dianneking · 1 year
The Disease (Larissa/Laurel)
The product of my Sunday evening Angst writing addiction, presented to you with only minimal editing and proof-reading. Written (belatedly) for day 5 of May Trope Mayhem 2023 by @duckprintspress​, with the prompt: Hanahaki. Crossposted on AO3 (link here and in the title below).
Tags: Angst, Hanahaki, Not Actually Unrequited love, Angst with a Happy Ending, Spoilers for Season 1 Finale of Wednesday (2022), Fear of Death, Disease Diagnosis, No Lesbians Die, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Marilyn is Laurel but Laurel is Good, Feelings!, Alcohol consumption.
Fandom:  Wednesday (2022) Pairing: Larissa Weems /Laurel Gates | Marilyn Thornhill Wordcount: 1774
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 The Disease (Marilyn|Laurel x Larissa) 
The first time it happens, Laurel thinks it’s a cruel prank from one of her students. Teenagers are cruel, she thinks, and outcasts teenagers can be even more creative in their cruelty (little freaks she used to call her in the privacy of her mind, but recently she hasn’t been able to do so without picturing how sad Larissa’s face would be if she’d be able to hear that). And she’s sure it’s a funny prank in their eyes: the botany professor coughing up lungfuls of petals? How poetic.
But no matter how much she tries, she cannot get her students to confess who had it been, and she’s too ashamed of being the victim of a prank and unable to discover the culprit to go complain to Principal Weems (she wouldn’t mind the excuse to spend more time in her study, but she feels pathetic to go and complain like a little girl). She tries to forget the shame and when Larissa’s warm eyes meet hers that evening over both of their glasses of wine, she can passably lie and state that her day had been ‘alright’.
Except it happens a second time, and this time it is only her and Larissa when it happens, interrupting what had been an intense moment, when, made bolder by the alcohol in her veins, their faces had been getting closer to each other, as if pulled by an invincible magnetic force. Laurel had seen her own desire mirrored in her principal’s eyes, and she had seen how the taller woman’s tongue had come out to wet her lips in anticipation…but when their mouths were but a breath apart, she felt the tell-tale pressure behind her breastbone and she has to turn away, her hands clutching spasmodically at her mouth, trying to hide the colorful petals from sight.
She is unsuccessful, and Larissa’s horrified face is all she needs to see before running away from it all: the almost-kiss (her father and her brother and her mother are all screaming at her from their tombs, asking her why hasn’t she started on her plan yet, why wasn’t she extracting revenge on those monsters who had ruined her family), her boss who she most definitely shouldn’t be falling for, and the embarrassment of those petals still coming out of her airways. Or trying to run away from it.
She does a decent job of hiding in her conservatory over the next few days, thankfully helped by the weekend, but the cough attacks come about in increasingly frequent bouts, and on Monday she has no choice but to visit the nurse office.
She sees the pity on the nurse’s face before hearing it in their voice. I’m sorry, they say, you seem to be suffering from Hanahaki disease. The name doesn’t tell her much, but the tone is not that of good news. Laurel wonders if she’ll die of it before avenging her family, and the thought gives her more comfort than it should have (it’s not just Larissa - a part of her is starting to come to love her girls in Ophelia Hall, and the way her students’ eyes sparkle when she shows them particularly deadly plants - and she now realizes that no matter her prognosis, the plan for revenge has already died before she does).
She pretends to know what the nurse is talking about and looks up the disease on internet as soon as she gets to her classroom. She had to sit down to process the news. The words stare at her unrelentingly from the screen.
When afflicted by Hanahaki disease, the patient is subjected to cough attacks with production of copious amounts of flower petals, if and only if the patient is concomitantly affected by one-sided affection towards another person. The natural cure for the disease is for the recipient of such affection to return the feeling, or through surgical intervention. The inevitable side effect of the surgical procedure is the assured loss of the feelings the patient had. If left untreated, Hanahaki disease leads to certain death within the timespan of a few weeks.
A few weeks. That was all she had. The next few days go by in a haze, as her brain processes the information. Even if her insurance paid for the surgery, she wasn’t sure she wanted to go back to how her life was before falling for Larissa (she had been plotting to slaughter a school full of children for something that happened way before most of them were born, that was not a good place to be in mentally).
She wonders if she should tell Larissa. But that would serve no purpose, other than let the other woman feel guilty of her inevitable demise. And Laurel thinks she knows Larissa enough to know that she would feel guilty. She would add Laurel’s condition to the ever-growing burden on her shoulders, and possibly try to take on the costs for her surgery as well. No, she wouldn’t tell Larissa.
“Marilyn, we need to talk.”
When she hears that name falling from the other’s lips she knows that there is another secret that she doesn’t want to take to the grave with her. She doesn’t want to die as a lie. So when she meets up with her principal that night, she asks her to listen first, and Larissa looks at her with a stony expression as she retells the story of the Gates family and of how little Laurel had come back to her hometown to extract revenge but ended up finding a new, happier family in Nevermore, among the outcasts.
When she finishes her story, Larissa takes a sip of wine, and Laurel wishes she was able to go back to when those blue eyes looked at her with warmth and desire, instead of being unreadable as they are now. Guarded.
“Why are you telling me this, after all this time?”
And Laurel apparently is uncapable to lie to her anymore, because the truth falls from her lips in all of its ugliness, as she looks away from the unspoken accusations she thinks she can see in the icy depths that she so loves (She loves her so much, her chest constricts even when she’s not coughing up petals).
“Because I’m dying.”
In the stunned silence that follows, her lungs seize up once more and she (once again, it was starting to become a habit) runs away from the principal’s office. She doesn’t want to see the pity mix with distrust. She wants to remember the way Larissa looked at her when she was just Marilyn, and she wasn’t dying (at least, not quicker than any other person).
But she lives in a school, and the location of her quarters is not only well known to students and staff, but also clearly marked in case anyone forgot (Larissa never forgets anything about Nevermore, she’s sure of that) so her escape was always doomed to be a short-lived one. That night, Larissa enters through the door without knocking, her normally pristine appearance disheveled, with creases in her clothing, and flyaway hair sticking up in all directions (her makeup looks smudged as well, almost as if she had cried, but that’s impossible, so Laurel explains it as a trick of the light). Laurel drinks in her appearance from where she’s sitting at her own tiny desk overflowing with botany books (God, she’s beautiful even when she’s agitated).
“Who is it?” Larissa asks, her voice commanding as if she was herding her students during a school trip.
“Who?” Laurel asks, even if her gut already knows, and it feels like it’s been filled with ice and dread.
“You have Hanahaki, right? Who is it that you have feelings for?” She looks even more agitated, making her way towards Laurel, then apparently thinking better of it and settling for pacing the length of her tiny office (with her long legs, it takes her barely a couple of strides in either direction, but that doesn’t seem to stop her).
The ice had turned to lead in Laurel’s insides, and she can only whisper: “Please don’t ask me that.” The answer seems to physically hit Larissa, because she recoils and stops dead in her motion, before once again crossing the room, and falling to her knees besides Laurel’s chair. Laurel can only watch her, feeling as if her eyes are bulging out of her skull in surprise (What is the meaning of this?).
But then Larissa’s eyes are looking up at her, pleading, (she’s definitely been crying, there’s no denying it from this up close) and she begs her: “Please, at least let me take you to the nearest specialist. I can pay for the surgery. Please don’t just give up.” And there are tears in Laurel’s eyes too because she cannot explain to her, because Larissa is a good person who feels bad for her friend and she wouldn’t be able to understand. So she just shakes her head, no, she wouldn’t go to the surgeon. (She’d never give up her love).
She’s surprised when Larissa grabs her shoulders and shouts (Larissa Weems is not a woman who shouts when she’s angry – she only shouts when she is scared and overwhelmed). “BUT YOU CANNOT JUST DIE!” and Laurel brings her hands tenderly to Larissa’s face and tries to wipe away her tears, and tries to put on a brave face, and tell her boss that everybody has to die sooner or later and that is a fact of life (she doesn’t tell her how scary the thought of dying is).
And then Larissa is not only crying, but she’s shaking with sobs, and her voice is small and soft and broken when she tries to argue against that. “But you cannot just die, because, because…” And then, smaller, softer, and even more broken “…because I love you.”
And just like that, the oppression that was getting heavier and heavier against Laurel’s breastbone suddenly lifts, and she is cured of her ailment. And she feels lighter and more alive and happier than she’s ever felt is her life up until now because she’s not dying, after all (at least, not quicker than any other person), she’s not going to cough up petals anymore, and, most importantly, her feelings are returned.
Her lips find those of Larissa, and taste the saltiness of her tears on them, lightly, tenderly, before pulling back slightly and murmuring, still unable to fully believe it:
“It’s you. It’s always been you.”
And then their lips meet again and this time it is passionate, overpowering, and filled with requited love.
Liked it? You can find more angst (& other stuff too) on my fanfiction masterlist!
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I did this the other day. My obsession with these two is concerning…
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tonks-21 · 6 months
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Tw: +18
Words of affirmation
It's natural for Larissa to just drop some compliments from time to time. She can't avoid it, you're her person, and that's not taken for granted.
Larissa likes how you react, all flustered and smiling widely, it is so smooth for her. Seeing you like that gives her the courage to hang on in her busy life. Just to get back to you tomorrow.
She hates it when you talk bad about yourself. When you do so, she stops you covering your face with kisses and reassures you.
She has some lovey-dovey nicks for you, but these are the ones she uses the most:
Lighting star
Physical touch
Ok, with the type of workaholic we all know this woman is, Larissa commonly collapses on you by past midnight. The touch of your skin drives her to heaven, not only sexually, but also mentally. So Larissa is quite touchy every day, always looking for your hand or waist unconsciously. A really touch-starved baby. Well, a big touch-starved baby.
Sometimes, she doesn't really know what's going on with her, so she just gets lost in your arms and nuzzles your neck with her nose, before kissing you passionately. It really calms her down and lets her think about the problem she has.
And, if you can't sleep, she presses against you, lulling you to relax you.
Acts of service
She thinks of you a lot throughout the day, so sometimes, if she arrives and you are still working on your laptop, she usually makes you tea or something of your preference. Or, if you are sporty, making you the protein shakes. Even if you are just doing your hobbies, she would worry about asking how are you doing and encouraging you to continue with those ideas, even if you don't see their end.
Gift giving
Even if she prefers to spend your free days cozy together at home, she also likes going out, to the shops that you two like at Nevermore. And, sometimes, the things that got your eye appear in her hands or on bed days later.
Quality time
Larissa, with her job as Director of Nevermore, can't save that much time she'd like to be with you. But she covers you with love all the time she has. When she is doing her duties, Larissa can't help but think of the evening, when she'll get out of there and come back to you.
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s1nful-sa1nt · 8 months
have a Marilyn Thornhill meme dump courtesy of @cherryxsapphic and I's late night conversations
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remusjohnslupin · 11 months
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"There's a power in names, don't you think?"
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sarahpaulsonsoftie · 11 months
(Not such a) Bad Idea
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Larissa Weems X reader-
Songfic based on bad idea by girl in red, loosely. Reader is a final year university student and often frequents the Weathervane for their impeccable coffee (it’s just for the free Wi-Fi). Larissa is the principal of Nevermore academy and often frequents the Weathervane for their impeccable coffee (it’s just for the peace and quiet).
Two dumb gays in love and Marilyn meddles.
Huge thank you to @h-doodles who majorly helped me with the plotline with this one. Honestly cannot thank you enough, I hope it meets your expectations :) <3
It was a typical Thursday Morning for you, early enough for the Weathervane to be open, which meant you could claim a booth and work on your thesis statement. Typically, the weathervane was a quite café but for some reason, today it was packed and there was no seating available elsewhere.
Just as you had frequented the café, there was also an extremely tall lady, with ocean blue eyes and always wearing pristine clothing. You would often catch her eyes and she would smile at you, which would make you feel like you were going to faint. God, to see that smile in the morning would give you enough motivation to get through the day, and you would yearn for it long after she was gone.
Almost as if your thoughts had summoned her, in she stepped, noticing how busy it was and she approached the counter, giving her order. Her order is placed in front of her, and you notice her eyes wander around the café and eventually her eyes lock with yours.
You do your best to hide the fact you were staring by turning your focus onto your laptop, a flush growing on your cheeks.
“Hello.” You hear a British accent say and you look up, almost fainting because the woman who you had just been staring at has approached you. Oh my god, she’s British. “Is there any chance I could share a booth with you? Its quite busy in here today.”
“Oh- Yeah, of course, I don’t mind!” You say, probably too enthaustically, but she doesn’t comment and instead you decide to offer up your name “I’m Y/N.” You smile.
The woman smiles wider at you, “Larissa.” She returns, and you feel your face flush. Oh my god, even her name is ethereal. You grin as you turn back and begin to type away.
Moment’s pass, before your eyes raise to see Larissa watching you curiously, and you feel yourself blushing. Larissa takes a sip of her drink before nodding her head to your laptop.
“What are you working on?” Larissa enquires, as her eyes crinkle with her smile. You nearly stop breathing at the realization that she’s speaking to you.
“Me? Oh, uhm, nothing interesting, just my thesis statement for Uni.” You smile and Larissa rolls her eyes lightly with a smirk.
“Of course, it’s not interesting, otherwise you wouldn’t be staring at me every time I come in.” Larissa teases and you feel your ears grow hot, and your eyes grow wide in shock.
“Oh, sorry! I mean no offence!” You say urgently, realizing you’re probably embarrassing yourself even. You try to focus back on your laptop, hoping the floor will swallow you up. Larissa lightly pushes your laptop so its half closed.
“Oh, believe me, it’s quite the compliment actually.” She states with a smile before chuckling. “Gosh, its going to sound rather silly but sometimes, I hope to see you staring to figure out if I’ve made the right outfit choice.”
You’re certain if you blush anymore, you will faint. “Oh, I bet you’d still look good in a trash bag.” You manage to say before you can stop yourself and Larissa chuckles, and you smile yourself.
“Well, Y/N, thank you for that wonderful insight. I’m sure my wardrobe will thank you.” Larissa smiles before checking her watch. “I suppose it’s time for me to leave. Goodluck with your thesis, Y/N.”
Larissa stands to leave and begins to turn away and looks at you again, “You’ll be here tomorrow?” She asks and all you can do is nod.
Friday morning couldn’t have come quicker for you, and you excitedly sit down in your booth, jittering with excitement as you see Larissa enter. You lock eyes with her, and she smiles at you from across the café. You open your laptop and at least try to pretend that you are focused on something other than her.
Larissa grabs her order and sits opposite you in your booth, and you smile at each other.
“Morning.” You smile, looking up from your laptop and Larissa is wearing a sage green dress with a golden chain necklace, complete with a golden watch and you swear you can faint. “I suppose you didn’t feel like wearing a trash bag today, huh?” You joke, your face flushing.
Larissa chuckles lightly and she has you enchanted by the sound. She takes a sip from a drink as she raises her brow at you.
“Oh please, you’re too nice to me.” Larissa states and you take a sip of your own coffee before you close your laptop. Larissa looks at you questioningly, “Off for the day?”
“Oh, no. I’m gonna be here for a while but there’s no point in pretending anything else has my attention when you’re sitting in front of me.” You grin, you have no idea where the confidence has come from, but you decide that since Larissa has decided to sit with you for a second time, it’s the confidence you need.
Larissa chuckles again and smirks at you again. “Careful, you might convince me to never leave.”
You grin at her cheekily, you’re sure your cheeks are flushed but you decide to ignore and begin to speak, “you say that as if it’s a bad thing. Perhaps I don’t want you to.” You say, and Larissa smiles before taking another sip.
“You never told me what your thesis was on.” She states and shuffles somewhat close to you, and you look down at your laptop before looking back up at her.
“Like I said yesterday, nothing too interesting. But I’m currently writing about Rene Descartes influence on modern philosophy, seeing as some consider him the father of modern philosophy.” You say and roll your eyes.
“Ah, and this does not interest you?” Larissa questions, her hands finding themselves onto the table.
“It’s not so much that it doesn't interest me, but I am not too keen on modern philosophies, I know, I know, they paved the way for society today, especially with the way he connected geometry and Algebra, but I suppose at heart, I’m more of an ancient Greek gal.” You say with a light grin, and Larissa looks intently at you, a light smile on her lips. “Sorry, I’m boring you.” You say, and Larissa’s hand reaches out to touch your arm.
“No, I find it quite refreshing how passionate you are.” Larissa states and her hand doesn’t move from your arm, you grin up at her.
“Soo, what about you? What do you do?” You ask and Larissa smiles a tight smile before looking up at you.
“I’m the principal of Nevermore academy.” She says proudly and she watches as your eyebrows furrow together, and she removes her hand from your arm, anticipating some sort of backlash.
“Nevermore? I don’t think I’ve—Oh! Nevermore, the academy for outcasts? Wait, sorry, is outcast the right word? I dunno if I got that right, erm but yeah, I’m sorry if that’s offensive! But also, principal? That’s awesome!” You say, and watch as Larissa breathes a sigh of relief, and you eye her curiously.
“Yes, outcast is the correct term. Although, some would not consider it ‘awesome’, but I suppose that’s their problem.” Larissa states and you look at her.
“Some people just like hating people.” You state, “Like how some people hate me cause I’m gay, but I think that sort of hate just makes you more accepting. But you being the principal of Nevermore academy is awesome.” You smile comfortingly, as you place your hand hesitantly onto Larissa’s.
Larissa checks her watch and frowns before looking at you. “I’m sorry, darling but its time for me to go back to the academy.” Larissa says before standing, “May I see your phone?” She asks and you nod, handing her your unlocked phone, she types in something before handing it back to you with a smile.
“You have my number now, message me if you get bored with your thesis. I hope I can help with the boredom.” Larissa smiles, hesitating slightly before placing a kiss on your cheek. She then begins to leave, looking over her shoulder before waving with a smile.
Okay, so she called you darling, and then kissed your cheek, and THEN gave you, her number. You can die happily now.
You submit your thesis statement draft Friday evening and take out your phone to find the contact Larissa saved. You click onto it and begin to type out a message.
‘I submitted my thesis draft.’ You type and send almost immediately, excited to finally have a reason to message Larissa.
You see the read icon almost immediately and then the typing icon. You stay on the chat and watch intently as the typing icon appears and disappears three times before the message comes through.
‘Does this mean I won’t see your beautiful face in the morning now?’ Is the response and you squeal, squeal. Squeal at the response. You begin to type out your response.
‘No, luckily for you, and unluckily for me, it was only the draft, I still have to submit the real thing ☹’ You type back ‘Plenty of boredom on my part still, and many mornings left in the weathervane.’
‘I suppose you’re not too busy to attend the Harvest festival with me next weekend?’ Is what Larissa says and you swear you feel as if you can faint, this woman is too much and you love it.
‘only if you promise I can win you a prize.’ You respond and there is a grin on your face.
The weekend and week pass quite quickly and eventually the day of the harvest festival arrives. You and Larissa had been in the Weathervane nearly every single morning, except for Sunday, because you decided to take the day to have a break, due to Larissa’s encouragement.
You are dressed already, after much changing and tweaking but you decided on your final outfit change that it would have to do otherwise you would drive yourself crazy.
You pull out your phone and begin to type out a message to Larissa ‘hey, did you want to meet out front?’
You place your shoes on and feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. You look to see Larissa has messaged ‘Nonsense, I’m outside yours, we can walk there together.’
Your stomach does butterflies as you almost sprint to your front door and open it and see Larissa standing there holding two cups of coffee. You shut your door as you look up at her and nearly choke on your own breath.
She’s wearing a light green dress that cuts off just off above her knee, hugging her in all the right places, and a matching jacket, her hair pinned up in its usual pristine style.
“Hi.” You say, nervously shuffling on your feet and Larissa smiles lightly before stepping closer and handing you your coffee before kissing you on your cheek.
“Hi, sweetheart.” She smiles, as she pulls back. Your cheeks feel hot, and you look up at her through your eyelashes. “You look absolutely divine.”
“Me?” You manage to say, before looking down at your feet, “What about you?” You ask.
Larissa’s hand cups underneath your chin, as she brings your eyes up to meet hers, a smirk playing on her lips “Where’s the shyness come from, darling? Did I make the right outfit choice?”
“You look like a goddess.” You say, and Larissa grins down at you. You move your eyes away from hers and Larissa lets go of your chin.
“A goddess? That’s a new one.” She smiles and takes your hand into hers as you begin to walk. “Is that from all your university study? Is that where you’ve learnt to sweet talk?”
“Oh, no, it’s not sweet talk if it’s the truth.” You smile shyly up at Larissa and she grins at you, before taking a sip of her own coffee.
It’s a few hours into the night and you and Larissa have been endlessly flirting, lingering touches, longing looks.
You manage to catch a glimpse of a game booth that would let you win prizes, and you grab Larissa’s hand and excitedly pull her towards it, and you look back at her with a grin.
“I believe I promised to win you a prize.” You say and Larissa’s arm wraps around your shoulder.
“You don’t have spend so much time trying to win me a prize, when you’re already here next to me.” Larissa states and you look at her, and bite your lip, trying to ignore the heat that flushed throughout your body.
“I promised.” You repeat and Larissa’s eyes soften as she lets you wander off to the stall. She watches as you speak to the man running the booth and laugh along with him, and you look back towards her with a grin. She’s standing a distance away from you, not wanting to approach, content in watching your excitement.
She watches as the man hands you the throwing balls and you throw the first one, knocking down nearly half off the cans down. She watches as you grin and look back towards her and Larissa cannot help the yearn in her heart.
Your second throw leaves only one can left, and she watches how your tongue sticks out in concentration on your last throw and Larissa grins as you get the last can on the last throw, you jump excitedly and the man running the booth allows you to pick out your prize.
You throw another glance towards Larissa with a smile as you pick out your prize, her prize, and hide it behind your back as you make your way back towards her.
“That was impressive.” Larissa grins and you look up at her with a huge smile. You move your hands from behind your back, showing two matching bear keychains.
“I picked this cause, even if I’m not with you, or you’re not with me, you’ll see it and be reminded of me.” You say and hold out one to her, keeping the other for yourself.
Larissa doesn’t say anything as she takes the keychain from your hand and stares at for a moment before her hand is on your cheek and crashing your lips together.
You respond to the kiss immediately, and Larissa’s hands find your hips before she pulls away and rests her forehead against yours.
“I think we should go back to yours.” She says, slightly out of breath and you nod in agreement, speechless over this woman.
When you wake the next morning, Larissa’s arms are wrapped around your waist and you smile softly before checking the time. 07:04am. You shuffle so you’re facing Larissa and she looks even more beautiful than you could have imagined. Her hair is undone from it’s usual style, laying bare into the pillows underneath it, her face is bare from any makeup and you’re close enough to see every freckle that has graced her face.
Larissa stirs slightly before opening her eyes and looking at you. “Morning, sweetheart.” She says, her voice laced in sleep. Her hand reaches up to your cheek and she places a light kiss to your lips. “Do you know what the time is?”
“Oh, its just passed 7.” You say, leaning into Larissa’s touch. Larissa’s eyes widen in shock before she’s making her way out your bed quickly, speeding to pick up her clothes that are strewn about from the previous. “What’s wrong?”
“I have a meeting with the mayor at 8! Did you see where I put my phone?” She asks and you take it from the nightstand and hand it to her. “Thank you.”
There is a slight nervousness to her nature that you shrug off due to her being late, you get out of the bed and watch as she gets dressed quickly, amazed at how she can pull herself together so quickly.
“Where are you meeting him?” You ask Larissa, standing in front behind her as she uses your mirror to fix her hair into its usual style. She turns back to look at you, her hands pausing their movements.
“At a café in Burlington, I left my car at the academy, so I’ll have to get a taxi.” Larissa says, stepping closer to you. “I’ll message you.” She says, before kissing your cheek and leaving.
Days pass and you have yet to hear anything back from Larissa. You had left her a message, in which she had just read and not responded. You take the hint, no matter how much it hurts, and you do not attempt to message her.
It’s Wednesday morning and you’re sitting in your usual booth. You notice how Larissa hasn’t come in during the mornings anymore. You sigh lightly as you take out your flash drive and spare a glance to the bear keychain you had attached to it.
A shadow darkens your laptop and you feel hope swell in your chest, at the possibility of it being Larissa but as you see another figure, a lady in which you hadn’t seen before at this time of the morning, who had red hair and was wearing glasses, along with a baby blue cardigan over a summery dress. You smile lightly.
“Hi.” She says, almost nervously. “May I sit here?” She asks, and you look around the café and notice hoe the seating is unusually full. You nod and smile. “I’m Marilyn.”
“Y/N.” You return, with a shy smile. You try to focus on your work but notice the lady, Marilyn, staring at you. You bring your eyes up to meet hers and she smiles softly.
“What are you working on, Y/N?” Marilyn asks and you look at your laptop. Déjà vu from the first time you and Larissa spoke. You frown lightly and look back towards her.
“Just my thesis for Uni.” You return, shortly. You don’t mean to come across as rude but you know that the last time you had been nice to someone sitting with you at the booth, you had a one night stand, and she avoided you since.
Yet, your heart still yearned for. Marilyn’s eyebrows furrow together as she watches you together, throwing a glance at your bear keychain.
“I hope you don’t mind my saying so, but you seem quite upset.” Marilyn states and you bite the inside of your cheeks. “I mean, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to but since I’m just a stranger, it might be nice to talk about.” Marilyn shrugs lightly, taking a sip of her drink, and you notice it in a to go cup.
You sigh, contemplating and decide that it would be nice to talk about it. “I, uh, met someone. I thought we were getting along great, we went to the harvest festival together, she kissed me, and then we went back to mine together. I haven’t heard from her since, haven’t seen her since even though she usually comes here in the morning.” You admit, and Marilyn looks at you comfortingly.
“I have a friend, who’s in somewhat of a similar situation.” Marilyn states, “Well, not exactly the same, kind of the opposite, and she’s the avoider. But she did so for a reason.”
You close your laptop and look at Marilyn whose hands are resting on the table and Marilyn smiles softly, looking at you with warm eyes.
“What reason would that be?” You ask, taking a sip of your drink, before avoiding her eyes.
“Well, see the person she was seeing was quite a bit younger than her, and after they got together, she just felt insecure about her age, about the difference in the stages of their lives. I mean, my friend has her career and knows that she wants to stay in her job for the rest of her life, but she confessed to me that the person she was seeing hasn’t even finished studying yet. She’s scared that this person won’t wanna be with her once she realizes the difference.” Marilyn says and you watch her, your eyes feel as if they’re growing wet. You don’t say anything immediately, noticing the similarities.
“Well, has she asked the person she’s seeing? Cause, you know, the woman I was seeing was quite the bit older than me and that was never a problem for me.” You shrug before sighing again. “Guess she just wanted some fun. It was a bad idea.”
Marilyn nods along, listening to what you say before checking her phone for the time. “I’ve gotta go now, will you be here tomorrow?" She asks and you nod.
A week passes and you and Marilyn become quite close friends, often giving each other separate advice. It’s evening time for as you type away on your laptop, its nearing closing time but you have just one more argument to write before you can leave.
You hear the door to the café open and you look up, seeing Larissa enter. Almost immediately, her eyes are locking with yours and you look back at your laptop, saving the file and closing it up before you get up to leave.
You make it halfway to the exit before you hear your name being called. “Y/N!” Larissa says, taking long strides, and you look back towards her, moving back slightly as she stands in front of you.
“Oh, hi.” You say, before pulling out your phone, pretending to check the time. “I’ve got to go, but it was nice seeing you.” You say, with a fake smile.
You turn around and leave the café, making sure you do not glance back, yet you yearn to, to turn around and you hope that Larissa will call out your name, but your heart drops as you walk down the street, and she still hasn’t called out your name.
You feel used. You feel sad and used. Did what you have mean nothing to you?
Unbeknownst to you, Larissa watches you leave, her hands gripping onto the keychain you had won for her, her cheeks growing wet as she realizes how much she has hurt you.
The weekend arrives and Marilyn invites you out to a bar, just for a friendly drink she had said. You enter the bar, which lighting is low and you notice Marilyn is at the bar, grabbing drinks and you approach her with a small grin.
“Hi, Marilyn.” You smile and Marilyn grins at you, looking up at you from over her glasses. You notice her taking two drinks from the bartender and thanking him, you furrow your eyebrows at her in confusion as Marilyn smiles.
“Hi, Y/N. I hope you don’t mind, but I invited another one of my friends.” Marilyn smirks, and hands you one of the drinks she has ordered. It’s a glass of red wine and you smile at her taking a sip.
“That’s fine, any friend of yours is a friend of mine.” You smile, and Marilyn grins as she leads you to a table, your eyes are more focused on the bar, and you almost bump into Marilyn as she stops, grinning like a fool as she looks at you.
You move your eyes to the table and to your absolute surprise, Larissa is sitting there is a low-cut dress and her usual golden chain. She stands once she sees you. “Y/N.” She says and you look at her.
“Hi, Larissa.” You say, slightly tense, and Marilyn places her drink on the table. She shuffles slightly before speaking.
“I see you two have already met, which is great because I need the bathroom.” She grins and she rushes away.
“Wait, Marilyn!” You call after her, and she ignores you, as she walks through a crowd. You look back to Larissa and swallow. Jesus, even when you’re mad at her, she still has the ability to make you speechless. You frown as you connect the dots. “You’re the friend Marilyn was telling me about?” You ask, and Larissa steps closer to you. You don’t back away this time, and Larissa takes this a win.
“So that means, you are also the friend that Marilyn was telling me about.” Larissa says and her eyes soften. Her hands find yours slowly, in fear of you pulling away. You don’t and Larissa breathes a sigh of relief before speaking, “I never wanted to use you for fun, Y/N. I just—What I felt- what I feel- is very real and I was scared you’d think I was too old for you.”
You step closer to Larissa, looking up at her through your eyelashes. “I never would have thought that.” You say softly, and Larissa removes her hands from yours, placing them onto your hips. “I was, I am, falling for you, Larissa. You hurt me.” You say, and your cheeks grow hot as Larissa’s grip on you tightens.
“I am sorry, sweetheart. It was never my intention. But after I left yours in a hurry, I thought, I thought, you wouldn’t want to see me because of the workload I have, and I though you might’ve wanted more excitement.” Larissa says, her face coming closer to yours, “But, I have to admit that I am falling- No, I am in love with you, I’m in love with the excitement that radiates from you, the shyness that have when you see me, the passion you have for university, and the I love you.” Larissa confesses, her breath tickiling your lips.
You breath hitches as you close your eyes, before opening them again to see Larissa’s ocean blue eyes staring into your soul. “I’m in love with you too. I love hoe passionate you are about your career, I love how much you care about your students, I love the way you always make me feel so nervous.” You say and Larissa brings your lips together, in a soft, caring, loving, passionate kiss.
You eventually pull away and rest your foreheads together. In the distance you hear Marilyn yell. You both look over towards her as she’s grinning madly before she shouts, “I did it!”
You and Larissa look at each other before giggling.
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m1lfsh4ke · 9 months
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Mutual pleasure (repost)
warning: 18+ smut
You pushed through Marilyn's door to her apartment dorm, whimpering at how you stumbled forwards but caught yourself before you could fall. Your eyes blurred with unshed tears that's been begging to be released since you ran out of class.
You weren't expecting to see Marilyn home as it was the middle of the day, so you let the tears softly prickle down to your cheeks, dropping your bag to the ground with a soft thud.
Your body flopped to the floor, not being able to make it to the couch in time before the soft tears were replaced with rapid and quiet sobs. Your hand covered your mouth, choking on your own tears before you heard your call being called from the bathroom.
"Oh sweetheart.." You turned around to see Marilyn rush out of the bathroom with a silk black robe, as if she just got out of the shower with her damp hair. 
Like a lost puppy, you whined for her. For her comfort, her touch, everything. Fuck, you just wanted her to make everything better. 
"M-Mari-" You stuttered as she pulled you up into a deep embrace. 
The two of you stumbled back a bit until Marilyn fell to the couch, leaving you to straddle her as she continued to wrap her arms around you. 
"Oh, my poor baby.." She breathed out, hand coming to the back of your head as the other went under your shirt to caress your back - and it has you choking on this sob at how loving this woman can be. Something so simple has you nuzzling in her neck, finding comfort within her warmth. "Hard day?" she softly spoke. You couldn't speak a proper word, but Marilyn caught on with your single nod. 
You whimpered at her soft words, leaving small kisses on the juncture of her neck as a distraction away from your horrible experience. 
"My sweet girl.." she pulled you away to look at your face, hand cupping your cheek as you pressed your face into it. "Is there something I can do to help?" she tilted her head, eyes admiring yours at the sheen layer of tears captured beneath your bottom lid. 
You stayed silent. Thinking of the next move whether if you should speak or not, you immediately looked down to her lips and that's when everything didn't matter anymore because you quickly closed the gap between the two of you. 
A gasp of surprise was heard when you lunged at her, capturing her lips in an unexpected kiss. It started off slow, gentle, and passionate. Something like you’re trying to get comfortable with the situation before things get too deep. 
A soft whine managed to escape from your mouth when Marilyn bit your lower lip. Your hands flew to her shoulders, holding yourself up as you began to grind down on her lap. Slowly, that slow, passionate kiss changed to something filled with lust and desire. 
Multiple moans were swallowed by Ms. Thornhill as your hand gripped the hairs in the back of her neck. “Fu-Fuck.. ‘S good..” You spoke between kisses, not physically capable enough to stop. 
Marilyn chuckled at your confession, pulling back to stare at your kissed-swollen-lips that glistened with your mixed saliva. “Oh, you poor girl..” 
“Need mommy to make everything better, don’t you? Always have to rely on me for everything and anything, hmm?” She teased in awe of your expression when she softly pushed her hips up, making you let out this tiny gasp. Your heart fluttered with desire; need.
A need for her to make you forget all the horrible things that happened today. You nodded your head, almost begging her when you grasped the low v-cut of her robe. “Words, baby girl.” You grunted to which Marilyn raised a brow to. “R-ride-” You ducked your head down to her shoulder, softly nuzzling your forehead to her collar bones as you couldn’t find the confidence to look her in the eye as you speak. 
“I-I wanna ride you.. Please?” You can feel how she sharply inhaled with her chest pressed against yours. “Please, mommy?” this time, you lifted your head, looking into her eyes as your hips began to grind down on her thigh. 
“Fuck- sweetheart-” She was breathless by the time you moved her damped hair to one side and started to attack the jugular of her neck with open mouthed kisses that lead to a hickey.
Her head tilted back, giving you more space to cover up with her eyes rolling just the slightest behind her glasses, and a hand grasping the back of your head, pulling you closer. “Oh baby.. Your mouth feels so good around me, keep doing that - s-shit!” She moaned, feeling you suck on her pulse point as you smiled in satisfaction. 
“Wait right here, darling girl.” She pushed you down to the couch as she made her way to the bedroom. 
You patiently waited for her to come back, already forgetting of the situation that occurred nearly an hour ago. You smiled. Happy that you were lucky enough to find someone like Marilyn who could make all your problems disappear. 
When you looked back up, your eyes widened at what she was holding. A double ended dildo in the shape of an “L” that couldn't be no longer than 9-inches. 
“Ma-Marilyn-” Your voice got stuck in your throat by the new toy she just brought out. Surely this had to be new if this was the first time she’d use something like this on you. “That-that won’t fit-” Marilyn couldn’t help but chuckle at your false statement, throwing the silicone on the couch next to you as she flopped down to her knees. 
“Sweetheart, what are you saying? Of course it will, I know you can take more than what I can give to you, hmm?” She said in her tone she uses when you’re being dumbed down from her. 
“I’m sure your tight little hole can adjust to me, isn’t that right, angel?” With this, your skirt was already being roughly pulled down past your ankles and discarded somewhere in her living room. 
You moaned at her words before she started to viciously kiss her way up your legs, almost as if she's worshiping your figure. Her nose lifted the hem of your shirt just a little to give her some skin that she's able to kiss before your shirt followed the pile of clothes. 
“Fuck, I love you,” She spoke before she crashed your lips together, falling on the couch while you found your way on top of her again. You hummed in the kiss, untying her robe as you threw the band right next to the both of you on the couch. 
“So fucking pretty..” You admired her bare body, slowly sliding the thin piece of clothing down her shoulders to which it just pooled behind her back. You dipped down to kiss her collarbones when you felt Marilyn’s hand shift to a side. 
You looked and saw that she was picking up the silicone and left it on your lap, slowly spreading her legs a little. You were enamored by the light glisten that was already created between her legs and you couldn't help but groan. One of her hands was brought to your mouth and as if it was second nature, you took her ring and index finger past your lips with a groan at how deep she's pushing through your mouth. You gag and choke around her digits as she sets slow and deep thrusts. 
“That’s it baby, choke on mommy’s fingers..good girl,” She praised before retracing her fingers from your mouth with a string of saliva leaving the two of you connected. 
Your eyes widened when she pushed the same fingers through her entrance with a moan. “So wet..” you groaned at hearing her pussy squelch with a few pumps she did before she replaced her fingers with the head of one end of the dildo. “Fuck- sweetheart-” She cursed, pushing the toy inside her inch by inch until it’s settled deep. 
“Want mommy to fuck you, baby?” she questioned, taking her hand and softly stroking her length with a moan. “Pl-please!-” your hips almost stuttered, not being able to be patient any longer. 
Marilyn’s hand held the base of her cock as she lined it up with your entrance, moaning at how you slowly sank down to it. “Fuck, you’re so big..” you gasped, beginning to slowly rock your hips, taking all of her. “See, sweetheart? I know my precious angel can take more than seven inches..” Her hips slowly fucked up to you, making your air cut short by how you let out a sudden moan. 
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck right there!-” You slammed back down with your eyes rolled back. You gripped her shoulders when you started to bounce on top of her with a much faster pace. 
“J-Jesus sweetheart” She gasped, feeling how her end pulls and pushes back every time you ride her. “Y-your cock feels so good, I-Im so close” Your movements starts to slow down, almost tired but that was replaced with Marilyn fucking up to you. 
“Oh fuck!-” You moaned, wrapping your arms around her neck as you lifted your hips a little, to give her an easier access for a deeper fucking. 
“So fucking wet for mommy, yeah? Your pussy is leaking around my lap” You could’ve been more embarrassed, but no. You were feeling a whole new level of pleasure at how deep she’s fucking into you. 
“Go-gonna cum for you, so close!-” You panted out, tugging the base of her scalp to where Ms. Thornhill groaned. 
“L-Let me cum all over your cock, please?” you were crying. Tears streamed down your face by how hard she's pounding up to you. Her hands flew down to your hips as she pushed you down with a moan, almost forgetting how the pleasure was mutual. 
“Fuckfuckfuck!-” high pitched moans left the both of you as you rode out your high. Slick spurted out of Marilyn’s core after a few more thrusts and it had her whimpering out a tired moan. 
“Feels so good..” you spoke tiredly, softly grinding your hips down on her lap while you’re still full of her. 
“Feel better, baby?” She panted, holding you close as you hummed in confirmation. 
A/n: repost because I deleted the other one by mistake
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 6 months
Number 27 with marilyn, please. Maybe reader is her teacher assistant
Feelings Unwrapped ~Marilyn Thornhill xFem TeachersAssistant!Reader ~Holiday Bingo
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Summary— The annual winter break holiday party is this evening. And with a little alcohol in the mix, Marilyn and Reader confess their feelings for each other. Anon Response— Hi anon!! Thank you for the request! I would love to write this for you. Hope you Enjoy! ♥️
Previous Day <—found here!
Holiday Bingo <—Here!!
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Prompt- Work Holiday Party
#27. “Darling… you sound sinfully delicious…”
Warnings: light nsfw, kissing, drinking, confessions of feelings, party, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (:
The staff room buzzed with late night chatter and the clinking of drinks.
It was the night of the annual holiday party, right before winter break. Principal Weems, or as she insisted for all the staff to call her Larissa, always made sure to hold the staff party after school hours and every year as a way for Nevermore staff to finally relax after a semester of work.
Larissa always made sure to provide plenty of alcohol as well, which didn’t hurt…
“How have you been liking Nevermore so far, Miss L/N?” Larissa asked you, striking up a conversation as you made your way into the room.
“Good, thank you! I truly enjoy being Ms. Thornhill’s TA, it’s fascinating work,” you exclaimed lightly, your words being completely truthful.
Before Larissa could say another word, Marilyn entered the room and interrupted the conversation.
“Larissa.” She nodded with a tight smile toward the blonde, then turning to you, “Honey, could I trouble you for a glass of wine?”
Your face lit up and you immediately nodded.
“Of course, be right back!”
You left the two women to go over to the table of alcohol. Larissa and Marilyn seemed to chat up a conversation as you poured yourself and Marilyn wine, forgoing Larissa as she already had gotten herself a glass of red.
You returned to the women, handing the red head her glass of white wine. Marilyn tipped the glass over to you as a thank you and took a sip.
“You know my tastes well…” she hummed, her tone a little teasing.
You blushed lightly and took a sip of your own drink.
The party continued to buzz on, and you definitely got your share of alcohol as the night went on. You got around the room, chatting with each staff member, most teachers, some TAs like you.
Eventually you made it back around to Marilyn. You found just the redhead alone this time. She told you that Larissa had gone to sort out a little drunken dispute between two of your colleagues. Meanwhile, Marilyn’s gaze was strong and unfettering upon you.
Maybe it was the alcohol…?
“Say… I have somethings stronger in my greenhouse, if you’d like to join me…?” The redhead hummed enticingly.
You sucked in your breath and your cheeks warmed up even more.
“I’d like that…” you said just above a whisper, your head nodding along lightly.
Marilyn smirked lightly but with much delight. You both quickly finished the last of your wine, placing the glasses aside. And placing her hand on your back, Marilyn guided you out of the staff room.
You easily followed along with the woman, letting her guide you to her greenhouse. You entered first and Marilyn closed the door behind you. She then came up next to you and went to shuffle around in a high up cabinet by her desk. She found what she was looking for- two glasses and a bottle of scotch- and placed them on her desk.
“Don’t be shy, Honey…” Marilyn purred.
Her hand waved you towards her, the desk, and the alcohol. You responded easily, floating toward the woman, only stopping when the desk impeded your moving any further. Marilyn chuckled lightly at your silent and obedient movements.
She poured the amber liquid into the two scotch glasses, before capping the bottle and setting it aside. The woman walked around the desk, handed you a glass, which you accepted happily. You took a sip of the scotch, and couldn’t stop what slipped out from your lips,
“Hmmmm ooh…” you lightly moaned, “This is really good—”
Marilyn’s eyebrows perked up and her eyes watched you intently as you spoke. She hummed in agreement, taking a sip from her own glass. You both leaned against her desk, not saying a word, but your gazes locked on one another.
Who knows who closed the gap, but a split second later, her lips were on yours. You closed your eyes and moaned lightly as you tasted the wine and scotch on her lips. The kiss was light but a little sloppy, most likely due to the alcohol.
You both pulled away after a moment, making you let out a light whimper as you lost contact. Marilyn bit her lip and her eyes sparkled.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that, ‘Hun…” she breathed out.
“Me too…” you breathlessly admitted, “kiss me again.”
Marilyn didn’t need to be asked twice, putting her glass and taking yours to put them both on the desk, before connecting her lips into yours.
This kiss was slower and more heated. Her lips brushed against yours, her tongue lining and licking your lips for permission to taste you. You opened your mouth for the woman’s access, which she eagerly took. Now, you full on moaned as Marilyn explored your wet cavern with her tongue. It caused her to pull away and just stare at you.
“I— is everything okay?”
Marilyn smashed her lips into yours once more, kissing you fast and really sloppy this time.
“Darling… you sound sinfully delicious…” she groaned, as she pulled another breathy moan escaping from your lips.
This only made you whimper even louder.
After a couple solid minutes of intense kissing, you both pulled away for some air. You looked at Marilyn, still a little in shock from what had just occurred. The woman but her lips slightly again.
“We probably shouldn’t go any further tonight considering we’re both quite intoxicated…” she spoke out.
You hummed and nodded, agreeing with her but at the same time wanting more so badly.
“Can I… walk you back to your room, ‘Hun…?” Marilyn offered.
Your face lit up once more and you nodded more eagerly.
“Yes, I’d like that…!”
Marilyn smiled and nodded, linking her arm in yours. She walked you back to your private quarters, giving you one last kiss before your room door.
“Happy Holidays, Honey…” Marilyn hummed, along with a good night.
Next Holiday Bingo Fic <—Here!!
Marilyn Thornhill Masterlist
Holiday Bingo 2023 Masterlist
Tag List: @storiesofsvu @willowshadenox @vexed-jade @aemilia19 @lunala-rose23 @sapphixwriter
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Tonsil Troubles
Pairings: Weems x Thornhill x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 1.9K
Summary: Reader has been ignoring their body, Weems and Thornhill intervene.
TW: Tonsillitis, medication, hospitals, sickness, surgery
A/n I’ve kinda started doing requests in a random order … whoops. This is based off an A03 request I had.
The pain was back again. You had had the same pain a few weeks ago and a couple months before that. But it was just a cold. Or so you thought. It hurt to swallow. It was far too hot. And it your throat hurt. But as long as it was a cold you could deal with it yourself. So, you hid. You hid the pain. You hid from your friends at mealtime, so they didn’t question why you were only eating soft foods. You hid your symptoms and your misery from students and teachers alike.
So far it had been going ok. You looked a little flushed from what may be the begging of a nasty fever, but you were doing semi-alright for yourself.
You were sat in botany. Ms Thornhill was blissfully distracted drawing a diagram on the board which meant she wasn’t paying much attention to you. Thinking you were in the clear you shut your eyes and laid your hot cheek on the cool surface of the lab tables. You let a small sigh escape at the nice feeling and relaxed your muscles.
You were beyond tired, and everything hurt. That’s probably why it was so easy for you to fall asleep. You hadn’t meant to. Your body simply demanded rest and wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Ms Thornhill continued teaching for the rest of the lesson. Once all the textbooks were shut and put away, she returned to her desks and dismissed her students. After a few minutes she looked up from her lesson planner and frowned. You were asleep in the back row. Your hair covering your eyes and your cheeks holding an unnatural flush to them.
Ms thornhill stood and came over to your side.
The first thing you registered was a hand rubbing circles on your back. You let out a soft groan as you gained your surroundings and sat up slightly. After a second you swallowed and failed to contain a wince.
“Y/n? Are you feeling alright honey?” A voice asked but everything was moving too fast, and you simply placed your head back on the table.
“Y/n?” The voice asked again, and you felt someone brush the hair from your face, smoothing it back with one hand and placing another hand on your forehead. You lent into the touch; their hands much cooler than you hot face.
You heard someone suck a sharp breath.
“Oh honey.” The voice sounded slightly sad. “You're not feeling good, are you?” You hummed an affirmative sound and nuzzled into the hand.
“Let’s get you to the nurse. That fever needs to be brought down and I’m sure your feeling awful.” You whined softly. “I know I’m so mean, caring about your wellbeing. You shouldn’t have even come to class like this Y/n what were you thinking?” She said and you finally connected the dots. Ms Thornhill.
Lifting you head from the desk you looked at her tiredly. “Im fine.” Your voice sounded awful, and Ms Thornhill scoffed.
“No. No honey, you're not. Not by a long shot.” She started to pack up your things for you. “Let’s get you to the nurse. Can you walk?” She asked and you gave a defeated sigh and nodded. “Alright then, up you come.” She offered you a hand and pulled you to your feet. You stumbled slightly, still very tired and you felt an arm around your waist to stabilise you.
Ms Thornhill held you close to her side the whole walk down. You were too tired to care and even rested your head on her shoulder which made the trip probably take twice as long. Ms Thornhill had your bag on her shoulder and an arm around your waist as she practically held you up.
Once you were steered into the infirmary, she guided you over to a bed and gently pushed down on your shoulders to make you sit. She placed the bag down by the bed. “Wait here, I’ll go grab the nurse.” She said and you nodded.
A second later she returned with the nurse behind her. Ms Thornhill came and sat down on one of the plastic chairs near the bed and watched silently.
The nurse began to do a short exam and asked a few questions. She had you poke out your tongue and had said your tonsils were inflamed. That made sense to you. When you told her it hurt to swallow Ms Thornhill bit her lip and furrowed her brow but stayed silent. After a minute the nurse asked if you had felt this way before where you sheepishly admitted that it had been a reoccurring thing for a few months now. Ms Thornhill looked slightly disappointed. After the exam was over the nurse pulled back the sheet on the bed.
“Am i not allowed to leave?” You asked eyeing the bed warily.
“Well, you have tonsillitis and based off how often it seems to be reoccurring. I think it would be best to stay here until we can get someone to take you to the emergency room. You will most likely need them removed with how much trouble their causing.” You looked at her blankly.
“Surgery?” You asked and she nodded.
“A minor one. But yes, surgery all the same.” She said and you looked to Ms Thornhill who wore an expression of shock and concern. She knew you well enough to see you were panicking. She got up from the chair and came to crouch in front of you at your eye level. She took your shaking hands in hers and spoke softly.
“If you would like i can come with you. I’ll be there the whole time. I think Ms Weems will come along as she’s in charge of all you kids' wellbeing and I stay with you if she’ll let me. Honey i know this is scary but I promise you will be ok. Can you trust me on this one.” She asked and you nodded. The nurse watched before whispering to Marilyn she was going to phone Weems from her office and to stay with you for now. Then she left and it was just you and Ms Thornhill.
The botany teacher stood from where she was sat and patted the bed, encouraging you to climb in.
“Might as well get comfy.” She smiled and you nodded, still reeling from the implications of what was to come. You crawled up the bed and Ms Thornhill tucked you in and pulled the chair closer to sit beside you.
“Close your eyes sweetheart. You must be exhausted. I won’t leave. Get some rest now.” She said and you nodded again and rested your head on the pillow. Your hair framed yoru face as you began to drift off. Ms Thornhill pulled out a book she had seemingly brought with her and began to read, glancing up at your sleeping form from time to time just to check on you. Your brow was pinched even asleep which indicted you were in some degree of pain even in unconsciousness.
The next time you woke up it was to the sound of voices. After a minute you made out the first, Ms Thornhill, and the lilt of an english accent told you Ms Weems was also present. You opened your eyes slowly and observed the scene. The nurse and the two teachers were talking in the corner and not really sparing much attention to where you were in the bed. Ms Thornhill mentioned something about nerves, and you sat up against the headrest. The movement drew the attention of the botanist, and she made eye contact and came over.
“Hi y/n.” She said softly taking up her chair again. “How are you feeling honey?” She asked and you looked at her for a second before saying.
“Alright. That settles it. Lariss- Ms Weems and I will come with you to the ER. The sooner we get there the sooner we get back.” She said and brushed the hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear. You heard the sound of heels and turned to face the headmistress.
“Hello Y/n. How’s the throat feeling now darling?” She asked and you sighed.
“Sore.” You said and Ms Thornhill looked at Weems.
“I think we should take her in. Are you good to drive or do you want me to?” The teacher asked and Weems shook her head.
“I’ll drive. You sit in the back with Ms L/n. It's a short trip to the Jericho ER.” Weems said and you simply watched their back and forth silently.
“Alright. Are you ready to go y/n?” Ms Thornhill asked and helped you out of the bed.
“Yeah.” You sighed and stretched.
The trip to the hospital was simple. You sat in the back with Ms Thornhill, you flushed face pressed to the cool glass window, your eyes closed as you walked the line between sleep and full awareness.
Once Ms Weems had parked Ms Thornhill helped you out of the car and the small group went into the emergency room. You waited with Ms Thornhill while the principal went up to the desk and got you checked in.
The next little bit passed in a blur, most likely because of the fever and before you knew it you were in a bed looking up at the two teachers who had escorted you there. A mask was placed over your mouth and nose, and you were told to count back from ten as you drifted off into a drug induced sleep.
The next time you woke your head felt it was in the clouds. Someone was holding your hand and your mind felt warm and fuzzy. Cracking open an eye, you broke out into a grin.
The face of your favourite blonde principal was looking down at you with a soft but worried expression, she was also holding your hand. Without thinking you began to talk under the heavy haze of the drugs you were on for the surgery.
“You're so pretty” you said dreamily. Ms weems went red to the tips of her ears while Marilyn muffled her laugh with her hand from where she sat on your other side that wasn’t currently occupied by a blushing blonde Brit.
Before Weems could open her mouth to protest you spoke again.
“I wish you were my mother.” You sighed looking sad.
At the half mortified look on Weems face more so from shock than anything Marilyn failed to contain her laugh and your head whipped around to look at her.
“You too.” You whispered. Both teachers paused and looked mildly honoured and concerned. Weems gave your hand a gentle pat.
“I love you both.” You smiled and closed your eyes.
“Hush now Y/n Sleep my darling.” Weems said in a softer tone than you had ever heard from her.
Even with your eyes shut still you frowned. “But i don’t want you to leave.”
“We won’t” Both teachers said at once.
“We’ll be right here the whole time” Ms Weems said.
You gave a sleepy nod followed by a yawn and fell asleep to the feeling of hands stroking your hair and a thumb rubbing over your knuckles. It was soft. It was safe. It was home.
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weyler · 2 years
the characters from the wednesday series as random memes saved on my phone:
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principal weems:
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marilyn thornhill:
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sheriff galpin:
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dianneking · 1 year
Hiiii!! as you are the queen of angst, can you share some info about "it's not goodbye until I say so" with us?
Oh, I am no queen, just a simple angst fairy!
It's not goodbye until I say so. Such a little gem. It still needs so much work though, ughh. The summary is as follows:
Laurel has always kept count of the goodbyes she said. They had marked the time of her life like the rings in the trunk of trees. She always said goodbye when it mattered. Without a goodbye, the story would continue, the tombstone would refuse to slide closed. But this time, it had all happened too fast.
Or, five times Laurel said goodbye, and one time that she didn't.
It's set in the same universe as All in Her Head, but can be read as a standalone.
And in that moment, Laurel knew, with all the certainty that the voices muttering in her brain could give her, an unshakable, all-encompassing certainty, that she hated Larissa Weems. She hated her thoroughly, viscerally. She hated each late night that they had passed together simply enjoying each other's company, she hated that when the older woman was beside her all of her fears and insecurities and muttering voices seemed to vanish. She hated each touch of their hands, and how it made her heart feel whole again, after so much time. Her sweaty hands grabbed the syringe in the pocket of her overalls and she heard the words leave her mouth before she noticed her own mouth moving. "My name is Laurel!" She plunged the syringe in her lover's neck, to a chorus of approval of voices in her head, voices that reminded her that that had always been the plan, that each kiss they had shared, each wandering hand, each mind-blowing climax had all been for this. To get close enough. The pain in her chest was from the satisfaction of finally getting to this point, they said.
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I need more Larissa x Marilyn content. 🥹
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tonks-21 · 11 months
Larissa Weems dating headcanons | Ikea date hcs | +18 | Wednesday | Corvey’s chest
Tw: +18
Content: fluff
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• At first, she didn’t even know this type of date existed
• She’s a car talker. Also enjoys silence, but she likes to have a conversation while let the sight change every second
• Larissa did never step into an Ikea💀
• If she did it was to take a package or buy a big thing, because it was for sure some furniture already noted on her phone
• Well now to the date
• She is so cute
• Cute at the level of following you as a puppy
• Because she doesn’t know where is anything and is actually surprised there are that much things
• And she likes and admires how you are that well-oriented there (or just following the flow unbothered)
• This woman likes when you ask her for her opinion on something
• Would laugh if you change the position of those small wood puppets or pose excessively next to something like candles
• And would take you a photo while laughing
• She likes the calm and cool spirit you are there
• And the fact that even with a headphone on, you would pay attention to her and her comments
• She would find cute that you like old-fashioned things
• Would get tired after a while but continue following you anyway with a smile printed on her face
• So cute 🥹
• Likes to see you in a more relaxed and comfortable outfit
• Likes seeing couples and people with kids searching for babies stuff
• She wants to do that with you someday if you feel the same
• If you see someone you don’t like, she would let you use her as a shield (bc i mean she’s tall as fuck-)
• Takes some photos of furniture and stuff she would like to have in your future house together
• When you ask her/ she tells you is flustered and excited about it
• In the end she thinks it was refreshing for her.
• She insists on buying some flowers for her office, but when you two get them, she gives them to you with a “It was a strange but cute date. I loved it. Thank you, darling”
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ahsfan05 · 1 year
could i request a whats it’s like to date marilyn thornhill x fem reader headcannons?
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Marilyn Thornhill x Reader Headcanons
Description: basically what dating Marilyn Thornhill would be like.
Warning(s): mentions of nsfw
Note(s): Hi anon, I'm sorry this took a while! She is not a murderer or psycho for the sake of these head canons lol. (Also this has not been proofread so there may be some errors present.)
Word count: 572 words
Marilyn strikes me as an incredibly touchy and clingy lover.
She is extremely possessive (and jealous), so does NOT like it when others touch what’s hers.
She always has to be touching you; whether it’s holding your hand, looping her arm through your own, placing her hand on your thigh, or placing an arm around your waist.
If someone else flirts with you she will definitely make it clear that you’re taken. She will just start making out with you.
She loves to cuddle and be held, especially on rainy days. She finds the sound of rain deeply calming and peaceful.
She loves to curl up on your lap, each of you with your own book. Just enjoying being in each other’s company. She could get lost in a book for hours at a time.
She is a hopeless romantic and adores showering you with love and affection. She also gives the most amazing gifts.
She definitely gets in the mood appreciates it when you do romantic things for her, such as, taking her out for a candlelit dinner, running her a bath with her favourite bath salts and scents to help her unwind, or greeting her at the door with a glass of wine and a kiss after and especially stressful day.
She shows her love by giving you flowers with secret meanings, whether it’s for a special occasion or “just because”.
Marilyn would bring carnivorous plants home from work often- all the time if we’re honest!
Her home office is filled to the brim with plants, with lots of pot plants scattered all over her desk.
She spends a lot of time at Nevermore, so she loves it when you pay her little visits. Sometimes you surprise her with flowers (not that she needs more) on special occasions, or bring things she might have forgotten at home.
Most mornings you go to the Weathervane together so that she can get her morning matcha latte and you can get something for yourself.
After you both get your drinks, you share a kiss goodbye and head in opposite directions to your respective jobs.
Since she usually works long hours at Nevermore, you usually arrive home first, but once she arrives at home, she fills you in on her day and tells you cute little stories about what her students especially Wednesday have been up to.
A few little things you love about her: the way her face absolutely lights up when she talks about her job, how her nose crinkles when she laughs, and how beautiful she looks when she ties her hair up (come on, it would be really sexy).
She finds bliss in doing ordinary domestic things with you. For example, she loves cooking dinner together, it’s even become an evening routine. (And an excuse to spend more time with you.)
She is still very touchy when sleeping, though I think she is the little spoon (I know this for a fact, though I don’t know why. But I do not need to explain myself and am not taking criticism at this time lol).
She loves wearing your clothes, especially when she accompanies her students on school outings, or has to travel. She hates being away from you, so she finds it comforting. She also douses whatever clothing she steals in tons of your perfume/cologne. On the other hand, when you wear her clothes she gets really hot and bothered.
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milf-lover42 · 2 years
Larissa and Morticia exes yes OBVIOUSLY, but when are we gonna talk about Larissa and Thornhill? Think of the angst, the betrayal, but also think of the LESBIANISM.
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h-doodles · 7 months
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meowrilyn (+ bonus meowrel) and nyarissa says hi
@softshrimpy credit for the caption <3
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