#how he squeezes your traps and you take it as a signal to straighten up immediately
seiwas · 7 months
boyfriend iwaizumi hajime fixing your posture every time he sees you hunched over and slouching—the way he holds your shoulders and straightens it by rolling it back, thumbs pressing into your shoulder blades.
he gently pushes your lower back whenever he notices you curling into yourself, runs his fingers up your spine too.
and he does it all quietly, your only warning the feel of his hands on you.
it’s almost like he has a radar for it, some posture-sense that tingles every time your back is anything but straight.
when you complain about back pain, he snorts, mumbling a ‘wonder why’ before coming over to knead out the knots anyway.
he buys you an ergonomic chair to hopefully help out, even leaves x-rays and scans of bad backs lying around to give some subliminal message of what could happen if you don’t fix it now.
and when he takes you from behind, pushing down on your lower back to give him that arch he likes, he’s teasing, telling you that you only seem to listen when he has you like this.
he’s really starting to think, should he start fucking you with your back straight?
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bee-dot-exe · 6 months
Oh yeah, I'm normal and fine whenever they interact, I promise.
Little thing based on something that happened with BBH and Forever on the 12/7 stream, but it's not necessary to have seen to read this.
Also I'm tagging @disfrutalakia because.
426 words
I wouldn't call this a sickfic exactly, nothing happens, but I guess it mentions some of Bad's recent lore.
The fireplace crackled softly and tinted the walls and other decor nearest to it in a tangerine glow.
Machines clicked nearby as I made sure they were working properly then settled back into disuse.
The occasional animal mumbled beyond the white walls making up the affectionately dubbed Saw trap.
"You should take a shower, Bad."
Forever said as the tapping of his footsteps approached.
"Oh, yeah, I'm clean, I just, you know how it goes."
"Look at your back. There's moss on it. I'm just gonna do a little sniff on it real quick and check if you smell bad."
I paused my movements as he stepped closer to me. He fake gagged. I fake laughed.
"Bad, please, look at your back man, it's green, you need to wash it."
"It's not moss."
"What is it then?"
"It's radiation."
Forever took a number of steps back. My heartbeat drummed and blood rushed in my ears as the silence rang for what in reality a handful of seconds. I'm pretty sure I was shaking a bit.
Then he laughed and moved closer again.
"Get in the bath, Bad, let me wash your back."
I was still hesitant and had my head down slightly. But Forever had a soft smile and kind eyes.
"Oh. Okay. Yay."
He took out a cup, a washcloth, and a small thing of soap that somehow happened to be in his inventory. He motioned to the unofficial bathtub in the ground that was just high enough to sit in. And I let him gently scrub at the green on my skin even though it was no use.
"How's that radiation working? Is it doing anything dangerous?"
"You could say that."
He poured one final cup of water over my back and shoulders to get rid of any soap residue and I straightened my posture. He ran his fingers along my skin in comfort before I stood up. He silently asked for permission to keep running his hand along the infection of sorts. I nodded.
I could tell something was there, but I couldn't also. There was the subtle pressure of his hand as it made contact, but that's about it, just something beneath my skin that sort of buzzed with activity.
His hand moved from somewhere on my upper back, over the bump of my shoulder, and squeezed my bicep gently as a signal that he was finished. I stood up and he wrapped my cloak around me.
"Thank you, Forever."
He could tell I meant that in more ways than one.
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Rain Will Make the Flowers Grow
Summary: Henry and Hiro have a nice picnic, it’s too bad that it had to rain.
Rated G
Henry let a sad sigh escape his lips.  He watched the rain drizzle down ruining the beauty of the day.  Everything quickly became wet and dreary.  He had pulled the blanket and picnic basket into the gazebo where he now stood trapped, Hiro next to him.
“I hate the rain.” He mumbled.
Hiro chuckled lightly and squeezed Henry’s shoulder, pulling him closer, “It’s only a little water, my love, and it won’t last forever.”
“But we’ve planned this for days now!  The weather forecast said it wasn’t going to rain and I worked hard to make sure everything was perfect.” Henry said, growing frustrated.
Hiro gently stroked at a stray curl on Henry’s forehead, his knuckle gently touching him, their signal that Hiro was going to kiss him there, and Hiro placed his lips on his forehead gently.  Henry blushed but still pouted at the rain.  Hiro smiled against his lover's forehead, “We can still have the picnic here in the gazebo.  It’s beautiful here all the same, they planted lovely flowers all around.  Our afternoon date can still be successful.”
Henry looked down at the brown basket in his hand and the blanket that had fallen to the ground.  He smiled as Hiro nuzzled closer to him, another kiss gracing his forehead, “You’re right.  We can still eat and it would be a shame to waste the food.”
“That’s my flower.”  Hiro said, looking into Henry’s eyes with a soft smile.  He picked up the blanket, “Let me lay this down and then we can eat.”
Henry watched as Hiro flipped the blanket, letting it fall gracefully down, and then straightened out the edges.  Henry placed the picnic basket in the middle and started setting out the plates and food.
Despite the rain, the picnic was enjoyable.  Henry did his best to tune everything out, but when the rain got heavier he began to panic.  Hiro gently pulled him against his body and stroked his hair, something that Henry enjoyed despite his mysophobia.
“You know, I saw Camille and some of the others dancing in the rain a few days ago.”  Hiro said, “They looked like they were having fun.”
“I don’t know how they do it.  It’s scary.”  Henry said, eyeing the downpour.
“Thomas told me that he was able to get you out in the rain one time.  He reminded you that it’s just like the water in your boiler.”  Hiro recalled with a smile, “I was very impressed.  That was very brave of you, my flower.”
Henry blushed, “Th-that was just one time and it was to get a job done.  Not for fun.”
“Hmm.”  Hiro said thoughtfully, “The plants sure enjoy the rain though.  They become more vibrant, I think, when it does.”
“Well, they’re thirsty and it’s great when everyone gets a drink.”  Henry said with a smile, “Every leaf on every tree, every flower, every blade of grass gets a drink and it makes them grow so much.  It makes them happy.”
“Does it make you happy when they’re happy like this?”  Hiro asked.
“Of course!  I love it when the plants are taken care of, whether by myself or nature.”  Henry beamed, “I bet my garden is loving this right about now.”
“One less thing off your mind, dear?”  Hiro smiled, kissing the top of Henry’s head.
Henry leaned into him and chuckled, “Yeah.  I’ll have more time for you today.”
“So, the rain isn’t so bad.”  Hiro stated.
“No, I guess it’s not.”  Henry said looking out at the rain, “The plants are happy, so I’m happy, and we will get more time together today.”
“Hmm.”  Hiro hummed thoughtfully, looking a bit troubled.
Henry glanced up, “What is it, Hiro?  Is something the matter?”
“Well, there is one plant that I’m a bit concerned about.”  Hiro said.
“In my garden?  No, you shouldn’t be.  I’ve made sure each flower and plant is properly taken care of, planted in the right spot, placed in the right soil and right pot, down to the very details.”  Henry said a bit proudly.
Hiro stood, taking Henry’s gloved hand and helping him to his feet, “No, not in your garden, but in my own.”
Henry looked at him with a gasp, “You never told me you started a garden!  Hiro!  I would’ve helped you!”
Hiro chuckled, “It’s not much of a garden, I will say.  I have only one flower that I’m trying to take care of.”
“What species?  Did it not come with instructions?  It drives me insane when I find out that some of these stores sell the plants without a name or any inclination on how to take care of them.”
Henry was so preoccupied by his thoughts of nurturing a possibly dying plant that he hadn’t realized that Hiro had led him to the edge of the gazebo until Hiro reached his hand out to touch the falling rain.
Henry looked out nervously, “Hiro?  What are you-?  What are we doing?”
Hiro simply smiled at Henry, letting the rain gently fall on and in between his fingers, “You say, as a gardener, that when your plants are well taken care of, that you are happy, Henry.  I’ve seen you do so many things for your vegetation even when said that the plant may not necessarily be too happy with the decisions you had to make for them.”  He turned and looked at his lover with a soft smile, “I think sometimes, my love, that you forget how compassionate and brave you truly are.”
Henry looked at Hiro and then out at the rain, “I’m not that brave.  I…”
“I will not force you, Henry, but I won’t deny the tad bit of jealousy I felt when I heard that you even laughed in the rain when he took you out.”  Hiro smiled, taking a step out into the rain, leaving the hand that held Henry’s hand inside the gazebo nice and dry.
Henry looked both scared and surprised at his partner’s bold move.  His heart began to race at the thought of stepping out into the rain.  Anxiety and embarrassed thoughts clouded his mind.  He pulled his gloved hand out of Hiro’s, bringing it to his arm and looking down ashamed.
“Once an engine attached to a train was afraid of a few drops of rain…” He repeated, just as he had heard many others in the past.
Hiro left his hand stretched out, a genuine and compassionate smile on his face, “I’m not asking for an engine to come out into the rain.”  Henry looked up at him, a few embarrassed tears threatening to spill out.  Hiro’s smile never faltered, “I’m asking my flower if he’ll let me take care of him.  I’d like to give him water and see him glow, if he’ll only let me.”
Henry’s heart fluttered and felt like it was going to burst at the analogy.  His mind raced at what Hiro had said.  Hiro almost always called Henry his flower.  Flowers need water and sunshine to grow.  Water is like rain.  Rain is like the water in his boiler.  A little rain helps the flowers grow.
Hesitantly, but trying to be more confident, Henry took Hiro’s hand again.  Hiro very slowly and at Henry’s pace brought him out into the rain.  It was no longer raining hard, but it was still coming down.  Henry gasped when the cold droplets hit his gloved hand and then touched his arm.  He whimpered a bit and flinched, but Hiro kept him steady.  Slowly but surely Henry made it out into the rain.
Hiro took both his hands in his and smiled, flicking his wet hair out of his face, and gently removing Henry’s bangs from his eyes.  He smiled down at the smaller engine, pressing his forehead against his.
“Well done, my brave flower.”
Henry leaned against Hiro, Hiro pulling him to a hug, and he began to giggle.
“It’s… It’s not so bad.”  He snuggled against Hiro’s wet frame.
“And look at you.”  Hiro said, beginning to sway with him, “You’re absolutely vibrant, Henry.”
Henry beamed, blushing into Hiro’s chest.  At that moment, they heard two familiar whistles.  Looking up they saw Emily and Camille passing by, both grinning at them.
“Well done, Henry!”  Emily called, “You’re so brave!”
“Look at you go!  You’re awesome!”  Camille shouted, whistling again.
Henry blushed all the more but laughed and waved at his friends.  Hiro as well.  Once the two engines had passed, Hiro twirled Henry in a spin and swayed with him some more.
“I’m so proud of you, flower.”  He said, kissing his head again, “You’re far braver than that engine in your story.  I don’t think you need to pay him any mind at all.”
Henry snuggled into Hiro bashfully, “I… I want to do one more brave thing tonight.  If that’s OK.”
“It’s always OK, flower.”  Hiro pulled back looking down at him.
Henry swallowed and leaned up, kissing Hiro on the lips.  Normally, with all of Henry’s anxieties they have to take their time with intimacies.  However, with their time at the gazebo tonight Henry seemed to have a bit of a brave streak and he figured he better take his chance while he had it.  Hiro was indeed surprised but kissed him back ever so softly, their lips locked for a few seconds.
Henry pulled back with a gasp, cheeks absolutely pink, “I… I wanted to do that before… well, you know.”
Hiro smiled at his beloved, “You are amazing, Henry.  I am so glad to have you by my side.”  He cupped the green engine’s face in his hand, “You have grown so much.  I’m glad I have been able to be here to watch that growth.”
Henry curled into his hand, “I’m glad too, Hiro.  I’m glad you decided to stay on Sodor.”
“For my flower, of course.  I couldn’t leave you.”  Hiro smiled a bit mischievously and then picked up the big engine bridal style, earning a yelp that dissolved into giggles as Henry wrapped his arms around Hiro’s neck.
Hiro only chuckled as he took Henry back into the gazebo.  The two spent the rest of the afternoon there until the rain passed, warming up using their heating ability and snuggling next to each other, finishing the food Henry prepared.  Hiro kept his arm wrapped around Henry the rest of the night, proud of the steps that Henry took with him that day and Henry snuggled close, never having imagined he’d do something he considered so terrifying and stressful as swaying in the rain.  The smiles on their faces never faltered once.
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glxssylaufey · 3 years
disobedience [tom hiddleston]
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summary: stepdad!tom hiddleston x reader; both you and your stepdad awkwardly cross paths at a late night party, sparking a night to remember.
warnings: smut (18+), minors DNI, stepdad kink, age gap, slight voyeurism and degration, smoking marijuana, drinking
a/n: this is just gonna be a quick drabble, so i’m sorry it’s short :,) this is terribly written!! but this fic does include a reader with a stepdad kink so if that doesn’t float your boat then please don’t touch! 𖠳 (all characters are over 18!!)
the one rule that your mother gave you that you seemed to remember before you left was to be home by ten
now this isn’t because you made sure to be home before the clock struck ten, not at all
the clock was actually leaking past midnight at this point
the only reason you could seem to remember this rule your mother gave is because of what followed after
“your father is working late tonight. i would hate for him to come home worried about where you are.”
now this seemed perfectly normal, right?
not under these circumstances
buried deep in the party, you sat with your distracted friends where you rolled yourself a joint
you felt your fingers freeze their movement, struck with shock
what your mother said rang over and over in your ears
“your father is working late tonight. i would hate for him to come home worried about where you are.” ???
your whole world seemed to move in slow motion as you and your stepfather Tom locked eyes from across the crowded room
your heart raced as you watched him, his piercing gaze refusing to leave the sight of you
it took you awhile to process the fact that there was also a nameless woman laying shamelessly over this lap
her legs hung lazily over his while he rubbed her legs slowly, his long finger massaging her sweetly
the woman placed open mouth kisses all over Tom’s neck, gaining a small gasp from him
yet his eyes remained on you
his eyes remained on you.
it wasn’t until then you realized you sat there in front of your stepfather, rolling a heavily packed joint
you knew you’d be in deep trouble for this one, after all the rules your mother had also given you about no drugs
well at least you remembered that rule eventually
you finally break the eye contact, cracking under the older man’s intimidating gaze
when you drop your eyes you discover that the mystery woman is palming Tom through his trousers, his painfully hard cock straining against the fabric
you swallow hard at the sight, squeezing your legs together to trap the sudden head that was escaping
why were you feeling this way?
it was wrong!
Tom’s gaze never left you, his ocean blue eyes blown dark with lust
taking a deep breath, you look back at your stepdad with shaky posture
his disapproving look was easily replaced with a cheeky smirk
he looked devilish with his taunting grin, his fingers still tracing over the woman’s skin as if to tease you impossibly further
you glared back, a rush of confidence surging through you
two can play that game, Tom.
you carelessly continued nearly rolling your half finished joint, eager to finally get your much needed relaxation
lining up the edges of the rolling paper, you glanced back up at Tom who’s eyes were still glued to you
poking your tongue out, you allowed the tip of it to gently glide across the paper
you locked eyes with the older man, teasingly licking edge of the paper
Tom’s face has fallen back to a scowl
he suddenly squeezed the woman’s thigh, causing her to playfully jump in a small fit of painfully annoying laughter
god, you hated him
but fuck, you really wanted him.
you pretended not to notice as you looked away to grab your lighter
igniting the end of the joint, you took a long drag before blowing a large puff of smoke into the room
you were satisfied completely with his reaction
Tom suddenly rose from his seat, scooping up the woman who was clearly upset about being interrupted so abruptly
after setting her onto the floor, he quickly straightened himself out before cocking his head towards the bathrooms, giving you a clear signal
oh boy.
you told your friends you were making a quick trip to the bathroom before hastily making your way over to search for your stepdad
just before you were about to start thinking he left, Tom suddenly yanked you into a close bedroom
he quickly locked the door behind him, sufficiently locking you in
you suddenly felt small, Tom taking long strides to you
“y/n.” he spoke sternly. “look at me.”
obeying, you bring your eyes to look up at him
your facade of confidence seemed to hiccup under his judgment, making you panic
“you cheated on my mother.” you said shakily
“what do you care?” Tom spat back “you have no respect for her anyways, breaking all her rules.”
you wince at his words slightly, making the tall man smirk
he loved the control he had, like he had full authority over you
“i knew you would, anyways.” he growled with a sinful smile, making you shiver
“i knew from the moment i met you, your innocent little girl act was complete bullshit. i was right about you all along, darling.”
“out at parties, way past your curfew, getting high and god knows what else! you really are a bad girl, y/n.”
Tom’s words sent chills down your spine and sparks through your core
“no, i’m not!” you argued, backing away from him
Tom mocked confusion as he walked until your back hit the wall
“oh, no? you’re not, huh? then what exactly were you planning on doing tonight, little girl? get high off your ditzy little head, then what?”
you froze, fumbling in your head for an answer
tom scoffed pridefully when you remained silent
“no answer, y/n?” he coos condescendingly
“were you planning on finding some puny college boy to try and fuck you?” he whispered in your ear, making you shake
“n-no!” you swore
“don’t lie to me. i bet if i touched you right now then you’d be dripping, you whore.” he groaned before nipping your earlobe
you bite back a moan, arching your back slightly
“go ahead, little girl. you wanna act like a grown woman? show me how grown you are, baby girl.”
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aetheternity · 3 years
I have a request
Levi's wife y/n and 4 or 5 year old son get kidnapped by kenny and the military police. They get taken to the crystal cave with eren and historia. So when levi comes to save them he is livid and is quickly taking down every mp in his way. Luckily both y/n and her son make it out safely with levi and his squad.
Levi, y/n, and their son have a soft moment and they all hug and give kisses 😚😚😚 and day squad teases them
(I added my own little spin to this where Y/N is playfully argumentative and sometimes wild with Levi. Hope that's ok! I also thought it would be cute if Levi and Y/N’s son was named after Levi’s late friend Farlen.)
"We have more than just Historia and Eren now." Levi grunted, facing Hange. "My son and Y/N were taken as well."
"We can't wait then. We'll leave as soon as possible."
Levi squeezed the paper Hange had given him earlier in his grasp as his squad whooped and hollered behind him. Kenny probably wouldn't kill them, they were insurance after all. Which was that much worse for Levi.
He already knew if he didn't manage to calm himself before they got to Kenny he would lash out recklessly. The one thing he'd told his wife and son to never allow themselves to do.
"Oi." Levi stepped closer, concern etched onto his face. His eyebrows scrunched where he looked into his wife's eyes. "If you continue moping around our child's health will be at risk and yours. The doctor already told you that."
She turned, eyes narrowed and lips tight where they were pulled into a frown. "What else am I supposed to feel? The father of my baby is running around dodging death. Am I supposed to be happy Levi?"
Levi rolled his eyes, his hand already coming up to the bridge of his nose in expectation for the upcoming brawl of sorts. "I'll be alive for the birth of our son."
"Will you though?" She stepped closer, challenge rising in her tone and eyes.
"I'm not leaving you or the soon to be kid we've made. And you already know that." He fought back. "I'd sooner go back to the underground."
Her hands ran up to his collar tugging him closer. And he let her, let every bit of fury trapped beneath those stone cold eyes run over his spine like a flash of lightning all with the same neutral expression.
"I'm so serious you wouldn't even believe. If you don't come back one of these days and I have to raise this baby all on my own. I'm gonna bring you back to life just so I can kill you again. Do you hear me Levi Ackerman?"
Levi let out a little huff and a small smirk ran over his lips. She let him go and he straightened out his collar. "You get scarier everyday." He remarked "Way scarier than any damn titan."
He grabbed her wrist, pulling her down the mostly empty corridor. "You saw the doctor again today right? Tell me what happened."
"We've got a healthy Ackerman on our hands. He's grown bigger than he's supposed to be at this stage actually." She smiled softly as she placed a hand on her belly. "Probably cause he has your blood."
"Tch, moron. He's already his mother. Constantly kicking every time I touch your belly. He's gonna be a brat just like you."
"I hope he gets my height and not yours."
"For his sake your height instead of your mouth would be good."
"My mouth has gotten you through many long nights so I wouldn't complain if I were you."
Levi playfully rolled his eyes as Y/N's soft laugh filled the corridor. Her eyes shining brighter than they had her whole pregnancy. It was weird Levi had always heard about new parents being scared but he barely was.
When he'd found out he'd been more surprised than anything but he'd barely even had the time to over analyze the situation until that night. This unbelievably wild girl was the mother of his child. What more could he want.
Fear did dawn on him. Knowing he'd have something new in this world that needed his protection. Something so precious and small to protect. But another part of him knew that kid would be safer if he got his mother's fighting spirit.
"Hey, you better not be thinking about other girls." Y/N huffed as she poked at Levi's forehead.
Levi grabbed her finger. "Dumbass, no one else would be able to handle you if I left."
"Just sounds like you're making excuses so that you don't have to tell me, you adore me and could never find anyone else who brings you this much joy."
"No." That barely even scratched the surface..
"Do you have a location on them?" Hange asked
"There're a whole bunch of military police and Kenny's squad is surrounding the entire area. But no sign of Kenny himself or any of the people who were taken." Sasha replied
Levi huffed, brain not wanting to retreat to the worst possible scenario. Besides the conversation currently developing in front of him there was a sort of quiet drifting in the atmosphere.
"We have a plan right?" Armin suddenly asked
And Hange nodded, "You're gonna need these." Her hands clasped around the cool metal of the signal flares.
"Signal flares??" Jean stared in disbelief
"Don't worry, we're getting out of here alive hostages and all." Hange stated before turning to Levi. "They're ok."
Levi blinked, slowly but surely uncurling his fists. He looked around to the others their faces a mix of concern and in certain cases glee. But they all had the same sentiment.
"Put the plan into motion." Levi stood
It went surprisingly quickly. From the barrels they'd deployed to the signal flares being shot off. Sasha and Mikasa taking out the military police like no one's business but Levi could already feel his Ackerman rage growing.
Where the hell was Kenny? He thought.
His question was soon answered when a bullet flew past his cheek immediately drawing blood. The next bullet striking an ice pillar with a hard crack as he ducked for cover behind it.
Levi paused repositioning himself to jump and land behind one another of the thick pillars searching for the source of the bullets. "Where the hell are they?" He grunted voice raspy, thick and loud where he called to the only person that would be behind this.
Kenny's laugh was boisterous, heavy where it bounced between each pillar. The amount of sweat that had collected on Levi's palms had his weapon slippery in his grip and the vein in his forehead was close to popping.
"I think you have other things here you should be concerning yourself with."
In the blink of an eye Levi's head shot backwards, Jean's scream mixed with the heart shattering sound of Hange hitting one of the pillars caught his attention. A bullet releasing her blood as she slipped and rolled over against the ground like a discarded toy.
"Levi! Oi you should be worried about me. After all. Your little family dies by my call!"
If Levi was boiling before his blood was erupting now. With incredible skill and speed he bounced his way around the pillars dodging each bullet as Kenny shot them out. His agility raised as he flipped over Kenny's form and behind him. In an instant Levi was tossing a bag full of flammable liquid in time to meet his next shot.
When the bag tore open Levi flew forward, through burning flames created by Kenny's gun tossing his blade. The motion caught Kenny off guard but he managed to dodge it, his hat flying off into a nearby pillar along with Levi's blade to hold it up there.
Levi's heart was hammering taking the advantage he'd managed to get he flew at Kenny with incredible speed slicing through his torso almost like it was butter. In the heat of adrenaline Levi watched as Kenny's body fell to the ground of the cool cavern.
He landed with a hard breath before retracting the odm gears hooks. He couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't stop himself from running forward no matter how stupid and dangerous it was.
He heard bits and pieces of speech behind him. "Follow Captain!" And "Wait, hold on!" But none of it stopped his feet.
He skidded in his pace as he heard soft calls of, "Dad! Dad!"
And he was immediately headed for it. A bit of relief flooding his chest as he heard the faint sounds of odm gear clanging behind him. His squad clearly keeping good pace.
When he arrived he instantly locked eyes with his five year old son and wife.
"Dad!" Farlen's voice echoed. He didn't look injured from what Levi could tell and neither did Y/N. Farlen's hair tosseled as if he'd merely been running outside.
"Where are Historia and Eren?!" Mikasa called as she ran up behind Levi.
"Guys!" Historia's voice boomed. She slunk forward barely supporting Eren's weight. His shirt gone and his face covered in blood.
Levi quickly ran to untie Y/N and Farlen immediately embracing Farlen when he jumped into his arms. If he were any other kid Levi would probably be questioning why he hadn't shit his pants and why his face was tearless. But he definitely wasn't any other five year old.
"Geez, you guys took forever." Y/N remarked, stretching her hands above her head. "I was about to wreck all these Military brats butts for you." She said with a smirk at Levi.
Levi huffed, rubbing his son's back. "Next time you can save yourself then." He remarked giving Farlen a soft head rub.
"Ugggh Mom.. Dad not now.." he sighed
"There won't be a next time!" Y/N fought back. "I'll never get caught up like that again."
"Tch, whatever."
"Are you challenging me Mr. Ackerman?"
"You're a brat, Ms. Ackerman."
"How about I show you how much of a brat I can really be?" She chuckled with a dark smile etching over her features. She pulled him closer, hugging his and Farlen's form with a firm hand on Levi's lower back.
"Don't start something you can't finish." Levi whispered back.
"Ewwwwww.." Farlen mock gagged between them.
Y/N just laughed loudly. "You'll understand when you have someone you love to hate, Farlen."
"Yeah.. I'm with Farlen. That's eww." Connie remarked with a shake of his head.
The others soon joined in with their own little laughs and teasing words. "I can't believe how soft Captain can be." And "They're such a cute family I hope I get that some day."
Levi repositioned Farlen on one arm ignoring all the chatter. Though his cheeks bloomed a rosy color that was extremely unmistakable "Historia, where's your father?"
"He escaped before you guys got here. He's headed toward the wall." She replied
"We've gotta hurry then."
(I'm so sick of people on the internet rn I swear🙄)
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allegra-writes · 4 years
“Carry me home”
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Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Warnings: Smut. Thigh riding.
"You make me feel like I've had too much to drink, the room is spinning and I trip on my feet"
Carry me home - Michelle Branch
In an unfamiliar city, you ran into a familiar face. And maybe you had never noticed the way he looked at you before, but you certainly did now 🍻
Dedicated to the lovely @angel-spidey who helped me discover a new kink; darling, without your "Minor inconvenience" this would not exist 💜
He tasted like alcohol and mentos and the salt from the chips, and you knew you shouldn't find it so delicious, but you did. 
"We shouldn't be doing this" He breathed out against your lips, right before diving in again, one hand on your thigh, sneaking under your dress, the other firm on your waist, holding you close as he walked you backwards in the dark.
"Why that?" You mumbled into his kiss, as your back hit the wall. He stumbled, trapping you under his weight, every inch of his rock hard body now pressed against yours. 
"Y/n? Is that you?"
"Harrison? Oh my god, hi!" 
You felt something else rock hard, poking at your hip, making you squirm under him. 
"Oh, god!" He released your swollen lips to bury his face against your neck at the movement, mouth open and breathing hard. He used the hand now splayed on your ass to press you even closer. 
"So, how you've seen?"
"I heard you were living in the city but-"
You both started at the same time. He chuckled and you smiled: he had always had an adorable laugh...
"Because… fuck!.. Cause you're drunk" 
You pushed his coat off his shoulders,
"Harrison, I'm not that drunk" 
He took his hands off your body to help you get rid of it.
"I guess that answers the question of what are you doing here"
"Yup, I was in the neighbourhood" You giggled, "What about you? What are you doing on this side of London?"
"I was… nowhere near the neighbourhood" He admitted, avoiding your eyes by signaling the bartender to bring him another pint, "Would it be too creepy of me if I had seen your instagram story and… wanted to come hang out with you like we used to?" 
Your gaze fell on his reddened cheeks. Had he always been so cute?
"No. Not creepy at all…"
"Love, I had to carry you out of the pub" 
"I was pretending" You lied shamelessly, knowing fully well that without him keeping you up right and the wall supporting your weight, you'd be falling face first on the floor. Clumsy fingers attacked the buttons of his shirt, "I just wanted to feel your strong arms around me" 
He cursed as you ran your fingernails down his biceps, pushing the fabric off them. 
"I'm still more sober than you are" he chuckled, arm snaking around your waist to stabilize you when you staggered, trying to get rid of your own coat. 
You felt your cheeks heat up under his unrelenting icy blues.
"Stop looking at me like that"
"Like what?" His smirk was smug. He knew exactly what he was doing to you. "This is how I've always looked at you. You were just too… starstruck by Tom to notice…"
You bit your lip and his eyes zeroed in the movement. You lowered your glass on the table, afraid it would slip from your sweaty grasp.
"I am noticing now"
"Not my fault" You whined, eyes and hands flying to his naked chest, fingertips tracing the lines and planes hungrily, "You make my head spin" 
A growl, an honest to god growl, left his throat. He lifted you from the ground, forcing you to wrap your legs around his hips to stop from falling as he carried you up the stairs almost effortlessly.
"You really are strong, aren't you?" 
He kicked the door of his bedroom open, tossing you on the bed.
"And you" He murmured in awe, watching your body bounce on his mattress, "are fucking perfect" 
It was surreal, he had dreamed about this, about having you in his arms, in his bed, for so long, he could hardly believe it. You had been in his head, obsessing his waking hours and haunting his nights, ever since that short week during the summer when your paths had crossed. Even as the months passed and your memory somewhat faded, you were still there, in the background of his mind, a warm presence made of sunlight and ocean breeze. 
And now you were finally there, in the flesh, lips soft and sweet and real on his. Eyes alight with lust and glazed by desire and… booze. Getting tangled in your own dress as you tried to take it off, almost falling from the bed. It dawned on him exactly how much you had drank, and it was as sobering as a bucket of cold water emptied on his head.
"Love, are you alright?" Big hands caught you before you reached the floor. 
"I'm ok! I'm ok!" You giggled, voice muffled by the fabric covering your face, "A little help with my dress?" 
Harrison tugged it down, straightening it and releasing you, before sitting beside you on the edge of the bed. 
"Not what I meant, Harrison" You watched his hunched form in confusion, as he rubbed his face with his hands. "Haz?" He could practically hear your perplexed frown, "What's wrong?" 
"We can't do this, love…" 
"What? Why? Did- Did I do something wrong?" The little catch in your voice at the end broke his heart.
"No" he denied, fiercely, callused hands cupping your face softly, "No, baby, you did nothing wrong… but I almost did. I want you so bad, princess, and I have for so long, that I got carried away. I didn't realize, this isn't like you. You're way too drunk" 
Way too drunk to fully understand what you were doing. Way too drunk to be able to consent. 
But drunken you was selfish, and reckless. All you've heard was that he wanted you, all you were able to understand was that you wanted him too.
You climbed onto his lap, straddling him, capturing his lips as a sneaky hand found the bulge in his pants, proof of his desire for you. And what a considerable proof it was. You started rubbing him through his jeans, but he grabbed hold of your wrist, pulling your hand away even as a helpless moan escaped his lips. 
"No, princess" He intended it like an order, but it came out pleading, "Not like this, not while you're drunk. Not when you won't even remember it in the morning…"
He couldn't be something you'd end up regretting the next day, his heart wouldn't be able to take it. 
"But I want you" You pouted, and Harrison almost melted right there and then, "Haz, please…" 
You sounded so pretty begging for him, looked so gorgeous with your skin flushed and your hair undone on top of him. And you had started to move, grinding your core against him, creating the most delicious of frictions. He was done for, and he knew it. He couldn't resist you.
But he still wasn't going to take advantage of you. 
"You're so horny, aren't you, princess?"
"Yes" you gasped when you felt him starting to buck his hips to meet yours, the zipper of his jeans hitting your clit just right to make you see stars. His lips trailed kisses down your neck, tasting, nibbling, all the way to the top of your breast, but never delving inside your dress. 
"Bet I could make you come like this… without even fucking you" His breathing was coming off heavy and hot against your skin, his fingertips digging into your back as he built his rhythm. Your replying moan had his cock twitching inside his pants. 
"And you'd like that, wouldn't you? Tell me you would like that, princess…"
You tried to focus through the intoxicating haze of pleasure, 
"Yes…" you managed, brokenly, "I would like that… anything Haz, please" 
His hands went to your waist, squeezing hard and halting your movements as he stopped his. You could have cried in frustration.
"Anything, baby?" 
You nodded, eagerly, the movement making you a little dizzy. But he held you up. 
"Then ride my thigh"
"Wha-what?" It didn't make any sense, up until a second ago you were sure he was just about to release his cock and fuck you silly, what with the way he was clutching at your body, the way he was kissing you, all teeth and animalistic passion. 
"Be a good girl tonight and ride my thigh" he spoke in your ear, sending shivers down your spine, "And tomorrow when you're sober, if you still want me too, I promise that I'll fuck you until you can't walk…"
"If you're a good girl" You could hear the cheeky smile in his voice.
"I will!" You quickly agreed, "I wanna be your good girl"
God, you were going to be the death of him.
With gentle hands, Harrison guided you until you were straddling one of his thick, muscular thighs. There was power in those muscles, you could feel it as he tensed them and relaxed them so you could feel every cord, every valley and dip in his flesh. 
"Come on, love" He encouraged, placing an incongruously chaste kiss on your lips, "let me see you ride…"
Had you been sober, you'd probably would have been more shy, but as it was you were too far gone to care about anything but the painfully attractive boy giving you orders. You started rocking your hips, wrapping your arms around his neck. The rough fabric of his pants felt delicious against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs as you feasted on the miles of naked skin of his chest, his shoulders, his abs. 
"Yeah, just like that, love" Haz praised as the little whines and moans began, the sounds going straight to his aching cock, "You're doing so well… I can feel your wetness through my jeans… is all that for me?"
You nodded yes, incapable of forming the words. It was incredible, how good his iron solid muscles felt between your legs as he locked them and relaxed them to add to your sensations. Harrison was telling the truth, you were making a mess of his jeans. 
And he absolutely loved it. 
One hand tangled on your hair, pulling your head back, dark blue eyes taking you in.
"Look at you… so beautiful, bouncing on my leg… so desperate for it…" 
You felt his gaze on your body, heavy as a physical caress. You let go of his neck to tug at his free hand. 
"Haz… touch me, please"
He didn't have much of a choice, as you place his palm over your left breast, watching in satisfaction at his slack jawed expression. You arched your back, pressing yourself harder into his touch, hips going faster. 
"I love to see you use me, princess. Is this how you gonna use my cock tomorrow?" 
You sobbed,
"Now. I want your cock now!"
He gulped, willing himself to be strong.
"No. I wanna see you make yourself come on my leg" 
You pouted. But an idea sparked inside your head.
"Fuck!" Harrison almost choked on thin air when you bunched your dress up, giving him a perfect view of the ruined little triangle of black lace you were wearing, the only thing covering your pussy as you rubbed it against his thigh. 
"You said… you wanted to see…" 
"Bad, bad girl" He admonished, squeezing your breast harder, sending another shock of pleasure to the storm already building inside your loins, making you cry out "shit, princess, are you close?" 
In an instant, he forgot all about your misbehaving, it seemed so inconsequential now that the moment he had fantasized about for so long was finally within his reach. Forgetting all about the rules he had imposed to himself, he brought his thumb into his mouth, getting it nice and wet before slipping it inside your underwear, holding it against your clit, stroking it fast as your rhythm faltered. 
"Haz!" You gasped one last time before your mouth fell open into a perfect letter o, head thrown back, eyes closing in ecstasy. He continued to rub you until your legs stopped contracting around his, helping you ride out your orgasm. 
You felt the world tilt and shift around you again, as he gathered you close and flipped you over, placing you on his bed carefully, so carefully.You felt boneless and exhausted, but forced your eyes to remain open, as Harrison placed one hand next to your head in the mattress. Breathless and dazed, you didn't need to see the rhythmical movement of his other arm in the dark to realize what he was doing. 
He sneaked a look down between your bodies, your dress still riding so high on your hips, he got a glimpse of damp lace, the single hottest thing he had ever seen. It only took him one, two, three more strokes, until you felt the warmth of his release paint your leg.
You fought it, still not ready for it to be over, but it was a losing battle, the corners of your vision turning black...
"Haz…" You breathed out, his bright indigo eyes the last thing you saw, before a sated, inebriated sleep overtook you.
You casted a glance at the empty pub around the both of you, a regretful sigh leaving your lips,
“What’s wrong, love?” Harrison’s eyes were glassy, nose a lovely shade of red. aparently you hadn’t been the only one to have a little too much to drink.
“Nothing” You confessed, shyly, words a little slurred “I just didn’t want the night to end”
Haz kissed your hand, noozling your palm,
“Yeah...me neither” He breathed out, and you could see in his eyes it was true. You bit your lip. Maybe it was the alcohol talking. Maybe come morning light you would realize it was a mistake. 
But right then, you didn’t care.
“Harrison... take me home  with you?”
That night, you dreamt about soft lips on your cheek, and true love promises whispered into your hair, sleeping in the arms of a prince that vowed to make you his the moment you woke up. 
The End?
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professorthaddeus · 3 years
Out of Sight
This is a companion piece to @io-kj-cr‘s heartbreaking fic, Decisions, an AU of 2x128 where Caleb gives himself up to Trent. Would highly recommend checking it out!
also on ao3
They let him go. 
The chips were down, they were out of options with enemies at the door, Mama and Yeza and little Luc were not going to be trapped in a building with Icky-thong, and in that moment of weakness, they let him go.
“Cad, what do you see?” Fjord, grim. Caduceus is standing at the one window in the room, chosen for his keen ability to read people to keep an eye on the exchange.
The exchange. They’re selling Caleb back to the grossest person in the Empire, to his literal lifelong tormentor, and they’re just sitting here like it’s nothing. 
“They’re not hurting him. They’re just talking.” Caduceus’ voice rumbles in a steady cadence, ever the rock in the rapids. But Jester sees how his knuckles are clenched white around his staff. 
“Is he… how does he look?”
Veth, piping up from the floor, clutching Caleb’s spellbooks to her chest. Yeza’s holding her, Luc sitting uncharacteristically still by their side. He’s got a book in his hands as well. Jester’s heart thuds painfully when she recognizes the title as a collection of Zemnian fairy tales.
“He’s standing tall.”
Of course he is. They’ve all seen Caleb file away his fears and stitch himself together in the moments that really count. They’ve also seen him shake apart immediately afterwards.
This time, none of them are going to be there to help him pick up the pieces.
“This doesn’t sit well with me,” Yasha says quietly, fingers twitching toward her swords.
“Yeah, no shit.” Beau, pacing, coiled like she’s ready to pounce. “This was such a bad plan. I say we go ahead and attack them now. They’re busy with Caleb, so we could absolutely ambush them in a pincer move, or—“
“They’re gone.”
“What do you mean, gone?” Beau rushes to the window, where Caduceus is stepping aside. He leans back against the wall, looking lost in a way Jester hasn’t seen since his first time on the sea.
“I mean he and his friends stepped into a portal and disappeared.”
Beau’s jaw tightens. “They’re not his friends.”
“I don’t know,” Fjord murmurs, though Jester knows he would definitely be fuming as well if Beau wasn’t so close to the edge right now. “They did warn us they were coming.” He holds up his hands when Beau shoots him a withering look. “It could be a good thing. They might help us get him back.”
“With or without their help, I wasn’t kidding when I said our next step was going to be a jailbreak,” she mutters.
Veth lets out a shaky breath. “And he’ll be okay until then. He just has to hold on for one night, and we’ll go get him. He’s the smartest, most capable of us all; he’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, he’s way more powerful than them,” Jester adds, automatic. Something twists in her chest.
“Sure, except he doesn’t even have his fucking spellbooks.”
For once, Veth flinches instead of snapping a retort back at Beau.
“You keep these safe for me until I return, ja?”
“I don’t like this, Cay. There has to be another way.” There’s a tremor in Veth’s hands as she takes the books.
“There isn’t, and we are running out of time. Besides, he won’t kill me. He… ah, he has said many times already he simply wishes to talk.”
Jester winces. It’s going to be a long time before she forgets the haunted look that appeared in Caleb’s eyes every time Trent’s voice slithered into his ear today.
“Be good for your mother and father,” Caleb’s saying, ruffling Luc’s hair. 
He straightens to look at the rest of them, meeting their eyes one by one. Jester can almost hear him counting in his head. 
A wall slams down over his expression as he squares his shoulders.
“I am so sorry about all this.” He continues before any of them can protest. “Thank you all.”
Jester tries not to think it sounds like a goodbye.
She shoves the image of Caleb’s pale, determined face out of her head, swallowing the building lump in her throat. The last thing she needs—the last thing Mama needs—is for her to break down right now. 
“Well,” she hedges into the silence, “he’s got like, a really good memory, you guys. Maybe he doesn’t need them. Maybe he remembers all his spells.”
“I don’t—“ Beau starts, before taking a deep breath. Yasha’s hand is slipping into hers. She softens her tone. “I don’t think that’s how it works, Jes.”
“Jester, I’m so sorry.” Mama speaks up from where she’s been sitting anxiously beside her. There’s so much regret in her face. “Your friend, he—”
“No, no, Mama, no.” She’s been so strong today, and Jester’s so, so proud of her for facing her fears, but she never should have been forced to do it. “This isn’t your fault at all. We brought them to you.”
Technically, she brought them here. Caleb can blame himself all he wants, but Jester’s the one who put a target on Nicodranas in that letter to Astrid all those months ago and the one who dropped Mama’s name into a conversation with an enemy guard just a few hours ago.
“Who… are they?”
“They’re, um.” Her voice wavers. She swallows again. “They’re bad people. Really, really bad people.”
“Oh, my Sapphire,” Mama hums, and it’s kind of crazy how those three words can sound like music from her lips. She reaches up to cup Jester’s cheek. “You and your friends are some of the most amazing people I’ve met. “And you,” she brushes her thumb gently across her skin, “are more creative than anyone in the world. You’ll find a way.”
Mama presses a kiss to the top of her head and then takes her hands. They’re smooth, warm. Jester looks down. Red and blue, just like when she was little, except now her hands can’t be fully covered by Mama’s. She’s grown up and stepped out of Mama’s arms and the sanctuary of their Chateau. Just like she always dreamed and plotted with Artie. It’s all she can do not to cry.
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right,” she manages, tries for a watery smile.
“Jester,” Yasha ventures gingerly. “Can’t you talk to him?”
She shakes her head, blinking away the blurriness. “Not until tomorrow. I don’t have the energy left to cast a spell.” 
Caduceus clears his throat. “Good.” The rest of them look to him, startled. “Now there’s nothing to do but get some sleep so we’ll be ready for tomorrow. Mr. Wensforth, can you help us set something up for the night?”
The poor goblin looks up from where he’s been wringing his hands in the corner. Jester doesn’t blame him. 
Man, Yussa’s gonna be super pissed when he wakes up to find so many people in his tower.
She can’t imagine how she’s supposed to fall asleep, but Caduceus makes her drink some tea, and eventually she feels the tension of the day seep into her bones. Before it claims her consciousness, she brings the symbol of the Traveler to her chest.
“Artie, look out for him, okay?”
In the morning, Beau and Caduceus wake her and the others, careful not to disturb Mama, Yeza, or Luc.
Jester tucks the blanket around Mama a little more securely before heading out.
They all cluster together in a smaller room off of one of the tower’s winding stairwells. Caduceus starts passing around breakfast, but she declines, sitting in the middle of the floor instead and prepping a familiar spell. 
Fjord gives her an encouraging nod, holding ten fingers up at the ready. 
She focuses on the image of her friend, on the furrow in his brow as he wields magic like a weapon, on the way his eyes crinkle when he offers one of his soft, rare smiles. She fires up Sending.
“Caleb! Are you alright? Where are you? Are you hurt? Are you in Rexxentrum? I’m sorry, I had to wait until today to Send to reach you but we’re—”
Fjord’s nudging her, signaling the end of the spell. Jester blows a strand of hair out of her face, tapping her fingers against her knee.
She waits five seconds, ten, a minute. No response.
She bites her lip. “You guys—”
Beau’s there already, tugging her into a hug as Fjord gives her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Veth lets out a muffled noise of frustration.
“He could just not be in a place where he can talk freely right now, we don’t know,” Caduceus says evenly.
“Maybe I should try Astrid?”
Beau shifts, but she doesn’t let go. “I dunno, man, I don’t trust her.”
“She loves Caleb,” Veth says, but again, none of her usual ferocity is there.
“Yeah, maybe.” Beau’s face darkens. “And now she has him back.”
Her words hang heavy in the air.
Jester shakes herself. “Look, fuck it, I’m just going to do it.” She takes a deep breath.
“Astrid,” she chirps. “Is Caleb with you? Tell him to talk to me when he can. Oh also, if any of you hurt him, we’re totally gonna find you and make sure you never—”
“That’s it, Jester.”
“You should send another one. Let her hear the end of your threat,” Yasha says, and Jester swears she can hear thunder roll beneath the mild suggestion.
Fjord cracks something resembling a smile. “As entertaining as that would be, I think—“
Jester shushes them as Astrid’s voice comes back. 
Good morning, Jester. Bren is well and unharmed. He is here with us and under no restraints or compulsion. He is home now.
Jester growls. 
“What did she say?”
“That Caleb’s okay and like, he’s home, or some total bullshit. She’s wrong, obviously.” She has to be. Jester ignores the building pressure in her chest, flicks her wrist to cast again.
“Please, tell me something, tell me anything, tell me you’re fine, or dead, but please, we need to hear from you, we need to plan our next moves and we can get you out of there as long as you just—” Fjord squeezes her hand. Stupid, stupid spell with stupid word limits.
Nothing on the other end anyway. Her eyes sting, and this time, Jester doesn’t try to stop the sob in her throat.
“I’ll keep messaging you, please Caleb, we’re scared and worried, please tell us where you are, we can fix this, we can get you back!”
Finally, finally, Caleb speaks.
I am well, Jester; returning was my decision, and I am unharmed.
He sounds so tired.
I need you all to stay away. Stay safe. I am sorry.
Silence once more.
Jester’s messages have reached across thousands of miles, over oceans and barren wastelands and enemy lines. This is the first time she’s felt the yawning distance the magic has to travel.
She swipes at her eyes, glaring through her tears. 
She knows what he’s doing. It’s what he’s always done, protect and shield and give and give and give like it’s all he’s good for. But she’s also seen him start to unfurl, seen him laugh more and trust more and take one careful step after another out of the shadows of his past. He knows he’s part of their family. They just need to help him remember what that means.
“He said something,” Veth guesses.
“Something awful and self-sacrificing?” Beau mutters. 
Jester pushes back her sleeves, and she can feel a breeze drift into the chamber, the rustle of a green cloak at her side.
“It doesn’t matter. We’re going to get him, now.”
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 8
First   Previous   Next: Nonexistent   Ao3
Ladybug dove through the portal and landed smack-dab in the middle of a massacre. Civilians lay dying in the middle of the streets and the heavy smell of iron lingered in the air. Their muted sounds of pain swirled around her as she swung through the streets towards her teammates’ trackers. Landing on a rooftop, she found herself watching as Ryuko fought the sword-themed Akuma in front of the Louvre, heart in her throat. The bright red of her costume caught the akuma’s eye, and they immediately paused and called up to her. “Ladybug! I was wondering when you would show up!” Quick as a flash, they turned and disarmed the Dragon-themed heroine, holding their sword to her neck before any of the team could even blink. Queen Bee went absolutely still, and Chat Noir and Viperion were tense with fear and rage. 
Feeling the familiar panic well up inside her, Ladybug took a steadying breath, mind racing with half-formed ideas. Through it all, a steady stream of ‘I messed up again. I’m not good enough. Why am I such a failure? Whywhywhywhywhy’ rolled through her mind on an endless loop. “Alright, Chat, I need you to cause a distraction while Queenie venoms the Akuma from behind. Viperon I need you on standby.” She spoke quickly, not giving herself room to hesitate.
Nodding at her team, she gave the signal and they split up. Chat jumped down in front of the Akuma, tossing them an easy-going grin. “Hey there! Looks like you’re having a gory-ous time!” Rolling her eyes at his puns, she watched with bated breath as Queen Bee crept around, stinger pulsing with magic and poised to attack. She raised her arm, ready to hit them in the back, when everything went to shit. 
She saw as Chat Noir’s ears perked up, and he looked towards the sky, eyes wide in panic. He opened his mouth to shout something, but whatever he said was cut off with a loud whoosh. In a blur of color, Superman swooped down from the sky, followed by Batman and Wonder Woman. Landing in front of the Akuma he shouted to Chloé: “Hey Bee girl! Get out of the way!” At his shout, the Akuma whirled to face Chloé, letting go of Ryuko and slashing at her abdomen with their sword. 
It cut her straight down the chest, and she collapsed to her knees, hands pressing to the wound, and letting out a weak wheeze as blood began to fill her lungs. Ryuko sprinted to her fallen form and kneeled at her side, grasping one blood soaked hand between hers. She whispered something quietly to the blond-haired girl before standing and turning her furious eyes on a horrified Superman. Chat and Viperion roared in anger from where they had seen it happen, the latter going to reset his bracelet. “Not again!” He turned to the other two, dread painted across his face. “That was my last Second Chance.” He whispered hoarsely. “This is it, we can’t go back anymore.” 
“How can we help?” Wonder Woman called, an apology in her tone. “Just stay out of it!” Chat snapped, glowering at Batman, who simply glared back. “You’ve done enough.” Ladybug agreed firmly. “We’ll talk after the fight.” With a yell, the four of them leaped back into the fray. Sensing their approach, they turned, bringing one fist up to punch Chat hard across the face. He flew back several feet before crashing into a wall. Spitting out blood, he stood and bared his red stained teeth in a snarl before whacking them across the stomach with his baton. 
The Akuma barely even winced, opting to bring their other hand down, sword poised to cut him in half. In a flash of silver, Ryuko was there, rapier raised to block the blow. Ladybug threw her yoyo, the cable wrapping tightly around the Akuma’s scimitar, and yanked. Arms trembling from the strain, she pulled their arm back, giving Chat and Ryuko the space to dart away. What she didn’t count on was the akuma using their sword to drag her toward them. 
Summoning a dagger, they loomed over her as she frantically struggled to untangle her yoyo. She heard the hiss as it sliced through the air, and closed her eyes, still tugging fruitlessly at the tangled cable. There was a wet thunk as it collided with something, which was accompanied by a pained grunt. Looking up, she saw Viperion clutching his thigh, the blue of his suit darkening as blood gushed out of the wound. He tried to step towards her, and collapsed as his leg buckled from the strain. 
Gritting her teeth, she glared up at the three superheroes watching from above. They decided to show up now?! And what does that do? Get three of her teammates injured, two of which were now incapitated. Or they could be dead. Her mind whispered. Shut up. She thought back, pushing the image out of her mind. She inhaled sharply and turned her attention back to the fight. Across the courtyard, the Akuma (she was naming it Stabby) had managed to catch Ryuko between the ribs, and she staggered back, hand automatically pressing to her side. Chat Noir was lying on the floor (when did that happen?), struggling to his feet as he wobbled unsteadily. “Ryuko!” She screamed, running for the heroine. As she set her gently against a pillar, the girl in question brought her mouth to her ear and whispered a weak: “Finish this.” Resting her head against the stone, the Dragon themed heroine coughed weakly, blood spilling from her lips. One hand gripped hers tightly, squeezing once before letting go. Ladybug stood, her chest tight from the force of holding back her tears. “Chat, let's regroup!” She called, before swinging up to another rooftop. He landed next to her with a soft thump, standing tall at her side. “The two of us again, M’Lady?” He asked, his breath unsteady and rattling as he exhaled. “Just like the good old days, Chat.” She responded, feeling her lips quirk up at the familiarity of their banter. “Lucky Charm!” 
As the small animal statuettes fell into her open palm, she felt an absurd idea pop into her head. “Kitty, I’m going to grab Wayzz and Trixx. You hold down the fort!” Calling on Kaalki, she quickly stepped through the glowing blue portal into her room back at Wayne Manor. Opening the Miracle Box, she grabbed the bracelet and pendant, storing them in her yoyo. Her hand hesitated over the Mouse miraculous, debating on whether or not she should take it. Trust your instincts. She recalled Master Fu telling her one day as they sat together in his massage parlor. Nodding resolutely, she grabbed the necklace and pulled it over her head, before transforming. She swayed lightly from the strain of holding three transformations and then leaped back through the still-open portal. Stepping back into Paris, she dropped the Horse and Ladybug transformation, staying as Multimouse. Turning to Chat, she whispered quietly to him. “I’m going to split and use Tikki, Wayzz, and Trixx, to cast an illusion and trap Stabby, okay? Then I need you to destroy the Akumatized object.” He nodded once, jaw clenched. 
Exchanging the glasses for the two other miraculi, she split herself into three. One of her clones clasped the green bracelet over their wrist, as another slid the fox pendant over their head. Her original self held the earrings, and upon securing their miraculi they all transformed. She gasped softly at the sudden flash of pain that spread through her body. Hearing the quiet noise, Chat Noir turned to her, eyes narrowed. “Bug, are you sure you’re okay?” Straightening her spine, the Turtle Marinette faced him with an easy grin on her face. “Of course I’m fine Chaton! Let's just get this over with!” He frowned reluctantly, still looking her over with some suspicion in his gaze. Pushing past the pain, she willed herself to stay strong as he scrutinized her. After he nodded, they immediately enacted her plan. Thankfully, Stabby fell for the illusion she had created of her and Chat hiding in an alleyway and talking, so it was easy for her to trap him and Chat in a Shell-ter. After the akumatized object (His sword, what a surprise! She thought to herself bitterly as she watched it disintegrate.) was destroyed, she quickly captured the glowing butterfly and set it free, summoning her Lucky Charm and throwing it up again with a cry of “Miraculous Ladybug!” As the glowing pink butterflies rushed through the city, healing injuries and bringing back the dead, she felt the familiar pull on her life force at the cost of saving all these people. Squaring her shoulders, she pushed past the burn of using three Miraculi and ignored the drain of the Cure. She could take the pain. She had to. 
She dropped all her transformations, leaving her in her signature Ladybug suit once more. Leaning against Chat Noir, she saw the wide eyes of the foreign superheroes as they took in the magic. “Hey.” She called to Viperion as he landed beside her. Jerking a thumb towards the three heros, she lowered her voice and asked “Think you can take care of them for a second?” At his affirming nod, she let out a relieved sigh and went to hug Ryuko and Queen Bee, who were standing to the side, holding each other tightly with their foreheads pressed together. When they heard her footsteps they stepped apart and opened their arms for her to fall into their embrace. She clutched them desperately for a long second, before letting go. “We have to deal with some outside company before we can detransform, I’m afraid.” 
Looking past her, they saw the four figures of Viperion, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman as Luka negotiated with them. They landed on the rooftop beside him, Marinette and Adrien leaning on each other (her with a hand around his waist, his arm slung over her shoulders) as Chloe and Kagami stood shoulder to shoulder with their arms brushing. Ignoring the other two heroes, Marinette turned to Wonder Woman, who bowed respectfully to her. “Holder of Creation, it is an honor to meet you.” Smiling slightly, Marinette bowed in return. “Daughter of Hippotlaya. The honor is mine.” Surveying their trio, she arched a brow as they all remained silent. “Was there a reason for this unexpected visit?” This time, it was Superman who stepped forward. Batman just stood behind him and glowered. “Yes. We wanted to see what all the fuss about Paris was.” “And now you’ve seen it.” Chloé snapped, flicking her hair over her shoulder. “So you can go back to not caring about us, thank you very much.” Wonder Woman stepped forward, hands held placatingly. “We didn’t know anything was wrong with Paris. The satellites showed us nothing was amiss, so we never checked any further.” 
“So what made you change your mind?” Luka asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion. At that, the three of them fell silent, seeming to have a silent conversation with each other. “We can’t tell you that,” Batman spoke, his voice a low, dark sound. “And why not?” Kagami challenged, arms folded across her chest defensively. “Because it could compromise my identity.” He growled, daring them to argue. “Okay back to the original topic,” Adrien interjected, “You said you were here to check on Paris, and now you did that. So unless there’s something else you want…”He trailed off, waiting for their response. “We want to help train you five as well. You’re already very powerful, we just want to help you hone your magic.” Wonder Woman answered. “We’ll think about it,” Marinette spoke, “But we definitely can’t train in Paris. Volatile emotions are easily taken advantage of.” 
“Agreed.” Superman nodded, before the three of them took off. At their departure, Marinette felt her shoulders sag in relief. The five of them said quick goodbyes before heading home. She was about to transform using Kaalki when she saw a flash of back and silver out of the corner of her eye. Sliding her gaze to the side as she put on the glasses, she nearly groaned at what she saw. She would know that black outfit and stance anywhere. The League of Assassins had finally come to meet with the Order.
@laurcad123, @liquid-luck-00
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stayextrafrosty · 3 years
When the Timing is Right
Summary: Inspired by this ficlet written by @skinsharpenedteeth. AKA: rounds one and two. Michael shows up at Alex’s house in the middle of the night, soaking wet and worried. Things happen. Lust takes control.
Warnings: Smut with very little plot. But also feelings.
Title from the song Old Wounds by PVRIS
Read on AO3 // Masterlist
What was Alex supposed to do? Michael had come to him in the middle of the night, soaking wet and panicked. Was he not supposed to pull him inside? It was too late at this point.
Alex pulled him to the bathroom as much as he could with one leg and a crutch. He grabbed a towel out of the closet, handing it to Michael. He hadn’t explained why he was so freaked out but he should probably wait until he calmed down. He hadn’t taken his eyes off him since he walked through the door.
True to his words over a year ago.
When he took the towel, Michael grabbed his wrist as well, tugging him closer. His gaze looked over him, up on down his body and over his face. Alex blushed under the intense attention.
“You’re ok?” The first words out of his mouth and Alex had to raise an eyebrow.
“Me? You’re the one who showed up at my front door,” he said gently. Michael lifted a hand to his face, fingers just brushing over his jaw and cheek before he realized what he was doing, dropping his hand immediately.
Wait. Put it back.
“Sorry, Maria called me. Said she had a vision. You were…” His voice trailed off. Alex’s heart fluttered. He had come out in the torrential rain they got a few times a year just because he was worried?
“Well I’m fine. I promise.” Michael looked away from him for the first time since he showed up. He let the towel fall open and used it to dry his hair. Alex wanted to offer to do it for him but would that be too much? “If you give me your shirt and jeans I can dry them for you. Don’t need you getting sick.” Michael smiled at him. He expected some kind of sexual joke but...
“I don’t exactly get sick, Private. Won’t get hypothermia either. But thanks for the offer.” Alex’s mouth opened again but he didn’t know how to respond. The nickname made him want to smile even though it was technically inaccurate. The silence lingered, neither knowing what to say. Michael moved first, pushing off from the counter he had been leaning on.
This movement forced them within a couple inches of each other. While they were pretty much the same height, Alex felt small. He didn’t hate the feeling. At least not when he was with Michael.
“I should go. I probably woke you up and Forrest wouldn’t like you inviting other men into your house.” He squeezed past Alex, arm brushing against his. He stared at the place he had just been standing, considering his next words.
“We broke up.” He heard his footsteps stop. Alex turned and leaned against the edge of the door, watching him.
“I’m sorry,” he said, without turning to face him.
“It was mutual. We were better as friends.” This was the truth. Forrest was great but they just didn’t have the spark.
Alex walked slowly toward Michael, like he would scare him away with sudden movements. He touched his arm gently, startling him. Though he never moved away.
“Come on. Let me dry your clothes. It’s the least I could do after you drove over here.” Lightning flashed outside, followed by a crack of thunder. Michael was suddenly facing him, a light blush on his face. Alex had to stop himself from snickering. Not that it lasted long before he had to swallow it to keep himself under control.
Michael watched him the entire time he pulled his shirt over his head, exposing tan skin and a trail of hair that led down his stomach, disappearing into his jeans. It was probably a couple seconds at most but suddenly he was parched. Like he had been stranded in the desert for days.
“Gunna watch me the whole time, Manes?” Alex jumped and turned his head away. The heat rushing to his face at being called out. He heard him chuckle. The clinking of his belt had goosebumps rising on his skin.
Michael kicked off his shoes and pulled his pants off, haphazardly folding them along with his shirt. He stuck his belt inside one of his shoes so he wouldn’t forget it later. Alex kept his eyes cast down as he took his clothes, moving to the laundry room. He tossed the damp things in the dryer alone, setting the temperature to low on the off chance they would shrink.
When he made it back to Michael, he had completely forgotten he would be mostly naked. Alex could feel himself harden at the sight of him just standing in his house in nothing but underwear.
“Here, I’ll loan you some sweats for now,” he said, hurrying as much as he could past him toward his room. He did the best he could to focus on pulling his navy Airforce sweats from the drawer. He ignored the fact that Michael was behind him. Far enough to be considered respectable but it wasn’t nearly… close enough. Wait. No. Far enough.
“Alex.” His name passing his lips was enough to send shivers down his spine. He was far closer than he thought. The heat that radiated from Michael was reaching his back. “What is it?” His breath tickled the back of his neck. The low rumble from the back of his throat signaled that Alex wasn’t the only one feeling… warm.
He shut the drawer without pulling out clothes. He turned to face him, letting his gaze wander over his shoulders and chest and down to the obvious bulge. He heard Michael’s breath hitch and Alex met his eyes again.
“Forrest and I broke up… because he knew I wanted someone else.” A smiled twitched up at the corners of his mouth. Alex straightened his shoulders. “And if you’ll have me…”
Michael trapped him against the dresser. The smell of rain that he had been ignoring since he walked in, washed over him. The rain pounded outside just as hard as his heart in his chest.
“Alex, I would have to be dead to not want you,” he mumbled, inching his face closer. He sucked in a breath, his senses overwhelming him. He wanted to feel him again. It’s been so long.
Alex reached out, fingers brushing over Michael’s collarbone before resting his whole hand over his chest. Michael released a breath as though he was relieved. The tension melted from his body.
Their lips pressed together, earning a groan from both of them. Michael’s hands rested on his hips, fingers sneaking under the t-shirt he had pulled on before answering the door. Their lips slipped over each other. Michael nipped at his bottom lip and Alex tugged him closer, his one available hand tangling in his hair.
“Bed,” he breathed out. If he didn’t need to stand this would work so much better. Michael pulled back for a moment, grin settling on his face. He shook his head.
“Better idea. Do you trust me?” Alex nodded quickly. There was no one he trusted more. Michael kissed him again. His hands moved to run over his ass, where they only paused to squeeze once before moving to the back of his thighs. Alex felt the tingle of something and then he was lifted off the ground, almost effortlessly.
Michael set him down on his dresser, pushing his legs apart and standing between them. Alex looked down at him now. He allowed Michael to take his crutch from him, setting it gently to the side. He was now free to run both of his hands all over the cowboy. At least what he could reach.
He leaned in to kiss him again, tongue slipping into him mouth. Alex sighed happily. Michael had this spice about him. He used to think it was the alcohol but no, it was just him. As unique as the way he smelled.
His hands rubbed his thighs, squeezing occasionally, as though he was giving him a massage. He inched closer to the bulge in his sweats with every rub. Alex whimpered against his lips, making him smirk.
Michael stopped rubbing in favor of slipping his fingers into the waistband of his pants. He tugged them down a bit, needing Alex’s help to pull them all the way off. Alex released his shoulders to hold himself up while he worked them off.
He didn’t stop at just his pants. His underwear came with and was quickly tossed to the side. Alex flushed at suddenly being exposed. He tried to pull Michael in for another kiss but he had other ideas.
He leaned down, pushing his legs apart gently, and took the head of his cock into his mouth. He moaned at the hot wet feeling, needing to grip the edge of the dresser. Michael’s mouth worked down his shaft torturously slow.
“Do you know how much I’ve missed the taste of you,” he said, releasing him for a moment. A small groan slipped out and Alex tangled his fingers into those beautiful curls.
“Show me,” he said. Michael didn’t need to be told again. His mouth wrapped around him once more, though moving faster this time. Alex dug his fingers into his scalp and pulled, though he didn’t seem to mind. His tongue wrapped around the head of his cock.
“Holy fuck, Michael…” His hips rolled and hands pulled, forcing his cock to the back of his throat. He groaned around him, the vibrations making his hips roll again. He had to be in heaven. It was the only explanation.
He continued until Alex had to pull him off. Hauling him up and crushing their mouths together, eager to taste himself on Michael’s tongue. He shoved his hands up his t-shirt, forcing them to separate to toss it somewhere in the room.
Michael pulled him as close as possible but it wasn’t enough anymore. Alex felt the fuzzy tingle again as he wrapped his legs around his waist. Their mouths never separated as he moved them to Alex’s bed. He was dropped gently and Michael was on top of him again. He kissed his way over his jaw and nipped at his earlobe.
Michael pressed his hips against Alex’s. He moaned at the contact but with his underwear still in place, it wasn’t enough. Alex grabbed the waistband and shoved them down. He kicked them off before rubbing against him again.
His lips were on his neck and he could feel his mouth drop open as Alex grabbed both of their cocks, holding them together. He rubbed them slowly, reveling in the feeling Michael sucking bruises into his skin. He didn’t even care that they were in obviously visible spots.
“Michael,” he moaned as another bruise was sucked onto his collarbone. “I need more,” he whimpered.
“Anything you want baby. Anything.” Alex pulled him into another hot kiss before directing him to the lube in the bottom drawer of the nightstand. He pulled it out quickly, setting it next to them on the bed.
Michael kissed down his body, making Alex leak precum. He wrapped his mouth around his cock for a moment but moved on quickly. He gently pushed his legs apart and up, giving him better access.
“Do you want me here,” he asked, low and seductive. His fingers traced around his hole, making Alex tense up. The grin on his face said he knew the answer but wanted to hear it anyway.
“Yes. God, please,” he breathed out.
“I’m not technically a God you know,” he teased back. Alex rolled his eyes but pressed against the fingers that taunted him.
Michael chuckled and kissed the backs of his thighs. He trailed his lips to his ass, swiping his tongue over his entrance and pressing a finger inside him slowly. Alex groaned and only wished he had known to get himself ready earlier. He didn’t want to wait but it seemed Michael was determined to take his time.
His finger moved slowly in and out of him, serving to only work him up rather than prepare him. His tongue teased around the outside, urging him to relax. Little moans slipped out of his mouth, urging Michael to give him more.
His second finger pushed in with the second, making Alex’s back arch off the bed slightly.  It burned but damn if he didn’t want more of it. He tried to rock against his fingers but Michael kept his movements steady and annoyingly slow.
“Please, Michael. Faster,” he begged. Evidently that’s all he was waiting for. He heard him curse before grabbing the lube and flicking the cap open. He pulled his fingers out only to coat them before pushing the two back in. They slipped in easily and Alex groaned. The lube was cool and the contrast of Michael’s hot skin and fingers made his cock twitch, aching for release.
“I fucking love the way you respond to every little thing. You’re so fucking beautiful. Perfect,” he mumbled as he pressed kisses to his legs and hips. His fingers moved faster inside him now, pressing against his walls. Alex shook as a third finger teased his hole. He cursed under his breath as it pushed in with the other two, stretching him open.
Michael pressed against his prostate, moans tumbling out of his mouth. He wanted to say something. Anything. But he could hardly form a coherent thought as he fucked him with his fingers. He could feel the cliff rushing closer and he wanted nothing more than to fall over it.
He was close. So fucking close and…
Michael was kissing him again. His fingers scissored a few times before being pulled out. Alex groaned, reaching for his hand.
“So good for me. You ready baby?” Alex met his eyes before looking down at where Michael stroked himself, coating his cock in lube.
“Fuck yes. I need you in me.”
Michael smiled and kissed him again. He pressed the head against him, making them both moan. He pushed in slowly, rocking his hips, pushing farther with every forward motion. Alex wrapped his arms around his neck, scratching at his back. He groaned and his hips jerked forward, pushing him in farther.
Alex whimpered but not in pain. He tried to pull him in by wrapping his legs around his waist.
“I’m ok. Come on and fuck me like you want to,” he encouraged not so gently. Alex nipped at the skin on his jaw. Michael groaned, twisting his fingers into the sheets.
“You want to feel me tomorrow? Fine. You asked for it.”
He shoved himself the rest of the way in and Alex wanted to praise whatever god there was. The burn of the stretching was fully welcomed and he pressed against Michael as much as he could. He stayed still for a second, feeling Alex wrapped around him.
“Fuck, Alex. So fucking perfect.”
With that he pulled back and thrust forward roughly. They both groaned and he repeated the motion, getting faster and harder with each thrust. Alex’s hands on his back dug into the muscles, sweat making them slide over the skin easily.
The cliff was rushing toward him again and there was no stopping it this time. Michael fucked into him, angling his hips to hit his prostate. Their foreheads pressed together as they panted, breathing in the other with every moan.
“I’m gunna come. Don’t stop,” he ordered. Michael just gave him a breathy laugh and moved faster. He reached down, wrapping his hand around his cock, jerking him off.
“Come on baby,” he encouraged. Their moans got louder and the rhythm was off and he could feel Michael throbbing inside him.
Alex’s back arched as he yanked Michael against him. Cum covered them, smeared over their stomachs and Michael’s hand. His hips stuttered and he could feel Michael reaching his own orgasm, not bothering to pull out.
He collapsed on top of Alex, not caring about the mess he had made between them. They panted as Michael pressed light kisses to his neck. Alex traced absentminded designs over his back.
Eventually Michael rolled off and to the side, grabbing a few tissues to clean them both off. He tossed the tissues into the nearby wastebasket and turned toward him again. Alex chuckled as he was pulled against him, back to his chest and arms wrapped around his waist. Michael nuzzled his shoulder.
“What is it,” he asked?
“I love you.” Alex’s heart skipped a beat and a smiled broke out on his face. He turned in his arms, bringing his hands up to hold Michael’s face.
“Say it again?” A sweet smile made his eyes light up.
“I love you, Alex.”
“I love you too, Michael.” He ran his hand back through his hair, pulling him in for a gentle and lazy kiss. They just laid like that for a while, kissing and touching. They traced old paths their hands had taken so many times before.
At some point, Alex felt Michael getting hard again. He couldn’t help but laugh. How had he never noticed he was an alien before? His refractory period was almost nonexistent.
“Already?” he teased. Michael nipped at him.
“Not my fault you’re so sexy. Sue me for wanting as much of you as I can get.” His own cock twitched half-heartedly, not quite ready for round two. But if he needed this, then Alex was happy to provide.
He pushed Michael until he was on his back. Alex maneuvered so he sat on top of his thighs. Michael watched with interest, allowing him to lead him wherever. Alex finally took the time to check him out properly.
He let his fingers scratch his chest through the smattering of hair. He could have drooled at the way his muscles tensed and relaxed under his touch. Alex licked his lips and Michael’s eyes focused on the movement. He grinned and leaned down, pressing kisses to the places his fingers just touched.
Michael sighed in content, lifting his hands to run through Alex’s hair. He could feel his cock fully hard between them. Michael never rushed him, just enjoying the attention he was giving. Alex moved down slowly, kissing everywhere that he knew was sensitive. Small moans and sighs encouraged him and stoked the flames of his own desire.
He nipped at the junction of his hip and leg, loving the groan it earned him. He looked up at Michael as he nudged his cock, running his lips over it lightly. He cursed and his fingers tightened in his hair.
Alex smiled and refocused his attention on the beautiful cock. He kissed up and down the shaft, letting his tongue touch every other kiss. Michael’s breathing was ragged as he tried to control himself. His fingers in Alex’s hair trembled and occasionally squeezed, but never too hard.
He finally took his head into his mouth, licking up the precum that had formed. Michael moaned loudly, keeping his hips as still as possible. Alex moved up and down slowly but it didn’t last long before Michael had sat up and pulled him back to kiss him.
“Did you not like it,” he questioned, worried.
“I did like it. But if I don’t get back inside you I might lose my mind. I promised you would feel me tomorrow, didn’t I?” The smirk on his face had his own cock springing to life again. Michaels hands ran down his back and stopped on his ass. He squeezed and pulled the cheeks apart, letting a flinger run over the hole again.
Alex shuddered and leaned down to press kisses to his neck. If Michael was going to mark him up, then he would do the same. He bit and sucked at the pulse point, getting more curses and moans. Michael tugged his hips forward, lining himself up again.
He grabbed the bottle of lube, adding a little more just in case. He probably didn’t need it, considering cum still leaked out of his ass from the first time. He angled his hips and pulled him down, slipping back inside him with ease.
Alex rocked his hips, picking up a rhythm with guidance from Michael’s hands on him. Alex wrapped his arms around his shoulders, hugging him and burying his face in his neck. He moaned against his skin, trying to pick up the pace. It didn’t exactly work in this position.
“Someone’s needy already,” Michael teased. Alex didn’t even bother to argue. He pulled back to look him in the eyes, keeping the pace of his hips.
“Of course I am. You do that to me. No one has ever fucked me quite like you,” he said. Michael groaned in response.
“Damnit Alex,” he mumbled before jerking his hips up to meet his thrusts. Alex moaned in response, letting his head roll back in bliss. Suddenly, Michael was pulling out. Alex was going to question but he spoke first. “Hands and knees,” he ordered.
Alex moved as fast as he could, positioning himself with his ass up in the air in front of Michael who groaned at the sight. His hands ran over his back and ass before pushing back into him. They both moaned. This had always been a favorite position for them.
Alex could feel him pressing against the spot and his fingers gripped the sheets. He could feel Michael leaning over him so that he was pressed against his back. His hips started grinding forward, hitting deeper and harder than before.
“Oh fuck,” Alex breathed. Michael chuckled and pressed kisses to the top of his spine. One of his hands reached around, grabbing his cock and stroking him in time with his thrusts. His head fell forward to rest against his arms.
“You have no idea how amazing you feel,” Michael said in between moans.
“Believe me, the feeling is mutual,” Alex teased back, breathless. He heard him chuckle.
“Oh? Well then let me make sure I don’t disappoint,” he said, an evil tone in his voice. If Alex could see him, he was sure there would be a smirk on his face.
He gave one last kiss to the back of his neck before rising up, releasing his cock and running his hands over his back before resting on his hips. His fingers dug into the soft muscle and he was yanked back against him, cock hitting every nerve.
His mouth fell open, incoherent sounds fumbling out. Michael was merciless, as though he was trying to imprint the shape of him in his body. Not that he minded at all. He heard his lover’s moans, the sounds only fueling his need.
His orgasm was building fast and his legs were shaking. The repeated assault on the spot had him spreading his legs, looking for any way to let him go deeper. His thrusts, hard and fast, had him leaking all over the sheets that he would need to wash before sleeping in them.
The muscles in his back tensed and fingers twisted into the fabric. He moaned with every jerk of his hips. The sweat dripped down his back.
“So… Close…” he managed to get out between the moans.
“Cum again for me, baby.” Alex saw stars when he changed the angle of his hips again.
The world faded away. The only thing he felt was Michael. His hands on his hips and back. His dick buried deep inside him.
He released with a strangled moan, white painting the dark sheets. His whole body shook as Michael fucked him through it, his own thrusts becoming erratic. Then he was coming too, filling him again.
Alex would absolutely feel this tomorrow.
Michael pressed more kisses to his back as he pulled out slowly. He grabbed the box of tissues again, cleaning up before Alex even had the energy to move from his position. He lifted his head to look at Michael, who just smiled at him. Actually, it was more like he was beaming.
Alex’s heart fluttered seeing that kind of smile and knowing it was because of him. He crawled toward him, pushing him back so he would lay and the pillow. He then proceeded to curl up against his sit, using his arm and shoulder as a pillow. Michael chuckled.
“I don’t know how I got this lucky. Even after being so stupid.” Alex nuzzled against him.
“We can talk about it tomorrow. I need to rest.” He felt Michael press a kiss to his head before wrapping his arms around him.
“OK, I’ll give you a break before the next one,” he teased. Alex just shook his head, laughing. They both ended up dozing off. At least until Alex felt the sweet touches, waking him again.
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scribbles97 · 3 years
If You Don’t Try...
... You’ll Never Know.
Just some fluff between Jeff and Virgil. Thank you once again @gumnut-logic for the kick start I needed with this one and for your endless support <3
Jeff wasn’t sure what he had expected to come back to. He knew the boys had well and truly committed themselves to the cause of International Rescue, but he had never anticipated just how that would impact on the other aspects of their lives. 
It bothered him that Gordon seemed to be the only one of the five that seemed to have some form of established relationship. 
Not that that was a problem, but it was Gordon, the son he had always expected to be least likely to settle down and the most happy to just play the field. 
He could, however, guess at another relationship in the making. He just wasn’t sure if Virgil himself had realised it yet. 
Oh yes, he’d seen it in those brief moments back on the Island. The clear fear in his son’s brown eyes as they had learned of what the so-called Chaos Crew had done to Brains’ lab, followed by a clear angry dip of his brow. Alone it might not have been so much of a clue, Jeff could have easily put it down as a normal reaction to terrorists invading one's home. 
Except, then she had approached him, and Jeff knew his sight was off but he still didn’t miss the way her hand had reached out to brush his and the way the fear and anger had just evaporated from his son’s features. 
There had of course been other little actions that perhaps he hadn’t been meant to see, the briefest of glances across a room, the automatic shift of one when the other entered, and the telling smiles that neither seemed able to help. 
As far as he was concerned, it was a textbook romance. 
Yet, it seemed as if nobody else were aware of it. 
Nobody ever spoke of the couple together, none of them commented on how it had come about, there wasn’t even a jibe from Gordon. 
“Hey,” Virgil had greeted as he slipped into the hospital room, “Sorry I’m late, the parts for Two weren’t ready when I got to the depo so I had to wait for a while.” 
Jeff waved him off, shifting to sit up more in the bed, muscles protesting against the pull of gravity. 
“Nothing major needing fixing I hope?” 
“No,” Virgil shook his head, pulling the armchair around to face him before taking a seat, “Just some components for the thrusters that we anticipated would need replacing, they’ve already been fitted, these are just for spares.”
It didn’t surprise him in the slightest that the boys had kept on top of maintenance and improvements for their respective ships. To each of them their ships were like an extra limb, something they all knew by heart inside and out. He’d been there once, had known every intimate detail of them all, but that would no doubt be something else he would have to relearn. 
“Good,” He nodded quietly in approval, “And everyone alright at home?”
“Uh huh.” Virgil nodded, distracted briefly by his phone, smiling softly at whatever was on the screen. 
Jeff saw his moment, “Is that Tanusha checking in?”
Deer in headlights sprang to mind as Virgil looked up, the brown of his eyes wide as his mouth gaped slightly, clearly trying to find some rebuttal or excuse. 
He couldn’t help but chuckle at the look, everything he had been suspicious about finally confirmed. 
“You’re dating?” 
Shoving his phone back in his pocket, Virgil sighed. Leaning back in the seat, he shrugged, the fear fading into something much more childlike and unsure. 
“Not yet.” He admitted quietly with a small shrug, “I mean, we haven’t really had chance to talk about it with everything going on.” 
It was understandable, Jeff nodded, it wasn’t every day that a family member came back from the dead. That alone was enough for anyone to have to take in without the added complication of falling in love. 
“I do love her,” Virgil continued, voice soft, almost as if he were afraid of being heard, “And I think she loves me. But we’re--”
He didn’t need to hear the end of the sentence to know what was coming. 
“You grew up together.” He cut in before his son could finish. 
The way his son’s face twisted suggested he’d thought about that fact long and hard. 
“So you don’t think it’s weird?” Virgil asked, “Because, come on Dad, she basically is like a sister.”
There was something in his tone, in the way that his smile seemed tight and didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
“Are you expecting me to be mad or something?” He guessed. 
An unsure shrug as the man shrunk in on himself. 
“Virgil,” He sighed, wishing everything wasn’t so heavy, that it was easier to get up and hug his son, “I’m not here to tell you who you can and can’t fall in love with. Trust an old man when he tells you, that’s not even something you can control.”
“It’s weird though, isn’t it?” Virgil persisted, shifting forward in his seat, shoulders still hunched protectively around himself, “Me and her?”
It was years of bringing up five boys that clued him in to the knowledge that his worry lay in more than just his father’s thoughts on the matter. 
“Who said something?”
The scoff was soft as he looked down, but it was definitely there, answering the question before Virgil even had to speak. 
“He didn’t know at the time,” He murmured, playing with a threat on the end of his shirt cuff, “Gordon was saying it to Alan after Kay had knocked him back one time.”
Filing the information away for later, and making a mental note to check in on Alan, Jeff tilted his head slightly. 
“So does Gordon still think it’s weird?”
Something about the question drew a smile to Virgil’s face, his eyes clearly distant with thought as he slowly shook his head.
“No, he found out about us and took it all back. Though I’m not sure if he’s just scared of what Kay would do to him if he did say something.” 
Leaning back again, Jeff chuckled, “I’d definitely make sure to use that to your advantage in the future.”
He couldn’t help but notice the hint of smugness in Virgil’s smile as he looked up, the dangerous glint in his eye comparable to Gordon’s as he nodded a confirmation. 
“But anyway,” He waved his hand at him, not allowing the actual matter to be distracted from, “If your brothers are okay with it, why are you still bothered by it?”
There was a good guess in the front of his mind, but he needed the confirmation. 
It was no good trying to fix something based on assumptions. 
“Because,” Virgil sighed, flopping back in the seat again, “If that was Gordon’s first thought about it, then who else is going to think the same? It’s not like we’re a normal family living a normal life. Sooner or later the press will get wind of this and will probably have a field day.” 
Being in the public eye and being a people pleaser had always been a worry for Jeff when it came to some of his son’s. Virgil himself was a quiet person, much preferring to stay out of the public eye unlike some of his bolder brothers. He was also a peace keeper, someone that wanted to make everybody happy. 
It hadn’t been until those long years in the Oort cloud that Jeff had started to question himself and his own selfishness. He should have known his son well enough, should have recognised that by simply asking Virgil to be a part of International Rescue he had trapped his son into the role. There were few times when his son had done anything other than what he had asked of him. 
That wasn’t the moment for such self-flagellation though, apologies for that could wait. 
“Do you think that would affect your relationship with Tanusha?”
He visibly stumbled, blinking wide eyed up at him as his brain caught up to the question. 
“She knows that we live in the public eye.”
Shaking his head, Jeff smiled softly, “That’s not what I asked, son.” 
He could see the thoughts processing, the question of why anyone other than the two in the relationship should have a say in it, of why such comments and judgement from small minded people should change how two people in love felt about each other, of why the pair of them couldn’t make it work regardless. 
He saw the moment that Virgil came up blank. 
“We’d still love each other.” 
Smiling, Jeff nodded, “Exactly. Nobody else gets a say in that son, not Gordon, not me, and most certainly not the small minded gnats that make up the world news.”
He wished he was in reaching distance, that he could reach out and squeeze his shoulder, give him a hug or something. 
“If you both make each other happy, that’s the most important thing.”
Even with eyes still adjusting to being back on earth, he could see the tears welling as Virgil stood. Straightening as best he could, he held an arm out, signalling for his son to cross the small gap. 
“Thanks Dad.” He murmured as he rested his forehead against Jeff’s shoulder, “I really needed to hear that.” 
Smiling to himself, he held on as tight as he could, “I’ve got your back kid, focus on yourself for a while, everyone else can come second for a change.”
He might have been gone for a while, and many, many things may have changed, but he was fairly sure that love still worked the same as it always had.
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golden-babbles · 3 years
A Taste of Strength
Pro Hero!Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Pro Hero!reader
Warnings: Straight up smut. 18+ ONLY!!! Sorta mutual pining, slight voyeurism, oral sex (both male/fem), vaginal fingering, a little body worship, I guess? Muscle kink, unprotected sex, light choking, hair pulling
Summary: You ask Bakugo to help you develop your workout routine. Surprisingly enough, he actually has a flirtatious side to him. And he doesn’t seem to be bothered in the slightest by your threats.
Inspiration: Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer, Beast by Mia Martina, You've Seen the Butcher by Deftones (aka snippets of my workout playlist lol)
Word Count: 7k, damn. Got a little carried away here 
A/N: This is my submission for @butterscotchbaku‘s 1k “New Year, New Kink” event! Congrats again, baby. You deserve all the love and kisses. Let's gooooooo. Unintentionally added some good workout advice to this lmao. Might need more editing, I’ll check tomorrow.
Your pencil wiggled back and forth between your fingers as you leaned one elbow against the long conference table, your swivel chair turned to face your boss, who stood at one end of the table with a PowerPoint. You listened to Mirko drone on about recent villain appearances, the importance of avoiding property damage, and some other subjects that you had long tuned out. The lack of new information had you bored, listening to the same spiel you got at the end of every day, and instead you found your mind wandering. 
Your position in the chair behind his allowed you a perfect view of Katsuki Bakugo's toned shoulders and flexed bicep, your eyes tracing the muscle down to where his elbow rested against the table and following his forearm to where his fingers absent-mindedly played with his bottom lip, squeezing and pulling. It seemed to be a habit of his, demonstrating that he had also lost interest, while still quietly listening to what Mirko had to say. 
Your eyes glued to his lips as you watched his movements. They seemed so soft and plush, and you could just imagine them against yours, and pressing into your skin, travelling down your stomach, until-
"Rumble." At the sound of your hero name, your attention snapped back to Mirko briefly, the pencil flung from your hand in surprise. Then your eyes went wide as you saw it lightly smack against Bakugo's cheek before falling to the floor. He turned to growl at you, eyebrows drawn down into a scowl, but was quickly stopped by a quick "Can it, Dynamight," from your boss. 
You looked back to your Mirko and blushed at her knowing gaze. She chose not to call you out on your mental remoteness. "You two have been patrolling together for almost a month now," she gestured between you and Bakugo. "Anything the team should know?" 
You shook your head and Bakugo crossed his arms in irritation as you said, "Our sector's been pretty empty. Just a few petty robbers here and there, but nothing noteworthy." 
Mirko nodded and moved on to the next team's reports. Most were much the same as yours, with a few reporting some suspicious activities that had been passed on to the police force. You continued to watch Bakugo as the meeting went on, secretly pining and plotting ways to get him to spend time with you outside of your job. Your eyes glanced between his biceps and yours and an idea sparks in your mind as the meeting ended and people began to file out until it was just you and Bakugo left in the room, both of you gathering your equally detailed notes. 
"Hey, Bakugo?" He grunted and cut his eyes to yours, and you took it as a signal to continue. "Could I ask you a favor?"
"Depends. What do you want?" He eyes you warily, obviously curious as to what you could possibly want from him. 
"Would you, um, help me with my workouts? I've been trying to get into more weight training, but…" Your hand came up to scratch behind your neck nervously. "I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to that stuff, and I know you work out a lot, so if you'd be willing, I would love some pointers." You raised your gaze back up to meet his crimson gaze.
He shrugged and went back to gathering his things. "Sure, whatever, I guess." 
You grinned and slung your bag over your shoulder. "Awesome, I'll text you to plan." He grunted again in response, and your grin stayed plastered on your face for the whole walk to your car. 
A few days later, you and Bakugo had a day off and had agreed to meet at the agency's gym. You wore a black cropped tank top over your favorite sports bra and short shorts, showing off your body as you walked into the state of the art facility that Mirko had designed herself. You carried your duffel bag to the locker room and deposited it into a locker before heading back out into the gym, assuming you'd find Bakugo near the weightlifting equipment.
It was easy to spot the spiky blonde standing beside a rack full of different free weights, since the gym wasn't very crowded anyway. He looked scrumptious in a black compression tank that showed off the muscles in his chest and abdomen and dark grey shorts that stopped just above his knees, giving you a peak at his well-defined thighs. You had to resist the urge to lick your lips as his head lifted and he noticed you walking toward him.  
You smirked as you watched his eyes widen in surprise, then rake over your exposed skin. Unlike most female heroes, your hero costume was actually quite modest, consisting of black cargo pants and a tight-fitting v-neck muscle tank, along with your support items. It gave you plenty of mobility, an important necessity for your quirk, which allowed you to manipulate any materials derived from earth. You were often compared to the earthbenders from Avatar: The Last Airbender, and you would be lying if you said you hadn't stolen some of your moves from Toph. 
Since your costume kept you so well covered, you realized that this was the first time that Bakugo had ever seen so much of your body, and you could almost swear you saw the tips of his ears flush pink as he turned away from you with a huff. 
"What do you want to start with?" He asked gruffly, opting to face the weight rack instead of facing you. 
"I was thinking I'd like to focus on my arms and shoulders, since that's where most of my focus is when I'm using my quirk." You began to stretch your arms and shoulders as you listened for his response, your music still thumping quietly in one ear. 
"That's fine for today, but your legs are vital too, since they provide the base for your movements. Most of your moves force you to lunge and squat, and sometimes hold those positions, so your leg strength is just as important." He lifted a set of 50 pound dumbbells off the rack and set them aside, presumably for himself, then looked up to meet your wide eyes.
"You really pay that much attention to my moves?" You continued to stretch, but your face showed very clear surprise, and this time you were certain that you saw a blush painted on his cheeks as he turned away from you once more. 
"Yeah, well, you're my partner, so…" he trailed off and your eyebrows creased in confusion as he picked up a pair of 70 pound dumbbells and set them beside the 50s. 
"Okay, I hope those are both for you." You gestured to the two pairs of dumbbells now sitting on the bench and he shook his head. 
"Nope, you're taking the 50s. We're starting with shrugs. I'll show you." He easily lifts the 50 pound weights and hands them off to you, checking to make sure that you have a good grip on them before shifting to your side to teach you the exercise.
"I've done shrugs before, I know how to work my traps." You rolled your eyes, prepared for mansplaining. 
"I'm sure, I just want to make sure that you're doing them correctly, so that you don't hurt yourself." He was surprisingly polite and delightfully physical as he explained how to position your head and neck to avoid strain on your spine. He moved behind you and gripped your biceps as he explained the movement, going over how you should lift your shoulders slowly, squeeze your traps at the top, and then slowly release back to your starting position, bending your arms slightly to counteract your shoulders' forward motion and avoiding rolling your shoulders on the release. 
Your heartbeat quickened as he touched you with calloused hands, and you found it difficult to pay attention to what he was saying, but it seemed that he was satisfied with your performance when he stepped back around your body to face you once more. 
"Got it?" He asked. "Those weights should be just right for you for this, but do you feel any strain in your shoulders?" 
You shook your head. "No, I'm just used to working with low weight, high reps." 
"Low weight, high reps is good for muscular endurance, but high weight, low reps is good for muscular strength. We're focusing on the latter for now." You were shocked at how patient he was being and how he explained things to you so calmly, completely contrary to the Bakugo that you were used to.
"Thanks again for helping me out. I really appreciate it." 
He grunted and his usual scowl returned to his face. "It's nothing."
You had been meeting with Bakugo for weight training fairly regularly for a few weeks now, alternating between muscle groups to avoid being too sore on the job and making sure to cover different strength and endurance exercises to optimize your workouts. 
Today, you were finishing up your workout with a set of bench presses, sweat dripping down your forehead as your arms bent, then straightened, your movements growing a little sluggish with exertion. You were glad to have Bakugo standing over you, hands outstretched and ready to catch the bar if your muscles failed you. 
"One more, c'mon. Don't be weak." You scoffed as you pressed out one more rep, then sighed in relief as he helped you guide the bar into the pegs it rested on, taking a few deep breaths as you laid on the bench before you sat up. 
"Weak, my ass. This is the most I've lifted since we started." You grinned to yourself at the accomplishment and stood, coming face to face with a smirking Bakugo. 
"I know that ass isn't weak, we've worked glutes too." You squeaked when his hand tapped your asscheek lightly as he passed you, grabbing more weights to add to the bar. "Don't insult my personal training, I'm the best trainer around."
You rolled your eyes and scoffed at his ever-present arrogance, thinking that you shouldn't be surprised at how cocky and bold he'd been in the few weeks that the two of you had been working out together, surprising you with a flirtatious side that you hadn't expected him to have. He had slowly slipped from gruff and standoffish to flirty and bold.
"Whatever, just lay down and finish this set so I can shower, then  go home and take a bubble bath." You took up the position he had been in earlier, your legs spread and ready to squat, knowing that it would take you more effort to catch the weight that he was lifting. 
This time it was his turn to scoff. "I don't take orders from you, princess." But he hefted the weight bar anyway, and you followed it with a squat as you spotted him, legs straightening when he pressed up. 
"You know, I really don't mind this view." Your eyes darted down to his face, eyebrows narrowing as you glared at him, finding him blatantly staring at your chest as you squatted down again, following the bar. 
"Don't be crass, Katsuki." You chided, and he snickered. 
"I told you, I don't take orders from you." His statement made you roll your eyes, but you said nothing in return. "Anyway, you're lucky you get to shower. Men's showers aren't working right now. Someone punched a hole in the wall and busted one of the pipes or something." 
He easily continued his reps while carrying on a conversation with you and you found yourself frustrated that he didn't seem to be working as hard as you were. You chose to channel your irritation into teasing him, and grinned sadistically at the prospect. 
"Are you sure you aren't the one that punched through the wall?" He scoffed at your question, but didn't seem to have anything to say about it. "Well, that's good to know. I'll be able to take a nice, hot, steamy shower after this, and you're stuck in your sweat until you get home. Sucks to suck." 
He grunted at you as he finished his last rep, and your hands grabbed the bar to help him guide it back onto its pegs. He sat up and swing his left leg over the bench so that he was sitting sideways on the firm cushions, and turned his head to look at you. The smirk on his face let you know to be prepared to roll your eyes. 
"You could always let me join you. There's no one else here but us." His hand stretched out in a sweeping gesture, and your eyes glanced around the gym to see that the two of you were, indeed, the only ones left in the gym. Not necessarily a surprising fact, considering that it was nearing 9 pm. You rolled your eyes anyway. 
"In your dreams, blasty boi." You muttered. 
He held his smirk as you moved to one side of the bar as he took up the other, the two of you removing the weighted plates and returning them to the storage racks. As he walked over to the wall to grab a wipe for the bench, you turned toward the women's locker room and brought your hand up in a wave. 
"G'night, Bakugo." Then you turned to look at him over your shoulder, with hooded eyes and a mocking flirt in your tone. "Join me in the showers if you want a swift kick in the balls." 
You heard him snickering behind you as he wiped off the bench, and you shook your arms out and did some light stretches as you made your way to the locker rooms. 
Once you stepped inside the locker room, you sighed, and smacked your palm to your forehead in frustration. Dammit, y/n, if only you could be bold enough to actually invite him to shower with you. The two of you have been flirting for weeks now, clearly you both want it. Why didn't you take that opportunity? 
You puffed out your cheeks in an exhale as you brought your hand down and moved to the locker you had stuffed your bag into, grabbing your soap and a towel, then making your way to one of the shower stalls. You didn't bother to close the door behind you as you turned the water on and hummed, waiting for it to warm up before you stepped underneath the stream. 
~Bakugo’s POV~
Bakugo watched you walk away as he continued to wipe down the bench, eyes focused on the way your ass filled out your shorts, and watching your calves flex with each step you took. He dropped the wipe he had been using in a trash can as he made his way toward the men's locker room, which was on the same wall as the women's, just a bit further down. 
He contemplated as he went. Was that an invitation? I mean, sure, she said it came with a price, but she didn't seem to be opposed to the idea or anything. After all the flirting she's been sending my way? This thought brought another of his trademark smirks to his lips. Tch, who am I kidding. Of course she'd want to be with me! I'm the best! And so is she. 
Bakugo's pace picked up as he made his decision, quickly grabbing his bag from the locker he had left it in, then making his way into the women's locker room, glancing around the gym once more as he passed through, to make sure that there was no one else around. 
Bakugo looked around as he stepped inside the women’s locker room. He didn’t see you, but he saw your gym bag sprawled across one of the benches, and heard a shower running around the corner. He smirked to himself as he set his bag down beside yours on the bench and kicked his shoes and socks off, then stepped around the corner. 
His eyes widened as he took in the sight of you standing naked beneath the stream of water, fingertips massaging shampoo into your hair as you hummed a tune he didn’t recognize, swaying your hips lightly in what was probably a subconscious move, but tantalized him nonetheless. He took a seat on the bench across from the shower and watched you as you turned to face the showerhead, and his eyes snapped downward, focusing on the curve of  your ass and reveling in the fact that he had helped to develop those delicious glutes. A tent was just beginning to form in his shorts when you turned back around, opening your eyes and bending to reach for a bottle on the floor. 
Your eyes snapped to his and you froze, staring at him.
~Your POV~
Your hands scrubbed shampoo into a lather in your hair as you continued to hum, eyes closed and hips swaying along to the beat in your head. The water had warmed up to a heat that was just barely comfortable, steaming around you and relaxing your thoroughly worked muscles. When you turned to rinse the shampoo from your hair, you let your mind wander as the steam wrapped around you like a blanket, imagining Bakugo's hands over your hips as you danced along to the song that had been stuck in your head all day.
Once you had washed away all of the shampoo, you turned back toward the opening of the stall to reach for your conditioner, but froze when your eyes landed on Bakugo, sitting on a bench across from your shower, fully clothed with his arms crossed and that damned smirk on his face. You stayed frozen, hand outstretched for the forgotten bottle, for what could have been seconds or hours, you really weren't sure, before Bakugo finally spoke up. 
"Well, I believe you owe me a swift kick in the balls." You watched him kick off his tennis shoes and toe off his socks before he stood and stalked toward you. "Or were you just trying to hide the fact that you actually wanted me to join you?" He stopped a few feet from the stall, and you sucked in a breath as you regained your composure and narrowed your eyes in a glare. 
"No. Get the fuck out." You crossed your arms over your chest and cocked a hip to one side, standing firmly and trying to project confidence, though your thighs squeezed together at the thought of the fantasies you had just been daydreaming about coming true. "How long have you been there anyways?"
"Just long enough to enjoy the show. No to the kick to the balls or no you don't want me to join you?" He pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side, revealing his perfectly toned chest and abs, glistening with sweat from your workout. You were forced to swallow as your eyes raked over his exposed torso, and you struggled to retain your resolve not to fuck him right here on the shower floor. 
"Um…" was all that you managed to get out, eyes glued to the way his chest rose and fall with each even breath. 
He propped one hand against the edge of the shower stall, leaning against it as he looked into your eyes.
"Tell me you want me to go, and I'll go." Then he reached out to grip your chin in his thumb and forefinger. "But tell me to stay and I'll fuck you so hard, you'll need that bubble bath when you get home." 
You whimpered as he finished the statement, feeling the last of your resolve melt away. 
"Well?" He asked, leaning his face in closer to yours. "What'll it be?" 
"S-stay." You whispered, not nearly loud enough to be heard over the running water. 
"Hmm? What was that, dumbass?" He teased, fingers tracing along your jaw. 
"Stay, please." You managed to blurt it out at an audible volume this time, and he groaned in response, stepping in close to you with one hand gripping your hip and the other moving to tangle in the hair at the nape of your neck as his lips crashed against yours. 
You moaned into his mouth and brought your arms up to wrap around his neck. He took the opportunity to tangle his tongue with yours, claiming your mouth in a burning, desperate kiss. 
His hands come up to squeeze your ass, then he pulls back, standing just outside the stream of water from the showerhead. He presses one hand to your shoulder, forcing you to step back until your back is against the stall. He stares into your eyes as he tears off his shorts and boxers, tossing them aside and giving you only a moment to widen your eyes at his hard cock before his mouth is on yours once more.
“Jump.” He commands and you don’t hesitate, hopping up to wrap your legs around his waist. He groaned as the muscles in your thighs flexed against his skin, your now-dripping cunt pressed against his abs.
Now that he stood fully naked, you tightened your arms around his neck and pressed your lips against his once more, your tongues fighting for dominance. You retained the death grip that your thighs held on his waist when he stepped away from the shower wall, your back becoming cold for just a moment before he stepped through the water and placed you against a new wall. This time it was the tile wall that the showerhead rested in, allowing the steaming water to pour over his back and your legs as you continued to make out.
He pulled back when he felt you smile against his lips and stared at your upturned lips as he asked, "What's so funny?" 
Your smile widened and you fought back a giggle. 
"I'm not laughing, Katsuki. I'm happy."
His nose scrunched up in an adorably irritated way. "Why are you smiling like that?" 
You rolled your eyes at him. “Just kiss me, dumbass.”
He growled and you gasped as his hands slid from your ass to your thighs. “Stand up.”
You let your legs drop from his waist one at a time, until your feet were planted firmly on the ground and you felt his hands slide up to grip your waist. Your lips were captured in another searing kiss, then Bakugo’s teeth bit lightly into your bottom lip, tugging gently as he pulled away and then released it. He tilted his head to the side and leaned into your neck, licking a stripe along your jugular before nipping at the sensitive spot just below your ear. You moaned and tilted your head back against the wall, squeezing your eyes shut as Bakugo continued to kiss his way downward. He planted kisses on your breasts and ghosted his breath over your nipples, moving further down your body to kiss your ribs and your stomach. His lips moved to your hips and then he was kneeling on the tiled floor and pressing his nose to your mound as his tongue darted out to press against your clit. 
You gasped aloud, hips rising to meet his face as his tongue lapped at your folds. Your hands came up to thread through his soaked blonde locks, gripping tightly to ground yourself. You felt more than heard him groan at your actions as he continued his ministrations.
~Bakugo’s POV~
Bakugo groaned as your strong fingers pulled on his hair, and his fingers moved to wander across your thighs, digging into the hard muscle there. His lips traveled down the inside of one of your thighs, kissing and sucking on the muscles he found there. He groaned against your thigh.
“I love these legs. The muscles that we worked so hard for.” He nipped playfully at the skin just inside your knee, and your thigh flexed at the action.
“Hey, the muscles that I worked so hard for. All you did was yell at me.” You pouted adorably down at him. 
He chuckled and leaned into your other thigh, again alternating between kissing, sucking, and biting. Your thighs flexed with each movement, and it made him sigh against you, reveling in the hard muscle that he had helped cultivate. He loved the feel of your thighs, loved knowing that you may be the only woman that could almost match him physically, and that he had helped get you to that level. 
One of his hands moved down to squeeze at your well-defined calf, fingertips digging into the flesh slightly before he tugged it gently, pulling one of your legs over his shoulder as his mouth began to travel back up your thighs, right where you wanted him. His breath made you shudder, just before his lips wrapped around your clit and sucked. 
You moaned loudly, and the sound was like music to his ears. Bakugo’s tongue darted out and laved over your cunt, prodding gently at your entrance before his fingers reached up to take its place. His index finger slid over your folds, gathering the wetness there before pressing into you slowly, earning another moan from you as his finger slipped into your tight heat. You groaned when he wiggled his finger inside of you teasingly, and he smirked against you. 
His free hand roamed up your thigh to clutch your ass, squeezing the muscles there and causing him to release a groan as he appreciated the firm curve of each cheek. 
“Love feeling these muscles flexing when I touch you. Keep doing that.” He growled against your skin, which made you shudder.
~Your POV~
“Don’t give me ord-” you tried to snap back at him, but your words were cut off abruptly when he pushed another finger inside of you, now thrusting lightly and scissoring them apart as he went. 
“Don’t try and start a fight you can’t finish, dumbass.” He snarked and smiled against you, squeezing your ass again as his tongue now focused fully on you, his mouth and hands working together perfectly to push you toward the edge until you felt a coil begin to tighten in your stomach. 
“Fuck, Katsuki. I’m close.” You breathed out, fingers grasping his hair in a grip that you were sure must hurt, but he didn’t complain. 
“Let go, babe. I want to feel your muscles flex and clench as you come undone around me.” 
His words pushed you over the edge and the coil snapped in your stomach, forcing you to release a loud moan that turned into a whine as you rode out your high, grinding your hips on his fingers and tongue. He continued to focus his attention on your cunt as your muscles flexed and clenched around him. The leg over his shoulder pulled him closer, bending at the knee with your calf flush against his back. He groaned against you before pulling back to look up at you. 
“Keep that up and I won’t want to come up from here.” His hand came up to the knee on his shoulder to clarify what he meant. 
You looked down at him and raised an eyebrow as you panted and attempted to get your body under your own control. “Who said I wanted you to come up from there?”
You sighed and released your hold on his hair, then pulled your leg slowly off of his shoulder, your knees a bit wobbly after the orgasm he’d just given you. You noticed his eyes fixated on your legs as you stepped around him to stand under the steaming water, giving yourself a chance to take a breather and process that your coworker had just eaten you out. You decided not to overthink it for a moment and turned back to face him. He stood and looked down at you with a smirk. 
 “So good you need a breather?” He teased.
“Cocky bastard.” You scoffed at him and playfully punched him in the stomach, accidentally hitting him a little harder than you intended and eliciting a grunt from him. 
He grabs the fist that hit him and yanks you closer. “Trying to get feisty now, huh?” 
You watch his gaze travel further up your arms, fingers tracing ever so lightly over your forearms before reaching up to grasp your biceps, squeezing them slightly and using his thumbs to draw small circles on the insides of your arms. 
You cock an eyebrow at him, surprised at the sweet action. “Going soft on me, are you?”
“Shut up and let me look at you.” He growled between clenched teeth, openly admiring the muscle in your arms and leaning down to nuzzle against your shoulders before biting down on your trap. You groaned and let your head fall back, further exposing your neck to him. He continued to cover your neck and shoulders in kisses and love bites as his hands travelled downward to grab at your ass, kneading the muscle there and groaning against your neck. 
“Your body is so perfect for me, baby. All the curves in all the right places. Do you have any idea what a fucking tease its been working out with you these past few weeks? Watching all that muscles work and flex. Hard to spot you when all I can focus on is how those muscles would feel beneath my fingers, or wrapped around me. This is all my favorite fantasies come true.” He released his grip on your ass, leaving a light slap before gripping you by the waist. “And I haven’t even gotten to explore all of them yet.”
You blushed, his praises making you unexpectedly bashful, but pushed through the embarrassment. “Look in the damn mirror, Katsuki. You think it hasn’t been just as torturous for me? Fuck. I didn’t just ask for your help because I needed workout advice. It’s definitely been a treat to watch you work.” Your ran your fingers lightly over his biceps. “And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like all the extra touching when you’re teaching me new exercises. Doesn’t quite compare to this, though.”
You used your grip on his biceps to push him back against the wall, so that the two of you were once again standing just outside the stream of steaming water. Your hands moved to graze over his chest and you kept your eyes locked on his with a sultry gaze as your fingertips brushed over his pecs, flicking lightly over his nipples and watching the grimace form on his face. His eyes burned into yours like fire, reminding you of his explosions. 
You let your fingers continue their journey south, teasing each of his abs and tracing over the delicious lines on his hips before reaching down to grab his thick cock firmly in one hand. You pumped it a few times and he growled low, a hand coming up to snake around your neck just tight enough for him to pull you into another searing kiss. Your hand twisted and continued to pump over his cock, thumb swiping over the tip to collect the precum gathered there. 
His mouth was blazing on yours, using his tongue and teeth in an aggressive fight for dominance. He tugged your bottom lip between his teeth and pulled lightly, releasing it when he pulled away entirely to look into your eyes. His grip tightened on your neck just a little bit, fingers squeezing on the sides, and your hand stuttered on his cock in surprise.
His dark garnet eyes bored into yours and you could swear that you saw sparks hidden there as he glanced over your face, probably looking for any signs of discomfort. “This okay?” His voice came out dark and gravelly.
You nodded slightly, letting out a quiet, “Mhmm,” as your hand resumed its movement, flicking your wrist as you pumped his cock. 
“Good.” He grumbled, the hand on your neck pushing you backwards a bit before lowering, forcing you to kneel on the tile beneath him, now face to face with the cock that you had spent hours of sweaty workouts fantasizing over. 
The hand wrapped around his length moved down to the base, making room for your mouth as you leaned down to wrap your lips around the tip, tongue darting out to stroke over the slit. You moaned at the taste of his pre on your tongue, the salty flavor egging you on as you took your time adjusting to the feeling of his cock in your mouth. It was difficult to get used to the thickness at first, but you were making headway and starting to push down further when suddenly, Bakugo’s hand tangled in your hair and forced your head further. Your throat contracted around him as you gagged and he moaned loudly, the sound bouncing off the tiled walls. 
When his hand relaxed, you pulled back, coughing and taking a moment to catch your breath, glaring up at him as you did. 
He smirked down at you. “What? is my fat cock too much for you to handle?”
You scoffed. “Hardly.” 
To prove your point, you let your tongue loll out and wrapped your lips around him once more, bobbing your head down low and using your hand to stroke what you couldn't take into your mouth. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you moved slowly, using your tongue to stroke against every prominent vein and flick over the tip when you came up. 
Bakugo watched you with clouded eyes, grunting and groaning at your attention. His fingers clenched and flexed, massaging your scalp and encouraging you to keep going. 
His hips began to move with you, fucking into your mouth, and you struggled to keep up with him, taking in as much as you could while using your tongue to stroke the underside of his cock. Tears streamed down your face and your throat began to burn with the struggle of keeping up with him, but you were definitely not going to complain. Not with his thighs flexing under the deathgrip your fingers had on them. Not when his moans were echoing throughout the locker room.
Suddenly, his grip tightened on your hair, and he pulled you off his cock with a wet pop, and continued pulling until you had to clamber to your feet, glaring into his eyes when you finally stood face to face with him.
“If my head is sore tomorrow because of you, I swear the first thing I’ll do when I wake up in the morning is punch you in the balls.” You growled at him, frustrated that he couldn’t just tell you to stand up, but turned on by the rough treatment nonetheless. 
“Mm, sure. You’ve been all bark and no bite lately.” He smirked at you, likely recalling your threat from earlier that you had failed to follow through on. 
Your eyes narrowed and you felt a sudden urge to follow through with your threat, your knee swinging up toward his crotch. He saw it coming though, and used his grip on your hair to spin you around and pull your back flush against his chest before you could do any damage.
His other hand came up to wrap around your throat, resuming its tight grip and making you a little bit dizzy. He pulled your head to the side with his grip on your hair and leaned down until his lips brushed against your ear as he snarled. “If you want to fight, we can fight, but I will win.” he blew lightly on your ear and ground his hips into yours, pressing his erection up between your asscheeks. “Can’t we just get along for now? I’ll take good care of you, I promise.” He trilled teasingly. 
You growled at him, but didn’t resist, let him hold you in place. 
“Good girl.” His grip on your throat and in your hair loosened, and he turned you around to face him, claiming your lips once more as his hands reached down to grip the backs of your thighs. Taking his cue, you jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He held tight to your thighs as he turned and pressed your back against the wall and latched his teeth onto your neck. 
You relaxed back into the wall with a moan, but kept your thighs wrapped tightly around his waist, to keep from falling as you felt him align himself with your entrance. 
“Hold on, babe, I’m not gonna take this slow.” His mouth attached to yours once more, muffling your moans as he pushed inside of you. You gasped against his lips, feeling a slight burn in your muscles as the tip pushed into your entrance. True to his word, he didn’t start off slow, instead simply thrusting  his hips forward until he was fully sheathed inside of you. Your moans were lost in Bakugo’s lips as he kissed you, giving you a few seconds to adjust before he started thrusting in earnest, forcing you to wrap your arms tighter around his neck and clench your thighs tighter around him as he pounded you into the wall. 
The two of you got lost in each other’s mouths as you chased your own highs, your hips doing their best to meet his thrusts as he continued at a bruising pace, keeping the tight grip on your thighs that was sure to bruise. 
When he adjusted his position to thrust against a particular spot inside of you, you had to pull away from his mouth with a gasp, squeaking out a breathy, “Th- there!”
He chuckled and leaned his head into your neck, continuing to thrust into the spot inside of you that had you seeing stars. You felt the coil in your stomach tighten once again and knew that you were getting close. What you hadn’t expected, though, was that Bakugo would choose that moment to bite down hard on your trap. 
All at once, you felt your orgasm tear through you, a scream ripping from your lungs just before a hand came up to slap over your mouth. Your muscles spasmed as you came around his cock, struggling to suck air into your lungs as your walls fluttered around Bakugo’s cock. 
When his mouth released your shoulder, you heard him utter a gravelly, “Fuck,” before he was cumming too, cock twitching and releasing hot ropes of cum in your cunt as he moaned out your name. 
He stilled, holding onto you as the two of you panted, and you leaned your head down to rest on his shoulder. The two of you struggled to catch your breath as you came down, and eventually he released his grip on your thighs, strong hands moving up to your waist to lift you off of his cock and set you gingerly down on the ground. 
“Can you stand alright?” His gaze was surprisingly gentle now as you looked into his eyes and nodded hesitantly, stretching your legs out to get feeling back in your wobbling knees. He held onto your waist, not entirely confident in your answer, but you swatted him off. 
To prove your point, you took a few slow, tentative steps forward, standing beneath the water of the still-running shower to rinse the newly formed sweat from your skin. 
After giving you a moment to rinse yourself, Bakugo stepped under the water with you, slotting himself behind you and kissing the newly formed mark on your shoulder. The soft move shocked you, and you turned your head to cock an eyebrow at him. 
When your eyes met his, he scowled. “What’s that skeptical look for?”
“You goin’ soft on me?” You toned teasingly. 
He grunted. “No way, dumbass.” But he held you gently, running his fingers through your hair and taking some time to softly untangle the knots that he created before reaching down to pick up your body wash. 
Again, you eyed him skeptically. “What are you doing?” 
He popped the bottle open and poured some of the soap onto his hands before setting it back down on the ground. “We both need to get clean, don’t we?” 
You were sure that had had some snarky response on your tongue, but it left you all at once when his hands began to massage your shoulders, lathering soap over your arms and back. Your eyes dropped shut as you relaxed into his touch, sighing when he grabbed more to clean off your chest and stomach. 
“When we get back to my place, we’ll get you that bubble bath that you wanted.” 
This statement made your eyes snap open and you turned around to face him. “Who said I was going back to your place?”
“I did. Just now.” He smirked at you, daring you to challenge him. 
You wanted to pick a fight, you really did. But the idea of relaxing back against those firm pecs in a warm bubble bath while his strong hands massaged your body had you relenting. 
“Fine. But you’re making me breakfast.” 
His smirk widened and his eyes sparked with a challenge. You knew his next words would have you punching him in the shoulder. “Who said you could stay over? I only offered a bath.” 
You hoped the fist that connected with his shoulder left a bruise tomorrow.
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berkmansimagines · 3 years
Taken (Part 6/7)
A/N: Thanks for reading! I’ll try to get the final part out sometime next week.
Summary: Fuches kidnaps Barry’s daughter.
← Part 5 | Part 7 →
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You’re on your stomach, laying on a cold concrete floor. A pillowcase covers your head and you can’t see anything. You’ve tried moving but it’s almost impossible. Your knees are uncomfortably bent allowing your ankles and wrists to be tied behind your back with the same piece of tough rope. Duct tape covers your mouth, silencing you from crying out or screaming for help.
You’re afraid and completely vulnerable.
You whimper at the sounds of the door opening, having no idea who just walked in. As footsteps slowly approach, your body shakes in fear. You feel the anxious knots form in your stomach once again. 
You pray it’s Barry but suspect it’s your kidnaper, Fuches.
The footsteps stop when they reach you. Whoever walked in is now hovering over you. They turn your body to the side so you’re no longer on your stomach. Then the pillowcase is removed so suddenly from your head that it causes you to flinch.
The first thing you see is a strange man wearing a ski mask. The only parts of his face visible under the mask are his mouth and his cold, dark eyes. It’s definitely not Fuches or Barry. You don’t know who this man is or what he’s capable of... 
“So you’re what all the fuss is about,” he tilts his head to the side. 
His tone creeps you out and sends a shiver down your spine. You take in your surroundings - a dreary concrete room with no windows. You think you’re in some sort of basement.
“Listen very carefully. Fuches asked me to watch you while he’s out with your dad. Just be a good girl and don’t give me any shit so I don’t have to hurt you. If your dad does everything Fuches says, this will all be over soon,” the man explains.
You anxiously nod, signaling that you understand. Fuches must’ve taken Barry out on those hits that you overheard them talking about on the drive to Cleveland. You really hope Barry is okay. He was in bad shape when Fuches dragged you out in the middle of the night. 
“But if your dad fucks up,”  he continues, “Then I have to deliver you to some people in the Chechen mob. You must be pretty valuable because they paid a lot of money for you.”
You gasp but any sound is stifled by the tape. You can’t go to the Chechens, they’ll kill you and get rid of the body. There will be nothing left of you. You break down in tears at the thought.
“Stop whining, bitch!” he sounds annoyed.
You’re too panic-stricken to control your emotions. Instead of calming down, your cries intensify and turn into sobs. 
Your captor punches you twice in quick succession, giving you a bloody nose and a nasty bruise under your left eye. Your ears are ringing. Then it goes dark.
You’re woken up by a hard slap across the face. You cry out in pain and feel tears stream down your face. Your cheek is stinging. You timidly cower under the mysterious masked man standing over you. You don’t want to get hit again. 
“Your dad asked to see you. Let’s show him how much fun we’re having,” he snickers.
He holds his phone up in front of you. You hear him call somebody on Facetime. Then he leans down and roughly grabs your chin, forcing you to look into the camera.
Your eyes widen. You can’t see his face but you can recognize that voice anywhere. 
“Dad!” your cries are muffled by the gag.
“Thanks Nick! That’s enough…” you hear Fuches on the other side of the phone. You hold your breath, finally learning your anonymous captor’s name.
Nick smirks before abruptly ending the Facetime. He creepily stares at you as he slips his phone back into his pocket.
“Your dad finished one of the hits. He still has one to go. Fuches thinks it will take awhile,” Nick tells you, then wonders aloud, “How will we pass the time?”
You shuffle nervously in your binds.
He kneels down and leans in uncomfortably close to you. As your anxiety kicks up, your breathing becomes heavier and heavier. Nick licks his lips. He’s getting off on your fear.
“Are you a virgin?” he whispers into your ear.
You scream as loud as you can through the gag. You’re terrified and start uncontrollably sobbing again. 
You struggle on the ground, turning yourself over in an attempt to get away from Nick. He lies down beside you and snakes his arm around your waist. 
“Oh where do you think you’re going, huh?” Nick taunts you.
You whimper as Nick forcefully pulls you close to him. He begins to stroke your face. You’re petrified, shaking like a leaf. 
“Hey, hey, come here. Calm down! I know you’re scared but I can think of some recreational activities we can do that will help you relax.”
You cry and fearfully shake your head, squirming to get out of his grasp.
All of a sudden you feel a vibration in Nick’s pocket. His phone is buzzing. He shrugs and takes his phone out. Instead of reading the new text message, he puts the phone off to the side. You turn your head to look at the phone when-
You feel a sharp sting travel through your entire body. Nick tased you, just ike Fuches. You wince in pain. Your attacker smiles down at you with a sinister look in his eyes.
“Remind me to thank Fuches for letting me borrow this,” he says smugly, holding up the taser.
Nick then pulls out a pocket knife and cuts a piece of the rope connecting your bound hands and ankles together. Your muscles are paralyzed and you can’t fight back.
Nick grabs your tied up ankles and straightens your legs out. Then your captor gets on top of you, trapping you between his thighs. You squeeze your eyes shut.
“LOOK AT ME!” he yells.
You keep your eyes closed, too afraid to open them. Nick backhands you across the face, giving you a fat lip.
You weakly open your eyes and look up at him.
“If you close your eyes again, I will slit your eyelids in half so you don’t blink when I fuck you-”
Nick sadistically glides his pocket knife down your chest and stomach. You continue sobbing, wordlessly pleading with him to stop. He starts to unbutton your jeans.
“I’m going to have fun taking you apart...”
Suddenly you hear loud stomping outside the door. It sounds like footsteps racing down the stairs. The door is forced open. It’s Barry! He looks angry, his eyes are full of rage.
You scream for your father to help. Nick gets off of you and tries reaching for his gun.
Barry immediately shoots your attacker in the chest and head. He’s dead before he hits the ground. 
Barry rushes over to you. He rips off the tape covering your mouth as gently as possible. Then he cups your face in his hands, looking over your injuries.
“I’ve got you! I’ve got you! It’s okay…. you’re okay,” Barry says softly.
He quickly takes out his pocket knife and cuts the rope binding your wrists and ankles. Your father wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a big hug.
“I’ve got you,” Barry repeats. 
You cry and collapse in his arms.
Taken series taglist: @midnightseance​, @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression​, @fangirl-imagines​
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starryknight09 · 3 years
No rest for the weary
Febuwhump Day 6: insomnia
Read on AO3.
Peter closed his eyes.  Opened them.  Closed them again.  Scrunched them as tightly shut as he could, hoping it would send a signal to his brain to let him to sleep.  Because he was desperate to sleep.  To shut his brain off.  So he could stop reliving what had happened a few days ago.  Or what had almost happened...
His eyes snapped open again.  Shit.  Don’t think about it.  Think about anything else.  Think about…Ned.  Ok that was good.  A neutral thought.  His best friend.  Who he hasn’t seen since he almost…  Dammit.  That hadn’t even worked for a few seconds.
He stared at the darkened ceiling, having it practically memorized by now.  He didn’t understand how he could be exhausted down to his very marrow, yet still be wide awake as if he’d drank ten Monster energy drinks, which he definitely hadn’t.  
The rabbiting of his heart in his chest annoyed him almost as much as the blank ceiling.  Screw it.  There was no way he was going to be able to fall asleep.  He kicked the covers off with a silent growl and padded out of his room, down the hallway, and downstairs to the couch in the cabin’s living room.  
Ever since ‘the incident’, Tony had wanted to keep him close, and since it was summer break, it hadn’t been a problem, and May hadn’t minded because neither of them had actually told her about ‘the incident’ since Peter hadn’t wanted to freak her out after the fact.  Tony hadn’t loved it, but he’d caved after Peter had wielded his most pitiful puppy eyes on him.  Peter sighed.  And to be honest, being in close proximity to Tony was probably the only reason he hadn’t completely lost it yet.  As cliché as it was, Tony made him feel safe.  And that was the one thing he needed more than anything after he’d almost…
Peter shook his head roughly as if he could dislodge the unwanted thoughts.  Last night he’d spent the entire night tossing and turning and staring at the ceiling, and he knew if had to repeat that, he might have a breakdown.  He clicked the TV on and tried to distract his brain with mindless television instead.  The burning of his eyes was hard to ignore, so he rubbed at them and slumped further into the couch.  
He didn’t understand why this was bothering him so much.  Coming back from being dusted hadn’t caused nights of insomnia.  And when that had happened, he’d actually died.  This time he’d just…almost died. During a fight with a new weird green goblin guy, Peter had been too close when one of his bombs had gone off, and the blast had thrown him off the bridge and into the Hudson river.  While he fell, he hadn’t even been scared.  He’d figured he’d hit the water, then swim back to surface and web back up to the bridge to continue the fight.  He’d hit the water hard just like he’d predicted, but then things had gone all wrong.  He closed his eyes as he remembered.
Peter sunk faster than he’d thought he would.  He tried to swim but kept getting struck by debris, the chunks of concrete and steel from the bridge pushing him back down.  Before he knew it, he hit the bottom of the river and all the debris rained down around him.  And on him.  When he tried to push off the riverbed to start swimming back to the surface, his chest rose but he couldn’t free his bottom half.  He was pinned.  He tried pushing the debris off, but he couldn’t get enough leverage in his position with the decreased gravity underwater.  Shit shit shit.
Oh god.  This was bad.  He was going to die.  This wasn’t how he wanted it to end.  He’d managed to take a deep breath before he’d slammed into the river but he could feel it wouldn’t last much longer.  Air hunger was starting to set in.  His hands sank into the muddy river floor and he tried to propel backward to yank his legs out from under the mass of concrete but he still couldn’t get the leverage he needed for it to work.  Ideas flew through his brain, trying to come up with a solution to his predicament, but he couldn’t think of anything that would work.  He was stuck.  At the bottom of the river.  And he really needed to breathe.  He was going to drown.  This wasn’t how Spiderman was supposed to die.  Not after everything he’d survived.
He desperately thrashed, reason having fled as panic set in, but he didn’t gain so much as an inch of freedom.  His chest burned and it took every ounce of willpower not to breathe.  It didn’t matter that his mind knew that giving in to the instinct wouldn’t help, his body still pleaded for it.  He’d read somewhere that drowning was supposed to be a good way to die.  Peaceful.  But that didn’t seem to be the case for him.  His heart thudded with desperate fear.
And then in the midst of everything, he saw a blue light below two smaller yellow lights floating towards him.  Maybe this was it.  The beginning of the end as the lack of oxygen caused him to hallucinate.  If his brain hadn’t been deprived of oxygen and he’d been more with it, he probably would’ve recognized what they meant right away, but it wasn’t until Ironman landed at his side that it dawned on him that Tony had come to save him.  
Tony grabbed under his armpits and pulled.  But Peter didn’t budge.  No!  He was still stuck.  He was still going to die.  He needed to breathe.  Tony abandoned that approach and switched positions, trying to lift the concrete off of him instead.  With the appropriate leverage, which Peter couldn’t get with the way he was stuck, Tony managed to lift it a couple inches.  It wasn’t much, but it was enough.  Bubbles erupted from his mouth as Peter used the last of his strength to pry his lower body out.  He was free!  But he couldn’t hold his breath anymore.  Not after he’d exhaled.  His body demanded he complete the process and inhale, and he could hold it back any longer.  He breathed in.  
His lungs spasmed.  The water shredded his chest like knives.  He didn’t even notice Tony had grabbed him until they breached the surface and he could finally suck in air.  The air competed with the water already taking up residence in his lungs, so he coughed and heaved, practically spasming in Ironman’s grip, but Tony didn’t drop him.
They landed on a nearby rooftop and Peter fell to all fours, tearing off his mask before gagging and throwing up an abundance of dirty river water onto the concrete.
“You’re all right kid.  You’re all right.  Just breathe.  Breathe.” Tony said with a hand on his back in support.
He was trying to, but it hurt.  His chest felt like he’d gotten hit by a truck, and it wasn’t an exaggeration because he knew exactly what that felt like.
“Oh my god.” He gasped out as soon as he had enough breath to speak.  “Oh my god.”  
He hacked up another bout of disgusting water.
“I almost just drowned.” He croaked through his tattered throat.
“You kind of did a little bit.” Tony said, rubbing his back.
“Oh my god.  I almost just died.” It seemed to be the only thing he could say.  Or think.
“You’re ok.” Tony tried to reassure him.  “You’re fine.”
Thank god Tony had come, even though he was supposed to be retired or whatever, or Peter would’ve been toast.
“How did you—” His question got interrupted by another coughing fit.
Tony didn’t need to hear the rest of the words to know what Peter had been trying to ask.  “Karen sent an emergency alert to me.  Thank god I was in the city today.  I don’t know if I would’ve made it in time from the cabin.”
Peter nodded.  He tried not to dwell on it, but holy shit, if Tony hadn’t happened to be nearby, he’d probably be dead right now.  Floating at the bottom of the river, still trapped under all that debris.  He took in a few short gasps and straightened up, feeling like he couldn’t catch his breath, and not knowing if it was from all the water he’d inhaled or his panic.  His hands shook where they rested on his thighs.  Ok good.  Probably just panic then.  He tried to slow down his breathing but it wasn’t working.  He felt sick.  And lightheaded.
“I don’t feel so good.” He muttered.
“Jesus kid.” Tony said and Peter heard the man’s heart skip.  It took him a couple long seconds to figure out why.
“Sorry.” He apologized.
“No.  It’s…ok.  Let’s just get you to Cho.” Tony squeezed his shoulder.  “Make sure your dip in that nasty water isn’t going to have any side effects.  Do have any idea how dirty that river is?  We don’t want you catching pneumonia or growing a third ear or something.”
He coughed again and nodded, still feeling short of breath and not up for talking anymore unless he had to.  Tony helped him put his mask back on and Peter clung to him as they blasted off toward the compound.
Peter opened his eyes and blinked a few times, trying to extract himself from the memory and root his mind back in reality.  The TV droned on softly in the background, but Peter didn’t even register the show he’d settled on.  Remembering the whole event had left him feeling weak and shaky.  He raised his hands to his face.  Fine tremors ran through them.  That had been happening on and off the past few days too, along with the inability to sleep.  He clasped them into tight fists and tried to will the shaking to stop.
“Kid?” He jumped at the noise, annoyed that he hadn’t noticed Tony’s approach.
“Yeah?” His voice came out as shaky as his hands.  He crossed his arms over his chest, hoping Tony wouldn’t notice.
“Can’t sleep?”
Peter shook his head and watched as Tony approached and plopped down on the couch next to him.
“You seemed tired today.” Of course Tony had noticed.  “I don’t think this is your first bad night.”
He shrugged, not wanting to lie but not wanting to give Tony what he was looking for either.
“Bad dreams?”
He shook his head, looking down at his lap.
“Just can’t sleep?”
He shrugged again.
“I’m not surprised.  It’s been a rough week.” Tony said, no judgement in his tone.  “Want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
Tony hummed but didn’t push, and even though a second ago he really hadn’t wanted to talk about it, now in the face of Tony’s patience, he almost wanted to talk about it.  He played with a loose string on the sleeve of his sweatshirt, considering.
“I just—” He paused, wrapped the string around his finger, unwrapped it, tugged on it.  He didn’t know how to explain without sounding like a baby.
“You just…” Tony prompted gently after several long seconds of silence.
“I don’t even know why this is bothering me so much.  I mean, I got dusted, and sure, that sucked, but I never couldn’t sleep because it.” Peter chanced a glance at Tony’s face and saw only patient openness there with maybe a hint of sadness.
“But this…  I just can’t stop thinking about it.  Every time I close my eyes I’m back at the bottom of that river, afraid I’m about to drown.  It’s making it impossible to sleep.” He rubbed at his eyes.
“You’ve lived through more scary stuff than most people experience in their entire lives,” Tony said softly, “and you’re not even eighteen yet.  It makes sense that this might’ve been what finally tipped the scales.  Trauma can be like that.  You subconsciously deal with one thing and then another and then another until it builds up so much that when the next thing comes along, you finally can’t deal with it anymore and it breaks free.”
Peter frowned and considered that explanation.  It made sense.
“I survived Afghanistan.” Tony said, and Peter stiffened.  In all the time Peter had known Tony, he’d never spoken about Afghanistan.  He’d barely even alluded to it.  “And I came back and tried to shrug it off.  Threw myself into creating Ironman.  And you know what?”
“What?” He whispered, as if talking too loudly might spook Tony and keep him from continuing.
Tony gave him a wry smile, “It worked.  I moved on.  Or I thought I did.  And then later, the arc reactor was poisoning me, and I thought I was going to die—”
“What?” Peter interrupted, surprise making the question louder this time.  He’d never heard that story before and it didn’t sound good.
“It’s not important.” Tony waved away the concern.  “I figured it out.  Fixed it and obviously didn’t die.  But that’s not the point.  I had been dying, but once I wasn’t anymore, I shrugged the whole thing off and tried to put it behind me.  And again, it worked.  Just like the time before.”
Peter nodded to show he was listening but made a mental note to ask more about the whole almost dying thing at some point in the future.
“And then Loki came along, and the Avengers came together, and the whole battle at New York happened. And I flew a nuke into space.” Tony paused to sigh and run a hand through his hair.  “And I thought that was it.  I was going to die for sure.  Not a bad way to go, saving the world…”  Tony paused, and Peter knew they were both thinking of the same thing.  Steve on his knees snapping the gauntlet and dusting Thanos and his army but sacrificing himself in the process.
“But I really wanted to live.” Tony continued after a beat.  “I didn’t want to leave Pepper.”  Tony gave him a watery smile and Peter waited with bated breath for him to continue.  
“But as we both know, I didn’t die.  And I thought…great.  Now this was just another thing I needed to shake off.  Easy peasy.  And then I’d be able to get on with everything.  Like I always had.” Tony shook his head.  “Except it didn’t work that time.  I couldn’t close my eyes without reliving that moment.  I couldn’t even look at the stars.  Everything seemed to be a trigger.  I threw myself into my work and tried to keep ignoring it.  But I couldn’t.  I started having panic attacks.  It was bad kid.”
Peter had a feeling his eyes were the size of saucers, so he tried to reign in his expression.  Tony had never bared his soul to him like this before and he didn’t quite know how to react.
Tony let out a long sigh, looking almost pained.  “I guess what I’m trying to say, and maybe I’m doing a bad job of it, is that I’d managed to stuff all these previous experiences away, some pretty traumatic stuff, but then I just couldn’t anymore.  Flying a nuke into space was my tipping point.  And I think almost drowning in the Hudson this week was your tipping point.”
Huh.  Peter blinked.  Tony might be right.  He nodded and gave him an appreciative half smile.  Hearing his hero, a man he respected and viewed as a pseudo father, voice his traumas and weaknesses, made all the shame he’d felt before evaporate.
“So what do I do?” He asked.
“First, we need to get your mind off of it so you can get some sleep.” Tony said as if it were just that simple.
“I can’t.” He complained.
“Yes you can.  Trust me.” Tony grabbed the remote and put Star Wars on.
“That’s a good idea, but I don’t think it’s going to work.” Peter huffed out a laugh.
“I’m not done yet.” Tony said, taking a throw pillow from behind him and placing it in his lap.  “There.”
Peter’s brow furrowed in confusion.  
Tony arched an eyebrow at him and patted the pillow invitingly.  “Come on kid.  Nap time.”
Peter’s cheeks heated but he didn’t protest.  He sighed heavily as if complying was a big inconvenience, but it was all for show.  And Tony probably knew it too.  He laid his head on the pillow and willed himself to relax.  Ever since the snap, Tony had been more physically demonstrative and affectionate toward him, treating him like his own kid, but never quite to this degree.  Tony grabbed the blanket over the back of the couch and tossed it over him.  Peter figured that’d be it, but then the man’s fingers brushed through his hair, toying with the strands.
Peter hummed, eyes closing.
“This always works for Morgan.” Tony said, voice soft, but with obvious amusement.
Peter twisted his head to glare up at him and Tony chuckled.  “You’re about as intimidating as a bunny rabbit.”
Peter scoffed.  He was not.  If he really wanted to, he could be intimidating.  He just wasn’t trying that hard.
“Watch your movie.” Tony said with a gentle tug on his strands.
Peter sighed but listened, turning back to watch the Rebels fight Darth Vader while R2D2 and C3PO escaped. He still didn’t think there was any way he’d be able to fall asleep no matter how heavy his eyelids felt.
Turned out he was wrong.  Tony’s fingers running loosely through his locks was like his kryptonite.
He faded off into dreamland before Obi-Wan made his appearance.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Only Traitors Consort With The Damned. (Part 13)
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: injury, blood
Context: The boys, (Y/n) and Nico formulate a plan to get out of the cave safely.
A/N: I have a new editor! It is my good friend @jawline-of-steel and she will hopefully be helping me with editing on all of my work!😊💛💛💛
Edited By: @jawline-of-steel
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“What do we do? There’s no way out of here except through there! We’re trapped!” I say quickly, keeping my voice down as much as i can so as not to alert anyone outside of the fact that we are very close by, “Is there anywhere we can hide?”
“In here? Yeah, there is, but I’m not sure how good the hiding places are, especially not for someone as big as him.” Dwayne muses, gesturing to Nico as he turns to David with a questioning look on his face.
“All of the hallways are blocked off by debris, and any of the crawlspaces barely fit us, so it’s doubtful that he will be able to get through.” The platinum blonde responds dismissively, though his tone betrays his nerves, the idea of a team of highly trained Hunters waiting just outside the cave worrying and unnerving to him.
“How is she supposed to walk anywhere? She’s got a busted leg, remember?” Paul interjects, pointing at me.
“One of us could carry her?” Marko suggests, which draws a low growl from Nico, his protective side showing through as he tightens his grip around me, holding me tighter to his chest.
I think for a minute, during which time the other five tense up, clearly having heard something I can't, Marko and Paul starting to look even more worried. Frowning, i look around at them all, as if asking them to clarify, though none of them care to explain; instead, David jerks his head to the side, signalling for the rest of us to follow him as he leads us through a nearby tunnel, which takes us to what i assume is their sleeping quarters, Nico having to duck down the entire time as he struggles to fit his bulk in the space. As we emerge into the area, David quickly starts talking.
“The sun is gonna come up soon, so we don’t really have too much time, but I think we can help you. If one of us carries (Y/n), then she can leave through the way we get in and out of here, which isn’t accessible by foot, so it's the safest way out. As for Nico, there’s a chance we can lure the Hunters around the caves enough for him to have a clear chance at getting out of here, but it will only work if you're fast, because they'll most likely be expecting something like this to happen. There’s a safehouse a little way away, where you can stay until you can find transport, and where one of us can stay whilst the sun is out.” The vampire swiftly explains, the rest of us nodding as we take in the plan, glad that one of us is thinking rationally. 
“Hold on, why do you have a safehouse?” Nico asks, frowning in the dim light.
“Our sire made it in case anyone ever came after us.” Dwayne fills him in, before moving on again just as quickly, “Which one of us is going to carry her?”
“Paul will, he's the fastest out of the four of us, which will mean he can get to the safehouse much quicker.” David says decisively, looking to his friend for confirmation.
“I’ll do it.” The tall vampire nods, reaching out to take me from Nico, who reluctantly hands me over, giving me one last squeeze for reassurance as he passes me to the blonde.
“Hang on a sec, what about Nico? How is he supposed to know where the safehouse is?” I chip in, looking at the towering werewolf as he straightens again.
The vampires are silent for a moment, thinking the question through, clearly as stuck as I am. Eventually, Dwayne pipes up again, having thought of something.
“I guess one of us will have to go with him.” The brunette says, looking around at the others.
“Yeah, I guess that would help.” I agree, adjusting myself in Paul’s arms.
“I can do it, I'm fast enough to get out of here and into cover before the sun comes up.” Dwayne offers, looking over at Nico as the werewolf, nods appreciatively, still uneasy around the vampires, but not as much as before. 
“Ok, Dwayne will go with the werewolf. We’ll stay here and out of sight as much as we can.” David says with finality, watching us all agree before speaking again, “Alright then, let's get going, I can already hear them on the steps.”
“Alright. Thank you for doing this, you really didn't have to.” I say to them all, smiling thankfully.
“No problem, Dwayne is right. We owe you this, you’ve saved our lives too many times to count.” The platinum blonde waves me off, moving to start off into a nearby hallway. 
I go to say something, only for Nico to cut me off, gesturing for Paul and Dwayne to move off immediately, not allowing me to argue with him, as is often the case. Paul starts moving off, carrying me as he turns down a different way to the others, where there is already a cooler breeze blowing in from the sea just outside. I lean back against the vampire’s chest, tensing in his arms in trepidation as i think through the plan in my head, still nervous about what will happen to my friends whilst im gone, particularly David and Marko, who will be stuck in the cave with a bunch of Hunters ready to kill them at a moment’s notice, should they get themselves caught. Part of me is confident that they won’t, but the more rational part of my mind knows that there is a very high probability of things going badly, which will end even worse for the rest of us. 
I am snapped from my thoughts by the sound of the roaring ocean, the cave now widening out into a cavern that is filled with crashing waves, the far end ïleading to the sea itself, the horizon still cloaked in darkness despite the proximity of dawn that is fast approaching.
“You're gonna want to hold on tight.” Paul warns me, waiting for me to grip him with more force before he kicks off the ground, the disorientation that comes with his floating slightly off-putting as I become stiff in his arms.
“Hey, relax. I'm not going to drop you.” The vampire promises, before he starts to move off towards the front of the cave and out into the open. 
My back aches as I slouch in the chair I'm sat in, my fingers knotted together as I watch the doorway, my lip already in shreds from how much I've been biting it, every muscle in my body tense with nerves. Across from me, Paul eyes me in concern, knowing that every movement I'm making is upsetting the injury on my knee, which is throbbing painfully now, though I am ignoring it in favour of staring at the space where Nico and Dwayne should appear. 
"They'll make it, (Y/n), don't worry." The vampire tries to reassure me, though he isn't too convinced, looking just as worried and uneasy as i feel.
"I hope so." I manage back, my jaw clenched and tight, though I am doing my best to relax it.
We wait in silence again for a few moments, neither of us daring to say a word in case we miss the tell tale sounds of someone entering the safe house through the hatch in the abandoned gas station above, the actual door itself squeaky and stiff from disuse. It takes a little while, but eventually we hear it, at which point Paul moves to stand by the doorway, ready to intercept if it should be someone unsavoury, rather than the supernatural beings we are expecting. I sit up straighter, my eyes trained on the doorway, anxiously awaiting whoever it is, the heavy footsteps becoming more and more audible as they approach.
Suddenly, the familiar, lithe silhouette of Dwayne enters the candlelight, the brunette limping a little, his bare chest stained red with blood, Nico just behind him, the werewolf completely bare, his skin covered in sweat, blood and dirt. A few cuts litter his chest, though there is a wound on his shoulder where the shaft of a crossbow bolt is just visible. The German instantly comes over to me as he sees me, ignoring any pain as he chooses instead to pull me into an awkward embrace, glad to see I'm alright.
"Thank God you're ok!" He hums into my hair, pulling back to look me in the eye.
"I'm fine, Nico, though I can't say the same about you. What happened?" I respond, looking between him and Dwayne, who has sat down beside me on a different chair. 
"There were some waiting for us outside the cave. We fought them off, but we both got hurt in the process. Nico took a crossbow bolt for me." The vampire informs me, nodding thankfully at the werewolf.
"And you took a bullet for me. We are even." He responds, smiling at the vampire in his usual crooked way, moving away from me when he finally notices that he is still naked, "Are there any clothes in here that I could wear?"
"Err, yeah man, they're over there. What happened to your first ones?" Paul asks, looking a little confused.
Nico sends him an odd look, obviously wondering if the vampire is joking.
"My clothes were destroyed when I transformed."
"You transformed?!" Paul exclaims, going wide-eyed as he looks over the huge werewolf.
"It was the only way either of us would be fast enough." Dwayne cuts in, groaning as he pulls a bullet out of his shoulder with his fingers.
"Oh, right." His friend nods, going to the brunette's side to offer his aid.
Across from us, Nico roughly yanks out the crossbow bolt, growling as he does so, pulling on a shirt that is much too small for him after, knowing that the wounds will heal themselves in a little while. Once done, he moves to sit on a sofa nearby, only to come and help me up when I gesture to him that I'd like to join him. Carrying me over to the sofa, the werewolf sits down with me, placing me beside him as he leans back, clearly tired.
Tired now, I watch as Paul helps Dwayne with his injuries, the two vampires talking quietly amongst each other, clearly worried about David and Marko, who are most likely still running from the Hunters back at the cave, the two of them in great danger. Unconsciously, I let my head drop onto Nico's shoulder, my eyelids starting to droop as I start to give in to the sleep I've been fighting off all night, the perpetual warmth from his body soothing and calming to me, his arm coming up to support me as he carefully manoeuvres us so that he's lying back against the arm of the sofa, my body resting on his. In this new position I quickly feel myself start to lose consciousness, my muscles finally relaxing as I let myself fall asleep.
Part Fourteen
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big1ron · 4 years
The Venator “Resolute” had jumped right into a separatist trap. Somehow a virus infecting the main computer has scrambled the hyperspace jump coordinates, and now the companies on board were outnumbered and without reinforcements, deep in separatist space. A few last, desperate SOSs to nobody, and the ship was quickly overwhelmed with fire. The Resolute was going down. But not before each of the escape pods could be jettisoned.
—————- Chapter Four: Contact. -—————
- this one is slightly shorter, sorry ‘bout that! -
“Why do you keep calling him kid anyways? He’s not a shiny.” Asks coric, finally.
“Because I’m older, and I can.” Jesse leaves off the ‘And cause rex does it and its cool when he does it’
“Whatever you say, kiddo.”
“Hey don’t call me that!”
“Why not? I’m older than you”
“Well yeah but I’m your superior officer so, it cancels out. Dogma, stop digging your chin into my head.”
“Sorry.” He tries to straighten slightly
“Only because you’re a commando. I outrank you in title.”
“Whatever. Still counts.”
“Alright Jesse, we’ve been walking for a few hours now. And I haven’t seen a droid in a while. We should rest somewhere, and I can actually treat that blaster burn.” Says coric.
Jesses legs are getting tired and the medic does make a good point. So fine, they’ll make rest. Jesse points to a small clearing by a low escarpment. “We can rest there for a while. But don’t take too long”
Jesse drops dogma by the rocks and takes a seat on the ground nearby.
“Thanks Jesse. This shouldn’t take long.” Says coric as he releases the snap on one side of Dogma’s chest plate. Dogma gets the other side. Coric removes both pieces and Jesse gets up, to better deal with any danger that might come to his vode while they’re more vulnerable. Coric cleans the wound, applies the bacta patch and binds it.
“Alright, if you’re done, we can get on our way then.” Dogma tried to get to his feet but Coric pushed him back down.
“No. We’ve been walking for hours, we should all rest for a little.”
“Hey you said this wouldn’t take long!”
“Changed my mind Jess. And all includes you.”
Hardcase does his best to check his fire but it’s difficult with a rotary blaster. The five droids on guard went down easily. The noise caught the attention of two mounted commando droids at the refuelling station. They leaped forward and into attack mode, easily weaving around the incoming bolts from the z-16. Hardcase just wasn’t fast enough like this, and he ducked behind some crates from returning fire. Fives had warned him against explosions but...
He dove from cover again, this time aiming past the droids and to their bikes sitting idly by. He struck one of the fuel tanks and both exploded, launching the droids forward and destroying them. He checked the premise for any remaining droids before entering the command outlet. Fives had already fried the lock and the droids inside. He was standing over one of the terminals.
“Does it have what we’re looking for?”
“Yeah, but I’ve got to time this right if I actually want this signal to get off world. So I have to piggyback our message off this stations next checkin signal, and then hope this planets main communications rig is powerful enough to get into republic space.”
“And we can’t just send a straight message why?”
“These channels are all monitored. Nothing can leave this outpost without the separatists knowing.”
“So then... we just wait? How long?”
“About 24 minutes. But after we get the message out, we’ll have to wait at this post until evac.”
Hardcase rolls his eyes. “Great.”
“Are you even paying attention to where you’re going?”
“No.” Kix buries his face in Echo’s shoulder to hide his eyes from the too bright sunlight. He ends up stepping on Echo’s heels again.
“Stop doing that! You’re going to trip me and I’m going to drop you”
“Good. You deserve it. Don’ drop me, Rex said no”
“Well Rex isn’t here right now”
“Yeah but I am and I will kick you if you drop me”
“Well you’re already kicking me so,” Echo pushes Kix over.
“Ah! Meanie!” Kix rolls onto his back and kicks out echos knees.
“Can you two just get along? Jesse, you don’t have to be mean to Dogma, he’s not even provoking you.” Coric was getting pretty fed up with Jesse not wanting to consider their teammate.
Jesse sighed. He knew just how eager to to please the kid was. He would probably throw away his own life if it gained him the approval of Rex, or maybe Jesse. That’s what made him so readily follow orders on umbara. And sure, maybe it was a little unfair to hold it against him, they had all been manipulated. But not all of them would have killed him. However, he also knew dogma would do whatever it took to get back in his good favour. And even if he might dislike him, Jesse didn’t really want him injured. “Fine, ok. We’ll rest. But only for an hour. Set your chrono.” Jesse sits against the escarpment to the left of Dogma and Coric sits to there right, and sets the timer.
“There’s nothing on this planet!” Ahsoka complains while the three of them take a lunch break. “And these bikes aren’t comfortable.”
“That’s cause they’re made for droids snips. And droids don’t need comfort”
“Well I’m not a droid. And I need comfort.”
“A better seat isn’t all these bikes need. They’re running on empty.”
“Well do you know where there’s a refuelling station?” Asks Rex
“Nope. No idea where anything is on this planet.” Responds Anakin.
“Can’t you use the force to find a base or something?”
“That’s not how the force works!” the two Jedi respond at the same time.
“Plus Anakin already tried.”
“Yeesh, Alright then.”
Tup tried to press forward as the ground started to move beneath him, rocking back and forth wildly. Trees and things he should be getting closer to moving farther away, and he tripped over things that seemed far away. His limbs felt heavy but also like they were floating. He tried to press on, but no use. He fell forwards, but the fall seemed much shorter than it should be, and the ground was still far below him. The rocks were pulsing like flesh and trees bent over him, long fingers looking to grab him. The shadows grew long and pooled beneath him, threatening to swallow him whole. He tried to get away, he had to escape, but movement was a difficulty, as this body wasn’t his, and was uncooperative. Even leaves on trees slowly morphed into hungry eyes, looking for him, searching. It was all too much, he squeezed his eyes shut, and covered his head. But it didn’t go away, he couldn’t escape.
“Stop pushing me over!!”
“Stop kicking me!”
“M’ not doing it intentionally!!”
Echo was about to push Kix over again, but he noticed white armoured figures in the near distance. This pause allowed Kix to preemptively kick him In the shin. For once, echo ignored the minor offence and approached. There were three troopers asleep, leaned against each other. Echo stepped on a twig as he approached and had to dive out of the way, dropping Kix, to dodge a blaster bolt headed straight at his head
The sound of the blaster jolted the other two awake as Jesse registered what he just did, looking at the blaster in his hand.
“Hey it’s not my fault. You two started me!”
“Yeah but if you were a droid that would have saved us. Wait is that Kix?” Jesse unwraps his other arm from around dogma and gets up to get a better look at Kix, who echo was now helping to his feet.
“Yeah but he’s got a head injury or something so he’s been annoying me this entire time.”
“Jesse! I’m so glad you’re here! Echo was being mean to me.”
Jesse shoots echo a (rather intimidating) look.
“Only cause he was annoying me!”
“I was not! You kept pushing me over for no reason.”
“Ookay you three, stow it.” Coric butts in before things can get violent. “I’ll look over Kix, all of you just try not to kill eachother before we goes moving ok?”
“I’m so BORED!” Hardcase threw another droid part against the opposite wall. “You said it would be like twenty minutes but it’s been an hour.”
“Stop being over dramatic. That’s my job. Besides, it’s only been thirty minutes.”
“Yeah well there’s-“
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
My frist attempt at a legit reader insert
Tw spiders
Ever since you bumped into beetlejuice he decided you were his new bffff forever, a chance of fate was how you met, you were able to see him, you simply bumped into him.of the street. Hell he even got you to say his name 3 times, promising to help you get revenge on your old boss who layed you off to replace you with their pal.
And ever since then he's been crashing at your place, despite all his glaring flaws it was nice to have someone around, even If they were dead. Besides your old fat cat, you lived alone, despite how much you craved being alone after growing up in a loud environment, you missed it, and beetlejuice was glad to fill that slot.
He was still an ass despite being your pal, he enjoyed messing with you on a regular basis, jump scares, possession, or just being gross to get a reaction out of you, always pushing the envelope, but today he finally pushed it alittle too far.
Beetlejuice was off doing god knows what, probably messing with your neighbors, while you finished up tidying the kitchen, enjoying the rare peace and quiet. Until
"BABES CHECK THIS OUT, YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT I FOUND" the loud gravelly voice of the ghost with the most pulled you out of your thoughts
Turning around you see Beetlejuice with his hands behind his back, this never ends well, giving him a nervous smile you respond
A ghoulish grin crosses his face "okay, okay, close your eyes sweets"
You hesitate, this never ends well, last time he pulled this you had to put out a fire "uh, do I want to know?"
"Trust me, itll be great"
Against your better judgment you do so
"Okay OPEN!"
And there it was, you were face to face with the biggest, hairiest Spider you've ever had the displeasure of seeing, you open your to scream but no sound came out
"Isnt she great? I've never seen one this big here, a real beauty, consider yourself lucky I graced you with her presence before i-"
"FUCK, NO, GET RID OF IT" you yell in a panic, your whole body becoming stiff
Beetlejuice smiles at this, despite all the shit you used to scare you he never tried spiders, and with a raw reaction like that it seem to be your number one fear, with a ghoulish grin he continues holding the spider to close for comfort to your face "aww come on doll, you're not afraid of her are you? Look you're hurting her feelings"
You were trapped between beetlejuice and the sink, no chance of running away, even though he would follow you regardless
"Beetlejuice PLEASE I'll do anything, get rid of it!" You shrieked
"Within reason, YES" the screamed on the verge of tears
With a light snort he slipped the spider into his coat pocket "see all gone sweets, now in exchange, I'm thinking a handjob?"
You stare at him absolutely bewildered
"Hmmm, you did say within reason, and your no fun at all, so I guess I'll setting for a kiss sweet cheeks" he smiles as he points to his mouth
Taking a deep breath to regain your composure, you grab his tie to pull him down to your level
"Oh ho, I like a gal who takes charge-"
You shut him up with a kiss, as inexperienced as you were he let you take the lead, yet beetlejuice did try to licking you bottom lip in hopes youd open up, which was a request you denied, but his hands did find a way to your bum, giving it a light squeeze.
You pushed his chest to signal him you were done, pulling away, his once bright green hair was now a bright pink, it rivaled how red your face was
"Jesus beej what are you? A schoolyard bully?" You grumbled as you pushed past him
"Sure, if it gets you to do that again doll~" he purred
"Pull that crap again, and I'll banish you for good beetlejuice"
"Awww come on doll, youd miss me too much, and you gotta admit youd be bored to tears with out this handsome mug~" he proclaimed as he straightens out his coat and tie hair still a bright pink
You sigh and mumble "yeah..."
Yay frist reader insert, we can only go up from here boys, hope you liked it
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