#kitchen witch recipes
kitchenwitchtingss · 9 months
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(And other useful things I've learned over the years)
Hi! This is a list of dos, don'ts, tips, tricks, and other fun things that I've learned over the years. I always love finding more effective and efficient ways of doing things so if you have any cool things you'd like to add, leave them in the comments or reblog. I'd love to read it.
Anyways... On with the list ^_^
Light candles around your kitchen space (just make sure nothing flammable is near you)
Annotate your cookbooks with the correspondence of the ingredients.
Mediating is really good to calm the mind before cooking.
Cut oranges and lemons thinly, dry them, and hang them with twine around your kitchen
Need a cleansing tip? Open all your windows near your kitchen. Let some fresh air in.
Cutting sigils into apples, pie crusts, and carved potatoes.
Save lemon and orange rinds, freeze them, and then use them to clean the garbage disposal.
Make infused oils and honey: Things like garlic honey, lavender honey, herb oil, sun oil, moon oil, dandelion oil, and other different edible oils are very fun and useful to make.
Hid sigils in pages of your cookbooks and kitchen witch journals.
Add some plants! Snake plants and spider plants don't need too much light, and growing your own herbs in your kitchen is awesome too. Basil, lavender, thyme, aloe vera, rosemary, etc. are good fits. You could also add some plants that require more sunlight on the kitchen window sill. Like cacti and succulents.
Bring crystals into your kitchen space such as rose quartz, clear quartz, amethyst, or whatever you want the space's intentions to be.
I keep a small money tree on the sill, along with cacti for luck and protection.
Make a simmer Pot! Mostly because it makes the whole house smell good, easy, and fun.
Stir clockwise for best results!
Learning how to pickle things is actually pretty witchy. Plus, anyone could do it as it requires absolutely no kitchen experience. You could pickle any vegetable, even if you don't like pickles. I originally learned this after having to take shelter from a natural disaster. A person brought a bunch of stuff and taught us how to pickle things with different spices and herbs. Very fun!
Decorate your kitchen with your favorite stuff. Crystals, decor, heat mits, that cool mushroom cake stand you've been eyeing at the World Market for the past 2 weeks, cool looking curtains, sun catchers. Why stop there? Paint the walls, hang shelves full of marked-up cookbooks that are a little too well-loved and thumbed through.
Wanna be the person that has the amazing-smelling house every time people come over? Syrups take some time to simmer down, it's actually a pretty good time to leave it on the stove to simmer. Since syrups have a lot of aromatic ingredients, it acts as a really good-smelling simmer pot.
Hang up herbs to dry with twine from cabinets that are rarely used.
Invest in that new set of plates and cups.
Homemade jams, butter, sauces, and syrups are your best friend.
Crochet or knit your own dish rags, pot holders, etc.
Don't pour extremely hot things into a glass that's not Pyrex, it will break, and you will be very sad about it.
Don't cook anything while extremely upset or emotional (For safety reasons)
Make recipes you want to make, not just because you'll like the effect. Make it because you think it's tasty.
Chinese Five Spice works in place of herbs for protection and luck spells a lot of the time! It's cheaper to buy 1 spice than 4 different spices that total up to 15 dollars when you could just spend 3-4 dollars.
Take a shower before cooking (I don't know how to explain this one other than it makes you feel better)
Don't use microfiber/plastic material clothes on hot burners, it will fuse to the burner and melt. It is VERY hard to get off.
I don't know if I need to put this one but I did see someone do it so nonstick pan = wooden utensils and plastic utensils, metal pan = metal utensils. Do not use a metal spoon in a nonstick pan, please. It can make you very sick.
Keep your pets away from hot oil, open ovens, and hot pans.
You can proof bread dough in the fridge overnight if you don't have the time to bake, or want to eat fresh bread right in the morning.
Need a quick witchy meal for dinner in 12 minutes? Use premade tomato pasta sauce and doctor it up with thyme, rosemary, and garlic, for protection and distilling stagnant energies. Serve with pasta of your liking.
You can substitute Butter for Crisco/shortening, buttermilk for 1 cup of milk + 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, and heavy cream for 1 cup of half and half plus 2 tbsp of butter.
Use leftover animal bones to make bone broth
Teach yourself the art of bread scoring (It's fun, and you can show it off to your loved ones!)
Collect and hoard your own and others' family recipes.
Sometimes the food doesn't have to be a spell, sometimes it just makes you feel good and you don't know why.
Listen to your favorite music in the kitchen, it makes the monotonous things like chopping veggies move faster.
Invest in a vegetable chopper if you don't like chopping vegetables.
Find a really good hot cocoa recipe and make it once a week. Master it. Just for your own happiness because hot cocoa is really good. You could also be the friend/family member that makes the best hot cocoa ever.
Focaccia Bread Lasts a very long time, and it's very easy to make!
Keep a first aid kit near where the oven is, in case of burns, cuts, or serious injuries where time is everything.
Quick Bread and no-rise loaves are simple for beginners, tasty, and take little time. They also feel very witchy to make.
Study a bit of Herbalism! It's fun and really helps better understand the herbs you're putting into your food.
While something is boiling, put your wooden spoon over the pot to minimize the chance of something boiling over.
Try a bit of coffee magick, it's simple to get into, and gives you a boost of energy to take on the day!
If you're over 21, wine-making is a very interesting way to celebrate the sabbats. Just with that, make sure you KNOW what you're doing. With anything fermented, there's always a risk if you don't store things correctly. Apple wines, strawberry wines, dandelion wines, etc. all very cool to experiment with. If you're not over 21, vinegar is a similar way to experiment.
Hang up some witchy things, sigils, photos, cool magnets, and other things that give you joy on your fridge. (Sometimes if you are lucky they have some fun magnets at five below)
If you live in the US, for some reason, there are a lot of books in the book section dedicated to witchcraft and spirituality. At least where I live. And they are all under 5 dollars!
Teas are the cheapest and easiest things you can practice being a kitchen witch.
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casp1an · 7 months
Hot take? Maybe yes. Maybe not.
in my personal opinion witchcraft doesn't have to be fancy! It can even just be you hoping and manifesting for a good day, for money, for better health, etc! Of course you can make it fancy if you you need to! I've seen some people use fancy materials when working with deitys because they feel it's more respectful and I RESPECT YOU FOR THAT!!
Witchcraft is about you and how you experience it, work with it, etc. It's YOUR craft! Don't let others fancy dancy stuff make you wish you had better. You are good and your tools and materials are good enough!
Much love :D ❤❤
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elminx · 2 months
French Onion Soup: A Look Into Single Ingredient* Kitchen Witch Spells
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*There are actually eight ingredients in my recipe, but I am only using one (onions) for the purpose of my witching
Last weekend, when my partner announced they were taking the short ribs out of the freezer to dethaw, I knew my dark moon banishment had been decided for me: it was time to make my yearly batch of French Onion Soup. I always make this soup with a combination of the au jus from the short ribs and broth made from the leftover bones; it is part of our goal to use as much of the animal as we can. But French onion soup does more than fill our bellies: it fills the entire house with the essence of onions.
This, as a kitchen witch, I can USE.
Some background on what I call Single Ingredient Kitchen Witch Spells
One of the things that I have found when pursuing Kitchen Witch spells is that the writers often try to attribute a magical intention to every ingredient they put into their food. Although this is well intended, if one is actually enchanting their meals (rather than just "asking" the ingredients to impart some magic - which is valid), it becomes - in my opinion - very energy-intensive and cumbersome. That's not what I am all about when I'm witching in the kitchen.
My idea of a good kitchen witch spell is one where you spend a hot minute cooking your food (stirring and returning to your meal is a LOT of where I impart magic into food) but where the actual magic is fairly simple. In this way, I am drawn to a spell where one type of magical intention is highlighted by using only one ingredient or a (small) combination of ingredients that all work towards a common goal.
I find this approach easier for witches who are to kitchen magic and low-energy witches like me. This doesn't mean that you need to stick to very simple recipe to enchant kitchen magic, instead, we are focusing on one or a handful of ingredients for the material of our spellwork. Sometimes flavoring (everything else) can just be flavoring.
I will point out here that by my thinking, whatever primary ingredient you are enchanting for your kitchen magic SHOULD be a primary ingredient/flavor in the dish that you are making. While a pinch of salt can and will cleanse, I wouldn't call your dish a cleansing spell just because you added a pinch of salt. In this way, this type of magic works best with ingredient-forward dishes like pesto (basil), pies (fruit), or - in this case - French Onion Soup which calls for multiple cups of Sweet Onion.
The Magic of Onion
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In my opinion as a witch and amateur herbalist, the magic of onion lies in its organosulfur compounds. It is unmistakable if you have ever cut or eaten an onion (or other members of the allium family) that they carry a distinctive smell and taste of sulfur. Sulfur, also known as brimstone, has long been associated with banishment or dispelling magics of all kinds.
Notably, here this association carries over to onion both in the metaphysical realm where it is believed to banish or keep away evil and ill will, but also in its physical properties as onion is antiseptic and antibacterial. Perhaps, in this way, we can imagine that onion chases away the bad by removing it from our bodies.
That's something that I can get behind.
French Onion Soup: a Banishment for the Body and the Home
If the magic of onions is found in its organosulfur compounds (as I believe), this is activated thrice in the making of French onion soup.
Firstly, when you cut the onions. Secondly, when you caramelize the onions (fumigating your home), and thirdly when you eat the onions. We've been talking a lot lately about the magic of the number 3 - a number that can naturally increase or decrease depending on how it is used. This a decreasing 3-spell, and could be used as an adjunct to a more traditional decreasing spell. For example, I might start a banishment or decreasing candle spell and then make and eat the soup while the spell was burning.
Note here that I think that the PRIMARY banishment stage comes during the caramelization process, this is where I focus the energy of my banishment.
You will need:
6 cups thin sliced Sweet Onions
8 cups beef broth, homemade preferred, but boxed is okay
A small bundle of Thyme, fresh preferred
1/2 Stick of Butter or comparable oil substitute (EVOO)
1/2 cup dry wine, optional
Baguette or other crusty bread, sliced into 1/2-inch pieces
Gruyere cheese, grated
Salt and Pepper to taste
Prepare your kitchen Do this in any way you prefer before starting a kitchen witch spell. I like to have a hearth candle that I light when doing kitchen magic to help create the proper mood.
Thin Slice Your Onions We want the onions in the soup to have a thin ribbon-like texture. It helps with caramelization to have all your onion slices be the same size, but this may not be possible if you start with very differently-sized onions. This is your chance to connect with the spirit or powers of the onion. Very quickly, you will begin to physically experience the effects of onion's sulfuric nature as the syn-propanethial-S-oxide gas released by cutting the onions mixes with the water content in our eyes, creating sulfuric acid. This is part of the banishment properties of onion; although it might not be pleasant, thank the onion for doing what it is doing. Depending on your magical traditions, you may choose to interact with onion in any manner of ways. Remember here that this is the first of three banishment steps in this process - whoever cuts the onions will get the direct and most focused banishment of the entire spell. If the intended recipient of the spell is you, cut the onions yourself. If it is someone else, consider asking them to cut the onions for you. I wanted to work this spell for both myself and my partner, and I knew that they would still be out of the house when I caramelized the onions, so I asked them to cut the onion for me. You can choose to talk to the onions, pray over the onion, carve sigils into them before you cut them, or do anything that feels appropriate to your path during this time. This step will take a while, especially if you need to take breaks to cry your eyes out over onions. This can be done up to a day ahead of time - store your cut onions in the fridge until you are ready to use them.
Camarmelize Your Onions I thought about giving you the basics on caramelizing onions here, but this is a kitchen witch blog. I assume you have some proficiency in the kitchen if you are attempting a spell like this. Besides, the process of doing this will change drastically depending on how wet your onions are, the general humidity, and how your stove manages heat. The butter, onions, thyme, and salt go into the pot in this step. Start on medium heat and adjust up or down as you need to so that your onions cook until they are golden brown. Expect this to take at least an hour, and be happy if it takes less. The secret to caramelizing onions is that you need to consistently stir the pot so they do not stick to the bottom and burn. This is where I put the majority of my magic into this spell - each time that I return to the pot, I draw a banishing sigil over my onions. I also stir in the anti-clockwise direction of removal. You should adapt this to how you perform kitchen magic, of course. I will note here that my apartment has a relatively open floor plan and I intentionally do not turn on the kitchen fans so that the oniony goodness vents into my house, not out of it. This is the step that I use to banish unwanted energy from my physical space - I speak words over the steam rising from my onions and ask it to assist me in this process. If I lived in a place with a less open floor plan, I would open any doors and windows needed to get the steam/smell into as many parts of the place as I could. If you just want to focus on your physical body, you can skip this step but I find that if my energy has gotten off enough to require a banishment, my place needs cleansing, too.
Heat Your Broth You want your broth to be at a similar temperature to your onions. This doesn't need to get done at the beginning of your caramelization process as you might evaporate more than necessary, but you will want your broth up to temperature by the time your onions are at their desired doneness.
Construct the Soup When the onions are ready, deglaze the pot with wine or beef broth. Scrape the bottle to reincorporate any stuck residue back into your base. Add 1/2 cup of flour and mix to form a weak roux. Slowly add beef broth by the ladle full into the base, stirring as you go. Cook on a simmer for 10 minutes. This is the time for any last intention setting,. You can adjust for salt and add pepper as a final pop of banishing if you are so inclined.
Serve and Eat All of our magic has already been accomplished, so now it is time to plate (bowl?) our meal. French Onion Soup is traditionally served in individual ramekins with a slice of bread and melted Gruyere on top. This is accomplished by putting the soup into the ramekins, topping with the bread and cheese, and then popping those suckers under the broiler. I don't do this. I just grill the bread and top with thinly grated cheese. There isn't enough difference here to wait the extra few minutes after I've already been standing over the stove for an hour. You can say a few words over your meal if that's you thing, but you don't need to here. The rest of the magic will be fueled by your own digestive system. It is done French onion soup keeps for a couple of days in the fridge and freezes nicely so long as you omit the bread and cheese.
If I could choose one thing for you to take away from this writing, it is that kitchen witchery does not have to be complicated. You don't need to know the magical associations for every ingredient you put into your meal. You only need to know one and use it well.
Do you like my work? You can support me over on Kofi.
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999lcf · 6 months
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Morgan Baley ıstagram
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booksbeansandcandles · 8 months
Kitchen Witch Recipes: Balsamic Glazed Porkchops
Not only are these chops delicious, the ingredients are magical too. First the recipe then what the ingredients do
2-4 large pork chops
1 large zucchini, sliced thinly
4-6 red or Yukon potatoes
3-4 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/4 cups balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup chicken stock
Salt & pepper to taste
Pre-heat oven to 450°
Wash and dice the potato's and the zucchini, finely chop the garlic
Toss the zucchini and potatoes in the oil, salt and pepper, cook in the oven for approximately 30 minutes/ checking after 20 minutes to not over cook
Pat pork dry, salt and pepper both sides, heat the oil on medium heat, cook chops for 8 to 10 minutes, turning half way through. Do this while the vegetables are cooking
Remove the chops, then add the chicken broth, garlic, brown sugar and vinegar to the skillet, bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer till reduced by half, add the chops back, cook for a few minutes so they absorb some of the glaze if desired.
Cut the chops up, add vegetables, coat with sauce, serve while hot
Now the magical portion:
Pork: Element is fire, used for strength, fertility, and luck
Garlic: Planet is Mars, zodiac is Aries, Goddess is Hekate. Good for bansishing, protection and breaking curses. Good for lowering cholesterol, cardiovascular health, and stabilizes blood sugar
Zucchini: This veggie is ruled by Jupiter, helps with abundance, honor, and prosperity.
Balsamic vinegar: Is ruled Mars, this is a fire energy, good for protection, purification, and renewal
Potatoes: Ruled by the moon, it's element is earth, this vegetable is part of the nightshade family and was once considered poisonous. This is good for grounding, protection and stability.
Salt: Ruled by Venus and the moon. Good for protection, absorbs negative energies, and prosperity
Pepper: This is a fire element and is ruled by Mars. Use it for protection, cleaning, energy and passion
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dumbass-fae · 15 days
Lemon Peppermint Tea 🍋🌱
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This is a recipe for a cold infusion tea for mental clarity. 💕
As someone who struggles with extreme brain fog drinking this in the mornings helps me shake the fog for at least a little while.
🍋 Desired amount of cold water (can use sun water for energy)
🌱 2-3 or even 4 peppermint tea bags (I like mine stronger) (mental clarity)
🍋 Lemon juice to taste (energy)
🌱 Sugar (opt) (sweetness, self love)
🍋 Place sun water (or regular water) into whatever cup or glass you want.
🌱 Add in the tea bags, lemon juice, and sugar if you want
🍋 Cover with lid or tin foil or plastic wrap (whatever you have really) and place either in the sun for a few hours to infuse or in the fridge overnight to drink in the morning.
(You can place energizing and clarifying crystals around your cup or glass if in a safe space to do so)
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firewitchcafe · 1 year
Kitchen Witch Inspo
Hello there!
Life can be, understandably, chaotic and wild at times. So I am here to share some of resources that I used for some meals! Witchy or not, I hope that some of you can find use from this list!
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Thaqueenofsauce - on Tiktok and Instagram! Her page is filled with Stardew Valley inspired meals, often filled with seasonal fruits and veggies.
Lizzieandthebats - on  Instagram! While she does some general kitchen witchery, she also has many magical cocktail recipes to try.
Blackforger - on Instagram! Her energy is a delight, and she gives a lot of good information on forging. She also makes recipes with the items she forges!
ElvenFood - a Reddit filled with vegetarian and vegan recipes designed to look magical.
BudgetBites - A website that gives recipes that can be made on a budget
SortedFood - Part entertaining banter, and part helpful. A youtube channel dedicated to to bridge the gap between “normals” and chefs, while also showing unique ways to use the food that is already in the back of your pantry! 
emmymade - Fun, chaotic, but also calm energy when it comes to this youtube channel. Emmy tries out a range of different foods and recipes, some better than others, and shows her process making them (This channel has a special place in my heart as well).
TastingHistory - An educational channel that talks about different recipes that were eaten throughout history. He jumps from multiple time periods, some of the recipes he recreates go as far back as Mesopotamia with other being as recent as WWII.
Remember to look at your local library’s collection first! If they don’t have it and you’re willing to wait, they can order the book for your!
Small batch snacking cakes by Aimee Broussard - Exactly as it sounds like! Many recipes that make quick and yummy cakes.
Delish Kids by Joanna Saltz - Has a lot of recipes designed for kids, but it is very useful to add nutrition in different ways.
The Good Neighbor Cookbook by Sara Quessenberry and Suzanne Schlosberg - Not only a good book with quick and large amount of recipes, but it is also divided into life events! So if you want to bring a bit of hearth into a person's home then this book is great!
Cook As You Are by Ruby Tandoh - Not only does the art have a lot of diversity, this books is very friendly to each individual. Variations and substitutions are PART of the book, as well as include people with disabilities. It also includes a "note about eating" providing a safe space with those with eating disorders. This cookbook also suggests other cookbooks if you're interested in similar recipes.
Time to Eat: Delicious Meals for Busy Lives by Nadyia Hussain - Honestly a great resource to look through! There are a variety of recipes all intended to be made with the fact that life is just busy. I reccomend the pancake recipe!
As I look for new recipes during the year, I will update this post! Hope you find use from my recommendations!
(Updated: 4/17/2023)
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redbull-witch · 2 years
Oatmeal Bread for Lughnasadh
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda (Omit this if you are at high altitudes +3,000ft)
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 cup butter (unsalted)
1/2 cup nuts
3 medium chopped apples
1 cup raisins
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
1-1/2 cups rolled oats
1 egg, beaten
1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla or orange
Preheat oven to 350 F
Mix ALL ingredients together completely
Place in a greased 9-inch cake pan
Bake for 30 minutes, or until it pulls away from the edges
Source: A Victorian Grimoire
Flour: Life
Salt: Purification, Protection, Grounding, Blessing
Brown Sugar: Love
Butter: Hard work, delayed gratification
Nuts: Prosperity, Love
Apples: Love, healing
Raisins: Wisdom, longevity
Cinnamon: Success, healing, purification, clairvoyance
Ginger: Aphrodisiac, love spell
Oats: Money
Eggs: Rebirth, fertility, protection
Vanilla: Love, peace, harmony
Orange: Love, joy, inspiration
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jupitersfaerie · 1 year
💞🌺 simmer pot for the spring equinox 🌺💞
using fruits and herbs for inviting energies of joy, pleasure, and abundance in the astrological new year
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~grapefruit for energy refreshment and amplifying self love
~strawberries for sweetness and prioritizing pleasure
~orange peel for tapping into optimistic energies
~hibiscus for following the heart
~chamomile for a chill, peaceful aura
~cinnamon stick/powder for protecting and strengthening the heart, also encouraging good luck
happy ostara witches 🧹🌱
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
How to Make Herbal Infused Oils
If you want to make herbal salves, butters, balms, or culinary oils that double with a medicinal usage, you need to infuse your herbs in oil first!
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You can use all kinds of oils for infusing herbs to make salves, body oils and butters, etc.
Grapeseed Oil:  
If you are dealing with oily skin, then you might want to give Grapeseed oil a try! It's good for your skin, but it doesn't cause extra oiliness. It's even lighter than almond oil and absorbs very quickly.
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Sweet Almond Oil:  
Almond oil is lighter than olive oil, and very emollient. This means it soaks into the skin very quickly. Almond Oil has some really wonderful properties that help soften and smooth the skin.
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Organic Olive Oil:
Olive Oil is one of the most healthy oils you can put on your skin, however I mostly prefer olive oil for making salves.  I don't use it much for body oils because it's rather thick and doesn't soak right into your skin like the abovementioned lighter oils do.
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Instructions (Folkway):
Pour your dried herb (single or blend) into a large glass jar (fill the jar 1/3 to 1/2 full of the herb)
Pour your oil of choice over the herbs to within an inch or a little more from the top of the jar. Shake well
Shake your oil daily or a few times a week
Infuse (I believe in letting the oil sit in the sun while infusing). I believe the sun provides some really great energy to the infusion, and it also warms the oil which helps the herbs release their desired chemicals. Just make sure that if you also infuse your oils in the sun, to move it into a dark place after about 4 - 6 weeks if you plan to continue infusing past that point
After about 4 to 6 weeks, strain out the herbs
Bottle up the oil, then store away in a cool, dark, place
Double Infusion: If you want a stronger infusion, after straining out the herbs, just infuse the already infused oil another time with fresh herbs
Instructions (Quick n Easy Way):
Using the same ratio of herbs described already, place oil & herbs into a wide-mouthed quart Mason jar or a double boiler
If using a Mason jar, place this into a sauce pan with water. You need a large pot, and the water should rise about a third of the way or so up the sides of the Mason jar
Keep the water simmering on very low and watch carefully. You'll need to infuse for a few hours, and due to this you'll need to watch the water to be sure it doesn't evaporate and add more as needed
Strain, bottle and store in a dark place
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darkcozyforest · 1 year
Dear Kitchen Witchblr
I need some recipes for thanksgiving. Anyone got a good sweet potato casserole recipe and/or green bean casserole recipe?
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kitchenwitchtingss · 9 months
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A whimsical pasta that makes you feel like a forest dweller~
8 oz chopped mushrooms (you could use any kind, or even mix different kinds! Just make sure they are edible.)
1/2 cup chicken stock
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 1/2 cups half and half
4 cloves garlic, minced.
4 shallots, chopped.
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
1 box linguine pasta
4 tbsp butter
1 tbsp thyme
Salt and pepper
Italian seasoning
Melt butter in a pan and cook shallots and garlic until soft on medium heat. Add in the mushrooms, thyme, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper, and cook until tender. (About 4 minutes.) Add chicken stock and red wine vinegar and cook for another 4 minutes on medium heat.
Add in half and half and simmer for about 3 minutes, or until the sauce thickens a little more. Add in parmesan cheese. Cook pasta according to the directions on the back of the box with a salted pot of water.
Taste the sauce to see if it needs more seasonings, then add to taste..
Drain the pasta, reserving about 1/4 cup of pasta water. Add your pasta into your sauce and toss to coat. Add in your pasta water so it combines well.
Top with parsley and enjoy!
Editors Notes:
You could add some shredded mozzarella to make it super cheesy!
Use an assortment of different mushrooms!
Using fresh thyme from your own garden is a good pick
Source your ingredients locally!
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casp1an · 7 months
Witchy question!
Is there some sort of drink or food that has cinnamon in it? Cinnamon is one of my favorite seasonings/herbs both taste and meaning wise!
I don't like anything with tea so I wouldn't be able to have anything with tea! I'm also fairly picky... But I was thinking
What about apple cinnamon hand pies?
Apples happen to be my favorite fruit and apples + cinnamon tends to be a really good combo!
All of the kitchen witches! Give me ur recipes (if you want) or your favorite cookbook/online recipe of apple cinnamon hand pies!
Love y'all :D
(I might post pics if I do make em!)
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elminx · 2 months
Winter Pesto: A Great February Pick-Me-Up
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I’d be amiss to call myself the Pesto-Mystic and NOT talk about pesto sooner rather than later! As both a green witch and a kitchen witch, pesto is one of my all-time favorite things to make – it’s easy, comes together in less than 10 minutes, and always tastes AH-MAZING, am I right, or am I right?!? Plus, in the middle of the Winter, eating green food feels like shoving a hint of Summer into my mouth and I am all over that!
Though basil owns my heart and soul, during the dreary Winter months here in Southern New England, I turn to baby spinach for my pesto needs. By mid-winter I am always starved for a good meal full of vegetables that don’t look like they should have been eaten two weeks ago and this meal does the trick. I pair the spinach with a hearty nut like walnut or almond, a nice salty cheese like feta, and a healthy dose of garlic but any and all of these are up for adaptations – all that a pesto truly needs is the leaves and the oil. Winter Pesto can easily be made vegan by omitting the cheese or nut-free though both are part of the peak pesto experience for me.
My partner and I can eat pesto for days and days so this recipe will make enough for 3-4 meals depending on how much you like to eat at a time. It can easily be halved or quartered but I promise, once you’ve tasted this – you’ll want more!
There are SO many things that you can do with this pesto! You can add it to some pasta after it has cooked (like all pestos – this is meant to be a raw/uncooked sauce – just throw it in with 1/2 cup of the pasta water right before serving). You can add it to cooked meat before you serve. It’s great on cheese and crackers. It tastes AMAZING on eggs of all varieties (putting it inside an omelet is one of the only ways that I’ll actually cook it). It tastes great on baked potatoes. It can be added as a topping to many types of soup – if you haven’t had a good minestrone with pesto on top, you’re missing out!
As far as the witching goes – this pesto is GREEN. I tend to go with the overall color association and make it for abundance, growth, or money drawing – depending on what I need at the time. The garlic (if used) can add an element of protection or purification, dealers choice. The healthy dose of iron and trace minerals that you’ll get from the spinach will make you feel GREAT which really makes you know it’s working.
Making pesto is super simple, a good food processor helps but isn’t necessary. If you do make it by hand, make sure to mince the spinach and finely chop the nuts if adding. I use a food processor to keep the consistency and emulsify the olive oil. Ingredients
5 oz. Baby Spinach
1-4 cloves of fresh garlic (based on size and your tastes)
1/4 cup hearty nuts (almonds or walnuts) – optional
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese – optional
3-4 tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Mince or finely chop (using a food processor simplifies this process) until all ingredients are uniform in size, combine with olive oil until well coated. Serve raw/uncooked. Notes: Because feta is naturally salty, I do not salt this recipe – if omitting or using a lower salted cheese in its stead consider adding salt during the processing.
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999lcf · 6 months
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Rue, also called ruta or the Holy herb, is one I grow in my garden and keep in my witch’s herb cabinet. It’s exorcist and purification powers are strong. Use it in uncrossing work, protection magic, and to ward off evil spirits. Traditionally, it was used in Four Thieves Vinegar to ward off illness including the Black Plague. Be careful when handling, as it can irritate the skin in some people.. Chamomile
Ever had a cup of chamomile tea to help soothe a sore throat or calm your nerves in the evening? Chamomile is known for its medicinal qualities, but it’s also amazing magically! Chamomile is associated with the sun, so I use it often in abundance and health workings. It’s a great one to have in the witch’s herb cabinet.Rosemary
You’ve heard it once. You’ll hear it again. If you don’t have rosemary on-hand, you need to! It’s one of those all-purpose herbs that you can literally use for any kind of magic. I grow rosemary and make it into smudge bundles to cleanse my space. I also use it in herbal baths, magical meals, and natural hair care. Get you some rosemary, witch! Bonus: it’s super easy to grow!3. Bay
Many people have bay leaves right in their kitchen cabinet and don’t realize how powerful they are. In ancient times, they were used to increase psychic abilities and induce visions. Write a wish on a bay leaf and burn it. Add to spell bags and herbal offerings to Greek and Roman gods. I use it in my cooking often to enhance sauces and meat dishes. If you can grow your own bay tree, even better. The fresher the bay leaves the stronger the effect
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honeybittersweet · 23 days
Do any of you beautiful mutuals and fellow tumblrinas know anything about baking cookies?
If you see this, pls help me!
Explanation below cut 🍪
I'm having trouble with a recipe and idk what i'm doing wrong. The first time I made them they were great, the second they tasted awful (left a bitter aftertaste) and I just made them again and all of them look different!
Some look like the first time I made them but higher, some looked a bit better than the second time and some look just fucking weird
First time:
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Looked smooth and tasted amazing! Best vanilla cookies I've tried. The dough was so easy to knead!
Second time (pics from a video I sent my grandma):
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The dough didn't want to come together so I added a bit of milk (the recipe said so) and after baked and cooled down, the cookies left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth (literally. The flavor was good and then BOOM bitterness all over your mouth). The recipe was followed through and through. The differences with the first time are: different oven, different flour brand.
Third time:
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These are all from different batches I made today (same oven and flour as the first, same dough for all but divided them in two batches so I could knead easily, added milk as I thought necessary, as the recipe says). It took me longer to integrate the flour and even when the dough seemed pretty good to go there was still some flour left. The thing is, if I add more flour, it gets drier and harder to smooth out but if I add milk (even the tiny tiniest amount) to try and put the dough together again, it gets sticky. I kneaded a lot and it was difficult to do so, it had breaks after using the rolling pin.
The golden one is part of the second batch and I decided to bake them, flip them, and bake them again just in case they were still raw inside bc they raised higher than the other ones so more dough to get baked I assumed.
The taste overall was okay, but they still don't feel like the first ones I made. Some were kinda weird. Why doesn't the dough come together as nicely and smooth as the first time? What am I doing wrong???????
Idk if it matters but this recipe has seed oil instead of butter! (I didn't change the ingredients, it was like that).
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