#ive been in the mines on that for several hours a day for coming up on a month now . so!
catboygirljoker · 1 month
Ok so if it was guaranteed we’d get some good Xigbar/Luxu scenes in future games regardless, ehixh would you find most interesting or satisfying:
-He sticks it out with the foretellers now that he’s reunited with them, and continues to go along with whatever the next phase of the plan is?
-he only sticks around long enough to fill the foretellers in on the basics, before possibly going back to Radiant Garden and helping them out?
-or he washes his hands of all of it, and takes a vacation to do whatever he wants for a while, and people keep running into him?
(I want to add to the Xigbar fuel so I hope this is enjoyable)
ooooooough thank you for the ask!!!! uhmmmmm
well. full disclosure that i havent . actually played 3 yet. i mean clearly i Know Some Things that happen in 3 but im waiting for my partner to be able to play it before i do. so watch this spot i guess!! i will have more coherent and concrete thoughts once ive actually played the game. and also watched all the dark road cutscenes and also melody of memory
my thoughts thus far: kingdom hearts seems to be setting up luxu as another major character in the series. i doubt he'll be permitted to fuck off to wherever (as much as i think he deserves to) and i wouldnt really want that anyway! i wanna see what all this is building up to.
it seems to me like the master of masters is going to be the next Big Bad (idk if this is a given to everyone in the fandom). i assume luxu will stick around with him and the foretellers for at least a little while. my hope is that he gets the axel treatment—hes on the side of the big bad for a little while, then gets a character arc, some pathos/sincere emotionality, and a face turn with an outfit change and everything. i'd be sad if the pretty obvious manipulation and exploitation that luxu was subjected to under the Master never amounted to any change of heart for him. it'd be cool if we got to see how that affected him in detail, but like, kingdom hearts as a series isnt really About Trauma, so that may remain the realm of fanfiction.
but really the most important part of the "axel treatment" is that he would get the highest honor a character can receive...a nendoroid. please squaresoft i would do anything to be able to buy a $60 PVC figure of my Guy
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elliebean714 · 1 year
i saw you do requests for sinclair, which makes me really happy because ive yet to find another blog that writes for him :') could you do headcanons for augustus sinclair x male reader, specifically set during raptures 'peak'? with no nsfw please, idk if you do that but just makin sure >_< thanks in advance!!
WOOOO!!!!!! YEAHHH!! SINCLAIR STANS RISE!!! Don't worry I don't do nsfw, mild suggestions are as heavy as it gets here. Kissing and cuddling gang for life💙 Tw: homophobia mentioned. Have fun.
Augustus Sinclair x M!Reader General Headcanons
Fluff, Angst
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So urmm... he'd probably be in deep denial for a good long while about his love for another man
I mean back in the time period Bioshock is set in it was a super taboo topic
And he seems like the kinda guy to stay away from stuff like that
But yk, true love n' all that jazz
One day he just decides he doesn't care and asks you out for a 'business' dinner
That quickly turns to several dinners and eventually a drunken confession and, hopefully, your drunkenly admiting you reciprocate.
Leading to the two of you beginning a secret love affair
Cus ya'know homophobia runs rampant in Rapture
Onto him as a partner
He'd definitely love spending his money on you
Showers you with expensive clothes, drinks, smokes and basically whatever stuff you like/want
Partly because he loves your smile, but mostly because he loves bragging and showing off his seemingly endless wealth.
It stokes his already huge ego in just the right way
At his best he would be a romantic lover that takes you to dinner every weekend and leaves love letters and bouquets of your favourite flowers on your desk at work or on your side of the bed
Sometimes he may get a bit too focused on scamming people work so you'll have to drag him away from that
On special occasions he'd showers you in gifts far more (somehow)
He acts like it's for his pride but your happy, excited face is the cutest thing in his eyes
Once you guys had been secret dating for a couple of years he'd probably become comfortable enough for you to fully move in with him (but he'd never force you if you weren't uncomfortable( he might manipulate you tho (he's a salesman remember (he cant help it))))
Home cooked meals (cus he can't take you out to a restaurant unless under the guise of a business lunch/dinner)
Dancing to the Rapture Radio in the middle off the night with only candles for light
Laying in bed together talking about anything and everything for hours on end
Omg you goofy lil dudes getting married in secret!!!
Your love story seems like one that hisorians would misrepresent to shit.
Yk like
'Augustus Sinclair never married during his lifetime, but he was extremely close to his best friend, the two lived together for the majority of their lives, co-ran his several business and were seen frequently visiting. Such good friends.'
(Hi Ellie interrupting here, this is smg I came up with whilst writing this. Imagine Sinclair writing this whilst you sleep or smg idk I'm not your mom)
If others found us we'd be ostracised and villainized. They'd parade us around as filthy and unnatural. Shame us for loving one another, for laying together. They'd stick us in chains and cut out our tongues. And I'd let them. For the tongue-less may write still, and here, tonight, with my lover in my arms, I'll write proudly, fully, purely, that my lover is a man. My lover is my light. My lover owns my smile. My lover is mine. You can silence us. You can burn this paper. You can eradicate every proof of our existence. But tonight, my lover dances in my arms, illuminated solely by candlelight. His face, his warmth, his scent, his eyes filled with love alone, you cannot remove tonight. For the events of tonight have been etched in stone, and until the sun explodes it will remain. My love for him will remain.
(K thanks back to it)
All that being said don't expect him not to protect himself should it come down to it
Sorry but he'd sell you out at a moments notice
The eventual regret would hit him like a fright train but in the moment he'd always put himself first
Still loves you tho promise
What I Write~
Requests Always Open 🌊
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
Okay okay okay I have a very specific itch to hear about Mekakushi Dan sensory needs and bc you're the first person I can think of who has drawn them stimming I thought your askbox was the perfect place to launch myself. If you have thoughts here pls feed me. Bonus points for Takane's sensory needs + challenges before becoming a computer program and post str bc I do think her needs would be different than they were before?? I think not having a body for 2 years would do that to you
HI ok i dont have a lot of headcanons in general its mostly haruka and takane and mostly takane. i think haruka is the one ive drawn stimming the most Like i just think that guy would flap his little hands around yknow.
so im sorry i dont have hcs for the whole mekadan. IF UR INTERESTED IN A PARTICULAR MEKADAN GUY u can ask me and I'll come up with something >:3 it just feels overwhelming to think of it all at once. and also u said takane and you know damn well im abt to talk for 1 million hours
ok. takane❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sorry this isn't sensory needs but girl.. takanes Gamer Secret being found out... idk man it's like. this bitch had been MASKING‼️‼️‼️
even in hs days i think takane feels weird about Touching with her hands. she doesn't have the cartoonishly large sleeves she has as ene, but i think she pulls down her sleeves over her hands like in this specific manga panel i indeed have in speed dial
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i wish it appeared more often bc its a cute shoutout to ene later on and also WOOO THIS BITCH HAS SENSORY ISSUES!!! i made a comic abt it once but haruka designing actor with the bigass sleeves because he observed that takane pulls down her sleeves. *bite bite bite bite bite* also this panel has always been a fave of mine bc of autism creature takane and also bc the desk is like. at haruka's chest and he looks like he's sitting on the ground
i also think its very funny to imagine takane kicking ass in games while holding the controller with her sleeves over it and everyone's like ?????girl what. ofc she probably has specific textures she hates and all that, takane doesnt feel weird about touching as a whole.
in several instances of yuukei yesterday haruka and takane casually touch each other and while thats obviously cuz they're close friends, a lot of close friends dont act that way or arent comfortable with touch yknow!! in fact takanes the one to start most physical interactions with him. i could be crazy enough to go and check but im gonna trust my memory. and bc i love art where ene is jumping on shintaro and stuff i like to think takane is Actually touchy with ppl she trusts. also she doesnt register personal space sometimes, and ends up standing too close without noticing until someone points it out. i guess this is a bit contrary to a typical takane interpretation (UR STANDING TOO CLOSE DUMBASS🙄🙄🙄🙄 tsundere moment) but i think it's a fun spin to it. i think kenjirou is the one to most point it out like Girl step BACK ur all in my zone and she's like UGH WHATEVER and haruka also notices but never rly says anything. he probably loves it lol haruka's so overdue physical connection he loves that takane doesn't mind touching him or being close to him. also since they have a big height difference its not like she's all up on his face. i think takane starts letting go more once her ene secret's out and stops caring so much but it sorta comes back when ayano and shintaro join the group. i think shintaro especially would point out UGH WHY ARE YOU STANDING SO CLOSE TO ME or even question why she's so close to haruka or ayano. haruka and ayano are all like NOOO DONT WORRY I DONT MIND but takanes already mortified and is more self aware
another one. takane with her big old headphones. yeah yeah uses them disconnected to get haruka's attention Whatever she also uses them bc she prefers hearing stuff muffled instead of hearing it directly 👍 when she gets overwhelmed she puts those things on with the music to the max and just logs out for a min
OH also this is a canon one😼😼😼 her leg bouncy thing. shintaro points it out in the seventh novel that takane is bouncing her leg and says it's a nervous habit he never noticed on her but TO ME. SHE DOES THAT❤️ takane has huge leg bouncer energy i bet she makes the whole table shake and everyone asks her to quit it and she says Damn ok sorry and stops it for a total of 50 seconds before starting again
anyways in summary hs takane is like. tends not to notice personal space, hates touching stuff with her hands, likes having control over what or how she hears, and has a tough time staying still. POST STR... its all to the max. takane is overly aware of everything. all 5 senses are as much of a nightmare as they are a relief and it's all mixed together!!!!
ok her sensory needs that she already had pre ene are still there but completely amped up, except the personal space one. now everyone is always too close and literally just opening her eyes (HEH!! OPENING EYES!!!!) is super overwhelming bc WHOA EVERYTHING IS SO CLOSE AND HUGE AND HD. i could imagine comparing it to like, wearing contacts for the first time for any fellow glasses wearing people. like u know this, youve seen all this. but suddenly youre watching it differently without a frame around ur eyes and it just feels weird. for takane the frame was a screen instead of the glasses yknow. and to her its A LOT
i think post str takane keeps using her powers and having meltdowns because on top of all the existentialism she has to deal with being alive and everything, suddenly She Cannot Control Anything And It Is A Nightmare. she can't handle the lack of control she has over her needs and body temperature. just feeling hungry or sweating after walking for a little in summer makes her upset. bc she gets her body back during summer so GOOD LUCK WITH THAT GIRL. the clothes she wears feel all insane and irritated and nauseous!!! awful!!! even showers feel strange bc AUGGHHH so much is touching her at once!!! she also hates eating soooo yeah also a thing. i think she's always been a picky eater but post str its like she will only eat like 2 things or something
ON THE OTHER HAND.... it suddenly goes on the opposite end. like for a few days she's nightmare overstim city and then she's SUPER understim and COMPLETELYYYYY over eager about having a body and horribly indulges in like. overeating and running around <- overeating (especially when u usually avoid eating), awful for ur tummy. running a lot when u have chronic pains, also awful for ur pains later. sooo nothing she wont pay the price for later. it needs to get pointed out to her she needs to find a balance and cant have all or nothing (by haruka probably)
the personal space thing comes back here like she gets So touchy and needs hug or death. i think she can be all happy hugging haruka and all of a sudden pushes him away and is like WHOA I NEED TO GET OUT OF MY BODY RIGHT NOW MAYBE RIP MY SKIN OFF TOO MAYBE so it's rly like a light switch all of a sudden she can get overwhelmed with it and revert. like jumping back and forth between seeking and avoiding sensation.
i drew this once but haruka with his arms inside of takane's sleeves LOLLL i think skin to skin rly helps her when she's feeling like she needs sensation. a big part of the sudden overindulgence is OUGH IM REAL!!!! bc like i said takane isnt just dealing with having a body again she's dealing with having her Life again. being alive again. and she LOVES being alive. and the avoidance of all these sensations sometimes piles up and ends on the opposite like I NEED TO EAT💥💥💥I NEED TO SCREAM💥💥💥💥I NEED TO RUN AND HUG AND KISS AND DANCE AND SWIM💥💥💥 yknow. so yeah haruka helps her a lot with it when she needs touching and hugging 🙏🙏🙏 cuz he also wont get offended if she's suddenly like Ok get away from me before i explode🙏
also post str takane To Me also has mobility issues like haruka does bc all her muscles are atrophied from yknow Not moving for 2 years so it's like, even more that she has to deal with. physical therapy is incredibly invasive to her too so it's extra difficult. i think haruka and her do it together and that's why haruka is so on top of what's going on with her, he's the closest and sees her whenever she's the most vulnerable. also their situations are So similar they cant help just gravitating to each other for support. i also think haruka's the one to always point out to her when she's overindulging like Hey i love that ur rly enjoying that bigmac but i can already see you wanting to rip out ur organs later tonight so maybe dont eat a third one.
anyways ermmm takane's biggest challenge is Stop resorting to opening eyes whenever it gets too bad. like i also got sensory issues and assuming whoever is reading also does imagine having the option to just Jump out of ur body when its feeling Awful. ofc ur gonna take it when ur feeling like that. but it doesn't help takane to do it. while it helps her to calm down, it's not good in the long run. she actively wants a PHYSICAL life and work on all this. takane never wanted to die and is super motivated to get better but it's not quick or easy!!! eventually she finds a good balance i think. she's still a rly touchy person who hates grabbing her phone directly without the sleeves in the middle and will only eat like 3 things❤️ but also a hug lover❤️
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justcaytlin · 2 years
How It's Going
So I figured it would be worthwhile to talk a bit about all the procedures and stuff I've been undergoing. Keep y'all in the loop, as t'were.
To start, the reason I've been in and out of doctors so much lately is that I have fibromyalgia, which means my nervous system thinks every stimulus should be reported with Pain. Are you excited? Pain. Cold? Pain. Tired? Pain. Digesting? Pain! And it's always pain in weird areas. Did you use your wrist too much while you were drawing? Enjoy your left foot hurting, buddy. Or your knee. Or your temple. Quite literally, I did not know that people could be Not In Pain until a conversation with my husband a few years ago.
(Note: Fibromyalgia is not a disease so much as a bucket of symptoms with a variety of causes. One person's fibro may be very different from another's; this is how mine works.)
Generally, after years of hunting down med combos and enforcing lifestyle changes (regular sleep schedule, eating well, maintaining a schedule, etc) I had been sitting at a respectable 4/10 pain scale day-to-day, which is pretty mild all things considered.
Pain is easy to deal with. Unfortunately, fibromyalgia also comes with brainfog, where you can't remember things, and everything slips your mind constantly, and you feel like a sieve and you constantly worry you have early onset dementia. It also comes with chronic fatigue, much like when you have the flu. So you get up to do something and it feels like all of the energy drains out of your muscles and you feel heavy and slow and like you want to lay down just to get enough energy to move again.
As an example, showering has been very hard on me. Usually after a shower -- a quick shower! Or even when using my shower stool! -- I am shaking and weak for up to an hour afterwards.
Reason for Going
In the last six months or so, both the brainfog and the fatigue were getting increasingly bad, so that I could barely do anything at all. I was falling behind on a lot of work-related things, I couldn't help my husband with chores or food prep hardly at all, I couldn't even deal with the energy sap of seeing people very often.
Finally, my friend was going to a research institute nearby for Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy. And I thought, man, I've been wanting to try ketamine treatment for years. I've heard it works wonders on chronic pain. I should try it.
So I did a lot of research, and I dove in.
Phase 1
I contacted the institute about their ketamine infusion therapy, which is geared toward chronic pain relief. Ketamine's underlying functions are still not completely understood, but in layman's terms, it seems to give the nervous system a chance to reset and relax, undoing a lot of that sensitivity that makes fibro so hard. This sounded amazing and like it's exactly what I need.
So I went through several intake and screening appointments. I was approved, but both doctors recommended that I was a perfect candidate for KAP -- Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy. After all, my fibro is almost guaranteed to have come from trauma: when your flight system is active 24/7 for almost a decade, it makes some fundamental changes to the wiring. Plus, I've been diving deep in therapy for the last couple of years, and it's helped a bit on the pain side as well.
But I wasn't certain the ketamine would work on me -- there's never a guarantee -- so I wanted to stick with what I signed up for, for now.
I went in for my appointment, got the IV in, laid down, and was whisked away into a nice little trip for an hour and a half or so. Sounds smeared together. I felt out of my body, yet in it. Time smeared and collapsed in on itself. I felt disrupted, but gently and kindly, taken away into another timeline. I saw lots of shapes and patterns -- subtly, on the back of the eyelids.
I went home after that, and I rested. And the next day, my pain was reduced. It felt like there was a little bit of a cushion between the pain and my senses. My energy was back! I went from "maybe I can stand long enough to cut up a tomato for dinner, I'm not sure" to "okay I've cleaned two rooms, we should be good for guests now." I wasn't 100% by any means. I still fatigue early in tasks, I still felt pain. But it's like the clock turned back months or even years. Holy shit!
Phase 2
I decided that if I was going to do this, I was going to go all in. Therapy had worked wonders before; I was gonna switch to KAP like they suggested. The doctor also suggested I try a Stellate Ganglion Block, wherein they bathe your nerves with anesthetic, which gives your sympathetic nervous system a *direct* vacation. I signed up for that too.
Unfortunately, switching to KAP meant that I needed to undergo more screenings and intakes. And the Ganglion Block also required more screenings and intakes. So my actual healing journey was put on hold for two weeks as I attended more doctor appointments.
Finally, I was able to do my first KAP appointment. You basically go into an office and get set up in a reclining chair full of blankets and pillows. They give you a special eyemask that is raised, so you can keep your eyes open if you want, but it'll be completely blacked out. You wear headphones with music playing. The doctor/therapist stays in the room with you, and if you happen to say anything during your trip, they record it. But otherwise the purpose is just you laying back and letting the medicine do its work. A nurse comes in and administers the ketamine -- for KAP it's intramuscular injection instead of IV. And then in 2-5 minutes, you'll take off. I think for me it was 1-2 minutes.
Ketamine is weird, man. The main *feeling* I take away each time is that I've jumped timelines. The person I was going in is not the same person coming out. It's always a benign feeling (so far?) but it takes you so completely out of your body, your self. Who you are dissolves for a while. It's wild. There's a big chunk of time I don't remember, and then I remember wondering who I was, what I was, what I was doing, where I was. Not fearfully, just, "huh, I should probably know this, huh". Then there was a lot of beautiful imagery of dancing in nature, vibing to the music, twirling in leaves and on lakes. Lots of imagery that is, like, hand-picked to be something I'd paint from scratch. There was some spiritual stuff too, but that's personal.
After a while, I was a tree. I had this feeling that even though part of me had rotted (the good kind of rot, somehow), I was providing lots of ecosystems for others. There was this overwhelming feeling of even though there may not be a reason for something (having fibro), we can still find meaning in it. That was valuable.
The other feeling that's still echoing through me right now is the feeling of being a seed. Like, I'm currently in incubation. There's a transformation coming but right now I'm storing all of my energy and taking in the change.
As I started coming out of it, there were two amusing things.
I could still feel parts of my body as being a tree. I was fully cognizant at this point that I was me, on ketamine, in a doctor's chair, but I was waiting out the rest of my body feeling like My Body again. Like, okay, my body ends at the elbow there, but the rest is branches. Better wait til I feel my fingers again.
I was wondering what I was supposed to do when I came around? We hadn't discussed this. Do I say something? Do I pull off my mask? Do I make a grand announcement? What if I just lay here for hours and avoid this confrontation entirely? What if I was under way longer than anyone else? #social anxiety lol What I ultimately did was I listened to the music and visualized things until it felt like the "soundtrack" was winding down and I could pick out a "credits" song. When the credits song ended, I made myself pull off my mask, and the doctor greeted me.
(One good thing about therapy, medication, and experience with social anxiety is you can feel those thoughts, but also go 'bro it'll be fine lol' and your system largely believes you.)
Anyway, after, the doctor asked me some questions about how I was feeling, what I saw or felt or experienced, etc. She took notes, then let me lay there alone for about twenty minutes to come more fully back to myself. Then she helped me waddle to the bathroom (ketamine messes with your inner ear like crazy) and took me downstairs to meet up with my friend for the ride home.
A week later, I had another appointment with the doctor to integrate everything, talk about everything I experienced or said in the sober light of day.
Phase 3
After that, I got the first Stellate Ganglion Block done. It's done in two phases, your right side and your left side. I wrote about this experience already, but I will say now, a week out from it, that this was a fucking miracle. The KAP and the IV helped a lot with energy and such but the block took my ambient pain from like a 3 to a 1-2. I genuinely wonder if this is what normal people feel like most of the time?
I can tell there's a difference between my right side (that had it done) and the left side (which hasn't been done yet). The left is far more sensitive. But, for example, my sciatic nerves are extremely sensitive to the touch, and generally if I press on them a little bit, I will legit want to cry. (I have very high pain tolerance; i would call pushing on them like an 8.5 on the scale, where 10 is when I was at the hospital for a kidney stone, screaming and crying and thrashing while I was waiting for pain meds :') )
They still hurt, but my right one is more like a 6 instead! That's HUGE. That means I can actually tolerate it long enough to roll out my nerve with the foam roller.
I'm getting my second block done tomorrow. I can't wait to see how it feels after.
Phase 4
After this week, my appointments should slow down a lot. My KAP appointments are two weeks apart, to give ample time to reflect and integrate and let my malleable brain resolidify. The downside is this is slower than I expected -- I thought it would be 1 a week -- and so I'm not positive I'll be back off hiatus on my birthday. It depends on how the next week or so goes.
Right now, I've just been hanging onto the bumper of a car speeding down Appointments Highway and I have barely had time to gather my energy enough to think about much else (besides D&D apparently lmao). By the time I'm done with KAP I will have knocked out some 20 appointments or so in a month and a half. Considering in the past I had to restrict doc appointments to 1/week due to how exhausting and hard they are for me, That Is A Lot.
But they're doing me some good. I'm incubating. I'm percolating. And soon I will sprout.
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babycatlix · 5 months
hi friends 🩵
just checking in after the new year! and what a year it's been so far... and just so ya know this is long, and it's totally okay if you don't even read it! there will be some gif updates at the end 🩵
i cannot catch a break 😭 remember how i was sick? not the first time, the second time, with the cough. i had a severe sinus infection the first time i was sick. i didn't realize until i got sick again that it was a sinus infection and not a cold. and i also learned that you can get better for a small window and then the sinus infection can come back... guess what happened to me! but this time, i had a terrible cough. it was so bad that when i coughed, it would sometimes hurt all the way down my chest, i cried once from the pain. i also missed 2 days of work bc i was up all night coughing and i even got sick a couple times from coughing so hard. but i saw my doctor and got an antibiotic and that cleared up!
BUT, right after that cleared up (sunday evening), i woke up yesterday morning (monday) and discovered a rash on my arms. it was mostly under my armpits, but it didn't look that bad, it was just speckly (almost like a heat rash), and it didn't itch unless i poked the spots. there weren't that many and they weren't that swollen. i took a cool shower to hopefully calm it down and it seemed like it did. but come this morning, i wake up and my rash had bloomed. aka spots merged together and made bigger splotches. it was swollen and itchy. thankfully we had a snow day today, so i was able to go to the doctor and have her look at me. when she walked in she said, "i heard you have a terrible rash." and i sighed and said, "i hope you can make me better, i'm so sick of being sick." after examining me she prescribed a steroid and claritin 24-hour.
my parents, doctor, and i all think it's bc i'm allergic to CBG oil. it's the only thing that's new in my diet. i needed a new CBD oil, but the plain CBD oil i usually use was out of stock so i decided to try a 50/50 CBD/CBG oil bc it said that it was specifically for pain and swelling. however, after taking it for 72 hours... i broke out in a rash. which would make my rash a type IV aka a delayed hypersensitve reaction. in short, my body is firing off histamines in reaction to the inflammation caused by the allergen that's still running through my body, but it's too much, hence the rash.
TLDR: i have a rash from an allergic reaction. but i'm not sick anymore! at least in the sense of my sinus infection...
i will start posting sets again soon, maybe tomorrow. i'm still trying to work on sets after work so i can get caught up. and i still need to figure out a good point to stop for skz talker, but i have so many eps cut. but i also want to get started on the music videos i'm behind on too.
anyway, here's hoping your new year is going much better than mine is! please stay safe out there, make good choices, and stay hydrated my friends! 🩵
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takearisk-x · 2 years
Girl I keep checking your page for an update to the path from you just in case. And take your time (this isn’t to pressure lmao)! Take 3 months if u need! But I just want to let u know how genuinely excited I am for more of this story!!
ive read this message grinning like an idiot at least two dozen times
i LOVE chap 5, its been the most fun to write so far and i'm so excited for you guys to read it, but i'm only like .. halfway through edits so i can't promise it will be tomorrow but i can promise its coming!
in the meantime ... (sneak peek under the cut!)
Harry stared at the blank wall of his cubicle, tapping his pen incessantly on his notepad. Several items sat in front of him on the desk, a half drunk cup of tea that had long ago gone tepid, an invitation printed on expensive stationary that Harry had immediately answered with his regrets, and two pieces of parchment lined with a delicate, looping script. He’d memorized the words of each shortly after opening the envelope over an hour ago, and his thoughts were now hundreds of miles away. 
Three hundred to be exact.
The line he currently walked was a precarious one. Most of his waking hours were spent thinking about the case… while vehemently refusing to let himself think about her.
His non-waking hours were an entirely different story. 
It was driving him half insane. 
He leaned back in his chair, eyeing the notes Ginny had forwarded to him as part of her weekly update. 
The first, according to her, had been sent the day after the festival. It was especially descriptive, and gave Harry a plethora of clues into the writer’s identity. The most so far at least. 
a rage so righteous a temper so tenacious once out of the darkness no mortal can stop us the board is set goddess incarnate with a fury so fine you will be mine
Ginny’s show of anger at the after hours social had not gone unnoticed, which meant that the writer had been there to witness it first hand. This gave Harry a short list of leads, and finally some work to do that was proactive. 
The second letter was much less helpful. Just three lines, that Harry had no context for, and that felt like ramblings more than anything. 
a white mare so fair an affair full of despair a spare without a care
Two letters. Two. 
In ten days. 
It broke pattern. Why would the writer increase frequency, threaten abduction, and stalk her, only to back off now. It didn’t add up. He puzzled through it over and over again, his thoughts going round in circles, and he came to only two possible conclusions. 
Ginny’s tormenter was either escalating in other, more active ways, or Harry was missing something. 
He had a nasty feeling it was the latter.
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corvuserpens · 2 years
Brother Mine: A “The Sandman” Short Fic [Part IV]
Next part will be the last one, and it will be the one I’ve been DYING to write since I started this. Hope y’all enjoy, as usual.
Tagging: @raven-star7
For the following hours, brother and sister sat and read and listened to music, without need to speak or interact to justify each other’s company. For them, just being together while they did their own thing was a reward in and of itself. Death greatly appreciated these moments to be quiet and rest, and Dream, a solitary creature by nature, was more than satisfied to simply sit with his elder sister. Every once in a while he would look up to make a comment on Camus’ line of thought and ask for her opinion, which she would give with pleasure, even if they some times disagreed.
“I quite like Satre’s Existentialism thinking,” she had told him at one point, all while lying on her back for a break from her own book. “The meaning of life is whatever you make of it. There is no objective point to it, so you’re free to come up with one for it.”
“While Camus states that the meaning of life is whatever stops you from killing yourself,” Dream replied. “It might well suit mortals, but for us...”
Death peeked at him through one eye, not unlike a sleepy cat checking out its surroundings for danger. “Maybe not, but if we could, in fact, die, can you not think of a single thing that would keep you from ending everything yourself?”
He didn’t have to think long. “I have several reasons to continue to exist, yes.”
“Now imagine you didn’t have them,” she retorted. “Imagine all those reasons were taken away from you and there was nothing you could do about it. What would you do, then?”
“I... do not need to imagine.” His voice was so small in that instant. Fragile, almost. “If that had come to pass, then... I suppose I would have to remake it all again.”
“But would that heal the wound left in your heart?” Asked Death. “Would that replacement really be enough reason to go on?”
“It would have to. Or else...” He paused then, troubled as he watched the wind bend the blades of grass and whisper over the pond water. “Or else I might have ended up like our brother.”
Death opened both eyes then and observed his profile: the way he stared off into the distance without seeing anything at all, the downward tilt of his lips, the deep gash between his eyebrows. It was a rare occurrence for Dream to bring up their missing brother, and she knew why. She sat up slowly, drapping her arms around her knees, and rested her chin on them.
“It was not your fault, Dream. You know that, right?”
He shut his eyes and shook his head, only very slightly, barely moving his head. He hunched over, like he held a great weight on his shoulders and it was beginning to forcefully push him down. In her heart, she believed her own words: Dream was not to blame for Destruction’s departure. Destruction had made a choice. One that broke her heart to this day, but a choice all his own, all the same. There was nothing any one of them could have done to change his mind. She wished Dream would believe that, too.
He looked up after a few minutes of silence, and changed the subject. “Have you... ever thought about dying?”
She had to snort at the irony of that question. Unavoidable. Still, he stared at her expectantly, waiting for a serious answer. She stared back and smiled no more.
“I am Death, my brother. Of course I have.”
He said no more after that.
The sun was beginning to set when Death closed her book, switched off her music, and stood up to stretch with a long sigh.
“Well, that was nice!” She cracked her neck vertebrae and looked down at Dream. “Are you finished, yet?”
He was, in fact, very near the end of his reading. He shut the pages with a nod and glanced up. “Do you wish to leave?”
“I do, actually. There’s something I must attend to, but we need to hop over to the convenience store first, it’s going to close in a couple of hours. And then...” She smirked and shrugged her shoulders. “Well. Don’t want to spoil the surprise.”
To that, Dream narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but made no further comment on it. He stood up from the grass, they put their boots back on, and wandered out of the park, back into the busy London streets.
“Where is it we are going, exactly?” He inquired, incapable of holding back curiosity. “What is it you must attend to so ugently?”
“Not urgently, it’s just a compromise I made,” she explained. “A promise I made, long ago.”
“Are you quite sure we will need all this food?”
Death glanced back over her shoulder to appreciate the image of her brother, tall and proud and discontent, holding two bags of cat food, one in each arm, plus several plastic bowls in an array of different colors, which he was trying his hardest to balance on top of those bags. Despite his long fingers, he looked precariously on the verge of letting it all drop to the linoleum floor of the convenience store, and she snorted, earning herself a pout from Dream.
“I never know how many will show up!” She said in her defense. “Every time I think I have enough, there’s always more mouths to feed than last time.”
The line to pay moved along another couple of inches. Death adjusted her own load in her arms (another bag of rations and both hands full of canned food), thinking they were going to need at least three bags to carry this feast. “I swear, they tell each other to go there.”
“Cats are chatty that way,” Dream admitted. “You would be surprised.”
“Oh, I adore them. Whoever thought them up was a mad genius. The way they come at you with wide eyes, doing their little chirps, tails in the air... How can anyone resist such a sight?”
Dream did a crooked smile. “I believe it is Lady Bast you have to thank for cats, sister.”
“Have you talked to her, recently?” She set the bags, cans and bowls on the tarmac, helping him unload. “She’s been doing well, in recent years. Lots of new followers all over the world, mostly young people. All of them praying and doing offerings like in the old times. She looks good.”
“I have not.” Dream followed her cue and relieved the weight in his arms. Death could have sworn she saw a peculiar spark in his eyes at the mention of the Egyptian goddess. “Perhaps I should invite her for a visit, one of these days. I’m glad to know she has managed to survive long enough to recover. The last time I spoke to her, she was...”
“On the verge of permanently return to the Dreaming?” And wait to eventually die, she continued in her mind. Such was the fate of many gods, after all. She knew it and so did he. 
Dream nodded solemnly. 
“I know she would love to see you,” said Death. “Always had a bit of a soft spot for you, remember?”
“Bast likes to flirt with anything that moves,” he affirmed (with a very light shade of rose to his cheeks). “I don’t think I am that special in her mind.”
“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong, little brother.” Death interrupted their chat to pay up, pack everything in no less than four bags, and lead the way to the exist. “The mere fact that you never engage in her flirting makes you the most tantalizing fruit in her eyes. We always desire the most for that which we cannot have.”
Dream hummed in thought. “Then perhaps if I flirt back, she will lose interest.”
“Maybe. Or maybe she will fall in love you with.”
To that, he gave her a look of ‘quit messing around’. As if it were so implausible? Bast wouldn’t be the first goddess who did so, after all.
They set out on foot into the twilight. The world was tinged in a pleasant orange glow, the sky a masterpiece of pinks, baby blues, violets and gold. Despite the growing gloom, the air remained tepid, stuffy even, the way only an August evening could feel - surreal, an air of fantasy falling over this plane, a fleeting magic that even the most obstinate and mundane of mortals could smell, even if they could not recognize it. 
If only every day could be like this one...
Death led them down a poorly lit side street, the windows on worn out homes popping up here and there in preparation for the incoming night. She stopped in front of an abandoned stone chapel, long since fallen into disrepair. Broken windows, rusted iron gates, trash pilled up in its once paved walkway, weeds and ivy growing out of cracks on the walls, wooden doors peeled off and stiff from the weather. A notice of danger from collpase was stappled to them, and even that sign was covered in spots and rot from years of exposure, the letters gone from black and red to a sickly blue.
“Here we are,” she announced. At the top of the gate, a calico cat washed her ears with repeated lazy licks and swipes. She stopped to contemplate the two Endless with glowing eyes, full of curiosity, then took off in a sprint as Death pushed the iron wrought gate open, unaffraid of gravity, and disappeared behind the building.
The Reaper entered the dirty chapel grounds, watching her footing, and ignored the bolted up doors to instead take a right turn, with Dream silently in tow. The further they walked, the more yowls and chirps joined in a single choir, until soon enough, they found themselves surrounded on all sides by cats of every color, shape, size and pattern imaginable. They came from windows and from behind rubbish piles, over the perimeter wall, from the roof, absolutely everywhere, to greet their visitors.
“Hello, my darlings,” Death cooed, moving with extra caution to avoid stepping on tails and paws, and entered the chapel through a large hole on the wall, big enough to fit a Destruction sized person, for example. The cats followed, meowing ever louder, starved and eager. “Yes, of course I’ve got your food! And I brought you someone special, tonight.”
Behind her, Dream was finding it rather difficult to pass without being swarmed. The little beasts jumped and dove over and under each other for a turn at rubbing up against his legs, dutifully following him like a loyal entourage, bickering with each other for the honor of walking beside the King of Cats. Dream said nothing about the frenzy at his feet, but a butterfly of a smile, small but no less genuine, illuminated his features like the evening star. By the time he managed to get in the church, cluttered and ruined, Death was already crouched by the altar, pulpit long gone, to pull out bowls and fill them with food and water.
“Little ones first!” She warned, attentive to the mothers who herded their litters forward through dozens, if not hundreds of adults. “Where are your manners?There’s enough for everyone.”
To her left, two feral males hissed furiously to each other, ears flat and hair raised, then growling and throwing paws, making the others scatter to avoid getting hit accidentally. But Death, ever gentle, stuck a hand right in the middle of them without fear and separated them like it was nothing. 
“Hey. No fighting. C’mon, let’s be civilized, please.” She huffed and looked over her shoulder when they kept screaming. “Dream, could you...?”
“Enough.” He spoke. The command echoed from the walls, sounding all the more intimidating and authoritative, as a king’s voice should be, exactly as he had done that morning. In the dark, his eyes shone like twin stars, the only discernable feature in his otherwise backlit silhouette. “Stop this at once.”
They did so, each walking in the opposite direction with their heads and tails low in shame. Death smiled with gratitude.
He nodded and moved to the opposite side of the circular room, attracting a part of the furry crowd to alleviate his sister. Most of the adults went running after Dream, leaving Death with the mothers and their kittens while he put out bowls of food and got to snapping the cans open, which immediately got the attention of tabbies and all-whites, torties and pitch blacks, greys and creams, hundreds of small eyes glowing in the gloom, staring up at his own.
It was difficult work to set out such a large buffet (they nearly knocked the bowls out of Dream’s hands on three separate occasions), but soon enough all cans were empty, the bags were all but spent, and there was fresh water spread around the church. Crouched by the last parcels, Dream let his fingers run down countless different backs, stroking long fur and short coats, some silky smooth, others dusty and coarse. Eyes of blue, yellow, green and brown looked at him with adoration, all of them blinking in that dragged fashion that indicated pure contentment, and Dream felt their love and reverence as though an invisible wire connected their hearts to his own, unspoken prayers that filled him with a nameless joy, so intense it could have moved him to tears, were he any more sensitive a creature.
With every mouth occupied, the chapel walls reverberated with a single continuous purring produced by a collective of throats, echoing through the roof and the few remaining pews, through his very chest. Dream stepped with care over many small bodies, and rejoined Death at the altar. She was sitting on the dais, scratching the ear of a young cat, not one year old yet. All around her, others licked their whiskers clean, or their children’s, while some led their litters back to the safety of their hidden nests.
“My sister?” Dream called. 
She looked up from her orange companion to acknowledge her brother, eyebrows arching ever so slightly.
“Do you truly come here every evening to feed them?”
Death took in the colony spread around the room and smiled. “Yeah, I do. Every night for the past ten years.”
Dream sat down on a dusty pew; almost right away, one cat jumped onto his legs and nestled there, while others were quick to take up the space by his sides, against his thighs, at his feet. Without much thought, he kneaded his fingers into the fur of the one who occupied his lap.
“Why?” He asked. “Are there not any mortals who will care for them?”
“There was, once.” She crossed her arms over her thighs. “An old lady and her granddaughter came here every morning and night to take care of them, rising bright an early to change the water, wash the bowls, feed them. When the cats got sick, they would go to great lengths to catch them and take them to the veterinarian, spending money they didn’t always have, so they could have health and peace. They would defend them fiercely from anyone with ill intentions or didn’t want them here. They would find them homes, whenever they could. And they would mourn for each one they lost, from the tiniest kitten to the oldest tomcat. I suspect that, had they enough space to accomodate them all, they would have adopted every single one of them. Then the granddaughter went to college, so it was just the old lady for a while after that. Even so, she would come to see them and help her grandmother every time she visited. Eventually, she got a job in a different city and her visits got rarer. As for the old lady...”
The words faded into a pensive silence. Dream did not dare to break it, much as he wished to know more. He waited patiently for Death to finish the story.
“When her time came and I arrived to collect her, she didn’t ask me to spare her like most others do. She didn’t try to bargain or reason with me. Didn’t beg. All she asked was that I find someone to keep feeding the cats for her. She was so afraid that they would suffer and die without her. It’s been a long time since I’ve encountered a soul this sick with worry, this... attached.”
Dream smiled forebodingly. “So you promised you would take up the task for her.”
She chuckled, a delicate sound that could melt a glacier. “You know me so well. What else was I supposed to do?? She would not come otherwise, and I admit, when I look at them...” She let her eyes drift to a grey tabby stretching out with a yawn at her right. “How could I not?”
Her brother’s star-like eyes fell on the cat on his lap. He understood well what she meant. “What about the granddaughter? What happened to her?”
“I went to meet her when she came over for the funeral arrangements, to give her my condolences. I met them so many times in the past to collect one of their babies, I felt as if they were old friends of mine. She told me she was thinking about moving back, but her company hasn’t adhered to the new remote work trend yet, so she would have to quit to do so. That would have broken her heart, she said, but leaving them to their fate would have been far more devastating to her. She couldn’t find anyone reliable or trustworthy... And I had indeed promised, so... Here I am.”
She looked up to see Dream observing her intently, but his eyes were distant, his mind focused elsewhere. Death half shrugged, stood to her feet and dusted off. “Maybe one day, someone else will come along and take up the task. Until then... I love my job, Dream. I do. But it’s still hard, sometimes. This world is so cruel, and I suppose... I suppose I need to do this to balance out the load, y’know? I am Death, this much is true. I am the great divider between the living and the dead. But just this once... In this place and nowhere else... Is it so bad to choose to preserve life rather than to take it away?”
She waited for an answer, certain of what he would say, like so many times before. We each have responsibilities. We cannot be anything more or anything less than what we are. It is not for us to decide how this world unfolds. We are not gods. We are Endless. She prepared herself for these words, steeling her nerves, shileding her heart against the inevitable hurt her brother’s brutal honesty was infamous for.
But these words never came. In fact, no words came at all. Dream continued to watch her, sitting still and regal, his features a blank page save for his eyes, which surprised her by being full of... compassion.
He said nothing. Only nodded.
Death let out a breath she hadn’t even realized she was holding in. How, HOW was he capable of surprising her at every turn? Whenever she thought she knew him like the back of her hand, he always managed to pull off a new trick that stunned her.
Oh, my brother...
She smiled and looked out to the night sky, past the wall hole they had entered through. “It’s getting late. We should get going. Lots to do before our day is over!”
“I’m beginning to question if you ever do stop, my sister.” With gentle hands, Dream dislodged the cat from his lap and stood up. Five head raised, ten shimmering eyes watching attentively as the Cat of Dreams rose and laid their companion on the very spot where he himself had been sitting. “What new horrors have you in store for me, I wonder.”
“The worst kind, Dream.” Smirking, Death looped one arm around her brother’s, and the two abandoned the chapel, taking their trash along. The little residents stretched out their sleek bodies, sharpened their claws and, despite their full belllies, prepared for another night of hunting under the moon.
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catboy-kakashi · 2 years
please please talk to us about actual canary jimmy and those flour bastards
AH. okay well. If u insist
Okay im typing this on my phone as i pass out so pls excuse any mistypes and long winding sentences. This is a stream of consciousness that youve just uncorked my friend
ANYWAY. I really really love canary-and-coal-miner team rancher art, right? And i love birds, and strip mining in minecraft, so i thought. Well! What if i came up with a funny little au where tango is a coal miner and jimmy is his little canary buddy?
Of course, actual coal mining is very scary, and i only write funny goofy things, so this is Mined Craft™️ coal mining. Anyway, tango takes up a job working for some unnamed mining company working under TFC, since i love his mining videos
I havent decided which other hermits to include yet? Im def including grian, joel, and lizzy, since theyre often featured in jimmy’s non-minecraft videos. I dont want to include too many and risk bogging down the story bc i get too caught up in writing accurate voices for everyone, but i might also write in some cameos of bdubs and etho or something. I want to include scott but im afraid i wont be able to properly balance a characterization of him hamming up on the “why yes my ex husband DID disappear under mysterious circumstances and i got most of his items. Why do you ask :)” facade while also deep down being quite sad and upset about jimmy just vanishing off the face of the earth. And then if i DID balance it properly im afraid it would come off more angsty than intended
ANYWAY. Uh. I dont know much lore about hermitcraft bc im still catching up on the lore-heavy videos (i like to just listen to people build/design things while i strip mine in my own world), but i’m thinking there’s enough wacky magic hijinks that i could justify my idea
My idea being that jimmy actually wasnt ALWAYS a canary, he wound up getting turned into one due to [redacted] (bc i havent come up with that part yet and am not particularly pressed to do so). Jimmy used to be a canary hybrid but now he’s full canary - still the same on the inside, but now he’s a tiny bird that loves to cause problems
None of his friends know this happened to him, or else they would have been working hard to get him back to normal. Instead, grian notices two things about this particular canary: he’s way more belligerent and vocal than the other canaries, hardly acting like a prey animal at all, and he seems to be prone to winding up in the parts of the mine that get gas leaks. He’s actually starting to get concerned that this poor little bastard bird has brain damage at this point and thats why hes Like That
So, anyway, grian and the others start calling this canary Timmy, bc it kind of reminds them of their missing friend who was also a canary hybrid and a little shit with terrible luck. They tend to keep timmy on the sidelines bc theyre worried hes been through too much and dont want him passing out anymore
Then, along comes tango! Tango, a blazeborn, is of course a major safety risk inside of a mine where gas leaks and combustibles are common. they trust him well enough to be careful and not blow himself up, but they also cant send him down the usual mineshafts, so they have him working mostly near the deepest parts of the cave, away from the coal veins and closer to the lava pits that he can withstand easier, so he winds up mining alone for the most part
And they think, hey, this is perfect! Now we have someone we can send timmy with so that he’s not cooped up all day. So tango winds up spending several hours a day just exploring deep caves and talking to himself, hanging out with this weird little bird that grian and joel love to bully
Anyway, long story short, this is me indulging in my own personal love of tiny animals and basically writing about tango going “ive had timmy for one day but if anything happened to him i’d blow this place up with myself in it”. Its just dumb little fluffy stuff like jimmy and tango doing back and forth whistle calls (jimmy of course being safely tucked away in an oxygen chamber the whole time), tango absolutely decking his room out with lots of perches and things bc he noticed jimmy hates cages, and tango spending his free time walking around with a bird nestled in his hair
Mostly this is just snapshot scenes in my head, stuff like grian explaining to tango how timmy got his name and what not. But yea this has been taking over my brain for weeks now!!!! Please help me i still need to finish my other wips!!!!!!!!!!
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thetheatermst · 1 year
Fuck’s High School Pt. 2
They had taken more than a little break. Roughly half an hour had gone by before the three of them had returned to their seats to sit and endure more of this hell of a story. It was a well-deserved half of an hour, of course.
They spent it chatting. Talking about this and that, the sort of things they had been up to since they had last seen each other, and what they were expecting in the coming days.
Asahi and Cherry hadn’t had anything too exciting, but Briar regaled them with how immediately after the last session she had cleared out a mine of a horde of kobolds. They had listened with rapt attention as she detailed the dark, winding tunnels of the mines, the broken scaffolding she and rugged walls she had to scale, holding a torch between her teeth, the low flames licking her cheeks as she climbed, ever aware of each and every little sound, hypervigilant for the slightest sign of a monster closing in on her.
They had gasped and twitched when she spoke of throwing a pouch of oil down a sloped tunnel and setting it ablaze, burning a handful of kobolds alive, and then how the rest of the group surged her, a swarm of small, vicious creatures coming at her with teeth and claws as she fought them off in the small, cramped space of the tunnels.
Even after, Briar had to continue to investigate every tunnel, every crevice, every little hiding space, to be sure that no kobold had gotten away. Only after a thorough search did she leave, with the corpses of several in tow, returning to the miners with proof of her job, and being paid a small satchel of coin in return.
She had even undid her shirt and armor to show them both the still healing wound she had received from one on her hip. It was closed, thread keeping it shut, but it was still an angry, swollen red, and would clearly scar. The wound was simultaneously horrific and awe-inspiring.
Though they would have rather kept telling stories and talking, eventually the three were forced to return to the task at hand, taking back their seats, settling in, and watching as the theater grew dim and the screen began to glow with sinful text.
AN: So Ive been tiping more offten now so my speeling wuld be better liek you all sed. SEE I CAN TAKE CRITISISM WEHN I TINK IST RIGHT
“Except all evidence points to the opposite for criticism,” Asahi muttered as he angrily munched on some popcorn. “You are horrible at taking criticism.”
Cherry sighed as she adjusted her soda and the many packs of treats she’d brought onto her lap and into the empty chair beside her. “Let’s just hope ya kept your word about the spellin’ improvements.”
Editor's note: No. Fuck it. I can't do this.
“Understandable, though her editor didn’t last very long” Briar said with a nod, “Though it’s questionable as to why she would upload this with that note attached.”
“Because the reality is there was no editor, just TwilightRova doing this shit to mess with people,” Asahi grumped.
He held his hand out to the screen in a ‘see!’ gesture. “And that’s just validating that this is a trollfic,” he said, and lowered his hand. “Not that it makes this any better.”
Fuck it I can't even edit this chapter someone else go do it for Rova because I cant' even at this point
“Again, understandable. No one would willingly subject themselves to this,” Briar nodded again.
“New day,” Cherry repeated, “new sufferin.”
Today was a nice day in Forks as I got up from my bed. Just like other houms, my home had a bedroom, where I was.
Asahi rolled his eyes, “I’d assume most houses that people live in have a bedroom,” he said, eating some more popcorn. “Kinda pointless for a home to not have a space to sleep.”
“Unless it’s a Sims house,” Cherry added. “Cause then ya can make it without a bedroom. You can make ‘em live in an empty box if you want.”
 That stupid slut Bella had been sleping in this room before I moved into it, and becaus of that I now lived ni the bedroom.
Lowering his hand down and dumping the popcorn back into the bucket, Asahi squinted and reread the line. “Did you seriously kick Bella out of her own room?” he asked and then took in a deep breath to calm himself. “No, no. We’re not even halfway through the chapter. Don’t get angry too fast.”
Bella dat stupid slut now lived in the shack in the backyard of the house.
“I still can’t understand why she hates Bella so much, she’s done nothing so far to warrant any of it,” Briar murmured as she covered her mouth with her knuckles. “Is she jealous of her? Does she just hate her for the sake of hating her?”
“I’m also concerned over the fact that two teens are living in the house alone, with Charlie being dead,” Asahi said, paused, and shook his head. “Correction, one teen is living in a house, the other is living in a shed.”
“Even worse!” Cherry interjected.
 She had all of her prostitushin rackets set up back there. Stupid jocks line up every night in order to tape her ass.
“Prostitution is a normal occupation, and it should be treated with the same respect as any other job,” Briar frowned, tapping her fingers against the damaged armrest. “It provides a service, and the men and women who offer that service shouldn’t be shamed for it. If you want to shame someone, shame the ones seeking that service.”
Cherry looked over to her with a raised brow, “Ya kinda sound like you’ve got experience with that thing.”
Sighing, Briar rolled her shoulders back, “Brothels are fairly common where I’m from. Or I suppose prostitution is as common where I am from as it is where you two are. We’re just more open and accepting of them, it would seem.”
She paused to think it over and then let out a sharp laugh. “Some are shady, mistreat the women and men there, but there are others that take great care in their workers and have strict rules,” she said with a tight smile. “I’ve once gotten to witness a Grand Duke be kicked out of one because he failed to follow the rules of the establishment. He tried to hire me as a thug to intimidate them for him, but I refused.”
 But thats enough of Bella lets go back to focusing on me.
Asahi frowned, “But I want to keep talking about Bella. She’s way more interesting.”
I woke up agin this morning an then I went downstairs. I realized I was nude but chadley no longer lived here sins I killed him.
“I’m still upset that he was killed,” Briar sighed. “Over a key, no less!”
he had died and i attended his fuenerel. I was very sad at his funeral and Bella was very emo she slit her wrists at least fourteen times. I think that she lost about 12 gallons of blood when she was doing that.
“I don’t get what you’re sad about,” Asahi huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re the one who killed him! But it makes sense Bella is going to be depressed over it; you murdered her dad!”
“An’ that’s way more blood than the human body even has,” Cherry added, glaring at the screen. “Humans only have about one and a half gallons, at most!”
All of the bloid had spilled into chadley's coffin and it created a beautiful scene of blood. I love blood and all of the Collins love blood as well.
Maybe dat is because the Collins are vampires.
“The vampires are attracted and hungry for the blood?” Briar asked innocently, covering her mouth in mock shock. “Who could have come to such a blatantly obvious conclusion!”
 Vampires, you see, like to drink the blood of humans. Animals blood will not cut it for vampires they will always have that sense of bloodliust.
“Except, the Cullen’s have been doing pretty well the last hundred or so years of being vegetarians and feeding only off of animal blood,” Asahi countered.
“I won’t be surprised if she changes it, makes them feed off humans,” Cherry added.
Anyways I wke up and then wanted to go to school again. I couldnt wait to get up and go to school because today we were nominating people for class presidwnt, which is a very prestigious role to fill.
Briar sighed, shaking her head. “Why am I not surprised you are running for class president.”
“Was there any doubt she would?” Asahi asked her. “Swansin needs to be the center of attention, of course she’ll run for office.”
Last year Angel a was the class president but then she became a vampire and killed all of bella's friends. i slmost fel bad for bella but she was a major fuicking bitch before that happened and now shes better so I kind of like angela for doing that I guess.
Rising to his feet, Asahi raised a fist to the air. “Justice for Bella!”
Anywas I got to the parking lot
“Did you walk?” Briar asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did your stolen vehicle miraculously return?”
 and found edowred talking to his sister Alicia and his weirdo friend jaspor who was just parking his awdi.
“I know you said ‘weirdo friend’ but we know ya meant ‘clanmate and adopted brother’,” Cherry corrected.
“And Jasper doesn’t drive Audi’s, he doesn’t even drive cars!” Asahi added, angrily throwing his hands into the air. “The man is a motorcyclist!”
"Hi edowerd hoes it going" I asked woundering hiw his day was going
"doth far it havth bineth so goodeth" he retoted
Briar let out a horrified, and rather undignified, cry of disgust. “I know I shouldn’t be surprised by it anymore, but his way of speech never gets less horrifying.”
I loked over at jaspor from where I was standing and talking to edowerd and Alicia. there he was all alone. Jasper had a ver tan feca for an transsecual. He was holding briught purpler maskara and he has white feac paint on.
Giving Briar a cautious glance, Cherry frowned, “Can ya not with the transphobia an’ ugly makeup?”
“More importantly,” Briar added, surprisingly calm despite her history of lashing out when TwilightRova started talking about ‘transsecuals’ in this story. “How is Alicia so easily integrating back into school when she was just broken out of jail and is a fugitive on the run?”
Asahi shrugged. “The answer is simply that the author didn’t care enough.”
He was listenin to his androwd phone becuz hes a loser and doesn't use appel phones like evrybody else does.
Sighing, Asahi leaned back to stare at the ceiling for a few moments, mentally debating if he actually wanted to do this. He didn’t. But he might as well. “Okay, look, I’m going to lay down some facts, and it’s not solely because I am an Android user,” he said with another sigh to indicate his reluctance.
“As of 2022, the global mobile OS market share put Android in the lead with close to seventy-one percent, while iOS—Apple, has been stagnant at around twenty-eight for a while. That’s about a little over fourty-percent difference, with Android clearly in the lead,” Asahi explained, his hands making vague gestures as he spoke. “Android market shares has been steadily increasing while Apple has stayed roughly stagnant, trapped in the twenty-thirty range for years.”
He held his hands out, “Some people use iOS. Some use Android. Some still use basic landlines, what type of phone someone uses ultimately does not matter,” Asahi finished, leaned back, and crossed his arms over his chest. “Android is better, though.”
"Okay edowerd its time for historee again" I remineded edowerd. If it wasn't for me edowerd would never be anywere on time because he's sooooo forgetfull.
“I doubt that,” Briar scoffed. “He’s likely doing this so you feel better about your own inabilities.”
Alicai smild and wavved as we went indoors but no then she screamed
“Honestly? I’d be screamin’ too, if I had to put up with this,” Cherry shrugged.
"LOOK OUT ITS FUCKiNG COPS" when suddenly the police came.
“Officers,” Asahi hollered, as if that would make them hear him, “If you want to earn your badges, then aim for Swansin!”
There were two of them both with guns in their pickets just like Alicia has. When Alicia swa them she took ot her gin and ran into the building. She ran right down the halls past me and edowerd and pushed tanishashankwua out of the way as she was braidin her hare.
“It’s a cops raid on a school,” Cherry mused as she leaned back into her seat. “Either gonna be fun, or be a disaster.”
“My vote is on a disaster,” Asahi deadpanned.
i luked at dem all fuouriosly.
"why do you think she's running" I questioned edowerd
Briar ran a hand down her face, unable to believe such stupidity was humanly possible. “She just screamed ‘cops’, and she is on the run from the law after escaping prison,” she explained, painfully slowly. “Why do you think she ran?”
"I think shes going to go hide her drugs" he answered. I was glad that edowerd was here to answer all of the hard qestions for me.
“Ya broke her out of jail, but figuring out why she might not wanna be around cops right away is such a hard question for ya?” Cherry demanded in disbelief. “Answer me this; how many time did ya get dropped on yer head as a baby?”
I luked deeply into his raven colured eyerises as he spoek
"stop mothafuggas it's the law" stampeded oine of the officers. Then the black guy flshed and we were assoured fo his status.
“Time to earn your keep, boys,” Asahi declared.
"what can we do for you offiser" I asked qietly
"we are investigatin the dissapeerence of chadley swan" they told me.
“There wasn’t a disappearance. There was a funeral an’ everythin’!” Cherry shouted at the screen. “Shouldn’t investingatin’ his murder be more important? Especially since he got killed in his own house?”
 "Chadley was a good friend of mine and he wsnted you to know that he left evurything to you Rebecca because he hated that whore bella." I nodded in assumpsion, because she was rioght.
Asahi took in a deep breath, “Justice for Bella Swan!”
“Every time I feel more and more disgusted,” Briar growled. “Charlie was a decent man who loved his daughter dearly. He may have been awkward at showing it, but it was obvious enough.”
Chadley wasn't that angry when I killed him because he understud me. Charley waz why I came to live in fourks in the first palce. He was so dispointed in bella that he wanted new dawter.
“You can’t just turn your niece into your daughter just because you want to,” Asahi scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest tightly. “Trust me.”
Cherry looked at him for a moment. “I’ve got questions, but my curiosity is outweighed by the pure rage I feel at knowin’ the bitch killed Charlie even though she was apparently his ‘new daughter’.”
 Anyways he wouldn't be ded for long because we plan on bringin him back to luife by turning him into a vampiore!
“Against his consent?” Briar asked with an arched brow. “Rude, and impractical. He’s been dead for too long to become a vampire. Try a different undead creature.”
Edowerd suddenly whispered into my feac "Lady rebecca I doth believeth that these meneth doeth noteth noeth thateth weeth hast killedeth chadlyeeth"
Sighing, she shook her head. “Saying that in front of the cops is not a great idea,” Briar said, then paused. “Actually, say more in front of the authorities. With luck they will arrest you.”
“Not Judah?” Asahi asked innocently.
 because he was right. I frewked OUIT! I took edwrds hand and ran at my fastest speed away rfom the cops. We had to finde a plan owt and then cover it fast, otherwise I might get in truble and have to leave fourks! I wuld have to leeve EDOWERD!
“Look, they don’t know you killed him, right? You just need to act normal, and everythin’ will be—” Cherry cut herself off with a sigh, shaking her head, “Right, never mind. Ya wouldn’t know what ‘normal’ was if it hit ya in the face.”
As I rain down the hal at the quickest speed I thought baeck to my life hear in fourks. Wen I first got hear, it was chadley who introdooced me to al of his fiends and familly.
“He sounds like he was a good uncle,” Briar murmured.
 Without him bella and I wouldnt of had anything in comon. What wuld everybuddy think if they learned that I was the one who kiled chadley? Would any of them still accept me as their friend?
“They would rightfully hate you,” Asahi stated. “Charlie was a wonderful man, and you would be sentenced for murdering him.”
“You’ll probably get life without parole,” Cherry added.
 Would edowerd love me anymore? Would I be able to hoke up with any guys I likd?
“Idiot. Edward already knows you killed him, he was there,” Asahi said with a roll of his eyes. “Most guys would not want to hook up with a murderer. But Edward is clearly down with it.”
"Rebecca gurl wassup" asked tanishashanqua who was for my literachure clas.
Cherry raised an eyebrow. “Thought you said you had history, why are you in literature?”
"not much gurl" I sed back. The teecher Mr. Cleerwater stated to talk about his lectur when I beagan to get bord.
“Understandable,” Cherry continued, nodding her head.
“Not understandable,” Asahi countered with a glare. “Literature is fun!”
"Wurks maed in dis time period were made in the modernist period. As a genrah modernism id difficult to defaine because there are no set kwalifyers that determine if sumthing is modernistic or not. Despite the lac of a koncreate definition it is stil posible to determinh if a work is modernisitic or noit.
“Maybe it’s because it’s so badly written, but I feel like this is simultaneously true and not true.”
Cherry shrugged. “A lotta the early modernist writers addressed rebellin’ against the main, clear-cut an’ formulaic version of storytellin’. It was also around World War One an it’s better known sequel, so there was a lot of disillusionment going around,” she explained. “It focused a lot on individualism, symbolism, experimentin’ with new techniques, and just embracing the absurdity of writin’.”
Asahi looked to her with a small smirk. “I thought you found literature boring.”
“I do,” Cherry stated, cheeks a faint tint of pink. “It’s dull as hell, but I do pay attention in class.”
 I argu that Bernisee Boobs Her Hair
“…What?” Asahi asked, baffled.
 is a piece of literashure efectedby modernism b/c of the mane caracters alienation form teen sosiety, the wurk's analisis of a formeing generashional gap, and da pushing fo social boundries in wich the mane character indules in,,,"
“I’m trying to figure out what the hell the book she��s talking about is, and I’m drawing up blanks,” Asahi complained. “I shouldn’t be drawing blanks. Books are my thing! But ‘Bernisee Boobs Her Hair’? I can’t even think of what that might supposed to be!”
Briar shrugged. “You’re as lost as we are on this.”
“It sucks!” he complained, lurching forward, and grabbing his head. “The protagonist alienating themselves from teen society? Analyzing the formation of a generational gap? Pushing social boundaries? Those are amazing themes! I want to read this, but I don’t know what book she’s talking about!”
Cherry reached over to pat him half-heartedly on his arched back. “Hey, for all we know ‘Bernisee Boobs Her Hair’ ain’t even a real book an’ you’re just stressin’ over nothin’.”
I stooped listening to the fuicking boreing lecshure going on because I new that school was a waist of time and that we shouldbt be talking about ded people anways.
Looking up from his despair over the book, Asahi narrowed his eyes and glared. “Wrong,” he snapped.
“Very wrong,” Briar added with more bite. “History is important. It’s crucial we learn from the mistakes of the dead, so we can better ourselves and improve. But… if you think learning is such a waste of time, then you’re more than welcome to spend the rest of your life in poverty, slaving away on a farm because you don’t have the education or skills to do anything but plant vegetables and feed pigs. Then you might have to be sold for less than the price of a goat because your family needs the money and your inadequacies have left you more a burden to them than anything.”
Cherry frowned at her, “That’s a bit insultin’ to farmers an’ a lot of other people,” she warned. “Farmin’ is a perfectly fine job, it’s an important job. Besides, sellin’ people is illegal. At least it is, here.”
“Sorry,” Briar said, not really sounding all that apologetic. “Cultural difference. Farmers are great, I agree, they’re important beyond words. But, and I am speaking for my world only, the average farmer does not have too great of an education. If you don’t attend a school or take on an apprenticeship, if you don’t learn, there is little else you will be able to do besides farm work.”
Asahi shrugged. “Makes sense. We’re talking about a world that’s basically still in the dark ages. Not the brightest people.”
That earned him a smack on the head. “Rude,” Briar state.
Besides if I had any qustions about the paste I could just ask edowerd since he was born in 190.
Looking away from the other two, Cherry gave out a sharp laugh. “Edward’s old, but he ain’t that old.”
“He was born in 1901,” Asahi added, nursing the spot of his head he got smacked. “He’s over a century.”
"psst tanishashanqua" I tryd to get her atention but it loked like she was to busy talking notes.
“Like a good student,” Briar nodded.
 Tanishadshanqua cums from a getto neyborhood in fourks were peple get robed and shot a lot. Tanshina had red scarlet hare from her head drapping down to her but wich was very pretty but nt very easy to taek caer of. But she did her hare in a getto way so it loked fuckign ugly most of the tiem.
Scoffing, Briar shook her head. “Rude.”
“I’ll have ya know that those ‘ghetto’ hairstyles you’re sayin’ are so ugly are actually  really, really cool and pretty,” Cherry countered with a bite, before pausing and shrugging. “If ya, you know, actually take care of your hair. But anyone’s hair an’ any hairstyle can look gross if yer not takin’ the proper care.”
For sumone who alwaeys does peples hares she cant do her own very wel.
"god (judah) gurl what is it" she angrilee ansered. Shanquas god is also Judah like just me.
“Judah is not God. Unless you’re making up a fictional god, Judah is a son of Jacob,” Asahi gritted out. “If you’re talking about Judaism, their God is the same God in Christianity and Islamism. Hence why it’s called the Abrahamic Religions. It’s the same God, different methods of worship.”
He followed up with a defeated sag of his shoulders. “But I’m not a religious expert, and I don’t have the energy to try and dig more.”
"is it bad to kill someone if they are hurtin sumone you hold closse"
"hell fucking yea" she happilee exckaimed
"but why" I wonderered
"becase if the popo cetch ya then youll get your ass thrown in jhail cracka"
"oh" I realized. Mr. Cleerwater was still taking very boringlee about thinsg that just didnt apply to me.
“Murder is a generally frowned upon act in most circumstances. I won’t say it’s not complicated—there are situations where killing someone is necessary, but—” Briar directed a very pointed glare to the screen. “Killing Charlie had no justification and was very much, not okay.”
",,, a metaphor for the transfomeshin that amerikan sosiety was maekin in the jaz era. Modernist valyoos and a diselusionment frum the great war evokd progresive konsepts that were new and bould, sum reseeved wel and others reseeved poorly. The conflict between Bernise and Marjoree is indikativ of clashs in sosietal norms that transishional America wuz fasing"
Asahi groaned and buried his face in his hands. “As an avid reader, the way she’s bastardizing what would have been an interesting lecture kills me.”
He finaly finished and I was gladf becuse that was serioiusly the most borng piece of shit lectur I ever had to site through and reed. But now I could talk to edowerd and go find Alicia so that was good.
“Does your entire life revolve around Edward?” Cherry asked, then sighed. “Who am I kiddin’, of course it does!”
"Hey edowerd what are we doing about the cops" I asked
"wee doth need to destroyeth thine evidence or putteth the blameth on someone elserth" he answered grately.
Asahi rose to his feet, “I know what you’re thinking,” he growled, hunching over like an animal about to attack, “and don’t you fucking dare. Do not pin this on Bella!”
" I wasn't too shure about this because I wanted to do gud things dep down. I thoght it was helping Alicia to kill chadley but I guess im just misunderstud.
Briar ran a hand down her face, ring and index finger pulling on her lower eyelids as her middle traced the bridge of her nose. “You are an absolute idiot who thought that murdering Charlie was the right thing to do, to get a set of keys,” she said, moving her hand to join Asahi in standing. “You never even tried to consider an alternative way of freeing her that wouldn’t involve bloodshed. Such as, oh, I don’t know; having her use her vampiric super strength to break the bars and free herself? Or having Emmett, whose unique vampire power is being physically stronger than the average vampire, break her out?”
She reached to grasp her wrist, holding it tight as some form of self-restraint. “You could have waited until Charlie had fallen asleep to take the keys. You could have just been patient,” she said with unrestrained anger in her voice. “You just had to think for more than five seconds!”
“But that’s the problem,” Asahi said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “It requires her to think, and she can’t do that.”
Then the bell rang and I loked up. It was bella in the hall. I tought she loked like a fucking scank with syfilis in her fishnet stalkins and slutty pink miniskirts but I gess guys jsut liek that shit or sumthing.
“Look, I may not wanna see them on me, but fishnets an’ miniskirts are sexy,” Cherry shrugged. “Wearin’ that shit don’t make ya a skank.”
 Anyways the poiny of this is tht I realizd something.
"edowerd. I think I found someone who can taek the blame!" I sed.
Asahi collapsed back into his seat with a muffled scream as he covered his face with his arms and hands. “The one thing I asked you not to do!”
"Nay my lady weeth canteth doeth thateth Rebecca sheth iseth youreth cousin." Edowerd told me.
“Thank you, Edward!” Asahi shouted, uncovering his face. “Thank you for being the annoying voice of reason, for once!”
Eh loked so fuicking hawt undur the nergy efishent lights in the hall. Loking into his eys I had a memory in my head of whn we were kids. We where on the playgrownd in Mexico and she kicked a bounch of sand in my feace and then ran to her mom and said I did it. Judah (god) shes just so fuking jewvenile.
Briar raised an eyebrow in disbelief, “You guys lived in Mexico?” she asked. “That’s a big difference from living in Arizona, and you even lived with her as a kid?”
“But of course she was juvenile, you were freakin’ kids,” Cherry added before scoffing and looking away. “Can’t blame her for kickin’ sand in your face. I woulda done the same.”
"So what, she was always meen to me when I first came to fourks" I retoted.
"But she used to be my friends and Jakubs" Edowerd sed.
Asahi looked to the ceiling and growled. “Jacob and Edward only ever became friends when Jacob basically became his son-in-law, because of Meyers creepy pedophilia addition,” he grimaced as he recalled how she resolved that love triangle. Who the fuck thinks it’s okay to have a teenager fall in love with a newborn baby? “But yeah, sure, Jacob was a real good friend to her with what he helped Seth do to her”
 I admitt that he sotr fo had a point but then agin jabuc's friends did raep her that one time wich I liked because it gav her an atitood adjustmint.
“You just keep cementing the fact that you are a terrible person by trying to justify what happened to your cousin,” Briar scowled. “Reading it makes my blood boil.”
“You liked that they—that they just—” Cherry bit down on her hand to stop her scream. “You are the worst!”
"Ever since she got raped she changed" I pleated to edowerd.
Asahi took his empty cup and threw it at the screen. “I wonder why! Could it have been the trauma of the violent attack she suffered coupled with her own family mocking her for it and saying she deserved what happened to her? Could that have been why she ‘changed’?”
Now we here slowly waking down the hal to the presidents office so that I could run for the election. That was when SHE appeared! It was ROSE! And she was waking towards me at her ful potenshil.
Letting out a low sigh to release all the rage the last few bits of the story had created, Cherry leaned back with a tired smile. “The true queen has arrived.”
"Havent you dun enuff to her already?" Asked Rosey who had cum up to su in the hal to ask us about that.
“Yes, she has,” Asahi agreed, the girls nodding their heads along with him. “Thank you so much for noticing.”
Rosse was stading uprite and was easily a hed taler than me. She was paler then edowerd but had beyutiful blond hare wich flowed evanesentlee in the breez. Rosey iz always gettin in my bizness and begin a whiney bitch in geenral. I tel her that she can og fuock off sumtimes but she nevr listens unlik wedowrd.
“That’s because she’s not a pushover, she’s a woman who will not take shit from you and isn’t afraid of you and your manic tendencies,” Briar stated.
Edowird loked at me and then instately he understode wat I wantd. becuz the trtuh is hat i was slowlee failing fo him and I think he was faling for me too
Cherry rolled her eyes and blew a raspberry. “You’re still sayin’ you’re ‘slowly’ fallin’ in love with each other?” she asked. “Girl, ya been tryin’ to get in his pants since the first chapter.”
"Rossey why are doth here?" edowird inkwired for me
"Im hear to registr fro the posishin of president of the skool" she sed wiht hatrid in her voyse!
“She has my vote,” Asahi said, as if it were the most logical thing to do.
“And mine,” Briar added.
Cherry nodded, “I’d sooner vote for an actual mouse than for Becca.”
"WHA TDA FUOCK" I scraemed in foury. Edowird wuld have smaked rossey but he and me are too scared of her sinse shes an assassin.
“First off; good, be scared of her,” Asahi said, “Second; Edward wouldn’t have smacked her in the first place, she’s family. Third; when did she become an assassin—oh right. Newborn. Royce and his friends. The wedding dress. Yeah, I can see her being an assassin.”
"do I need to remind u that I hav a lisens to kill Rebecca" rossey asked. i shut up becuz theres no way edowrid culd take rossey in a fight. Shes just way to powurful.
“Rosalie, you could kill ‘em both right now, and no one would mind,” Cherry laughed. “I want them to fight so she can tear them both to pieces.”
 "im just kiddin gurl. But seriosly don't cross me bitoc" she warned before she waked ot of the presidont registashin rum. Judah (God) rosey is such a bitch. It's good though because shes a assassin and its her job to kill people and because shes a vampier she has a speshal deal with the FBI to let her murdr peple.
Briar stared up at the screen, “That’s not how any of that works,” she said before lowering her head in exhaustion. “But, whatever.”
But anyways then deowred and me went and registurd for the cvampain. But then jsut as we were waking out of the rum da two poleece offisirs akosted us.
"WE SIAD STOOP MOTHAFUOGGERS" they SCRAEMD and then da officer waved his pisstul at great shot towards me an edowerd.
“Please,” Asahi cried, “I’m begging you to shoot her!”
 Suddenly rosy came and she tuk out her two guns and shout the bullet in mid aer, and pointed the gunms at da ofisers. She hade taken her sunglases off wich ment dat she ment serious bizness noaw.
"bitch plz ill fuck u both up" she sed smoothlee.
“Look girl, I know you’d fuck us all up, but why are ya shootin’ the cops?” Cherry asked. “Shoot at Rebecca! Look, I’ll give ya all my paychecks for the next year if ya kill her!”
 Den she shot one of the ofisers in her brest and she scramed "OWWWW" she screamed loudlee. "get out of here you wil onlee get in da way" she sed angrilee to us. If she wusnt heplign us rite now I wuld smaeck her for bein such a biotch but dat wasnt the situashin rite no w so I culdnt.
“You strike her, and you will lose your hand,” Briar warned.
“I want her to do that,” Asahi muttered, “I want her to lose her hand.”
Meenwile Edowerd and mee ran az fast az i culd, huryeing. We onlee had dis one chans to frame bella for chadleys deth and THIS WAS IT!
“Damn it all!” Asahi yelled.
chaptwer 15 - edowerds chois
Cherry sighed, “Whatever the choice is, it’ll be the wrong one.”
Edowerd and me ran duwn the hals of the skool trying not to get hti by the bulets from roses two guns.
“So now Rosalie is shooting them?” Briar asked.
Cherry lurched forward, a grin split across her face, “Fuck yeah!”
"EVERYBDOY HIT THE FUCKIng DEK" Mr cleerwater screemed at the tiop of his vice. A bunch of the students weer runnin and jumin and trying to not gethuit by the bulets flyinhg evreywere.
“Understandable,” Cherry said with a nod, still looking fired up by Rosalie’s actions, “I’d be freakin’ out if someone shot up my school.”
“That’s something I never get about American schools,” Asahi said shaking his head. “You guys make it so easy for bad people to go over and shoot the place up. And then you expect turning off the lights and closing all the doors will deter a shooter.”
Cherry shrugged, “Blame Congress.”
 Mike nuton who had survivd earlyer becuz he had an emergencee braen transfushin got shot in his you no wat and was ded for real.
Asahi raised an eyebrow, “…Okay?” he said slowly. “I mean, I feel bad for him just on where he got shot. But… We were under the impression he was already dead. Bringing him back out of nowhere just to kill him again really does nothing. He’s basically a nameless mook.”
I felt bad for the ofisers becuz they weree going to di e today and there waz nothung they culd do to kil rose becaus she was a vampier who wurked for the govermint. I guess thats how the Collinss have alwas manajed to stasy hiden.
“Couldn’t be due to all the effort and hard work they put into never being discovered, could never be that,” Briar said with a roll of her eyes.
Suddenly the hole skool was bein invaded by police men. They were jumpin trhough the windoes of the skoll and were sprayin the pace with t here buillets. One of them jumped out in front of me and loked scray.
Asahi looked over to Cherry, “Is this kind of excessive violence normal in American schools?”
“Yes and no.”
"CUM WITH US OR WELL KIL YOU" a man scramed at me. I was gonna complie with what he waented but then he tuched me. I wuz going to be scraed but i dont taek that shitr from no one not evne edowird so I got out my anti-raep knife and stabed hi times with it in the nek [AN: SEE REBECKA IS SMART SHE WENTT FORn THE ONLYU SPOIT WERE THE HELKEMT WASNT IN THRE WAY] an dhis neck stated to sprasy bloud everywere.
“I hate to admit it, but going for the neck is a smart place to aim,” Asahi said, grimacing at having praised her. “But stabbing him wasn’t smart.”
“Congrats,” Cherry said, clapping. “You’ve killed two guys now. Good luck avoiding prosecution.”
"MI LADY DOTH THINKETH THATETH WE SHOULDETH GETETH TO BELLAETH" edowurd caresed. Suddenly a coip cum and shoit edowerd in the ches tiems in the cheast. I fel to the grund unce i saw this because edowerd is the luv of my life. I cruied ebanesent teers of sorrow and the teer drops feel onto his chest.
“Vampires? Immortals?” Briar began, waving her hand as she spoke. “Any of that ringing a bell?”
"Rebeca, doth shall not falleth in loveth witheth me" he sed sexily to me. Then i realsed i had nothing to worree about because edowurd was a vampier which means he cant die.
“Your idiocy is genuinely astounding,” the Huntsman sighed.
Then my evanednt teers becaem teers of joi wich brawt edowerd back fro m his slumber. I relized that he was my solmate in leif.
Cherry made a gagging sound. “I hate the soulmate trope,” she complained.
"GOD FUICKING DAMMIT EDOWERD DONT YOU DEI ON ME AGAIN" i screamd at him. How daer he maek me care abut him when he wasnt really dyeing!
 “How dare he make me think he’s dying when he got shot!” Asahi translated.
But there wasnt tiem to get angree becuz the soldurs were stil cuming and shooting all thruout the halls. Edowerd pucked me up with amasing hotness and sped and doodged all of teh bulits and caried me to safetee in the bathrum were i fought angela to a draw earlyr.
“That is a load of horseshit,” Briar countered, frowning at the claim. “You never fought her. You hid in the bathroom stalls and crawled on the floors until Edward came in.”
“Like a coward!” Cherry added.
And then we saw or objektiv: BELA. She was jsut gettin owt of the stal and writing in her emoshinal dairy wen edowerd and i tackled her. I was hapy becase bella is an anti enviyormentalst hu has had this cuming to her for a loung tiem.
“Justice. For. Bella,” Asahi growled out each word.
 She wuz probably doin drugz in the stal enyways [AN: KIDS DONT DO DROUGS THEY AER BAD FOR U].
Cherry scoffed. “I wanna do drugs just to spite her now.”
"WHAT THE FUICK ARE U GUYS DOIN" she scramed at the toip of her lungs. I smaeked that skanc in his feace and then edowerd tyed her up with sum rope.
Briar reached to grip her knife once again, “I do hope that our generous host allows us to visit the worlds of these fanfictions at some point,” she said, her voice surprisingly calm and level. “I wish to show Rebecca Swansin what karma is like.”
"Rebecca milady i doeth noteth thinketh thateth weeth shouldeth doth beeth doingeth thiseth" he woredlee exsclaimd. I tuk a step baeck and loked at the situashin. Bella was tyed up in rope in one of the stals and edowerd and me were abut to leav her.
"Edowerd if i dont do this then theyll find out it was me who kiled chadley" I pleded.
"fuck you!" bella scraemed at me.
“An absolutely justified reaction,” Asahi nodded.
"excuse me emo bitch who da fuck ased U!?" i was so close to taking out my antiraep nife and just stabing tha t mothafuocking bitch but then i remembred that kiling is onlee okay to saev peopul and that if i wuz gonna folow judah then i hav to sav thigns like the enviyorment
Cherry muffled her scream as she kicked the floor like an angry bull. “She pisses me off so much!”
Folding in on himself, Asahi pressed his forehead against his knees. “Briar, if you find a way to get into the world of Swansin, take me with you. I have a bat with her name on it.”
“Exactly!” Cherry yelled, standing up. “You treated her like shit, an now your tryin’ to shoulder blame onto her for your crime? What the actual fuck?”
her teers wer driping down her feace and making al of her emo maekup cum off. I laffed becuz she wuz being so fcking whinny and was crying and so did edowerd.
Briar shook her head. “Bella, your cousin is a complete sociopath… or is it a psychopath?” she shook her head again. “Doesn’t matter. You cousin is very fucked up in the head, and you deserve so much better.”
Asahi groaned, “At this point, I am ready to get out the adoption papers.”
Anywaes wile she wuz cryin we toke one of my anti raep nifes (i always have spaers) and put it in bellas fuoking uglee flanell coat pokit. Wit this evidunce on her theres no way i culd be cot for my criem.
He slouched, thoughts of adoption forgotten, “Reading this is painful.”
"edowerd MAEK HER STOP OR ILL SAY YOU RAEPED ME" she finaly screemed in despuration.
"NO EDOWERD IF U STOP ME ILL SAY U RAEPED ME AND DEN STAB U WITH MY ANTI RAPE NIFE" i screemed ever loudlier. It tuk a moment for edowerd to undrstaen the situashin he wuz in.
“Yes, cause accusin’ someone of rape if they don’t do what ya want is such a mature thing to do,” Cherry rolled her eyes. “Anyone who does that to someone is a garbage person, an’ Edward needs to just walk away from both of them.”
"Bella I doeth not doth luveth thee hancefourth andeth becuzeth ofeth this i henceforth shall helpeth milady rebecca" he sumblee staetd.
“Angela to the rescue!” Asahi cheered, but that cheer soon died out as he remembered what story he was reading. “Please let be here to rescue Bella.”
AN: Pepol wer beign nice
“People were being nice?” Cherry asked, staring owlishly at the text. “To this fic?”
*Applauds loudly* My dear, this is BRILLIANT! Simply BRILLIANT! Such fresh, funny style! Such wonderful cohesion between references to other trollfics and your own unique elements! And the Bella-bashing-GENIUS! You have clearly done your research! Thank you so much for this fic, which has brought joy and laughter into the heart of many a weary snarker.
Anya the Purple
“I don’t know whether to see Anya the Purple as a traitor or not,” Briar murmured. “She acknowledges the story for what it is; a trollfic; and chose to focus on the aspects of it that TwilightRova succeeded in, and is able to maintain remarkable equanimity through it.”
“She’s right, but I don’t have to like it,” Cherry added.
yeha i dunt no y but pepul cal me a trol wich is wrong cuz im a human and i dunt liv enderneth a bridge and aske peuple ridels but whatever its nice i gess
“You’ve got the intelligence of one, though,” Briar remarked.
but then i got sum haters so fuock u guys
LightningHunter 10/2/12 . chapter 1
Ya know even my 8 year old cousin can spell better than you.
“I’m pretty sure I can write better in English than her,” Asahi muttered with a huff, “And I only know English when I’m here.”
Let me say oneeee more thing ...
“What is there to ‘get’, though?” Briar questioned. “You’ve given us no reason to like or sympathize with Rebecca. She has been shown again and again to be an abusive, controlling, and manipulative fiend who resorts to excessive violence when she comes across something she does not like, and has never made a single effort to expiate for any of her actions.”
She continued, holding a hand out to the screen. “The only thing ‘complicated’ about the world is complicated because of your own inadequacies in worldbuilding and refusal to explain upon things, such as this unfathomable hatred Rebecca has for Bella, or why the vampires somehow no longer have their unique vampiric abilities,” Briar explained. “Ultimately, all you’ve done is create an unlikable character within an unlikable world, and get upset when someone does not praise you for your ‘genius’.”
“The spellin’ sure ain’t doin’ ya any favors, either,” Cherry added.
chapter 16 Angela vs Rebeca
OH NO it was the vampior ANGELA who had kiled all fo bellas fiends erlier.
“At this point, if Angela did everything because she was actually obsessively, possessively in love with Bella, I wouldn’t even question it,” Asahi said, crossing his arms over his chest once more and shrugging. “I’d actually forgive a third of the bullshit you’ve put us through if that’s the case.”
Cherry laughed and clasped her hands together. “Yandere Angela! I’d love to see it!”
She waked sexilee beack in forth wearing only a whait thoing and skarlit fishnet stolkings and a goldin bikeenee top and purpul six inhc hi heels. I no it sunds wierd but trust me she wuz pulin them of.
Her laughter died quickly, “You’re right,” she agreed, nodding her head, “It sounds really weird.”
"OHG FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK" bella scramed at the toop of her lungs. But it hd no efect becuz outsied the gunfite wuz stil going on and insied we were so no sound bullits becuz gun cant sownd
“No sound, because bullets can’t sound…?” Briar asked uncertainly, and wondering if perhaps the confusion was because she never even heard of a gun before this place.
Asahi rolled his eyes and scoffed, “Someone’s clearly never heard a gun go off.”
"I AM HEER TO FINIS HWHAT I STATED A LOUNG TIEM AGO" the vamprior angel screemed!
“I’m hopin’ that what she’s referrin’ to s to finish the last bathroom scene with Becca and finally kill her,” Cherry said, slumping in her seat and leaning closer to Asahi. “I’m rooting for your yandere theory to come true.”
He shrugged and gently nudged her out of his personal space. “At this point, it’s the only nonsense I’ll accept from this story.”
 I tuk my sekond anti raep nife our fo my pockit and poyntid it at the biotch. Angela was instately assoured of my potenshil and tuk out a thre yard long samurai sorde.
“Knife versus sword,” Briar hummed, thinking it over, going different fights and personal experience through her mind, “The knife-user could win if they’re good. But Angela is a vampire, that gives her an advantage. Super-human reflexes and strength combined with being less fragile than a human… plus she has a sword, meaning she doesn’t need to get as close to Rebecca. Logically, there should be no way Angela can lose this fight.”
Asahi let out a sharp, bitter laugh. “When has this story ever followed logic?”
“Fair point.”
"no no no no no no no FUCK YOU YO MOTHWERFUOCKER" I sreemed agin but agin it dindt hav any afect on the situashin. "EDOWIRD HLEP ME" but it wuz no use he wasnt in the batroom with mee.
“Wait, when’d he leave?” Cherry asked. “I ain’t complainin’, but I would have liked to have known that he had left.”
 "JUDAG FUOCKING DAMMIT I HAET ALL OF U BIOTCHEZ!" The vampiore angela was goign to kil me!
“We can only hope,” Asahi sighed.
 "NO GETBELLA SHES TYED UP" Angla tuk anther step to me and sudenly a GUNSHOUT WERNT OFF!
"yo homie wats up" tanishashanqua sed. IT WAS ALICIA AND TANISHASHANKWA DEY WEER HEER TO RESCU ME!
“Why would you rescue her and not Bella, the clear victim here,” Briar demanded.
"Yo you on my turf fuckor best be gettin off it" alicia wanred. Alicai had here pistul frum the other day in her haend adn had usde it to atack agela!
"btch plz shes maine" angela sed and then luged at bella. I wuz so glad dat she wusnt after me al along!
“No, no, she didn’t say Bella died,” Asahi said quickly, a tint of desperation in his voice. “This could still be Angela rescuing her.”
hen alicia caem up to me and sed "we have to staek her in the hart to kil her" she sed and then gaev me a shotgun "but dont use it yet kep it for later". I noded my hed in awarnes.
Still sour over what happened to Bella, Asahi glared at the screen. “Specifically, you should shoot it when the barrel is pointed at yourself for the optimal effect.”
“Or you can stake her in the heart and not Angela,” Cherry offered helpfully.
"ill fcuking kill u you motharfucker!" and wit that alicia shot angela in the faec four tiemes but onlee got 2 hits becuz she was gonong so fsat but tashinaquasha bit angela in the hand and then angela pushed hr in the face! But then kasper apperd and klawed angelas face with his womins nales and den angela stopped
“I would be happy to never see Jasper in this story again,” Briar deadpanned. “Not because I don’t like him, but because it would take away your excuse to make transphobic remarks.”
"I WILL BE BAECK LATEr" she scremed and then gav me the Katana "YOU MUST KIL BELA WHEN THE TIEM COMES" she scremed and then disappeared.
Asahi screamed into his elbow. “Come on!” he yelled. “Angela, I trusted you!”
Exchanging looks, Briar and Cherry both reached over to give him a sympathetic pat on the back.
Edowerd cum and then we huged together in frunt of evereeoen. Dis maed me crai becuz we were taking our relashonship to a new levul. Except dat i felt his thingee when we toched and then i broke up and i smaked him for being a PERVURT!
Asahi looked up, eyes rimmed red from tears he refused to cry. “This hurts me, so much.”
“This hurts everyone,” Cherry said, still giving him comfort pats.
"yo moon why is bella tyed up" alicai and kaspor asked.
"becuz we need her to go to jale insted fo me" i sed hapilee
"u caent do that" caspor sed.
“Thank you, Jasper,” Briar smiled. “At least we can trust you.”
 Then i stabed him with my new ANTI RAEP CATANAA in leg becuz even tho he thinks hes a women hes jsut a confuzed maen and hes stil in the girls rum
That smile was quick to leave as Briar gripped the arm of her seat so tightly what remained from the previous knife damage simply broke off. “And we’re back to this”
“I don’t think TwilightRova knows if she wants Jasper to be a transman or a transwoman,” Cherry mused.
 "U FUOCKING RAPER SPOT TRYIGN TO SEX ME WITH UR EYS" I stabed. Kaspor went nuts tho and then tried to byet me but pedowerd stoiped him ad then he ran of.
Briar let out a sigh, “Can someone explain why Rebecca has yet to be arrested for her innumerable assaults?” she asked, “A man just looks at her, and she will stab him.”
“Because the author believes that her self-insert can do no wrong,” Asahi answered sullenly.
 Then alicia told me dat i culdnt fraem bella for chadleys deth becuz she had an abili so we were back to skware 1.
That sullen demeanor was gone quick, “Thank you, Alicia, thank you!” Asahi applauded. “You suck, but thank you for not letting them blame Bella.”
AN: okay so im getin som h8trs
Cherry rolled her eyes. “Shocker. At least it’s free entertainment.”
Flawless Obsession 10/8/12 . chapter 8
Out of all this story that I had the displeasure of reading, this is the only thing I understood.
Go on then and show how immature you are.
but u no wat im gona ruse abuv it liek jesus crist wuld want me 2.
“Jesus Christ would want you to put down the pen and never write again,” Briar argued. “He would just be nicer about it than us.”
u r a fuker and i caent chaneg dat but i can kepe doign wat im doign regadeless of the critcizm becuz to b a grate riter u hav to folo ur dreemsd and ur hart wich i am soing.
Asahi grimaced, “To be a great writer, you also need a solid comprehension on spelling, grammar, and basic storytelling,” he stated, glaring in disgust at the screen. “You have none of that. I don’t think you even know what proofreading is.”
“It’s no wonder the editor dipped,” Cherry snickered.
chapter 17 - edowerd betrays
“Good for him,” Cherry nodded as she went to take a drink of what remained of her soda. It’d been so long that it was all watered down from the melted ice.
"Wait moon before you go"
Briar shook her head. “Seventeen chapters in, and you still call her ‘Moon’,” she said in disappointment. “Asahi is right, you don’t know what proofreading is.”
 alicia approched me wit determinashin in her eies. She we wearing her usual drug dealor uniformn and had matching redd earings. She had died her hare paink with purpol hilites andit was weet from the intens battel we had hade earlier.
She raised a brow, “That fight was supposed to be intense?” Briar asked. “I’ve seen children play-fighting with far more intensity.”
“That whole fight was insipid,” Asahi complained.
"What is it alicai" i pated her heed becuz it luked liek she was having a rouff day. [AN: SEE REBEKA HAS EMPATHEE SHES NOT A SYKOPATH]
“That’s a lie,” they all said. They had yet to see a moment where Rebecca had genuinely thought of and put someone before herself.
"I need you to help me with sumthing" she sed with anger in her face.
"What is it" i questined expektently wile trying to find my voyce in my throet.
"Well i kno why all of the cops are invadin the scool and kiling people" she sed...
Asahi looked to the ceiling; he was beginning to memorize all the different spots up there with how often he’d choose to stare at the ceiling then at the story. The ceiling was far more interesting and less infuriating. After a few moments he looked back to the screen and scrunched up his face. “You know why, huh?” he asked, sarcasm dripping from the words. “Does it have anything to do with you having killed two cops, one of them being your uncle, and having a drug dealer you broke out of jail currently attending class still?”
“No, couldn���t be,” Cherry said with just as much sarcasm. “They’re all here because Bella obviously did somethin’.”
"Wait why" i asked inkwizatively.
"I was in the kemistry rum and was trying to make a new super droug for my biznes when i acidently mixed the drug with a buncha blud sampels i found in mr Chocoluvs ofiss" she sed. I saw a singul teer drop folowed by two more teer drops fal down her face and hut the florwich both caem from her eies.
Briar tilted her head, it was a rare moment she felt genuinely impressed. “The blood samples from before are coming back into play?” she asked with a hum. “That is a surprisingly amount of cleverness.”
“Don’t be too proud of her,” Asahi grumbled. “She’ll drop the ball somehow before the paragraph is over.”
"so what" i sed. We hade more pressing maeters to atttend to like the dedly virus spredin!
Cherry lurched forward; eyes wide. “I’m sorry,” she said, stumbling over the words, “The what is spreading?”
“If she brings in a freaking zombie apocalypse…” Asahi shook his head.
"It mutated into a virus becuz of the vamprie blud. the birus will kils anyone who breethes it in and then whoever breethed it wil die if they arent a vampier" Juda damit this fuocking shit is why alicia doesnt have any friends that arent me and edowerd and caspor and jemmet and rosalee and tanishashashankwa.
“There is nothing wrong with having six friends, you don’t need to have an abundance of friends to be satified with life,” Briar said, paused, and then held her hands out. “But more importantly; this virus is a fairly big deal.”
"wen did u do this" edowerd asked
"earlyr today" alicai asnwered. "i ran off to chek on the sampuls when i fiorst saw hte cops this mourning". Then she left the bathromo just liek she caem earlyr.
“Well, sad to see her go, she’s far more entertaining than Swansin. But I won’t miss her,” Asahi shrugged.
"uh oh" i sed. This culd be a probelm for the rest of the skool. "wil i be safe?" i asked questionately.
“We all hope that you won’t be, but we know you’ll be fine,” Briar said.
“It’d be nice if she just caught the virus an’ died, an’ the rest of the fic is just a memorial to her,” Cherry said with an almost dreamy smile at the thought. “But it won’t happen.”
"yes milady" edowerd replierd. "doth loveth and salieva frum hence my moutheth wil power thee to lifeth." Edowerd sed sexily. I wuznt luking right at him but i culd see his sexy reflekshin in the bathrum miror.
“I can’t even say nothin’ about this being wrong, cause Twilight vampires have reflections,” Cherry moaned.
 We wer al alone in the bathrum so i finaly pooped the qustion to my lover.
"hey edowerd wanna sex" i asked lovnglee.
Asahi groaned and gagged, “I both love and hate that we were right, the ‘no sex before marriage’ really didn’t hold up.”
"yes milday i doth think it wuld be plesureable" he sed.
Cherry stared and blinked, rubbed her eyes, then stared some more. “Wow,” she said after a pregnant pause. “She is a terrible girlfriend.”
“That’s entrapment,” Asahi grumbled. “She asked him a question, he answered honestly. Saying that yes, you would like to have sex doesn’t equate to having sex. But also anyone that makes their partner do these ridiculous and random tests is a terrible person.”
 Edowrd had betrayd me and now i was al alone in the wurld.
Briar took in a deep breath, and if the seats were sentient they would have probably cowered in fear of being damaged even more. But instead she clapped her hands together and slowly stood up. “That is an exaggeration, there was no ‘betrayal’,” she said just as slowly, as if she were talking to a dunce. “As Asahi said, you asked a question, he answered, saying what you want to do is not the same as doing it”
She took in another breath and brought her hands—still together like a prayer—to her face as she exhaled. “Now! Let’s say Edward broke your trust by revealing some very private information about you to someone who would immediately use it to ruin the future you had spent ten years studying and working for? Imagine if that got you kicked out of the place you called home and now you have live in squalor for another couple of years before being taken in by what’s essentially a cult, they make mold you into something else, and now you’re to do a very dangerous and strenuous job with a high mortality rate for the rest of your life, all the while he goes on to live the life you had spent those ten years working for, without showing any regret for what he did. That is a betrayal. Saying ‘yes, I would like to sex’, is not.”
Both Asahi and Cherry stared at her in stunned silence as Briar returned to her seat. Not a word was said for over a minute before Cherry coughed and elbowed him.
He glared at her for a fraction of a second before looking to Briar, “Are you… speaking from experience?”
Briar stared back at him; her expression unreadable. “Hypothetical,” she stated.
 I ran owt of the bathrom betrayd by edowerd and jsut ran down the hals. I ran rely fast and then began to smel the viris that alicaia had ben talking abut.
“If we’re lucky, you will all die,” Cherry grumbled.
I shreemly luked down the hals at all the ded boodies. All of the coips were ded on the grund. I herd a really disgustin noiz cuming from down the hal. I tuk out my shotgun htat alicia had given me earlyer and slowlee creepedd up on them. I GASPOED when i saw who it was!
Briar clicked her tongue, “That cliffhanger could have been better.”
“A lot of this story could have been better,” Asahi reminded.
chapter 18 - rebeca vs Hames
Cherry frowned, “Hames? Who’s Hames—” she stopped, eyes widening in realization. “Shit. James, an’ not even the cool James!”
It was the two vampiors from the cleering earlyrs the other day! Except for the gai who i kiled with the rock!
“At least you remembered you killed one of them,” Asahi muttered, then rolled his eyes. “With a rock. I am still upset about that. She killed a vampire by throwing a freaking rock at him!”
"I THOGUHT I TOLD U TO FUCK OFF" I voyced at them. Then they got up from the blud on teh grund.
"bitch plez im a teachor now" sed the guy in the leathur bicker jackit.
“Is he teaching history, since he’s lived longer than any of his human students, or is he teaching how to track?” Briar asked, holding her hands together and leaning forward in curiosity.
“I’d be fine with him teachin’ either, but ya know the author’s gonna butcher it.”
 He luked realy evil unlike edowerd and me.
“You are the evilest one here,” Asahi shouted.
His hare was even moar black then before and drapped down to his feete. Hiz faec was covered in fucking uglee peersings wich maed him luk like a transvestite.
Briar let out a low growl. “Ah, yes. Transphobia. Such a brave thing to explore.” Another chunk of her armrest broke off with a sharp snap.
To his side was his ladee, the biotch with the minijeen skurt so teeny dat you culd see her you-no-what exsept not anymore becuz she was wearin flor length jeens so loung that you culdnt see her shoes anymore. She hade a wors dres sens than bella wich i didnt thuink was posibul.
“An your style is any better?” Cherry asked. “Cause so far their fashion sense seems normal.”
"wich meens we can disciplin u now for kiling our leeder you runt" the biotch sed. She tuk owt a mikerofone from her purse and he tuk out a gitar from his back and they both ekwipped their wepins and began to use them atme!
Fashion forgotten; Cherry cocked her head to the side. “Wait, this a rock battle, now?”
Asahi shrugged, not quite understanding it either, “I guess instead of just being dangerous vampires, they’re also a rock band. It’s… weirdly not surprising.”
“Honestly? Same. I’d love to hear their music sometime. Rock’s the fuckin’ best!”
“A manipulative, abusive, psychotic fiend,” Briar answered in a tone dryer than sand.
 I tuk out my Catana and my shotgun to show them that I was a stroing independant womin! But it didnt stop them so i screemed for hlep!
“What happened to you being such a ‘strong and independent woman’?” Asahi asked.
Cherry gave the screen a thumbs down, “At least try before ya start screamin’ for help!”
 "EDOWERD" I stated but then i remebered that i was done with taht trayter's bulshitt so i scredmed for sumone else "KASPOR! REMMET! ANYONEEE!" but it hade no afect so i ran down the hal paste mr cleerwater.
“You have both a gun and a sword, you could have stood your ground,” Briar muttered, “And after trashing him so much, you’re begging Jasper for help? Pathetic.”
“She’s a fake,” Asahi shrugged, “What else did you expect?”
"stop this is a violashin of skool rules you despicabul dunce" mr cleerwaetr he sed to me but it was to late becuz Hammes and Vitorio kiled him with theyre bad muzik [AN: ROUCK IS STUPID AND REBECA DOEZNT LISEN TO IT]
“Well, fuck you!” Cherry yelled back.
and by hiting him with their gitars and pursus. I new he was ded becuz then they beheded him and then ate the hed! Hten they kept cuming for ME!
“Eating the head seems rather excessive,” Briar mused, drawing a finger along her own neck. “But who am I to judge.”
"WE ARE GOIGN TO AVENJE FORAUNT" Vitorio methodiculy wispurd in my direkshin. We had run trhough the siense wing of the skool and were now in the halth wing. [AN: furks high is atachde to the hospitul]
Asahi spluttered for a moment, coughing hard as he tried to clear his lungs. “The hell?” he croaked. “I don’t think any school is attached to a hospital.”
“But it does explain how Bella got released back to class so quickly,” Cherry pointed out.
"ill sav u rebekka!" it was JACUB who had an AX!
“Why not turn into your wolf form?” Asahi asked, “That’d be more effective than an axe.”
“But then he wouldn’t look like the ‘sexy lumberjack’,” Cherry countered. “Not that he looks like one, anyway. He lacks the beard.”
 He was shitless and stading in the hal with an axe and his musculor bild and tan skin maed me horny rite then an there. He had hade a harecut and now he luke d like a cros between Brad Pity and Chanin Taytim and Zaeck F-Ron and Nail Patrik Harrus (eksept withut him beign gau) Exsept jakub is a native indien.
Cherry rolled her eyes. “We get it. He’s sexy. You’re attracted to a dude who fell for a newborn.”
"WYH ARE U DOIGN THIS" Jakub axd [AN: Hahaha GET TI!?].
The three all groaned over the bad pun.
"ITS BECUZ I LOVE REBECA" Hamees sed! Jakub and me and Citoria all GASPED!
“Excuse me?” Asahi asked, clearly offended and reeling back into his seat. “No, no, no. We are not doing a stupid love triangle. Keep that shit away.”
Sudenly everyting in the wurld stoped and the spotlite was on Hames who had jsut professored his undieign luv to me.
"Yes its true even tho i use u for sex Clitoria i dunt realy loev you" he sed.
Cherry was grinding her teeth. “For one; rude! Ya don’t use someone just for sex, that’s cruel,” she said. Holding up one finger and slowly bringing up a second. “Second; what the fuck? Clitoria? Clitoria? That’s just insultin’!”
But he saw stil runign toewerds me so i had to housely dodj the atack. Then he got on 1 foot and stated to plau his gitar at me. He stated singing Im a B by the Blaeck I Ps which I haet becuz onlee loisers listen 2 mainstreem muzic.
Groaning, Asahi buried his head between his knees. “I hate when they bring music into this.”
“I listen to terrible bards enough in my world, don’t bring them here,” Briar scowled.
 Wile he waz serenating me Jakub choped of his arm with hs ax and then Games ran away likea bithc. Jakub was sweeting and painting and he piked me up with his arms and tuk me away from the sene. It was so hot liek out of a bluckbuster movee.
“Lame,” Asahi booed, “So freaking lame.” 
"I am going to taek you to owr leeder Rebeca" he sed. I didnt liek his rurry fiends but i wuld deel with it becuz i wuznt in a situashin to argeu at the moment.
"who is ur leeder" i asked as he carryd me paste all of the karnage.
"luk for yourself" he sed and then I saw who it was. I gawsped! IT WAS...
“Sam Uley,” Cherry stated in deadpan. “The leader of the pack is Sam Uley. At least until Jacob splits an’ makes a different pack. But to do that we need Bella pregnant with Edward’s kid. So that ain’t happenin’.”
chapter 19 - The wearwolvs
"Look for yourself" he sed and then I saw who it was. I gawsped! IT WAS... LEYA CLEERWATER!
Briar frowned, “I’m not against her being the pack alpha… but why?” she asked.
Leya was stading dere with her platinom hare with yellow hilites swiging back and forth in the wiund. She hade a lether halter top on with a mathing corset and skurt. She had a batleax ekwiped in her belt and she luked like a pierit in her owtfit wich was awsum becuz piraets are cool.
Cherry groaned, grabbing her pigtails and pulling hard, “Damnit!” she yelled. “I hate when I gotta agree with her. Pirates are fuckin cool!”
To leas left was her bruther seth cleerwater
Briar’s entire demeanor turned ice cold and she laid her knife on her lap, running a finger up and down the edge. “Right, that one.”
The mood turned dark as all three focused in on Seth, recalling painfully clearly what he had done.
and to her right was her cuzin samiel gangee. They both luked like indiens with there shurts off.
“They look like Native American’s, because they are Native Americans,” Asahi snapped.
I rememred seth frum the day that he raeped bella. It was a sad storee actuoally for bella but mostlee for seth.
“Excuse-a-what-now?” Cherry spluttered just as Briar stabbed her knife into the empty seat adjacent to herself. “You’re tryin’ to tell me that the rapist is the one who should be gettin’ sympathy? Fuck you.”
 You see indian wearwolfs do this thing caled imprisoning were they imprison on some1 and then luv them forever. Its so romaentic.
Briar took in a shaky breath, digging the knife in deeper. “Imprisoning is not romantic, that’s kidnapping. It’s illegal and vile,” she growled. “The fact that you find it romantic at all is disgusting.”
“And it sure as hell doesn’t justify rape!” Asahi snarled, looking like he wanted to reach through the screen and strangle someone.
Enywayz I lerned frum Clemmet that seth imprisond on him and tha they were GAY for each oher [AN: REBECA DOEZNT H8 GAYZ CUZ GAIS ARE HOTTT THOGETHER ONLEE TRANSECUALS ARENT THEY DUNT NO WAT THEY R]! (rosey was okay with dis becuz she thinks guy on gui is hawt)
“Not only are you transphobic, but you fetishize homosexuality,” Briar said with an unsteady laugh as she pulled the knife out and struck the seat again, causing cotton to bleed out. “Oh, you do not understand how much I wish this seat was you.”
But Seth didnt waent to be gay so he tryed to repreve his innur demions. First he went to Carliel the collins father who is also a priest to get an exsorsism but it dindt wurk.
Cherry frowned, “Carlisle went from doctor to priest… well, his old man was a pastor, so I guess it ain’t completely out of the blue.”
So he rapped dat fucking whore bella in frustrishin to be normal. But he was such a biotch it didnt wurk and he cryed the entier tiem.
Asahi scowled. “Don’t even think that justifies what he’s done.”
But it didnt wurk and then he went all emo becuz if he was gay then he culdnt b a wearwolv anymore. Jemmet culdnt b with him becuz of the wearwolv thuing. Now thungs are bettr becuz seht jsut rejects that part of himsefl.
“You rejected the gay part of ya, or the werewolf part?” Cherry asked. “Cause can’t imagine either is good for ya.”
"JACOBO" Lea scremed angrilee waving her battleax baeck and forth
"WAT" he scremed back waving hsi own ax back and forth
“You are werewolves,” Briar said coldly, her whole demeanor had remained cold since Seth had been brought up, and had grown chillier by the sentence. “You are not angry woodsmen.”
"Why hav u brught her here to owr secret base" she askd pointing at ME! I was too shiocked to speek!
"she is on our side now" he sed. I luked dreemily into his face as he spoke. His wolfy sent was makin me so fuocking horny waaaay hornieer than edowerds ever did. I dont no why i even bothered with that stupifd hore of a man becuz he was always staking bella before i caem here enyways.
“I have a solution for all of this madness,” Asahi announced, starting to look a bit disheveled and frantic. “Rebecca can be with Jacob, that way Jacob can stop being an obsessive creep over Bella because of her ovaries! Then Bella and Edward can be together like they’re supposed to be, and no one has to interact with the other, everyone can be happy, and we can go home!”
Cherry reached over to pat him on the head. “It’s a nice idea. It just wont happen.”
 "She can help us defete the evil overlorde!"
"You meen..." I sed and then pauzd and covered my mouth with my hand and then my otha hand... he wuz talking about the onlee person wrose than bella in fourks... "U meen ESME!?" I scremed?
Cherry blinked, leaned back, and looked a little guilty. “Yeah, I actually forgot she existed. We’re however the hell far we are, and this is her first mention,” she said, but then held her hands out to the screen. “But in that time she’s been gone, she’s become an evil overlord? Gotta respect that!”
"YES! HER!" he sed puting me down gentlee on teh grund. "she is the master of the collins... and the onlee thing stoping us frum being normal!" he sed ultimatly into my faec.
“Wasn’t the whole reason the werewolf thing happened because of the Cullens moving into the area?” Briar asked, glaring at the screen still. “Not because of one particular member, it was just that they were there.”
We maed eye contect and i instately new that we had waaaay more kemistree than that fuocker edowird and me did.
“Then take my advice! Go date him and never go near Bella again!” Asahi shouted.
"but waite how are u immune to the virus" i askd assurdly to all 4 of them. Leya was the onlee 1 to steep forwerd to ansur my qwestion.
Cherry scowled, “Why are you immune?” she then rolled her eyes. “Of course, Mary Sue syndrome.”
"we have super strength" she sed vicariusly.
"oh ok" I sed assurd.
Cherry shook her head, tugging harder on her pigtails, “That doesn’t explain the immunity at all!”
"so rebecca will u hlep us to defeet the collins" seth sed sadlee. Then I remembered that kiling all of the collins wuld meen dat demmet the luv of saths lief wuld aslo dye. He wuz being braevr then any1 i no by folowing his clan insted of his hart. I new then dat I HADE to do this 4 seth and semmet.
Briar rolled her eyes, “Quick as always to commit murder, and now it’s your ‘soulmates’ family,” she scoffed. “Who is the true traitor here?”
"but wait how can I help" I askd.
"there are secret polise at this skool who want to stop us wearwolfs. Sum of the collins work for all fo them. Agenla used to be a part of there fors but then she defeeted. If we defeet esme then rosalees spuy netwurk will HAVE to shut down!
“Or Rosalie, being as capable and dangerous as she is, will kill every one of you with barely any effort,” Briar suggested before rolling her eyes, “but that is just poppycock.”
And U can get baeck to edowerd and truck him into letting u into there hose!" Lea scremmed!
But waite! i didnt waent ALL of the collins to dye! Onlee that fucking biotch esme!
“Look, listen, if you let one of them live then that is one person who will seek out revenge against you,” Asahi explained. “You have to kill them all, don’t leave any survivors.”
Briar shook her head, “I have to agree.”
“Nip it in the bud before the circle of revenge can start!” Cherry added.
"lets not kil all of them" I bargind.
"yes ur rite we will onle kil esme and rosaless if she gets in the way. Jacob go with her to compleet the misshin im trusting u" Leya sed.
AN: I got moar h8ers. h8ers goign 2 h8 is all ill say EKSEPT FOR U:
“You’re only openin’ yourself up to more an’ more hate,” Cherry warned, not that it mattered.
Radiant As You 10/15/12 . chapter 18
“No,” Asahi shook his head, “Radiant As You is right, you’re the disgusting, stupid piece of shit. You fetishize homosexuality, you’re openly transphobic, you endorse abuse, and you’re a rape apologist! What the actual fuck!”
chapter 20 the virus resistense
Jakuv and me wer runing bak down the hal thru the siense wung of the scool to find a way owt. All fo the dors wer lockd by polisemen who wer locking down the scool becuz of the virus.
“I’d usually say this is understandable and that we don’t want it to spread,” Briar began. “But, no, I want it to spread. Infect and kill everyone.”
“Mood.” Asahi sighed.
i wuz abut to braek thru to the outsied with my catana wen al of a suden jacubu stoped me.
"dont do that rebeca they al cleerlee hav guns" he sed. He hade groped me arm to stiop me and noraly i wuld stop him but he wuz so fucking sexxxxy in the briught sunlite that i didnt minde tha t he diddnt do wat i waented.
“See, that’s the root of your problem,” Cherry said waving her hand at the screen. “IF someone doesn’t do what ya want ‘em to, you decide to stab em. That’s messed up.”
"i can taek them" i told him.
"no we hav to try and sav as meny pepul as possibul" he told me. He wuznt liek ediwerd at all. He wuz waaay smarter and wuz aslo tryign to sav as meny pepul as possibul.
“So, he’s nothing like you,” Asahi deadpanned. “You’re selfish and only look out for yourself, and only care about what you want.”
I new den dat it wuld hurt to evar be neer deowerd agin becuz he wuz such a biotch cumpeard to jakub.
“And look at who made him that way,” Briar spat.
We raen down teh hals sum moer. Jakub was sweeting sexily and riped the leggs of hsi paints offf. So basikalee he wuz runing with shorts on and he luked liek a boodybilder. Meenwile my purpul raben hare wit royul goldin streeks wuz sexilee floewign in the wend as i ran.
“She really loves bringing up how her hair blows in the wind, doesn’t she,” Asahi said rolling his eyes.
“We should get a counter for it,” Briar suggested.
 i tuk of my shirt as i ran becuz it wuz coverd in goer and al i had on wuz my reed sportz brah. My boebs wer jigling baeck and forth as i raen but not dat much so wtf u thinkign reedor.
Cherry groaned, tugging on her hair once again. “You wrote about her shirt being taken off an’ her boobs jigglin’ about, don’t complain about the readers readin’ that!”
Then as we came to alicia and tanishashanqua who wer stading outsied the scool labratoree in the halways.
"yo my homie wassup" tashinaquansha asked. we stoped to se wat alicai and tanisha wer dogin.
Asahi sighed, “Despite it being misery to say her name, Tanishashanqua is the only one I genuinely like in this story,” he confessed. “Probably because we see so little of her.”
"why are you all stil in the building" jakub askd inquistionalee. I steped behinde him to get a luk at his sexy endien wearwolg ass.
"we r trying to stop the virus by creeting an antydoote" alicai asnwered. She had a darkk red lab cioat on wich mathced her blud red dyed hare.
“Lab coats make people more attractive, that’s just a fact,” Cherry shrugged, it was a fact of life as true as the sky being blue and the grass being green, so what could she do about it.
"yea were goign to fend a solushin to this problem maerk my wurds" tanishashanqua also sed as she steped owt of the lab and itno the hal with alicai jakub and me.
Asahi hummed, “You’re trying to fix a problem you started? Color me impressed.”
She didnt haev a lab coate on but she did haev nerdi glases to hlep her see her experimints. Her hare luked normel for onse wich was nise becuz normaelee it dusnt.
"tanishashanqua! How r you saef?" i aksed!
"i can anser dat mothafuocker" i herd a voyce and it wuznt anyone who i had seen resentlee... it was MR. CHOKOLOVE! (mr coholove is tanishashanquas fathor).
“Oh, no,” Briar said in the driest tone imaginable. “What a twist.”
 "ive given tasniahshanqua immunitee" he sed. "i am wurkign wit the fbi to distrbiute a cuer to the redst of the scool" he expeled.
Asahi crossed his arms, “So, you just so happened to have already created an antidote to give to your daughter that will protect her from a virus Alicia made just this morning?” he asked slowly, raising a brow. “Pretty suspicious, if you ask me.”
"thats why the coips stoped invadin" alicai cuntinued. "so loung as an antidute is posibul theyl wate for us to finis befoer dey try to kil us al."
"how can we hlep" kacub ased. I thught jacub was a retard for not doin the mishin but then i realizd dat he wantd to find a way out without hurtign othars.
Cherry gave a low whistle, “Harsh words comin’ from someone with an IQ lower than a squirrel,” she said.
“Come on,” Asahi frowned. “Don’t be mean to squirrels, they’re way smarter.
"we nede u to goa nd taek this anteedote and get it to the principul!" alicia sed.
"okay i wil do it" jacub sed!
"NO NOT YOU" alicai intruded! "REBECA IS THE ONLEE ONE WHO CAN DO THIS" she sed!
“If this doesn’t turn out to be an elaborate trap to get Rebecca killed, I will be quite upset,” Briar warned, crossing her arms over her chest as she glowered at the screen.
Cherry and Asahi exchanged a glance, silently saying ‘she’s been upset the whole time’, and they quickly glanced to the seats Briar had been slowly destroying. If that hadn’t been ‘quite upset’, neither were sure they wanted to see a truly upset Briar.
Then she gaev me the vyle conteining the cuer to the virus! "wen u get it to the prinsipul rebeca u wil haev to injekt the vyle into the air sistem of the scool!"
“The principal?” Cherry asked. “Why is it him? Why not have it in a room?”
Asahi shrugged, “You’re asking about logic, and this story is allergic to that.”
"oh ok sure bye the way do you no were edowerd is" i inturestinglee qweshtined to the 3.
"wat dost thou want tavern wench?" edowerd sed to me costily as he came.
Briar raised a single eyebrow, “Now, now. No need for such harsh words,” she said dryly. “The tavern girls are far more respectable than Rebecca. Don’t slander the job.”
I wantd to maek edowerd feel bad so i began to cry faek teers. He thught that the teers wer becuz of my undyeing regriet but it wuz actuly becuz i realy hated to se that stoopid fuickers faece. I mean juda fucking dammit i shuld hav just choped of his you-no-wat when i wuz baeck in da boys lockor rum.
Asahi dragged a hand down his face in pure exasperation. “Why and how does anyone find her attractive?” he demanded, “She is the most unpleasant person I’ve ever had to read about!”
“Edward can do so much better,” Cherry added.
"You wild motha fucker edowerd appearin! Yo cauzin hela drama n shit nigga" chocoluv angrilee sed waving his vyles around!
"Edowerd" i stated as i wuz faek crying "I wanted ot say that im soree for screeming at you earlyer but ur jsut so meen!" i lyed unanimusly.
“You accused him of being unfaithful and vile because he admitted, after your manipulations, that he would like to one day have sex with you, his partner,” Briar gritted out before leaning back and taking in a low, ragged breath. “You are by no means mentally sound.”
 I kept crying and den everyune in the rum got supa pised at edowud. Jacob luked liek he wuz abut to chop of edowerds hed with his ax. Edowerd luked relly sad and den he sied and fround.
“An’ everyone is takin’ her side?” Cherry demanded and then dropped her head into her hands. “I shouldn’t even be surprised, but fuck it pisses me off! Edward did nothin’ wrong!”
Asahi nodded, glaring at the screen. “He wanted sex, but he didn’t force himself on her, he didn’t pressure her into it. Like Briar said, he only said he’d like to one day sleep with her, that’s not mean,” he said, and his scowl deepened. “You doing this sort of garbage undermines the severity of actual assault and partners being ‘mean’.”
"watever i forgive you" i sed. Then he luked hapy and edowerd jacub and me al went to the prinsipuls offise so that we culd finaly get out of the fuckign scool.
“Not like the school wants you, anyway,” Asahi muttered.
Chapter 21 – vs prinsipul
“I suppose we know who’s dying this chapter,” Briar said, not too concerned. Unlike Charlie, none of them felt any emotional connection to the principal. It would be infuriating when Rebecca killed him, of course.
The run to the prinsipals ofise was very diffcult. We had to run over seven bodys every tiem we turned down the hals. Edowerd wuz glarring at jakub the entier tiem probably becuz jacub haz super fucking hot abes and edowerd was jellus liek the major fuocking biotch that he is.
Cherry groaned, “I don’t want them to get back together. After the way she’s been treatin’ him, Rebecca shouldn’t get to go back to him,” she waved her hands as she spoke, “He just deserves so much better!”
“She’s bound to get back with him,” Briar said, breaking the news, “Just accept that we’re doomed to be angered.”
 But that doesnt mater becuz we wer at the prinsipuls rum and then we prepard to saev the scool. Edowird unshowd his nails and jakub got his ax ready and i tuk out my shotgun and catana.
Even though it was just a story, all text, there was still something of a mental image that sprang to mind with each chapter. Usually, it did nothing but piss them off, but this one was one of the few images that was less rage-inducing and more…curious. They’d never go as far as to say interesting, that was giving it too much credit.
“I have to respect her for this, being able to wield a shotgun and a two-handed sword isn’t easy,” Asahi said, begrudgingly.
“Don’t give her too much credit,” Cherry said, rolling her eyes, “She’s probs just wavin’ em both around like an idiot. Doubt she’s even able to actually use either.”
We entered the dur and then we saw the rum. The prinsipul wuz behind his desk starting evilly at things. He was baled and luked older then my dade. He hade a big red butin on hsi desk wich i culd tel was maed out of maypull trees. Wen he saw us he got up and loked rally scrary!
"WHAT THE FUOCK DO YOU FUOCKERS WANT!?" he scremed luodlee!
“Of course, you’d assume it’s gonna be loud when you’re screamin’,” Cherry said with another roll of her eyes. “Or are you the type who screams an’ think it’s as loud as a whisper?”
"we are heer to put an end to this madnes" i scremed. I poynted my shoutgun at the biotch and then shooted the gun at him! He fel ovar blooding everwer on the flur.
“We all knew it was happening, but still; why did you kill the principal?” Briar demanded, eyes flashing with anger. “You had no reason to. He was just sitting there.”
Asahi scoffed, kicking at the floor. “And here I thought her murdering Charlie was the peak of pointless violence we’d get from her, but this just takes the cake,” he said, rolling his eyes. “The guy got killed for getting up and demanding what two students who barged into his office wanted.”
Waving her hands at them, Cherry leaned forward, “You guys don’t get it,” she said quickly. “He was evil! He was lookin’ evily at things, while lookin’ all scary, an he had a button made of trees! Worst of all? He was bald! An’ older than her dad! Ultimate evil right there.”
"is he doth dedeth?" inkwiyured edowerd
"NO OF COURS NOT!" Prinsipul scremed amasignlee! He got up frum the grund and then got back in his chare!
“Huh, guy tanked a blast from a shotgun,” Asahi whistled. “Impressive.”
"but how are you not ded!?" ased jacobo!
That whistle turned into a low hiss. “Being a vampire slayer doesn’t make you immune to shotguns,” Asahi muttered.
“It doesn’t?” Cherry asked. “Man, those slayer guys must have been lying when they told me I’d be bullet proof if I joined. Knew it had to be too good to be true.”
and then the prinsipul tuk out a steak and a jar of holee water! Then he juped the desk and begin to try and staek edowrd in the faec. He wuz realy fast! If i wuznt expeerynced in combat frum al of the violinse today i wuldnt hav ben abul to folow him but i did anyways!
“Of course, after a single day of senseless murder, you are automatically a skilled fighter,” Briar said in as bland of a tone as was humanly possible. “You can completely disregard the months, if not years, of training you need if you have a single violent day.”
“Violence?” Cherry asked, “No, no, it’s not from a day full of violence, she’s clearly saying she’s prepared cause of all the violins from today.”
Briar nodded, “I see, yes that makes far more sense.”
I atakcd him four tiems with my sord but he demoted the atac every tiem! He made a big circul with his body and centerd the atack on edowerd! But lukilee Jakub used his ax with grate atack at the prinsipul and hit the prinsipul off edowird.
Asahi sighed, rubbing his temples. “I’m trying to follow this, but all I can imagine is all of them moving about like utter idiots,” he said, paused, and sighed. “Which is probably more than a little accurate.”
"YOU MISERABULL IDIETS!" the prinsipul shouteded!
“Truer words have not been spoken,” Cherry cackled, and even Asahi smirked a little.
Then he throo the holee water at edowird but he dodjed fastlee the atac! Insted jakub got hit and then he was coverd in bunrs and scabs!
"OHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUCLK" scremed jakub as the holee watur burnd his purfict beyutiful hot sexay skin.
“Oh, no, not his perfect skin,” Cherry’s laughter died in favor of pure sarcasm.
"SHIT SHTI SHIT SHIT" he kept scremeng as he bunred! I was so fuocking infurriatd. How daer he hrut JACUB!?
"’Only I’m allowed to hurt my boy toys!’” Asahi said, raising the pitch of his voice as he mimicked Rebecca.
“That’s accurate,” Briar nodded.
I tuk out my catana and struke Prinsipul in dedlee combat! I swun my sord at him 1 2 tiems but he jupmed sevural feete in the aer and clung to the seeling! Then edowrd juped for HIM! But it was a false becuz Prinsipul was so strong!
Frowning, Cherry scratched her head in confusion, “So… the principal is just a spider now, or something? That how he’s clingin’ to the ceilin’ like that?” she asked, then gave a mock gasp, “Oh! Is he Spider-Man?”
“Better not be,” Asahi crossed his arms over his chest in a pout, “Spider-Man is too cool to be here.”
“Again, an accurate description of the group,” Briar nodded approvingly.
“They are inferior, and they are nitwits,” Asahi agreed.
 Prinsipal was strong he toke edowerds arm mid flite and then threw edowedr thru his desk braking it! Then prinsipal dropped on toop of edowerd!
"THOU ISTETH DOTH A FUCKERETH" scramed edowerd as prinsipul snaped his neck!
Unlike the outrage that came with Charlie’s death, this one was received with overall indifference y the group. Again, unlike Charlie, the nameless principal didn’t really have the same emotional ties.
“He’s in a better place,” Asahi said with a lazy, uncaring shrug.”
Cherry nodded her head. “Yeah. Honestly I can’t really bring myself to actually care about him,” she confessed. “I mean, we never even got a name, an he’s just sort of… there. So… sucks he’s dead, but meh.”
 Even tho i haet that fuocking rapist basturd
Briar took in a deep breath, folding her hands together and hiding her mouth behind it, “You… can’t just call people a rapist when there was never a rape,” she said through gritted teeth. “There’s been no mention of him assaulting or even harassing you or anyone. You can’t just call everyone you don’t like a rapist.”
 I stil felt bad becuz nobuddy dezervs that kind of treetmint.
“Unless you’re Swan,” Asahi grumped.
 Then he threw edowerd thru the wal and into another rum! "DOTH WENCH!"
"GOD FUOCING DAMMIT EDOWERD STOP DYEING ON ME!" I scremed! He got out a steak and began to stalc edowerd as he was recumpensing frum the strugul but NO! becuz then i throo the catana rite thru Prinsipal's stomick wit al my mite!
“Sure ya did,” Cherry said with a roll of her yes, “An everyone clapped after, didn’t they?”
"AH! AH! AH! AHHHHH!" Prinsipul scramed as he fel back. As he was faling i ran up to him and stabed him agin and agin 78 tiems.
Asahi winced, “Gee, talk about excessive,” he said. “Stabbing someone that many times takes deliberation.”
 I wuz so extreem becuz he had alsmot kiled edowrd and jakub. Then i throo the prinsipul across the rum and put my catan away. I ran ovar to that dying fucker.
"Why did you do this" I aksed him. "We jsut wanted to help the students."
“’Because you fucking shot me out of the blue, you crazy bitch,’ is what he should say,” Briar said with a scowl. “Anyone would fight back if someone just came up and hurt them.”
“An’ wantin’ to help the other students? Talk about a bold-faced lie!” Cherry added.
"The biotch esmay wuz goign to kil me anywayz for faeling! I thught that i culd kil edowrd who ive alwayz nown was a vampoire!"
"then you deserve this you fucker" i sed as i shout my shotgun into him. Then i did it agin and agin and a furth tiem (this last one in the hed) jsut to maek sure he wuldnt cum back and try to raep or stabe me.
“Swansin, listen,” Asahi folded his hands together and leaned forward. “I understand this can come across as a difficult notion to process, but no one wants to screw you, consensual or not. In fact, no one wants to even touch you, or be in the same room as you. You’re that unpleasant to be around.”
Blud wuz everywer. I had kiled the prinsipal. I didnt waent to do that but i haed to. He wuz so violenta he culd hav kiled sumone.
Cherry brought a hand to her mouth and bit down on it to muffle her scream. “Hrrrrm!” was what came out, both of rage and maybe a little bit of pain as her body trembled. After a few moments she pulled her hand away, it red with clear indentation of her teeth. “How can someone be such a proud, blatant hypocrite?”
“Pot,” Asahi snarked. “It’s kettle. You’re black.”
Anywzys I put the vial into the aer condishiner and then the antivirus stated spreding thrughout teh scool.
To that, Briar gave a slow clap, “Hooray,” she said in a tone as dry as plain toast. “Everyone would have been better off dead than to continue a miserable existence here, but I suppose we can’t win them all.”
Chapter 22 – Escaep
The vyle wuz in the aer cundishener and then the condishiner was spreding thru the vents.
 I culd smel the antydote efecting everyune in the scool.
“You can just smell that the antidote is working?” Briar asked, unimpressed. “That’s not how these things work.”
I think that savign evereeone heer wuz an akt of redempshin for kiling the prinsipal. I rally felt bed abut that becuz
Cherry raised an eyebrow, “Because…?”
“It’s redemption for her killing the principal, she didn’t want to be redeemed,” Asahi answered, though not quite satisfied, “Though I hate how she feels like she needs to be redeemed for killing him, but now for abusing Swan and killing her dad.”
"jakub are youu okay!?" i scremed wile runingn ovar to his scabee bodee.
"What the fuock do u think" he sed. He was sexily coverd in brewzes.
“Burns and bruises are two very different things,” Briar pointed out. “But really, someone that wounded is clearly not going to be okay.”
“How the hell is someone ‘sexily’ covered in bruises?” Cherry demanded. “Is she just attracted to people being hurt? She that much of a sadist—oh shit I think she is.”
"let me help you with my beyutiful signign voyse" i sed as i begin to sung beyutifuly at him. I sung born dis way by ladee gaga.
“It sounds exactly like nails on a chalk board,” Asahi described with a grimace. “Your ears will begin to bleed as glass around them shatters. A bird outside the window dies just from the sound alone. It even causes Jacob’s burns to worsen.”
“A song worse than a banshee’s cry,” Briar added with a nod. “The sound alone beckons listeners to the doorstep of death.”
Sudenlee jakub got up frum the grund his scabes faling off. Then sudenlee his hare began to turn bloo. His eies met mien an then i instatelee new wat i wuz in for.
“I’m sorry,” Cherry interrupted, “Did his hair just turn blue? Out of nowhere it turned fuckin’ blue?”
“And it will likely never be explained,” Asahi said.
"Rebeca i new i did the rite thing when i decidd to sav you" he sed dreemilee. Then he fel on toop of me and we began to kis litelee.
Briar was a woman who had faced many monsters and horrors. She had seen nightmarish scenes too grotesque to put to words. Human dismemberment, limbs impaled on tree branches, entrails wrapped around like tinsel on a festival tree as blood dripped down, soaking and dying the earth below red, that was family friendly compared to many of the encounters her life as a Huntsman had given her. She had faced it all unfazed, as any Huntsman would, with the iconic stoicism that terrified others.
Yet this had left her looking and feeling queasy.
“I swear, if they have sex…” she began, taking a breath and shaking her head. “Not only will it be disgusting, as is expected of anything revolving around her, but it will also be infuriating. She treats Edward like he is less because his desires, but would sleep with Jacob without issue…”
“A fuckin’ hypocrite!” Cherry shouted.
It wuz so perfect. Then edowerd got up and luked at us and then powted and the left becuz hes nothing but a jellis biotch.
“Yes, he’s a jealous bitch, because his ex-girlfriend is being horny for the baby-liking dog, when she demonized him for less,” his head was going to hurt if he kept rolling his eyes, but Asahi did so anyways.
"yo homie wats up" tanishanqua sed as she and alicia and mr chocoluv enterd the rum. But i wuz stil kiding jakub so then they stoped. "yo that bitch crayyyy" tasniahshanqua sed as she and alicea and Mr chovoluv left the rum. Then rosalee caem into the rum.
Asahi shook his head, “I certainly want rum after reading this.”
“Same,” Cherry added.
That got Asahi to reach over and smack her, not too hard, on the back of the head. “Don’t even think of it, Bolton,” he warned.
"normalee id fuock u up biotch but u did okay today so il let u off the hook." She sed, puting her guns away. She had onlee 1 bullit hole on her chest meening that she kiled a LOT of coips today. Poor copis.
“Not poor cops,” Cherry snapped back. “Those cops dared to stand up against our queen, Rosalie. One even shot her. They deserved whatever fate she gave them.”
 Enyways for unce i wuz so happee that i didnt even get angree i jsut smiled and basked in hapiniss.
"jakub" i asked
"yes" he sed, holdign me
"does tihs mean that weer together now?" i asked
"mmhmm" he sed kising my forehed as the sun set.
“Yesterday she was all over Edward. Today she’s all over Jacob,” Briar slowly said, listing the two boys off on her fingers, frowning as she spoke. “Will she be all over someone new come tomorrow?”
“Probably,” the other two said. The pattern was already there, it was just a question of who the third, unneeded and unwanted, love interest was going to be.
Chapter 23 – The house
So after we left scool all fiev of us (not mr chocoluv he cant leave the scool sincs hes a teachor) went to my hose to get rid of the evidense.
Cherry frowned, “Since when do teachers live at the school?” she asked, holding her hands out in a ‘what the fuck’ gesture. “Ya know he’s allowed to have a life outside of education, right?”
“No, they’re not,” was Asahi’s sarcastic response. “Once you get your teaching certificate, you’re not allowed to step foot off campus, ever. If you do, you forfeit your life.”
 Tasniahshanqua was on my rite Jakub was also on my rite Alicia and Edowerd were on my left. We got to my huose.
“Because it’s so important where they are positioned around you, really effects the efficiency of the group,” Asahi continued, still just as sarcastic.
“Got to make sure the bitch is in the smack-dab center,” Cherry agreed.
"are you sure you want to do this" i edowerd asked me.
"yes i am sure" i sed lukign over into jakubs eies. I new that i had to atoen for my sins just liek judah wuld want me to do.
“Is she actually going to atone?” Briar asked, paused, and shook her head. “No, of course not. She is so narcissistic that she cannot even comprehend that she has done anything wrong, ever, in her life. What sins she’s thinking of are likely ‘I forgot to recycle’ and not ‘I murdered Charlie and abuse Bella.’”
“Has to be exhausting to be that self-centered,” Asahi hummed.
This was the first step in doing it. I tuk a pieces of wud from the house and then lit it on fier. Then i throo the fitre into the house and it all began to burn down.
Taking a deep breath, Asahi looked up to the ceiling for advice, and after receiving none, looked back to the screen. “You can’t just burn down your house. That’s not going to solve any of your problems, it’ll just make more as the police and firemen flock to your house to investigate. You’ll just make things worse for yourself.”
“Bitch thinks she’d an Elric,” Cherry grumped, looking sour.
"Yo Moon where are you gonna live now?" Tanishashanqua asked politelee. I nodded my hed to her.
"she can cum live with us" alicia sed. I was happe becuz this wuld give me a chance to completd my misshin!
“And she hasn’t forgotten her mission,” Briar said, sounding impressed. “That’s actually surprising.”
“I sure as fuck forgot the mission,” Cherry declared.
I luked ovar to jakub who looked depressd becuz he didnt want me near that fuocking sick motherfocker edowerd but i new what i had to do.
Asahi curled his fingers, like he was trying to grab or strangle something, but instead only caught air. “Cullen did nothing wrong. You asked him a question, and he gave you an honest answer,” he growled out, and it was honestly getting exhausting—not just for him but for all of them—to keep emphasizing this. But what could they do, Rebecca had such a warped view of reality.
“All ya did was trick him into thinkin’ he could be honest with ya,” Cherry scowled.
Briar nodded her head. “It was manipulative of you. You tricked him into thinking it’d be okay to say and then punished him simply for saying it.”
"yeah sure that wrks" i told her faking a smile. I wuldnt mind living with alicia even when she drug deeled but living wiht edowerd was going to be realy awkwurd.
“Sure, your boyfriend for a day is so awkward to be around, can’t imagine why,” Asahi scoffed.
Then i saw sumone wakjing toewrds us fiev. Her name was Claritee Etude Simphonia [AN: SHE IS BASD OF MY FIEND CHELSEE!] but we jsut caled her Krystal becuz looking into her eies it was like looking into cristals.
As if it weren’t irritating enough. “Just what we needed,” Asahi rolled his eyes. “More of your OCs. Let’s hope they’re better people than Swansin.”
Krystel is one of my best frends she was kidnaped when she was born by the Vulture
“I see. So now instead of just eating corpses like a normal scavenger bird, vultures are resorting to kidnapping people,” Briar nodded her head as she said that. “Good to know, makes perfect sense.”
Cherry grinned, “They gotta get the meat fresh somehow.”
who then rased her to be evil and they kiled her mother and father and her uncles and ants comitd suiside becuz they wer so depresed like major fuokcing retards. Then she escaepd but she becam a vampire becuz of it so now she lives in forks.
“Forks is just the hub for every plot-convenient thing and person to swarm to, isn’t it?” Asahi asked.
“Honestly? Sounds par for the course for most media,” Cherry replied.
 Sumtiems she stil remembers it but its okay. She wants venge on the Vulturi becuz they are ashoes.
“Understandably so,” Briar nodded. “The Volturi truly are assholes.”
"hi rebecca how is everting today" she asked but then she saw my hose burnign down so then she screemed "WHAT THE FOUCK WHO DID THIS". She got out a gun wich maed alicia get out her gun and maed edowerd get out his nales and make jakub get out his ax. (Tanishashanqua also got a gun out becuz alicia had given her one earlyr to defend hersefl).
“Now, shoot each other,” Asahi demanded, “If this works out, only Tanishashanqua will survive, and she’s actually tolerable. Not likable, but tolerable.”
"its okay dont woree we have a plan" i told her stayig calm. She was assurd of my intelijence and then she smiled.
Cherry snorted, “Intelligence?” she repeated. “What intelligence?”
"rebecca who is that major fucking hotty!?" she asked me giggling. I giggled to. I whispered into her ear.
"weer totalee going out isnt it awsome!?"
"you go girl!" she sed and then high fived me and then left.
“If we’re lucky, we’ll never see her again,” Briar said.
 But her leeving maed me really sad and I didn't no why. Then i luked to my house wich was burning down and i began to fell bad. Why culdnt I be a normal gurl like Krystal?
Cherry was laughing at this. “You call her normal?” she asked, bent over and between chuckles. “Ya even read the backstory ya gave her? She’s far from normal!”
Why do I haev to be chased by fucking rappers everywhere i go and and why did i allways haev to live this kind of life!?
“Look, rap’s not that bad, and this is coming from someone who hates that genre,” Asahi defended.
“It’s called karma,” Briar explained. “You’ve done a lot of things, and have accumulated a lot of bad karma as a result.”
"Rebecca is sumthing rong" sexily asked jakub as he caressed over to me, regarding me shroedlee. He huged me in front of everyone but it had no effect.
“Careful,” Asahi warned. “She might stab you in the dick if you touch her, and then she’ll blame you and call you a rapist just for hugging her.”
"Everything so fo unfare!" i scremed to him angrilee. "Why cant i just be plane like the rest of the wurld and pepul heer!? Im too gud at things and i kepe having pepul fal in luv with me! ITS A FUOCKING CURS JAKUB HELP ME BRAKE IT!"
Cherry cringed, “Wow,” she breathed. “I’m getting’ major My Immortal vibes from that one.”
I wus crying now becuz to be honest i was foucking sick of this lie f.
“You can always kill yourself,” Asahi offered.
Cherry looked at him with a grimace. “Suicide baitin’ is kinda harsh, even for this.”
But he only shrugged. “Just listing the options.”
"dere dere its okay" alicai sed pating my back as the hose funishd burning down. She always new what to say to cheer me up wich was gud. "lets go back to my palce and get sum taco bell okay" she sed.
Breathing in deeply, Cherry didn’t even look at him. “I take it back, Asahi. It wasn’t harsh, your suggestion is too lenient for her.”
"okay den" she sed and we went off to get sum vegan orgaenik fud and then go to Edowerds house. [AN: EET ORGAENIC ITS WAY BETTER FOR THE ENVIYOURMINT THEN FAST FUD!]
“Meat is organic,” Cherry said slowly. “Cheese is organic. A cheeseburger is just as organic as a salad.”
Asahi frowned, “After this I’m going straight to a burger joint and am going to order and eat the biggest, meatiest burger on the menu. Just to spite her.”
im not even replying to the flaems anymoar becuz honestlee you guys are fuockers who are stating hurt my feelings just LEEV ME ALOEN IF YOU DONT LIEK IT JUST FUOCK YOU FUOCKERS I CAENT STAND YOU ASDAJSLDKFSD
“You brought this on yourself, just like always, by ignoring every piece of advice and criticism given,” Briar said unsympathetic to her plight. “You were told you need to use spellcheck, you ignored it and instead let your typing get worse. You’ve been told the storytelling and pacing Is all over the place, and you retaliate with hate. Now you whine and cry while blaming others? Pathetic.”
Taking this chance as another chapter came to a close, Asahi shot to his feet—almost tripping over Cherry’s skateboard in the process—and began to make a beeline away from the others.
“Where ya goin’?” Cherry asked, watching him go.
He didn’t stop walking or pause to look at her, “To get some air,” he answered simply. “I need to get away from the story for a bit, again, otherwise I’ll go crazy trying to process the absurdity of Swansin and her associates.”
Sighing, Briar slowly rose to her feet as well. “I, for one, am with him on that,” she said, stretching a little to relieve the stiffness of sitting down for so long. “Both Rebecca and TwilightRova are perfect examples of insanity, and I fear if we observe for too long, that madness will infect us like a disease.”
With that, she was walking away too, leaving Cherry alone in the seat.
Though, once she had finished off the last of her snacks, she quickly gathered up her things and scampered away from the screen as well, intent on restocking the treats and drinks, and taking a breather as well.
0 notes
Crimson Ties (Bela Dimitrescu/Reader, Soulmate AU) Pt. 2
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village
Rating: T for language and mild medical drama
Warnings: Typical Vampire shenanigans
Genre: Hurt + comfort
Summary: Bela is somewhat unprepared to deal with a soulmate who has no clue about her condition, her family, or any of the village's secrets. Thankfully, her sister Cassandra is more than willing to be a bad example. Also there's some fluff.
Notes: For reference, each of my soulmate stories take place in their own contained timeline, since they each involve different types of soulmates. So in this one, Cass doesn't currently have a soulmate.
Previous Chapters: 1: Stem the Flow
2: Tangled Strands
A gentle humming fills the space around you, as fingers slowly run through your hair. As far as you can tell you had fallen back asleep, for several hours, and you were just now waking back up. No longer holding you down, your soulmate is curled up next to you. There’s still a needle in your arm, much to your irritation, but now you can finally see what it’s connected to: An IV for a transfusion. Explains why I’m feeling so much better than before, you think. Then you’re turning your head to the other side, eager to finally get a good look at your soulmate. Instantly you’re blushing, tongue tying itself into a knot, because wow are you lucky.
“Feeling any better?” She asked, as soon as your gaze met hers. You try to stutter out a confirmation, but you’re too distracted by the soft curve of her smile to speak, and barely even manage a nod. That beautiful smile grows wider in response. “Good. I couldn’t stand the thought of you suffering more, after what you’ve already been through.” Now her smile fades, and she looks away for a few moments. Watching it makes your heart ache. So you swallow the lump in your throat, willing yourself to relax, before trying a little comforting of your own.
“I am safe now, am I not? Moreso, we have too much to talk about for us to dwell on the ill circumstances of our introduction. Let us cherish this time, in respite, with our hearts open wide to one another,” you said, donning your softest smile. Somehow your words fulfill their purpose, and your soulmate is once again grinning. Slowly she leans forward to rest her forehead against yours. Then she’s speaking, voice as smooth as the sheets you lay on.
“You are right, of course. I simply wish I could have saved you sooner,” she replied, tone betraying the sadness that her expression otherwise hid. Before you can protest, she continues talking, and you soon forget all about your qualms. “To think I don’t even know your name yet… nor you mine, I suppose. Let’s remedy that, yes? I am Bela Dimitrescu.” Something about her last name feels familiar to you, but not to the point of clear recognition. Instead of inquiring, you return her favor, giving her your own name. She repeats it back a few times, letting the syllables roll off her tongue, and you feel your heart skip a few beats. “A lovely name for a lovely soul, perfectly paired.”
A pause, followed by Bela reaching out to examine your IV. Following her gaze, you turn to the metal hook adjacent to the bed, where a blood bag hangs. Only a few drops remain inside. Just as when you first awoke, Bela gives a soft hum, then rises into a sitting position. Your first instinct is to copy the motion, and you’re relieved when (this time) she doesn’t push you back down. Both of you quietly inch your hands closer until they’re laid on top of each other.
“I wish I knew more about medicine, but unfortunately my family is more experienced in the creation of wounds than the treatment of them,” Bela said, scowling. Confused, you tilt your head at a slight angle, watching her with interest. Am I supposed to know who she’s referring to? My memories of the past couple days are still hazy, you think. “Do… do you remember how you ended up in the dungeon? I know you wanted to speak of happier things, and we can, soon. It’s just… Knowing how you arrived here may help me deal with the consequences of freeing you. Mother will be dreadfully upset that I’ve interrupted a draining, even if we are soulmates.”
“Wait, are you saying…? The intimidating giantess who strung me up and attempted to bleed me dry… is your mother?” You asked, jaw nearly dropping to the floor. This was an unexpected development, for sure.
“You didn’t know?” Bela replied, eyes going wide for a moment. Clearly she wouldn’t have said anything if she realized you weren’t already aware. Suddenly the tension in the room is palpable, with an uncomfortable silence overtaking the two of you. In the moment, you cannot even bring yourself to look at Bela, too stunned by this new knowledge. Eventually she breaks the silence, voice sounding unsure for once. “I realize that this is a lot to take in, if you need time to process it, I… I can go. But you need to understand that our situation is far more complicated than it might appear. We cannot survive without the blood of others- it is what sustains us when nothing else can.”
Now you’re staring at her like she’s crazy, and she’s standing up, moving to the other side of the room. She draws back a curtain, gazing out into the snow covered hills. Every muscle in your body is urging you to run while she’s distracted. Thread of fate be damned, this went far beyond anything you had ever imagined having to deal with. You come so close to ripping the IV right out of your arm. But a gentle tug on your soul string makes you pause, remembering all the times this bond gave you hope in dark times. Had she felt the same way, all these years? What had she gone through, in this absurd castle, on the very edges of civilization? You pull on the red thread, feeling a wave of composure wash over you.
“It appears there is much I need to learn. But is that not the very nature of our connection? We know, simply, that we are bound to each other, though we know not what shapes our souls take so that we might put them together, nor even what roles we must play. I cannot say that I understand your plight, my dear, but I will try, as is my obligation, and my honor,” you said, wishing you could hold her, and cursing your IV. As soon as the first word leaves your mouth, Bela is turning around, watching you with a bittersweet expression. Once you’re done she’s moving closer, as if reading your mind, extending a hand to cup your cheek. Then she leans forward to press a brief kiss to your forehead. “Oh, how I have longed for this- to be with you, to get to know you.”
“As did I,” she murmured. You can’t help but lean into her touch, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment. “Perhaps I should introduce you to my family? I imagine you’ll be needing breakfast anyway, and bringing human food back to my quarters would raise more suspicion than I’d like.” Well, the moment couldn’t last forever, could it?
“Only if you promise that your mother won’t suspend me by my wrists again. Or by any other part of me. Shall we simply put suspension off the table altogether?” You asked, half teasing. To be entirely honest, you were equally worried about Bela’s sisters. Well, the people you had heard other prisoners whispering about, who were the daughters of the giantess, and by connecting a few dots were also, presumably, Bela’s sisters. Apparently they preferred to play with their food. Unless, of course, Bela was one of the daughters you had heard about, and would have easily torn into you if not for your connection. Let’s not dwell on that concept, you think, glad to be distracted by your soulmate.
“I will not let anyone harm you anymore, my beloved. My mother would not stand so firmly in the way of my happiness,” Bela reassured, though you detected a hint of uncertainty in her tone. Still, there wasn’t much you could do other than trust her. “Now, let me take care of your bandages, then we’ll head downstairs…”
“Who the fuck is this?” An unfamiliar voice asked, as you meandered down the corridor, arm around Bela for support. As soon as she hears the person speak, your soulmate is freezing in place, casting a worried glance over her shoulder. When you turn as well, you spot someone dressed almost identically to Bela. However, the woman wears a yellow pendant, as opposed to a red one, and her hair is a dark brown. It feels safe to assume that she’s one of the sisters you’ve heard about. Which understandably makes you nervous, to the point where you almost want to hide behind Bela. Instead, you stand tall, attempting to seem unfazed by either her presence or her vulgarity.
“Mind your manners, Cassandra,” Bela hissed, taking more of an aggressive stance than you had anticipated. “This, dear sister, is my soulmate. And if you even think about harming them, or getting in our way, I will tear you apart.” While you’re downright shocked at the intensity of Bela’s statement, her sister doesn’t look at all impressed, and eyes you with minimal interest. Better than looking at you with hatred, right? Apparently not, as Bela moves to stand between the two of you, eyes narrowed. There’s a clear stiffness in her posture that leaves you anxious. Cassandra seems to notice it as well, and laughs, before taking a few steps in your direction. Then your soulmate mimics the movement, forcing you to do so as well.
“They’re human,” Cassandra snapped, pausing to sniff the air and scowl. “Here I thought your soulmate would have to be special, if they’re to compare to your ego. You’re disappointed, aren’t you? Having to settle for this.” With that she shifts, flesh writhing, making your stomach churn as you watch her disintegrate into a cloud of… flies? What the hell is wrong with this family? Can Bela do that too? I hope not, you think. Soon you’re pulled from your thoughts, however, as the swarm circles around you, single insects occasionally surging forward to cut at your skin. But Bela is grabbing you by the sleeve and tugging you to her chest, moving against a wall so that her body shielded your own. Your eyes clamp shut as you shake in her arms. When the buzzing stops, it is quickly replaced with cruel laughter. “That fragile, hmm? I can’t wait to see what mother thinks. See you at breakfast, sister!”
Then the two of you are alone, still pressed against the wall, staying still until the sound of footsteps fade. You’re stunned, unsure of how to react. The fact that a few drops of blood roll down your cheek only makes things worse. Still, Bela managed to prevent you from getting too hurt, and the few wounds on your body are negligible. Ever filled with gratitude, you hold her close as you try to stutter out a few sentences.
“Is she always this hostile, or am I truly not what you had expected? No, pay me no mind, it hardly matters. Thank you for protecting me,” you whispered. In response, Bela gives you a little squeeze, then pulls back enough to wipe the blood from your face. There’s a hint of something odd in her expression, which you interpret to be related to her apparent ‘need for blood’. Thankfully, she is in perfect control, and does not frenzy the same way you had read about fictional vampires doing. But she does hesitate, words dying on her tongue, like there are a thousand things she wants to say, and no words to say them with. “It’s alright, my dear. Let’s just go to breakfast, like we planned, and hope your sister behaves better when supervised.”
Bela nods, quickly, before taking your hand in her own. Whatever awaited you in the dining room, the two of you would be ready. Hopefully.
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cherienymphe · 3 years
Crossfire IV (Bucky x Reader x Steve)
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Warnings: domestic violence, implied NON-CON, biker!Bucky
➥ divider by @firefly-graphics​
summary: You and your new husband Steve move back to his hometown. It is here that his past catches up with him, and you both pay the price.
You were awake when Steve left for work the next morning. He’d tried to coax you into sex, but you had feigned fatigue, telling him that you were still exhausted and sore from the previous night. You weren’t sure if he believed you, you had a feeling that he didn’t, but you didn’t care. He left you with a lingering kiss, blue eyes murky with a myriad of emotions you didn’t care to place.
You had laid in bed for an hour, just staring at the ceiling as you attempted to sort your thoughts and your feelings. Your husband, a man who was once your best friend but now a stranger to you, had been involved in a life of crime during his younger days that consisted of things that made your stomach turn. He’d hurt people, stolen from people, and probably much worse. Now, you were back in his hometown, reaping the consequences of his actions. Actions that he had failed to disclose with you.
After you finally got up, you just wandered aimlessly around the house. Here and there, you unpacked more stuff little by little, but after a while, you found yourself wondering if there was even a point. Surely, you couldn’t stay here. Right? That was something that should’ve been discussed in more detail last night but…
You released a sigh as you stepped outside, taking a few empty boxes to the trash.
You were so angry last night, and Steve… Thinking of what happened between you two left a sour taste in your mouth. You hadn’t even wanted to sleep with him, that’s how angry you were, and it seemed like Steve hadn’t cared. You shook your head, telling yourself that it was complicated. You both were dealing with an onslaught of emotions. You had just turned to head back inside when you heard the roar of a motorcycle. 
Several motorcycles.
Your eyes widened and you turned back around just in time to watch 4 bikers pull into your yard, 3 of which you recognized. The 4th was a man you’d never seen before, his broad and bulky frame making you swallow, dirty blonde strands pulled back away from his face into a bun. They all parked, Sam, Clint and the mystery man remaining behind while Bucky approached you.
Without sparing him a second glance, you hurried back to your house. You could hear him calling your name, but you ignored him, determined to get away from him and inside as soon as possible. You may have been drunk, but you remembered the feel of his hands and lips on you clearly. Those same hands roughly grabbed you just as you took the first step onto the porch. 
A yelp escaped you as he pulled you to him, roughly helping you up the steps. You could feel his heartbeat against your arm, his breath disrupting your hair. Despite your efforts to fight him off, he jerked you around easily until you were facing him. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that the 3 other men were just sitting there on their bikes, watching the whole ordeal. You had a feeling they didn’t stop by to say hello.
“You talk to Steve?” he wondered, head tilted to the side.
You didn’t answer him, looking away, and he chuckled, a smirk in his voice as he spoke.
“Why do I get the feeling that your conversation didn’t go as planned?”
Again, you said nothing, and he hummed, forcing you to look at him.
“Maybe there wasn’t much talking involved, at all,” he mused. “Steve was always good at hiding his temper…”
Your eyes widened a bit, and his smirk grew.
“...until he couldn’t anymore.”
You snatched yourself out of the dark-haired man’s grip, wrapping your arms around yourself as you glanced at the other men in the yard. You released a breath that you didn’t realize you were holding and took a step back.
“Look… I’m sorry for what Steve did. It wasn’t right, and I wish that I had known before I came here…”
Bucky simply studied you, blue eyes narrowed a tad.
“...but this is between you and Steve. This should be handled between the two of you, and I’m sick of being involved with it.”
He raised his brows at your firm tone, and you tried not to let on how scared you really were. Truthfully, you were frustrated more than anything else. You were frustrated with the man before you for taking out his anger at Steve on you, and you were frustrated with Steve for keeping you in the dark about all of this.
“If I could take back what Steve did, I would. If I had that money to give you, I would for the sole hope of you leaving us alone, but I can’t. You’re angry, understandably, but discuss it over with the appropriate party. Stop cornering me, stop coming by our house unannounced when you know he isn’t here, stop touching me- just stop! This has nothing to do with me-!”
“What if it did?” he interrupted, taking a step towards you.
You frowned at him, forcing yourself to stand your ground, resisting the urge to squirm as he ran his cold eyes over you. 
“Even if Steve did have that money, he wouldn’t give it back,” he said, confirming your own suspicions about all of this. “I’m not expecting it back, but…”
He stopped a hair’s width away from you, looking down his nose at you. For a moment, you forgot about the other 3 parties watching you two, and you stumbled back, prepared to run into the house when Bucky grabbed you. His hands were painful on your arms, and you winced, attempting to push him away.
“What if this did involve you?”
“Let go of me,” you whispered, but he continued as if he hadn’t heard you.
“What if you could do something to make all of this go away?”
You froze, frown deepening as you fought to understand what he meant. You didn’t like the way he was looking at you. You never liked the way he looked at you, but there was something especially heinous about the way he was looking at you now. He leaned in, his nose brushing against your own, and you leaned back as much as you possibly could.
“God knows I would love to punch that punk until he swallowed all of his teeth for what he did. I’d kill to take everything away from him so he could feel a fraction of what I did when he betrayed us…”
His voice was low, thick with something you were too scared to name. He jerked you closer, and you stumbled into him, your chest pressed against his as he hummed.
“...but why do all of that...when I could just take you?”
Your heart dropped to your stomach, and nausea washed over you like a wave. His blue eyes sparkled as he grinned, looking even more intimidating as his teeth winked at you.
“I think that would upset him very much. I think that’d drive him absolutely insane, wouldn’t it?”
You were fighting against him now, but he wasn’t letting up, and tears sprang to your eyes as he continued to torment you with his words.
“...to know that you’re mine now, and that you came willingly. That would be the real kicker-.”
“Let go of me,” you spat.
“It would eat him up inside, knowing that you’re with me, taking my cock every night-.”
“That I have you wrapped around me, filling you up as much as I want, and all to protect him-.”
He cut himself off with a chuckle as you finally got out of his hold, stumbling towards the door. Your chest was heaving with anger and disgust and panic all rolled into one. You struggled to open the door, and he laughed at you some more.
“Let me know what you think, doll. You’ve got 3 days.”
You slammed the door in his face, back pressed to it as you slid to the floor. Your vision was blurry from your tears, and you drew your knees up to your chest, letting your head fall as the roar of motorcycles reached your ears.
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Your back was pressed to the counter, arms folded over your chest, eyes on the simmering food when Steve walked through the door. He was quiet, and you would have found it odd but you were quiet too. You bit your lip, moving to turn the pots off when he entered the kitchen.
“Dinner’s ready,” you quietly told him, and he simply hummed.
You finally turned to look at him, surprised to find a frown on his face. You chose not to dwell on it and instead cleared your throat, shifting on your feet.
“Steve, we need to talk.”
He exhaled through his nose, and you watched as he rolled the sleeves of his button down up, resting his hands on his hips.
“Yeah...we do.”
You didn’t like his tone, heart stuttering as you stood on the end of his heated gaze.
“Why don’t you go first...”
His words were gentle, but the edge in his voice betrayed him. Shaking it off, you spoke.
“I think we should leave.”
He blinked, and it seemed that he hadn’t been expecting that, and you continued.
“It isn’t safe here, and I want to start a family somewhere safe. Let’s leave,” you breathed, walking towards him and taking his hand.
He stared at you with pursed lips and hard eyes, and you squeezed his hand.
“Let’s go,” you pleaded. “Only half of our stuff is unpacked anyway. Let’s just pack up the rest and get out of here.”
Steve stared at you for a long time, not saying anything, and you wondered what he was thinking. For the first time in a long time, you couldn’t really get a read on him, and that made you frown. He took a deep breath, heaving a heavy sigh as he tilted his head at you.
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with Bucky’s visit today...would it?”
His words made you freeze, and you blinked at him, brows drawing together at his words. You opened and closed your mouth, at a loss for words before you finally cleared your throat.
“You heard me,” Steve said, stepping towards you.
You took a step back, shaking your head. 
“Why was he here, Y/N? Why didn’t you call me the minute you could? Why didn’t you tell me?”
You were taken aback by his tone, and you shook your head.
“I didn’t… It doesn’t matter-.”
“It does to me,” he interrupted, taking another step towards you, forcing you back. “Why does he keep showing up here? Showing up wherever you are?”
You didn’t like the accusations in his voice, and you felt irritation rising.
“You know why! You did this, Steve…”
He scoffed. 
“You did! You’re the reason he keeps showing up and I… I just- I just want to leave. Let’s just go! Please,” you begged, trying to pull him out of the kitchen, but he wouldn’t nudge.
“What did he say to you?”
“How did you even know?”
This wasn’t the first time he’d caught you off guard with knowing something before you even got to tell him.
“Does that matter? Why was he here? What did he say?”
“Who cares?” you screamed.
“Clearly you do since it’s scaring you enough to run,” he argued. 
“Yes, I’m scared!”
You huffed at him, not understanding how he wasn’t getting it.
“I can’t go anywhere without him showing up and threatening me. You dragged me into this with no warning, no hint, no nothing! I’m terrified, Steve,” you cried. “I don’t feel safe here, and I feel like you don’t care.”
“Of course, I care,” he sighed, pulling you into his arms. “I just… I came back here to settle down. This is my home, and I won’t be bullied out of it.”
You shook your head, pulling away from him.
“Steve...I have 3 days. He wants...he wants me,” you softly whispered, almost afraid to say it.
Steve’s hold tightened on your arms, and your eyes focused on the floor.
“He’s threatening to hurt you or worse unless I…”
“Unless you what? Give yourself to him?”
His hold tightened to a painful degree, and you hissed, trying to pull away. You looked at him again and found Steve the angriest you’d ever seen him.
“This is why we should just leave-.”
“This is why I should make it clear once and for all that he isn’t welcome here, around you,” he gritted out, moving away from you. 
You watched as he neared the coffee table, where his keys were, and you nearly growled in frustration. 
“Steve, stop,” you said, grabbing onto his arm.
“Why?” he wondered, whirling on you. “Why are you trying to protect him?”
“I’m not,” you snapped, offended at his implications. “I’m trying to protect you. Us! Just leave it alone, leave him alone, and let’s go! Please, Steve-.”
You swallowed your words when he grabbed you again, forcing you back as he pressed his chest to yours.
“Would you have done it? If you hadn’t told me, in 3 days, would you have gone to him?”
His question threw you, and you hesitated. Would you? To protect Steve, you’d do just about anything, but would you go to Bucky?
“You would,” he decided for you, and you shook your head. “He keeps sniffing around here, and I’m starting to think you like it.”
“Excuse me?” you gasped.
Your back harshly met the wall, and you flinched. Steve towered over you, looking much larger than usual. Your confusion had to have been all over your features, but Steve was too far gone too care.
“You have to.”
“I am literally trying to leave-.”
“No one is that stupid,” he sneered.
Tears sprang to your eyes again, lips trembling as he pushed away from you, shaking his head.
“You keep putting yourself in these situations, in these compromising positions with him-.”
The house was quiet as you two just stared at each other, Steve’s eyes narrowed while yours were filled with tears, chest clenching from his painful words.
“You do not get to talk to me like that,” you whispered.
Steve at least had the decency to look away in shame, but by the clenching of his jaw, it was clear that he was still angry.
“I am your wife, and you do not get to talk to me that way. You did this, Steve. We are in this situation because of you, and it doesn’t seem like you plan to do anything about it. Anything that would help anyway,” you mumbled.
He didn’t respond, and you released a shaky breath, trying to hold back more tears.
“I’m going to bed. Enjoy your dinner,” you sneered, brushing past him and making your way up the stairs.
Steve joined you only an hour or so later, and you feigned sleep despite being wide awake. You could barely stand to lay beside him, and the thought made your heart hurt. He had never looked at you like that, talked to you like that. Your husband was becoming a stranger to you, and you hated it. It made you sad, but it made you just as angry. 
Steve had let you walk into all of this blind, putting not only your life in danger, but the possible life of your future child. The two of you had discussed children often, and it seemed agreed upon that you both wanted to get started right away. Did he honestly expect you to raise a child in this? God, you could literally be pregnant, right now, and Steve didn’t seem to want to make this situation any better.
Before you knew it, it was 2 in the morning, and you were zipping up a small bag of clothes and toiletries that would last you a week. If anything, to you, it seemed like Steve was content to go back to his old lifestyle. He wanted to solve this in ways that you didn’t agree with, and if that’s what he wanted to do, then he was free to do it by himself.
It didn’t take long at all to write a brief note explaining your departure, expressing your hopes that he’d follow you, but you couldn’t stay here any longer. You didn’t feel safe in your own home and never in your life had you felt that way. You felt bad, sure, but your mental and physical health was far more important.
You bit your lip, keys clenched in your fist as you placed the letter on the coffee table. You knew Steve would be mad, but you also knew he’d understand. Right? He had to understand your fear, your concern. Right? You moved to unlock the door, hand on the knob, when a cold voice stopped you.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
You whirled around with wide eyes, taking in Steve’s broad form standing at the top of the stairs. You pressed your hand to your heart, the sight of him almost giving you a heart attack, and you swallowed when you registered just what he’d asked you. You watched him make his way down the stairs, and you sighed.
“Steve, I can’t do this,” you quietly said.
Even in the darkness, you could make out the hardness of his eyes, the way his lips pressed together, jaw ticking.
“I want you to come with me, but… I can’t wait for you to realize just how bad this situation is. I can’t stay here.”
“So you were just going to leave?”
“I left a letter,” you lamely defended, swallowing. 
He didn’t stop until he was right in front of you, and you watched the way his eyes narrowed. 
“A letter.”
He was angry.
“You were just going to leave...in the middle of the night…”
“I can’t stay here-.”
You cut yourself off with a gasp as his hands clamped down on your arms, yanking you towards him. You stumbled into him, feet tripping over one another, and you hated the way he held you.
“You’re not leaving,” he quietly spat.
“I have to-!”
Your words died on your throat as one of his hands wrapped around your throat, squeezing tight, and you struggled to speak. His other arm curled around your waist, holding you to him, and you struggled in his grip. His nose pressed against yours, lips brushing your own as he glared at you.
“You are not leaving me.”
He grabbed the bag on your shoulder, and you attempted to hold onto it while also getting out of his hold. In the struggle, your feet caught on one another, and you stumbled to the floor. You moved to push yourself to your knees, but Steve was there, fingers pressing into the sides of your throat as he pressed his hand on the back of your neck.
You winced, a pained gasp escaping you as you reached up. He forced you to your feet, holding you to him as he walked you towards the stairs.
His other hand pressed to the front of your neck, lips at your ear.
“You are staying right here by my side.”
Your shoulders lifted at the pain that traveled through you, and you were somewhat in disbelief at what was happening.
“S-stop! Steve-!”
You hissed in pain when your foot hit a step, you put your hands out to prevent him from forcing you into the bedroom, but he shoved you inside with ease. You didn’t understand what was happening until the door clicked shut behind him, your face pressed into the bed as he pushed you onto it. 
“You were going to leave me...leave me to wake up to any empty bed, an empty house...”
His voice was a deadly calm, and it scared you more than his hands on you at the moment. Hands that were pulling at your clothes. 
“What were you hoping to accomplish? Because I would have followed you and dragged you back here without hesitation,” he sneered.
The cool night air hit you, and you shook, face wet from tears as reality began to set in. His bare chest pressed to your back, pinning you down beneath him, a hand on your head as his lips grazed over your neck.
“For better or worse, sweetheart. Those are the vows we took-.”
“Steve, please,” you tearfully begged as he pressed your face further into the sheets.
“...this is just a little snag, a little bit of the worse, but let me remind you of the better…”
tags:  @darkficreposter @xoxabs88xox @harryspet @readermia @opheliadawnwalker3 @nickyl316h @captainchrisstan @sebabestianstan101 @villanellevi @lokislastlove @notyourtypicalrose @coconutqueen21 @hurricanerin @hyoyeoniie @kellyn1604 @sherrybaby14 @cocoamoonmalfoy @mandiiblanche @gotnofucks @oneoftheprettynerds @doozywoozy @sapphirescrolls @threeminutesoflife @searchforanotherway @mcudarklibrary @ksjksjkv @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @navegandoaciegas​ @c1nnam0n-g4rl​ @mr-darcy-is-a-hobbit​ @siriusjohnpotter​ @candy3002​ @jevans2​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @widowsmaximoff​ @nerdygirl8203​ @literalmcuhoe​ @supernaturalwintersoldier​ @charmed-asylum​
566 notes · View notes
crowfootwrites · 3 years
Los Guardianes | Part V [Nestor Oceteva x Fem!Reader]
Ok, I promise there's a comedown from all the adrenaline after this! And very soon we will see characters other than Cristóbal lol.
Warnings: mentions of blood, drugs, and domestic violence; police interactions; language | Words: 1,900+
Taglist: @chibsytelford @megapeacelovemusic-blog @broiderie @est1887 @mveggieburger
Part IV of Los Guardianes
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As you thundered down the alley, you glanced over at a wailing Cristóbal, splashes of crimson quickly drying across his arms and t-shirt from where you had carried him.
“It’s gonna be ok, Cristóbal, alright? I promise. Just hang tight,” you shouted over the strained whining of the engine. He quieted, shaking violently in his seat, but you turned your attention back towards the road, quickly reaching the end of the alley. You made a sharp right, having no idea where to go, but hoping to find a main street quickly.
Luck appeared to be on your side. You kept your eye on the rearview, but you didn’t see anyone behind you yet. You came up on a main street, mostly empty of traffic, and made a sharp left, immediately flooring the accelerator again. Your eyes flickered to passing signs, looking for anything you recognized.
“Fuck!” you growled, squeezing the steering wheel as you passed a sign for the Sun Bowl, panic rising in your chest as you realized you were in El Paso, Texas. You had no idea how you were going to get all the way back to California without getting caught, either by your kidnappers or by police, although at this point, you would have preferred the police. But you also had plenty of experience with dirty cops, and if your kidnappers had brought you here, of all places, it seemed likely that the police would be in their pockets.
You whipped past a sign for I-10 northbound and made for the onramp, revving the engine to merge into traffic. You darted immediately into the fast lane. Traffic was relatively light, but you hadn’t yet decided if that was good or bad. Your eyes flicked keenly between the road in front of you, your odometer, and the traffic behind you, watching for signs of a tail. It seemed like you were clear for the time being, but you hesitated to get too comfortable. It wouldn’t be long before the shattered back window drew some kind of attention.
Taking stock of your surroundings, you realized you had an almost full tank of gas. You wouldn’t be able to make it all the way back to Santo Padre on one tank, and you had no idea how you were going to pay for another. But you relegated that to the back of your mind, a concern for later. There was a balled-up hoodie in the backseat, and you stared blankly at the rosary swinging from the rearview. The glove compartment was empty.
Your eyes tracked the nearest freeway sign, realizing I-10 would take you into New Mexico. From there, you could head towards Phoenix. You didn’t love the idea of staying on a major freeway for so long, but it was the quickest way to get where you were going. From just south of Phoenix, you could take smaller highways towards home, and that suited you better. But the feeling of being chased propelled you forward; you were constantly pushing the odometer and scanning of your surroundings.
You reached New Mexico without a problem, but without a solid plan in place, you sped through it. As you careened down the highway towards an empty desert horizon, you heard Cristóbal’s breathing begin to calm. There was no chance of your pulse slowing or your body settling; you sat on the edge of the driver's seat, your thighs and core constantly clenched, ready for hell when it came.
Around two hours after you left El Paso, you were rapidly approaching Deming, New Mexico, and by then your brain was shouting at you to stop. You wanted to try to find a gas station to get yourself and Cristóbal cleaned up, in case you did get pulled over. You also wanted to check the trunk. While you had certainly been making good time, a sneaking suspicion nagged at you, one that questioned why no one had come after you or appeared to have reported the car stolen.
On the far edge of Deming, once you had passed through the center of the city, you followed signs for a gas station that looked, from the highway, to be mostly empty, in the middle of an empty stretch of commercial buildings and vacant lots. You guided the car towards the back of the gas station lot, behind the building, where you breathed a sigh of relief that there were bathrooms on the exterior of the building. You pulled into a parking space and only once you had scanned your surroundings did you get out. You went around to the passenger side door and guided Cristóbal out, grabbing the hoodie from the backseat.
The lock on the bathroom door was broken, so you pushed your way in, gagging a little at the stench. The sink was filthy, but the water ran clear, and you quickly rinsed your skin, watching the pink-tinged water swirl down the drain. Flashes of the man you killed flickered behind your eyes whenever you closed them, bile rising in your throat. The gnawing in your stomach reminded you that you hadn’t eaten in almost 24 hours. The adrenaline had kept the hunger at bay, but suddenly you were so hungry you felt nauseous. You helped Cristóbal wash his face and hands, then pulled the hoodie over your soiled shirt, zipping it all the way up.
Back at the car, you popped the trunk and your mouth fell open.
“Oh, fuck,” you groaned. Six bricks of cocaine were packed into the back of the small trunk, along with a duffel bag. You supposed that was why no one had reported the car stolen. It made you feel a little better that the cops wouldn’t necessarily be looking for you, but if you did get pulled over, you’d be fucked. You dug through the duffel bag, finding it full of clothes, and your heart lifted when your fingers skimmed smooth leather. You pulled out a black leather wallet, flipping it over in your hands. There was no ID, but there was a singular twenty dollar bill in it, and that would have to do.
Cash in hand, you tugged Cristóbal into the gas station store with you, grabbing a couple of protein bars and a large bottle of water, wanting to hang on to enough money for gas down the road.
You planned to dispose of the cocaine out in the middle of the desert, so you hightailed it out of Deming. A little less than an hour later, you took a tiny offramp and followed a deserted road past a dilapidated gas station out into the barren desert. You pulled the car off into the dirt, sending a cloud of dust up around you.
“Wait in the car,” you told Cristóbal gently, who nodded at you with wide eyes.
Pulling the sleeves of the hoodie over your hands, you dumped the clothes out of the duffel bag and packed the drugs into it, zipping it up. Careful not to touch anything with your bare hands, you slung it over your shoulder and hauled it towards a thick patch of scrub brush several yards from the road. Dropping the bag behind a clump of brush and prickly pear cacti, you booked it back towards the car, heading immediately back towards the highway.
You were approaching Gila Bend in Arizona as dusk gathered over the skyline. You had already gotten off of I-10 and onto the smaller highway that would take you to Yuma. From there it would be an easy drive to Santo Padre, one you had even made before. You had every intention of driving through the night, desperation fluttering in your heart at the thought of home. You were hungry again, and you could hear Cristóbal’s stomach grumbling from the passenger seat, but you were dangerously low on gas.
Pulling into a small gas station in Gila Bend, you went inside the store to pay, bringing Cristóbal with you. When you came back out, your breath hitched in your throat and you froze. A police officer was standing beside the car, inspecting the shattered back window. Flashbacks flooded your brain and you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to force them out. Through the rapid swirling in your mind, you felt Cristóbal squeezing your hand hard, the touch pulling you out of your trance. Immediately, your mind went into overdrive, laying out a plan.
You approached the car, schooling your features into a timid expression.
The burly, dark-haired officer looked up curiously at your approach, and you caught the slightest softening in his eyes as he studied you and the child clinging to you. He looked young and green, fresh on the job, and you wanted to use that to your favor.
“Good evening, ma’am,” he said, hands authoritative on his hips.
“Evening,” you murmured, dropping your gaze meekly.
“You know it’s illegal to drive with a busted window?” he asked sternly.
You let all of the stress of the last couple of days pour into your brain, breaking the dam behind your eyes. Tears tumbled freely over your cheeks as you looked back up at him and he startled slightly at the sight.
“I’m so sorry, officer,” you sniffled. “My son and I, w–we came from El Paso, trying to get away from my husband. He smashed it as we were leaving. I’m just trying to get us to California so we can stay with my brother.” Your voice caught on a sob, cracking on the last syllable.
The officer’s stance softened and your heart lifted just slightly. His inexperience was showing.
“Who is this car registered to?” he asked.
Your chest tightened as you prayed he wouldn’t run plates or ask to see documentation. “It’s mine, sir,” you whispered, meeting his eyes with your most sorrowful look. “He just didn’t like that we were leaving.” You hoped that you looked wretched enough to prevent him from asking too many questions.
The officer pursed his lips, his thumb lightly tapping his utility belt. “Where you headed to in California, ma’am?” he asked.
“Palm Desert,” you lied smoothly, letting your lower lip tremble for good measure. “I have family there, sir.”
The officer hesitated as he considered what to do next. “And you’ll be safe there?” he asked. “Does your husband know where you’re headed?”
“Probably, sir. Th–they’re the only family I have. But they’re going to help me file a protective order against him. And... start the divorce process,” you mumbled, shuffling your feet in the dirt. You felt a quick pang in your heart as you said the words, ones that weren’t too far from true in another time.
Perhaps sensing that it was a good time to lay it on thick, Cristóbal tugged on your hand. As you glanced down at him, he reached his arms up and you pulled his weary form into your arms, depositing him on your hip.
The officer studied the pair of you intently, then sighed. “Alright. I’m not going to write you a ticket, but once you get to Palm Desert, you need to get that window fixed, do you understand me?”
You nodded fervently. “Thank you – officer, thank you so much,” you stammered, hugging Cristóbal tight. The officer tipped his hat and turned on his heel, making his way towards his police cruiser. Your body felt limp as the rush wore off yet again. Your mind reeled, pushing the limits of what you could handle without sleep. You needed to get home, and soon.
You slid into the driver’s side seat and slid Cristóbal over, helping him buckle his seatbelt.
Praying for an uneventful last leg of your journey, you pulled away from the fluorescent lights of the gas station, headed yet again towards the moonlit horizon.
Part VI of Los Guardianes
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nashibirne · 3 years
Gimme Shelter - 6
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Sorry, it took me a while to write the next chapter but I was kinda busy. I hope you still want to know how things are going and growing between Henry and Kat. If you like this, please reward me with a comment, reblog or like 💜
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC (Kat Spencer)
Words: ~3.0k
Summary: Henry has to deal with a personal crisis and he finds shelter with his old rugby mate Sam and his sister Kat. She used to be Henry’s best friend a very long time ago. Will they be able to become friends again or maybe even more? Chapter 6: A disruptive factor and The Lonely Hearts Club meets again.
You can find the previous chapters and my other fics on my masterlist!
Warnings: RPF, mention of mental health issues, lots of poetry
Unbeta'ed. English isn't my first language. Mistakes ahead and they're all mine.
Disclaimer: I don’t know the real Henry Cavill or anyone who's related to him in any way, this is pure fiction and nothing more
Credits: Pics for the moodboard from Pinterest. Face claims: Kat = Jennifer Connelly
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
@lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @hell1129-blog @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @artandotherdelights @notabronte @littlefreya @luclittlepond @eldarwen333 @meowpurrbooks @marantha @liliumdream @enchantedbytomandhenry @greensleeves888 @witcherfan @margauxmargaux07 @radaofrivia @m07belzen @a-little-counter-esperanto @starstruckkittyangel @mary-ann84 @sillyrabbit81
So, enough of the small print...here we go:
As much as Kat enjoyed her time with Henry and the feelings that blossomed between them there was this one disruptive factor called Mel.
When they were sitting on that rock the other day, almost kissing, when they were pouring their hearts out afterwards, it all felt so real, so possible, so tangible but whenever she saw Hen talk to Mel her heart sank and doubt started to nag at her hope. And he not only talked to Mel, he went to her place several times and so Kat went to London for contract negotiations with a publishing house with mixed feelings. 
She wanted to trust Henry who always laughed it off, when Kat asked him about Mel, saying they were just having a neighbourly chat, but she also wasn't willing to be heading for the rocks blindly. She wasn't able to ignore the existence of Mel and the connection between her and the man Kat had fallen for again. 
She missed Henry terribly when she was away though. Five days without him made her realize how close they had grown and how much she enjoyed being around him. Five lonely nights in a hotel bed increased her doubts and her worries, her jealousy and her insecurities. She couldn't stop her mind from creating worst case scenarios of Hen being with Mel. Of Mel seducing him, of Henry having sex with her, falling for the attractive, charming blonde who knew how to enchant a man. She imagined how he got trapped by this woman who'd never tried to hide that she was looking for a new husband, a new provider, after the last one had the audacity to die and leave her with a big, beautiful mansion but not with the amount of money Mel had hoped for. And in all these scenarios Kat was the one who was left behind with a broken heart. Again. 
When she returned to St. Ives on Saturday afternoon she found Lydia working in the garden and Sam in the kitchen, baking bread. Her brother hugged her, leaving handprints of flour on her black shirt.
"How was London?" 
Kat plopped down on a chair with a sigh. "Successful but exhausting. I can't believe that I actually liked living there. The traffic is horrible and all those people and the noise…"
"Good thing you're back in our beautiful, little sanctuary then. We've missed you. Even Darcy came looking for you every day." Sam shoved the loaf of bread he'd just moulded into the oven before he washed his hands and sat down at the table across from his younger sister.
"Really?" An amused smile played on Kat's lips. "And I thought Henry and Kal are all he cares about recently. How's Hen by the way? On the phone he said he's fine?"
"He is, I guess. No more panic attacks as far as I know. He's been in a pretty good mood all week, busy and full of energy."
Sam poured himself a glass of water and offered one to Kat too but she declined with a shake of her head.
"Where is he anyway?"
"At Mel's." 
Kat's expression changed from curious to annoyed in an instant. "Again? What's he doing there?"
"Having a coffee and a chat, I guess," Sam shrugged. "I don't know the details."
Kat rolled her eyes. "Of course not."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Then why do you say it?"
Kat looked at Sam with a frown. "Nevermind."
"No, come on. Spill it. Are you implying I know something I won't tell you?" Sam got a little cross now.
"I'm not implying anything. I just don't understand why he spends so much time at her place and I can hardly believe your old rugby mate hasn't told you." She crossed her arms and gave her brother an expectant look.
"He told me what I've just told you. What do you think they're doing? Having a secret affair?" He let out a snort, laughing just at the thought of Hen and Mel but when he saw the frown on Kat's face it dawned on him. "Wait? That's what you're thinking? That something's going on between them? You're jealous?"
"Does that sound so far-fetched? She tries to dig her nails into every man who seems to be good husband material. She tried it with you and you don't need a crystal ball to know that she's for sure trying it with Hen too. And for the record...I'm worried about him, not jealous." Kat was all worked up now and Sam could easily tell that he'd hit a sore point.
"Henry is not an idiot, Kat. From my own experience I can tell you that Mel is anything but an enigma. I could tell what she's looking for after our first and only date and a man like Hen, who has to deal with gold diggers all the time, will see right through her without problems. There's no need to worry. And no need to be jealous." He grinned at her and Kat made a face. "Did you even listen to me? I've just told you that…"
"That you're not jealous. Yeah...yackety-yack. I know you, sis. You're in love with him. Don't try to deny it." Kat sighed and surrendered with a resigned smile. "Fuck, yeah and I feel like I'm sixteen again, Sammy. Confused and clueless. What is it about him that makes me feel like that? Why does it have to be so damn complicated?"
"It's not complicated. Trust him and listen to your heart."
"It's not that easy."
"No, obviously it's not. So maybe you should just ask him about Mel and work on your trust issues."
"It's not like I haven't asked him about her before. But I guess you're right. I'm gonna try again and talk to him tonight." She gave her brother a nod.
"At the meeting of The Lonely Hearts Club?" Sam winked at her with a grin that made Kat chuckle.
"He's told you about it?"
"Yeah. He's talked about it all week. Running around with piles of books, volumes of poems as far as I could see. Copying entire pages by hand into a notebook. To be honest, I think it's the reason for his good mood."
Maybe, Kat thought, or maybe he just enjoys fooling around with Mel.
When Kat climbed up the rope ladder a few hours later she had managed successfully to avoid Henry up to this point. She had spent the rest of the day in her room, brooding over Sam's words, about Henry and Mel for the umpteenth time and about the club meeting of course. She was close to chickening out but she decided to get her shit together and to enjoy the time with Henry on their little stroll down memory lane. And maybe, just maybe, she would even find the courage to ask him about Mel.
"Kat!" Henry flashed her one of those billion dollar smiles when she entered the tree house. "There you are." He hugged her and gave her a look full of relief. "I haven't seen you all afternoon. I was a little worried you'd stand me up." 
"Neighbourly duties?" Kat asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
She gave him a smile and shrugged. "Well, you were not around when I came back…"
"Yeah...I was busy." He grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. 
"Sam said you went to visit Mel."
"Ah, yes. Yes, I did. You know we have a little chat every once in a while. She's...nice."
"How lovely."
"The room looks great, Hen." 
The awkward silence that fell over the room made them both uncomfortable. The unexpected tension left Henry in a state of insecurity. He'd hoped for an easy time with Kat, some intimate moments to share but the start of the night wasn't very promising. He cleared his throat before giving Kat a goofy smile.
"Shall we begin? I've prepared a little something. A few poems and...yeah." He shrugged helplessly and to his big relief Kat nodded with a smile. "Of course."
It was only then that Kat realized that Henry had decorated the treehouse with loving care. Blankets and cushions on the floor and candles in the corner of the room created a very warm and cozy atmosphere and a huge pile of books showed her that Henry was very well prepared for the first meeting of the Lonely Hearts Club since 1999. 
"Thanks, kitty. Let's sit." He plopped down beside the books, his long legs stretched out and Kat sat down cross-legged next to him, placing a little bluetooth speaker on the floor. "Prepare for some 90s flashback. I picked all the cheesy love songs we listened to non-stop." She started the playlist and soft music filled the air. Henry smiled at her and took a deep breath before he started to speak solemnly in his best statesman's voice.
The way he looked at her took her breath away for a moment, his gaze intense and pleading, he seemed so vulnerable it made her heart miss a beat. She wanted to kiss the insecurity and sadness that crossed his handsome face away but her own doubts made her fight the need to be close to him. Instead she took the notebook he handed her over and opened it. She stared at the name of the poem that was written down in Henry's neat handwriting on the first page. 
"I hereby declare the meeting of The Lonely Hearts Club open. Present are the founding members Katherine Elisabeth Spencer and Henry William Cavill."
Kat couldn't help but chuckle. He was such a dork.
"Would you do me the honor of reciting the first poem, dear kitty?" 
She knew it all too well and yet she'd almost forgotten it existed. Forgotten or repressed, it didn't really matter, she still knew it by heart, since it was the very poem she had read countless times after Henry had broken her heart. The fact that he knew it too, that he'd chosen these verse to be read out loud made her wonder if it was as familiar to him as it was to her. She cleared her throat, closed the book and her eyes and started to recite.
"When we two parted by George Gordon Byron."
She paused and took another deep breath.
"When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this."
Kat flinched slightly when she felt Henry's warm hand in hers. She looked at him and she wasn't surprised when he continued, his voice warm and soothing like thick, golden honey.
"The dew of the morning
Sunk chill on my brow—
It felt like the warning
Of what I feel now.
Thy vows are all broken,
And light is thy fame:
I hear thy name spoken,
And share in its shame."
The game was the same it used to be back in the days at Stowe. They took turns to read the stanza. The only difference was that they were holding hands now. Kat spoke the next words with a steady voice although on the inside she was trembling.
"They name thee before me,
A knell to mine ear;
A shudder comes o'er me—
Why wert thou so dear?
They know not I knew thee,
Who knew thee too well:
Long, long shall I rue thee,
Too deeply to tell."
She smiled at Henry, sensing that he needed her reinsurance for the last paragraph. He returned the smile and went on. 
"In secret we met—
In silence I grieve,
That thy heart could forget,
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears."
They sat in silence for several minutes, comfortable silence this time, the quiet connecting them in a way words never could.
"I've got another one you might like." Henry said softly after a while. He reluctantly let go of her hand, took the notebook and searched through the pages. "Here it is."
"Bring it on." Kat smiled at him, hardly able to hide the loving feelings that spread inside her chest and her belly. Henry nodded and began.
"My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety."
"That's beautiful, pop." Kat blushed under Henry's smirk when he heard the nickname slip from her lips. "William Wordsworth?" she guessed.
"Yes. I'd never heard of it before, but Mel showed it to me the other day."
Kat's smile faded like a shadow in the dark.
"Oh really, did she? So that's what you're doing when you meet? You read poems to each other?" Her voice had chilled in an instant, her body language switched from open hearted to closed off. Henry was confused by the sudden change of tone.
"Yes, she told me about it when I mentioned that I was looking for romantic poems by british poets. And no, that's not what we usually do."
"And what do you do? Usually?" 
"Nothing special, as I've told you before. And honestly, Kat..it's none of your business anyway."
That felt like a slap in the face to her.
"Right...yeah...you're absolutely right. It's none of my business what you do or who you're fooling around with." Kat got up, tapping off non-existing dirt from her jeans with determined motions that showed how touched and churned up she was.
"Fooling around?" Henry got up too in a hurry, knocking his head on a branch that was part of the treehouse's roof. He cursed before he turned to Kat again. "You can't be serious. You don't really think I f...that I sleep with Mel, do you?"
"I don't know what to think, Henry. You spend so much time with her lately…"
"And I've told you it's harmless and I just visit our neighbour from time to time." He tried to take her hand but Kat took a step back, turning around to stare out of the window with a deep sigh.
"You still don't trust me." His voice was sad now and there was a note of disappointment too. 
"I really want to, Henry. But it's so hard…" Her shoulders were trembling and her soft sobs told him she was crying. He hugged her gently from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. "I know, kitty. And I know that I'm the one to blame for this dilemma. But you have to believe me. There's nothing between me and Mel. I don't fuck her and I'm not interested in her. I only care about you. Okay?" The last words were nothing more than a whisper in her ear, a light breeze of tones that made her want to believe him. She nodded, leaning into his embrace but she wasn't able to give him a proper answer. The truth was she had no answer. She knew she loved him but what she didn't know was if she was going to allow herself to act accordingly. 
"Listen, Kat. This might not be the right time nor place to do this, but I need to ask you something. I'm going to Jersey next week for my mum's 70s birthday and I wonder if you'd want to come with me?"
Kat turned around in his arms abruptly, taken by surprise by his question. He didn't let go of her waist and so she found herself closer than ever to him, his gorgeous face right in front of her. "You want me to go to Jersey with you?" He nodded. "As my plus one. Yes." She freed herself carefully from his embrace. "But…"
"Let me explain." Henry took a step back to give her some space. "My mum invited me months ago and I accepted...of course...but to be honest, I've dreaded that family gathering since day one. All eyes will be on me, everyone's gonna try to wrap me up in cotton wool, walking on eggshells around me, wondering if I'm okay." He sighed and shrugged. "Don't get me wrong. I'm beyond grateful to have a family that is worried about me, loving people who care, but it also stresses me out. Having you by my side would be very helpful and besides that, I would hate to be separated from you again. Those five days last week were long enough, Kat and don't even make me start with the 22 years prior. You have no idea how much I missed you." He gave her a sheepish smile and she couldn't help but return it. "I missed you too, Hen. But I'm really not sure if this is a good idea. Your parents hardly know me."
"Don't be silly. They remember you very well. You spent Christmas 1998 with us. Please don't say you forgot about that...my parents invited you after I spent the summer with your family here in St. Ives."
"Of course I remember that. It was the most lively and jolly Christmas of my childhood. All those people at your parents house, the chatter and singing and goofing about, it was such a stark contrast to Christmas with my family."
"See...you can have that again. A crowded, noisy place, loads of laughter, alcohol, fun and food. When I asked my mum if it's okay to invite you she was so excited, Kat. She'd love to see you again and so would my dad and my brothers. And I'm sure you're gonna like my sisters-in-law and all my nephews and nieces." Kat smiled.
"That sounds good."
"So you're in?"
"I don't know. Where would we stay? At your parent's?"
"No. I always stay at a small cottage near the beach when I visit them. I bought it a few years ago."
Kat started to chew on her lower lip.
"Two bedrooms." Henry added with a wink before making the next try to take her hands. This time she didn't pull back. "Please say yes, Kat. Let's spend some time together. We can stay there for a week or so. When the whole Cavill bunch leaves after the celebration, it will only be you and me and lots of time to...to bond again. So what do you say?"
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding Part VI - Star Wars Time Travel AU
Part I - - - - -  Part II - - - - - Part III - - - - - Part IV - - - - - Part V 
Anakin watched Obi-Wan through the stalks for several minutes. He could see him kneeling at the base of the waterfall, occasionally glancing around, as if searching for someone. Just when he was about to break and interrupt him, Obi-Wan stood and walked over. They sat together on the low bench, surrounded by the carefully cultivated colored fungi. 
“Obi-Wan...maybe we should talk about what’s going on with you. Whatever it is, I’m here for you.” Anakin offered hesitantly.
Obi-Wan tensed, hands clenching in his lap. 
“Master Windu and Bant both seemed to think this isn’t a drug thing. Please, let-”
“That wasn’t what I was saying no to.” 
Obi-Wan stood and began threading a path through the mushrooms, careful not to step on any of the smaller ones. Anakin was forced to follow directly in his footsteps, not wanting to risk damaging something Obi-Wan clearly seemed to care about, but wishing he could look at his Master’s face.
“Did I ever tell you about Bruck Chun?” Obi-Wan asked.
“No. Who’s Bruck?” Anakin responded with deliberate patience.
“He was an old crechemate of mine, quite gifted, though he had a temper. There have been times you remind me of him. We were rivals.” They were approaching the end of the alcove, a large stone overhang throwing them in to shadow.
“He died. When we were twelve.”
When they reached the rock face, Obi-Wan started climbing straight up. Anakin followed. Several clicks above the floor, Obi-Wan squeezed his way into a narrow crack, invisible from the floor below. Anakin followed. They awkwardly shuffled along the passage until Obi-Wan suddenly dropped out of sight. Anakin followed.
They landed in a hidden alcove. It was half lit by sunlight filtering in from cracks above, and half lit by the glow of mushrooms and crystals tenaciously embedded in the rock face around.
“Oh.” Anakin said softly. “Is this where you go when you visit the fountains to meditate?”
“No, I hadn’t been here in years.” Obi-Wan answered wistfully. “I started getting too big, didn’t want to damage the passageway too much. I figured some other younglings would stumble upon it someday like I did. I’m sorry. I avoided this room for the first year or two of your padawanship. By the time I even thought to share it, you had already grown so big...”
He sat down, legs stretched out in front. Anakin sat next to him, mirroring his position.
“I’m glad you’re sharing it with me now.” Anakin smiled reassuringly, but Obi-Wan was staring ahead blankly.  
The young knight swallowed nervously. “Did you...come here with Bruck?”
Obi-Wan let out a snort. “Gods, no! I hid here from him. Before we were rivals, he bullied me relentlessly.”
“And...this is the guy you said I remind you of?” Was he being insulted?
“At times. Math lessons, saber practice, none of that ever came easy to me. But you and him...you never even needed to study. And you do have a vicious streak, Anakin.”
Rather than try to argue in vain against the slight hurt, Anakin just asked, “How did he die?”
Obi-Wan closed his eyes. “He fell.” 
Anakin jerked in surprise, “Wait, you mean-”
“We were fighting at the top of the waterfall- it- he had nearly killed Bant. He was angry that we both had been chosen by Masters, and Xanatos used that to manipulate him into helping with an attack on the temple. Bruck was lashing out. He was a better swordsmen, but his anger made him unbalanced. I knocked him back. And he fell. I’ve forgotten a lot of details about him as a person, but I still remember his body at the bottom of the falls.”
"That’s...awful. I’m sorry.” Anakin said helplessly. He had known the bare basics of Xanatos’s fall, but clearly not the full story.
Obi-Wan sighed, leaning slightly to press their shoulders together. Anakin scootched over to try and provide a little extra silent comfort.
“I thought I had learned to live with my guilt over my part in what happened to him, but I suppose recent events have torn open old scars, so to speak.”
Anakin held his breath, Obi-Wan didn’t add anything else. 
“Obi-Wan” he tried to nudge gently. 
Anakin lost his patience, jumping up. “Master, please!” He half yelled, looming over his Master. A flash of fear crossed Obi-Wan’s expression as he looked up, which immediately halted the fit of rage. 
He knelt down penitently, “I’m sorry, Obi-Wan, I shouldn’t have yelled, but please, let me help. I won’t get mad like that again, I swear. Whatever you need, I’m here for you.”
“You’re not.” Obi-Wan whispered, expression blank. He shuddered all over, fists clenching tightly.
“You’re NOT here for me!” Obi-Wan shouted, suddenly offended. “How can you POSSIBLY claim to be there for anyone after what you-” Obi-Wan seemed to choke on the words. He let out a strangled cry and pulled his knees up to his chest. Tears welled, but he didn’t seem to notice.
Anakin stared wide-eyed, cold all over. “This...this is about something I did. I don’t understand. You... told me a few hours that I’m dear to you, what...what could I have done since then to make you...I don’t understand.”
“You know what you did.” Obi-Wan let out. “And the fact that learning about it didn’t stop me from caring about you doesn’t help, it just makes the heartbreak a thousand times more painful.”
Anakin racked his brain wildly. This couldn’t be about his marriage with Padme, right? He told him this morning that he didn’t mind the sneaking off. There was only one screw-up big enough that could possibly warrant this severe a reaction, and only two people alive knew about that, both sworn to secrecy.
“The younglings,” Obi-Wan whispered. “You - you didn’t even spare the younglings.” Obi-wan looked gutted, terrified. 
Anakin felt like he had been dropped in ice water. This was- this was his worst fear- that Obi-Wan would learn about his darkest failing as a Jedi and be ashamed of him, angry at him, would abandon him. He had already made his judgement. How could he have even learned about about the Tuskens?
“Padme-” he breathed out. “Padme told-”
“No!” Obi-Wan denied desperately, lurching forward. “Padme would never betray you! I would never betray you! We both love you, Anakin. Please, some part of you must know that! You must!”
His master seemed frantic, fingernails digging painfully into Anakin’s arm.
“You love me?” Anakin asked brokenly, heart cracked open.
Obi-Wan let go of Anakin to curl in on himself again. He seemed very small. It hurt to look at.
“I think its safe to say at this point that there’s nothing you could, no betrayal or atrocity you could commit that would make me stop loving you. Despite what you’ve done, you’re my brother, my son- of course I love you. The fact that I led you to doubt my love for you might be my greatest failing, though there are so many its hard to really say.” Obi-Wan sounded utterly defeated.
Anakin’s heart was pounding. This was a nightmare and a childhood dream. Obi-Wan loved him unconditionally, but he knew about his slaughter of the Tusken's and was ashamed. This couldn’t be real. He can’t know.
“Palpatine-” Anakin tried to ask.
Obi-Wan growled. “I do not need to talk about how that power-hungry liar systematically worked to tear us apart. I want to know why you would-” he cut himself off again.
Palpatine told Obi-Wan- that was more than he could even begin to process.
"I’m sorry, Master. I’m so sorry for failing you.” The words came desperately tumbling out, “I was just- I was so angry about my mom’s death and-”
“Your mother’s death? You killed innocent children for the sake of your Mother?! I don’t- how could anyone possibly rationalize-” Obi-Wan hissed out, truly angry for the first time that day. He took a deep breath and pulled himself upright.
“Your mother’s death was a terrible tragedy and I will forever regret my role in it. I should have tried harder to free her, for her own sake. I was so afraid that if I pushed for permission with the council they would think I was failing you, and they would take you from me. I made- so many decisions out of attachment, out of fear of losing you, and in the end I hurt you so badly you couldn’t trust me. You didn’t trust me with the truth of your visions, so I gave you bad advice born of misunderstanding, and your mother died horribly. I- I can see how you would blame the Jedi for that, even if its not rational. I certainly understand why you would blame me for that, why you would hate me because of her death.”
Obi-Wan scrubbed at his face mercilessly, practically tearing skin in his haste to wipe away snot and tears.
“But why, if you were getting revenge, would you kill the children and not me?” “Why couldn’t you just kill me and be satisfied?” He finally looked straight at Anakin, asking like it was a real question.
Anakin was horrified. After a few false starts he finally choked out, “Master, I love you. I told you, you’re the closest thing I have to a father. You’re the last person I could ever kill.”
“The last person you could ever kill,” Obi-Wan echoed back, looking pained.
“Please, Master, tell me how to fix this. I want to make things right. How can I fix things?” Anakin begged.
“That’s not a fair question. You can’t unmurder people. You can’t put them back together like a- an engine or a droid- ”
“There has to be something I can do to make you forgive me!” Anakin said desperately. “You can’t just tell me you love me and then say I’m an irredeemable monster!”
“Well that’s an entirely different matter, though no less cruel to think about.”
He leaned into Anakin’s side once more, the press providing a hint of warmth even in the unshakable cold. “Anakin, it isn’t very rational or fair of me, but it wouldn’t really take that much to get me to forgive you. Kriff, if you just acted sorry for what you had done.” Obi-Wan sighed.
“If you told me that you regretted the lives you took and swore you were going to stop murdering, force help me, I’d probably take you back in an instant. All I ever wanted was to help you be the best version of yourself.”
“I’m sorry.” Anakin said immediately. “I’m so, so sorry for what I did. I lost control of myself because I was scared, and angry, and suffering and, and then I was so scared that you would hate me that I pretended it was ok, and I told myself that they deserved to die, but how could children ever deserve to die and please Master I’ll throw away my lightsaber just please, please don’t leave me, I need you, please-” and the rest of the words dissolved into large, ugly sobs.
Obi-Wan keened and pulled Anakin into his lap like he was a child again. Anakin scrabbled at his cloak, desperately trying to hold on. The terrible chill that had been haunting him slowly started to fade away as he was rocked back and forth. 
After a minute, Anakin got enough of a hold on himself to consider trying to stop blubbering like a crecheling on his Master’s robes. But he quickly realized that Obi-Wan was also crying, so instead threw his arms around the older man and let himself go.
An uncertain amount of time passed before they both slowed from heaving sobs, to dry hiccups, to quiet whimpers. Eventually they ended up laying in a heap, boneless but for their hold on each other. And finally, the cavern was more or less silent.
Anakin felt physically lighter, mind clear like he had just completed an extremely successful meditation session.
Without a word, they slowly shifted so they were leaning on the wall instead of sprawled on the ground. Obi-Wan pulled his robe off, first using it to wipe his face, then tenderly cleaning his Padwan’s. 
Anakin just chuckled. 
Obi-Wan threw the robe so it covered the two of them, which was a little gross, but that only made Anakin snort giddily. 
They sat there peacefully for sometime. The shadows from above started shifting, and Obi-Wan sighed, “I really should go eat something.”
Anakin sighed back at him in agreement. They both stretched in the small space, joints popping.
“Do you need to walk through the rest of the gardens first?” Anakin asked.
“No,” Obi-Wan replied, tenderly fussing with his kid’s hair and robes so they looked presentable. “This was...more than I could have hoped for.”
Anakin beamed, giving Obi-Wan one last quick hug before gesturing upwards. “Time to get back to the real world?” he joked with a hint of regret.
“Time to get back to the real world.” Obi-Wan repeated heavily.
Part VII
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raethethey · 2 years
I wish i could write for my audience. I wish i had something for you. I wish i wasnt filled with grief everytime i log on here and see my mutuals posting beautiful stories woven for your entertainment and not have a creation of my own. My loom isnt broken, my hands are. How can i ever compare to the Arachnes of the world?
I have ideas and stories filling my mind each day, but the time to write escapes me. The motivation to come up with something original but not too crazy eludes me. The ability to write for myself and post what i want does not exist for me. I write for you and i cannot deny the fact. My characters are there to kiss you, hug you, comfort you. You are the main character and i treat you like a guest appearance: forgotten after the fact.
I want to apologize to all my followers who followed me in my prime. I am suffering now. Overwhelmed with the blights of life. The ripetides have hold of me and i cannot swim to the side. I keep fighting the current, wearied by the minute.
School's death grip upon me controls my life. Work's iron hand gives me no time for myself. Friends keep me alive and afloat but how much longer will it last. I have no time for me unless i am sleeping. And i am so so tired. 0 or 14 hours of sleep; there is no in between. I severely lack the responsibility i so wish to have. I cannot manage time well because time does not move the same for me.
I may look at clocks and know the time, but it has no meaning unless i have an appointment with life. I sit in my desolate room, time passing, worry gathering that i am late for something, that i am missing something, forgetting. Nerves tick and flinch. I am only late for life.
This is not living, this is drowning. I drown in the woes. I choke on work. I gasps at friends. I cannot grasp the driftwood. The stars shine down upon me pitying me, the sun is relentless in its burn, the moon wishes it could reach out a ray, but it is just borrowed from the sun and he passes by without a second thought; a journey to complete, the only thing in his mind.
He gives not, unmoving in his path. Treacherous in his ways and yet i cannot live without him either. To school i go to educate myself, to work i go to support myself, friends i give the time of day to relieve myself of loneliness. But its still there.
It tickles my feet as they dangle off my cold bed. It pokes my knees from under my desk. It blows on my ear at the dinner table. It pulls my hair on the couch. It will not leave me alone. It pesters me. My head is filled with its whispers. It cods me into thinking i have a chance at being normal. That i can escape its prison.
It gives me false hope when i laugh amongst my friends, when my phone pings with a notification from a far away comrade. My head fills with light for just a second, but the loneliness always loved the dark. The switch is flipped before the light gets warm.
I am trapped and i have the key, but i dont use it. I dont slot it into the lock, why? Do i even deserve what ive been given? Do i deserve these friends that have to watch me sit still, unfocused at times and wonder if i am okay? Do i deserve this job that ive been late to more times than i remember, that i am just barely qualified for? Can i even save a life if mine is so distraught? Will i deserve this degree if i cannot bring myself to attend a class because i am scared of the professor, because i dont like the professor, or because i dont like the content?
Am i overthinking everything in my life? To much time goes to thinking. It soils my happiness. When was the last time i laughed freely without loneliness tugging on my ear, reminding me? When was the last time i sat down to write and not had to worry about being up too late? Being up late never hindered me before, but now i work in the early morning hours, my circadian rhythm screaming at me. I go to school in the afternoon and i come home to homework. On my days off, i chat with friends for hours at a time and i come home again to more homework; college is demanding.
The clock ticks. My time is running out. How much longer do i have left? Do i want that much time? Would i rather sleep? Forever. Or do i keep drowning? Keep shivering from loneliness' touch? Keep laughing with that tiny voice in my head pushing the button for me? Keep pushing myself past my limits and pulling myself in all directions to cover all my bases? Can i do this? This thing everyone else can. They make it seem so easy. They say they're struggling as well, but they have better grades, more advanced friendships and relationships. They have goals! What is a goal? Ive never had one. The future? Ive never thought about her past a few months. Does she really get better? It seems so far away.
Hope lingers still. Sitting in the box pretty and patient. If i let her out, what would happen? This question has been posed before.
I could get better. Life could get easier. Work could become a blessing. Friends could learn to help me if i opened up. But i have to keep hope for these scenarios. I cannot let her out of the box. Ive lost the box though. Does loneliness keep it under the bed? Does weariness keep it in my closet? Does sadness keep it under my desk? Ive no clue. I do not have time to look for it. I have to believe its there.
But faith. Faith hurts me. Faith doesnt like me, they never have. I tried to be friends with them once, but it failed me because i failed it. Faith has no place in my life now. I cannot go back. I dont want to. It hurt me.
I wish i could write for you, but all i have is this narrative, personifying my fears and my shackles. Take it and live better than i. Learn from me. Drop classes if they make you suffer. Get another job if you feel youre inadequate for it. Open up to your friends. Make time for yourself. Live.
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7wanderingpaws · 3 years
Mess We Made - fourth/last (m)
Tumblr media
(gif not mine)
Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: arranged marriage au (not bbh), doctor AU, angst, fluff
Words: 7.5K
WARNINGS: language, mentions of blood, mature content, cheating (not bbh)
Quick A/N: Hiii! Im gonna hide... Ive never written sth like this omg. (pls let me know your thoughts). This is the final part so I feel accomplished I wrote such long chapters in such a short time >< 
tags: @byunfirstlady @blackon @puppyeoliepop @in3vitably3v3​ @mangobaek @bobohumyonlyboo @wooya1224 @exortedgoods @gureuma (if you want to be tagged/untagged please reply to this post)
parts: first – second – third -- fourth (last)
Mess We Made, last part
“What the hell did you think you were doing in the hospital?” you attacked him as soon as you arrived home after two days.
Frankly Minheob didn’t come to visit you anymore although you overheard some nurses gossiping that he went several times to the doctor’s office and had a chat with doctor Kim. As much as you wished to know why he would go the great lengths to try to tie you down, you also couldn’t care less as long as he didn’t come and see you.
Minheob frowned at you as he watched you cradle Hayeon. “Do you think I don’t know?”
“Don’t know what?”
He stepped closer to you and you wanted to move backwards but the baby’s crib was behind you, successfully caging you in. He grinned nastily. “Well, you really are so clueless. As soon as I found out your lover is also in that hospital, I rushed in to get you. You doing miscarriage and daring to cheat on me at the same time?” He scoffed. “That is unheard of.”
Your heart rate sped up at his words. There was no way you cheated on him. Baekhyun did come several times to check up on you, sometimes you even swore he was there while you were sleeping and felt something soft brushing your cheek, but you never did anything more than what a doctor and a patient would do. Did Minheob know about Baekhyun? If he did then how did he find out?
Minheob laughed out loud at your shocked expression, and reached out to caress Hayeon’s hair but you moved her away from his touch. “She is my daughter too, you know.”
“How dare you accuse me of cheating on you,” you muttered sternly, trying to keep your voice down so as not to trigger the baby.
“Well, then let me put you into perspective because the past year you’ve been amazingly oblivious.” He made a dramatic pause and you almost lost all your wits. He took a deep breath and like a snake, licked his lips in mischief. “How many times have you moaned his name when you were coming, huh?” he whispered, carefully watching you from up close. “How many times have you thought it was him instead of me? You were so full of him while in bed with me... What made you ever think I wouldn’t find out that you still kept in touch with him?”
Blood drained from your face and you knew you were done for. And Baekhyun too. Your stupid mistake would bring him into this huge mess that you created again.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you dared to lie through gritted teeth and hugged your baby even tighter. “Nor do I care what your twisted mind came up with, Minheob.”
He laughed, stepping away from you. “So this is the way you want to act? I will gladly moan out his name for you, maybe then you would remember?” he asked with a low tone.
You started walking towards the kitchen, deciding to mix the baby formula so that Hayeon could eat. You were not breastfeeding her, you only did so for two weeks before you gave up. Your breasts took too long to bring out the milk and even if they did, it was bloody. Another reason to be miserable. You couldn’t even feed your child.
“Stop pretending you didn’t hear me,” snickered your husband and grabbed your wrist, yanking you back to him.
You gasped, holding Hayeon tighter. “I didn’t cheat on you!”
“I don’t give a fuck whether you did or not! You just stayed in hospital for two days for nothing because he wanted you there!”
When you opened your mouth to retort something, he muttered: “Baekhyun wanted to keep you there for himself, didn’t he? Good way to make use of you,” he snarled. “A woman that lost her child. He could still fuck you over-“
Your hand flew out before you could think twice, landing a stinking slap on Minheob’s face. “Get him out of your filthy mouth,” you muttered lowly, sending him death glares. Minheob was shocked just for a moment before he was about to rebuke, but you beat him to it: “Baekhyun has nothing to do with me. Stop blaming innocent people-“
“I cannot believe you had me fooled! I had his best friend stalked to make sure he wouldn’t make moves on you, the Park Chanyeol kid, and then it was the fucking doctor the whole time!” he shouted but you didn’t flinch, only proudly noted how his cheek was becoming redder with each passing second.
“I never fooled you,” you answered, “it’s you who does the dirty job. Leave Baekhyun alone.”
“I can see how angry you are becoming. Protecting your secret lover.”
“He is not my secret lover.”
“I can see the way you are looking at me right now. You hate even the idea of me saying his name, don’t you? You hate your entire family for making you marry me when you could have him-“
“But you’re stuck with me and he will most probably find another woman-“
“I said enough!” you screamed loudly, successfully making Hayeon cry in your arms while your husband had a victorious smile on his face. He paused for a moment and pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Turning away from you, he said: “Good luck taking care of that weeping machine. It’s annoying. I’ll be out.”
When you heard the door slam, you felt your cheeks burning up with anger while the tears you didn’t know you were keeping in, spilled. Quickly shushing Hayeon, you went over to grab the formula as you originally wanted to, while sniffing.
“C‘mon, Hayeon, don’t cry,” you tried gently but she was relentless.
You didn’t want her to be scarred by the toxic relationship you had with her father. Everyday you tried your best to be good for her and make her happy so that she would grow up well. But having Minheob breathing down your neck was making it hard.
It was almost one hour later, Hayeon still slowly sucking on the milk from her bottle while you had the big TV turned on with a comedy show when the doorbell rang.
Sighing tiredly, you walked over to the intercom to check the camera, and your heartbeat sped up when you noticed Baekhyun’s profile as he was waiting for you to let him in.
What the hell was he doing here? He shouldn’t be here!
Despite your racing thoughts, you let him in and walked over to the doors with Hayeon in your arms. She was tapping on your chest with her small hands as she was looking at you with huge eyes.
You were cooing to her softly, hoping it would ease your nerves. And it did. You didn’t hear Baekhyun approaching, only realizing his presence when he was two meters from you, casually leaning his shoulder against the wall, his arms pushed in his dark-blue jeans, and observing you with a warm, gentle smile. It made your heart skip a beat.
“Baekhyun,” you breathed and he lazily stretched his lips before walking over to you, standing a tad too close as he was looking down at your daughter.
“Being a mother really suits you,” he murmured softly, looking up to catch you staring.
Quickly recovering, you blurted: “You shouldn’t be here, Baek. I’m not sure when my husband will be back-“
“He won’t be coming for a while, don’t worry,” he replied calmly.
You frowned. “Did he go after you?” Just the idea made you dizzy with worry.
Baekhyun chuckled, taking in your expression. “No, but he is with doctor Kim.”
You frowned.
“Won’t you let me in?”
“Ah, right,” you stammered and moved aside, letting him in. You weren’t sure you wanted him to see the place you’d been living in with another man that wasn’t him. Baekhyun looked out of place as you followed him to the spacious living room. “Please, sit down. What can I get you?”
He did as you asked and looked at you with expectant eyes. He smiled sheepishly. “This is probably too much but… do you maybe have wine?”
“I do but… aren’t you driving?”
“My brother will come and pick me up. He is nearby doing some business.”
You nodded. “I’ll have a glass with you, too. Just let me put her-“
“I can hold her,” he offered smoothly which made you stop. “Only if you don’t mind. I’ve held quite a few babies,” he grinned proudly.
Smiling, you gladly handed him Hayeon and gave him her little bottle. You realized you were too close because when you glanced up, Baekhyun’s nose almost brushed yours. Pulling away, you turned to go when he asked: “Aren’t you breastfeeding? You shouldn’t drink.”
Preparing two wine glasses, you told him you weren’t. He was silent and when you came out with the glasses and two kinds of bottles he looked up at you holding the options up for him.
“Red,” he said with a smile.
You nodded and poured the both of you a glass and faced him. Humming, you noted: “Being with a baby suits you.”
He smiled knowingly. “Oh, yeah? Well… this one looks a lot like you, to be honest.” He gave a loving caress to Hayeon’s head and you felt your heart squeezing painfully.
“Luckily.” You cleared your throat. “What brings you here?”
Baekhyun cooed at Hayeon a little bit longer before he murmured, catching your eyes. “I was worried… he would do something to you.”
“But you never cared before.”
“That’s not true and you know it.”
You bit your lip. “Why is he with doctor Kim again?”
Baekhyun pressed his lips for a moment, thinking over your question. “He is…” he let out a perplexed laugh, as if unsure what to say, “I don’t know how to put it in words.”
Baekhyun earned your full attention now. “What do you mean?”
“He is in love with doctor Kim.”
Your mouth fell open, the news catching you off guard. “H-he what?”
“Shh,” he shushed gently like he always did with you, and nodded towards Hayeon who was drifting off to sleep in his arms. Your heart squeezed painfully once again, the sight was bittersweet. Your child in his arms. “I found out today too. He had been visiting her for a long time. Turns out they have known each other since high school.”
That sounded awfully familiar. “And now he is trying to get her?”
Baekhyun shrugged once and looked down at Hayeon, her eyes peacefully closed but still diligently sucking on the last droplets of milk. “Maybe?”
“And here I thought he went there to stalk me.”
He turned his head towards you. “Does it matter whether he actually wants doctor Kim?” he asked quietly, the unvoiced actual question palpable in his voice. Do you love your husband enough to be hurt that he wants another woman?
“I feel sorry for her,” was your blunt answer. “But if that means he will change I wish he would ditch me.” You looked Baekhyun in the eyes. “I’ve been wanting this whole nightmare to end for two years, Baekhyun. Two years of being completely helpless, not even able to see you properly. I want him to ditch me and I want to be with you.”
He was listening to you carefully, his eyes sometimes drifting to your lips and the way they shaped when you pronounced some words. “If I told you I have someone else…”
Within seconds your eyes burned up in despair. “No, you don’t.”
Without an answer, he was looking at you; observing the way your cheeks became red along with your nose while your eyes were full of unshed tears. You were so beautiful even after miscarriage. You were ethereal in his eyes even though he just made you cry. Now that Baekhyun thought about it, he didn't remember the last time he saw a genuine smile on your face; it was always either a tired, insincere smile or crying. If he only saw you like that, how many times must have you cried when he wasn't there?
“Please don’t tell me you have someone else,” you whispered when he wouldn't answer.
“It's only natural I would find someone else,” he reasoned matter-of-factly but in a gentle tone so as not to upset you.
“And you came here to tell me this?”
Baekhyun was helpless. He knew your jealousy could be blinding, but he thought with time it would simmer down. “I didn't come here to talk about my private life-”
You snorted sarcastically. “Right. Your private life is how we call it now?” You reached out for sleeping Hayeon and took her into your arms. Without a word you walked to the bedroom. In case you would become even more emotional, you didn't want her to wake. You heard Baekhyun shuffling after you, a conflicting gaze following your every more.
He waited by the door, silently watching you putting Hayeon into her crib. With teary eyes, you observed your daughter a little longer, thinking how wrong everything was at that moment before facing your guest.
Baekhyun didn't move when you closed the door behind you, instead he took hold of your wrist to make you look at him. “I'm sorry. It all came out so wrong.”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” you said evenly. “It's your private life and it's none of my business. Which means you may go. Now that you made sure I wasn't dying on the bedroom floor - because you really care about my well-being - it's time to leave.”
Baekyhun was slowly losing his patience. “Stop acting so freaking stubborn.”
More tears welled up in your eyes. “You are right. So leave. I want to be alone.”
He sighed when you tried to push his hand away. “Sweethea-” he stopped himself, biting quickly into his lower lip. Your heartbeat sped up but then he murmured your name softly and you deflated again. “I didn't mean I'm in a relationship.”
“Then what did you mean?” you pressed.
“I was with other women while I wasn't with you. That's all,” he replied truthfully. “I haven't been in a relationship ever since you left me.”
“But you slept with other women,” you finished.
He nodded, staring into your eyes with pure honesty. He had his heart on his sleeve for you, and you still couldn't help the boiling feelings of betrayal. Maybe it was because you were still recovering from the happenings of the past three days or maybe it was just the way you would always feel when Baekhyun was with another woman, be it romantically or purely physically.
“I still don't get why you are telling me this. I still don't understand why you had to come here now, out of all the times.”
“I want you back,” he whispered. “Even though it is impossible, I want you back. With everything you are.” Your breath hitched in your throat and your heart restarted its wild beating. “It's so fucking difficult to keep my hands off of you, to not touch you, to not be there for you when I know you don't have anyone else to turn to and share your burdens with. I know your asshole of a husband mistreats you with your entire family helping him out. I'm tired of it and if it means going against all the rules, then so be it.”
Hope was making your eyes come alive, he could see it. Even though they were teary, hope sparked through and Baekhyun felt relieved.
“Are you doing this now because you know Minheob has feelings for another woman?”
He was shocked. “W-what? No, it isn't about it-”
“Yes, you are,” you said, not even listening to him, “you wouldn't have come here if my husband wouldn't be seeing doctor Kim right now. Otherwise-”
“No, wait, listen to me-”
“You wouldn't fight for me if it weren't for-”
He murmured your name in warning. “Listen-”
“I can't believe you-”
“For Christ's sake just listen-”
“Make me.”
Baekhyun was furious. Both of you were staring down each other, both of you hurt and desperate. “Make me listen, Baekhyun,” you said again with a steely voice and he grabbed your face and crashed his lips on yours. You let out a moan, his lips so soft against yours despite the kiss being anything but soft. He cradled your face and you didn't waste time in bringing your arms around his neck, bringing him closer. You heard Baekhyun inhale sharply as he sucked on your lower lip before licking it, asking for entrance. He growled when you complied but would fight him for dominance. It was a game of push and pull and he pressed you against the wall next to the bedroom door; the room which you shared with someone that wasn't Baekhyun.
It was thrilling, exciting and you wanted more. Baekhyun tasted much sweeter than you could remember and there wasn't a chance that you'd get enough. When it came to him, it was never enough for you. Thirstily, you pressed your middle to his, causing him to grunt while he sucked on your tongue, his hands on your neck to angle your face for him. You could feel your lips were already swollen but you didn't care. Your hands were buried in his hair, messing it up, pulling on it as you wanted more. More, more, more. You wanted him to devour you, to take you and to never return you.
But it was still Baekhyun. This was unfair to him. And so he was the first one to disattach, pulling away from you slightly to press his forehead against yours while the both of you were panting. You looked at his lips, the way the skin around them was turning a gentle pink, his lips particularly red. God, you loved those lips and how cutely they were shaped.
He caressed your jaw with his thumb, bringing your attention up to his droopy eyes. “I love you,” he confessed.
Your throat went dry for a second. It was like reliving all your happy memories with him all over again. “I love you, too, Baekhyun,” you replied, making sure you were staring into his eyes.
A soft smile spread on his face and he leaned in to kiss you again but stopped just before his lower lip could touch your upper one. “We shouldn't do this, though. You are married, have a baby and it's not right.”
“You already kissed me,” you urged him, not sparing even a heartbeat to think about his words, “it won't make a difference if you do it one more time.” You raised yourself on your tiptoes and kissed him before he could retaliate. He moaned so subtly it almost made your knees buckle. His hands travelled souther, caressing your shoulders before they went to your back where he drew sensual circles, making you feel all sorts of inappropriate things. You dared to bring your hands to the hem of his shirt that was tucked into his jeans and pull it out, wanting to feel his skin under. He let out another moan when he felt your fingertips trailing the outline of his abs- wait, abs?
You pulled away. “Since when are you so ripped?” you breathed which made him chuckle. You lifted his shirt slightly to see that he had a freaking six-pack. Your mouth went agape, but you still felt Baekhyun's hand on the sliver of skin that showed between your jeans and shirt. He didn't dare to go further than that, though.
“Where else can I use my frustrations if not in the gym, hm,” he murmured in a low voice that made your insides squeeze with want.
You rested your head against the wall, looking at him with content. “I caused it all. I'm sorry.”
He sighed and stepped closer, one leg between yours as he cradled your cheek. “I knew from the start it would go like this, you know. Don't apologize.”
“I'm still sorry 'cause I never should have made you go through the things that me and my terrible family did.” You paused for a moment. “Let's start over, together,” you suggested eagerly. “Let's run away.”
Baekhyun took a deep breath. “You know that isn't possible, love.”
“It is,” you insisted, “of course it is. Let's just disappear and not let anyone know.”
“I have to make a living. And I love my job. You need to take care of your daughter as well.”
“So is that a no? Even if I get a divorce and a chance to start over… is that a no?” you asked quietly.
“Look, doctor Kim knows about us. She knows about our relationship because I couldn't focus whenever I knew you were in the clinic. My behavior gave me away and she is a great senior that understood me well. She was the one to tell me to come here and she called your husband over. I'm sure she is lecturing him.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, running his thumb over the naked skin of your hip. “I'm sure with time, we can slowly start over again, hm?” he prompted gently, tapping your skin a few times. “Time is all we need.”
“I have to wait more to have you?” You were being greedy. You knew you were. But you couldn't help yourself.
“We waited a long time for each other,” he breathed, “we can wait a little longer. Doctor Kim will help us.”
“Then kiss me one last time. To seal it,” you demanded. “As a promise that you will come back to me, Baekhyun.”
And Baekhyun did.
It had been weeks now that you found out about Minheob having feelings for the kind doctor Kim. You weren't sure if it was because you were aware of it, but Minheob seemed to become less interested in you overall. He didn't call you when you were busy with the shop, he didn't care if you came home a little later, and not once mentioned Baekhyun to you anymore. It was almost as if that argument never happened.
Even though that seemed to get better, you were still sour because Baekhyun kept the contact between you two quite limited even though he said he wanted you. Sometimes you would exchange texts, because you couldn't keep still; your need to know what he was doing, how he was doing and where he was, was stronger.
It could have been frustrating and maybe now you got a taste of how he must have been feeling the entire time after your break-up. You expecting him to be alone and wait for something to happen was so greedy it made you feel embarrassed. Of course he would have found a woman for pleasure.
You weren't disappointed; hurt maybe because you despised any idea of him being with another woman. After all, you wanted to be the only one to know how he was like in bed, how he would treat a woman after the love-making was done.
You groaned gently, the intruding thoughts not doing you any good. Plus, you were on your period. Maybe you shouldn't have thought about it too much. He confirmed he still loved you and that was all that mattered.
It was almost four months later, your relationship and communication with Minheob almost non-existent and Hayeon a curious toddler, when Minheob said a sentence you never thought you would hear:
“I want a divorce.”
You swiveled around from where you were sitting on the carpeted floor, watching over Hayeon while your tablet was sitting in your lap, going through the new lingerie sets that were supposed to arrive anytime soon. With it, finally, the “unlock, bbh” one as well.
“You heard me,” he sighed, sitting on the sofa, emotionlessly looking at an ever-bright Hayeon. “I want to divorce you.”
You were silent, carefully thinking over what to reply next. Maybe you didn't seem as shocked to him as he would have expected you to, but he didn't care at that point.
“I am with another woman. And I want to become a better person for her.”
“I see…”
He rolled his eyes. “At least pretend like you're shocked.” “I am, Minheob. You never told me you are seeing someone else.”
“Just like you never told me you are cheating on me with that doctor of yours.”
“I never-” you started, offended, but all too quickly you remembered kissing Baekhyun in that very house. Minheob couldn't have known about that, though. “I didn't cheat on you. Not like that.”
He let out a dishonest laugh and looked away. “Either way, it doesn't matter anymore. I want it to be as soon as possible.”
“What about Hayeon? She is your daughter.” Minheob didn't care about Hayeon, you knew it. He barely ever tried to initiate anything with her, let alone ask if the baby was doing well.
“Yeah,” he rolled his eyes, “you couldn't even give me a boy. It had to be a daughter.”
You puckered your lips, trying hard not to pick a fight. “I'm sick and tired of you being a misogynistic prick,” you told him in a calm voice. “She is a healthy child and you should be fucking thankful.” You turned to look at Hayeon who was playing with huge baby-safe lego pieces. “I will raise her to become much more badass than any man ever will.”
“Sure, you will.” He was silent for a while. “I will try better. I will take care of my part on her behalf, of course. And the matter with your family - they are all to stay just as usual.”
Not turning to look at him, you hummed. “Good way to become a better person, Minheob.”
“I'll deal with all the paperwork. Let's get everything settled by next week. Since we both agree on divorce.”
Sudden eagerness ignited your hope to be with Baekhyun much earlier than you anticipated. Just the idea of it made you feel elevated.
“And about this house…”
You turned your head to look at your soon-to-be ex-husband. “I will leave with Hayeon, don't worry.”
You headed to Baekhyun's that evening. Packing up the baby bag for Hayeon, you put her in the baby carrier basket once you arrived. You knew his new address but not once you visited. Having Minheob as a husband had its perks after all; you could easily look into the employees' personal records.
Baekhyun lived in an upscale apartment building, typical for families that had money. It made you realize just how much he developed professionally.
Shushing Hayeon, you waited for Baekhyun to open the door and when he did, he still looked surprised, even after letting you in through the intercom. “Hi,” you smiled, “I came to talk.”
Baekhyun took you in, noting the sleeping toddler. “Sure, come in,” he said quietly, not wanting to disturb the sleeping child.
“Sorry for coming unannounced,” you muttered sheepishly, admiring the way he looked in simple grey joggers and a white shirt. 
Baekhyun stopped you from going further into his apartment. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
“No,” you smiled softly, “I have some good news.”
Sitting close to each other, you talked for about two hours; about your future. About the current situation and about the way it all evolved. Baekhyun was surprised but you were relieved when you saw his eyes light up with the same hope that it did with yours. For amoment you were worried he wouldn't reciprocate the excitement but when he almost ducked to kiss you, you knew he still felt the same.
Your faces were so close, you could feel his breath on your cheek. “I was thinking about looking for an apartment…” you trailed off. “Maybe somewhere close to yours?”
“Silly,” sighed Baekhyun affectionately, “you'll come straight to my place.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you eyed his lips. “Are you sure? I will have Hayeon with me,” you admitted, not wanting to sound as sad as you actually felt. It made you sound like a bad mother and maybe just a little bit, you were. Hayeon was such a delight of a child, but she was Minheob's. Baekhyun didn't have anything to do with her and even though you loved her, it also made you mad that you didn't have a child with Baekhyun.
“You know I never had anything against Hayeon. She is innocent and too young. She is barely one, sweetheart. She is your child, how can I not love her?”
Baekhyun's words made your eyes snap up to meet his tender ones.
Slowly he lifted his hand, cradling your cheek. “She looks a lot like you, you know?”
You closed your eyes. “You already told me.”
“And I'm saying it again. She is gorgeous. I bet she will grow up into a beautiful lady just like her mother.”
You smiled, shaking your head gently as to not let his hand fall. “Will you help me raise her into a good and loving child?”
“Of course,” he breathed, his thumb wandering to your lower lip. “We will raise her together.”
Your smile grew wider, now opening your eyes. “I love you so much, Baekhyun. You really have no idea how perfect you are, do you?”
He smiled and leaned in, nudging your nose with his. “I would do anything just to see you smile like that again. I want to keep that smile on your face forever, baby.”
Electricity cursed through your veins. You leaned in, wanting to finally overcome the teasing distance between your lips but Baekhyun stopped you. “Hayeon is sleeping here.”
“She will sleep for a while now. She always sleeps the best after a car ride,” you muttered, still eyeing Baekhyun's lips.
He hummed, acknowledging your words. Then he grabbed your hand gently, intertwining your hands and made you stand up. Eagerly, you followed him to his bedroom and once he closed the door, you stared at each other for a moment before the both of you leaned in at the same time. Kissing each other passionately, he walked you towards his bed and sat down, making you straddle him.
You whimpered at the feel of his wandering hands. “You don't mind kissing me now?” you asked, wanting to be sure you weren't doing something that made him feel uncomfortable.
Baekhyun was looking up at you with huge eyes full of lust and love. The raw crave in his eyes was undeniable and it turned you on. “No. I should have just stolen you a long time ago.”
You giggled but he silenced you with another mind-blowing kiss. Letting him touch you everywhere, you found yourself needing air quickly and Baekhyun moved to your cheek, jaw and neck, sucking gently on the sensitive skin. Your hands were messing up his before they found the way to his shirt, once again wanting to feel up his abs that contracted under your touch.
“I missed you so much,” groaned Baekhyun when he squeezed your backside as he licked your collarbones before biting. You hissed, but he didn’t stop.
“I missed you much more,” you breathed, closing your eyes in pleasure. “You have no idea how much.”
He hummed and grabbed the v-line of your shirt, yanking it down to show your bra. Hungrily, he attached his lips to the swell of your breast and you moaned loudly, burying your hand in his hair. “I missed these, too,” he muttered, making you chuckle.
When his other hand wandered south to your jeans, you grabbed his hand in alarm.
“B-Baekhyun, I’m on my period,” you breathed shakily, your arousal growing with each touch of his. Because of your stupid monthly issue you wouldn’t be able to enjoy Baekhyun but to your utter shock, he muttered:
“I don’t care.” With that, he hoisted you up in his arms, making you let out a silent squeal as he smiled and brought you to his private bathroom. “Unless you mind,” he added warily.
“No,” you shook your head quickly. “I crave you too much to care.”
The doors closed shut and you were pushed against them, his middle pressed to yours causing you to let out a wanton moan. He wasn’t even inside you but you felt like a bone shattering orgasm was on its way already.
“Fuck, I missed you so much,” he whispered urgently as he sucked on your neck, his other hand supporting you on your backside, and the other wandering inside your shirt.
Your hand was in his hair, grabbing on it, pushing his head into your chest needily. “Jesus, Baek, I need you. No teasing, god.”
This would be a first time for the both of you to be intimate while you were bleeding. As much as it was a little off-putting, neither of you built up the boundaries that seemed to be nonexistent in your relationship.
He grunted as he brought you to the shower stall and gently put you down on your wobbly legs. You were already taking off your shirt and jeans and he was mimicking you, desperate to finally feel each other’s skin. When the both of you were naked, Baekhyun stepped closer to you and reached behind you to turn on the shower.
The first wave had cold water which made you squeal and jump, attacking and hugging Baekhyun to yourself who caught you with a handsome laugh.
“I’ll make you all hot and bothered very soon, princess,” he murmured in your ear, his nose pressed to your hair as you felt his hand caress you over your stomach before he let it slide to your womanhood.
“Baek-“ you started quickly, sudden anxiety eating you away because you were bleeding.
“Shh, no words,” he said and brought his face back to yours, diving in to bite your lower lip. “Just our bodies talking.”
“I said,” he pressed and just then he spread your womanhood, his middle finger teasing your lips and the sensitive bud before he quickly let it dive into your hole. Your knees buckled at the sensation and Baekhyun was fast to press you against the wall, letting the water wash away your blood and arousal from his hand.
“Fucking gorgeous,” he grumbled and pushed two fingers inside of you, humming when he watched you open your mouth in an airy moan, your eyes closed in pure ecstasy.
You were panting heavily and when you opened your eyes to look at your lover, you felt like your chest would combust with repressed emotions. You grabbed the back of his head and smashed your lips together, bringing out another pleasurable moan from Baekhyun. The vibration of his chest rang against yours, connecting two wildly beating hearts.
He scissored his fingers inside you, pumped you slowly, in and out, making sure you were well stretched out.
A whimper was what made Baekhyun pull away from the heated kiss. “Do you think you’re ready for me?” he asked in a low voice, his eyes full of affection, desire and lust.
You nodded eagerly. “Yes, yes, just get on with it.”
You reached for his member that had stood up proud in the meantime, keeping close eye contact with his owner. “Since we are doing it while I’m on my period, I can feel all of you,” you breathed as you stood on your tiptoes to kiss him again while you wrapped your hand around his shaft, spreading the pre-cum over the tip with your thumb, closely checking your partner for any reaction. “You can come inside of me.”
Baekhyun hissed and followed with a deep groan as his arm slid around your waist bringing you to him so he could rest his head in your neck. He left open-mouthed kisses lazily on your skin and he squeezed your body when you played with his balls. “Fuck!”
Without warning, he pushed your hand away. “Do you trust me?” he asked, his hands already trailing down your sides, his member pressed to your stomach.
“Then jump for me,” he whispered passionately and was fast to catch you, your legs around his waist and your center just on his manhood. “I will fuck your brains out.” He informed you and you could only plead for him to finally move on. And he did. With just his tip at your center had the both of you close your eyes and moan into each other’s mouths before he slowly pushed in.
“Ahh, yes,” you let out and wiggled in his grasp. Baekhyun hissed sharply biting your earlobe when he managed to slide almost all of him in. “Shit your slick.”
Both of you looked down to where you were connected to see the water wash away a chunk of blood. “Ready?” he asked gently. “Tell me immediately if somethings off.”
You smiled at him deliriously and nodded in confirmation.
Baekhyun started with a slow pace, his thrusts careful, making you feel every single inch of his member, every vein and plain. Being on your period made your womanhood extremely sensitive and aware of every single movement inside you which was the reason your forehead fell into his shoulder, a moan after moan leaving your mouth.
He took your passionate reaction as a yes to speed up, and he set a faster, stronger pace, sliding swiftly in and out of you, each fraction sending pleasurable waves through Baekhyun’s body.
“Fuck yes,” he groaned when he slammed harshly into you, aiming for your gspot, sliding you up the wet wall while you arched your back.
“Yes, Baekhyun, right there!” you screamed, the slight cramps in your lower abdomen wonderfully changing into a wave of ecstasy bringing you closer to the edge. 
“I know my woman well,” he hissed, watching your erotic face expressions with hooded eyes as he gave you another powerful thrust. “Only I know all your secret spots.”
“Yes, yes,” you gasped and leaned in, pushing your tongue into his mouth, your teeth clinking in the process as his length kept filling you up, stretching you so well he was touching your cervix. You felt another chunk of blood releasing and Baekhyun panted, your walls starting to pulse around him, telling him you were close. He quickly fumbled with his hand and brought it to your lower lips, massaging sensually with long fingers while he pounded into you, chasing now his own release as well. The buildup was almost unbearable. Just the idea of him taking you would send him to another world and the fact that he truly had you in his arms, you wrapped around him inside and outside made him release spurts and spurts of cum, his panting coming out in high-pitched moans just when you started to milk him.
You screamed loudly and Baekhyun was mouthing at your breasts hungrily, just as he always did when he was releasing. He gave your nipple a bite as he turned his thrusts into lazy hip-rollings, helping the both of you ride out your highs.
The shower was still fully on but it did little to no help to block out the sexual pants both of you were heaving out.
You locked eyes with Baekhyun’s and caught him smiling in satisfaction. “Kiss me,” he muttered and you gladly leaned in, humming when he licked his way inside, meeting your tongue for a small battle for dominance. You pressed against him, pushing his tongue aside, wanting to win but he whimpered and bit you which made you withdraw with a hiss. You separated with a loud smack. “Cheater,” you whispered in disbelief, your lips red and swollen.
“Am I now?” quirked Baekhyun, flirting, and let you down slowly, slipping out of you. He cradled your face and kissed you innocently as if to make up for the ruined kiss, enjoying the touch of your lips as the water was mixing in.
“That was fucking amazing,” you told him in bliss, hugging his neck. You brought his ear close to your mouth. “Let’s do it again.”
“Nobody said we were done, princess.” Baekhyun had a shit-eating grin when he trailed his fingers up your sides and gently groped your breasts that made you sigh in pleasure right away. Your nipples were already hard and aching but his touch made you feel like you were levitating.
“You’re so damn sensitive. Who knew sex during your period would be this much fun? You are so responsive to every single touch of mine,” he murmured sexily as he let the tip of his nose trail your cheek, darting his tongue out to lick on your skin.
You were aroused yet again and begging for him to resolve this issue.
“You aren't leaving my house tonight,” he told you as he brought his head back to look into your eyes. “I'll take care of you.”
2 years later
Baekhyun squeezed your hand with a huge smile as you were both sitting on the ground opposite his parents while Hayeon was running around, playing in Baekhyun's childhood room. A room that held so many memories that were dear to you.
“Sweetie, eat a little bit more,” prompted Baekhyun's mother lovingly. “You are bearing a boy. You need to make sure he comes out all sturdy and ready to face this world.”
You giggled, as you caressed your baby bump, Baekhyun joining you.
“She is quite sensitive, mum. I don't want her to throw up everything afterwards,” commented Baekhyun.
He was right. As painless as Hayeon's pregnancy was, this little boy inside of you was making you nauseous 24/7. You found it quite ironic how your family wanted you to bring a boy into the family when you were with Minheob, yet now, when you were with Baekhyun, it was a boy. It was more exciting because Baekhyun did the ultrasound and finding out the gender of your baby had its own magic when he was the doctor.
The past two years, everything was so different yet the same. Living with Baekhyun was perfect despite typical arguments. He was understanding and you were trying to be okay with his busy schedules at the clinic.
Baekhyun wanted you to settle in properly in his house along with Hayeon before you would start a family with him. Being careful in bed was not the most fun for you, as you always wanted to feel everything he could offer, but once the both of you gave each other the green, your life became much more exciting. You were eager to get pregnant with Baekhyun's child. Finally, the old, rusty dreams you had as a teenage girl could come true.
After hearing some rustling, you stood up. “I'm gonna check up on Hayeon,” you said and strolled over to Baekhyun's bedroom. “Hayeon,” you muttered, seeing her going through some old biology books. You laughed. “Out of all the things in this room, this is what caught your attention?” you asked her, and walked over.
“Mama, look!” she pointed at some drawings Baekhyun had in the corner of the page.
“Oh, what is that,” you faked excitement and then you looked properly. Decoding Baekhyun's terrible scribbles, you gasped quietly.
hottest chickkk in the entire school >< and shes mine woow
love is not as bad as guys make it out to be
because i love herrr
“The hell is this?” you murmured, not even noticing Baekhyun standing behind you.
He laughed loudly and you looked up at him in question. “Well, what do you think it is? It's about you, silly,” he said and crouched, hugging you from behind. “Many guys were crazy about you, yet I got you.”
You snorted a laugh. “Sure, half of the school envied me and the other hated me for being who I am,” you said, looking at his side profile.
“Ah, look at you talking and talking instead of kissing your gorgeous husband,” muttered Baekhyun playfully, letting his hands slide over the baby bump. In response, you kissed Baekhyun's cheek.
“No kissing daddy!” Hayeon complained.
Hearing Hayeon calling Baekhyun her father warmed your heart. “I can't kiss daddy?” She didn't respond, instead observing you and Baehyun. “Together?” you tried.
She grinned with her tiny teeth and Baekhyun laughed at her cuteness. “Come over, my little princess,” he opened his left arm, not letting go of you. Hayeon squealed, jumping straight at Baekhyun which made him grunt. Without waiting, she pressed her mouth to Baekhyun's cheek while Baekhyun turned to you with a mischievous glint. He pressed his lips to yours and you smiled widely.
“Love you three so much,” said gently Baekhyun, looking at you and Hayeon while caressing your bump.
“Love you more,” you whispered and stole another kiss before Hayeon could notice.
Even though not everything was perfect, you finally were together as you should have been since the start of the mess. With most of it being resolved, you were excited to face a brand new chapter with Baekhyun and with the family you created with him.
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A/N: Hi! If you read till now, THANK YOU SO MUCH. My first angsty-smutty story phew. I am red and I do need to take a break lol. >< I really hope you liked this story and that you are satisfied with the happy end. ^^ I am satisifed. On this blog I have rarely a bad-ending stories soooo... Yes!
Thank you, pretty please leave a comment (cc) to let me know your thoughts?
See you soon!
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