#just give me my level 50 pls
isatoru · 2 years
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 13 days
Hi there!
If you still take stardew valley requests please write hurt/comfort with Shane and (gn) reader about Shane getting progressively more worried about the farmer each time they go mining because of all the injuries they get there to the point where one day he snaps and breaks down in front of the farmer. It would be nice if you could show shane slowly loosing his mind each day but that would probably make the fic longer so no pressure. just pls make sure theres comfort after the hurt, bad endings make me sad :(
Thank you in advance, and even if you choose not to write this i hope you still have a lovely day.
I'm always down for Shane angst <3
In my main file I fear he's like this bc I'm constantly coming back from the dangerous mines/skull caverns on like 1 hp at 1:50 am
(Spring, Year 1)
"Hi, Shane!"
"God, what do you want now?"
"Nothing. I'm off to the mines." You grinned at the rugged man in front of you, holding up your pickaxe. "I'm shooting for level 120 this time, and hopefully I can pick up more gems along the way."
Shane raised a brow. "...and I care because?"
"You don't have to. Just thought I'd let you know."
'What? Like you think I'll go looking for you if you pass out? Forget it. Whatever happens is your own damn fault."
"I know the risks, but thank you." You politely answered, ignoring his blunt rudeness before checking the monster slayer guide. "The Adventurer's Guild wants me to slay a ton of bats...only 200 more to go."
""Adventurer's Guild?" Sounds stupid and childish." He grumbled, taking a swig of joja cola in his grasp. He was already running late to work, and he didn't want to get yelled at by Morris.
And he certainly didn't want you, the new farmer who made it their mission to annoy the shit out of him everyday, being the reason.
"Well it's neither of those things. It's actually thrilling." You chuckled, before digging an emerald out of your pocket. "I meant to sell this yesterday, but you can have it."
"...the hell? What am I supposed to do with this?" His brows furrowed at the green mineral you shoved into his hand.
"Keep it..for good luck, I guess?" You shrugged. "You can put it in your pocket and forget about it if you want. I just wanted to give you something nice. Plus, not to be weird, but...it kinda reminded me of your eye color."
Normally, any other villager would've been thrilled that you wanted to befriend them with gifts that reminded you of them.....
Yet Shane just stared at you as though you've confessed to stalking him.
"If you wanna give me something that's actually "nice", buy me a beer at the saloon next time." He sneered, brushing past you and continuing towards JojaMart, while you headed north of town, already knowing what you're gonna do tonight.
When you looked over your shoulder, you could see him pocket the emerald rather than throw it away despite him passing by several trash cans.
And you smiled.
(Present Day)
"Awh, you still held onto that emerald even after all this time?"
"Yeah, so what? It was the first gift anyone's really given me.." Shane confessed, heat rising to his cheeks as he held the mineral between his fingers. "I never believed in all that crap about crystals and "energy" that Emily talks about. But..I just like keeping this one around. It's like...erm..."
"A testament to the start of our friendship and eventual marriage?" You cheekily grinned as you polished your weapon, before looking to your husband.
He nodded. "Exactly what I was gonna say."
"I know you so well." Chuckling, you walked over to kiss him on the cheek. "I'm gonna head to the mines, okay? Welwick says the spirits will shower everyone in good luck. I wanna see if the fabled prismatic shards really do exist."
Almost immediately, Shane froze..and he found himself wanting to desperately say "no" and convince you to stay on the farmhouse.
But he didn't know why.
From the moment he met you, he knew you sought adventure and profits in the mines, fighting all sorts of monsters for the Adventurer's Guild. He's seen skeletons, mummies, and golems caged up at Spirits' Eve festivals, but never the wild ones below the surface who attacked you relentlessly.
Yet you never let the constant dangers deter you from exploring.
Mining was exhausting work, yet rewarding every time you cracked a stone open to find a diamond or discovered a treasure chest. With the materials you've gathered, you were able to craft some rings to wear, enchanted with powers to help make your excursions easier and safer.
Despite being well-prepared, though, Shane did have his concerns...especially as once you came home after clashing with skeletons, a scar on your head from a flying femur bone that still hasn't fully healed.
You only went to Harvey to get it checked out after your husband--who was your boyfriend at the time--insisted on it.
Even before that, he'd see you around town, bearing a new bug bite, scratch, burn, bruise, or bandaid on your body.
It never worried him before, but after that skeleton incident, he finally understood that those monsters were real and you were seriously getting yourself hurt.
He'd go to the mines with you if not for his fears that he'll only make things worse. There's a good chance he'll slow you down and find himself getting swarmed by slimes, bats, bugs, and whatever the hell else was there....and he wasn't exactly the most fit to swing a sword or pickaxe.
Simple walks made him tired.
What good would he do?
"Shane? What's wrong?"
Blinking, he snapped out his thoughts and saw your concerned face. "Nothing, sweetheart." He dismissed, giving you a little smile. "Just be careful out there, alright? I'll take care of things here."
"Thank you, baby." Smiling back, you gave him a kiss before heading out the door with your backpack and tools. "Off to the bottom of the mines I go!"
Shane tensed.
As quickly as the door opened, it slammed shut, and he was left by himself in the cabin.
It was an uncomfortable silence.
'Maybe I should've tagged along.....buh, what am I saying? They'll be fine. They do this all the time. Stop getting so worked up, idiot..' Clearing his mind yet again, he went off to check things around the farm for you, deciding to watch TV later on.
There was gonna be another Tunneler's game tonight, so at least he had that to look forward to.
Nothing like that, some good food in the fridge, and this cozy cabin he got to call home...
And it was all because of you.
If you could build everything here and still having the energy to go mining and fight monsters, why should he worry?
1:20 AM
After a productive day, Shane managed to fall asleep early for once.
Only be woken up by the creak of the bedroom door.
Light almost immediately flooded his vision, stirring him from his slumber as he grumbled and tried to shield his eyes, wondering what time it was.
"Fuck..morning already-?"
"No, honey..it's...just me. Sorry.."
He blinked, sitting up to see that it was only you coming into the room, removing your rings. One of them served as your light source, yet it didn't hide the numerous scratched and bruises that littered your skin.
And they were all fresh.
"Babe, wha...are you okay?" Shane was now fully awake, watching as you peeled off your jacket and trousers, tossing them into the corner of the room before dragging yourself into bed.
Only then could he see your injuries up close and personal, and his heart began racing. "What happened? You look like hell."
"I'm fine, Shane. I just..need to sleep it off.."
"B-But...there's blood everywhere.." He mumbled, his eyes going to the clothes in the corner. "I can call Harvey-"
"No..don't. I already patched myself up. I'll be fine in the morning..I just wanna be here with you." Smiling weakly, you kissed him, before putting the prismatic shard into his hand. "Look. It exists...haha...it's so pretty, right? It's yours."
He didn't know what to say, staring dumbfounded at the mineral.
What hell did you go through to get this?
And as much as he loved it..why get it for him?
Why risk your life?
But when he looked back to question you further, you were already passed out beside him, looking peaceful despite the wounds on your body.
Eventually, he slid the prismatic shard under his pillow and laid back down, only to hesitate in wrapping his arm around you.
All he could do was gaze at your exhausted face..and the dried blood under your nose.
Least to say, he had trouble falling back to sleep.
Ever since that night, Shane's grown increasingly worried over your safety during your mining trips. And it began to affect his usual routine around the farm.
In fact, calling it "worry" at this point would be a heavy understatement..
It became straight-up paranoia.
Whether you headed off to the mines or Skull Caverns early because of an "extra lucky day" or simply because you needed a specific resource, you'd always come back home the same way:
At later hours, with more injuries and bandages than last time, constantly on the verge of passing out and barely able to hold a conversation with him.
Of course, you'd have breakfast with him, and you'd never leave the farmhouse without giving him a kiss...but it did nothing to ease his mind, as he'd constantly see your wounds and dread whatever horror stories you were about to tell him.
Even though you're perfectly nonchalant as you talk about a serpent who tried wrapping itself around you and squeeze every last breath out of your body, it made Shane feel utterly sick to his stomach.
How could you be so calm after so many brushes with death?
He didn't understand.
On the surface, he seemed fine with you leaving. But when you did, he'd find himself turning to beer to calm his nerves..although most days he was able to resist the urge and occupy himself with farming tasks or video games.
Despite this, he hasn't outright told you anything. He knew mining was your passion and thought you'd chastise him for "worrying over nothing".
So he kept it to himself, thinking his anxiety was being stupid.
Then the final straw came the evening when he got a call from Harvey's clinic around 5PM.
One that he hoped to never hear:
You passed out, and were currently being treated for serious injuries.
He bolted out the cabin, all the way to the town square and damn near broke the door down. There, Harvey, Linus, and Marlon were at your bedside, the latter two having brought you in after seeing you fall unconscious in from of the elevator, covered in blood and shrapnel.
Fortunately, you were expected to make a full recovery with just stitches and some IV fluids to rehydrate your body...but you still owed Shane one hell of an explanation.
This time around, you landed in an "infested" area of the 100s, trying to use a bomb to kill off most of the monsters.
Only to trip over a stupid lava crab and drop the bomb after you just ignited it, damn near losing your leg trying to kick it away from you in time.
And by the grace of Yoba, you were able to limp your way back to the ladder, return to floor zero, where Linus so-happened to be passing by the mine entrance.
You gave the poor old man quite a fright, as he didn't know how much blood on you was from the monsters...or you.
In the end, the bomb left shrapnel in your flesh, searing your clothing and requiring stitches to ensure you didn't bleed out. You appreciated Harvey for his quick work and for Linus and Marlon for taking you to him.
However nobody in that clinic was more terrified over your condition than Shane, who was in disbelief that you were able to stand and walk back home with him after getting discharged.
He wouldn't talk to you, although his hands shook as he helped you into bed, still sleeping beside you like he did every night before this.
But this time...he had the worst nightmare possible.
He was down in the mines with you, except he felt stuck and couldn't do anything to warn you or save you from the impending danger.
It was like he was spectating a game, instead forced to watch as the bats and monsters made of shadows descended upon you with their teeth bared and claws out, tearing into your body. You had yelled for him to save you, to stop being useless, damning him for not stopping you from leaving...yet their horrible noises drowned out any further shouts.
Then you were gone.
You were gone and he failed you.
And it was all his fault.
It made him joltbwide awake at 3 AM, and he felt like his heart was about to burst from his chest. His mind kept going to you, constantly checking to make sure you're still breathing, unable to fall back to sleep for a while.
When he did, he was in tears.
"Shane, I know last night was bad. But I'm not-"
"You're not going to the mines today. I mean it."
Dumbfounded, you gazed at Shane, who was physically blocking you from leaving the cabin. A scowl was written all over his face.
You sighed and rubbed the side of your head. "It's only the first few levels, honey. Willy needed bug meat for-"
"Right. The "first few" you say, and then I'll get a call from Harvey at 2 AM about you needing emergency surgery again." He gritted his teeth, tears coming to his eyes. "Whatever he or anyone in this damn town needs in those mines can wait. Why can't you just stay?!"
"I don't understand.." Your eyebrows furrowed. "You never cared before if I went there. What changed?"
"What changed....? What changed is that I've been having a lot more of sleepless nights lately! I can barely eat or do anything except worry and worry about you. And it's because...because..." He trailed off.
"Because what?"
You sighed. "Shane, if you're not gonna tell me what's wrong, then I don't see why-"
"Because you've been scaring me to death okay?!" His hands now gripping your shoulders as he stared at you. "You think you're invincible, but you aren't. What don't you get?! How badly are you gonna let those things hurt you?! Or be the reason YOU DROP DEAD AND DON'T COME HOME?!!" He screamed.
Your own eyes widened, stunned by his words..and eventually you saw the realization flash across his face as he blurted out his true feelings.
The ones he tried to hide from you, yet consumed him for hours upon hours whenever you left for the mines.
It made your heart plummet.
His breath hitched, and you then saw the tears beginning to fall from his greenish eyes.
"[Y/n], you saved me from throwing my life away. And...i-it's like you're throwing away yours for no reason!" He sobbed. "Night after night, I have nightmares of seeing your limp body..a-and....and I can't save you. I can't do anything except scream and beg them to stop hurting you! But they never listen! A-And...I just...I-I don't wanna lose you. I can't lose you..."
He looked totally shattered, making you finally realize how serious this was.
Your guilt right now was immensurable, watching the man you loved fall apart right in front of you.
And it was your fault.
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry..." You pulled him into a tight hug, and he completely broke down in your arms. His quiet crying became muffled by your shoulder. "I..I had no idea you were feeling that way. Why didn't you tell me about the nightmares sooner?"
"You would've thought..th-they were stupid. Or that I sound "needy" or controlling.." He sniffled. "I-I know I can't stop you from going, but...I just..a-after what happened to you last night, I...I.."
"Oh, honey..that was my dumb mistake. The monsters had nothing to do with my injuries." Rubbing his back, you gently kissed his head. "I was tired and got clumsy with a stupid bomb..but I promise it won't happen again. You're right. I'm not invincible. I need that reality check sometimes."
He didn't say anything, instead holding onto you tighter.
You never realized how badly your mining trips and injuries were affecting him...affecting this very relationship.
The Shane you met back in Year 1 could care less if you dropped dead. He outright said he'd never go looking for you and that whatever happened was your own fault.
But the Shane you knew now was crying in your arms over the mere thought that one day you'll go into the mines and never come out, holding it all in until he couldn't anymore.
You've really helped him open up to you, but now you were tearing him apart inside and never really knew it until this point.
"W-Will you just..stay here today, please?" He finally spoke, not caring about how needy or pathetic that sounded.
"...I will." You answered. "I'll take a break from mining for a good while."
"....you would do that for me?"
"Of course. I'd do anything for you, Shane. Hell..I'd give that up altogether if you wanted me to."
You felt him shake his head, and you chuckled, squeezing him tightly. "I'm only kidding, but I promise. No more mining this week."
Shane raised his head up, looking to make sure you were serious. And he saw nothing but sincerity in your expression.
You sighed softly and cupped the sides of his wet face, seeing the torrent of anxiety and frustration raging like an ocean current in his eyes. "You must've felt so lonely and terrified, baby..I'm sorry. I won't make you feel that way ever again."
He sniffled again as you brushed away his tears, before taking ahold of your wrist to kiss your palm...where your first scar from a rock crab came from.
How badly did he wanna kiss away every scar those bastards left on you until none remained.
Some faded with time and care, but others were more permanent--testaments to your survival down in the mines..as well as your several brushes with death.
Heat rose to your cheeks, watching him become so affectionate and gentle with you, even though he knows you're not made of glass whatsoever.
Eventually, his tears ceased as you both decided to go lay down on the bed together, with Shane cuddling up to you and resting his head on your chest. All he could hear was your strong heartbeat drowning out the noise in his mind.
It was still kicking, like you.
"Thank you..god, that was exhausting.." He mumbled. "I'm sor-"
"You don't have to be sorry for being honest with me." You reassured, petting his hair. "I just..wish I picked up the signs sooner."
"INah, I should've been clearer...and maybe that would spare myself this headache I got now.."
"Hmm..how about we sleep in until you feel better? Then we can check on the chickens."
Feeling him nod and wrap his arms around you, you took that as a "yes" and chuckled softly, knowing you weren't gonna leave this spot anytime soon.
But that's okay.
There's no other place you'd rather be. Not even the mines.
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topguncortez · 2 years
omg I usually never ask for any fix but I cannot get this out of my mind now:
Leaving the kids with Uncle Bob and Uncle chicken whilst opposites attract!Jake and Y/N go out of town. Like im talking about:
Uncle chicken giving the kids a bit too much freedom then immediately regretting it
Uncle bob thinking he can totally wrangle the kids and WRONG he’s OUTNUMBERED
Possible scenario involving a skunk and CASES of tomato juice cans
Maybe they take the kids to a lil kids center
Maybe one kid gets uncle chicken to chase them through the play set and uncle chicken gets stuck in the slide ( bob has to push his ass through)
Maybe they accidentally put the kids in a slightly dangerous situation (sitcom level dangerous) and they bribe the kids with ice cream to not tell their parents
parents come home and uncle bob and uncle chicken are epitome of chill
“Hey why are there 50 cans of tomato juice in the trash ca-?” “ GOTTA GO” “ HAVE A GOOD NUGHT”
Basically I’m envisioning: adventures of a babysitter, the pacifier, and parental guidance
Ooooo orrrrr opposites attract spin off: adventures of the babysitters (like lil mini stories lol)
Omg I promise I’m done now your fic just made me so happy and I couldnt help myself - have the bestestttt day 🫶🫶🫶
See, when it was just Alex and Ella, Uncle Rooster had everything under control. Alex was easily entertained with hours of Smithsonian TV, and Ella was just months old watching her godfather with big green eyes. Now when Ella got older, Uncle Rooster realized he might have his hands full. There was once where he turned around for a couple seconds to tie Alex's shoe, and Ella was gone (she saw a dog and wanted to pet it), so after that he brought in Uncle Bob.
Uncle Bob had things a little bit more under control when it came to just the two Seresin kids. . . and then Eli came along. Bob and Rooster thought Eli was going to be easy, be just like his older brother. . . but man, were they ALL wrong. Eli was proving to the world very quickly he was the youngest Seresin (I mean, he showed everyone he was running things when he decided to come a week late. . . and while Y/N was at home). Bob and Rooster's biggest fight with Eli was trying to keep his clothes on.
Bob and Rooster had contemplated leashes for the Seresin kids when they go out. Alex tended to stay by their side, he was so much like his mother, he didn't want to stray away from comfort from them. Ella was adventurous and would take off. . . Eli would try and take his clothes off. Eli also liked to cause a ruckus by throwing fits. There were times were Rooster would get glares for the crying child in his arms cause Eli would throw himself on the ground.
They thankful that Phoenix was named Jasper and Maxwell's godmother, cause that means she was ALSO added to the baby sitting roster. Except she never seemed to have as many issues as Bob and Rooster do.
"How do you do it?" Rooster asked, staring wide eyed at the five sleeping Seresin kids on the couch, "Did you drug them?"
"No!" Phoenix whisper-yelled and hit his chest, "The key is no sugar after 4PM, and make them run around in the backyard for hours. Jasper was falling asleep in his highchair." She smirked, and walked back over to the couch. The boys stared at her wide-eyed like she was about to wake a sleeping lion.
"What are you doing!?" Bob whispered as he watched her pick up Ella, who wrapped her small arms and legs around her aunt's body.
"Putting them to bed," Phoenix said, "They're sleeping, pick them up gently and put them in bed. I will put the twins down." Phoenix watched over her shoulder as Rooster tiptoed over to the chair were Eli was sleeping, and gently poked his cheek before reaching down to pick him up.
--- --- ---
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bamsara · 2 years
pls tell us the story of the random family rescuing u from the beach
So when I was younger I was in this program called the Upward Bound program where if you came from a poverty/low-income family, had deceased parents or had no generation of your family go to college, it had highschoolers take college classes while also doing their regular highschool courses, but it was PAID for by the goverment, textbook and supplies and meals and all, and all the students needed to do was keep a high attendance, attend mandatory meetings and keep an above average grade level in the collage courses. I was in that program from 13yr old till graduation.
Well you were ALSO required to take collage classes AND live in dorms on site during the summer. So when summer break started, I got bussed to a collage campas two hours away from home when I'm like 14 and so forth, got a roommate and woke up at 6am everyday to get onto ANOTHER bus to go to the sister campus to take classes until 5pm and then eat dinner and then go back to dorms. Very stressful, but it was ALL paid for, including the meals. Kinda needed it.
So all that seems really bust right? After summer classes, the program offered field trips to all the students as a kind of 'good job!' that was PAID FOR. Meals, hotel, they even gave each of us $50 in cash each to get souviniers and let us loose in gift shops. In the four years I remember going to a Florida beach twice, Six Flags once and then some sort of national park in Tennasee that had fireworks at night. Core memories right there.
Anyway, one of the years we went to the beach, we had to stick to the rules of: do not go past a certain point in the water, stay in a circle area of the shore, do not talk to strangers, ect ect. It was 2 adults handling and watching about 20ish teenagers, so it was a bit hetic. In my defense, I never even meant to go far out into the water anyway because, eh, I can't swim that well sdglkhsdlgsd
Welp, I got washed away. Like, I'm not even that far out into the water but I'm not a very big person. I'm 4'9 and 100 something pounds, I get constantly mistaken for a middle schooler (detragatory) now, I was even smaller back then. It's something out of my control but the ocean does not give a fuck when it's hitting you with a big wave out of no where and you're getting pushed down the with the wind.
For about 10ish minutes I keep trying to get up (my feet could touch the sand but barely, I was originally in water that had me up to my knees but it had pushed me out to where it was up to my neck and starting to go over) and I was really struggling. At some point I went under and realized there wasn't any sea 'floor' that my feet could reach to push back off of so I was stuck trying to doggy paddle or flail to the surface. Trying to float wouldn't work because the water wave would just push me back down.
At some point I felt something really harshly grab my arm and I got yanked out of the water and dragged to more shallow water. It was this dad-looking guy and what I'm assuming to be his wife or something were asking me if I was okay. Apperently this vacationing family saw me struggling and the dad came over to help out lmao
When I looked to see where I was, I was like a mile and a bit away from where my original location was. The water had pushed me under and diagonially away, classmates and councilors were like tiny ants down the side of the beach. I just told the guy I was fine, I was here with people and pointed him out and he let me walk down the side of the beach (see: the walk of embarressment) back to my class. I didn't get in trouble or anything but I did sit under the towel and eat watermelon with some folks for the rest of the day though
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hananoami · 1 month
Honey pie idk ur pronouns so imma call you silly pet names if you don't mind.
But pls save me 😭😭😭😭
I've been playing since release every day but it takes too long for me to upgrade my characters, I'm not f2p since I pay the autumn pass every month but since you seem far into the mechanics do you think this game is like, pay for play? I just wanna know if I am doing something wrong or if I'm a victim of capitalism 😭😭😭😭😭😭
to start off i wanna mention that my main account that i've been blogging about here is pay for play. however, i do have a second account that's completely free to play. with that said, here are my opinions from both point of views.
it all depends on your playstyle.
if you want to see fast results then it's 100% pay for play, but if you don't mind the slow grind then it's relatively f2p friendly.
i say this based on my own experience.
on my f2p account it's been a slow grind to level up memories and farm resources to be able to clear higher level fights. that's to be expected tbh. which is why i have to prioritize on what i want to focus on (ie. spending stamina to level up/ascend memories or farm protocores) and have good time management about it (ie. making sure not to cap on stamina, remember event deadlines etc). if you ask what i mostly focus on it's leveling up memories to level 60, as protocore farming requires a lot of stamina (20/run). protocore farming is late game content so i don't mind just doing the 1 core hunt a day to slowly build up those resources.
on my main account, to get to where i am, i spend quite a bit.. yet still responsibly and within my means. like the game says "Enjoy the game but don't get addicted" no one should ever compare their current standing to other players and should play at their own pace. there's absolutely no rush when it comes to the game!
so to answer your question: no, you're not doing anything wrong. time is money. all gachas are designed for you to want to pay to get ahead without waiting.
i do think the reward drops in bounty hunt are kinda lacking for the amount of resources required to level up memories past level 50. that's why as a f2p player the double rewards drop events are so good and you shouldn't miss out on those. if you're looking to level up fast then you're going to have to pay the price… literally :x
i also want to point out that there are also more ways to farm passive diamonds and other resources in game now thanks to the quality time updates. many new achievements have been added to the game that are easily obtainable by simply logging in. the new weekly activities even offers the ability to earn free pulls and stamina by spending "quality time" with the guys. ez right?
of course, there's always room for improvement. some things that many players have voiced their concerns about that i also agree on are the following:
optimize the battle features regarding the level difficulty and the rewards
adjust the rewards for getting duplicate cards
to reconsider scheduling of events -- a week for a limited-time banner doesn't give players enough time to save and should be longer
sorry this was such a long reply. i put a lot of thought behind this because i really want to stress that you're not alone in feeling that the grind is slow as a f2p/aurum pass player, and that you shouldn't feel discouraged by taking a while to clear a stage.
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peachgea · 1 month
THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD 🤣 the aggressive excitement - and i totally get it
yes i have been playing LDS from day 1 (and then sporadically)! i've read up to the end of main story chapter 8 and some of the underground stories, but not all of the lore (got some anecdotes to read through too). tbh the more backstory i read, the more sad i get 😭 especially about zayne
anyway the stats:
started out as a zayne girlie and then converted to xavier
my affinity levels are all 50+ (don't @ me) but my cards are still level 50 or below (the grind is real)
i have used the work/study/exercise modes a few times and it makes me crack up when xavier shows up to study with his sunglasses on, just to read a cookbook while i work??? alright you do you (this is only made funnier by xavier's card involving egg tarts)
btw how am i supposed to exercise when they are breathing down my neck constantly 😭😳
i get unnecessarily competitive about the kitty cards game. zayne bow down i Will Win
i will make more LDS memes from time to time (xavier workout 5star please come home!!)
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justrandomthoughs · 2 years
Just vermax being confused but supportive when dragon reader and Jace end up smelling like eachother (they steal eachother’s clothes without the other knowing). He thought his master’s mate was the other girl (Baela) but clearly not. Now he’s just wondering when she’s going to start popping out eggs.
Another situation:
“How many children do you want?” Reader asks Jace. “Idk but I’ve always pictured myself with a big family. And you?” He says. Reader thinks for a moment then smiles
“….five..five children..atleast” (ik reader is going to get dicked down so good pls-)
Okay, okay, okay. First, a joke/anecdote. When I was younger, like 12-13 (before I stopped being religious, lol) I wanted at least 4 kids. Two girls two boys, because if I fuck up one I have an extra. Lmao, what a cruel bitch lol. Now I only want as many kids as I can handle, but at least one. I don't know bro, I fucking hate how much I like people and kids, I just want to love on them lol. Thank god I'm not going to have one till I'm 35 or something lol.
But in A Song of Fire and Ice, you GOTTA be popping out babies because lord only knows what will happen to them after they leave your womb (lol, fml). Also dragons lay in clutches. I don't know if the readers of ASOIAF really know about the intricacies of dragons sexual cycles, but I know that we saw the dragon eggs that Daemon got in HOTD. I'm not particularly into egg laying kinks, but in compensation (also just biology), Dragon! Reader would probably gives birth to twins most commonly (50%), triplets second most common (40%), and a single baby very rarely (10%). She is gonna be a fucking brood mother. What a terror lol.
Also yes (sorry lol I addressed the blatantly sexual part first), both Yan! Jace and Dragon! Reader take each others clothes. For Jace, the scent grounds him and reminds him what he's fighting for (also Alicent always comments about how he smells like dragon [your scent is similar but so distinct that nothing else is as intoxicating to him]). For you it calms the power/rage within you and makes you level headed. Both of you always smell & give a kiss to a piece of cloth that has each others scent on it before battle. It's like a promise to return to each other. No matter what.
Finally (lord help me I'm sorry about the structure of this lol, I did it most to least invigorating to write about—so in case you were wondering the method to my madness there it is), I don't really know how Vermax thinks about Dragon! Reader. Could it be in the same vein as Daenerys's dragons, like working in a pack? Probably not unless they were raised together. But I think Vermax would respect the reader as he recognizes your strength and approves of you as the mate of Jacaerys.
Hmmmm.... I still need to think about Dragon! Reader and dragon interactions/relationships lol!
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castielsparkle · 5 months
toys guide for howrse.com (dailies edition)
HI this is going to be as brief as i possibly can and not super in depth BUT. here!! most of this is just like daily stuff u can do to get items and moneys (:
go to community > directories
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go to horses > check "Show only special horses"
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here you can interact with a few other players divines each day to receive items!
XANTHOS (5x a day)
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when you stroke a xanthos, a horse in your breeding farm will receive 10 energy points!
EDIT: as mentioned by @corinne-eaglebridge-sso in the replies -
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(text above: reply posted by corinne-eaglebridge-sso 8 hours ago, reply says "I would recommend petting Xanthos 5 times each day! Each has a low chance of you receiving a horn of plenty the next day!")
FROST (1x a day)
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defrosting a frost has a chance of granting you a hypnos' blanket black market item! (when equipped to a horse this item allows it to be bedded without being registered in an equestrian center!) and on the first of each month a frost is granted to a player who defrosted her within the past month (:
ARCHIMEDES (1x a day)
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archimedes will ask you a question, and if answered correctly you both make the horse more intelligent and win yourself an aging point! if you're not too savvy on horse trivia most of the answers are online somewhere to my understanding tho lol!
TOPAZ (5x a day)
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you can congratulate up to 5 topaz a day, and they will net you 50 equus each! (250 equus total!)
this is still divine related but it isn't exactly one of the daily things here - if you rename one of your horses to "junior croesus" there is a chance it can turn into a croesus divine. similarly, there is a chance on the first of each month that a player who has logged in at least 20 days in the previous month can win the divine cascade! and for every player, as long as you have logged in the previous day, you will receive 100 equus in your reserve if you log on the next day :)
if you go to breeding farm > office > the safe haven
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you can stroke one of three randomly selected horses residing in the safe haven, and sometimes they will give you an apple or some equus etc as a thank you :) i'm not sure how many times a day it is exactly but i know you can do it more than once lol, i just check every few hours and do it when it allows me to
if you go to achievements > daily objectives
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there's a little place to win passes (premium currency) from daily objectives! you can get up to 30 a day - every now and then the requests are a bit nuts lol but often times theyre fairly easy! you can also swap out one objective a day for 20,000 equus. there's also a gauge that resets every week and if you fulfill ten of the objectives you're granted the horn of plenty black market item!
under trade > item exchange
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there is a place you can swap out which black market items you have between other players up to three times a week! you can make offers and/or fulfill them:)
and on a final note for the quick item/money-grinding etc etc - i HIGHLY highly recommend doing their events when you can!! the minigames are usually pretty entertaining and the gifts are usually surprisingly generous for not being super paywalled!!
as of writing this they're doing two minigame events:
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i only just started the blast: winter minigame a few hours and i already got two precious level companions, a fertility wand, 3*** victory ear bonnet + polo wraps, a lunge, a vintage apple, and 200 straw, and i still have three more chests waiting to unlock :D!! and even if you don't want to use the black market items you receive you can usually trade them in the item exchange so i try to get as many as i can regardless esp since theyre free!!
ok hehe that's about it off the top of my head for daily stuff sorry the post is so lengthy LMFAO but!! if you guys wanted tips about horse/donkey/pony/unicorn skill/gp maxing PLS feel free to ask that's my fav part of the game :") i unfortunately don't know jack shit about selling horses or running an equestrian center bc im usually on the consumer end lolol but!!!<3 ok yay have fun horsing around :3
edit: also!! not to plug hehe but if you want to add a friend on there my user is lesbitwisparkle (on international server) and i love to help out with giving congratulations and fulfilling daily objectives!!<3
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mezmer · 1 month
Are there any solid studies on how kratom affects the body?? Everything online either hails it as the safest miracle substance or an evil opiate demon no inbetween.
Great question. I'm aware of this fact, and it has made my life more complicated and stupid than it needs to be. Massive post about kratom. Pls read whole thing so you can share this knowledge with others/use it to your benefit @lovecomesdown
Personally, no, I don't see solid studies very often, but I have peeped a few. Tbh, I'm not a big study guy anyway. I've spent hours and hours engaging in the community, talking to lifelong drinkers and drinking it myself. Here is an excerpt written by a researcher that I think sums up the scientific perspective (or lack thereof) perfectly: 'A growing number of studies, mainly of cross-sectional nature, describe the widespread use of kratom by individuals to self-treat pain, psychiatric symptoms, and substance use disorders (SUD) outside a controlled clinical setting. Preclinical evidence suggests kratom is effective as an analgesic agent and might decrease the self-administration of other drugs. A randomized controlled trial has further supported kratom’s therapeutic value as an analgesic. Investigations in nonclinical samples of long-term kratom users also indicate its therapeutic benefit in managing SUD symptoms (e.g., craving) and long-term or acute symptoms (e.g., withdrawal) for alcohol, opioids, and other illicit drugs. However, episodes of kratom-related intoxications have also been reported, often due to the adulteration and the contamination of kratom products mainly sold online or mixed toxicities when consumed outside clinical and traditional settings.'
I know you said you're interested in studies, and I just don't see them often. As for the latter portion of your message, I can give you some context. I think of myself and most other kratom advocates as having a nuanced perspective because we all want this plant to get to those who need it most, and that is that.
So for me? First of all, I will tell you that kratom is several times safer than opiates. It doesn't send me into a stupor or affect my cognition. Kratom has never caused me to nod off or feel high. I am able to enjoy my life free from the shackles of chronic pain. If I drank all day long, I might feel a little silly in the evening, but it is nothing like weed or alcohol. That is my little anecdote.
Here is another fact I will tell you, that I know to be true without a shadow of doubt. You cannot die from using kratom alone. It might turn you into the equivalent of a pothead or smoker who can't go anywhere without drinking some kratom first, but you will not die. It's a plant, and untreated, it doesn't appear to cause any serious health problems. I have seen studies that looked at liver levels of decade+ long users that show the liver is largely unaffected by Extreme kratom use. I can pull that up for you if you're curious. And more importantly, you cannot die from a kratom overdose. It is Physically Impossible. If you drink even just 10-15 grams of kratom powder, you will vomit it up and feel like crap for a few hours. Kratom can indeed make you nauseous. The LD50 of kratom (meaning you get a 50% chance of dying) turns out to be 50+ kilograms all at once. (one kilo of kratom lasts me over a month as a daily drinker for context) This is impossible. It is like trying to overdose smoking weed. Just isn't going to happen.
Furthermore, I've sat in on an American Kratom Association meeting and they stated that they'd looked at every single autopsy report 'involving kratom'. All of the toxicology reports had other substances, revealing kratom only to be a minimal commodity. There is no recorded death from only consuming kratom, regardless of what retarted shit you might see on the internet.
So why is kratom banned in a few states and countries? I couldn't fucking tell you, lol. It's probably just the same reason minors can't buy cigarettes and alcohol, and why you need a license to buy weed in some states, or places weed is illegal, etc. It got banned because it is HABIT FORMING. Regulators and advocates alike are too lazy or broke to put forward the effort into getting studies out that will make kratom officially medically viable on paper. Honestly, I am okay with that. I have my vendors and I can purchase it as needed. I don't think I would enjoy being prescribed kratom ...
Don't buy kratom from smoke shops, and always go with trustworthy vendors. Since kratom is literally not regulated by the state, there are a few shitty vendors who add things such as tianeptine (which still probably won't kill you) and other gross shit.i actually think this is quite uncommon, considering you can just Google safe kratom vendors and find them. That said, I have drank some rank ass cheap kratom, but it never made me feel high or anything other than kind of shitty. But still, don't do that. Buy from reputable vendors such as Wildcraft herb company (my number one, my great friends), WestKoast botanicals, or DowntoEarth botanicals. They lab test and will talk to you about where they source their leaf from directly. This is more than you'll get out of most food companies you probably buy snacks from, anyhow. Good luck asking your milk company what city they keep their cows in for that batch, or asking nestle to send a lab report of their cookies or whatever shit. Kratom vendors can be very wonderful people
I am a recovered fentanyl addict and I know in my heart that kratom is safer for each and every addict and chronic pain patient. It can't hurt to try it if you fit these descriptions.
That said, if you are not a chronic pain patient or a hardcore opiate addict, I wouldn't recommend trying it because there is a fair chance you'll find yourself dependent on kratom. It's very easy to do actually! Kratom does dance around in your opioid receptors. Kratom is so interesting in the way that it does this, though. Unless you get a really strong batch or take way too much, you aren't going to nod off, which is the prime characteristic of opiate use. You also don't feel that wave of cumshot ecstasy for hours like you would with an opiate. If you've tried kratom, I needn't explain, then. Not much to explain otherwise because it really isn't that intense of a feeling. It's like if Tylenol were actually good; it's like if you could take medications that actually treat chronic pain and be a responsible parent at the same time.
I'm apart of kratom communities outside of tumblr, I am friends with kratom vendors and bigtime advocates. I communicate with members of the American Kratom Association, and I am even in a facebook group for mothers who had consumed or are consuming kratom during pregnancy. If you want more info on that, I can tell you everything, but I don't see any need to include it here. Long story short, kratom is very unlikely to harm a child who is exposed to it in utero. Ideally, if you are a recovering addict who wants to stay clean using kratom while pregnant, you'd want to not buy the sketchiest shit possible, lol.
If you take a LOT, babies exposed to kratom in utero get WD symptoms, because people can too. That is why Kratom is habit forming. It can cause some discomfort when trying to come off of it. Quitting kratom is like quitting cigs no matter what "r/quittingkratom" tells you. As I said, unless you think kratom fits your needs as an addict or a chronic pain sufferer, or perhaps somebody with severe anxiety even (kratom does help that), I would not dip your toes in the water because kratom's benefits wouldn't be what you are looking for.
Hmm... I can't think of much else. I hope this post helped you and you can ask me any questions you want
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dobutsu-crossing101 · 5 months
This boycotting Studio Pav is so dumb and this is why I think so!
Man idk if anyone has been seeing the Studio Pav “boycott” surrounding the Onlyoneof tour but it is just so dumb first off if no one knows the boycott is over the snapshots (which are pretty much just Polaroid pictures there’s standard and premium options) going from $50 to $80 for the premium which is only being offered for the tour and everyone is pissed about it mind you this is their second tour and it’s a world tour unlike last year when it was just a North America tour they’re also at bigger venues because this will be a sold out tour so of course prices are going to go up but like that’s the ONLY thing that went up in prices tickets for the concert are relatively the same as last years with a new vip tier VVIP+ being the most expensive package and like these girls are being just so terrible and gross about people buying snapshot photos to doxxing them online and saying they’re ugly and disgusting and that they’re going to hell and it’s like why WHY ARE YOU SO PRESSED OVER A PRICE CHANGE ESPECIALLY since a lot of these girls who are “boycotting” bought VVIP+ tickets!!! So how are you gonna boycott something but still give them money so all y’all look stupid cause Studio Pav already got your money so what’s the point of this boycott?? Like they’re making it seem Studio Pav has done this horrendous thing putting them on the same level as Starbucks or McDonald’s when all they did was raise the snapshot photos prices (which studio pav said it was because they didn’t want to have a lot of people like last time since they were exhausted after the concert so understandable) like not even the ticket prices were raised JUST the snapshots!!! Like why can’t you let people buy what they want with their own money and have a good time like last year I couldn’t get any vip package so the snapshot was the closest thing I can do to getting some interaction with my favorite members and maybe there are people who are in a similar situation and just want to get a chance to meet them like these people are so nasty on Twitter and in the comments saying they’re going to boo everyone who got snapshots and it’s like shut the fuck up like you’re not even boycotting correctly cause if you were actually boycotting then you wouldn’t be going to the concert at all not buying VVIP+ tickets 🙄 my hypothesis is that these girlies went last year and was able to get a picture with all 6 members are now pissed that the can’t afford to do so now so now they have to make everyone else miserable and on top of that NOW all of a sudden there’s like “scandals” about Studio Pav and how the workers and the owner or whatever of the company were homophobic and like I said I went to the concert last year NOT ONCE did I see ANY sort of homophobia from the workers or form anyone for that matter there were pride flags everywhere but now all of a sudden there’s “let me tell my story about studio Pav” tweets and like where was this last year??? You had to wait until now to tell your story cause if it was me getting terrible service or being treated wrong I would be on Twitter that very second not wait a year idk me and my friend both agree that this is just a bunch of nonsense if you bought snapshot tickets then pls enjoy them and have lots of fun my pictures came out amazing I smile and giggle every time I look at them I love them so much ☺️
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skinks · 1 year
I got tagged by @rockcandyshrike to do a wee music meme post and I’m gonna follow her example and do my top 10 most RECENT repeated songs because that’s more interesting than just my top 10 repeated songs. gives it a lil summer snapshot. I find that I mostly listen to metal and prog in the winter whereas as soon as the sun is actually warm I remember funk and classical exists lmao
1. Breakwater - Release the Beast
However hard you might imagine this song goes, you’re not ready for it!!! Heard this for the first time before the Coheed show the other night, immediately recognised a part of it being the origin sample for the entire daft punk song “robot rock”. This is so insanely good, and my discovery of it coinciding with actual summer weather means I’ve been blasting it while driving around with my windows down nonstop lmao. You’re welcome fellow citizens. The beast is fucking released
2. Bilmuri - BOUTTA CASHEW
Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean I stop listening to metal and post-hxc… Bilmuri have never failed me except for the fact that they never tour the UK. The danciest tongue-in-cheek bangers this side of dance gavin dance
3. Halogen - U Got That
SPEAKING OF DANCE!! Who among us can resist a house drop when it’s this chonky. I heard this on a tiktok meme shared to tumblr that I had to do like 3 levels of googling to understand because I’m an old woman. But this song makes me actually want to go to a club for the second time ever in my crone life
4. Caroline Polachek - Caroline Shut Up
I had heard a snippet of one of her songs ages ago and it didn’t wow me, but I gave her new album a try and holy moly!! Really interesting acrobatic vocals plus lush dense intricate dramatic varied production… im in love. Even though this is actually from her first album, it’s the best example of what I like about her stuff. She’s like a mix of Bjork and 90s Madonna and Enya and Imogen Heap. And brother I’m nothing if not a Heaphead. Caroline pls come to Scotland
5. Maria Callas - O Mio Babbino Caro
I got this song stuck in my head and of course it’s so hard to sing along to a soprano aria, but I specifically love this Callas version because the way she really takes her time with the phrasing emphasises the longing of it and it makes me cry
6. bel canto - A Shoulder to the Wheel
Recently discovered there’s a name for an artistic aesthetic I have VIVID memory and nostalgia for from the mid-late 90s - the name of the aesthetic is Global Village Coffeehouse. I found a 50 hour gvc playlist on spotify and have been finding banging new music one of which is this song!! I love the propulsive synths and drums and the DRAMA… let it wash over u
7. Chris Rea - On The Beach
It’s got to be this specific single version not the slower album one! My whole life I only knew Rea as the singer of a pretty great xmas song until this April when my beloved pal added this to our Highland roadtrip playlist. If this doesn’t get you feeling like a neon-soaked sweaty lounge-lizard having a hallucinatory tango under a palm tree with a sexy extra from Miami Vice idk what will
8. Aviations - Coma
Is it really a joe skinks music post if there’s not a 10 minute prog metal song………….
I’m hoping their last two singles this year mean we have an imminent album incoming and it’s gonna SLAP as hard as the rest of their output! Aviations embody everything I love most and seek out in my prog metal; super agile clean AND harsh vocals interacting with the extreme amount of syncopation and intricacy in the instrumental arrangements. Aviations use piano in their compositions better than any other prog band I enjoy. I mean listen to this shit it’s beautiful
9. Stereophonics - Pick A Part That’s New
I had a really fun time making a playlist of songs I remember my parents always playing in my childhood, it’s full of a lot of 90s soul and electronic music and also this… whiny britpop. But it surprised me how much fantastic whiny britpop there is
10. Sumerlands - Force of a Storm
My brother introduced me to this album and it truly fucks how much they sound like an old-school Heavy Metal band while being fully contemporary. Like they truly sound like Sabbath or Iron Maiden but with modern production sensibilities. I LOVE the strength of this guy’s voice. Like if this doesn’t make you feel like a barbarian riding a winged steed and brandishing a massive sword against a dragon drawn by Frank Frazetta idk what will. Can u tell fantasising is how I process music
I will tag @shrikestrike @acuzena @lungtile @kitsune-sam @wordssometimesfail @kelsey-arts @erebones and whomstever else wants to… of course nobody has to if they don’t want
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gyuscoquetteribbon · 1 year
svt headcanons (them as genshin impact players)
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-> warnings: none !!
-> a/n: aaaaa I love writing headcanons sm bear wit me pls </3 also i wanted to save up for baizhu but i really wanted layla and i pulled for her and got mona instead im actually devastated i gotta kiss my baizhu goodbye ;-; I've been waiting for him for two years T^T
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-> seungcheol:
his team : zhongli, raiden, ganyu, bennett
absolutely loves lumine over aether.
somehow has the best luck ever and almost never loses 50/50????
however, he also has the worst luck when it comes to artifacts and almost never gets good artifacts at all but he kinda deserves it for all the 50/50s he won >:[
would definitely start rage killing hilichurls, abyss mages, samachurls or literally any enemy that decides to come his way after wasting all his resins on artifacts that he does NOT!! WANT!!
never allows the rest of the boys enter his world (ESPECIALLY JEONGHAN) because they always steal ascension materials that he is in need of.
but, he also has the AUDACITY to whine and sulk if the other members don't let him in their world.
all the children in the game (qiqi and maybe even nahida included) are his own children now idc (i may or may not be projecting here).
"I even got you dinner with my o w n money and you have the audacity to reject my co-op request????"
-> jeonghan:
his team : ayato, ayaka, scaramouche, raiden
definitely put raiden and scaramouche in the same team for shits and giggles given the history the two share
he definitely has venti or childe as his avatar picture or whatever idk he just gives off that vibe.
enters people's worlds under the pretense of collecting easily available things but ends up stealing stuff like onikabutos.
stands in the sidelines when he feels like he's gonna lose his characters in a co-op fight
would kill timmie's pigeons just because .
"Hey can I just collect cecilia for my venti real quick?" (those are NOT his real intentions)
-> joshua:
his team : ganyu, nilou, yae miko, xinqui
no.1 aether defender !!
has such pretty serenitea layouts fr !! absolutely loves the serenitea pot <3333
spends so much time in making things in his serenitea pot that he doesn't even get the time to build his characters.
almost never plays in co-op mode.
knows where you get what wood and where to mine certain items BY HEART
definitely has a thing for the mirror maiden and the pyro fatui agent. he literally goes heart eyes <3___<3 for them.
"Oh sandbearer wood? You'll find it all around liyue !"
-> jun:
his team: ganyu, xiao, yanfei, razor
you can hear him screaming from across the street, even with the door to your house closed and locked everytime he loses 50/50 and gets qiqi
definitely has c6 qiqi by now. he hasn't even got her past level 1 (he's petty)
was definitely stressed when he was asked to choose between aether and lumine (he chose aether in one server and lumine in the other purely because he couldn't choose who he wanted)
cannot pronounce the mondstadt characters names for the life of him like wtf is a fischl 😐
BIGGEST GANYU LUVER <33333 HE WAS SO ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT BUILDING HER !! she's literally the only triple crowned character.
another paimon hater. he doesn't even give her a chance to speak he's clicking past it in the speed of light.
he loves the lore but hates having to read the voicelines like that takes SO. MUCH. EFFORT.
definitely gave scaramouche a goofy name and had a good giggle about it for 3 mins before he realized this name is final and it can't be changed so now he's stuck with a goofy name for his wanderer :///
-> hoshi:
his team : itto (it just makes sense), childe, venti, xinyan
definitely cried during the inazuma archon quest. (and the inazuma world quest where they had to do that cleansing ritual)
literally gets past all the quest out of pure luck because he does NOT know how to build his characters for the life of him.
wonwoo would ocassionally help him with artifacts but that's about it.
wouldn't even want a certain character and he'd still pull for them because he likes to collect 5 stars 😧
his quest list is endless because he just never completes them.
has a teeny tiny crush on all the sumeru enemies, men and women alike (I'm most definitely projecting here)
-> wonwoo:
his team : yae miko, al haitham, hu tao, nahida
probably the only one that knows how to build his characters properly.
definitely chose aether.
NOT an f2p player.
he completed the aranara quest in a single day 😰 (it took him 6.5 hours)
completed the spiral abyss 😧
hasn't opened his serenitea pot. like, at all.
he let's out a guttural scream everytime he gets yunjin in place of a 5 star he wanted (definitely projecting here, I'm not sorry
" Let me help you with your quests since I'm done with mine." (To hoshi, of course)
-> woozi:
his team : raiden, heizou, ayaka, nilou
most of his archon quests were completed by wonwoo.
chose aether in a hurry.
doesn't really pull unless he thinks the playstyle of a character suits his taste.
fought a ruin guard ONE (1) time and decided the game isn't worth it.
only does his ascension quest if wonwoo or jun are around so that he could do the first half and they'd take care of the rest.
actually feels sorry for timmie instead of hatred the way most genshin players do :(
Just pure screams of agony because he's been made to fight a rifthound.
-> minghao:
his team : yelan, fischl, kazuha, kokomi
strictly a f2p player because he thinks it's pure insanity to even pay money for a game that he'd get tired of in two years. moreover, humans shouldn't be so greedy and must also face the downs of life (losing 50/50) and not just the ups.
is actually very interested in the lore and has probably read the genshin comic.
biggest lumine defender !!!
diluc >>>>> kaeya for some reason.
strategically builds his characters. he first builds his main team and the other characters he switches now and then, depending on the enemy he's fighting. he, then, builds the healers that are left and then the shield users that are left before getting to the characters that he personally fancies.
has reached friendship level 10 with most of his characters.
another person who actually takes some time out to build the prettiest layouts in his serenitea pot.
"Luck shouldn't be BOUGHT. It should come your way on its own. So, you getting Al Haitham through welkin doesn't really count as a win, but that's just my opinion 🥰"
-> mingyu:
his team : yae miko, al haitham, yelan, bennett
chose lumine as the traveller in one server and aether as the traveller in another server because they're both so precious to him.
has the BIGGEST, FATTEST crush on the mirror maidens and the oceanid (something about the shit-talking gets him going 😧)
he chose his team based on how hot they are, excluding bennett, of course. he chose bennett because that's his son and he's a healer.
accidentally plunges down where the npcs are walking and scares them.
only buys welkin when he REALLY wants a character (basically, if the character is hot)
is actually pretty good at building his characters, but has a horrible luck when pulling for them. and he's almost always getting yunjin like at this point bro has c6 yunjin please hoyoverse stop this madness 😰😰
only buys welkin when he REALLY wants a character (basically, if the character is hot)
has so many people in his friends list. so much so that, he's actually nearing the limit. HE DOESNT EVEN ENTER SOMEONE'S WORLD MORE THAN ONCE HE JUST HAS STRANGERS IN HIS FRIENDS LIST!!
"Oh, I don't know who deez is; they're just. THERE."
-> dokyeom:
his team : yelan, heizou, layla, fischl
he's so sweet, he let's jeonghan and other people into his world every single time only for them to steal the things he really needs.
uses raiden's skill and then stands in the sidelines with jeonghan. he is NOT GETTING IN THERE AND DYING >:[
everytime he's fighting outside of co-op mode, you can hear him screaming 3 neighbourhoods away.
uses klee's skill to bomb you up when he gets mad at you.
definitely tried to ice bridge his way to inazuma when he was a low ar player and died by a lightning strike. 5 times. On different ocassions.
actually enjoyed the aranara quest because the aranaras are SO cute !!
(To jeonghan) "So...do you wanna bet who'll die first in this domain among those two?"
-> seungkwan:
his team : tighnari, xinyan, fischl, barbara
he's planning on naming his firstborn lumine.
though barbara doesn't cause a lot of damage he's actually content with the way she heals others.
he's the one fighting for his life in domains while dokyeom and jeonghan are standing in the sidelines, placing bets.
he can't even pause the game to text them in-game, so he just yells from his room.
he isn't very good with bow users but he loves tighnari's character. SO MUCH HE JUST CANT NOT PUT HIM ON HIS TEAM :(((
he refuses to switch tightnari out of his team, no matter what!! he WILL be there.
everytime paimon speaks, he gets into a one-sided conversation (argument) with her. OUT LOUD.
-> vernon:
his team : childe, albedo, dendro traveller, kuki
loves aether so much for an unexplainable reason. like he literally built dendro traveller with so much efforts <3
he's there for the lore.
is the only one that helps seungkwan out in domains.
doesn't get on co-op that often unless it's seungkwan.
takes his own sweet time in completing the archon quests insead of rushing head first into them.
if he can't complete a quest, he'd be on youtube IMMEDIATELY. if he fails the first time you are NOT gonna see him do it on his own the second time without a youtube guide.
"Oh...the chasm? You wanna go to the chasm? Ah...give me a sec, I need to use the bathroom real quick." *vernonline has left your world* (legend has it that he is still in the bathroom)
-> dino:
his team : eula, razor, hu tao, diona
always gets smacked left and right by the ruin hunter before he could dodge its attacks.
he loves lumine so much. He even has a lumine plushie.
loves getting on co-op mode with his members please he just enjoys playing with them so much <3333
he makes headcanons about the characters during his free time and gets so excited when someone asks him about it.
he WON'T stop talking about his headcanons.
sometimes he gets bored of the game but then remembers that he needs to get to the end to see how the story plays out.
anybody can join his world because this silly fool did not choose the ask before joining option. and then, he'll freak out when he sees another person in his world.
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maschotch · 2 years
like and when people get mad at the valid criticisms of her. it's like, I'm sorry the character you created is not the one in the show?? she doesn't have enough/anything that makes her likable enough to outweigh the things in canon that make her unlikable! like no thanks!
"she's just the vessel for the writers shitty idea of what a strong woman looks like" soo true though. every attempt falls flat, or upholds stereotypes and her inability to look outside her own experiences
the fucksibdjdjfkdkg "my friends call me jj. you're not my friend you can call me jennifer"
its so fucking elementary afsgdghdjfh 9 year olds say worse to each other. it's not the slay moment everyone thinks it is
one instance in particular i can't stand is in s3ep14, they're at that carnival for rossi's case, and derek says "I can't believe people waste good money on these fixed games" and girlboss jj says "men" "its not people it's men" "only a man would waste $50 trying to win that $3 stuffed animal"
and just. parents. parents bring their kids to carnivals all the time. to have fun and win shitty prizes. oh but I forgot she wasn't a mom yet, so that wasn't her entire personality. I don't know. for me it just never hits as the girlboss moment every one thinks it is. but go off I guess afsghdhfkh
I've fallen out of it with cm a little lately, but unfortunately it will always have some hold on my soul lmao, and I got caught up in reading through your takes, and truly, this show fucking sucks, but analyzing it can be sO fun and you drop nothing but bangers. it reminded me in a way why I like this god awful show in the first place afgsgrhfjfjgshf
like if anyone gave me a single solid reason to like her character at all i might give her a chance. but i’ve been watching cm for a decade, and kept a finger on the pulse of the fandom for half that. so far ive heard absolutely no legitimate thing to like about her
even fanon jj falls flat for me? she’s so one dimensional and they never address any of her flaws. people either make her the target of emily’s infatuation (which is so fucked up on so many levels?? as if we need any more of the aggressive/obsessive lesbian stereotype) or they keep her as the mom of the group and leave it at that. absolutely NO nuance!! im convinced its bc they know we’re right… actually giving her a personality would mean acknowledging how insufferable she us
imo the best thing you can do with her character is actually talk about her internal conflicts. she’s got massive imposter syndrome and she takes it out on everyone!! thats interesting at least!! lets talk about that!! but nooo bc that would mean admitting everyones favorite blonde haired blue eyes beauty makes mistakes
god ur so right in that aaaaaall her girlboss moments are just so pathetic. i love to tear those moments to pieces because its just so fucking easy. clearly shitty attempts at the writers thinking theyre saying something clever or profound. it scares me how frequently the fandom falls for it. like. develop some critical thinking skills pls i am begging
im also well out of my cm phase, but its still so deeply engrained that even when i havent watched an ep in months, my opinions are as strong as ever especially since theyre always so correct. but yeah there’s something so special about cm? i think its all the half-suggested hints at something deeper that gives us a chance to try and build on it. but its also so casually entertaining that its also nice to just have on in the background. criminal minds is as good as you make it, ig
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knightzp · 2 years
HII miki!!! PLS tell me everything abt ur acc! i.e fave chars, which 5 stars u have (and want?) and fave teams? also, just to spice things up a bit! are there any chars u regret building/pulling for?? (or perhaps any accidental pulls? for instance, my itto was a complete accident.. i just wanted gorou lmao) also... ur fave 4 star : ) srry that was a lot of questions but i cant wait to read ur answers!! have a lovely day!
HIII TŪĪ!!! this was so fun to write thank you for asking!!
fave characters: i have a lot of characters that i love but my most favorites are kazuha, hu tao, xingqiu, chongyun, albedo, benny, ayaka, yoimiya aaand tighnari. there are a lot more that i like but if i had to select just some those would be it i think!
fave 4 star: def one of the three i mentioned before! either benny, xingqiu or chongyun, but its so hard to choose just one.... mmm i think im gonna say benny bc hes very dear to me and has been accompanying me since my very first days playing the game, he has never left my team and i dont know what i would have done without him (i do know, i would have died countless times for sure)
5 stars i have: ive been playing the game for like a year and a half so even being f2p im lucky that i finally have most of my faves! i have kazuha, ayaka, hu tao, albedo, kokomi, yoimiya, xiao, nahida and eula. and from the standard banner, can you believe i only have keqing and mona after that much time playing?? well thats bc i have keqing c1 and.... mona c4. apart from the first 50/50 that i lost, which was with keqing, ive lost ALL the rest with mona and at this rate im sure im gonna get her c6 :'))) hyv stop giving me monas and give one tighnari pls PLS
accidental pulls: i DID have one accidental pull very similar to your case with itto and it was with eula. it was right when i was starting playing genshin and she was actually my very first 5 star. i only did one (1) ten pull on her banner bc xingqiu was there too and i wanted him so bad, but instead i ended up with no xingqiu and one eula that came home at pity 15 and winning 50/50, the luckiest ive ever been and for what... (and the saddest thing is i also didnt get xingqiu until months later sighhh). okay actually it wasnt that bad back then bc i didnt have any more 5 stars at the time so i used her as my main dps until i got ayaka, but now i dont play with her anymore
5 stars i want: since i got kazuha, who i really really wanted and saved for him for more than a whole year bc i lost 50/50 on him the first time (and the second time too... but i was prepared and could get him regardless), now i dont have any other character that i very desperately want as it was with him. and its bc ive been lucky that ive been able to get the rest of my faves too! i mean sure, i do want MORE characters, the ones that id like to get are tighnari, scaramouche (hyv im begging let me win 50/50 this time), nilou, cyno and venti, but i dont have that level of obsession i had with kazuha alsjfdk but yeah when their banners come (back) ill def be pulling for them!
fave teams: and my fave teams!!! im not a meta player and i know there are probably better combinations than the ones i use but idc and im very happy with my teams. so im gonna put the names i have for each team and its members!
permafrost brrrr: kazuha, chongyun, kokomi, ayaka. i loveeee fighting and freezing all the enemies along the way, so this is one is probably my favorite from all these teams. before getting kazuha i used it with xingqiu (hence the name of the team, tho it still works) and i miss a bit playing with xingqiu and chongyun together in the same team but kazuha makes this team even more fun and i like a lot how these 4 work together!
pants on fire!: xingqiu, albedo, hu tao, benny. my team for hu tao! ive been using this one since i got albedo and hu tao last year and ive never thought of changing it ever since, im very attached to it
short kings: kazuha, albedo, xiao, benny. my team for xiao and yes i wanted a team where i could put all my bois together and this one was perfect. a friend that is very invested in meta told me that kazuha wasnt useful at all here but idc bc just playing with them together makes me very happy
papayas quemadas: xingqiu, nahida, kokomi, yoimiya. this team i created it very recently! i was struggling a bit to find the best team for yoimiya and when i got nahida i tried this one and its very fun im liking it a lot! (ajdflsk abt the name of the team it means burnt papayas in spanish, bc the flowers (?) you make with hydro and dendro i call them papayas and then with yoimiyas pyro they become burnt, so yeah :))
queens: kokomi, eula, fischl, beidou. this is a team i have meant for eula using electro and cryo to boost her phys dmg and kokomi too to create electrocharged. i tried it a bit and it was actually fun! but i still need to build the chars better and i dont like eula that much as a character, so i dont really use this one rn. but maybe one day ill finally build them properly and give it a try again!
this was a super long answer but anyway it was a lot of fun to write!!!
i really hope you have a great day/evening too!! 💜
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takeyourhands · 2 years
its 6am but i cant get myself to settle down enough to sleep bc i slept most of the day yesterday. im bored and feel so wonky so its son time (ft the hubby wubby <3) weeww im tired
how shelldon is with donnie vs how he is with me has always been very funny to me, especially since he's still going through his rebellious phase rn. with donnie hes all "FUCK U OLD MAN IM BALLIN" and then with me hes gone right back into baby mode like "mama? mama give me huggy and kissy? 🥺 cuddles from mommy pls??"
shelldon is honestly rather pet-like on occasion. he'll rest on my lap and if i try to get up or move him he screams. he wriggles his way in between me and donnie if we're in bed and he wants snuggles and he refuses to move, unless of course one of us gets up in which he immediately steals that spot to have more room for himself. enjoys playing fetch. terrorizes small critters and bugs by chasing them around. stares at us so intently whenever we eat even though he literally cant even eat in the first place, why do u want people food so bad
his first time being rebuilt, he didnt really understand a lot of things, and one of the main ones for him was the idea of object permanence. like, once something was put away somewhere it was just GONE to him. he understood it later on, but for a while he just did not get it. so whenever i would leave to go back home or exit the room he was like. "where did she go. wh. WHERE DID SHE-"
when he finally got that i wasnt just disappearing off the face of the earth whenever i was out of sight, he ended up switching to another very pet-like habit for a while. he'd just stare at the door where id left like "do u rlly think shes coming back this time??" "yes shelldon, she'll come back" and then tackle me the instant i return. nowadays hes Too Cool for that but he still is very happy to see me whenever i come back to the lair
usually neither me nor shelldon go out into the city with the guys-- shelldon really only goes if donnie needs his help for a mission-- so we spent a lot of time in the lair together. he likes to tell me about things i missed while i was at home for the week, and shows me cool tricks he's learned how to do. we also watch youtube videos or tv a lot of the time, curled up in bed (well, IM curled up, shelldon doesnt really have,,,, yknow limbs to be able to do that with. he just kind of sits there on top of a bunch of pillows so hes at the same level i am). a lot of the time donnie will come home to see me and shelldon just lazing about. if hes back from a particularly tiring mission, he likes to join our little snuggle pile and sleep for a while. and if we're out in the living room, theres like a 50% chance the rest of the family will join us for cuddles and sleepy times.
theres a charger in both the lab and our room for shelldon. he doesnt really NEED two charging stations, but, we like him to have the option to be able to sleep with us if he wants to. he gets very embarrassed about it sometimes, but he rlly does like being able to stay with us for bedtime.
okay im too seepy i cant think anymore goodnight
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jiminxoxo · 2 years
hopefully the boys get well soon and the tour resumes :(
sheeshhh a rlly old k-pop stan 😮
idk about the kim garam situation or just le sserafirm in general, what do you think about that & them?!!! i wanna know from someone(you) who likes them but also is like sorta unbiased abt things?! if i make sense?! 😅
i strongly believe you'd be that type of a person 😌💕
i was just gonna ask WHAT ARE YOU? 50? hahahahaha
we've all been through the emo/obsessed over an artist/band phase lifee!! lessssgoooooo 😭😭💀 ( P. S we haven't rlly gotten over that phase yet 🤡😇)
BOY THE FLEX 🦾😌😌 that's rlly cuteeee 🥺💕 I'm v proud of them too,they all deserve it <3 & I'm glad you find sm comfort in them (jimin XD) 🥺 AND PLS PLS SHOW ME YOUR CATTTT ☹️☹️💕💕💕
I'm sure you'd have a good idea of a lot of groups in kpop :0
i haven't rlly been into kpop for a long time I've followed BP since 2020 but i properly got into kpop from oct 2021 smth !! do you wanna hear the backstory lmao?!
i don't rlly have any semi-ults?! except bts, pentagon, tbz(i haven't had much time to consume sm tbz& pentagon content 😭 and making them two of my ults XD which might happen soon tho 👀) & bp(they've been away for so long :( i feel like I've sorta lost smth w them bruh)
so, my ult beloveds are got7, svt, exo, monsta x, atz, skz, shinee, mamamoo, DKZ (formerly dongkiz & their former leader when he comes back :[ obv ), wonho & a bunch of solo artists!! & in no order lmaoo
EGGFCUKNSACTLY ‼️😣 bruh like I'm not in any pov of glimpse of us yet it makes all 😣💔 when i listen to it each & every.damn.time !!! usss 🫂 single all life gang 😎🤧
omg we are so similar pls 😭✋🏻 i honestly enjoy being single a lil way too muchhh ( also ahem ahem, how feel single when we have blogs like yours 😌💘 )
bruh there was a glitch in the anon ask so i could add songs and i did, but i tapped on the ask anonymous by mistake so now when i go back to being anonymous it's all gone urghhh ://
i don't listen much to joji either but i will suggest you a few of my favs ofc <3
lmk how you like these ‼️
well not everyone can address you 자기야 so 😌😌✋🏻
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this is my girl mochi! she’s the sweetest girl ever :)
that’s awesome!! we love being a multistan in this household 😌🫶 and omg we LOVE an exo stan wtf!!! there aren’t many exols these days and it’s really sad but i’m glad the fandom got a cleanse 💀 it was starting to get really toxic.
i mainly just casually listen to le sserafims music (sour grapes is that bitch), the situation with g*ram seems pretty plain and simple to me. always believe the victim until proven otherwise. in her case, there’s proof of what she’s done and her receiving a level 5 punishment from her school says enough for me. i don’t like to consume myself with this sort of stuff and outwardly send hate (i don’t hate her because i don’t personally know her. think of it as a deep despise lmao) because there’s other things i could be doing, but i feel a lot of sympathy towards the other lovely girls because they’ve been through enough (it’s super hard to make it in the industry as is and that kind of negative spotlight on them at such an early stage is sooo harmful for their career) yunjin is my gal tho i love her to bits 🫶
ohhh i’ll definitely take a look at those songs and give you a little review next time! thanks for the suggestions <3 !!!
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