#its Sagittarius season i guess!!!!
tricitymonsters · 6 months
Happy Birthday Raath!
Our very favorite murder monster's birthday is today and you know how I love doing birthday posts like a little weird idol stan.
This time I have prepared a special treat: Raath's original Pre-TCM toyhou.se profile has been made public for you to read up on his fucked up life! Now, keep in mind that this is Raath as he existed before TCM and there will be some changes as he's incorporated into the story but if you'd like an in depth look at what he was before I started developing this crazy game you can check it out here!
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aideshou · 7 months
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littledigest · 2 years
Mixed Bag of Astro Observations - based on people in my life
Some people really act like their signs…
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☝️ All the Sun in Aries people I know are generally pretty confident people. They don't second guess themselves often.
☝️ Moon in Aries people don't wallow in pity parties for long even when things go south. They tend to bounce back quickly and move on.
☝️ Mercury in Aries are blunt, sassy, and they don't hold back on their words.
☝️ Sun in Taurus like being social and holding gatherings and dinner parties. They usually like being hosts and inviting friends and family into their world.
☝️ Moon in Taurus are often mistaken for being lazy because their desire for comfort is so strong. They tend to be on the chiller side, not bothered by much. But once something gets on their nerves, then their chill side goes away, and everything about that person becomes annoying to them.
☝️ Sun in Virgo are generally very opinionated and/or like to speak with authority and expertise on specific topics. A lot of Virgos I know are very outspoken about politics and social issues.
☝️ Venus in Virgo are quick to critique, which can get annoying. But they believe their criticism is helping the other person.
☝️ Mars in Virgo are quick to correct people when they’re wrong, especially about something the Mars in Virgo is passionate about.
☝️ Sun in Libra love surrounding themselves in aesthetically pleasing environments. There is a high possibility of choosing beauty-related careers and hobbies. One Libra I know went to art school, another one worked at a nice cafe and is into baking and poetry, another Libra works at a luxury brand known for its aesthetic products, and another Libra is very good at drawing.
☝️ The Moon in Libra men I know act very calmly. It's almost as if their emotions are balanced. They are usually quiet and stoic, at least on the outside.
☝️ Sun in Cancer are sensitive and emotional; their demeanor is usually sweet. When they compliment someone, it feels like their words come from their heart, and they try to convey that they are telling you the truth.
☝️ Random tidbit, but I realized recently that the Sun in Scorpio women I know tend to get cold easily. They don’t like the AC on too high or for too long.
☝️ Mercury in Scorpio love learning from their surroundings or in formal class settings.
☝️ Sun is Sagittarius people tend to be young at heart, maybe a little wild even at old age. They like going out and experiencing life. It could be going out to parties and raves to meet people and hear new music, going to new restaurants to try different foods, or traveling to a different country just for the weekend (I literally know Sag people like this) Sometimes, that novelty doesn’t have to come from anything big; just buying a small trinket or replacing old items with newer models can feed that desire.
☝️ Having Jupiter, the planet of fortune, as their ruling planet makes Sagittarius people lucky too. If in a pickle, somehow they come out alright. Or, they are always in the right place at the right time to see something rare or spectacular.
☝️ Venus in Sagittarius tend to be generous people. For example, if they're cooking, they'll use big pots and pans, drop in generous amounts of seasoning, choose the largest produce, etc.
☝️ Mars in Pisces let a lot of things slide to keep the peace. They can take a lot from people. Often, it feels like they're just rolling with the punches, a constant cycle of letting go.
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whateverurmomwants · 7 months
No cuz do you ever just realize how powerful lucy is?
She was able to conjure ALL of her celestial spirits, 3 or 4 of them being fricking ZODIACS, all at once and being powerful enough to be recognized by the celestial spirit king? And all in the first season? Where she hasn’t even had her star dresses and other abilities she has learned?
Not to mention this theory about her being a descendent of the goddess Anna, the best Celestial Spirit user.
And im rewatching it rn, and ive already encountered a moment where if she didnt interfere, natsu would have died. The arc with phantom lord where natsu is battling gajeel? Gajeel had eaten iron but there was no fire for natsu to eat, and so Lucy gave him that fire by using Sagittarius. Without that fire, natsu definitely wouldnt have finished that fight.
People are always saying ‘oh well that may be so, but if she hadn’t joined the guild-‘ Phantom lord would have most definitely attacked them for another reason. They wanted to remain the best guild in Fiore. Fairytail challenged that, so it was just a matter of time before they fought.
“Well, she always gets in their way-“ Yeah, considering the fact that she grew up in a household where her fathers only concern was the family line, she wouldn’t exactly have time to practice her magic. The only spirit she really had was Aquarius, and we can infer that she only brought her out on very few occasions. And she also wouldn’t have been able to build up any target practice or any muscle building, since Jude would say, in the stupid old fashioned way, ‘women don’t need muscles. All you need to do is make yourself look presentable to find a husband.’ He definitely wouldn’t have wanted her practicing her magic.
Meanwhile, all the others grew up in an environment where they could practice their magic freely with other wizards. They had teachers and activities that enhanced their magic and physical builds, she didn’t. So of course she wouldn’t be able to be on their level so soon.
Also, the amount of magic it takes to summon a silver spirit is a lot, but even MORE so for a Zodiac. Mashima explained that it pretty much is on a scale from 1-100. Plu being the easiest to summon at one, and her highest silver key being Lyra at 18. Her golden keys on the other hand, has Aquarius at 100 and the lowest being Cancer at 52. Others talk about the spirits only being able to use as much magical power as Lucy uses to summon them, but i doubt that theory/statement.
And its also amazing even then because she can keep those gates open for a tremendous amount of time, and multiple on some occasions. I don’t know if this part is true, but i believe that the mage has to have at-least some level of concentration on the gate for it to keep open, so if that’s correct, then it makes it even more astounding that she is able to focus on the bond at all times while fighting. And i only say this because her spirits go back to the spirit realm when she is knocked out.
Also during the E.N.D arc, (haven’t gotten there yet, seen bits and pieces) she literally REWRITES the E.N.D book that Zeref HIMSELF wrote. She literally rewrote his fate. And yes, i know that Gray was there to help her out, but at the same time, most people would have still not have been able to handle the mental and physical strain that causes.
And im just guessing on this part, but didnt she learn an entirely new part of her magic by someone in blue pegasus and learned how to preform the spell in like a week? Month? Some other very short time span?
Anyways i just love lucy and i would litterally rather show everyone my ao3 library before letting her get hurt/bashed. Lmao
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saturnsoups · 11 months
Divinity of Gojo Satoru
a vedic astrology perspective
keep in mind that every system of knowledge serves some purpose so lets be respectful towards different schools of astrology. keep in mind I'm using
Vedic depictions ( with Hindu deities of nakshatras (constellations) with Vimshottri planetary rulers for each )
Sidereal measurements for planetary placements in the sky
Whole house system
let's begin
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time and time again me and my astrology friends have noted that Gojo Satoru is "the stereotypical Sagittarius" according to the tropical astrology - you know the larger than life personality, the "teacher" and the classic funny guy who is known to not commit to women (still not expressively seen in the mangas or anime itself). Moreover his technique is very jupiturian in it's own way - expansive and divine, note the word divine because he has actually quoted few religious and spiritual references during major rebirths of his ( gojo vs toji arc ) and if you don't know what that is I suggest you to read the mangas or maybe wait for the season 2 of the anime. but today i'll be discussing on the sidereal astrological significations of Gojo, the strongest and show you how he embodies this nakshatras and their archetypes surprisingly well.
Gojo satoru is born on the 7th of December 1989 and because i was unaware of any specified birth place i searched up the location of the actual Gojo Shrine which is in Tokyo. Gojo is known to be a kuge family descendant of the sugawara clan, which dominated the imperial courts in kyoto during the heian period.
Sun in Jyeshtha nakshatra
the vedic astrology system uses the current planetary placements in the cosmos thus it is 24 degrees late than the tropical zodiac as vedic astrology uses sidereal calculations.
Gojo is a sagittarius sun in tropical astrology but a scorpio sun in sidereal but don't worry we are on to the same person ( or character ) here.
His sun falls in the nakshatra of Jyestha meaning the eldest and it's nakshatra lord is mercury. An extremely hot nakshatra which is jyestha makes the native be very fire like in nature. Now all of this doesn't go together with satoru right? Well guess who is the presiding deity of this nakshatra - Indra the king of the gods.
jyestha natives are known to be extremely skilled with mercury as their nakshatra lord and mars as their zodiac lord - scorpio - giving them extreme powers to excel in activities like politics and fighting and indra grants the native extreme wealth and its symbol talisman manifests as the native having power and authority. Indra manifests his power on the material plain making the natives have an authoritative position given he was mythologically a warlord aswell.
This highly powerful placements makes the natives the best at their fields, high achievers. and aces very often due to their make it or break it nature along with their often found entitled nature Indra indulges in theatrical pleasures like watching dances and entertaining courtly rituals and also indulges in a sweet drink called soma. Unlike modern myths Indra is one of the most crucial gods behind the 6000 year old hindu texts of wisdom from which we derive this knowledge from thus making it's native wise and clever. Jyestha is the last nakshatra of the second phase of nakshatras, the phase of gaining and nurturing personal power and self identity and vigor and thus is this is where the natives showcase a lot of their prowess.
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Connecting that to Satoru we see quite a few themes repeating itself a number of times namely him being the eldest in his friend circle - Geto and Shoko are both a year younger than him, making him the eldest. Gojo is said to come from an rich and esteemed clan giving him the bag in that aspects - riches are at his footstep. Not only that he is the head of this esteemed clan - an imperial clan in real life out of the anime but still - the authority - the king. Not only is he the head of his clan but an important figure in the entire jujutsu society so much so that his birth alone shifted the balance of the jujutsu world. He is the best - the strongest - the only honored one through the heavens and earth. He is the strongest fighter, the strongest sorcerer - sidereal scorpio's ruling planet mars' raw strength matching with the nakshatra lord mercury in magic and sorcery as mercury is between the air and earth realms - between the heaven and the earth. He is the teacher now teaching the basics and essentials of the jujutsu society. he is the head, the King and is supposed to know better than other because no one is above the God King.
Satoru is known to eat sweets, he has a sweet tooth just like how Indra indulges in Soma rasha before wars because it fuels him adds vigor - Gojo consuming sweets to stimulate his brain but ultimately getting a sweet tooth - which unsurprisingly Indra is known to be a very regular customer of Soma aswell.
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It's surprising how the nakshatras manifest through characters. More info in future. I don't think i'll be considering the moon sign and the rest of the chart yet as we know very little of gojo satoru even though the significant events of his past does strongly show his moon nakshatra purva bhadrapada where one has no limitations and is free but needs to reign themselves in to pass through the spiritual tests and attain self mastery. i think i'll be making another post on that later on.
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natalchartnurtures · 7 months
Nobody Talks About Ophiuchus
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So back in January 2011, a news article from the Minnesota Planetarium Society made headlines. The article, titled "Your Astrological Sign Just Changed. Thanks, NASA," claimed that due to changes in the Earth's alignment, there should be a shift in the zodiac, leading to the inclusion of a new zodiac sign—Ophiuchus. Controversy alert, am I right?
Well, this stirred A LOT of astrological drama up in the communities back then, and it recently piqued my interest to want to know why it existed in the first place and furthermore… why nobody talks about it. Not that I'm interested in changing my zodiac and potentially MY WHOLE BIRTHCHART! I'm just a curious lil chipper, so… what's Ophiuchus—the "thirteenth zodiac's" deal anyway?
Ophiuchus, the underdog of the zodiac, is positioned along the celestial equator. The cosmic serpent bearer has been in the cosmic chorus since ancient times. But although it shares the stage with its twelve zodiac companions, it doesn't quite share the spotlight like the rest. Suddenly, it began grabbing headlines and chaos ensued. Myths that said astrology was starting to get outdated floated everywhere, and unappetizing astrological misconceptions were served for breakfast AND dinner with the side of ignorance and muggle mentality.
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But the truth behind all of the Ophiuchus attention was found in the origins of the traditional twelve-sign zodiac system itself. After hopping onto the astro-time machine, I found out that the Babylonian astronomers were the first WESTERN celestial scribes, dividing the sky into twelve equal acts, each starring a constellation along the Sun's yearly journey—the apparent path of the Sun across the sky, or simply known as the Ecliptic. The Greeks (particularly the Hellenistic Greeks) later picked up the script and named the constellations—Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, giving birth to our twelve main characters. This celestial drama then evolved over centuries; each zodiac sign became associated with certain symbolic meanings, qualities, and characteristics. These associations were often based on observations of the natural world, seasonal changes, and the perceived influence of celestial bodies on Earth, becoming the astrological playbook we now know.
The thing is, though, that the Babylonians knew of Ophiuchus back then; they just chose not to include it in the big 12 because it disrupted something they held at great value—symmetry. They wanted each zodiac to take up 30 degrees in the sky—that's the answer to why Ophiuchus is not included in traditional astrology. Yup, nothing fancy. The Babylonians just had a pet peeve, I guess, lmao.
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But for those curious, here's some information on Ophiuchus:
Lies between Scorpio and Sagittarius
Represented by a man bearing a snake
People born under this sign of Ophiuchus fall under the archetype of – the healer, the knowledge seeker, the one with a magnetic charm. While not your typical zodiac star, folks associated with Ophiuchus might bring a dose of wisdom and a knack for balance to the celestial party. Picture them as the cosmic wanderers, curious about life's mysteries and blessed with a natural knack for attracting good vibes. BASICALLY Ophiuchus is the child of Scorpio and Saggitarius *giggles in satisfaction* knowing that makes me so happy though :}
Thanks for stopping by!
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lillysilvermoon · 8 months
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Messages for Eclipse Season
Please read the description below!!
Hi guys! 👋 I know, has been too long, but uni is taken all my energy 🥲 BUT, I had to come here to give yall this message, will be quick (at least that's what they told me lol) but important. I'll say this right away: Aries, libra, Pisces and scorpio probably will feel with more intensity this eclipse and its effects).
Now, this is super unusual but for each pile Selene, Nyx and Hades have a message, I don't know which one will be but it's a message from them related to the eclipse, I've never done this before so I hope yall liked and this reaches everyone who the message is meant for. Shall we?
Pile 1
Messenger: Selene, Goddess of the Moon
Change is on the way and yall need to prepare for this, for what I see here either you are in a hard moment right now (eight or Swords) feeling like you have no choice, helpless or after the eclipse this is how you will feel for some reason (probably the changes that will occurs) but don't worry, you can't see the bigger picture but this is for your own good, it will teach you a lesson. After this you can expect to be much more empowered, strong and independent (or this is what this change want you to learn in order to receive what you want, because right there is a lesson you need to learn). After the storm there ir always a rainbow, a new beginning and can be romantic (ace of cups almost always is about romantic beginnings) or just related to a new beginning emotionally.
Also, if you are working on something, congratulations!!! All your efforts will be paying off, probably dome kind of collab will come for you and will be a very successful project. (P.S: this is specific I guess but: no more fights, you will be in peace soon, no fights, no stress, this domestic related I think.)
Signs: books, Aries, Gemini, days 7, 12 and 8, Saturn.
Pile 2
Messenger: Hades, God of the Dead and King of the Underworld
This eclipse will bring you financial changes, I think actually just a confirmation lmao all of you already know how well succeed you will be. Well, this is your confirmation: you >will< be succeed, very succeed. If you made a spell with Him or have petitioned to Him in financial matters, yes, He will help you. You can 100% expect some improvement in your business life, career, good opportunity for investments and all thing related to gain money. But, for some of you, and this is a small portion, you need to take better care of your shadow self, learn more about you shadow is necessary and very important and He want you to give this more attention - He is being very serious... it's actually very important, no jokes - and your emotions in general, please make some effort to know yourself better, know how to regulate your emotions, you needed it.
"You are doing great, stop overstress yourself thinking everyone is mad at you, they aren't! And you think I am you can just ask you know" (Pile 2 can we be friends please???? You&me = twins I'm the same 🤡)
Signs: 66, 99, 5, Jupiter, scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn and Sagittarius, rivers and water places are important (not astrological speaking, real life).
Pile 3
Messenger: Nyx, Goddess of the night
Either you are facing some challenges in work or personal life or just in life in general, but you are being assertive and determined, or this is what the Eclipse Season will bring to you. Just know that you have the energy to endure it and you WILL succeed, be sure of this and never ever doubt yourself again, you will learn to be more independent and stand up for yourself, communicate your boundaries clearly and base your decisions less in your emotions and more in facts. If you have faced all of this the Eclipse you bring you to calmer waters and reach the end of a very difficult period (in this case this is the change the eclipse your bring, honestly? I fell like this pile is very 50/50 with half in the first case and the other half in this one). A lot of you is feeling down and deflated after going through this tough time, she asks yall (from both situations) to stay in tune with your intuition, your inner guidance because doing this yall will be victorious.
Signs: Pisces, taurus, Gemini and Aquarius, 12, 8, 5, 4, Pluto, Saturn, mountains.
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mercurytrinemoon · 4 months
With Moon transiting Sagittarius during the night of the Grammy awards, all the archers in the room sweeped their awards and stole the show… for good and for bad. That night Mercury ingressed into Aquarius, making its conjunction with Pluto so the drama has to be present and it's still an active discourse on social media.
Miley's first Grammy
This year Miley won her first Grammy (two, actually). The massive delay in her receiving an award might be linked to her having Saturn in the 10th house natally. Her Saturn return ended a year ago so it only fits that now's the time for her to solidify her work and have an offical stamp of approval.
Let's look at her transits for the night. She's in her Jupiter-ruled profection year so Jupiter transits will be crucial for her. The planet of luck is currently transiting Taurus - her 1st whole sign house and the house of her natal lot of fortune. It's in a relatively close degree to her Capricorn Venus, making a supportive trine. On top of that, she actually just went through her Venus return in the 9th house so we get somewhat of a double whammy for her.
This is what Billie was made for...
Now let's look at Billie Eilish, who's been sweeping awards pretty much since she released her first album but her chart is worth looking at as well. First of all, her having both Sun and Venus in her 10th house next to the MC should already tell us that she has, in fact, very high chances of being recognized by people in authority - so, the music academy as well - and just being generally liked and positively received. And speaking of the 10th house, last year she went through her 10th house profection year in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter in her natal 5th. And during this time she created something that will be remembered by a lot of people. Pretty neat.
Currently she's in her 11th house profection year. She has Mercury in that house in Capricorn so transiting Jupiter is trining it by sign. And, just like Miley, Billie has her lot of fortune in Taurus as well. Very interesting. Look out for Jupiter transiting the sign of your lot of fortune then!
In terms of the song itself. The general story was that she felt a massive creative block and she was afraid she won't write anything interesting ever again but then her and Finneas forced themselves to sit on a Barbie song and it came out just like that. Now, I've managed to catch an ig story from her, celebrating an anniversary of when they wrote it: it was January 16-17th 2023, only one day before Mercury stationed direct and a few days after Mars stationed direct. That should speak for itself when it comes to any type of a creative block as retrograde planets can often make you feel stuck.
I think no matter what, her Venus on the MC will always shine through and she will keep on presenting that venusian grace and beauty through her craft. Creative blocks should be no enemy for her as this is what she was made for.
Taylor wins an award but looses in the eyes of people
Taylor Swift won album of the year. She seems to win almost every time she's nominated so she's clearly one of the Grammy favorites. But what is interesting is that, just like Miley and Billie, she has her lot of fortune in… you've guessed it, Taurus! I think just having the lot being ruled by a benefic planet is the first step to success.
She also has a Capricorn inner planet and that is Mercury at 8° - so again, Jupiter is currently making a trine. And on top of that, Mercury is her time lord for the year since she's in her 11th house profection in Virgo. She's also receiving a very supportive trine from Saturn to her natal Jupiter, which generally supports her being recognized during this time.
BUT. I've mentioned that the night of the ceremony Mercury entered Aquarius and got dangerously close to Pluto. This was the first and one of the many coming hits of Pluto charged with other planets to Taylor's natal Venus, which sits right at the very beginning of the sign. And there was drama and the drama will continue and I do believe this it the beginning of something bigger for her. Pluto can bring polarities, it can bring massive success and clout but it can also bring a huge downfall. I honestly doubt someone who sells out stadiums would suddenly loose their popularity but as many people have said since the Grammys, some sort of veil has been lifted and I'm suspecting more and more people will start point fingers at her and her actions: from acting inappropriate and being egocentric to things like contributing to carbon footprint or being silent when it comes to global and socio-political issues. So sure, Pluto on her Venus might make her even more rich (I know she still has the european leg of the tour left) but she may as well loose face at the same time.
Mercury in Sagittarius is strong with Jay-Z
Now another Sagittarius I wanted to tackle is Jay-Z, who, in his Sagi Mercury fashion, said what everyone wanted to say and threw a massive shade at the Grammy voting system and just... them being shite in general. We're not 100% sure of his birth time and his transits don't necessary scream "WINNER!" at this time BUT: if he is, in fact, a Virgo rising, his time lord for the year is Jupiter and currently Jupiter would transit his 9th house, where his Saturn is in Taurus. That is still very supportive as 9th house is one of the houses of the greats and Jupiter transiting over Saturn honors the legacy and achievements - and that is what he was recognized for with the Dr. Dre Global Impact Award.
Let's quickly discuss some other non-Sagi winners
Victoria Monét won in a cuple of categories. She's a Leo rising with Sun in… Taurus in the 10th house. So, once again, Jupiter did its thing.
SZA was also among the winners. She has quite a few planets in her 10t house so I feel like either way success is guaranteed for her. When it comes to transits, Jupiter did influence her as well: trining Capricorn Venus and Saturn, opposing her Scorpio placements and sextiling her Moon and Jupiter. She is also in a Jupiter-ruled profection year. Interestingly, she debuted a new song titled "Saturn". Very fitting for an Aquarius rising.
Jack Antonoff being the goat
Actually he's a double ram but his Jupiter is… up on the highest heights of MC in Capricorn. So, a literal goat as well… slowly climbing to success.
His chart does scream "CREATIVITY!!!!" (an exalted Venus? A cardinal rising? An Aries stellium? Being born on a New Moon? What else do you need?). His chart is also very strong- and stable-looking. He's been awarded for quite a few things over the years, which, with planetary placements like these, it makes total sense for him to be one of the favorites. This year, the supportive trine from Jupiter to his natal Jupiter was just an extra dose of help in receiving a Grammy. This, as well as a transiting stellium through his 10th house.
The snub of the night?
Considering the amount of nominations for this year's awards, the biggest snub seems to be Olivia Rodrigo. So let's take a look at her chart. Interestingly - and at this point I am no longer surprised - her lot of fortune is also in Taurus with the ruler Venus in Capricorn. Her time lord for the year is Mercury and her natal Mercury is in Aquarius - currently squared by Jupiter. In her case, that square from a benefic can cause more harm than good, since she has a natal oppositions of thse two planets. This tense transit can actually unleash unnecessary hate and preachiness towards her. Saturn is still hanging near her Sun, which obviously can dampen things a lot. So, she seemed to have a great 2023 but some things are not quite perfect after all.
Let's compare it to 2022's Grammys to see transits for her big wins that year. Jupiter was still in Pisces, where her natal Sun is and that Sun was her time lord, which is very important here. She also had Saturn trining her natal Saturn, which helps being supported and recognized by those with authority. A great transit to sweep these awards.
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accidentalshifter · 10 days
[End of May & Early June, 2021: Unexpected encounter with probably Krishna who has an annoying question.]
Shifting Notes:
Unlike my TVD DR, which functions more on realism (comparatively) and a modern setting, 7 Blessings Mountain is a magical, supernatural-based reality that refuses to operate on any rules (or logic) found in an unscripted CR. This DR seems more soft, maleable, and dream-like. I'd like to think that's part of the charm and appeal of my Seasonal DRs. Who wouldn't want to live in a magical world?
Another thing I want to touch upon before I get into story time is that...these updates will be far more personal than my TVD DR is. I believe that has to do with the degrees of separation between my CR-self and my TVD-self. While both of us have the same core, there exist huge differences that set us apart.
But in my Seasonal DRs, like 7 Blessings, I am just the rawest version of me. So, back to the point of this: prepare yourself for a different experience altogether. It can't be vampires all the time!
Astrological Timing: So, this was waaayyy back in the day when I wasn't as organized about documentation/astrological timing. I can only really guess at the moon phases since I didn't specify the dates when I first started out. According to my ephemeris, the Moon cruising through the end signs of the zodiac (i.e. Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces). The sun was in Gemini. Based on my TVD notes, I shift best when the moon is moving through the later ends of the zodiac.
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🎍 The Butterfly Room lays in ruins. Pieces of it are scattered all around me; gaudy gold frames, bits of pastel blue wall, cabriole legs from a Rococo-styled chair, old tomes with torn pages, a splintered shard of the hearth's mantle... I feel kinda bummed out seeing this inside my DR. It's the end of an era...
But at least the butterflies are still here.
🎍 They flutter around me, carefree, as I pick up a piece of splintered, despoiled wood and turn it around in my palm. It dissentigrates to ashes in an instant, slipping between my fingers and blowing away in an errant wind. Well, fuck. 🙃 That's not good.
🎍 The remnants of The Butterfly Room all turn to ash in this moment and fly away on the breeze. Something else begins to reform its place. It starts off as a stone bench. The stone is grey, covered in moss, and spreads out to create a little platform with a banister railing, dividing me from what I can now see is deep blue water beyond it. A lake. Floating and bobbing nearby is a boat. The boat isn't tied or docked to anything that I can see. It's just sitting there like it has its parking breaks on.
🎍 Sweet, pure sounds of a wind instrument hit my ear drums. My eyes immediately seek out the source of the sound. There, standing by the stone bench and leaning against part of the banister is a man. He's clothed in soft blue and green robes that flutter in the wind. The material he wears is such a fine type of organza silk that it almost looks like a cloud. His hair is long, shiny black, and pulled into a half up/half down hairstyle held together by a white jade guan (a type of hairpin). White jade seems to be his thing because he has a set of prayer beads around his wrists and is currently playing a white jade flute...
🎍 Whatever song he's playing, its tone and melody run through me like a shiver. Not like a forboding, ominous shiver. Just a palpable, bodily reaction...as if I had never once heard music before. I quickly pull myself from the flute-induced stupor, the man pauses in his playing to look up at me and ask a question:
"What is the ultimate goal of doing good?"
Observation: I didn't know it at the time but this was my first encounter with a ferryman in my DR. Please, go check out my DR intro post for 7 Blessings Mountain for more info on what a ferryman is in the context of my DR.
Another thing I realize is that I was exploring this DR during the same time frame as I am transcribing these notes now. May heads on out and I'm instantly like: "Ok. It's summer now." But I live in SoCal in my CR. It gets hotter faster here.
🎍 That's an annoying question, though. I'm both confused & frustrated. It takes me a bit (a couple of days, actually) to do some deep reflection on this man's surprisingly-hard-to-answer question... What IS the ultimate goal of doing good?? Is it to be righteous?? To do right in the world?? Is it for reputation, social credit, purely a sense of justice? Happiness? Purpose? A ticket into Heaven?? Nothing at all??
I spend three days wracking my brain over it. I even ask my old roommates at the time but they're just as stumped as I am. 🫤
🎍 I popped in after a few days just to check up on the DR & whether "Flute Guy" was still there. He was. When he caught sight of me, Flute Guy asked if I had prepared an answer to his question yet. My anxiety spiked and I noped out of the situation by leaving the DR. I hear Flute Guy mention with a casual wave of his hand-
"You enjoy denying yourself pleasure, don't you?"
-before continuing to play (yet another) song on the jade flute.
🎍 Well, that was super annoying. But since I'm not trying to piss on the first encounter I have with someone in 7 Blessings, I decided to react in a benevolent/positive way. A day later, I pop into DR armed with a gift for the flute-playing man; a gourd filled with peach juice. I tell Flute Guy that I'm still thinking on my answer to his question but that I wanted to give him a token of my deep appreciation for his patience with me.
He takes the gourd, immediately giving the peach juice an experimental swig. I think he likes it because he smiles brightly. Then, the man laughs. The butterflies (remnants of my previous waiting room) that are fluttering in the air around us suddenly transform at the sound of his laughter. They become nymphs of various genders who clamber to the sides of Flute Guy. As if he radiated some kind of butterfly-attracting aura. Perhaps it was just the potency of his smile? A purple, yellow, & green-clad nymph are the first to latch onto him.
Putting the jade instrument to his lips once more. Flute Guy begins to play another song that pulsates through the mountain air like a flowing water stream. The butterfly nymphs, going apeshit over the music he's playing, all decide to throw an impromptu party on the stone platform around him. I decide to nope out because of social anxiety. 🙃
Side Note: You might be wondering how the hell I got a gourd full of peach juice into my DR? Well, in the 7 Blessings Mountain script, manifestation is instant in this DR. While I'm sure I didn't need to give a reason for this to be so, my headcanon is that 7 Blessings is a place of pure magic. It's placed more in the spirit world than in any other realm. So, you can instantly manifest anything there easily. I just popped into DR & thought of the most delicious peach I've ever had, then told that memory to become juice. And it did!
🎍 Weirdly enough, the household in my CR decides they want to throw a surprise party for no reason. Everyone is drinking. I cannot hide in my room to get away from it because my roommates thought it'd be funny to drag me OUT of my room & toss me directly into the party. 🫠 That whole "you can manifest things from this DR into your CR" script kind of got me, didn't it??
Shifting is a learning process.
🎍 The party thing in my CR got completely out of hand. It lasted about three whole days where my roommates were drinking, inviting their friends over to drink, and playing loud ass music. I realized (maybe a little too late) that leaving Flute Guy alone to do whatever with his harem of butterfly nymphs was not a good decision in hindsight. On the 3rd day, I decide that it doesn't matter if I had a good answer to his question, I should just give him one to make the party (hopefully) stop.
🎍 I pop into 7 Blessings to discover that the party has expanded in size. The whole stone platform is covered in groups of nymphs; all playing chess, smoking hookah, lounging on blankets/throw pillows, and eating snacks of fruit and nuts. At the head of the party, still seated by the stone bench, the man with the jade flute plays his songs. I serpentine a path through the nymphs, over to him, to let him know I have an answer to his question.
🎍 Flute Guy gestures to his nymphs to give me a space to sit amongst them. They obey immediately. When I sit myself down in the space that was provided to me, one of them offers me a handful of pearls. She mimes to me that I should eat them. (I guess she can't speak?) The way she does this is really cute. The nymph points at her mouth. Then, puffs out her cheeks like they're full of food. Nods her head vigorously. And tries to give me the pearls. I shake my head no, however, since I am always dubious about accepting food in my DRs from fairy-like creatures.
"Are you sure??" Flute Guy asks me, "Eating even one of those will enhance your beauty."
I shrug, responding with beauty wasn't a real priority for me. I could get by either way.
🎍 Before the conversation can get stray off the point, I redirect it towards answering his question. I tell Flute Guy that I'm not sold on true good existing in any realm. That good is always accompanied by the desire for good, therefore, itself, is motivated by selfishness or vanity. And furthermore, that I wasn't sure anything material or immaterial had a goal... Much less an ultimate goal. But that if I was wrong, I was open to learning why. The Flute Guy plays note on his flute that sounds like a bird tweet, then I get immediately ejected out of my DR.
🎍 The endless party in my CR dies down on the night I get ejected. Peace is restored. But I can't seem to access 7 Blessings despite all my efforts to. I do get occasional visions and images in my head of the stone platform. It's empty now. Flute Guy and his butterfly crew has vanished. The surrounding area seems a bit less tangible, solid. Also, the sunny day in the DR has now turned to night. Stars and a full moon hang in the sky...
🎍 Another party (in my CR) is thrown by my roommates to celebrate a friend's birthday. I sense, simultaneously, that my DR is "active" again and open for traveling into. Since it wasn't my friend and I wanted to stay out of my roommates way, I spent most of the party in my room, shifting to 7 Blessings Mountain. It was easier to pop in this time. No resistance was present.
🎍 It's still night in my DR. The moon and its stars hang luminous in the blue-black of the sky. However, the platform has been flooded with water from the lake. Fragrant jasmine & lit candles (shaped like lotus blossoms) float upon the water. Thick mist hangs low in the air, making everything around me obscured from sight.
But shining through the mist and darkness is Flute Guy.
He has transformed from looking like...just a guy...to a being of pearlescent light. His robe is shimmering gold instead of the pastels of my previous interactions with him. His skin glows. As I approach this transformed being of light, I notice that he's standing on top of the water. He's playing his flute, the melody more sober than before's lighthearted songs.
🎍 I wade through the water & mist towards this ephemeral figure with trepidation in my heart. I really don't know what to expect. Or what the purpose of this scenario change is. Or if this was always going to be the case. At a certain point, I just had to trust in myself & my DR.
The shining figure requests for me to get on the boat. When I ask him-
"What boat?"
-He indicates to a dark spot that is rising out of the waters near us. A bow, stern, and hull made of white coral and sea glass surfaces a second later, reflecting the moonlight off its sleek form. It's the boat that I saw in the DR days ago. The one that seemed parked like a car in the water. But like Flute Guy, its appearance has transformed into something else.
🎍 Flute Guy sees my hesitation. He tells me that he knows that I'm scared. Then, he puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay," He says, smiling. Radiating a kind of warmth within his smile that you only see in the movies.
This gives me the strength to trust in my DR and get into the boat.
Side Note: So, in 7 Blessings Mountain, the ferryman will ask for all sorts of "fees" for a safe passage across the lake or to locations that are otherwise impossible to get to on your own. Looking back at this now, I guess that the "fee" that Flute Guy wanted was an answer to his question. Sometimes, with the ferrymen, all they want to do is give people riddles. I still sometimes think about what the ultimate goal of doing good is..?
🎍 As soon as I step into the boat, Flute Guy leaps high up into the air and lands (light as a feather) on the curved stempost like a bird. He plays a short staccato sound on his flute. In response, the boat lunches forward, then begins to resubmerge underneath the water and mist. And I'm going down into the water with it...
The water feels icy, cold. My vision in the DR grows dark. Only the glowing figure of Flute Guy can be seen as the boat plunges further down into the mysterious depths...
I wonder where I'm being taken and whether this was a huge mistake?
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
my best guess at the belcher family birthdays based on small things we were told/shown in canon:
linda was born june 3rd
bob was likely born sometime in april (both of his birthday episodes were released in late april which isnt STRICT evidence but its a big coincidence) and considering the kids weren't in school in either episodes he would probably be born during spring break. it probably changes every year depending on what days are weekends but for the purpose of having a definitive date im gonna say
bob was born april 22nd
gene is canonically a sagittarius (november 22nd to december 21st) and this checks out bcuz we see him as a newborn baby in their family christmas card. however he definitely isn't a NEWBORN newborn so he was likely born in late november and obviously we can't know an exact date (for any of them) but
gene was born november 27th
(fun fact this also means gene was probably conceived on valentines day!!! yayy)
linda was pregnant with louise during their christmas card photo and she looked about seven or eight months pregnant. definitely on her third trimester meaning louise was born in january or early february. obviously we don't get much mention of louise's birthday in the show so im going to go ahead and say
louise was born february 4th
WE KNOW tina was born during the school year bcuz in her birthday episode she gives out invitations to all her classmates at school and that couldn't have been more than a week before her party so that means she couldn't have been born anywhere near spring break, winter break or summer vacation (sorry summer baby tina truthers) we also have another reference to her birthday in the season 12 finale when linda is worried about what to get tina for her birthday and we also see tina is going to school during this episode. we don't have too much in those episodes that points to a specific season other than it NOT being winter (bcuz tina is wearing her warm weather clothes) but considering both her siblings are winter babies i like to think that tina was born in late spring :) maybe sometime in may but before school is over for summer vacation (and we know it cant be too close to school getting out for summer vacation bcuz thats referenced very heavily in the movie)
tina was born may 17th
(apart from linda the exact days are all HEAVILY speculation or guessing but the months they were born are likely accurate)
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captainlexapro · 6 days
👋Hello hello hello ~extremely niche group of~ Canucks fans and astrology nerds!!! I said i was going to do a deep dive into the astrology of this year’s beloved team and, well, here i am. 🤗
I’ve compiled data in charts that make sense to me, did some calculations to see some trends, and then listed some of my own insights/interpretations. We’ll see how accurate it feels/whether it resonates with other fans who are into this kinda shit!! Feel free to share your own interpretations with the class - I am a very, VERY amateur astro enthusiast so i would be SO grateful for anyone else’s insights. 💙 Join in below the cut!
MANDATORY DISCLAIMER: this is for fun!!! Please be nice! Again, i’m not a professional so if i’m way off, please be gentle with corrections. Thank youuu 💕
BEFORE WE BEGIN, a clarification about players i used in data collection: I referred to the team’s roster (and the position listed for them) per the nhl’s site, and made the decision to exclude players that played ~10 games or less in order to keep data outliers minimal (and to stay true to the team that most people would think of for this season). Also, my percentages will not add up perfectly to 100 every time bc i wanted whole numbers, not decimals. Ok let’s go!
Let’s do a quick rundown of some of the terminology I’ll be using, so then y’all know wtf I’m talking about.
We are ONLY talking about sun signs (what zodiac sign the sun was passing through during that time of year/on your birthday. This is the same as what sign you say you are when people ask). This is ONE piece of everyone’s chart and, while it is a driving force/important placement, it is not the whole picture. There are other placements that influence us as individuals (moon, mercury, mars, venus). Depending on one’s chart and the placements of those other ‘personal’ planets i just mentioned, the sun sign may not seem very evident in that person. So when i say this player is this sign and it doesn’t resonate, there’s probably some major other planets/signs at play in their chart that dims the sun sign’s influence. But i don’t have access to everyone’s EXACT chart, nor do i have the patience and time to interpret all that, so we’re just doing sun signs. (I’ll touch a little bit on my guesses for what i think is going on in the rest of some of the players’ charts during my interpretation section.)
QUICK REFRESHER: The signs, in order from ‘beginning’ to ‘end’ of the zodiac wheel: aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius, pisces (i will shorten a bunch of these because i’m lazy and don’t want to write them out every time).
Each sign is within an element and a modality. Every sign is unique in terms of its element and modality combo (ie aries is THE cardinal fire sign. There are other fire signs, there are other cardinal signs, but there is no other cardinal fire sign. Hopefully this will make a lil more sense later on.)
🔥FIRE Signs: aries, leo, sag
Key words/phrases: Very energetic, enthusiastic, inspiring, impulsive, passionate, initiators, adventure-seeking, action-oriented, creative, fervent, hot-blooded, get fired up, restless, always seeking and wanting to get things done quickly
🌿EARTH Signs: taurus, virgo, cap
Key words/phrases: practical, utilitarian, materialistic, conservative, sensual, patient, builders, seek stability, down-to-earth, steady as a rock, good things take time, nurtures/is of service, refuses to be fake or false
💨AIR Signs: gem, libra, aqua
Key words/phrases: communicative, social, idealistic/abstract, mental, objective, seek knowledge, intellectually oriented, live in head, mysterious/harder to pin down, love to talk and think and exchange ideas, less constrained by society’s rules, can live too much in head
💧WATER Signs: cancer, scorpio, pisces
Key words/phrases: emotional, nurturing, responsive, sympathetic, psychic, seek connection, emotionally oriented, dreamy, feeling, protective, sentimental, soft around edges but sometimes rough
💥CARDINAL - The Initiators/Motivators
Signs: aries, cancer, libra, cap
Key words/phrases: meet situation head on, DO something about it, starters, leaders, initiating, assertive/bossy
🪨FIXED - The Sustainers/Creators
Signs: taurus, leo, scorpio, aqua
Key words/phrases: consolidate, preserve, stand one’s ground, lots of inertia, staying power, enduring, patient/stubborn
💫MUTABLE - The Transformers/Refiners
Signs: gem, virgo, sag, pisces
Key words/phrases: flexible, adjust or refine, respond, weave, dodge, go with the flow, following, meandering, adaptable/easily led, complete the cycle
OFFENSE Aman: aqua, Blueger: leo, Boeser: pisces, DiGiuseppe: libra, Garland: pisces, Hoglander: sag, Joshua: taurus, Lafferty: pisces, Lindholm: sag, Mikheyev: libra, Miller: pisces, Pettersson: scorpio, Podkolzin: cancer, Suter: Gemini
DEFENSE Cole: pisces, Friedman: cap, Hronek: scorpio, Hughes: libra, Juulsen: aries, Myers: aqua, Soucy: leo, Zadorov: aries
GOALIES Demko: sag, DeSmith: leo, Silovs: aries, Tolopilo: aries
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Fire: 3 (21%) Aries: 0, Leo: 1, Sag: 2; Water: 6 (43%) Cancer: 1, Scorpio: 1, Pisces: 4; Air: 4 (29%) Gemini: 1, Libra: 2, Aqua: 1; Earth: 1 (7%) Taurus: 1, Virgo: 0, Cap: 0
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CARDINAL: 3 (21%) Aries: 0, Cancer: 1, Libra: 2, Cap: 0; FIXED: 4 (29%) Taurus: 1, Leo: 1, Scorpio: 1, Aqua: 1; MUTABLE: 7 (50%) Gemini: 1, Virgo: 0, Sag: 2, Pisces: 4
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Fire: 3 (38%) Aries: 2, Leo: 1, Sag: 0; Water: 2 (25%) Cancer: 0, Scorpio: 1, Pisces: 1; Air: 2 (25%) Gemini: 0, Libra: 1, Aqua: 1; Earth: 1 (13%) Taurus: 0, Virgo: 0, Cap: 1
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CARDINAL: 4 (50%) Aries: 2, Cancer: 0, Libra: 1, Cap: 1; FIXED: 3 (38%) Taurus: 0, Leo: 1, Scorpio: 1, Aqua: 1; MUTABLE: 1 (13%) Gemini: 1, Virgo: 0, Sag: 2, Pisces: 1
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Fire: 4 (100%) Aries: 2, Leo: 1, Sag: 1 ; Water: 0 Air: 0 Earth: 0
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CARDINAL: 2 (50%) Aries: 2, Cancer: 0, Libra: 0, Cap: 0; FIXED: 1 (25%) Taurus: 0, Leo: 1, Scorpio: 0, Aqua: 0; MUTABLE: 1 (25%) Gem: 0, Virgo: 0, Sag: 1, Pisces: 0
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Fire: 10 (38%) Aries: 4, Leo: 3, Sag: 3; Water: 8 (31%) Cancer: 1, Scorpio: 2, Pisces: 5; Air: 6 (23%) Gemini: 1, Libra: 3, Aqua: 2; Earth: 2 (8%) Taurus: 1, Virgo: 0, Cap: 1
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CARDINAL: 9 (35%) Aries: 4, Cancer: 1, Libra: 3, Cap: 1; FIXED: 8 (30%) Taurus: 1, Leo: 3, Scorpio: 2, Aqua: 2; MUTABLE: 9 (35%) Gem: 1, Virgo: 0, Sag: 3, Pisces: 5
🎯POINTS & 🥊 HITS LEADERS (regular season stats only)
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[NOTE: Points leaders - Offense: 80%, Defense: 20%]
Fire: 2 (20%) Water: 4 (40%) Air: 2 (20%) Earth: 1 (10%)
CARDINAL: 2 (20%) FIXED: 3 (30%) MUTABLE: 5 (50%)
 [NOTE: Hits leaders - Offense: 60%, Defense 40%]
Fire: 4 (40%) Water: 4 (40%) Air: 1 (10%) Earth: 1 (10%)
CARDINAL: 2 (20%) FIXED: 5 (50%) MUTABLE: 3 (30%)
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Highest sign representation is Pisces at 5 players, with 4 being on offense. Next highest is Aries, with two each on defense and goalies and zero on offense. More on these two signs a little later but here’s a quick rundown for each:
♓️Pisces key words: responsive, sentimental, sympathetic, unselfish, psychic, vague, escapist, imitative, shifting Pisces players: Boeser, Garland, Lafferty, Miller, Cole
♈️Aries key words: vital, aggressive, courageous, competitive, confident, outgoing, energetic, impulsive, bold Aries players: Juulsen, Zadorov, Silovs, Tolopilo (special mention: Coach Tocchet)
🐺The Lone Wolves (only person on team with sign - remember my ~10 game or less cutoff): Joshua (taurus), Suter (gem), Podkolzin (cancer), and Friedman (cap)
🔥Goalies are fire signs exclusively...which is SO intriguing to me. I suppose I can interpret that as fire signs being energetic and action-oriented and goalies can NEVER let up (they must keep the metaphorical fire going).
♍️Only sign not present ANYWHERE is Virgo. Not sure what that means but it is interesting to note.
Offense is DOMINATED by mutable signs while defense has mostly cardinal and fixed. Element-wise, the D-line has mostly fire, followed equally by air and water, and O-line has mostly water, followed by air. Here’s what I take away knowing all that: 
D-line needs sustained energy and power (going back and forth/ forward and backward), need to anticipate, react, and redirect quickly
Fire: take action, Air: seek knowledge, Water; seek connection Cardinal: assertive, meet the situation head on Fixed: stand one’s ground, patient and stubborn, maintain the energy Defense needs to attack/protect, needs to be thinking ahead, needs to be surveying/observing, get fired up, restart/set the plays/shifts
O-line needs constant fluidity and motion, need to look for openings, creativity
Water: seek connection, Air: seek knowledge Mutable: flexible/adaptable, weave, dodge, complete the cycle Offense needs to be adaptable and constantly moving/adjusting/trying new paths, respond to situation and make new/different plan, feel connection with others and be willing to sacrifice for the greater good/end goal (literally)
♓️Offense has more players and, by natural default, more distribution between signs, elements, and modalities. However, I still think it’s fair to say it’s dominated by those mutable water Pisces players. So the Canucks offense vibe is heavy pisces energy. 
💧🔥This team is primarily water and fire, which is a very passionate, emotional combination. Water is inwardly emotional while fire is outwardly emotional. Both have a creativity innate to them. Both care about others but go about it differently - fire signs are more protective while water signs are more empathetic (not to say each element isn’t both of those things, those traits are just more innate to each). They keep each other in check- fire makes water more active while water keeps fire from raging out of control. They are complementary/equal but opposite. I think pisces and aries being the most represented signs exemplifies this perfectly. 
Pisces is the last sign in the wheel, so sometimes I see it described as being the ‘wisest’ sign (imagine a life cycle - the last stage is the elder who possesses knowledge and wisdom). This is super interesting as aries is the next-most represented sign, which is the first sign/beginning of the wheel, thus they are the ‘babies’ of the zodiac. Again, I would say both signs experience emotion very deeply, though in very different ways. Pisces, mutable water, is deep like the ocean (a more settling/calm energy). Aries, cardinal fire, is reactive like a spark (think energetic jumpstart). I think pisces pulls in/withholds whereas aries pushes out/releases. This can obviously present difficulties, but there is also a balance to be struck, especially in a team environment, that I think can provide a natural give and take amongst players.
💥🪨💫The modalities are well-represented on the entire roster, which I think is good as you need the initiators, the sustainers, and the refiners all to be present to complete the ‘cycle’. It does seem intuitive that the forwards are mostly mutable and the defensemen are mostly cardinal and fixed. Like i mentioned earlier, forwards need to be constantly moving and changing and adapting on the ice. Defensemen i see as needing to sometimes be like a rock/barrier (fixed) and sometimes like an aggressor (cardinal). Now the goalies have all three modalities but are all fire. Honestly, that’s one of the top things that caught my eye and i’m so tempted to look into other teams to see if this is a league-wide goalie phenomenon or just a Canucks thing lol
🎯 The points leaders trends follows the team's overall mutable water (pisces) being the most represented. 80% of the points leaders are offense players, which makes sense. Quinny is up there at number 2, though, bc he’s just special like that 😊
🥊 The hits leaders trends has a couple things i want to note, though. Dak is number one up there as the sole fixed earth sign on the team (the lone taurus). Furthermore, there’s more distribution between offense and defense at 60% and 40%, respectively. It’s the fixed signs that really show up in the hits leaderboard, which tracks with the themes of fixed signs being standing one’s ground AND maintaining inertia. Fixed signs are stubborn and won’t take anything lying down. Get the fuck out of my way type shit.
Side note, Dak has very earthy energy to me and i love it. He seems very genuine and down-to-earth (specifically talking about off-ice Dak. he flips the switch on ice). I wonder how he does with the VERY little earth energy on the team (only EIGHT PERCENT TOTAL?!?! wild. what's up with that). Earth and water signs mesh well (SEE: GARLY WORK WIFE), but not having your specific energy matched can be personally draining on you. 
♎️Captain Quinn being a libra is VERY fitting, especially given the overwhelming water and fire presence on the team. Libra is a cardinal AIR sign.
Libra key words: diplomatic, other-oriented, peaceful, fair, balanced, go-between energy. (the symbol for libra is literally the scales = justice/fairness) Air signs are communicative and social. They compartmentalize their emotions (his thousand-yard stare honestly is very on brand lmao). Cardinal signs are natural leaders and want to DO something about it (whatever it may be). I think Quinn is likely a natural at seeing/understanding both ‘sides’ (water and fire) and can distill what’s necessary and important from all that emotion and fervor i’m sure the rest of the team provides. He can relay from team to coach and coach to team because air signs won’t let emotion cloud their logic when they can help it.  ♈️♎️Rick is an aries, which is noteworthy to me because aries and libra are sister signs. Sister signs have similar overall goals but their methods of going about it are different. Two sides of the same coin. Aries and libra are both interested in fairness (i would throw in the concept of competition here since we are talking about a sport), but aries is more interested in it on a personal level while libra is focused on it at the systemic level. Aries can sometimes get tunnel vision, be short-sighted and combative, and focus on the self. Libra can become vain and a cowardly people-pleaser in the interest of avoiding conflict. Libra can learn from aries to fight for what’s right and lead; aries can learn from libra to control their temper and practice selflessness. I’d love to see more of their aires/libra coach/captain dynamic and whether we can observe any of that playing out.
🔎Remember how I said i had some guesses about what’s going on in the rest of some players’ charts? Well, I would guess that JT definitely has some fire placements in his chart (emotional outbursts but you can tell he cares so deeply). I could see Garly having some air (communicative, social butterfly - the plane interviews come to mind lmao). Zadorov maybe has some earth for sassiness/dgaf attitude. 😆
OKAY, that’s all I got. If you’ve made it this far, YOU’RE AN ANGEL AND ILY. 💙🤍💚 I hope this was both comprehensible and at least a little interesting and that it resonated. This team feeds off energy and vibes and i think it makes sense given their astrological makeup. PLEASE let me know your thoughts!!! I’d love to discuss more!
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elminx · 1 year
Energy Update: Jupiter 29° Pisces
If you feel like everything is ending this week, it's because it is.
Sometimes, there are great astrological synchronicities that line up to show us that there is something greater going on, right now. Right here.
This week, and leading into next - all eyes are on Jupiter who is currently sitting at 29° Pisces - the very last degree of our horoscope wheel. Notably, Jupiter is the ruling sign of Sagittarius and we are in Sag season, and, Jupiter has made a rough square with both Mercury and Venus in the last week.
A useful way to view the horoscope wheel is to look at it as one life lived over many. Astrology is inherently tied into the concept of reincarnation - some believe that we are reincarnated over many lives to live each of the signs and learn each of the lessons; others believe that each us has a part to play in the collective lesson, that each of us is a reincarnation of the whole. 00° Aries is the moment of birth and 29° Pisces is the moment of death. Note how immediately after death, there is always a birth. Things have to fall apart to make way for something new.
As we sit in the liminality of this end of a Jupiter cycle, we are also sitting in the liminality of the end of a seasonal cycle as we approach the Winter or Summer solstice. For those of us in the Northern hemisphere (I hesitate to guess how astrology applies to the Southern), the deep dark nights before the Winter Solstice have a lot in common with the last degrees of Pisces.
Pisces, our mutable water sign, is concerned with deep and spiritual matters. There is a selfishness that begins with early Pisces - a why me - that turns into selflessness as the sign progresses. All of the trappings of being who you were fall away as you begin to merge with all that can ever be. This is the realm of the twelfth house and so I fear, despite my best efforts, it will remain beyond explanation. Just like when we breathe our last breath we cease to be an individual and become one again with the elemental aspects of the earth itself, so the end of Pisces is about something more - something greater than any one of us.
Something is dying inside all of us, as I think it does every year at this time. Jupiter is enhancing this. It is drawing us down even deeper and even farther into the shadows of the dark. If you're holding onto something that is passed its time, this may be a very difficult space to sit in right now. Do it anyway.
Jupiter crosses the threshold, dying to be reborn anew at 00° Aries, on December 20th. Our Sun is reborn anew on December 21st. This time in between isn't meant to be worked, forced, or cajoled - it is meant to be experienced. This isn't a time to do - this is a time to rest. This is a time to let go. To reevaluate. To regroup.
With that said, please practice your very self-care if this energy is difficult for you. Reach out for help if you need it. These shadows are very long and you do not need to face them by yourself.
Do you like my work? You can support me on Kofi by tipping me, buying some art, or getting an astrology commission.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
hiii danni! i’ve been having sorting confusion so this is really exciting to me. i appreciate all the work, reading your thoughts has been super interesting <3
sun - virgo / moon - aquarius / rising - aries / venus - cancer / mars - cancer / mercury - libra / jupiter - capricorn / saturn - aries / neptune - capricorn / pluto - saggitarius
Hello there!! Sorting confusion, how fun! (Not for you, maybe, but color me intrigued!)
Inner (personal) planets
Sun - Virgo - earth - Hufflepuff
Moon - Aquarius - air - Ravenclaw
Rising - Aries - fire - Gryffindor
Mercury - Libra - air - Ravenclaw
Venus - Cancer - water - Slytherin
Mars - Cancer - water - Slytherin
Intermediary (interpersonal) planets
Jupiter - Capricorn - earth - Hufflepuff
Saturn - Aries - fire - Gryffindor
Outer (generational) planets
Uranus - not listed (small chance Uranus was still in Capricorn, but probably had moved into Aquarius.) So - Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw
Neptune - Capricorn - earth - Hufflepuff
Pluto - Sagittarius - fire - Gryffindor
I doubt we'll need the interpersonal or generational planets since the Rising is in Aries, but let's see where this takes us.
At first glance, both Slytherin and Ravenclaw are tied for points (among the inner planets), but only 1 of the 2 is in the big 3 so I'll hazard a guess at Ravenclaw coming out on top.
For you I shall start...at the Ascendant. The Ascendant is how we react to the world, and how the world perceives us. Here in Aries, the cardinal (forward moving) fire sign (energy, spirit.) Aries is the Ram, and is ruled by Mars. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, and is the first sign of spring. (The Zodiac Wheel moves into Aries on the vernal equinox, actually!) (Fun fact: all the cardinal signs begin a new season. Aries - Spring, Cancer - Summer, Libra - fall, Capricorn - winter.)
Aries is bold, feisty. Competitive, loves a challenge. Reckless/impulsive. Action-oriented. Likes to get things done. Opinionated, independent. Creative, enthusiastic. Very leading the charge energy. Others might see Aries Rising as confident or intimidating, due to a quick, direct, and decisive nature. Forthright. But also with a playful, youthful energy. Mars can feel quite aggressive and competitive and up for a challenge; but Aries marks spring, it's a fire sign (energy and passion!), it's young, it's enterprising and full of hope and stamina.
Big Gryffindor energy. Normally I get a bit of Slytherin leaning to Aries, but on the ascendant Aries feels in its purest form, which doesn't feel very Slytherin in the least. I'll table giving it a secondary designation unless we need one.
Mars & Venus
Aries is ruled by Mars, so Mars is the chart ruler. Mars is the planet of action and drive, aggression and challenge, and competition and sexuality. It shares a sign with Venus, the planet of love: love of people (romance and friendships) and love of the self (hobbies, interests, self-care.) Both are in the cardinal (forward moving) water sign (emotion, intuition.) Cancer is the Crab, and it is ruled by the Moon. Cancer marks the start of summer.
Cancer is sensitive and moody. Cancer is protective, compassionate, and nurturing. The Moon is the Mother, so very mother hen or Mama Bear energy. Cancer's focus is on the home, family, and roots. Think of the Crab: hard outer shell, soft innards. A bit reserved, maybe shy. Water signs give a sense of fear, to me, and Cancer reacts to that fear (emotionality leading to vulnerability which makes it afraid) in a defensive way. Cancer keeps to itself until it is threatened.
Mars is in fall in Cancer, meaning Mars' domain isn't powered very well by Cancerian energy.
This gives, to me, a sense of there needing to be a lot to prompt Cancer Mars to move. There's a big inner focus. Focus on the self, and loved ones. Cancer might be provoked to action in defense of itself, to protect loved ones, for the sake of one's home and family, etc. And when it does act, that action is colored by Cancer traits. Very based in emotion. Likely moved to offer comfort, and take care of others.
Then in Cancer Venus, we see enjoyment of Cancer ideals: home and family (chosen family counts, too!) (Home and family are what you make it, after all.) There is a vibe of being the "mom friend" in a group. Very caring for others. Caring for one's home. Cancer ideals lead into hobbies and interests, so potential interest in family history, genealogy, photo albums, scrapbooks. Valuing keepsakes and memories. Probably very sentimental about what brings back memories, like old songs, or the meals mom used to make; very nostalgic. Might have hobbies relating to the home: gardening, interior design, scrapbooking, photography, knitting, cooking, etc. Things that are comforting to the self, or bringing comfort to loved ones.
Cancer is big Slytherin energy. A sense of self-preservation (defensiveness), resourcefulness and cleverness (Moms have to problem solve on the fly), a sense of fraternity (care for one's own.) But this also lends a lot of Hufflepuff vibes to Cancer. Especially Cancer Venus gives those Puff vibes.
Next we'll take a looksy at the air signs.
Mercury is the planet of information; how we receive information (learning & thinking) and how we share information (communication, correspondence, travel.) Here Mercury is in Libra, the cardinal (forward moving) air sign (intellect, sociability.) Libra is the Scales (balance) and is ruled by Venus (harmony.) Libra leads us into fall. Libra values peace, fairness, and justice. Libra is charming, socially-aware and socially-intelligent. Libra also has a focus on the other; on relationships.
So Libra Mercury likes to connect. Learns (Mercury) best from and with others (Libra.) Learning is a social activity. Probably works well in study groups. Or learns well by teaching to others. Very kind and fair when dealing with others. Soft-spoken, perhaps, and thoughtful. Very understanding and accepting. Libra Mercury wants to learn about others, learn about subjects that interest/benefit others, etc. Libra Mercury is very about knowing all sides to a situation, and playing peacekeeper, diplomat, devil's advocate, etc. All about balance. So when there are disruptions, Libra's aim is to restore harmony. Libra also values beauty (Venus), but on a more mental/social level. Good conversations. Good aesthetic/vibes. There is attention to detail. A desire to enjoy social interactions, and to enjoy what it learns. Venus is pleasure and love.
Big Ravenclaw energy. But with Hufflepuff vibes, too.
Now a break to explain my view of the air signs. All are focused on knowledge and interaction. For Gemini both are fun and pleasing to the self. To Libra, the two are more intertwined: knowledge for the sake of others, but on a more one-on-one level. Aquarius is similar. Knowledge for the benefit of all; but you can see how "all" is quite broad, and a bit more distant and detached.
Then we see the Moon, planet of emotions and the subconscious, in Aquarius the fixed (stubborn) air sign (intellect, sociability.) Aquarius is the Water-Bearer and is ruled by Uranus (modernly) and Saturn (traditionally.) The image of the Water-Bearer is of someone bringing knowledge and wellbeing to others. Aquarius is the humanitarian sign. Aquarius values freedom, independence, individuality, uniqueness, innovation, and progressiveness.
Aquarius is quite stubborn, and prone to thinking it knows what's best. (That it's ideals are "correct.") Aquarius is also quite idealistic and forward-thinking. Very inclusive. All of this energy in the moon, in the heart; this deep inner need for freedom and to move around and connect with others, and to give freely to others. Very considerate and passionate. They care deeply for the rights of themselves, and all people. People are often drawn to Aquarius' high ideals, hope, and wisdom. Aquarius Moon can be quite philosophical, and thinks deeply about its own feelings and those of others.
Big Ravenclaw vibes, yeah, but also pretty Gryffindor vibes. That boldness and nerve of being so fearlessly themselves and fighting for causes that matter to them.
(Forgive all slip-ups of pronouns. Sometimes I'm thinking of placements as the natives (them) or as the planets (it.) I try to fix it when I notice to keep it cohesive but I am too far ahead to look back now, sorry.)
The Sun
Lastly we have the Sun: the core and ego, the self. Sun in Virgo, the mutable (changeable, adaptable) earth sign (stability, security.) Virgo is the Maiden, and is ruled by Mercury. Virgo tends to be perfectionistic and critical, capable and practical, and service-oriented. Virgo is very based in routine, organization, upkeep, correctness. Earth signs need security, and for Virgo security is found by making things right; by making sure everything is covered and taken care of; that everything is working at its full/best capacity. Virgo will be safe and can rest when things are right.
Virgo is reliable. Analytical. Detail-oriented. Virgo sees what needs to be done, and makes sure it gets done. Can be a bit fussy or controlling, but only because all the little things matter a lot. But Virgo is also very smart and skilled, and is able to roll with life's punches. Because Virgo is so prepared, they're very good at problem-solving. Creating order in chaos.
A note here, but especially with Aries Rising being so enterprising and impulsive, and Aquarius Moon being so experimental and individual, there is a sense of organized chaos here.
Virgo is quite loyal. Quite giving. Very smart. Quick-witted and adept at picking up useful skills and information. Very Hufflepuff, of course, with that work ethic and loyalty, but also quite Ravenclaw in its analytical mind and desire to learn.
So we end up with:
Sun - Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw
Moon - Ravenclaw/Gryffindor
Rising - Gryffindor
Mercury - Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff
Venus - Slytherin/Hufflepuff
Mars - Slytherin/Hufflepuff
Ravenclaw with 2 major and 1 minor point. And Hufflepuff with 1 major point and 3 minor points. Pretty Ravenpuff imo. Looking at the other planets, we have a couple Gryffindor and Hufflepuff points. On the off chance Uranus is Capricorn, that would be more Hufflepuff. And I'd be more inclined to throw Hufflepuff an extra point for that. At best I could combine some of the minor points and get Hufflepuff to match Ravenclaw's 2 major and 1 minor. However, for the sake of actually choosing, I'll say...
The luminaries are very important and with 1 luminary giving Ravenclaw a major point and 1 giving it a minor point, I can't help but feel that Ravenclaw would edge out Hufflepuff. But I could see this one coming to a Hatstall, I think!
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dykeyuqi · 2 years
tagged by @minhhyung !!
name hera
sign sagittarius sun, pieces moon, scorpio rising
height .... 4'10"
time 4:18 pm
birthday dec. 20
fave band rn? the cure. kpop-wise, txt.
last movie spree starring my boy kurt kunkle. i watched it like 5 times in a week
last show supernatural bc i thought itd be funny if i just told one of my irls that i was on season 7 at some point
when did you create this blog like 2 weeks ago?? i made my main like 3-4 months ago since im bad at keeping a blog for long
what i post just general kpop stuff? i guess
other blogs my main is @sithbian ! thats about it. its a star wars blog :)
do i get asks no <3 on either blog.
followers on this blog, 4. on my main, 38??
avg hours of sleep like 6-7 hours i think
instruments i used to play clarinet (bass + contra bass) plus tenor sax
what im wearing a pride shirt from when i went to a rocky horror shadow show, vs shorts
dream job idk! like? i dont dream of having a job, id love just being a housewife but i wouldnt be mad about being an editor
dream trip i. idk? maybe to that one place that they used for naboo. its in spain.
fave song currently, its kiss me by the cure or freakshow. kpop-wise, its good boy gone bad or tamed-dashed. special mention to voltage by itzy tho
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asexualzoro · 2 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 10 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
Tagged By: @rudimentaryflair
Name: Lew
Star Sign: sagittarius
Height: 5′4
Time: 8:23 PM BUT my phone died in the middle of me writing this in my notes app so now it’s 9:22
Birthday: Dec 9
Favourite Bands / Favourite Solo Artists: Will Wood, Hop Along, Shayfer James, Lovejoy, Clem Turner, Jhariah, Civilian, Fake Type, Everything Everything
Last Movie: uh. i don’t actually know? might’ve been one of the Psych movies w my roommate
Last Show: i’m watching Psych with my dad rn. i know how it sounds but i swear i dont actually watch that much psych. before that, uh… if it counts i also watched like 5 hours worth of the new 3L/LL season Double Life yesterday
When did I create this blog: i’m not actually sure? 2014 i would guess
What I post: things i find funny and fandom stuff. mostly One Piece and TMA
Last thing I googled: …pretty sure it was something to the effect of “inthelittlewood third life skin”
Other Blogs: the ones i use the most are liloinkoink (pretty active mcyt acct… mostly 3L/LL and now Double Life rn) and everybrook (posting every panel of Brook in One Piece)
Do I Get Asks?: not often? if i rb ask memes i usually get a few, but i don’t get a lot of random ones
Why I chose my url: sexuality headcanon for zoro. tho i’ve been thinking about changing it for a while
Following: 564
Followers: 2392
Average hours of sleep: 7-8 hours. making sure i get 8 hours is generally pretty important to me
Instruments: none, but i like to sing!
What am I wearing: pajamas! shorts and a t-shirt
Dream job(s): one time i applied to intern with webtoon to read canvas comics for money and every Single day i mourn the fact i only made it to the first step of interviewing
Dream trip: i dunno! i hadn’t really thought about it. somewhere scenic that i can take a nice camera, maybe
Favourite Food: chocolate probably
Nationality: american
Favourite Song(s): Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In! by Will Wood is my all time fave song and then i usually have half a dozen other favorite songs every week. Cover This Song (A Little Bit Mine) by Will Wood and Villain by Wild Fire are two of the songs from this week
Last book I read: The Secret History by Donna Tartt. i was reading it for class. i haven’t finished it yet, tho i plan to
Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: i thought i didn’t have an answer bc i would probably die in most fictional universes i like but then i saw Rudi had Pokemon and that’s basically the only correct answer. would give anything to be a ghost-type gym leader and its tragic and cruel that im not one
Tagging: @thewrongshop @autisticflowey @daynaisnice @unexpectedly-haunted @ghostwingss @kami-nekomata
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uttraashadha · 3 years
Can you do a moola moon nakshatra pada 2 please?
Ty 😁
Disclaimer - I'm still new at learning nakshatras and have hints of knowledge all but yet not super educated at them YET. Most of my answers, specially nakshatras related are combo of researching once, my previous hints of knowledge on it and me intuitively channeling the nakshatra for the rest. So enjoy!
Oh mool mool moola!
You know Raddish? Which is also Mooli in Hindi. That's interesting because that's exactly what Moola Nakshatra is!
The representing symbol of Mool nakshatra is Roots.
This directly directs towards "ground". Moola Moons can be quite of nature lovers. If not that more like they have this ability of grounding. They cam ground themselves. But this grounding often is developed other the years I believe for some. Ketu works like Mars, tbh more intense than Mars. Ketu being ruler of Moola Nakshatra has this impulsive side to it, can be also VERY aggressive. Which after they are pushed to learn how to ground themselves over the years. But this might apply to some and might not, depending on your other positions.
Moola natives are often inclined towards to learna about their culture, their religion and take a deep dive into it! Just like roots. They have this investigative tendencies to them. Specially diving deep into things, and when they do they detach themselves from the world at more. Ketu here gives this instant ability of detachness, so these guys often crave for space. They love their own space and create this introverted environment for themselves and while sitting in one room they'll fittinv their roots deep into the subjects of their interests.
Niruthi/Nirrti is the goddess of destruction and calamities,misfortune, death, decay and sorrow. She is this demonic entity that is very much related to Alakshmi who rules this Dryness, lack and constant thirst. and Dhumvati who represents Fear. She is also related to Kali in some beliefs I'm not YET that confirmed with her relation to Kali.
You see, Alakshmi is related to Jyeshta Nakshatra. Nakshatra that actually happens to be the most wealth giving of all.
I mean its Alakshmi so why even?.
It's because of the thirst she posses. Because realizes this "lack" of abundance. She instead gives her children the POWER to overcome the lack and win over.
Now for Nirrti, just as she rules misfortune, she is also the remover of it. She rules the death, which I interpret as endings. Moola is also related to the symbolism of Butcher.
Now if you put 2 and 2 together I sense that Moola natives constantly go through endings and renewals of things. (And this is not in negative way, you're maybe be protected for any bad to occur in the first place, like ending a relationship way before it starts messing up with your heart.)
It's like the roots going through it all before the creation of those roots turns into a beautiful fruit. Going through seasons, and constantly experiencing things but at the same time being protected?.
Coming back to Alakshmi's relation I believe Moola moon can be another aspect of wealth?.
Its accumulating so much knowledge and using it for the best.
Also Moola comes right after Jyeshta.
In the wheel of Nakshatras, the spiritual aspect of nakshatras starts from Moola. Why? Cus sagittarius.
9th house is house of Dharma. And the 9th sign of Sagittarius takes you on the journey from Dharma until you reach the utmost spirituality (Pisces)- Revati.
So yes, Mool being in Sagittarius and its relation to Ketu here becomes on of the most spiritual Nakshatras and specially for you being in Moon.
You can channelized spiritual practices greatly.
You can understand the occult sciences with Ketu's presence and can channelize your daemon if you try.
Being in 2nd Pada. It's in Taurus Navamsha hence for you Venus is playing a role here. I believe with money thing that I said, moola can be quite wealth giving. But here I guess The earth aspect would help you ground better and the aggressive side would be diluted. I believe the taurus side can bring out good?.
To see how pada is working properly you count from the actual zodiac sign of the nakshatra (Sagittarius) until you reach the pada sign (Taurus).
Taurus is 6 signs away from Sagittarius. And which is the 6th sign of zodiac wheel? Virgo. So I believe here your health would be involved too and taking the love of for nature in consideraction which I mentioned initially.
You might take care of you health or act quite careless around it. You might at times feel like not so motivated to take care of it or get lazy. Or be health conscious and eat well and take care of it. You might study deep about diet and how body works.
Moola is also about microorganisms, putting 2 and 2 together here again can make you interested in Biology or Micro Biology. Anything related to studying deeply about organism, how plants work, etc.
See where Venus and Taurus are situated in your chart to get the gist of how Moola moon is working for you.
Other than that, very highly spiritual placement. You might like when people listen to you (idk I kinda channeled this) i can be wrong about it.
About the occult and how it all works you are naturally blessed with it. Stay grounded and stay interested into reaching the depths! Nourish the beauty of Moola-Moola! And if you can look more into your amazing goddess Nritti!🥺
Love you!!!
- shakti..
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