ahyperfixatedidiot · 5 months
ART DUMP!! (With explanations because Immmm stupid)
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Kjærlighet - Cambria_Animates (shes on tumblr and tiktok that Im 100% aware of)
Bill snas!!
Critical error - If you saw him over at Cambria_Animates yes..she gave him to me!
Heavy and Medic from tf2
Kjærlighet adopted Nightmare and dream when they were kids at some point but its not even close to canon dw
Kjærlighet is blind when someone is in love with her (despite seeing who people love)
Spideypool. Must I say much else :3
Critical's newest ref sheet!
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poetencollins · 11 days
Kjærligheten Vinner 🏳‍🌈 Diktlesning 👆👆👆👆👆
‘‘Så lenge vi har kjærlighet
har vi makt.’’
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linezandrhymez · 19 days
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Du får meg til å føle at hele verden er forelsket
I deg finner jeg kos, mitt sentrum, min frelse.
Dørstokkmil var skummelt, men til slutt falt vi.
Å leve på luft og kjærlighet, du tar meg på sengen.
Sammen reiser vi oss som solen på himmelen
Bølge etter bølge
Høyere og høyere
Men så kommer fall
Omslynget sammen
Sjeler bundet
You make me feel like the whole world is forelsket.
In you I find my comfort, my center, my salvation.
Those first steps were scary, but eventually we fell.
Living on air and love, you catch me off guard.
Together we rise like the sun in glory
Wave after wave
Higher and higher
But then comes the fall
Entwined together
Souls bound
#poem, #poetry, #love, #fysen, #verden, #kos, #sentrum, #frelse, #skummelt, #kjærlighet, #sammen, #reiser, #solen, #bølge, #høyere, #omslynget, #sammen,
#sjeler, #bundet,
#world, #cuddle, #center, #salvation, #scary, #love, #together, #rising, #sun, #wave, #higher, #encircled, #together,
#souls, #bound,
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jyangfashion · 11 months
Et frieri - si det med rosene - Vis din kjærlighet med roser
Det er mange som skriver om forskjellige måter å fri til noen. Noen velger å være enkel og direkte, noen velger å ha en liten seremoni på en uventet måte. Uansett hvilken måte. Dersom du velger å gi kjæresten din blomster, da er det lurt å få vite språket til blomster. Jeg liker roser. Derfor bruker jeg litt tid på å finne ut mer om roser. Rosen er kjent som ‘Dronningen av blomster’, og har…
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etglimtavtid · 2 years
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Eg minner meg sjølv om den felles gleda Når teoriane falmar, står landskapet att. Så kjem morgonlyset og avdekker ei enkel glede du nesten hadde gløymt: Å vera til Helge Torvund #poesi #helgetorvund #fotografi #forfotografer #øyeblikk #oktober #glede #smille #familie #væresammen #barndom #tilstedeværelse #tid #lek #nærhet #kjærlighet (ved Mandal, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClDQYPBoeOG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iloveseagulls · 2 years
Det finnes mange uttrykker for kjærlighet. En av mine favoritter er kaffe. Kaffe brakt til deg av din kjæreste mens du sover lett om morgenen, slik at - etter et kyss - det er den første du våkner til. Kaffe lagd akkurat sånn du liker den, fordi de brydde seg for å lære seg om deg. Kaffe spontant kjøpt på vei hjem fra jobb, fordi de gikk forbi Starbucks og tenkte at kanskje du hadde lyst på en cappuccino. Kaffe på en regnete lørdag morgen, da dere begge to er pakket inn i tepper og ser på en film eller leser sammen, da duften av bryggende kaffe og lyden av kokende vann fyller leiligheten deres. Små uttrykker av omsorg og samvær og varme.
Men selv når du er alene, kaffe fortsatt betyr kjærlighet, og fred. Å holde et varmt krus mens du puster inn dampen og prøve å få litt varme på en vintermorgen. Å slurke kaffe mens du leser din favorite bok, eller mens du spiser frokost og forbereder deg for den kommende dagen. Å sitte ute under den varmende sola, når det føles som om verdenen våkner sammen med deg. Disse stille øyeblikkene du skaper for deg selv - de også er skapt fra kjærlighet.
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svendbergdotcom · 2 years
Arbeidsfordeling i hjemmet.
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buskerjaskier · 2 years
It’s a tragic and sad day to be queer in Norway. Stay safe, loves 🏳️‍🌈
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marshall1973 · 22 days
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shldmaidns · 2 months
sif calls people pet names once they reach level seven friendship
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motionpicturelover · 1 year
"Geografi og kjærlighet" (1973) - Tore Breda Thoresen
(Transl.: "Geography and love")
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Films I've watched in 2023 (22/119)
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poetencollins · 8 months
vil at planetene skal kollidere sammensveise imens støvet daler vil at stjernenes glør skal brenne i hverandre...  🤘Nytt dikt på YouTube! Setter stor pris på om du sjekker det ut🤘
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wileys-russo · 1 month
Ingrid engen, locker room, “how do you manage to look so good”
celebrations II i.engen
you gripped jana's hand tightly as the minutes wound down past the allocated injury time, now just waiting the whistle to blow as everyone stood, both you and the younger girl on your right near breaking one anothers hands with the hold you had.
"blow it!" you yelled in frustration as another minute ticked by, a chorus of the same words echoing out from the bench as the mountain of chelsea fans boo'd behind you but it was all just white noise at this point.
until finally, the whistle.
errupting in cheers all of you on the subs bench, coaches and staff included, sprinted onto the pitch to hug the eleven on the field, ignoring the symphony of jeers and boo's from the home fans around you.
none of it mattered, barcelona had done it for the fourth year in a row, you were all off to the champions league final.
you laughed as cata lifted you, screaming to the high heavens as you joined in, dropped back down and embracing her in a tight hug before moving onto several of your other teammates, a scarf wrapped around your neck at some point.
"vi gjorde det!" you screamed as you launched at your national teammate, frido hugging the life out of you with a happy yell as you rambled at one another in swedish, faces near breaking in half from the happy grins plastered to them.
"i think you are forgetting one very special person älska." frido laughed, spinning you around and shoving you in the opposite direction as your eyes locked with bright green ones that twinkled happily.
you sprinted to close the gap between you both, your girlfriend bracing knowing what was to come as you jumped at her, legs wrapping around her waist and arms around her neck as she laughed and nearly stumbled over given you were barely half a head shorter.
"you did it." you whispered into her neck. "we did it." the norweigan corrected, kissing your cheek and holding you tightly for a moment more before settling you carefully down on your feet.
"i am so proud of you ingrid." you promised softly, the roar and cheering around you fading to a dull buzz as if the two of you were the only ones around, trapped in your little bubble as your girlfriend smiled.
"i am so proud of us." the brunette corrected making you roll your eyes. "stop that! take a compliment for once sötsaker." you bumped your shoulder into hers. "thank you kjærlighet." she smiled, your thumbs tracing her jawline for a moment before a body jumped onto your back and you were both jolted back into group celebrations.
the entire hour you were on the pitch celebrating the two of you hovered close, never out of one anothers sights and never more than a couple of feet away, until eventually things were wrapped up and you all headed back to the locker room.
bottles popped and music filled the small room as celebrations never dimmed, everyone hurrying to shower and change as to be back on the bus in time and back to the hotel for the evening where no doubt the good mood would only grow.
sprinting ahead you were one of the first in the showers, you'd played the first sixty minutes and then been subbed off but soaking wet from the rain the way your uniform clung to you was driving you near mad so a hot shower was first on your list.
to your surprise when you returned dressed in warm and thankfully dry clothes your girlfriend was still sat chattering away with aitana and frido, not even having taken her boots off yet as you smiled with a shake of your head.
seeing you return aitana was quick to race off hoping to claim her own spot in a shower, frido chatting with the pair of you before her attention was turned away and then it was just you and your norweigan.
"how do you manage to look so good." you stated suddenly as the girl raised an eyebrow at you curiously. "played the whole game, wet and sweaty and tired, but you've never looked more beautiful." you spoke sincerely, watching with a smile as her cheeks flushed red.
"flørte." the girl smacked you gently with her shin pad as you laughed and sat down beside her, grabbing out her clothes for her as she wrestled to get her wet socks off.
"ingrid!" you gasped as she slapped you in the head with them with a grin, shoving her playfully away from you. "i tell you that you look beautiful and you smack with me wet smelly socks, i could do so much better." you sighed with a shake of your head.
"hey!" your girlfriend pouted making your lips tug into a smile as you leaned in to sweetly kiss it away, her hand on the back of your head keeping you there for a few seconds longer before at the sound of wolf whistles you broke away.
blushing you threw your shoe at patri who ducked and made kissy faces at you before bruna tapped her in the back of the knee sending her stumbling and sending you a grin before taking off as patri charged after her.
"go and shower, we need to be on the bus in fifteen minutes so no washing your hair!" you warned as the norweigan rolled her eyes. "its fine, we will shower again tonight." the taller girl shrugged collecting what she needed as you gave her a curious look.
though at the one she gave back you suddenly realized what she was insinuating as your face warmed and she chuckled. "i love you." she promised, pecking your lips a few times before finally going to shower.
"i love you!" jana mocked making kissy faces as you raised an eyebrow and your other remaining shoe and she backed off with her hands held high in a silent surrender.
"hola bruna, help me hide patri's stuff while she showers!"
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Comfort Calls - Ingrid Engen
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Ingrid Engen X Fem!Reader
Summary: Comforting Ingrid after the... rather unpleasant... game when she was in Norway
Warnings: Had to use that picture of Ingrid lol, Sad Ingrid and reader, use of Norwegian, translations into English listed! If the translation is wrong don't blame me, blame translate on google.
Authors Note: Find of short but hope you enjoy!
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You felt your heart shatter when the game whistle blew, Norway had lost a very important game, a devastating loss was felt all over Norway, and the team.
Your thoughts immediately get to your girlfriend, the beautiful, kind Norwegian who you gave your heart too on December 16, 2022.
You knew she would be upset, everyone would.
Your questions were answered when the tv cut to a clip of all of the Norwegians crying on the pitch, your brunette girlfriend being one of them.
You felt tears prickle your eyes just watching her cry, hours away, you couldn't do any thing from Barcelona but watch her cry.
Unable to wrap your arms around her until she feels better.
After the match, and about 2 hours after, you decided to call her. Knowing you gave her enough time to calm down and go back to the hotel.
The phone rang for 3 second before being picked up. You could hear sniffles in the background, signaling she had been crying in her hotel room.
"Hey baby, are you okay?" Your voice calm and comforting, knowing that she is in a vulnerable state and very upset.
"Yeah, just disappointed." Your heart breaks again hearing the sadness and quietness in her voice, you aren't not used to hearing your happy and bubbly girlfriend so upset.
"I wish I could be there with you right now, babe." The words getting stuck in your throat, and your throat starting to burn by holding back tears.
"I wish you could be here too kjærlighet, very badly." (Love) She breaks out into tears mid sentence, making you start to cry as well.
"Its okay baby, you can cry as much as you want to." You never wanted to jump through the phone and kiss and hug someone so badly as you did right now.
You both sat there for a couple minutes as she calmed down and she spoke again.
"I tried really hard, I didn't want to disappoint you." She says the last sentence quieter, almost hard to hear but you caught it.
"Love you didn't disappoint me at all. You never could do anything to disappoint me. Never, do you understand?" Seriousness is heard in your voice, the voice you rarely use with her but you wanted her to know you were serious.
"Yes, jeg elsker deg så mye" (I love you so much) You could hear a smile in her voice, she always smiled when she said she loved you. She didn't know why she did, but she couldn't hold back a smile when she would say the words.
She also almost never said it in English. not that she couldn't, she just wanted you to know she seriously meant it when she used her mother tongue."
"I love you too baby, get some rest my love and I will see you soon."
"Okay, goodnight kjærlighet, you get some sleep too," (Love) You hear another smile in her words and smile to yourself at the sound.
"Yes of course, goodnight babe." You make a kiss sound into the phone and she mirrors it before hanging up.
When the call ends you smile before putting the phone away, you always knew after hard away games, all she needed was a comfort call from her girlfriend, and she would be just fine.
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etglimtavtid · 2 years
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Det lange livet Livet er så langt, av og til varer det i flere måneder avbrutt av høyt gress, dype elver og kyss som varer like lenge som et eple faller i det lille sekundet mellom sommer og høst Terje Johanssen #poesi #terjejohanssen #fotografi #forfotografer #portraitphotography #øyeblikk #morogdatter #nærhet #barn #familie #tilstedeværelse #barndom #høretil #kjærlighet (ved Øvrebø) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-YJktIWPF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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