#just vote whichever ship in the poll you like the most
titaniumions · 22 days
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To celebrate Valentine's Day and as a rerun of last year, it's the
Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon Tournament 2024
This is the masterpost for the tournament. I'll pin it and update it with every new round, so you'll be able to find all polls easily.
The rules are very simple: You just vote for whichever ship you like better. The ship with the most votes advances to the next round.
Propaganda is encouraged! Please put it in the body of the post so I can reblog it.
Spoiler warning: This tournament contains material up to the end of the manga. If you haven't caught up yet, you may be spoiled.
Izutsumi by herself vs Farcille (Farcille won)
Battle for the bronze:
Kikimari vs Kabumisu (Kikimari won)
Previous rounds under the cut
Izutsumi by herself vs Kikimari (Izutsumi by herself won)
Kabumisu vs Farcille (Farcille won)
Quarter finals:
Izutsumi by herself vs Labru (Izutsumi by herself won)
Chilshi vs Kikimari (Kikimari won)
Kabumisu vs Cithidol (Kabumisu won)
Farcille vs the Flokes (Farcille won)
Round 3:
Izutsumi by herself vs Namari x Kaka & Kiki (Izutsumi by herself won)
Winged Lion x Laios vs Labru (Labru won)
Chilshi vs Lycion x Mithrun (Chilshi won)
Kensuke x Ambrosia vs Kikimari (Kikimari won)
Kabumisu vs Chaios / Chilaios (Kabumisu won)
Laisen vs Cithis x Pattadol (Cithidol won)
Farcille vs Otta x Chilchuck's wife (Farcille won)
The Flokes vs Hienichidori (the Flokes won)
Round 2, part 2:
Kabumisu vs Delgal x Thistle (Kabumisu won)
Winged Lion x Thistle vs Chaios / Chilaios (Chaios / Chilaios won)
Laisen vs Hippogriff x Anne the pony (Laisen won)
Fionil x Doni vs Cithis x Pattadol (Cithis x Pattadol won)
Farcille vs Laios x Kensuke (Farcille won)
Otta x Chilchuck's wife vs Senshi x Mithrun (Otta x Chilchuck's wife won)
The Flokes vs Cithis x Otta (The Flokes won)
Winged Lion x Mithrun vs Hien x Benichidori (Hienichidori won)
Round 2, part 1:
Izutsumi by herself vs Namarcille (Izutsumi by herself won)
Fleki x Lycion vs Namari x Kaka & Kiki (Namari x Kaka & Kiki won)
Winged Lion x Laios vs Falin x Namari (Winged Lion x Laios won)
Canary polycule vs Labru (Labru won)
Chilshi vs Marcitsumi (Chilshi won)
Chilchuck x Marcille vs Lycion x Mithrun (Lycion x Mithrun won)
Kensuke x Ambrosia vs Island governor x Shadow governor (Kensuke x Ambrosia won)
Winged Lion x Marcille vs Kikimari (Kikimari won)
Round 1, part 2:
Delgal x Thistle vs Yaad x Thistle (Delgal x Thistle won)
Hippogriff x Anne the pony vs Kabrin (Hippogriff x Anne the pony won)
Maizuru x Toshitsugu vs Laios x Kensuke (Laios x Kensuke won)
Senshi x Chilchuck's daughters vs Otta x Chilchuck's wife (Otta x Chilchuck's wife won)
The Flokes vs Gillin x Null (The Flokes won)
Marcille x Succubus vs Cithis x Otta (Cithis x Otta won)
Round 1, part 1:
Namari x Marcille vs Falin x Shuro (Namarcille won)
Fleki x Lycion vs Fleki x Cithis (Fleki x Lycion won)
Marcille x Touden siblings vs Namari x Kaka & Kiki (Namari x Kaka & Kiki won)
Canary polycule vs the Dryads (Canary polycule won)
Izutsumi x Marcille vs Laios x Thistle (Marcitsumi won)
Laios x Lycion vs Lycion x Mithrun (Lycion x Mithrun won)
Marios vs Island governor x Shadow governor (Island governor x Shadow governor won)
Kakamari x Kikimari (Kikimari won)
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bestrpf · 20 days
rules & specifications:
vote for whichever pairing you think is "best" - this is a subjective process, so it could be your favorite, or the one you think definitely happened, or both. whatever u like!
there will be a few steps to this. first ill gather our contestants via research - all the most popular rpf ships. yall r encouraged to submit pairings via the askbox - although i reserve the right to deny entree
you can view my running list of pairings here
no multiple entrees, & the pairing must be real people who are famous in some capacity (no submitting yourself, your boss, etc) & have some history of being the subject of rpf. if there's no documented rpf content around these people, then this isn't the tournament for them.
once i've gathered some interest, i'll update with specific dates of the polls & discuss how rounds will be broken down. the best way to keep up w this process is by giving this blog a follow :)
this blog isn't meant as a serious endorsement OR a denoucement of real person fiction. it's just an attempt to measure the most popular of it's categories
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malleleothreesome · 5 months
smirk emoji…. can we see a snippet of whichever wip is gripping you most rn 🫣🫶 IM EYEING ALL OF THEM LIKE HEY…. grabby hands
Referencing this post
Um, idk if this classifies as a "snippet" 🤪 but, I swear, this is only a small portion of what I have written...
This is the start of 'Fellow Honest Drunken Confession' (WIP, subject to change. SFW, swearing, gn reader)
To the people who voted on my poll for me to post the Leona/Malleus/Reader love triangle early, this isn't the content you voted for, but hopefully this might hold you over???
Fellow Honest let out an exasperated sigh, standing next to you and your classmates as the massive cruise ship that housed Playfulland amusement park sinks into the abyss of the ocean. His hands are clasped behind his head, and a carefree grin lights up his face. "You know what?" He asks, turning to you. His fox ears twitch atop his head as a salty breeze stirs his orange hair. The night has begun to encroach, a half moon hangs suspended in the starry sky like a pale glowing lamp above the dark waters of the ocean. You stare back into his face, noting his fangs poking out as the tip of his curly orange tail swishes happily. Fellow winks as he laughs his signature haughty cackle. He opens his mouth to speak. "Do you want to grab a drink sometime?"
Ace Trappola perks right up at the mention of alcohol and barrels forward, face beaming and completely missing Fellow's lascivious intent towards you. "Hey, free drinks? You're talking to the right person, man. Hell yeah, let's do it, you're gonna let us drink free? I mean, it's like, the least you could do for trying to human traffic us, am I right?" He does an excited fist-pumping action as Trey Clover trails in his wake, attempting to shush him to no avail, calling, "Ace!" in a desperate hiss. Fellow regards the spectacle with the most blank stare, his ear flicking as a tiny, unnoticed wince of annoyance flickers across his visage.
The monster of a man tilts his head and smiles slyly to you and only you, his eyes sweeping you with interest, "Just you and me, hotstuff. We're talking romantic and steamy. We've got a connection, don't deny it. So. Whaddaya say?" Fellow steps closer, tongue running along his canines as he looks you up and down with a cheeky grin and a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "You and me, alone together, drinking, talking... I'll be real good to you—I'm an honest guy! All my business is legit now!" he throws his head back with a flourish of his arms, roaring with raucous laughter. After a second, he composes himself, his piercing orange eyes turning sharp as he flashes another lecherous look in your direction. With a slight smirk on the corner of his lips and a suggestive raise of his eyebrow, Fellow leans to whisper in your ear, lingering in the electricity of your aura a bit too long before speaking, making you shiver. His voice drops to a low, suggestive purr as his hot breath grazes your neck, "But, if you like, a little bit naughty ain't out of the question... "
Before you can respond, Ace—unable to be subdued by Trey—makes his way back over and elbows you in the arm. Just as clueless as ever, his freckled cheeks are flushed bright pink from excitement, and you swear he's bouncing with happiness on his toes as he hollers with unbridled hype for the evening ahead, "Free drinks, bro! He's an underworld mobster, dude—a high ranking one—we'll have the VIP treatment if he decides to take us out. Taste of that top shelf, not some gross, warm piss from a barrel they serve everyone else, only the best!" Ace says all this while gripping his heart and fake swooning, holding out his arms in an exaggerated gesture, leaning on your shoulder. "Free top shelf liquor!" Ace shouts to the rest of your classmates gathered around in small groups, waving them all over.
Fellow's eyebrow raises further upward until it threatens to leave the confines of his forehead, a dead look in his orange eyes. His tail doesn't twitch—it stays perfectly still, frozen in an upright arch. When his lips part in a rigid smile and his shoulders begin to shake, the absolute venomous displeasure that radiates off the poor fox is palpable enough that you can practically feel it soaking into your skin. For a minute, all that comes out of his mouth is a jumble of fragmented curse words mixed with giggles. You look over at him in mild alarm, unsure if he has finally reached a state of losing his goddamn mind or if he's about to violently lash out and murder Ace and everyone in attendance on sight.
Fellow holds up both gloved palms, almost covering his whole face as he slowly shakes his head and doubles over, guffawing uproariously and wiping away tears of hysterical mirth from his eyes, tail swishing from side to side again. You are stunned, staring as Fellow wheezes and struggles to get ahold of his faculties. Catching his breath, his eyes bulge and he bellows to the sky with unrestrained joy, throwing his head back, ears flying and pointing upwards, his hat almost tumbling off as his body quakes and his lungs struggle, "The sheer audacity! The unmitigated gumption of this fool—"
"Oh my GOD," he continues to snigger with laughter, almost out of control as his nose crinkles. Before long, he descends into violent snorts, then coughing as his breaths go askew and come short. In a valiant effort to calm himself, he holds up his hands, as if praying, a wicked grin plastered across his face. All Ace does is squint suspiciously at his antics, totally clueless to Fellow's intent. Trey shakes his head slowly, rubbing his face in abject defeat, looking as if he's willing his brain to purge the trauma of ever coming to this place. Fellow makes a poor attempt to control himself, breathing deeply, "Sorry, sorry, it's just funny, oh my God. Wow. He has some balls on him, I'll give him that! I really admire the gall. You know what? This brat might have a career in the biz, I'm serious." The fox beastman reaches out and ruffles Ace's head of red hair like he's some kid, chortling.
He is shaking his head and wearing a very impressed look as his fingers caress his chin pensively, lost in thought, unable to maintain eye contact as he's on the verge of losing his composure again. "Alright, tough guy. Yeah, let's go get boozed. And hey, little bastard," His fiendish grin takes a more sinister tone, fangs exposed as he tilts his head in a cocky way. "Just so you know, if your pathetic college didn't send that sweetheart of a cutie,” he winks suggestively at you, his tail giving a little twitch, before his eyes wander across the crowd of students, obviously unimpressed by your entire class, sneering, “I'd never be letting any of you idiots go. No way! I would have dragged each of you back to my boss by force. Don't test my generosity or my kindness." He shoves his finger into Ace's face, leaning towards him intimidatingly, but the smirk of delight stays on Fellow's face despite his posturing. He's clearly getting a huge kick out of trying to spook and intimidate Ace, who thinks he's some scary, powerful crime lord.
Fellow takes a sharp inhale and clasps his hands shut as he addresses the group, "Now, just for fun, let's get liquored up on the highest rooftop bar, play some poker, do a little dancing..." his eyes flit back over to you, "Maybe some smooches, hey?" A fox yip punctuates his sentence. His eyes return back to Ace, whose lips press in a firm, annoyed line, frowning at the con man. Fellow's eyebrow twitches with incredulous humor as he takes in Ace's defiance, biting his lip for a second as if trying not to give in to another peal of cackling. "There isn't going to be any 'VIP treatment', no 'free drinks', and definitely no 'top shelf', is that clear? Who do you think I am? You think I like doing that type of shit?" he points to the water, gesturing to the decimated remnants of the amusement park. "I'll let you in on a little secret, kid, people don't do those types of jobs because they're loaded.” He leans down to get eye level with Ace, using expressive jazz hands as he puts on a pompous voice, “'Oh, man, my yacht's all paid off and ready, better become a goddamn kidnapping organ trafficker—the glamour! The luxury!' Do you understand what I'm saying, you dinky little shit?"
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Welcome to the It Loser Ships MEGABRAWL!!!
Hello Clowntown.
Do you have a favorite It ship? Do you want to think about random dynamics and which ones you like better? Are you curious about fandom metrics on ships? Do you want to rep your rarepair?
Then I've got just the poll bracket for you!
With the input/help from friends, I decided I'm going to host a Losers best ship bracket.
The rules and parameters:
Reddie is disqualified. We all know they would landslide the win, so we have to put the boundary somewhere if we wanna watch the polls like Gay Clowns Superbowl. Don't worry, we still love those two idiots.
Only Losers are allowed in the ships - sorry StanPat, you would have gotten so far if you were allowed and I love you.
Polls last one day each. Remember to get your votes in before the end of the day!
There will be 5 rounds, with the 6th round revealing the winner.
Due to the number of ships here (20), the second round is a little whack. Here is the bracket:
ROUND 1: 1a. Beveddie (Bev/Eddie) vs. Kaspbrough (Bill/Eddie)✔️ 1b. Kasplon (Mike/Eddie) vs. Steddie(Stan/Eddie)✔️ 1c. Hansbrak(Ben/Eddie) vs. Beverie(Bev/Richie)✔️ 1d. Bichie(Bill/Richie)✔️ vs. Hanzier(Ben/Richie)
ROUND 2: 2a. Stozier (Stan/Richie)✔️ vs. Kaspbrough(Bill/Eddie) 2b. Michie(Mike/Richie) vs. Steddie(Stan/Eddie)✔️ 2c. Billverly(Bill/Bev) vs. Beverie(Bev/Richie)✔️ 2d. Beverlon(Mike/Bev)✔️ vs. Stanverly(Stan/Bev) 2e. Benverly (Ben/Bev) vs. Bike(Bill/Mike)✔️ 2f. Stenbrough(Stan/Bill)✔️ vs. Denscom(Ben/Bill) 2g. Stanlon(Stan/Mike)✔️ vs. Benlon(Ben/Mike) 2h. Stanscom (Stan/Ben) vs. Bichie(Bill/Richie)✔️
ROUND 3: 3a. Stozier(Stan/Richie) ✔️vs. Steddie(Stan/Eddie) 3b. Beverie(Bev/Richie)✔️ vs. Beverlon(Mike/Bev) 3c. Bike(Bill/Mike)✔️ vs. Stenbrough(Stan/Bill) 3d. Stanlon(Stan/Mike)✔️ vs. Bichie(Bill/Richie)
ROUND 4: 4a. Stozier(Stan/Richie)✔️ vs. Beverie(Bev/Richie) 4b. Bike(Bill/Mike)✔️ vs. Stanlon(Stan/Mike)
ROUND 5: 5a. Stozier(Stan/Richie) vs. Bike(Bill/Mike)✔️
The Grand Prize:
Whichever ship wins the bracket will receive a fanart of it by me since I do want there to be some type of stakes! Plus, it's fun for me to look forward to it!
Beveddie vs. Kaspbrough
Kasplon vs. Steddie
Hansbrak vs. Beverie
Bichie vs. Hanzier
Stozier vs. Kaspbrough
Michie vs. Steddie
Billverly vs. Beverie
Beverlon vs. Stanverly
Benverly vs. Bike
Stenbrough vs. Denscom
Stanlon vs. Benlon
Stanscom vs. Bichie
Stozier vs. Steddie
Beverie vs. Beverlon
Bike vs. Stenbrough
Stanlon vs. Bichie
Stozier vs. Beverie
Bike vs. Stanlon
Stozier vs. Bike
Overall Rankings:
FIRST PLACE: Bike (Bill/Mike)
SECOND PLACE: Stozier(Stan/Richie)
THIRD: Beverie(Bev/Richie)
FOURTH: Stanlon(Stan/Mike)
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marvelundercover · 3 years
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Welcome To Marvel Undercover: Trope Wars
Marvel Undercover is a prompt based anonymous fest for works inside the Marvel universe. This year’s theme is: Trope Wars! We will poll to find the top two tropes and then have an open call for prompts from the winning tropes. Participants will then choose a prompt and create based on that prompt. Submissions will be posted anonymously on AO3 until final reveals at the end of the fest.
Trope Wars: Sun 8/22 - Sun 8/29 Prompting: Mon 8/30 - Sun 9/12 Claims/Creating: Mon 9/13 - Sun 10/24 Anon period: Mon 10/25 - Sat 10/30 Reveals: Sun 10/31
How It Works
We all have our favorite fandom tropes and themes. For this round of MU, we'll have the top two tropes, chosen by you, battle it out for dominance. Vote for your favorite tropes here, and at the end of the voting period, we'll announce the top two winners.
During the prompting period, you can submit prompts that fit either trope, and you may create for any prompt on either trope's prompting list. At the end of the event, whichever trope winds up with the most creations will be crowned the ultimate trope champion.
Submitting a prompt doesn’t obligate you to create anything for the fest (although that is very much encouraged!) and you may submit as many prompts as you like.
Claiming opens on Monday 13 September, and will remain open until Sunday 24 October. Claims will be first come, first serve through Google Forms.
Each prompt may be claimed once for fic, once for art, and once for podfic. You may only claim one prompt at a time, but once you’ve completed a prompt you are welcome to come back and claim another.
Once posting begins, you can submit your creation to our AO3 Collection, which is set to unrevealed and anonymous. If you need assistance hosting artwork or posting to AO3, the mods will be happy to help. Submissions will remain anonymous throughout the duration of the event. A master list for the fest will be created and posted at the conclusion of the fest, when the creator’s identities are revealed.
Rules & Requirements
There is a minimum of 1,000 words for fics, and equal effort for art or podfic. Art may be traditional, edits, moodboards, etc. If you have an idea and aren’t sure about whether it fits, feel free to ask!
Content & Conduct
Submissions can be of any rating. All submissions must be tagged appropriately and thoroughly.
Please be mindful of portraying marginalized communities respectfully. This page from Writing With Color has a list of blogs and resources that discuss diversity in writing. Any prompts or creations submitted in bad faith, or that actively promote racism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. will not be accepted.
Participants under 18 may not claim or submit prompts that feature explicit content. Also, any creator under 18 must keep their own submission to a rating of T or lower.
Beta reading
All submissions must be beta-read and legible. If you need help finding a beta, please send an ask or an email. Art does not require a beta.
As this is an undercover fest, please do not post your work or discuss your work’s details publicly until after reveals.
What characters are allowed?
Anyone in the Marvel universe including, but not limited to: comic verse, MCU, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, The Defenders, Xmen, Into the Spiderverse, Venom, etc.
What ships are allowed?
Any and all ships are welcome, as well as gen works with no ships.
Who can prompt?
Anyone is free to prompt! You do not need to create something in order to prompt, and you can submit multiple prompts.
Can I claim my own prompt?
Yes, just be sure to note that you intend to do that when submitting the prompt.
What type of works are allowed?
Fic, art, and podfic.
Do I need to sign up?
Nope! Simply claim a prompt when the time comes.
Why anon?
An anon fest takes away preconceived notions a reader might have when clicking on a link in AO3. It can also level the playing field for creators who might be lesser known. Plus, it’s fun to see whose works are whose during the grand reveal!
Where can I find fest info?
Marvel Undercover will be hosted on Tumblr and Twitter and with a collection on AO3.
I’ve got more questions, help!
No problem, we’re happy to hear from you! Ping us on one of the social media sites above, or email mcuundercover at gmail dot com.
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youcouldmakealife · 4 years
How does prompting work? Is it a patreon thing? Kickstarter?
It’s both! 
(This got long, because it became as much a post about my philosophy on prompts as a logistical one)
All the stories of the week, with very rare exceptions, are in response to prompts from readers: from an open-ended ‘could we see more of <insert AU/character/scenario/pairing>’ to something very specific, such as this prompt from earlier this year: ‘Oleg going to the father’s day trip after retiring for David‘
For the stories of the week on tumblr and Patreon, every Patreoner has access to a link where they can submit as many prompts as they want, whenever they want, and when it’s time to work on the story of the week, I go to access those prompts and pick one to write. 
Ditto for Kickstarter -- the stories of the week are emailed Sundays during the publication process (and available after with the Paypal editions of the published work). People who pledged a certain tier (with CIFP it was anyone who ordered the book and the extras, and it’ll be the same going forward) will have access to a place where they can prompt whatever they’d like to see.
For the stories of the month it’s a little different. There are two kinds of stories of the month:  The New/AU stories of the month have a very similar open-ended prompt system, but rather than ‘what do you want me to write more of’ it’s more specifically ‘what AU would you to see/see more of’ (the inaugural AU prompt was a delightful ‘Jake/David stripper AU’) and ‘what scenario that I haven’t written yet would you like to see’. ‘New’ prompts have been direct inspiration for Jared and Bryce, Joey and Owen, and Brandon and Milan, just to name a few. (and a similar meme on tumblr was directly responsible for Robbie and Georgie and Seb and Si, among others.) 
Then there are the polled ones, in which four prompts (all reader submitted) are put to a vote by Patreon subscribers and whichever wins is written. It’s a little more complicated, but it’s explained on Patreon.
How I pick the prompts, and why prompts are a thing I love the hell out of:
As for the process on my end about what prompts get picked. Most simply, it comes down to what inspires me to start typing.
Often these are recent prompts, but there are plenty of occasions where I think, say, ‘hey, I haven’t written Vinny in awhile, I miss him and Tony’, and I go searching through all the past prompts to find a good Vinny prompt. It’s really an open-ended ‘what do you want to see more of from me?’ sandbox. It’s also helpful as a writer because if I get a lot of similar prompts, I know that’s what a lot of people want more of, so get cracking.
Responding to writing prompts was such a formative part of my writing process growing up in fandom, as was the true delight of fandom friendships where your friend says ‘tell me a story about <this>’ and you told them the story a bit at a time, getting ‘YES TELL ME MORE’ emails as you went, the magic of asking your friend to tell you a story about this ship, that post-episode coda, this absurd AU scenario, and they made a world appear. 
I grew up learning how to write in an environment of kinkmemes and ‘give me a prompt and I’ll write 100 words for it WHOOPS IT’S A WHOLE FIC NOW’ and holiday gift exchanges and big bangs. In so many ways I’m indebted as a writer to those fandom traditions, and I consider YCMAL ‘verse to be a collaborative process with you guys in a lot of ways: asks that make me think about an aspect of the ‘verse I had never considered, or a comment that makes my brain spiral into a new direction on an ongoing series, or a prompt that leads to a series that is over 300,000 WORDS, SHUT UP ALREADY JARED.
At the end of the day, I’m always going to write something that I want to write, that inspires me to write, but so many of those days it’s directly thanks to someone in the prompt box saying ‘tell me a story about <this>’ that the story gets told.
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
I may be thinking of doing something, but I'm a brain dead zombie lady right now who can't make up her mind, so... hel p, plz
For a little extra context, the poll is on which set(s) of characters you think would be the most interesting to see together. Just in general though,, not like a ship or anything XP
It's multiple choice, so that means you can pick as many as you want!
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variantia · 3 years
BELLUM.   aaaaaalrighty, so here’s a brief description of all the current MHA / BNHA OCs that I’m interested in adding to the blog here !   at the end will be a link to the poll where I’d love for you to vote on who you’d most like to see !   <3
(   some of them are more fleshed out than others bc I’ve been writing them in private RPs with some friends, and I’ve posted more about them on my MHA / BNHA writing blog @quirklove​, but I think I’m confident with them enough now to put them out there for everyone else to write with !   )
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RENATA TRAVÉS-YAGI / LA FANTASMA :   Female.   Quirk, “ Phase ”, allows her to phase herself through solid objects.   Married to Toshinori Yagi / All Might.   Renata is a former villain, though her heart was never really in it.   Villainy was her family’s ‘tradition’ which they pushed her into, and the pressure made her angry enough that she actually became a decent villain, but she hated it.   After meeting Toshinori in Texas during the years he was in the USA, he ended up defeating her ... then visited her in jail.   From there, they spent time together, and deciding to leave her family and villainy behind, she went with him when he came back to Japan.   She’s very fond of Mirio given that they have similar abilities, and is a financial supporter of Keiho Rusuban’s Villain & Vigilante Reformation Initiative.
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KEIHO RUSUBAN / WATCHWOMAN :   Female.   Quirk, “Red Alert”, which allows her to see the level of danger a person is in and where it’s coming from.   Love interest, Tomura Shigaraki.   As a hero she’s focused heavily on rescue, but she also founded the Villain & Vigilante Reformation Initiative, which aims to help those people who so often slip through the cracks.   She runs a tight ship, offering social programs to those who wish to change as well as children who are coming from bad situations with Quirks that nobody else knows how to handle.   She has a soft heart that she keeps on full display, but she doesn’t open it up completely for just anyone.
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KYUSHI UKEIRE :   Female.   Quirk, “Breakneck”, which allows her to slow down time around her, making it appear as though she’s moving at lightning speed.   Love interest, Kai Chisaki / Overhaul.   A prison doctor at Tartarus, Kyushi used to run with an incredibly bad crowd when she lived on the streets.   After being betrayed by them and spending time in jail herself, she was rescued by a hero who took her in and helped her straighten her life out.   Since then, despite sympathizing with some villains, having been in a place where she easily could have become one, she doesn’t suffer cruelty lightly.   She never refuses to treat someone because of the atrocities they’ve committed, but ... she has no problem calling them out if they need to cut the shit.
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CRYSTAL COOL :   Female.   Quirk, “Mohsaic”, which allows her to transform her skin into various crystals, gems, and minerals.   Love interest, Eijiro Kirishima / Red Riot.   Her Quirk is unsuitable for combat because turning her skin into harder gems to fight or block causes the effect to deepen, damaging whichever organs are underneath.   She has a basic license from the USA where she was born, allowing her to use her Quirk in self-defense, but she can’t really be a hero.   Instead, since her Quirk manifested, she’s become a model and actress, at the insistence of her mother.   She's had trouble with her body image because of the pressure in the modeling industry, and it’s not the life she would have chosen for herself even though she enjoys it.   As she becomes more confident after meeting Eijiro, she branches out into becoming a singer, which is something she’s always wanted to chase.
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KIYOMERU HIRETSUNA :   Male.   Quirk, “Detox”, which allows him to use the ‘freckles’ present on his skin to leech impurities from the air and leave it cleaner.   No set love interest, but anyone who will take him.   Kiyomeru is very shy and quiet, and has problems with controlling his Quirk.   He’s perpetually sick because he can’t ‘turn it off’ and is constantly absorbing microbes, pollen, and pollution from the air.   His body is able to break it down without serious threats killing him like they would a normal person, but it leaves him suffering their other nonfatal effects.   His days are spent renting himself out as an air purifier to anyone who needs that service, and other than that, he lives a pretty normal life.   He’s not exactly a hero, but if he could learn to control his Quirk, it would enable him to transfer anything he absorbs to someone else.   Should he ever become able to do that, he would be an incredibly useful tool for quiet, untraceable murder.
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AISURU KOTSUZUI / SPINAL TAP :   Female.   Quirk, “Ossify”, which allows her to pull out her bones and use them as weapons.   Love interest, Chizome Akaguro / Stain.   Aisuru has a kind heart and believes that villains, vigilantes, and heroes should be working with each other to change society instead of fighting each other.   She is a partner with the Villain & Vigilante Reformation Initiative, a move which has earned her some negative buzz within the community.   It’s not something she pays attention to, just the same as she doesn’t pay attention to those who deem her Quirk ‘creepy’ or ‘villainous’.   She is a fierce protector who knows her own worth, stands for justice and peace, and will never stop trying to convince everyone, heroes, villains, vigilantes, and civilians, that they are all stronger together than they are apart.
there are other MHA OCs I may post a poll about at a later time, but once I’ve gotten their appearance drawn and have their characters more fleshed out !
aaaaaand here’s the poll to help a sister out !!   <3
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ohshcscenerios · 4 years
Introducing “Ship Days”
Have you ever wanted to ask your favorite OHSHC ship a few questions about their relationship? Perhaps how they fell in love, who confessed first, or even what they like most about each other? 
Now you will get your chance! @startingtodayyouareahost and I are happily introducing; Ship Days. 
What are Ship Days?
A Ship Day is when two paired hosts talk about their relationship and answer your questions. There will be a different OHSHC ship each Ship Day.
Which Ships will be Included?
Whichever ships participate is up to you, the voter! Below are linked polls to which ships you would like to participate in future Ship Days. The ship with the most votes will be the first ship to participate but every ship that gets a vote will be added to the que! 
Please vote for every ship you’d like to participate in future Ship Days. Each poll allow multiple answers so you can choose more than one option! 
Ships for Kyoya Ootori
Ships for Tamaki Suoh
Ships for Haruhi Fujioka
Ships for Hikaru Hitachiin
Ships for Kaoru Hitachiin
Ships for Mitsukuni Haninizuka 
Ships for Takashi Morinozuka
Please vote for your favorite ships. Remember; the ship with the most votes will go first but every ship that gets a vote (even just one) will be added to the que.
When is the First Ship Day?
March 19th is the first Ship Day! Mark your calendars! March 19th between 10:00am and 07:00pm (MTS) two paired hosts will open the Host Club (on their own without the other hosts) to take your questions and comments about their relationship! 
Results will be announced tomorrow night (March 6 2020 09:00pm MTS)
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
Ok I am going to do a poll for the next Andi Mack fic I’m about to write, but I am having a hard time deciding some things- so this is where you guys come in!
It is going to be incredibly fluffy and little to no angst. With that in mind, would you rather:
1. A triple date with the god tier ships (Tyrus, Muffy, Ambi) and just all fluff OR a triple date with the GHC and Dumba$$ Trio (fluff and humor)? I know I could opt in for Wonah so I could do everything but I don’t really ship them and I feel like I’ll have a hard time making it true to character/fluffy with them so it’ll just be a triple date
2. What should it be? Where should it be? This one I’m not as picky on. It could be a dance, amusement park, car trip, baking in the kitchen- I’ll pick whichever one is said most or I like best
Anyway, I’m going to tag people I think would have opinions on this, but please anyone else who wants to vote please do!!! I’ll probably start writing it tomorrow so vote soon 💕
@dancerdramatic14 @muffy-thatsit-thatsall @cascadingpearls @remedymoods @randomsmilingpotatoes @dumb-binch-juice @thebisexualweirdo @cascadingpearls @cyrus-made-tshirts @oh-i-get-it-salt @losrgeekwhatevr
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arlingtonpark · 6 years
2018 Midterm Election Primer
Ladies and gentlemen, Armageddon is upon us.
I am of course referring to the 2018 Midterms, the 116th such elections to be held under the current Constitution.
It’s been a long way since this election cycle started. Democrats were so assured of victory in 2016. Indeed, most Americans probably thought Clinton would win.  
Donald Trump’s rather flukey victory was attributable to a lot of factors. Hillary Clinton’s general unpopularity, which to some extent had a basis in sexism; the racialization of American politics, which Trump, to his credit, adeptly took advantage of; the refusal of Republican politicians to abandon Trump in the face of his many outrages; and the infamous Comey Letter.
And Clinton’s forsaking of Waukesha County.
Trump’s victory was a catalyzing moment for the American left, with women, and especially white, suburban women, traditionally a GOP leaning group, mobilizing in opposition to Trump’s presidency. The Women’s March, later joined by the #metoo movement, have marked an inflection point in female activism. There has been an unprecedented number of women running for public office this election cycle. Many of these women were compelled to run by the trauma of 2016 (never forget) and naturally, because the Democratic Party is the party in opposition to Trump, they overwhelmingly chose to run as Democrats.
Not counting incumbents, so in other words only looking at races where no candidate was favored to win the nomination, the Democratic Party has nominated women to be their standard bearer in half of all elections for the House of Representatives. In this small sliver of the political universe we have gender parity.
That has never happened before.
The 116th Congress, to be elected this November, will be the first one with a fourth of its membership being women. This will represent a huge increase from the current proportion, which is about one fifth.
However, this surge in female activism has been mostly limited to the Democratic Party. The Republicans have seen a much more limited increase in female candidacies.
It’s no secret to anyone paying attention that the Democrats are the party of women and minorities and the Republicans are the party of white men. In 2018 we saw an acceleration of this trend. As of this writing, 33% of Democratic members of the House are women. Only 9% of Republican House members are women. 37% of Democratic House members are nonwhite. 5% of Republican House members are nonwhite. These differences will only grow after 2018.
Joe Crowley and Mike Capuano, both white, male Democrats, were not renominated by the party and were replaced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley, both women of color, respectively. Kristi Noem and Marsha Blackburn, both female Republicans, opted to leave the House to run for higher office and Dusty Johnson and Mark Green, both men, were respectively nominated to replace them.
As Dave Wasserman put it, House Democrats are 41% white men and falling. House Republicans are 85% white men and rising.
The parties will only continue to grow further and further apart.
The House of Representatives.
The marquee race on Election night will be the drive to 218. Whichever party gets over that number will (at least nominally) control the House of Representatives.
As of now, the Democrats are favored five times out of six to win the majority of seats. That’s very good, but there is still a one in six chance Republicans remain in power. The forecast models being used to predict the outcome of the election are based, in part, on polling. Polls are not perfect; it is not uncommon for them to be off by 2-3 percentage points.
If the polls are underestimating Republicans by 2-3 percentage points, then the GOP has a solid chance of retaining the majority. This would happen on the backs of numerous races being won by less than a two percentage margin or so.
Conversely, if it turns out the polls are overestimating Republicans (and yes, a 15% chance of victory could actually be an overestimation) by 2-3 percentage points, then the GOP will get fucking slaughtered on 11/6. In this scenario the Democrats could win over 50 seats. They only need 23 to win.  
There’s an equal chance that either scenario happens.
Most gains by the Democrats will be concentrated among suburban areas, a sign of the GOP’s collapse among suburban voters.
The number of competitive seats has greatly expanded over time. Democrats are competitive in districts such as Virginia’s 5th, North Carolina’s 9th, and Michigan’s 8th. This was unthinkable a year ago.
If the Democrats retake the House it is unlikely they will move to impeach Trump immediately. When Republicans tried to impeach Bill Clinton there was a backlash amongst the people against them. People thought they were being too hasty. Democrats will try to avoid that.
But don’t worry. Democrats fully intend on riding Trump’s ass and in more ways than you can imagine. The duty of the House is to oversee the executive branch, a duty Republicans have shirked. If the Democrats take control you can bet there will be innumerable investigations into reports of impropriety in the Trump administration.
And Nancy Pelosi?
If Republicans keep control she’s dead. She’s deader than Tony Bennett. She’ll be ousted from power and replaced by someone else. Who that’ll be, I don’t know. Joe Crowley was the obvious replacement but he’s dead too, now. There’s really no clear replacement.
Even if the Democrats take control, Pelosi isn’t a lock for the Speakership. Many Democratic candidates are running on a promise of not supporting her. If there’s only a slim Democratic majority, there may not be enough Pelosi Democrats to get her the Speakership. Things could get messy next January.
 The Senate.
The Senate is a mirror image of the House. Republicans are favored five out of six times to have the majority after the election.
But the fact that it’s even this close is a miracle.
There are 24 Democrats running for reelection in 2018. Ten of them are trying to win in states that voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Five of them are running in states Trump won by over 15 percentage points.
If Clinton were President, Republicans could conceivably have picked up over 10 seats, a massive landslide victory for them. But now? They may not win any seats. That’s incredible.
Right now, Democrats may lose only one of their own: Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, who’s been polling behind her Republican opponent.
This loss will likely be offset, though, in Arizona, where Democrat Kyrsten Sinema is favored to replace Republican Jeff Flake, who is retiring.
To win the majority, Heitkamp will need to hang on in North Dakota and Sinema will need to win alongside Jacky Rosen, the Democrat running against Republican Senator Dean Heller in Nevada. That would give then the 51 seats they need for a majority. Unfortunately, Rosen has also fallen behind in the polls.
If Heitkamp or Rosen or both can’t pull through, they’ll need to get to 51 seats some other way, most likely by winning Texas and Tennessee…and it’s at this point I hope it becomes clear just how measly their chances are of winning.
In Indiana, Democrat Joe Donnelley is running for reelection and his strategy is to basically try and trick voters into thinking he’s the Republican. Donnelley is an accidental Senator; he only won because his Republican opponent was a moron who threw away the election.
The same holds true for Claire McCaskill, Missouri’s Democratic senator. She should have lost reelection in 2012, but was saved when her Republican opponent epically screwed himself. If you were around back then you probably remember it, actually.
The final race of note is Florida. The Democrat is Bill Nelson, who is a former astronaut. The Republican is Governor Rick Scott, who was fined over $1 billion for defrauding the federal government.
Even if the Democrats don’t win the majority now, keeping the Republicans at 51 seats will set them up to take the Senate later on down the line. 2020 and 2022 will feature election maps far more favorable to the Democrats than 2018.
But looking out even further into the future the Democratic Party’s Senate prospects are not looking good. It is only through sheer luck that they aren’t going to get slaughtered here. The 2018 map will be up for election again in 2024 and it is then that they’ll get slaughtered.
The gaggle of 36 governor’s races are a mirror image of the Senate map, which is a mirror image of the House. It’s mirrors all the way down in this cycle! Most of the seats are held by Republicans and a lot of them are in states where Democrats have a chance to win. But unlike the Senate, they don’t have a favorable map to buoy themselves, which means they’re on a sinking ship without a lifeboat.
Democrats are favored to take governorships from the Republicans in Michigan, Illinois, Maine, Iowa, New Mexico, and Florida.
That’s just bewildering. Florida is a swing state, all elections there are close. Yet Democrat Andrew Gillum, a black guy running on universal healthcare, is practically running away with the governorship!
And you want even more proof things are going well for Democrats?
Georgia is a toss-up. Yeah, that’s right, Democrat Stacey Abrams, another black candidate, is competitive against Republican Brian Kemp.
Republican governor Scott Walker is slightly favored to get his ass kicked in Wisconsin, which is karmic justice as far as union leaders are concerned since he’s been a thorn in their side for a while now.
Another competitive Republican state that shouldn’t be: Kansas. The old Republican governor, Sam Brownback, is like the captain of the Titanic, except imagine if Captain Smith drove the ship into the iceberg on purpose. Brownback’s policies have ruined the state and now his disciple, Kris Kobach, is trying to succeed him. Kobach is such a clown that several prominent Kansas Republicans have endorsed the Democrat, Laura Kelly.
Things are a bit complicated in Alaska. Bill Walker, the current governor, is not affiliated with any party, except he used to be a Democrat, and the Democrats chose to endorse him instead of nominating someone in the last election. Things didn’t go so smoothly this time, though. Democrats nominated Mark Begich to be governor and Walker chose to run for reelection anyway. This split the anti-Republican vote and cleared the way for Republican Dunleavey to hike his way to victory.
Most politicians would be too egomaniacal to see they can’t win and drop out, but not Bill Walker. He dropped out of the race and endorsed Begich, ironically proving he was the one who deserved to win the most. Now Dunleavy…is still favored to win. But it’s closer now. Yeah.
The truth is that Walker is just very unpopular. However much Alaskans are stereotyped as rugged mountainpeople, never forget their state is the only one in the country that gives every man, women, and child. literally. free. money. That’s why Walker wasn’t so popular. Because he cut back on the amount of free money he was giving away.
Alaska is only one of two bright spots for Republicans here. The other is New England. They have three governorships there and all three are favored to be reelected. These governors are more moderate (pro-choice, pro-gun control, pro-gay marriage, etc.) and they all work with Democrats to govern effectively. It is precisely because of this they will never be big with the national Republican Party.
I haven’t followed the Nevada race, but Nevada politico Jon Ralston describes Republican Adam Laxalt like he’s a douche who’s dating someone for their looks, so I hope he loses. He’s (barely) favored to win.
Ohio’s race is a toss-up between Mike DeWine and Richard Corduroy.
Winning all these governorships is important for Democrats because these governors will be around in 2021 when congressional districts are redrawn. Because those district maps have to be passed into law to take effect, the governors of most states have a veto over it. Republicans had a free hand in 2011 during the last redraw and they drew the maps to favor themselves. Having Democratic governors will be important to keeping the party from being drawn out.
 The Big Picture
The most important aspect of any given election is how it sets up the next election two years later. (The one constant in American politics is a torturously arduous struggle that never ends.) Which candidates win and which lose will be used to argue for one vision of the Democratic and Republican parties over the others. For example, if Andrew Gillum, a black man running on Bernie Sander’s platform, wins in Florida, then that will strengthen the case Sanders and his ilk are making for the path the Party needs to go down.
It’s possible a future President could be elected in 2018. Gillum and Beto O’Rourke, the Democratic Senate candidate in Texas, have both been talked about as presidential candidates. Gavin Newsom, the Democratic candidate for Governor of California, has also had his name thrown around.
The best election night commentary is from the smart politicos on twitter. Seriously, these people know what they’re talking about and because it’s Twitter, there’ll be much snark. I’ll have a Twitter list ready by election night for anyone willing to follow it on Twitter.
Hope you all vote! :)
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To satisfy my own curiosity, it's the
Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon Tournament
This is the masterpost for the tournament. I'll pin it and update it with every new round, so you'll be able to find all polls easily.
The rules are very simple: You just vote for whichever ship you like best. The ship with the most votes advances to the next round.
Propaganda is encouraged! Please tag it or send me a message about it so I know to reblog it.
Izutsumi by herself vs Kabumisu (Izutsumi by herself won)
Battle for the bronze:
Farcille vs Chilshi (Farcille won)
Previous rounds under the cut
Farcille vs Izutsumi by herself (Izutsumi by herself won, surprisingly)
Chilshi vs Kabumisu (Kabumisu won)
Quarter finals:
Farcille vs Kensuke x Ambrosia (Farcille won)
Izutsumi by herself vs Namari x Kiki (Izutsumi by herself won)
Laisen vs Chilshi (Chilshi won)
Winged Lion x Laios vs Kabumisu (Kabumisu won)
Round 3:
Farcille vs The Dryads (Farcille won)
Kensuke x Ambrosia vs Fionil x Doni (Kensuke x Ambrosia won)
Izutsumi by herself vs Hien x Benichidori (Izutsumi by herself won)
The Flokes vs Namari x Kiki (Namari x Kiki won)
Laios x Lycion vs Laisen (Laisen won)
Otta x Chilchuck's wife vs Chilshi (Chilshi won)
Winged Lion x Laios vs Winged Lion x Thistle (Winged Lion x Laios won)
Fleki x Lycion vs Kabumisu (Kabumisu won)
Round 2, part 2:
Marios vs Laios x Lycion (Laios x Lycion won)
Laisen vs Chaios (Laisen won)
Otta x Chilchuck's wife vs Senshi x Mithrun (Otta x Chilchuck's wife won)
Chilchuck x Marcille vs Chilshi (Chilshi won)
Winged Lion x Marcille vs Winged Lion x Laios (Winged Lion x Laios won)
Winged Lion x Mithrun vs Winged Lion x Thistle (Winged Lion x Thistle won)
Cithis x Pattadol vs Fleki x Lycion (Fleki x Lycion won)
Labru vs Kabru x Mithrun (Kabumisu won)
Round 2, part 1:
Farcille vs Falin x Namari (Farcille won)
Hippogriff x Anne the pony vs The Dryads (The Dryads won)
Marcille x Succubus vs Kensuke x Ambrosia (Kensuke x Ambrosia won)
Island governor x Shadow governor vs Fionil x Doni (Fionil x Doni won)
Izutsumi by herself vs Izutsumi x Marcille (Izutsumi by herself won)
Maizuru x Toshitsugu vs Hien x Benichidori (Hien x Benichidori won)
Delgal x Thistle vs The Flokes (The Flokes won)
Namari x Marcille vs Namari x Kiki (Namari x Kiki won)
Round 1:
Falin x Namari vs Falin x Shuro (Falin x Namari won)
Namari x Kaka & Kiki vs Namari x Kiki (Namari x Kiki won)
Laios x Kensuke vs Laios x Lycion (Laios x Lycion won)
Laios x Senshi vs Laios x Thistle (Laisen won)
Otta x Chilchuck's wife vs Senshi x Chilchuck's daughters (Otta x Chilchuck's wife won)
Cithis x Pattadol vs Cithis x Otta (Cithis x Pattadol won)
Kabru x Laios vs Kabru x Rin (Labru won)
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donald-clemons · 3 years
Customer Feedback for Ecommerce: The Whats, Whys, and Hows
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Gathering feedback from your customers has numerous advantages: it allows you to gauge customer satisfaction, identify areas of your business that need improvement, and implement changes that can positively impact your revenue. With so many ways to obtain and analyze customer feedback, it can be difficult to identify which strategy would be most rewarding for your business. Below, we detail the two main types of feedback (qualitative and quantitative), the most effective ways to solicit each type, and general best practices for feedback collection.
Quantitative Feedback
Quantitative feedback involves collecting feedback in a way that can be calculated and measured numerically, such as rating on a scale of ten, ranking items by importance, or counting the amount of clicks a particular item receives. The purpose of quantitative feedback is to provide clear-cut results on predetermined objectives that can be acted upon quickly.
Why Quantitative Feedback Is Important
While collecting feedback based on fixed data may seem limiting, using quantitative feedback can offer several unique advantages for your business.
It allows you to easily identify trends. Looking for patterns around quantitative feedback you receive can help you determine how widespread an issue is—and whether it can even be addressed. Say you are asking customers to rate various aspects of their overall experience. If a large portion of customers rate their shipping experience poorly, you know immediately that you need to re-evaluate your shipping process. You can also group these responses together and look for specific patterns in the data around this subset of customers. You may find that they all live in a similar area of the country that is simply experiencing delays due to inclement weather.
It gives you a more objective measure of success or failure. Pulling quantitative feedback over a long period of time will give you a clear idea of whether any changes you implemented after receiving negative feedback have made a difference in the customer experience. Let’s say you are measuring feedback on a marketing campaign based on the amount of clicks it receives. If your campaign was slow to attract clicks, you may experiment with changing something like the color of your CTA button. If your click count picks up over time, the change you made was a success!
It provides you with clear-cut action items. Because quantitative feedback typically involves a predetermined objective, the results you receive will generally point you toward what action should be taken next. Imagine you have polled your customers on what new product they’d like to see in your store. The most advantageous course of action would be to add whichever item (or items) has received the most votes to your array of product offerings.
How to Gather Quantitative Feedback
There are many ways to gather quantitative feedback to benefit your business. Below, we detail those that are used most often by ecommerce businesses.
Ask customers using Customer Satisfaction Metrics surveys. There are many existing metrics for gauging customer happiness and engagement with your brand quantitatively, the most popular of which include Customer Effort Score (CES), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and Net Promoter Score (NPS). Using popular scoring systems such as these are helpful because not only can you see how well your customers rate your business—you can also see how your ratings compare to existing industry averages or benchmarks.
Send out quantitative surveys or polls via email or social media. Think about where your customers are most responsive and ask for more specific quantitative feedback there. Vote-style surveys and polls are great ways to ask customers for feedback using specific parameters. You can even send more targeted surveys via email if, for example, you’d like to assess whether customers who purchased a “limited-time only” product feel like it adds to your brand and should be made a permanent product.
Analyze data from A/B tests, click tracking, or heat maps. These analyses are uniquely useful because they gather quantitative feedback without actually interacting with the customer directly. Whether you are testing which landing page design yields the most conversions, which CTA button placement results in the most clicks, or where on your site customers are spending the most time, tools like these can provide a wealth of measurable data.
Qualitative Feedback
Qualitative feedback, on the other hand, involves collecting feedback through verbal or written means that results in more in-depth, detailed data. Most qualitative feedback is obtained by asking open-ended questions and allowing customers to explain their experience in their own words, providing a bigger-picture view of why they may feel a certain way.
Why Qualitative Feedback Is Important
While sifting through loads of lengthy responses can be time-consuming, asking your customers for quantitative feedback has its own set of benefits.
It gives you context for how customers feel about your business. Customers who are given a chance to rate your business on a predetermined scale are limited in their ability to express why that score was given. Say a customer rated their experience as “Neutral.” Perhaps the entire experience was perfect aside from one pretty major issue. Alternatively, there could have been several minor issues that require attention. A qualitative feedback model gives you the opportunity to determine what made customers perceive their experience in a particular way.
It alerts you to more nuanced issues. Quantitative data is great at telling you WHAT the problem is quickly, but qualitative is helpful for determining the WHY. Take the poor shipping experience example from above: quantitative feedback identified that there was an issue that needed to be addressed. If feedback was requested in an open-ended way instead, you might find that multiple customers had packages arrive damaged, and from there could identify which shipping carrier was used for their orders that might not be handling your packages with care.
It lets customers express themselves and feel heard. Sometimes, customers who have had a poor experience just need to vent. Giving them a channel to do so that is not open for the public to see—and that a real person will be reviewing—gives unhappy customers the opportunity to feel like their feedback is actually being taken into account. On a more positive note, asking for qualitative feedback also gives happy customers who are loyal fans the ability to praise you for your great work and feel like they are a part of driving your brand towards success.
How to Gather Qualitative Feedback
Ecommerce businesses have fewer options when it comes to gathering quantitative feedback. Some of the most popular methods are outlined below.
Read online customer reviews and comments. Your customers are likely already leaving qualitative feedback for you without you even having to ask. Check out what has been posted already, as well as how others are reacting to what has been said. These customer discussions can contain an abundance of relevant insights.
Send out open-ended surveys via email or social media. Simply asking customers what they think in a way that allows them to openly speak their mind is a proven method for compiling opinions. Just make sure that you have the bandwidth to sort through all of the feedback you receive and respond when necessary.
Ask customers directly via phone or chat. While this is the most time-consuming method of collecting qualitative data, it can be the most valuable because of its organic nature. Additionally, it adds an important (and highly-favored) marketing trait to your brand: personalization.
Which is Better—Quantitative or Qualitative Feedback?
Both types of feedback have their own advantages and drawbacks. Quantitative feedback can be collected and analyzed more quickly with possible action items already laid out to execute, whereas qualitative feedback gives you a more complete picture of issues or things that make customers excited.
When possible, we suggest combining quantitative and qualitative methods to achieve the most helpful results. For example, have customers answer qualitative questions, and if they rate them low, follow up asking for qualitative feedback. This gives you the convenience and speediness of clear-cut, actionable answers with the added context you need to make the RIGHT choices.
Best Practices for Feedback Collection
With a better grasp on different types of feedback and how to obtain them, you can now begin planning and implementing your own customer feedback strategy. Here are a few things to keep in mind when doing so to ensure you get the most out of your feedback-gathering experience.
Ask about the good AND the bad. It may be tempting to try to focus on the parts of your business you already know are great to drum up positive sentiments. However, asking about the bad will also give you a chance to learn about ways you can make your customers happier overall.
Ask about your competition. The best way to one-up the competition is to figure out what they’re offering that you aren’t. And what better source for this information than the people they are trying to sell to as well? This tactic can also give you a better understanding of where you stand in the industry as a whole.
Ask about what opportunities you're missing. Why struggle on your own to define future opportunities when you can get customers to tell you exactly what they would like to see from you down the road? Your customers have the best insight into what will bring them back, keep them coming back, or fuel further excitement for your business.
Ask genuinely and appeal to customers personally. A robotic, mass-produced message is much less likely to get attention than one that feels like it was created just for that customer. Personalizing and humanizing your message will make customers much more likely to respond and provide insightful feedback.
Offer a reward. The most tried-and-true method for compelling people to take action is to offer something to them in return. Your customers are probably busy, so they're more likely to remember to respond if they are given an incentive to do so, such as a sample product, an exclusive discount, or a free gift.
Thank them. Remember that your customers are taking time out of their busy schedules to do you a favor. Part of thanking your customers for their time is offering an incentive to show that you realize their time is valuable, but the other part is actually saying the words "Thank you" so they know that their time is appreciated.
In Conclusion
Without soliciting feedback from your customers—the reason your business is able to operate in the first place—any steps you take to improve, grow, or expand your business will be nothing but shots in the dark. Collect feedback in multiple forms, make informed decisions about any updates that should be made to your business, and see your revenue improve.
Customer Feedback for Ecommerce: The Whats, Whys, and Hows published first on https://yousweetluxury.weebly.com/
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eddsworldarmageddon · 7 years
Here's how this is going to work!
Thanks everyone for your votes in the Paultryk poll, I’m happy that everyone was honest about how they felt and gave me their opinions. So out of the 635 total votes, 332 people selected the option “Happy! I would love for this to happen!”, and 155 votes votes “would still enjoy the game if it were canon”. Combined, that’s about 3 quarters of the total votes. However! About 19% of people either don’t like the ship, or it makes them uncomfortable. That’s a big chunk of people! And yes, I realize that people had the option to choose more than one answer, I’m just concerned about making a game everyone will enjoy. So I've decided that there'll be an option at the beginning of the game where you can decide for yourself if you'd like Paultryk to be canon or not! Now for everyone else, you get to decide how the ship is handled in the canon route! There’s an option 1, an option 2, and an option 3. Go ahead and like whichever post you enjoy the idea of the most!
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To belatedly ring in the new year, it's the
Best Tournament Winner of 2023 Tournament
This is the masterpost for the tournament. I'll pin it and update it with every new round, so you'll be able to find all polls easily.
The rules are very simple: You just vote for whichever tournament winner you like better. The tournament winner with the most votes advances to the next round.
Propaganda is encouraged! Please put it in the body of the post so I can reblog it.
Spoiler warning: This tournament contains material up to the end of the manga. If you haven't caught up yet, you may be spoiled.
Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon vs Sexiest Senshi Pantyshot in the Manga (Sexiest Senshi Pantyshot in the Manga won)
Battle for the bronze:
Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon vs Most Delicious Meal in the Dungeon ((Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon won)
Previous rounds under the cut
Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon vs Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon (Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon won)
Sexiest Senshi Pantyshot in the Manga vs Most Delicious Meal in the Dungeon (Sexiest Senshi Pantyshot in the Manga won)
Quarter finals:
Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon vs Favourite Monster from the Dungeon (Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon won)
Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon vs Best Summer Outfit in the Dungeon (Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon won)
Best Volume Cover in the Manga vs Sexiest Senshi Pantyshot in the Manga (Sexiest Senshi Pantyshot in the Manga won)
Spookiest Halloween Costume in the Dungeon vs Most Delicious Meal in the Dungeon (Most Delicious Meal in the Dungeon won)
Round 1:
Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon vs Least Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon (Most Fuckable Monster in the Dungeon won)
Favourite Character from the Dungeon vs Favourite Monster from the Dungeon (Favourite Monster from the Dungeon won)
Queerest Character in the Dungeon vs Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon (Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon won)
Best Summer Outfit in the Dungeon vs Best Winter Outfit in the Dungeon (Best Summer Outfit in the Dungeon won)
Best Volume Cover in the Manga vs Best Chapter Cover in the Manga (Best Volume Cover in the Manga won)
Sexiest Senshi Pantyshot in the Manga vs Worst Outfit on the Marcille (Sexiest Senshi Pantyshot in the Manga won)
Best Parental Figure in the Dungeon vs Spookiest Halloween Costume in the Dungeon (Spookiest Halloween Costume in the Dungeon won)
Most Delicious Monster in the Dungeon vs Most Delicious Meal in the Dungeon (Most Delicious Meal in the Dungeon won)
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