#joniss greatness
I have no idea where this recent Joniss resurgence comes from that has people reading my fics and reblogging my posts from 5-10 years ago, but it brings me great joy. Bless you all ❤️
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crepusculesque · 1 year
Tagged by both @mayasaura and @carys-the-ninth, sorry it took me a little while to get to :) I did this a little while ago but I’m happy to do it again!  
Three ships: Griddlehark, Chelldos, whatever Tiche/Ranni Elden Ring is called 
First ever ship: Joniss (Johanna/Katniss) from the hunger games! What if we had shared trauma and were forced to live in a military hospital together for months and also you got naked in front of me in an elevator once. And we were both girls  
But for something different I think my second was probably Shakarian (Shephard/Garrus from Mass Effect)
Last song: Apotheosis by Austin Wintory, off the Journey soundtrack. It’s gorgeous
Last movie: My friends put on Blade at their new years eve party
Currently reading: Just started a re-read of Ancillary Justice and I’d forgotten how great it is. This’ll probably turn into rereading the whole series unless something else comes out in the middle of it
Currently watching: Nothing at the moment, although I recently finished watching Chainsaw Man
Currently consuming: Coffee with cream
Currently craving: Something more substantial to get rid of this mini-hangover I have :( 
Tagging: @chaoticrushu, @g1deonthen1nth, @dignity-not-intact, and @nikita-not-nikola
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district7 · 5 years
Chapters: 24/24 Fandom: Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Katniss Everdeen/Johanna Mason Summary:
Johanna Mason always seems to know exactly what I need to hear, and deliver it with such brutal honesty that it can’t possibly be ignored. Maybe she has known me better than anyone else all along.
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papofglencoe · 7 years
I have a very important question.... Joniss or fem!peeta x katniss???
This is one tough ass question, my friend, because the Katniss/Johanna sparks are undeniable. I think they would make, in every universe, awesome enemies-to-lovers. It would be a fun read with lots of snark and witty banter. I’m totally in for that.
...But I’m ride-or-die Everlark, and regardless of Peeta’s sex, gender, and/or sexual orientation, Katniss tells us that only Peeta can give her what she needs. As much as I like to joke that a well-endowed dick has (a big) something to do with that, it’s actually about the balance he brings to her world. I think that whatever Johanna’s got, Katniss already has plenty in spades. At the end of the day, Katniss doesn’t want to be hostile and angry and resentful. She wants to have hope and to forgive and to know mercy. She wants a new beginning and to hold onto life, to believe that life can be good and that things will be okay. That’s not how she’s hard-wired to think, though, and that’s what she really needs Peeta for- that’s why he’s so infinitely right for her. In canon, Katniss shows a great appreciation for Peeta’s body, but the things she appreciates about it are tied to his virtues and strengths- his inner world and point of view and brilliant mind and massive, open heart. She loves him for his incorruptible, perennial goodness. I think she’d fall in love with Peeta regardless of what package Peeta came in... it was always going to happen for them. So fem!Peeta FTW. In a spectacular landslide. 
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amorremanet · 7 years
For the meme: Hunger Games?
my all-time ultimate fave character: Katniss and Finnick. Like, I have a lot of them who I love, but Katniss and Finnick are tied for my number one spot.
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Mrs. Everdeen took a while to grow on me, but by the end of Mockingjay, she really had.
a character I used to like but now don’t: tbh, it’s not that I used to like Peeta and now don’t, because I never really liked him and I still wouldn’t say that I dislike him, personally
—but there’s a lot about Peeta, especially with regard to his and Katniss’s relationship, that I find troublesome for various reasons (e.g., the way that Katniss, who is definitely canonically dark-skinned and is written against a backdrop that’s blatantly inspired by the racialized dimensions of classism and poverty, is always contextualized as Not Really Deserving the blonde white boy, who is regularly written in terms that are super not subtle about comparing him to Jesus)
To say nothing of how the text itself seems to agree with this idea, and does shit like go, “Wow, Peeta is oppressed by the Capitol too, like damn Katniss how much of a bitch are you, I mean your family and Gale’s only haven’t very literally starved to death because you and Gale know how to hunt, but wow, damn, Peeta had to help make the goat cheese and apple tarts and he wasn’t allowed to eat them because they were too expensive, that’s totally the same thing as people in the Seam literally starving to death”
Like, I’m not saying that Peeta and his family weren’t oppressed by the Capitol, because they were…… but it’s explicitly established in-text that the Capitol manufactures gradations as part of how they try to keep the Districts all fighting each other instead of fighting them, so yes, Peeta and his family did not experience the same thing as Gale, Katniss, and theirs, and part of that difference was how the Mellarks didn’t need to worry about getting enough to eat, they just couldn’t eat the expensive treats
The thing that bugs me the most, though, is the way that Peeta has supposedly been in love with Katniss since they were kids — except……… how? How can you say that he has truly been in love with Katniss when he, by his own goddamn admission, knew basically nothing about her and never even tried to get to know her for real? I’d buy that he was in love with his ludicrous headcanons about Katniss, but that’s not the same as being in love with Katniss Everdeen: Actual Person
And sorry not sorry, Peeta, but it is NOT true that you, “couldn’t talk to her”; you COULD have talked to Katniss and you chose not to talk to Katniss or deal with her at all in any context where you didn’t have the power of life and death over her (whether it was because she was literally dying of starvation, or because she needed you to make her look sympathetic to viewers in the 74th Games, and you needed her to literally and immediately keep you alive)
……Also, his version of how he fell in love with her has way too much in common with Dante Alighieri’s account of how he first fell in love with Beatrice Portinari for me to be truly okay with it, because Dante is one of the Western Literary Canon’s biggest examples of entitled dudebros who objectify women even while they claim to adore them (because over-idealizing someone is a form of dehumanizing them).
This said, I still don’t dislike Peeta. I just don’t think he’s that great, or that he’s as pure and innocent and cinnamon roll-ish as the books and fandom all make him out to be. Even without my misgivings about Ever*lark, ffs, he is one of the sneakiest, most manipulative characters in the series, and his BS sense of entitlement doesn’t only come out with Katniss
a character I’m indifferent about: Presidents Coin and Snow are both well-executed villains, but I don’t have a lot of feelings about them, personally. They were actually helped by the movies, for me, because Donald Sutherland and Julianne Moore were both really good in their roles, and it made me like them a little more, even if it still didn’t make me have feelings about them or anything
a character who deserved better: Most of them, tbh, but my top six are (in no particular order) Johanna, Madge, Rue, Annie, Finnick, and Gale
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: Katniss/Peeta, see above
But also? Gale/Madge. In my experience, the whole thing only exists so people can have some kind of “uptown girl” fantasy and go, “Look, see, I don’t hate Gale!!! Stop saying that I hate Gale!!! Just let me shove him off to the side and completely mischaracterize the shit out of him and pair him up with Madge for no reason beyond getting him out of the way so I can have Katniss/Peeta!!!!”
Also, Madge Undersee is a lesbian. #sorrynotsorry
Even worse: Effie/Haymitch. For one thing, both of them are gay. I don’t know what books everybody else is reading, but in MY copies of the books, Effie and Haymitch are both gay as fuck, why would you pair up a gay man and a lesbian like that unless it’s like, a situation where Effie and Haymitch get married so no one knows that they’re actually married to Portia and Cinna, respectively
But aside from that (because it’s admittedly a matter of my own headcanons even though I refuse to back down from them), I just??? Effie/Haymitch is just so blatantly a bunch of straight nonsense, pairing the two of them up because he’s a man and she’s a woman and therefore any time they exchange more than two words, it’s ~flirting~ even when Effie has HAPPILY AND ENERGETICALLY been a part of the system that treats all the kids Haymitch as mentored as if their lives mean nothing, and she’s been helping shepherd them to their deaths without getting that this is not good until it affects Katniss and Peeta (which only makes Effie get it because she likes them), and as much as Haymitch’s distaste for Effie is understandable, a lot of his lashing out at her isn’t actually coming from a place of, “I object to you for these fair reasons” so much as it’s coming from a place of Haymitch being a troll for the sake of being a troll, and I just
Why is this ship a THING
Why is it so fucking POPULAR
I only understand this phenomenon in the most cynical way possible (i.e., the way where my explanation for it is, “they are so popular because it’s an M/F ship and, in the movies, both of them are white, even though Haymitch has dark skin and black hair, and the same racialized poverty-coded background as Gale and Katniss, in the books”)
Also, both of them are gay, sooooooo……… #sorrynotsorry
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Katniss/Johanna, Katniss/Madge, Katniss/Finnick, Annie/Finnick
a cute, low-key ship: Annie/Johanna, and in some AU where Rue and Prim both get to grow up, I think they’d be cute together.
Also, Gale/Peeta. I’m just saying, it’s a perfect solution to the issue of the alleged love triangle because it means neither of them ends up without a ship, but Katniss doesn’t have to be with either of them.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: dude, my only M/F “ship that deserves to be called an OTP” for Katniss is called a crack ship by most of the fandom, even though she and Finnick have better-written relationship development than Katniss/Peeta and even though Finnick consistently respects Katniss Everdeen: Actual Facts Person and not some shiny pretty pretty princess headcanon about her
Sure, he may not want to be her friend, at first, because he assumes, like she does, that friends are not A Thing that’s going to happen, and if he maybe feels like he has been tasked with babysitting her and Peeta during the Quarter Quell, then… that’s not actually inaccurate, because he was kinda tasked with babysitting them by the other rebels.
Like, helping the two of them to survive and getting them out of the arena was the job that Finnick and Mags were given by the other rebels, and he had to be more hands-on about it than, say, Johanna, since Katniss wanted to have an alliance with Mags, which meant she had to have one with Finnick
So, no. The two of them aren’t exactly cozying up to each other in Catching Fire, because both of them are playing certain parts and performing certain versions of themselves based on a lot of assumptions about How The Fuck This Shit Works and a lot of assumptions about their roles and positions in everything (which admittedly end up being less than accurate… because both of them have been manipulated and lied to by everybody who’s pulling the strings)
Anyway, I shouldn’t go on about this too much more because it will make me get defensive and angry, but Finnick and Katniss are my autistic children and they are not a goddamn crack ship and if I had money, I would pay people to stop saying that so I could look at their tags and only see people tagging everything with them as “BROTP,” as opposed to that plus people calling them a crack ship
Also: Finnick/Gale, Cinna/Haymitch, Annie/Katniss
Also, I didn’t really LIKE Gale/Katniss, but it made me feel more things than Katniss/Peeta (even if I have more thoughts on that one, that’s the thing: they’re thoughts, not Feels; the only thing that I ever really feel about Katniss/Peeta is frustrated), and the whole, “Katniss is all but explicitly suicidal and that’s why she wants to mack on Gale” thing from Mockingjay totally does it for a lot of my angsty catharsis interests
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: Effie/Haymitch. I went, “EEEUGH” out loud when they kissed, when I say MJ2 in the theatre, and I didn’t feel bad about it because: 1. all of the people who loved them collectively when, “AWWWWW”; and 2. eww, can you say, “what the fuck is this hetero pandering bullshit”
my favourite storyline/moment: The entire, “I drag myself out of nightmares and find there’s no relief in waking. Better not to give into it” scene, because I’m a human cliché and Katniss and Finnick are my autistic children. Also, any and every Joniss scene, because I’m garbage and a human cliché and I just want them to be together, is that so bad
a storyline that never should have been written: idk about anyone else, but I personally choose to live in a world where the series-long alleged “love triangle” was between Katniss/Madge and Johanna/Katniss, and the Katniss/Peeta stuff was only ever during the Games and not actually for real, and Gale and Peeta can go do each other or something, because fuck forced hetero love triangles, that’s why
Also? I’m willing to accept that Prim’s death was legitimately necessary for the plot and the narrative, in the same way that I hate Sirius Black’s death but accept that it was necessary for the sake of the story that JKR wanted to tell, so I can just go, “I see your point and I don’t begrudge you this in canon, but I am going to headcanon around it anyway because I don’t like it”
—but there was ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to kill Finnick. See, much like JKR’s senseless murders of Remus and Tonks in DH, Finnick’s death did nothing to make a point that hadn’t already been made multiple times over, and it added nothing to the story. Yea, like JKR before her, SCollins only killed Finnick for the sake of cheap shock value and reaffirming certain ideas about heroism that the rest of the series tried to deconstruct
It was pointless, it was senseless, it wasn’t necessary, and the story, characters, and readers all deserved better than that
Finnick Odair is happy and fine and he’s definitely alive, because all that unadulterated bullshit, “lmao finnick dies” crap never happened
my first thoughts on the series: uh. The first time I tried to read the books, I didn’t even get to the games themselves, because SCollins introduced Madge, introduced the backstory of her and Katniss being like kinda friends but kinda not but they’re not sure, and I was like, “ugh, why. I already know you’re going to make me suffer this bullshit between the two boys, but why would you hand me a totally valid and much more interesting F/F option. Why” and on the other hand, because Katniss reminded me too much of myself at a point when I wasn’t ready to deal with that
my thoughts now: We all deserved better, but I say that all the time about the HP series, too, so me feeling like the series was kind of a let down in various places and criticizing different aspects of it? Isn’t going to stop me from enjoying it
Also, Finnick is fine, Madge is fine, Effie and Haymitch are gay, Gale is bi, and most of my favorite characters are autistic because I said so, that’s why (—I mean, I actually have cases based on canon evidence for Finnick and Katniss, but my real rationale here is, “I want them to be autistic, so they are now, okay peace bye”)
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H, T, U, V
H: How would you describe your style?
Visceral and witty. Very detailed. Committed to characterization above all else.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
I wouldn’t say I can’t stand it, but I’m not a fan of the coffee shop AUs. Like sometimes they’re good, but a lot of the time it just leads to a lot of ooc fluff.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
District_7_Profanity is a prolific Joniss writer, the two of us are basically gods among men in that fandom. She was in the fandom before me, though, and her works definitely gave me some of the inspiration to write my own stuff. Really, you guys might owe my existance as a fic writer to her. She also cares deeply about characterization and she really gets the ship dynamic, so her stuff is really fun to read.
@princessofgayskull (a.k.a. ceruleanstorm) and her fic upper west side can take the credit for me deciding to write for the SPOP fandom. Her stuff is definitely a different style but the way it’s written really gets you into the feeling of what’s going on, doesn’t let you be a passive observer. It’s steeped in trauma, which is what I connect to most with SPOP, and she too is really good at dynamics, not just between Catradora, but all the characters.
@doublepasse-writes pulled off an insane twist in her flagship fic For My Sake, she also is great at characterization and dynamics, and she does it all in her second language. Fucking amazing.
As you can see, I care a lot about characterization and dynamics between characters lmao
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
In a way I kinda have to say congratulations since I am already writing a sequel? That could also be considered a fix it fic though lol because the original was so upsetting that I couldn’t stand to leave the story there.
For one I’m not already writing, I’m gonna say Pack Behavior by @manypiecesofreeses. That fic is so good and so cute and I would love to explore Catradora growing up from this particular origin story.
FanFic Ask Game
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droamiin replied to your post “So, out of interest. If I offered snippets...”
Probably not for me, but do you already have a ko-fi? If you could post a link so I can go and support you that would be great
Sure do! I’ll link it below. If you don’t want any spoilers, that is obviously cool. But for anyone who does, I’ve made significant enough progress on the following projects that I can offer sneak peeks to supporters. Just specify which one you want to see. :)
SPOP fandom:
Adora POV Catradora vid (which song? support to find out!)
Demons chapter 8
Hunger Games fandom:
Loyalty (Peacekeeper!Johanna ua) chapter 31
Enough (Joniss babysitter au) chapter 6
Obviously the tidbits I release are subject to change upon further editing, but they’ll give a taste of what’s to come.
You can support me (and ask for a sneak peak if desired) on My Ko-fi. Please consider dropping me a few bucks. I spend most of my spare time working on fan content, and time is money.
Thanks for your support, droamiin! You’re one of my most enthusiastic followers, always reblogging as well as liking, which makes a huge difference. I see you there, and I appreciate all the moral support to this point, as well as the Ko-fi support now. Glad to have you on board. :)
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Attention, THG followers! Two of my co-writers and I from @thefandomentals recorded a podcast recently about queer subtext in The Hunger Games and how Katniss comes off somewhat queer-coded. It’s got Joniss and Madniss flails, a throwback to Katniss Everdeen: Outstanding Heterosexual, and some great discussion about our dissatisfaction with the epilogue. It’s only an hour long, so go feast your ears! You can find it here...
Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/user/thefandomentals/katniss-thats-gay-queer-subtext-of-the-h
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Xy0wwnt0nDZWTjSbz00SI?si=XX_RjJ6HQzmzvVB6pj7oVQ
Apple Pocasts: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/ladies-first/id1172972850?mt=2&i=1000419421708
Happy listening! I’m the one with the echoey mike lol.
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sad content happy ending, something well written. I'll read anything joniss though.
Then I recommend Plain Sailing Weather. Post-Mockingjay rehab AU. Dark, and great if you like combative Joniss with character development.
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25, 38, 45
25. favorite line you’ve ever written
(This may not actually be my favorite overall, like if I was to read over all my fics, but this is the first fave to come to mind.)
We didn’t have the most comprehensive sexual education in school back in Twelve, and when I was going through puberty my mother was about as useful as Buttercup, so.
38. do you reread your own stories?
Guilty as charged.45. share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
Ahhh... honestly, everything I am working on is in some stage of publication. I have an idea for an original story, however, though it is all still in my head. It is set in the future and vaguely post-apocalyptic. In it, Oregon and Washington split from the States a couple decades ago and formed Cascadia along with British Columbia, due to spats over pipelines and coastal rights as well as Trump’s shitty leadership. A couple of sisters who survived the great Cascadian earthquake (which happened recently) migrate from the BC coast with hopes of finding work in Alberta, but one of them is denied entry to Canada because she doesn’t lie about her mental health problems and pervasive developmental disorder (and they only let in “useful” immigrants rn), so they both turn back and look for work in the nearest town (Sparwood). The best money is in the mines so the older sister goes there, but the main protag has PTSD from being buried under rubble so she works in the lumber industry instead. She may meet a cute girl along the way ;). There is a mine collapse and her sister is stuck down there and shit goes sideways seeing as she was once buried herself. The girlfriend may be part of the rescue crew. This is still all very loose and in development, sorry. It may also vaguely be Joniss fanfic. ;P
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