#kissing scene after 98 chapters
rangshi4ever · 3 months
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And another mean cliffhanger from my in laws are obsessed with me. this is two times in a row 😩
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V.C. Andrews Archive Collection
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Hey guys! I just got back from visiting the V.C. Andrews archive collection full of super rare vca history! I took a ton of pictures and notes on what I saw- including the original manuscript for Flowers in the Attic back when it was called “Open the Window and Stand in the Sunshine” and the two manuscripts for Petals on the Wind called “Where the Greener Grass Grows” and “Reaching for Roses”! I’ll share my notes and some photos here, but for copyright reasons I’ll be keeping most of the photos in my private VCA discord. So DM me for an invite link if you want to join 😁✨
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My notes on the manuscripts below ...
Vca Collection
Notes about the collection:
The collection consists of 12 archival boxes filled with manuscripts, photos, news clippings, letters and more. With the time I had I was only able to look through half of the boxes, I mainly focused on the various Flowers in the Attic and Petals on the Wind manuscripts. I was allowed to take as many pictures as I needed as long as I used the copyright protection sheet you will notice. Obviously for copyright reasons I couldn’t take too many photos of consecutive pages, so forgive me for the page jumps. Here are my findings, enjoy!
Box 1
“Open the Window and Stand in the Sunshine” manuscript
Pages photographed:
1,2,3, 9, 27, 33, 66, 87, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 165, 169, 176, 180, 184, 185, 191, 193 (end)
This is a typed manuscript of what eventually became Flowers in the Attic. It had the title “Open the Window and Stand in the Sunshine” by Cleo Virginia Andrews. This manuscript has the same plot but is overall a completely different book. It is in 3rd person perspective mostly following Cathy but also sometimes Chris. It doesn’t feel like Cathy’s story, instead it feels like the 4 children make up one main character.
It is 17 chapters long with no prologue or epilogue. The first chapter is only 9 typed pages. The story begins with Chris Sr. already being dead. Corrine has just received a response from her parents agreeing to take them in. Corrine tells the children immediately about why she was disinherited, being that their father was her half uncle. And she tells the children they will have to stay in an upstairs room, quiet and secret, for several months. At the time the children didnt see it as a big deal.
From what I could tell, Cathy and Chris never committed incest. But there were many scenes where their closeness was questionable. For instance, in chapter 3 Chris gets into the bath with Cathy and holds her. They read the porn magazines together and discuss them.
In chapter 5 Corrine warns the children that the forces in the house might make her behave and think differently than she normally would.
There are many differences in how the children spend their time. They have a TV much earlier in the story and spend a lot of time discussing the shows they watch. They ask for a toaster at one point.
In chapter 9, when Chris explores the house after the Christmas Party, we follow him in 3rd person rather than hear from his perspective later.
At one point Chris has to hide under the bed and hear his mother getting it on with Bart.
There is mention of Cathy keeping many detailed journals of their everyday life.
Chris enjoys dancing with Cathy in the attic they know many different dances.
Chris and Cathy get whipped for sleeping in the same bed but Cathy is not told to cut her hair. In fact the grandma tells her to hold her hair out of the way so the whip wont rip it out.
Cathy still kisses Bart and Chris hears Bart speculating that they're being robbed but Chris does not get mad and he doesn't assault Cathy. I don't even think he brings the kiss up to Cathy.
Chris wishes that they had run away sooner rather than being the one insisting they wait longer and longer. He seems to blame himself often for ever believing in their mother.
They all get sick slowly over time and throw up often. But they blame the sickness on their food being spoiled.
They get a polaroid camera for christmas and take hundreds of pictures to fill the attic.
Cathy doesnt resent her mother much more than chris. They both want to believe in their mom and make promises to her.
When Cory gets very sick, the grandmother seems to worry that their mother brought them sweets. She feels Cory's head for fever and asks them if their milk or meat seemed spoiled. Corrine doesnt seem to care, she asks them not to get seriously sick before christmas and checks her watch. She tells them to wait until the next day to see if he doesnt get better. The grandmother returns with alka seltzer to help cory’s stomach. Once the children have gone to sleep the grandmother returns in the night to check on cory once more. The next morning Cory is better.
Later cory gets sick again and it is agreed that he needs hospital attention. Corrine takes cory to the hospital promising he will get oxygen and penicillin. But still he dies and is claimed to be buried.
We get to follow Chris as he explores the house for the last time before their escape. He gets a gun somehow and finds the grandfather’s room empty.
Chris hears John Amos laughing about the attic mice being poisoned. Chris runs back to the room to convince Cathy that their mother has been poisoning them. Cathy doesn’t want to believe their mother was involved but Chris insists on it and tells her they must escape now. They make it known that the grandfather was dead BEFORE the powdered donuts showed up.
After escaping, Chris gives Cathy the choice to turn mickey’s body in as evidence for Corrine and Olivia’s crimes but Cathy throws it out. Chris seems disappointed that they will go unpunished but Cathy reveals that she left a candle burning near the paper flowers. However she tells Chris if God doesn’t want anyone to die in a house fire then he can blow the candle out through the window she left open.
“Flowers in the Attic” by Adrienne Vale manuscript
Pages photographed:
Cover, 1, 2, 3, 124, 295 (end)
I didn’t get a chance to read this one thoroughly, I only flipped through it. It seemed to be very close to the published version of Fita. It is in 1st person and begins with what is now the prologue. Included is the 1st page of a previous draft, where the prologue part is shorter and a bit different. The first chapter begins with Chris sr. dead and quickly describes their grief as Corrine writes to her parents.
An interesting scene is where Cathy experiences german-guilt over the holocaust after seeing (what i presume was a movie, I didnt go back to look) and reveals that their father, Chris sr., fought in WWII. Chris comments that Foxworths only die from accidents. Cathy comments on her and her father both being Aries.
Once again the story ends with Cathy thinking about the candle she left burning in the attic by the paper flowers, and bitterly thinks that the house wont burn down if God blows it out through the open window.
“Julian the Bold” chapter
Pages photographed:
135, 136, 137, 138,
And unused chapter from Reaching for Roses, a manuscript for what eventually became Petals on the Wind. (See below for more on Reaching for Roses)
The chapter begins with Cathy outside a drug store being harassed by boys. She feels afraid and alone but Julian comes to her rescue. Lots of homophobic language in this chapter, especially the f word. In the rain Julian fights this group of 5 footballers, elegantly avoiding all their blows and beating their asses. Cathy is just starstruck by him and even says she would die for him in that moment!
Some bystander girls start cheering on the jocks to knife Julian, with more homophobic jeers. Pissed, Cathy kicks the knife from one jocks hand and stands back to back with julian to fight with him. He tells her to run as he holds them off, but a group of guys from their ballet class run to their defense. Julian still throws Cathy to safety so she wont be trampled, and soon the cops arrived sending everyone fleeing into the drug store.
Box 7
“Reaching for Roses” petals on the wind manuscript
Pages photographed:
Cover, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 479, 636, 637, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 649,
A manuscript which later became Petals on the Wind. This seems to be a second completed manuscript after a previous one titled “Where the Greener Grass Grows”. (Read more about that below)
I didn’t get a chance to read through these manuscripts because there were a TON of folders full of completed typed manuscripts, manuscripts written in pen on looseleaf paper, and carbon paper copies. It was overwhelming. But here are some interesting bits I did see.
There are some letters Cathy wrote to Chris and Paul which were unused in the published book.
In the chapter where Cathy confronts Corrine during the Christmas party, Cathy points out that Corrine only started serving the donuts AFTER her father died. Corrine seems unsure what to say but then blames John Amos. She claims John made her do it so he could inherit his own portion of the fortune.
Now here’s the craziest part. Corries has a young man with her named Gary. She claims that this Gary is actually CORY. She says that once Cory was at the hospital, she told Olivia and the kids he had died. But secretly she had taken him to an orphanage where he was later adopted by Bart’s sister. She claims the pneumonia gave Cory amnesia. Cathy doesn’t buy it, she examines and questions Gary but can’t come to a proper conclusion. He’s much taller than Carrie ever got, and he has no cowlick. Bart claims it all makes sense now why Corrine dotes on Gary so much and always had to see him. But Cathy insists that shes just insane and wanted to believe this random orphan was Cory.
Cathy lies and tells Corrine that one of Chris’s chemistry sets had a blood test function, so they know Cory has blood type O negative, which is rare, so if they test Gary’s blood it should confirm if he truly is Cory. Corrine is shaken by this and seems to lose conviction. Then Cathy claims she knows exactly where Cory’s skeleton is in the attic, and Corrine loses it. Chris comes in as Corrine runs off. Bart asks Chris to confirm if Gary is Cory. Chris seems uninterested and doesn’t really care if he is or isn’t Cory. But in the end he says Gary’s hair color is too different from their own, so he’s not convinced.
Gary says he may be Cory, he has no memories of his childhood and sometimes feels that he remembers Corrine at his bedside in the hospital crying. But in the end Gary only cares about his adoptive mother because she’s the only person who has ever claimed him as her own, so he leaves.
Bart tells Cathy that he really had only been with Corrine for her money, but now he wants to be with Cathy.
After the house burns down, Corrine is taken away in a straight jacket and Bart is found dead with Olivia clinging to him. They died from the smoke.
Box 9
“Where the Greener Grass Grows” petals on the wind manuscript
Pages photographed:
Page 1 looseleaf, 101, 336 carbon, 337 carbon, 342 carbon, 343 carbon, 344 carbon, 345 carbon, 346 carbon (end 1), 484, 485, 486 (end 2)
This was an earlier manuscript for what eventually became Petals on the Wind. I suspect this was the very first manuscript, which came before “Reaching for Roses” (see above).
This one was difficult to piece together since it was split into several folders and collected through loose leaf paper written in pen, typed pages from several iterations of the corrected manuscripts, and carbon paper copies. There is no typed version of the first chapter, and among the several folders the pages are not always in numeric order. Some pages have multiple copies in both typed and carbon paper copied form, and many pages are missing altogether. It was difficult to read so I wasn’t able to record much. But here are some of the interesting findings.
This manuscript is in 3rd person much like the original Fita manuscript. I wonder if she always writes her first drafts in 3rd person?
We get to see Cathy and Chris described through a stranger’s eyes (paul). He describes Chris as a “young god” lmao
In this version there are police and detectives. There is a court trial where John Amos is arrested for everything. Bart played a role in his arrest, and is actually a senator at this point. Corrine is dead, actually murdered (by john amos?), and her name was cleared. Cathy even wishes for her mother’s forgiveness as it seems Corrine actually hadnt been the one trying to kill them. Bart also suggests that they go visit Olivia, he tells Cathy that the grandmother has changed and is lonely now.
Corrine left a will which divides her fortune 4 ways.
Carrie had a baby but Carrie still died, and now that baby is in Cathy’s care. Chris has a wife named Sarah.
Cathy and Paul are married much earlier. Paul has a 16 year old son with a woman named Leona, and Cathy wants the boy to live with herself and Paul. His first wife and son scotty are dead.
(Ending version 1)
A woman named Nora Kowles harassed Cathy outside the courthouse, claiming she knows about Cathy and Chris’s relationship. Chris rushes to defend Cathy but a truck hurls toward them. He pushes Cathy away and is hit by the car instead. Cathy is bleeding profusely from between her legs, she is pregnant and worries about her baby. Chris crawls over to her and asks her to say what hes always been dying to hear, and he dies in her lap. Cathy asks Bart to see that Paul gets her share of money and then she dies hugging chris on the pavement.
Paul is left to care for Carries baby until Alex (Carrie's husband) arrives to take her. He also is looking after Chris’s widow, Sarah, who never got to tell Chris she was pregnant.
Paul reads the journals Cathy kept from their time in Foxworth Hall and plans to open a free school for unfortunate children as Cathy had wished to do.
Now, as I said, there are multiple iterations of corrections to this manuscript, all bundled together. So here is the corrected ending for Where the Greener Grass Grows:
(Ending version 2)
After Chris defends Cathy from Nora’s insults, Paul warns them in time about the truck. It swerves away and both Cathy and Chris are safe. Cathy tells Paul that she chooses to stay with him instead of Bart. Paul accepts her unborn child, fathered by Bart, as his own. Chris interrupts to tell them Nora was killed by the truck, which no one is sad about. Chris and Cathy feel hopeful that the Foxworth curse has finally been lifted from them.
Jory wasn’t mentioned in either ending so I don’t think his character existed. I’m not sure if Cathy ever married Julian since she mentions how his love for her was always one sided, and she loved Paul.
“A Writer's Way to Profit from Memories” article written by VC Andrews
Pages photographed:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 (end)
There were a few pages that overlapped, suggesting there were at least two drafts of this article. The last few pages seem to be printed with sentences mistakenly spliced in, so it may be confusing to read.
VCA writes that Fita is not at all an autobiography, the only similarities she has to the story is the way Cathy responds to trauma.
She explains that even as an adult, with mature rationalizations, she never forgot how it felt to experience the world and events as a child. Through this understanding of child-like perception she hoped to one day be an understanding mother.
She explains that she uses her own memories, and the memories of others to write her stories- only she exaggerates and embellishes them. She imagines what the worst possible scenario could have been in a situation she had experienced, and follows that path.
For instance, she compares Audrina’s experience in My Sweet Audrina to an experience of her own, which could have had a similar outcome if VCA had been as unlucky as Audrina.
83 notes · View notes
bella-rose29 · 8 months
Not Your Lover - Chapter 6
This is the slightly safer version (it's still kinda spicy tho) <3
I have also written a more explicit version of this chapter for anybody who is over the age of 18 which can be found here, so please don't read that one if you're younger or even just uncomfortable with that. hopefully this one is more accessible to everyone! (please let me know if it's still too much and I'll edit it)
(help I realised I don't actually know how to write sfw make out scenes)
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: heavy making out, like heavy heavy, implied sex, swearing, mentions of the civil war from Nik's side, Davor is still a stalker
Tag list: @a-candle-maker, @bubybubsters, @el-de-phi, @hauntedethusiasttragedy, @iambored24601, @itsyoboo-jassy, @karensirkobabes, @kentucky-criedfricken, @little8sun, @mrsklockwood, @mvidaaaa, @nalie-98, @naushtheaspiringauthor, @notoakay, @pietromaximoffsbabe, @simbaaas-stuff
As always, let me know here if you would like to be added or removed from my Nikolai tag list! <3
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Y/n and Nikolai had settled into a routine within the first two days of staying in the same room, and he was starting to blur the lines in his head of what was real and what was fake.
It was dangerous, walking this line, especially since one wrong move could ruin everything that the two of them had built, but Nikolai knew that he was extremely close to throwing himself fully past reality. They had kept the pillow wall the first night, but when they had woken in roughly the same position as they had the first time that they shared a bed it made sense to forgo the divider completely. Neither of them appeared to be acknowledging it while asleep, and it saved some effort in the evening when they were getting ready for bed.
Work on the building had continued in much the same way as before, although Nikolai noticed that there was a little more tension in the air than usual. None of this was helped by the fact that he couldn't let his demon out at night anymore, and had resorted to staying late at the mansion after Y/n had headed back to the hotel room so that it stopped giving him a headache. Davor was still watching the two of them, following Nikolai around when he tried to go on a late night walk to take his demon fishing, and it was starting to get annoying. He had half a mind to confront the man, but somehow whenever Nikolai actually wanted to see Davor, he wasn't anywhere to be found. Y/n had mentioned that he was doing the same to her, but she didn't seem nearly as bothered about it.
Currently they were working on the floorboards of the first room, having pulled up the old ones and throwing them out, and Nikolai couldn't help but stare at Y/n every now and then as she worked. His demon snickered at him in his head, and Nikolai muttered a quiet "shut up" under his breath.
"Sorry? Did you say something?"
"Huh? No, nothing."
"Oh. Never mind."
They worked in silence again after that, the only sounds being the new floorboards being put down.
By the time sunset came around a few hours later, they'd managed to lay the whole floor, and Nikolai had replaced the windows, letting in the evening sun. He wiped his brow, wishing more than anything that he could take off some layers (but that would mean showing his scars for longer than a few seconds, and he didn't feel like having that conversation with Y/n yet. She'd probably also stab him or something).
"You alright? You look pretty sweaty."
"Yeah, I'm alright. Hopefully this heatwave brings in tourists," he replied, turning to look at her. That was a mistake, apparently, since he couldn't do anything but think about how gorgeous she looked in the golden light streaming in and lighting up her skin, making her look ethereal.
He was so screwed, and he knew that there wasn't any coming back now. He'd very nearly kissed her the other night, when she'd come in crying about her mother and he'd wiped away her tears, but the demon just had to pick that moment to make a noise. Nikolai had scolded it the whole way back to the hotel, and it had the good grace to at least seem sorry for getting in the way.
It had been a little awkward since, neither of them saying anything about the fact that they had very nearly kissed purely because they felt like it, and the tension was starting to kill Nikolai. They kept waking up tangled in each other too, and although he knew he shouldn't, he held on to her a little longer in the mornings, and his touch lingered a moment more when he passed her things. Whether she'd noticed, he had no idea, but at least she hadn't told him to stop being weird yet.
Nik was being weird.
He kept staring at Y/n, for one, and every now and then he would hold on to her for longer than fake boyfriends probably should. He was staring now, in fact, although why she had no idea. She was covered in dirt and sweat from working all day, both in the bakery and in the mansion, and she definitely needed a bath. Maybe he was staring at her because of that? Yeah, that made more sense. Although when she looked at him (not that she was sneaking glances or anything), she couldn't deny how gorgeous he looked in the light, the sunset making his golden hair glow.
He kept talking to himself too, and Y/n was starting to worry that he was going mad. She'd talked to Gregor about it that morning, and apparently Nik was doing it while he worked in the workshop. Gregor also looked like he knew something else, but despite Y/n's best efforts she couldn't get it out of him. The man was notoriously good at keeping secrets, but if it was about Nik then she wanted to know.
"I'm sure he'll tell you in his own time, Y/n/n," was all he had said, and Y/n had huffed and left not long after.
She snapped herself out of her thoughts, blush rising when she realised that she'd zoned out looking at him, and turned back to the wall that she was painting. They'd done good work today; Nik had managed to get the new windows in with the help of her father, and the three of them had finished off the floor. Y/n had picked out the paint a while ago, and had made a start on covering the walls.
"You know," she started, and out of the corner of her eye she saw Nik turn to face her. "I think we can do this. How long have we got left now, eight days?"
"Yeah, I think so. There's still the two other rooms to do though. I know they're both clear but it's going to be a stretch to get them done on top of this one. It's taken us this long to get this room nearly ready."
"What happened to mister 'we can do it!', huh? I've got a plan, don't worry."
"Is your plan hiring the entirety of Taya? Because I might be an optimist but this is bordering on impossible."
"I thought that nothing was impossible, only improbable," she quipped, mocking his voice.
"Was that... was that meant to be me?"
"I thought it was an excellent impression. Did you have a problem with it? I mean, personally I thought there were two of you for a moment."
Nik laughed, shaking his head. "You're ridiculous," he said, looking at her fondly. Y/n smiled lightly back at him, and they got lost in each others' gazes. Nik suddenly snapped out of it, whipping his head back to the curtain pole he was adjusting. Y/n moved her own attention back to the wall, feeling her face heat up.
An hour or so later, the sun had fully set, and Nikolai had had to turn the chandelier on in the room so that he and Y/n could continue to work. The demon had, for once, helped Nikolai out, since its laughing at Nikolai and Y/n gazing at each other made him realise what he was doing. He'd quickly gone back to what he was doing, and a moment later he heard the brush of the paint on the wall.
Now they were in separate rooms, and Nikolai had looked to check that the demon wouldn't be seen before letting it out.
"No noise, alright? The second you make a noise you're back in, understood?" The demon had nodded and padded off into a corner of the room, starting to use its tail as a brush, collecting the remaining rubbish on the floor. Nikolai felt proud of it once more, seeing it trying to help, and hoped that it had learned something valuable from working hard. Saints, he sounded like the demon's teacher. Nikolai frowned, shuffling furniture around the room. He supposed he was in a way, teaching it how to be nicer. Maybe he'd be able to let it out more if he knew it would behave. He was glad for the distraction of the demon, since it stopped him from thinking too hard about Y/n, and having to keep half an eye on the little bastard was rather entertaining at times. It was a little like having a child, except the child was quite literally a demonic entity of darkness and destruction that enjoyed ripping people's faces off and generally making their lives complete and utter misery. Nikolai suddenly wondered if that was how Baghra had felt about the Darkling, and shuddered at the thought of baby Aleksander. The demon noticed, growling lowly at its creator, and Nikolai called it over softly, careful not to alert Y/n.
"Come here, that's it, there we go," he whispered, settling on the floor as his demon came and rested its head on his lap. It was strange, doing this, but he could sense that his demon was disturbed by Nikolai's thoughts of the Darkling. While the man had been responsible for the separation between Nikolai and his demon, the latter now shared the resentment that Nikolai harboured. No doubt it was remembering the battle with Fjerda too, and the multiple brushes with death. Since then they had only become closer, reaching an agreement that they would die for each other if needed.
"Nik? You alright in there?" Both Nikolai and his demon turned to look at the doorway where Y/n's voice had come from, and they glanced at each other before the demon crept off into the shadows.
"Yep, I'm alright." He pushed himself off of the floor just as Y/n walked in, paint on her trousers.
"I think I'm gonna head out now, I've done what I can on the walls. You coming?"
"Yeah, sure. Let me just grab my things," he smiled, and she returned it, heading back into the front room. He took the demon back in, telling it to stop fussing and hurry up, and followed her out, collecting his jacket from where he'd slung it over one of the armchairs.
They made it back to the hotel no problem, although Y/n could have sworn that she saw Davor following them when they went round a corner, and when they were up in Nik's room he pulled out a bottle of kvas and two glasses.
Davor following them wasn't too disturbing for Y/n, given he was a deeply untrusting person and was probably trying to expose Nik and Y/n's relationship for what it was, but Nik seem more concerned. He brought it up as he poured, passing one glass to Y/n and taking his own over to the sofa in front of the fireplace. Despite the heatwave, the hotel room was somehow freezing (Y/n had no idea how the owners managed it), so they'd lit a fire.
"You really aren't worried about him stalking us?"
"No, not really. Why are you so worked up about it?"
"Um... because it's stalking? It's quite literally illegal. Also, what happens if he finds out none of this is real?"
Her heart hurt at his words, but she quickly dismissed it as nothing. "Nobody will believe him if he says anything, because they like us a whole lot more. Everybody knows he likes stirring up trouble for no good reason, and I've got a reputation, hell, you have a reputation now. We'll be fine." She sipped her kvas, grateful for the burn as it went down. It stopped her thinking too hard about Nik.
"If you're sure," he frowned, and Y/n wanted to smooth the lines on his face with her fingertips. He settled into the sofa next to her having finished fiddling with the fire, and it was cramped enough that his thigh brushed against hers. She pulled her legs up, turning so that her back was resting against the arm and she was facing him. Nik angled his body slightly so that he was looking towards her, shifting in his seat in a way that had Y/n hiding behind her glass and trying desperately to not think too hard about his lap. "You alright?" he asked, amusement in his eyes and a smirk on his face, and Saints damn it she was blushing and he fucking knew it.
"Yeah, I'm alright." He hummed, and Y/n felt her cheeks grow even warmer. "What? I am!"
"Okay! You just look a little... flushed," he responded, and she could hear the laughter in his voice, making her glare at him. "There it is! I've missed that glare," he joked, only succeeding in deepening her frown.
"Fuck off," she muttered as she sipped her kvas, and he laughed, loud and bellowing. Saints, she wanted to make him laugh more often.
Sleeping next to Nik tonight would be difficult, she decided as she watched him.
A few hours and half a bottle of kvas later, Nik and Y/n had loosened up significantly, and were spilling secrets that she would never dare to tell him were she sober.
He'd confessed that he was absolutely terrified of spiders, having been nicknamed 'Nikolai the spider squealer' by his childhood best friend, and was considered a general menace to society as a small boy.
"Oh yeah, I find that so difficult to believe," Y/n giggled sarcastically, and Nik's responding pout only made her laugh harder.
"What is that supposed to mean? I am an absolute delight to have around!" He put on a look of offence, and Y/n nearly spilled her drink when she held her sides from laughing. "Seriously!" He was laughing now, spluttering as he spoke and unable to get words out properly. A few minutes later when they'd calmed down enough (it took a while since whenever they looked at each other they burst out laughing again), he spoke up again. "Go on, your turn. I think it's been my turn the last three times," he frowned, trying to count in his head. Y/n thought for a moment, before coming up with something.
"Saints, I don't know why I'm even gonna tell you this," she laughed, pressing her hand to her forehead. "Okay. So, basically, I've never... I have never... you know." She waved her hand in the general direction of her lower half. Nik's eyes went wide.
"Wait. You've never had an orgasm?"
"No, I haven't!"
"No wonder you're so fucking grumpy all the time, Saints!"
"Oi! It's not exactly my fault! Davor never could and neither can I, I gave up trying to get myself off like six months ago."
"Bet I could," Nik said, sipping his drink.
"I said I bet I could."
They looked at each other, Nik studying her over his glass and Y/n feeling increasingly flustered at the direction their conversation had taken.
"Prove it."
He said nothing, still just looking her, and she was starting to regret her words. "Sorry. Stupid idea. Forget it." She turned her face away, staring into the fire. He was yet to say anything, and the atmosphere turned awkward.
"Are you?" he said, and Saints, why was his voice so low? "Are you sorry?"
"No," she whispered, and she was hyper-aware of the sound of his glass clinking against the side table as he set it down. She turned to look at him, breath leaving her body at the sight of him closer than before, eyes filled with something dangerous. She put her own glass down, nearly spilling it since she hadn't taken her eyes off of Nik. "Why?"
"Because I want to prove it."
Something snapped then, and Y/n surged forward to grab at his shirt with her hands and pull him in for a kiss. He didn't seem to know what to do with himself for a moment, but after barely a second he was responding, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her into his lap, moaning softly, and Saints she wanted him to do it all over again. Her hands moved up to play with his hair the way that she'd wanted to since their first kiss in the square all those days ago, tangling in the locks and tugging every now and then as his hands grasped her hips. She wasn't sure how long they were there for, exploring each other with their hands and tongues, but every second of it was just as good as she'd imagined. He'd moved her hair out of the way to kiss down her neck, alternating between soft kisses and gently biting the skin, drawing sounds out of her that Davor never could. "Nik," she whispered into his hair, not missing the way his grip tightened on her hips at the sound of his name. He slowly dragged his head back up, kissing as he went, before he pressed another to her mouth.
"Yeah?" His pupils were blown, the blue of his eyes nearly non-existent, and his lips were slightly swollen from kissing her.
"You gonna prove it or not?" she breathed, and he could only stare at her for a moment before nodding, and then she felt his hands at the top of her trousers, pulling up the fabric of her shirt. He hadn't taken his eyes off of her, silently asking if this was still alright, and they only broke eye contact when her shirt slipped over her head, landing on the floor a second later. He pulled her back in, kisses a little more gentle than before, and Y/n went to take Nik's shirt off. He hesitated slightly, and she paused, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. "This okay? You don't have to, if it's... I just... wanted to feel you, I guess." She blushed at the admission, and he smiled softly at her.
"It's okay, darling," and Saints she'd forgotten how her stomach dipped at the pet name. "I've just... got a lot of scars," he whispered, and Y/n immediately went to reassure him.
"That's okay. You're helping me out, not talking about your scars. but equally if you wanna do that then I'll listen," she said, pressing a kiss to his forehead, and she practically felt him melt under her. He moved back a little, giving himself room to take his clothes off. Nik paused for a moment, looking at his gloves, then made a decision and yanked them off, chucking them on to the side table next to his discarded drink. He glanced back up at her, waiting for her reaction as he settled his hands lightly on top of her thighs. Y/n could only stare at them, reaching out to hold one with her own hand but not quite touching. Most of the veins were black, and his fingers were the same, and as Y/n finally took hold of his hand, lacing their fingers together and turning his arm in her grip she noticed that the black veins continued partway up his forearms. "What..." She didn't finish, not sure where to go from there. Nik was transfixed by their interlocked hands, and his thumb was stroking hers.
"The Darkling," was his only response, and Y/n didn't know what to do other than press a gentle kiss to his mouth, cupping his face with her free hand. She pulled away, resting her forehead against his, and her hand moved down to rest over his heart.
"Does it hurt?"
"No. Not anymore."
She kissed him again, slow and careful, still holding his hand in hers.
"Do you wanna carry on?"
"Yes," he said into her mouth, hands sliding up higher on her thighs, pulling her closer to him, and Saints, he wasn't lying. She moved her hands to his shirt, tugging at the hem and lifting the fabric all the way off. Her fingers traced the lines of his chest, spending extra time on the scars and marks she found, and Nik's hands came up to rest on her back, pulling her flush against him. They kissed again, this time with more hunger, and in a sudden movement Nik had flipped them so that Y/n was lying on the sofa, legs half dangling off the edge as he situated himself between them, never taking his lips off of hers. Eventually he moved further down, and she lost all sense of time as Nik touched her, drawing out new sounds with every movement right up until he took her into paradise.
He moved back up her body a while after, having left soft kisses behind as she came down from the high, and when she brought his face down to kiss her it was soft and more loving than it should have been given they weren't actually together.
"You alright?" he asked, nose nudging against her cheek. She could only nod, wiped out. She could feel him smiling, the cheeky fucker, and she half-heartedly slapped his arm, trying to not think too hard about how toned it was. "What?" he smiled, pulling back to look at her.
"Nothing, just, you're a lot more... I don't know," she trailed off, blushing at his stare. "You have very nice arms," she decided on, and Nik's immediate laughter made her flush even more. "Shut up," she mumbled, turning her face to hide in the back of the sofa. She felt Nik's hand cup her chin, bringing her face back towards his as he planted a kiss on her lips, lingering for a while.
"Thank you," he whispered, amused smile still present. "You have very nice tits, if that helps."
Nikolai had no idea where the two of them went from here, but he wouldn't take back a single second of it.
He'd helped clean Y/n up, and then had helped her move to the bed, passing her one of his clean shirts to sleep in. He went without the gloves as he got into bed next to her, leaving them sat on the table in front of the fire. He was just pulling his boots off when he felt Y/n's fingers on his back, tracing over the scars from the demon's wings. Her hands flattened on his back, then moved around his torso and under his arms as she pushed herself against him, pulling his head to hers to kiss him. The angle was awkward, so Nikolai shook his boots off and turned around, cupping her cheek to deepen the kiss. He clambered in next to her, breaking away, and pulled the sheets up over them. At Y/n's pout he simply chuckled, and brought her down to lie next to him, and she slung her arm over his chest and her leg over his, falling asleep not long after.
Nikolai stayed awake a while longer, thinking over everything that had happened. He really didn't know where they went from here, but no matter what, he needed to tell her the truth before they got too far in.
Chapter 7
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hikennosabo · 9 months
trimax vol 13 random thoughts (ch 1-4)
ohhhh i can't believe we're almost to the end... i'm so full of anticipation. love to see my boy livio on the cover :)
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why does it say THIS on the back cover lol??? vash isn't DEAD as much as he'd like to be :')
i LOVE the pirate-themed joke covers... impeccable timing as i'm (slowly) watching opla this week lol. elendira looks so dashing in her outfit :') the inner illustration with vash and legato is great too, i love it~
chapter 1:
the flashback to legato getting accordion'd... i miss knives's long hair tbh...
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wait i'm obsessed with this image of legato. dare i say gender envy
i'm admittedly confused about what's going on in this scene... someone in the tag said vash is using his bullets to block the cannonfire, but i don't know if that's what's happening...? he definitely did not do that when the cannon fired in the previous chapter, and i think the ガガガ sfx are sounds from the cannon firing, not a gun... so why is vash screaming? not like he needs a specific reason to scream in his situation, i'd want to scream too.
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legatoooo your silhouette is so striking
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i enjoy knives's expression here, it's as if he's saying "i dare you to go ahead and try," lol
it also hurts just a little to see knives like this compared to his current self. him being human-shaped feels like it was so long ago.
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he's being so mean and dismissive on purpose but his yawn is so cute :')
this has nothing to do with what's going on, but i wonder if knives can even sleep at all in the state he's in. i don't think he can...
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"admire"... i've only ever made jokes about this myself so don't take this too seriously but i wonder why legato x vash is such a rarepair. y'know, the toxic psychosexual obsession type of ship. especially with what happens right after this with legato seeing himself in vash? "recognition of the self through the other" is pretty standard ship fuel...
......although... if the two of them stopped fighting right now and kissed each other instead, i think THAT would shock knives so much just long enough that chronica could successfully blast him with the cannon. boom, fight over, problem solved, roll credits (i'm joking I'M JOKING)
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on a more serious note i'm chewing on glass
legato looks at vash and sees a broken man, sees his past self... and laughs in disbelief... as a legato fan i should have more to say about this but. i don't know how to articulate anything besides eating glass
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uuuugggghhh i'm laying on the floor. the juxtaposition of how much my heart hurts at this vs me thinking legato's insane expression and little fangs are cute
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a silly vash face, a rare sight in this volume...!!! also... ALL the gung-ho guns? i say once again: elendira didn't get a coin. so i ask again: did she refuse to participate because it's legato? or does this mean legato didn't think vash could kill elendira?
also, "kill"... lol. not even all of them are dead, and as for the ones that are, exactly zero of them were killed by vash's hand.
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oh this is diabolical. heinous even. that the point of this entire farce was so fucking frivolous is so fitting for him, i love it
chapter 2:
it's interesting that vash is including razlo and zazie among the "dead" ghg... livio was included at the end of the last chapter too, and he's certainly not dead, except in a metaphorical "my past self is dead" sense... is vash assuming that razlo is gone forever? like how i did until i read this volume?? and i don't think vash even knows what happened to zazie at all...?
speaking of zazie, where are they at? their previous body was killed, but they're a hivemind, they can't die. are the worms just hanging back watching this all unfold?
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ohhh boyyy like the 98 anime! (it wasn't in his mouth in the anime though...) hope we get a scene like this in stampede too so we can complete the "vash points his gun at legato's head" trifecta
i've been thinking this for a while, but... there are a lot of differences in each version of trigun, different ways the characters are adapted, but i think legato is pretty much the same in all of them. like, his powers work differently, and things happen or don't happen to him depending on the version, but personality-wise? he's the same guy at his core, i think the most "the same" out of all the other characters. that core being he is A Freak
also i don't know exactly what legato is doing in this next sequence of pages so i'm going to imagine he's hulking out because it just takes that much effort to simultaneously maneuver to summon his iron maiden and keep vash's gun in his mouth.
and then we cut to what has become my MOST ANTICIPATED FIGHT OF THIS ENTIRE STORY!!! YEAHHHH!!!
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she doesn't seem surprised so much as mildly bemused, lol
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she appeared suddenly behind him last volume, now it's livio's turn to suddenly appear behind her. heheheh
i ADORE their back-and-forth so much. like, a fight between 1. two of the strongest characters, 2. who also happen to be some of my favorites, 3. AND they have absolutely fantastic banter?! what more can i ask for!!!
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i am in love with both of them
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i'm in tears. he has no business being this cute while also pulling off such a cool move.
chapter 3:
ohhhh, so legato uses his iron maiden by swinging her around. what is this kind of weapon called... a mace? *googles* no, a mace is attached to a stick, this is actually called a flail. i see.
why does he lick vash's blood off the floor HSDLKFJDS?!?!?! i forgot how long his tongue is... god, he is such a freak (affectionate)
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he can carry her over his shoulder with no problem, kick her like a soccer ball with no problem... also he's so leggy... (leg... ato...)
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oh, sweetie, absolutely not.
legato's relationships are all pretty one-sided, aren't they? his relationship with knives goes without saying, but he's got a one-sided obsession with fighting vash, a rivalry that's all in his own head which vash does not reciprocate. and his relationship with elendira is one-sided the other way around in that he's the one ignoring HER goading... lol.
thinking back, vash went from "from now on, i'm hunting you!" to really wanting to avoid fighting legato for as long as possible...
OH, THE FLAIL ALSO HAS GUNS IN IT. BECAUSE OF COURSE IT DOES. HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK?! (the answer is it works because it's cool, obviously!)
livio is so CUTE!!!! he's so cute, i'm actually going to cry. if i included every cute livio panel in this post i would hit the image limit so fast.
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i will post this one though because i also love how PISSED elendira is, it's so funny.
ugh, he's so cute, he's so cute, he's so cute!!!!! i can't get over how cute he is!!!!! getting a morale boost from his clothes... he's such a sweetie. head in hands. i feel like i'm going to explode from a cuteness overdose.
chapter 4:
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i am in love with both of them.
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there's the number thirteen again...
it's kinda... i dunno. sad? that the earth fleet has more knowledge of what's going on than the people who actually live here...
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well. one of those things isn't true anymore. :')
also, what do you mean "for some reason"?! was the tradeoff for all those fancy advances in technology the entire earth's stock of hair gel?!
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that... sure is a lot of bullet casings... and oh... his coat is black now... like the title of the chapter... and like at the end of stampede... i see...
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i think this is the most normal-looking smile i've ever seen from legato. he actually looks more handsome than insane (but still pretty insane)
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AAAHHH!!!! THE RETURN OF!!!! OUR BOY RAZLO!!!!!! YEEEEAAAHHHH!!!!! i was honestly so sad and lowkey disappointed when i thought he was gone permanently because i ended up liking him a lot LOL i'm SO glad he's back!!!!
and with that i will end this post, to be continued in part 2...
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scalamore · 7 months
Ch 115 - Timeline of Rupert’s feelings
I was mind blown when I saw Rupert’s flashback/thoughts, because this information is GOLD. The novel was vague throughout in exactly when both Rupe/Lali developed feelings for each other, but I I’m so happy to get concrete details in the manhwa! In the novel portion, it was all written vaguely so it could have happened at any time, but for the manhwa, it specifically key moments of their time together. CH 10ish - their first meeting Ch 14 ish - their official first meeting Ch 32 - the gun scene/the promise
Ch 28- her looking out for him when he was sick CH 59 - her coming back after he thought she would leave forever. Ch 78 - seeing her again after a long time apart, and to have her still worry about his well-being.
So, he was already wishing she would stay by his side in Ch 59, and he found the act of her being close to him and brushing his hair lovely and his heart was already beating strongly; and in Ch 78 he already had such strong feelings he wanted to grab her as she left and kiss her.
Basically with this info, we can pinpoint the moment he really started developing feelings for her as after he rescued her from Grand Duke Ventibolt’s mansion (he realized he really messed up, he won’t let her go on any more dangerous missions, she’s too important) —> so we see his feelings really starting to bloom in the arc when he takes revenge on Arnulf’s maids.
Things just make more sense to me, because his reaction to seeing Lari hurt is not simply “because one of my things was hurt”, but rather “because they hurt Lari, who i deeply care for.” It’s also seen in that sene, where when they messed with Tori, he had gotten angry and shot warning shots at Arnulf from afar and sent a threatening letter; when they messed with Lari he was so angry he stomped all the way there to personally warn Arnulf and reveal his real voice.
Because Lari is worth it. And when you re-read season 3, now with the realization that Rupert’s loved her all this time, his actions just make more sense as a whole. There’s no way he would protect and go so far for her, if there wasn’t a strong motivation like [love] behind it. Because while he may [cherish] both Lari and Tori, he doesn’t [love] Tori.
It makes sense why he reacted the way he did in Ch 83 when Lari asked him if he trusted her or not, and if she was different: He was correct in sayin that he doesn’t trust her (because she’s free to leave the palace anytime, he doesn’t have a leash on her or anything, and he doesn’t think she’ll actually stay for him), he doesn’t want her to be like Tori (because tori has no freedom and is an alchemic doll). He’s just honestly telling her that no, he doesn’t trust in her words alone that she’ll stay. But the next chapter, when he says he trusts that she didn’t poison him is true - he never considered her a suspect, and he doesn’t think she’ll hurt him either. He cares for her and doesn’t want to suspect her for things like that.
Ch 86, when she wakes up from poison and accidentally falls on top of him, is the first time we hear from him how he’s afraid of getting closer to her, coveting her, and “knows how it won’t end well”.
Similarly, he has similar feelings after he sees her naked, and reaffirming how he wants to be with her in Ch 98 - he “wants” her more than ever, and is afraid of ruining her. During the debutante, he’s bursting with jealousy because she’s unexpectedly super popular, and he gets lost in the moment and leans in for an unsuccessful kiss.
And in Ch 110 he just wants to grab on to her and hold her close, but when she firmly rejects him after confirming what he feels for her is [love] - he has a vision of Eva, who again serves as a warning for him to not dare covet Lari, because he’s the reason why she tried to die, and why she still wants to die if she stays at the palace. When you think about it, he’s loved her so strongly this whole time, but held back all this time because he was scared of his own feelings. To him, the feelings of [love] equate to possessiveness/ obsessiveness, and that caused Eva to want to die. He doesn’t understand the possibility that the feelings he has toward Lari is a positive, natural feeling because he genuinely cares about her, and that his body’s desire for physical intimacy (hugging, kissing, etc) is also normal - he’s a young adult after all. But since he thinks that the moment he touches Lari, she’ll hate him forever/want to die, he’s absolutely stuck. But the good thing is, is during the separation he re-assesses those feelings and learns that the solution to his problem is simple: as long as Lari likes him back and is Ok with his touch,then there shouldn’t be an issue anymore :) but the issue is how to get her to like him :( good thing it doesn’t take too long :)
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
time for the thoughts :D
chap 1:
-ok when you think about thats brutal af, this is the worst nightmare of anyone who takes public transport
-:c hes so soft
-the fucker with the balls scared me >:v get out and leave my son alone
chap 2:
-legato eating lmao :b but creepy at the same time
-"no guys we cant destroy him anymore, just traumatize him" what a metal thing to order knives, you sicko
-vash is doomed to be driven everywhere hes like me fr
-aw he looks tired :c
-nightow honey.....thank you so much for this dumb joke lmao
-yes vash ofc your bf is hiding something but this is not the time to think about that
-oh wait i remember this chapt-...oh fuck
-*insert 98 vash yelling get me out of here*
-"demon priest" nice nickname for your bf
-OH WAIT DO THEY STRAIGHT UP TOLD HIM "he so your brother wants us to traumatize you, yknow the classic stuff" TO HIS FACE I FORGOT
chap 3:
-oh the title page of this one *chef kiss*
-ooooh the betrayal
-oh that line that tries to be a panel line is cool as hell
-...ok i yet dont get much from this battle but pretty cool nonetheless
-i got the final part tho
chap 4:
-ok i do respect samurai guy here tho, die with your principles ma man
-ah no its the timeeeee noooooooooooooo
-im gonna need a hug
-ok i need the hug now
-"im willing to die so you fucking realize you cant go around in life just running away" is raw af, but replying with "im not gonna shoot you cuz i want to fucking show you hope" is even worst
-NIGHTOW IM GOING TO YOUR FUCKING HOUSE AND after respectfully shaking your hand BITE IT
-the man who bears the role of savior with a smile while it hurts vs the man who bears the role of the murderer without an expression while it hurts...IT ALL JUST HURTS
chap 5:
-nooooo stoppppppp :c
-something something, parallel with vash in a escape pod something, something tears
-I HATE LIFE ACTUALLY (the hc of wolfwood having regular nightmares is not even a hc, it actually happens)
-"we need 2 rooms" cmon dont be shy :3
-oh wait i love this chapter :3 even if it has the most unhealthy implications ever like vash omfg cant you just take a fucking break :)
-nah hes not ignorant of anything...hes just really stupid with a big ass heart
-ok i feel like im insulting vash too much rn, its the wolfwood pov mb
-hes so dead
-awww :3 im sorry for calling him stupid, he's just really nice in a world where mercy is basically being stupid
-vash is making the smallest and most pathetic noises and the guy is like "oh wow you can help me come up with a plan? thanks :D"
-i agree with rob but i also agree with his dad. this ties back nicely with the thing about considering killing people just because of family.
-i mean...yeah theres something deeply wrong with vash...those arent news i think
chap 6:
-wolfwood noooooooooooooooooooooo :c
-wolfwood dont *smack in the head* stop those thoughts rn
-i love wolfwood poking on the subject like "well at least i cant do that cuz IM HUMAN.....what about you vash hm?"
-AND WE LOVE A CHARACTER WHO DOESNT HAVE EVERY VALUE SET IN STONE :D vash ily and your search for an answer sm
-ah that looks pretty :D
-also lets go back to wolfwood "i don't have the right to hold you" vs vash embracing the hugs ONLY TO GET THIS. WHAT ARE YOU TELLING ME NIGHTOW HUUHHHHHHH YOU MF-
(i dont think we'll get this or something similar in stampede but if we do...if we do i will bite people and that's a promise)
chap 7:
-im.....im so sad for him
-"the mind of a man is bleeding out".....yeah you can call him that ig
-oh shit thats how this volume ends??? fuck ig????
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Longest Tag: 98 characters
#it's also weird bc my art posts are always showing up in the tags at first but then disappearing??
My Top Posts in 2022:
Smutty fic recs?
OOOOH yes!! here are some of my fav smut fics, some classics and some newer!
needless to say, all of these fics contain smut
until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky by @tvfanatic97-2 - honestly already one of my fav petermj fics. a porn-as-plot coming (heh) of age relationship study w on-again-off again petermj. it's *chef kiss* amazing
5/12 chapters
15k words
'Cause Girl You Earned It by @jenniboo311 - like!!! damn!! dom!peter in this is so so good, and the dynamic between the two is so wonderfully written
4.5k words
Craving Your Touch by @anarchyduck - a little dom!mj!! as a treat!! peter gets blindfolded and thoroughly enjoys it :)
960 words
Reckless Behavior by @spideysmjs - a friends to lovers where peter and mj are competitive about who's the best at oral. what ensues is hot and hilarious
9.7k words
a peculiar offer by @spideyxchelle - mj asks peter for a favor, she wants to have a baby, and peter, being the excellent roommate and friend he is, offers to help. a sexy, and also very very sweet fic!!
Caught by @procrastinationpony - THIS FIC okay!! mj gets caught in peter's bed and it goes very well indeed !!
the way you make me feel by abusedtrademarkemoji - you may or may not need a minute to lie down after this one. the dirty talk and the slightly dom!peter is exquisite.
when you give that look to me (I better look back carefully) by @mjonesing - a fwb fic (that's due for an update EMILY) that i know is going to destroy me. another instance of porn as plot (or porn w plot that comes later, as em's tags say) that's fun and sexy!! and peter and mj are big ol' idiots in it. amazing.
4/10 chapters
this coupon is good for... by flying_snowmen - a classic!! when will this fic return from the war? fair warning, it hasn't been updated since 2020, but it's still worth the read!! mj gives peter a coupon book for a gift, not realizing it's for sexy favors dsjlakfjd
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213 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
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Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
218 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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241 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
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365 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Do you ever see a take so bad it makes you viscerally react to it? like imagine watching nwh, hell the whole home trilogy, and your only takeaway is that MJ was a “useless, boring character” or that she did nothing to help Peter?? Sorry you can't understand the fact that people don't need to have powers to help someone?
Because can we talk about this scene? 
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Peter is wrought with guilt after everything that’s just happened. MJ holds his face as she tells him “we’re gonna get through this and we’re gonna get through this together.” She holds his hand. She comforts him. She just sits with him. 
It’s not always about being able to fight. It’s about emotional support. It’s about helping your friend/lover stay true to themselves even in moments of wild grief and anger. 
The other two spideys show up at first to SUPPORT PETER. Not to fight.
So many times throughout this movie, Peter’s loved ones (May, Ned, AND MJ) keep him grounded when everything is falling apart. 
if you honestly can’t see how important that is to Peter and you think it’s just about being a good sidekick, then you don’t understand the character.
MJ does this throughout the entire movie, and it’s from the very beginning; right after the identity reveal in the crowd, at Peter's apartment, on video chat, on the roof. And that's just in the first twenty or so minutes. 
She becomes the optimism he needs and makes him hope when he becomes jaded after May’s death. 
there is no Spider-Man without the people he loves and the impact they've had on him. And in the MCU, there is no Spider-Man without MJ, Ned, and May. Even with the ending, Peter carries May's moral compass, kind heart, and sense of responsibility; Ned's loyalty and humor; and Michelle's love and optimism, forward with him. He's able to continue being Spider-Man at the end because of May's words to him and because Ned and MJ are okay.
And I don’t even wanna get into the whole “MJ Watson’s not coming back/oh well she lost her memories!!” thing bc that itself is a post for another time.
819 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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lycorogue · 2 years
Another “Deleted” Scene: Chat Noir’s Feelings for Ladybug
Hello again. Yes, I am still working on my aged-up Miraculous Ladybug smut. Yes, it’s still 98% flirting, dirty thoughts, making-out, and fluff. Making the other 2% angst! the actual sex/smut part...
As I’m working on that first draft, I realized a chapter I wrote (or, rather, the conclusion of a chapter) just doesn’t work anymore. So, to the cutting room floor it goes. Buuuuut, I do like it enough to not let it vanish into the dark depths of my external hard drive, never to be seen again. So, you fine folks luck out with yet another deleted scene! (maybe I’ll actually finish this story at some point)
Set-up: Chat Noir is tired of Marinette (now both 19yo) acting like he’s not attractive or “sexy” enough to win over Ladybug. So, he decided to demonstrate his new flirting techniques on her. Problem is: they worked. Before she realized what she was doing, Marinette was swooning. This thoroughly freaked them both out and Chat Noir sprinted home before anything more happens.
Shenanigans ensue as Marinette deals with the fact that she IS very much sexually attracted to Chat Noir (who is already one of her besties), Adrien deals with the fact that he found Marinette getting turned on by him a big turn-on itself, and both deal with the complications of “lying” to their potential partner as MariChat attempts to date (Marinette fears Chat Noir will feel tricked if he ever discovers she’s Ladybug after LB has turned him down for the past 6 years; Adrien feels like he’s deceiving Marinette into dating one of her close friends since she doesn’t realize CN is Adrien Agreste).
I’ve figured out a new work-around so they aren’t actually deceiving the other (too much), but that’s why this bit has to go. Originally, this would be after the two have dated (and had make-out sessions) for a couple of weeks, and the guilt is overwhelming Marinette. She needs to know where Chat Noir’s head is at before they can go any further. She did not expect his answer.
“Chat Noir?”
“Hmm?” He shifted closer to her and gently hummed. His eyes were half-lidded, and focused on her lips despite himself.
“Do-?” Her voice hitched. “Do you-?” Her voice caught again.
Nudging ever closer, he prayed she wanted to know if he wanted to kiss her. He desperately needed an excuse to do so.
“Do I what?” His voice was low; soft; whispered.
“Are you still in love with Ladybug?”
Chat Noir jumped back, spine rigid and eyes wide. His costume's cat ears were spiked straight up, and so was his belt-tail.
“Wh-what? Why-? Why would you-?” He knew the answer. She needed to find out where he stood. She needed to know if she was just a distraction or consolation prize. She deserved to know if that's all she was to him. She deserved to not be either of those things.
He softened, and took Marinette's hand. “It's different. We're different, you and me. What this is-”
“So you are still in love with her.” Marinette softly nodded, but she also pulled her hand away. She started picking at her nails, and her eyes weren't directed at anything. She was lost in her own mind.
“It's not quite like that.”
“No. No, I knew you were in love with her going into this. I knew you were in love with her for years. Feelings like that, they don't just-” She looked up at him, but her gaze was through him. Her face dropped in some realization he couldn't follow. “-fade away.” She shifted so more of her back was towards him than her front, and she scanned her bedroom wall over her computer monitor.
“It's a bit more complicated than that. Please.” He caught her chin with his index finger and gently turned her head back to him. “Could you hear me out?”
She nodded. It was so subtle, if he didn't feel his own finger shift, he might not have caught the head bob.
“Ladybug's ability to cleanse akumas and restore any damage done during an attack – along with other things I don't think I'm at liberty to talk about – makes her the most important hero for Paris. I may be her partner, but I get how much more important she is compared to me. I'm fine with that. Kept me a while, but I am.”
“Chat Noir, I-?” She shook her head, her eyebrows knitted in confusion.
He held up a hand to stay her question. “Because of all of that, I'd do anything to protect Ladybug. Anything at all. I'd do it to help protect Paris and its citizens. I'd do it to protect the Miraculous. Most importantly, I think I'd just do it to protect her. I care for her deeply, and I can't imagine my life without her. I'd do anything in my power to make sure I don't know a day without her in it. I-” This was more painful than he realized when he had started. His throat physically hurt as he spoke the next words. “I need you to understand all of that.”
Marinette's eyes were glossed over with tears threatening to spill, and it broke Chat Noir's heart. She forced a sad little smile. “Yeah. I thought as much. I should have known how much you loved her.”
“I do. I do love her. More than I can comprehend.”
Another sad nod from Marinette, and she started to fold into herself.
“I don't think I'm in love with her anymore though.” Chat Noir leaned forward to try to catch Marinette's reaction.
He needn't bother. She whipped her head around instantly, and stared at him. “But- but you just-?”
“I know it's not fair to you, Marinette. None of this is. I know that we could never have the relationship you deserve. I know you'll always have to worry about me whenever there's an attack. I know you'll always fear what I'd do to protect Ladybug. I know I'm asking you to be alright with the possibility of me not being able to make it back to you, but I also need you to know what you might be agreeing to.”
“I don't understand.”
Chat Noir slid off the chaise lounge, and knelt in front of Marinette, her hands gently cradled in his own. “Marinette, there's always been something about you. Something that's sparked something inside me. Something that's been there since day one, but something I couldn't really understand. Something I misread. 
“There's an excitement that fills me whenever I catch just a glimpse of you. An urge to call out to you, to speak to you, to see you smile every chance I can. A craving to know what it would feel like to touch you, feel your skin against mine, even if it's just from holding hands.”
Marinette swallowed hard, and her face pinked. Chat Noir could feel his own face warm up.
“You always seem to know how to make me smile, Marinette. You accept all the different facets of me, even the ones you don't know I've shown you yet. When I'm around you, I can be the closest definition I could come up with for who I truly am. You're the thought that puts me to sleep at night, and the one that wakes me in the morning.”
“Chat Noir-” She breathed his name, and he nearly died on the spot.
He climbed back onto the chaise. His thigh brushed against hers. His body dangerously close to hers. The backs of his fingers grazed her neck as his thumb stroked her jawline. His lips tantalizingly close to kissing her ear as he whispered.
“You're the one I want, Marinette. You're the one I'm in love with.”
Thank you for the read. 💖
If you liked that little sampling, and want to see other scenes that just missed the cut (or, rather... had to be cut) for this story, you can check them out here:
Another Scene for the Cutting Room Floor: Accidental Reveal
Another “Deleted” Scene? Adrien Realizing His Feelings For Marinette
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vixvaporub · 2 years
September 12th to September 18th Reads:
Currently Reading:
Berserk - chapters 34 to 47
Fruits basket - chapter 47 to 53
Insomniacs After School club - chapters 41 to 62
Boys Run the Riot - Chapter 1 and 2
Blue period - chapter 54
Juujika no rokunin - chapter 98
Shadows house - chapter 142
Blood on the tracks - chapter 129
Call of the night - chapter 141
19 days - chapters 395 to 402
Dangerous convenience store - chapters 71 to 75
My dress up darling - chapter 81
Completed/Caught Up:
Fangs - 5 chapters (caught up) wonderful rec from @ghostdata about gay vampires :3
Beautiful by sakurakouji kanoko (oneshot) it's decent
Ship of theseus - chapters 1 to 19 (caught up) gives me erased vibes, guys goes back in time to stop a killer, and it's actually pretty good, it's keeping me hooked and can't wait for more chapters
Hiraeth - 17 chapters (completed) I just love this story so much, it's so beautifully drawn but the messages about death and continuing on living is *chiefs kiss* its up there as one of my favorites
Kimi dake no kisu (oneshot) not worth it
Kimi dake no shirusbi (oneshot) decent for a shoujo oneshot
Accomplishments of a Duke's- chapter 35 to 62 (caught up)
Omoi no kakera - wasn't feeling it
Love buzz - was making me more bored
Completed season 1 of made in the abyss - totally understand the hype of this one, definitely something to pick up if you want an action / mystery and don't mind gorey scenes
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inukag · 2 years
How many times does Kagome ‘Sit’ Inuyasha?
Since I always complain about the anime making a lot of things worse, including Kagome’s use of the sit command, I decided to back up what I’m saying with some actual data.
So I present to you: The ultimate Osuwari/Sit count. 
Let’s start with the manga, the real canon. I went over all the chapters, including the bonus chapter 559 / Since Then, and here are the results:
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Total ‘Sit’ count in the manga: 56
Highest number of sits in a row: 8  → Reason: Inuyasha was trying to destroy the well using a boulder (chapter 23) Other times she used the beads repetitively:  4 times in chapter 249 →  After he tried to pick up a fight with her when she was in a bad mood because they met Kikyo. 4 times in chapter 339 →  After he got angry at her for being ‘too friendly’ with Koga and she called him out for also being too friendly with Kikyo. 2 times in chapter 327  →  After he went to see Kikyo alone and she thought he was lying to her when he said Kikyo wasn’t there.
I added this because people usually say Kagome sits him “every time he annoys her a little” and I don’t think that’s true. Because of this I also gathered a (subjective) list of reasons why Kagome used the command and counted the number of sits associated. 
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Main reasons: he was being violent, or he was being rude/insensitive towards her or others. 
Now, let’s take a look a the anime 🙂 I didn’t rewatch the anime to make this, I watched The Ultimate Inuyasha Sit Compilation video and double checked some episodes myself. Shoutout to zeragon21 on Youtube for making this compilation, it saved me a lot of time! This includes all animated content of the Inuyasha series, so the original anime (episode 1-167) & The Final Act (episode 168-193) and then the 4 movies and the spinoff Hanyo no Yashahime. 
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Total ‘Sit’ count in the anime: 154
Highest number of sits in a row: 22 → Reason: Trying to stop a drunk Sango from kissing Inuyasha
Other times she used the beads repetitively: 16 times in episode 109  →  Same as chapter 249 where she used it 4 times but the anime made it worse 11 times in episode 96 →  Because Inuyasha told Jinenji that Kagome has a “small heart” 10 times in Movie 1 →  Because Inuyasha didn’t compliment her cooking and wanted to eat ramen instead 8 times in episode 11 →  Same as chapter 23  6 times in episode 98 →  Because Inuyasha didn’t compliment her cooking, again 5 times in episode 158 →  Same as chapter 327 where she used it 2 times but the anime made it worse
Conclusion: The Inuyasha animated content added almost 100 non-canon ‘Sit’ commands! 
This is honestly, so, so much worse than I expected, lol. I also wanted to note some other differences that would explain why anime viewers find the sit command a bigger problem than manga readers. The first one being the force / intensity of it. In the anime the command will often be strong enough to create a crater, while in the manga there’s usually a “moosh” sound effect and if she uses it repetitively Inuyasha will just stay stuck in a crouched position. 
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Another thing I’ve noticed while watching the compilation is that in the anime (especially the dub) Inuyasha often complains about it. He’ll scream/grunt when she sits him, call her heartless, ask her why she’s sitting him. This doesn’t really happen in the manga. He will usually say “Kagome temee!” (Damn you Kagome!) or say “Stop that!” if she’s using it repeatedly (which only happened twice).   
There’s also some added scenes in the anime that portrayed Kagome in a negative light in regards to the sit command. The first one being in the third movie “Swords of an Honorable Ruler”, where Inuyasha asked Kagome to remove the beads and she ignored him, and later she “tricked” him into putting them back on despite his complaints. The other is from the filler episodes 147-148 “The Tragic Love Song of Destiny” where Kikyo created the subjugation beads using the word “beloved” as the trigger word, but decided not to put them on him because she saw he was nice. Sunrise clearly added this to imply that Kagome should have taken the beads off Inuyasha after she realized they weren’t truly necessary (since he doesn’t want to kill her or innocents) and used this to add fuel to the love triangle discourse. In the manga the beads are never really talked about, they’re just a slapstick gag that isn’t meant to be taken too seriously, just like Sango slapping Miroku or Inuyasha punching kids. 
Conclusion: the reasons why the Sit command is worse in the anime than in the manga, is that there is almost 100 added Sits, the force of the command is way worse, Inuyasha complains about it a lot more, and Sunrise tried to make it seem like a bigger deal than it really is by adding certain scenes.
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sasubaeuchithot · 2 years
For Kizuna Hikari you said you wanted to keep them as IC as possible (which you were able to do!) so I was wondering how you view Naruto's sexuality and how you think he views his sexuality? Are you able to bridge it with his manga version?
Moments from the manga that could be relavent to his sexuality:
- when he impersonates Sasuke, Sakura's confessing her desperation for Sasuke/how she'd do anything for him and Naruto thinks he finally understands why he likes her (3)
- when he compliments Sakura's appearance he says she has a charming large forehead (3)
- thinks Haku is cuter than Sakura (21)
- tells Jiraiya that when he peeps it's mischief/a prank, but for Jiraiya it's considered criminal behaviour (91) he is seen peeping in the chapter prior
- calls Hinata weird, plain and gloomy, but says that he likes people like her (98)
- when Sakura asks about her looks after the time skip he says she hasn't changed at all (245)
- when Sakura says that Sai resembles Sasuke he gets defensive and says Sasuke's way cooler (285)
- in the bathhouse scene he's blushing, looking uncomfortable, the only one with his knees to his chest (286) then he seems like he's going to try peeping on Sakura
- his weird reaction when Kakashi said he's starting to like him, Kakashi has to clarify that it didn't come out right (330)
- doesn't really think about Hinata's confession or offer a response
- unrelated but the only woman he outright calls beautiful is his mother XD (498)
- he hits Konohamaru for doing Sasuke on Sai sexy jutsu (347), but in the war he admits that he practised the reverse harem jutsu more than rasengan (682)
- when Kurama brings up the fact that the only person he kissed was Sasuke he starts gagging/barfing, oddly it's the only time he has a nosebleed (572)
I'm so sorry for the long ask, I'm just really curious about your thought process when writing Naruto and your opinion of the manga. Are there any other canon moments you've taken into account? I'm also sorry for giving you a list, I wanted to be clear with what I was referring to in terms of his manga characterisation.
it's been years since I read the manga (though I own the first 40-50 volumes lol) so I'll admit that I'm not a good source for manga specific things, however I do know of all of these instances you mention
I have always viewed Naruto as bi/pan!!! I've always seen him as the kind of person who has the ability to develope a crush on nearly everyone he meets, perfectly juxtaposed against Sasuke, who is very ace/aro in my mind and who can love basically just Naruto and Naruto alone, because Naruto is his deepest bond. naruto sees the good in people and admires them for it immensely, so i feel like he would easily form crushes (some more platonic than others). he craves love and attention from nearly everyone he meets. i dont discredit his attraction to girls. him saying Sakura looked the same after the time skip was just him being honest, but I don't think it meant he didn't view her as pretty or that he had stopped crushing on her- just that she looked the same. though I do think that he did vie for her attention because he was jealous of other people openly desiring Sasuke lol. but regardless, I don't deny that Naruto had a crush on her altogether. I think that it morphed into familial love, but it did have some base to it. he thought haku was prettier than Sakura, but he did think haku was a girl. and Sasuke himself has feminine features, so I'm sure he's a fan of other feminine looking people as well.
Naruto just has such disaster bisexual energy to me lol. he gets more flustered around guys than girls because he hasn't fully recognized what his feelings for them means because he isn't someone who actively self-reflects on why he feels the way he does. being gay doesnt appear to be very common in konoha, so i imagine there is some internalized homophobia he's dealing with that makes it all even worse. him remembering that Sasuke was his first kiss was a huge flood of emotions that he didn't know how to deal with, so he reacted the way his society would expect him to. but he uh. also got a nosebleed from it so clearly the memory was actually far from grossing him out lol
he feels the strongest for Sasuke, so he was rightfully sour towards someone replacing him on team 7. but let it be known:
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he clearly also found sai attractive lol
so, disaster bi Naruto with internalized homophobia who crushes on everyone but deeply loves Sasuke romantically and sexually. good shit
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i-lovethatforme · 2 years
JESSSS IT’S AN EMERGENCY! YOU KNOW HOW I WANT THE NEXT SPIDEY TRILOGY TO END?! (There’s gonna be another trilogy, you’re welcome!)
So, MJ is gonna figure everything out and blah blah blah, and then, the last movie of the trilogy ends with Peter proposing to MJ with “I LOVE YOU” written in webs on the Brooklyn Bridge and the whole nine yards (why is it only 9 yards? Why not 10 yards? Whatever…) anddd cause we deserve more :), there’s gonna be a montage of all the special moments of Peter and MJ’s life together, with Peter’s voice telling the stories ( i.e - their wedding, them falling onto bed together after the wedding 😏, them finding out they’re gonna have a baby (a.k.a THE DAY I DIE), the birth of their first child and and and)
There’s more, cause a dream is a wish your heart makes and also cause I’ve had way too much coffee. The post-credit scene would be of Peter, MJ and their lil kids and dog or cat or goldfish or giraffe, whatever they want, hanging out in the living room being all gross and cutesy, cause you know they’re gonna be the sappiest, most adorable family in the history of adorable families. It’s snowing outside btw, cause why the hell not? Peter’s carrying the youngest lil nugget out of his and MJ’s kids and is looking out the window and sees Miles swinging around in his suit (thus, bringing in the new generation of heroes to the MCU) and he waves at Miles who flashes him the peace sign and MJ comes up from behind him (Peter) and hugs him from behind and gives him a kiss, and their toddlers come up from behind them and cling on to their legs. And that is how I need Tom’s time as spidey to end (I actually don’t want it to end but whatever)
And finally, the one where I lose my shit…
Yours truly,
The nonny who shared her thoughts on how MJ would regain her memories a while back :)
My fave past time is someone having a breakdown in my inbox so true!
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Yes to MJ figuring it out/ happy end to that chapter WHEN? Yes to the bridge web writing 🥺🥺🥺🥺 yes to sticky babies! Yes to Miles taking over. Idc how unrealistic it is for Peter to live to a happy healthy 98... but I'll be damned if I ever kill him off 😌😌😌😌
Thanks for sharing your big brain ideas w me - this entire ask made me giggle 🥰
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paradoxcase · 3 years
So I was rereading my old Homestuck fic, from, uh nine years ago in 2012, and like, I actually don’t hate it?  It just makes me kind of nostalgic for 2012 Homestuck fandom, and 2012 fandom interpretation of Gamzee, sigh.  But I was thinking about it for another reason - this was 2012, that would have been the year I turned 28.  And I think it was either that year, or the next year that I really figured out I was asexual, but that must have happened after April of 2012, because in April of 2012 I posted the second chapter of Kismet Fish, which isn’t sex or anything, but it was supposed to be sort of sexy and I felt like this was something I could write successfully.  And I think I did succeed, because Askerian posted a comment about it being hot, and they wouldn’t have done that if they hadn’t actually thought that, right?  If you don’t really like a fic, you just leave without posting a comment, so it had to be something they really though.  I spent a lot of time in the intervening years thinking about this scene and wondering how I could possibly have written it, how I could have put sexual attraction in there without ever having experienced it, etc.  And eventually I went back and read it and saw... there is no sexual attraction there, there are no physical descriptions that are meant to be sexy at all, it’s just a description of a kiss, and some tension buildup involving fighting and wrestling, but that’s it, there’s really nothing sexual there.  You have to read between the lines to get that in there.  And I guess I fooled at least one other person, and also myself, because I totally thought that had been in there the whole time, until I went back and read it again.  I guess if you just build the narrative tension the right way, you can trick people into thinking there are things there that aren’t there?  And I like that tension, I never cared about the sex but the tension is fun, so I just... included the things I liked, and didn’t include the things I just didn’t care about.
Anyway, that original reread was years ago, but I still think about it sometimes, I thought about it again yesterday and went back and did a big reread of all the fic I posted to AO3, and of course the rest of it is all full of descriptions of romantic attraction, but that’s another thing I’ve realized I don’t experience since the first reread.  But when I wrote this stuff, the whole point of the shipfic was to say, here’s this completely alien set of alien romances that I can’t possibly experience even as an obviously totally 100% straight alloromantic person because it’s aliens, right, let’s construct from the bottom up what alien romance looks like.  And it doesn’t matter that I don’t have experience with human romance, because it’s aliens - who is going to tell me I’m doing it wrong?  And this gave me the confidence to include that in those fics that I didn’t have for including actual sexual attraction in Kismet Fish, and play with it, and explore it, and construct an idea of it.  And part of the reason I always insisted in various places that troll romance was obviously so different than human romance was that as soon as troll romance just becomes reskinned human romance, now I am writing something I don’t know that probably everyone else does, as opposed to playing with an idea that no one actually knows because we’re not trolls.  And after all that... even though I realized I was asexual before I realized I was aromantic, I still question sometimes, like, wait, was that feeling sexual attraction?  And when I people describe sexual attraction I feel like, that can’t be real, that doesn’t actually exist, does it?  But I’ve never questioned like this about romantic attraction, I believe it exists the way people describe, and honestly I kind of like the idea of it, and I understand it well enough to know that I’ve never experienced it and never will.  And I honestly think that like 98% of the reason for this is that nine years ago, I wrote a bunch of Homestuck fanfic to explore what alien romance would be like.  I guess it’s just too damn bad that Hussie never implied that troll sexual attraction was qualitatively different than human sexual attraction, or I probably actually would have included it in my fic, haha.
Anyway, how are you all doing tonight?  Do people still follow my blog?  I know I haven’t posted in absolute yonks
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a-crepusculo · 3 years
Fandom(s): Choices
Book: Open Heart
Last Updated: 25th October 2022
Open Heart (Ethan x MC)
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Meet My MC (Dr. Marchia Bisognin, F!MC)
Meet My OC (Dr. Nyla Hassan, F!OC)
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An Introduction: A night at Donahue’s took an unexpected turn (feat Tobias x OC).
Midnight: Marchia found a rather interesting scene in the middle of the night.
Reflection: She currently doesn’t feel like herself.
Scarlet Roses: Marchia receives a special delivery on Valentine’s Day.
If I Got You: Ethan delightfully invited his wife for a final dance at their reception party.
Miracles Gala: Her first appearance as the Head of Diagnostics Team may not be as easy as she thinks.
Latest Trend: The newest TikTok trend caught Ethan off guard. 
His Rookie: Back from the depths of Amazon, will Ethan keep fighting his own feelings or choose to give in to it? (A rewrite of Book 2 - Chapter 1)
Conference: Marchia receives a video call from Ethan while he was away.
Still Here: In the absence of Ethan, Marchia had a friendly conversation with his former rival in the diagnostics’ office. (Set in Book 3 - after Ch. 13 and before Ch. 14)
Tell Me: Even after a successful day at work, Marchia couldn’t help but notice one thing. (Set in Book 3 - Ch. 13)
All Yours: Five years after their fateful encounter at Edenbrook, Ethan was caught off-guard by an unusual view.
Thank You: Ethan had something lingering in his mind after their trip from Hawaii. (Set in Book 3 - Post Ch. 11)
A Simple Picture: A picture with Ethan was all she wanted, but what she got was something else. (Set in Book 2)
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𓆸 Marry Me Series: One simple question can change their whole lives forever. [COMPLETED]
All Parts Here
𓆸 Water Under the Bridge Series: Their relationship is put to the test when a new opportunity arises for Marchia. [ON HIATUS]
All Parts Here
𓆸 Five Senses Series: Ethan navigates his thoughts and feelings towards Marchia using the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. [COMPLETED]
All Parts Here
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CPR Bear: His old teddy bear got a new outfit.
Birthday Girl: A special getaway to celebrate her birthday.
First Year: Ethan and Marchia celebrates their first wedding anniversary together.
Bike Lesson: Ethan surprises his wife with an unusual gift and takes her to the Boston Common.
In Town: The Bisognin sisters are reunited in Boston to celebrate Marchia’s new role as Head of Diagnostics team.
A Day Out: Ethan promised—or, rather, bribed—his wife to accompany him to California with Disneyland Park tickets.
Mr. and Mrs.: Ethan and Marchia’s special day, as seen through the lens of their loved ones.
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𓆸 Inbox Prompts
Dream (Prompt: Getting up in the middle of the night and forehead kisses.)
Forever and Ever (Prompt: “My love for you comes with a lifetime guarantee.”)
𓆸 150 Random Writing Prompts
Photo of Us (Prompts: 42. “How have you survived this long by yourself?” and 78. “I can’t get enough of you.”)
Runny Nose (Prompt: 29. “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”)
Pretty Please (Prompt: 112. “I’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”)
Precious Time (Prompts: 15. “Wanna dance?”; 39. “You are a terrible influence.”; 98. “If we weren’t in public right now, I’d have my head between your legs.”)
𓆸 101 Ways to Say I Love You Prompts
Little Sister (Prompt: 79. “I never imagined that someone’s heartbeat could sound so amazing.”)
See You Soon (Prompt: 55. “I missed you... a lot.”)
Sweetheart (Prompts: 47. “I would do anything for you.” and 57. “I got us matching shirts!”)
Paper Crafts (Prompt: 41. “Let me see your scars...”)
Secret’s Out (Prompt: 29. “You’re family.”)
Celebratory Gift (Prompt: 13. “I saw you looking at it last time we were in the store together, so I got it for you.”)
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𓆸 GIFs
Worth Any Risk
Ethan Ramsey x Marchia Bisognin
𓆸 More About Ethan and Marchia
Shoutout To My Ex
The Ramsey Family
Looks Throughout the Years
The Wedding of Marchia and Ethan
Forever Yours
Come Away with Ethan and Marchia
Marchia and Ethan at a Glance
𓆸 Open Heart Bullet Journal Playthrough
All Chapters Here
𓆸 Photos
The Bisognin Siblings
Date Night
𓆸 Videos
You & I
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Warning(s): Strong language, smut, and/or adult content. Viewer discretion is advised. By viewing this work, you consent that you are 18 years old and above. Minors, please do not interact with the posts below.
All NS*FW Content Here
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𓆸 Event Masterlist
Wedding Wednesday (Weekly reblog game of their wedding.)
MC Monday (Weekly reblog game of our MC.)
Newlyweds Game (Interviewing Ethan and Marchia as newlyweds.)
𓆸 Headcanons
All Headcanons Here
𓆸 Miscellaneous
Marchia’s 2021 Look Book
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𓆸 Fanarts: The complete collection of fan-made arts, commissioned from several wonderful artists.
Stunning: The dazzling couple spent their night at the opera house.
Pretty Please: They took a picture at the happiest place on earth.
Moonlight: Moments leading up to their Miami kiss.
Power Couple: Edenbrook’s hottest power couple.
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𓆸 Gifts from Friends: The complete collection of gifts from my loveliest friends and mutuals.
All Gifts Here
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frobin · 3 years
Okey serious question here. How much do you actually believe that Oda ships Frobin? Like do you think he actually have like doodles/sketchs of them in a pairing kind of way? like for the strong world film riding the motorbug? (Personally i would love it to be true but he has stated one piece isn't about romance in that way)
Hey there anon! Thank you so much for your question and I hope I can answer it seriously enough. Also once more sorry for the late response. I felt like a question like that needs some research and that is what I did these last few days.
So... I think I'll start with the tl;dr because that way people can read that and ignore the rest.
So, long answer short: I 100% believe that Oda has one or more sketchbooks with drawings of his characters that are absolutely self-indulgent. I am 98% sure that he has drawn Franky and Robin in a romantic way at least once (and supported the ship). I am 80% sure he still is shipping FRobin.
Little disclaimer: I actually have no idea if any of this is true. I pull everything in my arguments out of my own experiences and knowledge and since I'm not a 46 year old Japanese Mangaka my perspective might be WAY OFF.
argument - reason- example - conclusion... behind the cut (or in the google doc)
So, why do I think that Oda has a secret sketchbook?
Simple answer is that he is an artist. He is drawing a lot and no artist will publish everything. That can have multiple reasons like imposter syndrome or because the artist thinks it’s not good or interesting enough or they just forget. There are even more reasons I forget and every person has their own.
For Oda I can imagine two big reasons as to why he would keep secret sketchbooks.
First: He is a horndog. You can skip this part if you don’t want to read about it, to the second reason.
Anyway, we know thanks to answers in the SBS, the way he likes to draw big-breasted women and how some of his characters are classified as perverts that he can be considered one too.
Let me show you a few of a few lewd SBS questions he likes to answer in a funny way:
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Chapter 228, Page 46
D: How are ya, Odacchi? I know how much you like getting butt-naked, so this must be a favourite season for you. <3
O: Yes, yes. I just LOVE getting completely naked. In the summertime, after I take a bath I just run STRAIGHT OUTSIDE!! And when the girls' softball team running on the sidewalk looks over at me, they say, "Yup, it's really summer now!!" ... AS IF!! I'D GET ARRESTED!!!
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Chapter 433, Page 68
D: If Lady Robin can use her Hana Hana Powers to make any part of her body sprout somewhere else, does that mean she can do it with her ample bosom as well? "Nyurin-zaki" (Breast Sprout) Boy, I'd like to take a hit from that sometime... P.N. Ero Ero no Mi Devil Fruit User.
O: "Ichirin-zaki" (Single Sprout) "Nirin-zaki" (Double Sprout) "Nyurin-zaki" (Breast Sprout) Very clever!! NO IT'S NOT!! STOP THAT!! I'm sure she CAN do it though ♡
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Chapter 798, Page 64
D: Oddachi, I'll give you a pornographic book, so please answer my question. Sanji won't allow anyone to waste food, but what will he do if a woman does so? P.N. Smoker's Cigar
O: I think he would grab the plate and eat it up. Now please give me the pornographic book.
Nowadays I’m sure there is a focus on those lewder questions compared to the beginning because that is what 13 year old boys laugh about and we all know that is Oda's main demographic (of course).
I think a very good picture of that is given by Tekking101 in his breakdown video of SBS Volume 100.
“Let’s get diving into these questions (...) now, this is a huge moment. I mean, not many Manga manage to reach 100 Volumes, Okay? Now I know Oda usually starts these off with questions relating to boobs and things that don’t really… you know, aren’t really relevant but you know, this is a big celebration so we’re gonna dive right into it. I bet the most important things that we need to know about the One Piece Story are right here in these pages, okay? I printed them out. That is how important this is. So let’s start off, shall we? Epic voice, Barry!
‘Mister Oda, there is a UFO over there with huge big-breasted beauties on it. That memorable 100 Volume of the SBS is about to begin.’
[pause] Yeah, like the first five of these are all related to boobs in some way. You know what Oda? Sticking true to your guns! Godspeed, Sir Oda. Godspeed.”
(end at around 2:30)
So, Oda is a man who likes beautiful women and who draws.
Coming to the conclusion that he will draw his own characters in suggestive poses, naked and even doing adult stuff is not hard.
Obviously he would not show these sketches just around. He would probably keep them in a secret sketchbook that he keeps at a safe location. Maybe his wife and some close friends know about it? Maybe it is his and only his little secret.
I don’t think it would be unlikely to learn about this years into the future, maybe the next generation of Anime Fans will hear about this.
And it would not be the first time that something like this happened.
Not that long ago the daughter of Osamu Tezuka - groundbreaking Mangaka, known for his works of “Astro Boy”, “Kimba the white lion” and many more - found his adult Furry art. Source; Japanese article;
It’s a fact that many Mangaka did indeed start their career with art of the more risque kind and/or as doujinshi artists.
So again, I have no doubt that Oda, a known pervert, has one or more secret sketchbooks with „the p0rnography“ in it. Is there only hot stuff in there? Not necessarily.
The second reason to keep a secret sketchbook would be to collect information in there, that could be considered canon but he is not willing to use it in the Manga. Maybe they are not important enough or will be used later.
What am I imagining here? Anything that could be considered too weird for the normal sketchbook but isn‘t too risque. Funny things that might still not be „appropriate.“
Like a sketch of the male Strawhat ding-dongs with the sizes beside it. All the lewd jokes the fans did about Luffy's stretching qualities? I’m sure Oda thought about them too and drew that in the past if he had the time and it made him laugh enough.
But also maybe there are scenes in there that never made it in the Manga. The Strawhats interacting with each other in their daily lives, ideas for colorspreads and maybe chapter-titles. Oda probably has noted/sketched down a lot of unofficial stuff somewhere.
Another example, even an artist like Oda himself would have needed to exercise drawing two people kissing. Why not use Characters he thinks that might work out together?
Why not Franky and Robin? I would imagine he sketched up a few panels of Franky and Robin having a romantic date, going shopping together in Dressrosa, having a conversation that we never got to see because it was too on the nose.
Which brings us to the second point of me being very sure that Oda had drawn FrankyXRobin at one point.
I’m sure in those sketchbooks there is at least one drawing of them doing anything couple-related together. Again it does not have to be downright nasty but it could be them holding hands, kissing or even just Robin leaning onto Franky while reading, like all those fanarts that exist out there.
It’s not hard to imagine. Even for other Characters I think that is possible
And there might even be proof for that idea. The sketch of the Strong World movie you also mentioned, anon. The one movie that can be considered canon is Strong World. It was basically written/directed by Oda. Shiki the antagonist had an appearance in the Manga.
This sketch is drawn by Oda. Robin is holding onto Franky.
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Can it be read as romantic? Yes. Can it be read as Robin holding onto Franky because there is nothing else to hold onto? Also Yes. But couldn't she just have used her power to keep herself secured on the bike without holding onto Franky? WELL YES. Could Oda never have thought in these circles like I do right now? I hope he did not because I hate it and I don’t wish it upon him.
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In the movie Robin is NOT holding onto Franky. Now the really interesting thing - that is neither proof pro nor anti FRobin - is that we can see the sketch provided by Oda as a “between the scenes”.
In the movie Strong World the old trio is collecting information at the Pirate assembly. The next time we see them they use the Batta GT-7000 to slowly approach the destroyed village, which had been ravaged by the animals, and start to look for their friends. No need to hold onto Franky and no need for Brook to lean back. They are looking around.
The sketch is clearly not the same scene as the one we see in the movie.
In conclusion the drawing is indeed a between the scenes drawing. And yes if there exists one, who is to say there aren’t more?
Talking about Animal-Bikes...
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Is there any meaning about the fact that in the opening scene (that is part of the talked intro after the opening ‘We Go’ - a huge thanks to antiherofangirl, ccb0nnet, JFL_Estudios and Maems, over at twitter!) Franky and Robin build another grasshopper-based vehicle? Maybe not but I still feel like it’s quite a callback.
Where did the idea to put this in the beginning come from? a) an editor had the idea inspired by Strong World; b) maybe it’s another sketch that Oda provided.
Neither seems very far-fetched in my opinion.
So yes, I am very sure that Oda has drawn things that we would consider FRobin.
Now to the last point (the first being Oda having a secret sketchbook, the second me arguing that Oda might have drawn FRobin).
As I said in the beginning I’m very sure that at one point Oda did and kinda that he still does ship Franky and Robin. Because even though every Interaction of two characters can be depicted as romantic or platonic, Oda used ROMANTIC TROPES with Franky and Robin.
They have never kissed on screen but we had
finishing each other's sentences
coordinated clothes
one using the others lap as pillow
hand on cheek caressing
and we can’t forget that Robin had answered Franky's invitation to ride on another animal-themed bike with a heart.
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Edit: I didn‘t say anything about „no romance in OP“ so ask again if you want me to talk a bit about that. Sorry!
Those are things an author of Oda's level would not write or draw without being aware about how teasing this is. He has to be aware that every single line he draws will be analyzed to the end of the universe and back. People earn money by saying their opinion and interpretations about the Manga on Youtube.
These interactions are not something outlandish like “There was once an Anime Scene in which Robin was wearing something blue and exactly 28 episodes later Franky was wearing something violet and then 39 episodes later they both stood beside each other for exactly 69 seconds.”
Whenever I think about these facts, things that are not about interpreting but are factual, black ink on white paper but also about the little things, about how Frank and Robin help each other to become better, how they support each other… I want to say YES! ODA IS 100% on board! While in reality I’m 80% sure and 20% of me is wondering if I’m not actually analyzing too much into it. If maybe he really is abandoning ship. Maybe I will become the person who will curse his name and throw my Mangas and fanfictions in an active volcano?
I don��t know and it’s impossible to say what is going to happen.
And with that I've concluded this answer, and it only took me around 2k words and four days.
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mizjoely · 2 years
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#"i can't believe i'm almost done with the third chapter of this plot synopsis i was supposed to write'
My Top Posts in 2021
Let's Start With The Hair Ruffle
I brought the riding crop to the hair ruffle scene, and now I present the hair ruffle in the riding crop scene. Hope you enjoy this new mashup for Sherlolly Appreciation Week 2021!
He unzips the body bag, bending over it to get a good look (or sniff, she’s not sure which, and his next question certainly doesn’t help). “How fresh?”
She moves closer, smiling and hoping she doesn’t look nervous; he always has that effect on her. “Just in. Sixty-seven, natural causes. He used to work here. I knew him. He was nice.”
The smile he gives her is patently false, but she ignores that; she’s a woman on a mission today and she won’t let her nerves get the better of her.
After he’s beaten the corpse with a riding crop, misunderstood her request for a coffee date as asking him for his order (what does she look like, a barista?); after she’s brought him his damned coffee and been told her lips are too small without the lipstick she’s wiped off - after all that, she’s back in the mortuary, mournfully staring down into her own tepid cuppa when the doors burst open. It’s Sherlock, of course it is; he’s the only one who habitually bursts into rooms.
She starts to rise, pauses and stares as he pops the collar of his coat (a Belstaff, bespoke or at least tailored after purchase because she’s never seen one with a red buttonhole before), then reaches up and ruffles the luscious curls that bedeck his (oversized, she’s not feeling particularly nice right now) head, and looks around. Spots her at the counter. Strides over. Takes her hands. Pulls her to her feet.
Lays those enormous paws of his on either side of her face and lays one of the most intense, satisfying kisses she’s ever received on her.
Startled, she takes a moment to respond, but when she does - oh my! They kiss and kiss, her hands caressing his jawline, his fingers cradling her scalp, their mouths (lips, tongues, oh God, tongues!) almost melding together in the searing heat of the moment.
The moment passes, sadly, as all such moments do; she braces herself for him to say something awful, or to ask whatever it is he’s come to ask of her (as if she’d turn him down for anything after those kisses!). Braces herself for the inevitable cold brushoff. “Forgot my riding crop,” he announces, swiping it from the counter and holding it up as if presenting it as evidence.
Her shoulders slump; did he seriously just snog the life out of her because of his stupid riding crop? Wait, no, that doesn’t make any sense; it’s HIS riding crop, he doesn’t need to sweet talk (or snog!) her to get access to it. So why, then…?
“I’ve just met my new flatmate,” he says casually as he swishes the crop through the air with almost as much vigor as he used when he’d cropped the hell out of her former co-worker. “The address is 221B Baker Street. Once he’s moved in we’ll have to be discreet, of course, but tonight--” He smiles at her, a genuine smile that makes her toes curl and heat pool low in her belly. “Tonight, Molly Hooper, we can christen just about any surface you prefer.”
He swoops in for another kiss. “I’ll see you at half-seven, be sure to bring a sleepover bag with whatever you’ll need but definitely not pyjamas.” He winks, pops his collar, and strides out through the doors, the crop tucked under one arm. He pauses, turns back to look at her, and vanishes down the hall.
And Molly Hooper hugs herself in silent glee.
54 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 02:53:11 GMT
Seriously tho...why am I posting about Sherlock in 2021 like it's 2011? Um, because I love it? I still talk about my kids and they were born in, like, the 1990s, guess I'm not over them either LOL
60 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 00:31:23 GMT
Question: If you accidentally fall into a canyon and yell out "Oh GREAT! This is JUST what I wanted to happen!" is that sarchasm
71 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 18:13:29 GMT
It’s 2021 how are you still into Sherlock and posting like it’s 2011
...uh...wut...have you not seen this??
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115 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 00:26:48 GMT
Some Things we know about Molly Hooper from BBC Sherlock:
Dead father
GORGEOUS flat/house
One ex-fiance in her past
"After all, not all the men you fall for turn out to be sociopaths." / "Maybe it's just my type."
Comfortable holding a brain in a bowl or covered in blood and holding a bone saw while simultaneously holding a conversation
Takes better photos than Mrs. Hudson
"Unmarried, practical about death. Alone."
Lives "at the dead center of town"
Dumped Jim Moriarty after three dates
Giggle-snorts at her own jokes
Co-Godparent to Rosie Watson along with Mrs. Hudson and Sherlock
Other things we know about Molly Hooper from her official BBC online blog:
Best friend's name is Meena
Has a cat named Toby
"Do you believe in love at first sight?"
Things Louise Brealey has said about Molly Hooper:
She totally slept with Jim Moriarty before dumping him
There is a lot more to her relationship with Sherlock than is shown on screen ("tiny little moments" quote)
That her love for Sherlock is a strength, not a weakness
Fanon things commonly accepted about Molly Hooper:
Skull underpants (ok, less commonly accepted these days)
Something Happened between her and Sherlock after Reichenbach
She knew Sherlock when he was using, before John came into the picture, and possibly helped him get clean
Sherlock and Toby fight for possession of Molly's lap
Billy Wiggins calls her 'The Missus'
She and Sherlock shared her bed when he used her flat as a bolthole
Sherlock is the reason for her broken engagement (whether Molly ended it or whether Tom did)
Sherlock keeps tabs on her weight and measurements (oh wait, that's CANON)
BAMF!Molly (also actually canon)
See the full post
139 notes • Posted 2021-05-05 02:37:20 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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