#like Duke is part of his family and he cares Abt him but he’s also not privy to all the unspoken things in Wayne manor
starlooove · 1 year
I think Dick Duke and Damian would be a hilarious trio
#them as a trio would be so funny#bc ppl UNDERSTAND why Dick has to wrestle to control Damian#they get why he has to coo at him that murder is not a proper punishment for a thief but he’s glad that he’s not suggesting torture now#they don’t get why he has tell Duke that maybe he should go down a few more stories before jumping off that skyscraper ok?#hey signal maaaaybe we should shoot the grapple before we jump? or at least before we’re seconds from hitting the ground? thanks.#and it’s funny bc dick himself is a terrible role model for all these things#do as I say not as a I do headass#and I fully believe Duke goads him into doing more stupid shit#it didn’t work when Jason did it bc alll that history…#and it doesn’t work with Damian bc dick will forever see him as 12 smh my head#duke tho? absolutely 100% let’s his responsibilities drop around Duke#they can just have FUN together yknow?#like Duke is part of his family and he cares Abt him but he’s also not privy to all the unspoken things in Wayne manor#and he doesn’t care to be#that’s how the entire family honestly feels about Duke#they can let their pasts go and just be themselves around him#bc he WILL judge heavily#but he also looks at them NOW and knows they’re better than they used to be#that they’re trying#and that’s enough for him#not on some therapist Duke type shit btw don’t bring that shit here#something something dukes powers almost being a literal extension of himself and the way he sees people for what they can be despite who#they have been. there’s a fic Abt that I just remembered I need to go reread it now#anyways yeah Duke is everyone’s favorite but especially dick and Damian’s and they get up to all sorts of fuckshit together#oh but this can go even further actually bc part of Dukes hope for his parents IS the future but he’s also tied down by the past bc he knows#with each passing day week month they get more and more different and things will never be the same and he’s tied to the past in a way he’s#never been before and he’s not used to it. Duke has ALWAYS been about what he can do for tomorrow how he can change now if he doesn’t like#it.#he’s stuck in the past and he doesn’t know how to get out because it’s NEVER been like this before#I think Jason would help a lot here. my Duke is to Jason what Damian is to dick agenda
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leoleolovesdc · 8 months
I really don't get what's so appealing to writers and fans who make Bruce an abusive father. Why is it so fun? Why do people enjoy doing one of the biggest superhero of all times that dirty? How does that make any sense?
People always complain about how Batman is a power fantasy, but the fact that his actions aren't justifiable if applied real life doesn't mean that you have to fuck the character's fictional morals.
Every hero is a power fantasy, but they are enjoyable because they are good people (or people who try to be good). Bruce Wayne is a human being and he is capable of bad parenting and committing mistakes, but making him willingly hit his kids is just stupid.
Batman is and has always been about hope, about rising above your trauma, protecting who you love, using your pain to make the world a little better. Bruce doesn't go around "beating the mentally ill' just because, he does because they are dangerous people, criminals, terrorists who are constantly harming citizens with their actions.
With all that said; Bruce hitting his children/sidekicks/allies (or just purposefully harming them in any way shape or form) is incoherent with his character and all that he represents.
Batman brought Robin, especially Dick Grayson, in to help him. He didn't want a child soldier, he was comforting this kid and taking him to the police station when he asked to be trained so he could get the guy who killed his parents. He asked to become like Batman and Bruce, realizing that they were very similar, saw that he was also filled with anger and needed to be guided. That's why Dick became a better person than Bruce ever was, not because he was inherently good or something, but because even if their relationship was not perfect and troublesome at times they understood each other's pain like no one else would.
With all of Bruce and Dick's history saying that this father-son bond was filled with physical abuse just sounds wild to me. Same thing goes for Cass, Jason, Steph, Tim, Duke, Damian and any other child that Bruce parented or taken care of.
Jason and Dick are usually the victims of writers and fans who are full one Abusive-Bruce-Shit™️, and honestly, I don't think that's because they have remarkably difficult relationships, but because this fandom loves to make their favorite pretty "white" boys suffer.
No one cares if it makes sense for Bruce to be abusive towards his first sons, they just care that Dick and Jason are angsty. My prove of that? When do you ever see content of Bruce being abusive towards Cass? Damian? Steph? Duke? Never. Because those characters are either women or people of color largely ignored by both canon and fanon.
I'll admit that Damian and Tim do get angsty abusive dad content at times, because regardless of their actual relationship with Bruce Tim is a sad white boy and Damian is the largely white washed blood son, but they are still not the most common alternatives whenever family angst is the focus (despite the large fanon torture porn industry that Tim Drake goes through it is usually focused on other aspects of his life).
I don't really know how to end this, at this point I'm just ranting about annoying batfam fans, but, yeah, don't fuck over legacy characters by making them abusive dads bcuz u like saying ur fav has it worst👍
Little edit: In this post I talked abt Dick as a white guy, would like to apologize for that, I do know that he is romani but ended up forgetting to add that. Either way my point still stands as, just like Damian, his race is pretty much ignored by writers and parts of the fandom
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sourslices · 1 year
hc that the titans know/knew dick better than the batfam — and it makes sense, but i dont feel like elaborating on this part. anyway...
it'd be nice to see too, yk... considering dick is the eldest in the batfam and (in at least fan content) he's known to be very caring about family and yadda yadda.
dick was the first. the first child hero/sidekick, the first robin... the leader of the titans. a charismatic leader, a faithful friend. most people idolise him, and even if you get disillusioned after getting to know him personally, there's still a certain amount of admiration and respect that will never go away when it comes to nightwing.
this also works with the yj universe — esp yj because dick's the youngest out of all of them (not too sure abt the titans, but ik he isnt the youngest)
damian's perhaps the closest to dick out of the batfam. most people are aware of the distance between them and him but jason and tim don't realise that they don't know a lot about his brother...
it starts with cass calling him out for pretending to be okay and even trying to adjust his body language to hide his fatigue and his wounds. it goes on with jason commenting about a movie night that dick had wrestled everyone into (the movie had been steph's choice btw) and then either roy or kori respond like this.
jason: *off-handedly commenting abt the movie night and dick*
roy/kori: ???
roy/kori: we saw that movie when it came out. dick hated it and swore not to watch it ever again lmaooo
or maybe it was food. jason talks abt alfred's meals and then kori chuckles and recalls how dick had told her that he wasn't too fond of alfred's cooking. jason had been like "???" because dick always acted like he loved it and then roy goes like no lmaooo dick finds most of alfred's food kinda tasteless. something about british men and not knowing how to put seasoning
when jason confronts dick, dick admits to it
dick: okay yeah true
dick: i didnt rlly like alfie's cooking when i first came here but he got better... gradually. it's better than before but
dick: ...if you ask me, i prefer his baking.
jason: roy said smth about him trying to make one of your ma's recipes
dick: i never asked him again.
dick: (starts thinking about how he had nobody to teach him how to cook like his parents did and becomes SadTM)
and then cass damian and duke all go like "??? im not alone ??" because in reality they all find alfred's cooking a little... subpar. its not bad per say but u have to rmbr alfred is old white british man and there are battles you lose. anyway, cass damian duke and dick all bond over this because they thought it was only them who found the meals prepared a little... yk. alfred still works on getting better but there is nothing that will beat food made by hands who know how it shld taste yk...
(sorry about the alfred slander)
anyway, tim starts to realise despite being dick's little brother, and the only little brother dickie had for a while, there's a lot he still doesnt know abt the guy. which is funny because tim used to essentially stalk him
kori and dick make up after a long discussion about assault and victim blaming and there are a lot of apologies and they resolve their remaining issues (that doesn't mean what happened was okay, or it was forgotten or whatever)
dick actually asks for some space and tells her their friendship will probably never be what it was and kori is sad but is like. okay. they're still friends after a few months of distance and a lot of therapy on dick's side. he didn't blame her for any of it but he still needed... time
roy and dick also sort their shit out. im unclear as to what that shit actually is because roy used to adore dick when they were speedy and robin but whatever they sort it out and there's some homoerotic tension between them im telling u... dick still asks for space el oh el it takes a while to recover from years of distance and they're not the same
but just because they aren't the same doesn't mean everything's different.
the titans are subjected to the changes in dick and they watch him interact with the batfam, meanwhile batfam realises they don't know a lot abt dickie while watching the titans take care of him in several different ways while they, despite being a family of investigators, didnt know smth was up. it's mostly donna who does the "taking care of"
ik i actually didn't mention many of the titans but... yeah
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millimononym · 1 year
Choose violence ask: 10, 12 and 25 for Galactik Football
k imma be honest this was really hard cuz like. Galactik football is a really small fandom so we don't really have a general "fanon" consensus or really a general Anything consensus so i had to think abt it real hard
10. worst part of fanon
ok so we don't really have a fanon (again) but something i saw in some fics (not bashing anybody btw) quite enough was making the other SK super unlikable to the point of OOC just to make another character seem better or more sympathetic (it's Micro-ice). Just. Complete assholery to a ridiculous level that would never happen in between the main cast(at least in the first 2 seasons) just to make u feel bad for the guy.
And i don't understand that. Because like. Micro-ice is already kind of mistreated in canon? he literally never got an apology for the way he was treated (which made him RUN AWAY IN THE FIRST PLACE!!) and everyone just returned to being friendly with each other despite them never addressing Micro-ice's feelings in a proper way imo. So WHY would you feel the need to make the others OOC to a ridiculous degree to try and make people sympathize with Micro-ice??? He's ALREADY SYMPATHETIC!! Just adress his feelings !!!
Oh and this was also done mostly for shipping reasons because...of course.
Can't have a character have a healthy support system outside of the one person they're dating!! Nope!! We HAVE to isolate a person from their friends by making them uncharacteristically horrible just to make the only outside option look better!! Peak romance!! /S (literally it's just the family friendly version of that fanfic trope where writers kill off canon characters who 'get in the way' of their ship lol)
12.the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Ok so i know "unpopular" in this context means hated or unliked but... I think i agree with most of the fandoms opinions on this one lol. Just to check, The hated characters that come to my mind are Yuki(don't really hate her on her own, but her relationship with Micro ice makes me wanna throw myself off a cliff so as a side effect i dislike her), Mark(no strong opinions to give except "he's boring" which we've all heard a million times by now), p much everyone in s3...idk i can't really remember anyone else. I personally find duke Maddox annoying but that's not the point of the question
So I'll take this as LITERAL unpopularity. You may have noticed but a while back i was obsessed with The Shadows and giving them personalities since i was upset that as the rival team they never got screen time. I think i was the only one that cared about them lol so there's that. It's just...Sinedd was a semi-main character! And they made a big deal out of him leaving for the Shadows!! And then NEVER expanded on them as a team other than "they aggressive 😢" !!! They should have done something with them!!!! Also the other rival teams as well. We should have gotten more alien content in this sci fi series goddamit!! They all have lots of potential that was unfortunately unused imo
25.common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I agree with most common fandom complaints..but as this is a small fandom, so we probably think of different things (or I'm just forgetting something)
The most common complaints i hear are that the pirates subplot took up too much time, clothing design being wack and generally disliking season 3. i agree with those, personally.
Again you and i probably think of different things when we hear "common fandom complaint" so feel free to tell me which ones i may have missed because I'm probably forgetting a lot
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dukethomas · 3 years
y’know as much as i rave abt duke and bruce’s consistently positive relationship, you know what i would have loved to see if duke’s entering the family had been given more attention?? a teensy bit of distrust sprinkled into there. in the beginning of we are robin duke very much distrusts authority figures bc he’s been in the foster care system for a while at that point & says he’s gotta do it all himself and while by the end of that series he’s much more of a team player…. he’s probably still got that distrust of authority figures, because it’s all been up to him and the other robins. sure, in superheavy duke appeals to bruce going “you inspired me and the rest of gotham” etc and it worked and batman returned! but bruce taking duke in is right after that, how is duke not gonna look at bruce and see the guy who only stepped up last minute? he used to describe batman as “another adult who bailed” like bruce has let him down before & duke hasn’t forgotten that.
but think abt how cool it would be to see duke showing up, not abt to turn down an offer from the freaking batman, and yeah, at first he’s hesitant. he’s wary. he’s waiting for when life’s gonna screw him over, despite his best hopes. and instead bruce really commits to training duke & throughout the cursed wheel arc duke rlly feels more and more like part of the family. it’s a subtle, gradual thing where duke begins to trust bruce alongside his evolution into the signal. and that distrust of authority never fully goes away bc duke rlly does feel like he’s the one that’s gonna take on the world but also now he’s got bruce in his corner and he’s never gonna take that for granted, ever.
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leporellian · 2 years
thinking abt sparafucile and maddalena again but not even in a ”they are funny” way (although thats certainly true) but in a like. how theyre part of the narrative way
like it’s wild to me how little the whole ’sparafucile and rigoletto are narrative foils’ thing is really brought to attention in productions of this opera because it’s very important to understanding the whole thing. hell there’s an entire aria that starts off being about it, it’s spelled out in the libretto right there. because really they’re both similar: complete outcasts, kicked out from participation in “proper” society, who live in solitude and are treated with disgust when they try to approach the “normal” people (note how disdainfully the duke reacts to sparafucile when spara approaches him). both are forced into jobs they don’t actually Like because nothing else will pay the bills, and the only pleasure they derive from said job is a strange, ineffective way of cutting the people down around them to finally almost feel “on the level”. the only people they both have are one female family member- gilda for rigoletto, maddalena for sparafucile.
(with all this in mind you can see why i dislike the idea of sparafucile as the smooth, sleek crook. he isn’t. he’s just a strange, sad little man like rigoletto trying and failing to make sense of a world that was never made for him. see my “sparafucile is also disabled” posts for more on this. anyway)
so the thing w/ madda and spara is like... they aren’t oppressors of rigoletto like the courtiers. in any other situation they would be his allies; hell that’s what sparafucile is trying to be. they’re on the same level he is. the tragedy isn’t that they’re selfish bastards who choose to turn on him- spara is forced into a situation where he has to choose between rigoletto and his sister (again, as far as he knows the only person who actually cares about him). the story of rigoletto, gilda, sparafucile, and maddalena isn’t oppressors turning on the oppressed- it’s the oppressed turning on the oppressed because the oppressors force them into doing so. that’s the tragedy of it.
Anyway they are really funny though. They really made the duke sleep in a room with a broken roof DURING A THUNDERSTORM 
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bluebirdwrites · 4 years
Batboys reaction to finding out that their little sister was abused.
hi, okay so **tw for anyone that’s sensitive to this sort of thing i’d add duke but i don’t know enough abt his character (‘:
they knew she hadn’t had the best life up until she came to them
but their sister was like a ray of sunshine to them
dick is most importantly going to be worried; worried & angry
he’s going to be worried because how could someone do that to another person?
he’s not so naive to think it doesn’t happen or it couldn’t happen
but it hits him close to home that she had no one to protect her, and that she was stuck in that position the way she was
he’ll be the one to watch her reactions to things
if she flinches or shies away if someone starts yelling, if she draws into herself or gets nervous when someone gets angry
he’s ready to talk it out with her if she needs, or just be there in the same room to be a silent comfort to her
he just wants her to be okay, that’s his little sister after all
he’s her older brother and he wants to protect her like he does with all of the other siblings
he’s going to be angry because she had to go through that
he’s going to think things like, ‘why did no one step in?’ ‘did no one see how distressed she was’ ‘what kind of monster does that to a kid?’
“do you wan’t me to get you out of here?”
jason wants the names of the bastards that hurt her
he’s ready to ✨r i o t✨
for him, it hits really close to home because of the shit he’s seen
he loathes that anyone, any kid has to go through any kind of abusive relationship
if it was an orphanage or youth home that took part in her abuse
you can expect the owners and staff to all be thouroughly checked out, the appropriate abusers dealt with as well as the bystanders & making sure that all of the other kids are okay
if it was a foster parent, carer or biological parent that caused the abuse
they’ll either end up in jail cell unable to escape, maimed and humiliated or dead.
he knows that there’s a lot of ptsd and anxiety issues that can come from this
he makes sure to be upfront with her
he tries his best with emotions, but he’s a better listener
one of those people that can just listen, without making you feel like he’s getting bored or talking about himself
so he lets her talk to him about things
takes her out on bike rides & joy rides in the batmobile
wants her to be happy, smile & most importantly
know that she’s safe with him, with the family and that she can be herself and not have to worry about any kind of harm coming to her
“do you wanna talk about it? if you don’t, i’ll stay here as long as you need me- you look like you need some company”
tim understands the emotional burden of the abuse
the neglect he went through as a child is a form of emotional abuse, not to mention the severe emotional trauma he went through and to an extent still suffers with
he knows why she shies away from bruce or damian or jason when they accidentally get too absorbed in their own anger and start fighting or yelling
he knows the feeling of walking on eggshells, the feeling of wanting to run because
even though the yelling or the fighting of the anger isn’t at her, it sets off a reaction
he knows to sit by her and offer some form of sibling solidarity by being with her
he knows the anxiety that comes with this, knows the feeling of a weight on her shoulders she’s feeling
knows not to touch her because of how on edge she is
if she wants physical comfort, he’ll wrap an arm around her shoulders and gently coax her away from the area
will make whoever the hell was yelling or fighting or arguing apologise in some way, will unabashedly tell them to think & to also not treat her like glass
is the one to help calm down panic & anxiety attacks and extreme bouts of ptsd induced panic
just genuinely there for her when he finds out
“c’mere, deep breaths.. hey, there you go, you’re doing so well”
damian is livid
absolutely frothing and bubbling with anger and contempt
raised the way he was, he was raised to not have a childhood
he grows to be protective of her even before he finds out
he knows she hadn’t been raised the best, but he didn’t think someone could make her feel so beaten down, so battered and broken and scared
he won’t stand for it, he refuses to
now, he does his absolute best to be the best big brother to ever brother a little sister
he tries his best to give her what she’d missed, even though he struggles himself with positive emotion
will invite her to take care of his animals or go on nature walks with him
will 1000% try to make her feel included in every way he can
*he’s very down to help jason whoop whoever’s ass hurt her, very much so.
he wants her to have a normal childhood from now on, because he didn’t get the chance to and she didn’t completely either
will glare at anyone that makes her uncomfortable
that chilling ‘i will slit your throat in your sleep and invert your ribcage if you do not leave’ glare
“tt, titus is due for a walk- would you care to join me (y/n)?”
— fin.
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 4 years
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hi!! so, no one asked for this but,,, I wanted to make one anyway! I really love the batfam a lot and I see a lot of ppl in the fandom wishing it was easier to find good fics. this is by no means all of them but they are some of my faves, generally not too fanon-y! all fics are gen/family fluff with little to no ships (which are not bat/cest). 
feel free to message/ask me about triggers if you’re unsure!! and lmk if I forgot to tag anyone ❤️
Homecoming by Ionaperidot / @iowriteswords on tumblr
Summary: “Your son’s grave. It’s been disturbed.” In which people actually notice when Jason breaks out of his grave, and Bruce finds him before Talia does.
My thoughts: Bruce’s voice in this is seriously perfect, plus Dick, Jason, and Tim are great as well!! This fic honestly helps inform me of my Tim characterization!
The Wound Begins To Bleed by audreycritter / @audreycritter on tumblr
Summary: Now that Tim’s moved back to the manor, he just wants a few afternoons a week without Damian around. Funny how getting that was the catalyst for him becoming a better big brother.
My Thoughts: it makes me emotional okay it GETS me right in my HEART!!! both Dami and Tim are so so so good I can’t rec this enough
just hold a smile by RecklessWriter
Summary: That's the thing about smiles, Dick thinks. If you flash the right one, no one knows there's something more going on inside. Five times Dick faked a smile and one time someone saw through it.
My Thoughts: Dick & others, including Tim and Cass. Dick is really good at hiding his feelings from others, and I love how in this fic, a lot of times, he’s hiding them to “protect” whoever it is
(more under the cut!)
life, if well lived by CaptainOzone
Summary: Jason wakes up from a time-travel mishap to find Thomas and Martha Wayne hovering over him. Just another day in the life, right? ...Not quite.
My Thoughts: this one had me crying like a baby!!! the characterization is great and I love CO’s Thomas and Martha
one shot, two shots in the night by discowing / @dykewing on tumblr, @/wlwdiscowing on twitter
Summary: The New York Times ✓ @nytimes · 4h
“A Shot in the Dark” remains on our bestseller list for the fourth week in a row! Read our review of @brucewayne’s tell-all memoir here: nyti.ms/3Fs9k2E
My Thoughts: TALK ABT MAKING ME CRY. this gets me every time, and it’s absolutely worth ALL of the rereads. such a great Bruce.
The View From Jade by lowflyingfruit
Summary: Being transported to the past is not the sort of thing one normally expects. But this having happened, and with no easy way back, Jason's determined to make the most of it. Though the Bat still stalks Gotham's streets, the city's crime is run by the mobs instead of the rogues. There's no Joker yet. There's no Robin. Maybe there shouldn't be.
My Thoughts: Jason & Dick, and also Bruce somewhere in there too. this is SO! GOOD! I absolutely love Jason’s voice, and Dick is so in character. plus Bruce and Alfred are awesome as well!!!
The Birds Who Smile by Raberba girl / @raberbagirl on tumblr
Summary: "Dark Nights: Metal" AU where Bruce adopts three of the Robins who once belonged to the Batman Who Laughs.
My Thoughts: I think this was the first fic that introduced me to Duke, actually! and while there are a LOT of characters involved, they’re all pretty great and realistic. they have their moments to shine and it’s,,, *chef’s kiss*
The Thing about Apples and Trees by Cdelphiki / @cdelphiki on tumblr
Summary: When Jason agreed to let Bruce adopt him, he thought that meant Jason felt happy and safe in Bruce's home. But when Jason's nightmares only increased, and his panic attacks and meltdowns started happening more often, Bruce was at a complete loss for what to do. But then, Jason finally opened up to him, and he was able to quell some of Jason's worse fears. Perhaps a midnight chat and a few hugs wouldn't fix everything, but it was a step in the right direction.
My Thoughts: this is part of a series but might be okay to read on it’s own? tho really I suggest the entire series, it’s amazing. but this fic specifically has great kid Jason characterization (and also made me cry, I think!)
Kitten by lurkinglurkerwholurks / @lurkinglurkerwholurks on tumblr
Summary: Bruce opened his mouth, prepared to give the unemotional, no-nonsense explanation he had cobbled together between his walk to the car and now. Instead, his mouth went dry and nothing came out.
Bruce was saved from answering by the thin cry that cut through the silence. He winced, then reached back with one hand to shush the dimpled, kicking legs.
“Bruce, tell me I did not just hear what I thought I heard.”
My Thoughts: so so so cute! plus the gangs all here!!!
Yes Ma’am by lurkinglurkerwholurks
Summary: Jason had shuffled into the bedroom and had just finished pulling his shirt over his head when he paused, arms still trapped in the fabric. A pair of eyes glowed at him from the bed, reflecting the dim light from the hall.
My Thoughts: I also have to include this one bc it was a gift to me, and it’s so cute & angsty & just dkjsfsdjkhfksjah I love it so much
The D-Word by AutumnHobbit / @autumnhobbit on tumblr
Summary: "See, Tim?" Jason called over his shoulder sardonically. "Dad agrees with me."
He turned back to his food for a moment before the thought suddenly occurred to him that the Cave had gone near silent. He cautiously glanced back at the others. Alfred was still working away at stitching Tim up. Tim looked a little pale and sweaty, but he was glancing over at Jason with a look that was a mixture of concern and confusion. Bruce was standing stock-still, seemingly staring off into space.
My Thoughts: I constantly reread this when I want funny and then heart breaking Jason & Bruce feels. I always know what’s coming and it STILL GETS ME
baby wonder by drakefeathers / @drakefeathers on tumblr
Summary: (baby!damian AU) Bruce dies, Dick becomes Batman. But the Damian that Talia leaves in his care isn’t a ten-year-old warrior, he’s a ten-month-old baby.
My Thoughts: oh my goddd this is so good, it hurts but it’s SO CUTE at the same time??? ugh dskjfhkjsadhf
a hat fashioned from tin foil by discowing
Summary: nightwang @karakurachou – 8 hours ago
jason todd is alive and faked his death so he could become robin: a conspiracy theory thread
Batfam conspiracy theories meet social media.
My Thoughts: !!!!!!! so good!!!! seriously one of the best social media fics I’ve ever read.
Bet Your Bottom Dollar by jerseydevious / @jerseydevious on tumblr and twitter
Summary: Dick's been having kind of a hard time, recently. When it boils over, Bruce is there for him.
My Thoughts: I reread this one a LOT when I need Dick & Bruce feels
Metanoia by AlannaOfRoses / @alannaofroses on tumblr
Summary: Jason's bleeding out, Dick's overtired, and a half-serious offer turns into their new normal. Sometimes you just need somebody else around.
My Thoughts: this one was also a gift to me!! it’s got amazing brotherly bonding and it made me laugh a LOT
a hundred miles through the desert by acrobats
Summary: Finding himself nearly three decades into the past hadn't been part of Jason's plans for the day, but he could manage. Having no idea how he got there, no clear path home and a recently orphaned Bruce Wayne determined to drag Jason into his search for his parents' killer - that might be a little more complicated.
My Thoughts: ughhh this is such good Jason content (and such amazing Jason voice, too) I adore it
oh, where do I begin? by LazuliQuetzal / @lazuliquetzal on tumblr
Summary: “No, no, nothing’s wrong,” Jason says. “We’re a-okay. Just peachy. Good times.”
“Oh,” Duke says, lamely, working himself out of crisis mode. There’s an awkward silence for a moment before he speaks up again. “Why did you call?”
“Right, right," Jason mumbles, which seemed a little out of character to Duke. His sort-of wayward brother was generally intimidating, even when he wasn't trying to be. "Uh, Dick said that you had a guinea pig when you were younger. How do you take care of a guinea pig?”
AKA, not-exactly accidental guinea pig acquisition
My Thoughts: this was ALSO a gift to me but it’s so funny and sweet and there’s amazing Duke & Jason bonding so I absolutely must rec it
Latchkey by goldkirk / @goldkirk on tumblr
Summary: or, How Tim Drake Found A Family, Became A Photojournalist, Learned To Love Coffee, and Grew Up, not necessarily in that order.
Tim Drake is thirteen, runs the famous BatWatch blog that has spiraled hilariously out of control, has absentee parents that suit his purposes just fine, is training himself to run the streets at night, and is doing absolutely peachy, thank you.
Alfred and Jason disagree, and get Dick and Bruce involved in figuring out their weird nextdoor neighbor kid’s life. Everything goes uphill from there.
My Thoughts: this is SO GOOOOD the Tim feels are amazing!!! the family interactions!!! everything! sdkjfhsjdfhksdhfajh
Blood in the Water by MishaBerry
Summary: We all do stupid things when we are lonely, and in faraway lands, we hardly expect the consequences to follow us. Bruce certainly never thought twice about an American woman in Jaipur after one night with her. He hardly expected to see her ever again.
The universe, on the other hand, had different ideas, and the tides of time and chance brought Tim Drake to Bruce's life over and over again.
My Thoughts: this one is more AU than a lot of the others on here but it’s a lot of fun!! it has Tim & Damian & Jason feels, plus the rest of the family on a smaller scale
so these are just SOME, and honestly you should go and check out other works done by all of these authors!! also would like to suggest reading the fics of @renecdote , @caramelmachete , @redtruthed , @rredarrow , and @schweeeppess !!!
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duketectivecomics · 3 years
What's your opinion on fans writing Duke with his cousin Jay as his guardian instead of Bruce? I've seen some people talk about not wanting to separate him from his family and preferring to have him raised by his cousin, but it also feels like some people might use that as an excuse to leave him out of the batfam
this got slightly long & esp ranty at the end for my tastes so tl;dr - ive talked guardianship before & stand by that fans can Do What they Want. but fans who exclude Duke from the main batfam can die by my sword </3
so yeah, I’ve talked abt Duke’s guardianship before and I’ll reiterate: while Cousin Jay most recently has custody of Duke, that doesn’t negate the fact that Duke WAS under Bruce’s care for a time. So whether fans choose to follow what’s most recently given by canon or opt to leave him in Wayne Manor, I will not begrudge either of those decisions. DC themselves hasn’t elaborated recently on what the case is (although I wouldn’t be surprised if they soft-retconned Cousin Jay’s role out, by virtue of [whatever current writer] simply forgetting what’s been established), so fandom Can and Will Do What They Want in that regard.
Duke is shown at the end of Batman & the Signal to be regularly visiting his parents. I love the idea of Duke keeping up with his former family members & with the batfam in equal parts & of fics exploring how he balances time btwn all of them. Family has always been a BIG thing for duke!!! And having that family expanded just makes it all the more important now! That’s what I’d LOVE to see from fic authors!
However, if Duke being in Jay’s custody IS being used as a (piss-poor) excuse to leave him out of the batfam-proper or relegate him to an auxiliary role, especially when modern comics place him as ANYWHERE but that. That’s where I’m gonna start throwing hands, lmao
Duke is a Main batfam member at this point. Don’t erase the fact that he HAS been directly taken under Bruce’s (proverbial) wing!!! Don’t erase the fact that the other batkids consider him a sibling!!! If a fan is leaving Duke out of their batfam content at this point, but including every OTHER batkid, its a BAD look and tbh I want nothing to do with them!!!
Tim’s dad was alive for most of his Robin run! Was he ever excluded from the narrative because of that? Babs’ dad is Much more famously alive, and, OH YEAH, she ends up getting included with damn near as much frequency as the Usual Four Boys. Steph wasn’t ever even directly adopted by Bruce, and yet we all agree that she’s DEFINITELY a main batkid now. So there’s no way anyone will ever convince me that Duke isn’t a Main Batkid unless they’re willing to start excluding all of these guys too. (but then again, some ppl just Do Exactly That Anyways bc they only care abt The Four BatBoys™ so...)
Whether its fic or art or WHAT have you, at this point there just... doesn’t feel like there’s much excuse. Duke’s been a legal part of this family since 2016. The greater part of the fandom is at least Casually Aware of him. Theres more and more blogs like mine trying to raise awareness for him and to give yall resources about him where we can. Use them!!! ask questions!!! explore these blogs and these tags!!! and for gods sake INCLUDE DUKE IN YOUR BATFAM CONTENT.
and if you’re afraid of fucking him up like, licherally just read about him fjdlkas; he’s one of the QUICKEST batkids to read for!!!!! and i should know!!!! I’m also actively trying to read for everyone else too!!! (not to toot my own horn but i’m about to start my 90s batfam reading actually so *TOOT TOOT MOTHERFUCKERS*)
like god, i don’t think its asking MUCH asking COMICS fans to READ COMICS lmao. like rco is a resource! overdrive is a resource! trades exist bc buying individual issues CAN get expensive! hell ive been reading mostly using the DCU app bc it HAS been more cost effective than trying to outright buy trades & its easier to navigate than rco! (& i dont have to worry abt pop-ups too!!! which is really nice!)
there’s LOTS of ways to get to know a character and the excuses at this point are either due to laziness &/or racism and either way its a Bad Look. Make An Effort @ batfamdom. he’s one extra boy to read for and he’s one of the FASTER & EASIER ones that you can get into! BECAUSE he’s so new! god just give him a SHOT least holy shit!!!!!!
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we-want-mini-mini · 4 years
I have this short one shot in mind. It’s essentially abt the entire Batfam gathering up together (and its also the anniversary of Jason’s death but that’s kinda jus a background detail).
Anyways, everyone gathers round the dinning table, eating, laughing, etc etc. And when I mean everyone, I fucking mean all the Batkids, which include but are not limited to:
Anyways, Alfred and Bruce are obvi there as well, eating, and talking and stuff.
Suddenly, some fucking kid bursts through the fucking window, does a mid-air flip, and lands smack dab in the middle of the dining table, on their hands, which is conveniently holding onto this package.
All hell breaks loose, as various Bats (and birds!) start throwing various items. Then this kid sends out this weird ass pulse, that makes everything freeze in place. Only this kid and move.
The kid slowly floats up, cross legged in the air, moving a batarang, and throwing knife away from their face. They announce, “Hello, the Wayne Family and Friends! Who are also... Gasp, the infamous Bat and Bird themed Vigilantes of Gotham?! Now, to quote John Mulany, “we don’t have time to unpack all of that” which is fine! ...Why are none of you responded—oh sorry! I froze you all in place, my bad.”
The kid snaps their fingers, allowing the Batfam & Co. talk but their still frozen in place. Immediately Damian starts antagonizing the Kid. The Kid responses by literally zipping close Damians mouth like a Looney Toon cartoon.
The Kid sighs but continues on, “C’mon now! Don’t shoot the messenger as they say, whoever they is that is. Anyways, I have a package for one: Jason Peter Todd!”
“Who the hell sent you?” Jason askes.
The Kid shrugs, “No clue, they sent it in anonymously. Though, from what I know, there is a card inside the package so that might offer you some clues.”
“And what exactly are you?” Bruce inquires.
The Kid’s lips stretch out as wide as they can go, their pearly white, jagged teeth on display. Their eyes glow slightly red, as their neck cranes forward at a tilt. Their neck seems to extend a lot further, and their face tilts at an inhuman angle. They open their mouth, with rows of teeth on display for everyone too see.
“Why don’t you find out?” Their once chriper, goofy, kid like voice contorts into a deep, distorted version. Everyone freezes, at the Kid simply stares back at Bruce before their fave goes back to “normal” as they laugh their collective ass off.
“Ahaha... You know, that trick never does fail to make me laugh and all of you freeze in fear—then again, your already frozen but still!”
The Kid continues, their face still stretched out in a smile. A smile a little to sharp and inhuman for them. “But, you should know that’s quite a rude thing to ask! Didn’t your parents teach you any manners?! Then again, they are dead.”
A beat of silence.
“What? Too morbid? Seriously, what a tough crowd! But hey, everyone has their sore spots, so I can’t blame ya. Anyways, I’m guessing all of you have questions. So, fire away!”
They snapped their fingers, making the literally zipper on Damians face disappear.
“Who are you?” Damian seethes.
“I’m Ty Kidd! But call me Kid. Oh and, my pronouns are she/they, thank you very much. I am also a delivery person for—” Kid pulls out a business card, which start to multiple and appear infront of everyone. “—the Multiversal Express Delivery Service, or MEDS for short!”
“And what exactly is MEDS?” Dick asks.
“It’s literally in the name.” Kid deadpans, before another inhuman like smile spreads across their face. “I travel from parallel world to parallel world! Fun fact: there’s a world where you guys are just fictional characters who’ve existed since the 1930s! Isn’t that cool?! One of the many reasons I love my job.”
“Yeah, yeah, fun stuff, but who sent you?”
Kid shrugs, “I dunno. Sender was anonymous. But no worries! At MEDS we ensure that none of our packages include any sort of life threatening object, material, and etc! So, no need to worry about releasing a plague that would decimate this world in a blink of an eye or a nuclear bomb that would wipe this continent out of the map! But, if you do want to send world ending plagues or bombs, you must submit a form and blah blah blah HR bullshit.”
“And... how do know right trust you?” Tim spoke up.
Kid’s face once again spilts in half into a smile, their jagged teeth slightly teasing her lips. Her eyes turned into black silts. “You don’t.” Their voice reasonated throughout everyone’s ears, deep and contorted to the octave.
She pulled back, face once again going “normal”. “But! You can trust MEDS! Trust me when I say, nothing like a bomb, plague or that sort of item is inside this package. Anyways, I’m on a schedule, so—“
They snapped their fingers, a small device and pen appearing infront of Jason. “—please sign, and I’ll be on my merry way. Don’t worry about the window, I’ll fix it!”
Jason was momentarily stunned wondering what the fuck is happening? Why is their probably a fucking eldritch-demon-person in front of me? What is my life?
Before Jason could even tell what was happening, he picked up the floating pen and signed his name on the little device thingy. When his name was signed, the pen and device poofed! away in a plume is smoke.
The Kid, still smiling that inhuman and unsettling smile, snapped their fingers, fixing the broken window, and putting away all the various knifes and objects that were still floating in the air.
“Thank you for your service! If you ever want to send anything to a parallel universe, just give us a call and we will send it! No matter how desolate the Earth, no matter how frankly strange item, we shall send it! Anyways, happy Death day Jason Todd. Kid Out!” They said with a salute, before disappearing in a plume of smoke.
All hell breaks loose and after some arguing and lowkey existential breakdowns everyone converges to the Cave.
Bruce being paranoia incarnate, makes the package go through numerous tests. All being negative. They can’t even identify what it is.
After some more arguing, Jason slips by everyone, and tears open the box. Everyone tries to stop him, but it’s already to late, he opened it.
Now, no one can see what’s inside since Jason is blocking them with his gigantic ass figure. Bruce is the first one to realize that Jason freezes up, and goes to him, worried that something happened.
“Jason, whats wro—“ Then Bruce sees what’s in the box and pales. Everyone sees how Bruce freezes, just looking at the box.
Soon, one by one, it revealed: its Jokers decapated head.
Or alternatively, Jason is the last one to see what’s inside (Damian or someone else being the first). Up to you.
Anyways, there’s this card. Jason picks it up, and it reads:
As the Persians say: an eye for an eye. But the world doesn’t go blind. Happy Dead Clown Day, Jason.
—[Insert an intial or some shit]
Cue some time later, and, yes, it’s confirmed, this is Jokers head. You see, Jokers been awfully quiet for two years, as he went missing after an explosion rocked Arkham Asylum. This, is proof that Joker is finally dead.
News breaks that Joker is dead, and it follows Jason reaction to his death.
In my opinion he’d be lowkey angry that it wasn’t him who killed the damn Clown. But, holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. He’s... He’s dead. He’s finally fucking dead.
Cue some more time later, after everything has cooled down. Jason is in Robinson Park, sitting at a bench, when another kid (who kinda looks like Kid but Jason is too busy inner monologuing to care).
The kid speaks up, “You know, before I use to hate the phrase, ‘an eye for an eye’ ‘cause, the world would go blind.”
Jason freezes, and the kid continues. “But, now I get it. An eye for an eye, but the world never goes blind. Simple as that, since, sure, your blind in one eye, but justice was finally served, right Jason?”
The kid turns to him, and smiles. Not a too large, too sharp, too inhuman smile, but a sincere, warm one. “Y-Yeah.” Jason finally manages to choke out.
“It’s a nice day out, you know. It’s real nice. I know, that, at least you get to see more of these nice days.”
“You day that as if you can’t see days like these anymore.” He blurts out.
The kid sighs, with a bitter smile on their face. “Yeah, I can’t see or experience days like these anymore. I haven’t been able too for three years. But hey, an eye for an eye, but the world never goes blind.” As the kid speaks, their voice fades away. In a blink of an eye, the kid disappears, leaving behind daffodil and a note.
The note is an invitation for a funeral.
Jason goes to the Manor, specifically the cave, and conveniently everyone is there. Damian, Stephanie and Cass are sparring. Dick is using the aerial equipment. Bruce and Tim are working on some cases with Barbara helping. Alfred is done, handing out snacks.
Jason immediately shoves the card to Tim, who’s confused and then sees how utterly shaken up and pale he looks.
“Tell me what happened to this kid.”
Everyone immediately turns to Tim, as he types in their name, date and etc.
What they find out, is that, this kid, who died three years ago, died in the last ever attack wide scale attack the Joker committed. They were the only casualty in said attack (surprisingly).
And they were only 13. Like Jason. And the date of the attack... is the same day Jason died all those years ago in Ethiopia.
“I saw them.”
“...what?” Dick said, in an incredulous voice.
“I saw them. At Robinson Park. They even said that exact same phrase in that fucking card: an eye for an eye—“
“—and the world never goes blind.” Everyone says the last part in unison.
Then the Bats get news that rest of Jokers body was sent to the GCPD, addressed to—
Basically, that’s how the one shot goes. If anyone wants to use the idea:
Jason gets a package while he’s at the Manor. They test said package and nothing comes up. Some start arguing and someone opens the package (which is more dramatic, Jason seeing it first or last?). They see: Jokers decapiated head. Chaos ensues and a metric shit load of testing later, it’s confirmed: thats Jokers head. And Jokers been missing for [insert amount of time]. The Batfam then deal with the fallout of Joker being (finally) dead.
If anyone writes this, please tag me! I want too see ANGST, and FLUFF, and GOOD DAD BRUCE, and, DRAMA, and ALL THE BAT KIDS.
(I can’t delete the fucking pic below me and I refuse to rewrite this entire post. Lowkey it’s kinda ironic too lmao).
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echidnana · 3 years
hey logan ! i’m thinking of getting into re8, so here i am at the re8 expert’s door for any lore and headcanon’s you have for any of the characters/place settings (i’m fine with ‘spoilers’!) :]
i’m adding a cut because i started rambling so the post ended up being a bit long. i tried to organize all the ideas as best i could and made some smaller sections to make it easier to process
also, i wrote this operating on the assumption that this is your first re game. so i might go too in depth for some stuff that you might already know i just like talking about re
TO PREFACE: i haven’t played 8, and i’m not sure if i’ll ever be able to. i’ve watched a bunch of edited play throughs and am currently about 2/3 of the way thorough snapcube’s full play through!
ok so. in my opinion 8 is VERY different from a lot of the other resident evil games in terms of atmosphere/setting. while most of the games before had been very ‘zombie/virus/mad science’ feeling, this game is closer to a fantasy type vibe (although it is all explained by science).
just to give a brief synopsis- ethan winters is the protagonist. his main motive is to rescue his daughter, who was taken into this village that is overrun by monsters. the village is run by mother miranda, who’s sort of a deity to the people of the village. the rest of the land is divided up amongst the four lords. i’m order to save his daughter, ethan has to fight through each of the lords.
my favorite lords
my favorite lords are donna beneviento and karl heisenberg. i hc them both to be trans and autistic :) to be honest, i hc every single resident evil character to be trans lmao
anyways. donna beneviento. she’s the doll maker and her portion of the game is probably my favorite. she only speaks once in the game, and you only see her face once. she’s very reclusive and typically speaks through her dolls. i also personally think she’s the most compassionate of the lords, despite her section being one of the most horrifying. her abilities rely mostly on causing someone’s own mind to sort of turn on itself and feeds into the person’s fears. but yeah, i love her and hc her as autistic :)
karl heisenberg is the magneto dude lmao. i love his parts in the game because he feels very… genuinely unhinged. like he’s HILARIOUS but not really on purpose, he’s just being really showy and dramatic. i personally wasn’t a fan with how they ended his part on the story bc i want to see more of him lmao
ok also. she isn’t a lord, but i adore daniela dimitrescu. she’s one of the daughters of the Tall Vampire Lady and she’s TOTALLY unhinged. even though i have favorite parts of the game, i love all of it. i wasn’t expecting to care that much about the dimitrescu section of the game but honestly all of it was so enjoyable
ethan winters
ethan winters is probably my favorite playable character of resident evil because he’s so… i don’t wanna say stupid, but he’s a dumbass
he’s like a horror movie protagonist that is in the situation they’re in because they made a dumb decision. but i think that’s so funny, especially for resident evil. his character in 7 vs 8 is pretty much the same- his objective is always to protect his family, and i think that’s really good for resident evil as well. most of the past characters’ motives were taking down huge corporations or stopping the spread of a virus, but ethan’s is just to protect his family and get somewhere safe.
tie ins to other games
i figured i’d add a section about this since i love all of the re games so much!
so the first obvious one- chris redfield is a relatively main character in this. he’s the co-protagonist of the original resident evil, so he’s definitely still involved with plot lmao. he was 25 in the first game, so in re8, he’s nearing 50.
at the end of re7, ethan winters meets chris redfield after escaping the baker’s residence. chris was working with blue umbrella at the time I THINK i’m gonna be honest i don’t keep up with what organization he’s with because he switches around so many times. basically he takes ethan and his wife and move them to europe as a sort of witness protection program. i like to think chris became close with them and would go over for dinner
anyways in re8 he gets tangled up in the plot in pretty significant ways. he’s one of the ogs of re so it was definitely fun to see him fighting monsters well into his 40s
there’s a few references to other games throughout re8. my favorites are
- the duke (who is the shop keep) has a line where he says something along the lines of ‘what’re ya buying? heh, just something a friend of mine says.’ this is a reference to re4’s merchant, who would say that when you opened his inventory. i thought this was a really funny implication- that the duke and the merchant know each other.
- one of heisenberg’s lines refers to chris as a ‘boulder-punching asshole’ which is capcom making a joke about themselves. in resident evil 5, there’s a scene where chris redfield literally punches a boulder into an active volcano. it was memed a lot because it was such a ridiculous scene, so this line is capcom acknowledging it
i think resident evil 8 did a good job being a great game but also keeping the core resident evil elements. like the plot’s connection to the overall re universe is dumb as hell but it feels very resident evil. personally i feel like it’s super similar to re4 in the sense that it takes the typical zombie genre but gives it a completely different setting or tone than you’d usually expect. like, castles in a zombie survival horror game is BRILLIANT and not something i’d ever expect.
i’m also a huge fan of the sort of ‘mutating into something that isn’t human’ trope and resident evil 8 has SO MUCH of that. all of the lords are basically infected by a parasite that affected them all in a different way. so heisenberg can control metal while donna causes hallucinations and shit.
ok i think that’s most of my thoughts on it… re8 is such a good game and even though the plot can be dumb and full of contradictions the campiness and seriousness is balanced near perfectly in re8. one of the issues some of the past re games had is they took themselves too seriously. re8 does a great job at not taking itself too seriously in order to be a fun game.
i hope this wasn’t too long! i love re8 to death and will always jump to talk abt it lol. ethan winters is one of my favorite re characters ever, and this game is full of great ethan moments. i hope you enjoy it!! it’s definitely a great experience regardless of if you care about the lord and connections to other games.
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vierschanzentournee · 4 years
1 and 3 for the bookish questions? 🥰👀
hayley i have literally no idea when you sent me this sorry but THANK YOU SM!!
1. What is your favourite book and/or book series of all time? 
Okay I have two (2) favourites series and I could literally talk abt them all day so like. Sorry in advance.
They’re both by the same author, Sebastien de Castell (who’s releasing the first book in a new series... soon? July, I think!), who I clearly owe my entire life to!
The first is the Greatcoats series, which was his first, and has four books - essentially, the Greatcoats were once travelling magistrates who enforced the King’s Law in the nation of Tristia, until a bunch of assholes (the Dukes) rise up against the King, overthrow and execute him, and leave the Greatcoats a) unemployed and b) hated and reviled throughout the country. They’re narrated by Falcio val Mond, First Cantor of the Greatcoats, and also the world’s stupidest man, who somehow manages to be both incredibly endearing and supremely irritating, and for whom I would absolutely give my life if he wasn’t so keen to die all the time. Before his execution, the King (whom Falcio absolutely adored) gave each of the Greatcoats a special order (there were 144 of them, so I’m not sure how he had time, but whatever) - Falcio’s is to find one of the King’s charoites. Unfortunately, he has no idea what the fuck that is, he’s broke, his best friends Kest and Brasti aren’t even sure why they stick with him anymore (actually, that’s unfair to Kest, Kest is extremely loyal to Falcio above all else for the whole series), and THAT is where the first book, Traitor’s Blade, begins! (SPOILERS from here onwards!) Falcio finds his charoite about halfway through the first book in the form of a 13-year-old girl called Aline - the same name as Falcio’s wife, who was brutally raped and murdered by a local Duke when they were 20. At the end of the book Falcio realises Aline is in fact the King’s daughter (although, to be fair, Brasti realised it first) and the rest of the series is essentially Falcio trying to protect Aline (major spoiler: this does not work and she dies halfway through the last book and I cried SO HARD) and fighting back against various groups that threaten Tristia and the Laws he worked so hard to uphold back in the day. Along the way, he gets a girlfriend (who becomes Saint of Mercy in the third book and was, somehow, once possessed by the memory of his dead wife Aline), reunites with various former Greatcoats who hate his ass to varying degrees (but like, lovingly, for the most part), has extremely cute emotional bonding moments with Kest and Brasti (like the time Falcio was poisoned and was paralysed for longer and longer every time he woke up and Brasti decided to put a coffin over him one morning for funsies! I love him very much), and collects, by my count, at least 4 children (or at least people he cares for in a Very Paternal Manner).
The second series is called Spellslinger, and it has six books because life is good and SdC writes fast (side eyes @ Scott Lynch). The premise is this: Kellen comes from a people called the Jan’Tep, whose entire society essentially is built around the magic they wield. When Jan’Tep children turn 16, they must take their trials to become mages - if they fail, they are sent away from their family to become a part of the Sha’Tep, who are pretty much the Jan’Tep’s slaves. Kellen’s problem is this: he’s, like, two days away from turning 16, and he has pretty much no magic. All Jan’Tep have six “bands”, representing the different elements of magic: iron, silk, sand, breath, blood, and ember - there’s a seventh element too, shadow, but Jan’Tep children are not banded in shadow, as it’s considered evil. Sparking a band basically means you’re able to wield the element of that band - to pass your mage’s trials, you need to have sparked two. At the start of the first book, Kellen still hasn’t sparked any. His father is a powerful clan leader, his mother is a talented mage, and his younger sister Shalla is a prodigy with unheard-of talent, and yet Kellen, despite everything his parents have tried, has little to no magic, and seems destined for a life among the Sha’Tep. The book opens with Kellen’s first trial, his duel, which he’s just about managing to bluff his way through until Shalla (fucking Shalla) realises he’s cheating, and, in some wild attempt to make him find some power or something, literally stops his heart. He’s saved by a mysterious red-haired woman called Ferius Parfax, who speaks with the equivalent of a Southern drawl and is just kind of wildly competent at pretty much everything. I’m now at risk of literally just rewriting the entire first book here so: Kellen spends more time with Ferius, although it’s discouraged, continues to fail his mage’s trials, uncovers a Sha’Tep rebellion conspiracy fuelled by a rival Jan’Tep clan leader, and, crucially is counterbanded by his parents - that is, his parents fill his bands with molten metal and magic sigils which mean he’ll never be able to spark them. This is a horribly painful process, emotionally and physically, to which Kellen never agreed, and he’s literally strapped down to a table for days - he discovers that his grandmother banded him in shadow, a strictly forbidden practice, and that he has the shadowblack, considered a terrible affliction which probably hints at some terrible inner darkness, although throughout the first book the main effect for Kellen is just some dark markings around his left eye. With the help of a violent squirrel cat, with whom Kellen can somehow communicate and whom he freed from a Jan’Tep cage several days ago, he manages to escape before his parents counterband his breath band, and he sparks it - it turns out that he was actually as powerful as Shalla, but the things his parents made him take to “cure” his weakness were in fact suppressing his power. Long story short, the counterbanding and the shadowblack kind of... end his hopes of a normal life in Jan’Tep society, and so he runs away with Reichis (the squirrel cat) and Ferius (who, as it turns out, is Argosi - a traveller who kind of... not quite predicts things, but notes the likely course of events in the world around her) to become an outlaw - specifically, a spellslinger, an outlaw mage who has a little magic, a few tricks, and their hopefully sharp wits to live by.
Tragically, Kellen’s wits are not very sharp, and he spends the next five books being kind of terrible at being an outlaw, crying after every single fight he’s in (verbatim, “I always cry after a fight”), developing a very sweet mentor-student/parent-child relationship with Ferius, reuniting with his childhood crush Nephenia (who had to leave the Jan’Tep for... reasons), becoming best friends with the squirrel cat, getting separated from Ferius for two books, and tearfully reuniting with her in the final book, after which she prompty nearly dies.
So. Uh. I’m super sorry, I was UNAWARE of exactly how much happened in Spellslinger (like, the first book, which is also titled Spellslinger) in particular, and I just really love talking about them! I’m an absolute sucker for found family dynamics and characters learning to appreciate both themselves and the people around them, and both series are absolutely full of that!
3. What is the oldest book you have ever read? (Based on its written date) 
I’m currently reading the Odyssey for my school’s epic reading group (as in, a group for reading epic literature, not just... it’s really cool), so I suppose it’s that!
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ask-shakespearehigh · 5 years
in true highschooler fashion i must know.... who are the weebs and the gamers of the cast
Aster’s Kids
(( [name]*= has responded/been mentioned/is set, but has not appeared in design))
Macbeth— no, he did homestuck but he doesn’t really do games and has seen one (1) anime, bc of Banquo (it was FMA:B)
Lady— she’s “too pretty to know what that (anime) is”
Banquo— he’s like. Casually anime. FMA and FMA:B, Yu Yu Hakusho, he had an Inuyasha phase briefly, and he’s big into Pokemon. He doesn’t do much console or PC gaming, but he has a DS and he plays Pokemon games, Stardew Valley (if that’s on DS???), and Animal Crossing (he likes. Chill task based games)
Macduff— will play smash and Mario Kart at parties and is decent
Duncan— nah
Malcolm— dumb shoujo anime/manga is his secret guilty pleasure
Donalbain— he plays indie games. He got Very into Undertale. He likes Bastion, One Hand Clapping, and Cave Story.
Twelfth Night
Viola— their family owns a Wii and she fucking kills it at Wii Sports. Also Mario Kart. She’d be better at Smash if she didn’t insist on always playing as Kirby.
Sebastian— same as Viola.
Antonio— he’s played overwatch. That’s about it though
Duke— he’s seen a few anime, mostly via Netflix surfing. He actually really likes Ouran.
Olivia— nah
Malvolio— nah
Taming of the Shrew
Kate— nah
Bianca— nah
Petruchio— he feels like he plays some sorta FPS
Julius Caesar
Julius— nah
Calpurnia— animal crossing sometimes
Cassius— yes he’s anime but it’s a secret and he will Never admit it
Brutus— he’s anime and Will admit it but no one has ever asked
Octavius — he plays fortnite but he hates that he does so
The Tempest
Miranda— fire emblem baybee
Much Ado About Nothing
Beatrice— probably but idk what
Benedick— same
Antony— Smash and Mario Kart at parties and stuff. Got very hyped about Dream Daddy, it was ironic at first but then.
Cleopatra— same as Lady.
Star’s Kids
Hamlet (Tristson) - no. Watches horatio and ophelia instead of playing bc he has “better things to do”
Ophelia (Elskerson) - beats her brothers ass in smash. Mains peach and isabelle. Has played stardew valley. Also mario kart
Horatio (Venson) - plays smash w ophelia and sometimes w yorick. Mains fox and ness. Surprisingly good at mario kart.
Laertes (Elskerson) - has gotten his ass beat in smash. Mains ganondorf and bowser but he sucks at it lol. Aggressively hype abt wii games for no reason
Yorick - hes baby but he has played smash.
Fortinbras - hes too busy studying
Rosencrantz* - yeah both but i dont rlly care abt them sorry :(
Guildenstern* - “”
Gertrude* - no
Claudius* - no
Hamlet’s Dad* - no
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo (Montague) - YES the montacrew has game nights (smash, mario kart, just dance) Benny made him watch ouran and his favorite is tamaki
Juliet (Capulet) - has played mario kart w tybalt but isnt rlly a gamer girl. She likes shoujo anime a Lot and loves cardcaptor sakura
Mercutio (Prince) - KING OF JUST DANCE!!!!!!! KING. Owned a sasuke body pillow on a dare from romeo in middle school. Benny got rid of it. Has seen princess jellyfish
Benvolio (Montague) - shounen stan for the most part. Fairy tail, naruto, dragonball etc. watches slice of life to make fun of it for being cliche. Cried really hard at the nina tucker episode of fma:b
Tybalt (Capulet) - i feel like….he plays overwatch….and mains hanzo
Paris (Bellarico) - has seen episodes of bnha and sailor moon but isnt an avid anime fan. Thinks the 90’s anime aesthetic is sweet
Escalus (Prince) - owned a gamecube growing up and loves pokemon. Slides references to them in his homework like a NERD.
Othello (Cuore) - mario kart and smash (doesnt main anyone he likes trying out every character but thinks big mac is fun even tho hes not rlly good at the game) he likes pokemon but doesnt play the games. Watched the anime growing up.
Desdemona (Di’Bianca) - “”””fake”””” gamer girl energy but she’s already tracer AND widowmaker. Good luck stopping her. Sipped a grande low-fat whip caramel macchiato while watching the E3 stream.
Iago (Ilmale) - HE LIKES SONIC UNIRONICALLY BC HE GREW UP W IT. He’s seen some classic shounen anime like bleach and tried bnha. Liked bakugou.
(Michael) Cassio - played persona. Catches himself singing Last Surprise under his breath. Thinks akira kurusu is really hot. Hes right. Has yet to try anime but hes interested
Roderigo (Ingenuo) - i wanna say hes played like dating sims? But not gross creepy ones i mean like from indie artists. Undertale fucked him up real bad.
Emilia (Ilmale) - she likes women she hopped on revolutionary girl utena and keeps searching for wlw anime. Bloom into you got her messed up rn
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Puck (Robin Goodfellow) - runs a gaming channel on youtube and watches a Lot of anime. Definitely has a lot of merch
Oberon (Kingsman) - anime and game nights at his house! Owns dream daddy for the gay rights.
Titania (Queensland) - realized she was gay after watching sailor moon and the “””cousins”””. Pretty good at video games. Has the persona dancing star night game for seemingly no reason (its for ann)
Peaseblossom - LOVED princess tutu and never shuts up about it. Plays the hall om mig amv all the time
Moth - sings anime ops randomly for no reason. Mains the cute characters on smash
Cobweb - married tharja in fates for the goth rights. Mains bayonetta.
Mustardseed - MINECRAFT.
Hermia - puella magica madoka girl. LOVES the magical girl aesthetic. Started sewing bows onto her dresses
Lysander - the designated gamer of the 4. Immediately attaches to pretty boys in animes. Claimed he was a “bishounen” himself when he was like 14 and the rest havent let him live it down.
Helena - likes mystery/horror anime like baccano and tokyo ghoul
Demetrius - action shounen stan. Owns an akatsuki cloak
Nick Bottom* - watches hentai
Puck’s Dad 1 (Puck based) - pokemon champion fire red
Puck’s Dad 2 (Oberon based) - pokemon champion leaf green
Love’s Labor’s Lost
Ferdinand - started playing volleyball bc he likes haikyuu. didnt think hed get this far
Birone - thinks fma:b is the peak of anime and hes right.
Longaville - likes the boxing anime (cant remember what its called) and smash (mains ryu)
Dumaine - hes the video of the drunk guy making all of the noises in the crash bandicoot game
Princess - she Is revolutionary girl utena
Rosalina - won’t ever admit it but does watch some anime from time to time.
Katherine - hibiki girls euphonium stan even tho she doesnt play an instrument
Maria - got tricked into playing fortnite once. Plays minecraft on peaceful and is rlly excited about bees being in the game
William Shakespeare - “anne whats a waifu”
Anne Shakespeare - has a pkmn card collection. Loves sylveon
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second-hand-heaven · 6 years
I am absolutely in love with your superwonderbat fic's! I was wondering, do you have any H/C abt them with the kids? Like do they get along? Is it awkward?
thank you anon!(sorry for the delayed answer) i love the idea of Diana and Clark bonding with the batkids! i’ve touched on the idea in my fic ‘An Amazon, a Kryptonian and a Billionaire (and His Billion Children)’, but here are some headcanons!
Dick and Clark have gotten along ridiculously well since Dick’s days as Robin. ‘Uncle Clark’ dating Bruce had been kid Dick’s dream, and Diana added to the mix is like the icing on the cake. (I totally h/c baby dick trying to collect parents, which i talk a bit about in Finders Keepers). Dick definitely claims that he was instrumental in getting the trinity together (”finally”), but whether he did or didn’t help, he’s definitely their biggest advocate. Dick is the one to invite Diana and Clark over for brunch or movie night, and he helps his siblings come to terms with their father’s new relationship. 
Jason is a big fan of Wonder Woman, lets be real, so he’d be a little starstruck to begin with, especially if this is during his Robin days. But even after his return, I think Jay would definitely have a soft spot for her, regardless of his feelings toward his father. Clark is… Clark. Sometimes he is more set in his ways than Bruce when it comes to right or wrong, and that understandably grates on Jay. There’s a lot of posturing that goes on, but eventually it settles into an okay relationship. Diana’s lasso would be an excellent tool in aiding Bruce and Jay to talk, actually talk, about their issues. It won’t fix anything, of course, but it helps them to see from the other’s perspective, and opens up an avenue for starting to make things better. 
Tim and Diana get along quite well, and she’s definitely taken it upon herself to try and get the kid a decent sleep schedule. Considering Diana grew up on an island of like, 700-something sister/mother figures, she tries to make an effort to be there for Tim, to remind him that someone will always have time for him. Tim and Clark are tense to begin with, considering Tim’s friendship with Kon and they way Clark has treated his son/clone in the past. But Clark puts in the effort with both Tim and Kon, and over time they mend old relationships and build better ones. I really like the thought of Clark helping Tim with his photography, perhaps flying Tim to certain places or heights to get the perfect shot. 
Cass knows, before Bruce, about how Clark and Diana feel about Bruce, and in turn how Bruce feels about them, it’s written so clearly in their body language. The poor woman has to deal with wayyyyy too much UST before the trinity finally get their act together and get together. Diana is one of Cass’ favourite sparring partners, both serving to challenge each other well. Clark is good too, but Cass hasn’t lost to him yet. I love the idea of Clark and Diana attending Cass’ ballet recitals with the rest of the bats, being embarrassingly supportive and Cass loves it. 
Steph loves them right away because neither Diana or Clark will put up with Bruce’s bullshit. I like the idea of Clark and Diana needing to eat a lot to fuel themselves (”snackholes” as Barry would put it) and it’s not uncommon to find Steph, Clark, and Diana eating a big pile of waffles together at really random times. It’s an invite only waffle party, and no, Batman is not invited, don’t make them call security. 
Damian is tricky. He’s gradually gotten over the idea of his parents getting back together, and them being a happy family, but it’s hard for him to accept his father having new partners in his life. That being said, once Damian begins to realise how much his father cares about Diana and Clark, and how much they are willing to sacrifice to keep his father safe, he respects them a whole lot more and begrudgingly welcomes them to the family. It also goes a lot smoother once Clark introduces Damian to Krypto. Not to mention Diana’s ability to speak to animals. Damian does not cry when Diana tells him how much BatCow says she loves him, it’s just some dust in his eyes. 
Duke is a little hesitant at first, not because he dislikes Diana or Clark, rather the opposite. He’s still kind of new to all this, and they are Superman and Wonder Woman for god’s sake! Once he gets past those first moments of ‘what’, he gets on really well with both of them, Diana especially. She and Duke definitely have weekly meetings of “you won’t believe what X bat did” and they suffer together for this ridiculous family they’ve both become a part of. I’m pretty sure Duke’s actually pretty interested in writing, and I like to think that Clark is always happy to proof-read, suggest ideas and help! 
Bonus: Clark offered to help with the dishes at the Manor and Alfred nearly cried. Someone please give that man a vacation.
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dyketectivecomics · 6 years
Video game head canon time:
in which Wayne Enterprises has a division in entertainment/technology which includes consoles & game development & totally worked to have a Hand in making the Arkham series /& it exists bc:
-Bruce’s name was mentioned as one of the (discredited) suspects & everyone thought it would be hilarious to develop the game’s story & premise based around the CEO being the Batman
-”cmon, can u even imagine Bruce running on rooftops at night??? hilarious” “hmm he’d have to be really brooding tho, rlly serious. let’s dial up the angst to 11″ “great idea”
-little does anyone one know that this is all an elaborate plot for bruce to get his kids to play the games & see who would best be fit for the cowl. their reactions & his general notes kinda go:
Dick: when he was younger he got easily distracted by the side missions (esp the hunt for the riddler trophies in Asylum. he didn't face joker until he had them all first & all the challenges beaten), but whenever he goes back to play after a year or two, he just focuses on the story & lets the side missions happen more naturally. a lot more hands on & confrontational for some areas that require stealth, but learns from his mistakes.
Jason: worse in that regard. goes out of his way to stop every goon on the way to the next objective. dies a lot bc of this but also levels up rlly easily. was NOT amused by how on the nose Knight was, (”bruce. did you tell them??? what happened to secrecy??” -jay u literally told me to fight you five times at the last gala. let the developers have their fun- “touche”) still enjoyed the game. never finds all the riddler trophies bc he's stubborn about them being impossible
Barbara: is constantly accused of hacking the game or exploiting glitches. which she only does after completing the game through & being the first one to post walkthroughs online. no one knows that she does that, but she feels a moral obligation to help others through the game esp when those trophies aren't straightforward. completes side missions as they're assigned but never quite gets through them before the story is finished
Tim: is shameless about taking advantage of glitches and tries to beat barbara to the punch on writing up walkthroughs (he’s always juuuuust behind on that front). takes time with side missions before progressing through the story again. Somehow is able to find all the trophies before completion??? (everyone thinks he cheats somehow but he just??? gets right on them)
Cass: Pure story mode for asylum, Tim still doesnt understand how she beat the story mode and refused to pick up a single riddler trophy. City & Knight were more natural for her to make her way through the side missions but she still prioritizes the main story. very careful about balancing head-on confrontations & strategizing her attacks.
Steph: Plays all the games on easy bc she's there for a good time & to see what everyone’s complaining about with the riddler trophies. Can and will have someone else help her when she gets stuck on a really tricky one “steph. u need the freeze gadget for this” ‘what freeze gadget’ “... back at the studio.. its sitting like. right there” ‘motherfu-’ wants to wrap up side missions before getting back to the story, but for City she didn't even unlock some & play thru 50% of the story mode without those ones
Damian: NEVER plays if theres another sibling there that might be watching him (”Grayson doesnt count”) but tries to complete it the fastest. his speed runs are legendary. & he skips every cutscene that he can. ran all over gotham in Knight bc he couldn't find a riddler informant to show him the locations of the last few trophies or screen grabs he needed.
Duke: balances the side missions really well with the story but the riddler trophies are super easy for him. actually known to find maps & hints only after finding 80% of the trophies in the first place. everyone swears its witchcraft but hey! it’s kinda how he started with all this bat-business after all. usually is the one who’s ready to make a deal in asking for help. (’i’ll get you that trophy but you need to help me with this one boss fight i cant get past. the batmobile is impossible to navigate’)
Harper: she & cullen had no idea that the games were part of bruce’s plan to see how fit they were for the crusade. & they actually ruined the experiment bc they switch off who’s actually playing & take turns while also making fun of the game (its for their let’s play channel: Gotham Gay-mers. they’re p popular)
the batkids somehow convince the batadults to play (& UNDERSTAND THE PAIN)
bruce: once he gets the hang of the controls he’s a natural at it. focuses mostly on the story & the mission at hand, except in knight when its easier to balance those missions. realizes that it may not be such a good test after all. when the fam gathers to watch him play he asks irl alfred & oracle for help and back-up much too regularly. when babs was fridged in knight they all cried as a family & bruce kept denying it (up to a certain point when he really hit acceptance & it was immediately dashed by the Twist) Still would ‘call Oracle’ irl for Babs advice or hints with the side missions
kate: very heavy story focus, but knows how most of the puzzles work from catching some of the kids playing every once in awhile. not super stoked when she gets stuck on something & very stubborn abt completing the task when she is.
selina: doesnt even entertain the thought of playing the full games, but loves watching the kids playing. has been known to take controllers to play her own stints in City (”bc who knows what i’ll do better than me?”) helps them out with her trophies bc she's watched & played enough to know exactly where they are
alfred: “unfortunately i have no such time for those, but I am grateful for your concern Master Dick” -similar response for various batkids when they ask for his opinion/help/advice while thinking ‘alfred knows everything.
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you know what who cares about clarity? have an incoherent ramble about pb, how she treats lemonhope, a couple parts about lemongrab, and proof that phlannel boxingday is the best Dad™ in the entirety of adventure time below the cut
I would die for phlannel boxingday he's so good for lh he is the Best father in the entire series and I almost cRied about it
there's a lot of shitty dads in advtime and a lot of dads that could do better but aren't like malevolent, and there's also phlannel, the best damn guy with the kindest fucking heart in the entire show, and he kills giant sentient birds for a living
Listen h
Wait am I about to cry rant about the one off character again
Yeah here goes he was so good he. I mean. I mean. He's so patient and understanding and gentle and lh nEEDS that h he was fucking broken up in his home and then pb spirited him away and put the fate of his entire family on his shoulders and treated him like he was Very Smart And The Chosen One But Would You Just Fucking TRY. and phlannel grabs him away and goes look. you're a good kid. and maybe you can save your family. but you can't beat yourself up over it, you can't put all that weight on your shoulders. you are able to go save them if you want but you are one of many champions in this world, and someone else will do it if you can't. and until then I'm going to keep you fed and clothed and be a person you can come to with anything, because I have no ulterior motives. I really literally don't. 
and every t ime he talks to him he talks low and gentle, he points things out like how he IS a smart kid he REALLY is he just learns differently, he doesn't force him to do anything he doesn't want to do like every other adult figure in his life has up to this point. he knows he has nightmares so obviously lh feels safe enough w him to talk to him about things like that, or he just pays attention and like. knows he keeps waking up screaming and instead of going "ha that's fine," he goes "kids shouldn't be waking up screaming so I'm going to keep an eye on it," he picks up on lh's concerns and gently tells him it isn't his fault when he drops things,
Like ok here's my thing. I know first impression pb is rly nice, yadda yadda I wrote a whole thing (didn’t post it tho lmao) abt how the Ugly Candy People seem to be the worse off ones and that might be her doing if it isn't just coincidence, and I don't feel like getting into that. but . here's my thing abt the lemonhope two parter and pb
Like first off I'm still pissed she put him in a Special School like. how transparent can you be. she's playing favorites and she's raising him for a specific purpose of being a champion. but it's not like, extracurricular champion school, bc she's clearly trying to also teach finn geometry. or maybe she's just. 
Idk but it seems really fucjibg phony. like. just set him up in a school where he can socialize and learn in an environment structured for teaching and socializing. I know lemon ppl don't Get Along With Others but like. singling him out is just. mmmmm don't like that
Anyways so that's one thing but like. she seems to be such! a nice and understanding lady right? she's soft and sweet and she's dangerous when she needs to be, but like. I know we all know she's kind of a dick and she monitors everyone in her kingdom closely to the point of creepiness, etc etc we know. but like. u know what really gets me in the lh two parter is just. how ......inconsiderate? she is maybe? 
like . yeah she wants to fix what went wrong (lg’s cannibalism and like tyranny etc). she can't or won't do it herself ('can't' meaning she's legally not allowed to, but what the fuck is lg gonna do to her? she can destroy him with a fucking flick of her wrist and literally the only person gaining anything from him locking up his kingdom on every legal level possible is himself if that, and we all know his earldom is quite literally overpopulated.So she has nothing but principle stopping her from barging in and demanding he stop, to protect all the other citizens he's hurting. He'll do anything she asks. like maybe once it got bad he wouldn't, maybe he started to realize she never cared about him and she never would, but honestly even if he did start to realize that, if she fucking walked in the door and said she needs to talk he'd be putty in her fingers. he'd listen and do everything she asks of him, and none of the lemon people are gonna fuvkinh stop her. they either know to fear her from lg or stories or experience, or they just know she's their boss's boss, so to speak, and would deliver her right to lg or just let her pass. Right? unless lg has them on orders to like. kill on sight or something. but those poor kids aren't any match for pb and pb's no idiot, she'd take backup or she'd straight up murder them. there's literally no reason for her to not go. she's gonna respect politics now? NOW? She's a fucjibg monolith and she does whatever the fuck she wants no matter what kingdom she's walking into, and now that her son is hurting every single person he's ever loved, NOW she decides she Can't Just Interfere? Fuck you) but uh since she can't/won't do it herself she needs lh to. ok. fine. But like. over and over she repeatedly treats him poorly, like...... like yeah ok she isn't Being Mean but. idk. you take a scared little kid out of his abusive family, then you repeatedly make him see what his siblings are going through now that he's gone, and tell him over and over that it's up to him to make them stop being hurt?
The lemon people are all just babies ? like ok they're not BABIES they're their own ppl but . but they're. so young of COURSE they believe what pb said and what lg2 said, that lh needs to come back for them; HE got away, so so can they, and he's gonna be the one to do it. They're poetic and tragic like the fire kingdom, but grittier and less pretty and performative. of course they'd latch onto the only hero they were given.
but like. to lh it was probably more like. this lady came and took me away from my family so they'd stop hurting me, but she left all my siblings behind, and now she's telling me I have to be the one to save them? lmao no you do it yourself. you did it once you can do it again.
so uh
so lh's adult interaction so far seems to have been like. 
wait was he one of the ones they made originally or is he a second gen lemon person/ someone lg2 made with lollipops like in that one fanfic 
assuming he was in the FIRST BATCH because I'm mean I guess, his adult interaction has been two people who adore me with all their hearts but can't figure out how to feed me-> probably some affection in here somewhere bc he had to get that harp from someplace -> guy who fucking electrocutes us and other guy who's too scared to stop him -> oh shit what the fuck -> lady who got me out of that situation but won't save my siblings and keeps pretending I'm someone I'm not
u know what, I think that's her whole problem
she made lg to be her heir, that's good, but he didn't act how she expected and she couldn't figure out how to support him, so she sent him away (much as I like to say she did it bc like. neddy was antisocial and scared of ppl too and he was ok if he was kept alone so maybe that was all lg wanted too,,,,, like there was still no reason to throw him at the very fucking edge of ooo aight. get him a house in the grasslands or something.). she tried to help him, realized she was making it worse and actually hurting him, so she tried to help again and it worked, bc all lg wanted was to be loved and not to be told over and over (symbolically) that he was REALLY unwanted, but still begrudgingly needed bc he's the only heir to the throne. so getting a friend who wouldn't hate him for who he was was all he wanted. so she did good and kinda let it be for a while. 
but he also really wanted his mothers love, and he tried to act like her so she'd appreciate him or even notice him. so he makes kids for her, he realizes this makes him and his brother happy (HAPPY), and can't stop doing it because he's alone with his brother and their newborn children and no one's telling them to stop. she fixes it, she lets it be.
He's still unwanted. she still hates him. she hates ppl who don't act how she wants them to. she HATES the duke of nuts whose only crime is eating her pudding (possible she hates him bc he's just So Good And Kind, too, and it's fishy), she clearly doesn't treat all her citizens equally (do you see how trashed some of the backstreets are? I mean maybe people are just smashing them faster than she can fix them, but like. I don't know. I don't feel good about it.), she won't fucking talk to the literal heir to her throne (i don’t thiiink he’s been replaced yet?) except when he makes a mess and needs someone to help him fix it. and then she does it as minimally as possible. she sends fnj to fix it or smth. she just. Really wants nothing to do with her failures I guess. maybe that's it. he woke up screaming and needing things other candy people don't need, and she called him her own personal failing. maybe she feels like she let him down by not making him so he could be happy in her kingdom. maybe she blames herself but instead of working with him and supporting him, she gives him anything he asks for and otherwise avoids contact with him like the plague. 
Anyways so what she wanted was a cute, competent candy person to take her throne right? and she goes to his kingdom and she wanders around and like. no one here is her kind of normal. they're all ugly and deformed and squawky and everything's yellow. and to lg and lg everything is BEAUTIFUL, those are their beloved babies that they risked their lives to have, but she doesn't know that, she just knows that MAN those lgs are weird, and when I try to help them, they get mad and lash out at me.
by her first failed experiment she means the first one that made her feel like she was capable of making mistakes that ruin lives. like even if we call that one comic canon, with that Sweet Pink Goop she made before lg, that goop didn’t seem sentient, let alone capable of feeling the consequences of being alive and different from the other candy people
she looks around and she tries to figure out what she doesn't understand. right? in too old. like maybe getting away from them and looking around their house will give her insight into why her heir won't just act like her, won't just be normal and quiet and do what she expects people to do, why she can't figure out how to help him without making him angry (and scared and hurt), figure out what it is HE expects, because he's a person too.
And she finds someone who ISN'T deformed or ugly or weird, she finds someone who honestly wouldn't be out of place (looks wise) in her candy kingdom. and he's bemoaning his unfair treatment and he's dressed in rags and he's alone and he's young and he's talented. 
And he's what she meant to make in the first place. Someone soft and cute, but with whatever traits she'd been looking for in an heir, presumably. someone who can rule a kingdom decently in her place, even better than her, i have my own hcs about that lmao. he’s someone who doesn't flinch when she touches his shoulder, who doesn't have such a cold stare, or such a shrill and uninviting voice. he's small and he's young and he's soft and he's talented and he's being mistreated
and like. she saw other kids getting publicly electrocuted and she saw lg hitting his brother and she saw the fucking evidence of really violent mistreatment, and she went ":/" until she saw someone who she could sympathize with.
and lh isn't who she thinks he is. He's a lemon person, he's Lemongrab's son (or... grandson or like. nephew. I don't know. young relative or like juvenile member of his species.) he's not a candy person, but he looks like one. he's symmetrical and visually healthy. so she gets maternal and concerned, because now it doesn't look like lg's hurting people she doesn't want to even look at let alone worry about (asshole). now to her it looks like he's neglecting and harming a young kid. And they're all young kids, they're all pretty new, they're all people and they're all being hurt. but she can't bring herself to care what he does so long as he’s hurting people she doesn’t care about, that's his business; when she gets involved he threatens to kill her or he upsets her people or whatever. but when she sees someone who looks like a person, who looks like a person of hers, who looks like a kid and who looks like a healthy kid being abused (chubby and healthy but tattered and shock collared and locked in a bathroom, as opposed to like. another lemon person walking around in nice clothes and a shock collar) she gets him out
and she plays on his feelings, she goes, you're the kid I always expected to raise. you're the kid I was supposed to raise to become a shining champion of my kingdom. I made lg, and he turned out wrong and I dropped him as far off the face of the earth as I could, and now I have Finn to be my champion. but you, you need to be great, still. you need to be my shining star. You need to go back and do what lg2 told you to do in his Fuvking Dying Breaths, because like, suddenly me and him are on the same page I guess. 
I don't super blame lg2 for putting all that on lh's shoulders tbh. He's not much older than the kids, really, and like I said, they're all poetic and tragic. and lg2 was getting eaten too so like can you really blame him for anything at that pt. he doesn't know pb really, all his interactions with her were probably Not Bad but lg hates her and would also do anything for her so lg2 probably hates her a little by association. You're the one who hurt my brother and hurt him and hurt him and hurt him, why should I trust you to come get my children away from a dangerous situation? how do I even know if you consider this a dangerous situation? glob for all he knows she electrocutes her people too when they don't please her. for all he knows this is normal.
actually no I give him more credit than that. he might not know if pb considers it normal or not but the fact that lg fucking destroys his spirit when just months ago he was telling him he was the best thing in his entire life, yeah, he knows hurting your kids isn't normal, he knows hurting your life partner isn't normal, he knows maybe how lg came to this conclusion, but he won't tolerate it if he can help it
Anyways I love him?
so in conclusion pb treats lh like he's a candy person when he's NOT, and phlannel boxingday is the absolute purest most wholesome character to ever walk into that fucjibg TV series and he's the only one who treats lh the way he needs to be treated - like a person, like a smart person, like a person who's been abused and been put on a pedestal, like a person with his own needs and experiences that are different from maybe what you'd expect or wish. That's my conclusion. It's 11 fucking pm I need my dam slEEP
real quick summary bc I think I see where I was trying to go with this long ramble: pb's inconsiderate in that she treats him like a gifted candy person, not a gifted lemon person, let alone just a scared little kid who's been really neglected and abused. she at least seems to just kinda ignore the whole thing where he gets defensive and... grabby? idk bc he grew up in a house where he was hungry and ignored and hurt
you give a kid who was raised in a house where he's always hungry and competing with his siblings for food two cupcakes do you really think he's going to share them
especially when it's very clear that you have many cupcakes
do you really think so
also just. if we go w saying a LOT of lg's quirks come from him parroting how pb treated him, idk she just. doesn't do a great job of not treating lh the same way. sure she apologizes when she calls him unacceptable but still I get the feeling she treats him more like lg did than she'd like to think.
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