#it's not the scariest thing he's written OVERALL
syekick-powers · 1 year
lmao at that post about stephen king's carrie and saying that it was king's attempt to write "a horrible terrible disturbed woman beyond redemption" like no. ive read enough of king's works to know just by looking at it that carrie the character is meant to be sympathetic. if you're looking for a stephen king story where he writes a horrible terrible fucked up disturbed woman beyond redemption, what you're ACTUALLY looking for is misery.
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cuephrase · 11 days
Are there any individual issues/short sections of the Tom Taylor Nightwing run you'd say are still worth checking out as little standalone/self contained things? I've read and enjoyed the 2021 annual (blood brothers) after seeing enough about it on tumblr but don't know much about the rest, and you've mention individual issues in other rec posts so it got me curious (and it's completely fine if you don't think you can recommend any).
asking me to be nice about TT?! *sighs* turns out i can be, actually, but um. only a little.
i'll preface all of this by saying, if you're interested in reading his run, you should. other people disliking a run is like...idk if this is going to make sense, but it's kind of like knowing the weather. you'll be like "hey, there's rain" and then you can either a) choose not to go outside, b) grab a coat and umbrella, or c) pull on a swimsuit and go dance. no wrong choices! maybe you get outside and it's more of alight drizzle, or maybe it's basically a tropical storm and you book it back inside and start batting down the hatches.
i could present you with people who's overall taste in comics i agree with who hate and love this run- actually, i was super hyped to read this run bc most of the people i'd talked to were like "OMG ITS SOOOO GOOD!!" and i was like "OKAY!!!" and then i was like 😗👉👈 maybe idk what good comics are?? (baby comic-reading cue felt wayyyy to new to the genre to trust their own opinions lmao. we're mostly past that now.)
but okay!! to answer your question: so post issue #91 is where my overall enjoyment of the run went like *imitates plane falling and crashing noises*. which. upon skimming from 78 to 91, i don't think i can say i was loving it that whole time, more like my tolerance threshold maxed out around there. bc uh. skimming i was like...yikes. i've also read way more Nightwing comics since, so like that could be factor.
ANYWAYS. me being nice:
#80 has some decent dick and tim!
#89 opens with a nice batman/superman/nightwing story, honestly can't remember if i liked the two-issue mini, but i'm going to guess i didn't bc even though i just looked i recall ✨nothing✨
#90-91 is a fun dick and wally adventure, if i remember correctly???? wally stans don't shoot me, i haven't read a whole lot of him idk if he's written well here i'm sorry
#111-112 is decent. it's not like. groundbreaking. but yk. maybe i just liked it more than the stupid pirate arc and maybe my standards are low and Good Dad Bruce is a weak spot, IDK
ummmm past that?
i like this page from #79
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this panel is from #83 if you want to like see it with your own eyes on page.
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the Hug is in issue #100, which is a bigger to celebrate 100 issues, and it happens later, i think it's the third story? some people love that scene, others can't stand it, i am a whore for soft batfam moments so it's very precious to me, and also nice moments make bad ones hurt more what?
if you like dickbabs you might enjoy more issues too, i was neutral about dickbabs and this run made me...not neutral. but i've heard from people that do like dickbabs that they don't like how they're written here so also, maybe you won't like it even if you like dickbabs??
but yeah!! these are my not-hated TT nightwing issues. i think there are a decent amount where i liked a line or panel here or there, but like overall most of it is just...not my fave. but you could like it!! which, i feel like it's worth saying that it's totally valid if you end up engaging with the run more and liking it. you wouldn't be the only person in the world to like it. but it's also ending in 4 issues thank god, so um don't get too attached if you end up digging it lmao
the red hood annual is also the annual i've liked for this run, i actually love that issue sm lol. the second annual is all about the Lamest Most Scariest Villain Ever, boring, and then the most recent was all about bea, dick's love interest in his ric era, which i was excited for...and hated. that one isn't even on TT, tho. travis moore your gorgeous dick is not enough to redeem you on that one. WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT-
thanks for the ask anon!! always good to practice loving your enemies i mean, i hope this helps, have fun <3
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div-divington · 2 years
Burial at Sea did do a lotta things wrong/weird, but I'm actually a big fan of the portrayal of Andrew Ryan in Episode 2.
The way he's introduced when he hijacks Suchong's broadcast in the Silver Fin, projecting himself on this massive screen (in comparison to the much smaller screen Suchong was on). He's got this larger than life energy, like an old-school super-villain.
The way he talks about how he's not sure what Elizabeth is, but he knows she can be useful. The fact he understands the existence of a multiverse and is able to recognise when a multiversal element is unique and valuable, and dangerous.
The line about how "what sharks do for the ocean, these men do for Rapture"? The way his security team talks about him like he's the scariest goddamned man to ever live?
"I'm smart enough to know Ryan's smarter than all of us."
"Mr. Ryan said to kill the girl, or don't bother comin' back to Rapture."
"The man builds a city at the bottom of the ocean, and you still think it's a good idea gettin' in the ring with him?"
Even his ultimate dismissal of Elizabeth is intimidating. Yes, she's possibly the most knowledgeable and powerful person in the city, but she's not smart enough to take his deal. And if somebody is a "rube", he's got no time to deal with them. If you can't serve his interests, then you're irrelevant and your life is forfeit.
I think the writers did a good job of making Ryan scary in Burial at Sea. Sorta like how he is during the penultimate levels of the original game. He's larger than life, he's a genius, he's devoid of compassion or empathy. He's a man willing to crush anybody underfoot to get his way, regardless of whether they deserve it or not. It doesn't matter how "special" you think you are, you're nothing if you're not working for Ryan Industries. He'll literally kill himself and every other person in Rapture rather than admit defeat.
Don't get me wrong, some aspects are poorly written. Ryan definitely had the resources to meet Elizabeth's demands. I doubt she'd have ever actually worked with him, but he could've likely gotten her on his side at least until Atlas was dealt with. And the mere existence of the "Ryan The Lion Preparatory Academy" is so stupid and on-the-nose it feels like parody (like a lotta the other less-subtle things in Burial at Sea), but overall I liked his depiction and I'm glad he got a last moment in the spotlight, even if he was only the DLC's secondary antagonist.
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It's Friday the 13th! Here's a list of 13 of my favorite scary books.
(If you have any particular triggers you're concerned about, feel free to send me a message about any of these! Please do not risk putting yourself in a bad place! I never mind giving a heads up on this kind of thing.)
General trigger warnings: sexual content, pedophilia, rape/sexual assault, extreme violence, deaths of children, deaths of animals, physical abuse, pregnancy, gore.
1. Let's deal with the reigning monarch first - Stephen King. I'll just let him have one entry for several books, since the guy has written 18 million.
1a. It. I read It, and then immediately read it again, for the first time when I was 12 years old. I carried the book around like a Bible. Not only is it truly scary as hell (the history, the deaths of Edward Corcoran and Patrick Hockstetter, and overall the idea that some things, no matter how far you run, you cannot escape - only try desperately, again, to destroy), it also has some of King's most solid characters, and an ending that isn't a total crap-out. He couldn't write great female characters then or now, but Beverly is far from his worst. And there is that scene near the end, but it's brief and easy enough to skip. 1,200 pages of story managed to work when I was a kid, and they still work now, even looking at the whole differently.
1b. Any of King's short story anthologies. I'd say my favorites are Night Shift, Nightmares and Dreamscapes, and Everything's Eventual, but they're all pretty great. The guy really shines in short form. And I dare you to read "The Jaunt" and not feel at least a little freaked out at the end.
1c. Different Seasons - the stories are far less supernatural, and it works. The four novellas are all tight, and all very different. Apt Pupil is one of the creepiest things I've ever read, and there's nary a ghost or beastie to be found.
1d. Christine, Pet Sematary, Salem's Lot, Desperation/The Regulators - the opposite of the above. These are pure supernatural terror, and a hell of a lot of fun. If Different Seasons is the drama looking for award nominations, these are the slasher flicks you watch with your friends while screaming at the characters and tossing popcorn at the screen. (Cujo's another one, but since it's rabies, it's a little more real-world.)
2. Let the Right One In, John Ajvide Lindqvist - an absolutely terrifying book where the scariest thing is not the vampire. Oscar and Eli are one of the sweetest platonic love stories I've ever read, and the bad guys absolutely get what's coming to them. It's a bleak look at suburban childhood - and desperation for something more.
3. In the Miso Soup, Ryu Murakami - this book sets you up for an uncomfortable time, and only gets worse. Short, tight, and terrifying. Murakami is more well-known for Audition, but I found this one far more disturbing. His stuff generally is not for those with sensitive stomachs.
4. Battle Royale, Koushon Takami - the movie is good. The book is better. Once you get past the slightly rocky translation, this one's going to have your adrenaline going from the very beginning. There's not going to be any Hunger Games-esque changing of rules: of 42 students, only one can survive. (I do not recommend the manga. It's mostly torture porn - sometimes literally. It's more disgusting than frightening, and while that doesn't automatically make me dislike a book - see just above this one! - I felt here that it was an unnecessary addition that actually draws away from the horror of kids forced to kill one another in favor of shock value.)
5. Ghost Story, Peter Straub - if there's ever been a horror writer who could easily have made the jump to awards-winning literary fiction, it was probably Peter Straub. Don't expect easy answers or easier scares here. Ghost Story is a very, very slow burn, where even as answers start to appear, so does a creeping fear you never even noticed until it already has you in its grip.
6. The Ritual, Adam Nevill - okay, I'm one of those who doesn't like the weird stuff that pops up near the end (you'll know it if you get to it), but the first 2/3 of the book? Holy shit, good luck turning the lights off before bed. It's rare that a book terrifies me. This one did. In the best way. Too bad about that last bit, which I mostly find ridiculous. 🤷‍♀️
7. The Passage, Justin Cronin - another contender for being closer to literary fiction with a veneer of scare. The first part is tighter than the end (and this is only the first part of a trilogy), but the whole is excellent, and the level of character development is as deep as any I've found in horror. When you feel sorrow and kinship even for the monsters (both human and otherwise), you're in good hands. Or bad ones, I suppose! I've read this one, like It, several times despite the extreme length, and it's always a ride.
8. Books of Blood, Clive Barker - short stories from a guy who not only never pulls punches, he'll start hitting harder just when you think you've gotten used to the pain. It has a story called "Midnight Meat Train," for god's sake! Just give it a go. This is pure horror, and you'll find both hardcore splatter and intelligent presentation.
9. The Final Girls Support Group, Grady Hendrix - a lot of fans of Hendrix actually dislike this one, but I found it a ton of fun, even if I also wanted to smack basically all the characters. 😅 It's just dumb fun jumping off of the same dumb fun as the movies that gave us the concept of final girls. If you ever wondered how Laurie or Nancy did after the end of their endless franchises, give this one a go. (If those names mean nothing to you, try Horrorstör instead!)
10. 20th Century Ghosts/Full Throttle/Strange Weather, Joe Hill - like his rather well-known dad, Joe Hill (legally Mr. Joseph Hillstrom King) has the horror gene, and it manifests best in his shorter work. His novels are good, but his quick-punch short stories and novellas are better. (Bonus points that in one story in Strange Weather, his main character is a butch lesbian, and while he clearly tries hard, it's... well. Let's say "a valiant attempt.") If you saw The Black Phone, it's based on one of his stories. (I hear Locke and Key, his comic series, is also amazing, but I haven't read it.)
11. Swan Song, Robert McCammon - Robert McCammon has never gotten much attention outside of horror circles, and I genuinely don't know why! Like Peter Straub and Justin Cronin, McCammon's stuff is more akin to literary fiction than "paperbacks from hell." This one is a take on apocalypse, and it does it amazingly. Many people cite The Stand as one of their favorite Stephen King novels, but I think McCammon did the same idea much, much better. Give it a go! His other books are excellent, too.
12. The Book of Accidents, Chuck Wendig - I went into this one blind, and loved it. It was creepy, the characters are interesting, and it honestly presented twists I never saw coming. Many Wendig fans say Wanderers (and its recent sequel) are better, but I haven't read them yet. They're on my list for this year!
13. The Gone series, Michael Grant (6 volumes, with another 3 in a sequel series) - these are YA, but they hit like a truck. What begins as a veneer of weirdness just gets crazier, bloodier, and darker. It's a quick read, and I swear, once I got past what initially seems like a snooze-fest main character and "meh" plot in the first book, I didn't put them down until I'd finished them all. These books are dark. Grant is also excellent at writing characters often reduced to stereotypes in horror (including female and LGBT+ characters). (As an aside, he [uncredited] helped write the Animorphs books with his wife, so if you liked those, you'll probably enjoy the equally well-developed-but-hard-hitting material in Gone. He and Katherine Applegate are also the parents of a transgender woman that they have fully accepted as a daughter instead of a son, and are vocal advocates of trans rights, as well as the Black Lives Matter movement. Solid people I very much admire!)
Thirteen seems the appropriate number to end on, but if you're looking for more, a few additional names you might seek out: Natsuo Kirino, Scott Thomas, Dan Simmons, Stephen Graham Jones, Nick Cutter*, Otsuichi, Poppy Z. Brite*, Ronald Malfi, Jason Pargin, Shaun Hutson*, Lee Mountford*, Jack Ketchum*, John Saul, Kelly Link, Ramsey Campbell, Alma Katsu, Katherine Dunn, Lee Mandelo, Paul Tremblay, Gretchen Felker-Martin*, Shirley Jackson, Max Brooks, Graham Masterton, Jeff Strand, Lisa Tuttle, Tim Lebbon, James Herbert, Josh Malerman, Catriona Ward, Richard Chizmar, Kealan Patrick Burke, Brian James Freeman, Bentley Little, Simon Clark, William Peter Blatty, Norman Partridge. Also check out the publications of Cemetery Dance and Valancourt Books!
*Extreme content warning
I will not and will never insult your intelligence by recommending Dean Koontz.
Happy chills! 😁
(And if you ever want personalized recommendations based on what scares you - or not! - drop me a message!)
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the---hermit · 2 years
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House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
I finally finished this book. If you have read some of my daily posts you might know I've had this book on my currently reading shelf for almost two months, I put it on hold, I picked it back up, it was a whole journey. I will admit I have yet to form concrete opinions on this book, so it will be fun in a couple of months to reread this and see how my opinions have changed from right after finishing it.
It is not easy to explain what this book is. It's a quite experimental horror novel in which you follow many different storylines that intertwine in a very creative way. The book also plays a lot with the graphic in general, so it's really entrataining on that aspect as well. The base storyline is about Jonny who finds the manuscript written by an old man. He decides to read and organize all the writing of this man, and so we find ourselves reading the manuscript and Jonny annotations in which we follow his own story. The old man's manuscript is a sort of academic study regarding a mysterious docu-movie created by a famous photographer. The movie, and so the manuscript, follows the family of this famous photographer in their new house. After moving in this house they soon find out that the internal space does not match up with the exterior of the house, and things move on from there. I did my best to explain the very base of the novel, but believe me it's not easy. These two plotlines mix with much more, and create an insane novel. I have no words to describe it, I had never read anything like that. The format is very cool I have to admit it, and I have thing for paranormal houses, although I am not sure paranormal is the best word in this case. It is a harder read, but it's very fascinating. What I'm saying is that it's not an impossible book to read but you need motivation, because there's ups and downs. I've had reading sessions of this book in which I read over a hundred pages in one go, which is very much unlike me, and then there were parts of it in which I asked myself why I was reading it in the first place. It was an emotional rollacoaster in that sense. Overall I enjoyed it, but we had a troubled relationship me and this book. I've heard a lot of people claiming this was one of the scariest books they had ever read. I was never afraid of it, I loved the idea of playing with spatial horror, but I never felt distressed. I think I managed to keep a very outside point of view for the whole read, maybe if you empatize more with the characters it will scare you, I don't know. I am also realizing that a lot of books people say they were very scared by haven't done much to me, but fear is so personal it makes sense. In general i think it was really interesting to see how one of the base focuses of the book was trauma, it's a constant theme in the whole novel. It's also very cool to see how the format of the pages you are reading slowly start to match what is happening in the story, and in some way the house itself. As you can see my opinions of the book are all over the place, I would recommend giving it a try if you are intrigued by the idea, because it's really interesting. If you are not that motivated in the first place maybe it's not the best choice. As I said I was hyped but my motivation had ups and downs, and since it's a long read it's better to be really into it when starting. It's quite slow paced, but after you get into the story it flows quite well. I would love to hear the opinion of people who have read this, because I know it's such a polarizing book. I will admit I do have a feeling I'll be thinking about this book and the house for a long while.
I read this book of the studyblr w/knives summer reading challenge 2.0 for the prompt 400+ pages book. This book is 730-ish pages long so I did challenge my big book fear. I should also mention that an update on the reading challenges I have been doing will come by the end of the month.
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squeakygeeky · 2 years
Just finished My Imaginary Boyfriend by Patrick Rangsimant since I’d enjoyed My Ride and I was on the edge of my seat for this one. Highly recommend if you like paranormal romance. The plot is that a doctor returns to live in his childhood home where he had made an imaginary friend, but only to start seeing the ‘imaginary friend’ again, now all grown up as well. I have that weird slightly jealous, ‘I wish I’d written this,’ feeling which means something was particularly good.
Spoiler discussion below
Funniest part: When they were discussing Beauty and the Beast and what would have happened if the Beast’s curse had never been lifted and Phai wondered if they would have had to do it doggy style or not.
Scariest part: For me it was actually when Klong made Phai swear on the swing set after they were reunited and then invite him home. I was like, yup, that’s a demon.
Least believable part: Not any of the paranormal stuff, just Phai being all, yes, this is my imaginary friend. I must suddenly be imagining him again because of reasons. What a good imagination I have.
Least favorite part: Klong telling Phai he was the woman in the relationship, even if they did have a teasing fight over it. AAArrg why. By a writer who purposely tries to go against stereotypes no less.
Character done dirty: Sun. Man was just trying to flirt, jeez. Phai could have just told him to back off and yeah Klong’s violently jealous behavior was partly a symptom and not his personality, but still.
Thoughts on the ending: Endings are hard, especially when you’re writing something that seems like it could be straight up horror, or psychological thriller, but then you need to pull out a romantic happy ending. And the thing is, I love happy endings. I wouldn’t have been happy with any other type of ending. But at the same time...it might have been a better book if it had gone full on horror with a somewhat disturbing but still romantic ending. As it was it dropped a lot of red herrings, especially with the kid who died, so something terrifying at the time was just random weird coincidence or easily explainable in retrospect, which probably drops the re-read value. I’d be more likely to re-read My Ride than this one.
But, like I said I prefer happy endings, so I don’t have an issue with the overall explanation with the Kleine-Levin Syndrome. I just wish it hadn’t gotten over-explained as ‘seeing sleep waves’ rather than just letting it be a bit of a weird mystical psychic connection thing. Also, I loved getting both perspectives but did we really need all lines of dialogue twice? Not really, given I read most of this in one go since I couldn’t put it down. I’m assuming it was a webnovel released chapter by chapter where that would be less annoying.
Weirdly it reminded me a little of an M/M novel I read ages ago whose name escapes me where the main character has amnesia at the beginning and had to piece together why the other guy thought he was someone else, and slowly realized he might be the one doing some thing sketchy. But then after everything got revealed it turned into a conventional romance novel and not one particularly to my taste since no romance should have been possible after what the mc did. This was a lot better and didn’t lose me at the end but it did have a sliiiight letdown of...oh, that’s what that was.
Overall though, really really good. It looks like it was maybe going to be adapted to live action but that fell through. I think this would be hard to film well, though, since the most interesting bits are Phai’s emotions and also you’d need some good effects for Klong being incorporeal or it’s not fun.
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ghostlytravelerprince · 7 months
Dear Diary,
It's a warm November day, and I'm thinking a lot about aging. A couple days ago, I did my clinical time in the ER. This is nothing like the ambulance; you return to your patients time and again. I began to become attached to them, which is my worst fear and my greatest desire. But, it's like a looking glass made of flesh -- I've never been so painfully aware of my humanity before.
My sweet patient was an old woman with dementia. And she scratched and bit and said every horrible thing she could think of. But, coming back to it a few days later, I don't think she was cursing us in the typical way -- to intentionally inflict damage on another person. Maliciously. It's more like how my dog barks aggressively when he fears for his life. And my heart aches with the fear she must have felt.
Medical experimentation might be one of my more irrational fears. It's rare to happen, but when it does happen, it happens to the one place you can't escape from. Medical experimentation robs you of your agency just like a virus does, but with calculated human intent. Anyway... I shouldn't make another person's terror about me, because in that moment she was certainly more afraid than I, but I can't shake this sick feeling in my stomach when I think about how I had to hold her down during her violent outbursts.
When she begged me to stop, when she begged for someone to help her, I could only tell her "I'm sorry" and continue to pin her wrist. Because I care about her health, I had to act in a way that morally offends me. I think I'm disgusted with my own behavior, even though I understand why I had to do it. But, no matter how many times we explained it to her, the wretched holes in her brain wouldn't allow her to understand. My mind keeps coming back to my dog when we take him to the veterinarian -- how he snarls and bites because he's just so, so scared. It must feel like an alien abduction.
I wish I could put a dam in front of the mental floodwater when I imagine how she must have felt in that moment. My obsession with the horror of having a body is what drives me and what makes my heart ache for others. I thought I knew that horror all too well -- being transgender -- but I'm just now greeting its many hydra heads. Dementia, sepsis, psychosis, cancer, death.
I don't know how I am going to cope when I see the things I asked to see (it's like being a poorly written Lovecraftian character...). I think that's why I'm starting this diary. And, I don't know how I'm going to stop the aching. Maybe that's something people just carry when they look deep into their own mortality. It's only my second day seeing patients, and I cannot begin to predict who I might become.
When we returned to the room half an hour later, she was hidden under the blankets like a critter. And, when we took her blood pressure, she told us about how these people had come in earlier and attacked her. The "attack" might have been the scariest moment for her, but I think this conversation was the scariest moment for me. I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her and ask "WHO WERE YOU?!". It felt like there was a veil to a deep and rich human life that had been eaten up by moths, and I couldn't make sense of the tatters. I wonder if scraps can even be considered a veil at all.
Overall, it was a wonderful day. I was given a lot to think on, which is exactly what I need right now. The nurses were very kind, and the work was very stimulating. I only ask that I'm allowed to age gracefully, now that I'm stuck inside my body.
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syekick-powers · 2 years
10 & 16 for the ask game? 👀
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
i've had both my own writing and others' writing haunt me in a lot of ways. i think in terms of novels, the novel that regularly "haunts" me is probably misery by stephen king. i've read a fair number of king's other stories, both novels and short stories, and misery is bar-none the scariest novel he's ever written. (Imo the scariest thing he's written overall is the short story "the raft", which has also haunted me to some lesser extent.) in 2020 i attempted to re-read misery to pass some time in lockdown and i had a nightmare abt annie wilkes within a week of starting it. as a writer, there is just something so intimately terrifying about the idea of being forced to write a sequel for a series you hated creating by a fan of the series who is violent and dangerous. the absolute most haunting thing about the whole setup was that paul's draft of "misery's return" that annie forced him to write was described as the best thing he'd ever written.
in terms of poetry by other people, ive had a great deal of poetry "haunt" me after reading them. hell, i have an entire secret pinterest board of just poems and quotes that hit me in the feels every time i read them. i wanted to come up with a few examples but honestly there are just so many to choose from.
as for my own writing, i have absolutely been haunted by some shit ive written, both in poetry and in prose. here is a small collection of screenshots from poems ive written that have remained in my mind long after finishing the writing:
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16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
honestly if im reading a book and it's not a hardcover w those lil flaps i will just grab whatever is nearby that's kinda flat to use as a bookmark. i don't really store those in my memories tho, so im sure it's been some weird fuckin shit that i don't remember. i think maybe using my phone as a bookmark is the most ridiculous thing ive ever used but i can't think specifically of a weirdest thing.
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neonoddeye · 3 years
Oddly Specific Tendou Headcanons
This is kind of self-indulgent because Tendou is my #1 source of comfort right now
Genre: Fluff, and there’s a relationship-specific section below (GN! Reader)
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Satori would love everything about Ikea, especially the stuffed animals. He’d probably make Ushijima go with him to find things to decorate their dorm with, too
He would love the plants too! He’d splurge one day and buy a bunch of fake and real plants to take care of as a sort of therapy for him
I am a firm believer that Tendou has tattoos/piercings post time skip. The tattoos are really intricate and beautiful pieces of art, and they all have special meanings to him
He loves big sweaters and always wears a big, gaudy ugly Christmas sweater when it’s in season. And yes, he got matching ones for his teammates
He’d be the most generous friend EVER! The second you text him that you had a bad day, he’ll be at your doorstep in minutes with your favorite snacks and a warm hug
Tendou’s favorite holiday is Halloween! He goes all-out with costumes and decorations, loves handing out candy to kids, and especially loves watching horror movies (but that’s actually canon)
He likes pulling silly pranks on his friends but will NEVER go too far
In another life, he’d be a rave kid, I just know it
I feel like he’s actually pretty shy in class; I don’t see him as being the class clown, although he does mess around with his friends (ushijima) when he gets the chance
His favorite pastime is teasing people about their height, even if they’re 5’9 (175cm)
His favorite subject is science, specifically chemistry, and he is always down to tutor his friends if they need it
I bet he finds things cute that other people find creepy, such as Furbies and antique dolls
Don’t bring him to a wax museum, because he WILL try and box the statues
Same with animatronics
He LOVES going to amusement parks! He’d ride every rollercoaster and would coax his friends into going on the scariest one with him
He likes haunted houses; both the Halloween ones with paid actors, and real ones with tales of actual spirits. He finds the supernatural very interesting
He definitely tells kids that he met Santa before and makes up stories to tell them (pssst- he totally loves kids)
Relationship Headcanons
You know how I mentioned that Tendou likes wearing big sweaters? Half of them are yours now, whether you agree to it or not
Piggy-back rides are a guarantee
So are surprise back hugs in the hallway at school
Speaking of hugs, he has the warmest hugs EVER. Will hold you extra tight and bury his face into your neck like it’s the last hug he’ll ever get
Acts shy to affection at the beginning of a relationship since he’s not used to it, but once he realizes that you truly love and appreciate his company, will welcome it with open arms
Does PDA with you (only if you’re comfortable with it of course), and does not give a single flying fuck about what anyone else thinks
Post time-skip, Tendou would surprise you at home with your favorite chocolates, especially if he knows you had a rough day
When you tell him his chocolate is the best you’ve ever had, it’ll make his day for a whole week
Forget about your real name, because he would only use nicknames for you. Pet names are a given, but he’d call you silly things too
Makes up little jingles for you and sings them when he sees you
When you two are alone, he puts on music and makes the space a dance floor
King of surprises- he knows your coffee/tea order like the back of his hand, so don’t be surprised if you wake up with it by your bedside table
Overall, you bet your ass he’d be the sweetest boyfriend ever, and would treat you like the royalty you are ♡
A/N: hi, this is the first time I’ve written something for a specific character that’s actually romantic, so I hope you like it! I tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible, and feedback is welcome! I may not do these often, but I’ve been going through a rough patch lately and I needed some Tendou comfort ♡
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hapalopus · 3 years
Darren Shan is actually hilarious, just look at this:
The scariest scene I’ve ever written was possibly chapter two of a book called Lord Loss, the first in my Demonata series. In it, a teenage boy wanders into his parents’ bedroom to find his mother, father and sister all ripped apart by demons. It’s vicious, heart-wrenching and visceral, and 10 years after it was first published, I still think it’s at the cutting edge of what is acceptable when writing for teenagers.
When I sent the early draft of Lord Loss to my editor, she was horrified. She loved the book overall, but chapter two had to be drastically rewritten before she would feel comfortable publishing such a work. She asked me if I would undertake a complete rewrite of the offending chapter. If I’d been a younger, more naive writer, I might have baulked and refused point-blank. But having been around a while by that stage, I’d got to know the workings of an editor’s mind, so instead I did something different.
I lied.
And said, “Why, of course, I’ll be happy to change it.”
See, the thing about horror is that it usually carries the greatest impact the first time round. When you read a really creepy scene, it will hit you hardest upon your initial exposure to it, because of the shock of the unexpected. Second time round, it’s almost never as bone-shuddering.
So I figured my editor would be less traumatised by Lord Loss the next time she read it. I gambled that I could actually change very little in chapter two, but that if I made one substantial tweak which would be immediately apparent, then she’d feel that I’d actually changed far more than I had.
In that early draft of the book, the main character’s mother was beheaded, and he walked in to find her body hanging upside down, “blood dripping to the floor from the gaping red O of her neck.” (I’m still proud of that line all these years later!) His father, meanwhile, had merely been ripped apart, and was lying in bloodied shreds in a corner. (I won’t go into any detail about what happened to his sister, as I don’t want to spoil all the sweet surprises for those who haven’t read it!)
My brainwave was to change almost nothing else in the chapter, but to swap the fates of the mother and the father. So, in the subsequent draft, it was the dad who was found hanging upside down, head chopped off.
And that was absolutely fine!
“Oh yes,” my editor said with relief after she’d read it. “That’s much better. Thank you for all the hard work you’ve done addressing our concerns. We’ve no issue with releasing this now.”
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/childrens-books-site/2015/jun/30/darren-shan-horror-books-for-teens-demonata
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suncaptor · 3 years
s7 adoration
First off, one thing I love about it is the versatility of it. some of my favourite parts are the humour of it, and the balance to the horror of it. It does lean towards dark, and is certainly darker than the rest of the show, but that just makes the gravity of it all lift off so intense when there’s randomly then dick jokes and so forth. same goes for the characters in it with the themes.
I genuinely think that leviathans are one of the scariest and best villains on the show because of the reflection of psychological horror and the flip on the script of hunted/hunter.
That being said, I also think Dick Roman is a great villain for comedic reasons as well and genuinely find his dialogue memorable. So memorable, in fact, I made this uquiz.
I also think that it is the darkest season psychologically in supernatural, like it rings out nadir to me, yet at the same time, this is all canon dialogue. but also it is quite unseen, the depth of it, which is infuriating (and my main fix would it being from Sam’s perspective), but it makes it compelling to me too.
I actually really like having sodium borate being corrosive to leviathans
There’s a canonical bipolar main character who’s vital to the plot and who’s talented and who’s also part of the inner themed reflections of paranoia within without systems and being incapable of trust anything even your brain while still retaining that vitality.
The season starts out with perhaps one of my favourite arcs in the show, as well, which brings me great joy in all the dialogue while also introducing one of the other most compelling parts of the show (being godstiel then Sam’s PTSD hallucinations retrospectively).
Two of the three main writer’s I look to as the core of what I love about Supernatural are perhaps the strongest voices in the season (Sera Gamble and Ben Edlund) and I really actually love the addition of Robbie Thompson and think some of his episodes are top tier. I don’t like Adam Glass, Buckleming, or Robert Singer writing any of the episodes, and my fix to s7 would be deleting those episodes, and Dabb is on like, thin ice, but I do really like most of the writing and theming and all and am genuinely enjoying the individual episodes and think that tied with 2, 4, and 5 it’s got the best quality for being entertaining to me.
And when I was looking at favourite episodes in Kripke/Gamble era (which I generally vastly prefer), it had the most of top 30 (8), and 20% of the top 10. And of that, it would skew towards the top total.
While Hello Cruel World sets up the season’s intent extremely well, I think that Defending Your Life drives the points home about how this reflects onto Sam and Dean in regards of their own psychological issues and how it will then impact their actions, the conflict not at all then revolving around leviathans but the concept of monstrosity and mental illness. While the season is incredibly ableist constantly and with some writers it’s clear that it’s intentional and the characters and they treat Sam with respect, other times it’s clearly not. I still am obsessed with this because it is directly and not metaphorically addressing these issues even if poorly.
Slash Fiction has some of the most in character and pointed analysis in the show immediately, including this scene and actually references and uses the history of the characters and the show itself to be more horrifying.
How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters is just also the epitome of s7 in general, from Sam hallucinating Lucifer and saying he’s lucky and people have it worse, Dean at his nihilistic worst about to lose Bobby admit while high on a sandwich what it’s really about, the fact they didn’t ever want to shoot deer, and just iconic dialogue from everyone including our favourite Dick Roman and “bibbing” while also having Bobby see the plans building the tension of the overall arc in the season right before being shot.
And while Death’s Door is very painful for me to rewatch, it is also an astounding episode of television from the terror of going back to the origin “You can never go home” and the only genetic case of bullet to the head (generational trauma), the insight into the abuse, how it shaped all the memories proceeding it, how Bobby didn’t escape it or what it did to him, but he also never was anything like his deepest fears or his fathers, and also Bobby’s speech towards his father. I also think the way Sam and Dean respond is extremely well written and their grief is palpable.
We also then get these lovely random images I get to share here :) X, X, and X.
Repo Man I may have some criticisms about in terms of ableism and homophobia, but it is still one of the best, and most horrifying, episodes in the show. Both the mirrors and the revelations throughout the episode and the dark intoxicating obsession while also seeing Sam’s actual trauma in front of us… I feel like I could literally analyse this episode for years, it’s so rich and deep, as much of Edlund’s episodes are when he decides he wants to make something deep instead of comical.
that being said I think The Born Again Identity may be one of the best episodes in the entire show. I can’t rationalise this because it would take hours if you don’t like this episode we just have entirely different taste.
Though, outside of the actual episode writing, the way it opens with the surreality and mental deterioration is very important to me, and it’s just one of many aspects of this episode, but I feel like it may be less popular so I thought I’d say it.
Charlie’s first episode and actually having our first actually good fully fleshed out lgbt character genuinely changes something in me when I watch it like. It is so full of hope for me personally just because of how fun and deep it remains. We get to hear Dick Roman describe the spark in humanity he can’t replicate while also saying “Nothing’s safe. I like that.” (the thesis of the season). Donald Trump helped him get the leviathan tablet. We get the scene where Dean coaches Charlie through flirting with a man and also have her make Harry Potter references which I just personally find very funny to watch. And Charlie’s mere existence just makes me hope, like the way she is.
Season 7 is the first season Cas tells Sam and Dean he loves them.
And Kevin Tran is introduced, one of my favourite characters who also adds much to the season itself.
Reading is Fundamental is the episode that Kevin Tran is introduced, that we get to see more into Cas’s past through the ways in which is he more open in his altered mental state such as how he loved Neanderthal poetry and bees, Hester’s accusation towards Dean, more talk around the hell trauma transfer which intrigues me even if it also infuriates me, and Cas actually faces and reacting to what he’s done, even if in an altered state. There are countless reasons I love it.
Also, this may not be something someone who doesn’t ship destiel can see and leans much more subtextual, so ignore this part if you are bothered by those interpretations, but I think season 7 is when Dean realised he was in love with Cas and like I do have a lot of reasons for thinking this and find it just another layer of why seeing the psychology of the main characters is intriguing to me. I also then can do parallels throughout that reflect this grapping too. And it adds layers to how Dean finds him married then, maybe even add the demon he kissed.
And then, of course, is the matter of the trench coat.
this is very very limited, but I tried my best to be comprehensive of my highlights and reasons for loving season 7!
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bitchiha · 4 years
I just found your blog, and I love it already. Can I request relationship hc for Kankuro and Darui(if you write him)?
✎ Relationship HC’s (Kankuro, Darui)
A/N: so I’m proud I actually managed to whip a post out lol, also Kank and Darui are some of my fav characters and I’m sad I haven’t written much for either of them... anyways, enjoy and thank you for requesting this, wonderful anon!
So we can just jump straight into it here: you’re gonna have to put up with all the puppets. Like when you come over to his apartment for the first time you probably have 5 mini heart attacks. You’re shrieking around every corner you turn because there is always damn puppet there waiting for you. Sometimes it’s not even a full puppet, just a puppet limb. This continues to scare the shit out of you when you move eventually move in too. Like it’s something you cannot escape.
Yes, he does have a work room, but his work is not limited to that room (that’s what he’ll sassily tell you as he picks up the puppet you flung across the room because it basically jump scared you.) However.. Little by little you notice that he starts to leave less and less puppet parts around the house, which is really touching because Kank can be stubborn as fuck sometimes.
Also, he loves when you come over and sit on his lap while he works on one of his puppets; bonus if you let him blab about them. Honestly you don’t have to even listen, just make it look like you are. Let your hands play with his hair as you nod along whenever he pauses his sentence, knowing it’s a cue for a little response from you.
One of the scariest things you’ll have to deal with in the relationship is when Kankurou casually has conversations with his puppets. Like one night you came home a little late from work and you heard your boyfriend talking in a hushed tone and you’re like?? Who’s he talking to?? Figured it was Gaara because let’s be real.. Kank does not have a side hoe, he cannot get a side hoe, even if he wanted. So anyway.. You didn’t want to bother him, so you just quietly walk into the work room to peek inside, only to find Kank talking to one of his puppets. He notices you at the door and stops mid conversation and clears his throat, but it’s too late, you’ve already heard him.
“Kank.. babe.. we’re you talking to your puppet just now?” He just stares at you sheepishly, but the puppets still perched on his lap nonetheless, “... There’s no point in me denying it is there?”
He’s kinda shitty at gift giving on special occasions. Like he is just is so fucking bad that you’ve accepted the fact that your birthday gift will be a teddy bear like every single year. But he makes up for it with the random gifts he gives you throughout the year. Like if you’ve been away for a long time you always come home to some sort of cute little puppet waiting for you. He’s made one of your favourite animal, favourite anime character, mini versions of his own puppets, etc. At this point in the relationship you’re starting to get used to the puppets, so you end up keeping them on a shelf in your room. He always gets so giddy when he comes to your place and sees them displayed like that. And loves it even more when you keep them displayed after you move in together.
Sorry sweetheart, but if you do not like his siblings.. NEXT CALLER. Bye. He’s ending the relationship right there. But if you get along with them his heart melts, especially if you and Gaara become friends. Or like if you can remotely handle Gaara pre chunin exams. Yah will do it. He’s head over heels for you. You’re both protective mama bears now and will keep Temari and Gaara safe with your lives and vice versa.
Badass fighting duo. If anyone wants to fuck with Gaara or Temari you two are gonna fuck shit up to say the least. But even on missions too, like you guys can read eachother perfectly and even if you were bickering before the battle starts — all the tension goes out the window and you’re focused on the problem at hand. You can go back to flaming eachother afterwards. Just a little side note: he loves showing off his puppet skills. So don’t be surprised if he calls out ���y/n! Babe! Y/n! Over here — This is how the Ant looks in action.” Then he proceeds to iron maiden the victim. Give him a thumbs up and congratulate him please. Even if it’s kinda a very graphic scene.
Kinda fucks with PDA tbh, like he tones it down once Gaara becomes Kazekage because he needs to keep up a respectable image, but still does light PDA. Pre Kazekage Gaara, he would suck your face off anywhere. But when Gaara becomes Kage, he just gives you quick kisses instead. Doesn’t go for handholding a lot, prefers having an arm around your shoulders or around your waist. Slaps your ass too, if there isn’t a lot of people around and he can get away with it. If you wanna make him jealous though, all that composure goes out the window.
KISS HIS HANDS. LOVE HIS HANDS. When you’re at home and you two are cuddling, run your thumb lightly over his knuckles, over his calloused palms, kiss the pads of his fingers... it just makes him so soft lol. Like kiss the scars of blisters or scratches from his work tools and he’s putty in your hands girl.
I’m 100% sure that Kank can handle a moody / bratty s/o. Like you’ve got a little spice? He can take that. Afterall, he handled little moody pre teen Gaara before, I’m sure he can handle you. Doesn’t mean he isn’t stubborn though, he won’t let you win arguments. Which is a problem if you’re stubborn too. You will argue for hours and wont even remember what you were arguing about to begin with, then one of you’ll have to be like: pause the music.. what were we even mad about? Neither of you can remember and you’ll just shrug it off and go out for ramen or something like nothing happened.
If you don’t already have somewhat of a thick skin when you start dating Kankurō, you will eventually form one. If not, shits not gonna work out. Like he’s just a teasing person and he likes to have little roast sessions, they just entertain him. He hardly ever oversteps himself when it comes to the banter, but if he does he’s kinda oblivious. If you start crying though he’ll feel so bad, like it was just mindless teasing he didn’t mean to make you cry. Will remember what made you react like that and won’t ever mention it again.
I think he also tells the best stories. Like he just has the best expressions and voice for it. Not to mention having a jinchuuriki and Kazekage as his brother; he’s experienced some crazy shit. He mindlessly babbles them out to you whenever something reminds him of that particular time. Like if he sees a person walking their dog, it brings him back to the time when he defended kiba against one of the Sound Four. Then boom. He just randomly blurts out the story as you two are walking.
Kankurou is a surprisingly good cuddler. He always wants to be the big spoon and likes to pull you close to his chest and sling his arm around you lazily when you’re watching tv together . He’s constantly getting his hands tangled in your hair because he loves to play with it. Sometimes if you fall asleep while he’s cuddling you, you’ll wake up two French braids or something. Honestly, you’ll be shocked at how he managed to do that at first, but let’s be real he probably styles his puppets hair in his free time.
Overall an entertaining s/o, I would reccomend.
Oh boyyyyyy... Where do I start with this guy? He’s such an amazing hype man. Like Darui is so fucking flattered that he managed to score such a smart and gorgeous person that he will never let you forget it. He swings you compliments all the time and they don’t even sound overbearing from him because he’s just that cool. Even the way he compliments you is cool. Don’t forget to compliment him too though.... pls be eachothers hype men.
He’s also the loyalist man you will ever meet — we see what he’s like with the Raikage, you can’t tell me otherwise. Like once the two of you are officially dating he is committed 100% to you and will do anything for you. So do not mistake his laid back demeanour for laziness because when it comes to your relationship he is ready to do whatever you want. You want a certain flavour of ice cream, but the store ran out? He will go to every single grocery store in the village to find you that flavour for you. His s/o deserves the best and if they can’t have their favourite ice cream then he won’t rest till they do. Literally. Sometimes you have to go out and find him and tell him it’s okay and that he can come home, you don’t need that flavour that badly.
Handles periods the best too. Like he’s actually mature about it for the most part. Will 100% go out and buy you tampons or pads because like I said, he will do whatever you want. He’s also practically a human heater so he will lay down with you and cuddle you to help relieve some of the cramp pains. Can figure out when you’re PMSing too and will handle it well too. Like you’re literally just spazzing out in the middle of the kitchen and you’re yelling about something that happened 2 years ago, he he just pulls you into a hug and holds you there until your anger dies down a little bit, then he picks you up and tucks you into bed. Idk how it works, but it does. Every single time.
When it comes to gift giving he’s so subtle about it. Like he isn’t the type to do something extravagant and flashy for his s/o, but his gifts are still so thoughtful and considerate that you can’t help but blush at them. He’s observant and he notices the things you like, what you talk about more than other things, etc. He takes all that into account when he wants to buy you a gift and every year he never fails to melt your heart. It also makes him super giddy when he sees you wearing / displaying his gifts in your room or something. He is always so insecure when he actually hands you the gift though, but the look of joy on your face instantly washes his hesitance away.
Honestly you two are the coolest couple in the whole Cloud, like you’re just such a badass duo. Omoi and Karui love you two, Killer Bee loves you two, Cee and the Raikage too. It’s kind of funny just how invested the Raikage is, though. Definitely cries hysterically if you and Darui get into a fight, hes all like “no! You two are meant to be, this can’t be happening!” And Darui is like... sir it was a minor fight, we’re still together... Killer Bee has also definitely made a rap about you two or at least used you two for a line in his rap. It was pretty garbage, but it’s the thought that counts; plus you guys are so cool that the rap just automatically becomes cool too.
Darui constantly apologizes for things that aren’t his fault. You learn to get used to it, but it’s a little confusing at first. One night he came to your apartment all depressed looking and he’s like “y/n, I’m so sorry, but I have to tell you this now.” And you think his ass is cheating on you or something because of how solemn he looks so you’re bracing yourself for the worst, when in reality he just wants to postpone your date an hour or two because he has to help the Raikage with something. You just stare at him for a good five minutes because wtf why didn’t he just call you? Like why does he look so distressed over something as minor as that??
Your fights don’t last very long at all. He’s a reasonable and understanding person, so he doesn’t initiate fights very often. I feel like you guys only really fight when it comes down to spending too much time apart. Like he’s been too busy with being the Raikages second hand man and you’ve been occupied with missions and your own business, you two just miss each other and kind of end up getting frustrated with each other and eventually you guys snap. Like you can’t make the date on Friday and want to re schedule, but Friday’s the only day he can make it. Cue snappy comments and one of you hanging up the phone on the other. Daruis always the first one to apologize though, go figure.
You guys are also another badass duo when it comes to fighting, like he’s super observant of you and he knows your next move before you know it. If you’re a bit on the impulsive side he’ll lowkey get frustrated because he doesn’t want you to get hurt when it’s something he can prevent. Especially if you’re fighting together, like he doesn’t want that on his conscience. Like you will never stop hearing him apologize if you get injured when he could have prevented it. You constantly have to shut him up lol.
Honestly playing with his hair is the best, he actually likes when you try and take care of it too. Even if it doesn’t work out all the time because you can’t really tame it, he loves the feeling of your fingers massaging his scalp anyway. So he’ll let you have your fun, but only you can touch it. His hair just feels so fucking nice too, like you have to refrain yourself from running your hands through his hair randomly. You definitely fluff it sometimes though.
He likes to be the big spoon when you two cuddle, but he doesn’t mind being the little one sometimes — only if you play with his hair though. Like just start running your hands through his hair and he’ll pass out just like that. Really likes when you lay your head on his chest and you just kind of sprawl yourself ontop of him. Sometimes he does that to you instead, especially after a long mission where he hasn’t seen you for a long time. He just lays his head on your chest and loves the feeling of your chest rising and falling gently as you sleep.
He is not that into pda, will wrap an arm around you or give you his jacket when you’re cold, but does not make out with you in public. If he’s feeling needy then he will simply pull you into an alley and kiss you there, but he’s pretty good at controlling himself and hardly ever needs to do that. Gives you occasional kisses on the cheek though, but absolutely no touching around the Raikage. Even if the Raikage literally doesn’t care. Darui just thinks it’s uncool.
You guys have super chill dates. Like just going out to dinner or hanging out at each others houses. The best dates are the spontaneous ones. Darui doesn’t do them all that often, but whenever there’s like a thunderstorm or a rainstorm outside, he will run to your place and you two will watch it together. Like just perch yourselves on the windowsill with a bunch of blankets and some snacks and you’re good to go. It’s kinda dangerous but both of your definitely fall asleep on the windowsill.
10/10 overall. Darui is so fucking cool he owns my ass.
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :)
i’m sorry i’m bad at answering these i love you guys
I just adore fics like these, outside characters seeing through yandere facades and putting the pieces together. Atsumu’s frustration at knowing something is wrong but not being able to convey it without sounding crazy or jealous (and then exactly that happens), and then his mental agony at realizing he’s right but powerless. Ugh and the piece de resistance was his own inner turmoil at his attraction, it was just *chef’s kiss*. Do you think Atsumu became a bit of a lowkey yandere in his own way just obscured with a savior complex? Poor reader if she ever ends up his clutches, swapping one crazed man for another only Atsumu will never see himself as the bad guy. Thanks for the time and effort you put into such amazing writing!!
poor atsumu, i really put him through the wringer on this one :(( he starts with good intentions, but you know what they say about those haha. i honestly think he’s kinda fucked, because on the one hand he has everybody telling him he’s being a creeper, making mountains out of molehills, because how could hinata possibly do anything like that? and on the other he’s got hinata who’s not only aware of his suspicions but kinda pushing him to snap but dangling the reader in front of him. which way he falls is kinda up to you, but i think the fact he jerked off to a blowjob she clearly didn’t want says a lot about what he’s willing to (temporarily at least) overlook.
(English is not my first language so if I make grammar mistakes i'm sorry :( )
I got chills while reading insidious! It was so amazing. I really appreciated how you wrote that in Atsumu's perspective and made him an unreliable narrator.
It reminds me of the old drabble that you did with BokuAka where they kidnapped their manager and wrote it in Konoha's perspective. In that drabble, while Konoha did act selfishly, I still felt that he was a good person overall.
But in this fic, despite Atsumu claiming that Hinata and y/n's relationship was toxic and wrong, he still felt jealous. He wanted to be in Hinata's place. He wanted what Hinata had with y/n. I don't think his issue with them was because their relationship was toxic (maybe it was in the beginning), he just wanted it to be him who's with her. And that's the brilliance of this fic, seeing not only how unsettling Hinata's relationship was but also seeing Atsumu also slowly becoming obssessed.
first of all, never apologise for your english or any language for that matter. you’re doing great bby! but i’m glad you liked the fic!! <33 i can’t resist morally corrupting a character with good intentions. poor tsumu. poor konoha :((
Oof Hinata is terrifying and you wrote him so so so in character, like damn. He’s so happy like he’s just not a dark person which makes it so jarring bc he himself might not even register his actions as bad. I would love to see more content with him bc you got a girl scared and horny! But just wow I was on the edge of my seat!
ahh thank you my love!!
this is kinda random but i’m happy that i finally don’t have to type your full @ on the search bar to get to your blog anymore!!!!! also your new hinata ft atsumu fic literally sent chills down my spine. it kinda disturbed me how nobody (except atsumu) is questioning hinata’s character because hinata the always positive bundle of joy and sunshine can’t be capable of doing such things right? and how hinata is aware of atsumu’s suspicions ANDattraction towards his girl so he plays these little mind games with atsumu while maintaining that happy go lucky smile on his face acting like everything is normal. i just love your writing so much i literally visit your blog often for new updates😭
ahh i wished i had more updates for you haha! it’s really the worst when nobody believes something you think is painfully obvious. and hinata’s sunshine and sweet and super adoring, so why would anyone think twice about his relationship with the reader? and it doesn’t help that he’s toeing the line (before jumping right across it) between genuine concern and a little bit of attraction, but that’s half the fun haha. thanks for the ask bby!
Ok but you write Atsumu pining for the reader in a relationship so well. Inescapable Atsumu vs Oikawa is so good, the desperation, the crying *chefs kiss* Insidious is a diff Atsumu, more caring but thirsty all the same. Bokuto and co.s reaction is so funny 😭 they literally said you need to chill a little Atsumu
(Maybe we need to make this a full circle and make Atsumu pine for Osamus S.O. eye-)
i’m so mean to atsumu in both of those fics. dw i’ll make it up to him haha <33
It’s been said before but your Hinata fic was AMAZING and just so scarily in character. Hinata is definitely one of the scariest yanderes because he’s so unsuspecting and who would believe such a cheerful person is capable?!? It was just so well-written, I loved how you wrote Atsumu’s rising suspicions (especially how he can’t really prove anything bc it’s Hinata of all ppl) and his own descent into obsession and everyone’s reaction to him. It was so deliciously twisted and you can’t help but pity reader in what we can assume is her little sliver of hope that she can be saved bc someone finally noticed. Just chills.
thank you so much, bby! hinata does give off those vibes, and who would suspect him because he’s so attentive and bright and bubbly. i’m glad you liked it!! <33
Rhi RHHHHIIII Insidious was spot on. Rabid was just 👌👌 mmm and I've just realized how good you are at capturing a character's pov, like Atsumu's was on the money for capturing the confusion and unsettling feeling and it was so effective i feel like 👀😳 @ hinata now lmaoo
I WAS THE LAST ASK TALKING ABOUT POVS BUT I FORGOT SOMETHIIINGG. DAICHI'S POV. DAICHI'S POVVVV 👏👏👏 I could feel myself feeling his frustration and anger (I wanted him to whip oikawa's ass so bad fr) and his piecing together of things made me feel so awful and anxious, but like in a good way!! Writing is suppose to make you feel things and your fics always, always accomplish that 🤍
ahh nonnie, thank you so much! i like to get inside of the character’s head and fuck with their emotions and stuff, it’s super fun so i’m glad you guys enjoy it!! ily!! <3
oo Hinata as a yandere is so scary bc he's so sweet and caring. BUt he's also sincere and earnest about everything and who's to say that passion won't carry into darker activities 👀
you get it anon haha. he’s honestly a little terrifying but i still want him to spit in my mouth y’know??
i just finished reading insidiuous--it was FANTASGTIC SHDFJDSHFJ the way that atsumu crossed a line he couldn't come back from and was just,,,, rightfully consumed with shame for it?? that was great. also loved reading how hinata knew what he was doing and was doing it purposely, but poor reader. my heart goes out to reader.
thank you so much, bby!! i’m glad you liked it <33 
God, you have no idea how much I loved Rabid. I read it probably like 5 times in a row the first time. How do you imagine what happens to reader afterwards? I wonder if he’d end up taking her back to his place, or how does he interact with her afterwards? I’m sorry if this is annoying, I’m just so in love with the story 🥺💕
ahh thank you so much! as for what happens afterwards, you’re definitely kyoutani’s girl. if you think he’s just gonna let you go back to your place, keep working your job, you’ve got another thing coming. he tries to be gentle. a good boyfriend. he’ll definitely pick up on you shaking after he’s finished up; but he’ll misinterpret it as you being cold and make you wear his jacket haha.
Have u permanently closed commissions?
not necessarily, just taking a break :))
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splatterchatter · 3 years
Resident Evil Village  AKA Ethan, for the love of God grow a personality the same way you grew a hand, I’m begging you
Now, I am sure that anyone who has been on the internet the last couple of months is aware that there is a new Resident Evil game due to one Lady Dimitrescu in the promotional material for the game. Now, don’t get me wrong, a giant middle-aged vampire woman is worth the internet’s admiration, but it turns out that there is a lot more going on in this game, which I feel wasn’t advertised as much. So I am here with a review of all things that you missed while pledging your undying devotion and loyalty to Lady Dimitrescu, or one of her daughters. While I will attempt to make this a spoiler-free as possible, I can’t promise I won’t give things away so read on at your own risk if you haven’t played/watched the game yet.
Resident Evil Village, or Resident Evil 8, starts with a fairytale about a little girl who gets lost in the forest and receives gifts from a bat, a spider, and a sea monster before she takes a gear that is not a gift, leading to her to be confronted by an evil witch. Before we get to the end of the tale, we are transported to Mia and Ethan Winters' living room where Mia has been reading to their 6-month-old baby Rosemary. It is established pretty quickly that Mia and Ethan’s relationship is a bit strained since the events in Louisiana, which is understandable, and have been relocated to Europe by Chris Redfield in hopes that they can put the past behind them. As you can imagine, given that this is a Resident Evil game, the calm family scene doesn’t last long and once again Ethan is thrown into horrors beyond his imagination to try and save his child. Ethan, oh Ethan, you are by far the most boring video game character that I believe I have ever encountered. While his confusion and overall horror didn’t bother me too much in Resident Evil seven given how bat shit crazy that situation was for a man who was in IT before that all started, I could give him some leeway. However, after one bat shit situation, when your child is kidnapped and there are lycans running around a small European village, you eventually stop saying what and why all the time and start getting a bit of a personality other than screaming “WHERE IS MY BABY” over and over. Also, Ethan, you have fought enough people to know that you don’t have a whole conversation with them because that always ends poorly and yet on THREE SEPARATE OCCASIONS you have a whole dialogue before getting thrown into some sort of trap or almost killed. I mean you have a character who just reattaches his hand multiple times between 7 and 8 and he is still supremely boring and has no character development. Sliced white bread is more interesting than this protagonist, even with the twist. Now, did I get emotional at the end, yes, but that wasn’t because I gave a shit about Ethan so much as Chris Redfield's reaction to the whole thing. I mean, the character introduced in the after credit scene is more interesting in seven seconds than Ethan was in two entire games. While Ethan was terribly boring, there were several interesting characters, both protagonists and villains, that were underutilized in this game. To start with, a much more interesting game would have been to have the main character be Mia, post her life of lies and their consequences, having to track down her child and come to terms with what she did that led to the events in 7. While I also found Mia getting on my nerves in this game, it was mostly because she was sidelined to snipping at Ethan, not telling him the truth (because that went so well last time), and constantly shrieking questions. Mia was an operative and could have been fleshed out to be a super badass character if they had given her more purpose and screen time. However, you didn’t even need to flesh out Chris Redfield because he has been a staple in the Resident Evil games since the first one. There is already this rich backstory and he was more interesting in the half-hour we see him in the game and I felt for him more than Ethan who I’ve been with for two games. This is a man who's seen the carnage of Umbrella for years at this point and it’s wearing on him. Show me the story of Chris and his team, who were interesting in their own right, going god damn feral on an Umbrella facility. Basically, give me a main character with some sort of personality, I'm begging you. Hell, Beneviento’s little doll was more complex than Ethan.
  Speaking of Beneviento, while I felt that all the villains were pretty well-rounded, I didn’t think that we have enough time with any of them. Lady Dimitrescu is in the game for a surprisingly short time for all the hype she was given. Now, I don’t blame the developers for this as her castle is the first area of the game and therefore what they had completed first to show off to the world. However, I feel that each of the four houses could probably have been their own games, but instead, we were given just enough to get interested in them, and then they were dead. Lady Dimitrescu wanted to live with her daughters, Beneviento wanted to be left alone with her dolls, Moreau just wanted Mother Miranda's approval and Heisenberg wanted to kill Miranda for what she did to him. Heisenberg especially, I wanted to know more about and his history before Miranda. What did he lose when she brought him into her experiment? What did they all lose? There are enough questions there that I felt every section, besides perhaps Moreau’s, ended far too quickly to feel satisfying. At this point, you probably think that I hate the game, which is not the case. I actually found it really entertaining and a pretty good video game. However, I am a huge story person and while no Resident Evil game is a piece of storytelling genius, it doesn’t mean that I’m not going to talk about the things that bothered me. One thing that this game did exceptionally well is the visuals. This game is absolutely beautiful and all of the areas have their own distinct atmosphere and look. If you are a fan of Resident Evil Four, which most people are, the beginning of this game is going to give you the same ambiance with much better graphics. God, what I wouldn’t have given to have Leon kicking people down ladders in this game. While Lady Dimitrescu is far more interesting than Ramon Salazar, don’t get me wrong he is the one Resident Evil villain that I have never forgotten, they have the same thoughts on interior design. Then the Beneviento house and Monreau’s sections were more like 7 and the factory was a new and very beautiful set piece. An utterly stunning game. Resident Evil Village is also in the same vein as Resident Evil 4 in that it is much more action-horror than survival horror. While the Beneviento house is properly scary, the rest of the time you know that you’re going in shooting. I feel as if her house also has the scariest monsters, though there are only a couple. Don’t get me wrong, the lycans look cool and Heisenberg’s monsters are solidly in the realm of body horror, but you get a gun early and use it often. Resident Evil 7 was far more tense, even with weapons, because you have no idea where the family members were and usually they could easily kill you until you got into their boss fight. Again, it’s a fun game, but if you expected the same tension as in 7, you will only have it in a small area of the game. Overall, this is a fun and beautiful game, but not without fault. I am still craving the game with Mia as the main character because I feel as if that would be a much more interesting story. Nothing against Ethan, he was just written that way. I am really hoping that if there is a Resident Evil 9 it follows Chris just laying waste to an Umbrella headquarters because the man deserves it if anyone does. I mean, my dream is a Chris Leon team-up, but that is just the fangirl in me. Chris and Claire would be fun too. Basically, anyone with a personality. I would say that this game is worth the money, but not without fault. Now I am just crossing my fingers for a Resident Evil four remake because I need to see my boy Leon again as well as the president’s daughter popping out of a dumpster like a gopher with stunning graphics.
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dani-lam · 3 years
This was written for the @newsiesgiftexchange !  
The fic was written for @queenofbrooklyn and the prompt was ‘Sarah/Spot fic. any situation, modern or canon era (1992).’
It was a lot of fun to write and I hope you like it!
Find it on AO3 under ‘Slipstitch’ by Dani
Also, Thanks for the fanfic!  I loved it.
              Sarah had never heard of Spot Conlon. She wasn’t a newsie, she wasn’t from Brooklyn, there really was never any reason for her to have come across the name before. The first she had ever heard of him was when Les came running home just after lunch babbling about strikes and Pulitzer and how David was going to meet the ‘biggest, toughest, and scariest newsie that ever was.’
              “You shoulda seen them! All the Newsies were scared, all of them. Not Jack though, Jack just said that he would go to Brooklyn with Boots and David. He was so brave,” Les gushed at a mile a minute.
              Sarah couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at his enthusiasm.  She was sure Jack wouldn’t actually put David in any danger. “So, who is this big, tough, scary newsie?” She asked, ruffling his hair.
              “Spot Conlon.”
              When she actually met Spot at the rally…she wasn’t sure what she had been expecting. She hadn’t really thought she had been expecting anything…but when she saw him, she realized that he wasn’t it.
              He wasn’t big, for one thing.  There were definitely a lot of boys in the building who were a lot bigger.  He was about the same height as Jack and David, maybe a bit shorter …he was thinner too, giving the impression of being even smaller.
              Tough and scary really seemed to fit, though. As he prowled around the stage, posturing and glaring around him, his eyes were cold as ice. Sarah felt a nervous shiver go up her spine, and could see why the Newsies were afraid him.
              Unlike the rest of the audience, however, Sarah was the only one who knew that it was all an act. David and Jack had planned it all in the days leading up to the event. They needed to get everyone working together as quickly as possible and they needed to get them to stop beating up the other kids quickly. It was detracting from their overall message, as David kept insisting.
              Seeing them play out the scene though, even Sarah was convinced.
              It worked beautifully. When the three of them came off the stage to join her and Les at the table, they were all grinning, flushed from their success.
              Jack sank into the seat beside her and took a big drink from the glass he had left on the table.  He was breathless and happy.  It was infectious.
              It took Sarah a while to realize that David hadn’t taken back the seat on her other side but was one chair further. She only had eyes for Jack, at least until Jack left her to go dance on stage with the ‘Swedish meadow-lark’. Turning to make a snippy comment to her twin, she was stunned to find the other boy, this ‘Spot Conlon’, there instead.  She sent David a questioning glance, only to get a shrug in response.
              “What’s a fancy Dame like you doing hanging out in a dump like this?” Spot asked, something like amusement dancing over his face.
              Sarah looked at him curiously, not really sure how to react to this strange new arrival.  “David invited me. I don’t usually get out in the evening, so it seemed like fun.” After a beat, she clarified,  “David’s my brother.”
              “An ugly mug like his has no right having a sister as beautiful as you.” He sent a quick smirk at David before turning his attention back to her. “So, what do you do? You’re way too fair to be a newsie.”
              Bemused, Sarah smiled.  “No, you’re right. I leave the newspapers to these two. I’ve started taking in laundry. There’s decent money in it, if you know what you’re doing.”
              Spot’s eyes immediately went to her hands, and he slowly reached over to pick one up, watching her face and giving her time to express her displeasure at his forwardness. When she only looked curious, he picked one up. “Your hands are remarkably soft for laundry.  My mother used to do that work, it’s definitely not easy.” He lightly traced a thumb over her knuckles.  “So, do you have a name?  Or should I just call you ‘David’s sister’ for the rest of the night?”
              Laughing at her own forgetfulness, Sarah gave him her name.
              “Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Sarah Jacobs,” Spot said, leaning over his hand and breathing a gallant kiss onto her skin.
              Sarah could feel a blush creeping over her cheeks.
              She was saved from answering because a moment later, everyone was moving. Spot had dropped her hand and started organizing the smaller kids, quietly moving them towards to exit while David went to warn Jack. Then, it was chaos.
              When Sarah talked to Spot next, it was all over. Kids from all over New York had come in support, there were more people than Sarah had ever seen in her life, and she was exhausted. It had been an incredibly long couple of days. She was going on about 30 hours without sleep at this point and knew that as soon as the adrenaline wore off, she was probably going to collapse. She just hoped that she could make it to a bed before that happened.
              Then Jack was gone, and it was like everything that had been keeping her going just drained out of her. She leaned against the wall outside the circulation building and strongly considered just leaving David and Les there and making her own way home.
              Spot sidled up beside her, and mirrored her pose against the wall.  “So, looks like we won.”
              “Looks like,” Sarah answered, too tired and spent to even care if she sounded rude or not.
              They stood in silence for a long moment. “I hear you punched out one of the Delancy brothers.”
              That startled a laugh out of her. “Hardly! I mean, I tried, but it barely phased him. Honestly, if anything, I tried punching out a wall….” She held up her scrapped and bruised hand to show him. “And the wall won.”
              Gently, he took her injured hand.  Testing her fingers and examining the wounds. “It’ll hurt for a while, but you should heal up pretty good. Might have a bit of scarring on your knuckles but it shouldn’t be too bad.” He didn’t drop her hand.
              “I guess my hand isn’t very soft anymore,” she said, embarrassed. She extracted her hand from his to hide it in the folds of her dress.
              Spot shrugged but let her take her hand back. “I don’t know, I think I like it better with a bit of character. Means you’re a fighter.”
              Sarah had no idea how he could make her blush so easily.
              Looking out over the Newsies lining up to get their papers, Spot started speaking again. “Do you think you might want to get lunch sometime?” He asked, keeping his tone casual.  There was a current of nervousness in how he held himself, and kept looking anywhere but at her.
              And Jack had left, without a word or a glance, without even saying goodbye. She didn’t owe him a thing. “I think I’d like-“
              She was cut off by a flurry of excitement that had burst through the crowd. Jack had come back.
              Things were moving so quickly. All of a sudden, she was there with him and they were kissing.  People were cheering. Sarah couldn’t even remember how things were left with Spot or how she got to where she was standing, surrounded on all sides by her brothers and Jack.
              As people started drifting away, making their way to their selling spots and getting to work, Sarah found herself with Jack on one side and Les on the other, making their way out of the circulation centre.
              She finally had a moment to get her bearings, and quickly scanned the crowd to see where Spot had gone. She didn’t want to leave things on a bad note with him.
              When she did find him, he was climbing into the carriage that Jack had just vacated.
              Their eyes met when he settled into the seat.  They held for a long moment, and Sarah suddenly felt incredibly aware of how she looked with Jack’s arm slung over her shoulder.
              After what felt like an eternity, Spot gave her a small smile and a shrug. As the carriage started to pull out, he tipped his head with his cane as he passed them by.
              Her cheeks warmed again.  “Goodbye, Spot,” she shouted after him, wanting one last piece of connection as he pulled away.
              Jack shot her a confused look and then his eyes quickly fell onto the carriage. His arm tightened possessively on her shoulder.  “yeah, go back to Brooklyn,” Jack shouted in follow-up.
              Maybe it was because she was so tired, and she just desperately needed to sleep, but she found his arm very heavy all of a sudden, and for a moment, she kind of wished he had gone to Santa Fe.
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coletteuwu · 4 years
helllo hello hellooooooo~
today i have decided to rank my favourite starkid+tbc musicals :)
now please keep in mind that these are based on my opinions & you have every right to agree/disagree, just don't be a dick to anyone and enjoy
(i havent seen ani, starship nor mamd, so these wont be included here)
#10 The Trail To Oregon!
nothing wrong with it, just not my cup of tea
good idea tho
your wagon is on fiREEE is iconic
humour was inconsistent and overall a bit too childish for my taste
#9 Twisted
this is really controversial, but i practically fell asleep while watching it (maybe because i didnt grow up as a disney fan in a post-communist country)
dylan saunders did an amazing job and i love his singing and he kinda was carrying the whole show (yikes)
costume design was on point tho
also "no one remembers achmed" is one of my fave starkid songs
#8 Holy Musical B@man!
i actually dont have any criticism for hmb, because i think its very well executed and jokes are... good... i guess...
a pretty neutral one, bc the songs were kinda mediocre and so was the humour but i really liked joe walker as batman and nick lang as robin
batman has a cool plane
#7 Black Friday
the new style of the lang brothers is very cool and exciting
the plot was very well written, but it felt a bit,,, rushed?
like they were trying to cram tons of information into one play and for that reason i dont really come back to watch it
and at the same time the pace was a little too slow for my liking?
idk it felt a little off
but characters were iconic, acting was 12/10 (especially joey, lauren and dylan)
#6 Solve It Squad
comedy was well timed and relevant
brosenthal's scene where he plays all the hotel staff just left me like this -> :o
one of joey's best roles
lauren too
the thing is, initially i wanted to put all the avp parts together but that would have been hard to catch so i guess we're doing this
t h e s o n g s (❤️❤️❤️❤️)
AJ delivers such a good lockhart
joey's sidekick is just mwah
the songs are just so fcking good ahh
they got the real luna!
really emotional
the best ending to the trilogy
in the middle i kinda skipped some scenes bc i got a little carried away
but the ending is just so GOOD
everything has an end.... (i cried a lot guys)
jeff's spider was i m m a c u l a t e
both brians & joe walker 😳❤️
i didnt like the scripts for the first 10 seconds but then after that i didnt even notice them
one of the best intros in starkid (if we cannot move forward, why shouldn't we move back? gives me chills everytime)
lucius malfoy is so hot and terrifying at the same time idk if im scared or turned on
story was a little inconsistent and i missed quirrell and the lack of brian rosenthal, but thats okay i can settle for a seamus finnigan
ron is canonically bicurious????
comedy on point
the best soundtracks in starkid, come @ me im not scared to fight
like for real who wrote the music i just wanna hug them and give them every penny i got to work with them
#3 The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
lets get the criticism out of the way first
i see that they tried to write the music in the same theme, but some songs were repetitive and jeff's falsetto screaming kinda got boring
not your seed is not that good of a song
corey got me in the fEELS
joey's homeless man was iconic
first i didnt like paul's acting but it grew on me and now i love it
the best written starkid show :)
comedy was, again, relevant and well timed
overall, i loved the simplicity of the design
prof. hidgens = hips™
i may be biased bc of nostalgia and bc it was the first starkid musical i ever saw but idc
not that well written, but its just so damn entertaining
different as can be is just chef's kiss
the chemistry between brian and joe is so good
*soft boi brian in a jail dress with a fist in his mouth*
everything just started from there
red vines
snape <3
a gift that is lauren lopez as malfoy
the funniest starkid show idcidc
i was a huge potterhead growing up and hp is so important to my life -> thats why the avp trilogy means so much to me
#1 Spies Are Forever
i saw it recently and im mad i didnt watch it earlier
joey is so hot with a british accent
the history behind all of the show just makes it so good, 1950-60 was the scariest time to be gay and it portrays everything about living in the shadows of the cold war perfectly
choreo on point (thank you lauren)
mary kate as tatiana is very dangerous for my weak bi heart
good music
i really like spy movies so
the whole ordeal that is baron von nazi played by brian rosenthal, a jew
wizz waffle fries
glitter waka waka
i just really love brian rosenthal
the ending :'((((((
torture tango and one step ahead = thats some good shit
joe walker as deadliest man alive oh boy oh boy let me tell you about how much of a latte hottay he is in saf
i LOVE that tati and curt are in a platonic relationship, it just throws the stereotypes out of the window
the whole scene where joey and curt fight
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