#jacob adkins oc
darkthingshappen · 10 months
🧣☺️ for ben!
A Soft Blankie and Words of Reassurance.  
Ben was home.  He wasn’t in his cage, he wasn’t in Volkov’s bed with it’s horrible chains and restraint systems.  He wasn’t at the hospital.  He was home.  In his own bed.  
When he opened his eyes, if he were here and not trapped in some horrid flashback, he could see the spring light from his mother’s garden dancing its reflection on his ceiling.  He could smell his family.  It sounded odd to think about it like that, but it was true.  His house had a smell.  Not a bed smell, just a homey, comforting smell.  It was candles and cooking and soap and aftershave and and essential oils and blankets and laundry detergent.  A smell unique to their specific combination of habits.  
Ben slowly let his eyes wander from the ceiling.  It was safe to look at the ceiling.  He looked at his walls - band posters and cheesy science posters that he’d put on the wall in high school and never took down.  Lower still… His desk, Zoe’s ring still hopefully tucked away and hidden in one of the lower drawers.  And Jake.  Ben stopped.  Jake was curled up in that stupid papasan chair that Ben, with his long lanky limbs, always felt like he was going to fall out of.  
Ben quirked his head to the side.  While it was rare for him to be left alone, it wasn’t usually Jake that was there.  Jake didn’t live with them.  Jake had been in custody.  There was a lot that was still blurry and unexplained to Ben since he’d come home, but he remembered that.  
A black reflection on Jake’s ankle caught his eye and he had to do a double take to make sure it wasn’t a black leather cuff.  He felt a flash of the phantom cuff around his own ankles and wrists and was suddenly on the verge of being back there once again.  
Ben squeezed his eyes shut and tried to concentrate on what was real.  The smell of the house again, the feel of the blankets, the garden sunlight reflecting on his ceiling.  As his breathing calmed again, he opened his eyes.  Jake was awake now.  He sat very still and looked at Ben cautiously.  
Ben glanced at Jake’s ankle again.  There was a black band there, but it was an ankle monitor, not a black leather cuff.  
“Hey, Benny.”
Ben still hadn’t fully mastered talking again.  He could talk, but conversation was hard, so he just nodded.  
Jake slowly rose from the precarious papasan chair and crept over to the far edge of Ben’s bed.  
“Sorry if I scared you.  Just, they let me out last night and… and I needed to see you.”
Ben’s eyebrows knit together in a silent question.  Why?  
Jake reached out to touch his hair and then pulled his hand back.  They all knew what happened if they did that.  Ben was grateful he remembered.  
“I… I just needed to know you were okay.  That you were okay and really home.”
Ben didn’t know what to say.  What was he supposed to say?
Jake reached down and snatched something off the floor.  
“Also, I brought this.”  He held out a soft pastel blue knitted blanket.  
The edges were raggedy where there should have been a satin ribbon.  Ben had chewed it off as a toddler.  It was his baby blanket that his mother had knitted for him while she’d been pregnant with him.  Somewhere Jake had a matching green one.  
“It was… it was in storage and I… Well, I thought it might help so I went and dug it out of the garage for you.”  Jake tucked it against Ben and the familiar sight and texture was instantly reassuring.  
“Th-thanks,” Ben managed to croak out.  He felt stupid pulling it against his chest and rubbing the delicate yarn against his face, but it was so familiar and soft and he couldn’t help but love his brother all the more for thinking of it.  Jake looked down at the floor, his face red with shame and guilt.  
“I… I’m so sorry, Benny.  I… I should have come and seen you more in the hospital.  They would have let me, you know.  Agent Vaughn offered.  But I… anyway I’m sorry.  I’m… I’m…”
Ben reached out and touched the back of Jake’s hand.  
Jake moved his fingers and brushed the scars that curled around Ben’s wrists where the leather cuff had been for fourteen long, hellish months.  
“I can’t ever make this right.”
Ben could see that sadness on Jake’s face.  His brother had aged, much like himself, over the last year and change.  Ben saw Jake’s eyes flick to Ben’s neck and he knew he was looking at the similar scars that rested there, made all the worse by countless electrical burns from the shock collar.  And the fucking slave tattoo. Ben's face reddened slightly with his own shame.
“I should go.  I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have come here.  I’m sorry.  I’ll just…”
Ben’s grip on Jake’s wrist tightened and he shook his head at him.  
“S-st-stay?” Ben asked.  
“Why?”  Jake whispered.  
Ben tugged the blanket closer to himself.  There were so many words that he would have to say one day.  Good, bad, angry, loving.  He was too tired for all that.  They would have to be said, shouted, whispered, or cried at a later time.  
“Family.  Y-you’re my b-brother.”  It was all he could really muster.  
Ben saw the tears well up in Jake’s eyes.  His hands flew to his face and he sobbed into them.  
Ben let his own tears flow.  
An hour later, when Ben’s mom poked her head in to check on him, she found both her boys sound asleep on Ben’s bed, his baby blanket tucked over both of them. 
Tags: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @quietly-by-myself @there-will-always-be-bloodblood @whumping-seven-days-a-week @hiding-in-the-shadows @mj-or-say10 (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 
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sanctuarymade · 2 years
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🎲   /  multimuse roulette   /   @storyofwhoiam​
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so i ended up just running your primary ocs and got so many ideas, if you’d like me to run it again with the canons i can and will absolutely do that!
ash reardon & delilah price.   —  ash is a chef and delilah bakes so there’s a potential in there, as well as tattoos and absentee mothers giving some potential bonding material. i’m not sure how they’d meet but i can see them getting along well.
amina blakely & jake sullivan.  —  i mean she’s a pr coordinator for a record label and jake does backing vocals and instrumentals for a bunch of musicians. it’s not hard at all to have them run into each other.
sandra walsh & alex lansing.  —  while alex’s focus is in midwifery and newborn infants, she’s worked in hospitals before and has been known to get very close with her clients. they could also meet through alex’s big brother, scott, a surgeon.
nora goddard & eli gray.  —   ha. eleanor and elinor. as for a connection, bit of a stretch but maybe eli’s veterinary office gets one of nora’s tagged birds or something?
oliver adkins & john romero  —   oof. this one’s a toughie. john does a lot of blue collar work so i can see him maybe working for astor beverage group, but i’m still not sure how they’d really meet outside of pure chance.
amy cameron & benji mitchell —  ahahahaha benji is so weirded out by someone who looks so much like his sister. i can see someone having hired him as a private investigator and that tangling with her work, maybe?
leah jacobs & bastien theriot  —  he’s done choreography for music videos before, so there’s that, he also has a few high profile music connections depending on the verse. he also has a verse where he sings which is an interesting thought but it’s not all that fleshed out
justino rosa & wyatt jessup  —  i mean. uh. wyatt has five dogs and two cats and takes in wild animal rescues all the time. this is not a difficult connection to make.
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toxooz · 2 years
do you have any possible voice claims for your ocs?
i gotta whole mf cast goin
Ollie : corpse husband
Vinny: chowder
Ponti: corey taylor aka lead singer of slipknot
Ramsuse: Trace Adkins
Valon: Steele from balto
Zortzi: a deranged mixture between Steve-O and beetlejuice
Gracrux: Smaug
Oscar: either Minion from Megamind or Badboyhalo
Abio: this IBD lecture i found in like highschool
Kari: sounded like grimes singing voice but grimes been acting a fool recently so ive been leaning more towards that poison dart frog from Rio 2 pffftt
Wig: sounds like the very beginning of this collab btwn Korn and Deftones which is literally how he was made was by that intro alone
Remy: Karl Jacobs
Ilanda: Lady Galadriel from lord of the Rings
Mangule: Zira from lion king
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
This is a BROTHER'S KEEPER entry. Takes place at the end of the recapture arc - not the end of the story though.
Content warning sibling whump, wounded sibling, going into shock, gun violence, bullet wound, Ben is unable to really process and is completely overwhelmed.
Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @sparrowsage @quietly-by-myself @no-terms-and-conditions-apply (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it.)
As ALWAYS, thanks to the AMAZING @whumpcereal for the beta. And to my whumperful crew that always cheers me on: @oddsconvert and @sparrowsage as well as @quietly-by-myself. Y'all are the best!
Blood Covered Hands | Catatonic | “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
Ben screamed as he held Jake in his arms.  His hands were covered in blood. Jake’s blood.  Jake had stopped talking.  His eyes had slipped shut.  He was still breathing, but there was just so much blood.  
Ben was beside himself.  It couldn’t go down like this.  It just couldn’t!  Ben didn’t want to go home without Jake.  They were supposed to go together.  
“Ben,” a familiar voice met Ben’s ears.  “You have to let us take him.  I promise we’re going to get him help.  We’ll take care of him.  Come on.  Let him go.”
Ben looked up through a pane of tears and met the relieved yet sad eyes of Agent Vaughn.  Ben was so tired and every part of him ached, body and soul.  
“I-I…I don’t want… want to do this anymore.  I can’t.  I can’t do it anymore.  I want to go home.  Can you take us home?”
“Of course, Ben.  But you have to let these guys take Jake, okay.  You have to let go so they can help him,” Vauhn replied.  
Ben looked down at his hand and saw Jake’s blood welling up between his fingers.  “I can’t leave him.  What if I… what if he…”
“He’s gonna be fine.  You can go with him.  But these guys need to get him on the med chopper as soon as possible.  You’ll be right behind him.  I swear.”
Ben released his hold on Jake slowly, reluctantly.  As soon as they could get his hands away, Jake was whisked away to the medivac chopper.  
“Ben.  Ben, look at me.” Agent Vaughn was patient as he waited for Ben to focus his attention back at him.  The boy seemed lost.  He was rail thin and gaunt.  He had clearly not been as physically well taken care of as during his previous captivity.  Right, Agent Vaughn thought.  Andrei.  Andrei wasn’t with them.  Volkov probably hadn’t replaced his private physician.  
“Ben, are you hurt?”
Ben didn’t know how to answer that question.  He was terribly hurt.  Every bit of him abused and broken.  But he wasn’t shot, his throat hadn’t been slit.  He was alive.  What was he supposed to say?
“I- I don’t know.  I’m… I’m really tired.”  Ben looked up at the agent.  “Is… Are my parent’s okay?”
“Yes, son.  Your parents are okay.  They’re going to be very happy to see you.”
“Z-Zoe… is she…?”
“She’s doing great.  She’s very ready for you to come home.  You have a lot to look forward to.”
“Y-yeah.  I… I think I’m ready to go.  I… I don’t really have anything to take with me.”
He’s in shock.  He needs a medic, Vaughn suddenly realized.  “Hey, can we get a medical team over here?” he called over his shoulder.  Ben jumped at his loud volume.  “It’s okay.  You’re alright.”  Vaughn caught the emergency blanket that was tossed to him by another agent while they waited on the med team to get to Ben.  He tore open the packaging and shook out the foil blanket, wrapping it around Ben’s shoulders.  
“I don’t want to stay here anymore.  I need… I need to see that my family is okay.  I-I… I need to see Zoe.”
“You will.  They’re all okay.  I promise.”
Ben glanced up as the chopper with Jake in it took off.  
“Jake… I… I was supposed to go with him.  We were supposed to get off this island together.”  
“You are.  I promise.  Just a couple of more minutes and you’ll be right behind him.”
The medical team arrived a moment later and Vaughn had to step back from the swarm and flurry of activity around the exhausted young man.  They started an IV and pulled an oxygen mask over his face.  Ben let himself be lifted onto a gurney without protest and then he was carried to a waiting helicopter himself.  
He was vaguely aware of Agent Vaughn getting into the helicopter behind him.  He felt something cold in his IV line and his eyes grew heavy.  Agent Vaughn took his hand when he saw Ben’s eyes widen in a small amount of uncertainty.  
“You’re safe, Ben.  When you wake up, you’ll see your family will be there with you and Jake.  Just rest.”
Ben let his eyes slide shut, Agent Vaughn’s hand wrapped around his own and grounding him in safety. 
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darkthingshappen · 6 months
haii anon lurker from those other two asks here (again)! How do the characters from BK (ahem burger king?) usually prefer to dress like? I've always been able to picture their faces (vaguely ofc) but I can never quite imagine their outfits so
I hope u have a nice week!
Let’s see… who to start with…
Ben is a college kid so jeans, sneakers, college shirts and sweatshirts, local sports teams. He loves his life so while he does enjoy college life he’s also a bit science nerd. He’s in a lab just as often as he’s in the dining hall at school. He’s my S.T.E.M guy.
Volkov. Volkov wears three piece suits. Dress shirts over ribbed knit tank tops. Then a coordinated vest and suit jacket. Then dress pants. He is always immaculate. Finely manicured nails. I’m sure when he leaves Ben he probably has a day at the spa. Lol. Facials and the most masculine version of a manipedi possible with a beard trim.
Jake is probably jeans with a chain on them, dirty t shirt, and a plaid flannel. He tinkers with cars when he can so grease is probably smears on most of his clothing.
Dmitri and Ilya would be similar to Volkov. Nothing bespoke like him, more off the rack, but that’s what they aspire to. They’re a bit more gangster than him though, so not as cleanly shaven, more stubble than clean lines, a bit rough around the edges. They’re more likely to occasionally be seen in jeans to blend into a crowd better.
Zoe is my beautiful Irish girl. Anything that accentuates here red hair she loves, so greens, blues, earth tones, etc. she loves flowery dresses in the summer and comfy slouchy sweaters in the winter. And of course, watermelon lipgloss.
Andrei! I almost forgot Andrei! Andrei is the most down to earth sweetheart. He likes dark blue jeans, plaid shirts or flannels and his white doctor’s lab coat that he never wears. When he was first given the coat with his name embroidered on it, that was the proudest moment of his life. It’s hidden away in the back of his office now as an emblem of his shame. He feels unworthy to wear it. He would give anything to be able to put it back on and be proud of who he is again.
Did I miss anyone that you wanted to know about?
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darkthingshappen · 4 months
How tall are all of your OCs
Ben is 6'2'' and Volkov is 6'4'' Jake is about 5'11'' (stockier than Ben)
Connor is maybe 5'10'' (I think)
George Mendoza is 5'9'' and Danny Flynn is 5'11'' (again, I think)
The Mountain Man (Jeremiah Hunter) is 5'10'' and the Hockey Player (Abel "Abie" Saint Martin) is 6'4''
Did I miss anyone that you wanted to know about? Let me know and I'll respond with another post. :-)
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
Baby Steps: A Brother's Keeper story
Things have been rough for Ben lately, so I thought he could use some future comfort. This is set a few weeks after his rescue and before his eventual recapture. Zoe is a new favorite character. She's just soooo good for my sweet Ben.
CW for alluded to past noncon, torture, and abuse
Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @sparrowsage (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 
Thanks again to the AMAZING @whumpcereal for being the BEST BETA IN THE WORLD!!!!!
Zoe stood looking in on Ben.  Like so many days that she had come to visit him since he came home, he was curled up in bed, staring at nothing.  He wasn’t literally catatonic, but he couldn’t engage.  It had only been a few weeks since he’d come home and she knew the basics of what had happened to him.  No one wanted to tell her, but she’d insisted Jake tell her.  
He’s my boyfriend, Jake.  He’s been my best friend since we were sixteen years old.  I have a right to know.  
No you don’t.  He wouldn’t want you knowing.
Jake, he’s fucking catatonic!  I can’t help him if I don’t know what he’s been through.  I love him too, you know.
I know you do, but… Jake’s voice had faltered.  Zoe, it’s really bad.  Like, he’s been through literal hell. 
All the more reason for me to know.  He’s going to need me to find his way back.  Honestly, Jake, just tell me.  I can handle it.  And it can’t be any worse than what I’m imagining.  I’ve seen some of the marks on his body.  They didn’t come from just a beating.
Jake hung his head and relented. 
It had been as bad as she’d imagined.  Worse in so many ways.  Jake flat out refused to show her the pictures, but she didn’t need them.  She read through the file, the abuse, the torture, the ways he’d been used.  The way he’d been found.  She’d had her own nightmares since then.  It wasn’t like reading a story or a news article.  It was real.  This happened to her family.   
Her sweet Ben, the man she loved who would never have hurt anyone ever, the man who held the door open for her, the man that had always treated her with such tenderness.  Her sweetheart since they were sixteen years old, had been so brutalized that he was a shell of himself.  Her heart broke for him every time she saw him.  
He looked so small in his bed, the covers pulled up to his chin.  She didn’t have to see to know what he’d be wearing - a giant oversized long sleeve t-shirt, baggy pajama bottoms that swallowed him, every inch of his body covered to hide the brutal scars and marks of his captivity they all knew were there.  She could still see the scar on his cheek from where he’d been hit so hard or so many times that it had opened up and never healed properly.  
She wanted to take his broken body in her arms and hold him until all the hurt was gone.  But life was never that simple.  He desperately needed a kind and gentle human touch, but every touch terrified him and threatened to send him back to that place.  For a moment, a fury washed over her that was almost overwhelming.  She hated the men that had done this to her sweet Ben.  Who could look at him, could know him, and ever want to hurt him?  What kind of person did that to another?  Alexsei fucking Volkov, that’s who, her brain supplied unhelpfully.  
God, if she could get her hands on that man she was certain her fury and vitriol would be enough to give her the strength to tear him apart, to rip his body to tiny little pieces and then feed them to the fucking dogs.  And even that would be better than what he deserved.  A small, very violent part of her, wanted him to have to suffer the same way Ben had suffered.  But she didn’t want to dwell on that because then she’d have to think about what that monster did to him.  
She slowly walked into the room, not wanting to startle him.  There had been several occasions where one or all of them had accidentally sent Ben spiraling into a flashback.  The visits were hard, but she made herself keep coming.  It wasn’t a chore, not really.  Not for Ben.  She’d keep trying to get through to him for the rest of her life if that’s what it took.  
“Hey, Benny,” she said lightly, sitting slightly away from him on the bed.  
Ben’s eyes seemed to suddenly focus, and they found hers.  HIs soft brown eyes that used to be filled with lightness and mirth were haunted and filled with fear more often than not now.  She could see the moment that he realized it was her and not them in his room.  His tense muscles relaxed slightly, and he smiled sadly at her, like he’d done something wrong. It made Zoe’s blood boil to see Ben’s shame. He didn’t deserve it. He was innocent. He’d always been.
“Hey, Zo.”
“How ya doing today?”
“Oh, um…”  
Words were no longer easy for him.  He struggled with expressing basic thoughts, which never used to be the case. Probably had to do with so much time spent gagged or muzzled.  Who fucking muzzles a person?  Who would muzzle Ben?  Why?  Why would anyone want to silence him?  Zoe shoved her anger back down.  
“I, I, I…” Ben huffed out a frustrated breath.  “I’m.  Okay.”  He had to say each word specifically.  But they both knew he wasn’t okay.  It was just the expected response.  Polite, appropriate.
“Are you?”
He looked at her again, sad eyes that used to dance.  
Zoe swallowed and gently touched his hand, even though she knew it was a risk.  He stiffened for a moment and then relaxed and returned her grasp.  
“I know you’re doing your best, Benny.  But you can’t do it all on your own.  W-will you let me help you?” she asked quietly.  
“I don’t know if you can.” Ben turned back to the wall. “The doctors said I’m fine physically.  But, I’m never going to be the same again.  I’ve said it before, Zo.  I think you should move on.  I’m no good for you anymore.  I can’t be the man you deserve.  I-I-”
“If you say you're broken or ruined one more time… I swear to God I’m gonna-”
Ben shrank in on himself a bit at her words and frustrated tone.  “It’s true,” he whispered.  
Zoe took a deep breath through her nose.  “Ben, if the situation were reversed and I was the one that was abducted and… and… and.. went through what you went through, would you stop loving me?”
Ben’s face paled and he looked like he might be sick.  Then anger flicked across his expression and then a cold resolve.  She understood.  He’d had a brief flashback but had seen her there instead of him.  The thought clearly horrified him, made him sick and angry.  She could read him so well, even after all of this.  
“I never stopped loving you.” He looked back at her. It was the strongest and most defiant voice she’d heard from him since his return.  
“I know, love.  But would you think I was a lost cause if it were me instead of you?”
Again the horror and fear and anger crossed his face at the thought of someone doing all that he’d endured to her.  His hands clenched into fists.
“Then why do you think I should leave you behind?  I could never do that.  You’re my best friend, my first and only love.  You’re the man I want to grow old with.”
“But I don’t know that I can be that man for you anymore.  Zoe, the things he did to me…”
“I don’t care.  I just want you.  Even if it’s just to sit with you, or to lay next to you at night.  I just want to be with you.”
“But you deserve more.”
“No, I deserve you.  Because you are the man I love.  The one God brought to me.  None of that has changed.”  She moved her hands slowly, so he could see, and took his face in her hands, her thumb just barely caressing the scar on his cheek.  “I love you, Benny.  Just you.  It’s always been you and will always be you.”  She leaned forward and barely touched her lips to his forehead, his eyelids, the scar, the tip of his nose.  
When she pulled back, he had tears running down his cheeks.  Her thumbs wiped them away. .  
“Was that too much?” she whispered.  “I’m sorry, Benny.”  She started to let go of his face but he reached up and grabbed her fingers.  
“No.  No, it’s not.  Please.”
“Please what, Benny.  Anything you want, just say it.”  Her voice was soft, like the barest breath of wind.  
“Stay with me.”
Zoe smiled sweetly at his request, but that wasn’t what her goal was for the day.  She looked him over, taking in the dark circles under his eyes and the too pale skin.  No, she wouldn’t let him languish in this room all day everyday.  He had to get out.  It wasn’t good for him to hide from the world.  Still, baby steps.  Tiny, fractional, microscopic baby steps.  But always moving forward.  That’s what she could help him do.  Move forward.  
“No.  You’e coming with me this time,” she said with her own playful grin on her face.  
“Ben, you can’t stay in bed all the time, come with me.”
“No… No, I can’t.”
“You can.  Just hold my hand.  Don’t let go.  Come on.”  She held his gaze gently.  “Trust me,” she whispered, almost inaudibly.  
Zoe pulled him up gently.  His shirt slipped up slightly as the blankets shifted and she caught sight of the scars and ink that covered him.  Fucking Alexsei Volkov!  Ben tugged his shirt down hurriedly, glancing nervously at Zoe.  She just smiled and pretended not to see.  
She leaned her head against his shoulder once they were both standing.  “I love you.”
He leaned his head down on top of hers.  He’d forgotten how perfectly they fit together.  “Love you too,” he whispered as if nothing had changed.  “I’m still kinda weak, so… where are we going?”
“Just down to the garden.  You look like you could use some sunshine.”
Zoe led them down to the back door, holding Ben’s hand the whole time.  She paused to grab a blanket off the back of the couch.  
Zoe let go of his hand just long enough to spread the blanket out on the grass.  The day was warm, and the flowers were blooming in the afternoon sun.  She sank down onto the soft blanket and pulled Ben with her.  
She held him against her and whispered in his ear.  “Just relax.  It’s warm, you’re safe.  Feel the breeze on your face, the sun on your skin, the softness of the blanket under your fingers.  Listen to the sound of my voice, the birds in the trees.  Smell the flowers in the garden, the fresh cut grass all around us.  See the blue sky above you, the colors in the flowers of the garden, the stone wall surrounding us…” she trailed off quietly and gently rubbed his arm with just her fingernails.  
“And what am I supposed to taste?” he said, smiling up at her, and for a moment it was almost a real Ben smile.  The Ben from before.  There was the barest hint of mischievousness in his eyes.  
“What do you want to taste?”
“I… I thought a lot about your lipgloss when I was gone?”
Gone. That’s how he always said it. Like he’d just been away on a trip. But they both knew there were parts of him that would never come home. Still, Zoe forced herself to smile. 
“My lipgloss?”
“The watermelon one.  You know.  That one that was your favorite and that when they stopped selling it you went online and bought every tube you could find.”
“I still have it.”
“Are you wearing it now?”
“Then… then that’s what I want.”  It was hesitant and with a question in his eyes, but also bold and beautiful.
Zoe smiled down at him where he lay across her lap.  She leaned down and brushed her lips against his and then pulled away.  She watched him lick his lips and taste her.  They both knew they were waiting to see if he had a flashback.  
“Breeze in my hair, sun on my face, birds in the air, and your taste on my tongue.  Can… can we do that again?” he asked quietly.  
“As often as you want, my love.” 
Ben reached up and pulled her down towards him, the kiss was longer this time.  Zoe felt Ben’s tongue just barely touch her lips.  He didn’t push further and she didn’t ask for more.  It was enough for now.  
Maria Adkins smiled as she looked down into the garden from the second story landing at the top of the stairs.    
“What ya looking at mom?” Jake asked.  Maria jumped slightly, she hadn’t realized her oldest was upstairs.  “Oh, nothing.  Just a nice day.”
Jake, sensing that wasn’t exactly true, stepped up next to her.  He smiled warmly when he saw his brother on the grass below.  “A nice day indeed.”  
Maria put her arm around his back.  Both her boys were taller than her, but she found it didn’t matter much. They both still needed her so much. Jake leaned against her, and she felt his breath hitch beneath her arm.
“I’m sorry, Mom.  I know I can never say it enough.  But I really am.”  
So much had happened since that day with the FBI where they’d learned what had happened.  So very much.  And she knew her boys adored each other.  Jake may have been the connection to that monster, but it wasn’t his fault.  She knew he’d have traded places with Ben in a heartbeat to save him from what had happened.  If anything, this had made Jake finally straighten up.  
She missed the humor and swagger that he’d often carried about him.  In many ways, both her boys were broken by this common event.  She could read it in Jake’s eyes, the guilt, the horror.  He’d bear that for the rest of his life.  There was no way he could have known.  No way for anyone to have known what lengths that bastard would take.  She’d long forgiven Jake for his role, but it would be a long time before Jake could forgive himself.  
“Stop, Jake.  Let’s just enjoy this for now.  Today is a good day.  We’re together and we’re safe.  Let’s just be glad for that.”
Jake leaned down and bumped his head against his mom’s shoulder, and she squeezed him around the middle.  They heard the front door open, and when Jacob Adkins announced he was home from work, they let him know they were upstairs.  
He joined them on the landing and smiled at the sight in the garden.  If his eyes grew glassy and moist, no one called him on it.  
“Come on,” Maria said softly.  “They’ll be okay.  Let’s go get dinner ready.  Jacob, I need the trash put out; and Jake, you can set the table.”
“Yes, ma’am,” they both answered and turned to give the couple in the back garden some privacy.  
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
This is a BROTHER'S KEEPER entry. Takes place later in the recapture arc.
I am not dead. Sorry for the long delay. I've been distracted in the main story line by @whumptober prompts. So here we go and we start off with a bang.
Warnings for blood, hand whump, religious imagery (mock crucifixion) and religious talk - this is because Volkov is a bastard, like always. and Ben is just trying to hang on to himself. Also, this one's a bit long, but tomorrow's is pretty short. LOL So let's just say I borrowed some of tomorrow's length and used it today.
Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @sparrowsage @quietly-by-myself @no-terms-and-conditions-apply (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it.)
As ALWAYS, thanks to the AMAZING @whumpcereal for the beta. And to my whumperful crew that always cheers me on: @oddsconvert and @sparrowsage as well as @quietly-by-myself. Y'all are the best!
Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | "This wasn't supposed to happen"
“Do you remember telling me that I’m not God?” Volkov growled as he dragged Ben towards the far end of the basement torture room.  
“Yes!” Ben spat back at him, “It’s still fucking true!”
Volkov smirked at the boy and threw him towards the wall.  Ben stumbled from the force, and his shoulder with the broken collarbone slammed into the wall. He sank down to his knees with an agonized groan.  Volkov reached down and yanked his hair back.
“See, I think you’re the one with the savior complex, Malyshka.  And you know what so often happens to saviors?”
Ben could only groan.  He grew tired of these games with Volkov.  He just wanted him to get on with it.  
“They get crucified,” Volkov growled with a gleam in his eye.  
Ben’s eyes widened and he felt the blood drain from his face.  “Wha-” He looked carefully at Volkov, trying to suss out what the man was planning.  Something in Volkov’s expression told him he should be very afraid of what was coming this time.  He wouldn’t actually crucify him, would he?  Fuck yes, the sadist would.  Ben was a fraction of a second too late to pull away and it’s not like he could get anywhere anyway on this island prison.  
Volkov dragged Ben to his feet and shoved his back against a beam of wood that Ben hadn’t realized was there.  The cuffs around his wrists were unlocked, and Dmitri stepped forward to help tie his torso to the beam.  
Ben let his weight sag against the ropes.  Why make it easy on these two fuckers? He knew better than to think they’d let him off easy if he didn’t fight.  Volkov actually had to hold him up while Dmitri secured him.  
Ben’s shoulder screamed as Dmitri yanked his arm up and stretched it out to the side.  There was a sound of metal scraping across the table in the center of the basement room just in front of him, and Ben lifted his head.  
He couldn’t believe what he saw.  
“No fucking way!  You can’t be serious!” Ben screamed at them while he started to thrash and struggle against Dmitri’s grasp.  
Volkov had a hammer in his hand and several long, thick, cruel-looking metal nails.  Or were they spikes? Ben didn’t want to know. 
“Let go!  Get off!  No!  You bastard.  No!” Ben screamed as Dmitri pinned his arm in place and pressed  Ben’s fingers open so he couldn’t make a fist.  Ben wailed his agony as Volkov pressed the sharp end of one of the nails against the middle of his palm.  He pushed in hard, twisting it against the soft flesh until blood streamed from the wound.  Only after blood was dripping to the floor did Volkov raise the hammer.  
Ben was being nailed to a fucking beam of wood.  How was this happening?  No one got nailed to crosses any more.  But leave it to fucking Alexsei Volkov to find ways to further insult Ben and his beliefs by torturing him like this.  He wouldn’t die.  Ben knew Volkov wouldn’t let that happen; he needed Ben to suffer.  Ben swiveled his head, even though he knew he shouldn’t and watched in horror.  
Ben screamed even louder as the hammer came down and the nail punched through his hand.  He yanked in reflex, trying to pull his hand away from the white hot torment.  His back arched against the beam but the ropes held him in place as Volkov hit the head of the thick nail again and again and again.  Ben could feel the nail moving through his hand as it was pounded into the wood.  
His hand radiated pain from the center of his impaled palm outward to his fingertips.  A throbbing that felt both burning hot and icy cold at the same time flowed up his arm.  Each strike with the hammer was like the cresting of a new wave that grew more and more unbearable.  In the back of Ben’s mind, he knew Volkov wouldn’t stop here.  He’d do this to both of his hands.  Was this something that would permanently cripple him?  Would he ever be able to use his hands again?
Volkov suddenly changed the angle of the hammer, shifting so that he began bending the nail upwards.  Every single strike of the hammer reverberated through the metal lodged in Ben’s hand.  Volkov slammed the hammer against the nail until the head of the nail was turned back against Ben’s hand, pinning his pierced hand against the wood.  
Ben gagged on the pain that washed through his body, retching up bile from his empty stomach.  He groaned and thrashed as Dmitri turned and pulled his or arm taut out to the opposite side.  
“No!  Please!  Please!  It hurts.  Let go!  Please.”
“You’d think you’d be happy to have the same experiences as your God.”  
Ben felt a sob break in his chest.  Volkov had always been a bastard, but this was next level even for him.  He’d tattooed religious imagery all over Ben’s back and he knew the man had been raised Eastern Orthodox, but clearly nothing had taken root.  Like everything else, Volkov used Ben’s beliefs as a weapon.  And fuck, it was effective.  Ben felt the tears tracking down his cheeks and they weren’t just from the pain.  
Ben squeezed his eyes shut and tried to suck in a breath before Volkov started on his next hand, but Volkov jammed the nail against the small of his palm and started twisting before Ben could finish. Ben’s cry started small and the scream rose in intensity as Volkov worked to push the nail through his skin without the hammer.  He felt the metal grinding against the small bones in his hand, felt them stretching and moving to accommodate the thickness of the nail.  He felt the give of skin as the nail punctured his hand completely.  
Volkov gave a small gasp of satisfied effort before he raised the hammer and repeated the process.  When they were done nailing Ben’s hands and curling the nails up so that he couldn’t pull his hands off the metal, they untied the ropes.  Ben whimpered as his hands took his weight and he realized he’d have to stand there, arms outstretched for as long as Volkov wanted him to.  His broken collarbone throbbed and his shoulder ached, but it was nothing compared to the burning, intense throbbing that emanated from his hands. 
Volkov grabbed his hair and yanked his head back against the rough upright post of the wood.  
“Be glad I don’t fucking feel like nailing your feet right now.  Piss me off again and that may not be the case.  Now, let’s see how much damage we can do over the next say… sixteen hours or so.  Might make it longer.  I’ll just have to see what you sound and look like - whether or not I’m satisfied.”  He quirked a lopsided grin at Ben.  “Tell me, where is your God right now?  Why is he so silent?  Why doesn’t he come down here himself and get you out of this?  If he’s so all powerful, and he cares so much about you, little scholar, then why has he given you to me twice now?  Hmm?  Think about that while you’re down here.”
“God is love.  And you will never understand that.  It’s why you can’t beat him,” Ben whispered through clenched teeth. Volkov’s words ate at Ben because he was right, but Ben still fought.  He knew that Jesus had gone through much more than he had and, if the story was true, he’d done it for everyone.  Ben hoped it was true at that moment.  He really did.  Because, if it was, then he could hold on and not let Volkov beat him.  “All you know is fear and hatred.  He’s so much better than you.”
Volkov looked Ben up and down, expression thoroughly unimpressed, letting his eyes linger on the blood dripping down into little pools on the floor beneath Ben’s hands.  “Yes, clearly he is merciful and loving.  I can see the ringing truth in those words.”  He patted Ben’s cheek and smiled a wicked smile.  “See you in a few hours, little Benjamin.”
Ben had no way of deciphering how many hours it had been;  maybe it had been over a day.  His hands and arms burned.  His legs cramped and the muscles spasmed.  There was no relief or comfortable position.  Sweat dripped down his body.  His broken collar bone throbbed mercilessly in his shoulder.  
Hour after hour, the torment dragged on until he couldn’t hold himself up anymore and it hurt to even breathe.  His hands held most of his weight as he fought to keep himself upright, knowing that if his knees truly gave out, the nails would rip through his hands.  
All the long while, the torture room was hot and dark; Ben couldn’t believe that he actually missed Volkov’s frigid compound, but he did.  But just as before, the lights were left off, and Ben could see or hear nothing from the outside world.  He wondered what they were doing to Jake.  Was his brother sleeping, being tortured and abused?  Was he with Dmitri?  Or maybe Volkov?  He wasn’t sure he wanted to know, but he did wish they would let them see each other more often.  It was usually only when one or both of them was being hurt. It was hard to see Jake in pain. Ben knew that Jake thought he deserved it, that he wanted to atone for what had happened to Ben, but Ben would have given anything to keep Jake from suffering the things he already had. 
But Ben had never suffered like this before. 
He couldn’t keep Volkov’s taunts, his cruel and blasphemous words, from worming into his brain.  The words played over and over and he felt not quite doubt, but maybe mistrust of the God he claimed to love creeping in.  
Why?  Why would God allow this to happen?  The question raged in Ben’s mind even though he tried so hard to shove it back down.  Ben wasn’t afraid of doubt.  He’d had it before.  He liked questions.  He wanted to be a scientist after all.  But this level of cruelty, while believing that God is love was a hard contrast.  The only thing that helped it to make sense was that God has allowed his own son to go through this too.  But Ben wasn’t trying to redeem the fucking world.  So why was he having to suffer like this?  What was the point?  Ben couldn’t find a good answer and it made all of his pain so much worse.  
After what seemed like days, there was a commotion at the far end of the room, near where the door was.  Ben heard Volkov’s voice along with several sets of footsteps. 
“I told you I would take you to him.  He’s been meditating… getting closer to his God.  Communing with him, if you will.  What is it the Bible says? ‘To know Him… and the fellowship of his sufferings.’  Well, I’ve just given him the chance to fully understand this.  Go on, he’s at the far end of the room.  I left the hammer there, should you need it.”
It made Ben sick to hear scripture from Volkov’s lips. 
“Hammer… you fucking bastard.  You didn’t.  You couldn’t…”  
Ben closed his eyes, trying to escape a wave of pain. Jake was there. Jake was going to see him like this.  
There was a resounding slap that echoed back to Ben, still hanging in the shadows.  
“I suggest you be a bit more respectful unless you want to join him like the thief on the cross.  We all know you have things you could atone for.”
There was no response from Jake that Ben could hear, but he knew that Volkov’s words would wound Jake deeply.
So did Volkov. “Go on, big brother.  Run along and be the savior we all know you’ll never actually be.”
There was a shuffling of feet and then running.  “Ben?  Benny?  You okay?”
Ben could barely lift his head.  All his energy was focused on breathing, and not letting his legs give out beneath him.  HIs mouth was dry.  His tongue felt hot and thick in his mouth.  He didn’t think he could talk even if he wanted to.  Part of him did want to call out to Jake, but he was just so tired.  And so fucking hurt.  
He didn’t see Jake come into view.  He couldn’t lift his head to face him.  
“Jesus!  Benny!  Fuck!  Hang on, Benny.  Hang on.  I’ll get you down.  Hold on, buddy.  God, please.  Help me.”
Jake reached for Ben’s hand, his fingers exploring the nail and cursing more when he saw that it was curved upward and pounded back into the wood.  
“Fucking bastard!” Jake growled.  “I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry.  I’ll get you down.  I’m sorry.”
Ben could hear the tears in Jake’s voice.  Everything felt sluggish, and he couldn’t make his mouth work to tell Jake it was okay.  Was it okay?  It wasn’t okay.  Everything hurt, and his whole body was shaking.  He was going to lose his battle to stay upright in just a moment.  He could feel it.  The shaking was getting so bad.  The cramps and spasms in his legs, arms, and back were threatening to completely overwhelm him.  Something cold came in contact with the top of his hand.  
“Hold still, Benny.  I’m so fucking sorry if this hurts.  I don’t know what else to do,” Jake said with a sob.  
Ben screamed as the nail was wrenched backward and then up and out of his hand.  He slumped forward, and Jake caught him, but all Ben’s remaining weight went to his left hand and he cried out against Jake’s shoulder.  
“I know.  I know.  I know.  God!  Fuck I’m sorry.  I know.  I’m trying, Benny.  Hold on.  Almost done.”  
There was another loud screeching noise as the nail was bent back and pulled out of the wood through Ben’s other hand.  Jake only just managed to catch Ben and help him slowly sink to the ground.  Jake shifted, pulling them both towards the wall, Jake’s backside and Ben’s feet dragging through the puddle of blood on the floor.  Jake got the wall against his back and draped Ben across his lap, cradling Ben’s curled hands near his chest. 
Jake’s legs shook beneath Ben’s body. He hoped Ben didn’t notice; Jake had to be brave enough for them both just now.  
Ben was crying again.  He cried a lot here.  Especially when it got bad.  And this was one of the worst.  It wasn’t just the torture.  It was all the psychological manipulation.  Jake knew Volkov must have said something to Ben.  Ben lay there sobbing into Jake’s chest.  He kept his ruined hands held loosely in front of him. Jake tried not to stare, but  they shook violently, blood dripping from Ben’s open wounds. 
“Shhh.  Shhh…  It’s okay, Benny.  It’s over.  I got you.  I got you, buddy.  I got you, little bro.”
“Why?” Ben said the one question he truly didn’t have an answer to.  Volkov was right.  Why would God let this happen?  The question had twisted into him like the nails in his hands over the duration of his torment.  
“Why what, Benny?” 
“Why would God let this happen?”
Jake thought for a moment, his hand moving gently through Ben’s hair. “You know why?”
“I don’t think I do.  Not anymore.”
“Come on, Ben.  You know what ma would say.  We live in a fallen world.  People can be evil because of sin.  God is love.”
“D-doesn’t… doesn’t feel like that.”
“Benny, you know ma was right.  Christ died for you.  You’re not dead.  You’re okay.  I know you’re hurt.  But God is still love.  Remember that scripture she used to read to us… the long one… the… the famous one?”
Ben couldn’t think.  He couldn’t remember.  “Can you tell me?”
“Love is patient, love is kind,” Jake recited haltingly.  “Love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.”
Ben’s harsh breathing was starting to calm just a bit, but the tears still flowed.  
“Remember that God also said that all things work together for the good of those who love him.  I know you love God, Benny.  It’s how I know you’re gonna make it out of here.”
“Not going anywhere without you, bro.”  Ben’s eyes were shut, and his dry throat was raspy as he talked into Jake’s chest.  Tremors still ran through his body, but the pain was slowly ebbing.
Jake was at a loss. He thought of home, of what their mother would have done for Ben. He started humming Ode to Joy, his little brother’s favorite hymn.  
“No,” Ben interrupted, “No, not that one.  Not right now.  Not until I’m back in Zoe’s arms, and she can play it for me.”
“Okay, Benny.  What do you want to hear?”
“Whatever you can remember.  But I don’t exactly feel joyful r-right… right now.”  Ben said.  He still felt like he couldn’t catch his breath, and he needed to rest.  God, did he ever need to rest. 
Jake pulled Ben a bit closer to him and kissed the top of his head while he thought.  He remembered a story their dad had told him about his favorite hymn.  It was written by a man whose four daughters drowned at sea.  The man took the same voyage his family had and told the captain to wake him when he reached the spot where his children had drowned.  The captain agreed, and when they reached the spot, he went and woke the man.  The man then wrote the hymn ‘It is well with my soul.’  
That story had always stayed with Jake because he didn’t understand how someone could react to tragedy like that, with so much faith.  Jake cradled his brother against him and started to sing, even though he wasn’t even sure he could remember all the words. He wasn’t Zoe; he wasn’t their mother; but he would do whatever he could for Ben. 
When peace like a river attendeth my soul
When sorrows like sea billows roll.  
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul.  
Jake softly sang the chorus over his brother, and then the next verse.  
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, 
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed his own blood for my soul.
It is well with my soul, 
It is well, it is well with my soul…
Somehow, Jake was able to recall the entire song.  He hadn’t sung that song, especially not every verse, probably since middle school.  He didn’t know where the words had come from, but he was grateful.
When he finished, Ben lay still in his arms, his chest rising and falling softly, evenly.  
Jake rested his cheek gently on Ben’s hair.  And then he did something he hadn’t done in ages: he prayed.  A real prayer, not a half assed quick prayer, but a real, genuine, heart-felt, gut-wrenching prayer that conferred his deepest request to the God of the universe he wasn’t sure he even believed in… but he knew Ben did.  
“Thank you, God, for helping me remember.  I know you and I don’t have the best relationship… or any relationship.  But, if it’s not too much trouble, Ben and I would like to go home soon.  Please.  Please help us get out of here and make it home safely.  I know I’ve screwed up my life a million times over, so if it’s just one of us, could you please let it be Ben?  He loves you, and he never deserved any of this.  Please, God.  It wasn’t supposed to be like this.  I know you have a plan, or at least that’s what our parents always said.  So, could you just let him live.  Let him get home safely.  I don’t care about me.  Maybe I’m too far gone.  But Benny…”  Jake didn’t know what else to say, there didn’t seem to be anything else to ask.  That was all he wanted.  
Ben stirred slightly in his arms.  “Not going without you,” he whispered again.  “If He’s gonna save me, then He’s gotta save you too.  And no one’s too far gone, Jake… not while… not while… still breathing”  Ben’s speech slurred a bit in his exhaustion. 
Somehow, Jake didn’t think that sentiment applied to Alexei Volkov. But he admired Ben’s faith anyway. He kissed Ben’s hair and sank back against the wall.  
“Okay, Benny.  We go together.  Now, shhhh.  Get some sleep.”  
Jake started to hum the tune he’d just sung and didn’t stop for a long time, until he was sure that Ben was sleeping deeply in his arms. 
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
This is a BROTHER'S KEEPER entry. Takes place during early to mid captivity in the recapture arc. Follows this Merry Whump of May piece.
Warnings for aftermath of torture, implied noncon, torture, electroshock/electrocution, noncon drugging
Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @sparrowsage @quietly-by-myself @no-terms-and-conditions-apply (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it.)
As ALWAYS, thanks to the AMAZING @whumpcereal for the beta. And to my whumperful crew that always cheers me on: @oddsconvert and @sparrowsage as well as @quietly-by-myself. Y'all are the best!
Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out
Ben awoke, and his head was pounding.  He couldn’t recall where he was for several minutes, only that he was covered in sweat and it was oppressively hot.  He whimpered at the pain in his head and, when he tried to move, every slight shift of his muscles ached.  What happened?  Why was he this damn sore?
There was a low moan from the other side of the room, and Ben flopped his head over so that he could try and see.  At least it was dark; he didn’t think his eyes could take any light right now.  
When he saw the heap of limbs across the room, the memories suddenly came flooding back. Volkov’s fucking game.  The chairs he and Jake had been tied to, the triggers in their hands, and the fucking electricity coursing thorugh their bodies one after the other.  How many fucking rounds had he made them play, refusing to let them pass out? 
When it looked they were done and couldn’t take any more, the fucking bastard had drugged them so that their hearts raced and their bodies trembled.  Ben had longed for the respite of being able to pass out, but he couldn’t.  Not for a long time.  He was forced to push the button and watch his brother writhe in agony until Jake couldn’t take it.  Then Jake would push the button and it would be Ben’s turn to suffer again.  
It went on that way, over and over and over until even Volkov lost count of who ‘won’ the sadistic game.  Every single one of Ben’s muscles felt like it had been pulled. When he glanced down at his arms, he realized chains secured him to the wall; no surprise there.  But what was a surprise were all the bruises.  Deep purple lines covered every place where the leather straps had held him down.  His wrists, his upper arms just above the elbows, his chest, abdomen, thighs, ankles, just above his knees - all of it was achy and tender to the touch.  
And then there were the burns.  The places where the electrodes had been attached to his skin were red and blistered, still stinging.  Ben moaned.  He felt like he’d never be able to move freely again.  
He heard Jake groan from across the room, and he tried to inch his way over to him, as far as the chains would let him.  
“Jake…” Ben tried to call, his voice raspy from screaming.  He coughed to try to clear the uncomfortable dry, scratchy feeling in his throat.  “Jake…”
The only answer he got was another moan.  Jake rolled over and faced him, but his eyes were still shut.  
“Y-you okay?” Ben whispered.  He didn’t want to alert their captors that they had regained consciousness.  
“Head hurts.”
“I know.  I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault, kid.  We both pushed the damn button.  Fuckers!”  Jake’s growl was weak and thin, and it scared Ben a bit.  His brother never sounded weak.  
“Can you reach me?”
Jake finally cracked one eye open, just for a second.  He gasped and panted as he shimmied his way across the floor until the chains on his wrists pulled taut as well.  But it was enough.  Ben pressed his forehead to Jake’s.  Neither of them said anything, they just breathed and took comfort in the touch of each other’s skin.  
They might have fallen asleep for a while, but at some point, Jake nudged Ben awake again.  
“So, that was a shocking turn of events last night,” Jake deadpanned.  
Ben giggled, and pain erupted throughout his whole body. “Oww, you idiot, don’t make me laugh.” It shouldn’t hurt to laugh. Not like this. Fear suddenly unfurled inside Ben’s chest,  and his laugh turned into a sob.  “Jake, I’m so scared.  I thought we were going to die last night.”
Jake rubbed his forehead against Ben’s; it was all he could do. “Shhh.  Shhh… Benny, it’s gonna be okay.”
“You don’t know that.  You’ve seen what he’s capable of.  He fucking hates you.  He blames you.  And when he gets bored with you, he’ll kill you.  I know it.  He told me that’s what would have happened if he’d gotten you in the first place.”
“It’s gonna take more than a few volts to do me in.”
“A few volts… Jake.”
“Stop.  We each have our own way of coping.  I’ll laugh as long as I can.  We’re not dead yet, kid.  And I sure as shit don’t plan on dying.  So I’m gonna do what I can to make sure you survive.  If I can get out of here too, that'd be great.  But I’ll get between you and him as often as I can.”
Ben frowned.  He knew Jake was talking a big game.  It’s what he always did when he knew Ben was scared.  But Ben could hear it in his voice - Jake was scared too.  There was a tremor there that Ben had never heard before. 
Ben knew what Dmitri was doing to Jake.  Jake was older than him, more masculine. He’d always been Ben’s protector; he’d never taken shit from anyone.  If it fucked with Ben’s psyche to go through what he had, it had to be fucking with Jake’s sense of self too. He wasn’t as strong as he thought. Ben knew what it was like to lose that kind of certainty.  But he could also tell that his brother wasn’t ready to deal with it yet.  Not here.  Not like this. Not right now.  
Ben bumped his head against Jakes’s again, the chain connected to his wrists rattling as he tried to edge just a bit closer.  
“I love you, Jake.  Just in case I never said it enough.  I know you never meant for any of this to happen.”
Jake rolled onto his back, but Ben could just make out the tears on his cheeks.  “I love you too.”  
They were both quiet for a while after that.
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
This is a BROTHER'S KEEPER entry. This takes place at the end of the recapture arc. It's not THE ending, but near it. ;-)
Warnings for gun violence and gunshot wounds, a cliffhanger ending, and mild gore.
Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @sparrowsage @quietly-by-myself @no-terms-and-conditions-apply (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it.)
As ALWAYS, thanks to the AMAZING @whumpcereal for the beta. And to my whumperful crew that always cheers me on: @oddsconvert and @sparrowsage as well as @quietly-by-myself. Y'all are the best!
Stomach Pain | Head Trauma | Back from the Dead
The Russian bastard had Ben on his knees.  Everyone was screaming.  Jake saw Volkov raise the gun towards Ben’s head.  No!  No it was not going down like this - Feds screaming, Volkov going out in a blaze of glory and taking Ben with him.  Not if Jake could help it!  
Jake was held firmly by his arms in Dmitri’s painfully tight grasp.  The man was trying to get a hold of the clips on his cuffs so he could lock them together behind Jake's back. He had maybe a second to act. He spun around faster than he thought was possible.  He could feel the adrenaline rising in him.  He drove his head into Dmitri’s chin and then his shoulder into the man’s stomach. 
He was rewarded with a grunt from the stupid underling.  Jake poured all his hatred and anger into kicking the ever-loving shit out of the man who had abused him and Ben until he knew that Dmitri wasn’t going to get up.  Blood poured from Dmitri’s mouth, nose, and a gash over his head where Jake had stomped him repeatedly.  The fucking bastard deserved it.  
Jake turned away from him and ran towards Volkov, who was now in a screaming match with one of the feds. He was using Ben as a human shield, and  he wasn’t looking at Jake.  He didn’t even see him.  Jake, with all the strength his abused and broken body could muster, rammed into Volkov’s side attempting to knock the gun from his hand, Ben from his hold, anything to give the agents a moment to take the mad Russian down.  
Jake wrapped his arms around the older man.  Volkov was healthy.  Jake was not, but he locked his arms around the man and wouldn’t let go.  He was vaguely aware of Volkov howling in frustration as he was knocked away form Ben.  Just get between him and Ben.  Stay between him and Ben.  Don’t let go.  Don’t…  
Jake’s head pounded with a sudden loud ringing in his ears.  Pain erupted through his middle.  Don’t let go.  No matter what.  Don’t let go.  He squeezed his eyes shut and locked his fingers together.  Another agonizing flash of heat and pain lanced through him.  
Jake knew something was wrong, but he shoved that knowledge to the back of his head.  Right now, all that mattered was stopping Volkov from hurting Ben any more.  
He felt numb, and a strange mix between hot and cold.  Jake and Volkov thudded to the sand.  Jake attempted to pin the heavier man, but his body wouldn’t move the way he wanted.  
“It’s okay, son.  We got this.  Let go.  Son, let go.  You need help.  Let him go.  We’ll take it from here.  He can’t hurt you anymore.”
Jake let out a sob.  Fire and ice raced up his legs and across his torso.  His hands were pried apart, and he was gently rolled off of Volkov.  He glanced back and saw Dmitri being lifted up by the agents that had raided the island, his hands cuffed behind him.  He was covered in blood.   
Jake no longer felt heat.  He was just cold.  
A familiar face hovered above him.  “We need a medic!”
“A-a-agent… V-Vaughn.  Agent Vaughn?”
“Yeah, Jake.  I’m here.  We’re gonna get you some help.  Just hang in there.”
“B-Ben.  Where’s Benny?  Benny!” Jake screamed for his brother.  
“He’s fine.  He’s okay.  You saved him.  You were a good big brother.  He’s okay, just stay still.”  
Jake gasped as the pain overwhelmed him.  He lifted his head and glanced down at himself, red blooming across his chest, stomach, and legs.  Oh fuck!   He raised his hand up and touched his shirt, and his palm came away bloody.  Jake screamed.  
“Jake!”  Ben’s voice cut through his pain and fear.  “Jake! No!  No, no, no, no!”  Ben crashed to the sand at Jake’s side.  “Jake, hold on, please.  Please!  I need you, Jakey!  Don’t leave me! We go home together, remember? Jake?”
Ben leaned over him. He was covered in blood too, but he seemed okay.  Jake could see the tears coursing down Ben’s cheeks. He cradled Jake’s head to his chest as Jake’s vision started to blur and gray.  
The wind picked up suddenly and blew sand into Jake’s face.  Ben leaned over and shielded him with his body.  Jake fought to keep his eyes open.  
“Ben, it’s okay.  We’re gonna take good care of him. Of both of you. But you gotta let us take him.”
Jake’s vision went dark, but he could still hear.  
“What have you got?” a new voice said.  
“Male, 31. Gunshot wounds to the torso and left thigh.  Severe loss of blood.”  
“Okay.  We’ll have the O.R. prepped and ready.  Surgeon is already on standby.”
Jake closed his eyes.  He honestly wasn’t sure he would ever open them again.  But it was okay because Ben was okay.  Ben was safe.  He’d protected him.  He’d finally gotten him away from Volkov.  Ben would get to go home, and he’d have the life he deserved. And Jake? Jake did good.  For once, he did good.  His parents would have a reason to be proud of him for once.  Benny was okay…
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
This is a BROTHER'S KEEPER entry. Takes place later in the recapture arc, just BEFORE this piece.
Warnings for death threats, gun use, failed escape attempt, mock execution (sort of), pistol whipping.
Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @sparrowsage @quietly-by-myself @no-terms-and-conditions-apply (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it.)
As ALWAYS, thanks to the AMAZING @whumpcereal for the beta. And to my whumperful crew that always cheers me on: @oddsconvert and @sparrowsage as well as @quietly-by-myself. Y'all are the best!
Gun to Temple | “Say goodbye.” | Impaled 
“You wanna play the hero, Jakey boy?” Volkov screamed at Jake.  They were on the beach of the little island, rain and wind nearly blinding them in the tropical squall.  “You wanna try and run for help?  Go on… swim.  But know that there’ll be nothing to rescue,” Volkov continued. 
Dmitri held the squirming, thrashing form of Ben in his grasp.  The two young men had tried to make a run for it, but the storm had caught them off guard.  The waves were pounding the shore line, and the palm trees were bent nearly double.  Dmitri and Volkov had caught them out while they were trying to figure out what to do. Jake had managed to wade into the surf, but Dmitri caught Ben before he could follow.
Dmitri wrestled Ben to his knees, and Volkov pulled out a gun, jamming it to Ben’s temple and pressing his head sideways with the muzzle.  
Ben stared up at his brother.  There was no pleading in his eyes; they just looked sad.  Jake knew Ben was tired.  They both were.  If it weren’t for the rain, there would be tears.  Jake had had the chance to run.  Ben told him to take it.  But apparently, it was just another one of Volkov’s games.  
“Go ahead, Jakey.  Run.  Swim for freedom, if you think you can.  I won’t stop you.  But say goodbye to your baby brother if you do.”  
Ben closed his eyes as Volkov pressed the gun harder against his head.  Ben had assumed he would die here.  He thought about Zoe and all the hope and promise they had for their future.  He thought of her face under that gazebo on the fall day and how she had glowed when he’d asked her that question.  He thought of the swell of warmth he’d felt when she replied.  If this was his last few moments, he wasn’t going to spend it thinking about Alexsei fucking Volkov.   
“I’m ready right now,” Volkov said. “I’ll pull the fucking trigger, but I won’t come after you.  You’re free to go. Just know that you’ll be executing your brother if you do so.”
Ben opened his eyes one more time and looked at his brother.  “Jake, go.  He’s setting you free. Run.  Please.  You gotta go.”
Jake had no illusions that Volkov would actually let him go.  He’d shoot him in the back as soon as he turned to run.  Jake’s face fell, all the tension drained from him and he sank to his knees in front of Volkov and Dmitri, facing Ben.  It couldn’t be him.  Jake couldn’t be the one to survive.  If only one of them was going to make it off this god forsaken island, then it had to be Ben.  Jake worried about his brother.  How could he be so calm and resigned?  He had a life he deserved to live.  He had a girl waiting on him.  A ready-made family, if they coulf just make it home.  No way was Jake letting him die here.  Not for him.  
“I… can’t.  I can’t, Benny.  Can’t leave you.”  Jake looked up at Volkov.  “Please.  Keep me instead.  I’ll do whatever you say. I won’t fight. But let him go.  Let him go home.  Please.”
Volkov’s eyes narrowed at Jake, and he stepped toward him.  “You really think I would let my favorite little slave go?  He’s mine, Jake!  You saw to that.  Your cowardice and actions ensured that he’d be mine for forever.”  
Jake’s eyes shifted to Ben.  “I’m sorry,” he said again, his soaking hair dripping over his forehead, the rain mingling with his tears.
“I know.  You don’t need to say it anymore,” Ben said quietly.  He was surprisingly calm in the face of their failure.  “It doesn’t matter.  He won’t win anyway.”
Volkov rolled his eyes.  “Benjamin, you're growing delusional in your captivity.”
“Kill me then.  See what happens.  You’d give me true freedom if you did.  I’m tired of your bullshit games anyway.  You’d never let either of us go.  I’m gonna die here.  Jake’s gonna die here.  What the hell does it matter?”
Volkov walked over to Jake again and wrenched him out of the water. Without warning, Volkov brought the butt of the gun handle down, cracking it across Jake’s temple and sending him to the ground in a crumpled heap.  
“You’re a fucking bastard,” Ben said softly, staring at his brother’s unconscious form and the blood seeping from the fresh wound on the side of his head.  “I hate you.”
“Did I not tell you that Jake pays for your sins?”  Volkov turned to Dmitri.  “Take sweet Jakey back to the house.  He’s earned some playtime with you when he wakes up.  Don’t go easy on him.  Make sure he has no illusions about ever trying to run again.”
Dmitri smiled.  “Yes, Pahkan.  Will be a pleasure.”
Ben watched from where he knelt in the driving rain as Dmitri dragged his brother away by the ankle. Jake’s head left a trail of blood behind in the sand.  Ben turned his gaze to Volkov once Dmitri was gone, his eyes cool and detached.  
Volkov pressed the gun back to his temple, but there was no real intent in the gesture.  “Do you really think that I would let either of you go so easily?”  Volkov’s voice was soft, almost tender, and he shifted the gun down below Ben’s chin and used it to lift Ben’s face to him.  “Hmm, Malyshka?”  He dragged the gun up to Ben’s forehead. The threat was gone. He’d said as much. Volkov would never let them go. 
Ben stared back at him, not willing to answer.  The cold metal of the gun rested against his wet skin, chilling him.  Volkov pulled the trigger, and Ben jumped at the obscenely loud click that resounded across the beach, louder than the crashing waves.  
Volkov laughed at Ben’s reaction.  He made no comment about the fact that the gun was unloaded the whole time.  Ben remembered his dad’s rule about weapons.  Always assume a gun is loaded. His dad didn’t know about people like Volkov. Well, maybe he did now.  God, Ben hated the man in front of him.  
“Come, little scholar.  I have something I’d like to show you down in the basement.  I think you’ll find it enlightening for your faith.  Help you get closer to that God of yours, since you seem to think He will be your salvation in the end.”
Ben doubted very much that Volkov had ever been enlightened by faith.  Volkov grabbed Ben by the hair and forced him to walk behind him, bent double, the whole way to the compound. Ben knew that all that was waiting for him was a dungeon. 
He had little hope he’d ever leave this place alive. 
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
This is a BROTHER'S KEEPER entry. Takes place later in their captivity during the recapture arc. Jake is trying his best to be a good big brother in their current situation, but it's hard when he's so trapped.
Content warnings for implied previous noncon, burns, aftermath of torture, sibling whump (obviously).
Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @sparrowsage @quietly-by-myself @no-terms-and-conditions-apply (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it.)
As ALWAYS, thanks to the AMAZING @whumpcereal for the beta. And to my whumperful crew that always cheers me on: @oddsconvert and @sparrowsage as well as @quietly-by-myself. Y'all are the best!
Sleeping in Shifts | Tossing and Turning | Caught in a Storm
It must be storm season here on the island.  For what felt like the millionth time in Jake wasn’t sure how long, a squall raged outside, the wind howling, the lightning flashing, and the thunder crashing.  Jake sat awake, chained to the wall in the basement of the compound where he was kept.  It was hot and dirty here.  All the time.  He could just make out the sound of the huge surf when it got like this.  He wondered what time it was.  It was odd, the little things that he missed, like knowing what fucking time it was.  
Hours ago, they had dumped Ben in the small room.  His little brother hadn’t said much, he’d just dragged himself over to Jake, his ankle chain just barely allowing him to reach from where it was fastened to the opposite wall.  He’d pillowed his head on Jake’s thigh and slipped into a fitful sleep.  
Jake could just make out the lines of Ben’s body where he lay tossing and turning against him.  At first, Jake had tried to stroke Ben’s hair to help him settle, but that only brought on more whimpers and cries of terror. Jake had forgotten: when Ben came home the first time, he couldn’t bear to have his hair touched. Jake was starting to understand why. So, he tried to hold Ben’s hand instead, but Ben’s constant movement made it almost impossible. 
In the end, the only thing that had somewhat worked had been for Jake to put his hands on either side of Ben’s face and rub his eyebrows with his thumbs.  It was a trick their mother used to do when they were restless and couldn’t sleep.  Across one eyebrow, the bridge of the nose and then the other eyebrow.  Back and forth, back and forth.  Jake had no way to keep track of how long he’d been attempting to soothe his brother, but eventually, it worked. Ben’s body stilled, just enough that Jake had some hope he might be getting some actual rest.   
Whatever had happened to Ben tonight must have been rough.  He nearly always talked to Jake when he came back, even if it was just a simple ‘hey,’ or a ‘hey, Jakey.’  Tonight, he hadn’t uttered a word.    His wrists and ankles were rubbed raw.  There were fresh bruises and bite marks on him, but what concerned Jake most were the burns.  Small, round blisters littered his entire chest, down past where Jake was willing to look.  They were on the soles of his feet and continued up his legs to his thighs. Volkov had taken his time; the bastard was obsessed with marking Ben, and Jake could see that the burns would probably scar.   
When Ben was dumped in the room, Jake had wanted to panic, to rage like the storm outside, but Ben had been so exhausted.  He’d simply collapsed across the one person that might give him some comfort, silent tears slipping from his closed eyes. Jake knew better than to think Ben could take on his anger, and he had shoved it all into a little ball in his chest.  He’d let it sit there and fester, but he wouldn’t disturb his baby brother.  Ben deserved the rest; he’d have to fight again the next day.
Ben was so strong and so fucking defiant.  It made Jake’s heart warm when he saw the resistance in him.  Sometimes, it was hard to forget there was an eight year age difference between them.  But then there were times like these.  Ben looked so young where he slept with his head on Jake’s lap.  Normally, he would curl up, but Jake guessed it would hurt too much to do that right now.  Unsteady, he lay on his back, palms up and resting at his sides.  
Jake’s hands shook with fear and anger over what was happening to them, what would happen to them.  He would never say it to Ben, but he wasn’t sure that they would both make it off this island alive.  Volkov or Dmitri, one of them would see to it.  It wasn’t even a matter of who had it worse.  They both had scars,  mentally and physically.  But Ben didn’t deserve any of the wounds he’d taken on in his young life.  
Jake thought of the secrets they’d shared, the fears about the future, their loved ones waiting for them back home.  The things they wished would have happened differently, the things Ben regretted that he’d never get to do or say.  Jake didn’t encourage it–in fact, he actively spoke against the idea, no matter what he believed–but he knew Ben thought he was going to die here, prisoner to these mad men.  Jake wasn’t ready to accept it, but he hadn’t lived through almost a year and a half of torture, two years of recovery, and then another however the hell long it had been since this fiasco had started.  
He thought back to the first time he’d ever seen Ben be disappointed in him.  He was eighteen and Ben was ten.  The cops came to the house and arrested him in front of Ben.  It was Jake’s number one regret up until Volkov had stolen his little brother.  Now, he felt like he’d let Ben down the hardest on both occasions.  He could never make up for this.
He would have done anything to go back and undo the stupid things his eighteen-year-old self did, and to never have agreed to move drugs for Volkov.  Why the hell couldn’t he ever just do the honest to God right thing?  And why did it feel like Benny always paid for his stupid mistakes?
Ben whimpered in his terrified sleep.  Even in sleep, there was no real rest.  They were tormented whether they were awake or sleeping.  
“Shh, shh.”  Jake kept up the gentle stroking of his thumbs across Ben’s eyebrows. He spoke even though he knew Ben couldn’t hear.  “I promise one of these days I’m going to have the opportunity to do right by you.  And I swear I won’t miss it.  I promise, if it’s the last thing I do, I’m gonna make you proud of me Benny.  I will.  I promise.”  
He leaned down and kissed Ben’s forehead before letting his head drop back against the stone wall.  He wouldn’t sleep tonight.  He would keep watch through the storm and let Ben try to heal as best he could.  
For hours, the storm raged outside, but inside the little cell, the two brothers, were quiet.  One brother slept, while the other stayed awake, his hands never stilling as he tried to soothe the last good part of himself. 
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
Brother's Keeper Face Claims
This is a post for all of my face claims for my Brother's Keeper series.
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Ben Adkins (Charlie Rowe)
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Alexsei Volkov (Philippe Joly)
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Dmitri (Pasha Lynchnikoff)
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Ilya (Alex Stines)
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Andrei Federov (Danila Kozlovsky)
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Jake (Jay Ryan)
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Zoe Doyle (No idea who she is - let me know if you know her)
I picked these images for look rather than anything specific about the actual people or actors. SPECIFICALLY - for Charlie Rowe and Jay Ryan, these are from when they were on specific shows. For Charlie Rowe its the age he was and the look he had on the TV show Salvation (2017-2018) and for Jay Ryan it's the age and look he had when he was on the TV show Beauty and the Beast (2012-2016) I hope you like the face claims and find them helpful when reading my story to picture each of the characters. The only one I'm currently missing is Nikolai, so I may eventually update this post with a face claim for him as well.
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
i was rereading Ben's recapture and gosh how tragic would it be if his parents had opened the door while he was being taken again? how gut wrenching would it be if volkov just shot both of them right in front of him on their way out? 😈
(this may or may not be my way of hoping you'd do a little au drabble abt this 👀)
So, this maybe isn't exactly what you were going for, but I can't actually kill Maria and Jacob, Sr. I just can't. Not after what I'm doing to their boys already.
Ben tried desperately to be quiet as Volkov hooked the lead into his collar.  He didn’t want his parents to wake up.  If they woke up there’d be hell to pay.  Ben would do ANYTHING to protect them.  
Volkov tugged on the lead and Ben followed obediently out of his room, hands zip tied behind him and gagged.  
The minutes they stepped out of his room, instead of the empty hall, his parents were there, stepping out of the doorway of their room.  Ben’s eyes widened.  He screamed when he saw Volkov raise the gun.  The gun Ben hadn’t even known Volkov had.  Ben watched in horror as Volkov first shot his father and then his mother.  He screamed and screamed and screamed worse than he had for any torture Volkov had ever put him through.  His parents were on the floor, bood pooling around them, eyes wide and staring up at nothing.  
Ben awoke suddenly with a pained scream, startling both him and Jake to full alertness.  Ben sat up from where he’d been sleeping on Jake’s chest.  Terror filled his eyes and it took him several minutes to remember where and when he was.
“Benny?  It’s okay.  He’s not here right now.  It’s just you and me bro,” Jake’s voice was raspy from all the trauma he’d endured recently.  This was one of the lucky nights they were allowed to spend together.  They were usually hard won after Volkov and Dmitri would have been pretty brutal with the two of them.  
Ben’s wide brown eyes were still having trouble focusing on what his brother was saying as his chest heaved and heaved in panicked gasps.  
“Fuck!” Ben finally heaved out, curling in on himself and covering his face with his hands.  
“Bad dream little bro?”
Ben couldn’t stop the sob that left him.  He missed home so badly.  He missed not being here.  He wanted to fucking go home so bad it hurt.  
Jake scooted over to where Ben had skittered to.  He put his arm around him.  
“You wanna talk about it?”
“No.  Let’s just try and go back to sleep.”
They readjusted their position on the hard floor and curled back up together.  Just as Jake was about to fall back asleep, Ben whispered, “He killed mom and dad,” there was a quiet pause, “in the d-dream.  He just shot them.  Like they were nothing.  Right in front of me.  There was so much fucking blood.  It felt so real.”
“It’s not.  It was just a dream, Benny.  Mom and dad are alive and well and we’re going to get back to them.”
“Are we?”
“Yes.  We are.”
Ben wasn’t sure he believed that.  He wanted to so badly, but he just didn’t see it. 
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darkthingshappen · 3 months
Some lore question about brothers keeper second captivity arc (with Jake this time) I might have missed the answers to these questions somewhere in the masterlist so sorry about that, if you could point me in the direction of the answers I'd appreciate it
Why are the 4 (Volkov, Ben, Jake and Dmitri) on an island? Aren't they in Russia somewhere? Where's Ilya and Andrei? Did they die or smth? Is it only the 4 of them or are there more? Why did Volkov and Dmitri make Ben and Jake pretend to be into them? Just to fuck with them or was some part of it genuine? I ask bc I srsly didn't expect Volkov to kidnap Ben AGAIN (or his brother) and Volkov said they can work up to pet names, implying they were gonna do that again. Also, when Ben and Jake are rescued, are Volkov and Dmitri killed? I couldn't tell if they were from what I read and I wanna be sure because fuck those guys
So, there are some things here that I cannot answer because of upcoming plot points. That said, here is what I can answer…
The fics where they are on an island are set AFTER Ben has been rescued from his first captivity and then recapture with Jake a couple or three years later. For the most part it is just the four of them. (No I cannot say what happened to any other characters at this time. You will eventually find out.)
Yes Dmitri and Volkov made Ben and Hake pretend to be in to them just to fuck with their heads. They are incredibly sadistic. Basically they told each of them separately that if they would play along, then the other would be spared any torture or abuse for a full day. They both did it to save the other. The self debasement was part of the torture.
Volkov is ALWAYS fucking with Ben. Always. So I’m sure he has future plans to fuck with him even more in the future. He’s a bastard.
Lastly, the fate of Volkov and Dmitri is intentionally vague. The main story line will get there eventually. I have not publicly revealed what happens with either of them. Not yet. Sorry for the stuff I can’t answer. And sorry it took me so long to answer. Thank you for the ask.
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darkthingshappen · 1 year
Reckoning (Merry Whump of May Day 1)
A Brother's Keeper Story Set about seven month's after Ben's initial rescue after fourteen months of captivity with Volkov.
Thanks to my always whumperful crew @whumpcereal @sparrowsage @quietly-by-myself, and @oddsconvert for the flash beta job this afternoon.
Tags list at the end.
Warnings: BRIEF mentions of past torture, captivity, and noncon. Though nothing too explicit. PTSD. Ben just has a moment where he's tired of being told it's okay and unfortunately, Jake gets the full brunt of it. Ben's not wrong, but Jake... well... you'll see.
@themerrywhumpofmay (I'm so excited this is back this year!)
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The kitchen was brightly lit, it was Fall again.  Ben and Jake were doing the dishes.  They were nearing the second anniversary of Ben’s abduction, but it felt like the first since he’d spent the previous one still with Volkov. Jake was dreading it.  Everyone was dreading it.  Ben was jumpy and distant, caught up in far too many dark memories.  
Still, he had made so much progress, especially in the last month or so.  He was smiling more, Jake had even seen him laugh once, with Zoe.  Ben was slowly coming out of his shell after a brief stint in a mental hospital and months and months of intensive therapy.  Ben stared blankly out the window.  He never seemed to be able to get enough of looking outside.  
Jake slapped him playfully on the arm with his wet washcloth as he’d done a million times throughout their childhood.  
He shouldn’t have done that.  The loud smacking sound of the cloth on Ben’s arm sent him to the floor, arms over his head, curled in a ball and rocking.  
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Ben whimpered. 
Jake glanced around the kitchen in panic.  He was alone with Ben.  Their parents were out, his dad at work and their mom grocery shopping.  They were counting on him to take care of Ben.  He’d told them he could do it.  He was eight years Ben’s senior for god’s sake.  Think!  He could do this.  He could handle it.  Couldn’t he?  
“Shit!  Benny.  It’s okay.  Sorry.  That was stupid of me.  I was just playing like we used to.  I didn’t think...  Shit I’m sorry.  Please Benny.  Please,” Jake begged, trying to recall what the therapist had said about how to bring Ben out of these horrible flashbacks.  
Jake got up and ran to the living room.  He grabbed the heated and weighted blanket they’d got Ben recently.  They left it on most of the time for emergencies like this.  Jake draped the warm blanket over Ben and held Ben’s hand, rubbing soft circles on the back of it with his thumb.  
“It’s okay, Ben.  Don’t worry.  It’s okay,” Jake assured him for the millionth time since Ben had come home and had one of his prolific flashbacks that, at best made him freeze dead still and zone out, and at worst made him panic and react as if he were in the moment that he was seeing in his head.  
“It’s not fucking okay!” Ben snapped suddenly, throwing the blanket off and getting to his feet.  “Stop fucking telling me that!  You don’t know a damn thing about it, do you?”  He glared at his brother.  “You.  Weren’t. There!”
Jake recoiled, taken aback by the sudden and uncharacteristic anger and volume.  Ben was always quiet now, rarely talking and when he did it was barely above a whisper.  Jake attributed it to months of wearing a fucking shock collar.  He stared at Ben in disbelief.  He knew he deserved his brother’s anger.  Whatever Ben wanted to say, he deserved it.  He deserved to be reviled by the shell of a brother in front of him.  He wished to God he could fix it; could make his baby brother whole.  
“He didn’t take you, did he?  He didn’t fucking torture you on daily basis, did he?  He didn’t ra-” Ben’s voice, dripping with rage, cut off and he was left standing, heaving in breaths of air.  His whole body trembled and Jake saw the dam of emotions and torment and memories that threatened to overwhelm his baby brother.  
They both knew what he was about to say.  
“It’s not okay,” Ben finally finished, more quietly than before.  
“I-I know, Benny.  I’m not meaning to make light.  I know what he did to you.-”
“No.  No you fucking don’t.  Seeing my scars or reading that damn file that they gave mom and dad doesn’t mean you know.  It doesn’t.  It doesn’t.  There’s so much more than what they could fit in my fucking file.”  Ben made air quotes over the last word.  
“I spent almost every night curled up in a cage.  A fucking cage, Jake.  No blanket.  No pillow, no mattress.  Just a hard plastic or metal bottom of a cage.  And it was cold.  All the time.  I asked for a blanket one time.  Do you know what he did to me?”
Jake’s expression reflected the horror of what Ben was telling him.  It was the most Ben had directly said about what happened to him when he was with Volkov and Jake felt ashamed to want him to stop talking.  He shook his head minutely.  
“He tied me to a fucking cross outside.  Outside in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs.  Outside in the fucking Russian winter.  I thought I was gonna die.  Over and over and over I thought I was going to die.  Until it shifted from being afraid of dying to…” Ben’s voice dropped to a whisper.  “To hoping for it.”  He looked at Jake.  “I don’t know who I am anymore because of what he did to me.  Do you know what it’s like to hurt so bad, in every part of you, that you just want it to be over.  Permanently.  Do you?”
A tear slipped down Jake’s cheek and he shook his head,  “N-no.  No, Benny, I don’t. I’m… I’m sorry.  I wish I knew what to do.  I wish I knew how to take it away.  God!  Fuck! Benny I wish it were me.  You have no idea how badly I wish it had been me.  It should have been me.”
And for once, Ben didn’t disagree.  He just stood there watching his brother crumble.  He had always said, believed, told himself, that he wouldn’t wish what happened to him on his worst enemy.  But he was so angry, and so terrified, and so overwhelmed with all that he had been through, that a furious mean little voice that he never used to have reared its ugly head and screamed inside him, ‘I wish it had been you!’
Ben clamps his lips shut before he can utter the hurtful words, but he knew it was too late, he may not have said them, but Jake heard them loud and clear all the same.  Ben sighed.  
“I… I need to… I need a break, Jake.  I-I-I don’t blame you.  I don’t.” He said the words, but he was no longer sure if he believed them.  “But I can’t do this right now.”
Ben turned and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Jake standing in the middle of the room, holding a warm blanket that offered him no comfort. 
Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @quietly-by-myself @there-will-always-be-bloodblood @whumping-seven-days-a-week @hiding-in-the-shadows (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 
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