#kind of spicy
brightfiction · 3 months
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I actually have a couple Alan one-sided pillows coming in this week. I am going to attempt a scratch side and maybe see if there is any interest in that. I am drawing his hand OUTSIDE of his jeans I promise I changed my mind to make it less spicy 😭
But I will have 1 Alan pillow to sell this week if they look okay - I will post a link on my Etsy!
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hiseumingo · 9 days
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Happy Wednesday 🤗
Full 🔗:
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ninebaalart · 7 months
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Zelda Baptism
purge yourself of outside forces and submit back to hylia
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starclast · 20 days
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kreeping-sparkles · 1 year
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New picture! She's a dairy cow.
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chromium-siren · 2 months
⌲ //rey, @somethingxgreater
sensual, handsy kiss
“Oh, ma petite,” Phasma purred, wrapping her arms around the scavenger’s body. Her lips touched Rey’s in a chaste kiss, but as soon as both women felt it, the kiss intensified. Both of them explored their bodies with their hands, melting perfectly into both their passion and seemingly the bedsheets. “Don’t you ever change, darling,” Phasma whispered to her love, as they continued to kiss and make love.
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starrystevie · 1 year
"i need a favor."
it's simple enough for steve to hear even over the loud music in the club, and it definitely grabs his attention away from where he was staring blankly into the dancing crowd. he pulls his eyes to the person standing in front of him, gaze trailing over their form before settling on their face. he's cute, steve thinks, with his curly dark hair and big brown eyes that he could see himself getting lost in. he's cute enough for steve to listen to whatever favor he could possibly need.
"umm, hello to you too?" steve says it like a question, his eyebrows quirked up and a smile pulling at one side of his mouth. "what kind of favor might that be?"
the stranger smiles and sits in the seat next to steve, setting his beer on the table beside steve's nearly finished jack and coke. he's closer than he was before and steve can appreciate his face even better this way.
"it's my ex. you see," the stranger slings an arm around the back of steve's chair, pulls himself close so that he isn't having to scream as loudly over the booming club beats. "he's here and i knew it would be stupid to think i wouldn't run into him in the only queer club around, yet here he is. and here i am."
"is there supposed to be a favor in there somewhere?"
the stranger grins and steve suddenly gets the feeling he's a bird who's been cornered by a cat.
"well, i was hoping you might be able to help me. he knows i have a... weakness for pretty boys and you just happen to be the prettiest one here."
steve's heart thumps in his chest, strong and impatient as he watches the neon lights flash off this guy's teeth. he always thought he was the smooth one with all his charm and charisma, but this stranger was sitting next to steve like it was any other day and not like he had the possibility to turn his world upside down.
"help you how?"
the stranger's grin grew wider and his eyes not so subtly flicked down to watch steve's lips. "kissing would be a good start, then letting me drag you to the dance floor so he could see us. and maybe if you're feeling a little crazy, we leave together, make it seem like you're coming home with me. he's watching us right now, you know?"
steve gives him a blank stare as he tries to not let it show just how much fun he thinks it all could be. he's there alone, anyway, trying to drown his loneliness in his friend jack daniels, so what's stopping him from playing a little bit of pretend?
"and what's in it for me?" is what steve finally gets out, his breath stuttering minutely in his chest when he feels a palm cover his leg.
"what do you want?" the fingers squeeze around his knee.
it makes steve stop and think for a moment. he thinks long and hard about material things like at least 3 drinks bought for him or dinner after they escape together or paying his cover so they can get in to the bar down the road that plays shitty music but has a good atmosphere. but there's one thing steve could really use, something he doesn't get the chance for, something that this random guy's money wouldn't have to cover.
"an adventure."
there's no way to tell who moves first, whether it was steve fisting his hand into the guy's hair to close the distance between them or if it was the firm pull on his leg that turns him towards the stranger. it's messy, right off the bat, with a tongue pressing insistently against steve's lips that he's happy to meet with his own. the hand on his leg is a grounding touch that keeps steve from floating away, warm and strong and there.
the man's other hand wraps awkwardly around to rest on steve's waist as to bring him in closer and the force of it has steve stumbling out of chair and settling instead on the guy's lap. two hands wrap around his waist now and his own go back into the guy's hair, threading through the stands and holding on firmly.
"okay yeah, you were definitely the right choice for this, holy shit," the guy breaks away to catch his breath and grin at steve who sends him a grin in return. "you are so..."
he doesn't finish, lets his lips say the words he couldn't as he connects them with steve's once more. it's hot, both in temperature and otherwise. steve can feel a bead of sweat start to roll down his back as they kiss and roll against each other for lord knows how long. one of the stranger's hands comes to rest just above steve's ass and it has him pushing back into the touch before he can tell himself to stop.
"dance. we uhh," steve says breathlessly as he pulls away from the man. his eyes are hooded and his lips are slick and kissed red, the flush on his face visible even under the dark club lights. steve thinks he might already be a little bit in love. "you said we have to dance."
the hand that was trailing down to his ass makes its way to it's destination and presses firmly, so steve follows, lets himself be manhandled until they're sitting chest pressed to heaving chest.
"sorry sweetheart, you aren't moving anywhere just quite yet."
lips connect to his jaw and it feels like it's exactly where he's supposed to be. steve pushes into the man's space, gets them as close as possible to savor the moment. he doesn't get to have fun, not much anymore at least, with his job keeping him so busy he hardly even gets to see his friends. it's nice to push every real life responsibility to the side and be in the moment with a random man from a club.
"so what does he look like, your ex?" steve mummers against his ear, low and sultry. "is he looking at us now?"
he feels the man chuckle against him before kissing his way up his neck. "he's pretty standard looking, don't think i could describe him to you if i tried."
"okay but," he's cut off by lips pressing quickly onto his own before steve pulls away once more. "i need to know who i'm putting a show on for."
the man sighs, rests his forehead against steve's collarbone for a beat before biting at it playfully. "let's just say you're putting on a great show regardless of who it's for."
steve pulls back even further, watching the man roll his eyes as he tries to follow him with his mouth. "and i thank you for that, but really, where is he?"
the man pauses and every bit of confidence that was on his face melts away until he looks younger, looks almost nervous. he sighs again and drops his hands from where they were kneading into steve's sides before running them through his hair with a sad sounding chuckle.
"he's nowhere."
now it's steve's turn to pause. his thighs that were clenched so tightly around the man's legs release and he slumps down with a frown pulling at his mouth and arms crossing over his chest.
"i just," the man winces, face crinkling up before settling back into something more neutral. "you're like insanely hot, which i'm sure you know, and i needed something so i could talk to you so-"
"so you lied? there's no ex?"
"... there's no ex."
steve's done more thinking in the last 30 minutes than he expected to in the entire evening. he didn't come out to a gay bar to think about anything and yet here is, contemplating a fucking pros and cons list about where to go from there. does he yell, punch him for lying, storm out and end up back home all alone in a empty apartment? it would serve the guy right, letting him stew in his guilt for lying so he could make out with someone.
"i'm steve," he says after making up his mind, hand extended out in front of him.
the stranger grabs it shyly, shaking his hand up and down slowly while he stares at steve. "i'm eddie?"
"is that a question?"
"no, i'm just-" he cuts himself off and shakes his head as if to clear it, pinning steve with a confused glare. "you're not mad?"
"mad, no. at least i don't think so. confused as to why you think you couldn't just talk to me, yeah."
the man, eddie, runs a hand down his face and pulls it away with a cheeky grin that makes steve smile at him back. "i'm sure you've looked in a mirror! you know why i couldn't just talk to you!"
it has steve laughing, full belly ache inducing laughing, in eddie's lap in a gay bar on a night that he planned to waste by being drowned in self-pity. he doesn't think he's ever had a weirder night and it's funny. he lifts his leg and stands up, watching the smile disappear from eddie's face to be replaced with a frown. he reaches down and grabs eddie's hand, pulling him to his feet and watching a beautiful smile spread back across the other man's face.
they're the same height, he realizes, as he presses his mouth to eddie's ear.
"i think you owe me a dance. and," he pauses, looks eddie in the eye and lets his hand travel to eddie's ass to pull them as close as possible. "-an adventure."
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matttheratkingart · 2 months
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Fumbled right at the finish line smh (uncensored version on my twixter )
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beskarfrog · 6 months
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i didn't expect it to be someone like you, i didn't expect you to be like me
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daintyytulip · 9 months
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i’m like soo girlfriend shaped in case you were wondering
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ninebaalart · 5 months
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Anarchy Sisters
sort of wanted to experiment a bit more with these. i actually liked the way these turned out
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kreeping-sparkles · 1 year
It's almost Valentines Day! Have a box-of-chocolates-inspired pinup bun.
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pharawee · 3 months
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"You smell so good. Can I smell you?"
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spicyvampire · 8 months
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Ai Di wins special kind of funny guy awards, he tells him he is the only one who has ever and will ever care about him, he fucks him silly, feels bad about it cuz his man was drunk and vulnerable and then LEAVE FOR 4 YEARS with a note that says BYE with an exclamation point
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beardedmrbean · 15 days
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secretariatess · 3 months
People say that northern food is bland when in reality, northern food done poorly is bland.
Northern food relies a lot on the flavor of the ingredients instead of spices to get its flavor. Just a hint of seasoning, like salt and pepper. The point of it is to let the ingredients stand out. If it's not cooked to respect the natural flavor, it's going to taste bad.
So no, we don't cover or laden or dishes with spices. It stems from the fact that the north doesn't provide a great environment for spices. But we found how to make our food taste good without it.
Case in point:
I made a clam chowder earlier this year with a recipe that was more orientated for my state. Salt and pepper were the only seasonings- the flavor came from the clam juice and bacon. It was good.
I've made Dublin coddle several times, which is an Irish dish. Salt and pepper are the main seasonings. It gets its flavor from the sausage and bacon, and the vegetables. It makes a delicious gravy to mop up with the right kind of bread.
Northern food isn't bland. It needs to be cooked right.
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