izsell · 6 months
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konuyafransizimm · 2 months
şu sıralar bu şarkı gibi hissediyorum.
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darkphainon · 4 months
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Bury me six feet under snow.
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mshfar2a · 8 months
Flawless.. 😭❤️
~Krobak - Broken~
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geceyeyakisanbirkadin · 3 months
Dönüştüğüm kişilik,bir dar ağacı arasındaki mesafe kadar.Boynumda ip,başım eğik ne denilirse kabullenecekmişim gibi. Hayattan bıkmışım ama son kez gökyüzüne bakıyorum sanki.. Öylesine boş vermişim kendimi.Düşüncemi,düşüneceğimi,düşündüğümü ve geriye kalan her şeyi.
Bir darağacının ucunda tüm hayallerim ve yok olacak bedenim.
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duduperiferide · 5 months
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karanlikgecelerr · 3 months
Ve bazı şarkılar uyuşturuculardan daha çok zarar verir insana.
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nisan-kokusu · 7 months
Krobak - It's Snowing Like It's the End of the World
Bu güzellik ile bu kadar geç tanışmış olmak üzdü.
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insanlargercekolsa1 · 9 months
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Kaybedenler kulübü...
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volkankesss · 1 year
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studygirl04 · 4 months
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korelasyonn · 1 year
Mutlu muyum? Hayır.
Mutsuz muyum? Hayır.
Sinirli miyim? Hiç olmadığım kadar.
Artık mutlu ve mutsuzluk duygularını rol yaparak yaşıyorum gerçekten hiçbir şey hissetmediğim o ana geldim. Sadece yaşayıp gitmek istediğim o umutsuz ana geri döndüm. Gerçekten de çabalamıştım bu kez gerçekten duygusuz olmamak için çok çabaladım, engel olan çok etken olmasına rağmen kısa süreli de olsa mutlu gözüktüm bundan sonra da öyle gözükecek. Ve acı yanı ise kimse içinde bulunduğum fırtınaları bilmeyecek, anlamayacak; anlatsam bile anlamayacak.
Kafamı dağıtmak isterdim, kafamı duvarlara vurup dağıtmak. Ama buna hakkım yok, çünkü bu yaşımda ne yaşamış olabilirim ki? Ben daha ne gördüm ki?
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firstruleofmethclub · 7 months
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Gimly's D&D 5E Player Characters - #1
Name: Krobak
Race: Half-Ogrillon (mechanically a half-orc)
Class: Oath of the Ancients Paladin
Background: Haunted One
Ability Modifiers: +5 Strength; -2 Intelligence
Campaign: I played Krobak in a Forgotten Realms homebrew. He wasn't the first character I'd ever made, and wasn't the first time I'd ever rolled dice at a D&D table, but he was the first whole player character that I ever got to truly use in an ongoing campaign I was a part of.
That campaign fizzled out as the sharehouse it was hosted in did, but not before he reached level 4, rode both a giant mountain goat and an owlbear, and completely failed to stop his fellow party members from blowing up the base of a wizard tower in a populated city to create an insta-bridge. He was simultaneously both my favourite character to ever play, and the character I played in my least favourite campaign. I guess you never forget your first.
Backstory: Despite being born very large, Krobak was much more human in appearance than the average half-orc at the time of his birth. He was abandoned, found, delivered to an orphanage, and adopted, all within days of his birth. His adoptive parents worked a farm in a busy village and they assumed that the child they had adopted was a human that would help at the farm. But when he grew tusks alongside teeth, they realised his true origin. Disgusted, they cast Krobak out to the manure store on the furthest reaches of the village, feeding him scraps, taking out their aggressions on him with regular beatings, working him to the bone, and with livestock as his only companions. This was Krobak's existence for many, many years, and every night he prayed to whichever god or monster might listen, that he be delivered from this miserable existence.
One day, while working, a traveling visitor who had visited the village's most popular destination (an inn with a comprehensive gambler's den) who had just experience a series of very lucky wins, gave Krobak a friendly grin, and flicked him a single sparkling coin without saying a word, the first kind act Krobak had ever experienced. He clutched the coin close when he slept in the manure storage shed that night, and as every night he prayed for deliverance. He slept better than he had in years that night, but when he awoke and began to tend his chores, he saw that the entire village had been razed in the night, not a single survivor save himself.
Krobak wondered if it was something as simple as him being saved from a bandit raid because his sleeping area was so distant from anything of value, or had something answered his prayers? He could not know, but he still felt a pang of guilt. There was nothing much left of value in the village, it must have either been taken or burned, but he gathered enough supplies and money to start his life anew.
That day began his new dedication to traveling the lands, helping all the people he could. Maybe he was making up for the destruction he caused with his prayer, and if not, he was at least trying to ensure that fewer people in the world suffered as he had suffered. A solitary nomad who wondered until he found those who needed help, then moving along when he felt he had fulfilled his purpose there.
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jigglymandu · 1 year
Geçen haftanın ilk beşi
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feudecendres · 2 months
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luciddreamingcroww · 8 months
+Friend application- Partner application
{Pls pls pls I'm so desperate to have a online friend}
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Hello^^ my name is Kristi, I'm a artist and also a fanfiction writer {my fan fic page is LucidDrLibrary }
Female {she/her}
Lesbian {wlw/nmlnm} & Demi Aroace {only capable of having feelings for someone only after there's a emotional bond/attachment}
16 {turning 17 on the 22 of December}
Autistic {currently trying to get a proper diagnosis with the help of my therapist}
Easter European
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⋆⭒˚。⋆My Interests☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚
{btw this will be organised from topics I could rant about all day to casual appreciation}
Hypertensions/Special interests
{Things I can talk about all day and every day}
Genshin impact++
Cookie run Kingdom/Ovenbreak++
Vulture culture + Taxidermy + Wet specimens
Psychology {especially maladaptive daydreaming, autism and how they can affect the human mind and experience}
Astrology {More specifically the Greek myths behind the constellations and why were they formed}
More casual but still adore talking about it
Honkai star rail
Witchcraft and paganism {currently learning more and starting to practice it}
Reverse 1999 { I don't know anything about it but I want to play it so bad + I have a crush on the tooth fairy}
Long video essays (when drawing)
Casual interests that I may not focus on as much (rarely thinking about it but still liking it)
Plush making
Warrior cats
I love Amy
{I'll add more here if I remember it in the future}
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⋆⭒˚。⋆My Favourite music artists⋆⭒˚。
Fav album - Vessels
The neighborhood
My favourite songs
Temporal tower - pkm mystery dungeon
Time gear - pkm mystery dungeon
Never ever forget - pkm mystery dungeon
Gravity of you - Starset
Everglow - Starset
Dark on me - Starset
Stratosphere - Starset
Where the skies end - Starset
You get me so high all the time - the neighborhood
Flawless - the neighborhood
Female robbery - the neighborhood
Unfair - the neighborhood
Void - the neighborhood
A little death - the neighborhood
The perfect girl - Mareux
It's snowing like the end of the world - Krobak
✧What I'd like in a friendship✧
Tbh I'd really like to have one of those friendships where you could talk about anything whenever and just have a overall nice bond, I know and understand that things like these take a bit time to develop but I still really want it because I'm overall really isolated and I can just make time for anyone tbh
I would really prefer if the person I'm bonding with likes the same hyperfixations/special interests as I do {especially vulture culture because I really want to share my passion about it without making people uncomfortable and such}
Btw if you wanna be my friend just feel free to message me^^ if you only like I won't really get the hint that u wann be friends.
⋆⭒˚。⋆As for a ending to this post I'd like to show some of my art :)⋆⭒˚。⋆
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