", "odd", "strange" or simply "out of the ordinary". Take the German word "Querdenker" for example, in English meaning "lateral thinker", aka someone who uses an unusual way of thinking to solve a problem.
But words can only have the meaning that we give it. Words can only have as much power as we give it. And on top of that, words, just like symbols, can change their meanings over time.
An example I really like to take for that, correct me if I'm wrong, is the word "punk" which was and still is used in a bunch of different contexts. Often as an insult, or a slur towards people who didn't/don't fit the norm. But now the day it's rather associated with positive things, such as music and a rebellious style choice.
So why shouldn't we reclaim the word "queer" as well? Why shouldn't we tell those homophobic, transphobic, etc people "Yes, we are not like you. Yes, we are different. Yes, we are 'quer'. But we're proud to be this way!" ?
Why shouldn't we show those people that they can't use the word "queer" as a slur against us anymore? Why shouldn't we attack them with their own weapons, using their own vocabulary against them?
It's so much more inclusive than "LGBTQIAP+" or "LGBTQIA+" could ever be. Plus it's something our community has identified with for decates, even if it's just subconsciously. Take "genderqueer" for example. "Queer" is even in the letter soup, the letter "Q" standing for it.
What do you guys think? And what's your opinion about this topic? I'd love to hear your thoughts! Especially if you're part of this colorful community!
For more discussions, reviews as well as other original stories and more, check out my master list of series.
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townthegreatest · 4 months
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Who's gonna keep me company 😫
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gxlden-angels · 10 months
Nothing angers me more right now than the Christianization of gender
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neonstatic · 2 months
i'm such a terrible bisexual bc all i ever fantasise abt is dominating men and having threesomes and being in a poly relationship. i am Not beating the allegations!!! in fact, the allegations are beating My Ass!!!!
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genderimpala · 9 months
guys help how do you know if you're asexual
bc i've felt sexual attraction before but only ever to celebrities?? never to anyone i've known irl. and like. maybe it's a trust thing?? maybe i'm demisexual? like i've got a crush on this guy right now but any time i think of anything sexual, i'm like Absolutely Not, Goodbye.
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kaleidoscope1967eyes · 5 months
jesus i haven't felt this bad in a long time... i got tricked into reading some article that was like "breakthrough study about the science behind bisexuality" and it was the most stereotypical, degrading thing i've ever read
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Maybe THIS time the tumblr queers have finally found the REAL Privileged Invaders who Don't Belong. Maybe this time they're REALLY actually harming the Actually Oppressed members of the community by trying to discuss the issues they face. Maybe this time the horrific troll blogs and disgusting anons harassing others while claiming to be from this group really ARE from individuals in this group, and maybe this time the indefensible and atrocious actions of an alleged member of this group justify making this entire segment of the community an acceptable target, and justify nearly identical harassment that has also been thrown at them, but ignored because, "well actually these other people have it WORSE".
Maybe. Possibly.
But this website also thought the same when non-binary people were the Privileged Transphobic Interlopers harming the Actually Oppresed Trans People. When bi and pan people were the Privileged Homophobic Interlopers harming the Actually Oppresed Gay People. When aspec people were the Privileged Cishet Interlopers harming Actually Oppresed same-gender attracted people. But people on this website have no pattern recognition, the memory of goldfish, and a love of "justified" lateral aggression so this has to happen every few years.
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indigochromatic · 6 months
...you know what, I don't think I've ever seen someone talk about this, so why not. Sometimes it feels like a lot of the queer community sees any relationships that happen to be m/f as only capable of, like, shitty walmart-brand knockoff queerness, instead of Real True Queerness. It's "boring". It's "doesn't really count as bi/pan/omni rep", in media. So many posts and essays out there still have to constantly reiterate that 1) bi people exist, and 2) they're still bi and queer even if they're in hetero relationships--just the fucking baseline concepts! And I'm tired of having to defend or be expected to apologize for relationships like mine, instead of being able to actually...y'know, celebrate them. So, here: I actually fucking love being a bisexual guy in a hetero relationship. (Especially with someone who's also mspec.) -> I love that we get vicarious joy from each other's wildly different genders and ways of of experiencing attraction. -> I love that she thinks my attraction to guys is something to cherish, and something she's always trying to learn how to be a better ally for. I love learning about her aceness, and what attraction to femininity looks like for her. -> I love that she also knows what it's like to adore and be attracted to guys, even if her experience of it is different from mine, and I love that she knows firsthand how it feels to have a lady take your breath away, because it makes it all the easier for her to believe me when I tell her that's how I feel about her. -> I love that it kinda feels like we're a whole bunch of different types of relationship all at once: we're gay as fuck, we're disgustingly straight, we're sapphic as hell, we're so far off the screen that we've wrapped all the way around and become straight-but-genderswapped all over again. To put it as simply as I can: I don't feel erased, I feel seen.
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agrebel18 · 8 months
me when I was around 10-11 years old: I prefer drawing girls over boys because they're just Easier to draw, and also because they're better to look at :)
me now that I'm looking back on that:
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wilder-and-lighter · 9 months
Bi women and queer nb people can still identify as butch even if they are dating a cis man.
You know why?
1) Because it's THEIR identity.
2) You do not know if they have a polyamorous relationship or monogamous, AND it isn't your business.
3) Most people, myself included, don't stop being attracted to other people just because they're in a relationship. In fact, it's healthy to acknowledge that you're attracted to someone. Whether that's celebrities, quietly pointing out another hot person on the street, etc. As long as you're communicating with your partner and not crossing their boundaries or betraying their trust, that's actually a great thing to do in a relationship!
4) Also, on the matter of if other people consider someone butch, just remember that you are not everyone. Just because you don't think this person is "butch enough" does not mean everyone else will share your opinion. In fact, even if you and a few other people don't view this person as butch, that does not mean they cannot use the word butch.
In my circumstance, I am active in queer groups of my own age groups where in multiple instances I have been called "butch" by several people. The person who told me I shouldn't call myself butch is not present in those groups. And they don't have to be.
Most people in the community that I've interacted with about this agree that as long as you yourself identify as a butch, at least some other people identify you as a butch, and the groups of people you are attracted to include non-men, then congrats, you're butch!
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The complete opposition to umbrella terms for bi women and lesbians is becoming transparent. I think some of you don't like umbrella terms because you don't like to admit we have anything in common as women that love women.
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