#it's newton's third law people!!!!
coquelicoq · 1 year
WHERE is the pekka rollins thirst. shadow & bone cast a complete DILF to play the villain and i have seen JACK SQUAT about it in the tag. i don't even see pekka rollins thirst in the pekka rollins tag!!! what is even the point of this website!!!!!
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linkspooky · 2 months
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The Great Man Theory of Choujin X
In Crime and Punishment, the 1866 novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky the main character Raskolnikov schemes to murder and rob an elderly pawnbroker. The reason he wants to murder this pawnbroker is not just because he is in debt, but to prove his theory of mankind. For Raskolnikov, all men are divided into two categories: ordinary and extraordinary. The ordinary man has to live in submission and has no right to transgress the law because he is ordinary. On the contrary, extraordinary men have the right to commit any crime and to transgress the law in any way. We have seen this ethical argument play out again and again in Choujin X in the past few chapters of Choujin X, so I think it's time to take a closer look under the cut.
In Raskolnikov's view extraordinary men are extaordinary they are men who have the gift or talent to alter the world. It is the extraordinary men who forge civilizations to new heights of achievements. Therefore it is the extraordinary man who has the inner right to decide whether to overstep any law or any obstacle that stands in the way of the practical fulfillment of his ideas.
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Sato, Tokio's mentor refers to great men of history in a similiar way, as if they were some kind of oppressed class who the laws that protected the masses only hindered.
Choujin, by Sato's viewpoint have the right to transgress the law because the law is made to regulate the masses, that is ordinary humans and not Choujin. By drawing a line between those without superpowers who are in the majority, and those with powers who are in the minority, Sato is dividing humans and Choujin into two separate categories and saying Choujin are inherently superior and have the right to transgress. That he has the right to transgress, because he has a power he was born with.
"I simply hinted that an extaordinary man has the right... that is not the official right, but an inner right to decide in his own conscience to overstep... certain obstacles, and in only case it is essential for the practical fulfillment of his idea (sometimes, perhaps, of benefit to the whole of humanity.) .... I maintain that if the discoveries of Kepler and Newton could not have been made known except by sacrificing the lives of one, a dozen, a hundred or more men, Newton would have had that right, would indeed have been duty-bound to eliminate the dozen or the hundred men for the sake of making his discovery known to all of humanity. But it does not follow from that Newton had a right to murder people right and left and to steal every day in the market. Then, I remember, I maintained in my article that all... well, legislators and leaders of men, such as Lycrugus, Napoleon, and so on were all without exception crimminals [...] in fact many of these benfactors and leaders of humanity were guilty of terrible carnage."
What Raskolnikov is describing here fits the description of the Nietzschian Ubermensch to a T, and in fact it was Crime and Punishment that served as an inspiration for Nietzsche's philosophy.
However, Raskolnikov in the book is far from the Nietzschian ideal. He's described as perpetually gloomy, overly anxious, constantly sick, he's incredibly in debt, barely leaves his house, faints at the drop of a hat. He's no crimminal genius either as when he finally pulls off the crime that he spends the first third of the book plotting he (1) makes a mistake and has to kill a witness, (2) doesn't even rob the pawn broker just grabs a bunch of her stuff and runs (3) takes all the jewlery he took and buries it under a rock and never touches it again.
Clearly, we're working with a crimminal mastermind here.
"A hundred thousand good deeds could be done and helped, on that old woman's money which will be buried in a monastery! Hundreds, thousands, perhaps, might be set on the right path, dozens of families saved from destitution, from ruin, from vice. Kill her, take her money, and with the help of it devote oneself to the service of humanity and the good of all. What do you think, would not one tiny crime be wiped out by thousands of good deeds?"
Raskolnikov's logic is that he will commit one crime and then use the money for the betterment of humanity, only to axe murder a defenseless old lady, a defenseless simpleton, and bury that money under a rock. Perhaps there's a lesson to be learned here.
Charity is just Raskolnikov's justification, his true motive for his crime is to prove his great man theory, and that he's capable of being one of those extraordinary individuals that can change the world by having the werewithal to commit a murder. Raskolnikov wants to divide humanity into superior and inferior, extraordinary and ordinary, and he wants to be in the superior category.
"Thank you, but tell me this. How do you distinguish those extraordinary people from the ordinary ones? Are there signs at their births? I feel there ought to be more exactitude, more external definition. Excuse the natural anxiety of practical law-abiding citizens, but couldn't they adopt a special uniform, for instance, couldn't they wear something, be branded in some way? For you know if confusion arises and a member of one category imagines he belongs to the other, begins 'eliminating obstacles" as you so happily express then..."
In the story the police officer who is hunting Raskolnikov begins easily pointing out the many flaws in Rask's theory of dividing people into two discrete categories. Fortunately for Sato, in Choujin X he has something that is determined for him at birth that he thinks marks him above the laws and restrictions of ordinary people.
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Sato's argument is not that they're going to save more people by taking the route that they're doing, but rather because they are born as Choujin they have an inherent superiority to other people that makes it so the rules don't apply ot them. Having superpowers apparently gives you a moral imperative no matter what those powers are.
Before going further onto the scene I want to remind you that Tokyo Ghoul Ishida's previous work is one of the few works that has ever gruesomely depicted what an evil thing torture is onscreen. It leaves permanent scars in both the main character, and everyone the main character goes onto hurt after the fact.
Jack Bauer Syndrome: Hollywood's Depiction of the National Security Law opens like this.
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This "ends justify the means" ideology, or "right to transgress for the greater good" is an idea soaked in our culture, it doesn't just show up in Crime and Punishment and Choujin X. After justifying himself this way, Sato then proceeds to do something which is more or less just torture.
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After Palma (willingly cooperating I might add) slices both of her arms up to try to raise a witness from the dead, Sato then orders her neck to be cut open so she can continue to bleed more, in spite of Azuma and later Tokio's protests. The only one who seems to call out his ethical higher viewpoint before he starts torturing her is Azuma.
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Now, let's say that everything didn't go Sato's way. If Palma just died, or if she'd chaosified and hurt or even killed everyone in the room would Sato have faced any sort of consequence whatsoever? Was he willing to take responsibility if things went wrong? Would have he willingly gone to prison for murdering a person who still has civil rights even if she's currently their prisoner?
I doubt it.
You would think someone with a higher moral imperative, would also hold themselves to that same ethical standard. However, for Sato freedom from restraints under the law also seems to mean freedom from consequences. If Palma had died here, then I doubt Sato would have faced any legal consequences for his actions or have had his power restricted in any way. So, isn't it lucky that everything just happened to work out?
Choujin X seems in part to be deconstructing this very Jack Bauery "It's okay to torture people because that was the only way to stop the ticking bomb and save everyone, and the ends justify the means every single time" kind of logic, with it's discussion of fate, prophecies and Yamato Mori, and Sora Shihouin's role in history.
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The bird that Tokio talks to is the first character to put the suggestion that maybe none of the prophecies true, they're only true because people have faith in them because they want to think there's a sure thing in life.
Sora's absolute confidence in her prophecies and the ideas of a pre-determined future, lead her to committ atrocities in the name of averting future disasters she is absolutely sure is going to happen.
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What's 200,000 deaths if Sora was averting the millions of dead she saw in her visions?
From a simple, utilitarian trolley problem perspective if you were to ask most people on the street "Would it be okay to sacrifice 200,000 people if it saved ten million" they'd say yes just based on the numbers. Partially because the human mind cannot even comprehend death on that scale.
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However, the problem with utilitarianism nothing is definite. The ends do not justify the means if the means themselves are uncertain. It's easy to say it's okay to sacrifice 200,000 for 10,000,000 but there was no saying for sure that ten million were actually going to die.
Sora saw one thing. Mado saw another thing. For all we know they could have both been wrong. There's no indication that Choujin X takes place in a deterministic universe with a fixed future, especially since there are multiple seers having different visions which would imply the opposite of that. That there's not one predetermined fate. Sora went and killed those people on the hypothetical possibility that there MIGHT be a disaster in the future she was trying to avert.
Sora was Jack Bauering all over the continent of Anitise. She had to torture those people, otherwise the bomb was going to go off. That only happens in fiction though, becaues study after study after study shows up torture and abuse in prison does not in fact save the day. For the most part it doesn't even happen under dire circumtsances, it happens because guards, police, and authorities are give too much power under the people they keep imprisoned. It's not an ethically dubious way of attaining information to save the day, it's just a common, everyday, abuse of power.
Sora believes just as Sato does, that having power gave her the inherent right to transgress.
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Sato is beginning to more and more hint that the power that Choujins have give them the right to transgress. In a sick way Sora began to mirror Queem in her actions later on in life.
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They both became opium addicts. They both fought and fought and fought until they lost the ability to maintain their human form. They both invaded someone else's sovereign territory, instigated a war, and then committed genocide.
Most of all they both believe in their own superiority. While Queem believed in Choujin Supremacy seeing himself as a conqueror and a warlord, Sora has a savior complex, invading foreign territories under the dubious reasoning of "saving them" and committing atrocities that look like modern-day religious crusades.
Why did both of them do what they did?
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Because they believed the power they had gave them the right to transgress, and because other people who believed the same went along with their actions and helped them.
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earthgeco · 22 days
@heathersdesk as promised here's the explanation of my theory about the importance of imperfection in the church for the perfection of the saints.
As is the way of the Lord this starts several years ago when I was on my mission, where I finally actually understood the importance of trials in our lives.
Newtons third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If we want to walk forward we need to overcome two forces: gravity, and friction.
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Gravity and friction make walking difficult, BUT if we did not have those oppositions there would be no movement. If there were a room with no gravity and no friction, there would be no movement. We would just flail around and never get anywhere, much less toward our goal.
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Trials are our spiritual gravity and friction. They provide the opposing force from which we push. To be perfected is a process of trial and growth, trial and growth, trial and growth. It will not be easy but it the only way we can come unto Christ and become like our Heavenly Parents.
Last conference was hard for me and I only ended up watching about half a session, though I have since read some of the talks and quite liked them. It didn't push me out of the church, but it got close. I had recently come out as gender-queer and started using they/them. It made me wonder. I had received personal revelation from the Lord that my gender identity and expression was part of my eternal identity and supported by Them, so why was the quorum of the twelve and the first presidency teaching contrary to this? My answer as typical of the Lord came from an old institute teacher who I had once spent nearly an hour arguing with about trans rights. He was substituting for the class I was in and we were talking about the organization of the church.
Ephesians 4:11-17 teaches us about the organization of the church saying:
11.And he gave some, apostles; and to some, prophets; and to some, evangelists; and to some, pastors, and teachers;
12.For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13.Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
14.That we are henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and the cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive
15.But speaking the truth in love, may grow up unto him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
16.From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working inn the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
17.This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind.
The Church is organized intentionally it is imperfect by design.
"For the perfecting of the saints," trials are the biggest perfecting force in life. So we are perfected both by good and bad experiences within the church and by good and bad experiences with the members of the church.
"In the unity of the faith," becoming unified doesn't happen on accident, a common group dynamic model identifies "storming" or a period of disagreement and struggle as a fundamental part of growing an effective team. Overcoming the struggle is what unifies us.
"Be no more children, tossed to and fro," learning to love imperfect people and finding the good in everyone helps us learn who we are and what we believe which will ground us in Christ.
"But speaking the truth in love...even Christ," Recognizing that Christ is the truth and learning to share the his gospel with love helps us and those around us grow closer to him.
Each part and person in the church is important for the whole to improve every person every policy no matter how harmful it is is there for a reason, so each member of the church can learn and grow. That's not to say we must accept everything. It is often in fighting for change we grow the most. We are not the "true church" because we are the best, or even that we are right about everything. This is the true church because we have the living gospel and we learn and grow together. We work together for the edifying and perfecting of the saints.
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shatcey · 11 days
William is almost perfect
I remember very vaguely (what's the point of remembering something that has already changed) that I was opposed William for a very long time. I didn't like his creepy eyes, I was very scared of his abilities, and of course I didn't like how much the developers were pushing us in his direction. It's Newton's third law in action, I guess.
But when I started reading his route on JP, I was surprised how different he was from what I expected.
And at the end of his route, I cannot say I fell for him, but I really start to respect him as an incredibly strong person with a very strong life philosophy.
But… When I started reading his route on EN… It turned out that I had missed so many details. I didn't understand half of his jokes and his very poetic way of expressing his thoughts. He's like a very strong magnet. Everything he does has a huge impact on me, and I understand why (almost said Belle) Kate fell for him so much.
He is very kind, patient, always listens to what she wants, always gives her what she wants. His voice is strong and soft at the same time, it has flirtatious notes and it's incredibly warm. His laugh is one of a kind… so infectious, honest and bright. I can't remember the last time I heard real laughter in a game. No, that's a lie… Wolfie has a wonderful laugh.
Back to Willy...
I like his design, in fact, all his expressions. I like the way he talks. I like that he touches Kate often, but not in a way that it start to seems oppressive or bothersome. And I really like the moments when he judges… He is so strong and tall, righteous indeed, and so, so hot… like fire… no, even more than that.
But where is the one, no, two things that keep me from falling for him completely.
I have never understood the mass obsession with roses and strawberries. They are quite common and, in my opinion, quite ordinary. But so many people are obsessed with them, as if nothing better had ever existed. I think this is probably the result of good marketing, nothing more. So… as you've probably already guessed, I don't like either one. I can't say I don't like them, I just can't call them my favorites. And Will… he, like most people, likes these two things.
He smells like roses. I can't even imagine that. This smell is very sweet and (perhaps this will sound like sexism) feminine. If he likes it, so be it, I just can't imagine a man who wearing this scent in real life.
Funny… I didn't mind the vanilla from Liam and mint from Harry. They also smell sweet, but somehow more neutral. Hey… I don't remember Ellie's smell… And Alfie… No, I remember Alfie, he smelled of several scents, after all, he spent a lot of time with a lot of people… Does this mean that he has no smell? It reminds me of the Perfumer... No! Gross! Awful thought! Go away!!! Shoo…
Back to Willy...
So… I really like his route. And I feel each Kate's pain as my own, and that makes it quite personal. But no matter how good Will is, roses have always been and will be a turn off to me. I'm sorry, Willy…
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You're not making it easy for me, aren't you?…
Off topic
I still don't have much free time. But I believe this weekend I will finally be able to read Liam's 1st anniversary epilogue. And hopefully there will be something interesting that I want to share with you. If not, I'll come up with something else…
🔝 Start page 🔝
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murdocks-devil · 2 years
reciprocum - m.m.
Summary: According to Newton's third law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Matt Murdock is a giver, and does not believe in taking in return. You, however, decide for him anyway.
Warnings: Fluff, no angst
A/N: Uhhh this is not edited or anything. It's 3:23 in the morning and I've been up trying to get this out of my head because it won't let me sleep otherwise.
Taglist: let me know if you want to be added or removed @freshabogados @shedaresthedevil @mattmurdockspainkink @matt-erialgirl @phoebe-danvers @saintmurd0ck @nelson-et-murdock @skvatnavle @mindidjarin @itwasthereaminuteago @1800-fight-me
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Matt Murdock is a giver.
It's not any earth shattering revelation to you, to anyone really. Matt Murdock gives and gives and gives till he has nothing else left, then he gives some more. He offers his head to the people he helps through the firm, devotes his hands to every living being in Hell's Kitchen, and reserves his heart for those choice few he loves the truest.
Primarily, of course, you.
The three words uttered over and over again in the very space you both call home cannot even begin to cover it. It's the coffee in the morning, the takeout on the bad days, the planned dates and unplanned surprises. The socks on late sleepy winter nights. The open windows in stuffy summer heat. The flowers because he thinks you deserve them. The ring on your finger despite the voices in his head that tell him he doesn't deserve you. Your favorite spicy food from the deli across the city though just carrying it makes his eyes water. Your songs playing in the loft even though he never really gave Taylor Swift much thought before.
The open arms every time you need to sob. The patient ears that holds all your rambles to the same altar as holy gospels. The pride blazing his smile as you reach your goals. The mischief sparkling in his eyes as he teases you mercilessly before giving in, every single time.
The kisses that whispers love in your skin. Every sweetheart and baby and darling that makes your heart skip a beat. The way he seems to take a deep dive for your pleasure, and doesn't let up till you pull him away. Doesn't stop till you're sated, happy and sore in the best way.
Matt Murdock gives, but never takes.
The need is there, he knows. He can feel it, the buzzing in the back of his mind gets louder and louder and harder to ignore some nights. The fog in his brain that gets a little denser to trudge through some time. The suspended air around him, almost like walking through sludge, viscous and syrupy and dark. He knows he needs something. But he doesn't know what.
Matt Murdock gives and gives, but he doesn't ask. Because how would he? How could he? How do you ask for something you don't even know you need in the first place?
You know that. You know him.
You know he'd never ask for what he needs. He probably doesn't even believe he deserves it, deserves to loved and adored and cherished and missed and kissed and fucking showered in affection. He nods fervently when you murmur these against his lips, against his skin, and for a second, it feels like he may just believe in the good you see in him everyday.
But then the city breaks him down, brings out the Devil you love so utterly. And it's like the sandcastles drowned out by waves, and he doesn't believe all over again.
So now, you just make sure to ask for him.
A kiss on the cheek while he wolfs down his breakfast just so he's not late for the millionth time. A hug from the back when he's working on the couch that lingers. His favorite food, because home cooked meals have been scarce before in his life. Sitting together for dinner so you can hear him talk about the anything and everything. Reading to him so he can focus on your voice and let his mind drift away. Watching the umpteenth YouTube video just so you're doing his bandages and first aids properly. Massages for his sore muscles because not even Matt can deny he needs them, despite his insistence that you don't have to.
Pulling him close and draping yourself all over him, covering both your bodies with the blanket as you lay on the couch, you feel him snuggle close, soaking up everything his touch starved soul can without feeling like he's asking for too much. You kiss him at every single opportunity, feel his cheeks flush and his breath stutter as you map his face under your lips. You shower him with praise and worship and whisper how good he is, how loved he is, and feel the tension bleeding out of his tense shoulders as the ugly voices in his head calms down.
And the ones you claim to need for yourself.
When the city he loves so much breaks him down over and over again, you pull him over yourself, your bodies touching from head to toe, tell him you're cold and he's warm. When you hug him tight and don't let go because 'I just really needed it'. When you pepper kisses over his face cradled in your arms, because 'you look so cute when I do this!'. Hold his hand when you go out even though you know he doesn't need it because 'what if I slip and fall, you know how clumsy I am!' Flowers because 'they match your glasses!'. His songs on the speaker because 'my fiance has grandpa tastes so I'm preparing for my future as a grandparent'.
Truth is, you're a liar. You lie to the love of your life every. Single. Day.
You lie, because Matt Murdock gives, and never asks for anything in return. And the only way to give him what he needs, is to let him give you. Because he may refuse himself every single need, but you. You he never would. And so you take, every single time. Greedy as a miser, pooling your wins together to shower him in every good thing he deserves.
Matt Murdock is a giver, and that's okay.
You'll make sure he gives to himself too.
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utopicwork · 4 months
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3rd law
[Begin ID: "Pixel art with text above and below it. The text above reads "Newton's third law of motion states: For every action", the pixel art below depicts a boot crushing a group of people and then the same people pushing the boot off of them, the text below this reads "There is an equal and opposite reaction"" End ID]
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inktheduck · 1 year
Ah don’t mind me, just another lil rant about the silly lil podcast show…
[an excerpt from a message I sent over discord]
You know I’ve been thinking. The Magnus Archives. The “fears” and “entities”.
I’m unsure why or how these entities [exist] but my theory is that they are manifested over time/intensity. With enough people [feeling] afraid, this sorta,,, energy manifests into its own being. Almost like a god of our own creation.
[A cage we build ourselves in?]
However that being said, why only fears?
[Why are only the fears being manifested into dangerous forces?]
"Newton’s third law for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction."
If there is fear made manifest then there should also be hope manifested. A way to counteract the negative with the warmth of positive. Like I get it, this is a horror podcast taking place in London. This is the least optimistic setting ever.
But am I really stupid for holding out hope? Pointing out a way to counteract these destructive forces?
For example, the opposite to Distortion is Clarity. The opposite to Lonely is Community. Even if there aren’t entities of positivity, we can make it up inside ourselves, methinks.
The fears seem relentless. Extremely unforgiving. And I understand that the entities are indifferent at best. But I just hrnrmejdmm.
I feel silly being so stubborn against [the idea that] disparity is the only thing available.
[May I have some reassurance?]
Additional thoughts...
If anti-entities exists, then they go unnoticed. Love is quiet and undemanding. It goes unnoticed until it is gone. Until we notice something is wrong, that is when fear comes in. Fear is a very very powerful thing. It is also very very hard to overcome. Especially in these instances where people are at the mercy of merciless beings. It's heartbreaking to realize there can be no way out of a terrible situation. You just gotta,, accept it all. Accept that perhaps you're wrong, perhaps you're going to die, perhaps the things you face in life can (and will) change you forever. Tragedy is inevitable but what you do with it next is what matters. Methinks.
Humanity is filled with fear, love, but most importantly resilience.
These three things are built into the core of all living beings. To focus only on what is terrible is an insult to all the good that goes around.
(This deffo can go the other way around too. I mean, when you got a monster chasing you, you can't just turn around and go,
"Awh man how abwout we all wuv eachothwer? QwQ."
You're gonna fricken die if you do that...most likely.....Just,,, don't risk it.)
So yeah, perhaps I am going to die. But I'm going to go out of this world the same way I came in: Kicking and screaming.
The fears are relentless. The fears are resilient. And guess what? So are we. After all, the entities did (theoretically?) come from us. It's only natural the supernatural is an exaggerated reflection of reality.
Sometimes you gotta fight back with the power of friendship...and blunt force damage. And guns. Or arson...
I might be getting off track. Haha.
Points brought up and tied together...
"I’m unsure why or how these entities [exist] but my theory is that they are manifested over time/intensity."
"Love is quiet and undemanding."
"Fear is a very very powerful thing."
People are naturally going to pay attention to the negative. Tis a survival response! The reason these entities may be prevalent is because humanity as a whole focuses on the negative.
The Magnus Institute is where people go to have their negative (and straight up weird experiences) to be collected. So if the victims of the entities are coming to the institute, then the entities and avatars themselves are bound to come to the institute too! It's like Mentos in a coke bottle of bad vibes. It's gonna explode. (Omg if this turns out to be a literal explosion happening in the archive I am going to flip my lid.) ((Context the last episode I’ve listened to is uhhhh episode 32???)) The bad things recorded seem to be the only things happening because that is where our attention is focused on. There isn't much reason to collect information from people who have had good times and miracles happening. (From a listener standpoint, not exactly the most entertaining or spooky thing to listen to. If I want to hear that then I'd go to church or talk to Facebook moms.) OKOK THE POINT!!!
The reason why "anti-entities" may or may not exist is either because:
The cumulative love of humanity isn't enough to manifest as strong as an entity derived from fear.
The (potential/theoretical) entities here to help people go unnoticed due to not being focused on. It doesn't go out of its way recruiting people to do their bidding because that's just not how they function. Edit: I have part 2 of my think thoughts [HERE]. I wanted to let you know in case people are wanting to know more about my good ol thinky inky thoughts.
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winniethewife · 7 months
Sheets to the wind (Miguel O’hara X reader)
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
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Warnings: Angst, Alcohol consumption, alcoholism, google translate Spanish.
This is not a problem if I don't want it to stop Can't call it a problem if I never let a play drop This is not a problem, it's convincin' that it's not (oh) Don't call it a problem, it's the only thing that I still got
Miguel paced the floor in his pent house. What had he done? Why did he say that? What was he thinking? He wasn’t obviously. He thought about calling her. But what was he going to say? He can’t figure out a way to apologize for this. It’s not long until he’s three sheets to the wind again, sitting on the floor as he holds the bottle in one hand, his phone in the other, her contact up, should he call her again? Just to prove her right? He doesn’t know.
She on the other hand wasn’t doing much better, sitting with her head between her legs at the foot of her bed after finding the bottom of the bottle of her own liquor of choice. He doesn’t need her. That’s a new low even for Miguel. She knows he’s not a usually nice guy, just ask anyone who works with him, but for some stupid reason she got it in her head that he actually wanted to spend time with her. A ridiculous notion she thinks at this point. He doesn’t have friends. This all hurt too much. That’s when her phone buzzed. She picks it up. A text from Miguel…
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“So, sorry you said it, but you meant it.”
“Thought so.”
Well she figured that out fast. Miguel leans his head back and tried to figure out what to even say. He can’t lie. He doesn’t know why he has such a hard time letting people in, why he uses her kind nature to his advantage when he’s drunk. Knowing she will come to help him when he’s like this, no one else would, and he takes that and uses it. One day she just wasn’t going to answer anymore. And it’s probably going to be soon if he keeps fucking it up like this.
“Please Hermosa. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Newton’s third law.”
“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”
“How is that relevant?”
“You did something I reacted. Ta-da”
“I don’t understand”
“Whatever I’m not going to try to explain it.” She sends off that response before putting her phone off to the side and sighing. What was the point of this conversation? More proof that he didn’t care enough to make a real effort? She falls back on the bed and stares at the ceiling, she hears her phone go off a couple more times but she doesn’t look. It’s not worth it.
“Look, I know I fucked this up. I want to make it up you.”
“Por favor Hermosa.”
Miguel waits for a response but after he doesn’t get one for a few minutes he sighs. He doesn’t even know how he was going to make it up to her. He tried to remember if he even knows what kind of flowers she likes, does she wear gold or silver jewelry? Would she even accept a gift from him? For all the years she’s been helping him out of shitty situations does he actually know a damn thing about her? Not really. He feels like an asshole. And an idiot.
Miguel looks at the bottle in his hand again. He could get sober. He could try to stop drinking. That would be something. He shakes his head. Stopping would be admitting this was a problem, this wasn’t a problem. He takes another drink. This was dumb. He watches the sun start to rise over the city. This wasn’t dumb. She meant something to him. He just wasn’t good enough for her, he shouldn’t have been worth her time drunk, but sober he was a monumental waste of time. Just a troubled man with more trauma then sense. Not to mention everything that was wrong with him because of the mutations. Claws, fangs, his eyes? He was a monster.  He puts away the liquor bottle as he goes to try to sleep this buzz off, and the inevitable hangover after.
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ohthemis · 2 years
How about an NXX case where the tot boys S/O are the main suspect of the case they’re working on? I’ll give u free creativity about the whole thing, maybe there’s this key thing that makes them even more suspicious so the boys are panicking about what to do next if their S/Os guilty, then finally they’re proven innocent. Can be separate or whole do whatever u want bestie ✨✨
tot boys when you’re a suspect in a case
characters: artem, marius, luke
a/n: the school year has started, time to say bye bye to a decent posting sched </3 btw didn’t write for vyn because i have to review lol
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it breaks your heart that he cannot give you the benefit of the doubt, but he’s a lawyer, speculation is built into him. you just wished it didn’t apply to you. but who were you to tell him to defy his true nature? 
“i was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. artem, you know i would never!”
“don’t you get it? i don’t know anything, mc. i don’t know if i’m holding hands with blood on them, or kissing lips that lie to me. i know nothing.” 
“you said you loved me.”
“i do, but i’m not god. i don’t get to read your mind. i love you, but i don’t know if i can believe you.”
and his words struck your heart into tiny little bits. each syllable like tiny acupuncture needles pressed into the most vulnerable portions of your body, pressed hard and harder and hardest until eventually you were nothing but sliced portions of yourself.
“artem, why can’t you just believe me?”
“why aren’t you understanding me? mc, you know how many times i hear that.” his voice is desperate, he’s begging too. begging you, just let him do his job. and then either he fights for the life with you that he deserves, or he fights to keep you away from him. you get what you deserve in the end, someway, somehow. and he hopes you only deserve good things.
after all not even you can defy the law of physics. newton’s third law of motion: every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
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he wants to think you’re a good person, that you’re still the same mc he’d known before. but people change, and he’s never reacted well to change. every second that he’s known you, he’s reminded of that.
but who is he to doubt you? anyways, he’s done far worse, and he’s a free man. hell, he’s rewarded for taking the life of men. grated, those men were killers, corrupteds, dealers, you name it, he’s probably killed it. 
“it’s okay, mc.”
“what? luke, i didn’t. you have to believe me, i swear, i didn’t.”
but you, you’re trained to know body language. your professor told you that. that the mouth can deceive, but the body will never. you don’t miss the way he flinches when you take his hand, or the silent stares from the other side of the room.
you don’t miss the suspicious looks and the awkward morning greetings. you don’t miss the way the only thing holding him back from labeling you as a killer was that he’d already labeled you his girlfriend. 
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“people lie. it’s a people-human thing,” his brother had told him. it was just a casual comment, but to marius, it was like superglue. that shit stuck.
“mc, i won’t tell anyone, i won’t-, i won’t anything. just, i need to know that i’m dating you. like you you.”
“marius, tell me you don’t believe that shit. how would i even?! where-, how-, hell, why would i?”
“i don’t know, but i need to know the truth. that night, you said you were working overtime, are you-, are you my girlfriend? are you mc?”
“marius, god, what are you even going on about?”
marius doesn’t know either. people come and go, it’s another people-human thing. marius wished you wouldn’t.
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robinwithay · 3 months
wip ask game
the rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous
let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have wips
thx for the tag @ineffabildaddy !! but also how could you EXPOSE me like this 😔
here we go i guess
baby blues epilogue
bildaddy bj (what a coincidence!)
blood and breath
bucks in rut
celophane meeting 2: electric boogaloo
curse of eve
drinking buddies
fallday fraternization
flowery language
horse soldier, horse soldier / the machine of a dream
incarnate ch3
lamb to the slaughter
much ado
newton's third law (this one used to be called "magical fleshlight funtime" and i'm now regretting changing it honestly)
oats & molasses ch2
play to kill
scheduling conflicts
stones and stars
sweet dreams
teach me o lord ch2
when in rome
MOST of these are good omens fics but not all, and i do have a few lore/planning docs in the folder as well but they're not actual fics so i'm not counting them as wips.
i don't think i actually KNOW enough other writers to tag as many as i have wips, so, uhh...i'll just tag what other writers i do know how about that
no pressure tags: @lineffability @aq-uatic @gingiekittycat @angeletombee
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mins-fins · 9 months
chapter four; gyuvin's (un)successful rizz
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as said, gyuvin does not know how to act around pretty men.
of course, he's talked to y/n before—and not just because he let him borrow his pencil in the middle of science class once, the two of them have mutual friends, junhyeon and gunwook, so of course they know of each other's existences.
but there's just something about y/n that turns gyuvin into the biggest idiot imaginable.
the first time they met, in freshmen year, gyuvin tripped and fell on his face right in front of him, embarrassing himself, and when y/n kneeled down to help him up, gyuvin froze, even though he was already on the floor.
for some reason, whenever y/n even steals the slightest glance at him, gyuvin's brain abandons any rational thought and it makes him become a brainless idiot.
there's just something about him, something about his smile, his laugh, his voice, just something which makes gyuvin's brain go completely blank.
and now he's being tutored by him!?
gyuvin is not going to survive.
and he currently isn't surviving at all.
y/n is simply doing what he's supposed to, tutoring him, but gyuvin feels like he's about to melt into a puddle every time he simply casts a glance at him.
"you see.." he mutters, even though gyuvin is completely distracted by everything else. "it's like newton's third law".
"for every action in nature theres an equal and opposite reaction" gyuvin presses his lips into a thin line, chuckling. did he really just say that? he doesn't even remember the last time words like that came to his mind.
y/n lights up, almost like he's excited. "see? you aren't even that bad, the way mr. lim was going on about it was like you were a lost cause but you don't even need like— serious tutoring, just a few more weeks and you should be fine".
gyuvin blinks, the words are so genuine that he has a hard time deciphering them in his head. he looks over at y/n, who has his head leaned on his chin, tapping his finger against the table.
"i—" gyuvin sighs, a small laugh leaving his lips. "yeah um.. people always like to say stuff like that about me and.."
he pauses mid-sentence, not knowing what else to say, he doesn't really like delving into this topic, because it's so serious and he doesn't enjoy talking about serious thinks like this.
"well, it's clear that theres more to you than what people say, your.. well— kim gyuvin, and i like you".
is y/n trying to make him go insane? because it's working.
gyuvin lets out the most awkward of laughs, he's literally about to fall out of his chair and collapse onto the floor. y/n gives a small hum as he clicks his pen, staring at the paper before him.
"goddamnit why is he so pretty..?"
y/n blinks, biting his inner cheek as he lightly laughs. "did you say something?" he tilts his head, continuing to click his pen as he stares at gyuvin.
"oh! um.." gyuvin smiles awkwardly. "nothing, i didn't say anything".
"uh huh" y/n smiles, looking back to the paper in front of him. "thought i heard you say something".
gyuvin feels his face heat up, extremely embarrassed by the fact that he didn't think, but said those words.
unbeknownst to him, though, y/n heard them.
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⟡   ֺ   𓂂 TAGLIST (open) ꜜ ˖ ݁  𓂃 @jinkiseason, @i520u, @junjiie, @elaineas-elysian, @purikkura, @big-uwu-stan, @sirenologies, @cowsidfk, @kpoprhia, @bbangricz, @samudan, @solarwoniii, @stvrboy-k, @gunwookiez, @planethyuka
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loujitsushotsoup · 6 months
What happens when you poke a sleeping Bear? you get mauled.
When you tease a person what happens when they reach their limit? You get yelled at.
What happens when you bomb and kill, displace and terrorize?
You get people with nothing left to lose.
Newton's third law, you push on something, it pushes back.
You push on the people, the people push back.
The West has constantly had it out for the middle East and use every opportunity to trap them in the cycle of being labeled as boogiemen, or something to be afraid of.
But what about the people who get bombed daily? Fear of getting their homes stolen or invaded?
Are hate crimed, have their religion disrespected?
Are they not allowed to strike back? No, because they're reinforcing a belief deeply engrained in society.
All I'm saying is when Palestine is free, don't be shocked when the US jumps on the first "we told you so!" when something negative happens.
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rockingrobin69 · 1 year
Draco Malfoy vs. the POP
You start out a prince, a once-upon-a-time, coddled and treasured and held. Wrapped ever-so tight in bubble wrap—a material you’ve never heard of, won’t for a long time. It distorts your vision. You think everyone, everywhere is just like you. But worse. Pop: a year goes by, and another. You’re supposed to have learned something, but you never do. You blame the wrapping, the coddling, the fairy-tale-esq to it. It takes too long to see yourself in the mirror, to actually see. And then it’s too late, or so you tell yourself.
It's rather an inconvenience, realising other people exist. Outside your head and your dreams and your tooth-fairy wishes. That they’re real, flesh and blood and gods, so much blood, and rage, all this rage you couldn’t understand if you tried. And hardness where you seem to be soft. Too soft and too open and too out, of it, of your mind. You fall.
And land, because that’s what physics apparently dictate. You learn about physics in your mandatory class in a damp basement in the middle of nowhere. Everywhere’s nowhere, to you. You’re stuck, dreaming of bubble wrap. Missing the reassurance of the pop. So you pout a lot, but don’t sneer. And turn in the mandatory homework, but spend all night on it anyway. You struggle with Newton’s third law: every action has a reaction. That’s just funny, isn’t it? Talk about things you already know.
You eat noodles. You eat peanut butter out the jar with sticky fingers licked clean. Once you eat a block of cheese for dinner. You buy everything from the shop with the funny name, the far away one that’s cheap. It takes longer than is should. Crossing a road is terrifying, and not only because of the automobiles—it’s the looking left, looking right. So much looking, and you can’t quite tell what you see. But from the shop you can go to the little fountain, and you like the little fountain. Don’t know why. It’s strange and out of place in this city, oddly delicate and sharp. You think one day you’ll stop comparing everything to you, but it’s not come yet.
Class is over in June, happy birthday, idiot. What did you learn? You don’t know what to do, how to spend your time on anything else without killing it. You. It. You sit on the windowsill a lot, pretend to breathe. Don’t remember how to… don’t think you ever actually knew. Your teacher offers you a job, you take it without meaning. It’s how he says he sees something in you, you’re too startled to refuse. You think you’d give him an arm if he asked, give him your heart. He doesn’t want it. The job’s at a café his wife runs, and you burn yourself on the machine without touching it, break three cups and drop a sandwich on the floor. Serve it still. You never go back, and you don’t pick up the phone.
It gets boring. It was, already, so boring, but it gets even more boring, and your blood runs fizzy, crackling in your veins. You’re tired and you can’t sleep. You’re nauseous so you don’t eat. You walk around and around but can’t find your fountain anymore. Did they take it? Who takes a fountain? Who’d take something so—useless and so pretty, so wasteful and so delicate. Where would they take it? Is there such thing as fountain heaven? Would you go there too when you die? Fountain hell? Found-in-hell. You can’t find the fountain, but you come across a statue. In some park, a violin, another frivolous, useless contribution from a city that doesn’t want you. You like it. Feels weird, but you do.
You think of music. You think of dying. You think about grapes and giraffes and gardens, about Pluto and Plato and Poland, you’re losing your fucking mind, that’s for sure. You go to the statue and start cursing, shouting, aimless vitriol shooting out of you like those terrifying machine guns, rut-tut-tut, rut-tut-tut. You fall. The ground is soft. Why’d you always have to land?
The ground is soft. You take comfort in that. The ground is soft, and out of it shoots a teeny, tiny sprout.
You don’t think about it often, but it stays somewhere in your heart. The sprout. A weed. The waitress from the café where you dropped the sandwich chases you down the street. But she doesn’t want to hit you, she wants you to come back. You say no. She invites you to a party. You say no. It’s weird, using your voice in an actual conversation. How people are real, real, what an inconvenience. You’ve forgotten. She smiles, and you forget how to say no.
It’s the kindness of strangers, always the kindness of strangers. It kills you very very slowly, almost too slowly to tell. You don’t go to the party but you meet her at a café, not the same one, and laughter seems to have hidden somewhere in your throat, in your belly, all this time. She’s funny. Or life is. You… keep doing it. Laughing. Feels weird.
She has a friend, a pretty boy who always smiles too bright. He tries to kiss you one night behind the bins outside her flat. She has another friend, not so pretty, not so smiley. He gives you a book you don’t dare read. Holds your hand, and it’s so grave, you think you love him. Another friend, pretty but not smiley, who teaches you about plants. You’re so eager to learn, you drink the words right out of her mouth: you were never so willing in all of your life, and it’s all coming now, it’s all coming out. You take them to the violin, but not to where the fountain once was. It’s buried too deep, and as much as you want to give them everything—everything—you can’t reach it yet. You eat peanut butter from the jar but use a spoon. You’re never full, but it’s getting easier to bear.
You come out of your peanut-shell in bits and pieces, in starts and stalls. So scared, all the time, and of everything, scared scared scared. You come out of it anyway. Can’t be helped. You get a job in a shop that sells plants. You love it, but you’re no good. You lose it. You get another, at a different shop down the same road. You’re still no good, but they keep you. You learn how to make lentil soup and how to use your oven, how to clean the black mold in the bathroom ceiling, how to go on ‘gum tree’ and find an actual dining table. How to pet a cat without dying, how to give a small, tentative grin. It’s not easy. You don’t think things will be, anymore. Life continues to surprise you.
You meet a man you once knew. He’s all but a surprise, and you don’t know where to even begin unravelling it, him. Have to learn, slowly. How to take things when offered. You go to smiley-pretty’s birthday party and don’t melt down the cracks. You start dreaming again, but you don’t bother with bubble wrap, with bed time stories. You think you might not be a child anymore. It’s still so hard to tell.
Loud noises startle you. You don’t like them from the telly-vision, you don’t like them in the street. Not-smiley-not-pretty has a dog that’s also like that, a scaredy-cat-dog like you. Embarrassing, but it makes you feel better. He’s a good dog, and you wonder—never mind. The manager at the shop where you work says it’s not even a shop, it’s a nursery. It makes you uncomfortable, but only for a moment. You hope… you hope. It’s new, and even more startling.
The man you knew comes back, often enough that your co-workers call him by his first name (you don’t) and invite him out to the pub (you don’t) and joke that there’s something between you, everyone can see (you don’t). You want to ask him why, but you’ve never been brave. So you shut your mouth and he keeps coming. Brings you little gifts, a box of chocolates, a fancy kind of tea you haven’t seen in years. You think, maybe he knows you. Maybe he knows you better than you should be known. It startles you so much that you run, and run, and run, and—run.
Always been a coward, always been a coward. You stop running only when you have no air left, when you’re choking on it, breaking in half, when you reach something familiar. Your fountain? Can’t—but it’s not. It’s something else, something stupid. Something frilly and delicate and flowery and sweet. You want to throw up—you want to scream, because this isn’t it, isn’t it, should have been, would be—your fountain, they took, as they always take, and they never bring back, never. You cry and you cry and you cry. You don’t know how to get back home, have no idea where you are. Alone. Alone. Why does it feel so strange? You should know the feeling like the back of your hand. Yes, this hand, the one that was refused and that hurt and that bathed in blood. So much blood—you fall to the ground, and you land, and it’s muddy, and it’s soft.
It’s soft. Not so much a comfort, but it’s enough to save you. You cry. And walk and walk and take a bus and walk. You’re scared, but you make it. All the time, so scared. And he’s there, the man you knew, waiting in your flat. He was worried, he says. Seems it. Worried, and also something else. He’s been looking through your things, did you know you have a lot of noodles? A lot of books about gardening? A lot of blankets but no pillows? Did you know you live a little strange, a little off? Did you know he likes it? Likes you?
You had no idea. Surprise is dry, sharp down your throat, but he’s never been a surprise after all. So you take his hand and sit him down, and you say:
I started out a prince, a once-upon-a-time, coddled and treasured and held.
And he laughs. I knew you then. Know you now. I see you, you know.
It’s still startling. You take comfort in that.
Soon it’ll be waitress’s birthday, you’re making a gift. Knitting—socks, she’s always so cold. You hoped it’d be easier, but it’s a little bit nice, that it takes time. Requires work. That you make it with your hands, yes, these hands, right here. You let him kiss them, each knuckle at a time, slowly, carefully, like he does anything. You show him how out of it you are, how open, how soft where others may or may not be hard. You show him the place where the fountain once was, you tell him with that same dreamy tone how you once dropped a sandwich on the floor and served it anyway. No one’s seen, you’ve never said it out loud. He laughs. You think—you hope one day you might be good, like the scaredy dog, like his laughter.
The birthday present requires wrapping. You used to wrap yourself in all the blankets, to dream and dream and dream and cry and cry and cry. But it’s here, two little lumps in no colour that don’t at all resemble socks, and you think she’d like them. You kind of do. Perhaps your next project will be a gift for yourself. A startling thought.
When you pick up wrapping paper at the shop, you see a roll of it too. Bubble wrap. You buy it with money you’ve worked for, take it to a flat you call home.
And pop every single one of the bubbles.
There. It’s your life now. Live it.
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spacefaxbyaustin · 11 months
5 facts about Johannes Kepler
Firstly, thank you all so much for 100 likes total on my blog! It's so good to see that people are interested about space as much as I am.
So now back to the 5 facts:
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Johannes Kepler was a German astronomer who lived from 1571 to 1630, who discovered the laws of planetary motion.
His first law states that planets orbit the Sun in an elliptical motion.
His second law states that the closer a planet comes to the Sun, the faster it moves.
His third law describes the link between a planet's distance from the Sun and its orbital period.
Isaac Newton used Kepler's laws to formulate his theory of gravity.
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virtualfreespirit · 7 days
Dear reader,
It's been a while since I last posted anything, hasn't it? My bad.
I have been juggling between Don't Starve Together (now that we have the Scrappy Scavengers expansion), Stardew Valley (now that the 1.6 update is finally out), Game Dev Tycoon, - all financed by my boyfriend - and greedy good ol’ Time Princess.
I'm starting to understand why my mom doesn't want my baby brother to play video games at a young age considering my… uh, outstanding dedication to them.
Like I said before in my now 404-ed Blogger page, this isn't even close to being my first time gaming around, so I’m well acquainted with the myths that can surround this infamous activity.
I'm no Sam Brenner (Adam Sandler’s character in the 2015 movie Pixels), but according to a few online dictionaries I found, I am a gamer, a.k.a. a person who enjoys video games. As a hobby, not as a profession.
If you never cared to Google it like me, you might ask yourself, what’s a video game? Where do they even come from?
Did aliens bring them to Earth, maybe?
Well, not quite.
I hope not to disappoint the world's most beloved gamer, Henry Cavill, with my poor research skills...
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But yeah, taking Wikipedia as my source, video games can be defined as a form of entertainment that involves interacting with an input device, such as your keyboard if you're a PC gamer, to generate visual feedback on a display device, e.g. a monitor. It's similar to how Newton's Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.
During their earlier history, video games were mostly related to research projects at universities and large corporations as academic and promotional devices, rather than to the general public's entertainment.
One of the first examples of a modern video game that we know of was patented in January 1947 by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann, and it's a thing called a "cathode-ray tube amusement device”.
It basically consisted of an analog device that lets you move a dot on the screen to simulate a missile being parabolically fired at paper drawings fixed to the screen, inspired by radar display technology. And, yes, the first video game ever was essentially an Angry Birds prototype.
Over the following years, other game patents were created with different means of display and whatever, but none of them were able to achieve the commercial success of Atari's inaugural arcade game, Pong, in 1972.
The release of this timeless video game played a pivotal role in establishing the industry as we know it today, not to mention that one of the first consoles ever was also released a couple months before in that same year; I'm talking about Magnavox' Odyssey home console.
Speaking of the Xbox’s great great great grandmother, it's well-known that video games tend to be classified by platform because of the differences there can be when comparing one piece of hardware to the other, so we have:
Arcade games
You can play these in the coin-operated machines of the same name, as seen in the beginning of Adam Sandler's Pixels movie. The classic single-game cabinet only allows you to play the one game it was designed for, yet this concept has been popular in the US since the 1970s, until it began dying down by the late 1990s when people started to bring the arcade experience home with consoles’ growing popularity and ever-developing technology.
Console games
These can be enjoyed in specialized electronic devices that consist of a main unit - the “console” - that has the hardware that you're supposed to connect with your display device of choice and a game controller like this one: 🎮.
Let's take a moment to reminisce here because, back in my days, you needed to buy a game's cartridge to be able to play it, which meant offline and immediate access at the cost of lower storage capacity and physical bulkiness. But, even before the world wide web, Control Video Corporation (CVC) was an early pioneer in downloadable games and cloud saving for consoles... before it went bankrupt during the 1983 video game crash and was merged with AOL.
CVC introduced the GameLine, a dial-up game distribution system designed for the Atari 2600 console and introduced in 1986. Despite its innovative concept, it was ahead of its time, lacked licensing from most video game companies, and ultimately failed, like most good things in life. Had they waited for the modern Internet and the Cloud to be created, they could have seen the same success as Xbox Live and PlayStation Network years later!
Due to coding and/or hardware incompatibilities, you can only play games in a console if they are designed for it, meaning you can't directly transfer a PlayStation 2 game into a PlayStation 4 despite them being brand models developed by the same company. Sony not sorry.
PC games
You can always download them to your desktop computer or laptop from their official website, if there's any, or from a trusty storefront like Steam… as long as the software requirements match. Since computers are not gaming-exclusive devices, there may and most likely will be differences when running the same game on another computer!
Mobile games
You can download these from a trustworthy website as an APK file to be installed on your cellphone or tablet, or just go ahead and use a digital distribution service like Google's Play Store or Apple's App Store, like the system might recommend. Though, much like PC games, these tend to have specifications that your phone must meet for them to run properly.
Smartphones and tablets are probably the only case of being both the input and the display device simultaneously without having traditional buttons as an input option, unlike the Nintendo Switch or the PlayStation Vita, and that must be exactly why so many people dislike mobile gaming.
Admittedly, some games can become more challenging with the whole “inaccurate touchscreen controls” part, notably in PUBG Mobile and Don't Starve Pocket Edition. Except the latter has shittier controls, per its Google Play reviews.
I haven’t played arcade games in a LONG time because my favorite arcade got super expensive in its last few years before closing down, leaving me with nothing but fond long-term memories of grabbing digital eggs using a basket, playing Coldplay's Yellow in a plastic guitar EVERY time, table-hockey-ing, etc.
However, I have been consistently trying out PC and mobile games across my lifespan. Especially the free-to-play ones, since my family didn't allow me to spend a single penny on video games when I was younger.
And, oh boy, isn't the list of games I've tried criminally long.
Blaming my unending passion for video games on my predisposition is only fair. I mean, I remember my mom was able to defeat Mario Bros.’ Bowser in a single day when I was a child, and hearing similar stories about her older sister's gaming prowess.
Come to think of it, we must've had a NES console back when all that happened, considering my faint memories of being thrilled to play Duck Hunt. That couldn't have happened irl otherwise.
Also, my cousins had a living room computer BRIMMING with, uh, ✨ free copies ✨ of various popular games that we often played together when we were in elementary school.
I did have a couple of consoles of my own, including some sort of green, translucent knock-off GameBoy I was gifted at a school event and what I think was a PlayStation, but quickly lost both.
My cousins were gifted a PlayStation 2 of their own later on, when it was a thing, until it got damaged because they were using pirate cartridges. Or so we were told back in the day; it could’ve been a dirty reading laser in reality, but, you know, my cousins lived in a very small town, so it was a miracle that they had that console in the first place.
I didn't get to bond with console games much because I found the controllers too difficult to use with my poor hand coordination, and couldn't practice much, so I was stuck with mobile Tetris and Bounce Tales, both of which I found in my grandpa's phones.
It wasn't until some time after my middle cousin passed me down her old Facebook account that I found what would be my main source of entertainment for the next year or so: social network games.
They were THE SHIT when I was middle school aged and Facebook kept spreading across all corners of Spanish-speaking countries.
Ever heard of FarmVille or Dragon City? These ancient Facebook games, and other titles, are a type of online game that is played through social media. They tend to have multiplayer gameplay mechanics and use real-time analytics to sort of motivate you to spend real money on in-game resources and/or consistently log in for rewards.
All social network games used to be browser games at first, meaning you could play them exclusively on Facebook desktop for instance, but as mobile gaming took off, many of the games were re-released for mobile as well.
But Facebook is not the only one who ventured into browser games. This category includes anything you can play using a web browser like Ecosia. They're mostly free-to-play and can be single-player or multiplayer, and are also grouped by their software platform, for example, Flash games.
A couple of famous examples include Club Penguin and the McDonald's Video Game, but personally I was more into Moshi Monsters and whatever “girly” games you could find on the in-browser hubs JuegosJuegos.com, friv.com and DressUpGames.com, in particular.
Even TV channels like Disney and Discovery Kids had TONS of Flash games available on their official websites when I was a kid, and so I spent a lot of my free time visiting those.
Then, tragedy struck: Adobe Flash stopped being supported between December 2020 and January 2021, mainly due to security concerns, dealing a debilitating blow to browser gaming. This sort of forced me to dive a lot more into what the Google Play Store and Steam had to offer.
While I’m pretty flexible in terms of the platforms I’ve tried, I remain selective when it comes to the genres. Although, that doesn't exactly mean I dislike any, just that I may prefer to watch the gameplay videos on YouTube most of the time.
For instance, I'm a big fan of the first 5 Five Nights at Freddy's (survival horror) installments and everything that came out after Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (action-adventure), yet I have no intent of playing any of them myself. I'll stick with simulation and strategy games, which I excel at and relax with.
About video game genres, they're not really related to the setting or story of the game as literary genres are, but by the way the player interacts with the game.
I’m not diving into specifics here because games often incorporate key features from all genres all the time or blend them together into hybrids, making it useless to try to differentiate them. Plus, there are countless sub-genres to consider. Even the Dark Souls saga is considered to have its own genre!
Now, it's no secret that females and minority groups tend to get harassed in shooter and MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) games’ communities, so that can obviously make me feel hesitant about joining those spaces.
Highly competitive environments often amplify the toxicity of the yappiest players, especially in multiplayer games, and that can lead to the misconception that, for instance, all League of Legends players are disgusting, when in reality it might only be a small percentage of ill-mannered people that's deterring potential new players. Then again, it is League of Legends that we're talking about here…
Circling back to Dark Souls, much like what SORRYLAG narrates in this video, I'd add that there's this weird pressure in the video game world about who can beat the games with the most challenging gameplays with no health penalties, or who can speedrun the fastest, or who discovers the most convoluted easter egg, that I just can't relate to as someone who's obsessed with Stardew Valley’s more peaceful essence.
It's hypocritical to bash or segregate others for enjoying the exact same thing you're doing just because they have less experience or different preferences.
I'm always up for a challenge, sure, but stressing over completing a difficult and super precise video game mission isn't my idea of fun.
And I refuse to think I'm less of a gamer just because I like mobile gaming, don't want to beat Sekiro and won't even pick up Duty's Call. I'm not doing this as a profession for a reason, you know? I am barely able to face one of Don't Starve Together’s bosses solo with the help of frog ponds.
Setting aside the standard fandom issues around them, I wouldn't say video games are a problem on their own. It's not Donkey Kong's fault that we've created so many stereotypes around a lifeless entertainment format.
Do they cause aggression and violence? No. A kid will not grow up to be violent because of a video game, unless their parents, teachers or community fail to teach them that it's not okay to act like that. Take it from someone who grew up playing Mortal Kombat Trilogy and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (not knowing it wasn't about driving around and stealing hookers' money), and thus had all the potential in the world to become a samurai gangster, apparently.
Are they addictive? Look, those sneaky strategies to make us play more frequently like real-time statistics don't help, but truth is anything that makes you produce dopamine and other happy hormones will become addictive if you struggle with discipline and self control in general. Even food. We're just too scared of taking accountability as humans.
Do they cause loneliness or social isolation? It can be the case for some, but that doesn't mean all gamers are lonely. I mean, my boyfriend and I found each other, didn't we? Not to mention you'll fail at most multiplayer games with no teamwork or proper communication, and there are tons of online communities out there that welcome anonymous users, so how do you even get lonely if it's not by perspective?
Are they for kids, teens or men only? We're in 2024, come on. There's plenty of options for everybody.
Such a shame that some people will never get to experience the joys of playing video games because they're too stubborn to believe anything other than what one news article of dubious origin said.
We can't really force a person who dislikes video games for any reason to love them, of course, but it's always nice to see them understand that respecting others' likes and choices will not cause the end of the world, isn't it?
Personally, I tend to choose playing whatever video game I'm trying to (slowly) complete at the moment over asking people to hang out whenever I'm free, because going out is expensive anyway. This isn't affecting my quality of life any more than pollution does because I still do my chores and work despite the suffocating heat of a tropical summer, so there's that.
In conclusion, as long as video games don't get in the way of your self-care, daily habits, finances and overall health, you should feel free to play them as much as you can, and want.
Unlike the mistaken belief that video games will ruin your brain or contribute to obesity per se, you can get benefits from most of them, actually. As of today, we have the VR goggles + omnidirectional treadmill + exploring Skyrim by foot combo for fitness purposes, puzzle games for cognitive skills development, strategy games for planning and problem-solving, action games for reaction time improvement, and so on.
But, once again, gaming shouldn't negatively impact your life. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read about that one Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament where a female participant had to step out due to the odor. Even sports athletes shower before competing, so my hobby is not their excuse for being dirty!
What do you think about video games, though? Yay, or nay?
Until next time!
- N
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I feel like... there is some sort of lost art in what it means to rp here. Folks, remember that rp is a collaborative experience, every reply you write to your partner should be like a baton pass, or a tennis match (minus the screaming, or maybe the screaming might be appropriate in the thread). Have something for your partner's muse to engage with, sometimes simply reacting to what the other muse has said or done without a follow up action kills a thread!
For an example, like with improv, there is a "yes let's" and your muse can go with the other muse's action or resist it as long as it keeps the story moving in interesting places by adding more. Think of Newton's Third Law: for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction! The story will progress through the outcome and consequence of reactions and interactions, if both muses put in the equal amount of work! Your muse's response should not be a summary of your muse's point of view of what my muse has done, and leave it as that without any sort of follow up or some sort of successive action/reaction that could help move things along! If there is one person carrying the thread, this is how you kill any possibility of having any writing chemistry with somebody you want to write with.
In short, please do not do this:
Muse A: "Hey, do you want to run to a store real quick and grab some snacks?" Muse A turns and grabs their coat, "Although, I haven't been around this part of town... know any places?"
Muse B: "Sure, I'd like some snacks." Muse B replies, liking Muse A's suggestion to go to a store to get snacks, "Let's go to a store."
Does Muse B's response feel like it could help move things along? Could there have been more? Maybe Muse B could have followed up by slipping past Muse A to take the lead? Could Muse B have made a suggestion of which store to hit up, or where they could go to find a store? Does Muse B seem engaging?
Maybe this example might make it more evident that the other muse needs to step it up:
Muse A: Is running at a full sprint with Muse B, ducking, dodging, and jumping over obstacles to get away from a monster pursuing them. Muse A then turns a corner, yanking Muse B along with them.
Muse B: Is running, scared out of their mind.
Muse A: Lets Muse B run ahead, while they pause and push something down to buy them time while they try to continue to escape.
Muse B: Is still running.
Muse A: When Muse A catches up, they see that they have run into a dead end. "Shit! We got to find a way out!"
Muse B: They realize they have no where to run, "I don't know, we're stuck!"
Muse A: "Wait!" Muse A stumbles toward what could be a potential hiding place, and they frantically move all the objects out of the way of what looks like a small door to a crawl space. They yank and yank away at the doorknob until it gives out, forcing the small door open. "In here!"
This example makes it feel like one muse is just standing there, or going along for the ride, watching the other muse doing all the walking and talking. It kind of feels like an, "I only speak when spoken to vibe." In other words, your character needs to be able to take the initiative to do something to determine the course of the story, or at the very least engage and interact with whatever your partner's muse is doing, even if they are reserved/meek/mild/chill. With great writing involved, even those characters can still do more for a thread.
I do get where this all comes from, given that people internalized that fear of godmodding or taking up/monopolizing the thread, but at this rate, a little bit of that is necessary and required. If it feels like your partner is the lead in this waltz and you are simply hanging on and trailing after them, then there is something wrong. Remember, you are weaving a story together, there are no passengers, everyone is a participant. If you want to try something but are anxious around the risk of upsetting your partner, TALK TO THEM! Communication is key, communication is necessary in this hobby!
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