#johnny suh series
espresseo-cafe · 4 months
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.8
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genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 3.1k+
a/n: this has a crossover with @jae-canikeepyou ‘s series serenity in us 🤭 read that if you like, you’d love it 🤗 so now i’m back from hiatus! enjoy your coffee time 💚 note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
“how are you coping?” was one of the last messages johnny had sent you. after your breakdown and asthma attack, he didn’t send you any more, just short ones as he was planning his baby thesis together with kun on psychology. he also had to do his paediatric studies on saturdays.
besides, you guys were entering to your final year very soon.
you decided to give him space, you as well needed to catch up with your own (being at the library at the moment)- even though it was stressful enough to have your parents by the ends of your hair strands most of your life. it was habitual, you guessed.
it was also ironic because even though you dislike shoving your face in books and research papers, you found yourself kind of listening to their orders of studying hard.
but you soon realised you were doing this for yourself, not for them.
somehow you wished you never agreed to meet them that day. you just ended up disappointed and hurt like you always had.
your phone rang when you just quickly put it down, receiving mean glares and shushes from the people around the table. taking your stuff and shoving them in your bag, you ran out of the library and called back the person who conveniently decided to embarass you.
“you just love to distract me, do you, johnny?” placing your phone between your ear and shoulder, fixing the heel of your socks.
a soft chuckle heard from the other line, a voice you kinda want to hear. “because i know you will be. want to go for coffee? i finished my project so i can meet you at the atrium.”
“please, i got homework to finish.” you dramatically told him, turning to your left then walking down the stairs.
“hm, interesting.” he hummed, “if you got homework to finish then why did you change your path down the stairs?”
you halted as you almost set foot to the atrium’s entrance. looking up, he was there by the railings.
“i see i got a stalker.”
“the one and only.” johnny smiled and waved at you from the balcony before going down the stairs to meet you.
placing your phone in your pocket when he stood in front of you, you laughed, “dear me, do i need to call the police?”
he wrapped his arms around your shoulder, “please don’t. besides you owe me coffee, it’s been a week.”
you slapped his chest lightly. what’s with him and coffee? “dude that’s what you’ve been wanting to do? don’t you have cash?”
“i spent it on youngmin’s medicine. little dude can’t keep still, always running around until he caught fever. but he does get regular check-ups.” he sighed, “medicine should be free, especially for kids.”
as you walked to the coffee shop at the next street, you concluded that maybe it was why johnny took paediatrics, to monitor youngmin’s health.
johnny was on his final year of his double degree in psychology and paediatric studies, so his schedules were going to be busy. an idea came up to your mind. “say, why don’t i take him to the clinic for his checkup appointments? so you could focus on your studies.”
johnny’s slightly tired face lit up, “really? you can do that?” you nodded as you both entered the coffee shop, “that’s great, it’ll be a huge help.” looking at the drinks menu, he hummed. “you know what, drinks are on me today, i’m suddenly in a good mood.”
you giggled when he took out a five dollar bill on his hand, “so you can treat me coffee on days i take him for appointments, deal?”
“deal-“ johnny flicked his head to you, “-wait!”his hand got freed of cash when you took the bill and jogged to the counter. he stifled a laugh seeing you already pointing at your desired drink, smiling endearingly at you until you turned to him.
“johnny, come on here and choose yours!” gesturing for him to come closer, “they’ve got an offer of buy one get one free.”
little did you two know, you didn’t notice the presence of both rowoon and seungcheol seated at the very end of the coffee shop. rowoon thought that seungcheol’s little crush on you was too obvious. he wondered why after all this time, the guy never seemed to talk to you.
“for a jock like you, you’re someone who’s actually soft for the girl you like.” he munched on the scone he bought, seungcheol then shaking his thoughts off of his mind.
“so what do you want me to do?” the doe eyed asked, taking a sip from his latte.
rowoon smirked, checking a piece of a paper slip before giving it to seungcheol. “nothing actually. you can stay put for now, but hold onto this.”
“if this gets us into trouble, rowoon, you’ll know what you’ll get.” seungcheol warned him, taking the envelope from him as the boy stood up to leave.
“don’t worry, hyung. we got this.”
“no way! how come i just heard of this?” yoohyeon told you through the small screen, while you ate on ramyeon bought from the convenient store. she tutted her lips together, “hey y/n, is that all what you’ve been eating since i was gone for almost three weeks?”
“it’s my cheat day.” you slurped, wiping off excess soup from your cheek. “i’ve been studying my brain off, i need to de-stress somehow.”
yoohyeon whined playfully, “i want to de-stress too! the expectations here in paris is as high as the eiffel tower. but anyway, answer my question. so it’s still on the rocks with your parents?”
you hummed, not sure how to answer that just yet. “yeah definitely, can’t believe i’ve been stood up at the dinner.. well it’s not like it never happened to me.”
“well isn’t that great? there’s progress!” she sarcastically said because she knew how your relationship was with your parents. she then squinted her eyes. “then what about you and johnny? any progress in that?”
you coughed on a piece of noodle. “t-that, i don’t know. i heard he had an argument with his ex after youngmin’s party.”
“minji? after so long?” she questioned. “well, i hope she doesn’t give him a hard time. the guy’s moved on, given that his attention is so focused on you.”
you laughed a little, “who’s to say, it’s a little crush i have for him. there’s a fine line between falling in love and having a crush, you know? maybe it’s just admiration on my part. but him to me? i doubt it.” you felt a shuffle on the side as you placed the ramyeon on the table behind you, making yoohyeon tilt her head in question.
“did you get a puppy, y/n?”
“a cute one, actually.” shifting your phone for her to see clearly, youngmin snuggled next to you.
“oh, my, word.” she said dramatically, “you’re a certified mommy candidate for the little one. i’ve never seen him so close to anyone like that. johnny must love you to the point he trusted his son to you.”
“a: he doesn’t love me, and b: i offered to help him, alright? we’re not even gonna go there.” you shook your head, combing youngmin’s hair as he slept.
yoohyeon took a snap of that, sending it to johnny immediately. “oh isn’t it time for you to bring him to his appointment? it’s almost 1pm.”
“yes and you’ll be late for class.” you reminded her, “make me proud, yoohyeon. i helped you with your thesis, don’t put it waste.”
hearing you say that made her laugh so early in the morning. “it’s 6am here but roger that, momma!~” waving a goodbye before signing off.
you turned your phone off, putting your legs off of the sofa. then youngmin woke up and wiped his eyes, “mama i’m warm.”
you flicked your head to the boy, chuckling and patting his cheek. “it’s auntie y/n, youngmin.” he sat up and yawned, asking for a hug and you carried him, soon taking your leave to the clinic. “you’re going to get better.”
the little toddler was tired the whole time, and that worried you. wearing the carrier, you placed him facing you while he slept once more. the cooling patch on his forehead wasn’t doing any good to put his temperature down. he actually cried quite a bit on the way so you put a dummy on him, and thankfully he didn’t cause too much of a scene on the train.
stepping in the clinic, you suddenly saw your long time friend, jungkook. his eye smile never failed to be so contagious. “ah noona! you’re here again?”
“yeah, i need to be here for this little one. my friend’s son.” you ruffled his hair, and jungkook poked his cheek.
“he’s adorable! oh and guess what? i’m assisting the renowned dr. jung yunho tomorrow, i just finished meeting up with him.” his bunny smile showing.
you gave him a high-five, you were really proud of him. “nice on you sophomore, it’s gonna look good on your resume once you do your residency and fellowship.”
jungkook just scratched his head, blushing red. “it’s still a long ways to go, noona.” checking his watch, he gasped at the time. “and i don’t want to be late. catch up soon?”
you nodded and gave him a wave, “sure.”
the reception was close by and you confirmed youngmin’s booking. the nurse had to double check if you were the parent, and you clarified that you were substituting the child’s father, who couldn’t make it in the scheduled appointments and showed her the documents with johnny’s signature.
“i actually thought you were the mother. because mr. suh comes here alone often, other than the grandparents. so i got my hopes up when i recognised youngmin with a young lady. sorry about that.” she noted, giving you an apologetic smile.
“it’s not a problem, i haven’t met the mother as well so i guess we’re on the same page.” you smiled a bit, and took a pen from your bag, signing the check-in sheet.
“oh excuse me miss, you dropped something.” one intern next to the nurse pointed down while you muttered a thank you.
it was the extra coupon you had from all the coffee breaks you had with johnny. maybe i should use this later. so you placed it back again to use it again. slowly standing up, you removed youngmin from the carrier while the nurse took him in for a little check up before the actual appointment with dr. yunho.
“miss y/n!” you heard a little squeal, and it was one that you recognised so well. “long time no see!”
“hi liam!” you bent down to have a short chat. “are you here for a check up with the doctor?”
the kindergartener nodded quickly like he was so proud of it. “yes, i got a scratch on my face and on my leg because i fell.” you told him to be careful and he just pouted, saying that he would. he turned around to lady who called him, saying that they had to leave.
at the same time, you were called in by dr. yunho. you patted his hair and bid him goodbye. standing up, you were faced with a lady, who was around your age. must be liam’s mother.. you thought. but who were you to judge?
liam jumped as he left the hospital, whining that he was hungry. “can we go to mcdonald’s, auntie minji?”
she held his tiny hand, “of course, you did really well at the checkup.”
“then can you carry me there, please?” he pleaded, making puppy eyes to convince her, only for her to disagree.
“no can do, liam.” she poked his little nose and teased him. “you know auntie isn’t that strong like a superhero.”
after youngmin’s checkup, you were thankful that he didn’t need to be confined in the hospital. on the other hand, you were so dazzled by dr. yunho, how could someone be so handsome and smart at the same time? it was funny how he opened up so quickly, even mentioning that he had brothers who went to the same university as you- currently year one and year four. it didn’t feel like an appointment at all because of how he conversed.
youngmin seemed to have gotten used to being at the doctor’s, after the fact johnny told you that he used to cry a lot about it. and speaking of him, you got a call, just in time.
“hey y/n, i’m on my way there with bosco, we’ll drop him off at mom and dad’s first, then i owe you coffee again, is it the third time this month? anyway see you both in five minutes.”
you lit up, “sure, we’ll wait here.”
it took about five minutes for him to arrive. talk about consistency: another box ticked on your checklist. he came out of the car to help carry youngmin, while you got on after.
the nurses who saw this from the clinic had their hearts swooned in various places. johnny was young but the way he handled everything made him so mature.
“daddy material..” the intern’s eyes twinkled while she clasped her hands together.
“get back to work, rookie.” the nurse sighed.
“what? you were staring at him too, hypocrite.” she pouted.
as youngmin rested at his grandparents’ place, you and johnny made your way to the coffee shop. patters of rain drummed the windows and johnny sighed when he looked above. “i swear this is like the worse summer ever, it’s been raining for days.”
“can’t help it though. it was scorching hot as well. besides, fall is on the way, in a few weeks?” you stretched your neck and your back from side to side. the feeling of cracked bones was such a relief that johnny glimpsed at you back and forth and scrunched his face.
“sorry, you must’ve been tired from bringing youngmin to the clinic for three weeks.” he stopped the vehicle at the red light.
“it’s okay, it’s workout for me to carry him.” you snickered. as you said that, the rain gradually grew a bit stronger. so you looked up as well, and you didn’t like how it reminded you of the past.
it used to be about your parents, it still was, besides text messages you hadn’t heard any apologies from them at all. and that upsetted you.
another thing was the accident, you haven’t even came into terms with it. you still remembered the impact, the screeches from its tires, the way you flew, and the way you thought everything gone in a blink. it felt like it was yesterday.
johnny knew at one look that you were still processing everything that happened. it was something he wanted to help you overcome but he also knew it was a long journey and that it doesn’t just disappear overnight.
so an idea came up to him, he hoped you were up for it, and he hoped he was right. you felt the vehicle turn sharply to a corner. johnny turned the engine off, “y/n, let’s go out right now.”
your raised eyebrow made him want to laugh but he knew you would love this. “um, are you crazy? it’s raining cats and dogs outside, johnny.”
he just grinned at you. “i maybe am. but with a little bit of play in the cold of ‘cat and dog’ rain, you might just be crazy with me.” he got off the car and ran into the rain, hollering and spinning around.
your eyes widened, frantically turning your head around to check if people noticed him. reaching for the handle, you stared at the rain once more, hands shaking anxiously. should you go out once again?
“awooo!” johnny continued to shout and laugh. you stared at him deadpan, this was embarrassing.
you sighed, “johnny!” the secondhand embarassment you got from him was unbelievable. you ran towards him and stopped him from whatever he was doing. “what are you doing?”
“oh? the puppy chased me and stopped me.” he laughed and you just blinked your eyes in confusion. “cats.. dogs.. rain..? you and me? don’t you get it?”
“johnny, cats don’t howl.” you crossed your arms, finally getting what he meant. “let’s go, before we get sick.”
he didn’t say anything and pulled your arm, “i know you hate the rain but…” he trailed off, taking two pairs of airpods. putting one pair to your ears before he put another into his, he played one of coldplay’s biggest hits, and the song that calmed you down- a sky full of stars.
“let’s have some fun.”
the piano melody and the vocals filled the intro, johnny’s head started to follow the beat and sang. and naturally you followed, singing as well. the familiar music slowly building up. when it reached to the one minute and eighteenth mark, as if you and johnny shared the same braincells, started to jump in the rain.
he held your hand and twirled you around, then suddenly doing a crumping move on this medium-paced song, made you laugh. you’d say it out loud that johnny was a good dancer. it even showed when the next song- adventure of a lifetime, was next in queue.
that was where you confirmed he was groovy, pulling a little genre of modern swing. not that you knew how to do that certain dance pairing, but the music and johnny’s energy just made you dance with the flow.
his guided his hands to yours, leading you with his twists and turns. and in parts were the music were on a slight drop, he led you to follow him on certain easy steps.
you also had your share in adding steps and iconic movements, putting a little michael jackson moonwalk in it. johnny pointed at you in surprise, even in earphones, you could hear his laugh.
johnny and yourself probably looked like idiots dancing in the rain on the road towards the highway. but to the both of you, it was special, as you were dealing with heartbreaks in different aspects. music was definitely a de-stresser.
johnny looked at you with admiration. as you danced away in the rain, he felt like he was witnessing something beautiful. though the music was playing, he could hear his heart beating. and his eyes widened when the lyrics mirrored what he was feeling:
“now i feel my heart beating, i feel my heart underneath my skin, oh, you make me feel like i’m alive again.”
he smiled endearingly, he knew he was so attracted to you. he knew you had space in his heart, and he’d gladly give it to you.
you turned around, hair flicking slowly, then your eyes met.
and it was when he realised fully,
that he was starting to fall in love with you.
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc @kyeomooniee @geysuuuuh @mrkleelvr
30 notes · View notes
neowinestainedress · 2 years
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PAIRING: demon!haechan x incusub!jeno x fairy!jaemin x duplicating shadow!johnny x tentacle monster!yuta x ghost!jaehyun x fem!human!reader
GENRE: smut, monsterfucking, halloween themed, pwp
SUMMARY: on Halloween, nothing is as it seems. You end up in a room with six guys thinking they have amazing costumes only to be struck by reality when it’s too late; those are not costumes at all. But remember, on October 31, nothing is as it seems.
WARNINGS: smut, gangbang, monsterfucking, unprotected sex, dubcon, mind reading, aphrodisiacs, masturbation (f/m), oral (f/m), dirty talk, praise, degradation, fingering, hate fuck (only with haechan), choking (m/f), light predator/prey undertones, anal fingering, anal sex, spitroasting, double penetration (two holes and one hole), triple penetration, tentacles sex, overstimulation, dumbification, too much c*m, dom!nct x sub!reader (some switchy dynamics with haechan), just filth, pure filth if i missed smt lmk
WORD COUNT: 19.550k
A/N: I wrote this mess in less than a week, I deserve head pats for this. I don’t even know what to say, I’m sorry?? You’re welcome?? I hope you’ll like it?? I just know after writing this I need a three years detox from multiple members’ smut (and smut in general). Also, my second 2nd pov long fic, let me know what you think, please.
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if you click ‘read more’ you agree you have read the warnings and take responsibility for the media you consume.
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“We need to do something for Halloween,” Ningning huffs, skimming through the dresses in the closet, trying to look for something to wear. She turns around, rolling her eyes at you, too focused on your book. “You’re not even listening,” she whines, throwing a pillow at you uselessly since you catch it immediately.
“Go out,” you reply, face still snuggled in the pages of the heavy book in your hands. “There are plenty of parties in town.”
“No,” your friend whines, giving up picking an outfit and sitting at the edge of the bed. “Like we need to do something, you never go out.”
You sigh, lowering the book to look at her for a second. “I simply have different interests, and you know it.”
“Yeah, your boring books, and whatever you do closed in the library all day, and the weird plants you grow.”
A chuckle rolls out of your lips, “The only time I came to one of your parties nothing interesting happened. There was nobody that sparked up my interest. I like interesting… people,” you reply with a shrug.
“You like people? Because I’ve never seen you interact with one. And the only time a boy talked to you, you looked like a pathetic mess. What even was his name? Jack?”
You nod mindlessly, but oh, if you remember him. It was… fun. 
“You need to get off those books, I could show you some new friends, I’m sure you’ll love them.”
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In the end, you let your friend convince you; you would’ve done anything as long as Ningning stopped nagging and crying about how you couldn’t leave her alone. As if she wasn’t going to leave you alone as soon as you arrived at this party she decided to go; one glimpse at an average-looking man and she was gone.
And as you expected, it went exactly that way. Ningning had disappeared and you were standing alone in that crowd of people, with the promise of a terribly boring night ahead. 
“Kinda eye-catching, don’t you think so?” 
You turn around startled by the deep voice resonating in the kitchen and see a tall man wearing a peculiar… dress. It’s black with a cape and the sleeves are moving around him almost as if an air-fanning mechanism is hiding underneath. Other than that his costume is normal, with no make-up on his face and silky black hair pulled back, barely visible under the fabric. 
“Are you talking to me?” 
He smirks, quickly glancing you up and down. “Of course, you’re the only one here,” he replies before whispering, “and the only one screaming for attention.” 
You laugh, rather embarrassed when he flies right in front of you, making you take a step back and press your back against the counter. “Screaming for attention?” 
“They’re all dressed in black or dark colours, playing demons or characters and you’re here, alone, in the kitchen dressed like an angel.” 
“Angels don’t ask for attention,” you chuckle, turning around to finish pouring yourself a drink. 
“Water?” Another voice comes from behind you, too close to you, actually. 
“Oh, wow,” you gasp when turning around you see his costume; black horns on top of his head, a red tail following behind, and then… necklaces? Rings? A crown? 
“I’m a mammon… for tonight,” he smirks, tongue running on his teeth as he looks at you with a smug expression. At your confused face, he laughs. “Greed, honey. Why do you think I have all this gold on me?” 
“Oh, sure,” you hum, looking down at the floor, feeling surrounded and to the point of surrendering to something you don’t even know. “It’s beautiful.” 
 “Thanks, angel. You look ethereal,” he compliments but there’s something in his tone you can’t describe, almost as if he’s secretly telling you something he can’t say out loud. 
“Haechan,” the other calls, making him look behind you. “Quit playing.” 
The man you found out to be named Haechan rolls his eyes and huffs loudly. “Thought we just started playing.” 
You feel kinda left out, and expect them to go on with their antic, maybe being able to slip away from them, but the other man talks to you. 
“Don’t mind him, he’s a child.” 
“She’s a child for picking water as a drink,” Haechan cuts him off, moving you from your position with a rough movement. 
“Careful,” the man in the shadow costume comments, “she’s fragile.” 
“I’m not,” you reply with a forced smile on your face, feeling more and more out of place, and trying to glimpse outside to see Ningning because how was it possible she always puts you in these situations? 
“Looking for somebody?” Another voice brings you to earth again and when you blink your eyes to focus closer to you, you see another odd figure standing in front of you. Why is everyone so well dressed at this party? You made a last-minute attempt to put together all the white clothes you owned and finished it with wings and a halo you bought the day before the party.
“Oh, just a friend, in case she wants to leave,” you answer, adding a giggle at the end of the sentence to hide how you don’t like the shift in the room. 
“Tentacle,” he replies to your unvoiced questions, making you look away after you stared at him just for too long. “Don’t worry, angel,” he snickers close to your ears. “I don’t mind when people stare. They can do amazing things.” 
You feel like you want to die, so you turn around, only to be met with the man of before and… three other men? Where were they coming from? A fairy? A ghost? And another — supposed — demon you couldn’t name? 
“Oh, you took time with your costumes, they look… realistic.” 
They all laugh, leaving you perplexed. “Is it a bad thing?” 
“No, honey,” the fairy talks. “Yours is very realistic too, but I think the one wearing it makes it so realistic.” He winks, making you avoid his gaze. 
“Hell, stop being so cheesy, Jaemin,” the other demon comments, slapping his friend’s arms. You chuckle, shaking your head. 
“Drink this,” Haechan says, handing you a glass. 
You quirk a brow, staring at the liquid in the glass and trying to get what it is. It’s strong and it smells like a weird mix but you can’t look too sure about it, so you gulp and grab it from his… hand. Is that even a hand? 
“What’s this?” 
“Something stronger than your bland water.” 
“How much stronger?” 
“It’s good,” the shadow says and only then you realize that his voice sounds different too, almost as if it’s not really there, but it doesn’t look like he has a mic to distort the sound. “Want me to drink first?” 
“No, no,” you reply, holding the glass closer to your body and then bringing the cup to your lips. You regret throwing it down in one single shot because it’s too strong for you to handle and you’d like to fake it didn’t affect you but it did, and you cough, covering your mouth and bending slightly to hide your face. 
“You two are so ruthless on this poor thing.” You jump when you feel a tentacle resting on your back. 
“It moves?” You forget immediately the alcohol that burned in your throat a few seconds ago, staring at the man next to you with wide eyes. 
“I spent an entire year trying to make it work,” he explains. “Can’t show you the trick because it will ruin the magic but yes, it does.” 
You hum, trying to water down the burning sensation by swallowing more saliva but your throat feels dry, you’re surrounded and you have not the smallest idea of where Ningning could be. 
“I should go,” you say but the ghost and the demon are at the door in a second. 
“Why don’t you come play with us in a quieter place?” 
You chuckle, shaking your head, “I don’t even know your names how can I trust you? I barely can guess the costumes you picked.” 
“Jaehyun, the ghost,” he smiles, handing you his hand before he pulls back before you can shake it. You find it odd but the man beside him doesn’t give you the chance to focus on it. 
“Jeno, an incubus.” 
“An incubus…” you panic for a second, staring into his eyes for more and relaxing when nothing happens and he still looks at you with the same hungry, lustful eyes. “The sex demon, right?” 
“Yeah,” he replies, smirking. “I usually love explaining this in other circumstances.” 
You snort, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. “Get dressed like one often?” 
“Nah, only every Halloween, I’m quite close to this old mass of clothes and makeup.” 
Someone coughs and you both turn around to stare at the tentacle man. “It’s rude to act as if the room is empty.” 
“Yuta, by the way. I guess you’re smart enough to understand what I am, right?” 
You nod, wanting to ask more questions about the choice but the sneeze you make when someone comes closer to you stops you.  
“It must be the glitters,” the fairy says, reaching out his hand. “I’m Jaemin, never caused allergic reactions before.” 
You chuckle, nodding. “No, it’s fine, it’s fine, seriously. I like the colours,” you add, eyes longing on the beautiful blue of his wings and how perfectly it merged with the green of the rest of the costume. Finding him cute; beautiful dark, blonde hair half-hidden under a small hat and a bright smile on his face. 
“Aren’t you cold?” The white shirt exposes more than half of his chest, and the pants reach only past his knees. 
“Aren’t you half naked?” Haechan responds instead, receiving a smack from the shadow next to him. 
“I’m Johnny,” the man finally lets you know his name but not who he is. “A duplicating shadow, quite hard to replicate but I think I did an amazing job, right?” 
“It’s amazing. I like the way they move, I wouldn’t waste a second trying to make these wings bat, not even if they paid me,” you laugh, referring to the cheap wigs you bought last minute, and then your eyes land on the demon that’s looking at you. 
“You already know who I am.” 
“Yeah, he’s a fan of big entrances,” Jaehyun huffs, walking closer to you. 
“Now that you know us, do you trust us?” Jeno speaks with eagerness in his voice, it’s so evident and in character, it makes you chuckle but only internally. 
“Where would we even go? We can’t just wander around the place.” 
Yuta smiles, “Glad we know you’re not a rude guest but, honey, we threw this party.” 
“And you’d leave your guests here? Without you?” 
Yuta glances over your shoulders, the mass of bodies swinging to the music, and then smirks at you. “Pretty sure they’re all having fun, you, on the other hand…” 
Well, the night was young, and you didn’t have anything better to do, so what could’ve gone wrong? 
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You’re not sure if something went wrong but you’re sure that things aren’t going right either. 
Time is passing by — you have no idea how much time passed — and nothing happened yet. They flaunt their costumes and make weird jokes you wished you didn’t understand. But you’re still there, sitting on a red couch in one of the rooms on the upper floor as you watch them do their things. 
“Angel is getting bored,” Jaemin shouts, finally bringing your attention back to you. 
“We are working for her,” Johnny says. 
“Working?” You raise a brow, tilting your head. “You’re just strolling around in your silly, little costumes.” 
“Nobody ever told you you’re too feisty to be an angel?” Haechan tells you, slightly offended by your words. 
You click your tongue and shrug, “I usually don’t go around like this.” 
When he’s on top of you, you gulp. “Maybe you should try to take acting classes and fit into the character.” 
You laugh, “It’s so funny because all it took was a stupid bad comment against your costume and you gave me exactly what I wanted. Attention.” 
You see Johnny hold back a grin from the corner of your eyes and some of them laugh lowly at their friends, while Haechan only huffs and steps back. 
“Come here, angel,” Johnny calls, patting his thigh, sitting on the table in front of you. “Do you know how to play beer pong?” 
“Not really, stopped going to college a long time ago,” you say, “not really a long time ago, it feels liberating to be free from that.” 
“It’s okay, we don’t mind old women,” Jaehyun chuckles when you stutter. 
“I’m not old, I’m… experienced.” 
“Experienced?” Yuta asks. 
“Yeah, one year of college is equivalent to ten years of life.” 
“You’re funny,” he says. 
“Thanks, better than annoying.” 
“You’re still annoying,” Haechan retorts, and you see he’s slouched on another couch, eating fruit as if he’s a king or something. He probably is totally convinced of being one. 
“Why don’t you teach me how to play? You should be greedy to get a prize?” 
He shakes his head. “The prize is not material. Is just some boobs and funny pictures.” 
“Don’t listen to him, it’s not as perverted as it sounds,” Johnny says, glaring at him before offering you a reassuring smile. “We make the losing team take off their clothes and do a random dare without clothes.” 
“Oh,” you gasp. “I think I’ll watch.” 
“I think we need three members each,” Yuta says, dragging you close to the table with a tentacle and when you feel it on your skin you wonder how realistic it can be, well, based on how accurate the descriptions of tentacles can be.
“Okay, but it’s just one item of clothes,” you say. “Please,” you ask, batting your eyelashes at them. 
“Fuck, if you ask so nicely,” Jeno groans, moving to the other side of the table followed by Jaehyun and Jaemin. 
“Remember the rules,” Johnny says when you’re divided into teams. 
“Yeah, no cheating,” Haechan remembers, standing up to watch from the sidelines. “No magic tricks.” 
“That’s boring,” Jeno huffs. 
“You’re the one that can do less so I wouldn’t complain.” 
“What are they talk—” you start to say but Johnny stops you.  
“They’re being idiots,” he says, glaring at them. “You remember how to play?” 
You nod, the explanation he and Yuta had given you before pressed in your brain. It wasn’t even like you had to remember something, you just had to be lucky that the ball was going to end in their cup and they were going to miss yours. 
But destiny doesn’t seem to be at your side tonight, and you suck at this without help. So you lose. 
“One thing off.” 
“This was to warm up, let’s make the worst of three rounds,” you say, “Come on, so we can play more.” 
“You don’t care about playing,” the demon retorts with a sound of disappointment. 
“I do.” 
“It’s because she’s not drinking,” Jaehyun says. 
“I am.” 
“You drunk once, the rest were all gulped by your knights in shiny armours,” Haechan comments. 
“Fine, I’ll drink more.” 
Jaehyun, Jaemin, and Jeno share a glance before nodding against their will. “Fine, but no more rules changing after this,” Jeno says and you see him boiling in his seat, it’s like he has this unlimited energy and can’t wait to get to something and you don’t know what it is. Too naïve to get he wants to get to you, the real prize of the night.  
You blame it on the alcohol dripping down your throat when you can barely hit one cup for the duration of the second game and Yuta and Johnny’s abilities aren’t enough to make you win. So the last one is the big match, and you don’t feel so confident anymore. 
“Scared, angel?” Jaemin asks, lifting a brow as he stares at you grabbing the white ping pong ball and getting ready to aim. 
“You wish.” 
You huff loudly when you miss and they laugh, even the ones that should side with you. 
“You’ll be luckier next time,” Haechan comments, winking, and then the game proceeds as usual. Your team catches up until it’s a tie, and the last shot is in Johnny’s hands. 
“Oh, oh,” Jeno cheers when he misses, and you can only stare at the cup on their side with an open mouth. 
“Sorry,” he whispers, not really sorry at all. 
You’re about to talk when Jeno cuts you off, “Scared of what will happen when I’ll make it?” 
You’d like to answer, ‘if you make it,’ but you keep quiet, biting your lips because you know he will make it, he’s promising it to you with the way his eyes stare into yours and you have to look away. 
Jeno smirks and then throws, so easily that the way he acts drives you madder than the fact that 1) you lost and 2) you have to get rid of one of your clothes. 
“Bingo, baby,” he chuckles before they are all on the other side of the table. But they don’t seem really interested in their two friends, all eyes are on you, all of them. 
Now that you look at them, you realize they’re not much dressed, if Johnny took off something he would completely ruin his costume. And you don’t understand Yuta’s costume, are the tentacles attached to his shirt or to a backpack?
You clear your throat, deciding to make the first step and your hands reach under your white skirt that’s barely reaching your mid-thigh. 
“Panties?” Jaehyun asks, tilting his head. 
You hum, “the skirt covers me anyway.” 
“Smart,” Jaemin comments, snickering. 
“Not really,” Haechan remarks but doesn’t explain why, he doesn’t want you to change your mind. So he stares deep into you and watches the matching white panties roll down your bare legs. “Mine,” he growls, ripping them from your hands as soon as they come off, sitting around your white plateau with the string around your ankles. 
“You’re so greedy,” Yuta huffs, rolling his eyes. 
“Wouldn’t be a mammon if I wasn’t, don’t you think so?” He barks back and then looks back at you. “You have to do something, don’t you remember?” 
You are only then reminded that it’s not over and you curse yourself at the dumb decision but you nod anyway. 
He licks his lips and looks at the others that nod. “Touch yourself.” 
Your mouth parts open and you stare at them in shock, chuckling hysterically as you think they are joking, they must be joking, right? But they are not, they are waiting patiently — not really — for your next move. 
“Are you stupid?” Jeno growls, his patience snapping once again and making you shake for a second. 
“No, I… I wasn’t the only one on the team,” you try to save yourself. 
“Right,” Jeno says. “Yuta, Johnny, make her sit on the table and spread her wide.” 
“What, no!” You scream, trying to squirm away from them but they are faster than you, immobilizing your legs, body, and arms with ease. The way their arms feel around you it’s weird, they don’t feel real and they definitely feel more than four. 
“Angel, seriously?” Haechan asks, walking closer to you now that you’re sitting on the edge of the table. “Why do you have to put up a fight when your panties are soaked?” Your body burns up when he brings them to his nose and smells them and you try to hide your face for being so exposed. 
“Do you have to watch?” 
“Of course, we do,” Jaehyun says, grabbing a chair to show you he’s going to enjoy the show. “Don’t act innocent, you could’ve taken off your shoes and you took off your panties, you are a tease.” 
You decide not to answer and instead let go of the firm hold of your legs to try to stop the other men from exposing you, and when they reach your skin, you jump. One is wet and the other doesn’t feel heavy like a hand. 
Your head snaps up and turns side to side to meet their eyes and you realize something is different. 
“It’s wet,” you whimper, looking at the tentacle on your leg.
“I told you I worked hard on it.” 
“It’s…” you stop, struggling to find the words that describe what you’re feeling, but apparently none of them cares about your doubts or fears. 
“We’re waiting,” Haechan reminds you and when you glance over you see they are sitting in front of you. 
You gulp and then bring two fingers to your lips, sucking them enough to get them wet. Some of them moan, some others groan and you feel your breath falter because Yuta — and especially Johnny — feel so all over you. 
“Lift her skirt up,” Jaemin orders them, and Yuta does what he asked, a slimmer tentacle wrapping on your tummy as it lifts the skirt, and he feels you shiver. 
“Nobody believes you find this weird,” he whispers next to your ear, a smirk can be heard in his voice as his lips brush over your neck. 
“It is weird,” you reply, voice dying in your throat. “But I like it.” 
“Good,” he growls, biting your earlobe and you moan. Eyes widening when you realize what you did. You avoid the others mocking eyes and you bring your fingers on your clit, starting to rub slowly, going with the same rhythm that brings you more pleasure. 
“You’re so pretty, angel,” Jeno comments, but he’s definitely not staring at you, his eyes are fixed between your legs, pointy and long tongue slipping past his lips in a smirk. 
You shiver when Johnny’s hand touches closer to your inner thigh, it’s soft, and light, incredibly light considering how big and strong he looks under that black mass floating around him and the dots don’t connect, nothing of this makes sense. 
“Slip one finger inside, angel,” the fairy man orders you, looking at you with a rather tender look, wings shaking hard behind him, glitters falling to the ground. 
And you obey, collecting the wetness that is dripping out of you shamelessly to stretch your pussy with a finger. It shouldn’t be so hot to have complete strangers ordering you to do such things, but it’s like your body is moving on its own. 
“Pretty sure you can do more than that,” Haechan comments, leg bouncing nervously, hands covered in rings clenching tight around your panties, trying to fool his needs that those are enough of you for now. 
“I don’t,” you reply shily. 
“Then I’m sure Yuta and Johnny can help.” 
Your mouth only opens to reply but shuts as soon as Yuta wraps a hand — you forgot he had one — around your wrists. 
“Want my fingers or something else?” 
Your first thought definitely doesn’t go to the tentacle but when he swings it in the air you try to squirm away. 
“Ca-can you put them away?” 
He laughs, and Johnny’s fingers slip between your legs, making you look away for a moment before Yuta grabs your face with a thin appendance, you glance behind him and you blink repeatedly, thinking that they keep coming out and you have no idea how that could happen. 
“What, angel? Thought you liked my costume,” he pouts, letting two other tentacles wrap around your covered boobs. 
“I — I do, but they seem too real,” you breathe out, mind fogging slowly as Johnny keeps moving his fingers inside and his thumb circles your clit. 
Yuta smirks, “And would it be a problem if they were real?” He asks, tentacle falling from your face to replace the hold with his hand, he likes it much better because he can squeeze you close to him, and make you believe he would be so sweet to kiss you but that doesn’t happen. “Would that be scary? Terrorizing, even, maybe.” 
Your throat is dry and you don’t know what to say. “You — you’d be a monster,” the laugh is broken in your throat, and it’s hard to push the other words out. “And monsters don’t exist.” 
“Oh, honey…” you hear Haechan comment with a taunting laugh. 
“Put them back,” you ask Yuta again, ignoring the demon’s comment. 
“They don’t terrify you now that they are wrapped around your tits,” he replies, squeezing the two on your chest more, sucking on the nipple, wetting through the fabric. 
At that, you jump. “Okay, wait, stop,” you try to squirm away from him and Johnny as you can’t believe anymore this is a joke. And they do let you go, watching you crawl back on the table, trying to close your legs and fix your clothes. 
“This is not funny,” you say, staring at them, chest huffing and heart racing. 
“Who said it was supposed to be funny?” Jaehyun asks, challenging you with a teasing look. 
“You, when you convinced me to come up here with you.” 
They chuckle as if your comment doesn’t faze them, as if your fear doesn’t faze them. You actually think it turns them on.  
“You were having a great time,” Johnny comments, smirking. 
“I should leave.” You don’t bother asking for your panties, knowing Haechan wasn’t going to give them to you, God knows what he was going to do with them, and you jump off the table, but when you look up Johnny is standing in front of you… two Johnny are standing in front of you. 
You’re frozen on the spot, looking back and forth between them, shaking your head and blinking trying to remember how much did you drink to be this drunk. 
“I love people’s confused expression when they see me,” he comments, but only one is talking and you’re even more confused than before, you look back and the others are unamused. 
“Who are you?” Your voice is shaking and you feel like you’re going insane, for all you know they probably drugged you and these were the effects, but apparently, the truth is even worst than that. 
“It’s me,” Johnny replies with a smile on his face. 
“It’s us,” the other him adds, looking at him. 
“Okay, whatever game of projections or shadow is not funny.” 
“Oh, it’s not a game of shadows, we are shadows,” one of the two comments and your back hits the table again, hands gripping the border tight. 
“Stay right there,” Johnny comments, walking to you, touching your chin, and his shadow follows. 
“I don’t understand,” you whisper, lifting your eyes to look into his, but you fail and stare at his lips before you curse yourself because it’s not the right moment, time, and place to be horny. 
“You don’t have to.” 
You nod, pretending to have given up, and then a brilliant idea hits you, if he’s a shadow — whatever that means — he’s not corporeal, so you can at least pass through his copy. 
So you smile and then look back. “Should we finish what we started?” 
The other smile, thinking it’s odd you accepted their nature so easily, wondering if you truly got it, but when you sprint to the door again, it all adds up. 
You scream when something wraps around you and lifts you in the air. You’re not fast enough, not as fast as Yuta’s tentacles. And only then you get that they’re not fake, that none of them it’s wearing a costume except you. 
They are no humans, and you are no angel. 
“Baby, baby, baby,” Yuta clicks his tongue, shaking his head in disappointment. “Why are you running away from us when we were having so much fun?” He makes you sit on the table again, and Johnny reaches his side again. The others are standing, and you are completely blocked by him, tentacles secured around your wrists, tied together behind your back, and around your ankles, dangling from the table. 
“You scared me,” you justify. Your heart has never beaten so hard in your chest before, and shamelessly not even your pussy. 
“Somebody sucking your nipples scares you?” Haechan asks and you shake your head. 
“Those things — are — they are and you... I was seeing double,” you rant looking at Johnny, furrowing because he did scare you with that. 
“I am double,” he replies and the shadow pops up again, smirking at you. 
“Don’t pass out, baby, I know I’m hotter than him but it’s a bit too much.” 
“Shut up, Youngho, you’re my exact copy,” Johnny barks. 
“He has a name?” You ask in shock, brain spinning not able to comprehend anything of what’s going on.
“Unfortunately,” he replies before the shadow disappears before it can talk again. Copy of himself or not, Johnny can’t stand him for more than five minutes. 
“Can we focus on what matters?” Jeno groans. “Like you losing the game and the bet.” 
“I — I touched myself,” you reply, writhing when he comes closer to you. 
“But you didn’t come,” he whispers, tongue rolling out and it is long and pointy, then his eyes flash red and you see how sharp his canines are when his lip lifts in a smirk.  
“All of you are… real?” 
“You’re so dumb, angel,” Haechan comments with a mocking laugh. “Took you two hours to get it?” 
You frown but decide not to answer him, you have other things to focus on, for example, Yuta’s tentacles spreading you open again and Jeno kneeling on the ground in front of you. He has been quite silent but the way he moves and looks at you makes you think he’s so powerful and you don’t really know what he’s hiding behind those beautiful dark brown eyes, they seem too welcoming to belong to an incubus.
“What are you doing?” Your voice is clipped as you stare at him with wide eyes. 
“Making you come,” he winks. 
“No, that’s not —” 
“Shut up, for fuck sake,” Yuta says, pushing two fingers in your mouth, glaring at you when you mumble around them. “Be grateful I didn’t push a tentacle in.” 
You whimper no sense but then give up, shoulders slumping back when Jeno’s tongue lays flat on your cunt, collecting the wetness that dripped out of you. He grunts loudly against your skin after the first taste and your attempt to close your legs get stopped again, and you have no idea by who, Jeno’s tongue and lips are working too well on you that your head rolls back in pleasure. 
“Fuck, I want to see them,” Johnny grunts, and you don’t get what he’s talking about until he pushes your top down, ripping some seams from the thin white sleeves you sewed on your own to make the costume, boobs spilling out of the corset, making you squirm and moan louder around Yuta’s fingers when his tentacles get back on them and Johnny’s hand add to them, squeezing and pinching for what they can. 
Your legs shake and try to close around Jeno’s head, tongue flicking fast on your clit, already sending you over the edge, leaving you gasping for air as some spit drools down your chin and your nails leave half-moons on your hands behind your back.  
Jeno pulls away satisfied, a cocky smirk on his face as he looks at his friends. “Was it a record? Less than a minute?” 
“Stop bragging, damn,” Jaehyun huffs. “It’s not a merit when you use your little tricks.” 
“Little tricks?” You ask, panting when Yuta pulls out of your mouth, making you splutter. 
“It’s a secret,” Jeno winks at you before backing away. 
“And now that you’ve loosened up can you fucking touch yourself, please,” Haechan asks but it’s an order and not even a gentle one. It’s not unknown that he has no patience and you’re also one that intrigues him the most he can’t wait to get his hands on you. 
“I don’t think I can.” 
“I’m sure you do,” Jaemin says, his tone doesn’t come out as teasing as the one of the other monsters but you still hear the urge behind it. “You know how to do it, right? You were doing it before?” 
You hum, biting your lips and shyly bringing your hand between your legs when Yuta lets them go. “I’ll try.” 
Your finger slips inside again, starting to move like before, but it doesn’t feel as good as always, it’s not like Johnny’s fingers, and it’s not like Jeno’s tongue. But you’re too proud to say out loud that you need them, it would be too embarrassing, and you don’t want to hear Haechan’s mocking laugh. 
So you close your eyes, trying to concentrate on the pleasure on your nipples and over your skin as Johnny’s shadow and Yuta’s tentacles are running all over your body. It feels overwhelming, and you start wriggling away again. 
“Do we have to do this all the fucking time?” Yuta growls, tightening a tentacle around you to make sure you stay in place. “Only know how to behave if somebody has their face buried deep in your cunt?” 
You shiver at his words and how harshly and mockingly they come out of his mouth as he looks at you. 
“And don’t stop fucking yourself,” Johnny orders, voice ringing in your other ear, making your fingers move again inside you. 
“It’s too much,” you cry, trying to pity Yuta with doe eyes but he finds it funny, pathetic even. 
“It’s never too much for teases like you.” 
“I’m not a tea—” you can’t reply because this time his tentacle is stuffed in your mouth and your eyes snap open. It’s not extremely thick, but it’s large enough to make the corner of your mouth burn up at the stretch.
“Fuck, so much better when she only muffles around something,” Haechan comments, and when your eyes drift in front of you, you notice they’re all naked. Your eyes widen again when you see the sizes of their cocks, the only ‘human-like’ being Jaehyun’s and Jaemin’s, but they were still above average, and you are more than sure you couldn’t fit Jeno’s or Haechan’s inside of you.
“Don’t think about that,” Jaehyun says before his lips twitch in a smirk, “we always find a way to make it fit.” 
You almost choke around Yuta when he replies to your question, can he hear you? He smirks again, mouthing ‘maybe,’ and you almost pass out. You’re fucked. 
“Soon,” he jokes, staring at you with a teasing smile on his face. 
“Stop talking with your brain,” Haechan grunts, stopping you and Jaehyun from having your secret conversation. “It’s so fucking annoying when you leave us out of the fun.” 
“You always want to have everything,” the ghost huffs, slumping back into the chair and shaking his head. 
You stop paying attention to them when Johnny smacks your thigh, and your eyes silently ask him why. 
“You keep stopping moving your fingers,” he scolds. “Fuck your pretty pussy harder, come on, we know you can do it.” 
You nod, or try, it’s quite difficult when Yuta is fucking the tentacle in your mouth, whispering low moans against your ears, using your mouth for his pleasure, and then start moving your digits faster inside you. 
But they are not enough. 
You whimper around the tentacle, and your hips buck up, trying to get them the message with your body. 
“Oh, what’s wrong, angel?” Jaemin asks, wings flapping behind him, and you wonder if he does it when he’s excited, but he seems rather neutral about this, maybe he’s just good at concealing it. “Not enough for you?” 
You nod, faint, muffled ‘yes’ vibrating around Yuta. 
“Wasn’t it too much just two seconds ago?” This time Jeno is the one talking, an arrogant grin on his face. 
“Didn’t you get her, already?” Haechan chimes in. “She loves making little scenes, our little toy is a sucker for attention.” 
You groan, brows knitting as you think that you hate him, and that makes Jaehyun chuckle. 
“What did she think?” The demon asks his friend, and he shrugs. “Jaehyun, what the fuck did she say?” 
You shake your head swiftly, begging the ghost to don’t say it, pleading mentally, but Jaehyun wants to have fun, and he knows that Haechan doesn’t let go of anything. The demon holds his grudges just like he holds his gold. 
“She hates you,” he says. “A bit.” 
You curse him mentally and he apologizes shrugging. “Lying is a sin.” 
Haechan looks at you with a surprised, mad, and still cocky, expression, and your heart jumps in your throat. You want to say it was a playful ‘I hate you,’ but Yuta’s still buried deep into your mouth and you can barely breathe. 
“You hate me, angel?” 
You deny, hoping he’d fall for it, and he drops it, but you don’t know that he’s the best at holding grudges. “We’ll see. I’ll find out myself.” 
You gasp and sputter when finally Yuta frees your mouth, spit dripping down your chin, neck, and chest. 
“I can’t come,” you cry, pulling out to rub your clit faster, hoping that will bring you over the edge. 
“Oh, poor soul, only got a taste and already nothing else can satisfy her?” Jeno pouts, a proud grin on his face as he remembers how easily you came on his tongue. 
“Need more,” you plead, lower lip pushing out in a pout that doesn’t win you anything. 
“You won’t get it if you don’t make yourself come,” Johnny replies sternly, making you whine. 
“I can’t.” 
“That was the pact, angel. Make yourself come.” 
“There was no pa —” You groan loudly when Yuta stuffs your mouth again, snickering at your cute, frowned expression. 
“I really don’t like hearing you talk,” he says, tentacle moving fast inside your throat. “Prefer the lewd sounds you make, so cute.” 
“Come on, angel,” Jaemin encourages you. “I’m sure you can come.” 
And you do, it’s not as strong as before, and you miss Jeno’s little tricks — whatever they are — but it makes you feel good, mostly thanks to Yuta’s tentacles sucking your nipples. 
“Fuck,” Yuta groans when your throat closes around his tentacle and he fills your mouth with cum… so much cum that you can’t swallow it all and you already make a mess on your body, tears tricking down your cheeks. 
“See, it wasn’t that hard,” you think it’s Johnny talking but when you dust off from the high and your head looks back, you see Youngho sitting behind you, whispering next to your ear. 
“Don’t act like you hate him,” Johnny tells you when you give him a look that screams ‘does he really have to be here.’ “He will make you feel good later.” 
Your eyes snap open, “He will what?” 
Johnny doesn’t answer, only snickers when Haechan pushes him away, the shadow disappears from behind you, reaching Johnny’s side, and Yuta’s tentacles leave your body, all wet and sticky. 
“Fucking finally,” Haechan growls. “You take so fucking long toying with them.” 
You stare at him, palms of your hands resting flat behind you on the table as you struggle to keep your body up. He’s fast in his movements, rough and eager as he studies you and he finally feels you. Hands covered in gold rubbing your burning skin as he pulls your top off of you, leaving you exposed after throwing it behind him, following the same fate your wings had a few seconds before. His fingers crawl up your thighs before they give you nothing. 
“What?” You whine when he takes a step back. 
“Angel,” his tone is condescending and you think again that you hate him, “I take, not give.” 
Oh, yeah, you hate him.
“Then I’m sure somebody else will give it to me.” Being smart is not one of your qualities tonight because that comment sets him on fire. You can’t give him up so easily or don’t beg for him to pay you attention. 
“Little slut,” he growls, cupping your chin and tilting your head back, “you hate I can read right through you, right? Faking fights while our cocks have been the only thought in your brain since you saw us?” 
You decide you love the thrill and the way he seems so irrational that you may even pay the consequences. 
“Theirs, maybe. Surely not yours.” 
He groans, pushing you against the table, it’s so hard that the shock leaves you breathless and speechless for a while. 
“You will be begging for this cock, I promise you,” it’s the only thing he says, promises, before he tugs your skirt down with no delicateness at all. 
“Dumb, innocent, angel, has no idea what she put herself through,” he hums against your skin as he trails on your thigh with his lips, kissing and then biting hard enough to make you flinch every time. 
“Hae-Haechan,” you scream when he skips around the area where you need him the most without giving you what you need. 
“Shut up, you’re not the one begging,” he rasps, your eyes lock and the way he’s looking at you could be enough to make you come on the spot, but it only leaves you clenching around nothing. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it,” you play your last card, but he only laughs at your face. He does give you something more, fingers slipping past you, filling more than yours did, the cold metal of his rings sending shivers down your body. He’s not fast, but extremely meticulous, studying your reaction for a while until he understands what makes you feel better, pushing you closer and closer until he pulls away. 
“No,” you whine. 
“Beg,” his voice is stern and his eyes are full of lust and need. “And apologize.” 
“I’m sorry, I…” you gulp, pulling your legs together but Yuta immediately slithers a tentacle and traps your left leg flat against the surface. If glances could kill, the one you reserve him definitely would, but he’s unaffected by your attitude, after all, you don’t stand a chance. 
“You?” Haechan urges, cock throbbing because he can’t take this either. He wanted to be deep inside of you since he saw you wander around the place like a lost kitten but now he also needs to teach you a lesson. 
“I didn’t mean it, I wanted to tease you, can you please fuck me?” 
He shakes his head, “Don’t give me those fucking eyes, it just makes me want to make you cry.” 
“Please,” you still beg, spreading your only free leg, hoping the lewd invitation will be enough to make him change his mind.
But it’s still not enough, he wants to wear you out, so the only thing he gives you are his fingers. Three fingers, knuckles deep, curling up inside you, cutting your breath short. You shudder when his thumb starts rubbing your clit, and you feel warm when you think you’ll be able to reach the orgasm, so close you can already grasp it… 
“Haechan,” you groan, opening your eyes to glare down at him, and the way he’s completely unaffected by your disappointment gets on your nerves. 
The demon’s laugh rumbles in his chest before his lips twist in a smirk again. “You didn’t think I’d let you come just like that after the way you acted, did you? I’m afraid you’ll have to work for it harder.”
“I fucking hate you.” You keep getting dumber and dumber. Should know by now that he doesn’t like it when you think that, imagine when you scream it in front of everybody. 
The switch in his eyes is subtle, you see them get darker, and the corner of his lips curl up, sharp canine showing out. “Let’s see how much you’ll hate me after this.” He’s not gentle at all when he dips into your warm pussy, groaning as you squeeze him as soon as he bottoms in, the stretch of his fat cock making your toes curl and your face twitches in discomfort. 
“Big,” you scream, nails dragging against the wood. 
“You can take it,” he replies, pulling all the way out before he slams in again, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass resonating in the room. “See? Nasty hole made just for this.” 
Your hand slams against the surface, but this time not from pain, he’s so veiny and thick, perfectly curved that everything else disappears. Even the want of slapping his face or choking him. 
“Look at you,” Jeno comments, and only when you hear his voice you realize he’s standing at your side, not really looking at you, he’s more interested in the way Haechan’s cock is stretching you. “Do you still hate him? He’s annoying but pretty good at what he does, isn’t he?” 
“Stay in your lane,” Haechan growls before you can answer, and the incubus rolls his eyes. 
“Full of flaws, not every demon can be perfect,” he brags, tilting his head and lifting his shoulder in a quick movement to show nonchalance.  
“Fuck off and wait for your turn.” 
“I can watch.” 
“But don’t distract her from me,” the mammon barks, slamming into you faster to prove a point. You feel like you’re going insane, writhing under his broad body as pleasure courses through your body with force, and your cunt clenches harder seeing the two demons fight over you. Greed and lust, you have no idea which one of the seven deathly sins is worst in their nature. 
“If she distracts herself maybe you’re not really good at it.” 
Haechan doesn’t answer, he looks at you, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head, hitting the fake halo that somehow is still surviving like a headband. 
“Don’t you fucking dare look away from me,” it’s an order that you should take as a threat but the way he’s so possessive over you doesn’t really make you register it like that. You don’t really know what has taken over you — probably you plan on getting killed by the end of the night — and you purposely look at Jeno. 
Haechan groans, he knows you’re doing it on purpose, he has gotten you and your feisty, bratty character since he first saw you, pretending to be innocent just to be a tease. But he’s flawed and gives you exactly what you want, falling into your trap of appearing innocent and naïve to get what you want. 
You whine when he pulls out, letting out an embarrassing moan when he flips you with no care and presses you flat against the hard surface after dragging your body to the end of the table, your hips surely hitting against the hard surface with every hit, heeled feet holding your whole body up. 
“I promise you are going to hate me even more,” he whispers before fucking into you again, the burn of it making you moan and rest your head against the table. 
“I always take what I want, angel. Always.” 
You babble no sense, static buzzing sounds are the only things filling your brain. 
“And I want you. All of you. Your body. Your brain. Your stupid little remarks so I can turn them into poems for me. Fuck, want to get you greedy over me, crazy over the way I feel.” 
You’re not happy to fall into his wishes so perfectly but you’re already addicted. His moans of satisfaction, deep and husky, are getting to your head and making you forget the light discomfort you felt when he pushed inside you, cock thicker than anything else you’ve ever taken, of course, your past partners were humans, he is not. 
Your ass pushes up, and you yourself have no idea if it’s to fuck back into him or to struggle away from the intense fucking, but Haechan takes it as the latter and he doesn’t like it. 
“Trying to run away, baby? After you purposely messed up with me?” 
You shake your head, the muscles on your neck already numb. 
“Good,” the chuckle that leaves after the comment is evil and your body trembles at that, walls squeezing tighter around him, making him smirk even more; he always gets what he wants. And he wanted you since he eyed you at the party, wondering lonely, trying to find a small patch where you could fit. And luck wanted that you fit perfectly right there under him. “You’re not going anywhere, dumb angel. C’mere.” 
You don’t expect him to grab a fistful of your hair and push you up, arching your back and still slamming into you with vigour. 
“Nggh, Haechan,” you cry out his name, eyes squeezing and lips quivering. The bliss is starting to overtake everything else in your brain and body, as his thrusts, fast, strong, and precise, are sending you closer to the orgasm he had ripped out of your hold before. And you screaming out his name seems to boost his ego even more; his hand slips in front and wraps around your neck, pushing your back flat against his chest and hitting deeper. 
Your knees buckle, eyebrows knitting and nose scrunching as the pain of your hips hitting the table starts to get uncomfortable. 
“Haechan,” you grunt when he lets go of you and pulls out, a mess of yours and his excitement dripping down your legs to the floor. 
“I love the way you scream my name, whether is full of love or hate.” 
You breathe deeply, “It will never come out with love.” 
“Seems like it did before,” he teases, grabbing your tired body again with a powerful motion, making you turn around and stand up next to the table. 
You want to collapse on it again, feeling boneless, but you feel two arms wrap around you, it’s Jeno. 
“What did I say about touching what’s not yours?” Haechan groans as soon as he sits in the middle of the table and sees the incubus too close to you.
You can feel Jeno smirk behind you and you wonder if the two have something going on but that slips your mind soon. 
“Are you his?” Jeno asks, kissing your neck, you can feel his sharp canine graze against your skin, and touch your body, cupping your boobs, making you shiver and moan. 
Haechan pulling you out of his hold is the thing that makes you fall from cloud nine, heart jumping in your chest as you don’t expect to be manhandled that easily. 
“Hell, you really want to get on my fucking nerves tonight, don’t you?” 
“I — I didn’t, it’s him,” you try to defend, this time it was truly Jeno’s fault and how he was playing with your brain, it wasn’t your fault you could feel him so much. 
“It’s always somebody else’s fault,” Haechan groans, impaling you on his cock. Your head rolls back and you can’t hold in the embarrassing loud and squeaky moan you let out. 
“You know Jeno doesn’t play fair,” Johnny comments, unbeknownst to you to defend you, clicking his tongue and Haechan only glares at him, warning him to mind his business. 
“Ride me,” he orders, cupping your chin with a strong hand. He snorts when your eyes widen at the request. “What? Thought I was going to do all the work? I want people to serve me, I’m never the one working for things. You, on the other hand, I told you, you were going to work for it.” 
“I can’t,” you mumble, voice coming out mumbled because he’s still squeezing your face. 
“I’m sure you can. With that angel face and the devil eyes, you’ve ridden thousands of cocks, haven’t you?” 
“No,” you whimper, body betraying you as you start to grind your hips on him. “Not this big.” 
“I don’t care, you decided to see the worst part of me and now you pay the price.” He groans when you still don’t move and fucks up into you. 
“Fucking move. Do you need me to guide you?” 
You shake your head and start to bounce on him, your better judgment deciding you had tested him enough today and risking it further was going to be the dumbest decision of your life. 
“Fucking finally, so you can listen?” 
You have no strength to answer him, your body is on fire, your lungs are on fire, letting out so many moans you hope people downstairs can’t hear you, not that it mattered, you weren’t going to see them again anyway, but it still feels humiliating to be aware of the mess he’s turning you in. 
“Are you sure you’re not that experienced?” Jaemin asks, staring with attention, enchanted by the way your plump ass is moving on his friend. 
You nod, biting your lip because you don’t want to give Haechan the satisfaction that he’s making you feel good. But he doesn’t need your moans to know you’re loving it. He thinks he never had a nicer pussy in his whole life, and it had been a long one, so warm and wet, sucking him in so nicely. 
So he mocks you again, because if you hate him, he hates just as much how proud you are. You will never give him the satisfaction so he has to drag it out of your pretty lips. 
“You hate that you love it, don’t you?” His hands grip your waist and he moves your body on his cock, taking over your movements. “Yeah, you do, don’t shake your head, it’s useless. You’re so high on my cock you can’t even speak, dumb, little angel. You can’t even tell if it’s me driving you insane or the fact that it’s me.” 
You groan, clenching your fist to hold back the urge of slapping him because once again, he’s right, he’s always right. 
“Want to choke me, baby? Slap me? Sink your nails on my skin?” 
You nod, looking into his eyes for a split second before the way he’s looking at you makes you drift your gaze away. He’s eager, never satisfied, and you can read in his eyes that if he could, he’d keep going all night until the only thing you can think about, mumble, and beg for is him and him only. 
“Choke me,” he orders, catching you by surprise. “Do it, isn’t it what you want? To make me pay because you hate I’m right and I have you in the palm of my hand?” 
If he gives you permission, you surely won’t miss it, so your hand wraps around his neck, slowly restricting the flow of air while he keeps slamming up into you. 
When his head rolls back, you think you’re in control, you think for the first time in the night he’s letting you win, but you’re wrong. He looks at you again and laughs. 
“See how weak you are? What if I did it to you?” It’s not a question, and when he reaches around your neck, the hold is strong enough to dim the flow of blood rushing to your brain, and your head rolls back like your eyes, mouth parting to let out soundless whimpers. 
“You fucking love it, don’t you? Nasty slut dressed up like the purest things in heaven, fuck.” 
You don’t even care to reply or tell him he’s wrong because he isn’t. You love that you hate it. 
“Want me to tell you that you feel good?” Haechan teases, moving closer, lips brushing against yours, and you find him smirking when you open your eyes and stare into his. There’s the entire hell inside. “Yeah? Need validation?” 
You nod, trying to kiss him, hating yourself for doing so, but you can’t look away from his lips even if it’s getting harder and harder to focus when he’s still cutting your flow of air. 
“Seek it somewhere else,” he groans, moving you faster on top of him. “Maybe in therapy.” 
Now you really want to choke him until he passes out, and you do, hands reaching for his neck, doing nothing, but it’s a bit of revenge for your ego, he’s crashing it with no care and you can’t keep watching while doing nothing. 
“Got mad, angel?” He coos before his body betrays him and he throws his head back too. You might not be as strong as him but Haechan loves the way your hand is wrapped around his throat, and for some reason, he loves the way he can’t break you down, not like he’s used to, at least. 
You gasp when he lets go of your neck, head falling forward to meet the crook of his shoulder, body bouncing up and down as he wishes to, you have no control over yourself, and you don’t care. You don’t even care when, grunting, he flips you over again, and starts fucking you into the table, your ass arching up while your knees scrape against the wood, hips pistoning into you with less strength and swiftness but he’s going deeper and he’s making sure you feel every inch. 
“Please,” you cry out, overwhelmed with emotions. 
“Please, what?” 
You’d like to answer but you don’t even know what you want or need. He can’t give you more than that, and even if he could, you would break. 
“Want to come?” He tugs at your hair before he presses your cheek against the desk again. 
“Y-yes, please.” 
“Say you don’t hate me,” he growls, losing control of his strokes and starting to fuck you harder. 
“I — I don’t,” you groan internally. “I don’t hate you.” 
“Say no other cock will make you feel as good as me, say you love me.” 
“I — I, mhh, no one will make me feel as — fuck — as good as you.” 
“Why did you stop?” You cry out when his movements still out of you, leaving you empty and pulsing around nothing.
“You didn’t do what I asked.” 
“Fuck, I — I love you,” you scream out in desperation but for him is enough to fuck back into you. And you start mumbling it over and over again as you both come while he keeps railing you mercilessly before filling you with his cum. 
“Remember,” he whispers, moving your hair to the other side, lips brushing your ear. “I always get what I want.” 
You have no strength to reply or move, and you lay there, trying to catch your breath when you feel a pair of hands on your skin. Not only the skin is soft but the touch is delicate, the total opposite of Haechan’s. 
“Oh, poor angel,” Jaemin whispers, caressing the skin of your ass, “he can get rough at times. Need somebody more gentle?” 
You hum, turning around with fatigue, barely feeling your body and you don’t let yourself remind that you still have four to take, well, five, because Jaemin still didn’t do anything to you. 
“Let’s try this,” he says. 
The sudden floating triggers an instinctual reaction, and for a second you almost slip. It’s hard to hold back the feeling of what’s prodding behind your back as the fairy dust doesn’t feel strong enough to keep you up. 
“You won’t fall,” the fairy reassures you, sensing your panic before he lifts in the air too. 
“I — I don’t think this is a good idea,” you say, heart strumming in your chest so loud you’re sure everyone in the room can hear it. He didn’t even lift you that high in the air, you’re barely twenty inches above the table, but it still makes you feel like it’s wrong. 
“I told you, you can’t fall,” he repeats, grabbing your waist, pushing your back so you stay laying and don’t try to move around. It’s so weird you have no idea how you’ll have great time, but Jaemin is quick at proving it to you. 
When his lips make contact with your cunt you don’t complain about how weird it feels. Your head falls back and it’s nice not finding a table, or a bed, or anything underneath. 
“Fuck,” you moan. 
“Like that, angel?” He asks, pulling away to talk, but he’s close enough you can feel his breath hit your wetness and that makes you shiver even more. “You taste amazing.” 
You hide your face when he groans throatily against you, inhaling your scent and rolling his eyes before his tongue slips inside of you, fucking in and out with quick movements. 
“Don’t hide yourself,” Johnny reaches you, moving your hands away and keeping them still in his hold. “You weren’t embarrassed when Haechan was railing you, so why be now?” 
You only let out a groan in reply, bucking your hips to grind against Jaemin’s face, fucking back against him. 
“See, you can’t even pretend you’re not a nasty whore,” Haechan mocks you, sucking his teeth. 
“Is it right, baby?” Johhny coos, caressing your cheek, and you shake your head, letting out a scream when he reaches down between your legs and starts rubbing your clit, giving it the attention Jaemin’s giving to your hole with his tongue. “No? But you’re so messy and needy. Love the way he’s eating you out?” 
You nod eagerly, eyes rolling in the back of your head as the orgasm seeps into your body with intensity, leaving you shaking in the air, their hold on you the only thing that makes you feel more stable. 
Jaemin pulls out of you with a loud pop of his lips, spit and cum smeared all over his chin, glistening in white. And with your tired, half-lidded eyes, you still think he looks so beautiful even like that. 
He winks at you while he cleans himself before bringing his fingers to your mouth and making you suck, and you do, lips wrapping around them eagerly, licking off yours and Haechan’s juices before letting go with another filthy sound. 
The pleasure of the orgasm is still running through your body when you feel Jaemin’s tip press against your hole. He’s slow and patient, so much more patient compared to Haechan. He doesn’t tug or turn you around, he doesn’t feel the need to own. Instead, he watches as his cock stretches your cunt and then bottoms in, the warmth of your insides making him shiver. He’s comfortably big, filling you just right, veins rubbing your walls so deliciously your whole body shudders. 
“You feel so good, angel.” His voice is almost soft, just a bit stained with pleasure. Eyebrows knit as he enjoys the sensations of your pussy wrap around him, your wetness already dripping down his balls with the slower movements.  
From your lips roll out mumbles and moans as the pleasure starts running in your blood again, this time it slithers slowly into you with every slow and intense thrust and it makes you see stars. It’s like magic. 
“You’re so pretty,” he hums, staring at the way you contort under him, eyes squeezed shut, tears dried on your cheeks, and scarlet lips parted to let out the prettiest sounds he had ever heard coming from a human. You sound like a melody, submerging the obscene sounds that your bodies are making, skin against skin and cum squelching in and out of you. 
“You’re too nice with her,” Haechan mumbles, bringing you two out of your ‘intimate’ moment.  
“Not everyone is a beast like you,” Jaemin replies, turning his attention to him for a second before he brings it back on you, and Haechan only huffs. 
“Do you want me to go harder?” The fairy still asks you, thinking that he might not be wrong considering how much you liked how he fucked you mercilessly before. But you shake your head. 
“No, I – I like it like this, keep going.” You do like it, but you are also aware of the other four monsters that have to take their round with you. You’re sure that none of them is as gentle as Jaemin and you can’t let him bend you to the point you break, leaving that to whoever was coming next. 
Jaemin smiles and then wraps his hands around your waist, fingers sinking into the soft flesh of your hips and waist, almost kneading it like a cat. “You feel so good, angel, so fucking good,” he moans letting his head fall in the crook of your neck when you start squeezing him tighter. 
The compliment makes your heart swell and your hands reach his back, jolting when you meet his wings. He chuckles lightly. “They have always been there,” he comments, voice lower and breath heavier, hips starting to move faster and messily against you.  
“You are a sight to see,” he moans, moving your hair back, the halo falling on the table as his fingers rub against your scalp. “Want to come again?” He studies your face contorted in pleasure, lips trapped in your teeth and eyebrows knitted, your hands sinking in the skin of his arm. 
“Yes, wa — want to come.” 
“Come for me,” his voice gets stuck in his throat when you clench around him, letting go of the orgasm, your legs unconsciously wrap around his waist to push him closer to you, making him still as the pleasure shakes you. 
“Oh, shit,” Jaemin moans, staring at you, some sweat collecting on his brows as he holds his orgasm in, wanting to feel you more. “Can you take one more, baby?” 
You nod swiftly, blinking your wet lashes to meet his brown eyes staring down at you. 
“Course you can, want my cum, don’t you?” He smiles when you hum, reaching his wrist to hold somewhere, feeling even less stable now that the orgasms are making you feel like you have no more control over your body. “I’ll give it all to you, angel.” 
“Please, please, Jaem,” your voice dies in your mouth, words muffled by noisy whimpers, and nails digging into his lower back, surely leaving marks on his immaculate skin, legs pushing him in. 
Your pleas are what it takes for him to give in, rapid thrusts coming to a stop when his lower back presses against your ass and his hands grip onto your waist harder, his sounds are soft, almost sounding like a melody and they make you come even harder around his cock, stomach twitching while he fucks his seed deep into you. 
“Fuck,” he huffs, throwing his head back, shaking his hair out of his face, grip on our body loosening up, “You did so well, angel.” 
He leaves a small kiss on your fucked out face before he leaves you alone.
“Since she’s up in the air we might as well leave her there, don’t you think so?” You can make out Jaehyun talking and Jeno laughs at his words. 
“We?” You ask shyly, blinking hazily as you see them fly around you, Jeno’s wings spread in the air unlike before, shielding you almost completely from other hungry eyes, and Jaehyun is levitating in the air where you’re still half spread open, at this point not even caring of being so exposed and dripping. 
“Yes, little one,” he replies. “Never taken two at the same time?” 
You shake your head swiftly, feeling your heart race in your chest, panicking while you wonder how long the fairy dust will keep you in the air and how you can survive them. 
“The dust is not the thing keeping you up,” Jaehyun says, once again entering your brain. “I am. And you will survive us.” 
“Can you stop reading my mind?” You intend for it to come out with more anger but the last five orgasms had drained you out and your brain is starting to don’t work at its best anymore. 
“Why? You don’t talk, how am I supposed to know what’s running in your brain?” 
“You don’t have to? Maybe those thoughts are not for you —” Your voice gets muffled by Jeno’s cock in your mouth and you look at him with wide eyes. 
“Sorry but Mr. Greed it’s not the only impatient one.” The grin on his face is playful as if he didn't just shove his cock in your throat with no warning, stretching your mouth to an unbearable size. 
“Asshole,” Haechan hisses from somewhere, but you’re too occupied struggling with Jeno’s cock cutting your air to pay him any attention. 
“It’s big,” you muffle around his length, it’s girthy, long, and veiny and you aren’t prepared — mentally and physically — to take him in any hole. 
“Breathe,” he says, pulling out, you feel ashamed at the string of spit that connects your mouth and his tip, “but don’t talk.” 
You do as he orders, goosebumps forming on your skin as Jaehyun’s fingers touch your skin. He’s cold, of course, he is, but the contrast between his body and Jeno’s incredibly warm one makes your head dizzy. 
Jaehyun doesn’t tease you but still smirks hearing your thoughts getting messier with every passing second. He had promised himself he was going to stop using this trick and get into people’s brains while fucking them, but it’s just too much fun, and he knows he’s not the only one doing that. Jeno can read minds too. And when their eyes meet, they smirk knowing exactly what’s going on. 
But you don’t, you have no idea they plan to play with your brain more than they do with your body, snapping you to the point of no return, leaving you in shambles for the others to come. 
“I think you’d look better turned around,” the incubus whispers, caressing your chin and his touch is so delicate that you get on your toes, well, not really, you wouldn’t have the strength to do anything anyway, but your brain tries to pretend to be able to — and want to — fight what they’ll give you while an instinct feels you can’t take it no matter how much you want to. 
“You’re cold,” you whine when Jaehyun’s hands wrap around your waist completely and turn you so you’re giving him your back, curving up nicely, ass in full display, untouched hole winking at him. Even if you can’t see him, you perceive the way he’s looking at you, and you think you can hear his thoughts for how loud he’s thinking them. He can’t wait to own you and ruin you. 
“And you’re so warm, especially here.” 
You bite down a scream when he pushes into your rim after collecting some cum that was dripping out of your cunt, two long and cold fingers parting your tight rim with force. 
“Never done that, either?” Jeno asks, teasing you with an amused smile. “You really are an angel. An innocent, pure angel that got in trouble.” 
You don’t reply, you wish you’d find his teasing, condescending tone irritating but you find it hotter than you should and Jaehyun feels it in the way your body reacts, asshole clenching around him and cunt pushing out a river of cum while it convulses around nothing. 
“Should we teach her something new, Jae?” 
The ghost nods and you feel another finger make its way inside your ass, rubbing against your walls and making your head roll while your eyes squeeze shut. 
Jeno swiftly cups your chin and unfocuses you on your pleasure, bringing your face to his dick level again. “Lust is so fun when you know how to play with it.” You don’t know if it’s the way Jaehyun’s fingering you, but you don’t feel the same anymore, the way Jeno’s thumb is rubbing against your chin and cheek is making you dumb, lips falling open to invite him in. It’s so easy for him to get your attention and turn you into mud that you fear what he could do later. “Do you want me to teach you some tricks, baby girl? Sorry, I’m not a big fan of angels.” 
“Yes, please.” The reply slips out of your mouth before you can form it in your brain, it’s like you have no control over it — or your body — anymore.  
He smiles satisfied, loving the way you’re slowly falling apart, sanity leaving your brain and lust taking over with no other thought. “Open up, then.”
When your lips part more you expect him to push his cock in, but instead, two fingers fill your mouth. “Fingers are so underrated,” he says almost as if he’s answering your mind, and you wonder if he can read it too, but your thoughts are so hazed with pleasure and need that it’s getting hard to see through that. “I love seeing my preys get dumb just on them.” 
Your stomach twitches when he impliedly calls you his prey, something in your brain clicking, making your heart jump, happy to be his victim, whatever he is going to do to you. 
“Suck them harder, just like that,” he coos doing a pouty face but his eyes are piercing you and you’d wish to know what’s running in his brain. “Love having your mouth filled? It’s so much better than when you talk. Nice and quiet and dumb on us.” 
You nod eagerly, sure that you’re ready to take him fully without messing like the first time. Wanting to feel him again, have him sink so deep under your skin your only thoughts are about him. 
“I think she’s ready,” Jaehyun speaks again, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“No, I —”
“Shh,” Jaehyun shushes you verbally, but Jeno pushes his tip against your lips and waits for you to open up. 
“Just relax and this will work,” the ghost speaks, pulling his fingers out, and when you feel them press against your holes from both ends, you close your eyes, hoping they won’t get you destroyed. 
The moans they let out when they push into you could be enough to make you come on the spot, their hands securing their hold on you, Jeno’s in your hair and Jaehyun’s on your hips. They are strong and not giving you options but to stay there and take it. 
“So nice and tight,” Jaehyun moans before he drives his hips out and sinks in again. 
While you don’t find him uncomfortable, he’s thick and long but still human-like, Jeno’s dick triggers tears from your eyes as it fucks against your throat. 
“You’re so good when you don’t act like a brat, baby,” Jeno praises you, meeting your teary eyes, already anticipating your wrecked face when he’ll start to move into you with more force. “Can you take more?” 
It’s not a real question but you nod anyway, eager to satisfy him more. Not even knowing where this feeling comes from, but you want to be good for him, and your ass moves side to side almost like a puppy wagging its tail. 
They all find it endearing in the room, with small chuckles and groans leaving their mouths as they watch you lose your morals and rationality. 
The groan Jeno lets out when he starts facefucking you is deep and hits your core, pussy dripping and clenching around nothing while Jaehyun is pounding you with deep and slow strokes. They are both taking their sweet time with you, making you feel every inch of themselves, and you take it, drunk on the feeling. 
“See, it wasn’t going to be hard to take me here,” Jaehyun snickers, parting your asscheek, watching attentively as your hole welcomes him in with ease. 
Your hands reach Jeno’s thighs and stay there to keep the balance, and you look up at him. He looks like a God with his head thrown back, perfect, defined jaw in full view, burgundy wings moving behind him, and strong arms flexing as he keeps moving your head and using your mouth as a fleshlight. 
“Is it too much, baby?” He asks, and when your eyes meet you wish they didn’t, he messes up with you in a way nobody else ever did, hits your core with the slightest movement or word. Jeno grins when you shake your head. “Good baby, take all my cock, I know you can. We wouldn’t have picked you if we didn’t. We don’t like failures, and you’re not a failure, right?” 
You pull away gasping, mumbling alongside with moans, every hit coming from behind making it hard to form a thought, and even worst to say it out loud. “N-no, I won’t let you down.” 
“I doubt that.” For the first time in a while, you hear Yuta talk, his stern tone sending shivers down your back. “We know what happens after they fuck with you.” 
“Don’t worry,” Jeno replies to him. “She’s special, aren’t you?” He talks to you and you hum around him, the vibrations making him curse. And he wonders if Haechan’s right and you’re doing it on purpose, putting on a play for them, or if you’re really that naïve sometimes. 
“We’ll see, I hope for her she’ll make it out alive because I plan on having fun tonight.” 
A guttural moan ripples from your throat when Jaehyun cups your asscheeks before spreading them apart. It feels dirty and wrong but so good and another orgasm menaces to rip through you. 
“Don’t come,” he orders, slapping your ass and you yelp letting go of Jeno’s cock, an embarrassing amount of spit drooling on your chin. 
“But why?” 
“Because we tell you so,” Jeno replies sternly, shoving you on his cock again, making you choke around him, hitting the back of your throat so fast that the disgusting sounds you’re producing make you want to disappear.
“I bet she will fail and come,” Haechan snickers. 
“Bet, what?” Johnny asks. 
“Another round with her.”
“Fine,” the shadow hums before they seal the deal with a shake of hands. 
You’d rather don’t have an orgasm for the next ten years than fuck with Haechan again — okay that might be a lie, but you don’t want to see him win — so you try to use that thought to hold your pleasure in, letting them use you only for their pleasure, fucking into you almost as if they want to put you on a test. 
You even manage to hold it in while they come, the sounds coming from them almost animalistic, just like the thrusts they give you. 
You think they’re done with you, and even if you can’t hide you're disappointed you didn’t get to come with them, you don’t have the strength to take more, not from them at least. But you should know by now that they don’t think like you, and they are never satisfied. 
When they flip you around you feel in another universe even if you didn’t come, it’s like you're exploding with bliss and greed for more. 
“Tired,” you mumble, looking up into Jeno’s eyes with tears streaming down your face when they lay you against the table, the cold hard surface making you twitch. 
“No, baby, come here, let me give you some energy back,” he comments before pulling you on his thigh, he’s kneeling and his wings bat around you, shielding you completely for a second. “Feel better, baby?” He asks, studying your expression, trying to read deeper into you because there’s something about you that doesn’t fit in the puzzle of the night, but he can’t grasp it, and for now, he blames it on how perfect you are, inside out, exactly what he wants, loves and need, perfect to toy around and make obey. 
You hum, gifting him a dumb smile before your head falls back against his shoulder. Too lost in the haze, you miss their exchange of gazes and the way Jaehyun kneels in front of you, their bodies caging yours, trapping yours in between them. 
“What — what are you doing?” Your voice is shaky and you look around in surprise, trying to get a glimpse of the other two that are still waiting, but Jeno’s wings hide you once again. 
“Can you focus on us, angel?” He asks, cupping your chin to turn your face toward his with force. 
“Yes but — but aren’t you done?” 
You don’t expect the deep, mocking laugh to come out of Jaehyun’s lips, and you don’t even expect to find his eyes darker than they had ever been. “We’re nowhere done with you.” 
“How — how are you —” 
Jeno shushes you again, pushing two fingers in your mouth and forcing them against your tongue. 
“Just empty your pretty little brain and relax,” he whispers against your ears, pulling out of your mouth, spit dripping from your chin, teeth clenching when his cock pushes inside you, stretching you wider than Jaehyun before. 
“Fuck,” you cry out, head falling back, cunt clenching when Jaehyun pushes your legs flat against your chest before pressing his cock into you. “Wait —” your attempt to at least understand what’s going on fails embarrassingly, a deep moan choking your words, eyes rolling in the back of your skull while your lips gape wide, breath cut out of your lungs. 
“I told you not to think or am I wrong?” Jeno growls in your ear, fingers tangling in your hair and tugging behind. 
“I — I —”
“Shut up,” he orders, and that’s finally enough to make you shut up, letting all your doubts fall behind. All the blood in your brain rushes between your legs as they start ramming into you. 
“Fuck, so good, baby,” Jaehyun says, moving closer, his knees hitting Jeno’s. They have never done it like this before but he finds it easier to move you up and down on them, almost using your body like a toy. 
You’re completely gone. Their scent inebriates your brain, their muscles cage you, making you feel weak and powerless, the contrast of Jeno’s warm skin and Jaehyun’s cold one getting to your brain just like their hips working meticulously as they thrust into you alternately. Thick and big cocks pushing your holes open as they’ve never been before, and you wonder how it can be that enjoyable. It’s like they’re fucking the pleasure into you, you never felt this good before. 
“Please, please, let me come,” you beg, fingernails digging into Jaehyun’s back, eliciting a hiss from him. 
“Think you deserve it?” Jeno asks, nose snuggling in your neck before his teeth sink into the spot between your neck and jaw, causing your head to roll back and a louder moan to slip out of you. 
“Yes, I’ve been good, please.” To make the pleading more efficient, you look at Jaehyun with your watery eyes, trying to give him the most innocent look you can, even if it’s quite hard considering you’re sandwiched between them while you’re letting them rearrange your guts. 
“Come, but I hope you can take more, ‘cause we won’t stop,” he rasps. 
You hum, “Ye-yes, can take everything.” 
They all doubt that, thinking it’s a miracle you’re not passed out yet, but none of them says a word. Jeno and Jaehyun too busy feeling how the orgasm makes your holes squeeze them. The others too busy trying to dim the pain while jacking off as they watch you. 
And you know you would’ve been able to take it, but this orgasm hits you like a wave, dragging you underwater, making you struggle for air, muscles tired and skin burning as — of course — they don’t stop moving in and out of you. 
“Jeno,” you cry out, feeling you could pass out, trying to turn your head to meet his lips; whatever he had given you before, you need more. 
He sneers, looking down at you. “Need help?” 
You nod, pouty lips making him think you still look so cute even if you’re a complete mess, sweat pearling your skin, tears and spit drying on your cheeks, and not a single coherent thought in your brain. He loves hearing the mess that’s going on inside of you. So he kisses you again, his hands reaching your waist, brushing against Jaehyun’s that are already there, holding you so tight in place you’re sure they will leave imprints on your skin. 
“Is it too much for you, angel?” Haechan teases you from the sidelines, and when you pull away from Jeno’s lips you glare at him, a fire fuelling inside of you but when you open your mouth no words slip out. 
He snickers, shaking his head, giving you an ‘I told you,’ glare that makes your blood boil even more but you can’t pay him attention, you can’t even prove him wrong. 
“Oh, look at you, our dumb angel can’t even answer him,” Jaehyun mocks, caressing your burning cheek, tapping it lightly to wake you from your dreamy state, but it doesn’t really work. “You look like a mess, an angel should never look like this.” His thumb presses hard into your cheek, smearing around the mess of the eyeliner, mascara, tears and spit that sits on your face. “Are you drooling at how good our cocks are?” 
Only then you realize that you are, saliva dripping from the corner and pooling on your chin. Embarrassment takes over you and you move a hand up to clean your face but Jeno slaps it away. 
“Don’t you dare,” he orders, voice dropped lower than ever, ringing loud and clear in your ear, making you come again. It’s embarrassing to say at least, and you hate how long the orgasm shakes your body from head to toe. 
“So fucking nasty,” Yuta mutters from the side. “Who said she was too innocent for this?” 
You cry out, feeling ashamed. Never in your life has something like this happened. 
“I told you she’s good at masquerading,” Haechan will always find a way to mock you and you detest that you keep giving him reasons to do it. 
“It’s Halloween after all,” Johnny dramatizes, and you roll your eyes at the lame joke but Jaehyun’s hand on your neck is what makes them stay there, in the back of your head. He doesn’t apply pressure, only grazes your skin, feeling you gulp hard with every deep thrust they send against you. 
When their moans start to turn into feral groans you get that they are close too, hips slamming against you sloppily while their hands wonder on your body, it’s like they want to leave their fingertips all over you, want you to walk — probably crawl — out of there smelling like them, marked by them, leaking them. 
Jeno presses his face against one side of your neck and Jaehyun on the other, completely pressing you between their broad bodies and Jeno’s wings, kissing and biting your neck while they come hard, their cum filling your holes, trigging yet another orgasm, leaving you breathless and powerless, as it overflows in thick, sticky rivers of white splashing between your thighs, ass and even ending on your mound. 
“You did so well,” they both whisper at the same time, shushing you with kisses and brushing your wet hair away. 
When they leave you laying on the surface, you feel empty and cold, already missing the contact and warmth of their bodies, but you take the brief moment of calm to gain your breath back and stretch your limbs for what you can. 
“Hi, angel,” Johnny says. His body completely overshadows yours and you can barely make him out through your half-lidded eyes. He caresses your cheek while his eyes wander on your naked body. “So, so pretty, aren’t you? Even after they completely ruined you.” 
“Wa-want you,” you whisper, body lifting from the table underneath you to move closer to his, it’s hard to tell apart where his physical appearance ends and the shadow starts, but you think it’s thrilling. 
“Oh, eager, aren’t we?” You expect Johnny to talk but once again his shadow appears at his side and now you’re surrounded by two of him. You don’t really know how to feel about it. Two of him feel like a blessing and a curse at the same time. 
“They never get used to it,” Youngho snickers, smirking at your confused expression jumping back and forth between the two. 
“Not until we make them feel good,” Johnny replies, hand moving between your legs, smearing the mess of cum leaking out of you. “Angel,” he coos, “you’re so messy.”
“It’s not me,” you try to justify, voice clipping in your throat when he pushes two fingers in. You can’t stand teasings anymore and you whine. 
“Please, fuck me.” 
“Weren’t we enough, angel?” Jaemin asks, he’s not really mocking you, he’s impressed, to say the least. The few times they happened to do something like this together at least three of them went home with nothing, their toy for the night too far gone to do anything else. But you… you are different, and he feels like he’s missing something he can’t wrap his head around. 
Haechan on the other hand simply thinks you’re pathetic and unsatiable and has no problem reminding it again. “Of course, we aren’t, for nasty things like them it’s never enough.” 
He sparks a fire inside of you and you’d like to jump off the table and strangle him again, this time for real, while you’re reminding him that he’s the last person that can talk about being greedy, but Jaehyun’s voice inside your brain tells you to stop and you listen. You can only listen to the sanity he’s pushing in your brain and the instinctive reactions of your body because for the rest you feel like your brain has been emptied and filled with lust. 
Also, you can’t pay attention to Haechan when you have not one, but two, Johnny in front of you. Youngho is still weird, but all you can think it’s the way they’ll make you feel. 
Shivers run down your back while Johnny’s fingers move up and down your skin, his touch is like a light breeze. You barely realize that the room got darker and you look up at him. 
“We work better in the dark,” he replies before he starts leaving kisses on your skin, sucking your nipples with avidity. 
You jump when you feel Youngho move a hand between your thigh, fingers slipping inside you. 
“Do you want another one, baby?” Johnny teases after pulling away from your hard nipple with a loud pop. 
Your eyes widen. “You — you can create another one?” 
The chuckle that rumbles from their rib is deep and mocking. “There can be thousands of us.” 
Your lips open and close trying to let out an answer that simply can’t come out because you can’t even form it in your brain. 
“Don’t worry, though,” Johnny says, biting the side of your boob. “It will be just us… for now.” 
His comment can’t scare you enough because if you can have other him fucking you, you’re sure you’d take them all, any time and in any way. If all of them are so good with their tongue and fingers you want them all over you. And as if they can hear you, you feel Youngho’s hand cup the breast Johnny’s not paying attention to before leaning closer and sucking your nipple.  
You bite your lips, head rolling back and when you open your eyes, you meet Jaemin’s eyes, he has an amused expression on his lips, while his hand is wrapped around his cock, you smile at him faintly before you lock eyes with Johnny’s again. 
“Need you.” 
He smirks down at you, admiring the goosebumps forming on your body every time their hands brush your skin. 
“Should we give her what she wants?” He turns around, talking to his copy. 
“I think she deserves it.” 
Your toes curl in anticipation when Johnny lays down on the table and urges you to sit on his lap, and you’re reactive like a puppy waiting for a treat after following an order, and for now, your treat is a kiss and his cock sinking into your dripping warm walls. It’s so big you moan in the messy kiss and you shiver when you feel his shadow behind you. They are all over you, their limbs mixing with the grey substance surrounding them, you can barely see the others through it. 
“Johnny,” you whine, hands planting on his chest when he lays flat again and his hands wrap around your hips, holding tight and moving you to grind against him, throbbing hard clit rubbing against him, sending buzzes of electricity through your bones. 
“You’re still so tight, angel, even if they absolutely destroyed you. So warm and wet for us,” he moans, brows knitted together, and nose scrunched up as you squeeze your walls around him on purpose. 
The sound of a smack on your ass resonates in the room before Youngho parts your cheeks and spits in your rim. Your head falls against Johnny’s shoulder, biting down the embarrassment but your cunt squeezes around him tighter, and so does your rim, twitching in anticipation. 
The shadow’s hand pushes you flat against his owner, keeping you arched, perky ass in perfect view as his cock makes its way into you, once again filling you until you can barely breathe. You can’t even form words anymore when they start working on you. Of course they know how to do it, they’re the same person after all, doing their best to mess with your brain and fuck you dumber. 
It’s not difficult for them to set a rhythm of steady and deep thrusts. You can feel Youngho move, so his right foot plants at your side while the other knee supports his weight firm against the table, giving you deep and calculated strokes. While Johnny moves your body up and down on him with ease. 
“Are you tired?” Johnny asks groggily, fingers tangling in your hair to lift your head up from his shoulder. He wants to admire your fucked out state, puffy lips, lipstick ruined and glossy eyes. 
You shake your head but your brain is empty and you can barely hold your body up, chest pressed against his, the muscles of your neck hurting as he forces you in place. 
“No?” He coos before kissing you roughly and biting your lower lip. “Have you starved yourself for months waiting for this?” It’s obvious the answer is no, you couldn’t have known you would meet them, but you’re still eager for more, it’s like you’ve been kept sex-less for years, actually. 
“You — you just feel so good,” you blabber out, some spit drooling out of your lips and he promptly licks it off. 
“How many times did she even come?” You faintly make out Jaehyun talking and someone else answering his doubts with uncertainty, and honestly, you don’t even know how many orgasms you had. 
“Mo — more,” you stammer, looking at him with droopy eyes. 
“And then I’m the greedy one,” Haechan comments, watching as your hips keep grinding meeting them halfway, there might not be a single coherent thought left in your brain but your body is extremely reactive, it’s almost as if it’s moving on its own. 
You’re startled when another shadow parts from Johnny. 
“What were you expecting?” He mocks, signalling his other self to lift you up in a straightened position. 
“Found a greedy one tonight, you never call me for the fun,” the third shadow whispers next to your lips before kissing you, his hands wrapping around your body, placing next to Johnny’s and Youngho’s. “Should I pay attention to those beautiful tits?” He asks, cupping them fiercely, kneading the soft flesh. 
Your head rolls back and the nth orgasm washes over you, body trembling while you’re pressed between theirs and their shadows, almost as if dark clouds are all over you, it also feels chilly but you’re burning up, and the contrast forms new shivers on your skin. 
You hear them chuckle before they all pay attention to different parts of your body. Youngho starts kissing your neck. Johnny’s fingers rub against your clit in swift motions. And the last one of him sucks and rubs your nipples eagerly. 
You are burning up. Getting stimulated  everywhere you can. 
“Fuck, you’re so… so beautiful,” Jeno whispers, staring at your blissful contorted face. You really love this. 
“Isn’t she?” Johnny replies, caressing your face and pulling you down, making his second shadow groan in disappointment. “All dumb and high on our cocks, nothing in that pretty, little brain of yours.” 
And as an answer, you give him a dumb smile, followed by a messy kiss before you’re pulled up again. 
“Taking it so well for someone that wanted to run away before,” the shadow fucking your ass comments. “Not scared anymore?” 
You shake your head, eyes squeezing shut, pushing more tears down your cheeks. 
“We feel good, don’t we?” The third shadow murmurs against your skin, alternating sucks with quick flicks on your sensitive nipples, and you nod again, a slur of ‘yes’ slipping out your mouth. 
“We could turn you and move you around like a doll and you wouldn’t even mind,” Youngho groans, and you can feel him twitch inside you, thrusts getting sloppier, signalling you he’s close. “Fucking tease,” he and Johnny curse at the same time when you clench around them on purpose.  
“Want us to fill you?” Johnny asks, fingers moving faster on your clit, cunt getting incredibly tighter, suffocating his dick. 
You only hum, hands tangling in the other shadow’s hair, pushing him closer to your breast, telling him to suck harder. 
“Want your cum, please, please,” you scream out, tears flooding down your face, at this point fighting against all your limits and overstimulation. 
And that’s the last drop they need to come, violent orgasm washing through them as deep groans and moans fill the room, the third shadow disappears and Johnny pulls you flat against him, kissing you roughly while his hips fuck into you with more strength, making sure to give you all his cum. 
“Fuck,” the shadow behind you growls, grabbing a fistful of your hair and forcefully pulling you flat against his chest, kissing you just like the owner of his physical form. “You’re so good,” he says in a low-pitched voice, coming inside you before he lets you fall on Johnny’s body again. 
“It’s okay, angel, it’s fine,” Johnny murmurs against your hair, caressing your head as you breathe panting, tears wetting his skin. “Are you okay?” 
You hum, whining when you feel Youngho disappear, a river of cum drooling out of you. He keeps you there for a while, calming your shaking body, reassuring you did great, and only when he’s sure you’ve gained some strength back, he leaves one last kiss on your forehead before slipping out of your hold. 
The table feels even colder now that you lay there in a pool of cum and sweat, chest rising swiftly, and eyes wet with tears as you look around the room, passing them one by one, feeling your head spin. 
“Look what we got here,” Yuta’s voice sounds sultry, reaching your ears muffled while pleasure is still hazing your brain. “All wrecked and ruined. You don’t look like an angel at all now,” he mocks, tentacles slithering on your skin. “You always leave me the less fun part.” 
“I think she has proved enough she’d do anything for a good fuck, she won’t disappoint you.” You don’t get the nature of Haechan’s comments, but you’re sure he’s not genuinely praising you. You don’t reply though, you stopped doing that a few minutes before when they fucked any willpower out of you. 
Yuta snickers, “Is it true, angel?” The petname comes out venomous, eyes glinting and split tongue licking his lips. Everything about him is of a beautiful red, the colour of love or of something worst in this case. He seems ruthless and you’re not sure him being the last one was a smart choice. 
“I — I just need some water.” Your throat is dry and you’re not really sure you can take him. 
“Some water will give you the energy to take these?” he asks, tentacles lifting in the air, leaving you gasping for air. 
But you still nod, strong-headed, or maybe dumb even, but you came to terms with it, tonight wasn’t made for you to be smart, just to have fun and do reckless things, and until now, you survived, so what could go wrong? 
“Here’s some water,” Jaemin hands you a glass, watching with a tender smile as you struggle to lift your body. 
“Here,” Jeno whispers, coming behind you, keeping you up. “Drink it all.” 
“Maybe you could use some alcohol,” Haechan says and Johnny silences him with a hit in his stomach. 
“Can you quit being an asshole for two seconds?” 
“I was being serious,” he replies holding his stomach. “It could help her loosen up.” 
“I’m fine,” you mumble, looking down at your shaking thigh when Jeno’s hand slips there, caressing you. 
“Are you sure?” It’s Yuta talking though, watching your body tremble and you gulp down water like a thirsty camel in the driest desert. He has no idea how you made it there without passing out, and either you’re really, really, desperate or you’re hiding something, but even he can’t get what it is. 
“I can take it, I want to take it,” the second phrase comes out in a shier confession, looking down at the empty glass, waiting for Jaemin to fill it again.
“Don’t drink too much or we will have unpleasant surprises,” Haechan chuckles. 
“You’re so disgusting you wouldn’t even mind,” Jeno tells him and the demon shrugs, mumbling a ‘maybe’. 
With one last check-in, both Jeno and Jaemin pull away from you, leaning you down on the table again. 
“Was it enough of a break for you, insatiable little thing?” 
You nod, eyes following the appendance crawl out of him and reach for you. 
“Are those humans not enough?” His eyes glint in excitement as he watches your eager face stare at his tentacles, he had never seen anyone so excited for this, especially after everything the others did with you. 
“No,” you reply shyly.  
“So the stories are true? What is that? They don’t care about your pleasure?” 
You nod, trapping your lips between your teeth when one of his tentacles passes down your thigh and rubs against your cunt before circling your waist moving up until it reaches your breast and then up to your neck. 
“They don’t,” you have no idea where you’re finding the strength to reply, but you do, chest panting harder with every touch on your skin. 
“And what makes you think monsters care?” 
“You — you do, you did,” you bite back a scream when the tentacle around your whole body moves away, leaving space for a thicker one to slip inside your sopping wet cunt. “Fuck,” your head rolls back, it’s not really thicker than the others you had but the texture is driving you crazy, it’s bumpy and it rubs against your walls deliciously. 
“What if I told you I’m tired of waiting and I don’t think I’ll pay much attention to your wants or needs?” 
“I — I don’t care.” 
“She only cares about getting used and filled, what’s not clicking, yet?” Haechan comments, and you can feel him roll his eyes, and your eyes snap open when you feel him right against your ear. You’d like to yell at him to step back but when Yuta leaves you empty you can only groan in disappointment and look at him, letting the demon nibble your skin. 
“What, angel?” Yuta has a devilish smile on his face, one eyebrow raised and you can see in his eyes he’s having the time of his life.  
You stutter without letting out a sound, blinking and shaking your head thinking you’re going insane. But when you open your eyes it’s still there, well, they are still there. “T-two?” 
Yuta hums, pumping his cocks and moving closer to you, his knees brushing against the table. They chose the worst place to have you but he’ll make it count. 
“You didn’t complain with theirs.” 
“It — it was different. How will this work?” 
Yuta doesn’t reply, his lips twitch in an arrogant, scary grin and then two tentacles grab your legs and push them open and flat next to your panting chest, the harsh movement causing some cum to drip out of you with an embarrassing sound that makes you cover your face for a slipt second before some other tentacles grab your wrists and pin them above your head. 
“Two dicks, two holes,” he winks, pushing in, bottoming in with a forceful thrust, thick cocks filling your abused holes once again. “See, we’re made for each other.” 
You only hum a reply, it’s not as terrible as you imagine it would be, at this point it can’t be when you lost track of how many dicks you had inside you tonight, whether it was separately or at the same time. It should be embarrassing but it’s not. Not even if the squelches are disgusting, even if you moan and squirm underneath him like crazy, and even if you look like a mess while they don’t. They are all surrounding you now, giving Yuta space to do what he wants with you but still humping themselves lazily as they watch the last drops of sanity being drained out of your brain. 
And you truly feel like you’re going insane, Yuta is everywhere,  inside you, outside, tentacles sucking your nipples, licking your clit, fucking you rough. You can’t tell if he’s using some sort of powers over you but it’s like the more he sucks and fucks, the more you crave, you don’t feel that tired, only eager for more. Pleasure dizzying your mind and making you melt in his hold. 
“Want to suck you,” you babble, looking at him with pleading eyes. As if you need to plead for it. 
“Want my tentacle, angel?” 
You nod swiftly, lips parting and tongue rolling out, the sight sinful and vulgar enough that could make them come right there and there. 
“How can I say no when you look so pretty?” And with that, he stuffs a tentacle inside your mouth, he doesn’t fuck your throat this time, letting you suck on it like a lollipop, getting off to the sight of your hollowed cheeks and closed eyes, long lashes falling on your wet cheeks while you suck on it as if your life depends on it. 
“Fuck, where have you been all this time?” Jaehyun groans, amazed by you and how well you keep reacting to everything they’re throwing at you, or you’re asking yourself. 
“Yeah, right?” Jaemin whispers, you got he doesn’t like to say much but the way he’s looking at you tells you everything. If he could keep you around forever, he would. And probably you wouldn’t mind either, not a dull moment with them around and your deeper, more primal needs would always be satisfied. 
You hum louder around the appendance, lower body grinding back against Yuta, following his movements lazily. And usually, he would last longer, but the way you’re sucking him, it’s driving him insane. 
When the tentacle pulls out of you, coming in your mouth, you choke on it again, rivers of white substance trailing in your hair, not meeting your eyes only because you promptly close them and then you feel Jaehyun’s cold hand move it away from your closed eyelids. 
“Want both,” you beg, pushing your hips up from the table, meeting Yuta’s surprised gaze. 
“Isn’t it what I’m al —”
“Both in one hole,” you shut him immediately, silence falling in the room as everyone stops in their tracks. 
“Aren’t you testing your luck a bit too much tonight, little girl?” Johnny asks, hoping to push some sense in you but you’re firm in your decision. 
“I want it,” you whine again, struggling in the firm hold of Yuta’s limbs. “Can you do it? Would it hurt you?” 
“Hurt me?” Yuta asks with the highest-pitched tone you heard from him tonight. It wasn’t like he really minded, but this did seem a bit too reckless coming from you. “You’ll end up being hurt.” 
You shake your head. “But I want it, we can always stop, can’t we?” 
Yuta thinks if I can stop but doesn’t say it out loud, instead, he pulls out of you, leaving you empty and gaping before he wraps a hand around his lengths and presses them together enough they can squeeze against your entrance, for your sake he stops for a moment and does a little trick, making the second cock smaller, for what he can, it’s not much and he still thinks you’re going to bend and break but if you want it that much. 
He pushes in slowly and you bite back a slightly pained scream with every inch that sinks deeper. 
Jeno is quick at trapping your lips with his, feeling a familiar energy eluding out of you but doesn’t dwell on it much. You simply are addicting, and he’s created to go crazy for everything that is just like you. 
“You’re taking him so well, angel,” Jaemin’s voice reaches your ear while you can feel his light, delicate touch on the few patches of skin that are not tormented by the other tentacles. 
Yuta growls groggily when he finally bottoms in, your tight, warm walls squeezing him to the point it’s hard to slip out. “Fuck — fuck,” his brows are twisted in a concentrated furrow and you see some sweat pool on his forehead. He had never done that before, other humans were terrified only at the sight of the two. That’s why he kept the second one hidden until his turn arrived and he was always the last, most of the time they didn’t even arrive there. But you, fuck, you were hypnotic and magical for all the things you endured that night. “Feel so fucking good. Is it good for you?” 
You nod eagerly, looking at him past Jeno and Haechan that are kissing your neck greedily, hitting other spots that make you shiver. “Fill me so well,” you reply breathly, muscles trembling as you feel on the edge again. 
Your words make something snap in him, now that he’s sure you’re enjoying it, his hips start moving on their own, he’s not going incredibly fast, enjoying the sensation of your body almost trapping him in and his cocks rubbing against your insides. But his pushes are deep and rhythmic, strong hands wrapping around your waist to fuck you back against him every time, and you’re sure that you’re going to have so many marks of that night on you for a long time. 
Your brain blanks out, head rolled back, and mouth closing and opening only to let out choked moans and sobs. And it’s still not enough, you feel empty, you need more, but asking for it seems impossible. And for the first time in the night, you're glad someone can get in your head. 
“I fear she wants more,” Jaehyun says, surprising Yuta, hips coming to a halt for a split second. 
“More?” He repeats to make sure he heard right. 
“Yeah, wants all her holes filled.”
Yuta groans loudly, throwing his head back and then pushes a tentacle inside you, not extremely thick because he feels like he's exploding, your tight insides squeezing him, and another thing inside you wouldn't have let him move. But for you, it's enough to fulfil a need. 
“Want more, angel?” Johnny asks, cock prodding at your lips and he doesn’t even have to ask that you try to take him in, the position it’s not the best but you make it work anyway. 
“Let go of her hands,” Jaemin orders Yuta, and his tentacles free your hands. The fairy and Jaehyun are fast at bringing them on their cocks, and you get the message without them saying a word. 
There is truly no sanity left in your body anymore. Yuta filling your cunt and ass, Jeno and Haechan sucking your nipples, Johnny in your mouth and your hands stroking Jaemin and Jaehyun. You’re filled to the brim with pleasure, and it’s so much it overflows, whole body shaking, broken moans muffled in your mouth and toes curling in your shoes as you feel the nth orgasm hit you. 
“You’re so fucking hot like this,” the tentacle monster rasps, watching how attentively you take care of the others and still try to fuck back into him. “Such a pleasant surprise.”
And then they can’t hold it back any longer, the room explodes with moans, groans, cries, and dirty, messy sounds of bodies and skins against each other. They all come, you can’t tell who loses it first, only feel your body get hit by their cum before they take a step back. 
Yuta lasts a bit longer, leaning closer to you as he gives one last forceful thrust, his cocks and tentacle emptying inside you, so much cum it spills out of you before he can even get it all inside. 
Static sounds fill your mind when the last orgasm washes over you, it comes a bit after his and it feels strenuous, you can’t even moan anymore, only sob with your head turned to the side and your body wriggling under his. 
“Can’t believe you’re real,” Yuta whispers, holding his body up with his hands flat against the table at your head’s side. “I wouldn’t have bet a candy on you.”
A faint smile paints on your face before you cuddle up in a fetal position, cringing at all the seed sticking to your skin, the movement making even more of a mess. 
“Are you okay?” When you blink your eyes you find Johnny kneeling at your level, brushing your sweat-soaked hair out of your face. 
You hum, moving your mouth to talk but no words came out. 
Jaehyun chuckles, “Now you need me?”
Yes, asshole. Tell them I’m fine.
“She’s fine and she called me an asshole.” 
“Oh, she’s doing amazing then if she can still be annoying,” Haechan chuckles, but unlike his comments of before his tone is playful and you find yourself chuckling too before your eyelids get too heavy and you fall asleep. 
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When you walk out of the room it’s past 2 A.M and you find Ningning waiting for you in the small bathroom on the ground floor. 
“Took you long enough, honey. I thought they killed you,” she whispers, pushing you inside, staring at your devastated state with an amused grin. The sleeves of the dress you made last minute are gone, the skirt is as dirty as your hair and your top barely stays on you. They didn’t kill you but close enough. 
You laugh her comments off, grabbing the clean clothes she’s holding for you, and groaning in front of the mirror. You have cum everywhere, but you don’t pay it much attention, hurrying yourself to finally pee and then change into your clothes, pushing the others in a bag. 
“Hell, never dressing like one of those ever again,” you chuckle, a disgusted edge in your voice while you walk out of there, throwing the fake wings — the only thing you have left of that horrible  costume, luckily enough the halo got lost somewhere else — under a bush next to the back door that gave to the backyard. 
“Are you done?” Ningning asks, handing you a cigarette when she notices you’re at least dressed up again, an appearance of normality on your face even if some cum dried in your hair and she knows she’ll have fun hearing you try to get it out in the morning. 
You smile, bringing it to your lips, “I think they just gifted me eternity with this fuck,” you breathe out, shaking your head, feeling stronger than ever before, inhaling deeply the cold night air that wakes you up fully from your haze. 
Your friend rolls her eyes, “I have no idea how you can fake it so well, and this time you risked it.” 
“I’ve spent ages crafting my skills,” you joke, intertwining your arm with hers, and passing her the cigarette back. “Should we go home?” You ask and when she nods you start to walk away from the house. 
“Was it good at least?” She asks, the only sounds filling the night are your heels on pebble stones and the faint music still coming from that place, dimming with every step you take further from there. 
Your lips curl in a smirk, eyes flashing red as you think of the night you lived, memories of it imprinted in your brain for eternity. “It was so good I might want to tell Satan this one.” 
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TAGLIST: @kpopgirl124127 @kwnshi @auroraichimaru @kundann @gaonsgf | let me know if you want to be added by commenting under the INFERNO masterlist (i still have to post the two fics i couldn’t write in time)
A/N: If you survived this, congratulations! Please leave feedback, I love reading your opinions and they motivate me a lot!!!
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mins-fins · 2 months
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❝ look carefully, it's a shame.. ❞
in which. you are only looking to work at the titular skyline highlights for two reasons. one: the pay is exceptionally great for your position, and two: it's your shot to prove to your family that you can actually do something productive with your life, but oh you're such an idiot, because you weren't exactly sure what you were getting yourself into. if you knew this company could potentially be haunted, your bosses were weird freaks, and your coworkers were the most impulsively stupid people in the world, would you have taken this job? absolutely not. but you guess you needed some sort of thrill in your life.
𖥻 pairing nct 127 x male reader
𖥻 genre modern au, paranormal horror(?), office workers!127, also kinda ghost hunters!127, written series, fluff, comedy, some angst, also some horror, mainly unserious, based off that little agency 127 skit they did during ay-yo era 😭, romance, slow burn, pining
𖥻 warnings swearing, explicit language, sexual humor, toxic family dynamics, mentions of toxic workplace environments, mentions of death, ghosts and shit, fighting, mentions of alcohol consumption & smoking
𖥻 status slow slow updates.
𖥻 soundtrack
❝ if this moment that will pass by.. ❞
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──── ⭒ INTROS reaching for the skies!! 𖦹 the rest of the clouds
──── ⭒ TABLE OF CONTENTS i. wait THATS the new guy!? ii. cubicle gossiping iii. THIS IS WHY NOBODY LIKES YOU!! iv. the girls are fighting…… v. ghosthunting is the new romantic segway more chapters tba..
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𓏧 taglist open! ↳ if you'd like to be on the taglist for this fic, you can simply send me an ask or comment on this post!!
63 notes · View notes
onyourhyuck · 10 months
Sip & Share. | S.JH
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— Prologue: “I want this Johnny, I need this.”
— Summary: You didn’t get the job interview. Depressed and low on motivation, you went over to your favourite café but you end up sip & sharing your life to one of the co-workers who works there.
— Genre: Wholesome Smut(?) Smut smut minors dni. Johnny!barista. There’s lots of praises here. Johnny has the biggest size kink though. They have sex at the café staff room. Pinning. Protected sex. Teasing. Y/n enjoys teasing Johnny. Y/n is older than Johnny here (for spice) because older noona kink. Mention of failing interview.
— Notes: Brewing Romance — The Series Masterlist.
The clouds oblige and rain descends in little gleam-drops of bullet drops. Walking through the heavy night fall in this dangerously cold rain, you’re bound to be hit with this wash over. The sound of the rain is a harmonic thrumming on your jacket as you run towards this café you’ve always loved. Whenever you crave their coffee you come in here. But it would be a first time you coming into the café when you’re in a gloomy mood.
Today wasn’t your day at all. You hate that your life is going downhill. You just know that even if your life feels like it’s going badly every second you’re going to do something you just know it’s not going to be like this forever right? Eventually life gets better. But you keep wondering ‘When is my life about to get better?’ Because you’ve been waiting for your life to become something great and worthy of a while now and you’re becoming impatient.
The café swings a little bell and you take a seat down at one of the chairs as you take off your wet purse bag putting it on the table. You look out the window watching the heavy rain in the darkness. It’s way too late at night but this café closes at 2am so it’s always popular with night-folks people.
You wonder who is working here. Today there wasn’t many workers but a young attractive looking guy who is gazing over at you at the counter behind with the reception cashier. He was cleaning down the counters before looking at you. He saw how gloomy you look and actually he felt kind of uncomfortable with the fact that you’re sad.
Johnny tends to be one of the workers in the café that is very laid back and always trying to make people feel happy and better, so when he saw your expression as if your day was going very bad, he just felt obliged to make to a free coffee. Even if you didn’t ask. You were a pretty beautiful woman too. In fact he second glanced at you when you entered the café but you didn’t see that.
He puts down the cloth and walks over to you with a charming smile. The young man you see walking over to your table so he can take your owner has black curly and neat styled hair. He wore this black button up shirt leaving one button open. It was a very charming expression he held. You feel nearly intimidated by how good looking he was. You never seen this man working here but he seems like a professional since he’s the only one working the night shift to take care of the café.
When you’re at the café you are always served by a young lady and a young guy called Jungwoo. You wonder if Jungwoo doesn’t do nightshifts.
“Hey there, what’s got your head in the clouds?” He said with a little chuckle in between. He was very curious what kind of situation the customer had been going through for you to be so gloomy on a rainy day. He’s sure you have many reasons for your mood, though he doesn’t want to make you feel any worse. He wanted to cheer you up in any way possible. And it was a good thing Johnny puts customers above himself.
“Oh you know, life just goes sideways and screws you right over.” You mumble with sarcasm humour as your eyes looks at the tall young man who works at the café. Your back sits up in your seat taking off your wet jacket. “May I get a hot coffee, please? In medium size.” Johnny took down your order on the small notepad that every waitress used to take every customer needs down. The jacket you took off rests against the chair.
You didn’t want to complain to the worker but it was clear when you said how much life screws you over sideways just makes him think you really had something bad happen to you. He was very curious the more you keep talking.
And he’s trying so hard not to laugh when your sarcasm was very visible. Johnny tries his hardest to hold his chuckle back before it explodes out of his face. He wants to relate to you, but he never had it rough before… at least not that he remembered. He still thought your life problems were a good reason to be upset, though he can’t relate he wanted to try helping out.
He nods, and goes into the back to make her coffee. Johnny puts the pen down closing it and the small square yellow notepad away. “Alright one medium coffee coming up.”
“I’m Johnny, by the way. What’s your name, Miss?” He smiles towards you and before he would go make your coffee he just needs your name. Small introduction never hurt anyone right?
You were slightly more stunned that the very handsome man introduced himself to you but you maybe thought it was compulsory to do that?
Your eyes stay on Johnny and you give him a short smile. “Y/n is my name.” Once your name reached his ears Johnny knew it was a very beautiful name and he wanted to say it was, but he had to get on his way to make your coffee.
He wouldn’t want his best friend and boss the owner of this café to completely scold him thinking he was flirting with a customer. But Johnny wondered a lot. You’re very beautiful that was a fact. But you look so lonely and he just felt so gravitated towards you to keep you company. On the other hand he has no other customers at this time and you’re the only one here so it was very tempting to sit down and chat away to make you feel in a better mood.
If Yuta was here Johnny knew he would’ve gotten scolded. Especially when his boss was Yuta.
Your eyes we’re gravitating back to Johnny after he has left going back to the barista counter to make the coffee. You watch him from the far distance between your table by the large café window while watching the man. You feel very sneaky as your eyes were glued on the biceps and the muscular build he seems to have. You wish you weren’t drooling at the sight but you were.
How come you never met this fine man working at your favourite café before?
Your face gives a soft whenever you look at him checking how his arms were making the coffee and his biceps. They felt so warm and the urge for you to not make scenarios up took every fight in you against your filthy mind. “So, Johnny. Are you good at making coffee?” You want to stop looking at him but you also wanted to speak a conversation up. You raised an eyebrow in hope he does since he’s making your drink right now.
The way you strike up a conversation makes him think it was a great compliment because he really wanted to chat with you. You have him the opportunity so he took it while making the coffee it was a strong aromatic flavour and smell. He managed to keep a smile on his face and his eyes bright despite being caught off guard since he didn’t expect you to want to speak to him.
He couldn't help but notice how attracted you was towards his body. Before he could answer you he comes out with a mug, with warm hot coffee, he makes sure it's perfect as he gives it to you, with a splash of milk at the top.
Johnny chuckles a bit, "I can definitely say i'm an amazing coffee maker." He smiles, and winks at you as he gives her the warm mug.
Amongst the other employees in the café Johnny would have to put himself as top three best baristas in the working staff room. He would have to say that him and Jaehyun are pretty on par. Jungwoo was amazing actually. He always gets the orders right. Johnny was pretty good though and he never leaves a customer disappointed with their coffee.
You want to have a good judgement so you try not to be biased towards him. Just because he’s got a pretty face doesn’t mean he might have the best coffee you try to think of it that way.
“I guess I’ll be the judge of that Johnny.” Your voice said with a wide smirk as he brings the drink to you on the table. Your nostrils gather the smells already from the warm aromatic coffee, it was a strong smell with a splash of milk on it drizzling with sweetness. Johnny found you to be quite charming and he enjoys how you’re going to judge him and his coffee market making.
No other customer was ever so keen on judging his coffee making skills before. Johnny won’t lie he really hopes he makes a good impression with the coffee he gave you.
Your lips press on the mug to sip the coffee while Johnny waits for your answer and reaction. You tried to keep a straight face. Johnny sat down at your table as he waits now. The arms crossed as he’s staring at you trying to read some expression but he cannot figure it out.
The café fell in silence as this was everything to Johnny he was putting on the line his life and his amazing career, If he gets a bad rating this could mean the end.
Maybe this was him being a bit dramatic but Johnny loves coffee and as a coffee lover he should be amazing at making coffee therefore this was very very important to him. This was a very big deal for him. While he was sitting down in front of you he was was left thinking in his head; Was it good? Was it bad? Was it not hot enough? Maybe it was too hot? Johnny could only hope it was great. He can’t handle rejection. The heat on his face was visible and the stress he was going through with inner conflict shown on his face.
“What’s your honest opinion on this?” His voice was a little shaky as his eyes can’t help but stare at you down as if he was searching for your soul to take.
If you’re being honest now you’re just teasing him straight up. You can’t help but find it that he can be very endearingly cute in a way. He looks like a lost puppy who doesn’t want to disappoint their owner right now. You want to laugh but you kept on a straight unreadable face.
And then you start to slowly answer him. “It’s good…” You tell him as the nervous expression on his face starts to dissolve like milk and coffee blend together. He now knew you were purposely making him nervous you could hear under his breath ‘What the…’ because he didn’t expect you to make him wait for such a short comment.
“Did I scare you?” You proudly grin. The coffee was great actually probably one of the best coffees you tasted. You weren’t sure who’s coffee you liked the most; Jungwoo’s or Johnny’s?
You definitely did more than scare the poor man. You had him hanging on a piece of thread as if he was about to fall into oblivion. His face goes a little redder as he smiles back at you and laughs as well.
"You caught me off guard is what you did." He chuckles.
He smiles while watching you drink the coffee he made for you , as he sees your face go from depressed looking to a much more cheerier face, with a smile on your face. He just wanted to see you happy. His job was complete... and he felt good...
"I'm glad you enjoy it." Johnny said to you and you smirk nodding as you’re enjoying your warm mug of coffee right now. It was very good even though you had him literally gasping for a good rating for no reason too.
There was a certain attraction between you two. There definitely was something, you both feel it. But none of you can act up on it.
He looks at you once again, though he noticed how your eyes are back to admiring his muscles and his attire. He wanted to say something, but he knows if he makes a move it could ruin the progress he made with you and he doesn’t want to mess it up.
He smiles back at you, thinking how cute you looked when you’re a little shy. He wanted to put you in a better mood, as he felt bad you wasn't feeling great in the beginning. He gets up from his chair however when work was calling him. He can’t forget about his duty right now either.
"I'll be heading back to the counter."
The minor disappointment on your face was visible but you try to hide it with a little nodding smile as you saw Johnny go back to the counter to do his work. You’re not sure why you’re left with this lingering feeling that you wanted him to stay and chat with you some more. “Okay, I’ll be here drinking my… coffee.” You reply with a smile as your lips press on the cup to drink the coffee while he goes to the counter leaving the chair.
You watched him walk over checking him from behind as he was walking away. You can’t help yourself but check him out okay? It would be a crime not to. You bite your bottom lip while smirking. Maybe you failed your interview today but you was definitely enjoying Johnny’s company right now. And maybe you were flirting with him a little bit only subtly.
The café worker definitely feels the two pair of eyes checking him up and down as if he was your mealS Johnny looks over, seeing you bite your bottom lip. He smiles as he continues to look at yo while he waits at the counter. He watches as your lips are biting tour bottom lip and it just makes him think many things he shouldn’t; very unholy things right now. He puts on a smile as it’s so obvious you are checking him out. He couldn't hold the smirk back any longer from your actions.
Johnny gets an idea to try and speak to you more. The idea essentially was just you speaking about your problems because he remembered you telling him how you didn’t have the best day. He just wants the details and maybe he can be of help to you if you open up? Maybe all you need is someone to speak to.
After a few minutes you were nearly done with your coffee but you see the man coming over again. Johnny walks over and gets a pen and paper in front of the tables. “I've got an idea to cheer you up."
You wonder what does he mean by this but when Johnny pressed the paper and pen towards you he lets out a chuckle as he saw your curious expression trying to figure this out.
He smiles as he opens the page of his notebook, as he writes something on it. Johnny looks up at her as he tries his best to keep a straight face. Though he was happy to see her smile, as he knew this would cheer her up more. He shows her what he wrote on the page. "You can vent here." He gives her the notebook and a pen.
You can’t help it but think he’s being very thoughtful of you and being mindful.
But you have a better idea. You chuckle as you look at the notepad and pen. Your hands rub the back of your neck while looking back at him now. “How about I vent to you through conversations?”
Johnny smiles looking at you as he puts his hand on your shoulder and sits back down on the chair.
"I can listen to you vent, as long as it keeps that beautiful smile on your face... but if you want to talk about it, go ahead... i'm listening." He smiles warmly as he sees you’re rubbing the back of your neck as if it was your nervous habit tick. He looks at you once again, and notices how tired you must've been.
"Tell me, what happened before you came to this rainy night today?"
You took a deep breath. You don’t want to feel like you’re burdening him of course not but he voluntarily said you can vent to him. On the other hand you feel like you might physically combust if you don’t speak to someone about this. And Johnny seems to be the only person you can speak to him about this with. You think this might be a good idea to just tell him what’s been happening in your life.
“Today I had a job interview and I failed it. I didn’t get the job.” Your voice sighs as your body slants back on the seats. “So I guess life screwed me sideways.” You tell him lowly. “I’m in my 30’s with no job…”
You had a job but you never expected it to end the way you did. At first your job was amazing. You loved it and everyone was nice at your job but then your boss turns out to be a complete nightmare.
You’re not the type of employee to stand abuse with a boss despite them being your boss with greater power. You wouldn’t stand to such things. Many people do that but you don’t and you can’t handle stress when it’s from employee abuse.
You can’t stand injustice either so you left on your own record and now you’re trying to find another job. But you’ve not been having luck yet.
The man was listening to you with an attentive eye towards you. He can tell you’ve been worrying about this for a while. It must be pressuring you to get a job already but he thinks you’re worrying for no reason because there’s bound to be a job somewhere for you surely.
Johnny sighs as well, matching your tone.
"Hey, don't be too hard on yourself." He gives you a comforting smile. "There'll be another opportunity waiting somewhere... just gotta give it some time." He chuckles as he thinks you must've been struggling to find a good job... and it took you more time than you thought it would.
He now rubs your shoulder in comfort. "Don't worry, you won't stay without a job for long." He smiles, and looks down at you with a warm smile.
You start to wonder how come he’s so nice to you? Johnny just knows how to say the right things to you in the right moments.
“I guess you’re right…” You state with now a few chuckles a bit. You feel now a bit better about your situation. You would’ve never thought this was going to make you feel so much better and lighter on your shoulders. “Thank you you’re very sweet you know that?” You said back smiling now, he even rubbed your shoulders and it makes you feel more relaxed too.
Your eyes are both connecting in this contact regarding for a while but it feels like a few seconds to you. The both of you fell for your eyes distractions. They both share the same lingering eye glance, you shift your upper body closer and smile more looking at him while your eyes open up at him some more, as if you were now admiring him up close with a warm heartfelt look.
“How can I repay you for your kindness?” Johnny heard you ask him this. He has a flirtatious smile and a charming expression, how can you repay him?
He never once needed anything from you. Johnny actually wants nothing from you at all.
With a warm bright tone he spoke enough to have you melting a little. "No need to repay me..." He smiled at his flirtatious remark. "Just seeing you smile is enough for me." Johnny looks at how your smile grew when he said that now, thinking how beautiful and stunning you are. He wondered what was going through your mind.
"So... you're in your 30's..." Johnny starts, still staring at your magnetic eyes. "You're quite the beautiful woman." He smiled, complimenting you because he was being so honest you are beautiful from head to toe. He couldn't help but notice it the moment you walked into the café.
The compliment went through the ear and out the other as if you’re flushing it out. You just didn’t believe him at first, but his genuine expression made you feel flattered. “Oh please… I’m nearly an old woman.” Your voice tone comes out as mumbles as you feel complimented by him. Lifting your head up to look back at him with another curious glint in your eyes. “How old are you, Johnny if I may ask?”
Johnny smirks when you call yourself old. He didn’t think you’re old in fact you look very young for your age and heck, thirty wasn’t even old for him. He didn’t think you was old at all, but he understood that you are calling herself old because you probably feel like it on the inside.
“How could a lovely lady such as yourself be old?” He chuckle in slight humour with a charming glance at you to have you weak for him, and whatever he was doing to you has you doing lapse
He thinks of his age when you asked him. He gives a little smirk leaning closer only a little subtly. “Well… since you asked, i’m about… 28.” Johnny smiles warmly to you.
You couldn’t really believe Johnny was twenty eight years old he looks even younger than that. You guessed in your head probably twenty four. But you must think it must be nice for him to look young especially when he works at this café. It was a popular café amongst other women. You now know why probably because of all the attractive employees. And Johnny was one of them definitely.
“You’re a young guy Johnny. You must get a lot of attention from women.” You point out now with a little smirk. “How about a relationship?” You might be getting ahead of yourself but you wanted to ask him. “You must have someone.”
There was a spark on those glistening Iris pupils of his that has you growing deeper and falling so much harder than before when you’ve asked if he was in a relationship. Johnny smiles as he sips his coffee, as he gets asked about his love life. He thinks about it and then sighs.
"Actually... i'm single." He chuckles when he surprised you greatly with his answer. "I don't really seem to have one yet." He smiles once again as he looks at you. For some reason you have unnecessary growing hope there might be something more between you both but surely that’s just you getting ahead of yourself?
"What about you, do you have a boyfriend by chance?" He smirks, as he sips more of his coffee. The question he asks you makes your heart race and you shake your head a simple no.
You calmly state. “No boyfriend.” And your lips quiver up as you’re wondering why and how come he hasn’t had a girlfriend yet?
He looks so damn perfect to you actually. It feels crazy to know he was single. There must be a reason but you know everyone must have their own way to deal with relationships. “ You’re a young guy you should find someone to settle with. I’m in my 30’s regretting not doing that sooner.”
Johnny felt the pain in the sigh and smiles at you telling him how much you regret not dating when you were younger. He looks at you once more, as he sips the rest of his coffee and puts the mug down on the table.
"I'll meet the right one when the time is right." He smiles back, and then laughs quietly as he looks at you with a playful grin. "Besides, I'm in no rush myself right now."
You finished your coffee now too, but you turn to him when he has now raised an eyebrow as if he had something to tell you. "What about we make this day a little more pleasant for you. I got a proposition."
This could go absolutely horribly or absolutely correctly. Johnny thinks there’s no in between for what he’s about to offer you considering this was quite a personal proposition to offer someone he has just met but, he couldn’t ignore your chemistry with him. As much as he’s trying not to make a big deal out of it Johnny had to admit; there was something going on between you two. Johnny takes a bit to think about his proposition, his flirtatious demeanor taking in place again, as he sees you move a little closer to hear him more. "Well I was trying to... figure out a way to make your day more pleasant..." Johnny smiles as he continues to look in the eyes of yours, as his gaze shifts from your eyes to your lips. He feel the same heart racing so fact and you feel your trembling eyes with slight excitement. "I think i've got an idea." He smiles when seeing the excitement on your face you could not hide. “You wanna hear it?"
You give him a nod, Johnny smirks at your physical response. Johnny smirks, noticing how excited you must be about his proposition. Knowing you, you probably have an idea of your own what it could be.
“Why don’t I take you to the staff rooms? So that we can make this day more… pleasuring for you…”Johnny slowly gets closer to your side of the table, his body getting close to your body.
“I mean… since I made the coffee right?” He chuckles, slowly looking at the lips belonging to your beautiful face. He bites his bottom lip as he looks back up at your magnetic eyes always pulling him to you with your magnetic field.
It feels more like a dream to you right now to hear one of the employees asking you to join him in the staff rooms at this night hours when the café should be closing down soon, but he has other plans for you and you were more than down to do this with him. You want to just feel good tonight and forget how bad your day went. Johnny was the only thing making your night better than your day was actually for the majority so completely shit. But Johnny? He was making it so much more worth while.
“Hmm, I guess that’s fair.” You grin out with your own pride and excitement playfully.
It feels like your mind was getting so many ideas right now and you shuffled closer and Johnny stands up as you take him by the hand and he leads the both of you into the staff room. The minute you entered with him it didn’t take a moment for the both of you to calm down because neither of you wanted to do that. You wanted to feel the rush, the adrenaline, the excitement and the daredevil feeling that you’re so craving. Your gasps come out when Johnny pulls you into a steamy heated makeout. The kisses took every single breath out of the lungs. It feels so good to finally kiss each other it feels like tension releasing from your muscles.
Your gasps come out at everything, especially when Johnny pulls away now that his lips slowly kiss the side of your tempting neck. “Johnny, can i repay you for venting and the coffee to you this way?” You smirk out while asking back chuckling. It makes Johnny smirk.
He found it very much amusing so he laughs along your words as the smirk stays on his face while reaching to caress your clothed body, as his hands creep upwards to caress your cheek while your faces are only barely an inch away from one another. The kiss you broke out off only a minute ago still as your heart racing so much. “I think that’s a perfect repayment for venting and this delicious coffee.” He whispers on the sides of your ear feeling your beautiful hair strands prickle his face, while his lips touch your neck and kisses it. The arms wrap around your waist as his other hand caressing and grabs your face.
Kissing your neck with his loving lips and a smirk written on that damply handsomely face of his, he was glad to be able to help you make your night even more thrilling than your other nights.
Johnny grabbing your face to reach over while kissing your neck makes you moan softly as your hands roam up his black button up shirt. You can finally feel that muscular build he has and it makes you literally exhilarate like a running engine on a car considering you’ve been making so many scenarios up with his body it was going to be the death of you. His bare back was run by your hands going down, you feel his entire body with your palms.
“Have you ever slept with someone that’s older than you?” You questioned softly as you feel your cheeks heat up. You haven’t slept with anyone younger but this was definitely going to be a first for you. You have a feeling Johnny knows how to satisfy a woman in bed however with the way he’s kissing your neck and your lips while caressing your body. Johnny’s entire presence dominates your mind and your soul at this point.
Your voice was silvery and short. You definitely feel so overwhelmed with just these touches and it makes him want to make you feel even more than this.
The man looks over at you with darken eyes. Johnny chuckles once again, he couldn't help but notice how her hands roamed through his shirt and his back, your fingertips feel so light and airy on his body it’s driving Johnny crazy and he can’t wait to have them explore him some more.
"I must say... I have not." He smirks as he bites the soft area of your neck a little harder and then reaching over to plant kisses on your chin while looking at your eyes. "But... I've always wanted to..." He looks up at the addicting lips, and gives you a kiss on your cheek.
"How about we make this an experience?" Johnny equips in exchanged look between your eyes, with a wide flirtatious smirk.
He already had a feeling you were going into the idea even though it was a rhetorical question he asked you, you shown great deal of nodding. Johnny chuckles when you pull away from him now as your face completely changed.
You’re now facing him with your boastful eyes as you pull only a certain distance making sure he was watching you with hungry eyes.
You’re more than okay to do this with Johnny. If anything you want more of it. You pull away stripping away your shirt unbuttoning it slowly. Johnny took small glances between your beautiful mature figure it just makes him so much more impatient for you.
And you certainly were such a tease, stripping yourself in front of him while he’s standing there flabbergasted by your beauty itself.
It’s like something in Johnny’s body just snapped, and he no longer could just stand there watching you strip tease him like this in the café’s staff rooms.
Darkly gazing over at you watching your strip teasing revealing your beautiful body and those curvy figure that he was about to enjoy more intimately in the staff room of the café very soon, Johnny won’t pass up on this opportunity now.
"My... my..." He looks at her body with whispers under his breath, starting to drool. Johnny was practically crying to touch you right now but on his face all you see was deep hunger; deep hunger for you. You looked so much smaller than he admitted. Not small as in you’re short but small as in your body was very dainty compared to him. Which makes Johnny think of vile things to do to you.
He couldn’t wait to get his hands on you some more. The man starts to think if he touched you, you might break on his hand with a single hand touch.
Johnny goes from patient to complete impatient man. He takes his shirt off as well, revealing his muscular body and six-pack abs, along with his tattoos on his muscular arms. As you saw him undress you feel like you’ve done your job edging Johnny by messing with him, making him purposely impatient. Johnny then reached to go pin you to the wall of the staffing room.
When pinning you on the wall it feels so primal and near to animalistic but he still treated you softly he made sure you were not hurt in the process of being pinned. Of course he still cares for your well-being and the wall crashing on your back, you let out a gentle breath out that makes your body freeze and hitch on halt. You feel Johnny pull you into another heated kiss as he kept your body on the wall pinned with his muscular lean arms. Your hands felt so naturally warm gravitating towards his forearms and around his biceps feeling the tattoos he has on him, and the abs he has makes your imagination run wild and dry. You could go crazy for this guy.
You simply let your body breathe as the kiss took every bit of air you had in your lungs collected. “Oh… hmm you’re so, hmm…” You mumble between the kisses that are passionate and fiery. “Attractive.” You finish your sentence with a soft light laugh away from the kiss. “You have tattoos…?” Your gaze powers down to the tattoos. You whisper impressed as you feel your body shiver with contact on your skin made by him.
Johnny smirks, noticing how you’re gazing over at his physique now that you’re both so close together you’re complimenting his tattoos and muscular arms it makes him feel so much good when he heard it from you.
“Yeah… I got a couple you get to enjoy later.” He chuckled mischievously. He kisses you on your neck once again as he looks at your beautiful face softly leaning back doing that. “You’re not so bad yourself… you know.” Johnny smiles at your comment.
While you’re in your bra and underwear it won’t be long until your white bra around your chest slowly starts to be taken off. Johnny lifts your white bra, revealing your breasts for him as he looks back at them.
He bites his bottom lip as the sight of your beautiful breasts makes him even more uncontrollable in his own head. Your breasts were perfect; bouncy, perky and lifted upwards. Your nipples were a deep rosey colour. It’s almost like they the colour of your blush on your face.
Johnny’s hands groping your breasts, going down to kiss them, playing with them with his fingertips, he knew exactly how to make you feel so flustered right now because while he was fondling your round shaped breasts you were biting your lip in response as it feels so good to have two muscular hands moving them around. While playing with the nipples between the fingers twisting around the sensitive nips to have you achingly asking for more.
It’s like Johnny couldn’t get enough of you in this state. He wants to make you feel even better.
Hearing your lower voice making these soft sounds, Johnny couldn’t hold back, the look on his face tells it all. He’s ready to enjoy you in every way possible. He smiles, and looks at you with the same ole’ flirtatious look smugly. He takes you by your arm as he moves you over to the couch in the room. He makes you sit down and he sits down next to you at first. Grabbing at your thighs and he moves them over his legs. Making you sit on his lap, he kisses your neck as his nose on your neck sniffs your perfume scented skin and the natural scent of your bodily aroma.
You bring your hips tucking them close against his muscular build and the abs as you’re in nothing but your underwear now you feel exposed but so does he and you’re enjoying the view between your nude bodies. Your lower body was casually grinding occasionally you bounce a bit while Johnny held you in the position on his lap. The crotch area specifically was your target as your hips move back and forth in the grinding position, Johnny weakly groans.
Johnny’s eyes widen, as you grinding on his lap was torturous behaviour from you but also he feels so good too. It just makes him even more aroused than before.
“Feeling good?” He asks you slowly as his moves the nose to other spots on your neck taking in your scent as you smell so good and warm. Johnny always thought coffee beans were his favourite scent smell but no, you are definitely number one. He slowly grabs your arms, making you put them around him. Your arms feel very comfortable and warm for him. Johnny smiles up at you giving you a light kiss on your lips. Johnny made sure to pull you even closer to him by letting his hands grab your waist.
You feel amazing but you’re now feeling slightly more brusque you won’t lie.
“Yeah, hmm bit impatient right now.” You tell him with truthful words as you do feel a bit fretful and you can’t wait much longer. You want him so bad. Even though grinding feels nice, it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t the real deal you want. You lean down returning the kiss to become a steamy makeout between the two. As if this couldn’t get even more escalating with excitement you feel your body craving much more and the more he gives the more you want. It was a never ending cycle. Johnny tightens the grab around your waist as your breasts press on his own body in the steamy kiss.
You nip at the bottom lip while your breathing goes even heavier while your chest goes up and down with your heavy breath. It makes you feel so good in this hold. While nipping at his bottom lip Johnny let’s out a soft groan with your teeth brushing on the lips softly as your arms run up and down his nape behind the neck, as Johnny hardens underneath you feeling how horny he must be getting thanks to you.
You feel him smirk against the warm and sloppy messy makeout continues.
Grabbing a handful of your ass from behind as you’re sitting on the lap when you’re both focusing on the kissing you both give to one another, caressing your behind slowly. While you’re nibbling on his bottom lip he lets out a smirk. He visibly enjoys how you’re feeling at his nape while all of this was happening, and he chuckles while his hands are behind you grabbing your round perfectly shaped ass he can’t get enough of. “You want this?” Johnny smirks asking you.
You sigh out with pleasure when the kiss breaks apart leaving your faces apart for a brief moment just so he can caress your body some more, going lower caressing you in your underwear with a deep chuckle leaving his mouth seeing you sigh out. “I want this Johnny, I need this.”
He brushed his hands higher on your thighs caressing them now too, it makes you groan when his hand makes contact in between your thighs.
You sound so desperate for him, it makes him want to continue with you even more.
Johnny understands what you want and if you really need this so badly he’s going to give it to you. Johnny lifts you up going over to the nearest counter in the room that you’re in together, your body touches the cold surface and he slowly plays by the hem of your panties slipping them off down to your ankles.
The couch wasn’t doing it for him, he reckons the counter would be more comfortable and exciting for someone as eager as you. Plus he can get a higher view of you as you’re on the counter gazing down at him with your glint full eyes.
Your hips touch his when Johnny pulls your bodies closer to connect. The sight of the very round and thick tip carrying the weight on your entrance, he brushes himself inside very subtle changes in your walls and posture start to go rigid. You groan at the new sensation when Johnny makes himself fit inside your wet and very flowing eager cunt.
You’re just so dainty and small Johnny thinks that he might split you in half like a kit-kat. But at the same time you’re loving this and Johnny is more than loving this right now, it’s fuelling something inside him to drive more into you.
The length pushing in with all your strength dissolving you’re now a moaning mess as Johnny on the side place kisses on your neck and nibbling on it ever so slightly, as he can’t stop looking at you in so many ways imaginable. When your bodies are locked in the same pace back and forth on the counter top you feel Johnny’s body moving in and out of you with slow and gradual motions that will turn real quick into something else.
Your body is so soft. Your skin, your curves. His hands squeeze your thighs as he pulls you up against him closer than before on the countertop. He whispers into your ear with his mouth very close distance from your face. “Your body feels so heavenly Y/n…” Johnny smiles, moving his hands up to your hips.
“Mhhm so good,” You mumble between the kisses as you feel the squeeze he crafts on your thighs so hardly.
The rocking gets so much more intense, you’re now rocking your own body in a much faster way on the top while your breasts move along the rhythm of your body line. Johnny leans over kissing your moving beasts and occasionally sucking on the cleavage area having you breathless as you’re trying to steady your body on the countertop.
It was so intense you feel the shape inside you changing to adjust to his own large cock deeply inside you going even more, like he was digging to go back and inside you again.
“Oh god so deep, so deep… you’re going.” Your voice broke into whines.
“I know I am.” He whispers in your ear, while rocking more against you in this gruff manner with his cock practically making every space inside you his own, destroying all your insides while having you nicely stretched out.
The grinning face went over to kiss your neck, while his fingers on your skin digs into your skin. He smiles with that dominant nature he carries with him and it’s driving you crazy how a presence can be so suffocating to you in the best way possible. He is going to make sure you feel all the pleasure he can give.
You run down your nails on his back as you’re growing so much closer to your ending it’s not even going to be humanly possible for you to comprehend as your mind keeps blacking out on you, every movement he makes going into you became thrusts. It’s not long until he’s going to start ramming into your body like you’re something to be used for own self-fulfilling pleasure and purpose.
“I didn’t think I’d be here doing this with you, but here I am.” You state with your heavy breathing as your eyes are clenching at every pleasure your stomach was forming.
You made him smile now, he was hearing your words and he couldn’t help but crease open a smile on his face as his body was rutting down and up again in your body as your hips touch gracefully. Johnny loves the way you’re moaning and shaking right now it’s a sight he won’t be able to forget.
Johnny bites his bottom lip, as he leans down, closer to your nape.
“I’m so glad to be doing this with you. And you can make all the noise you want, it’s late…We got the place to ourselves.”
You feel a burning knot in your stomach, a scorching fiery ready to burst any minute now and you’re moaning endlessly, as if it’s enchanting Johnny to want to hear you more.
“Ahh me too, you’re definitely making me feel soo much better after a depressing day.” You murmur as Johnny hears your sweet words, he can’t help but think you’re such a sweetheart right now.
The more your bodies were practically like glued together you feel your stomach hitching ever so slightly more. You feel the wetness piling up and eventually Johnny thrusts once more feeling a warm sensation running down his cock that brings him over the edge as he’s gazing right at you.
Johnny seed your body flinching to the touch as you’re overwhelmed by your running orgasm, as your face becomes flushed up. He moves his fingers down your arms and smiles a bit at you.
“I see you finished,” Johnny whispers close to your face with a few series of heavy pants. Your eyes look up at him trembling from the pleasure. “Good girl, Noona.” Praising you in a low tone to you.
You let out slow whimpers, you’ve never felt so loved just from a guy you only met tonight and you won’t ever regret this. The way he calls you a good girl makes your face more and more flushed.
Your lips open apart. “Did you finish?” Catching your breath you watch the man slowly as he was still deeply buried in you barely twitching now as the movements have stopped but he was still solid hard making you want to move even more. “Where do you want to finish? In or out?” You now ask him with a little smile as you’re let him decide.
Johnny grins out with a chuckle, the idea of you finishing off aroused him even more.
He looks at you with a smug smile. “What do you think?”
“I know where I want to finish, but what about you? You haven’t told me yet.” He whispers dangerously close to your face with the same smug smile.
You softly reply as your heart race. He was so charming that it’s making your body go so mushy that you don’t know how to act with him. “I want you to finish inside, I’ll be honest.”
He stares at you, before he smiles back at you and nods. “Let’s make that a reality.”
The body moved in closer with yours as the pleasure lowly starts to rise once again, and reaching over to kissing you your tongue finds its way in his mouth with ease. Their tongues play against each other while Johnny moves in a fast pace as he knew, that you’d finish him quickly off knowing how good your body feels and you would make him feel so much more pleasure very soon.
Johnny wants to finish this once and for all, while savouring this beautiful moment with you. The many groans escape your mouth as Johnny pushed his hips down towards you repeatedly.
It wasn’t long until you feel Johnny rutting inside your cunt ready to fill it up and stuff it full of himself, and only himself. Johnny grunts deeply while the hands squeeze your hips and lower back with a final thrust into you, you gasp so desperately while you’re now having warm sensations running inside you filling up to your womb. Johnny rushed over his hands down with a few lingering pants. You felt so damn good it makes his mind go fuzzy.
Very carefully Johnny pulls out while you’re oozing out the very fine liquid dripping out of your cunt as he leaves you with a cream pie. You roll your head back and catch your breath once more. This might be the biggest cardio you’ve ever done.
Johnny was mesmerised by your oozing pussy and he leans up to kiss your lips, before he breaks the kiss once again.
“I’m so proud you could make me finish, Y/n.” He smirks a little seeing your shy expression and the exhaustion too, Johnny’s fingers caresses on your face with his fingers gazing into your eyes. “Good girl…” he whispers.
Johnny chuckles. “You look tired. Let me give you a lift home and…” He paused as you stare at him he pulls out his phone putting it on your hand palm. “And your number too.”
You chuckle. “Okay fine. Yes to both things.” You smile as you type your phone number into his phone meanwhile Johnny was watching you from the sideline admiring you.
He has literal heart eyes for you, he might be a fool for you right now.
“Perfect. I’ll be taking you out on a date.” Johnny announces. You’re definitely lucky or maybe your life is starting to get better?
Taking back the phone from your hands Johnny smirks a bit. Who would’ve known a night to your favourite café could lead to sip and share with one of the coworkers leading to this.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting plagiarising my work thank youu! Please Reblog This Fic and follow me for more updates on the masterlist series!
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ruwriteshours · 11 months
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status: ongoing
summary: It seems as if the group can't catch a break; from having those five seconds of fame, to illegal money lendings to financial issues and now... they're studio is destroyed! Someone is out to get them and they're going to make sure that they'll get those bastards, along with making a name for themselves again... by signing a contract to become ballet teachers? Oh boy, how they've officially lost it.
or in other words..
a group of unprofessional dancers tries to manage a ballet class... who would've thought that it will somehow backfires?
➢ pairing: nct 127! x fem! reader(s)
(each member would have their own love interest so it's not poly)
➢ genre: street dance AU, crack, fluff, cheating, slight angst, toxic friendships, alcohol, swearing, smut (MINORS DNI)
inspired from the movie 'street dance' but VERY loosely based on it.
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Life always had its ups and downs. It took Lee Taeyong through hell for him to understand. He was reckless and frankly, impulsive. He often thought things ideally, not thinking of the consequences. Afterall, he was only a teenage boy looking for a dream. Moving out when he was barely the legal age, ready to make those dreams come through. Little did he know, that he would make one of the most life-changing decision when he decided to audition to one of the most shittiest companies known to man-kind. Partly an exaggeration, but he would be lying if he said he liked being there.
Moon Taeil had dealt with hard decisions in his life. Leaving university to pursue his passion, not knowing if it would backfire on him.
Newsflash: It totally did!
But he was no quitter, an obstacle perhaps. Taeil tries to be a positive thinker. Practically having his life fall apart, from catching his cheating girlfriend, to blindly following Taeyong in a path to their new journey; consist of illegal gambling, unnecessary fights and late night smoking sessions. But hey, it was better than that shithole. Those nights where he would drink away into total abyss, forgetting about his shitty ex. Indeed, he is no quitter!
Years and years had passed by, Johnny Suh watched people come and go. Those eight years of experience taught him a valueable lesson. People are only temporary and he was not gonna take the chance to warm up to anyone anymore. He was officially done with that shit. You'd think those eight years would've given him some patience but Johnny is having none of it. Of course, it's no suprise for the hot-headed man to not hesitate to curse out his instructor before walking off, following suit with a group of people who share the same frustation: FUCK THIS!
In contrary, Kim Doyoung was the complete opposite. A little too patient for his liking, he hated that he held in most of his emotions. His pride was stronger though, more determined to prove those fuckers that he can take their mistreatment. Even when Johnny had practically forced him to stand up to himself, he refused to stoop low. Well, guess we'll see how tolerable he can get before it all blows up. And it's gonna be hell when it gets to that point.
Did I mention that he was a patient man?
Yuta Nakamoto has always had a flirty exterior. That was when he wanted something he knew he could get. Deep down, he was a master manipulator (of course, for a good cause). He knows his charms and it doesn't hurt to have a little fun with it. It becomes a little too tiring when it becomes easy, Yuta wasn't one to favour something being handed to him in a silver spoon. He wants to fight for it. He wants to have that taste of glory and satisfaction to a challenge. He is a hardworker, if you'd ask me.
Studying abroad, Jung Jaehyun wonders if he had made the right choice. He is a handsome man and a handsome man can make someone disregard their intelligence. He really did wonder if becoming a dancer would strip away his self-worth. The company practically set him up to be this hunky dude with no brains. Girls fawning and drooling on the floor over him. He hated that his job scope included fan service: AND HE'S NOT EVEN AN IDOL. Maybe one day, he'll show them that he is way more than his looks.
Dong Sicheng is hated by all. It's funny considering that it's not like he wanted to be here in the first place. In fact, that thought never crossed his mind until his friend encouraged him to, telling him he needed to let loose for once. He was semi-glad that his friend had pushed him into this path, but he wasn't so sure if he actually wanted it. Barely given the chance for the try-outs and yet was accepted pretty quickly. Maybe that's why he had so many issues with his steps, maybe then, he wouldn't have to deal with the constant insults thrown his way. Oh well, guess he'll have to try harder next time!
Kim Jungwoo was set up to fail. Or so he thinks. He's quite a pessimistic though, it might come as a shock considering his bubbly personality. A replacement, is what he felt. That small chance of recognition is purely by luck and it was very evident from the way everyone seemed to have these look of envy in their eyes. Even when he felt that shred of success, everyone seems to claw it all up and tear it down, giving him nothing but disappointment. Maybe he is a failure, afterall.
Fame comes in easy for some people, Mark Lee is one of those people. The people where other people think that they don't work hard for their position. When in reality, people like Mark are pouring their blood, sweat and tears for it. But in human's selfish nature, they always assume the worst of others. Mark Lee was never an exception and he had to live down to it. Fuck the fact he moved all across states to come here, fuck the fact that he spent nine hours training which, mind you: when he was only sixteen and fuck the fact that he had been hospitalised for weeks because of it. Who cares?
And last but not least, Lee Donghyuck—though would recommend to call him Haechan, youngest of them all. The mood-maker, they say. The jokester is what people think of him. It's not like he minded, until it became too much. He hated that people never took him seriously because of that. Even when he shifted his entire personality, everyone would crack a smile and told him to stop being a wimp. He was more than that too, you know. Well, at least his friends took him seriously and that was enough for him.
No thanks to the company, the group managed to uphold a greater offer for themselves than that shithole ever will. But they couldn't take the full credit, at least the shitty building did something right by bringing them together in the first place. The only thing they did right.
chapter i.
more chapters coming soon...
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winwintea · 21 days
last love - series
PAIRING ▸ random nct members x fem!reader 
GENRES ▸ romance, fluff, angst, lots of angst, supernatural, wayyy too much angst
WARNINGS ▸ angst. and character death??
SUMMARY ▸ after living as an immortal being for centuries, your life must surely come to an end. that is unless you turn someone else into one of your kind. but the only reason why you'd ever do such a thing, is for love. thankfully your butler just kidnapped 5 men to your mansion and will be holding them there for a month! but will you fall in love with one of them or forever cease to exist?
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ i’ve been working on this for my birthday for a while… so i’m also simultaneously working on the smau 🙏🙏 but i want these all to come out before the 27th so yipee. (literally never gonna happen but i can dream) READ THE PROLOGUE BEFORE CHOSING A FIC??
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▸ HUANG RENJUN - the last dance
“You don’t have to smile if it makes you sad. You don’t have to lock away your emotions. That forced smile doesn’t look right on you. And they shouldn’t call you such awful names. As far as I’m concerned, you’re a person, just like me. And a nice one, too.”
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▸ MARK LEE - the last hope
"Nothing will happen to you then? If that's the case, then I will fight hard so that you, too, may continue to live in peace."
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▸ QIAN KUN - the last song
"Music is eternal. A song never dies. With my song, you'll never have to be alone."
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▸ JOHNNY SUH - the last rose
"I'm just the transcriptivist. It's your face that tells your story. And what a cute face it is. I could 'listen' to it all day."
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▸ DONG SICHENG - the last dream
"How can you not? The world is huge and fascinating. Who says you have to restrict yourself to learning just one thing?"
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le-trash-prince · 3 months
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Try getting me to stop associating everything with Pit Babe—it’s not gonna happen
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jonnnysuh · 1 year
would I swipe left or right on nct127’s dating profile
A/N: wanted to try something new so I added a poll so you guys can show me how you’d swipe :-) you can select 2 options at a time AND it’s completely anonymous. Or as always lmk in the tags or comments! Left ❌ right ✅
Jungwoo & Jaehyun’s profiles
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any businesses or places, events or incidents, and portrayal of characters are fictitious.
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EMPLOYED AT: your mom’s house
BIO: I’m not a player I just crush a lot. 6’. I DJ on weekends 😜
FIRST MESSAGE: you’re hot as fuckkkk. How come I’ve never seen you before? 👀
FIRST DATE: At one of his DJ gigs. He calls you by the wrong name the whole time and spends the entire night spinning tracks. Despite this, his flirting game with you is stupidly good
Is the biggest RED FLAG in the world (but I didn’t have to tell you that)
Is on a dating app to fuck around, does not take it seriously at allllllll
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BIO: What would you do if I came through your door right now? LMAO jk….. unless
ANTHEM: Best Part ~ Daniel Caesar
FIRST MESSAGE: Heyyy I noticed you also love (singer/band), what’s your favourite song by them?
FIRST DATE: A restaurant neither of you have been to before. When he figures out you’re not enjoying your meal he offers to switch plates with you. Snorts out his drink when you tell him a funny story.
With his luck, he either goes on one date and finds the love of his life OR never gets cuffed and has to swipe on dating apps for eternity
Charming and awkward. Falls somewhat quickly if you’re interesting
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mingkist · 2 years
Perhaps love
25. 12.7$
SM’s new girl group centers around the concepts of Mythology and Astronomy. What would happen when the girls befriend half of the KPOP industry? That we will soon find out.
new taylor album tmr ٩( ᐛ )و yayyyyy!!!
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previous | next | masterlist
taglist: @alanniys @layzfeelit @mingiholic @halleys-comet-2021 @littlebrownngirl @lazypostfandomer
send me an ask to be added onto the list!
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allaboutthedongs · 2 years
Don't hold back | Index | 18+
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☆ Pairing: idol!Johnny Suh x Female reader (x Mark)
☆ Genre: smut, romance, fluff, probably some angst.
☆ Warnings: will be added to each chapter.
☆ A/N: In this fanfic, there will be elements of domination, submission and bondage, and we will focus on the sensuality, eroticism, compassion and trust involved in BDSM. None of the characters are ‘damaged’ in any way as many novels of this genre tend to portray them. They both simply share a deep desire to explore this world together. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, and feel free to leave comments, feedback, suggestions, questions, etc. My ask box is always open for you.
↳ read here
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
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☆ Taglist: @lilacboba
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bleuxberri · 2 years
𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝟏𝟐𝟕 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬.
「...how many kids they’ll have + birthdays」
how many kids they’ll have ♡ dream | wayv ♡
as dads/moms ♡ dream | wayv ♡
finding out ♡ dream | wayv ♡
telling your guys’ parents ♡ dream | wayv ♡
telling the members ♡ dream | wayv ♡
gender reveal ♡ dream | wayv ♡
cravings ♡ dream | wayv ♡
going in labor ♡ dream | wayv ♡
holding the baby ♡ dream | wayv ♡
baby’s first word ♡ dream | wayv ♡
teaching them to walk ♡ dream | wayv ♡
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a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this! | all gifs are from pintrest
*•.¸♡ navigaion. ♡¸.•*
*•.¸♡ series. ♡¸.•*
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‣ summary… how many kids they’ll have & their birthdays
↺ genre… fluff, dad au
♪ listen to… touch by nct 127
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𝗹𝗲𝗲 𝘁𝗮𝗲𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗴;
lee ye bin (이예빈) »march 26«
lee ye eun (이예은) »february 16«
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𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗮𝗲𝗶𝗹;
moon tae woo (문태우) »may 27«
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𝘀𝗲𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗼 – 𝗷𝗼𝗵𝗻𝗻𝘆;
noah suh | seo min hyun (서민현) »october 15«
daniel suh | seo min ho 서민호) »march 19«
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𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝘂𝘁𝗮;
nakamoto momoka (中本ももか) »may 25«
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𝗸𝗶𝗺 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗴𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 – 𝗱𝗼𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴;
kim eun ji (김은지) »december 27«
kim dong cheol (김동철) »september 30«
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𝗷𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗵 – 𝗷𝗮𝗲𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻;
jung jin young (정진영) »april 14«
jung yoo na (정윤아) »february 14«
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𝗸𝗶𝗺 𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗴𝘄𝗼𝗼;
kim yu ri (김유리) »october 26«
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𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗹𝗲𝗲;
name: madison lee | lee min ah  (이민아)  »march 5«
zoey lee | lee min hee  (이민희)  »september 24«    
dylan lee | lee min jae (이민재)  »december 14«
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𝗹𝗲𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗰𝗸 – 𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻;
lee chae won (이채원) lee chae yeong (이채영) »july 20« (identical twins)
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espresseo-cafe · 7 months
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.1
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genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 4k
a/n: i’m so excited to be sharing this with you! it has been in the works since 2020 on and off and omg i can finally post this fanfic. this whole series has mentions of characters from different groups other than nct- red velvet, dreamcatcher, seventeen, sf9, etc to avoid confusion with people of the same name! note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
growing up, the continuous tingling feeling whenever you see your parents arguing at the end of your hallway always broke your heart. the raised voices, objects getting thrown around, and the banging of slammed doors against the doorframe deafened your ears. you remembered you had to knock on every single apartment on the floor; same, above, and below- to apologise the nuisance your parents caused. some with good hearts would understand out of pity for you, others would provoke to kick your family out of the building. so far, you’ve made it to several years without any notice from the landlord.
with that background, there weren’t any doubts that it affected the way you perceive everything in life. silence overpowered the joyous you like a large coat, it has been that way. the younger you wouldn’t understand the clash of your parents. the younger you wouldn’t know the problems they had. most importantly though, the younger you wouldn’t receive any love or support from them at all.
it was like you never existed.
as you hit the eighteenth mark, you’ve made the bold but practical decision to move out. the toxicity they emitted were too much for you to handle. with every penny or dime you’ve been saving everyday since you were twelve and some extra cash from various part time jobs since you were sixteen, you had your small carry on luggage packed and left first thing in the morning one summer. a dilemma kind of held you back whether to leave a note for your mom and dad, only deciding not to and tell them not to find you.
if there was anything you were blessed with even if you were put in a dire situation of a broken home, you had to pat yourself at the back for never failing your grades. just average and sometimes in the honorable mention’s list. thanks to that, you’ve secured a place at a university far from your family home.
and of course, choosing a location far off was more than intentional.
the first few months were a challenge, the surroundings took you sometime to familiarise. adjustment was never an issue though, running away from home was worth the change. as you expected, your parents didn’t bother to look for their only daughter. scoffing at the past, you realised it had almost been three years since you left.
making friends was easy too, to your surprise. known as the loner and depressed type in high school, you tried to change yourself a bit and managed to befriend a new crowd of people. of course, you were discerning on people who are worth to befriend, not the ones who’d waste your time. one of them being kim yoohyeon, who’s now your best friend and roommate.
“y/n, i’m going out to the store, want anything?” she asked while putting on a cardigan.
you hummed and rolled your eyes playfully, “hm, two packs of ramyeon and chips. you’re paying alright?” she threw a crumpled ball of tissue at you, gasping at the very direct response. “what? it’s two in the morning and i’m helping you pull an all-nighter for your fashion thesis due in two months and a half. i deserve a treat. be thankful i don’t have class tomorrow and that my part-time’s in the afternoon.”
“okay fine.” she dramatically slouched her shoulders down, “be back in a jiffy bub!”
as the door closed, you sighed and stretched your almost numbed body. yoohyeon’s project was half done, just needed a little more tweaking and you could say hello to a convenience store feast.
yoohyeon was the first person you met at orientation, she seemed to extract innocence at first glance. though as you got to know her, she was a meme in real life who possessed extreme talent in singing. you and her clicked, she had problems in her home but they were immediately managed. so she was all smiles from ear to ear. it was something you were envious of; to have a healthy relationship with parents, however, it wasn’t working with you at all.
sometimes you wondered how it felt like, to have someone love you like family. your aunts or uncles would message you to check on you, and whenever they brought your parents up, you shoved down the topic back to its grave. it’s dead conversation anyway. the latest update you heard from them was two years ago. they still lived in the same damned roof where they argued a lot, you wondered why they were still stuck to each other like glue. the only difference was that your dad worked the night shift while your mom on the mornings. so they probably never see each other eye to eye.
when they did though, all hell broke loose.
you were brushed off your thoughts when yoohyeon opened the door, “okay, here’s your food, time to pig out!”
“finally, i’m starving.” you had the hot water boiling before she arrived, immediately putting the ramyeon in the pot.
“so,” she started, opening a bag of potato chips.
“when are you planning to date? it’s been theee years since uni started and i’ve never seen you on dates before.”
you pressed your lips into a thin line, “not right now.”
“why not? you’re pretty, you can cook; you’re even taking an early childhood education course, specifically in special education.” she plopped one into her mouth and chewed shamelessly, “i bet you’re good with kids too.”
“so apparently that makes me an ideal girl?”
“an ideal girl worth to have!” she exclaimed, later reaching for your unlocked phone. “guess what, download this app and go have some fun.”
“if that’s tinder you’re planning on brainwashing me with, i’m not interested.” you joked, mixing the sauce and toppings with the now cooked noodles.
“you never know, it might work.” she singsonged.
you sighed, yoohyeon has been pushing you to date because she felt like you were like a hermit, always stuck in your own shell and would only go out if needed to. not that you were interested, you just wanted to get school done and make a stable living. love will come anyway.
she clicked on the app store and downloaded a trendy app named ‘love click’. “it’s an app solely made for university students within the state. kinda like tinder but you play anonymous with a made up nickname, no one will know how you look like.”
you raised a brow. “that’s dangerous than tinder, y’know?”
“this is different, they can detect fake accounts and do a facial recognition. anyway, once you put your actual photo and real age, it will automatically pair you with others similiar with yours; interests, and hobbies. then it will change your face to a random avatar if ever you do a video call.” she tapped away. “that’s how i met hwang minhyun.”
“eh, i still think it’s risky. besides, you just got lucky. you scored a hottie.” you slurped on the noodles. “i could never.”
“just try, you could always quit and they’ll never find you. and who knows? you might even receive the whole package.”
you sighed, “okay fine. i’ll do it just once, for you alright?” you finished the rest and threw the excess soup away. “i’m not doing any after that.”
“cool! all your details are in here already. let me know if someone messages you.” she gave you a playful wink before working on her project once again.
johnny stretched his limbs after a quick power nap, he haven’t had enough rest since he was on the clock 24/7. he turned to his side to check the time, sighing a relief when it was only 3pm. as if it was waiting for him to be awake, a text message from his mom appeared on the screen.
[ mom] : “don’t forget to eat, my dear john. you’ve got two mouths to feed ❤️”
johnny smiled at his mom’s reminder, he was relieved that the messages were reduced to a low, knowing how protective she was.
a loud thud on the floor made johnny stand on his feet and rush to the door next to his. his worried demeanor soon changed to a soft one when he saw a little smile beamed at him from the ground.
“youngmin-ah, what’re you doing on the floor? did you hurt yourself?”
the child just giggled, softening johnny’s heart every single he did so.
he remembered the night when the almost two year old came into his life. it was a rough beginning, but he managed himself and was proud how he actually did while still in school.
his friends were in full support of this unexpected scenario and would take turns in looking after the child while he worked the night shifts at a café. like any other people, his friends were in doubt at his decision of bringing him to lectures.
johnny again proved them wrong.
what surprised them wasn’t how the baby managed to be quiet in all of the classes, but how johnny effortlessly handled him if ever a fuss was made. kun recalled that in one of their exams in biology major, johnny had the baby cradled in one arm as the other wrote the quiz. the professor wanted to hold the baby boy while johnny did the exam, but young man refused to, saying that he could handle it. he wouldn’t want the baby crying in a stranger’s hold while everyone was so stressed for the exams. adding that the baby’s wails would be a distraction.
he became viral at the university page when a photo of him feeding youngmin a bottle of milk, that certain scenario made girls want him as a husband. sometimes they would stop by to say hello to him and the child.
“dada.” johnny smiled at title, the little toddler fiddling the bottle in his hand while his feet stretched up.
“seems like you’re alright.” he poked his nose, earning a giggle from the two year old. “i still have to check any injuries. say youngmin, your birthday’s coming up soon. what would you like?”
youngmin hummed, as if he understood the question clearly.
johnny was caught off guard that he tickled the little toddler as he smiled. “buddy, you already have a mama though.” his phone dinged, indicating an incoming text message. “speaking of her, she just texted me.”
[ kim minji ]: sorry babe, couldn’t make it tonight for dinner. i got singing rehearsals.
[ johnny ]: it’s cool. how about tomorrow?
[ kim minji ]: i’ll see first, pretty busy.
he put his phone back into his pocket, sighing at the same excuse his girlfriend gave. he didn’t want to overthink but it had been like this for a while, he wondered if she had fallen out of love. shaking his head, he shrugged off the thought to the back of his mind.
youngmin turned his full body to the side before standing and climbed onto johnny’s kneeled figure, the bottle still in between his baby teeth. “mama, where?”
“she’s not coming home tonight. maybe some other time.” he ruffled youngmin’s soft hair, eyes closing due to exhaustion. but then the little toddler smiled and patted his cheek and johnny wrapped his arms around the little frame. “come on, let’s get you dinner, we’re having your favourite!”
“lasagna!” youngmin put arms up, and johnny could melt anytime.
“hey you said it perfectly this time! well done my so-“ he paused as his phone dinged, a snapchat notification from taeyong appeared on the screen. making the toddler tilt his head to why the young man stopped mid-sentence. “let’s go to wash your hands alright?”
while youngmin nodded then hopped away towards the bathroom, swiping to unlock his phone, a snap video that his said friend sent made his eyebrows meet in an ugly mood.
[ taeyongss ]: bro is that jiu? your mj?
it was his girlfriend giving a lap dance to someone he couldn’t seem to recognise due to the flashing lights, she was enjoying it and the shocking thing was, she wasn’t drunk at all.
kim minji, his girlfriend since senior high, had a few names labeled on her. one of them was jiu (pronounced as ji-yoo) a nickname everyone called her in school, being one of the main solos for the choir.
some of the juniors called her a pink princess because of her obsession with the said colour. owning almost everything in it.
and mj was a form of endearment that only johnny used. his expression changed from a smile to a frown, throwing his phone on the bed that it bounced off and landed on the ground; earning his phone a crack on the screen.
“dada?” youngmin peeked through the bedroom door. now it was him to hear the thudding sound. “happen?”
johnny jumped a little seeing the child standing by the door with a towel in his hands. “my phone fell. come on, let’s eat.”
lasagna was a favourite dish youngmin adored eversince he brought him to an italian restaurant. meatballs were a favourite too, but something about lasagna topped it. as youngmin was busy making his hands dirty, johnny called his mom at this hour, she was probably home by now.
“ah my love johnny! i’m glad you called, what is it?” her voice still bright and lively.
“um, i was wondering if i could drop youngmin off tonight?” he played with the fork. “taeyong messaged me and i think i need to have a drink and hang out for a bit.”
his mom’s soft laughter brought relief to his ears, “oh sure my dear, your dad and i could need some company. it’s been quiet around here since you’ve grown.”
johnny smiled at the reply, “great, we’ll be there in ten.”
“see you later.” she singsonged.
after dropping youngmin off, he made his way to the bar where his girlfriend was. everyone who met johnny knew that he could be reckless when someone crossed over the line, who knows what scene he’d make tonight?
“johnny.” taeyong called out after seeing him enter the bar, johnny walking towards the bar where his friend was stationed at. “please don’t make a scene. my boss let you off the hook the last time you broke loose.”
johnny’s eyes scanned the area, looking for mj before looking at back at taeyong. “don’t worry. i won’t. this johnny won’t do anything.”
“better keep your word. she’s by the corner over there.” taeyong pointed with his head, “she’s been here for the past three months. good thing i’m the only one from campus who has seen her. if anyone else did she’d lose her solo spot at the choir. so called ‘angel’, huh? no offense.”
“none taken, but thanks bro. see you later at the dorms.” johnny said, then he walked through partygoers, the blasting music was deafening so much he hated it.
“i know right? he’s such a sweetheart.” mj said to her friend as she patted the guy’s shoulder who she danced with earlier. “i’d love to-“
“mj.” johnny’s cold voice rung in her ears, sending shivers to her spine. what is he doing here? “i’m guessing rehearsals ended early or it never existed.”
“babe i-“
“ey johnny suh!” the guy seated next to her greeted him drunkenly, the more he looked closer in the dimmed light, his blood boiled. “haven’t seen you since you had a baby! minji has been great to me recently.”
it was his high school rival, takuya terada.
“we’ll catch up soon won’t we?” johnny said sarcastically. takuya wouldn’t know anyway, his vision probably already blurry to even comprehend a straight conversation. he looked at minji, who averted her gaze towards him as she rolled her eyes. “we need to talk, outside.”
he took her by the wrist and he didn’t care if he was hurting her. she hurt him first; for a while now actually. he just had to put up a front before he vent out when they exited the bar.
“what the hell, minji.” he threw his grip away, minji holding her wrist and tsk-ed at the attitude. “is that why you’ve been missing out lately? you were cheating on me with takuya?”
“missing out? johnny you’ve been missing out too!” she raised her voice, “i don’t know if you have noticed but it’s been straining on the both of us recently!”
“so your solution was to hang out with another guy when you could’ve voiced out to me about your feelings? mj, we’ve talked about this!” he wiped his face frustatingly. “i don’t think-“
“i don’t love you anymore, john.” she said blankly, her face didn’t emit any pain she felt, it was like she wanted it out there. “that’s why i’ve been ‘missing out’.”
“you don’t.. love me anymore?” johnny stood in shock, his voice shaking a little.
“i fell out of love. i’m sorry.. i’ve been planning to tell you but i couldn’t.” she hugged her arms. “i didn’t want to hurt you.”
“my gut feeling told me there was something up. i was hurt just thinking about it. i don’t know but somehow i knew it all along that you were out of it. i didn’t bring it up because i held onto hope and believed my guts were lying that you cheated on me.” he said, his hands rested on his hip. “turns out i was right.”
“i’m sorry.”
“save it. i’m not hurt at all. maybe i just had to come here to confirm if it were true. you can live with that guilt that you’ve broken me already before you even said anything. i’ll raise youngmin myself. we’re done.”
johnny walked away while the cold wind sliced through his cheeks. usually in a breakup, one would break down. him and minji dated since high school, and there were on and off arguments here and there. they would always make up through talking, but to be told that she was cheating on him by another person sure sucked. he’d rather find it out himself and vent out right then and there.
guess this timing was actually better. though he told minji he was broken, he was actually so much more than that. he expected to at least shed a tear, he didn’t, for youngmin’s sake. even though he felt like an elephant was lifted off his shoulders, his heart was anchored deep below.
he felt so heavy with betrayal that his heart ached so much in a way he didn’t expect.
he wanted to break down so bad.
the door swung open of his family home and youngmin screeched a high pitched tone loud enough to startle the old man beside him, who was reading a newspaper. “oh john’s back.”
“dada.” the little one ran towards him, hugging his long legs for a second before johnny picked him up. “back!”
johnny’s mood changed like a shooting star whenever youngmin’s in sight. “hey little buddy! i’m back, i had to meet a friend earlier.” he kissed his cheek, “were you good to granny bear and papa bear?”
“he was an angel, john!” his mom gave her son a quick peck on the cheek. “who knew you could raise him very well? plus singlehandly!”
“he got it from me, my dear.” his dad took the chance to say, “are your studies going well though?”
“still a dean’s lister, dad.” johnny’s ears tinted a light shade of pink.
“that, he got it from me.” his mom winked at his dad, who scoffed at the remark. “where’s minji? you haven’t brought her here for a while.” the look on johnny’s face was too readable that his mom knew in an instant.
“we broke up. she had another guy behind my back.”
the sudden snickers from his parents left him in question, were they laughing? “great ‘cause we didn’t really like her for you!”
“really?.. wait, what?” he asked in disbelief, “anyway, i broke it off and i kinda knew she was out of it already.”
“took you a while to realize it, john.” his father just sighed, “are you going to get a new one?”
“what? no.” johnny chuckled awkwardly, “anyway we’ll take our leave now.” johnny shook youngmin a little before his parents bid them a goodbye. he walked towards his car and buckled him up. “ready to go, buddy?”
“ready.” he wiped his eyes, sleep covering him very soon. “music please.”
“which one?” johnny asked as he set the rear mirror to get a good look at him, knowing well what youngmin was going to say.
“coldplay!” they said simultaneously.
“now that, you got it from me.” he laughed heartily while they made their way back to his shared apartment with taeyong, jungwoo, and kun.
the clinks of the apartment keys had the boys look up from their game on playstation. jungwoo sighing frustratedly when kun defeated him thrice in a row. “seriously? you’re cheating, kun hyung!”
kun stretched, “clearly not. you’re just a bad player.”
“could one of you dumbasses get the kimchi from the table?” taeyong shouted from the kitchen, only to be greeted with youngmin having the wanted side dish in his tiny hands. “see, youngmin just got here and he did a better job than you two!”
“it’s loud in here, damn.” johnny took his shoes off while youngmin had his phone in his hands.
kun sat on one of the couches, eating the kimchi fried rice taeyong just made. “so you met up with minji, how did the dinner go?”
taeyong nudged the younger boy, and jungwoo looked confused. johnny couldn’t blame the two, they didn’t know what actually happened. “these two lovebirds called it quits tonight.”
“yup.” johnny popped his lips, “takuya terada”
kun’s eyes widened, “like.. takuya from high school?”
“they suit each other anyway, the biggest flirts of ____ high.” jungwoo chewed on a kimbap. “no offense.”
“none taken, i feel relieved anyway.” he sat down spotting taeyong busy typing on his phone. “you still looking for girls on love click?”
“well yeah, someone should at least find me attractive.” he replied.
jungwoo snickered before choking on his food, “as if anyone would see your face through a filter system on the app. just what is the university thinking?”
“ha, wait until they see this handsome thing for real.” he turned to johnny, “bro you should try looking for new love, you’re in need of it right now, you know?” taeyong locked his phone to continue eating the almost midnight dinner.
“please, i’m still freshly ‘heartbroken’, don’t tempt me.” johnny rolled his eyes.
“mama.” youngmin shook the huge phone, a selfie of johnny and minji flashed the screen.
“not mama anymore.” he told him, then youngmin clicked on another app.
“mama.” he showed them the love click app; the color scheme of red and pink caught his attention. and johnny scrunched his brows, the other three smirking at each other.
“seems like he wants a new mama.” kun teased, earning a death glare from johnny. “what? that whole daddy look of yours is attractive to almost every girl in campus. just wife someone up already!”
shaking his head, he couldn’t believe the encouragement from his friend. “too soon my bros.” johnny chuckled, “maybe i’ll give it try after a few weeks or so.”
johnny sat by the bed while youngmin slept with his sausage pillow. now that he thought about it, the little boy hadn’t seen minji in months. it was obvious that he’d look for her. but what he didn’t get was that he showed love click; a dating app he didn’t remember installing.
“mama.” he recalled youngmin say.
he dimmed the lights and sat beside youngmin, patting his bottom gently as he drifted away into slumber, he too was getting sand in his eyes. he pressed his lips into a thin line, halfheartedly created an account just in case he really needed it.
“this is stupid.”
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc
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fruity season day 13: Johnny & banana
Life is full of banana skins. You slip, you carry on. (Daphne Guinness)
~ Admin J
(I don't own the pictures but did the edit.)
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mins-fins · 1 month
☁︎ CHAPTER ONE : wait THATS the new guy!?
in which.. you are definitely not enjoying your first day at skyline highlights word count 1.2k
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You truly want to die right now.
If you were to earn a nickel for every time you showed at a new job and you encountered two people arguing right in front of building, you would have a good twenty five cents! Five times! Five times this has happened to you! Your starting to think this exact situation has been programmed into your life, no matter where you go it always happens.
If you knew this was going to happen each and every time, you would've stopped trying a long time ago.
The two unknown guys arguing clearly don't notice you, and you feel your face burn as you stand there awkwardly, trying to figure out when you're supposed to start talking. "Um excuse me?"
Both men pause their shouting match and snap their heads towards you, and you swear you almost jump at the way they stare at you. "Oh hi! Do you need something?" The taller of the two asks, your eyes wander over to the ID wrapped around his neck, you are just barely able to read the name etched onto it, watching as it swings back and forth, his name is Kim Jungwoo.
"Oh I uh.. I'm a new hire".
Jungwoo and mystery boy, who you've now identified as Nakamoto Yuta both blink, seemingly puzzled by your words. You want to dig a hole, lay in it, and die, because they're staring at you so intensely that you think they might be trying to curse you. "Since when did we have a new hire?"
Yuta looks baffled by the question, turning to Jungwoo with a scowl leaving his lips. "I literally told you yesterday and kept reminding you a week before that a new product manager was coming after the last one got fired! You never listen to me!"
"Oh do you blame me for not listening you? Your the biggest liar around!"
"Was it because you didn't believe me? Or because your so airheaded you can't comprehend more than a paragraph of information?"
"You do this every time, no wonder Mark is the only one who can tolerate you.."
You blink as you stand between the two and watch their screaming match again occur, oh you're never going to get anywhere with the way everything is unfolding. You don't know how to exactly.. mediate this argument, so you sort of just stand there, watching as their voices get higher and higher.
"Are you two going to argue the whole time?"
The two again stop arguing when a third voice interjects, cutting them off midway through another snappy insult. They both roll their eyes like petty children, but they stop arguing. "Your making the poor guy nervous".
"Blame Yuu for that.."
Yuta wants to respond with another insult from the recesses of his mind, but he's stopped by a glare from the stranger. "You two, be quiet, you're so annoying" He then gives a smile as if he didn't just insult them.
He then turns to you, extending his hand out for a handshake. You reluctantly take his hand and shake it, why do you feel so awkward?
"Moon Taeil! Assistant manager, it's nice to meet you, Yn".
You were about to respond to his greeting, but you pause as he says your name. He notices your confusion, because he snickers. "I read your resume! It was very impressive.."
Your face heats up at the words, and you finally find your voice. "Oh was it? Thank you, thank you! It's nice to meet you too, Taeil".
"Alright! Yn, Yuta, Jungwoo, we still have like nine other people to introduce you too.. anyway, we have to start!"
Without asking, Taeil jolts you forward by the hand, making you squeak as you get tugged into the building.
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"Are you nervous?"
Taeil's question makes you clear your throat, an exhale leaving your lips as you stare at the door in front of you. "Yeah" You respond, a pained smile on your face as you earn a hum from the man beside you.
"There's nothing to be nervous about, they all just don't know how to have a civil conversation without shouting".
"Yeah I can see that—"
"Maybe you should check your information before you try to correct me on something!"
"And maybe you should check your tone of voice before your position is taken away!"
You narrow your eyes judgmentally at the door, listening to the rising voices continuing to go back and forth. Taeil laughs at the look on your face, you don't think you've ever been met with so much arguing before, especially on the first day on the job. "What are they even fighting about?"
"Something stupid like if a hotdog is a sandwich or whatever.."
The answer makes you chuckle, and you look to the side as to not begin dying laughing. The door clicks open, and a stressed out employee steps out, sighing heavily. "At this point were never actually going to get to our achieved goal".
The stranger rolls his eyes, but the look of distaste on his face quickly disappears as he turns to you, smiling. "You must be Yn, Lee Taeyong, it's nice to meet you".
Jesus is everybody who works here some gorgeous angel? The question which crosses your mind amuses you, but you don't laugh in fear of looking crazy in front of your new coworkers. "It's nice to meet you too, are they.. okay in there?"
Taeyong blinks, then turns back towards the door, the shouts from inside piercing his ears. "I'm not— yeah I can't even tell anymore, you have nothing to worry about, though, they are all pretty much harmless for the most part" He waves a dismissive hand, placing his hand on the doorknob and turning it open.
You're not sure if that makes you any less nervous, but Taeil places a hand on your arm and gives you a reassuring squeeze. "Come on".
You almost want to immediately run away when you step into the room, the shouting is still there, it seems that these people enjoy throwing insults at each other like there's no tomorrow. You raise an eyebrow as you listen to their excessive swearing.
Taeyong sighs once again, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Everyone shut up!" His shout is enough to get most of the yelling to step, even with the distasteful murmurs that follow. "Thank you, this is Yn, the new product manager".
And suddenly, everyone is looking at you, staring you down and practically examining every part of you.
"Wait THATS the new guy!? I thought he was coming tomorrow!"
Yuta then lets out another scoff, punching the taller male beside him in the shoulder. "I told all of you he was coming today! You never listen to me!"
"Can you blame us?"
"Why do all of you say that!? At this point Mark is the only one I can trust".
Taeyong sighs, work is never going to get done. Taeil simply chuckles, amused by the shouting of his coworkers, he looks to you and pokes at your shoulder. "You'll get used to their.. stupidity, you've already met Yuta and Jungwoo, Taeyong is team leader, Johnny marketing coordinator, Doyoung works in finance, Jaehyun communications, Mark creative direction and Donghyuck is head of operations".
You think you mishear him when he points at Donghyuck, who looks like a teenager, you blink, then look back at Taeil. "Donghyuck?"
"He's head of operations?" You ask, sounding much more judging than you want to. "He looks so.. young".
"Oh, yeah, he's the youngest of the bunch, he's only been here like two years!"
"So why is he head of operations then?"
Taeil simply stares at you, it seems he'd rather leave that question unanswered. "He's just good at his job, of course!"
You blink again, narrowing your eyes at him.
You might not survive your first day here.
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Never-Ending Goodbyes. | Johnny Suh (M) | PART ONE.
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Prologue: “No, No you cannot return after 16 years thinking you can walk back into her life, Johnny. That’s now how it freaking works.” + “I beg you to give me a chance and let me see her. I realised the mistake I made and I don’t plan on letting her go.”
The Summary: It’s always been you and your daughter Eve. Johnny’s never intended to be in the family picture considering he chose his career instead, but after sixteen years your daughter’s seventeen birthday came up and now Johnny is back asking for a second chance.
The Warnings: Second Chance trope. Johnny got the milk bro. Found family trope. Romance. Angst. Very angsty. Lots of heartbreak. Single mum supremacy. Slight crack but only mild funny relief.
The Taglist: @roxyvogue @lanawyi @thedaisyarchive @1-800-call-ria @rjreins @pckeia @baeyrah @reader221 @hoseokssl
The Notes: Who wants more parts to see fanfic? Lemme know.
Your daughter, Evelyn whines as she pushes the stroller full of the groceries you were picking up from the shelves inside Walmart. She never liked shopping, especially because all she does is push the stroller and having to deal with hours of watching you become indecisive of what to get and not to get. It’s ridiculous, knowing she could’ve been at HOME, playing overwatch and Valorant and grinding on that game. But no, you dragged her inside Walmart for your daily grocery shopping because your house is empty and the fridge needs to be restocked.
You didn’t pay attention to all that whining and complaining behind you as your thumb caressed the peanut butter jar spread humming. “What ya think, should we get this peanut butter spread to try out?” You ask turning to your daughter Evelyn.
Evelyn scowls as she sassily grabs the jar and puts it back on the shelf. Instead she grabs the Nutella jar. “Ew mum, Nutella is better. Get Nutella.” She tells and you smile. “I knew you’d say that.”
“Guess who’s seventeen tomorrow.” You sang in a sweet tone acting like you wouldn’t know who. Your daughter smirks at your endless teasing looking away slightly embarrassed as she whines out again, “Mummm.” She tells you and you close your lips shut nodding.
“Okay okay I’ll stop annoying you.”
You tell Evelyn, but you can’t help but to annoy her even more.
Morning washed over Evelyn’s face when she saw your figure standing in front of her bedroom window , wide open curtains allowing the sunshine to hit her face. Heck she didn’t even hear you walking inside you were like a ghost. You turn to your daughter who whines pushing the pillows on top of her face to cover the damn sun from blinding her.
“Wakey wakey sleeping beauty, you’re seventeen today!” You cheer and she kicks herself up from the bed stretching. You embrace her lovingly and Evelyn allows you to basically suffocate her in this warm hearting hug of the century.
She muffled in your shoulder. “Yeah- thanks mum love you too, but there’s no need to suffocate me.” She jokingly adds and you let go with a beckoning grin. Evelyn always throws in sarcastic and dry jokes. It reminds you of someone but you wouldn’t want to reminiscent about who that was. It would only ruin the happy and cheerful mood of today. You bring your hand from the back pocket as you turn it to Evelyn with your both hands closed right.
She looks at you in suspicious manner as her eyebrows curve upright. “What’s this?” She questions and you lean closer whispering. “Guess which hand.” You tell her and Evelyn turns your right hand over revealing a small jewellery box. You smile opening it as your daughter looks astonished by the beautiful necklace in sight. It was golden and the middle diamond was green, her favourite colour and her favourite gem; emerald.
You let a few words of acknowledgment as Evelyn stands in front of a mirror with her pyjamas on still, but as you were behind her (you were still slightly taller than her however she was nearing close to your height considering she’s at your shoulder length now.) putting the necklace around her neck from behind and smiling proudly at how grown up she is.
“Do you like it, Eve?” You tell her kindly and she traces her finger on the emerald in awe. “Like it? Mum I freaking love it!” She blurts out before turning around engulfing you in a deep and exciting hug.
You laugh out loud as you rub her back and until both bodies pull apart she looks in the mirror again, checking out how the beautiful necklace looks on her fair skin. You cross your arms as you point to the closet now.
“Come on get ready, I’m taking you out to the diner to get breakfast.” You tell her .
Eve gasps dramatically. “Oh my god what happened to mum and who are you? You never like to eat at diners because the foods greasy.”
“Ha ha ha very funny.” You roll your eyes at the words as you click your lips pointing at your watch on the arm. “Hurry up before I change my mind Eve.” You tease closing the door. You heard the sudden footsteps rushingly trying to change, you know how much your daughter loves the diners especially the sweet American styled diners. Chicago has a lot of open spaces and it’s practically American culture.
You’re an American too but you never seem to fit in considering the fact that you weren’t born here. But the love of your life was born here unfortunately, not anymore. You brush past your inner thoughts and get inside the car waiting for your daughter to come out.
Speaking of your daughter she rushed out with her shoes barely on. Locking the front door as she opens the car door and goes inside, fixing on the chunky sneakers on her feet. You smile admiring how she was dressed today.
Evelyn wore an outfit perfect for the January season. It’s cold and Chicago is known for being the most windy state. Her natural curls fall on her shoulders, she cut her hair few months ago and now it’s grown quite a lot. She used to have super long hair and you guess she got bored of it, so she cut it really short. Her naturally curly eyelashes perk up as she put on some blush and lip balm on. It was natural beauty she has, honestly, you wish you looked like that when you were younger. Because puberty hit you like a truck.
Evelyn fixed her white sweater in the car mirror as you start the car. “You got everything you need?” You ask and the teenage girl hums a nod. “Yeah, lesgo I’m starving mama.” She complained rubbing her stomach as she closed the mirror on the car. You chuckle driving out of the car space.
The drive to the diner wasn’t that long however to your hangry daughter it felt more than a fifteen minute drive considering the fact her stomach kept on growling and growling. You wanted to joke that she’s hiding a bear or something in that stomach of hers. Once you and your daughter entered the driver you took a seat nearby the windows with four seats, the red cushion chairs and brown table with a candy theme going on. The waitress took your order and than you had to wait a few minutes which was also another crisis for your daughter who was impatiently waiting. The minute your plates arrive on the table let’s just say, Evelyn was possibly the most happiest person in the diner. She was clapping her hands and everything. You told her that she can get whatever she wants because you’ll pay for it.
Who would Evelyn be if she didn’t take you upon that offer huh? Let’s say you try to not look at the bill paper afterwards because you just know it would hurt your damn bank balance but let’s ignore that for today. You ordered waffles on the side of butter and covered with maple syrup and a flat white coffee; you need your daily dose cup of coffee that’s for sure. Evelyn on the other hand ordered extra. She ordered a stack of pancakes with nuttella and whipcream and a desert shake afterwards. You have to laugh a little because the amount of sugar she will intake but at least you’re glad she’s getting lots.
It is her seventeen and you are happy she’s still your little girl. Because next year she won’t be so little unfortunately and it might pain you. It’s already paining you to see her grow up from being such a little bean and now into a full grown human. You birthed her and it’s still, kinda shocking for you to admit how much the years have passed.
“Whoa slow down Eve it won’t run away.” You laugh as you saw Eve eat her pancakes, she was excited and you can tell the way she bops her head to the music of the diner.
Eve hums. “Oh by the way are we seeing nana later on?” She questions and you flash her a smile as you sip on your flat white.
Eve and your mother get along really well. If you have to be honest you’d have to say your mum replaced you with Eve. But you really don’t mind, you love their closeness. On the other hand Eve and your dad have a little love hate thing going on. It’s all banter though. Your dad has always been strict and he thinks Eve is getting slightly spoiled by you and nana.
“Yeah we are. She has presents to give you later.” You wiggle your eyebrows and Eve’s eyes sparkle. “Wait what did she get me?”
“I’m not telling you that!”
You exclaim with a smile and Eve flashed her puppy eyes at you that you often struggle to say no to. You look away and Eve huffs inside her seat. “Okay don’t tell me, I’ll know eventually today.” She says and you look at her with a hum, nomming on the waffles.
As your plates were crystal clear with no food left behind Eve took her shake drink and you would leave the diner going back inside your car heading home. As you arrive home you would get ready for your grandparents visit, every year you held your daughters birthday party at their house. They have a bigger house than you and considering they live nearby everyone related to you it’s best to spend Eve’s birthday there.
Eve comes downstairs wearing a white flowy dress and her hair prettily in a half up and half down style, wearing that emerald new necklace and her slippers on currently (god forbid if she wore shoes inside the house you’d murder her.) you smile looking her up and down.
“What?” She shyly said to you.
“You’re beautiful. Ready to leave?” You ask and she grins out. “I was born ready, comeee I miss nana.” She whines rushing to the door to put her shoes on but the minute the door opened she soon saw a figure standing there about to knock, she blinks at the person few times before questioning in confusion.
“Uh… can I help you?” Evelyn bluntly tells as she finally puts on the shoes and you couldn’t help but recognise the voice from the kitchen.
“I’m looking for…” he pauses as he realised who he was talking to, it was like a copy and paste of himself but female. You rush to the door and your eyes widen. Oh, oh god what’s happening you ask yourself before bringing Evelyn back, giving her the car keys.
“Evelyn go inside the car I’ll be right there .” You tell her rather hurried and she looks at you weirdly and at the man before pushing past him. Johnny bites his bottom lip awkwardly as he points at Eve and back at you. “Eve? That’s eve?” He questions. He swears she had her first birthday literally last week.
You stare at him as if he was serious or pretending to be dumb with you.
“Johnny what the hell are you doing here.” You said coldly not really looking at home as you push your jacket back on. Johnny however couldn’t take his eyes off you, he was admiring you and trying his hardest not to stare too hard for you to notice. He pushes past and clears his throat. “I wanted to see Eve. It’s her birthday so..”
“Yeah? do you know how old she is now?” You retort back as you close the door shut slamming it. Johnny flinched watching you become frustrated, actually emotional and he didn’t mean to upset you if he knew his presence would make you angry. You glare up at him as Johnny stared back, with guilty.
“I…” He begins and you cut him off with a scoff. “You don’t even know your daughter’s birthday. Wow.”
Yup. There it goes. Johnny thought. You push Johnny away from the pathway as you make it to the car, Evelyn sitting inside the car confused and both scared when she saw Johnny grab your wrist and stop you from walking way. You turn around with an enticing deathly glare before snatching your wrist back.
“I’m sorry Y/n please listen to me.” Johnny trails slowly.
“I beg you to give me a chance and let me see her. I realised the mistake I made and I don’t plan on letting her go.”
“No, No you cannot return after 16 years thinking you can walk back into her life, Johnny. That’s now how it freaking works.”
You shout at him this time loudly and he stands there quiet as he watches you. It’s terrifying to be yelled at by you but it’s not hurting him as much as seeing you and Evelyn living your life without him and all because he made a wrong choice years ago. Who would’ve thought he left such a large scar in your heart and now his daughter’s life too? He reaches to hold your hands together as you let him but you can’t help but feel ashamed. Clenching your eyes as you are avoiding to cry. You don’t want your daughter’s seventeenth to be depressing and shit, Johnny didn’t want this either.
“I made a mistake and I regret it. I don’t know what I was thinking back then choosing and prioritising my work over my family. If I knew how this would’ve hurt you I would’ve never done it. I mean this.” He stated thickly as his dark longing eyes watch yours, becoming teary eyed you shake your head clearing your voice. “I have to go. Eve’s watching and my parents are waiting for me to drop her.” You explain to him and he nods softly letting your hands go.
You were about to walk away, until his voice calls out from behind and you turn around.
“Do you think i can come back?”
Johnny solely says out and you watch him with brimming tears rolling down your cheek. Clenching your fists as your look down.
“It’s not up to me.” You tell him. “It’s Evelyn’s choice.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu! REBLOG AND FOLLOW ME FOR MORE UPDATES ON THE FIC <3 HELPS A GIRL OUT.
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daydreamingyuta · 7 months
NCT as Husbands Series: Johnny Suh
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summary: fluff, drabble, husband!johnny wc: 830 nct as husbands masterlist
Johnny is such husband material!! He's genuinely soo thoughtful and sweet! like I always think about jcc and how he picks things to do based on who's in the video with him and what they would enjoy doing. which is why I would say one of his love languages is for sure acts of service! like he would always do the little things for you, that you may not even notice.
Also really big on communication. Anytime there's conflict in your marriage he's sitting you down and talking through it until you find a good solution. which I think is also a way that he shows he loves you because usually he can just brush things off, but with you he makes sure you're both on the same page and fully understand everything from each other's perspectives.
Johnny as a husband is also just so much fun! like there's not a day that goes by where he doesn't flirt with you like crazy. You could be twenty-five years into your marriage and he's still making you blush. He also loves to travel with you. He's always loved traveling and having someone who he can experience the world with is soo precious to him!!
I also feel like he would be in a constant battle with himself on how to impress you more and more by his good husband skills. Like he became a husband and all of a sudden it’s his life mission to make you the single happiest wife on earth. Especially with making sure you're taken care of!
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Johnny enters the front door, too tired to even properly lift his feet causing them to drag. The combination of not getting enough sleep and dancing for hours straight was taking a toil on him. He knows immediately that you're not back from work yet, the atmosphere in an empty home just feels different somehow. He figures that you must be working late again. If he wasn't married, he would probably just go to bed right now without properly taking care of his needs, but he is married and he knows that you'll be hungry when you get home. He quickly checks in the kitchen to see if there's something easy to cook, but he doesn't find anything. He settles on taking out his phone and ordering takeout. He has a page on his notes app of all your favorite things to order from different restaurants just for situations like this. Yes, he could just ask you what you want, but sometimes being surprised with your favorite food just made it taste that much better. He places the order and then walks into the bathroom to wash his face, in hopes that it might wake him up a bit. However, once he flips on the light switch, he notices one of your face masks laying on the counter. "She must not have had enough time to do it last night." He thinks to himself, making a mental note of this as he brings his cupped hands full of cool water to his face. ⸻ It's not long after the food arrives that you come home, just as exhausted and hungry as Johnny figured you'd be. He gives you a sympathetic pout before he brings you into his embrace, letting you stay for as long as you want. It's two whole minutes into the hug before you finally notice the smell of your favorite takeout. You pull away from him and place your hands on his shoulders. "Did you buy me food?" "Maybee." He says, giving you his sweet smile. All your energy must have come back to you at the thought of food, because you rushed into the kitchen to grab a plate for the both of you. "Actually, I was thinking we could put on face masks together, sit on the couch, and eat while you tell me about your day." "Genuinely Johnny, I would love nothing more." You say, following him to the bathroom. "Actually, this is perfect because I was wanting to do one yesterday but got too tired." "Oh really?" He says, pretending like he hadn’t seen the face mask earlier.  You two put your sheet masks on in the bathroom and then go over to get your food. You sit on the couch in a criss-cross position as you tell Johnny all about your day. Actually, one of your coworkers recently had a very dramatic breakup with her boyfriend, so Johnny was all ears. "You know, It's actually so hard to eat with a sheet mask on, baby." Johnny says, adjusting his mask that started to slide down. "But it's worth it, it feels so nice," You say, setting down your food and helping him with his mask. You get it back into the right position and then kiss him on his temple which puts a proud grin on his face because he knows getting you food and doing face masks together made you happy. 
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