#like on one hand. good on obi-wan for standing up for ahsoka! on the other hand. my god.
jedistepsmp3 · 2 years
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“no jedi is ever truly a child” good LORD. 
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twinterrors29 · 6 months
while Palpatine had ordered the Jedi to take extreme action in order to defend him from the supposed assassination attack planned on Naboo, the Council never actually told him their plan to send Obi-Wan undercover as Rako Hardeen
so when he saw Anakin teetering as he failed to cope with his Master's murder, he gave the final push to bring him firmly to his own side, then sent the newly-minted Vader to carry out Operation Knightfall at the Jedi Temple while he transmitted Order 66 across the rest of the galaxy
but first, Vader sneakily ordered Ahsoka and Rex away from the Temple, telling them to guard Padme with a small squad of troopers to keep them out of the way of his slaughter
however, Sidious expected him to try something like that, and made sure to comm Captain Rex directly to ensure that neither he nor Ahsoka escaped the massacre unscathed
once Padme and her handmaidens subdued them and used their med droids to remove the chips, they all saw that no matter Anakin's intentions Palpatine wasn't going to leave them alive and fled Coruscant to found the Rebellion together
back at the Temple, while Mace is making his final stand chopping and maiming Vader upstairs, a single Temple Guard in a secret sublevel watched the security footage in horror, hearing the cries of all their brethren across the galaxy
they saw a chance to protect one of their brothers, and they decided to take it: before the troopers could find this cell block, they triggered the deadman's switch, collapsing the entire level and killing themselves and their single prisoner, destroying any remaining evidence that the man out in the galaxy wasn't the true Rako Hardeen
across the galaxy, Obi-Wan woke from his deep sleep after surviving the ordeal of the Box on Serenno to the horror of feeling all his kin dying at once
only for Dooku to walk into the room
Dooku had figured out who 'Hardeen' was, and had elected not to share that information with his Master in the hopes of turning Obi-Wan and taking on Sidious with him at his side
but now he could see that Sidious had accelerated his own plot, and Dooku was left to scramble to make something of this opportunity himself before he sent Vader to remove the now unnecessary apprentice
so he showed Obi-Wan the news footage of Anakin proudly marching on the Temple with the troopers, and the newly-crowned Emperor decrying their collusion with Dooku to assassinate him at the upcoming Festival on Naboo
Obi-Wan was utterly heartbroken by these betrayals, but accepted Dooku's proposal to flee together in order to mount resistance against Palpatine's new rule
before too long, they catch up to the fledgling Rebellion that Padme, Rex, and Ahsoka have been putting together in exile and revealed their identities
Ahsoka and Rex were very relieved to hear of Obi-Wan's survival, even with the unspoken tension of knowing that his faked death was the trigger Palpatine used to kick off his ultimate power grab
as the new regime on Coruscant settled in, Padme and Dooku worked together to set themselves up as political figure heads of Rebellion, delivering speeches across the galaxy to weaken Palpatine's public image while secretly running black ops missions on the side
(they would both grudgingly admit that they made a good team, even if they still hated each others' guts)
Rex and Ahsoka ran further black ops missions, keeping the Empire busy and distracted and rescuing troopers wherever they could, and setting up new Rebel cells and recruiting any sympathetic politicians and operatives they can find
Obi-Wan, on the other hand, still had the wrong face, and had no access to the necessary technology to change that; he chose to act as a lone field operative, but knew that most friends and allies would be put off by the fact that he was wearing his murder's face
(and they all agreed, it was better to keep Obi-Wan Kenobi's survival a secret from the Empire)
but then, a few years in, they learn that the Empire is looking for Hardeen specifically
at first they fear that the secret has been found out
but then they hear further rumors, that they're gathering up any and all known Jedi Killers, supposedly building a program to hunt the surviving Jedi
despite their misgivings, Obi-Wan resolved to use this chance to infiltrate the Empire
Sidious of course immediately welcomed Hardeen into his proto-Inquisitorius program
"Hardeen" is immediately assigned to a single masked Force user (seemingly a young humanoid adult who seemed...oddly familiar, but they were clouded in the Force) and a squad of Purge Troopers
the Purge Troopers, on the other hand, he immediately recognized: this was the remains of Ghost Company, including his former Commander, who had been sent on a comms-dark mission on the Outer Rim during his undercover assignment
as it turned out, because they'd never been forced to actually turn on their Jedi during the Purge, they lacked the same cognitive dissonance that many of their peers in other battalions struggled with, forcing them to try to justify their choices that day; in fact, they very much wanted out of the Empire, and were searching for an opportunity
and now they were assigned to train with their beloved General's murderer
the tense stalemate among them lasted until they captured a young girl in the Lower Levels of Coruscant on their first mission and realized they couldn't afford to wait any longer
the troopers' tentative plan of kill-Hardeen-and-maybe-the-Inquisitor-and-steal-the-ships-and-disappear-with-the-kid, however, was derailed by "Hardeen's" quick-talking offer as they corned him to enact the first step:
after all, they wanted Vader's head for what he'd done to their brothers and the Order, and Obi-Wan was willing to give them the opening they wanted, even if he knew he would never be able to strike the killing blow himself
and he was already planning to offer them a way out of the Empire
the troopers accepted this offer
they moved quickly, luring Vader into a trap, but he had suspected treachery and managed to turn the tables on his attackers
to try to turn the tide back in their favor, Obi-Wan revealed himself, but was unprepared for the immediate onslaught of hatred and fury that triggered in his direction
which allowed the concealed Inquisitor to make her move, Barriss stopping the monster that killed her family and betrayed her best friend
with Obi-Wan's identity revealed, they all celebrated their victory and his return from the dead as they fled Coruscant to join the Rebellion, getting them all to safety
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antianakin · 1 year
Antianakin's Anti-Anakin/Pro-Jedi Fic Rec List
The theme for this rec list is fics that either center on Anakin getting some consequences for his actions or are just generally more critical towards Anakin as a character. Please note that this means these fics will also be critical towards most Anakin ships, most notably Anidala and Obikin.
This list is dedicated to all of the people who have been sending me messages asking for fic recs over the last several months, there's clearly a market for fics that aren't kind towards Anakin.
A lot of these fics take things like the Tusken massacre, Order 66, and Anakin's treatment of Padme, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Rex very seriously. Please take that as a warning if any of those things might be triggering, and keep an eye on the tags for all of the fics included here just in case.
Here are the categories!
Anakin/Consequences: Anakin experiences consequences for his actions in some way shape or form, but doesn't die.
Spoiler Alert, He Doesn't Make It: Anakin experiences the specific consequence of dying by the end of the story, usually at the hands of someone he's hurt.
The Jedi Deserve Better: There's a bigger focus on the Jedi recovering, Jedi culture, or the Jedi being philosophically right than there is on anything specifically "anti Anakin" as such, but the story is still critical of Anakin's beliefs and/or behavior.
Helpful terms:
Unfinished: Any fic that is marked as incomplete, or a series where the fic(s) in it are still incomplete and cannot stand alone
Ongoing: Any series marked as incomplete, but the fics in it are marked as complete or can stand alone as they are
There is no specific order to this. I tried to group fics from one specific author together, but other than that, I didn't place anything in any specific position for a reason.
This is not an exhaustive list of good anti-Anakin fics that exist, obviously. If your fic or your favorite fic isn't on this list, please feel free to rec it yourself in the notes, leave a reply or reblog with a link. I'm happy to read more anti-Anakin fic, especially if it's very Pro-Jedi!
One final reminder: NOTHING IN THIS LIST IS ANAKIN FRIENDLY! If that's going to bother you to read, please just skip this entire list, it's not for you.
and the tide rises, the tide falls series by @blackkatmagic (unfinished, 119k): When Anakin's actions with the Tuskens on Tatooine become known a few months into the Clone War, Agen Kolar comes in to temporarily take over the 501st while Anakin is sent back to Coruscant to face the Council. I cannot recommend this fic enough. This is the fic that introduced me to Agen Kolar as a real character (as opposed to just one of the random Jedi who immediately die going up against Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith) and now he's one of my favorite Jedi of all time. Agen is such a beautiful character and his relationship to his identity as a Jedi gives me just about every feeling I think I've ever felt in my life and the development of his relationships with Rex, Kix, and Ahsoka as the fic continues is such a well-written slow burn. I'd recommend reading more of blackkat's works just in general, too, because they're pretty much all Pro-Jedi and have a delightful tendency to focus on more niche Jedi and clone characters and rarepair ships if you're interested in that.
Commander Fox's Ultimate Bucket List by @blackkatmagic (27k): Fox is sent back in time, immediately murders Palpatine, and surprisingly nothing but good things follow so he's got plenty of time now to get to the other things on his bucket list, including but not limited to: murdering Count Dooku, murdering Anakin Skywalker, saving Senator Amidala from her atrocious taste in men, and seducing Mace Windu. This fic is BLISTERINGLY funny, Fox's very dry point of view on things and readiness to shoot Anakin at literally any moment literally had me struggling to not laugh out loud at work. This is also an INCREDIBLY pro-Mace Windu fic, with all of the clones, for once, in love with Mace Windu instead of the more popular suspects. It's what he deserves, and Fox agrees.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Time Travelers by @blackkatmagic (unfinished, 78k): Fives is stuck in a time loop where he tries to stop Order 66 from happening and his latest plan is to kidnap Mace Windu for his own protection because he's the only person capable of defeating Palpatine. Fives' opinion of Anakin is now INCREDIBLY low, and the constant comparisons to Mace and how much better Mace is, are deeply satisfying. Fives' immense distress and somewhat manic passion don't take away from just HOW competent Fives is, and I really love getting to see a depiction of him that really allows him to fully be both at once and neither one takes away from the other. I love how his relationship to Mace develops from Fives' initial desperation into something so trusting and passionate through difficult circumstances.
in search of a sky for smoke to rise to by @blackkatmagic (7k): Padme has to go on the run after reporting Anakin's massacre of the Tuskens to the Jedi in fear of Anakin's rage. She lands on Sundari to try to hide there and meets with Arla Fett who sparks her interest. Padme gets to be a total BAMF in this which is always fun, and I LOVED Arla in this so so much!
sanguine series by @glimmerglanger (157.5k) (EDIT: this AO3 account was deleted several months after I made this list and so the link below is now broken. I am leaving this series in regardless, as a record of the incredible work glimmerglanger did and as a reminder of the consequences of online harassment): Obi-Wan is a vampire in an AU where vampires exist in the GFFA and this changes some things. The ramifications of what it means to be a vampire in this AU and the biases and prejudices that Obi-Wan has to deal with are so interesting from a worldbuilding standpoint. The way Anakin's relationship with Obi-Wan CHANGES because of it is also an interesting thing to see develop in this series.
uncomfortable by @panther-os (1k): When Anakin won't respect Padme's boundaries in the beginning of Attack of the Clones, Padme requests a different bodyguard from the Jedi. Short and sweet and removes the rather unfortunate "yes means no" theme that taints Padme's storyline in Attack of the Clones.
Slices of Happiness series by @feybarn (unfinished, 40k): No Order 66 AU where Obi-Wan takes a short sabbatical after the war to handle his mental health and is joined by some of the clones before he returns to the Temple. It is, as the title of the series says, mostly just little slices of stories as the clones and Jedi heal and reconnect after the war. There's a large emphasis on Obi-Wan healing from Anakin's rejection of the Jedi and having to come to terms with his relationship with Anakin having perhaps been less healthy than he'd realized and learning to enforce healthier boundaries when Anakin gets entitled and selfish.
Wasted Training by @thesecondbatgirl (700): Obi-Wan finds out about Anakin's "training" for Ahsoka from TOTJ. Very short but OH so satisfying to see someone react appropriately to this.
Liberosis by Be_Right_Back (2k): In a No Order 66 AU, Anakin's secret marriage comes to light and the Council asks Anakin to make a choice. This one is a tad softer on the "anti Anakin" aspect of it, but the Jedi are portrayed as entirely within their rights to make Anakin choose which life he wants to live.
Stay by @amukmuk (2k): Commander Thorn has been helping Padme out in a No Order 66 AU as Padme's been dealing with her divorce from Anakin, and Padme finally comes to a decision about her feelings. I am an unrepentant Thornidala shipper, and as many problems as I tend to have with the way Padme's written and the implications about her as a character because of that, I also have a nostalgic attachment to her and wish she could just... have a happier healthier relationship with someone who ACTUALLY loves her and respects her. I would take an entire series of this AU, I'd read a longfic of this AU, but I will also happily accept this short sweet little peek into this AU and let my daydreams do the rest of the work.
The Burden of Secrets by @jedi-order-apologist (9k): In the aftermath of the Deception arc, Ahsoka discovers the truth about the Tusken massacre and confronts Anakin about it. This one is a little lighter on the "anti Anakin" elements, but his choices on Tatooine are very much called out for the horror that they are, as are Padme's for hiding it. The fic also delves a little bit into the Rako Hardeen arc, Obi-Wan's choices in it, and Anakin's reactions to it and how appropriate they are.
Consumed by Greed by virdant (900): Obi-Wan travels back in time to the beginning of Anakin's apprenticeship and tries everything to try to keep Anakin from joining the Sith, and fails until he comes to a crucial understanding about Anakin as a person. The concept of this is absolutely heart-wrenching, thinking about Obi-Wan going back over and over, changing everything about himself and the Jedi in an attempt to save Anakin, only to finally realize that the problem lies in who Anakin is at his heart, and he can't change that. The ending is a gutpunch, but it feels so absolutely true, too.
Justice by virdant (1k): Padme makes a different choice at the end of AOTC and decides to report Anakin's crimes on Tatooine to Obi-Wan instead of marrying Anakin. Obi-Wan confronts Anakin about what he's done in the aftermath and forces him to face the consequences of the choice he made. I really like that the concept here isn't just that Anakin gets kicked out of the Jedi and sort-of set loose upon the galaxy, but that either the Council or Obi-Wan decided Anakin also needed to face reparations ON TATOOINE, from the Tuskens themselves, and that Obi-Wan plans to ensure that it happens. Anakin cannot be a Jedi until he makes as many amends for that as he can, until he recognizes the truth of what he's done and accepts the responsibility for it, and even then there's no guarantee he could be a Jedi afterwards. Either way, the Jedi are not not the only people Anakin has hurt, and not the only people with the right to ask for reparations from Anakin.
The Cost by luvewan (5k): Anakin jumps off the gunship after Padme in Attack of the Clones and deals (badly) with the fatal consequences of that choice when Obi-Wan dies at Dooku's hand before Yoda can show up. So this has been a favorite of mine for just about as long as I can remember, predominantly because of just how tragic it is and the very realistic consequences of the choice Anakin makes here. This fic was written before Revenge of the Sith had come out, so none of the choices Anakin makes in that film are taken into account, but the accuracy with which Anakin absolutely unravels and devolves into darkness because he lets his guilt turn into anger that he turns on other people in the name of justice feels so immensely in character. Seeing it all happen from Padme's point of view as she watches Anakin's descent, knowing she's the reason it happened in the first place, is so devastatingly beautiful.
Spoiler Alert, He Doesn't Make It:
@glimmerglanger's fics are getting an entire section dedicated to them again. I'd honestly just recommend reading all of glimmerglanger's work, but here's some fics that specifically showcase (deadly) consequences to Anakin below (EDIT: this AO3 account was deleted several months after I made this list and so all of the links below are now broken. I am leaving this section in regardless, as a record of the incredible work glimmerglanger did and as a reminder of the consequences of online harassment):
A Treatise on Breaking and Repairs (60k): Anakin captures Obi-Wan shortly after Revenge of the Sith and it goes very badly for Obi-Wan. This shit's dark, y'all, and things get way worse before they get better, please mind the tags, there's a reason the series is labeled the oof!au. That being said, this fic is sort-of the peak example of what I want out of a really good hurt/comfort story, where both halves of that are equally emphasized.
But What We Make series (ongoing, 125.5k): Cody from post-Return of the Jedi travels back in time to just before Order 66 and this changes some things. My favorite part of this series (so far) is the way Obi-Wan, future-Cody, and present-Cody are all forced to come to terms with their respective traumas and relationships to each other and none of them are handling it perfectly, but none of them are treated as more or less important than the others either.
Convergence Zones (115.5k): A sort-of modern day fantasy Jedi AU where the clones are made of clay and brought to life via magic. It's a little hard to explain in like 20 words or less just read it, it's so great. The collaboration between the clones and Jedi in this is so sweet, and the worldbuilding of the "clones" in this verse is really good.
Haunt Me, Then (31k): Post Order 66, all the surviving clones can see their Jedi as Force ghosts except Cody and the 212th, and when Cody's chip breaks early he helps start a revolution to gain justice for their Jedi. Cody's going through it in this one, too, and things get pretty dark, but this is another really great catharsis fic if you're in the mood for that.
Make Your Bed (Lie in It) (58k): Cody and Obi-Wan share a bunk during the war and this changes some things. I love all the ways in which this AU moves events just SLIGHTLY to the left and then the butterfly effect impact afterwards. The Cody and Obi-Wan relationship development is also just impeccable.
Natural Wonders (56k): Shapeshifter modern AU with nature photographer Cody and park ranger Obi-Wan and a murder mystery they solve together. There's some really cool facts about Yellowstone National Park in this fic as a delightful bonus to the sweet relationshippy stuff and the fun murder mystery storyline.
Greater Than Your Hoarded Gold series by Quietbang (ongoing, 96k): Anakin doesn't burn on Mustafar AU where there is a different kind of rebellion in the galaxy post Order 66. This author focused in on and centered the Jewish elements to the Jedi and brought in more Jewish culture to the Jedi, which is so interesting to read. The shifting perspectives, including totally outside perspectives, on the Jedi and the situation in the galaxy at large, makes for a really cool story with some incredible worldbuilding.
Unmasked by @schizo-fractured (17k): Footage of the Temple during Order 66 is released and this causes a series of changes in the galaxy as they confront what REALLY happened to the Jedi and the person who caused it. This got recommended to me based on a post I made wishing we could've seen Beru and Owen learn the truth about Anakin and what might've changed for them as a result, and while that's not the singular plot of this fic, it is kind-of an example of the underlying theme of the entire thing. It's a nice almost wish-fulfillment style concept where the loss of Anakin Skywalker's good reputation allows the general populace to rise up in defense of those he betrayed in righteous rage. It's time for the galaxy to defend the Jedi for a change.
the time when stars align by @deniigi (7k): Cody accidentally adopts some young stormtroopers post Order 66 and escapes with them to the Rebellion after Vader finds a way to "cure" him of his accelerated aging. Cody goes through so much horror in this fic and is still so SO funny with the way he looks at the world and speaks to his loved ones, allowing this fic to still feel sweet and wholesome despite how awful Cody's life is and has been.
When Night Falls series by Penguin Kiwi (ongoing, 7k): Cin Drallig gets more of a warning in the Force just before Order 66 and is able to put up a defense of the Temple and stop Anakin at the steps. I love these AUs that allow more niche Jedi to shine through, especially when it means they get to defeat Anakin because the Force looked at Anakin's choices and decided to abandon him for a better option. The conversation between Cin and Obi-Wan in the second fic really hits home, too.
The Jedi Deserve Better:
grow bold in a barren and desolate land by @blackkatmagic (5k): Mace survives Order 66 and Anakin's betrayal and stages a rescue for two clones left in prison who he knows never would've had their chips activated: Slick and Dogma. This has literally the barest mention of Anakin, but that mention is that Mace could easily beat Anakin in a fair fight, so I'm including it anyway. This is another one of those AUs I could read an entire longfic or series for and be eternally happy. There's a follow-up to this fic that's more explicitly Mace/Slick which is by no means ever a ship I had ever even considered before, but it works SO WELL here and gives me some interesting feelings. I'm also just always down for Dogma being treated kindly and getting a happier ending than canon chose to give him.
i am creation, both haunted and holy by @blackkatmagic (800): A'Sharad Hett makes a visit to Kamino where he meets Alpha-17 and finds they share an opinion about Anakin Skywalker. I'm so intrigued by A'Sharad Hett as a character and wish there was more content written about and for him. A'Sharad and Alpha-17 bonding over thinking Anakin Skywalker is an entitled selfish jerk is the best possible beginning to a ship, I'll be honest.
that was a spring of storms by @blackkatmagic (unfinished, 9k): When Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star, Leia's grief causes herself, Luke, and Bail Organa to travel back in time to 8 months into the Clone Wars, where they are determined to ensure things go a little differently. This fic is only 2 chapters in, so I don't know precisely what kind of consequences Anakin may or may not end up getting, which is why it's in this category, but unsurprisingly neither Bail nor Leia are feeling particularly benevolent towards him and it is so incredibly satisfying. But holy FUCK am I hooked to this entire concept. Bail and Leia's relationship is heart-wrenching as all get out, Bail's protective instincts towards the Jedi absolutely kills me, and I'm so intrigued by these ship tags!
The Crime of Grief Series by @feybarn (ongoing, 34k): Padme goes into labor early while on the way to Mustafar, so neither she nor Obi-Wan ever make it there, and they go on the run with Rex and Ahsoka afterwards instead. Sides are drawn in the aftermath of Anakin's choices that causes friction among them before they can find healing. There's a large emphasis in this series that Anakin's choices are, in fact, HIS CHOICES, and the blame for them cannot be placed on anyone but Anakin, as well as the conundrum of whether it truly matters whether Anakin's got good left in him or not and if it's even worth it to try to save him.
吃飽了嗎? | Have you eaten your fill? series by virdant (1.5k): A look at Obi-Wan and his experience of Jedi culture through food. Virdant's fics focus in on the Asian influences in the Jedi and builds out their culture from there. Not every fic in this series is explicitly anti-Anakin, but a few of them are more critical of Anakin's view of the Jedi and his unwillingness to understand their culture or point of view.
things the way we want them to be by virdant (600): No Order 66 AU, where a teenaged Leia talks to Obi-Wan about the struggles she's having with Anakin as a father and the future she knows she (and Luke) should've had but weren't allowed. Leia is just absolutely heartbreaking in this, and Obi-Wan's inability to truly help her the way they both want is equally so. It's a devastating look at a possible less happy future even in a happy fix-it AU because leaving the Jedi would never be enough to "fix" Anakin.
Not This Crude Matter series by @talesfromthebitterbeast (53k): The clones have picked up some misconceptions about the Jedi which causes the Jedi to distance themselves from the clones, even after the war ends in a happy fix-it AU. The fics showcase the situation from multiple different perspectives as misunderstandings abound, but is always firmly on the side of the Jedi. I really like the way the Jedi relationships are showcased here, the ways they communicate and lean on each other even in the face of being misunderstood and misrepresented by people they'd hoped would understand them better than anyone else.
Harmonic Oscillation by @jessepinwheel (2k): Originally a short tumblr fic that has since been posted to AO3. Obi-Wan time travels back to the Clone War era and confronts Anakin about what he's done. I always love getting to see Obi-Wan refuse to let Anakin get away with his bullshit and finally see Anakin for the piece of shit that he is.
Released by @jedi-order-apologist (6k): Cody is rescued from the Empire post-Return of the Jedi and has to come to terms with everything he's happened to him now that he's at the end of his life and spent the majority of it brainwashed and enslaved to the Empire. This is a fic I come back to a lot because I really love the way Cody works through what's happened to him and the way he's viewed from an outside perspective via Luke. I also really love how the relationship between Cody and Obi-Wan isn't made explicitly romantic, but is portrayed as immensely important and meaningful to both of them, regardless of how you choose to view it.
Knightrise by @deviantaccumulation (unfinished, 89k): Obi-Wan and Yoda choose not to try to fight Anakin or Sidious and instead retreat to Mandalore to attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order as much as they can there under Satine's protection. This is an AU where Maul genuinely dies on Naboo which is a major plus in my book all on its own, quite honestly. There's some interesting political aspects in this for how the Jedi Order attempts to rebuild an actual community within Mandalore, with Mandalore still being a member of the Neutral Systems, and the Empire having risen already and all of the ensuing issues with that.
|keep the wolves away| by littlekaracan (unfinished, 46k): Obi-Wan and Yoda find Reva in the Temple and she accompanies Obi-Wan to Tatooine where they have to survive and recover together while watching over and protecting Luke. This is such a brilliant character study into Reva as a young child survivor of Order 66, being taken care of by someone who loves her but is equally as traumatized by the same event and the way that shapes their relationship and Reva's upbringing. I love her SO SO MUCH and I adore her perspective as she struggles to figure out what it means to be a Jedi in a world where being a Jedi openly means certain death but it's the last connection she has to her home, her family, and her culture.
our caches and constellations by johanneb (98k): "Eleven years ago, the Jedi order got wind of the closing pincers of a Sith trap and scattered to the remote corners of the galaxy. Ten years ago, millions of clone commanders and troopers were introduced as the Republic’s new Army, made for fighting a war alongside people the galaxy seemed to be forgetting ever existed." I couldn't come up with a better way to explain the fic than its own summary, but Cody and the 212th pick up Obi-Wan and Luke on Tatooine, while Senator Organa has to figure out how to get himself, Leia, and Leia's "tutor" to a rebel base without their two new Coruscant Guard escorts figuring out exactly how disloyal to the Republic they actually are. I absolutely SLAMMED through this fic, it's so good. Despite some of its heavier themes, it's honestly very sweet and wholesome with lots of cute Luke and Leia, some incredibly wonderful romances, and really interesting worldbuilding for this just slightly to the left version of the gffa. Anakin never makes an appearance in this, but he does get mentioned a few times for his betrayal and his part in the current state of the galaxy, and I REALLY loved that at no point in this fic was it ever important to either twin who their biological parents were.
ring the bells that can still ring by rain_sleet_snow (22k): Reva's been working with the Rebellion in-between the events of the Kenobi show and A New Hope, but when she hears Obi-Wan has made an appearance recently and goes to try to find him, she discovers Luke and Leia instead, with nobody left to train them but her. This fic was like a warm bread roll or a perfectly brewed cup of tea, it was just absolutely wholesome and exactly everything I could have wanted from this concept. The relationships between Luke, Leia, and Reva are both hilarious and sweet while allowing their respective traumas to still remain relevant to their journey together. Their discussions about Darkness, Reva's past, Obi-Wan, Anakin, the Jedi, and the events of A New Hope are all heart-wrenching and really feel so in-character but also so in line with the tone of the original trilogy. I could sit here and list things I liked about this fic all day, but it'd be faster to just read it yourself.
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flyiingsly · 5 months
Pairing : The 501st x reader
Summary : Early mission's briefing and night out at the 79' aren't the best match for you and your fellow troopers, much to Rex's despair.
A/N : Just a (really) short thing that was waiting in my WIPs folder for several months already ... It was inspired by a very early and boring meeting I had one day at work, I was nearly falling asleep on my chair and the only thing I was able to think about to stay awake were our favorite Boys in Blue. It was quiet efficient actually ! Enjoy ❤
It was early in the morning. Well, not so early in fact, but it felt like. You were unusually late to the briefing, not that much, but late enough to arrive after Anakin, who was already here, visibly struggling to stay upright.
You were supposed to leave for a simple recon mission this afternoon with the 501st. Not a dangerous one, only routine on a neutral planet near Coruscant, just to make sure everything was still alright there.
The problem was, last night was not really relaxing. You and the boys had spent most of the night at the 79’ with your General, which wasn’t often, for most of the nights he spent on Coruscant, he stayed with a certain Senator. But not this time. She had been sent on a diplomatic meeting somewhere else in the galaxy, so he gladly joined you at the bar when you asked him. And it was even more funny than usual this way.
But now that you were all here standing in front of General Kenobi, all sleep deprived and some still sobering up, it wasn’t really funny anymore. Of course, it wasn’t your first night off at the 79’, and it was more than worth it, but still, waking up the next morning was always a bit hard. Only Rex and Dogma were good looking, the first because he stayed at the base finishing reports (and yet you tried your best to make him come with you, in vain) and the second because, well, he never seemed to suffer from lack of sleep, strangely (and he left the bar a bit earlier than anyone else, but still, it was far from enough sleep anyway).
It was glorious, Echo and Fives were leaning against each other, trying their best not to fall on the ground, Kix was staring into space, dark circles around his wide opened, completely empty eyes, his third cup of caf in his hand, Anakin was trying to yawn in the most discreet way possible, when Hardcase was, on the contrary, yawning widely, showing all of his teeth to a glaring Dogma. Even Jesse, who was usually doing his best to look as presentable as possible, was a mess, and you weren’t feeling very good neither to be honest. But most of all, Tup was missing, and nobody was able to tell where he was.
Obi-Wan and Rex decided to start the meeting anyway, it was already late enough, you’ll resume it to him when he’ll show up, you thought.
Staying focused was difficult as hell, and Ahsoka couldn’t help but grin at all your sleepy faces. But soon, Fives legs couldn’t take it anymore, and he suddenly collapsed on the ground, dragging a very surprised Echo in his fall. Rex’s eyes widened with embarrassment while Obi-Wan held a smile back. Dogma looked absolutely outraged, but the rest of the company started to laugh uncontrollably at the sight of the two ARCs laying comically on the ground, too tired and stunned to get up.
“ARC Troopers, stand up, immediately !” Rex screamed at them, cheeks turning red.
The poor Captain was so done it showed on his face. He was trying to stay composed, but the expression he wore was so priceless it made the scene even more funny.
You and Anakin helped the two soldiers on their feet, Echo’s arm grabbing your shoulders tightly not to lose his balance again. You were doing your best to contain your laughter, but the lack of sleep and the nervousness due to the multiple cups of caf you ingurgitated right before weren’t helping.
Nobody was able to calm down anyway, and since even Obi-Wan seemed amused by the situation when he turned toward him in search of some support, all that was left for Rex to do was facepalming heavily, probably asking himself was he was doing with his life right now.
The sudden scream coming from one of the nearby technicians working on the company transport ship suddenly made everyone stop laughing, all faces turning toward the origin of the noise.
Then you heard Fives murmured with a mischievous smile on his lips.
“I think someone finally found Tup !”
Rex looked at him with a horrified look on his face.
He didn’t got the chance to have an answer for a technician showed up in the second, asking him to come and see what he had just saw, because, apparently, one of his men was “asleep, snoring and duct-taped to the cockpit’s celling”.
You swear you caught the Captain’s head begin to steam as everyone started to cackle again, hurrying to follow the shocked technician to the said ship. Passing by Fives, who was laughing his ass off, he sent him a frightening death glare.
Needless to say that some troopers received a huge amount of chores to do after that failed briefing.
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tennessoui · 4 months
i decided to reread ur foolproof, foolhardy fic, and "“You dropped into my lap about five meters away from both our masters in a very unsoundproofed ship and asked all sultry, Wanna fuck? How could a man say no?”" how WOULD poor master skywalker have responded if baby!obi-wan had done that instead of his long seduction? (maybe not where qui-gon could hear)
fun fact!! one of the original ideas for the last chapter of foolproof foolhardy was to go full-circle with this moment and have them fuck before they talk it out - fuck in the ship "because we should just get it out of our systems" on their way to the mission, a fling obi-wan proposes by dropping into anakin's lap and asking him wanna fuck?
and then after they have rough angry sex, they go do the mission they're assigned and something goes wrong and they talk about their feelings then in a big and dramatic way
but that would have meant like. 3 more chapters at least and the last step of the plan was to "be honest and direct" so i figured i had to make them be honest and direct lol
BUT! obi-wan does the lap sitting and proposition thing twice in the story, both times with vos (the one you quoted and then once in the interlude chapter when vos gently turns him down because he's not going to be a stand-in for anakin skywalker)
and then in the last chapter when he and anakin are kissing, it's referenced again:
He doesn’t think he realized until this moment that there is no need to coax Anakin into anything. He’s already wanted, past all logic and reason. He does not need to play on Anakin’s possessiveness, his anger, his jealousy. All he has to do to be wanted by Anakin Skywalker is to drop into his lap and say please. 
so really 'dropping into his lap and saying please' is sort of padawan obi-wan's MO lol i think master skywalker would have turned scarlet and i think he would have caved but it would make their love story even more complicated if they had slept together before they talked about anything
(aka in a stacy's mom au au, let's say instead of master skywalker comming ahsoka to tell her to come back in the first chapter, he goes to get her and decides to personally escort all padawans back to the temple - not vos though as he is a knight and can choke. ahsoka ends up passed out in her bed and obi-wan is really planning to leave but now it's just him and master skywalker and there's something about the man that makes him seem...approachable right now...willing. it may be the exhaustion around his eyes, it may be because this is the first time they've really been alone together since zygerria, it may be because master skywalker had his hand on his lower back the entire time he escorted him and ahsoka back to the temple, it may be because he caught master skywalker looking at his lips at least once tonight, it may be because obi-wan has had way too much to drink really and anakin's pouring a drink of his own because apparently there's important paperwork he must do and and and and it may be a thousand different things that make obi-wan feel just confident enough to drop into master skywalker's lap and ask him if he wants to fuck around - but they have to be quiet because ahsoka is asleep in the next room
and because neither would be able to just do it once, because they're both still in love with each other, they start sneaking around to do it more. there's no bet, just a lot of guilt. quinlan doesn't know, ahsoka doesn't know, and it turns out in the shadows is a good place to kiss and a bad place to have the conversations they need to have....so they don't have them and they don't have them and they don't have them and obi-wan tries to tell himself this is enough this is more than he deserves, more than he ever thought he'd get and anakin tries to tell himself that this is all he deserves and more than he ever thought he'd get)
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eagna-eilis · 9 months
Star Wars Characters at a Family Wedding in Ireland
ANAKIN - Gets extremely nostalgic about his own wedding and makes his adult twin children groan in embarrassment. Is in such a good mood that he isn't even mad when Leia calls him a fascist for voting Fine Gael, and manages to give his grandson an effective pep talk.
PADMÉ - So resplendent that the bride is almost jealous but honestly how could you be upset with her she's just so nice. Gets giggly tipsy over dinner and waltzes with C3P0 afterwards. Touches up literally everyone's makeup for them throughout the night and does a better job than the actual makeup artist.
OBI-WAN - Waits til the night is winding down then magically locates a squeezebox, fiddle, a guitar, and a tin whistle and hands them out to start a sessiún. The sing-song goes on until 5am and it's all his fault. His signature song is 'The Lass of Aughrim' because it makes him feel all literary.
R2D2 - Has at least four too many double Jamesons and literally starts arguing with the wall. Shmii finds him passed out under a table the next morning, wherein he swears he's not drinking until Christmas.
C3P0 - Wrecks the heads of the hotel staff over dinner with all his requests, to the point of embarrassing the other people at his table. Conducts impromptu ballroom dancing lessons while the band plays and charms the pants off everyone with his patient explanations of how to foxtrot.
LANDO - Pulls out a deck of cards and starts a game of 21s in the corner. Absolutely swindles everyone. It's okay though because he puts his winnings behind the bar so nobody has to pay for their drinks after that.
AHSOKA - Brings enough weed to share with a chosen few, like an absolute queen. Ends up hanging out in the loo for ages rolling for herself, Sabine, Maz, Kanan, and eventually Ben. Despite her relative stillness and quiet, she enjoys the music more than basically anybody else and people will quote her fondly slagging Anakin over dinner for the next 20 years.
SABINE - Camera queen who tries to look like she isn't enjoying herself. Fools nobody because she keeps grinning and snort-laughing. Her photos are a thousand times better than the photographer's and are the ones that the couple use for their album.
HERA - Helps Leia gang up on Anakin about politics because goddamn it, Leia isn't wrong. Hands out isotonic powder sachets and paracetamols to everyone before they go up to bed. They're gonna need it.
EZRA - Gets so hyper after consuming so much 7up that Hera has to send him to bed before the DJ takes over from the band. Sneaks down later for the cocktail sausages.
DIN DJARIN - Couldn't get a babysitter so he's tucked up at home watching The Late Late and hate-tweeting it.
GROGU - fell asleep in front of The Late Late. Delighted when somebody brings wedding cake to the house the following day.
KANAN - Literally will not be at peace until the DJ plays Kenny Rodgers' 'The Gambler' because it's not a wedding without it. Once that's done he insists on 'Come On Eileen'. Somebody's gotta be the keeper of the flame of tradition, after all.
CHEWBACCA - Requests all the group dances. Rock the Boat, The Siege of Ennis, The Macarena, The Walls of Limerick, Chain Reaction. Bullies everyone into joining in, except Ben who is the absolute antithesis of craic.
LUKE - Every wedding requires at least one merrily drunk uncle and Luke does not disappoint. Suit jacket? Gone. Top buttons? Open. Tie? It's now around his head while he stands on a chair playing air guitar to 'Hotel California'. Ends up puking in a flower pot. Iconic.
LEIA - Would have been okay if she stuck to wine all night but a single gin and tonic on top of the shitty hotel merlot and suddenly she's having an hour-and-a-half political argument with Anakin. Embarrasses the hell out of her parents, brother, and son by smooching Han repeatedly while dancing.
HAN - Organises the pre-ceremony pints. His sotto-voce asides are funnier than anything in the speeches. Quietly sings along to 'Brown Eyed Girl' by Van Morrison in Leia's ear while they dance, prompting all that smooching.
FINN - Sneaks into the hotel's public bar to check the hurling scores on the telly then reports them back to all the lads. Keeps his wits about him regards alcohol so he can take care of Poe later but eats so much cake he feels sick.
POE - Holds court in the bar, telling long anecdotes about his life that are only 75% true. Dances and flirts with all the aunties and nanas and makes them feel great about themselves. It doesn't convince Ahsoka to give him a spliff, though, because she is immune to his charms.
ROSE - The boomers yell at her for getting the DJ to play 'Celtic Symphony' by the Wolfe Tones, but she calls them hypocrites who are oozing postcolonial shame. Anakin offers to adopt her because now she's the centre of the politics argument. Knocks it out of the park at the sing-song because she knows all the words to at least 20 rebel songs.
MAZ - The first to place her handbag down on the dancefloor so as to coax the other nanas onto the floor. Jovially flirts with every man over 18 and under 60 that isn't her blood relation. Asks Poe to marry her.
REY - Finishes at least three other people's dinners. Sings along very loudly to every song that the band AND the DJ plays. Can't dance at all but it doesn't stop her. Should probably check on Ben because she knows what he's like but decides that tonight he's his family's responsibility. Loses her entire shit when ABBA plays.
BEN - Zero craic, God help the poor craytur. Drinks brandy as an affectation and starts quoting James Joyce after four of them. Gets extremely mopey after brandy number six and ends up having a long heart to heart with his Grandda Ani. Cries then throws up. Auntie 'Soka gives him a joint to settle his tummy. Subsequently feels better and then knocks everyone's socks off singing 'Raglan Road'.
SHMII - Begs off the party at 10pm because she's 97 years old. Still makes sure that everybody takes their hangover down to breakfast the following morning for a Big Feed of rasher-sausage-and-pudding, and maybe hair of the dog if they're desperate.
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cattyb2 · 2 years
Summary: You despised Anakin. He was cocky, he was arrogant and he had a mouth on him. When he and his padawan Ahsoka get held captive by General Grievous, you have to decide fairly quickly how far you are willing to go to save the man you can’t stand.
Warnings: Anakin being cocky, life or death situation, arguing, a lil cheesy?
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You stood with your battalion aboard the Paradox, your favorite ship in all the galaxy, as Obi-wan Kenobi’s blue hologram flickered in and out as he spoke to you.
“He’s done it again, and now we’ve lost all communications with him.” Obi-wan told you. You rolled your eyes, of course Anakin would, he’d lead innocent people, innocent lives into a trap. What’s new. It was supposed to be an easy mission, but then again that’s what is always said.
“Y/N, you are the closest one to them. We are sending you the coordinates now. Please, try to bring them all back in one piece. Oh, and now I fully give you permission to rip Anakin apart. I fear his arrogance when it comes to these things is, unmatched.”
You nodded your head to him, smiling at his joke as the hologram cut out.
“What’s the news, General?” Az, your clone commander asked.
“I need a small group, no more than four. We are heading to rescue Anakin, Ahsoka, and two of his clones. We need the stealthiest clones we have. I want no one being seen, we need to get in, and get out before General Grievous knows we were ever there.”
“As you command.” Az said, walking away. You always appreciated him, he would follow you blindly to whatever end you wanted him to. Of course, that was his job, but he wasn’t just another clone, he was a good friend. They all were to you, whether it’s their job or not.
Obi-wan was correct, you were very close to the coordinates. It gave you just enough time to be greeted with four of your best clones, Az, Cas, Leo, and Coop. They stood in front of you, tall and proud, ready to follow you in whatever you say. 
“Alright boys, I’ll say this just once. We need to be invisible, if Grievous catches a wind of us being there it is likely Anakin, Ahsoka or the clones could be in for it worse than they already are. We rescue them, and we leave. Do not kill any droids unless you are being shot at, I nearly never advise this as you know, but hide. Hide whenever you see one, I cannot express how important it is to not be seen.”
“Don’t you worry, we’ll get them out of there before Grievous even knows they are gone.” Cas spoke, the others nodding and agreeing.
By whatever luck you all had that day, the Paradox landed quietly, and before any droid could notice, all entrances to the hangar bay where blocked off, there was only one way in, and one way out.
“The last place we got communication from them was here.” you softly spoke, pulling up a hologram of this ship. You listened to the ideas of the clones, as they managed to follow the plan and get you all safely to the same level they were last known to be on.
A small group of battle droids appeared down the hall, making all of you scatter. They never were bright droids, luckily for you guys. You poked your head out, scanning the hallway, and it was silent. You mouthed and waved your hand, and you guys were moving once more. 
“Jedi!” A droid yelled from behind you. “Blast them!” 
“It’s just through here, General Y/N!” Az yelled, him and Cas shooting back at the battle droids as you and the two other clones ran into the security room. 
“Find them! Search all the cameras, I’m going to help.” You ordered, running back to the hallway to assist the others. As the last battle droid fell, you looked at the mess, maybe 20 dead droids lay in the hall. 
“Should we hide them General?” 
“Even if we tried, more could come walking round the corner. What we need to find is where-” 
“General Y/N!” Leo exclaimed, sticking his head out of the security room. You looked over to him, hoping desperately that he’d say he found them. 
“They are in a holding cell.” He said, ushering you into the room to see the cameras. Sure enough Anakin, Ahsoka and a couple clones, stood in a row, hands held up by chains. Ahsoka’s head was hung low, her body hanging limply. Anakin looked the same, he was coughing and trying to speak, but you couldn’t make out what he was trying to say. 
“Can you find exactly where this is?” You asked Leo who started searching immediately. “Coop, Cas, guard the door. Someone is bound to have heard that commotion.” They nodded before making their way towards the door. 
It took only seconds, a couple of clicks before he spoke up.
“General, I’ve found them.” Leo said, moving aside to show you. 
“Do you have a plan?” Az asked, gun held across his chest. The three other clones turned to look at you. 
“We need to get to that cell, and cut them out of those chains. Leo, and Cas, I want you two to take the other two clones and go ahead to the Paradox. Make sure no droids are in our way, and get the Paradox ready to get us out of here. Coop, you need to grab Ahsoka. Az, you’ll help me with General Skywalker. Grievous will likely know very soon we are here, so we need to go, now.” You spoke, the four clones nodding at you, gearing up with their blasters out. There were shuffling feet moving past the door, causing all of you to hold your breath. Muffled droid voices got farther and farther away, before Cas gave you the all clear.
Leo led the way, and you felt like you’ve been running forever. Any time a droid was close you five would hide, and waited patiently until they were completely gone to keep moving. This wasn’t the way you wanted to do things, if you had it your way this entire ship would be going down in flames. But this rescue mission was too important. This wasn’t the first time you were sent to rescue Skywalker. He had a knack for getting himself into trouble, and getting caught. Every time you came for him he had a stupid smirk on his face that you wanted to slap off. He knew each time you’d be sent to get him, you had no idea why the council thought you were friends. Yes, you grew up together, yes you’ll train together, but even the training isn’t very friendly. Maybe that’s why they did it, to get you guys to finally at least agree on something. But you knew the consequences if Grievous was to get a Jedi.
“Here it is General.” You all stopped outside of a closed metal door.
“Can you get into it?” You asked, seeing there were no buttons or keypads anywhere near. How did this thing open and close?
“There has to be a control panel near by.” Az said, scanning the hallway.
You pulled out your lightsaber, shoving it through the door. It didn’t take long for the circle to fall out, but it would have been much faster and quicker finding the panel.
You climbed through the hole, your clones behind you. Once again your lightsaber ignited, and you carefully cut the chains to the clones first, Leo and Cas helping them down.
“You guys go! Start the Paradox. We’ll be right behind you.” Although Anakin’s clones were slower, walking with a bit of a limp, they climbed through and started to run in the direction of the paradox. “Grab onto her.” You said to Coop, as you cut Ahsoka’s chains. Her head was still hanging low, and her chest barely moved.
“Get her out of here.” Skywalker’s voice was raspy, like he hadn’t had water in days. You didn’t respond, not because you didn’t want to, but because you wanted him to save his strength. You knew if you talked back to him it would become some bicker match, and frankly as much as you loved arguing with him, you didn’t have the time.
“Bring her to the medical droid immediately.”
“Yes, General.” Coop responded, carrying the young padawan out of the cell.
You finally were able to really look at Anakin. And maker, he looked like shit. He was pale, his hair matted with blood and whatever else you couldn’t even tell.
“Az, grab his side.”
“Please don’t cut off my arm, I only have one left.” He chuckled a bit at his own joke, violently coughing.
“Save your breath star boy.” You responded, carefully removing his chains. He groaned at the nick name, you knew he hated it, which is why you always used it. Az caught him as he came crashing down to the floor, and he starting coughing again. “Just hang on for a bit longer, Obi-wan will kill me if I don’t bring you back alive.” You said, going to his other side, throwing his arm around your neck and pulling him up.
“Less of the chit chat, more of the get me out of here.” Anakin said, barely able to keep his head up. Before you three exited the cell, there was shuffling feet and yelling coming from down the hall. You and Az turned to look at each other.
“We need to get him out of here, General.” You nodded your head, tightening your grip on Anakin as you walked out of the cell. Two droids where up ahead, their backs turned towards you three. Az looked over at you, for a silent conformation. You nodded once, now wrapping your other arm around Anakin as Az let him go to grab his blaster.
“Hey! Someone tell the General, the prisoners are!” The droid was shot mid sentence, but the other one started to run.
“Go after him! I’ll get him out of here!” You yelled to Az, watching him hesitate for only a second before going after the droid.
“You’re going to let me die in here aren’t you, Shaky?”
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
“Oh, but star boy is acceptable?”
“Need I remind you, I’m the one rescuing you? So less of the commentary and let me rescue you.” Anakin seemed to get heavier, like his last bit of energy was used in this bickering. You wrapped your arm around his back, and starting dragging him down the hallway. His feet couldn’t keep up, and he groaned loudly, before they completely went still.
“Come on Anakin, don’t do this to me now.” You said, sweat sliding down your back.
“For once, I think I agree.” He wheezed.
You froze, hearing the familiar droid steps.
“Freeze, Jedi!” You ran through how to get out of this in your head. You couldn’t carry Anakin and kill the droids, even though they’ve always had bad aim. Az would probably come looking for you guys soon, but then what will happen if they don’t leave? Then all of you guys will be trapped here. It is not worth risking the many to save the few. Maybe Az would take Anakin back and leave you to distract the droids. 
“Don’t even think of staying behind.” He groaned, his voice super rough and scratchy. His eyes were barley open at this point, and you’d bet he was in and out of conciseness this entire time. 
“Well I don’t really see a way out of this otherwise. I will not risk the many to save the few.” 
“Spoken like a true Jedi.” He whispered. You don’t know why that hit home with you. Maybe because you’ve never agreed upon anything, you two were barely civil with each other half the time. And you looked at him while more and more droids surrounded you. For the first time in your entire life you didn't feel anger when looking at him. You saw the kid you grew up with, your rival, but your friend. Whether you liked it or not Anakin did truly know everything about you, and you him. 
“Drop your weapons, Jedi!” You were snapped back to the reality that you were in fact, in some serious trouble. You thought about calling Az, but with this many blasters pointed directly at you, it was risky, they could end up hitting Anakin. 
You looked over to the man beside you, who, at this time, you completely held up. His eyes were closed, and his mouth partially open. If you did not get him out of here soon, he will die. You heaved your body, resting Anakin more against yourself as you reached for your lightsaber. You unhooked it from your belt, and before you could even attempt to throw it to the floor, a blaster shot out, hitting your shoulder. You screamed, falling to the floor, Anakin’s body falling with you. Your head hit the metal flooring of the ship, making your vision blurry. There were shouts, blasters firing, and the group of droids that stood behind you moved past you both. It took a second to sit up, feeling some blood rush down from your temple. Two clones stood in front of the mass of battle droids, firing away. The hunks of metal fell like flies, but Anakin’s groans could be heard over that. 
“Y/N?” He never said your name, it was normally an insult, or shaky. He called you shaky the first time you trained with him. Your hand shook so bad your lightsaber was practically flying all over the place, and he never let you forget it. You mustered up whatever strength you had left to get to him. Moving your body around so his head laid comfortably in your lap. 
“You’re going to be okay. I’m going to get you out of here.” 
“Leave me. Take Ahsoka, take the clones and go while you still can. Grievous will-” He coughed, violently shaking. “Grievous will be happy that he finally captured one of us. I’m going to die, at least let me die knowing you guys are safe. Please, I need you to be safe.” His metal hand lightly touched by your cheek, blood dripping down his fingers from a deep cut on your head. You almost forgot you were hurt, and even if you remembered, it wouldn’t be a priority. 
“I’m not leaving you here to die, Anakin, you aren’t going to die.” 
“It’s like you said, do not risk the many to save the few.” 
“I will risk my life to save you. To save the only person in this whole galaxy who ever truly knew me.” 
He smiled a bit, before his lips twitched in pain. 
“I knew you had a heart in there somewhere.” He ran his hand up by your cheek again, letting it rest there. “I’m willing to beg, Y/N. Go, go while you can. It will haunt me for the rest of eternity, if I knew you died trying to save me. I did this to myself, let me pay my price.” 
“GENERAL!” Az yelled, killing enough droids to get to you. “Generals, we need to go now. Or we’ll never make it out of here.” He looked past you, turning your own head to see more droids making their way down the hall. Destroyers rolled out, which means Grievous couldn’t be far behind. You looked at Anakin, the man you have despised for most of your life. You truly looked at him. He was your friend, your confidant. He was Anakin Skywalker, the best pilot in the galaxy, the chosen one. You could not let him die like this. You will not let him die like this.
“Take him back to the Paradox. I’ll hold them off enough for you guys to escape. He needs to be treated immediately, time is not on your side Commander. You protect him, Az. You protect him with your life.” Although you could not see the clone’s face, you could sense the shock coming from him. You confided in him over how much you want to beat that stupid smirk of Anakin’s face, how much you wish you just just smack him with your saber, how much you hated him. But you never admitted how much he truly meant to you, how could you?
“General-“ Az started.
“Y/N. Please. Please don’t.” It wasn’t the begging that made your heart clench. It was how he said it, the silent pleas for me to listen. The tears that formed in the corner of his eyes. You never imagined this could happen, and you don’t know what over took you in this moment. Your thumb wiped the tear away, and you leaned down to kiss his forehead. Your own tears dropping onto his face.
“Give them hell for me, Skywalker.” Your forehead touched his, closing your eyes for a brief second.
“Take him, and go. Now. Before it’s too late.” Az didn’t move, and Anakin gripped your sleeve.
“General, I really think.”
“That is an order, commander.”
You didn’t look back when Az dragged Anakin down the hallway and to your ship. You willed every bit of force you had to stand up and grab your saber. But you fell into darkness before the first blaster could shoot.
The weather in Coruscant barely ever changed. And even if it did, you doubt people would notice. When you woke up on the dreary day, you didn’t know where you were, or frankly what day it was. All you could place was warm skin touching your hand. Without moving your head, you saw Anakin, fast asleep with his head on the bed you laid in. He was bandaged up, only a couple injuries showing. You looked to your hand, not moving it, but wondering why he was here, why he was holding your hand. 
Memories hit you like a waterfall, the mission, sending them off in the Paradox, the army of droids that stood in front of you. But they left, how were you here?
As if Anakin could sense your thoughts, which he could, his head lifted up. His face was busted up, but you could manage to see a layer of concern on it. 
“Y/N.” Your name came out as a soft whisper, the rasp of his voice he had gone. 
“Are you alright?” You asked him. You had a million questions, but that one was more important than any of the rest. 
“Thanks to you, I guess I owe you a thank you, Shaky.” 
“Even in my death bed you won’t drop that name.” You joked, closing your eyes for a bit. The white room was too much, the white robes, the white bed, the white bandages Anakin sported. 
“Why didn’t you leave me there?” He asked, not looking at your face, but down at your hand which he still held. 
“Why would I?” 
“I was already hurt, you could have rescued them and left me. But you risked yourself, why would you do that?” 
“There are some people in this galaxy Anakin, that need to survive.” 
“Don’t start with this chosen one crap again.” 
“I’m not talking about you being the chosen one, I’m not even talking about you and your stupid ‘best pilot in the galaxy argument’. I’m talking about you as a Jedi, you as a person. You are hope. You are a beacon that people look too.” 
“For what? What purpose do I give? I’m reckless, I’m selfish, death surrounds me! I grew up a slave boy on Tatooine!” 
“Why does it matter where you came from? You think that’s something to be ashamed of? So what, Anakin? The future of our worlds, the future of the Republic, of the Jedi, of freedom needs you Anakin! Your past does not.” 
His face held barely any emotion, but you could tell he was trying to bit back on whatever he was thinking.
“You know, I screamed when they took me away from you. I was so terrified of what you would become after they were done with you. And I’d choose to die a million times over again than having to even risk your life. You want to know why we don’t get along? Why we can’t stand each other? Because I cannot bear to let myself get close to you. I cannot bear to lose you like I’ve lost everything else. And that is why I despise you, why I cannot stand to be near you, because the moment, the very second I realize you aren’t okay I’m going to completely self destruct. This that what you want to hear? You want to hear how ‘the chosen one’ can’t breathe right when you look at him? Hear about how I screamed, screamed so loud for them to swap our places? I begged them on my knees to save you instead,  You have the power to completely destroy me, and you walk around wondering why I hate you.” 
“You, hate me?” Scoffing as you said it.
“I hate the way you worry about me, I hate the way you skip breakfast, I hate the way you never can sleep through the night, I hate the way I can sense you thinking, walking around the halls. I hate the way you always want to calculate everything, I hate the way that you lay in front of me bloody and broken, and yet the only true pain you feel currently, is from me. I hate what you’ve done to me, who you’ve turned me into. And I hate, no, I loath, that I would have laid down my life to save yours, I would have sacrificed so much, and so many, to save you.” 
“And you think, what? That you’re some saint? Like you’re a walk in the park? Your arrogance knows no bounds, and your rashness and blatant stupidity for the well being of others makes you the last person in the galaxy I want to be around. I cannot stand you, I cannot stand to have you look at me like you are. If you don’t stop I swear to the maker I am going to end up falling in love with you!” 
“Well.” His voice returned to normal, the anger in his face disappearing. “I guess it’s settled then.” 
“What is?” 
“That we both want to do this.” You didn’t realize you were still in a medical bed when his lips touched yours. You didn’t realize how mad you were until his hand gripped your cheek, melting every other feeling away. His lips tasted like home, wherever that was. You wished this moment could last a life time, tugging on his hair a bit, causing a deep groan to slip out of his mouth. You pulled away shortly after, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you both stared at each other.
“I didn’t think you kissed the people you loathed.” You said, still remembering his words. He chuckled a bit, used to the remarks.
“No, I only kiss people I love.” And he reached towards you once again, capturing your lips in his.
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sarcastic-sketches · 1 year
TCW Snapshots: Kitsune Ed. Zygerria
Back on my Kitsune AU bullshit and I have considered various scenes that take place during the Clone Wars - and have written tons of dialogue for - but I have some favourites. I’ve already covered Umbara and the Zillo Beast but this one covers the Zygerria Arc because oh boy would that play very differently.
Anakin cannot play the part of the slaver, not with those very visible ears and tails that mark him for what he is - supposedly the last Kitsune in the Galaxy - his price tag with be practically unnamable. Sure, he could play the slaver but there’s no way the Queen would listen to him as one, she would just see his rarity and value. Anakin would know this. He would have to be the bait. He has to face that long buried trauma again and play the role of the slave. It’s fine, he says to himself, it’s just a role. He can handle it.
There’s nothing they could use to trap him that would keep him for long.
Nobody is happy about this and everyone knows that’s gonna have consequences of the mental kind but they can’t just leave the Togruta to their fate. Plus, the only other likely alternative is the Togruta child in their midst. A Jedi’s duty is to others before themselves...
But this leaves the part of the slaver open. Ahsoka can’t do it, for the aforementioned reasons. Rex is briefly considered but ultimately decided to also not be an option because he’s not trained as a negotiator, he can’t bluff his way through this. Privately, he also doesn’t think at this point in the timeline that he would be able to just hand over his General like he were an item to barter with. The mission always comes first and all that but the guy has realised he’s in love with Skywalker for over a year now, there would be tells he could not control. But you know who can? Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan who is Anakin’s teacher, his best friend, who is called ‘Master’ by Anakin for an entirely different reason. He realises just how much trust Anakin is placing in him to take on this role, but Anakin tells him that he refuses to call Obi-Wan ‘Master’ for the entire charade - refuses to tarnish the word he has come to accept as a term of respect - and Obi-Wan is grateful for that. It would fuck them both up once this was all over if he did.
Rex and Ahsoka are now on infiltration duty and they are the ones who get caught later to be showcased in the slave auction arena.
So you’ve got Rex and Ahsoka about to be made examples of, with Obi-Wan forced to whip them. Except, he clearly hesitates; he knows he has to do this for the ruse but this was NOT discussed as a possibility beforehand. Rex can take it, they both know this and he signals as such, but Ahsoka is a child, their padawan. Anakin consented to be put in the position he’s in for the plan, but not Ahsoka. 
Obi-Wan doesn’t get to make the choice in the end.
Anakin has had enough. It’s not pretty. Ankin is flying into a Full Kitsune mode fuelled rage right in the middle of the arena, snapping Ahsoka’s and Rex’s chains free before taking out the guards. Obi-Wan tries to reach out to him, to calm him down but the guards are closing in and now Rex is getting tasered. The lack of control, being enslaved again (just the mindset he’s put himself back into alone), and seeing the people he cares about most having to hurt each other have eaten through Anakin’s remaining calm and patience over the situation. The electro whips are doing bugger all to a Kitsune the size of an Acklay.
But then he stops. Stops in horror because the Queen has got a guard with a knife to Ahsoka’s throat in all the chaos.
Queen: If the legends are true, Kitsune were meant to be very protective of their own Queen: You clearly care for this one. I wonder, what would you be willing to do to keep her safe? Queen: If you’re good, she won’t be harmed. 
In the ensuing stand-off, Obi-Wan manages to grab Rex and high tail it out of there. There’s nothing he can do for Ahsoka or Anakin at that moment and they have a mission to finish. The risk to Anakin physically right now is very low, given he’s shown what he’s capable of, but the risk to his sanity is very high. Especially using Ahsoka as a bargaining chip. Initially, the Queen tries to put her in the cage, like she does in canon, but this causes Anakin to be less than 100% compliant given his stress (and therefore constant form changes) so the Queen gets crafty.
Queen: I am aware there’s very little I can do to you to get you to behave. I know better than to try and force your compliance like the others but that girl? You react as if she’s your cub. Queen: As a token of my good will, I will give her to you unharmed and in return you will do exactly as I say. Break this simple rule and I will kill her and should she be found to misbehave… Queen: Then the consequences will be on you.
She’s effectively got them both trapped. As long as Anakin does what she wants, Ahsoka can stay in the palace unharmed. As long as Ahsoka behaves, Anakin won’t be hurt in her stead.
It seems like a kinder gesture than the Queen is known for, but it’s only surface level. If he tries to kill the Queen or hurt her in any way, the guards will activate Ahsoka’s shock collar and kill her without hesitation. He can’t kill them all at once.
They get an additional reason to play by the rules, when Obi-Wan manages to pay them a visit in secret. He’s not best friends with a Shadow for nothing. If they can get info about where the other Togruta are being kept from the other slaves then Obi-Wan and Rex can deal with that before coming back to rescue them.
Cue Anakin being torn between obeying to the letter out of worry that Ahsoka will be hurt or taken away from him if he acts out AND wanting to rebel against authority and choose the path of Malicious Compliance just to show how unhappy he is about this entire situation. All while trying to get the info Obi-Wan needs to complete the mission - that was why he was here to begin with after all. 
The Queen can’t really pick a single thing she wants Anakin to do. Either act as her bodyguard or have him shapeshift into Smol Fox so she can have him on her lap like some exotic pet. He has to fight to not sink his claws into her legs.
Dooku eventually turns up and fucks up the Queen’s set up, thereby allowing Anakin and Ahsoka to get the co-ords to Kadavo in the ensuing chaos, which in turns allows Obi-Wan to send out a message to the Council about where the Togruta are. Master Plo goes to Kadavo and Obi-Wan and Rex blow their cover to get Anakin and Ahsoka out. With Dooku here there’s no need for subterfuge anymore. Anakin is very close to making the decision to level the entire palace on his way out but Rex manages to calm him down, pointing out that it isn’t just slavers in there. Not to mention what it would do to his psyche on top of everything else.
Anakin is just too powerful at this point, with five tails his anger could rip apart the very ground he’s stood on. He can’t afford to give in because the destruction would be too broad, there’s no control to that. But Rex? His anger is just enough to shoot someone's head clean off at over 500 yards. After all, he’s not a Jedi.
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illuminatedquill · 8 months
Shin Hati vs Sabine Wren:
Sharpen the Blade
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Let’s talk about them.
Now, as a disclaimer: I’m firmly in favor for a Sabine and Ezra pairing.
Speaking from my POV as someone who did not ship them during Rebels, watching the trailers for Ahsoka and then seeing the actual show definitely gave me vibes that things had changed for both of them.
So, I am a convert and standing with the good ship Sabezra.
. . . But, I do see the appeal of Sabine and Shin. I’m not blind. I get it.
Filoni loves some good parallels in his Star Wars. I’ve posted before how Sabine is presented as very similar to Anakin in this series; she’s a huge emotional mess, absolutely driven to succeed at her goal, stubborn, loyal to a fault, loves fiercely and fights just the same. She’s a warrior, through and through.
And, also like Anakin, she damned the galaxy for a chance to save a loved one.
So, if Sabine is being set up to be Anakin, then what role will Shin be playing in her life?
Well, let’s look to the past and re-visit another female dark side user that frequently crossed blades with Anakin Skywalker - Asajj Ventress.
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A brief history for her: Set up as a rival to Anakin, she gave him that infamous scar on his face. Ventress wasn’t quite a Sith, despite her desire to be one.
She was trained by a Jedi Master, who died at the hands of the criminals he was fighting. She succumbed to the dark side and ended up ruling over them for a time. That went sideways sometime later and then Count Dooku found her and started training Ventress in the dark side of the Force.
Count Dooku was a former Jedi. Baylan Skoll was a former Jedi. Do you see what I’m getting at?
Dooku later abandoned her and she sought revenge on her former master. She spent the rest of the Clone Wars trying to find her place, keeping ahead of Dooku, and sometimes helping Obi-Wan, Anakin, and even Ahsoka when their interests coincided.
Eventually, at the end of the Clone Wars, she met Jedi Master Quinlan Vos. They fell in love but, during an assassination attempt on Dooku, Vos was captured and tortured, resulting in his fall to the dark side. Ventress rescued him and redeemed him, only for Dooku to kill her while doing so.
Her redemption of Quinlan Vos and subsequent sacrifice in doing so led her to being honored by the Jedi as a true friend.
I’m sure after reading some of this, you can see similarities between Ventress and Shin. Both were initially power-hungry but, really, they were just looking for a place to belong.
Despite being a rival to Anakin, Ventress had a more interesting relationship with Obi-Wan. They had to pair up more than a few times during the Clone Wars.
Remember the scene where Ahsoka tells Shin that they can help her? How scared and confused she looks before running off. Baylon had just abandoned her and the enemy was offering her a place to stay.
My personal belief is that Shin is clearly being set up to be a more personal rival to Sabine, but I think if Filoni is really intent on giving a redemptive arc, then it should be the Ahsoka/Shin interactions we should be looking out for.
Not to say that Shin and Sabine wouldn’t be as interesting. Ahsoka replaces Baylon as a mentor, but she also needs a friend. I see them as maintaining the rivalry, but losing the “I want to murder you” edge from their battles.
Rivals are great foils for a protagonist. Ever since Sabine met Shin, her combat skills have improved dramatically. I feel like they could really push each other to greater heights in their abilities and understanding of one another.
Rivals can also teach you things about yourself that a mentor couldn’t. As a dark sided user, maybe Shin could recognize the growing signs of darkness in Sabine and maybe try to point it out to her. Which would be a great step in their journey towards becoming friends.
And . . . maybe something more.
Filoni would have to do it justice, though. It would be great to have a powerful recurring antagonist - not a villain, an antagonist - who slowly realizes over time that they’re fighting for the wrong side.
Or he could have Shin go full fledged dark, which would also be riveting to watch. I’ve already said that she could be an excellent foil for Sabine, but she could also serve as a dark mirror for the young Jedi.
He has to do it right, which means giving it the proper screen-time. Which, I don’t know if he can. He’s already got a lot of spinning plates in the air for a theoretical season two.
One thing’s for sure: Shin is the wild card for this show. Very excited to see what happens next and where she and Sabine take this rivalry.
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knightotoc · 7 months
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I wanted to design a Post-RotJ survivor Anakin for a while, and my extreme dislike of his de-aged ghost appearance in Ahsoka is motivating me to finally do it. In the movies, almost everything about his disabilities and death was written around morality and convenience. He's scary because of his disabilities and their villain-designed accommodations; he sacrifices himself to prove his goodness, the final "use" in a life devoted to being useful to others. I love the ending of RotJ for the tragic failure in Luke's arc and parallel with Padme, but I also want more for Anakin.
This is a version where Luke succeeds in saving not just his father's morality but his life. Some tiny part of Anakin wants to live, in spite of his pain and guilt. Instead of flying the escape vessel back to the moon of Endor, Luke flies to the nearest Rebel med-ship and gets Anakin out of the failing Vader helmet and suit and into a bacta tank. This continues the theme in RotJ of Luke becoming emotionally distant from his friends/the cause because he still believes in Anakin. In this version, that hope starts to become inconvenient.
I do not think Leia and Han would quickly forgive Anakin, even when they learn he killed the Emperor. This becomes an issue when Luke needs Rebel money for new accommodations for Anakin's amputations, damaged lungs, and newly weakened heart.
CW: long post, medical descriptions
While Palpatine created Anakin's suit and helmet in part to accommodate his disabilities, his greater priority was making Anakin useful, powerful, and intimidating. Luke just wants Anakin to be alive. (Comfortable and independent, if possible: two things Anakin has never been.) Palpatine also spared no expense from his entire galaxy of wealth, while Luke has to borrow from some rich sucker who can get behind the rehabilitation of their most dangerous enemy (Mon? Lando? or someone less politically correct?).
I've been researching what we'd use in the real world for Anakin's disabilities, because I think it's important, and because I've become fonder of hard scifi, and because hand-wavey soft scifi would wear off when the money gets tight. Most limb-different people in the real world do not get prosthetics; they are very expensive and not always useful.
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^ when you look up "most useful," Google will unhelpfully show you "most advanced"
As Vader, he would have had access to the best technology, something like our implantable myoelectric sensors. (One of the best arms on the market today is called LUKE, which stands for "Life Under Kinetic Evolution" and is of course a reference to Star Wars. Life imitates art better than vice versa.) But in this design, Anakin has only one prosthetic, a body-powered hook on his left arm. Obi-Wan cut his legs above the knees, and Dooku cut his right arm above the elbow, so these prosthetics would have to be more complex. But Obi-Wan cut his left arm below the elbow, which is easier to accommodate. Body-powered prosthetics are maneuvered by things like harnesses on your shoulders and have been around for a long time.
Anakin's chronic (type 2) respiratory failure is treated with noninvasive ventilation; as Vader, this was his helmet (sorta similar to F below), which must have been connected to a ventilator somewhere on his person (his chest thing?). In RotJ, he wanted to see Luke with his own eyes, so I think he'd want a different patient interface. The most common is an oro-nasal mask (B).
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A more realistic/cheaper ventilator would take up more space than Darth Vader's. But Luke is not Anakin's only ally; I think R2, when given the chance, would gladly regain his loyalty to Anakin and volunteer as ventilator, mobility aid, and advocate. Would this cause a rift between him and C3PO, who, while Anakin's creation, is also more emotionally complex? Maybe!
Another thing to keep in mind is that Anakin (probably) still has a powerful connection to the Force, which he could use to accommodate his disabilities like the blind guys in Rogue One and Quest for Camelot. But due to his emotional and spiritual exhaustion, I think his connection would be weakened and unreliable. Billions of people wishing him punished or dead would be more than enough reason to cut himself off from their luminous lives.
What would happen next? I write faster than I draw and I want to draw, so I'm shifting into draw mode before I can figure out the rest of the story.
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The Bond Between Us ~ 79
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,655ish
Summary: You meet up with Luke, Grogu, and Ahsoka.
Notes: The next chapter is hella long and going to deal with Ben’s training and his fall to the dark side.
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It was a few days later when Luke reached out to tell you that he had run in with his father’s former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. He also told you that he felt a being reaching out for a Jedi with the Force. You encouraged him to follow it, though you already had a good idea of where it would lead.
You were home helping with Ben when Luke reached out to you again, asking you to come to Ossus. Ben was not happy you were leaving again, but you promised that you wouldn’t be gone too long. You left him with a kiss on the head before flying off to meet Luke. R2 greeted you when you landed. You smiled at the droid as it beeped excitedly at you.
“Hello there, old friend,” you greeted, placing your hand on the top of R2. Your smile grew as you sensed another familiar presence. You looked over at the tree line to see Ahsoka leaning back against a tree with her arms folded over her chest. “Hello to you, too.”
“Long time, no see,” Ahsoka smiled, pushing herself off the tree to come over and hug you.
“I’m so glad to see you.” You pulled away. “How is he doing?”
“Which one?”
You laughed. “Either.”
“Luke is a natural at this, though he still has much to learn.”
“He still is young… though, I guess when I was his age Order 66 had been executed and I was a prisoner to the Empire…”
Ahsoka sent you a sympathetic smile. “Our lives have truly not been easy.”
“No, no they haven’t.”
You and Ahsoka watched as Luke trained Grogu. It was clear to you that Grogu had blocked out much of his past, trying to protect himself. During the less structured time, Grogu seemed to want to stay beside you. It was curious to all of you, though you had a sneaking suspicion as to why. 
One night, while the others were sleeping, you stayed up and watched the flames of the bright fire dance amidst the darkness. Looking past the fire, you so Grogu sitting on a rock staring at you.
“Can’t sleep?” You questioned. Grogu didn’t respond, only looking at you with his big eyes. “Come here.” 
You patted the spot beside you. Grogu took a moment before slowly making his way to sit beside you. Once there, he stared up at you. You reached out to him through the Force, grateful that he reached back. You could feel him asking for help with remembering his time at the Jedi Temple.
“Are you sure?” You asked aloud. Grogu nodded. You moved so that you were better facing him. “Okay. It might be hard.”
Grogu encouraged you to continue. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and used the Force to reach into Grogu’s mind. You could see faint images—memories—that Grogu had of the Jedi Temple. You gasped when one became clearer. 
Grogu had been in another room but was looking out at the hallway. Your gasped was caused when you saw you, Anakin, and Obi-Wan pass by. Snapping your eyes open, you looked down at Grogu. He looked up at you, almost like he knew you.
“You… How did I never know about you?” You breathed out. Grogu’s answer was easy. “Oh, yeah, the war… May I see what else we can find?” 
Grogu nodded, and quickly your eyes were closed and you were back to exploring his memories. It replayed the memory you had just witnessed, this time with more detail. You could see the glint of your necklace chain being hit by the sun. That meant that this memory was after the proposal. With the solemn looks on your face and Obi-Wan’s and the anger on Anakin’s, you could only assume that this was the conversation you all had when Anakin was asked to spy on Palpatine. 
The scene changed suddenly. It was nighttime at the Temple now and there were Jedi standing in front of where Grogu was with their lightsabers ignited. There were Clones shooting at the Jedi, successfully killing them. You gasped as you pulled out of the memory. You had experienced your own version of that terrible night, left to wonder what the experience at the Temple had been like. Now, you were just given a snapshot of it and it was making you sick.
As your heart rate sped up, you felt a tiny hand on your knee. You looked down to see that Grogu had a hand on you as he looked at you. You could feel him trying to do his best to calm you, though he was troubled with the memory himself.
“I’m sorry you had to experience that,” you told him as you calmed. Grogu looked away. “I understand some of your pain… Ahsoka and I might be the only ones left who truly do.”
The next day, Grogu went off to train more with Luke, leaving you and Ahsoka alone. The two of you found a clearing that you could duel in until you felt a familiar presence.
“The Mandalorian,” you said, putting your saber away, “he’s here to see Grogu.”
The two of you knew that R2 would have met the Mandalorian and guided him to where you were camped out. You went there and saw the Mandalorian laying on a bench. He sensed the two of you, drew his gun, and sat up.
“You two,” he said. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Ahsoka smirked as she leaned back against a tree. “I’m an old friend of the family,” she replied.
“I thought you weren’t going to help train Grogu.”
“We’re not. Master Luke is.”
“Then what are you doing here?”
“That is our question for you,” you said. You and Ahsoka headed toward the Mandalorian as he stood up.
“I’m here to see the kid.”
“And that’s why R2 brought you to us instead.” R2 beeped excitedly causing you and Ahsoka to laugh.
“What is this place?” The Mandalorian looked over at where droids were building a stone building.
“There’s nothing now,” Ahsoka said, “but will somebody be a great school. Grogu will be its first student.”
“I’d like to know how he’s doing.”
“He’s doing fine,” you replied.
“I wanna see him.”
Ahsoka sighed, giving you a look before answering, “we know you do. Let us take a walk.” Ahsoka led the way, with you and the Mandalorian following. “I warned you when we met that your attachment to Grogu would be difficult to let go of.”
“He was a Mandalorian foundling in my care. I just wanna make sure he’s safe.”
“There is no place in the galaxy more safe than here with Luke,” you told him.
“I don’t understand why you’re both alright with Skywalker’s decision to train the kid when neither of you would.”
Ahsoka exhaled sharply, causing all of us to come to a stop. “Because it was his choice,” she said. “I don’t control the wants of others.”
“Then, it’s my choice to go and see him.”
“Of course. If that is what you wish.” She looked up the hill where Luke and Grogu were sitting under a tree. The Mandalorian looked as well.
“Alright.” He started to head toward them.
“Are you doing this for Grogu, or are you doing this for yourself?”
The Mandalorian stopped and pulled something from his belt. “I just… I wanna give him this.”
“Why?” You questioned. “So he will remember you?”
“No. As a Mandalorian foundling, he should have this. It’s his right.”
“Foundling,” Ahsoka repeated. “Perhaps he is a Padawan now.”
“Well, either way, this armor will protect him.”
“If you are set on it, then allow us to deliver it.”
“I came all this way. He’s right there.”
“Grogu missed you a great deal,” you told him. “If he sees you, it will only make things more difficult for him.”
The Mandalorian thought about it as he stared at Luke and Grogu. He turned toward you and Ahsoka, holding out the gift. “Make sure he’s protected.”
“Of course,” you took the gift from him.
The Mandalorian looked back at Grogu before turning around and heading for his ship.
“I hate how I feel so hypocritical,” you admitted, looking down at the gift. “But I know that the Jedi way is to not have attachments, though Luke and I… Anakin… Obi-Wan��”
“It is better for Grogu this way if he is to continue his training,” Ahsoka told you.
You and Ahsoka met up with Luke and Grogu near the river, where Grogu was using the Force to hop from rock to rock to avoid getting hit by the blasts from the training remote. You watched as Grogu stopped the remote with the Force and broke it. Grogu looked over at the three of you and squealed.
“Good,” Luke said to him.
“You’ve taught him well,” Ahsoka said.
“It’s more like he’s remembering than I’m actually teaching him anything.”
“Sometimes the student guides the Master.”
“The Mandalorian was here.”
“As I told you, the two share a strong bond.”
“He brought him a gift,” you said, holding the gift out for Luke to take.
“Sometimes I wonder if his heart is in it.”
“So much like your father,” Ahsoka commented.
“What should I do about him?”
“Trust your instincts.” Ahsoka started walking away.
“Will we see you again?”
“Perhaps.” Ahsoka looked at the two of you, bowing her head slightly. “May the Force be with you.”
“May the Force be with you,” you repeated.
As Ahsoka walked away, you had a feeling that you would never see her again. It brought tears to your eyes at the thought of losing yet another family member. It had been a miracle that either of you survived Order 66 and the Empire to even see each other again. You would take these memories and treasure them, always.
next chapter >
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have a little section from a post order 66 au in which Ahsoka and Rex stumble upon Cody and Obi-Wan on Tatooine. the fic is primarily about that, but i can't not write some cute little codywan moments.
The morning started like any other, Cody rose with the sunrise, watched until Obi-Wan awoke beside him. The room that was nominally their bedroom was dark in the morning, Obi-Wan’s face beside him bathed in shadows. Not that he needed light to see the other man, Obi-Wan’s face was now as familiar as his own.
“Good morning.” Cody whispered into the back of Obi-Wan’s neck, the words almost soundless against his warm skin. He rested his head there for a moment, allowing himself the moment to relish in the gentleness of the action. Though it was perhaps not a gentleness he had been made for, it was one he had quickly learnt; the different forms the heavy need to care took. Brothers nestled against him after nightmares from the early days of Kamino when the hallways often felt suddenly too empty. Like this, with Obi-Wan curled up beside him, his breathing the gentle pulse of waves returning over and over to the sand.
Obi-Wan hummed in response; like his greeting, the noise was almost lost to the blankets and pillows they were nestled in. They were a stark contrast to the greys of regulation bedding they’d become use to during the war, instead their bed was adorned in soft colours that only seemed to glow brighter in the morning sunlight. “I suppose it is, my dear.”
Cody pressed a soft kiss against the back of his neck, just beneath his hairline.
In response, Obi-Wan turned to face him. For a moment, Cody only stared at his face, mesmerised, almost surprised every time he woke up like this, that he’d been allowed to have this. Something salvaged from the horror that the war had been, had ended in. Obi-Wan kissed him, a gentle thing against the corner of his mouth.
Cody felt a soft gasp escape his mouth, taking this as the encouragement it was, Obi-Wan deepened the kiss. The first time he’d kissed him had been messy and uncertain. New to Cody in most ways, and in other ways new to Obi-Wan. They’d broken apart laughing, neither minding that the kiss had been clumsy, too elated that it had happened at all. Obi-Wan had said, a small smile dancing about his lips, that they should, perhaps, try again. They hadn’t stopped trying since. By now, though, they were well practiced and the Obi-Wan’s lips were familiar against his.
When they broke apart, Obi-Wan was smiling up at him. At some point, his hand had found its way into Obi-Wan’s hair, and he ran his hand through it, twisting little stands between his fingers. He felt Obi-Wan’s body shiver against his, and something like a whimper slipped from his lips.
Cody smiled, it was almost a smirk. The beginnings of a blush was dusted across Obi-Wan’s cheeks, spilling a soft pink across his pale skin.
“Kiss me?” Obi-Wan’s voice was soft, almost catching in his throat.
He was more than happy to oblige, curling his hand against Obi-Wan’s neck, his fingers still carefully caught in his hair. Obi-Wan gasped into the kiss, and Cody smiled against his lips. 
Suddenly, he felt Obi-Wan still against him.
Cody paused, giving him a little space, “Obi-Wan?”
He hummed, then said, “Something’s going to happen today.”
Cody made a soft noise in response, running a hand through Obi-Wan’s hair. Something inside his chest loosened as Obi-Wan relaxed into his touch. “Something?”
“Something. The Force is quite insistent about that.”
He smiled up at the ceiling, the Force was, apparently, rarely specific. “Does the Force say if we have time for breakfast?”
Obi-Wan’s laugh was a soft rumble in the darkness of the room. “I believe breakfast would be fine.”
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infernaleikon · 2 years
and isn’t it fine losing your mind? | obikin new girl au | 3.2k words | cw: cheating.
*     *     *     *     *     *      *     *     *
Obi-Wan’s palms are sweaty.
He remembers his first time teaching high school: the way his mouth had felt so dry that his tongue had kept sticking to its roof, his heart stuttering against his ribs as his brain had kept chanting a canon of don’t screw up don’t screw up don’t screw up and you’re not ready you’re not ready you’re not ready, and how inadequate he’d felt standing in front of a bunch of hormonal teenagers whose education he’d been responsible for.
He remembers his first time teaching college: the nervous flutter of his heart and the thrill of a new challenge coursing through him as he’d stood in a lecture hall full of students who’d been looking at him with expressions ranging from boredom to curiosity to disinterest to open leers, and even though he’d still felt like he was flying by the seam of his pants, there had been excitement, too.
But despite the nerves, his palms had never been sweaty.
“Come on, guys,” Anakin is saying to the giant sliding door separating the living area of the loft from the hallway to the bedrooms. His voice carries an odd tone, something that’s difficult for Obi-Wan to pinpoint but that sounds deceptively like desperation. “This is stupid.”
“This was your idea,” Ahsoka’s muffled voice answers. “Now kiss!”
Anakin makes an irritated sound as a chant of Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! erupts behind the door, and Obi-Wan wipes his palms on his pants while Anakin isn’t looking.
They’ve ended up here playing a game the rules of which Obi-Wan still—in his second year of living here—doesn’t really understand; though in his defense there doesn’t appear to be a comprehensive set of rules to begin with. They always appear to be made up on a whim. Every time he’d asked Anakin to explain them, he’d gotten an exasperated roll of eyes and a wave of hands with the promise that Obi-Wan would get it once they played the game.
Maybe the answer is even simpler: He’s too old for this.
In moments like these he wonders what possessed him to move into a loft with a couple of twenty-somethings who refuse to play anything by any sort of standard rules, defying everything Obi-Wan has ever lived by and understood.
It’s as bewildering as it is infuriating and inspiring.
Now, though, it’s terrifying. His palms are sweaty.
Anakin whirls around to him, the bright red petticoat he’d donned over his jeans for some reason at some point during the night swirling around his legs, and there’s a faint flush across his cheeks when he fixes Obi-Wan with an accusatory look on his face. “Why did you throw up a two?”
Obi-Wan doesn’t splutter. “You told me to.”
Anakin throws his hands up and the flush spreads down his throat to his exposed chest. He also lost his shirt some time during the game. Though why, Obi-Wan couldn’t tell if his life depended on it. Again: rules.
“I said not two!” He huffs and scrubs a hand over his face.
“Apologies,” Obi-Wan says as something curdles in his veins. It’s acrimonious and biting, and if he looks at it too closely, he might lose his mind, so he pushes it away and rubs at his jaw a little too hard, the discomfort a welcome distraction.
Anakin chews on his bottom lip as if he’s trying to think up ways of how to get out of this. He probably is. His girlfriend is behind the door and it’s one of the rare nights where she’s letting loose, too, drinking and laughing with her head thrown back, dressed in nothing but one of Anakin’s shirts. Of course he’d rather be kissing her.
But Padmé is behind the door and Obi-Wan can pick out notes of her voice as she chants with the others, and Obi-Wan wonders if she’d still be doing it if she knew just how badly he wants to shove his tongue into her boyfriend’s mouth. Or other places. That he doesn’t think about.
It doesn’t do good to dwell on things he can’t—and shouldn’t even want to—have. Anakin is twenty-four and his roommate. Anakin has Padmé. Padmé who Obi-Wan has mentored and who’s his friend.
Anakin is his friend, first and foremost, and Obi-Wan refuses to be—isn’t—some dirty, old pervert lusting after a college kid who has the world at his feet and the sky as his limit.
He almost startles when Anakin claps his hands. “We can do this,” Anakin says with the uniquely cocky self-assurance of a twenty-something. “It’s just a kiss. No biggie.”
No biggie. Obi-Wan repeats it over and over in his head like a mantra. No fucking biggie.
Anakin lifts up the hem of the petticoat to fish the phone out of his jeans pocket. Obi-Wan briefly wonders who the petticoat even belongs to because he knows for a fact that it’s not Ahsoka’s and he’s never seen Padmé in one. It does nothing to distract him from Anakin’s pebbled nipples, seared into his mind, even when he’s not looking at them.
“Okay,” Anakin says, stepping closer to Obi-Wan as he unlocks his phone and opens the camera. He lifts his gaze to meet Obi-Wan’s eyes. “Just…pucker your lips.”
Obi-Wan blinks at him. “Pardon?”
Anakin rolls his eyes half-heartedly and waves his free hand in an undefinable gesture. “And don’t close your eyes. That would make it weird.”
“Me closing my eyes would make this weird?” Obi-Wan asks dubiously, kinking an eyebrow, and watches with mild amusement as Anakin pinks up.
“Just��” Anakin huffs and raises his arm, camera pointed at them, and says with a rough note in his voice, “Let’s get this over with.”
“So romantic,” Obi-Wan teases with a light-heartedness he doesn’t feel.
“I am, shut up,” Anakin says, and then surges forward and plants his lips on Obi-Wan’s.
The kiss is as short and dry and unromantic as a peck on the lips he used to get from his mother as a kid and still it raises all the hairs on Obi-Wan’s body, sweeping through him like electric current and making his skin tingle.
No biggie.
Anakin withdraws quickly without meeting his eyes and immediately sets to sending the photo to the others as proof. He bangs on the door.
“Okay, we kissed, you can let us out now!” he hollers.
A chorus of boos erupts from behind the door.
Obi-Wan hears Quinlan’s barking laughter. “What’s that?”
“Our kiss,” Anakin says as he tries to pull open the door to no avail and the petulance in his voice reaches whole new levels.
Obi-Wan loses his mind at his use of our. He closes his eyes and inhales counting to four. It’s not better than screaming but he’s forty years old, he has some composure.
“That’s not a kiss,” Aayla comments. “It’s you two duck-facing at each other.”
Kit snorts. “Yeah. We’ve seen Obi-Wan kiss and it’s always at least R-rated.”
Quinlan whoops and Cody groans. Someone catcalls.
Obi-Wan looks at Anakin in time to see his eyes skitter away, lips pressed tightly together and eyebrows slanted downwards. Poor boy. He shouldn’t be spooked into thinking Obi-Wan is going to ravage him.
Padmé’s pearly laughter rings through the air. “Come on, Ani, you can do better than this,” she teases. “Kiss him like I taught you. Kiss him like you’d kiss me.”
Anakin ducks his head with red ears. The small crowd behind the door cheers. Ahsoka makes an exaggerated retching sound.
Something roars inside Obi-Wan. Something dark and ugly and jealous. It claws at his throat, writhing and thrashing, making it hard to think beyond the unbidden images of Padmé guiding Anakin through how to kiss her, how to kiss, how to make it good, how Anakin would react to her praise—beautifully, Obi-Wan is certain, and hates it—and he forces himself to suck in a breath and keep his hands to himself so he doesn’t pull Anakin to his chest to—to—to overwrite Padmé’s claim on him.
Padmé’s laughs and laughs and laughs, unaware of the effect her words have on Obi-Wan.
For a brief, scorching moment, Obi-Wan wants Anakin to kiss him like he’d kiss Padmé and see for himself if he’d like that; if the way Padmé likes to be kissed is anywhere near to how Obi-Wan likes to be kissed. Wonders if Anakin would return to Padmé and kiss her like Obi-Wan showed him how to kiss.
It’s a dangerous train of thought. Obi-Wan folds his hands behind his back and breathes in deeply, smothering the wildfires of his unwanted and unwelcome jealousy that burns right through his bones.
It’s pointless to entertain such fantasies. Obi-Wan doesn’t like and doesn’t want to kiss people who don’t want to kiss him.
It’s clear beyond a doubt that Anakin doesn’t want to kiss him. He’s not going to push it. The last thing he wants, in fact, is to make Anakin uncomfortable.
“Anakin,” he says, softly, and waits until Anakin lifts his eyes to look at him. “There’s no need for us to kiss like that. It’s just a stupid game.”
Their friends have started up their Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! chant again but Obi-Wan ignores it and focuses all his attention on Anakin, tracing his eyes over the planes of his face. It softens the riot of emotions inside him to something achingly deep but sweetly tender.
Anakin scowls at him. “Yeah,” he says after a beat and then looks away, scowling deeper. “Duh.”
Obi-Wan huffs out an indulgent laugh at Anakin’s irreverence. “I’m glad to know that we’re on the same page about this.”
When Anakin looks back at him, there’s a determined glint in his eyes, and Obi-Wan moves to step closer to the door, only stopped when Anakin says, “I’m not a chicken.”
Obi-Wan balks. “Okay,” he says slowly. “At no point in time did I assume you were.”
“Good.” A smirk steals across his mouth, roguish and alluring. “Then let’s just kiss and give the people what they want.”
Obi-Wan’s brain grinds to a halt and for a second, he fears he’s having a stroke. “Fine,” he hears himself say and it sounds—nonchalant. As if kissing Anakin for real wouldn’t drown him in his desperate wish to have him all for himself when he so absolutely can’t. Shouldn’t. Won’t.
“Fine,” Anakin echoes, slapping the word between them with something that sounds like pettiness, and turns fully toward Obi-Wan.
They’re standing close enough that Anakin’s body heat sears into Obi-Wan’s exposed forearms; close enough that even though there’s only an inch or two height difference between them, Obi-Wan has to tilt his chin up just a tiny bit, and it’s so heady and tantalizing that Obi-Wan has to wet his lips. Anakin’s eyes track the motion.
A tiny crease appears between his brows and he flicks his eyes up to stare at Obi-Wan. “What are you doing?”
“Pardon?” He raises a hand, smooths it over Anakin’s hair before settling at the base of his neck, and almost comes undone when Anakin shivers beneath the touch.
Anakin’s gaze grows tempestuous and he retreats a half step. “Are you trying to prove a point?” he asks, sounding accusatory.
“And what point would that be?” Obi-Wan returns mildly. He retracts his hand carefully but doesn’t move away any further. Something is simmering in the air between them, though it’s impossible to pinpoint what it is. He keeps his own desire neatly folded away; there’s no need for Anakin to be confronted with it.
Anakin makes a frustrated, aborted noise. “You don’t need to be PG-13 with me,” he huffs with a roll of his eyes, insolent beyond belief. “I won’t break. I’m not a kid.”
“No, but you are a brat,” Obi-Wan answers without thinking and with a slight shrug.
“So you’ve said before,” Anakin scoffs and narrows his eyes. “Now will you please kiss me?” He says it like he’s throwing down a gauntlet between them.
“Darling, I’m trying.” He moves in again, his fingers drifting softly along Anakin’s jaw.
Anakin shifts, restless. “Like you would kiss—like you’d kiss Quinlan,” he says. There’s an edge to his voice that sounds very close to petulance but it’s not. Obi-Wan knows how Anakin sounds when he’s petulant, has dealt often enough with it to hear the distinction. And this is not it. But it’s impossible to place.
Suddenly, he doesn’t want to kiss him anymore. He takes a breath, the beat of his heart hard against his ribs and loud in his ears. “I can’t begin to fathom what you thought I was trying to do, but now I really don’t want to do this anymore.”
It sounds—too suggestive and he only barely holds in a wince.
Anakin groans and presses the heels of his hands into his eyes. Dropping them, he says, “Just kiss me!”
“I’m really not in the mood anymore.” He needs to stop talking.
“If you were before, you’ll be again.” Scratch that, Anakin needs to stop talking. “I’ll be quiet, I promise.”
Oh, how Obi-Wan hopes not. But—
“Kiss me.”
Obi-Wan feels like he’s rapidly losing control of the situation, irritated and spread thin. “Anakin—”
“Come on, Kenobi, just kiss me already!”
“No, not like this!”
It spills out of him unbidden, desperate and raw, and Obi-Wan freezes when the words drop between them.
Anakin blinks big, blue eyes at him. “What?”
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Obi-Wan clears his throat. “No, I—”
Anakin’s gaze grows laser-sharp and Obi-Wan feels stripped bare beneath it, winding the threads of himself tightly around his fists to keep from unraveling.
“What does that mean?” Anakin asks quietly, knifelike and piercing. “Obi-Wan, what do you mean?”
“Nothing,” he says, steady and calm, over the erratic beating of his heart and the storm that’s raging in his head. “I’m—let’s not make something out of this that it’s not.”
He steps away and to the door.
He’s probably imagining the desperate note to Anakin’s voice when he yanks the door open to be met with a crowd of surprised-looking faces.
Quinlan is the first to speak. “I see no signs of debauchery.” He arches an insufferably smug eyebrow.
Obi-Wan has the mild urge to smother him.
“Debauchery wasn’t on the menu tonight,” Obi-Wan replies smoothly, and Quinlan laughs, the dick. “We kissed. Game over.”
They all stare at him expectantly. He shrugs. “Anakin sent you the picture.”
He’s met with a chorus of groans when they realize he means the one of the kiss they deemed inadequate and start protesting, but Obi-Wan is tired and there’s panic simmering beneath his skin still.
“There’s no rule that says it needs to be more than that,” he argues, glad that the apparent lack of rules is in his favor.
Ahsoka looks from him to Anakin with a raised eyebrow. “Anakin said ‘threat of tongue’ when we stipulated the conditions.”
“Prove to me that there wasn’t ‘threat of tongue’ in the kiss,” Obi-Wan says.
“Touché,” Ahsoka concedes, laughing, and raises her beer can in acknowledgement.
The rest of them boo like little children, which should be more irritating than amusing but Obi-Wan shakes his head grinning, despite himself.
As he makes his way to the kitchen, Obi-Wan is certain—by the way his skin tingles and pebbles with goosebumps—Anakin is staring after him. He barely even hears Kit and Quinlan’s heckling cries over the sensation or the others’ disappointed booing, and bites back a sharp rebuke.
He wants to slink away into his room to breathe, quite honestly. He doesn’t.
Instead, he waits until their little party winds down; until Ahsoka and Barriss—who’s endured this night gamely—slip away to Ahsoka’s room, and Aayla promises to get both Quinlan and Kit home without detours. Cody crashes in Rex’s room. Padmé stays over tonight as well, and Obi-Wan does his best not to pay attention to it.
Obi-Wan pads into his room through the deserted hallway, exhausted and relieved. He’s almost at his door when Anakin slips out of his own room.
He feels his confession hanging in the air between them like a haunting. He doesn’t know what to say, so he simply wishes Anakin a good night.
“You could’ve just said, you know,” Anakin says before Obi-Wan turns away. At Obi-Wan’s confused look, he adds, “That you don’t want to kiss me. You could’ve just said that. I wouldn’t have made you. It’s fine. I get it.”
He really, really doesn’t.
Anakin smiles at him, small and soft and—sad, maybe, impossibly. He turns to go towards the kitchen.
Obi-Wan doesn’t think. He reacts to Anakin thinking he didn’t—doesn’t—want to kiss him. (Though how he arrived at that conclusion might forever be a mystery to Obi-Wan.)
He spins Anakin around by the biceps, winds an arm around his waist, threads his free hand into Anakin’s curls and slots their mouths together.
Anakin makes a soft, surprised sound against him but his lips open without hesitation.
And then they’re kissing.
Obi-Wan licks into his mouth hungrily and swallows another little noise Anakin makes, pulls him closer and curls a hand around jaw to angle his head. Anakin opens up so beautifully, meets Obi-Wan’s tongue with his own and sucks on it as he fists both hands in Obi-Wan’s hair, urgent and desperate. Obi-Wan maps the inside of his mouth, hears himself make broken-off gasps as Anakin bites at his bottom lip before soothing it with his tongue.
They both pull back for a split second before crashing back together again and there’s no finesse to it: they bite and suck and lick at each other as if starved for one another, greedy, so greedy, and Obi-Wan drinks in all the beautiful soft sounds that roll of Anakin’s tongue.
The kiss gentles to something sweet and lovely and they separate, just briefly, just for one breath, and Obi-Wan presses one brief, gentle kiss to Anakin’s seeking mouth, and then another.
The world crashes back in between one second and the next, and Obi-Wan releases Anakin reluctantly.
For a moment, they breathe together. Anakin raises his fingertips to his lips and when his eyes find Obi-Wan’s, his pupils are blown wide.
“I meant something like that,” Obi-Wan murmurs, and steps away, toward his room.
Anakin startles when the door to his room opens and Padmé peeks her head out. “Ani?”
Anakin clears his throat once, twice. “Be right there,” he says, voice rough, without looking at her.
Obi-Wan smiles at her and waves. She returns it before closing the door again.
“Good night, Anakin,” he says quietly, and slips into his room.
With his heart beating in his throat, Obi-Wan leans against his door and tries to catch his breath while his mind replays the kiss in an endless loop. He licks his lips, collecting the spit on them, and the ghost of Anakin’s touch sears into them, unmistakable and ineradicable.
He should feel guilty.
He doesn’t. Not for kissing Anakin. Not for kissing Padmé’s boyfriend.
At the core of him, there’s no regret.
Only the question of when he can kiss Anakin again.
Obi-Wan exhales, deep and long. His palms are sweaty, again.
Huge fucking biggie.
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All paths lead here. Part seven
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A little more Smut in this one but not loads.
Conflicted Anakin.
Morning came too fast, the bright sun beaming through the open curtains. You groan at the sound of a communicator beeping in another room. Anakin shifts beside you, sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He looks back at you, a smile forming on his face. This was right. He thought to himself. A feeling of an incoming presence catches his mind. Anakin dresses quickly.
"My Padawan is approaching. You should dress my love." He kisses your hair before marching into the living area. His Padawan stands by the elevators.
"Good morning Snips." Anakin bounced over to her.
"Master, are you…um Master Kenobi is on his way up." She looked around herself.
"Good, I need to speak to you both." He shows Ahsoka to the sofas and asks if she would like some tea. The fourteen year old accepts and waits, knowing in her chest her world will shatter at any moment.
You awake and dress stepping out to the living area.
"Good morning Ahsoka. Excuse me, I have some work I need to get on with." You leave them for your study. There was no work to do, but you could feel the tension in the room between them.
The lifts ding and Obi-Wan steps into the apartment. Anakin took in a long breath, searching for the right words. His master stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.
"We have unfortunate news this morning. Where is the Senator?" The elder man asked. Anakin kills his thoughts of leaving the order when his master explains the situation.
"Padme gathered intel that new battle.droids are being made on Geonosis." Obi-Wan explained, "we have to go."
"If you're going to war, how can I go with you? I have no skills for battle." You don't want to panic.
"We will teach you, there will be plenty of clone troopers. Yoda has agreed to assign you your own garrison. They will protect you but also train you in the use of blasters and battle plans. Anakin and I can teach you other things," his eyes flick momentarily to Anakin, "you will be safe."
You agree.
"We will also not be the only Jedi fighting." Obi-Wan finished.
"Very well. I will make myself ready," you stand from your place on the sofa.
"The Chancellor has requested to see you both before we leave." He indicates to you and Anakin. The latter stands to walk with you.
"Wait, what did you want to tell us?" Ahsoka calls out. Anakin meets your eyes briefly.
"It can wait." He mumbled, guiding you to the elevator with a hand on the base of your spine. When the doors close and you are finally alone you lean into him. Anakin shifts, making you stand back on both feet.
"What did I do?" You blurt.
"Nothing, we just…we can't do this right now." He folds his arms over his chest, effectively cutting himself from you. You mouth an 'oh', stepping further away from him. You can't stop yourself from scratching your palm and biting the inside of your mouth. The rest of the journey to the Senate building is quiet. You speak only when necessary. Anakin holds his hand out to help you into the speeder but you ignore it. A pain in his chest twinges.
The Chancellor welcomed you both into his office, quickly ushering everyone else out.
"Wonderful to see you both. Listen I am not best pleased that you are both going to Geonosis. It frightens me that you'll be in such an awful place so soon after your ordeal y/n. I have fetted the clones for your squad and they are of utmost skilled and loyal men."
"Thank you Chancellor. I appreciate that." You reply before excusing yourself from their present. Palpatine turns to Anakin.
"Is everything okay my boy?" He asks. Anakin slumps his shoulders and falls into a chair.
"I've done…things I should not have."
Palpatine circles his desk to sit beside the Jedi.
"You and I both know in this war and this galaxy some rules must be bent. For the good of the republic."
"I'm not sure if it is the republic I do them for."
"I understand. The heart is a strong muscle and can often over power the mind. The things I would have done for my own love had she returned my feelings. Alas I was unlucky in matters of the heart." Palpatine nostalgically thought back to his younger years.
"I am conflicted. As a Jedi should I always follow my mind? What if my mind aligns with my heart, even though I know it is wrong?"
"Anakin, my dear boy. Your heart is what brought you here to start with." The office doors open and you walk back in, "well, I have much work to do. Please stay here, I will have the squad sent to you momentarily. Anakin, your body knows exactly what you should do." He pats the youngest hand before leaving the room. You shuffle awkwardly forward.
"Anakin, I don't know what I did to upset you-" he cuts you off by slamming himself into you. His lips are crashing into yours and he pushes you until your back hits a wall. His hands feel like they are everywhere, pulling the hem of your skirts up to your waist and digging into your thighs.
"I panicked, I'm sorry. You did nothing wrong. I love you." He panted between words. You can feel his erection pressing against your heat and wetness coats your underwear.
"Kriff." Anakin growls out, one hand raises and flicks the door lock across the room. He pulls his fully hard dick from his trousers and lifts you up, your back still against the wall. He is using the force to hold you so he can use both hands, pushing your underwear aside and lining himself up. You're pulled down onto him and he fills you quickly and completely. There are no niceties from the night before. No gentleness in his movements. This is not the making love of your first time but a pure passionate display of his need and want of you. His breath pants onto your neck as he thrusts into you. Your hands clutch at his robes and hair trying to gain anchorage to him.
"You're mine, now." He purrs into your ears. "No one else will ever have you now."
Your moans are enough to confirm your agreement. Is he….he is….Anakin Skywalker is using the force to stimulate your clit as he fucks into you, sloppy kisses left on the exposed skin of your neck.
"Anakin, I'm going to-" you don't get to finish the sentence, your orgasim hits like a train, bursting from you with a cry of his name. Anakin fucks your through the pleasure until his own end comes and his seed spills into you once more. He doesn't pull from you straight away. Holding your body to the wall he leans against you further.
"We shouldn't be doing this." He whispers, "but I'm not going to stop. I want you to marry me, y/n."
"Yes, of course I will. Anakin I love you." You're gripping onto him, legs shaking with the effort of still being held against the wall. As Anakin's dick softens it slips from you and you feel the combined slick drip down your thigh.
"I should see a doctor before we leave. It could be difficult to explain a child." Your words strike something in him, a yearning he was unaware of. A wicked smile creeps along his face.
"No, I…I'd like to have a child with you. If you would want that, I mean."
You can't decipher the emotions in his eyes but they fill your stomach with flutters of excitement and fear.
"Well, if it happens then." You say.
"I love you." He smiles once, it drops and then reappears brighter and wider.
"I love you too Ani." You whisper.
Tag list : @nyenye @tahliac11 @gr-rm @pureluna @harsimrit-k
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Armor Candy
Read on AO3!
Written for @rexwalkerweek!
August 4th: Your Favourite Planet | Form IV: Gale and Lightning, Creativity, Initiative
It starts, unsurprisingly enough, with General Skywalker complaining.
The 501st is in the hurry-up-and-wait phase of the latest cycle of the war, and that means downtime. Rex and a few of the others are in the officer’s lounge, joined by General Skywalker and the little Commander. The lounge is mostly used as the backup office when the shinies get too uppity and start coming to their actual offices with reg violations that are… well, they’re technically the sort of thing that’s meant to be reported, but they’re also deeply petty and always about getting one over a brother that’s proven annoying, rather than anyone actually caring about reg violations.
Echo and Dogma actually care, but Echo is an officer these days, so Rex just has Dogma go to Echo, and now those two only have to deal with each other. Echo’s loosened up enough that Rex finds him quizzing Dogma on obscure rules and occasionally sending him on wild nuna chases. It’s kind of mean, but at least Echo only ever seems to do it when Dogma’s reports are doing more harm than good.
Right now, everyone’s reporting each other—tattling like cadets—at Dogma’s rate.
So, the officers are hiding.
Rex spends most of his time in the lounge either doing flimsiwork or watching bolo-ball. Right now, most communications are down save for military, so nobody’s getting anything interesting in or out of the ship. That means he’s down to flimsiwork and gossip.
He tries to get through his flimsiwork. He really does. But the General…
The General.
“I��m just saying,” General Skywalker huffs, overdramatic and draped backwards over the side of the couch in a way that looks supremely uncomfortable, “I deserve to be the pretty one!”
Rex has no idea what’s going on. He hasn’t been paying attention. Still, he’s a loyal trooper. “You're pretty, sir.”
That sounded platonic, right? Right.
General Skywalker groans. Ahsoka giggles at him, and he swats at her. He doesn’t bother to get up from his ridiculous sprawl. “No, I meant… I'm always with Padme or Obi-Wan, and they're both super hot. I'm normally a nine, okay, I know I look good, but around them I look like a seven.”
General, what.
The General finishes with a massive arm gestures that half the room cannot see due to the couchback. “I deserve to be the pretty one.”
Hardcase perks up at an opportunity, and Rex jumps and starts running for him. He is too late. “What, you don't think Rex is pretty?”
Rex tackles him, and hisses “shut up, vod!”
Somehow, the General does not appear to notice the violence occurring behind him. He scoffs instead, once again gesturing like he’s on a Shili telenovela. “Rex is ruggedly handsome, Hardcase. Different scale entirely.”
Rex feels himself go red. Hardcase, despite being halfway to choked out, snickers below him. “What do you think of that, Captain?”
With a shove, Rex pushes himself up to standing and brushes himself down. The General’s looking at him in confusion.
Echo’s got a hand over Ahsoka’s mouth to keep her from laughing.
“Er,” Rex manages, looking at the General and absolutely at a loss for what to do. “Thank you, sir.”
It takes a few moments for his brain to catch up, and then he adds, just a tad too late to be natural, “on all our behalfs. We’re identical, after all.”
Ahsoka lets loose a noise that Rex has only heard from recordings of shriekhawks.
“Yes, yes, you’re all very handsome,” General Skywalker says, flopping back into his position of extreme drama. “I guess I can be the pretty one on the Resolute, since Ahsoka’s still got the corner on being cute for a few more years.”
Ahsoka giggles, still through Echo’s hand.
“Of course, sir,” Rex says, unsure of what else he can say. “You’re the pretty one.”
(Continue on AO3)
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fives-lover · 5 months
Chapter 17: Disobey
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Ahsoka went straight to Ari’s and Rasha’s room, apparently upset. She looked devastated when Rasha opened the door for her.
“What’s wrong, Ahsoka?” She asked, concerned.
“… I, I failed…” Tears threatened to spill from Ahsoka’s eyes.
“What happened? You were nervous but pretty excited when you went down to the hangar after breakfast earlier.”
“I was supposed to lead a squadron of fighters against that ship,” She crossed her arms around her stomach and looked down, “I lost so many of my pilots, it was almost the whole squad,” She looked up after a long pause, “Please don’t sound like Master Skywalker and tell me it’s the reality of command or whatever, I already heard all of that from him…”
Rasha watched her pace. She tugged Ahsoka’s arm, dragging her to sit on the bed. “I wasn’t going to say any of that.”
Ahsoka looked up still teary-eyed but grateful as she pulled Rasha into an awkward hug.
“I was going to ask how you’re handling it, but I think I’ve already got that answer,” Rasha chuckled, “I’ve lost a lot of soldiers when we’re on the ground and I know you have too. I also know commanding them out there in those fighters isn’t quite the same, but you need to take a deep breath…… Good, keep breathing slowly like that,” she reached over and grabbed some water, “I also know they were your friends- “
“This isn’t really helping, Rasha,” Ahsoka chuckled.
“I wasn’t finished! But at least I got you to smile a little!” Rasha squeezed Ahsoka closer into a side hug, “but sometimes, there’s nothing you could’ve done in the long run; other times, you think about what you could’ve done after everything’s finished,” she looked down at her with a sad smile, “everyone makes mistakes, especially in the heat of a battle, Ahsoka, but you can’t go back and fix them. You thought you could do it and you wanted to prove it; not just to the General and Admiral, but to yourself too…”
Ahsoka looked up at her wondering how Rasha could know that. “I was like that in school and during my training after I graduated from university,” Rasha chuckled and played with her necklace with her free hand, “Hell, sometimes I still do it. You’re a good leader either way; I know the clones think that. Sometimes, they annoy the crap out of me when they talk about you when we’re back up here after everything is said and done,” she chuckled.
Ahsoka looked up again, “really? What do they say?!”
“Nothing bad, I promise,” Rasha smiled, “they just keep telling the same stories a hundred times as if I wasn’t there or that I haven’t heard it already!” Both of them laughed, “Those men are loyal and trust you with their lives just like I know you trust them with your own. Everyone watches each other’s backs out there. Just think about how you and Anakin are whether you’re in battle or not. You could even think about other people like Rex and Cody; or how Kix, Coric, and I are, on the ground or not as well... But back to what I was saying. You’re a great leader, and that inspires greatness in others; win or lose. Okay?”
Ahsoka looked at Rasha quizzically, “I am?”
“One of the best I know. ‘Course, there haven’t been very many, just…” Rasha brought her hand up to her chin, copying Obi-Wan in a horribly fake thinking expression as she slowly counted on her fingers, “There’s been 1… 2… no, no he was at 100”
Ahsoka giggled, sniffling, and wiped the tears that had spilled over earlier.
“I’ve already lost count! It’s at least a couple thousand at this point! Dang it! I’ll just have to make some tallies on some flimsi later! Let’s get you back down there in the meantime though, all right?”
Just then, Ahsoka’s comm started beeping. “Ahsoka here.”
“Good I was hoping you’d pick up. Or I’d have to send Rex after you.” It was Anakin on the other end, “I need you to come down to the hangar again.” He ended the call before she could answer.
“I’ll walk you down there.” Rasha gave her one more squeeze before standing up.
The two made their way through the maze of hallways quickly. Rasha went with her to the fighter Anakin was tinkering with as he asked his astromech, R2D2, for another tool. She gave Ahsoka a smile before walking away to give the two some privacy. “Come find me if you need to talk some more.”
Ahsoka went to the med bay after her talk with Anakin ending with him telling her to go to her quarters to cool off. She wanted to see how badly injured Admiral Yularen was after her little “mission” went wrong before going to her room.
“Where's the Admiral, Ari?” She asked timidly.
“He's down there," she pointed toward the back of the room while keeping her eye on one of the troopers' vitals. "You, okay?” Ari asked, concerned after turning to see Ahsoka ready to cry again.
“I’ll be all right… Where is he?”
“C’mere,” she gave Ahsoka a hug, “he’s over here.” She looked back at the trooper, "I'll be right back." She led her to a bed in the back. “He’s stable for now. He hit his head pretty hard, but he’ll be okay.” The two looked down at the man laying there with most of his head wrapped in gauze. “Here’s a seat if you plan to stay for a little bit. Let me know if you need anything.” Ari gave her another hug, like Rasha had done earlier, and went back to the man she had been looking over earlier.
“I’m so sorry Admiral… I thought I could do it,” Ahsoka put her hand on top of his. “I should’ve listened to you,” her voice cracked as she held back more tears, “I should've listened to Master Skywalker. I’m not cut out for any of this. I shouldn’t’ve even taken the mission. I’m so sorry. They’re all gone…” She squeezed his hand tightly for a few seconds before standing to leave. She gave him one more look before walking away completely.
He opened his eyes shortly after, touched by her apologies.
Rasha headed for the mess hall, knowing at least one of her boys was in there stuffing their faces full of whatever slop was being served for lunch even though she wasn’t hungry. She just wanted someone to sit with.
The second she entered; she saw a hand waving her toward them. “Rasha! Come sit with us over here after you get your food!” Jesse yelled across the room.
She went over and sat with the group; all of her boys were sitting there. Fives and Echo had already scooted over, making room for her. The two always seemed attached at the hip. “Not hungry. Just didn’t wanna sit alone while Ari’s up in the medbay. Didn’t really wanna go up there either.”
“Something wrong?” Echo quickly asked after noticing her solemn expression.
“Nothing really wrong with me. It’s Ahsoka.”
The group looked back at their food. “Yeah, we heard…” Fives said. “Ax was a good guy. They all were. I’m sure she’s not taking it too well.”
She shook her head and sighed. “Not really. I tried to cheer her up though. Only seemed to work a little bit.” Rasha shrugged.
“You cheer everyone up as soon as they see you, though. I’m sure that’s all you had to do,” Five said, giving her a gentle slap on the back and a big grin. The group exchanged knowing looks, receiving a warning glare. Rasha felt left out of some big secret but decided it was best not to ask right then.
Alarms started blaring as an announcement said everyone was to evacuate the ship. Everyone looked confused but headed to the hangar to help Anakin before their transfer to the Resolute.
Anakin was standing on a crate giving orders, watching the controlled chaos. “let’s go, let’s go! Come on! We don’t have all day!” He yelled as clones ran around conducting their given tasks. He saw Ahsoka enter the hangar shortly after Rasha and the group she had been sitting with. He explained the plan to Ahsoka and Rasha, “Attention! Everyone! Attention!” He waited to continue until everyone had stopped. “Alright, listen up. I’m taking over the Defender, and I’m leaving Commander Ahsoka in charge.” She grimaced, looking up grumpily as Anakin stepped off the crate.
Ahsoka made her way to the bridge on the Resolute as her heart began crawling further up her throat with every step. Rasha had decided to join her for some support. Rex and a few other troopers were already surrounding the holotable on the bridge waiting to be briefed on the plan.
Rex had some protests immediately after, “I have to say this plan is questionable. The droid commanders would be taken out only temporarily. And we still would have General Skywalker to find in all that mess. I really wish he had discussed this plan with me beforehand. The odds are very much against us.” He seemed to be ripping Ahsoka apart with every comment.
Rasha interrupted his protests, “Rex, this wasn’t completely her idea. Skywalker only told us what he was planning to do and then left Ahsoka to handle it on her own. The odds are almost always against us anyway if you hadn’t noticed yet. Give her a break.”
“Yes, sir.”
The other clone at the table spoke up after a brief pause, “In our first attack we had three, fully armed cruisers, and we failed,” he had been addressing Rasha rather than Ahsoka.
“Don’t look at me, Corporal. She’s the one in charge.” She gestured to Ahsoka before crossing her arms again.
He turned to address Rex instead, “yes, but normally we have General Skywalker to lead us, and- “he stopped himself abruptly, realizing what he had almost said, “I meant no offense, Commander.”
Ahsoka looked back to the table, looking more upset, “none taken,” she sighed.
“Sir, even if Skywalker is successful in destroying that battleship, and we find him in that mess; how would we be able to defend ourselves against the coming onslaught afterward from the remaining frigates?”
Ahsoka looked back up, “I thought about that, and I’ve got an idea,” she hesitated before looking at Rasha for reassurance, receiving an encouraging nod.
Ahsoka pressed several buttons on the table, explaining her plan. “If we took the Resolute’s hull and angled it like this,” The image of their ship moved, “The bridge and hangar deck would be relatively safe from the attacks from the incoming frigates,” Ahsoka pointed to where the bridge was on the image. “Draw them in, then use the bomb to outflank them. It’d be too fast, and they’d be trapped.” She pressed a few more buttons and the images of other ships moved closer to theirs while a circle, representing the bomb, shot out, taking the smaller ships out.
Rex watched, thinking about Ahsoka’s plan, “I’m not sure about this, Commander. If we were certain the shields would hold…”
The other man thought about the plan as well while Rex had been talking,” Perhaps a different strategy. We need more time to plan.”
Rasha was about to step to get them to stop giving her such a hard time when Ahsoka slammed her hands on the table, “No! We don’t have more time. Master Skywalker needs me now! He needs all of us now!” She gestured around the bridge.
Another voice rang out behind everyone. They turned around to look, seeing a tall man with his head covered in bandages; it was the Admiral. “The Commander is right. The strategy is very bold, but a lot of Skywalker’s plans have been in the past and have worked out. These circumstances call for drastic measures.”
Ahsoka looked shocked as he walked in, but he seemed to make her more determined as he stood next to her, knowing she had his support as well.
“The strategy will work then, sir?” The second man asked the Admiral rather than Ahsoka.
Yularen stood tall, looked around the room, pausing at Rasha to give a curt nod, knowing she was only there for support, before looking down at Ahsoka. “Well, will it?”
She looked up, smiling, “Yes. It will. When those ships collide, there will be chaos and debris everywhere. We’ll need to use that time to find Master Skywalker’s pod and pull him into the tractor beam before the frigates start attacking. I’ll command the fighter squadron. You’ll need to wait for my signal to begin our attack.”
“Yes, sir.”
Ahsoka stepped out of the room, taking a deep breath before she walked down to the hangar with Rasha following. “How do you think I did?” She sounded uncertain again, looking for approval.
Rasha placed a hand on Ahsoka’s shoulder. “You did great. It was rocky at the beginning, but that was really just Rex not listening to you right away. He doesn’t even listen to me or the General sometimes, so it’s not completely your fault.” She looked down, giving a kind smile, “You did start out kinda nervous though, but that’s all right. I get like that too, ‘course I don’t really give briefings. You just gotta breathe and stand your ground when they try to run you over. I guarantee you did better than I would’ve if I had to give one.”
“You sure about that, Rasha? I’ve seen you on the ground with us.”
“That’s just when I’ve got all that adrenaline going through me and I’ve got a job to do; keep those men alive. So, I just gotta make do with what I’ve got with whoever's around me. If I fail, it’s not a pretty sight…” Rasha shrugged as they approached Ahsoka’s fighter. “Good luck. You’ll be able to handle it” She gave her a light smack on the shoulder and returned to the bridge to watch everything play out.
Everything went according to plan with a few hiccups and small protests from Admiral Yularen that she confidently countered and pushed through.
“Commander, the invasion fleet is coming out of hyperspace,” Rex informed once Ahsoka made her way back to the bridge.
Obi-Wan came across the communications system, “Ahsoka, this is Obi-Wan. May we begin our landing?”
“Yes, Master. You’re cleared for the ground assault.”
“I won’t even ask where the rest of Anakin’s fleet is,” he paused, “Or why he’s in an escape pod surrounded by debris…”
“That’s probably for the best.” She turned to Rex, “That reminds me, we need to go get him.”
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