#its that fucking simple
balasha7sanbardo · 1 year
honestly people talking about Palestine like its some mystified issue and something that is so far beyond comprehension is probably one of the most irritating things that I come across because its fucking not? Stop killing and ethnically cleansing an indigenous people, treat them with dignity and respect, stop violating human rights and get off their fucking land or give them back sovereignty. How is that a complicated issue exactly
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regardingjenmish · 2 years
Hey here's a fun idea: if you see me post about The Winchesters and you don't watch the show or you hate it, don't reblog the post to talk shit in the tags. Make your own damn post if you want to instead of shitting in the tags of something that was clearly posted in excitement. It's that simple
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
omg i hate being home and having to listen to my family make racist, transphobic, homophobic, ableist comments and not being able to do anything about it
it so sickening to me. like it actually makes me sick to my stomach to hear them make these kinds of comments, but there's no reasoning with them. i've tried to many fucking time to explaining to them why what they're saying is wrong but they wont take me seriously and just keep making them.
it's so incredibly frustrating because to me this stuff is simple. if you can't reclaim a slur, don't say it, simple. but they don't agree??? they don't care??? it's so sickening to me to listen to them fuel aggressions like these without even acknowledging or caring.
i just hate not being able to do anything because it makes me upset to hear them say things that affect me and people i know, and i'm unable to stop them from doing so. but anything i try to say results in a screaming match
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determinate-negation · 6 months
the amount of completely inaccurate and borderline offensive versions of holocaust history ive seen lately, mostly for the repulsive purpose of defending western civilization, makes me feel like physically sick sometimes lmao. i can not believe i just saw someone say that unlike other genocides there were no economic incentives for the holocaust. im going to fucking scream. i hate to be this way but please if you never fucking studied this just shut the fuck up. cause its really obvious a lot of you guys havent. jsyk i think maybe around 15% or less of property and assets stolen from jews was ever returned
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slymanner · 7 months
God dude these two scenes and how roxie moves hurt my heart so so bad 🥹
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it's like a mix of anger, feral, emotional breakdown, and complete sadness that just fucks me up soooo fucking bad.
it's like she's a pet who got abandoned by their owner but they see them again after years of sadness and depression of them being gone and leaving them like that and all that anger and sadness just manifest's into one bundle of emotion's towards them they cannot control.
roxie baby ur gonna be okay u deserve better :[
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yrdnzz · 14 days
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and i got eyes on the back of my head, i got eyes everywhere so i know where you go
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(loosely) that scene from potc... its so Them i think...
#apologies for the low quality scribbles i simply couldn't be fucked!! <3<3<3#and they're a lil funky.... i havent drawn em in a while....#but geez. man. oof. ough#the potential of the pining + Names ouagshashjafkanvfla#THE RITUALS ARE INTRICATE#scribble salad#franklydear#welcome home#ever since finding out how they call each other by last names my brain has been Mush over that#the layers!!! the potential for development!!!#what would the transition to first-name-usage look like#i feel like they're gonna be on first name basis Before they actually refer to each other by their first names#and maybe frank will call him eddie first.... maybe....#leaving eddie to be the one maintaining a sort of 'professional' distance#but in the process making their interactions Way more intimate and emotionally Charged than they would've been otherwise#its about the suspense... about the 'am i allowed to know what your name feels like'....#the 'i want nothing more than to know what my name sounds like in your voice'#receiving your mail and waiting for the time he finally allows that little distance to be closed with one simple syllable#or delivering the mail and waiting for him to open both doors w/ hand & name#both an allowance and a confirmation and an answer and a promise wrapped up in one little word#Im Just Speculating & Rambling at this point#OUGH FRANKLYDEAR <3<3<3<3#i cant wait to watch them really go Through the Horrors while falling in love#bc when nothing is real or certain what else can you cling to but each other#so abnormal about them....#wh has opened my eyes to the inherent romanticism & pain of mail carriers#they will always come to your door but they will also always leave#and the gifts they give you are always from someone Else#all you can hope for are those Moments where your fingers brush as they hand over letters#where the only true words between you are the ones hidden away in ink and belonging to neither of you
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a-clucking-system · 2 months
its really funny seeing endos and endo supporters saying "youre hurting trauma survivors by being anti endo!"
yeah? im hurting trauma survivors? you mean, the people that claim to not have trauma?
be ASTRONOMICALLY real with yourself
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somethingaboutmint · 2 months
My biggest plothole hangup with fallout 4 is kellog and how shitty he was done so the theory i propose: they should have just made kellog a synth lol? Like think about it:
1.) Eliminates the factor of "how the fuck did kellog live so long and not age?". Ingame shaun basically goes "institute technology we retired cuz (bullshit reason)" which is so dumb cuz its technology THAT STOPS YOU FROM AGING. But if it wasnt a real kellog but a synth recreation it would be like a cool "ooooh shit" twist moment as soon as you pick up the synth piece. Like thats not the real kellog they just made him again. Cloned him if you will.
2.) Good way to introduce the synths into the story. Theres so many places you'll see them beforehand but having kellog be the big "oh shit" moment for those who just speed through the plot would have rocked.
3.) The inherent tragedy of it. Idk i cant relate to kellog ingame cuz the memories quest utterly fails for me. Oh wow he lost his wife and child hes just like me fr- like fuck OFFFFF that happened to me too and i didnt go around killing innocent people. BOZO. But if he was a synth its a realization of like. This guy didnt do that. This is someone who fully believed he did and shared those memories but its like he didnt do it. Hes a victim of the institute just as much as you are. He legit doesnt know better. The implication of "if he found out he was a synth of a person long dead and his memories weren't real could he have gotten better" will always hang over your head.
4.) Paints institute in a more evil fucked up light . Asking shaun "what do you MEAN you recreated the guy that kidnapped you and brutally killed your other parent." And shaun just goes "well he was a good agent idk i admire the usefulness." Its like that collateral damage line but goes hard. Even better if he truly doesnt get why you're mad about it and at some point you see kellog again im the institute and are like WTF and shauns like oh we just made him again. If it makes you feel better you could kill him again too. We can make as many as you want. Like would that not be metal but also kinda horrifying
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alevens · 4 months
zolu is maybe one of the easiest ships i've ever liked. they're dating, except when they're not, they're best friends even when they're kissing and they're still captain and first mate when they aren't. they hold hands, they hug. they have sex. they don't.
Luffy can hold Zoro's katanas and Zoro can hold Luffy's strawhat and no one bats an eye. one says "You're so cool!" and the other says "You're strong" and it's just another way to say "I see you, this is why I follow you/this is why I trust you". it's not seeing each other for a long time and still knowing how the other's steps sound like against wood and sand. the captain runs and the first mate follows. it's always "Zoro and the others" and "Where's Luffy?"
if they're just friends, if they're something more, if they don't have a label for it, at its core, it's just about how they get each other. they understand how the other's mind works. however you view them, it doesn't erase they fact that they love each other in a way they don't love other people.
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mithryl-draws · 5 months
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brought my long-suffering tabletop warlock Kalus with me when I started my BG3 playthrough and he's having a great time. making lots of new friends. sticking worms in his brain. the usual.
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kelocitta · 1 month
I'll say that I have been in some fandom with extremely impressive and dedicated artists but consistently some of my favorite artists are ones who technically make 'unimpressive' art to outright loving posting 'low effort' doodles. I love skilled work thats beautiful, but I also deeply admire a freedom from perfectionism and ambition. Sometimes those are just non-complicated but still clearly skilled works, and sometimes thats loving the wobbly simplicity of crude lines vs. rendered beauty. One of my favorite artists back when I was big into Hollow Knight was a korean artist who could absolutely make some extremely beautiful stuff, but many of the pieces I remember most and loved the most looked like this
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Even here I know I mentally worked harder to make this imitation than they did for the OG. I can't draw fast and loose, and I like work that is clearly faster and looser than I can do. I envy people who can do things imperfect and carefree. Sometimes thats still very obviously skilled work, sometimes its very stupid doodles that were blatantly done in 30 seconds in mspaint. I don't think its say, disrespectful to love the doodles more than the rendered stuff said artist makes- but my love for it comes from a place that a lot of people wouldn't guess. That is to say, its hard to tell who, why, or when something you make might click with people- and it doesn't take a masterwork for someone to see something in your art as inspiration.
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nocek · 29 days
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And this concludes the grand crossover event
(or does it?)
(it does but I was given a great idea for how to solve Gwen's problem :) )
the timeline of previous relevant comics:
[Jeff has a great fashion sense and Peter is the best hooker]
[Jeff is found and fucks are lost]
[bro landed up in the wrong universe and all he got out of it is a lousy bow]
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averageludwig · 8 months
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DEPENDING on whether this design is good or nott You have come to the right person because I AM OBSESSED with designing suits and this was FUCKING FUN. thank you so much for this request LMAO :p Here are some VERY SUPER rough concepts i made before the final design ofc lol . I have mixed elements from all of them lols
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onto the next requests :3
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carpetbug · 3 months
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more Duvet brain rot! Gotta have a lie at the ready when you time travel to take care of your literal inner child 🐇
and a bonus
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saved-room · 1 month
and i guess i’ll just miss her even though she isn’t even really gone
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