#kiri sully headcanons
youtellmeman · 4 months
Random sully family headcanons
Including- lo’ak, neteyam, Jake, neytiri, and kiri
Definitely dropped all of his kids at least once. Like it’s actually so bad neytiri didn’t let him hold tuk for a minute just cause she wanted to give her a fighting chance and he still managed drop her
“Babe cmon she’s my kid too I just wanna hold her for a bit I promise I won’t-” “No you are a skxawng. You will not drop this one before she’s had a chance to learn to walk.” “But-” “No.”
Despite dropping his children he still manages to be all of their favorites at one point or another. For the boys it was when they turned 7 to age 10 cause he was so willing to throw them around and lift them by their ankles.
This does end up in them all getting in trouble sometimes when they play too rough and one of them gets hurt . “shhh stop don’t cry your fine you don’t need your mom”- him and whichever son isn’t hurt.
For the girls it’s when their toddlers. Jake was definitely always a patient in Kiri’s make believe clinic cause ik that girl was playing doctor
And dear dear tuk gets him where it hurts most. “Daddy let me do your makeup” really it’s just face paint but he will end up looking like a clown. And don’t let tuk catch him trynna wash his face. It’ll be clash of clans up in there.
“Tuk I have to go out I have duties.” “Leave it on” “babygirl daddy can’t-” tears start to well as soon as he tries to fight back. Def attends a meeting or two with his face covered in a blend of colors
Ok ok now not family Jake
Can’t handle spice for shit I’m sorry someone had to say it look at that man he may be blue but he was white first that mf can’t take it
Let neytiri or even you make him something with a lil kick. Keeps clearing his throat and wiping the dribble from his nose like y’all can’t tell he’s literally dying.
Along with the whole food thing I think he definitely knows how to cook. I’m not saying he’s stellar but bro can wip something up when needed
Definitely forgets how big he is sometimes like he spent so much of his life being normal height and part of it being bellow that he will just smack right into thing or get stuck cause he swore he could fit. He cannot
I also feel like he gets still gets phantom pain in his legs like from being paralyzed before moving over to his avatar completely. Like it’s such a big mental hurdle that I doubt it goes away
Last but not least. And this is my personal favorite. Definitely goads his children into shit.
“Well if you’re too scared” “pussy” “I knew you wouldn’t”
Doesn’t work on kiri cause she just walks away from him
The other three tho, fucking horrible will immediately loose all prior hesitation and just go balls to the wall with whatever it is.
My wife 🙏
Okk mom neytiri up first
Fucking soccer mom bro doesn’t give a damn will fight for all of her kids even if they’re wrong
Corrects them in private but in public, will square up don’t play
Also feel like I’m the beginning she was definitely the stricter parent but as things changed she softened up where Jake took over being more rah rah
Will stand by Jake on most things but sometimes he goes too far and trust me he hears about it
Despite Jake having the boys favoritism in the adolescents. Before and after they are big mommas boys.
As toddlers yo they are up her ass constantly to the point where she has to ask her mom if this is normal.
“Sa’nok my sons they stick to me like sap from a tree it cannot be normal.” “They are children it is what they do.” “Mother I cannot relieve myself without one them following.”
When they get over it though. Heartbroken truly distraught. The first time one of the boys decided they’d rather hang out with their father she was betrayed and Jake of course didn’t help.
As teens they’re not as clingy as they once were but they definitely come to her for comfort or just affection. Whether it be random hugs from her or just cheek/forehead kissed from their mother they’re all about it
The girls and her are different I feel like. They’re definitely close especially tuk with how small she is. Her and kiri though I feel as though they connect more through their spirituality
And she def teaches kiri how to bead and sow and make clothing. I think they have little daughter dates where they’ll make an afternoon of just making beads and song cords. Chatting or sitting in a comfortable silence
Moving on cause my girl isn’t just a mom
To rival Jake. Spice monster bros. Tears it up without a second thought. She doesn’t even blink
I feel like it definitely becomes a big thing for a minute like norm grows a Carolina reaper just to see how na’vi taste buds react to what we consider to be real hot and she eats that shit like it’s a cherry
“Ok so this is a Carolina reaper it’s really hot so I’d suggest just taking a small-” *throws that shit back like a shot* “I-” “tiri spit it out.” “Why ma Jake, it tastes good. Could I have another?”
And I feel like it’s just her like the other na’vi def feel the heat on it. She goes around offering her new favorite snack to everyone and leaves a trail of pain in her wake. Offers one to Mo’at, simply gets a shake of the head paired with
“I will not be taken by Eywa today”
Way better cook compared to Jake. Kids will shoot her a painstaking glance as a plea for help if they see him cooking something they know he has no buisness making and she’ll take it upon herself to slip in some spices and correct some of his mistakes when he’s not looking. Saving her husbands dignity and her children’s pallets.
Tears up the dance floor don’t play with her. Feel like Jake introduces the concept of dance battles as a joke and it becomes a thing within the clan but everyone knows not to challenge neytiri cause she with whip ur ass McJagar style
Snorts when she laughs. Real loud too Jake thinks that shit is hilarious until he honks like a seagull one day and they agree to go cut out the laugh jokes for the sake of their marriage
Best big brother every don’t play with it
Takes after his mother in the sense that he is more than willing to kick ass for his siblings
Someone made fun of kiri for not being a “real” part of the family once and they had to call Jake to restrain him (def let him get in a few good ones before pulling him off)
The kind of older brother that steals his baby sister when his mom isn’t looking
Gets to the point that if neytiri or Jake can’t find tuk they’ll just assume she’s with neteyam cause he’ll just snatch her up and she LOVES it
Despite being less of a trouble maker then lo’ak he still definitely does shit he shouldn’t the only difference is he’s better at being sneaky
I think he’s more cautious around humans compared to his brother but he’s definitely really curious too
Ends up getting introduced to some of our music from earth.
Bro is SZA’s number one fan a thousand years later
“I might kill my ex, not the best idea~” singing to himself quietly unaware of his brother and spider giggling in the bushes. “Bravo! Give us more! More I say!” “Oh shove off lo’ak!”
He def got that rnb voice though boutta guve ninat a run for her money
Takes after his mother on the whole spicy food thing. Loves Carolina reapers too, he thinks it’s so funny to eat them and then breath real hard in his brothers direction just to watch his eyes tear up
Despite being able to sing can’t dance for shit, two left feet when it comes to rhythm lord help him truly
Really good at hunting, takes after his mother once again
The only person good enough at stalking that can sneak up on neytiri without her having to pretend she doesn’t hear him coming.
Weapon of choice is a bow although I feel like he has really good aim no matter what, throwing knives, slingshot, even a gun when his dad teaches him. Just a natural
Will say though someone give this boy a hug cause the amount of pressure he is under being the eldest son holy cow bro
Feel like this leads to neteyam having anxiety attacks just at the thought of having to take over the mantle one day.
Always goes to kiri when he has them she’s the only person who can calm him down
Despite loving his family I think he can feel really isolated from them at times
I think him and kiri bond sometimes just over feeling like the odd ones out.
He compares him self to his dad and older brother so much like it’s just sad plus he’s always in trouble so it doesn’t help much
Even though him and his dad have their problems he strives so hard to make him proud
If he had to pick a favorite sibling it would be tuk, because despite neteyam being all over her and her being a snitch from time to time. Tuk just adores lo’ak
“Tuk you can’t come with me, it’s for big kids only” “I’m big!” “Cmon tuk it’s fine you can hang out with me.” “No! I want ‘ak I don’t wanna go with tem” “….damn bro how’d that feel” “ouch”
It’s almost tragic Fr, but he almost always folds when it comes to her. The only time he says no and stands on it so when he thinks she’ll get hurt or won’t be able to keep up.
Him and kiri besides being sad together also hang out pretty often
I think, like kiri and neytiri , she and him make beads together tho it’s more kiri doing it and him trying and failing
They having matching necklace pendants. He wears his in his hair as a charm cause he feels like that’s where it’s closest to him
While he does hold resentment towards neteyam I don’t think it’s enough to mess up their relationship. They were kids together and I think that means more
So that being said. Huge pranksters but only on their father.
The about of times Jake has had water fall on him out of no where is almost sad. They place decoys so he thinks he outsmarted them and then bam, face full of colored powder.
“Hah, those suckers. What do they think, that I’m stupid or so-” *leaf hits him in the face dousing him with bright orange pigment. Followed by the snorts and chuckles of his sons* “I’m gonna kill those damn kids”
Takes after his daddy, cannot handle spice. Minutely better then Jake but like not really
Neytiri makes this na’vi version of chilli and she has to make a tamer version for him and Jake. Even tuk can take spice better than them
Also really interested in human culture and ends up with his own little music taste
Feel like he’s big on 90’s rnb and hip hop. Destiny’s child, dr.dre, Tupac without question
Definitely spits hard ass bars for fun sometimes.
*Spider beat boxing shitily in the background while lo’ak is laying the ground work for some life changing shit. Mean while Jake is watching from afar with their mother* “that’s my son”
Will dance and he will eat y’all up with that shit. Norm lets him watch just dance videos sometimes when he comes over. Changes the course of his life
Will get jiggy with it everywhere and anywhere. Would kick everyone’s ass in dance dance revolution if they had it
Hunting, he’s alright
Bros nothing super special cause he’s clumsy as fuck and loud therefore everyone and their mother knows he’s coming but he’s not that bad in combat
Feral fighter, will bite and scratch, real dangerous with a knife. I’d definitely say he’s more of a close contact fighter over distance
(We need more kiri love out here man)
Jake’s princess I’m sorry
She has that man wrapped around her finger and she KNOWS it
Will literally get in trouble with neytiri over it sometimes
“Dad can I go out foraging?” “No I want you to watch over tuk today.” “Please dad? Can’t lo’ak do it?” Qeue the sad baby eyes “of course baby girl you’re right.” “Tsk ma Jake so foolish”
Loves all her siblings so much tho and if she ever feels left out she knows she can go to them they’ll comfort her and make her feel like one of them again
Def starts shit with lo’ak for no reason, she just thinks it’s funny to make him mad
Will ease off sometimes when she knows their father went off on him recently though
That’s when him and her make neteyam’s life difficult poor boy.
Is neither here nor there on the spice scale. Better than Jake and lo’ak for sure but no where near her older brother and neytiris tolerance. Besides I don’t think she really cares for it anyway
Loves to cook, very bad at it
Truly comical how many times neytiri and even mo’at have tried to teach her. Like she’s given the family food poisoning multiple times
Makes Jake try everything cause she knows he won’t say no
Subject to tuk’s makeup makeover also but is usually a good sport
Music cause I have to now
She’s an indie girl don’t play
Pheobe bridgers, Liana Flores, salvia path
Girl in red (😋🤭)
Cannot sing but is an okay dancer
At least by na’vi standards cause I’m convinced she cannot figure out human dance moves for the life of her
Lover not a fighter
And I mean that literally that girl ain’t throwing or catching hands anytime soon
She’ll bite a bitch quick and in a hurry tho if she really must
Fr Fr tho she’s a healer we know this miss girl is one of the best there is in the class
Taking after her mother and her mothers mother ofc
I do think however that she likes fishing. Not using a bow, stick and string waiting patiently fishing. Always returns her catches to the wild after praying to eywa in apology for stressing out one of her creatures
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neptunes-curse · 1 year
Can you pls do a headcanon of Neteyam being the reader's boyfriend and Jake and neytiri rooting for them both?? I'd highly appreciate it.
Neteyam’s Parents Rooting For You Headcannons
pairing: Neteyam x Omaticaya!reader
authors note: thank you so much for this request! it’s really cute :) I got so many requests for Avatar and i’m working through them all. Thank you guys for sending them in! this also slowly turned into childhood friends to lovers but also jake and neytiri rooting for them too is in there some <3
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You and Neteyam were childhood friends, you were never without each other
before you two were dating, you would often run around th forest exploring things for fun
you would be with eachother for hours at a time
but you never fought or argued
it felt like you could never get tired of eachother
you agreed on almost everything
when you were younger, you would play a lot of make belive games
you would be the princess and Neteyam would be the warrior who saved you
and when he defeated the “bad guys” or “monsters” you’d give him a kiss on the cheek and he’d blush like crazy
your mother was good friends with Neytiri, and they would joke together about the two of you getting married
they’d teased the two of you, aswell
“You know, the two of you could mate someday”
“Mama! Ew!”
“Just saying….”
The teasing never stopped, really
when the two of you got a little older, around 10, the other kids in the village starting noticing how close you were
they would tease Neteyam about the the most
most of the girls would jealous
Neteyam is a cute boy 🤷‍♀️
But when anoyone would make fun of you, Neteyam was the first to defend you.
If anyone said anything, he would basically jump to your side
but if anyone said anything about you two crushing on eachother, he would just sit back and blush
because, frankly, he did have a crush on you
he thought you were really pretty and sweet
but you were also best friend’s, so there that
since lo’ak is only one year younger than Neteyam and you, he knows about the teasing and the crush
one day, when the Sully family was all together, he decided to bring it up
Jake already had an idea, i mean you and Neteyam are together 24/7
but when Lo’ak brings it up one day while they are eating, Jake is intrigued.
“Neteyam likes Y/n anyway.” Lo’ak said.
“Y/n? Hm, she’s nice.” Jake added.
“NO! Friends. We’re only friends.” Neteyam responded. that was the end of the discussion.
Jake knew not to mention you in any romantic way after that.
Now, you were both 14.
It was sunset and you and Neteyam had decided to run off to the outskirts of the village to watch the eclipse.
you and Neteyam had started dating secretly about two months ago
It was easy to get time alone, but it was hard to keep the relationship secret.
atleast you guys thought it was a secret.
(everyone knows)
well anyway, you and Neteyam found a place to sit on a branch or something a little ways away from the village.
the two of you were sitting together, and your head was laying on his chest.
it was pretty late and you had had a tiring day, so you fell asleep on him.
Neteyam felt bad if he moved you so he just let you stay there
he eventually fell asleep too
meanwhile, back in the village Neytiri and your mother were freaking out
i mean they didn’t know where you two were an it was after eclipse
they recruited jake too and they all went looking for you two.
after a couple minutes, Jake stumbled upon the branch you two were sitting on
all he could do was laugh.
i mean Neteyam had been denying it for 13 years- and now you two were together.
Jake started to walk back trying to find Neytiri and your mother to explain the situation to them
Your mother wasn’t having that though, her baby was going to get home.
Your mom went to go wake you up, also waking up Neteyam in the process
The two of you quickly jumped off eachother and chuckled akwardly
When Neteyam got home, he could not hear the end of it.
Of course the word had already gotten around to his siblings.
He decided to just go to sleep, but Jake had one final word to say before that.
“You know, she would make a great Tsahik.”
This time, though, Neteyam didn’t have to deny it.
“Yeah. She would.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
hey! if you liked his fic, you should read this one right here. thank you so much for all the likes :)
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asimpwithfreetime · 1 year
What type of yanderes the Sullys are?
Inspired by: @elxrastra I hope you like it <3
Characters: Jake Sully, Neytiri, aged up! Neteyam, aged up! Lo’ak and aged up! Kiri
Bonus character: Tsu’tey
Reader: genderless (not mentioned), can be human or any Na’vi race (then again, not mentioned)
General tags/warnings: yandere behavior, descriptions of violence, maybe ooc, manipulating, murder
Content warnings: English is not my first language, gifs from Pinterest, these are all headcanons and you may not agree with my opinion
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Jake Sully
He would be the type of yandere to manipulate you without you noticing.
He would not be jealous or act out near you but he has death glares to anyone that gets close to you.
He definitely would be really loving and never force you into anything, you always give in willingly don’t you?
He will say things that will make you change your mind and think the idea is yours.
If in ANY SITUATION some of your friends or your relatives say that he is toxic, manipulating you or anything like that, believe that this person is not going to live much longer. You won’t remember them though, he will make you forget about them.
If you want to leave him because you discover how he really is, he will manipulate you by crying and begging, I don’t think he would be violent towards his darling. Smashing vases and punching walls? Probably. Doing something to his darling? I don’t think so.
Even as a yandere, I think he will try to look like the good guy or the hero in your eyes.
Overall, he is 6/10 violent yandere (not enough to scare you off, because he tries to never show it around you) 10/10 manipulative yandere.
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Okay, hear me out, she is a pretty violent yandere. She could smash someone’s face against a tree right in front of you.
She knows you are too scared to run away, also in Pandora, where are you going to run away to? The sky people that are destroying it and will probably try to keep you to themselves? The huge forest inhabited by creatures that could kill you? She knows you don’t have other place to be.
She is also really strong so everyone knows not to mess with her or her darling. If someone tries to pry you off her, she will kill them. She is still pretty devoted to Eywa so I believe she may ask Eywa for forgiveness or cry while doing it.
She will treat you nicely tho. She will give you cuddles and love and will comfort you when you are scared. All your necessities will be taken care of. She might be a violent yandere but she cares for you deeply. She knows that treating you nicely is the best option.
She will cut off all you connections with friends and relatives, you can only have eyes for her. If anyone ever tried to tell you that you should run away, she will go after them, with all her forces.
In a scale, she is 12/10 violent yandere and a 3/10 manipulative yandere.
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He must be the best type of yandere to ever exists. He never will let it show with you and won’t even obviously manipulate you. He will be really sly and cautious with his actions.
He knows how you think or act. And he knows you care for him deeply. He will come home covered in cuts and bruises if he thinks you are going to leave him. After a night of no sleeping tanking care of him you can’t even think about that.
He is really sweet with you and will never act out in your presence. If he need a to send someone a message he will do it behind your back. Hugging you from behind and sending a death glare that could send the other person into the sixth ring of hell is his favorite method.
If he is going to kill somebody, he has it planned months before. And you will never know.
If he finds out that someone is trying to convince you to leave him because they know the truth about him he will act hurt, and he will show you he is nothing like that.
That person will be gone soon. How dare they tell you something like that? Didn’t they see how much Neteyam loves you? He will do anything to be with you.
He can go great lengths to be with you. If you ever leave he will follow you everywhere. He can’t physically live far from you.
If Jake ever says something about you, he will defend you but will never stand against his parents desires. He is really sweet but will hide you from them if they try to get in between his darling and him.
In the manipulative scale he is a 5/10 not so much but enough to change your mi d if he needs it and a 3/10 of violent around you, but without you he is 13/10 just overly planned so nobody can catch him.
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I think he is like his mother, not so violent. He has the manipulation like his dad and the violence of his mom. Pretty dangerous combination.
Lo’ak will be pretty protective of his darling and will never get violent near you unless he needs to. Is Ao’nung gets too close or any other Na’vi look at you, he is not scared to fight for you. Killing, on the other hand, he can’t do it in front of you.
Manipulating on the other hand is a piece of cake for him. He knows that you care about him and his situation with his father. Whenever he knows you have seen him acting up or being weird he’ll come to you with a problem with his dad. Your suspicions long gone when you are caring about him.
He will not hesitate in punching someone if they dare to say something about about your relationship. If someone is advising you to get away from him, he will not be scared to kill them.
He goes against everything that his father tells him to do if he isn’t feeling like doing so. If Jake tries to convince him that he isn’t acting sane he is capable of running away with you. Obviously via manipulation.
If you are scared of him he can go about it in two ways: 1- manipulate you into thinking that you were wrong and feeling guilty of doubting him oooorrrr 2- he will scare/kidnap you into staying with him in a secluded place, far away from you and his family.
I’m the scale he is 8/10 manipulative (he can be really good but only when needed) and 9/10 in violent (again he is really good but he must be really needing to do so).
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I can’t picture her as a yandere tbh. She is really soft. But let’s give this a try.
She is a manipulative yandere that’s for sure. But she is not scared to use the power of Eywa against those who try to come in between her and her darling.
She will show you the wonders of Pandora, trying to keep you as fascinated as she can so that she can have you close to her. If you are distracted you won’t see the bleeding bodies will you?
She isn’t too violent when it comes to you. She will never show any yandere quirkiness around you. She will also make sure nobody can tell you about it.
If you want to leave her side, she might become aggressive and might as well trap you. You won’t go away. Eywa sent you to her and she will NEVER let go of her mate.
She hasn’t killed someone yet, but she will have it as an option.
She is 4/10 violent (only when SERIOUSLY needed) and 10/10 in manipulative.
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Bonus! Tsu’tey
He is a pretty violent yandere. NEVER towards you. He will never act violent towards you.
He is not scared to kill and go great lengths to keep you with him. Even if you don’t believe him, he will always assure you it is for your own good.
He has a soft spot for you. He can be killing mercilessly and then suddenly see you and his whole expression will soften. He will hug you with love.
It is really weird his duality, cold with everything and everyone and then the softest when it comes to you. That might be the reason why you are close to him.
He will play dumb at first, pretending that he has nothing to do with the injured humans/Na’vi or the mysterious murders, but he has done everything.
In the scale he is a 6/10 in manipulative, he does it pretty well at first but then he just gets tired of trying. You are his, why can’t you see it? Why can’t all those dumb humans and Na’vis can’t see it?
He is also a 9/10 violent. He is really violent but never towards you.
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pedropummelmepascal · 4 months
Jake is the kind of father to say “pussy” under his breath when his kids don’t wanna do something and it’s works with almost all of them.
The exception being kiri becasue be so Fr my girl has more common sense then that
Lo’ak and Neteyam however nah immediately diving in headfirst.
Nervous about taking their ikran
Pussy yelled from the sidelines
No second thoughts just actions
Fumbles when trying to confess to a crush
Pussy they hear him in the ear peace
Fuck it we ball
Teaching them to hunt and they feel bad for the fish
Pussy as he leans on a tree watching
Neteyam lost all previous care he had and lo’ak was already pulling back on his bow
No thoughts just Jake bullying his kids into growth
(Even tuk when she’s old enough to understand what it means.)
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inmyfxith · 1 year
Being a member of the Sully family (Youngest child version)
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A/N: Female reader.
-> Requested by @itshamleth.
Part. II
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Being born two years after Tuk makes you the Sully family's youngest child. Just like your siblings, you bonded with your mother and the Pandoran consciousness through the Tree of Voices instantly after your birth and developed a solid connection to Eywa and the natural world.
As the daughter of Jake, you may have inherited some human physical traits due to your father's Avatar status. One such trait could be the presence of five fingers on each hand, rather than the four fingers that are common among the Na'vi. That would maybe lead to you experiencing discrimination or prejudice due to being a hybrid of both Na’vi and human ancestry.
Just like Tuktirey, you would be bubbly and energetic, and always eager to follow your siblings on their escapades on Pandora.
You would be the spitting image of your mother, sharing her gentle and nurturing spirit, and taking care of small animals and plants that you would come across. But you would also inherit your father’s adventurous spirit and love for exploration.
You would have a mischievous streak, enjoying pushing boundaries and testing the limits, much to the dismay of your older siblings who often find themselves having to rescue you.
Neytiri would be a nurturing and caring mother, she would make sure to spend as much time with you as possible, playing around, teaching you things, and taking you on adventures in the forest. She would be overly protective of you, always making sure you stay safe and are not put in any unnecessary danger. Your bond with Neytiri would be very strong, with you looking up to your mother as a hero.
Your relationship with your father would be that of a doting father and his beloved daughter. Jake would always be there to support you and encourage your curious nature. You would feel deeply loved and protected by Jake. With you, he would be patient and understanding, always taking the time to listen to your thoughts and concerns. Despite his tough exterior, Jake would have a soft spot for you and do anything to make you happy.
Neteyam would be a role model for you, setting a good example and always looking after you. He would show a lot of patience towards you, that’s why you would have a close bond with each other. You would enjoy spending time with Neteyam, following him around, and trying to imitate his actions. He would be like another dad to you.
Neteyam was sitting with you, telling you a story for you to fall asleep while Lo’ak sneaked up behind both of you and scared you, causing you to laugh and giggle. Neteyam scolded Lo’ak for his prank, but deep down he would probably be happy to see his siblings getting along.
Lo’ak might sometimes tease you or try not to include you in his mischievous antics, but he would fiercely defend you if anyone wanted to hurt you. He might get annoyed with you at times because of your curiosity and desire to follow him on his adventures, which he might view as a burden. He might sometimes feel envious of the attention and affection you receive from your parents. But, despite all of this, Lo’ak would secretly enjoy spending time with you and teaching you new things.
Kiri would be a constant companion, showing you Pandora and teaching you about the ways of the Na’vi. She would be a nurturing and protective older sister, often helping to take care of you and looking out for your well-being. You would share her strong connection to nature and animals, always looking for new creatures to add to your collection of treasured trinkets and mementos.
You would be constantly surrounded by love and support from your parents and siblings, who would always be there to protect and guide you. Everybody would know you and find you cute because you would always smile around and be happy.
Leaving your home would be a difficult ordeal for you. You would have to say goodbye to your friends, including Norm and Max, and all you had always known.
As Tuk would fly with your mother, Neteyam would offer to take you on his own ikran so you wouldn’t have to fly with Jake (Busy finding the right road). You would feel secure with him holding you close as you soared through the air. Neteyam would comfort you if you started to cry. He would also listen patiently to your stories and never complain, even if you chattered on for hours. If you would fall asleep, he would ensure you’re comfortable.
As you flew over the village of Metkayina, you would be amazed at the azure blue color of the water that bordered Awa'atlu. When the ikrans landed, Neteyam would gently carry you to the ground where you would run around by the time your parents get off their own ikrans.
Jake would call you, and your siblings, to behave and you would instantly be impressed by Tonowari’s imposing stature and tattoos. But you would also feel frightened by Ronal’s inquisitive stare from which you tried to hide against your father’s leg, his hand caressing your hair while he dealt with the situation.
He would push you slightly behind him, to address Ronal. Neteyam would grab you by the shoulders, pulling your back against him before holding you in his arms.
Being in your brother's arms would probably give you a little more courage than if you were alone, so you didn't hesitate to stick your tongue out at Aonung when he started criticizing your tail. He would respond to it by frowning and squinting, which would scare you slightly. But you will just have to turn your head to see Lo’ak rosy cheeks.
Don't forget, "The Sullys stick together!”
You would discover Awa'atlu in the company, mainly, of your sisters. Neteyam would follow Lo'ak more willingly, and Lo'ak would follow Tsireya more willingly. It’s Tsireya who would help to bond with your own small ilu.
Because you would be with Kiri when Aonung came, sitting in the water while she admired the marine life, you would try to protect her in your own way. Pushing Aonung, Rotxo, and the others with your little hands.
You would stick your tongue out at him again after Lo'ak arrived, calling him by a stupid name such as "Bumbling oaf" or "Boogerbrain".
Turning around for you all to leave, Neteyam would reach out his hand for you to take. Before Lo'ak starts to fight. Although you saw your brothers having the upper hand, you couldn't bear to see them getting hurt. So you would approach, trying to separate them, while Kiri would try to pull you back.
And you'd end up taking a hit. They would all stop, looking at you as you started to cry, not necessarily because you were in pain but because you were scared.
This would be a way to stop the fight since Neteyam would kneel down in front of you to see if you were not injured. He would take you in his arms, not paying attention to his split lip from the blows.
Seeing Jake coming in the distance, Aonung and his comrades would run off, leaving the Sullys together. Obviously, Jake would hold you, stroking your hair while barking at Lo'ak and Neteyam for an explanation. He would take you back to your mother, who would take care of you for the rest of the day.
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Tag -> @eywas-daughter
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mykinkyyandere · 3 months
Yandere Sully Family
Pairings: Yandere/Dark! Sully Family X Human Pet! f!Reader
Summary: General headcanons about yandere Sully family and their human pet.
Warnings: Possible +18 implies, yandere, dark, obsession, possession, controlling behaviours, dehumanization, human!pet reader, forced age regressed reader, forced age regression, kidnapped reader, naive!reader, forced family, forced baths, no privacy to the reader, mentally weird family, possible missed warnings
A/N: Tuk & reader are not and will never be sexually portrayed together, pls don't you ever think that. Kiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Spider and the reader are not minors. I'm calling them kids because they have parents and they live together, so. Some subconscious platonic & romantic dubcon/noncon can be sensed, it's a yandere family after all. You've been warned.
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What a beautiful little human you are. Needs a mask to survive, oww... Why were you even there? Cute little creature... looking so lost and scared. What a vulnerable, delicate pet! They all love you so, so much, you can be sure of that. So stop crying, it doesn't suit you. There's no point in you crying and begging for them to take you home. There's no way they can understand you unless you don't speak English or Na'vi. They love it when you speak, since they don't understand whether you curse or beg. All they hear is your sweet voice and weird words.
It doesn't make any difference if you speak English anyway. They just sush you immediately. Neytiri and Jake give you some gentle punishments if you happen to curse. Doesn't matter if one of the kids snitches on you or you curse directly to their face. They're afraid of hurting you, but they scare you by getting angry and hissing. Grabbing your tiny little arm and squeezing it or putting you somewhere high and not taking you down until you apologize works fine. Maybe some spanks on your butt too. But the whole "gentle" process is scary enough for you.
Neteyam punishes you by himself too. Since he sees himself as the responsible one and he's the oldest brother, he takes it as his duty to take care of you. He already gets orders from his father to keep an eye on his siblings and you, but he has this weird urge to make sure that you're bring a good girl. He's not the one who snitches on you, but he blackmails you, telling you to obey what he says or he'll tell his dad. He never gives you away, though. But you fall for that every time, how amusing. He lectures you in a serious tone and explains why you're not allowed to curse. Then he gives you a punishment like his father does to him. "No more speaking for the rest of the day, understood?" He needs to see if you behave. It's important for him to know that you see him as an authoritative figure. He wants to have an authority over you like his parents have over you and them.
Jake knows that some humans are weak in nature and they get scared very often, especially the little ones like you. After Jake tells Neytiri that you need some belongings in order to feel safe and it's just how human brain works, Neytiri refuses him to go and grab some for you. She wants to make them by herself, even though the concept of it is strange for her. Needing to cover yourself so you can feel safe and protected? She can hold you in her arms! Even though she can't understand, she makes a nonfunctional blanket. She wants to see you feel safe around "her" craft. After all, you need to feel safe around your new family and only around them. You belong to them, what do you mean you need outside belongings in order to feel safe? Isn't your family enough?
Jake finds a way to provide some of your human wants and needs anyway. And he knows that you have to stay in the base regularly. Humans can't just live outside constantly. He knows he can trust Spider for keeping you safe and "secured". Jake discusses this with Neytiri, the kids talk to their mom and make her see your point. She wants you with her all the time, it's so painful to let you go. But she eventually accepts, since all she wants is for you to stay with them without causing any troubles, and of course, for you to be happy and healthy. Neytiri also builds a nest for you because apparently it's necessary for your emotional comfort and Jake, of course, makes some "small" changes. Neytiri is not happy about them but again, Jake knows humans better than anyone else.
The family just want to fill your growling tummy with lots of delicious human-friendly food, hold you in their arms, pet your soft little body, tuck you in a handmade blanket (not actually warm since Pandora is hot enough) and give you a handmade stuffed animal or something because for them, it's highly possible that you get scared. Sometimes Tuk tells her mom that you're so timid. Kiri says you're so quiet. Lo'ak argues that you need to leave your nest more often and join him to explore the world around you. Neteyam thinks you're not capable of taking care of yourself and you need protection, that's why you should stay in your nest. Spider supports Lo'ak, but he knows you'll check every oportunity to run. He thinks Lo'ak would trust you too much and leave you alone for a while or stop watching you. He would never do that.
Neytiri washes you personally. She can do it in front of anyone, doesn't matter. You're her baby and you can't do it on your own. You're just so weak and... it's so complex for you. It's not something to be scared of, why are you crying? Why are your cheeks get red everytime? Maybe she needs Jake to help. If he's not around Kiri, Neteyam or Lo'ak can help their mom very well. It's not their first time holding you in their arms while Neytiri washes you. You just need someone to hold you, right? "Shh... Just breathe, just breathe..." They say while their mom cleans you.
You don't wear human clothes. Neytiri covers your private areas similar to theirs. Similar to Spider, but you wear special materials. She doesn't understand why you make a fuss when she makes you wear them. "Kiri! Hold her." Kiri totally ignores how naked you are and pulls you in her lap after sitting on the ground. "Shh... It's okay." She whispers into your ear while her mother holds your leg. "Neteyam, bring her... MaJake, what was it called?" You scream and try to kick her but she hisses and makes you whimper. "It's pacifier, baby."
But she understands why you make a fuss when Spider tries to paint your body like his. Although she'd like to see you as one of them, she doesn't like Spider a bit. She looks at Jake. "I don't want him around my baby, he belongs with his own kind." Then she hisses at Spider, wanting to grab you, but Lo'ak defends him. He stands between Spider and his mom, trying to convince her. "No, no! It was my idea. She'll look so cute in blue, trust me." Then Tuk says. "Pleaseee!" Neytiri doesn't want to upset her kids and lets Spider to paint you, only to wash you afterwards.
Spider is a human born, yes, but mentally this guy's a true Na'vi. You were excited to see him for the first time, hoping he'd help you out of this messed up situation. But he came out as sick as the others. He's feral, he paints himself, he covers only one part of his body, he hisses... Human body, Na'vi mind. You're so shocked about it. Why would anyone do this willingly? Why would he want to be one of them? Did they brainwash him? No, no... He was sick already!
You're just beyond upset because you were so close to escape when you met this crazy family. While running around, you saw Spider and you thought you could trust him. He's a human, after all. Instead of keep running, you stopped and let him grasp your arms. You thought he was just worried because you were crying. You ignored his tight grip. You begged him to save you. "Hey, hey... Don't cry, okay? I'll help you. C'mon, this way!" Then he brought you to his "brother" Lo'ak. You've never felt so betrayed before. Apparently Spider was looking for you with the rest of the family. "Thanks bro!" Lo'ak said and wrapped one of his arms around you, while the other went to his neck. "Devil Dog, Devil Dog, this is Eagle Eye, over." ... "Spider found her, she's with me."
Jake was also a human once, but it was a very long time ago. He feels like he's born and raised in Pandora. He sees himself as one of them, not a human. His human life wasn't... well, perfect. Even though he was lost and didn't know who he was before, he later found his true purpose. "A father protects. It's what gives him meaning." You are his family too, except... you're more like a little pet to him. He doesn't see you as a fellow human or an equal. You're just one of the sky people, except you're innocent and naive. You could never hurt even the smallest flower. That's why he wants to protect you. He wants to protect your pure heart and pure mind.
And that's why Eywa loves you too. Everyone is aware of that Eywa watches over you. They know it since the first time they saw you. They witness it every time woodsprites lay on you. But especially Kiri, she can almost feel that Eywa loves you. She can't explain it, she just knows it. It makes Kiri push closer to you, she can feel the bond between you getting stronger because of this. Kiri loves to show you the world through her eyes. She wants you to see and feel Eywa the way she does. Expect a lot of spirutal trips with her. You want to run while she lays down and zooms out, but Spider always comes with you to keep an eye on you.
Kiri is the spiritual one, you coded her like that. She always says something about Eywa whenever she's with you. You can relax a little around her since she doesn't tire you. All she wants is for you to listen. She takes your tiny hand and place it on your heart. "Close your eyes." Then she keeps talking and explaining the world around you. You often fall asleep with her. Then one of them carries you to your nest.
Lo'ak is the careless one, at least, to an extent. He's also your chance to escape. He often tries to steal you from them and take you with him. "We're gonna have so much fun together." Sometimes you go to him and pull his arm, pointing the forest. You want to go very often. Spider, of course knows what's happening unlike Lo'ak. You wanna go alone and get mad whenever Spider or someone else wants to join. You try to push Spider and yell. "Whoa, whoa... Calm down. It's not gonna happen."
Tuk is the tiring one. She just wants to play with you all the time. Please jump around with her and play like her age. When you sit and do nothing, which happens all the time, she complains. "C'monnn, get up! Why are you doing this?" She pulls your arm and makes you stand up, but you sit back and turn around. You're so stubborn.
Neteyam is the responsible one, you can say. He's always around and always checking on you and his siblings. Partly because his father demands it, but mostly because he wants to do it. But you notice him paying exta attention to you. He often gives you some food and kneels, watches you as you slowly bite it and look at his eyes. He expects a thank you and you give him. He thought you how to act in certain situations. He loves to pet your head and smile. "Let's lay down together. You can sleep on my chest."
Neytiri is the possessive one. She's already very protective of her family and she's extremely jealous of you. You're like her adoptive child, but not quite like Kiri. She sees Kiri as an intelligent being and equal to her children. You're totally like a reactive human... doll or something. She literally treats you like a brainless pet and she makes you feel like you don't have any capacity of thinking by yourself. You hate it so much. She expands her arms and nearly babytalks to you while smiling. "Come, my baby. Come to me."
Jake is the leader in your eyes. You notice how he leads his family. He knows how to be strategic and how to make a move. After all, he was a marine. Neytiri wants to attack right away, but Jake stops her and explains why they should wait or do something else. And he shows his leader side by wanting to make sure you have everything. Is your nest comfortable for a human? Are you healthy for a human? How much do you sleep? He makes sure that you meet your human needs. He places you in his lap and checks your body to see if there's any injuries. He touches it gently and examines every part of your body. You yelp and struggle in his arms. "Shh... easy, baby girl. We're so grumpy today, huh?"
Spider technically isn't family, but... he is actually. Neytiri hates dislikes him, Neteyam has his own priorities, Jake has other stuff to think about and Tuk simply couldn't care less. That's all. This situation doesn't seem to bother him, though. He just wants to hang out with Lo'ak and Kiri. And you. He's the watcher. Always, always makes sure that you're not running away. You hate him. "Hey, where are you going?"
Each of them is creepy in their own way. But what they have in common is somehow you. It's like you're their center. Joy, anxiety, sadness, love, passion... everything converges on you. You have no idea why they're so obsessed with you and if you'll ever manage to escape. But honestly, you don't have much hope. You slowly let them brainwash you and make you their pet in time. Maybe the only way to move on is by giving up. "Sullys stick together. That was our greatest weakness, and our great strength."
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mooooonnnzz · 1 year
I’ve never been in love before // Neteyam x gn!Metkayina!reader
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🐚 Neteyam HC about him falling in love with you
neteyam is vry shy here LMFAO
lo’ak is done with his bs 
1k words
readers gender is not specified as always 
overall cute and short fic <3
though i may have missed a few mistakes MY BAD
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💙 Neteyam is the type to fall hard. Crushes aren’t a normal thing for him to get, but when he does get one, it’s a hard slap on the face. He’s overwhelmed with all these sudden emotions and he doesn’t know what to do or how to deal with them. His emotions are like a wave, they build up, growing more as they accumulate and on the last second crash into him. Leaving him stunned with no time to process what just happened. 
💙 When his eyes first landed on you, he fell in love and he fell in love hard. He isn’t the type to get lost in his head but with you, he’s imagining endless scenarios where you and him are together. It’s embarrassing, really. He tells himself every time to stop daydreaming about you and how beautiful you are, how your skin beautifully shines under the sun after you emerge from the water. The smile that sends him weak to his knees– Oh, there he goes again. Rambling and admiring every single part of you. 
💙 He doesn’t really approach you nor does he know how. So he admires you from afar, smiling to himself whenever he watches you interact with the ilus, or talking to the children, playing along with them and entertaining their little fantasies. One of his favorite things to see you do is collecting seashells off the shore, you're always on the look out for a perfect shell to add to what he assumes to your collection. He sometimes notices that you add a few of the shells you found on your clothing. Another thing he loves to see you do is– “Neteyam, are you staring at them again?” Lo’ak followed his older brother's line of vision and laughed loudly when he proved himself right. “You are a creep, you know that?” He slapped the back of Neteyam’s head playfully. “Ay! Lo’ak!” He grumbled, hands pressing against the back of head, soothing the warm blistering skin with his cool hands. “Why don’t you talk to them?” Lo’ak questioned, sitting right next to his brother. “I’m not telling you.” Neteyam scooted away from him, salty from the uncalled slap he got from Lo’ak. “Bro! C’mon.” Lo’ak frowned. “You will never win them over by staring at them like a weirdo!” 
💙 Neteyam catches himself doodling hearts on the sand. One minute he could be watching over Tuk, laughing at her when she ruined her little castle by accidentally kicking it. Next, he’s thinking about you and how you’re so kind to everyone that he doesn't realize what he’s drawing until Tuk calls him out for it. “What are you drawing?” She asks, skipping over to him and pointing at the unfamiliar shape on the floor. “It’s a heart?.” He says, confused. When did he ever draw that? Then it hits him. He drew that while he was thinking about you. He sighs out and rubs his forehead with his palm. “What are you doing to me?” He says to no one in particular. “Who’s doing something to you?” Tuk innocently asked, tilting her head to the side. “No one.” Neteyam was quick with his response. “Go rebuild your castle.” He shoos Tuk away.  Tuk knows who Neteyam is talking about because Lo’ak told her, but she doesn’t pry and continues to build her little castles. That’s what she was planning to do until she saw you talking to Lo’ak “Look, the pretty person is talking to Lo’ak!” Neteyam looked over to where Tuk was pointing at and gasped dramatically. “WHAT?!” Then he turns over to Tuk. “Wait, how do you know about them?!” Tuk cheekily smiles. “Lo’ak told me!” 
💙 Neteyam gets a little bit jealous when he sees people touch you longer than they should. Don’t think he doesn’t notice the lingering touches from Ao’nung or Rotxo, even Tsireya. He likes to admit that it doesn’t bother him and that it doesn’t ruin his day but anyone can notice his visibly tense shoulders and narrowed eyes from a mile away. The way his ears are tucked and tail very slowly swishing behind him speaks volumes. “What’s wrong with him?” Kiri asked one day, watching how her brother had his arms crossed his chest, moodily sighing every now and then. “Rotxo said hi to y/n.” Lo’ak plainly said. “What if he tried asking them out!” He whined. “Bro, why don’t you just ask them out yourself!” Lo’ak was so close to smacking Neteyam. 
💙 The one-sided pining drew all of Neteyam’s family insane. If Lo’ak heard Neteyam complain one more time he was going to stomp all the way to you and blurt out that Neteyam has a big crush on you. Jake and Neytiri (As much as they love the fact that their son is in love) had enough of Neteyam’s constant daydreaming, he never listens to what they’re saying and when they instruct him to do something he doesn’t even know what to do because he wasn’t paying attention. Kiri and Tuk find it amusing, they’ve never seen their brother so helplessly in love before and they can’t help but tease him every time. “Lover boy over here isn’t paying attention.” Kiri pointed a thumb at Neteyam, who was in his head till now. “What? What happened?” He looks around the room, confused. “He’s probably imagining how many babies they’re going to have!” Tuk giggled. “Tuk!” Kiri tried to sound like she was scolding Tuk but it was drowned out by her own laughter. The two sisters laughed together while Neteyam covered his face in embarrassment. 
💙 Neteyam’s yearning gaze doesn't go unnoticed by Tsireya. She knows whenever he’s looking at you and she rolls her eyes every time. “How much longer is this boy going to stare at you with those lovesick eyes before he walks up to you?” She says under her breath, shaking her head disapprovingly. “It’s hopeless, Tsireya.” Ao’nung says from beside her. “Are you talking about Neteyam?” You pipe up from behind Tsireya. “Even you notice it.” Tsireya sighs out. “It’s obvious.” 
💙 One day, Lo’ak had enough of his brother and devised a plan. With a lot of convincing, he pulled Neteyam over to you. “Meet my idiotic brother, Neteyam.” Lo’ak introduced you to him. “I know who he is, Lo’ak.” An amused smile stretched out on your lips. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” Neteyam almost fainted right then and there. “You have?” He squeeked out, his tail tucked in between his legs. “Yeah, Lo’ak tells me a lot about you.” You tell him, grabbing his hand in the process. “He also told me how you have, in his words, a big fat annoying crush on me.” Neteyam looked over to see Lo’ak, only to find he was long gone. In the distance he could hear Lo’ak yell, “Good look, brother!” Neteyam blinked owlishly, an awkward chuckle leaving his lips. “He has?” You nod your head. “You are also very obvious. Your eyes told me everything.” Neteyam wanted to die right there. 
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if you wanna be in my taglist comment or dm me! <3
Taglist: @writingsbybirdie
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cosmicsully · 9 months
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Neteyam x fem!Omaticaya Reader
Word count: 2,5K
Warnings: kissing?, neck kisses, mentions of a bloody lip, punching, mentions of wounds, use of Y/N
Check out my Masterlist :)
Reblogs and requests are always welcomed <3
tìyawn - love
syulang - flower
oeyä - mine/my (possessive)
Kurkung - asshole (a very strong insult, vulgar)
The dapophet (Na'vi name: paywll meaning "water plant")
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Something Neteyam always loves is your company
No matter how shitty his day had been, how many times he had taken the blame for one of Lo'aks recent troubling events
Your presence always cured his bad moods
He can simply not stand being away from you for too long, his definition of too long is everything that comes after a minute.
Y/N and Neteyam are sitting in the high, vibrant green grass. A comfortable silence swirling around in the atmosphere. There are not many days like today. On the one hand, Y/N is receiving lessons from Mo'at, learning how to successfully tend wounds. Mo'at is having a hard time with the girl, although she could not be more thankful, to be able to be taught by her a true blessing.
On the other hand, Neteyam is very much occupied with his archery and combat training, his father teaching him well.
So now here they are, just enjoying a moment of silence, a moment free of tasks that are just waiting to be done. A moment, where the two of them can relax and spend time with their most loved one.
"Neteyam?" You speak up, breaking the quiet atmosphere.
"Hmm?" he replies his eyes fixated on his lover's braids, which are currently resting between his soft but rough fingertips. He always loved playing with your hair, braiding it, or just simply touching it.
"I promised to help Tuk with her hair, she and I went looking for beautiful pieces to braid into it the other day," you say, a soft smile framing your face.
"What? No!" Neteyam replies, his annoyed tone is clearly visible, he stops tending your hair, his hands falling from your hair to your waist, pulling you close, flush against his chest to keep you from leaving him.
"But I promised! I can't just let her down like that you know that, I love spending time with Tuk."
Neteyam huffed at your response, his chin finding its place on your shoulder, his grip tightening around you.
"I barely see you anymore, tìyawn…" he murmurs against your neck, his hot breath fanning over it, pulling a soft shiver from you.
"Don't go," he whispers, so soft and quiet you would not be able to hear him if he wasn't this close to you.
"I can not bear the thought of you leaving me now syulang." he continues, his lips meeting your soft neck, the sensitive skin erupting into goosebumps.
Neteyam always needs to touch you somehow, In a non-sexual way, his body just seeks your warmth
In public, no matter who is around, he loves curling his tail around you
You walk among Neteyam and Kiri, This trip was supposed to be only you and Kiri, but Neteyam insisted on coming along, claiming "That he has to be there to protect you, in case something happens" He only received a glare and eye-roll from his sister when he said that.
"You do not have to be everywhere," Kiri states, her voice laced with annoyance. Y/N muffled a small giggle with her three-fingered hand, earning a teasing smile from Neteyam. They continue walking deeper into the forest, the plant that Kiri is searching for, not far away.
"I am not everywhere." the Na'vi boy says, his statement followed by a shrug of his muscular shoulders. His head turned towards Kiri, a plant touching his shoulder as he walked past it, lifting his arm to move it out of Y/Ns way, so she wouldn't be hit in the face.
"Thanks," she says, sending her boyfriend a soft smile.
"You are always where Y/N is, and with all honesty, she and I can not even share a moment to ourselves"
Neteyam scoffs, "That is not true!" he fires back, but continues: "I left her this morning to prepare food!" Neteyam defends himself.
The two siblings continue to throw words at each other, Y/N not listening any longer, her mind much more occupied by her surroundings, Pandora's nature always finds a way to make her heart skip a beat at its view.
The animals ears filled with the constant bickering they keep up, as they keep walking and walking, Y/N can feel something soft tingling at her thigh, with a confused expression, her eyes look down only to realize that it is Neteyams tail that starts to curl around her upper thigh.
Pet names are a must for the Na'vi boy
He adores to see you blush whenever one of his names for you slips past his lips, the way your cheeks heat up, a delighted view in his eyes
This boy has a particularly big amount of protectiveness for you
One guy talks to you the wrong way? Guess who goes home with a bloody lip…
You are just finished with the task Mo'at had given you in the morning, the soft light of the warm sun embracing you the second you leave your tent. Clean air hits your lungs, causing a relieved breath to flee your mouth.
The task was difficult, but it opened your eyes for the future, tending wounds will become as easy as walking to you.
Around this time of the day, you and Neteyam always meet at your usual spot, it is a large tree, with long colorful plants all plastered around it.
Almost reaching your destination, a blue figure emerges from the bushes a smile creeping on your lips, but it melts away the moment you realize it is not the boy you are currently looking for.
You remember the guy, his name is Kalun.
"Hey, oeyä." he says, that smug grin plastered all over his face.
It looks very punchable from this angle…
You decide to just greet him back and go on with your walk, sending him a small nod back, just as you step past him, his hand wraps itself around your wrist in a firm grip.
He spins you around to face him again, a gasp leaves your mouth at the rough movement he pulls on you.
"What do you want Kalun?" you say bitterly, him clearly overstepping some personal boundaries of yours.
"I was just thinking about you the other night… and I thought, maybe you want to accompany me one day soon.." Kalun says, a disgusting smirk forming on his lips.
"No thank you, At this point, I thought you noticed that I am very happy with Neteyam," you say with all honesty, trying to remove your wrist from his tight grip.
"Why tell Neteyam? Hmm? We can have a little fun, your little warrior does not need to know…" He whispers the last part, and not only disgust but fear rises in your chest. Your heartbeats quicken with each passing second, Kalun is always quite flirty with you, but he never took it this far.
"Please leave me alone, I am not interested in you."
Kalun opens his mouth again, but before another snarky comment leaves his lips, a fist collides with his face, sending him tumbling to the ground his back hitting it with force.
"Hands off kurkung." is the only thing that reaches your ears, Neteyam quickly hoovers above Kalun, his fist yet again meeting the side of his face. The sudden force on Kalun's face caused his upper lip to split open, warm thick blood dripping down his chin.
"If you touch her again, hell if you look at her the wrong way. A bloody lip is not the only thing that you will receive." Neteyam says with a flat tone, his jaw visibly clenched. Kalun just groans in response a big bruise starts to appear on his cheekbone.
Neteyam is not that jealous when it comes to you.
He trusts you with his life.
But there are moments that just stir him on, and the jealousy gets the best of him, he won't dare to tell you that though, he preferably suffers in silence.
He's the type of guy to not speak to you about this, though his body language clearly shows his tense thoughts.
Clenched jaw, scoffing whenever a guy tries to make a move on you, he knows you won't go for anyone else but the fact that someone even dares to try hitting on you just makes his blood boil.
His reactions are always based on the day that occurred, if he had not seen you the entire day, always occupied with his training. His jealousy is blossoming. Although he's a 5/10 jealous type, he can go from that to an 8/10 within seconds.
The moment he laid his eyes on you he knew you would be his mate one day, he prayed to Eywa that one day the time would come when someone would enter his life that special.
And to his luck that was you.
He makes sure to treat you with respect every single second he's around you, he keeps an eye on your tasks and if they might be too much. He knows you can handle them, he just doesn't want you to overwork yourself.
He is well aware that you are and independent young woman, with a strong heart.
But that does not mean that you don't deserve a break sometimes.
He loves taking you on date nights, simply walking together through the forests of Pandora. Going for a ride on your Ikrans, sharing bonding time with each other.
It's the little moments he cherishes with you.
He trusts you with his life.
This leads to the fact that no one else but you is allowed to treat his wounds. He knows you have learned the basics by Mo'at, that you are a good student and quickly pick up on the most important healthcare ways.
You sit in your tent, working on a new accessory for Neteyams Ikran, you want to surprise him when he and the hunting party return from the Great Hunt. He had been trained at a very young age and developed into a great young warrior.
All types of different colored stones lay before you, the knitting piece in your hand, softly adding and changing your new creation.
It had been a few hours since Neteyam and the others left the clan, a new place as their destination, hoping to return to their clan with great yield.
He left in the early morning, leaving you in deep sleep in your shared tent. Not trying to wake you from your peace he had left with a quick kiss to your forehead.
The gift for Neteyam is something special, but also a way to keep your mind off the dangerous position your lover is currently putting himself in, all his moves only to provide his clan, his family, with food. It keeps you occupied, the thought of a wounded up Neteyam pressed to the back of your mind.
"Y/N!!!" a shrieking voice cuts through the silence that lingers in your home, Tuk storming into it with a big smile plastered all over her small face. Her soft and big eyes filled with excitement.
"They are back! The others have returned!" She quickly walks over to you sitting on the ground, her small hands clasping onto your upper arm pulling at you to go with her.
"Come!" she says and keeps pulling, her tiny hand now intertwining with yours, you can't help but smile at her enthusiasm, her excitement-filled smile can always light up a room.
"Okay Okay! I am right behind you Tuk." Y/N giggles, letting Tuk pull her into the direction of the already-forming crowd around the people who returned. Many Na'vi in one place, everything happens so fast, happy greetings, Na'vi unpacking and talking loudly.
You squint your eyes close, in hopes of catching a glimpse of your boyfriend.
A hand places itself on your shoulder, you turn your head the observation is cut short as Mo'at stands before you.
"There you are child, I need your help treating the wounded." Her face was framed with a soft expression.
"Yes of course, what can I do."
Mo'at quickly leads you back to the tent you so often visit, The familiar workplace comes into view, and she kneels in front of a wounded warrior, starting to tend his wounds with her special treatments.
You yourself find your place with a young warrior, known by the name of Makeyo. He is a friendly guy, always sharing good conversations whenever the two of you meet. He hisses in pain, a decent wound on his left shoulder, blood trailing down all the way to his fingers.
"How did that happen?" you speak up with a small smile on your lips, trying to cheer him up, he has worked hard and well for his clan. He starts to tell you about the hunt, while you collect your ingredients to treat his wound, the paywll’s leaves softly ground into a soft texture, applying it to his shoulder to speed up the healing process.
He keeps informing you about the events that occurred, all the exciting parts and how much new knowledge he has earned by it.
A few minutes later, Kiri stands at the entry of the tent, sweat droplets forming on her forehead. A little out of breath she speaks up: "Mo'at, we need someone to treat Neteyam, he is badly injured."
Badly injured.
Without a second thought, you rise to your feet within seconds, ready to drop all your tasks if it is meant to help Neteyam.
Mo'at stops you in your tracks, her hand stretching out in front of you, "You, my child must complete treating Makeyo, Vin'eya shall treat Neteyam for now." She gestures to the other young Na'vi girl, She and you are good friends, both of you Mo'at's students.
Her facial expression is just as shocked as yours, she and you are well aware that you are always the one who treats Neteyam.
Mo'at holds her stern expression, you nod quickly, dropping back to Makeyo's side, continuing where you left off.
Vin'eya shoots you an apologetic look and emerges from the tent to treat Neteyam.
You are left with your thoughts, What if something really bad happened to Neteyam? Did he have much pain? Deadly injuries?
A few minutes pass, and you keep your task up high and move to the back, cleaning your hands of the substance you treated Makeyo with mere minutes ago.
"I do not approve." an all too familiar voice echos from outside the tent.
"Neteyam, wait! You have to be treated." Vin'eya's voice calls after the Na'vi boy, heavy footsteps approach the tent. There he stands, Neteyam in all his glory. Heavy and painful breaths leave his lungs, his condition worrying you. He had multiple big slashes across his chest and back, a pained expression on his face.
He breathes out in relief the moment his eyes fall on you, he walks over to you dropping himself to the ground and leaning into your side.
"Hey, hey. Are you feeling alright?" you say cupping his cheeks with your soft hands, he whines in reply and closes his eyes, leaning into your hands and enjoying your touch.
"It is only you, I want to be treated by," he whispers, his head falling onto your lap with still-closed eyes.
Your eyes never leave his form, already working on his wounds. What you don't notice are the looks shared in the tent, Mo'at and the others are well aware of the special bond between the two lovers.
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ax-killjoy · 1 year
☆ you think i’m pretty ??
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synopsis ! 𖦹 : things that make them flustered <33
notes ! 𖦹 : school, art block, and writer’s block has been kicking my ASS.
Lo’ak, Kiri, Neteyam x Gn!reader
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It was something simple, something that not even Lo’ak knew he could get flustered by. Yet something just hit him right in the soul, making his heart melt, he felt warm, a blush over this cheeks, up to the tips of his ears.
You had been teaching how to ride an Ilu, yet he was so fustrated. Why couldn’t he get this down ? If this creature was nicer than a Ikran, why couldn’t he ride it ? Irritation coursed through his body, his mind running almost a thousand miles an hour. As he falls yet again into water. The ilu almost laughing at him as it swims away.
He growls in frustration, angrily splashing the water as he wipes his face. “this is bullshit.” Lo’ak mutters, watching as you call for the Ilu again. You chuckle, resting your hand on his shoulder, caressing it slightly with your thumb.
“Don’t worry about it too much. You’ve got all the time in the world to learn this, Prettyboy.” You say ever so casually, petting the ilu and feeding it more fish.
Yet Lo’ak stood frozen, his tail up and his ears perked. “Pretty boy ?”
゚*✩‧₊˚ !!
Kiri has NEVER been one to have crushes. She remembers when Jake would talk about growing up with little puppy crushes, and Neytiri would explain about her younger years swooning over the male Na’vi.
But Kiri never really felt that kind of attraction, never felt the need to. She was too busy ! Her reckless brothers always did something stupid, leading her to heal them with her grandmother. Who she bickers with until no end, and she runs around the forest feeling Eywa beneath her feet and in the air, grabbing herbs for future salves. And if she wasn’t doing any of that, she was running around the forest with Tuk.
But now that she moved to Awa’altu, she had all the time in the world it seemed. She sat under water for what seemed like an eternity, staring at the colorful fish and feeding her ilu, staring into sand that hid small crustaceans. Now that she wasn’t busy, she had time to indulge in her feelings, indulge in her feelings for you.
The two of you had been wandering the island all day, it one of those days that neither of you had tasks. Planning this day in advance, making sure to do all the chores just so the two of you could run wild for the rest of the day. And now, it was almost eclipse. The two of you sat in the warm sand, watching as the night and day mixed, making a sweet gradient above. “You know, I could do this with you forever.” You say, and she looks at you. “Do what ?” she asks.
“This. Just being with you, being part of the land. I could do this with you forever.” You say, before looking back at the eclipse. And for the first time, Kiri feels a blush spread across her cheeks. Not a blush out of embarrassment, but a blush of giddiness, puppy love, and hope for the future.
・:* ೫̥♡*
Similar to Kiri, Neteyam was a busy bee. He ran everywhere, constantly doing different tasks and doing anything the people asked for. He was one of the best hunters for his age, constantly going on hunting trips with his father and other adult Na’vi, and coming back just to do more tasks. He sailed the skies and scouted for sky people during Operations, he listened in onto strategies for the War party.
And if there was ever a second that he didn’t have any tasks, he was playing with Tuk. Helping his mom with something, running around with his siblings letting them do whatever stupid things they planned. Only for them to get scolded by their father once they came home. A never ending cycle, a consistent and eventful cycle to say the least.
This was no different, you were another skilled hunter for your age. Jake had tasked both you and Neteyam to hunt together, to see who paired good with who, and to see what two amazing hunters could bring back. What Jake didn’t know is that the two of you made this into a game of tag. Whoever catches who first doesn’t have to carry all of the meat to the village.
Neteyam hid well into the trees, his breath covered by the sounds of strong winds and bustling trees. He had killed 2 animals already, thanked their bodies, and was ready to leave. Now he just had to see where you were to catch you.
Suddenly he hears a branch snap. Before he can turn his head, he feels something flipping him over, and his back hitting the soft soil. He lets out of low groan, he opens his eyes. The sun hitting his eyes, suddenly he saw your face above him. He feels the weight of you straddling him to keep him in place. You giggle and smile mischievously.
“Now you’re mine, tsamsiyu” you say softly, the vibrations of your voice make Neteyam’s ears perk up. Before Neteyam could even open this mouth you jump up laughing, “I won !! now go grab all the meat we got !!!” You cheered before running away.
He gets up, a raging blush runs across his cheeks to each of his ears, his tail swaying sharply. Oh Ewya, what did you do to him ?
゚*✩‧₊˚ !!
Tsamsiyu - Warrior
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siriusly-parker · 1 year
ʚ face claims, avatar
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﹡ ꜝsome na’vi character inspo!ꜝ
﹡ let me know if you’d like more + for other characters!! 🫐
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youtellmeman · 4 months
Girlfriend!kiri sully hcs
Rated E
Love language is giftbgiving and we find that out very early on when she starts giving you random things before she has the nerve to ask you out
Little flowers she’s collected, brackets she’s made, hand woven pieces of clothing
Very quiet in front of others but when it’s just you she opens up so much it’s crazy
Yap city Fr
Only ends up actually asking you out after one of her brothers had goaded her into believing they were gonna as you put if she didn’t (it was lo’ak let’s be fr)
Asks you by bring you foraging with her but really it was just an excuse to get you alone
Gathers flowers and gives them to you while pulling a whole nervous ramble confession
“Okay so ik we’ve been friends for a while but I don’t want that anymore. Wait not that I don’t wanna be your friend I love being your friend you’re a great friend it’s just. Like I like you and I mean well obviously I like you we wouldn’t be friends if I didn’t but I-“
Takes her a minute but she gets there
Despite her giving love language being gifts she loves to receive words of affirmation
Practically purrs when you tell her how good she’s doing, how strong she is, what a good healer she’s gonna be
Isn’t huge on pda at all and I feel like she tries to hide it from her family for a little bit but like once she tells them they’re like “we know?”
“Guys me and —— are dating” “Baby girl you come home giggling everytime you two hang out. Why do you think we stopped letting her sleep over? ”- Jake
After that does get better ABOIT being affectionate in public but not by much
In private tho, like honey on fingers she’s stuck to you
Plays with your hair, hoping your hand, leaning on you, laying in you
“Kir can you move just a bit” “No” “I can’t feel my arm.” “Then it can’t bother you that much”
On that note so sassy once she’s comfortable like she cannot hide how she’s feeling with her face and she doesn’t even try with her mouth
Which makes for one of two out comes when shes jealous
Despite her willingness to give a dirty look and speak up she’s definitely gonna need reassurance once your outta the situation
One- “she’s taken” deadpan voice, arm around you waist staring down who ever decided to get a little to cozy near you.
Two- just silent seething watching you interact with someone who clearly isn’t her. So much so that eventually the person excuses themselves just to escape her glare
“They’d probably be better for you than me anyway.” “Kiri no body wants them, your perfect for me and I don’t want anyone else”
Don’t take much you could tell her”that man isn’t shit” and she’s be like okay :)
Slow soft kisser
Refuses to initiate in the beginning but once she’s comfortable she’ll make any excuse to get you alone and kiss up on you
Cradles your jaw and places a hand on your hip, let’s her fingers trace lazy shapes on them
Lives for a peck, she might have healer duties but all them bitches can stay sick if you haven’t given her a kiss goodbye yet
“Babe your gonna be late” “then come here faster??”
Can’t cook sorry
Tried her hardest learn but it won’t be edible so don’t even try
The pandora equivalent to pigs wouldn’t be at what she makes
But she can hand make things, will weave you baskets or sow you blankets what
Light sleeper like super light sleeper. Surprisingly the only thing that won’t wake her up but instead puts her too sleep is the sound of her father and brother’s snoring
Sometimes Jake gets home early and takes naps, snores could shake down fruit from a tree but the sound of them will make her sleepy
Comfort thing tbh
Not a morning person because of this, she wakes up too many times at night for anyone to try and wake her up early
Only person who can do it without receiving death threats is you, neytiri, and tuk
And tuk is only cause she’s little and she’s feel bad threatening a child
“Kiri you have to get up” “fine :(” - you and her
“Kiri you have to get up” “I will skin you alive if you do not leave this cot in 5 seconds” - her and lo’ak
So grumpy but once she eats she’s fine
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neteyamlover69 · 1 year
atwow characters social media vii
social mention: @eywas-heir
series masterlist
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tonowari a lil fruity for jake wbk🙏
we all have that one breedable homie ☝️
writing this had me giggling n shit.
my requests are open!!
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asimpwithfreetime · 1 year
May I please request a Yandere! Platonic Sully Family x Daughter! Reader fic? Where she’s Lo’ak’s younger twin and she’s very much like her dad’s twin Tommy. Maybe she’s the brains and would often be the mature one between her and Lo’ak? And they’re just protective over their baby girl. Was thinking of the fic showing what her life was like, like with all the scenes from the movie that were all family-focused up until they join the Metkayina and they learn their ways, maybe she gets some attention from boys of the Metkayina clan. Maybe she’s the one that gets shot and ALMOST dies and the family is just enraged and go on a killing spree with the RDA? And when she recovers she’ll be doted on?
I love the idea. In my whole life as a fanfic writer (I have another account we’re I’ve been writing since I was 12) I have never written platonic relationships so I don’t know how it is going to go. But I’ll try my best! I hope you like it.
It was going to be too much if I did everything that was asked there, so I just did the daily life of her with her family and what would happen if, once in the Metkayina clan, boys would flirt with her.
My family (Yandere! Platonic Sullys x younger daughter! Reader)
Pairings: ALL OF THEM PLATONIC. Yandere! Jake Sully x daughter! Reader, yandere! Neytiri x daughter! Reader, yandere! Neteyam x baby sis! Reader, yandere! Lo’ak x younger twin! Reader, yandere! Kiri x younger sister! Reader and Tuk x older sister! reader
Content warning: not proofread yet, English isn’t my first language
General warnings: Yandere actions, obsessive behavior, violence
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[ 3rd person POV ]
The Sully family was well structured. Everyone had a role. Tuk was the only one that could do what she wanted. Apart from her, everyone’s role was to protect Y/n and be there for her. From Jake to Kiri, even her twin brother Lo’ak.
No one had made up that rule or spoken about it. They all got the idea the moment she opened her eyes for the first time.
She was a blessing from Eywa and her family loved her very much. So much that they had the feeling that they had to protect her until their very last breath.
She hadn’t noticed yet, but she had triggered the “yandere” gene in her family. In a platonic way, all they wanted was for her to love them as equally and to be protected.
Jake needed his goodnight cuddles with his baby or he felt sad and he begged Neytiri to tug Y/n into bed every night. Neytiri loved to teach her how to hunt and to protect herself. She felt proud of her baby, even though she would never let her go on her own.
Neteyam loved to have his little sister around. Cuddles were his favorite. But just having her in his line of vision was enough to keep him calm and collected. He also adored the way Y/n had him as her hero.
Lo’ak sometimes bickered with her, they were twins after all. But he knew how much he needed her, she had the brain and he had the muscle. He loved seeing her laugh when he said something funny.
Kiri enjoyed time alone with her sister as well. Kiri was far more introverted than the rest and she liked a good book an telling her sister curious things about Pandora.
Tuk was just happy that everyone loved Y/n and her. She was the real baby of the house.
Y/n, completely oblivious to all of this she was happy to have such a loving family. She loved each one equally and she enjoyed time with each of them. She didn’t see the arguments the siblings sometimes had over who would spend time with you that day. Usually if things got too serious Neytiri would intervene while Jake pulled you aside so you wouldn’t have to witness it.
Even if they loved each other, all of them longed to be the protector of Y/n. If something ever happened to her they would go completely crazy.
Changing homes wasn’t something easy for anyone, but they pulled their feelings away to take care of Y/n’s. Even though she assured them she was doing fine.
She flew in Jake’s ikran. She had one but the family thought it would be safer. A few hours before taking off they fought over who would hold you. Neytiri was going to go with Tuk so she acted as a mediator. Jake won being the dad.
Once in the Metkayina clan, all of the other Na’vi could see the circle that the family instinctively made around Y/n. Ao’nung and his friends had their eyes on her right away, they made Neteyam and Lo’ak give them death glares.
A few days into the clan, everyone was adapting just fine, on their own rhythm. Neteyam was sly and made Lo’ak go with Tsireya. He did find the young Metkayina cute, but he shouldn’t look anywhere but Y/n. What if she hurt herself? What if Ao’nung tried to harass her for having demon blood?
Lo’ak’s blood boiled at the thought. No one was good enough for his sister.
“Teyam!” Y/n smiled from her ilu, she waved at her brother with a sweet smile and that beautiful nickname he loved. “Look!” She splashed around.
“Very good, Y/n!” He beamed at her. Rotxo stopped helping Neteyam for a moment. “If you want to get an ilu we should get further from them” he said. Neteyam shook his head. He needed to be close, otherwise something could happen to her.
And he would rather die before letting her alone with Ao’nung. “C’mon demon child, try to go into the sea with your ilu” he said with a mischievous smile. He was flirting with her, no doubt.
Neteyam’s expression darkened and soon Lo’ak joined him. “Are you trying to flirt with our baby sister?” Lo’ak said, getting awfully close to Ao’nung. “So what if I am?” The Metkayina taunted.
“This happens” Lo’ak said before punching him. Y/n’s eyes widened. “Lo’ak! Stop!” She said, she felt scared, she had never seen her brothers be violent with anyone.
“Come with me, Y/n” Neteyam ordered. The sweet tone king forgotten. Y/n did as told when he pulled her wrist. “Teyam! Why is he doing that?” She said getting further from the fight. They reached were Kiri was. “Take her to the hut” he informed. Kiri nodded. “Let’s go, you don’t wanna see that, do you?” She asked, raising a brow.
“No, of course not!” Y/n replied. When they got to the hut it was empty. The fight had gotten out of hand, Neteyam and Lo’ak were in bad condition, but Ao’nung and his other friends were worse.
Jake came into the hut first, looking awfully angry. “Now you two are going to explain to me WHY THE HECK YOO WERE FIGHTING RIGHT AFTER WE INSTALLED OURSELVES!” He roared to his two sons.
“Ao’nung was hitting on Y/n” Lo’ak informed. When he named her all of them looked at her. “Then good job son!” He said, his mood swinging completely.
“But dad! Fights aren’t good” Y/n tried to reason. Jake’s arms trapped her in a bear hug. “They were protecting you, baby. We all do. If they fight to keep you safe it is perfectly fine” he kissed the top of her head with love.
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witchthewriter · 11 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
a/n: thank you to the beautiful creator of the grown-up Neteyam photo! P.s. I’m sorry for the crappy screenshot photos of the only Na’vi mating bond we see. I tried my best :’)
Warnings: spoilers for Avatar 2
Lawful Good
8 of Pentacles
Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Libra Rising  
・You were the eldest of Tonowari and Ronal’s children. A Metkayina leader of the future. 
・You have many skills, learning from both your parents and the other members of the clan. A great hunter, creator and a deep love for the ocean. 
・Eywa was a big presence in your life, something that your brother, Aounung was jealous of 
・Tsireya idolises you, and when she was younger, all she wanted to do was be around you
・However, you weren’t very outgoing, and preferred the company to one or two friends - or mainly yourself whenever you got the chance
・You have your own Tulkun, whom you love dearly. They’re incredibly protective of you, as you are for them. 
・That’s where you spend the majority of your free time - talking with your Tulkun. You have an incredibly close bond, almost like telepathical 
・When the Sully’s sought refuge, you were one of the first to speak up in their defence
・Not only did you like the look of the Omaticaya people, but you were curious about their ways. 
・You wanted to learn more - grow as a Na’vi. You wanted to be someone with an open-mind. 
・It was why you got along so well with your sister Tsireya, Aounung on the other hand was a bit of a challenge. He always had been. And being the middle child, he definitely liked to act out 
・You formed a close friendship with both Tuk and Kiri. You always found the young ones funny. It was your instinct as the eldest child to look after the younglings around you. 
・And with Kiri, you loved her connection to the land. You could watch her for hours as she interacted with the environment around her. 
・You could see that she was special; Eywa had something incredible in store for Kiri. You just wished the rest of the clan would accept them
・But your eye was always searching for Neteyam, the eldest of the Sully kids
・Almost like a guardian angel, you were there when he needed you most. And your brother would tease you relentlessly, but Tsireya understood. She encouraged you to pursue Neteyam
・As you encouraged her to pursue Lo’ak 
・And your romance was slow. Even though you both had deep feelings for each other, it was like neither of you could confess it. For one reason or another. 
・You spent time together, teaching him the ways of your people. He was especially interested in the coming of age rituals. Neteyam wanted to participate. 
・You told him he didn’t have to, that accomplishing the Omaticaya rituals was enough. But not for Neteyam, he wanted to prove himself. 
・Then, when the event happened with Quaritch, everything changed. 
・ Luck, no, not luck. It was destiny that you were there to save Neteyam. 
・What would have been a bullet would was only a flesh wound, however, it did cut him deep
・The Sully’s were eternally grateful, Neytiri especially. She nearly lost her firstborn, and for that she felt indebted to you. 
・However, Neteyam was wounded, and it took him a month to fully recover. You visited him everyday, bringing fresh food and changing his bandages. This was how you two grew close. A deep bond was formed. 
・You both felt Eywa’s presence when you looked into each other’s eyes and finally realised who you were to one another. Mates. 
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞No one under the age of 18 past this point, I bloody mean it.
・The mating ritual is the same for every Na’vi, it’s the connecting of the queues, from nightfall until sunrise. 
・The mating ritual and sex are two different things, but ultimately the Na’vi only have sex with one other for their entire lives. 
・And although Neteyam would have loved to perform tsaheylu underneath the Tree of Souls, the Metkayina don’t stay underwater for that entire time. 
・Some may choose to visit the Spirit Tree and connect for a brief moment while holding hands, or to choose a secluded spot and invite Eywa’s presence 
・You chose to do both
・Both of you swam down to the Spirit Tree and connected to it, seeing each other through the other’s eyes 
・You could feel the other’s love and devotion 
・After opening your eyes, you kissed and swam to the surface, where you found a vacant part of the beach to stay until the next day
・Connecting with Neteyam was like nothing you had ever experienced before. You were able to feel his pain, his happiness, the weight of responsibility and the dedication Neteyam has to his family 
・In turn, Neteyam felt the same. For you both had the duty of being the first born
・When the mating was completed, it was announced through all the clan that you were together 
・Tonowari held a great feast in your honour. He was more than proud, as was your mother, sister and brother 
・You had completed a big part of Na’vi life, and the Sully’s welcomed you into the family with open arms. Especially Neytiri, once she got to know you and how good of a hunter you were 
・Sex is different then mating, but you still connect your queues nonetheless. It intensifies the bond, and completely takes hold of your body, mind and soul
・Neteyam is a soft lover, he likes to make you feel loved, safe and worthy
・His favourite thing is to bite your neck though, especially when he’s in midthrust. It’s like another way of combining your bodies. He wants to be as close to you as possible
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pandorafairy · 1 year
The Sully's in American Public School
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Wears Nike Jordan's and sweatshirts  
Snapchats Tsireya in class: “So wyd?” “Wanna meet at the gym in 5?”  “U look cute today”
Takes the hall pass to go to the bathroom and never goes back to class
Attempts to make thirst traps and TikTok’s in said bathroom 
Makes fun of Neteyam to his friends but if one of them agree, Lo’ak will punch them 
Always late to class and will try to talk the teacher out of giving him a tardy (it never works)
Is literally always in trouble for something
Runs track and plays basketball
"Ayo, my parents are out of town. Party at my place tonight!"
Definitely the best dressed guy in school. Baggy jeans/cargos, oversized t shirts, bomber jackets/pullovers, and beanies.
Captain of the football and track team
A lot of people have crushes on him but he pretends not to notice
Involved in so many extracurriculars
Literally everyone knows who is but he's still always so nice. Like he is popular but goes out of his way to talk to everyone not just 'cool' kids
Really good at math
"Lo'ak said what???"
Always has her airpods in 
Pretends not to know Lo’ak 
Wears crystal necklaces 
Uses a bookbag not a backpack
Loves art and English class (actually enjoys Shakespeare)
Very quiet except for in debate. She completely dominates every single argument
Looks out the window and watches birds instead of paying attention during class (Rotxo likes to watch her because he can look at her without her noticing)
"Oh, I don't know a guy named Lo'ak." *rolls her eyes*
Tries to trade snacks at lunch but no one ever wants to because Neytiri makes her bring healthy food (Jake will secretly put candy in so she can trade) 
Definitely wears like Nike and Under Armor athletic wear but in cute colors
Races the boys at recess (she always wins) 
Goes crazy at Scholastic Book Fairs. She buys silly bands, bookmarks, those fuzzy mini wallets. Literally anything except actual books
She likes science. She loves learning about the chicks life cycle and watching them hatch
Her backpack is a mess
"Nete? Why are so many people in our house?"
Gets in fights with PTA moms over dress codes (her kids can wear whatever they want)
On the environmental committee
Defends her kids always (even when it is clearly their fault)  “How do you know that Lo’ak did that?” 
Packs all their lunches and leaves good luck notes on days when they have a big test
Has to help the kids with their homework because they all cry when Jake tries to help them
"I am going to pluck out Lo'ak's eyes." *Lo'ak gets everyone out of the house and goes to hide* *Neytiri finds him easily*
Tries to help Tuk with her math homework but she always ends up crying and then Jake feels bad and gives her candy.
Big football dad (at all of Neteyam’s games) 
Drives his kids to all their school dances and gives their dates death stares
Makes friends with the other parents (Neytiri tries to be friendly)
Puts all their report cards on the fridge
"Neteyam! I said no parties. How could let your brother do this?" *Neteyam apologizes but secretly had a lot of fun and would do it again*
Thanks for reading! I've never written something like this but it was fun! Hope you enjoyed :)
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sirenologyyy · 5 months
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✹ summary : in which i'm slowly crawling back to my avatar hyperfixation and i decided to make a band au!except I'm right (or not take this with a grain of salt hehe) and I frl can't see them playing any other roles
✹ author's note : let this not flop in eywa we pray 🙏 and yes, Daisy Jones and the Six is my favorite book, how did you guess?
✹ warnings : mentions of bleeding, scabs, swearing obv
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It all started one balmy afternoon when Lo'ak and Spider were blowing off their biochemistry homework lying down on the floor staring at the cieling fan undeviatingly oscillate above them. Then, Lo'ak suddenly sits up from his spot causing Spider to look at him.
"What's up?" Asked Spider.
Lo'ak looks at him, a newfound determination in his wide eyes. "Dude, what if we start a band."
Spider frowns. "A band?"
"No, but hear me out for a second." says Lo'ak bristling in his spot as Spider sits up.
Although wary, Spider hums. "Alright."
"Think about it, school's almost over, we barely know anybody in this town, are we seriously gunna hangout in the beach all summer trying to make friends?"
Spider chuckles. "I think I'm missing the point where that's a bad idea."
"Spider, come on bro- look at us, we're losers alright? We're practically throwaway fish to the kids at school- but if we start a band, who knows how many people'll wanna be a part of it, we'll score a couple of life long friends AND it'll be our one solid excuse not to be at home" Lo'ak's riposte was proving to make sense, with a toothy smile to cap it off, but of course Spider- considering he was two years Lo'ak's senior had to pop his bubble with the pragmatic pin of reality.
"I don't know dude, it sounds kinda lame." Spider replies hesitantly, propping himself up by his elbows. "We've been trying to start a band since 7th grade, we always end up calling it quits on the 3rd week."
"This time it'll be different."
Spider scoffs. "Uh-huh? How "
Lo'ak nudges his right shoulder upwards. "We'll ask Neteyam to help."
Spider shoots him yet another look. "If he doesn't want to help?"
"We make do," Lo'ak shrugs. "What's wrong with a two man band?"
"Almost everything." Spider snorts.
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★ lo'ak ──────── electric guitar
when they used to live back in high camp, he found an old silvertone in their attic that used to belong to jake during his marine days along with scores of 70's rock bands' songs on yellowing paper fraying at the edges and folds.
He spent 3 months learning a song with 4 chords by ear and performed it at the school talent show
When he got into 6th grade he did not only beg, for an electric guitar he GROVELED. He suddenly wanted to do all the chores in the house, he suddenly got C's instead of D's in tests, it was terrifying because who the hell WAS this and what did they do to the real Lo'ak???
Jake and Neytiri didn't give him one until he was 13. Jake just picked him up from school one day and all of a sudden just asked: you wanna get that electric guitar?
got a classic red stratocaster.
The first song he ever learned to play on the guitar was buddy holly by weezer...
Come on you guys what were you expecting
likes picking at his finger scabs and does it until neteyam or tsireya tells him off.
has multiple guitar picks but always uses this specific one he made into a necklace and wears it everywhere.
tuk keeps hiding them around the house waiting for lo'ak to lose his mind.
he can play any song by ear, just watch.
plays around with riffs more often than not.
★ neteyam ──────── back up vocalist / lyricist
never even wanted to join the band but was bullied into joining (kiri joined when he said he wouldn't just to spite him)
has perfect pitch (are we surprised though)
uses it to nitpick Lo'ak when he's straying from the original pitch.
lo'ak will then threaten to cave his face in with his capo.
his favorite artists are frank ocean and kendrick lamar.
no one in his entire school woulda guessed he could sing. Nobody.
was made to sing in family events... (iykyk)
loves musicals. his favorite's Hamilton...
Jake and Neytiri took him to see Hamilton once in New York when he was 11, he's never been the same since.
Once he's out there though he totally changes, he gets more confident, when he's really feeling it then his braids start flying everywhere... it's becoming an issue really, he might take someone's eye out with how solid his hair beads are...
hurled his guts out one time before they had to perform at the end of year school fair.
★ kiri ──────── pianist
there are always four types of gays. English Teacher Gays, Art Teacher Gays, History Teacher Gays, and Music Teacher Gays.
Kiri was definitely the last one.
lo'ak got her a shirt that says "key master" with her face horribly photoshopped onto the keys of a piano.
she burned it the night she got it.
til this day lo'ak never knew what happened to it.
Suki Waterhouse as Karen Sirko in the DJATS live action? Brain chemistry = altered
Stevie Nick's and Lindsey Buckingham's performance of Silver Spring in Fleetwood Mac's Reunion concern in 1997? = Roman Empire.
was in the school choir and would play the piano in their choir director's stead.
has been playing the piano for 9 years but always gets confused when asked to play a flat or a sharp (it takes her 4 tries to figure out where C minor is)
her favorite piece to play is over the waves by juventino rosas.
when she wants to show jake a new piece she's been working on, by the first minute he's out like a fucking light. SHE'S JUST THAT GOOD.
also when she wants to play a piece with too many chords she never wanted to play it in the first place.
once she messes up she's definitely one of those people who spams the keys.
one time when she was playing a piece her fingers cramped mid-song and she freaked out.
★ spider ──────── drums
his dad's military friends taught him how to play the drums.
lo'ak dared him he couldn't do a drumroll for an hour.
spider did it in two and a half but stopped cuz he got hungry LMAO.
impresses kiri with various drumstick spins, it dosen't impress her.
practically worshipped that one vine of those two kids.
was definitely one of those kids that played with overturned pots and pans and pretended it was a drum set (it annoyed the hell outta norm)
once lost his drum sticks and used chopsticks (ps. they weren't the same)
scribbled their band logo on his bass drum and was very proud of it.
INSISTED they would call themselves "the seven skxawngs"
nobody listened to him.
when they held auditions for their drummer he went "You guys know I can play the drums right?"
has never watched whiplash.
uploads drum covers on his tiktok account with 70 followers.
makes dumb jokes if the others can't figure out a certain chord or note he'd go "guys maybe it's at H!"
the most chillest person in the band though frl.
somehow always manages to pull??? The amount of game this man has solely just because he's the drummer is wild.
they once performed at an event with 50 people and Spider was wearing addidas slides the entire time and nobody noticed.
★ tsireya ──────── main vocals/lyricist
When I tell you this kid can SING SHE CAN SING.
frl the real life ariel I swear evrrytime she opens her mouth everyone's wishing on her downfall because she's such a talented singer, her vibratro is so measured, her runs are so clean, she's just so UGHHHH.
is such a theatre kid oh Lord.
was made to sing at family events too (it's practically a canon event atp guys.)
has a special journal where she writes her song lyrics that she takes with her everywhere (give her 5 minutes and she can write a song with just her hand as paper and eyeliner as a pen.)
joined in singing competitions when she was a kid and when she was 10 joined a televised singing competition and managed to make it to the semi-finals.
it's why she's the lead singer of the band anyway.
she always has pearls threaded into her hair every time they perform and it's been her signature look ever since.
her voice is fucking angelic ya'll istg.
is a soprano. enough said.
is amazing at reading sheet music.
she and neteyam wrote 3 original songs that the band performs everytime they get a gig.
aside from singing she can play piano and violin too.
she's a fucking wordsmith too like she's so eloquent and knows all these big words and she's good at expressing her pent up emotions through songwriting.
the literal it girl. Everyone in their band gained more popularity ever since they opened for a popular band from L.A. but everyone in their high-school knows her name. Everyone.
her vocal control is amazing.
she really knows how to liven up a crowd.
★ aonung ──────── rhythm guitar
has been playing guitar since he was 7.
took up guitaring because his dad introduced him and tsireya to playing instruments at a young age.
collects guitar straps.
neteyam's always on his ass about if what he's playing sounds right or not (50% of the time he's not)
it isn't practice without neteyam and aonung almost throwing hands at least thrice.
almost always smokes while practicing.
oddly enough only has one guitar pick and he hasn't lost it yet unlike lo'ak who buys new guitar picks every other month.
obsessed with black nailpolish, you won't see him go on stage without black nails istg.
he didn't even audition for the band. He was just always there at the Sully residence to pick Tsireya up from practice until one day Tsireya told him to come inside the house, when he did he finds out they needed someone for rhythm guitar and that Tsireya let it slip that Aonung knew how to play.
he's been a part of the band ever since.
he's just incredibly good with his fingers, enough said.
after the first time they performed their first gig at some girl's house party, he, rotxo, and lo'ak got high on the rooftop of Aonung's house (yk until Lo'ak slipped and started dangling from the gutters and fell into the pool)
his outfits always eat every time they perform.
james hetfield the goat.
always experimenting with new riffs and runs and adds them to the songs mid-performance and without any warning (just to piss neteyam off)
★ rotxo ──────── bass guitar
the glue and heart of the band frl.
the sweetest basist you'll ever meet.
his family actually owns a popular guitar shop in Awa'atlu, he first started playing the guitar at the ripe age of 5.
Bro is a prodigy but dosen't want to admit it.
aonung bought his first guitar at rotxo's family's shop, they hit it off ever since.
Always brings his baked goods to practices (then kiri devours the entire tray when you aren't looking)
actually fucked up his audition for the band but then Lo'ak found him sobbing in a janitors closet and gave him a second shot at an audition with just Lo'ak and Spider and he was able to redeem himself.
(really only auditioned cuz he played bass, they were finding a bassist, and not because kiri sully was their pianist)
is an introvert but he's so fucking funny that you wouldn't suspect it.
can perform riffs in his sleep (no he actually does though it freaks aonung out when he spends the night in his place.)
kiri made him a resin guitar pick with fragments of coral from the beach when they had their first date.
has a "maturing is realizing bass is the superior instrument" tshirt.
one time wore finger condoms so his scabs wouldn't re-open and bleed all over his guitar 😔
loves playing deftones on the bass.
has chronic "guitar face"
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