incoherentmuses · 10 months
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part time soulmate, full time problem
listen fall out boy gave me that lyric and if that doesn't apply to these boys then what does
ko-fi | commissions info
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thespacelizard · 1 year
kiss in the sand
@fluffbruary day 3! and i am returning to my love my life my light my boys with some Jartemis beach-flavoured fluff. Up on AO3 as well here.
In which Jarlaxle and Artemis hit the beach.
Boots on the sand, a familiar tread; a thud and a huff next to him. A smile crooked the corner of Jarlaxle’s mouth, hidden by the hat set over his face to block the sun. “I take it you are finished being cross with me?”
Artemis plucked his hat away and he squinted in the sunlight. Entreri didn’t quite glower at him, just wore his usual faint exasperation at the world, and Jarlaxle in particular.
“No ridiculous disguise today? Are you feeling quite well?”
“Being myself is a disguise.”
Artemis dumped a handful of sand onto his bare stomach. “Do you ever think about what comes out of your mouth before you open it?”
“Frequently, when I am not talking to you.”
Jarlaxle sat up, brushing the sand off—then cleaned off his palm by ruffling Artemis’ hair. Entreri scowled delightfully and batted him away.
“Bothered by a little sand? What a terrible Calishite you are.”
“Says the drow so addicted to sunlight he is half naked on a beach on the surface.”
“It could be worse, abbil.”
“Could it now.”
Jarlaxle bared his teeth obnoxiously. “I could be entirely naked on a beach on the surface.”
Artemis rolled his eyes and made such a show of getting up to leave it could not have more obviously been a front. Jarlaxle grabbed his ankle and dragged him to the ground, the move precipitating a brief wrestling match that ended with him face down, spitting sand, Entreri’s knee in the small of his back.
“You could at least have taken your shirt off first,” he said. Who had put quite so many grains in beach sand? It was wretched. “Maybe put on some oils. It’s like you do not even care about my needs.”
“I don’t.”
Jarlaxle relaxed for a moment, long enough to try to lull Entreri into a false sense of security, then surged up, twisting, trying to throw Artemis off. It half worked—now at least he was on his back with a hand free. Artemis had the other wrist pinned above his head, and a pleasant little shiver darted up his spine. He reached up, slowing when Entreri flinched away, and brushed his cheek with the back of his hand.
“Are you still cross with me about the dragon thing?”
Artemis sighed, and Jarlaxle made a happy noise when the human dipped his head and kissed him. Warm lips, warm skin beneath his palms, warm sand, warm sun. What better way to waste an afternoon? His hands started wandering of their own accord, and Artemis sat up.
“Public beach,” he pointed out. Jarlaxle ignored him and ran his hands up Artemis’ thighs, thoroughly enjoying having the human straddling him. He lazily rolled his thumbs back and forth at the highest point he could reach; Entreri’s breath hitched. Jarlaxle let his gaze trail up Artemis’ body, slow and hungry.
“I killed a dragon,” he said.
“You helped kill a dragon,” Entreri corrected. He very studiously ignored Jarlaxle’s attentions, as if doing so would make him stop. “I’ve heard them tell it—you did very little.”
“They would have done far worse without my considerable moral support. And financial assistance.”
“So you are buying your victories now, are you? Get your hands off.” Artemis finally slapped his hands away from where Jarlaxle had gotten his belt halfway unbuckled. He started to get up—Jarlaxle dragged him back down into another kiss. Soft lips, stubble scraping his chin, that familiar, welcome annoyance. Entreri sighed into his mouth, all fond frustration.
Jarlaxle behaved himself, and let him go after not nearly long enough; Entreri rolled off of him and flopped down in the sand. The late spring sun threw lovely pools of shadow in the curve of his neck, gilded the hair on his arms. Calling him beautiful was a quick way to a black eye—or worse—but Jarlaxle thought it anyway.
“Will you stay until the carnival is over?” he asked. He retrieved his hat from where it had fallen and set it back on his head. “I’ve so little to do now that the Grand Game has rather neatly wrapped up.”
“You have enough bed warmers.”
“I am bored of acrobats and actresses.” Jarlaxle knelt forwards. He traced along Entreri’s jaw with light fingers. “I’m in the mood for an assassin.”
His fingers brushed over Artemis’ mouth and Entreri bit him. Jarlaxle flicked his nose, getting a palmful of sand in his face for his trouble.
“I’ll stay,” Artemis said, whilst he was cursing and scrubbing sand from his eyes. “If you can promise me, definitively, that there will be no more dragons.”
Jarlaxle put a hand on his heart. “I swear on my life.”
“Not much of an oath.”
“Very much of an oath, you know how highly I value my continued existence.” He sprawled out next to Artemis and set his hat over his face again. “And if there is another dragon, I promise you can have first chance at feeding me to it.”
“I will hold you to that.”
Artemis slid a hand into his. Jarlaxle squeezed it, glad to have it back where he liked it. “Does this mean you will come and stay on the Eyecatcher with me instead of sulking in that awful tavern?”
“Don’t push your luck.”
Jarlaxle grinned. He’d take that as a yes.
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pidgeydraws · 2 months
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meme to follow up on the previous post
thanks @mrachniy for the second idea
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squidwithelbows · 2 months
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Underrated character growth throughout the sellswords trilogy is Artemis becoming weirdly smug about his unrequested makeover as soon as he can use it to be condescending at people he doesn't like.
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snacobie · 2 months
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Sooo what’s going on here….. 🫣🫣
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Shovel Talk
(post Way of the Drow)
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greenieart · 27 days
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I’ve been working on these little drawings of all of the Drizzt characters for months and dragging my feet on finishing them but I have several done already soooo here LOL
[edit: catti + drizzt here :)]
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mrachniy · 6 months
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Little gift for @enolezdrata <3
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tiny-huts · 1 year
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bcbcomo · 1 month
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princefleabitten · 13 days
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I read R.A. Salvatore’s critique on the Catholic Church (Legend of Drizzt: Road of the Patriarch)
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thespacelizard · 1 year
Fly By Night
@fluffbruary day 18! some short and sweet, Dragon Heist-canon Jarlaxle/Artemis today~ Up on AO3 here.
In which Jarlaxle and Artemis take a flight.
“This is not an apology!” Artemis shouted.
He had to shout to be certain of being heard over the rushing wind and the snap of griffon wings. Jarlaxle patted his hand, threw a grin over his shoulder, and the griffon suddenly banked hard east. Artemis gripped Jarlaxle tighter—east was better than west at least, because west lay the harbour, and he had no desire to take an impromptu dip off a hundred-foot drop.
He’d almost stabbed Jarlaxle when he’d shown up at Tymora’s Blessing in the middle of the night, whispering Artemis’ name in the dark. Somehow, Artemis had let himself be persuaded out of the inn and onto this beast. Rooftops flashed past below, too fast for him to tell if anyone bore witness to their mad flight. He hadn’t even known Jarlaxle could ride a griffon—though he supposed at this point he shouldn’t have been surprised.
The griffon’s wings beat harder and the city fell further and further away below. Artemis’ stomach lurched, and this was surely what Jarlaxle had wanted—him clinging on for dear life. Jarlaxle himself seemed perfectly at-ease. He leaned back against Artemis as the griffon evened out, slowing into an easy soar across sleeping Waterdeep.
“I’m sorry about the dragon,” he said. His fingers traced idly over Artemis’ white-knuckled grip.
“Her offspring is going to make you sorrier.”
Jarlaxle chuckled and glanced out over the dark harbour. “Only if the wyrmling finds out I have the crystal.”
“Which it will, if those new friends of yours keep prying.”
“For someone who decided he wasn’t getting involved, you are surprisingly up to date on my affairs.”
“Where you are concerned, it pays to be well-informed.”
The griffon angled around in a wide arc through the night, and as it flew lazily on, Artemis found himself searching the harbour, eyes flicking over the larger vessels moored out away from the docks. He picked out the Eyecatcher easily enough, and thought again of the offer of a berth.
In his arms, Jarlaxle hummed something, so low that Artemis felt more than heard it. A drone-like melody, littered with little runs of off-kilter arpeggios. Menzoberranzan music.
Artemis sighed, and set his chin on Jarlaxle’s shoulder. “Where did you even get this creature? It’s not part of your carnival.”
“I’m flattered you remember the contents of my carnival so clearly.”
“Answer the question.” Artemis tugged an earring with his teeth.
“I borrowed it.” Artemis bit him. “I’m going to give it back! Besides, you ought to know better by now than to ask questions you do not want the answer to.”
“I ought to know better by now than to let you talk me into things.”
“Mm, that you should.” Jarlaxle turned his head, and though the angle was awkward, he caught Artemis’ mouth in a kiss anyway. “I’m glad you don’t.”
“Get me back to the inn in one piece, and perhaps I’ll let you talk me into something else,” Artemis said. The thrum of excitement that ran through Jarlaxle was tangible.
“Inn. One piece. Then we’ll talk.”
Jarlaxle leaned over the griffon’s neck. “You heard the man—quickly, before he changes his mind!”
They swept over the sleeping city, and by the time they made it back to Tymora’s Blessing, Artemis had not, as it turned out, changed his mind.
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pidgeydraws · 1 month
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dicaeopolis · 5 months
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Legend of Drizzt polycule thoughts
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snacobie · 1 month
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I am he who will give meaning to your life, Artemis, my friend.
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jarnyaxle · 5 months
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How Legend of Drizzt characters would react to seeing red concrete Target balls!
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Drizzt: “What a peculiar object. What’s the point of it? Decoration? What a curious world we live in.” *smiles serenely.*
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Zaknafein: “Looks like Jarlaxle’s bald ass head”
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Catti-Brie: “Aye, looks like Jarlaxle’s bald ass head!”
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Artemis: “Looks like Jarlaxle’s bald ass head”
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Kimmuriel: “The Hivemind concludes that it looks like Jarlaxle’s bald ass head.”
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Athrogate: “Looks like Jarlaxle’s bald ass head! Bwahahahahaha!”
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Jarlaxle: “Looks like my bald ass head”
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