#jessica jones season 2
onyxisnotuniqueenough · 11 months
currently watching the first episode of luke cage season 2 and i don't know how to feel yet
i do know how i feel about season 2 of jessica jones though -- should i make a post about that?
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i-got-the-feels · 2 years
Things I don't see enough people talk about in Jessica Jones Season 2:
Jessica and Malcom:
• From Jessica calling Malcom her associate and them being all cute and smiley about it to telling him he is trading one addiction for another (drugs for sex) and that he needs to save himself first - which prompted their breaking off their friendship.
Jessica and Jeri Hogarth
•Hogarth telling Jessica about her ALS and only her vulnerability.
•Jessica telling she hasn't changed, physically, that is - because yes, her intentions did seem pure when she wanted to save Karl to help more people. Jessica telling her this, even when she knows Hogarth knows it deep inside her but helping her face the truth sooner than later.
Mother and Daughter relationships
Jessica knows that this monster isn't her mom entirely but she also knows that somewhere her mom is still there and when Trish's mom goes back to blaming Jessica for Trish's condition and calls her mom as monster she simultaneously defends her mom and calls out Trish's mom for her years of abuse when she says "My mother has brain damage. What's your excuse?"
How Trish can't let go of her mom even if she knows she was abusive and she has the means to do so- like when Trish asks her mother to hold her hand in hospital.
And the power both these mother daughter relationships have to events happening in the show is acknowledged by Detective Costa when Trish is in hospital recovering "We only get one mother. That's a powerful bond, no matter how batshit crazy they might be"
Karl Malus
Reminds of Jessica telling Kilgrave parents "they tried playing God" and that is exactly what Karl did.
While I still believe what he did is unethical with Alisa and Jessica, I also cannot deny he had good intentions and his actions showed that- when he saved kid Eric, continued to live with Alisa and tried to find cure for her dissociative rage episodes (agreed, scientific curiosity was a factor there but, it wasn't just that)
And that is why he even shoots himself - he knows that he cannot stop these experiments because even if he has good heart that doesn't negate the harm.
Kilgrave's shadow
It was nice to see how Kilgrave was very real for others as well - be it in the first support group in S1 or in the season with Costa and how that is why he trusts her. How he tells her, his nightamares about holding his own guns and seeing his colleagues and friends doing the same stopped when Jessica killed him.
Trish on finding and defining who she is:
Since Season 1 we have seen how she wants to be a suphero to help people, people like her and then in Season 2, in one of the later episodes she says about "living with an abusive mom and superpowered sister" and I understand that. Did she go the right way about it? No.
I see people saying she didn't use her privelge of being white, having fame and money and here is where I disagree. Because she did. She did use the Trish Talk show to talk about things that matter to her like super heroes, their mental health, how they were made, midland circle- but ratings dropped and she was pressured by people abover her. She couldn't do a more direct rebellion because people still see her as Patsy and she still survives on that image (as seen by paparazzi still calling her Patsy), even if she hates it. She needs to be independent to stay away from her abusive mom, which she did until her mom came and told her about IGH. So no, I will disagree when yall say she didn't try other means to help peope.
And even if Trish can't see how badass she is aa human alone, Jessica does she does tell her that "You alone almost bought down IGH with a sparkly dress and a wig" but Trish cannot see that because she is not who or where she wants to be.
Now going back to S2 moments Trish showed who she wanted to be:
•"I don't wanna be with Griffin. I want to be him"
I want to do what he does. Have a platform to be heard on things Make a difference.
•When she wakes up and the first thing she does is call Jessica an asshole for stopping the procedure and says "You piss this powers when you could use them save people who need help" when you could embrace it and do so much more goes unsaid.
But her mom, Alisa does say that to her which brings us to.
Alisa Jones helping Jessica embrace who she is
She was a victim in this as much as anyone else.(not to say when she attempted to do things the right way, she was regularly abused by Dale)
Having experiments conducted on her without consent, having to live away from her daughter who believes she is dead because if she was with her, she could be a threat to her.
Only way she survived it to some extent is besides understanding what Karl did and his support is that she accepts who she is, wholeheartedly. Even the dissociative rage episodes and murders she commits during the episode. She accepts that part of her.
And embraces Jessica to do so when she says to her, "They will always feel less than around us" and then telling her "hero is not a bad word. It just means someone who gives a shit and van do something about it." and when Jessica denies, "You do. You do and that is why it hurts so much"
And when she hears Costa's message - she realises she has to let Jessica go because if she is wanted fugitive, there is not a lot of chance for Jessica to be hero, is there?
But you could see the happiness she felt when she saved Vido or that family in a car accident with Jessica, and making plans about who all they could save on future. Hope for how she could use these powers for good now that she doesn't have to live in secrecy as everything about IGH is out and the person whose secret she was protecting is dead.
Jessica NOT letting others define who she is:
•When she looks into the glass and tells her reflection and Kilgrave she is better than her mother or him because she stopped before it was too late. For someone like Jessica who hates and is afraid of introspection and what she may find on doing so, her to say this while looking ather own reflection - beautiful.
•When she tells this to Trish who is angry at Jessica for stopping the procedure, "I didn't ask for the goddamn powers nor your judgement on them. I am tired of being in centre of your insecurity i didn't ask for"
•When she doesn't looser shit at Chang and says, "I am going to do my job because I am a good PI"
•This interaction between her and her mother:
"You are my cure"
"Don't put that on me"
and finally, scenes/quotes that were so so freaking emotional that I had to pause to drink water or cry:
•"The line keeps moving. I keep stepping over it. How far is too far?" - Jessica after threatning Eric's life in front of his father to know about IGH and Karl.
•"I don't want to be alone" to Oscar
•"You have a hole in your soul and I have one in mine, lets not use each other to fill it" - Malcom to Trish
• This scene between Jessica and Trish
"I lost the only family I had. Again."
"It was always gonna end that way"
It didn't have to be you. It didn't have to be you. "Because now all I see when I see you is the person who killed my mother"
• And obviously bouncing the ball against the wall for anger management scene.
Overall, I loved the show and I think not having one villian made all the character more grey and complex and it was interesting to watch their layers and unravel the meaning of their actions and choices.
Season 1
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werewolferr · 3 years
i cannot physically explain how much trish walker fucks me off in season 2 of jessica jones. ik she kept saying she was trying to help jessica... but she kept doing what she thought jessica wanted/needed first than what jess ACTUALLY wanted/needed.
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amandajoyce118 · 4 years
It’s always interesting to me to see how other people’s ratings stack up against my personal favorites. My favorite episode of the season made it into the top 3, but it wasn’t ranked as the best.
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eggsnscribbs · 5 years
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wait what
what are y'all doing to her
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crystal-lillies · 5 years
I’m always surprised by how much I can simultaneously admire and loathe Jeri Hogarth when I watch Jessica Jones (+ Iron Fist + Defenders). In JJ S2 I thought “oh shit maybe it’ll be more admire than loathe following Defenders” but then nope the balance kept. And that persists to S3. But good on this series for keeping a Chaotic Neutral/Lawful Evil character like Hogarth always on her live-wire path. She’s never devolved into true evil or made to be true hero. You never know if she’s gonna be in your corner or compiling dirt against you (or worse) but damn if she’s not convicted either way.  
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1adyshad0wcat · 5 years
Jessica’s mother: crazy super strength, uncontrollable rage, mass murder.
Trish walker: Ninja Warrior champion 2019, always lands on feet, can see in the dark, killed 3 people
Now guess which one went to The Raft and which one went to normal people jail
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octothorpetopus · 5 years
So obviously I’m super excited for Jessica Jones s3, right, but...
I was watching the trailer and where
The Fuck
Is Oscar??
Excuse me?
Like, I know JR Ramirez was filming Manifest and shit, but they really got rid of the one character that by the end of s2, was the only character that hadn’t hurt Jessica (looking at you, Trish)? And you know they’re going to write in some idiotic, half-assed explanation for why he’s not there, but his whole thing was wanting stability for Vido, so why the fuck would he leave? Also, Oscar and Jessica were the fucking peak of cuteness. I mean, look at them.
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They’re adorable. Anyway I’m just pissed because they got rid of my main man Oscar and I’ll never be over that.
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stargirleb · 5 years
why did no one tell me jessica jones s3 comes out in 11 days???? holy shit
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mizgnomer · 5 years
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The story of how Krysten Ritter knocked David Tennant out with a fire extinguisher during the filming of Jessica Jones, Season Two
as told at the ACE Comic Con, January 2019 
Source:  [ X ]
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ljones41 · 5 years
Sokovia Accords and Marvel Netflix
I do recall the Raft being mentioned several times in Season Two of “Jessica Jones”.  But have any of the Marvel Netflix protagonists been ordered to sign the Sokovia Accords since “Captain America: Civil War”?
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realfakekraid · 6 years
Far be it for me to tell someone else how to handle their business, but wouldn't it be easier to fake a burglary gone wrong than a suicide?
And what kind of private investigator doesn't wear gloves when breaking into someone's home?
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i-got-the-feels · 2 years
Finished Jessica Jones S2 and all I can think is Dammint, I want to hug Jessica. Everyone close to her either left/betrayed/made choices for her.
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talknerdywithus · 6 years
Coping with Trauma and Loss: A Jessica Jones Case Study
Coping with Trauma and Loss: A Jessica Jones Case Study
After two gut-wrenching seasons of Jessica Jones on Netflix, we’re several years past the point when the un-comic-savvy had to ask, “Who is Jessica Jones?” Since the show’s debut in 2015, audiences have watched her kick butt, break hearts, alienate friends, murder her former abuser, and lose her mother for the second time.
Yet plenty of questions remain regarding Marvel’s dangerous and delicate…
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jessicajones · 6 years
It's about time he pulled his weight around here.
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watchmebackflip75 · 6 years
Jessica Jones Season 3
After watching Luke Cage Season2 I’m starving for more.
Trish was awful in season 2, I want to see her beg for her sister back! and use superpowers!!!
I wanna see Jessica tease Gangster Luke, hell I wanna see them in the same room for any reason!
Mariah left Luke her club, so what would Jeri leave Jessica?
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