#just a little doodle because im still so obsessed with him
hallowshumour · 1 month
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codtrashsammy · 1 month
Omg I’m having Soulmate!Simon Riley thoughts
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Soulmate!Simon Riley who has actually been dreaming of the day he finds his soulmate. Like, sure, he’s still an anxious and self sabotaging little shit, but this is the person who is made for him! This is the person who won’t look at him like a monster, who was literally made to be his other half, who will help mend his broken parts with nothing but love. Right? That’s how it works, right?
Soulmate!Simon Riley who can’t wait to meet you. When he’s able to and has the free time he looks down at the string around his pinky, or the soulmate mark on his forearm hidden amongst tattoos, or the writing that appears on his skin (a shopping list he regularly sees tea on thank god-), or whatever other soulmate prompt there is and just gives himself a few moments to actually look forward to something. I’m the midst of wear he has something waiting for him, something to look forward to, and gods he’s gonna do everything he can to get you.
Soulmate!Simon Riley who has put so much faith into the universe because of you. He prayed to god he decided not to believe in because he always received nothing, not when he had to suffer at the hands of his father, not when he went through torture, not when everything in his mind was telling him to give up already, there’s nothing waiting for him in this world. And then he’d glance to his soul mark/string/doodle on his arm/whatever else and realize that there still is something waiting for him- someone. So he pushes through, he finds the strength, he makes it, because nothing on this earth is gonna keep him from you, nothing in this goddamn universe.
Soulmate!Simon Riley who randomly meets you. It’s gonna be something entirely weird and unexpected, but fuck, he’s enchanted. Enthralled. Enraptured. Upon first glance he already knows you were worth everything, you are worth everything. He’s already obsessed- he was far before he met you but gods now you’ve given him every reason to be. Soft skin, soft hair, pretty eyes, a smile that lights up the deepest corners of his mind, and he quite literally just stares at you for a few minutes because for once he’s *thanking* god, that you exist and that you’re here and that he could meet you.
Oh gods and the kicker?
Soulmate!Simon Riley realizing you hate the idea of soulmates and not understanding why. You were made for him, you’re literally his other half, why are you trying so hard to run away when he’s spent his life praying to you? What are you so afraid of? How can he fix it? He’s needed you before he met you and now that he has- you’re not going anywhere, he’ll make sure of it <3
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vendetta-ari · 3 months
Your fav anon is backkkkk! Hey Love! May I request a Vox (and you can include Lucifer too) x Artist (f!) reader headcannons? As I’ve said before, take your time! ♡ ♡
anyways, here Luci + Vox x artist reader
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~ Lucifer and you always create and paint things together, he loves your creativity and he adores your art
~ You and Luci exchange ducks on special days, like valentine's day,  Christmas, and birthdays.
~ You always exchange art tips with each other,  bother being artists and your own unique ways.
~ Many times you have painted Lucifer's ducks for him when he's feeling down.
~ You two took a picture on your anniversary and you printed it out and painted it, he hangs it up on his wall and he always says its “The best thing I've ever, ever owned my dear!” he always gets all cheery and smiles when he sees it
~ You paint lucifers nails for him, last time you made a lil duck design on them
~ People can always tell when you two have been hanging out because the two of you are all giggly and smiling covered in paint
~ You painted a mural in his room, an apple using both his and your favorite colors
~ you give all your art pieces to Luci, you tried to sell one of them and the poor guy almost cried
~ he's basically drowning in your paintings and all your artwork, he doesn't mind at all though. although he is running out of space…
~ whatever he'll just expand his room to fit more of your work.
~ you have forced Lucifer to let you do makeup on him, he wasn't too happy but you laughed your ass off at his annoyance and makeup covered face
~ He cant stay mad at you for too long though, when your mad at luci you'll grab one of his ducks and paint them a different color completely and rub paint off some off his other ducks
~ when you finally calm down you repaint all for them with him though, as an apology. 
~ the two of you often take walks through the rings of hell for inspiration 
~ surprisingly, the screams of everyone being tortured is great to get those creative juices flowing
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☆ Now let's be for real here guys, Vox can't draw for shit, so him being with an artist reader is kinda cute and unique and funny
☆ But you on the other hand, “your art is beautiful! n’ it should be hung up in a museum or something like that doll, I seriously dunno how you do it”
☆ During certain shows where they need sets, props, or anything related to that, you'll be the one painting them being the first to volunteer  you totally didn't draw a dick kn one of the sets and embarrass him on live television pft- noo psh- hah why would you ever do such a thing? it must've been val!
☆ You couldn't keep your laughter when Vox drew that picture of Alastor when be was throwing his hissy fit on live television 
☆ you redraw a picture of Alastor for Vox to tear up crumble and kick around as a stress reliever 
☆ Vox realized that you drew a picture of Alastor, didn't matter what it was for you still drew him, just then he got angry again and demanded that you draw a picture of him
☆ just one more thing to stroke his ego I suppose 
☆ You and velvette are besties, she often steals you away from Vox so you two can draw up outfits
☆ and he totally doesn't ever never get mad at her because of that
☆ You often draw in a red and blue journal Vox gave you as a gift once, it was in a whim but you still love it dearly 
☆ you draw pictures of him and you together with little hearts around them, but vox doesn't need to know that
☆ but one time he did look through your journal, out of curiosity. trying to hide the blush that spread across his face, he grabbed a pen and wrote little messages on a few of your doodles "Didn't know she was that obsessed with me" he mumbled under his breath while flipping through the pages
☆ “We're gonna recreate this photo tomorrow,  meet me at my office in 4:00 dollface” -Vox
☆ when you noticed the note you almost lost your mind fangirling over this TV man
☆So you did as you were told and met him at his office, getting there a little bit early
☆ And just like that he picked you up and carried you bridal style to his chair, kissing you softly all over, with you giggling and blushing, creating your drawing perfectly.
-xoxo, Ari
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sciderman · 2 months
Quick! Infodump about something!
HHH UH. UHHH. UUUUH. okay. okay. i'm going to info dump about what i did today and it's NOT going to be about spider-man. let me infodump about something else i got really giddy about today and that's the crystal palace dinosaurs.
i've wanted to visit crystal palace for the longest time but have never had the time to do it. so i woke up this morning RESOLUTE that today is the day. today is the day i'm finally going to see them. the crystal palace dinosaurs.
they were made in 1857 back before we had all of these archeological finds that completely changed the way we look at dinosaurs. look at these goofy guys. look at these guys.
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they're just giant iguanas. i love them.
i got so, so unreasonably excited about these guys. and look at these wiggly guys. look at them.
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i love this photo because there we have a still breathing dinosaur (the goose) sitting on top of a ridiculous interpretation what we thought a dinosaur was 150 years ago.
of course i was listening to the jurassic park theme song as i went, because the crystal palace dinosaurs were the blueprint. this was the first jurassic park, baby. oh yeah. oh yeah.
i drew the wiggly boy.
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look at him.
yeah, okay i wasn't having a very good art day today and i was too giddy about the dinosaurs to draw anything good. but my favourite thing about my sketchbook is that it is so shitty. and whenever i flick through it again i smile because this crappy doodle means a lot to me. i remember how stupid giddy was when i drew this crappy little wiggly man. and that means so much more to me.
i loved this mural on the restrooms. these funky little guys.
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i kind of am obsessed with our old inaccurate dinosaurs. i'm so obsessed with the little raptors in the london natural history museum because i remember when they were naked. but they put little feather jackets on them since we discovered dinosaurs might have been feathered. look at these guys in their feather jackets.
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they just.. took these guys and put them in fursuits. im gongna cry.
here you go here is my little small fascination people don't know about and that is scientifically inaccurate depictions of dinosaurs. i think about the raptors in their little fursuits ALL the time. AAAAALL the time.
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sualne · 9 months
Sorry if you're already working on this but with Luffy in Croc dad what's his hobby?? Like he's the biggest ball of energy and I think if wasn't fighting wild animals as a kid he would vibrate into another dimension from lack of stimulation. Does he draw and develop his art skills, has he taken up music or is he invested with the void century with Robin? Croc wants to keep him inside and safe so what did he think would be best to entertain him or does he buy a new thing every week that Luffy says he suddenly wants to do. Yes he looks at books but is that it. Also sorry if you answered this before and I've missed waht you said, I am pretty sure I've seen all your comics on this but I haven't seen all your ask answering questions.
i hadn't gotten these questions and im so glad you ask!! :D
so! luffy doesn't have one specific hobby and croc does end up giving him whatever he wants when he suddenly gets a new obsession, one of the reason he's so excited with finding the jewelry box and getting a dagger is because it's finally something new! after that he gets really into rings and knives until it gets bored of it and switch to something else again.
about him and learning about the void century with robin i actually got a comic later for that so i won't say anything here!
im going to make this a list and explain how it goes, under read more:
Fighting: this luffy doesn't know how to fight, but he still love the concept! he gets really excited hearing stories of fights, duels, martial arts and all the rest! In practice though, since he's been so sheltered and only ever saw one real fight that ended up with people being killed in front of him as a kid, if (haha) he were to witness another real fight he wouldn't be as giddy about it as when he hears stories. he does also learn the tiniest bit of kenpo from bonclay!
Dancing: luffy in canon loves dancing (and partying), here too! he doesn't know/master any specific styles but likes to drag people into dancing with him, if no one is around he'll grab some of the smaller bananawani instead.
Singing: he's still very bad at it.
Music: croc noticed how he'd taps on thing and tried to get him to learn some percussion, unfortunately for him, luffy doesn't care about music theory and just does whatever makes him happy. he also love loud noises and croc has to find a way to stop him from making a racket at any hours of the day, it gets worse when luffy loses some of his hearing and needs to make everything even louder. eventually he gets bored of it too.
Cooking: him and croc cooks together pretty often, if no one is there to supervise him luffy will ignore recipes and common sense, making all kind of abominations. it's a miracle he never set the kitchen on fire.
Bugs: he loves them! he collect them! alive. croc is horrified one day when he finds out baby luffy has been letting some food to rot so he could observes flies and larvae going through their little bug lives cycle. later croc gives him those pinned dead bugs collection boxes thinking luffy will like it, he doesnt.
Board&Cards Games: he mostly has to play them by himself, he doesn't like being alone so he'll often ends up playing it "with" the banawanis. after he loses a few too many times against the banawanis and can't get croc to join in for the millionth time he gives up on them. even when robin joins baroques works he still expect her to be too busy to play with him and doesn't ask (she would have accepted if he had asked).
Art&Craft: he tries a bit of everything, doing it his own way meaning most of it is kind of hideous or about to fall apart, canon luffy is completely fine with that, au luffy though, he's having ton of fun at first but when he gets old enough to see that his dad cant quite fake his enthusiasm or interest towards his disastrous creations he gets frustrated and stops for a while. later, robin finds an old drawing of his and thinks its cute so he start doodling a little again for her.
basically, he struggles keeping a hobby, some like fighting, dancing, bugs and staring at pictures in geography books he keeps through his life but mostly, he's very lonely and bored out of his mind, he's depressed, that's not something that can be helped for as long as he's isolated.
when robin becomes a part of his life everything gets better for him! she spends time with him, read stories for him, helps him get out more often, they even meet bonclay and for a few years he's genuinely happy.
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year2000electronics · 5 months
can i just say i LOVE ur world tour AU so much this is so delicious, actively in the middle of my third reread like mmmm the characterization...
obsessed with how u portray JD and Barb, somethin about loner + eldest brother always hits different but JD's entire characterization AUGH i love how u write everyone just obsessed utterly obsessed
thank you so much aaa!! i’ve been having so much fun with the au and writing all the brothers plus the cast of world tour but yes my soft spot is definitely the relationship barb and jd have lol
barb is one of my FAV trolls characters, and just right away i could see the sort of parallels between her and jd where they both honesty believe what they’re doing will end up being a net good for the people they’re trying to help, it’s just that barb cares less about what she has to destroy on her way to do it, because it’ll all be fine in the end when trollkind unites under rock- jd meanwhile is less aware he’s pushing his brothers but he also only sees one way ahead, much like barb’s strings plan
AND THE LONER KID + ELDEST SIBLING THING DOES HIT DIFFERENT i’ve been writing barb and jd with this sort of adopted sister-brother dynamic because there are a lot of barb scenes where she kinda drops her hard rocker facade (like the scene where thrash can’t remember the plan or the scene where barb talks about the pressure of being a queen) and like. she’s very clearly someone navigating adulthood all on her own and deep down she still feels like a scared little girl who wants to lash out at the other kingdoms before they can lash out at her first. she’s someone who could REALLY use a friend, and for jd, who clearly loves his brothers but went solo after the pressure of having to raise 4 little brothers by himself, clearly still has that brotherly love and instinct in him but like. with an adopted sister who’s in her early 20s there’s SO much less stress there. including the fact that she’s technically his boss!
it’s like. AUGH. they make such a fun duo and really care for each other but also they’re being absolutely enablers towards each other where they both nod and are like “everyone who’s raising criticism to us will simply stop raising criticism once i hit the benchmark i need to hit. once i achieve this specific thing, everything will be Perfect and nothing will be wrong anymore”
BAH IM RAMBLING thank you so much for the ask! here’s a barb and jd doodle for your time
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soopest · 5 months
GOD DAMN DO I HAVE THOUGHTS GUYS. but i'll just cover things i think are relevant to the doodles i made afterwards. if you have any questions on my thoughts on things i wouldn't be impartial to asks or replies to the post :3 i just need to rant for a minute im so mentally ill please
knife is only there because my friend watched ii s2 and he LOVES knife and i was like. word. hes awesome so i drew knife for him
HOOO BOY OKAY nickel and balloon. it was a bumpy ride fellas. going immediately from s2 where nickel was kinda a POS to s3 where they suddenly became acquaintances was a little weird to me. (especially in that one episode where silver & candle interrogate nickel about baseball. no suitcase mention?? huh???) but it was cool to see their journey! the buddy-buddy thing seemed weird throughout earlier episodes because in s2 balloon and nickel kinda hated each other's guts so i'm glad that was covered in a later episode and that their friendship was actually solidified. BUT that doesn't leave nickel off the hook if he dont march his ass up to suitcase and say sorry the minute they go back to season 2 i'm gonna have a WORD with that boy
BOT!!! OH BABY BOT they are SO adorable and i loved the reveal that they were a robot! i was so mystified on how bow was magically alive at the beginning and seeing that it was just a product of tt and fan's grief was very heartbreaking... but seeing bot evolve into their own person was genuinely so so so beautiful and the representation for queer folks is done very gracefully and it's very wholesome. seriously im not even trans and i was tearing up like a little bitch y'all. fan and test tube are the parents ever it's so cute and they are the cutest fam ever
silver spoon and candle.... hrrrmmm you are certainly funny little guys.... i would like to put you in a jar and study you.... their sudden intense craving for winning was a little jarring but their dynamic is funny. i didn't like silver much at first but he def grew on me especially in the finals, and candle's friendship with yinyang was really cute too (still bawling he got out i really grew to love him.) AND dont think i didnt see ur blushing in ep 17 silver. im onto you
i already covered bot but i just needed to say their friendship with painty is the BEST THING and for some reason painty just stating they were nonbinary made me unnecessarily happy like YES KING (NONGENDERED) GO LIVE UR TRUTH WE LOVE YOU
cabby... oh you are an interesting little gal. i saw her design before ever watching iii and i was like wow! what a critter! but i'll be so honest at first i didn't like her because her information obsessed demeanor seemed very cold and calculating to me (and i'm so biased for fan and tt so when she got them out i was like. Girl.) but now that i understand her whole character arc, how she learned that its not always about the "facts" and how to lean on people, it was really heartwarming and shes rly grown on me. im a cabby appreciator
blueberry's whole fiasco was interesting. errrrrm u tried buddy that's all i gotta say. respect the hustle man
AND FLOORY IS THERE TOO i love him he's in the club of my favorite brits he's a silly guy
okay. if you read this far i'm so proud of you. also the whiteboard doodle was before i finished the series LMAOOOO um hope u enjoy that. thanks for reading my insane ramblings it might happen again i am not sorry
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dbphantom · 11 months
do you think when a zoan fruit user enters their awakened form it's a constant test of will, not just a one time thing? we saw in impel down if they're not prepared to awaken their fruits that they'll lose control to the animal's inherent nature
im asking because i'd like to make an animatic where a specific user starts losing control while in their awakened form because the fruit and the user de-synchronize due to a sudden emotional gut punch :)
mini essay + lots of manga spoilers below [wano act 3 + egghead]
im kind of obsessed with this exchange kaido has with luffy in 1046
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it's interrupted by zunesha talking about joyboy and while that's PROBABLY what we're meant to assume Kaido's asking (who are you. are you joyboy? or even: who are you, what type of zoan fruit do you have, what is this transformation??)
when we cut back to luffy yelling
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kaido says this
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and the line immediately after
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and im just saying... being a zoan fruit user himself with a crew full of zoan fruit users and a son who accidentally ate a zoan fruit, kaido PROBABLY knows about the dangers of awakening your fruit before you're ready to handle it
so him saying "glad to see you've still got that big mouth, straw hat" is more like... "I'm glad to see you're still you. here's what's happening to u rn, btw" since he already put 2 and 2 together that luffy's a zoan last chapter
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to immediately jump into "we call this an awakening" means that's probably what kaido had on his mind, right?! like he was wondering if luffy had lost himself to nika's will instead of aligning with it and that's why kaido kinda randomly asks who he is, THEN starts explaining what awakenings are once luffy confirms it's still him
after all, luffy's been acting a bit differently since he changed forms and kaido's definitely picked up on that (he's more carefree, he's just a goofy guy now)
im also kinda backing this up with non-canon stuff given the road/lode to laughtale chapters where, along with all the g5/nika doodles, are a bunch of notes where oda questions what the fallout will be from awakening
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[also interesting to note that oda seems to have 'scrapped' the idea that luffy's ability to bring people together was actually one of nika's powers all along. im happy to see that tbh i think he's just a charismatic guy]
and we've also seen that luffy struggles at least a little bit to control his new abilities in egghead
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like, yeah, luffy is kinda clowning on lucci during this fight, but he also barely has control to the point he can't be serious when atlas's life is on the line
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because he was taking things much more seriously before he transforms
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vs after chopper already told him to hurry up or atlas isn't going to make it
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[to be fair, you can argue he does get a lot more serious once the fighting's over and chopper urges him to hurry for the 2nd time
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but this is also right before he detransforms...]
so im just saying
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i'm gonna have fun with this :')
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my cover for teach them how to dream by @im-still-tryin-to-find-it is done!
the full image is here, and below the ~keep reading~ will be the front cover, spine, and back cover individually in better quality with explanations (this will include minor spoilers, mainly references to specific scenes i think are cute)
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for those of you that haven’t read tthtd and don’t want spoilers, read it! you won’t regret it. if the color and joy i tried to convey on this cover is any sign, it’s every bit as cute and bright as i’ve drawn it.
front cover (click for better quality):
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so the front cover obviously has the most easter eggs, but i’ll explain them all here for all y’all who are interested:
the stars above the blackboard are meant to resemble the glow-in-the-dark stars that are referenced a few times throughout the story
i really hope some of you get this but i added those white/blackboard borders teachers would always put up with fun patterns on them, i picked the alphabet
the chalkboard drawings!
a stack of chocolate chip pancakes because harry is obsessed with them
a whisk from james and regulus' halloween costumes
a text convo because the texting is pretty important in this fic
the framed poem!!
forget-me-nots because they just remind me of jegulus
snowflakes and hearts because of james’ love confession on christmas
butterflies flying in the shape of a heart: one is red for james and one is green for regulus
and finally a sunrise/sunset because james texting reg sunrise/sunset pictures!
ofc regulus likes reading in general but i drew the books specifically thinking about when regulus goes to lily’s bookstore and they first become friends
a pen cup both because it’s a classroom and because i wanted a way to represent regulus and james’ love of writing (thinking about the scene where regulus just looks at james' empty google doc and starts writing)
a rotten apple to reference one of my favorite scenes, chapter 6: the apple orchard, when regulus and james are talking about the kids finding rotten apples and then james has to eat one because harry asks him to
the desk, idk why i just picture regulus having this needlessly fancy wooden desk
and finally the sun streaming through the windows, i’ll explain a bit more when i get to the back cover
spine (click for better quality):
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not much to go over here but
used the ao3 logo as a publisher mark
same writing of the title as the front cover but in solid writing instead of chalk
paint splatters for the background!
back cover (click for better quality):
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starting with the background, again we got paint splatters
most books have a review on the back so i included an excerpt of my own review at the top
then one of my favorite quotes which is just so cute shut up don’t talk to me (this quote is part of the reason i included the sun streaming through the windows on the front cover)
and the official description by gabby from ao3
i used hearts as a separator between the words just because love!
and there are little doodles around both to fill space and also for the vibes
copied the cover art credit format from some books but without the publisher cuz there is none
and then the barcode! believe it or not there’s a lot here:
first of all the price, books in the us usually have prices written like that but the second one is canada- i changed it to international because it's the internet! and the marauders fandom is international!
the barcode itself is made up i just drew it
but the numbers are code for a series of letters (the alphabet where every 10 letters is assigned to the numbers 0-9) it spells “caught the moon” which is a reference to regulus and sirius’ memory of sneaking out to go capture the moon
and the qr code is a real qr code that leads you to the first chapter of tthtd!
ok that took forever to type out lol
i had a bit of trouble trying to balance out the kindergarten-y aspect with the actual plot and love story but i'm pretty happy with how it turned out anyway
if you haven’t read teach them how to dream yet PLEASE do, making this cover and going back through all my favorite parts of the story was such a joy and i really hope you appreciate it! i could only include so many references on this cover, there's so much more in the story.
going to go take a break and not move my hands for 5 hours because i just typed this all out on my ipad.
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
Obsessed with this last series of quotes from the book with the players talking about what it felt like to play hockey at that cup-winning all-powerful kind of level:
"no matter what pressure i recieved from opponents, everything was standing still. I moved much quicker, much faster - doing a lot of things to help the team win the game. I get 29-30 faceoffs every game [....]. That's a lot of work, but i realized that i started getting better. And even the film shows that everybody else was standing still, but I was moving. It was an amazing feeling." - feder*v
This idea of the 'zone', where you're so focused on the task at hand that time goes mushy, and every action feels very intentional. That's a very intellectual, creative thing too. I've experienced it in writing, in drawing, and even in programming or conceptual mathematics proofs sometimes. And i will confess, i never thought it could be a creative part of athleticism as well. That exclusively 'jock' sort of side was so devoid of my life, i would never have considered it. I think its one of the reasons larion*v fascinates me - he kind of found it easy to straddle lines - russ*a vs the un*ted states, brain vs body. I think he was so successful at it because he didnt listen to the pressure telling him he could only be one thing.
Anyway the book defines this phenomenon as this:
"the zone - they seem to be able to anticipate a sequence of events so they're exactly where they need to be"
My way of relating to this is definitely on the arts side. For me the brute force practice is always the little doodles - the studies of anatomy and color. Usually where im focusing so much on trying to replicate something that i've turned the creative part of my brain off. The 'zone' only happens when im drawing something from imagination - the creative part definitely turned on. And everything kind of falls into place, and I'm using stuff that is stored in my memory, but am effortlessly translating it into exactly what i want to see on the page. This only happens in like 10% of my art. Probably why im such a shit artist. I imagine with professional athletes the percentage of time spent in the zone would have to be a LOT higher, especially during playoffs.
"flow - the psychology of optimal experience - a state in which people are completely absorbed in an activity, especially an activity which involves creative abilities. During this optimal experience they feel strong, alert, in effortless control, unselfconscious and at the peak of their abilities"
SIGH the dream. I do like that the book just blantaly states that hockey is creative haha :D Why HAVENT there been more ex hockey player artists, i feel like someone should get on this. Someone tell geno or sid to take a few conceptual art courses at cmu or something :P
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tabbysdumb · 9 months
Oooh I'm obsessed with your OC Raeve. what's his deal?? what order of kr is he?? I'd love to know more he is very handsome and cool
Wahhh thank you I'm trying to pull back my depression. Raeve is my Lil guy.
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Raeve grew up from a small lower class light eye family. His main friend growing up was a parshman child who was raised to be his servant. He was born into a light eye family as a dark eyes due to his mother cheating. His parents hoped they could marry him off to another light eyes as their best hope from him. He is trans tho and obviously this wasn't what he wanted. He didn't mind the feminine life style of learning to read and write and learn scholarly things. He just hated having to do so as a women because that's what he was born as. As he grew up the more he lost. His friend became more of a shell than a person he had to follow the customs of the feminine life and then his parents ended up finding a family to marry him off to.
He then made a scene taking off hid glove and curring his hair in front of his parents. Stating her wasn't going to marry and wasn't going to stay living as a woman.
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His dad decided that it he would prefer a dead child over the embarrassment that would come from a dark eyed child that wasn't even his.
This is how Raeve got his scars. His friend ends up saving him he bonds to an ashspren and gives him time to get away. Raeve being injured and scared he ended up bonding with beacon and falling into shadesmar. Where beacon ends up helping him heal and get back.
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here's a little part im building nor sure how i wanna plan this out
Raeve becomes an assassin in part to travel and record more of the animal and plant life because that's what he enjoys. He ends up going back to kill his dad his dad having a shade blade. Raeve takes it from when he goes. Its does scream like the others for him. It's more like crying and begging for help. It's his friends spren. He's used it from time to time. And the moments he's gone to shadesmar he's see the dead spren following him.
Here's beacons shadesmar first draft of his design. raeve is a willbringer.
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And that's everything I have on him so far. Still building and editing his story as I learn more because I'm a wee bit dumb. But wahhhh I love when others are interested in my ocs. It warms my little heart.
Hope you enjoyed this Lil thing with my Lil raeve doodles ignore spelling or grammar issues and the color mistakes because u used aggie for some of these doodles and it's hard to pull the colors you need the first image is his official color choices.
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quillsink · 2 years
my troy + abed + annie roommate HCS!! tagging @abednadirsgf (no pressure btw obv)
troy and abed are Obsessed with bubble wrap. they just are. abed sometimes carries a bit with him to fiddle with and one time the two of them go Crazy and tape bubble wrap to the dreamatorium walls, floor, and ceiling and spend a day in there just popping all of it.
yk how in remedial chaos theory we see abed fiddling w a pencil? he does that All The Time and i hc he picked it up frm annie like she does that when she’s nervous and he picked it up. aaaagh i just love shared/influenced mannerisms we are all mosaics of everyone we love!!!
AND!! in relation to my last hc the REASON he picked it up is bc the two of them study together (I Love Them.) like yea it starts out as spanish bc the group never actually studies and they both want good grades but then it jusr becomes them Vibing together. abed will bring his film class stuff and annie’ll have her administration work and they’ll just vibe in annie’s room, abed sitting cross legged on the bed pencil behind his ear whistling doodling cameras and scribbling concepts on a notepad while typing up a script and annie’s lying on her stomach next to him highlighting a textbook!!
at first it’s just them studying in silence or abed asking annie a q ab spanish but one day abed is having a Brain Not WorkTM day and has a midterm tomorrow and is Freaking Out and troy’s at dance class so abed’s like “hey annie. hey annie are you free” in this very calm voice. and she’s like hey sure what’s up. and he’s like oh nothing i’m just going insane what about you. and she’s like What and he starts pacing and ranting and she’s like hooooly shit dude chill. and then they sit on her bed together and annie opens her laptop and opens a folder titled “ADHD” and then flips through a bunch of stuff til she finds the executive dysfunction doc, and she says “ik adhd and autism aren’t exactly the same, but executive dysfunction is a shared symptom so maybe this can help!!” and she walks abed through some techniques she uses and they work and he just gives her one of his little smiles and says “thanks :]”. and he’s mentally like hmm. i want a hug but how do socialise. agh. and she’s like “AWWW ofc abed!!” and hugs him and he does his little :] smile again and hugs her back!!!
all three of them hold hands, this is because they are best friends and they love each other, btw. if u even care. 
annie helps troy realise he has adhd!!! he casually mentions stuff here and there like memory loss and some auditory processing difficulties and shes like “ohh yea that sucks huh!! adhd can be the worst sometimes :/” and he’s like sorry the What. and she explains adhd, and he’s like. tell me more. and then it somehow winds up as a montage with a powerpoint and one of those boards with red yarn because it’s community, it’s annie, of COURSE it does, and soon troy’s like, wow. holy fuck. okay wow this explains a lot. and then has a slight anxiety attack like holy SHIT this changes EVERYTHING im not normal aaaaaaAAAA and starts rocking back and forth so annie freaks a bit bc holy shit what has she done to her best friend and then she just ends up holding him and tells him it’s okay, troy, it’s okay, you’re still who you are, now, you jusr have an explanation, like. and she explains how she felt when she got her diagnosis, like the puzzle pieces fit together, and yes it sucks life can be harder bc of adhd but also learning ab it explains it all. and then she gets out her computer and shows him all the folders and tips and he’s like. holy shit i love u. 
They Are Cuddly. these are some touchstarved motherfuckers. like troy and annie are very physically intimate w friends but abeds a little more hesitant bc he’s scared of reading things wrong. but he learns w troy and annie they’re okay with it. they initiate and enjoy hugs and hand holding and cuddling and they smile at him if he initiates it so he stops being worried about it and soon the three of them are just Like that. avg friday night u look in at apartment 303 u see them all huddled on the couch, abed curled into troy’s side and annie sprawled across the two of them holding abed’s hand with her head on his shoulder. I Love Them So Much It Is Unreal.
btw. friday nights are movie nights for them. they will cancel every other appointment damn it all to hell friday nights are for Them and for Them only!!! they take turns picking the movies and they love it, annie makes microwave popcorn for her and troy and abed makes buttered noodles but still sneaks some of troy’s popcorn and he always puts two forks in the buttered noodles so troy can have some. even after they’ve all graduated and left when troy comes back to america whenever the trio meet up it’s always on a friday night, for old times’s sake.
okay wow this got long!! if u made it this far thank u for reading i love u here have a cookie 🍪 
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leafticket · 2 years
ik i still need to finish the last 2 days of the acnh 14 day challenge lol idk why ive been putting it off. but i just came across a post someone did where they shared their favorite villagers (design-wise) in each species and i thought that was a cute idea so i want to give it a try!! here are my opinions lol:
alligator: SLY!
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i think the alligator model is super cute but im kinda neutral abt all of the designs. sly is my favorite though because i think he’s the cutest out of all of them and i rly love his color scheme! also his eyes are so pretty hehe :”~)
honorable mentions:
roswell — i think his pattern and eyes are so cool!
drago — SUCH a cool concept!!! i just am not loving how garishly pink his mouth is in contrast w all that green 😅
anteater: ZOE!
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this girl is SUCH a cutie!!! i love the little like.. baby outfit (?) theme and i think her colors are so pretty… i also (you guessed it) rly rly love her eyes. the three eyelashes are so precious
honorable mentions:
pango — i love her overall design and her colors, i just like zoe a little better lol
antonio — MY BELOVED BABY BOY!!!! i love his eyes and especially his pattern!
bear: KLAUS!
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GENUINELY so obsessed w this absolute legend… his face is just so beautiful like look at that nose 😭😭😭 and his curls too ugh just so cute. i also think his colors and eyes (im so predictable lol) are just really great!
honorable mention:
charlise — my mom my sister my cool aunt etc etc. my best friend 🥹 she just has the kindest most knowing face… the most expressive eyes… i love her. my giant gummy bear… my wee sing big rock candy mountain snoodle doodle….
bird: ROBIN!
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idk i just love the colors / placements on this guy!! i am a huge fan of primary colors and he absolutely does it for me :D (also look at the highlight on his cheekbones i just noticed it… wtf. king)
honorable mention:
ace — a cool guy with great colors! i just don’t love his eyes rip
bull: NOBODY.
im so sorry 😭😭😭 i just don’t rly like any of the designs. i guess coach is the best of the bunch for me but definitely not enough to feature on my list imo.. i would still love and embrace a bull w all my heart if they moved in though 🥲
cat: TABBY!
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GENUINELY obsessed w this girl i need her on my island someday 😭😭😭 her nose is just so cool and i love her stripes! her design / colors have a lot of personality idk i just really enjoy looking at her
honorable mentions:
mitzi — one of my favorites from pocket camp! she’s a cool gal i rly love her colors and her siamese points!
rudy — ive always thought he’s so cute lolll 🥹 he reminds me of the ih*p mascot i think the pancake’s name was rudy lol so he fills me w nostalgia
chicken: BENEDICT!
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IN LOVE w this dude’s facial features. his eyes remind me of… OH GOD i forget what it’s called but it’s like the brown teddy bear cub w the angry eyebrows that goes viral on here sometimes? idk. [EDIT: RILAKKUMA!] but more importantly those… DIMPLES? idk what they are but i just adore them. he reminds me of a friend of mine who has extremely prominent dimples so seeing him reminds me of her and always makes me smile! also i think his colors are so cool!
honorable mention:
plucky — i just think she’s neat! she has cool colors and feels very hen-like to me idk lol
cows: NOBODY.
im so sorry 😭😭😭😭 i genuinely want to like the cows and i mean i do… tipper’s design is the most appealing to me out of the four and ofc ive had norma on my island and she was a sweetie. but i just don’t fully love any of their designs ☹️
cubs: TAMMY!
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i love tammy’s design so much!! her eyes are rly cool w the two lower lashes and her smile is just so expressive.. and ofc i love yellow 🥹 i almost feel like she should be a bear rather than a cub though? her face feels too like… grown (?) to be on a cub model lol. but i also think having that kind of face on a cub gives her a lot of character! im getting cool mean jock girl at school vibes and i love it lol (also this has me wondering… has anyone ever tried to like graft acnh designs onto other (similar) models? like making bears cubs and cubs bears… swapping bulls and cows, monkeys and gorillas, ostriches and birds, etc… that would be so cool if they did that lol). ANYWAY…
honorable mentions:
maple — ive had her on my island before and in accordance w popular belief she is very cute!
judy — another popular one who i rly like! i think it’s mostly bc of her name though lol i think judy is just such a good name. but i mean her face and gradient are very cute too!
deer: BEAU!
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probably my favorite conventionally attractive / celebrated villager LMAO 😭 i just think his eyes are rly cool and his design is just so… idk. wholesome and comforting? yeah
honorable mentions:
lopez — i love this guy’s eye style and pink eye shadow! his colors are just rly cool
zell — SUCH a cool design. and look at those curly horns!! :D
dog: BUTCH!
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butch’s design is just so pleasant to look at idk! he is the dog ever 😭 he just is like really comforting… i hope my future dog will have the same aura as him lol
honorable mentions:
bea — one of my old residents / dreamies!! she’s absolutely gorgeous 🥹
benjamin — MY BABY BOY MY DARLING MY ANGEL!!!! his nose… his whiskers… 😭🥹💓‼️
maddie — a cutie!!
marcel — such a funky design! i think his whiskers are super cute hehe
duck: MALLARY!
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this girl reminds me of… omg im so sorry 😭 but like the girl in the esch*ton 9000 meme. w the pixie cut and the :3 smile. LMFAOOOO but i think that girl is very pretty (SORRY) and i think mallary is too! her eyes are rly nice and i like her kinda edgy sideswept bangs! (also i just thought of another (probably better) comparison: the one and only broadway legend and wlw icon miss j3nn c0llela 🥴🥰)
honorable mentions:
gloria — i think her eyes are SOOOO cool. ilysmge i love you so much gloria’s eyes
ketchup — not the biggest fan of food-inspired villagers but ketchup is a cutie!
that’s all i can fit in for part 1 bc of the mobile photo limit lol! come back tmrrw for part 2 (i’ll try to do a post every day and then maybe return for the last 2 days of the 14 day challenge 🥴)
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mindrole · 3 months
lately im properly keeping off my wrist, ive never had an injury (at least not from strain, ive hurt it def though, i got launched off a treadmill once when i was a kid) but i fear it, so i'm being vigilant. i'm fine tho. but its really boring cuz i usually doodle to fall asleep...
but i was thinking like, cell series character designs are really great, i think there's a wonderful uniqueness to them in the design philosophy, but
isn't everyone so difficult to draw....?!?!!! usually i feel like... after the first few times i don't need to pull up a reference anymore, but with the characters in this series no matter how many times, i still look up refs, btw did you know shinano has two tone hair? it's not a shadow.
shinano in fact is up there in difficulty... i think balancing his facial proportions is difficult... he should be so cutes and so adorables but he's not like, karen or izu. the hair is also kind of a challenge, namely his hair after he got a haircut.
the character i think is easiest to draw is ryuu. definitely. i've seen people say hatsutori is deceptively difficult to draw. i agree... even though i feel like by some miracle i understood how to draw him much better than others, he's REALLY hard!!!
the funny thing is, recently the last ryuu i draw, i said "i looked at a ref for once"? well its cause i usually ref my own art. usually it's fine. for ryuu who is easy for me to parse it's usually fine, but i realized recently the bangs were wrong the entire time, so i wanted to try being on model at least once (whether or not i apply it correctly next time is a big "maybe"). also i always draw the bunny ears too short, but that's usually something i am very conscious of (because it is a moe point that i hate that i neglect. MOE IS KING)
of course you'd think... well you draw miwa almost every day... you must be proficient in that? the answer is NO. in fact, he's the only character i am pulling up a picture from the actual game to draw almost every time. CONSISTENTLY. dita's look is easy enough to understand i guess, but the usual look, what's with those bangs?!?!?!!! WHY? i draw his bangs too long, but honestly that's not something i'm interested in rectifying. if anything, i've literally never seen anyone draw him 1:1 to the one picture we have, i feel like everyone struggles. genuinely have not seen any two artists draw him the same. so i am not worried about trying to be "on model". it's his fault for having such a weird wig in the first place. i mean, look, im gonna put it under a readmore and i genuinely want to know if you guys think it's fucked or not. i think it is. usually i have like, the one canon picture we have right, and then 3 of my drawings to ref how i did it, it's a struggle every time. but he's too funny. a character who haunts the interlude and doesn't have a single line in it, only ever talked in the one com report. so i keep drawing him because there's so many jokes to make at his expense. it's very cursed. i think having this blog made me a little obsessed.
for the dita look like i said in another post there's a lot of inconsistencies so i just take what i like. though for the most part i follow the design in the interlude. there's not much to comment about, aside from how i'm wondering where his ahoge is actually placed on his head. i just decide on the fly because i can't tell. it's not consistent between appearances. i won't talk about the scarf i'll start foaming at the mouth im not kidding
not even going into the characters i find near impossible like theodore. i'll cry. i'll be here all day. haruki is hard to draw too...
anyway, here's your serving of miwa's fucked up wig that haunt my nightmares every day because i hate drawing this hair so much:
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i hope he DIES in com for this, is he stupid?
i hope everyone finds out he's 60+ years old and he has to hold a press conference apologizing for lying about being a recent ex-teenager
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variousxreader · 3 months
i see you said we could send in Koby thoughts… im so obsessed with Koby it’s not even funny. i have an ocxcanon ship with him that ive made over 100 doodles of in a few months and at least 10 pages of dumb thoughts for
i very much hc him as bisexual , usually in my mind he’s cis but i love transmasc Koby too. he’s perfect every way. but i am very much of the opinion he is very muscular either way and dedicates himself to being in the best shape possible.
my oc is a marine so A LOT of my hcs are revolved around a marine s/o who’s his superior. they’re on garp’s ship together and he gets them to talk. oc is a bookworm and has no social skills but Koby is enamored with their insane amount of knowledge and passion for reading and enables their infodumping 24/7, borrows books and they work out together. they get close over their Marineford trauma and eventually cross the friends to lovers bridge because they spend sm extra time together after and understand exactly what’s going on with the other’s mind.
and even though they wouldn’t be able to be together often, I think Koby is a very mature and understanding partner who is able to handle long distance and leaves little notes for his s/o to find, calls them at night once his work is over, and always makes sure to hug them whenever they see each other again. he gets little trinkets for them or a small bouquet of flowers if it’s been longer and will spend the entire night with his attention on them.
i think he’s awkward but well meaning early in a relationship!! scared of messing up or worrying he’s not good enough and still being oh so very shy later down the line. kiss him long enough or pepper his face in little smooches and he will be so!! So embarrassed!! but he loves it… he’s less forward physically but loves to talk and just. look at his so and admire how pretty they are. but I think he loves spooning them and kissing the back of their neck, their cheek and their shoulder at night, or their forehead if they’re facing him. he loves it when they lay on his chest and caress his face. he would be insanely flustered but so tickled by them wearing his shirts or jackets, his old bandana too…
he’s super shy but extremely loving and lovable. i am actually in love with him. no man has ever affected me as much as the existence of Koby and rambling here makes me want to post about him and my character again LOL, thank you for enabling my Koby fixation
Of course!!!! Hes just such a good boy!! I love the marine lover ideas too, but im such a sucker for Koby falling for a slightly older or his age pirate!
Hes so salty he fell for a pirate but he can't help but be so smitten with them lol when i can im writing away for the one shot i mentioned, but that idea spawned a larger fic which accidentally became 2.5k of introduction. Which will allow me to now devolve into chapters of doing whatever i please with the man lmao! It was 100% meant to be smut but i might accidentally turn it into a slow burn romance who knows!
The one shot is now going to be an off shot of the main fic, but being an omegaverse au version. Hell it might not even be a one shot but a mini chaptered fic its self! It could very very well end up as 3 parts or longer
Bi Koby is a dream. My ass really wants to drag him into a reader/ace/sabo/koby relationship thats all levels of debauched.
Theres just something about Koby that makes me primally insane.
Like i fucking love ace and Sabo, but they're so dominant and more sure of themselves (yes even ace) than Koby still
Koby really is the type of man i wanna shake around like a chew toy because hes so precious.
Feral cute aggression w the blorbo.
I shall hug him and squeeze him and call him george,
Also put him into sexual situations that render him fucked absolutely stupid because hes so innocent and sweet and i want to deflower the sweet thing
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ok I usually don't share my art here and I ESPECIALLY usually don't share art I've shared with people I know irl (staying anonymous and all that) BUT I have GOT to share this little halfling barbarian I drew for a (dnd) one shot I'm writing
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terrible I know. very much a quick sketch but I just had to get her out of my mind and onto paper. not that she could leave my mind as i am obsessed. some details under the cut :)
Jordan (she/him) is a halfling barbarian who I came up with yesterday when I was doodling during a lecture (that I was supposed to be taking notes during haha it's fineeee) and I'm obsessed.
He is a cute little guy who wields a hammer comically too large for her, but he's getting used to it. as of right now he's going to be a level one barbarian when I make his character sheet, so he has time to grow into her awesome weapon of choice.
the reason im using she/her is actually because I originally drew her as a boy:
(warning very much a sketch, drawn on old work)
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but then later when I was still thinking about him I remembered that he'd most likely be played by a female member of my group (his character would fit best imo) so I redraw her BUT I love how both the designs turned out (despite their roughness lol) so much that now i just fully hc her as genderfluid
the stringed beads hanging off of the bottom of the handle on her design is an addition from her niece, actually part of a bracelet that broke, but the beads stayed on because of pearl necklace-style knots. the triangular patterns on the hammer in his design are just a cool pattern a traditional family pattern with familial meaning idk what though
yes there are inconsistencies in the designs, so some clarification: I like his hammer better, but I like her shirt better, so for the "official" design those would be what they look like.
also I am fully aware that I am rambling and probably no one is interested enough to be reading this far, but I'm so obsessed with Jordan that I had to make a post.
ok thank you for listening byee :))))
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