#jester’s up
Marx and Dokutaro’s Must Vote(and Not Vote) List!
Hey, hey, hey! How you folks doin’! The @kirbyoctournament is rolling in! Dokutaro and I have blog jumping here n’ there! And we made list of who to vote (and not vote)! - Marx
And without further ado, let’s start the propaganda support! - Dokutaro
And anti-propaganda support! Noww!! Our recommendations for who to vote for! After all, why are you still here? - Marx
First up, vote Lady Celestine! (@kirbybecomesastarwarrior) - Dokutaro
Why? Because she’s cool, sassy and a sweet girl and is a literal queen! Next! Vote for Valfrey (@gethoce) and DON’T vote for Sir Uther (@quanblovk)! - Marx
Why not Sir Uther? Because he’s stinky, punchable, a loser that’s even more worse than Kieran(wait, how do I know that?) And vote Valfrey! Because she’s Sir Uther’s paralysis demon, supports lesbians, cool girl, & beautiful. - Dokutaro
Fecto Flora (@ceoofmetagala) is also someone who you should vote for too. Wonderful lil’ fella. Someone you can relate to, Doku! - Marx
… How do I put up with you again? - Dokutaro
And last but not the least of our recommendations for the tournament, Noir (@desultory-novice)! Edgy and unstable, but surprisingly has a good heart! - Marx
And that concludes our recommendation list for the Kirby OC tournament. - Dokutaro
Have a nice day, folks!! - Marx
//welp, I don’t know if this counts as propaganda, but if it is, enjoy their banter and recommendations. It’s also support propaganda (and non support propaganda for Sir Uther, but that’s because the guy’s punchable, sorry not sorry)
Propaganda for @kirbyoctournament
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The math just adds up!
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helixsnake · 1 year
I remember someone saying "mad scientists in fiction aren't scientists because there's never a control group"
I think if you've created an elixir that turns people into goat men you have sort have gone past the need for a control group. The control group is not going to placebo themselves into goat men. You can probably not run the control group, and safely assume that none of them would have turned into goat men. That said, having a control group for that would make the mad scientist seem extra crazy and be really really funny, especially if he was carefully testing them for goat like features from the dyed water they drank instead of the elixir
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dreamingdeadly · 2 months
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that white boy needs to stop touching all the god damn food
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its-your-mind · 18 days
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HEY MATTHEW!?!!?!?!?!
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look at that fucking face he fucking knows what he's doing to me
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lemonteeths · 2 months
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i drew the crown itself as a jester hat soooo.... (he would never . his ego wouldnt allow it. but lets pretend it would)
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proj-sh4dow · 5 days
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The Jester & The Clown !! ⭐️❤️🌀
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ditzytwinks · 5 months
phil is honestly great representation for smart people who can’t speak
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bloo-the-dragon · 1 year
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i’m adopting him
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shorthaltsjester · 10 months
the mighty nein - critical role
this is a place where i don't feel alone. this is a place where i feel at home.
#also with softer vibes. i offer They#every silly little brainheart found family deserves a to build a home edit#the mighty nein maybe most of all. thats my family#also the lyrics deliciously well suited to m9.#when jester pulls that. stupid tarot card for fjord. home or traveler. and there's a carnival wagon. and veth says Thats Us! . them#i just think about . the tower is their home the xhorhouse is their home the lavish chateau is their home the balleater. the mistake.#the nein heroez. veth and yezas apartment. the dome. fjord and jesters living room floor.#a bar with a silly name on rumblecusp#also like. the song has stone and dust imagery. gardens and trees.#the inherent temporality of life and love and how that holds no bearing on how greatly people can love. im losin it okay.#ive been making this edit for days straight with my computer screaming at me for trying to shove 143 episodes of cr into a 2min20sec video.#crying becuase. theyre a family do you get it. they were nine lonely people and most of them had given up on seeing their own lives#as something that might be good. something that might make the world a better place. and in the end they're heroes.#and it doesn't matter if no one else knows because They know they're heroes. and they wouldn't've believed that was true when they met.#rattling the bars of my enclosure. to be loved is to be changed#posted on twitter and want to get in the habit of posting here too bc.#general reasons but also bc . i have noticed some of the ppl liking/sharing it are also ppl who shit on my ops by vaguing about my posts#which is in general whatever but does leave a funny taste in my mouth.#critical role#the mighty nein#cr2#caleb widogast#caduceus clay#jester lavorre#fjord#veth brenatto#yasha nydoorin#beauregard lionett#mollymauk tealeaf#my posts
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From Periwinkle
To Both of them
If it's about dealing with Sir Uther, I have an idea of how, *Grabs a remote controlled non-lethal bomb disguised as a gift* with this of course,​*Hands both of them the remote*, I worked on this myself, with some help from Susie, I actually have lots of these back where I came from, so feel free to use them, as long as you have my permission.
- Honey​ Toast​ Anon
This will be helpful! Thanks! - Marx
Good. I will detonate it with Valfrey - Dokutaro
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the Nein's level 20 outfits have an average of 7.2 buckles each
Caduceus: 0
Yasha: 0
Beau: 0 visible, but presumably 1 for her goggles
Jester: 5
Caleb: 16, including the 5 not visible on his boot, possibly more
Fjord: 21, including the 6 + 3 not visible on his boot and wrist, there is presumably one on his pauldron but it was not counted
some obvious outliers here
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slliphylla · 2 months
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I know I´m late but I liked how this perspective and color practise ended (I really got carried away in the end haha)  I really like the color pallete of this skin and its inspiration from the Sonic Channel illustration. The concept was really fun to draw.
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alta1312 · 1 month
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bro thinks hes the gift lmao what a loser (i need him)
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gros-chat-fait · 1 year
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Blue Healers --- Wind Walkers | Fire Keepers
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c-kiddo · 2 months
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^ hugs from ur gf and your friend The Creature
(pen drawings to appease the autism bc im so busy handing in work but also relistening to cr2 (ep72 and 73 and that whole arc) and i want to draw them so bad . explosion sound)
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