judocritics · 1 year
GSL Tel-Aviv: 3x Belgisch brons !
>> 2023 GSL Tel Aviv, Isr (results ijf.org)  
Toegegeven: 3 medailles op een Grand Slam is niet alledaags voor België, en al zeker niet wanneer noch Matthias, noch Toma deelnemen. Beleefd België nu hoogdagen in het judo ? Voor zij die hun Vlaamse kop in het zand steken natuurlijk wel ja. Maar we gaan nog zien hoeveel Vlamingen uiteindelijk de Spelen halen, nietwaar ? 
Eerst zij die wat mij betreft zeker Paris2024 zullen halen: 
Jorre Verstraeten (°97; /-60kg; IGW; 8°WRL): 3° (4 own)   Ik denk dat Jorre ondertussen zowat een jaar in de top-10 staat (met 3° als hoogste ranking), en daar zal hij wellicht nog wel een tijdje blijven, na dit knappe brons hier in Tel Aviv ! Als 3rd seeded zal hij zijn poule winnen tegen volgende judoka’s:
-- 1/16-fin: “makkelijke” winst tegen de 18-jarige Petros Christodoulides (°04; Cyp; 155°WRL) : al lijkt het vooral makkelijk wanneer Jorre nog maar eens op grond zijn tegenstander kan omkeren, en een osai-komi afdwingt.  -- 1/8-fin: tegen 1ste-jaars en thuis-judoka Ariel Shulman (°02; Isr; 324°WRL): vorig jaar Israelisch kampioen u21, toen hij ook zijn eerste senior tornooi won (ECup Riga’22), maar dit jaar ook bij de seniors net nationaal kampioen geworden !  Mag dan wel (nog) ‘geen’ ranking hebben, maar wél een goeie judoka. Jorre is technisch echter goed op dreef, en scoort 2x mooi waza-ari binnen de 3′min.  -- 1/4-fin: tegen Salih Yildiz (°01; Tur; 27°WRL): 3°GSL Abu Dhabi’22, en in 2019: 1°EK & 3°WK u21/-60kg; 3°EK’18 ook u18/-60kg; Jorre won van Yildiz op het EK van 2020; een zware kamp hier die Jorre wel opnieuw wint, maar niet zonder moeite na 5′53″min: Salih maakt een ‘slipper’ en Jorre stuurt hem door... Yildiz klopte een ronde eerder de gevaarlijke, jonge Turan Bayramov (°02; Aze; 1°EK’19 u18/-60kg & 2°WK’21 u21/-60kg). 
In 1/2-fin ontmoet Jorre zijn “zwart beest” Francisco Garrigós (°94; Esp; 5°WRL): hij verloor er telkens van op de EK’s van 2017 & 2019. Dit maal lijkt Jorre beter te anticiperen, maar in de laatste minuut toont Garrigos een knap staaltje grondwerk: ook hij kan iemand omkeren als de besten, en Jorre die zich concentreert op het vermijden van de houdgreep, wordt uiteindelijk gewurgd ! Echt knap. Francisco zal voor goud verliezen van een andere topper Luka Mkheidze (°96; Fra; 28°WRL).  Voor bronze klopt Jorre een verrassend goeie Joshua Katz (°97; Aus; 42°WRL): waza-ari na een mooie combinatie ko-uchi/o-uchi na 3′42″min. 
  Gaby Willems (°97; /-70kg; JC Andrimont; 14° WRL): 3° (4 own) --- 1/16-fin: opent tegen Gaya Bar-Or (°04; Isr; no WRL): transitie naar grond is iets wat je Gaby niet meer moet leren: juji-gatame (ippon) na 58″sec. >> video --- 1/8-fin: Katie-Jemima Yeats-Brown (°95; Gbr; 24°WRL) heeft natuurlijk een pak meer ervaring; osoto-gari van Gaby na 1′21″min levert haar waza-ari op, en die voorsprong kan ze nadien consolideren; een gevaarlijke klip omzeild. >> video --- 1/4-fin: tegen Aoife Coughlan (°95; Aus; 9°WRL): sterke voorbije maanden met verrassend 2°GSL Tokyo tegen Saki Niizoe (Dec-22) en 1°GP Almada tegen Elvismar Rodriguez (Jan-23); een kop kleiner dan Gaby maar met dijen 2x zo breed; het verschil in stijl maakt gewoon dat Gaby onterecht voor zogezegde passiviteit 2 shido’s tegen krijgt, terwijl Aoife met ongevaarlijke seoi nage’s de schijn wekt wél aan te vallen, maar eigenlijk Gaby daarmee gewoon ontloopt; en geen flauw idee ook waarom na 30″sec GS, de waza-ari van Gaby voor doorsturen van de Australische wordt weggeveegd ? en wat je dan al van ver zag aankomen... de 3de shido tegen Gaby; ze kon er zelf alleen maar om lachen.. >> video  --- repechage: tegen thuisjudoka Maya Goshen (°00; Isr; 25°WRL): liefst 11 WTour tornooien gevochten in 2022 (dat kan alleen met Israël !) en werd daarin 3x 5° (Ulaanbaatar; Budapest; Abu Dhabi). Na een goeie 30″sec kan Gaby ternauwernood een gevaarlijke osoto opvangen, terwijl Goshen 30″sec later op haar beurt op het nippertje ontsnapt aan ‘doorsturen’. Maar geen nood: zoals gezegd, Gaby is meesterlijk in transitie en dwingt Maya vervolgens tot opgave met juji: mooi ! >> video.  --- bronze: tegen een oude bekende: 2-1 in het voordeel staat het onderling in haar duels tegen Elisavet Teltsidou (°95; Gre; 12°WRL); vorig jaar verloor Gaby de finale in Abu Dhabi (Oct-22) tegen de fysisch sterke Griekse, en een week later won ze wél de 1/2-fin in Baku; nu dus alweer tegen mekaar;>> video; zo-ie-zo een zware kamp; Gaby begint goed en dwingt Elisavet tot buitenstappen; daarna krijgt ze zelf ook wel een shido voor passiviteit; 4′min lang blijven beiden zeer geconcentreerd, beducht voor mekaars sterkte; na 3′min dan bijna een geslaagde tai-otoshi van Gaby; en eenzelfde bijna-score bij het begin van de GS; maar 3de keer goeie keer: een kumi-kata gevecht om de controle, o-soto van Gaby en waza-ari na 40″sec GS... Proficiat !  
  Mina Libeer (°97; /-57kg; JC Merelbeke; 13° WRL): 3° (3 own) mag zeker tevreden zijn met haar loting, want met tegenstanders als Jasmine Martin (°00; Rsa; 47°WRL) in 1/16-fin en Jaione Equisoain (°93; Esp; 108°WRL) in 1/8-fin, sta je eigenlijk al bijna zeker in de belangrijke 1/4-fin.  En toch: tegen Jasmine heeft Mina een 3de shido nodig in GS (>> video) en tegen de Spaanse Jaione duurt de kamp 6′37″min (>> video). --- 1/4-fin: een kamp tegen Rafaela Silva (°92; Bra; 3°WRL), is dus een kamp tegen de wereldtop: Olympisch goud in Rio’16; huidig wereldkampioene en 4 WK-medailles overall, en 29 WTour medailles tot dusver ! >> video. Mina laat zich niet belachelijk maken, maar na 2′39″min is het wel voorbij na 2x waza-ari. Toch zal Silva hier niet op het podium staan en Mina wél... Daar zorgen Jessica Klimkait en Timna Nelson-Levy voor, én een kwetsuur van Daria Bilodid “schenkt” het brons aan Mina.  --- repechage: wél de verdienste van Mina is haar winst tegen de net geen 20-jarige Ozlem Yildiz (°03; Tur; 27°WRL), de huidige uittredend wereldkampioene u21/-57kg, die ook al 4 EK-medailles pakte bij de jeugd (telkens /-57kg). Judo kan simpel zijn: een éénvoudige voetveeg bij het begin van de kamp brengt Ozlem uit balans en wat volgt is mooi grondwerk van Mina die Yildiz daarmee in houdgreep krijgt. Game over, en Mina krijgt er achteraf dus gratis het brons bij.     Tot zover de zekere Olympiërs.
Het duel Van Snick - Ryheul maakt 2023 bijkomend boeiend natuurlijk, al weet ik zelf wel wie de completere judoka is (juist, Charline). Maar goed, op het eind van dit jaar zullen we mijn inziens wel al véél weten over ieders kansen met het oog op Olympische kwalifcatie. 
  Charline Van Snick (°90; /-52kg; JC Saive; 36° WRL): out (1 own)   Als Charline die Olymische gedachten koestert, dan moet ze gewoon voorbij de jongste zus Deguchi, Kelly (°99; Can; 30° WRL), en dat gebeurt ook wel op deze GSL in 1/16-fin: na 1′30″min waza-ari met sumi-gaeshi, en in de laatste minuut kan Charline de Canadese klemmen (ippon) met goed grondwerk. Tegen Odette Giuffrida (°94; Ita; 8°WRL; 2°OG Rio & 3°OG Tokyo) is ze evenwel de underdog en ook deze logica wordt gerespecteerd, al maakt Charline het de Italiaanse wel erg lastig en valt de beslissing pas na 5′54″min (ippon), zonder noemenswaardig kwaliteitsverschil. In hun onderlinge duels staat het nu 3-1.Giuffrida pakt hier in TelAviv met brons haar 23 WTour medaille !
  Amber Ryheul (°98; /-52kg; 31° WRL): 7° (2 own)     Opent in 1/16-fin tegen Maria Siderot (°96; Por; 68°WRL); ondanks dat ze sterker was, had Amber van deze Portugese ongeveer een jaar geleden, nipt verloren op de GP Almada (> verslag). Dat werd vandaag echter recht gezet, zei het na een moeizame, maar wel verdiende zege, na 5′40″min (waza-ari). >> video  In 1/8-fin treft Amber, Astride Gneto (°96; Fra; 6°WRL); de Française was hoog opgeklommen in de WRL omdat ze vorig jaar mooie resultaten boekte: 4 GSL medailles en ook 2x 5°Paris. (1° TelAviv, en dus titelverdediger hier; 3° Antalya; 3° Tbilisi; 1° Abu Dhabi). Laat Gneto echter meer dan 5′min vechten, en meestal zal ze verliezen... En om één of andere reden, is Amber bovendien ook nog eens een zwart beest voor Astride. Het stond onderling al 1-3, en nu dus 1-4, na opnieuw een wedstrijd van 5′46″min. >> video. Ik heb 2 judobewegingen gezien van Amber, 2x een tani-otoshi: na 1′07″ GS en de score (waza-ari) na 1′46″ GS. Voor de rest was Gneto baas... In 1/4-fin tegen Ana Pérez-Box (°95; Esp; 16° WRL); twee jaar terug (2021) vochten ze beiden in ditzelfde TelAviv ook al tegen mekaar en toen bleek Amber kansloos (> verslag). Nu een koekje van eigen deeg: 2/3de van het gevecht gebeurde in ne-waza en probeerde Amber een sankaku te forceren, maar uiteindelijk was het Pérez die Amber omkeerde en in houdgreep nam. Ana zal zilver behalen na een finale tegen Chelsie Giles.  repechage: voor het eerst ooit tegen Fabienne Kocher (°93; Swi;12° WRL); na een goeie minuut levert ko-uchi een waza-ari op voor de Zwitserse; en eens je  voor staat, moet je je als tegenstander hoofdzakelijk concentreren op Amber’s sankaku, want dat is haar enige wapen. En zo geschiedde.     Met deze Grand Slam pakt Amber als 7° 260p en staat ze nu 26° WRL; met haar bereikte 1/8-fin verdient Charline 160p en komt ze op plaats 32° WRL. Wordt vervolgd. 
Sami Chouchi (°93; /-90kg; JC La Chenaie; 131° WRL): out (2 own) --- 1/32-fin: zeker goed voor het vertrouwen is Sami’s winst tegen Mihael Zgank (°94; Tur; 19°WRL): de Sloveen van oorsprong was ooit vice-wereldkampioen (2017), werd Europees kampioen in 2019, behaalde overall 12 WTour medailles /-90kg en werd 5° op de OG Tokyo. >> video. Wedstrijden met Sami zijn nooit saai: na 2′18″min komt Sami achter (waza-ari; ei-zo-na ippon), maar 40″sec later antwoordt hij met ippon (o-soto-gari) ! Opvallend hoe populair hij is in Israël.  --- 1/16-fin: tegen eerstejaars en thuisjudoka Nadav Zurat (°01; Isr; 292°WRL; 6 ECup medailles bij de jeugd); na een goeie 1′30min wordt hij na een uchi-mata poging bijna doorgestuurd; het gevaar loert wel degelijk, maar ook het sein om een tandje bij te steken; na 3′min scoort Sami waza-ari, ook met uchi-mata, en net voor tijd ippon met tai-otoshi. >> video.  --- 1/8-fin: een tweede serieuze test tegen Christian Parlati (°98; Ita; 8°WRL), en waartegen Sami al 4x vocht in de /-81kg (3-1 voor de Italiaan); Parlati maakte de overstap na zijn EK-brons /-81kg van 2021 en de Spelen in Tokyo die daar op volgden (waar hij in 1/8-fin verloor van Olympisch kampioen Nagase); dat was ook het jaar waarin hij Sami 3x versloeg; >> video; Sami vindt geen antwoord tegen de lange Italiaan, die uiteindelijk vrij makkelijk en verdiend wint met o-uchi-gari (w-a) en tai-otoshi (ippon).  Meer dan 160p levert het Sami momenteel niet op. 
Ellen Salens (°96; /-48kg; JS Merelbeke; 36°WRL): out (0 own) Spijtige vaststelling, maar het is niet anders en het zou ook niet mogen verbazen: nog even en Ellen staat niet langer in de top-40 WRL; verliest hier haar 1ste wedstrijd tegen Maria Celia Laborde (°90; Usa; +/- 25°WRL): in haar piekjaren werd Laborde voor Cuba 3° (2014) en 5° (2013) op het WK; en werd ze 3° & 5° GSL Paris (resp. 2013 en 2014); om dan plots in 2021 opnieuw op te duiken, vechtend voor de US; ze doet het bovendien als 32-jarige niet onaardig met opnieuw top-8 plaatsen in de WTour (7°GP Zagreb’22; 7°Masters’22; 7°Paris’23) en zal hier 5° worden (al namen veel toppers /-48kg hier niet deel). >> video : ippon na 2′28″min. 
  >> VJF-verslag  
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homomenhommes · 5 months
J'ai reçu un coup de fil de Tac dans la semaine qui a suivit pour me dire que de leur coté tout allait bien, que leur père s'était ramené de nouvelles meufs tous les soirs et qu'il avait même profité de la dernière, pour voir. Il avait vu et préférait nettement les mecs ! Il m'a raconté : la meuf était à poil à 4 pattes en train de sucer son père, ce dernier essayant désespérément de lui faire avaler ses 22cm quand il est passé devant sa chambre. Ça la fait bander et il est entré, à sorti son chibre et lui a mis direct dans la chatte. Elle a voulu se redresser mais son père lui tenait bien la tête. Comme il trouvait la chatte trop large, il a changé de trou et l'a enculé sans plus de cérémonie. La , elle s'est arraché de l'emprise de son père pour gueuler un coup. Ça devait être sa 1ère fois ! du coup Tic est arrivé et, à trois, ils lui ont bouché tous les trous.
Bien que cette prise l'ai fait jouir plusieurs fois de suite, la meuf est partie furieuse ! Eux trois, par contre avaient été très excité par la situation.
Je lui dit alors que pour moi les meufs c'est amusant dans les situations qui sortent de l'ordinaire. Il est d'accord avec moi. Il me dit que son père est en train de faire des travaux chez eux. Il a acheté in lit King size (2m x 2m), a fait poser des glaces sur deux des murs de sa chambre et au plafond. Avec lui, ils ont dévalisé le sex shop de la ville voisine et se sont équipé de godes de toutes les tailles, de plugs, boules anales, et fait une provision de poppers, gel et crème pour sodo. Un matin, il a été réveillé par son père qui était en train d'enculer Tic. Comme depuis 2 / 3 ans ils dorment dans le même lit, ils avaient beau faire attention, quand son père s'est mis à accélérer la cadence, les gémissements de Tic eurent raison de son sommeil. Sa trique matinale a trouvé refuge dans la bouche de Tic. En plus il m'a dit que tous les trois ils avaient fait le test pour pouvoir baiser sans Kpote ensemble.
Comme je le félicitais, il me dit que tout ça s'était grâce à moi. Je lui dis que chaud comme ils étaient tous les trois, je n'avais fait qu'accélérer les choses mais qu'ils y seraient parvenu tôt ou tard !
Le mercredi précédant ce coup de fil, j'avais emmené Jean chez le n°2, c'était son tour. A l'arrivé, il nous ouvre la porte et quand j'avance dans la maison, je suis surpris d'apercevoir sa femme au salon. Je me tourne vers lui et il me demande si c'est possible de faire un truc à 4. Il aimerait bien lui remontrer comment un cul peut se faire à sa bite car depuis son dépucelage anal, ils n'avaient pas réussi à le refaire. Avant même que j'avance des arguments, il me tend l'enveloppe et me demande si cela suffit. Il attend à coté de Jean pendant que je compte. Je lui dit que vu la somme, j'aurais du mal a le lui refuser. Il pousse un soupir de soulagement, il était pas sûr de ma réponse. (mais quelque part, enfoui en moi doit sommeiller un banquier... ou une pute).
Il appelle sa meuf. Elle arrive, me fait un bisous sur la bouche (je la sens un peu tendue). Je lui présente Jean. Son mari nous entraîne vers sa salle de sport. Je remarque en entrant qu'il s'est équipé d'un véritable tatami de Judo. Un sol ferme mais assez souple pour y baiser. Il met Jean à poil pendant que sa meuf me dénude et que je lui déboutonne sa robe. 2mn après nous sommes tous nus. Elle est intrigué par le physique juvénile de Jean (je lui confie dans l'oreille qu'il ne faut pas s'y fier que c'est une vraie petite salope ! Ce langage la choque un peu. Mais quand elle le voit avaler sans sourciller la teub de son mari, elle n'en revient pas. Comme je suis proche d'elle avec deux doigts dans sa chatte et un dans son cul, je la préviens que se sera encore plus beau quand il attaquera son anus.
Elle s'excite et j'ai les doigts trempés. De son coté la bite de son mec se recouvre d'une bonne couche de salive. Bien raide elle vient étouffer Jean qui se prend les boules rasées dans les yeux. Je la pousse doucement vers le bas pour qu'elle me pipe aussi tout en lui permettant de voir Jean s'activer. Il y a de l'émulation dans l'air, elle arrive à me bouffer entier quand jusque là je n'avais réussit qu'à mettre mon gland dans sa gorge. Son mari relève les jambes de Jean et lui care deux puis rapidement trois doigts dans l'oignon. De mon coté j'en suis rendu à deux. Jean s'excite, il commence à tortiller du cul. Je me recule pour récupérer l'usage de ma bite et Kpoté vais enculer mon petit Jean avant que son mari ne me le rende inutilisable temporairement (moi 5cm, lui un bon 7cm de diamètre !). Elle remarque le plaisir que prend Jean et voit ce que ça donne extérieurement que d'être pris des deux cotés à la fois.
Nous sortons de Jean . De lui même il se met à 4 pattes et je demande à la meuf de prendre la même position, inversée, à ses cotés. L'idée c'est que quand je vais l'enculer, elle pourra mater Jean subir la même chose par le sexe de son mec, ça devrait la stimuler. Je me place entre ses jambes et commence à plonger ma bite 2/3 fois dans sa chatte pour lubrifier la Kpote. Puis je passe au trou supérieur et l'encule direct jusqu'au fond. Son mari lui a commencé la saillie de Jean. Il entre lentement pour ne rien " casser " mais inexorablement. Pour le dernier tiers, je passe du poppers sous le nez de Jean et son mec rentre tout jusqu'aux couilles. Nous limons nos salopes. De temps en temps je passe un doigt en plus de ma bite et bientôt j'ajoute mes pouces de chaque cotés sans quelle ne chouine, captivée par la saillie du cul de Jean qui se déroule sous ses yeux.
Son mec lui commente l'enculage et les gémissements de cette petite pute de Jean l'excite autant que nous. mes mains qui lui stimulent les tétons ajoute à la montée du plaisir. Quand nous la sentons chaude, je m'écarte et, son mec, après avoir arraché sa Kpote et re-graissé sa bite vient prendre ma place. J'ordonne à Jean se couler sous la meuf et de lui bouffer le clito pendant que je m'occupe de ses seins afin de la maintenir à " température ". Sollicitée ainsi, son mec arrive à lui mettre le gland sans trop de difficulté. Jean nous informe qu'elle mouille grave. Son mec progresse. Comme elle va pour crier, je me place devant et lui mets ma bite dans sa gorge. Je ne sais si c'est la pine dans son cul ou celle dans sa gorge qui lui tire quelques larmes mais lorsque je me retire, elle est vaincue.
Nous nous écartons Jean et moi, pour laisser le couple prendre son pied sans nous. Il vient s'asseoir à cheval sur mes cuisses s'enfilant par la même occasion ma bite dans son cul. Les quelques minutes de répits lui ont suffi pour resserrer son anus suffisamment pour que je ne flotte pas dedans comme dans une vieille chatte.
Nous sommes absorbés par le spectacle qui nous est joué. La meuf prend de mieux en mieux la saillie de la grosse bite de son mec et ce dernier augmente la cadence. En fin de pénétration, il l'a porte carrément sur son sexe, lui décollant les genoux du tapis (faut dire aussi qu'elle est menue et fait maxi 50Kg malgré ses gros seins !
Dans un dernier mouvement, ont le voit se bloquer au fond du cul de sa femme et la maintenir les deux mains accrochées à ses hanches. Nous comptons 7 soubresauts correspondants à autant de giclées de sperme. Elle jouit en lui compressant la bite il gueule et s'arrache de sa femme, d'où expulsion partielle de jute et nouveau hurlement, ce coup ci de la meuf ! De notre coté, je rempli ma Kpote et Jean se branle et jute au sol.
Nos clients sont anéantis, nous en profitons pour nous doucher rapide et partir. Plus tard le client n°2 m'appellera pour me dire qu'ils étaient très heureux de leur " cours particulier ".
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ipsen · 9 months
blank canvas kaneki notes
collection of notes on my take on our favorite wet cat in Blank Canvas:
artist known as haise sasaki. unwittingly followed by sen takatsuki. his art depicts suffering of the self and the hidden darkness behind his own mask, and even then, he doesn’t publish everything (insecure about it).
his personal favorite works of his are the ones where it seems like the drawing itself is struggling to stay together (like certain panels in the dragon arc)
graduated college in this AU, and with additional help from Hide and Touka, has become a bit more self-aware and emotionally mature. still, he’s dealing with self-image issues and feeling/perceiving himself as useless
His analysis of stories, as a result, have become more worldly and meta-y, instead of drawing direct personal parallels.
dated rize early on in college until she mysteriously disappeared from his life. he’s over her, but the implied breakup had some effect on his martyr complex.
eerie mastery of judo (touka regularly takes him to her classes). has a sleeper build as a result (when he flexes he becomes Sexy) and shockingly athletic.
has the fluffy haise hair that we see in re, albeit with strictly black hair instead.
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
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Tenchijin (Ep 24)
Naoe Kanetsugu tried to save Oryo from a drunkard Lord who verbally insult her father, Sen no Rikyu, the tea master who perfected the tea ceremony. But to his surprise, Oryo is able to defend herself by using a judo technique against the drunkard and sending him through the air into the bushes nearby.
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tferyal · 11 days
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Oldukça yaygın olan bir motivasyon hikayesi vardır. Muhtemelen hayalidir ancak Beydeba hikayeleri gibi dünya literatürüne, hiç unutulmayacak öyküler arasına girmiştir.
Geçmişe baktığımızda. verdiği mesajın sadece insanları değil, devletleri de ilgilendirdiğini görürüz.
Japonya’da tek hayali iyi bir judocu olmak olan 10 yaşlarında bir çocuk vardır. Sağ kolunu bir trafik kazasında kaybedince hayalleri yıkılır, hayata küser. Durumu gören babası, ülkenin en ünlü judo hocalarından Yoshitaro’ya giderek çocuğu için yapacağı bir şey olup olmadığını sorar.
Yoshitaro, çocuğu getirmesini ister. Baba çocuğunun judo öğrenmesinden ümitsiz de olsa meşguliyet kazanmasına sevinir.
Çocuk ertesi günü çalışmalara başlar. Yoshitaro, çocuğa 40 gün boyunca yere düşmesini öğretir. Bunu yüzlerce kere tekrarlatır. Sonra, bir tek judo hareketi göstererek bunu her gün huzurunda yapmasını ister.
Aradan yıllar geçer, çocuk iyice büyüyüp genç olunca, onu önemli bir turnuvaya sokar. Delikanlı bildiği tek judo numarasıyla önüne çıkanı devirir.
Nihayet finale çıkar. Karşısında son 10 yılın yenilmeyen şampiyonu vardır. “Buraya kadar şans eseri geldim ama ben bir tek hareketle bu adamı yenemem. En iyisi turnuvadan çekileyim” düşüncesiyle hocasına gider. Yoshitaro kabul etmez, maça çıkmasını ister.
Genç, son rakibini de devirip kupasını alır. Hocasına sorar; “Bana sadece bir tek hareket öğrettin. Üstelik tek kolum da yok. Nasıl şampiyon oldum?..”
Yoshitaro bu işin sırrını şöyle açıklar: “Evlat, sen iki nedenle bu işi başardın. Birincisi, 10 yıldır aynı hareketi yapa yapa dünyada o hareketi en iyi yapan kişi sen oldun. İkincisi de, o hareketin sadece bir tek karşı hareketi vardır. Onun için de rakibinin seni sağ kolundan tutması gerekir!..”
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totolotekonline · 25 days
Jakie są szanse na zwycięstwo Jana Błachowicza w najbliższym pojedynku UFC?
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Jakie są szanse na zwycięstwo Jana Błachowicza w najbliższym pojedynku UFC?
Analiza stylów walki jest kluczowym elementem dla osób zajmujących się sztukami walki. Istnieje wiele różnych stylów walki, z których każdy ma swoje unikalne cechy i techniki. Przeprowadzając analizę stylów walki, można lepiej zrozumieć, jakie są ich zalety i wady, oraz który styl walki może najlepiej odpowiadać danym potrzebom i umiejętnościom.
Jednym z najpopularniejszych stylów walki jest karate, które skupia się na precyzji ruchów i technikach uderzeń. Inne popularne style walki to judo, które opiera się na rzutach i dźwigniach, oraz boks, w którym kluczową rolę odgrywają bokserskie kombinacje i obrona.
Analiza stylów walki wymaga zrozumienia zarówno technicznych aspektów, jak i filozofii i historii danego stylu. Niektóre style walki, takie jak tai chi, koncentrują się bardziej na medytacji i energii życiowej, podczas gdy inne, jak kickboxing, skupiają się głównie na fizycznej kondycji i agresywnej walce.
Wybór odpowiedniego stylu walki zależy od wielu czynników, takich jak cel treningu, indywidualne predyspozycje fizyczne oraz oczekiwania co do osiągnięcia. Dlatego analiza stylów walki jest kluczowa dla każdej osoby zainteresowanej podjęciem treningów sztuk walki, aby móc wybrać najlepiej dopasowany styl do swoich potrzeb i celów.
W poprzednim pojedynku obaj zawodnicy dali z siebie wszystko, starając się zdobyć zwycięstwo. Ich determinacja i umiejętności sportowe doprowadziły do wyrównanej rywalizacji, która wciągnęła widzów do samego końca. Ostatecznie zwycięzca został wybrany po zaciętym pojedynku, w którym każdy detal miał znaczenie.
Analiza wyników poprzednich pojedynków może dostarczyć cennych wskazówek dotyczących strategii i taktyki zawodników. Obserwując ich style gry, reakcje na różne sytuacje oraz techniki, można lepiej zrozumieć ich mocne i słabe strony. To pozwala przewidzieć, jak mogą zachować się w przyszłych pojedynkach i jak najlepiej się do nich przygotować.
Wyniki poprzednich starć mogą również wpłynąć na psychikę zawodników. Zwycięstwo może zwiększyć pewność siebie, podczas gdy porażka może skłonić do intensywniejszego treningu i pracy nad własnymi umiejętnościami. Dlatego analiza i zrozumienie tych wyników są kluczowe dla dalszego rozwoju zawodników oraz osiągnięcia sukcesów na arenie sportowej.
Podsumowując, wyniki poprzednich pojedynków mają istotne znaczenie dla dalszej kariery i osiągnięć zawodników. Dają one nie tylko informacje na temat strategii i taktyki, ale także wpływają na psychikę oraz motywację do ciągłego doskonalenia się. Warto więc przyjrzeć się uważnie tym wynikom, aby wyciągnąć jak najwięcej cennych wniosków i zwiększyć szanse na sukces w przyszłych starciach.
Przygotowanie fizyczne zawodników jest niezwykle istotnym elementem w osiągnięciu sukcesu w dowolnej dyscyplinie sportowej. Dobrze przygotowani fizycznie zawodnicy mają większą siłę, szybkość, wytrzymałość oraz sprawniejsze reakcje, co umożliwia im zdobywanie lepszych wyników oraz minimalizowanie ryzyka kontuzji.
Pierwszym krokiem w przygotowaniu fizycznym zawodników jest określenie ich celów treningowych oraz analiza indywidualnych potrzeb. Na tej podstawie opracowywany jest spersonalizowany plan treningowy, uwzględniający zarówno ogólne zasady treningu, jak i specyfikę danej dyscypliny sportowej.
W trakcie przygotowania fizycznego zawodnicy wykonują różnorodne ćwiczenia, które mają na celu poprawę ich siły, wytrzymałości, szybkości, zwinności oraz koordynacji. Ćwiczenia te mogą obejmować trening siłowy, cardio, trening interwałowy, a także elementy gimnastyki i strechingu.
Ważnym elementem przygotowania fizycznego zawodników jest także odpowiednie odżywianie i regeneracja organizmu. Zawodnicy powinni dbać o zbilansowaną dietę bogatą w niezbędne składniki odżywcze, odpowiednią ilość płynów oraz regularny sen, który jest kluczowy dla procesu regeneracji organizmu po intensywnym wysiłku fizycznym.
Podsumowując, przygotowanie fizyczne zawodników wymaga zaangażowania, systematyczności oraz profesjonalnego podejścia. Dzięki odpowiedniemu treningowi, zdrowej diecie oraz właściwej regeneracji, zawodnicy mogą osiągnąć lepsze wyniki w swojej dyscyplinie sportowej oraz cieszyć się lepszym stanem zdrowia i samopoczuciem.
Taktyka i strategia walki odgrywają kluczową rolę w różnych dziedzinach życia, w tym wojnie, sporcie oraz biznesie. W kontekście walki, łączą one zarówno umiejętności taktyczne, jak i strategiczne, pozwalając na skuteczne osiągnięcie celów i zwycięstwo nad przeciwnikiem.
Wojownicy, bez względu na to czy są to żołnierze na polu bitwy czy zawodnicy w ringu, muszą stosować odpowiednią taktykę i strategię, aby zwiększyć swoje szanse na sukces. Taktyka odnosi się do konkretnych działań podejmowanych w krótkim okresie czasu, mających na celu osiągnięcie przewagi nad przeciwnikiem. Z kolei strategia obejmuje długofalowe planowanie i przygotowanie, mające na celu ustalenie ogólnej strategii działania i osiągnięcie głównego celu.
W sporcie, taktyka i strategia walki są kluczowe dla sukcesu każdego zawodnika czy drużyny. Poprzez staranne planowanie posunięć, analizę ruchów przeciwnika oraz elastyczne reagowanie na zmieniające się warunki, sportowcy mogą zwiększyć swoje szanse na zwycięstwo.
W biznesie taktyka i strategia walki odnosi się do konkurencyjności rynkowej, strategii marketingowej oraz planowania działań na przyszłość. Przy odpowiednim wykorzystaniu taktyki i strategii, przedsiębiorstwa mogą osiągnąć przewagę konkurencyjną, zwiększyć swoje zyski oraz zyskać lojalność klientów.
Podsumowując, taktyka i strategia walki są kluczowymi elementami osiągnięcia sukcesu w różnych dziedzinach życia. Poprzez odpowiednie planowanie, analizę i działanie, można skutecznie przewyższyć konkurentów i osiągnąć wyznaczone cele.
W dzisiejszych czasach obserwujemy coraz większe zainteresowanie sportem oraz aktywnością fizyczną. Sportowcy, zarówno zawodowi jak i amatorzy, odgrywają istotną rolę w społeczeństwie. Istnieje wiele różnych form aktywności fizycznej, które sportowcy praktykują, aby utrzymać dobrą formę fizyczną i psychiczną.
Pierwszą formą sportowców są zawodnicy profesjonalni, którzy trenują i rywalizują na najwyższym poziomie. Ci sportowcy poświęcają wiele godzin na treningi, dbają o odpowiednią dietę i regenerację, aby osiągać najlepsze wyniki w swojej dyscyplinie sportowej. Ich wysiłek i determinacja często owocują zdobyciem medali na zawodach międzynarodowych oraz ustanawianiem rekordów.
Drugą grupą sportowców są amatorzy, którzy uprawiają sport dla przyjemności i poprawy kondycji fizycznej. Mogą to być osoby biegające, jeżdżące na rowerze, pływające czy też uprawiające fitness. Dla tych osób aktywność fizyczna stanowi sposób na relaks, odstresowanie się po pracy oraz poprawę samopoczucia.
Współcześni sportowcy angażują się także w działalność charytatywną oraz edukację społeczeństwa na temat korzyści płynących z regularnej aktywności fizycznej. Promują zdrowy styl życia, zachęcając innych do podejmowania sportowych wyzwań i dbania o swoje zdrowie.
Warto doceniać zaangażowanie i wysiłek obecnej formy sportowców, którzy inspirują innych do aktywności fizycznej oraz pokonywania własnych barier. Dzięki nim sport staje się nie tylko sposobem na poprawę kondycji, ale także elementem budującym wspólnotę i promującym pozytywne wartości.
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PM Hun Sen Asks Japan to Continue to Help Train Cambodian Judo Athletes
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tittooooo · 1 year
Câu chuyện học tiếng anh
Nghe rất cẩn thận part 2 mà vẫn sai, ko đúng câu nào cả
Buồn vì H ko trả lời
Nhưng vẫn cố gắng, hihi
Tưới sen đá
Hủy tập Judo haizz, bị la
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Semaine olympique et paralympique à l’école dans le Pays de Montbéliard
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Labellisée "Terre de Jeux 2024", Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération (PMA) s’est engagée à faire vivre et à promouvoir le projet Paris 2024 au travers d’actions de promotion de l’activité sportive au sens large. Cette année, l’Agglomération organise une nouvelle "semaine olympique et paralympique à l’école" du lundi 24 au vendredi 28 avril 2023 à l’Axone de Montbéliard. En effet, suite à la désignation de Paris comme ville hôte des jeux en 2024, une semaine olympique et paralympique est organisée chaque année par le ministère de l’éducation nationale et de la jeunesse, en partenariat avec le ministère des sports et le mouvement sportif français. Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération renoue en 2023 avec cette action dont la dernière édition remonte à 2020. Cette année la semaine olympique et paralympique a pour thème l’inclusion. Dans ce cadre, le but est de proposer des ateliers de handisport ou de sport adapté, mais aussi d’intégrer des personnes en situation de handicap en leur permettant de participer aux ateliers ou, s’ils le souhaitent, en leur confiant l’encadrement de certaines activités, accompagnées par un éducateur. L’objectif est donc d’éveiller les élèves aux bienfaits de la pratique sportive tout en changeant le regard des plus jeunes sur le handicap en intégrant des activités sportives partagées. Pilotée par le service des sports de l’Agglomération, la semaine olympique et paralympique à l’école se tient dans le Pays de Montbéliard du 24 au 28 avril 2023 en décalage de deux semaines par rapport à la date nationale. L’USEP , l’UNSS et différentes associations sportives du territoire ont été sollicitées pour organiser cet événement l’Axone. Cette action est destinée au public scolaire des cycles 2 et 3 (le 24, 25, 27, 28 avril 2023), des collèges (le 26 avril) ainsi que d’un public en situation de handicap. Au total, ce sont 500 jeunes qui participeront à cette semaine olympique et paralympique (420 élèves de l’USEP et 80 élèves de l’UNSS). Focus sur les ateliers de la semaine olympique et paralympique à l’école : - une initiation à l’escrime animée par Les lions de Montbéliard - un parcours à l’aveugle à faire en coopération, de la boccia , du tir à l’arc à ventouse ainsi qu’un parcours en fauteuil roulant encadré par le service ATLAS de la fondation Pluriel et Handicapable - un atelier sur le « savoir chuter » encadré par la ligue Bourgogne-Franche-Comté de Judo - du handball adapté dont du handfauteuil animé par l’ASCAP handball et le comité Nord Franche Comté de handball - une piste de bowling équipée d’une rampe de lancement pour personnes à mobilité réduite fournie par l’ASCAP - du cardiogoal et d’autres activités innovantes adaptées à tous dirigées par le comité départemental Sport Adapté du Doubs - un parcours de motricité en coopération (quidditch ), de la peteca et du cornhole par le Comité Départemental Olympique et Sportif du Doubs. Read the full article
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wiwsport · 1 year
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rajexpressnews · 2 years
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Raj Express. Finally, the 11-day long Birmingham Commonwealth Games have officially come to an end. In these games, thousands of players from 72 countries gave their lives for more than 1800 medals. Indian players also performed brilliantly in the Commonwealth Games. Despite not shooting in this time's Commonwealth Games, India won a total of 61 medals. Let us tell you that India has won the most medals in shooting in the history of Commonwealth Games. The next Commonwealth Games will be held in Australia in the year 2026.
India's performance
Indian players have won a total of 61 medals including 23 gold, 16 silver and 22 bronze in the Commonwealth Games 2022. India has won 12 medals including 6 gold, 1 silver and 5 bronze in wrestling. At the same time, 10 medals have been won in weightlifting and 7 medals in boxing. With this, India stood at number four in the tally of Commonwealth Games medals. This time Australia has won the most medals. Australia has won a total of 178 medals including 67 Gold, 57 Silver and 54 Bronze.
India's Gold Medalist:
Mirabai Chanu (Weightlifting 49 KG)
Jeremy Lalrinnunga (Weightlifting 67 KG)
Achinta Sheuli (Weightlifting 73 KG)
Women's Team (Lawn Balls)
Men's Team (Table Tennis)
Sudhir (Para Powerlifting)
Bajrang Punia (Wrestling 65 KG)
Sakshi Malik (Wrestling 62 KG)
Deepak Poonia (Wrestling 86 KG)
Ravi Kumar Dahiya (Wrestling 57KG)
Vinesh Phogat ( Wrestling 53 KG)
Naveen Kumar (Wrestling 74 KG)
Bhavina Patel (Para Table Tennis)
Neetu Ghanghas (Boxing)
Amit Panghal (Boxing)
Aldhaus Paul (triple jump)
Nikhat Zareen (Boxing)
Achant and Sreeja Akula (Table Tennis)
PV Sindhu (Badminton)
Lakshya Sen (Badminton)
Satwik and Chirag (Badminton)
Achant Sharath Kamal (Table Tennis)
Silver Medalist of India:
Sanket Mahadev (Weightlifting 55 KG)
Bindiyarani Devi (Weightlifting 55 KG)
Sushila Devi (Judo 48 KG)
Vikas Thakur (Weightlifting 96 KG)
Mixed Team (Badminton)
Paintbrush Mann (Judo)
Murali Sreeshankar (Long Jump)
Anshu Malik (Wrestling 57 KG)
Priyanka Goswami (10 km walk)
Avinash Sable (Steeplechase)
Men's Team (Lawn Balls)
Abdullah Abubakar (triple jump)
Achant and G Sathiyan (Table Tennis)
Sagar Ahlawat (Boxing)
Women's Team (Cricket)
Indian Men's Team (Hockey)
India's Bronze Medalist:
Gururaja (Weightlifting 61 KG)
Vijay Kumar Yadav (Judo 60 KG)
Harjinder Kaur (Weightlifting 71KG)
Lovepreet Singh (Weightlifting 109 KG)
Saurav Ghoshal (Squash)
Gurdeep Singh (Weightlifting 109 KG)
Tejaswin Shankar (High Jump)
Divya Kakran (Wrestling 68 KG)
Mohit Grewal (Wrestling 125 KG)
Jasmine Lamboria (boxing)
Pooja Gehlot (Wrestling 50 KG)
Pooja Sihag (Wrestling)
Mohammad Husamuddin (Boxing)
Deepak Nehra (Wrestling 97 KG)
Sonalben Patel (Para Table Tennis)
Rohit Tokas (Boxing)
Indian Women's Team (Hockey)
Sandeep Kumar (10 km walk)
Annu Rani (Javelin Throw)
Sourav and Dipika Pallikal (Squash)
Kidambi Srikanth (Badminton)
Gayatri and Trisha Jolly - Bronze (Badminton)
Yes. Sathiyan (Table Tennis)
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judocritics · 6 months
ECup Sen East-Sarajevo: Jente 2° (2 own) & Verschaere 3° (3 own).
>> 2023 ECup Sen East-Sarajevo, BiH (IJF results) 
Waarom we naast 'Sarajevo', ook nog spreken van 'East-Sarajevo' is wellicht een heel gevoelige etnische en politieke kwestie (East-Sarajevo is de hoofdstad van de Republika Srpska-entiteit van BiH, grenzend aan de hoofdstad Sarajevo van die andere entiteit, de Federatie BiH). Dus laten we het vooral toch maar bij het judo houden dan.
Maar liefst 9 Belgische seniors zagen een opportuniteit, maar helaas, slechts 2 konden er 'scoren': - Jente Verstraeten (°01; /-48kg; IGW) verloor de finale tegen de 19-jarige Rebeka Rita Koszegi (°03; Hun), na 2 eerdere winstpartijen. - Vicky Verschaere (°00; /-78kg; JC Evergem) won brons dankzij in totaal 3 overwinningen, en een nederlaag tegen de andere bronzen judoka.
De andere Vlamingen: - Deny Altemirov (°02; /-66kg; JC Gent-Drongen) : out (0 own) - Muslim Adashev (°02; /-73kg; Jitsu Kwai Hamme) : out (0 own) - Jarne Duyck (°02; /-81kg; JC Ingelmunster) : out (0 own) - Luna Verfaillie (°03; /-57kg; JS Asahi Gits) : 5° (2 own)
De andere Walen: - Jitse Van den Herrewegen (°01; /-90kg; IGW) :  out (0 own) - Manon Lecharlier (°01; /-57kg; JC Frameries) : out (0 own)  - Marie Sadouni (°99; /-63kg; Brussels JI) : out (0 own)
"Voor de meesten dus moeilijk een succesvol tornooi te noemen", is best wel een understatement.
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lalignedujour · 2 years
J'ose, je doute, et je sens la nuit. Quand j'étais enfant, ça sentait le bissap dans l'immeuble et j'aurais un peu été une autre personne si ça avait pas été le cas. Usure de l'organe du sentiment amoureux, besoin de plaquettes neuves. Si tu me demandes, c'est toujours assez. Ce que j'aimais pas à la plage, c'était les trucs piquants qui vont sous les sandales, les autres avaient l'air de vivre avec, moi j'aurais préféré rester chez moi et rien n'a changé depuis. Ça se fait pas, je trouve, de venir pleurer chez les gens, c'est comme le caca, tu t'arranges pour le faire chez toi avant ou après, si ça vient bah tant pis, je serais à l'aise de demander les toilettes (un mouchoir), mais je trouve ça malvenu de ne pas au moins tenter de se retenir, la politesse c'est d'avoir l'air gêné. En arrivant à Bruxelles, on a demandé notre chemin à une personne qui avait un grave défaut d'élocution, impossible de comprendre ses indications, on a écouté jusqu'au bout, on est reparti.es, et on a osé demander à personne d'autre, d'abord par crainte que la première personne ne le voit et se vexe, puis par crainte d'être confronté.es à la même situation. Tu peux pas prendre ce qui te plaît et cracher sur le reste, ça s'appelle une relation, je suis pas un magasin à émotions. Je déteste ces zones résidentielles où je passe à pied en me faisant harceler par les chiens, parce que personne ne passe à pied, alors que le ballet des voitures les indiffère, les chiens aussi ont besoin de lien social. Rater un rendez-vous parce qu'il y avait une pizzeria sur le chemin et que mon corps a spontanément commandé une quatre saisons, ne prévenir personne. Peut-être plutôt une vie à gérer une jardinerie, une maison de retraite, une rôtisserie, et accompagner des enfants à l'équitation, au judo, au hand, je sais pas ? Je suis de l'autre côté des mots, je suis l'autre destin de mes autres destins, je suis l'autre là, homme femme autre, je suis l'autre. J'ose, je doute, je sens la nuit, et je ne sais pas si c'est tout le monde.
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ipsen · 9 months
Blank Canvas Chapter 6
Read on AO3. Summary: Kaneki breaks the law to see a serial killer. Word Count: 4183 Chapter 7 Chapter 5 Master Post
Kaneki left his and Hide’s apartment at midnight.
What was he doing?
He caught the final trains to travel from the 12th ward to the 23rd.
What was he doing?
Armed with little else but his wits and his bag, he crossed the now-empty streets and into dark alleys as per Takatsuki’s helpful, if cryptic, directions.
What was he doing?
And that was how he, Ken Kaneki, also known as Haise Sasaki, came to stand in front of the fence around Cochlea, the prison for life-sentence and death-row inmates, at 2AM on a midsummer night with Sen Takatsuki.
Apparently, she had a contact on the inside that could get them a conversation with certain inmates, but they had to visit outside of operating hours to do it. Which was definitely illegal and, worst case scenario, could land them in the very prison they were about to enter.
“Um, T-Takatsuki…” He swallowed. “When I said I was ‘curious’ about meeting a serial killer—”
“No time like the present!” Before he could continue, she, in a surprising motion, scrambled up the fence and landed safely on the other side. Oh, she was athletic too. Huh. Wait, this was not the time for that. He— They— really shouldn’t be here.
She wiped her hands on her skirt and glanced up. With the addition of the lights around the prison, he saw she had low-hanging pigtails for tonight. It was a cute look stop. “You coming, Haise? I’m leaving you behind if you don’t.”
“If you’re worried about getting caught, I’m pretty sure we can take a guard or two.” The burning lights of Cochlea cast a sharp shadow over her face, but Kaneki knew she was grinning. “‘Strength in numbers’ and all that.”
Takatsuki turned on her heel and started walking away, forcing him to choose between leaving her alone and standing in the dark and quivering in his boots alone.
With his fists like iron and an utter of something between a groan and a warcry, he ran at the fence and scaled it with ease, though he landed with an uncomfortably loud thump.
She whistled. “Impressive. You honestly didn’t strike me as the athletic type.”
“M-My friend’s always dragging me to her judo classes,” he admitted, rubbing his neck.
“Huh…” There was a beat as she digested the information. Was there something weird about that? He hoped not. “I see. Well, come on, then. Don’t wanna be caught with our pants down.”
Right, right. She led him to the side of the visitors’ center. The whole time, his gaze darted this way and that, half-expecting a security guard to round the corner and ruin their lives forever. The past few months had been one thing, but breaking into Washuu property was an entirely different thing. And the way Takatsuki talked about it made it seem like she’d done this before.
Who was she?
They arrived at a small door with a ‘STAFF ONLY’ sign on it. Takatsuki boldly reached out to turn the handle when she noticed something.
“Shit, they added a keypad,” she muttered. “Well, he probably knows it’s us.”
Who was ‘he’? Before Kaneki could ask, she cleared her throat and rapped her knuckles on the door, nearly making him jump out of his skin. “Big Bin!!” she called way too loud. “It’s me!”
“What are you doing?” he practically hissed. “What if someone hears us?!”
She laughed. “We’ll be fine.”
It did nothing to assuage his fears. She took the time to inhale the scent of their new surroundings and did a twirl. It would have been mesmerizing in any other setting. “Exciting, isn’t it?”
Was it? His pounding heart and sweaty feet begged to differ. “We could get arrested…”
“And?” She glanced at him. “They won’t catch us if we’re smart. Plus, Bin will cover us when it comes to security footage, so I wouldn’t worry.”
If everything went according to plan, then yes, Takatsuki made a good point, but—
“You’re already in; I really don’t see the point in lamenting it now.” The door made a clicking noise and she opened it, giving him no choice but to follow her in. “And it’s not like we’re stupid enough to take anyone with us.”
They seemed to have entered some sort of electric room based on the unpainted walls and the loud hum of a large metal box nearby. The lights were dimmer than outside but no less white, and Kaneki occasionally had to duck to avoid a stray pipe going from wall to wall.
They came to another door, and she led him into the main hall, which looked much more visitor-friendly than the outside. He felt a bit more at ease in the space, and took a moment to calm himself and breathe.
There was a reception desk, and manning it was a man with sunglasses and wild black hair, which clashed with the collar shirt and belted pants expected of security guards. “Hey, Sen.” He yawned. “I see you’ve brought company this time.”
“Big Bin!” Takatsuki waved back, trotting to the desk. “This is Haise! He’s my artist.”
“Oh, this is the artist, huh?” Big Bin looked him up and down. “Name’s Bin.”
“P-Pleasure,” Kaneki gave a quick bow.
Big Bin wore a sympathetic smile. “First time, eh? Sen, you sure you shoulda dragged him here? I mean—”
“He’s here, isn’t he?” Takatsuki tapped Kaneki’s arm and made him flinch. “It means he’s got guts.”
Kaneki scratched his head. “I guess…”
Big Bin looked between them for a moment, then shrugged. “Alright, I’ll get you set up with the… Priest, was it?”
Kaneki blanched.
“Yep!” Takatsuki chirped.
The Priest, an infamous serial killer otherwise known as Donato Porpora. An immigrant from Russia, his M.O. was an unmarked cross atop the victim’s neatly folded clothing. The body itself was butchered and fed to the orphans he cared for. In a strange twist of fate, that same act of taking lives was the one to save his own; he had taken such good care of the orphans that he was not placed on death row and instead placed in Cochlea for the rest of his life. That was thirteen years ago now.
He was also the one responsible for killing Kurona and Nashiro’s father.
Kaneki and Takatsuki were taken directly to Donato’s cell, where the only thing separating them was a makeshift desk and a sheet of glass with holes on top for ventilation. The rest of the room was made of solid steel. Peering behind the glass, Kaneki noticed the tiny bed Donato slept in, along with a small table against the back wall with various books and writings organized neatly on top of it. For a crazed killer, he was surprisingly organized.
“Sasaki, just so you know,” Big Bin’s words echoed in Kaneki’s head, “he may be out of practice, but he ran a confessional at his orphanage. So whatever you do, don’t let him get inside your head.”
Donato was doing some stretches when Kaneki and Takatsuki walked in.
“Well, well, look who it is,” Donato said, grinning as he took his seat. “I was told I had a visitor, but I suppose it was only ever going to be you.”
Takatsuki gave a practiced smile: the one Kaneki knew as fake. “Hello, Donato.”
He crossed his legs and chuckled. “Come to pick my brain again, then? Though I can’t help but notice you’re not alone this time…”
“This is Haise; he’s my new assistant for my next story.”
Donato made Kaneki feel as though he were being undressed by gaze alone. “Oh? And here I was, thinking you had retired; I’m glad to be wrong. These last three years have been rather… lacking without your work on the shelves.”
“You’re too kind.” She took out her notepad and sat down.
“I must know: why go to me again? I thought everything I told you last time went into The Black Goat’s Egg and The Hanged Man’s MacGuffin.” He grinned.
Kaneki swallowed. He thought the mother’s murders in the story were familiar. The gruesome descriptions when she cut up her latest victim evoked almost a sort of ritualistic carving, like a butcher brutally but cleanly severing a pig’s head. Now he realized those descriptions had had a primary source.
Takatsuki’s expression shifted to one of rare annoyance. She spun her pen between her fingers to focus. “You didn’t tell me everything, so I’m back. Simple as that.”
Donato, brow raised in amusement, gestured for her to continue.
“What’s your opinion on people in your profession getting hired?”
Kaneki gaped at her. Just like that?
Donato just chuckled. “You certainly come up with interesting ideas.”
“I am a writer,” she quipped, returning to that pleasant but tight smile. “I just want to make sure I’m representing your trade properly. Nobody likes a fish out of water unless they want to eat it.”
“Well, I suppose I would be lying if I hadn’t received my fair share of offers in my time,” Donato checked his nails, recalling what might be considered better times, “but if you’re going to ask who those might be, I cannot help you.”
A shadow crossed her expression. “Oh, I don’t need names. I just need to know what sorts of targets you got. Were they political figures? Celebrities? The homeless? Were you offered anything overseas? How about—”
Donato listened carefully to each query, but his gaze wandered to Kaneki soon enough, and Kaneki shifted in his seat.
“Sen,” he said, putting up a hand to stop her. “I will answer your questions, but I will require something in exchange.”
Takatsuki’s brow furrowed, almost like she was glaring. “Depends.”
“I’d like to ask your assistant a few questions. Preferably alone.”
It took all of Kaneki’s willpower not to point at himself. Him? Alone? With a serial killer? Sure, there were measures to make sure Donato didn’t strangle him through the glass and use his bones as a lockpick, but— alone?
“No?” Donato repeated.
“You heard me. No.” She stood up. “I guess I’ve wasted my time. Come on, Haise.”
“You haven’t even given him a choice,” Donato pointed out. “At least hear him out.”
She hesitated, but glanced at Kaneki. “What do you think?”
Kaneki frowned. It seemed unlikely they would get another opportunity like this; Donato clearly knew something about what she was asking. It would be key to progressing the story forward. While the main character, Fushimi, and his investigation were generally laid out, the nature of the antagonists— the mysterious lobbyist organization called the Hierophants— and their serial killer partners were still a mystery. If Donato could be of any help, then a simple request seemed paltry in comparison.
Yet for some reason, Takatsuki was ready to give up that information. All because of Kaneki’s inexperience. It was his fault. As usual. Hide still paid Kaneki’s half of the rent. Touka and Yoriko still gave him free pastries. Even at his own job, he still got free meals out of it when he went with— no, he didn’t go with; he followed, like the mindless sheep he was— Takatsuki. He was still a burden.
No more. She needed answers, and he was tired of being helpless.
Takatsuki shrugged. “I guess that’s no deal, Donato. We’ll just be—”
“I’ll do it.”
Now it was her turn to gape at him. “Haise—!”
“I-I’ll do it!” Kaneki declared a little louder.
“What’re you—”
“The boy’s spoken, Sen.” Donato grinned a little wider. “I think we should respect his… tenacity.”
She lingered on Kaneki for a bit longer, searching for something or trying to decide what to say. But nothing came out of her mouth.
“I-I’ll be okay. Really.” Kaneki hated how he stammered, but he wanted to make her feel a bit more confident in him. He had to be his own person.
Eventually, she relented, and she stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll be in the waiting room. Don’t stay any longer than you want to.”
It was reassuring at best, and frightening at worst. “I-I won’t.”
“I mean it, Haise.” There was a strange aspect to her voice, like a trembling tower before it collapsed.
He nodded and gave her his best smile. It was returned half-heartedly.
She shot a look at Donato he couldn’t decipher before stepping out of the room. The light in the room hummed above them, and without Takatsuki’s voice and energy filling the air, Kaneki realized just how suffocating it really was. This atmosphere would drive him crazy if he stayed long enough; he couldn’t even begin to imagine how Donato could live here.
“She’s charming, don’t you think?” Donato looked amused.
“I-I suppose so.” Kaneki rubbed his chin idly. That was an understatement, in his opinion.
“This is your first time in Cochlea, isn’t it? What do you think?”
He shouldn’t answer the first question, but the second one was probably okay. “It’s large.”
“Hm. So it is.” Donato glanced down at Kaneki’s bag. “What do you have in there?”
Definitely don’t answer that.
“Allow me to guess: books.”
Kaneki tensed up, and it was over.
“It was an easy guess, don’t worry. Sen prefers company with other readers.” He stood and walked to the back of the room, picking up one of the books there. “I find myself agreeing; intelligent company is often more pleasing than not.”
Kaneki hated how much he agreed. People who read books and understood their content were surprisingly few and far between. It was why when Rize left him— No, stop that. That’s in the past.
Donato chuckled and took his seat again. “There’s no need to be so tense, Haise. You can be honest with me; it is not as if I will be leaving this place.” He gestured to the egregiously shiny walls and thick glass separating them. “And even if I could, I doubt there is a comfortable life awaiting me. Always on the run, with no way to truly and peacefully enjoy my favorite pastime… No, those days are long gone, and wishing for them will not bring them back.”
Pastime, as in murder. Cannibalization.
“It is better here, where I get two meals and an hour’s worth of exercise a day. On weekends, I even get taken to see the sky.”
And he would repeat this until he died in this very cell. At that thought, Kaneki’s brow furrowed; even for the man who made Kurona and Nashiro’s lives miserable, it seemed a bit much to treat anyone like that. At some point, even the death penalty seemed more humane. “Is… Is that all…?”
Donato laughed. “Is that pity I detect, Haise? Sen certainly has a strange taste in friends.”
He cradled his hands, and started pressing down on his knuckles, one at a time, with the opposite thumb until it cracked. Kaneki winced each time. He wondered if Donato had strangled Mr. Yasuhisa with those hands. What did it feel like, taking someone away from everyone they cared about? What did it feel like, knowing that one action could permanently change someone you’d never met?
“I was given a copy of both The Black Goat’s Egg and The Hanged Man’s MacGuffin when they were released, as compensation for the information I provided. It was… enlightening, so to speak.”
Crack. Crack.
Perhaps Cochlea had served as inspiration for the latter book. Donato’s routine, if it was true, was lifted directly from reality to be placed on the page, though with some minor changes to appear more cruel and unusual.
“For a moment, I almost felt as though there was finally someone on the other side of my cell that saw me—” Crack. Crack— “or at least, they saw my situation.”
With every finger done, he rested his hands back in his lap and smiled. Kaneki was made even more uncomfortable by it.
“They must have caused quite the stir amongst the masses when they released in the order they did. She always has been a bit of a boat-rocker. Ever since she was young…” Donato trailed off, his gaze passing Kaneki and settling elsewhere. “Ah, but that is not my place to say. We are never truly alone except with our thoughts.”
“You… knew her as a child?” Kaneki couldn’t help but ask.
“Just in passing.” Donato smiled back, but there was a thin coat of poison on his lips. “I do not envy her.”
Kaneki briefly glanced behind him, toward the waiting room. Takatsuki having a hard life was a bit hard to imagine, he had to admit. She was friendly, intelligent, and clearly well off. The idea of someone like that falling through the cracks… Well, maybe it wasn’t so hard after all. Failure due to outside circumstances came to people surprisingly easy. As for the nature of that failure, and how a serial killer like the Priest could know about it— that was the difficult part.
“You seem to still be on edge, Haise.” Donato leaned forward. “I may be out of practice, but I know a thing or two about confessing.”
“N-No thank you…” he muttered, curling his toes in his shoes. “Even if I’m… sympathetic to your plight, you still—”
— killed people. Killed Mr. Yasuhisa. Made Kurona and Nashiro miserable for the rest of their lives. Destroyed homes. Destroyed families and friends. Destroyed.
It earned him another chuckle from Donato. “You seem to be familiar with my work. Am I wrong?”
Kaneki shook his head after some hesitation. “I… know the children of one of your victims.”
“A shame, then.” Donato shrugged. “If it is of any consolation, none of my killings were personal. Not really.”
Kaneki grimaced. It meant nothing. He wasn’t even a victim and it meant nothing.
“I am a survivor, first and foremost. I do what I must to feed who I must, and that includes myself.” Donato’s eyes once again wandered over the exposed parts of Kaneki’s body. “And even if I were out and about, you aren’t nearly close enough to my… type.”
‘Type’, as in ‘victim’. The statement made Kaneki want nothing more than to stand up and leave. But he had to stay so that he— therefore Takatsuki— could get what he had.
“What, um… What is your ‘type’?” he asked quietly.
Donato smirked, as though he were waiting for that question. “What else do you know about my work?”
What was it with meeting people who wanted to test him? “I-I know you fed your victims to the orphans in your care…” he mumbled, fighting a queasy stomach. It was on a documentary Hide and he had watched a long time ago.
“Yes, I did. And what do you know about my orphanage?”
“It was the sole reason you weren’t put on death row.” He rested his chin in his hand. “The orphans were intelligent and… well-fed.”
The orphanage was rather sizable, especially for how it was run by not only a single man, but a priest at that. Feeding all those mouths regularly, even with donations and the other components of a healthy meal—
He glanced up at Donato. “You preferred heavier people.”
Yet as he said it, he also knew that didn’t make sense. He had never met Mr. Yasuhisa in person, but he had seen pictures; Mr. Yasuhisa was wiry in every single one, even in one taken mere weeks before his death.
… Takatsuki had asked if he’d been approached for ‘hiring’. Was Mr. Yasuhisa targeted? And if so, by who?
Donato watched the gears in Kaneki’s brain turn. “Sometimes, Haise, when confronting a ‘child’, one must explore the circumstances of the ‘parent’.”
Kaneki blinked, confused. What did that—
“You will find everything you need in my case file.” He smiled venomously. “Good luck, Haise.”
What? What made him think Kaneki could access a government case file? Maybe it was a riddle; Donato seemed the type to like those. How strange that Kaneki would have something in common with a mass murderer.
He went to the door, but then remembered—
“Mr. Porpora,” he turned back around, “I had a question for you.”
“Oh?” Donato, the convicted serial killer, looked surprised. “Ask away.”
“Why do you help Takatsuki?”
A shadow dashed across his face, lancing through Kaneki and exiting through the door. “Vengeance.”
Kaneki found Takatsuki swinging her legs in one of the waiting room chairs, playing with her pen between her nose and lip and reading her notebook. On another day, he would have thought it charming, but Donato’s final words rang in his head, coloring his view.
Vengeance. What did that mean? Combined with her pinpoint question about assassination and the disparity between Donato’s ‘type’ and Mr. Yasuhisa… It couldn’t be a coincidence. She knew something Kaneki didn’t, and she wasn’t telling him.
But why? What wasn’t he supposed to know? Who exactly was he working with?
Who was Sen Takatsuki?
When she saw him shuffle in, she shot up from her seat. “Haise!” She rushed over. “Are you okay?”
“O-Oh, um, yeah.” He was on a slippery slope now; to trip would be to lose everything. “I-It was actually pretty alright…” He needed a plan. He needed—
She gripped either side of his shoulders. “Don’t you ever do that again. Okay?”
What? “What?”
“Donato is dangerous; he’s called the Priest because he was one, and that means he has all the skills that come with it! What you did was stupid and reckless and— and pointless!” She was scowling at him, but her eyes gently wavered. “There’s nothing wrong with a bit of risk-taking, but he doesn’t need a weapon to hurt you.”
Kaneki pursed his lips and looked away. “I-I’m sorry…”
Takatsuki paused, then sighed. “No, no, stop that; I’m sorry. I… got carried away, inviting you here, and I pressured you into doing something you clearly weren’t comfortable with.”
He shook his head and gave a small smile. “Well, we’re already on the other side of the fence, aren’t we?”
“I—!” She sighed again, a defeated smile on her face. “Alright, fine. You got me. Punk…”
He chuckled. “I’ll, uh, take that as a compliment.”
“Sure.” She took out her pen and clicked it a few times. “So, what did Donato tell you?”
Kaneki explained his conversation with Donato to her, but he left out the last part regarding his question and Donato’s answer. She kept her eyes glued to the notebook, taking notes in disquieting focus. She snapped it shut when she was done.
“Alright, be right back; I still have my own questions,” she said, and marched right back into the lion’s den.
Kaneki stared at her back as she disappeared behind the door. She had worried about him and apologized.
She… She cared about him. Him, Ken Kaneki. On some level. Oh, but of course she did. They were coworkers! Coworkers cared about each other. Stupid…
What was he thinking earlier? Donato was a serial killer who probably made his own fun by sending his visitors on wild goose chases. Kaneki, as a new face, was probably a rare opportunity to conjure up something different, especially with Donato’s apparent history with Takatsuki. He was just trying to turn Kaneki against her.
Well, it wouldn’t work.
It wouldn’t.
“It’s rare for you to be so indecisive.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“You don’t want him to find out, yet you brought him here. Counterproductive, if you ask me; it’s new for you. Exciting, even.”
“You’re lecturing me about being counterproductive?”
“… We aren’t talking about me; we’re talking about you. What will you do if he finds out?”
“That’s not important.”
“I thought we promised not to lie in front of each other.”
“It wasn’t a lie.”
“Not to me, hm hm hm… Very well, if you will not tell, allow me to guess. You’re afraid of yourself, yet you want to be known. You want others to know what you are, yet you conceal the truth because you are afraid of being let go. And this boy… You want him, don’t you?”
“It’s so obvious it’s painful, even to someone like me. You’re so easy to attach yourself to someone who might not even understand you; I thought you would have learned by now. Pitiful.”
“… And what about you?”
“What. About. You? I know you send Amon letters, and I know he doesn’t respond to you. Why would he? You’re the reason he was sent to yet another orphanage, irreversibly separated from his siblings. You’re the reason he has no father, and you will die as the reason. No matter how many times you get to see the sky, no matter how much you can appreciate that your children are looking at the same sight, you will never see them again. You will die alone and unloved, so really, the only thing pitiful here is you.”
“… There you are, •|».”
“Shut up. Now, about your ‘hirers’…”
To: Chie Hello, Chie. Can I ask a favor?
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themsleeves · 6 years
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ZANTARAIA doing his stuff... showing it’s more secure to fall with your oponent.
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quirkwizard · 3 years
What other ideas did you have for gyrate?
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So one of the big ideas I had for "Gyrate" is that he could incorporate marital arts into his fighting style. Now while he does use martial arts in the series to great effect, I think that there could by more potential in grapple and throwing focused martial arts like Judo and Jujutsu to name a few. With a lot of these marital arts, its focused heavily around spinning your body and using the force against your opponent. With "Gyrate", Sen could kick that up to eleven with his enhanced spinning abilities. For example, he could grab his opponent, rapidly spin his body, and send them flying, using all that force to deal a lot more damage. Plus, if he happens to grapple his opponent, he could do some pretty serious harm to them. Like he could twist their arms by rapidly spinning his own or get them close enough to deal maximum damage with his blade attachments. Another is that, like Mirio, he could train the Quirk enough that he could use it on reaction. With it, he could redirect or counter incoming attacks, like to deflect a blade. Not the best defense, but still something he could do. Speaking of defense, for other attacks, he could try twisting his body in time with the attack, either moving out of the way or rolling with the punch to minimize damage.
One of my more bizarre ideas for this is him using the Magnus Effect on projectiles. For a quick science lesson, the Magnus Effect is generating sideways force when throwing something. It's basically spinning a sphere or cylinder a certain way to cause it to fly further and hit harder then it would throwing it normally. So, with his high speed spinning, Sen could potentially deal a lot of damage by spinning something sufficiently strong enough, say a steel ball. While it may not be the more effective method of attack, it could certainly give Sen a lot more range in his fighting style that he really doesn't have right now. Most of the other ideas was just various attachments and equipment he could have to take advantage of his Quirk. Stuff like steel bands similar to his blades for some defense, a set of wheels on his feet to move around faster, a larger drill attachment to go around his hand, something like Mei's jet boots that would use his own rotational energy to gain some aerial mobility or maybe even some air attacks. And finally, sling. As goofy as it sounds, it could be a pretty terrifying weapon in the hands of Sen. Some sources have found that, in the hands of a professional slinger, it was about as deadly as a powerful, modern handgun. Considering that was used by a regular person, just imagine someone like Sen swinging that.
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