#japanese candy store
magicalshopping · 11 months
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♡ Demon Slayer Mini Kagami Mochi from Japan Candy Store ♡
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adventure-alex · 10 months
Japanese Candy Store - Japan snacks sweets and dagashi explained
🌸🍬 Sweet and Whimsical Adventure Alert! 🍬🌸
Step into a Charming Japanese Dagashi Store with us and let the cuteness overload begin! 🎉🐾 Brace yourself for an enchanting journey filled with kawaii surprises and mouthwatering treats that will make your heart flutter with joy!
🍭🍡 From a Pokemon-themed vending machine that beckons us inside to cute drawings of beloved Pokémon characters scattered on the floor, this store is pure magic! Relive cherished childhood memories as we wander through a traditional Dagashi sales area that feels like a fairy tale come to life! 🧚‍♀️🍄
But the real wonder awaits on the shelves! 🎁🍥 Japanese snacks and sweets dressed in delightful packaging, featuring adorable cartoon characters and lovable animal designs. Each wrapper is a tiny work of art that's sure to steal your heart!
The flavors are out of this world! 🌈🍵 Experience the captivating allure of matcha, red bean, and yuzu in surprising formats that take your taste buds on a magical adventure. And the secret ingredient of "umami" adds an extra touch of enchantment!
Prepare for a symphony of textures—crispy, crunchy, soft, and chewy—all in one delightful store. 😋🍘 These treats are a whimsical journey for your senses, leaving you spellbound with every delightful bite!
Embrace the beauty of each season with snacks and sweets celebrating nature's wonders! 🌸🍓 From seasonal fruits to blossoming flowers, these edible artworks are too cute to resist!
Oh, and the DIY candy kits! 🍬🎨 Become a sweet sorcerer and craft your own magical treats—it's pure joy and creativity!
The store staff, with hearts as warm as a summer breeze, will guide you through this enchanted wonderland, sharing their favorite picks and making you feel like a cherished guest. 🌟❤️
So, fellow adventurers, immerse yourselves in the whimsy and charm of a traditional Japanese Dagashi store! Let the sweet magic take over your heart and share your thoughts in the comments below! Don't forget to guess the price of our delightful checkout box and the tiniest, most adorable sweet in the video! 🛍️🎈
If you loved this enchanting journey, like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more adorable cultural adventures! 🌈🎉 And sprinkle some fairy dust into our hearts by sharing your favorite Japanese snacks! Until we meet again, with hearts full of wonder, mata ne! (See you again!) 🌸✨🐾
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beifongkendo · 18 days
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Candy store, by Shou Tomita (1940)
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 months
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bisexykabru · 4 months
actually mutuals what's your favorite American candy/soft drink/chocolate/snack
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riniredrum · 11 months
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♡ Gogo Fruit Ramune Candy from Japan Candy Store ♡
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simpingforcys · 2 months
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A WIP but behold, the WIR/King Candy shrine so far. Would of waited until my stickers from Japan came in but they haven’t found my package in 3 weeks, so who knows how long that’ll take.
A year ago I never would have expected to love this movie and character as much as I did. It gives me so much comfort and joy. 🍬👑💕
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misterradio · 14 days
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happy with this button i think it looks so cute ::-) before and after pic. made with candy wrappers.
edit: it is now for sale on kofi along with other snack themed buttons 👍
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outlying-hyppocrate · 11 months
my friend told me i look like a cross between a k-pop idol and a tumblr user and i don't know what that means
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landofgay · 2 years
silly goofy that me and my bf had to meet on Tinder. he was right there
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magicalshopping · 10 months
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♡ Cinnamoroll Cream Soda Chocolate from Japan Candy Store ♡
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adventure-alex · 11 months
Welcome to O-kasi, the ultimate dagashi heaven in Oita, Japan! 🍬✨ Indulge in the delightful world of delicious Japanese candy, irresistible snacks, and heavenly sweets. Our shelves are overflowing with a variety of mouthwatering treats that will make your taste buds dance with joy. From traditional favorites to trendy novelties, we've got it all!
Discover the sweetness of Japan with our delectable selection, carefully curated to bring you the finest flavors and the cutest packaging. Every bite is an enchanting experience that will transport you to the colorful streets of Japan. Whether you're craving nostalgic classics or seeking the latest candy sensations, O-kasi is your go-to destination.
Our passion for Japanese confections knows no bounds, and we take pride in sharing these treasures with candy enthusiasts from all over the world. With every visit, you'll find yourself surrounded by the enchanting charm of O-kasi, where candy dreams come true.
Come and explore our sugary wonderland in Oita, Japan. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of delightful treats, adorable packaging, and endless smiles. O-kasi is the place to be for those who truly appreciate the art of Japanese candy. Join us on this sweet adventure! 🌸🍭
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leftpanty · 7 months
As seen on TV is just a full-blown weeb store now
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Police Hold Three Suspects in Murder of City Japanese,” Vancouver Sun. January 17, 1942. Page 17. ---- Youth Shot During Holdup Struggle ---- Three men are held by police and were to face an identification line-up this afternoon in connection with the cowardly murder of Yoshiyuki Uno, 27, Japanese furniture manufacturer, during a holdup in his parents' confectionery store at Fourth Avenue and Alberta Street Friday night. 
Uno was shot as he struggled with one of the bandits to protect other members of his family. 
Five minutes before the shooting; three men, thought to be the slayers, held up Chapman's confectionery store, 2333 Columbia Street, and escaped with $30 after on of them fired a wild "shot into a shelf."' 
The three suspects were brought in by police after they investigated an assault complaint at a West Pender Street rooming house. Two men and a 17-year-old girl who were in the same rooming house are held for investigation in connection with the assault.
ASKED FOR CIGARETTES At the Japanese store, the leader of the three thugs grabbed $2 from the cash register before pumping three shots into Yoshiyuki Uno.
Uno, left lying in the middle of the floor, was taken to Vancouver General Hospital in an Exclusive Service ambulance, and died at 9:10 p.m. 
The victim's parents, two sisters and brother saw him shot down as, his left hand bleeding from the first shot," he tried to wrest a revolver from the gunman.
Mrs. Oiyo Uno, Yoshiyuki's mother, was in the front of the store when the three men entered. 
As she started to serve one of them with a package of cigarettes he produced a revolver and said, "This is a holdup." 
THREE SHOTS The woman shouted to her family in living quarters at the rear, and the gunman leaped forward: 
He shot through curtains hanging in the doorway. The bullet hit Yoshiyuki Uno, who was sitting on a chesterfield, in the back of his left hand. 
Uno jumped up, ran through to the store and grappled with the man.
The murderer fired two more shots and Uno slumped to the floor, a bullet in his left temple and another in his left arm above the elbow. 
His slayer ran out of the store with his two companions, one of whom also handled a gun. 
The dead man's brother, Yukio Uno, 24, saw them dart north on Alberta Street, then west in a lane running parallel with Fourth Avenue. 
SHOE DROPPED Police and ambulance were summoned by Mrs. Uno. 
Detective-Inspector E. A. Pettit and Detectives L. M. Munn and Arthur White were early on the scene. 
From Mrs. Uno they took a black oxford she had picked up on the sidewalk 100 feet north of the store. They believe it dropped from one of the holdup men's feet. Inspector J. F. C. B. Vance and Detective E. B. Smith of the police science bureau took photographs of the scene and, examined blood stains on the floor, a flour sack and a curtain. 
CARTRIDGES IN CAR Discovery of an auto on Kit-silano Beach, near the foot of Whyte Avenue, gave the police the first clue to the thugs' movements. 
An unidentified citizen informed police of the car about midnight. 
Detectives Kenneth McKay and Peter Lament found footprints leading from the car to the water 200 yards away. 
They believe one of the men walked to the water to throw the gun away. 
In the auto they found four empty .22 revolver cartridges and one full cartridge. Three $2 bills were lying under the back seat. 
The car had been driven down a lane and over a sidewalk.
The detectives think the men took it to the beach to dump the revolver, then abandoned it when it became firmly lodged in the sand.
YOUNG BANDIT The car, a convertible cabriolet, had been reported stolen at 10 p.m. from the 500 block, Howe Street, by the owner, A. L. Hullah, 1534 Harwood Street. 
The man who shot Uno was described by the Uno family as about 31, and five feet 10 inches. He was wearing a green sweater. His gun was said to be "blue or black with a long barrel." The age of one of the other bandits was estimated at between 20 and 21. No description of the third man was available.
Two suspects picked up by Constables Ralph Booth and Lawrence McCulloch in a Hastings Street cafe were released after witnesses of the holdup at Chapman's Confectionery Store, failed to identify them. 
One of the three bandits who robbed the Chapman store brandished a revolver and another a jackknife, witnesses told Detectives Lamont and McKay. 
The leader of the trio menaced G. R. Chapman, proprietor, with the knife. 
The man took $30 from the cash drawer. 
While he was dumping the money into his pockets the man with the gun fired a shot into a shelf, breaking a soft drink bottle. 
Mrs. Winnifred Chapman, wife of the proprietor, and Mrs. C. Garnett, 2243 Columbia Street, were in the store during the holdup. They described the bandits as between 23 and 25. Two, they said, looked like brothers. 
SISTER'S STORY Haruko Uno, 22, sister of the gun victim, told The Vancouver Sun that her brother ran to the front of the store to defend his mother, after he was shot in one hand. 
"My brother tried to get the revolver from the tallest of the three bandits, and was shot in . the temple as he struggled," she said. 
The other two bandits, one of whom carried another gun, made for the door, Miss Uno recounted. 
When Uno slumped to the floor, the murder bandit also ran for the front door.
Uno's father, Kosabuko Uno, rushed from the little sitting room and knelt over his son while his mother telephoned for an ambulance. 
Miss Uno, a sister, Yaeko, 20, and a brother, Nukio, 34, were also In the rear room at the time. 
The men fled to a car which was stopped with its engine running in a lane back of the store off Alberta Street, according to witnesses. SAW BANDITS Masyoshl Sugie, of 509 West. Fourth Avenue, ran to the store with his mother, Yoshi Sugie, and his father, Shoshaku Sugie, when Mrs. Uno called to them.
"There was nothing I could do when I got in," he said laconically. "Mr. Uno was holding Yoshiyuki's head as he lay on the floor." 
M i y e k o Sugie, Masyosh’s brother, said that young Uno was a part owner of the Advance Furniture Manufacturing Company, 975 Vemon Drive. 
Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis, who live at 1943 Alberta Street, across the corner from the Uno store, told police that they heard the shooting. They looked through the front door in time to see the bandits running to their car.
Yoshiyuki Uno was born in Vancouver, and was a graduate of Fairview High School of Commerce.
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ninyard · 2 months
The monsters and their ability to pick up languages is so interesting to me so here’s some random HCs about monsters + languages that are definitely not original at all:
- Neil learned French in Europe before him and Mary found their way to French-speaking Canada. He essentially had to semi-adopt the language discrepancies while he was there, and even though his fluency is in French from France, sometimes he messes up and pronounces things weirdly or differently (and Kevin frequently makes fun of him for it)
- Kevin has some rusty Japanese that he was forced to learn growing up. He can understand it pretty well, and can somewhat speak it to a lower level, but he can’t read or write it. He’s not fluent, and probably couldn’t hold a conversation with a native speaker, but he could understand his Japanese counterparts in the Nest when he needed to.
- In turn Kevin isn’t able to order in Japanese at a restaurant, but he could explain the rules of Exy to someone fairly coherently if he had to.
- This isn’t an original thought by any means but Neil and Kevin definitely speak in French when they’re by themselves just to make sure they don’t lose it.
- They sometimes make calls to each other on the court in French, and because of this, most of the team picks up very basic calls in French. None of them can actually speak it, but Andrew picks up a little more than the rest, having spent so much time with Kevin. Again, couldn’t hold a conversation, but every now and again he recognises certain words in their conversations.
- Neil is like a walking version of those White Guy Speaks Chinese And Stuns Waitress (he can understand her?!?) polyglot youTube videos. It becomes more of a hobby for him once he’s settled and the FBI are off his back, but the foxes are constantly shocked by how many languages he can speak. He is fluent in English, French, and German of course, with some conversational Spanish, but he can pretty much have a basic interaction in most of the languages of countries he’d been in. His Dutch is the worst, because he could never quite grasp the proper pronunciation of things, but one time he speaks to a waiter in Italian and Andrew can’t believe it.
- (RIP Neil Josten, you would’ve loved duolingo)
- When he goes to the Olympics he’s like a kid in a candy store. It’s like a subconscious bingo game for him to speak to someone from every country at least once.
- Aaron loves listening to music in German. He would definitely drag Nicky to a rave if they ever found themselves in Berlin.
- Katelyn asks him whenever they have their kid if he wants to raise them bilingual, but he decides not to because he only really learned German for Nicky and his brother, and doesn’t really speak it at all after he graduates.
- Neil and Nicky study Spanish together sometimes. It helps Nicky stay close to his roots now that his immediate family is pretty much out of the picture. It means way more to him than Neil even knows.
- Another unoriginal one but Andrew and Neil definitely do learn sign language in the future. I could talk about this one forever.
- When Kevin gets frustrated, he finds it hard to speak ANY language. He messes up words in English, forgets how to say things, and occasionally is the butt of the joke when he combines a French and English word accidentally.
- Kevin watches anime when nobody is around. He thinks dubbed anime is a crime.
- Andrew thinks he’s pretty good at German until he tries to have a conversation with Erik and realises wow native speakers talk a lot faster than we do. You wouldn’t know, because even if he just understands half of a sentence, he can usually piece together what is being said 90% of the time, and he would never admit out loud that he needs Erik to slow down when he’s talking so he can understand him.
- He is, however, REALLY good at accents. He has a talent for speaking gibberish but sounding as if he’s speaking fluent French. It drives Kevin up the wall when he does it, but he also hates when he can’t understand what Kevin and Neil are saying to each other.
And Bonus:
- Jeremy is really bad at accents. He is initially frustrated by Jean and his French, but once he understands that it is Jean’s first language (that the Moriyama’s took from him), he makes an effort to try and learn. He’s just really, really bad at it. Jean cringes every time he tries, because he speaks with a heavy American accent. Jean is not pretentious about his language, but he is, at the end of the day, French. So when Jeremy says bonjour in that hideous so-Cal accent, it’s in part endearing that he’s trying, but mostly like nails on a chalkboard.
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riniredrum · 11 months
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♡ Hello Kitty Ramune Whistle Candy from Japan Candy Store ♡
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