#klaine fic writers
datshitrandom · 11 months
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hkvoyage || AO3 ~ FF.net bitbybitwrites || AO3 special-bc-ur-part-of-it || AO3 forabeatofadrum || AO3 ~ S&C lilyvandersteen || AO3 ~ FF.net rockitmans || AO3 caramelcoffeeaddict || AO3 cerriddwenluna || AO3 ~ S&C shame-is-a-wasted-emotion || AO3 quizasvivamos || AO3 🔒  jayne89 || AO3 justgleekout || AO3 little-escapist || AO3 teddyshoney || AO3 kirakiwiwrites || AO3 ~ FF.net heartsmadeofbooks || AO3 ~ FF.net spaceorphan18 || AO3 thnxforknowingme || AO3 blurglesmurfklaine || AO3 coffeegleek || AO3 🔒  ericdooley || AO3 ~ FF.net wowbright || AO3 gleefulpoppet || AO3 klainedreams34 || AO3 grlnxtdr30 || AO3 ~ FF.net backslashdelta || AO3
[PART 2]
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bitbybitwrites · 7 months
Woo hoo! Klaine-A03-feed back up!
I think I did it right - I missed the old one so I tried creating a new one. Link below if you want to follow it.
(Bear in mind folks, I'm not that tech savvy so forgive me if there are any bugs)
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Hi! I've tried to find klaine fics that start with a one night stand and don't even plan anything more than that, then soon they bump into each other again and realize they're stuck together (like the next day it turns out they're going to work together or something). I know there's a one night stand tag, but I can't find anything like this. Thank you!
I believe that most of the Klaine fanfics I’m listing below are included in the tags. But from memory, they have the vibe you are looking for. In addition to the one night stand tag, you might want to browse the Friends with Benefits tag. Sometimes the one night stand morphs into an “arrangement”. - HKVoyage
 Kama Seusstra by GSJwrites
When erotica author Kurt Hummel follows the hot guy from the book convention party back to his hotel room, he thinks it’s simply a chance to spark his lackluster sex life. But when a scheduling change finds him sharing a speaker’s podium with his one night stand, he discovers that he has hooked up with Blaine Anderson, America’s darling of children’s literature.
Can the writer of a popular erotic serial find love with the author who has made bow ties the literary and fashion trend of children everywhere?
Kama Seusstra follows both their efforts to navigate an unlikely relationship as well as their stories: "Out at Home", an online erotic serial set in the world of professional baseball, and "The Brave Little Bow Tie", a children’s story about a bow tie trying to find his place in the world.
This is a story of sex, love and the hard choices we make to balance happiness and success.
Friends With Benefits by liz-loz
Kurt is a high-flying fashion adviser with an expensive New York flat and a supermodel boyfriend. Blaine is a rough, blunt struggling musician barely living off his wages, but getting LOTS of one thing. How will the two meet and what will become of them?
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madas-ahatters-world · 5 months
35 Asks For Fanfiction Writers
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Ooooh, I’ve never gotten asked questions before, thank you @bitbybitwrites…
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
Ooh, umm…one would be a character dealing with insecurities, because I kind of try channeling my own insecurities and put what I’m feeling into writing for these characters. Hmm…Sarcasm, snarkiness, maybe characters that are a bit moody. I pull out things that I don’t normally say out loud, from my head, sometimes things that I wish I could say out loud, but I don’t because I’m not really that kind of person…and I try and make my characters say them which is always fun.
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
So, I’ve been writing a story for about a year now, I’m about 6 chapters in (I got a little discouraged and halted for a moment)…I have no idea how long I plan for it to be, but even though I’ve been writing it for the last year, I’m scared to continue bc I’ve put a lot of myself into these characters, their saddens and grief, and I don’t normally show this side of me to people. And I know I can easily sit there and not say that a lot of what I’m writing is personal, but that also doesn’t feel right, so I guess I’m just scared of how people will react to it because even though it’s a work fiction, it is very personal to me. It deals with loss and grief, and depression. It’s angsty, but it is a Second Chance love story and it’s also a story about how these characters overcome their obstacles with has happened in their lives, and how they find their way back to each other again.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Merciless Angst. I like to relate to my characters, I like to see them hurt (just a little), I like to see them work for what they want…and then be rewarded with a happily ever after 🤣 I am ALL about the Angst!
Thanks for asking!!
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 7 months
What are the last 10 google searches for your WIPs?
thank you @forabeatofadrum for tagging me! I regularly clear out my browser searches & history, so I'm going to try my best to do this from memory.
the first one is the only search I've done for my Secret Santa fic so far, the rest are searches I've done for Breaking Stereotypes:
does [REDACTED] have a specific date it [REDACTED] every [REDACTED]
current top 40 Pop/Rock bands
adjustable dress form mannequins
MSG (Madison Square Garden) seating capacity for concerts
(US) East Coast concert venues with similar capacity to MSG
average cost of concert tickets of mainstream artists
Condé Nast/Vogue office location/address
what time does the Tonight Show get taped
is there a difference in content found in the Vogue app vs website
men's business casual attire [which gave some *INTERESTING* results]
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thnxforknowingme · 2 years
Written for @gleedrabbleblog prompt "Harvest." A little Samcedes AU.
At the farmer’s market, Kurt immediately sought out the organic, locally-made skincare booth he was obsessed with. Mercedes chose to browse the produce.
“Those are amazing this year.” Mercedes looked up from a crate of peaches to see a blonde boy behind the table, sun-kissed and muscled, with a crooked smile. “Sweet, juicy, the perfect summer snack.”
Mercedes blushed. “I’ll take one.”
He offered two, their skin grazing as he handed them over. “It’s two-for-one,” he insisted. “There’s a ‘prettiest customer’ deal.”
The fruit heavy and warm in her hands, Mercedes felt bold. “Only if you’ll share them with me.”
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dontmeanyoudontmissit · 9 months
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undercoverdrxco · 11 months
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I’d like to introduce my fanfiction tracker 🫶
top row is my dramione set, and the bottom row is some of my completed works from other fandoms from when I was anywhere between the ages of 13 to 23 :’)
I love love love this and wanted to share it! Top row can be found under undercoverdrxco on AO3 (including Party Juice) and bottom row under NickJonasLove on Wattpad!
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worldoflis · 2 years
so I'm slowly getting sucked into the young royals rabbit hole, and so I've started to check out some fanfic and it's... A Trip
there's less than 1200 wilmon fics. 1200. it's been A YEAR and there's less than 1200 wilmon fics. THERE'S 900 KLAINE FICS PUBLISHED IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS ALONE AND GLEE ENDED LITERAL YEARS AGO?????
there's one (1) fic that breaks the 100k mark and it's more of a GEN fic than a wilmon one
(there's quite a few in the 50k-100k range that are part of a series but STILL)
"no beta we die like Erik" nothing but respect my dude
saw a fic tagged as "slow burn". it's finished at 44k. go read CCATH and then we'll talk slow burn
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I see you, insert-Omar-in-Simon fics. as someone who read through many a insert-Darren-in-Blaine fic in my Glee days - I see you, and I salute you
also, I hate being the bearer of bad news here but... Erik is dead. like. you know Erik's dead, right? I mean, I get it, I do, but I fear some of you live in an Erik-lives bubble so hard that you might get a heart attack when starting season 2 and he's... not there
I especially love the "Erik lives!" fics that are also tagged as "no beta we die like Erik" :D
also could someone organize a seminar on writing a good summary? not me, I'm shit, but someone. like I appreciate the excerpt of the fic, but what's it about??
(this is coming from someone who summarized a one shot as "Kurt takes a surf class" so please know I jest)
Little Numbers AU!!!! look once a Glee blog always a Glee blog ok?
okay now let's get some reading done! only 1200 fics, how long can it take :D
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Klaine Roulette Writer Open Call
[Sign up Here]
Writer & Form (Artists and Betas slots are filled) We have our stories. Now, we need a few more writers. Here are our Prompts.
First up:
Story 1- Wedding Planner Kurt and Best Man Blaine have to work together to keep a wedding between feuding families from turning into a brawl while fighting off the advances of the bridesmaids and the Groom's handsy gay cousin. THIS STORY IS FULL. Sorry, but there are no open slots. Posting will be October 8.
Story 2- Prompt- 11.-Character A is widowed, left to raise two young children on his own. When it’s least expected, someone from the past comes back into their life. But things aren’t all that they seem, and falling in love again is the last thing on his to-do list. This story has one open slot for Nov. 6- Nov. 12.
Story 3-  Ten years after graduation, the Warblers have a reunion at Dalton (There was no fire in this AU, Dalton still stands). Kurt never told Blaine he thought it was him that Blaine was going to serenade that Valentine's Day, and Blaine never figured out his feelings for Kurt. Now during the week-long reunion, the other Warblers decide it's time to get the two of them to rip off the blinders and finally admit their feelings for each other. This Story has the final slot open for the week of Feb 25- March 4.
Story 4- Kurt and Blaine are leaders of rival show choirs. Blaine is the leader of the Warblers and Kurt is the leader of the New Directions. They’ll be facing each other in the next regionals and the stakes are high. It’d help if their teams weren’t at each others’ throats at every turn. Unbeknownst to both of them,  they are both bloggers on a popular show choir blog, where they rant and pour out their hearts to each other. Enemy to Lovers Fic. There are two open slots for April 9- April 15, April 16- April 22. Let me know if you are interested.  
Story 5- Story Prompt:  Kurt is an employee at Hummel Tire and Lube, and they're short-handed. Burt hires Blaine as an extra set of hands, but he and Kurt do not hit it off. Co-workers Klaine. Enemies to Lovers. There's one open slot for June. 4- June 10
[Form Link]
Share this form with any other Klaine writers that might want to participate.
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datshitrandom · 11 months
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redheadgleek || AO3 jayhawk-writes || AO3 ~ FF.net  bowtiesandboatshoesfic || AO3 🔒  1908jmd || AO3 gleefuldarrencrissfan || AO3 ~ FF.net  merinelsa || AO3  very-kurtious || AO3  honeysucklepink || AO3 🔒 nineofhearts4 || AO3 ~ FF.net  porcelainandthehobbit || AO3 slipping-through-my-fingertips || AO3 darriness || AO3 gleekto || AO3 kurtswish || AO3 kurtsascot || AO3 fallevs || AO3 scatterthestars || AO3 catcat-85  || AO3 annepi-blog || AO3 20xbetterthanu || AO3 flowerfan2 || AO3 MadAs_AHatter || AO3
kellyb321 || AO3 AlexaCardew || AO3 verseau_87 || AO3 darrencrissish || AO3 wardo2796 || AO3 Novoklaine || AO3 LonelyBeth || AO3 cayli || AO3 norahdevore || AO3 DireDyre || AO3 bittersweetly || AO3 jackabelle73 || AO3 rebwrites || AO3 Canttalkgrounded || AO3
[PART 1]
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bitbybitwrites · 1 year
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Thanks for the tag, @forabeatofadrum
Ok .. I was trying to figure out what to share that wouldn't give away too much, so here's a sweet excerpt from something I'm working on.
Psst, @datshitrandom, this is for you too. 😊
Maggie cleared her throat and gave Kurt a look as he pressed the elevator button.  “Sorry Maggie, “ Kurt said.  “May I present Blaine Anderson.  Blaine, this is the talented and illustrious, Margaret Banks: star of the Broadway stage.”
“Maggie to my friends.  You can call me Maggie.”
The three off them shuffled into the open elevator door.  “Pleasure to meet you Ms. Maggie, “ said Blaine as he took her hand and kissed it softly.  
She fluttered and smiled.  “Ooh, keep this one, Pillsbury.  He’s a charmer,” she whispered to Kurt.
“I intend to, “ murmured Kurt, gazed at Blaine over her head at Blaine, a knowing  look shared between them.
Maggie looked a Blaine up and down.  “Are you an actor?” she asked.  “You look like an actor.”
“Oh no, Ms. Maggie,” Blaine informed her.  “I’m a musician.”
“Ah.”  Her brow furrowed as she kept studying Blaine.  “You look like Montgomery Clift.”
“What?” Blaine asked, a bit confused.
“Before the accident.” Maggie assured him as she straighten his bow tie.
“Oh, thank you.” Blaine said with a smile. 
“Now, Monty, “ the older woman said, “Tell me. What do you play?”
Dang, I always forget to tag folks - if you haven't already been tagged and want to do this, go for it! Tagging: @1908jmd, @ericdooley, @calliopemelpomene, @madas-ahatters-world to do only if you want to.
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Hi! I would like to recommend a little story that I read by chance and fell in love with!
Collision, di imaginentertain
I enjoyed it as well! Thanks for sharing. ~Lynne
Collision by  imaginentertain
Sometimes you need to face up to the consequences. Or how Kurt and Blaine’s lives collided in the most unusual of circumstances
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klaineineverylifetime · 11 months
The Wandering Poet
Title: The Wandering Poet (2012)
Author: wynniethepooh
Links: AO3 [x] FF.net [x] LJ [x] Klaineficspdf [x]
Words: 27k; POV: Blaine; Rating: T
Summary: Love is not a common factor between the people in Blaine's life.
Review: A lovely little heartache of a character study about Blaine coming of age and doing his best in an unfair situation. It can be a tough read at times, especially given the tenuous nature of his relationship with Cooper (a decidedly more dour version with canonical tensions pulled out and exaggerated), but the pacing and voice helps cast some light on the shadows. Though this is arguably more of a Blaine story than a KurtandBlaine story, there’s still moments of quiet, grounded emotional intimacy as they build their friendship that really cuts to the heart of their connection. This is one of those stories that you can really settle into while it settles itself under your skin; they feel real, Blaine’s hurt and desperation is palpable, and all that’s left to do is hope they find their happy ending (or perhaps their happy beginning).
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spaceorphan18 · 9 months
You may have answered this a hundred times before, if so, point me to your previous answers! How would you have improved Kurt’s story in canon? What are the major things you would have changed, and some of the niggles and minor things that drive you mad?
Hi! You know - I don't mind getting these kinds of questions again. My answers tend to change as the years pass.
I'm not sure if there's anything major I'd change? I don't mind the overall structure of his story (@snarkyhag - omg, I used the word 'structure' for the first time in forever, feels nice, lol.) But Glee has very jaggedy story telling, in that it does highs and lows but doesn't do details or in-betweens very well.
I think his arcs in Season 1 and 2 are pretty well done, and despite me always wanting /more/ - the show was about an ensemble, and he did relatively well. I really have no complaints there.
In Season 3, I would have liked his story to be less attached to Rachel and more on an individual path. Everything that happens in his story line (that isn't related to Blaine) is a consequence or set up of Rachel's story line, and it's maddening. I don't mind that he doesn't get into NYADA -- I wish he would have stayed out, tbh, but the narrative around him getting or not getting in should have been devoid of what Rachel's story needed to be.
I also wish he and Blaine had had more intimate moments -- I don't mean, necessarily, kissing/sex/romance -- but more moments where the two of them are just them together, in a more relaxed way. Hard to do in a school setting, sure, but things like the missing Box Scene from the Christmas episode sprinkled in more often would have been nice.
Of course - I would have loved so much more in Season 4. More fall out from the Break Up. More of Kurt exploring New York City. It would have been nice to see Adam developed as a real relationship for Kurt. Just seeing more of how he felt, and how he was struggling with moving, and being in a new city, and leaving friends and family, and missing Blaine, etc, etc. There's such a rich story there -- but the show, ultimately, was about a high school glee club, not up and coming college kids, and of course, Kurt's story still ended up tied in to Rachel's. (Of course - on the flip side Season 4 gives us such rich material to fanfic around -- so much good fic arose out of this era.)
Season 5 is hard to articulate - there is such a complex variety of things going on - with Finn's Death, the engagement, and all of Rachel and Santana. I wish Kurt would have more of his own individual story line. I know he got the band and Elliott - but what does he really want to do with his life? Again, I do wish we had Glee - the College Years for the full season.
I love the NYC arc - and the exploration of the Klaine dynamic, but I would have seen more the highs there, too. I realize TV needs conflict, and the writers knew where they were going with the story, but I don't think the June story line necessarily worked now that I'm this far out, and I would have liked to see them more navigate the ins and outs of a relationship.
Season 6 I would change less than you think. My biggest thing is that I'd rewrite the entire Klaine part of the Wedding episode. Kurt needs a catalyst (probably the one thing that still bugs me the most) to run back - the writing is just awkward.
But also - Kurt and Blaine don't get a single, private conversation between getting back together and the locker scene in Dreams Come True. I realize it's more about the show winding down - and that scene is essentially their 'happily ever after' moment, but it would have been nice for the show let Kurt (and Blaine) reflect on marriage and taking that next step. But also, having a conversation about how their lives are moving forward when back in New York.
The epilogue was nice, but I would have moved it farther than five years -- and I'm somewhat indifferent about them having kids, but twenty-six feels young for them being dads.
Idk, those are the major things. There are episode to episode minor-ish things, too, I guess. Like why did Kurt give back the tape in Michael? Why did he have to be a jerk to Quinn in On My Way? Stuff like that where I don't agree on the writers' charactierizations.
Thanks for the question, Nonny! It was nice to get back into writing meta!
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kurtsascot · 2 months
R, U, and X for the fanfic ask meme!
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
i don’t know if my writing is directly influenced by anyone, but started to read glee fanfiction last year, and i wouldnt be on tumblr/writing if it wasn’t for @rockitmans @little-escapist and @quizasvivamos ;; seeing that they were still writing klaine fanfiction that i was obsesssed with and that they all had tumblrs kinda convinced me to try writing again/make a tumblr myself !!
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet?
ohhhh faberry. its going to happen at some point. i need to read more fics first tho, and i have such a difficult time reading while im writing. once inspiration strikes, though, its happening…
X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading?  Are you a voracious reader?  Do you carefully pick and choose?  Something in between?
i’m pretty selective, but being mutuals with a lot of other writers has gotten me to read a lot of fics that i probably would have never read/clicked on myself!! its been really cool
and i read in bursts. i wont read for weeks and then its suddenly all i want to do. once i start reading something, i normally see it to the end
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