#life happens wherever queue are
beelsbignaturals · 11 months
HoL and their preferred cuddling styles?
AN: omg posting twice a day look at me go! I WAS gonna queue this but I have no patience sometimes. Also lmk if anyone is interested in a part two with the undateables!
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Lucifer wants to be the little spoon so damn bad but would rather die than admit it. Please just hold him. If you can ignore his grumbles of "Honestly, MC, I am not a child!" One of two things will happen. Either you let go, to which Luci will respond with an indignant. "I didn't say you could stop." Or if you are a little more persistent, after a small huff, Lucifer will relax in your arms. Regardless, you will have an all-powerful demon melting into your embrace by the end of it. He also enjoys when you plop yourself down on his lap while he deals with another never-ending mountain of paperwork. Don't worry, he's happy to work around you if you just promise to stay. It makes the long hours much more tolerable. 
Mammon loves resting his head on you, using your body as a pillow. Doesn't matter if it's your chest, thighs, stomach, or shoulder. You are the great Mammon's personal headrest. That is your sole purpose in life. Why does he like it so much? Well, aside from the fact it usually leads to your hands gently massaging his scalp, it also means he only has to tilt his head just a little to press a quick kiss to your skin. If you do the same, laying your head against him while watching a movie or just in general, Mammon will probably freeze for a moment before his hands find themselves in your hair. 
Leviathan is way too embarrassed and also just overwhelmed by physical contact at first. If you want any hope of something that resembles cuddling before you have managed to convince Levi you're not pretending to be into him as a joke, you will need to initiate. Try linking your arm through his while he is playing on his NintenDevil Switch. He'll short-circuit but recover when you say you just want to watch him play. He can only handle so much tactile stimulation before he taps out and needs to lay in the dark for 1-3 business days to recharge so please just… when he shakes you off without blushing and stuttering that's your cue to listen. Once Levi is comfortable enough with you to sleep in either your room or his bedtub, you become his replacement body pillow. Sometimes, he will subconsciously wrap his tail around you in his sleep.
Satan tends to sit in strange positions while reading so honestly, just… wherever you can fit. Find a way to squeeze into his arms without blocking the book, and you're golden. He's upside-down with his legs over the back of the couch? Lay your head on his stomach. Sitting like some sort of contortionist? Wrap your arms around him from behind. Sitting like a normal person for once? That is an invitation, my friend! It's his way of saying, "Get over here and cuddle me now or else." He tends to stay up late reading so… if you are the type to cuddle at night, I will pray for your poor spine.
Asmodeus loves you, but he needs space. Beauty sleep is important! If you share a bed, he wants to hold your hand to feel close to you, but he has to lay on his back so his overnight mask can do its thing without making a mess. You will just need to get by with entwining your fingers with his as you both drift off. He's happy to cuddle up with you any other time, though! If you are lounging anywhere, your lap is fair game for the Avatar of Lust. He can and will sit on your lap regardless of the situation. It's his favorite spot, after all. 
For practical reasons, Beelzebub prefers to cuddle you in a way that, when he inevitably gets up for a midnight snack, it won't disturb you too much. But if it won't bother you too much, he loves it when you lay on his chest. He will even go the extra mile and carry you along for his late night kitchen raids. He's strong enough that he can hold you in one arm and his food in the other. Also! Cuddling so that his arms are wrapped around you and you are curled up against him, facing the demon. For the love of all that is good in this world! Just let the man hold you! Beel is just a giant teddy bear. Like the one from ikea. Feel free to initiate cuddles any time, any place. Just watch out for an annoyed Belphie who is not impressed you took his spot as Beel's favorite cuddle buddy.
Belphegor moves around so much in his sleep. The ONLY way to stop this is to fully lay your entire weight on top of him. Like a living, breathing weighted blanket. Careful though, he might get so used to your presence that he will demand you join him because he's just oh so tired but he can't sleep without you sprawled out, completely crushing the demon underneath you. Alas, sometimes your efforts are for naught, and in the middle of the night, sloth incarnate has completely flipped the two of you. And… somehow, he's also upside-down? It's rather hard to sleep with a kneecap digging into your ribs. The picture you managed to get of Belphie hugging your legs like a teddy bear is totally worth it.
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srbachchan · 7 months
DAY 5748
Jalsa, Mumbai Nov 12/13, 2023 Sun/Mon 2:00 AM
Govardhan Pooja Monday, 13 November
last night Blog was a random state of the mind and body, with some of the most extended queries that had meaning and none at all ..
but we have the benefit of some of the dearest assets in our Ef brigade that possess the acumen of the highest iq's ..
may I present to all one such reaction to the somewhat thesis dissertation of coffee shot infested brain - mine !!
Good morning…
I'll respond in an order… 'cause the reverse might sound random…
Wise quiet of silence
Perhaps this is why sàdìsts prefer the company of spartans… so that they can get away with barbarous fun…
You see, spartans are accustomed to unfair insults… They do not react…
But, come once in a new moon, they do… and when they do, they demolish the facade with simple words and gestures…
In other words,
The quiet of the silence is indeed wise… but everything has a point of ignition… and when the wise are on fire, those rotten germs infecting humanity are scorched to ashes…
From eternity to eternity
अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोऽयं। - गीता
Unborn, forever, and imperishable…
Which is the only reasonable definition of being… one that subsumes continuity…
There's nothing in any measure of a being on a timeline… the suffix 'ing' does not permit that…
Seclusion, and replication elsewhere
The desolate is usually in the queue of extinction… its days are numbered… soon to be obsolete…
In stark contrast, replication is that link of a chain which assures continuum…
I'll give a true example,
There is a shikara and houseboat attendant at Dal… His name is Shafique…
(Don't worry… there are thousands of Shafiques there… I'm not revealing a unique identity…)
Shafique's father died when Shafique was about 12 years old… they were living far away, on the right bank of Jhelum, in a small and little known village…
The father had created a farm of about 5 acres which he was tilling till his death…
Upon the father's death, his mother had invited his uncle to help with the farming… lest the land goes waste…
The uncle had three sons… all were elder to Shafique… They would beat and harass him on the farm…
His uncle came to the house one day, and said to the mother, "I cannot control my kids… I'm afraid they might kill your son some day… I suggest you leave the village and go to Srinagar… I have a friend there who will find a living for you…"
Today, Shafique is around 40… married with teenage kids… And, he is determined to get back the farm, which his father had carved out of nothing…
In short,
Continuity may seem like āmour in the beginning… but it can have savage consequences…
Desolation and extinction follow…
All true, dear Sir…
However, do you know that Venus has a retrograde spin?
Which means, it rotates in the opposite direction… While Earth rotates anti-clockwise when viewed from the North Pole, Venus rotates clockwise…
Haha… kind of a magnetic couple, eh?
Crucible foetus
I sincerely hope it's not an unwanted child… that seems to be happening quite often these days…
If it survives the incubator, it dies every day of its life… The facade doesn't work…
Hehe… but I did… in my own way… is that prohibited?
I care to know just enough to sing your song wherever I go… I hum your tune, I recite your words… I live your moments…
For that, I shall always kneel before God, and thank Him and thank you… 🙂
and the collision of the wishers with that Sunday fervour ..
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Loved and cared for .. in its immense value ..🚩
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Amitabh Bachchan
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indouloureux · 2 years
I love smut blurbs as much as the next person about eddie but what I love even more is domestic eddie. Like cooking breakfast or dinner together. Running around the grocery store throwing food in the basket just because it looks good. Him coming home from a long exhausting day of work and just rubbing his shoulders and starting his shower for him. Maybe on his days off you guys sleep in and then hop in his van and go for a ride outside of hawkin. Inviting Wayne over for dinner on Sundays and watching them drink beer and bond over cars etc. Listening to him and the dnd club argue over what's happening in the campaign. Idk fluffy domestic eddie really speaks to me on a whole different level.
domestic eddie has my heart, darling.
now, i'm not gonna lie, eddie will be a shit cook at first. but when you came home one time too exhausted, unable to cook bc you were the one who always cooks seeing as he can't cook for shit, he made sure to learn how to.
you'd come home and there's just an entire cooked chicken in the middle of the table. he said that chicken parts confused him and he just bought a whole one and bought a recipe book. to top it off, he made roasted potatoes. they were fucking amazing.
(also, he was clad in a pink, floral apron of yours, hair up in a messy bun, hands covered in oven mitts with tongs in his hand. it's such a sight to see.)
going to the grocery with him is another level. when he was with wayne, his wants were limited. he can only take two of those he wanted because money was short. but when you both got a job and had your own home and started earning adult money, well—
eddie would be pushing the cart, jumping and hopping on it as he moves, would beg constantly to let you buy him the sweet, almost diabetic cereals there is. would chuck in an entire gallon of ice cream, beers of different brands, and just full out processed foods because, lets be honest, sometimes he doesn't eat healthily.
when he comes home from work, exhausted, you'd urge him to lay down on his stomach at the couch, you sitting on his thighs and just cracking his back and he MOANS LIKE A WHORE istfg. but as much as it turns you on, poor baby is tired and you just want to, well, baby him.
get his shower ready, get with him in the tub, relax him with a few strokes down there and an orgasm, before you guys let your eyes go dry from watching endless tv while you cuddle in the sofa.
one thing he loves is roadtrips. you guys would both leave anytime of the day—no clothes, just money and snacks, and drive wherever; listening to music, fucking in the back of his van, kissing the back of your hand as he drives with one hand outside of town. hearing you sing as you kick your feet up the dashboard with the windows down, and he just stares at you like you're the most beautiful human being in existence.
wayne would come over every sunday. always. you guys would drink beer, watch a movie or play board games (queue sore loser eddie playing monopoly) and talk about your childhood while eddie has an arm around you and you just converse with his uncle with a bright smile (eddie thinking right then and there that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you).
the kids would come over too! movie nights with them, sometimes playing dnd and you're just relaxing at the sofa while they yell and argue and just swoon when eddie DMs.
dancing around wherever you want to. he'd sing you songs that aren't metal. turning the radio on and spinning you around in the middle of the kitchen when you're cooking or when it's morning and you're drinking coffee.
helping you paint the walls when you first moved in. having a very messy paint fight—that sometimes would lead to an actual fight on which color of the wall you guys would choose.
CUDDLES WHENEVER YOU WANT TO. in the living room, sitting on his lap when he sits on the kitchen island, in your bedroom. all that shit.
sometimes you both would walk around naked just for the fun of it. because you guys live together. eating while walking, smoking, and while he no longer deals, he still smokes weed with you.
i cant think of anything else. my pinkies had gone numb coedodneoxndoe i love domestic eddie :(
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blabberjay · 6 months
[P.s: This is from Alexander's POV]
Alexander looked up at the sky in frustration. Truly, this day couldn't get any worse. It's his first day in this wretched university, and he just had to go and get himself lost. Not that it was all his fault.
The students weren't much help in guiding him around the campus grounds. Each time he'd approach someone to ask for directions, they'd either scoff and ignore him, or turn to him, look him up and down and glare in a manner that would make you think they'd seen some sort of wriggling bug.
The teachers weren't much help either, rushing from one building to another. He accidentally bumped into one said teacher, and their reaction was...alarming, to say the least. Alexander shudders at the thought of that encounter. Hopefully, he won't be seeing any more of that particular teacher anytime soon.
He sighs in exasperation. He looks around once more, taking in his surroundings and scratches the back of his head. He decides that there's no point in turning back. He's already lost half of his morning classes, and by the time he finds wherever it is he's supposed to be, the entire school day will be over.
He shakes his head, and a small smile appears on his face. He might as well enjoy the scenery around him. He walks for bit, feeling the cool breeze in his hair. It's quiet, no sound of busy teachers or gossiping students anywhere close. It's nice.
He frowns a bit as he thinks of the student again. Most of them come from old money, or new money, who cares. They all seem to carry themselves with an air of confidence and arrogance that feels forced and suffocating. He'd seen the way they judged his appearance. He'd heard some whispered comments as well. Did they not know what the word 'subtle' or 'discreet' meant in the Capitol?
Honestly, for being the most advanced city in charge of an entire country , you'd think it's people would know how to behave appropriately. There's a thing called manners, you know?
The people in the districts have them. Do the people of the Capitol believe themselves to be above all social queues as well? Ridiculous. To Alexander, it seemed like they were pretending to be more than they were. Clowns in fancy clothes. Idiots trying to rule a country when they couldn't even rule a city.
Alexander clicks his tongue in annoyance. He wants to go back home where he belongs. Back to 4. He knows he can't. He knows he's been luckier than most. A nice new home in the Capitol, with nice new clothes and nice warm food. His parents with well paying jobs. All because they happened to be on the 'right' side of the war. He hates it.
He's only been in the Capitol for a short while, and he already knows he'd rather be back in district 4. No matter how bad the situation may be over there. He'd rather starve and fight for scraps each day than live a lie in this fake paradise.
How could anyone expect him to simply enjoy his life in luxury when he knew how bad others had it back at home? In his district. In every district. His parents told him to move on. They told him that they were above them now, that they were better now. That they were Capitol now. He scoffs.
He'll never accept such a fate. One day, he'll go back. He just knows it. He can feel it to his very core. No matter how much anyone tries to change him or mould him into the image of a perfect Capitol boy. Inside....inside, he'll always be district.
He stops walking once he reaches a large oak tree. It's beautiful. He can hear the faint sound of the leaves dancing in the wind. The birds chirping high up in the branches. And an odd sound that he can't quite place.
He moves around the giant tree roots to find wherever that misplaced sound is coming from. He finds a thicket of bushes shaking in an unnatural manner. He walks up slowly, an uneasiness creeping up his spine. The shrubbery suddenly stops moving. Alexander freezes, waiting.
A moment passes, then another. Alexander exhales and relaxes, a goofy grin spreads across his face. His mind is always looking for trouble where there is none. He chuckles and goes to move away. That's when it strikes.
In an instant, a furry ball jumps out of the bushes at lighting speed. Before Alexander can react, the little monster latches itself to his face. He let's out an undignified screech. He takes several steps back, trying to shake the little demon off.
He reaches up to grab it, but it moves. It crawls around his body, refusing to jump off. Alexander erratically shakes his arms and moves his legs in all directions to no avail. Then he feels nothing. He holds his breath.
He slowly opens his eye and realises the tint beast is nowhere to be seen. He sighs in relief. It's gone. He turns to leave , he'd rather not be around trees with rabid animals in them. He notices he can't move. Why can't he move?
He looks down and sees his foot lodged in an odd angle, shoved into a small hole near the bushes. In his fright, he hadn't noticed that his foot got caught. He tries to tug it out, but it's shoved into the hole pretty tightly. He kneels down, trying to pull his leg out with the help of his arms. That's when he sees it.
On his arm. It's there. It's still there. That mutated, rabid squirrel hybrid is watching him with it's evil beady eyes. They stare at eachother for a split second. Alexander already knows what comes next. It leaps up to his face once more, but Alexander leans back quickly.
He manages to dodge the feral creature's tiny claws, but in his haste, he doesn't realise that his foot slips out of the hole. His entire body plummets down to the bushes behind him. He accepts his fate. He lands in the middle of the biggest bush in an ungracious manner. He sighs in exasperation once he realises he's stuck once more.
He looks up at the sky, watching the white clouds float by. He doesn't know how long he stays there. Long enough to fall asleep, it would seem.
He wakes from his short nap to the sound of whimpering. He tries not to make any noise. He doesn't want to disturb whatever is outside the bushes. In trying to be quiet, he accidentally shifts his body, making the bushes shake as well. The whimpering stops. He holds his breath and waits.
After a moment, he sees the leaves above him being parted by shaking hands. A face appears above him. A boy. The sun right behind him, creating what seems like a halo of light around his dark curls. Pretty.
Pretty is the first thought that crosses his mind while looking at this boy. He must be an angel sent to save him.
"Are you ok?" The angel asks Alexander is still admiring the angel's face. Once he takes him all in, he frowns.
"Why are you crying?" He asks bluntly. The angel moves away quickly, and Alexander can no longer see his face. He tries to untangle himself again. The angel reappears and helps him out of the bushes, grabbing him by the arm and slowly guiding him to safety.
Once Alexander composes himself, he turns to the angel. He's short, well not short, short, but shorter than him. Not an angel then. A boy.
He looks down at him and smiles. He can tell the boy doesn't trust him when he extends his hand to introduce himself. He watches him warily as he explains everything that had just transpired before he was found lying in the bushes.
After his dramatic, and honest retelling of the squirrel attack, the boy laughs. Alexander watches him in awe. What a lovely laugh. What a lovely smile. He tells him as such, but the boy just laughs again.
Alexander asks why he had cried before, but the boy simply changes the subject. He must not want to talk about it with this random stranger. He could respect that.
Alexander tries to introduce himself again. The boy finally gives him a name. Sejanus. What an interesting name. Sejanus, sejanus, Sejanus. It sounded odd in his mind. A perfect name for him though. A lovely name for a lovely boy.
They shake hands and it feels like a promise. He thought he wouldn't be able to make any friends at this awfully institute. Perhaps he was wrong. After all, the Capitol couldn't be all bad, if it had bought such a nice person a Sejanus to him.
He'd like to be his friend, he thinks as he smiles at him. In the distance, something catches his eye. He looks behind Sejanus for a brief moment. He sees someone watching them. A tall blonde student. He can't see his face clearly.
He looks tense, before Alexander can get a better look, the blonde student turns and walks away quickly. Huh. Strange. He shrugs it off. He's sure it's nothing.
Alexander's sure he has nothing to worry about. He goes back to smiling at Sejanus. How happy he is, to finally be making a real friend.
Surely, nothing could go wrong.
Part 3 done! Let me know what you think. This is from Alexander's POV and how he sees Sejanus and Coryo at the end. He's in for a wild ride with these two.
The next part will be from Coryo's perspective.
Let me know if I should keep making parts from different POV's or if I should just stick to one from now on🥰
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sundeathh · 2 years
Hello honey, I hope you are still taking requests. Maybe angst with a fluffy ending 👀👀👀 Like old regrets and heartaches are replaced by hope when Aizawa and the reader meet again
Hey sweetie! For now I'm still accepting requests, but my inbox is starting to queue up, so I may close soon.
I'll probably take a little longer to write the ones in the queue since I need to focus on some things in my life right now. But since I've been having fun while writing, I'll probably come back as soon as possible!!!
Now, about the request itself, I left a few things unspoken so you could fill in the blanks however you would like, but I still set out a little bit of the plot. I hope you enjoy! ♡
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Request | Masterlist
Pairing: Aizawa × GN!Reader
Fandom: BNHA | MHA | word count: 2,7K
Categories: romance; drama; slight angst
CW: None I guess, though I almost cried while writing lol
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At five in the afternoon, Aizawa is standing outside the dorm building, although he has no idea why he's doing this in the first place.
But in fact, his reason was simple.
He was hoping to make amends with the person who broke his heart so many years ago – he knew it would be a difficult task, considering all that you had gone through before, and the fact that you were still adapting to your new job.
However, despite all the obstacles, he decided it would happen today anyway.
As he stands outside your doorway, Aizawa thinks back to when you were just kids; about how you would tease him until he would be a flushed mess and poke him out of his shell because you couldn't stand seeing him alone while the other kids played with each other.
You became friends with him fast. You were talkative, easygoing, blissful, and so much more. You were everything good that he craved. And that was why you got along so well: he was the calmness you needed for dealing with your hyperactive mind while you were the strength he faulted, pushing him further to wherever he needed.
You did everything together, from playing hero and villain together through childhood, till studying together as teenagers. You went from two dumb kids that played with each other to two somewhat less dumb teenagers who got along too well. You would do anything for each other.
You also went to the hero course together at the prestigious hero school in Japan. 
You could even get married someday if he had asked you to.
Shōta sighed, smiling, though he felt sad as he stared absently at the wooden pattern on your door. He remembered how you used to cry so easily whenever you didn't get what you wanted from him as a kid; but wouldn't tell anyone, acting stubbornly around him as if the pain wasn't visible on your face.
On the other hand, he was always so dense. It took you a long time to finally break through his walls, slowly peeling them down until he started opening up to you. In the process, you made him realize how much he valued you.
It took time, of course, but you eventually succeeded. And Shōta cherished you dearly. He loved you in a way he didn't even know he was capable of loving.
Shota shook his head, trying to clear his mind before knocking on your door. No matter how hard he tried to fight and forget his struggles against it – he always felt the truth would come up sooner or later. 
And it came way later than he would like, sadly. But it didn't matter, he needed to know why you left.
He needed to know why you had left him as if he was nothing to you. Or why you ended things between you both before he could even say the words out loud.
It hurts to know you weren't together anymore. Knowing you could hate each other for what happened while you were still in high school.
He thought you wouldn't be willing to forgive him for what he did to you. And anyway, here he was: back to your feet, even though you also hurt him as much as he had hurt you. Even though he thought he knew better, or that he had gotten over you.
You were his first everything. And as much as he forced himself to deny it, you were also his last. He couldn't be with anyone else after you. And he didn't know why.
It just didn't feel right.
You were all he had, all he cared about, and all he ever wanted. 
Right now, however, this was not an experience he thought he would have to endure, nor one Aizawa ever hoped to relive again because, after you left, he buried his feelings deep in his chest.
That was why he thought he got over you in the first place. 
But he didn't. 
And all it took for him to realize it was seeing you again, walking as beautiful as ever through the U.A hallways, with the same grace you had when you were just another student walking there.
He was speechless. He was also static. At first, he thought he imagined things. Then, he thought he was confusing someone else with you. But he wasn't. It was you.
The news of your hiring as a homeroom teacher reached his ears only after he saw you there with his own eyes. But he hadn't spoken to you yet. He was avoiding you, watching you at a distance.
That is, until today, a few weeks after you started at your new job.
And when you opened the door, your relaxed expression faded at the sight of him. You weren't expecting him to come to you so soon. 
You weren't expecting him to come to you at all. You knew he'd must been mad at you and knew what he was going to say next.
You had prepared your mind to hear his scolding ever since your hiring – you knew he was working there beforehand, but you decided to go with the job application anyway.
After all, it wasn't like you hadn't thought carefully about meeting him again before sending your application. You were longing for it.
Anyway, Shota didn't say anything. Instead, he gave you a half smile and asked if he could come in.
It was the last thing either of you expected. But you let he in regardless.
The second his eyes met yours after you closed the door, he regretted coming there. The look in your eyes, the way you held yourself, and the fact that you didn't even greet him at all and just gave him a curt nod told him all he needed to know.
And that was all he needed to know. Because it was clear that you didn't want to deal with him right now.
There was still pain, betrayal, and sadness dancing in your eyes. But he also noticed something else.
It was fear, pure and genuine fear in your eyes. You had the same expression you wore the day you told him you were leaving: fear, sadness, guilt, and regret written across every feature of your face.
But that was all there was, and he chose not to dwell on the past, and instead sort out whatever he could fix up now.
He whispered your name. Your gaze immediately shifted towards his at the sound, and a soft gasp escaped your mouth once you met his piercing gaze.
His own eyes widened at how broken you looked. There were so many emotions filling your expression that he was sure you had never seen them all before in your lifetime.
He tried to speak, but no words came out.
Damn it. How he wished to just hold you again. But instead, he only stood there, staring at you. 
"Um… hi, uh..." you began awkwardly before clearing your throat. "Do you need anything?" You asked nervously, unsure about how to proceed.
And he only averted his gaze from yours, saying nothing else.
You sighed. "Okay. Have a seat, I guess." You said before turning around and walking towards your bed, without giving him another glance.
He hesitated for a moment but then followed in, sitting next to you. He tried to make it look casual, but it was awkward. And you noticed, so you glanced over to him, waiting for him to speak.
"Listen," Shota starts. "I'm here because-"
"Look, Aizawa," you interrupted. You saw him flinch at the usage of his last name, but he didn't say anything.
"I know." You said. "I know what you're going to say."
You paused for a moment, debating on how to proceed. Shota didn't say anything, waiting patiently until you spoke again.
"I understand if you are angry. I completely agree with that. But I didn't leave you. I promised myself years ago that I would never give up on you, and I still do, but-" You stopped yourself.
You didn't have any excuse, did you?
"We both know there was never a promise between us in the first place." He said calmly.
You bite your lip, colleting your thoughts. Aizawa knew you were holding onto some feelings you've kept hidden for years. It was beyond clear.
"Yes, you're right." You continued. "I am sorry for hurting you." You apologize. "I'm sorry for leaving and making you believe I didn't care."
He looked away from your gaze.
"And... for making you feel like I was abandoning you." You added quietly.
There was a long silence, but it wasn't as awkward as you were expecting it to be.
After what you said, Aizawa didn't seem as angry anymore. He seemed disappointed. Annoyed, maybe. At how long it took for you to admit to yourself how much he meant to you.
"Why did you leave?" He asked quietly, his voice calm. You sighed, feeling defeated – he wanted you to speak your mind, and so you did.
"I had no choice." You confessed, tears stinging in your eyes from the pain and anger you felt towards yourself, but you ignored it. There were more important things to focus on right now.
"I never wanted to leave you. I felt at home with you, but I had to go anyway. I had to... I didn't want to..." you trailed off as your voice cracked, causing you to tear up. He furrowed, worry etched on his face.
He wanted to pull you into his arms and rest your head gently against his shoulder, but he restrained himself. There was too much you still weren't ready for yet.
"You were my home." You whispered, your heart aching. "But you'd be too far away… because my parents wanted me to go to study abroad. They wanted me to follow the family lead and become a great hero like them. They pressured me to move away from everyone I cared about and take risks I wasn't comfortable taking. I- I didn't want to. But it was expensive for them, so I agreed, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to miss you every day!" You explained yourself through quiet sobs and sniffs.
He swallowed thickly as your hand brushed against his, and your fingers wrapped themselves around the hand he had clenched into a fist.
"My family... they had their reasons." You said. "But I didn't. I had no reason, and they pushed me and pushed me until it became painful to be where I didn't want to be." You laughed bitterly, your gaze blurry with tears as it drifted to the floor. "It sounds so stupid now. But I was young and couldn't choose for myself. So I stayed there until I could choose wherever I wanted to be on my own."
Your lips quivered as you struggled with your tears. "I'm so sorry." You said. "I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize how much you meant to me and for taking me so long to act on it. Sorry for coming back so late." You wiped at the tears falling from your eyes as they spilled uncontrollably down your cheeks. "I'm sorry."
Silence fell upon the two of you afterward; your breathing became uneven due to how emotional you both were. Neither of you had realized just how close you were sitting until you found yourselves practically pressed against each other's side.
Aizawa's attempts on holding back his feelings during all of these years caused him to break down in front of you – and this was the last thing he planned to do when he knocked at your door a few minutes ago. 
He didn't even bother wiping his tears away as you broke into uncontrollable sobs, finally burying your head against his shirt.
He didn't expect this, and neither did you. He was too shocked to react as the two of you cried together, but once you relaxed into him, he hugged you tighter than ever, burying his face in the crook of your neck, closing his eyes as he inhaled your so missed scent.
It almost felt unreal to him, having you in his arms like this once again. He didn't remember the last time the two of you hugged each other this tightly.
Tight enough that it felt like he could feel the way your heart pounded wildly against your chest as if it needed air.
All this time, he thought he was alone in this world. And he had convinced himself about it.
Because you did let him. Even though it wasn't intentional, even if you didn't want to hurt him. 
And when you were younger, when you knew you would have to leave for good, you gave in, deciding to put a small piece of yourself in the past without a care, pushing him away from you. 
But you didn't do it the right way. He thought he had done something wrong, or that you had grown bored of him, causing you to leave him.
That was why his dumb young self thought you had found someone else. That's why he was rude to you the day you had planned to tell him why you were so distant. 
But his thoughts made sense inside his head, especially considering how you acted towards him. You were suddenly so cold. So not like yourself.
The sad truth is, after everything he said and done to you at that night, he deserved nothing but the coldest, most brutal treatment you could give him right now.
But instead, he was receiving a warm, caring, loving embrace. Something so sweet that reminded him vividly of how things used to be.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, tears still dripping down his face. "For not being there for you and assuming so much from you. I shouldn't have done that." He added, pulling back just enough to make eye contact with you.
You chuckled softly before shaking your head, leaning forward. "There's no need for apologizing. I don't blame you for anything anymore." You said truthfully. He looked at you from the corner of his eye, giving you a reluctant nod. He still felt guilty anyway.
And it seemed like fate knew that you both needed comfort right now, so it decided to grant you what you needed.
"Shota," you started, your voice sounding softer this time.
You looked at him directly into his eyes, your gaze holding a pleading you weren't even aware you were wearing on your face.
"Can I kiss you?" You asked.
You were surprised by how quickly his body reacted to your request, his lips immediately connecting with yours. His hands then gripped onto your waist, bringing you closer to him.
His tongue soon invaded your mouth as he kissed you passionately, almost desperate. And you let him, not bothering to push him away. You missed his kisses. You longed for how he always felt so secure against you. You missed him. 
A small part of him thought this was a bad idea, that you would push him away again. But as he pulled back, you grabbed his shirt, tugging him into another kiss. One he returned with equal ardor. 
You pulled away slowly after a few minutes, your foreheads resting against each other as you caught your breath. You both stared into each other's eyes for a while as your smiles faded into grins – one of joy, happiness, and relief.
That kiss was only one step closer to healing, and even though your relationship hadn't recovered yet, you knew that everything would work out eventually.
You both knew it. You both wanted it. And it was enough for both of you.
And now, you were just relieved that he forgave you, knowing it was all worth it.
Then, he nuzzled your nose with his own before capturing your lips again. And you returned the favor tenderly, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
He held onto you firmly, and you couldn't help but smile into the kiss, content as he held you in his arms, feeling safe for the first time since you left that night.
A faint smile appeared on your lips after you pulled away, gazing at him.
"I'm glad to be home." You whispered before your smile widened a little more.
And Shota smiled brightly just as well, reaching forward to brush a stray lock of hair behind your ear, cupping your cheek with his palm afterward.
"Welcome home." He said back. "Thank you for coming back."
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uglypastels · 2 years
7k Celebration Fic Event (announcement + teasers)
So, that just happened. I really cannot thank you all enough!! this has been such an incredible journey and it still shakes me to my core to think so many people would want to keep up with my chaos haha.
I really suck at these kinds of things, and I never know what it would be that people want from my blog, but then again- there is one thing I know yall like and that is fics! so, I decided to take some inspiration from my recent trip to Disneyland, and combine it with some stories I have wanted to write- the result is this kind of silly little event of non-cohesive stories that really have nothing in common besides what I'm trying to make you believe is an overlapping theme :p
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Premise - you keep on encountering the same stranger while waiting in line for the Disneyland rides. It's almost too much of a coincidence, in fact. You find each other in the crowds time after time and eventually, as the day progresses, sneaky glances evolve into more.
His eyes lingered over you as the corners of his mouth pulled into a simple smile. When your eyes met, he dared to wink playfully, but through his flirtatious playfulness, he had completely forgotten about the line he was standing in. The people before him started to move, creating a gap in the queue. He had to be pulled by the collar by one of his friends. "C'mon, Munson, let's get a move on."
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Premise - as the daughter of the Governor, there is quite a heavy prize set on your safe return home, and the captain will not let anything come between him and his bounty.
'Do not worry; we shall release you straight back into your father's arms– for a reasonable price, that is,' he looked around at his men, who all once again erupted in a jolly sea of laughter, matching his much softer depiction of humour. 'But for now….' He dramatically removed his hat as his unbrushed locks grazed the floor. When he rose back up, his grin had spread to the widest corners of his mouth, and his dark eyes were filled with menacing mischief, freezing your core at the thought of what he could possibly be holding back in his mind. 'Welcome aboard the Hellfire.' 
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Premise - Men are quite literally lining up to get the chance to speak to you, and yet, the one who has charmed you the most and has, in fact, effortlessly stolen your heart, is the stable boy with a past full of secrets.
'Who are you?' you inquired. Never having seen him before, your own curiosity ascended. 
'Eddie Munson,' he said, somewhat shyly in your presence.
'Well, Mr Munson–' 
'Please, call me Eddie,' he interrupted.
'I most definitely shall not,' you scoffed. To call a man you barely knew by his first name— but he did not seem to take the same offence or seriousness in his suggestion. 
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Premise - being new in town, you had to fend for yourself, and learn everything about everyone one way or another. That is how you found out about the notorious Eddie Munson. "Stay away from him if you want to live," they said, but what if he's the one who saves your life?
His horse slowly came to a halt beside yours.
'Everything alright, miss?' you could see the concern in his brows dissipate as he looked you over for any signs of harm you could have gotten yourself into.
'Perfectly fine, thank you,' you tried to push down your wind-blown hair, composing yourself in front of the handsome stranger. You had expected him to appreciate your gratitude and leave, go wherever he had been on his way to, but the man remained steadily by your side. 'You may go now.'
'Why don't I take you home? It's dangerous to be alone out here, especially for a beautiful lady such as yourself.'
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These will all be Eddie Munson x Reader au fics. some may contain smut and/or angst, but the order, release date, length and specific warnings are not yet established, as I have not yet finished writing any of these haha, but I'm too excited to keep these all couped up to myself. Let me know what you're excited about!! I'll be announcing the release of each fic way ahead once i get going into the writing of it all, so we can all get in the mood :) feel free to send an ask with any questions comments concerns opinions etc <3
Cant't wait for you all to read these, and once, again, from the bottom of my heart- thank you for all the support!!!
taglist below (join Stranger Things Character taglists)
@spiderrrling @theglitterymess @dorianelizabeth @theletterhart @niyahwhoreworld @chatnoirfangirl1624 @fopdoodle1624 @pastel-abyss-x @ghoulsgraveyard @prettytoxix @lovesickollie @xbreezymeadowsmunsonx @ssanjuniperoo @nxrdamp @meaganjm @yourmommilf @mischiefmanagers @roseyykris @capybergara @brother-lauren @h0sh1verse @ghostlyreads @croweater @ladyapplejackdnd @bilesxbilinskixlahey @kbakery @sleeping-willlow @lizzylynch1 @liltimmyst @hellfire-state-of-mind @escape-in-time-x @miscelaa @sweetpeapod @the-a-word-2214 @eddiemunsonbby @wh0re4munson @eddiesdingus @zoeyquinn94 @munsonmunchies @overthewhiteclouds @wroteclassicaly @groupies-do-it-better @stitchity @celestialsxturn @hoe4eddiemunson @inanausomewhere
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bermudapube · 18 days
From the time of my Nanna's passing, to her funeral in two days, 5 weeks, I've tried to post as little as humanly possible. Mourning is difficult when you don't have that time to accept the magnitude of what just happened. This is the first time someone I loved and knew well has died. I've had to work through all this. Compassionate leave isn't offered at my job until the week of the funeral. I work part time so I stopped doing overtime.
I wanted something in my life to stand still I've been using my free time to focus on my art. I'd say no one past my tutors ever showed as much interest as my Nanna did. The support and love meant the world. She asked loads of questions which were a joy to answer. We watched shows about art together. So I kept up with my arts Instagram account in wake of her passing. She wouldn't want me moping around and I want to keep that spark going for her. My career hasn't really taken off yet so growing an online audience is kinda my only stepping stone into doing it full time. So, instead, I went on hiatus on this little blog. One that's ran a queue for months. One I'm on all the time.
Its my most personal online expression. Being silent on here felt meaningful and beautiful. I can't isolate myself in real life. Gone are the days of wearing black for three months. Life doesn't really let you mourn. But here, it was nice to be silent. Because if I could, I'd have spent these 5 weeks in the woods on my own to feel close to her. To the bees and the woodpeckers and the worms.
So, when you see my header and title: HIATUS. You imagine that I've done just that. Gone to the wilderness in quiet reflection.
I love you Nanna. I hope wherever you are has bees and dappled sunlight.
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dunefandomevents · 1 year
Dune Mini Bang
Artist Sign Ups open in 2 weeks!
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Artist Sign Up / Art Claims - July 1st - until all stories are claimed Check In 2 - July 14th Rough Draft Due - Aug 18th Posting Claims  - Aug 18th - Aug 25th Posting Schedule Announced - Aug 26th Final Drafts/Art Due - Aug 31st Posting Starts - Sept 3rd
What is the Dune Mini Bang? A Mini Bang (or Big Bang) is a collaboration between writers and artists who work together to produce fandom-inspired content, in this case Dune, and share it with the world. A writer and an artist are paired up, the writer well writes and the artist will create some form of visual content to go along with their story. The work is then posted together on a selected date at the end of the writing period.
Where can I post my fics/art? Stories and art can be posted to your own personal journal, Tumblr, ff-net, AO3, or wherever you like. For those of you with AO3 accounts, we will set up a collection that will go live on the day of the posting. If you don’t currently have an AO3 account but would like one, you can contact the mods for an invitation code to see if they have any available. You can also add yourself to the AO3 Invites Request queue.
For posting on other social media platforms, such as tumblr or twitter, please tag duneminibang2023 and @dunefandomevents , spread the word!
When do I start posting? We will open the posting date claims ahead of the close date. How many days it will be spread out will depend on how many writers we have signed up. If your story is multi-chaptered it does not need to be posted all at once, you should start posting chapters early so the story can be listed as completed by your posting date. You will be able to select a preference for where in the queue you are but ultimately your posting date will be selected by the moderation team.
What platform are these being advertised/posted on? AO3 will host the main archive collection - The collection will be created and ready to go for the Sept 3rd posting start date. Tumblr - Used for advertising signups and after posting starts we will cross post all stories to a masterlist. Twitter - Used for advertising signups and after posting starts we will be cross posting -  Linking AO3 collection / Tumblr masterpost. Reddit - Will be used for advertising signups.
What if I have issues or concerns with my artist/author? Sometimes authors and artists do not get along and this may cause problems with working together. If this happens to be the case with you, please email or contact the mods on Discord and we will try to do what we can so that everyone has a chance to have fun!
If you have not heard from your author/artist in some time after trying to contact them, you can reach out to us via email/discord and we will try to get in touch with them for you.
Extensions? I am pretty attached to the idea of starting posting on the anniversary of the Dune Premiere at the Venice Film Festival on Sept 3rd but if you really really need one please email the mods as soon as possible. One easy option would be to select one of the later posting dates but if that doesn't work we may allow a few extra days.
Can I drop out? We have high hopes that everybody who signs up can actually finish the round and share in the joy of the reveal with us, but real life can unfortunately get in the way and we completely understand! If you feel like you just cannot finish in time and no amount of assistance from us can help you, just let us know by asap! Ideally we would wish to know before artist claims have opened.
Is it possible to be banned? Yes it is. The following events will result in being removed from the event and a one event ban on next year; Lying about your age in order to gain access to the 18+ content Hate on another participant for their ship/character/content - we are allowing ALL content for the mini bang. Hate on another participant for any reason really Failure to meet the event requirements
Minimum/Maximum requirements for art? There is no strict minimum, but we do ask artists to remember that the authors are writing a minimum of 5,000 words and your artwork should reflect that. You can do anything you like, including banners, wallpapers, icons, mixes, vids, gif sets, picspams, etc. Suggested guidelines for art are 500x500px (or equivalent of smaller pieces like banner + spacers, cover + icons, etc.) for traditional art, digital art, and manips around 3 - 5hrs; 2 minutes for vids; 10 songs + cover art for mixes; and 6 images for gif sets and picspams. We also ask that when you are in contact with the author, you work with them to see if there is anything specific they would like (i.e. a wallpaper, book cover, etc.). The art is your work, but having ideas doesn’t hurt!
At this time we will NOT be allowing AI Art. There are a lot of reasons for this. If you have questions please send a mod a message!
What are art claims? Artists sign-ups and art claims are the same thing; we use one form for both things, and that way the artists don’t sign up for an event they may not end up participating in. Writers will have submitted 2 short excerpts from their story for artists to read and get a feel for the work. It is based on a 'first come, first served’ and artists may choose up to three potential stories (in case their first choice is unavailable). If there are more stories than artists, there will be a second round of claims wherein artists may choose a second story to work with. And on until all stories are claimed for art.
If a fic up for claiming is rated explicit (R, NC-17, etc.), please only claim the story if you are over 18 years of age. Some authors may be uncomfortable working with underage artists on explicit works. We do not verify ages in any way for the bang, so this is solely on the honor system. Artists are encouraged to join the discord server and follow along with everyone a head of the artist claims being opened.
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titconao3 · 1 year
how are you getting the best snape art posts??? honestly your tumblr + curation is so good <3
Oh hello!
and thank you <3 unexpected, but welcome!
So, er, methodology, eh? The short version: er, i see some art, i look at OP's tags, find a promising one such as "my art" or "(fandom) art" or "(character) art" and... go through it.
More under the cut, it got long. (Method in the madness or Madness in the method, i'll let you decide!)
Bear in mind that i Tumblr on a computer, using a browser, while using XKit (these days, it's XKit Rewritten): for most of my fandoms i have a pre-made tag bundle, so that's just a quick hover, scroll, and click each time. Well, click-click, one for [fandom] and one for 'fanart.' i draft all the posts then queue them alternating fandoms. All are tagged so that if anyone follows me (not that many people) they can easily filter out stuff they're not into. Once things are queued, they're also liked, so that whenever i see that art (or not art) post again, i know not to reblog it again. i have More Than Enough to queue already ^_^;; (so much more omg)
Most of the time i will reblog OP's own art and not reposts or posts from another website (sometimes it's the own artist's IG art, so that's alright, sometimes it's also from a deleted account.)
If the artist posts little, or lots but i like their posts, or most of what i'm not into i can easily filter out (i only filter tags, at least for now), then i may follow. i keep my dash manageable enough that i don't miss posts.
There are happy surprises because people aren't always systematic with tagging, so along the way i'll find other artists, draft the piece i noticed, and later when i have time i'll do the "go through OP's art stuff" thing. It can get a bit overwhelming when i get back in the drafts folder, if i've been away from home for a while and spent little time on a proper computer or laptop for days.
i also follow a couple of fandomedit tags (not fandom or character tags; that way lies madness and way too much discourse for me, tyvm), but only a small number and in fandoms where there is not a tsunami of new stuff every day.
Basically the clue is that i'm being a little Extra about things ;-) i do try to curb that down, because i've ended many times drafting then queuing all the art from every artist i found in a specific fandom, even when i wasn't in love with all the works, because i felt bad not reblogging them all (no, i'm not neurotic about stuff, why do you ask?). It's even sillier given that my drafts folder is so bloated that of course i haven't reblogged all the art stored there. In some fandoms i try to simply reblog the art i see from folks i follow and otherwise sit on my hands so i don't go down the rabbit hole of 'must check every work from every artist i see in every fandom i'm in.' That way lies madness; my drafts folder is already too unmanageable as it is.
i also am only on Tumblr, not twitgram, instatok, snapbook, or wherever fandom is happening these days. Well, i have a DW, for example, but i don't really go there often beyond posting my fic (sometimes weeks after i posted it on AO3) and managing event accounts (sibling blogs to those on Tumblr). i do use Discord but i vastly prefer one-on-one chats to group chats so i rarely wander into servers. i have to when i'm promoting an event i'm organising so i can do it when the stakes are high ;-) but it does mean that while Tumblr takes a lot of my online life, it's the only social media i spend any time on.
My use of tumblr is very much read/reblog: i don't post personal stuff here either, about myself, my woes, or my writing beyond the occasional 'i wrote this' post, and even that is not systematic. To me, it looks like it's either 1/ people See you and you become a potential target (or at best it becomes a job because if you do become popular, there will be more demands on your time and energy: can you reblog this? what's your opinion on that? etc), or 2/ people ignore you while you're writing stuff on a public platform because you don't want to be ignored, so you'd probably feel bad about it. However, reblogging art/gifsets etc makes the creator happy (well, i hope), so that's good. Although sometimes i see posts on how creators would like to see enthusiastic tags about why rebloggers like their work, but that would be extra work and pressure to say the right thing, so i don't. i still worry about it of course. #lifestyle ;-)
So i don't know if that's what you wanted to hear, but kudos if you got here, because that's quite a chunk of overly-tweaked text for what was probably just a throwaway note... oops?
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sofya-fanfics · 2 years
I'm The King Of The World
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My Flufftober 2022 contribution for the prompt : Thick as Thieves.
I’m sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language. I hope you like it.
Summary : After a few steps, the Doctor opened his eyes wide and he looked around.
“Doctor?” Rose asked.
“I know where we are. The Titanic, April 10, 1912. It has been an hour since the ship left the port of Southampton for New York.”
“The Titanic !” Rose exclaimed. “Really !”
Disclaimer : Doctor Who belongs to the BBC.
Jack got out of the TARDIS and looked around. It did not look like the fortieth century. The place reminded him more of an old movie set in the 1900s. Apparently the Doctor had landed them in the wrong place. Once again, he thought. He had been traveling with the Doctor and Rose for several weeks and he had never felt so alive. Thanks to them, he felt like he was becoming a better man. Rose got out of the TARDIS, followed by the Doctor.
“Where are we ?” Rose asked, also finding that the place had nothing futuristic.
“Probably an error in the coordinates,” the Doctor said, shrugging his shoulders.
He looked at Rose and grinned from ear to ear.
“How about we visit ?”
Rose nodded enthusiastically and took the arm the Doctor stretched towards her. If there was one thing Jack had noticed while traveling with Rose and the Doctor, it was that they both enjoyed new adventures. But he also noticed that danger followed them wherever they went. What surprised Jack the most was that the more time passed, the more he loved this life. After a few steps, the Doctor opened his eyes wide and he looked around.
“Doctor?” Rose asked.
“I know where we are. The Titanic, April 10, 1912. It has been an hour since the ship left the port of Southampton for New York.”
“The Titanic !” Rose exclaimed. “Really !”
The Doctor nodded.
“And that's why we have to go.”
He rushed to the TARDIS, eager to leave.
“Why ?” Jack asked.
If the Doctor reacted this way, it means something was going to happen.
“Doctor,” he insisted. “What is happening ?”
The Doctor entered the ship and ran towards the controls. Jack and Rose followed close behind, preparing to face the danger that awaited them. The Doctor looked at them.
“In two hours the TARDIS will land. How do I know ? I have already lived it. I had been part of the whole trip. I finished it sitting on an iceberg. Which isn't comfortable.”
Rose and Jack sighed in relief, knowing that alien danger was gone.
“So nothing will happen for two hours?” Rose asked.
“We have two hours to… I don't know… Visit.”
“Yes... No ! No !”
Rose smiled and approached him. Jack watched them, amused. He knew that Rose would get the Doctor to back down.
“It's the Titanic. And you said it, we have two hours left.”
The Doctor sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Fine. You have two hours, not a second more.”
Jack and Rose smiled and ran out of the TARDIS. Before they had time to walk through the door, the Doctor gave them one last recommendation:
“Don't touch anything and don't talk to anyone !”
But Jack and Rose had already left. The Doctor looked at the controls one last time and went to explore the liner. An hour had passed and after visiting the first class lounge, Jack and Rose wanted to see the exterior of the ship. But despite the excitement Rose might have felt about visiting the Tianic, Jack could tell something was wrong.
“Rose, what's going on ?”
Rose stared at the ocean. She smiled as she remembered something.
“We're on the Titanic and it's really awesome.”
Jack smiled. He was enjoying this trip too. But he did not answer, waiting for her to tell him what was bothering her.
“If my friend Shareen knew where I am, she'd be green with envy. When the movie was released, we went to see it at least ten times. We had even skipped class to queue and be sure to have places. When my mother found out, she was furious.”
Rose's smile slowly faded.
“But seeing all these passengers, knowing what's going to happen.”
Rose stopped talking for a few seconds.
“I wish I could do something,” she finally said
“Rose, you know that we can't change anything.”
Rose nodded. Of course, she knew that changing the smallest event could destroy the world. What had happened with her father had taught her a lesson. But sometimes she wished the rules for time travel were different. Thinking about all those people she was forbidden to save was unbearable to her. Suddenly she saw Jack reach out his hand.
“Come with me ! I know what might cheer you up.”
“I'm sure you'll like it.”
Without waiting for Rose's answer, Jack grabbed her hand and they ran to the front of the ship. Once there, Jack let go of Rose's hand and climbed over the edge. Once he was sure of his balance, he spread his arms and shouted :
“I'm the king of the world !”
He and Rose burst out laughing. Jack went down and approached her.
“You're absolutely crazy,” Rose laughed. “What if someone heard you?”
“So what ? It doesn't matter ? It's not like James Cameron is on board. Now you will climb with me.”
Rose moved back slightly, shaking her head.
“No, no way.”
“I'm sure you've been dying to do it since we arrived. Besides, our first names match. Rose and Jack aboard the Titanic.”
He gave her the most charming smile he had. The smile he used when he wanted to get something and no one could resist him. And right now, Rose was no exception.
“Okay,” she gave in. “But don’t let go of me.”
“Trust me, nothing will happen to you.”
He took her hand and they moved forward the edge of the boat. He asked her to close her eyes. Just like in the movie, he said. He helped her to climb up the first bar. One foot after another. And then the second bar. He held her firmly, making sure that she did not fall. Rose grinned from er to ear. She could the wind on her face. Having found her balance and knowing that Jack would not let her fall, she spread her arms. She felt like Kate Winslet, the actress she had admired so much when the movie was released. She opened her eyes and she saw the ocean racing. She loved that feeling of freedom.
“I'm flying !” she exclaimed. “I'm flying Jack!”
She laughed, realizing she had just acted her favorite scene from the movie. She look at Jack. He had a huge smile on his face. He looked into her eyes and moved his lips closer to hers. But Rose turned her head away.
“Don't even think about it,” she said amused.
“You can't blame me for trying.”
Jack never missed a chance to flirt with her or the Doctor, or to try to kiss them. She asked him to help her down, she did not want to fall overboard.
“If you want to act another scene from the movie, let me know. I'm pretty good at drawing,” Jack said.
“In your dreams Harkness.”
They walked for a few minutes, until the Doctor joined them.
“The two hours have passed,” he informed them. “It's time to go.”
Rose joined the Time Lord. While they returned to the TARDIS, she told him about her visit to the Titanic. Jack followed them a few steps behind and watched them. They were in their own world and he knew that nothing could take them out. It was the first thing he noticed when he met them. The love they had for each other, but neither of them dared to confess. Stepping inside the TARDIS, Jack thought he was really lucky that the Doctor and Rose were part of his life.
The end
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marvul-imagines · 1 year
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Chapter One
Everything was black. Asia barely remembered closing her eyes. And then suddenly, it wasn't. She let out a gasp, air flooding her lungs, eyes rapidly taking in her surroundings. Her notably different surroundings. Her eyes started darting about, taking in everything. The room was dark and there was a spotlight on one item ; a giant, sleet and red Monolith, not unlike the one which swallowed up Jemma only two years ago. Her heart started to beat quicker in her chest and she turned to look for Leo, to reach for his hand, and she met only empty air. "Where's Leo?" She asked, the words coming out hoarse, as if she had been coughing. "Where's Leo?" She repeated when no one replied, unsure if anyone had heard her.
But before anyone could answer, the grey rock slipped into liquid, rushing towards them. She tried to turn and run, to liquify herself and disappear into the air, but it was too late. The liquid rock coated her and everything, once again was black.
And then it wasn't.
Everything around her was slowed, like moving in molasses. She lifted up her hand, which was an effort in itself, to look at her fingers. They appeared to have small, crystalline structures forming around them and grey lines streaming off of her hand as she waved her hand back and forth in front of her. What the hell was going on? She turned slowly trying to get a visual on her surroundings, trying to pick up any queues on where the hell that outer space rock had sent her. Before she could make a full turn, she was moving at full speed once again. Like her feet landed on the ground as if she had been on the downturn of a jump the entire time.
She was standing in a dark room, grey walls and floor, dimly lit by a few floor lights. So she was somewhere with intelligent life. Because wherever the hell she was, at very least, it was inside. She brushed off her pants that seemed to have a weird, grey residue on them and looked around. Her eyes lit up when they landed on one thing familiar: "Daisy!"
The brunette looked up, wide eyed, and met her gaze. "Asia, thank fuck!" She said, running to her friend and wrapping her in a hug. "Where are we? What is going on here?" The unspoken question of why the hell is this always happening to us? floating in the air between them.
"I think...we're in space," Asia said slowly, gesturing behind her friend. There was a small window, just tiny enough to look out of, that showed out beyond the room they were in. Out into an inky black like none Asia had ever seen before. And it was pinged dots of light every now and then, milky and silver and beautiful. Stars. The things her father had spent her childhood teaching her so much about. A place she never thought she would see in real life, but here she was. This was Shield after all. It seemed more and more that nothing was outside the realm of possibility.
"And, Leo isn't here," Asia whispered quietly as Daisy's eyes flicked to meet hers. "He wasn't in the room with the Monolith. When it swallowed us. So we're separated...again." There was a deep, aching sorrow in her tone. It seemed that no matter where she went, no matter what she did, the universe seemed to find a way to keep them from each other. Once, long ago, Leo had mentioned as if it felt like they were cursed, and in moments like this...it felt like he was right.
"We'll find him, Asia," Daisy said quietly, taking her friend's hand and giving it a quick squeeze. "But first, let's find the others who are stuck here." She glanced around the room for a moment, before nodding towards a door. "Also, while we're looking...is it just me, or did that Monolith look different than the last one?"
"It did," Asia agreed. "It had those weird red cuts in it, three of them. And while we're in outer space, we're...definitely not on a planet. So they clearly don't all go to the same place. Which is interesting, and terrifying all at once. If there's another one out there, how many more are there, and where do they all go? And why weren't we all displaced into the same room?" She reached forward and opened the door for her friend.
Neither of them would have any time to answer the questions, for once the door was open they heard the shouting and gunshots. The two looked at each other, eyes widening, and without another thought or word they took off running. Down the hall and around the corner, closer and closer to the sound of gunshots and familiar voices. When they rounded another corner in the dimly lit, metal halls, they saw something terrifying. An...alien? of some sort. Grey and scaled, yet catlike in it's leaps and bounds. If it weren't for the odd lizard appearance, Asia could have seen it as a leopard. And beyond the running beast was their team, or at least those of them who had made the trip.
Without a second thought, the two Inhumans thrust out their hands. Asia froze the thing to the ground, and Daisy quaked it to bits, some body matter splattering against the sheet-grey walls. Their friends looked up, wide eyed, before relieved smiles crossed the faces of Coulson, Jemma, Mack, and Yoyo.
"What if we're still in the Framework?" Yoyo asked, and the small group broke into a frenzy as panic coated Asia like sweat. They couldn't be. They couldn't. But that would make more sense as to why Leo wasn't here either. But they had killed Aida, Framework or not, so she couldn't have come back for him. She used this thought to rationalize the question for herself. It wasn't possible.
"We should focus on finding May," she spoke up, desperately trying to change the subject to something more barrable. "She was in the room with us when the Monolith sucked us all in, so she has to be here somewhere. We need to get to her before one of those aliens gets to her first."
"Monroe is right," Coulson said nodding. "We need to find May and get somewhere safe so we can figure out what the hell is going on here and where exactly here is. We should split up."
"Hell no, you did not just say we should split up," Mack said, crossing his arms over his chest. "We have to stick together. We don't even know what we're up against here. There were those people and now aliens too."
"It does cover the most ground," Daisy pointed out logistically. "If we want to find May, we need to be seeing as much as we can, and quickly." Asia nodded towards her friend, acknowledging her point. May was a badass, that was never in question. But aliens like that weren't exactly something you could go toe to toe with.
"Yea, yea, sure," Mack scoffed. "Clearly, none of you have watched enough movies. That's what the group always says before they get picked off, one by one. Which is exactly what will happen to us if we go through with this." He looked warily down the hall, as if he were expecting another creature to appear from thin air. For all they knew, they had the ability to do that.
Asia turned to Coulson before all of this got even further out of hand. "It's your call, Sir," she said calmly and evenly. He was, after all, without anyone even having to speak a word on it, back to being Director of Shield. If there even was a Shield to direct when they got back home.
So that was how they ended up all walking down the dimly lit halls together, V formation, with Asia and Daisy in the lead, hands already outstretched in preparation. Every sound caused the group to freeze, checking their surroundings, making sure no one and nothing was sneaking up on them in this foreign hallway. Foreign hallway in space with aliens. The thought still felt odd in all of their heads. So far, it had just been the settling of whatever this place was. It had to be a spaceship of some sort...right? Asia could wrap her head around no other way that the space outside the window would be so incredibly close.
When they reached a corner, Yoyo would dash down and scan the area, making sure that they weren't walking into a trap. After a while, they finally came across something. A flare, red, shining and fading in the hallway outside of a single door. With a nod, Mack kicked the door down and they all pushed in. The room was empty, except for several dead bodies and a trail of blood on the floor.
"Look," Daisy said, nodding towards a computer labeled 'Water acclimation.' She quickly moved towards it, tapping the English keyboard to life, the words in front of them also reading in the familiar language. "It looks like they're tracking debris fields, something they call 'frozen oceans,'" she said, a bit of a furrow in her brow.
"They're collecting water from ice in space," Jemma said suddenly as she looked over Daisy's shoulder. "There's people here. A colony," she turned to face Coulson, eyes wide.
"That means unless everyone on here came through the Monolith...we're close enough to Earth for anyone on this ship to travel here," Asia said quietly, staring down at the screen in front of them. They would know about a colony of humans in space, wouldn't they? Why were all these people up here to begin with?
"Just as importantly, it means if these individuals are collecting ice, then they have some sort of space shuttle," Jemma explained. "And if that's the case, then it would only be logical to assume they also have a laser based transmission system. If we can find that ship and fly above the debris fields..." She turned and looked at Asia, wondering if the brunette was catching on to what she was saying.
And she did. The brunette's eyes lit up. "Then we can send a message to Leo on Earth and let him know where we are." and that we're safe, she thought to herself. He would want to know they were okay, that they were all okay. And then, she wondered, not for the first time, why he wasn't brought with them to begin with.
"Sounds like the start of a great plan," Daisy said, continuing to click at the keys until suddenly a large, red box popped up before them. Human access denied. It read, followed by another line of text in a different language beneath it. Her brow furrowed and she turned to her team. "Coulson, Asia...either of you recognize this from one of those languages you seem to collect like trading cards?"
Both agents took a look and shook their heads. "That's...I don't think that's a human language," Asia said quietly, biting her lower lip. She recognized a lot of text, forms of text, and this didn't look remotely to resemble anything that humans had spoken or written over the last several hundred years.
"I think Monroe is right," Coulson nodded. "And I don't think people are the ones running this ship after all." As he spoke, there was a loud thudding on the door behind them, causing the entire team to spin around.
The door was thrust open and in walked three, heavily armed, Kree soldiers. One held up a large, blue, glowing gun which let a pulse echo throughout the room, knocking the group to the ground. Asia felt the impact as her body slumped downwards, her eyes starting to roll back into her head, black fading around her eyes like curtains closing on a stage.
"Good morning, darling," a smooth, Scottish voice tickled at her ears as she stretched out her arms, waking up between cool sheets and a warm comforter, both crisp and white. The voice was like honey in her ears, warm and comforting. She rolled and opened her eyes to see Leo Fitz, standing beside her in a warm bedroom with light streaming in through the windows. He was leaning over her, one hand reaching to tuck a strand of hair back from her face.
"How long did I sleep?" She asked, voice still thick with tiredness. "I had the weirdest dream. There was another Monolith and I went to space. It was weird. You were gone from me again." She blinked, the image of him growing fuzzy before her. She sat up, blinking rapidly. "Leo?" She asked in a worried voice, as his face blipped in and out like a glitch on a screen.
"It's time to wake up, love. Your team needs you," he said, his voice cutting in and out as he spoke to her. She leaned towards him, reaching out, fingers stretching as far as they could as she called out his name again.
Then she opened her eyes, waking up for real this time, sheets replaced by smooth metal as she took in the prison cell that surrounded her.
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 39 (SPOILERS)
Why is Chapter 39 the last chapter? Did they not want to commit to 40?
Looking at the words "Hunk Muffin" in the haiku has me scared. It's the last freaking chapter. What could possibly happen?
"Nico commanded a dispenser from the snack bar and carried it around, yelling, 'The line starts to the left! Orderly queue, guys!' . . . She punched Leo in the arm." Wow, warm welcome. Also, they have a number dispenser at the snack bar? The.. dam snack bar number dispenser?
"the immortal sorceress Calypso." istg she's something different every time they introduce her. She's a goddess, she's a nymph, she's a sorceress... her resumé must be impressive. "Even though Leo was the one getting punched by everyone in camp, I was reasonably sure he was the least uncomfortable one at the table." Oh shit, yeah, it's Leo, Calypso, Percy, and Apollo all at one table together. Percy, your biggest what-if is back! I know Apollo visited Calypso, but it doesn't seem like there should be any awkwardness there. "I hadn't witnessed such a tense greeting since Patroclus met Achilles's war prize, Briseis. (Long story. Juicy gossip. Ask me later.)" I'll hold you to that, Apollo! I want to know what happened!
"Calypso had never liked me, so she pointedly ignored me, but I kept waiting for her to yell, 'BOO!' and turn me into a tree frog." Does that happen a lot? Is that the vibe you got from her after knowing her for so long? I don't think this girl even knows what a tree frog is. She's probably never been to anywhere they're native to.
"Albania was particularly difficult." "Please do not mention Albania!" Nico had better snitch about what happened in Albania in The Sun and the Star. I know, I know, all the Reynas in the "reading PJO" fics are gonna be mad at him, but it's worth it. Also, does this mean Leo and Calypso and Festus had to cross the whole Atlantic to get back to camp? I thought leaving the island landed you wherever you wanted to go. I guess that's just the little raft, then.
"Damien White punched Leo's arm and walked away grinning. I wasn't sure Damien even knew Leo." LMAO that's my boy!
"looking for a way out of the Sea of Monsters." Ah, no wonder they couldn't come back for six months. They got lost in the Hell Ocean. You know what? I want a spin-off book consisting entirely of Leo and Calypso's Horrific Near-Death Experiences in the Sea of Monsters documenting Calypso's first experiences in the mortal world as she wonders whether she would've been better off staying on Ogygia while sprinting for her life from a pack of man-eating sheep.
"Hey, Sherman. Where'd you get the new scar, dude?" I love these little interjections so we know exactly who's punching Leo and how he casually greets them and catches up with them. For example: "Sherman told Leo the story of Crotchkicker McCaffrey and the Demon Peach Baby"
"her invisible aerial servants" Yeah, did she leave them on the island? Are they allowed to leave now that she's gone. I hope they're doing okay.
"Since leaving Ogygia, I have no powers . . . I am fully mortal." Are we gonna get to see Apollo and Calypso bond over both being ex-gods-become-mortal? One had it happen unwillingly and the other chose it. That'd be interesting.
"A few millennia ago, I had opposed her petition for early release from Ogygia because of some... ah, drama between us. (Long story. Juicy gossip. Please do not ask me later.)" WHAT? So she knows he opposed her release and that's why she dislikes him. WHAT'S THE DRAMA? Tellllllll usssssss
"Calypso had lost her powers. Leo felt responsible." Awwwwww "She won't call me Hunk Muffin, though. I dunno why" Ok good, the Hunk Muffin thing isn't as disturbing as I thought it would be.
"H-Meister. You're a hero!" Awwwwwwwwwwwww
"Oh, the middle third of the U.S.! . . . Piece of torta, then." I love Leo saying what we're thinking.
"And you freed Calypso, I see. Well done" For goodness's sake, Chiron. The boy died and came back to life and traveled for six months trying to find home and you're like, "Good job. Well done. Congrats."
"After he lent me his help in defeating the Colossus, it would have been the least I could do." This is progress. Apollo is not asking for/expecting favors with nothing in return. He wants to pay Percy back for his help. Maybe he should do that for the rest of the camp, too, considering they also risked their lives fighting the Colossus. Just a thought.
"Calypso even pecked Percy on the cheek." Calypso! Percy's taken. You're taken.
"geraniums bloomed in my stomach." Nice callback.
"Leo Valdez's Victory Lap World Tour." Imagine being Leo, dying and coming back to life, flying circles around the western hemisphere for six months trying to get home, and when you finally do, you have to immediately get up and save the world a-freaking-gain.
"I missed the whole Roman Empire." Oh yeah, you did. She's gonna be missing a lot of context for this whole quest.
"the Triumvirate might well have orchestrated all our previous troubles with the Titans and giants" Oh wait, did they cause the Great Stirring? I feel like every few days I have this same epiphany over and over again and it never gets old. Every few days I'll be like, Wait, are the Triumvirate and the Great Stirring linked? Did they cause it? Are they profiting off of it? and then three days later I'll realize the same thing again like I'm caught in a time loop. Help me.
"and an overly theatrical arrow." Oh no, the Shakespeare arrow is coming along. I hope this guy's easy to warm up to the same way Meg was.
"preparing rows of marshmallows on what looked like femur bones." I'm pretty sure femur bones are too thick to stick marshmallows on. Unless you got some big freaking marshmallows.
Apollo's going to be traveling with Leo and Calypso? *fist pump* When I was little, Caleo was my OTP! If I had known that the next book would involve them, I would've read it! Wait, I did know. What was I thinking???
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what headcanons do you have so far about the ravenwatch members? also do you have any published fics? i'd love to read them :)
I want to apologise. Because when I got this ask, my intention was to do something like this:
Post at least the first chapter of the fic I had already written
Answer this ask with a link to that fic
Post some headcanons relevant to the fic/that came up while writing
What actually happened:
Put off posting the first chapter of the fic because the last fic in the series wasn't finished (pro tip, if it starts as 'a oneshot' and winds up as a 160k word series, just admit to yourself that it's never going to actually finish)
Type up many headcanon posts and keep them in drafts until the fic is posted, which it wasn't (see point one)
Also convinced myself that I needed to update all my existing fics in different fandoms with a link to both this Tumblr and my main blog, so readers could find me over here
Also needed to update both blogs with a pinned post to get my online life in some semblance of order
Put off all the AO3 and Tumblr maintenance work until I had 'enough time/energy' to do it
Time passed. A lot. Not entirely sure how much, but it's definitely a number of months to a year? Or maybe a little bit more?
Finally did the AO3 and Tumblr maintenance on my holiday
Posted the fic
Answered this ask (and will queue the headcanon posts immediately afterwards)
So many many apologies, anon. I truly didn't mean to put this off for quite so long. I have no idea who you are, whether you are still on Tumblr or even still into the Ravenwatch, but I never forgot you. I hope that wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you're having a great time.
And to answer the question, my fic can be found here:
(I have got this fic and the next four fully written, just posting chapters on a weekly basis now. There is a fifth and sixth fic planned in the series, partly written but I'm not going to make promises about when those might ever emerge!) It's an exploration of that one line of Gwendis' about wild Ravenwatch parties, with all the smut that implies. I intended it to be a oneshot, and it ran away with me. Alongside the smut, there's a lot of character development/exploration of the whole Ravenwatch family and the nature of vampirism in Tamriel, so while it is f!Vestige/Verandis/Gwendis centric, pretty much everyone in the Ravenwatch family gets some onscreen time. (including Kallin and Estelle, eventually, because I really wanted to flesh out everyday life at the castle and it always rubbed me up the wrong way that we are told the servants are treated well and have full agency but then nothing ingame actually supports that - this is one of those things I really wanted to be shown, not told)
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wheresarizona · 2 years
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I posted 7,992 times in 2022
That's 1,797 more posts than 2021!
203 posts created (3%)
7,789 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,291 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#wherever queue go i go - 5,874 posts
#comment reblog - 649 posts
#comment reply - 643 posts
#shameless reblog - 192 posts
#moon knight - 175 posts
#moon knight spoilers - 169 posts
#fic rec - 141 posts
#wheresarizona answers - 123 posts
#tbobf - 74 posts
#tbobf spoilers - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 96 characters
#it’s the way that i planned to write today but literally procrastinated by doing errands instead
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Yes, I did make my own gif so you could have a visual of his back.
summary: Javier’s back is hurting, and you know just how to make your boyfriend feel better—a massage and orgasms.
rating: E (18+!! No y/n, Soft Javier Peña, unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie, oral sex (m receiving), deepthroating, dirty talk, praise kink, massage, taking care of Javier, bath, man really thought he could still fuck with a bad back, banter, softness)
pairing: Javier Peña/f!reader
word count: 4.8k
a/n: Can be read as a standalone or part of the Learning to Live 'Verse. Hello there, I know I said I was taking a break, but over the weekend, I read about how orgasms help with pain, and my brain went off about helping Javier with his back, so, surprise! We’re taking care of Javi this time, and this is so self-indulgent. Thank you to the love of my life, @juletheghoul, for the beta.
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist
See the full post
408 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
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gif by @pedropascalsx (Thank you! Hope it’s okay to use!)
Looking Part 1
summary: You're on patrol with Joel Miller outside of Jackson, admiring the scenery, and he’s admiring something else.
rating: T (Soft Joel Miller, established relationship, post-TLOU 1, flirting, failed attempt at flirting, mentions of sex)
pairing: Joel Miller/f!reader
word count: 1k+
a/n: There will be smut in part 2, like over 2.5k. A fic for my follower celebration for an anon who requested Joel Miller, and the prompt, “Have I told you I love you today?” I figured I’d keep the first part relatively tame because I’m pretty sure they just wanted some soft, fluffy Joel, and I am very happy to provide. Shoutout to my beta invisibleismyname, who is amazing. And also a big thanks to the love of my life, @juletheghoul, who also beta’d. You should check out her amazing Joel series.
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
Part 2 - Masterlist
See the full post
430 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
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Learning to Live Masterlist
| Main Masterlist | Crossposted on AO3 |
summery: While grocery shopping, you happen across a handsome man confused by some produce. Coming to his aid leads to an invitation for drinks, and next thing you know, you’re falling head over heels for Javier Peña—a good man who has trouble believing he is.
Sparks fly when you meet and ignite an insatiable need that you both try to fight for the sake of taking things slow; Javi determined to do things right by you. The problem is, the two of you only have so much self-control.
Post-Colombia and Narcos S3, Story Starts in June 1998.
pairing: Javier Peña/f!reader
warnings: Smut (18+!!), Soft Javier Peña (it’s still Javi, so when he fucks, he fucks), no y/n, most chapters dual pov, meet-cute, first dates, language, fluff, Javi is tired and trying his best, feelings, sexual tension, resolved sexual tension, Javier being a consent king, Javier being really into getting his partner off, Javier getting the love and happiness he deserves, whirlwind romance. each part will have its own warnings.
Updated: October 12, 2022
Smut marked with **
Main Story:
Part 1: You Met in a Grocery Store**
Part 2: Dinner at His Favorite Restaurant
Part 3: His Past Haunts Him**
Part 4: Finally****
Part 5: Holding You in His Arms**
Part 6: The Night Has to End**
Part 7: An Interlude: A Relaxing Morning**
Part 8: Going to the Farmers Market**
Part 9: Let’s Go to the Mall**
Part 10: He Missed You**
Part 11: I’ve Got You**
Part 12: An Interlude: Waking Up Before Him**
Part 13: To the Ranch**
Part 14**
Part 15**
Part 16**
Part 17**
Part 18**
Part 19**
Part 20**
See the full post
812 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
It’s so hard being a writer sometimes because you can tell yourself over and over again that you’re writing for yourself, and yet you will always crave the interaction, you will always want to share, and for people to like the thing you put your heart and soul into. It’s just hard when you can see the numbers, and the constant comparing, having the self-doubt and wondering why you even bother trying when there are people much better than you.
All you can do is keep reminding yourself that it’s your story to tell, and no one else can tell it like you. You love it, and there are others out there who will love it, too, and the numbers absolutely do not reflect your worth or your storytelling.
You’re incredible, and you’ve got to keep writing because your story is worth telling.
2,581 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I see a grumpy fictional man and immediately make him the softest, sweetest, most lovingly devoted partner, and I love that for me.
5,209 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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veryfancyrat · 3 months
So, if you follow theme park news, you may have heard that Disney is going to be ripping out the classic ride Dinosaur from their Animal Kingdom park, and replacing it with an Indiana Jones ride, likely similar to those in Anaheim and Tokyo.
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Sorry, Aladar, you're getting evicted.
It seems that most theme park fans would like to see a new Indy ride, but some are upset about losing the dinosaurs.
The thing is... I think you can have both! There are plenty of pulpy adventure stories about a lost world of dinosaurs. In fact, I figured out one way they could do it efficiently... it's what I would do if I were in charge of Imagineering, anyway. You'll recognize most of these effects from other rides (and even some which are just left in place from Dinosaur.) I give you...
Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth!
The experience begins just like Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye (the ride out in California): We wind our way through the elaborately-themed queue as it passes through a jungle and into the shade of ancient ruins.
On the cool stone walls, we see Peruvian carvings depicting an enormous cave, where giant humanoid figures offer gifts to much smaller supplicants. But as we go deeper into the ruins, the carvings also begin to depict fearsome reptilian monsters. We come across artifacts which seem to be much too large to be made by regular humans: five-foot-long sandals, for instance, or a cracked soup bowl big enough to sit in. (These could make for good photo ops!)
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Eventually, we end up in the safety briefing room, where Sallah informs us (via pre-recorded video) that while Indiana Jones was exploring this temple, he found an entrance to a vast system of subterranean caverns, full of larger-than-life plants and animals, seemingly forgotten by time itself! They go so deep that the researchers have begun joking that the planet must actually be hollow inside. Last week, Indy went in deeper than anyone has gone before, seeking evidence of the Staff of Giants: An artifact that, according to local legend, was forged by the mythically large people who once lived in the caverns, and holds the power to tame the mightiest beast. Unfortunately, Indy never returned from his expedition. Sallah is sure he's fine... wherever he is! But if we should happen to see Indy on our *very safe* private jeep tour of the pre-explored parts of the "Hollow Earth," we'll help him out, won't we?
We board the jeeps, which pass into a carved stone hallway, the walls lit by unnaturally large fluorescent fungi. Freshly-painted signs point out the tour route.
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Suddenly, the vehicle shakes violently, and and the floor seems to crumble under us! The lights blink out as we lurch downward--and then out into a large natural cavern, where Indy stands spotlighted on a rock. He tells us that the floor caved in, and now we're all trapped in the Hollow Earth. We need to find a way out, and fast... the wildlife is BIG down here!
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We roll from cavern to cavern, menaced by various threats. Enormous glowing bugs jump on rocks, and drop down on us from the branches of ancient trees. A carnotaurus lunges from behind a bush, defending its kill. A huge snake--perhaps a Titanoboa--threatens to strike at the jeep. A giant human skeleton lies sprawled in a clearing, its boney fingers still clutching an ornate silver staff. Its tip seems to crackle with electricity. "It's the Staff of Giants!" we hear Indy yell.
But beasts are not the only threat. Through the trees, in a quiet moment, we see the glimmering of a vast ocean, overshadowed by roiling clouds. Before we can wonder at the impossibility of a storm underground, the clouds begin to flash with lightning. Suddenly, a lightning bolt strikes the cliff next to the jeep, and boulders above us teeter menacingly.
We careen deeper and deeper into the caverns, until finally we come face to face with the carnotaurus again. Indy is there too, waving the staff we saw earlier, trying desperately to scare the carnotaurus away from the jeep. Suddenly, just as all seems lost, a bolt of electricity arcs from the staff and strikes the carnotaurus right on the nose. It rears back and roars in pain as we barrel past it to freedom.
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Triumphant music plays as we enter the final cavern, only to see... a whole tribe of giants, accompanied by their pet dinosaurs! Indy is handing the staff to one of them, who gratefully receives the lost weapon. Happy giant children offer up crates of silver jewelry and dinosaur eggs in reward. One last giant strikes the cavern wall with his own staff, and mystical energy swirls, causing a door to open and release you back into the loading area, safe at last. Over the jeep radio, Indy says, "The folks back home will NEVER believe this one!"
Then you exit into the gift shop, where you can buy plushies of the "baby dinosaurs" you received from the giants.
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No stealing the merch!
So... what do YOU think is going to be the plot of the new Indiana Jones adventure? I want to see who can come the closest to what we actually get!
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vancepayne99 · 3 months
Revolutionizing Convenience with Mobile Tyre Workshop
In the fast-paced world we live in, convenience is vital, and innovative solutions are continually emerging to generate our everyday life easier. One such innovation that is certainly transforming the automotive companies are the idea of mobile tyre workshops. Gone are the days of browsing long queues at traditional tyre shops or coping with the hassle of changing an appartment tyre along the side of the road. Mobile Tyre Workshop, an Australian-based service, is at the forefront with this revolution, bringing tyre services for a doorstep. The concept is straightforward yet groundbreaking - a fully-equipped tyre service comes right to you, wherever you are. No more juggling tight schedules to suit in a very stop by at the tyre shop; instead, you can continue with every day whilst the professionals handle your tyre needs. Mobile Tyre Workshop offers a array of services, from tyre repairs and replacements to wheel balancing and alignments, all from the convenience of your own home, office, or any location of your liking. mobile tyre service ipswich in the standout features of Mobile Tyre Workshop is their user-friendly online platform. Booking an email finder service can be as easy as several clicks. Customers can visit their website, provide specifics of their vehicle and tyre requirements, choose a convenient time, and the mobile workshop will probably be dispatched for the specified location. This streamlined process saves customers valuable time and eliminates the requirement for the crooks to visit an actual physical area for tyre services. The mobile workshops are equipped with state-of-the-art tools and technology to be sure efficient and high-quality service. Experienced technicians are taught to handle a wide selection of tyre issues, providing a one-stop solution for all tyre-related needs. This not just includes addressing immediate concerns like flat tyres but additionally preventative maintenance to be sure the longevity of your tyres as well as the safety of one's vehicle. In addition towards the convenience factor, Mobile Tyre Workshop emphasizes the importance of customer care. Their team is focused on delivering excellent service, and customer reviews reflect the positive experiences of people who purchased their services. The ability to communicate directly using the technicians, ask questions, and receive expert advice adds a personalized touch to the service, fostering trust and confidence within the brand. Furthermore, Mobile Tyre Workshop is dedicated to environmental sustainability. The mobile workshops are made to minimize waste and operate efficiently, contributing to a greener automotive industry. By choosing mobile tyre services, customers indirectly support eco-friendly practices, so that it is a win-win situation for both convenience and environmental consciousness. As the automotive landscape will continue to evolve, Mobile Tyre Workshop stands out as being a beacon of innovation. The traditional model of traversing to a brick-and-mortar tyre shop has been challenged, this also mobile service is leading the way in redefining how we approach tyre maintenance. With a focus on convenience, quality, and customer happiness, Mobile Tyre Workshop is paving the path for any future where tyre services come into your possession, wherever you happen to be, making sure your trip is always smooth and stress-free.
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