#jikook dynamics through the years
stormblessed95 · 2 years
Jikook Dynamics Through The Years: 2015 Pt 2
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The previous posts for 2012 - 2015 can be found in my masterlist under Jikook Dynamics as well as I'll link them here for you. These few months in 2015 is when things that things really starting becoming more... interesting between them. Lots happening. Something important to keep in mind that I'll be sharing moments, AND my personal opinions, along with facts. My opinions are my own. You can agree or disagree. I encourage you to go and check it all out, see this content for yourself as well and form your own opinions during this time frame too. I will be splitting this up into multiple different posts probably to manage the length and be able to add more links/photos in each post. But also keep in mind this is not EVERY jikook moment from this year. I'll only be including moments that I personally want to and feel like it's worth drawing attention to and commenting on. This is long. I'm sorry! Part 2 will be covering May and June of 2015.
May kicks off with strong with a jikook selca on Twitter! Thanking ARMY for being there for I Need U promotions and saying they are having fun, even though it's only been 2 day! This selca comes from them being special MCs together. Which you can watch here.
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Bonus. Also on May 1st is a dubsmash video from JK. Not jikook related. But too cute not to include lol
150505 The Show airs an interview with BTS about their I Need U MV. They rewatch the MV and talk about it. Jimin states he wants to burn away weight and stress. JK gives him a funny look when he says weight before agreeing with stress. JK also shouts JIMINSSI as he does when Jimin's childhood photo is shown. Also lots of cute giggles here from everyone. This was filmed earlier, and also on this day, they had a live radio broadcast interview. Which was the infamous interview where Jimin gets asked why he likes JK so much and Tae says that he thinks Jimin just likes men 😅 Lol You can read my full post over that moment HERE.
The after-school club special show happens this day, 150505, as well. Very busy these guys were! Highly recommend watching it if you haven't. Jikook sit next to each other in the front. Lots of cute little interactions with them and with everyone. JK clearly has a lot of energy this episode. I'm not going to talk about everything (just watch it!) I'll just highlight a few answers given. Everyone picked Jimin as the member they want to take on a Rollercoaster ride. Lol Jimin named JK as his bag boy. Clearly JK does a lot of carrying things for Jimin. 🤣 Jungkook in this episode too also named Jimin as the member who helps him relieve stress. Jimin is at this point clearly someone who JK feels very comfortable around, can be vulnerable with and feel safe expressing those stressors and finding help in moving past them or dealing with them. JK also this episode made funny faces at Jimin a few times in an effort to make him laugh.
150506, BTS perform at Show Champion. Performance here. And they release a few days later the Show Champion Backstage Footage. Which includes 10 minutes of cuteness. Including jikook being cute and close, including talking about boxing together and being very playful and teasing about Jimin's abs too. JK was in a tease my hyungs mood that day for sure lmfao
150507, BTS' first win with I Need U. And its a video that emotional as hell 😭 As for jikookery, Jimin got very emotional and ended up not wanting to be on camera while he was crying. JK noticed and tried to lend him comfort over it all before Jimin walked off to collect himself alone for a bit. Namjoon, JK and Hobi all comforting Jimin in the elevator after too 🥺
150508, the morning kicks off with Jimin sharing posts of vminkook and puppies 🥰 and much later in the evening of the day, Jimin posts 3 more times to twt, thanking ARMYs many times for their award. He posts selcas with every member. With Tae, with Sope, with Jungkook Jin and RM. We also see them on this day heading off to music bank in matching fits.
150510, BTS appears on Changmin's Gayo Plaza radio show. Jikook sat next to each other. During the radio show they all mention how they recently moved into a bigger dorm room! Before that, they were all in the single room. Now in this new room they had the roommates of Yoonjin, VhopeMin and Namkook. With them pointing out that JK often just slept in the living room too. Lol when asked about singing and dancing live at the same time, RM said JM and JK should answer. JK hedged around a bit and said because they had 7 members to spilt parts up, it wasn't THAT hard. And Jimin cut him off going "I ALMOST DIED!" With everyone's giggles. They also all talked about how they relieved stress. JK basically said he doesn't get stressed, doesn't know how to recognize that. And Jimin talked about how he doesn't know how to relieve stress and how he likes food, but also needs to lose weight and so he basically does nothing. There is alot more happening in this interview worth watching as well, but honestly it's just a good insight into their mental whereabouts during this time and things going on in their lives. New dorm. Busy lives. Jimin struggling a bit stress wise. JK struggling a bit with vulnerability in my opinion, especially around other people/cameras. Jimin didn't talk too much and JK had a hard time sitting still through the interview, but it was a good one and they all had good energy with the host and each other through it.
Also on the 10th, A safe driving commercial was released. Has nothing to do with jikook, but anyone who hasn't seen it really needs to. Lol as well as JK posting a dubsmash video to twt. On the 10th as well, they depart from the airport to go to Kota Kinabalu to film Summer Package 2015. You can read my post over that here. Lol also a cute aside bonus link.... Taekook got lost at the airport. 😅😂 They are there from the 10th through the 13th. On the 13th before they leave, JK posts another dubsmash. And Jikook film a log in the hotel room together late at night. One they were just hanging out in, not their own. JK was rooming with Tae and Jimin with Yoongi during that trip. So they were just choosing to chill together 💜 short and cute:
On 150515 they held a fansign and jikook had quite a few cute moments. Including Jimin telling everyone that JK hugs him when he sleeps. Cueing a flustered JK trying to deny everything. Lol my post for that here.
Jumping forward 5 days to the next fansign in Ilsan on 150520, jikook once again sit next to each other and have a quite few playful moments (an example). But my favorite would be when Jimin got up to pretend to be a fan and JK reached up and tickled his chin. And looked so proud of himself. Lol and Jimin lost his mind, the definition of shook. Here is a video of the moment. Jimin was literally so taken aback. Lol couldn't stop smiling and saying things like "he just touched my chin! He's never done that before." And JK also could not stop grinning. Babies 🥺
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On 150524, JK recommends a song by Kehlani called You should be Here, an openly queer artist. On 150526, JK recommends a song on Twitter called Can't Help Falling In Love by the Eels. He ends up recommending quite a few songs by them over the years. But for this song, he has it stopped on the lyrics, "If I can't help falling in love with you." Only 15 seconds into the song according to his screenshot. Relatable to his life at the moment or just a song he was vibing with? Who knows.... including it anyway.
On 150527, they are on YamanTV. This one well it feels like hosts are incredibly cringy though BTS handled it well. Its funny in lots of moments, but cringey in lots too. I don't think you'd ever catch them doing a similar type of interview at the fame level they are at in recenf years. Lol This is one where I will say watch if you want, but no pressure if you just want to catch the highlight round clips since it's so long and a bit cringe. Lol jikook highlight clips for those who want to only watch those.... 21:27 Jimin enjoys JKs muscles/forearms. 25:00, jikook arm wrestle. And Part 2 of YamanTV. Both these parts were released in June, but filmed on this day in May. And again, for those who want to just watch specific clips where I'll highlight jikookery.... 1:30ish in, For Jimins segement, his keyword is "pervert" and one of the hosts makes a play on words joke with "pervert" vs "coming out" and says that Jimin is coming out for his segement. Jimin did NOT seem to find this funny at all (don't blame him) and while everyone else laughs and plays it off. Jimin and JK are the only ones who do not. Jimin turns it around to the members. Calls out Hobi as a "pervert" for stroking his body while he sleeps. Jimin then also says JK is also a "pervert" and JK seems a bit nervous about where that is going and Jimin makes a joke about all the cosmetics JK owns with "women scents" since he is sensitive to smell. Which JK didn't really seem to appreciate that too much either. And finally RM for downloading, um "corn" on the computer. 10:30ish in, JK confirms that he is indeed, an ass man. "Touching the members butts before going on stage calms his nerves." Lol and 28ish in, Jimin gets nervous about having to do some funny improv but gets more confident when JK shares out about how "Jimins good at this!"
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On 150530, to end May off with a tweet from Jimin thanking ARMYs and talking about finishing up their last broadcast. Posted with 2 jikook selcas. And to end off my links I'm going to include for the month of May.... at some point during this month, they filmed all 5 episodes of the Bukbolbuk games they played. You can read about the jikook moments from those here.
To kick off June, on 150603 they do an MWave meet and greet livestream. Jimin seems to be having a somewhat off day. Just a bit moody or grumpy with his members. It's a cute livestream though. Jimin picks the jikook spread from the photobook as his favorite, but didn't really give an answer as to why. Just said they took the photos, seemingly shy/annoyed to be asked. Towards the end, RM also asks Jungkook if he likes girls in bikinis. To which Jimin seems incredibly annoyed by the question and says "people don't really think of us as men." And JK answered by simply saying "I know everything I need to know about bikinis." Which is quite the brush off answer from JK, very dismissive of *liking* girls in bikinis. And quite a bit of annoyance from Jimin. Wonder what's going on with him this day, or what's bothering him....
And then one of my favorites! 150605, BTS are in Malaysia and do a media interview. There isn't much honestly recording wise of this unfortunately. But one of my favorite interview jikook answers pops up here. The MC asks them all to describe the member next to them. So the order went: V, Suga, Jin, RM, JK, JM, Hope, V. Everyone gave copious amounts of compliments, as they often do with this question. And JK unprompted, said he would date Jimin. Lol this wasn't a MC question of which member would you date. JK volunteered that information out of left field. You can find this trans thread of all the members answers. Notice the difference please. As well as a recording of them saying it. And Jimins response to JK 🥺 shook. Translation here and it deserves its own photo. Out of pocket!!
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On 150606, after rehersals they get ice-cream and in the bangtan bomb we see JK feed Jimin bites of ice cream off his spoon looking very fond as well. Jimins cute reaction to the yummy food is adorable too.
On the 8th their Festa profiles were released. They did both profiles written by other members and by themselves. So you can find my post over the profiles written by other members here. Namjoon wrote JKs profile. And JK wrote Jimins. Where he correlated Jimin to a love song and also complimented his looks in all of the ways. 😍 you can find their self written profiles here. Jimin and JK both list RM as their number one subunit want. Jimin making his a trio with namgi and himself. Jimin also listed a jikook subunit as his number 2. He also said that the song that describes himself the most at that time was Dear No One by Tori Kelley. A song JK also ends up singing/saying he likes a different time. You can find the rest of the Festa content here. And then on the 11th, we of course have the Festa Radio Show!
There is ALOT we could talk about honestly in this video, but I'm going to keep it as short as possible here (and yall know me... that's never very short). Mostly there were just lots of small random touching to just touch. Lots of staring happening, lots and lots of giggles and tons of teasing through the whole video between the 2 of them. Including JK proving once again he knows obscure Jimin Facts while teasing him over it a bit too. Post over JK teasing Jimin about Brian Puspos Here. And how everyone teased JK for raising his hand during the question "I like my roommate, but sometimes I envy other rooms/want to room with someone else." His reasoning was that sometimes Joon is too messy and he likes the other rooms too. Wonder whose room and what he liked?? Tae (rooming with Jihope) also raised his hand for this. Lol it was supposed to be anonymous but JK gave himself away and Jimin kept slapping his shoulder/chest and giving him head pats in fondness as he laughed at JK. Lol Everyone also teases Jimin for leaving wet bandanas in the bathroom after showering. (I don't get it Jimin, is it a pseudo washcloth?!) JK says he is like real hip hop. Namjoon says his (Jimins) taste is enchanting, but he used the Korean word which could be a euphemism for kinky. Lol he also said maybe Jimin can take photos just using the collar from the shirt on his naked body (literally what lmfao) and JK goes "that's cool." Yeah, sure is *cool" JK. And Jimin is just dying laughing as everyone teases him before denying things and ending the conversation. They all also tease JK about being a) a muscle pig b) collecting cosmetics and c) being impossible to wake up in the mornings. Lol and towards the end (54ish minutes in) JK starts randomly circling and stroking Jimins finger with his hand?? Lol idk what the thought process there was other than a want to touch? A desire to play with Jimins cute fingers.
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Lol there is also an entire discussion during this Festa about JK very much insisting he is an adult now (and he is and got his ID) and everyone was teasing, asking if he got the idea or not and why he wouldn't let them see it. JK saying yes he got it, because he is an adult now and no because he hates the photo. Lol and once again, Jimin is sitting out of the group teasing JK about something he does to all of them. Not letting them see his new ID.... not answering their calls or texts.... his need for many mattresses/house decor.... we know JK answers Jimins phone calls... seems like Jimin knows more about the ID possibly too. Perhaps he DID get to see it. Lol not that important, but still an interesting difference.
There are no English subs for the 150612 Naver starcast video that i can find.... but it's essentially just 30 minutes of BTS playing games, Jimin enjoying himself and Jungkook literally melting into a giant puddle of goo and love and fondness watching Jimin laugh and smile. Literally watches him for most of the video and this looks like the DEFINITION of "holy crap, I really f**king like this guy. Oh my god, my heart." The heart eyes. MY HEART. The gifs and clips are iconic for most jikookers lol
On the 17th they were on Weekly Idol, and I'll just share the unpretty dance portion. Lol their reactions to each other's dance 😅 Jimin getting stopped early because he "shakes his hips too much for their viewer rating" 🤣🤣
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150619, they do the NicoNico Live Broadcast in Japan to promote their For You single. It's about an hour long and truly a wonderful little video worth watching if you've never seen it. This is honestly a good example of when BTS does fanservice. Lol for anyone confused on what might count or not, here is an example. Very cute interview though for the most part too. It was all about the red string of fate. Please watch it. Maybe I'll make a post about the whole thing one day. Eventually they get told they will do romantic partner poses together in pairs. Lmao Jimin visibly cringes about that. Not a fan of fanservice, our man. Jimin and RM get paired up and Jimin gets so adorably flustered through the whole process 🤣 Hopekook get paired up and Jimin catcalls them and tells them to kiss 🤣 Hopekook decide on doing a piggyback for their romantic pose lol. Later they each pulled on ends of a red string to find a partner to play a game where they had to move a ball around by holding it between their faces with no hands. Lol Jimin doesn't get a partner at first and in an effort to let him get a chance to win, he wanted to try. Everyone except JK complains about having to try to play again. JK just sets up the ropes to see who will end up playing with him lol. JK when asked about his own red string of fate, refuses to say who he thinks it's connected to and when asked about long distance, JK says he couldn't do long distance. Jimin says no one in BTS would probably want to do long distance. When asked about how one can express their feelings and say things like "i like you" to someone when they are really shy, how would they do it. Everyone insisted Jimin answer it since he is also really shy and the most shy. Lol Jimin gets flustered and goes "I don't know either! You guys tell me!!" And JK looks at him so fondly. And Jins answer to that was super sweet too. Watch this interview!! BTS Japan Twt posted afterwards a group photo after the broadcast. JK is sitting in Jimins lap pretty much 🥰
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At some point in June or whenever jikook died their hair lol, they filmed Dope as well. You can find my thoughts over part of the making film from memories in this post here. And you can watch the BTS episode making film from YouTube here too. Naver StarCast also released an article with behind the scenes photos from when they were making the MV. Which includes some police officer roleplaying (maybe, hard to tell from photos lol) from jikook. And the makes this Twitter video extra sus was the fact that it got deleted. Jimin or Jungkook posted this video of them to Twitter or fancafe (I don't remember) from when they were filming the Dope MV.... making kissy faces at the camera and then JK leaning to kiss the camera, but going all the way over to kiss where JIMIN is standing in the camera frame. 👀 and then it was deleted.... so think of that whatever you decide lol
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Some point between the 20th and the 23rd, they filmed Run BTS episodes 1 -2 as well. Also filmed right around that same time was Gayo Tracks 1 - 2 also. On 150623, they filmed Run BTS Episode 5, which you can read my post over here. As well as on this day, they filmed the reaction to their Dope MV. Which was just Jimin and Jhope. I won't say too much, but you could make it a drinking game... how many times does Jimin call Jungkook handsome in 5 minutes? And at some in the middle of June, they also filmed Run BTS Episode 4 and Episode 6. (Episode 3 was filmed in July)
On 150625 they perform on Mcountdown for Dope and have a Q&A backstage with fan questions on sticky notes. There is a lot of chest slapping happening this video from everyone. Lol Jimin looks horrified yet still finding it funny when JK eats one of the sticky notes. 😆 (literally why...) and at one point Jimin gets answered as who is the main character of the Dope MV. And so then JK holds onto him with one arm as he repeatedly slaps Jimins chest with the other hand along with all the other members. Lol
150627, JK posts a twt video of Jimin sleeping. With the caption "Aigoo our hyung-nim is sleeping well. What could he be dreaming about..." and on 150628, Jimin posts a response to the video with his own tweet.... and a translation here where he addressed JK calling him hyungnim lol He also posted a jikook selca thanking ARMY. Also on this day, JK posts another song recommendation, this one called Love Me Again, stopped on the lyrics "could you love me again" lots of love songs being recommended recently. Just his taste or his taste at the moment for a reason? 🤷🏻‍♀️ A Bangtan Bomb was also filmed this day where we see JK film said sleeping Jimin from the first tweet. Lol
150630, warm up interview video. Around 6:30ish in, JK holds Jimin from behind by the waist very cutely. Jimin starts acting up and being silly, but JK just hangs out there for a good 20 seconds just holding him. Lol Also on the 30th, Jimin posts to Twitter with the caption, thank you, 600 photos. And posts screenshots of jikook and jimin selca spam in his camera folder. Lol
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And that wraps up part 2 for May & June 2015! Due to the winning poll, I'm posting this part early, with only 2 months in it rather than 4. Not every moment was included, more just so the ones I personally felt like were ones more worthy of calling attention to and spoke to their bond. I'm not including every skinship moment or playful moment or moment where they looked at each other. Lol and my opinions are littered throughout these posts too.
Overall, I truly think this is the start of a 2015 dynamic shift coming up soon. I think that Jimin is a little more infatuated, I think he is perhaps noticing JK as an adult more this year, particularly these past 2 months. Noticing how he is finding Jungkook attractive and seemingly in more than just the friendly compliments way. JK is starting to really crush hard in some ways it seems. It looks like he is really started to test the waters a bit on what his feelings are and open up to them more. If that all makes sense. I'm not going to say TOO much, because honestly, the next 2 months are when it starts really getting good. Lol
That's all just my personal opinion though. You are all free to agree or disagree with any or one of it! Thanks  for letting me share, and again, sorry this is so long! If you read it all know I appreciate you lots! And again, if some of the timing is a smidge off for when the moments were actually filmed rather than released, I'm doing my best! Lol Thanks again! Part 3 will be next and that will include July and August 2015!
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viathecloset · 4 months
Taehyung and jungkook's relationship is overlooked by 90% of the fandom solely because they are so controlled by the narrative of the fandom/company that they cannot quite accept that anything outside is even a remote possibility. Ive been more of a quiet observer for years now [my sister's an army since 2015] and I've seen the boys, moreover I know how marketing and kpop works. It's quite evident if u observe close enough of the pattern on how this group of seven guys who genuinely love music is marketed you would understand to what extent you're being brainwashed. Im not talking about this like a conspiracy theorist. It's quite simple and right infront of you. Yall refuse to accept it that's all.
1. There are a certain set of stories that are made to be told by them, over and over again. Even if it disturbs them or they are bored. E.g: 2018 disbandment story, vmin dumpling incident, jikook rain fight/tokyo trip, mind you there are many things that happend between people who lived together for 10+ yrs but if it cuts the flow of events you are made to believe happened you aren't gonna hear from it, ever.
2. Like stories there are dynamics that each pair is supposed to portray Taegi as annoying/annoyed duo, taejin/jikook as flirty HS boyfriends, namseok/taekook the awkward old friends and no matter how much the relationships change or evolve you won't see it cuz again, it won't FIT the narrative that has already been shown.
3. Like relationships there are characteristics that thankfully some members chose to break out of during their solo era: hoseok always being sunshine and loud ( he's quite serious and very dedicated infact ), jungkook being that muscle dude who only knows how to follow his Hyungs ( he's very independent and has a lot of targets he wants to achieve individually, he's very thoughtful and organized) and Taehyung being WEIRD and weak ( he's extremely intelligent and super strong he's strategic and disciplined)
4. This brings us to the whole Taekook narrative, the fact that they've been seen so much during solo era yet people had the audacity to still call them distant and awkward solely cuz it wasn't via company but through Taehyung's ig or jungkook mentioning him in interviews etc. I think it's needless to say they aren't comfortable being touchy and showy on camera for content, hell if they were to shoot everytime Taehyung and jungkook hangout there would he enough CONTENT till 2067. They're supportive of eo and have a very big shared friend circle, when jungkook went missing for almost 2 months we got to know Taehyung was the one he was with.
5. The thing is everyone [ including my own sister ] thinks that Taehyung is being desperate or such whenever he mentions Taehyung cuz a. Yall have actually led jokers run so fucking rampant that everytime the man mentions him actually doing something you're ready to throw him under the bus and call him a liar or such. b. Im not saying jungkook isn't close to anyone else but when he isn't working or shooting content and just wants to be himself the one you saw him most was around Taehyung and yes it matters. In the name of hating shippers yall have not only dissed the quite frankly PRIVATE bond they seem to share but went as far as dissing Taehyung himself cuz of the extreme level of manipulation yall are under.
Ik imma find armys [jikookers ]under this sooner or later calling me names but to be honest I'm sick and tired of yall dissing very real people and their very real human relationships solely based off the content yall are made to believe is 100% candid. Go touch grass, get friends, go date, don't obsess over them for a while then come back and try seeing it from a neutral perspective.
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myobsessionsspace · 1 year
I felt the need to write this in light of soo many asks I’ve seen throughout Chapter 2
The crux of the asks that got me here are “I don’t see many moments around Jikook anymore” “We need more Jikook moments” “I don’t think Jikook are close anymore, xx/xx have more moments than them”
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*credit to all original owners of art & media
I just want to share *my thoughts*...
How did we meet Jikook?
Some of you may have known of them since debut, some since Blood Sweat & Tears, HYYH era, Dynamite, Butter or even most recently in Chapter Two.
However you became aware of them, you would have also been aware of their group. The reason for their current status. To know Jikook you must in some capacity know Bangtan.
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I say this because to have gotten to know Jikook, it would have been through the group using videos, Bangtan Bombs, Bon Voyages, In The Soops, concerts, all of the above, some or none at all.
(I won't mention those that only know Jikook through fanmade edited Tik Tok, fanmade YouTube edits etc.)
We learned more about them as idols, as members, as friends and as brothers. All of what we learnt we learnt with the approval of either the members or their company.
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The only other ways to have learnt about them without either theirs or their company’s approval, would have either been through paparazzi, stalker/sasaeng info, fictitious YouTube videos, rumours, guesses and assumptions.
Unless it came from the members directly, from their company, interviews, their music or their filmed content, it wasn’t meant for public consumption. It was most likely not in the members best interest and not in their control.
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Now I’m not going to judge our consumption of the above mentioned ‘unapproved’ content. I myself have enjoyed and shared many sighting photos, concert videos, stories from people that had met them etc.
For example when Jikook were spotted heading to Tokyo, prior to that, their private schedule had actually been released, allowing some to know that the two of them had indeed planned to travel alone. They're private concert viewings of other idols & groups, their private cinema and dinner outing and more. This was enjoyable information for jikook fans, supporters and shippers to know but also scary information for the two’s safety, when in the wrong hands.
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After their return from their private Tokyo trip that Jungkook organised and paid for as a gift to Jimin, Jungkook published a beautifully directed, edited and produced video of their trip. His first ever Golden Closet Film. On his terms we got full in colour, with meaningful (the permission to use Troye Sivan's song, again paid for by Jungkook) background music, a glimpse of their private trip, through Jungkook’s artistic eye. He shared with us his perspective of what he saw and how he felt felt during their private trip.
I give GCF Tokyo as an example, when we wait for THEM to show US, we get soo much more than 144p blurry images, mistranslations etc.
We get it straight from them, exactly how they see it or how they want us to see it, exactly how they feel it, or how they want us to feel it.
How do we stay with Jikook now?
They are on group hiatus, meaning we just had the last of the Run Bts’ for a while. Bangtan Bombs are now focused on solo endeavours not the group as a whole, to see the group dynamics at present, no group concerts, videos, interviews etc.
Therefore we no longer have company approved content. We still however get member approved content, such as when they go on live, Weverse interactions, music etc.
We still get ‘unapproved content’ such as stalker/sasaeng footage, paparazzi pictures & info, fictitious YouTube videos, rumours, guesses and assumptions.
However with the group just recently celebrating their 10th year anniversary, they are no longer new to idol life, they have learnt from their past, they have reduced their circle. They have increased their security, they are internationally known and more recognisable even with hats, masks & baggy clothes. They also have more money and access now, access to private jets, private rooms, private villas or even just getting whatever they want or need to the privacy of their own homes, no longer shared with a 7 member team.
They no longer have to leave the dorms for a change of scenery, after touring the world, after sharing a form for years, staying home could be said to be their change of scenery at times.
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So it’s understandable that the ‘unapproved content’ would be massively reduced in comparison to if they had embarked on Chapter Two 5 years ago.
So we no longer have a lot of company approved content (yes of solo endeavours but rarely of more than 2 members at a time and rarely repeatedly), we don’t have as much ‘unapproved’ content.
What do we the consumers have left?
What the members show us and what the members tell us.
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What have the members have shown us/told us?
Since Chapter 2 Jungkook has shown us that he had initially been enjoying down time. Rightfully deserves after training and working since the age of 13/14!
He went through puberty working in the public eye, away from home, away from his parents. Most westerners know how that turns out for some child stars. Bleak. Jungkook has shown the strength of his character by being able to maintain his humility, joy, humour, care for others & love for ARMY.
We know about his down time due to him sharing this with us through his weverse lives. Straight from him, not the company, not sasaengs but him. And we enjoyed it! We love our hours long late night lives with Jungkook. We’ve gone boxing with him, eaten fried chicken with him, sang & danced with him and even most recently had him fall asleep with us TWICE!
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Isn’t content straight from the members soo much sweeter?
Jimin, whilst Jungkook was having his down time, was flying all over the globe and in and out of the company's studios & offices. He was having intense music camp like periods with producers and practicing for his solo debut. He didn’t share with us more than a couple of pictures here and there with different producers, but when he did launch his FACE promo and subsequent videos & album, we were and still are GAGGED. Jimin KILLED K-POP in 2023 and DOMINATED (and still is) the industry.
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The wait well worth it and we LIVE still!
Though the loss of official content for some feels like a Jikook drought, some feel like the loss of official content somehow now means the loss of Jikook’s bond, relationship, whatever you may believe it to be.
Some feel as though the lack of official Jikook means they never were all they felt them to have been. There are a number of things I have seen and heard in regards to Jikook since Chapter 2.
But what have JIKOOK themselves shown us. As I said before, aside from ‘unapproved’ content, which is severely reduced as the members are older, smarter, richer and wiser, we can really only truly rely on the members themselves.
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With his downtime, as I said earlier, shared his boxing training, his eating, drinking, watching tv and sleeping with us.
However what did Jikook share with us when Jungkook was boxing?
What did Jungkook share with us when singing?
What did Jungkook share with us on white day?
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How sweet was it to see his face light up with each of his interactions with Jimin? How fun was it to watch him stan over Jimin’s music? How cute was if to watch him uwu over Jimin’s interviews?
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We know had been super busy in being involved with every aspect of his solo debut.
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His solo music was and is soo important to him. It was his priority in Chapter 2. However he never failed to show his support with his presence via the comments on MANY of Jungkook’s lives.
Not only that but the biggest gift to ARMY, Jikook supporters and Jungkook was Jungkook’s presence on an album that Jimin clearly stated in multiple interviews had no features. Jungkook’s name is in the credits and his do ring voice cannot be denied, but apart from the credits and the vocals, Jimin has never mentioned Jungkook’s participation.
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I guess they really mean it when they say ‘You are Me & I am You’
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Letter to *me* is Jimin’s GCF Tokyo. A labour of love, showing us the thoughts, feelings and emotions, this time not through video but through song.
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What Jungkook & Jimin have shown us in Chapter two is MORE than enough for me, it’s just as sweet and even sweeter than any ‘unapproved’ or approved content.
If you still need more from them, that is not for their benefit, with their interests in mind or to cement their bond/relationship. That is your issue to deal with.
Whenever you feel like you need ‘more’ from Jikook than they’ve already allowed you to have, go back and watch their labour of love GCF Tokyo (heck pretty much all of the GCFs including Saipan), go back and listen to their labour of love ‘Letter’, go back and read their interviews.
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If all of that is still not enough, it’s a you problem.
Not a them problem.
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not-goldy · 1 month
i would say im a jjk and all i have to say is that jungkook's tunnel vision, who it's directed at for a very long time, it's jimin and it's actually godamn hilarious to see a certain group of people run with such baseless narratives even now, a lot of them still haven't been able to acknowledge gcf in tokyo for what it is, take it at its face value as it pretty much just erases every fantasy they have of this ideal reality that they wish for certain members and it's been like what 7 years, 7 years of evading the obvious and on top of that they now have to deal with the companion enlistment, it's almost entertaining to see them scramble for a theory, another one of those wack theories they can latch onto for years in order for their fantasy to live on.....but it's such a shame when supposed solos of either jk/jm go to such insane lengths to pretend that those two don't like each other, it just shows that they truly don't know them beyond how they want to perceive them especially when they bring up certain past mistakes made by naive young people navigating a very unfamiliar environment, there's about 80% of their private personal experiences that we as fans aren't privy to, do these people honestly think jungkook and jimin haven't talked or discussed about their personal feelings in regards to how they feel towards the way they treat each other in any occasion or worked through their problems or established boundaries within their relationship, do these people think jungkook and jimin are still teens, that they haven't grown in the past years to known their own worth or do they just pretend not to see how deep jikook's bond has grown over the years, i'm a jungkook stan through and through and i've seen the shift in the way he shows his affection towards jimin, it's gotten much more mature and bolder and i don't have the right to define it further but such a thing doesn't happen just magically, you don't just choose to enlist with someone just because they asked you to, it involves two people, just like how a relationship involves two people and they've worked through it, communicated when needed to, grown, explored the depths of it in their own terms and which is why they've settled into a dynamic that is so profoundly visible and grounding to both of them, which is also why they are so in tune to each other's thought process and emotions, it happened over time, it's been over 10 years, 10 years, nobody can erase that and if someone willingly chooses to ignore it and bring up past mistakes/weave false narratives when they can't accept reality they'll just have live in denial for the rest of their lives
Now this right here
Yea. What JJK Anon said
Also being a JJK who understands and appreciates Jikook's bond is so shekshie. Marry me🤭🤭🤭
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daffyjjk · 1 month
🌸 About Me [!]
Huloo lovely people 💘, I’m daffy, a 25-year-old Asian, BTS Paradise and 13430 enthusiast, and the admin of this cozy corner of the internet. Here's a little peek into who I am:
🌟 Proud Jikook enthusiast: I adore the adorable dynamics between Jikook, reveling in their affectionate care and especially their deep love. While Jungkook stands as my bias, Jimin's endearing gestures always leave me captivated!
📊 Corporate Girlie: I thrive on playing with data by day and indulging in fandom adventures by night.
📚 Bookworm: When I'm not buried in spreadsheets, you'll find me lost in the pages of a good book.
💜 OG BTS Girlie: BTS isn't just a band to me; they're my guiding stars. Since the DNA era back in 2016, their music has been the soundtrack to my life. My ultimate dream is to experience the magic of their concert live, feeling every beat resonate through my soul.
🐶 Dog Lover: Samoyeds and Goldens have a special place in my heart—they're just too adorable!
🧋 Boba Enthusiast: I believe boba makes everything better, especially when accompanied by a good cry over Jikook moments.
😍Fav blogs: Shoutout to @hon3ymo0n and @kanmom51 —my top two favorite blogs! Their eloquence and the enchanting way they discuss Jikook always leave me spellbound. It's like diving into a captivating novel with every post. Big love to @sunandmoonjikook and @mimikoolover too! Their amazing content brightens my mornings and brings me comfort. Grateful for their presence on my timeline!
Feel free to shoot me an ask or a text if you want to dive deeper into any of these interests or just chat about life! 💖✨
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I've asked myself many times over the course of three years about how would I react to information that comes to contradict a specific image I have about people. And the answer would differ, more or less, depending on a myriad of factors, such as my mental wellbeing, my attitude toward the fandom, the group, the members, etc. The truth is, I only knew how I would respond the moment it happens and I was pleasantly surprised in a way. I see it as a sign that I'm doing better or at least I'm on the path of doing better.
These are things that I didn't want to allow to come to surface in the way I used to handle the BTM blog. Perhaps because the point was to create a platform in which I could offer the rational, researched perspective which I considered to be the correct one. I'm not retracting any of that. I still believe that it is possible to offer a more complex perspective if I can back it up with knowledge from various fields, but it was also one of my defense mechanisms.
Without expanding on the personal reasons, it has become very easy for me to separate my rational and emotional side. So much, that even when I should be staying in the moment and let my emotions take space, I can't really do it, I need to come up with a rational explanation so it can make sense. I then applied this to BTS as well. I couldn't just say I like this group when someone would ask, I would have to tell them about all the studies I read and how my fascination is mostly intelectual, when in truth it was both. I used to talk about jikook only in the context of analysis, be it GCF through semiotics or various types of interpretations when it came to their performances or fandom reception in terms of their dynamics. It had to be in the context of rational fascination and curiosity because I was merely trying to justify myself on why I care that much about two strangers that I look at on my phone. Again, my intellectual curiosity is real, but that has always been only one side if the coin, but it was one that I pushed.
It's about shame actually. I can't actually accept that I have such an interest. It doesn't fit with the idea I have of myself. And sometimes I don't like it because it makes me question my intellect, my critical thinking. How can I be so good academically and at the same time I fear that I've fallen into a fandom trap? I'm smart, right? Right?
I'm sure a lot of people have dealt with or ar going through this process of cognitive dissonance. How does one deal with the mere idea that something they believe in based on their understanding of the world, their ability of decoding (not in a conspiracy sense, but in a Saussurean way) can turn out to be wrong? We see something that resembles a specific behavior that we are surrounded with our entire lives, sometimes we ourselves engage with, but we've identified it wrong on others? Of course, it's through the visual medium, one that is edited. It's a puzzle with large chunks missing, but we're getting a general idea of it. But we can be wrong. So how do we deal with that? Well, I don't have a correct answer.
Me in 2020/2021 would have been more affected because my mental health was not good. I was functionally depressed and I clinged so much onto BTS, Jikook and the small community that I found myself in at that time, that I would have felt a lot more torn than I am now.
A couple of years later and having to actually go through a situation in which my understanding of people's relationship might not be accurate, I realized I'm fine. And I think it's because it made me really register just now that I finally learned how to have fun with it. It took me three years. By having fun, I mean genuinely being able to simply enjoy the little things. I'm still on the path of not being ashamed for liking kpop or spending time talking about the dynamic/relationship of two people.
What prompted this post was reading what is currently being written in the jikook tag. Yes, I had this big introductory chunk that perhaps people won't bother reading, but I'm doing it for myself. If I can't be honest while writing stuff into the void for strangers to read, then what is the point?
I get frustrated very easily. I like debates and contradictory points of view, but not always. And that's because I like to be right. Almost all the time. So when I see something that I believe it lacks logic or I find it absurd, then my fingers are itching. I don't comment or DM people, I can control myself. I'd rather get out of the app and do something else.
What I want to say is I was surprised at how much fanfiction is being written. More that usual. Shipping contains a big deal of fanfiction by its nature. Gestures and events taking place at different times are interpreted and having information added that fills the gaps. People do that because they have to make sense of what they see.
They like to make relationship timelines. They speculate on first kisses and first sexual experiences. That's their imagination. None of us has any way of knowing. The element of fiction is heighted when people feel like they are losing control of the narrative. When they are unsure of what they are seeing. Which is what usually happens in the shipping community on a yearly basis. Anons flooding the bloggers' inboxes because they need confirmation or they didn't get any ship content in a month or two which means something is wrong.
There's this understanding that the shipper/supporter is delusional while the one who stops shipping is the rational one. From what I've observed throughout time and mostly now, that is a false distinction. The so-called rational fan makes use of fiction just as the shipper. The difference is in purpose. One talks about why the supposed romantic relationship is real and the other tries to refute that. But both categories seem to need fiction in order to build their arguments. That is because none of them have access to someone's private life and relationship, so the gaps need to be filled with speculation. There is no right or wrong version here, despite how much the idea is being pushed. And me writing about this won't make a difference. It's simply how the fandom works. The one who position themselves on the side of anti-delulu will always be seen as the less crazy one. The similarities will fade for the collective consciousness of the fandom.
I think it's difficult for a lot of people, regardless on which side they find themselves on, to accept that the option of simply not knowing is enough as well. Or knowing, but without getting anal about it. But it's hard and they write posts after posts, anons are sending asks over asks because there has to be a firm answer. Only a few allow themselves to be in between lines.
I'll bring back something that I always used to say. Shipping and involvement in the fandom is a lot more about us and less about the people we're talking about. It's about fullfiling some needs, of needing a community, of focusing on the idea of love. Those things can still be done in a way that still makes the experience enjoyable. But not everyone can and I'm not blaming it.
There's a way to just like how people behave with each other and imagine things without adding so much weight to it. Regardless of the true nature. It's our imagination, there's no need for a moral inquisition to tell anyone how to think or that they should stop thinking a certain way. Touching some grass is a cliche and an expression I ended up hating, but I do believe that being connected to discourse on a daily basis can really alter our sense of reality and what we consider to be real issues. We really should pay more attention to that and take some distance if necessary.
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always-is-always · 4 months
Watching original content...
Some of the bloggers that I follow here talk about how important it is to watch original content. It seems to be an obvious thing to do, yet many never go quite that far. Especially some of the fringe people who are hyper-focused upon a single member or a particular relationship within Bangtan.
All I can say is that it does matter, whether one sees original content, or not. When a person relies only on compilations, videos that are created with a particular "focus" (relationship or idol), analysis videos, and content that has incorrect translations or interpretations, then the person is going to have a very distorted view of things.
I know as I've been there..... not realizing what I was viewing as a pre-baby ARMY. (I didn't even know what it meant to be "ARMY".) That YouTube algorythym that can take a person down rabbit holes that have never been explored, you know. Yeah. So I watched a ton of videos on all sorts of things related to BTS, before I was on this platform, and before I really had a grasp on what any of it meant.
Thankfully, one of those YT channels recommended Dalloga's blog here on Tumblr, as she is known for her translations and clarifications on Korean language and culture. I managed to find her blog, not having any clue what Tumblr was. lol It took me over a year get the nerve to create my account, and then another year before I started to follow people and post.
So yeah....As an English-speaking woman living in the States, I had a HUGE learning curve to navigate, and much of it had to do with understanding the culture around BTS. I had to learn what a "bias" was, what "shipping" meant, what the heck those combined names meant 😆 (Jikook, Taekook, Jinkook, etc., etc.), and none of it really made sense to me. Here in the US, we don't have anything quite like the culture around K-Pop. Even now, I don't get the total attachment to labels in the fandom.
So what is the point to these words?
I am finally making my way through some original content that I have never watched before. Yay for me! 🎉
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Having watched BV season 1 last week, I just finished season 2 of Bon Voyage last night, and OMG. To watch from beginning to end, to see everthing as it was and not chopped up and edited to fit a storyline someone has created, has been so awesome. It's been even more eye-opening given where we currently are in the BTS timeline (everyone in the military).
And, I see dynamics and moments in their original context which helps to clarify my understanding of things. Yeah. Clarity and understanding... always a good thing.
I understand how some have mis-interpreted certain things.
I'm going to navigate away from making big statements here, that would lead down some rabbit holes that I'd rather not explore. There are plenty here on this platform who have done it already, and it's not my forte. I'll just say that it is always a good choice to look at original content, and just let it be what it is. The reminder here is that they never show everything. What we see is but a glimpse....
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These months that we have on-hand are a prime time to take the deep dive into original content. Perhaps it is a re-visit for some folks.
I'm going to do my homework, and learn what I can, via tons of episodes of BV, RUN BTS, and anything else I can put my hands on. It's going to be a fun journey! 💜💜💜
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jmdbjk · 7 months
Bangtan Weekly Report
Been a while. How are ya? We got a lot of shit going on and it has not been easy keeping up. I'll be glad when they are back together in 2025 so we can rest. Lol. Just kidding... I guess.
In a few hours we get Golden. I am excited to hear what Jungkook's chosen for his first album. I am excited to hear him explore these genres of songs. I am sure he's learned a lot during this process just as all the others have. He did a pre-release "press conference" and here is Dispatch's video of it: Watch Kookie's interview here.
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He was very poised and articulate... dare I say "mature"? He is doing well. I'm very proud of Jungkook. He and his dance team are very excited to show us what they've created. I'm sure it will be amazing.
He mentioned a future Korean song as a gift? Don't tell me he means his gift to us before he leaves for MS...
Taemin with Jimin special appearance on Suchwita. Finally watched. The dynamic between Jimin and Taemin and Jimin and Yoongi was fascinating.
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I don't know a lot about Taemin. Of course I've seen he and Jimin's performance from a while back. Taemin is a great performer. He seems like a very sincere person.
Jimin's Dior campaign.
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So lovely that we finally get to see him in motion. Ever since Hobi's LV campaign with the bags, I've been wanting to see Dior or Tiffany take advantage of Jimin's fluid motion and FINALLY they woke up and showed him moving. Not a fan of the oversized knit vests but those suits are wonderful.
Namjoon... Mr. Black Void for an IG pfp... showing us some images from his trip to London.
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Fun fact: That Kodak Portra 400 35mm film is anywhere from $15-$25 per roll of film... then you have to pay to have it developed.
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His hair is dark in the image... not taken while he was in London... but when? Japan? That sand looks black. Ibusuki Beach? Except for that ship out there... hmmm.
His documentary will be coming down the line at some point, it will be jam-packed with his meanderings from these past two years. Maybe we'll find out where he's been.
The BTS documentary will be out in December. Our Christmas present. I'm looking forward to it. There will be new footage in it.
Tae channeling him some Elvis for Celine is interesting. I suppose this is from an upcoming campaign or magazine spread.
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And this was shared with us.
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Jung Hoseok achieving his Corporal promotion ahead of time which I think means he would have three bars on his shirt pocket instead of the two as in this photo from his IG.
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Less than a year left until Hobi's discharged and 7.5 months left before Jin is discharged.
It was the anniversary of The Astronaut this week. Can't believe this year just flew by. The reluctance to wish time to fly by but at the same time wanting it to slow down in order to live in the moment...we were so worried this time last year. We are making it through this ya'll. We are getting there.
Samsung campaign giving us Yoongi in tan pants. Doing god's work if you ask me:
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Xylitol also keeping the Bangtan flame lit ...
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How come Jimin and Jungkook are the only ones with their left hands in their pockets? Jikook always jikooking. You are me I am you is strong with them.
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akookminsupporter · 5 months
Hey Rosie! Quite surprised that we had Jikook cooking and spending time together in Jimin's apartment shown in the docu. I knew the reason we have so many jikook moments the past years was bec they were always together, but this uptick in recent and upcoming (travel show) Jikook moments have been interesting.
Imagine the chaos that happened the past two to three years when people left and right have been shouting that they're not close/not spending anymore time together, that they're the only members not engaging on each other's social media posts, only to be proven for the thousandth time that, they're pretty much spending time together and that they're just not posting or broadcasting it.
Can you imagine how many Jikook hangouts we're not privy to?? Good for them. They're happy and inside their own bubble without an effing care about people trying to disprove their bond.
But God, imagine being together for the past decade, spending off-hours and rest days together, and still opting to enlist in the buddy system together, 24/7, for possibly 547 days? At this point, even I can't imagine how much they love being together to the point that they're so secure they won't get sick of each other's presence. I'm going to be so insufferable when their show comes out. I probably won't stop talking about it.
Hello, Anon! In your Ask, you mentioned several things that I'd like to comment on, so I'll go paragraph by paragraph if you don't mind.
I finished writing everything I had to say, and I realize it's quite lengthy, and the Ask is already long – I'm sorry!
Paragraph 1: This is interesting. I'm curious to know why this surprised you. If anything, it is consistent with everything we've seen from Jimin and Jungkook in this type of content. They spend a lot of time together, generating moments between them that don't involve other members or that other members don't have. As I mentioned in another Ask, I believe that's precisely why we can always count on various moments between them in official content. It's not that everything is scripted or fake; it's simply that their dynamic creates moments that can be captured. Regarding the increase in moments between them, it's not that unusual. When you spend so much time with another person, it's normal. They have confirmed this time and time again, in my opinion. As for the show/series/documentary they did, I do recognize that it surprised me that they did it, especially considering the timing. Regarding this, I can't say much because we don't have any information about it. We don't know what the focus of the show will be, if it has one, of course.
Paragraph 2: Something that many people don't seem to understand is that the day has 24 hours, and these men don't share absolutely everything that happens in their lives with us. Just because we don't see something doesn't mean it didn't happen. It also doesn't mean it happened, but it doesn't mean it didn't either. This is tied to all the recent or ongoing discord with the subgroup. But especially since last year; they've mocked endlessly that Jimin and Jungkook didn't spend time together, that they didn't talk, etc., but at the same time, Jimin and Jungkook let us know through comments in their own Wlives that they did see each other's Wlives. They almost always mentioned the other, or in Jungkook's case, he spent time watching Jimin's videos in his Vlives or listening to his songs. This argument also falls apart when we remember that Jimin and Jungkook applied together for a special system that would allow them to enlist together in the army. It's not a decision you make with someone you're not close to and with whom you don't have communication outside of work. This decision also involved constant communication between them to complete the application and all that it entailed. Pretending that Jimin and Jungkook made that decision overnight after not having contact with each other is absurd and ridiculous at best. Pretending that they made that decision without being close or having a close relationship is even more so, especially when they had other options. This argument has also crumbled many times when, after a while, Jimin and Jungkook tell us that they were together at a certain moment, that they did something together, or, as we saw in the documentary, they are recorded by the cameras. Not everyone has to believe that Jimin and Jungkook are a couple or that the possibility of them being one exists and is high, but to believe that they are not close, don't like spending time together, or don't get along is ridiculous.
Paragraphs 3 and 4: Jimin and Jungkook like spending time together. That's something that no one can really argue, although many obviously try to. That's why it was a bit surprising that they filmed a show/series/documentary together before enlisting. Before we knew about the buddy system, it made sense to us that they would decide to do something like this because they wouldn't be together for a long time. But after learning that they would spend that time together, many of us wondered why. Perhaps the simplest answer is that they wanted to do something together for us, and the company agreed because they know better than us that the two of them have very good chemistry, and anything they did together would be entertaining. But at the same time, it's not that simple because, despite sharing a lot with us, or so it seems, Jimin and Jungkook are quite reserved and private about their relationship or dynamics. And for that reason, it will be very interesting to see what they did together.
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goldenhickeysandramen · 8 months
We exists in grey or multicolour ;)
I agree with @humanuser0613 and @parkparkjeon on their general message they convey on their recent posts below (and i borrowed even one of their sentence for the title, ups ;))
The way jikookers behave as if there is only one school of thought...😞
I'm sorry, but that's not the case.
The messages I got on twitter two days ago were 🤬 and I just said I wasn't going to go in and debunk anything because I wasn't sure about the vid (honestly so many things matches up for me).
But it doesn't really matter… because I never said Jikook wasn't real or that the girl on the vid was JK's girlfriend. I just said that no matter what happens I just cared that they were safe and happy. They were gonna have my full support no matter what!
And yet, many jikookers sent me pictures, diagrams, warned me that they blocked me… as if I was an infected in the community that needed to be formatted
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No one should dictate the line of thinking.
I believe that jikook love each other and has been inseparable for many years. I believe that truly their connection, their bond is one in a million. Friends, siblings, lovers, partners… I think they have been through all these states and their chemistry, understanding and affection are unquestionable.
But I don't know what the state of their relationship is this year cause it's been about 10 months since I've seen them live for more than a few seconds and I don't have any information about their dynamic, beyond the fact that JK missed Jimin in the first quarter of the year, and now he's totally focused on his music career and shares part of his time with us.
I do not feel able to define or explain in detail how their relationship is or works this year. And I adapt to what I see at any given moment. People change. It's no longer valid to say "jikook glued" because in 2019 they were stuck together, when clearly they are not in 2023.
So, let everyone say what they want about them. No need to lecture or threaten in posts.
My love and support for them does not change. I have spent quite a lot of money on their albums and works, and I have devoted part of my time this year to vote, report many accounts and make long threads about how beautiful their relationship was.
Nobody should come to me with the fake Jikooker thing, when many of them were tired of criticising JK when he released Seven, or calling him a puppet of the company. These same people are now celebrating the fact that he is so bold and independent today to put those fans who criticise him in their place.
Support is shown day by day with actions, and not with screaming on twitter and trying to evangelize the community.
Borahae to all 💜
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beautifulpersonpeach · 6 months
Hi BPP, i know that i probably shouldn’t be asking you this but right now you are the only blogger i know who might be able to explain this to me in a way that make sense.
So i’m kinda new to the fandom (January 2023) but i’ve been able to watch loads of clips and pretty much caught up to speed with alot of content. I’m not a shipper but i were to ship anyone, I’d probably ship Vmin because they are my favourite members and Jungkook comes right after the two of them on my scale of preference, but i have always thought Jk has an extremely special and sorta complicated relationship with Jimin. It really confuses me sometimes but i know that those two have a really beautiful bond. For Taekook, they have always been very easy for me to understand but while going through some blogs here on tumblr, i noticed that so many taekookers believe that taekook’s ITS talk was scripted. They think so because, apparently neither Jk or tae had ever looked or seemed distant or awkward around each other. They bring up examples of them napping together on ITS, still hanging around each other and even engaging in skinship. According to them, taekook wouldn’t do all these if they really were awkward and distant.
I personally think they are interpreting the whole thing wrong but a part of me wonders if they might have a point. I don’t see any reason why the company would make taekook act out something like that, which pretty much shows that they went through an awkward phase plus taekook seemed very genuine to me while they had the talk and ut didn’t seem like it was an act. So my question to you is, what are your thoughts about the ITS talk? Why do u think some pple continue to insist that it was scripted? I’m just trying to understand the whole thing cuz the different opinions i’ve read about it really confuses me. I don’t think there is anything going on with taekook ofcourse (it just wouldn’t make sense) but i think they are one of the closest pairs, and people tkkrs misinterpret their partners in crime dynamics for romance love. Pls i’d really appreciate it if u can let me know ur thoughts on this.
I could go into a rambling detailed breakdown of why Taekookers believe what they believe (their only option in this scenario is to believe the convo is scripted, their theories leave them no choice), or get into how taekook did drift apart and by how much, or talk about the inevitable angle of fan service, etc, but the truth is I really don't want to get into it.
I don't care enough about taekook or taekookers to dive into it, so I'll give you the abridged version.
The obvious counterpoint to their narrative is to ask why their villainization of Jimin skyrocketed in the years during which taekook supposedly 'didn't' drift apart. The times they hated him for jikook's Japan trip, the time they hated him for the fixed orbit situation jikook had in 2018, jikook in 2019 were a problem too. A huge problem for taekookers given they couldn't stop talking about how 'Jimin was working with the company to take Jungkook away from Taehyung while lying to Taehyung that it is to protect his relationship, so jikook + BTS + HYBE were fucking Taehyung over in his personal life and his career'. It riles me up just typing it out so imagine how insane these people are to believe this as a core creed 24/7. Anyhoo, they knew something was 'wrong' in a sense with taekook and that Jimin was involved somehow, and this is plainly evident in their well documented behaviour from 2016 - 2020. In my opinion. Do I think they're right and Jimin is the reason taekook were distant? No. I think whatever distance happened is due to taekook's own actions. But I also think it betrays an understanding in taekookers, that taekook had drifted apart.
What do I think about the ITS talk? I'm glad they had it. I like taekook and had missed seeing their dynamic. For anyone still not sure if they indeed drifted apart, if you can sense a general shift of more taekook content after that conversation than immediately before it, what does that tell you? The sort of rapport between them now is reminiscent of their closeness prior to 2016-ish, and in some ways better so that's good to see.
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wingzie · 2 years
Jikook After Tokyo
In 2014 Jimin said that he wanted to go on a trip alone with Jungkook. Three years later they travelled to Tokyo alone together. On 30th October 2017, Jimin and Jungkook returned from their trip.  A day later, Jimin uploaded a selca of them together in the dance practice room. The selca gives intimate vibes, with the way JK’s cheek is resting on Jimin’s fluffy hair as they lean against each other. You can feel their happiness radiating through the selca with their smiles. They’re glowing in domesticity and it was something that continued.
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On November 1st, BTS performed at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics G-100 Concert. All of the groups sang Butterfly together for the encore.  Jimin and Jungkook stayed close together as they got into position for rehearsals, nearly always touching. Jimin stayed behind Jungkook, with their bodies overlapping as they whispered to each other on stage. Jikook stayed constantly glued to each other whilst rehearsing and it didn’t go unnoticed. 
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The bubble that Jimin and Jungkook created continued as they sang live.  Continuously giving each other heart eyes and whispering to each other just before the fireworks went off. They stayed within each other's orbit and these sweet interactions made some interested in their dynamics, aware that Jikook had just returned from their Tokyo trip together. Jimin and Jungkook seemed closer than ever.
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The next day, the members filmed episodes 30 and 31 of Run BTS. The loser of the episode would have to wear their outfit on their way to Macau the next day on November 3rd. (Spoilers: Jimin lost.) Jimin and Jungkook stayed alongside each other at the airport as they walked past the mass crowds.
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Shortly after they touched down, Jimin was spotted at a local hospital and rumours quickly spread. On the day of the concert,  BH announced that Jimin would not be fully taking part in the choreography on stage due to muscle pain. You could see how frustrated Jimin was on the chair with limited movement and the members made sure to include him as much as they could. They also tried to make him smile and comfort him.  In the Burn the Stage Episode 8, we saw more of what happened in the behinds before the concert. Jimin is clearly upset by his muscle pain and how it will affect the performance. Especially when it was the last leg of the tour before going back to Seoul. Jungkook sits next to him on the sofa as the other members discuss Jimin taking it easy during the concert. They express their concern and understanding of his situation, not wanting the pain to get worse.
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The lyrics from “There For You” hit more when you realise that Jungkook would have been editing GCFT during this time. Just like how Jimin ran to Jungkook twice in London 2018 when he was also injured, they are always there for each other. We have seen so many instances over the years where they have been there for each other. It’s a very strong instinct between them and their presence alone helps the other when they are upset. Something consistent from over the years.
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On 6th November 2017, Jimin posted a cute vlog in two parts of their trip to Tokyo. Jimin starts the adorable edit with the opening captions of “Finally the first trip.”, referencing his wish from 2014. The video features both Jimin and Jungkook enjoying themselves in Tokyo, sharing the various activities that they did together. He also uploaded a selca of themselves in costume, which they wore as they went around in Halloween undetected.
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Unknown to Jimin at the time, Jungkook was also working on his own creation. It took approximately eight days to finish the masterpiece, amongst all the other schedules that they had. Often staying up late to finish editing, as Namjoon stated that he saw Jungkook editing at 3am. Jungkook happily uploaded GCFT on 8th November 2017 at 10pm kst, whilst filming the VCR for 4th Muster.
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GCFT contained footage of their trip in Tokyo, with scenes of mostly Jimin being featured. Jimin responded to the post over an hour later, saying that “if hyung knew that you were going to make such a cool video, I would’ve cared more about how I look and I wouldn’t have done such weird things. Next time I will try to look better. Thank you for making this video. You worked hard.” The video shows their trip mostly from his pov. Jimin looks stunning as we see him happily walking around Tokyo or spinning in the tea cup. With the delicate choice of editing and clips to match the lyrics, you cannot help but feel certain emotions when you watch it.
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The trip was obviously very meaningful to both Jimin and Jungkook.They both made edits of their trip which they then shared with us. They didn’t have to, but they did. They wanted to include us with their memories. They also continued to reference GCFT several times over the years. When asked “what was something you experienced for the first time this year?” Jimin responded with ``I went on a trip with Jungkook for the first time.”
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After Macau and the release of GCFT, BTS travelled to America for the AMA’s and Mic Drop promotions. Whilst travelling, Jungkook asked to sit in the same car as Jimin. Jimin then posted a video of them on the plane. During the AMA’s itself, Jungkook continued to rub Jimin’s jacket. Jimin asked him to stop and Jungkook did, keeping his hand on his waist. Similar to the Olympics stage, Jikook stayed close together as they went to the main stage.
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When they returned to Seoul, award season continued. They also completed their Wings Tour, with Jikook doing a charming and flirty Vlive together on December 8th before they went on stage. These soft and smitten vibes continued into 2018 when award season ended and they started to rehearse for 4th Muster. Whilst performing, Jikook flirted with each other and the fandom noticed that Jikook still had that certain glow around them. That they made each other happy and blush and weren’t afraid to show it. Something which continued throughout 2018 and later years.
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bulletproofscales · 5 months
Hey there, hope you’re well! Love your work, it’s amazing. Hope you don’t mind me asking, but was really interested in how you started writing BTS wg fics and which member of youe favourite to write about? always love your work and excited for whatever comes next :)
omg hiii!! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝ first of all, thank you soso much for the support?!!?!? it always makes me happy to see likes/reblogs/ao3 comments from blogs i recognize (ಥ﹏ಥ) and this ask,,, youre making my day.
i got inot a ramble so ill put one of these hehe sorry (ง ื▿ ื)ว
i dont mind the question at all!! even if i was a deep lurker in feedism communities of most of my fandoms. looking "chubby draco malfoy " into google images since 2012 ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ and later religiously following wg-writers of whatever fandom i migrated through. i would always send so many asks, and when i got into BTS i was older, and properly aware of what feedism was, and actively looking for it on tumblr. back then it was a handful of people with now deactivated blogs and @bangtanstummies (who as im writing this blog see has a deactivated blog as well :,) , i swear going through my dms is like going through a cementary) . i try to stay in touch with as many of the people now as i can!! but everyone will know im the suckiest at texts (@cookiesuga55 will know ) but id love to chat more and be more present
anyway back to the community in 2018, i really loved their stuff, and i felt like there was still room to add new ideas (which was hard in a fandom with as much fanficiton as BTS's) , thats what inspired to make my blog!! back then it was claled bangtangchub, and i didnt know how to activate my asks, bangtanstummies was the one to let me know and we even got into a discord all of us together!!! crazy times ( ◡‿◡ *) i remember being the oldest of the group👴 i was 15 at the time, some coudl argue it wasn't my place to be writing fetish fanfiction, maybe theyre right. but i found such a happy place in my fics. not only have i met some of my closest friends through here; (people ive met in real life!?!? ) but its helped me so much to find a safe place to explore my emotions, sexuality, and craft a hobby that was all my own. i dont think im that good of a writer, but i am really so proud of having stuck to something for so long, and having worked on it all by myself.
often times i feel like i lack the motivation to do anything with my life, and just all-around consider myself someone who lacks the strength and backbone to really do hard things. and i like to think of this blog, and my journey in it, as a place that proof i can... idk,, be good at things i worked hard on.
ANYWAY!! that was a long rant. As for the character i like writing the most about!! welli role play as jungkook almost daily! so i do feel a lot of myself in him. but i love writing all characters, over the years i really made an effort to not fall into a comfortable ship, because i really do think you could spin a wheel and whatever combination of bts members ahs their own unique loving dynamic.
as for things to come!! im working on a fic inspired by some art i saw recently by @gigichingado , jikook, im really liking how its turning out, and ofc because its me, its stretching out more and more in the build up ( _ _ ") . but i want it done over this week!! ps, i saw your obese tae requests, and i can definetly get something out after that (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
thank you for asking and giving me a place to rant!!
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not-goldy · 6 months
He wanted to be a macho shirtless military MAAN for AMI and he clicked that photo with one person who wouldn’t cringe at that idea. You think he can go to JM and RM and be like “you wanna take off your shirt, wear cool glasses and snap a chad photo for Ami?”. The energy of that photo is two f@ckbois from a frat house. I have seen boys do that in high school. And you claim one was in a 2 year relationship with a girl while other is in years long relationship with his bandmate ? Nah girl... they both are having time of their lives enjoying with different people lol
You mean Tae???
If you are new to the Fandom then all this might be a spectacle to you I suppose but it's established troop in the Fandom from day one that Tae Kook are the mischief peas in a pod slash power rangers criminal associates in the group. It's always been their thing- it's what their shippers mistake as romantic relations.
Fratboys energy- lmho that's the whole foundation of their friendship sir. Like Jk said Tae is the one he always gets in trouble with and we all know that💀
As for taking shirtless macho man snaps for ami- well
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Jikook beat them to it so....
And since Jimin has said how uncomfortable he is with showing us his bald head- I don't see how or why anyone would want to breach his boundaries and post those bald headed photos of him online without his consent.
These are two men who genuinely respect Jimin's boundaries. They may not respect eachother's boundaries most of the time but Jimin is their cat among their dog💀
I mean he keeps giving skippity paps whenever they do mwre skinship with him imagine what he'd do to them if they breach his boundaries🥴
Im tired of talking about Tae Kook and boundaries, he's posting photos Jk intentionally crops himself out of, taking photos to feed army- listen, until Jungkook puts wellington boots in his guts I don't think Tae's ever going to stop😭
Like I said, it's their dynamic too. I know it gets on JKs nerves sometimes but what is he going to do about it? Tae will always be Tae, my cute little pot stirrer😹
Until they both decide to rebrand and leave their mischief identity behind- Tae will always bring him the chaos 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And I think with that whole accidentally leaking the fact Tae smoked- I think vmin's learned a thing or two bout boundaries💀
I'm having war flashbacks to Tae yelling let's not look at the camera while JK is busy eye fucking Jimin through the screen. "Jimin is in JK's room. He wants to come but I don't think JK is allowing him"
My whole soul has left my body
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Wait are you suggesting Tae Kook can't each be in committed relationships with other people in their lives while alo being the friends that they are??
I'm judging you so hard right now💀
At your big age???? Honey😩
They've always been like this- you can't tell me these are virgins or haven't been in any committed relationship in all almost 30 years of their lives that's crazy.
Fratboys have emotional and or sexual needs too
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tokyokookmin · 1 year
Have you seen the super long video someone just uploaded of jikook from 2013-2021? If not here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y6RhdFIE-g
I've noticed so many things and have so many thoughts but if you've seen it what are your take aways seeing everything in one place like this in chronological order?
Hi, anon!
I have seen this whole video a while ago, this video is dedicated towards the growth of jimin's and jungkook's relationship. It was beautifully edited and all of jikook's moments were compiled together in chronological order from 2013 (when they first debuted) till 2021.
Well, anon, feel free to send in another ask or you can also hit me up in the DM's! I will gladly give my take on the moments you have thoughts about! Since this video is extremely long and full of moments, I can't possibly give my observation for every single moment. If you were more specific on which moments, I will not hesitate to elaborate more about it.
Nevertheless, here's a quick run-through of jikook's dynamics throughout the years.
looking at 2013 chemistry, we have seen jimin being very brave to acknowledge that he's affectionate towards jk. He likes to call jk cute and does like to compliment him but bear in mind that this was just only the beginning of BTS's debut. Jimin didn't have much time to connect with the members as he was one of the last members to join :)
Based on my observation, Jimin felt more connected towards Jungkook as he was the group's maknae and is from Busan which I where Jimin's from (Im not ignoring the fact that Tae also played a big part as a close friend towards him) Jimin just wanted to build and establish a great bond with jk. (just too attached)
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For JK, it's not like he never liked jm, it's just that he was more reserved and was getting into the zone. He had always endeared jm and valued jimin's presence. He has always had those shiny eyes for his hyung ever since the beginning!
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Then in 2014, we saw the equations developing gradually.
Things were going on as usual, the normal teasing was going on, the same old wooing and casual chats, jimin wanting to go on a trip with Jungkook.
2014 was just a slow process for the dynamics to progress.
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I believe jikook's relationship hit a milestone in 2015. Things started to show very much. It was a turning point.
We saw jungkook turning vocal. His body language and expressions were clear enough for us to know that something was up between them. The sudden praising and flirtiness coming out of that guy were crazy.
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We saw them being closer and more flirty throughout 2015. The back hug-slow dance that not many noticed.
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The year when jungkook started praising jimin numerous times!
( CONTEXT- here, jk is saying that jm eyes are beautiful)
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Jungkook's description of Jimin in Malaysia's press conference (MY armies, where are yall, lol)
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Their moments in public started developing even more and we had lots of intimate hugs and moments that year. Not to forget, we also got many selcas and jikook lives!
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There's no possible way to exclude the 2015 OSAKA JIKOOK moment, am I RIGHT? 😂
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2015 was a year great for them, things began to be great between them, and the intimacy between them grew. They also were exploring their feelings that year, which I think is a great thing!
Even more giggles and flirtiness. Just jikook being very obvious that year. But first, check this out.
If you're lazy to run through that post, here's a quick recap for you.
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this incident was a year before serendipity.
Apart from that, Jikook received a term from karmy and the media. Karmy started calling Jikook the Sun and Moon duo in 2016 after the coming-of-age ceremony. Jimin is known as the moon and jk as the sun.
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We got amazing selcas that year and plenty of interactions as well!
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They went on a break together around early 2016.
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Them talking about their shopping experience together while shopping for Jk's birthday.
fast forward
Oh boy, this one has got to be one of my favourite years of jikook chemistry. This was officially it, you know? From serendipity, gcf-t to award shows. Good lord, save my heart.
We got the iconic gcf-t in Tokyo which was a phenomenal video jk made (no one expected that coming) "running, running just to get my hands on you". Jimin through Jungkooks eyes <3
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I genuinely feel so happy for both of them!
Then we got the Serendipity MV. Serendipity has A LOT OF DETAILS! It's connected to jikooks relationship. I find that song very therapeutic and full of warmth and love.
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If you remembered what I said (linked my Zico post) in the 2016 timeline, you would notice that the "you are me and I am you" has a connection with serendipity. That trail of 너는 나고 나는 너야 ( Neoneun Na Naneun Neo) began from there. Jikook's never-ending usage of that quote will forever be our favourite 🥰
serendipity post (1)
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Of course, we will not forget jikook in Bon Voyage, lol. We got so much of jikook crumbs that year. Damn, it's crazy, lol.
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Oh man, this one screamed LOUD! We got jikook as a pair for the SUMMER PACKAGE 2017! Was it intentional to use the rainbow unicorn floaties?
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This one is quite scandy, lol. We got jikook wilding in the People interview.
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Just Jk saying things, don't mind him 😂.
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jk, what you tryna tell oml.
OOPS. Well, I ran out of the pic and link usage. I will continue the 2017 - 2021 timeline as soon as possible. Thank you again for bearing with me. I had this post in the drafts for an extended period. Anyways, this is only my observation, it might be right or wrong, but all we know is that we are all jikook supporters.
This post took me quite a long time to collect information and links. I hope that you guys will enjoy it 💕🥰
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causesciencethatswhy · 3 months
this might be a bit late but it’s just so perplexing and interesting to me how tkers a) have an absurd level of influence on the entire fandom and b) are legitimately much more insane than most delusional shippers even larries
as someone who was a tween when shipping really started to become a thing on the internet its fascinating (and disturbing) to see how it has gone from a casual and harmless “wow they look good together and have chemistry i want to see more of that” to “here is an entire dissertation’s worth of bogus theory about a same-sex pairing despite me being ragingly homophobic and probably mysoginistic.”
how it went from an admiration of chemistry and attraction to actual clinical delusion in a matter of years needs to be studied.
anyhow, i was thinking about all of the discourse surrounding jimin, jk, and the buddy system and am shocked by a couple of things. first, the complete undermining of their friendship despite them being ridiculously close for years. whether you like their dynamic or not it’s literally impossible to deny that jk and jimin have been thick as thieves for (at least) the past 5 or 6 years. I became an army in 2019 so it has always been obvious to me that they are extremely close. sure, you can make the argument that they didn’t “hang out” as much during 2023 but there’s still a considerable amount of interactions between them, much more than most of the other members who no army second guesses how close they are (the biggest example being jimin and taehyung who we literally only saw interact towards the end of the year).
second is how people literally pretend taennie never happened. hell, i think more people believe the blurry jk apartment video than they believe th and jn we’re in a real relationship for almost 2 years. there’s actual pictures of him on her BED with her kitty (a literal one) and you’ll still see majority of armys act like it never happened. yes, their privacy was horribly invaded but everyone knows damn well that is not the reason why most armys choose to ignore that relationship and then go and gush about him and IU.
though these two things might seem unrelated, i think both of these narratives that have always been pushed by tkers and have successfully crossed over to supposedly non-shipper armys and demonstrate just how influential tker theory is on the fandom.
this is exactly why i won’t really sweat over whatever a tkker says. if taehyung was in a long-term relationship for years that is confirmed by DOZENS of personal pictures through different dates, months, and locations but they still want to deny it… there’s simply nothing to reason with there. its just a waste of time and space. there’s a chance jikook have not been or are not more than close friends but there’s no chance th was with anyone other than jennie for the past 2 years in what is looked like the most serious relationship he’s ever had.
i feel bad for him too even if i feel he sometimes stokes the flames of shippers. imagine breaking up w your most serious partner ever, grieving that relationship AND your normal life since you’ll soon be part of the military for 2 years and all the while your “fans” are picking apart and making up insane theories about you and your friend.
I agree with most of what you say anon.
Of course we can't know for sure what the nature of jkks relationship last year was but I'm way more inclined to believe that their bond is still going as strong as it was before not just because of the buddy system news but purely because the ease and doting nature of the interactions we saw last year has remained the same.
And you're right, nothing will ever convince tkkrs to really just see the truth for what it is. There's always an alternative explanation, an alternative enemy to set your eyes on, an alternative ploy by the company to break the tkkr spirit. It's quite ridiculous. I think the worst thing with the taennie situation was that the whole 'It's an edit!! It's an impersonator!! It's a PR move by Jen/nie!!" Was that it wasn't just tkkrs buying into this. It was a majority of armys. The general fandom now looks back on taennie as 'a conspiracy to defame tae (except armys and blinks were the only ones who thought that these two adult humans possibly dating would be defamatory to either of them).
I legit had a very close irl army friend, whose not a shipper but still a pretty dedicated fan get into an argument with me because I told her that ppls reaction to tae dating was ridiculous. She word to word reiterated all the bs tkkr theories I had seen floating around and was unwilling to consider the possibility of them being made up conspiracies. I was genuinely surprised because she is generally very chill about these discourses but I guess the need to believe he wasn't dating a BP member took precedent over what the reality really was ??
Either way, it'll be interesting to see how they behave post 2025. I doubt they're going to calm down anytime soon with the jikook travel show on it's way. It's going to feed their theories as much as it's going to entertain the rest of us I'm afraid.
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