#konoha akinori x y/n
Polyship with Washio and Konoha
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Washio Tatsuki x Konoha Akinori x fem! Reader
Warnings: none again 🥲 never fear, this won't last 🤣
AN: This is a request from 🦢 anon!
🏳️‍🌈 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🏳️‍🌈
Ok YN I kind of like this duo 🤩
I feel like it's a good balance between fun and serious
Like Konoha knows he's good looking already and he most definitely is
But Washio is like one of those oblivious good looking guys
I mean 👀 seriously you guys, Washio is such an underrated character
He's literally a pro-vb player time skip 🤚🏻
Love that for him
But we are going to start this ship third year
You were a second year Manager
The replacement Kaori and Yukie found for the team once they had left
Please they only needed one Manager after Bokuto left 🤣
And our sweet bby YN was that lucky lady!
Now Konoha and Washio instantly took a liking to you the first time they saw you
Damn you were so cute and pretty
And perfectly unfazed by our annoying owl 🦉
While everyone often was stuck dealing with Bokuto, you catered to the other team members
Please they all deserve attention
So when it came to helping with blocking, spiking and setting drills, you were often the go to
Akaashi was mostly dealing with Bokuto
And let's just say, you were able to somewhat set
So YN our fabulous setter steps in 💅🏼
Seriously you were so cute and little, Washio didn't want to hurt you
You not only help with setting for Konoha but also your great at helping Washio with blocking
"Uhhh YN it's ok I don't need help"- Washio said
"Yeah YN, mans will literally crush you"- Komi said laughing
"Excuse me??? I'm strong! I can totally block"- you say jumping up and down
Everyone 👉🏻🥺🥰 she's so cute it's ridiculous!
Now Washio and Konoha totally knew each other had a crush on you
I do think they are all competitive but I also think they want to make you happy
And I think they will see how you are around each other
So they always start spending time together with you
"Hey YN, Washio and I will walk you home tonight?"- Konoha
"Can I come?"- Bokuto 🤪
"🌟 N O 🌟"- Washio says grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the door
Please that act alone caused a 4 hour emo mode 🤚🏻
But Washio and Konoha do not care
They want you all to themselves
And they 👏🏻 deserve 👏🏻 you 👏🏻
Washio drinks from the female respect juice daily
Konoha is a little rough around the edges but we can train 💅🏼
They are very protective of you 100%
Now here me out 👀
They aren't worried about Bokuto
They see how you are with Bokuto on the daily ok
You love and care for Bokuto but you also know just how to deal with his emo modes
However 🙃 if there's one thing they don't particularly like, it's other middle blockers and wing spikers
So when they finish their first game and you are busy tending to managerial things
Two certain players approach you
Who you might ask??? Probably not someone you'd suspect
None other than Omimi and Osamu from Inarizaki 😱
*gasp* im doing it because Omimi is so underrated and the world needs more of him
And Osamu because well, Konoha would be so mad 🤣
"Hey there"- Osamu says walking up to you
"Oh HI! Can I help you?"- you 🥰
Omimi and Osamu 👉🏻❤️👄❤️
"Yeah we were just looking for the main arena"- Omimi adds
"Oh sure! Actually I'm headed there now I can show you the way"- you, our clueless angel
Omimi and Osamu 👉🏻 😏 excellent
Washio and Konoha pack up and head out to look for you
"Hey Kaori, where's YN?"- Washio says when he doesn't see you
"Oh she had to run over to the main arena"- Kaori says
"Ok cool"- Konoha says setting his gear down
"Yeah she was helping Inarizaki's middle blocker and wing spider find the main arena "- Yukie adds
Washio and Konoha look each other, then at Yukie 👉🏻😃 excuse me...
"Yeah she was helping them find the main-"
Before Yuki could even finish, Washio and Konoha are running 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ out the door
"So you guys are from Inarizaki huh? You're both so tall! You must be playing Karasuno first"- You say, adorably
"Yeah we've heard they are an underdog"- Omimi says
"Oh they definitely aren't your normal team"- you say before you hear your name being shouted
Washio and Konoha are dodging people just to get to you
You 👉🏻 🌳 🧍‍♀️ 🌳
"Tatsuki, Akinori hi- HEY"- you scream while being pulled behind Konoha
"What do you think you are doing with our girl?"- Washio says all possessive like
Me and possessive guys istg-
"She's very much taken"- Konoha adds
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 I am??
"Whoo there, YN here was just being a sweetheart and showing us to the main arena"- Osamu adds 😏
"Yeah she is an absolute angel"- Omimi
Please these guys are great at freaking poking the bear
Washio and Konoha growl- yes GROWL at Omimi and Osamu
"Come on YN let's get out of here"- Washio says, grabbing your hand and pulling you away
Konoha holds your other hand as they both drag you through the area
You the entire time 👉🏻😲
YN was too stunned to speak
Outside the arena you all stop and they turn to you
"What-" you say before you are again interrupted
"YN we like you"- Washio
"Yeah YN, alot"- Konoha
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 I like you guys too
"YN will you be our girlfriend"- Washio
"What he said"- Konoha
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 what...
"Yn we've liked you a long time and we want you to be with us"- Washio
Konona just nodds
Man of few words when it comes to this stuff 😅
"🥺 You guys really like me?"- you say
"Of course we do YN. You are the cutest, funniest, sweetest-" Washio
"And hottest"- Konoha
Washio 👉🏻😐🙄 and hottest girl we know
You start to tear up as you scream for joy, hugging them and kissing their cheeks
Meanwhile, the entire team is gathered in the back watching this happen
"They finally made their move"- Yukie says
"It's about time. I was sick of seeming them fawn over her all the time"- Komi says rolling his eyes
Akaashi looks over and sees Bokuto crying
"Bokuto, what's wrong?"- Akaashi concerned
"I'm just- I'm just so happy for them"- Bokuto says crying and running towards you three 😭
Akaashi tries to warn you but it's too late 😬
Good thing you have the two bestest boys to protect you YN 🥰
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cardcaptorharin · 2 days
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Fukurōdani 🦉
Back to masterlist
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Bokuto Kōtarō
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Konoha Akinora
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Akaashi Keiji
Something about you
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I've only listed the characters I'm thinking of writing, but requests and prompts are always open.
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bokubear · 2 years
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SOHA YŌ : you first met soha after a rude passer-by ran right into your side, causing you to drop your papers. but before you could react, soha grabbed him by the collar to scold him wholeheartedly, you’ve been friends ever since. AKA : miss soha😩
HIROKO NAJIMA : najima had known you since 10th grade. calm, cool, and collected are the things that stick out when it comes to hiroko. despite this, her outwards side shines brightly whenever she’s drunk. AKA : #1 hoe
MOE AI : she works at your firm. she’s a soft-spoken case, ever so gentle like a fawn. except her style is the exact opposite. moe admits her go to 'pants' are black fishnets with a metal studded leather jacket. a strange case, however considerate to a fault. loud around her friends. AKA : #2 hoe
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KEIJI AKAASHI : he works at your firm of course, being a long time friend from fukurodani. he’s always been especially polite around you, making you even more interested in his more relaxed side ( soha is itching to find out what he’s like—she also may or may not have a itsy-bitsy crush on him ).
HARUKI KOMI : yet another friend from fukurodani except you hadn’t met him until your second year. from then on you were inseparable, attached by the hip if you must. always picking fun at the others any chance you could. still after graduation you keep in contact.
AKINORI KONOHA : a real stick in the ass. also another acquaintance in your second year. the fattest tease when it comes to you. although you have experienced his chill side when spending the night with fukurodani for an away-match. otherwise, it’s constant faux bickering with no real harmful intentions.
KOTARO BOKUTO : bestie since kindergarten hopefully something more. you can’t even count the number of years you’ve known him on your ten fingers. eccentric and charming to a fault. perhaps you’ve been harboring feelings? @-@
notes ; this is going to be so dramatic OMG. also, soha x akaashi anyone ? she’s a simpAHAHJBSIANAJ
sypnosis ; bokuto has had eyes on the new transfer student for a while, positively enamored by her every move. she’s a sweetheart you’ll admit, and even when bokuto pleads of you to help him win her over you oblige—wanting nothing more than bokuto to be happy as per being your best friend for so many years. but do you really want him to be happy with her when he’s been your crush practically your entire life ?
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plagiarism, repost, and editing is prohibited
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kekoma · 3 years
— konoha as your boyfriend.
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sigh... can’t resist him for long. tsk tsk. hope you enjoy
waiting for konoha world domination.
PATIENTLY waiting because how could you not fall in love with this man?
anyways, it’s about that time for boyfriend konoha to make his debut here.
won’t get too deep with the crush phase but let’s talk about it for a second.
aki is the kind of guy who’s bold when it comes to crushes, or you in this case. 
doesn’t believe in giving mixed signals since he knows what he wants and clearly it’s you.
also isn’t the type who starts acting funny/avoids you or struggle with trying to befriend you (if you two had been strangers and konoha had one of those ‘love at first sight’ moments.)
yet in this route, you two are actually good friends and he found out had a crush on you when thoughts of you kept clouding his mind along with how he no other person could keep his interest romantically except you.
didn’t rush himself on telling you how he felt towards you. rather, he decided to let things flow just in case his mind and heart were playing a trick on him.
when konoha is ready then he’ll most likely dropped the biggest hits that he wants you.
definitely made more time for you whenever you asked to hang out, didn’t hesitate to reject others and make it known to them that you had his full attention either, and always complimented you more as well.
he finally asked you out when going out to watch fireworks together.
the confession wasn’t tooth rotting sweet yet it wasn’t dry as the desert either. konoha had planned his words perfectly and told you exactly how he felt towards you before asking “will you be mine?”
of course that night led to you two being together now~
which brings us to how the relationship is like.
for starters, i firmly believe akinori is the kind of boyfriend who wears hair ties/scrunches on his wrist for you.
he never knows when you might ask or text him about needing one so he keeps it on him just in case.
doesn’t care if some dudes get on him for it either. same with friends.
in aki’s mind at least he thinks what he does is normal and deems himself as a good boyfriend for it.
most definitely likes getting his nails done with you or by you.
if you mention going to the nail salon, best believe your boyfriend is tagging along and getting his done.
although the first few times he went with, aki went for clear nail polish because he wasn’t ready for color yet.
only started going for it for when you jokingly said you two should get matching nail colors and he was like “yeah. sounds good with me.”
and didn’t mind it. actually fell in love with the concept.
as for home, if you’re bored and just want to play pretend nail tech then aki is already sitting at your little set up ready.
“make my nails look extra pretty, princess. i want to show them off later and brag about how you did them.”
“of course~ since you said that, i’ll add a design on them. my initials.”
“sounds better than doing plain. think i can get a heart too?”
i FIRMLY believe he’s also the kind of boyfriend who lets you use his face to do makeup looks you saw online.
although he may complain sometimes, deep down he actually loves it since he gets to stare at you up close and find amusement with how focus you are about making sure the look comes out just like the picture.
“close your eyes aki. please”
“then i can’t see you.”
“you’ll see when i’m done. now close your eyes unless you want eyeliner in them.”
“fine fine.”
vvv  supportive and uplifting. konoha loves and i mean LOVES the idea of being there for you, helping you out whenever he can as well.
the relationship is filled with jokes. mainly a lot of inside jokes that outsiders find it so odd— even going as far to question what some mean, but ofc none of you talk about it.
konoha wasn’t into face care/didn’t think much of it before he met you.
so if you’re someone who LOVES face care or generally taking care of your skin then you definitely changed his mind.
dude will indulge in your little spa nights at home. asking you what each products does for his skin and what some do to yours (assuming you two have different skin types).
will definitely take pictures of moments like those and make them his lock screen because he finds its cute even those the face mask on you both looks hella weird.
loves LOVES spoiling you. 
whether it’ll be with actual gifts, physical affections (which is limited) or his words— he’ll spoil you without hesitation.
konoha enjoys the concept of making it known he’s truly in love with you and doesn’t plan on stopping either.
also loves when you spoil him too.
something about you doing it makes his heart and mind do about 2937748 backflips and laps around the track.
don’t know if this will make sense, but aki still likes to woo you over as if you’re still in the beginning stage of dating when you two aren’t anymore.
suppose this can be labeled as him just being extremely affectionate which i strongly agree that he is but it’s only around you.
it’s been hinted at during the crush part, but i’ll make it known now— he’s extremely loyal to you.
ever since aki decided to commit himself to you. 
which is rare due to the fact that commit to him is something that shouldn’t be handed to just anyone. even in previous relationships, he never really gave much of it since he’ll either notice things about that partner that were hidden (by that partner), he just isn’t into them anymore due to lost of feeling or things seeming boring.
so any thoughts of konoha cheating or looking at anyone else is impossible. his heart belongs to you and only you <3
something to quickly add.. arguments with him are extremely rare.
aki isn’t into conflict so he’ll do everything in his power to avoid.
however, if it still occurs then he’ll end up speaking his mind without filtering himself. now that can either put out the fire or fuel it even more. truly depends on how you take it, but if it gets worst then apologizes will be issued in a means to fix it.
anyways— can’t convince me this man doesn’t binge watch those weird videos that are recommended to you on YouTube or any of your favorite shows and/or movies on Netflix with you.
sticking by that statement because it’s true.
now let’s quickly talk about nicknames, pda, and dates.
starting with nicknames, i’ve mentioned one but aki main nicknames for you: princess, my love, gorgeous, juliet (after romeo and juliet. it started off as a joke to call each other that but now it stays), and peach.
pda with konoha isn’t much.
in public and private, it’s just the basic. private may be a little more ahead depending on how aki is feeling, but it’s not much.
not because he doesn’t like your touch since he does yet physical affection just isn’t something that gets his interest most of the time.
so don’t take it personally when he doesn’t want to do much, but i’m sure if you beg a little then he’ll give in.
with that out the way— time to talk about dates.
dates with him range from almost anything and everything.
konoha is someone that is adventurous and likes change once in awhile so of course that’s going to incorporate itself within dates.
although do except picture to be taken while on those dates. aki finds it heartwarming to capture those moments together and he can always look back at them if you are far each other. 
can’t think of much so i’ll call this the end.
overall: a relationship with konoha is enjoyable. things are always changing within the relationship so it never turns boring.
you’re the luckiest person ever to date this cutie <3
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evermorehaikyuu · 4 years
A/N: Seeing as someone requested part two of Konoha’s angst, which is right here, I have decided to do it and also, late birthday fic because why not? Let’s get started.
Y/N usually went by every Saturday to check up on Konoha. And on that one fateful day where she was told that he had woken up, she hadn’t expected for him to lose all of his memories. He only recalled his own name and the look that he had given her, that look. It wasn’t pitiful, it was merely curious as to why she was there and holding his hand. 
It made her mad.
Not at him, of course. None of it was his fault. It wasn’t his fault that he was stuck in a coma for three years, it wasn’t that he should’ve been careful. Y/N was the one that let him go out of rage and he ended up getting hit by a truck. Luckily he survived.
But now I can’t ever apologize, Y/N thought as she stuck her hands in her pockets, head hung as she walked along the sidewalk. She could apologize, but it’d be like begging forgiveness from a doorknob. He didn’t even know what was going on and that burden would be awful on him. 
It had been a month since he woke up and she hadn’t gone back. She couldn’t bear to face him again, not with those eyes. They used to be full of love and adoration for her, even when she was blinded with fury. And somehow she had the brilliant idea of letting him go. No joy came out of that, only sadness. That should’ve proved something.
Grabbing a coffee and a muffin from a random cafe that she had never been to, she decided to be brave and go back. The walk there was shorter than she had expected and the receptionist looked up at her and allowed her to walk to Konoha’s room. She knew that Konoha would be too weak to do anything, he had resorted to a newborn child. Maybe that was another reason why she had avoided him.
Knocking on the door, she saw his doctor talking quietly to him and Konoha nodding slowly. The doctor looked up at Y/N and said, “Ah, perfect timing, come on in. I have wonderful news.”
“Did he get his memories back?” Y/N said, hope clear in her voice.
The doctor shook his head. “No, but he’s out of his minimally conscious state, which is a massive improvement. When you saw him, he was conscious but seconds after you left, he had fallen asleep again. He’s been doing exercises and he appears to be fine, he’s getting his strength back. He hasn’t resorted to a mere child. However, there isn’t much we can do about his memories.”
Y/N walked over and sat down next to him, shamelessly staring at his eyes, the blanket covering him and the IV next to him. 
“Hey, you’re that girl right?” Konoha asked sweetly. “Why did you run off?”
Y/N swallowed and looked at the doctor for help. He replied, “I think it would be better if you talked to him. It could help him regain some memories back. Not all of them. Just enough to make him...understand.” With those words, he left, closing the door behind him.
Looking back at Konoha, she took a deep breath and started talking. “I don’t know how to say this subtly, but it’s my fault you’re in this position.”
“Oh?” Konoha tilted his head, his expression looking like that of a curious puppy. “And you’re not going to tell me your name?”
Her heart couldn’t help but race, that personality of his hadn’t changed. It felt like a different version of their first meeting and somehow Konoha still acted just as coquettish as he had when they started talking. She rolled her eyes playfully and said, “Y/N L/N.”
“Y/N….hmm, it’s a pretty name. It suits you.” He grinned at her and she sighed.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re in a coma, you’ll still have this personality.” Y/N lifted her hand as if to stroke his hair back yet hesitated. He was awake and she was a total stranger to him. It was better when he was asleep, he wouldn’t be able to tell if it was her. 
“You can do it. I don’t mind.” Konoha looked down at her hand and smiled a bit. “You used to do it all the time, didn’t you?”
“Didn’t think you’d remember that.” With his permission, she started brushing his hair back, running her fingers through the strands with a gentle smile on her face. He started blinking, his eyelids drooping until she said sternly, “Don’t fall asleep yet.”
“Why not?”
“Because...because I don’t know if you’ll wake up.” Y/N said, wincing at the words. She sounded pathetic to herself, as if hoping that Konoha would have enough energy to stay awake. He had just gotten out of a three year state of unconsciousness, maybe sleep would be a blessing to him. 
“I’ll wake up. I always do.” Konoha reassured her, shutting his eyes at the renewal of her stroking his hair. It brought comfort to him, this stranger that knew him but he didn’t know. The look in her eyes was enough to break him. Racked with guilt, desperation, maybe hope as well. He wished he knew her. Perhaps when he woke up she’d still be there. 
The feeling was strange. He had only known her for less than a day and already his stomach twisted from the sight of her. It wasn’t anything malicious, but something about her drew her to him. If only he had his memories back.
Y/N had fallen asleep right after Konoha, her head in his lap. It was an uncomfortable position, but somehow bringing solace to her. Staying by his side was all she needed, if he allowed her to be there. And luckily, he hadn’t shoved her away nor had he called the doctor to call security. The look in his eyes was the same one she had seen when they first met. All those years making platonic memories together before they realized they felt something more for the other.
“And that’s my foolproof plan of how to ask the girl out!” Konoha said proudly, crossing his arms and grinning at Y/N, who was currently sitting in a bean bag with chips in her hands.
Monotonously, she replied, “And somehow you haven’t covered the part where she will reject you.”
“Would it kill you to be on my side and not say anything snarky for one day?!” That was their normal routine, they always made fun of one another and they loved it. The girl Konoha was talking about was right in front of him and he was trying to see if she’d give anything up, any clue that this would work. Would she reject him? Nah. But would she?
“Yeah, it would, sunshine, now your brilliant plan sucks. You’re not getting her flowers and you’re not going to climb into her window to leave stuff there, that’s stalkerish, creepy and she’d see you as...what’s the word...you know the girl that was obsessed with--”
“Are you calling me a yandere?”
“Yep.” She grinned as she popped another chip in her mouth and offered some to him. He groaned and put his forehead on her shoulder. “What if she does say no?”
“Well, she’d be an idiot but that would mean you have more time to not worry about anything. So calm down, she’ll love you.”
What Y/N hadn’t known on that day was that it was her, she was the one he was crushing on . The feeling had been mutual and he had been the happiest he had ever been. Of course, up to this point. 
When Konoha woke up again, he could feel his little hunger coming back to him. He was only allowed a bit of food so as to not upset his stomach. But looking down carefully, he saw Y/N sleeping on his lap and the sight made him smile for the first time since he woke up. Carefully, he put his hand on her hair, running his hand through the tresses.
The movement made Y/N stir awake and look at him with the same look she had given him when he had woken up for the first time. Shamelessly, she asked, “Do you remember anything?”
“It’s not like we’re in a fairy tale, my dear Y/N.” Konoha didn’t even know how easy it was to talk to her, if only he did get the memories back.
Clicking on a button to ask for food, he looked at her. “I would share, but I’m hungry.”
Making her laugh, she placed her hand on his shoulder and nodded. “I’ll see you next week.”
“What about tomorrow?” He asked, obvious hope in his eyes. Had he imprinted on her that easily? Maybe his memories could be coming back slowly with every minute that she was there. She nodded, already planning to cancel anything that she would have the next day. His doctor was walking down the hallway and she asked, “Is it possible that--”
“Yes. It is entirely possible that happy triggers may assert his brain into a state where he recalls several bits of his past before the accident. Take you, for example. He may not remember you but a part of his brain does, thus simultaneously inserting back serotonin and pieces of what he does envision.”
With that answer, she decided that she’d go back as many times as she could.
A year of this had gone by. Within three months of his awakening, Konoha had been allowed to go home and Y/N took him into her house as she was his first contact in case of an emergency. He had been watched carefully and to be honest, Y/N had never felt more relieved.
Nine months later, he was able to walk around at a normal pace and actually was able to do a lot of things he couldn’t do six months previously. Y/N was always there for him, chiding herself if she ever thought of leaving him behind. 
“You don’t need to be with me all the time, you know?” Konoha said, kissing the top of her head. “I’m okay. I can walk normally now and you know, even if I don’t remember everything about us, I do remember how we went out.”
“Because I told you and you decided to forget that too!” Y/N replied.
He started laughing and shook his head. “No, I call it a selection of memories.”
Maybe it was a selection but as she put her head on his chest and his arms wrapped around her waist to pull her closer, she didn’t care. He chose her again. Even through everything he had gone through, he chose her again. Closing her eyes with a soft smile, she started drifting back to sleep as he stroked her hair, humming their song.
“I love you, “ he mumbled. “I always will.”
“I love you too.”
The promise of loving Y/N that he had made to himself had never once been broken for the rest of their lives.
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kirislut · 3 years
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fukurodani boys accidentally confessing
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a/n: i'm not sure if they all count as accidentally confessing but uhh let's just go with it! also these are quite long hcs and maybe could be considered drabbles but uhhh lets go with it!
pairings: bokuto, akaashi, konoha & komi x gn!reader
warnings: mention of blood (nose bleed)
taglist (open): @peach-pops @goopyartiste @sugas-sweetheart @mattsvn @justamultifandomfan16 @spookykiri @yee-harr @colorseeingchick @meliorist-midoriya @k0utashi @bunnythepipsqueak @sushii10 @aaakaaashii @aizawaslovebot @rousouhouuu @combat-wombatus @anikazoldeck @shinaus @killkuma @briidgee @the-sander-fander @cxssiopeiia @devilgirlcrybabiey @bruh-kill-me @seiri-ami @saikisbrat @bivmbo @bokutomessy @elianetsantana
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koutarou bokuto
recently you had been spending less time with bokuto, too busy with some assignment which made you unable to walk him to practice and even walk home together
he was starting to miss you way too much, he missed your smile and especially your laugh during your conversations home
so when he saw you talking to a guy in your class, flashing your big smile at him he couldn't help but pout, that smile only came out when you were really, really happy and here you were showing it to some guy
after some reassurance from akaashi he didn't feel as upset, he was your best friend, if you liked someone you would definitely tell him about it as you have before
after two weeks of you hanging out with your classmate, bokuto decided he couldn't take it anymore, he just wanted to talk to you again and tell you about all the fun things that had happened
bokuto stood outside of your class as the school bell rang, his foot tapping in anticipation of finally seeing you
everyone else filed out of the classroom, except you, so he peaked into the room to see you laughing the hugging the guy you had been with for the past two weeks
it was then that a realization hit him, maybe that guy wasn't just any guy, what if he was your new boyfriend?!
his heart ached at the possibility, not only would it mean that you didn't like him back, but that you didn't even care to tell him!
"bo! what are you doing here, and why the long face?" your cheery voice pulled him out of his thoughts and made him realize he was frowning
"why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?" "but he's n-" you tried to cut him off but he continued to ramble
"i didn't even get the chance to tell you about my own feelings, but if he makes you happy (y/n), i guess i'll support your relationship, but i'm still offended you didn't tell me, your best friend, about this guy"
your eyebrows raised in shock at his words, feelings? bokuto had feelings for you?? you grabbed his shoulders and raised your voice enough to interject, "bokuto! as i was trying to say, he's not my boyfriend we were just partners for our final project and we even got an a! but um, what was that you said about your own feelings?"
bokuto took a moment, blinking as he absorbed your words. relief easily washed over him, he still had a chance with you! well now he wasn't so sure since he had just outed himself
"i like you, but more than just a best friend. like in a romantic way! i wanna be the best boyfriend for you (y/n), do you like me too?"
you grinned at his confession, throwing your arms around him in glee, "yes, i like you too bokuto." the male grinned in utter joy, feeling the same rush as if he had won nationals
finally, you were back to walking with him to his practice, but this time not as just his best friend, but as his lover
keiji akaashi
akaashi was quick to realize his feelings for you, especially after bokuto teased him for blushing when you held his hand and ran with him to make sure you both didn't miss the team bus
he didn't particularly like the way his heart nearly leaped out of his chest whenever you were around, so he planned to confess soon he just wasn't sure how
he really wanted to make it perfect, maybe he should write a love letter? or maybe give you flowers? now that he thought about it he wasn't sure what your romantic tastes were, which made the decision even harder
the thoughts of his confession continued to haunt him, he would daydream about different scenarios during class and one time he even missed up a set during practice because he had the idea of giving you chocolates
his teammates began to worry about akaashi, it was strange to them to see their setter zoning out and distracted when he was the one getting on everyone else if they weren't focused during practice
but at the same time, they easily understood after he apologized for being distracted, explaining that he was planning to confess to you and wanted to make it special
you were starting to pick up on akaashi's change as well, you were one of the managers, watching the players and analyzing how they did during practice was your job
you couldn't help but wonder what was important to be distracting him so much, you figured it was about school. maybe a big test or important project? it was starting to bug you, you were just too curious
after practice ended, you decided to approach akaashi, who was sat on the bench with his eyes shut. he looked like he was in deep concentration as if he was mentally preparing for a big match
"akaashi-" "one moment, i think i finally prepared the perfect confession for (y/n)" your jaw dropped at his response, he prepared the perfect what now?
"hey akaashi, you know you're talking to (y/n) right?" his eyes snapped open, taking one look at you then immediately covering his quickly warming face with his hands
"this was not what i had planned," he muttered under his breath, currently kicking himself for being so careless especially after he spent so long thinking about what to do
you squatted down and took akaashi's hands in your own, pulling them away from his blushing face, "so you spent all this time thinking about how to tell me you liked me?" akaashi nodded meekly, embarrassed to be admitting this to you
your face warmed, you felt special now that you knew he was thinking about you all this time
"i'm glad you put so much thought into it, even if it didn't go to plan because i like you too," akaashi chuckled in relief, resting his forehead against yours, "i'm so happy"
it was nice to finally feel at peace knowing that his feelings were returned, at last, his heart could rest from the turmoil of not knowing what to do
"ok akaashi, you should probably go get changed before you get in trouble again," he nodded, getting up from the bench then giving you a helping hand as well. he gave you a quick smile then jogged off to catch up with everyone else in the changing rooms
even though akaashi wasn't able to get his perfect confession, he was determined to plan the perfect first date
akinori konoha
konoha felt no worry when it came to his feelings for you, he liked you for a while, since middle school, but wanted to make sure you liked him before he decided to make any moves
basically, he didn't want to make a fool of himself and get rejected then possibly lose you as his friend, he'd rather stick it out than risk it
recently he had heard about rumors of some guy liking you, which definitely made him a bit nervous but there were just rumors after all
until he heard one of his classmates talking about you, "i think i'm going to do it tomorrow. i'll get to (y/n)'s locker early and place the letter in there so that i'm not seen."
konoha couldn't let this happen, no way, he had a crush on you first, he basically had dibs even if no one knew about these feelings, not even his teammates
he snapped his head towards the voice, and glared at the male, he was determined to make sure this random guy wouldn't take you away from him
the next day he practically dragged you to school, telling you that he wanted to get there early because he lost his water bottle and wanted to find it as soon as possible
konoha was able to get you to the lockers just in time, his classmate was standing there in front of your locker, about to slip a letter inside
though the poor guy quickly scurried off when he saw you and konoha approaching, he was proud of himself for easily foiling that guy's plans, but unfortunately for konoha, the guy was persistent
during lunch konoha spotted the guy heading towards you, he had never run so fast in his life
"(y/n)! come on let's get lunch," konoha grabbed your hands and pulled you to the lunch line, grinning to himself as he saw his classmate turn on his heel and go the other direction
you were confused about konoha's weird behavior, but it seemed to just continue and get worse throughout the day
he suddenly pulled you into random directions during the school breaks and practically begged for you to stay and watch his practice because he felt like he wouldn't play well if you weren't there
it was starting to get on your nerves, and your arm was aching a bit from all the sudden pulling, but you were with putting up with it just because it was konoha
though at the same time you couldn't help what was up with him, you were sure that something was up
his practice came to an end which meant you could finally head home, but here he was again asking you to stand and wait outside the locker rooms when you wanted to sit on a bench
"alright konoha, what is up with you today! i've let you drag me around the whole day, i would just like to rest my feet for a bit" konoha slightly grimaced at your raised voice, you were clearly a bit angry with him
he stood there, mouth open as he weighed his options of what to do, he could tell you the truth but at the same time he was scared
you sighed, and shook your head, he was taking too long to respond, "i'm going home." "wait!"
konoha grabbed your hand again, but this time his hold was gentle and hesitant, "i'm sorry for acting stupid today but, i couldn't possibly let some guy confess to you when i'm in love with you, and i figured i'd spare you the awkwardness of having you reject him but the guy just couldn't take the hint to leave you alone."
you stood there, face covered in complete confusion as konoha casually said he was in love with you as if it was nothing! "uh (y/n)? are you alright?" "you just said you're in love with me." "oh? oh."
the realization hit konoha like a ton of bricks, he meant to tell you the truth only about the guy liking you, not about him liking you as well!
"well it's true, i'm in love with you and have been for a while. do..do you feel the same?" konoha watched you, uncertainty and worry racking over his body as he waited for your response
you quickly wiped your confused expression with a huge smile, "yes i feel the same! do you really think i would let you drag me all over the place if i didn't like like you?"
konoha laughed sheepishly at your reply, he was so glad that you felt the same and for a second he even thought that this was a dream, it just seemed too good to be true
at last, you were his and only his
the next day the poor guy still tried to confess to you, but you immediately shot him down because now you had one lovely boyfriend
haruki komi
komi isn't one to shy away from saying what's on his mind, which was how he didn't mind flirting with you to see your cute reactions
he would usually say some flirty comment to you here and there, either complimenting how you looked or if you did something he deemed cute
though since he always said those comments, it left you confused as to whether or not he really meant them or just enjoyed getting a rise out of you
you really wanted to know since you had genuine feelings for the libero and you weren't sure how much longer your heart could take all the flirty comments
you handed the water bottles to the volleyball players, quick to help them out during their break
you handed the last water bottle to komi, who grinned when you came into his view, "hey (y/n), if we win this game, you should go on a date with me."
you raised your eyebrow at the male, assuming he didn't mean an actual date since he's thrown that term around with you before whenever you guys go get snacks together
"sure why not," komi mentally cheered but played it cool outwardly, "alright, then let's meet up at the movie theater tomorrow. we can watch that new movie you've been talking about."
you tilted your head at the libero, not sure as to why he was already planning it out when they still had the last match to play in the game, "don't get ahead of yourself lover boy."
komi practically projected heart eyes at the use of that nickname, were you flirting back with him? he couldn't say for certain but now he felt like he could return any ball that was hit his way
and somehow he did, whenever a ball came near him he never let it touch the ground, it was the best you had ever seen him play
was it really because you agreed to go on a "date" with him if he won? you just felt even more confused about komi's feelings, but you were extremely happy for him and the rest of the volleyball team when they won
"i'll see you for our date tomorrow (y/n)~" you felt your cheeks warm at his confident tone and teasing wink, komi just chuckled at your expression, thinking you looked as cute as ever
that night you spent the longest time trying to fall asleep, you were very excited but so nervous, this would be your first date ever
and you still didn't even know if this was an actual date or just another komi thing, part, well most of you hoped it was a real date because komi did seem more serious about playing volleyball today than you'd ever seen him
so you were sure that had to mean something! if anything you were going to treat it like an actual date, you were certain to find out what komi's true feelings were tomorrow
the next morning you assembled your best outfit, did yourself up exactly how you liked and felt absolutely confident as you should <3
you arrived at the movie theater on time, you spotted komi inside, it seemed he got there early but you hoped he didn't wait for too long
you approached the male from behind and tapped his shoulder to get his attention, "hey komi, hope i didn't keep you waiting."
komi turned around, smiling when he saw you, but his smile fell from his jaw-dropping to the ground, you looked stunning
he could've sworn you were glowing and had angels singing behind you, he was awestruck
he always knew you were good looking, hell you rocked the school uniform but this was different, this was your style of clothing which turned the poor boy's brain to mush
"please date me," seeing your expression change into shock made him realize that he didn't say that in his head, "are you playing around with me?"
komi's expression softened, slightly concerned about your response, did you not take his flirting seriously? he thought he was completely obvious about his feelings for you
"what? no way! i've always meant everything i've said to you, and i'm serious about wanting to date you as well," you sighed in relief at komi's words, you couldn't help but feel kinda dumb for not assuming his flirting was meaningful but now you didn't have to fret about it anymore
"then, i guess i'll date you, my lover boy~" komi's face erupted bright red, blood dripping out of his nose from how flustered he got
you guys ended up missing the trailers at the start of the movie due to komi's nosebleed, but you didn't mind missing them for your boyfriend
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mattsunbae · 3 years
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characters — akinori konoha, atsumu miya, issei matsukawa, kenjirō shirabu
warnings — butt slapping in konoha’s bit cus it’s definitely canon
song —
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smirked as he saw you putting the final touches on your makeup. "do i look good, aki?" you asked, facing him as you smoothed down your dress. "of course." he walked over to you before grabbing you by the waist. "you sure you don't wanna stay in with me?" he whispered against your ear, causing you to squirm in his grasp. "yeah 'm sure." you chuckled, lightly pushing him back. "you know it's for work." you turned around to look in the mirror for the last time. "oh c'mon, can't you tell them you're sick or something?" he whined, letting you pass through the bathroom door. "no i have a really important client to impress." "ahhh fine." konoha frowned as he watched you pick up your purse. "love you." he towered over you to plant tiny kisses on your face leading to your lips. "love you too." you smiled before turning on your heel to leave. akinori led you down the stairs before planting a firm slap on your butt, causing you to jump from the harsh contact. "have fun, baby." he smirked as you glared at him before leaving.
leaned against the bathroom doorframe as you slid your skirt up to your waist, smoothing it down for any creases or wrinkles. "damn, baby." atsumu cursed under his breath at the sight of you. you looked so damn good. "what? it looks bad?" you asked worriedly as you heard his mumbles. "nah it's the opposite." he smirked, encasing you between the counter and his muscular body as he held your face, planting a gentle kiss on your lush lips. "mmm thank you tsum." you hummed before turning around to check yourself in the mirror for the last time. atsumu just stood back and let you complete your look. "alright i'm off." you smiled as he guided you down the stairs. "lemme know when you get there, aight?" atsumu snaked his arm around your waist. "of course, love you." you smiled before pecking him. "save some energy for me will ya?" he chuckled as you were halfway out the door. "just be quiet, tsum." you sighed heavily before shutting the door.
eyes darted to your beautiful figure as you gracefully walked down the stairs. "you're all dolled up for me?" he sprung up off the couch to get a closer look at you. "no, 'sei i told you i have a business dinner." you chuckled as his eyes raked up and down your body. "ah i forgot." he mumbled under his breath. "well you look gorgeous." issei continued as his hands trailed up and down your hips and waist. you squirmed in his clutch as he continued to rub the sides of your waist, admiring your elegant makeup and dress. "mm thank you, baby." you smiled. issei gently cupped your chin before pulling you up for an offhand but rough kiss, swallowing any whimpers that dared to escape your slightly parted, glossy lips. "i’m — wow." you gasped for air as mattsun smirked down at you with pride. "that's just what i do, baby." he cheekily smiled as he shot finger guns at you. "such a dad." you mumbled under your breath before saying your final goodbyes.
watched as you glided down the stairs in the most beautiful outfit he’d ever seen you in. “damn, that for me?” he asked, already walking towards you with his infamous smirk plastered across his face. “no, dummy i have a business dinner. i told you last night.” you fake-rolled your eyes. “ohh right. sorry i forgot.” he chuckled, inching closer to you. “didn’t think you’d get all dolled up like this though,” he kissed your forehead, “not that i’m complaining.” kenjirō added. “yeah yeah thank you, love.” you giggled as he grabbed your waist, pulling you closer. “make sure you’re safe, alright?” he pecked your lips a few times before releasing you from his grip. “i’m always safe, ken.” you mocked in a know-it-all tone. “don’t get smart. leave the attitude outside.” he snapped, earning a loud and juvenile laugh from you. “yeah yeah whatever, ken,” you laughed again, “i’ll see you later.” you wiggled your eyebrows at him. “you’re lucky i love you.” he rolled his eyes for the nth time today.
© please refrain from copying my work. copying/editing is not allowed.
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[texts] — haikyuu characters ♡ reacting to “I’m breaking up with you” prank texts >> osamu, suna, nishinoya, tsukishima, kuroo, konoha
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🦉 Being Fukurodani's Manager 🦉
Manager with ADHD
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Fukurodani x GN reader
Warnings: Swearing
AN: This is part 2 of an Anon request!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
Hear me out for a sec ✋️
You are so good for Bokuto
It's like when you take a dog to the dog park and they get all their energy out
That's what you do for Bokuto
Having ADHD has its perks YN
It can be difficult to function in chaotic places but thankfully, you are completely use to that 😀
When you were first asked to be a manager, it was Akaashi who approached you
He knew you had ADHD because you've been vocal about your struggles
If anyone knows struggles, it's Akaashi 😬
Seriously, he might not have ADHD but dealing with Bokuto just might be worse
I adore that loveable himbo to death but tell me Bokuto wouldn't wear on someone
That's where YN comes in!
Your energy, chaoticness and sometimes lack of self control is a huge benefit to Fukurodani
I mean, they already have two other managers
So like the rest of the team is handled
As for you 👀 well you are specifically there for one Kotaro Bokuto
When Akaashi gets tired, you take over
Bokuto is pretty good at hitting most sets so even if you aren't great, he will make do
You aren't really the greatest at planning but hey, neither is Bokuto 🤗
So when he wants to stay a little later to spike more, you are more than willing to accommodate
The other managers set timers for you to help you stay on task 💅
You aren't the greatest at taking notes, so you main objective is anything physical
Ball retrieval ✔️
Blocking help ✔️
Tossing up balls ✔️
Running after Bokuto ✔️ ✔️
It's nice that your energy matches Bokutos for practice purposes
But not so much for Tournament purposes
I'm on a Nationald kick lately so here we are
🙌🏻Tokyo Nationals🙌🏻
It's almost time for your first match but of course, you have to go to the bathroom
I mean there's just something about using the bathroom in a giant stadium full of trees that resonates with me 🤗
Anyways, you tell your fellow managers you will be tight back
Unbeknownst to you, someone follows you 👀
So when you emerge from the bathroom, you find yourself in a remote part of the stadium
But you also find yourself with Bokuto
Because why not 😄
Seriously ita those bathrooms with the double doors that like lead to different hallways
Those are brutal 😫
"Hey Yn"- Bokuto 🤸‍♂️
"Bokuto what are you doing here?"- you
"I followed you incase you needed help"- Bokuto 😊
"I was going to the bathroom Bo, not running a marathon"- You
"Ok!! Well let's get back-" Bokuto, turning his head in every direction
"Ummm YN- I think we maybe lost"- Bokuto, definitely lost
"Crap"- you, also most definitely lost
Meanwhile 👀
"Ok, it's almost time to line up- wait ✋️ where are Bokuto and YN?" - Coach
Akaashi's eyes practically buldge out of his head 😳
"You cannot be serious right now"- Konoha
"YN went to the bathroom"- Yukie says
"Alone? With Bokuto?"- Washio
"Well shit- time to send out the search parties"- Saruki
Back with YN and Bokuto...
"Bokuto get off the floor, we will be fine"- You
"WEVE BEEN LOST FOR HOURS YN WHAT IF WE MISS THE MATCH?"- Bokuto literally dying on the floor
Pls you are pulling him by his ankle 🤣
"Bokuto we've been gone not even 10 minutes! Will you please get up!"- you
You don't even have time to worry about your ADHD with Bokuto around 😆
It's almost like Bokuto is a magic cure all for aliments because his emo modes trump all
Suddenly your phone rings
"Akaashi, please come help me. Bokuto is laying the floor and I can't move him"- you
"Is he ok?"- Akaashi
"He's Bokuto"- You
"Noted. Send me your location. Be there in a but"- Akaashi
Back with Akaashi
"Maybe we should shout something to find them faster"- Saru
"Ok but what"- Komi
"I got it! HEY HEY-" konoha, stopping to listen
"HEY"- a distant voice
"That was actually a good idea"- Washio
Akaashi and the gang pull up to see Bokuto sprawled on the floor and you just done
"Akaashi is that you! I thought I'd never see you again! Have you grown?"- Bokuto
"Next time I go to the bathroom, I'm bringing someone else"- You, palming your face 🤦‍♀️
"I mean, you and Bokuto are basically walking disasters so that's probably a good idea"- Konoha
Glare at him YN he deserves it 😑
Back in the gym, the game heats up
This is where you shine YN
Your ability to celebrate and get hyped up is beyond compare 🤸‍♀️
Bokuto is in top form and your celebrating is only helping!
Akaashi is so thankful for you 😍
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itoshibaby · 3 years
𝟎𝟔 - 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐮𝐬 𝐢’𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 + 𝟎𝟒 + 𝟎𝟓
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171. Watch me (Daichi)
172. if this is it (Bokuto)
173. Heart’s cut (Suna)
174. High school sweethearts! (Bokuto)
175. Matchmaker (Suna)
176. It’s nothing special (Tsukishima)
177. In the middle (Atsumu, Sakusa)
178. I’ll follow you until you love me (Semi)
179. Love is not for everyone (Suna)
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𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 | ♢ - 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘥
305. Collaboration (Suna) - rewriting
306. Yet another sleepless night (Kenma)✖
307. Start up (Oikawa)
308. Hinata & Y/n’s Cupid Service
309. Safe haven (Oikawa)
310. The Gods are always watching (Shinsuke)
311. My brothers best friend (Matsukawa)
312. Girl (Konoha)✖
313. Cupid’s chokehold (Kyotani)
314. Stupid cupid
315. Sweet & sour (Atsumu, Sakusa)
316. Sweet melody (Semi)
317. Now all I see is color (Atsumu)
318. oh,no!
319. Your voice (Oikawa)
320. Ride or die (Nishinoya)
321. Loving Mr. Miya (Atsumu)
322. Hi there, Karasuno Manager!!
323. Indéniablement
324. Figure it out (Kuroo)
325. Unbreak my heart (Shinsuke)
326. Wet the bed
327. A return to roots (Shinsuke)
328. Dream girl
329. Beyond forever (Suna, Iwaizumi)
330. Wanna be yours (Suna)
331. Knock (Sakusa)
332. When the jock fell in love with a nerd (Osamu)
333. Picture perfect (Kuroo)
334. Mr. Rooster (Kuroo)
335. News at Nekoma (Kuroo)
336. Tantalized (Suna)
337. Still into you (Iwaizumi)
338. Out of my league (Aran)
339. Online love (Matsukawa)
340. Back into love (Suna)
341. Until you came along (Osamu)
342. Noted (Osamu)
343. fates collide (Iwaizumi)
344. Sweeter than apple pie (Kenma)
345. Let the world know (Asahi)
346. bad idea!
347. romeo? where art thou? (Kuroo)
348. i hope we’re still friends (Suna)
349. newsflash! i love you, idiot (Oikawa)
350. From yesterday (Suna)
351. Endings (Atsumu)
352. Super rich kids
353. Missed (Oikawa)
354. Knee socks (Oikawa)
355. i’m gone, i’m gone, i’m gone (Daichi)
356. Workspace love (Akaashi)
357. A Cupid’s Love Story (Suna)
358. Mission Impossible (Suna, Iwaizumi)
359. Written in the stars (Suna)
360. August (Suna)
361. Mama Mia! (Atsumu, Osamu, Suna)
362. Eight
363. a contradiction in terms (Kuroo)
364. Mamma Mia! (Sugawara, Sakusa, Osamu)
365. I want you (too!) (Bokuto)
366. put a ring on it! (Oikawa)
367. Minecraft Beds (Kenma)
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ushisrever · 3 years
Laundry Romance
Pair: Akinori Konoha x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 612 
Summary: A simple romance of two people doing their laundry in a laundry shop at 8:30 in the morning.  
A/n: I just really thought of it this morning while I was doing my laundry HAHAHAHA.  This is supposed to be a drabble of multiple haikyuu boys, but I couldn’t do it LOL 
Taglist: @sunarent @sunarinnie @the-japanese-wagtail @crystal-lilac @kexjispencil @amarinthe @moontxz​​
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You and Konoha are probably the two people who know each other and at the same time do not know each other at all.  Being in the same apartment complex, you two end up going to the same self-service laundry shop.  You two will be the only people at eight-thirty in the morning who goes to the laundry.  You two do not exactly greet each other, but along the way of the repetitive similar laundry schedules you two have, you two just end up sort of knowing each other.  You do not converse with each other, but the eventual one and half hours of staying in the laundry shop waiting for your laundry to finish, you two just came to know a little bit of something about each other.  
You two seem to be fine with the eventual comfortable silence except for fate itself.  Fate wants to push the two of you together.  Therefore, fate puts the two of you in a little situation.  One day at around eight am in the morning, you arrive at the laundry shop first.  You put your load in the washing machine, set it, and settle on a table just across the washing machine.  You put out your phone to maybe watch youtube videos or listen to music.  It’s supposed to be a simple routine when you notice that there is one thing missing in your routine.  He is nowhere to be seen.  You shrug off the thought and continue on with your usual day.  
Though, it doesn’t take long when you hear the bell hanging on the ceiling.  You turn to see your usual laundry buddy.  However, he’s not the usual well-combed man with a simple shirt and jogging pants.  He’s rather disheveled and sleep deprived as you may say.  You watch him with a big bag of laundry walk to the washing machine.  His eyes are dropping as he puts his bag down.  He simply stands still and you can’t help but lean forward to see if he’s sleeping or anything.  His eyes are closed and before you can call him or anything, he jolts awake.  He rubs his eyes and he closes the washing machine before even putting his laundry.  He pulls out his phone to pay through the small box.  
You immediately stand up and stop him from paying for the empty washing machine. 
“Uh..sir...you haven’t put your laundry in yet,” you lightly chuckled.  He blinks as he looks at you and the washing machine. 
He laughs. “Oops.  Sorry about that.  Just...didn’t get much sleep last night,” he said as he opened the washing machine again and this time puts his laundry in. 
You can still see the sleepiness in his face.  You turn to the coffee vending machine and back at him.  You go to the vending machine and buy two cups of coffee.  You go back to him and give him the other cup. 
“Here, a cup of coffee may help,” you said with a smile. 
“Oh..um...thank you. But you don’t have to do this,” he said with a smile. 
“I insist.  Besides, you might fall asleep before your laundry is finished,” you said.  He nods and takes the coffee from you.  You two sit down beside each other watching the washing machines work its job. 
“I’m Konoha by the way,” he cuts off the silence. 
“y/n,” you answered with a smile. 
He smiles to himself.  A smile you did not understand at that time.  A smile of victory for finally knowing the name of the beautiful person he ends up seeing at eight-thirty in the morning in a laundry shop of all places.  You on the other hand sure are glad to finally know him, because he sure as hell is the sweetest man you can ever meet.  
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
yay!! ok, so i was thinking, itadori, konoha (or kageyama if u don’t write for konoha!), & bakugou (and any others if u want!) with an s/o who prefers to write everything they feel instead of saying it (or maybe to sum it up, an introvert s/o but personally i don’t think u have to be an introvert to feel comfortable with writing ur feelings down instead of saying it out loud) bc i like to do that a lot more than talking it out. not that i’m trying to hold it in but i’m not much of a talker irl in the first place and it feels like i have a lot more freedom writing stuff down (jeez, i didn’t mean for this to get personal *smh and sigh*) but uh yeah :-) of course take ur time with this, hell, delete if u don’t have any inspo or if u don’t feel comfortable but thank u for letting me request something as such if u do write it <33
i can actually relate to that! i personally like being able to express myself with words much more than voicing it out but thank you so much for requesting (i also included a few characters cuz i feel like they suited this so i hope thats ok!!), ily mwah <3
PAIRINGS: HQ, MHA, & JJKS BOYS x gn! reader
GENRE: fluff, comfort
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⟡ 𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐈 notices the slump in your shoulders and the rather tiresome expression in your eyes. As much as he wanted to approach you, he contemplated hard on the his decisions. He definitely didn't want to add onto your possible headache or stress you out with his constant bugging. While he sits in his class, he can only admire you from afar as you write away—busied by your writing to ever listen to the lesson anyway.
Even you could feel Yuji's consistent glance at the times where the teacher was occupied by writing on the board. You didn't mean to worry him to such an extent but no certain words could express the way this heavy feeling was weighing down on you. The only energy left for you to do was let the pen It it's way to your emotions, jotting down every twist of your sudden despondence. By the time the bell had rung signalling you for a break, you noticed Itadori had his head down while you slip the letter underneath his arms.
As the others left, you reached for the chair in front of him while you watch him carefully read the letter that was filled with your emotions along with a little apology for making him worry. "Why are you sorry?" He asks softly, scooting his seat a little closer to you. "I hate making you worry." You answered him but he only smiles, understanding your thoughts as he pats your head.
"I'll always think about you first so worrying about you is not a problem to me."
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⟡ 𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐇𝐀 wonders why you grew quiet by the end of practice but even as he watches you while you helped the team, you didn't look like you were mad at him or at anyone. Even so, he could feel how drained you were just by the way your head rests on his shoulder. The team sees how exhausted you were and even went their way to grab their own beverages and lift their own baskets which was what you usually do. "I'll just get some snacks." You excused yourself before leaving but a letter falls out of your pocket the moment you stood up. Once you left, Konoha picks up the letter as his eyes scan over the piece of paper filled with your sudden drifts in emotion and the exhaustion that never seems to leave.
He read how frustrated you were in terms of the exam and how a few subjects have been bugging you as well as the lack of sleep you receive. He sighs but once he sees the little line that says how you didn't want to show how much it affected because you didn't want to drag him along with your problem, he only wanted for you to return so he could embrace you.
The moment you entered the gym, snacking on the chips you got from the vending machine, Konoha walks right up to you with a hand to your head. "Why don't we rest at my house later? Exams are up but I think we've gone through too much lately, so you up for it bub?" He asks, the genuine care for you immensely showing when his hand cascades down to your shoulder while you felt as if those were the words you've longed to hear since the last week. "Of course." You answered before he pulls you with him, your head buried in his chest while he sighs in relief.
"Even if you don't talk it out with me, I promise you it's okay. So don't stress over something without me, okay?"
⟡ 𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈 hums in comfort while his hands rake though your hair. He skims through the pages of the book while you scrolled on your phone. His eyes glance over to the table to see a folded piece of paper while he casually reaches for it as you paid no attention to it. You only turned your phone off before fully leaning to his side with his hand snaking around your waist while he reads the letter.
The moment he sees his name written on it, a small smile falls upon him the more he reads through your scribbles of adoration for him. There's also a growing heat to his cheeks as his heart feeds off your words describing how thankful you were to have him and how loving him had been the best experience you've had. He knew you were more comfortable in letting written sentences translate the emotions that you were having and he loved it more now that you expressed it in a beautiful way. After reading the remaining lines, Akaashi lands a kiss to your hair once he acknowledged your sleepy state.
"I love you." He whispers while you press your own lips to his chest right at the position of his heart. "I love you more, Keiji." He smiles, almost as if it'd never be able to leave him.
"I know you do."
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⟡ 𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐆𝐎 would figure you out majority of the times but maybe you were just good with not settling for your emotions to bottle up. Though he recently noticed you with your head locked on a notebook, just writing blurbs of your thoughts and rooms for improvement. He hasn't had a clue of whatever you were writing though, he figured you were just doodling instead of listening to Aizawa. He knows you were comfortable with letting him read through your stuff but he sometimes feel as if it was a mistake to be curious to the point if he just borrows your notebook to read them all.
"You're always too busy with that notebook. What shit are you up to anyway?" He asks, almost a scoff leaving his lips when he finds you all alone just at the entrance of the dorm late at night. "I just like to take a breather here. You too, Katsuki?" You turned to him while he just sits a few inches beside you. He doesn't want to edge on the topic of how curious he was or was he willing to show how zoned out you were from a few classes. When he sees how you open the notebook, he sneaks a peak to see a bunch of paragraphs making him grow even more eager.
"For someone who doesn't talk as much, you sure use a shit ton of paper." He said while you turned to him chuckling. "You're right but I'm just not really good with voicing out whatever I'm feeling. I thought writing it was the best option for me." You explained but you were surprised he paid attention to a mere second you left it open.
"Pft, if you're actually smart then some dumbass is willing to listen to whatever you have to say." He mutters as you turned to him confused but by his tone, you figured he meant it as comfort even if a few words would've meant different things. "I know you're willing to listen, Katsuki." You said with a soft smile.
"Took you long enough to know, shithead."
⟡ 𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀 has always respected you and took you as one of the most important person he's ever had. He was always thankful to see you support him in every aspect, training with him then comforting him at times his insecurities resurface. He loved that about you and all he wanted to do was do the same to you, hopefully with a greater amount just to show you how much he appreciates you.
Recently he's just noticed how you would usually sleep earlier than the rest of them after dinner and he worries if training has brought you to your limits at a daily. So when he knocks on your door after dinner, he was ready to ease you into rest if that was your problem. "It's open!" You screamed with your stomach flat onto the bed while your boyfriend enters.
"Hey Kiri, you okay?" You asked him when you saw the furrow in his eyebrows and the pout to his lips. He closed the door before sitting on your bed, glancing at your open notebook. "I'm okay but what about you love? Are you tired or any other problem you're having?" He asks, a hand to your cheek softly caressing your skin making you smile. You sat up before wrapping your arms around his waist catching him by surprise. "I'm sorry for not letting you know any sooner but you can read my notebook, I promise it's okay." You allowed him to browse through the pages while he nods, before leaning to the bedframe and scanning through your handwriting as you remained to his side.
"Bub—hey thank you for allowing me to read this." He whispers while he leans his head on your head just to feel you. "I'm happy you're still comfortable to let me know how you feel. No matter what way you want to express to me, I'll be here. You're important to me so even if it takes a lot of letters, I'll read them all." Kirishima says making you smile as you land a peck to his cheek while he blushes.
"Thank you, Eiji."
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evermorehaikyuu · 4 years
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Day 27
Title: Accident
Note: I realized I’ve done accidents in this month more than once and usually they’ve all died, but not in this case. This is deathless, and perhaps if I was a good writer, it’d hurt more. N e ways, enjoy the angst. (Lowkey wanna make a part 2 and make it fluffy, hmmm maybe, after a whole month of angst, fluff is well deserved)
Konoha Akinori was a man of many talents. He was also someone that did not let his heart be broken easily. Heartbreak, though, was something that almost no one could stop, unless they had no emotions whatsoever. But the love in his eyes when he looked at Y/N was unmistakable. He’d do anything for her, he was absolutely whipped for her. Every single day he’d make sure that she was okay and if she needed space, he gave her space.
He was basically everything anyone could ever ask for. Now the question is where did everything go wrong?
Maybe both of them were bound to blow up. Or actually one of them and Konoha was in the way. It hurt him, it did, it hurt him to see Y/N in this way, but what hurt him more was seeing Y/N explode on him. She had tried all day not to say anything, but it seemed as if the sight of him was the trigger. 
“Hey, Y/N--” Konoha started, startled when Y/N whipped around to face him, a dark shadow looming on her face. She shook her head and turned back around, not saying anything to him. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she grunted, trying not to get mad at him for no reason. He hadn’t done anything and she’d be ungrateful if she said something rude to him. How long could she keep the mask on though? 
“Don’t tell me it’s nothing when you’re not even looking at me in the eye.” Konoha said gently, striding over to her to take her hands. “Talk to me.”
Ripping her hands out of his, she glared up at him. “There’s nothing for me to say, I’m fine.”
“No! I don’t want to say anything more so just respect my wishes! Don’t stay any closer to me, I just want to be alone.” Y/N exclaimed before biting her lip. Konoha was there to help her out and she was pushing him away, even though he was trying his hardest to be a good boyfriend. It failed because she wouldn’t let him.
“Y/N, why do we always end up like this?” Konoha asked impatiently. He was done, he tried his best to help but was sick of being pushed away every single time. “I keep trying to help you, but you never let me. Even if I do something, you’ll still look at me like I’m not your main character, like I’m someone that you don’t even know?”
“Konoha. Just. Go.”
“So that’s it? You basically don’t care for me even though I’ve told you hundreds of times how much I love you.” Konoha hugged himself, staring at the floor before looking at the back of her head. “And every time...every time, you’ve never said it. Not once. And you don’t feel anything?” Konoha sighed, shaking his head. “Fine. I’m not saying anything more, but I really do love you. I hope you finally realize that someday.”
At hearing the door shut, Y/N bit her lip, regretting everything. He had tried everything in his power to stay with her, even though she was hard to get through. Maybe she would go after him, maybe not. Instead, she stayed alone in the room, hugging herself. However, she would regret pushing him away for the next three years.
She looked at her phone and saw at least 65 calls and over 100 messages from the Fukurodani team. The one she noticed was from Sarukui and she clapped her hand over her mouth at the sight.
Konoha was run over by a car. He’s at the hospital and unconscious.
Racing to put on something presentable and giving up and just grabbing his hoodie, she grabbed her keys and sprinted out of her house. Public transportation was awful, she was practically bouncing up and down in place, desperate to get to him for any sign that he was going to make it out alive. 
The moments she had alone with herself on the train were the ones that attacked her like bullets. What if he had lived? What if she didn’t push him away? What if both of them were at her house and doing something? Now she wouldn’t know because she had done something despicable and because of her, he may not come back alive. 
The hospital was full of white walls, yet the atmosphere was filled with trepid anticipation. The antiseptic made her dizzy, she knew that the smell of it would linger in her nostrils long after she was gone. What she didn’t know was that the aroma would also haunt her in her nightmares for the next few years. 
Once getting the room where Konoha was in, she started shaking as she got on the elevator. Thirteenth floor. The superstition made her feel worse about his fate. The guilt that came along with it was agonizing. The doctors did not let her inside, even though she pleaded multiple times to be able to go inside. Nothing. 
So that’s what it felt like when she pushed Konoha away.
“Please just let me go inside and see him, I need to see him!” She screamed, her nails raking down a guard’s chest. “LET ME SEE KONOHA!”
The nurse said gently, “Please, miss, wait and you will be the first one to know of his results. Let us do what we have to do and if necessary for him to go into surgery, we will let you know.”
Oh, how much pain would she have to suffer next? It felt like everything was laughing at her. He did not have to go into surgery but the doctors were murmuring to each other and some of them even stole glances at her through the window. 
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. 
And then it was over. The doctors came out of the room and she tried to look at Konoha. One of the doctors allowed her to see through the window and she pressed her hands against the glass, peering at him through the thick glass. 
Konoha was there, his eyes closed and his mouth also shut. She wished to push back the stray bangs on his face, knowing that he would always wake up whenever she did it then go back to sleep. He didn’t move, nothing. Not even a little twitch. But somehow, there was the tiniest smile on his face. It was very small and it gave her hope that he would make it out alive, make a silly pick up line and hop out of bed. There was a catch to all of this, however, and she knew it. 
“Konoha….” Y/N said, gulping. “How is he?”
“He’s in a coma.”
There it was.
For the next three years, Y/N came back to Konoha’s side in his room, taking his hand. No sign of him moving at all. She always pushed his hair back, stroking it slowly while whispering small things to him. Sometimes she’d talk about stuff that she had done that day and other times, she’d walk in and stare at him for hours at a time.
The second year, on a Saturday, she came back and started singing something to him that only both of them knew. It was a song Konoha had made up on a whim and she had added to it, it was their song. Only they knew it and they used to sing it to each other when the other couldn’t sleep. 
It went like that for the next year and a half and there was no end in sight. Y/N held his hand close to her heart and sucked in a breath. “Hey….today was our--” She swallowed. “My graduation. I wish you were there. Komi, Bokuto, Sarukui and Washio were there and so was Akaashi. Konoha...Akinori….” A sob rose out of her and she placed her forehead on his chest, barely hearing his heart. 
The doctors always made sure he was still alive but the fact that he never woke up, that his hand never made its way to her hair hurt more than anything. 
Then suddenly, she was called by the hospital. Four words. The four words that brought her hopes up, drop everything and make her way to the hospital, a giddy smile on her face. 
Konoha is waking up.
She raced from her job, her heart racing. Three long years without him, three years just sitting at his bedside and singing softly to him, three years going everywhere and worrying about Konoha. 
Three years of being alone.
Konoha is waking up.
He’s going to be okay.
Once she got to the hospital, she sprinted past the receptionist’s desk and went up to his room, already memorizing the map of the hospital and his room. Pushing the door open, there was only one doctor there and he looked up at her with a grimace, wincing. “Miss--”
“Akinori?” Y/N ran to Konoha’s side, pushing his hair back as his eyelids slowly opened and his hand started twitching. At a snail’s pace, his eyelids opened fully and his head lolled, looking at her with blank eyes. Her heart sped up as she reached down for his limp hand and staring into his eyes. “Hey...look at me...you’re awake, Akinori, you’re finally--”
“Who are you?” He asked, genuine confusion on his face. 
Y/N stared at him for a moment before looking at the doctor with concern. “Doctor? What--?”
“I’m sorry. He’s lost all of his memories except for his name.”
Y/N let go of Konoha’s hand, breathing heavily before she started hyperventilating. She only looked back at Konoha, who was gazing at her curiously, before going into his bathroom and screaming, loud sobs coming out of her as she gripped her hair. The words kept bouncing around her mind, driving her insane.
All those years together. All the love she had for him. The last words she had ever told him. Everything.
Everything was gone.
Because of her.
Taglist: @skyguy-peach @jovialnoise @versatilewindow @tsukiibaka @jaegersblogh @kodzuken-pie @kara-grayson04 @attixca @volleybloop  @seiijixcia @sunareii @osterfield-hollandwriter @selca11 @his0kasbungeegum @holaaaf @tired-penguinn​
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t0shii · 3 years
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% bad dreams
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.! timeskip! akagi, konoha, taichi, komori (sep) x f!r; kunimi, aoi (sep) x gn!r
.! comfort + fluff/ not proofread
.! ahh 'm rlly sorry for not posting yesterday :(( take this as my apology. i might make another one of these but with more popular characters
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akagi snaps awake at your loud whimpering, "princess?" he mumbles, voice groggy and confused as he looks down to your sleeping figure, barely visible in the dark room. it's only when you whimper again and snap your head to the side he realizes you're having s bad dream. "baby, wake up." he gently nudges your shoulder, after a few times you blink awake, sitting up to hug him "hey, hey, you're okay." he rubs your back, "it was horrible, nari." you cry into his shoulder. "tell me about it."
kunimi hates being woken up, he values sleep more than most other things in his life and there's nothing he hates more than that sleep being disturbed. his first reaction when you shake him awake is to be annoyed, why the hell were you waking him in the middle of the night like this? but when he see's the tears in your eyes shining in the moonlight that leaks through the curtains his face softens, "c'mere baby." he mumbles, voice still coated with sleep as he guides you to the warmth of his chest
konoha had left you in the bedroom from your nap about 25 minutes ago, currently he sat on the couch, a random movie playing on the tv in front of him. when he hears your footsteps padding down the hallway he averts his attention to your sleepy figure, frowning when he noticed the tears falling from your eyes. "what happened, princess?" he asks, opening his arms for you to climb into his lap, which you do hiccuping "bad dream, nori." as you do so. "oh baby, i'm sorry. do you wanna tell me about it?"
aoi worries when walks into the bedroom to check you because of your cries which could be heard from the living room. you'd told him you were taking a nap so he didn't quite understand why he could hear cries coming from behind the door. "y/n, baby?" he realizes you're still asleep when he doesn't get a response, "bad dream huh?" he mumbles to your sleeping figure, cupping his hand around your cheek. "y/n, c'mon it's time to wake up, baby." he sighs, kissing your tear stained cheeks. "aoi?" "mhm, i know. c'mon lets get some tea and you can tell me about it." he offers you a comforting smile before placing a soft kiss against your lips.
averts his attention to your figure as you slowly step towards him on the couch crying a small "nishi." frowning at your teary state he opens his arms for you, "what happened, pretty girl?" he looks up to you as he wraps his arms around your waist. "i had a bad dream." you mumble, wiping a tear from your cheek. "that's no good is it, baby?" he chuckles as you shake your head 'no' lip quivering. "sit down and you can tell me about it hm? will that make you feel better?"
frowns as he opens his eyes to your teary ones as you shake him awake with a "mori, please wake up." he sits up to embrace you, "what happened, princess?" he questions, wiping away at the tears falling from your eyes. "bad dream." you mumble, lip quivering, his heart breaks at the sight. "oh baby, don't cry, do you wanna talk about it?" he asks, guiding your head to his chest as he lays the both of you back down.
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< reblogs appreciated >
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ichigoromi · 3 years
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝐊𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐡𝐚 𝐀𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
It's time.
Finally, KONOHA.
This man, he stole my heart for the scenes he appeared in the anime, but in the Manga, ooh boy, I fell for him.
Love this boi.
Pairing: Konoha Akinori (Timeskip) x fem reader
Genre: Romance and Fluff
a/n - Initially, this was supposed to be set in high school, but I thought that college Konoha will be more appropriate, so yeah~!
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Konoha Akinori
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Konoha has a fair amount of experience when dating since he is quite an attractive man.
But, when it comes to you, he has no idea how to pursue you.
You two met in the third year of university, where you two met in your elective module, creative writing.
He was late to class, and normally, he sits in the middle, but there were no more seats, and the available ones were at the front, right next to you.
You were more of the quiet, introverted type while he is the opposite of you.
It was your first class, and this tall guy with dirty blonde hair barged into the lecture theatre, apologising for being tardy before sitting down next to you.
You ignored him and listen to the lecturer, but this guy was distracting.
He was looking over to you but didn't say anything until you realise he did not have a pen and wanted to borrow one from you.
Wordlessly, you placed a pen on his table and focus back on your writing.
He softly thanked you and proceed to take down some notes from the lecture.
After the lecture has ended, you rushed to your next lecture, forgetting about the pen that you lend to Konoha.
He rushed out to look for you, but you were gone.
His friends came out of the room, finding him, looking lost. He asked them if they know you, but they all had no clue.
For two weeks, he tried to look for you, but to no avail, you were nowhere to be found.
Finally, it's time for your creative writing module. You entered the lecture theatre exactly 15 minutes before class starts and sat at the front as usual.
Konoha ran all the way to the room, excited to see you again.
You were hoping not to bump into the dirty blonde guy again, but he is here today again.
He took his seat beside you and pass you your pen from two weeks ago.
Since there was some time before class started, he tried to strike a conversation, but it didn't last long when his friends came in, and he went to join with them.
You know his name and his major, but you weren't particularly interested in him.
Once again, the class ended, and you were out of the room first, and Konoha couldn't catch up with you.
So, he needs his friends to help to find out about you.
Took him a few days to learn about your name, your major and your club.
Something about you just makes you so attractive to him.
First, he wants to be friends with you, but you seem so wary of him that it makes it even more difficult for him to approach you.
He finally caught up to you after multiple classes and asked you out for a coffee, and he just wanted to be your friend.
You accepted and went to get coffee with him.
At first, it was awkward since you were really nervous, but he broke the ice, and you two start conversing like friends.
Turns out you two had more similarities than expected, and he asked you out for the latest movie release, you asked if you could bring your younger brother along, and he was fine with it.
He was expecting a toddler but didn't expect a teenage boy judging him the moment he laid his eyes on him.
You tug on your younger brother's sleeve to stop him from staring down at Konoha and went to get the tickets for the three of you.
Konoha tried to strike a conversation with your younger brother, but he warned him to not hurt you or he will come after him.
Well, in your freshman year of university, you fell for a guy and dated him for a year, then he cheated on you with a member of your club.
You were in some dark places, but now you are better.
Your brother and Konoha were having a staring contest while you enjoy the movie.
Konoha was just trying to be friends with you, but your brother is a bit overprotective.
After the movie, you invited Konoha to dinner, ignoring your brother's protest.
Turns out, they both play volleyball and begins bonding over the sport, and you were just happy listening to them.
The two guys exchanged numbers, and you went on your separate ways.
Soon, you and Konoha became closer to the point where you start going out for lunch with him.
Everyone started to notice that you two became closer, and you were smiling and laughing more often around him.
He would match his schedule with yours so that he can get dinner with you and walk home together.
You feel comfortable with him, and recently, when you have good news, he is the first one to know.
He just kind of became an important person in your life.
Konoha unknowing put you as his first priority, and he was waiting for the chance to ask you out, officially, not as friends.
He was preparing to bring you to the countryside to visit his grandparents and prepared to confess to you.
And you have wanted to visit the countryside, so it's perfect.
So, when summer break came, you two packed up and took the train to the countryside.
It was exciting to go on a trip to the countryside, your brother wanted to follow you, but he has to go to his summer training camp.
His grandparents gush over you and warmly welcomes you into their home.
You were the first girl that Konoha brought to visit his grandparents, and obviously, he was blushing deeply from his grandparents talking about how he never brings his girlfriend back to them.
But you're not his girlfriend yet.
You two spend the whole day on the fields with his grandparents, and it was fun to enjoy the fresh air and helping with the harvest.
After dinner, Konoha wanted to bring you to his favourite spot to view fireflies.
"One more step, here, let me help you." He pulls you up to the last step, and you almost fall into his arms. Konoha leads you up to a hidden spot that he's been going since young.
You let out a small gasp at the beautiful illuminating view in front of you.
The fireflies were glowing, and it was the best view that even cameras could not do it justice. You just had your fun, and Konoha stares at you so lovingly.
"Why did you decided to bring me up here?" You asked him as you two sat down on the soft grass patch.
"Well, I have something to say." He took your hand in his and took a deep breath before facing you.
Your heart skips a little as you stare into his eyes.
"Will you be my girlfriend? I'm kinda bad at this, but I love seeing you smile, going to my games and enjoying your food around me. I want to be with you for a long time." He confessed, and you threw your arms around him and buried your face in his chest.
"Ilikeyoutoo." You softly mumbled into his chest.
"Hmm? What did you say?" He cups your face in his hands, and you blushed under his stare.
"I say I like you too..." You repeat it louder. Konoha hugs you, your legs slightly off the ground, and he twirls you around in happiness. He has been waiting for this for a year, a whole year and finally, he confessed, and he succeeds in asking you out.
You tap on his shoulder to stop twirling you around since you were getting dizzy.
He leans his forehead against yours; you loop your arms around his neck and lean up to plant your lips against him. Konoha was shocked but close his eyes and holds you closer to him.
You pull away first and smiles after you two just had your first kiss.
"Aki, I'm going to call you that. Hehe, yeah, I love that." You peck his cheek.
"Hmm, I like that too. I'm going to call you pudding. Since you love pudding so much." You two laughed together and enjoys the cold night breeze at the top of the spot.
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OMG YAS! I'm done with this headcanon! Love it! I mean, I just love Konoha. So yeah! Hope y'all enjoyed this! Thank you for reading this!
Love ya!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
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akaashisbabygirl · 4 years
Hii can I request a hc with kuroo, konoha, semi, yaku and akaashi where their s/o is annoyed with them so he just showers their face with kisses and their s/o tries not to smile and kiss back but the boys keep doing it and the s/o finally gives in. Thank youuu🥰❤️
showering you with kisses
pairing: kuroo x reader, konoha x reader, semi x reader, yaku x reader, akaashi x reader
warnings: none
kuroo tetsurō
kuroo thought he’d done something wrong, which made him a little pouty whenever you were around and not speaking to him
it was lunch, and he didn’t know how to make you talk, even though the two of you were sitting far away from everyone else together
he figured you just had a bad morning or something
kuroo began pressing kisses onto your face, muttering little “i love yous” as he did it
he smiled into the kiss when you stared to kiss him back, eventually resting your head on his shoulder with a little sigh
konoha akinori 
konoha was late for school - his alarm woke him up later than expected, so he didn’t have time to text you good morning or anything
so, when you got annoyed and wouldn’t speak to him, he figured that was the reason why
it was lunch and you still weren’t speaking to him - but you were sitting with him and his friends like always
konoha had enough - he grabbed onto your face lightly and began pressing kisses everywhere
a smile spread onto his face, mumbling a sorry after you began kissing him back
semi eita
all day at school, you’ve been ignoring him
so, when he saw you at the gates waiting for him, as on a friday, the two of you walk back to his place together
when you arrived, he was still a little pouty that you weren’t speaking to him
so he grabbed onto your face lightly and began pressing kisses onto your face
he was relieved when you started to kiss back after a while - he could’ve sworn his heart melted
yaku morisuke
yaku was confused - why weren’t you talking to him
the two of you walk the same way home
so that’s when he decided he was going to kiss you
when he saw that you didn’t react after one kiss, he began kissing you more, praying that kissing you many times would revert you back to your normal self
he was relieved when you began kissing him back, showing that you weren’t annoyed with him like he thought
akaashi keiji
you’re just sitting there like >:(
and akaashi is like “wtf do i do soejsodnd”
so, he moves close to you, holding you face and starts pressing kisses onto your face as you try your best not to smile and kiss back
but akaashi won’t stop there - he will continue kissing your face and smothering you with love and affection until you kiss back
afterwards, when he pulls away, he says, “i love you”
© all content belongs to akaashisbabygirl 2020, do not repost or change
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