#life has just been nothing short of hard thing after hard thing the past little while
Surprise. Post Azkaban!Sirius x Mom!Reader
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Before leaving the country, Sirius makes a stop to see how his former love is doing. Turns out, you have a daughter who looks strangely like him…
Set shortly after PoA
From across the street and hiding behind some trees, Sirius watches your home. He's only been here for a short time, but looking through the windows he's gotten a few glimpses of you and what seems to be your child.
Sirius can’t pretend to be surprised that you moved on from him. Sure, you two had a great thing going on, but there was no legitimate reason for you to remain loyal to Sirius after he went to Azkaban. Just like everyone else, you have no idea of Sirius’s innocence.
You? An intelligent, fun, beautiful woman with your whole life ahead of you? It’s no surprise you found someone else to settle down with.
Your life didn't end just because Sirius’s did. You deserve to live a happy life, even if Sirius didn't get to be a part of it.
But still… no matter how many times Sirius tries to rationalize the situation, he can't ignore the way his chest tightens at the thought of you having a family with another man.
He wants to be happy for you, but it's hard when he feels so sorry for himself.
Sirius gets his first real look at you after about an hour of watching, and Merlin… things haven't changed much. You're still just as beautiful as the day he met you.
Sirius watches, silent and still as a statue as you walk further away from your house and closer to where Sirius is in hiding. Your hair is shorter than he remembers, and perhaps a little darker in color. It looks good on you.
You stop walking once you reach the sidewalk and Sirius assumes you're about to disapparate. Maybe off to work? He wonders what you do now. Hopefully, you're not still working at the Ministry; he knows you hated it there.
Just as you're about to disappear, the front door of your home flies open and a young girl runs out after you, shouting, “Mum! Mum!!!”
Sirius has a hard time focusing on what the girl is saying afterward. His eyes widen and it feels like his heart stops beating.
The girl looks to be about Harry’s age, perhaps a little younger. She looks exactly like you—undeniably so— but there's something else. Your hair doesn't curl like that, and your eyes aren't so strikingly grey.
It can’t be.
Loose curly hair and grey eyes aren’t such uncommon traits. Maybe you have a type and your husband looks vaguely similar to Sirius.
The only thing is… Sirius doesn't see any jewelry on your hands, much less a band around your ring finger. And Sirius has yet to see a man walking past the windows of your home.
It can't be.
The longer Sirius looks at the girl, the more he questions if that's your nose or his nose. It looks a little too long to be yours. Those high cheekbones don't match yours either.
The girl looks to be eleven or twelve, and if you were in the early stages of pregnancy when Sirius was incarcerated almost thirteen years ago, then…
Holy shit.
The girl is his. She has to be his. The only way she’s not his is if you were cheating on Sirius with someone who looks just like him, or if you hooked up with someone who looks just like him shortly after Sirius was locked up. Both options seem a lot less likely than the girl just belonging to Sirius.
Holy shit!
Sirius stares as the girl looks up at you and smiles. Her K9s are slightly more pronounced than the rest of her teeth—again, just like Sirius’s!
At first glance, the girl was an exact copy of you, but the more Sirius looks, the more details of himself he finds within her.
He can't believe it; Sirius has a child. A little girl.
Only she’s not so little. She’s at least of age to be a Hogwarts student, and Sirius knows nothing about her. Not even her name.
He doubts you gave the girl his daughter his surname. Sirius Black is widely known as Voldemort’s ‘right-hand man’; it wouldn’t be in her best interest for everyone to think she’s the daughter of a highly-ranked Death Eater.
Sirius sighs bitterly, that heavy feeling in his chest not going away anytime soon. The mother of his child and his daughter think he's nothing more than a cold-blooded killer. A traitor.
He wonders if either of you will ever know the truth, or if his daughter even knows who her father is. Likely, you never told her, thinking it's for the best if she doesn't know.
After a few minutes of talking, his daughter waves you goodbye and starts making her way back to the house. Before disapperating, you call out to her “Estelle! Don't forget to feed the cat!”
She waves her hand in acknowledgment, not looking back at you. “Yes, mum.”
Estelle. Sirius grins in a happy surprise. Latin for star.
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skoulsons · 7 months
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kettlefire · 2 months
It's not you, it's me. (DPxDC)
Long post, but short plot info or progression wise!
Danny loves his parents, don't get him wrong. They weren't perfect by any means, but they tried. As hard as it was for him to come to terms with, it's okay. Really.
It's okay that Jazz had been the one to raise him. It's okay that his parents talked about wanting to rip him apart during mealtime. It's okay they didn't notice the way ghostly things attached to Danny. It's okay that they never paid enough attention to put his secret together.
It's okay because they weren't bad parents. Not as bad as they could be. Yes, they could be a little reckless. Yes, they had their problems. But the good times were there.
Saturday morning fudge cooking with Jack. Late night self-defense class with Maddie. Tinkering in the lab with both of them. Even the normal embarrassing moments were good.
Because his parents are awesome. They are absolutely cool, and they did their best. As best as they could.
That's why it hurt so much to leave.
It hurt to leave Amity Park, but it hurt more to leave his family. He felt it deep in his core, the pain of having to separate from those he loves. Those he needed to protect.
But it was time. If Danny wanted to protect them, he needed to leave. So, he did. He almost didn't say goodbye. Almost didn't want to face it all.
His friends were easy to say goodbye to, but it still hurt just as much. Sam and Tucker, they understood why he had to go. Same with Jazz. There were talks about other ideas and plans so that Danny didn't need to leave. But he had to. There was no other option.
But Danny needed to tell his parents everything. Tell them about his accident, tell them that he was Phantom. He couldn't just say bye and leave with no explanation. So he bit the bullet and did it.
It went well. Better than good, it was amazing. And Danny wished he could stick around to see the changes in his parents' work because of it.
Danny has cried enough times this past week than he was sure he cried his whole life. He had his fill, he doubt he could cry again soon.
For everyone's safety, Danny Fenton left Amity Park. Phantom had vanished from the streets. Amity Park was safe. The Anti-Ecto laws, the GIW, all of it. They wouldn't target Amity Park anymore.
It was a lot of work to get the other ghosts on board. But after Clockwork confirmed everything, it all set into motions. The world was free of ghosts, but Danny wasn't sure how long the others could stay away.
He needed a plan, needed to get the government to understand ghosts. But there was nothing Danny could truly do. He was just a kid.
He is just a kid. Just a kid leaving in a small apartment right by a place nicknames crime alley. But Danny liked it. Gotham had enough noise and ambient ectoplasm to keep him safe. It would be hard for anyone to find him.
He was safe. Safe for once. But Danny knew it wouldn't last long.
The problem here? Danny was all alone. He didn't have his team to contact. Didn't have Sam or Jazz to tell him that a plan was downright stupid. Didn't have Tucker to back up the stupid plans that could actually work.
That's how he ended up in space.
Danny loves space, and he wished he was visiting in better circumstances. Thankfully, the vacuum of space had no impact on Danny's ghost form. It was harder than he expected to find what he was looking for.
God, Danny wished Tucker was here. The techno-nerd was a wiz with the computer. Amazing at hacking and tracking in a way Danny couldn't understand.
But Danny didn't have Tucker. He didn't have anyone right now. He couldn't have anyone right now.
Even so, Danny found it. Found the secret space base for the Justice League. It was a struggle, but he found it. And for once, his luck was on his side.
The whole team was there. Well, the main ones you see on the news and in the paper. All sitting around a giant table, a whole meeting was happening.
Danny took one shuddering breath in before phasing into the Watchtower invisibly. He was honestly surprised when no alarms went off. No defenses were triggered. He made a mental note to give them some ghost detection equipment if things go well.
Except things didn't go well. At least not the way Danny had been hoping.
He silently made his way to the table, standing a bit of a distance from them. Just in case he needed to run. His eyes jumped between the different heroes.
Danny steeled his nerves, at least tried to. He stood directly across from Batman, in the perfect spot to be noticed instantly. Then he dropped his invisibility.
All eyes were on him in an instance. Danny never felt so terrified in his life. Not like this. His attempt at steeling his nerves failed immediately.
Maybe the anxiety and fear was clear on his face. Maybe it's because he is a child, despite glowing and being someplace he shouldn't be. But Danny vaguely heard a soft, gentle voice speak to him.
He couldn't make it out, not really. His ears were filled with the sounds of his rushing ectoplasm. A tremble settled in his hands, and Danny knew he needed to hurry up. He needed to speak before he lost all his cool.
"I... Sorry, I know I shouldn't be here... But, uh, my name's Phantom... And I... I..."
The words stumbled and spilled from Danny in a less than elegant and confident way. The shaking in his hands got worse the more he tried to speak. His voice shaky and waivering, even when he tried to sound strong.
And Danny couldn't pull his gaze away from Batman. The cape crusader stood unmoving, unphased, and completely silent. The other heroes had a mixed of expression, but Danny couldn't read Batman.
That unnerved the teen so much. In that moment, he regretted ever coming here. He regretted leaving Amity Park. He regretted telling his parents. He regretted ever stepping foot in that damn portal to begin with.
Then something snap inside of Danny. The dam that was holding everything in just suddenly broke. In a split second, his vision grew blurry with tears.
Even though he didn't need to breathe, his breathing started to pick up. Fast and short. He could feel the phantom feeling of a heart beating rapidly in his chest. Or maybe it was his core warning him of the sudden wave of emotions rocking through him.
"I... I... Help."
The single word, the single plea, spilled from Danny in a pathetic whimper. Before he suddenly dropped to his knees. He curled in on himself. Arms wrapped tightly around himself, head bowed and white hair curtaining his face. Tears fell fast down his cheeks, leaving droplets on the floor, as choked sobs left him.
In that moment, Danny didn't feel like a hero. Didn't feel like Phantom. Didn't feel like the ghostly hero that was in charge of fixing everything.
In that moment, Danny felt like a scared little kid. A kid who was given too much too fast, with no real guidance. A kid that had to grow up fast and had people depending on him. A kid who was exhausted and terrified. A kid that wanted nothing more than to run home. To be wrapped up in a Jack Fenton Bear Hug. To feel his mother's hand combing through his hair as she whispered gentle reassuring words to him.
In the end, Danny Fenton was still just a kid. And it seemed the Justice League could see that.
Danny couldn't focus on the words he heard spoken around him. He couldn't focus on the moments either. He couldn't focus on anything.
Until suddenly, arms were wrapped around him in a gentle and warm embrace. He felt something draped over his back. Danny blinked the blurriness in his vision just enough to make out who was in front of him.
Batman. The hero that scared Danny the most seconds ago.
Except this time, even through the cowl, Batman looked softer. The man looked human and understanding. It made Danny's mind flash to his parents once again. Which only made him cry harder.
A glowing kid was wrapped up in Batman's arms, the two kneeling on the ground. Batman's cape wrapped around the trembling, sobbing form. The kid clinging to Batman like a lifeline. The rest of the Justice League stood around the two.
Nobody quite knowing what the hell they were supposed to do. Or what was really going on.
All those heroes needed to know was simple enough. There was a kid who went through all this trouble to end up in the Watchtower. A kid that's so hurt and exhausted, pleading for help. And helping was the Justice League's specialty.
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denwritesandcries · 5 months
Take a Breath (and kiss me) – Tara Carpenter
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Pairing: tara carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: Your girlfriend Tara gets a little clingy when she realizes you haven't kissed her properly in days.
Word count: 2,0k
Content: cursing, fluff, kisses, cuddles, tara being a sad pup, college routine kicking everybody's asses, core four as a family.
Note: First time writing for Tara! Pure fluff cause I’m starting on a new job this week and needed comfort.
English is not my first language.
It's been four days straight since you last kissed Tara.
Not that she was counting, she really wasn't, but now, after an extremely long and tiring day of exams and more exams, it seemed impossible not to feel your absence next to her. The feeling of neediness and loneliness hits her hard when she realizes how long it's been since you two have been together.
Four days. Four whole days of no holding hands or playing with her hair, no hugs, no cuddles and definitely no kisses. Be it on the forehead, the cheek, the shoulders, the hands, or on the lips. Nothing. It's like the universe just decided one day 'nuh-uh, no kisses for Tara Carpenter' and boy that was unfair.
The last time you kissed her – actually kissed her – was on Monday morning, at the beginning of that hellish week, when she woke up too early with the sunlight escaping through a crack in the curtains bothering her eyes, with her whole body completely curled up on top of yours. One of the best ways to wake up, really. The same thing happened to you a short time later, because as much as Tara loves being in your arms, she also can't help but feel restless when she's awake and move a lot, but the way she lights up when you sleepy mumble a good morning to her doesn't make you able to be upset with her for that.
You gave her a slow, lazy kiss, still with that warm aura of sleep remaining.
It was the most she could enjoy of your company before you had to leave in a hurry to escape the scolding Sam would give you both for spending the night having class the next day – even though, you know, you're college students and adults – and get to your own dorm to be ready in time for your first class in the morning.
She would have braved the scolding and made you stay a little longer if she had remembered that exam season was about to start. Unfortunately, this only occurred to her when she had her first taste of it later that day.
See, that was perhaps the thing Tara hated most about her new life as a student in New York: the way the change in routine could easily overwhelm her, and how that made it even worse because you couldn't be around as much as she wanted you to.
You were a year ahead of her and your courses were different, so you didn't have any classes together and your paths barely crossed during the day, which meant the only times she got to see you were on quick runs across campus, barely having time to exclaim a 'hi baby!' before disappearing with stacks of books and notebooks in your arms.
Sure, you exchanged a lot of messages, but it wasn't the same as having a warm body next to her in bed or on the couch. You couldn't even come to the apartment after everything because she was also too tired from her own work to hangout after it.
But Friday had finally arrived and she had enough time to wallow in self-pity until everyone got home. Checking the patterned wall clock that her sister bought when they moved in, Tara realizes that it's already past five pm and the sound of the door opening is the sign that her family has started to come in. She buries her head in the pile of cushions, ignoring the throbbing pain in her temples.
“Ugh, finally." Mindy plops down next to Tara on the other side of the couch, clasping her hands above her head to stretch, “What is this? Why is there a sad, miserable gremlin on our couch?”
She hears Chad's loud laugh coming from the kitchen but can only mutter a 'fuck you' muffled by the cushions she's sunk into, feeling a tap on her calf in response.
Tara wasn't going to put up with any mockery now, not when she was so tired and sleepy and missing you. She would do the same thing she had done the last few days: take a hot shower without giving a shit to Quinn's protests about using all the water, hug Sam when she got home from work in 45 minutes, and accept the offer of a snack when her sister ask if she had already eaten, then she would go to her room, throw herself on the bed and text you goodnight, before completely blacking out until the next day, when she could finally have you all to herself for the entire weekend – and for the rest of the week too. The worst part is over, so screw it, you guys could afford to miss some classes.
“Are you just gonna lay there and give up on existence, lil dude?” Mindy starts again, interrupting the peaceful and only partly distressing silence Tara had settled into as she builds up the strength to stand up.
“Will you shut the hell up?” She bites, grabbing one of the cushions and hitting her friend in the face, “You’re not funny and my head hurt as fuck.”
“Jesus, okay, okay!” Mindy waves her arms in defeat and stands up, “I won’t say anything else then.”
“I’m not gonna say–” She takes on a teasing tone, “–that Anika thought that a certain someone was really upset and buried in books all that time in their dorm and that it would be better if they came straight here after class to take a break, but I’m not gonna tell you that.”
"What?" Tara’s expression immediately brightened, “You’re serious? What you–"
“Well, I told my girlfriend to bring your girlfriend. But it's okay, I'm not gonna say any of that.”
Mindy looked extremely smug but Tara chose to spare her another hit in the face for the sake of the information she just received. She lights up and jumps off the couch in a flash, rushing to shower and get ready now that she has a good reason. She hears Chad shouting from the kitchen:
“Girl, I thought you were tired!”
“Right?” Mindy laughs, “Wednesday’s at that age when a girl has only one thing on her mind, Chad.”
This makes her stop: “I don’t look like her!”
She slams the door shut when she hears their laughter increase in response.
If someone asked Tara if it was true that she sat on the side of the sofa closest to the door so she could see the exact moment you arrived, she would vehemently deny it – even though that's exactly what she did – and she would also deny that she deflated a little when the first person to arrive after the twins was Sam with a pizza box in one hand and covering a big yawn with the other.
You and Anika only arrive almost half an hour after Sam, finding Tara already watching you with doe eyes. Your haggard face immediately breaks into a smile, lines of fatigue crinkling in the corners of your eyes.
“There you are, dear,” you cross the room towards her and Tara leans in, even before you touch her, practically purring at the soft kiss you leave on her forehead, “I missed you.”
She melts when you wrap your arms around her, burying her head in your chest, but that's it. A kiss on the forehead and a hug and then you're pulling away again because you and Anika have brought more food that should be placed on the kitchen counter.
It only took this small moment of you going back and forth for everything to come back to Tara with full force. You didn't kiss her.
It's stupid, it's irrational, but her eyes fill with tears even though she can clearly see you from behind, unpacking the groceries and talking to your friends there.
Tara tried to just sit and wait for you to come back as soon as you were done, but patience was never her thing.
“Hm?” You hum when you feel a tug on your hodie's sleeve, looking back to find Tara with a tearful, frustrated expression.
“I had a really long day,” she begins, not quite sure how to ask for what she wants, eyes focused on the floor, “Will you come stay with me?”
Your heart races and your voice immediately softens: “Of course, sweetheart.”
Tara wastes no time in dragging you to her room by your wrist and you can't even react to the warning look Sam throws you over her shoulder.
She perches on your lap the second you sit down on the bed, sighing in relief as she buries her face in your shoulder.
You rest your chin on her head, “Did somethin’ happen?”
“I’m gonna quit college." She moans in defeat against your neck.
You huff a giggle into her hair, “Same, baby.”
Tara pulls away just enough to look at you and the pure love and tenderness in your eyes is more than enough to make the tears come back.
“What? What is it?" You straighten up, worried, tightening your arms around her.
“You haven’t kissed me in four days.”
She blurts out, voice cracking and strangled and you stop.
“Four days?”
Tara nods, “Except for the one on the forehead, you haven’t really kissed me in four days and like, several hours.”
“Oh?” She frowned. Shit, now she was getting mad at you, “Oh?”
You rush to take her mind off it, pressing a kiss to her lips in which she immediately melts with a soundly sigh of relief.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” you murmur between small pecks distributed on her lips, “I was so caught up in everything that I didn’t even notice.”
Tara still seemed a little upset by your response, but you kissed her again, bringing a hand to her jaw to deepen, feeling your girlfriend's arms entwined around your neck.
When you pull apart this time, you're both out of breath and Tara's face is covered in a soft red glow. You gently draw patterns with your fingers on her hips and lean in, leaving a kiss on her warm cheek.
“I’m sorry, Tar,” you echo, looking deep in her eyes “I’ve missed you so much. How can I make it up to you?”
She pretends to think for a moment, averting her eyes to hide the shiver that runs through her body.
“It's been four days,” she huffs with more annoyance than she actually feels, “I'm a girl who has abandonment issues, you know, it's your obligation to kiss me every day from now on.”
“Noted,” you smile.
“But…” She starts with a mischievous smile, “You could also make me feel better by watching The Babadook with me.”
“No, no, Tara!” You whine, “The noises of that movie freak me out!”
“Oh, I know,” your girlfriend says, blinking innocently, “But I want to do something with you, it's been so long since we watched something together alone and I love you so much.”
"I love you too." You respond instantly.
It only takes a look at those doe eyes and you lose the battle immediately and Tara looks victorious. She knows the power she has over you, the adorable little shit.
She leaves your lap just enough time to pick up the laptop on the table and returns to her place, you pull her back and lie down on the pillows, dragging her against your chest, pulling a blanket from the corner of the bed to cover you both.
“Tests are over,” you say, burying your face in her neck as the movie scene darkens, “The next few weeks are ours now. Just ours.”
Tara giggles when you startle again, sinking further against your body, smelling the hodie you were wearing, the one she got you for your birthday.
“Ours,” she says, “I like how that sounds.”
Tara tries to stay awake as long as possible, even after you fall asleep with your face buried in her neck. She's almost asleep when Sam quietly opens the door, a plate of pizza in hand and an eyebrow raised. The silent question of ‘can she stay the night please?’ is just a formality.
There's no way you're getting out of her league anytime soon.
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honkytonk-hangman · 9 months
Good In Bed
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Summary: Jake has made it crystal clear to you that you're only friends with benefits, so why did he go and delete your dating apps?
Warnings: brief mentions of smut but not smutty, jake kinda being an asshole, reader getting upset and yelling at him, fluff ending all the way baybay
Notes: u have no clue how much i love u @roleycoleyland for literally being the reason this got finished &lt;;3 <;3 <3 title from Good In Bed by Dua Lipa <3
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Jake pumps his hips hard into yours one final time, before he at last collapses beside you, chest sweaty and heaving, his eyes closed and his face raised to the ceiling. Your position had shifted from the pure force of your fucking, and somehow your head had fallen off the side of his bed, leaving you hanging slightly as you too try to catch your breath.
“Damn, I’ve missed this,” he says a short time later, shifting himself fully out from between your legs, and tucking his hands behind his head, the afterglow of a good lay lingering on him beautifully. Once upon a time his words might’ve sparked pride or even joy, but now they’re just one more cut that stings painfully before being swallowed up. You note sourly he doesn’t say he’s missed you, despite the fact he’s been gone ten weeks now, and against your better judgement you missed him.
You lay there on his bed in the late evening and regret every moment that led you to this point. You shouldn't have picked up when he called tonight, you shouldn't have come over for drinks, and you definitely shouldn't have had sex with him again.
It’s not that Jake isn't a nice guy, well, he isn’t always, but for the most part he was a mile more decent than most of the guys you’d actually dated in the past. From the start he was straightforward and blunt with you about what this thing between you would be, how much he was offering you, and to his credit, he rarely seemed to step outside of that. And like an idiot, you’d gone and gotten feelings for him anyway.
You should have stopped seeing him long before his most recent deployment, and you shouldn't have been there the night before he left for him to hit you with another straightforward and blunt assertion that you were only fuck buddies, nothing more.
The thing is, you and Jake got on well, so well in fact most people assumed that you were an item, and at this point maybe you were blinded by your feelings, but you couldn’t exactly see why you shouldn't be, aside form the fact that Jake didn’t seem to be interested in any sort of commitment, despite what that offered was basically what you had now, only he didn’t have to go out of his way to break your heart once a week.
After the last time, before he’d left for ten weeks, you’d sworn off him for good. You put his name in your phone as ‘DO NOT CALL’, you downloaded a few dating apps, you’d even been on a few dates… and then Jake had sauntered back into your life, invited you over for the night and just like none of your progress existed in the first place, you’d come at his beck and call.
You lay there feeling pathetic as it sinks in what you’ve done, but swallow back your emotions for now. You were an adult, you chose to do this with him tonight, you knew what it would do. Warm fingers make you jump as they wrap around your wrist, and you glance up to watch as Jake effortlessly tugs you back onto the bed, closer to him, never letting his hand leave your skin as he releases you to skim his fingers up and over your shoulder, drawing you even closer until you’re almost cuddling. You nearly pull away.
Jake wasn’t a post-sex cuddler, not really anyway. Aftercare? No problem, but this wasn’t exactly the sort of session that required aftercare, so you’re more than a little surprised by his continued affections, staying still as he curls himself onto his side to face you, hand dropping to grab at your thigh, which he hikes over his, as if this was something you normally did.
“You may need to give me a few before we go again,” you tell him, realising this position was probably just him gearing up for round two. Jake peeks an eye open at you, and lifts an eyebrow as though what you’ve said is very funny.
“I don’t think I’ve got more to give tonight,” he says, adjusting your leg around him again, pulling you in even more. You refrain from frowning, if only to avoid explaining to him why. Jake closes his eyes again and lets out a contented sigh. His hand stays curled around your leg, though he begins rhythmically smoothing his thumb back and forth over your skin after a few moments, and you begin to wonder at what point he’s going to withdraw from you like he usually does.
Luckily you’re saved from the dreaded wait, your phone buzzing loud and distractingly. You use it as the perfect excuse to extract yourself from him, instead moving to a sitting up cross-legged position as you reach for your phone, and draw the screen closer to your chest when you see who it’s from. Jake seems only a little disgruntled by your movement, though gets over it quickly, replacing his hand almost exactly where it once was around your thigh.
“What's going on?” he asks casually, eyes closed again as you tap out a reply. You spare him half a glance, but don’t feel much point in lying to him about things, seeing as he’d never done so with you.
“Just this guy I met on Tinder a while back.” you tell him lightly, completely missing how his eyes pop open immediately and he stares up at you with an unreadable expression.
“You’re on Tinder?” he asks, voice blank, finally making you look down at him properly. You blink and shrug, before going back to your phone.
“Sure, I mean, I don’t know how else to meet people these days, I kinda don’t get out much when Dagger’s not around,” you inform him, shifting in your place slightly as he withdraws his hand from your thigh to lay over his sternum instead.
Feeling the mood shift, but unsure as to why, you force out a laugh and shrug.
“It’s been sorta nice, trying to get back out there again properly, not just, you know, settling or whatever.” that makes Jake react clearly, frowning at you while pushing himself into an upright position. “Settling?!” he repeats, though it’s not really a question. You stare at him in confusion.
“I don’t know, I guess I’m getting past the point in my life where I wanna be doing this,” you getsure between the two of you. “All the time.”
Jake blinks at you in clear offence, before quickly his entire demeanour seems to change all at once, and his expression falls into a somewhat familiar cocky grin.
“Alright, I get it,” he says, only further confusing you and you’re caught off guard enough that when he reaches out and plucks your phone from your hands, you don’t have time to react.
“Hey! Jake!” you protest, suddenly a little panicked as he very easily plays keep-away from you, using one of his hands to do something on your screen, while the other easily bats away you various attempts to swipe your phone back.
“You don’t need any of this shit, alright?” Jake tells you almost condescendingly.
“Jake!” you warn, your voice growing less calm by the moment.
“There, gone. Deleted.” he says proudly, before at last turning your phone screen around to face you, and letting you take it back off him, which you do hurriedly, snatching it away and standing up from the bed.
“What the fuck?!” you demand, looking agape between your now tinder-less phone, and Jake. The blond looks more relaxed now, and all of a sudden any thought of keeping your brooding and your feelings to yourself goes out the window. Your eyes prickle.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you do that?!” you shout. Jake has the smarts to at least drop his smug grin, but now he stares up at you in even more annoying surprise.
“I was just–” he starts, but you don’t even care what he has to say anymore.
“You don’t get to leave for ten weeks after, especially after reminding me that you don’t want me, and then just show up again and ruin my chances at finding someone who actually does!” your raised voice wobbles, and you don’t bother trying to hide your sniffling as you continue to lay into him. “That’s not fair! You’re being unfair!” you cry. “How many girls did you take home while you were away, huh?”
Jake blinks at you, a shade of indignance colouring his features now.
“None.” he tells you, but you can only scoff.
“Right. And how many did you flirt with? How many did you buy drinks for?” he stays silent at those questions, either not wanting to answer or no longer seeing the point in the face of your tirade. You stare at him until your eyesight blurs completely before at last you reel back from him.
Gasping a little at the state you’ve worked yourself into, you turn half away from him and wipe desperately at your eyes.
“Baby–” Jake starts, his fingers brushing your wrist, but you jerk away this time, pulling your hand and your phone to your chest.
“I need to go. I shouldn’t have come,” you tell him, collecting your clothes quickly before escaping into his bathroom.
You can't help but feel a little pathetic as you cry harder once you’re in the relative privacy of his ensuite, a strange but familiar disappointment lancing through you when he doesn't come after you. However upon swinging the door back open once you’re dressed, you find Jake standing in front of his bed, sweatpants now fastened around his hips, and a determined expression on his features.
“I’m not letting you leave like this,” he tells you firmly, as if he has any say in what you do. You scoff at him, but don’t cover up your still dripping eyes. If anything, his resolve seems to strengthen.
“Look, be pissed at me, I deserve it, but I’m not letting you drive home when you’ve been drinking,” his voice leaves little room for argument, and even though in the back of your mind you know he’s actually being the decent version of himself right now, you can’t help but snarl at him in disgust.
“Fine! Then I’ll call an uber. I’m not staying here.'' You're aware you sound a little childish, and you feel a small pang of regret when Jake’s face flashes with hurt that is quickly covered up by sternness. Going against all the signs you’re putting out to him right now, Jake moves forward and stops your movements to find your shoes by laying both hands on your shoulders. When you look up at him, eyes still blinking away tears, he seems sincere and pleading.
“Just… just stay here, I’ll sleep in the lounge, alright? Just don’t go home like this.”
You want to snap at him that he has no right to ask that of you, but somehow you think he already knows that, and is still asking anyway. You realise dully, that just like you always wanted, Jake was chasing you now, though, you aren’t sure you really want it anymore.
“I wasn’t trying to upset you–” he cuts himself off, just as you shrug out of his hold.
“Please do not talk to me right now.” is all you can manage by way of agreeing to his terms.
You can barely bring yourself to look at him as he goes about collecting up his pillow and a spare blanket, and a part of you feels cruel, but the bigger part of you is proud that you’ve finally put your foot down. Maybe at some other time you’d let him talk, but right now all you can think about or hear is every moment prior to this night when he’s hurt you.
You’d hoped you’d at least be able to fall asleep somewhat fast, but the longer you lay there, the longer you go over and over every little detail of your night until you find yourself downstairs, wrapped up in the throw blanket from Jake’s bed, and standing a few feet away from him on the couch. He sits up immediately when he noticed you, chucking his phone down and focusing intently on you. You note he doesn’t open his mouth, or attempt to speak yet, and you almost regret telling him not to earlier.
You stare at one another hard, until you have to suppress a small hiccup, at which point you frustratedly wipe your face with the back of your hand and cross your arms in front of you.
“Why did you do that?” You ask, amazed your voice sounds as firm as it does. Jake stares up at you with a mixture of uncertainty and something you want to say is remorse but you can’t bring yourself to believe right now that he would be.
“I’m not good at this stu—”
“—No, tell me why you did it.” You cut him off, not willing to listen to his self-pity right now. Jake closes his mouth and blinks up at you, staring intently for a few moments before he shifts in his seat. “Did you miss me?” You prompt after he continues to stare, eyes somewhat pleading. You understand relationships and vulnerability are hard for him, you’re willing to give him this olive branch for now. To his credit, Jake immediately nods, his hands coming together across his spread thighs to wring anxiously.
“Yes. I’m sorry—”
“—If you ever try any of that shit again, I’m kicking your ass,” you tell him. Jake blinks, then straightens up, and nods again. Your lip wobbles and this time when he reaches a hand out for you, he doesn’t grab you, but waits for you to shuffle forward toward him before pulling you in.
He tugs you forward to come stand between his legs, and bows his forehead to rest against your abdomen, his hands anchored at your hips.
“I don’t want you to think I don’t want you,” Jake mumbles, loud enough for you to hear, and you know this is a big admission for him.
“I know it probably doesn’t feel like it, but you can just, you know, tell me that…” you reply, letting your hands fall into his hair where you begin to smooth down some of the mess you made of it earlier. “I want you,” you say, realising while he may subconsciously know that, you’ve also never told him before. “I would never have let you mess me around if I didn’t,” you add with a short laugh, and flick his ear gently. Jake huffs, and lifts his head so he’s looking up at you now, chin resting on your belly.
“I don’t want you to date anyone else. I should have told you that back when I realised it…” he says softly, looking for the first time since you’ve known him like holding your eye contact is uncomfortable for him. “Is that okay?” He asks even quieter.
“Only if you don’t half ass it,” you peer down at him with playful scepticism.
Jake’s fingers at your hips tighten and his eyes narrow.
“I don’t half-ass anything,” he tells you sourly, before making a face. “Tonight notwithstanding.” he adds after a moment. You can’t help it then, you chortle, and hold the sides of his face. Jake smiles, seemingly proud of himself for making you laugh, and he adjusts his hold on you, moving his hands down to tug you into him, so your knees buckle and you’re forced to catch yourself on his shoulders just as he manoeuvres you to sit on his thigh.
“I’m sorry,” he says, far more seriously, leaning his forehead against yours now that you’re face to face. You cup his cheeks again, and dip forward to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“You will be out on the curb so fast if you fuck me around again,” you tell him cheerfully, making him laugh this time.
“Noted,” he says, before he steals another kiss, longer this time.
When he pulls back at last, you feel yourself relax fully against him, and move to rest your head in the crook of his neck.
“Can we go to bed now?” he asks after a few seconds. You nod, stifling a suspiciously timed yawn, and yelp a little when he scoops your legs under his arm and stands, grinning smugly all the way back upstairs.
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kentopedia · 9 months
when nanami dies, there's a box of letters waiting for you.
months pass before you find it. it's not until you're cleaning out his things, wondering if you can stand to get rid of them, that the letters are there waiting for you.
its no bigger than a shoebox, dark wood engraved with an intricate design, one that you're certain kento picked out specifically for you. you've never seen it before, and you open it with shaky hands, tears already pooling in your eyes at all the memories your lover left behind.
inside, there's a stack of letters, each one dated at the top with kento's name intricately signed at the end. some are in sealed envelopes with beautiful stamps. some multiple pages long and include some little haikus that are far too lovely to be about someone like you. and some are just quick little notes scribbled on napkins.
your spread them across the floor, staring down at each of the tiny little hearts he'd drawn next to your name on each note. even though you'd been together for years, you had no idea that he'd been writing all of them—hours of his life dedicated to this little pastime, and you'd been clueless.
they're like journal entires. insights into kento's life and your relationship, both the good moments and the tough ones. he leaves behind everything to you, entrusting you to keep his entire existence safe in your hands.
you read the letters with tears streaming down your face, and you choke on your sobs, trying so hard not to smear the ink from the wetness on your cheeks.
when you pull one out with shaky hands, you realize it's a decade old. the writing has faded a bit, and the paper is yellowing, but it's kento's handwriting, nonetheless.
it makes you near sick to read it. for a minute, you have to set it aside, cry into your knees as you curl into a ball, wondering when you'll ever stop feeling this empty.
this letter is from a sixteen year old kento; a quiet boy who had a silly little crush on girl in his year that was much too pretty for him. and in the letter, he says he knows you're too good for him, but he can't help but love you. he can't help but hope that one day, in a few years, you'll want to marry him as much as he wants to marry you.
it hurts, burns in your chest because even back then, kento had known you were the one. he'd known and he wrote you these letters because he'd felt that his life would be cut short. he'd felt like that since haibara died, and geto left, and it started to seem like the life of a sorcerer was always doomed to be an unhappy one.
kento had been so afraid that his friend died without knowing how much he meant to him, and he refused to make the same mistake with you.
there are letters from even when you weren't together. from the years that you were eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and kento had been so desperate to leave jujutsu behind that it meant he had to leave you too. even then, even when you were nothing more than a shadow from his past, he adored you.
you feel so outside of yourself, nauseous and filled with so much grief that you're not sure where to put it.
sometimes, you’d doubted if kento felt as loved by you as you did by him. but there's pages and pages of him speaking of how special you make him feel, even when you were separated, and he missed you so much that the thoughts of you consumed him.
you spend hours going through the letters, and then, you see one dated halloween, 2018. even breathing feels hard, but you can't stop yourself from reading it, even though you know it will destroy you, know that you won't be able to leave the house for days after reading it.
in the letter, kento says he loves you. he talks about the day before, when you'd convinced him to watch some halloween movies, and though most of them were silly, he didn't care how he spent his time with you as long as it made you smile.
he says that he feels bad for cancelling your dinner plans, and he's going to be thinking of you when he's in shibuya. that it's such a shame that being a sorcerer is so much more fulfilling than a salaryman, because it cuts into your time together, and you’re the most important part of his life.
he says he loves you again. that he really hopes he makes it back from shibuya because even though he's never told you, he wants a family with you.
he says he’s decided he'll bring it up when he gets home safe and sound. he’s not sure how you’ll feel about it, but you better know that he’ll always love you no matter what you decide, even if what he really wants is a little girl that looks just like you. and lastly, he hopes that you don't stay up too late waiting up for him—you’ve been so tired lately, and it’s making him feel bad.
his name is at the bottom with another little heart.
you let the letter fall from your hands.
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courtingchaos · 5 months
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Bad Man
Steve Harrington x Fem Reader
Summary: Steve is always asking you the same question. Do you think you’ll ever give him a different answer?
A/N: hm. This one got away from me. Went in too many directions and I had a hard time settling with it. Hope you guys enjoy it all the same ❤️
Warnings: Cheating (reader has a bf), Sex, Mentions of driving drunk, Two drunk people having sex, Fingering, Unprotected Sex
NSFW 18+ No Minors
Oh and I won’t ask a single question
A question about who you’re supposed to be
I already know the answer
And the answer
Is you’re right here with me - Bad Man; Fightmaster
“When are you gonna let me take you out?” He asks, leaned over the partition of his register to smile at you. He props his chin on a folded up arm and lets the other one dangle free, his watch clacking against the wood.
“Take me out? Like on a date?”
“No.” He scoffs. “Like a hitman. Of course on a date.” He rolls his eyes, warm hazel full of mirth at his own joke. “C’mon. I know this cute little place over near Marion. Cozy, dim.” He tilts his head and watches you from under his lashes. “Perfect for a date.”
You sigh. You laugh too but the sigh is the precedent you need to set. “I’m sure it is.”
“I mean I know we’re playing this whole game of hard to get, but just admit it.” A customer comes up to his register with a baby on her hip and a handful of formula. “You’ve been got.” He winks at you before turning around to turn on his customer voice. An octave higher and a bigger grin, the lascivious one he’d been giving you gone while he coos at the infant. You bite your tongue though, holding your retort back for later. You know he’s going to corner you in the break room after you both clock out, his shoulder pressed into the row of lockers to ask you again.
“When are you gonna let me take you out?”
It’s his weekly question for you always asked with a grin and short laugh like he knows the answer is going to be different than last week. You tidy up your register and flip aimlessly through your stack of laminated grocery codes and pretend to not look up at the back of his head. He’s been out in the sun recently, lighter brown streaks shot through the darker. His fingers that run through the shaggy locks have a golden hue to them, the moles that pepper his skin dark in contrast to the glow. Broad shoulders flex under his polo and that laugh, as fake as it is, makes you smile to yourself.
So no you aren’t staring and no he isn’t taking you anywhere. A glance down at your watch tells you there’s approximately 47 minutes before you’re off. 47 minutes before you have to let him down again like he doesn’t already know.
The locker door swings shut and you laugh, something from the back of your throat. His smile is bright in the corner of your vision, teeth white and straight behind pink lips.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, I just think I’m getting my psychic visions under control finally.”
“Hm.” His brow furrows before he pushes himself off the lockers. “I’ve got a friend who’s good at that, I can give you her number.”
You can’t be mad at him but you are tired. “What do you want Steve?”
“You know what I’m gonna ask.”
“And you know what I’m gonna say.”
That smile drops off his face. Shoulders relaxed while he shoves his hands into his coat pockets and he scuffs a shoe against the linoleum floor. “Can you tell me something?” He scratches at his eyebrow and squints past you.
“What?” You wonder what else he needs to know about your uneventful life.
“What does he do for you?”
“What?” You ask again and aggressively blink at him while you clutch your bag to your hip.
“What does he do for you? Like, ever.” He asks it so plainly like it isn’t some direct invasion into your life. You want to snap at him and tell him to mind his own business but you stop. It isn’t his fault that he doesn’t think this is out of line, who else do you tell first thing every work day when your boyfriend has fucked up again?
“He…he’s my boyfriend, Steve. He does a lot for me.” You yank on your bag to finalize your lame reason. “I don’t have to tell you everything he does for me.”
“No, but I don’t think you’ve ever said one positive thing about him.”
“He has so many-” You cut yourself off because you can’t even lie about that. He doesn’t have so many positives. He might have two and it’s that he’s never raised his voice at you and he doesn’t get on to you when you forget to pay the water bill on time again. Steve looks at you expectantly but you just huff at him.
“I’m not going on a date with you.” You’ve never said it like that before, so plainly. To his credit Steve doesn’t flinch, just nods his head deeply and swings his keys around his finger while avoiding your gaze.
The routine of every closing shift with Steve goes the same. He shows up five minutes before he has to clock in to find you reading your last chapter in your book. He’ll compare lunches with you and you’ll talk about your leftovers and he’ll ask.
“Oh, did you make dinner again?”
Steve won’t put any feeling into that question. A simple tilt of his head, a comment about how it sounds delicious. A joke about how you should invite him and Robin to dinner some night because neither of them can cook more than mac and cheese without fear of burning something.
You’ll both head up to the front office to find your night manager and Steve will bump elbows with you on every other step. He’ll talk about the game that was on the night before and you’ll nod along. Rich, your boyfriend, also watched the game but it wasn’t as interesting as when Steve tells you. You’ll tamp that thought down though before it grows legs and runs away with your better judgement. He’ll ask about your night and when you don’t have anything to say?
“What’d you and Rich get up to then?”
The usual. He watched TV and yelled at the Packers for loosing again and you made dinner after being on your feet all day, unlike him and his office job.
“You know,” you’ll say “he’s home a full four hours before me and still didn’t take the chicken out of the freezer.”
Steve will nod and frown while he counts his till before turning on his light for the customers.
“Every night?”
“Every night! And he didn’t wash my sweater again. I swear I’m speaking friggin’ Greek some nights.”
Steve will sigh and huff along with you. He’ll bitch about his date the previous weekend, how she wasn’t interested in hearing about his hiking trip with Robin. How it seemed that it was more a pity date than anything.
“You and Rich got any plans this weekend?”
Of course not. You can’t remember the last time he took you out on a date, much less even went with you to the grocery store. Another slip up in your tales to Steve when you derail and tell him this. Barely a date night in the past year and every time you’ve brought it up it’s met with a sigh. With a hand wave and a promise for next month, when things calm down at work. When he isn’t so tired.
“What’s he working so hard for?”
You wouldn’t know if you even cared to ask. It’s in these conversations where you realize a few things. Every day gives you a new insight and Steve more fodder for his never ending question.
You like working Saturday’s with Steve because Robin usually shows up at closing and he’ll invite you out for a drink. She’s funny and he plays off of her well and by the end of the night you’ve usually forgotten that you’re probably showing up to an empty apartment.
“I’m not leaving until I see you walk in.” Robin chirps, her seat pulled too far up into the steering wheel. She’s the soberest out of the three of you and you roll your eyes at her with a giggle. “I know Rich is there but-”
“No he’s not.” Steve cuts in from the backseat. You see him shake his head in the rear view and Robin gives you an open look.
“Oh don’t get all weird with me, he’s just out with his own friends.”
“He doesn’t invite you out too?” Steve mumbles from the dark.
“Steve.” Robin warns over her shoulder.
“No, it’s okay. They get together earlier than I get off work.” You play with the zipper of your jacket and don’t make eye contact. “I don’t really like his friends anyways.”
“He should get new friends then.”
“Steve.” Robin turns her head sharply to stare into the dark backseat where her roommate sits in the shadows. There’s a silent game of chicken happening between them, something tense and unsaid and you unlock your door to try and cut the rising emotions.
“Thanks for the ride, I appreciate it.”
“Let me walk you-”
“I’m okay, thank you though.” You smile through the headrests at Steve and his insistence, his eyes glassy in the light from the street lamps. You stumble only a little on your way out of the car and once you make it to your door, darkened window greeting you like normal, you can hear the muffled volume of Steve and Robin arguing before she drives them both home.
Steve hasn’t asked you for a date in over a month. He still keeps close to you during working hours but he doesn’t hang in the break room. On Saturday he doesn’t ask you out with him and Robin and he doesn’t ask if you have any plans that weekend.
“Is Robin picking you up?” You ask timidly from inside your locker where you have your head buried, pretending to look for your wallet.
“Hm? Oh, yeah. We’re going to a friends house for a game night.” He waits for you by the door, still intent on walking you to your car. You’re waiting for him to do the courteous thing and ask if you have plans but when he stays silent you bring them up anyways.
“I actually have plans this weekend.”
“No shit?” He sounds surprised but you think you weren’t supposed to see the eye roll.
“Yeah, Rich is taking me to that little place in Marion.” You give him a big grin. “He said he heard good things, wanted to take me somewhere nice.” Deep down you want him to be jealous. You want Steve to feel a little bad for shit talking your boyfriend, even if you agreed with him. You know you shouldn’t have brought it up in the first place, none of his fuck ups or passive attitude, but maybe this could make up for it. Maybe you could show Steve you didn’t have that poor of taste.
Steve nods and bites his bottom lip. You wait for him to open his mouth to say something snippy but he lets the conversation die. He waits for you still, to walk you to your car, but when he gets you to your door he tells you to try the vodka sauce at this little restaurant and leaves you with a small wave while he hunches into the car.
Dinner is…fine.
It’s fine! Rich definitely took you to dinner and he did hold the door open for you and yeah the sauce was amazing and so what you had a brief ten minute interlude of quite between you and your boyfriend where you thought, briefly, about Steve sitting across from you and explaining the different types of pasta that his friend Eddie was learning in his culinary classes.
Then later during the quiet drive home when Rich had turned the radio over to some game he’d missed for your date you’d maybe had let your mind wander again, a wide palm that would rest on your knee and squeeze. Fingers that drift inwards with a promise for a continuation, conversation that makes you fawn and giggle and-
Steve pops up behind you while you shove your purse into your locker. “So, how was dinner?”
“It was fine!” Maybe a bit too snappy with the way he pulls his head back but you flash him a smile.
He leans a shoulder on the lockers beside you, a curious look on his face. “Just fine?”
You swallow when the hand that scratches at his chin brushes your arm on the way down. “Yes Steve. It was…nice.”
“Oh now it’s nice.”
Your sigh is loud and full of exasperation. “What do you want?”
“I wanted to know how your dinner went.” He’s picking on you. That easy grin tells you everything.
“No, you want to know if he messed up somehow.”
“He was fine.”
“Oh then I could definitely do it better.”
That makes you pause. Your eyes flick between his trying to decipher his angle while you try to ignore how you can feel the heat coming off of him standing this close. “Excuse me?” It comes out quieter than you meant.
“If I take you out it isn’t gonna just be ‘fine’.” He scoffs.
“It’s just a matter of time now.” He slides forward along the locker doors, face closer to yours, enough to feel the edge of his breath he huffs through his nose. “How many more ‘just fine’ dates do you want?” There’s a shift in his demeanor. A squaring of shoulders when he crosses his arms, his gaze softer as he looks down his nose at you.
“Steve, I-” You jump when the break room door opens and he just stands up straight to tug his shirt down before he raises an eyebrow and walks around you to head to work.
“You free tonight?” He asks you during lunch, half his sandwich shoved in his mouth.
“For what?”
“You don’t have another game night?” You try to ask it playfully but it comes off a little snooty. All throughout your date you’d caught yourself drifting and wishing you were at that stupid little hole in the wall with Robin and Steve. Once you’d realized how the night was gonna go all you could think about was Steve buying you another round, another cheep beer or the nickel shot of the night. How he’d circle his arm around to place the drink in front of you, careful to wrap himself around your back for a moment.
“Nope.” He pops the word for emphasis and gives you a dopey grin. “All free for you.”
It makes you bashful but what does he do that doesn’t? When you’re finished with your food he wordlessly grabs his trash and yours, even your empty tupperware to rinse it out.
“You don’t have to do that Steve, I have hands.”
“I’m being nice.” He hands you back the dried container. “It’s just a dish.”
But that’s the thing, isn’t it? It isn’t just a dish. His arm brushes yours on your walk back to your registers and you barely keep up with his story about the art gallery with Robin from a few days ago. Lost in the little moments of things he does for you just at work, like walking you to your car. Rinsing your dish out for you and grabbing extra stacks of bags when he’s grabbing his own. Small, minute little things that he just does without you having to ask. It’s a strange concept to you, not having to ask for the small things.
“You aren’t listening are you?” He smiles at you again without irritation or an eye roll. Another thing you haven’t had the privilege of in a long time with Rich.
“I’m not, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll hold you hostage later and explain what Robin told me about the Haitian art.” He hooks an arm around your shoulders to pull you in. “All it’ll cost you is a single round.”
Robin is nowhere to be found after work. The parking lot holds just a handful of cars, yours included, and no maroon beemer in sight.
“Are we meeting her there?”
“Uh, no.”
You pause with your key in the driver door. Turned away from him so you don’t have to look at him when you ask. “So just us then?”
What you should do is tell him no. Give him a ride home and then head back to your place where you can make a single serving of something and then fade away in front of the TV until your boyfriend calls you from his trip entirely too late and wakes you up.
Instead, “This isn’t a date, okay?” You get in your car and unlock the passenger side for him.
“I mean it Steve.”
“That’s why you’re buying the first round.” He’s all wide grins and quiet giggles that turn infectious while you navigate to the bar. He finally has your attention so he finishes his art gallery spiel and you have to ask, it’s something that’s been burning in your back pocket forever.
“So when you go on all these dates, is Robin upset or…”
“We’re not together.” Steve sighs and shakes his head. “It really isn’t like that, we’re just friends.”
“Yeah but you two get along so well.”
“It’s…complicated.” He isn’t cutting you off but it’s the answer he’s giving you right now. “Not between us though, we really are just friends.” He points out the street you’re supposed to turn on and you have to make a quick right. “You got nothing to worry about.”
“I’m not worried.” You shoot him a glare as you park, the sudden silence when you turn off the car deafening. “First round on me, right?”
You open a tab when you get there, hellbent on paying your own way to prove to yourself that you aren’t trying to turn this into a date. It’s two friends hanging out, that’s it, and Rich wouldn’t care anyways because you’re allowed to have friends.
You buy your friend Steve a beer and he tells you about his parents retiring to Florida and you talk about your mom’s new boyfriend. Your empty barely hits the table and Steve has a cold can waiting, sliding it across the table at you.
He talks about his friends Nancy and Johnathan getting married and you vaguely mention that Rich is out of town for his brother’s bachelor party. Two shots get set down in front of you and the conversation gets louder with the music and the crowd.
You forget the lines you drew for yourself and reach a hand over to tap Steve’s leg while you’re trying to remember the next part of your story. His nose is red from the cheap whiskey but his cheeks flush when you have to use him for support when you stand, hot palm pressed into the thick of his thigh.
Steve listens to you talk about the drawing class your taking and when you think your starting to bore him he waves you off with a laugh.
“What would give you that idea?”
“I don’t know, Rich kind of drifts if it isn’t about him.” You’ve got enough liquor in your system to start bypassing your filter and you tell it like it is. “He doesn’t give a shit about my ‘stupid little class’.”
“His words or yours?” Steve asks over the rim of his beer. You just shoot him a look and take your shot with a grimace. “Well, keep going. I want to hear more about it.”
The night goes by quicker than expected and suddenly you’re drunk. You realize this while standing in the single stall bathroom while you hold yourself up over the sink to stare at your reflection.
“Get it together.” You make yourself chuckle. “Seriously, what’s going on with your mascara?” You swipe your still wet hands under your lashes to wipe away the black fallout. A moment of embarrassment when you think about Steve seeing you like that but he’d been laughing too, and the bar was dark.
“It doesn’t matter.” You point at your reflection. “He laughed at your jokes.” Your smile is florescent in this dingy bathroom for only a moment when you remember those lines you laid so carefully and then so quickly crossed. The corners of your mouth fall and you sway when you stand up too fast. You shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be drunk. You shouldn’t be here and drunk with only Steve.
Almost as if he’s heard your thoughts he’s knocking at the door rapid fire while a muffled voice tells him that’s the ladies room. “I know, I’m looking for my lady.” He laughs and the girl laughs and you start laughing and god you can’t keep a thought in your head now after what, 6 shots? 3 beers? You open the door and Steve greets you with a surprised face and an arm around your middle.
“See, I found her!”
“Steve,” you giggle against his shoulder while he walks you to the bar so he can pay the tab you were supposed to be picking up, “I shouldn’t drive.”
“Then I’ll drive.” He looks down his shoulder at you with hazy eyes.
“I don’t think you should drive either.” You’re slurring makes him laugh and under his right arm he reaches his left hand through to grab your fingers pulling at his coat.
“A cab then.”
“You’re so smart, you know that?” You stare at him in awe before laughing again, your fingers flexing in his grip and staying put.
Steve blushes doubly so with the alcohol and your words going to one of his heads. He whips his head to the bartender waiting for her pen back and he smiles brightly at her. “One cab please.”
You both fall into the bar top giggling while this poor bartender rolls her eyes and drops the phone in front of Steve so he can call for his own chariot.
He follows you right into the back seat and falls directly onto your side when your shoe catches on the rubber mat that lines the floorboards. The driver looks back at the two of you caught in laughter and sighs, waiting for one of you to give him an address. When you try to give Steve’s first he tuts and gives the driver yours instead, “That way I know you got back safe.” His breath tinged with cheap beer brushes your cheek, his nose almost pressing in if only you’d turn your head a little more.
“Yeah okay.” Instead you just look at him from the corner of your eye while your heart beats a hundred miles an hour. Steve adjusts as best he can, his limbs heavy with liquor so he just huffs into his corner of the bench seat, halfassed clipping his seat belt on.
“I mean it. Rich isn’t there.” Air quotes around your boyfriend’s name and a deep mocking frown accompany it.
“What? You said he was gone.” He rolls his eyes but closes his mouth when he sees you getting that little notch between your brows. He drops his hand off his lap and inches it over the seat till he’s reaching out to poke your leg once. Twice when you don’t react and then hesitantly he hooks his pinky out for yours draped over your thigh.
God his hand is warm. You can feel it through your jeans where the side of it rests against you. He hooks his pinky and you don’t move a single digit on your hand for fear of turning this into something it shouldn’t be. You feel sober suddenly when it hits you where you are and with who.
“Hey.” He tugs your hand till it falls onto the seat and he can grab it. You don’t fight it, not when his voice has that gravel to it from speaking all day. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
Steve starts to let your hand go but he’s taking that warmth with him and you finally latch on to him, holding his hand down against your leg. You lean over to lay your head on his shoulder and stare out the windshield. It’s foggy out, the mist collecting on the glass to starburst the streetlights and you stay pressed against him.
The cab comes to a stop in front of your building and before anyone can say anything you finally look up at Steve. A tug on his hand and a quiet question only for him. “You wanna come up?”
The stairs try to trip you but Steve is there with a balancing hand at your hip. When you fumble with your keys he holds out his palm for them and you hope he can’t see the nerves rolling off of you. Your apartment is dark just like you expected but for the first time ever it seems to hold a promise in it, something in the shadows that doesn’t feel so sad. Behind you Steve closes the door and cuts off the light streaming in from the hallway and a switch is flicked inside you.
He’s right there when you turn around to grab the front of his coat and press your lips to his. No startled noise just his hands coming up to cradle your head. You cling to the front of him and he tries to sooth you with thumbs rubbing gently across your cheekbones.
None of this matters in the dark and you need him, need him to understand that. You turn into a flurry of movement trying to get him out of his layers. He laughs and breaks the kiss while you push at the lapels of his coat and tear at the buttons on his polo. You’ve spent months staring at the back of him, his broad shoulders and sun kissed skin. The moles that dot his neck and the chestnut hair that he’s always futzing with.
He’s running those big hands down your neck and over your shoulders.
“We don’t have to rush.” His voice cuts through the quiet hum of the appliances and runs down your spine with its deep timber. “No one else is here.”
He dips his head to kiss you again but the fervor is gone, replaced instead by a slow build of want. He pulls your bottom lip between his teeth to gently bite and you melt into his chest. Hands lay limp against him while he begins your undoing with his kisses. They trail off to your cheek and to your ear and when he’s at your jaw his jacket falls from his shoulders.
He works at your clothes methodically the same way his mouth works at your neck and when you try to tug him towards your bedroom he pauses.
“We don’t have to go in there.” He gives you a soft look, almost pitying. “The couch is just as good.” A small smile against your small frown.
“I want to.” You pull and he steps with you. “It’s my bed anyways.”
Your back hits the bed and he follows you down with laughter and roaming hands. They pull at his own clothes and yours till you finally can touch all that warm skin of his, fingertips tracing between moles on his chest inbetween sloppy kisses.
You can’t remember the last time you felt want like this. Everywhere his fingers drag feels like live wires under your skin. They dance along your collar bones and behind your knees, sensitive skin graced with featherlight touch.
“Please.” You pant while he kisses along your jaw.
“Please what?” He drags his touch up the inside of your thigh and grazes your mound, dancing around where you want him most.
“Please touch me.” Your voice wobbles with emotion, unshed tears stuck behind your lashes. The nerves of the night settle deep into your bones, deep enough you think you might shake apart with them. Long fingers split you open, a slow drag upwards till he hits that ache that you’ve been ignoring all night. Uneven circles drawn while he pants against the side of your neck, open mouthed kiss pressed into your pulse.
Deft fingers pull your pleasure forward quick, a practiced hand between your legs that rivals your own. He hasn’t come up for air since he planted his face against you, tongue and teeth working in tandem against the sensitive spot under your ear while those long fingers dip lower. You can feel his smile like a tattoo on the front of your throat when he sinks one finger in, and then two, his moan singing along with your gasp. Quickly the pads of his fingers find that spot and your knees snap together around his wrist.
“Right there?” It’s all breath in his ask, your nod vigorous. “Come on.” He grits and keeps his pace up while you spiral when he presses the heel of his palm down. “Come on baby, let go.” Teeth scrape against your neck and help to send you over the edge while you grind down on his hand firmly to chase the tails of your pleasure.
Aimless kisses help bring you back to focus along with Steve’s hands gripping you to slide you down the bed. Hooked in the bend of your hips he jerks you to him, thighs hitting his and his cock is there against you suddenly. Hot and heavy between your thighs when he leans down over you to catch your lips in a deep kiss. Short rolls of his hips make him catch on your overly sensitive clit to make your legs shake just a little more.
“Do you know how much I’ve thought about this?” He says against your mouth, sloppy and desperate as he ruts against your heat. “I think about you all the time.”
“Yeah?” You sound just as desperate, rolling hips meeting his own so he can keep nudging your clit. The tip of his cock edges lower but too slow, especially now with him staring wide eyed at you and panting.
“When you went to Marion I-fuck” He looses his composure when you sneak a hand between your bodies to help guide him, fingers wrapped around the thick length. “-I thought about crashing your date.”
You choke on your ‘what?’ when he finally sinks in and the size of him makes you gasp. He pauses for a moment when his eyes slip shut and you hold him between your thighs. When he doesn’t move you shift to get his attention and those blown out eyes find yours in the dark. Hands planted beside your head to cage you in and all you want to look at is his open expression. The grin he wears so well flashed at you while he rocks himself deeper.
“I know it’s crazy.” He half laughs as he starts a deliberate pace. “You make me feel crazy.” Every thrust is a punch of pleasure against that spot he’d found earlier. Precise and slow he drags this out so he can watch your face fall slack.
“I’m sorry.” You sob when he drives in deep and makes your eyes roll.
“No, no it’s me. You’re just-“ he hisses at your nails dragging behind his neck and up into his hair to grab fistfuls, pulling him down closer.
He takes the opportunity to kiss along your collar and mumble against your chest, slurred words only for your ears. Small bites along the swell of your breast and his long fingers rolling a nipple between his knuckles to make your breath hitch. He calls you beautiful and perfect and if you weren’t heading fast into your second orgasm you might cry from the attention.
Everything is big and hot in here. Louder and quieter at the same time. Steve holds onto you while he fucks you, hands gripping and lips searching. No marks but he lets his teeth nip at bared skin before he moves on, letting his fingers press into soft fat at the backs of your thighs and chest. You haven’t felt this kind of passion in a long time, the never ending want for more. You need him deeper, you need him to cover you completely. You want him to suck marks into your skin so you can see them in the morning and know this wasn’t you letting your fantasies get out of control again.
A faltering in his movement before he speeds up, hot breath fanning over your cheek where he kisses wetly up and down and to your ear, his quiet moans making your toes curl. It’s the deep, halting groan that pours out of him when he comes that has you clenching. He grips at you to hold you in place while you shake under him and he talks you down off your precipice. Mumbled praise and reminders of your beauty while sweat begins to cool. He doesn’t let his full weight fall on you but he does lay over your chest, skin sticking and sliding as his hand searches for yours to hook fingers together.
Beside your head you can hear him taking breath, readying to say something and you have a moment of doubt suddenly. He’s told you too much and not enough and maybe your brain is staring to catch up to your actions.
“I’m not drunk enough to say something stupid, but I need you to know something.” He uses his free hand to prop himself to hover over you, his grin skewed over his flushed cheeks. “I really like you.” A stray hair gets pushed out of your rapidly narrowing vision. His look is too soft and his wandering hand too light. It makes you shed a few tears that he seems to catch in the dim light.
“Steve…don’t…” You try to bury your face in the pillows but he’s quick to turn you back to face him.
“Don’t what? Tell you?” His grip on your chin is firm but his fingers don’t press in. He holds you still while his bloodshot eyes flick back and forth over your own. “I don’t…if you want me to leave I can do that.” It’s not a threat but it makes your heart seize regardless. “I’m just not gonna come in here and pretend like this is a one off or something.”
Knees still pressed to his hips holding him close, legs locked behind his knees where he kneels, you slide your hands up his sides for more points of contact. He’s real under your palms. Breathing and hot and sweating and telling you how he feels. The two orgasms barely hold a candle to the blossoming feeling in your stomach when he stares down at you with care.
“Do you want me to stay?”
“I don’t think-“
“Yes or no.” He sits back with his arms spread wide. “I can go right now and we can pretend this didn’t happen.” He looks hurt when he says that but he holds your teary gaze. “I’ll get my shifts moved so you don’t even have to see me at work.”
You reach for him again, need him under your hands to ground you in the moment. “Don’t do that.” Face pushed into his shoulder sloppily when you rush up to meet him in the middle of your bed.
“If it makes it easier-“
“I don’t want it easier.” You hush. “I want you to stay.” A gentle tug at him to follow you back to the pillows. “Please.”
He falls easily with you, gets his arms around your shoulders to roll you into his embrace. “Okay.” Fingers over your scalp and down your neck to sooth your heavy breathing. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He smells like the bar and his soap and the remnants of cologne that cling to his jacket. Scruff from a full day rubs against your forehead while you get comfortable against his chest and presses a kiss to the top of your head. Your bedroom is quieter than normal with his heartbeat under your ear and his breathing above you, a steady hum that calms you down. You begin drifting off when the liquor catches up to your satiated brain and your fingers loose some of their grip on his sides.
You think he’s still asleep with how quiet the room is but his voice is a deep rumble in the morning after. “Robin is going to kill me.”
You can hear the rub of his palms over his face and through his hair, that deep groan when he rolls either away or towards you, you’re not sure.
You find your own voice then, creaky and worn from yelling laughter at him all night through cheap whiskey shots. “I thought it wasn’t like that.”
“It isn’t.” His long fingers creep over your shoulder to pull gently. “She told me to leave you alone.” When you don’t unwind from yourself he uses you for leverage and rolls into your back, arm snaking around your waist. “And I told her I would.” A chaste kiss pressed to the back of your neck that makes you shiver, nothing chaste in the way it makes your chest flutter. “Obviously I lied, and she’s not fond of me lying to her.”
You turn your head slowly to look at him over your shoulder, mainly trying to prevent a wave of nausea but also to hold off the inevitable guilt hanging over you from dropping like a guillotine. In the late morning rainy light he’s even more handsome, bed-warm and rumpled. His hair sticks up on one side where it was pressed into your pillow, same pillow leaving lines on his cheek. He looks soft and out of focus and warm.
You expect that guilt to bubble up and spill out of your mouth in a wail but it doesn’t exist; there is no guillotine here.
You shuffle onto your back so you can look at him more intently, so you can stare at the green flecks in his brown eyes that roam over your face. “If anyone is gonna be in trouble, I think it’s me.” Barely a wobble to your words. He slides his hand up your stomach, fingers coming to rest in the valley between your breast. No rabbit heart under his palm. No gasping breaths to steady yourself under his gaze. You’ve made your bed and you would really like to lie in it, consequences be damned.
“It was fun.”
“It was.” You blink at him slowly. Rain patters against the glass and the clock in the kitchen ticks down the rest of your day. He tucks his other arm up under his head to look at you better before he sighs.
“I can go. If it’s easier.” Repeats himself from last night but your answer hasn’t changed. You frown lightly but don’t answer and he seems to take that as his sign to get up.
“No.” You reach out for his arm before he can set his feet on the floor. “I don’t want you to go.”
He laughs through his nose before settling in an upright position. “You don’t seem convinced.” A thumb to his nose twice while he stares at a spot at the foot of your bed.
“I’m thinking.” You sit up next to him and lean into his back facing you. Cheek resting on the back of his shoulder you stare at the moles that dot his skin and run a finger between them.
His laugh is louder than you expect but it’s nice to hear. “Hungover?”
A dry kiss where your cheek was resting before you scoot to your side of the bed in search of your underwear. “Something like that.”
Quiet shuffling while you two get dressed, Steve wincing at the smell of the bar stuck in his shirt that he shoves over his head. When he passes you to go look for his wallet he stops to lean down for a kiss. Unhurried and soft it leaves you with that same deep want from last night, especially when he hides a grin as he turns away. Bashful like you two weren’t just drunkenly fooling around until the early morning hours.
“There’s a place just do-“
Shrill ringing cuts you off on your way to the front door and you both stop to stare at the phone hanging in the kitchen. Steve looks suddenly adrift in your apartment, unsure while probably Rich tries to call you at too early a time. You let it go until it stops and the silence sits between you until Steve clears his throat.
“You still wanna get breakfast?” Quiet now that reality has stuck its nose back in. He shifts his weight from one hip to the other and you reach over for him, hands sliding under his jacket for a loose hug.
Your smile might be sad and the turn of his chin down at you shows the shadow of doubt on his mind but you wanted this. He did too and the aftermath of your shared night sits around you. The chair out of place from running into it, your shoes kicked in front of the tv and your bed just out of sight with its sheets melting onto the floor.
Guilt doesn’t exist here. Not when Steve told you all his secrets last night. Not now with the memory of gentle kisses and burning touch still searing your skin. You’ll face the consequences tomorrow when your normal comes back into town but for now, “Yeah, I do.”
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wickedusername · 7 months
You'll never know dick as good as mine.
Itadori Yuji+Ryomen Sukuna x fem!Reader
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Nothing sexual had happened yet between you and your boyfriend Yuji, and for a very good reason. He was terrified of what the demon possessing him might do if he ever got steamy with you. But once you push past the fear, you find out the demon Sukuna wants you just as bad – except he's rough, posessive, and absolutely unhinged.
Disclaimers: Yuji is over 18 in this. This assumes Yuji has had Sukuna for years. I don't like "y/n", your name is Namae. Everything else is jjk-consistent. Art and text are all handmade by me. MDNI.
Tw: inexperienced Yuji, rough sex (gagging, slapping, pain), swearing, namecalling, posessiveness, masturbation talk, a little hint of mindbreak talk, mention of murder (to avoid it).
Word count: 6,9k words (nice)
“I need to destroy you, sweetheart. I need to make that brat sorry he ever let me near you. You won't sit for weeks. He will never satisfy you again. – he tilted his chin to whisper into your lips – You'll never know dick as good as mine.”
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His hand on your thigh made it hard to pay attention to the show. Yuji's. Gently caressing your skin. You held out for a long time trying to focus but whenever the plot lulled and the caressing continued, you became laser focused on the feeling of him. It was his sofa... his apartment... nobody else but the two of you... It gave you... ideas.
You see, Itadori Yuji had been dating you for a while now. You knew he was a Jujutsu Sorcerer. He had already been one when you met him. You could see curses, but you were not. You knew about the messed up stuff he'd been through. And you knew about Ryomen Sukuna.
Sukuna. The reason nothing sexual ever happened between you. Always passively watching. Yuji was terrified of what Sukuna might do if you got steamy. And not unjustifiably: Even after vouching to stay away from Itadori's personal life, he didn't seem to have that restraint with you. His nasty mouth had already blurted out Yuji's desires to you, always to belittle and humiliate him. Yes, Sukuna was extremely powerful and strong yada yada. That might've even been kind of attractive if all you knew of him from personal interaction wasn't him having fun at your boyfriend's expense and saying nasty things about you.
So when you placed your own hand on Yuji's leg and kissed him, you knew what might be coming. But you didn't care. He was your boyfriend, and screw Sukuna. And right now, your boyfriend was getting you too riled up to ignore.
Yuji completely gave in to the kiss, holding your face with both hands to pull you close. Neither of you paid any attention to the TV anymore. He turned and twisted your head in the direction of his kiss, eventually moving his hands to your hair and completely messing it up.
When the two of you pulled away from each other after a sultry, long kiss, there was a tension in the air. A hesitancy. What now. What of... you know... Sukuna. But you pushed right past it. Screw Sukuna. Screw if he mocks you, berates you, or yells down both your ears. You wanted your boyfriend.
You brought a leg across Yuji's body, sitting on his lap. He looked up at you seeking confirmation, but you just kissed him again. He latched onto you passionately, pulling you in against his frame. You made out as he grinded you against his toned body. His tongue swirled around yours, exploring your mouth, throwing your tongue about. Against your lower region you could feel the outline of his bulge, begging to get free.
Your hands were all over. He felt your breasts, your butt, your waist, he latched on to the back of your neck as if he would never let go. And you explored his arms, his hair, under his shirt. Fuck, how can a normal human man have this defined of an abdomen. You felt him up his back, down his abs, until you reached the rim of his shorts. The two of you pulled away to look at each other for consent before you tentatively placed a hand over his outline. You had never felt it up before. It was longer than you had imagined. But what else to expect of Itadori Yuji, the overachiever.
Still looking at you for approval, he unbuttoned your jean shorts and slid his palm down the opening to cup your own sex. He wasn't gonna let you do this just for him. You palmed each other ever so eagerly, which turned to fondling, which turned to straight up mutual masturbation. You burrowed your face in his hair while he flicked your clit over your panties as they soaked. His fingers alternated between teasing your clit and sliding between your folds, soaking your underwear with slick. Meanwhile he hid in the crevices of your neck, placing soft kisses in sync with your stroking of his dick, even if through his underwear. You felt up and down his shaft, the shape of his head, the slit at the tip. You wanted nothing more than to have it inside you.
You did this for an embarrassing amount of time. Each time things got risky for either of you, you stopped, caught your breath, focused only on them for a while, until inevitably they got too hot and asked to stop as well. It could go on forever. Just the two of you, like this, feeling each other. But it wouldn't.
– Just fuck already, for fuck's sake! – a familiar, unpleasant voice yelled from Itadori's cheek.
– Oh hell no, not you! – Yuji scrunched up his entire face and threw his head back in frustration. Everything you two had going on fell to pieces.
– What's the hold up, are you too much of a pussy? – Sukuna scowled at Yuji resentfully.
– You! You're the hold up! You sick leering pervert, go mind your own business! – Yuji yelled at his own cheek.
– Unfortunately, I can't, so I might as well find entertainment in yours. If you're not gonna fuck her, let me do it.
– Are you insane? I'm not letting you touch her with a ten foot pole.
– Wouldn't you know it, I have a ten foot pole! My dick. Now give me control.
You couldn't help but lightly snort at his absurdist remark, and you immediately covered your mouth, but still both of them heard it through your resounding quietude.
– Well aren't I a charmer? She's into it! – Sukuna's mouth shifted into a smug grin.
– No I am not! – You made sure to correct him, but still held back a smile.
– I don't think either of us are into your crap, Sukuna. Piss off. – Yuji rebuked.
– Fuck me. – Sukuna rolled his eye way back into its socket. – Yuji, you inexperienced, dumb motherfucker. She's so fucking horny, and you're too much of an idiot to even answer to it. She wants dick so bad, don't you sweetheart? – Sukuna stared your messy body up and down. – I could fuck you so good.
Unfortunately for everyone, he was right. You were horny. And Yuji was inexperienced. Well, he wasn't a virgin since high school, but not much else after that, especially with Sukuna hanging around for so long. You didn't have much better of a repertoire, sure, but that still just meant Sukuna was the most sexually active of all of you – and he wasn't sexually active for centuries. Before you could say anything, he resumed his argument with Itadori.
– I've seen you jerking off to her a hundred fucking times, at least seeing you go at it in real life will give me something more interesting to look at than your weak-ass stroke game.
You covered your mouth to hide the small, sympathetic smile planted on your lips. Itadori's face turned bright red, and he stuttered trying to figure out what he should do first, curse out Sukuna or explain himself to you. But you? You were endeared by this conversation. Charmed. Both of them wanted you. Your boyfriend had been fantasizing about you for months and Ryomen Sukuna the king of curses, instead of cussing and slandering you, wanted to give you the fucking of a lifetime. You were tempted to accept. Both of them.
Yuji swallowed his pride, collected his thoughts and took a deep breath before turning to you.
– Sukuna, you shut up. Namae... I... If Sukuna isn't a bother, do you... want to head to the bedroom? I still really want you. Despite everything.
– Itadori Yuji... I've wanted you to ask this for so long. – You placed your elbows over his shoulders and crossed your wrists behind him lovingly.
– Fucking finally! – Sukuna sighed, but was promptly interrupted.
– This is not happening if you don't shut your mouth, Sukuna! – Yuji assured his possessor.
– Fine. But I'm gonna enjoy this. – Sukuna closed his features into Yuji's face with a mean smirk.
Yuji turned to you wide-eyed, as if to say "can you believe this guy?", but you didn't care. You just wanted Yuji, and if the King of Curses got off on it, that just... honestly? kinda made it hotter.
When you planted a soft kiss on your boyfriend's lips, you hoped he wasn't afraid of Sukuna anymore. He scooted away from the backrest and pushed your legs from folded beside him to wrapping around his waist so he could carry you away. And he so easily got up from the couch, carrying your weight and his with just his leg strength, softly squishing where his grip met your ass.
He placed delicate nose rubs in your neck and into your hair while he looked at the way he was going. His shirt smelled like sports deodorant and his hair like bubblegum shampoo. He placed you down onto his bed like a princess, and proceeded to stare in fascination at the sight of you. On his bed. Finally.
Yuji walked to the end of the bed and pulled off your shoes like you were a doll, then slid his palms soothingly up your thighs to the rim of your already unbuttoned shorts. You lifted your hips so he could pull them down. As you did, you held your arms outstretched to him.
He stuck his face in your breasts as he slithered his arms under your shirt to your bra. You wrapped your own over his neck to crumple his shirt on your palms, pulling on it to reveal his unbelievably muscular back.
He pulled himself away from your chest to remove your shirt. You had to let go of his shirt, which fell back over him, but not for long. He stood up himself and pulled his shirt off from the neck, that way guys did that you found crazy sexy. You were mesmerized at Yuji's physique. Even though you had seen him shirtless before, he'd never looked this hot. While he was still standing he removed his shorts, but stopped at the rim of his boxers. Were you really doing this? Sukuna watching and everything? He had been so afraid of Sukuna for so long, it never felt at all possible.
– I-ta-do-ri. Come on, I want you! – you snapped him out of it.
– Oh... I'm sorry. Just... Can I take off yours first?
You replied by reaching behind your back and unclasping your bra. After a few tries, of course. It's never as easy as in the movies.
Itadori put one knee on the mattress and leaned over you to delicately pull down your bra straps and pull the cups down, revealing your breasts to him for the first time.
– You're so pretty, Namae... – You wriggled the straps off of your arms, throwing the bra off to the side, and cupped his face. – I want to bury my face in you and never let go.
– You can. Yuji. I'm yours... – you smiled softly at him, and he lowered himself to leave kiss after kiss all over your torso.
He kissed your nipples, your breasts, your ribs, your belly, your belly, your belly, lower and lower. He placed his fingers on the rim of your panties and pulled them down slowly, taking in every patch of skin revealed to him. He pulled them smoothly down your legs until he could throw it off to the side, roughly towards where you'd thrown your bra. He leaned over again and placed soft kisses on your clit and on your labia, moving his jaw into pouts so his lip dragged against you. He could have done more but he felt his dick twitch and he couldn't resist much longer.
– Ah, I'm sorry to rush, but I need to be inside you... – he inched closer as he grabbed his dick through his boxers, a wet patch of precum staining the place where his tip pressed against the cotton.
– Get inside me, Yuji... I need you so bad! – you reached out to him and placed your fingers over the rim of his underwear, urging them off.
Itadori pulled them off finally, revealing his smooth, pink, long dick. It looked so inviting. As soon as all his clothes were off, Yuji climbed on top of you missionary style, holding his dick and panting in excitement as he placed his tip against your sex, making you open your legs for him. With an arm beside your head to support him, you could appreciate his body so well.
– I'm gonna get in... – he warned before finding your entrance with his head and pushing his tip inside with a moan. He placed his nose against your cheek and closed his eyes, then shoved his way further inside until he was in to the hilt.
– Yuji! Slower! – you whined at the feeling of him. He felt so much bigger than he looked when he was inside you.
– Sorry.. I'm just so excited to fuck you. – he giggled, then lowered his arms in a push-up to kiss you tenderly.
He slid in and out of you repeatedly, his abs having no issue in doing all of the work. You pressed your legs against his sides but his thrusts just forced them down into the bed again, and his rhythm felt so regular and so good inside you. You lowered a hand to touch youself while he rammed into you, flicking your clit, feeling the pubic region of his six-pack pressing into your hand time and time again.
– do you want me to do that for you? – Yuji asked after noticing your hand.
– No, you focus on filling me up, I know how to touch myself best. – your other hand cupped his cheek and you brought him down to place a peck on his lips, on his jaw, then on... a mouth?
You gasped as you tried to pull back and realized your lip was stuck between sukuna's teeth, on a mouth in Yuji's cheek. He let go right after with a smirk, but you were still surprised. Yuji realized what happened and slowed down, unable to just stop.
– Sukuna! You said you weren't interrupting! – Yuji sighed in frustration, trying to just focus on his pace.
– What are you gonna do, stop mid-sex? - Sukuna guffawed. Yuji wouldn't stop now and he knew it.
– It's fine, Yuji. Just focus on me. – You turned Yuji's face to you again, looking him deep in the eyes, and he let out a relieved smile.
Itadori picked up his pace again and looked at your face the entire time, just taking in the view of you, your hair messy, framing your flushed face, smiling at him and whimpering at his thrusts. His hands right beside your face, reminding him that he wasn't imagining, it was really him on top of you. Sweat planting on your forehead from the pressure in your core, bringing you closer to the edge. Small droplets of sweat coming down his hair. It was all too much.
– I'm so close! – Yuji exclaimed, his pounding against you never changing.
– Hey brat, come outside, don't ruin her pussy for me! – Sukuna barked.
– Oh piss off! – Yuji retorted toward his cheek – you're too good to pull out of...
You nodded yes. He knew you had a contraceptive. He could come inside you as much as he wanted. He would come inside you. He would come inside you right now.
Yuji moaned loudly as his dick twitched inside you, filling you with warm cum. His breath caught in his throat, his vision filling with stars. His pace slowed down as his body couldn't process any more effort. You stopped touching yourself to hold his chest up, as it seemed his arms would give out.
– Fuck! Wow! – Itadori groaned as he grinded to a halt, his member still shaking, releasing the last pumps of semen it could muster. – you.. – a stop to catch his breath – you're so amazing.
Yuji plopped down to his elbows, panting, and placed a breathy, deep kiss on your mouth. You smiled at each other tenderly.
– Now step aside, brat, it's my turn to fuck her. – Sukuna's mouth commanded
– No way in hell! – his contentment shifted quickly to annoyance.
– It's ok, Yuji... He can do it... I want Sukuna to have me too... – you spoke softly, tentatively wondering what a taste of Sukuna's stregth would feel like. You still hadn't come, anyway. Sukuna's mouth smiled like it had won the lottery and let out a hearty laugh.
– Isn't she a little freak! You heard her, brat! Let me out! – The mouth snarled.
– Fuck no, you're gonna kill her!
– If it will convince you to let me have her, I won't kill her, I swear it on a pact.
– Or hurt her! – Yuji added.
– ..or harm her. Pact. I'll fuck her good and then I'm out. – Sukuna stared up at Yuji excitedly wide-eyed, truly meaning it.
Yuji turned to you.
– Are you sure?
– Yuji.. it's ok. – you whisper with a reassuring smile.
– It's a pact, Sukuna!! – Itadori shouted down at his own chest.
– Sealed! – Sukuna barely contained his excitement.
With a defeated sigh, Yuji relaxed his worried eyebrows.
– This is just because you asked, Namae.
Hesitantly, he let Sukuna take over his body, tattoos bleeding through his skin like ink through paper.
– Well, I just might hurt her a tiny bit. – His eyes and two more opened with bright red pupils and Sukuna ran a hand through his hair, slicking it back to feel more like himself.– Now you. Time we show this brat what a real fuck looks like.
Sukuna grabbed your ass roughly, shoving his fingers between you and the mattress to lift your hips up to his eye level. You let out a surprised yelp as he held you in a hip raise.
– Ah, Sukuna! – your whimper fell on deaf ears.
– Look what a mess he made in this pretty pussy. – He put two fingers inside you and scooped out a spoonful of cum, before leaning over you and bringing his fingers to your mouth.
– Lick them clean. – he darted his fingers to your lips, parting them easily. You sucked the sour-salty goop off his hand and licked thoroughly around his black nails, all while looking him in the eyes with lust gleaming in your stares.
– what a good whore you are...
You hummed in agreement. Sukuna pulled out his hand, dragging a thin strand of drool with it, and immediately brought it back to your asscheek, squeezing them tight and lowering his head right down to your sex to inspect it closely.
– Look at this pretty pink cunt... that idiot kid didn't even lick it. I need to know what it tastes like...
With that, he burrowed his face in you, pushing your hips into the mattress with his hands still under it to hold your pussy angled right at him. Sukuna licked up and down your slit multiple times, humming at the taste, before mercilessly sucking on your clit like one does a thick milkshake while flicking his tongue into it at a crazy pace. The curse extracted helpless moans from your mouth at the feeling building up inside you overwhelmingly fast.
Make no mistake, he didn't care about your pleasure. He cared about tasting you, about absolutely humiliating Yuji's attempt at oral, about making sure you were never going to have a better experience than him. He was in to get you hooked. And he was a drug with an alarming addiction rate.
– Ah- Sukuna! It's too much! – you gripped the markings on his wrists and curled your toes against his back as tension built at your core.
– Hmm? – He moaned into you before pulling up to look at you, ruining all the momentum he had going. – I'm not letting up until I taste your cum, so the more you call for me to stop the longer we'll be here. I'd shut up and come if I were you.
You bit your lip and nodded yes, not wanting to say another word to interrupt him. He lowered his face back to your clit and ran circles into it with his tongue while looking you in the eye and watching you melt under his mouth. With a moan, you threw your head back into the pillow, which he took as a signal to go full force on the sucking. With a closed set of eyes keeping him focused on your clit and another looking down at your entrance, he brought two fingers inside of you and thrusted with them softly, rubbing against the back of your clit with his digits.
You didn't last long with that pace. Within a minute you were clenching around his fingers with loud involuntary moans and releasing your juices all over his fingers. Before you were even over it, Sukuna's mouth had swapped places with his hand and he was slipping his tongue into your entrance, licking up your juices like they were syrup.
– Hummm – He licked one last patch up your slit, leaving a sticky trail of saliva and cum connected to his tongue. As he licked his lips, you couldn't help but become extremely turned on by his smug expression. – just as sweet as I thought. You loved this, didn't you? Whore.
You nodded eagerly, biting your bottom lip with furrowed eyebrows, face pink as a shrimp. Sukuna licked up whatever was on his fingers and looked at you sternly.
– Now turn around, I don't fuck like that vanilla brat. – he held you by the waist and turned you on your belly effortlessly, before kneeling between your legs and pulling your hips off the bed to the height of his dick.
You made a motion to lift your torso and stand on all fours to see him better, but Sukuna promptly grabbed your head and shoved the side of your face into the mattress.
– I didn't tell you to move, greedy bitch. You don't get to pick how you'll stand.
– Sukuna... you can fuck me however you want... – you mumbled to appease him, and he released some of the weight from his push.
— That's more like it. Acting like the dirty whore you are. – He slapped your ass hard enough to leave a red handprint on it. From the side of your peripheral you could see him ever so slightly.
Swiftly, he positioned his member on your entrace and slid in to the hilt. With how wet you were, and having taken it before, it entered laughably easily. With another hard slap on your ass, he started pumping into you at a leisurely pace but strikingly hard, ramming the bedframe against the wall with each pump.
– Ah, this puny brat's cock isn't enough... you should have seen mine. – He tilted his head to the side in pleasure, staring intently at the place where he slid in and out of you. – Fuck.. – another slam – I'd be ripping you in half...
He threw his head back as he continued ramming into you, making you bite the sheets and grip the bed to take him.
– Fuck. Fuck! Fuck!! – He exclaimed as he couldn't hold it anymore and his dick twitched inside you, filling you with his cum. He groaned, his legs shook and his hands gripped the sides of your hips so hard they would leave 10 well-defined bruises, only letting go after he was done.
– Shit. Fuck. – Sukuna dropped his weight into your back, making you collapse to the mattress under him. – I haven't fucked someone is so many centuries, I barely lasted five minutes... Even going so slow...
After catching his breath, he pushed himself off you to the side where he would face you, before lifting your chin with one hand to look you in the eyes.
– Sorry princess, but I'm gonna need a round two. I'm not done with you yet.
– Is- isn't that against your pact? – you muttered timidly, afraid of what he might do to you if you bothered him.
– The pact was I fuck you good. Was that good enough for you? Because it definitely wasn't for me.
Before you could answer, he pulled your face towards him so your forehead touched his and his red eyes were staring from the shadow straight into yours. His voice lowered to a deep rumble.
– I need to destroy you, sweetheart. I need to make that brat sorry he ever let me near you. You won't sit for weeks. He will never satisfy you again. – he tilted his chin to whisper into your lips – You'll never know dick as good as mine.
A shiver flew down your spine as Sukuna flung you around on your back and pinned you against the bed. He didn't as much kiss you as he did spit in your mouth, shove his tongue in it and lick it all around, staring you down the entire time. Not a minute into it, he bit your lip until he could taste blood. You moaned and tears formed in your eyes, but it's not like you could talk with his mouth on yours. As soon as he moved his mouth down to your throat, you tried to clammer for restraint.
– SUKUN- – You didn't even finish his name before he slammed his hand over your mouth, gripping your cheeks, keeping you quiet. All you could do was mutter muffled curses into his hand and scratch his back and arm as hard as you could, as he bit and sucked tens of painful, visible hickeys into every part of your neck. All those purple marks to make it clear that you had been his. Not Itadori's. His.
His other hand let go of your wrist to roughly fondle your breast as he planted more hickeys on your shoulders, and you took the opportunity to use both your hands against him. You grabbed his wrist and his fingers to bite hard into his hand, hoping it would make him let go.
You bit him. You bit him harder. You felt like you could have ripped a piece of his flesh by now. He finished a hickey with a loud pop and chuckled into your collarbone, not moving his hand a single inch. He brought his face up to you.
– You want to talk that bad? – He tittered. – How pathetic. But I'll concede. – He removed his hand from your mouth.
– Sukuna!! What the hell! – You yelled in a desperate plea.
– What? Didn't you ask for this? – His face grew a huge shit-eating grin, thoroughly entertained by your distress.
– That hurt so bad! You said no hurting!!
– I said no harm. Big difference. What's the harm in a little rough play? – Mid-sentence, he stood up on his knees and threw your entire body over his shoulder. He scooted himself off the bed and planted you down in front of him. Without a hitch, he shoved you to your knees, bruising those too. You didn't even have time to react.
– Now shut the fuck up and get this stupid human dick hard again.
He gripped your hair hard and pushed your head close to his semi-hard dick. You had no idea how this body was already boasting a semi after coming twice, but you weren't complaining. It was only once for the curse, you figured.
You wrapped your fingers around his base and placed his tip on your tongue, but before you could do any movement yourself, Sukuna gripped your head still and buried himself all the way to your throat, gagging you. He didn't wait: he fucked your mouth himself, gagging you every time he pushed in. You closed your eyes and gasped for air whenever you could and tears started running down your face from the gagging.
– Oh come on! You're not a bitchy crybaby, are you? – he pulled himself halfway out, letting you breathe.
You weren't. You didn't want him to stop.You looked up at him in a dead-serious stare swirling your tongue around his tip. His smile opened wide as you slid your head up his cock, up the tattooed lines on his shaft that extended all the way to his groin.
– That's what I'm talking about! That's the dirty whore I want! You fucking slut!
He pulled hard on your hair and resumed fucking your mouth until your face was turning purple from lack of air. He pulled himself out and painfully hoisted you up by your hair until it forced you to stand up.
– You're such a good hoe. You deserve to get dicked down so good.
Sukuna bent his knees to reach your thighs and pulled you up to carry you on his lap, much like Yuji had done. You wrapped your legs and arms around him for support, and he walked slowly towards the end of the bed. He took his sweet time grinding you against him, groping your ass hard and shoving his face into the back of your ear to plant another hickey. With your legs spread, the cum from his last orgasm dripped down your ass and into the floor. Instead of throwing you on the bed like you expected, he turned around and sat on it with you on his lap.
– You're gonna be good whore and sit on this dick for me, won't you sweetheart?
– I will... I want it so bad...
He held his shaft at the base, ready for you. With his guiding hand on your hip, you sat on him, feeling filled once again. His hand gripped the side of your ass, guiding you to hop up and down on his cock. This position made him reach so deep inside you. His other hand forced your head down and both of you watched as the end of his tattoo disappeared and reappeared from inside your cunt.
– Faster. – Sukuna commanded. He licked your neck and placed the other hand on your hip to fully control your pace. He lifted you up and down repeatedly and ever more strongly, like he wasn't getting enough. You hopped on him for a full minute while he licked the markings he left on you, and yet he seemed completely unneffected.
– Faster! – he was almost entirely lifting you with his arm strength for each slam, but your thigh muscles were still burning from the sustained effort.
– I can't go any faster! — You cried out to Sukuna, and he groaned.
– This is just too goddamn slow.
He held you by the waist with both hands, lifted you off his cock and put you down beside him. For a second you though he would ask you something but in the blink of an eye he grabbed your neck and shoved you forwards into the bed. Before you had time to react, he was over you, dragging you by the nape, shoving your face in front of the pillow. He turned you around to face him and lifted your legs over his bulging biceps. Before you could do anything, he placed his hands on the sides of your waist, forcing your legs up, keeping you stuck in a mating press.
Before you could even adjust yourself, his dick was inside you again, slamming into you so hard and fast it felt inhuman. It was. He was hitting so deep you thought he was going to tear your labia open. His balls slammed against the bottom of your asscheeks, leaving them red. And the pace, oh god the pace. He was slamming as fast as a vibrator. It hurt your everything, your leg muscles being pushed up past your flexibility, your pussy sore, your back rubbing against the sheets harshly, your belly getting hit so deep you think it he might as well be hitting your cervix, but you couldn't even tell.
Sukuna lowered his head to your chest, sucking roughly on your nipples and biting them raw, never letting up on his pounding.
– Su- kun- ah!– you managed to let out as much as your breath would let you. Tears from the pain distorted your vision, making you unable to see his expression when he turned his head to you. – Less!!! – Is all you managed to let out.
– No. – Was all he replied.
Sukuna lifted his torso and slithered his arm away from one of your legs. He wrapped his hand around your throat, choking you, restraining you from speaking any more. It felt relieving to have nothing pushing your leg down past your point of comfort, but he was still pounding you at full force and you didn't dare keep it any less raised than Sukuna had left it. And you were right to do so.
– Keep those legs up, I don't still have four arms to hold them down while I touch you. – Sukuna commanded while he slithered his other arm away to touch your clit.
If you thought his thrusting was too much, he was amping it up a notch by choking you and flicking your clit with his thumb while he did it. All you could do was whimper and close your eyes, making the accumulated tears roll down your cheeks.
– "I know how to touch myself best", little whore. You must touch yourself all the time, don't you? But you don't know how to touch yourself best, I do.
Sukuna pressed his thumb on your clit and found the sweet spot under the hood, and immediately flicked into it as fast as a vibrating toy. He knew where to look. He knew what to do. And he didn't leave the sweet spot no matter how much his thrusts shook the bed.
Heat built up in your stomach so strongly that you were sweating. Both your hands held his wrist, trying to pull back his chokehold. Your feet twitched, restless, and you pushed with the plant of your feet against his muscular deltoids, digging your toes into his tattoos, unable to stay still.
– I'm gonna use you until you break, you little whore. – Sukuna lowered his face to as close to yours as he could to blurt out depravities to your ear. – You'll beg Yuji for my dick for the rest of your life.
This was it. You released what was probably the strongest orgasm you ever had, rippling through you in waves, squeezing around Sukuna's dick and his merciless pounding. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you screamed out with whatever part of your throat that wasn't being choked, which resulted in a loud, breathless whimper. He roared with laughter at the feeling of your walls clenching against him.
He just kept pounding. Your sensitive walls were no reason for his mercy, and to your horror, his thumb pressed on your clit again as soon as you were done squeezing.
– One more! Then I'll fill you up. – Sukuna grinned, all four eyes wide, staring at your fucked out, fearful face with sick glee.
His touch on your sensitive clitoris burned like fire, but it hurt so good, and heat kept building up in your core confusingly, mixing what was your previous orgasm still fading out, what was new heat building up. Were you still riding the same wave? Were you building up a new one? Everything just felt like an orgasm, all of his touches made your walls squeeze around him.
You gasped for air desperately and Sukuna released his grip on your neck so he could make sure he wouldn't kill you and risk breaking a pact. You brought your hands to scratch his neck and back in protest, using your nails to pierce as deep as you could, doing your best to draw blood, but everything you did healed immediately. You pushed him with your feet and pulled him with your hands and yet he wouldn't budge, nothing seemed to have an effect.
With Sukuna's unrelenting touch and pulse within you, your head spun. Your abdomen spasmed, clenching with pleasure, everything felt like electricity. Everything that hurt, hurt so good. He groped your breasts with the hand that was choking you before and you didn't even notice it at first because everything else was so overwhelming. You were sweating, flushed, tensing all the muscles in your body worse than the world's most exhausting exercise.
You wanted to protest but nothing came out of your mouth but unhinged, sporadic moans. It's not that you didn't care about bothering the neighbors, but it didn't even cross your mind. It couldn't. There was no space in your brain to process it. Sukuna teased and cursed at you, calling you names, uttering so many dirty remarks, and you barely processed any of it. Everything you could feel was so strong, it numbed your other four senses. The only way you could hold yourself grounded was focusing on your hands scraping the back of his neck.
When you came again, you didn't know it was possible to come this hard. All the pressure that had built up in you just released, burst after burst, and you couldn't contain the loudest, involuntary moan that ever left your mouth. It woke up the neighbors. Your walls squeezed shut every time he slid out before he forced is way through again. Your hands clawed at him, pulling with all you had at the short hairs in the back of his neck, your body convulsed, and you creamed all over him. With his pulsing still uninterrupted, you felt some of it slide out and run down your crack. That's how much you'd come. Sukuna finally, finally stopped pounding into you.
– What a good, wet cunt you are! – Sukuna praised you, bringing the hand from your clit to your waist, petting your belly like the congratulatory pet you'd give a dog.– you're so slick for me, fucking you is gonna be so easy.
You were still catching your breath. He grabbed the pillows from the top of the bed, one after the other, and slid out of you for only a minute to put them under your hips. Instead of fucking you with his legs outstretched, he was now kneeling in front of you.
– Hm. Not tall enough. I don't suppose you can wheelbarrow with those lanky arms, can you? – You didn't reply. You didn't even know what a wheelbarrow was. – I'll take that as a no.
Sukuna lifted your hips to the height of his dick and entered you while kneeled, forcing you to flex your abdomen in a hip raise so you wouldn't fall into the bed. He held no reservations, slamming into you as hard as he had at the start, but faster. Your pussy was dangerously sore by now, but the wetness made him glide in so easily still. You had no idea how he hadn't come yet.
– If he never lets me near you again, remember this – he continued the loud slamming that was scratching the floor and chipping paint from the wall at the edges of the bedframe's panel. – I only let Yuji fuck you at all because he's the middle man here. You are mine to fuck. You will beg for me again, won't you?
– But- – Sukuna stuffed his fingers into your mouth.
– But nothing. This is a yes or no question. You will beg to have me again, won't you?
– Yes... Sukuna... – you confessed, drooling on his fingers. It wasn't a lie. Your head still spun from pleasure. Maybe you would regret this after your head cleared out, but if Yuji took his body back right now, you would plead, thrash and beg for Sukuna. He was a completely different experience, and it was mindnumbing.
– Good whore. – He held your hips in place and pounded into you with gusto. – I'm gonna fill you up so bad, you'll be dripping cum for hours, you tight, nasty bitch.
He slammed hard into you, everything sore, everything hurting. Your shoulders chafed from the the weight of your body and the strength of his slams. You brought your hands to your mouth to bear it, biting on the meat of your palm. Sukuna just kept pounding, ripping your open, with deep grunts not from effort, but from pleasure.
You thought you couldn't bear another second of it before you heard his grunts get interupted by his own hitching breath, and his hands digging into you again, piercing your skin with his nails, his abs contracting, outlining the bumps in his six-pack, his neck bulging. He came inside you again with a loud grumble and all you felt was his strokes becoming inconsistent, his dick twitching wildly while the tried to pump more, until he finally stopped and dropped down to the bed, sitting over his knees. His breath was erratic, and his sweaty hair stuck to his forehead. And yet he could still look you in the eye with a chuckle.
He leaned in and placed his palms at your sides, towering over you. Then, Sukuna gave you the sweetest smile you'd ever seen on his face and planted a sloppy, passionate kiss goodbye on your mouth. Just because he could. Just out of spite. Just to leave his taste on your mouth. Then he grinned smugly.
– Heh. Have fun masturbating to this memory forever. – He grimaced with twisted pride at his own remark – See you next time if Itadori isn't too humiliated to ever touch you again.
With that line, Sukuna closed his eyes and melted away. His wide smile faded along with his markings, and Yuji's hazel eyes opened back up with a stunned, terrified glare.
Immediately, all of Yuji's muscles gave out. His entire body was sore. He fell with a grunt into the bed with barely enough strength to turn on his back and stare incredulously at the ceiling.
– what... the fuck. What the FUCK!  – Yuji yelled at nothing, panting. He was horrified.
– ...what the fuck. – you were starstruck.
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kelthebarb · 7 months
my favorite thing will always be domestic levi.
- waking up & seeing him buttoning his shirt in the mirror, having already showered before you due to his inability to sleep in.
- dragging him back into bed with you cus it’s barely 7:30 in the morning and you have all day with nothing to do.
- showering together, gently washing his hair and him kissing your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you from behind.
- him not knowing how to cook very well, but he can make good tea. you stick to the cooking, and he makes drinks. always.
- after the war, he’s not used to so much peace and quiet. he’d always been used to tons of work, always running around, and almost no downtime. most of the time, he has no idea what to do with himself. he found that he enjoys reading a LOT.
- he was very iffy on retiring at first, and it did take a lot of convincing before he finally decided it was time to leave the military and what it did to him in the past. he doesn’t cry a lot, but when he does, he cries hard. almost 40 years of pent-up trauma and emotion will do that to a man, even one as tough as him.
- you & him go to visit erwin and hange’s graves at least twice a month, and you find it slightly heartbreaking that he talks to them, the same way he did when they were alive. quiet and short conversations with what he hopes is their ghosts. you find yourself grabbing his hand and squeezing it when he starts getting shaky.
- sometimes when you can tell he’s in a bad mood, you say you need a hug, but it’s really him that needs it. he doesn’t like asking for affection, so it’s a way to help him get over a bump in the road.
- as most people say, he’s not big on pda, and it’s true, but he will hold your pinkies together when it’s crowded. you’ll think it’s because he doesn’t wanna lose you in the crowd, but he’s so short that he’ll be the one getting lost 💀
- with that being said, he hates it when you poke fun at his height. it’s not that he’s insecure about it, he just finds it annoying that that’s one of the first things people notice about him.
- i’m a firm believer in levi with a slight size kink. as isayama said, levi just likes tall people. i think he’d like it if you were able to manhandle him, toss him around, pin him to the bed, shit like that.
- he’s definitely a switch. he’s the softest dom - he’s experienced too much hurt in his life to hurt you in any way - and he’s the most adorable sub.
- when he’s the dom, he’ll be gentle with you. slowly pushing into you, stopping and giving you little breaks if you need them. never degrading, always the sweetest words coming from him. he groans a lot, frequently but quiet enough to where it’s just you that can hear it.
- when he’s the sub, he loves hates being teased. he’s a little embarrassed to beg, but he will if he needs it bad enough. he almost always cries a little, now matter how nice or mean you’re being. definitely louder as a sub, more whiny.
- it doesn’t matter if he’s the dom or sub, he will hold your hand. never fucks without your fingers laced with his. when he’s on top, he’ll have both hands on the sides of your head, holding yours gingerly. it works vice-versa.
- going back to the hurt thing, he’ll never hurt you. BUT. he does like biting. him biting you, you biting him, doesn’t matter. he does it pretty soft, though, but just hard enough to leave marks (very territorial tbh).
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joelmillers-whore · 9 months
The Only Thing I Did Right
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summary: after a patrol gone wrong, joel races to get you back to jackson. while the doctor tries to save you, he wrestles with the guilt of letting you down.
pairing: joel miller x reader 
word count: 2.6K
series or one-shot
warnings: mature, language, joel x female!reader, no mention of Y/N, canon timeline (sort of), jackson era, post-outbreak, soft joel, hurt/comfort, minor descriptions of blood, joel thinking everything is his fault, tommy is there briefly, mentions of drinking and/or alcohol dependence, happy ending don’t worry, angst if you squint
A/N: i meant for this to be a short drabble because my creativity has been waning lately and i’m a little burned out to be honest, but i got carried away, but what else is new. anywho, enjoy this lil fic. let me know if ya’ll would like to see another part of this or maybe an interconnected one-shot series, i would be down. i really enjoyed writing this. also, i am still trying to power through this sickness i have suddenly, and i don’t think i’ll be able to post hard light chapter two this week.
I've Got Nothing Left To Hide
“Where’s it hurt?”, Joel asked, in a low, almost inaudible voice. He tried to keep his tone calm, trying to keep you calm, but his mind was flustered, and he was on edge, and he was pretty sure that you could see right through his charade. 
He swallowed thickly, past a lump that was stuck in his throat. His eyes darted all over you, tracking every movement, every laboured breath, and wince.
It had been decades since he had felt like this; the constricting of his chest, the shallow and unsure breaths that he was letting out, and the staggering way his heart clenched, a silent prayer on his lips, asking any God who would listen to spare you. 
It all felt so overwhelming and a little too familiar. Images of Sarah flashed through his mind, dredging up demons and emotions he had thought he had left in the past.
He had never been so afraid of losing someone he loved, not since Sarah, but here he was now, feeling like he was about to collapse at any minute, terrified of making the wrong move and losing you.
He swallowed again, harsher as he concentrated on his breathing. 
He hadn’t let his mind drift to thoughts of his daughter in a long time, his chest burning in that familiar way each time that he did, squeezing to the point of pain.
He let an idle hand drift to his chest, right above his heart, and gripped it, trying to will it subconsciously to slow down. But it was no use. 
There were very few things in the world that made Joel feel as if the ground was collapsing underneath him, and thinking of Sarah was definitely one of them.
Whenever he found himself thinking of her, thinking of how he couldn’t save her, the breath from his lungs evaporated, and guilt slammed into him with enough force to destabilize him.
But seeing you like this, the woman that he had promised Tommy that he would watch over and protect, writhe in pain as blood pooled under your shirt, that was another thing that he couldn’t bear to witness. 
You looked so helpless, lying in his arms, looking up at him with droopy lids, a faraway look in your eyes.
He cursed under his breath, knowing that you were injured because of him, because of his carelessness.
You were going to be another person he couldn’t protect and he didn’t know how much more of that he could take. 
“‘M fine”, you said, weakly, your breath coming out in stunted gasps. 
Joel shook his head, tempered anger coursing through his veins, “Don’t pull that brave shit with me”, he bit out, harsher than he intended. He gripped you tighter in his arms, holding onto you for dear life. “I know it hurts, so just tell me”. 
He watched as tears gathered at the corners of your eyes, you tried to blink them but the motion only made them fall, coating your cheeks.
Joel lifted a hand, wiping them away. He hated to see you cry, he couldn’t stand it, it broke his heart.
He left his thumb on the apple of your cheek, thinking that maybe the sensation would bring you some comfort, thinking that maybe it would bring him some comfort. 
“Am I going to die, Joel?”, you asked, a slight tremble in your voice. 
Joel shook his head, adamantly, “Not if I can help it”. 
You faded in and out of consciousness as Joel debated his next move, trying to figure out how he was going to get you back to Jackson.
He clutched the hem of your shirt, the material sticking to your stomach as he peeled it from you.
He visibly cringed as he eyed your wound, the punctured flesh dispelling crimson red at a rapid and borderline concerning rate. 
He couldn’t wait around any longer, couldn’t wait for the next round of patrol to find them, if they even came out this far. So, he took matters into his own hands, his muted internal clock ticking down the more he looked at you pale in his arms.
He scooped up your limb body, pressing you flush to his body, determination and adrenaline pumping through him, the driving force propelling him into action.
There was only one thought in his head; get you back to Jackson, by whatever means. 
As he stepped out of the small cabin, Joel noticed that the sun was slowly starting to dip beneath the horizon, the pop of blistering orange making him anxious.
Night would come quicker than either of you wanted and then the real challenge would begin, trying to navigate through the dense forest and get back to the community in the dark.
You were trembling in his arms, shaking so violently, from either the bitter cold or the loss of blood, that he thought that he was the one who was hurting you. 
“Can you ride?”, he asked, urgency in his voice. 
Joel couldn't risk injuring you further, but he also couldn’t waste any more time, so he made an executive decision. He had been making a lot of those on your behalf today, and his most recent had gotten you in this position in the first place, it was his fault.
If anything happened to you, he wouldn’t ever forgive himself. 
He placed you tentatively on the ground, his arm sneaking around your waist to stabilize you as he untied his horse from the post. 
“Alright”, he bent slightly, grabbing your foot and placing it in his hand, “Nice ‘n easy now”. 
He could see the strain on your face, the pellets of sweat sticking to your hairline as you used as much strength as you could, hoisting yourself up and onto the horse. You’d let out a strangled groan as you got situated.
Once he knew that you were on, he hopped up, grabbing the reins and digging his heels into Shimmer’s body, spurring her into a run, his motivation to get back to Jackson making his heart race. 
The only solace that Joel took from not being able to see you from the position he was in, was that he could feel you gripping him from behind, your arms latching around his waist, your cheek flush with his back.
He could feel your chest rising and falling against him and his pulse softened, knowing that you were still fighting, still holding on for him. 
He had pushed Shimmer to her limits, getting you both back to Jackson in record time. The sequence of events that followed had been a blur to him.
The gates had opened immediately, the guards recognizing him even in the dusk.
He remembered screaming his throat raw, begging someone for help as he carried you into town and to the doctor.
He’d watched on, helplessly, as they quickly began working on you. Blood and cloth blurred his vision, making his stomach twist with queasiness.
He had to leave the room, too overcome with emotion and nausea to be of any help to you. 
When he stepped outside of the small makeshift clinic, the frigid air pierced his lungs, drawing out a long and aching breath, striking him so sharply that he stumbled forward.
He had gripped a wooden post for support, digging his palms into it for purchase, closing his eyes.
He tried to get a handle on his breathing, but it was no use. He felt the bile creeping higher in his throat, until he couldn’t hold back anymore.
It poured out of him, leaving his mouth dry and his head spinning. It was a visceral reaction, his worry over you, over what he had let happen. 
He cursed Tommy for entrusting him with you, something so precious. He knew things could have turned out worse, and he was glad that they hadn’t been, but he couldn’t get over how bad they were right now.
How shaken to his core he was that he had allowed this to happen at all.
Joel couldn’t stand to be there anymore, just on the other side of the door that led to you, powerless while the doctor patched you up. So, he did the one thing he had always been good at, he left. 
Snow crunched underneath his boots, growing louder in his ears as he walked away from the clinic. He thought that a drink might help calm his nerves.
A part of his brain wanted to forget that this day had ever happened, and another part told him that no amount of alcohol would repair the guilt that was nestled snuggly in his gut. But he could try. 
Joel didn’t know how long he had been at the Tipsy Bison, he had lost track of time after the third or fourth whiskey. He blew out a shaky breath, letting a hand drift over his haggard features.
He had been running on adrenaline the whole day and now he was crashing, feeling the exhaustion settle deep in his bones.
But he couldn’t rest, he didn’t deserve to, not when he didn’t know if you had made it or not. 
A jolt of horror shot through his body, making his stomach twist in knots. What if you hadn’t made it? He licked his dry lips, closing his eyes as he felt a prick form behind his eyes. 
Joel was startled by a firm hand on his shoulder. He twisted slightly to see who it was, his face dropping further when he saw that it was Tommy.
He didn’t have to look at his brother for long to get a read on his expression. What he was thinking.
He was pissed and rightfully so. He had failed you and now he was waiting for Tommy to lay into him, chastise him for being so fucking stupid. 
“She’s askin’ for ya”, Tommy said, keeping his voice soft. 
Joel turned around in his seat fully to look at Tommy, surprised that he had gotten to his feet so fast. He snorted out a laugh, seeing the fucking relief that was surely on Joel’s face.
Tommy clapped his shoulder again, almost to stabilize him. Joel couldn’t look his brother in the eye, guilt bubbling and breaking the surface, making his skin sting. 
“‘M sorry”, he mumbled, “I should’ve been there, I should’ve gotten to her quicker, I shoulda done something”. 
Tommy shook his head, “You couldn’t’ve known that would happen, Joel. So stop blaming yourself”. 
Joel scratched at his facial hair, running his hand along his jaw, pondering Tommy’s words. 
He continued, “You protected her with your life, brother. I couldn’t ask for more than that”. 
Joel felt emotion clog his throat. Tommy wasn’t angry with him like he suspected he would be, he was grateful even. Something unfamiliar unfurled in his stomach, something that felt like acceptance. 
A long beat stretched between them, “Go see her”, Tommy finally said, a smile pulling at his lips. 
He led Joel out of the bar, leading him back to the clinic to go see you. Tommy stopped short of the door, motioning for him to continue without him. Joel nodded curtly, slipping past and entering the small, single-room cabin. 
Tentatively, Joel inched closer to the bed that you were in, walking on the balls of his feet, uncertain if you were awake or not. You were lying down, stretched out with your back to him, He sat on the edge of the bed, seeing you turn toward him, a grin on your face as you looked at him. Joel’s face heated under your gaze.
He didn’t deserve that smile, he thought, but he would take it anyway, if you were willing to give it to a man like him. He reached out, stroking your face softly with the back of his fingers. 
“Hey, darlin’, how ya feelin’?”, his voice was throaty, raw. 
His heart hammered below the surface as your eyes locked with his, pining him to where he sat. He didn’t want to breathe too loudly or make any sudden movements, too afraid that he would break the spell. 
“Better now”, you croaked. 
Everything collapsed at once inside of him; his resolve, his strength, his pride. He couldn’t fight it any longer, how fucking happy he was that you were still here, still with him. 
“What’re you smiling at, hm?”, you asked, arching a brow. 
Joel shook his head, his explanation dying on his tongue. He had never been one to lose his words but right now, being so close to you, he wasn’t sure he knew how to speak anymore.
Your hand wrapped around his wrist, pulling him back to the moment. Your hand was freezing as it touched his skin but he didn’t mind. 
His smile disappeared as your eyes scanned his face, “I’m so fuckin’ sorry—”, he started, but you shook your head. 
“It was my fault, Joel. Don’t you dare apologize for my fucking mistake. I won’t hear it”, you said, your tone firm. 
Joel wanted to argue, to tell you that it was his fault but he didn’t have the heart, not when you were only just beginning to heal up, still looking weak and pale.
He could wait for another day to have it out with you. He just nodded instead, and you hummed, content with him seemingly letting it go for now. 
Your hand was still on his wrist and he felt a strange sense of calm. 
“Come ‘er”, you whispered, tugging on his wrist lightly. 
He wasn’t sure what was happening until your lips were on his, soft, pliant, and full. The kiss was sweet but it only lasted a minute. He pulled back, his brows furrowed in confusion. 
“Thank you”, you said, eyes shining as the light hit them, making them more beautiful than he thought was possible. 
He nodded quickly, head still spinning from kissing you. It had been a thank-you kiss and he shouldn’t think more of it.
But goddamn it, he wanted more. He wasn’t mad or upset that you had kissed him, honestly, he had been meaning to do it for months now.
If a kiss filled with gratitude for saving your life was all that he could get, he would accept that, he didn’t want to push his luck. 
You noticed the uneasy look on his face, shifting in the bed and using your dwindling strength to sit up.
Now you were the one with creased brows, your eyes darting over his face, trying to find your answer. Realization struck your features. 
“If I made you uncomfortable, I’m sorry, Joel. I just didn’t know how else to say it”. 
Joel felt like a jackass, that wasn’t what he meant at all. 
“That’s not— that’s not it, darlin’. I just didn’t think you’d want to kiss an old man like me”. 
His chuckle was thick with depreciation, but you just shook your head, eyes gleaming with something he didn’t recognize. You chewed your lower lip and Joel couldn’t help but stare. 
“I’ve been meaning to do that for a while actually”, you admitted. 
Joel’s head snapped up, searching your eyes. You were sincere and he knew it. That was the confirmation that he needed, the hope that lit a flame in his chest. You wanted him too. 
A deep chortle escaped Joel’s throat, his face neutral as he leaned in closer to yours. “Then I guess we better make up for lost time then”. 
Joel pressed his lips into yours, moulding to the shape of them as he gripped your face in his large hands, letting a groan slip into your mouth. You pulled back with a giggle, fisting the hair at the base of his head.
Your smile was a thousand watts and Joel couldn’t look away. His grip on your face tightened a little more, making sure that this was really happening to him. 
He couldn’t believe it but he dove back in regardless, wanting to soak in as much of your love and light that you were willing to give to him.
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targaryenluvs · 6 months
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pairings: annie cresta x fem!reader, finnick odair x annie cresta, finnick odair x fem!reader
summary: you’d been hired to help keep annie’s home clean and to keep her company. what you didn’t expect was to fall in love with her. and to find out that she was with finnick, and annie doesn’t want to let either of you go. but you’ve found your people, and you couldn’t be happier.
warnings: cheating (annie n reader), arguments and then fluff land from there baby, kisses, wholesome moments
wordcount: 2.7k
a/n: this is my apology for the filth i’ve produced in these two months. i need to start writing fluff again, also apologies for any mistakes on annie’s story, god i need to read the books, again i hope my writing for annie is okay i rarely write for girls 😭 NOT PROOFREAD
annie hated when finnick left, he was one of the only people in her life which helped her, cared for her. he didn’t leave when she went through a lot or had an episode, he stood by her, always. but finnick has responsibilities which required him to travel, things to do. even he knew it would be hard to leave annie alone.
 so he scouted for a carer not like a child but rather a companion, a friend as well as someone who could take care of annie’s home. after a lengthy process and a million interviews, he came across you. y/n l/n, 22, born in district four and an excellent carer with reliable contacts, past experiences/jobs, and a good reputation. you were the best candidate he’d come across.
you’d visited a lot in the weeks following up to him leaving, he insisted it wouldn’t be necessary, but you figured annie would have to get used to you before actually becoming comfortable with you. so, you dropped by every day, never outstaying your welcome but bringing by food, presents and books for annie that you read to her. and little by little she began to open up to you.
finnick was rarely there, but the few times you happened to be there at the same time he was always kind to you. which wasn’t super surprising, but he was always described differently by people, charming, charismatic, a flirt. yet when he was around the people he loved he was nothing short of a gentleman, and you respected that. you respected him. not a lot of people would’ve stuck by their partner, even a friend if they were going through what annie was yet finnick remained, and not only that but he always took care of her, annie’s best interests at heart.
and over the time you first spent caring for her you realised why.
when she was in the now, she was like a breath of fresh air. she was sickeningly sweet, and good. she made you smile. when the two of you would read together, she liked to do impressions, changing her voice to portray characters. when you tended to her new garden, implemented by you, she loved to smell the fresh flowers, usually picking one out prematurely to which you’d jokingly scold her for. until she gifted the flower to you. when you’d bake/cook together she was always bound to create a mess. with flour on your aprons, and chocolate laying around you’d laugh your hearts out. which led to the first moment in which you saw her in an alternate light.
messy hair, laughing, doubling over with cramps in her stomach and her adorable nose scrunch. you couldn’t help but admire her, what you didn’t know was that she had begun to feel the same for you. for her it was your personality. you were extremely caring, and not just because it was your job. you genuinely cared for her and she could tell. one of the first things you’d always ask was if she’d eaten.
“get some food in you yet sweetheart?” you asked annie as you hung your bag up, in response she held up the bowl of soup in her hands. “good. how are you?” a thumbs up let you know. when her hair was messy and you pushed it behind her ear. her shirt was off her shoulder and you pulled it up. her sweater had some fluff on it so you’d walk over and pick it off. the little things began to add up, and annie found herself in control more often.
when she’d manage to convince you to stay the night after a marathon of books, and she’d have a nightmare of her games. she’d scream out for finnick, then you when he didn’t help her. only to find you on a chair in the corner and wide eyed as you stumbled your way to her, worry and confusion radiating off of you as you soothed her, “i’m right here an, i’m right here. you feel me? feel my hands? you’re here, in your bed. look at the clock, can you read the time for me?”
annie looked up as her breathing began to even out, “two th- thirty two.” you smiled at her as she looked up at you, slumped on her pillows, “good job sweetie. you okay? i’m right here, your right here. i promise i won’t let anything happen to you. now i’ll stay right here, go back to sleep an.” you had managed to ground her, bring her back to the now, which usually only finnick was able to do. and as her head rested, a few minutes passed.
she was asleep, yet muttering. not clearly, the only words you’d made out? i love you y/n.
she didn’t mean it right? it was just her sleeping, it wasn’t true of course. god you hoped it was true. but the second you allow yourself to dream had reality crashing down on you, your mind reminding you of a certain tall blonde victor named finnick odair. annie’s partner.
annie dreamed of you.
she rarely dreamed these days but she was glad for any dream she got. this one included herself on the beach, the sun was hanging low in the sky, soon to shy away and bring in the dark of night, but the soft orange rays had your brown skin glowing. your dark eyes shone and you looked ethereal, like a goddess. annie felt her heart in her throat, you were too good to be true. and you were looking at her with adoration in your eyes. your gaze was warm like the sun and your smile reminded her of the shining stars she loved. her hair had small seashells adorning them and you had on a flower crown she assumed she’d made. you looked perfect and annie felt guilt. she had this weird feeling when she looked at you. the one she’d only felt for finnick. she was in love.
the first time annie let slip of her secret the two of you were near the water. you’d decided to make a day of it, to get her out of the house before you decided upon what to do that night. maybe painting, stargazing, something to watch or read. “the waters a bit cold an.” you warned as she waved you off, allowing the water to cool her down. as she turned to catch a glimpse of you and potentially wet you, she froze.
the sun was hanging low in the sky, soon to shy away and bring in the dark of night, but the soft orange rays had your brown skin glowing.
deja vu overcame her and she felt it again, love.
“sweetheart? are you alright?” annie snapped out of her daydream at your question, “i’m fine, i’m fine.” and for once she meant it.
that night was the first time she kissed you.
you’d been in the living room together just talking. your arm resting on the couch, your body facing her. engaged as ever and smiling, she loved when you smiled. you looked so gorgeous and she found herself leaning in until she met you in the middle.
at first you’d pulled away and she thought you were disgusted. but you looked into her eyes and she was met with confusion, “what about finnick?” her eyes fell down to her lap in shame. “hey, i’m not trying to make you feel ashamed or anything, it’s just, don’t you love him?” annie met your eye and you saw the tears well, you placed your hand on her cheek as she sniffled, “i feel the same for him as i do for you.”
and you’d gotten closer since.
you couldn’t help but feel guilty on some days. you’d be cleaning and you’d find a gift finnick had given to annie. or a shirt of his in her drawers. but she always assured you that it was okay. you didn’t know how to feel. how would finnick feel when he came home? would he try and fire you?
you were bound to find out.
the night was storming and annie was scared. so the two of you curled up in bed together and fell asleep, annie on your chest. you rolled your head to the side and screamed. someone was in the doorway and your and annie’s throats were hurting and clinging onto eachother. “who the hell are you? get out of this house!” you screamed as annie’s arms clung to your neck.
your hands rested on her face, “hey sweetheart i’m right here. we’re gonna be fine i promise.” you kissed her on her forehead and got her back in bed before approached the door. “if you’re here to rob-” finnick stepped forwards and you stepped back and breathed out, “finnick, you’re back early.” he smiled, “and you made yourself right at home. sweetheart.” annie got out of bed and ran forwards, “finnick!” he opened his arms, “annie.” he sighed out, god he was happy to see her.
you’d never felt more awkward.
in the kitchen, making hot chocolate, you could slightly hear annie and finnick talking. her voice was meek as she explained her relationship with you. finnick was surprisingly understanding.
“i was so lonely, i’m sorry finnick. but- i really like her. she’s so sweet and she isn’t just nice because she has to be. every day she comes over and asks me if i ate. then if i haven’t we make something together. she reads to me and listens to what i have to say. sometimes she takes me out and we have a picnic. or we look at the stars. i really like her finnick, but i like you too. is that wrong?” finnick didn’t know what to say for once.
“no, it’s not annie. people can’t help what they feel. and if she’s really as amazing as you say she is then, i’ll get to her know her for you.” annie smiled and hugged him. you’d been standing in the doorway with everyone’s drinks and couldn’t help yourself from shouting out, “then what’re we?” the two of them turned around and you awkwardly smiled before approaching them, placing the tray on the table and each persons mugs on their respective coasters.
“if annie and i like eachother, and you and annie like eachother then- what?” you sat down on the other side of annie as finnick leaned back, crossing his arms and spreading his legs. “we get to know eachother. and we’ll see where we go from there.” you smiled at him before looking back at annie. “you okay sw- annie?” you saw annie visibly slump at your switch of words. “yes, i think i will be.” and the three of you drank, and ate and talked through the rest of the night, storm forgotten.
and it went on from there.
the next day you woke up with everyone laying on eachother. “anybody hungry?” finnick asked as annie nodded, “i’ll make you your favourite.” finnick and you spoke up at the same time before making eye contact. “you can-” “if you want to make it-” you sighed, “we can both?” finnick nodded as the two of you made your way to the kitchen.
“so.” you decided to make the leap and try to talk to finnick, breaking the tension. “how was your time away?” finnick smiled, “it was fine, i missed annie. i’m glad to be back.” you sighed deeply before dropping your whisk in the bowl, placing your hands on the table before turning to him. “i’m sorry finnick. i really didn’t mean to fall in love with-” you stopped yourself as he tilted his head and you slapped your hand over your mouth. “i didn’t mean that, well i did- but i didn’t.” finnicks hand reached out to stop you from rambling.
“i didn’t know you loved her. we don’t have to rush anything at all, we can just be friends. i don’t know what we are but i know you care for her. and you took care of her and i know she likes you too so i can’t stop that. i’d like to get to know you y/n.”
you grinned, “i’d like to get to know you too finnick. for real and for annie.” he smiled at you and walked over, he was even more gorgeous when you took time to take him in. dirty blonde hair, sweet green eyes and when he smiled his smile lines were on display. god he was beautiful.
“if you want to stare at me then you should maybe take a picture y/n.” you giggled before shoving his arm, “you’re very pretty honey.” he spoke as you replied, “you’re very pretty too finn and you can’t blame me.” you accusingly pointed at him and he pretended to bite it off, “i cannot believe you’re cannibal finnick.” as the two of you laughed annie stood close by, she was glad that the two of you were getting along.
mornings spent cooking breakfast together, shopping together, going out to lunch. you enjoyed their company a lot and you couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt so happy.
“blue or pink?” you asked as you held up the two sundresses as finnick and annie sat on all of yours bed.
“if i had a blue pink dress i would so wear it.” you teased as annie and finnick stared at each other. “she’s wearing blue.” finnick leaned back onto his arms as annie booped his nose. “you’re so cute.” finnick smiled at her and then annie spoke up again, “you’re so cute and even cuter in pink.” annie got up and held the dress up against you, “yup, i was right.” you laughed and kissed her on the cheek before leaving to get changed.
“she kissed me.” annie whispered as finnick got up. “she did.” she looked up at him and beamed, “she hasn’t since you got home.” finnick wrapped his arms around her, “i love you annie, and, i think i love her too. i can see why you like her so much.” you’re heart was racing a million miles and as you looked into the mirror you saw yourself in love, and for the first time, with more than one person.
the beach was calm, and the food forgotten.
you were laying in finnicks lap and annie in yours, you were a bit tired out from the day. finnick was raking his hands through your hair and you were braiding annie’s. it was so cute that if you weren’t apart of it you would’ve vomited from the cuteness overload.
“you okay?” finnick asked as you looked back up at him.
“yeah why?”
“nothing, just checking.”
you smiled up at him and he smiled back. you patted annie’s head to let her know you were going to get up. “i have something to say.” you blurted out as the pair gave you their attention, “here i go, please don’t hate me.”
you begged as annie and finnick looked at you in surprise as you began to talk, “i really like you both. i didn’t even know you could like more than one person at once. but it happened, and i don’t know why. every time i’m with you guys i feel like, nothing bad could happen to me? does that make sense? all i know is that i love you both and if you don’t feel the same then that’s totally okay and i will never bother you again i’ll probably just run far away and-” finnick surged forwards and kissed you which resulted in you freaking out and standing.
“wait you like me? i mean i knew annie did but i thought you were just tolerating me because she asked me to. or you secretly hated me or something for basically ruining your relationship and injecting myself in!” annie and finnick grabbed one hand of yours before finnick cut you off, “y/n, calm down. we’re not going anywhere, neither are you. i love you too, we both do.” your eyes widened at his words. “you do? you do!” you squealed as you hugged the two of them, “i’m sorry. i just, i’m glad. what does- what are we?”
annie grinned, “we can be whatever we want to be.” and as the three of you packed up and walked home you knew this was right where you wanted to be, with them.
“i think i know what you guys are to me at least.” finnick smiled, “oh?” you beamed at the two of them as you made your way inside and collapsed on the couch. your legs were slung over finnicks lap and your head on annie’s shoulder. “now what are we to you sweetie?” annie questioned.
“my people.”
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endthedream · 7 months
impress him
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pairing: kindergarten teacher!sunoo x kindergarten teacher!y/n (she/her)
summary: Having a crush isn’t easy, especially when he has a naturally flirty personality. But luckily you have friend that has a great plan on how to impress your crush and get him to like you back.
words: 6.7k
story color: dark orange
warnings: mention of dead parents (very short and quick tho)
note: a little cute story for you :) I’m actually quite happy with how it turned out and I hope you like it too!!!!
masterlist of ‘enhypen as jobs’
You can’t remember when or how you developed a crush on him. It all happened quickly, like a train passing by on a rainy day. With one blink of your eyes, one beat of your heart, one breath in your lungs, suddenly all you could think about was him. Night and day, first thing when you wake up in the morning and last thing when you fall asleep late at night. Your mind is filled with him, his smile, his laugh, his eyes, his mouth.
And watching him right now sitting at a table with two of your other colleagues, laughing and talking, drives a knife right through your heart, twists it and leaves you bleeding.
Sunoo has always had a flirty personality, compliments flying left and right when you spend time with him. It’s part of him to wink at everyone after saying yet another flirty comment, or placing his hand on peoples’ shoulders when he laughs. And you know he never means it serious. That’s just the way he is, the way he always has been. But it bothers you, because you don’t know what it means when he does those things with you. You don’t know if he sees you as just a friend, or more. You don’t even know if he could ever consider you as anything more than what you already are.
“Maybe you should stop staring at him because it’s slowly getting creepy.”, Jungwon, another one of your colleagues and your closest friends, says with a teasing grin on his face. He knows about your crush, because while you succeed in hiding it from Sunoo, everyone else in your life has guessed it after just spending a few hours with you. “I still don’t get why you don’t just go and confess to him.”
“Because…”, you answer, a sigh escaping your lips as you divert your gaze away from your crush and look at your friend instead. “The possibility of him rejecting me is pretty high. And we work together, every single day. I don’t want it to get awkward or make him feel uncomfortable.”
“Did you ever think about the possibility of him returning your feelings?” A laugh bubbles out of your throat after your friends’ question. Of course, you have. You have thought about Sunoo liking you back, but you quickly threw those thoughts away. Never has he shown any signs of feeling the same thing. He has always treated you the way he treats everyone else as well, there is nothing special there. And yet you still get your hopes up every single time he looks at you.
“Yeah, no. Jungwon I don’t think he likes me back.” Your friend blows out a breath before taking his phone out, typing furiously. “What are you doing?”
“I am searching for something.” A few seconds pass with your friends’ eyes skipping over his phone, typing every now and then before scrolling again. You wait patiently, stabbing at the food on your plate every now and then, eyes drifting to a certain someone more times than you want to admit. It’s hard not to look at him, to get engrossed with him. He is so captivating, his beauty lighting up the whole room. He has a presence that shines brighter than the sun. “There you go.”
Jungwon lays his phone down on the table, turning it around so you can see the things he has typed down in his notes. “How to impress your crush. Really, Jungwon? This is what you wrote down for the past few minutes?”
“This is a good plan, Y/n. You want Sunoo to like you, don’t you?” You nod your head carefully, eyes flickering to said boy just to see him already looking at you. He shows you one of his bright smiles, before looking at the people sitting at his table again. “Then just follow these steps and I promise you, by the end of the month Sunoo is going to be madly in love with you.”
1. Learn your crushes interests
Breathe in, breathe out, you repeat to yourself as you enter the kindergarten you work in. Just breathe and everything will be alright. But as soon as you see Sunoo sitting at a table with two children, your mind already begins to panic again. Seeing Sunoo with little kids has never been easy to you, melting at the gentle way he was playing with them. The children look up to him, idolize him, obsess over him. You get them, honestly, because you aren’t any different.
Jungwon and you spent the last two days gathering information on Sunoos interests, thinking of any possible way of engaging in those interests, figuring out how to approach him without being too obvious.
Upon seeing you, a bright smile appears on the boy’s face. Sunoo makes a move to stand up, to greet you, but the small child in front of him pulls him down again, complaining about not being done playing the game with him. You just show him an understanding smile, before putting your things down and starting to prepare breakfast for the kids.
“You need help with that?”, you hear a voice behind you, startling you out of your thoughts. You look up to see Sunoo standing beside you, gentle smile on his face.
“Oh, yeah, sure. You can cut the carrots if you want to.” He nods happily, grabbing a knife and doing your assignments immediately. Your gaze shifts to him every now and then, your head spinning with possible topics to start a conversation between the two of you. But every time you open your mouth to say something, your body stops you and you end up biting the words on your tongue.
“You look really tired today.”, Sunoo says, breaking the silence between the two of you. “I don’t mean that in a mean way, you still look beautiful, Y/n. I just want to ask if everything’s okay?”
Your cheeks turn into a faded shade of crimson, and you have to tell yourself to keep calm, before answering his question. “Yeah, uhm, I’m fine. I just stayed up the whole night watching a K-Drama and didn’t get much sleep.”
“A K-Drama?” A gasp escapes the boys’ lips, and his wide eyes look excitedly into yours. You smile at him, mimicking his excitement. “I love K-Dramas. I always watch them; I mean there is not a day going by where I am not watching one. What did you watch yesterday?”
“I finished watching 21st century girl.” Another gasp leaves Sunoos’ lips and you can’t help the chuckle that escapes you this time, enjoying his reactions.
“How did you like it? I cried my eyes out when I first watched it. I mean, I always cry whenever I watch it.”
“Yeah, I cried too. That’s another reason why I couldn’t sleep last night. I just kept on thinking about it and whenever I did the tears just streamed down my face. I couldn’t even stop it anymore.” Sunoo laughs slightly, nodding his head at your words.
“Yeah, I get what you mean. I’ve been there too. Do you watch a lot of K-Dramas or is it something you recently started doing?” A bright smile lights up your face. He is asking you questions about yourself. He is actually showing interest in you. Maybe Jungwons’ plan wasn’t so bad after all.
“Honestly, I just started getting into it. I’m currently trying to get through all the ones available on Netflix and I am honestly starting to get obsessed. Like what are they putting into those shows to make them so addicting?”
“Yeah, right? It’s like once you started watching K-Dramas, you can’t escape them anymore.” Sunoo turns his body to you after cutting the last carrot, hip leaning against the counter. “If you want to, I can make you a list with good ones to watch. I think I am an expert at this point, judging by the number of dramas I watched so far.”
“Oh, yeah that would be so nice of you, Sunoo.”, you tell him honestly. Your eyes meet his for a second, but you can’t face him for a long time. He stands so close to you, eyes not leaving your face for a second. It makes you flustered, lets you feel exposed under his burning gaze. That’s the effect he has on you. It’s easy for him to get you flustered, make you a stuttering self-conscious mess.
“I will get to it as soon as I’m home, I promise.”
There is a process between you and Sunoo, it’s small, but it’s there. Every break the two of you sit together, talking about one of the dramas he recommended, gossiping about characters and philosophizing about the deeper meanings, the hidden messages. You laugh, you smile, you grow. But it is still not enough, not enough to confess, and not enough to know if he feels the same about you.
But luckily you overheard a conversation Sunoo had with one of the other colleagues, talking about foods, snacks, desserts. So, it really wasn’t a surprise that you showed up the next day with his favorite ice cream in your back.
“Is that mint chocolate ice cream?” You smile at Sunoos question, seeing that your plan succeeded. You turn around to him, ice cream still in your hand, cocking your head at the boy in front of you.
“Yeah. Why? Do you also like it?”
“Like it? That doesn’t even come close. I love it.” He shows you a bright smile, eyes gleaming like those of a little child in a toy shop. “I didn’t think I would meet another person that likes mint chocolate. Every single one of my friends hates it. They make fun of me all the time for eating it.”
“Doesn’t sound like your friends have taste, because mint chocolate is an amazing flavor.” Sunoo nods in agreement, softly laughing at your statement. “I guess I found myself a new person to share this ice cream with. I can never finish this whole bowl by myself.” Taking out two spoons, you reach your arm out to offer him one of them. He happily takes it, sitting down right beside you, so close you almost forget how to breathe for a few seconds.
“I guess I found myself a new favorite colleague.”
2. Engage in more conversations
You curse under your breath as you read Jungwons’ message telling you the next step of your plan. Until now Sunoo started almost all the conversations with you. It isn’t like you don’t want to talk to him, there is nothing you want more, you just don’t know how. As soon as you stand in front of him, looking into his beautiful eyes, hearing his breathtaking voice, your brain stops working, your mouth loses the ability to form sentences and your breath only comes in rapid hiccups. It’s embarrassing, awkward, humiliating. That’s why you have been avoiding starting any conversation, but there is no way around it anymore. If you really want him to like you, to be intrigued by you, you have to make more first steps. This being the first one.
“Y/n, you came” Sunoo exclaims as he sees you enter the apartment of one of his friends. Two days ago, you found out that Sunoo and Jungwon have a shared friend named Jake, and that said friend just moved into town a few days prior. Jake decided to throw a little party for him and his friends, asking them to invite them their friends as well. Jungwon immediately sent you a text, informing you of the party and asking you to tag along with him. At first you were opposed, not being the type to go to parties or even socialize with anyone that wasn’t in your close friend group, but when Jungwon told you that Sunoo was also going to be there, you immediately agreed to come with him.
“Hey Sunoo.” You ignore Jungwons teasing chuckle behind you at the crack of your voice and show Sunoo a charming smile instead. “You look great.”
“Thank you, Y/n, that’s so nice of you.” Sunoos’ smile turns your stomach around, shakes it and drops it to the floor. Fogginess covers your brain, and you have to blink a few times to make sure you don’t drift back into the awkwardness you adapt as a habit whenever Sunoo speaks to you. “How about I show you around a bit? Jake is busy trying to figure out how to open a Champagne bottle, so we have some time before he will want to meet you.”
You nod at him, smiling brightly, and nervously taking his outstretched hand. You almost forgot Jungwon was still standing behind you, but quickly get reminded as he gives you a small nudge in Sunoos’ direction, making you stumble forward. Giving Jungwon a stern, but yet slightly appreciative look for bringing your back into reality, you follow Sunoo around the apartment. He shows you the bedroom, the bathroom, living room, kitchen and lastly the balcony. It’s where the two of you stop, taking in the view of the bright stars in the night sky.
“I used to always watch the stars with my mom.”, you start speaking, gathering all your nerves before continuing with your story. “My mom was obsessed with stars, their alignments, their meanings. She would tell me about all the constellations. When my dad passed away, she would always tell me that he is up there now, in the stars. That he is the brightest star in the night sky, watching over us every single hour of the day, even when we can’t see him. I would spend hours staring up at the stars, talking to the brightest one thinking it was my dad. I told him about my day, my thoughts, my worries and dreams.” Sunoo listens to you attentively, eyes never leaving your face while yours are focused at the million little lights shining in the sky.
“I really thought it was real, you know. I still think so. Every now and then I still talk to him, to his star, and I tell him about my life.” You smile to yourself, searching for the star in the sky and when you find it, you can’t help the sigh of relief escaping your lips. “I believe it because when my mom passed away a few years later, a star appeared right beside the one of my dad. I like to think that it’s them, watching over me. That even death couldn’t bring them apart.”
“Wow.”, Sunoo says, eyes not being able to leave your face. He can’t help the emotions he is feeling, sadness, grief, compassion, admiration. “Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with me. And I believe so too.” Sunoo scoots a bit closer to you, following your gaze up into the sky. “I think they are watching over you right now and I think that they are proud of the person you became, proud of every single thing you achieved so far.”
You smile softly, swallowing the tears that threaten to fall down on your cheeks. “Thank you, Sunoo. God, this means so much to me.” But before any of you can say anything a voice calls out to Sunoo, asking him to come in again.
“Guess Jake needs my help. Sorry we have to cut this short, but I really enjoyed spending more time with you, Y/n. I feel like I learn something new about you every single day.”
“No, Dylan. It’s not nice to take away someone else’s toy. How would you feel if someone took away your teddy bear?” The little boy in front of you sniffles a few times, wiping his eyes as small little tears roll down his cheek. This was the fourth time that he was taking away other kids toys and no matter how often you tell him to stop it, trying to get him to understand that it hurts the other children when he does that, he never seems to understand it. And while you know such behavior is a call for attention, it still frustrates you to tell him the same thing over and over again.
“You wouldn’t like that as well, right? That’s why you shouldn’t do it to the other children here as well. They want to play with the toys just as much as you do.” The little boy seems to only cry harder as your words, and you feel the patience running out of your system. Watching the whole encounter from further away, Sunoo sees you struggling. He sees that you need help.
“Dylan, come here.” The little boy waddles over to Sunoo, taking a seat on the older boys’ lap, looking at him with his big doe eyes. “You know what happens when you take someone’s toy away?” The little boy shakes his head. “It hurts the other person’s feelings. You take away something that brought them a lot of joy, and for a moment you take that joy away. That isn’t nice, is it?”
Sunoo gently wipes away his tears, showing him a soft encouraging smile. “Next time instead of stealing a toy from somehow, how about you ask them if you can have that toy? And if they say no, you can either wait until they are done playing with that toy, or you can ask them if they have another toy you can play with until they are done. How does that sound? Is that a good compromise?” Dylan nods his head, a small smile appearing on the boy’s face. “Thank you for listening and thank you for agreeing to the compromise. You can go back to playing now.”
You shake your head as you step closer to Sunoo. It never fails to impress you just how good Sunoo is with kids, always knowing the right things to say, always having a solution to every problem. “How are you so good with kids? Do you have younger siblings? A niece? A nephew?”
Sunoo chuckles at your words, shrugging his shoulders. “Nope, I have an older sister. That’s it.” He stands up again, dusting off his pants. “I guess I’ve just always been good with kids. I always wanted to work with them, and of course have some when I’m older.”
“You are going to be an amazing dad.” Those words slip out of your mouth before you can stop them, and as soon as they are out in the open, you drop your head in your hands with a groan, too embarrassed to look at the boy in front of you.
“Hey, no need to be embarrassed about your words.” Sunoo lays a comforting hand on your shoulder, not knowing that his touch is making it worse for you. “I really appreciate your words. You don’t know how much they mean to me.”
You just nod at him, head still buried in your hands, waiting for the blood that rushed into your cheeks to fade again. “Y/n.”, he calls out your name, lifting your head with his fingers, so you can’t do anything but to look at him. “I think that you are going to be an amazing mother as well.”
3. Make them laugh
Humor hasn’t been your greatest strength so far. You have always been too awkward to perform a joke with confidence, to make the whole room laugh or even slightly snicker at things you say. Jungwon swears you are one of the funniest people he has ever met, you think that he is biased and that it doesn’t count since he is your close friend and Sunoo is your crush. You could never joke with Sunoo the way you do with him.
Jungwon also told you to maybe search up a few jokes you think Sunoo would like and drop them at a random- fitting- time. You emphasized that it wouldn’t end well, that you would turn the situation awkward, the way you always do. But Jungwon just said to be confident, to trust in yourself and the process you made so far with Sunoo. Easier said than done, because while you stand beside him in the kitchen of the kindergarten, preparing their lunch, you find no right way to tell any of the jokes you spent hours trying to remember the whole night.
“You want to hear a joke?” Stupid. That was definitely the worst approach for this. Straight up asking him wasn’t what you had in mind, not at all. You wanted to be smooth about it, waiting for the right time. But as the right time never came, you got nervous. And the more nervous you get, the more likely you forget every piece of information in your head, including the jokes.
“Sure, why not? I always like a good joke.”
“I can’t promise you it’s good. All I can tell you is that they made me chuckle.” Sunoo turns his body to you, a sign you learned that shows you he is putting all his attention on you. You take a deep breath, wiping your sweaty hands on your pants. “How do you make an eggroll? You push it.”
Silence. Gruesome silence fills the space for a few seconds, and you know this was it. You just ripped apart the small chance you had with Sunoo, with one joke. Everything you worked on for the past weeks, you just tossed out of the window in not even ten seconds. You make yourself ready to dig a grave and bury yourself deep in it, never ever showing your face to anyone again. But before you can do that, a laugh tumbles out of the boy’s throat. An actual laugh, and it grows the more time passes. All you can do is watch him with wide eyes and mouth hung open.
Sunoo holds his stomach, wiping his eyes as he still laughs at your joke. “That was the worst joke I’ve ever heard.” He still lets out a few giggles, tipping his head back. Sunoo takes a few breaths, trying to calm himself down before facing you again. “Please tell me you have more of those jokes.”
You nod at him, still not processing the scene in front of you. But when you realize Sunoo is watching you with expecting eyes, you snap yourself out of your haze, telling him another joke you learned. “What do lawyers wear to court? Lawsuits.” And yet again the boy in front of you breaks out into another fit of laughter, but this time you join in, slightly chuckling at your own joke.
It has become a thing between the two of you. Whenever Sunoo needed to hear a joke, he would ask you to tell him one and proceed to laugh at it just the way he did the first time. Your confidence grew the more jokes you told, getting bolder and bolder with them. And Sunoo seems to love it, since he searches for you more often the past few days.
“I had the worst day.”, he says after the last parent left the kindergarten with their child. “First of all, I overslept today, and came way too late as you probably noticed. Then, as a punishment I got assigned to clean pretty much everything, but guess what, three children decided to throw up today and I had to clean it up. And to top that, I just got into an argument with a parent, because apparently their child isn’t getting educated probably in this kindergarten? Like excuse me, we are a kindergarten not a school. Your children aren’t here to learn math or geometry, they are here to play, make friends and prepare themselves for school.”
Sunoo drops his head on your shoulder. He has also been getting bolder when it comes to initiating physical touch with you. He is a very touchy person, you’ve seen it with his other friends, but noticing that he is adapting those same habits with you only shows you the progress you have been making. “I really, really need to hear one of your jokes right now.”
You smile at him, softly patting his head, but putting your hand down quickly after again. You have to hold yourself back from not engaging in those small touches, not wanting to overwhelm him or overstep any of his boundaries. “Okay, let me think about one.” Sunoo lifts his head again, looking at you with waiting eyes. “Why didn’t Han Solo enjoy his steak dinner? It was Chewie.”
And this moment right there, this short, sweet moment, is your favorite part. The moment when you can hear the soft sound of Sunoos’ laughter, the sweet melody filling your ears, warming you with the soft touch of joy. You can’t get enough of his laughter, wanting to hear it every single second of the day.
“How can you get better with every joke you are telling?”, he speaks between laughter, shaking his head in disbelief. “Oh, Y/n, you really do make my days so much better.”
4. Make subtle hints
After all those weeks, engaging into more conversations with Sunoo, getting to know him more and making him laugh countless times, you feel a lot more confident about the next step than you thought you would. Making hints, showing him, you are interested in him, doesn’t seem so frightening anymore. It suddenly seems so easy, as if you have been doing it all along already.
“I told you that you can do it.”, Jungwon exclaims, a bit too loudly, catching the looks of a few people around you in the small café the two of you decided to meet up. “I told you the list was going to work.”
“Hold your horses.”, you say, shaking your head at the boy in front of you. “Yes, we did grow closer, but nothing happened as well. I still don’t know if Sunoo likes me, or if he just thinks we are friends. I can’t be sure until he has told me.”
“You can be so stupid sometimes.” You frown at the words of your friend, not knowing what he means with that statement. “Come on, everyone can see from miles away how Sunoo is pinning over you. It’s extremely obvious.”
“You are reaching with that, Jungwon.” You can’t help but roll your eyes at him. Normally you appreciate Jungwon for feeding into your delusions, supporting your wishes, and routing for you and Sunoo, but with the real progress you made lately, this isn’t something you want to hear anymore. You want the truth, the honest truth. You don’t want the mindless support anymore; you want him to keep it real with you. “If he likes me back, I would have noticed that by now. And I haven’t. He isn’t even showing me any signs. Sunoo is treating me like he is treating his close friends.”
“You are so blind.” Ignoring that last comment, you take a bite of your cake, sighing at the familiar taste. “I still wish you luck with this step, Y/n. Let’s pray and hope you won’t embarrass yourself too much and ruin the chance you have with him.”
Sunoo smiles at you as he watches you enter the room again after leaving to put a band aid on a girl’s finger. It’s a Friday afternoon, twenty minutes before the parents are going to pick up their children. And you think it’s the perfect time to shoot your shot, to make the first move subtly hinting your crush to Sunoo.
“What are your plans for this fine Friday afternoon?”, you ask Sunoo as you both start packing your bags, ready to head home. “I planned on spending the night on the couch, watch one of the dramas you recommended to me earlier and enjoy a nice bowl of mint chocolate ice cream. And I thought that maybe you would like to join me?” Your heart is racing faster than a car on the highway, ringing loudly through your ears.
“That sounds like an amazing plan to spend the night.”, Sunoo says and for a moment you think he will take up on your offer, but when you see the sad smile on his face, you brace yourself for rejection. “I would love nothing more than to join you tonight, but I promised Jake I would hang out with him tonight. Him and his girlfriend broke up recently and he really needs some distraction.”
“Oh.”, you say, nodding your head at him. “Yeah, no, I totally understand that. I hope Jake feels better soon. You are a great friend for being there for him in such a time.”
Sunoo sighs at your words, ruffling his hair softly. “How about we do that next weekend? I am free then.”
“Next weekend? Yeah, of course. We can do that.” Hope fills your veins again, spreading through your whole body. And you forget the disappointment that lingered inside you just a moment ago.
“Great. Then that’s a date.”
Sitting beside Sunoo on your couch, in your apartment, in front of your tv, is definitely something that will take you a while to get used to. It’s so foreign seeing him in sweatpants, his hair falling softly onto his forehead and his face rid of any makeup. You swallow the lump in your throat and force your gaze away from him and back to the drama on the tv.
“God, they are so cute.”, Sunoo says after a while, watching the couple in the drama hold hands for the first time, shy and flustered. “This is the kind of love I want; you know? It’s so sweet and innocent. It’s so pure.”
You smile at his words, nodding your head softly, agreeing with his statement. “Yeah, me too. I love how soft dramas portray love. It’s so different from American dramas.”
“Yeah, I agree.” Sunoos’ eyes are trained to the tv, immersed into every single detail, not wanting to miss even a second. “This is the kind of love I want to give as well. I know I’m capable of this, but I just have to find the right person.”
“I think you would be an amazing boyfriend.”, you tell him, honestly. “The person who will call you their boyfriend in the future will be the luckiest person on this planet to have scored someone so kind and compassionate as you. Everyone deserves a Sunoo in their lives.” This is probably the boldest thing you said to him. And you are not sure where it came from, how you got the confidence to say what you said. But Sunoo seems to appreciate your words, showing you the softest, sweetest, smile he has ever given you. And you swear, you even see a faint hint of blush on his cheeks.
5. Be yourself
Be yourself.
Be yourself.
Be yourself.
You keep on repeating to yourself. This has to be the hardest step yet. You don’t know how to be yourself. You don’t even know how you are if you are being honest with yourself.
You don’t know how you want to live, how to find your flaws and your strengths, how to build up a security in yourself. How can you be yourself when you don’t even know yourself? Does Sunoo know who you are? You have been getting closer, opened up to each other, shared secrets in the whisper of the night, wishes as the gloomy sun filled up the sky with its light. But does he know you? Does he know what you are, who you are, where you are?
How can he know it when you don’t?
It’s been bothering you, day and night, robbing you from your sleep and stealing your appetite. You can’t stop thinking, obsessing. But no matter how much time you invest into thinking, you never seem to be getting an answer.
But spending so much time thinking also meant you started distancing yourself. Especially from Sunoo. You don’t know how you can engage in the last step, to ask him out, if you don’t know the simple answer to who you are. You think that Sunoo deserves a securer version of you, the person who knows what she wants, knows where her strengths lie. He doesn’t deserve the insecure, overthinking version of yourself that you are right now. So, you thought it would be for the best if you just distanced yourself from him, at least until you figured everything out.
But Sunoo doesn’t like that at all. He started worrying about you, but every time he tried asking you, you dodged him. And while he wants to give you your space, he can’t stop himself from worrying even more. Has he done something wrong? Did he say anything, do anything, that hurt you, that made you distance yourself from him?
He can’t take it anymore. He can’t keep watching you from a distance, hoping you would just tell him what’s wrong. He needs answers, and he needs them now. So, when the last parent leaves, Sunoo grabs your arm and pulls you into the break room.
“I know you probably need your space right now and the last thing you want is to talk to me, but I can’t take this anymore. Can you please just tell me what I did wrong for you to completely pull away from me? Did I hurt you?”
“Oh, God, Sunoo. No, you didn’t.” You shake your head hastily. When you started taking some space from Sunoo, all you thought about was getting a clear mind space first, getting answers before confessing to him. But you never thought of how Sunoo might feel. It didn’t cross your mind once that he could think it is his fault, that he would care so much. “Please don’t worry. This has nothing to do with you. I’m just not in the right mind, and I have a lot to think about.”
“Well, but it feels like it has to do with me, because you are normal with everyone else. You talk to all the colleagues the way you normally do, but it is me that you act different with.” You sigh as you hear his words, not ready for this conversation. This is the last thing you wanted to do today, not prepared for what is about to come. You didn’t think of the right words, the heartfelt message, the longing feelings.
“I can’t talk about this right now, Sunoo. If you just give me a bit more time, a few more days, then we can talk about all this.” But Sunoo isn’t listening to you, he just shakes his head, a long sigh slipping past the boy’s lips.
“But I can’t wait a few more days, Y/n. It’s already been days. I want to know now. It’s keeping me up at night, it’s driving me crazy. It hurts my heart just thinking about the possibility that I might have hurt you, drove you away. Please, just tell me. Whatever it is, I swear we can fix this. You have become such an important person in my life, I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you, Y/n.”
“I like you.” The words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them. “I like you, Sunoo. I have for a while now. And I was trying to think of a way to confess to you, a way to find myself, to give you the best version of myself.”
“That’s it?”, Sunoo chuckles, shoulders lifting, and face overcome with amusement. “That’s why you have been avoiding me?” You nod your head carefully, scared of his next words. “I knew, Y/n. I’ve known it for a while now.”
“You knew?”, you ask him, eyes bulging out of your head.
“Yeah, I mean you haven’t been subtle about it. Especially lately. Don’t think I didn’t notice you picking up my interests, talking more to me and flirting with me.” You look to the floor, embarrassment evident on your face. This is it, your end, your misery. This is the part where you will get the rejection of your life. This is the part where you have to quit your job, because you will never be able to face Sunoo ever again in your life. You wait for it. You wait for the bomb to drop on you, to rip open your heart, to put a knife in it and twist it until it bleeds out. But it never comes. The bomb never explodes, and the knife never enters your heart. “I mean why else do you think I have been flirting back, engaging in all your little tries?”
“What?” Is all that leaves your mouth.
“Yeah, I like you back, Y/n. I have for the longest time. And I was so happy when you showed interest in me. I was always too shy to make a move on you, scared you would reject me. But when you started staring at me more, and when I noticed how you completely changed how you approach me, I knew that you like me back. That’s why I have been so bold as well. I thought that if I touch you more, or invite you to more hangouts, you will get the hints, but apparently that didn’t work out as planned.”
“You like me back?”
Sunoo laughs at your words, nodding his head and gently taking one of your hands in his, giving it a soft squeeze. “Yes, I like you back.” You just stare at him, not believing the words leaving his mouth. You followed this whole plan, for weeks, just to find out that Sunoo liked you all along. It’s almost funny, and you almost laugh at how absurd this all his. But you don’t because you remember that you still haven’t really said anything to him. “Aren’t you going to ask me out?”
“Yes, sorry, yes. I’m sorry, I’m still processing your words.” Taking a few breaths, you can’t fight the smile on your lips as you look at your intertwined hands. “Sunoo, would you like to go on an official date with me?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
“I still can’t believe the two of you actually ended up with each other. I still remember Sunoo going on and on about his crush on Y/n.”, Jake says, making you all laugh softly at his words.
“I always knew.”, Jungwon turns in, making you look at him with confusion in your eyes. “I saw the way they looked at each other when the other one wasn’t watching, and I just knew they liked each other. And I overheard Sunoo talking to Jake about his crush on Y/n.”
“Wait, what?”, you exclaim, voice raising in more confusion. “You knew this the whole time? You knew Sunoo liked me and you didn’t tell me? You knew he liked me, and you still let me follow that stupid five step plan that YOU made for me?”
“Yep.”, Jungwon proudly says, showing you one of his wide grins.
“But why?”
“Wouldn’t it have been too easy if I just told you? I wanted to see you try, see you get out of your comfort zone. And I also wanted to have my own fun and believe me when I say I thoroughly enjoyed watching you get frustrated over every single little thing you said to Sunoo.” You gape at your friend, not believing the absurdity of this situation. But before you can complain to him, voice your anger at your friend’s disappointment in your suffering, he speaks up again. “But it worked, didn’t it? It took you longer, but it still worked out in the end.”
And you can’t disagree with him. Because it did work out. And you know it every single time you look at the boy who’s holding you in his arms. You know it from one single look that it worked out, that it was meant to be. And he knows it too, feels to, sees it every day.
It’s the kind of love he always wanted, the kind of love he dreamt of having, the kind of love he sees in all the dramas he watches. And now he has it. Now he has finally found his one person, the one person he always talked about.
He has found his soulmate, his love, his forever. Just like in the dramas. Only that it is so much better.
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lordsukunas · 3 months
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tldr: suguru as a child/early teenager and his journey as a sorcerer after he meets you, his new neighbor.
cw: mentions of vomiting, not in-depth. not edited, not beta-read, rushed, and possibly ooc suguru. gender neutral and sorcerer!reader.
a/n: sigh... i’m so tired. probably when i wake up i’ll actually edit it, but i just needed to get something out, so maybe consider this a lil teaser...? i might make a second part expanding on how he ends up going to jjt n then whenever he defects, but im absolutely exhausted rn. exams have been kicking my ass </3 + im going to a festival so this might not be edited for a lil while longer. sorry yall!
a part of me thinks suguru would live in some small, unknown little town. the people are closed-minded, content with the life they’ve built for themselves, and they don’t want it to change. if you’re born there, it’s hard to get out, especially with such few opportunities. it’s a town meant to keep aspiring little doves caged within its walls.
so imagine some six, maybe seven year-old boy going around saying he sees monsters sometimes. of course, the first conclusion any adult would reach is that the poor thing is having nightmares. he’ll grow out of it — all of them do.
but suguru doesn’t.
he’s afraid to sleep at night, and despite his parents’ pleas for him to sleep in their bed, he says that he can’t. “what if you get hurt too?”
they end up having to sneak melatonin in his dinner to get him to sleep at night.
when he turns eleven, he gets a grasp on his technique. he has to eat the monsters, consume them so that they don’t go out and hurt anyone else. that’s easy enough, right?
for the first few weeks, he vomits. they taste disgusting, like dried, crusty rags used to clean up puke and shit. but he has to do it, he has to! otherwise, who’s going to keep his innocent parents safe?
so he keeps going. exorcise, consume, puke. exorcise, consume, puke. exorcise, consume, puke.
exorcise and consume.
then, at age twelve, you come along.
you’re like the sun peeking through the dark clouds after days full of rain and thunder. a breath of fresh air, a sugary treat to balance out the saltiness of this shitty town.
you move into the once abandoned house right beside his, a radiant smile on your face and eyes twinkling with determination.
beautiful, perfect, normal.
the two of you click almost instantly, although suguru’s a little reluctant at first — what if you think he’s weird? his parents and teachers say he’s a bit troubled, nosy neighbors joke that he’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic, and bored grandmas claim he’s been touched by the devil. despite their rumors, despite suguru’s reputation, despite the fact you two are polar opposites, you don’t avoid him. in fact, it’s like those things just entice you even more.
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the fear in your voice catches him off-guard, and he stops walking. your hand grips the hem of his jacket, and your finger slowly raises to point towards the corner.
“what is that?”
it’s a crude thing. skin a dingy shade of purple, stubby limbs twisted and contorted into impossible angles, and jagged yellow teeth that poke past its thin, cracked lips.
that’s when he realizes it: you can see them too.
he’s not alone. finally, fucking finally, suguru geto is not alone.
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by thirteen, you and suguru are attached at the hip. there’s not a day where the two of you don’t see each other, even when you get grounded for accidentally breaking a bathroom stall trying to exorcise a curse.
they’re so ungrateful.
he’s tainted your image. you were once normal, the cute neighbor nextdoor, but now you’re best friends with suguru, the pretty boy with the strange bangs and broken mind.
you don’t care though, and he loves that you never have.
nothing can separate you. you go to school together, take the same classes (thanks to suguru modifying his schedule), walk home together, exorcise curses together.
you’re all he needs, and he’s all you need. you’re the only ones who understand each other on a fundamental level, who know each other inside and out, down to the very last atom in your bodies.
with you, he’s sure that he can snap the chain and leave this place, to soar so high in the sky that there’s nothing and no one left but you and him.
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you hand suguru his slushie, and he takes a long sip, letting the sugar-filled drink wash away the lingering taste of today’s curse.
“sometimes, i think we’re kinda like batman and superman.”
suguru can’t help but scoff. “us? you think we’re superheroes?” how unsurprisingly childish of you.
you nod, snapping your kit-kat bar in half and taking a bite out of it. “yeah, dude! we fight alien bad guys with our superpowers. pretty cool, right?”
he leans back, legs spread and an arm resting on the back of the bench. “sure, but they always get rewarded for saving the day. what do we get?” he doesn’t wait for your answer. “nothing.”
a small frown flits across your typically cheerful features, and suguru wishes he could shove his words back into his mouth and down his throat.
“mm... i think we get stuff. we get to see our parents safe, and even if no one else here really likes us, they’re safe thanks to us, too.” the toe of your shoe traces shapes into the pavement. “we’re the only ones that can do this, suguru. it’s our duty.”
right. duty.
suguru hums, but you can’t tell whether it’s in agreement or not. you decide that it doesn’t matter, that he’s just thinking like always.
“wish i was rich, though," you joke and pop the rest of your little kit-kat stick into your mouth.
after a moment, he shakes his head and takes a sip of his bright purple drink. “me too.”
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moondustpugh · 4 months
High Infidelity
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Did you really have to chart the constellations in his eyes? Did you really have to tell him how he brought you back to life?
Author's Note: Babe by Taylor Swift, High Infidelity by Taylor Swift, Illicit Affairs by Taylor Swift, My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift, Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift. I don't know... I don't know... I don't know. My mind is all over the place the past week and needed to write this down for some distraction. I don't know... I never done a back to back series nor have written something like this, so yeah. Forgive me for all the trigger warnings. Everything is all so crazy. This is a very very hard thing to write because of past emotional abuse experiences in real life that still terrorizes me and maybe it's a letter for the past experience to let it go.
Disclaimer: 18+, emotional abuse, mention of harming, infidelity
(Please, please don't read this if it triggers you. I need you all to think hard about it before reading this one. This is a bit of a dark fic).
Wordcount: 3.2K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - epilogue
“Late again?” 
Your boyfriend, Eli, asked you the moment you entered the flat. You were kicking off your shoes by the front door, eyes full of exhaustion as you sighed. He was by the kitchen heating up some leftovers. You didn’t exactly understand how it was “late” because technically it was only 9pm.
“Yeah, the event went pretty late.” You replied.
You technically left the event early knowing that Eli would start asking where you were. That was how he was these days. Keeping count of everything you did.
You were technically not an official assistant in the team. You just started this job, and it was more of a paid internship that you applied to because you needed the money, and it paid really well. You worked for Joseph Quinn’s team. A British actor who got pushed into the limelight too fast after his appearance in Stranger Things.
Joe was nice. His team was nice and very organized and all you had to do was bring Joe’s things, get coffee, and help his team organize whatever they needed for Joe. 
That was all. 
Nothing too complicated.
Nothing for you to really complain about nor do something that could ruin this whole internship that you applied for. 
Well, at least that was what you thought. 
“That’s a nice dress.” Eli stepped out of the kitchen, his eyes studying you as he ate a piece of chicken. 
For some reason, his eyes studying you like that made you feel angry and annoyed. It wasn’t like he was doing anything to you, but the tone of his voice was making you feel annoyed. 
“Thanks. I’ll go freshen up.” You gave him a small smile, giving him a quick peck on the lips before heading down the hall. 
“I’m sure many men were staring at you tonight.” Eli added his little comment that made you stop halfway from your steps and looked over your shoulder.
“I was just doing my job, assisting.” You reassured him before continuing down the hall and into your bedroom.
You weren’t going to lie. Your relationship with Eli for the past two years has been rough. He was constantly jealous, constantly making rude comments about what you wear and how you wore your makeup to the point where you had stopped putting makeup on. You had changed your whole closet to just jeans, t-shirt or jumpers. You changed your whole style and personality because you didn’t want any trouble from Eli. You didn’t want to disappoint him. 
However, this new job of yours came with the responsibility of dressing up and wearing makeup when you accompany Joe through the many events or movie premieres. That made Eli squirm even more for the last four months whenever you came home wearing a nice dress and nice makeup. He would comment how the dress was too short or the dress was too revealing. 
“I wore a jacket, don’t worry.” You would tell him. 
“Next time, pick one that isn’t so revealing.” Eli would scoff. “You’re mine. You don’t need other men looking at you.” 
You could feel the love in your relationship was slowly fading, and you didn’t know how to get out of it. You were too scared to do something about it. Terrified even what he could react or say towards this decision of yours if you ever decided to cut this off. Eli had been very aggressive towards his words to you and sometimes, even if he wouldn’t say something, you could see the disappointment all over his face. You were a people pleaser, and you were the kind of person who didn’t want any trouble, so you tried to give what he wanted most of the time.
It made you hide inside yourself even more. It made you feel insecure. It made you terrified of every decision you made because you didn’t want to upset him. You didn’t want to see that reaction on his face even if his lips were saying something else. It made you feel like you were walking on broken glass every time. 
Sliding yourself under the covers next to Eli that night, you saw his eyes studying you the moment you entered the room and brushed your hair in front of your vanity. His eyes never left you until you laid next to him. He immediately moved himself close to you and pulled you in his arms, hugging you from behind. 
“So, how many more events do you have to go to?” He asked.
You sighed, closing your eyes. Eli was never interested in your job. You knew he was asking about it, so he knew what he was expecting. By that, it meant he would be monitoring the outfits that you would wear and the people that would be around you in that event.
“Not sure.” You murmured. “I’ll let you know once my supervisor lets me know.”
Eli lets out a soft hum and kisses you on your cheek before turning you to face him and kisses you roughly on the lips, towering over you. For a second, you went with it and kissed him back, pushing your body against his and letting him have what he wanted. He lets his soft fingers slide the strap of your tank top, kissing your bare shoulder. His lips found the skin of your neck as he softly sucked onto the skin, a small gasp escaping your lips.
“Babe.” You whispered, slowly pulling away. “I’m tired. I’m early tomorrow.”
Eli sighed, letting himself laid back down on the bed next to you. 
“You’re always tired.” He argued. “The last time we had sex was last week.”
“I’m sorry, I’m just tired today, and I have to get up early tomorrow.” You turned your back on him, closing your eyes. 
“Right.” Eli said sarcastically, getting up from the bed.
You looked over your shoulder, sitting up on the bed as he made his way towards the door.
“No, c’mon. Don’t be so upset.” You said.
You could see it all over his eyes that was getting upset, and you knew if you didn’t do something about this, he wouldn’t talk to you for the next two days. He would make up an excuse that he was busy and that he would be with his friends. 
“Come here.” You reached your hand out to him as he paused in his tracks and stared at your hand. 
He gave you a small smile and walked towards the side of your bed, taking your hand in his as he kissed you hungrily and towered over you on the bed. You let him touch you in all the ways he wanted to, but you just felt numb. You couldn’t breathe as you stared into the white ceiling and kissed him back softly, letting his fingers brush against your burning skin. You felt disassociated as he kissed you hungrily and pushed himself inside of you. 
You felt nothing but disgusted with yourself for being so weak.  
That was how you have been feeling lately with your relationship. You felt trapped and you felt like a chain has been around your neck lately, and Eli was pulling it every chance he got. 
“Hey, could you go to the coffee shop down the block to get everyone coffee?” Alex, Joe’s manager, asked, interrupting your thoughts the next day. 
“Uh…sure.” Alex handed you a piece of paper with everyone’s orders. 
Your job was always simple but as time went on, your interaction with certain people became more frequent. In the beginning, Joe couldn’t even look at you nor acknowledge you that much unless he was thanking you for bringing him the things he needed. Then, Alex and his team had gotten busier that the things in your list were starting to add up. Part of your job has been added to “make sure Joe is in this place at a certain time,” or “make sure Joe wears this suit instead of this.”
Then, there was the chore that Alex would give you to make sure that his collar, tie or buttons on his shirt was perfect before he stepped out of the red carpet. 
“Do you enjoy your job?” Joe had asked you that one time when you had sat on the sofa of his dressing room, waiting for the rest of his team to arrive. 
“Sure.” Your voice almost sounded so monotone that Joe couldn’t even believe your answer. 
He sat there and tilted his head at you, one brow raised and waited for your real answer. You let out a deep breath, closing the magazine that you were reading and set it back on the table.
“I guess it’s okay. Couldn’t complain.” You shrugged.
Joe let out a soft understanding hum and focused his attention back to his phone, scrolling his time away. He was getting ready for his movie premiere, and you were there to make sure that everything he needed was there. That he looked perfect right before he stepped out of the red carpet.
Not that you hated your job but sometimes, it could get so repetitive that you looked bored after the events. The rest of Joe’s team would go and prepare whatever they needed to, and you would just make sure Joe was fine. That he didn’t need anything. 
“Here.” Joe handed you a glass of martini at the after party of the premiere.
“No, thanks. I’m technically still working.” 
“And looked bored.” Joe’s face was a little too close to yours as he whispered those words.
You hesitated, your eyes scanning the room trying to look for a sign of Alex. Joe couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head.
“They went home. So, technically you’re the only one left here.” Joe answered the question that you were asking in your head. “C’mon. You deserve it for working so hard all the time.”
Pursing your lips, you stared at the glass that Joe was holding before finally taking it from his hand and taking a sip of it. Joe smiled and took a sip of his own drink, his eyes scanning the room before falling back to you.
“Are you usually this quiet?” Joe asked.
“I’m just doing my job.” You answered, a small smile creeping up on Joe’s face. “I don’t want to interrupt anyone.”
“You’re not interrupting me.” Joe smiled, taking another sip of his drink.
You could tell he already had a few drinks before this conversation. You continued to drink the glass of martini in your hand and didn’t reply a word to what Joe said. You could tell the alcohol was making him a little bolder, and he was trying to flirt. You didn’t want to step into any boundaries because first of all, it was inappropriate, and you didn’t want to lose this job either.
“So, how long have you been here in London?” Joe asked.
“About two years.” Your answers were plain and simple as Joe continued to play 20 questions with you. 
By the end of the night, you both seemed to open up to each other a little bit more, and you were able to learn Joe more personally. The thing was that you didn’t realize that night was going to be a start of something new between you and him because ever since that event, Joe’s attention was on you most of the time. He would gaze down at you and give you small smiles, while you would fix his collar or tie before he stepped out onto the red carpet.
Then, during after parties, you would be left to babysit Joe, and you would notice how his eyes would catch your eyes across the room. You sat in the corner and minded your own business, your focus on your phone. However, Joe would walk towards you and catch your attention.
“Wanna dance?” Joe held out his hand.
You bit your lower lip and said, “I don’t dance, sorry.”
Joe sighed and sat next to you, his eyes lingering on the screen of your work phone. 
“Whatever Alex is telling you to do can wait ‘til tomorrow.” 
“That’s easy for you to say. You don’t have a full to-do list.”
Joe laughed softly, raising his brow at you. “A full to-do list? I’m the one who has to stand in front of those cameras and do the interviews, remember?”
Joe had a point. 
Though, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “True.” 
You and Joe would talk for the rest of the night. You both would laugh and tease each other. You both would start talking about personal things, and he somehow was able to understand you well. It made your heart swell a little bit. 
It wasn’t right that you felt this way towards Joe because you were in a relationship. You could just easily let Joe know that you weren’t single and that whatever flirty tricks he was trying to do to you, it wouldn’t work. However, you kept dancing around that subject. You didn’t bother bringing that subject up and towards the end of the night, you both would start flirting a little bit more. Besides the fact that you were in a relationship, you also didn’t want to do anything unprofessional or inappropriate because at the end of the night, you were technically still working for Joe’s team and Joe. So, you tried your best not to lead him on. 
That was until you had come home one night and found Eli waiting for you in the living room. You arrived home half an hour past nine, and he already looked upset the moment you had stepped inside the flat. 
“Where have you been?” Eli’s tone of voice wasn’t what you liked at all. 
“I’m sorry, I had to finish some things. I texted you I was going to be late.” You explained.
“No, you didn’t.” Eli argued.
“Yes, I did. Didn’t you get my message?” You knitted your brows, making sure your voice was calm because you didn’t want to upset him even more.
You watched Eli pick up his phone from the coffee table and looked down at it and let out a deep breath.
“You know, maybe you should look for another job if they keep making you stay up this late.” 
You slid your coat off and hung it on the coat hanger and said, “It’s only 9:30. It’s not that late, Eli.”
You heard Eli scoff and shook his head. “So, you'd rather be with them than with me?”
You were confused. 
Where did that subject came from?
You didn’t understand why Eli was acting like this. Shouldn’t he be more supportive about your career? Didn’t you tell him that you needed this job because you needed the money? What else did you have to say or do to make sure he would stop this jealousy thing because it was making you so exhausted.
“I… I didn’t say that.” You murmured.
“Maybe you just don’t love me the way I love you. Just tell me, and it’s fine. I’ll happily go.” Eli shrugged, looking down at the floor.
You walked towards him, taking his hands in yours. The guilt inside of you brewed in your stomach but at the same time, you wanted to vomit. 
“I do love you. I told you that, remember? I love you.”
You felt nothing.
“Then, find another job… for me.” Eli looked into your eyes.
“I… I can’t. It’s hard to look for another job out there and this pays me well, while I’m able to learn the entertainment industry. You know how much I want a career in that industry.”
Eli’s eyes suddenly turned glum again. He slid his hands away from yours and exhaled sharply. 
“Why would you even want to be in that industry? So you could be naked and show everyone that?” 
You couldn’t understand what he was saying. You couldn't understand why he was acting like this.  
“You know that’s not true!” You argued.
You were exhausted from explaining yourself over and over again, and he just didn’t believe you. You felt like whatever you did was never enough for him. Tears started welling up in your eyes as you watched Eli grab his car keys.
“Wh…Where are you going?” Your voice stuttered, terrified of what he might do.
“Obviously, you don’t love me. I mean… no one loves me, so what’s the point, right?”
You grabbed his hand, trying to take the keys away, but he had his hand in a fist as he tried to slide his hand away from your grip.
“No, stop! Please.” You begged, tears rolling down your cheeks. “Don’t do this.”
“If you love me, you’d do this for me.” Eli replied, his eyes hardened as he stared at you.
You didn’t say a word because what he was asking of you was impossible. You already had lost yourself and your dignity. Your job at the moment was the only thing that you have that could maybe help you get back up again. After a few seconds of not replying, Eli pulled his wrist away from your grip, shaking his head.
“If you find me dead on the road then that’s on you.” He stated before walking out the front door. 
“Eli!” You cried out, running out the door, but it was too late as he had already gotten in the car and drove off.
Going back inside the flat, you laid on your bed that night, sobbing and questioning as to how you have gotten yourself into this situation. Questioning every decision you made as to why you were too weak to break this off. 
What if you break this thing off, and Eli would actually harm himself? It would be all your fault like he said. What if no one could love you after this? What about the happy memories that the two of you had at the beginning? What if you would regret it at the end for letting him go? You knew you were the only one that he had left in his life. You couldn’t do that to him either. You couldn’t easily just get out. 
You were trapped. 
Around midnight, Eli had come back home. You weren’t asleep when he had entered the bedroom, but you had your eyes closed. How could you sleep after tonight? How were you able to have a peace of mind if he was out there? How would you know that he didn’t do anything to himself? It would be all your fault if something happened to him. 
You just couldn’t shut your mouth and agreed with what he was asking, couldn’t you? 
Feeling his arms wrapped around your torso, you felt him nuzzling your hair. You didn’t move. You couldn’t move. You knew he wasn’t going to apologize, so you didn’t try to hope for that. Eventually, he had fallen asleep, holding you that night. A tear rolled down your cheek as you covered your mouth with the palm of your hand to block out your sobs, so he wouldn’t wake up. 
At this point, you didn’t know who you were anymore. 
You just felt numb and lost, choking in your own tears. 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @browneyes8288 @bylermaxmayfield @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf
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turquoizxe · 1 year
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Hobart “Hobie” Brown x Spider!Fem!Reader
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Author’s Note: I just want to sincerely apologize for the delay in this post, as I have been traveling out of my hometown the past few days. However, my favorite punk is still my current brain rot lmao. The second installation is already in progress, and hopefully as I have planned, it will be out by the date I posted below( after the conclusion of the first chapter). Thank you all for for love you showed on the series announcement! As I have stated in my earlier post, I haven’t written a fan fiction in over two years, dealing with school and other things in life. Please express your thoughts throughout the series and comment! I was a little nervous because I’ve never written anyone from the UK, especially with such a thick accent. Please, share your thoughts. Thank you for your understanding, and you may begin reading.
With Love,
— Turquoizxe.
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Installation (1/5) : ‘Dodgy’ 
Rating ― Mature (17+)
➝ Hobie has been distancing himself quite a bit lately. You feel froggy enough to follow him and enter the world, to what is known to be the Spiderverse. He seems to enjoy your brave gesture, but he quickly realizes why you weren’t invited to join the club.
𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 ―fluff, heavily plot based, meeting existing ATSV Characters…
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ― ATSV SPOILERS! Minor use of language and swearing, romantic tension, minor acts of violence, Hobie’s teasing, Miguel being himself, Beef w/ Jessica Drew…
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 ― 3.6k
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Dodgy;  can be a synonym for dangerous, bad or untrustworthy
As much as you kept to yourself, it was hard to imagine that you would make any friends outside of your suite mates. Your eyes were always harassing a piece of literature, involved in extracurricular activities, and keeping track of random facts no one would need in their everyday lives. Nothing short of the perfect student.
"[Name], this is the fifth time you’ve been in my office in two weeks-”
“Okay, four if you don’t count the rant about my psychology professor.”
You were always an academic achiever, graduating with honors and holding the title of salutatorian in your class. Being accepted into your dream school, earning enough scholarships to cover most of your tuition.
Yet, here you were, looking for ways to save your grades with finals around the corner. Had it been a year ago, you wouldn’t have to worry. That was until you were bit by a radioactive spider the one time you decided to skip studying and attend the most underwhelming frat party that your suite was raving about.
“You’re on the verge of losing your scholarships. $25,000 a year on the line, and you tell me all the time about how hard to your parents are working to cover the rest of your tuition.”
And you knew you couldn’t afford to stay if you didn’t work your ass off to pull through. You didn’t think being spider-woman could be so stressful. Patrols have gotten more hectic, and the late nights have been affecting your attention span in class, and even less energy to do your work. It felt so easy in the beginning, and everything was good until it wasn’t.
You felt a sting on your cheek, your tears sliding past your injury from patrol, and you felt yourself become small as you placed your face in your hands, wondering how something you’ve worked so hard for is a letter grade away from being lost.
Your counselor heaves a heavy sigh, sliding tissues across their desk to you. In just a few weeks you went from acquaintances to friends.
“Look, you’re a great kid, we didn’t have this issue your freshmen year. I know it only gets tougher from here, but you can’t fight this on your own. It’s never too late to accept help.” They started typing on their computer, ringing up your transcript and current grades for the semester. A sudden swish of wind flows through the office, following the trills of birds off in the distance your counselor scoffs at the noise and walks over to close the window. They return back to their seat, muttering intelligible, the only word you could pick up, ‘spiderwoman’.
“What about spiderwoman?”
“Oh! I just kinda thought how weird it was for another spiderman to show up when we already have a hero. Funny, I didn’t know there could be multip-”
“There’s a spider-man?”
You stammered. You felt a heat in your body, another superhero here that you weren’t even sure about.
“As much as you know about everything, I thought you would hear about the spotting of a spider-man in the city. They seem to stick close to campus.”
“Any proof?”
“No. Just words, but if there’s one spider-person, why not two?”
You could feel your blood course through your veins from the new information. It was just you, unless your old mentor, Peter, came to visit. You were knocked out of your thoughts when your name was called.
“As of now, you have a 2.0,″ your counselor stated. “Your classes seem more work oriented, and out of your five classes, you only have two finals.”
You slowly looked up from your lap.
“I’ve read the syllabus, taken notes of what to study for and what to work on. It’s just-”, you stammer, not able to give them the honest truth.
“See? You already took the steps to better yourself, don’t stress, and pace yourself, you have a month left kid.”
You let out a small chuckle. More than 20 missing assignments shouldn’t be too bad to juggle, right?
You were lying to yourself, you were going to suffer, but for a positive outcome, you didn’t mind. You got yourself together, sniffling softly as you packed your things.
“I don’t wanna kick you out, but I do have to meet with the Dean-”
“You mean your lov-”
You were cut short by a small stuffed animal flying towards you, your reflexes doing you justice before the soft material made contact with your face, slamming the door, gaining a small audience as eyes turned to you.
“Sorry everyone.”
Now, for the real fun to begin, you can at least spend some time with a special someone before your academic weapon tendencies are in full force.
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The night you met him, it felt like one of those nightmares that would be impossible to wake from. To you, it was a dream.
His aura, and appearance on that stage. You were enamored with his attitude. His thick accent, strumming his guitar as his eyes bored into yours. This was one of the few times you didn’t mind that you skipped class for.
After the concert, you went to refill your water bottle before your walk back to your apartment in the damning heat. You saw him, drenched in sweat, guitar on his back, hunched over, and visibly upset that the water fountain was not doing it’s job. He looks in your direction, his expression making you anxious. Yet, you were still willing to help. You essentially escorted him to your dorm, where the water system was in a decent condition. He had pretty strong opinions about the education system and society in general, though you did appreciate his intellect.
“It’s a load of tosh for ya’ to pay so much for a piece of rubbish.” 
The ways he seemed so sure of himself more often than not made you intrigued, and he was more than happy to indulge you, being nearly distracted from the fact that Satan decided to sit his bare ass cheeks on the Earth that day. He gave you his number, and from then on, he would come see you whenever you both had the time, which was rough, considering the current mess that was your life. He was the only person you felt cared enough to step you out of your comfort zone. 
The night walks on campus, your medusa piercing that he compliments all the time.
“It accentuates your features. Peng ting you are, yeah?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, a deep chuckle erupting from his throat
“Means you’re hot.”
He gets it. He gets you. And sometimes, you thought that maybe what you were feeling would never go away when you’re with him. Your hangouts were more often casual, leading to more intimate moments, mentioning him to your family, and him teaching you how to play his guitar. You began to feel it linger, when you knew you both didn’t want to say goodnight.
The immediate thought of it also breaks you.
You’ve felt that he’s been dodging you and your attempts to reach out as of late. It’s been weeks since you’ve last seen Hobie, and this time, he initiates to meet. It’s late in the night, and he’s late. You couldn’t remember the last time you were this mad at him, or if you ever got upset with him at all. You didn’t like how he started to drift away with no explanation, and instead of anger, you were filled with worry, wondering if the time you were spending together was beginning to put a strain on him. You paced around your living room, muttering words and contemplating sending an annoyingly long paragraph of a text that would make it seem like you were dumping him.
“S’mitten for me, are you love?”
You looked up at your window, the tall brit leaning on the emergency stairs, making himself at home as you pulled away.
“In your dreams, Brown.”
He walks up to you, his lanky frame hovering over you so expectantly. You looked down at your feet, almost embarrassed of your newfound feelings, and you feel even more giddy when he stands close to you. He knew that you liked him, but teasing you was his second favorite pastime besides hanging out with you. You walked away to your kitchen, grabbing an energy drink for the both of you. Silence did not exist when you were together, and the awkwardness of it all was not helping. He bit his lip, his teeth caught in his piercing. He knew he was in trouble.
“I know you’re upset.”
“Hobs, you were supposed to be here 2 hours ago, I understand being busy but I thought you were seriously hurt or something”, you exclaimed, turning away from him. Showing up late was a recurring issue with him, and you’ve had just about enough.
“Oh don’t get cheeky now. You’ve been neglectin’ your studies. A bit daft if you ask me.”
You’re eye twitched at his use of his slang, sometimes you didn’t always need him to explain to know that what he was saying had negative connotations.
“That’s none of your concern, it’s you I’m worried about.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he smirks. There wouldn’t be a point in arguing with him about this, handing him his drink, turning on your television, starting the episode of your favorite series where you had both left off.
You sat farther away from him than usual, occasionally glancing in his direction, and unfortunately, he was staring right back at you, even more intense.
“I don’t bite, unless ya’ ask,” he teases, softly patting a seat closer to him, and you oblige. It wasn’t like you weren’t happy to see him, and he chuckles at your annoyed compliance. It was becoming an awkward staring contest, and you quickly lost track of the media playing on your screen. You open your mouth, just out of curiosity.
“So, how’s life treating you?”
“Fighting fascists, new piercings, performin’, ” he looks over to you, taking another sip of his drink, awaiting for a life update on your part. You bit your lip, anxiety getting the best of you. Despite the closer proximity, you still felt to far away from him. He sighs, using his leg to move your body to face him. You quiver, tears threatening to spill from your face once again, but you still looked up.
He looked at you, seeming nonchalant, but you still felt the worry in his aura.
“I know you want me to squash it, but it’s obvious s’omething bigger is bothering you,” he softly speaks, his thumb circling into your knee. “You act as if you’re scared of somethin’— of someone.”
Hobie scoots closer to you, using guiding your chin to make you look at him directly for the first time tonight.
“Talk t’me.”
You shake away from him, that feeling in the pit of your stomach only becoming more intense.
“I can’t tell you everything, Hobs.”
“But you can tell me anythin’, yeah?”
You look up, his face was close to you now, not realizing that you were nothing leaning into each other the more you spoke. His hand, slowly sliding to your hips, slowly stroking your stretch marks that your shirt wasn’t covering. You looked into his eyes, a small smile showing.
“There she is,” he exaggerates, giving you a soft squeeze, and you let out a giggle. The moment was yet again, cut short by that annoying ass beep from his wristwatch, that has interrupted your meaningful conversations countless times. Hobie curses from under his breath, backing away from you, the light illuminating his flawless features. And just like that, the moment has passed. His eyes look up to you, disproval in your expression, and you knew what was coming next, so you did it for him.
“Just go.”
Hobie let out a deep sigh before apologizing for what felt like the thousandth time, knowing he would do this the next time you make an attempt to make time for each other.
But this time, you were going to figure out why.
As soon as he had left, your senses went off. And this was the last time you were going to ignore them.
You had quickly went off into your room after he left, frantically throwing around your belongings to find your suit before Hobie got too far from you. You had followed him, all the way to an one of the abandoned buildings on campus that was currently under renovation. You stood behind a slab of concrete, peeking from the side, watching as he walked through a portal as if it were just another day.
But you saw, and now you knew. Your suspicions proved you right once again.
You flicked your wrist, webbing into the portal before it closed in on you.
And now, there you were, caught by Hobie after catching your ankle so you wouldn’t plunge to certain death after following him through his portal, seeking nothing but a dark abyss before you, seeming bottomless.
You turned towards him, a smirk plastered across his face.
“I fuckin’ knew it.”
You webbed free from his grip, finding ground. You looked at his appearance, and now you knew why he wore such familiar colors. Your suit hugged your body, adorned in your favorite colors, riddled with black accents. Hobie looked you up and down, whistling in admiration, while you took in your surroundings. HQ did not look like this at all when you first arrived.
“Place look familiar?”
You had brushed yourself off, taking in the countless people that had suits similar to yours. The unique design of the interior, and many, many, familiar faces.
“The Spiderverse.”
“Hey I call it the same thing!”
You turned in the direction of the speaker, a young boy standing in front of you. He had a black suit, red accents riddled across, two other spider men following behind you, staring at you in admiration.
“I’m Miles!”
You were still floored by all that had occurred in just a few moments. Slowly, you raised your hand, waving to the kid, smiling at him.
“Hi Miles, I’m [Name].”
“Oh, Hobie! Did we get a new recruit?”
A spider woman in a white suit walked up behind him, her pink hair flowing, and eyes that could manipulate a way to your heart.
“I’m Gwen, and this one here Is Pavitr!” Both greet themselves which such joy to see you. You almost felt as if you were back home, introducing yourself to who seemed to be Hobie’s colleagues. You expected him to be upset with you for following him, or keeping your identity as spiderwoman a secret, or vice versa. Yet, he’s seeing you in a new light, a personality that didn’t exist in your world. You would only ever smile like this if it was truly something or someone you cared about. You both would know that.
“Alright kids, follow me!”
The voice felt all too familiar, the oozing confidence in her demands making you cringe instantly, and you turn to see no other than Jessica Drew herself. You stared blankly, a sigh of irritation, your bubbly personality disappearing almost instantly.
She started at you, her face turning into a small scowl before turning back around, motioning the group of teens to follow her, but not before throwing a day pass in your direction. It was hard for them to pay attention when they were too focused on your sudden change of demeanor. Hobie walked beside you, brushing against your hand to catch your attention.
“What’s the tea with you two, ey?”
Your side eye is critical when you look towards him, signaling that you didn’t want to talk about it. He grunts before shrugging it off, still walking close to you. You watched Miles as he introduced himself to everyone, completely enamored with his surroundings. All that you could conclude from this, is that he was new. But while he was looking at everyone else, they were all looking at you. You heard the mutters and whispers amongst them as the HQ went into a deafening silence. You could feel Hobie’s gaze on you, sliding his arm around your waist for comfort.
“Piss off. Go back to what you were doin’.”
Quickly, they did what they were told, but you could still hear the voices of some conversing about you. And Hobie could hear it too.
“I didn’t think they’d let her come back.”
“Maybe they caught her sneaking in, they did say she never gave her watch back.”
He looks to your side, still silent as he watches your body tense up from their words. Maybe he wasn’t the only one acting dodgy.
You look ahead, looking at the lair that belongs to the man you used to call your boss. You felt Hobie release his grip from you to catch up with Miles, watching closely as he walked around him, fidgeting with materials and grabbing small objects. The young teen seemed stressed about something, making you just as anxious. You heard him expressing his frustrations about not having a watch, Hobie suggesting to Miles that he make his own.
You had forgotten how big this room was, and you wished it was longer by the time you got to the main event. He descended from his pad, multiple screens could be seen, one of which you could see showed your last conversation with Hobie at your apartment. Miles and Gwen walked up to him, Miles eager to introduce himself, holding a small box of food. Hobie held you back, watching you stare at the sight before you in amazement.
The moment quickly dissipated once you saw the Miguel everyone knew, his violence showing its face rather quickly, throwing an item in Miles direction. With quick reaction, your web caught onto the object, throwing it to a forgotten corner, showing yourself to him. He chuckled, his expression gleamed with frustrations and anger.
“I knew you would be here.”
“Your favorite disappointment could never miss out on a good time.”
Glaring at one another, everyone could feel the tension, so thick it was possible to cut it with a knife. Hobie watched from afar, reading for whatever should come next. That is until you felt the joyous cries of a child, turning to see a grown man in a pink robe. Instantly, you felt a wave of tears washing over you, Peter calling your name as soon as you ran into his arms.
“I missed you kid.”
Miles shared the excitement, walking up to Peter, also capturing him in an embrace. Miles looked at you in awe once more, wondering how you knew him.
“He was my mentor.”
“That’s crazy, me too!”
You heard Miguel groan, echoing throughout the room, Peter ignoring him, and telling you and Miles to do the same. You once again here the coos of a child, looking in the direction, a baby crawling across the wall. You excitedly exclaim with Miles, “You had a baby!”
Peter laughs sheepishly, yelling for his daughter, telling her to make sure she kept her day pass on, clearly in her own world.
Once again, the atmosphere changed dramatically, Miguel stepping down from his pad, Miles following, both engaging in a rather lengthy conversation about canon events. That’s when you started to shake, Gwen and Hobie looking at you with worry. Still, you held your ground, listening to Miguel explain the Spiderverse to Miles, the timelines, and the unfortunate events that occurs to just about every Spider-person. You saw the young teen grow anxious, beginning to mention his dad, and how he becomes captain in just a few days. Miles grows impatient and restless, and arguing that he shouldn’t sit here and let his father die. Miles looked to his colleagues, searching for confirmation. They all looked away, proving the timeline to be correct. Miguel turns toward you, motioning Miles to look in your direction.
“Your friend here believed the same thing.”
You felt everyone’s eyes on you, feeling as small as Miguel once made you feel. You looked at Miles, ready to hang onto every word you as you began to open your mouth to speak, but you looked away.
“Go on, tell him, [Name].”
You sucked up your sniffles, having to relive that memory constantly felt dehumanizing.
“I….I had a friend, who believed the same thing you did. She wanted to be able to save her parents, to be able to do both, and live the perfect life.”
You felt your chest tighten, yet urged yourself to continue.
“I ended up getting her killed, and destroyed her Universe.”
You heard Miles let out a gasp, you looked to Hobie, his eyes wide, and you couldn’t decipher his emotion. Miles turned back to Miguel, demanding that he be returned home. He refused, locking him in. They had all began to walk away, apologizing that it had to end like this. Well, not on your watch, but it seems that Hobie beat you to it.
A flash of light, knocking everything and everyone on their ass, you chuckled at the gesture. Miles was still in shock, quickly recovering, running off into the headquarters. Miguel runs after the kid, everyone following behind. You felt a arm wrap around your waist, a portal opening. Before pulling you both through, Hobie declaring his standing with the league.
“And for the record, I quit.”
You were back in the comfort of your own home, dressed in your lounge clothes, while your suit in the washer. Hobie had flew you home, as there was no reason to hide it anymore. Now, it was an uncomfortable silence, the two of you haven’t spoke since you left the headquarters. Hobie was getting ready to head out, his back turned to you, but not until you made yourself clear.
“We can’t come back from this.”
You looked up, his eyes staring back at you as he turned to you. The moon illuminated his smile, responding casually.
“Maybe that’s a good thing.”
And then he was gone, and you didn’t know when he would be back.
Or if he ever would be.
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Installation (2/5) : ‘Piss Off’ — Released!
‘Just For You’ Masterlist for previous/future installations
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kakujis · 7 months
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baji vers | geto vers
synopsis: unbeknownst to you, the grave you visit everyday has been empty for years. keisuke is finally ready to come see you again.
warnings: gn!reader, vampire!baji, character death, devotion, grief and dealing with it, slightly angsty but also fluffy, pet names (baby, kitten), swearing, a little selfship coded, NOT PROOFREAD!, SFW feel free to interact but pls remember i'm an 18+ blog!
ft: vampire!baji x reader, 2.4k
network: @enchantedforest-network
an: here's baji's version!! actually, this one was supposed to come AFTER suguru's but... erm... hehe. it also was supposed to be spookier, but i am nothing but a big ole softy for my loverboy. ): happy halloween! i wanted to post it on his birfday, but i think this is more fitting! could've been longer but i just wanted to get something out LOL. thanks to nie for letting me ramble about this lil fic!!
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life is such a finicky thing. and sometimes, the time ticks by too slowly for your liking until it’s suddenly too fast, too short, too soon.
you’ve been to this grave a hundred - no maybe thousands of times, over the years. and yet, like the snowfall, your tears slip down your cheeks, hugging the warmth of your body, til they fall onto the ground disappearing into the asphalt. 
chifuyu matsuno thinks one day, he’ll beat you to it. one day he’ll be the one who arrives first, turning around with a smile and holding a bag of peyoung yakisoba. it’ll be his eyes rimmed red with hands trembling so hard that he’s sure they’ll snap. but you are always here first, almost every day for the past god knows how many years. 
every aspect of the word “first”, is what keisuke baji had embodied. first division captain, first born son, and your first love. he was rowdy, rough, sometimes a little insensitive, but at the end of it all, he was loyal. he was yours. 
“if i’m yours, then you’re mine.” he grinned, toothy, vibrant and all encompassing. his hands held yours like they were the world, and maybe, in a sense, they were. but even the world cannot last forever, the stars themselves bursting at the seams when their time has come. 
“they’re so pretty.” you told him, leaning against his shoulder, pointing up with your index finger. “don’tcha think?” 
“they’re alright,” he mumbled, but he kept his eyes upward, staring at the same stars as you. “i'd rather look at you.” 
“you’re so fucking cheesy.” you laughed, before pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. 
when stars die, they leave a beautiful supernova, an explosion of color across the galaxy, painting the universe in rich hues of color. but when baji died, you thought it was so fucking ugly. you remember throwing up the first night, your own shitty constellation within the porcelain of your toilet. 
then the world started to dim, like the world was dipped in muted shades when there used to be so much vibrance. the sun was no longer as bright and you no longer sought comfort under the moon, hiding away from even her blue light. 
if there is solace in one thing, it’s that baji was a really good liar. sure, he was different that day and sometimes had trouble looking at you, but there was nothing to suspect that he would decide to plunge in that knife and bleed out on the ground of that god forsaken junkyard. 
“i’m scared you’ll go away,” you told him one night, so desperately wishing now that you would’ve noticed the way he tensed ever so slightly. “like, one day, i’ll wake up and you’re not there anymore.” 
you remember how he leaned in, nose brushing against yours before pulling back slightly. “and where would i go that doesn’t have you in it?” he grinned, another bright fanged smile that eased every single worry out of your brain. and you decided in that moment, that keisuke was always going to be the one that held your heart in his hands. 
“marry me one day.” you replied and he laughed, before holding up his pinky to yours. “good. saying no wasn’t an option.” 
but today is not a day to be caught in memories as the sun plummets below the horizon, as the sky shifts from a pretty magenta pink to inky black. feet bouncing off the pavement, you scurry over to his grave. you chastise yourself for being late today of all days, it was his birthday. 
“sorry!” you call out as you finally make it, hands on your knees as you suck precious air back into your lungs. “sorry i’m late, kei.” 
you do the usual of pouring water onto the tombstone, before you light a candle and spread the blanket beneath you, sitting cross-legged as you pull out the contents of your bag. “i got a little something extra today,” you say, eagerly pulling out the sealed little slice of cake you got at the bakery. “okay… so it looks a little fucked, but don’t mind that.” you giggle, before sighing.
“if you were here… what would you say?” you mumble to yourself, before putting on your best keisuke voice. “hah? it’s still edible isn’t it?... or something.” you nod as if in response to him, before tearing it open and setting it down. “chifuyu saw you earlier right? did he bring you something good? oh! and, i was looking at some of the cats at the pet shop earlier, they’re no peke j but, they’re still cute, y’know?” 
you always do this. you ramble and ramble, relaying your day to him as if he’s listening intently to you. sometimes, you’ll imagine when the two of you sat in his room, his lips quirked up into a smile as he nodded and listened to you. 
“the cake is good!” you exclaim, taking a bite. it’s fluffy, creamy, and sweet, it almost masks the saltiness of your tears that seep past your lips, onto your tongue and settle on your buds. 
“fuck- sorry. sorry for crying.” you use one hand to wipe away at your tears, the other holding onto your convenient plastic fork. it’s harder to breathe now, sobs wracking your body as your mind floods with “what ifs” once again. what if you had asked him to stay with you that day? what if you tried harder? what if you had noticed something was wrong sooner? could you have done anything? and what if-
lost in your thoughts you almost miss the familiar drawl that used to set your heart and soul on fire. “still a crybaby, eh?” 
you freeze, the fall breeze caressing your cheek as you sniffle and ever so slowly, turn. you must have been hearing things, you think, as there’s nothing there but the other stone graves and the leaves on the wind. 
“maybe i am losing my fucking mind...” you mutter, taking a deep breath to calm yourself, “i should look into therapy.” 
you shake your head, a little spooked. it’s getting later by the moment, the only light nearby being the candle, a warm-orange flame surrounded by night. you lean over to blow it out, but stop, feeling that you should stay a bit longer. not only are you late, but it’s keisuke’s day, it wouldn’t be right to leave so soon. you frown, before settling back in place. 
“anyways, what was i saying?” you hum, taking another scoop of your dessert. “something-“
“something about the new cats at chifuyu’s shop right?” that familiar voice sounds again, closer this time, tickling the shell of your ear. 
you immediately jerk around and almost pass out at what you see. crouched down and smiling, that familiar wolfy grin is keisuke, looking just like you remembered. from the way his long, inky hair frames his face to the vivid carmine of his eyes, it’s keisuke. 
“hey, continue the story baby, i was listening.” he gestures to the cake on your fork, slipping off the utensil from the shakiness of your hands. “lemme have a bite?” 
you’re snapped from your stupor when he finally touches you, cold fingers lightly guiding your hand upward towards his mouth. you immediately scramble back, the cake falling onto the blanket below. 
“kitten,” he says, frowning at the mess, “y’know i hate wasting food.” the pet name almost sends you into a spiral, the way it falls off his tongue so easily, just like he always used to say it, almost like it was your name at times. 
“you’re not real.” you whisper, shaking your head slightly, the words trapped behind the door of your brain unleashing in that moment. “i’m hallucinating. i have to be.” 
he inches towards you as you continue to crawl back, back hitting the cold gray stone. keisuke leans in, snuffing out the candle between his fingers first before redirecting his attention to you. he’s so close you’re sure he can feel your breath, but the odd thing is, you can’t feel his.
“if i wasn’t real…” he starts, inching in so close your noses just barely touch, just a hair widths away, “could i do this?” he kisses you then, just barely holding back his deep fervent need to snatch you up and take you home. wherever that was. 
it’s strange, baji’s cold, nearly ice, and yet you feel the familiar rush of warmth through your veins that once bloomed so deeply in your heart, that everything suddenly does feel real. the two of you stay like that for a few moments and when he pulls away you lean in again, snatching him by the collar to press another kiss to the lips that you missed so much. 
baji’s wolfish grin plays on his face in between the kisses you continue to plant against his lips and his skin, alternating between his cheeks and jawline. “yeah, yeah, i missed you too, you big crybaby.” he laughs, cupping your face to swipe at the tears that fall freely once again. 
you whine when he forces you to pull off, bringing your hands up to his, almost as if you’re sure he’ll run off again and be gone by morning. “you’re really keisuke? …this isn’t a joke?” you shake your head as you ask, hiccuping and trying your best to heave in gulps of air. 
“yeah, it’s me.” he answers, the crinkle of his eyes never leaving. 
but you just don’t get it. how is baji here and not well, six-feet under? almost as if he can read your mind he speaks, “i’m not really sure how it happened either.” he starts, releasing you and staring down at his palms, opening and closing them, almost as if he’s also in a daze. “i shouldn’t be here, i know that. i made sure i wouldn’t and yet, i woke up not too long after that day.” he lifts his shirt up and you wince in anticipation, but there’s nothing where the old stab wound should be, like it never happened. 
hesitantly, you place your hand flat against the area, before your fingertips trace the outline where it should be. you exhale deeply before speaking again, “how come you only showed up now?” 
he gives you a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of his neck, as the hem of his shirt falls back into place. “well… i had to sort of figure things out. dunno how well received i would’ve been if i just showed up after my own funeral.” he jokes, but you glare at him. 
“do you have any idea at all how badly that fucked me up?” you ask, remembering the countless nights you spent staring up at your bedroom walls so utterly exhausted from crying or the days you spend in a haze, trying your best to get through the day. you won’t lie, you’ve been so angry since that day. endlessly lonely, endlessly empty, and just when you thought you’d be able to get over it, he shows up like it wasn’t that big of a deal. 
“well, i watched you a lot.” he admits, gazing around the cemetery. “you come here every single day, you cry every single time, even when you say you’re not going to. you’ve cursed me out in death more times than i can count and i think you’ve tried every single type of peyoung soba. you, chifuyu, and kazutora have only come here together a handful of times and everytime one of you ends up drunk crying.” he snorts, before continuing, “you sleep with my hair ties under your pillow and almost had the balls to ask my mom for my toman jacket, multiple times.she would’ve said yeah, by the way. every evening you say goodnight to me and that you love me.” 
he grins when you sit there, mouth agape, and asks, “did i miss anythin’?” 
you shake your head, “but what now? i still don’t get why you came here today?” 
he shrugs, “i’ve got a question for ya.” but his expression is serious now, the shift in his features making you nervously fidget with your hands. but before you can look away, he tilts your head towards him, the other hand intertwining with yours, locking you in place. “you still wanna be with me forever?” 
your heart pounds in your chest, almost alarmingly so, as you gaze at him with lidded eyes while your voice is light, fluttering back up to him and relaying the answer he’s been waiting to hear. “of course, keisuke.”
“and you’d do anything? …let me do anything?” he questions further, squeezing when you nod your head. 
you’d let me turn you?
and you’re aware now, what it is he’s asking. and maybe, you think it’s because you centered so much of you life around him, that leaving it behind doesn’t sound too bad. if you were the clouds, then baji was the sky, always trying to stay in that space so intrinsically bound to one another that only death could have separated you. 
he never said the word, but he didn’t really need to. what was the one thing that could have escaped death like this?  what else was he but a vampire? 
“okay,” he sighs, “if you’re sure.”
“more than ever.” you state. 
keisuke is fast, picking you up and into his arms. naturally, you wrap yours around his neck, a part of you still thinking that this must be a dream. 
“well, there’s no way we’re gonna do it in some freakin’ cemetery.” he jokes and you giggle. if his heart could beat, he’s sure it’d flutter just as fast as yours. 
“hey are you gonna turn chifuyu?” you ask, blinking up at him, “or tora?” 
“you think they’d wanna hang out with us? for eternity?” he asks, picking up the pace as he walks.
“hmm, maybe you’re right. besides, takemichi’s gonna miss them too much right?” you continue, the breeze kissing your now dried cheeks. 
“don’t forget mikey.” he adds, before continuing, “well, it’s not like we can’t visit sometime.” 
you nod, placing your head on his shoulder, “not too soon though, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” 
he smiles at you as he answers, “don’t worry. we’ve got all the time in the world.” 
as the two of you leave, you peek back towards the lights of the city, becoming smaller and smaller with each step. and you wonder how upset chifuyu’ll be tomorrow when he finds your half-eaten cake, spread out on an already forgotten blanket. 
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