#kitty kyle
thebookwormfairy · 1 year
What If Marinette and Adrien had an Adult (Prologue)
So been thinking about this for awhile. This is going to be a Maribat fic (Mostly found family, Daminette (eventually) Adrien x Jon Kent (they would be awesome together) Jason Todd x OFC (mentioned)). What if Selina took a note out of Bruce's book and adopted a little orphan of her own. What if she was close to Jason, what if she followed Dick and started the Teen Titans after losing Jason, and what if she eventually ended up in Paris saw Hawkmoth and these two kids doing their best and just went "mine now!". Well I guess we'll find out.
Part 2
Kathrine "Kitty" Kyle has been through a lot in her short 23 years of life
She was adopted at age 7 by Selina Kyle, socialite of Gotham, sweetheart to one Bruce Wayne, and infamous Catwoman
Being raised by such an extraordinary woman of course meant that Kitty's childhood was anything but normal
She was running across the rooves of Gotham at age 9 leading to her first run in with the crime fighting duo Batman and Robin
She started stealing from those who deserved it at age 10
had her first run in with the newest Robin at age 11
decided she hated said Robin about an hour later
hated him a little less 6 months later,
was kinda friends with him at age 12.
Age 13 is when butterflies erupted whenever she was around him
age 14 is when she learned Robin's real name is Jason Todd and when she shared her first kiss with him.
Everything seemed perfect until she turned 16 and lost him to a monster.
She turned her back on Batman when he refused to do anything about Jason's death and joined Nightwing, now returning to his original mantel as Robin, in Jump City, where they met a cyborg, a green changeling, a sorcerous, and an alien princess and created the Teen Titans
She still talked to her adopted mother but refuse to her anything about her love
She stayed with the Teen Titans for years making friends with heros and and an villain or 2
Much to Dick's frustration and Jinx's glee
What could Kitty say, they had a lot in common
At age 19 Kitty gets her high school diploma, and decides she wants to try civilian life for a bit
She decides to go to college in Paris having fallen in love with the city after the battle with the Brotherhood of Evil
She enters college as an art history major, something Selina got a kick out of
She found herself getting bored so she decided to get a part-time job at a little bakery by a school
The owners, Tom and Sabine, are nice but very busy
And they have a daughter, Marinette who is such a bright light in the world at age 11
Most of Kitty's shifts at the bakery is filled with Marinette chatting with her and showing of her creations and designs
And at night, well what can Kitty say, old habits die hars
She takes to the roof tops of Paris as her hero persona Dusk, Paris' newest cat themed hero
At age 20 over a video call with her mom Kitty took the first steps to truly start healing from losing Jason
Kitty: How is Bruce and the rest of the Waynes doing?
Selina gave a startle look before a small smile formed on her lips
Selina: He's doing good, he's added 3 more to the flock since you've been gone
Kitty: 3?!?!? Bruce really needs to talk to somebody about this adoption addiction
Selina gave a laugh: I've tried but what can I do he looks so happy with each of them but there does seem to be a bit of a theme with most of them
Bruce *from the background*: I can hear both of you
Kitty in a small voice: Hi Bruce
Bruce *walking into frame with a small smile also gracing his face*: Hi Kitty
Her relationship with the Waynes grew from there
She met the newest addictions Tim, Stephanie, and Damian though the youngest of them did call her "the daughter of the harlot"
Kitty: We really need to work on your slang
Dick who was also on the video call burst into laughter
At 23 a giant rock monster attacked Paris
Kitty quickly changed into her alter ego, Dusk, and made her way to the scene at the Stadium
Dusk: What the heck?!
Dusk comes upon a scene of 2 young looking heros they can't be older than 14 and another young girl who is holding her phone recording the whole thing
Alya: Oh my gosh! It's the hero Dusk, are these 2 your sidekicks? Are you starting a new branch of the Teen Titans here in Paris? Are you-
Dusk: Ok that's enough, while I appreciate your interest, this is dangerous and you need to get to safety. You have more than enough material so go on, get to safety
Alya: But-
Dusk: Now!
Alya reluctantly left the Stadium leaving Dusk with Ladybug and Chat Noir
Ladybug quickly told Dusk everything she knew with Chat interjecting every once and a while
Dusk: Ok first thing first, we are going to take care of that giant rock monster than we are going to meet tonight at the top of the Eiffel Tower at midnight so we can go over everything again and figure this all out, deal?
Ladybug and Chat Noir: Deal!
They took quick care of Stone Heart with Dusk reminding Ladybug to catch the little black butterfly that flew from the akuma victim
Promising to meet again that night the 3 went their separate ways
Only to meet again at the agreed upon time a place
Dusk: Okay you 2 I came early and checked and disarmed are cameras and possible bugs. I'm not going to ask for your identities, but I'm going to ask you both some questions and I want you to answer me honestly. I won't judge you for your answers but they need to be honest , okay?
The 2 younger heros nodded their heads
Dusk: first question, do you know who gave you your miraculous?
The 2 teens shook their heads
Dusk: Do either of you have any training on being heros?
Again the answer was no
Dusk: How old are you two really?
Ladybug: 14
Chat Noir: Me too
Dusk gave a sigh: Do you have anybody you can go to for help?
Again no
Dusk: Well now you do. I might not have a miraculous but I have been doing this since I was 9. I won't ask for you to share your identities with me or each other if you don't want to but I'm going to train you 3 times a week. Twice a week in your magic suits and once a week out of them. You can wear these for those trainings.
Dusk hand them 2 domino masks
Dusk: Look I'm not asking you to trust me and tell me all your secrets, I am here if you need that though, but you 2 need an adult you can turn to, somebody to teach you the ropes of being a hero, and somebody to lean on when you need it. If you two agree to this then we start tomorrow night on the roof of the Grande Falls building at the same time. I'll let you two discuss this tonight, your a team and this decision should be made as a team. After you made your decision head straight home, you need your rest after the day you had.
With that Dusk left the top of the tower heading on her patrol route before heading to her apartment to sleep
The next night Dusk watch as Ladybug and Chat Noir landed on the roof top together
Ladybug: If you are willing to teach we are willing to learn
Dusk gave the two a smile and only had one thought in her head
If no one wanted to help these two then they are her's now
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@immafangirl @alysrose-starchild @myazael @labschaos @meme991001
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remiebear · 1 month
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Meow meows <3
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loveguts · 1 year
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home that’s hell
“how’d your parents die again?” by fatimah asghar / p.t. / anatomy by kitty horrorshow / skinamarink by kyle edward ball / house of leaves by mark z. danielewski / silent hill 4: the room / heck by kyle edward ball
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gomzdrawfr · 1 month
Kitty soap rubbing himself on everyones legs leaving fur behind on their pants?
another menace joined the chat
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affectionate lil kitty
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Also kitty!Soap almost never leaves Ghost so expect to see his fur on Ghost 24/7
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krist-420 · 4 months
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Sanrio South Park
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shyravenns · 10 months
141 Barn Cats AU
Thinking about an AU where Laswell is an unwilling participant in the cat distribution system, and the rest of 141 are just stray cats that she can't get rid of.
There's Bear who's name was appropriately given by Laswell's darling wife (much to her silent aggravation). He was the first cat who appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and settled in as if he were the one paying mortgage. A great big, fluffy creature with faint scars littering his body and small nick in his ear that tells Laswell that he's as much as a soldier as she is. Amber eyes calmly staring back at her from his perch on their counter, as she startles at the sight of him in the morning, already a self made king in the home that she shares her with her wife. A small twitch to his whiskers, and she can tell (though she'd rather be tortured than say this out loud) that he's rather amused by her startled yelp. Her wife adores him given by the simple brown collar she managed to get around his neck, and Laswell knows it's rather embarrassing to be resentful of a cat when said cat strangely prefers Laswell's lap to sit on. Laswell's never been an animal lover, and cats are as much of an enigma to her as lions or tigers, but she's grown attached to the big brown cat with amber eyes that naps on her desk and purrs when she looks at him.
One cat is enough. One cat is supposed to be enough.
And then comes Ghost. A great big black cat that makes her hesitate and wonder if he's really a cat and not some sort of unknown species of feline given his size. A great big, black cat that watches her with a stillness that reminds her a little tiger. Seemingly even more scarred as Bear is, and she wonders just briefly how tough it must be to be a stray cat. A guest who Bear had seemingly brought to them. disappearing for a few days as he often does as they live in a great stretch of land that she inherited, and appearing almost out of the blue on their front porch with a cat that almost seems to fidget given the anxious twists of it's tail as Laswell stares and her wife coos at them. She sighs, rolls her eyes, and glares down at Bear as she widens her door just a bit and allows both cats to stalk inside and begins to wonder if they're even cats in the first place and not some cosmic punishment sent to fuck with her. Ghost doesn't interact much with them save for the occasional pat on the head, and allowing them to get close enough to slip a simple black collar on him. Laswell, knowing not to say anything, when he wife orders a collar with a skull design. Often spending his time prowling after Bear, or hesitantly allowing her wife to get near him while he sits on the window sill, and watches the world outside.
Two cats is more than enough, and she always gives a little sigh before adding kitty litter to her basket.
Bear and Ghost are enough. They're calm, quiet, and independent enough for Laswell to focus on other things.
Until it's 1am, and the yowling of a cat (that she knows isn't one of hers) drags her out of a sleep so blissful she'd cry if she weren't so annoyed. Soap is the name her wife gives him (and pouts when Laswell stares at her in disbelief), as they stumble downstairs to see their unwelcome visitor shaking off the excess bubbles off of his coat as he crawls out from the kitchen sink. Laswell isn't done mouthing "what the fuck" before her wife laughs, and grabs the spare towel on the counter in order to help him dry off. Ignoring the open window above the sink where they assumed he managed to sneak in. Soap is,,,everything a cat should not be in Laswell's rather unprofessional opinion, and reminds her of a dog more often than not. Energetic and noticeable as he makes their house his home within a matter of hours. Making fast friends with Bear, and oddly enough seeming to prefer the company of Ghost. It's not uncommon for her to catch them on the same window sill in the evening or grooming each other much to her own silent delight. He's a nuisance in her opinion, but a very welcome one (and her favorite, but she'd never say that out loud)
And just when she thinks that three is enough there is, of course, another expected unexpected guest.
She's not surprised in the slightest when she wakes up and spies the lean brown cat watching her as he sits beside Bear, Soap, and Ghost as if he's always been there (It's an interesting feeling to wonder if she's been gaslit by a cat) with a slight tilt to his head as if she's the one who shouldn't be here. She doesn't say much to her wife as they both give each other a tired yet amused glance towards one another and watch as he curls his tail around his paws and purrs when begin to take out another bowl. Gaz, they name his together, when gives a small chirp at the tv at the sound of the nickname. He's not as energetic as Soap (thank GOD), but he manages to worm himself into her wife's heart pretty quickly in a way that tells her that he won't be going anywhere anytime soon. He has a liking towards Bear, who often lets him nap beside him on the couch in her office. And appears to have made fast friends with Soap and Ghost as she catches all three of them curled up in the kitchen underneath a sunbeam.
They're good cats, all of them. She doesn't *quite* know where the hell they all came from, but it's hard to really want to know when she gets to fall asleep to the sound of purrs and her wife's gentle snores.
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theserlingbucket · 1 year
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Men only want one thing, and it’s the chainsaw man south park au (specifically Cartman power)
Have some stanky as akiangel as well, as a treat, since some people were wondering who Kyle is
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foxyoucutely · 2 months
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made on easter / trans visibility day ! :]
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vyn-n · 6 months
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arm-fish-left · 1 month
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thebookwormfairy · 1 year
What if Marinette and Adrien had an Adult (Part 2)
So been thinking about this for awhile. This is going to be a Maribat fic (Mostly found family, Daminette (eventually) Adrien x Jon Kent (they would be awesome together) Jason Todd x OFC (mentioned)). What if Selina took a note out of Bruce's book and adopted a little orphan of her own. What if she was close to Jason, what if she followed Dick and started the Teen Titans after losing Jason, and what if she eventually ended up in Paris saw Hawkmoth and these two kids doing their best and just went "mine now!". Well I guess we'll find out.
Dusk welcomed the 2 young heros to her hideout
Kitty had bought this building when she first moved to Paris as a place to train in peace and a place for the Titans to hang out when they visited
Dusk: Welcome to Grande Falls or the unofficial name Titans' Falls!
Ladybug and Chat Noir looked in wonder at all the training equipment in the huge room that took up what looked to be two floors from the outside
Half the room was exercise equipment and the other half was filled with parkour equipment while the rafters had what look to be trapeze equipment
Chat Noir: Titans' Falls?
Dusk: Yep! I own this whole building and the Titans use it as a base for operations in France.
Ladybug *pointing up*: Is that trapeze stuff?
Dusk: Again yes, one of my friends is a trapeze artist and he taught me and I'm going to teach you. It'll help you in the field. I'll also going to be teaching you parkour and have y'all doing strength training. For now we're going to focus on your skills in the suits but as time goes on I want us to focus on your skills out of the suits too. But for now let's see what y'all can do in the suits, 10 laps around the gym right now!
The 2 younger heros have Dusk a solute before following orders
Dusk took her mother's approach to training
Be encouraging but tuff
After 2 hours of assessing their skills Dusk called for an end to training
Dusk: You did great tonight guys! Now head home and get to bed! We'll be doing out of suit practice Friday night at midnight. Wear exercise clothes and comfortable shoes.
Ladybug: shouldn't we do a patrol around the city to make sure everything is okay?
Dusk: I already patrolled for tonight and after that exercise you need rest not more work, but before I forget, these are for you
Dusk hand them 2 bright yellow Titans Communicators
Dusk: If you need me or each other you can call on this I already have all of our numbers programed into it, but I also have the number for the main Titans tower in it, just in case the worst is to happen you can still call for help.
Chat: Wow so cool!
Ladybug: Thank you Dusk for everything
Dusk rubbed the heads of the two teens affectionately
Dusk: Don't mention it kid, now off to bed the both of ya!
Once the 2 teens left Kitty tried to call Raven again to talk about the miraculous
Whenever she would try to talk about it, the feed would go static until she stop and it was like Raven completely forgot about their previous conversation until Kitty brought it up directly
It seemed that the miraculous or whoever was handing them out didn't want the information to leave Paris
So instead of getting information Kitty set up a safe word with the Titans that if they hear it they need to come to Paris ASAP and track the communicators and help the kids holding it
The safe words had to be something that people couldn't guess
Something that only she would use
The safe word was Pride and Prejudice
Kitty looked over to a well loved book that sat on her bedside table
She still remember the day she got that very book from...Jason
Jason: Happy 16th Birthday KitKat!
Jason hugged Kitty from behind giving her a big kiss on the cheek
Kitty: Thank you, dork.
Jason: Aw and I thought we were past that darling. Enough of that! Time to open the present I got you.
The older boy handed over a small present
Kitty: Thank you Jason, but you know you didn't have to get me anything, you being here is enough, I feel like you're always on patrol or some case right now
Jason: I'll always make time for you. Now stop stalling and open your gift
Kitty did and inside was a copy of the book "Pride and Prejudice"
Kitty: I love this story, but I haven't read the book yet
Jason: Which is a crime! But I got you this book for another reason. This is our story. We started out with you hating me, while poor me fell in love at first sight and didn't know how to show it.
Kitty gave Jason a light shove at his dramatics
Jason: but we over came first impressions and became friends, then we became more than friends, and now I couldn't imagine my life without you Kitty. I know we're still young but I know you're it for me. I love you Kitty
Kitty: I love you too Jason
*Flashback End*
But it was more than just a book
Jason had made little notes in the margins for her
What he thought when he first saw her, his perspective on their interactions, and his thoughts on their future
Kitty couldn't bear to open the book now but she couldn't let it go either
It was the last thing she had of Jason and she wasn't willing to give it up
The next day Kitty was at her day job in the bakery when Marinette came storming in for lunch
Kitty: Whoa there firefly what's up? What's got you stomping around?
Marinette: Not only am I in class with Chloe again, but her friend Adrien is also in the class and he seems to be just as bad as her! He put gum on my chair today!
Kitty glanced towards the school and see a blond boy race out of the school and towards the bakery
Kitty: Did you see him put the gum on your chair or was he just standing over the gum
Marinette: Well I didn't exactly see him do it, but knowing Chloe I doubt people who call her a friend are much better
Kitty: I don't know mean people don't usually go out of their way to explain themselves
Marinette: But he hasn't!
Kitty: But it looks like he's about you
Adrien did come to apologize and explain that he was just trying to get the gum off her chair not put it on
That lunch period Marinette and Adrien struck up a strong friendship
The laughed and talked about the fashion world with Kitty interjecting every now and then but mostly just enjoying the conversation between the two teens
Outside the bakery an old man and the Turtle kwami stood and watch the trio laugh and joke
Wayzz: It seems like the holders have found a mentor mastor
Fu: Maybe that's a good thing. The holders are still very young and they could use some guidance. I cannot reveal myself until our enemy does, so until then Ms. Kyle seems to be doing a fine job for now.
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@immafangirl @alysrose-starchild @myazael @labschaos @meme991001
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rottweiler1 · 3 months
❝𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧' 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭, 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝.❞
pairing: 141 x male!reader and maybe some los vaqueros + others
summary: the 141 needed a helping hand to protect the world, only 4 wasn't enough. they decided for a interesting 5th member. and seemingly, the 141's other allies were also intrigued.
word count: 811!
cw: violence, normal cod gore, angst, poorly translated scottish from google.
A/N: part 3!!! i had to take a small break, watched kung fu panda tday and got some pretty nice stuff from the mall, fuck yeah. off topic from there but enjoy reading this!-rottweiler
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
dino headed out to the jet with the 141 by his side, shuffling down his seat, the jet took off as the rumble started to shake towards the jet making him lay his head back as the others talked. simon 'ghost' riley was quiet as usual towards the others but sometimes talked out. price was just telling his (sons) to shut the fuck up and piss off.
dino then felt the jet shake with some turbulence as dino groaned, he couldn't get too angry otherwise his spikes would stab the leather from behind his seat like chopping meat. if only he could take them off right now. the jet landed down in a rough landing as everyone got up, dusting, stretching whatever.
the doors opened to reveal a group, soap then waved and yelled as some man looking in his late 30's hugged him and with one of those handshakes that seem oddly painful but dino shrugged. it was normal in the military life. price chuckled gruffly before the man said: ❝ayee, price my man!❞ the man hand shaked the captain with his grin.
dino then had some different opinions, he cant lie alejandro's voice was attractive.. reminded him of one of those mexican cultured movies he'd watch as a kid. dino then crossed his arms as ghost greeted him, so did gaz with a nod. alejandro noticed the giant with a gasp before saying. ❝hey, who the fucks that?❞ dino glanced at alejandro before saying. ❝dino.❞ he said one word and alejandro froze.
the voice made him shocked before grinning. ❝rudy, ya gotta come hear this voice!❞ the man named rudy walked beside alejandro, before rudy was talking with the members of the los vaqueros. ❝..huh?❞ dino said bluntly with a blink as rudy blinked. ❝fucking hell.. his voice is very.. wow.❞ rudy whispered to alejandro before reaching out a hand, soap then wrapped his arm around rudy's shoulder.
❝i'm rudy-❞
❝he's rudy!❞
they both looked at eachother and laughed it off, earning a chuckle from alejandro and gaz.. a small grin from price and ghost. dino must've missed a lot before groaning quietly.. he had no time for games and shit. alejandro interrupted his thoughts. ❝las says they call ya dino!❞ dino stared before nodding, it was pretty obvious from the spikes on the back, no?
alejandro reached out his hand as dino shook it with a stare.. pulling back, dino left. thats all he needed to know. soap then said. ❝sorry mates, dino's a lil version o' simon!❞ simon growled as alejandro laughed. a mini version? fuck no, impossible for simon to even have a son..
dino was in the room they're temporarily staying in, making dino a bit uneasy since its not his usual bed, still creaky though! whats the difference? dino then huffed before taking out his phone out of his bag, staring at the texts from his sister. dino then replied:
kittarioo..!! ; my dear pretty ugly brother, i need some task force pics pretty please!
dizzo!! ; kiss on a dick.
kittarioo..!! ; just show me pictures of those men, they're really hot ya know!! give me some.
dizzo!! ; woah woah, is my own sister thirstin for some fucking military men fucking dick?
kittarioo..!! ; fuck off being gay but sendd!!
dizzo!! ; dizzo sent 4 attachments.
kittarioo..!! ; thanks, dino fucker!!
dizzo!! ; piss off.
dino then groaned, shoving the phone back in his bag, shuffling on his bed as he laid his head against the cushion, crossed arms behind his head that was making his head laying on. dino wondered if he would ever get to meet his sister.. dino got up before putting on his mask and sunglasses as someone knocked.
❝hey, dino. price is calling everyone to gathering with the los vaqueros, better hurry now.❞ gaz said and smiled, walking off as his footsteps went faint. dino then followed, fixing his green camo gloves. gaz opened the doors before taking seats, dino sat inbetween soap and rudy, simon was across him. dino glared and simon did back.
❝ya fuckers cant even get your rivalry postponed? we have a fucking timer to save the world.❞ price interrupted as simon and dino gazed back at price. ❝alright, now were gonna..❞ price kept going on and on as dino was gonna sleep, closing his eyes. dino was quietly sleeping for atleast 16 minutes before someone hit him.
dino growled and hit them back hard thinking its an enemy. turning out its just soap.. and with his slightly crooked nose. ❝fuck.. sorry.❞ dino said as he rubbed his temples, alejandro and rudy made sure soap was okay.. then the others eyed dino. their strength is strong, no lie. dino then went up to his room, made a lie. ( had imaginations.. about.. punching.. dinos. )
dino closed the door before grabbing pills, shoving down his throat, he had hallucinations, overworked hallucinations.. it wasnt long till the deployment starts.. would dino be fine?
the day of the deployement.
shuffling into the jeep, dino was large so he had to somehow fit.. so the jeeps roof was open, letting him see all the building and citizens from here. soap then said. ❝taking this fucker down is easy, just got my muscles not through rough training is all.❞ soap said, smug. alejandro laughed, ghost glanced at soap with a smile. you couldnt see it.
but rudy knew when he looked at ghost in the top view mirror.. the eyes of his lifted.
then they arrived at the destination, all devices were set.. ammo? set.. they sent dino in first because he was more the bigger and used as a body shield. on dino.
they were in a laboratory was where it took them to, there was just glass shatter.. ❝looks like they raided the place.❞ gaz said before slowly walking inside, price then went to the locked door before saying. ❝ on me. ❞ price kicked down the locked door before rushing inside, ghost went the other way to clear the room. gaz and soap followed in, and the others did too. the room was filled with gaurds, scientists hiding from this 2nd raid.
dino then shot someone, snapped their neck before kicking their body, shooting someone from behind without a care. fucking assholes. ❝ careful, theres snipers. ❞ dino said before someone tried to choke him with something, he then stabbed the guy with his spikes on his back before kicking some asshole infront.
ghost then shot someone right in the head before multiple came out from the corners. ❝ fuck! theese whiskies. ❞ ghost growled before killing the last person in another room. the soldiers infront seemed to know him with fear and bravery, they decided to risk it. to defeat THE ghost? pathetic.
gas then shot people with a pistol as someone kicked his pistol away, alejandro shot the guy. the pistol was far away. ❝ COVER FOR ME! ❞ gas yelled before alejandro nodded, gas slid on the ground past the killed soldiers quick and took his gun and placed it in his holster. he then eyed a better gun and took it before shooting someone who was behind alejandro.
soap and rudy was eachothers back to back, shooting them down before splitting, soap ran past ghost before stealing a knife from his pocket before stabbing someone in the head then slit someones throat and shot up someone.
rudy then punched someone, kicking them in the crotch as they whined before shooting them in the head. there was more? rudy could take them all with alejandro beside him. ❝¿quieres joder conmigo? vamos.❞ (wanna fuck with me? come on.)
price then spoke in the radio. ❝ more soldiers coming then we expected, get your arse upstairs. we're not taking evac yet, over. ❞
everyone then ran upstairs to see scared scientists in the lab rooms from the glass as the group walked to the exit stairs like badasses.. well thats what johnny would say.
they went upstairs with price, running before heading to the last floor they needed to retrieve the files about the group and.. ❝come on L.T, what if they go' chips? ❞ ghost grumbled before saying. ❝its a lab, not a fuck for 1 free chip gig.❞ ghost followed the group before footsteps were heard.
they all stopped before whipping out guns incase, dino then growled before getting infront of the team as a bodyshield, someone came down from the vents with style before whipping out the gun.
❝ kitty. ❞ dino growled at the woman with a grin on her face.
❝ dino. ❞ dino then tapped his foot with steady combat, guns aimed at her..
gas asked. ❝ they know eachother? ❞ price and ghost grumbled quietly before saying in unison:
❝ they're siblings. ❞
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black-salt-cage · 10 months
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
ps: sniper was traced
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disclaimer: do NOT buy a weapon for your pets to play with
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krist-420 · 29 days
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Sanrio South Park
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daily-dose-of-danno · 3 months
any Johnny 13 content?
Link to every post on my blog tagged with Johnny 13 :] <3
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Season 3, Episode 3 - Girls’ Night Out
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