#it's okay though. he'll have his tough time later
ghostypetrainer · 1 year
So what are Emmet's pokemon's reaction to everything that occurs in the modern zoroark au. Were they aware before hand that Ingo was a zoroark or did they just think he was a weird human? Do they realize something is up with Emmet? Do they ever just refuse to attack Ingo and his pokemon?
They certainly knew that there was something unusual about Ingo! Zoroark possessed humans have a lingering Zoroark scent about them, but it's hard for non-Zoroark Pokemon to really establish what the origin of the odd scent is. It generally unnerves them and makes them wary... at least, at first. Which is to say that Emmet's Pokemon are very used to Ingo by the time everything goes to hell!
(Well. except for Klinklang. It just never noticed anything was abnormal in the first place, being an object mon.)
They DO recognize that something is up with their trainer, but they're loyal to him, so they still do what he says... even if it's painful and they don't understand why they have to fight against Ingo now.
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moocheesee · 2 months
Hiiii mochiiii LMAOOO (totally didn't talk to you just now ANYWAYS)
Tokyo revengers Mizo Middle Five, Mochizuki, shion madarame, and obv kazutora, (if you want add more) with a clingy, childhood best friend reader to lovers, or they can already be lovers.
There literally isn't enough mizo middle five content out there 😭
Hope you have fun with this hehehe!
this is such a cute idea omg😭💞
𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱
I apologize that i couldn't include all of the Mizo Middle Five bc damn they're tough to write-
𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭!! 𝘍𝘓𝘜𝘍𝘍 𝘈𝘏𝘌𝘈𝘋!!
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𝙈𝙤𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙣𝙟𝙞
• this ones my favorite omg
• your Families are friends that's how you met!
• Playdates w Mochi were always the best but he would tease you for not being able to catch up w him
• you're one of the few people not afraid of this big guy even if he's angry
• and he appreciates it so so much
• he's the best friend you need and actually listens very well (sucks at giving advice though)
• y'alls favorite type of dates is going to eat
• his dream partner would be someone who eats as much as him but he's gonna like someone who eats less too (he can finish your food dw)
• that being said y'all got together pretty early
• depending if you confessed first because he's gonna take ages making sure you're actually interested in him that way
• he's prolly very self concious but he never shows it
• pls reassure him
• you love to hug him and he loves to hug you back (he gives the best hugs fight me on that)
• loves when you hang on his arm!! He's proud of his strength and flexes every chance he gets so you can compliment him<3
• also loves to give piggy back rides or just letting you sit on his shoulders + plus doesn't hesitate to swoop you up and carry you when you're tired - no matter your weight
• style his hair!! Your fingers in his hair while he's sitting on the floor is the best way for him to relax😭
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𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙈𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙢𝙚
• you two stuck like glue ever since y'all met at the playground when you were smaller
• even then Shion was all bark but no bite and you helped him when he got beat by older kids lmao
• so now years later you two still chill together in your room (i hc that he prolly has some beef w his family so he prefers to not be home at all)
• man knows where the keys to your home is if he's not simply coming in through the front door (your parents don't mind anymore)
• they probably didn't even believe he's a deliquent help
• naps on your bed >>
• you're the only one (and Izana) who can tell him to stfu without getting beat
• obv you patch him up after a fight and he didn't manage to keep you out of his gang business but ig you don't mimd if you still stick around
• he slowly started to fall for you with the way you cared for him and didn't mind if he disappeared for days when he needed the break
• that's why every time you touched or hugged him his heart would beat faster (pls don't ask why he's gotten red he's gonna deny it)
• i doubt he'll confess first though brother is in denial
• it was you who indirectly asked him and he went ?????
• he's gonna be so happy and you can see that on his giddy smile <3 Will only genuinely laugh and smile like that privately w you tho
• he needs a little push after you confessed but let's say he's clingy too after you two got together (more than you)
BONUS! Once a dude tried to threaten you and had the misfortune of Shion witnessing it. That guy got pulled away and you could imagine what happened to him (Shion sent you a cute little Selfie w the beaten guy after)
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𝙆𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙖 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙮𝙖
• okay so this ones a lil different
• you two were friends right before Toman was founded
• he wouldn't tell you about his family problems but you knew something was wrong
• he's gonna be more hesitant with being touched by you. Not that he doesn't want to, he's simply not used it
• you two had a routine with feeding and petting stray cats and he started to feel very comfortable around you
• that was until the thing w Shinichiro happened
• you heard about it from your parents but couldn't see him before he got to juvie
• you also didn't see him until he got out again much later
• you were walking home when saw him standing there leaning against a wall. He has been waiting for you.
• you two caught up and got closer again this day
• but he was way more distant than he used to and you were the only one who could see it despite his attitude
• fast forward to the Bloody Halloween you witnessed everything that happened (decide if you're in Toman or Valhalla)
• you managed to confess to him before he got you to leave before the Police came
• this time you didn't leave his side and visited him as often as you could in juvie
• that's when he confessed to you too<3
• after he got out there the second time you were there and you could finally go on dates.
• still hesitant and shy when you touch or hug him but he gradually got used to it
• going on rides w him as a date!!
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𝙔𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞
• ahhhh this cutie!!
• being childhoof friends w him means being childhood friends w the whole group
• but you seemed to always spend more time w Yamagishi
• ofc you're gonna be his number one to rant about gangs to
• and you didn't mind one bit
• you didn't join Toman w the rest of them as you preferred to stay out of the danger
• which meant you're the one Yamagishi goes to to get patched up
• you're his crush obv and he's the one to confess after the whole crew teased him about it for too long
• was ecstatic when you said yes
• going to arcades is going to be y'alls favorite type of dates!! Also amusement parks even tho he probably hates the higher rides
• can't help but grin widely when you steal his glasses and wear them for fun
• loves when you hug him or hold his hand!! He has the most adorable blush on his face when you do
• he's gonna tease the shit outta you at times too
• plus he may be shy around you but he initiates physical touch himself too
• i feel like he's the type to randomly start tickling you (may or may have not got accidently hit by you and his glasses broke AGAIN)
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tswwwit · 8 months
Med student dipper finding bill on the verge of dying and panics, I mean sure he's an ass but he doesn't deserve to die
Sure, here's a thing!
The body lying before him is a mess. And that's putting it politely.
Dipper's clenching his jaw tight, and the expression he's wearing can't be reassuring. He schools it back to a neutral state, trying to take in -
There's a lot to take in.
All his training, the tests. The patient practice and medical diagrams. Nothing prepared him for a body like this. All this blood, not in vials or on the cool white sheets of a hospital bed, but bare and leaking on the ground. Nothing between him and the reality that life is fragile, and can end so, so soon.
Training fails. So does tact.
Dipper takes a shaky breath, and says, "You're dying." "Pfft, hardly." The demon waves an idle hand - the one not holding his chest, failing to keep that weird, viscous blood inside. How he manages to smirk despite everything is a mystery. "I've had way worse!"
Bullshit, he's - A demon, sure, but anatomical facts are facts. With a hole that big, Bill Cipher shouldn't be moving, much less able to talk.
"This? Is basically nothing! Not even a patch on the times I've had a limb come off, or been impaled." Bill Cipher lies on the grass, waggling his hand in a so-so gesture. Despite the half-circle of chest missing, bitten right out of the torso. "Or even the time someone blew up this body's entire skull!" A low whistle, a shake of said very intact head - then a grin. "Though that one worked out pretty well, if I do say so myself."
Bill buffs the nails of his free hand against his ruined shirt, examining them with a bit of pride. How is he still moving.
Dipper stares at the concave gap in his torso. The slow leaking of the thick blood hasn't spread far, but it's just. Part of Bill is missing, Dipper finds it tough to look at. His stomach churns.
If it hadn't been Bill, it would have been him.
A dragon is. Well. A dragon. Who the hell knows why Dipper got snatched up and flown back to the den in the first place, but once he was there he wasn't getting out anytime soon. Or in one piece.
Dipper's talents aren't meant for combat, only trickery, and his chosen profession. Five minutes and three bites later, he'd have been a fairly forgettable snack. A random demon wandering in was the best stroke of luck Dipper's ever had, or could ever have, in a million years.
Hell, there's a lot of people who would take this entire situation as a win. One fire-breathing lizard gone, one fire-wielding demon about to follow. Two monsters, taking each other out with one stupid, pissy, ego-powered destructive battle.
Dipper, though, is perfectly fine. Aside from some burns and acid spit marks on his jeans, he's in great shape. He could just turn, walk away, and leave this monster to die next to the other, slaughtered one.
With this amount of damage, Bill Cipher isn't going anywhere. Eventually, he'll bleed out, pass out, pass away-
And Dipper would never forgive himself for letting it just... happen.
He takes a deep, calming breath. Lets it out, slow.
Okay. Back to basics.
He drops to his knees next to his patient. The scene is safe, the dragon's - Dipper glances over his shoulder - very, very dead. Bill himself is in no position to do much but be mildly annoying, by continuing to talk about more grievous wounds he's seen and experienced.
No airway trouble, since he's talking. It's amazing he's breathing at all. Even with a good portion of the lower chest gone, Bill hasn't passed out. And has enough air to talk, so. Probably fine? Yeah.
Dipper takes Bill's free arm in both hands. As a neat side effect, it stops the dramatic gesturing.
Pulse is.... slow, at first. But it picks up as Dipper takes it at the wrist, then a bit quicker at the neck. If this were a regular human he'd consider it bradycardia. By demonic standards, it's... probably fine? He thinks?
He checks Bill's face - grinning, and wiggling his fingers at Dipper - so, no signs of distress. He's not certain how to evaluate disorientation in a demon, either. Skip that for now.
So far, Dipper's working with the idea that this isn't immediately fatal. The next step is inspecting the wound, and see whether or not he can do anything about it.
"Okay." Dipper moves to check the damage, and finds it covered with ash, and shreds of cloth, and that acidic dragon drool - with this much in the way, it's hard to evaluate. "Bill, I'm going to have to cut your shirt off."
"Sure! Need a knife?" Bill produces one from seemingly nowhere. Dipper leans away, startled. That's. More enthusiasm than he expected. Bill notes his response, eyebrow rising. "What, you squeamish or something?"
"Uh." Dipper hesitates just a moment, but that's long enough for Bill to do the job himself, splitting his shirt open bare from chest to groin, which is. A lot. With a flourish of the knife, he lies back, tucking his arm behind his head.
And. What is there to say to that. "Thanks?"
Bill just gives him a slow, slow smile, and tucks his arms behind his head. Whatever look he's going for, it's too oozy to be effective.
Despite Bill's best attempts to be an ass about it, Dipper clears the wound area, as best he can. Not fully making eye contact, it's going to be bad. It's going to be a mess. Odds are he's going to have to tell a demon he's dying, even, and it's -
Dipper glances down.
The first, insane comparison that comes to mind, is 'like a cake'.
Bill's human enough. On the outside. Layers of skin, and muscle, and bone, and a considerable amount of 'blood' from the - Dipper feels it deserves the quote marks, now - 'body'.
But where there should be organs, and interstitial fluid, and a broken, leaking, seeping mess, a tangle of bitten flesh, there's. Not.
Organ-like shapes, certainly. They work unimpeded by any holes, pulsing, and alien. Apparently alive. Not spilling anywhere, either, since they're threaded through a pitch-black, non-leaky substance. This demon's body is like... layers of human fondant, over a weird jelly filling.
Dipper grimaces. Shakes his head, hand hovering. Not certain where to touch. Or if that would even be a good idea.
The human part is leaking everywhere, though. And when Dipper tentatively presses against it to slow the bleeding, one finger on the other bit - a couple drops of bright yellow ichor ooze slowly out, landing with a sizzle on the ground. He flinches back -
And Bill starts giggling. Like that freakin' tickled.
Dipper sits back up, shutting his eyes tight. He raises his hands as if in surrender. Which he's not doing, he just. Needs a second.
Overall, his professional evaluation is that the patient isn't dying. Not having a great time by any means, but outside of immediate danger. Theoretically, something could be done to help the... damage -
But. Bill Cipher's way, way outside of any of Dipper's experience. And that includes the several courses he's taken on nonhuman beings. Even the ones about demons, and otherwordly creatures, and spirits. Hell, the seminar he attended about elementals didn't mention this.
Bill is - or rather, Bill's wearing? Bill exists in? Some type of bizarre, semi-organic, mostly-magical hodgepodge of kinda-human kinda-demonic.... molded material? Specially created container? Oddly organized organic goop?
Whatever it is, Dipper's got no idea how it works. Or what would work on it.
"I don't-" Know what to do, Dipper almost says. Despite himself, his mind is racing. "I don't think I can fix you?"
The upturned inflection betrays him. Bill's grin brightens by several degrees.
"Now there's my curious guy! Part of you does know you can fix me! Don't overthink it, kid." He slaps the wound with a wet sound, making Dipper cringe back in sympathy. "You've got the mojo, so let's get things moving."
"I have life magic, yeah," Dipper adds. He fails to disguise the irritation in his voice. Shit, he has to learn to control that. Even if the patient's being a condescending dick. "I just. Don't think that works on demons."
"And typically, you'd be right!" Bill raises a finger, wagging it at Dipper. He almost looks proud that Dipper knew some random demon fact, like a weirdo. "Lucky for both of us, I'm in an... interesting body situation. Your stuff'll work just fine."
"No matter how much 'stuff' I have, there's nothing to reattach." Dipper gestures vaguely at the still-steaming corpse, smelling of iron and salt. There's a portion of Bill's torso in its stomach, and though the dragon's dead, he's not going digging around in there. He'd lose a limb in the attempt. "You can't regrow-"
"Stop thinking 'human', then. I'm nothing of the sort!" Bill chides, wagging a finger at him. Dipper pushes his arm back down, but it pops up again to snag him by the shirt. "All I need is some tailoring done on the flesh-suit. Super-duper easy for a guy like you!"
Dipper starts to protest. Then shuts his mouth, and ducks his head.
Maybe - just maybe - Bill has a point. Whatever this is, it's miles away from normal, what with how Bill's still alive and talking, to boot.
The sheer absurdity of Bill's body situation did make him hesitate. Wondering what he could do, with something this clearly, purely magical.
What Bill's proposing is still insane, of course. Dipper doesn't know why he entertained it in the first place.
Despite not having graduated yet, Dipper's used to helping save lives. He's done a few rounds, and shadowed several doctors. Bill's injury is the worst he's ever seen. He's the worst, most deadly being Dipper's met. Leaking and immobile as he is, he's still a demon. They're absolutely the worst.
But in terms of patients? Bill doesn't even rank in the top ten.
"Hello!" Bill's glaring. He clears his throat, and snaps his fingers twice. "Tired of waiting, kid. Do I gotta ring a bell for service here or what?"
Maybe in the top nine, or eight, though.
Dipper takes a deep breath, and lets it out. "Look. This is way beyond what I'm qualified to do." He squeezes Bill's hand, held in his own, and feels a deep sense of relief. "I can help stabilize you. Though you're, uh, pretty stable, and I can call an ambulance - " He glances around the woods. "Or. Get us at least closer to where I could call one. I might have healing magic but I can't just. Do it."
The entire idea is insane. Recklessly use medical magic on an unknown being? On a strange, unfamiliar semi-organic whatever the fuck body? Without knowing how, and where, and what type to use, any part of it could go wrong in so, so many ways.
Bill's asking so casually. Like it'd be easy. Maybe he thinks it is.
Sure, his 'body' might be fine. But it really deserves the quotation marks. Assuming that it's a type of magical construct, trying to 'fill in' his missing parts might work. Demons could, in theory, be able to synthesize a... something or other, out of Dipper's efforts.
But even if it is a construct - Dipper doesn't have the blueprints.
Bill's 'body' is very, very real, not some gossamer-thin creation. Both solid, and living enough to bleed. Without a plan to follow, while he poured regeneration into an organic form? One this complicated? He'd totally screw it up. The sheer amount of magic it takes to sustain it alone is absolutely insane.
"Fine. Then back the fuck off, if you're squeamish." Bill interrupts his train of thought, voice sharp. His teeth bare as he sneers, and Dipper makes another note on the 'not human' chart. "Or hey! Find a neat stick or something." He pats at the gap on his side like it's more of an annoyance than a grievous, leaking wound. "Gotta get something to prop me up so I'm not tilting forty degrees just trying to get around."
"Cut that out." Dipper uses his stern, professional tone, to zero effect. "You need to keep that clean." Probably. Does Bill even have an immune system, or-?
His train of thought gets interrupted as Bill pats around, finding a chunk of a blasted-apart log- then compares it to his wound, with a contemplative look. Like he's judging whether it's sturdy enough to replace the flesh and bone missing from his friggin' torso. Like he only needs to plug it up as a structural issue.
"Oh my god," Dipper says, and swats the stupid splintery thing out of this idiot demon's hand. "Do you want an infection?"
Bill opens his mouth. Presumably, he was about to make some quote-unquote 'witty' response, but Dipper's already covered his mouth. Running his over hand over his face.
"If I try to patch you up," Dipper starts, slowly. Already knowing he's doing something dumb, just so someone else won't do something dumber. "Will you please not shove anything into it. After."
"It's a deal, sapling." Bill gives him a smug grin, and an irritating thumbs up. "Go for it! And tell you what." The wink is totally unnecessary. "I'll even back you up on the magic front."
"Sure," Dipper says, very dry. Because transferring magic being-to-being is that easy. Everyone just. Hands it over, on a whim. Bill has lost a lot of blood, though. Maybe it's made him loopy. "Go for it."
That, at least, shuts Bill up. He hums a little tune, lying back and waiting for....
Dipper to do the dumb thing.
With a sigh, He sets his hands on Bill. His skin is bare, so there's a the brief relief that Dipper won't have to channel through it; a total lack of modesty does have minor benefits.
Another breath. Dipper shuts his eyes. focusing on his magic. Drawing it down, through his own source of life, through is arms, to his fingers, pressed into Bill's soft skin like he's testing the ripeness of a peach.
Welp. Here goes nothing.
Literally nothing, mind. Demons are powerful, and weird. Mortal magic doesn't mingle well, or easily, with the kind that demons throw around, and the form Bill's wearing looks hand-crafted. Whatever made it is going to be way beyond Dipper's ability to fix. Possibly beyond his ability to comprehend.
If he's lucky, though, he might be able to slow the bleeding. For some reason that hasn't really stopped, but it'll make transporting him less messy if he can manage to stem it. but the best case scenario is that he doesn't murder Bill outright in the attempt.
The first trickles of magic bleed into Bill's flesh, spreading through that layer of fondant, down into the jelly-donut center. His magic feels bone and blood. He feels the little tangling twine of veins, and the strings of muscle.
Following his training, Dipper pushes magic in. Carefully. Slowly.
A moment later, his eyes shoot open.
He stares at the wound. Then he stares Bill.
All he gets in return a is a big grin, and a nonchalant wave.
Dipper blinks back down a the gap in this demon, and how it slowly, slowly closes up without even being guided.
Fixing up a person would be a multi-step, long, lingering process. Like repairing the circuitry on a delicate electronic, or gently guiding the weave of a tapestry.
With Bill, Dipper's just. Pouring wax into a mold. As long as he keeps putting magic into it, it reforms back into shape. No blueprints needed.
Holy shit, this is easy.
What the fuck.
Whatever form Bill's wearing is truly bizarre. This is - he doesn't know - technically organic, but absolutely a constructed thing. How the hell was this made? Who did it? And what the hell, why is it growing back so fast?
Dipper nearly pulls back out of sheer surprise, intending to stop - before quickly realizing he can't.
He slams his palms back on Bill's torso, shivering as the small plumes of flame fade. Bill doesn't seem to mind; which both is and isn't a surprise. No blisters form, either, which proves Dipper's startled assumption about what the fuck just happened.
Swearing again, Dipper shuts his eyes, shoving harder against Bill's skin. No backing out now. He has to keep focus, and see this through.
Bill wasn't kidding about how easy this would be.
He also wasn't kidding about backing Dipper up with his magic.
Even though this is easy, Dipper wouldn't have enough on his own, not to heal a huge chunk like this. Too much missing material, even in a magical construct. Too complicated, and strange.
But Bill's here. A guy who's very invested in getting up and around again, and - shit, demons can hand over power to humans, it's kinda their thing. God, why didn't Dipper think of that before.
Though he started with a trickle, just to see what would happen, Dipper amped it up as things seemed to be working. A little increase to the stream of magic, admiring the effects.
Somewhere along that line, it turned into a torrent.
It figures. Bill's power must be behind this, and he's a demon, and an asshole. While Dipper wasn't paying attention, Bill opened up some kind demonic valve, without Dipper ever noticing.
There's a whole river of demonic magic coursing through Dipper's veins now. Arguably still controlled by him, but fed by a pushy demonic asshole. The magic doesn't feel bad at all, but it's big. Vast, and seemingly endless.
Demonic power courses through Dipper, hot and thick in his arms, lighter in his chest, swirling around his own heart, both his and not-his -
And all of it has to go somewhere.
Underneath his hands, the flesh.... flows.
Dipper watches the arch of the ribs, gently connecting back together, and the sheets of muscle blossom back. Skin spreads over what was empty air. Something is made from nothing, as full and complete as that power inside him.
Bill pulls Dipper's hand away from his chest, and takes a long, deep breath. His eye shuts.
And Dipper blinks as if coming out of a daze, jerking himself upright. He doesn't know when he started leaning over Bill like that, but now it feels super weird.
As Bill mutters something under his breath, wiping a hand down his face. Dipper backs up, then sits down heavily on the ground.
He didn't know he could - but he did that. Or Bill did that, through him. It's. A lot. To think about, and to have handled.
Either way, the result's slightly dizzying. As is the sheer amount of leftover magic.
For a moment, Dipper stares at his hands. He flexes his fingers, then rubs at them.
There's still a heady, warm sense of having way, way more to work with than usual, which is. Weird. But what's left no longer feels like it's being rudely shoved forward, and that makes it more manageable.
So. Kind of a controllable, reasonable level of absolutely absurd power. Without Bill powering him ,it should fade over time, and Dipper won't let himself miss it.
"Oof," Bill says, sitting up and stretching. "What a huge pain in the side that was!" He rises to his feet, brushing off dirt and debris. "Do you have any idea how many muscles a human shape needs to ambulate right? And there aren't any backups? Shitty engineering, if you ask me."
Dipper only vaguely pays attention to the rambling. Bill's up and about, and the patch of ground where he was lying is bare. Stained, but empty, and it's all -
Bill clears his throat, and reaches down. Dipper blinks at the intrusion of a sudden hand, but takes it and lets Bill haul him upright.
"That worked." Dipper says. He saw it with his own eyes and yet. "I can't believe that worked. How..?"
Bill says nothing, only smiles. Enigmatic, and dickish of him.
Dipper frowns as he runs a hand over the place where there was nothing only five minutes before. The temperature matches all the rest of the skin, and the stomach jumps a little under his touch. It's complete and solid, hot to the touch. Bill looks perfectly healthy, he guesses. But. "Are you doing okay?" Dipper asks, reaching up to take a pulse again at the neck. Much faster this time; maybe a sign that he's improved. "You look alright, but I don't know your vital signs." There's only one pupil, and it looks slightly dilated. Nothing to compare it to, sadly - Dipper frowns. "How are you feeling?" "Good question, sapling!" Bill takes Dipper by the wrist, lowering it to his shoulder. And winks, leaning in with what could only be called a leer. "How do I feel?"
"Uh." Dipper darts a glance down at his hands - resting on Bill's bare chest, the other on his shoulder.
This isn't - He was checking - Okay, fine, the assessment is over. Time to stop touching him.
Dipper takes a step back, clearing his throat. Bill follows, leer annoying wider.
Not that that's. Unnerving or anything. Dipper's just sweating because of the magic he used. That was pretty intense.
"Well, you're fine." He stammers, then grimaces at Bill's raised eyebrow. "I mean, you're okay-fine, not-" He manages to get one hand off the chest, but Bill's not letting go of the other. He lets out a nervous laugh. "So. You're all better, and I should, uh. Get going now."
Bill hums a little in thought. Clearly an affectation. Dipper doesn't have to be a mind-reader to know Bill's already made up his.
Pulling away doesn't work; Bill's grip is surprisingly strong. One might even say, inhumanly. So. Dipper offers a smile, weak as it is. "Yeah, I should really leave now."
"Nah, I don't think so." Bill shrugs, then grins again. "I didn't fight a friggin' dragon just for the prize to run off at the end."
Yep, Dipper figured.
Out of the dragon's den, and into the demon's.
He should have left Bill there to die and rot and be a dick somewhere in a demon realm. He should have known that stupid turn of luck was way too good to be true.
"Now you and I are gonna-" Bill's stomach jumps again, and he grimaces. Tapping a fist against his chest, he sucks in a breath through his teeth. "Ugh, life magic." He ducks his head, breathing slowly. "One sec, kid."
Dipper seizes the opportunity, wrenching his arm away and clutching it to his chest. He backpedals until he stumbles. In front of him, Bill growls - then rests his hands on his knees, and makes a small choking noise.
Oh thank fuck, Bill's not perfectly fine. Healed, sure - But something's gone wrong because he almost looks.... sick?
Dipper turns towards the woods - then pauses. He fixed him, sure, but - "Uh. Are you-?"
"Fine! Fine. 's just a side effect." A hiccup, and a dismissive wave. Bill stops, holding back a dry heave, then groans ."Won't last long, so don't try anything funny." He glares at Dipper, pointing at him like a command. "The second this is over, I'm-"
Before he can finish the sentence, Dipper's halfway across the clearing and rounding the dragon corpse. It blocks Bill's line of sight, and from there, it's a straight running contest. The nausea should by him some time to truly get the hell out of dodge.
Good thing it's still daylight out; he might be able to find his way back to civilization, or, like. Follow a river or something. With the extra power in him, he might be able to throw up a few illusions too. That should help keep the literal goddamn demon off his back.
What a goddamn mess today has been.
Dragons, demons. Magic and monsters and crazy assholes who have who-the-fuck knows what intentions after someone just helped their jerk ass.
This was supposed to be relaxing. A break before Dipper finally went into residency -
And much like other parts of his life, it's turned into a complete and absolute shitshow.
The pine trees whip past as Dipper keeps up a breakneck pace. God, he should slow down lest he sprain an ankle or something -
But behind him he hears Bill cursing, and there's a growing blue glow that's as terrifying as it is ominous. He picks up speed out of sheer terror, and makes a promise to himself.
Next time Dipper gets vacation, he's going absolutely anywhere that isn't Gravity freakin' Falls.
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mads-nixon · 8 months
Nix When He's Sick Headcannons
Lewis Nixon x Wife!Reader
A/N: I'm really getting into headcannons now lol! this is about the fictional portrayal of easy company on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog!
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When you're sick:
In mid-September when the weather in New Jersey does it's cold one day and then warm the next. Needless to say, you get sick pretty easily.
When you can't get out of bed because your head is killing you, he'd close the curtains, go get you your favorite tea, and bring some painkillers for you.
He'd call out of work with no hesitation (perks of being the owner's son) and spend the day taking care of you.
You ask for a cold compress? You got it.
When your fever and congestion start, he'll gently place a hand on your forehead to check your temperature before covering you blanket after blanket until you're warm.
Literally becomes a mother hen: "Are you warm enough?" "Need anything?" "Do you want me to..."
He makes sure you're drinking fluids... "Here, drink this," he mutters after helping you sit upright and holding a bottle of water to your lips. (could you do it yourself? of course, but you knew he wanted to take care of you, so you let him.)
Dotes on you for everything. (he couldn't care less about himself, but when you're sick, he goes into a caretaker mode that always warms your heart, no matter how bad you're feeling.)
When you're struggling to fall asleep because you feel like death, he'll whisper sweet nothings into your ear as you try to sleep. (he also runs his fingers through your hair like the angel he is)
He stays out of work for however long it takes for you to feel better again.
It's all he can do not to kiss you when you're sick:
"Can I have a kiss?" he asks.
"You'll get sick if you kiss me."
"That's okay," Lew shrugs. "I'll survive."
Then two days later...the sniffles start.
When he's sick:
I feel like Nix would act one of two ways: he'd either continue on like everything was fine (even if he's dying, leading you to drag him back to bed) or completely stay in bed wanting to be taken care of...there is no in-between.
Let's say he chose the first option:
The first thing you notice is his snores...Lew doesn't snore, so you know something's up right there. Then the next morning, when he gets up for work, you see his eyes have a sort of gloss over them (not from sleep either. even though he's a freaking deeeeeep sleeper)
You immediately ask him what's wrong, and he just brushes it off (cause he's a tough man, ya know? (affectionate eye roll)) He goes to work that day, and when he comes back, he's a hundred times worse.
He tries to go into his home office and work on some reports for the Nitration Works, but you don't hear the typewriter much over the sound of his coughs, sniffles, and sneezes.
You can't take it anymore and walk into his office to tell him to go to bed, but he's got his head in his hands, leaning on the tissue-covered desk with his elbows. You can see his red nose poking out and it tugs at your heart.
"Sweetheart, I know you're sick. Please come rest."
He sits up and you can see the exhaustion on his face. Going to say something, you cut him off...
"If I have to haul your sorry tail to bed just so you can get some rest, I will." (you knew he was going to come up with some excuse to keep working, so you shut it down before it could even start)
He's reluctant to stop working, but the second he gets comfortable and you've covered him with blankets, he falls straight asleep.
He doesn't wake up until much later, and you've already prepared his favorite soup and everything.
Seeing Lew so low breaks your heart, so you do everything in your power to help him feel better. You do, however, tease him about his bright red nose and kiss it when he starts to childishly pout (it's the cutest thing ever).
You don't want to leave him alone (because there's no telling what he'd do without you watching him), so you call Dick and ask if he can bring you some cough syrup for Lew.
He does, and the second you hold the spoon up to Nix's lips, he groans, his face grimacing.
"Stop whining and take the medicine, Lew." you laugh, helping him sit up.
"It's disgusting."
"I know, hon, but it'll make you feel better."
Loves being doted on, but will NEVER ADMIT IT.
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Tag List: @flowers-and-fichte @footprintsinthesxnd
message or comment if you want to be added to the tag list!
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pokenerd98 · 2 years
Please give me any and all headcanons you can make for a gender neutral reader and my babygirl Guzma. Just general romance headcanons but of you throw in some mutual „unrequited pining that’s actually requited“ I would be delighted
Thank you for being my VERY first ask! I will certainly try to live up to your expectations! This turned out to be waaaay longer than I anticipated, so I've just focused on Guzma and another HC for the time being! I hope this is okay! Thanks so much again!
Romantic HCs: Guzma and Larry - SFW.
💀 Guzma 💀
As intimidating as this man presents himself to his grunts, and the rest of Alola for that matter, deep inside this capable trainers hard exterior, is a soft gooey centre that only surfaces when he is around you. In private, though. He won't admit it, but sometimes it does slip out when you're out in public together. The occasional soft kiss on the back of your hand without realising, or cinching your waist closer to him when around others. He'll quickly realise what he's done though, and relax his grip.
Patience is key with Guzma. Unfamiliar with reciprocated romantic love, you'll often catch him holding his breath and tensing ever so slightly when you take his hand into yours, and press your lips gently across his grazed knuckles. Your lips will linger, savouring his touch, whilst he simply doesn't know what to do with himself, other than shift awkwardly from side to side and gaze over at you with a twinkle in his eye. After a few moments of silence, he'll finally exhale. Emotion will swell deep inside him as he finally snakes his hand into yours.
He will do just about anything to have you close by at all times. He may not find himself wanting to completely abandon his Big Bad Boss image, but that won't stop him from internally yearning for your closeness. And you feel privileged to be able to see the gentler side of him, whether that be him tracing his finger tips over your waist, planting little pecks on your forehead or simply asking if you're okay after a long day. You can see he is trying, and that makes you swell with pride.
If you should find yourself sleeping beside him, like dozens of times before, you know he is a bit of a duvet hog. Perhaps this might be his pathetic little way of getting you to cuddle him close. You often find yourself being the big spoon in this situation, although it doesn't both you. You can feel his muscles relax beneath you, and him breathing a soft sigh of contentment. Sometimes you catch him sleepily nuzzling his face into your side of the blanket, if you got up in the night for whatever reason. It was simple things like this, that made loving him so effortless.
But despite what a complicated mess Guzma is, he genuinely wants to be with you as much as humanly possible. Whether that be accompanying you to Battle challenges, or simply grabbing a bite to eat, he doesn't care. As long as he gets to spend that time with you. He's even made a passing comment about you shacking up with him permanently in Po Town. Despite its reputation, you know you'd be just as happy there with him.
💼 Larry 💼
Larry never invisioned himself wanting to settle down with a s/o in his early 40s, but you came around and changed that almost straight away. He's finding the transition from a life long bachelor to a spoken for man, quite difficult; his routine quite literally flipped upside down. But as hard as this is for him, he is willing to make that change, because he's never felt this way about a person before. About you. And although emotionally speaking, he comes across as cold and distant, this is just one of the ways his love speaks to you. You know he wouldn't accommodate for just anyone, and this makes you feel special.
You find yourself sliding into Larry's monotonous daily routine without much fuss, knowing that compromise was tough for him. It worked out quite well that you started a little later than him, as it gave you time to show your appreciation for him by easing his morning chores. He often found you cooking eggs and bacon on the stove in one of his old shirts, when he eventually trudged down from the shower. Something that etched a small smile on this lips. They say that the way to a man's heart is through their stomach, and this certainly proved true with Larry. Setting his breakfast down in front of him, you could just see his face light up with excitement. He wasted no time devouring every last bite of deliciousness that you graciously prepared for him. Once finished, he would carefully pat his lips with a crumpled napkin, before taking your hand into his, and offering up a lingering kiss as thanks.
Time was of the essence in Larry's world. You hardly saw him most days because of his day job, and commitments to both the Medali Gym and The Elite Four. So the short time spent in the mornings together, and those long awaited evenings were precious. Sometimes he wouldn't wander through the door until late because Geeta had him working overtime. Something he was used to, and quite frankly didn't mind, but knew this might sadden you. He'd often make up for this by immediately abandoning his briefcase and suit jacket by the front door, loosening his tie, and slumping himself next to you on the sofa, his arms snaking around you for comfort. You could feel the tension in his touch as he tried his best to be gentle, the day clearly having took it out of him. You'd return his affection with gentle kisses along his jaw, before pulling a blanket over you both and nestling into his chest. He rarely spoke of his work day, but that's just how he liked it. When he was spending time with you, work was the last thing he wanted to bore you with.
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yorshie · 5 months
I can't stop thinking about this but...
I had a vision of the Bayverse turtle bros looking at their love after a really tough battle where they thought they'd die and when they find each other again its like the biggest bear hug and a face grab with them saying "Oh my god I'm so glad your okay I could just marry you!"
I know it's really a stretch since they could just say 'kiss you' but its my fantasy. I couldn't get it out of my mind!
Anyways I hope your having a wonderful Holiday and heres to a Happy New Year!
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Hello! This got buried in my inbox, I'm so sorry, but I'm so glad you sent it in (i am a terrible person I'm so sorry you've probably been wondering where this was)
Oh My God I could totally see all four of them doing something like this. Just the spontaneous "I almost died here's my last name" and then run off without even getting an answer because there's still bad guy butts to kick and cities to save.
Leo would feel embarrassed about it later, would totally pull the whole holding a formal full bodied bow while begging for forgiveness moment. Silly turtle, we'll just have to tell him the answer was always gonna be yes. He'll go silent at the answer then start Panicking even more. (good panic. but he's gonna panic)
Raph would 100% pretend that it never happened. Nope. That sounds crazy couldn't have been me. Dunno what you're talkin 'bou- wait.... you said yes!?! You'll marry me!?! Cue he just spends a long time resetting and staring at you like you've lost your marbles. Secretly though inside he's fucking doing the conga out of excitement.
Donnie brings it up at a later date, curious if you held it against him or not. Clearly you're still talking to him though so it must not have been accepted too badly. Hm? You do want to marry him? Oh, well.... here's a list of themes he likes and his favorite colors and he's already found a place that does custom no questions asked tuxes and would you be ok with his brothers being his best men and can splinter officiate-
The moment Mikey's done saving the day, he's back at it. "Later, bros, gotta go get my answer from angelcakes! They're tots gonna say yes though so everyone get ready to act really surprised when we announce it later tongiht, kay? Later dudes!"
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Headcanons ~
Modern AU - How they'd react to seeing you working in a strip club (And they have feelings for you)
Inspired by... well me being an ex-stripper :')
Written as if reader is working there just for some extra cash, not as a living - it'll make sense why I noted this as it goes on.
Reiner - Porco - Eren - Levi
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Some music to set the mood 🔥
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Reiner would never wander into a strip club on his own accord, either being dragged in during a bachelor party or doesn't realise what the establishment actually is. As much as he appreciates the female form, Reiner is too respectful and too much of a softy and a blushing mess.
Get this man some water please, for pity's sake. His face is flushed the entire time he's in there, his eye-line erratic as he avoids sights of thighs, asses, boobs and bare stomachs.
When the dancers come to talk to him for a private dance, he'll politely turn them down, his eyes glueing to theirs, his mouth dry and - oh gosh is he shaking?
He doesn't know it's you being called on stage because well, they use your stage name. But when the lights brighten slightly and he sees you - legit thinks he's been spiked for a moment and is seeing things.
His movements all stop, his lips part and his eyes enlarge when he realises this is actually happening.
"Oh, you like her?" The other girls will say. "She's great, you should get a dance from her."
Excuses himself and heads into the bathroom while you're on stage, splashing his face with cold water. Other patrons in the toilets laugh at him. "Yeah, it's tough out there, huh buddy?"
Once he hears applause he knows you're done and swiftly leaves. This is what gives him the incentive to confess his feelings for you and try to convince you to leave.
I know if Reiner Braun told me he loved me, I'd leave and never look back.
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Porco loves to talk big and will laugh and "banter" with the "lads" but under the surface, he's a lot like Reiner and is pretty shy (at first) when it comes to intimacy.
He's respectful and will enjoy the attention of the dancers but I can't see him ever getting a private dance, if I'm honest.
He avoids his gaze like Reiner but isn't having mini panic attacks about it like his blonde friend.
When he sees you, he freezes and his nose burns pink but quickly regains his composure. He'll walk up to you and tell you to get changed, he's taking you home.
He hasn't drunk too much so he's okay to drive as he takes you towards his house.
"Porco, where are we -" "You should have just told me if you wanted some money." "It's not like that, I can make my own mon-" "We'll talk about it later."
You'll go to his where you have a long conversation into the night, where he admits his feelings for you and fucks you into his bed.
Oh god, I might turn this one into a fic...
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I can't see Eren actively seeking out a "gentleman's" club, but he's not fussed about being in one either.
He turns down private dances politely. He'll have friendly conversations with the dancers but if they keep pushing for money he will turn mean.
He will get a dance if he is totalled though, but he'll sit with a blank face the entire time - unless he was my boyfriend, I don't think I would wanna dance for Eren tbh :')
Has no problem approaching you with a smirk when he sees you. "Woah, I didn't know you worked here. I'd be in every night."
Pays you to talk with him all night (he insists) to keep other men away from you and to warm you up for his confessions of feelings later. If any man stares, he'll shoot a warning look. If anyone is disrespectful, he will throw hands.
He stops drinking so he can take you home after your shift. He takes you to his, confesses his feelings, convinces you to stop and gives you the best sex of your life until you can no longer walk.
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There's no way Levi would knowingly go into a club. Let alone a nude one. He's either been tricked or he wasn't aware. "Little black book...? I thought this was a fuckin' Library." "Levi... what library is open at 2am with thumping music?!"
Is not amused. DO NOT try to get a private dance. Oh god, he will make you cry if you try to.
Once he sees you, he'll snarl and straight up grab you and tell you to get changed, he's taking you home.
You have to beg the bouncers not to all leap onto him.
Scolds you, so bad. But explains it's only because he cares. It's not the profession it's the people it attracts.
Again, best sex of your life.
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theriddlerat-watcher · 3 months
Dating Crowley includes...
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When you started dating Crowley, you had no idea exactly what would happen. Boy were you in for a surprise....
Warnings: fluff, angst, cussing, trust issues, talks of marriage.
(Let me know if you want any of these Headcanons to have their own story!)
First date:
Crowley actually had to ask you out several times over the course of four months before you actually said yes.
The first date was honestly a little over the top. He took you to an extremely upscale restaurant, insisting that it was nothing.
If you don't or can't drink he won't shame you, he simply orders you something else to drink before ordering himself some form of alcohol.
If you do drink he'll order the most expensive bottle of wine.
He showered you with compliments, though he was very confused when you looked down at the table after every compliment.
You brushed it off, telling him you were just tired. He obviously didn't believe you, but chose to drop it.
When the date was over, Crowley took you home, giving you a quick goodbye kiss on the cheek with a soft "Thank you for going out with me". Then he was gone.
This whole situation was confusing. Usually Crowley was one to do anything in his power to get what he wanted, worrying only about himself. But tonight... This whole date... He was doing nothing but complimenting you and making sure you were comfortable... You didn't understand.
You shrugged off your confusion, deciding to go to bed, absolutely sure you'd never see him again after tonight.
But you did....
Second date.
He appeared at your doorstep two weeks later, holding a bouquet of deep red roses.
You froze when you opened the door and saw him standing there.
He gave you a small smile and a "Hello, love."
You began to stutter out a response but he cut you off, handing you the roses as he began to apologize for being gone so long.
"It's okay.." you responded softly.
He asked you on another date and you agreed without hesitation.
This date was much calmer, like he'd paid attention to your reaction to your reaction to the first date.
This date was a simple walk through the park at night.
You had no reason to be scared of being out so late at night since you were with the king of hell, someone who wouldn't hesitate to kill someone if they made you uncomfortable.
You both walked for two full hours as you walked.
Crowley gives you roses at least once a week.
He loves bringing you down to hell, having you sit on his lap while he sits on his throne.
Being a tailor when he was a human, he loves to make you clothes that fit your exact body type.
He loves having his hands on you at all times, it could be just holding your hand, it could be a hand on your waist, it doesn't matter what it is, he loves it.
Speaking of hand holding, the reason why he loves it so much is because he wasn't able to do it when he was human, no matter how much he wanted to.
He loves to watch you indulge in your hobbies. You do art? Can he watch you draw? Oh! You like to write? Can he read what you're writing? Even if you just like taking pictures with your phone, he wants to look at each and every photo.
Despite his position in hell and how he treats other people, this demon is one gentle and attentive lover.
Crowley constantly checks up on you, making sure you've eaten.
Crowley is a major cuddler! He enjoys physical touch, but yours just feels so different to him and he loves it! *
Literally almost cried the first time you snuggled up to him.
Yes, he acts all big and tough, but this man just wants to be loved, and I'm talking real, genuine, passionate love.
He does tend to get upset, yelling at demons, yelling at the Winchesters, yelling at everyone. But never once has he yelled at you, he'd hate himself forever if he ever did.
Crowley will kill for you. (Let's be honest, he probably already has, but he won't ever admit it to you.)
After a month of dating he proposes to you. It's not that he didn't like waiting, he has an eternity to wait. He knows you're a mortal and don't have as long as he does, so he wants to do everything with you.
Speaking of being mortal.... You were on a hunt with the Winchesters and Crowley popped in just in time to watch a rogue demon attack you, leaving you in the ground bleeding.
Cue pissed off king of hell.
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He could let you bleed out.
But he doesn't
Choosing instead, to use his powers as king to turn you into a demon.
He just couldn't lose you... Not the only person who ever truly loved him.
He panics for a bit when you stop breathing, thinking it didn't work.
But it did, and you start to breathe again causing a wave of relief to wash over him.
You were alive.... He wasn't alone again..
He asks (begs) you to move down to hell with him.
When you finally say yes, his excitement is very visible on his face.
Getting to have you by his side every day is a dream come true.
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Hello everyone! I know it's been a while and I'm quite out of practice, but I hope you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading!
My requests are still open!
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thousand-winters · 20 days
Can you imagine Hunter slowly adapting to being in the demon realm out the emperors coven and finding strange hobbies and pass times.
His personal favourite: Doing things aimed for kids.
Whether it’s watching little childrens shows, reading those silly books aimed for toddlers, sleeping with plush animals.
Usually he’s all big and tough and he does also enjoy doing things aimed for people his age but he can go home from a long day of hanging around parks with his friends to ask either Darius or Eber to read him the very hungry Caterpillar
Awww, yes I love that!!!
I always talk quite a bit about how Darius would probably have a little moment of "shit, I have no idea how to raise a kid, actually" at some point and go raid the local library for a bunch of books on parenting kids of all ages because... yeah, Hunter is a teenager and he acts like one, enjoys age appropriate activities and everything but... on the other hand he had such a limited childhood, not to say he wasn't even allowed to have one because most likely he was "born" and almost immediately started his training as a scout.
So he is a teenager, there's no denying that, but he wasn't allowed to be one with Belos, and all those years before he wasn't allowed to be a kid either. We see he enjoys books, but he probably justified that most of the time as him pusuing some useful knowledge, and we see he has a plushie and some figurines (which, sure, were references but I'm taking them at heart's value) so at some level he did have some things to cling to when it came to him being a child, but how much time did he really have to enjoy those things... not a lot, I would say, considering he doesn't even get enough time to sleep properly most days.
Now I imagine Darius either recovered the plushie from the castle for him before it came down, or gets him another later, if he had knowledge of it, and that gives Hunter enough space to go "oh, maybe it's okay if I like things like this" and since both his family and friends are the type that might not totally get it, but are pretty encouraging when it comes to things like this, he would slowly become more enthusiastic with experimenting with these things: more plushies merely at first, and then everything else.
He watches all kind of shows on the crystal ball, because he's genuinely curious about everything he has been missing and it's not like he doesn't like all kind of genres, but Darius notices at some point that whenever Hunter is having a tough day, he seems to gravitate toward the lighter, child-oriented shows. They seem to soothe him.
The reading is a bit harder for Hunter to come to terms with though, because he used to read theorical books and things like that, so it feels a bit silly that he feels some attachment to children books and it feels a bit like he'll be mocked for that even if he knows it's not true. I can imagine at some point he sneaks some of those from the library, probably loudly proclaiming on the check out that he's getting them for... some kids he totally babysits, haha, yeah, why do you ask??? (nobody asked, he just got nervous and is a bad liar 💔) And at some point Darius or Eber catch him with them and while he panics, thinking they'll be weirded out or so, they offer to read them to him.
Hunter never had the chance to be a kid first before being a soldier, so as far as everyone around him is concerned, there's nothing wrong with him getting to enjoy what he couldn't before. If anyone makes fun of him for that... they're catching several hands.
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giffenprep · 2 months
Joining My Stepson
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Well, she wasn't too happy with us. We'd gone to a 'Beer Festival' and gotten pretty obnoxious and were pretty much the same way when we got home. Since it was really late, my wife said she'd 'deal with it tomorrow'. We both knew what that would mean for her son, Kyle. He'd be over her lap, begging, and she wouldn't let him up until she was sure he'd learned a lesson.
I walked by as she was 'making sure' and she looked up, pointed her paddle at me and said, 'and you're next, mister!'
I sort of laughed it off, uneasily. She probably spanked her son (my step-son) every couple of months or three, despite him being 19. That's a lot different from her spanking me, which she'd never done.
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"Oh come on," I told her later when Kyle was in his room, "How's that even going to work? I'm not a kid, and he isn't, anymore, either."
Taking the 'a spanking wouldn't work on me' position was not a smart move on my part.
"We'll see how tough you are when you're over my knee," she said.
I was trying to bluff it out. It was pretty clear that Kyle did not enjoy having her spank him (which is exactly why she did it) and really was a well-behaved kid. It was sure to hurt, and I'm not big into pain. Plus, I'm a full-grown adult. "You don't tell me what to do," I told her, "Not all the time, anyway."
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On the other hand.
My wife is, after all, a strong, decisive woman who was more than a little mad at me, and at times I can be a bit of a fuck-up. First of all, if I let her spank me, it'll make her happy, whether it teaches me anything or not, and if it really hurts, well, maybe I deserve it.
As if reading my mind, she says "You deserve it every bit as much as Kyle, maybe more. You took him there, you bought the beer, even though he's underage."
"He'll always be underage to you," I said, probably not wisely. "And I didn't have to buy him beer."
"Oh, so he's got a fake ID?" she said, and I realized that maybe I just got him into more trouble.
"I don't know, they weren't checking. Not mine, anyway," I explained lamely.
By now I was just looking for the easiest way out of this and I was thinking it might just be over her lap.
"Okay, we'll do this. Some time he's out of the house," I offered.
"No no no," she countered. "Right now. It'll be good for him to hear that you get the same as he did."
Well, the paddling he got was no laughing matter - at least he didn't think so. "What, that hard, the first time? I wasn't doing any underage drinking."
"I thought you weren't worried about it. If anything, you should get more," she insisted. "You're supposed to be the adult here. Especially since you think I still consider him just a kid."
"You know, you're kinda sexy when you're like this," I blurted.
"Oh yeah? Well let's just see how sexy you think I am after."
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That was about all there was to say. I knew she'd take my pants down, that was the drill. I was getting a bit of a boner but nothing she hadn't seen before, right? Pretty soon she was sitting and I was lying across her lap. Maybe both of us were a little nervous. I know I was.
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She was right, there was no 'first time mercy'. She spanked hard! And took her time doing it. If only that had been the end of it!
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Round 2 was with her hairbrush and she made that count, too! Have to think that since Kyle could hear us he had to be impressed.
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When she was done I had to stand up and show her the results. Fortunately for my butt, she was satisfied (at least with the spanking she gave).
At that point we closed the bedroom door so she could be satisfied in another way. Quietly!
I wasn't entirely convinced this was fair, but I didn't want any more convincing!
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"What about me?" I asked when I stood up, my hard-on suggestively at mouth level.
"Not till tonight, dear. Don't want Kyle getting the wrong idea!"
So I had to wait, miserable, until bedtime.
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She even admitted that she sort of got off on spanking me. Especially hard!
"That never happened with Kyle, of course," she said, and I was glad to hear that, at least.
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Then she wanted me on bottom!
"I want that sexy butt I heated so well slamming into the bed so I can feel you thrust up into me," she explained. But believe me, she made it worth my while!
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deadbydangit · 11 months
Maybe a super duper fluffy moment between masked killer and S/o? Like they're laying down and they notice S/o is quiet for a second. She then takes their unmasked face and says "You're so pretty. Not sure how I got lucky to have you."
This with Ghostface, Frank, Joey Huntress and Trapper? Thank you!
I'm having a bit of trouble with this prompt, so I changed it a bit. Hope that's okay. Please enjoy.
A Reader with a mask killer s/o who wants to see their face
Ghostface, Legion (Frank), Legion (Joey), Huntress, Trapper
Do. Not. Touch. His. Mask.
He won't even let you.
Don't look at him like that.
Come on!
Ugh! Fine!
Count yourself lucky.
He's got to keep his identity hidden!
You should know that!
Only under a few conditions.
One: No one else is around.
And I mean no one but you.
Two: it's only for a second.
Three: you'll have to do something for him at a later time.
If you choose to accept, then be ready.
Cause Danny is a stunner.
Tell him he's gorgeous.
Because, deep down, he isn't the most confident in his looks.
Before he pulls his mask up, pull him in for a real kiss.
After that day, he might leave his mask off once in a while.
Only around you though.
Legion (Frank)
Even though he acts tough, he really doesn't feel that way.
Yes, his mask hides his face.
But it also shields him from the world around him.
He's experienced enough neglect and cruelty at the hand of his foster parents that he wants to hide himself.
Frank will take it off for you.
He just needs a safe space to do so.
He'd prefer if the rest of the Legion was around.
And he's only going to take it off for you when he really trusts you.
It's going to be a spur of the moment thing.
"Hey, S/O. I know you've been asking to see me with my mask on so... Here."
He'll pull it down, but he won't look you in the eye.
Find a way to show him how much this little act means to you and how much you love him.
Legion (Joey)
You want him to take off his mask?
Sure, okay.
Unlike Frank, Joey doesn't really hide behind it for anything.
Okay, he isn't very clean shaven and that's kind of embarrassing.
But other than that, who cares.
He just wears it because the rest of the Legion does.
He just kind of incorporated it into his own style and kept it.
But, yeah.
He doesn't care where you do it.
Although, keeping the other killers and survivors guessing about what he looks like adds a mysterious aura around him.
So maybe just with the other Legion around.
He's a pretty good looking guy.
Make sure to say that.
Because, if you do, he'll have it on a lot less for you.
Not to mention, kisses are just better that way.
Has she never taken it off in front of you?
Guess not.
She'll take it off, but she doesn't want the survivors to see.
She likes to keep them scared.
The mask is the only thing she has from her mother.
So, she will take it off.
But don't expect it to leave her hands.
She has a very chiseled face with some hardened features.
But she also has pretty cute rosy cheeks.
Be sure to tell her that.
Because she'll blush and those cheeks will turn even redder.
Since Anna's mask doesn't cover her mouth, kisses are the same.
However, you can kiss her nose and forehead now!
And she loves that.
So make sure to give her plenty.
His face?
Yeah, what about it?
You want to see it?
He doesn't find himself physically attractive and doesn't want to frighten you off.
He'll make himself seem like some monster without it on.
"I have scars and scratches all over."
"My eyes are sunken and have deep bags."
Just shut him up.
Tell him that no matter how awful he thinks he looks, that you're always going to love him.
Make sure it's in private.
He wants the survivors and killers to be scared of him.
Or at the very least weary.
He prides himself on being a rough mysterious guy.
Albeit hesitant, Evan will remove his mask.
He does have scars and scratches.
His eyes are sunk and hollow.
But he's handsome in every way.
Tell him that.
Praise every little detail.
Let him know how much you adore him.
Kiss every inch of his face.
Then, maybe, just maybe, he'll take it off around you a bit more.
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yourpalmickeymouse · 2 months
Hello Mickey! How ya doing pal? (Hope you’re having a swell day)
I wanna ask, what do you think about your nephews Morty and Ferdie? I assume you’re kinda close with you considering well. You’re their uncle and I feel you do fun stuff with them sometimes. And another question is, what’s your current job right now? Do you enjoy it (or do you feel you wanna do something more fun. That you clearly enjoy the most)?
That’s all! (Sorry if it’s too long) see ya later Mickey :)
-Sunny ☀️
Hiya Sunny!
I am havin' a swell day! Thank you for askin'!
What great questions. I would love to answer 'em both.
Oh, I love my nephews Morty and Ferdie. They're just so fun and energetic and every time they come over and visit, I just know that my day is about to be 100 times more interesting. They can sometimes... get into things they shouldn't. But I also was a mischief maker back in the day, so I have no standin' to say anything. In fact, I actually see a lot of myself in them. Just like me, they can go overboard sometimes. But they also have hearts of gold and are usually clever enough to fix it, or at least know when to get help. That's usually when I come in 😆.
I know the boys can sometimes seem as if they are the same person, but they're pretty different. Morty, who tends to dress in reds, is definitely the more rowdy and brave one. He's usually the one findin' the trouble in the first place 🤦. But it comes from a strong drive for life and so much excitement for what the world has to offer. He has such big dreams and hopes and honestly, I hope he goes far. Unfortunately, he doesn't always think through what he does. He tends to run into things head-first and without warning, but he has good instincts that help keep him safe. And a lot of times his spontaneity is just what the situation needs 😉.
Ferdie, the one wearing more blues and sometimes wears glasses, on the other hand, is more shy but is extremely smart and mature for his age. He's usually the one being dragged into trouble by his brother🤷, but I think he enjoys the adventures they go on, just as much as his brother. They help him come out of his shell and be more prepared to face the unknown. He prefers when things are more planned out and can be hesitant to unexpected changes. But it is because he cares about havin' a good future. He was just askin' me about good colleges yesterday and he's not even in high school. He has a very bright future ahead of him and I cannot wait to see where he goes 🌞.
As for your second question,
I'm actually currently workin' as a Detective for the Mouseton Police Department. And honestly, things seem okay so far. I used to have another job, but they weren't treatin' me right and wouldn't let me grow in the ways I wanted to. It was tough movin' from that job as I genuinely thought that it was my dream, and revolved so much of my early life around it. But it wasn't makin' me happy, and I kinda think I misattributed some of the positive experiences I had with my sister, who is still workin' in that field, with my feelin' towards the work. Honestly, it can be tough figurin' out where you belong. And even I still feel like I haven't figured that out yet
Luckily my new job is definitely a step up. For starters, the people I work with are much better. I was already pretty close with Chief O'Hara as he was my neighbor growin' up. He tends to be very supportive and even recommended me for the detective role (even though I think I might be a bit underqualified, I didn't realize how high rank of a position it was 😓). But he says he trusts my skills and convinced the others that it was a good idea. So I guess I better not mess this up. There's so much pressure.
Though I mostly work with the other two detectives. Brick can seem a bit intimidatin' on the outside. He's pretty big. But you'll soon learn that he's neat once you talk to him. If you ask questions 'bout Texas, he'll be your best friend in an instant. Though be prepared to listen to him for hours, haha. Casey on the other hand... Well... He can be a bit of a... challenge sometimes. I think like me, he's also under a lot of pressure, and that causes him to be a bit stubborn and hesitant to get help. He apparently was really strugglin' with cases before Brick and I came into the picture and it probably felt like an attack on his pride when we came to help. But I think he genuinely cares and wants to do a good job. And with the right push, he can do a swell job.
However, it isn't just the people that make this job a step up. I actually think I am enjoyin' the work more. There is just something 'bout investigatin' and solvin' crimes that clicks with me. Every time we get a new case, I don't wanna put it down until I have it all figured out. Maybe O'Hara was onto something when he hired me. And even better yet the work I do is actually helpin' people get justice which is what I really care about. I've always wanted to make the world a better place, and I feel like I'm doin' my part with every sinister scheme I stop and every person I help.
Though, I can't say everything is perfect. While I do enjoy my work and the people I work with. There are quite a few elements of working with the Police Department that... I am not sure how I feel 'bout. It's honestly hard to talk about. I just don't want O'Hara to feel like he made a mistake. But I also want to make sure I'm doin' the right thing.
But hopefully, that answers your questions! 😄 This was pretty long, but I wanted to give you my best answers.
I hope you have a swell rest of your day, Sunny!!!
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matrixxsystem · 24 days
Terrapin Soup Part 6 (1/2)
Leo hadn't been sneaking out anymore like he'd been for the past year, after his date with Usagi he started going to his house maybe twice a month but actually telling his family where he was going and checking in on occasion once he was there safely, or well. To better phrase it they'd hang out that often, sometimes they'd be in his house and other times they'd be around the hidden city as Usagi showed him around and they told each other stories of their epic battles. It'd only been maybe two months since their "first" date when they finally had enough free time to have Usagi over. Since usually one or the other had things or Leos family was doing other things it was hard to get everyone together for a night.
"Alright, I'll portal you over later tonight okay? Oh and don't mind the sewer smell, I mean Donnie made some upgrades to the vents and filters in the lair so it shouldn't smell but if it does just ignore it-" "Leo.." "And I mean you know Mikey's gonna try to hug you again right, like a lot, and he's really nosey, I mean they all are but Mikey's the most out of em so you can just push him off or tell him to stop he wont be offended by it." "Leo." "And so is dad now that I think about it- He's probably gonna act all tough and mean but he means well, oh and April might be there? She's like our best friend slash honorary sister and she's human but she's really chill so-"  "Leo-!" Usagi grabbed Leos hands gently pulling him closer, "It's alright, really, you don't have to explain anything. I'm sure I'll have a wonderful time and we'll all get along just fine. Now, you go do what you need to and I'll be here when you get back. Okay?" Leo's expression softened hearing Usagi's reassurance, he was way too good for him... "Okay.. Okay you're right. I'll text you before I come back to get you."  "Mhmm, I'll see you later then. Be safe." "You too." Leo pulled a sword from off his back opening a portal but felt a fluffy hand on his wrist before he was able to pass though. Leo turned to face Usagi, tilting his head to the side a little wondering why he was stopped. "Did I forget somethin-" He did in fact. He forgot a goodbye kiss, which Usagi suddenly (as in just now on a whim) deemed essential to their plans. He pulled Leo closer kissing his cheek, still trying not to be too forward and let go once he was satisfied. 
"Now you may leave." "I-I uh... I" Looks like he broke Leo, congrats.  Usagi chuckled and gently pushed against his plastron leading him to the portal, "Don't overthink it, though I hope you'll return the gesture when I go home tonight?" Leo could only nod as he stepped though the portal backwards, the bright blue obscuring his vision as he crossed, and once it disappeared it left him in the hallway in front of his room. Mikey peeked into the hallway having spotting the blue light that wasn't usually there. "Leo's back!!" He called, followed by a small stampede of his brothers coming to invade his privacy as per usual. 
Leo stood frozen, his face still stuck in it's flustered expression as his brothers asked him a million questions which he heard none of as his mind was far too occupied with thoughts like; 
Did that really just happen? How long had he been wanting to do that?
Should I have done it back?
What if he goes to kiss me next time not on the cheek?
What if I wanna kiss him not on the cheek?? I mean I do anyway but like should I ask, would he be okay with that?  Oh god what my first kiss kiss is bad? Has Usagi had his first kiss yet??
"Leo??" "-What?" Donnie rolled his eyes as he finally managed to snap Leo from his thoughts after calling his name several times and tapping a fingers against his head as if to see if anyone was home up there. "We were talking to you Nardo. How'd it go?" "O-Oh.. Right. I uh.." He smiled softly glancing back to the wrist Usagi had grabbed to stop him, "It was good, really good. He'll be here tonight." Donnie nodded, typing something onto his wrist tech, possibly texting someone or giving a new command to SHELLDON, whatever it was it didn't really interest Leo to ask. He instead gently pushed past his brothers and headed towards the kitchen, "Hey do we have anymore soda left?" "There's just that orange Crush stash Mikey think's we don't know about behind the fridge"
"Hey-!" "That'll do, I need somethin' fizzy"
The night rolled around as normally as it could get between four mutant turtles living under New York city. Leo was a little more anxious then he'd been recently but his brothers (Raph mainly) reassured him that everything would go fine, and that everyone had agreed to be on their best behavior for Leo tonight. And once April arrived everything was falling into place, Mikey started cooking with Raph there to supervise while Donnie went and hid in his lab most likely seeing to any last minute upgrades to make the lair that much more presentable. April managed to corner Leo in the uncomfortable privacy of his own room and demand answers.  Donnie however was not holed away seeing to the lairs maintenance, maybe he had been up until a moment ago but now he was much more occupied with the recording device he'd installed a while back, wanting to test out the new higher quality recording tech. And let's be honest he was never one to exactly care who's privacy he was invading when it came to his tech. Leo was already a perfect test subject so he selected the blue icon from his end and waiting for the audio to come in. Him and April were having some sort of talk about Leo's day. "Ooo and then what happened?" "He uh, well I was about to go home but then he pulled me back from the portal." "For what?" "..W-Well.. He um.." "Well..? ..Oh.. Oh! Leo did he kiss you?" "I mean- Yeah but it was only-" "Ohmigosh! That's adorable! Hold on hold on let me get my phone so I can capture this moment! Okay, tell me everything!" 
Donnie turned the app off not wanting to hear about those kinda of things, he'd rather Leo tell that himself and even if he didn't exactly care he was smart enough to know when he shouldn't eavesdrop on a private conversation. He let out a little sigh and pushing himself away from his work space, spinning the chair around to face the other wall lined in another set of monitors. "Let's see.. Ventilations good, the security systems doing well.. There's... Hm.. That's-" Donnie scooted his chair forward more to inspect the words running across several screens. "Maybe.. I should get Raph." Back at the kitchen Mikey and Raph we're.. Not arguing (They most defiantly were) about what kind of food to make. "Mikey look my phone says that rabbits eat hay, they're vegetarians, it doesn't say nothin' about meat!" "He ate the pizza puffs and those has peperoni in them! And he said they were great! He's a yokai and they don't eat only what the animal parts eat y'know!" "Well why can't we just stick to what the internet says? We've got a bunch of fruits and veggies we can use!" "We're omnivores Raph I'm not gonna take the easy out and make a fruit salad for the seven of us! We have to have more variety!"
"Go ask Leo then he eats with him all the time- So much for my help" Mikey rolled his eyes and gently patted Raph's shell, "You tried and I appreciate that, we'll do part of your idea at least, but we can't have just hay and salads that's not balanced. I'll be right back, why don't you pick out some viggies and start washin em off okay? I'll go find Leo and ask."
"..Yeah okay."
Mikey left the kitchen and headed for Leos room, barging in without a second thought and interrupting Leo and Aprils chat. "Hey Leo what does Usagi eat?" Leo tensed up hearing the sudden question, quickly looking over to Mikey with a confused expression, "W-What do you mean?" "Like for dinner, what do you think he'd like? Raph says rabbits are vegan and eat hay but yokai aren't the same as the animals they're mutated from right?"  "..O-Oh! Right! No no, he's not vegan or anything, I guess... I don't know what he'd like, I think he'd be willing to try anything really. He's not really picky or anything that I know of." "Maybe he'd like some turtle~?" April said with a laugh, gently nudging Leos arm despite his tense reaction. Mikey's eyes lit up at her implication and she smiled more as she gave a nod confirming Mikey's assumptions. "Okay okay" Leo said rolling his eyes, "Enough about this, you go cook, I should finish cleaning up around here" -_-_-_-
Mikey and April had left Leo to finish making the corners of the lair presentable since he was excited to show him around, he didn't clean much since it wasn't that bad with SHELLDON doing most of the cleaning but there were a few things he figured could use a bit of touching up like his growing piles of empty pizza boxes and comic books. After he was content with his work he got his phone out asking if Usagi was ready to be brought over and then texting his siblings as well letting them know he was going to get Usagi soon. Everything was good so Leo opened a portal and stepped through, when he looked around he realized the hidden city didn't exactly have a sunset, the sky was just the ground above them so it made sense but it was still a bit sad to think about.. Leo shook the thought from his mind as he approached the house, knocking on the door and taking a step back to wait. After a moment the door opened but he was a bit surprised to see someone beside Usagi answer. It was an older Lion yokai, grey hairs just starting to peek though his mane. He looked.. Not mad but not really kind either. Stoic was a good word. "O-Oh, hi um. I'm here for- Usagi!" He smiled as he saw him a few feet behind the man trying to make himself taller to see better. "Ah Leo!" "So this is him?" The lion asked, turning back to Usagi. If he was a bit younger the deep tone of his voice might've been attractive- Nope. no no no let's not go there, don't sexualize your boyfriends adoptive dad. Usagi nodded, his eyes glancing to Leo then back to his teacher, "Mhmm, the one I had dinner with not long ago. He's been.. Very good company. I'd like to keep him around." 
Leo tilted his head a little, not really able to hear what they were talking about, but after another moment he turned back to face Leo. Looking him up and down like he didn't really approve but then stepped aside to let Usagi out. "Don't be gone long. We have things to do tomorrow." "Of course, I'll be home later tonight." "And you, kame. Hurt him, or keep him from his duties, and I will eat you." Leo tensed up but nodded, "I- Of course sir. Though I wouldn't be very filling, you'd have to fatten me up first haha" Leo tired to joke but he didn't seem phased by it.. He pulled his sword back out opening the portal and giving him a small wave anyway. But not to the lair, instead when they stepped through they were at the top of the New York Times building. Part 6.2
Part 1
TS Master Post
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a-library-of-old · 1 year
Idk if maybe you’ve done something like this before but could you do Jackie boy being determined to act tough (in public or private) and act like he doesn’t need affection. But then melting from praise and attention.
Ooooo I haven't! This could he a fun dynamic huhuhu >:)
The first hint that Jack miiight be touched starved comes in the form of a joke, as we know he says 'what a good boy am I' in the movie so he said it infront of you once, as you call him a good boy for doing something small. Like hand you a pen after telling you to get it yourself and such
His reaction to hearing it to? Perfect! He tenses up and goes a little red at the title before quickly getting back to work and shutting down any attempt you make to tease him about it or just know more either
The next time he's in a bad mood is when you get more hints he needs/wants more affection then he let's on
You'll both be in his office again like last time and he'll be going on some rant about his bakers rujning all the batches today and his guards being useless and just- it wasn't his day that day
To comfort him? You give him some words that it'll be okay and pat his arm to cement this and him? Well he isn't complaining anymore! (Later when you two part ways he touches the spot you had as if it where you again)
So what's the nail in the coffin to open this door for you? Well you were at his house this time attached to the factory, of course because he's a work-a-holic he's in his home office trying to get some paper work done
You wanted him to take a break though because he hadn't had one since lunch that day, and how best to do that? Verbally get his attention, tell him how much of a hard worker he's been and that he's more then earned a rest. If you wanna go even further? Get on his side of the desk, turn his chair to face you and cup his face as you speak so you can rub your thumbs on his cheeks. Thanks to the assumed height difference you'll have to get pretty close to him to do this if not on his lap to
Oh he'll be putty in your hands!!! I'm talkin hesitates before wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your neck, just hug him back, and staying that way for a bit (compliment him more if you want it to last longer)
After that day though? All bets are off! Any time you wanna tease him, get him to do something for you, or are just plain bored you can use this on him!
The best times are when he takes you with him on a meeting or fancy party thing because then you can watch him try to keep up his persona while you just do little things like try to hold his hand or say he looks handsome in his suit and watch him start to crumble!
Even in private he tries to pretend you don't have this affect on him but one kiss on the cheek and you'll know he's really just all talk
Now with this said there is a time he won't deny his want for your affection and that is when he's sleepy, especially sleepy and in bed with you
Then he'll hold you close and demand kisses and praise and just- all your attention really
Any other time though? Denial because he's "Big" bad Jack Horner who doesn't need any body just power (lies)
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v-anrouge · 5 months
Vil would definitely be a full size poodle. Very intelligent, and gorgeous! He enjoys having changes to his coat cut, from the poofy style to even lion cuts! As a hunting breed, he also has a lot of energy, and adores his exercise. Needs his schedule on time, if you don’t feed him on time he starts pouting, and huffing. Doesn’t like getting dirty, but loves baths. He may have sensitive skin honestly. Poodles tend to have thinner skin, gets cut easily when running around, soVil avoids running around, getting dirty because of that.
Rook is a fox hound, full of energy, and a bit independent. They’re kinda the dogs who will bolt out the door and return hours later with like five catches, and somehow money? They’re a tougher breed, though sensitive to the cold. They can be great agility dogs, fast, precise, and when they want to they’re great listeners. It just depends if they feel like behaving.
Epel is a yorkie, everyone thinks they’re cuties, soft and small forgetting they’re also a hunting breed! Yorkies have attitudes, and can be aggressive, with a tendency to small dog syndrome (they want to be the alpha with everyone, including their people) but they’re loving dogs to their people. They’re surprisingly tough little dogs, and adapt great to most living spaces as long as they get their exercises.
All hunting dogs that need their exercise or they get bored and find something to do. It’s worst with Epel, but Rook can get pretty crazy when cooped up for too long. Vil is the most well behaved, but he usually finds something to do that is okay. Vil I feel lOVES his praise, so he is the dog who is trying to copy you and be helpful! Puts his toys away by himself! Rook is an escape artist, can probably leap the fence, needs to be watched like a hawk! Vil can escape, but he does it only to go grab Rook, and Epel, dragging them back by their ears!
THE RETURN OF DOG FIORE (me and well i guess an ex friend idk we don't talk anymore assigned pomefiore dog breeds a long time ago)
1- I DID NOT KNOW POODLES WERE HUNTING DOGS BUT WOW ANS YES POODLE VIL EHSHS HES SO ELEGANT. poodle vil still requiring skin and hair care ough so expensive but everything for the bestest boy
2- tbh when i think of rook i imagine a borzoi because idk they fit better in my mind but fox hound rook is SO good too. Escaping home every fucking day it's like he doesn't even love u :( STOP HIDING CORPSES IN THE HOUSE BAD DOG
the three of them living together is pure chaos rook is constantly dirty and epel is too and they make vil dirty which makes vil mad which ends up with rook and epel hurt because angry vil is TERRIFYING, then vil goes to you wincing and demands all of your love and attention and spills their food on the floor. yes praise vil if u don't he'll start misbehaving he deserves it hes the only one keeping this house together if he's honest. rook being a terrible influence to epel is real and its terrible to you and vil because epel is small and not as fast as rook so he CAN get hurt unlike rook sighs what troublesome little guys vil sits by ur side as u scold rook and epel and dooms them to no treats for a week
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
My birthday is this week, and I wanted to see if I can request something, anything with best boy Hibari?
Oh my gosh! A very, very happy birthday to you, Martha! I hope you have an absolutely amazing birthday and get spoiled like you deserve on that day! And I am always happy to write Hibari stuff for you and I hope you'll enjoy what I came up with for a post! I hope you don't mind, I tried to personalize some of the later headcanons specifically to you, including some of what's going on in your life, but I have no problems deleting the post if it makes you uncomfortable!
Okay, but when it comes to Hibari's own birthday, I don't think he really cares about it all that much. For the most part, he really does treat it like any other day and I don't think he really grew up with it being celebrated by his family. He's never really had a birthday party and doesn't get the fuss about the day.
Throughout meeting him in junior high and throughout all the years you'll know him, he really does make it clear that he doesn't want his birthday to be a big deal. He's really dismissive of the whole idea. I can see, for the longest time, you probably didn't even know his actual date of birth. It was only when you asked Kusakabe about it that you learned Hibari's birth date. Kusakabe was actually a little hesitant to tell you though and he did let you know how little Hibari likes his birthday being made any deal out of.
However, throughout the years, because you did make a point to celebrate his birthday in even little ways, starting by simply saying happy birthday, working up to bringing him a special lunch or buying him a meal, and working up to getting gifts, Hibari did become a little more okay with his birthday being celebrated, at least in small ways. He still doesn't like it being a big thing, but he'll tolerate small gestures on his birthday from both you and Kusakabe, who started taking your lead after a bit and also began doing small things for Hibari.
Now, even though Hibari doesn't really care about his own birthday much, he does realize and acknowledge that your own birthday is a bigger thing for you than his is for him. He won't really make grand gestures or do an over the top celebration, because it's just not his style. But he will make some efforts, more than he would for maybe anyone else on the earth, to ensure that you do have a good birthday and that you do feel special in some ways that day.
So this year, for your birthday, Hibari knows you're going through a really tough time. He's a grown man now and he is busy, travelling often, so he doesn't get down to see you as often as he would like, but you two communicate through phone calls, even if only briefly, every day. He knows that your life has gotten hectic, busy, and a little tough.
And he's done his best to help, even when he can't be there. Kusakabe does visit, in his stead, far more often than Hibari is able to and reports back to Hibari about what is going on that you might not tell him, not wanting to worry him. You'll find that Kusakabe comes more often lately, Hibari letting his right hand man do what Hibari is not the greatest at - taking care of another human being, and not just any human being, but you.
You'll find that, when your mother started getting seriously ill, and knowing how hard you and your family are working to take care of her, not just one but two extra-mural nurses start showing up to your house every day. Both of them will not tell you who they were hired by. You have your suspicion, especially since Kusakabe won't deny or confirm anything but dodges the question consistently, that it was Hibari. Between the two of them, they start lessening the amount of work you have to take on and, unbeknownst to you, they do report back to Hibari about your mother's condition and how she does day to day.
Hibari flies to Mexico several days before your birthday but doesn't automatically come to see you. He brings Kusakabe with him, who does visit you, but by then, that's become routine so you don't even think to question it. Hibari needs time and proximity to you to plan out your birthday this year.
He has the nurses alert him to the first good day your mother has within a day or two before or after your birthday. That's when he'll have what is probably the biggest of the birthdays he plans for you. Because she is having a good day, he decides to make it the day he shows up, probably for the first time, at your parent's doorstep. Not only does he make it a birthday celebration for you, so that you can have a birthday party with your mother, with catering done by a local place Kusakabe has given him the heads up that you love, but he also makes it special for another reason. He takes a moment, Kusakabe distracting you and your father, to sit down and talk to your mother alone. And he asks for her blessing. Later on, Kusakabe again running interference with you and your mother, he takes the time for a quiet word with your father to ask for the same. And once he has gotten that, assuming the good day did not happen on your actual birthday, he waits for your actual birthday to occur.
You won't even suspect it's coming, honestly. To you, it will seem like just another quiet, calm birthday spent with the man you love. He'll spend the day with you, just you and him, and he'll take you to a late supper. It's there that he'll slide it across to you. A ring box. Hibari will make it clear that he has no plans of marriage. Ever. It's not something he will ever be able to do, that legal and huge tying of himself to anyone else. But he'll let you open the box, showing a minimal, delicate band and will tell you that though he cannot handle that, that does not mean that he does not see you as a permanent fixture in his life…that through all these years, you have been by his side and would you continue to do that, up til the end?
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