#killer sans voice acting
tehrogueva · 7 months
Comic by @zucchiyeni
dubbed this live on stream. was so much fun
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ze-fanatic14 · 10 months
This is my first time doing voice audio in here, also by using Audacity but I think it's safe to say that I did good. Hopefully? lmao Original art from @itsxroxannex
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no-more-dust-au · 4 months
Blows up pancakes with mind
I feel bad for cross. Anyway please enjoy.
Original post:
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nowhereorreaper · 1 month
✦ 𝙰𝚛𝚝 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝙱𝚢 : @voidzphere (Here on Tumblr)
✦ 𝚅𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚋𝚢 :
[ ReaperVA ] 𝚊𝚜 [ literally everyone]
✦ 𝙰𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚘 𝙴𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚋𝚢 : ReaperVA
✦ 𝚅𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚘 𝙴𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚋𝚢 : Null / @Someone_namedkai (tiktok)
𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚄𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚃𝚘𝚋𝚢𝙵𝚘𝚡.
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underhouse · 4 months
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COME JOIN UNDERHOUSE! We still have plenty of auditions open and would absolutely love to have you!
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| TMDG Teaser | 1.0 Interview regarding 1st Victim | 💙🔪💔 |
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yabakuboi · 1 month
merman steve pt 2
a continuation of this for @spectrum-spectre, now with some pre-steddie~!
Henderson is skulking around in the cereal aisle when Eddie spots him.
The kid has been a bit of enigma to Eddie since he met him at the beginning of last fall semester. Dustin had a tight group of friends, but often times, he caught the gang of them sans Henderson and the fact seemed to annoy the hell out of them.
"He just goes off on on his own sometimes," Baby Beyers would say.
"He won't tell anyone where or why or with who," Mini Wheeler would snarl.
"And it's definitely not to talk to his girlfriend, because we hear ALL about that," Big Sinclair would sigh, rolling his eyes.
So catching kid creeping around the grocery store minus the rest of his party, after hearing many complains of his mysterious disappearances? Color Eddie intrigued.
"Hendersooon," Eddie sang, wrapping an arm around Dustin's neck to keep him from escaping. "Whatcha doing?"
"Eddie!" he said brightly, grinning at him. "Just buying some snacks. Hey, which cereal do you think a fish can eat?"
Eddie stares at him for a moment, blinking. "Uh..."
Henderson's face scrunches up. "I guess he's not really a fish though, so I'll try whatever." He grabs a box of Honey Combs from the shelf.
"Dude, are you keeping a sea turtle at your house again? You know that's illegal."
"No!" Henderson snaps, flushing. "And I was going to take Dart back after show and tell, I had already promised Steve!"
"Steve?" That was a new name. Eddie hadn't heard Henderson talk about a Steve before, and the guy was kind of a motormouth and a terrible liar. The only time Eddie had seen him actually avoid a topic was when his little disappearing acts were brought up. "Who's Steve?"
Henderson's eyes go comically wide. "No-one! I don't know any Steves!"
Eddie knew at least three Steves, and two were in Henderson's grade. "Uh-huh."
"Anyways," Dustin says, clutching the box of Honey Combs to his chest as he backs down the aisle. "I gotta go man, nice seeing you, bye!"
Bemused, Eddie watches him go. He's planning to give Henderson a five minute head start before he goes to tail him, but apparently, he needn't to have planned a stake out after all. Henderson finds him again, two aisles over, panting and red-faced.
"Actually, can you give me a ride?"
"Eddie," Henderson says, voice even more serious and deadly than the time the party took on Vecna last month during their campaign. "I need you to swear that you will never, ever tell anyone about what I'm going to show you."
Eddie cocks a brow at him. "Is this a drugs thing? Dude, you—"
"No!" Henderson snaps. "This is not a drug thing! This is a very serious life and death thing, and I need you to swear on you life you won't tell anyone about it."
"Dude," Eddie says, a little in awe. He stares out his windshield for a moment where they're still parked just outside of town. He can hear sounds of the ocean just past the ridge, waves crashing on the cliffs. It's a remote little area, opposite of the tourist favored beaches. Eddie, in fact, deals just a few miles down the shoreline from here. "Did you bring me out here to kill me? Are you the world's dorkiest serial killer?"
"Eddie." Eddie turns to look at him. His face is grave, brows furrowed with real worry. "I'm serious."
"Okay... Okay, then."
"You have to swear."
"I swear."
And just like that, Henderson's face breaks into a bright smile. "I knew I could trust you!" he crows, grabbing up his bag from the store and kicking open his door.
Eddie stumbles out of his van after him, listening intently as they pick their way over the rocks.
"He's so cool, Eddie, you're going to love him. He totally saved my life when I was like ten and I got pulled out on a rip tide. Like, I really almost died dude and then he just swims up out of no where and helps me catch my breath. Helps me float there while I'm freaking out too until the life guard finally came out to get me. It was crazy! I come out here all the time to visit him, I think he gets a little lonely. So it's good you're here, I've been trying to think of someone else to introduce him to, but it's hard to figure out who's going to freak out and try to sell him to Sea World, or something."
They crest over the hill to a tiny little cove bitten out of the rocky shore, and carefully begin to make their way back down to the water's edge. Eddie's still not entirely sure Henderson hasn't brought him here to die. Maybe Steve is the serial killer and he uses Henderson as bait.
"Okay, okay," Dustin says, once they reach the water. It's calmer here, the cliffs cutting this spot off from the larger waves. "Are you ready to see the coolest thing EVER?"
"Uh, sure, kid—"
Eddie doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence when he starts yelling.
"Jesus Christ," Eddie hisses, covering his ears. The lungs on this kid! "What the fuck dude— WHAT THE FUCK!!"
Because when he looks down, there is a face in the water. Eddie falls back on his ass, uncaring of the water soaking his jeans, and screams when the face in the water rises up out the ocean.
It looks pissed.
"Dustin," it says, glaring at Eddie. Eddie screams again, because it—the guy—the mermaid lifts himself fully onto the rocks, and he doesn't have any legs. Because he has a fucking tail.
A fucking fish tail.
"Steve!" Dustin cheers. "You came out."
"You sure?" the goddamn mermaid asks, finally taking his piercing, alien eyes off of Eddie to look at him. "Sure it safe?"
"Absolutely," Dustin says hastily, crouching beside Eddie to put his hands on his shoulders. "Eddie just screams a lot, I promise you, he's totally safe."
"R-Right," Eddie says, because he does not want to be eaten. Maybe Dustin's been dragging unsuspecting victims here to feed his pet goddamn mermaid instead of a serial killer. "Totally safe, that's me."
Steve, the goddamn fucking mermaid, looks him up and down doubtfully, and it's terrifying having those eyes on him, unnaturally yellow surrounded by black. His face is distressingly human, nose and mouth and ears with a mop of dark hair on his head. He has these bright shimmering scales across his cheekbones that dot down his jaw and neck, iridescent and glimmering in the afternoon sun. Eddie can't bring himself to look down further, scared and enraptured all at once.
Steve is terrifying and beautiful to look at.
"Fine," says Steve and pushes himself gracefully back into the water, disappearing into the dark depths.
"What the fuck," Eddie breathes. He looks up at Dustin with wide eyes. "Dude, what the fuck."
Dustin just grins down at him. "Isn't he the coolest?!"
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derangedanomaly · 2 months
Skellie boys and a moon goddess reader (including fell sans)
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It was the same damn night for the king of the darkness... He was opening a portal, glaring at it as it finally opened. His steps echoed in the dark, as he slowly reached the new AU. He knew this would be another depressing AU, where he could *possibly* recruit the resident in this, quite dark AU.
He was beyond confused when he was met with a neverending darkness. He looked around, looking for some kind of exit or light...
But there was none.
He hummed as he decided to take a little walk around this pitch black AU, until he spotted you.
You sat on what seemed to be... A cloud? He has no idea who you are, or what you are, but he surely knows one thing... You're the only resident in this sad excuse for an AU.
He decided to play 'the good guy' act on you, as the first meeting that is. He approached your calm figure, clearing his throat before speaking. "Well what's a little soul like you doing in a dark place like this?" He only now noticed how you seemed to glow when he said this. You looked down at him, blinking a few times before descending on your little cloud. "I do not know who you are, nor do I know what you want from me, but this chamber is only for me. No one else gets to bask in the same glow as me." The moment these demanding words leave your mouth, he's hooked.
"What's your purpose, mortal?" You raised your eyebrows at him as he said this. Mortal? Does he even know who he's speaking to? "Watch your words, you're speaking to the goddess of the moon." Nightmare widened his eyes at this new revelation. A goddess? Someone who is on the same level as him? On his team..? He smirks at this idea, having a god on his team would get him a big advantage against his stupid brother and that little team of his..
"Say... how would you feel about.... Working for me?" You widened your eyes at this question. He dares to ask this type of question, directed to you? You scoffed. "I'm not one for meddling with the affairs of mortals." You sealed your fate with that last sentence, as Nightmare went into a fighting stance. He will do whatever requirements necessary, if it could mean you'd be on his team.
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Killer descended down the stairs, where he was met with the looming figure of his boss... He seemed to be- cradling someone? Killer's interest was peaked, as he went over to Nightmare's side, and threw the figure in Nightmare's arms a glance. He could feel his soul violently shaking at the sight of you, unconscious in Nightmare's hold.
Killer looked at his boss, but still throwing you subtle glances. "Boss, who's she?" Nightmare only grunted in annoyance at Killer's curiousity. "Her name's Y/N, I met her in the new AU, and decided to recruit her." Of course, that could only mean that you denied, tried to fight back, and it ended with Nightmare knocking you out and kidnapping you. Killer listened to Nightmare's speech, while he awed at you.
You were so beautiful, he swore that if he squinted hard enough, you'd glow. He had no idea what these new feelings, that you stirred in him were, but he felt.... Strangely at peace. He couldn't tear his gaze from your face, you looked like a goddess...
Almost as if Nightmare could read his mind, he chuckled. "She's a moon goddess.. she could be very reliable to us." No wonder you're so beautiful... If you're a goddess.
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Dust grunted when he heard Killer's voice calling for him downstairs. Oh, how he would love to strangle the life out of him... Of course, with Dust sharing a room with Horror, Horror was already up and awake. Grumbling at the disturbance of his sleep. "Alright, let's go to see what Killer could possibly awaken us for. Shall we?" Horror hesitantly nodded at Dust's question, and stumbled out of his bed.
Dust on the other hand, teleported downstairs, where he was met with, possibly the most confusing scene, he ever saw. Nightmare sat on a chair, reading a book with his glasses, Killer sat on a couch, gushing about something, and on the couch laid- wait... Who was that?
Dust went to check the figure laying on the couch, the figure Killer was staring at so intensely. "Boss... Who's that?" Dust silently analyzed the figure, in his own way. He pinpointed some attributes he saw right off the bat.
The person was incredibly beautiful, she seemed to wear, mostly shades of blue, she had an ethearal face, one that just screamed; Out of this world! As these thoughts circled his mind, Nightmare responded to his question, without looking up at him, still reading the said book in his hand. "Her name's Y/N. She's the new recruit." That was all Dust needed to know about the beauty before him, to guess her position.
"She's a goddess, am I right?" Nightmare only nodded, and smirked at Dust's perceptive personality. "Clever as always, Dust. She's the moon goddess." Dust hummed, as he only laid his hands on the armrest, while still watching you, peacefully laying on the couch.
"ISN'T SHE SO BEAUTIFUL?!--" Dust grumbled when Killer yelled out these words. Must he always ruin everything? Dust shot him a glare. "Shut up, you idiot. Or you'll wake her up." Killer sighed, but still kept his gaze on her.
As Dust watched them all staring at her, at some point, he put two and two together. It seems like everyone in here was swayed by her beauty, almost immediately. Does he also count in the group of people who fell in love at first sight with her? He doesn't know. Maybe, he will found out soon enough..
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Horror stayed silent at the bottom of the stairs, as he listened to the whole conversation. A new recruit? A goddess? He doesn't know what to expect when he finally snaps out of his unmoving gate, going over to the couch. Dust noticed him immediately, throwing him a small wave, which he returned.
"That's...a goddess..?" He asked, looking down at your face. You really were beautiful... But he doesn't know why they laid you on the couch, instead of moving you to a comfier place. You're a goddess, aren't you? Don't you deserve a better hospitality? "Yes, she's the goddess of the moon. You were listening again, huh?" Dust responded to his previous question, as he smirked at him. Horror could only rub the back of his head, as a sheepish smile made it across his face.
He yet again stared down at your figure, a visible frown made it on his face. How can everyone just sit here, watching over you like this, on this disgusting couch? And it's not even a comfy couch. Horror takes as he decided to be the bigger person in here.
Everyone's gaze snapped from you, and instead settled on Horror, who held you bridal style. Even Nightmare's gaze left his book. "Horror? What are you doing?" His boss asked him sternly. Horror only shook his head. "Taking...her to...bed." was the only response he made, before going up the stairs. "HEY! He took the babe!" Horror ignored Killer's protests, as Dusts hit Killer for his words.
Horror decided to lay you on his bed, as he didn't have anywhere else to lay you on. He sat down on the floor, next to the bed, almost like a guard dog.
He couldn't deny that you were breathtaking.. how could he deny that? Only a fool would say that you're not beautiful. It was clear as a day, that you're not some regular human. And he wouldn't say it out loud... but you invaded his dreams, as he was falling asleep to your soft snores.
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Fell couldn't believe that he actually agreed to go on this meeting that Dream invited him to. Something about Nightmare recruiting a new member, danger to the multiverse... Blah blah blah. All that bullshit didn't really matter to him. If he was the leader of the Star Sanses, he would already take the Bad guys' out.
He was almost dozing off, actually, until Dream said something crucial to him. "The new member is a goddess." His eyes widened at this new information. A goddess, huh? Fell was about to say something but was interrupted with a sound of an explosion. Must be an attack from the bad guys. "EVERYONE, PREPARE TO FIGHT." Dream didn't have to tell him twice, as he already stood lined up with the others, preparing for a fight. He looked over at the bad guys, but his eyes only searched for one person, worthy to fight with. You.
He grinned when he spotted a new person in the picture. You stood next to Nightmare and Horror, seemingly to glare at Fell when you noticed his stares. As for Fell, he actually had no words. He really didn't expect to see a being as ethereal as you, standing before him. Even looking at him like that was doing wonders to his soul. (You're just glaring at him)
He tried to take in every detail about you, you had a beautiful face, truly. It's like you were a work of art, and him the admirer. His flirty smirk appeared on his face, now the anger completely leaving him, and instead, a challenging look adorned it.
This is gonna be fun..
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tehrogueva · 8 months
Comic by @itsxroxannex
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zelphin124 · 4 months
Dust x YN Short Story
You simps... this is the result of this poll.
Uh, yeah... Here we go I guess.
I swear I have motivation somewhere-
Twenty weeks.
You started to lose count of the days as you circled your cell. The sun was setting again, so your evening meal would arrive soon.
Nightmare had kidnapped you not so long ago. All you could gather was you were being used as a bargaining chip. If your friends didn't make enough negative energy in your AU, you would die.
Depression would be achieved either way.
You heard tales of the negative king. You know that he had a brother who was the positive opposite of him, you also heard fantasies of him having a soft spot for people, wanting to just have a time of rest.
None of those were true at all.
He was the definition of evil. He was cruel and treated everyone poorly to feed off it. He didn't care about anyone, not even his own employees, who were the ones that brought you food. He laughed in the face of requests and always got what he wanted, one way or another, often making others kill for him.
This led your train of thought to the various employees. There was Killer, the smiley, toxic one. He never shut up and obeyed Nightmare like a dog. He was the one who wanted to cause you the most pain. His addiction to blood and knives didn't help with that. You found it unsettling how much black ink dripped from his eyes when he looked at you. You knew he saw you as an object, nothing more. He has threatened to do horrendous things to you to please his boss... but... he hasn't laid a hand on you yet.
Horror was the second employee. He appeared to be the polar opposite of Killer in personality but equally as unsettling. He would stare at you for long hours, his bulging red eye unwavering and not blinking. You have overheard many conversations that he wanted to save you for a meal. Whenever he was hungry, he lingered not too far from you. If it weren't for the negativity he gave off when he was unable to eat you, you were sure Nightmare would've let him already.
Then there was Murder Sans. He was the quietest, and the one who didn't say much, if at all. The entire time you've known him, he lurked in conversations and only gave off nods, shrugs, and head shakes as communication. The other two employees were terrified of him; they often talked about his LV levels and how he could kill them easily. Although all of them were murderers, he was the only one reluctant to do it again.
Especially to you.
When he came to give you food, you didn't have to cower in the corner or tell them to leave. He barely said anything to you, but he's whispered enough words to tell you his voice was rasp and aloof. His eyes never narrowed at you, and he didn't stare like the others. If you caught him staring, he would respectfully look away, going about his business. He always ensured that you got the best food and that none of it dropped before it reached you. Sometimes, he would take the food that he got and give it to you. His coworkers always said he acted weird when he saw you, but you couldn't quite tell why.
You couldn't tell anything about him, in reality.
The door to your cell opened. You pressed yourself against the damp, cold, stone bricks of your cell, the chains around your ankles clamped tight. You prayed that it wasn't Killer again; you didn't want to fake happy feelings in your heart for Nightmare to come take him away.
You couldn't tell which coworker it was until their entire body walked down the stairs. They all wore the same clothing, and the only difference they had from one another was their faces.
You saw the hooded employee holding a candle in one hand and your food in the other. You sigh in relief, the pace of your heartbeat slowing down tremendously. His red eyes glowed softly as his gaze shifted towards you. He looked more tired than usual.
"Your food," he raises it up before setting it down by your feet.
You were starving. Before he could say anything else, you gulfed down the food before him, delighting at the taste of mashed potatoes and green beans. Although you used to be picky, prison has taught you to like every form of food. Anything that Dust brought you tasted good.
He watched you eat before sitting down in front of you. You didn't notice until your food was good. Thanking him for the food, you lay back down on the paved floor, hoping that you wouldn't get back pain as you slept.
Murder traced his hands across the floor before he looked back up at you. "It's boring in here, do you wanna watch a movie?"
At first, you were confused. Did you want to watch a movie? Of course you did; anyone would take that over sitting in a cell again all night. Heck, you haven't been out of the cell in weeks, and you started to smell, let alone go crazy. You nod, telling him you wish to, but you couldn't because you were chained-
The bones that flew through the chains around your frail body shattered as bones shot up from the ground. For the first time, the weight of the metal was off your skin, setting you free. You reach down and rub your ankles and wrists, which you were unable to touch weeks before.
As you were distracted, you felt hands wrap around your waist and legs. Your eyes widen as he hoists you up into his arms and carries you out of the stall. You yelp from shock, asking him what's going on.
"I need a movie partner. Horror doesn't want to watch movies with me anymore," he explained nonchalantly. "And call me Dust, please."
You were about to ask more questions but kept your mouth shut as he carried you through the castle and up the stairs. You passed the dining room where the rest of the castle inhabitants were.
"Pass me the sauce Horror!" Killer cried.
"No, I'm using it." Horror dumped a large amount of sauce onto whatever he was eating.
"You're going to eat it all!" Killer whined.
"Both of you shut up," Nightmare twirled his food around with a fork, looking slimy as ever.
Despite being so close to your kidnappers, they did not notice you and Dust. Not even Nightmare caught a glimpse of the silent worker carrying you up toward his room, as if he had years of practice slipping away...
As he opened the door to his room, you were greeted with a heavy scent of forest pine. His windows were open and a soft breeze blew into his room. It wasn't the most tidy room, there were a few hooks and a red scarf lying across the floor. His bed was massive and faced a TV, which was on its home screen. There was little to no light besides the gaping moon outside.
Dust set you down by the bathroom door. "Shower, clean, whatever you do I guess," he scavenged through his dresser. He pulled out a hoodie and some sweatpants. "I just washed these, will these work?"
The clothes he gave you looked so comfortable, and nothing would do besides the rags you were in currently. You didn't waste time and headed into the shower, finally cleaning yourself of the prison stench you had become so accustomed to. Despite Dust's appearance, it was clear that he took good care of himself. He seemed to have a higher respect for himself than the others.
As you walk out, you barely put on the hoodie, finding Dust on his bed scrolling through different videos. He glanced you up and down and patted the bed next to him. "Do you have a movie preference?"
You inform him of one of the movies you used to watch. Dust shrugged and pulled it up on screen as you sat beside him. Although you tried to keep your distance out of respect, he pulled you closer to him and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. A single pillow was what kept you from being buried in his chest.
You felt the blood rush to your face. Why was he being so nice? You were a prisoner, yet he treated you like a comrade, if not like royalty. He offered you popcorn and watched the movie in silence, asking only two questions throughout the show. He was polite, and he made sure you had enough blankets to keep you warm, and he offered his hand to squeeze when you got scared at certain parts.
When Killer came banging on the door, Dust gestured to you to stay quiet as he changed his voice, barely talking to Killer through the door and telling him to go away. However, he seemed very tired when he sat on the bed again... and fell asleep on your lap.
At first, you panicked. What happens if someone barges through the door? If someone sees you, what will you say? Would they finally kill you?
But something else told you that there was a reason why you weren't dead yet. Perhaps Dust advocated for you and kept you alive behind your back. Perhaps he didn't want you dead. After all, he did want to watch a movie with you.
You gasp from surprise as Dust's arms wrap around you like he is hugging the most treasured thing in the world. His face was buried in your shoulder, and he breathed slowly. If you hadn't fallen for the skeleton and all the kind things he's done for you yet, you sure did now. He was so peaceful as you stroked his head, not moving so he could sleep. He was so kind to you, giving you food and finally freeing you from prison.
You couldn't figure out why but decided not to think about it as your own eyes got droopy. Despite your situation, you had no trouble falling asleep in Dust's arms.
Maybe you'll wake up from this wonderous dream.
Or maybe you'll find out that there is good in everyone after all.
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no-more-dust-au · 2 months
Did this for shits’n giggles and this ended up better than expected.
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tenjiiku · 1 month
watari / au
the chronicles of a retired cannibal and his budding (alleged) serial killer neighbour
Michael Kaiser returns to his abode after his work trip, Monday evening — inexplicably vexed towards the World and Y/n. There is no particular order to his annoyance. But the urge to sink his teeth into the earthy ground and the putrid girl’s neck are one and the same. He could fulfill both compulsions at once and still find a way to feel unsatisfied. On the surface, she seems like anyone else. But Michael knows. He knows what the girl is better than she does, herself. He ate women like her for breakfast. Lunch and dinner too. Occasionally. He used to, in his teens. But it is harder to maintain an alibi when you have developed a severe case of stiff back in your thirties. No less hunting someone down for sport. It used to be easier back home. Japan’s scenery has a way of dulling a man for all he is worth.
Michael wants to crush it all.
He thinks he likes her, though. Sure, he often wants to shoot the young woman straight in the head and feast on her flesh that calls out to him like a canary’s tune — but there is some charm in the girl.
Y/n reminds him a lot of himself, you see.
He has only seen her a few times since he moved to the utterly abandoned apartment complex somewhere in Sendai which he now calls home; but each time has been remarkably vivid. Once, she was wearing nothing but a bikini top as a shirt and jean shorts, carrying two large bags filled with groceries in early May. Another, in the laundromat by the residence — humming a show tune, her voice vibrating with the dryer she sits upon, sparing him no mind. Recently, more wantonly — Michael had spotted her by his door to his apartment, pushed up against it by a man taller than her (Humiliatingly, taller than Michael himself as well). He saw a glimpse of her face being utterly devoured in ways which he thought were only possible for people in their late twenties to discover (How she had done that with her tongue, still looking appetizing as ever — Michael had to give the woman some credit). She had all but spared him a half-lidded glance from across the man’s shoulder and rolled over to push the stranger up against her door, instead. Michael remembers just staring.
But before he could say anything — she was already whisked away into her own place.
He hadn’t heard the man scream, strangely. But the tall fellow hadn’t left her residence for days to follow. Michael wonders how Y/n does it so efficiently — not leaving a trace of their existence behind.
And, presently, he spots her sitting outside her door, squatting by a wilted potted plant — presumably tending to the debilitated creature.
He almost mistakes her voice with the cicadas — him suffering a hallucination due to the Summer heat being a more likely cause than the woman striking up a conversation with him.
But it is real. He is turned to his door, when her saccharine voice calls for him.
“Good day, is it not, Kaiser-san?”
He feels himself go into auto-pilot — having rehearsed the lines he would tell her if she were to ever entertain herself with him. He does not even find himself questioning how she knows his surname. The woman gets around — she is all knowing and spectacularly aware of it. Michael wants to scoff, a little.
Amateur. It was cute.
“Apologies for last night, sir. My date had too much to drink. Confused our doors.”
It’s funny. She almost sounds apologetic. Michael almost feels sorry for the man she managed to sink her claws in.
“It’s… fine…”
She tilts her head cutely. Dressed in a thin pair of light blue overalls, Michael grows suddenly aware that he is looking down at her chest. Sizeable it may be, but it did not make his act any less perverse. He shifts his eyes, and coughs. The sight does not make him uncomfortable — but he realizes he should at least act a little human. The woman places her hands on her knees, seemingly having no qualms of sitting down on the floor by her doorway.
“I feel awful. Really, I would have thrown a fit at myself, if I was in your position. And I did. Twice this morning.”
Curious and amused, Michael asks, “How?”
“I gave myself a cold shower. Then I waxed my legs,” she explains, almost animatedly. “Clean as I may be, it was hellish. Really, Kaiser-san. Believe me — I did not feel good.”
Michael huffs at her strange demeanour and at what she constitutes as a punishment. She was both demure and bold. He’s never seen anything quite like it in a woman. He also tries to block out the image of her showering and softening her already plump skin.
“I… am glad,” he answers.
When the doe-eyed lady (is she doe-eyed? Michael does not know if that is what you would call it. But her eyes are wide as saucers, almost encompassing her entire face when she enlarges them — tantalizingly glistening with a need he wants to fulfill, for whatever reason) does not respond, and simply gazes at him with curiosity — Michael cannot help but feel the need to offer her to come into his apartment for a while.
His knees almost buckle when she responds with a yes, and gets onto her feet to reach him.
“It is settled, then?” She sings, dancing on the tips of her toes.
Michael can only nod and stare dumbly at the cut under her left eye. It wasn’t there before, a few weeks ago. It almost looks like the poor man had tried to fight back.
“How wonderful! It is too beautiful of a day to be feeling guilty. Is it not, Kaiser-san. Is it not?”
He looks down at his hand, unlocking his door and turning the knob but not opening it. “It’s nice.”
He turns to see if Y/n is still looking at him. She is closer in proximity, inches away from his shoulders. He scratches the back of his head and she tilts her head, gesturing to his door.
Michael opens the door, letting the alleged murderer into his apartment complex.
He reckons he should strike up a conversation with her. It is not everyday he encounters someone so much like him.
“The azaleas by the entrance are blooming.”
“Yes, yes! They are. So beautiful, are they not?”
Michael reaches his kitchen island. He goes behind it, while Y/n decides to remain across from him. She hops onto one of the stools, and he lets her watch him put his groceries away. He can sense her eyes scanning his place. Michael lives frugally — not many decorations other than cut out pieces of newspaper advertisements he found aesthetically pleasing.
He feels Y/n’s eyes on his neck, his bleached hair tickling at the base of his neck.
“If only my Watari would bloom,” Y/n sighs out in the open.
Michael prolongs the conversation before even realizing it.
“My asagao. Morning glory. For whatever reason, I cannot get him to grow.”
And never mind the fact that his murderer — who is also a plant enthusiast, it seems — has a name for her morning glories. The fact that she refers to it as a person peeks Michael’s interest. People like them should not seek pleasure in otherworldly matters if those pleasures were anything but fleeting.
Maybe Michael has grown too old. Kids these days are more advanced than he was. They will chew on your flesh and find happiness in the world without you in it. He briefly wonders if she usually rehearses this same dialogue with all of her victims. Or, perhaps Michael is special.
“I had him in my balcony for the longest of times. Then, my bedroom. Then the kitchen. No matter where I place it, no matter how attentively I water, it refuses to bloom.”
Y/n complains like some sort of petulant, spoiled teenager. Michael wonder if human remains stunt plant growth. He has not tested the theory himself, and with a woman chewing on her bottom lip sitting only a foot away from him is enough for him to finally allow himself to fantasize about this.
He wonders if she is even taking about her morning glory at this point.
“Kaiser-san, your blessings for my Watari would be appreciated at this time. I know I do not deserve them — horrible and filthy as I am — it would mean quite a lot for someone as terrible as myself—,” she starts. But Michael is starting to itch. He turns his back away from her, turning on the sink.
“You have my well wishes.” He spits out, a bit out of breath, “It’s fine.”
It is silent. Michael wonders if she is looking at him like prey. The concept makes the corner of his lips twitch. He lifts a hand to cover his smile. This is the most excited he has been since moving to this place.
“Really, Kaiser-san? Really?”
Still, with his back turned — he lets her think about him a while longer. He wonders how she plans on killing him. Maybe she will take a long route. Reel him in with cherry coloured lips, sheer blouses, a sweet, light voice murmuring his name like a siren song. Michael wouldn’t put it past the girl.
So, he decides to play along.
“Water under the bridge,” he waves, finally turning to look the girl in the eye. She is, of course, still staring. And it seems like something out of a horror film — the way her eyes had darkened, her lips are moist as though she had just licked them, and she looks utterly ravenous.
But she bids him a farewell. “Good day, Kaiser-san.”
So Michael figures that this is it, for today. “Good day.”
When she steps out of his door, Michael makes sure to wait five minutes — until he is certain she has gone from his general vicinity. And he laughs. He laughs until tears escape his eyes. He laughs, stomach starting to hurt but he cannot stop.
He will have his teeth in her by the end of the Summer.
That is to say, only if she doesn’t have her own in his skin, first.
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Call Me Guilty (Bad Sanses Gang x GN! Reader)
"Loving any of us is a death sentence, isn't it?" Just some angsty headcanons of how I think the Bad Sans would act if they told you to leave them, or to stop loving them. _________________
Tears filled the human's eyes, shock at the words he had spoken. 
"Don't make me leave," they choked out, a tight sob caught in their throat. 
The skeleton looked away in shame. 
"It's for your own good," he muttered. "You- you aren't safe with me. You never were."
The human's lip trembled. 
"So, all of it, all of this, was for nothing? Our friendship, our love, our home-"
"My home, not yours. You were never meant to come here, much less be here." 
The human took a huge gulp of air, tears starting to fall down their cheeks. 
"You don't mean that."
The skeleton gritted his teeth. 
"You were never meant to love me! Loving me will kill you! It is your death sentence!"
"Then call me guilty!!" Their voice was raw with emotion, their eyes wide with pained betrayal. "So what if I am? It was done gladly! I was, I am happy to love you! Don't make me go, please!"
His silence held the answer. 
Nightmare Sans:
He stared apathetically, trying to not flinch or feed off of the surge of negative emotions stemming from the human. 
He could never admit the fear that filled him when he had first felt their love permeating from their very being when he was around them, how they adored him and cared about him, regardless of his past. 
Once, he had been vulnerable. 
And he had gotten hurt. 
But this wasn't just about him, it was about you and how being with him... 
Would hurt you. 
He averted his eyes as the human bowed their head in silent, but pained, acceptance, walking away, knowing they would never be able to change his mind.  "Farewell," he murmured.
Killer Sans: 
His own eyes reflected pain and agony, black oozing from the empty cavities.
He never wanted to hurt them- well, maybe in the beginning, but now? He could even bear to think of it.
And yet he must for their safety.
"I'm sorry, sunshine," he muttered, snapping his fingers as knives appeared behind him. 
"But if you don't leave, I'll have to take drastic measures." 
He would have to have Nightmare do a purge on his emotions later. 
It was better if he forgot. 
Dust Sans: 
His silence was eerie, for once, his eyes dim as he stared at the ground. 
Whispers filled his mind. It was for the best, it, no, he, said. They could have never truly loved you. 
The skeleton sighed, drawing into himself. 
"Get out." 
They flinched, reaching out for him. 
"GET OUT!" He snarled, bones snapping up into life and pointing at them. 
As they ran, terrified sobs leaving them, he sank to his knees, listening to the last beats of their footsteps. 
Horror Sans: 
As they fell to their knees, his arms were their to support them, to hold them one last time. 
"Don't cry...." He mumbled, into their neck, burying his face to hide his own tears. 
He would take them home, he would make sure they were safe. 
If he couldn't have them, he would at least protect them, from afar. 
His arms seemed to be a wall around the world, one the human wasn't ready to give up. They sobbed into his sweater as he walked, carrying them back home. 
"M'm sorry," he muttered, pressing a soft kiss to their head as he placed them back in their own world.
Cross Sans:
He only folded his arms, averting his gaze. 
"You should never have loved me." 
The human wiped away angry tears. 
"I left everything for you! Nightmare, the gang, my AU, my family- because I cared for you! I got along with Dream for you!" 
Cross only turned away. 
"It's a shame that you did all that, but I can't help you now." 
He left the human, listening to their sobs as he disappeared into the multiverse. 
Error Sans: 
"I'm sorry, puppet," his voice glitched heavily, a sign of his own raw emotion. 
He had already lost and given up so much. 
His old identity, friends, his purpose as a destroyer- 
They had given him a new purpose, that of a lover and confidant.. and had been his as well. 
And yet all he could see where images of the Star Sanses taking them, hurting them, because he loved them. 
He had to be the strong one for both of them, that was who he was...
"Come, puppet... I'll help you find the perfect new world..." 
He offered his pinkie, as the human, stifling their sobs, linked their pinkie with his. 
"My world was perfect with you," they pleaded one last time. 
"Puppet- do not make me out to be something I am not... I'm still a monster, even though I love you."
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jvnluvr · 1 year
torn lies ; itoshi sae ♡
author’s note: i came up with a something on a whim today after my lovely follower @uvbnr21-killer requested so i'm sorry it took a bit. nobody saw the first post, i forgot to add tags so i deleted it and now am rewriting it. kaiser angst would hurt my soul, but sae fits this perfectly. i'm so nervous & scared because i never write angst so i hope this is okay.
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itoshi sae couldn't, wouldn't and will never understand you. maybe that's why he keeps coming back into your life.
itoshi sae x f!reader
notes: foul language, implied toxic relationship, reader has anxiety and hand tremors, sae acts like he's innocent when he's not, ft. isagi and rin
"i understand. now say it with me, we're gonna be okay.”
that was the last lie itoshi sae could say to you.
how long had it been? with how busy your life had become, itoshi sae was just a distant thought in the back of your mind. a man you wished you had never met, never wanted, or never had been with. how could a man, even like him, be so heartless? you knew him, you knew that wasn't him, but that doesn't mean he was going to change.
as much as you could have dwelled upon it, cried about it, have gotten angry about it, and all these other complex emotions humans could feel, there was simply no point. itoshi sae has been long gone, and life had made other plans. you became a professional athlete, just like itoshi-. wait, you just said you would stop thinking about him.
see, that was the entire problem. taking the same career path of the man who was once yours just made you think about him more. your mind was tainted with the thought of sae. you couldn't keep living like this, life was already miserable as is. you couldn't go out in public without having to hide away like you were an embarrassment. nobody knew, but they knew. they knew from the way you would rarely come out in public anymore, the way cameras caught your hands tremoring trying to talk to interviewers.
"can't you just leave me the fuck alone?”
"i’m your girlfriend for fuck's sake! you can talk to me for 5 minutes a day if you're really that busy."
"yeah? 'know what, you aren't worth those 5 extra fucking minutes.
what came after that was more yelling, then it came to tears, and finally, you left what you had once called home, what you had once called your forever. you slammed an awakening in itoshi sae's face before you left, for good.
"[name]! tell us how you feel about the upcoming match." an interviewer asked, shoving the mic close to your lips. "i think it'll be good." you let out a very monotoned voice, signaling that your anxiety was starting to get worse again. "ah, please share some more thoughts with-"
"oh look! it's itoshi sae!! why is he here?" your eyes widened as you followed the voice, and it came from all across the area. " think she'll leave with us, thanks for your time." a smooth, yet deep voice replied near your ear before you were dragged away. you already knew who it was, so you looked back once last time, seeing the interviewer run off in the voice's direction.
"everyone is obsessed with him, it makes me sick." you sighed out, your breathing starting to get shallower. “thanks for dragging me out of there.” the man let you go, letting you sink to the ground and hug your knees. "stupid media people, forget them. how are you feeling?” isagi yoichi asked, crouching down to meet your pained eyes.
"'Il be fine, jus' hope this fuckin' tremors stop before i have to go on." your hands were burning. not because of the tremors, nor was it because of isagi. because every single thing you did reminded you of itoshi sae. you were more than just frustrated because of this, so you couldn't help but try and rip your hair out as your eyes watered.
"fuckin' asshole, how could he say that even 5 minutes for me was a waste of his time," you mumbled, not wanting to lose your composure in such a public place. "sae-san will never change, [name]. you deserve a lot better anyway. c'mon, the other guys are waiting for you." he held your hands as he helped you get up, but it was all mindless movement in your eyes. walking into the stadium, across the bleachers, everything felt blank.
itoshi sae is the worst.
how could he do such a thing?
was that really the sae you fell in love with?
no, he'll come back, right?
he didn't mean it.
whatever, fuck him anways.
an inner monologue with yourself that always bought you to shreds. what point was there in constantly being in a stage of denial when the evidence was right in your hollow eyes? you so desperately wished for your feelings to change, for your heart to not crave, desire, to want to love itoshi sae. but he always walked away. away from his friends, his family, from you.
"[name?] is it sae again?' itoshi rin snapped you out of your trance again. you blinked widely a couple times, before your tired eyes met rin's. '''t wouldn't usually be this bad, stupid fuckin' guy decided to waltz into here today." you grumbled to him, in which he sighed.
"sorry, [name.] even i don't know why he keeps coming back. it's best if you just ignore him though. sae doesn't actually care, we've seen."
yeah, itoshi sae doesn't care about you.
then why his is gaze so warm?
you're on the field, staring into the crowds of people when you see him. you could only manage a second of eye contact, but immediately you felt like your heart was being ripped out of your chest.
"don't do that."
"do what, [name]?"
"don't look at me like you still care.”
"good game out there today, [name]."
"you don't mean it. why are you back?" you could feel the tremors coming back, despite your best efforts to control them.
"tch, i'm not allowed to tell someone 'good job?"'
"should you fuckin' be allowed to break someone's heart? no! but ya did it anyway. now get out of my sight, stupid egoist." it's vicious, but it's also been long overdue.
[name], it's been so long, why are you still hung up-"
"you're an asshole who ruined my life, all because you're a narcissist, self-centered and close-minded. you want me to spell out more?"
for once, your voice stood against him.
his eyes widened, an unmistakable look in his eyes saying that he didn't expect that, not out of you.
and for the first time, you walked away from itoshi sae.
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etude-in-citrine · 9 months
Detective Conan Drama CD: A Written Challenge from the Detective Boys
So I've noticed this drama CD has been out for more than ten years (October 2011) but the most I've seen are tidbits of it, especially regarding a.. certain scene. (¬_¬) No one has really translated the whole thing though and after taking that mantle it myself, I see why... If anyone is interested in matching this to the drama CD video, be my guest but I ask of you just to ask and credit me. ( ゚∀゚)
So heads up before we start (warning: super long), I translate most of the terms to English but kept some Japanese terms like most honorific like -kun, -san, etc. I sometimes would switch between Professor/Prof. and hakase but they're both the same. However I have switched meitantei to great detective since it's a smoother transition in translation and it has a nice ring to it.
I also kept classic Conan phrases like oi oi, arere, barou because they're too iconic not to. (*´∀`)♪
I decided to differentiate Kaito and Kaitou Kid because Yamaguchi has a specific way of voicing them, just like how he does with Kid and Shinichi.
Italics are thoughts
Bold is codes/ciphers
*(word)* are actions
TN is translation notes to clarify riddles/codes/jokes that get lost in translation.
And I have loads of side comments in forms of SN(side notes) so apologies if it ruins your experience.
Also to make this a more amusing read, I litter face emojis in some of the dialogue, mostly those with strong reactions.
Watch out for this face specifically (◕∇◕) because that means Conan is speaking in his cute childish voice.
Now with all that mumble jumble out of the way, enjoy!
*Watching Detective Red Jacket*
Ayumi: It was so interesting!
Genta: Detective Red Jacket was so cool!
Mitsuhiko: Yeah! The action and story were perfect! It's the best movie I've watched! Number 1!
Ayumi: Yup! There's no doubt about that, right Conan-kun?
Conan: You think so?
Ayumi: Eh?
Conan: I figured out the killer in 5 minutes.
Haibara: Is that so?
Conan: And also- Ah.
Ayumi: What's wrong Conan-kun? You suddenly turned around.
Conan: Nah. It felt like someone was watching me..
Kaito: Shoot this is bad! To think these guys were watching the same movie as me. And it just had to be the seats right in front of me...
Conan: Was it my imagination?
Haibara: Well, what were you planning on saying?
Conan: Well the protagonist Sannomiya Kazunori's acting wasn't very good.
Ayumi: Huh? What's wrong Ai-chan? You're crushing the pamphlet very tightly.
Haibara: Uh.. a-ah-
Mitsuhiko: I know!! Why don't we all go to Mitsubo shop? If I remember correctly, the Detective Red Jacket special edition is being released today!
Genta: Let's go then!!
Ayumi/Mitsuhiko: Yeah!!
Conan: You guys seriously like it that much? Sorry but I'll head back first. See you guys!
Genta: What's with Conan? Always saying stuff and being a wet blanket just when everyone is so enthusiastic.
Haibara: I'm going to buy another new pamphlet.
Ayumi: Sure..
Genta: Let's hurry up and go!
Mitsuhiko: It'd be bad if it sold out! Especially since it comes with a special poster of the protagonist Sannomiya Kazunori as a bonus.
Ayumi: Oh, Ai-chan came back.
Haibara: Tsuburaya-kun, is that true?
Mitsuhiko: Uh yeah.
Kaito: It's true that Detective Red Jacket is super cool! A far cry compared to certain midget detective.. (SN: (≖_≖ ))
*theme song playing*
Conan: Detective Conan Drama CD A Written Challenge from the Detective Boys
Agasa: So in the end, you weren't able to buy the Detective Red whatjamacallit's book.
Ayumi: Yup that's right!
Mitsuhiko: A middle aged man with a weird hat bought the last book in stock!
Genta: That's definitely harassment!
Mitsuhiko: Right!!
Genta: Because no way an old man would be a fan of Detective Red Jacket!!
Kaito: *old man voice* Well turns out he was a fan~ Hehe. Sorry about that but I'll partake myself with the last book in stock~ (SN: childish.. (¬_¬;))
Agasa: That certainly is a bummer. *ahem* Now here comes a question!
Detective Boys: Ehhh?!?!
Genta: Another of Prof's pun quiz??
Mitsuhiko: It's so sudden as always.
Agasa: Sorry about that.
Which martial arts is most suitable for you guys today?
A) judo 受動
B) kendo 剣道
C) karate 空手
Ayumi: Eh? Ayumi has never done any of them before.
Mitsuhiko: Me too.. I'm bad at martial arts after all.
Genta: Ran-neechan would be karate though.
Haibara: The answer is A) judo
Agasa: Eh? Your reasoning behind it?
Haibara: Kendo and karate have thrusts ( 「突き(つき)」(tsuki)) but judo doesn't have any. In other words, it means we're unlucky (TN: phrase: 「月(つき) がない」(tsuki ga nai):not having luck on your side) right?
Agasa: Bravo!! That's the correct answer!!
Mitsuhiko: I see. We have no luck, huh? That's true..
Genta: But that's all Conan's fault right?
Agasa: Huh? What do you mean?
Genta: Because even though everyone was so hyped up in the movie, Conan kept saying stuff that spoiled the mood!
Mitsuhiko: But I don't think that has anything to do with not being able to buy the Detective Red Ja-
Haibara: It's related, don't you think?
Mitsuhiko/Ayumi: Eh?
Haibara: They say "Once you start finding faults, your luck/moon will leave you". I think there's some truth to that.
Genta: *whisper* Don't you think Haibara is somehow scary?
Mitsuhiko: She's probably angry because Conan-kun badmouthed Sannomiya Kazunori.
Genta: Ehhh??? Does that mean Haibara is a fan of Sannomiya?
Haibara: (ʘ言ʘ╬)
Mitsuhiko: *shriek*
Genta: W-w-what?
Mitsuhiko: Haibara is glaring at us with scary eyes..
Genta: Huh-Waahhh! Her eyes are a little..Ahhh.. I might have leaked a little...
Mitsuhiko: But that kind of expression is also quite lovely. (SN:(¬_¬;) Is Mitsuhiko an m??) But now that you mention it, Conan has just been talking down on us.
Genta: Sometimes I want Conan to be (surprised and) speechless.
Ayumi: Well then, let's all challenge Conan-kun then!
Genta: Challenge Conan?
Ayumi: Yup, let's all prepare super difficult problems and let Conan solve it.
Mitsuhiko: Ahh... but don't you think the riddles we think of will be solved very easily?
Ayumi: To make up for that, we'll have Prof. Agasa and Ai-chan to participate with us, right?
Agasa: Sure.
Haibara: That sounds interesting.
Agasa: Now that we've settled on it, let's start the plan.
Haibara: First the words for the cipher.
Genta: Hmm you're right. Okay Haibara, we'll leave you to a really difficult one!
Ayumi: No Genta! We're all going to think for it!
Genta: You're right.
Mitsuhiko: To start off..
Kaito: A challenge to the great detective huh? It's gotten interesting! I was wondering what was up so I'm glad I made the right choice to place the miniature microphon- DAAAHHHH!!!! Y-you idiot! Go over there!! I'm not a telephone pole!! \(º □ º l|l)/
(SN: I think some birds pooped on him. Poor guy, I thought you knew how to deal with them considering you own doves..)
Conan: So what business do you have with me?
Ayumi: We Detective Boys are sending a challenge to Edogawa Conan-kun!
Conan: Ha?
Mitsuhiko: In other words, it's like this. We're going to send four codes for you to solve from here on out and have you find the treasure that's somewhere around this city.
Genta: The time limit is until 5 in the evening! So you have 2 hours!
Conan: Oi wait just a minS
Ayumi: If you can solve all the codes and find the treasure until then, it's Conan-kun's win!!
Haibara: But if you can't find it, it's Edogawa-kun's loss.
Ayumi: Here! The first code is in this envelope!
Conan: No, like I sai-
Genta: *gibberish sounds* You can't open it yet until 5 minutes passed. You got that?
Mitsuhiko: Well then, let's hurry to our designated spots!
Genta/Ayumi: Yeahhh!!!
Conan: Oiiii you guys!!! *Detective Boys run away* It's not like I agreed to this and they ran away.. Haibara, what's the meaning of this?
Haibara: Who knows? Isn't it because you don't normally treat them nicely?
Conan: Huh?
Haibara: So, what are you going to do?
Conan: Even if you tell me what to d-
Haibara: A great detective will accept any challenge, wouldn't you agree?
Conan: What's with you? You've been quite snarky today.
Haibara: You think? Isn't that your imagination? Ah, 5 minutes passed.
Conan: *sigh* Fine! If you're going to go that far, then I'll participate. *rips envelope* Is this the cipher?
"A comedian hates octopus(お笑い芸人はタコが嫌い)"?
Haibara: If you go to the location this code indicates, you'll be able to get the next code.
Conan: An octopus huh? If we're talking places that have octopus, the first things that you would think of is a fish market, a sushi restaurant, or an octopus ball(takoyaki) stall.... Ha! As if!! It's not even worth trying to deduce! Such an easy riddle! Just to add onto this, it's not just comedians, exam students hate octopus too.
Haibara: Heh...
Conan: Something a comedian and exam student both hate is failing/falling (滑る(suberu)). In other words, the location this code is pointing at is a sliding (also すべる(suberu)) octopus. If you put it that way, there's only one place like that in this town.
Conan: So, why are you coming with me? Aren't you Genta and the others' side?
Haibara: I'm here as your observer.
Conan: Ha! With such easy riddles, I'm not going to stoop so low and cheat.
Haibara: Not that! I'm here to see if you're going run away in the middle of this challenge.
Conan: Run away? Yeah right! Look, we've arrived. It's here.
A sliding octopus means that, the octopus playground slide.
Random girl: Mister, hurry up and slide down already!
Mitsuhiko: Ah, I'm sorry. I'll slide right away. *slides down* As expected of Conan-kun, to think you arrived here already.
Conan: This is only park to have a octopus slide in this town after all.
Mitsuhiko: But! This is only the beginning! Here. This is the second code.
Conan: Oi, I'm telling you in advance. I'll be able to solve codes of this level in a heartbeat.
Mitsuhiko: Muhuhuhuhu. The next code is going to be even more difficult. Well then, I'll be waiting at the location of the treasure!
Conan: Good grief. So what's the next riddle?
"Economy at Siberia(エコノミーでシベリアへ)"?
Haibara: What's wrong? Weren't you going to solve it in a heartbeat?
Conan: Shaddap!
Haibara: Don't hold yourself back meitantei-san!~
Conan: *huff* Like I thought, Haibara seems to be in a bad mood. I don't know what happened, but spare me from your venting.
Travel agency saleswoman: A travel ticket to overseas is currently discounted in this campaign at the moment!
Conan: It seems Ayumi and the others aren't around. It seems a travel agency would be too straightforward as expected.
Haibara: A~rere~ It can't be that with economy and Siberia as keywords, you would think it's a travel agency right?
Conan: Hufufufufufu! I was only coincidentally passing by!
Haibara: You're right! A great detective like yourself wouldn't make such a childish deduction like that right?~
Conan: Hmph, shaddap with all the nitpicking. Just you wait! I'll solve it for you right now!! (*`□´)
Economy and Siberia, there should be a different meaning to them. First economy, other transliterations have meanings such as 「経済(keizai)」: economy/finance, 「節約(setsuyaku)」: economy/savings, 「景気(keiki)」: economic activity/marketing. Hm? Mm?? 「けいき(keiki)」? 「ケーキ(keiki)」:cake.. Siberia... Siberia cake.... I see! I figured it out! It's this way Haibara! Follow me!!
Haibara: Ah!
*opens door*
Pastry waitress: Welcome!
Haibara: Isn't this a pastry shop? Why?
Conan: Don't play dumb with me. Well whatever! I'll explain it to you right now.*in the cutest childish Conan voice* Excuse me, do you have Siberia cake? (◕∇◕)
Pastry waitress: Yes! It's right at the far end of that case!
Conan: Thank you!!~ (◕∇◕)
Hehe! This is it! A Siberia cake is sweet bean jelly sandwiched between the Castella cake. It was popular between the Taisho and Showa Era. But nowadays, you barely see it around anymore so this is the only shop in town where you can buy this fabled cake. I can't imagine Ayumi and the others to be aware of this so I bet Prof. suggested this.
Haibara: pachi pachi pachi (TN: it means clap but pachi sounds cute so I kept it)
(¬へ¬) Hmph. As expected. It was a perfect deduction, although it's very fustrating. Yoshida-san, you can come out now.
Ayumi: Okay.. Aww you found out. Here, this is the next code.
Conan: Sure, thank yo- Oi oi! We're still doing this?
Ayumi: Obviously!! This is our challenge after all!! (`エ´) Don't flake out until the very end! See you! *goes out the shop*
Conan-kun is amazing as expected! We might not be able to win even with Professor's and Ai-chan's help. Ah! *bumps*
Kaito: Oops! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?
Ayumi: I'm okay! I'm sorry! *runs away*
Kaitou Kid: Now then, I guess it's about my time to shine.
Conan: Hah... what's next? *rips envelope*
The panda shop is a fruits parlor without fruits (パンダのお店はフルーツがないフルーツパーラー).
Haibara: This one is simple. You can just check all the fruits parlors in town.
Conan: You're one to talk. Judging from all the previous riddles, you can at least tell that it won't point towards the location the code writes word for word..
Hm? Word for word? I see!! It is supposed to be seen word for word!
Genta: *badge beeps* Is that Ayumi? Eehhh?!?!?! Conan already cleared it?! Are you for real?! An hour hasn't even passed yet!... Okay I got it! Wait for me at the final place! See you! *beeps* So does that mean Conan will be able to arrive here quickly then? Ooohhh!! Is that Conan?.. Hah, wrong person... AAHH!! OVER THERE IS-
Agasa: Genta-kun.
Genta: Yes?! You scared me.. What is it? It's just Prof. Don't scare me like that!
Agasa: Haha.. sorry about that.
Genta: Anyways why are you here? Aahh! Did you come here to play pachinko?
Agasa: Of course not! I came here to trade places with you.
Genta: Huh? Trade?
Agasa: That's right. When you think about it, it's not proper to have an elementary schooler constantly wait in front of a pachinko (gambling) parlor. We're talking about Conan-kun. He'll arrive here momentarily. Leave this place to me and you should head to final destination.
Genta: I see! That's smart Prof! Okay I got it! This is the riddle! *hands envelope* Then I leave this place to you Prof!
Agasa: Sure!
Kaitou Kid: Leave it to me.
Haibara: How did you figure out it was a pachinko parlor?
Conan: Hm? I just followed it literally. It's because it's a 'fruits parlor without fruits'. Without the fruits, you remove the fruits from fruits parlor and it just becomes parlor. And then, you can call a pachinko by its other name parlor. Oops! *ding dong* Excuse me! We're getting off!! (◕∇◕)
*getting off the stop*
Haibara: So then, what about the panda shop?
Conan: It's the name. The pandas in the zoo further down at moment is named Lily and Xinxin. Hey Haibara, read the pachinko's name on the signboard.
Haibara: Parlor Lily...
Conan: There you have it!
*enters parlor*
Agasa: I've been waiting for you Conan-kun. You have such good timing!
Conan: Professor! That paper bag...
Agasa: Well, since I was free, I wanted to kill some time. It kept on coming out one after another nonstop! (SN:じゃんじゃんバリバリ,(janjan baribari)( ̄∇ ̄*) Reminds me when Kaito disguised as Subaru in the New Years opening) It's a big fever dream!
Conan: 'Continuously nonstop' you say? Huh? *opens bag* it's all candies....
Haibara: Professor. What do you plan on doing with those candies? (・∀・#)
Agasa: What's this? Do you want it? Then take as much as you want! I can't eat it all by myself after all.
*realization hits*
Haibara: Is that so? You're going to eat it...
Conan: You're... not Agasa-hakase are you?
Agasa: Hm?
Conan: Haibara strictly monitors Professor's meals and nutrition. For you to talk about eating candy so casually in front of Haibara... The real professor would be trembling to his bones and would definitely never dare say something like that.
Haibara: Saying trembling was unnecessary.
Conan: I'm sorry...
Agasa: As expected of the great detective..
Kaitou Kid: Hmph, it seems you've figured it out!
Conan/Haibara: Kaitou Kid?! Σ(゚Д゚)
Kaitou Kid: Well then well then~ What I have produced here is a single red rose. There are no tricks or contraptions. One two three *poof* Wow how mysterious~♡ The red rose swapped places and became a challenge notice~
Conan: Wow how mysterious~ What do you mean by challenge notice?(¬へ¬)
Kaitou Kid: Nah~ I just happened to coincidentally witness a scene of some innocent little boys and girls that wanted to make Conan-kun speechless. It looked interesting so I decided to partake myself as a contestant. (SN: Sure Kaito.. I'm sure no listening devices were involved when you happened to hear them right? (;¬_¬))
Conan: What?! ( ゚皿゚)
Kaitou Kid: You'll naturally accept my challenge right oh great detective!? *throws a flash bomb*
Conan: So bright! Y-You bastard!! He disappeared...
Haibara: Kudou-kun, open the envelope!
Conan: S-Sure.. *rips open the envelope*
To my beloved great detective,
I will be appearing at one of the following jewelry stores at 5 in the evening today.
イ(i): Niaoka Jewelry
ウ(u): Jewel Yuki
エ(e): Crystal Gem
Now to figure out where I'll appear, try your hand at deciphering the next code.
Orion's children all know this. Four of the sons love taking a walk. Three of the sons gaze at the sky. Five of the sons are left-handed. (オリオンの子供たちは知っている。四つの息子は散布好き、三つの息子は空をみやげ五つの息子は左利き)
The end. I wish you the best of luck,
Kaitou Kid
Haibara: If it's 5pm, we have less than 30 minutes. For now, let's contact Inspector Nakamori and have the police guard all three stores.
Conan: S-Sure... *dials* *uses Shinichi's voice*
Shinichi: Hello is this Inspector Nakamori? This is the detective Kudo Shinichi. I've just received a challenge letter from Kaitou Kid.
Haibara: It means we won't be answering to Kid's challenge but it can't be helped... This isn't a game after all.
Shinichi: Yes. The place where Kid will appear? That is... I will definitely figure it out within 30 minutes. So can you please stay on standby until then?
Haibara: Kudo-kun?!
Conan: Heh.. Haibara. You told me this right? A great detective will accept any challenge.
Haibara: Hmph. You idiot.
Conan: Now that that's settled, the Detective Boy's treasure hunt will have to be put on hold. We don't have time.
Orion's children all know this. Four of the sons love taking a walk. Three of the sons gaze at the sky. Five of the sons are left-handed.
Haibara: Show me the first page.
To my beloved great detective,
I will be appearing at one of the following jewelry store at 5 in the evening today.
イ(i): Niaoka Jewelry
ウ(u): Jewel Yuki
エ(e): Crystal Gem
Isn't this a little strange?
Conan: Hm?
Haibara: Normally, the order of the katakana is generally either ア(a)イ(i)ウ(u) or イ(i)ロ(ro)ハ(ha).
Conan: Right...
Haibara: But what's written here is イ(i)ウ(u)エ(e). Why didn't he start from ア(a)?
Conan: Hm.. there must be a reason behind that. But, let's decipher the code first.
Haibara: Then let's start from Orion's children. What is the meaning behind it?
Conan: Hmmmm... Kid is aware of Ayumi and the others challenging me with riddles. If he took advantage of that opportunity, then this code is like theirs. There's no doubt it's guiding us to a specific location.
Haibara: And that's where we'll get the hint about the jewelry store.
Conan: Yeah.. now that you mention it, if I remember correctly, back then there was a movie theater called Orion Seat right? But it's already been demolished and became a plot of land.
Haibara: If we consider any other areas with the term Orion, myth「神話(shinwa)」, Beltegese 「ベテルギウス」, Orion's belt「三星(mitsuboshi)」: Three Stars).. Hm? Ah! Mitsubo shop!
Conan: That's it!
Haibara: Then what about the children part?
Conan: I'm not sure. But let's go there first. We might be able to figure something out when we're there.
Haibara: You're right. Okay.
Conan: Mitsubo shop. There should be a clue to which jewelry store Kid is aiming at inside this shop.
Haibara: The Detective Red Jacket will come out again soon. Please look-... Look....Look.........
Conan: Hey Haibara- SCARY!!! W-What's wrong Haibara? You have such a scary look on your face. Σ(Д゚;/)/
Haibara: I-It's nothing.
Conan: Hm? An automatic eclipse machine...(TN: it was really difficult to hear so I'm not entirely sure if this is accurate. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Haibara: Orion's... children!
Conan: Let's go check it out!
Haibara: If that's the case then the next line is
Four of the sons love taking a walk. Three of the sons gaze at the sky. Five of the sons are left-handed.
But is it referring to three siblings?
Conan: Oh about that, don't you think it's strange then? If they were siblings, then isn't it more natural to refer them as 5th, 4th, and 3rd and follow them by age? (TN: the way 五つ(itsutsu), 四つ(yotsu), 三つ(mitsu) is used is either by numeric counters (ex:I would like 3 of these please) or comparing ages(ex: He's the 3rd child of the family))
Haibara: You have a point. It's quite strange to order it by fourth, third, and fifth.
Conan: Which means those numbers doesn't mean age. It's referring to the amount. Let's first find stuff that comes in four.
Haibara: Things that come in four? *bumps into child* Ah!
Random lady: Ah! I'm sorry. Are you hurt anywhere?
Haibara: I'm okay.
Random lady: Jeez! Cut it out already! I told you it's dangerous to run around the bookcases already!!
Haibara: Bookcases? Look Kudo-kun! There's four bookcases!
Conan: There's.. four! Then what's the three referring to? There should be some type of rule that contains three. And that hint is most likely within 'taking a walk', 'sky', 'left-handed'. I see! I figured it out! 'Love taking a walk' means to walk! It's four so that means you have to walk to the fourth shelf!
Haibara: Then what does 'Three of the sons gaze at the sky' mean?
Conan: It's 'gaze' so you count from the bottom. It's three so it's the third row!
Haibara: The third row is... the children's literature!
Conan: 'Five of the sons are left-handed.' So counting from the left is the 5th book!
Haibara: One.. two.. three.. four five. *picks out the book* This? This book is.. Sans Famille 「家なき子(ie nakiko)」!
Conan: Sans Famille「家なき子(ie nakiko)」?... I see! So that's what it means! *realization* I figured it out which jewelry store Kid is aiming for!
Conan: The store Kid is aiming for is Jewel Yuki!
Haibara: There's only 7 minutes until 5pm! I'll notify Inspector Nakamori!
Conan: Sure! I'll go ahead and head towards the store!
Conan: I won't make it if I just run! Guess I'll go retrieve my skateboard then! *opens door* I'm home Ran-neechan!! Ran-neechan, I'm leaving! *door closes* TURBO ENGINE FULL POWER!!!! 🎵
Just you wait Kaitou Kid!!!
Conan: Where are you?! Show yourself Kid!!
Kaitou Kid: As expected of the great detective. Impressive that you figured out it was this place.
Conan: It took quite some time to arrive at finding Sans Famille「家なき子(ie nakiko)」 but everything fell into place after that. The biggest indication was the three options. Instead of using ア(a), イ(i), ウ(u) nor イ(i), ロ(ro), ハ(ha), you opted for イ(i), ウ(u), エ(e). (TN: I'll be utilizing the Japanese translation of the book title rather than the original because it would only make sense with this cipher)
「家なき子(ie nakiko)」. There is no イ(i)エ(e) 「いえがない(ie ga nai)」. In other words, you remove the イ(i) and エ(e). Therefore the answer is ウ(u)'s Jewel Yuki. (TN: To further explain this, the hiragana for 家 is いえ(ie). なき(naki) can mean lacking or non-existing so Kid used this word play of removing the いえ(ie) literally with his options)
Kaitou Kid: Right on the mark! Hehe, maybe it was a little too simple. (SN: For a guy who was planning alongside the rest by himself, I'm pretty sure Conan appreciates your 'easy' riddles more than what the Detective Boys and Agasa planned together. Also there's a transition to Kaito in voice here but I'll be using Kid because that's how Conan perceives him.)
Oh? They're as punctual as always. Guess I'll take my leave for today. Besides, I already got my hands on today's loot. *poof*
Conan: Eh? Is that.. Detective Red Jacket special edition? You're going to stoop so low to steal something like that?! (#゚Д゚)ノ
Kaitou Kid: *splurts in offended* So rude!!! Of course not!!!! Σ(`Д´#)
Conan: Hah?
Kaitou Kid: I bought it with my own money obviously! (SN: as a 'law-abiding' citizen *coughcough*)
Conan: BOUGHT IT?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!!! YOU?!?!?!?! Σ(○ロ○¬)
Kaitou Kid: Yeah...
Conan: A PHANTOM THIEF?!?!?!!?!?
Kaitou Kid: Nngh..
Kaitou Kid: *speechless as he tries to regain his poker face* ...Doesn't matter. You wouldn't mind if a phantom thief came to like detectives, would you? (σゝω・)σ (SN:(¬_¬;)........)
Conan: Eh? (゚ロ゚) (*Conan's turn to be speechless*)
Kaitou Kid: SEE YOU!! *escapes*
Officer #1: Kid is running away!!
Officer #2: After him!! We're definitely going to catch him!!!!
*police sirens blaring*
Conan: Huh.... Ah? Another envelope. The seal is open. *opens envelope* It's Ayumi and the others' fourth riddle. Hmmm? Kid's message seems to be included in this. 'I deciphered it for you as a bonus. The answer is the bathhouse.' Barou, it's already past the time limit.
Haibara: He's arrived.
Genta: Ooohhh!! He's here he's here!!
Ayumi: Conan-kun!!!
Conan: Yo!
Mitsuhiko: As expected of Conan-kun to be able to solve all the codes. BUT UNFORTUNATELY-
Detective Boys: TIME'S UP!!!!!
Conan: I know...
Ayumo: Then you'll obediently admit defeat right?
Conan: Yeah...
Ayumi: Hmmm? I can't hear you~
Conan: It's my loss.
Detective Boys: Huh?
Conan: Like I said, it's my loss.
Genta: What did you say?
Mitsuhiko: We couldn't hear you.
Genta: Yeah not at all.
Conan: *sigh* It is my loss!
Detective Boys: YESSS!!! o(^o^)o
Ayumi: We made Conan-kun admit it!!
Mitsuhiko: We did it!!!
Genta: Now that we're here, let's all take a dip here!
Mitsuhiko: That's a great idea!
Ayumi: Ayumi loves the bathhouse!
Haibara: Good work Kudo-kun.
Conan: Haha shddap....
Genta: What are you doing Conan?!
Ayumi: Ai-chan hurry up!!
Haibara: I'll be there.
Conan: I mean, not only was I forced to run around the whole town, the true identity of the treasure is just a bathhouse called Yuu Treasure. (TN: Unless I see the kanji for yuu, I'm unable to translate it) That's it?! That's all my hard work amounted to?! It's probably one of Agasa-hakase's ideas again.. Jeez he has no taste, not even a shred of it!
Haibara: This place.. was actually my idea though. (#゚∇゚)
Conan: Ehh? ((゚□゚;))
Genta: Aahhh that hits the spot. It feels so good.
Mitsuhiko: Yeah...Bathhouses are really nice once in a while.
Genta: Right? Oh yeah Conan. Since you lost, wash my back later.
Conan: Don't joke with me. I never signed up for that.
Kaitou Kid: Stop being a sore loser.
Conan: Aahhhh!! Where the hell did you come from?! Σ(°Д゚/)/
Kaitou Kid: I suggest you should gracefully *wash face* do what they tell you.
Genta/Mitsuhiko: Kaitou Kid?!?!?!?!
Conan: *speaking underwater* Why the hell are you here?
Kaitou Kid: Hehehe... Magicians are elusive. *sirens blaring in the background* Nah~ The policemen were so persistent you know?
Conan: You know... if you're taking a bath, you should at the very least remove your silk hat.
(SN: What the honest... what the hell are you doing taking a bath with your hat (and possibly your monocle) Kaito? Did you even remove your costume? (¬_¬;) Bruh Kid, you're sullying your dad's outfit)
Genta: You need to put more strength in it Conan!
Conan: Sure SURE!
Genta: As gratitude for us everyday.
Conan: For who?
Genta: Don't say everyone.
Conan: *huff*
Genta: Oh yeah Conan. Haibara was mad at you all day right?
Conan: Yeah... What was that? Did I do something?
Genta: ?!
Mitsuhiko: Conan-kun you didn't realize?
Conan: Heh? 'Didn't realize'... so I did do something?
Mitsuhiko: Aahh... Conan-kun really doesn't understand a woman's heart.
Genta: Right?
Mitsuhiko: You ready? Haibara-san is actually Sannomiya Kazunori's closet fan. But despite that, you decided to badmouth him in front of her!
Conan: Eeeeehhhhh?!?!?!?!? Haibara is Sannomiya Kazunori's fa-
Mitsuhiko: Ssshhhhh!!! Your voice is too loud!!!
Conan: Pah! If I remember correctly, Sannomiya Kazunori is one of the members in the Fubuki Idol group right? That Haibara?! There's no way she's a fan of such a popular idol!!! Haha!! Ahahhaha! That's a lie!! Ahahaha!
(SN: Conan is willing to dig his grave super early apparently ((( ;゚Д゚))) )
(In the girl's bath)
Haibara: ( º言º╬╬)
Ayumi: Ai-chan? Where are you going with your bath towel wrapped around you? E-Eeehhh? That's the boy's bath- Hiiiieeeeee!!! Ai-chan's face.. is so scary!! ((( ;゚Д゚)))
(In the boy's bath)
Conan: Kyahahaha! Because this is Haibara we're talking about! You know, Haibara! For Haibara to be an idol fan, that's impossible. No way that's happening!
Genta: Hey stop that!
Conan: Huh? Why? There's no way she's an (idol) enthusiast after all.
Mitsuhiko: Idiot!
Conan: Huh?
Mitsuhiko: Conan-kun!
Conan: What is it?
Mitsuhiko: Behind behind behind behind behind behind-
Conan: Cow? Moo moo~ (TN: Mitsuhiko is stuttering the word 後ろ(ushiro):behind and Conan stupidly mistakes it as 牛(ushi):cow.
ε-(ーдー) And I thought Kaito was the insensitive one.)
Mitsuhiko: Behin-behind you.
Conan: Behind me? What's behind m- Uop-!!!
Haibara: (╬ಠิ益ಠิ) Sorry about being an ENTHUSIAST!! *SLAPS*
Conan: Ooowww!!
Kaitou Kid: Heh. The tongue is the root of calamities, great detective. (TN: A proverb meaning the more you speak, the more you'll put your foot in your mouth.
Wise words you should follow as well, our fellow magician (¬_¬;))
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ladykissingfish · 7 months
*Madara and Hashirama, taking Izuna and Tobirama to a pumpkin patch*
Madara: Geez, will you two hurry it up already?!
Hashirama: Madara. Come on, we talked about this, didn’t we? This is their first time here, they’re excited, so let them take their time picking out a pumpkin.
*the two lean against a fence, watching as Tobirama and Izuna walk slowly up and down rows of pumpkins, stopping to inspect different ones*
Madara: You realize we could have just gotten them large pumpkins from the market, probably at half the cost of what they charge here?
Hashirama: That’s not the point, love. Picking out your own pumpkin on a farm like this just … it has a different flavor to it, that’s all. Let them enjoy themselves. And anyway what are you in such a hurry to leave for? It’s such a gorgeous day! Almost perfect.
Madara: It’s barely 50 degrees and cloudy. How is that perfect?
Hashirama: Perfect fall weather! And besides … I know you don’t like to talk about this but you know that Tobi and Izu really like each other. But Tobi is so shy around him … spending time at places like this is nice for them.
Madara: *sighs* I know, I know. But they’re too young to date; if I see your brother pull anything I’ll break his hand.
Hashirama: You sure are a romance-killer, aren’t you?
Madara: Izuna is my most precious treasure. You think I’m gonna let just anyone take him from me? 
Hashirama: Is he going to be saying the same thing, when I marry you and take you away, mm? *playfully kisses along Madara’s neck*
Madara, blushing: S-stop it, pervert. And I’m not so easily won. You’re going to have to go a long way to convince me that a Senju is worthy of the hand of the mighty Madara Uchiha.
Hashirama: *whispering in Madara’s ear* Funny because your hand isn’t the part of you I’m most interested in ~
*the two make out for a while, until Izuna comes running up to them lugging a huge pumpkin*
Izuna, to Madara: Big brother! I found the best one! It has no spots on it and it’s perfectly round on all sides!
Madara: You certainly picked a big one, didn’t you? Where’s Tobirama?
Izuna: His is so big he can barely lift it!
Madara: I’ll go help him. You wait here with Hashirama. *walks off*
Hashirama: Hey, how about after this you and your brother come back to our house? We can carve the pumpkins and make some snacks and —
Izuna, voice deepening, eyes glowing red: Listen Senju, I don’t care what you do in private but when we’re in public, you won’t be groping and kissing on my brother like that, you got it?! Have some respect for the Uchiha image, asshole. 
Hashirama: I — I —
Izuna: And another thing, slow the hell down. We’re breaking tradition because I’M going to marry Tobirama BEFORE you get married to my brother. Another ten years and he’s mine. Don’t you dare try and upstage our wedding or … *the two tomoe in his eyes swirl in a circle* You will pay. Got it?
Hashirama: G-got it …
*Madara and Tobirama walk up, Madara carrying Tobirama’s pumpkin*
Madara: I think these guys found the biggest pumpkins on this whole farm. Let’s go pay for these then head out of here. We — Hashirama, what’s wrong?? You look like you saw a ghost!
Hashirama, stuttering while glancing nervously at Izuna: I-it’s nothing. M-Madara. J-just a little c-cold is all.
Madara: *moves toward him* Here, let me help you warm up and —
Hashirama: NO! I mean, I’m okay. Er, here … *hands Madara his wallet* You go pay for their pumpkins … I’ve gotta visit the bathroom really quick … *runs off*
Tobirama: Nii-san is acting very strangely. Maybe I should go check on him …
Izuna: I know what will help … do your transformation jutsu and pretend you’re me. When he figures out you fooled him he’ll laugh and feel better!
Tobirama: Good idea … *henges into Izuna* Be right back.
*a few minutes later, blood-curling screams are heard from the bathroom area and Madara and Izuna look to see Hashirama running full-speed from the “fake” Izuna*
Madara: My goodness, Senju’s are certainly strange.
Izuna, grinning: Agreed.
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