#jjba ask game
iceicewifey · 1 year
i’m sure something like this already exists, but i couldn’t help making a silly little ask meme.  free to be answered either in character or just described – all totally just for fun!   no need to send me an ask as i don’t have a crusader oc.
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1.)  Introduce your OC!  Who are they and what do they do?  What is their stand and ability?  How does it work alongside the Crusaders’ stands?  Alternatively, did your OC ever fight any of the Crusaders before joining? 2.)  What Crusader are they closest to?  Alternatively, do they have any ‘beef’ or rivalry with any of their fellow Crusaders?  If so, how and when does it get resolved? 3.)  If your OC joined before the beginning of the Egypt arc, how did they react to learning their newest team mate was a dog?  If they joined after, how did they first react to Iggy? 4.)  Do they have any significant fights?  If so, when and during what arc?  Do they aid in any fights with the other Crusaders? 5.)  What was their favorite destination along the journey to Egypt?  Do they have any fond memories from the downtime between fights? 6.)  How did your OC join the Crusaders?  Did they join during a specific arc or were they there from the beginning?  What drives them to want to aid in defeating DIO? 7.)  Does your OC have any meaningful relationships with the other Crusaders?  Either romantic or close friendships? 8.)  Which canon death hit your OC the hardest?  Does your OC survive the journey themselves? 9.)  What enemies and/or stands did your OC find the least tolerable?  Who did they hate the most?  Either to fight against or as a person in general. 10.)  Were there any fights/moments that scarred or changed your OC over the journey?  If so, what were they?  How did the journey change your OC as a person? 11.)  If your OC survives to the end, where do they go after the airport farewell scene?  Does anything significant happen to your OC after the journey ends? — Alternatively, if your OC doesn’t survive to the end of the journey, where and how does their story end? 12.)  Does your OC reappear in later parts?  If so, what do they do? Give a brief description.
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feel free to tweak any questions as needed.  remember to practice good reblog karma and send an ask to the person you reblog from — be good to each other !
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amethystsoda · 7 days
18–im gonna need ur funniest jojo moment/fav jojo meme plzzzzzzzz
18. Funniest moment or fave meme?
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this one makes me cry every time
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this is another classic
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some other faves
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any 5 that youd like for the fan kid asks! -@hearts-and-stars
ahh!! thank you for sending these! they're great prompts.
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📄 - What's their name? If you and your f/o picked it, how did you pick it? Or if they picked their name, how did they pick it?
Alright, so, Jotaro and Eileen could not agree on what to name Jouta. Eileen was on a star-themed kick: Nova, Sirius, Rigel, Astrophel...on and on. Jotaro nearly caved on Astrophel, not gonna lie. Eileen knew, of course, before Jolyne that all Joestars have the star-shaped birthmark but-- like wow. She did not want to pass up the opportunity! Jotaro, on the other hand is stuck on Seitaro (the taro was. A. Coincidence), he would like a calm child...please.
Then Joseph suggests Shīzā. The context behind the name, the filtered stories Joseph told Jotaro as a kid, what Jotaro learned from his Grandma Suzie. It feels like Joseph is gifting Jotaro and Eileen something precious. That's their second baby's name.
But when Eileen holds her son for the first time? Oh, he's a Jouta. Jotaro looks at her like she's crazy. Shīzā becomes a middle name.
🙂 - What was their first word? How old where they when they said it? How surprised were you and their other parent(s) if they have any?
Jouta's first word was a very perky "bye!" Jotaro was leaning down to give his son a goodnight kiss when Jouta squished his little hands on his dad's face.
"Bye!" he chirped.
Jotaro was so confused? Does Jouta not want any goodnight kisses? Jouta giggles and then grabs Jotaro's ears. Ah, he was playing!
Then Eileen comes into Jouta's room for a goodnight kiss and gets the same treatment!
How rude!! He's about a year and three months old when he pulls this.
🚼 - When did they start crawling? Likewise, where did they start walking? Were you prepared for it or did it catch you off guard?
Jouta starts crawling at 8 months. Jolyne is a very good big sister, because she sets a fantastic example.
"Do this!"
Jouta squints at his older sister crawling around.
"Is easy! Go!"
Jouta learns to walk in an airport. Eileen was not prepared for this. One minute, she's letting Jouta down so he can play with the tags on the suitcase. Next thing he's half-way to the gift shop! Up until this point he'd been using Eileen's leg as an anchor, so it's a surprise to see Jouta just -- going!!
🤝 - Do they have any friends, real or imaginary? Do they make friends easily or are they shy?
🥄 - What was the first solid food that they tried? How did they like it? What's their favorite? What's their least favorite?
Mashed carrots - big nope! He didn't even close his mouth, Jouta just let the goop drip down his chin. The first try was a bust. They try cheerios and he's much happier. Pieces of cherry were his favourite.
Well, see, Jouta does have a friend. He looks a lot like his Daddy's friend, but Jouta-sized. He's green. His mom and dad can see his friend, but nobody else seems to. Not even Jolyne...
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
for the ask game!! Ummm, 11, 15, 21, andddd 23?
11. Best hairstyle and / or outfit in the series?
oh god lemme think... okay DIO is iconic duh, we love the ding dong cleavage and the yellow. and Kira has the iconic suits. iconic hairstyle does go to polnareff for me because it is just so silly and my favorite lmaooooo. gappy also has a cute outfit because i love the undies stickin out of the pants i would dress like him. but rohan has THE BEST FASHION IN THE SHOW, so he wins and that's my official answer
15. Best soundtrack?
part 6 because of Pucci's theme omfg i want it on spotify NOW
21. Best music or art you've discovered through JoJo?
okay im gonna say a goofy account on here that i follow. i love fashion and think that jojo's inspires a lot of my fashion. an account i follow on here @fashion4standusers has some great art and fashion that makes me love jjba and art like this even more but jjba has helped me find a lot of great artists and writers on this account and ofc @thatoneartistinthecorner has amazing jjba art :)
23. Fave JoJo video game?
omg this has to go to the one on the dreamcast. it's just goofy and i love it. but eyes of heaven is VERY nostalgic for me
feel free to send in more folks :)
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bumblingblog-1 · 1 year
1, 2, 16, 17, and 21 <3
(I hope you're okay with me sending so many lol)
(By all means! I'm all for it, really :D)
JJBA ask game
1) Fave Jojo?
It's a tie between Josuke4 and Jolyne.
2) Fave part?
Part 4. Especially given how Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town was such a refresher after the emotional rollercoaster near the end of Part 3 😅😅
16) Least fave Jojo and why?
I love all JoJos, I really do! But if I had to pick a least fave, then I'd say Giorno. Not because I dislike him, but out of preference.
17) Least fave part and why?
For the same reason as 16), I'd say Part 5.
21) Do you prefer the anime or the manga? Why?
Hmmm, I'd say it's generally 50/50 between the two. The only exception being for Part 1, where I'd prefer the manga.
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hierophantstar · 3 days
7. Favourite Stand design? Least favourite Stand design?
15. Best soundtrack?
7. Favorite stand design: Hierophant Green Enigma. I know it's kinda basic but it gets points with the whole paper folding thing it does when it traps people
Least favorite stand: I'm going mostly off of ones that I found disappointing which is any stand that is an inanimate object (exceptions are Tohth and Aerosmith) cause it's like "oh no a fucking powerline ooo scary" (okay maybe Super Fly is also an exception) and cause some of them break the "non-stamd users can't see stands" rule which is like??? Either they can see them or they can't pick one???
15 Best sound track?
Part five!!! The character themes are really really good at capturing the vibe of said character
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ghostosterone · 1 year
9, 24, 32, 34, 36?
9. Fave fight?
aoughhh... idk!! either risotto v. doppio or maybe highway go go
24. Stand ability you wish you had?
looks at metallica with big wet eyes
32. Rank your order: Jojo’s stands
1. crazy diamond
2. gold experience
3. star platinum
4. stone free
5. soft and wet
7. tusk sorry little guy
6. hermit purple lol
34. A character you wish you got to see more of?
weather report i like looking at him
36. A character whose outfit you would wear?
risotto thats gender right there
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cyphyree · 1 year
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I threw together a Show / Movie recommendation template so I can find more stuff to watch!!!
PLEASE feel free to fill this out and reblog from me so I can find more cool shows/films!! (hopefully i'll have time to watch them RIP) Or repost with credit :) Anyone can modify/expand it however they want too! Here are some of my recommendations:
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dark-side-blog3 · 3 months
How would you rank the six Jojo leads from the OG continuity from worst to best to end up with?
I'm gonna take this as an add-on to the would you rather game from before, so the answers will be super self-indulgent, and yandere.
Short answer is I would prefer to end up with none of the yanderes, at least not the jojo's. But in terms of damage, I suppose Jonathan is the safest, and Giorno is the worst. It should be Jolyne because Stone Ocean is more dangerous, but Giorno skeeves me out more. Jolynes only so low because everyone around her would instakill me.
Jonathan is a milk toast of a man. He's unthreatening, because of his noble code. If I got isekai'd, the worst Johnathan could possibly do to me is just have me associated with him, because Dio would fuck me up just to mess with him. In which case, I'd either have to avoid Jonathan so hard Dio can't target me, or I'd have to glue myself to his side so he could protect me from Dio. Which would be what feeds into his tendencies, but they're not really dangerous, so I suppose I'll just have to suck it up.
Joseph is funny and charming, and in earlier parts, he's cunning and witty. He leans heavily into the bad boy heartbreaker persona, so the idea that he's going to be possessive of his partner wouldn't seem out of the ordinary. And all of these would make him the match if it weren't offset by the cheating. How Suzie didn't kill him, I don't know. Her patience is infinite. I, on the other hand, would kill us both. Until then, he wouldn't be too bad.
Jotaro and I would fight way too much. He only wants to talk about his interests, and I can't shut up about my interests, and there is zero overlap between the two. There are only so many times I can endure a Clint Eastwood marathon, and there are only so many minutes he'll let me talk about pinnipeds or linguistics. I couldn't care less about the actual crimes he commits, but the clash of interests would be what makes him the (second) most unbearable.
Josuke has never faced long-term interpersonal consequences to his actions, which means that he'll be genuinely surprised if I stay mad at him after a fight. He nearly beat Okuyasu to death and they're best friends. He punched a hole through his mom and never got in trouble. So why am I still mad at him a week after a verbal fight that didn't even get violent? The world will never know (I will tell him every day, he just doesn't want to hear it). The only reason I wouldn't try to piss him off too much, like saying I got isekai'd and I can't stay in Morioh, is because I've seen Angelo. I choose to not be a fucked up rock Josuke does shameful things with.
Giorno is fucking creepy if you don't hear his internal monologues; which if isekai'd, I wouldn't be able to. I'm with Abbacchio on this, I don't trust this motherfucker. He just stares as people get injured in front of him, and waits until the last possible second to help them, and he's so obviously scheming behind those eyes. I would avoid him like the plague, even if I somehow got involved with the mafia. He's just so... Weird. And calculating. Giorno isn't the only smart jojo, but he is the most intimidating for his intelligence. The vibes are just so rancid on him... I'm throwing myself into the Tiber before I enter this narrative.
Jolyne is a puzzle. I'm not sure what I'd do if I got isekai'd... Do I avoid her and avoid the ire of Anasui, or get my ass beat by the enemy stand users literally everywhere? Not to mention the regular people who just happen to be in a supermax, who will probably prey on me for being an easy target. I'd be totally lost in terms of what to do. At least with the others, there's a hope of escape, or playing my cards right to utilize them. But I don't think there is a good strategy with Jolyne except carefully slotting myself in the toxic friendzone, and hoping for the best. At least it shouldn't be impossible to do.
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corpsoir · 10 months
💀 scene kid Calamari or bust
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hes a natural blonde btw have i mentioned this. i think i have
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iceicewifey · 1 year
i’m sure something like this already exists, but i couldn’t help making a silly little ask meme.  free to be answered either in character or just described – all totally just for fun !
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1.)  Introduce your OC!  Who are they and what do they do?  What is their stand and ability? 2.)  How did your OC encounter and begin working for DIO?  What role do they play? 3.)  Was your OC ever fleshbudded?  If so, was it ever removed? 4.)  Does DIO trust your OC?  How serious is your OC about serving him?  (i.e. are they more lax like Hol Horse was, or is it more of a blind devotion like Vanilla Ice?) 5.)  Does your OC have a significant fight (or multiple) against the Crusaders?  Do they team up with any other agents or is it a solo thing?  Alternatively, if your OC isn’t a fighter, do they have any significant role to make up for it? 6.)  Has your OC ever been inside the mansion?  If so, what did they think of it? 7.)  Does your OC have any meaningful relationships with any other agents or even DIO himself?  Either romantic or close friendships? 8.)  Does your OC survive the part?  If so, what do they do afterwards?  Do they reappear at all?  If they don’t survive, where and how does their story end? 9.)  Did DIO give them any certain incentives to work for him?  If so, what was your OC promised, if anything?  (i.e. how Rubber Soul was promised '100 million dollars') 10.)  Would your OC ever consider changing sides to join the Joestar Party?
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not as many questions in this version, sorry about that... feel free to tweak any questions as needed.  remember to practice good reblog karma and send an ask to the person you reblog from — be good to each other !
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amethystsoda · 7 days
6 & 7 for JoJo asks!!
6. Best villain / antagonist?
Even though other parts are my favorite, how can you not love a Bisexual vampire????????? Dio is an icon.
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From a technical standpoint, I really like how intricate the web with Kira is and the second half of DIU hunting him down and *SPOILERS* the surprise multi level stand battle. I think the ending is one of the more satisfying finishes to the stories (with a teensy bit less heartbreak than other parts)
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7. Favourite Stand design? Least favourite Stand design?
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Actually just all the main trio in Jojolion's stands are really cute!! Soft and Wet and Doggy Style... I miss them sm ;w;
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Least favorite??? This fucker:
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mlimby · 6 months
fuck ass bob
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
For the Jojo ask:
2. Fave art style?
4. Best JoBro or side protagonist?
5. Best minor characters?
7. Favourite Stand design? Least favourite Stand design?
8. Stand you would like to have (or DON'T want to have)?
10. Least favourite character?
12. How were you introduced to JoJo?
15. Best soundtrack?
16. Favourite ship(s)?
18. Funniest moment or fave meme?
20. Fave out-of-context or weird moment? (Especially to show non-fans)
21. Best music or art you've discovered through JoJo?
24. Random fun fact you know about JoJo
oh yay!!! howdy there!! thanks for sending in an ask i love these so much omgggg
this one ran long so im gonna leave a cut here lol
2. Fave art style?
100% part 7. like that is GORGOUS JOJO. and araki at that time said that the fashion of the time was long torso and long legs so he made gyro long, which i love and appreciate because he is my babygirl
4. Best JoBro or side protagonist?
polnareff. gyro. yasaho. they will forever be my top three because they are all amazing and 10/10 characters. also i dont know if these two count, but emporio and hayato as well. 8000000/10 little guys
5. Best minor characters?
i really loved squalo and tiziano from part 5 because they were pretty and cute. uhhh let's see... i would say lisa lisa, but she's pretty major.... uh i think im gonna go with that. araki is really good at making all of his characters pretty intentional lmaoo.
7. Favourite Stand design? Least favourite Stand design?
favorite goes to:
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i wish it was mine. i want it now. i want... no need my stand to look like this PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
least favorite goes to:
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like come on.... we couldve given joseph something rad (i just went with a safe answer because i love all of the stands tbh)
8. Stand you would like to have (or DON'T want to have)?
oh this is fun! let's do both! i would love to have Killer Queen tbh because you could just make trash disappear. like come on, the CONVINIENCE! one i dont want is Fugo's Purple Stand. That would SUCK
10. Least favourite character?
can i say alessi??? this is obvious, so i feel like i'm just doing a cop out lmaooooo let me actually pick someone... okay im gonna get hate, but Doppio/Diavolo. Just not a great villain in my opinion I'm sorry
12. How were you introduced to JoJo?
omg this is a super funny story. i had a friend who wanted me to watch it, but i wasnt sure. i mean i wanted to watch it, but i really didnt know how dark/mature it would be and i thought i was too young at the time lol. then i was on discord one day with some friends and they were watching jojo's and it was the episode where wamuu and joseph were fighting and i was SO INTO IT LMAOOOOO. i loved it, but never watched jojo's until a friend BEGGED ME. i started with the manga funny enough and then just finally watched it. fell in love <3
16. Favourite ship(s)?
joseph and caesar. johnny and gyro. uhhhh Trish and Mista??? I think it's kinda cute. Jolyne and Anasui for sure or her and Hermes too. And definitely Jonathan and Erina. OH AND MY FAVORITE ONE IS BRUNO AND ABBACCHIO! Literally they are gay lovers thank you.
18. Funniest moment or fave meme?
pizza mozzarella is so stupid that i cant help but love it. fav meme is the one where rohan and josuke are laughing and then rohan just stabs his pinky LMFAOOOO
20. Fave out-of-context or weird moment? (Especially to show non-fans)
the one where Bruno is talking about Narancia's hand being a floppy condom. i'll leave it right there thanks
24. Random fun fact you know about JoJo
Araki wanted to make Fugo turn against Bruno and the rest of the gang and end up dying, but Araki was really depressed at the time and didn't have the heart to kill of Fugo, so he left him be. Also he wanted Squalo and Tiziano to be married, but his editing team said no because of ruled back then
thanks i had a lot of fun <333333
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bumblingblog-1 · 1 year
6, 15, 23, 42 :)
Asking the big questions, I see 😆
JJBA ask game
6) Fave stand?
It's basic, but I am all too fond of Killer Queen.
15) Top 3 side characters?
In no particular order:
-- Foo Fighters
-- Lisa Lisa (I love what she brings to the lore)
-- Erina Pendleton
23) Do you prefer Araki’s older art style or his newer style?
Kinda leaning towards the newer style (by a hair), minus the same face syndrome. The buffness of the older style is memorable, but I find the newer style more chill.
That might change, though.
42) What was the most bizarre moment in Jojo for you?
Too many to name 😅 Though I mean Morioh is one bizarre town in and of itself lmao
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ubashaaa-archived · 2 years
STARES AT YOU. SPLAT MANTA RAY OR WHALE SHARK (or any other beast you think fits him)
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SCALE is not perfect but whatever. big fishy :]
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