#kismet connection
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poetrybyonur · 1 year
I don’t believe in the “never meant to be” concept, that the “universe” had decided two people shouldn’t be together, whether as a couple or as friends. YOU decide with YOUR actions and decisions, and how YOU treat that person, whether or not they stay in you life. Stop blaming it on fate, kismet, karma, gods or the universe. It’s all in YOUR hands.
- Onur Taşkıran
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alien-shmalien · 2 days
35 kismet
35. do they ever return home
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mafaldaknows · 2 years
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septembersghost · 1 year
do you believe harry and taylor are like.. connected in some way? that they were meant to meet each other (but not end together) in this life, whether it was to teach a lesson, leave a mark on them, guide them through that specific path in their lives? i can’t help but notice a lot of similarities between them and that their “what if” sounds so loudly it will always echo in some way.
i love this question, far apart and beyond this subject, because it's a concept i think about often. it's probably why i love the fate vs. control theme that permeates midnights, since these ideas are constantly colliding in my brain. the quandary is, i don't always like attributing life to fate because i don't believe that terrible things are meant to happen, or that we're ever "supposed" to endure harm, either from circumstances or other people. but at the same time, there are things in the world and along our paths - serendipitous things and meaningful events and times and people - that can feel so fated, so meant to come into our lives and to affect us, or to be there for us at the right moment (once upon a time, the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned...isn't it just so pretty to think that all along there was some invisible string tying you to me? it's truly one of my favorite romantic concepts). when taylor does recollect her past and the things that led her to where she is, there are moments and people who get grace amongst a lot of sadness and hurt. obviously we don't know what either of them thinks or feels about this privately, but viewing it from the outside, the influence they had on one another bleeding into their art and causing them to create the music they did definitely had a massive impact - what would 1989 or his first solo endeavor even be had their paths not crossed? and what would their careers be without those specific records at those specific times? if we imagine the invisible string was at play there already, guiding them along, then some aspect of that *was* meant to be, ephemeral for them, but everlasting in the music. you phrased this so well and poetically, the connections that exist and even the unintentional mirrors in the music at times do keep echoing, and that's such a resonant influence to leave. who can say what's meant to be or what's happenstance, but sometimes it does seem like the stars cross in a potent way that lingers on.
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onegirlmanytales · 2 days
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐔𝐬 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Everyone is born unable to see color until they find their soulmate. You never gave much thought to it. You preferred to focus on other things, like your career. But the universe has a way of revealing its plans for you. Of course, humans have always been rather stubborn beings, and they don’t always listen to those kismet interventions.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: soulmate au (with a twist), modern au, angst (hurt/no comfort, the comfort comes in part 2), rejection (not from Eddie, you’ll see), artist!reader, rockstar!eddie, reader wears a skirt, reader uses she/her pronouns, background Ronance, some Cheerscops (Steve x Chrissy)
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.4k
𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
A/N: This part is more of a setup! Part two will get into Eddie and readers dynamic. This is my first full length since I’ve been back. It feels really good to be writing again. Also as requested, here are your complimentary tissues 🗳️ I hope you enjoy ♥️
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There have been many myths throughout the course of human history that tried to explain the concept of soulmates. From Greece to Japan, tales have been told of two humans connected by fate. Either by soul or string, there is a profound bond that cannot be explained. Nobody really knew where soulmates came from or how they were created. You certainly didn’t.
All that was known was until you met your soulmate you wouldn’t see what they called color. You weren’t entirely sure what color was. You’d tried to understand it, you’d tried listening to people who had met their soulmate explain what it was. But their explanations never really made sense. You knew certain “colors” could be found in certain things. Like how apparently the sky was something called blue which supposedly was beautiful.
The world you knew, the world most people knew, was only in shades of black and white. Finding one’s soulmate was a rare occurrence that few had the luxury of experiencing. It was like winning the lottery, although some experts argued you had better luck with the powerball. Because of this you didn’t give your soulmate much thought. As wonderful as the idea sounded, you didn’t want to be one of those people who threw their lives away as soon as they turned 18 in pursuit of something so fantastical. After all, you didn’t need a soulmate to find love. Plenty of people had lived fulfilling lives full of love without ever meeting their soulmate.
No, you refused to get caught up in something so improbable. Instead you put your focus on your work and your friends.
Art was your calling. Most artists, unless they had found their soulmate, stuck to the monochromatic color scheme of black and white. But even though you couldn’t see the colors, you used them. Finding colored paint was not any easy task. With so few people being able to see the differing colors the market for it was almost nonexistent. But so was the audience for your paintings. The soul-matched, as they were called, seemed to flock to your work, always intrigued that as an unmatched you not only used colors, but used them for portraits of the matched.
It had started just as an experiment. Something you wanted to try for your soul-matched friends Robin and Nancy for their anniversary. Eventually word spread to the other matched, and you began creating commissions for them. It wasn’t exactly something you could make a living on with such a niche crowd but you enjoyed it, and you took other commissions in order to actually make money. But those portraits were your favorite to create.
Your best friend and roommate Chrissy was your biggest supporter. Even if she couldn’t understand how someone who wasn’t interested in finding their soulmate worked so hard for the soul-matched.
“Just think of where you could take your art if you could actually see the colors!” She said, sitting across from you at the little table you and your friends frequented at the local cafe. Your other friends Nancy and Robin were with you. Both of them were listening intently as you all enjoyed your usual brunch.
“I don’t think that’s a very good reason to try to find my soulmate. Shouldn’t I look for them for the sake of finding them?” You asked with a raised brow as you took a sip of your coffee, peering over the rim of the mug to her.
Chrissy shook her head with a slight smile, “Well…yeah. But how else am I going to convince you to try?” She retorted, making you chuckle. “Why don’t you want to at least try and find the one person you’re destined to be with?”
“How do you know its destiny?”
“Because it…because it is!” Chrissy huffed.
Ever the hopeless romantic, Chrissy had been looking for her soulmate for as long as you’d known her. She’d tell you in detail what she wanted him to be like. So much so that you wondered if Chrissy had already met him.
“Lay off her Chris,” Robin piped in. “She’s not interested. Besides, you don’t need to find your soulmate to find love. None of our parents were soulmates.”
“Sue me for wanting me and all my friends to find their perfect person!” She laughed.
“I think you can find your perfect person even if they aren’t your soulmate,” Nancy shrugged.
“Easy for you to say,” Chrissy scoffed. “You met yours!”
Robin and Nancy shared a loving glance, their hands entwining from where they laid on the table. Even if you never found your soulmate you always considered yourself lucky to know people who had. Watching Nancy and Robin fall in love had been a beautiful thing to witness. It made sense for anyone who had seen the way Nancy and Robin loved each other to want that same thing. You couldn’t blame Chrissy for craving such a thing. But that kind of love was rare.
“What about that guy you’ve been talking to?” You asked Chrissy. “What are you going to do when you meet him in person and he turns out to not be your soulmate?”
Chrissy froze, her big eyes staring at you. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and the guilt from your words washed over you. “I’m sorry Chris I didn’t–”
“No it’s okay,” she shook her head. “You’re right. He might not be. If he isn’t I’ll…I’ll keep looking.”
You frowned at that, but didn’t say anything. For months Chrissy had been talking to and about Steve. She had “met” him through the dating app Soul Seekers, an app that claimed they could find your perfect soulmate with the help of their soulmate gurus. It always seemed like a scam to you, but you saw how happy Steve made Chrissy. Even if they hadn’t met in person. They stuck to talking on the phone and texting, never video chatting. They’d never seen each other's faces. It was by design, so that when the users of Soul Seekers met their supposed soulmates for the first time they’d get the full experience. But you worried for her. You didn’t want her to be disappointed when it turned out he wasn’t the one.
It had happened before and you wondered how many times it would happen before she gave up on love entirely.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Eddie had never believed in any of the soulmate “bullshit.” He thought it was all made up, a fairytale that had been concocted to sell dating apps, regiments to help you attract your soulmate to you, and other various monetizations. He believed that these “colors” weren’t an indicator of fate. They were just a phenomenon that happened to some people.
They happened to him, once.
He’d traveled the country. He’d met thousands of people. Yet the one time he met someone he thought was his soulmate, she rejected him. Insisting that it couldn’t be true. Just as soon as the colors appeared they were gone, and so was she.
He tried not to think about her. He tried not to think about the colors of her. But every once in a while his mind slipped back to that place. To that bar. To that moment where his drink met her dress, their eyes locked, and suddenly the world around him changed. It only lasted for a few minutes. But those measly minutes were the most beautiful he had ever witnessed. Until it was ripped away from him.
So it had to be a lie. Otherwise the colors would have stayed. Otherwise she would have stayed.
He instead chose to focus on his music, his band. Corroded Coffin was finally starting to make a name for themselves. They were on a break from their tour for their newest album for a few months before they started their South American leg. In their downtime they stayed in Chicago. It was only a few hours away from their hometown, giving them a chance to visit their families if they wanted to without having to stay in the hellhole they deemed Hawkins to be.
As soon as they got off the plane, Jeff and Artie’s girlfriends met them both at the gate. The two girls practically lept into their arms. Eddie might have been a cynic when it came to soulmates, but seeing the way his friends lit up when they saw the people they loved most was enough to warm even his usual icy exterior. To him it was just further proof that soulmates were bullshit. Here were two of his best friends, in love and happy with two women that were perfect for them and yet there was still no color.
What truer love could there be?
“Looks like it’s just us Gare Bear,” Eddie said, slinging his arm over Gareth's shoulder.
“Speak for yourself Munson,” a deep voice spoke up from behind them. They both turned to see Gareth’s boyfriend, Paul. Pushing Eddie away, Gareth enveloped his boyfriend in a tight hug. Whispering affections to each other that Eddie couldn’t hear.
As the couples all reunited Eddie stood on the sidelines, watching their tender kisses and squeezing embraces. A front man on the stage but a bystander in life. He was the only member that wanted them to keep going. No stops before the next leg, just straight to the next thing. To the next show, to the next crowd. Forever moving. But his bandmates weren’t like that. They had put down roots in this city. They had found a home there.
Music might have been their life, but it wasn’t what kept them going.
While all the couples went to their respective homes to continue their long awaited reunions Eddie went to see his friend Steve. Having not seen his best friend in months, he was expecting to be welcomed with open arms. Maybe a celebratory beer. But then maybe he should have at least called first.
“Eddie, what are you doing here?” Steve asked when he opened the door to see the metalhead with his sunken tired eyes and a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.
“On break before the next leg,” Eddie replied as if it was obvious as he slinked past Steve into his apartment.
“Why aren’t you at your place?” Steve turned, watching as Eddie threw his bag on his couch and then went to his fridge to scavenge through it. Making himself right at home. As he always did.
“Thought I’d give Gare and Paul some alone time. I love the guy but there are just some things you don’t need to know about your bandmates,” Eddie chuckled as he started his search, looking for anything to eat or drink for his rumbling stomach. But his friend seemed to have a different taste then him, his fridge packed with fresh fruits and veggies. “Do you have any beer? Pizza?”
“Ed,” Steve sighed, exasperated. “I appreciate you stopping by and I’m really happy you’re back but you could have at least called first if you wanted to stay here.”
Eddie paused, pulling his head out the fridge and looked at his friend. “Do you want me to go?”
If there was one thing Steve knew about Eddie Munson it was that he had mastered the art of the puppy dog eyes. His big round eyes were designed for it and his mouth knew how to shape the most subtle yet perfect pout.
“No,” He relented. “You can stay.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
A dashing smile.
Big kind eyes.
The face of a man you’d never seen before.
He kept appearing in your dreams. You’d see him amongst a crowd of people, but before you could reach him he would be gone. At first you assumed it didn’t mean anything. But then it just kept happening.
By the third night you needed to know what it meant. Most of the sources you could find online claimed that you must have seen him at some point and you didn’t remember but your subconscious did. But then you found an article from a few years ago from someone who claimed they had seen their soulmate in their dreams before they met them. You weren’t sure whether to believe it or not. There were a lot of things online about people claiming fantastical things about their soulmates, like one person who claimed that they astral projected into their soulmates home but they could never find it, or them, afterwards. So you chose not to dwell on it. Pushing it to the back of your mind where it couldn’t pester you.
A week went by and the dreams persisted.
You kept trying the age old trick of going back to that same dream every time you woke up, but it never worked. You couldn’t get his face off your mind no matter how hard you tried. He consumed your thoughts.
Usually, when you found your thoughts to be too overwhelming you would paint. But that only led you to painting his face. Over and over again. The contours and shape of it were etched into your mind. You struggled to paint or draw any other. Every brush stroke, every scribble, led back to him. You never showed anyone these works. Especially not Chrissy. Your friends would only pester you to go out and find him. It scared you. Putting faith in the universe in this way was not something you did often. You weren’t sure if you could trust it.
One day while you were frantically scribbling another sketch of him there was a knock on your door. You quickly tried to hide it all away, tucking it under other loose papers before you went to answer it.
Your friend Jonathan smiled at you as he stood in your doorway. He gave you a confused look as he took in your disheveled appearance, hair a mess and hands and clothes covered in paint and ink from when you were working on another project before you got distracted by that pestering face.
“Did you forget about lunch?” Jonathan laughed softly. He was very used to you getting lost in your work, often leading you to forget about plans.
“No, no,” you said frantically. “We can go!” You went to grab your shoes when he stopped you by putting a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“Do you want to clean up a bit first Picasso?” He asked, gesturing to your paint splattered overalls.
“Right, right. Come in, I'll be quick.”
As you dashed to your bedroom to make yourself presentable, Jonathan meandered around the small room you had turned into your studio. You never minded when he did it before. He often enjoyed seeing what you were working on. As he looked, he spotted something peculiar. Your sketchbook was under a pile of papers. It was usually out, always available in case an idea came to your mind. Assuming you had misplaced it, he plucked it from the pile. It was open to a sketch he hadn’t seen before of a man's face and as he flipped through that same man’s face kept appearing.
You washed up quickly, scrubbing your hands clean and changing your clothes into something that looked less like you had a fight with a bucket of paint and lost. As soon as you were done you went to find Jonathan. When you saw what he had in his hands you rushed over and swiped it from his grasp.
“Who is that?” He asked, jumping at the suddenness of your actions.
“No one it’s–” You sighed, taking a seat on a nearby stool as your fingers traced the drawn jawline. “I think it’s my soulmate.”
“Your soulmate? You’ve met him? When–”
“No, no I…I dreamt of him,” You looked up from the sketch to see Jonathan's perplexed face.
“You dreamt…oh. Wow. I didn’t know that was possible,” He shook his head in disbelief, striding over to look over your shoulder at the drawing once more. “He’s handsome.”
“Yeah,” You nodded. “But I…what if I’m wrong?”
“Then you’re wrong,” he shrugged. He saw your shoulders slump at his words. “Or you’re right! Can’t be sure until you meet him.”
That was what scared you. This strange man was supposedly your perfect person. The one your soul was matched to. But what if you weren’t what he expected? Your soulmate was the person who was supposed to bring color to your life. But what if your colors were too dull for him?
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Eddie was only supposed to stay with Steve for a day or two while Gareth and Paul became re-acquainted. But it had been a week since he showed up at his place. Eddie wasn’t sure what would have been worse, going back to his apartment and having to witness Gareth and Paul’s constant canoodling, or staying with Steve and listening to him go on and on about the girl he had met on that stupid scam of a dating app.
He was happy for his friends. He was. Ecstatic for Gareth who coming out was a challenge for, and for Steve who dreamed of meeting his soulmate. But he would be lying if he said their happiness didn’t leave a bitter taste in his mouth.
He’d tried dating after her. But no matter how hard he tried he was never able to find anyone that clicked just right. He was still searching for that feeling from when he first saw the colors. That shiver that went up his spine. That thrum in his nerves that made his hair stand to attention, the line of goosebumps that climbed up his arm.
It was the same feeling he got when he performed. That rush was something he craved. Every night for the last few months he never went without it. Being without it now, even for a week, was difficult.
Steve noticed the way Eddie seemed to mope around. Strumming aimlessly at his guitar and staring deadeyed at his phone as he watched old performances online. He needed to get out. To stretch his legs, breathe some fresh air or something.
“Hey Ed?” Steve called out to him from his bedroom.
“Yeah?” Eddie responded, voice monotone as his thumb continued to scroll.
Steve poked his head out of his room, adjusting the collar of his polo as he approached the lounging man. “You want to go out tonight? I have a date tonight with that girl I told you about, I could use some moral support.”
Eddie looked up from his phone then, looking at his friend dressed in a nice shirt and his favorite jeans with his hair purposely tousled just right.
“You’re really meeting her? Tonight?” He asked surprised.
“Yeah, I told you. Remember?”
“Right, right but…shit. Okay yeah I’ll come,” Eddie quickly got up from the couch giving Steve’s shoulder a squeeze when he went past him to freshen up in the bathroom.
It wasn’t Eddie’s ideal way to spend a night. But he had seen the way Steve had hurt when these things didn’t work out for him. He didn’t want that for him, so despite his own apprehension he agreed.
What he didn’t see was the way Steve smiled softly to himself in victory, hoping that perhaps Chrissy had a friend for Eddie. Someone who could melt his hardened heart.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Chrissy was freaking out. Her room had succumbed to utter chaos as she practically threw all the clothes she owned onto her bed in search of the perfect outfit. You, Nancy and Robin had tried to calm her. Offering her words of gentle reassurance. But her nerves consumed her. It worried you to see her putting so much pressure on herself. Chrissy was one of the best people you knew and if Steve couldn’t see that then it was his loss, and what a loss that would be.
“Which one?” She asked, holding up two dresses. You were sure you had already seen them, but you didn’t say that.
“Left,” You, Robin and Nancy all said in sync hoping she’d just pick one and be done with it.
“I like the right one,” Jonathan piped in. The three of you quickly turned your heads to glare at him, he stuck his hands up in surrender as he mouthed an apology while Chrissy turned back to her almost empty closet.
Chrissy had invited Nancy over to help her get ready and wherever Nancy went, Robin wasn’t far behind. Then when Jonathan learned the four of you would all be at your apartment, he tagged along claiming that his buddy Argyle was busy so he had no other place to be.
But knowing Jonathan, you knew he just wanted to be included. You were happy to do so. As long as he stopped, unintentionally, foiling your plans to get Chrissy to relax.
“Chris,” Nancy said softly as she stood from where she was perched on Chrissy’s bed. She carefully made her way over to her, putting her hands on her shoulders. “Why don’t I pick something out for you?”
Chrissy sighed in defeat and nodded, sitting beside you on the bed. She laid her head on your shoulder while Nancy looked through her closet.
“He’s gonna love you,” you whispered to her. “It’s impossible not to.” The corners of her lips rose in a slight smile as she hugged you from the side. “Maybe…” She lifted her head to turn and look at you, a hopeful gleam to her eyes. “Maybe you could come with me? Be my get out of jail free card?” She suggested.
“I don’t know…”
“Steve has a friend! He’s a muscian! It can be a double date.”
“I think it’s a little last minute Chris–”
Nancy cut off the conversation as she turned to the group, holding up a sleek off the shoulder dress. “How about this?” She asked.
“That’s pretty!” You nudged Chrissy.
“Yeah…” she said hesitantly. “But will Steve like it?”
“If he doesn’t then he doesn’t have taste,” Robin replied, grabbing the dress from Nancy and tossing it to Chrissy. “Get dressed so Nance can do your hair. You’re not the only one with plans tonight.”
“That’s my cue,” Jonathan rose from the bed and left her room so she could change. “Thanks Jonny!” Chrissy called out to him as he shut the door behind him, waving at her in acknowledgment. As Chrissy dressed, Nancy gathered what she needed to do her hair. You could still feel the nerves vibrating off of Chrissy. You didn’t want her to be disappointed if Steve turned out to not be what she expected. So, being the good friend you were, you caved.
“I’ll go with you,” You sighed.
“Really?” Chrissy asked excitedly, stumbling slightly as she tried to put on a pair of heels. “I’ll text Steve!”
You hoped you wouldn’t regret it. You didn’t understand why but you had a sinking feeling in your stomach about tonight.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The bar was crowded, the scent of beer and sweat was heavy in the air. Some cheesy love song played over the speaker, the singer droning on about losing their lover. The two men sat in a booth with Steve facing towards the entrance. His eyes were trained on it as he anxiously waited for his date's arrival.
“Excited?” Eddie said teasingly as he watched his friend's foot tap incessantly.
“What if…what if I’m not what she's expecting?” Steve looked at him, his face twisted in worry.
“Then clearly she has no taste,” Eddie stated matter of factly. “You’re a catch Stevie. If you were into dudes I’d be all over you.”
Steve laughed, his body easing slightly. Eddie smiled at having provided his friend with some comfort.
“What is this girl's name anyway?” He asked.
“I haven’t told you? It’s Chrissy.”
“Wait, Chrissy?”
The bar door opened and Steve’s head whipped in the direction of it, no longer paying any mind to Eddie or what he was saying. Chrissy entered the establishment with you in tow. The skirt Chrissy insisted you wore was tighter than you usually enjoyed and you kept adjusting it, trying to make it more comfortable. You and Chrissy scanned the bar in search of your dates when your eyes suddenly landed on a familiar face and your eyes met.
The man from your dreams was right in front of you and then…
Colors as far as the eye could see. Everywhere. They came to the forefront of your vision like ink bleeding into paper.
He smiled widely, both in shock and joy as he waved you over, “Chrissy!” He shouted. Chrissy turned to him and quickly made her way over, embracing him in a tight hug. He looked down at her confused, then back at you for only a moment before he brought his attention back to her. You hesitantly made your way over, your eyes strained on him trying to not get distracted by just how colorful the world had become, and to not give away how it had changed.
Chrissy introduced you to Steve but you couldn’t hear a word she was saying. You felt like you were drowning, her words gargling in your ears as you looked at the man before him. The same freckles and moles you had been drawing incessantly were now within an arm's reach.
But he was looking at Chrissy.
“Your eyes are so…wow,” he breathed. Chrissy blushed, you saw the color rising in her cheeks and you couldn’t help but stare as it did.
“Thank you,” She said softly, her voice syrupy sweet as she looked up at him in adoration.
You felt like you were going to throw up.
Eddie was just as frozen as you were, staring at Chrissy. The girl that had made all the colors disappear. He always wondered if he saw her again if they would return, but they didn’t.
She met his eyes and her body stiffened as recognition swiped across her features.
“I can’t believe it’s you,” Steve was grinning so widely you thought his smile would split his face in half.
Chrissy shook her head, trying to snap herself out of it after seeing Eddie’s face again. “I know! It’s so good to finally see your face!” She responded gleefully.
“No I mean…the colors,” He gestured around them, but Chrissy only looked at him in confusion. Then his eyes widened in horror as he realized and he turned to you.
“You,” Eddie pointed at Chrissy. He didn’t want to believe it.
She was here. Right here in front of him, and she was Steve’s girl. The same girl he had been gushing over. The same girl that had brought his friend so much happiness.
Steve looked to Eddie, begging for help with his eyes to his friend. When it clicked for Eddie what was happening he returned that same look of horror.
“I-I don’t understand,” Chrissy frowned.
“The colors,” Steve said. “I-I can see them.” He stared back at you and you felt as though you couldn’t move. You couldn’t breathe.
“Colors? What–” Chrissy looked at you then, and it all snapped into place.
“Yeah the colors. You remember those don’t you Chrissy?” Eddie snapped.
“What are you–” Steve started to say but you cut him off.
“Okay everyone just…just stop for a minute please,” You pleaded. You needed to get your thoughts together. It was too much. It was all too much. The three of them all looked at you, as if you had the answers. But you didn’t. You were just as baffled as the rest of them.
“What does he mean you remember the colors?” Steve looked to Chrissy.
Her mouth opened like she was going to say something, but it closed quickly.
“Chrissy and I have met before,” Eddie explained. “Last summer in Miami–”
“Eddie please–” She begged, but he continued on.
“We saw the colors. I thought we were soulmates. But apparently I wasn’t good enough for her, and they disappeared.”
“No that’s not–” Chrissy sighed frustrated. “Yes we met. But we’re not…it was just a fluke. If it wasn't, the colors wouldn’t have disappeared!”
“What is he talking about Chris?” You turned to Chrissy, confusion and pain laced in your words. In all the time you’ve known her she never told you. She was always looking, searching, hoping, to find her soulmate. But she already had.
“Look, remember when I visited my aunt in Miami? Well I met Eddie there and I thought he was it. But it didn’t…it didn’t feel right. Your soulmate is supposed to be your perfect person and he’s not—“ she cut herself off for a moment and as you glanced at Eddie you saw the pain in his eyes as she spoke. “—and then the colors went away so I knew that it wasn’t true.”
As the words left her mouth all Eddie heard was that he wasn’t good enough. He wasn’t right. He was too imperfect. Too loud. Too brash. Too opinionated. Too weird. Too much and simultaneously not enough.
Steve looked at you then, “Do you see them?” He asked. You could only nod, not able to meet your best friend's eyes any more.
Chrissy’s face twisted in hurt as she looked between you and Steve. Her best friend and the man she had fallen for. Soulmates.
“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Eddie asked Chrissy, his voice laced with disdain for her.
“Shut up Eddie!” Steve snarled. He turned back to Chrissy and took her hands in his. “Look I…I don’t care,” he began, his face softening as he looked down at the woman before him. “I don’t care if I don’t see the colors with you. These last few months I…I fell in love with you. I love you. I don’t care what the stupid universe says, I want you.”
They kissed, and it burned you. Like a fire poker straight out of the flames, stabbing through your chest, piercing your very soul. All those years of not even entertaining the idea of finding your soulmate and yet you did, only for him to choose someone else. It was unheard of. Nobody who actually found their soulmates rejected them...right?
You didn’t even know Steve. But having your worst fear come true right before your eyes made your heart snap in two.
Your colors weren’t bright enough for him after all.
You couldn’t stay there. You couldn’t watch them together. So you ran. Chrissy called your name, but you didn’t hear her.
Steve turned to Eddie only to meet his friends stare, icy and cold. “Eddie–” he started to say. But he didn’t want to hear it. So he turned on his heel and left.
Eddie didn’t go home. He wasn’t sure where he could go. Steve’s place was out of the question and the last thing he needed was to be around the lovebirds Gareth and Paul. Instead, he found another bar. He sat in the corner, alone, and drank away. Getting lost in the bottle in hopes of forgetting her face, Steve’s face and even yours.
The pain in it reflected his own and he wanted to erase the memory of it from his mind. He wanted to eradicate all memory of the colors, of that feeling, of the time he believed in soulmates and sought his own out. He was young and naive then. He’d never make that mistake again.
By the morning he would call his manager and ask him to cut the break short. He’d be back on the road and out of this city. Far away from the messy disaster it had all become. Far away from all talk of soulmates and fate and colors. He’d disappear into the music for a few more months.
Only this time he hoped he could stay gone. For good.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You had walked for a block with your arms hugged around yourself. Not sure of where you could go, you sat on the curb. Cars whizzed by you, but you paid them no mind as tears poured from your eyes. The pavement was cold and scratchy under your thighs as you hid your face in your hands and cried.
He didn’t want you. You should have expected it. He wasn’t yours, he was Chrissy’s. You didn’t even know him.
So then why did it burn?
As you lifted your head up from your hands and wiped your tears you looked around at the bright night of the city before you. The colors were gone. Just as quickly as they had appeared they were gone again, and your sobs filled the silence of the night.
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈 →
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Thank you for reading! I hope I can keep this writing momentum going. Reblogs and comments are appreciated and cherished! ♥️
Special thanks to my Nibs @paybacksawitch for beta reading this for me, ily thank you for always being so supportive and talking me down whenever I get too in my head about things.
I do not give permission to have my work copied, translated, reposted on any platform, or put into any AI programs.
Dividers by yours truly
Gia’s Gems taglist: @bettyfrommars @ali-r3n @devilinthepalemoonlite @spenciesprincess @belladonnaa-0
@allthingsjoeq @etherealxwitch @siriuslysmoking @thereaderdelilah @steves-babysitter
@livosssblog @kennedy-brooke @hobopies @starksbabie @lavendermunson
@jamdoughnutmagician @paybacksawitch @keeksandgigz
Munson’s Maniacs taglist: @aingealbites @darkyuffie-blog @mrsjellymunson
Hi taglists!! I missed you guys 🥹
Please let me know if you’d like to be added to Gia’s Gems (all fics), Munson’s Maniacs (Eddie fics), Harrington’s Heathens (Steve fics), or Jonathan’s Jellybeans (jonathan fics, obviously). There is no taglist for this particular series.
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sincerelyrki · 2 months
↳ fourteen : MAN FUCK SONG KANG!
warnings : sunwoo is kinda sad
wc : 1.4k (1431)
previous | masterlist | next
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Dread filled your body the second you opened your apartment door, eyes narrowing at the familiar pair of shoes situated right beside your designated spot. The shoes were your first hint.
In the center top row was a pair of low-rise Amiri sneakers, the pearly white hue standing out against your collection of darker shoes. 
Sunwoo was the only person you knew who wore Amiri, his devotion for the brand evident through his dozens of pairs sat along the walls of his closet. 
The second hint that Sunwoo actually came over was your mom's loud voice, her giggles a little too high-pitched to be directed toward anyone else. The tone was one she only used around two people, and he just happened to be one of them.
You tried to keep your presence a secret, light on your feet as you deftly tiptoed through the entrance, sock-clad feet almost gliding against the ground. 
You stopped as you reached the corner, fingers gently holding against the wall as you attempted to peak around the corner. 
Sunwoo stood with his back facing you, his lower body resting against the counter as he leaned over it and towards your mom.
His leather jacket was discarded on the seat behind him, hung in a specific way that allowed you to make out the design. In the center, there was a singular bear, the sunglasses standing out against its white fur. It was the exact bear you designed in high school, the same one that was stitched across all your older designs.
The jacket was the first piece of clothing that you’ve ever made for someone else, gifting it to Sunwoo as a graduation gift.
Since the day he received it, Sunwoo had claimed that it was his favourite thing he had ever owned, the proof of his words sitting bright under the overhead lights. 
Without any purpose you walked towards him, body gravitating towards the jacket Sunwoo had attached to his hip. It hurt to see it, it always did. 
It felt like a reminder of everything everyone’s been telling you for years, a reminder that Sunwoo was completely in love with you. As the seasons passed and the sunsets faded, Sunwoo changed. 
His eonion change would remain unending but his devotion to you was the only thing that he couldn’t seem to escape. He wasn’t naive, just foolishly wishful. 
But he stood no chance against kismet. He was destined to meet you, but never to be with you. His longing blurred between the lines of the story you began writing without him, his love getting caught in the seams of the pages that began to flip before he could finish the previous ones. 
The words eventually overwrote his vows, his desperation seeping out in waves of forced separation. The harder he pulled, the more you pushed. And in the moments where you feel further than ever, he did what he thought he had to do.
He knew it was dramatic to call your parents, but he also knew what their presence would bring. They pulled you together, red yarn weaving between your fingers as they attempted to tie the two of you together.
If calling your parents over the smallest things, over things he forced himself to worry about, brought you back into his arms then he would do it forever. He would call them every day, lips spilling nonsense as the red yarn on his finger turned to ash.
But he still wasn’t naive, he knew what he was doing. 
“Sunwoo?” It didn’t come as a shock when he stood unwavering at your voice, he knew exactly how this would play out. And so he tilted his head towards you, a small smirk on his face as your eyes connected.
Even with the anger so visually obvious, he couldn’t stop his heart from melting. It rushed down his veins, throbbing as it bloomed across his face in a sudden burst.
His pink cheeks housed his now genuine smile, the corners of his mouth pulling up in a way that only you could create. “Hey, sweets” He ignored your mom’s audible swooning, his eyes never leaving yours as his entire body reacted to your presence.
“Why are you here?” His favourite song played in his head as you walked even closer to him, stopping as you reached the chair behind him. 
Your fingers gently traced along the prominent stitch around the shoulder area of his jacket, nails barely ghosting it. You looked up after a moment of silence, his words never leaving his pith as he stared at you with a familiar look.
“You shouldn’t be here” It was easy to read Sunwoo, but the way he reacted to your words was in a way that you’ve never seen before. 
You’ve never seen him freeze like that, seen the way his eyes widened to an unfamiliar extent. “What?” Sunwoo tried not to panic, hoping that your unforeseen dialogue wouldn’t change the entire interaction.
“I mean, we haven’t talked in like two or three days?” He had to bite his tongue to not scream out the exact time, the hours ticking in his mind as he watched the clock tick in his mind. 
“I needed to talk to you and I clearly couldn’t do it on text” He tried his best to keep up his front, ignoring the way his heart stopped beating the second you sheepishly scratched your cheek.
“Yeah…” You trailed off not knowing how to respond, lips curling into each other as you stared at a general spot on the wall behind him. 
“Yn, what did I tell you about blocking people?” Your mom's stern voice caused you to jump, the remembrance of her presence causing you to soften your exterior.
“It’s rude, imagine how Sunwoo feels after being blocked by you for like half the year” Your mom reached up towards the taller boy, her hands squishing his cheeks together as he pulled his head to rest on her shoulder.
Without auguring, Sunwoo allowed her to manhandle him, bending his body as she pulled him against her. 
As mad as you were at Sunwoo, you couldn’t stop the giggle from leaving your lips at the sight. Your mom was fairly short, reaching a height of barely over five feet. It was amusing to see her controlling a man much taller than her, her strong arms working in her favour.
“You feel hurt, don’t you?” She more stated than questioned, using her own hands to nod his head up and down. She gasped in fake shock, turning her glaring eyes towards you. 
“See? Apologize, right now!” Her glare transferred through you, reflecting in your mirrored eyes as you directed it toward Sunwoo this time.
“Mom, he was mean to me first?” 
You all went into a cycle of blaming each other before ultimately apologizing to each other, one more genuine than the other.
“Oh also, Who’s Jake? I remember Sunwoo mentioning his name to me a few days ago”
The betrayed look in your eyes was nothing compared to your response, Sunwoo’s throat clogging as the room stilled.
“He’s a friend, a real friend. Don’t worry too much about it, we just began talking a few days ago.”
a real friend. Sunwoo wasn’t sure if there was a double meaning behind your words, but after today's turn of events he wouldn’t trust his own judgment too much. 
“Is he cute?” Your mom squealed out loud as you nodded your heart, her body racing towards yours as she linked her arm around yours. “He’s really cute, you’d love him”
Your phone loudly vibrated in your back pocket, the sound unknown to your mom as she animatedly blabbered about your “unknown man”.
Sunwoo watched over your shoulder as you tapped the screen to life, an unfamiliar contact lighting up your screen. He wanted nothing more than to break down the second he saw the bright smile that overwhelmed your face as you read the text. 
Sunwoo has never hated someone more. But he’s also never wanted to be someone else as much as he did now. 
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a/n : i’ve been so busy for the last like three days 😭 easter messed up my entire schedule. anywaysss, i’ve been addicted to song kang lately (hence his recent mentions) i just finished my demon a few days ago and omg…. ALSO THESE BOOPS ?? i’m obsessed they’re so cute
SYNOPSIS ⮕ You know Jake Sim and you love Prada, it was already a perfect combination. You just happened to always be in the same place as him, at the same time. And that place just happened to be the Prada store. It’s not your fault that your Prada collection expands as your interactions grow. Especially not considering that Jake couldn’t stop himself from fawning over you (and your mini skirts).
taglist is OPEN ! send an ask or comment to be added xoxo
taglist one (1) : @vousty @iheartjayke @kgneptun @woninluv @memooooca @rosas-in-the-garden @thea-herondale @letters2won @certified-ni-ki-lover @wonpoem @eunbiland @hae-luvr @t00miee @bbangricz @tytrackfebreze @cafeyuns @aerivrs @seunnimg @enhytan @enhaz1 @neocockthotology @jiawji @miumiuestmoi @sophi-ee @cha0thicpisces @manooffline @glassesyunjin @rinahch @jaklvbucb @rikizm @ilyjxdz @mnxnii @n1k1mura @hhoonsbaby @xiaoderrrr @artstaeh @nikisuar @who-tf-soddhi @jakeslvt @hohohobo @natsukee @fakeuwus @ramenoil @aeminju @lanapaz @seunghancore @heartswonn @jakeyverse @l1lyanah @sunpov @yoitsrach @jessicadacollest @h4918ymc @jeongintwt @oldjws @herebyaccident0 @kyrojackson @haechansbbg | bold = can’t tag
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tenchikotheartist · 5 months
Frick it, we ball
KISMET HEADCANNONS for some future fan stuff I wanna make... Goes with this post kinda
Under a cut because it's LONG (the fixation has been REAL)
They band was formed shortly after the events of Trolls 1. It's the only way they make sense in my mind's timeline.
Branch was trying to get more involved with Troll village without relying on Poppy to connect him with people. He formed his own group of friends, and they became Kismet after realizing how much they enjoyed harmonizing/performing together.
These guys give me frat boy energy for some reason. They just collectively become more chaotic when they're around each other. Yes, even Branch. He and Hype play hot potato with the braincell because otherwise, nothing would get done in this group.
As they got to know one another, teasing one another became their primary love language. Lots of jabs and quips will fly among them when they're together, but they each know it's all in good fun.
Branch kept his involvement in the band a secret because, well...y'know. He has complicated history with being in a boyband, so he wanted to explore his feelings about Kismet without being bombarded with input from people outside the group.
He's fond of his friends and genuinely enjoys being a part of the band though! He just wants to be sure he's a part of this boy band because he's happy being with them and not because he's trying to recapture something he'd lost 20 years ago.
At first, the others were (understandably) hurt by Branch's desire to keep his place in the band a secret, but after he explained his reasons, they were willing to support him.
They were absolutely thrilled when he finally becomes open about the band though!
During the secrecy period, when he performs in Pop Village, he hides his identity behind a disguise that somehow works (Branch, every time it works: "wtf????"), and he goes by a stage name.
Officially the group leader, but he's more of a mediator than anything. He relies on the rest of the group to give their input for any big band decisions, but he coordinates band meetings, schedules gigs, and works out compromises if there's any group conflicts.
He and Branch had been childhood friends before The Incident(s) estranged them. Back in the Troll Tree, they'd been neighbors whose parents (Branch's grandma; Hype's mom) set up on frequent playdates, so they'd been really close.
They reconnected after the events of movie 1, Hype introduced Branch to Trickee and later Boom. Trickee brought in Ablaze and the rest was history.
Hype is a social butterly but he's otherwise one of the more calm personalities in the group. He feeds off of other people's energy and is a bit of a people-pleaser. Luckily, he's pretty good at finding the right crowd to run with, otherwise he'd probably land in so much trouble.
Hype's cousin, and a big party person! Before the band took off, he DJ'd at a party venue in Pop Village. That same place was also where Kismet got their first gig!
He loves loud music and flashy parties where he can shine on the dance floor and make memories people he may only know for a night.
Peak ADHD Energy™. He's a chatterbox. He has no volume control. He tunnel visions so hard, he becomes that B99 headphones meme. The man has cool guy syndrome, no doubt about it!
For the creation of the Band earliest albums, Boom took charge as the producer. He loves messing with music, mixing and remixing sounds on his free time and experimenting with the genre.
A thrill-seeking menace to society. He's adventurous and loves taking huge risks for the adrenaline rush. He's the type of guy who would go down a waterfall in a barrel or ski down a dangerous mountain just to see if he survives it.
Everyone in the band is in agreement about protecting Trickee from his own shenanigans. They are 70% of his self-preservation senses.
He also loves a party scene and can often be found with Boom leading the charge towards any good time.
You know that sense of dread before performing in front of a crowd? The way your belly flips and your heart races and you're sure you're shaking hard enough for everyone to see? Trickee lives for that shit when he's in the band. The jitters can get to him, for sure, but afterwards, the man is LIVING from coming out alive on the other side, and he's sharing that thrill with everyone else in the band!
A Rock Troll who has lived among the Pop Trolls since he was a teenager. He stumbled across them while looking for a place to belong, and despite what he was raised to believe about Pop Trolls, he came to love their warmth and friendliness. So he moved in and let everyone assume he was just an odd-looking Pop Troll.
He an Trickee are housemates (podmates?)--not for romantic reasons but because they're longtime friends. When Trickee moved out of his family's home, Ablaze invited him over, and they liked the living arrangement enough to keep it permanent.
At first, Ablaze isn't open about his identity as a Rock Troll, but as he grew closer with the other members of Kismet, he came out to them. By the events of Trolls 2, he's open about being a Rock Troll.
Ablaze's personality sits somewhere in the realm of both chaotic and laid back. On the outside, he's usually pretty chill, but if Boom or Trickee have trouble afoot, Ablaze is usually there egging them on in the background, much to Branch's dismay.
He becomes extremely energetic when he's performing. The more exciting the song, the more vibrant he becomes! The energy is one of the reasons he loves pop music so much, but he can also get hyped from performing rock music. He gets kinda intense though lmao.
The first time the rest of Kismet sees him jamming to rock, they're like "OH. He's definitely a rock troll O_O" They support their rock-n-roll brethren 🤟😔
He has a special interest in fire, particularly fireworks. Back in Pop Village, he even made a business of it, making small rockets, sparklers, and other celebratory items for all your Pop party needs.
Anyway that's all the headcannon stuff I'll share for now. Hope y'all liked reading xD I'm really hoping my attention span will stick around long enough for me to share more in the future, because this fixation has been A Time™/pos
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dulltoned · 5 months
Notable Dynamics in Kismet!
These are all in relation to my depiction of Kismet and how I write them, you can see my oneshot collection Familiar and New for some more context.
Ablaze and Trickee
- Ablaze and Trickee get along great. Maybe a little too well, they've both got a willingness to throw a punch that can be a little off-putting, especially to Pop Trolls.
- Their first real interaction was Trickee socking Ablaze right in the face and getting a black eye in return. They had a mutual respect for each other after that.
- Both of them are wildly protective even if they show it differently and after Kismet formed it created a strong bond between the two of them.
- As the two oldest they have a sort of comradery between them. There have been nights where they've stayed up late into the morning talking about BroZone and how much they despise them for what they did to Branch. Trickee doesn't mean it, Ablaze does.
Boom and Hype
- They already knew each other, vaguely, before Kismet. Back when they were Trollings in the Troll Tree their pods were fairly close to each other so they played with each other a lot before the great escape.
- Both of them are fairly emotional and positive and in a band full of repressed idiots and that's created a deeper connection between the two.
- They take great pleasure in ganging up on their bandmates to force them to talk about their feelings, especially Ablaze and Branch because it's an 80-20 chance that it'll work when it comes to those two. When they succeed they're very smug about it.
Trickee and Branch
- Trickee latched onto Branch after the whole Creek scenario, how angry and suspicious Branch was broke Trickee's heart, and Branch subconsciously latched on just as hard.
- Trickee has to sneak out to hangout with Branch but he couldn't care less about how much his mother hates the grey Troll.
- Branch tries really hard not to get attached to Trickee but it's hard when Trickee is always by his side with a fond smile and an angry retort for anyone who so much as looks at him wrong. He missed feeling loved and Trickee reminded him what it feels like to have someone who actually cares about him. It terrifies him.
- Trickee is so angry at BroZone and Pop Village on Branch's behalf, his determination to prove to Branch that he's not defective turned into a real and adamant adoration for the younger Troll that attached them at the hip for years. That desperation died down the longer they knew each other but the fire and drive that glued them together never left.
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elizabethminkel · 6 months
For my second fan culture column for Atlas Obscura, I wrote about Yuletide! (The first was on 18th-century sentiment albums as proto-Tumblrs.) This piece features several longtime Yuletide participants, including Dr. Anna Wilson, who wrote this great TWC article (partly) about Yuletide, and fic writers Sandrine and Petronia:
“What I really love about Yuletide is the potential for kismet,” says Petronia, “the story that, as a recipient, I always wished existed, [and] turns out to be the story someone else always wanted to write. The idea that I always had percolating as a writer, that was too niche to put energy into, turns out to have an audience after all—even an audience of one, which is all I need.” Sandrine echoes that love of serendipitous connections. “It’s great when there’s an obscure fandom of your heart which you thought was something only you cared for, and then someone else offers it—or requests it!—and you realize it wasn’t actually a fandom of one after all.”
(Also a note: I'm aware of the irony of a fandom juggernaut being the lead image for a piece on a rare-fandom exchange. 😭 While I did not choose the image myself, I do mention it in the piece—The Untamed was a Yuletide fandom its first year!)
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 3 months
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Main cast in my brain child.
Kismet: The Royal Engagement Tour
Here is the story in my head.
Poppy and Branch get engaged eventually. Duuuhhh
Kismet has been meaning to do a final tour before Branch becomes King.
Boom of all Trolls suggests that the Kismet Tour becomes the in-person Royal Wedding Invitations performance. Combining the tour with the invitations.
So imagine with me a chartered Caterbus.....
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And a invitation style show to invite the other Troll Kingdoms to the wedding.
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Like this ^^^ bit it's like a stage show. Can you picture it? And they perform their Kismet songs as well as weddingy songs.
Poppy can't go because she has a Queenly and Bridely schedule. But also she thinks this would be a great opportunity for Branch to establish his own connections with the other tribes leaders.
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She sends Floyd in her place, he is the Best Man after all. She trusts him with her camera with instructions of "What Would Poppy Do?"
Some random OC's thrown in there cause I believe the Kismet boys would have their own friends and family. Dot is Ablaze's recently new girlfriend that he cheesely misses during the tour. "Guys, I miss my girlfrienddddd" "Shut up we knoooowww" Also Hype has a wife, stepson and an egg on the way. Why? Coz I thought it was cute.
Scrapbook designed characters were inspired by someones picture I saw but can't find the picture again, if you're out there I love you <3
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lipglossanon · 26 days
♔ 𝔗𝔴𝔬 ♔
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• A Dozen Roses • Fairy Tale AU •
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, minor character death, descriptions of blood and violence, stolen kisses
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You’ve grown up your whole life hearing about your mother and father. Their kismet meeting in the forest. Her a poor woodcutter’s daughter and he a fresh faced prince lost on his way to the kingdom. 
It’s a fairy tale you’ve been told every night since you were a small girl. Your nursemaid would tuck you into bed and recount the miraculous connection made between your parents. And how you were the only thing missing in their perfect lives. She always smiled at you so sadly when she said that part. 
In actuality, your mother died during childbirth and your father is a cold distant man. He never turns you away if you seek him out, but his eyes ever drift like he’s looking for the ghost of his lost love. Her portrait hangs in every room, so it’s inevitable for her smiling face to be looking down on you. 
As you age, the whispers begin to grow louder. At first it’s a chambermaid you overhear murmuring to the cook about how much like your mother you begin to resemble. It seems to spread like wildfire and by the time your twentieth summer rolls around, you’ve made the rumors true as you are now the spitting image of the dead woman haunting every room. 
Your maids-in-waiting coo and coddle you every time they help you dress for the day; they titter and talk amongst themselves when the suitors begin to slowly trickle into the castle to meet the jewel of the King’s eye. Your father’s gaze no longer drifts but stays focused on you with unerring attention. He lets the suitors into the throne room, parading their talents and gifts to his dead eyes and cold face. You smile politely, seated next to him, and can see your father grip the throne so tight his knuckles blanch. 
No one meets his criteria. You are too special, too pure, too beautiful. You are too much of your mother for him to just give you away to a bumbling aristocratic fool. Questioning him only once on why the last Lord didn’t meet his standards, he stares at you for far longer than what’s comfortable before telling you that there’s a reason for his strictness.
There have been a few that caught his eye, but something in the way they look at you, like you are something they can covet, has the King dismissing them before they can offer anything other than their name and station. You are more than happy that your father is picky in regards to the more unsavory men who come to call. Only one, a King from a minor province, has tried to overstay his welcome. 
King Irons is a deceitful old man, an outlier from the generations before your father took the throne. He came to seek a betrothal but was easily dismissed by the King. He doesn’t handle it well and causes a scene in the throne room. The guards subdue him quite easily and escorted him from the castle. It’s only later when you are taking a turn in the garden, that he accosts you in front of your ladies-in-waiting. 
It’s the first time you’ve felt fear, an oily tar of feeling trying to blanket your thoughts as King Irons grabs your wrists tightly in his own sweaty hands. 
“You are to be my bride,” his piggy mouth dribbles— salivating at the thought of having you and your riches, “once we are wed, your father can do nothing.”
He sneers down at you as you kick and thrash in his hold, eyes darting around to see his own guard holding your servants hostage. 
“You will swing from the hangman’s noose by nightfall,” you spit in his face, trying and failing to pull your arms from his grasp. 
“No need to waste rope,” a somber voice cuts through the air and you sag in relief. 
“Father!” You wrench your hands one more time and they slip through King Irons gross sweaty palms easily. 
You gather your skirts and run over to his side, the other maidens quickly following behind as Irons’ guard drops to their knees. 
“Tell me why I shouldn’t cut off your hands right this instant,” his cool attitude eases the fear back into a manageable state. 
“I-I shall make a formal apology in front of the court, your majesty,” the wretched man blubbers, face going red in anger and embarrassment, “I will take my leave and you’ll never see me again.”
“You’re right, after today, no one will see you again,” the King removes his sword from its sheath in one fluid movement and with a spray of blood, Iron’s severed head gapes up at you from the grass. 
Your ladies-in-waiting scream, with one fainting into another’s arms, as the intruder’s body collapses onto the ground a second later. Hand reaching out, you grasp onto your fathers cloak, eyes unable to look away from the dead man who had touched you only moments before.  
The King points his blade at the guardsmen, “Take the body and return home. Dispose of it if you wish or plan a burial, I care not which. I shan’t see anyone from your province here again or it will be a slow death.”
“Yes, my lord,” they say, voices shaking before rising up to carry the body back to Irons’ carriage.
Your father cleans his sword before sheathing it, half turning to face you. He frowns and rubs his knuckles across your cheek, pulling your attention away from the blood stained grass. 
“Prepare a bath for my daughter and burn these clothes,” he raises his voice to the servants behind you. 
Flustered, they bow and curtsy, quickly moving toward you. 
“I will see you at dinner,” his blue eyes are deep and unreadable as he pulls away and leaves the garden. 
In a daze, you follow the ladies as they guide you back to your room for a bath. A maid comes in to take away your dress, leaving another in its place. 
“Did you see the King?” a timid young woman whispers to another as they prepare the tub in front of the fire. 
“Of course I did,” she sighs exasperatedly, “he was standing right there, wasn’t he?”
“He smiled,” the other girl whispers but you still catch it, pretending to look out the window, “he smiled when he cut that vile man’s head clean off.”
Whatever the other servant says is lost as your heartbeat pounds in your ears, a mixture of feelings bubbling up in yourself. Once you climb into the metal tub, you rest in the warm water and parse through your thoughts. Relief and happiness are the strongest, followed by another you’ve never felt before. It’s darker and filled with a longing hunger for something. Pushing it from your mind, you finish bathing and let the maids help you dress.
The tangle of feelings makes itself known the next morning from the ivy climbing the trellis near your window. Your father has the royal gardeners in your quarters the next day to remove the strangely designed plant. As they cut away the stems, you catch a glimpse of the leaves and frown. They’re red— red as the blood that coated the grass in the garden. Except for that bloom of blue in the center. Reminiscent of your father’s eyes.
A fortnight later, the young Lord Winters enters your father’s domain in a bid to woo your hand in marriage. He’s sweet and kind, not bringing much in the way of a bride price, but you honestly could care less about how much gold is in his coffers. Your father watches as you hit it off and for once doesn’t say anything or send the young man away. Lord Winters stays at an estate near the castle and calls on you every day; he takes you for walks amongst the sprawling gardens (waited on by servants so you’re never truly alone). 
During one such occasion, the young Lord is able to sneak you away to the maze in the garden. There he steals your first kiss as the perfume of roses and jasmine floods your senses. You’re lighter than air once you make your way back to your ladies-in-waiting. Amidst the giggling and whispers, you feel a burgeoning hope swelling in your chest. Maybe this Lord is the one you’ve been waiting for this whole time.
Looking back you can think what a silly dream for a silly girl. The castle has all manners of eyes and ears, primed and ready to deliver news to the King.  There is never a secret he does not already know.
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petracozbi · 2 months
I'm finally came around to do my own Trolls HC list-thing (most are Branch related cuz he's my favourite):
Branch has almost perfectly trained senses from living and surviving on his own in the wilderness; he's got a very sensitive nose and he can easily hear the smallest movements even if they're fairly far away, etc.
Poppy makes sure to at least make a little noise when approaching Branch, as to not catch him off guard, since he had a tendency to get lost in thought when he feels he's in a safe and secure space, and can lower his defences. Kismet does the same (they're found family to me idc)
In the beginning, the bros found it kind of annoying/confusing how Poppy would start getting louder and yell out Branch's name every time they were getting close to him, probably shrugging it off to her just being a very hyper and overexcited girlfriend. It wasn't until they got to experience first-hand how Branch reacted when they suddenly just touched him while deep in thought, and let's just say, after having their arm pinned behind their back and a sharpened stick held to their throat a few too many times, they learned to give a heads-up.
Branch needs glasses. He stopped wearing them after Rosiepuff got eaten to fully avoid any connection with Brozone and his boyband persona. He's not completely blind and can still get around, but he relies mostly on his other senses (which also got way more sharp because of that), and has to get up close to see things in detail.
A HC I think I shared before: Branch is freakishly strong, but doesn't look it at first glance - He's very much humbled the bros (especially JD and Bruce) with this fact, when they try to wrestle him into a headlock to give him a nookie or a Wet Willy (JD and Bruce) and he just won't budge (Kismet knows to not even try) or when they want to help him carry something and they almost collapse under they weight when he hands it to them.
Besides being his vehicle, Rhonda is also JD's (unofficial) therapy animal.
Clay can't swim. He never learned since he spent his entire life in either the trolltree or the abandon golfcourse. When Bruce learns this, he takes it upon himself to try and teach him, but to their shared frustration, they both (Clay and Bruce) discover that Clay is apparently deadly afraid of open waters.
Bruce also didn't know how to swim when he first left the trolltree. He got washed up on vacay Island, having been staying afloat by holding onto a branch. The vacationers taught him how to swim.
JD can cook circles around most trolls. He did most of the cooking back in the trolltree 'cuz Rosiepuff was a horrible cook (referencing her apparently rancid-tasting fluffleberry cake), he also taught (Sp)Bruce how to cook, but never got around to teach the others 'cuz they split up. Bruce later incorporated some of JD's recipes into the menu at the restaurant.
Branch's tastebuds are pretty hardened (some might say almost nonexistent), and trolls tend to assume it's from his survival years, where he'd just eat whatever as long as it was edible, didn't matter what it tasted like. In reality, it's mostly from solely eating Rosiepuff's cooking for like maybe a year or two after the band split up (yeah that's all it took to mess them tastebuds up for years after). Ofc in the beginning, he had to force himself to even put the food in his mouth, but he did it 'cuz he wanted to make his grandma happy.
Kismet was formed shortly after the bros left. It was Rosiepuff who encouraged Branch to socialize with other trollings around his age, since he became very closed off after the split (tho' I think he'd been a pretty shy and quiet kid to begin with (with the exception of when he performed as Bitty B))
Branch used to get bullied (more) for his greyness as a kid. Kismet would chase them off.
Although Branch is not as forgiving either, Kismet 100% holds a grudge for the bros leaving Branch - the Snackpack too, when they also learn what happened.
The bros are absolutely bewildered by the fact that Branch is dating the Queen, and that he'd probably one day be King. Branch himself gets very anxious when they mention this; just the thought of that much responsibility and being in the spotlight like that has him sweating.
Bruce's favorite way of annoying Branch is to tease him about his and Poppy's relationship, asking him when he can expect the wedding invitations and some nieces or nephews. In reality, it's probably Poppy that proposes in the future, with a long, romantic and heartfelt speech ofc (and yes, he cries).
That's all I got for now
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alien-shmalien · 1 day
12. Kismet
12. how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
Kismet's Birthday is actually November 1st! It was the day I Officially made their concept, but in universe their "" birthday"" is probably around August, but their hatching day is in November.
In universe, Kismet is about... 300 years old or so, but as a character they've only existed since last November.
They really like celebrating birthdays! though they don't get to celebrate their own often.
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evanoshiix · 5 months
Heyo! I'm loving all the Kismet content right now! <3 Any headcanons or angsty things you wanna share? 👀
I may have a few :)
Boom heavily stepped into the role of the “sunshine kid” growing up and placed a lot of his self worth on whether he could make others smile. He felt very dejected and useless when Branch went grey and he could even get him to smile
Ablaze heavily blames himself for not being able to get to the stage on time to stop Branch from being turned into a rock zombie and carries that guilt with him even once they meet up again
Despite Trickee’s extroverted personality, he still let his paranoia get the best of him and he ran away, and now he feels the guilt of abandoning Ablaze, who dropped everything to bring him far away from the Bergens just to make him feel better
Hype decided to be the oldest brother because he didn’t want any kids growing up alone. He really connected with Branch, considering he’d also been abandoned and left behind by his family as a kid, and he didn’t want Branch to feel as alone as he did
Branch kept all the letters Hype sent him over the years, even though he never responded. He wasn’t sure if it was Pride or the fear of getting close to somebody again, but he couldn’t bring himself ask him to come back no matter how lonely he was. He does feel incredibly guilty for driving him away
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whateverisbeautiful · 4 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#6: Cuz I'm Okay Too (S4E16)
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Such a heartfelt and important moment in the making of Richonne. 🥹 The scene is brief but still manages to communicate something so important about Rick and Michonne's profound connection. That You're Okay/I'm Okay interconnectedness between them is one of those deep and consistent qualities that make Richonne one of a kind. By this season 4 moment, I really and truly believe Rick and Michonne had fallen in love and I cherish that this beautiful scene is a part of their love story. The scene is a true Richonne classic...
Richonne's love story has so much life to it because it was able to breathe as it evolved each season. And as much as the world was screaming at them - when it came to Rick and Michonne's pre-canon build-up there were these small quiet moments like the one in this s4 finale that still really helped to lay their foundation steadily and naturally.
I appreciate that Richonne's journey was a slow burn (the most fiery slow burn, might I add 🔥) and that we got to see their love story play out from the moment they first laid eyes on each other all the way to now as a husband and wife determined to find each other again. The build-up was as great as the payoff in the making of Richonne and this season 4 pre-canon moment between them is one of the foundational staples in building their relationship.
As I’ve stated before, I consider this 4.16 ep quite monumental to Richonne as I feel its by this point these two have fallen in love. And this scene just really backs that up to me and gives us our first insight into the unique interconnection they have.
The reason why I so confidently refer to these two characters as soulmates is because absolutely every time Rick and Michonne were together it was clear they had a deep mind-body-soul connection and a magnetic draw that showed they were tethered to each other and meant to be.
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They were so kismet that even in the beginning of their relationship they seemed to be strongly emotionally connected to each other.
In the early stages of their growing bond, Rick and Michonne really would often look at each other like they were both something special and inexplicably familiar, like a missing piece of themselves that they yearned for and felt innate trust and safety with. And, to me, this scene illustrates all of that.
I also noticed that since I've gotten so used to seeing team family in the 'stability' of ASZ for half the series, whenever I see scenes of them in these earlier seasons where they had no home base it makes me a little emotional because it makes you realize just how little they had, and how much they were being held together by their resilience and their family alone. It's really a testament to their strength and the family they built that fueled them to keep going.
I love the way this 4.16 scene is shot, the fall vibes are just nice with all the leaves as they walk. Also the show did a good job of always making it feel like there was some added weight to when Rick and Michonne were around each other. The two together on screen are just always electric as this scene solidifies.
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(Side note: watching this show back, I love how quiet the ambiance was in the earlier seasons, it really made the world feel immersive and lived in.) 
When Rick protectively sat outside of that car in the previous scene with Carl asleep in Michonne's lap, Michonne heard Rick talk to Daryl about who he is and why he’s here, and her expression as she listens was telling. I know R&M both were more aware of how much they mean to each other from here on out. And then that love only grows stronger, even as soon as their next scene.
So this #6 scene starts with Rick walking ahead, and I love how Michonne is looking at him as she walks closer to him. I’d love to know exactly what she’s thinking at this moment cuz she clearly has some thoughts. 😊
As she studies him in this scene I really do feel like it’s her seeing the resilient man he is and feeling a lot of genuine love and respect for him. Especially after seeing Rick go to an incredibly intense place to save her, Carl, and Daryl the night before.
Rick went to lengths not many would even think to go...but that level of fight in him is one Michonne knows well. It's in her too. And I think at this moment she knows truly that they are cut from the same cloth.
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She silently observes him and, before she even speaks, Rick senses her and asks if she’s okay. I love that he checks in on her after what they went through.
When Rick and Michonne found each other after the prison fell, they became a package deal and went through most things side by side from then on. And I love that through all the wild things they experienced together, they had each other to check in with and make sure they were okay because they got to be fully human with each other. 
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Michonne nods and says a reassuring 'yeah' and then again has those little glances at him that, to me, suggest sis has caught feelings. 
Then I always love that Rick proceeds to offer up that he’s okay. He initiates saying that because he wants her to know this and he knows this would matter to her. Ever since reuniting after the prison, Michonne has often brought up the importance of Rick healing and resting, so he knows she cares about his wellbeing and that he’s okay. 
And it’s also like by offering up, "I'm okay" he wants her to know he’s still okay as a person even after showing that he’s capable of some pretty intense stuff. I’ve always loved this, especially because as a woman traveling alone with men, it means a lot to have a man want you to know he’s still okay and safe to be around.
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But then what is so lovely about this scene is that Rick gets to see that he doesn’t need to do any convincing with Michonne because she has always seen and understood him on a deeper level.
(It makes me think of when Michonne talks with Merle during season 3 inside the prison. She defends Rick and Carl and notes that they're both killers but she doesn't say it as a condemning thing because even as strangers she understood that Rick and Carl are still good people despite what they've had to do to survive)
And as much as Rick is grappling with all that he’s capable of here at the end of season 4, it’s so refreshing that Michonne is right there to let him know he’s not a monster to her. So when he says he’s okay, she says without any doubt, "I know." 😊
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Then I so love that Rick asks, "How?" It’s an interesting thing to ask because he could have just left it at her saying she knows, but I love that he’s curious to know this. Almost as if deep down wanting to know that she really does see and understand him as clearly as he sees and understands her.
And when he can’t help but ask, I adore the way she looks at him and so effortlessly tells him, “Cuz I’m okay too.” 🥹
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Another classic line in Richonne's journey. 🥰 And a line that is as powerful as it is pretty.
I know I've said a lot of their scenes are giving romantic but this one is 1000% giving romantic. I mean this dialogue between them could be seamlessly inserted into a romance movie and I'd be like...
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And it is just such a sweet sentiment - "Cuz I'm okay too." Similar to Rick's "Must've been something else then," line, I'd love to know exactly what Michonne was aware of regarding her attraction and feelings for Rick at this time.
It’s significant for Michonne to vocalize this and let Rick know that she has developed enough feelings for him that his well-being impacts her own. He’s okay, so she’s okay. And we see that 'you're okay then I'm okay' thing that they have play out in so many moments between them in this series.
One that comes to mind is an honorable mention scene in s5 at Alexandria when Michonne can’t sleep, and then we see that Rick has also been up and unable to sleep.  It’s almost like Rick's restlessness played a part in what was affecting Michonne's ability to rest.
And Rick even vocalizes as much when he asked why they're both awake before touching her shoulder and her reacting in a way that further proves their magnets. Something innate within them is so often on the same wavelength, even when they have some different outlooks.
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I love these TWD reactors who noted how Rick’s mind silently racing was still so loud to Michonne and keeping her up in that s5 scene, whereas if Rick would sleep she probably would be able to fall asleep too.
Rick and Michonne are just one like that and they have always been so emotionally intertwined. They don't just understand what the other is going through, they feel what the other is going through. #TetheredSoulmates
So I love and appreciate this s4 finale scene for fully establishing Rick and Michonne's unique and heartfelt interconnection - both that they have it, and that they deep down know they have it too.
Rick nods after Michonne says this, and this subtle moment just feels like he gets what she means. She doesn’t even have to explain further cuz I think he knows he feels the same - You're okay, I'm okay.
And then the way Michonne is looking at that man at the end of this scene...Cupid got her, y’all. Just like Cupid got Rick lol. 😊
Richonne really was inevitable because right here in s4, seasons before their canon ep, these two loved each other and had at least some awareness that the connection between them runs deep. 
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Am I smiling from ear to ear rewatching this? Best believe. They just go together and it’s so clear here. And I love looking at this scene and knowing this is a husband and wife in the making who will bring a beautiful baby into this world. Won't He do it! 🙌🏾 It's scenes like these that confirm to me why Richonne’s pre-canon and post-canon moments are both top-notch.
As Michonne will tell Carl in a beautiful bonding moment later in the s4 finale, she knows the Grimes boys brought her back. They helped make her okay again. And the way Michonne brought so much good to Rick and Carl's lives, she brought them back too.
So I’ll forever love that in this quiet scene between Michonne and Rick, we see so clearly how they help make each other feel more than okay. 😌
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