#law is bad at feelings
inkiedraws · 3 months
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They make me wanna rip apart cardboard with my bare teeth.
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inkskinned · 2 years
i hate how commodity and capitalism has ruined so much storytelling . i hate how sequels and prequels and whatever else all ring like merch sales; i hate that i as an author have to include any social media following i have as a marketable trait; i hate that everything feels like a xerox of a copy of a dream of a memory.
i hate that my nostalgia has been turned into profit. i hate that companies fear consumer backlash so no real commentary may be made; i hate that companies care more about quantity over quality. i hate that so many artists and creators are being overworked to the point of complete collapse rather than being allowed to tell the story their way. i hate that every point of representation has to be fought for. i hate it i want us all to go back to living in a cave .
when you sit with friends over a bonfire and the night is getting long and people start telling this slow, almost hypnotic story - in this quiet voice, like they don't expect you to listen while they say the most fucked up shit you've ever heard - that is storytelling. who cares if the punchline is car hand hook door. storytelling has always been about community, about us all sitting in the dark, choosing to fill the silence while the last embers are dying. we forgot that storytelling is spellwork. hallucinating together, our breaths held, waiting for the ending we already knew was coming.
#this is specifically due to my rage and undying hatred of megacorporation#disney.#and specifically bc i think there COULD have been a really good series of new#dinosaur island t rex movies#if they had just fucking gone the distance#stopped with the fucking bad CGI#and made the whole thing about late-stage capitalism#do you wanna know what would ACTUALLY sell and work on the big screen more than a trex screaming in front of a volcano#(u absolute jerkweeds)?#so they've rebuilt the island and the park. but the narrative is 100%#that nobody wants to fucking work there and it feels AT BEST cult-like and insular. nobody is paid well for this#at EVERY possible place they are cutting corners. the dinosaurs might have higher walls#but the handlers are paid 5.34 an hour due to island laws. the corporation has RFID tags in their costumes which they are forced to wear#the employees are not allowed to drink water in 120 degree heat bc it would be upsetting to guests#u know real things i experienced working for disney#(but it was 8.90)#anyway it turns out the park CEO knew the risks and just didnt care bc bottom line BAYBEE.#it would be so much more sobering and fucking GOOD if it was like. scientists being like ''i am an environmental scientist''#''after the epa was slashed this is literally the only job i could find. i literally HAD to take it or i couldn't feed my family.''#''i hate what i do. i am disgusted by it. i literally CANNOT STOP because the company also charges us 400 dollars a week to live here''#the dinosaurs escape EARLY in my movie. like minute 45. and then... 1 week later#the park reopens.#half the staff are missing. they're just fucking gone. it doesn't matter tho the company tells everyone to work 2x as hard#that those people weren't loyal enough or they are tragic heroes bc they died doing what they love#and the movie isn't like ''wow dinosaurs scary!!!'' it's...#that in a global fucking pandemic disney kept sacrificing employees.#but it'll be disguised bc the pandemic will be dinosaurs.#this my beloved is what we call an ALLEGORY but unfortunately certain companies have never heard of them#allegories require critical thinking and that doesn't test well with audiences
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lawva-girl · 4 days
Law x fem!reader, 18+
im trying!!! This is an excerpt from a fic im writing on a03 right now, and i kinda want some feed back on it cause this is my first time writing smut. This is just an excerpt so theres some missing context and this isn't the end of the scene either!
I am just waaaay to horny for this man, please enjoy :D
(WC: 550 ish)
He was above you again. He had two fingers in your mouth to keep you quiet, and of course showing off his annoying smirk that he looked so good with. You looked into his eyes, while swirling your tongue around his fingers, trying to push between the two. 
“Couldn’t hold yourself back anymore?” His hand retreated to your lips, so that he could hear your answer. 
“Do you want me to?” 
“My little shadow, you shouldn’t answer a question with a question.” He stared into your eyes for a second, then pressed his fingers back to your mouth. 
Your hands struggled against his grip, while you gave him your absolute best puppy dog eyes. He had to know how mean and torturous he was being. 
“Fuck.” It was just barely above a whisper, had there been any other noise at all you would’ve missed it, but you didn’t. Law saw in your eyes that you had heard, the way they went from begging to amusement in a second. 
You tried to move your head back to get out a word or two about how he had just practically moaned at you sucking his fingers of all things, but he gave you no room. Instead he forced “E” and “A” further into you, with his thumb resting under your chin.
He finally gave you respite after you sucked a little harder, pulling his saliva covered fingers out. They left a stringy mess behind, but you finally had a chance to speak.
Law beat you to it. “Be patient.” 
He was looking down over you, still straddling you. He used the saliva left on his fingers on your neck, tracing a line down to the hem of the neckline of your shirt. You would’ve been fine if he wasn’t staring at you, but all you could think about was him staring at you, in your exposed form. 
The worst part is you still had your clothes on, your shirt had just ridden up, exposing your belly and that awkward space where your ribs were. Your skirt had ridden up too, looking quite unattractive bunched up right below your belly. Laws legs were preventing it from going any higher, along with your stomach. But the way Law stared at you? You would’ve thought you were naked or dressed up in his favorite lingerie. 
Feeling more shy every second he stared at you, you tried to bury your face into the pillow. Law surprised you before you could. 
He had finally touched you, in the moment you accidentally let out a moan. Mainly out of shock, since he had groped your left boob. He rubbed it, you figured he was seeking another response from you so you bit back any moan that might’ve surfaced. 
As he kneaded the flesh through your shirt, the shock faded and you spoke, “why are you torturing me?” Thankfully your voice came out more clear than you thought it would’ve.
“I’ll tell you something disgusting…” he leaned down to your ear, moving his hand to your hip where he squeezed, “I don’t know if you’ll ever let me again, so I’m gonna take my time… I’m gonna remember every single detail, every single noise you let me hear, the way your skin feels… I’ll never forget any of it.”
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alumirp · 27 days
The Smallest Sugar Daddy in Town
we always see law as the sugar daddy its time to turn tables and change things, luffy as the sugar daddy BUT not dilf luffy but just regular luffy right
the catch its: he doesnt know he has that sugar daddy behavior. everyone else knows ofc but he doesnt. hes the son of a very rich senator and a even richer diplomat, real old money, and he has this...thing, going on with one of his friends, law
law, it's your really broke med student who is kind of a genius, but he's an orphan with little to no family who has to work really hard to be able to pay his tuition since he had a drug problem some months ago and couldn't get a good scholarship
they met at a bar where law works and law was nice to luffy who couldnt choose a drink back then, law helped him pick something fruity and sweet but with little alcohol so hes friends would pick on him for drinking straight up juice at a fucking bar and then Luffy kept coming back and soon they became friends, much to law's irritation bc the boy its just clingy and annoying and also has that really pretty smile that he uses everytime he wants law to go out with him and he knows law cant say no to that smile
next thing everyone knew was that law has a better job at a really good company where he did very little work and got a really good paycheck and that was..strange, bc law had no qualification to work at such company nor conections to just get the job so easyly or so they think, but they soon discover that the company is owned by... Luffyt. actually no, it's one of his father's investments, but the shares are all in Luffy's name for some reason so he just demanded they hired law and that what they did
and then law gets an apartment in which the rent it's just ridiculous cheap for a place that good, its big, clean, close from both work and school and also belongs to...luffy. and then comes the car, a gift this time, and then luffy is also the one paying law tuition
and law gets red like a tomato everytime his friend point out those things, when they call luffy his sugar daddy and make fun of him bc well, luffys younger than him. but he doesnt deny none of this bc well luffy is some sort of sugar daddy
of course law had tried to say no to all those gifts and everyting else (not for the job tho, he would never say no to such a good job) he like REALLY tried but theres monkey d luffy that cant take a no, its a lost battle so law just...aceppts it with red ears and cheeks and a heart beating so fast he thinks hes going to die bc hes been in love with luffy for a long time now, even before it all, the sugar daddy thing, had started.
they pretty much had kissed some times and touched each other but nothing more than that and law its starting to get anxious bc god knows he has the hots for luffy and hes about to die is he doesnt get dicked down reall good real soon so the day Luffy shows up at the company to visit Law, all happy and loud as ever, Law is quick to push that boy into the chair and sink to his knees, ready to spend rest of the day with a dick down his throat or else his name its not trafalgar d water law
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hello :) can i have SFW Headcanons of FEM!reader trying on a corset Make it with Shanks, Mihawk, Law, and Kataguri. (also I'm gonna ask this to other writer peeps so hope you don't mind)
sir , madam they them you just made my day, it is 48 mins past midnight and i know just because of the rush of inspo im gonna thrive today. Also the way i ran to the requests because i felt bored. People requests are open im just a little procrastinative. Is that a word? Anyway...
P.s you can totally ask other creators for a similar requests it wonderful actually it just means we get zaddy Dracule content hope you're having a good day👍
*requests are open so feel free to send a message. I love these and I currently have no rules so whatever is cool. *
You were minding your business turning infront of the mirror trying to decide whether you like this look or not.
The way this man scaned you from the corner of his eye.
The way this man hesitated for a second. Unsure how to react.
The way this man slowly put down his book because in all his travels, never has he seen such a creature of beauty.
Babygirl (you are now dubbed babygirl anon, hope you like it) this man is entranced and it's taking everything he has, every fibre of his being to not lose control and kiss you right now.
You turn around kinda shy because he's just staring blatantly, no shame. locking eyes for a second be staring at your waist. You have gripped his attention and you better not think he's looking away. (Should i turn this into a oneshot because i might. I just might)
Just know you're keep it and wearing it often, just to elicit his reaction.
I see this man and he just gives off the vibes one of my friends does, absolutely shameless.
He sees you in this thing and drops whatever he's doing.
The corset isn't the only thing that will be griping that fine waist get over here. Extremely touchy unable to keep his hands to himself.
If you try to walk away he'll trail after who are you to be looking this good and not allowing your man just a little touch. (Genuinely considering a oneshot guys i just need a little enabling ).
You strolling around this town nothing but a corset and jeans and you bump into the captain.
He's shocked first because wow you look amazing and secondly why are you letting other men to take in what's his.
Wraps his arm around your waist squeezing it lightly to put across the message you are his. Not to you though because you know who you belong to.
He saw it coming. Yet between foreseeing it and seeing you. He's shocked. He definitely prefers the real thing.
Stares at you taking in the delicious sight. Kind of intense as most of his face is covered.
Will definitely kill someoen if they stare at you the wrong way. If it's his siblings he'll just usher you out the room.
Lovigly admiring your slutty waist you.
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urhighnessbitch · 2 years
Urge to interact with your mutuals more vs. fear of annoying them: fight
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thousand-sunnies · 2 months
I am *looking* at that lawlu fae au, yell about it, please. I'd love to hear moar xd
YESS TYSM FOR ASKING!!! sorry for the late response, busy irl time for a little, BUT! i have been thinking about lawlu a lot recently (i’m just about done with watching through dressrosa, so, well, you get it), and i always think fae rules make for a fascinating story, so…
namely, this train of thought was inspired by this tumblr post which i think. encapsulates the lawlu dynamic pretty well. i mean, it’s not like luffy is trying to be owned by someone, but good luck getting any sort of handle on that guy even if he’s yours by the letter of the law. and traffy already has a few markers of being a good fae in canon (tricky as hell, hiding his real name, refusing to eat certain foods lol), so it fits!
and it’s like. imagine. you’re a fae. you know how the world works for you. there’s unspoken rules and unspoken conventions and unspoken hatred coursing through your blood. there’s someone you want to tear down from his post, but it’s not easy, not with the faerie court dynamics involved. you’ve been planning this for a long, long time. it may make you want to scream, but at least the schemes you lay out make sense.
and then, right. and then this human wanders into your domain, and eats your food, and shrugs when you tell him this means he cannot leave. and sure, he’s here now, it’s – fine, whatever, as long as he doesn’t get underfoot, so you leave him to his own devices and look away.
except, right.
except you find out very quickly that he gets underfoot.
a lot. in every way you can imagine, and some ways you can’t possibly. you’ve been raised to see humans as – not inferior, maybe, but certainly easy enough to control – but now you’re suddenly forced to confront the fact that this human had – just – not been raised with the same rules that you have ingrained into your very existence. he says he’s free, and that makes no sense, because you technically own him, what freedom is there in belonging to someone like you, but he– he doesn’t live by your standards. he doesn’t do what you ask. he breaks every rule, and stomps past every line you draw, and makes no sense, and–
and. so.
he had just not been raised with the same rules that all of your kind have ingrained into their very existence, you realise, suddenly. you’re pretty sure that doflamingo knows all about your tricks, and schemes, and traps.
you’re pretty sure, however, that doflamingo is not expecting a punch to the face.
and so, maybe having a human on your side isn’t that bad after all.
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Honestly, the whole "[x] group can't be oppressed! Name one right they don't have!!!" because it's such a narrow-minded, State-enforced look at oppression and group struggle.
When you talk to a marginalized group, often they might bring up that there are laws that hinder their movement through life, but a ton of discussions won't surround the law - they might talk about how they are refused equal opportunities, or are medicalized, or treated like a problem to be solved. When you focus so heavily on the State, you are neglecting that enforcers of oppression or oppressive dynamics will not be the people with the highest power of the land.
Despite there (in theory) being equal rights, that by no means means that it is correct to surmise that no group of people aren't oppressed or marginalized. Just because there isn't a law in place that says, "discriminate against this group!" doesn't mean that they are granted the same opportunities or ways of life you might have.
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awkwardsonicphotos · 1 year
I’m dying you guys. We got a surprise visit from my new to be sister in law from Brazil. She’s extremely sweet and kind but she was totally confused and freaked out by the amount of Sonic’s everywhere. She just kept laughing nervously and saying, “I don’t understand.”
So obviously I’m making a great first impression by causing psychological trauma with all the Sonic’s all over the house.
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icyheart-and-friends · 8 months
Please, for the love of gods, allow yourself to consume content/media uncritically
You can be aware of issues a show/game/movie/etc has but you don't need to be aware of it *all* the time, you shouldn't have to justify yourself liking it every time you go to talk about it.
You shouldn't have to feel like you're the worst person in the world just because you like something that happens to have problematic stuff in it.
And you're setting yourself up for failure if you go into something immediately looking for all of the bad in it, you're setting yourself up to be unable to enjoy it! And if you do manage to enjoy it it'll likely just feel wrong because of that!
I'm begging y'all not to consume *everything* critically and to sometimes enjoy things uncritically.
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I have a terrible idea just now.
Do you know those consultants (?) the people who help brides decide on what wedding dresses to get for their wedding day. I feel like Ace would be great at that job. He might not understand aesthetics very well—he finds all that high key boring—but he would put the bride first in every decision he makes. He'd smile and his flirtish side would come out in complimenting the bride to encourage them. He has definitely beat up more than a few annoying entourage.
What if femlaw is a customer one fine day and Ace is absolutely smitten! He knows she's off-limits, like get it together she's getting married, but she's so pretty! Ace loves her pouty lips, piercings, tattoos and slightly muscular shoulders. She's also very shy and timid. To Ace, that meant very cute.
He's determined to help her find the dress of her dreams!
He's happy to see that she seemed to have a good man who's willing to pay whatever she wanted and seemed to treat her affectionately. She deserves that much, anyway. When Ace asked what she wanted for her dress, Law just looked away, very clearly embarrassed. He reassured her that whatever she wanted can't be 'that bad'! She just said she wanted something simple and figure-hugging. Ace said sure and went to work.
After thirty minutes, Ace returned with five dresses for her to try. Ace told her to knock the door three times when she's ready for him to add accessories. Law thanked him and closed the door.
Ace was surprised to hear her knock the door in just ten minutes. He closed his webnovel and walked inside. Fuck- She was stunning. Despite doing this for a living, he never wanted to get married but he was having second thoughts now. To have a beautiful woman willingly dress up, put in effort to feel pretty just to be with you was an honour.
Ace finally understood why some men would simp so hard for their wives. He sure hoped Law's man simped for her. A girl like that isn't common at all!
"Ace, can I be honest with you?" She said. She had only spoken a few words to him up to this point, and they were mostly pleasantries. He was surprised when she stopped him from putting the veil on her head, though he sensed there was a deeper reason than her not liking it. "I don't want to get married. I'm not ready."
"Oh?" Ace knew he looked stupid. "What made you realise that?"
"I knew it when I realised I love this dress," she said softly. Nearly tearing up, she said, "Which is why I don't see myself walking up to him in it. I don't think I love him as much as I think I do."
"What do you want to do? The consult is free, you're not obliged to buy anything-"
"I know. Thank you," she said. They looked at their reflection in the mirror. She looked so tired all of a sudden. She looked like she would pass out from exhaustion. Ace felt bad for her. "To answer you... I don't know. I've wanted to call it off for a while now. Might as well before I sign anything binding."
"How are you going to do that?"
That was when she laughed slightly. Granted it was a sarcastic laugh but Ace ate it up all the same. He knew he was falling for her.
"Again, I don't know. But I'm tired of waiting for a plan," she said. She smiled triumphantly at Ace like she was proud for even saying she wanted to rebel. That's it. Ace was gone. "I'm going to be reckless and I'm going to castrate him and take his money!"
Ace's heart squeezed.
"I'll help," he said easily.
She smiled like she accepted the offer. Ace fell in love for the first time in his life.
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Hey, I have a request! Could you draw my space western AU Cav and Dakota? Here's some refs for the boys:
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It's probably lazy as hell to copy one of the poses I actually didn't rely consider that until I was like half way through I apologise but I've had this ask for a while and I LOVE the designs
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some dreams are meant to be kept to oneself
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giantmushyfriend · 2 months
The biblical need for a Good Omens season 2 musical is real, palpable, burning, and giving the final circle of hell.
Listen, maybe I've been watching too much Hazbin Hotel, and so the notion of Heaven/Hell musicals is stuck in my head- but HEAR ME OUT:
We're on one of the last songs on the soundtrack. Aziraphale is fluttering around the bookshop because he's about to confess his feelings for Crowley. He's singing his little heart out about how, after all this fear and self-loathing, he is finally ready to step out and go after what HE wants, not what Heaven wants. He's prepared, he's in love, and he's done with heavens bullshit. We get to the final chorus, and BOOM. Metatron walks in, cutting Aziraphale off, and asks to speak with him, and Aziraphale agrees.
The next song is instrumental because we, like in the show, have no real idea what was discussed in that meeting. It starts off cheery, maybe a little tense, before it gets somber.
And listen, all I need is a song where Crowley has just watched Aziraphale get into that elevator without looking back, and his heart breaks. I need him, specifically David Tennant, to sing about how Crowley will probably never get over Aziraphale and how, despite constantly waiting for him, it is killing him; it is a death he will gladly accept. I need a song where his rage melts into sadness, and we get a laid-back Crowley just asking if Aziraphale or God can hear him, asking why.
The last thing we hear is that the Bentley is starting up and driving down a busy street in Soho- but if you listen carefully, you can hear a nightingale singing in the background because the story isn't over.
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rubctosis · 1 month
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OPEN.IND.SEMI-SEL.         headcanon   based    𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐆𝐀𝐑    𝐃.    𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑    𝐋𝐀𝐖 ♡   from    Eiichiro    Oda's    𝙊𝙉𝙀    𝙋𝙄𝙀𝘾𝙀.    canon   divergent.   Spoiler free. OC's       welcomed        ,        duplicates       , multimuse        /        multiverse        &        crossover        friendly.        est.        Oct 31.        2023.  minors    /    personals    do    not   interact.    Loved    by    ℛℯ𝓃    (    he/him , 25+    ).    Blog    will    contain    dark    themes,    slight       mentions    of    gore    and    nsfw.          please         read         pinned         for         additional         info.  ©paletterph
                                     ♡  or ↻ if interested in interacting!
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klanced · 9 months
katie your lawyer au tags have me on my knees I never thought guys in suits doing stuff would seem interesting but wow…wow. your mind
Thank u Anon this AU is incredibly indulgent for me.......... ok time 4 more world-building.
I think @heynhay's original idea of Keith & Lance working together at the same firm is best. For both plot reasons but also for my own morale LOL
So everyone works at a fairly large private firm that splits its practice and has some of its associates doing profit-driven law (i.e. corporate or finance) which subsidizes the public interest/service work that the other associates do.
The firm is like "Altea & Daibazaal LLP" or something. Yes I am implying that the firm was started by Alfor and Zarkon. Yes I am implying that Allura and Lotor are nepo babies.
I know I originally said that Keith and Lance were law school rivals but I've changed my mind... (RIP to the law school rivalry dynamics
Instead I'm making it so that Keith and Lance are the same age but Lance has been practicing longer because he went straight into law school after college. Whereas Keith started working after college and got like a Master's degree in Social Work or something before deciding on law school at 26. (I just think Keith is the kind of person who goes to law school later in life.)
Okay onto the specific Klance dynamics... Keith and Lance are both pushing 30 and are also literally lawyers so they are professional and serious about their work... But there is wiggle room for them to still be rivals :p
Lance and Keith are both junior associates at the firm. Lance has seniority because he's been at the firm longer but he's still a year or so away from formally becoming a senior associate.
Lance really, REALLY wants to make partner and he sees Keith as his biggest threat/rival because Keith is Shiro's little brother, and Shiro recently made partner at the firm, so Lance thinks Keith might be a nepo hire. Also some of the senior associates recently left the firm so now Lance is stuck showing Keith the ropes and he's lowkey super bitter about it.
Basically TLDR Lance starts off Not Liking Keith at all for various real or imagined reasons and begins a work rivalry with him. Keith doesn't actually GAF about making partner because he's only planning on working at the firm for a few years to help pay off his student loans, but Lance doesn't know that. However, Keith is a naturally very competitive person, and he also likes having Lance's attention, so Keith immediately goes all in on the rivalry.
Lance, internally: "This Fucking Guy."
Keith, internally: "I am so good at flirting."
The first few months are rough between them. However both are also incredibly productive in their work.
The romcom part of the AU kicks in once the two of them have to start working together on a huge high stakes civil case and they're both like wow.... *twirls hair* he's so competent.............. <3
Anyway misc. things:
TBH I have no idea what kind of law Keith and Lance might private practice... I'm also really torn on what Shiro, Allura, and Hunk would practice hdjsksdhedf
Pidge is hired on a fellowship for either environmental law or data security/privacy law.
Coran does employment law.
Keith went into law school planning on going into public interest/not-for-profit legal aid and swore he would never, ever do corporate law but then he saw his student loans and was like. Hm. Okay maybe some Biglaw is okay. And that's how he ended up at the firm.
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