#legit like he kept calling me controlling...after he told me what to wear what to do in my free time who i can be friends with
mourningroutine · 2 years
bro i hate it here. the doctor still hasn't moved out. he also started blaming me for his bad mental health. because he has been so isolated and has no friends.
i told him i don't want any contact or friendship with him, a few weeks ago.
he is 40 and can't keep any friendships or relationships, but its my fault for wanting no contact.
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mythiccheroacademia · 3 years
—single!parent headcanons
part one
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mtha thots: the manga makes me really sad and i think children deserve a childhood so i made this to cope
all characters are 18+
Warnings: it’s long but, other than that, none <3
© 2021 all writing content belongs to mythiccheroacademia. do not repost or modify
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Shouto Todoroki: 
truth be told, shouto never wanted children 
he knew how important someone’s childhood meant
shouto honestly couldn’t trust himself not to mess it up :(
so imagine his surprise when he came to fall in love with this little boy, no older than six, he found snooping around a dumpster 
it’s actually kind of funny how they came to be bc shouto was 100% put off by the kid
when they made eye contact, they stared at each other like 
the boy: 👁👄👁
shouto again:🧍🏻
before the brat blew him a raspberry and tried to run off 
ofc he caught up to him and, despite the boy’s tantrum, the two went straight to the police
and for some reason, todoroki ended up with him in his condo
the first couple of weeks were terrible 
it seemed like Yuuma hated his guts 
shouto let him have his space and only really pestered him when it was time to do the essentials
at midoriya’s suggestion, he’d try and talk to him about his day or how his therapy sessions went, but it was no use 
the boy would tell him not to worry about it and scurry off 
this happened for some time and honestly, todoroki was at his wit’s end 
until one day, shouto realized that it wasn’t that the child hated him, he just didn’t want to be a burden him
then everything clicked 
mustering up the courage, todoroki one day asked Yuu if he’d like to help him make dinner and the way the kid’s eyes brightened up at the chance to be useful made him a bit sad
but he pushed it away in favor for how the boy blossomed as he showed shouto the right way to stir meat stew and make onion rings
at the end, the red n white hero gave him an honest smile and thanked him for his help
Yuuma looked at him for a long time before bursting into tears 
it was the first time shouto had seen him cry in weeks 
it was also the first time they hugged
from then on, it was almost magical how well they clicked 
the boy was exitable and extroverted, todoroki was quiet and reserved 
they were both stubborn to a fault sometimes and that didn’t bode over well during the few disagreements they had but they brought the best out in each other 
shouto made the kid feel safe and secure, always reminding him that anything he did for him was never burdensome 
Yuuma gave the hero a confidence boost and a chance at another type of love he never knew he wanted 
the first time his son called him dad was when todoroki made the adoption official 
Yuuma shyly asked if it was okay that he called him his father and shouto will not admit to the tears he desperately tried to hide from a teasing midoriya and his siblings (ofc he had them there)
no one knows this but todoroki literally had separation anxiety the first couple of years
his child was just fine being with the babysitter but shouto would spend his work days/nights feeling very tense being away from him 
called/texted the kid all the time, left him encouraging sticky notes in his lunch box, and would hug him for at least 3 min before leaving the house
he’s such a mother hen bye
he’s lucky yuu adores him bc he was lowkey doing a lot LMAO
they have movie nights together and geek over manga like nerds 
yuuma cosplayed as roy mustang once and todoroki has an album of pics from that day alone 
todoroki’s the type to randomly bring his son fruit just because 
yuuma regularly slept in shouto’s bed/futon until around 7th grade
as his son got older, and more popular (w the ladies AND gents hehe) at school, todoroki got a little jealous bc yuuma wanted to spend more time with his friends
he was legit hurt the first time yuu canceled on movie night to go to a sleepover 🥺
todoroki moped over it until midoriya told him to knock it off 💀
it’s a shameful quality of his, but shouto will always lie to get his kid out of the stupid shit he gets himself into only bc yuu plays really funny pranks 
has to keep himself from laughing in front of the principle 
they’re both lowkey mischevious asf 
he’ll scold him later tho so it’s okay, he’s responsible™️
shouto always calls yuu “son”
if he calls him by his full name, he’s either sad or annoyed w him
during family gatherings, yuuma is the star of the show bc of his superb cooking skills
he and fuyumi get along great
and surprisingly enough, bakugo adores the kid even though the same can’t be said for todoroki himself 
yuuma wants to open a restaurant and he’s a little afraid of his father’s reaction
little does he know, shouto is ready to hand over his black card at moment’s notice purrr✨
he’s a really supportive father and he has his hiccups, but todo tries his very best and his son makes him impossibly proud every day 
oh and did i mention they wear matching sweaters?
they’re that kind of family
it’s so cute i could die 
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Midoriya Izuku: 
midoriya was born and bred to be a father 
change my mind 
i mean look at that face 
that’s daddy material to me 😌
midoriya has two girls that are about a year apart
due to the immense pressure of being with the #1 hero and an unwillingness to be a mother, his then girlfriend at the time suddenly left him, signing over all maternal rights to the hero 
it just crushed izuku 
he spent weeks trying to look for her and to make it work 
he wanted his girls to have a two-parent household, but she went radio silent 
it was a difficult adjustment 
but deku is the most ambitious and resiliant person on the planet so he was devoted to giving them the best lif he could 
and ofc he had the support of all his friends and his mother 
but there were a lot of ups and downs
mostly downs in the first year being a single parent
at the time, his youngest wasn’t even one whiles eldest was almost two 
and izuku worked a lot 
being #1 meant he was the country’s go-to whenever something happened and he missed a lot of stuff he’d never get to redo 
like his youngest, Maia’s, first word which was “bunny”
and the first time his oldest, Naomi, went to the bathroom by herself 
and izuku will never forget the day he came to pick his kids up after being on a week long international mission
when he reached out for them, they looked at him as if they didn’t know who he was 
izuku spent the entire night crying in inko’s arms 
the next morning, he only had to deliver some paperwork, but everyone noticed the usually chipper hero’s sour mood and stayed clear from his path
even bakugo and todoroki felt chills when izuku passed by 
it was tough, but deku was determined 
he started taking up night shifts so he could be there for his girls during the day
he’d pick them up from inko’s right after work and spend the day playing with them 
izuku stayed up on a dangerous amount of caffeine and will power
there were days he literally passed out from exhaustion, but it was worth it to see them through their milestones 
when Naomi went to kindergarten, he couldn’t stop buzzing around w excitement
he just adored listening her ramble on about what she learned and that persisted on even as she grew
like, she’s a genius
she was his doppleganger in intellect and resilience
she’s def a daddy’s girl and although she’s not as empathetic as her father, they’re very close 
naomi is an excellent older sister and stepped up early when izuku couldn’t always be there 
maia is izuku’s match in personality
she’s very sweet, a bit more extroverted, and compassionate
but pls don’t get it twisted, that girl gives the fam a run for their money 
she’s got izuku’s righteousness but heightened 100x and with a lot more anger
the girl’s got quite the mean mug and she got hands highkey
they both do tbh (i mean, izuku is their dad...)
the amount of fights naomi’s had to back her up in is ridiculous 😭
they’re two peas in a pod tho so if you mess w one sister, you mess w both ‼️
regardless of all that, izuku wouldn’t change them for anything 
he’s the type to obnoxiously kiss them on their cheeks before school
they’ll take turns doing each other’s hair
izuku gets pigtails that he proudly wears to work 
deku has a private instagram that is so filled with those two, sometimes ppl forget it’s his
he def has a “girl dad” t-shirt
he calls them his angels 🥺
i see him getting a tattoo of their names on his arm or something
they’re all cry babies so when they get into arguments, it doesnt last long
both girls went to UA to be heroes and izuku’s heart just soars with pride every day 
he also cried an obnoxious amount and for some odd reason, kept popping up for “demonstrative purposes”
they had to have a family talk so they could tell him to stop babying them in the kindest way possible 
and by that i mean, naomi said it bluntly and maia did damage control lmao
overall, izuku loves those girls more than life and they love him just the same 
raising them was a rollercoaster, but he’d do it all over again in a heartbeat
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Sero Hanta:
another one that just looks like he’d be an amazing father
please have my children sir
sero is one of the few that was actually looking to adopt a kid
he came from a large family and desired connection with a family of his own
he tried a for a while, but it never seemed to happen
until he came about a small girl he met on the off chance of passing by her hospital room when he was getting a quick check up
she was one of the children they saved on a mission and when he saw her curled up on the hospital bed that seemed to swallow her whole, his feet moved on their own
the girl, Keiko, was left injured and an orphan, yet despite her circumstances, she was just a joy to be around 
sero spent the rest of visiting time with her and just knew she was it for him
she was very sick so he’d spend his breaks visiting her at the hospital 
keiko was a huge cellophane fan and it just melted his heart 🥺
she’d have a huge smile on her face, unabashedly showing off her missing front tooth, every time he walked in
they’d spend hours just drawing or talking about their day
when sero shyly brought up the possibility of adopting her, keiko could barely contain herself 
she drew him one of her best pieces as a thank you and sero still has it hanging on his mirror to this day ❤️
keiko’s actually quite the artist so there’s many more up there to keep it company 
the adjustment period went smoother than anticipated
the girl had her moments and hanta was getting used to being a 24/7 parent, but it was like they quickly acted as if they had been blood related their entire lives
they are ride or dies for each other LMAO
they don’t argue
like at all
the worst they ever got was when keiko rushed to help her father on the job when she happened to see him get hurt 
sero yelled at her in panic 
it was so startling that they avoided each other for the time being
but a few hours later, sero went and apologized 
and that was that
keiko had frequent nightmares and sero would sacrfice copious hours of sleep so that he could turn on the projecter and give her a run down about every star in the “sky” before she falls asleep 
he actually bought and named a star after her for her first bday with him
sero pats her head a lot and she hates it
he calls her squirt, sport, kid, and princess if they’re having a soft moment
they have an unholy amount of matching onsies 
the kid was already getting to the stage where she wanted to be independent, but she would let her father pick out her outfits sometimes
only bc he put a lot of effort into doing it 
aka, she caught him crying over cute pintrest pics bc he’s a simp
okay but sero really, isn’t much of a crier, but he’s sentimental asf
every milestone is recorded
every school night, he’s there (she was a good kid, so he all but gloats w pride after every visit w the teachers)
any drawing she makes, he has 
he’ll do anything to be there for his daughter so it really crushed him when he couldn’t go to her high school’s father daughter dance 
sero had a mission he couldnt get out of and he was sorely pissed off about it 
keiko assured her father that it was okay and that it was corny anyways
but he could hear the disappointment in her voice 
he made kirishima go with her anyways bc he didnt want her to miss out on the experience 
and you bet your ass that when she came back home, sero was there in a tux with the living room set up to make it up to her 
it is just as cheesy as you think it is, but they’re cute so who cares 
also the way they both can dance is crazyyyyyy
rhythm isn’t even the word
if there was a competition for best father-daughter dance duo, they would win every time! and i stand by that!
they have at least one viral tiktok dance they did together
sero’s not the emotional type, but the first time keiko had a boyfriend he def made a threat or two to him 
it was actually so scary 
they’re honestly the cutest duo and everyone on the block agrees
 i love it ❤️
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jenonctcity · 4 years
My Addiction - Part 1
Differences – Lee Donghyuck
Part of the Bad Boy Series.
Warnings: Drug Use, Violence, Explicit Sex, Sex under the Influence.
Word Count: 5.6k
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Lee Donghyuck would punch you if you addressed him by that name. Instead, it was best to call him Haechan, which is the name he much preferred, the name he had given to himself after he’d moved out of his parents house and decided to make his own living instead of leeching off of mummy and daddy. Don’t get him wrong, he loved getting money thrown at him to keep him out of his parents’ hair, but he resented his father, and didn’t want anything more from him after the age of seventeen. He was very close to his father when he was growing up, but the day he walked in on his father fucking his secretary, his opinion changed, and he couldn’t even look his father in the eye without wanting to hurt him. His grades started to drop at school, and eventually he dropped out. He ended up living in a shared apartment with the only people he thought he could trust - Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun. He realised he needed money to live, and without anything to prove he did well at school since he didn’t take any exams, he did what most people frown upon. He became a drug dealer. And a very successful one at that. To give himself a more edgier appearance he got some tattoos, cut a slit into his eyebrow, grew his hair out longer to give it a messy appearance, and involuntarily got a scar on his cheekbone that he tells people he got from a fist fight, but in reality he got it when walked into a doorframe from trying to see if he could navigate with way around the apartment with his eyes shut. He’d tried to avoid actively taking the drugs that he sold, but it was hard not to when he remembered he was keeping his dad’s infidelity a secret from his mum. He found that a line of cocaine helped, and if anyone tried to tell him otherwise, they’d get a smack on the nose.
It wasn’t long until he was the most sought-after drug dealer in their local area, and he was soon rolling in money, and pussy. Women threw themselves at him left and right, and who was he to decline half an hour of intense pleasure that would end in a sweet orgasm. He liked to pride himself in the fact that he wasn’t as much of a slut as Renjun, which he often said to the poor boy’s face. Every other weekend, he’d help out at his uncle’s mechanics, manly to maintain face with the law so if they came knocking at his door asking how he had so much money, he’d be able to say that he has a legit job. Plus he enjoyed toying with cars and keeping himself busy on the weekends that Renjun would have a screaming baby in the apartment.
The cool air of night sent a shiver down Haechan’s spine as he stepped out of the crowded club, his thick leather jacket not doing a good job in keeping him warm. The music faded to a muffled booming noise as he walked down the street, tucking his hands into his pocket to try and maintain the warmth within his fingers. His cheeks felt hot despite the cold air slapping against them, the alcohol in his system slowing wearing off the more he walked down the dark streets. He hadn’t had much to drink, but after his third drink his cheeks went red and felt hotter than a pool of lava.
“Get off of me you creep.” He heard a high-pitched voice command in a rather calm manner. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned his head to look down the alley way beside him that was light by nothing but dim moonlight.
“Come on baby, just a quickie.” He could see the silhouettes of two people stumbling around in the pitch black, both figures faceless from the lack of light, but he didn’t think the stumbling was from alcohol, rather from the girl trying to push the man away from her.
“No get fucked you pervert.” The sound of skin slapping skin made his eyes widen as he assumed someone had been slapped, but he was unsure who had slapped who.
“You little skank!” One silhouette shoved the other up against the wall and Haechan saw your figure under the small ray of moonlight that slipped through the gap in between the buildings.
“Oi!” He shouted into the alleyway and walked up to you, grabbing you by the elbow and frowning at you. He could see your face clearer now that he was less than a metre away from you. Your face looked confused as you looked up at him, slightly tugging your arm back from him. “I wondered where you’d gone baby. Come on we’re going home.” He started to drag you out of the alleyway, wanting to avoid confrontation with the man if he could.
“Hey what the fuck do you think you’re doing? She’s mine for the night.” The man slurred, following after you both. Haechan noticed that the man was taller than him, but he didn’t care. His jaw clenched and he pushed you behind him as the man followed you out to the main street where it was brightly lit by streetlights.
“Back off.” Haechan growled, folding his arms across his chest with an eyebrow raised.
“What are you gonna do big man?” He reached out to ruffle Haechan’s hair and as he did, Haechan grabbed his wrist and shoved the man up against the wall. He grabbed him by the collar, getting the pocketknife he kept in his pocket out and flicking it open. He held it against the man’s neck and smirked at him.
“Do you really want to find out? Big man.” The mans face paled in colour, and he shook his head. Haechan let go of him and gave him a shove. “Fuck off.” The man scurried off and Haechan smirked, turning around to face you as he put the knife back in his pocket.
“You finished showing off?” You stood with your arms folded, jutting your hip out as you rested your weight on your right leg, your eyebrow raised and an unimpressed look on your face. Haechan frowned in confusion and shock at your reaction. He couldn’t deny how attractive he found you, stood there in your navy-blue dress that hugged your figure perfectly, paired with a pair of black, high heeled boots with your hair blowing in the wind. He was amazed that you were shivering from the cold.
“What?” He tilted his head, putting his hands in his pocket as he attempted to stare you down. You didn’t feel intimidated by him, yeah you thought he was attractive, and the red rose tattoo with a black and white skull he had on the left side of his neck was making you weak in the knees, his naturally black hair had a messy look to it, like he’d had a thousand pair of hands running through it.
“As hot as that was, I had it under control. Next time, mind your own business.” You said with sass that was more intimidating than bratty. Haechan had never had a woman speak to him in that way before, and he was utterly baffled. He was expecting you to show him gratitude, not give him a telling off.
“Like you had it under control Princess, you were a minute away from being some crackheads cock sleeve.” His scowl told you that he didn’t like your attitude, but you could care less.
“No I wasn’t.” You snapped, starting to storm off down the street, a sway in your walk from how high your boots were. He followed you, finding you interesting and strangely not liking how you were just leaving him there.
“A thank you would be nice.” He caught up with you and walked beside you. You glanced his way with a scowl, looking him up and down and noticing he had quite long legs that were clad with black skinny jeans. You also noticed the tattoo he had on the back of his hand, it was of a lion’s face and it looked incredibly detailed.
“I’m not thankful though.” You grunted, looking forward and pretending that you weren’t freezing your ass off in the wind. “Why are you following me?”
“I’m waiting for you to say thank you.” He deadpanned, keeping up with your quick pace with his own long strides.
“Thank you. Now do one.” He smirked to himself but made no effect to change his direction. “I thanked you, why are you still following me?!” You raised your voice, getting irritated with him.
“I’m just making sure that you get home safely.” He shrugged, pulling off his leather jacket and draping it over your shoulders. If you didn’t feel like your nipples were about to fall off from being so cold, you would have told him to shove his jacket up where the sun doesn’t shine. But because you feared for your nipples, you accepted the jacket with a roll of your eyes.
“Thank you.” You mumbled, actually meaning your gratitude this time but not daring to look at him. He gave you a genuine smile, shivering but trying not to be bothered by it as he walked you home. You got to a block of apartments, not too far from where his own apartment building was situated, and you turned to him. “This is me; you can go now.” You shrugged off the jacket and held it out to him.
“What’s your name?” He asked out of the blue, biting his bottom lip as he stared you up and down once more, his eyes dragging over your figure slowly.
“(Y/N). Thanks Hyuck.” You turned and entered the building, not paying him anymore attention as you let the door shut behind you in his face. He rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle, deciding that he liked your spunk as he pulled his jacket back on. He definitely wanted to come across you against at some point. He froze suddenly, his eyes widening as he realised that you had called him by the nickname he went by when he was growing up.
He suddenly felt like he needed to see you again even more.
You were seeing red. How dare someone think they could stand up your friend on a date they had arranged. Not on your watch. Your friend didn’t know where he lived, but you called around and as soon found out where Lee Jeno lived, you were stood in front of his door with your fists clenched, pounding on the wood. The door flung open and a tall boy with broad shoulders answered, his blond shaggy hair flopping over his forehead but you could still see his dark eyebrow raised.
“Can I help you?” He asked, his voice deep and his eyes raked up your body slowly.
“Are you Lee Jeno?” You raised your own eyebrows, tapping your foot impatiently on the floor as you folded your arms over your chest.
“Nope, hang on.” He turned his head and shouted out into the apartment. “Jeno! Come here, you’re wanted!”
“Who is it Jaemin?” A deep voice called back.
“Some girl!” He stepped back as another tall boy emerged from within the apartment, his hair as blond as the other boys but his pushed off of his forehead with an undercut. You felt slightly intimidated by this guy’s harsh gaze, his strong facial features making him look scary despite how much of a neutral face he was pulling. This must be Lee Jeno.
“Do I know y-” He was cut off by your fist connecting to his jaw, his eyes widening and his face flinching, but apart from that he hardly reacted. Jaemin’s mouth popped open and he was quick to put himself between you and Jeno. He put his hands on Jeno’s shoulders as Jeno went to step forward, clearly not amused that you had laid your hands on him.
“Who the fuck do you think you are huh?!” You shouted at him, trying to get past Jaemin so you could let Jeno have it again. You weren’t scared of him, and you felt a huge rush of adrenaline at the thought of fighting someone like Jeno.
“Fuck off little girl.” He growled, trying to get past Jaemin. He wasn’t going to hurt you, he just wanted to frighten you, as he felt like you were getting way too cocky with him.
“No! Why did you stand Leah up?!” You screamed at him, trying your hardest to get past Jaemin but the tall boy didn’t seem to be budging.
“Haechan help me out here!” Jaemin shouted into the apartment, starting to sound slightly out of breath from holding the two of you apart. All of a sudden, another body wedged its way between you and Jeno. Your frowned and completely stopped when you saw the man who’d walked you home just nights before.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You looked at him in confusion.
“I live here. What the fuck are you doing here?” He quipped straight back, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Trying to beat up this bitch.” You motioned to Jeno with a nod of your head. He scoffed with a roll of his eyes.
“You’re trying to beat up someone who fights for a living. You’re dumb.” You scowled at him as he turned around to Jaemin and Jeno. “I’ll handle this.” He grabbed his jacket and keys shutting the door behind him. “Let’s grab some coffee.”
“I don’t want coffee.”
“Then have some water, I don’t give a fuck.” He shrugged, nudging you as he started to walk, urging you to walk with him. You rolled your eyes but followed him anyway. He had on a soft looking grey jumper, paired with ripped, denim jeans. If you couldn’t see all of his tattoos and his eyebrow slit, you’d assume he was just an average boy who didn’t casually carry a knife on him.
“Why are we getting coffee?” You questioned, following him out of the apartment building and to his car. The sun was starting to set, leaving a golden and amber hue of light on the metal of his car.
“Because. Get in.” He nodded towards the car, unlocking it and climbing into the driver’s seat. You got in the passenger’s seat and put your belt on, sighing as you relaxed into the comfortable seats of the Mercedes. The car roared to life, the car rumbling as he revved the engine. It didn’t take long for you to arrive at the nearest drive through Starbucks. “What do you want?” He turned to look at you, his arm resting on the door of the car with only one of his hands on the steering wheel. He looked hot; you couldn’t deny that. But you refused to let him know that, so you kept up the not bothered attitude.
“Surprise me.” You shrugged, picking at a loose thread on your mom jeans. He ordered for you both, which you didn’t pay attention to as you completely zoned out, subtly rubbing your knuckles which ached a bit from striking Jeno’s strong jaw. He passed the cup holder to you and drove out of the car park. You didn’t bother asking where he was taking you, not really caring as you stared out of the window. The scenery slowly changed from the visual of the city, to dense trees as he drove out towards the outskirts of the city. It was getting darker out, and small drops of rain hit the windscreen as he sped through the country lanes, eventually pulling onto a dirt track and stopping in a small clearing which was used as a small car park for dog walkers.
He turned off the engine, taking off his seatbelt and turning his body to angle slightly towards you. He took one of the cups from the holder and sipped it, keeping his eyes on you. You picked up the remaining cup, glancing over at him as you timidly sipped from the cup.
“Hot chocolate?” You let out a soft laugh, feeling the warmth of liquid as it slid down your throat.
“Do you like it?” He raised an eyebrow, sipping his own drink again.
“Mhm…so…why am I here?”
“How do you know my name?” He got straight to the point, placing his cup in one of the cup holders and clearing his throat.
“We went to the same school.” You shrugged, also placing your drink in one of the cup holders.
“We did? I don’t remember you…” He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at your face to take in all of your details to see if his memory would be jogged.
“No, you wouldn’t remember me. I was quiet and kept to myself.” You awkwardly cleared your throat, not really wanting to speak about your school life with him. “How can you afford a car like this?” You wanted to change the subject, and you hoped using a topic such as cars would be a good distraction.
“Are you sure you want to know?” He smirked, moving a hand up to rub at his jaw. You watched his fingers as they caressed the soft looking skin of his face, your eyes trailing up to his piercing brown eyes that were almost covered by his sleek, black har. You nodded in confirmation, letting your eyes travel back down his jaw and to his neck. The inside of the car was lit up by a single light, but you could see every detail of the stunning young man sat in front of you. “I sell drugs.” He said it as if it was nothing. He wasn’t ashamed of his job title, but he knew if the wrong person knew about what he did to make money, then it would cause a problem.
“Oooooh dangerous man.” You laughed and rolled your eyes.
“I can be dangerous if you get on the wrong side of me, but luckily for you,” His gaze moved from your face to your chest, slowly travelling back to your eyes. “you excite me.”
“How?” You felt your heart flutter, unsure of how he was having such an effect on you, but you pinned it down to just finding him overly attractive and probably needing a good fuck.
“No girl has ever spoke to me the way you have, and I want nothing more than to put you in your place.” His voice seemed to deepen, and his hand landed on your thigh. You glanced down to his hand and then back to his face.
“Put me in my place?” You smirked, glancing up at the ceiling before letting out a sultry laugh. He watched you with a hard stare, his hand gripping your thigh tighter as it slowly travelled higher up your thigh towards your core. “How?”
“I’ll fuck you so hard and so good, you’ll be screaming my name so loud that you won’t have a voice left to backchat me.” He leaned in, pressing a very soft kiss to your jawline that you hardly felt it. His breath was warm against your skin made a tickling sensation ripple down your spine.
“Oh yeah?” You tried to play it cool, but your voice wavered, and your hands started to shake.
“Mmm.” His other hand came up to cup your cheek, tilting your head back to give him better access to run his lips over your neck. “I’m going to take you on the backseat of the car I bought with drug money, your tight little pussy is going to be so wet but if you make any mess on my leather seats, I’m going to make you regret it baby girl.” Your hold on your dignity and tough façade slipped as you let out a gentle whimper, his words making your puss throb in need. “Call me Haechan.” He didn’t want you to moan the name you knew him by, feeling as if it would ruin the mood for him.
“Put me in my place…Haechan.” He moved his lips to yours, mashing them against yours in a hot, filthy kiss that was full of tongue and passion. You tried your hardest to win the battle, but ultimately, he won, his tongue infiltrating your mouth as his lips moved in perfect time with your own. He sat back in his seat, grabbing you by the hips and dragging you over to sit on his lap. You ground down against his crotch, moving your lips to his neck where his tattoo was. He smirked, his cock getting harder the more pressure you put on it.
“Do you like my tattoo baby girl?” He moaned, his eyelids drooping as he basked in the pleasure you were bestowing upon him. You nodded, nipping at his skin as you circled your hips. “Fuck, get in the back. Now.” He commanded, giving your ass a squeeze. You scrambled into the back, nearly kicking him in the face as you tried to squish yourself through the small gap between the front seats. He used the doors as his way of getting into the back, shutting the backdoor as he slid into the back. You smirked at him, sat facing him with your legs open.
“You gonna put me in my place now?” You raised an eyebrow, biting your bottom lip in anticipation. He growled lowly in his throat, grabbing your legs and pulling you towards him so that your body slid down onto the backseats. He pushed your hoodie up, happy to find that you didn’t have a t-shirt on underneath, and he had easy access to your bra. He leaned over you, placing kisses across your breast and nipping at them as he pushed your bra up. Taking one of your nipples into his mouth, he tugged it with his teeth before giving it a long, hard suck. Your mouth fell slack, a euphoria of feelings starting to blossom inside of your stomach as you watched his pouty lips work at your nipple. He used his thumb and finger to play with your other nipple, making sure it got just as much attention as the one in between his wet lips. With a pop, he let go of your nipple, trailing his tongue down your abdomen, leaving a wet trail of saliva as he reached your jeans. He made light work of taking off your jeans, tossing them onto the front seat so they weren’t in his way. He was happy to see that there was a damp spot on your silky white panties. Your wetness making the fabric stick to your pussy as he pulled them down your legs. He slipped them into the back pocket of his jeans with a smirk.
You started to feel really hot, despite the chill outside of the car. The windows fogged up, and you regretted wearing a hoodie as it was now pushed up underneath your chin. Haechan must have gotten hot too, as he pulled the jumper from his body and discarded of it in the same place that your jeans were. Your eyes were glued on his chest, noticing a tattoo of bird wings that stretched across his entire chest and met in the middle, where a heart was. It wasn’t the design of an actual heart, but more of the commonly known sign for a heart with the heart being the only coloured part of the tattoo. Attached to the heart, was a snake’s head biting into the heart with its fangs. It was then you let your eyes follow the snake’s body, which wrapped around one of the wings before descending down his arm, the tail ending just above his wrist. You also noticed that on his right arm he had an entire sleeve of tattoos, all of them blending perfectly together, some coloured, some black. You whimpered at the sight, too focused on the artwork on his body to notice that his mouth was hovering over your dripping cunt. He was staring at up you, waiting for your eyes to find his own as he watched them scale over his torso. He smirked as you looked at his face once more, his tongue dragging from your clenching hole to your sensitive clit, his hot breath making a chill rush through you.
“Wait!” He pulled away suddenly and looked down at you with cautious eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
“Erm…have you got anything on you?” You timidly asked, biting your bottom lip in anticipation at his answer.
“What do you mean?” He tilted his head in curiosity.
“…Drugs.” Your voice wavered, nervous to his reaction to you asking him for drugs.
“Oh. Yeah, but I’ve only got one type I think.” He reached forward into the front of the car, opening the glove compartment on the dash and pulling out a sunglasses case. He also grabbed a little silver packet and sat back against the backdoor. You watched as he opened the glasses case, pulling out a little bag of pills.
“Ecstasy?” You asked, but you already knew the answer. He gave you a curt nod and spoke with a low tone.
“You done this before?” He raised the eyebrow that had a slit in it at you. You nodded eagerly and gulped, not willing to tell him the story about your drug use that you kept hidden in a deep place within you. He felt slightly hesitant about giving you the drug but pulled one of the pink pills that were shaped like a teddy bear out of the tiny packet. “Open.” You opened your mouth and held out your tongue slightly, watching with keen eyes as he popped the pill on his own tongue and leaned forward, pushing his tongue against your own and successfully transferring the pill into your mouth. You swallow the pill without any hesitancy or regret and laid back against the seat as he put the glasses case with the pills back into glove compartment. He got back into position and started to lap at your still oozing cunt.
“Fuck! Haechan!” You squealed, parting your legs further and resting one of your feet on the headrest of the backseat, the other rising up so that your knee was pressed to your chest. It was cramped in the back of his car, but you were thankful, as he had no choice but to be as close to you as he possibly could be. He swirled his tongue around your folds, spreading your essence with his sinful tongue. His pouty lips wrapped around your clit and sucked harshly causing your hips to buck. The taste of your wetness almost had his eyes rolling into the back of his head. And if it were up to him, he’d happily eat your cunt all night. But eventually, after twenty minutes of eating you out like he was eating his last meal on death row, his twitching cock in his pants had other ideas and sent him a little reminder that he wanted to bury himself so deep inside of your warmth that he could see his cock poking through your stomach. So he reluctantly pulled his messy fingers from your velvety walls and let your clit go from between his lips. Your legs were shaking from the orgasm he’d given you, and you knew he was stalling to give the drug you’d taken time to kick in.
He sat back, unzipping his jeans and pulling his member out. He let out a soft moan as he wrapped his hand around it, giving it a firm pump as pre-cum leaked from the tip. He ripped the silver packet and took out the condom, rolling it onto his cock and pressing the head against your opening. He looked into your eyes and noticed that your pupils had double in size, and your eyes were slightly wider as you stared up at the ceiling of his car, a big smile plastered on your face.
“You good baby?” He tapped your leg to gain your attention back on his face. You raised your head and blinked rapidly at him, nodding your head in confirmation and letting out a giddy laugh. You felt happiness hit you, and you felt like you wanted to give Haechan a big kiss and cling onto him out of gratitude for the orgasm he’d blessed you with. He chuckled at you and rolled his eyes; just glad you were seemingly enjoying yourself. Without any warning, he slid his cock inside of you, a deep moan vibrating from his chest as your silky walls sucked him in perfectly. Your arms went limp and they laid either side of your head uselessly.
“Shit.” You gasped, letting your head fall back and knock on the door of the car. “Ow.” You mumbled, momentarily squeezing your eyes shut as you felt the pain rumble around your head before it subsided. Haechan didn’t wait for you to adjust, he just started to thrust into you as hard and as fast as he could. You kept your eyes pinned on his arm, swearing you could see the snake tattoo on his arm move its tail, looking like it was constricting his arm. His lips found purchase on your neck, and he bit at it hard, sucking a dark bruise onto your sweaty skin before licking at the salty skin, finding you more addicting than any drug he could possibly take. He varied between fast thrusts and slow thrusts, stopping momentarily every thirty seconds or whenever you went suspiciously quiet just to check up on you.
You couldn’t tell how much time had passed, but the knot inside of your stomach tightened like the snake around Haechan’s arm until it snapped and you could see fireworks going off inside of the car as your orgasm rushed over you like a tsunami of cold water.
“Fuck baby.” He moaned, feeling how your walls pulsed around him. He leaned down and rested his forehead on your breasts, shutting his eyes with so much force that he saw stars behind his eyelids. High pitched whimpers, that had you wrapping your arms around him tight, left his parted, plump lips as his thrusts got sloppy. He came inside of the condom with one final moan, his eyes slowly opened as he rode out his orgasm, his hips slowly to a stop before he pulled out of you, reaching for some of the Starbucks napkins in the cupholder to use for the clean-up. He tucked his cock away after throwing the condom out of the car.
“It’s bad to litter.” You commented, sitting yourself up and feeling like you didn’t have much control over your jaw as it swayed.
“Shh.” He hushed you and dressed you, both of you sitting in the back of his car the way the car manufacturer had intended people to actually use the backseat of a car. He had his arm around you and let out a soft laugh. He still hadn’t put his jumper on, but he had cracked open one of the windows an inch to let some of the cold night air in. You cuddled up against his shoulder, feeling a strange loved up sensation that made you want to never let go of him. He didn’t mind, he knew it was one of the side effects of the drug he’d supplied you with. He also loved cuddles, not that ever let anyone know that or admit it if someone accused him of it.
“Mum…” You read out loud, causing him to look down at you with a confused frown.
“Your tattoo. It’s a sunflower and it says mum on the stem.” You pointed out, not really sure why you were letting your mouth run when it didn’t really need to be spoken about. But the beautiful sunflower tattoo he had on the inside of his arm next to the snake tail had your heart spitting in wonder. In very tiny letters, the word mum was written in Korean characters. “Ha…mummy’s boy.” You sniggered. He rolled his eyes and pulled away from you, pulling on his jumper awkwardly.
“I ain’t no mummy’s boy.” He climbed through to the driver’s seat and turned on the engine. “I’m taking you home.” You rushed to climb through to the passenger’s seat, wanting to be beside him for the journey. “How bad are your come downs?” He glanced at you as he started to drive. You picked up your now cold hot chocolate and sipped at it, shrugging and humming.
“Not bad.” You lied, not wanting to tell him the truth. You didn’t want him to know that side of you. He wasn’t your friend, nor was he your boyfriend. And you sure as hell weren’t his responsibility. He was simply someone you knew from school who you fucked in the middle of nowhere. This thought had your heart aching, and you felt the start of your come down taking full effect. He gave you a small nod and drove the rest of the way in silence.
When he stopped outside of your apartment building, he turned his head to you, giving you a smirk. “We should do this again, no strings attached though.”
“Okay. No strings attached.” You agreed. If there were no strings attached, then there was nothing that could snap and hurt you. Right?
You exchanged numbers and climbed out of his car into the cold night, feeling a horrible surge of nausea rush over you. But you couldn’t tell if it was the ecstasy, or your new drug, Haechan.
I haven’t proof read this yet so sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes! Let me know what you think! Haechan has been the most anticipated member for this series so I’m really excited to know what you think of the plot so far! Let me know! What do you think is going to happen in Part 2?)
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Come Home to My Heart, Chapter 10 [Final] (Lemyanka) - Plastiquedoll
read on ao3 ✨| previous chapters
A/N:I started writing this and I was like “so it’s going to be around 15k words top” and HERE I AM… no self-control whatsoever… anyway, I’m very happy with the result.If you have made it this far, thank you so much I hope you had a good time reading it and if it put a smile on your face I’ll be more than joyful 💛✨
Priyanka never –in a million years- thought she was going to feel as relieved as she was when she heard the sound of her car’s engine working again. Yes, maybe it wasn’t the newest car or the best car and yes… it was a gas-guzzler that ate her salary like a snack… but it was her car.
“Have you considered selling it?” The mechanic asked while he cleaned some grease with a rag.
“What?” That man was messing with her.
“One of my clients saw it the other day and liked it, said something about having one like this when she was younger. She asked me if I could extend her offer.”
“No, I mean…” She shook her head. “It’s not for sale, it’s my car and…”
The man handed her a piece of paper with a number written on it.
“Wow… and this is… wow.”
It was more money than what her car costed with the repairs and spare parts included. Way more…
“Can I make a quick call? I’ll be right back” She grabbed her phone from her backpack and called her father.
“Hi, dad… I’m at the mechanic’s and there’s someone who wants to buy my car…” Her father cackled. “Don’t laugh, I’m serious.”
“Sorry… Your mother is going to be very happy about it. She has been trying to make you get rid of it for years and now you finally have the chance to…well, get rid of it.”
“I mean, I know I won’t get a better offer than this but at the same time… this is my baby and we fought so hard to have it back fully functioning.”
“The alternative was taking it to the junkyard.”
“Does everybody want to see my car turned into a cube of scrap? No need to answer to that.” She took a deep breath. “Do you think you can call the mechanic and check if the offer is legit?”
“I can drop by after lunch and talk to him if you want.”
“Please, that would help a lot.”
She needed to know if this person was serious about paying that amount of cash for her jalopy. Damn it, not jalopy, her car.
“My dad is going to come over after lunch to talk to you if that’s okay.” She explained to the mechanic. “Please don’t tell your client anything yet… I’m not sure I want to sell it.” She scratched her neck.
“No problem, miss. But I should give her a response by tomorrow at the latest.”
“I understand. You’ll have it.”
Priyanka drove back with her car with the windows down like she had done the first time she drove around the town, no music this time, just the tender summer breeze. When she stopped to refuel and at the gas station, she spotted a familiar yellow car parked across the street.
She honked her car horn causing the blonde to turn around with a grumpy frown on her face until she recognized the car and the owner.
“Well, well, well… look who’s back on the road.” Lemon lowered her sunglasses to take a look.
“Guess who’s back, back again.” Priyanka tapped the door with her hand before stepping out of the car.
“That’s something I didn’t think I’d see. I must admit it even looks charming without the smoke coming off the engine.”
“Yeah… that’s-”
She was on her regular witty comments but Priyanka noticed she had big dark circles under her swollen eyes that she kept behind her glasses.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Me? Ah, you mean… It’s nothing, just my allergies acting up.” She made light of the situation. “I was about to drop by the pharmacy to buy some medicine, actually.”
“Oh, I see… So… Did you two have fun yesterday?” Priyanka leaned back in the vehicle.
“It was cool… for a stupid lake.”
“Oh, c’mon, admit it, you did have fun! You were with me.” She playfully bumped her shoulder.
Lemon smiled but Priyanka wasn’t sure that was honest, she couldn’t decipher what it was yet but there was a hint of sadness underneath.
“Is Rita feeling better?”
“Huh? Ah, yes… I should get her some aloe ointment or an after-sun gel.”
“Remember when your mom used to do that thing with the glass of water when we got sunburn after going to the pool? I still can’t believe the water actually had bubbles after it.”
“Yeah…” She shook her head. “I…. She still does it and kids think it’s a magic trick.”
Something was off.
“I’m sorry but I have to ask you, what’s going on?”
Lemon shrugged. “What do you mean?”
“You’re acting weird today.” She crossed her arms on her chest. “Weirder than usual…”
“I’m not…” She rolled her eyes as the most Lemon thing she had done that day.
“Spill it.”
“I’m not-” She looked like she wanted the Earth to swallow her then she looked at Priyanka in the eye. “I’m going back to New York.”
“Next week… I know.”
“This Sunday.”
“I… have a dance thing soon and I figured it would be easier to go back on a day without the heavy traffic since I’m driving alone. Rita’s staying.”
“Oh.” Priyanka blinked twice trying to absorb the new information. “So you’re leaving the day after tomorrow.”
“Yep… I’m staying for one last lunch with my family tomorrow, the dinner at your house, and then I’m heading back early in the morning.”
“Okay… Uhm… That’s…” She scratched her head. “Soon.”
“I know it’s a bit rushed but… I’ve been here for a couple more days than you and… It’s weird, I’ve never been away from the city this long, I’m feeling a little homesick already.” She avoided her friend’s inquisitive gaze.
Priyanka nodded. “Alright.” She took a deep breath. “So… would you like to hang out today or…?”
“Uh, I can’t… I promised Rita I’d go shopping with her… you know, this was our bonding trip originally.”
“Oh, right… no problem.” Priyanka cleared her throat. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”
The blonde nodded and whispered. “See you tomorrow.”
And that was their cue to leave separate ways.
Priyanka couldn’t wrap herself around the idea of not having Lemon around. It was like time had slipped off her hands like sand grains and there was nothing she could do.
It wasn’t the end, right? It was their new beginning.
Their second chance…
During Saturday afternoon, Priyanka’s mother kept running around the house making sure everything was perfect as if Lemon hadn’t been there before a million times. Not that Priyanka herself wasn’t nervous to have her back there but she was being more realistic, trying to accept the fact that Lemon was going back to New York meanwhile she was going back to Toronto. Their summer together had been cut short but at least they had the chance to make things right between them and this dinner was the stamp of approval of their flourishing new-old friendship.
It was more than she could aspire from the first time she saw the blonde again. It had been just a week ago but it felt like much more time had passed since then and, simultaneously, it was like time hadn’t passed at all. There was a portion of their lives that would ever be crystalized in the past and it would always look pretty and luminous under the light. That was what she wanted to think, at least.
After helping her mother in the kitchen with the basic knowledge she had of cooking -and as far as she let her help-, Priyanka took a shower and spent a long time trying to decide what to wear.
She didn’t know what kind of energy she wanted to radiate with her clothing, not too much, not too little… Lemon always managed to look good no matter the occasion and she had to live up to it.
She finally picked a simple black and white striped mini dress –actually the only dress she had packed-, she put on a pair of black Converse, brushed her hair, and did her makeup hoping for the best.
Lemon was supposed to be there in fifteen minutes and knowing her Virgo-ass she was going to promptly knock on her door at seven o’clock. Therefore, she had just a couple of minutes to check on the mirror before she arrived.
Priyanka went down the stairs just to discover a family meeting in her living room. Literally, everyone but her sister that lived across the world were there.
“Hi, Priyanka!” They greeted.
“Mom!” She yelled. “Why is everyone here?”
“This is a family dinner,” She said casually. “they wanted to see Lemon too.”
“Why did you tell them she was coming for dinner? I thought it was going to be just us and dad…” She whispered.
“She’s family and you said she was going home tomorrow. They all remember her, after all, you were friends since you were kids…”
“I know that but… Is that our picture from kindergarten?” She walked directly to the wall where all their family photos were. “When did you have the time to put this on?”
“I was cleaning the basement yesterday and I found it… completely unrelated to her visit. Calm down.”
“I don’t believe you…”
“You’re the one wearing a nice dress, look at you. You look beautiful.” Her mother adjusted her glasses to admire her.
“That’s not…” She blushed. “All these people have to leave… It’s too much.”
“You’re overreacting. We’ll have a good time.” She squeezed her daughter’s shoulder trying to comfort her. It worked for a moment.
At least half a dozen people were chatting, drinking, and eating snacks plus a bunch of children running around… it was… chaotic. At least something was cooking in the kitchen and smelled delicious.
Exactly at seven, the doorbell rang. The room went quiet.
“She’s here…”
Her heart was about to burst.
Priyanka ran toward the door and opened it.
The brunette got out and closed the door behind her before she could say anything else. Lemon –of course- looked lovely with a denim button-front romper along with white sneakers. She had her hair down with some butterfly bobby pins.
“Hi.” Priyanka sighed. “So, long story short… My entire family is inside and they’re thrilled to see you again. I didn’t know they were going to be here… they weren’t supposed to be here but… If you want to run away, this is the moment.”
She stared. “I’m not running away… I told your mom I was going to be here and here I am. Besides, I already know your family.”
“Oh, it has multiplied since you last saw them, trust me.”
“Pri, it’s okay. Don’t worry.” Lemon put loose hair behind her ear.
“Alright… Maybe I’m exaggerating.”
“Look at you, admitting it is the first step.”
There she was, the little spitfire she knew. Maybe Priyanka was just imagining what had happened the day before.
She took a deep breath.
“Okay, let’s go in.” Priyanka linked their arms together and walked in.
They got into the living room where her family was.
“Everyone, look how’s here…” The brunette announced.
At that moment the room greeted her in unison.
Dinner went great –to Priyanka’s relief- after Lemon met the new members of the family and she got questioned for a half-hour, Mrs. Suknanan called everyone to sit at the table. They ate tons of food and told stories about their childhood that made her mother rejoice. Priyanka’s niece, Mel, was glad to see Lemon again as well and, in fact, stuck with her most of the evening.
As she should’ve expected Lemon was the perfect guest for their family dinner. She complimented Priyanka’s mother cooking and helped her with the dishes, she caught up with her cousins and sisters and told them about her life in New York, she even played hide and seek with her nieces and nephews and challenged the brunette to a jump rope competition.
“I’m just saying, you didn’t have to go full Jump in! out there.” Priyanka was still out of breath. “These kids used to respect me… maybe?”
Lemon cackled. “Well, you should’ve practiced when the movie had everyone buying neon ropes.”
They sat on the stairs on the porch at the entrance of the house. It was the first time in the evening they were alone, the voices and laughter could still be heard from the inside.
“Hey, thanks for… you know, hanging out with everyone. You’re kind of good at it.” Priyanka rested her head on the wood column.
“Are you suggesting that I might be… likable?” Lemon pretended to be shocked.
“Maybe…” She shook her head. “Just kidding, you’re great… you’ve always been.”
“No, I’m a bitch and I acknowledge it.”
“Look at you, the first step is admitting it…”
“Fuck off.”
The entrance door opened and Priyanka’s brother carried a sleeping Mel in his arms, his wife behind him was holding the baby, they silently waved at them and then got on their car. They were followed by Priyanka’s sisters and finally the cousins who even hugged Lemon and wished her a safe trip back home.
“I think they all left now. My parents are probably inside drinking tea already.” Priyanka checked the time on her phone. “It’s not too late yet, what do you say if we get some ice cream?”
“I shouldn’t…” Lemon looked at Priyanka and couldn’t say no to her face. “Sure. Let’s get ice cream. Is that place on the Third still open?”
“Yeah! Best ice cream in town, I can’t say it enough, I preach it like a religion.”
“Their chocolate peanut butter was heaven, chocolaty and… buttery.”
“Great descriptive skills… but I get the idea.”
“You were the one who got sick after devouring three cookie dough cones and missed school for two days.”
“I really thought I was going to get my stomach removed or something because my sister told me we were going to the hospital. I cried all day.” She started laughing. “Why do we think things like those when we are kids?”
“Talk for yourself, I’ve always been a logical person.”
“No you weren’t,” She called out. “you thought the moon was made of cheese.”
“Have you ever been to the moon? Do you have actual evidence it’s not made of cheese? That’s all I’m saying.”
“Wow, it’s almost like there wasn’t any scientific proof to contradict that.”
“I was seven…”
“Okay, lunatic, I have my keys; let’s go get the ice cream.”
“Do you want me to get into that…?”
“Don’t complete that sentence.”
“There she is.” Priyanka spun the keys with her index finger. “For your information, she’s fully functional now.”
“But is it a threat to humankind or…?”
“C’mon, you’re not gonna die… but if you do, we’ll do it together.”
“Ah, nothing excites me more than a Thelma and Louise reboot.”
Priyanka stood up and offered her a helping hand. “The night is young. I’m sure we can find some cliff if you stop whining.”
“Only if we get the ice cream first.” She held her hand.
“See, it’s not that bad.” Priyanka turned on the noisy engine.
On the passenger seat, Lemon rushed to buckle up. “I’m ready… to die.” She crossed her fingers in the air.
Priyanka laughed at loud. “It’s not that bad. At least I know how to use a gear level.”
Before Lemon could protest, they were moving. The night was surprisingly hotter than expected so since the air conditioner was even moodier than the car itself, they had their windows down –Priyanka’s favorite way of driving in town.
Lemon’s old house was on the route and Priyanka drove a bit slower when they got into the familiar neighborhood.
“Oh, look at it…” The blonde smiled softly. “It’s been a while but from the outside, it doesn’t look like it has changed at all.”
“A family is living there, two kids I think.”
“Yes, my dad told me.” Lemon rested her face on the car door as they passed by. “You know, back in the day, we left in such hurry I never got to say goodbye properly to this place. One day my parents were fighting, the next day we were packing and then… we were gone.” She extended her hand in the air as the house was getting behind.
“I remember. You didn’t want to leave.”
“Leaving the house… my life here… you… it was the most difficult thing.” Her voice almost cracked.
Priyanka’s heart skipped a beat. She didn’t want to see Lemon crying.
“Okay, you know what… this visit to the ice cream shop wouldn’t be complete without some music…” She opened the glove compartment in front of the blonde.
“Celine Dion… I expected it.”
“No, under that one… Hey, Celine Dion is a great singer and I’m not ashamed of having her albums there.”
“You mean you have albums in plural?”
“Can you please get past my Celine Dion liking and pick another album?”
“I would but my heart won’t go on…”
“Shut up… that was bad.”
“Well, that’s what you get when you…” Lemon paused as she picked another album. “This is… Spiceworld.”
“The very same.”
“But… is it the one…?”
“It’s the one you gave me… Mine still works although it skips sometimes.”
Lemon’s bottom lip trembled as she had her eyes nailed on the album.
“Hey no… don’t cry,” The brunette put on the CD when they stopped on a red light. “there’s no crying if Spice Up Your Life is playing.”
“I’m not…” She sobbed.
The catchy tune started playing.
“When you’re feeling sad and low…We will take you, where you gotta go.” She encouraged her friend to follow the lyrics.
“Smiling dancing, everything is free… All you need is, positivity”
“C’mon, pre-chorus.”
“Colours of the world… Spice up your life!”
“Every boy and every girl… Spice up your life!”
“People of the world… Spice up your life, ahh!” They yelled at the same time.
Before hitting the chorus, Lemon was already cackling so loud she almost snorted. Priyanka was already laughing she nearly drove past the ice cream shop.
“We’re here.” She announced.
Lemon stared at her for a moment and shook her head before getting out of the car.
“I’m guessing you’re still going to order the cookie dough cone.”
“It takes more than a hospital stay to destroy a lifetime obsession.” She followed the blonde.
“That’s… wrong. You know what, maybe you need an intervention.”
“Uh, imagine something like AA but it’s for people with chocolate cookie addiction.”
“It’d be you and the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street sitting on an empty room.” She opened the door and held it for the brunette.
“But after the meeting, we’d be at the coffee table getting some snacks and guess what… chocolate chip cookies.”
“Utterly triggering.”
An older woman that was in line stared at them, their conversations out of context surely made more than one turn around. However, they didn’t even notice, their bubble was unbreakable.
They ordered their ice cream and sat outside the shop. Priyanka got her cookie ice cream and Lemon indulged herself with a chocolate peanut butter and raspberry double cone. The table was small and it didn’t have much space so they were squished there, comfortably chatting; seen from the outside, it looked like they were on a date.
They were halfway Spiceworld on their way back to Priyanka’s house when Lemon spotted it. Her eyes got wide as soon as she recognized the familiar location; the closed fence with the opening hours written on a wooden sign, the green lights shining inside, the fractured moonlight shining on the surface of the water and the eerie aura of a usually crowded place during the day and empty at night.
“Stop! Stop the car!”
Priyanka stopped the car violently making them shake on their seats.
“Are you insane? Why did you do that?”
“This is the pool,” Lemon looked amused. “the swimming pool we used to come when we were kids, right?”
“Yes?” Priyanka parked the car next to the curb. “Why are you so excited about it?”
“Because… before coming back I had a dream involving this pool… and you were on it!”
“Wait, what kind of dream?” The blonde was already out of the car. “Lemon, Lemon?”
She approached the –obviously- locked gate and tried to peep over it. Needless to say, she was unsuccessful at it and wasn’t very pleased with it.
“We have to get in.”
“Are you trying to trespass private property or something like that?” Priyanka stood, arms akimbo.
“Since when are you the sensible one?” She asked with disbelief.
“…You’re right. I think we can climb over the fence.” She suddenly felt the adrenaline rush.
“That’s the attitude.” She looked around. “Now… what do we do?”
“This was your plan.”
“Yeah… but I don’t usually break the rules so I guess it’s more of your area of expertise.” She batted her lashes, if Priyanka didn’t know better she’d say she was flirting but of course, that was impossible.
“Ha, ha, you’re funny…”
“I think I’m really funny.” She leaned against the fence. “Now… how are we going to get in?”
“Well, climbing seems the obvious choice but…” Priyanka took a look around. “I should tell you I worked here a summer to pay for my car and I know where they keep the spare key.”
“No way…” She gaped. “Wait, were you going to make me climb it on purpose?”
“I should’ve pushed harder just to see how serious you were about it.”
Lemon pushed her lightly.
“Hey! I’m the one getting you the key.” And with that said, Priyanka reached for the hidden key behind a loose brick. “Magic words?”
“Open Sesame?”
“Close enough.” She unlocked the gate and both got into the enclosure.
The green lights were on and it gave the pool a different appearance than what they were used to, everything was tinted under the bulb. The water of the rectangular swimming pool glowed in green. Even they looked fluorescent underneath it.
It smelled like chlorine and summer night.
“They use this color to keep away the insects… apparently it works.” The brunette pointed.
“This is so cool.” She walked around the edge of the pool. “This place hasn’t aged a single day.”
Lemon turned around with a naughty expression on her face. If it was possible, she looked even more beautiful while beaming.
“Are you coming or what?” She started unbuttoning her romper.
Priyanka ran out of words –something that didn’t happen that often but was becoming recurrent with Lemon-; the blonde surely wasn’t concerned they didn’t have swimsuits.
Lemon threw the piece of clothing away to where her sneakers were and jumped into the pool. The drops helped Priyanka to snap out of her rapture, she hurried to take off her dress and get rid of her shoes, once on her underwear she joined the other girl on the water.
She closed her eyes while she was in the air, it all happened in one second, she was floating and then her body impacted on the surface making a big splash, the water wasn’t cold but the temperature difference hit her to the core and made her feel alive. She touched the bottom of the pool and held her breath until her lungs demanded fresh air. Priyanka re-emerged and it took her a moment to get used to it. Her hair was completely soaked, her face was cover in drops and her makeup was ruined but she couldn’t care less.
Lemon had the biggest smile on her face the moment she opened her eyes, her hair had gotten entangled with the bobby pins and she had pushed it back making it look slick.
“So you were too good for a lake but a pool that a thousand kids use is better?”
The blonde threw water to her face.
“I like this better… fewer people.”
“More like no people at all.”
“Exactly.” She floated around as if she was on a cloud.
“You said you dreamt about this… do you dream about me often?”
Lemon threw more water at her.
“Stop doing that to dodge my questions.” Priyanka swam around.
“I’m not going to answer them anyway.” Lemon giggled.
For a moment they floated in silence under the moon, under the artificial green light, their ears -as most of their bodies- were under the water blocking any sound aside from the movements inside, the way their hands created tiny waves, and how their heartbeats sounded. Priyanka’s kept beating loud enough to compete with a drum.
She stared at her friend and knew she wasn’t going to have another chance like that.
“Lemon…” She called.
“Huh?” The blonde stood up. “What is it?”
“I need to tell you something.” Her mouth was dry; she was shaking under the water. “I-”
At that moment an alarm went on, probably activated by a timed motion sensor.
“Oh shit,” Priyanka shouted. “We have to go. These people know me.”
“Oh my God…” The blonde’s eyes were full of terror.
They rushed to get out of the pool and grab their clothes before dashing out of the place.
“They didn’t have an alarm when I worked here,” Priyanka complained; her pulse racing as they left the pool and jumped back into her car.
The scene was ridiculous, all the dogs of the neighborhood were barking, the alarm kept ringing, Lemon was laughing out loud, Priyanka couldn’t find her keys and they were still in their wet underwear.
“Found them!” The brunette announced and turned on the engine.
She drove a few blocks until they were far enough from the pool and then parked because she couldn’t get to calm down. Lemon had her hand pressed against her chest; they were in the same euphoric state.
They exchanged a glance and burst into laughter at the same time.
“Oh my…”
“That was crazy…” Priyanka rested her head against the header. “I’m still shaking.” Her body was dripping over the seat.
“I know… I can’t believe we just did that.” Lemon took a deep breath. “My heart is beating so fast I might get into cardiac arrest.”
“Right? My hands are trembling… I don’t know how I got to drive this distance, to be honest.”
“Adrenaline, probably. Do you think they have cameras or something?”
Priyanka became pale. “I hope no, they know my parents.”
This made Lemon laugh again.
“Oh, you think it’s funny little rebel?” She poked the blonde’s arm.
“Wait, don’t do that, it makes me ticklish.” She kept laughing.
“You really shouldn’t have said that.” Priyanka automatically started tickling her.
“Stop! Stop!” Lemon kept giggling until she grabbed both of the girl’s wrists with her hands.
Suddenly, they were staring at each other in silence and daringly close. Priyanka hadn’t noticed how transparent their garments had become until that instant or how gorgeous she looked even when the messy hair and bare face.
Lemon wetted her lips as she let go softly. “What were you saying earlier? When we were in the pool…”
“Ah, that… well…” Priyanka took a deep breath, maybe the moment wasn’t gone yet, she still felt a bit courageous.
But then they heard the police sirens of a car passing by –maybe it wasn’t for them but they were still paranoid- so the best was to get out there and return to Priyanka’s house.
Lemon sighed loudly. She covered with the romper, shivering a little.
They were a red light from their destination when the brunette noticed the seats were going to be wet.
“Shit, I’ll have to take the car to the car wash or I’ll have to dry the seats with a hairdryer.”
“You’re taking care of it now?”
“I… actually sold my car this morning,” Priyanka announced.
“What? Okay, first of all, someone’s paying you real money for this? And secondly, I thought you loved this piece of trash.”
“Rude. You’d be surprised about how much I’m getting for it. Some rich lady named Jimbo –yes, that’s her name- wanted to buy it and she paid enough to cover the repairs done.” She held the steering wheel tightly. “And… I do love this car but… I think it’s time to move on to something else. I asked Jimbo if I could take her to one last adventure before handing the keys and I’m glad it’s with you.”
“Oh.” That was all she said.
The car stopped. They had arrived.
“Now, let’s get inside and find some towels.”
“Sure.” She mumbled.
Priyanka gave Lemon a towel and let the girl get dry before putting her clothes back on. The brunette did the same and then they drank some tea her mother had left ready for them. The hot beverage helped them recover the temperature on their bodies and left them feeling warm inside.
“I have your jacket in the trunk of my car… the one you lend me the lake day.”
“Ah, right… I forgot you had it.”
“Well, it helped me not to freeze to death.”
“It wasn’t that cold.”
“Penguin’s butt.”
“Stop saying that.”
“I’ll go get your jacket and be right back.” She pointed at the door and walked out.
Priyanka got a full moment alone and she cursed herself for a full minute.
“Idiot, you’re fucking it up again… She’s leaving and you didn’t tell her a thing or two…”
She shook her head. Lemon was leaving and maybe it was for the best that she hadn’t confessed her feelings. What was the point? They were going different ways again…
Lemon crossed the door. “Here.” She handed the piece of clothing. “Thank you or whatever.”
“You’re welcome.” She threw the jacket over the sofa. “So listen… Uh…”
She stared at her friend. Lemon was breathtaking, every detail of her face was worth being drawn, portrayed, traced… Even the little eyelash resting comfortably on her cheek.
“You have a…” She pointed at her face.
“Uh? What? Is it a bug?” She started touching her cheeks.
“No, just an eyelash… Wait… let me…” She shortened the distance and tenderly brushed the lash off her face.
Lemon’s breathing tickled her skin.
Priyanka stared at her clear eyes for a moment, she hadn’t noticed her hand was still on her cheek.
“Sorry, I got it.” She announced showing the tiny lash on her fingertip.
Lemon smiled at her. “I should leave now… I need to drive early in the morning to avoid the traffic and I should get some sleep.”
“Yeah… I suppose.”
She hoped the disappointment in her voice wasn’t noticeable.
“I’m glad that we’re okay now. Not having you in my life for the past seven years was awful. Let’s not fight again, yeah?” She held her pinky finger in the air. “I promise I won’t break this one.”
“Lemon, you’ll always be part of my life.”
Priyanka sealed the promise with her pinky and then hugged her friend.
Her heartbeats were so loud she was scared Lemon might hear them.
Priyanka opened the door.
“My car is at the end of the street, I can walk from here.”
“Do you want me to walk you there?”
“Nah, it’s okay. I’m fine… I’ll call you from New York as soon as I get there.”
“Yes, do that.” She took a deep breath. “Bye, love you…”
“Love you too.” Lemon blew a kiss in the air.
Priyanka closed the door. She couldn’t watch her leave again.
She started climbing the stairs. Her heart was supposed to be at peace –they were friends again- but she wasn’t happy about it… Lemon was leaving her again and words couldn’t describe how much Priyanka hated the fact there wasn’t something she could do.
Her dad almost bumped into her when she was lost in her thoughts.
“Hey pumpkin, be careful.” He was in his pajamas and a robe.
“Sorry, dad. I was thinking… too much.”
“You always do.” He patted her back. “Did your friend leave already?”
Priyanka nodded. “She has to go back to her home tomorrow morning.”
Her father frowned. “And you two are not spending more time together? You two used to be… joined by the hip? You cried whenever we went to pick you up from her house or when she left.”
Priyanka chuckled. “I remember… yeah…”
“I always thought you two…” He didn’t finish the sentence. “You were truly inseparable.”
She was trying to understand what he was truly saying.
He stared at her.
“And? Don’t stand there looking at me… go.”
“Dad? Are you…?”
He squeezed her shoulder. “It took me some more time but it doesn’t mean that I don’t want you to be happy.”
Priyanka felt her eyes getting watery. She hugged her father tightly.
“We can do this later; your mother is going to kill me if I tell her that you left that girl go.”
“Right…” Priyanka shook her head.
She ran downstairs almost flying over them.
Her father was right.
Her best friend.
The girl she loved.
What the hell was she doing there?
She had to get the girl!
Priyanka opened the door violently.
“Lemon. Lemon!” She yelled but the girl wasn’t on the street. Who cared if she woke some neighbors up? “Lemon!”
Was her car still at the end of the street?
“Oh, hey there…” A voice came from the porch.
Priyanka turned around and noticed the blonde sitting in one corner next to the door.
“Lemon, what are you doing there?”
She was sitting holding her knees against her chest. Priyanka got closer and kneeled next to her.
“I’m waiting to get some courage to knock on your door again and hopefully I’ll be brave enough then to tell you…” She looked at Priyanka in the eye, the words didn’t come.
“Tell me what?” Priyanka asked, desperate.
“That…” She bit her lips. “Forget it, I can’t ruin it… I can’t lose you again.” She was babbling to herself. Then she looked at Priyanka again. “Sorry, I’m just going to leave…”
She stood up and started walking fast.
She didn’t turn back. Priyanka stood up and grabbed her by the wrist, making the blonde face her. The tears were already rolling down her cheeks.
“I can’t let my friend walk away while being sad…”
There was a pause, they stared at each other.
“Am I really just your friend?” She finally cried out.
She hadn’t let go of her hand yet.
“No. You’re not… I mean, we used to be friends but…”
The moment… their moment was now or never… she had screwed it up before but she wasn’t going to let it slip again.
“I’m in love with you.” The words sprouted from her chest. “I’m in love with you.” She repeated accentuating every syllable.
“That’s my line,” Lemon complained, faithful to her character.
“Wait… is it? I mean, are you?”
“I’ve loved you all my life, you idiot.” The blonde was suddenly full of anger. “I can’t believe this… why didn’t you say something before?”
“When you say all your life…”
“Oh, for goodness sake… Priyanka I’ve never loved anyone else since that day in kindergarten when you shared your cookies with me and that’s embarrassing.”
“And why didn’t you say something?”
“You didn’t say it either!”
“Because I thought you just wanted to be friends with me!”
“Are you blind? I’ve been trying for days for you to notice… and that day on the stupid lake I really thought you were going to kiss me but you didn’t and then you said that it was never going to happen between us…”
“You heard that?”
“Of fucking course I did… And I cried for hours because I thought my chance was… gone forever… but tonight… I thought, maybe tonight… maybe… but you said those things about moving on to something new… and the last adventure with me…”
“I was talking about my car! You’re not a car… It’s not a metaphor, you know? I’m bad at metaphorical speech.” They were yelling.
“How would I know? You pick the worst moments to say things like those…”
“I said those things on the lake because I thought you wanted to be just friends with me and I didn’t want to make it awkward and I sold my car not because I don’t love it anymore… I did it because it’s old and I cannot travel anymore in that state… I can’t go visiting you with that car.”
“But you said…” Lemon’s bottom lip trembled.
“I know what I said but, after the past couple of days, I realized that, yes, I’ve grown up… I’ve changed but I’m still the same. I still like pop songs from the ’90s, I still like chocolate chip cookies in any existing form, I still like going on adventures, and, most importantly, I still like you… a lot.”
“You… I’m so mad at you…” She got rid of her grip. “I’m literally fuming, you are…” She stared at her brown eyes. “You’re the worst and…”
Before she could finish that sentence, Priyanka shortened the distance, grabbed her face, and planted a kiss on her lips, partially to shut her up and mostly because she had wanted to do that for so long. Lemon relaxed as soon as their lips touched as if her will to fight had abruptly disappeared.
It wasn’t her first kiss, it was a kiss that didn’t compare with the ones before but it would be the parameter for all the ones that would come after. It was a kiss that made other kisses seem insignificant and a kiss that rose up the standards forever.
Lemon smelled like chlorine and summer crush and she tasted like lip-gloss and warm tea. Priyanka entangled her fingers on her hair and pulled her even closer to the point their bodies were merging in a tight embrace.
“So you were saying,” Priyanka whispered when they reached for air.
“Shut up and kiss me again or I’m going to keep finding things to be mad at you.”
And Priyanka –gladly- did it.
They kissed some more while sitting on the porch until their lips were swollen and lightly numbed and then sat cozily with their legs entangled, stars above their heads and singing crickets on the ground. Priyanka thought she could get used to it.
Except, she didn’t have time to.
“Do you really have to go back tomorrow?” She asked, pinching Lemon lightly on her arm.
“I can delay it until Monday but… I have to be back next week for the dancing schedule.”
“Oh… I understand…”
They could have one more day then.
“But,” She began connecting her thoughts. “maybe there’s an alternative…”
“What do you mean?” Priyanka was puzzled.
“I don’t want to go back alone so… what do you say if you come with me to New York? You said you wanted to visit me there someday… why not now? You’re still on your break, aren’t you?”
“Yeah… I am…”
“Jan can stay with Jackie for a couple of days and you can stay with me…”
“Are you serious right now? Do you really want me to go with you?”
“Unless you want to stay with your family for what’s left of your break… I’d understand it.” She shrugged.
“You know what? I have the feeling that my folks are already done with my shenanigans…”
“I mean, who isn’t?”
“One would think that you’d act differently after having someone’s tongue down your throat.”
“Think again.”
“Anyway… Yes. I’ll go back with you.”
The blonde beamed.
“Great, so I can pick you up tomorrow before noon? You’ll need to pack and stuff.”
“I’m ahead of you… I never finished unpacking.”
“You’re actually the worst, did you know?”
“But you still like me.”
Lemon’s reply was to press a quick peck on her lips before she could say something else.
“And…? What happened afterward?” Denali was on the edge of her seat, she could see it even through the computer screen.
“Well… things were alright for a couple of days but then we realized that it was kind of awkward between us and we decided we’re better as friends.” Priyanka shrugged and spun a little on the chair.
“What?!” The other girl’s mouth dropped to the floor. “Are you kidding me right now?”
She shook her head, dead serious. “I guess it wasn’t meant to be after all.”
Denali’s eyes were like a pair of plates.
“Hey, I brought some coffee… Priyanka, are you still telling people we broke up?” Lemon’s voice broke the silence.
“Oh my God… I hate you so much right now…” She buried her face in her hands.
“Gotcha! I can’t believe you fell for that… Kiara, Juice… even Scarlett was dumb enough to believe it.”
Priyanka laughed her head off.
“Our friendship is officially over. Hi Lemon! How are you, my dancing diva?”
The blonde stood up in front of the camera almost pushing her girlfriend away. “Hi, Dee… I’m doing alright.” Her voice was melodic. “What’s up with you?”
“Just here, catching up with your awful girlfriend.”
“She scared the hell out of you, didn’t she?”
“First she leaves in a hurry without telling anyone and now she’s spreading some fake information… No… It’s a no for me.”
“Don’t worry, we’re actually –surprisingly- doing fine.”
“Hey, what do you mean by «surprisingly»?” The brunette hugged her from behind.
“Aw, you guys are so cute.” She smiled at them. “Wait, so you’re in New York now?”
“Yep, I’m staying for a couple more days and then I’m taking a plane back to Toronto.”
“And I’ll be visiting her there for the holidays in a couple of months.”
“Whoa, you have it figured out already.”
“And I didn’t forget that you have a competition here soon, I’ll definitely be here with you.”
“That’s great! I’m glad to hear it. Sure, oh… we’re going to have so much fun…”
“My friends are dying to meet you if you know what I mean.” Lemon winked.
“I can’t wait.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “Listen, I’d love to chat some more but if I don’t go to practice there won’t be a competition to hoe around.”
They chuckled.
“Thank you for calling, Nali. I miss you already!”
“Miss you too, see you soon guys.” She blew a kiss in the air. “Bye-bye.”
“Bye!” They waved at the camera before ending the call.
“You’re so annoying sometimes…” Lemon kissed her quickly after saying that. She had a cup of coffee in her hands. “So… do you think this is going to work? At the distance and everything?”
Priyanka held her tightly in her arms making the girl sit on her lap. “I know we’re going to make it work somehow and… you know I’m graduating soon so maybe –just maybe- I could start applying for some internship here…?”
The blonde stared at her. “Really?”
“Don’t get too excited yet… I still have to do some things over there and I might take a while but…”
Lemon almost dropped her cup of coffee when she hugged her even closer.
“That would be… Pri… I’ve said it before but… I love you.” The same words acquired a new meaning in a different context.
Priyanka’s heart was full.
“I love you too.”
Priyanka kissed her forehead and let their words linger in the air. They were in a tiny student apartment in a big city, miles away from their hometown but they were together at last, at the only place they had always called home.
Maybe it was true, maybe we always come back to the place where we were happy.
And they were the living proof of it.
The end.
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joy1579 · 4 years
RFA discovers MC is secretly a neko girl (mc hides that she has cat ears and a tail as well as some catlike tendencies)
so these things just keep getting longer and maybe I should change them to like legit-ly written scenarios but I’m lazy and this one was already formatted this way so, yeah sorry guys. 
oh also I have a master list now. I try to update it every time I post something! Master list
Elated. F***ing loves you. You give him opinions on all the cat related businesses.
-        The first time he saw you he knew you were the one for him
-        You were dressed so nicely in an ankle length skirt and sun hat
-        Elizabeth the 3rd was curious about you from the start
-        He had never seen her so interested in a stranger before
-        As you stayed with him though he noticed some strange things
-        He never saw you without some sort of head covering even though you didn’t seem to enjoy wearing them
-        You also knew what Elizabeth the 3rd needed before she even mewed. As though you could tell what she wanted from the smallest flick of her tail
-        One day he came home to you curled up on the floor near the window and part of him panicked
-        He rushed to check on you but stopped short the second he saw you hat half off
-        A tan cat ear twitched slightly in some unknown dream as your chest your rose slowly with your breath
-        He cursed his ever so slightly shaking hand as he reached to stroke behind that cute ear
-        He would never admit to the flutter in his heart as you mewled softly at his touch before stretching lazily
-        You yawned and looked around as you woke slowly
-        The second you saw him though you jumped back
-        He saw you relax a bit once your eye’s met his
-        But he motioned to the top of his head, a smirking just a bit and you lifted your hand to mirror his movment
-        That’s when you felt your ears free and exposed. You start to panic all over again and in a second his arms are around you
-        “MC it’s okay calm down” he says lowly
-        “no no its, it’s not, Jumin you can’t say anything okay! Not to anyone! I don’t know what will happen if this gets out but, it won’t be good. you know that right? This is a secret.” You said shaking in his arms
-        he squeezes you tighter and you feel his lips against the top of your head
-        “your secret is safe with me. You are safe with me.” He whispers into your hair as though those words were all that mattered in the world.
-        For you, they were.
-        The next moment you were hugging him back and purring thankfully as you nuzzled into his chest “Thank you Jumin”
-        The next time he came home you wore shorts and went hatless. You looked so much more comfortable since your ears and tail could move freely
-        All his hugs include ear scratches that make you purr and close your eyes happily
-        You squeeze your way into his lap when you want attention and he doesn’t think he’s ever been happier.
shook. Legit worried because do you need a vet or a doctor. Doubles down on his studies just in case.
-        You tell him after the RFA party You knew, KNEW he was the one so you had to tell him.
-        As the rest of the RFA is cleaning up you offer to drive Yoosung back to the hospital
-        At a stoplight on the way you tell him and show him your ears
-        He passes out. You panic and floor it to the hospital
-        They assure you he’s fine but you stay until he wakes up
-        “MC I had the weirdest dream.” He tells you. You try not to laugh as he talks about how you had the cutest cat ears he had ever seen.
-        You lift your hat up just enough for him to get a peak of one of your ears and wink at him
-        His heart rate jumps and you start to think maybe you shouldn’t be teasing him when he’s in such fragile condition
-        But the way he splutters and turns red is way too cute so you lean down to kiss his lips
-        “this, this isn’t real.” He says “this is too good to be real” you laugh and assure him you’ll be here until he wakes up again.
-        He holds your hand as the pain meds pull him into sleep while he mutters about what a funny dream this was.
-        The next week is comprised of you teasing him with sneak glances of your ears or tail only when he’s sleep addled or just a little buzzed on pain meds
-        You have to admit the constant praise of how cute, soft, and pretty your ears and tail are is, nice. Since most people never saw them it was nice to hear what he thought of them.
-        Even if he was still convinced it was just his imagination
-        Then he was sent home and you decided to REALLY tell him what was going on
-        “is this cuz of all my dreams MC? I didn’t think you’d take it this far!” you sigh and take his hand to feel your ear twitch
-        You have never seen him so red he’s gone beyond his normal panicked spluttering and into silence
-        You’re actually starting to worry now because he’s been standing there silently doing his best impression of a goldfish for a while now
-        “Yoosung?” you ask tail flicking anxiously
-        “it’s real?” he manages as his fingers begin to slowly scratch at your ear
-        You’re a little distracted by his scratching but you try to explain anyway
-        “you can’t, um you can’t tell anyone though okay Yoosung.”
-        “huh why” he asked looking at your ears in awe bringing another hand up absently to pet your hair
-        But the petting was getting really distracting now and you had to stop the urge to purr though you couldn’t help your instinct to nuzzle your head into his hands
-        “I don’t” you really were trying to focus here but people didn’t scratch your ears often since they were always hidden “people won’t” you lost your train of thought again as his fingers curled under your ear to stoke through your hair again
-        You jerked away immediately glaring at him ready to scold him for distracting you
-        But when you met his eyes you could practically see stars in his eye’s
-        “MC did you just purr? Because I was petting you?” he asked looking happier than you’d ever seen anyone look in your life
-        You shake your head before chuckling at him “you’re lucky I love you”
so many questions. Tests what cat traits you have. Cat puns. Understands your secrecy.
-        You had no medical history. That was weird.
-        Home birth, home school, home job. home EVERYTHING.
-        Your record was sparse to say the least. So he checked you out on the apartment CCTV
-        Even your clothes seemed to hide you away. So of course he was curious
-        He dug deeper, found your social media and while he enjoyed learning about your interest’s and he certainly enjoyed the memes you posted it didn’t give him anymore solid info to go off of.
-        So he kept checking the CCTV to learn more and then he saw you in your pajamas he was embarrassed and started to look away. He may be a hacker but even he had limits. But then he saw them
-        Cat ears and a tail how cute he didn’t know you liked cosplay you hadn’t mentioned it on social media
-        But how did you make them move like that. he had to know so next time you two met in the chat he asked
-        He’s confused and watching you scramble on the CCTV to cover your ears and tail
-        you exited the chat right away and called seven
-        “seven you can’t tell anyone. I swear this is really bad! You shouldn’t know about this. What the hell were you thinking spying on me like that.”
-        He sobers up hearing your panic and anger
-        After a moment of calming you down and promising he’ll straighten things out on the messenger he hangs up
-        Then things happened and he was there. answered the door and locked eyes with him
-        He hadn’t meant to ask but before he could stop himself the words had tumbled out of his mouth
-        “Can I see your ears” and his face was red because he was supposed to have better self-control he knew this was a sensitive topic for you
-        But you nodded and once the door was shut you slipped you hat from you head
-        Saeyoung’s hand was immediately reaching out but he stopped short at the sight of your clenched shut eyes as though you were ready to be hit.
-        He could recognize that face anywhere, braced and ready to take whatever blow was coming
-        “sorry I should have asked may I touch them”
-        You nodded sharply still tense but he saw you unclench your jaw and flex your finger out of there tight fist
-        His fingers gently skimmed across you left ear and moved behind it to scratch there the way he knew cats enjoyed and you purred before you could stop yourself
-        Your hands shot up to cover your mouth and your face burned
-        Saeyoungs eyes where wide and you could see his blush clear as day
-        Then his arms where around you and you were pulled tight against his chest
-        After that he made it his mission to see just how catlike you were
-        He tried lasers, no effect unless you were really drunk Cat nip, you liked the scent but no more than anyone else might like the smell of flowers. He was too afraid to test the whole cats land on their feet thing but just judging by you balance he assumed you could probably do that.
-        When you felt down he called you kitty cutie and pet your head. He loved you.
wants to make it work. Lays off dissing Elizabeth. Really doesn’t want to tell Jumin why though.
-        You tried not to fall for him, tried to push him away
-        He was allergic to cats, he was allergic to you
-        The first time you went to meet him you took precautions
-        You showered twice as long, brushed your hair ears and tail extra so you wouldn’t lose a single strand
-        You tied your hair in a tight band and hid it in your hat with your ears you even tucked you tail away in the shorts you wore under your long skirt
-        But he was still sneezing like crazy
-        You felt awful, and you were sure this relationship would never work.
-        So you told him
-        You tried not to cry, you didn’t want to make it harder on him, and you tended to sound like a mewling kitten
-        Then you saw the hurt in his eyes and he wanted a reason and he was holding your hand and you could hear the hurt in his voice
-        And you were crying. The second you started you knew the jig was up his eyes where wide now and he was pulling your free hand away from your face
-        “MC how did you make that sound?”
-        You shook your head and removed you hat to show him
-        “are those? Are those real?” your ears folded downwards mournfully in response giving him his answer even as you nodded “and this is why we can’t see each other?”
-        “I tried to make it easier! I brushed my ears and, and” you took a shuddering halting breath “I tried so hard”
-        He took a deep breath and pulled you into his arms “we can figure something out”
-        “I can’t do that to you your miserable look even your face is swelling!” you cried
-        The next time you saw him at the RFA party you kept him at an arm’s length. You had taken all the precautions but you knew it wasn’t enough so you kept your distance
-        Every time Zen approached you, you made an excuse to dart away
-        Until he cornered you
-        “don’t avoid me” he said sternly “if you don’t want to see me that fine but don’t avoid me because you think you’re not worth me sneezing”
-        You were blinking back tears you would not cry again you told yourself
-        “I don’t want to hurt you”
-        “I’ll buy medicine, we’ll get air-filters, there’s even shots I could get. I love you. Allergies can’t change that”
-        Slowly you two found what worked. He saw an allergy specialist once a month, you had filters in every room, you showered twice a day and brushed yourself morning and night.
-        He even signed up for an experimental new treatment that was doing winders for him
-        The first time you nuzzled your head into his neck and purred his name he knew he made the right decision
-        No amount of pain in the world would make him give up that moment
-        He still claimed not to be a cat person saying you were the only exception
-        And you had to admit you were okay with that
confused but calm. Asks you how you keep fur off your clothes. Learns, slowly to be okay with the stray hair here and there.
-        You tell her the day before the café opens
-        She’s pretty sure this is a prank by seven but then you show her your ears (it’s easier than trying to free your tail from your long skirt without flashing her)
-        She was quiet, then she stood and began to walk away. You honestly started to panic.
-        She did hate watching Elizabeth after all you had thought it was only because of the extra work and cleaning
-        But maybe she had some other reason for hating cats
-        “Jaehee?” you called shakily “I, I’m sorry. I should have told you sooner but I thought, well I thought it wouldn’t be this big a deal. I know you like things neat and tidy and sometimes fur messes that up but I promise I can clean up after myself. I know all the secrets and I’ll take responsibility for the extra cleaning. I, I really like you.”
-        By this you were fighting desperately not to cry
-        Then she turned around with two cups of coffees
-        “MC I’m not mad. I just need some time to figure this out” she said strolling over to set one of the cups in front of you
-        “I suppose we won’t need hairnets for your ears since you keep them in your hat.”
-        You smiled at her. You knew this was her way of accepting you.
-        She took a sip of her coffee and you couldn’t help yourself. You reached across the small table and took her free hand in yours
-        “well to be honest I’ve given it some thought and maybe I could learn to make latte art? they could be catpuccino’s” you joked and to your delight she chuckled
-        “You’ve spent too much time with seven, but that is a good idea”
-        As time goes by she becomes more and more comfortable with your cat characteristic.
-        You won’t admit she finds your cat naps in the sun to be cute, but she’s got a folder on her phone dedicated to pictures of them
-        She admires how carful you are with Zens allergies and is thankful you’re so understanding.
-        You hum while you make the cat latte art and she thinks it’s cute that you sound like a cat when you do (she thinks it also might boost sales but that’s just a guess)
-        She secretly revels in the fact that as much as Jumin loves cats you chose her and sided with her in the messenger
-        She asks if you can talk to cats. You think it’s because she has a few choice words to share with Elizabeth the 3rd
-        You explain that while you can understand cats more than most people it’s not like talking to people it’s more like reading body language and tone
-        She shakes her head and mumbles “yeah that makes sense, it’s just a cat after all”
-        You give Elizabeth a bit of the cold shoulder anyway
-        As you two grow closer she starts to absently pet you while you watch Zen DVD’s
-        When you start to purr she’s so surprised she misses her favorite scene
-        She’s so flustered as she rewinds you can’t help but giggle and kiss her on the cheek
-        Which absolutely does not help her calm down at all
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pluto-art · 4 years
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Below the cut is a personal project on the much more morbid side. Animal lab experimentation is always something I’ve found equal parts horrible and fascinating. Once in a blue moon, I’ll do research on the subject out of curiosity and/or for storytelling purposes. Even as a kid, I found this of interest, and when watching Pinky and the Brain I was always a bit disappointed that we never saw more of what the characters actually went through in the lab during the day. Granted, there’s a reason as to why this was never shown, as a child audience had to be kept in mind, yet still I pondered about it....
Over the last few days, I’ve been churning out compositions based on internet findings -- old and new experiments that rats and mice are put through, many of them humane, some of them very much not. It was an eye-opening journey for me artistically and otherwise, discovering what I’m comfortable drawing and what I never want to sketch again, as well as learning more about this realm of the scientific world.
WARNING: SOME GRAPHIC CONTENT BELOW THE CUT. If needles, patients dealing with the effects of cancer, and general portrayals of pain bother you, I wouldn’t bother venturing onward. I not only drew out experiments that the characters might have gone through, but also describe all of my findings in detail and provide video footage to go along with it. While I didn’t go full-on vivisection or anything, some of this might still be disturbing, so I’m taking extra precaution.
All of the images below are “color-coded” and graded. The experiments start out fairly tame, then get worse... and worse... and worse. The backgrounds reflect this, going from fairly light to quite dark.
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Experiment #1 - Tail Flick Test
A fairly harmless experiment. The subject is mostly restrained, leaving only their tail exposed. An intense light beam is projected onto the exposed appendage, with the animal flicking their tail when the pain/heat becomes too much. This test is utilized in basic pain research and to measure analgesic effectiveness.
I wanted Brain to wear an expression of deep apathy -- he’s done this a million times and will probably do it a million times more. At this point, he doesn’t even care anymore.
For the background, I simply copied an environment in one of the videos I found.
Video example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzrA1tDTfkQ
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Experiment #2 - Rotarod Performance Test
Another experiment that’s generally harmless. One or multiple subjects are placed on elevated rotating rods so as to measure such things as endurance, balance, grip strength, and more.
I imagine Pinky would enjoy this test, as he’s familiar with running on a wheel and actually enjoys more strenuous activities. Brain, on the other hand, would only participate via sheer force. He’d also be more prone to fall after a shorter period of time, getting tired faster than his cage mate.
Video example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v56MtrmWAs0
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Experiment #3 - Shot (General)
Nothing special. Just Brain about to get shot.
This is all highly exaggerated, of course. A mouse would simply be held firmly, not strapped down, for a simple injection. Also, I can’t imagine why they’d be shot in the face, although Meg told me that scientists tend to draw blood samples from a mouse’s cheek. Need to look that up. I wasn’t at all going for accuracy here, but rather how it might feel -- how scary it would be.
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Experiment #4 - Sciatic Nerve Constriction
An experiment in chronic neuropathic pain, due to the central or peripheral nervous system sustaining damage. Under anesthesia, the animal’s sciatic nerve is exposed via skin incision. The connective tissue between the biceps femoris muscles and the gluteus superficialis is cut. The nerve is then loosely tied with four chrome gut ligatures so to occlude, but not arrest, blood flow. The wound is sutured, the animal is given 24 hours to recover, and then both hindpaws are tested for pain sensitivity. Sounds terrible, but it’s certainly not the worst of the experiments I researched.
I have no idea what’s going on with the coloring in this. Again, going for feel more than accuracy, but the hues are way too calm.
Information link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22433911
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Experiment #5 - Writhing Test
Particularly cruel test in which acetic acid is introduced into the system, inducing severe internal pain. The typical response includes writhing, abdominal retraction, and stretching of the hind limbs. Despite the test being withdrawn in 2004 for unethical reasons, it is still employed by some.
This was my favorite one to draw. Although the lighting and shading are not the greatest, it made for an interesting experiment. I did not intend for the lines to be so bold, but it kind of turned into an almost comic-style illustration. I ended up playing around with it a bit and like the result enough to post it.
I would not watch the video below if you are squeamish. It is difficult to swallow. On another note, you may find the “Empathetic Behavior: Emotional Contagion in Mice” section in the second link of interest. For cage mates in particular, if one or both mice were injected with the same acid, and allowed to observe one another, an injected mouse would writhe more if its partner was also in pain. I can’t help but imagine Brain and Pinky in this type of situation....
Information link #1: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3543562/
Information link #2: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/writhing-test
Video example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib63O4F856w
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Experiment #6 - Transgenic K5ras Mouse / Nude Mouse (Combination)
Experiment in which cancer is induced in the system. Nude mice are bred for a number of tests, and are used for this one, as well.
My least favorite to draw, but my favorite to color. One particular experiment I found showed a tumor in every follicle on a mouse’s muzzle. Was trying to go for this look, albeit exacerbated.
Information link #1: https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(98)70203-9?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0960982298702039%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
Information link #2: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/08/weirdest-lab-mice/
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This is based on a test that I found absolutely hilarious. There’s a certain chemical, called W-18, that’s been on the drug market for... some years. The potency of it is supposedly insanely high, although this has never been proven. It’s basically a research chemical (created at a university in the 80s) with analgesic properties that were shown to be “painkillers or blockers of the painkilling effect of morphine in mice”. Mice, not humans. To quote a specific article:
“... when they first injected some of these chemicals into the animals at a dose similar to aspirin, the mice stood up for about a minute and fell over unconscious. They remained unconscious – for five days. But they weren’t dead. They were still breathing. And when they woke, they seemed fine, other than being really hungry and thirsty.”
They literally keeled over from the supposed potency of it. From what I recall, they don’t even know exactly what it was doing to their system, other than the fact that it knocked them out. I just find it funny that they were completely fine after awakening days later.
Although the pure smell of it wouldn’t cause such a reaction, I liked the idea of it in picture form and so depicted Brain simply taking a whiff before passing out.
Information link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidkroll/2016/04/30/w-18-the-high-potency-research-chemical-making-news-what-it-is-and-what-it-isnt/#2c45a5dd4757
Experiments researched, but not implemented:
- Tail dipped in ice cold water (mentioned here: cold water) - Morris water maze - Porton Down nerve agent test(s) (the worst; not even sure how I’d depict this)
The Porton Down tests sounded so indescribably cruel that I simply couldn’t bear to put Brain or Pinky through either of those, much less draw them out. It was the most horrific of the experiments I found, second only to a story about a French physiologist in the 1700s/1800s who performed, I believe, vivisection on live, six-week-old puppies. There’s a limit and that’s my limit. Even the cancer-based composition above was difficult to create. I legit felt dirty drawing it.
Researching these subjects was incredibly interesting, and I came across a few articles that touched on animal experimentation and the question of whether or not it’s ethical. Should such practices continue? It’s more complicated than a simple “yes” or no” answer. Some tests are fairly harmless, whilst others border on the inhumane, and some are downright cruel. Some people say that, without testing, there would be a lot less medicine on the shelves to assist in relieving and curing our ailments, whilst others argue that 90+% of the time the testing done is unnecessary, the results yielded by the subjects dissimilar to those that would be shown by humans and, henceforth, stating that the inaccuracies are numerous. This particular article offered up what I thought was a pretty genuine and interesting debate on the matter:
Pain in Lab Animals: How Much is Too Much?
In an interview with Dr. Jeffrey Mogil, a neuroscientist, he mentions that:
“You have complete control over everything in mice. Within limits, you can do whatever you want as long as you minimize pain and suffering of the subjects.“
Full interview: https://www.integrativepainscienceinstitute.com/latest_podcast/sex-differences-in-pain-and-pain-inhibition-with-dr-jeffrey-mogil/
While many establishments do follow the Animal Welfare Act, other laboratories still implement unethical practices. Also, the rules for what constitutes as acceptable in regards to tests that can only be performed without painkillers or anesthesia administered is... nebulous.
Thankfully, there is a number of lab testing equipment on the market specifically designed to be more humane and less stress-inducing to its subjects. These restrainers, for example, allow the animal to “walk in” without having to be physically forced backwards into a container:
Here is another example of testing that is relatively pain-free:
It’s simple and inexpensive while still allowing scientists to perform tests.
Below is a video showing how a type of rotarod works, one that doesn’t place the rods too high and provides a cushion underneath in case the subjects fall:
This tail flick analgesia meter comes installed with a cut off timer to avoid damage to the animal:
So there are options. How often are such options utilized in the field? I have no idea, although there are laws that should be followed and, from the sound of it, generally are adhered to. Not everyone in this business is cruel. Though you do have your occasional psychopath who performs very morally questionable operations behind closed doors, I believe that this is a great exception to the rule, and that there are a lot of laboratory workers who genuinely want to inflict as little pain as possible upon the animal. Just an opinion. I don’t have tons of evidence, but it seems like most people are sane. Lol.
Most of the experiments I inflicted upon Brain because, I think, Pinky is so pure that I have a hard time imagining him sustaining any kind of extreme pain that would genuinely hurt him. Also, he borders on being freakin’ masochistic, finding pleasure in a lot of painful situations, whereas Brain does not. Brain has been through a lot, mentally and physically. It seemed more... “appropriate” to put him in these situations, as terrible as that sounds.
All of that having been said, I never want to do this kind of exercise again. While a lot of it was interesting, and some of it even fun, parts of it were legitimately painful. The cancer one.... I felt horrible....
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highwaywhump · 4 years
795: the first night
I’m fairly new at this, but my first whump piece of course had to feature a boxboy. The story is still in the works, although I think I have a pretty rough outline of it all. Please keep in mind that English isn’t my first language, but I’m doing my best. Good and bad critique is much appreciated, and let me know if I should add any other trigger warnings! (Also, Thomas calls him ‘kid’, but he’s 19.)
TW/CW: boxboy, cage mention, shock collar and shocking mention, regular collar, (brief) beating mention. 
795 was prepared to sleep on the floor or in a cage, or even in the box he came in, but the box had promptly been dismantled for firewood and the man with the beard had told him “the first room up the stairs on the right is yours”. 
He didn’t ask questions, of course not. Just bowed his head, looked to the floor and said “yes, Master,” just like he had been taught to. He was a good boxboy, and he was going to be the best boxboy that Master had ever had. 
“Jesus, don’t call me that,” the bearded man had said as he flipped through the manual that had come with 795 in the box. His tone wasn’t harsh, but maybe slightly strained, and he cleared his throat afterwards. He didn’t seem quite at ease. 
795 caught himself wanting to look up at the man, not Master anymore, but stopped and kept his eyes trained on one of the circles in the hardwood floors, where a branch would be attached if the floorboard still was a tree. “W-what would you like me to call you instead, Sir?” he asked. 
Immediately, he regretted the sentence. Don’t stutter. Never presume. Back at the training facility he would already be writhing in pain on the floor if Handler Mason had caught him stuttering and assuming titles. How could he manage to mess up already, a mere five minutes in? He shut his eyes, the muscles in his shoulders tightening and his jaw clenching in anticipation of the pain that was both sharp and dull at the same time.
It didn’t come. His owner was still fixated on the manual. No little, black controller in sight. “Uhm... my name’s Thomas, that should work?” he eventually said after a bit of hesitation. His voice was questioning, unsure, but it was a lifeline for 795.
“Yes, thank you, Sir Thomas.” His spoke clearly now, there was no stuttering. He was a good boy. 
The bearded man sighed. “I didn’t ... whatever.” 
795 wanted to smile - he didn’t, of course not, but he had done something correctly. He didn’t need positive reinforcement to know that, he just needed relief from the pain, to have any pressure removed. If he wasn’t punished for something, it meant it didn’t warrant punishment, and it meant that he had been good. 
What followed was a quick house tour. The bearded man showed him the kitchen, “could you maybe cook two meals a day, breakfast and dinner? I get usually get takeaway for lunch. And cook something for yourself too, while you’re at it, you’re awfully skinny. Write down any groceries you need - you can write, right? - and then I’ll get them on the way home.” 795 was shown the living room, with what looked like a comfortable couch with dark green pillows and a flatscreen opposing it, and the study, which was dark and full of books, and had a wooden desk, and a fireplace and an old armchair with worn leather. 795 nodded and said “yes, Sir Thomas,” as he followed his owner around the house and eagerly picked up every single word the bearded man said. He was to keep everything clean, do and fold the laundry, cook twice a day, answer the door “if it ever rang” and feed the fish in the aquarium in the living room. 
It had already been late when 795 first arrived, and even though the bearded man tried to keep the tour short, the house was big and there was a lot to go through. His name was Thomas Walker, a college professor with a few book deals and two doctorates under his belt, and all alone in a big, empty house after his brother died. The house was too big to take care off all alone, and the couple of different maids he had had in the past didn’t really cut it when it came to company (after all, they were there to clean, not talk), so when a younger colleague talked about these boxboys, he quietly listened. “Great little things, they do everything you say and never complain, and they’re just a one-time investment. My uncle has two!”
Thomas was a history professor, and one who specialized in the modern era at that, so he knew a thing or two about slavery. Initially, this whole keeping human beings as pets-thing seemed off to him, but maybe that was just because he had read so extensively on the French revolution and the ideals of the enlightenment - liberty and equality and all that. 
But his colleague taught sociology, and he was okay with it, so Thomas looked it up and found a legit website that matched the billboards he sometimes caught a glimpse of when going down the highway. They advertised their ...merchandise to be “eager to please”, “user-friendly” and “perfect companions”. The website proclaimed that all parties were of legal consenting age and had signed a clear and informative contract, and were in the programme by their own free will. 
Thomas took a weekend to think it over, a weekend spent pacing about the big, empty house, listening to the deafeing silence and his own thoughts, watching the dust collect in the many window sills and on his late brother’s bed. On monday afternoon, he made the call. A month later, when coming home from a late night preparing lectures at work, he returned to find a sizeable wooden box sitting on the porch. 
It was well over midnight when Thomas, 795 in tow, ended up in his brother’s room. It was cold and dusty, and the light flickered a few times when the light switch was pushed. It was a long time since it had been used. 
“So you’ll sleep here, as I mentioned. There are some clothes for you in the closet, I think they should fit, and towels in the bathroom.”
“Yes, Sir Thomas,” 795 said, still delighted with the honor of being allowed to address his owner by his first name. His new life seemed to be a comfortable one, for a boxboy that is. There would be a lot of housework, and since the house was so big, it would take up a fair share of his time. But work was good, he had been taught that. He knew that as long as a he was working, he was useful, and useful boxboys were taken care of. Sir Thomas seemed much less aggressive and much kinder than Handler Mason as well. 
“Oh, and, uh, I got you this. Apparently, the laws are pretty strict about them, but I found one I think you’ll like,” Thomas said and picked up something from the dresser beside the door. It was a leather collar, tan, with a brass buckle. It didn’t look as wide and stiff as the ones frequently used at the training facility, which were often accompanied by the black box at the neck and the black controller in the handler’s hand - the type of collar boxboys were sent off with, the type 795 was presently wearing.
It seemed to be just a regular collar, soft, one might used for a dog. 
Before Thomas could do anything, 795 kneeled before him and bent his head to reveal the buckle at his neck. 
He knew how important collars were. Handler Mason had made sure to beat that lesson into him, quite literally. 
“Well, uhm, okay,” Thomas said. He sounded caught off guard and a little unsure, and for a split second, 795 thought he had done something wrong. But then, he felt Sir Thomas’ fingers at the nape of his neck, carefully and a little clumsily undoing the tightly buckled shock collar. He eventually unlatched it and drew it away.
For the few seconds 795′s neck was naked, he was enveloped in fear. He could feel his heart rate speeding up and his hands, which thankfully were clasped together in his lap, started shaking. Somewhere, deep inside, in the very back of his mind, Handler Mason’s voice rose up to meet him. 
“You goddamn brat, thought you could get away with-”
“There you go.” Thomas said and gave the boy’s shoulder an awkward, but friendly pat once the new collar, thin, soft, not nearly as tight as the previous one, was fastened.
“Thank you for collaring me, Sir Thomas,” 795 shakily said, swallowing. Thomas was oblivious to the fear in his eyes. But with the familiar feeling of a band of safety around his neck, the fear eventually died down and disappeared. 
“Yeah, no worries, kid. Good night.”
795 didn’t move from his blind and helpless position on the cold floor until the bedroom door closed and Thomas’ steps faltered down the stairs. Only when he couldn’t hear them anymore did he slowly get up, almost all alone in a big house. 
It felt weird to Thomas to be putting a collar on another human being, but laws were laws, and the kid seemed more than thankful to get one - and he seemed as eager to please as the billboards, website and the lady on the phone had promised. Overall, he didn’t think it was a bad investment. A pricy one, sure, but money had never really been a problem. Academia seldom brings riches, but book deals often do, and the inheritance didn’t hurt either. So Thomas fell asleep that night, slightly less alone in the big house than he had been for a long while. 
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Matchup O.O
I hope it’s okay if I could ask be match up with an IkeSen character cause I’m curious to know 👉👈 
People often judge a book by its cover about me due to my reserved/private, quiet nature. Though I’m that too, I can be energetic. I try to balance being energetic and calm when needed.  I’m an INFJ type and they say INFJ are creative nurturers, have a strong sense of personal integrity, like to help others realize their potential, and have a sixth sense of intuiting others’ emotions. I stick and believe in my personal values, though I’m open-minded to listen to other opinions.  I’m an empathic and loyal person, willing to defend people whether I’m close to that person or not because it’s the right thing to do.  I’m also selective about sharing personal thoughts and feelings. Overall, I think I’m quite a complex person 😅
Hey, there dear! First of all sorry for taking forever to write this lol. ^0^ I spend long and hard thinking about this and kept going between two potential matches. I honestly wrote a whole thing with Mitsunari but then changed my mind lol. Anyways hope you enjoy<3
So I match you with……………… Kenshin
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The first time you see Kenshin other than that time, you saw him briefly when Yuki saved you from the cliff, was at a tea house. You had decided that the castle was getting a bit stuffy, and you needed some time to yourself. Since the troublesome trio would constantly tease you day in and day out. You decided to get some nice fresh are and read your book. You often used to go to coffee shops to people watch and read. Not only that, but something was tugging at your heart into going out. Even your selection of teahouse seemed to be guided by fate or some sort of intuition feeling. You entered into the teahouse, and boy was it busy. You were lucky enough to find an empty table next to the window. You ordered your tea and snacks and started to read. As the day progressed, you notice a beautiful blond man sitting a few tables down across from you. He definitely stood out in a crowd. You watched as he gracefully brought a cup of sake to his lips. He looked up and saw you staring, you gave him a small smile and looked back down to your book. When you looked up a few moments later, you locked eyes with him again, and it was now his turn to look down and smile.
Kenshin walked into an incredibly busy teahouse. Both Sasuke and Shingen had recommended it multiple times to him for their excellent smooth sake. He glanced around the room in hopes of finding a seat when he finally spotted one. He sat down and ordered himself a drink. Kenshin never really would ever look around, but today for some reason, he felt compelled to look up, and when he did, he saw a pair of the most beautiful eyes staring into his. The second he locked eyes with the woman, she looked back down. The two of you played this little game all afternoon. Kenshin couldn’t help but feel slightly amused. However, you weren’t the only one who noticed Kenshin’s unusual presence. A few other women had spotted him as well, and even though they had arrived with dates of their own, they couldn’t help but be drawn to him. This proved quite troublesome when the male companions of these women decided to gang up and try and get Kenshin kicked out. The next time you looked up, you saw Kenshin being surrounded by a group of men. You couldn’t stand the thought of them bullying him into leaving for something completely out of his control. You channeled your inner Nobunaga and went to stand right beside Kenshin. You started standing up for the bunny lords calling all the men out for their rude behaviors. Kenshin was shook, no woman has ever stood up for him before. The men started to get a little violent, and this was when he decided to intervene. He gracefully drew his sword, grabbed your hand, paid for both your bills, and pulled you along with him as he left. The two of you walked in silence for a while, until you told him it was getting late and you needed to go home. He walked you back to the main road and said his goodbyes. You were definitely messing with Kenshin’s head.
The two of you had coincidentally kept running into each other, a few times since the teahouse incident. You were curious about Kenshin, so you asked Sasuke to tell you a little bit about his lord, and that’s when you find out he basically lived of sake. After that, every time the two of you had a run-in, you would insist on going to a teahouse together for some food and a drink. As you can imagine, Kenshin was reluctant at first, but after the 3rd time, he started to anticipate your little tea date. Every time he saw you, he found himself strangely excited, wearing a soft smile. The two of you would sometime just sit in silence while other times you could chat with him for hours.
One day he had randomly brought up that he was actually your enemy and that he was planning to go to war with all your Oda friends. TBH you were a little shook, but you never treated him any differently for it. Kenshin really admires your openminded accepting nature. He really had started to fall in love with you. 
You had a keen sense of picking up others’ emotions, and today was no different. Kenshin’s whole vibe had felt off to you. After a few minutes of probing, he finally confessed and said that Shingen had sent news that the war preparation had been complete and that he would be leaving that evening. Your face instantly dropped into the same miserable expression as his. All of a sudden, he had this bright look in his eyes. “Come with me,” you were confused by his unexpected statement. “Come with me, i’ll set up a room in my palace for you, and then we can have tea whenever you want; you won’t have to sneak around anymore’.
You were still busy processing what was happening. Before you knew it, you were on a horse on your way to Kasugayama castle. Once you arrived, Kenshin excitedly showed you to your room. It was definitely a room fit for a princess, it legit had everything in it. That night they held a big banquet to boost morel for the army. You nervously sat next to Kenshin while sipping on some sake. The two of you might not have straight out said it, but you both really loved each other. You couldn’t help but overhear a few comments being made about in what a good mood Kenshin seemed to be in, and you definitely noticed the way the maids had gossiped about the only woman Kenshin has ever called by name. Kenshin could see you were feeling a bit nervous and self-conscious, He gently took your hand in his and intertwined his fingers with your, all while giving you the most beautiful smile. The rest of the banquet you and Kenshin spent ignoring everyone around you. This act alone shocked everyone in the room they all thought Kenshin hated woman!
From the moment you saw Kenshin, you saw a man chained down by fear and anxiety. You could see his potential for kindness and freedom from the chains. You had since helped him slowly heal and reach that potential of growth where he no longer is haunted by his past. The two of you had many conversations about your feelings and personal thoughts. He loved that you were open-minded. He was drawn to your nurturing personality. THB, you were now the only one in the castle that could bring Kenshin out of his fighty moods. It helped that you had a really good emotional intuition. You would also feel when Kenshin was going through a dark time and when the demons in his mind were busy tormenting him. You would gently wrap him in a warm embrace, holding his head against your chest. You would draw soothing circles on his back or caress his hair and neck. You would ask him to tell you what was going on in his mind and then gently reassure him.
He truly loved you and would go to the ends of the earth to see your beautiful smile. Whenever you feel down, he would have his army of fluff balls attack you with cuddles. He would join in and start tickling you until that beautiful smile was back on your face. He loved spending time with you, whether it is you just sitting on his lap while reading or playing with the cute lil buns in his room. He can’t help but want to be near you. You had helped this bunny lord heal his heart, and in return, he gave you his life. The two of you love spending time together, whether it’s going out to the market for tea or snack or just spending a quiet night in each other arms. Kenshin’s absolute favorite is when you drank slightly too much at the banquet and fall asleep in his lap with your head on his chest. This just makes bunny boy melt into a puddle 
Other potential Match……………Mitsunari
I hope you enjoyed love! And thanx so much for the request @otome-ikemen​ ! ^o^
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Writober 2020 5 and 6 - Ice and Trick
Summary: Jackel Lavellan has pulled off another successful candy thrift. That stolen chocolate is about to come in handy as she encounters a frozen mage at the encampment that the rest seem to be avoiding. It’s probably the nonstop crying thing, right? Right?
Well... at least they’ll have a funny story about the time they met.
“Thanks, Josie!”
“You are indeed welcome, Jackel. If you see Kaaras, please tell him to stop by. I have some letters he needs to see.”
Most of that went over Jackel Lavellan's head as she peeled the wrapper off a chocolate and shoved it into her mouth. There were a few more in her pockets, three that the ambassador hadn't seen her grab. Why would she be looking, the box was clearly above her head.
Children usually used chairs. Assassins pretending to be children for the candy benefits knew better methods.
It was a cold day, so Jackel needed the energy anyway. It was bad when she had to put on shoes, and even with them her toes were aching from the chill. There was snow outside, and more was falling outside the window. More than anything she had the desire to stay inside... but that would mean remaining in Haven's Chantry.
Between freezing and the Maker, she'd take freezing handily.
Her sensitive ears ached with the sudden blast of cold that assaulted them when she opened the heavy door. She pulled her cloak higher as she edged carefully onto the route that would take her to where she was staying. Overnight, ice had formed wherever moisture had been. The soldiers and what have you broke most of it up, but the jagged shards still waiting for drunks an unsuspecting morons to cut their ankles open on it. Jackel would not be one of those, thank you very much.
At least the chocolate was good. Antivan chocolate always was.
“Now, where the fuck did Kaas get to?” This she muttered under her breath, switching languages so nobody threatened to tell on her for swearing. “I swear, if someone dragged him off again without letting me know...”
Jackel followed this up with some munching. The chocolate had since melted in her mouth, and the sweetness made her step a little quicker.  She wasn't sure if this was the stolen chocolate or the legit one – sometimes they tasted differently. Of course her family would claim that was unrealistic, but it wasn't like either of them were able to steal candy off the ambassador. What would they know?
Besides, you know, like magic and shit.
Speaking of – the mages were settling in to Haven now. Apart from some arguments among their former jailers bristling to see their captives as equals, it was a pretty smooth transition. Their time on the road during the mage war made adapting pretty easy. She would've almost said she was proud, except that wasn't a thing she did and they were human anyway. So fuck that.
Jackel stopped walking. It was hard to miss one of the mages, wrapped in a patched cloak and sitting on a stump near someone's tent. She had seen this one around, staring blankly at the floor or the wall. That was if they didn't start crying. They did that a lot.
She hated crying.
“Come on, Trevelyan. You need to eat something.”
An older mage was trying to force a bowl of something that smelled terrible into stumpy's bandaged hands. Actually... they were looking kind of rough. Their whole forehead was wrapped in bandages, now that Jackel was getting a better look. Add in the shaking hands, and she got the feeling she was watching a shell shocked circle mage adjust badly.
“I'm f-” tears welled in hazel eyes and were soon threatening to freeze. “Damn it all, I don't want to start crying again!”
Their voice cracked as the tears spilled down their wind-ruddied cheeks. Jackel's eyebrow cocked as she watched them furiously scrub at their face. It didn't stop the tears, but it did look pretty pathetic to anyone who was watching.
Which they weren't. It didn't take a genius to see the mages were avoiding looking at their fellow. They all had a look on their faces that made her stomach turn. Pity; she hated that more than anything. Judging by how the mage's face kept screwing up, they didn't like it much either.
Not that it was any of her business. She had Kaaras to find.
Yep, she had...
Something about that pathetic mage sitting there on a stump was doing awful things to Jackel. Already kicking herself, she changed direction towards the mage encampment. At the sight of her, some of them backed away. Stumpy didn't do anything except keep trying to dry their face.
“Are they picking on you?”
She went in childlike, better to observe. Her target stopped wiping their eyes and sniffed back mucus. They were older than her, but probably younger than 25. That should have suggested a Harrowed mage, but the robes were different, plainer. They weren't the apprentice kind either – plenty of awkward teens and young adults wearing those to know the difference. These were just... they told her nothing.
“Oh, uh, no, s-sorry. I uh-” tears appeared in their eyes again. “Damn it, when is that going to stop?!”
And then the mage started sobbing, hands pressed to their face. Jackel glanced upwards, towards the mage with the stew. They sighed, and a ladle went back into a pot. They then gently took her by the shoulder and guided her out of human earshot.
Normally she stabbed people for this, but her curiosity was eating away at her.
“Don't mind Trevelyan, kid.” Their voice dropped. “She's uh... she is – was? Honestly I don't know... but do you know what the Tranquil are?”
A cold shudder passed through Jackel's body. She had seen a few of them in camp, sporting burned foreheads and speaking in monotone. They were the mages who were no longer mages, cut off from the Fade as a way for the Circle to exert control over them. The ocularum were made from their skulls, or so a shaking Kaaras had told her after a bad mission.
Were they keeping her for a backup?
Still, the mage was waiting for an answer. She picked up her pitch just a little. “I thought Tranquil didn't cry.”
“Yeah, so did I.”
Their conversation was interrupted by the crunching  of feet on ice. Jackel turned to see Trevelyan there, wiping off her ruddy face with a sopping wet sleeve. Well, more like an icy one at this rate – the temperatures were dropping.
“I-I'm fine. Really.” Her voice shook still. “I think I saw you with the qunari man with the swords earlier? H-He...”
She sniffed again. “He was looking for you. I think I still know where he is if you want me to take you to him.”
Jackel wasn't sure what was more pathetic, that this mage who barely had it together was offering to help her, or that her disguise was so good that she seemed like she needed it. She should have said no, but there was something so damn sad about it that she almost felt a need to put one in the win column for this sad excuse for a mage.
Was she developing a sense of giving a fuck about humans? Perish the thought.
“Yeah, ok. Josie wanted to see him anyway. Lead the way.”
Together, the two left the mage encampment. The elf didn't miss the sigh of relief as her guide passed, nor how rigid her shoulders got whenever they grew near to someone. Tears were still beading in her eyes, but not quite icing up. She was trying.
It was still sad, but it was an effort none the less.
“My name's Jackel by the way, what's yours?”
After all, she couldn't keep calling her the sad sack stump sorcerer, now could she?
Trevelyan shrugged her shoulders. “Aeronwen. Nobody calls me that though. I guess I picked a bad one.”
She offered an awkward smile studded by tears. “They used to call me Trevy before everything happened, s-so if you want-”
And then she was crying again. “Damn it all, I'm not sad I swear!”
Trevy rubbed uselessly at her face again. When her hand brushed against the heavy bandages around her forehead, she winced and that caused even more tears. Jackel watched all of this without saying anything. After all, what could she say? Sorry you were made Tranquil and you seem to be coming out of it? Was that even a thing?
Had a mage even looked her over?
“Shit...” Trevy hiccuped back a sob as she scowled. “Sorry, Jackel. I don't think you're allowed to use that word.”
Jackel rolled her eyes in response. “I can use whatever damn word I want, have you seen a healer or what?”
Ok, maybe she was breaking character, but fuck it. Even she had limits.
At least the mage didn't look too surprised as she dried her eyes. “I had a feeling you were lying. Dalish elves have facial tattoos when they're adults.”
What a surprise, someone who actually knew something. Jackel had to admit she was impressed, especially considering Trevy probably spent a shit ton of years holed up in a tower. Then again, she probably just read all the time – the thought of it made her stomach turn.
Books, all day with nothing else to break up the monotony? Fuck that, it was her own personal nightmare.
Jackel responded by landing on Trevy's shoulder with a solid jump. Much to her displeasure, the mage was bony. Someone wasn't eating enough. Maybe that was why she fished one of her stolen chocolates out of her pocket and tossed it down.
“Don't tell Josephine where you got it from and I can cut you in.”
Trevy's trembling fingers soon popped the candy into her mouth. She chewed quietly, as if she was mulling it over. At least it helped her stop crying long enough for her face to dry off. The wind helped too – it tugged at both their clothes and the mage's unnaturally white hair.
“Alright, but what do you want in return? You don't seem the type to just be nice for nothing.”
It wasn't often that Jackel was caught off guard, much less rendered speechless. Apparently, she had been watched while she was doing the watching. Color her impressed for real this time. This one was alright.
Still... “It's cold out. My feet hurt.”
“Right, the Dalish aren't big on shoes.” Tears trickled down Trevy's face as she kept walking. “Well, you keep my neck warm.”
Jackel nodded as she spotted the house up ahead that probably held her cousin. “Sounds like we have an agreement then, Trevy.”
“I do work in the library some days, so I won't be available then.” Of course she did. “Any other time, sure. Now, let's go find Kaaras for you.”
And off they went, Jackel with her stolen chocolate and Trevy with her frozen tears and eye for details. If she didn't know better, the elf would have said it felt like it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. But she wasn't Varric, and she couldn't read anyway so it didn't matter.
She put those thoughts aside, however. Kaas needed finding, and then the mage who was guiding her around needed to go see a proper healer about that burned forehead and sudden need to cry her damn eyes out.
Good thing she had stolen a couple extra pieces. She got the feeling it was going to be a long day.
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lucastheunlucky · 4 years
Ease of Learning - Orion&Luke
Summary: Orion accepts a part time job at Yum!Pizzeria and meets Luke! They make food together, learn how to prep for a restaurant, and find great enjoyment in each other’s company. @3starsquinn
Set up: [text] I’m in the kitchen, just come in and on through. Bring some knives if you have them, and wear rubber soled shoes. 
Lucas finally had help and he was probably a little too giddy about it. This week has been the nicest week he’s had since he was shot in the head. Almost five fucking years for him to have this, and to think people had such nice lives all the time. Lucas already had everything laid out, cleaned, and prepared, and to hopefully seal the deal with the trainee. He had taken the time to get a new white, chef’s shirt for them so it felt a little more official. It was completely a bribe, but he couldn’t help it. He could find help for the front, cashier, and waitress staff, but not in the kitchen because he always kept himself isolated. This was a huge step for Lucas. He sat down at the main station, writing out a new recipe he had worked on, not pizzeria related, but Lucas’ future fine dining restaurant that resides only in his head now. Soon. He had a photo on the wall now, a sketch of the new concept. Eventually this place will be truly his dream.
Orion only owned hunting knives, and he only kept them begrudgingly just in case the situation were to ever arise that they were needed. Luckily, Ricky was into cooking and owned some pretty decent knives, which Rio was able to borrow for the evening. He had been inside the pizza places for more times than he could keep track of. It was a local favorite and the best pizza place in town. Rio didn’t have a ton of experience with actual cooking, which made this position a bit more ideal for Rio’s situation. Pretty much the only thing his family had employed him to help with when it came to cooking was prep work.  It wasn’t exactly a surprise that Rio was the most detail oriented and meticulous of the Quinn family. Plus, he had good reflexes, like supernatural reflexes. He got to the door to the restaurant and knocked at it, spotting who he assumed would be his boss through the window and waving towards him. It wasn’t until the door opened that the tingling sensation shot through Rio’s body. There was a werewolf, somewhere around here. His tried to focus his hearing out for a moment, to see if he felt anybody around the place. But all he could sense was Lucas, opening the door to let Rio in. A giddy smile broke out across Rio’s face. He could only imagine the meltdown his parents would have had if they knew that he was working for a werewolf. A werewolf! Amazing. Rio happily held his hand out as an introduction. “Hey there! It’s Orion. Or Rio. Whichever you prefer. I’ve probably said this a million times already, but I really appreciate this, I can’t wait to get started.”
Lucas felt the enthusiasm immediately, and fed off of it to ease any concern. The other was a handsome younger man, with bright eyes, and Lucas felt a slight pang at how the youth held this special kind of energy. One, he probably wouldn’t have anymore now that he was in his thirties. Lucas shook his hand with a firm grip, palms rough. “Come on--” he chuckled, walking him into the pizzeria, and back in through the kitchen doors. Not a lot of people have seen this area, and Orion, well-- he will be the first person ever to work next to Lucas in the kitchen. It was a strange feeling, to let someone else into his space, but Lucas was trying with everything he had, to not let this hunter have so much control over his life. And in here, his pizzeria now that the deed was transferred-- he wanted to make a work family. “The kitchen is simple in design, we cook in a stone oven, but he have gas ovens as well for other things, that’s a smoker for the meats, and all the prep gets put in here,” he hulled open a large fridge where a bunch of empty containers usually filled with ingredients. “You know how the menu works, since I change it every day, you will have a different prep list. Which is nice, it shakes it up. So,” he pulled out the chef’s shirt and waved it between them. “Put this on, and let me see how you cut an onion.”
It was a bit surreal, following his boss behind the counter and following him to a portion of the pizza place that he had never seen before. After spending so long at the counter ordering, it seemed weird to walk behind the counter. Or maybe the weird part was that he had never had a job before and this was all new to him. Either way, it was a mixture of excitement and nerves. He nodded, familiar with the new choices every day. It was pretty easy to tell how passionate Lucas was about the place, which could only be a good thing. When Lucas pulled the chef shirt free, Orion was so excited for the chef shirt until he realized that the chef shirt was short sleeved, which meant… Oh boy. He couldn’t not wear it, right? That probably wasn’t an option. Rio stood there for a moment long before grabbing it and slipping it over his long sleeve shirt. He sighed, rolling his sleeves up to the sleeve of the chef shirt, exposing a string of scars and bruises along his arms. He immediately jumped into washing his hands and pulling one of the knives that he borrowed from Ricky out to cut the onion, hoping that they would not talk about the scars or bruises and just focus on the prepping. “So, uh my friend taught me that we cut off both ends and then cut the onion in half, take the skin off.” He spoke aloud and did the motions as he said them, trying to remember what Ricky had done while cutting them. “Once you have it in half you can just kinda… chop it” He said, cutting sections from the onion into what looked like sort of a half moon shape. “You probably need it like chopped into tiny pieces, right?”
Lucas gave Orion some space, not wanting to be all up in his area quite yet. He noticed the scars, but Lucas was also a creature riddled with them. He hated when people looked at them or asked questions he couldn’t explain about them, so he just acknowledged how hard that motion might have been for Orion, and stood calmly, with that understanding without bringing it up. “That shirt makes it feel official right?” he chuckled to keep the mood light. “Well, first-- you should sharpen your knife.” Lucas had set him up for failure, but it was a good way to remember. “Always do that step first, so you don’t cut your fingers or squish the vegetables.” He pulled out his japanese blades, with beautiful orange handles, and sharpened it quickly. “You are close, from here, lay it like this and you want to aim for about half inch pieces of onion. Unless-- I call for strips which happens sometimes, especially with the bbq pizza’s. Chop down, take your time until you get the motions, hold your fingers like this so they don’t get caught. Then you can go faster--” Lucas showed the motions at a good pace on his own board, which was actually harder cause he does it so fast all the time. “This is called a small dice-- which vegetables do you think get cut up like this?” 
Orion glanced down at the shirt that Lucas had given him, “It really does. I feel pretty legit.” He smiled, thankful that his new boss hadn’t mentioned the scars. It was stupid of him to show them off anyways. “Right, right. Sorry. Of course that makes sense.” He sighed. Strike one he supposed. Though it didn’t seem to bother Lucas much. He had told Rio that he would train him how to do it properly. So this was training, and a nice, peaceful training at that. “Woah Those knives are really cool.” He stared at the design on the blades. He watched Lucas cutting the onions, clearly way more fluid than his parent had ever been with a blade. Though they had never really claimed to be great cooks. “Got it. I can do that. I mean, I can do that with practice.” Luckily for Rio, he was a pretty fast learner. “Uh..” Rio tapped his fingers against the cutting board to think of what a pizza place would use for small cuts. “Onions, obviously. Peppers, probably. Maybe like tomatoes, if you add any in your pizzas. Something like that?” 
“You will get it quick, don’t worry,” Lucas smiled about the knives, they were very special to him. “They are neat right? I worked years to get a legitimate set. There are a lot of knockoffs on the market.” Lucas nodded to the few he said, and pulled out a plate that had all of them cut correctly in the varying ways he liked on a beautiful spread. “Most are sliced-- mushrooms, banana peppers, jalapeno’s, the ones cut down the side like those. Then you have the smallest, minced. That, you won’t do for a while cause it’s the hardest. But, if you practice these other cuts, I’ll show you and you can practice at home. So, using that plate as a guide-- lets prep for tomorrow.” He quickly pulled over the menu, laying it out between them. “We are doing three pizza’s, see what we need? I always label it well. Lets just get some practice in, don’t worry about making it perfect. I’ll do it with you, and if you don’t know just ask alright?.” Lucas tied an apron on, and cracked his knuckles, and got to work. 
Orion liked this. It was almost relaxing, in a way that cooking had never been for him before. But Lucas was a calming presence. Patient and warm, it was a welcome change. Lucas showed off exactly what the cuts were supposed to look at and Orion tried studying each one, hoping that just staring at them long enough would make it stick in his brain. It worked for books. “Perfect. My roommate loves to cook, I’ll make sure to help prep. Get some good practice in.” Despite Lucas telling Rio not to worry about it being perfect, Rio knew that he was going to worry about it. He had always been a perfectionist. But this was the new Rio. The one that didn’t bother with the Quinn name. He could be more chill now. The new and improved Rio. He looked at the menu, “Well this sounds amazing.” Rio laughed. Maybe he’d need to stop by and pick some up for himself and his roommates. “Definitely. Please just yell at me if I’m doing anything wrong.” He joked, jumping into it as well to get started on the prepping.
For the first time in almost five years, the sound of two knives against cutting boards echoed in the kitchen. It warmed Lucas’ entire soul, in a comforting and familiar way that he used to cook in the kitchen with his family before he went into hiding. He knew, all along, he wanted this feeling back, almost desperately, but always fear hid in the back of his mind. Luring him to be hesitant. The man who captured him, tortured him-- didn’t have to infect this place. His pizzeria, and maybe in the future, something more fine in nature. He paused Rio a few times to correct how he was holding the knife, pulling his hand back on it, or fixing the rocking of the blade, but Lucas could see that the other had some kind of experience holding a blade, maybe just not cooking ones. Lucas cleaned his knives, and watched the other work for a few minutes, cherishing the moment-- hoping, he’d like it here. A soft smile twitched his lips. “Two hours have gone by ya know--” he said with a knowing sound. “Set an alarm when you are here, time-- flies when you prep, especially while alone. How are you feeling about it?” Lucas pulled out a slab of bacon, slicing down thin pieces. “You hungry? Cause for some reason, I want breakfast right now.” 
Orion fell into an easy groove working next to Lucas. Every now and again Lucas would help readjust his grip on the knife or show him some trick to make the cutting easier, but it was always done with good spirits and with the best of intentions. It honestly didn’t really even feel like work. When Lucas mentioned that two hours had already gone by, Rio barely believed it. “Seriously? Woah. I didn’t even notice.” He shrugged. “I feel great. Like this is too good to be true.” Rio definitely didn’t consider himself lucky enough to deserve this. He had been so nervous about starting to work that he had practically spiraled once he accepted Lucas’ offer and Erin’s. But both places seemed really cool. “Holy crap, really? I’m always starving. Like, all the time. This is amazing.” He bounced excitedly, a grin plastered on his face. “What can I do to help?”
“Haha, same-- same,” Lucas suggested, both because he’s hungry, but also to see how Rio would do with orders shooting at him. That’s if he eventually wanted to tackle the kitchen while open then doing prep. He pointed towards the cast iron skillets. “Turn the gas on the stove to high flame, get that pan hot for me.” He sliced down the large piece of meat to create a stack of bacon for them, tossing it onto a plate, and brought it over to the stove. “If you look in the walk in fridge, there are eggs in there, and cheese of course,” Lucas couldn’t help it, he loved cheese sprinkled on his eggs since he was a little boy. The pan heated up quick, and Lucas put the bacon in it, the sizzle immediate. He flipped on the hood, the smoke traveling up and out of the small space, and smell-- it was already to die for. “Crack those eggs for us, put them all in a bowl. I can eat six eggs-- if you can believe it. Haha. I haven't had dinner yet, so it needs to stick. Cube some butter from there,” he pointed, “and dice up some scallions. Don’t salt anything yet--” 
Hoping not too screw anything up, Orion made a mental list of what he needed to do. He started with the oven, flipping it on high and grabbing a pan to start heating it up. He then slid over to the ginormous fridge and slid inside of it, searching around for a long minute until he hunted down the eggs and cheese, grabbing a carton of eggs and a few separate bags of cheese, “I wasn’t sure which kind of cheese you preferred so I grabbed… all of it. I can eat literally anything.” He set the eggs and cheese down on one of the counters and took in the smell of the bacon. Amazing. He laughed at Lucas, popping the carton of eggs open and pulling eggs out one at a time, cracking them into the bowl and putting the empty shell back into the carton for the moment. He wondered if large appetites came with Werewolf territory? Hunters tended to have a bigger appetite than regular humans, because they had to give energy for the heightened senses and strength. It was only logical that werewolves would be similar. After cracking all the eggs, he hunted down the butter next, starting to cube it before asking, “How much should I cut? Like a whole stick?  He probably should know something like that, if he was an actual adult that cooked ever. After he cut those, scallions would be next. “Do you cook here a lot on your own time too? Or do you have your own fancy set up where you live?”
“No, about four tablespoons or four decent slices,” Lucas peered over at Orion working hard, making sure everything was right, and taking the time to find the right ingredients. A blossom of pride filled the wolf, and a kind smile surfaced while he flipped the bacon in the cast iron. “Make sure you separate the tops and bottoms of the scallions.” He didn’t even peer over at the stuff being prepared, accepting however he did them in a show of trust. “I, heh,” Lucas never bragged or boasted about himself, he always got a little shy over stuff which is why in high school no one really knew he wasn’t just a football player, but also a huge science club nerd. “I actually have training in fine dining if you can believe it. I also have been studying authentic Chinese cuisine for about five years now. My home set up isn’t as nice as this, so I do tend to cook here if I can. I experiment a lot, I want to have a really nice place eventually.” He reached for the eggs, pushing the bacon to one side of the pan to let the fat heat and coat the pan before tossing the eggs in. With a pair of chopsticks he grabbed each cube of butter, folding it into the eggs as he broke the yolks and let it all cook in bacon fat with gentle motions to fold them into stacks. “Get a small pan, heat a little oil, and toss those white scallions into the pan, keep them moving so they don’t burn. Hey, those don’t look too bad.” He complimented on the scallions. “Then get plates, this will be one in two minutes.”
Orion followed the boss’ instructions for the butter and passed it off to him when he began working on the scallions. Unsure exactly what to do with them, he resorted to cheating a bit, if this were some sort of graded test at least. He pulled a video up on his phone, watching a few seconds of it before following them himself, cutting up some not perfect, but decent scallions. “Chinese cuisine?? That’s so cool! You know back in the Zhou dynasty rice was considered a luxury. It was insanely priced and only the richest classes could afford to eat it. It’s crazy to think about that, since rice is such a common staple in so many cultures nowadays.” He rattled off, immediately happy to have something to talk about. Even if it was nerdy. “I think it’s really cool that you have this space. It’s easy to tell how much you care about it.” Orion grabbed a small pan and took a minute to hunt down the oil, pouring it into the pan and setting it on the stovetop. “Thanks! Full disclosure, I totally googled it to find out how to cut them correctly.” He laughed, outing himself and finally tossing the scallions in the pan, pushing them around  in the pan. This was how people kept them from burning, right? After a minute, Rio followed Lucas’ directions and went to grab plates, “This smells amazing”
Lucas actually didn’t know that bit of information, and he’d have to remember it. “My neighbor has all these old family recipes, none of her family is here in the states, and she filled my head with them so they’d not be lost. If you really want some good cooking though, she is the one to stand next too, she’s got that grandma energy-- and love in all her food.” When he disclosed he googled it Lucas couldn’t even fault him. “I get it, just watch your phone in here, I have lost many of mine in a bowl of tomato sauce by accident.” Lucas placed the bacon, and eggs on the plates, taking the warm scallons to sprinkle on the side. The slices of the green parts of the scallions he mined quickly with his knife, then sprinkled it on top with a crackle of salt and pepper, and a dash of cayenne powder. “There,” he wiped the edges, and picked both plates up and moved them over to a table in the corner. Setting them down, he grabbed forks, and a water for them, and pulled his chef shirt off, tucking it on the back of the chair. He waited for Rio to sit before he did, and settled. “I’m sure you will be busy with everything, but know this place doesn’t need to be stressful. Even if you can only work two hours that’s enough to get me by. So-- thank you, for wanting to try it out.”
It looks like they had wrapped up for the night. Or at least to eat.Orion followed Lucas’ example, taking the chef shirt off and rolling his sleeves back down. He instantly felt better with his arms covered again. “Your neighbor sounds great, that’s nice of her to share the knowledge.” Obviously, Rio was a fan of sharing knowledge. He wasn’t sure who would major in history that didn’t like sharing information with others. Plus the whole Scribe thing. He slid into the empty chair at the table and took a long drink from the water. He had been so preoccupied with the prepping that he hadn’t even realized how thirsty he was. With the oven on, the place got pretty hot. “Of course. Well, again I really appreciate the flexibility. I want to help out as much as I can, and hopefully make your life a little easier.” It honestly seemed too good to be true. A boss that wanted him to work at his own pace and understood that he had a life outside of work. But this wasn’t the time for sappy admissions, it was food time. Rio used his fork to stab a large portion of the eggs and stuff them into his mouth. “Holy” He started saying, but stopped himself so he could finish chewing the food he had in his mouth. “This is amazing, holy crap. You’re like a food wizard.” He laughed once he was done chewing and right before inhaling another bite.
“Food wizard--” he repeated with a breathless chuckle, diving into his own meal. Highly amused, but Lucas always, enjoyed watching people eat his food, the way it lit up their face. The shock, the joy, the savoring. All good emotions and a moment of calm for anyone. They always settled down, sat, leaned, or just stopped worrying about their lives when they ate something he made. It was peaceful, and joyous, and it was why Luke wanted to be a chef. He seemed like a good guy, he hoped his life was okay, not too stressful, filled with more fun than pain. Maybe here could be enough of an oasis, it’s always been for him. “Text me when you are working, and I’ll work around it. I’m very flexible, and if we need to close for a day of scheduling it’s okay. Also, don’t forget, every once in a while we have that gross pizza challenge night. You should bring some friends next time, or, if you wanted to make up some bad concoctions for people, you can help me.”
Orion kept stuffing the food in his mouth as he listen to Lucas. He tried slowing himself down a little. He had spent so much time eating alone in the Scribe headquarters that he had sorta forgotten about manners. Plus he wanted to savor the taste and enjoy the food that he was eating instead of scarfing it all down in a single sitting. “Sure, of course. I can- whatever you need. If you ever need me to come in some night or another time just let me know and I’ll work around it as best I can.” He laughed, remembering the gross pizza challenge but never coming for it. “I think of at least three people that would very willingly come to that challenge. I’ll make sure to bring them along next time.” It felt weird even to him, saying that he had three friends. “I’ll definitely start brainstorming some ideas for that, it sounds fun I can’t believe I’ve never been to one.”
“Awesome, please do, not that I run out of many, most people have requests now after their friends fail some combination,” Luke continued to fill Orion in on the business, where things are, and how long things should take. Showing the times and the organized boards where the information was just in case he needed it. The night didn’t always move so quickly, so easily. But having another person here was already making the space feel like a real kitchen. One, that maybe someday could have two, three chefs in it. 
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bluedraggy · 5 years
Beatrice Santello Part 2 - #14
Sometimes I just like an image even if it bears absolutely no relation to the chapter. This is one of those times. Hey, I’m being good and didn’t post any of the alternate versions!
Image by Onnanoko
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“Hi dad,” Bea said as she opened the door to their apartment. “Hold on a second. I’ll be right back.”
Her father was where he usually was when she got home, watching TV on the couch. She retrieved the envelope from Home Badger and took it back to the living room before sitting on the side chair beside her father.
“Hi Bea. What’s up? Should I turn off the TV?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
He got up and pushed the power button on the old TV. Vaguely it reminded Bea that they didn’t even have a TV with a remote control. At least it wasn’t black-and-white.
She took a deep breath and began.
“So, here’s the thing. A man from Home Badger came by yesterday. Actually he’d come in before a while back, but he didn’t tell me who he was then.”
“Home Badger,” her dad spat. “What do they want?”
“They want to buy the Ol’ Pickaxe, dad.”
“Yeah. He left this paperwork to look at. Dad, they’re going to break ground on a new Home Badger location out by the Interstate.”
Her dad let out a sigh. “Was bound to happen, I suppose.”
“Dad, you know what that’ll do to us.”
“Yeah. I know. We’ve got maybe five years at best till everyone starts going over there. They’ll undercut our prices too, and we won’t be able to match them. I studied them, you know.”
“I know, dad. But here’s the deal they’re offering. They are going to keep the Pickaxe open, as a satellite of the main store. We can keep our staff too. And dad…” she paused for emphasis.
He sat up and looked at her. “Yeah?”
She pulled out the first page. The offering amount was in large type.
Her father’s eyes grew wide for a moment, before narrowing in suspicion again.
“Why so much? What’s the catch?”
“Dad, I don’t think there is a catch. After that situation in Sprayberry, I think they’re doing this to keep a good reputation - and our good will. Ever since that thing in the mine, I guess I’m kinda popular around here. But he said that as soon as the news of the new Home Badger is out, the offer will be removed.”
“Sounds like Home Badger. Gotta keep the pressure on. But you think it’s legit? We’d better have this looked over. Who knows what ‘gotcha’s lurk in the fine print?”
“Definitely. I read the whole thing and didn’t see anything, but we need a lawyer’s eyes to be sure. But I didn’t know if… well... if you’d be interested.”
Her father took her hands in his. She looked at them. Like his eyes, they were older than she remembered. Still big and strong, but more wrinkled, and the scales seemed looser.
“Bea,” he said, squeezing her hands for emphasis. “I’m getting older. I know the Pickaxe is all you’ve known. Even if we hadn’t lost your mother, I might not be able to run the place anymore anyway. I’m starting to forget things, Bea. I didn’t tell you, but I notice it. Bea… I think it might be time to sell.”
“Really?” Bea said, her eyes widening. But she immediately held back her emotions. She didn’t want to influence his decision. Despite her work there, it was ultimately his business.
“Yes I do. Bea, I know you always wanted to go off to college. What happened with your mother… it’s been hard on both of us. Maybe this is for the best, Bea. Are you still interested? In college I mean? You’d be starting late.”
Bea’s eyes started to burn. “Dad, I’ve never wanted anything more. I know this isn’t enough to live on, but if I could get a good degree, I know I could make enough for us both. And without that damn hospital bill hanging over us.”
“You sure you’re okay with it?”
Bea started to laugh. “Dad… I’ve never been more sure.”
“I thought you loved the Pickaxe!”
“I do… kinda.  But… Oh dad, thank you!”
“Why don’t you take this over to Mr. Akkerman tomorrow and have him look it over. Don’t get your hopes up too much. One wrong sentence buried in here can mean it’s not at all what it looks like!”
“Dad, Mr. Akkerman retired last year. We’ve got a new lawyer now. Mr. Dansky. Don’t you remember?”
Mr. Santello hit his head lightly. “Of course. I’m telling you Bea, it’s no fun getting old! Do that. Take it to Mr. Dansky.”
“I will. And dad… thanks!” she said, getting up and giving him a fierce hug that he returned.
“Thanks? For what?”
“For the Pickaxe, dad. We might be selling it, but we’d have nothing to sell without all the years you put into it!”
“Aw, thanks kid. But it kept us going all these years, didn’t it? That’s something, especially in this town.”
“That’s really something special, dad. You can be proud of it. I’m going to insist that they keep a picture of you inside the store.”
“Both of us, Bea. You’ve kept her going these last two years on your own. That should be remembered too.”
“Okay. Both of us! Maybe I can get them to rename it to Ol’ Santello’s.”
“Hey! That’s not a bad idea! Not like pickaxes sell anymore. I bet the younger folks don’t even know what a pickaxe is for.”
Two days later, Bea got a call from Mr. Dansky. She left the Pickaxe early and walked to his home-office not far off Main Street.
The place smelled of books, like every lawyer’s office she’d ever been in.
He was sitting at the big mahogany desk and invited her to sit down.
“I’ve looked over the document and, Bea, I have to tell you, it’s as straightforward a buy-out as I’ve ever seen. I’ve also written up the two clauses you asked for and have spoken to Mr. Brown on your behalf. He’s agreed to both, and they’ll pay for the signage changes too! I don’t know how you managed to get an offer of this size though. You must really have impressed them, Bea!”
“Ah, I don’t know about that. I think they were just desperate.”
“Well, for whatever reason, they aren’t sparing any expense on this. Are you and your father free to come by on Friday? They want to get the contract signed as soon as possible. I suggested 1pm, if you can bring him in.”
“Sure! No problem. We’ll be here at 1pm.”
Mr. Dansky handed the envelope back to Bea, rising to show her out.
“And Bea… tell your father I want to congratulate him. Businesses in Possum Springs just don’t sell for that much. But I can also tell you I hope to be buying my hardware from Ol’ Santello’s for years to come!”
Bea thanked the young lawyer and stepped out into the late-spring afternoon. Suddenly, in the space of only a few short weeks, her life had changed completely. She had hope again.
Friday couldn’t come soon enough. By noon she was back in her apartment, trying to help her dad get ready as best she could.  His suit no longer fit around the middle, but she persuaded him to wear it open anyway. But, other than Mae, she hadn’t told a soul about the impending buy-out.
At the meeting she met Mr. Brown again, along with two lawyers for Home Badger.  Her dad treated them respectfully enough, though his suspicions were on high alert - questioning everything he had to put his signature to. After a lengthy three hours, though, all the papers were signed and the transfer of ownership - as well as the new name - would happen on the first of the next month. Bea would stay on to help the transition for two months at full manager’s salary - more than she’d ever paid herself really - at the end of which her position would be open to her to continue if she wanted to, or open for anyone of her choosing.
Germ came immediately to mind for her replacement.
They walked out of the lawyer’s house/office and Bea felt the weight of the world suddenly lifted off her shoulders. She walked home with her dad, walking by the Ol’ Pickaxe on the way.
“Let me stop in, for just a minute, Bea?”
“Sure dad,” she said, and held the door open for him.
He made his way over to his accustomed place behind the counter, while Germ stepped out from behind it. The old wooden floorboards creaked in a way that somehow always reminded Bea of her dad. No one else made them creak in quite the same way, and it brought back memories of an earlier, happier time.
The old gator breathed in deeply.
“Still smells of wood and turpentine,” he said, opening his eyes. “Your mom used to sit here, on this very stool, Bea, when you were so little.  We used to have a closed-off area over by that window where you and Mae would play when you were kids. Do you remember that?”
“I remember it. Mae does too.”
“Then you used to come in… right about this time, after school. Right through that door. I can see you now, Bea. You’d be in your school clothes and the bell would ring over the door. We used to have a mechanical bell on a spring, you know. Not the electronic thing we have now. We’d hear that bell, and your mom would come running over. Oh, those were good times, Bea.”
“The best, dad.”
Mr. Santello sat still, looking at the door. His eyes went from bright, shining remembrance to heartbreakingly sad in an instant.
“God I miss your mom.”
Bea couldn’t stand it. She hugged her dad to herself. “I do too dad.”
“Bea. You know I’ve never been a religious man. I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve been to her grave.”
“A long time, dad. Do you want me to take you there?”
“No, Bea. I want you to take me to Pastor Karen. I need to talk to somebody. I love you, Bea, but I think I need to talk to her. Do you understand?”
“Yeah, dad. I think I do. Let’s go see her.”
And with that, Bea walked her dad out of the Ol’ Pickaxe - soon to be renamed Ol’ Santello’s.
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mocharoll · 5 years
Sidestep x M!Ortega Shenanigans Part 2?!! <3
My babies are back! I swear it had an almost legit plot but it got lost along the way when they started arguing about coffee lmaoo
Summary: Local sparkle boi makes the surprised Pikachu face when his tired disaster villain practices self-acceptance.
Second person Sidestep POV, coffee vice, romanced Ricardo
“Penny for your thoughts?” Ortega gently pulls you up and away from the tendrils lurking within your mind before they had a chance to strike.
“Hm?” you try to sound nonchalant, breathing in sharply and straightening your back. “Nothing. Just wondering if that last vanilla latte was a good idea.”
“Liar,” he has to call you out for it, but even the annoyed raise of your brow does nothing to mask the flickering curve on your lips. He catches that too, the endearing idiot, and beams right back at you. “Told you you shouldn’t drink so much coffee.”
You scoff and deny, of course. “I don’t drink that much. But that was just too much sugar in one go.” You roll your tongue against the roof of your mouth to coax out the lingering taste of vanilla syrup and make a face. “It’s a wonder I could taste the coffee through it at all.”
Ortega shrugs. “It wasn’t so bad, but you rarely put sugar in anything. Getting the most sugary drink in the menu was bound to go poorly,” he glances at you. “And you do drink too much coffee.”
You bury your fists deeper into your pockets in silent acceptance. “You know how it went when I tried to lay off of it last time. I’m not too keen on going through that again.”
He sighs, more to himself than anyone else. “Me neither. Going cold turkey never ends well. But,” He turns to you. “Have you considered seeing a doctor about it? Maybe there’s another reason why it went so wrong.”
You grunt. “You know how much I hate hospitals.” You already have a few theories of your own about why it had been so difficult. It probably had something to do with the sudden change in your caffeine intake, which already has noticeable side effects on a regular person, and ended up wreaking a complete havoc on the cognitive and mental faculties of a “unique” telepath such as you. Besides, getting over your caffeine addiction is the least of your worries, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“I do,” he says, making you jump. You were hoping he hadn’t noticed, but the way he lowers his voice apologetically says otherwise. Idiot. “Why don’t you at least talk to Dr. Finch about it? I’m sure she can point you in the right direction on how to tackle this, maybe direct you to someone else.”
Why is he going on about this? Wasn’t it enough the first time? You massage your temples. “It’s just coffee, Ortega.”
He comes to a halt so abruptly that you have to stop as well. “You passed out.”
Okay, alright. Maybe relapsing back to caffeine after a week of abstaining to stay up for two nights in a row to work on the casino heist, then proceeding to pass out in Ortega’s arms in the middle of some street was not your proudest moment. But then again, when did you last have those? You attempt to shoo his worry away with a lazy flick of your hand. It doesn’t work.  
“I’m worried for you, Morgan,” His words are too soft. Too tired to argue anymore.
You look at him, and the quip you had formed freezes behind your throat. Once you would have thought he was trying to take control of your own life. That he could see so little strength in you that he felt entitled to do all the work himself.  
But that was before.
You meet his warm brown eyes, worry weaved with a spark of something else entirely, making your breath catch. You know better now.
He narrows his eyes when he sees you staring, and tilts his head curiously, a smile tugging at his lips despite himself. Smiling back to you. You didn’t even notice you were smiling.
“You’re right.” You hear someone say, strangely confident, powerful.
Was that you? Did you just… admit that you’ve done something dumb? To Ortega? Now you’re in for it.
Is this what the truth feels like on your lips?
There’s a pause as Ortega just blinks at you.                                                                              
Is this what you’re trying to do? Create the illusion that despite being riddled with so many cracks, you’re slowly starting to heal? That you’re scraping the scar tissue which you had once deemed too tough to stitch and putting yourself back together? Have you become so cruel as to create another layer to your mask, another lie, because you’re too much of a coward to break his heart again?
If so, why are you still smiling?
Maybe you owe him, and yourself, to say what he needs to hear, no matter how much truth there is to it.
Maybe he’s not the only one that does.
You can’t afford to be so careless with yourself again. At least not until you’re done. If not for yourself, do it for him. Just a while longer.
Your eyes slide to Ortega, gazing at you in smug astonishment.
Maybe a bit longer than that.
“You’re-,” you trail off, saying it once is enough for one day, or rather a year, and instead decide to gesture with your hand to get the point across as vaguely as possible. He picks up on it of course, the cheeky bastard.
“I’m not talking to any doctors,” you continue before he could try and say anything, but it doesn’t seem like he was. “But I’m… okay with trying again.”
“That’s all I ask.” He smiles tenderly.  “And if you need anything, you know I’m always here for you.”
Sappy old man, doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
“Idiot.” You say fondly, to give him an idea.
He just hums brightly, seemingly satisfied with your answer, and turns to continue walking.
The silence that settles around the two of you should have been a comfortable one, but instead you feel it descend densely in your lungs.
“You were speaking from experience.” You manage. It’s not a question.
His eyes lose focus, making him look older, tired. “I did a lot of things back then that I regret,” he says, not quite looking at you. “That was no exception.” He blinks and shakes his head as if to shake off his own demons that threatened to creep up on him, a gesture that by now you’re all too familiar with. You feel a tentacle of dread flutter inside your chest. Since when did you get so soft as to allow the pain of others affect you? No, this isn’t just any person. This is Ortega, Ricardo, the complete and beautiful idiot of a man that dared to pull you up to your feet even though you kept pushing down. You were partners first. Then friends. Best friends that fell in love with each other. Enemies. And now… Something else.
And that’s all your fault.
But maybe it’s true. Maybe there’s nowhere left for you to go,
but up.
So you reach out and slip your arm through his. You feel him breathe deep and melt into your touch, the weight on his shoulders dissipating. He holds you back, his mind a steady static, his warmth already seeping through the fabrics and into your bones as you walk under the warm rays of the evening sun and the rising waxing moon. You can feel his smile on you.
You are so, so screwed.
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aces-to-apples · 5 years
halo, spartans, and rvb deep lore
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you wanna incorporate spartan lore into your rvb fic
okay then, first thing’s first: what you have to know, first and foremost, about the spartans (beyond a genuinely stupid amount of backstory) is that everything about the SPARTAN-II Program (not to be confused with the original ORION Project, or the subsequent SPARTAN-III or SPARTAN-IV Programs) from start to finish is fucking buckwild
tw: child abuse, kidnapping, mental abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, human experimentation, human rights violations, medical experimentation, child soldiers, slavery, murder, torture, ptsd, war, genocide, psychosis, non-consensual body modification, suicide (i missed that one, sorry), let me know if i missed anything
ORION Project (retroactively termed “SPARTAN-I Program”)
okay so picture this, it’s 2494. humans have been out there, colonizing space for a good couple hundred years. there’s a Unified Earth Government. there’s a United Nations Space Command. everything still runs on capitalism, and the military is basically the government. now up until now, because Capitalism, earth and its closest neighbors (the Inner Colonies) have been demanding more and more from the poorer and sparser working class Outer Colonies with diminishing returns for the Outer Colonies because space capitalism, and it’s been getting progressively worse and worse for decades. it’s very star wars, slow decay of the republic, because CAPITALISM IN SPACE, folks! so, 2494, after decades of trying to negotiate better conditions and compromises with a government that doesn’t listen and doesn’t care, finally the demands for independence start pouring in in earnest. these demands are, of course, denied, with prejudice. fighting breaks out; it’s unofficial war. the Insurrection. unbeknownst to you, humble average joe trying to live your life without GODDAMN SPACE CAPITALISM, the unsc (specifically ONI, the office of naval intelligence, which is basically the space CIA, who does all the really shady shit) saw the writing on the wall a few years before and put restarted the efforts to biochemically augment regular soldiers for more effective use. super soldiers, ya dig?
(full disclosure: they’ve been trying this for years, decades, like a century and a half or some shit but it never really worked out and last time they tried it, in like 2321 or some shit, they scrapped it and shove the initial volunteers back into regular duty and they all ended up mysteriously dying.)
so, super soldiers. stronger, faster, enhanced sight and hearing, enhanced brain function, the works. and work it does, sort of. the first 65 test subjects are a success, and deployed in 2496 because the Insurrection is picking up steam and actually winning battles and taking control of new territory and using spies and just basically freaking the shit out of the military. another batch goes into the works. things get worse. bombings continue, insurrectionists grow bolder, spies become harder to root out, civilians get caught in the crossfire, hatred for the unsc continues to grow. at its height, there are 300 active duty ORIONs, and they’re good at what they do, but it’s not enough. because of War and also Science, the ORIONs also become a game of diminishing returns, most of them growing too traumatized, too jaded, too sympathetic to the insurrection, or too sick (physically, mentally, and even genetically) to continue. 2502: the leader of the Secessionist Union is assassinated by the ORIONs, the Union falls apart but the Insurrection only gains strength from a martyr, and honestly when does any military actually stay smart and efficient? the ORION Project is quietly retired in 2506 and the remaining 165 active duty ORIONs reintegrated back into regular unsc.
(another quick aside here: the Insurrection refers less to any specific group of insurgents and more of the overall cause of independence from earth imperialism. the Secessionist Union was the most visible, organized, and effective of the bunch, having gather about a dozen world initially to all petition for sovereignty from the Unified Earth Government.)
(fun fact: ODSTs (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) were modeled off of the ORIONs and became the most badass and effective soldiers in the UNSC, barring SPARTANs themselves.)
(another one: due to all the biochemical and genetic fuckery, the ORIONs who didn’t develop ridiculous scary physical/genetic health problems, or completely understand mental health problems, really did kind of end up like captain america-y super soldiers and continued serving well past when a baseline human would have retired or just gotten Too Old For This Shit. Avery Johnson, a notable and dare i say Iconic character from the Halo franchise, was an ORION and that led him to surviving: all of the ORION Project fuckery missions, the Harvest incident AKA: When Humans Met Covenant And It Went Poorly, the Fall of Reach AKA: When The Covenant After 20 Years Of War Found And Glassed Earth’s Next-Door Neighbor Signalling The Beginning Of The End Cuz When They Found Earth It Was All Gonna Be Fucking Over, the Battle of Installation 04 AKA: Halo 1, and the first Battle of Earth and the Battle of Installation 05 AKA: Halo 2. he was a key leader in the Human-Covenant Alliance following the Great Schism and participated in the Battles for the Ark and Installation 08 AKA: When The Elites Realized Their Religious Leaders Were Full Of Shit And Started Their Own Rebellion And Teamed Up With Humanity To Stop The Flood From Spreading Or The Halo Installations From Firing And Wiping Out All Sentient Life In The Galaxy AKA: Halo 3. also, the biochemical fuckery kept the flood, aka: space zombies via spores, from infecting him. the monitor, also known as epsilon’s ball-form, shot and killed johnson with his lazer face at the end of halo 3. i cried. this badass motherfucker survived like legit 55 years of war to be taken out by an a.i. who can’t wear pants having an existential crisis.)
SPARTAN-II Program (spiritual successor to ORION Project)
2510. shit’s been fucked for awhile. the Unified Earth Government and the United Nations Space Command have been fighting an unofficial civil war for like 15 years. people are Tired, they want the war to end, but they don’t want to admit that they’re in the wrong, so they decide to throw more firepower at the problem. enter Dr. Catherine Halsey, a motherfucking 18 year old civilian child prodigy scientist, I DIDN’T EVEN FUCKING KNOW THAT SHE WAS THAT FUCKING YOUNG WHAT THE F U C K, walks up to the Vice Admiral of ONI (remember, Space CIA, alllll the shady shit) and says “hey i got an idea let’s try super soldiers again but this time it’s Worse” and ONI fucking agree because ONI is Fucked Up and i fucking Hate them, fuck ONI. anyway, it’s “spartan episode 2: attack of the clones” up in here. oh, you think i’m kidding? you think i jest?
“the first problem is,” says arrogant petulant 18 year old catherine halsey who’s never been told no a day in her life because she’s just So Smart, she’s Emily Grey up in this bitch but without the perky attitude or respect for people’s wishes when they say they don’t want a robot arm, “the problem with the orions was that the genetic fuckery y’all did was done all willy-nilly, y’all didn’t even make sure the soldiers would be compatible. now you’re got avery johnson, real like Captain America, running around but also orions who retired and had children need to give their kids special injections on the regular to keep their genes where and doing what they’re supposed to be. so you gotta genetically test all your subjects before you fuck with their dna.”
“okay, that makes sense,” says oni, “go on.”
“right so the second problem is,” says halsey, who will eventually become pretty much the worst that Humanity has to offer to the Universe, in my opinion, “that some of your knock-off super soldiers developed a little touch of the ol’ ptsd, or caught some Feelings about the insurrection maybe being Not Wrong, so we gotta make sure to brainwash—i’m sorry, did i say brainwash, i meant indoctrinate—all your slaves—i mean subjects!—in Military Values and Warfare because who wants super soldiers with empathy. so they’ve gotta be pretty young, which ties in nicely with the genetic component which requires they be prepubescent. neat, right?”
“brainwash children,” oni replies, nodding and making notes, “got it. anything else?”
“ah ha!” says halsey, whom i hate possibly more than any other fictional character across the board. “so! after we find these really genetically specific children who are all in the single digits, all possessing not only genetic but superior physical and mental capabilities, and after we kidnap them and replace them with flash clones—which, i’ll remind you, are illegal to create because flash-cloning speeds up the development of the cloned fetus to such degrees that they almost unfailingly develop compounding biological and congenital defects that cannot be corrected us thus almost all of them end up dying awful painful deaths—so we abduct the children and replace them with clones almost guaranteed to die quickly, ruining untold hundreds of lives in the process, we’ll physically, mentally, and emotionally abuse them into compliance and ruin any chance of them functioning in society by turning them into child soldiers. and then! and this is the really fun part, and then when they’re fourteen we’ll subject them to the most despicable violations of their body that i can possibly concoct using chemical, biological, and physical let’s call them ‘augmentations’ to make them grow obscenely large and strong without their consent because they’re slaves—soldiers!—and really who needs consent or ethics or basic human rights, amirite?”
“entirely,” oni says, nodding in agreement. “so what’s the survival rate on that, by the by?”
“hmm?” asks halsey, distracted by her own fucking evil brilliance, “oh right yeah well you originally okayed that i steal 150 kids from their parents but then i added in that whole flash-clone bullshit to soothe my own almost non-existent conscience so you bumped it down to 75 and then, like, 30 of them won’t survive the augmentation process at all, and then like a dozen of them will become so painfully and tortuously disabled that we’ll just kick them out of the project—you guys can find a use for those wash-outs, right?—and like a couple of them will probably kill themselves so like…” halsey trails off, counting her fingers silently. “33, maybe? did i count that right? yeah so like between thirty and thirty-five i’d say. less than half, to be sure! that’s cool right?”
“…….sounds good to me!” oni agrees enthusiastically, because they’re irredeemable pieces of shit. “what happens next?”
what happens next, dear readers, is that after all the children are kidnapped when they’re six years old in 2517, they’re treated like *waves hand in above direction* THAT, until 2525, when the planet of Harvest was discovered by the Covenant. you know, that alien coalition that decides to wipe humanity out of existence for Religious Reasons. i won’t get into the politics of the covenant because even after all of this i think that’s Too Much, but suffice it to say that the leaders of the Covenant were Full of Shit and They Knew It Too. so, harvest happens, and Covies go on a decades long rampage, and the insurrection doesn’t so much die as it gets sort of pushed to the side because Genocidal Aliens. so the Covies are glassing planets left and right—despite the Cole Protocol which states that any UNSC or civilian ship must not make any direct slipspace jumps from Covie engagements to any human populated planet because they can track slipspace vectors and calculate where you’ll come out, and also if you have to evacuate then you damn well wipe all your data and activate the ship’s self-destruct so they can’t find more humans to mercilessly murder—and with the addition of Genocidal Aliens to the mix, the SPARTAN-II Program speeds the fuck up and introduces Project MJOLNIR.
MJOLNIR Power Assault Armor, a high-powered 1000 lb. combat exoskeleton system designed not just to protect, but to enhance the already substantial physical capabilities of the spartans (all now somewhere in the upper six-foot range, to my memory) and to house fully-formed smart a.i.
(a.i… are a whole ‘nother deal. quick an dirty version: a ‘dumb’ a.i. is programmed like any other and can continue on as it is pretty much as long as its physical contain can. a ‘smart’ a.i., on the other hand, is based on an actual human brain but due to the limited nature of its processing matrix, the longer it operates, the less ‘space’ it has in its ‘brain’. a smart a.i. times out around seven years, sometimes before, because it literally thinks itself to death. once it times out, they call it rampancy. remember that term? yeah, it’s cuz season 10 talked about the four stages of rampancy, which can be compared to human psychosis, at which point the a.i., having been gathering incomprehensible amounts of data for seven years, begins to break down and dip into, kind of, debilitating amounts of emotion. sigma wanted to achieve the meta phase because it was the closest he could find to being human again, but he needed all of the fragments collected again because merging together might make them a full a.i. and thus closer to achieving, or i suppose, regaining full personhood.)
right anyway mjolnir armor, the distinctive halo armor, makes spartans absurdly strong and difficult to kill. not invincible, but damn fucking good. the spartans, along with the ODSTs, run of the mill marines, the cole protocol, and human refusal to just lay down and die pretty much holds the line against total annihilation by the Covenant for *checks watch* twenty-seven goddamn years. for twenty-seven years the Covenant sprinted around the galaxy squashing every human colony and settlement they could find but couldn’t find earth or much of the inner colonies. two, three generations of people who never knew anything but war in some form or another is pretty fucked up, guys.
anyway so, fast forward through, Yikes, All Of That to 2552. 2552 was a big year yall. ngl, like twelve huge battles all happened pretty much concurrently right now, but wrt the spartans: the Covenant found Reach, which was pretty much Earth’s next-door neighbor (and, incidentally, where all the spartan ii’s were “trained”) and they found it right when all of the spartans had been recalled back to it for a super secret mission. most of them died. john-117, master chief, and his buddy (i……wanna say linda?) made it off the planet with cortana the a.i., kickstarting the first halo game, while a little group got up to their own crazy space-magic shenanigans that i……i honestly can’t even get into right now, i just can’t, it’s all so fuckin weird and spans like seven books and i honestly don’t remember most of it. so, master chief and cortana the a.i. who is based on halsey’s brain because jen taylor is a hell of a voice actress, go to halo and meet the space zombies and stop halo from firing and killing everyone by blowing it up and that’s basically halo 1 for you. same thing happens in halo 2, except now there’s alien politics and you also get to play as a sangheili soldier who comes to the startling realization that his religious leaders are Full of Shit and starts a civil war. halo 3 is all the crazy shit happening on earth and also more alien politics and honestly i enjoyed that game least so i don’t remember much of it tbh. like i said, most of the spartans die on reach, but john and his buddy who might be linda live, as well as a little handful, one of whom is definitely named fred.
SPARTAN-III Program (AKA: "Make the units better with new technology. Make more of them. And make them cheaper.“) (god everything about this universe is so fucking buckwild)
the spartan ii’s were a resounding success but there literally being less than three-dozen kinda cut down on their usefulness, and also halsey refused to train a second batch of spartans because of her goddamn “age requirement” and like i’m not complaining that more children weren’t abducted and experimented on but halsey really was a fucking moron really just out here to stroke her own damn ego, jesus fucking christ. not, of course, that the spartan iii’s were MUCH better, mind you. so, 2531, six years into the war with the covenant and an equal amount of time without a second batch of spartan ii’s, this asshole called ackerson goes, “pfft, i can make more of these fuckers and i can make them cheaper and i won’t have to kidnap kids, who’s with me?”
and ONI said, “wait we’re not kidnapping anymore?” and it looks kinda put out cuz it likes that shady shit.
“nah,” says ackerson, waving a hand, “we’ll just recruit orphans from glassed planets who have a grudge against the covenant. like, ya know, eight and nine years olds and shit. it’ll be fine.”
so the first batch of spartan iii’s was produced in 2531: alpha company, 300 strong, all of whom survived the augmentation process at the age of twelve because it, like, got refined and dulled down a little or something, it’s been awhile. so alpha company is doing good, real good, trained by a the guy who trained the spartan ii’s and even one of the spartan ii’s themself.
(kurt-051, also known as kurt ambrose, real name kurt trevelyan because the spartan program literally fucked him up so bad he couldn’t remember his family name so ackerson just fucking gave him one, oh my gooood. anyway, so kurt was the leader of green team and they were sent on a mission but ONI fucking, they fuckin sabotaged his jetpack so that it malfunctions while in space so that he’s presumed dead but actually ONI just abducted him so he could train the spartan iii’s without halsey knowing about it because MILITARY POLITICS I GUESS?)
right anyway so alpha company, they do good, they do good, and then nine months after deployment in 2537 all of them (with a few exceptions who got pulled out to do other shit in other branches) get wiped out in Operation: PROMETHEUS, a mission to destroy a Covie shipyard or whatever. ONE-HUNDRED PERCENT CASUALTY RATE. okay, so, this is fine, we’ll try again. 2539, beta company, 300 strong, we’ll train them even harsher than the spartan ii’s were, drill them even more on unit cohesion. what happens, can you fucking guess? 2545, DING DONG, YOU ARE WRONG, same thing fucking happens in Operation: TORPEDO. only two survivors of that massacre, and the handfuls who weren’t sent on the suicide mission en masse.
in halo: reach, the game that bridge halos 3 and 4, carter, emile, jun, and thom (who was the original noble six, whom you, the player, replace in-game after he dies) are spartan iii’s from alpha company. kat and the player’s character, spartan-b312, are from beta company. jorge is an og spartan ii. there were also rumors of a couple different teams of iii’s helping evacuate civilians from reach at the same time. the LONEWOLF Headhunters were also spartan iii’s: basically two-person assassin teams.
(also, just to clarify, because the appeal of spartan iii was that it was cheaper, not all, and not even many, of the spartan iii’s were issued mjolnir armor, because making a single suit cost as much as making a full battleship. because space capitalism.)
alright, so, gamma company, third time’s the charm. 330, average age of six years old, all of them survived augmentation in 2551 and were shipped out only a few weeks after the fall of reach, so around december of 2552/january of 2553, maybe. NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT PROJECT CHRYSANTHEMUM! Project CHRYSANTHEMUM was the name given to the NEW AND IMPROVED biological augmentations given to gamma company. you wanna know what makes them new and improved? why, fucking up your brain to make it wayyyyyy more aggressive, resistant to shock, and more able to access the “animal part of the brain in times of shock”! i mean, when you hear “depresses higher reason centers of the brain over time; requires regular doses of [special meds] to be taken to avoid uncontrollable aggression” doesn’t that just fill you with confidence and positivity and something that isn’t homicidal rage?? so yeah in addition to having the body of an adult olympic athlete at fucking twelve years old and stupid fast and three times as strong as a normal soldier, now your brain can’t regulate itself! isn’t that fucking dandy! take your smoothers kids or you might just murder everyone in sight!
delta company was scheduled to be a thing but was likely never put into practice. why they went out of order on the naming i’m not sure.
the spartan-iii program was disbanded after the end of the human-covenant war in 2553 and the remaining spartan ii’s and iii’s were folded into Spartan Operations, which was a brand-spanking new military branch designed specifically for oversight of spartans because…
SPARTAN-IV PROGRAM (AKA: And Look At That, We’re Back To Consenting Adults)
2550. listen yall. shit. shit’s fucked aight? has been for awhile. and like maybe, maybe super soldiers in walking tanks is too much to ask for? maybe just regular super soldiers, but ones that are already full-grown? yeah let’s go back to the drawing board on that one. yeah let’s just do some unauthorized testing—whoops! 10% survival rate, that bites. let’s just, uh, not tell anyone about that—
“hey there,” says lieutenant commander musa, former spartan ii candidate who was tortuously disabled by the augmentation process and carries a grudge the size of pluto against catherine halsey.
“we weren’t doing anything!” shouts oni, because fuck you, oni.
“i wanna help make more spartans,” says musa. “i hate halsey with every fiber of my being but spartans are doing good work, important work, and i wanna help them do it but only if they’re consenting adults.”
oni looks at that latest batch of spartan iii’s who, due to circumstances, had to go off their smoothers during a planetary battle and freaked out everyone and their mother. “yeah good call.”
so with ackerson dead and halsey fucking finally arrested for war crimes, musa and jun (spartan iii and only survivor of noble team from halo: reach) take the lead on the spartan iv’s, the candidates of which are pooled from fully-grown human adults in a variety of military branches, from grizzled veterans to promising young soldiers with experience under their belts.
2553, the first batch of 145 iv’s is live, include My Girl Commander Sarah Palmer who kicks ass and takes names. 2554, second class is initiated. SPARTAN-IV Program is headquartered in a dedicated facility on Mars; spartan iv’s are trained in a top-secret facility orbiting an unnamed dwarf planet.
as previously mentioned, spartans gain their own military branch, Spartan Operations, and remaining ii’s and iii’s are offered to be folded into the new branch. many accept, but some decline in favor of non-combat roles. hundreds of spartans are assigned to the UNSC Infinity, literally the biggest fucking ship in human history, i love it so much it’s great. in halo: 4, a big part of the plot is that john was missing for like four years and when he’s found again there’s this fuck-off big ship filled with people calling themselves spartans who are also fuck-off big but also Strangers. anyway i love the spartan iv’s and anyone who didn’t like spartan ops or halo: infinity are cordially invited to me in the fucking pit.
SO! i’ve been at this for literal hours and am going to bed now! hope you learned something helpful, i’m sure i forgot a lot of shit, not even including all the shit that i left out on purpose because it’s two in the goddamn morning.
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darkspellmaster · 5 years
Steve Dayton and Garfield Logan Relationship...or...Why I’m about to defend Mento... Part 1
So I wanted to get this out of the way due to reading a few posts about Steve Dayton, aka, Mento, aka Gar’s adopted father, and his supposed treatment of Gar on the YJ Show. 
Now before I start I need to make one thing abundantly clear, Steve Dayton is not Silas Stone. Silas is a man who is obsessed with his work and most people can agree that he is an absentee father, regardless of how you may feel about Victor himself at this point. Steve on the other hand is active in Gar’s life and this is an important factor in this defense. 
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So okay with that out of the way, let me begin. 
Gar and Steve have always had a slightly strained relationship, and that has not been helped by Rita's death, return, her manipulation by the Chief, and subsequent divorce from him even though she still loves him and he was working on getting better. 
You see Steve Dayton is a genius level Intellect, I would say Below Reed Richards but around or maybe a bit higher than Tony Stark. He, like Tony, came from a rich family and was an inventor of sorts, though I don’t know if that was part of his business or not. In order to impress Rita, Steve, who was already damn good at reading people’s body language and facial expressions to “know what they were thinking” wanted to impress her more, so he built a helmet that enhanced his own latent mental/psychic abilities and allowed him to fly, become intangible, control people with his mind, telekinesis, and telepathy (showing that he already had that ability but it needed to be amplified in this case to work. 
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However the helmet also caused him issue, namely Paranoia and dementia, on top of some arrogant tendencies and a lot of self doubt at times. It made his own issues with Gar worse as Steve blamed Gar for Rita’s death, in the comics *Though over time this has been switched around a lot*, however, Steve genuinely loves Gar, though for him it’s hard to express those feelings to most people. Truth be told a lot of the blame issue stemmed from him going slightly insane thanks in part to John Constantine who used him to read a demon’s mind (and same said demon killed Zantanna’s daddy in the comics), so a lot of what Steve said at the time he honestly didn’t mean. 
Steve actively hunted down the Doom Patrol’s killer’s after their deaths, and attempted to, for a while, do justice to the team’s memory by creating a second version of the group known as Hybrid, which eventually disbanded. Steve later created a fake identity to frame DeathStroke for murder so that Gar and the others wouldn’t have to deal with Slade again. 
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Raven cured him of his addiction to the helmet and helped him with the demonic brought on insanity and other issues the creature caused, causing Steve to throw away the helmet for a while. Eventually he puts it back on when he discovers that his wife and the rest of her team are alive and joined them again. During this time though he found out that the whole of Doom Patrol was created by Niles Calder, the Chief, who had set up all the accidents to turn the Doom Patrol team into “freaks” so that he could create a second set of Mystery men because...he wanted to. 
Steve throws away the helmet, and calls out the chief threatening the man that he would destroy him if he ever came near his wife or son (Yes that means Gar) again. He took on the role of the leader of the team, but things fell apart when stuff went down when Rita decided to split from Steve due to him reading her mind (though it’s odd as she never had that issue before) and later when an alien attacked, Calder had him use her body to stop them, causing her to spit with him for now. 
And that was roughly where the Doom patrol was left before the reboot in DC Comics. 
Now about Steve and Gar...
The thing about Steve that so many people tend to forget is that he does care about Gar, and one of the reason’s he comes off as a jerk (other than his own personal issues and arrogance at time -which has been tempered over the years) is that Gar is all he has left. 
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When the Doom Patrol died, he and I believe Robotman, were the only ones that survived (or at least Robot man was able to be rebuilt). This meant that Steve was the sole parent to Gar, who was a very hyper and some what hard to handle kid in the first place. On top of that Steve was dealing with his own depression, something that doesn’t really get talked about a lot in comics in regard to the death of a loved one. 
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Even after Rita’s death Steve tried to make sure that Gar had  a “Normal” life, going as far as to hire several tutors for Gar to be home schooled with, and also willingly including Terra into it. He keeps trying with Gar, even though the two can’t seem to see eye to eye, and yet Steve clearly loves his son. Even if that meant banning him from working with the Titans. 
The thing is a lot of people typically see this from Gar’s perspective, and tend to see Steve as being selfish and mean to his son. Banning him from joining with his friends. But, what people forget is that he lost his wife and his friends to super villains. Again, Gar is all he has and, even though it’s hard for him to say it, Steve loves Gar and always will despite their ups and downs as a family unit. 
Take for example the fact that Steve willingly works with Deathstroke, a man that hurt his son and also caused him pain as well in order to find and save Gar and his friends. 
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This is a moment when we see Steve showing how far he’s willing to go as a father. He’s ready to do whatever he can to bring Gar and his friends back. 
Yet another moment earlier during events for Gar and his younger years, when a girl’s father is treating him like trash and he comes to the house to talk to Gar about not going to a dance with his daughter. 
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Steve’s reaction, using his height and blocking Gar from the man...
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It’s a polite way of telling him to screw off. 
Not to mention what happens during the dance and before hand in regard to Gar and the fall out. 
You see Rita and Steve manage to convince Mr. Jackson to let Gar go to the dance with his daughter. And this leads to this moment.
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The thing is that Steve is complimenting him, he’s pointing out that he has a good looking son, and is proud of him for going out even though there’s issues going on there. The thing is that the duo, Rita and Steve, end up going to a dance of their own to feel “Young”...
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And while there word get’s to them that Gar is in trouble during another issue. Which leads them rushing in to save their son, who is in a fight with the local bully at the high school. The result...the duo, their son and his date, look worse for wear but clearly please that they were able to handle this situation. 
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One of the bigger issues with Gar and Steve is the fact that neither likes to face the idea of losing one another and yet they can’t seem to believe the others cares. Gar has always had a bit of a jealous streak on Steve because of the fact that he wasn’t sure about Rita caring about him after his mother’s death. And Steve has always felt that Rita preferred Gar to him, thus making him more unsure of himself as a husband. 
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But when it came to the point where Steve was believed to be dying, thanks in no small part to John Constantine and getting him into trouble with demons, Steve couldn’t put that burden on Gar, so he grew angry and attacked Gar over it when Gar came to talk to him. On top of that Steve thinks that Gar can’t see him as his father, and believes that the only reason Gar acts like he cares is for the memory of Rita, which isn’t true, but Gar doesn’t know how to tell him that. 
Gar on the other hand is always having issues with Steve in regard to caring about him and thinks that Steve doesn’t like or even love him. That he only did what he did was for Rita.While Rita was a big part of it at first, because Steve wasn’t ready for a kid at the time, he grew to love Gar as his own, but again Steve’s not good with expressing this to him. 
Even later in the Titans series Steve was still around, after Raven helped him, and wanting to help and protect Gar from the dangers out there that could take him away from him. At one point he and Pantra were talking in his mansion where Pantha was taking care of her baby. During this Steve learns that there was an emergency after asking where Gar was, and his response...
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“Maybe I shoul...” indicating that he wants to go and help him. Again, Steve is not good at saying I love you, but when it comes to Gar’s safety, it’s always in his mind. 
Steve also has faith in his son and his team mates, as shown in his discussion with Maxwell Lord. 
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Even going back farther, Steve openly defended Gar in court and with Rita’s help they were able to adopt him. 
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By Rita posing as Gar they were able to get the case thrown out and were able to adopt Gar as their son. 
Steve eventually was able to outright spell it out for gar after a huge breakdown due to the influence of his helmet and issues with the said demons. This was during a point when Gar was trying to talk sense into a very dejected and sad Robotman who felt he’d screwed up. 
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It’s a legit moment between them that stuck well into the next iteration of the comics. Even after the divorce between Rita and Steve, Gar kept a close connection to Steve because by that point the two had become more like father and son than anything else. 
It’s interesting to note that in Earth -1 Steve is in a relationship, or Married to, his S.T.A.R.S lab partner Richard, and Gar is his adopted son. In this iteration their relationship is far closer at the start and Gar sees Steve as his dad and vice versa. 
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In part 2 of this (because I think this is going on a bit long) I want to cover the Young Justice version of their story and why I honestly think that Steve isn’t the Bad guy that Gar is making him out to be. 
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atopearth · 5 years
Ikemen Revolution Part 6 - Sirius Oswald Route
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You’ve gotta admire how well Sirius can multitask lmao, he can continue a conversation with the heroine in the carriage whilst assessing the situation outside and give orders to the soldiers on their formation etc against the Red Army lol. Gotta appreciate how much he wanted to protect her from fear by making small talk to distract her, and then afterwards, he noticed that she was still pretty scared seeing how battered the carriage was in the aftermath of the attack, so he patted her head to comfort her and welcome her to their big family with good food hahaha. I’ve always liked Sirius so I’m super excited about this route btw and seeing his actions, I’m already in love😍
I always love seeing how considerate and meticulous Seth is, decorating her room, making her feel at home, giving her a tour etc, he’s such a sweet guy. Hahahaha, I love how she’s so scared of Sirius that when she saw him pick up a knife in the kitchen or whatever, she asked him to spare her life LOL. Relax, heroine! He’s been protecting you this whole time, why would he kill you now lollll. I can understand fear against the Red Army but c'mon, Sirius doesn’t look that scary! He’s obviously cooking something for you since you haven’t eaten for a whole day! I’ll cut her some slack though, she just arrived into an unknown world with unknown people at war and there are people that seem like they want to kill her, so it’s natural to be so scared. Omgg he wiped her mouth with a napkin, he’s so subtly forward, he probably doesn’t mean anything by it since he’s probably just accustomed to taking care of people but kyaaa~~
He even baked her croissants for breakfast?!? And got her tea and fruit?! Can he be any more considerate and perfect?! Lmao, the thought of Sirius holding a watering can watering flowers whilst watching over the training of his soldiers is just so hilarious to me😂😂 I was wondering why he got her to wake up so early to watch them train, it was actually to show her how strong, hardworking and capable these guys are and how dedicated they are to their training, and how they’ll definitely protect her, so that was nice of Sirius to do, I mean showing is better than telling! LOL that a raccoon was trying to flying tackle the heroine, and it only served to create a beautiful romantic moment where Sirius hugged her to protect her, but I like it😍😍 LOL, Sirius is in charge of everything, from personnel to inventory management on stuff like cooking supplies. It was legit so hilarious when Seth and Luka were like it’s the end of the world that they ran out of olive oil and grapeseed oil to mix with the pasta, and then Sirius comes by telling them he ordered some and even picked some fresh oregano since he thought it’d go well with the pasta hahahaha. Why is Sirius so perfect?😂😂
HAHAHA, I love Sirius, he’s such a tease and I love it when they ruffle the heroine’s hair, it’s so cuteee~ Funniest thing was when he gave her jobs to do, and they were all simple odd jobs like peeling a bag of potatoes and tending to weeds, best thing was that every time he gave her a job, he also gave her a snack LOL, and they’re such yummy snacks like cream puffs etc!! He’s gonna get her fat at this rate🤣🤣 I wonder if the girl at the flower shop is someone he previously dated!😮 So funny when it was actually radish seeds that she gifted him when the heroine thought they would be flower seeds, and now he’s teasing her for being a glutton and that he’ll make her radish salad when they’re ready🤣
Lmao when the heroine underestimated how hard it would be to take care of Chutney (Sirius’ pet raccoon), I’m surprised she didn’t realise considering it nearly tackled her before lol. The destruction that the raccoon does is magnificent though, enough that Ray and Fenrir have to halt their meeting to keep their pets safe hahaha. Lmao at the heroine and Chutney bonding so well (after she got through to it since they were both picked up and cared for by Sirius lmao) that they’re even scrubbing curtains together hahaha. Lmao at the guys having to force Sirius to have a day off by using the heroine to walk around with him, it was so sweet when he told her that today was the first time in his life that he could truly relax, since he was spending time with her. He’s such a workaholic!
Well, that was the most pointless meeting between the two armies, it was legit just, no we don’t surrender, okay we’ll go to war tomorrow, see ya. Like, was that supposed to be a constructive meeting?! Seriously. The five minutes Lancelot gave Sirius to talk to him was more productive, since Sirius believes that there’s more to the reason why Lancelot’s so adamant on this war and since he wants peace above everything, he wants to know what it is to stop and help Lancelot. No idea why Harr appeared out of nowhere to kill Lancelot though… Ooh, so the Black Army had kept asking Sirius to become the king until Ray came along. I’m assuming Sirius only really joined because he wanted to save Lancelot or something?
I can understand Sirius’ sentiments for not wanting to use the heroine’s power to repel magic though, he’s right. In the end, this is war and if the heroine participates in it, even if it’s just repelling magic, she is inadvertently pushing the Red Army back and giving an advantage to the Black Army soldiers to possibly kill the Red Army soldiers, so she could be basically contributing to their deaths. I’m glad Sirius thought about that and so he didn’t want her to carry such burdens and dirty her clean hands for them when she doesn’t need to and shouldn’t. He’s so thoughtful, it kills me☺️☺️ I love Sirius, I seriously do, omg. When the heroine spotted him with the watering can during their time at war, and he talked about how the Black Army was fighting to protect their everyday lives, so if they neglect to take care of their home and to love it as sacrifice for winning the battle, then they’ve got their priorities backwards, and when I read that, I thought he was so right, so so right! It’s exactly because it’s wartime that it’s even more important to take care of their everyday since it’s at risk of being toppled!
I guess Sirius is that kinda guy huh? Someone who likes things and takes everything in moderation, so that he can stay calm and collected to fulfill his duties. He’s not emotionless but in a sense, you could say he’s become numb to a lot of things because his position doesn’t allow him to be too emotional or the morale of the army will dwindle. Which is why he’s a serious guy but also likes to joke every now and then, he tries to balance everything, including himself because he needs to be in control. Guess he won’t be able to control his feelings for the heroine though🙃 Considering how the heroine is always so straightforward, trying her best to help and wearing her emotions on her sleeve, I guess he’s attracted to how sincere she is in everything she does. But dang that kiss on the forehead was cuteeee.
Loved how well Sirius’ plan went! Omgg drunk Sirius pulling the heroine to the sofa with him saying he doesn’t want to be alone is the cutest thing ever!!!!😍😍 So cute when Sirius blushed at the heroine knowing that he likes things lively rather than being alone, and it was just so peaceful to see them enjoy a cup of coffee together watching over the others~~ But lmaoo at Seth pointing at them to the others proving that there’s something going on between them🤣 LOLL at Luka asking Seth , what does he mean by Sirius stealing the heroine’s heart, “aren’t her ribs in the way?” hahahaha, you’re so cute Luka lmaoo. LOL at the guys confronting her to ask if she really does like him and she practically immediately admits it🤣 Lolll at Sirius hearing everything and seeing them discuss happily how she’s going to win his heart hahaha, that is definitely a hard conversation to walk into😂
Sirius playing with the heroine’s hair is like the cutest moment ever. I didn’t think Harr was actually school friends with both Sirius and Lancelot though, and that Harr’s recruitment by the Tower and subsequent banishment into becoming a wanted man actually motivated Lancelot to want to mend the Red and Black barrier even more. OHHH, so the woman who sold the heroine those radish seeds was actually Sirius’ sister! That’s his family business! No wonder why he seems to put so much care into flowers and just the garden in general, he knows about them really well since his family business is a flower shop! Tbh it’s kinda crazy to think that someone as capable as Sirius really just wanted to take care of flowers for the rest of his life, I guess it’s something nice and calming, so great for the Sirius that doesn’t like to fight. It’s so cute how he still remembers that Lancelot once upon a time said that when he becomes the King of Hearts and rids of the conflict between the two armies, he would fly here and buy flowers from Sirius. It sounds like such a silly but sweet dream haha.
It must have been very hurtful for Harr during that meeting 7 years ago. He trusted Lancelot and Sirius and called them out, but instead of being listened to, Lancelot attacked him and everyone came out injured physically and emotionally from that meeting. Things had changed for them and they could no longer be the naive and simple kids they once were, especially Sirius…since he essentially gave up on his dream to take care of the flower shop in order to try and save Lancelot and Harr from whatever that is restricting them… Damn right heroine, you tell him!! Sirius, you’re definitely not an old man! You’re mature, caring and a great gentleman! Omgg, when he wrapped his arm around her and let her cuddle against him to “return the favour” of her listening to him etc since she needed some comforting, I was like this is so sweeeet!
It was so good to see Lancelot finally tell Sirius everything and tell him that he still thinks Sirius looks best in an apron and a watering can rather than a soldier uniform. You can really see how much he really cherishes Sirius. It was so tough to keep all this to himself. I was so touched when Sirius said he had found a third wish he wanted to come true no matter what (first two was save Lancelot and bring Harr back into the light) and it was for the heroine to be happy and safe and that Cradle isn’t that place anymore. But omggg, even more touched when he bought her the right sized shoes this time, I never thought he’d actually remember so well about how he got it wrong the first time, so he wants the last gift he gives her to be shoes in the right size. It’s just so…perfect. The kisses were also👌👌
Kinda wanted to see Sirius, Harr and Lancelot combine their strengths to defeat Amon but it’s okay I guess, since we got to see Sirius come all the way to the Land of Reason to pick the heroine up back to Cradle, shows how much he really wants her to really stay with him for the rest of his life😊 So cute when all the Black Army guys were so happy about her return though hahaha, the thought of Ray rubbing her head, Fenrir pinching her cheeks, Luka gripping her hand and Seth hugging her, dangg that harem sounds nice🤣 It’s also really cute how all their actions show their personalities so well☺️ Kinda disappointed in the romantic ending since it just described their kisses and that’s all, but it was cute that Lancelot could get Sirius riled up with a letter and confess his love properly to the heroine lol. Anyway, all good, the CG was super pretty so that made up for it haha.
Overall, I loved Sirius. He didn’t disappoint at all. He was mature, gentlemanly, kind and considerate, he was definitely the whole package haha. Such a great guy that takes care of everyone but is also very passionate and will give everything for his friends. Nothing to complain about in this route and I have to say, I like it just as much as Fenrir’s, they’re my top two for sure!
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drummergirl231-2 · 6 years
AU - Huey, Dewey, and Louie’s Father
(Note: I posted this in October 2018, months before “Whatever Happened to Della Duck?!” aired.) I didn’t think over 20 people would be interested in my silly ideas, but you guys surprised me!
I have no idea how things will go in the show regarding the boys’ father (and Della being gravid), but my brain can’t stop trying to fill in story details in the meantime. So without further ado, my AU!
As you can see by this Duck family tree by Carl Barks, HDL’s father had a military-like haircut (and also freaky human-looking ears for some reason, but I ain’t about that) so I had the idea that he was in the army and Della, Donald, and Scrooge are all under the impression he was killed in action (but he wasn’t!). 
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Della finding out she was gravid:
In my story idea, Della was engaged and her fiance was about to be deployed when they conceived the boys. Donald waited up for Della as usual, and waited, and waited, and made coffee, and waited some more until she finally came home after 4am. After whisper-yelling at each other in the hallway outside their rooms (Donald scolding her for being reckless and Della saying she regrets nothing) they both turned in.
Once Della’s fiance was deployed, Scrooge noticed Della was even more melancholy than the last time (oxytocin is a jerk like that sometimes) so he decided to take Della and Donald on an extended trip to Della’s favorite places. While on the trip, Della started experiencing nausea. Scrooge thought she must have eaten something bad, since, “It’s not like you to get motion sickness, Lass.”
Scrooge decided that Della might be more comfortable in a hotel, so they got a room and ordered a third bed (the rolling kind, which Donald would have slept in only it kept folding in half on him so Della volunteered to sleep in it and it didn’t fold in half on her). Della’s nausea didn’t improve though and she suspected she could be gravid. 
One morning, Della took a test and discovered she was gravid. She started freaking out and wondering how she was going to tell Donald and Scrooge when Donald knocked on the bathroom door asking if she was okay. She opened the door and pulled him into the bathroom and shut the door again. She asked where their uncle was and when Donald said he’d already gone downstairs, she held up the positive test. Donald stared at it for a few seconds before saying, “Please tell me that’s a thermometer and your temperature is 11 in some foreign unit,” to which Della shook her head. Her eyes started tearing up and her bill quivered, which was enough to make Donald soften and hug her and promise to be supportive.
She was still pretty nervous about telling Scrooge. Donald tried to encourage her to get it over with as they were leaving the room to go downstairs, and Della turned to him while he fussed with the lock and said that Scrooge was born in the 1800s and would probably disapprove. “If Uncle Scrooge knew I was gravid he probably wouldn’t speak to me again until after the wedding!” “Try me.” Della jumped and realized that Scrooge had been coming up the hallway and heard what she said. Fortunately, he was also more supportive than she thought he’d be.
Her fiance’s supposed death:
After a brief visit to Ithaquack to share her news with Selene and Storkules, they returned home. She had an ultrasound done and the doctor told her it was triplets. She tried to think of a cute way to tell her fiance, who always wanted a big family. One night while she, Donald, and Scrooge were watching a movie, she got a call from her fiance’s mother and stepped outside the room to answer. She told Della he’d been killed in combat and that she didn’t want Della at the funeral (she never approved of the match). 
Della started crying but kept her head until the end of the phone call when she started hyperventilating and sobbing, at which point Donald and Scrooge came around the corner and held her, then helped her sit down when it seemed like she was about to faint. 
Della later sent a sonogram to his mother to let her know she was going to be a grandmother of triplets. She never replied.
She developed Preeclampsia and had to go on medication before finally delivering her eggs by cesarean with Donald by her side. Afterward she developed Postpartum Depression with frightening intrusive thoughts, leading to her departure on the Spear of Selene and leaving the boys with Donald, who she believed would keep the boys safer than she could.
Della returned from the moon and wrote a book about her ordeal. She got invited to go on a talk show and told some of her story there. Her former fiance was alive though, and one of his buddies saw the interview where she said how she lost him and then told him about it. He watched the interview online and knew he had to contact her.
He called the landline of McDuck Manor and asked to speak to her, without telling Webby (who answered) who he was. Della nearly fainted again when she heard his voice, and he asked how she could have lied like that. She asked what he was talking about and how he could be alive. He countered that she saw him alive and broke up with him because of his wounds and not to deny it. “I’m going to deny it because it’s not true! How could you think I’d leave you? Especially for something like that?” “I wouldn’t have believed it, except I saw you left the ring on the nightstand in my hospital room!”
When he got transferred to a hospital back in the US, he woke up after a surgery to see the engagement ring he gave Della on the nightstand beside his hospital bed. His mother told him Della had been there and when she saw him wounded she called things off. “You mean the ring I’ve been wearing on a chain around my neck all this time?”
They then realized his mother had orchestrated their separation, even going so far as to have a replica ring made, and boy oh boy were they mad. They were excited to meet with each other again, though. “Since you haven’t actually seen me, I should warn you I’m a little lopsided.”  “What do you mean?” “I lost my leg.” “How? ...If you’re okay talking about it.” “Well my boys put a firecracker under my chair...” referring to his comrades (a reference to the old comic when HDL put a firecracker under their dad’s chair and he had to stay in the hospital). He was only joking though and he told Della the truth: he’d stepped on a landmine.
He’d suffered from PTSD but was doing much better, and he was actually a successful youtuber doing inspirational workout and hardcore parkour videos despite only having one leg (he does have a prosthetic but he doesn’t always wear it). He hadn’t lost his senses of adventure or humor that Della adored so much.
He’d seen Huey, Dewey, and Louie on TV before but didn’t realize their age and thought Donald must have had kids. He didn’t realize those boys were theirs.
After they told off his mother for tricking them and keeping his triplets a secret from him, he and Della started dating again with the intention of finally marrying if all goes well. She gave the real ring back to him so he could propose again properly if the time came. He finally met his sons and started renting a house in Duckburg to be closer to all of them. He was also helpful to Della as she dealt with her own PTSD. 
He thanked Donald for everything he’d done for the boys, and asked if he would let him do two things. “What?” “One, I want to start paying child support. I know you have your pride, but I have mine and I want to start taking financial responsibility.” Donald reluctantly agreed since he put up a good argument.  “Okay, what else?” “I want to be the king of corny dad jokes. The other night I couldn’t sleep so I started writing out all these dad jokes I could use and imagining them facepalming and rolling their eyes at me. Please let me have this.”
When Halloween rolled around, his boys really got to see the extent of his humor when he said, “Alright boys, I have three ideas. One, your mom and I are thinking of dressing as pirates and I could do the whole peg leg thing, Two, I could be the elf ‘Legless,’ and she could be Tauriel, or three, I could lie on the front walkway of my house with fake blood and gore makeup all over my stump and reach out for help like something just tore off my leg while she bursts out the front door controlling some giant beast puppet.”
The Boys
Louie had a bit of a hard time accepting his dad in his life at first. He didn’t want his mom to move out again when she gets married considering they just got her back, and he didn’t want his mom and dad to take him and his brothers away from their Uncle Donald.
Scrooge held a meeting with Donald, Della, and the boys’ father to discuss options, saying there was a portion of the mansion that was like a separate flat (two bedrooms, a bathroom, a small kitchen and dining/living area) where they could live and have privacy but still be close to the boys (It had been Mrs. Beakley and Webby’s apartment until the separate air conditioner went out one summer and they moved into the main part of the mansion and never got around to moving back because it was a hassle.) They agreed this was a good option while the boys were still growing up as long as the AC was fixed.
Not long after, he and Della got engaged again, and when they got married Scrooge gave Della away and the boys had choreographed a surprise dance at the reception where they took off their tux jackets to reveal t-shirts they’d made. Huey’s said “At last,” Dewey’s said “too legit,” and Louie’s said “to quit!” So it read “At last too legit to quit!” as a joke that they were finally “legitimate.” Their father was so proud of the pun.
Marriage and a New Baby
After they got married, Della got gravid again. She was nervous after her complications last time, but still in a much better place with her true love alive and by her side.
She told Scrooge first by gift-wrapping her test (which was in a plastic bag inside the box since she remembered how squeamish he was about home tests the last time) and she and her hubby gave it to him on his birthday. He was surprised, but so happy he laughed and hugged them both and started tearing up a bit. When his nephew-in-law asked him if he was crying he said, “A Scotsman doesn’t cry, Laddie. He sweats from his eyes.”
They told Donald the next day by giving him a baby onesie that said, “I Have the Best Uncle,” and he reacted very much like Scrooge but didn’t deny his tears.
Then they set up a mystery/scavenger hunt for the boys and the last thing they’d find was a sonogram. Louie just kept looking back and forth from the sonogram to his parents saying “NO WAY!” with a big smile on his face. Huey hugged and nuzzled his mom’s tummy while Dewey started doing parkour tricks off the walls that his dad had taught him.
Della had another c-section since she’d had one last time and didn’t want to risk complications with a natural egg-laying.
Later on when they took the egg to a checkup, they had the doctor write whether the baby was a boy or girl on a piece of paper which they gave to Webby to organize a fireworks display over the Duckburg harbor. They wanted pink fireworks for a girl or blue for a boy. 
Della used social media to invite all of Duckburg to the gender reveal party, and they took Donald’s boat out and waited. Lots of other boats were on the water and a crowd had gathered at the harbor. The fireworks shot into the air, and when they exploded, pink sparks filled the sky and everyone cheered. Everyone had hoped for a girl since they had three boys already (even the boys, who wanted an excuse to still watch animated princess movies), and Dewey was so excited he jumped ship with a “WOO-OO!!!” Everyone laughed except Donald, who immediately threw a lifesaver to Dewey, not that he needed one.
When the baby girl hatched, they named her Josephine (Della likes old names and the song “Come Josephine in my Flying Machine”) and everyone called her Jojo since, as Dewey put it, “She’s too little for a name as big as Josephine.” At first they called her Josie but then shortened it even further.
Della took a picture of Scrooge holding Jojo for the first time and smiling as his eyes filled with tears and she posted the photo online. It went viral and Scrooge’s popularity went up when everyone saw his softer side.
And so they all lived happily ever after. 
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