#kinda got the impression jam city was like
sylvarantii · 6 months
I will never forgive Hogwart's Mystery for allowing your player to display feelings for Bill Weasley, but not Charlie.
Listen, I have nothing against Bill. He's a chill guy and I'm really glad to have him as a friend in this game.
But I feel nothing for this guy. At least nothing beyond platonic feelings of "I like you and I'm glad you're my buddy."
Charlie is so neat though. I love his passions for dragons so much and ever since he was described in the books, I've really wanted to get to know the kind of guy he is. He is adorable and just has a bit more vigor to him in contrast to his older brother that's a bit more mature and laid back.
I don't know, I'm only in year 3, so I could end up being proven wrong, but it's just...kind of a bummer.
I'd say it's even more of a bummer that you can't date any book canon characters, but I'm sure Jam City didn't want to disappoint and be like, "Well, they're already canon characters with relationships in the future or possible relationships and it would mean you guys would have to break it off at some point, so it's for the better you never get together." but still sort of sucks.
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canmom · 1 month
авантура Цанмома у Београду
avantura Canmoma u Beogradu, or, the adventure of canmom in Belgrade
it's another one of these 'travels of canmom' posts! last time we went to Gamescom in Germany. this time I went to Belgrade for a company event.
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I can't actually talk that much about this one because the main thing I was doing was cooking up game pitches for what we might work on next (kind of like a game jam but just for concepts), and while that was very interesting and I learned a lot about how to get ideas across in limited time and make judgements about what videogames might sell and how long they'd take to make and such... it is however probably not something I can talk in too much detail about yet, because we might end up making these games, so I can't be like 'the theme was x and we pitched y'.
so instead I will mostly talk about Belgrade! and show some of the photos I took that don't have game developers wandering around in them.
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that's Nikola Tesla airport. did you know that Nikola Tesla was from modern-day Serbia (at the time, the Austrian Empire)? I didn't but I do now!
most of the week was spent in this fancy villa...
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...which is called the Villa Saga Paradiso. it must once upon a time have been some stinking rich family's holiday home, because it's a super weird building, with such features as a pool table, swimming pool, tennis court, library, and even a weird kinda stage thing on the top floor. definitely full of weirdly shaped rooms and interesting old furniture, it felt kinda like a place a moomin might hole up. so here's some pics of the place.
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also the view was kinda insane...
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also! here's a pic of a Serbian snail that came out rather nice:
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anyway on Saturday we went into the city centre to do some more touristy shit. I went to the two places in Belgrade that presumably everyone goes, namely the Fortress and the Temple. but I also got some shots of the city centre...
(also a tram shot for the trams girls in the audience)
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so as you can see, the vibes of central Belgrade are p Southern European sorta architecture, lots of pale stone walls and tiled roofs and the like. but you also have these crazy cool looking tower blocks from the communist period...
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...which were unfortunately quite hard to photograph out of a moving car window.
But yeah, we were on our way to the fortress.
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Belgrade Fortress has a pretty storied history. At one point it simply was Belgrade; even after that, it's been occupied by variously the Byzantines, Turks and Austrians, who all made various additions and modifications to the fortress, and sometimes accidentally blew it up. Nowadays it's become a kind of park and tourist area, surrounded by the river, and thus some pretty impressive views...
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as well as various things that tourists might like to look at, like statues of dinosaurs and tanks, and people dressed Historically.
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apparently you're only allowed 30 images in a post, so let me make another one for the Temple, which was the craziest building I saw, and the butt statue...
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bungiri · 10 months
Oh, I will ask about Wren 🤭
Number 1! I got this thought since my farmer's first meeting with Lance wasn't the best experience for her, so what was Wren's first impression of Lance? 👀
Number two! What is her favourite skill? (farming, combating, foraging, etc)
Number 3! Has she met Jio and the Following? 👀👀👀 (I know we are all big on SVE more, but I'm curious if your universe has RSV in it too, hehe! ✨)
Number 4 is a lore one. How does she know her mother is/was a witch? Or she doesn't yet? (sorry if this is answered, I'm a little sleepy by the time I wrote these 😅💤 )
I hope you're doing well and your day is well, Bunny!! ❤️❤️
HELLOOOO NIMILLA i am doing good thank u for asking 🤭 and thank u for sending some questions abt wren AAAH i appreciate it 🫂
i hope ur doing good as well <3
also i'm curious as to why ur farmer's experience meeting lance didn't go well 👁️ idk if u have explained it before
questions answered under the cut bc it's kinda long LMAO
⊹ ˚. meeting lance
wren's first meeting with lance on top of the volcano was...disorienting.
she was dehydrated and overheated from the intensity of the volcano, had holes burned into her clothes, and her hair was probably on fire tbh,, then suddenly she's face to face with some mysterious man who literally just poofed into existence right in front of her ?!
also she's honest, she isn't ashamed to admit that the first thing she noticed was how cute he was. she really thought she had died in that volcano and this angelic man was here to escort her to the afterlife.
her first words to him were "...am i dead ? i'm dead aren't i ? ugh, i knew those stupid magma sprites would get me."
it took him bit of convincing before she realized that she was in fact not dead.
safe to say she liked him a lot from the get go. developed a puppy love crush on him pretty quickly.
⊹ ˚. favorite skills
her favorite skill changes depending on how long she's been living in pelican town and running the farm yk.
wren's a former city girl wannabe model so she has no experience with any kind of farming or outdoorsy activities whatsoever. she only knows how to plant seeds in the ground because of a project her and her dads would do when she was a kid LMAO.
so her favorite skills in year 1 would be foraging because you literally just pick shit up off the ground. then fishing once she gets more experience with her fishing rod and help from willy.
as she gets the farm up and running, farming eventually becomes her favorite. she loves her animals and has really tapped into the jam business by the time her 3rd year rolls around.
⊹ ˚. Jio and The Cult™️
honestly i've been debating how i should incorporate ridgeside in wren's lore 👁️ there's a lot to get into and i really need to think about it more
wren has met jio and kiwi like you would in the game. she's wary about The Following simply because of the negative connotations around the term "cult". it's hard for her not to jump to conclusions about this kinda thing, but she is curious about jio, kiwi, and the ridge forest.
she stays away from the ridge forest though until she's more experienced with combat because WHEW she rly got her ass handed to her running in there with nothing but a rusty sword and a backpack full of salmonberries.
wren eventually comes around once she's better friends with kiwi. she's still wary, but she wants to help her little friend out. she ends up really admiring raeriyala and belinda's relationship and becoming good friends with jio and daia as well
⊹ ˚. her mother, the witch
wren does know that her mother is a witch and she's known all her life. it's probably one of the only things she remembers about her.
the reason she remembers is because on the day she was abandoned, her mom spent the morning showing baby wren how she uses magic to take care of the white rose bush they had growing outside of their house.
plus i think her mom would have worn a witchy hat like camilla does so it's easy for wren to put 2 and 2 together.
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theghostpinesmusic · 12 days
The thing that originally motivated me to drive all the way out to Colorado for this summer '22 run was the fact that after spring '22's PNW run, there weren't really many west coast Goose shows for the remainder of the year. My wife and I got tickets for the 8/25 show in Portland (which was announced later in the year), but we ultimately missed it because we both got COVID, and then we didn't get tickets for any of the other west coast shows because we'd planned a trip east to visit my family on 8/26...which we also missed, because we both got COVID. Eventually, we made up for this by figuring out a way to catch 12/30 and 12/31 in Cincinnati during a make-up family visit, but I originally thought that these CO shows were the only other Goose shows I was going to get to see in '22.
Then, there was the fact that 8/18 was going to be the band's sold-out debut at Red Rocks, and I'd never been to Red Rocks but had always wanted to find an excuse to go.
So, in my mind initially, the Red Rocks show was going to be the culminating night of a memorable run. In reality, I ended up thinking it was inferior to both of the Dillon shows, and it's one of the few Goose shows I remember leaving the venue being less than impressed with.
I mean, it's fine. I'm spending hours writing thousands of words about the band almost two years later, so clearly I got over it. But. It was kind of a weird show. I think there are probably a few reasons for this.
First, by the time 8/18 rolled around, I'd spent two days driving from Oregon to Colorado, then three days hiking and climbing mountains, with two of those days also including concerts that ran into the late night. I had to drive almost two hours from my AirBnB to Red Rocks, which meant after the show I was going to have to drive nearly two more hours back...and then wake up early in the morning to drive back to Salt Lake City so I could get home by the night of 8/20. All told, that meant I was pretty damn tired by 8/18, and "looking forward" to being even more tired over the next two days, even if the show was The Best Show I'd Ever Seen.
Second, I (and I think a lot of others) came into this particular show with sky-high expectations. Goose had and has a reputation for creating a lot of hype and then delivering on that hype almost impossibly well. I think they just showed up at Red Rocks on 8/18 and played a decent show, but with so many of us expecting this particular show to blow our minds that didn't feel like it was good enough.
Third, my whole experience in Dillon, the AirBnB, the climbing, the hiking, the two shows, was amazing. It remains one of my all-time favorite concert/travel experiences. Driving further to see an inferior show in a venue that was twice the size and filled (at least in my section) with "fans" more interested in filming themselves at Red Rocks for social media likes than listening to the show felt directly antithetical to the experience I'd had the previous two days and was, well, kinda gross. It left a bad taste in my mouth and ultimately made me decide to do a west coast run of Goose shows in the fall of 2023 instead of driving back to Red Rocks for two more nights.
For what it's worth, the two Red Rocks shows from 2023 are insane and you should check them out.
Anyway, this show overall is...fine. I don't have a ton to recommend from the first set: though the setlist is great, nothing really gets jammed out much. The set-ending "Arcadia" is short, but pretty damn epic, so maybe give that a listen.
The setbreak was weird because it was initiated by the announcement that Goosemas would be in Denver in December and the release of tickets for those shows. So instead of being able to enjoy reflecting on the fun parts of the first set while looking forward to the second, I was surrounded by people trying to buy Goosemas tickets on their phones while bragging about which drugs they were going to do in December. I wasn't going to be in Colorado in December, so it was just sort of weird and took me out of the experience.
When the band came back for the second set, they started with a great, jammed-out version of "Arrow," and the rest of the set afterward was, again, fine, but not particularly interesting, especially compared to the previous two nights.
I really loved getting to hear the "Elmeg The Wise" encore, but unfortunately it's not on YouTube.
What is available is this band-posted video of their cover of The National's "Bloodbuzz Ohio," which was played for the first time at Red Rocks.
I really, really love the original version of this song. I'm not a huge fan of The National, but the songs of theirs that I like, I really like, and this is one of them. It's largely because I'm from Ohio originally, and the lyrics really speak to my experience growing up there, especially the bit that goes:
I still owe money to the money, to the money I owe I never thought about love when I thought about home I still owe money to the money, to the money I owe The floors are falling out from everybody I know
So when Goose covered it for the first time, unexpectedly, at Red Rocks, while I was in attendance, it was a really emotional moment for me. There's no real write-up here, as it's not a song that gets jammed-out, but I thought it was worth sharing the story and the video anyway.
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mywifeleftme · 4 months
315b: Various Artists // Top Teen Bands Vol. 2
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Top Teen Bands Vol. 2 Various Artists 1966, Bud-Jet
Doing a three-for-one today on this trio of Minneapolis-St. Paul garage rock compilations originally issued in 1966 on the Bud-Jet label, and mysteriously bootlegged on CD and vinyl around 2005. With the exception of bluesman George “Mojo” Buford (on Vol. 2), none of these acts ever managed to cut an LP, and a few barely managed to get a single out. The Twin Cities had a decent little rock scene, and these comps give us 16 bands across 36 tracks, good, bad, and bluhgly. First time opening these guys that have been sitting on my shelf for ages, let’s see what we’ve got.
Top Teen Bands Vol. 2
Deacons — Baldy Stomp (The Deacons’ other song with “Baldy” / “Baldie” in the title, this one features more Wildman vocal ad libs, and a decently edgy sound for '64.)
Gregory Dee & the Avanties — Say Boss Man (A nice little groove with some fun organ playing and a semi-buried, distorted vocal that's practically another instrument at times—kinda peters out just as it's getting good, this would’ve probably cooked live.)
Corvets — So Fine (Finally somebody in the Twin Cities doing Jerry Lee shit, though the excitement fades a bit when you realize it's going to be an instrumental. Ends up kind of like listening to Linus from Peanuts tear ass on his toy pianer.)
Gregory Dee & the Avanties — Because of You (So, these guys have heard the Animals too. They're kinda close to nailing it with this vocal melody and jangly guitar figure over an organ drone. The mixing on the version on YouTube’s a bit rough, but on the comp it’s hideous—the drums, bass, and organ become this gross thud that buries the rest of the track.)
Canadian Love Bugs — Moanin' (Good vocalist; someone should rap the organist on the knuckles and make him behave himself; just kinda there.)
Rave-Ons — Love Pill (More Please Please Me-era Beatles pastiche from the Rave-Ons, and honestly, pretty close to the genuine article except the vocals are just like 20% less refined; pretty good hook.)
Novas — On the Road Again (Good, tough garage R&B.)
Accents — Louisiana Man (Piano-led and countrified in kind of a "Billy Bayou" way, but with a thuggish stomp—it would skip along better without it, but the wallop gives it a kind of stoned drag that's sorta interesting.)
Satisfactions — Girl, Don't Tell Me (A serviceable cover of the Beach Boys' "Girl Don't Tell Me," a song I could listen to in basically any arrangement—less impassioned than Carl's vocal on the original, but it lets you appreciate that twinkly "Ticket to Ride"-y instrumental hook even more.)
Mojo Buford — Whole Lotta Woman (Nice harmonica driven jump blues / rock 'n' roll track from an actual Black guy, formerly of Muddy Waters’ band.)
Underbeats — Broken Arrow (Crickets-y jam with a lot of gimmicky Dr. Seuss-y wordplay happening in the verses, but overall it’s very likeable. Would listen again.)
Gregory Dee & the Avanties — Because of You (More blown out, super deconstructed sound, but this one goes pretty damn hard, weird groaning organ hook, Eric Burdon-impression vocals. A trashy trip.)
Overall: Vol. 2 is probably the weakest of the three collections, but it's still mostly a breeze to listen to. Gregory Dee's "Because of You" takes the cake here, but the Accents, Rave-Ons, and Novas tracks aren't bad.
See also: Vol. 1 / Vol. 3
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daisyvstheworld · 1 year
Day 10 - Jan 10 - Prague
I slept super well the first like 5 hours after drinking all that beer but started waking up again throughout the night - forced myself to get up at 8:15ish bc I wanted to get to the Prague Castle before the buildings opened at 9AM. It was a bit off a rush, but I got up, finally decided to wear my paper boy hat, and started walking to Old Town Square. I found a random coffee shop near the university and ordered ma espresso and this housemade pastry with plum jam - that shit was so good. It was like a mini danish. After that, I started walking to the castle and the route was quite confusing not gonna lie. Because it was so early, there weren’t many people heading a certain way that I could follow. But eventually, I found the stairs and began the hike up to the palace. When I got to the top of the million stairs, there was this group of Japanese film crew taking photos or filming the view from the top. It was kinda cool. I tried taking selfies with my camera and failed. I think they laughed at me 🫠
Anyways; went in the castle and honestly it was pretty confusing.. like everything (the audio guide was $15, the extra exhibits were additional) cost hella extra and the exhibits we did have access to included in the $10 ticket were mid. the golden lane was cool but then I found out it’s free after 5pm everyday!! I guess the campus is large but you don’t need a ticket to wander the campus sigh. So I did that and then walked around the surrounding area. Looked at souvenirs and visited the Lennon Wall until Porks opened so I could order the Prague dish of pork knuckle.
Bruh. This pork knuckle was giGANTIC. It came with sauerkraut and mustard. I ate all the sauerkraut and like 1/8 of the knuckle. Pork in general doesn’t sit too well in my stomach and now I was eating crispy fried skin, fat, and red meat. It was good! But way too much. There were two Chinese girls also dining alone next to me and they both devoured their knuckles, I was so impressed. I took like 75% of it to go.
After eating, I had the energy to hike back up to Petrin Hill and tower. It was a nice park with gorgeous views of the city. I ate my gummies while listening to Call Me Daddy lmao
After that, stopped by the Dancing House and went back to the hostel. I was preeeettty freaking tired at this point. I had walked 13.3 miles already 😂
But then a girl Nova from the Hostelworld chat added me on IG and messaged me asking if I wanted to meet up for a drink! And I was like I need social interaction after like a week so I mustered up the energy and she came to my hostel to meet me before we went to this vegan restaurant for drinks. I got this massive drink called Spicy Mama and it was yummy but strooong. She was super nice!! Super easy to talk to and we had a lot in common. Shes from Norway but loves Berlin, which is where she had just come from, and was moving to Australia for a semester to study later this month. Side note - there was this boy or maybe masc female that was wearing the exact same outfit as me, just slightly more masc and I felt weird lol. Anyways, that placed closed after not too long so we walked back up Wenceslas Square to Old Town to look for a place but after wandering around for a while and not finding anything that wasn’t only occupied by large groups of men, we found a place called Crazy Daisy. It was this cute underground mixology bar that had super Gatsby vibes. We were seated on the side with a bunch of men but turns out they were altogether and had more people coming so they asked us to move and paid for our drinks in exchange. We were like ya ofc that’s fine haha so we moved to the other side and ordered these deliciousss drinks. Even this place that is considered more expensive was like maybe $10-12 per drink. I loved it.
On our way out, I smiled at our waiter and he smiled back so I thought it was coo, but this other guy followed us out and was like “um ur not going to pay?” And we explained and he was like mm the other servers didn’t know that. So we followed him back in and turns out he was wrong, shocker. So we did our little walk of shame back out. At the end of the day, still got free drinks 😊
Also side note - homeless people are so interesting in Prague. Beggars will beg by kneeling on the ground with their head down and hands up as if they’re praying for forgiveness. They have a hat or something in front of their hands that people throw money into. They just kneel there for hours. It’s so dehumanizing… but I guess most begging feels that way..
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
What hobbies do you think the gang has? Thanks so much, I've been loving your blog!!!
all sfw!! tw for some existential concepts w/ myc, and alcohol
OH inadvertently,, its drawing??
Like she,, sketches designs out constantly, and she got really good at proportions and anatomy while working out AB’s design, etc!! Even when she was younger, Rand and Tamiko would just,, shove her some pencils and paper to keep her outta the way. It was never a conscious hobby but,, its the closest she’s got tbh!!
SO YEA SHE DRAWS!! not like,, actively, but sometimes when she just needs to Not Think for a little while?? she just starts absentmindedly scribbling out designs in her notebook!!
everythings really geometric!! even when hes working with,, organic shapes like flowers and faces, its all very tight thin lines, few curves if any. Its this really beautiful, distinct style!!
She loves the texture of pastels too,, and chalk,, i could totally see her having a big chalkboard in her lab that she draws on when shes trying to think through a problem.
OH exercise!! Running specifically is his jam. Just,, waking up super early when its just sunrise, feeling the temperature increase as he runs? He truly is a golden retriever man smdnsdmsnd
YKNOW WHAT??? he’s such a boy scout. he absolutely camps and hikes whenever he has the chance. It’s so peaceful oml <3333 he always brings a little jar (like,, an ounce? 2 ounces?) to put cool stuff he finds inside!!! For the memories, yk?
ON THE SAME NOTE, SCRAPBOOKING <33333 and journaling but mostly scrapbooking. He takes so many photos and notes and keeps so many souvenirs that it,, just,, kinda came naturally to him?
It’s also such a nice thing for when times are hard. It’s nice to look back on the good (and bad) times to see the ebb and flow!! Helps remind him that everything’s gonna turn out well on the end <33333
OH OH OH AND BAKING. I think I brought this one up before but,, come onnnn <3333 he absolutely bakes in his free time. 
Its so soothing,,,,,, and he gets food at the end. The only real times he got to see his family was during holidays and holidays means FOOD which means baking which means,,, a chance to make some really good food and impress them :’)
I feel like she writes articles in her spare time. It's implied she used to be a journalist and,, she really misses it? Like she was BUILT for journalism lmao, a veritable Hildy Johnson.
She misses the rush of on-the-ground journalism.
scribbling out the start of her article in shorthand on her arm? Bribing cab drivers to speed so that she can get to the scene before anybody else? getting phone calls at 2 am with tips from a friend of a friend of a friend?
Especially since rn she's basically stuck behind a desk, supervising other people doing the fun stuff? It feels like a waste.
OH AND EQUESTRIANISM. We see in her SwipeRight profile that she has a tiger and,,,, I HC that she loves animals.
She never did it,, competitively?? She just loves horsies and their weird little faces and honking their snouts,, and taking care of em. It's so soothing to get away from the city and visit her horse <3
SHE'S THIS MASSIVE CLYDESDALE <333 her name is Maple bc she tossed Gigi into a Maple Tree the first time she rode her MSNDMSNDMSNDMSNDS
Gigi chipped her tooth and immediately decided she was the perfect horse fo rher and VOILA, 15 YEARS LATER MAPLE IS STILL HER BABY
 <3333 doesn't matter how big she gets, she's always gonna be Gigi's baby
BOXINGGGGG <3333 not only bc the mental image of this man boxing sends me into cardiac arrest awooga AWOOGA,,,
he picked it up through High School - he was already pretty bulky form helping out on his family's farm and he just got bigger as he started boxing!!!
he uHe has trouble w/ a lot of exercises!! His spine and legs got seriously fucked during his surgeries so running isn't an option (lmao he always hated running so,,, yknow what he doesn't miss it that much-)
so...... he usually sticks to boxing, per his doctors request 🙄🙄🙄
BEFORE his surgery, he wouldn't wear gloves or wraps but,,, because he now has talons to deal with, he needs that buffer to make sure he doesn't gouge his own hand (although,, smdns on more than one occasion he has forgotten. Quite a few scars on his palm)
If he's had a particularly bad day, you'll most likely find him in one of the lower-level training rooms, absolutely massacring a punching bag!
Little addition at the end?? He hunts, and his shot would give some of Cognito's snipers a run for their money.
DND IM NOT ELABORATING ITS DND. 'high stakes elder scrolls' come on this man plays dnd and he has done since highschool. He got introduced to it by smb in his friend group
ACTUALLY I AM ELABORATING, BECAUSE HE TOTALLY DM'S. He loves the storytelling element to it - he's too insecure about his writing to actually,, yknow,, write, so DND gives him a place to put out all those ideas?
(if he does play its 100% gonna be an artificer or wizard.)
also,, rock climbing?? It was never explicitly said but considering he did parkour w/ Grassy Noel I GET THE VIBE HE’D LOVE ROCK CLIMBING?? <33333 oh to go rock climbing w/ Andre Lee in some obscure little corner of Virginia oughe <333
VERY GOOD MIXOLOGIST. He’s gonna do tricks with the bottles. and drop em all.
ITS FUN LEARNING NEW DRINKS THO AND MAKING UP HIS OWN. He feels like an alchemist ehehe >:) plus its way more low-risk than concocting diseases or flesh-eating goo.
He seems to be so disconnected from everything? Very apathetic overall? 
SO not really a traditional hobby, but people watching!! At first he did it bc,, he wasn't entirely sure what the best method was to approach. And also cause humans are weird gross little things xsmnds
BUT YEA ITS JUST BECOME A MUCH NEEDED HOBBY?? Once a week he just,, steals a jet, picks a random place in the world,,, parks himself somewhere and watches em all go by.
Sometimes its nice being a stranger!! Being attached to humans feels really disconcerting for him. like becoming best friends with a mayfly, yk?
Going somewhere where nobody knows him, nobody will remember him and he won't remember anyone he meets is like a palette cleanse.
I think the closest he'd get is like,, retail therapy?
BUYING JUST,, SO MUCH SHIT. TO FILL THE ANXIOUS PIT IN HIS STOMACH. Pretty jewelry and furniture and new suits and haha what do you mean of course he isn't nervous :)
Once he got a message from the Shadow Board that shook him so thoroughly that he bought 3 malls worth of clothes
I do like the idea that he used to play piano? He has this gorgeous grand piano in is dining-hall-slash-entertainment-area but,, the last time he actually PLAYED it was back when him and Rand were still working together, and it just feels wrong now. Instead it collects dust and mocks him.
AT FIRST I WAS GONNA SAY LIKE,, Picross and Sudoku and Misc Puzzle-y Math-y things, but also?? I feel like he's so advanced that he wouldn't find any enjoyment in that. Half the fun of puzzles is the challenge of figuring out the answer, and when you have predictive + problem-solving algorithms up the wazoo,,,,, its just kinda boring lmao
It has the same problem-solving that puzzles give w/ enough of an element of unpredictability to keep him interested <3 PLUS the prospect of absolutely obliterating some humans at chess?
HE REALLY IS IN HIS ELEMENT <333 SUPER INTIMIDATING TO PLAY AGAINST THO. completely unflinching, barely pausing for any of his moves, this everso-slight smirk <3
THIS ALSO MEANS,, HE USUALLY DOESNT GET TO PLAY OFTEN?? Like even once he’s free roaming most ppl aren’t Actively Trying To Interact With The Omnicidal Robot,,, so,,, not a hobby he gets to enjoy often 
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tobesolonely · 4 years
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A/n: hello everyone!! im very excited to put this out :-) i was going to make a long one shot but ive never written anything multi-part before and i wanted to give it a go!! also my first time with an oc 🌟so i hope everyone enjoys!! not sure when the next part will come out but i wanna upload at least once a week or every two weeks or something idk haha but anywayssss lmk ur thoughts!
biggest, biggest thank u to my love @harryysstyless​ for beta reading and being so encouraging<333 luv u!!
photographer oc x harry styles
please let me know your thoughts on miss aminah, iman, serena, and harry!
my ko-fi! thank you :)
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Los Angeles was your newest muse.
You had always been the spontaneous type. It came as no shock to your family and friends when you told them you had purchased a one-way ticket and were moving across the country. Although your parents weren’t too keen on the idea of their daughter moving so far away from them, they helped you withdraw your savings and find a modest apartment in LA before sending you on your way.
Your reason for moving to LA was simple, really. You were a freelance photographer that felt your career was growing rather… stagnant. You had a thick portfolio and were proud of the work you produced, but your clientele wasn’t as impressive as you’d hope it would be after nearly six years of working at it.
And so began your desire to move from New York to Los Angeles— one big city to the next.
People who knew you often described you as ambitious, fiery, and an absolute go-getter. If your big move scared you in any way, no one knew any better. Your confidence never faltered— not even in the slightest.
After nearly three months of being in LA, you developed a routine of sorts. You’d wake up, eat a breakfast that almost always consisted of avocado toast and coffee, and go on a run. After your run, you would come home, shower, and decide how far you wanted to venture to take pictures that day.
Sometimes your roommates, Serena and Iman, would join you to keep you company. Although you’d never met either one of them before answering their ad for a roommate on Craigslist, you had grown extremely close to the girls in the few months that you’d known them. Despite the two girls being friends since their childhood, they never made you feel left out, and you fit in with them effortlessly.
During your short time in the city, there were so many places you had been, but still, even more you had yet to see. Serena and Iman, both native Angelenos, would often suggest spots for you to check out and even offer to drive you around— you were from New York after all, and at twenty-four years old, you were still not the owner of a driver's license.
“You’ve never been to North Hollywood yet, right Aminah?” Iman questioned as you all lounged around, trying to come up with a place you had not yet been.
“No, I haven’t really gone anywhere farther than walking distance,” you reply, looking around the cramped living room for your camera bag. “Or the places you guys have driven me. That was still considered Downtown though, right? Where we went the other day?” You were still getting used to how absolutely massive Los Angeles was.
“We should go to Santa Monica or something— wait, Malibu!” Serena exclaims. “We have to go to Malibu, Mina. It’s so nice there, you could totally get a bunch of good shots.”
“Yeah, we might even see a celebrity!” Iman chimes in, stifling laughter.
It was an on-going joke between the three of you. When you first moved to LA, you told your roommates that you couldn’t wait to make your way around the city because you were hoping to run into a celebrity. It was Los Angeles after all— you figured they were everywhere.
You quickly learned that wasn’t the case. Celebrities here kept a low-profile and even if you did encounter a celebrity, it’s not like you would approach them. “You’re not funny, Iman,” you tell your roommate with a roll of your eyes.
“Yes I am,” Iman quips, wiggling her eyebrows. “If we’re gonna go to Malibu then I gotta change. Can I borrow a cute shirt from anyone?”
A short twenty minutes later, the three of you were piled in Serena’s car on your way to Malibu. You’d heard of the city before and knew it was a wealthy area, but that’s about it. Your roommates promised you that out of all the beaches in LA, Malibu had the nicest ones, and lots of places to take pictures. Since none of you had anything to do, you all decided it was as good a day as any to have a beach day and get some shots of your roommates to add to your portfolio. Since you didn’t know anyone except Serena and Iman, the pictures on your camera from the last few months consisted entirely of nature and inanimate objects. While it was good practice, you really preferred to photograph actual people.
“Traffic is so bad today,” you say from the backseat after traveling approximately two feet in five minutes. Iman snorts from the passenger side.
“When isn’t traffic bad, Mina,” she turns to look at you, an amused look on her face. “Don’t worry about it. It always gets backed up at this fuckin’ exit and then as soon as we get past it there’s like, zero traffic.”
“Right! I always complain about how shitty this exit is. I have no clue who designed it,” Serena adds, skipping through songs on her playlist. “It’s still early in the day, though. I’m just hoping the beach won’t be too crowded by the time we get there.”
“I don’t care how crowded the beach is. I just don’t want it to take us forty minutes to find parking…”
You tune out your roommate's voices, instead choosing to focus on the traffic jam outside the car. To Serena and Iman, people who were born and raised in Los Angeles, the city wasn’t necessarily anything special. Sure, they loved how there was always something to do, but the bad drivers, traffic, and smog got old. The novelty of LA hadn’t yet worn off to you, though. You didn’t know how your roommates were content to sit inside the apartment all day when there were tons of things to do basically right outside your doorstep. You felt like you were the one convincing them to go out with you half of the time, and you didn’t even know where you were going.
After what feels like almost entirely too long but was really only half an hour, Serena pulls into a fairly empty parking lot. “Are we not allowed to be here?”
“Why do you think that?” Iman asks, squinting her eyes to read a sign. “It doesn’t say it’s closed. I mean, there are a few cars–– look.” She points to a few cars scattered around the parking lot.
“I mean, it is nine in the morning on a Wednesday. People are probably at work,” you tell the two girls in the front seat. “Besides, there’s someone in the parking booth. Can you even close a beach?”
Serena drives forward, rolling down her window. “I mean, I guess not. You can close the parking lot, though.” You hum in agreement. She quickly pays for parking and tosses her receipt on the dashboard before driving slowly through the parking lot.
“I love when no one’s at the beach,” Iman sighs, clapping her hands. “No one will get in the way of your picture-taking either, Meens.”
You smile at the nickname. “Yeah, that’s true. We picked a perfect time to come too, guys. The lighting’s great.”
“Really? Is it gonna make my skin pop?” Iman turns around and sticks her arm out, sensually running her fingers along it.
“You always look good no matter what the lighting’s like, Iman,” you reply, refraining from rolling your eyes at her. “You have the glowiest complexion out of all of us.”
“We’re literally all the same skin-tone, Aminah,” she retorts, crossing her arms.
“We have different undertones, though,” you answer. “So not really. Plus, Serena is way lighter than us! What are you talking about?”
“Should I park here?” Serena asks, interrupting your conversation.
“Why here? All these empty spots and you wanna park directly next to this car?”
“This is a good spot, Iman. It’s a parking lot. If they didn’t want anyone to park next to them, they should’ve taken an Uber and got dropped off.” She turns into the spot, quickly putting the car in park and crossing her arms to prove her point.
You unbuckle your seatbelt, smiling at your friends’ bickering. They were so close they were basically sisters. They argued sometimes and were quick to call the other out on their shit, and you loved it.
“I just think you’re weird for parking next to this car. It’s a nice car.”
“Who cares, girl?” Serena groans, exasperated. “We’re gonna be on the beach. They’ll probably be gone before we will.” She pops the trunk before unplugging her phone from the aux cord and stepping outside. Iman mimics her before flinging the door open as well and stepping out of the car.
You make sure your camera bag is closed all the way before situating it over your shoulder and climbing out of the car as well.
“It’s kinda cold,” Iman says, wrapping her arms around her body. “If I knew it would be so overcast I would’ve bought a jacket.” Serena hums in agreement and you look up at the sky, unphased.
“It’s like, seventy degrees?” you look at the weather app on your phone in confirmation.
“We get it, Meens. You’re from New York,” Serena teases, closing her trunk. She hands you a few towels and a blanket to carry while she rolls the cooler and Iman carries the beach chairs and umbrella.
“It’s a cold seventy degrees and you know it,” Iman defends. “Look at my goosebumps. I can’t fake this shit.” You shake your head at your overly dramatic friends and follow them down to the beach. You take off your sandals as soon as you’re off the pavement, wiggling your toes in the cold sand.
“We can set up pretty much wherever we want,” Serena points out, tucking flyaway curls behind her ears. “Where do you think the best place to be is, Mina? Y’know, so you can get good pictures?”
“It doesn’t really matter, to be honest,” you tell them distractedly, too busy looking around the beach in awe. Your friends were right–– out of all the beaches you’d visited in Los Angeles so far, this one was the nicest (and cleanest). “Maybe we can get a little closer to the water?”
The three of you walk for a couple of minutes before Iman abruptly stops, dramatically dropping everything she was carrying. “Let’s just set up here. There’s no one around anyway, it doesn’t matter.”
“There actually is someone around,” you tell them, looking at a stranger who seemed to be fixated on staring at you and your friends. “Don’t look, but a cute guy is staring at us.” Serena and Iman immediately turn around, shading their eyes from the bit of sun that was starting to peek through the clouds. The guy couldn’t have been more than twenty yards away from where you were setting up.
...“Huh,” Serena says, turning back around. “Is it just me, or does that guy look a lot like Harry Styles?” She looks back over her shoulder again, but he’s no longer staring at the three of you, focusing on what appeared to be a book instead.
“Why would Harry Styles be at the beach by himself at nine in the morning?” Iman asks, unfolding a beach chair and flopping down on it.
“Why wouldn’t he? It’s Malibu, dude,” Serena responds. You could tell your friends were about to start bickering again, so you quickly jump in.
“Doesn’t matter. Neither one of you would go up to him even if it was, so what’s the point in arguing about it?” They both raise their eyebrows at you.
“And you would, Mina? Bullshit!” Iman exclaims, laughing. “I dare you to go see if it’s him, and if it is, ask him if he wants to join us.”
“That’s weird! What if it’s not him?”
“Even if it’s not him, we’ll still get to hang out with a cute boy.” Iman points out. Serena nods in agreement and you can’t deny that she makes a convincing argument. “Just ask him if he wants a mimosa or something!”
“No, don’t ask that,” Serena interjects. “Tell him that you’re a photographer and you’re working on building a new portfolio. Ask him if he would be cool with you photographing him.”
You narrow your eyes at her. “Are you sure that’s not weird, Serena?”
“Aminah, trust me. I wouldn’t deliberately let you make yourself look weird.” Your roommate reassures you.
And so you found yourself clearing the short distance to where the handsome stranger was laid, half hoping it was Harry Styles, half hoping it was not. You couldn’t act like you weren’t a fan of him–– you thought he was incredibly attractive and enjoyed his music just like most people. If Harry Styles was the first celebrity you encountered during your short time in Los Angeles, you‘d never stop talking about it. Ever.
When you’re almost to him he looks up, dog-earring the page he’s on. After making eye contact with him, there’s no mistaking that this is Harry Styles. You pinch the back of your hand, urging yourself not to freak out. He has a knowing look on his face and you’re grateful for your darker complexion that hides your blush.
“Hi,” you speak first, stopping a few feet away from him. “Uh, my friends and I are just uh, we’re... you know.” You internally wince at your inability to form a coherent sentence. His gaze never breaks from yours and you look away first, growing shyer by the second. If you thought he was beautiful on Instagram, he was even more gorgeous in person. It was incredible.
“Hi,” he finally says after a brief moment of silence. “‘M sorry if I was starin’ at you ladies a moment ago. I jus’ usually never see anyone else this early out here. Are you a photographer?”
You almost ask him how he knows when you realize your camera is still hanging around your neck. “Oh, yeah. Yeah, I am.” He’s still staring intently at you.
“Would you like to sit?”
You look over your shoulder at Serena and Iman who were pretending to be preoccupied putting on sunscreen, but you know they were waiting for you to come back with the man you now knew to be Harry Styles.
“Oh, my friends are waiting for me,” Harry looks up at you patiently, waiting for you to continue speaking. “I was actually going to photograph them. I’m working on building up my portfolio. I understand if you can’t for… I dunno, legal reasons? Or if you just don’t want to–– and that’s fine if you don’t, but would it be okay if I photographed you as well?”
“That actually sounds like a lot of fun. It’s kinda boring jus’ readin’ out here on my own,” he agrees quickly, surprising you. Harry stands up and stretches a bit before leaning down to gather up his blanket, towel, water bottle, and book. “What’s your name? I’m Harry.”
You know that Harry knows that you know exactly who he is, but the fact that he introduced himself to you makes him even more endearing. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Aminah.”
Harry extends his free hand to you. “It’s very nice to meet you, Aminah.” You love the way your name sounds coming out of his mouth.
As you approach Serena and Iman, their eyes go wide when they realize it really was him. Serena nudges Iman and you know without even having heard it that she’s saying, “I told you so!” Harry stops a bit behind you, smiling at them.
“Hello,” he starts. “S’okay if I join you ladies? Aminah here extended such a nice offer that I jus’ couldn’t pass it up, but wanna check with the two of you first.”
Serena’s mouth is shamelessly hanging open, and you realize that she may have been a bigger fan than she let on. Iman answers for them. “Of course! Mina’s building her portfolio and I bet it would look like, super cool, if you were a part of it!” Harry nods, setting the few things he had with him down.
“I don’t think I would even be the center of attention if ‘m sittin’ beside you beautiful ladies. I’ll jus’ act as a prop or something,” he flashes them a dimpled smile. “If you don’t mind me asking, what are your names? I’m Harry.”
“We know,” Iman answers a little too quickly. “I’m Iman and this is Serena.” Serena gives him a timid wave.
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you all. Are you guys from around here?” He lays his blanket beside all of your stuff and sits down cross-legged, not once breaking eye contact with any of you. You had no idea how he did it.
“We live Downtown. We’re only over here so Mina could get some good pictures, she’s a photographer,” Iman answers proudly. “She’s amazing, but she’ll never admit it.”
“Iman…,” you trail off. “Stop, dude.”
“It’s true,” Serena jumps into the conversation, now seemingly over the initial shock of who was sitting barely two feet away from her. “She’s the best photographer I know.” Harry turns to look at you, an amused look on his face.
“That’s a hefty claim. I can’t wait to see your photography skills, Aminah.”
“They’re just hyping me up,” you reply, making a mental note to yell at your friends for embarrassing you once the three of you were alone again. “I’m not that good.”
“That looks pretty professional to me,” Harry says, gesturing to the camera that has not yet left your neck since arriving at the beach. “I bet you’re just as good as they say you are.” You look away, hiding your face. Iman, being the wing woman she is, can tell you’re growing flustered from all the attention and moves the conversation away from you.
“Do any of y’all want a mimosa?” Before anyone can even answer her, she’s popping open the champagne and handing the orange juice to Serena to open. Harry politely declines, as he drove himself to the beach that morning. You and Iman are ultimately the only ones who indulge in a drink since you were the only ones not driving.
Talking to Harry was like catching up with an old friend. He wanted to know everything about the three of you and whenever he felt the conversation was becoming too much about him, he quickly changed the subject. Harry learned that Iman and Serena have been friends since the second grade when Iman pushed some boy off of the monkey bars for teasing Serena. He learned your favorite take-out spots, your favorite bars, and what freeways Iman and Serena tried to avoid at all cost (it was the 405, which he agreed with). What seemed to intrigue Harry the most, though, was him learning that you just moved from New York and had never even been to Los Angeles before moving.
“Why did you pick somewhere all the way across the country that you’d never even vacationed at before?” He had a look of confusion written across his face. You shrug, not really knowing the answer.
“I mean, I’ve seen it on TV shows and in movies. That doesn’t count?” you joke. Harry still looks utterly bewildered.
“I mean… no?”
Serena laughs. “We were just as confused as you were, Harry. We were scared for a moment when she moved in because we were like, oh shit, what if she’s insane? You know? Like, what sane person would move all the way across the country to live somewhere they’d never even vacationed before?”
You let out an offended, “heyyyy”, lightly smacking Serena’s thigh. “I just needed a change and I’m a drastic person! I either go all-in when I do something, or I just don’t do it at all.” You defend yourself.
“I actually think that’s really fuckin’ cool,” Harry says after a moment. “Sometimes I wish I could just… up an’ go. Y’know?” you all nod, and it falls silent again. “Well, should we take some pictures now?”
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Any intimidation you felt to photograph Harry disappeared as soon as he started posing for you.
Being that he was a major celebrity, he was no stranger to posing for a photoshoot. Harry was ethereal–– you knew the pictures of him would most likely require minimal to no editing. Serena and Iman also looked incredible, and you were thankful to have such gorgeous people as your muses. You were taking pictures of them in various places around the beach, only stopping once it started getting too crowded. There were starting to be too many people in the background of your shots and Harry wanted to get going, not particularly in the mood to be recognized. The three of you decide you should get going too. You had more than enough pictures to go through and besides, you were all starting to grow hungry.
Harry follows the three of you to the parking lot, keeping his head down the entire way. The closer you got to Serena’s car, the sadder you got. You didn’t want to stop talking to Harry and photographing him. However, you knew you were just in the right place at the right time, and it was likely that you’d never cross paths with him any time soon–– if ever again.
“Thank you for letting me photograph you,” you tell him sincerely once you were almost to Serena’s car. “That was really kind of you. I can promise you I won’t post them anywhere without your permission or like, disclose the location or anything like that.”
Harry finally looks up, determining you were far enough away from the crowds and he was no longer at risk of getting recognized. “It was my pleasure, really. Thank you for inviting me to hang out with you and your friends. It was a lot of fun getting to know you all.” You feel your body heat up.
“Where did you park?”
“Right there,” Harry points straight ahead. “You?”
You let out a loud laugh, causing Serena and Iman, who was walking slightly ahead of you and Harry, to turn around and look at the two of you. “We parked right next to you! Iman was getting on Serena for parking next to you because the lot was pretty much empty when we got here this morning.”
Harry lets out a breathy chuckle. “I guess it’s fate that we crossed paths then, yeah?” You let out a quiet hum in agreement, stopping a few feet in front of Serena’s car. You hear her and Iman debating on where you should stop for lunch, but you were waiting to see what Harry would say next.
“Aminah? After you get a chance to look at those pictures, do you think you can send them to my manager? His name’s Jeff. I’d love to see how they come out.”
“Oh yeah, of course! Do you have his business card or something?” You were excited that Harry actually cared to see your work but based on the couple of hours you spent interacting with him, you learned he was just an overall insanely kind person.
“I can jus’ put his contact info in your phone? If you don’t mind,” his gaze falters, a sheepish look on his face.
“Totally! Let me just unlock my phone,” you dig in the pocket of your shorts, pulling your phone out and unlocking it with your face. You hand it over to him and while he’s looking down typing you glance over at your roommates who had shocked looks on their faces. You would explain to them later that he wasn’t giving you his number, just his managers, but for now, you’d let them think he was giving his number to you out of all people–– a total stranger.
Harry hands it back to you a few moments later, running his fingers through his hair. “Thank you again for such a great morning, Aminah. I’ll let you get goin’, don’t wanna hold you ladies up any longer,” he waves at Serena and Iman. “It was really nice to meet all of you. Hope to see you all again soon.” You notice that his gaze lingers on you for a moment when he says that, and you feel your body heat up for what must have been at least the tenth time that day.
The three of you watch as Harry unlocks his car and throws his items haphazardly into the passenger side before climbing in, slamming the door shut. His car starts immediately afterwards and he gives you a quick nod before quickly backing out of the spot, leaving. None of you say anything for a bit, just processing what just happened. Serena is the first one to speak, her hand on the handle of her car door.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Harry fucking Styles?” her voice raises at least two octaves and you know she’s about to have a mini freakout. “Did he ask for your number, Meens?”
“No dude, he just gave me his manager's number. He wants to see how the pictures come out after I edit them,” you tell her, opening the backseat of her car. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Uh, that’s definitely a big deal, Aminah. Stop being so humble,” Iman tells you, exaggerated annoyance lacing her voice. “Did you see how he looked at you? When he said, ‘Hope to see you all again soon’?” She puts on a terrible posh accent.
“You’re so annoying,” you groan, shaking out the blanket and beach towels before throwing them onto the seat. “Where are we gonna eat?”
Iman and Serena pile into the car as well, telling you about the three restaurants they were stuck choosing between. You hum distractedly, typing the name ‘Jeff’ into your contacts to see if Harry left a number and an email, or just an email. Your brows furrowed in confusion when you see the name is nowhere to be found in your contact list. You chalk up the mistake to Harry just forgetting to press ‘save’ after creating the contact and figure you can just find his manager’s contact information on the internet somewhere. As you’re scrolling back up through your contact list, your eye lands on a name that makes your breath hitch in your throat.
Harry Styles.
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magicman111 · 3 years
A Moth to a Flame - Chapter Two
One month later
Sasha joylessly toyed with the Music Box, opening its lid like a yawning mouth.
Who’d have thunk it? She wondered to herself. This tacky little thing could cause so much calamity?
How ludicrously out of place she looked curled up on King Andrias’ enormous throne, almost like the little girl playing pretend in the driver’s seat of her parents’ car. You’d be forgiven for not knowing she’d just led the swiftest, easiest toppling of a government in this world’s history.
Big blue dummy locked up? Check. The city’s army surrendered? Check. Their toad army less than an hour away? Check. Dimension-skipping Macguffin firmly in their position? Double Check.
Not a bad day’s work for a 13-year-old.
Marcy’s oversized sparrow was tethered to the armrest by his leg. A prize she’d taken for herself so she could cruise around her new kingdom in style. She saw to it he wasn’t under any duress, and the fact he was neck deep in an industrial sized bag of bird feed told her he was plenty comfortable.
Sasha managed a tiny smile as she reached out to run her fingers through the thickness of his coat. She dunked her hand in the bag and offered him an open palm of seeds; he eyed for a moment or two before gingerly pecking at the mound.
Thank Frog no one was around to hear the ‘d’aww’ escape her lips.
Her grandmother was the one she had to thank for her secret admiration of birds. Old lady had been a birdwatcher who ‘treated’ her to regular weekend trips into the forest when she was younger. This was long before her discovery of malls and arcades. Sasha wouldn’t dare admit it to even herself back then, but the ones they spotted together on those dewy spring mornings were beautiful to behold in their natural habitat.
Herons may now be forever ruined for her, but Joe—she thought that was his name—was a mighty impressive specimen. Poor guy somehow found the strength to carry all seven of them to Newtopia, only to nosedive into the moat at the end of the flight.
Definitely had nothing to do with her asking Marcy if she could take the reins in the last stretch. She and Anne were kind enough not to draw attention to it, same as they did the day at summer camp when they discovered her crying into her pillow. They were awesome enough to go along with her story that it was only allergies. She knew she had a true pair of girlfriends that morning.
Thinking about them only soured her mood afresh. She sprinkled the rest of the feed back into the bag and slumped against the backrest, arms petulantly crossed.
Here she was in the crowning moment of her young life and she couldn’t have been more miserable.
Maybe because her friends should have been here to share in this, but no, they had to go and act all noble. What else should she have expected? She always was the only one in the group with the guts. Anne had to be dragged kicking and screaming to ditch school and join her and Marcy in celebrating her birthday. Was it any wonder she had to keep taking control of the situation?
More likely... it was because deep down she knew she didn’t really want this. She certainly believed she did after they dropped that gloryhound newt general down a waterfall and when they successfully rallied the Toad Lords after retrieving Barrel’s Warhammer. Things only started getting complicated when they needed free tickets into Newtopia in the form of her friends.
She hadn’t counted on realising just how much she missed her clumsy, klutzy Marcy. Neither how effectively she and Anne were still able to work together as a team in spite of all the unpleasantness that had transpired between them during their time here, of which there was plenty. The fact that Anne actively encouraged her in taking down that molten toad monster was the rancid cherry atop the sludge sundae. For a while back there, it looked like they might really turn a corner and start afresh. All three of them could have gone home like none of this ever happened. Except by then it was already too late.
What recourse did she have when the Plantars invited them for the world’s most awkward dinner party or when they brought the house down at the Battle of the Bands? Tell Grime and all the toads who’d invested their manpower and futures in her that sorry, she was getting cold feet? There was only one grizzly way that would end both for her and Grime and the best scenario she could imagine involved heads on pikes.
... It didn’t matter anymore. Her friends had picked their path, she’d picked hers. As her mom always said, ‘You make your bed, you lie in it’. Funny how in her short life, she’d heard that line far too many times already.
Once she figured out how the Box worked, she’d send both Anne and Marcy on their merry way and they’d never have to see each other ever again.
Everyone would get what they want.
Good thing then she’d sent her soldiers to ransack Marcy’s room for all her research about Anne’s fateful birthday gift. Girl was a pack rat. She kept notes for every exam and project they were assigned back home. The less said about her laptop jammed with files of anime fanfiction and theories the better.
Plus, it was a good way to try and distract herself.
They came back into the throne room hauling burlap sacks full of parchments and emptied their contents at Sasha’s feet.
Daaang, girl, you've been in the zone.
She scattered them over her lap and the ample free space on the seat. They actually weren’t that hard to follow; colour coordinated with plenty of cutesy kawaii diagrams. Trademark Marbles.
Apparently, it worked a lot like those puzzle boxes Marcy got as gifts from relatives in Hong Kong. All it took was knowing the right sequence of buttons and zip! You can go wherever you want in the cosmos. Just a matter of finding the code for Earth.
‘I’m done listening to you!
I’m done trusting you!’
Sasha scowled, trying to push the thoughts to the back of her mind where they belonged. She shuffled through a couple more pages until she found the one titled in glittery green and blue lettering, ‘HOME’.
‘You’re a horrible person!’
Ignore. Ignore.
Now all she had to do was jot it down on her palm and—
She stopped. Her shoulders drooped. Then she just threw the page down on the floor and sunk into her seat further than she thought physically possible.
She normally didn’t consider herself that thin skinned a person, but man, that one hurt.
Traces of bitter tears creeped into her eyes.
What am I even doing anymore?
The sound of footsteps on crumpling paper and someone clearing their throat snapped her out of her self-pitying torpor. She fluttered her eyes dry to see Grime standing there awkwardly among the discarded parchments.
The diminutive, one-eyed former Toad Lord was hiding something behind his back. He actually looked pretty embarrassed about it too, which for a battle hardened war vet like Grime was actually kinda adorable in Sasha’s eyes.
“I, uhh, got you something,” he said, whipping out a long rectangular present wrapped in green paper and topped with a luscious red bow. “Had it made especially for this day.”
Now if there was one thing Sasha Waybright couldn’t say no to, it was a gift, especially from a trusted friend. They were the ultimate distraction from the blues and she couldn’t have been sitting upright and tearing into this one any quicker.
“Whaaat? Grimesy, you didn’t!” What she had pulled from the ravaged packaging wielded aloft her head made her gasp. “How’d you know I wanted to duel wield?!”
It was a brand new heron sword. An exquisite green second shortsword that would compliment Ol’ Pink perfectly.
She stared proudly into the smooth steel surface, admiring the craftsmanship. When she noticed the girl staring right back at her, however, her smirk vanished in an instant. The captain of the cheerleaders, the scarred swordswoman, the conqueror of Newtopia, whatever angle she looked at it, she didn’t like what she saw. Unbelievable as it may sound, even the joy of an awesome gift like this was not enough to make everything better.
“What’s the matter? You don’t like it? Oh dang it!” Grime slammed his forehead. “I didn’t get a gift receipt!”
“No no, it’s just...” Sasha weighed the blade against her ungloved palm. Talking about these kinds of things was never easy for her. “What if Anne’s right? What if I am a horrible person?”
Grime popped up like a whack-a-mole behind the armrest. “Who cares what she thinks?” he scoffed. “You and I are in charge now, and we get to do whatever we want!”
“That’s the thing... I’m not sure what I want anymore,” she admitted wearily.
For all his years of training at the finest academies, his brutal combat in the colosseum and tactical expertise earned through a lifetime of military service as his forebears before him, this one had Grime stumped. Needless to say, talking about one’s emotions wasn't exactly encouraged during their upbringing in toad culture, so naturally it wasn’t one of his strong suits. Just one of the many things he and Sasha had in common.
Still, he was a pretty fast thinker and came up with a fairly good idea on the spot.
“Why don’t you help me redecorate this place?” he suggested, resting his hand on her shoulder. “Take your mind off it. Cuz this right here...” He gestured to the cluttered mess in which she’d surrounded herself. “This is definitely not—I’m sorry, can I help you?!”
Both of them turned their heads when it became impossible to ignore Joe’s cone-shaped beak lightly nipping at Grime’s cheek.
“He probably thinks your warts are seeds.”
“For the love of—I knew he was eyeing me up on the ride here! There! Get lost!” Grime scooped up a fistful of feed and flung it over the marble floor, but the winged beast persisted with pecking his face. “Stop it! MY HEAD IS NOT A FEEDER!!”
It took an exceptional effort of willpower for Sasha not to laugh at the sight of her old man being preyed upon by the family pet.
Wow, she thought. Her old man? Was that how she saw Grimesy now? Seriously?
Perhaps up to a point. Okay, considering the options she had for parental figures back home, it wasn’t exactly the highest bar to pass, but it still meant something. Anything.
Who would have guessed this would be how they’d end up, especially given how they started off with her as his prisoner? Sure, it may have taken her helping him and the whole tower not getting turned into heron feed for her to be upgraded to his lieutenant, but they really had come a long way since then. There was a lot more honor and heart to the cranky old toad than she first thought, back when she wrote him off just as another blowhard with power. Now he genuinely considered her his equal both as a friend and comrade in arms. For Sasha, the feeling was mutual. A first for her.
When all was said and done, who else did she have left besides him and vice versa?
What the heck? Let’s tear this place up.
Untethering Joe, she whistled a tweet-tweet and gave the rope a gentle tug to encourage him to follow on their ‘indoor walkies’.
A cursory surveillance of the throne room told her there was a lot of work to be done. If this toad regime was to last a thousand years, the correct decor was an important first step. Thankfully for them, she knew a thing or two about fashion. For starters, there were way too many soft blues and purples. Rust red from top to bottom! She preferred keeping the stained glass windows, but they’d need entirely new designs. Hers truly would naturally feature in most of them, one showcasing her and Grime caving that narwhal worm’s head in with the Warhammer being an absolute must. The snakes coiling the stone pillars weren’t a bad touch, if just a bit too elegant for the whole ‘proud warrior race’ vibe they were going for, but she could still work with them. Now as for the throne, they were gonna have to replace it with something much more imposing. There was that super violent dragon show she and her parents used to watch that had the huge throne made out of swords. She was sure she had a picture somewhere on her phone to use as a reference.
“I’m sorry, what the heck is this?!”
Sasha could only denounce what they were gawking at as the single biggest affrontement to tasteful decorating known to man or amphibian. Yes, worse than inflatable furniture, carpeted bathrooms, beaded curtains, glass block bathroom windows, ‘live, laugh, love’ quotes on walls, rustic hearts, mason jars and nautical accessories all combined under the same inland roof.
Tapestries had their rightful place in a palace’s interior design, but the one sweeping across a section of wall depicting a gentle hearted Andrias sitting down by a lake, surrounded by flowers and lilypads was nothing short of vomit-inducing. Gathered at his feet and scooped up in his protective arms were his wide-eyed, childlike subjects. Even the fish and a lobster were surfacing to bask in their king’s magnanimity. Here the oversized salamander was truly the loving patriarch of everything the light touched. The mawkish display could only be topped off with a rainbow streaking across the sky.
Grime felt his stomach roile. If he ever needed an example to demonstrate the difference between kitschy and downright tacky, this was it.
“Y-y-y-yikes!” he gagged. “This thing’s gotta go!”
Sasha didn’t need a second invite. Besides, what else was Joe going to use to line his nest?
A joint effort tore the offensive piece from its place and it tumbled to the floor in a heap.
Dead silence fell over the room.
Hidden beneath the tapestry was... a mural. Including such a decoration in a throne room was hardly surprising, yet it was what it contained that shocked both the human and toad, so much so that they had to take a moment to recover.
“Woah,” they gasped at once, before starting to analyse what they saw.
The mural was a chaotic collection of nightmarish images painted on a night blue wall. Wild red flames spewing out hordes of beasts and the wreckage of buildings. Mountains of skulls and bones belonging to frogs, toads and newts alike. A flying... spaceship? A castle? Whatever it was meant to be, it firied a white beam up at what was unmistakably the Music Box. Pink, green and blue lightning bolts crackled out of the Box. Mesmerising orange gemstones or, more terrifyingly, eyes leaped off the wall and burned themselves into their minds. The frightening focal point of this one-way ticket to the school therapist’s office? Rising out of the middle of the inferno was the silhouette of a red-eyed, goliath-sized beast, its claws reaching up covetously towards the Box that hung right above its crowned head.
It may as well have been lifted straight from the tattered dream journal of a madfrog.
Any ideas of redecorating the throne room were long gone. Even the revolution they were spearheading suddenly seemed millions of miles away in the face of what they’d just stumbled upon.
Peering her eyes slightly, Sasha was the first to put a face to the shadowy leviathan, and when she did, she had to swallow her heart back down into her chest.
“Is that the king?” she asked, mystified. “With the music box?”
Sweat ran down the side of Grime’s nonplussed face. “If it is… it’s a really good thing we stopped him.”
Neither of them said it aloud, but both understood the situation at once. All this time they thought they’d been playing flipwart while the king played bog jump. Oh, how wrong they’d been. It was beyond anything that even the Toad Lords discussed. They knew that they had to reconvene with them as soon as the armies had reached the gate.
She took a couple steps closer to reexamine the mural more thoroughly, missed details emerging now that the initial shock began to wear off. Circuit board markings—the same inside her dad’s outdated computer when she foolishly dared Marcy if she could take it apart—worked their way around the images, serving as some type of frame. Odd choice for a world that didn’t even have steam engines yet. She also picked up the three small geometric figures standing atop the Box’s lid. An artist she was not, but they looked pretty human-like in design.
But humans did not exist in Amphibia. The three of them were the first of their kind to ever set foot in this dimension.
Weren’t they?
Alarm bells were ringing louder than ever before. This Andrias guy had been playing Anne and Marcy for his own ends this whole time, all to get his mitts on the Music Box! What did he plan to do with it? Right now, she still couldn’t say, but it was all bad. Outside of a kickin’ rock band, fire and skulls together were never a good thing!
Even Joe’s feathers were puffing up anxiously against her back. Not turning away from the mural, she raised her hand and patted his risen crest.
“I know, big guy. I don’t like it either.”
Grime’s voice rang urgently in her ears, “Lieutenant! Get over here, quick!!”
Sasha had spun on her heels and sprinted down the room to find Grime standing the wreckage of what used to be a display of armour. He’d evidently acted on a hunch while she’d been preoccupied. Judging by his thunderstruck expression, he’d just discovered something far worse.
“What is iooooh boy!”
This new second mural reminded Sasha a lot of Egyptian hieroglyphs. If there was any room for doubt about the technicolor stick guys, there was none here. Standing tall against an indigo backdrop in a neat row were the outlines of human beings; long gangly appendages, stumpy noses and everything. Some were wearing hooded capes, others were decked out in suits of armour. The couple in the middle looked particularly regal. No prizes for guessing the little wooden box they were holding in their hands, cementing their authority as if it were the globus cruciger.
Faded inscriptions were engraved along the bottom. They were written in a more archaic amphibian dialect, but being a toad of higher education, Grime was able to give translating them a decent shot.
These great beings of magic and might
Travelled from beyond to serve the night
Bow before these children of man
Or know the wrath of the—
“... Wu Clan?” He cocked his one good eye up at her. “Iiiii’m not getting it.”
There it was. Floodlights flashed in Sasha’s head. All colour drained from her face. A million and one thoughts were now firing across her brain at once, threatening to send her into cerebral shutdown.
It was at that moment she knew she’d been played. They all had. She didn’t know whether to be absolutely furious, betrayed or impressed.
Why that conniving, devious little—
That's when they heard the BOOM outside the window.
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violet-t-9 · 3 years
Check in on my (not very realistic) wish list for episode 138
1. Nobody dies in the battle against Cree, even temporarily (looking at you, squishy wizards). Everybody survives and defeats her relatively easily.
Ayyye I mean Cree was one vs. 6 basically and of course it was easy enough, I expected this. Bye Cree, I won’t really miss you... WAIT she got controlled after death?? Well, the actual Cree fight was still easy so I’m counting this. The flesh monster version also took less than like, 20 seconds in-game time to beat lol.
2. Caleb or Beau’s eye power come into play whether for them or against them during the combat (telepathy also counts).
Heyyyy Caleb and Beau could pick up on the radio! That is helpful- oh he turned Cree into a flesh monster using the eyes... oh NO everyone has eyes now except Jester and Yasha. Group telepathy could be useful?? I guess??
3. Beau and Caleb discover the third function of their eyes if there is one (besides true sight and telepathy).
Nope I have no idea. I’m assuming that seeing through illusions and dark vision are separate at this point. That’s fine considering the huge twist that almost all of them have eyes now, like hello?? Caleb also wondered if he has a fourth power now, which we still don’t know about.
4. The party gets some much needed rest, even a short one, after defeating Cree (Bonus: heroes’ feast).
Hey the time shunt thing worked! PERFECTLY! With a 30 and a 24! I love two wizards, my absolute beloved. THANKS ESSEK (and Caleb, but Essek mostly).
5. This is a long shot but still hoping for any mention/sighting of Yussa.
Thanks Caleb for mentioning Yussa! Also Beau was able to try to connect to Yussa thanks to the eyes too! What a cool moment. Also thanks everybody for agreeing to help him lol. Caleb banished him! They saved him! Yayyyyy.
6. More nightmarish body horror and screaming from the cognouza citizens (look, listen, I loved last episode okay, Matt is awesome, horror is my jam).
Yes for the intestine corridor and flesh puddles, also for Cree transformation, also for the threshold crest vault mouth opening thing and for literally everything else in this episode need I explain? As a student of science I am very much enjoying the weird physiology connections with the Cognouza.
7. They meet another member of the Somnovem who offers more information.
Jester’s Calm emotion what a queen, they did meet a Somnovem. Wow I never thought I’d find eternal love so creepy but thanks Gaudius. Gaudius is apparently against Fastidan and Culpasi, nice. Good to know that the Somnovem Omega still does not get along lol. 
8. Beau and Yasha’s PDA or power couple moments (bonus: they talk about mind control, the eyes, or feelings).
OH WOW Yasha has IDEAS about Beau wearing a red cape does she now lol, not subtle at all as expected. Get a room you guys! Not much talking can be done at this point, but nice.
9. Fjord and Jester’s conversation or domesticity (bonus: they talk about hope for the future).
“All we care about is love and unity” LMAO JESTER taking your chance to smooch as much as possible. I’m counting this moment you cannot convince me otherwise.
10. Artagan/Sprinkle comes into play/is mentioned and interaction with Jester.
Yep, they both talked (well, hissed in one case) with Jester. Artagan thought about them going to the feywild too! Fun.
11. Obligatory wish for Essek’s fancy dunamancy or magical items (Bonus: we get to see more high-damage AOE offensive spells).
Magic missile again! At least that will never miss. Sad that he can’t do AOE ever with the party around lol. ALSO THE TIME SHUNT BY THE TWO WIZARDS! The 30 from Essek (dunamancy master indeed!) and the dirty 24 from Caleb, NICE.
12. Obligatory wish for Caleb’s polymorph spell on himself or a party member.
Jester’s polymorph spell was cool too! Jestape? Japester?? I like Japester. Polymorph! Jester’s interactions are also my beloved. It’s not Caleb’s spell, so I’m not counting this one.
13. The party tracks down Lucien and tries to reach him by mentioning Molly.
Well, they attempted to track down Lucien, but really it’s the other way around. 
14. Obligatory wish for Essek’s room in the tower (it will stay until it happens).
Nope, as expected.
15. Obligatory wish for Cad being a MVP in and out of combat also for him to use decompose more on the city, I’m curious to see what happens.
That path to the grave, what a MVP move Cad. TWO TIMES! TWO TIMES! For the HDYWTDT from Veth too! I knew it, Cad is a combat genius. Also nice blight on the fleshy ceiling. Also plane shift to the fire plane! Also that curse word speech what a king.
16. Veth one-on-one RP interaction with any other party member - we had some good tag teams recently, like Veth and Beau, Veth and Yasha, Veth and Essek... I want to see more!
We don’t really have time for RP because this episode was super action-packed but we did have a bunch of nice short moments!
17. Yasha or Fjord being absolutely freaked out/creeped out by the city.
Well to be fair EVERYBODY was super creeped out, so...
18.  The empire siblings don’t get another red eye (well, hopefully this will happen if they won’t get a full rest).
Well ironically, Beau and Caleb DID NOT get another red eye during the whole party members gaining red eyes scene- Nope, Caleb got one more. Honestly, pretty excited and anxious at the same time.
19. Somebody check in on Essek’s mental/physical state because for a newbie adventurer he is doing suspiciously well - I wonder if he is just desensitized at this point.
Poor Essek was very physically hurt and also shook shook by Cree being transformed... so not entirely desensitized. He even failed the wisdom saving throw OH NO HE IS GETTING EYES ISN’T HE CALLING IT RN READ IN BOOKS I know what book is kinda associated with a wisdom save. Update: I KNEW IT, and I don’t care that nobody will believe me that I called it. Still sad that nobody really got to role play much, but I’m enjoying the action.
20. Caleb uses more fire or his customized spells (last episode’s awesome Widogast’s web of fire got me missing all his unique spells).
Disintegrate followed by CAT’S IRE HYPE and the clutch immovable object used for the first time what’s sexier than wizards NOTHING.
21. Fjord being the leader of the group in any way or just does something very impressive (go Fjord Tough).
Nice hexblade curse and triple Eldritch Blasts Fjord! Warlock powers let’s go! Also, nice counterspell! That divine smite + crit star razor oof that’s such a beautiful 80 damage. VERY impressive indeed.
22. We get to see new spells/abilities/features gained by their level-up! That will probably not come into play until a long rest, but one can hope.
MIND BLANK AT 8TH LEVEL what a perfect spell for Caleb. They got a long rest thanks to the mini Beacon! I love it. Jester and Cad showed off some spells as well!
23. Lucien physically reacting to the party’s attempts to bring up Molly’s memories/moments and showing confusion/hesitation.
Well they didn’t get to try anything really, Lucien spent most of the time doing his cool, dramatic and drawn-out villain monologue thing, also his maniac laughter scared me way more than the scream from last episode.
24. Obligatory wish for everyone to remain relatively happy and alive by the end of the episode except Cree (I have a feeling that Lucien ain’t dying this episode), and the episode ends on a terrifying cliffhanger as always.
Rip Cree, and what do you know, cliffhanger! Gosh I love this show.
Nice dimension door Jester, she is SO on task and such a key player in these crucial moments!! What a queen, it’s thanks to her (and Caleb, but it’s her idea first!) that they got to the crest so quickly and got rid of it. I repeat, QUEEN.
Veth’s first shot AND the final shot were awesome in terms of damage, rogues am I right?
Wow what a confrontation. I thought Lucien was all for the Somnovem but apparently he is... just super chaotic?? And wants to rule them all?? What was that all about? Lucien just gets more and more complex and I’m conflicted because now they might need to fight him, the city, or both. This is getting super complicated and I can’t wait for the next episode.
Well guys, this session made me scream in joy and also feel what it’s like to be high on adrenaline. The episodes just keep getting better and better. I literally could not care less if this is the final arc - if it is, it’s a damn good one. I love the cast so much, I love critical role so much. I wish it could be Thursday every day of the week!
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Do you remember when people were saying that we’d get to meet our LI’s parents/family in an exclusive (TL)SQ? I wonder what happened with that, maybe those were just rumours or if they decided to scrap that idea. Kinda hard to say tbh, like they could’ve scrapped it & replaced it with the exclusive dating quests we have now or maybe they still intend to make it happen at some point. Or they really could’ve just been rumours I guess. Kind of a shame though I’d have liked to see it. At least we’re still getting to see some people’s family members whether they’re LIs or not. Like Tulip’s, Andre’s, Skye’s, Ismelda’s (hopefully soon), Penny’s cause of Bea & maybe Merula’s if Verucca turns out to be her relative. So quite a few people & maybe more in the future
Y'know, I do remember that! I remember those posts, the messages I got in anon. I can't recall if I ever saw anyone else talking about it outside of my own messages, like if any of my mutuals were talking about it independently among the fandom. But either way, I remember that and I remember being excited for it. Sure has been a while, and we've not heard anything. Sure, stuff like Jae's cooking quest and Victor's character have appeared in the code, seemingly vanished, and well after we assume they'd been scrapped, they return and are actually put into the game. Something similar could be at work here. Sadly, I don't know if it's actually going to happen. I think it may have just been rumors.
The thing is...I never saw hide nor hair of this among the data-mines. As in, the Discord page that is run by people who data-mine the game and post their findings. I suppose it's not really accurate to call it the "official" location for finding spoilers and players who can hack into the game's code...but the thing is, they are the main place I see people going, the only place I see them going, to find these things out, and they've been right basically 100% of the time. Very occasionally, stuff like Skye being in MC's year will show up in their data-mines and then not be in the game, but with how impressive the track record is otherwise, we can assume this is simply stuff that was cut prior to the final draft and release. And as much as I don't like saying it...I never saw anything about meeting the love interest's parents in the datamines page.
That doesn't mean they are the only source for future content, of course. It just means that they are the only verifiable source. People have messaged me privately and given me leaks, and I've had friends who likewise knew people that, supposedly, had access to leaks. A friend of mine knew someone who mentioned an "injured Jacob" sprite months before that was found in the game's code. Did this person just have a lucky guess? Or were they part of the storyboarding and decided to pass some information on? It's not impossible. I've likewise been told certain leaks about the game's climax that...might very well not wind up being true, but with the way the story is going...I wouldn't be surprised if this person ended up correct, either because they have mad prediction skills, or an inside source.
At this point, I just. Badly. Want. To meet. Merula's parents. Please, Jam City.
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rainpuddle13 · 3 years
19. playing with each other’s fingers
I apologize, @veryflowerobservation, for taking so long to post this. It sorta got away from me :P I hope you enjoy!
This fic is a prequel to Tears and Sunflowers.
It was an ungodly hour.  This having to get to the airport a minimum of four hours before an international flight was for the birds.  Their flight to New York was scheduled to depart at 8:35am.  Ross didn’t even know why he bothered to attempt to catch a few hours of sleep the previous night. Demelza was practically vibrating with excitement in the bed next to him. She had never flown before. So he’d done the only thing he could do in that situation -- help her work off some of that nervous energy -- and he bore the marks on his shoulders to prove it.  He just felt sorry for the very nice elderly couple who were occupying the room next door to theirs at the hotel.
He checked his watch with a groan.  
He thanked the good Lord above for exclusive traveler lounges. If he had to queue with the masses in the main terminal, he might not be responsible for his actions. That early in the morning, access to only that swill that passed for coffee at Costa, and masses of travelers with varying degrees of comportment would have him seriously contemplating murder. It would be a very poor defence if he was brought before the crown court, but surely an understandable one.
“You should eat something,” he said to her after she kept fiddling with the fingers of his hand resting on the knee if her crossed legs. They were cuddled together on a small sofa in a quiet spot where she could take in all of the hustle and bustle of the enormous lounge. There were quite a few people for that early in the morning, but there was so much space that it hardly felt crowded.  He could feel her leg bouncing as she wiggled her foot. “The food is usually pretty exceptional.”
“I don’t know if I could,” she told him, weaving their fingers together and stilling her fidgeting for a moment, “too excited.”
Ross snorted softly as he was never one to be too nervous or tired to eat something. “You could get a haircut or a massage instead,” he teased, glancing over to see the expression on her face.  The Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse Lounge at Heathrow was an overwhelming place with all sorts of over-the-top posh amenities.  She was impressed they’d been picked up at the hotel and delivered to the airport in a private car and then were whisked through priority check-in and security in a matter of minutes.
“Really?” she asked, eyes widening with the obvious sensory overload she was experiencing.
“Yes,” he assured her, chuckling a little, and knowing her head would have exploded if she knew how much two upper class tickets had cost.  “There’s a spa too and shower rooms.”  Ross had wanted her first international flight to be comfortable and memorable, but he feared it might set her expectation a bit high for any future trips they might take. There was a far cry between the pampering in upper class and the indignities of the overcrowded economy class.  It was just as well because he would need the extra legroom these days with his stiff knee.
She pressed a little closer to him and her fingers toyed with the heavy rose gold band he wore on his left ring finger that matched the more delicate one she wore.  “You want to eat something don’t you?” she inquired.
“What I actually want is coffee,” he paused for a moment, his stomach answered her question with a low grumble, “and I probably could nosh on something.”  He’d opted to keep his eyes closed for a few precious minutes while she got ready instead of sending for room service, safe in the knowledge that there would be an abundance of food and drink provided by the airline.
“I can try to nibble on something.”  She pressed a kiss to his scruffy cheek before standing up and holding her hand out to him and he couldn’t help but notice his beautiful wife attracting the attention of several of the men around them. Demelza was comfortably dressed in jeans that showed off her long legs to perfection and a deep gold turtleneck topped off with a rich brown leather jacket, and her glorious crown of red hair was barely contained by a loose braid.
Within a matter of minutes, he was attempting not to guzzle a cup of expertly brewed Sumatran coffee while waiting for his fry up to be brought to him.  Demelza carefully sipped her steaming cup of tea, but left her plate of assorted breads and pastries untouched.  He reached across the cozy dining  table to snag a flaky and buttery croissant off the plate.  
“You’re going to eat everything off my plate aren’t you?”  he asked when she raised an eyebrow at his thievery. 
“Noooo,” she swore, her eyes following the heavily laden plate an attendant placed before him followed by another to replace his near empty coffee cup with a fresh one.
He picked up the knife and fork to start in on the perfectly poached eggs after a liberal dousing of pepper. “You too can have your own plate. All you have to do is ask.”
“I don’t think I could!” she insisted, stabbing a bit of roast potato and grilled mushroom with own fork. 
“Likely story,” he snorted, pushing his plate to the middle of the table so she could graze more easily. This was a common occurrence with her -- insisting she couldn’t possibly then proceed to demolish his plate in fairly short order. It always happened when he ordered something that was absolutely terrible for him, but so very good for that exact reason. Anyone else and Ross would find the behavior less than endearing.
“Are you going to tell me why we’re going to New York?” she queried while attacking the fried bread to smear in the runny eggs he had somehow managed to get a few bites of before she could turn her sights on them. “Not that I’m complaining mind;  I’ve always wanted to go, but it’s a long way for a few days.”
It took everything in him not to blurt out the reason for what seemed like a sudden weekend jaunt across the pond, but actually had been in the works for months. She loved Van Gogh. The Met was having a once-in-a-lifetime exhibit. How could he not take her?  “I told you I really wanted good pizza.”
“Oh, Ross,” she sighed in frustration, then changed her tactic.  “You’ve been to New York before then?”
“Loads of times,” he answered, slathering strawberry jam on his croissant since it was becoming abundantly clear  he wasn’t going to get to eat the breakfast he’d ordered himself,  “though it’s been a few years now.  Father used to go fairly regularly for business and would drag me along.”
“What did you do when you were there?”
“I used to spend a lot of time at the natural history museum and the New York Public Library.”
“Of course you did,” she smiled fondly as she spoke.  She was well aware of his love of doing research and learning.
“I like dinosaurs,” he said matter-a-factly, "and the museum has an amazing exhibit.”  It was true. He did like dinosaurs, even now, and he’d wanted to dig for them up until the point he discovered girls were infinitely more interesting, and alive.  Demelza didn’t need to know that bit though.
“You are such a boy,” she said with a shake of her head. “What else did you two men do on the town?”
“Sometimes we take in a show or go to dinner at fancy restaurants.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but he was trying to teach me a bit of culture.  One time we went because Papa wanted to see Van Morrison at Radio City Music Hall.”
He chuckled, surprised that little piece of information had taken her by surprise. She did know his father pretty well at this point.  “He is a fan.”
“I’d say so. He can be so impulsive!”
“You have no idea,” Ross drawled, tamping down some very unpleasant memories from his youth that she need not be burdened with,  “you didn’t know him in his heyday.”
She smiled fondly, and it warmed Ross’ heart that his wife and his father got on like a house on fire, but he could not help the occasional flare of jealousy it caused. “I bet he was quite the charmer back then,” Demelza giggled.
“You’d probably be married to him instead of me,” he said with a fair dash of bitterness. There were still a few things he just could not let go of and he knew it as childish to hold on to them for as long as he had, but then logic and his father were often mutually exclusive.
“I dunno about that.” Demelza reached across to take his hand with hers, twining their fingers and giving them a little squeeze, her eyes going soft as she looked at him. “I sorta kinda love you.”
“Only sorta kinda?” he teased, pulling her hand up to place a playful kiss to her knuckles.
“From the first time I saw you in the library,” she confessed, her cheeks suddenly blooming pink.
“Is that so, Mrs Poldark?” That was news to him and he was most definitely intrigued.  Ross had known he was a goner for Demelza the first time he laid eyes upon her, even if it took him months to actually admit to himself, and then even longer to let her in on his feelings. He’d had no inkling she’d felt the same. So much wasted time.
“Saved by the boarding call,” she crowed when the announcement of their flight interrupted their playful banter, and quickly began gathering up her things. The head of the cute little calico stuffed animal cat he’d surprised her with that morning was peeking out of the top of her purse.  The airplane charm that had been on the ribbon about its neck had quickly been added to her bracelet.
He grabbed up his laptop bag to sling over his shoulder and his cane. “Don’t think for one second that this conversation is over.”
“Not if I can make you forget about it,” she said with what could only be described as a diabolical grin.
He eyed her with great suspicion. It wasn’t in her nature to be scheming that much he did know, but she was definitely up to something. The question was going to be whether or not he’d survive whatever it was.  “And just how do you plan to do that?” he challenged.
“Oh, I dunno,” she purred, taking his hand before pressing in close to him to place a very sweet and demure kiss to his cheek.  “Have you ever heard of the Mile High Club?”
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prairiesongserial · 3 years
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The lights on the burlesque stage went out just as Friday’s brassiere fell open - the timing of which she and Abernathy had been practicing for days. The crowd was so reactive that Friday felt the whistles and applause reverberating in the floorboards as she hustled off the stage. It was a louder reception than she was used to. She’d had fans at the Ace, but unlike the burlesque tent of the Madsen and Graves Circus, the Ace was just as much about drinking and catching up with friends over cards as it was about the girls.
Behind the curtain, in the tiny staging area, Beatrix was getting ready for her fan dance - she always did the finale, and it was always the same act. Friday had picked up the importance of crowd control since she first started hanging around the burlesque tent. With just cloth tent-flaps between yourself and a crowd that had been waiting a year for the circus to come through town, it was important they understood when the show was over.
A little girl popped through the curtain behind Friday while Friday was still trying to fix her brassiere back in place.
“Hey, baby,” Friday said, shooting her a smile. Jaelle, All-Fair’s kid, had been working the crowd. It was odd - usually Johannes did the burlesque tent himself, or at least got one of the men to do it. They blended in better. On the other hand, looking at the dozens of rings jammed on Jaelle’s fingers and the watches crawling up her arms, maybe the kid was the right choice.
“Hello, Miss Friday,” Jaelle said. She deposited her goods in the tin lock-box that Abernathy would come collect at the end of the night, turning the key with an air of great importance. “Can’t stay and chat - Johannes has me working every tent in the circus.” She heaved a sigh. “Bury me standing - I’ve been on my knees all my life.”
Friday had no idea what Jaelle was talking about, but the kid took off before she could ask. The circus would be winding down, now that the burlesque tent was putting on its last show. Friday threw slacks and a shirt on over her sequined underwear, still soaked in sweat from performing. She needed an ice cream cone before the stall packed up for the night.
When Friday left the tent, she was abruptly reminded that this was no ordinary show.
Her boots tread on grass, but there was no sky here. Despite the fact that it should have been past ten at night, dozens of lights high up on a domed ceiling gave the impression of daylight. Johannes’s amplified voice reached her from the main tent as he announced the last attraction. All at once, the lights on the ceiling shifted from yellow to orange to red, performing dusk in a matter of seconds. If not for that, the effect would have been eerily realistic.
Friday got a strawberry cone from Di and decided to wander over to the main tent. Might as well.
The last act in the main tent was fire-hooping, which was worth watching. The twin clowns had shed the baggy overalls from their tumbling routine and now wore form-fitting red and blue harlequin outfits as the flaming hula hoops arced through the air in perfect sync. Not only were the fire-hoopers impressive, but when the flames were extinguished at the end of the show, it made for a powerful symbol. Lights out, go home.
Friday felt the lightest touch against her back pocket. Most people would have written it off as the movement of displaced air as someone nearby walked past. Friday jerked her hand back and caught a slim wrist.
“Damn, I’ve been made,” Jaelle whispered.
“It’s just me,” Friday said, letting go. She beckoned Jaelle forward. “See that cluster of people three rows ahead of us, a little to the left? Heavy purses.”
Jaelle squinted in the direction Friday had indicated.
“Thanks, Miss Friday,” she said, then disappeared into the crowd again.
On stage, one of the clowns tossed her hoop up in the air, tumbled through the center of her twin’s hoop, and caught the one she’d thrown on the other side. The crowd clapped. That was the perfect moment to pick pockets. People’s hands were occupied, it was noisy, and the whole tent was filled with vibration, making little touches harder to notice. Friday felt the urge to check her own pockets again.
She did wonder at Johannes’s directive to go hard on pickpocketing this show. They were underground - had actually had to pay a toll to get into this giant bunker - and only after the steel door had been sealed behind the circus caravan had Friday learned that this was Washington, DC; home of Hemisphere Central. If Jaelle was caught picking the wrong pocket, that pocket had a pretty good chance of belonging to a powerful mobster. And the circus was trapped in here.
It was interesting how the Madsen and Graves circuit just happened to hit so many Hemisphere towns - from Everglades City to the accidental run in with the Good Guys - and now Central itself. No, interesting wasn’t the right word. At this point, it was almost boring, how obvious it was that Johannes was planning on handing her, Val, John, and Cody over to Hemisphere. Friday had finally tested her L-shaped pin against those used in the trailer hitches, and it was a perfect match. Johannes was trying to kill them, and Friday didn’t have a next move.
The fire-hooping ended with the lights shutting off just as the fires were extinguished. When they came back on, Johannes stood center stage to announce that the night of spectacle had come to a close. He’d changed backstage, and now wore a sequined suit - the left gold and the right black - and a cream cravat with a gold pin. Also cream colored was the porcelain mask that covered the top half of his face. Strange.
“Thank you all for coming to our show - that’s all the entertainment we have for you tonight. We hope you enjoyed the feats of athletics and wonder of the Madsen and Graves Circus.”
Friday spied Enis climbing down the ladder of the crow’s nest from which he controlled the lights. The crowd began to move toward the exit.
Friday wondered what Val thought about all this. She hadn’t tried to talk to him since he came back from Monocacy, but she’d pieced together from the gossip that Johannes had kissed him, it hadn’t been appreciated, and Val was pissed about it. Di, who was approaching sixty and had likely been with the circus since before Johannes was born, had called Johannes a dog and spat on the ground.
The crowd cleared the main tent surprisingly quickly - there were whispers of stopping at home to get changed. Interesting. Apparently the Madsen and Graves was the unwitting first half of a double feature.
As the last of the crowd left, circus members began to file into the main tent. Not unusual - after a show, there were sometimes special instructions for striking the sets. Friday saw Val hanging around the edges, and John and Cody front and center. She made her way over to Val.
“Catch my show?” she asked him.
Val looked at her, made an embarrassed face, then looked back to the stage.
“Would you rather I said yes?” he asked.
Friday smiled to herself, stuffing her hands in her pockets.
“A girl can dream,” she said, and winked at him. Val rolled his eyes. For a second, the summer had rolled back to the start, before John, Cody, and the fire. The reminder of how things used to be made Friday forget what she wanted to say next.
“Alright people, gather round,” Johannes called out, tipping the mask up to show his face. “You all know your strike teams, but there’s a little change. Enis and Abernathy are standing in for me and Ezra. We’re gonna shmooze at the gala and see if we can’t get us some extra gigs next year.”
Ezra had joined Johannes onstage by this point. He too was dressed up, wearing a bright navy suit and polished red leather shoes. He held a red mask in one hand. 
Friday was surprised when Ezra projected his voice exactly as competently as his brother had.
“Once you’re done, feel free to go into town, buy things that aren’t good for you, and give Enis a hard time.”
The crowd of circus members laughed, and a few ribbed Enis.
“Alright, get outta here,” Johannes added.
Friday stole another glance at Val. His brow was furrowed, his eyes intense on the brothers as they descended the stage.
“Gala, huh,” Friday said. “Sounds like a high class affair.”
Val gave her the look that meant I know what you’re getting at.
“I’m just saying, beer and campfires are nice, but I’ve never been to a champagne-on-little-trays kinda party.”
Friday wanted to keep an eye on Johannes - to judge if this was going to be a planned handoff, or if he’d spend the gala advertising the bounties to interested parties. Either way, Friday needed as much advance warning as she could get. And if Val came to the gala with her, maybe he’d finally see Johannes for who he was.
“It’s a Hemisphere party,” Val said.
So don’t you think it’s interesting that Johannes is looking for work there? Friday thought. Come on, Val.
“No one’s gonna be looking for us there,” she said. “It’s a fancy ball. We’ll wear big sparkly dresses and masks and introduce ourselves as the stars of a not yet released Bellamy picture that no one’s even heard of yet. No further questions.”
“I’ll come, but I’m not doing that,” Val said. “Someone has to keep you out of trouble.”
“Me? Trouble? Never,” Friday said, a wide grin growing on her face. “Come on, let’s find costumes.”
epilogue 15 || 16.2
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 6 Episode 3: Time to meet Group B! (Commentary & Guesses)
Hello fellow humans! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I recap and talk about this show called The Masked Singer if you wanna stick around for that. So, this time around, we get to meet the other group, Group B, who we might not see again for 2 weeks, since we are going to see group A perform again this upcoming week with a new wildcard, Pepper. Anyways, let’s get started with the recap:
Group B was introduced and they consisted of Dalmatian 🐶, Queen of Hearts 🫀, Mallard 🦆, Cupcake 🧁, and Banana Split 🍌🍦. They performed, and one was eliminated unfortunately, let’s start with that…
So the contestant that was eliminated/revealed first in Group B was:
Dalmatian 🐶
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Performance Commentary: ok, so I wasn’t super surprised by this elimination honestly, I expected it since he was the weakest vocally of this group. He sang Beautiful by Snoop Dogg ft Pharrell Williams and I gotta give him props for actually singing when most rappers just decide to only rap and not sing at all on this show. However, he did sound a bit like they put way too much of that auto tune stuff on his voice so it sounded like a robot him singing, which kinda made him the weakest link. However, his rapping was awesome (duh because that’s what he does professionally… and btw not spoiling who he is with that comment because when you hear the performance, you’ll know 100% it’s a rapper)
And he was revealed to be…
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Omg I knew it!! Thank you Twitter for helping me out, y’all are the best. I thought at first it might have been Chance the Rapper but then people started saying Tyga and I was like hmmm lemme see the clues, yup makes sense, well great segue (segway) Ana because imma show you some of the clues you might have missed:
Scream Poster= he was in the Scream series
Cat Doll= play on words because his name is Tyga (like Tiger… man these producers are really into puns, it’s kinda clever tho)
Was discovered by a big player= in 2007, he started doing mixtapes and he was discovered by Travie McCoy who offered him a record deal
Now, that we have that out of the way, let’s get into our remaining contestants (big warning: this group has left me all types of confused when it comes to guesses so I apologize if my arguments aren’t perfect with some of these):
1. Cupcake 🧁
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Performance: This performance is so confusing to me. Idk if this is a man or woman, sometimes I think woman with deep voice and other times I am like no that’s a man. So I don’t know about this one, it’s a very good performance of Heat Wave by Martha and the Vandellas but I need to hear more because I am confused. I am in between a specific man or a specific woman but I am not sure so unfortunately for this one I don’t have a guess
Sorry y’all no guess for this one :(… hopefully, next time they perform I will have a better idea*
*(I will say the guess I am leaning towards that a few people have said *just in case the cupcake leaves next* is Ruth Pointer from the Pointer Sisters because there were supposed to be multiple cupcakes and not just one, and in the PKG, cupcake said they were used to being in a group)
2. Banana Split 🍌🍦
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Performance: They were 1000% my favorite performance of the night even though only Split/Ice Cream sang A Million Dreams from the Greatest Showman. She is amazing, I absolutely love her, she has that iconic Broadway sound that I absolutely adore. Just her singing this makes me so confident on who she is omg I’m stoked!
Having said that, I am so positive, like way too certain none of y’all will convince me otherwise like Todrick level confidence they are…
Katherine McPhee and David Foster
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Ok, so you guys are probably like “Ana, how can you be so sure if the damn banana didn’t even sing a note, he just played the piano?!” Well, my friends, you have a point, but I know who she is and honestly I don’t even care if I am wrong ab him (I won’t know for sure until he sings a note) but HER I am absolutely positive….and they are a married couple and the banana has heart eyes so in my head it makes sense with the clues too, but before I go to the clues, I have a funny story on how I know who Ms. Katherine McPhee is… so like I was watching this performance and was like omg her voice Sound so familiar! Where have I heard her before?! This is driving me nuts… And then I saw people on YouTube saying that it’s them and I was like wait Katherine McPhee that name sounds so familiar. Then I looked her up and I found out that I knew who she was because I randomly watched a show on Netflix called Country Comfort (which side note: LeAnn Rimes or the Sun from Season 4 guest starred on that show and LeAnn’s husband stars in it… so connection there?), which to explain the show briefly it’s literally the Nanny but with country music and in Tennessee instead of NY. Anyways, she sang a lot on that show and it clicked, I was like BINGO OMG THAT IS HER IT CANNOT BE ANYONE ELSE (similar to how I felt about Todrick being the bull when I saw that damn sneak peak performance). Anyway ya, that was unnecessarily long, now onto the clues:
She left school to move to the city= she attended Boston Conservatory for 3 semesters and left to move to LA to try out for TV pilots
Thought she got her big break, but it wasn’t it= she got an MTV soap opera plot but it never made it to air
Collaborator who sticks with me through sweet and sour= they have known each other ever since she was on the 5th season of American Idol in 2006 and their collaboration is that he is a music producer and she sings (on American Idol, he would play the piano while she sang… does this sound familiar to you guys yet? Ringing any bells? If not, rewatch the performance Banana Split did)
3. Queen of Hearts 🫀
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Performance: She sang Born This Way by Lady Gaga and I already knew she was going to be good, but this was like Black Swan all over again. This beginning song wasn’t the best for her voice, but she had fun and she did the damn thing. Closest Lady Gaga singing impression I’ve seen, but I am positive it ain’t Lady Gaga. Also, she slayed that ending.
Ok, so I am not too sure about this guess but after a bit of research and voice matching, I think it might be…
Jewel (the singer, not an actual jewel)
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Again I say, with a bit of research, I feel like she’s the closest guess I can give you guys especially matching the singing voices, but let’s look at the clues:
Grew up in a house that lacked warmth= she grew up in Alaska (born in Utah)
Tin man from Wizard of Oz= she played Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz in Concert: Dreams Come True in 1995
Hilary Swank photo= Swank has a dog named Jewel (when I read this I laughed, wow Masked Singer really?! 😂😂)
4. Mallard 🦆
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Performance: This performance was not my cup of tea tbh, it was real deep country which is not my jam at all. The song title says it all: Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) by Big & Rich. Like it was great no lie, but like I just don’t really enjoy that kinda music so it wasn’t for me.
Again, this one is a shot in the dark guess but I am gonna stick with it and it is the one I am leaning towards voice wise:
Willie Robinson (yes the guy from Duck Dynasty)
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Ok, so again hear me out, this might sound stupid (and half of me thinks it is) but it kinda makes sense in a strange way especially looking at the clues:
Surrounded by dollar bills= Duck Dynasty merch raised a ton of bills
Photo of Chris Pratt= they worked together and became friends filming Jurassic World in 2014
Platinum Album= Has a certified platinum album “Duck the Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas” (I can’t believe this one, I was pretty surprised)
Anyways, that’s it! I can’t wait to see Group A next week.. again yeah but with Pepper this time so woohoo another Wildcard. I just hope we can see more of Group B too because it feels like too much of Group A is being seen. Anyways, see y’all next week with the recap for tomorrow’s episode! Bye guys! Remember to do all the social media things! Like, comment, follow me for more, all of that 👋🏼
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kbstories · 4 years
“It’s not like Kirishima had come all this way to U.A. to immediately break the promise he made to himself upon arrival.
It’s just that Bakugou is as feral as they come, and the moment Kirishima recognizes it’s fear he felt crawling up his spine that day, he makes it his personal mission to face it head-on until it’s gone.”
(Or: Being friends with Bakugou Katsuki is anything but a linear experience. Kirishima Eijirou would have it no other way.)
Tags: Kirishima POV, Developing Friendships, Protective Baku, Soft Baku, Stargazing
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Minor content warning for (discussions of) self-esteem issues. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9.
With an absent hum, Bakugou turns the page, squints, scribbles down a line in his neat, tight handwriting. A piece of black fabric separates his hand from the paper, the same wrapped around his pen, too.
Kirishima leans forward, over his own book-and-notepad combination dotted with scrawled comments and colorful post-it notes. It’s been an hour since any of it has made sense to him.
“Bakuuu. C’mon.”
A sigh, annoyed. Another line is added. Then: “The fuck d’you want?”
It takes a few seconds until the silence has stretched enough for Bakugou to look up and into Kirishima’s pleading eyes. Bakugou’s expression barely changes beyond a raised brow, unimpressed. It’s the one reserved for when Kirishima’s being especially dense – slightly more severe than muttered curses and slightly less so than that God-help-me roll of his eyes he premiered during their last study session.
Which was yesterday. Kirishima would be proud of unlocking a new Angry Bakugou Face in record time… if U.A.’s grumpiest genius wasn’t the only thing standing between him and a frankly impressive row of failed grades.
Final’s Week is brutal, even for heroes-in-training. Especially for heroes-in-training. So: Desperate times, desperate measures.
“Slap me”, Kirishima tells Bakugou, hushed in their corner of the library. “As hard as you possibly can.”
The arch of Bakugou’s brow climbs higher, utterly devastating in its wordless criticism. He says, “What”, tone Aizawa-levels of flat, and it’s not a question. It’s a command: Explain or else.
Kirishima is in no state to resist. The confession bubbles out of him in a whiny rush.
“Dude, I slept like… zero hours last night ‘cause Kami got Pokémon Colosseum – y’know, the reboot? So cool – and we kinda lost track of time. I know, I know, it was a stupid idea, I swear it was an honest mistake!”
Bakugou continues to stare as he puts down his pen and wipes his palms on the edge of his shirt. Kirishima ducks his head, hiding behind the limp strands of his hair.
“Don’t look at me like that, man. I’m seriously about two minutes from passing out here and there’s like a hundred pages of this thing I haven’t read yet, let alone understood, and oh shit Mic will hand me my ass with words tomorr–”
It all happens so quickly: Kirishima catches a blur of motion headed his way and squeaks; his skin hardens about half-way before there’s sparks and his cheek smarts, and a hissed “Motherfucker” sounds right in front of him.
The sharp slap! noise registers only after the fact, when Kirishima holds his face and Bakugou holds his hand and they both stare at each other in mutual bafflement as their skin turns red with the impact.
That moment is like glue, clear and sticky as it extends past its natural limit – then Bakugou snorts and starts to laugh, a cackling hyena-laugh that Kirishima’s never heard in full and certainly not like this, loud and unrestrained, and all hopes of holding back his own laughter is lost as he cracks up, too.
They laugh and laugh, until Kirishima’s stomach starts to cramp up and there’s the sheen of tears in Bakugou’s eyes. “Your f-fucking face”, Bakugou wheezes at some point. “Fucking bastard, you almost broke my hand! With your fucking face!”
All it does is send them into another round of hysterics.
At some point, Kirishima glimpses some of their classmates poke their head around the bookshelves secluding their study corner from the rest of the library, faces ranging from exasperated to deeply disturbed. There’s Ashido, giggling at the sight of both of them bent over and struggling to get some sort of grip, and Kaminari, who just mumbles “What the hell, guys” while straddling the line between sleep-deprived and intensely fascinated by what he’s seeing.
And hey, at least Kirishima’s really freaking awake now. There’s the problem of trying and failing to breathe without dying, his face helplessly flushed and sweating, but the world’s colors are back to being bright and sharp. Across from him, Bakugou isn’t faring much better, shaking his head and the back of his hand covering the broad smile he can’t seem to get rid of.
“Fuck you, you stupid, moronic idiot. For fuck’s sake, Kirishima.”
Kirishima rubs at his chest, the ache in his lungs starting to lessen now that he’s marginally back in control. “I’m so sorry but like”, he waves at himself and he can’t help his grin despite the stinging protest coming from his cheek. “Thanks, dude!”
“Eat a dick.” There’s no bite whatsoever in Bakugou’s grumbling as he sits back down and digs his nose into his book once more, thoroughly ignoring their flabbergasted audience.
After a moment of pantomiming what amounts to I’ll tell you later to their friends, Kirishima joins him, ready to tackle the final boss that is the English language.
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥 )
yo nitro (sent 17:48)
where u at? (sent 17:48)
why (received 17:52)
why what 🤔 (sent 17:53)
OH uh to hang out? (sent 17:55)
dw dude it’s just me (sent 17:55)
[location] (received 18:10)
bakugou katsuki what are you doing in the middle of the woods??? (sending…)
NO WAY (sending…)
signal’s gone AGAIN i’m going feral (sending…)
screw it (sending…)
The GPS signal craps out twice more before Kirishima heaves himself onto the edge of a cliff and spots a familiar silhouette. Sheltered by a bend in the rock bed, the glow of a fire illuminates a backpack set aside, a pair of discarded hiking boots – and Bakugou, leaning against solid stone with his arms crossed behind his head.
“Took ya long enough”, he says, the lazy smirk on his lips cut in flickering shadows.
“Listen.” Kirishima wipes beads of perspiration off his temple; a spontaneous rock-climbing session by the last light of day is not what he had hoped for after hours of exhaustive quirk training. “We already have a perfectly good camp. There’s, like, leftover curry and hot springs and stuff down there.”
Bakugou scoffs. “Yeah. And a bunch of extras.”
There’s an exasperated reply on his tongue – They’re called classmates, genius. Y’know, friends? – but Kirishima knows it’s pointless to even start that debate. He snipes him with his sweaty headband instead, celebrating his own marksmanship when it hits Bakugou square in the chest with a wet thwap.
“Wha– Shitty Hair!”
“You made me climb this stupid cliff in the middle of the night. Deal with it.”
Bakugou just throws it back, the force of an explosion propelling the thing past Kirishima’s shoulder and off the mountain entirely. Kirishima watches singed white fabric disappear into the abyss, bidding it goodbye with a somber salute.
“Well, that’s lame.”
“You’re lame, fuckface.”
Shaking his head, Kirishima laughs and joins him by the fire.
It’s quiet for a bit while he gets comfy and Bakugou throws a chunk of wood into the flames, sparks bursting into life immediately. This far up, the air feels… brittle, in a way, thin and cold enough Kirishima wouldn’t have been surprised to see his breath mist. The breeze ruffles the crowns of the trees around them, the rush of rustling leaves in the distance strangely soothing.
Bakugou’s gaze is lost in the night sky when he starts to speak. “Been thinking of borrowing my parents’ car and driving out here by myself. Y’know, once I got my license and shit. ‘s got some good trails, people were talking ‘bout it on those shitty hiking forums. Forums, like we’re in the fucking 2000s.”
His elbows on his knees and his head propped on his hands, Kirishima hums and looks up as well. The moon is a thin island of white in an ocean of indigo blue growing steadily darker, a myriad of stars coming out to keep her company. “Yeah?”
“Mh”, Bakugou makes around a soft breath. “Guess they’re all shit out of luck though ‘cause it’s the personal playground of pro heroes, apparently. It’s a miracle none of our idiots got fucking lost coming out here.”
‘Our idiots’, huh? Kirishima nudges his chin lower and into his palms to hide his smile. “Kinda far of a trip to make just for some hiking, isn’t it?”
A casual shrug, followed by a nod upwards. “Not for this. The lodge is the only structure for miles in any direction and even with us here, it’s got fuck all on an entire city. Get it?”
“Yeah! No light pollution, right?”
“Yup”, Bakugou confirms, popping the ‘p’. A small grin is shot Kirishima’s way, teasing rather than mocking. “What’s this, huh? Don’t tell me you paid attention in fucking physics after all.”
Kirishima breathes an offended huff, mock-hurt.
“Pshh, please. Y’know how everyone has that one niche thing they randomly obsessed over as a kid? That was me with astronomy. Back in Middle School I had like, a huge model of all the planets in my room and my favorite constellations mapped across the ceiling with those glow-in-the-dark stars. Years of useless knowledge, all stored right here.”
Kirishima’s thumb taps his forehead as he smiles at Bakugou; Bakugou’s lips pull into a smile of his own, small but there. When he turns back to the stars, Kirishima does the same, sighing wistfully.
“If Thirteen’s class were just about that I’d freaking ace it, dude. I get that I’m kinda dumb with literally anything else, but space is my jam. Did you know that–”
“You’re not.”
The train of thought Kirishima was about to gleefully jump onto screeches to a halt. “…huh?”
Bakugou frowns at him. “You’re not”, a vague wave in his general direction, “stupid or whatever.”
Perhaps the dumbfounded blinking Kirishima’s doing in response is already enough to prove Bakugou wrong on that. Still, Kirishima sits up a bit straighter, eyebrows pulling together tightly.
“Um. I appreciate you saying that, bro, but I’m only here ‘cause Aizawa decided to get in touch with his merciful side after all. Like, Cementoss totally wiped the floor with me back home. There’s no point in lying to myself about that.”
“So you’re calling me a fucking liar, is that it?”
Kirishima can only watch as Bakugou’s mouth twists beyond the usual doom and gloom and into something… frustrated. Genuinely annoyed. An iron weight settles in Kirishima’s gut, heavy and hard to ignore. “I didn’t– Look, man, can we not fight over this? I’m just saying I wanna face my mistakes and do better, that’s all.”
“Then say it!”
There’s a severity to the words that catches Kirishima off guard. Bakugou is staring him down with eyes so intense they possess their own gravitational pull, closer to black than crimson in the fire’s light–
Kirishima likes to think he knows Bakugou, at least a little. What makes him tick, what makes him angry – because there is a reason and a rhyme to his anger, a pattern to the things that set him off that Kirishima has yet to properly figure out. It’s just that Kirishima isn’t usually one of those things, not anymore.
“You lost me, Baku”, he admits, quietly, after a beat or two of tense silence. “What do you mean?”
Bakugou sighs, a harsh noise between them. The deep breath afterwards is new, however, a sharp inhale followed by a calmer exhale before Bakugou points at him, a wordless listen up.
“Just– Okay. You fucked up and wanna learn from it? Cool, fucking say that then. Not some bullshit about being too dumb to do shit ‘cause you’re not. Fuck right off with that.”
Mouth opening, Kirishima is stopped by a flurry of firecracker sparks and a terse growl of “Shut the hell up, I’m not done.” Finally, Bakugou’s look snaps elsewhere, one sock-clad foot kicking at a loose rock in clear irritation.
“Studying isn’t your strength, who gives a fuck? You got into U.A. top-fucking-two, you’re one of the only capable fuckers around and if you seriously think you don’t deserve to be here because Cementoss got lucky one fucking time then you got another thing coming.”
Kirishima sits there in a state of mild shock until Bakugou huffs and glares at him again. The threat behind it is ridiculously empty considering the impromptu speech he just gave and holy shit, Bakugou Katsuki is praising him. Kirishima Eijirou.
He might actually cry.
“What? You’re competition, bitch, so don’t make me a fucking liar by pretending otherwise.”
Scratch that, tears are definitely part of the picture now.
Wet-rimmed eyes and a quiet sniff, that’s as far as Kirishima gets before Bakugou’s expression suddenly falls, crestfallen to an almost comical degree. Kirishima does laugh then, a watery little chuckle that doesn’t seem to make things much better, either.
“Sorry, just… Damn Nitro, I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me. You really think so?”
And okay, yup, that’s a real glare, this time. Bakugou throws up his hands. “You’re so– Urgh. Did I fucking stutter?”
Kirishima rubs the moisture out of his eyes and smiles. “Nope.” Faint embarrassment heats his cheeks; he focuses on the warmth curling in his chest instead, glowing bright and comforting like the embers at their feet and the stars above.
“Good”, Bakugou mutters.
More wood is tossed into the fire and rekindled with red-hot palms. Scooting closer, Kirishima holds out his hands and hums happily as it chases away the ever-cooling temperatures. They can’t stay up here forever – Aizawa will have his hide for sure if he doesn’t show up to the remedial course tonight – yet Kirishima figures they have a few more minutes.
Bakugou goes right back to his earlier sprawl, unaffected by the cold: arms crossed, eyes on the sky like he can’t get enough of the sight. Kirishima thinks of glow-in-the-dark stickers, faded over time. Quietly, he wonders which constellation is Bakugou’s favorite.
“Hm? Yeah?”
Shoulders relaxed, voice even, Bakugou says: “Tell me something. About space, I mean.”
As complicated as being friends with Bakugou can get, it can be so, so easy, too. Just a while longer, Kirishima decides as he settles in next to his best friend and starts talking.
>>Chapter 4
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
Return (OT4)
Prompt for the 28th was: Costume
He might be showing off a little bit, carrying all the suitcases in at once, but Duck likes the appreciative look Indrid gives him as he does. The Sylph is already settled on the shoved together king beds, sketchbook in hand, eyeing the ranger conspicuously when he bends to set Joe’s bag down first, just as the agent finishes checking something off his to-do list
“Oh, thank you, um, honey.” The last word still comes out quiet. Really, the only time Joe says it loudly is when Duck has him pinned to one surface or another. 
He smiles to show he heard him, but if he’s being honest his attention has been mainly on Indrid this whole day, watching for signs of discomfort or unhappiness. The Sylph has insisted over and over again that he wanted to come on this trip, that he would be alright, and that they could all stop fussing about this please and thank you. 
But that doesn’t change the fact they’re in Point Pleasant.
They’re here for the Mothman Festival, Duck making good on his promise to Joe to go with him. He’s excited, and he likes seeing the agent happy. Indrid seems happy too, and Duck is trying to walk the line between letting him be and making sure he’s as alright as he claims to be. In spite of his experiences in Kepler, Indrid still sometimes takes unhappiness as inevitable, even when it’s his own. 
“Okay” Barclay tucks his phone into his back pocket, “my vote is for that cafe a few blocks over; if we go early, we can beat the dinner rush. Plus, even though it wasn’t a huge trip, being on the road tires me out, so I wanna crash soon as I can.”
“That is your only reason for wanting to get into bed sooner?” Indrid sends a suggestive smirk his way, making the bearded man blush. 
“Maybe. Depends on what everyone else is up for.”
The answer turns out to be a decent dinner followed by collapsing into bed in rapid succession. It doesn’t escape Ducks’ notice that Indrid stays in his human form and opts to nestle down between the ranger and the agent, holding Barclay’s hand where it’s draped over Joe’s waist. 
He wakes up once during the night, the dim light of the alarm clock enough to sting his eyes. In his arms, Indrid takes several deep breaths, rolls to burrow his face into Duck’s chest. He waits to see if Indrid will say anything, but the next sound he hears is a gentle chirp-snore. So he kisses his forehead, and goes back to dreaming.
“Having been to the TNT plant plenty of times, I do not feel the need to go on the hayride there.”
“Yeah, think we can skip that.” Duck sips his coffee as they wander through the first few blocks of the festival. Joe’s early rising has them beating much of the crowd, though runners from the 5K jog by now and then. 
“Why were you there, anyway? It doesn’t seem suitable for you.” Stern turns them towards the museum.
“The Winnebago’s previous incarnation wasn’t all that far away. Frightened humans are not known  for their powers of observation.”
“True.” Joe and Barclay say as one. 
They split up soon after, Joe and Duck into the museum while Barclay and Indrid scope out the food booths (“Being in a space with a great deal of inaccurate information about me is not my favorite). Wandering the exhibits, the agent’s fingers slip between his own, and Duck smiles when he sneaks a peek at him. He’s so relaxed, his dark hair out of it’s usual slicked-back state since he wanted to get out of the door quickly, looks utterly at home in his mothman patterned button up shirt, animatedly talking about the displays. Indrid is usually the one of them most likely to dump information out in one big flow, but Joe has his moments. 
The building is warm enough that Duck unbuttons his overshirt, revealing the t-shirt beneath. Joe turns to tell him something, and stops, eyebrows zipping up his forehead. 
“A little on the nose, isn’t it?”
Duck grins, looking down at the bright red letters reading “mothman is my boyfriend.”
“Juno bought it for me once she found out. Usually just wear it when I wanna make Indrid laugh. Plus, seen three people with similar ones, so it ain’t like anyone is gonna take it as confession.”
Joe nods, gracefully weaving through a small clump of visitors on their way to the gift shop. When Duck falls in next to him, the agent murmurs, “you’re worried about him too.”
“Kinda hard not to be.”
“I know. I’m trying to take him at his word but it’s, well, it’s difficult. It wouldn’t be the first time my interests turned people off. I’d hate for him to get overwhelmed by all this and try to hide it for my sake.”
“He ain’t bad at hidin things, but he’s also real fuckin blunt.” He puts his arm around Joe’s shoulder, “it’ll be okay, city mouse.”
After spending slightly more money than necessary (look, he promised lots of people souvenirs and also he needed to buy a few things for Joe for the holidays), they make their way back into the festival. On a bench near an outer edge, Barclay and Indrid are sitting thigh to thigh, Barclay feeding Indrid funnel cake. He says something and Indrid laughs.
“You know, even though it was fleeting, I’m glad they found each other all those years ago. One of the things I love most about Barclay is how he takes care of people, and I think Indrid needed that.”
“Not gonna lie, never expected the biggest softy in Kepler to also be Bigfoot.”
“You didn’t expect it? Think about how I feel.”
He laughs, “yeah, you got me there.”
They move through the festival as a quartet after that, Barclay delighted with his “Mothman Blend” coffee and Indrid with the sweater bearing his likeness and the words “live, laugh, lurk.” As noon approaches, more and more mothman appear, all in varying degrees of impressive or lackluster cosplays and costumes. Stern keeps muttering about scale, Indrid about wing placement, and Duck can’t help but think none of them get the color right. 
“I have an, ah, an idea.” Indrid says, turning a mug reading “I Heart Mothman” over in his hands, “So many people are excited to meet those who look like me. I want to see what happens if they see the real thing.”
“Uh, that seems real-”
“Risky yes, but I’ve checked the futures and there is not one where I am identified as what I actually am.”
Duck and Barclay trade a skeptical look, but Joe has an uncharacteristically scheming glint in his eye. 
“I know exactly how we can insure that. Duck, Barclay, wait here please. Indrid, come with me, we need to run back to the hotel.” He grabs the Sylphs hand. 
“What are you--oh, oh yes, that is rather clever” is the last Duck hears before losing them in the crowd. 
“....you wanna help me pick out a present for Jake?” Barclay still looks worried, so Duck nods and they set off towards a t-shirt booth.
Barclay is mid-anecdote about his run in with a cougar out in California when every visitor in sight starts whispering and taking pictures.
The cooks mutters “If this goes wrong, Mama’s going to lock all four of us in the safehouse for the rest of our lives.”
In his Sylph form, Indrid towers above the crowd. His arms are resolutely set by his sides and head held high, Duck gets a rare glimpse of how his boyfriend must have looked in the halls of Sylvain. All the same, his eyes are drawn to the  antenna twitching with nerves as the onlookers get closer.
“If you could just step back from the specimen a bit, thank you.” Joe steps directly in front of Indrid, and Barclay lets out a soft, appreciative growl to Duck’s right. The agent is in a full suit, complete with sunglasses, a picture of handsome, aloof calm. 
People in the crowd laugh,take more pictures as Indrid’s “handler” guides him over to Duck and Barclay.
“Do you just pack a suit no matter what, babe?”
“No. I, um, I know how much certain people like it when I wear one. I planned to bring it out this evening but this seemed like the better use.”
“It’s working splendidly. So far. Just keep people away from my wings; I only like it when you three touch them.”
“Roger that. Lunch?”
“Sounds good to me. Lead the way, mister man-in-black.” Duck steps aside so Joe can go first, clearing a path for them, Indrid staying close to the agent’s back. They opt for a waffle stand selling, among other things, waffle sandwiches and something called the “Mothman Delight” that consists of strawberry jam, chocolate sauce, and whipped cream. Indrid orders one, only to ask Barclay to feed it to him to keep up the ruse of this being a costume. The cook doesn’t object in the slightest, though at one point he whispers something in high sylph that makes Indrid poof up with a chirp. 
The longer they wander the festival, the more relaxed Indrid becomes, fielding questions about costume construction and wing mechanics with the ease of someone who spent a century constructing alibis for his very existence. Lots of people take pictures with him, Joe shepherding them into poses that won’t make the Sylph uncomfortable. Several inquire as to why he didn’t enter the cosplay contest. 
“It wouldn’t have been fair.” 
It’s when they’re debating when and how to get dinner that a family approaches. Sandwiched between her parents, a girl of about seven stares up at Indrid with wide eyes, clutching her stuffed mothman to her chest. 
“Can, um, can” she looks back to her parents for help.
“She wants to know if she can hug you.” The woman says, as a child wanting to hug a massive monster is utterly unremarkable. 
Joe glances at Indrid, who nods, “Yes, if she would like to.”
The girl hands her small mothman to her dad, takes four steps forward, and throws her arms around the much larger one. Indrid does his best to hug her back, settling for putting his hands on her shoulders. 
“She’s just obsessed with cryptids.”
“You’re my favorite” she smiles up at Indrid.
“Mine too.” Duck chimes in, resting his hand on the smell of Indrid’s back. 
“We’re out here because it’s all she wants for her birthday.”
Joe makes a high-pitched noise at the same time Barclay lets out an “awww.”
Indrid smiles, pats the child’s head, “In that case, would you like to take a picture with me?”
“May I pick you up?”
She nods hard enough to send her alien-patterned headband down her forehead. Indrid picks her up, holding her while she beams at her mom’s camera. 
“Are you liking the festival?” He asks as they pose.
“Uh huh. ‘Cept for the parts where people say mothman does bad things. He doesn’t, he stops them, everyone knows that.” 
“She’s gotten in at least three arguments with classmates over that.” Her father adds, holding out his arms as Indrid passes the girl back to him. 
“I, ah, I am glad to know the mothman has such determined defenders. Happy birthday, my dear.”
As they turn, the little girl calls out, “bye mothman! I love you!”
Indrid looks back, red eyes a bit watery, and waves as Duck murmurs, “Me too.”
Stern doesn’t regret how much he ate at dinner. He;s just glad he packed those antacids. 
When he sits up, two bodies are missing from the bed, and it’s only the sight of a note on the nightstand that keeps him from bolting out of bed to look for them. 
Indrid and I are out for a late-night walk. Back soon.
“Everything okay?” Barclay rolls over, brown eyes reflective in the dark. 
“Yes” he pops the antacid into his mouth, “they just stepped out.”
“O-” the sylph yawns “kay.” Blinking sleepily, he smiles, “anyone ever tell you you’re the hottest thing on two legs?”
“You did, this morning.”
“Good, gotta meet my quota.” He opens his arms and Stern snuggles in net to him, “sleep tight, special agent.”
Duck didn’t see Indrid leave, but he’s got a hunch as to where he went. Still, he almost misses him, spots the silver hair in the moonlight right before a hedge obscures it. 
Indrid sits in the middle of the embankment, the Ohio reflecting the night sky in motion. To a passerby, he looks to be studying the opposite shore. Duck knows that his gaze is closer than that, sweeping over air that wasn’t always empty. 
“Huh, there was only one future where you followed me.”
“You want me to go back?”
Duck picks his way down to Indrid’s side, finding a flat stone to sit on. 
“It’s funny, the ways stories change. What they say about me grows further and further from what I say about myself.”
“‘Drid, you know this wasn’t your fault. No more than the Cottonwood or anythin else was.”
“That is the story I try to tell in my mind. That there are things that cannot be stopped or altered, that must only be endured. That was why I gave up for years. Then you and the others showed me that even the worst, seemingly inevitable futures can be changed. And that is good, so very good, but all the same it....it sometimes serves as proof of what I fear; that I could not stop these” he gestures to river, “disasters not because they were unstoppable, but because I was incapable.”
“Do you really believe that?”
“Sometimes. Just as you sometimes worry you could have done much more good in the world had you neglected your powers. I wonder how much of my failure was out of my hands.”
“Drid” Duck cups his cheek, turning his head and gingerly tilting his glasses up his forehead, “You’re forgettin somethin; the cottonwood, the funicular, the end of the goddamn world, none of that was stopped by one person. It took a whole bunch of us, every damn time. You were alone. There’s only so much one fella can do on his own.”
Indrid closes his eyes, inhales and looks out over the river one last time. Then all his attention is on Duck. 
“You’re right. I may not always believe that, but I know it’s true.”
“You know what else?”
The smile suggests he does. Indrid leans the few inches in to kiss him, the action dreamlike in its softness. Duck catches a hint of two different scents; a pine tr sop and a cologne. The Sylph is sheltered from the chill by a sweatshirt that started off as Barclays, but is routinely claimed by his boyfriends. 
“You ain’t alone anymore.”
For the first time in decades, the mothman smiles while within sight of the rebuilt silver bridge. 
“You’re right, my love. I’m not.”
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