#jin yonghoon imagines
creambunnie · 1 year
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ONEWE- Yonghoon X You
fluff angst
"Mmm what's for breakfast? Smells good!"
Yonghoon cooed as he entered the kitchen. You chuckled and rolled your eyes.
"No need to exaggerate, they're just normal fried eggs".
Yonghoon hugged you from the back and gave your cheek a peck.
"Anything that you cook for me is amazingly delicious, don't be so humble like that".
You chuckled again before pushing your boyfriend to the dining table and served him the fried egg sandwich that you just made.
"You always flatter me, come on let's eat".
You bit on your sandwich and paused for a second before facepalming yourself. Yonghoon was confused but after biting his, he realised what was wrong.
"Babe, did you accidentally put both eggs in mine? No wonder mine looked thicker than yours".
Yonghoon then took one of the fried eggs from his sandwich and put it in yours.
"Sorry, I was distracted I didn't realise what I was doing.."
Yonghoon laughed happily as he found you cute and continued eating.
The two of you had already planned to go to an art museum together on the weekend to celebrate your second year anniversary. The museum was showcasing a music-themed exhibition and the two of you were excited for it.
Yonghoon sat on the sofa while waiting for you to finish preparing. You donned your new pink dress and went out of your room.
"How do I look?" You asked nervously.
Yonghoon as usual gave a huge smile and showered you with compliments. After a while, he suddenly frowned and bent a bit to carress the bruise on your knee.
"Babe, what happened? Does it hurt?"
You pulled Yonghoon up by his shoulders and shook your head.
"It's okay, I just tripped of my foot the other day and fell down, but I'm not hurt. Ah.. It's ugly right if others see it? I will cover it with a bandaid. Sorry".
Yonghoon smiled sadly and pulled you into a hug.
"That's not what I meant, I was just worried about you. You don't need to cover it okay, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
You still plastered a bandaid on the bruise before the two of you went out for the date.
The arts exhibited were beautiful and interesting, you and Yonghoon walked side by side slowly, appreciating each and every frame displayed.
You stopped in front of a big frame and was completely mesmerised by it. They were just colours but it was as if you could feel and hear a melodious sound from it.
Yonghoon had walked to the next frame but you were still stuck on your spot, still staring at the big frame.
Yonghoon chuckled and snapped a few photos of you before gently tapping your shoulder.
"Babe, you really zoned out there, ready to move to the next one?"
You snapped out of your thoughts and gave an apologetic smile.
"Sorry, I just had so many thoughts running through my mind about this particular piece, I didn't realise that you were done. Let's go!"
Yonghoon held your hand and swayed them slowly.
"You know, I love going to art exhibitions with you, because I can really feel that you love them so much. I love doing what you love with you".
You only squeezed his hand and felt heat creeping up your face because of his sweet words.
After a long day, the two of you were finally sat at the restaurant that Yonghoon reserved.
While waiting for your food, Yonghoon took out a small blue box from his pocket and passed it to you.
You quietly took the box and opened it, revealing a simple yet beautiful bracelet, with a butterfly charm.
"It's beautiful, thank you so much."
You looked up from the gift and saw Yonghoon's face. He was smiling but there was a tinge of panic in his eyes. You quickly took his hand and carressed it with your thumb.
"Please don't misunderstand, I'm sorry. I may not look like it, but I am really happy and I love the gift so much, thank you".
Yonghoon finally breathed out in relief and held your hand back.
It was your turn to feel somewhat bad towards your boyfriend. Yonghoon noticed it and gently squeezed your hand to get your attention.
"Are you okay?"
You shook your head and held it down.
"I did not get anything for you. I tried to, but I kept forgetting. Everytime I remember, I'm in a situation where I was unable to buy you one. And there are so many things that I want to buy for you but I could not decide quick enough, I ended up getting burnt out from thinking and, and, I, uhm, today arrived and I still have not bought anything. I'm sorry".
Yonghoon's eyes softened. He really wanted to come over to your side and give you a tight hug.
"Babe, it's really okay. I didn't buy you a gift because I wanted one from you too, I just wanted to give it to you because I love you. Don't think too much about buying me one, okay?"
You really wanted to buy him one, but since Yonghoon kept insisting that it was fine, you decided that it was best to stop pestering him about it.
Your anniversary celebration was so fun, you could not believe that a week had already passed. It felt just like yesterday, literally. You didn't remember much of what you did at work for the past week and just replayed the memories of last weekend in your head.
The two of you planned to just spend time at home watching movies this weekend.
You cursed in your head when you heard Yonghoon coming back from the convenience store while you were stuck on the sofa in a pile of clothes.
You heard Yonghoon walking slowly to you and hesitated for a bit.
"Babe, is everything okay?"
You sighed and covered your face, trying not to break down.
"I planned to do laundry while you were at the store, but halfway through, I suddenly thought of this one specific blouse that I have not worn for a long time, while I was searching for it, I remembered that I actually gave it to my sister.. I wanted to clean back up but after seeing the mess I felt so overwhelmed, so now I am stuck and cannot do anything.."
Yonghoon gave a soft smile and pulled you up from the sofa gently as he hugged you.
"It's okay babe, let's do the laundry together, okay?".
You buried your face into his comforting chest and nodded.
"I'm so sorry for always being like this. I wish I could do more for you.."
Yonghoon carressed your hair and pulled away to look at your face.
"You know, my birthday is in a few weeks, how about you make me seaweed soup? I will be so happy if you do!"
You pouted. "Are you sure that's enough?"
Yonghoon chuckled and nodded.
You agreed to it, and planned to think of something more later.
It's almost a week before Yonghoon's birthday, and you have been experimenting your best seawood soup recipe, as well as your boyfriend's favourite dish, stir-fried chicken.
You can cook because it was basically following some instructions, but you wanted to get the BEST recipe for your best person.
You were mixing some ingredients in a bowl when you accidentally bumped into the pot with hot soup and spilled some on your hands.
You screamed at the hot sensation and quickly put your hands under cold running water. It was so painful, you could still feel the burn. You tried to refrain your tears from falling and thought of what to do next.
You were grateful that Yonghoon had some extra work and will be coming home late. You treated your hands and quickly cleaned up the mess.
You sat down after cleaning everything up and wrapped your hands in a cold wet towel. You stared into the air, your mind was blank, for the first time in a long time.
You wonder if Yonghoon will be disappointed in you when he finds out that you can't even do something so simple without causing an accident.
You began feeling anxious and stressed out. Overwhelmed by your thoughts and emotions, you decided to escape from it by going to bed early.
You felt the other side of the bed dipped as Yonghoon slipped in quietly. He thought you were asleep but you were just hiding under the covers, too scared to face him.
Yonghoon scooted over to you and wrapped his arms around you. You felt yourself relaxing against him. You really needed a hug after that whole bad experience earlier.
The next morning, you quickly got up and planned to just buy some breakfast from the store dowstairs. You didn't have the mood to cook after yesterday's accident.
Your burns didn't hurt as bad as last night but you can see blisters starting to form. You decided to put on a long sleeve shirt that could cover your hands entirely.
Yonghoon woke up and was confused when you were not beside him. He walked around the house searching for you and finally ran to the door when he heard you unlocking. Yonghoon went to you like a puppy who had been waiting for its owner to come back.
"Babe!! I missed you!"
You chuckled at him and shook your head.
"What do you mean you miss me? You see me everyday!"
Yonghoon pouted before taking the plastic bag from your hand.
"I didn't see you the first thing after I woke up, so I missed you."
You only chuckled again.
"I bought some bread for breakfast. Eat them while they are warm."
Yonghoon happily munched on the bread and fed you some too. He then noticed that you had your sleeves all the way up to the tip of your fingers.
"Hmm babe? Are you feeling alright? Do you have fever or a cold?"
You tilted your head to the side in confusion.
Yonghoon noticed your expression.
"It's summer but you're all bundled up in that sweater. Are you feeling okay?"
"Ah! This.. yeah I am okay, don't worry"
Yonghoon noticed you avoiding his eyes, he knew you were hiding something serious.
He put his bread down and softly but firmly took your wrists.
"Let me see"
You tried to pull away but he was stronger.
"Do--Don't look! They're ugly!!"
Yonghoon's expression softened at your words.
"Why would you say that?"
He lifted up the sleeves and was shocked when he saw burn blisters all over your hands.
"Babe! What happened? You burnt yourself? We need to go to the hospital!!!"
You only looked down, trying to hold your tears from falling.
"I was just trying to do something for you. But I can't even cook without hurting myself. I am so useless. I don't even deserve to be treated at the hospital. All I do is be a burden to you."
Yonghoon quickly sat beside you and pulled you into a hug. He carressed your hair to comfort you.
"Babe, you are never a burden. Everyone has their own challenges, and you deserve all the love in this world, especially mine. Please don't say that ever again".
You finally broke down into tears. You thought he would leave you because he finally had enough. But Yonghoon stuck to your side, accepting you for who you are.
You cried so hard until you passed out in Yonghoon's arms. Yonghoon carried you to your bed and decided to call for a doctor to treat your hands while you were sleeping.
Yonghoon was relieved when the doctor said that your burns will heal in no time. He was angry at himself for not being able to protect you.
Yonghoon sat beside you and admired your sleeping face.
"Please don't be sad, I will protect you I promise"
You heard his soft voice and opened an eye, still a but drowsy.
"I'm sorry for everything, Yonghoon. I promise to improve myself too"
Yonghoon nodded and covered your eyes, prompting you to go back to sleep. He knew how much of a rest you needed right now. You were exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally.
You both knew your relationship wouldn't be normal like other couples, but you stuck with each other for two years despite all the challenges. And the both of you had no plans whatsoever to leave each other alone.
a/n: growing up means starting to learn more about myself, so i needed to write this out to express my feelings as usual. hope yall enjoyed this!
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ddingbaragi · 2 years
Dream of Me (but not like that)
Yonghoon x Reader Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares word count: 939
"Don't forget to dream of me" Now if only it were a sweet dream and not a nightmare
A/N: Writing is a bit shit here lol but I hope you enjoy
There are just those times you’re exhausted and want to flop onto the bed and doze off for hours. It just happened to be one of those days.
You had been going out all day long, hanging out with your love, Yonghoon, and his band members. You spent all day with them, from having lunch to going to arcades, Yonghoon just wanted you to bond more with his bandmates.
You were happy, really, but all those things you guys did drain your energy and you need to rest now. Yonghoon told you to go home first since he still had band practice afterwards. Honestly, where does he get all his energy from?
You didn’t really bother to change or wash up. You just took off your shoes and bag and laid face up on the bed, slowly drifting to sleep.
Ring ring
“Ugh,” you groaned, getting up from your bed and reaching for your phone. You would’ve rejected the call but you saw the caller’s id and it’s Yonghoon.
“Hi baby,” You heard his voice over the phone, sounding rather worn out. “You sound tired, going to sleep?”
“Yeah, and you were bothering me,” was all you said before ending the call. You didn’t really pay attention to the tone of your voice, which seemed like you were pissed at him. You were tired after all.
Before you put your phone on your desk, a message came in
Yongie <3
Don’t forget to dream of me
I’ll be home in an hour
I love you
You ignored his message, too tired to reply. Again, you went to sleep with no cleaning up.
It took you only a few minutes to doze off into a deep sleep.
It was dark all around you, you could hardly see what was in front of you. You squinted hard through the black abyss, hands in front of you as you tried to find something to hold onto. It was when you felt something, a person, standing still in their place.
The lights flickered on, revealing your lover before you. He wasn’t looking at you, no, he was staring off to the distance, to the darkness of whatever this place was.
You realized where you are now: a dark field, no light for some reason. There was no moon shining above. It was just… Empty.
“What do you want?” His voice echoed. It wasn’t his usual chocolate-like voice. It was dull, cold even. 
“Why are you even here?” He said again. 
“Go away.”
Although it was only those two words, it felt like a blade to the chest. You instinctively stepped away from him, bowing your head.
“I don’t want to see you anymore,” he said. It was then you realize his body slowly losing opacity, fading away like dust. You tried to reach out to him, but he started to get fainter.
You awoke with a jolt, your body sweatier than before and panting heavily. The images of your dream started returning to you, your hands reaching up to rub your face, recollecting yourself.
What was that? Why was Yonghoon like that to you?
What was it supposed to mean?
A knock came from the door, snapping you out of your trance. You shakily get up from bed and head to the door.
You opened it without thinking of checking who it was. Turns out it was Yonghoon, drenched in sweat and exhausted.
“Y/N?” He asked, his voice muffled because of the mask. “Are you okay?”
You had no idea how bad you looked, you were a mess. You couldn’t let yourself say anything and your voice was stuck in your throat.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” His hands gripping onto your shoulders. You finally lost it. You broke down there and then. Yonghoon panicked momentarily before pulling you into a hug. You didn’t care about how smelly the two of you were, your hands made their way to his back, clutching the fabric of his jacket tight.
“Shhh it’s okay,” he whispered, letting you sob into his chest. He picked up your petite frame and carried you to the bed. 
“What happened?”
Once you calmed down, you finally managed to explain to him what happened.
“You just seemed so… you hated me.”
Yonghoon’s face was sullen. He pulled you close and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“You know I would never hate you,” he said gently, rubbing circles on your back. “I love you too much.”
You sighed and dropped your head. “I’m sorry if I was a bit mean on the phone.” You felt like it was probably the reason you had that dream. You shouldn’t be mean to him, you never should. He has always been so caring to you. There was nothing about him you can get mad about.
“It’s okay, you were a bit tired, that’s all,” he said. “We should get cleaned up before heading to bed.”
Unlike before, you washed up and brushed your teeth before changing into more comfortable clothes, Yonghoon doing the same once you were done. 
He crawled into the sheets right next to you, wrapping his right arm around your waist. His other hand playing your hair before placing small kisses over your face. It was ticklish and it made you squirm in his embrace, but you eventually melted into it, snuggling your head into his torso as he hummed a soft tune.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment before you started to slowly drift to sleep, not missing the words he says as you fall asleep
“Good night, my world. I love you.”
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yeoufic · 5 months
hi sasha ! hope you're doing well <3 can i have some recs for a male fc born somewhere between '92 and '98 ? he is 1/2 of a co-ed duo where he does vocals and production, i imagine him to sound a bit like deantrbl and he's got a similarly gloomy aesthetic. and his fc used to be keeho from p1h before i aged him up ! tysm !
hi hi! 💕 i'm doing well, thanks for asking, and i hope you are too. below are seven face claim suggestions born between ‘92 and ‘98 for your oc. i tried to select idols who would fit the aesthetic and potential voice, including a couple of men with a similar look to keeho, in my opinion. let me know if none satisfy you, and i will look for others! 🌞
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shin kyubin  |  kb   ·   onlyoneof   ·   korean   ·   1992
min yoongi  |  suga   ·   bts   ·   korean   ·   1993
jin yonghoon   ·   onewe   ·   korean   ·   1994
moon jongup   ·   soloist   ·   korean   ·   1995
cho seungyoun  |  woodz   ·   soloist   ·   korean   ·   1996
jung jinhyeong   ·   soloist   ·   korean   ·   1997
lee juyeon   ·   the boyz   ·   korean   ·   1998
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luvidzy · 3 years
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☆ genre: fluff, flower-shop!au
☆ pairing: jin yonghoon x reader
☆ summary: a man walks into your flower shop one day and completely changes everything in your life
☆ word count: 2.3k
The sunlight streamed in through the large glass windows of the store. The AC blew a light breeze through the main room, and you allowed yourself to deeply inhale the soft floral scents of the flower shop.
You always believed that getting a job here was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to you. It was so rare for people to find jobs that they truly loved, especially on the first try, but it seemed like you had been one of the lucky ones. 
The day was fairly slow, as most of the weekdays were. A few people came in looking for bouquets for special anniversaries, or to ask about ordering a few arrangements for parties, but other than that you had been left alone to enjoy the ambience of the store and read a little bit of the book you always kept behind the counter.
You had only gotten a few pages through when the bell above the door chimed. Placing your bookmark softly into the book, you placed it on the counter and stood up to greet the customer.
“Welcome to Start of Spring, what can I help you with today?” you asked, moving to get a better view of the man that had just walked in. He was tall, with brown hair and brown eyes. He had his hands tucked into a tan overcoat, a white turtleneck peeking out from underneath it as he strolled into the shop. He was incredibly handsome and you could feel your cheeks heat up a bit as you watched him.
He turned to you and beamed. You had to shake yourself out of it, reminding yourself that you could not fall for a man that you had literally just met. He removed one of his hands to wave at you politely as you made your way closer to him.
“Hi! I need a bouquet of flowers, but I have absolutely no idea what kind to get. Do you think you could help me out?” he asked. You nodded happily, a smile slipping onto your face. You loved when customers didn’t have a specific flower arrangement in mind. It meant that you could take the reins and make something beautiful from scratch, just the way you preferred to do it. 
“Sure! Usually I recommend making a bouquet of flowers that represent the occasion or what feeling you want to convey,” you explained, looking up at the stranger. You saw his eyebrows furrow a bit in confusion, and couldn’t help but giggle at how his nose scrunched as the gears in his brain turned.
“Flowers are a language. Each flower has a meaning, and even different flower colors can mean different things. It’s an amazing way to tell someone something when you can’t find the words to say it aloud,” you said, before pointing to the large bucket full of tulips that you were in front of.
“Tulips represent love, warmth, and comfort, so we usually include them in bouquets for anniversaries or weddings. Hibiscuses,” you pointed to the vibrant red flowers beside the tulips, “symbolize delicate beauty, so we include those in bouquets for dates, and even bouquets for certain family members.”
The stranger nodded, his lips parted in slight awe. He couldn’t help but observe you as you rambled on about the language of flowers, your eyes sparkling. Finally, you turned to look back up at him with a wide smile on your face. 
“So tell me, what kind of message do you want to convey….?” You trailed off as you realized you’d never gotten the name of the customer that was in front of you.
“Yonghoon. My name is Yonghoon,” He finally spoke up, a shy smile slipping onto his lips. You smiled and nodded.
“What message do you want to convey, Yonghoon?”
“Well, these are flowers for some friends of mine. They have been working really hard lately with our new project, and I want to give them something to show how thankful I am. Our apartment is pretty dull, so I thought some flowers would be a good idea,” Yonghoon explained. 
You nodded, taking in the information, before moving towards the counter to pull out a notepad. “Well, yellow roses often symbolize friendship, so I think those would be an obvious choice. Irises are seen as a symbol of admiration, and they’ll compliment the yellow of the roses quite nicely. And then I think some pink tulips would also fit well with the yellow and the white of the irises,” you said, jotting some things down on the paper.
“I thought you said tulips represent love?” Yonghoon said, which caused you to laugh.
“I did, but I also said different colors can mean different things. Red tulips mostly mean love, but pink tulips represent happiness,” you explained, before handing him the list you had written with the flowers and their meaning. 
“Does this look good? Or would you like me to add anything?” Yonghoon’s eyes darted across your neat handwriting, before looking up with a smile.
“This looks perfect. You really know your flowers,” he joked. You chuckled, before moving to collect the flowers you’d need for the bouquet. 
“I’d hope so. I’ve only worked here for 2 years.” Yonghoon laughed at your quip, his eyes following as you darted across the shop, plucking flowers carefully from their buckets and gathering them delicately in one hand. 
Finally you walked back over towards him, tying the flowers together with a piece of string and wrapping them elegantly in brightly colored tissue paper.
“There, all finished,” you said, holding the masterpiece out to Yonghoon. He smiled at it, gently grabbing it with one hand. As he did, your fingers brushed and you felt yourself flinch slightly at the feeling of electricity that ran down your spine. Despite this, you forced yourself to ignore the now pounding heart in your chest in favor of grabbing the credit card Yonghoon was holding out to you.
“Thank you…?”
“Y/N,” you responded as you handed him his card back. He smiled softly as he slipped the plastic back into his pocket.
“A beautiful name. Thank you, Y/N,” he said, giving you one last nod before exiting out the door. You plopped back down into the chair as you reached for your book, letting out a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding. You shook your head, blaming your flustered state on the heat because, even though you knew the A/C was on, you didn’t want to admit the real reason for your burning cheeks.
Much to your surprise, Yonghoon continued to come in every week with a new reason to buy flowers. Each visit got longer and longer, with him asking millions of questions on different flowers to the point where you almost couldn’t answer them. However, as much as you did not want to admit it, you didn’t mind the visits he made. He was incredibly easy to talk to, his smile made your heart melt in your chest, and he seemed genuinely interested in everything that you said. Week after week, you found yourself falling deeper and deeper for Yonghoon, and every week you became a little less opposed to the idea of his visits.
Meanwhile, Yonghoon was enjoying every visit that he made to your store. His bandmates, however, could not say the same. Their dorms had been turned into a small flower shop of their own and, while it was pretty, it was not very functional.
“Yonghoon, I can’t even find a spot to put my coffee cup down on the table!” Kanghyun whined as he plopped down onto the couch next to his leader. The other boys nodded their heads in agreement, making mentions of the countless other things that Yonghoons flowers stopped them from doing. Yonghoon pouted as he slumped into his seat, arms crossed.
“But I have no other reason to go see them but to get flowers! I’m sorry that love comes at such a beautiful price,” Yonghoon huffed dramatically. Dongmyeong rolled his eyes as he sat up, crossing his legs.
“Why don’t you just tell them how you feel?” “Are you crazy? What if they say no?”
“They won’t. I’m sure they’re just as enamored with you as you are them. Come on, you can even do it in an extremely dramatic and romantic way, since that’s what you like best,” Harin argued, earning a punch in the shoulder from Yonghoon, who sighed soon after.
“Fine. But if this goes wrong, I’m never getting rid of these flowers.”
2 months after his first visit, Yonghoon walked into the flower shop already greeting you as you sat behind the counter reading as you usually did. You looked and grinned at him, the grin that made Yonghoon’s own heart flutter, before closing your book and standing up.
“Why welcome back. What can I do for you today, Yonghoon?” you asked, pulling out your pen and notepad to write down the flowers that he would need. He smiled as he leaned against the counter and smirked.
“I need a bouquet to confess to someone. I want it to be incredibly romantic, the whole 9 yards, you know?” Yonghoon said. You froze as you heard the words slip out of your mouth. A bouquet to confess to someone should not have made your heart sink the way that it did, but the thought of him romancing another person with the flowers you recommended made you want to throw up and cry at the same time.
“I… I see. Well, why don’t you tell me about them so I can recommend you a bouquet,” you asked, trying to settle your shaky voice. If Yonghoon noticed, he didn’t say anything as he continued to smile.
“Well, they’re extremely pretty and super smart. They are kind and generous, and always know how to make me laugh. I always feel warm when I’m with them, like I just drank the best hot chocolate, and they’re the perfect combination of tough and delicate,” he rambled, listing off thing after thing. Each note that you wrote down about this mystery person had your heart aching. This person sounded perfect, and you were happy for Yonghoon, but you couldn’t help but pity yourself at the fact that he was not buying these flowers for you.
“Well I think red roses are a must… and probably some peonies as well for beauty. We could add some carnations as well, if you’d like?” you asked, trying not to look at Yonghoon. You heard him hum in thought for a moment, before shifting his weight a little bit.
“I think some red tulips and maybe some hibiscuses would be nice,” Yonghoon said. You nodded quickly, writing them down, before handing the list to him with trembling fingers. His eyes scanned it like the first time he had come into the shop, before he beamed and nodded.
“Perfect!” You swallowed harshly, before moving to gather the flowers. You moved slowly, trying to stop the tears that threatened to prick your eyes with each flower that you picked up and held in your grasp.
Finally you had a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers, wrapping them gently and making them look as elegant as you could. After all, even if they were another person, you wanted Yonghoon to like them as much as you liked him.
“Here. I’m sure they’ll love them,” you said, plastering a small smile on your face in an attempt to not look as destroyed as you were feeling on the inside. Yonghoon chuckled lightly and nodded, smiling softly as he looked at the flowers.
“They’ll love them.” The credit card was exchanged, and then you both just stood there, neither of you speaking. You wished Yonghoon would just leave so you could cry in peace, but he fidgeted with the tissue paper around the flowers, his feet seemingly glued to the spot across the counter.
“It’s much harder to do this than I thought,” Yonghoon chuckled out. You looked at him in confusion, trying to figure out what he meant. It was only when you finally looked at his face, making eye contact with him, that he let a warm smile melt across his face, his hands moving to hold the flowers out.
“Is there something wrong with them?” you asked, reaching to take them and inspecting them to try and find the issues. Yonghoon chuckled, running a hand through his silky brown hair, before shaking his head.
“No, they are for you.” You felt like the world had just stopped around you. Your hands froze and you stared at him, mouth parted in surprise. These were for you? But he had said he wanted to use them to confess, and had even described the person to you!
“You were the person that I was describing, and I do want to confess. I want to confess to you,” Yonghoon replied, and you flushed as you realized that your thoughts had been spoken aloud. You held the flowers carefully to your chest, before looking up at him with eyes full of happiness.
“You idiot. You scared me, I thought you were buying these for another person!” you said, reaching out to hit his shoulder playfully. Yonghoon’s expression dropped as he realized his mistake and he sighed, before letting out a weak chuckle.
“Guess I’m not great at this confessing thing.”
“No… you’re wonderful at it. Seriously this is the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me. You used the thing that I love the most to tell me that you like me, and that overshadows any stupid assumptions I may have made,” you said. His expression lit up at your words and he smiled at you brightly.
“Does that mean I have permission to take you on a date?” He asked hopefully. You pretended to think, before nodding eagerly, giggling as you did so.
“It does, but next time buy me flowers from a different flower shop. I want to be surprised.” Yonghoon nodded happily, before he made his way behind the counter to give you a hug.
You melted into his arms, happily hugging him back with affection. There was nothing more perfect than hugging the man you loved in the place that you loved, and you were lucky enough to have that.
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onewerse · 2 years
ONEWE as things I’ve done
kanghyun: when I declared it was hot enough to ‘fry an egg on the pavement’ and then when I had to prove it, everything went wrong, the egg wouldn’t crack, and when it finally did, it merely splattered on the ground, without frying. there’s just egg on the ground.
yonghoon: chasing my sister around the house for a hug, only to proceed to trip down the entirety of my wooden stairs and roll into the wall, knocking down our mirror and breaking it.
dongmyeong: locking my brother out of the house, only for him to climb over our back gate, climb through a window and rugby tackle me.
cya: getting a nosebleed while in the queue at Starbucks, but being too stubborn to leave the long line, so I get served with my head held back and tissue up my nose, and they end up getting my name wrong because they couldn’t hear me properly.
harin: getting really drunk and singing ‘my heart will go on’ with all my will power in a random pub, crying as I get to the chorus and forcing my best friend to join me.
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honeyhuun · 3 years
onewe reaction to you kissing them out of nowhere
~ type . reactions
~ requested . yes
~ pairing . onewe x gender-neutral!reader
~ genre . very fluffy and low key domestic!au
~ tw . none
~ song recommendation . leave it by n.flying
~ a/n . hey anon !! thanks for requesting for my babies, there’s a serve lack of content for them so i hope this fills some of the void !! stay healthy and have a nice day <3 sorry for taking so long, ily !
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| j i n  . y o n g h o o n
well done !! you just made him the happiest man a man could be ~ have fun trying to erase that smile from his face because it’s not going anywhere for a week tops. our amazing leader loves attention and little shows of affection like this, he thrives on it. for him, it’s like a sign everything in the relationship is going well and that you still love him and think about him lots. I think yonghoon is the type to worry about this stuff so a surprise kiss would reassure him probably more than words could ever do. he would be sitting at his desk late at night brainstorming lyrics and tapping his pens to form melodies when you sneak up behind him and place a big fat smooch on the side of his cheek. yonghoon would jump in surprise because he thought you wouldn’t be home for a while but then immediately soften when the scent of your favourite fragrance finally reached him. he leaned back in his chair, tilting his head up to reach your eyes with the cutest eye smile you’ve ever seen. “someone must have missed me?” he said we a jokingly sweet tone while staring up into your eyes swearing he could see stars. yonghoon lives for domesticity like this, he’s so glad that you feel comfortable enough to just go up and do that. trust him to randomly go up to you no matter the situation and give you quick pecks and smooches (if he didn't already do it) before you guys fall into a calm conversation about your days, he would tap his neck and make kissy noises hoping you would get the point and do it again.
“how was your day darling? i didn’t hear you come in. just give me five minutes and i’ll be all yours for the night, wait before that... would you mind if you gave me another kiss?”
| j u  . h a r i n
oh, oh, OH !! a surprise kiss will turn harin into the shyest tiger bub you could imagine. it would 100% catch him off guard and throw him off track from whatever task he was attempting. his cheeks would turn the brightest of red when you came up behind him when he was washing the dishes after dinner and placed kisses down his neck then the exposed skin on his back. everyone knows harin is so soft and sweet but for you, the love of his life? i mean it when i say he will do everything and anything for you. he is an absolute goner. and when you nuzzled your head deeper into him, your cheek pressing against his back he just sighed blissfully, slowly coming to terms with how relentlessly lucky he got, meeting and dating you. he would make sure to finish the dishes as quickly as possible (maybe dropping one of them in excitement oops). once free from the chore, this man ain't leaving you alone for the rest of the day, good luck trying to detach him from your side. harin is just an over-grown human koala. he would attack you with kisses all over making you squeal because it tickles! and because of that, he would start laughing and harin's laughter can bring world peace. harin is just filled with so much love and adoration for you and this just confirms you love him all the same ~
"what was that for lovely? did i do anything special to deserve this special attention?" harin mused and dried his hands so he could wrap his arms around your waist.
"nothing in particular just felt right..."
"that must make me a very lucky man doesn't it, i don't deserve you bub don't i?"
| k a n g . h y u n g u
we all know how much of a bookworm hyungu is, so it wouldn't be surprising when you catch him curled up in bed early with one of his current reads. hyungu doesn't flinch when he feels a dip in the mattress nor does he when he feels your hot breathe fall from his cheek to below his white tank top. thinking you just want to cuddle he tells you to let him finish the chapter, his eyes not wavering from the book. what he didn't expect was for you to place a light peck on the skin underneath his eye then moved to ghost his lips before diving in and giving him a short but passionate kiss. just after you tell him you were going to the kitchen for snacks and leaving him on the bed alone with heart going 150mph. this would leave hyungu a malfunctioning and blubbering mess as you rendered him speechless. one part of him felt like he hadn't been giving you enough attention or there was something on your mind that you weren't telling him. or did he maybe do something special that he wasn't aware of? were you in a really good mood, why? all these questions would plague him until you entered the room again and he asked if you were okay in a very serious voice. "you can tell me anything you know..." he said taking your hand in his and rubbing your palm. you were extremely confused at this gesture and said you were feeling fine. "then what was that kiss about?" he questioned at this point as confused as you. "no reason, just loved you and missed you." such a cheesy shy grin would adorn his features, and he would giggle not looking down at your hands, too flustered to face you upfront. warmth rose throughout his chest as he feels that had just struck him clean through the heart. with you hyungu had never felt so loved and appreciated. honestly, you were the best thing to happen to him. long after you had fallen asleep nestled into his side, hyungu made mental notes on little ways to express his infinite love and adoration for you, and you show that all though he may not show it, he's just as enamoured with you as you are with him.
"my love is full of surprises, aren't they? my days would be so much darker without you y/n-ah."
| s o n . d o n g m y e o n g
you'd try to catch him off guard with a kiss? you don’t know the war you have just started with this boy... what just started with a quick peck on the side of his cheek while he was getting ready for the day turn into a full-blown kissing war that seemed to get more intense and passionate with each sneaky kiss. he relished in catching you by surprise and in comprising moments. hell you could be calling your mum and bam! wild son dongmyeong on your lips. kissing is dongmyeong primary way of showing his affection (apart from words ofc) so a little kissing war is right up his alley. from watching tv, to tending to household chores, on the way out the door and when you were snuggling into bed ready for the night, were all perfect opportunities to get each other back for each kiss and the one after that and the one after that and- (you can see where this is going, you two might just be attached at the lips at this point). even when he had to go for band practice at random points during the session he’d send you heart emojis and sweet texts saying how much he missed you (and your lips). the boy is, was and forever will be lovestruck for you, i can not stress this enough!! surprises, in general, affirm that fact that you think about him a lot and obviously care a lot as well. these are two things i think dongmyeong really values in a relationship. the day would probably end out with a cute little make-out session after both of you are done with the day's activities. before you drift off dongmyeong would whisper “i won~” in your ear before trying to find sleep himself. he didn’t just mean winning the war of kisses, he also meant winning in life because he had the best person on planet earth all for himself.
“that’s 13 to me and 11 to you sunshine !! hmm seems like someone has some catching up to do… oh! and you also have something on your lips right there-”
*proceeds to kiss you for a bit longer than usual leaving you absolutely breathless*
“i think that makes it 14 to 11.”
| l e e . g i w o o k
shy and flustered hamster to the power of two !! as the maknae who normally receives lots of skinship from his hyungs you’d think a surprise kiss wouldn’t affect him that much. however, when it comes to you throw that idea out of the window, bubs would be a stuttering cute mess, almost confused and dazed-like, like hyungu. when you crept up on his while he was changing the broken strings on his base he felt your presence behind him, but being used to this sort of closeness he didn’t mind it. but when you stooped down to his level and quickly swooped in for a sweet kiss right on his lips his eyes would immediately dart up and his pupils would dilate into moons. his mouth would be an o-shape as he stared up at you before turning beet red. if it was around other people he would probably feign being slightly annoyed but deep deep down he loves it more than you’ll ever know. it would be a quiet reassurance that you’re still there and love him as always. but when you’re alone there’s no doubt in the fact he’ll definitely ask you to kiss him again. your spontaneity gives him something to look forward to when has time to spend with you. a reminder that his and your youthful banter is something to be love and treasured.
"ah baby... not here please, see harin hyung is laughing at me now. you're cute but not THAT cute, and don't take that in the wrong way. you can give me loads of kisses when i'm done with this okay?"
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(hope you enjoyed sorry again the wait was so long !!)
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playing with their hair/giving them a head massage
Jin Yonghoon
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🐶 absolutely M E L T E D the second your fingers ran through his hair and gently massaged the roots
🐶 his head laid in your lap, and his eyes fluttered closed and he had that little content smile on his face he has when he’s watching his members (YALL KNOW THE ONE??)
🐶 he thinks he’s in heaven because it feels really nice and omg he loves you so much:(
🐶 he might be on the verge of tears because for once he’s the one being taken care of
🐶 his shoulders will relax and he’ll him gratefully to you while you play with the strands of his hair and massage his head and shoulders
🐶 it’s 1AM writing this and i’m making myself sad, i want a Yonghoon:(
Ju Harin
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🦊 H E L P H I M, he’s so in love at this point he’s a little scared he will never be free (he doesn’t want to be free lol)
🦊 he might short circuit when you start playing with his hair? his mind kind of just goes blank and his eyes close and he falls asleep:’)
🦊 it’s okay though, he’s cute when he’s sleeping and you think he might need the sleep based on how quickly he falls asleep
🦊 when he wakes up he swears it was the best sleep of his entire life, and he will make you play with his hair again when he wants a good nap
🦊 i don’t think you mind though:’)))))
Kang Hyungu (Kanghyun)
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🐧 his mind went ‘aksbskshaosbsksbsks’ he legit keyboard smashed in his brain
🐧 he was leaning on your shoulder and your arm was wrapped around his shoulder and your hand kind of just started playing with the ends of his hair and he isn’t quite sure how he ended up on your lap so quickly but he’s nudging his head into your hands
🐧 and :( you :( giggled :( so :( cutely :( when :( he :( did :( he’s going to have a heart attack if you keep being this cute he swears
🐧 it’s just a really sweet and relaxing moment, running your fingers through his hair and scratching his scalp gently:(
🐧 that is it’s sweet and relaxing until his cheeks turn bright red when he realizes the position he’s in 😂
Son Dongmyeong
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☀️ Son Dongmyeong, the king of physical affection is shook to his core when you play with his hair
☀️ he’s always the one playing with your hair!! there can be no exceptions!!
☀️ well… okay… maybe this once he’ll let it slide (and maybe the time after, and the time after that and uh oh…)
☀️ it’s a new feeling for him, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like it!! he’s not used to someone paying attention to him like this
☀️ play with his hair, massage his head, braid little plaits into his hair, he’s literally so proud to be your boyfriend and have you do this for him:(
Lee Giwook (Cya)
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🐹 play with his hair, style it, massage his head he’s down for whatever
🐹 as long as it means he’s being babied by his baby and he’s getting love he’s happy
🐹 he will lay his head in your lap after a long stressful day and whine for you to play with his hair
🐹 he likes to hear you talk about your day while you play with his hair and massage his head, it gives him a chance to relax and really listen to you
🐹 hypothetically if you sing to him (only if you want to though, he will never pressure you) he might cry
🌻 if you’re wondering yes i’m still sad, it’s still 1AM and i would like any member of onewe to show up on my doorstep tomorrow thanks 🥲
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writtenstars0428 · 2 years
page 01: on the day i was tired but decided to run anyway
✿ on this page, i write
✿ jin yonghoon // 332 words
✿ hello! i’m still not back from my loooong writing hiatus but i’ve written something :) i’m kind of planning to continue this oneshot/drabble/whatever series and update it every time i feel like writing some random stuff.
✿ this fic is quite different from my previous ones. it’s in the first pov and a little bit angsty(?). anyway, it’s inspired by onewe’s universe_, most specifically the line “우리 멀리 갈가?” which translates to “shall we go father?”
✿ other stories
I was aimlessly running.
There was no finish line in sight but I knew I had to get somewhere. Time was moving the same way as it had always been but somehow, every tick of the timer gets louder by the second. The wind was blowing against me and although it did nothing but flutter my hair, I felt like every time it blew, the fire inside me flickered and wavered.
I did not notice the crack on the road until I stumbled because of it. A strong hand gripped my arm to steady me. For some reason, Yonghoon’s hold tugged something at my heart. My tired and leaden legs soften, and I completely dropped on the ground.
And I cried.
Yonghoon crouched down and gently patted my head.
“We can rest for a while, you know,” he whispered softly.
And I knew he meant something other than taking a break from this impulsive and aimless morning run. He meant taking a break from the reason why I suddenly ran today.
There were a lot of reasons why I felt so drained and empty these days but the only thing I could say through my tears was, “I’m just so tired.”
I continuously sobbed and muttered the same phrase over and over. Yonghoon was just there, gently patting my head, listening to my cries, and saying nothing.
When all my tears dried up and my sobs turned to hiccups, Yonghoon stood up. With my tear-stained face, I looked up at him. He stretched his legs and shook them out before looking back at me. With a soft smile on his face, he held out his hand.
“Shall we go farther?” He asked.
I took his hand and stood up. “Yeah, let’s go farther.”
Yonghoon did not let go of my hand nor did I let go of his. Instead of running, we walked slowly and leisurely, leaving a bit of the heaviness inside my heart on the spot where I stumbled.
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saltys-writings · 4 years
Yonghoon | Melody
Onewe Yonghoon x reader
Words: ~250
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You’re on the way home at the end of a long day and you’re lucky enough to find a free seat on the bus for you to rest your tired legs while sitting down. You don’t pay the tall young man next to you any attention at first. Instead, you look past him and out of the window, watching the scenery pass by as the bus brings you closer to your home. It’s as if the light of the streetlamps is racing by instead of the other way around, and you get lost in your thoughts when you hear someone’s voice humming a silent melody. You’re not sure where the music is coming from at first, but once your eyes find the face of the young man sitting right next to you, you realize it’s him. You can’t help but smile softly at his beautiful voice, which abruptly stops when he notices you staring at him. “Oh,” he exclaims, “excuse me! I didn’t realize I was humming out loud…” He seems to really feel bad and lowers his head in the narrow seat, but you wave it off. “Please don’t apologize! I enjoyed it, actually…” you admit. Flustered, he blinks at you in surprise, unsure what to say, until he forces out a “Thank you”. You chuckle at him and he continues humming his little song, while the bus draws near to your stop and deep inside you hope to meet the young man again the next day.
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narika-a · 5 years
~ Main Masterlist ~
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✽ When you propose to them
✽ Going to a cat cafe with ONEWE
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P.S. If you don’t see your request done here, I’m not ignoring it. I just need time to catch up with all of them.
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jenos-eye-smiles · 4 years
euphoric-wooyoung —> Jenos-eye-smiles
*REQUESTS ARE OPEN* Who I write for!
Here is my Masterlist
Here is my Timestamps Masterlist
Here is my Kpop Hybrid Drabble Series
Hello! Welcome to my blog! I write Kpop fics! You can request fluff, smut, angst or all of the above! **I will NOT write smut for anyone under 18, no matter the circumstance.** You can request, one shots, imagines, drabbles, and prompt requests!! I’m open to suggestions as well! Anyways here is my list!! Also before I go, I update as often as I can but please keep in mind I am a full time college student! Also this blog is hate-free and won’t be tolerated here! Thank you guys ☺️
NCT 127
NCT Dream
Monsta X
Wonho *Yes I WILL continue to write for my bby*
Stray Kids
Bang Chan
Lee Know
Young K
S. Coups
Tomorrow x Together (TXT) 
Huening Kai
J. Seph
The Boyz
Members (I'll ONLY write for these members listed)
Members (I’ll ONLY write for these members listed)
Members (I'll ONLY write for these members listed)
The Rose
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creambunnie · 4 years
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ONEWE - Yonghoon
"YAH YAH!". Hyungu yelled as you snatched a 'love letter' that your brother received from his classmate.
you stuck your tongue out and ran backwards as you continued teasing your brother. Hyungu tried chasing you but stopped as his gaze went to the person behind you.
being the clumsy girl you are, you continued running while still looking back at your brother.
"oof!". you gasped as your back bumped into another person's back.
you managed to regain your balance and succeeded in not falling. you quickly turned to the person to apologise but instead, you gasped again.
you couldn't find your voice after being welcomed by your crush of 5 years now.
"oh, y/n! Hyungu ! you guys are late today. Giwook is already inside waiting for you guys.". Yonghoon, your crush, greeted with a pat on your head.
Hyungu only chuckled awkwardly at the older boy's words, not wanting to enlighten him on why you two were late. but you had another idea in mind.
"we are a bit late today because,, HYUNGU RECEIVED A LOVE LETTER!". you exposed.
Hyungu was about to knock your head but you quickly ran inside to meet your bestfriend, Giwook.
Yonghoon teased Hyungu too as the two of them went inside.
for 5 years,it had been a routine for you, your brother Hyungu and your bestfriend Giwook, to visit the neighbourhood music shop after school.
Yonghoon was the owner's son and also a part-timer there. he was basically in charge when his father was away.
the three of you would always hang out at the shop with Yonghoon. you were still middle schoolers when you started the routine.
this was because the three of you were still saving up your pocket money to buy your own instruments.
guitar for Hyungu, bass for Giwook and drums for you.
Yonghoon and his father were kind enough to allow you three play their instruments till you saved up enough.
even after the three of you had succesfully bought your own instruments, all of you still hang out at the shop as usual.
you were now a highschool senior together with Giwook, while Hyungu was already in his second year of university.
you and your brother were a bit late because Hyungu called you over to the university due to an 'emergency'. you asked Giwook to head to the shop first.
turned out, Hyungu just received a love confession from someone and he didn't know what to do. the first idea that came to his mind was to call his one and only sister.
"ahh Hyungu.. that youth feeling. you should enjoy those love letters and confessions while you can. the last time i got a confession was when i was still a highschooler. 6 years ago? ahhh..." Yonghoon said as he patted Hyungu's head.
you sighed silently. no one knew about your feelings for the older guy except for Giwook. you just didn't have the courage to confess to him yet though...
you fell for Yonghoon 5 years ago because of his kind heart. you fell deeper because he was so caring towards the people around him. Yonghoon was just a pure fluff ball.
his honey voice and handsome looks were really bonuses. you loved it when he would join in your practice and sing random lyrics, following the rythm.
{ credits to rightful owner(s) }
"how about you Giwook? ah but you're still a baby...". Yonghoon asked but then pouted and ruffled Giwook's hair. Giwook only frowned and shook his head.
that... that was the main reason you didn't confess.
you had a 6-year gap with Yonghoon. and Yonghoon still treated you and Giwook like you guys were still kids.
sure, he'd known you since you were like 15, but you were 20 now. a grown lady. not a kid anymore.
"how about me? is it okay if i receive love confessions?" . you asked Yonghoon, testing him.
both Yonghoon and Hyungu frowned and exclaimed at the same time. "no!".
you blinked at their reactions and mirrored their expression.
"why not?". you asked.
Hyungu sighed and stepped closer to you. "because guys are dangerous. i don't want you to get hurt.". he reasoned.
you frowned deeper at his answer and faced Yonghoon's for his.
Yonghoon nodded, agreeing with Hyungu.
you glanced towards Giwook as he gave you an encouraging nod.
"what if, i'm the one who confesses ? and the guy is a trustworthy guy?". you asked again.
Hyungu paused for a while as he looked straight into your eyes. "and you are talking about who?". he asked in a serious tone.
you gulped and stepped back from your brother. you glanced one last time at Giwook before facing Yonghoon.
you didn't know what got into you but the current situation made you braver to suddenly confess your feelings.
"i like you, Yonghoon oppa.".
Hyungu stared at you in shock. Giwook sighed in relief as you finally broke free from your years of misery.
after a few seconds of silence, Yonghoon only responded with a lighthearted chuckle.
*shit. even his chuckle sounds wonderful.* you thought.
"i like you too, don't worry.". Yonghoon said in the tone he usually babies Giwook with.
you rolled your eyes and shook your head. "you know that's not what i meant..". you said back.
"i like like you. i have feelings for you. i like you as more than an older brother,Yonghoon oppa.". you continued.
Hyungu only sat on one of the chairs, too shocked to interrupt your confession.
Yonghoon gave you a small smile and patted your head. "but you are still a kid.". he stated.
you frowned and removed his hand from your head, only to grab it with both of your hands.
"no, i'm 20 now. i'm no longer the baby 15 year old me. i'm a grown lady now. can't you see?".
Yonghoon smiled and pulled his hand away gently. he pinched your cheek lightly and patted your shoulder.
"why not we wait for you to finish your studies till university and we'll see again, hmm? you don't want this old guy anymore once you've seen those better guys in uni.". Yonghoon tried to joke, wanting to lighten the tense situation.
you sighed and nodded your head weakly. you didn't have the energy to fight .
you gave a small smile back before tiptoeing to land a peck on Yonghoon's cheek.
"if i have to wait, you have to wait too because i am sure i really really like you.". you said as you landed back on your feet.
Yonghoon blinked at your actions and placed a palm on his cheek. before he could answer you, you gave a cute wink and excused yourself quickly.
your feelings were too overwhelmed after the whole thing so you decided to leave the shop earlier, to calm yourself down.
even after you have left, Yonghoon was still frozen on his spot, hand still on his cheek. Hyungu was also in shock at how smooth his sister's confession was.
Giwook sighed at the older boys' current states and quickly nudged Yonghoon.
"just go confess to her already, hyung. you've been waiting for her to turn 20, right?".
a/n : back with another ONEWE fluff! this time it's Yonghoon😍 our dreamy leader. anyways , give love to ONEWE ! 🌸💫
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fullsunhyuk · 4 years
bias list [28.3]
those in (brackets) are the ones that wreck/get to me a lot but that i dont think ill bias anytime soon
those in CAPITALS are the ones that murder/attack me
completely soft, you can call them hot but dont give me any sexy thoughts with them, 9/10 times will melt into a puddle of softness if i see them
mostly soft, youd really have to make me imagine things if you want me to get turned on by them
basically neutral, either not feeling particularly strong for them either way or it constantly chances so much that its hard to really say which one it is
mostly hard, will turn me on if you send them but might not happen immediately, probably depends on if you send a cute or hot photo
hard, ill choke if you send them, definitely turn me on (might still have soft thoughts about every once in a while but you get the point)
help, they make my heart jump out of my chest and turn me into a giggly mess but at the same time theyre sO FUCKING HOT
[name] (!): no softness pls, i want to see them as only hard doms that could make me submit to them at will
nct: haechan, lucas, YANGYANG, WINWIN, taeil, jaehyun, YUTA (!) //JUNGWOO, (XIAOJUN, TEN, CHENLE, JISUNG, JENO, MARK, JOHNNY)
stray kids: lee know, seungmin, HAN // I.N
the boyz: kevin, new, ERIC, sangyeon, juyeon, Q, HAKNYEON // hyunjae
up10tion: kogyeol, wooshin, xiao // JINHYUK, GYUJIN
vav: ziu, lou, ST VAN, AYNO // JACOB (!), (BARON)
ateez: mingi, jongho // (YEOSANG, SAN, JOONG)
got7: YUGYEOM, youngjae, JACKSON // JAEBEOM (!), (BAMBAM (!))
a.c.e: jun, CHAN // DONGHUN, BYEONGKWAN (!)
b.i.g: GUNMIN, heedo
sf9: dawon, TAEYANG (!), rowoon, ZUHO // (HWIYOUNG, jaeyoon)
astro: - // moonbin, sanha, mj, ROCKY, JINJIN, EUNWOO
seventeen: dk, JEONGHAN, HOSHI, WOOZI (!), DINO // (mingyu), WONWOO (!)
golden child: JIBEOM, TAG, JOOCHAN (!) // bomin, DONGHYUN, (DAEYEOL)
oneus: seoho, keonhee, HWANWOONG (!) // leedo
onf: etion, j-us, hyojin
pentagon: kino, hui, shinwon // hongseok
nu'est: aron // (jr), BAEKHO, (MINHYUN)
cix: byounggon, jinyoung // (SEUNGHUN)
day6: jae, young k // WONPIL, (DOWOON)
snuper: woosung, SANGIL
vixx: n, KEN, HYUK // LEO, (HONGBIN)
monsta x: i.m, kihyun, minhyuk // (HYUNGWON)
n.flying: hun, dongsung // SEUNGHYUB (!)
ikon: jinhwan // JUNE (!), song, DONGHYUK
imfact: ungjae, TAEHO // (SANG)
knk: JIHUN // HEEJUN, seoham
ab6ix: - // (YOUNGMIN, donghyun)
iz: hyunjun // (JIHOO)
target: woojin // BOUN (!), (SEULCHAN)
witz: jimyoung // ESON
seven o clock: jeonggyu, ANDY, rui // (TAEYOUNG (!))
bts: jimin, v, suga, JIN // HOBI
uniq: yibo, SUNGJOO (!), YIXUAN (!) // SEUNGYOUN
in2it: hyunuk, ISAAC (!) // (jiahn)
the rose: hajoon
nex7 (chin.): ZEREN, wenjun, ZHENGTING, JUSTIN // quanzhe
1team: rubin
verivery: dongheon // YEONHO, KANGMIN, (hoyoung), YONGSEUNG, GYEHYEON
dkb: teo, heechan, gk // (YUKU), lune
d-crunch: hyunoh, hyunwoo
new kidd: woochul, yunmin // HWI, (JINKWON)
too: chan, j.you, MINSU // (chihoon), WOONGI, JEROME
trcng: taeseon // i cant remember but SEVERAL OF THEM
btob: sungjae, ilhoon // HYUNSIK
noir: minhyuk, yunsung, siheon (!) // siha, YEONKUK
onewe: yonghoon, harin
b.i.t: king
lucente: u.seong, bao, z.hoo
greatguys: hwalchan, haneul
kard: j.seph
1the9: doyum, seunghwan // YONGHA, (JUNSEO, TAEKHYEON (!))
tst: yohan
treasure 13: yoshi, mashiho, junkyu
halo: OOON (!), yoondong
black6ix: - // (ALL OF THEM (!) except yongseok) (this group means death)
d1ce: hyunsoo, yonggeun
onlyoneof: junji, nine // YOOJUNG, (LOVE a little bit)
txt: yeonjun // (ALL OF THEM a little bit)
limitless: raychan, a.m // j-jin
unine (chin.): - // (MINGMING, JIA YI, CHANGXI)
trei: jaejun, CHANGHYUN
teen top: niel, ricky
enoi: laon, avin // dojin, gun, J-KID
jbj95: kenta // (SANGGYUN)
awaken f: zimo, MUBO (!) // FEN (!)
winner: jinu // hoony
hotshot: - // TIMOTEO, TAEHYUN (!)
shinee: minho, taemin
super junior: yesung, leeteuk
14u: esol
nine percent (chin.): ZHENGTING, YANJUN (!), justin // XUKUN (!), (CHENGCHENG, XIAO GUI, ZIYI) (perhaps i want this entire group to collectively step on me)
wanna one: daniel, ???, idk anymore
ult list:
1. haechan / lee know
3. jongho
4. yibo
5. kogyeol
6. jeonghan
7. rowoon
11 notes · View notes
onewerse · 2 years
yonghoon: how’s the cutest guy in the world doing?
kanghyun: let me check
kanghyun: *shouting across the room* CYA HOW ARE YOU DOING?
cya:…I’m good?
kanghyun: he’s good.
yonghoon:…that’s not what I…never mind.
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onewerse · 2 years
kanghyun: *preparing his weapons*
harin: why does he look like he’s about to go to war?
yonghoon: cya came in with a scraped knee and now kanghyun is convinced someone needs to pay for hurting him.
harin: did someone actually hurt you?
cya: no, I fell over. I should probably stop him but it’s kind of cute.
dongmyeong: no-no! it’s not cute!
35 notes · View notes
onewerse · 2 years
kanghyun: are those…pigtails?
cya: Yeah, they are. I thought they looked cute. Do they look bad?
kanghyun: they look good I guess
*later that night*
kanghyun: *crying* they looked so cute
harin: I know
kanghyun: I’m so gay for him
harin: I know
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