#later on . tonight . eventually .
seiwas · 7 months
boyfriend iwaizumi hajime fixing your posture every time he sees you hunched over and slouching—the way he holds your shoulders and straightens it by rolling it back, thumbs pressing into your shoulder blades.
he gently pushes your lower back whenever he notices you curling into yourself, runs his fingers up your spine too.
and he does it all quietly, your only warning the feel of his hands on you.
it’s almost like he has a radar for it, some posture-sense that tingles every time your back is anything but straight.
when you complain about back pain, he snorts, mumbling a ‘wonder why’ before coming over to knead out the knots anyway.
he buys you an ergonomic chair to hopefully help out, even leaves x-rays and scans of bad backs lying around to give some subliminal message of what could happen if you don’t fix it now.
and when he takes you from behind, pushing down on your lower back to give him that arch he likes, he’s teasing, telling you that you only seem to listen when he has you like this.
he’s really starting to think, should he start fucking you with your back straight?
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bugdogg · 11 months
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Mizuki body reveal ig???
idk i rested in bed for a couple hours then jumped up and decided i needed to draw Mizuki, here they are.
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theirloveisgross · 4 months
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radiomurdeer · 3 months
i still owe like two starters and several replies but those will come... eventually. ty for your patience everyone lol
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good morning!! <3
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theroyalthrones · 4 months
Rating Changes
When I first began writing for this blog, I labeled this story with a predominantly PG-13 rating. But now that I am a little over 2 years into this, I realize that my recent posts and future ones will be a bit more mature. You may not have a problem with this, but some people might. So I've adjusted the rating to MATURE! I've also updated my Content Warning page, so feel free to check that out, and block the related tags! For the more serious chapters, I'll send out a warning beforehand if the content might be triggering for you.
With that being said don't expect Game of Thrones level actions. I can only do as much as Tumblr's flagging system will let me:( which is honestly not much.
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furby-organist · 4 months
What's wrong with dating?
> "It's an unfortunately effective way to turn a friend into a stranger -- not to mention, it's tedious!"
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
#feeling really weird in my body tonight so im going back to bed#idk just.. have had gender and identity issues today. its just. a lot#like being ngc and not out of the closet cause i dont wanna talk about it is so exhausting and im just. yeah#not to mention the whole aroace thing#just been thinking a lot today. idk. i know im not faking any of it but bringing it out to ppl is just. so much sometimes#i have two irl friends who know. one thats thankfully very careful about it around other friends cause he knows im not out yet#but its still exhausting. especially when the conversation goes on those rails while undermining specifically my identities#without these ppl knowing about it. and i dont wanna talk about it cause technically its irrelevant but like..#idk. im just afraid of being left alone. being called awkward and weird and faking it and that its just a phase and... yeah idk#idk where this is going im just complaining now. i would just like to exist as myself without having to explain shit#cause these are terms and things i would have to explain. oh whats an agender? then why do you still look feminine and not enby(???)#how do you know youre ace if youve never dated? or aro?? as if these things dont work the other way around#im just already tired of it but i feel like eventually i should break it out. these ppl are my friends. we have a trans person in this grou#and ppl understand him and his perspective. i guess part of that is the thing im afraid about tbh. that they think im following a trend#or an example. that i havent been dealing with this for at least like five or six years before they came out as enby and later trans to us#but.. idk. its just hard. these identities are so hit and miss with ppl and them understanding and being hurtful later on#aaaand now im crying. this is so stupid im going to bed good night#night is an absolute mess on main#(tho be clear tho ive known im ace for over half of my lifetime now. the five to six years was about being agender/enby. fyi)
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pinkfey · 10 months
my partner is looking at a human lung through a microscope rn who wants to see
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midxnights · 2 years
like/reply to this post for a starter!
(you can specify muse if you want, but if you don’t you are likely to get whoever i am feeling most)
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strawberrywindow · 7 months
i'm going to start streaming games i think. starting with soma bc its my bby lmao. since i've played it already the playthrough is pretty much going to be me theorizing and talking about how much i love the game while getting scared, as will be amnesia playthroughs when i get to them lol. i read EVERY document i find in games as a heads up 🤣 probably wont have a set schedule for these things so it'll be on a 'in free time' basis. but if you ever want to pop in and talk about games with me while i play i'll be theeeeeere lmaooo 😂❤️
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yououghtaknow · 1 year
#ANDREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!#ANYWAYS. fucking hate the medical system. hate being mentally ill. hate being disabled. hate this life.#but at LEAST my parasocial bway besties are making good music#[everything is falling apart] [five minutes later] omg musical theatre#deleting so many tags because i have so much to say but i can't because of the [redacted] of it all#going to try and go for a walk and listen to music and try not to go insane#i love simultaneously oversharing and being a man of mystery. i am everything and nothing and so so special.#evening plans: walk. music. dinner. try and do a little creative work. sleep.#i have planned social things for the weekend so i am NOT isolating myself#i am doing all of the things i have been told to do to get better AND YET!!!!!!!!!!#it will be okay. at least i'm at my parents' house for the weekend so i can belt about it#anyways if my paranoia is Correct and my irls are reading this Hello. I Will Explain All Of This Eventually But You Probably Know What's Up#in many ways i am just like alistair fletcher but in many ways i am not. i contain multitudes.#ooh i should try and finish the current episode of my skambr annotations tonight. at this rate i will finish s1 by the end of the summer.#the thing about sandy neuman is she's sooooo flawed but in a way that is just like me (conflict avoidance and over/undersharing)#she would fuck with yellowjackets sooooooooo much. she's a soccer player she's a lesbian she has fucked up girlbestfriendships.#ANYWAYS. if you're still reading this hiiiiiii. going to feel the sun on my vampiric skin now.#Spotify
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came0dust · 1 year
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sort of reconciling artstyle and design things ive been thinking through for a bit and Wooo colors (limited) across the board for once
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zkretchy · 2 years
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Anyhow I just posted the Kos kid to nowadays piece so might as well have basically the only doodle of me trying to figure out the menace that keeps both Kos and Namir in the game-Abyss (aka Devourer of Worlds, King of Beasts, Martyr of Humaity, a fucking bitch to deal with(her enemies) or obviously the most amazing person in this world not that this means much (her)) She is what happens if you chuck all human souls of a doomed world onto the person who already was the first human to become a demon in their world, and then throw them into a whole new enviroment (her home was destroyed after all)
Anyhow she basically went all out in her previous lifetime and now mostly laughs at the religious fanatics trying to act out a fantasy novel to kill her (it’s not going well for them so far)
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viir-tanadhal · 2 years
pet shop boys versus america is still just a really cool tour book name. it already says so much
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orcelito · 1 year
i think i am too tired to do this effectively rn, actually
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