#like opening one of those decorations where you open it and the bottom rolls out
dmclemblems · 2 years
if it's alright, can i ask why you like dimi/claude so much? like, the particular reasons you like them lol hope that doesn't come off as "how the hell do you like them" kind of thing
Yeee, tis fine! I feel like I’ll probably miss some of the reasons why I love them so much, but I’ll try to cover everything.
uh oh it got beeg
Things from the game itself:
I like that they hang out together sometimes (in the main story and in the DLC), when the lords don’t usually hang out together in their free time. Out of all the combinations of them, only Dimitri and Claude hang out together (with a story based exception during the DLC with Dimitri and Edelgard that never gets touched upon again even though it’s actually important and story relevant). There’s also the implication that they train/spar together in GD, with Dimitri saying “as ever” he has proven to be no match for Claude. During the “going to GM cutscene”, they’re walking together and talking together (a theme that Nintendo uses in their official art in almost every official of the three lords lmao).
Claude’s crest symbol is a moon, and Dimitri’s route is called Azure Moon (which is also coincidentally the only route they’re able to ally in because Dimitri dies in VW)
They’re a package deal in the game and in official art from Nintendo! Cipher promotions? Both of them got plastered on it together. The 2019 happy holidays artwork? Sitting down together while Edelgard is standing up (with Dimitri ??? staring at Claude with this oddly happy and dreamy look??? hey, Nintendo???). the artwork of Edelgard turning around while the lords are walking, but she’s behind the other two who are both walking together and talking? And... so on.
Another instance of “damn, how much time do you actually spend together where we aren’t aware of it” is Dimitri referring to Claude as his “friend” in the DLC to Aelfric. That point of the game is still very early on, but Dimitri doesn’t just toss the word “friend” around with everyone. He uses other terms like acquaintance, companion/companionship, etc. Rather than use any similar words for Claude, he just outright uses “friend”, and he doesn’t use that term unless he really believes it.
In the game itself, the start of it is Edelgard almost being killed and Byleth protects her, but with the other two nowhere to be seen for... some reason. When Edelgard is safe, suddenly they both come running up together and smile at each other like “lol sorry we got distracted by each other’s beauty but hey glad you’re both safe uwu”. Listen, it’s a tiny thing but WHEN IT ADDS up...!
Very cute moment for me when, if you’re playing GD, Dimitri takes a keen interest in Claude’s “schemes”. Most people consider his supposed schemes to be a bad thing and dread it openly. Dimitri is just out here like ooo tell me more, I wanna know! 
During the mock battle, Claude tries to tease him and fails miserably. By the time of the actual Battle of the Eagle and Lion (and Deer, wah wah), Dimitri is used to Claude’s teasing and jokes with him! Instead of a deadpan response where he just doesn’t know Claude well enough to know how he behaves, this time Dimitri is used to him and responds to him with a more “lol okay Claude” vibe. It’s much more apparent in the JP dialogue that he’s aware Claude is teasing/joking, but he goes along with it.
There’s a bit more of a rivalry between Dimitri and Edelgard, oddly. Even this early, he’s seeing her as more of an adversary (maybe to foreshadow, since the BotEaL had a boatload of foreshadowing) and seeing it as a more serious competition. With Claude, he’s much more relaxed and seeing their battle as more of a test of skill and mutual gain to learn from. He says he will “happily” battle Claude and urges him not to hold back. In contrast, he tells Edelgard that the thought of fighting her is “troubling at best” and is bothered by her “joke” (Claude jokes with him too and he’s much more receptive. Edelgard’s “joking” was more foreshadowing, but he doesn’t take well to it and that same joke/response happens again after the battle too). The direction of both conversations is the polar opposite, and he doesn’t feel at ease when fighting her.
Following that, his relationship with Edelgard is tense, and it’s a huge contrast to how he feels around Claude. That is, notably, whenever him and Edelgard interact there’s a wall between them (such as when she’s walking by with Manuela, going to their mission, and her and Dimitri have a misunderstanding that ends in a tense ending to their conversation) Due to their circumstances, their relationship is pretty rocky even during the first half of the game in BL. Throughout the first half of the game, this aspect of their relationship is static (until of course he finds out her identity as the Flame Emperor and it just goes downhill from there). Then we have him and Claude, where starting at the mock battle, Dimtiri misses Claude’s silly behavior and is more serious about the battle as mentioned before. Over time though he’s obviously learned what Claude is like, and during the official battle you can clearly see a difference in Dimtiri’s overall attitude when he hears Claude joke with him. This time he knows what to expect and is receptive to Claude’s behavior, going along with it and being glad to have this battle with him. His demeanor toward Edelgard, however, doesn’t change at all. He still doesn’t like the idea of fighting her seriously, nor takes well to her “jokes” and  yet seems to see her as more of an adversary to overcome. Around Claude, Dimtiri has more friendly vibes in both their routes and is pretty open to learning about Claude and talking to him casually.
Kind of a small instance but with a little more meaning to me?: them fighting side by side at Garreg Mach when the Empire invades. Dimitri was in his Very Nutty state, and even more so if you’re playing BL. He’s so out of it that Dedue has to direct everyone in his place. Due to the BLs knowing what he’s going through, you’d think at least one of them would be keeping an eye on him during the battle. Instead, it’s Claude he’s fighting alongside! Dimitri was very expressive about wanting to be the one to reach Edelgard in that battle, but the cutscene shows him with Claude, rather than rushing for Edelgard.
Gronder! Even though Dimitri gives out his famous, stolen-from-Miklan-because-Miklan-said-it-first-and-apparently-inspired-Dimitri-to-use-it-later-in-life line, “kill every last one of them”, his actual dialogue with Claude is very different from that (on both routes). All he says is that he wants Claude to move and has no time to talk. If he meant it that he really wanted to kill people from the Alliance or didn’t care about Claude as a person, he would have tried to run him down for getting in his way. Claude even said he wouldn’t budge, which normally would prompt Dimtiri at that point to attack him and kill him to get him out of the way. In AM Claude retreats when defeated, but Dimitri lets him escape and doesn’t mind at all that he’s fleeing. Because of that you can specifically clarify that Dimitri doesn’t think of him as an enemy, because he chases enemies down and kills them at that point (remember all those dead soldiers we were hearing about early into the timeskip?). When Edelgard tries to escape, Dimitri doesn’t just let her go without attempting to follow her. This clarifies that he sees her as an enemy, because again, he’ll chase down anyone considers his enemy. When Claude left, even though he can intentionally stand in Dimitri’s way, Dimitri won’t kill him even though he probably could.
When Claude requests aid, he doesn’t ask for Byleth’s help. He doesn’t ask for Seteth or the Church’s help (which is working with Byleth/the Kingdom and the direct enemies of the Empire). He asks for the Kingdom’s aid. This Dimitri centric view continues through all of chapter 19, with him specifically believing in Dimitri and his mentality.
Hurray Failnaught! Normally characters give their Relics to Byleth (for game mechanic/convoy purposes), but Claude gives him specifically to Dimitri. Since he plans to leave Fodlan and return to Almyra where they don’t fight with these weapons, he likely feels he has no reason to bring it with him. Instead, he leaves it with someone he trusts both with his family heirloom and Fodlan itself. Claude doesn’t trust easily, but he had faith that Dimitri would finish the war and restore Claude’s second home.
In the same chapter, Claude... somehow knows a LOT about Dimitri. Obviously he learned everything offscreen and we don’t know how or why, but not only does he know that Dimitri can still be reasoned with (Teach will talk and he’ll listen), suggesting that he’s aware that the person Dimitri was is not gone despite the meeting they had in Gronder, but during the “here have my family heirloom” scene, he tells Dimitri that the dead cling to them without regard for their own/the living’s lives. During the Academy phase we don’t have any indication that he knows what’s going on with Dimitri... but then, I recall them fighting side by side during the invasion of the monastery, so perhaps Claude started to put the pieces together if he was able to see the state Dimitri was in. Canon? Not necessarily, but it’s something I consider when I want to answer why Claude knows this stuff about Dimitri when Dimitri didn’t tell him about it.
Yes, Teach will talk and he’ll listen, but by then Dimitri had already  made the decision to help the Alliance- er, well, Claude. The Alliance itself? Hm. Claude? Yes, let’s go help Claude-- er, the Alliance, he means! The Alliance! But... but also Claude! Okay, I’m kind of joking. Kind of. A lil bit. By which I mean, Dimitri is very vocal about saving Claude more than he is the Alliance. Leave the latter part to Lorenz, I guess. It’ll make him happy and that would make me happy!
So, on the topic of him already making the decision to go aid Claude, not only was Claude correct, but Dimitri literally went to begin their march to the Alliance the next day after they recaptured their own capital. They celebrated and then the very next day he’s like “uh yeah sorry for this guys, but Claude wants our help so we’re leaving. Now. Pack your things. If you’re not ready in ten I’m leaving without you. Claude needs help.” I’M JOKING. Mostly. A lil bit.
They reach the battle destination and Dimitri is uh, very specific that “they will not let Claude die”. He only recently came out of his nommy nom, chewy enemies state, and he’s already over here like hell nah we ain’t lettin’ Claude die. I didn’t spare him at Gronder for nothin’. Let’s go, let’s go!
Claude, who he doesn’t know nearly as well as the BLs, “crosses too many dangerous bridges for his liking”. For sure, Claude does some risky things, but he’s not someone who is within Dimitri’s immediate friend group. All the same, Dimitri worries about him (a lot in this chapter, too) and expresses that he doesn’t like Claude taking these kind of risks (that could endanger his life).
“This must be one of your jokes”. Not sure Claude was ever really one to often make jokes that we know of? The way it’s phrased, “one of your jokes”, sounds like more of an inside thing? As in, “I know you well enough to know you behave like this”, kind of thing. Doesn’t sound like much, until I start adding up all the times they’re together/talking to each other. For reference, times such as ones I’ve mentioned in this post (walking to GM with Byleth between them and Edelgard, if you’re playing GW Dimitri implies he’s sparred with Claude and uses “as ever” as if to say it happens often enough that it’s a familiar result, them hanging out during their free time after the mock battle, them fighting side by side during the invasion of GM even though Dimitri insisted he was going to basically rush the battle and ker-slice Edelgard’s head off and show up at Enbarr with it in hand...) Suddenly it doesn’t seem so odd that they might know each other a little bit more than the story that we get to see lets on. Even if it was small talk, enough of that and enough sparring/fighting alongside each other would add up enough for them to start learning things about each other.
Kudos to Dimitri for being the only person in the game that gets a pet name from Claude. Teach is just a casual way of saying “professor”, and “princess” is literally what Edelgard is. Princeliness is... Quite A Title I Guess. “Princess” is dropped and Claude refers to Edelgard as just Edelgard in the timeskip, but Dimtiri gets a nickname update! Now he’s “Kingliness” instead!
Some Hopes ones (I shipped them way  before Hopes was a thing but these made me happy!):
Background similarities! In Hopes if you play AG, they talk very early on (before the timeskip) about Dimitri’s life after the Tragedy. To sum it up, he was being targeted by his own family with murder attempts and he was very isolated (one NPC describes it as nearly being like house arrest with how isolated he was). Even if you don’t consider Hopes to be too much canon with its character background lore, the isolation part checks because in Houses, Dimitri says he didn’t have any friends left after the Tragedy. He only had Dedue for companionship after that in the castle itself, unable to see his other friends as often due to them living in different territories.
Another similarity from Your Hopes Truly is Dimitri being paranoid on expeditions. As he puts it, he “can't help but peer over his shoulder lest an assassin lodges his blade in his back”. He’s literally paranoid of assassins... a lot like how Claude sleeps with a knife under his pillow. :’( They both worry a lot about having to be vigilant because they could die at any time. Even though Edelgard is also royalty, her trauma expresses itself differently and she doesn’t worry about assassins as outwardly (possible also because she has Hubert around, who would be more likely to catch assassins lurking around than the people around Dimitri and Claude). I’m sure she knows people will be after her because she’s royalty, but she doesn’t worry about it in the same way.
This one is more recent and Hopes based, but in AG the game decides to be Big Dumb and is like “nobody in the BL house trusts Claude... for some... reason...” but Dimitri is gung ho adamant that they can trust Claude. His portrait even switches to his smiling portrait! “I’ve never known him to be a liar” despite how little time they had together at the Academy in this game is a big amount of trust imo.
On the same note, AG is like a mirror of AM’s chapter 19! Claude trusts Dimitri and that he will show up to help. In AG, they need the Alliance’s help and Dimitri trusts Claude to show up without question. When the Alliance shows up and Claude isn’t there, he wonders where Claude is, and when Claude does show up being the smart little sneaky not-literal-bastard-because-he’s-actually-a-legitimate-child bastard he is, Dimitri is like :D I knew you would come no matter what. This man literally implicitly trusts Claude. Sounds like someone had a crush when they were younger... Now his crush is helping them and he’s all bubbly and excited inside... uwu... uwu... UWU...
More Hopes stuff despite the bad writing moments. In SB, Claude confronts Edelgard because they were so focused on locating Rhea that they didn’t even consider Dimitri’s motivations for being part of that battle. His portrait is even his upset portrait for them “not even sparing a thought for Dimitri’s motivations”, in his exact words. He’s not all too happy that they were so determined by their goal that they didn’t consider Dimitri, specifically.
Similarly, if you get the Arval chapter, Dimtiri worries for Claude’s safety if Claude tries to take the Church out of power. Despite that Dimitri lists off reasons why That’s A Really Fucking Bad Idea, he also includes that he doesn’t want Claude to be in danger, and their discussion ultimately ends with Claude saying “you really are too good for me!”. Claude, that’s sus.
Not game specific, but motivated by the contents of the game:
Claude is a very casual person, and Dimtiri wants that in his relationships (of any kind). Actually, he repeatedly asks people to be casual with him and doesn’t want to be treated like a prince. In no way does Claude treat him like a prince and just treats him exactly the way Dimtiri would prefer, without even having to be asked to do so. This is part of what makes me wonder if the reason Dimitri is so receptive to Claude and why they bounce so well off each other’s personalities, despite seeming so different in demeanor, is because Dimitri experiences those kind of informal exchanges with him that most others won’t grant him.
More often than not, even in GD, Claude expresses being an outsider. That means that even though the people around him are mostly/generally pretty chill with him (i.e. his GD classmates just treat him like another classmate and not the foreigner in the class), he still doesn’t feel totally accepted there. Likely, it’s the little things he picks up about them, such as Hilda’s negative comments about Almyra. They’re pretty chill together, but he’s Almyran, and royalty at that, yet she doesn’t know that. For him, that could be like, okay so she’s one of the people I proooobably should definitely not tell my identity to, like, ever. I’m not saying Hilda specifically is the only person he would have to be wary of, but the problem is still there.
On the other hand, Dimitri... literally does not give a fuck who is a foreigner and who is not. More than anyone else besides, equally, Claude, he pushes to have people from other lands seen as equals to those in Fodlan and wants them to be just as accepted.
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Also, Claude’s post timeskip advice box:
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What did these two do, share notes? Pass notes in class? Skip class and hang out in the bathroom while they skipped?
To be specific, Dimitri highlights all aspects that Claude guns for too. He hates that he’s been hated all his life for his lineage and never saw it as fair. Dimitri wouldn’t see that as fair either. Claude doesn’t think his lineage or bloodline matters when it comes to being accepted and what relationships he has. That’s also Dimitri’s line of thinking when he insists he doesn’t want to be treated as a prince. He just wants normal relationships. This also applies to Crests, where in which he doesn’t believe having or not having one should decide a person’s, well, anything.
Being two races, Claude has struggled to feel accepted on either side. Meanwhile, Dedue has struggled a lot to get by in Garreg Mach because of the prejudice against Duscur’s people. Even if some of the people of Duscur did do what everyone accused them of, they’re dragging those accusations well beyond that and treating Dedue as if he had anything to do with it. In Dimitri’s B support with Dedue, he makes it extremely clear to his own soldiers that he’ll have nothing to do with that behavior. He sees Dedue as another human being, as he would anyone else. Even though most characters don’t care what race someone is, most of them don’t actively try to fight for justice for other races of people being mistreated in Fodlan. Dimitri is one of the only people who will walk up to someone and tell them to fuck off for being racist, and mind you, if this wasn’t a T rated game and more explicit curse words were allowed to be used, I am quite positive Dimitri would quite literally tell those people to fuck off. He acts all upstanding and polite, but he’d also curse at someone who deserves it and is definitely angry enough to be a semi-big curser lol.
Both of them discuss faith with Byleth, too. While Claude doesn’t like the idea of praying to gods and often talks about how he isn’t in with the whole Sothis religion, Dimitri says the same thing, basically. In his Goddess Tower conversation, he expresses his feelings about “the goddess”, and it pretty much equals that he couldn’t give a flying fuck about her because she doesn’t help those in need despite supposedly watching over their land. He feels that she’ll watch and do nothing to help, not even reach out a hand to people who need her. Dimitri firmly does not believe in the religion that Fodlan follows, even despite literally being the crown prince of a nation that was legitimatized by Rhea herself. Neither of them care about Fodlan’s religion personally, but they both accept people who do and don’t badmouth her in front of devout followers. For example, Claude talks to Ignatz about the goddess and jokes with him. He doesn’t try to tell Ignatz he’s wrong for being faithful to a goddess that Claude himself doesn’t believe in. Dimitri doesn’t care about the Seiros faith at all, but he’s very friendly with Seteth and on great terms with him (especially in Hopes! They’re very close in AG!). Even if Seteth personally is not very devout (which is actually the truth), he’s still Rhea’s second in command. You also have people like Mercedes, who are extremely if not almost excessively devout, but Dimitri never puts her down for that. That’s how Claude is with Ignatz, and Ignatz is very devout. Basically, both Dimitri and Claude hate the idea of believing in the goddess of Fodlan, but they never judge someone who does believe in that very goddess. In fact, after Duscur, I’m sure Dimitri felt he could never forgive the goddess for not saving his father, Glenn and all the others who died there. Even if she wasn’t from a goddess of Duscur, she didn’t even attempt to save Fodlan’s people, at the very very least. It’s not a surprise in that sense that Dimitri isn’t devout.
In the case of ideologies, both of them even use the exact same word here. No matter what someone believes or thinks should happen, no matter how people think lands should be managed, neither of them feel like that’s cause to judge someone. They both feel that people can have different ways of thinking no matter how vast those ways of thinking might be, and still get along just fine.
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This basically sums up both of what they want tbh, and it’s something they both strive for as early as the first half of the game.
Other aspects I love:
Other than that, I like to think about their personalities too! They’ve been through a lot of the same things and have a lot of the same feelings, so I think they would understand really well how to help each other. While Claude doesn’t think he deserves the treatment he gets, Dimitri tends to think he deserves all sorts of bad things. I feel like Claude could teach Dimitri to care about himself more and to stop thinking so poorly about himself. For Claude, I think he’d have “might get killed at any moment” ingrained into him, but I think he’d feel safe around Dimitri but also accepted and loved. Dimtiri is extremely straightforward and honest, and I think Claude would know for a fact that he can trust that Dimitri is honest about his feelings. He wouldn’t have to question if Dimitri actually loves him and if he secretly hates that he’s half Almyran. Because of how Dimitri has always been, I don’t think he’d actually worry about that and any worry that might nag him in passing he’d be able to tell himself is only a paranoid habit.
Also, Almyra loves strength! Pretty sure if Claude walked back into Almyra with a 6′2 superhuman-strength Blaiddyd on his arm that Almyra would be, to say the least, impressed lol. Not only would Dimitri be on par with their strongest generals, but if he got the attention of royalty, regardless of their feelings on that royalty, I think they’d have to take notice. I have headcanons about how the Almyran children would love learning from Dimitri and eventually run around pretending to be as strong as him when he starts helping them train. 🥺 Most of the adults wouldn’t like Dimitri at first because he’s from Fodlan, and even more than that a royal form Fodlan, but I think they’d come around after seeing how much the kiddos respect him and how kind he is to them. Even if they were meh about him being with Claude, I think they would start to respect Dimitri as an individual and not only appreciate when he’s around, but enjoy having him there for competitions, because Dimitri also loves being competitive and training.
You also get the silly opposites aspect with their homelands! Claude would be freezing in Faerghus, especially Fhirdiad. You know he’d be stealing all the blankets and be a Claude burrito by morning. Dimitri would have to accommodate him with lots of warm clothes because poor Claude would be shivering in full armor! It gives lots of room for cuddles and snuggies tho!!! !!! !!! 6′2 warm man and lots of blankets means lots of warmth and comfy sleep zzzzz...
Then you have Dimitri in Almyra and he hates hot weather (specifically, hates, so he says in an advice box letter). Claude would have to tend to him to keep him cool, sure, but I think Dimitri would whine a lot about the heat and I think it’d be rly cute and I think Claude would also think so. He’d have to bring Dimitri to the sea to let him stay in the water for a while, and then struggle to get him out of the water.
Something else I like to consider is how Dimitri would probably love to learn Almyran since he’s bilingual as it is, and I feel like he’d love to learn their culture and whatnot as well. Like I said, he’s really big on people from different places mingling, and he’s been trying really hard to get Duscur to be seen as an intendent land again. In Hopes, he’s trying to fix relations with Sreng (which Claude even considers Sreng in VW when mentioning his dream in full toward the end of the game). Getting to learn about Almyra would be something I feel that Dimitri would love experiencing.
Personality wise Dimitri’s a lot more on the formal speaking side, but they can absolutely both joke and be little shits! I’d love to see them banter with each other because they both have it in them. In fact, I think it would lead to lots of laughs and silly times and I think after everything, they both really need that!
tap tap am i missing something am i missing anything from this fic-sized essay tap tap my cat was staring at me for at least 50% perfect of this. i mean, straight up just staring and watching me from my bed and i just think that’s something i should share
OH YEAH I also love the interracial aspect because it really drives home their desire about race and everyone getting along. 🥰
Also, I feel like Claude needs someone he can really, truly trust and Dimitri needs someone who can make him really start to care about and respect himself again.
23 notes · View notes
voxsmistress · 26 days
Mama Didn't Raise No Bimbo - Part 12
Well my gorgeous little lemon-chops we are finally getting there! My brain was absolutely scrambled trying to think how to write this chapter! I hope you like it? please lemme know <3
Our little Y/n is about to make a deal that will change her entire undead life!
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen
Stepping outside the hotel you spy a black car pull up. Hurrying down the steps you are surprised when a sinner gets out the driver’s seat and opens the back door for you with a small bow in your direction. Okay. That’s new. Thanking them you slide in and relax in the lush leather seating. Perhaps having them a little bit wrapped round your finger is a good thing?
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Being directed to Vox’s office you admire all the decoration on the way, distracting yourself from the fact you were going to have a meeting with two very powerful Overlords who may – or may not – try and hook you into another deal. Knocking on the oak door you let yourself in when you hear his voice. Okay Y/n you’ve gotta stick to your guns! No offering anything unless you get a better offer. And do NOT get distracted by their flirting! You got this!
Peeking your head round the door you smile at Vox who was sat behind his desk, looking up when you entered, a lazy smile spreads across his face. “Ah my lovely little songbird, finally you made it” he motions to the seat opposite him. You close the door behind you. As you walk over to the chair trying your best not to roll your eyes you huff.
“Vox it was barely half an hour since you texted me to meet you, you’re lucky I didn’t have any better plans” teasing him as you take your seat, he chuckles.
“Better plans than seeing me?” Biting your bottom lip, you let your gaze flicker down his usual suit, admiring how even sat down he commanded power. Catching his darkening expression, you smirk at him.
“Princessa, you wouldn’t be teasing our Voxxie now, would you?” Your undead heart nearly leapt out of your chest, twisting quickly you give an amused Valentino the stink eye. Not funny.
“Bloody Hell Val, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Having them both snigger at you made the scowl on your face deepen. Where was Velvette when you needed her? She kept them both in line. Most of the time.
“My apologies Y/n, I didn’t mean to scare you so…” one of his hands tilted your chin up so you were looking at him, he himself was leaning down so your faces weren’t so far from each other. The sweet smell of the cigarette smoke that clung to him tickled your nose. “Forgive me?”
Hmm. Flirt. “I suppose so”, laughing when he taps your nose with a smile of his own. Standing back up he walks around the table to perch on the end next to Vox, purposefully shoving documents out of the way annoying the other Demon. Now, having two powerful Demon’s staring at you was just a bit nerve-wracking. Having two powerful Demons staring at you when you know they want something from you was just … a bit scary.
As no one was breaking the silence you decided to: “any who, how did you know where I was?”
“Darling, I always know where you are”, Vox rests his head on his linked hands, studying you. Those clever eyes taking in every detail. If you had less control of yourself, you’d fidget and blush under that gaze. Instead, you squirmed internally while externally smiling.
“Uh huh … you’ve been tracking my phone to show you where my location is, right?” It had been the main question you’d been asking yourself the entire car journey over. Of course he had tagged your phone. Those cameras of his only show so much of Pentagram City and from what Alastor told you, there weren’t any (or any that he knew about) in the Hazbin Hotel. At his lack of answer, you smirk at them. “You do know there is an easier way to find out where I am?”
“How is that?” They ask, Valentino sparking up another cigarette filling the room with that sweet, red smoke. Holding your finger up in a wait motion, you reach into your jacket pocket and pull out your phone. Typing in a number, you hold it up to your ear while crossing your legs as you stare at them both. After a moment a shrill ringing started from the top of the table, Vox looked at it confused for a moment before answering it. “Hello?”
“Hey handsome, so just in case you’re wondering where I am. I am currently sat in your office with two very hot Overlords discussing how they can just ring my mobile and find me like a normal person instead of tracking me like a piece of game. Okay gorgeous – gotta go important things to discuss. Mwah. Kisses”, you tease before hanging up the phone and slipping it back into your pocket. An amused snort distracted you from your stare down with Vox. Valentino was quietly laughing to himself as Vox shoved the phone back on the table with a scowl.
“Oh Vox, our Princessa certainly has a funny bone”, he joked while pinching the bottom of Vox’s screen affectionately. If that had been anyone else, they’d have lost their hand. Sometimes when the Vee’s showed you these different sides to them you could almost believe the sweet gestures that they would give to you – but then you remember who they are and that thought disappears. A little bit. Sometimes.
Vox shook Valentino’s hand off his screen, rolling his eyes he huffed a little. You and Val share an amused look. For a powerful Overlord, he really did pout like a baby.  Actually, come to think about it, they all did. What does that make you? The babysitter?
“So … boys, you demanded my presence about an offer you had for me? I’m here and all ears. What is it that you would like to talk about?”
“Yes. Me and Valentino have discussed about offering you a deal to sing at Valentino’s clubs. After seeing the …uh … opposition the other night well - someone who is associated with us needs to be working in the more upper-class joints than you are now.” Surprised by their offer you tilt your head in confusion, this is not what you were expecting.
“You want me to work at Val’s clubs?” You confirm with them.
“As well as the other clubs I’m currently working for?”
“No”. Vox flicked through his phone. Blinking in shock you look up at the smoking Valentino, a wink was the only answer you got off him.
“Instead of?”
“Yes Songbird. We are willing to offer you more money than the rest of the clubs are offering you combined. Of course, you will get certain benefits and you are welcome to an apartment here in the Tower for security reasons and ease of getting to work, etc”. Ah there it is. The ol’ ball and chain.
“And what are you wanting in return for this rather generous offer?” You lean your elbows on your knees as you focus on the two Overlords.
“Your happiness…?” BUZZZZ Please try again. How stupid do they think you are?
“Uh huh. Wanna give that another go big boy?” Narrowing your eyes at them, you receive amused looks in return.
“Okay. We get your exclusivity to just us. It’s a brand deal; demons and sinners that work for us only work for us,” Val explains through a haze of smoke.
“A brand deal? I hope you aren’t planning on branding my ass with that” you jokingly ask - semi-serious.
“Don’t be so silly, we wouldn’t brand you”, Vox rolls his eyes as Val chuckles.
“Course if you wanted that Princessa, I’m sure we can come to some arrangement”, shaking your head at Valentino you focus back on Vox.
“But it you work for me, Val and Velvette – it’s a complete deal. You help showcase and sell the clothing line and Socials with Velvette, you work in the clubs for Val, and I need a little bit of you here and there for the VoxTek products to promote them. In return you get publicity, a place to live, more money than you’ll know what to do with and power”.  Was this sounding a little bit too good to be true to anyone else?
Biting your lip nervously, you lean back in your chair as you eyeball them both: “All in return for?”
Sighing, Vox gets up from his chair and makes his way in front of you. He leans against the table and looks down at you, Valentino was smirking over his shoulder.  
“You.” He wafts his hand at you.
Me? What on Hell? You uncross your arms and glare at him while stating: “Me? Thought we went through this; you aren’t having my soul”. Standing from your chair you go to walk away, this was a complete waste of time if that’s all they were after. Sharp fingers gripped your wrist yanking you back the few steps you had made towards the door. With one hand on your wrist, Vox’s other grips your chin gently and lifted it up so you were looking him dead in the eyes. Two other hands grip your waist, the sweet smell of smoke wafted around you as Valentino loomed over your back.
Tutting, Vox smirked, “It’s not your soul we are after sweetheart. We want you”. Confused you try to shake his grip off but he tightened it.
“Me for what?” What on earth could you give them that they didn’t already have?
“To be ours”. Well that stopped you in your tracks.
Possession. Is that what they wanted? “This is new…? Is this like you want me like a new shiny toy that has just come out at the store sorta thing? What when you grow bored of me? I’m just to be tossed aside like the rest of your toys” you bare your fangs in annoyance at them.
“No, we cannot see that happening Princessa, you have three of us to share – trust us, we and you will not be bored. And new? Hardly. We’ve been interested in your ever since we saw you sing one night. You didn’t see us at that club, but we sure saw you, mi amore. Since then we’ve been watching you, waiting and wanting”, breath caught in your throat as Valentino’s fingers stroked up and down your waist. Vox’s caressed your cheek with his thumb while keeping your eyes on his. What was happening?
“So? My little Songbird, what do you say?” He rumbles out, eyes lidded as his gaze flits between your eyes and lips. This has gotta be a dream? Right?
“Can I have a moment to think about this please?” you ask. After they both agree you remove yourself from their arms. Pacing the room, you begin to think through everything without their influence. Contract terms were coming to an end, but not all of them. You needed to complete those deals on your end, or you would end up with less power than you began with. You would not be saddled with a leash because of the Vee’s, you had a way to gain power and you would use it.
Turning to them both, you take a deep breath. Here you go.
“I agree to certain terms. However, I have my own stipulations. I finish out my old contracts while starting the new ones with you. I have deals of my own that I need to complete before starting new ones, you understand that? Also, I can work at other clubs, however they will be vetted by all of us before I take the job. I have a name that I have built up, I do not want to see it go to ruin. With the apartment – I can come and go when and as I please. More so than anything, I am my own person and will always be my own person.” You hold a hand up as they both go to crowd you again. You had to finish this before they managed to influence you again by their presence. Because as much as you could lie to yourself and to others, you were attracted to the Vee’s. If this was a chance to run with a bit of happiness and danger (because undead life was so boring without it) then you were going to sprint with it to the finish line.
“If I am to be yours – then you are just as much mine, and I don’t sleep around. I expect the same. I understand you three have an agreement and I’m happy to be included in that – but that is it”. Lowering your hand, you stand ready to hear what they have to say. The cowardly part of you doesn’t want to look at their faces. But the stubborn bitch in you wanted to make sure they knew you meant every single word you said.  
The gigantic smirks on both their faces made your cheeks redden, even more so when they both moved forwards so quickly that you were surrounded by them again. Hand under your chin once more, you raise your eyebrows at the smug Vox as he leans down so that you could feel his breath on your cheeks. Valentino was bending down from behind you, his hands wrapped around your waist pulling you close to his chest as his breath tickled your hair around your ear.
“Deal”, they both whispered. Well fuck!
Tags List:
@tasha-1994 @azullynxx @reath-solia @leathesimp @klorinda @twinklethewarrior @martinys-world @rosiethevoxobesser
@the-maladaptivedaydreamer @songbrita @midge7838 @joumi13 @wonderlandangelsposts @th3rizzl3r
@ace-spades-1 @iamferalfordilfs
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imyourbratzdoll · 6 months
𝒂 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒔𝒐 𝒋𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔
so, I saw something similar on tiktok and wanted to write it, credits to the person who came up with it.
summary - being a new member of the largest superhero team, you'd think that things would go well, but everything is revealed when christmas rolls around.
warning - angst.
the gif and header I use isn't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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It was rare for the two teams to merge, but every December around Christmas time they would, and with you being the newest member of the Avenger gang. This would be your first-time celebrating Christmas altogether. You watched curiously as they all hung large socks along the fireplace, happy chatter filling the air. “What are those?” You tilt your head.
“Stockings.” You look at Natasha as she replies, “It’s a Christmas tradition where you put small presents inside the stockings of those you care for.” You nod, and your eyes light up. 
“Oh cool!” For the rest of the day you intently listen and observe to pick out the perfect things for them, and over the course of the next few weeks. You slowly begin to fill their stockings, your eyes would fall to yours and notice how empty it looked. But you had hope, there were still a few more days till Christmas and maybe they just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Except Steve walks in and you notice his hands are full, and how he puts a gift for everyone but you. It was as if you were invisible because he didn’t even look at you. “Oh…” 
You continue to splurge and buy everyone things they like, in hopes that you were wrong about them. You skip out of your room on the big day, excited for your first Christmas. When you enter the room, you notice everyone going to their stockings before their presents and expressing happiness with the items they received and with your own excitement, you head over to your stocking and it feels as though the world has stopped. Your stocking was still empty, you finally realised you really meant nothing to the team. You didn’t blame the X-men for not putting anything in because you had only just met them, but your own team? It hurt, you could feel the tears beginning to brim. 
You quickly blink them away before sitting down next to Jean and give her a soft smile, making sure to keep your emotions away from your face and thoughts. “How are you liking it here?” You gnaw on your bottom lip, turning your gaze to your team handing out their presents. 
“I don’t mind it, how about you? I heard this is your first Christmas?” You could see the questions lingering in her eyes, because anyone would question how you could never have a Christmas, but she never completely asks. 
You nod, “Yes, yes. It’s my first and I don’t know… It’s not what I thought it would be.” You stare off, not receiving any presents alongside the stocking. “I’m uh… I’m just going to go for a walk, I don’t feel so good.” You force a smile and get up, heading outside before you could break down in front of everyone. Once you head outside, you break down. You felt like you’d rather be back where you came from. At least your enemies didn’t forget about you. 
“They are all jerks.” You jump as you hear a gruff voice from behide you, you turn, locking eyes with the one and only Wolverine, a cigar between his lips and his eyes harshly set on you. “Not much of heroes when they brag about it every two seconds.” He pushes off the wall and moves closer to you, something catching your eye as the moonlight shines on his hand. 
You look and tilt your head, wiping your cheeks roughly, “What’s that?” Your mouth falls open when he pulls up a cute stocking decorated with glitter, filled to the brim with a small wrapped present resting at the top. “It’s so cute! Whoever it’s for is very lucky.” You give a soft smile, knowing no one would ever get you anything.
Logan shakes his head. “It’s for you, sweets. Those guys are arseholes, they don’t deserve someone as sweet as you on their team.” You feel your breath hitch as he growls, “Open it, honey.” He hands you the stocking and present, leaning against the wall and puffing on the cigar as he watches you open everything.
You gasp, “Oh my god! This is so beautiful, thank you!” You look at him with tears in your eyes as you open the present on the top, a small adorable wolf necklace sits inside the box. You move closer, awkwardly wanting to hug him but not knowing if that will cross a line. Logan raises a brow, placing the cigar between his teeth as he opens his arms. You launch forward and wrap your arms around him, not knowing how to express the feelings that are bubbling up inside. “This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, darlin’, now why don’t you look inside the stocking. I had Jean and the other women help choose what we thought you’d like.” You look shocked, wondering why a team that wasn’t yours would care more for you than the one you are currently in. Logan reaches up and wipes a tear that falls down your cheek, “We take care of our own, Y/n.” 
Your bottom lip juts out as it wobbles, and you slowly reach inside, sobs escape you as you find everything you like and some new things you’ve wanted to try. “Oh my god…” You feel like you are loved and wanted, but then an overbearing sadness erupts throughout you as you realise that you are stuck with people who don’t want you. 
“That is not true, Miss L/n.” You turn and notice the whole X-men team are there, giving you soft smiles. “I have ordered for your things to be transferred. As Logan said, we take care of our own and you, Miss L/n are one of us.” 
All you could utter are the words thank you. Maybe your first Christmas wasn’t so bad after all.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 5 months
the twinkle lights
lilac, chapter fifteen
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a/n: yes that is lorelai gilmore in that moodboard and yes that scene those are screenshots from is partly the inspo for this chapter.
summary: “Yeah, sorry, it’s just a bit chaotic right now. The last of the guests just arrived and I haven’t even had time to go up and change yet. I’m still in fucking jeans.” 
warnings: lumberjack!frank castle x reader, lumberjack AU, past domestic violence, crazy ex trope, wedding, alcohol consumption (not by reader though), fluffy phone call
word count: 2049
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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As yet another heavy sigh flowed from your lips, you tried to force your tense shoulders to relax as you felt the steam, from the coffee cup centimetres away from your mouth, kiss your weary features. 
Hidden away in the corner of the inn’s kitchen, you sat slumped on a small stool, the one usually tended for reaching the stuff in the upper cabinets. But just as you took your next sip, keeping it small so as to draw out the eventual emptiness and the fate that came with it, the doors swung open and in burst the rotund visage of Donna, all done up from the bottom of her clacking heals to the peals hanging low from around her neck.  
“What’s up, sluts!” her booming voice caused your father to jump and the piping bag in his grasp to nearly slip, though the entrance didn’t affect the sheriff who leaned against the far counter. His gaze stayed directed out the window where rows of foldout chairs were half set up. The remaining bubbles in Donna’s slender, lipstick-stained glass sloshed around as her eyes beheld the towering cake standing on the central worktable. And like a child, the inebriated woman couldn’t keep her fingers to herself as she reached out and swiped her finger through one of the swirly flowers piped around the tiers, “uh! Yum!”
But before she could bring the treat up to her lips, Harvey’s hand tapped over hers as he snapped, “no! Don’t you even dare!” raising up a finger and waving it in her face as he warned, “I have been working on this all week and I will not let you ruin it the last second!”
“Urgh, Harv, you’re so uptight, darling,” she rolled her eyes then held out her champagne flute, “here, why don’t you have a little glass of bubbly to calm your nerves?”
“Donna, just–,” you could almost make out the steam that spewed out of his ears, “get out of my kitchen! The rest of the night you’re not allowed in here or else–… or else…” he rapidly lost all of his gumption as he struggled and improvised a threat, “I’ll–… I’ll have Otto arrest you!”
Clearly not paying attention at all, Otto finally turned to face the rest as he overheard his name, “huh?” he raised his cosmopolitan up to his lips and took a small sip, “did you just say something about me?”
“Hah,” Donna laughed condescendingly, “sure he is, honey,” muttering as she sashayed around the kitchen table, “that’s funny… Otto, arrest me, his best friend of nearly 40 years, that’s–, oh!” her murmuring came to a screeching halt as she rounded the cake and your obscured figure came into her field of vision, “Y/n! There you are, you naughty, naughty girl! I heard a scrumptious little rumour that you were swapping saliva with a certain lumberjack in the Lilac Inn’s very own lobby just a few days ago… so, tell me, is he as great as I’d imagine?”
Exhaling lowly, you didn’t have the energy to humour her, “I thought you said you’d help with the decorations.” 
“Oh, I persuaded a few of the groomsmen to finish up the final touches for me.”
“You–, okay, alright, sure…” you begrudgingly took the last drink of your coffee and set it down on the table, “I give up.”
Turning to the small-town sheriff and causing her party dress to swoosh in the process, Donna smirked, “hey, did you see the groom’s uncle? The bald one? I heard he’s recently divorced… you wanna go hunt him down?”
With the hand not clutching his pink drink, Otto linked arms with Donna and said, “sure, why not,” before the eccentric duo disappeared out the side door that led into the garden.
With now only yourself and your father remaining in the kitchen, you puffed out a long exhale before pulling yourself up to your feet, the soles aching slightly from how much you’d been running around. 
“You alright, pumpkin?” Harvey lifted his gaze from his crouched position next to the tall dessert, bending over so close that his moustache nearly touched it as he kept a close eye on the whimsical patterns he slowly decorated on the white wedding cake. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you sighed, patting his shoulder gently as you passed, “just wish I had time for a longer break… wish me luck.”
“Good luck!” he called after you before you pushed the doors to the dining room open. 
The wall of noise hit you at once as you exited the kitchen, like running straight into a brick building. It was like a storm of music and loud conversations all throughout the packed inn. Willing your fists to unclench, you tried to prolong the purposely deep breaths you’d focused on just minutes before. 
Casting your glance out the tall windows, you spotted a few men, half in their suits, the jackets thrown off and the cuffs rolled up, stringing up twinkle lights from one tree to another. Swiftly, your gaze travelled further down and zeroed in on the set tables before you, across the neatly folded napkins and the various names on the place cards, one of the centrepieces especially caught your tense eye. Because of the immense stress you were already enduring, the slight askew nature of the vase, of both white and pastel purple lilacs you’d cut just this morning, made you feel as if drawing in a proper breath was the most difficult thing in the world.
Rushing to adjust it, even if it was just an inch, it still managed to bring a minuscule bubble of peace to your mind, sadly one that swiftly burst when two kids stormed through the room, one of them waving a sear piece of white cloth of his head. Promptly discerning what precisely it was they were playing with, you caught them right before they managed to rush back out of there. 
“Wow!” you held them by the shoulders and kneeled down to be at their level, “hey, you two,” you tried your hardest to lighten your tone, “you mind giving that veil to me?” 
“No, it’s mine!” the small boy clutched it to his chest. 
“Okay, uhm,” you sighed, trying not to lose your patience in front of these children, come off as some scary fairy-tale witch and make them cry, “how about you give me this so that I can return it to Emma and then I tell you where the secret, magic swing is?” 
“A magic swing?” the slightly taller girl’s eyes grew wide, “where?”
“It’s gonna cost you if you wanna know,” you held out your hand.
“Hmm,” the young boy squinted his eyes a moment before he cracked, “fine,” and gave you the veil, “where is it?”
“Behind the gazebo and in the direction of the pond,” you straightened back up and folded the accessories gently, “right there’s a huge tree with a swing on it.”
As they scurried off as fast as their little feet could take them, you turned and marched out into the lobby with your eye set on the grand staircase, but before your hand even reached the bannister, a frazzled man stopped you. 
“Hey, miss?” however just as he called for you, the sound of your ringtone buzzed in your pocket, “miss?” 
Fishing out your phone and not looking at the ID, you picked it up and briefly spoke into it, “hold on,” before twisting it away from your lips and turning to the mousy-looking man, “yes?”
Holding up a crisp white shirt, he pointed to one of the cuffs, “one of my buttons fell off and I–“
“Okay, hang on one second, I’ll find you a sewing kit. I just need to return this to the bride first,” you held up the veil.
“Alright, thanks,” he nodded and backed off into the sitting room to the side.
Beginning your ascend of the stairs, you turned your haphazard attention back to the phone, “hello?”
“Y/n?” Frank’s deep timbre flowed from the phone and seeped into your very core, “is this a bad time?”
Passing a few rowdy bridesmaids on the steps, they nearly bumped into you and caused you not to comprehend a single one of the words Frank had just said, “what?”
“I asked if this is a bad time,” he repeated as you reached the top of the steps, but as you did, the shrill wail of a baby, cradled in its mother’s arms, pierced your very soul. 
“I–, uhm, what?” you whipped your head around and spotted the hall closet off to the side, “I’m sorry, just one second,” and rushed to duck into it. The thin wall didn’t manage to drown out all of the noise, but it did get quiet enough for you to finally hear yourself think again. Switching on the dull lightbulb, “fuck…” you let yourself slide down the length of the door till you sat on the floor, “there,” you exhaled slowly, “hi, now I can hear you. What’s up?”
“Are you alright over there?”
“Yeah, sorry, it’s just a bit chaotic right now,” resting the veil in your lap, you stretched out your legs, “the last of the guests just arrived and I haven’t even had time to go up and change yet. I’m still in fucking jeans.” 
“Sweetheart, it’s you,” his smile shined clear through in his low voice, “you could easily pull off wearing jeans to a wedding if you’d like.”
Feeling the corners of your lips gently tug upwards at his words, you breathed out, “so, did you just call to talk about the fact that I’m still in jeans and not the jaw-dropping green dress I got, or was there something else you wanted?”
“I just called to check in, see how you were holding up, but also to make sure you’re still up for tonight.”
Letting your spine rest back against the door, you shared, “honestly, the thought of going over to yours as soon as this is all over and they don’t need me anymore is the only thing getting me through the day without having a fucking meltdown…”
Letting a low sigh flow from his lips, you heard him ask, “you sure you don’t need me to get over there?”
“You’re sweet, but no, it’s alright,” you smiled, your fingers gently fiddling with the veil, “actually, it’s probably good that you’re not here. With the way Donna’s already enjoying herself with the champagne, you might end up as her next husband before the couple says I do.”
“Oh,” he swiftly mirrored the laugh that bubbled out of you, “well in that case.”
After the chuckling had died back down, you tried your best to sink into the quiet completely and enjoy the fleeting pause his phone call had granted you. 
After the moment of comfortable silence had come to a close, Frank’s voice flowed from the phone once more, “So, tell me,” the playful nature in his tone was still blatantly clear for you to pick up on, “just how jaw-dropping is that dress of yours?”
“Well,” you bit down on our grin, “I won’t be able to wear a bra with the kind of neckline that it has… and with the way that it falls on me, I might not be able to wear underwear as well,” that wasn’t true in the slightest, but he didn’t have to know if you’d slipped them off before you even put the dress on or mere moments before stepping out of the car to see him. The thought of him imagining you without them the entire night was far too enthralling not to entertain, “would be such a shame if the dress got ruined by distracting lines, wouldn’t it?”
As you heard him puff out a gravelly breath, “fuck me…sweetheart, you’re killing me here…” you simply giggled in return, “uhm, when was it again that you’ll be done?”
“Not completely sure, some time after dinner properly. I’ll send you a text when I head out.”
“You want me to try and steal some cake with me? We might need a snack a little later…”
“Oh, yeah?” he chuckled, “you planning on working up an appetite, are you?”
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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mommieswithmuscles · 5 months
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Sub!Abby x Dom!Reader
Free Palestine, don't support Neil
No minors and No men
Idea from: @tojisboy my bae <3
CW: Intersex!Abby, breeding kink, blow job for foreplay, trying for a baby, pregnancy at the end, Abby likes being used and is actively consenting to all the sex and creampies (consent will be written, but I don't want anything misconstrued as noncon/dubcon), mama kink, yes Abby has a vag but this is about her beautiful ladydick
Title: Baby Mama
"That thing we talked about," you start, sauntering towards Abby on the bed. "Are you sure you're ready for that responsibility?"
"If I wasn't I wouldn't have entertained it. A baby with you would bring my life full circle. Fuck, we could have more kids in the future if you wanted them." Abby's large hands guide you on top of her. "Should we start tonight mama?" Her voice is husky.
"I don't know. Do you deserve it?" You tilt her head up, tugging her into a searing kiss. "Hm?"
"I deserve everything you give me, and nothing more." Abby whines when you settle on her bulge, princess wand stirring in her light wash jeans.
"Such a good girl." You palm her over the denim, fingertips brushing over and ignoring the wet patch forming between her thighs, favoring the wet patch forming at the front. Her hips buck down on the bed to avoid you berating her for trying to take more without permission.
"Good girl for my mama," Abby breathes out, head falling back on the pillows before she hikes up her shirt and unbuttons the jeans. You see those as your signal for consent and let her guide your hands to her clothes before helping her take them off.
You admire her body. Lightly puffy stomach because she's been cutting gym hours in favor of helping you choose decorations for a nursery, online cart full of baby stuff. The clit itself is large and heavy in your hand, eight inches and your hand hardly wraps around it. It pulses as you gently roll the foreskin back and collect the fresh dew from the slit.
You take in the clean scent mixed with the musk from the natural dew, and pick the tiny piece of toilet paper residue from the underside. It always makes your heart flutter knowing she wipes after peeing. The way Abby takes care of her body because she wants to, and in doing so alleviates a lot of the risk of a UTI makes you melt.
"Something wrong?" Abby asks from under you.
"No baby, you're perfect is all." The blush on her face makes you coo and kiss the freckled skin tainted rose. You run one finger down the underside vein to watch it bob and shake with her shuddered breath and tensed stomach. "And oh so sensitive for me."
"All for you mama," she agrees. You cup the round and firm sack in your hand, massaging her essence into them where they settled against one of her openings.
There isn't much hair to worry about tangling. She keeps the blonde hairs trimmed and clean. Enough you can find sensory satisfaction in the pleasantly wire fuzz, but still short enough you're not worried about it bunching up or getting stuck between your teeth when you go down on her.
"You have a pretty princess wand, my darling." You kitten lick the tip, giving a light suck when some of her wetness sticks to your lips. Abby's hands card into your hair as she hums, hips locked to the bed so she doesn't get into trouble with you. "Such a good girl for me." You nuzzle her happy trail, pressing a kiss to her pelvis before taking her head back into your mouth.
You bob and slurp her down, Abby's hands clenching and pleasurably tugging on your hair as her cock slowly feeds further down your throat. You happily swallow around her as her tangy fluid pools more and more into your mouth.
You pull off with a *pop*, lips shiny as you climb up her body for a kiss. Abby uses this to flip you on your back, her spongy tip bumping into your clit. You guide her in.
Abby grunts and hums as she slowly bottoms out, her breathing coming out in shallow puffs as her clit throbs vigorously inside you. You moan into her shoulder at the sensation.
Your nails rake down her back as her thrusting begins. Abby's hips meet yours with a resounding *thwop thwop thwop*, your own wetness cascading down your ass crack and making a slick and sticky pool in the sheets.
"That's it mama, right there!" Your legs wrap around her hips, heels bouncing off her booty cheeks with her rhythm.
Sweat drips down Abby's brow and onto your lips, your tongue darting to taste the bittersweet fluid as she starts to grunt deeper in her belly into your chest.
"Good girl Abby, such a good girl! My good girl," you whimper out, walls clenching and fluttering around her pulsing and throbbing clit. "Gunna- Gunna fill me up! Gunna fill my pussy!"
"Mh-hm!" Abby takes a shuttered breath, voice cracking as she tries to answer you.
"My own personal breeder. Fill this pussy Abby, fill me up. Make me cum!" Abby can't hold it and bottoms into you fully as rope after rope of hot slick fills your walls and brings you to cum. Your own wetness slides down her sack and onto the bed where her hips are now pressed to rest.
You scratch Abby's scalp as her princess wand starts to soften inside you, heavy meat keeping you full as she takes deep breaths into your skin to calm her racing heart.
After almost two months of nearly everyday milking, you think it's time to take a pregnancy test. You've been having a multitude of flu like symptoms as well as an irregular period, and it only meant one of two things. Pregnancy, or illness.
You watch your phone as the pink stick takes its time calculating your pregnancy status. After the required five minutes you call Abby into the bathroom with you. She holds you from behind as you peer down at the stick.
"What does it say?" Her hands protectively hold your tummy.
"We're having a baby!" You jump in Abby's arms as she moves to pick you up, twirling you around and laughing with you before your lips lock to her's.
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
All my attention Part 5
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warnings- swearing, drinking, protectiveness, so much flirting
words- 4k
If you'd like to read the previous parts → All my attention series
a/n- so if you're new here I am British and cannot speak any German, I speak a little French, Spanish and Italian but German- no. I also do not trust Google translate so this is gonna be like an avatar thing (if you've seen the newest one Jake says that their language just became normal or something along those lines) so in reality this is all in German, you as a reader know German but, its wrote in English... make sense? no... well, sorry this part has taken a while-
(also would anyone want to be on a tallest?? plz put if you'd like to ♥︎)
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backstory- you are the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and you always thought the love was equally platonic between you and a certain guitarist... but what if that all changed?
I stood in my room ferreting through my clothes to find something to wear for the interview which was coming a lot faster than I thought, I decided on a army green booty skirt with a cream belt, a white tank top, gold jewellery and my hair tied back in a bun, my make up was pretty usual besides my red lips lined in black but I mean if I can pull it off- why not?
Hurriedly I grabbed my shoes, deciding on my chunky platforms and a purse holding lip gloss, lip liner, spray, my phone, a pen and keys. The boys and their families went home after breakfast around 10 meaning we could all spend time with our families for a few hours, the Kaulitz' left a little later as being our neighbours they didn't have much of a drive to get home. Gordon, the twins step dad agreed to driving us 3 to the studio while Georg drove him and Gustav as they lived near to each other
"Y/n sunshine! Tom is out side" my mom called from the bottom of the stairs
"okay!" I shouted back and came storming down the stairs, I saw my mom's eyes light up and a smile decorate her already beautiful face "like it?" I twirled
"You look wonderful! oh my- Martin get in here look at our daughter!" she called getting my dad in who was holding Stella "look!"
"Baba look pretty!" Stella grinned
"she does doesn't she, we'll be watching tonight sweetheart" with 3 quick kisses I ran out the house waving goodbye and Tom laughed as I stumbled down the step
"shut up look at the size of these I'm not exactly gain" I huffed steading myself, I looked up and saw the boy handing is arm which I gladly took to get down and jump the wall dividing our house
"we need your help- well I need your help, Bill wants your opinion on his fit but I don't know what to wear so I’m more important" Tom sighed, at the moment he was just in a wife beater and jorts, his dreads in a mess around his head "and- I need to show you something"
"well lets go then!" we hurried into the house and Bill was sipping a coke and smiled seeing me walk through
"Y/N YES LOOK AT YOU!" he snapped his fingers as I model stepped in, 'flipping' my hair and blowing a kiss "alright what about me?" he was in a black leather jacket, matching black skinny jeans, a Dimond skull belt and chains around his neck, hair on end (in a good way) and a deep smokey eye
"absolutely- I fucking love it!" he smiled getting all giddy "bad bitch vibes- or a good fuckable emo, either really" the boy blushed wrapping me in a hug
"okay go help useless over here now" I rolled my eyes and followed the other Kaulitz up the stairs to his room where clothes were dropped everywhere
"so... what happened?' I asked seeing him shrug "right well... these jeans- dark denim is a look then, where's your green and yellow cap?" I asked seeing him pull a draw open full of at least 50 hats
"what head thing?" he spoke opening the draw above "black?" I nodded opening his wardrobe and pulling a yellow and dark green print, white back shirt out (this is the fits)
"here, change" I spoke seeing him pull his vest off and quickly put the new shirt over, he was finally done fixing individual strands of hair in his ponytail and sprayed a dark smelling cologne on "okay that looks GOOD" I complemented seeing a smile form on his lips
"oh I can show you the thing now" he laughed walking into the hall and bring a small box back in "look I'm proposing!" he got onto his knee holding the said box
"oh Tom-" I played pretending to wipe my eyes "I do!" he shoved me away and opened the box revealing a small ring- gold and had our band logo engraved in it "holy shit! thats amazing!" I called pulling the ring out "do we all have one" the boy excitedly nodded pulling his hand up showing a bigger and chunkier version
"mom got them for us 5, they're so cool" I nodded admiring the metal around my finger "Bill's and Gustav's are in silver as they prefer it"
"god I love your mom" I sighed happily standing up and walking into the hall "THANK YOU SIMMY!" her laugh filled the hall followed by a 'no problem doll'
"KIDS COME ON WE NEED TO GO!" Gordons voice echoed from down stairs and in great style and slow steps me and Tom got into the car, in the backseat as Bill was first in "we have to hurry up its already 25 past" he grumbled starting the engine
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"Welcome to the red seats- Tokio Hotel!" our interviewer names Karter Male introduced, monsoon began playing in the background followed by many screams, Bill was pushed on first closely followed by the rest of us and as we all came into view the noise only got louder "ahah welcome!" we all smiled waving to the people
"hi!" we laughed, Bill was closest to the table followed by Tom, me Georg and Gustav who were relaxing back into the seats "thank you for having us" Bill began
"no its our pleasure, so would you like to introduce yourselves for the people who don't know you all?" we nodded and looked to our lead singer
"oh- I'm Bill Kaulitz, lead singer on Tokio Hotel"
"Hey, I'm Tom Kaulitz, his brother also older by ten minuets and I play electric guitar for Tokio Hotel"
"hello, I'm Y/n Y/l/n, the backing singer for Tokio Hotel" I herd a wolf whistle come from the audience causing me to giggle "thank you" but the boy to the left of me face dropped but I tried to ignore his mood
"evening, I'm Georg Listing and I play bass for Tokio Hotel"
"hi I'm Gustav schäfer and i play drums for Tokio Hotel" claps filled the room and the interviewer grinned
"so now we know you recently got back from doing a mini-tour sort of thing right?" murmurs of 'yes' and 'yeah' ran through us five until Bill started talking
"yesterday actually, we did our last show in the afternoon and all went back to Y/n's parents house for the night and seeing our families was a massive relief as we hadn't seen them in weeks"
"thats wonderful, well going back onto your small tour we herd in Tier that there was a new song? and its was sang by Y/n, can you tell us little about that?" Karter looked to me and I looked to the boys who gave me the nod
"of course, it's called 'Don't jump' and it has so much meaning and I mean nobody has all day to listen to me ramble but its from when I was in a very dark place due to privet things and instead of being sad 24/7 I made it into lyrics and I finally performed it in Tier, I think next shows when we play it Bill will sing as he's much better than I am" I laughed hearing the crow 'aw' at me "but yeah its a beautiful song- not to blow my own horn or anything" The interview carried on and the boys getting asked different thing then turned to the 'public questions'
"so we've had a few questions from your adoring fans who will be watching from home, this one is for all of you actually- from Hallie, 15, she said 'hello Tokio Hotel, my question is- are you all single or seeing people?' so?" I watched as Georg and Gustav nodded their heads saying 'yes we are' Tom and Bill also but then I remembered I hadn't come out publicly about my spilt yet
"yeah we all are" I spoke hearing a gasp but quickly brushed it off
"well erm... next question for Tom from Suzana 'Hey Tom, I was wondering if you have a type?'" the audience laughed as the guitarist became a little tense, scratching his neck
"well.. if you're pretty and have a nice smile I don't have a issue" girls in the crowd cheered and a blush covered his cheeks, I patted his shoulder to which he looked back to me pulling his lips taught as if to say 'what the fuck'
"right, our next questions will be from the audience!, so let's start" we watched a runner hop up the stairs to a smiling blonde girl who was wearing a tour shirt
"Hi! I'm Rebecca and I have a question for Gustav!" we watched as the boys eyes lit up and a smile spread on his face "I was wondering what your favourite song- out side of the band- is to play?" that was surprisingly quite a nice question
"oh erm... I like quite rock sorta music so probably Nirvana?" she thanked him and blew a kiss to which his cheeks only got redder, the runner went to another girl, smaller and younger looking with brown piggytails
"hello... I'm Francine and I have a question for Y/n" my eyes softened seeing her nervousness
"lets hear it!" I grinned
"I- I was wondering whats your favourite colour and why? because I think you look beautiful in green and purple!" she giggled making me pout at her sweetness, Tom was smiling at me as I held my heart
"aw thank you Francine thats so nice of you, I'd say my favourite colour is... baby yellow though I never wear it, my mom calls me sunshine and that colour reminds me of her" the girl said her thanks and the questions continued
"so this will be our last question for Tokio Hotel tonight as our show is near an end!" Karter spoke pointing to the camera and it spun to the last fan
"hey guys! I love you all so much by the way- but my question is for Tom and Y/n" me and the boy looked to each other then back to the brunette "I'm guessing you've seen the ships between you on social media?" being the only girl in a group of 4 boys sometimes came with it's downsides, those being 'shipped' with all of them and people making up rumours "the most common being that you two secretly love each other, well I was wondering if any part of that was true?" I let my laugh slip but Tom's brows furrowed
"yes I do love Y/n, she's one of the most important people in my life of course but the way people make us out is completely wrong- she's like a sister I mean she may as well be related to me and Bill we've know each other since we were what born?" I nodded listening to his words but I couldn't help but know that everything the fans imagined wasn't completely wrong.. and he knew that too
"yeah like he said we love each other but its platonic!" I added seeing the crowd sigh at the disappointment
"you'd make a good couple though" Karter added "you'd be the hottest new thing since people like Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore" I rolled my eyes at the words but Tom seemed to like the idea and shoved me with his elbow "thats all we have time for folks, thank you Tokio Hotel for being here tonight! bye!" we all waved and the crowd applauded, the lights dimmed meaning we all had to go backstage.
"he's gonna come back here in a second to have photos with you guys so if you'd like to wait in the dressing room please feel free!" a runner smiled looking to us pointing up the hall, we all walked into the air conditioned room and fell onto the matching red sofas from set
"that was I think the most comfortable interview we've ever done" I spoke scratching my head, fixing my hair. Tom scoffed folding his arms "what? don't you guys agree?"
"I think he was playing favourites all the way through" Bill spoke opening a water "but yeah it was fine"
"I agree" Georg added, I personally didn't know what their issue was but I mean they are edgy, angry teen boys anything ticked them off. we sat in silence until the door opened with Karter smiling widely at the five of us
"Ah Tokio Hotel- thank you for tonight it went beautifully! shall we take some photos?" he asked fixing his suit jacket as we all stood "perfect, follow me" he instructed going out the door, Bill grabbed the door before It slammed into us all and held it open nodding his head allowing me first to which I whispered a quick thank you and slipped through following the man "okay so erm.. shall we have twins next to me, then Y/n on this side with Gustav and Georg" we all lined up in front of the photographer who was bending with a camera
"3...2..1" he spoke clicking the button and a flash blared our eyes "grate, we'll get a few more" he spoke fixing his position
"so what did you think of the interview guys?" Karter asked looking to his side "fun?" his hand which was now on the small of my back jolted slightly
"ah yeah it was nice we were just saying" I answered as the boys stayed silent "the people who asked the questions were so sweet" the photos continued and so did his hand, slowly his hand went my hip, thigh and then as he moved it to my ass I pulled away "were not doing that" I quickly spoke pulling my own hand away from being behind him
"sorry- its very inviting!" his eyes narrowed looking down and back up to me
"we're fucking done-" Bill started walking out the room and going to the exit door followed by Georg and Gustav as he shouted curses
"Y/n come on" Tom grabbed my arm shoving the man out the way "she's fucking 17 you prick" I didn't get a look at the man after that before Tom was yanking me through the doors out the building to the car where his step-dad was stood "were going straight home"
"Bill went with the lads" Gordon pointed as Georg's car pulled from the space with a roar of the engine "come on we need to be quick the meal is in like an hour and a half"
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"hey darlings how was the interview?" Simone asked as we went into the Kaulitz' house "it looked good"
"we're never going on that show again" Tom murmured walking to the kitchen and grabbing a drink from the fridge "fucking looking Y/n up and down like she was someone to hook up with"
"what!" Simone started looking to me "are you okay sweetheart?" I nodded my head realising what Tom said
"anyways I need to shower" the twin grumbled walking up the stairs "Y/n I need you first" he shouted back down the stairs
"oh okay- sorry Simmy I'll be back" she smiled turning back to the tv as I made my way up the stairs to the boys room where I could here him shuffling about saying things to himself "Tom?" I walked in to see him standing at his mirror top off and belt half way undone
"shut the door" I did as he said looking at him oddly, I turned and shut the door behind my self and looked back to him "you didn't see what he was doing that whole interview did you?" I shook my head no "right well we all did, he was trying to see up your skirt- stared right at your tits, lips, eyes, legs- everything" I felt a lump in my throat as his brown eyes became darker looking at me "and no man can do that to you-" I nodded stepping over to him and wrapping my arms around him hiding my face in his color bone
"well though I fucking hate that- I'm okay don't get worked up okay? this sounds so cringy but he can't touch me like that ever again either because I'll brake his wrist" Tom looked down to me with a small smile spreading along his lips as he played with his lip piercing
"yeah nobody can ever fucking touch you there" I rolled my eyes seeing his eyes go serious in a jokey way "unless its me of course"
"oh yeah- of course, anyways you need a shower and come my house after help me chose my outfit for tonight" he nodded hugging me back quickly before going to his shower leaving me to go back home
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I was sat in my bedroom flicking through my radio until I found a station playing a song I liked, Brittany Spears started playing, I started dancing around my room like I was her and nodding my head along to the lyrics of freak show 'Make it a Freakshow freakshow We can give 'em a Peepshow, peepshow Don't stop it let it flow Let your inhibitions go It's a crazy night Let's make a make a freakshow'
"Y/n!" I scream left my mouth as I turned to see Tom stood in my door frame laughing "what the fuck are you doing?"
"can you knock! I think I shit myself" he pulled his fist to the door and knocked with a cocky smile "haha" I spoke sarcastically, soon he fully walked into the room and my jaw did nearly fall to the floor, he was in black suit bottoms and a white button up blouse, rings around his fingers and his necklace on show, dreads in a messy bun
"wow! you look good! pulling out all the stops Thomas" I complemented seeing him become a little shy "genuinely you look amazing"
"thanks, I mean were going to the Stadtpfeiffer restaurant so I wanna look good" he popped his chest looking at himself in the mirror "what are you wearing?" he asked looking at me as I stood in joggers and a tank top
"a dress but can't decide which, wanna chose?" I'd never seen him walk quicker in my life, the doors flew open revealing all my 'fancier' clothes and his hands moved quickly through the hangers, until he pulled a red dress with a black rose lace pattern on top "really? don't think this might be a bit scandalous for a family dinner?" Tom smirked placing the dress onto the chair and turned back to the wardrobe "wait- no don't open tha-" I watched as his hand reached for the draw full of my 'sexy' clothes
"fucking hell Y/n how many thongs do you need?" he laughed looking back at me, he dug through them until he pulled a red lacy Victoria secret pantie out and threw it at me "here, wear that underneath" with a sigh I went to the bathroom and slipped into the clothes, I stared into the mirror and regretted ever letting him chose my outfit "let me see!" he called from the other room
"okay-" I walked into my bedroom and his eyes widened, lip tucked between his teeth and his hands dug harder into the bed "like?" I asked twirling
"like is a understatement" Tom hummed "god you look so hot right now- I literally don't have words" a small blush painted my cheeks as I stepped into my full body mirror, I turned to check my reflection but all I could see was the guitarist staring in awe
"my eyes are here" I laughed seeing him nod "okay well make up and hair now" the boy seemed to be confused "what?"
"you don't have make up on?" I shook my head turning to him "so you are just naturally gorgeous? fuck" I rolled my eyes sitting on the chair where the dress once lay, I pulled my make up draw open and picked out my foundation and began the process I came to love over the tour, dark eyes and a dark red lip , next my hair I decided to have it straight down and hair-sprayed it into place
"okay I'm done!' Tom looked up from the magazine he found himself flicking through and a smile spread across his face "too much?" I asked seeing his head shake "sure?"
"you look perfect Y/n" I grinned standing and going over to the wall wear my jewellery hung grabbing a necklace and a few rings and bracelets "you need shoes" Tom quipped abruptly going into the box under my bed full of misilanious shoes, he rummaged through for a while before pulling out my chunky Mary Janes I sat back on the sheets of my bed waiting for him to hand over the shoes but he stayed down, grabbing my ankle and slowly slipped the shoe onto my foot "Tell me when the shoes tight enough alright?" I nodded seeing him thread the strap through and pulling it taught
"there" he quickly pressed the buckle through and moved to my right foot doing the same before kissing my bare knees "you are so cute Kaulitz" soon his hands reached mine and we stood together "thank you- I love it all"
"no problem"
The time ticked slowly as me and Tom waited for everyone to be ready as in fairness we were done quite quickly, I sat at the desk with my computer on, flicking through web pages while Tom was messing around with my ukulele that one day just appeared in my room. I scrolled down a page until I saw a subtitle of 'picture ideas' and I immediately knew what we'd be doing to pass the time, the first one was the girl holding the camera above the couple and the boy holding her- perfect
"come here were taking these photos" I called bring the boy back to me, he stood fixing his outfit and passing me my phone and standing with me "okay so you need to-"
"I can see what I've gotta do babe" Tom soothed into my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his forehead into the crook of my neck "take it" with a click of my button the photo snapped, and we did this about 50 more times, standing in the mirror, at the window, and my poster wall
"perfect" I smiled flicking through the pictures "we look so good" cheering I looked back to see Tom looking to me, eyes scanning my body and face "you okay?"
"fine, just can't stop staring" a blush tinted my cheeks, over the past few days the flirting gone from funny to romantic giving me new feelings of giddiness every time
"Tom your making me red" my cheeks were aching from the smile I couldn't hold back
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the clock struck 8:45pm meaning everyone getting in the cars to go to the Stadtpfeiffer, Bill had come back earlier and so the Kaulitz went in their car and I went with my family, me and Stella sat in the back dancing along to the music playing on the radio "what were you and Tom doing Sunshine? I could hear you laughing like you've just seen the funniest thing in the world!" I sighed with a smile to her words
"oh taking stupid photos together" but they weren't stupid- anything but, every time I looked at one my stomach felt ticklish and my chest heaved with a feeling I couldn't explain
"oh very nice, you'll have to show me" I laughed at her words mumbling a line of 'sure' after another 20 minuets we finally arrived and it look beautiful, the yellow haze lights illuminating the entrance and fancy jazz music filled our ears "oh my-"
After us the Kaulitz' arrived, the boys walked straight over to me laughing about something "evening" Bill nudged to me "I have something to tell you after by the way" I looked oddly at the boy who only smiled and followed his stepdad to my dad, I turned to Tom who shrugged
"you smell good" I commented smelling his cologne
"Paco Rabanne" he spoke lifting his arm to me so I could smell it better "oh and send me those photos will you, I need them" his voice became seductive making my knees weak and I all I did was hum in response "thank you angel"
“Stop it Thomas- we’re in public” I giggled seeing his eyebrows rise
“That’s only gonna make me worse” my heart stoped for a moment at his words- what’s did he mean by worse?
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prettyinpikk · 2 months
Ain't nobody
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♡This is a Chaka Khan inspired fem!black reader x Sevika ♡
Mind yall this my first time writing a fic so give grace to me but I hope you enjoy part 2 is going to come out when I think of something to write. 😭✊🏽
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Silco closed the last drop to renovate it for a couple of months. The new edition to the bar was astonishing. There was a more open sitting area; he even added a second floor, but the main attraction was the added stage in the bar area. Then there's you, the main singer with a matching two-piece bell bottom pants set. It was red with rhinestones decorating each inch of it, and your hair rested in its big fro style.
As you sing and dance around the stage, Sevika walks in just coming from a mission Slico gave to her. Now this is her first time seeing you perform without having to rush off to do Gods know what, so she takes the time to sit at one of the corner booths and observe you carefully. She looks over your body first from head to toe, then she takes in the beautiful head of hair that frames your face so prettily, then finally your face that has turned many heads with those gorgeous brown eyes. One thing Sevika can say is that you are very much an eye candy with the way you move your body so effortlessly with the tone of the music and the prettiest smile on your face she might have thought she was in heaven for a second if it wasn't for Slico calling to her.
Later that night, the Last Drop was closing, and the only people in there were the Slico's employees and you. You were sitting at the bar top, relaxing your throat after a long night of performing. That's when you felt someone behind you. "Can I help you, honey?"
"Maybe it depends on if you want company."
Fully turning around to face the person behind you, you see Sevika standing there tall and confident with a cloak one over her left arm covering the bronze prosthetic recognizing her from around the Last Drop as one of Slicos goons.
"I don't mind, you seem like somebody interesting, Sevika right?"
She gives a stern nod to confirm as she sits down on the bar stool next to you.
"So you're the famous y/n l/n huh?"
"That is me, it seems we have some knowledge of each other, but I hardly see you around Slico must have you working a lot, I presume?”
Sighing, Sevika lights one of her pre rolled blunts. “Always work and no play most days. I guess the same for you?”
“Well I would like to say I'm luckier than you, but having a voice like mine people constantly want to hear it even on days off.”
“Well, we can't have a pretty lady like yourself over work now can we? How bout on your day off I'll help you relax.”
“Relax how?” Now looking at her as if she was about to suggest the most foul thing ever. “I hope you are not trying to work your way into my bedroom Ms.Sevika because I would hate to leave you disappointed.” You say in a stern voice.
Huffing out a small chuckle, Sevika removes her blunt out of her mouth shaking her head. “Nah pretty thing, not at least before taking you out on a date first. I meant more of this you know, just chatting is all nothing more and plus, if I wanted to be in your bedroom I would have already been there.” Sending you that charming ass smirk that always me people quake where they stand or make them beg for more.
“Well ain't you something.” Feeling a small tingle sensation in your stomach, you take a sip of the drink you had been nursing since you ordered it. “But sure, I'll like to get to know the scary lady herself.” Sending her a smirk back.
“Well I have to get back home to my little boy. He gets fussy when I'm not home.”
That stops Sevika in her tracks for a second. Did you just say you have a kid? She didn't take you as a mom type tho nothing is wrong with that it just caught her off guard.
Laughing at the slightly shocked face she made you move to leave the bar. “Maybe I'll explain tomorrow if you're still interested but good night for now Sevika.” Walking out the door leaving a curious and confused Sevika.
“That woman.”
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lupeloto · 9 months
"get acquainted" ficlet
so i just think that they should bake together but also that, if they tried, it wouldn't go exactly as planned. so, enjoy husbands attempting to bake a cake together as things go slightly rogue
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“Why the hell are we doin’ this again?” Mickey questions as Ian is dragging him by the arm to the kitchen where all the baking supplies are laid out neatly on the counter.
“It’s a good way to get to know your neighbors and get acquainted” Ian hesitates, “I think. I dunno it was Fiona’s idea,” he waves his hand in the air as they settle in front of the counter.
“But I don’t wanna get acquainted. Who gives a shit if they like us or not?” Mickey whines, furrowing his eyebrows.
Ian turns to him, flashing those soft, gentle green eyes, “Mick, please? I think it would be fun to make a cake together, we’ve never baked together before, maybe we’ll like it,” he waves the cake box in front of him teasingly. Mickey takes in the sight, the green in his eyes especially prominent with the sunlight coming in through the window, shining on Ian’s face in a way that has Mickey practically mesmerized. The stupid closed-mouth smile and pleading eyes he flashes when he wants something.
“Fuck, fine.” Mickey says grumpily, “Hate when you gimme those stupid-ass puppy dog eyes,” he mumbles as he gathers the supplies in the center of the counter. 
“Mhm, sure you do,” Ian says, a complacent grin on his face as he heads to the fridge to fetch the eggs.
“Okay so,” Ian turns on his heels towards Mickey, before stopping his train of thought, “Mick don’t put your fucking fingers in the icing. We haven't even made the damn cake yet,” he sighs, yanking the tub away from Mickey, “Plus that’s gross.”
Mickey tilts his head in offense at the confiscation of his icing, “Oh come on, fucking whatever,” he says through a mouth full of chocolate frosting, “I happen to recall you thinking very highly of my fingers last night.” He lifts his eyebrows up-and-down in succession as Ian’s eyes roll to the back of his head. 
Mickey turns back towards the counter, picking up the cake-mix box and reading it carefully, “Okay so it says-” he’s cut-off by Ian smearing a large heaping of icing across his forehead and nose.
“Shit,” Ian says sarcastically, “Accident. Sorry,” he shrugs, suppressing a laugh that crawls up his throat.
“Oh you motherfucker-” Mickey raises his voice, grabbing the other tub of icing on the counter, “You’re going down, Gallagher. You are going the fuck down.”
Ian looks on with fondness at Mickey’s grin, the one where his mouth is open, all his teeth and part of his gums showing…the one that melts Ian from the inside-out, a complete puddle on the floor. It’s as if sunlight beams from him when he flashes that smile, like all of Ian’s worries or sorrows disappear in that moment. Fuck, he loved him.
He snaps himself back to reality, remembering to stay on guard as Mickey was on the prowl with a tub of chocolate icing, spitting multiple threats back-to-back. However, he finds himself just wanting to be closer to him, so he lays his weapon to rest, stepping in towards him.
“Oh? And if i surrender?,” he says roguishly, biting down lightly on his bottom lip as he yanks Mickey closer by the hips.
Mickey pretends to cave, succumbing to Ian’s touch, “Mmh?” he teases before sneak-attacking Ian and smearing an even bigger handful all across his face. 
“Oh my go- you're an asshole,” Ian beams, moving his hand to touch the glob of frosting coating his skin.
“Takes one to know one, bitch-” Mickey is cut-off by Ian breaking the distance between them. He grabs the back of Mickey’s head and brings him in for a messy kiss as both of their lips are still covered in the thick layer of the frosting they used to declare war on one another.
Ian shoves Mickey against the counter, lifting him up slightly onto its surface as his icing-decorated hands travel all over his body. Mickey pulls away slightly, satisfied with his ability to completely deter Ian from their original task, “Still wanna make that cake,” he kisses Ian’s neck, “Get acquainted?” another kiss, “Got a little off-task there, huh?” he flashes a smug smile, implying his knowledge of just how goddamn irresistible Ian finds him. 
“You’re the fucking worst,” Ian chuckles, looking around at the mess they made of the kitchen and each other before they press their lips together through stifled laughs.
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harringtonswriting · 1 year
the one with the birthday surprise | s.h.
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summary: the day before your baby boy's birthday party, you and steve make a startling (but not entirely unwelcome) discovery as to just how much he takes after his dad (modern!au; spidey!steve universe; dad!steve) pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader word count: 3.4k warning(s): fem!reader; allusions to reader giving birth (not in detail); language; allusions to sex (none depicted or described in detail) notes: this lovely anon asked for dad!spidey!steve, so here you go! i hope you enjoy :)) this was originally written as a present for the lovely emma (@sunshinesteviee), who loves this universe as much as i do <3
“What do you think, bub? T-Rex or Triceratops?”
Loud giggles fill your ears as you hold out the two different cookies, one in each hand. Each one is decorated in colourful icing, which you’d spent all morning doing with the batches of cookies sitting on the kitchen counter for the birthday party you were throwing tomorrow. Your tiny toddler, little Jude the almost birthday boy, is sitting on his booster seat at the kitchen table and patting his hands on the placemat in front of him.
“Mama!” he’s calling out for you, and you walk closer to show him the cookies in your hands.
“Which cookie do you want?” you ask again, and Jude’s large, warm brown eyes crinkle at the corners as he inspects the two cookies you’re holding out. He seems to be weighing his choices, and you can see the tip of his tongue poke out between his lips as his hands slow their tapping.
He makes a snap decision, reaching for the cookie in your left hand. “T-Rex, please!” he cries, lisping slightly, and you hand him the cookie. He starts to chew on it, and you’re glad that you made the cookies softer than normal as you watch him eat. You put the Triceratops cookie back with the others like it before you take some rubbermaid containers out of the cupboard to start putting the cookies away.
The sound of the shower turning off and the squeaky bathroom door opening and closing sounds through the apartment as you’re snapping the lid on the container. You put it up into one of the cupboards.
“Sounds like Papa’s all done getting clean,” you tell Jude, but he’s too focused on his cookie to pay any attention to what you’re saying. You’ve seen the same intense look of concentration on your husband before; it’s normally reserved for when he’s trying to fix his webshooters, or when he’s stitching up his suit, and Jude has absolutely inherited that from his father. He looks so much like Steve, with your husband's sweet brown eyes and more than slightly untameable hair, and the resemblance is getting stronger all the time.
Within a few minutes Steve is walking into the kitchen, and you turn to see him. His still damp brown hair is hanging in his face, getting droplets of water on his glasses and the shoulders of his yellow sweater. He’s also wearing the salt and pepper joggers that were normally reserved for late night Spidey runs for junk food or anything you needed; those had become less frequent once Jude was born, but with how cold the weather is this winter, you’re not surprised your husband has broken them out to wear around the apartment. He’s also got some mismatched fuzzy socks on his feet, ones you recognize as your own, with the little non-stick bumps on the bottom so you don’t have any slips or falls.
“Someone looks extra gorgeous today,” he says, and you can’t help the smile that stretches across your face. He returns it, bigger and brighter, pushing his hair back out of his face. “Is this all for me, pretty baby?”
You roll your eyes, though your cheeks feel warm at the praise. Steve never hesitates to remind you how much he loves you, all of you, and it never fails to fluster you. “It’s all for Robin,” you tell him as he walks over to the kitchen table where Jude is nearly finished with his cookie. Steve makes a face. “I’m meeting her to go shopping for Jude, remember?”
“Last minute shopping? She does this every year,” he tells you. Jude finishes eating, finally noticing his father is here and clapping his hands in greeting. Steve reaches out to pick up the toddler and pull him up into his arms, which has Jude squealing in delight. “Good morning, bub! You look happy today.” He does; Jude is always happy to see his dad, and it always makes you melt to see the two of them together, all soft words and happy noises that you’ll never get tired of hearing.
“Hey, she just has a few things she wants to get. And we’re also going grocery shopping. We need enough food to be able to feed everyone.” All of the kids are driving in from Hawkins to spend time with you two in the city to celebrate Jude, plus all your friends in the city will be stopping by at one point or another. Steve’s been excited about it for weeks now, his mood even more cheery than usual. It’s been nice, seeing him so happy, and if it’s anything like last year’s party you’re going to need to get enough to feed a small army just for Dustin, Mike, and Lucas. Thank goodness for Costco.
You walk over to him and Jude, and press a kiss to the corner of Steve’s mouth. “Can you finish putting up the rest of the decorations in the living room while I’m out?” you ask, and Steve hums his affirmation as he bounces Jude lightly in his arms and presses a kiss to the tip of your nose. “It's all in the boxes by the TV. Need to get everything put up before everyone comes over tomorrow.”
“We can definitely do that, right, bub?” he asks your son, who’s busy licking his fingers now that he’s finished his T-Rex cookie. You push the sleeves of Jude’s little blue sweater up his arms and brush his hair out of his face while Steve bounces from foot to foot. When you’ve finished, while your son is distracted, you move to put on your coat and pull on your purse from where it had been sitting on one of the kitchen chairs.
“I’ll only be a couple hours at most,” you tell Steve. This is when Jude, having gotten most of the sweet sugary icing off his fingers, looks up and sees you bundled up and ready to head out. You smile at him while Steve walks closer. “Hey, baby. You’re gonna have so much fun with Papa today, and I’ll make you some spaghetti for dinner when I come home. How’s that sound?”
Rather than answering you, Jude grabs your face in his hands, his palms and chubby fingers are still sticky with the last remnants of icing that he hadn’t managed to clean off, and he presses a kiss to the tip of your nose just like he’d seen Steve do earlier. You grin, pressing your own kiss to his tiny little nose, and you relish the loud, unabashed laughter that bubbles up from your baby boy. His hands pat your cheeks, a little rougher than you’re sure he intends, before he lets go.
“Be good for Papa, okay?” You keep your voice soft, using your index finger to tickle his tummy. Jude nods, loud peals of laughter ringing through the kitchen. You give him one last kiss on his chubby cheek before you move to get your boots on at the front door.
“Be good, Papa!” he says, and he waves his little hands at you as you leave and close the door behind you.
You know this is going to be a big birthday because, while out shopping with her, Robin tells you twice that Jude is now old enough to be fun while opening gifts; he’s finally interested in them enough to grab and hold his presents on his own (most of the time) and to rip off any wrapping paper. Which means that you know she’s gotten him too much; everyone did last year, since he’s the first baby out of all of your friends, and they love him and his huge amounts of personality. Dustin especially gets a kick out of Jude, and he’s always down to play games and be as silly as possible with the toddler. You're sure you have hours of videos of the two of them together, which you've sent to Dustin's mom at Steve's request.
Thankfully, you’re able to get what she needs and make it through the massive hordes descending on Costco without too much fuss; Robin had to keep her elbows up to wade through the crowds and clear a path for you, and there’d been a bit of a scuffle with an elderly lady over the last of the chocolate oranges on sale, but you got almost everything you need. You drop Robin off at her place with a big hug and a promise to see her tomorrow, before you’re heading back to your apartment. You leave the presents you’d picked up in the trunk for now, just to keep them out of Jude’s sight until you can wrap them without interruptions, and grab the groceries before you make it back to your place.
“I’m home!” you call out after you open and close the door. You toe your boots off, leaving them a bit haphazardly by the front door as you walk into the apartment. You can hear soft music and the low hum of Steve’s voice coming from the direction of the living room, so you drop the heavier bags onto the table and keep one in your hands before heading into the room.
You were expecting them to be sitting on the couch, reading one of Jude’s books or watching a movie on TV (Eddie had given Jude a new Elmo movie recently, and your baby had not been able to get enough of it). Or, maybe they were still putting birthday decorations up, having gotten busy eating some more cookies or sneaking some of the cupcakes you'd made for tomorrow (which you’d caught Steve doing yesterday, claiming Jude talked him into it). Hell, you would even be expecting the two of them to be facetiming with Dustin or Max to talk strategy for beating the others at the party games you'd gotten before you’d find out what Steve and your son are actually doing.
It takes a minute for you to realize what’s happening, because while you can see that the TV is turned on and an oldies music channel is streaming some from previous decades hits, the living room is empty. Or, well, there’s no one sitting on the couch or the floor near the TV or the big living room window. You can see that the decorations you’d asked Steve to put up are all out, and he’d also done some vacuuming and dusting as well. Jude is a big fan of the duster, and you can imagine Steve letting him use it on everything that wasn’t super breakable.
You hear Jude’s giggle, which you’d know anywhere because it’s very quickly become one of your favourite sounds. It’s coming from the living room, which you’re currently in, but you don’t see him. You’re very confused, until you realize that the giggling is coming from above you. So you look up.
You drop the bag in your arms. You very vaguely register the sound of glass breaking; that’ll be the pasta sauce you bought for dinner. You blink once, then once more, hoping this isn’t happening. It is. And you’re not having spaghetti for dinner.
Steve and Jude are here, all right. Sitting together on the ceiling. Steve is cross-legged and Jude is beside him, mirroring his father's sitting position. By himself. They’re both sitting on the ceiling and Steve isn’t supporting or holding Jude. Jude is sticking to the ceiling on his own. Both look absolutely delighted with themselves, hair askew and cheeks flushed pink with glee.
“Say surprise, Mama!” Steve says, waving at you, and Jude giggles and waves too.
“Surprise, Mama!” he repeats, his words a little jumbled. You feel faint. Your baby is sitting on the ceiling. Steve on the ceiling? You wouldn’t bat an eye. That’s how you get cobwebs down, and it’s how you painted the ceiling last summer. Spidey powers come in handy sometimes. Not right now, though. Jude, though? This is not what you wanted for his birthday, or any day. You don’t know if you’re proud, or terrified, or angry, or maybe a mix of all three. Or maybe something else.
Steve seems to realize that you’re not saying anything, just standing in the middle of the living room while red pasta sauce oozes through the cloth grocery bag on the floor. This is obviously not what he was expecting as he looks sheepish and shrugs his shoulders. “Surprise, babe?”
“Oh my god.” The words sound weak to your ears, and Steve’s eyes widen before he pulls Jude into his arms, carefully flipping down off the ceiling to land on his feet. He’s careful to mind the bag of groceries and the small puddle of sauce forming on the floor, and pulls you over to sit down on the couch. You let him, still a bit stunned at the idea of your son crawling around on the ceiling by himself. Jude is wriggling in Steve’s arms, reaching out for you and calling out for you. He manages to kick Steve in the abdomen, and he winces as he passes Jude to you.
As soon as Jude is in your arms, his little hands find your face and he starts babbling happily about his day and his time with Steve as he presses kisses to your cheeks. His hands aren’t sticky like they were earlier, but the feeling of his hands grabbing at your nose brings a small smile to your face as you look down at him. You’re still in your coat, and he moves to play with the material on that while you check him over. He seems absolutely fine; he’s wearing a yellow sweater now, the one you’d bought him to match with his dad, and his hair is freshly washed and brushed back out of his face. He doesn’t have any bumps or bruises, which brings you some relief as well; not that Steve had ever let Jude get hurt before, not on purpose, but you also didn’t know your son was part spider too, so maybe he also inherited Steve’s knack for injuring himself. God, you hope not. Patching one of them up constantly was bad enough, you don’t want to have to do it for both of them.
You look up and Steve is cleaning up the spilled sauce; the bag is no longer on the floor, and he’s got a roll of paper towels and some cleaning wipes while he kneels on the floor to get it all taken care of. “Hey Jude, can you do earmuffs for me please?” you ask, and Jude complies by covering his ears with his hands while he buries his face in your chest. You then hiss out, “What the fuck, Steve? Why was our baby on the ceiling?”
“Well I was putting up the decorations like you asked, and you know it’s so much easier to get the banner up if I do it while I'm on the ceiling,” he explains, gesturing wildly with his hands. He accidentally flings a glob of sauce back onto the floor, which he starts to wipe back up. “So I got up there while Jude was watching the Muppets, and I swear I took my eyes off him for two seconds and then boom! He’s up there with me. Holy shit, right?”
You sigh, tapping Jude on his head. He removes his hands from his ears and goes back to playing with your jacket. You’re getting much too warm to keep it on, but you don’t move to take it off while he’s playing with it. You would much rather he do this than crawl back up onto the ceiling. How are you supposed to baby proof the walls to stop him from climbing them? This is going to be a problem, and you can already feel the headache settling in behind your eyes.
“He’s like me, babe! I mean, we both knew it might happen, but he’s just like me!” The joy in Steve’s voice is extremely apparent, and you can’t blame him. God, Steve looks absolutely radiant right now, all smiles and glowing skin in the warm light coming from the lamp in the corner of the room. He’s radiating pure warmth and joy, looking so sweet and happy at the thought of Jude taking after him in yet another way that you really can’t find it in yourself to be mad at him for this. It’s not his fault that apparently DNA-altering radioactive spider bites are genetic; it’s not like you knew anything about that either, so really, who would have predicted this?
Steve tries to take Jude from your arms, but the toddler pushes his dad’s hands away. Steve’s eyebrows furrow and his mouth drops open as Jude’s arms wrap around your neck and he snuggles closer to you. You laugh at how offended he looks, and Jude copies you.
“I am literally a superhero; I’m Spider-Man! Why am I not his favourite?” He tries tickling Jude, but your son climbs higher up in your arms to get away from him while shouting at his father to stop.
“Steve, he’s too young to understand who Spider-Man is,” you tell your husband, and you lean over to kiss his soft, pink lips where they’re pulled into a pout. He kisses you back, though he grumbles through it.
“This is blatant arachnophobia and I will not stand for it.” You roll your eyes, getting up off the couch.
“Not what arachnophobia is.” You settle Jude on your hip, his hands fisting in your coat as you bounce him gently and walk towards the play area you have set up for him near the TV. You notice Steve has tidied it up a bit, and you smile. “Do you wanna watch Bluey, Jude? Want Mama to put on Bluey for you?” Jude squeals loudly, shouting the affirmative, and you ruffle his hair gently before you put him down on the soft blanket set up on the ground. He immediately latches onto his favourite stuffed animal; it’s a large, fluffy stuffed black cat that Eddie gave you and Steve for Jude at your baby shower. It looks so much like Ozzy, right down to the yellow stitched eyes, and Jude always has to have it with him. Eddie brags about it every chance he can, stating that he’s training Jude to love Ozzy. You tell him to wait to indoctrinate your son into his cat cult until he’s at least in pre-school.
You grab the TV remote from the coffee table, changing it from the music channel so you can put on the first episode of Bluey that you see. Jude yells out happily, and seeing him laugh and wiggle and shake his stuffed cat makes you smile. You pull your coat off, which Steve takes from you without any words, and you look at Jude paying rapt attention to the tiny Australian dogs running around. You really hope this keeps him distracted for a while, long enough to figure out what to do about having a tiny Spiderling for a son.
You then swear you’ll never refer to Jude as a Spiderling out loud because Steve will never let that go. Neither will Robin, who you’re sure Steve has already told about this. Tomorrow is going to be an adventure.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the feeling of Steve’s arms wrapping around your waist, and the warmth of his front pressed to your back. His chin hooks itself on your shoulder as he presses a kiss to the side of your neck. You melt into his embrace, leaning back to have him support some of your weight. “Y’know, I think we need to make another one so I can be that one’s favourite.”
You laugh, pinching the back of one of his hands with your fingers. He squeezes you tighter in response, not letting go. You tell him, “Steve, do you know what your son did to my body? Do you remember that? I deserve to be loved.” Which you know he did; Steve was never shy about how much he worships you, how much he loves all of you and every inch of your body, both during and since your pregnancy. He always made sure you knew how grateful he was to have you, every single part of you, and helped you fall back in love with yourself and how you look.
“And if we make another one, I can show you just how much I love you,” he murmurs, his nose nudging the soft patch of skin behind your ear. “Many, many times.”
Jude shouts out something at the TV, getting up to dance with his little cat, and you think maybe that wouldn’t be so bad.
Well, until you realize you somehow have to clean his little footprints off the ceiling.
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Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: Yelling, Mentions of shooting, Harassment, Assault, Fighting, Guns, and Attempted murder. I think that's all tell me if i missed anything
A/n: I have finally finished 🎉. I hope y’all enjoy this as much I as I did
Summary: You get into a fight at school and Hailey helps you and your brother to stop fighting.
It was a chilly, no… freezing day in Chicago. It was snowing but not as much currently because the storm is supposed to hit later tonight.
You decided to walk to the firehouse instead of riding the bus because you didn’t feel like hearing everyone screaming whenever the bus would almost crash, even though you were one of those people with your friends.
Your class won a food party because they collected the most votes on the door decoration contest. Luckily none of the food had strawberries. Because you deathly allergic to strawberries and always needed and Epi Pen with you just in case.
Which reminded you to tell Will or Jay that you needed a new one since you lost you last one when you went out sledding with them.
But when you opened your locker to get your backpack and Jacket there was a box of chocolate chip cookies.
~inside the box
don’t worry there’s no strawberries, 
-secret admire ;)
You screamed internally one because you lived  for Chocolate chip cookies and, you had a secret admirer?
On your way home you were starving since you didn’t eat much at school only really some fries from the restaurant.
So you decided to eat 2 cookies and let everyone else fight for the rest, they were yours after all. 
Opening the box carefully so you didn’t drop the box and whatever was in your hands.
You shoved the whistle cookie in your mouth. You may do girl things but you eat like a grown man, especially a football player.
Not even 10 seconds after swallowing the cookie your throat started to feel dry and you couldn’t breath 
(Give me a break today this is all going to be in mine right now)
“Shit. There’s no strawberries in these, unless.” You picked up a cookie and broke it in half. “What kind of physco put strawberries in chocolate. I- I need to get t-to the house”
You basically pushed everyone aside who tried to greet you and rushed to kitchen.
“Ayy, Y/n how’s my favorite Halstead sibling doing” Kelly joked
Jay hit Kelly in the elbow hard. “Cmon man it was a joke, I can have favorites”
“Nah, I see how it is, guess I’m never bringing food over here again. And you can keep Y/n forever then” Jay shrugged.
“I was just trying to cheer her up, she looks upset” Kelly usually payed attention to
Your face whenever you came in. He would know if it was ok to make jokes or he needed to pull you to side and talk to you. Right now you liked upset but that’s because you weren’t processing anything.
But clearly ignoring everyone was for nothing because you barley made it to your drawer of the kitchen before you fell and your backpack cushioned your fall.
At least you’d didn’t  hit  your head.
“Y/n you good?” Jay stood up from the chair he was sitting at. This was so unlike you. You always came in and said “Hi” or “Hello” to everyone weather or not you were having a bad day
Hailey practically runs in due to all the commotion with Stella and Sylvie right behind her
Hailey picked up the box and your backpack so it was out of the way but when she looked in the box she saw something that she thought you wouldn’t have. 
“Shit, where does Y/n keep all her stuff in here” Hailey was looking at both Sylvie and Stella but she hoping at least both of them answer.
“Uhh bottom drawer far left”
Hailey rummaged through the draw untill she found a tube with a bright orange tip. And sprinted to you and pushed everyone out of the way.
As everyone was yelling at Hailey like she was crazy she rolled up your pant legs and Jabbed the Epi Pen in the middle of your thigh.
“Strawberries- she had strawberries” She sighed
My head feels like it’s underwater
Everything seems so muffled 
What-what happened?
Your eyes flutter open and immediately shut them due to the light.
“Cmon y/n come on back to us” a soft voice says
“Give her space guys” as time goes on the voices get louder and it forces you to open your eyes. 
“Just rest, we’re not gonna push you to talk, we’ll talk at home. We’re gonna leave soon”
Hailey had to go home while you were passed out because she had an early shift tomorrow so Will drove over to the firehouse to come and get both you and Jay.
“How is she?” Jay looked in his rear view mirror to see you guys.
Will checked your pulse again and looked at the watch on his wrist “her pulse is better but her breathing is slow, I might give her oxygen when we get home”
“Why would she eat strawberries?” 
“They were cookie Jay, maybe she didn’t know. It happens” 
“Well it better have been an accident or me her are gonna have a serious talk” Jay grumbled 
“Don’t be to harsh on her”
You woke up around 5:30am and couldn’t go back to sleep, and the one thing you hated the oxygen.
You’d much rather have the nasal one but you can’t exactly argue with adults on what’s better for your health so you just have to deal with the mask. 
Eventually it got hot and you got bored since you couldn’t find your phone you assumed it was still at the fire house or Jay had it.
You dragged your little tank/ machine across the room and grabbed your comforter (the very top blanket on your bed) and your pillows and one stuff animal  and stuffed them into the bath tub and you found your laptop and you put on your favorite show.
This was better than being in your bed. 
Will woke up to sounds of Jay screaming in his ear. So much for trying to sleep in.
“Wake up, Y/n’s gone she’s not in her bed” Jay almost screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Are you crazy? Check her bathroom, I found her sleeping in there one time after a reaction and I hear sounds coming from there this morning” Will turned his back to Jay.
Jay ran into your bathroom which was connected to your bedroom and what he saw made his heart melt. 
“Here’s the real story, the PTO had a cookie drive where you could buy cookies for your friends and stuff like that and they would put it in your locker and we would find them, mine had a note that just said that “thanks for being great friend, don’t worry there’s no strawberries” Okay, so maybe you lied a little but it’s better than jay beating up some poor boy.
“Did it say from who?” Jay asked in his detective tone
“Nope, and I’m pretty sure Hailey told me she threw the box away while I was passed out” you shrugged.
“I guess it’s fine, maybe the PTO forgot. It’s not like anyone hurt you on purpose so it fine. Right jay” Will sent jay that look to just drop this subject this one time.
“Yeah right…” Jay picked at his pancakes. He wanted to look in to it more but Hailey would kill him.
But… the laughing and the image of you guys faded into his mind.
Flashback end… (WHAT?!??)
Will realized it, it was Milly. Milly was somewhat an old friend of yours and he remembered the day you said you told her that you were allergic to strawberries when she was over. You’ve only been allergic for around a year and half. There hadn’t been anyone else you told. 
Except for Milly…
Will shot up from the couch grabbed his keys from the bowl and ran outside to his car.
Will attempted to call Jay but he didn’t answer. So he was probably out with Hailey. 
“Jay when you get this meet me at the Jail they have Y/n at immediately. There’s not a lot of time” 
“Uhh yeah, I just opened my locker and the they were there. I didn’t think anything of it, I guess I was just excited” You shrugged.
“Did you tell anyone else about your allergy other than Milly” Jay spoke
“No, not untill after the incident, I honestly don’t remember much from that day, but i don’t really care to be honest.” You shrugged once again.
“Y/n listen to me, you’re going to have another court date. You’re going to tell everyone exactly what you told us. We’ll get security footage from the school and we’ll also get statements from everyone at the house” You’re lawyer was pretty strict and prescient on getting you out.
It wasn’t the first time someone has gone against Milly in court and you’re lawyer had won 4 cases against 2 
1 year and 7 months ago
“Well well well isn’t it the detectives little sister?” 
“What did I do not milly?” You sighed.
“Nothing, I just wanna make your life a living hell. Your brother is horrible and if I can’t do anything to him I might as well hurt what’s best to him, his little sister-.” Milly had a smirk on her face.
“Please Milly, I’m just trying to fix my makeup” you rolled your eyes and looked back at the mirror.
“Let’s see if make up can fix this” before you could ask her what she meant you felt stinging on your right eye.
17 notes · View notes
Bleeding Leads
AI-less Whumptober Day 5: Kidnapped
TW: minor character death, threatening of minors (brief and not detailed at all), implied/descriptions of torture, damn this makes it sound way worse than it is, I promise this is just more of Devin making Poor Life Choices(TM)
Friday rolled around faster than Devin had expected. All day, they had sat at their desk, tapping their foot nervously or twirling a pencil between their fingers or typing, deleting, and retyping the same sentence over and over. 
As soon as the clock hit 5pm, Devin was out of the door, a surge of anticipation following them like a cloud. 
Getting ready was a blurry haze. One moment, Devin was walking into their cramped apartment, and the next, they were in a cab that idled in front of enormous wrought iron gates with decorative Ws interlocking.
Trembling slightly, Devin paid the driver and got out, waiting until it drove off before heading over to the little intercom box. A buzz sounded as they pressed the button. Fiddling nervously with the straps of their shoulder bag, Devin tried to take some calming breaths and-
“Yes?” A gruff male voice.
“Oh, um, hi. I was invited here. I have an invitation.” Devin waved the card in front of the intercom, unable to tell if it had a camera or not.
There was no reply, just another buzz, but slowly the gates creaked open and Devin, with one look back over their shoulder, headed towards the giant mansion in front of them. Despite the extravagance of the property around them, the driveway, thankfully, was not too long, but still, by the time Devin reached the front door, they were cursing themself for wearing the heeled shoes they had chosen instead of their roughed up Converse. 
Devin reached out and knocked on the door with a surprisingly heavy iron knocker shaped like a bear’s head. Waiting anxiously, they tugged at the bottom of their blazer, hoping it was appropriate attire for the evening. They had worn a dove gray pantsuit with a black top underneath (really, it was just a clean tank top, but looked professional enough with the blazer atop) that still fit them relatively well, considering the outfit was from high school.
Jumping slightly at the sound of the door opening, Devin straightened themself, with a neutral smile. The man answering the door was tall, very tall, with tanned skin, dark brown hair, and scary, narrowed eyes. “Can I help you?”
Swallowing, Devin held out the invitation, silently cursing at the way the card revealed the tremors running through their body. “I, um, I have an invitation.”
The man took the invitation wordlessly, studying it intently for several long moments, before stepping aside and opening the door further. 
Devin took a cautious step inside, their heel tapping against the shining wooden floor, unable to stop themself from gawking just a little. Directly in front of them were a pair of double doors that seemed to lead into a formal lounge area. Outside of the doors was a sweeping marble staircase that met at the top. Devin couldn’t help but be astonished at the nonchalant display of wealth. Noticing what appeared to be solid gold door handles, Devin’s eyes grew impossibly wider. A single one of those could pay my rent for months!
The man closed the door behind them, the handle clicking shut ominously. Turning away from them, he began down a side hallway.
“Follow me,” the man rasped. “Please.” He seemed almost pained after noticing Devin’s inattention. 
Snapping to, Devin followed carefully behind, cheeks burning slightly in embarrassment. They were led down a series of seemingly identical hallways, up a couple flights of stairs and then down a couple flights, until Devin couldn’t possibly have said where they were. 
Finally, after a few more minutes of walking in awkward silence, they stopped in front of  a thick wooden door, made of shining mahogany. The man rapped out a series of knocks that seemed to be a specific pattern.
Moments later, Devin heard the sound of a lock turning, before a face appeared in the crack of the doorway.
Glancing at Devin for half a second, the man they recognized as Erik Wildre looked to the man that had led them here. 
“This is them?” he confirmed quietly, and, at the man’s dip of his chin, a smile broke out on his face, revealing straight white teeth. “Fantastic.”
Turning to Devin, he stuck a hand out, making sure to keep the door fairly closed around him. Devin just caught a glimpse of darkness with flickering shadows as they cautiously accepted the handshake.
Glancing at his watch, Mr. Wildre said, “Well, you appear to be a few minutes early but that’s no problem at all! In fact, why don’t you come on in? I’m just finishing one last thing and then I’m all yours. In fact, I believe what I’m working on may interest your employer.” Turning around, he opened the door wider behind him.
Feeling the heavy gaze of the muscled man behind them, Devin ignored every single instinct in their body and followed inside, barely biting back their gasp as they took in the scene before them.
A man, probably in his late forties or early fifties, hung from his wrists, a pair of manacles hung from a hook in the ceiling. His feet barely brushed against the floor, and one of his shoulders was oddly stretched out, Devin could only assume it was dislocated. Aside from a ripped pair of pants that must have cost a pretty penny originally, the man was naked and nearly every single inch of his skin was covered in markings of some kind. Cuts, burns, bruises. Devin thought they even caught a glimpse of what looked like a brand on the man’s back. 
The room around them was dimly lit, with a raging fireplace along the middle of the back wall. Aside from that, there was the concrete flooring that Devin tried to not look too hard at. The walls were covered in instruments of all sorts, some of which Devin couldn’t even begin to guess the purpose of. 
Swallowing, Devin glanced behind themself, only to see their guide stepping in behind them and closing the door, cutting off the bright hallway lights. Devin’s heart pounded faster as they heard the sound of a lock clicking closed before the man slipped a small iron key into some interior pocket of his.
Devin jumped slightly as Mr. Wildre addressed them, already staring at the bloodied man with cold eyes. “Mx. Corvin, if you wouldn’t mind stepping aside. I shouldn’t be more than a few more minutes.”
Not needing to be told twice, Devin shuffled backwards until they hit the brick wall behind them, the only one without the terrifying devices hanging along it. They definitely didn’t need to be told to not object to being called the wrong name. Maybe it was a simple lapse in memory?
Devin could only watch, speechless, as Mr. Wildre picked up a bloodied knife, pressing it to the side of the man’s beer belly. Smiling slightly at the man’s resulting flinch and soft whimpering, he spoke, emotionless. “I can do this all evening, Edmund. You know this. But-” he pressed in until a single bead of blood rolled down the man- Edmund’s skin- “you know I can be merciful and end this right now.”
The man, openly sobbing, shook his head weakly. “Wildre!” he gasped, breathless. “You know me! I didn’t do it! I don’t know what happened! It was an ambush, it wasn’t-”
“Shhh,” Mr. Wildre cooed softly, moving the knife up to the man’s chest, digging the tip in right over where Devin was pretty sure the heart was located. “You know how much I hate excuses, Edmund. You were the last one with the drugs and the money. Now, thanks to you, whether through betrayal or stupidity, both are gone and I’ve got the Mordens calling for my blood, crying double-cross.”
The man continued blubbering. “I- I swear, it wasn’t me! It was a trap, I tried to stop, please-”
Mr. Wildre hummed softly under his breath, considering the man before him. “Swear it,” he said finally. “Swear it on your daughters’ lives. On Evelyn and Sophia’s lives.”
The man paused, eyes flashing with fear, and that hesitation was seemingly enough to confirm whatever Mr. Wildre’s beliefs were.
He pressed on, unwavering. “How old are they now? Ten? Eleven?”
“They- they turn thirteen in a few days,” Edmund said hoarsely. “Please, they’re innocent! They have nothing- nothing to, to do with any of this!”
Mr. Wildre blinked, face unchanging. “But, you claim to be innocent, too, don't you, Edmund? So why are you so terrified of swearing it on your daughters’ lives? You said it yourself-” he leaned closer to the terrified man- “you know me, and you know that I always find out the truth in the end.” He tilted his head slightly, going for the killing blow. “So why do you not want me to find out the truth? Is it because you actually did fuck up this badly on accident, or did you accept that bribe that one Leo Pendelton offered you?”
Devin could actually see the blood draining from Edmund’s face as he opened and closed his mouth, gaping like a fish. Finally, letting out a soft sob, he hung his head in defeat. “Please,” he begged. “My girls, they’re innocent, they don’t know anything, please, just don’t hurt them-”
Mr. Wildre scoffed, cutting him off. “What do you think I am? A monster? I don’t kill children.” Disgust dripped from his words as his lip curled condescendingly. Then, before Devin truly had time to register the movement, the knife was flashing upward, slicing deep into Edmund’s neck.
Unable to help themself, Devin leapt backwards, a small scream slipping out of their mouth as they stared in horror at the man hanging before them who was slowly choking to death on his own blood. His body shuddered and red droplets sprayed from his cracked lips. Unable to tear their eyes away from the morbid sight, Devin could only watch as the jerky movements slowly weakened before finally stilling and, with a single glance at his eyes, Devin knew he was dead.
Blinking hard to keep back tears, Devin turned to face Mr. Wildre, who was watching their reaction with a critical eye. Carelessly wiping the bloodied blade on his pants leg, he offered Devin a smile. “Sorry that it got so nasty, Mx. Corvin. Now, you’re here on official business, are you not?”
Devin had to open their mouth several times before they were able to form words. “Yes, apologies. I, um, wasn’t expecting to interrupt… other business tonight. We, ah, we can always reschedule if you would prefer that.” Devin slowly backed up, inching towards the door as inconspicuous as possible, their mind racing too fast for them to process and the only thought they could truly form was getting the hell out of there as fast as possible. Then, Devin bumped into the door sooner than they expected, and the door was oddly warm, and not smooth, and-
Fuck my life.
Slowly turning their head, Devin saw the muscled man standing in front of the door, blocking it easily with his large frame. 
“Going somewhere?” Mr. Wildre’s dry voice asked.
Trying to remain breathing, Devin slowly turned to look back at him. “Apologies. I, um, my employer didn’t necessarily pre-prepare me for this.” They waved a shaking hand at the corpse, still hanging just feet away.
“Hmm,” Mr. Wildre said noncommittally. “And your employer is…?”
Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
Giving a weak smile, Devin held their hands up in a non threatening gesture. “Listen, I think there might have been an accidental miscommunication here. I think I might have gotten the, the time or, um, the address wrong. So I think, I’m just going to head out, and call it a night. My, um, my lips are sealed.” Devin gulped, glancing between the two men bracketing them in.
“I’m only going to ask this one time, love,” Mr. Wildre said softly, almost tenderly, if Devin didn’t know any better. “Who the fuck are you?”
Taglist: @ailesswhumptober @panic-whump @cupcakes-and-pain @lonesome--hunter @latenightcupsofcoffee @badluck990
16 notes · View notes
silas-brainrot · 1 year
when it rains, it pours—;; steddie fluff
To say that it was pouring outside would be a severe understatement, Steve thinks, when he perks his ears to listen closely to the sound of rain pounding against the walls and ceiling of Eddie’s trailer. It had started off as a light type of storm, with only the occasional lightning strike and clap of thunder, and the fall of rain being only a drizzle. It was pleasant for Steve at first, the younger of the two always having been fond of storms. He remembers sitting at his window sill late at night when he was a kid, watching in fascination as water had fallen from the sky and decorated every surface it could touch with its small droplets, and the clouds a dark gray that lit up like Christmas lights every now and again with lightning. He had liked to think of the thunderclaps as loud drums that were placed all around the skies, with the drumsticks hitting them dead center whenever they pleased. He remembers tracing along the small, racing pathways of water from inside of his home with his fingers, big brown eyes focused while his brain made which stream could fall faster and hit a certain part of the window a game.
He had been surprised when, even after everything, the man’s love for storms had not changed. Sure, there were still some nights where even if he tried his hardest to enjoy the storms as they came, he couldn’t help but associate the sound of thunder with the deafening ones that shook the Upside Down, the sound a harsh, mind echoing thing. It was those nights when he would place one of his records on his vinyl player and push the volume notch up to the highest level possible to drown out the noises until it was over.
But tonight wasn’t one of those nights, though, Steve thinks to himself thankfully. Tonight he was okay, and he knew he was safe where he was. He had been at Eddie’s trailer since the early morning when his boyfriend had called him up and all but begged him to come over for the day because ‘I’m bored out of my mind, Stevie, and I don’t know how much longer I can last like this!’ And so Steve had agreed begrudgingly, sighing an overdramatic ‘I’ll be there in twenty,’ into the receiver, smiling despite himself at the triumph noise that had come out of his boyfriend’s mouth in response. He had hung the phone back up afterwards, making his way upstairs to change into something more comfortable, before heading out.
The clouds had already started to darken by the time Steve had pulled his BMW up to Eddie’s now overly familiar trailer, and the air had started to turn humid. The younger had smiled a little to himself at the sight and the feeling before locking up his car and making his way up to Eddie’s front door and knocking. He had let a small grin grace his lips at the sight of a summer mused Eddie Munson opening up the door for him. The man had his long, curly hair pulled back into a half-assed bun, strays and static pieces pointing out in every direction. He was shirtless, and dressed in a pair of baggy and, if Steve were being honest, quite adorable pair of pajama bottoms.
“Tiny dinos, huh?” Steve had teased out, walking into the trailer as he let Eddie close the door behind him.
“Don’t judge a man by his dinosaur pajama bottoms, Stevie. You wound me, truly,” Eddie said back, a conspicuous look of hurt decorated across his features.
“Oh, shut up,” Steve responded with, a small laugh coming from his lips, before walking up to Eddie and pressing a small kiss to the older man’s lips, letting out a small hum of satisfaction before pulling away.
“Hey, no, no fair, that was only like, barely three seconds, come back here,” Eddie had said, pulling Steve back towards him, causing a quiet laugh to fall from his lips. He rolled his eyes at Eddie’s antics before he brought one hand up to rest on the side of the curly haired man’s neck, leaning in once more.
He had let his lips linger for a few moments longer than previously, before pulling away again. It was then that Steve heard the first clap of thunder echo across the sky, followed shortly behind by the start up of rain. Steve let a smile inch across his lips, his brown eyes almost lit up at the sound. Eddie watched his boyfriend's expression change with fondness, dully taking notice of the way his mood had seemingly almost immediately changed at just the sight of the younger man. God, he really was in love, wasn’t he?
“Did you have anything planned for today, or did you just call me over so you could stare at my handsome face all day?” He asked, raising an eyebrow in expectancy.
“And what if I did?” Eddie teased back, bringing one of his ringed fingers up to brush away a stray strand of chocolate brown hair.
“Then I’d say you’re in luck, Munson, because I’ve got absolutely jack shit to do the rest of the day. And plus, I think the radio stations were saying something about a big storm heading our way or something anyways. So, you have me for the rest of the day,” Steve said, shooting the other man a small smile.
“Oh no, whatever will I do?” Eddie exhaled in exasperation, waving his hands around dramatically.
“Ouch, okay then, dude,” Steve pouted, though he found it hard to bite back a smile at his boyfriend’s theatrics. Eddie had shaken his head slightly before dropping the act.
“I suppose we could watch some movies, if you want. God knows me and Wayne have enough of them,” Eddie had proposed, though the last part had come out in a slight mumble. Steve had let out a snort, before nodding in agreement,
“Yeah, that will work,”
And then, somewhere along the line, the two of them had gotten bored of movies, and besides, you couldn’t barely hear the lines over the sound of the storm, anyways. The rain had picked up heavily somewhere between their third and fourth movie, the sound of water pelting itself against the metal of Eddie’s trailer taking up most of Steve and Eddie’s attention. The younger had grumbled in slight annoyance at the fact that he could barely hear what Princes Leia was saying to Darth Vader over the deafening noise, eventually getting so fed up that he paused the movie and turned it off completely. Eddie giggled quietly at his lover’s irritation before caving and apologizing.
They had just laid there together for awhile, talking about everything and nothing, with Eddie’s back up against the armrest of the couch. His legs had been laying on the rest of the cushions, with Steve between his legs and his back pressed up to Eddie’s bare front. Steve’s fingers fidgeted pointlessly with the chunky rings laying on his boyfriend’s fingers, leaning his head up to press gentle, innocent kisses to the outline of Eddie’s jaw. Then, eventually, they had migrated towards the curly haired man’s bedroom when the sofa started to get uncomfortable, even though they resumed their previous position once they were adjusted on Eddie’s bed.
They had just kissed each other gently for awhile, pausing every now and again to just bask in each other’s presence. The silence was comfortable and uninterrupted, save for the rhythmic sounds of their breathing, and the occasional mumbled ‘I love you,’ to the other. One of Eddie’s hands had been running their way through Steve’s hair, the other holding the younger’s hands, and their legs were tangled together underneath the blankets. The sounds of the storm outside were comforting for Steve, and Eddie believed it to make a great form of ambiance. Steve’s eyes were shut peacefully, though Eddie could tell he wasn’t asleep– just relaxed. So, he took the rare opportunity to really look at his boyfriend’s features, a gentle love struck smile present on his lips.
“You’re so gorgeous, sweetheart. Did you know that?” Eddie hummed out softly, like if he spoke too loud the fuzzy ball of relaxation and calmness they were shrouded in would pop.
“Yeah, I’ve heard it from this freaky guy once or twice,” Steve mumbled out as a response, causing Eddie to gasp softly in offense.
“Sticks and stones, baby, sticks and stones,” Eddie sighs out, shaking his head. Steve smiles a bit, peeking one eye open to look at Eddie’s face. Their eyes connect, and Steve almost giggles.
“Hi,” Steve says quietly.
“Hi yourself, handsome.” Eddie responds with, tone matching. Steve huffs, before letting the comfortable silence carry on. It’s like that for a good few minutes, before Steve speaks again.
“Hey Eddie?” He asks, eyes moving from where they were settled on a book that rested on the older man’s bedside table to look at Eddie.
“Hmm?” He responds with, matching Steve.
“Can you read that to me?” The younger asks quietly, as if he was scared to.
Eddie moves his eyes to look for what the other had found, and to figure out what book he was referring to. The Hobbit. The tattooed man’s eyes light up once he finds it, a large smile breaking out across his face.
“My, my! Steve Harrington wants me to read him a nerd book? What has gotten into you?” Eddie asks dramatically, tone over the top and extra. Steve huffs.
“Nevermind then-”
“No, no, I’m just giving you shit, Stevie. Of course I can read it to you,” Eddie says, pressing a fleeting kiss to Steve’s cheek before he reaches over to grab the old, worn down, and beat up book off the top.
It was old– the book was one of the first Wayne had ever been able to get him as a Christmas gift one year, his uncle having seen the way Eddie kept eyeing it whenever they walked past it in the stores. The metalhead liked to think of it as the thing that started his interest in D&D in the first place, and he couldn’t have been more thankful for it. The book was well loved, though, even if the raggedy old thing looked as if it was one accidental drop away from falling apart. Eddie wouldn’t be surprised if that was true– just devastated. There were small doodles spread across the inside cover, with his name written sloppily in the corner. The curly haired man knew that the pages held many thoughts and annotations decorating the side margins of the pages, and that it was the book Wayne used to read to him every night when he was younger after he had gotten it.
Eddie pulled the book over to the two of them, though, opening it with both hands before adjusting his grip of it in one, the other going back to its rightful place in Steve’s hair. He presses a small, quick peck to Steve’s forehead before he begins to read it outloud for his boyfriend, and he feels a ball of warmth growing steadily inside of his chest when he sees the way Steve is so enthralled by the words written across the pages.
Steve quickly notices how easily Eddie is sucked into the book, with how easily the man slips into voices he’s made up specifically for each character, or the way his free hand had left its resting place in Steve’s hair to wave around and gesture in grand movements. He notices the way Eddie purposely projects his voice louder so Steve is able to hear his words over the increasingly louder thunderclaps and rain splatters. The younger of the two takes a few to just tilt his head up towards Eddie once more, like he had done out on the couch, and smiles a bit when he realizes Eddie is too into the book to notice. During it, Steve realizes how much it truly baffles him as to how absolutely anybody could look at the man he’s pressed up against, and think he’s dangerous. Think that he’s absolutely anything less than good. Pure good, and warm. Homely. Steve thinks that’s the best way to describe Eddie Munson to him.
To Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson is home.
And Eddie doesn’t notice that Steve is staring up at him like he just caught the moon and stars in his hands and is offering them to him until he looks down next. His cheeks almost immediately start to darken in a soft blush at the realization, pausing his reading and looking down at Steve with slightly puzzled eyes.
“What, you develop a staring problem in the past chapter?” Eddie teases out gently, a small smile on his lips. Steve shakes his head softly, his expression matching Eddie’s own.
“No, just like hearing you so passionate about something like this. It’s nice, is all,” Steve admits with a slight blush of his own. He distracts himself from his slight embarrassment by pressing a tender kiss to the underside of Eddie’s jaw, and then on his lips.
“Sap,” Eddie mumbles teasingly, voice quiet as he smacks Steve’s face softly, before bringing his attention back to the book, and starting back up again.
Yeah, Steve thinks to himself as he continues to watch Eddie. Home.
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blog-of-a-time-witch · 10 months
The Good Guys Get Trashed
[ Editing Note from Lyb: This battle was written over the course of two weeks as a collaborative effort! The participants in this battle are credited at the bottom. The battle has been formatted to help readability and separated into Rounds. There is a TLDR summary at the end of each round, and one at the very end of the battle. For the AO3 version, click here. Please enjoy reading! ]
Introduction/Surprise Round:
Willy stands alone in the midst of a building’s ruins, examining a small object. High above, the Doodler works its influence over the land below, gently tugging and tearing at the minds of those foolish enough to visit Earth. Those fools are Henry Oak, and Glenn Close. Henry and Glenn teleport onto the plane using Henry’s Tree Stride spell and arrive near the ruins. They see the sole figure of Willy.
Henry holds out his arm to stop Glenn from rushing in, digging his heel into the hard dusty ground. Anger overtakes him as he catches sight of Willy, his veins thrumming with electricity as thunder cracks overhead, lightning crashing down from the suddenly darkened clouds at Willy. 
Call lightning, target Willy, Dex Save 19 to hit, 62 damage on hit 31 on fail.
28 > 19, success.
Willy doesn’t look up as the lightning hits him, but he does place the thing he’s holding into his pocket before stretching a little.
As Junior, Birdie, and Hen step into the moment, they find themselves hidden just out of sight. Junior takes their hands off of the shoulders of the other two and peers out toward the scene where Henry and Glenn were confronting Willy.
"It's safe to open your eyes now," Junior whispers, glancing at Birdie and Hen.
After Hen opened his eyes, he looked around their environment. It was horribly barren—what kind of life could thrive here? Just rocks and dust. A lot of dust.
"Looks like they haven't s- ah… ah…" The slight movement of the three young teenagers was enough to send a light cloud of dust up from the dead earth. Unused to handling dust in any typical capacity, Junior's nose twitches. Before they can think, or even really realize what's about to happen, they sneeze. "A-CHOO!" A small flame bursts out with the sneeze, and the sound carries across the ruins with alarming ease. Junior claps their hand over their mouth, but it's too late.
Birdie turns very slowly to look at Junior, expression clearing communicating “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
Hen was shaken out of his focus by a loud sneeze and a bright flaming light in the corner of his eye. Hen turns to Junior and looks at them in distress, then turns back to the adults who were preparing to fight. He readies his shield—a flimsy piece of decorative wood—and attempts to hide behind it.
Surprise Round TLDR: Henry tried to get a surprise attack on Willy, but it barely seemed to affect him. Birdie, Hen, and Junior appeared and tried to stay hidden, but Junior sneezed and gave away their presence.
Initiative Rolls:
Willy Stampler: 25 (AC 17)
Glenn Close: 23
Henry Oak: 22 (AC 16)
Hen Ry’Oak: 15 (AC 15, 14 w/o shield) [AO3]
Birdie Oak: 12 (AC 14) [AO3]
???: 9
!!!: 8 (reactions)
[REDACTED]: 2 (AC 13)
Junior Kels _ : 0 (AC 10)
[Willy's Turn]
Willy rolls his eyes as he finally looks up and acknowledges Glenn and Henry’s presence. He makes several gestures in Glenn’s direction, smirking lazily as he does so.
Mental Prison, target Glenn. DC 24 Intelligence saving throw– on failure take 32 psychic damage & bound to mental cell (area around target appears dangerous, target cannot see/hear and is restrained). On success take ½ damage. This spell fails if the target is immune to being charmed.
For Glenn, it feels somewhat reminiscent of his time in Meth Bay Supermax. His gaze becomes unfocused, as if he’s been hypnotized.
[Henry's Turn]
Henry looks in horror as Glenn’s eyes glaze over and panic overtakes him. Despite everything they’d been through Henry had never seen Glenn in any state he’d sort under the ‘flight’ of fight or flight response. “You fucking piece of- What did you do to Glenn?!”
He slams a hand down onto the ground, grasping vines shooting through the cracked hard earth trying to restrain Willy, he kicks off of the ground trying to close the distance between them as his form shifts and twists, Growing into a large brown bear. 
Entangle, target Willy, save roll 19 strength to beat, restrained on failure. 
Wildshape BA.
8 < 19, failure.
Willy looks somewhat surprised as he’s ensnared by the vines, and his muscles spasm briefly as lightning surges through him again. He manages to break out of them almost immediately though, and the expression fades.
Dex save, 31 > 19. Conc. save, 23 > 20. Legendary action: Escape restraints, 24 > 19.
[Hen's Turn]
Hen watches the battle in horror—he had never seen a fight on this scale before. He drops his shield on the ground and digs through his bag, throwing on a cloak. 
Cloak of Invisibility — While wearing this cloak, you can pull its hood over your head to cause yourself to become invisible. While you are invisible, anything you are carrying or wearing is invisible with you. You become visible when you cease wearing the hood. Pulling the hood up or down requires an action. If physically attacked, Dex save (DC 12) to keep the hood on.
Perception check w/ a DC of 17 (Hen’s Dex score) to spot movement, Arcana check w/ a DC of 13 (Hen’s spell save DC) to spot the magic while actively looking.
He then leaves the hiding spot to stand next to Glenn. 
[Birdie’s Turn]
Birdie is starting to get the idea that she might be a bit too in over her head here, but she didn’t show up to just not do anything. She takes a quick breath and summons a shimmering psychic blade to her hand before chucking it in Willy’s direction.
Attack roll 16+6=22. Damage with sneak attack bonus is 15 of psychic damage. She then uses her movement to run to the cover of a different rock, and then uses a cunning action to hide.
Stealth roll: 5+8=13
She…does not hide well, it’s not a very big rock and people tend to watch people after they throw knives at them, unfortunately.
Willy rolls his eyes but just straight up ignores her.
Henry sees the movement from the blade, tracking it backwards and turning his attention away from Willy. Spotting his daughter behind one of the rocks, fear immediately fills the pit of his stomach.
[Junior's Turn]
Junior watches Glenn crumple into a ball on the ground, wincing. Things were going worse than expected, and if they didn't do something to even things out soon, they'd all be in big trouble. Junior takes a breath and sits up so they have a clear view of Willy. Eyes flashing, the sound of a clock ticks around them, echoing until it reaches Willy's ears. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. The clock's ticking begins to lose speed as Junior Kels casts the spell Slow.
Slow, Wisdom Save 16.
20 > 16
Willy frowns but manages to shake off the droning tick that attempts to assault his ears.
Round 1 TLDR: Willy immediately incapacitated Glenn with a Mental Prison spell. Henry turned into a bear. Henry, Birdie, and Junior tried to attack Willy, but most of their attacks weren’t very effective. Hen used his Cloak of Invisibility to turn invisible and approach Glenn.
[Willy's Turn]
Willy takes a breath and begins to cast a spell. A ball of lightning forms and explodes immediately in front of Henry, Glenn, and Hen, although it catches Willy in the crossfire.
Fireball, 1 sorcery point spent to transmute from fire to lightning. 8d6 lightning damage, spell save DC 24 Dex. 28 damage on fail, ½ on success.
Hen fails, rolling a 14 on the Dex check. Takes 28 damage and is now in death saves. The hood falls off his head as he crumples to the ground and is now visible. 
Henry fails rolling an 8. Taking 28 damage. He spots Hen and panics.
Glenn fails, rolling a 12. Takes 28 damage and is bloodied.
[Henry's Turn]
Henry, completely terrified, turns fully away from Willy, casting A heal on Glenn and Hen and then trying to tackle Glenn out of the mind prison. 
Mass cure wounds 6d8+5 hit points return for Hen and Glenn. 
[Hen's Turn]
Hen scrambles to his feet upon being healed and readies his Quarterstaff of Nature, slamming it into the ground in a panic. Vines erupt from the ground and lunge towards Willy. 
Quarterstaff of Nature Attack: Thorn Whip — 1d6 + 5 piercing damage, dex spell save DC 13 (creature is pulled 10 feet towards you on fail). 
Willy is yanked towards Hen– his expression twitches a little, but he points towards Henry and then gestures towards Hen.
Legendary Action: Crown of Madness– Wisdom saving throw, DC 24. Target must make a melee attack vs a creature other than itself that you choose before moving. It can act normally if none are in range. Target, Henry (instructed to attack Hen)
Henry turns and swipes at Hen (28 damage) shouting ‘Run! Take Birdie and Run!’
Hen can’t, as he is #dead. 
[Birdie's Turn]
In a fit of panic, Birdie establishes Psychic Whispers with Henry. “Dad! Dad!”
You can establish telepathic communication between yourself and others. As an action, choose one or more creatures you can see, up to a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus, and then roll one Psionic Energy die. For a number of hours equal to the number rolled, the chosen creatures can speak telepathically with you, and you can speak telepathically with them. To send or receive a message (no action required), you and the other creature must be within 1 mile of each other. (currently 2 hours in this case)
Birdie upon seeing all the magic realizes that without spell casting the number of things she can do are pretty limited so she goes to throw another psychic blade because it’s kinda all she’s got atm.
Attack damage: 14+3(1 psionic die used) to get to 17, damage dealt 13 with sneak attack.
Bonus action: Birdie goes for a second psychic blade.
Attack Missed: 14 doesn’t hit the AC
She remembers Nicholas saying something about stealth being overall more helpful but she’s pretty sure he was saying that to make her feel better about being a rogue and not because it’s actually true.
[Junior's Turn]
“HEN!? Fuck!” Junior fumbles for their notepad and scribbles in it furiously. After writing the note, they shove the notepad away and start to run forward.
Movement: 30 feet to the diagonal/right, flanking Willy.
Bonus Action: Uses 2 sorcery points to cast Firebolt. (18 to hit, 17 damage)
Round 2 TLDR: Willy saw through Hen’s invisibility cloak and attacked him, knocking him out immediately. Henry healed Hen, waking him up, as well as Glenn, who was still trapped in the Mental Prison. Birdie and Junior continued attacking Willy. Henry was still a bear.
[Willy's Turn]
Willy makes a circular motion with his hands and the ground beneath Henry, Glenn, and the unconscious Hen flashes white.
Circle of Death - 8d6 necrotic damage. Con save DC 24 for ½.
Hen fails (14) and takes 28 damage. The child is #dead4real, as his match HP was 27 and he was already under zero. 
Henry fails (19) and takes 28 damage. He mentally begs Birdie to get out of here. 
Glenn fails (21) and takes 28 damage.
Willy rolls his eyes. “That wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t so fucking easy,” he drawls.
[Henry's Turn]
Henry, enraged, dives at Willy, slamming him backwards with the force of a bear and aiming for Willy’s neck with his teeth, intending to tear open his throat.
He mentally continues to beg, “Birdie please- Run! Get out of here- Please!” 
26 to hit :) Nat 20!, 23x2(46 dmg) for attack and bite (18 to hit 7dmg )
Willy practically snarls as Henry tears at his throat. He looks tempted to do something, but… no. He has plans, you know.
[Birdie's Turn]
Birdie considers her father’s words but she can’t leave him here. That’s the whole point. She believed it would be less scary to know what was happening to him rather than try and imagine it from afar (though she’s starting to question that just the slightest bit) “I’m not going home without you!” she thinks.
She is scared though, missing with her blade last turn shook what little confidence she’d mustered, so, she uses her movement to run to another place of cover (still approximately 50 ft. from the center of the action) and does her best to hide
Stealth roll is 4+8 so 12 total…this is like a difficult terrain to hide in, okay?
[???’s Turn]
To the naked eye, the silver ring appears out of thin air. It falls from about three feet in the air and drops to the ground beside Birdie.
( 18+2 Athletics ) Glenn appears to suddenly fall from about a foot in the air, two meters outside of the illusory field of the Mental Prison.
And then a figure appears, a rather smallish figure in black clothes and chain armor with an odd, triangular shield raised in one arm. More specifically, the figure appears at the moment that they are bashing the shield into Willy's head ( 17+2 = 19 to hit, 1d4 damage...4! ).
As the Time Stop spell comes to an end, Psi Kelsey expends 2 sorcery points to Misty Step to 30 feet behind Willy, with the intention of drawing his attention away from the children. They smirk darkly, raising the yellowish, triangular, and very familiar-looking shield.
"Hope you like Doritos, bitch."
Willy rubs at his head and scowls. “Fucking christ,” he spits. He draws his hands across his chest sharply, and for a few moments nothing happens.
Summon Greater Demon.
A portal of golden flame appears, and one Lark Foster pokes his head out, frowning. “Seriously?” he mutters, stepping out fully. “I didn’t fucking want to– fine. Whatever. It’s fine. I get to make a fucking… it’s fine. I’ll be out later.”
Willy gestures to Henry. “Do what you have to.”
[Lark Foster's Turn]
“Let’s see…” Lark mutters. “I’d use acid, but that’s not– you know what? Cold’s fun. Let’s do that.” He points at Henry and casts Fireball. “Never said anything about splash damage, so…”
Fireball (1 sorcery point to change to cold damage). 8d6 cold, DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. Targets: Lark Foster, Henry, Willy Stampler.
Willy saves and takes 13 cold damage.
Henry fails , taking 33 damage. 
Lark blinks, and then shakes himself. “Oh. Glad that’s over.”
29 > 24 Charisma saving throw.
Lark Foster takes no damage. 
He frowns. “What the fuck?” he says, to nobody.
[Junior's Turn]
Sighing in relief to see the cavalry had arrived, Junior starts to… cry? No, Junior’s gonna get angry. That’s my secret, Cap, I’m always angry…
Action: Attack. Firebolt. ( 14 to hit, misses. )
Bonus Action: Spends 2 sorcery points to attack. Firebolt. ( 11 + 8 = 19, hit. 15 damage.)
The redhead grinned as, while the first bolt of flames streaked past Willy, the second blasted into him solidly.
Round 3 TLDR: Willy cast an area of effect spell that instantly killed Hen. Henry (still a bear) tried to tear out Willy’s throat. Birdie hid. Psi and Lark Foster joined the fight. Junior was Junior.
[Willy's Turn]
Willy glances over at Junior and then looks over to Psi, looking between everyone to decide who to target. He smirks again as an idea hits him– he steps forward, and with a loud crash of thunder, is near where Birdie is.
Thunderstep - Each creature within 10ft of space you left takes 3d10 thunder damage. Con save (DC 24) for ½ damage.
Henry fails, taking 19 damage. 
Glenn fails (# nat one!!), taking 25 damage. He is in death saves <3
[Henry's Turn]
Henry in a pure panic rushes at Willy, shifting out of wildshape and throwing himself between Willy and Birdie, panting with exertion, bloodied. 
“Stay the fuck away from my daughter.” 
Sprint action; Healing word 9d4+5 returned health on Glenn
Glenn is no longer in death saves and is stabilized. 
[Birdie's Turn]
Birdie grabs the ring off the ground, then runs using her full movement and dash to get 75 feet away from Willy and continuing to kind of circle the area where combat had previously been happening.
Willy rolls his eyes as Birdie flees. That’s fine, but he thought she might have wanted to watch this part. He points at Henry and whispers, “Power Word Kill.”
Power Word Kill - Kills creature with <= 100 HP.
Henry’s eyes widen and realizing he has less than seconds left he uses the mental connection to say,
“I’m sorry Birdie, I love you, tell your mom I love her too.” 
Tragically all Henry gets as a return on the mental link is just screaming…also probably audible screaming…there’s just a lot of screaming going on here.
Henry drops to the ground. 
[Psi’s Turn]
Watching Henry fall to the ground, Psi’s jaw tightens. They narrow their gaze on Willy and lift their free, non-dorito-shield wielding hand. They allow the rage to flow through them freely, and a bright, red-hot energy begins to radiate off from them. A sudden spectral light illuminates the wasteland, capturing Willy’s form in an instant.
Sunburst. Con Save 19. 39 Radiant damage if fail (+ Blindness for 1 minute), 18 Radiant damage if succeed.
They aren’t done yet, and as the fires of hell burn red hot within them, Psi speaks the spell’s name with all the ire in their bones.
Fireball, 2 SP spent to cast as bonus action. ( Let me know if I missed something and someone is nearby. ) Dex Save 19. 49 damage if fail, 24 damage if succeed.
“Picking on little kids, old man?” Psi calls out, stalking toward Willy ( 10 ft movement ) “That’s disappointing. And after I spent so long waiting for this fight.” They crack their neck, and although they grin, revealing a sharp set of demonic fangs, there is no joy in their eyes: only fury.
13 < 19
28 > 19
Willy winces as the flash of light encompasses him, pressing a hand against his eyes. “Motherfucker,” he spits. He very much wishes he had another use of Power Word Kill right about now.
Despite being blinded, he manages to sidestep most of the fireball blast.
[Lark Foster’s Turn]
Lark, who looks like he was preparing to fight Willy, decides that Psi has that handled actually. He opens a portal next to Birdie and tries his best to keep up with her. “Do- do you want to go? Because I can get you the fuck out of dodge. If you want.”
[Junior's Turn]
Junior can’t pass up the opportunity to try getting in an attack on Willy, so they mimicked their elder self for a moment and cast Firebolt.
Firebolt. To Hit (advantage due to Willy’s Blindness) Roll 1: 12. Roll 2: 16.
The bolt narrowly misses, and Junior curses.
Seeing Lark approach Birdie, Junior narrows their eyes at him.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Get away from her!" They start to run toward Lark and Birdie, preparing to chase Lark away if necessary.
Round 4 TLDR: Glenn got put into death saves by Willy, but Henry healed him. Birdie started to run away. Willy used a legendary action to cast Power Word Kill on Henry, killing him instantly. Psi attacked Willy and managed to blind him. Lark started trying to get Birdie to leave the battlefield with him.
Round 5:
[Willy’s Turn]
Willy grits his teeth and jabs a finger in Psi’s general direction, cursing under his breath.
Finger of Death - 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage. Constitution saving throw for ½. DC 24. Humanoid killed rises as zombie next turn.
Psi feels a wave of negative energy wash over her. Gritting their teeth, they power through the attack and shake it off by remembering the people they care about. Some of whom may die today if they can’t keep their shit together.
Con Save: Natural 20 + 10 = 30. 15 damage taken.
“Oh no, my feelings!” they shout sarcastically.
Hey Willy, get ready to make a Dex save. Slore. DC 19
26 > 19, saves.
Psi raises her middle finger at Willy to cast Hellish Rebuke as a reaction, at the 3rd Level.
3d10 is the original damage, halved by the save. 19 rolled, 9 damage taken.
Finally aware of the gravity of the situation, Glenn does the only thing he can think of: protect Henry’s kid. (Definitely not thinking of Henry and Henry alone, no!) He raises his hands towards Birdie, and a shimmering field surrounds her. 
[Birdie’s Turn]
Birdie pivots, completely disregarding Lark and begins sprinting back towards her dad. Whether she’s ignoring him intentionally or she just can’t hear him over her screaming is hard to say. As she gets within 60 ft of Willy, she throws a psychic blade more out of panic than any conscious choice.
Attack roll: 13 (it misses but not like…as embarrassingly as it would have been if it was a 7 also crying can mess with your aim)
She dashes to Henry’s side and collapses on the ground next to him screaming and begging for any kind of response or reaction, but of course none of that happens.
[Psi’s Turn]
They take a steadying breath and stay focused. Hearing Birdie’s anguished crying is absolutely heart-wrenching, but they have to keep Willy from turning his attention back to the kids.
Just as when Junior attempted to cast the Slow spell, the sound of a clock ticking begins to surround the fucking old man. This time, however, it was more pronounced, each tick ringing clear as a bell.
Slow: Wisdom Save DC 19
Then, expending 2 sorcery points to make their next spell casting time a bonus action, Psi casts… Firebolt.
To hit: ( 9 + 11 = 20 ) , ( 16 + 11 = 27 )
Damage Taken: 17 (spent 1 sorcery point to reroll damage)
“What’s wrong, Willy?” They call out tauntingly, trying to keep his attention away from the kids and Henry. “Are you too used to fighting people weaker than you? Letting yourself go soft, just like your dick?”
Willy, despite being unable to see, rolls his eyes and gestures vaguely in Psi’s direction. “Hey, you know what they say. Enjoy it while it lasts.”
Finger of Death + Heightened Spell - Finger of Death - 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage. Constitution saving throw for ½. DC 24. Humanoid killed rises as zombie next turn. + Spend 3 sorcery points to give one target disadvantage on its first saving roll to resist the spell.
Well, fuck. Psi flinches as the same negative energy from before batters his mind.
12 with disadvantage, other roll was a dirty 20. 72 damage taken.
“Ack!” He stumbles, clutching his head as an unbearably sharp pain runs through his skull as if it were lightning. The attack leaves Psi looking rattled, a cold sweat forming as he forces himself to stay standing. “Heh. You really do play dirty.”
[Lark’s Turn]
“Hey, what the fuck?” Lark turns to chase after Birdie as his eyes start to glow and fire appears in bursts as he keeps running.
Bonus action: Mantle of Flame.
He sighs and points in Birdie’s general direction as she runs. “D– I don’t want to kill you, can you stop running?”
(16 + 5 [Mantle of Flame bonus] to hit) Chaos Bolt (casting at level 2) -  Bolt shoots target for 2d8 + 2d6 damage. Roll 1d8 twice for damage type. Spending sorcery point to ensure it’s fire damage.
Birdie takes 13 damage (is she screaming in physical or emotional pain? Probably both)
[Junior’s Turn]
“Shit! Birdie– leave her ALONE!”
Junior, panicking but not wanting to do major damage, casts a hasty Firebolt at Lark.
Rolled a 14 to hit. Does 4 damage.
They keep running, trying to catch up with Lark and Birdie.
Round 5 TLDR: Psi distracted Willy while Birdie ran over to Henry. 
Round 6:
[Willy’s Turn]
Willy rolls his eyes again and makes a broad flicking motion with one of his hands. “We have fun around here,” he mutters. “Parry this, you shitty fucking… trickster deity.”
Synaptic Static + Twinned Spell - Creatures INT 3+ take 8d6 psychic damage (INT save for ½.) On failed save, target has muddled thoughts for 1 minute, subtracting 1d6 from ability/attack rolls and CON saves for concentration. Target can make another INT save at the end of their turn.
Targets: Lark Foster + Psi, DC 24
Lark, with all the force of a Natural One slamming into him, pauses dead in his tracks, yelps, and clutches at his head. He… ugh, what the fuck was he thinking about…?
Lark Foster takes no damage. Psi takes half.
Psi’s head begins to swim with the echoes of past memories, and they take 16 damage. They look around in confusion, struggling to separate reality from what they recalled of fights before. Living this long can really take a toll on a mind, even one that is no longer mortal.
They tilt their head, with the briefest notion in their mind that something was not right about what just happened, but their cloudy mind loses the thought a moment later.
“SHIT!” Glenn yells, running using his 30ft of movement + 30 feet of dash action to reach Henry. “Uh...shit. Look, eh...I can help, I just need you to...stop crying. Please?” (Rolling a 2 for persuasion, making a total of 9)
[Birdie’s Turn]
Birdie slips the ring on her finger, worried that she’ll drop it if she doesn’t, (under normal circumstances she might question the wisdom of putting on a rogue and clearly magical piece of jewelry, but she trusts Kels, they’re friendship bracelet buddies, after all) and buries her face into her dad’s shirt. “Dad…we…we have to go home to mom…I can’t…I can’t go home without you.” She is sobbing. Everyone had told her this would all work out and everyone would be okay, but just as she suspected, everyone had been lying.
[Psi’s Turn]
Action: Fireball. Dex DC 19 Save. ( 30 dmg rolled, half taken on successful save ) Aimed not directly at Willy, but about 10 feet away from him, between him and Psi.
Psi has a -1 to Int Saving throws, and cannot possibly make the DC 24 save to end their Muddle Thoughts.
Psi hears the words, “You’re testing my patience,” in their head and the muddled thoughts end. 
“What the fuck was that? Navi, that you? Hey- Listen-”
In the instance that Psi [not Psi, they're at a distance], Birdie or Lark Foster were to receive damage from the fireball they simply do not. Problem solved. 
Birdie feels the heat of the fireball washing over where she’s curled up next to her father, but finds that, unlike before with the attack from Lark, it doesn’t hurt. She’d probably have questions if she weren’t so goshdarn sad.
Glenn, however, rolls a nat 20 (24 total) to dodge the fireball with a lot of expletives yelled in Psi’s direction.
[Lark’s Turn]
Lark, still feeling the adverse effects of a fucking Natural One, keeps one hand on his head as he shakily opens a portal and casts a spell.
Lightning Lure - Target is pulled 10’ in a straight line towards you, then takes 1d8 lightning dmg if it’s within 5’ of you (STR save negates.) DC 17, targeting Birdie.
Birdie does not save.(6) She is yanked in Lark’s direction and takes 5 damage.
[Junior’s Turn]
Catching up to Lark, Junior sees him attacking Birdie and growls angrily.
Unarmed Strike, 14 to hit. 3 bludgeoning damage.
They punch him. That’s all. Back to the top of initiati-
Top of the initiative order? I think not. Someone wants to make two turns in a row. Willy, still blinded, jabs a finger in Psi’s direction once more. You know the drill, I think.
Finger of Death - 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage. Constitution saving throw for ½. DC 24. Humanoid killed rises as a zombie next turn. Target: Psi
Psi gets an 18, takes 66 damage.
Psi coughs, covering their mouth, but not before a spatter of red can be seen. They stumble… and fall forward. They don't get up.
Round 6 TLDR: Willy attacked Lark and Psi, giving them the Muddled Thoughts status effect. A strange voice spoke to Psi and freed them from the Muddled Thoughts, as well as protected Birdie from a Fireball’s splash damage. Willy used a legendary action to take an extra turn and attack Psi, knocking them out.
Round 7:
[ Willy’s Turn ]
Willy tosses a fireball in Psi’s direction too, just for fun. He has better things to do, really, but hey! A little fire never burned anyone.
Oh, wait.
Fireball (level 6) - Creatures take 8d6 + 3d6 fire damage. Con save for ½. DC 24.
Psi's Con Save: 22. Rolled 41. Halved for fire resistance. 20 dmg taken.
Nothing has gone right for Glenn. That poor kid Hen is dead. The man he was supposed to protect is dead. His child is there, for fucks sake! And that witch is hurt, too. Willy thinks he can just leave without a fight, he’s got another thing coming! 
“Hey, asshole—HOLD IT!” 
Fireball - 3rd Level — DEX 15 save at Willy (otherwise rolled 25 damage)
[11 + 13 = 24 > 15.]
Willy snorts as the fireball blasts him, but otherwise ignores Glenn. “Toodles,” he mutters, before finally casting Plane Shift, and…
…well, he’s… gone.
[ Birdie’s Turn ]
Birdie can’t focus on anything besides getting back to her dad…running back to his side as soon as the pull of the lightning lets up. She pulls off her backpack and starts digging through it, knowing there’s nothing in there that can help, but hoping that maybe she overlooked something.
[ Lark’s Turn ]
Oh my fucking god nobody is listening to him. Okay. He’s— no! He’s— he’s fine. He is great. Wonderful, even. He marches over to Birdie and tries to drag both her and her dad’s corpse (don’t think about that too hard, you can have a drink later) through the still-open portal.
16 - 1 = 15 strength opposed. Birdie opposes with a 19 dexterity.
Well steps out of a portal sighing and hefting Psi up onto his shoulder. 
“Hello Lark. You fought well.” 
Lark, for a brief moment, looks fucking livid, but it passes. “Hello, Father.”
[ Junior’s Turn ]
Junior, seeing that Birdie has no desire to follow Lark to Wherever The Fuck that portal leads, attempts to cast a spell on him and shove him away. 
Reduce, cast as Bonus Action using Sorcery Points. Con Save DC 16
8 + 2 = 10 Pushing him away, Strength opposed. (If Reduced then make it at disadvantage)
The spell fails, and Lark shoves Junior away from him. They trip backward and land in the dirt.
Well frowns. “The fight is over Time Witch.”
Junior glares over at him and seems torn between trying to confront Well or defending Birdie and Henry's body from Lark.
Round 7 TLDR: Glenn attacked Willy with Fireball, but Willy planeshifted away from the battle. Well Actually appeared, apparently having been observing the battle from a distance.
After the Battle:
Yeah, Birdie overlooked something: this old guy who’s trying REALLY hard not to panic. Be proud of him, he’s done literally nothing this entire fight. He’s breathing heavily with honestly a pathetic attempt to keep his composure when his eyes are glistening with tears. Seeing Lark attempt to move Henry, Glenn unsheathes the Jaded Greatsword from its hilt and rushes at him. Shit, shit, shit, this has to work please let it work—
Wait, how does this work? And drives the sword through Henry’s heart. (Casting Revify instead of dealing damage.) Because obviously the heart = life, right? Except now there’s a LOT of blood pouring out of him. 
“What? What the fuck are you doing? What the fuck are you doing?” Birdie looks over while holding a small box of bandaids.
Birdie takes 2 psychic damage.
Henry, who’s been previously unmoving, gasps. It takes a few seconds but slowly he opens his eyes, no longer laying limply in Glenn’s arms. He looks slightly out of it but alive. Undeniably alive.
“I thought I was a goner” he coughs out a laugh. “Thought in Disney movies it was a kiss, not a sword?” He gives Glenn an incredibly fond lopsided smile.
“Oh, shut up,” Glenn whispers, a smile forming in his expression. He gingerly hugs him, pressing his forehead against Henry’s. Definitely crying.
Junior gapes at the fact that someone just got brought back to life by getting stabbed for a second, then stands up and turns toward Well Actually, who has Psi slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The red-haired teen spits viciously at him. "Put them down."
“No.” Well raises an eyebrow but makes no other indication that he gives any care whatsoever to what the teenager version of the time witch has to say. He turns part of his attention back to the mess of the battlefield, thinking for a moment before walking up to Birdie and awkwardly patting her on the head, healing her at the 8th level, easily replenishing her full health. 
“You and your friends were not supposed to be here.” 
Birdie is almost disoriented by being back to full health, as though not having any damage is almost unnerving after everything that happened, and her dad…he’s talking? And…how can it feel like everything’s changed while also being the same. But she looks up at Well. “I’m not sorry.”
Junior takes out their nunchucks and stares at Well.
Well gives Junior an incredibly bored look. 
“Please refrain. I do not want to hurt you.” 
He continues to look at the battlefield, attention turning to Lark instead.
“Do you want to be healed?” He smiles softly at Lark. 
“…no.” He glances back at his portal, which is… still open! How long’s that been there? Weird. He starts to inch towards it. “I think… I think I’m going to… go.”
"Then get out of here already," Junior mutters, glancing at Lark. They don't like the creepy guy holding the older version of them. "Are you a kidnapper or some shit?" They ask Well.
“Okay, Lark.” he turns attention back to Junior “Oh. You do not yet have the memories. I am a friend. And…” 
He frowns at the battlefield again. “I am done here. Goodbye.” Well opens a portal for himself and the time witch he is carrying and disappears through it, closing it as soon as he does.
"Hey, sto-" Junior doesn't get to finish yelling at Well before he disappears. They blank for a second and seem to prepare to scream some kind of obscenities, but stop when Psi steps in front of them. They're rubbing one of their eyes, slightly disoriented but unharmed. "What the fuck was that about?" Junior demands. Psi just shakes his head at them.
"Spoilers," they chide softly, and walk past them to check on Glenn and Henry.
Glenn glances around, now that everything is sort of...okay? Now? “Uh, what do we do with the sword?” he asks, mostly mumbling to himself. 
“I’m kinda hoping you’re gonna take the sword out of me so I can heal myself” he chuckles and coughs a bit reaching up to put a hand on Glenn’s shoulder. 
“Oh, you shouldn’t have to do that, just, uh—” Glenn readjusts himself to tug on this sword, releasing it from Henry’s chest with an ugly squish. He cringes a little before doing what good paladins do and squeezing Henry’s hand, casting Cure Wounds at a 5th level for 31 points of healing.
Henry smiles and pulls him down so he can kiss his cheek. “Thanks Glenn… you saved me, you weren’t kidding about being my knight in shining armor.” 
Psi approaches the two from behind Glenn and looks Henry over. They glance at the sword and raise their eyebrows, impressed with the resourcefulness of these two.
“Glad to see you two again,” they say with a faint smile.
Henry seems to have a hard time pulling his attention from Glenn, but he does, having an even harder time placing Psi. “Uh I don’t think I- Hail and well met friend?” He sits up a bit, trying to remember exactly what happened in the fight before he died. The moment it starts to come back though he’s scrambling to his feet “Is Birdie okay?!” 
Birdie is still just sitting on the ground, holding a box of bandaids and looking really out of it, but unhurt.
Henry rushes over to her side as fast as he can, checking her over, relieved “oh- Oh God you’re okay- Birdie- I’m so sorry-“ he isn’t even sure how to formulate the multiple questions and apologies he wants to so he settles on just pulling Birdie into a hug. “Oh god you’re okay…” 
Birdie wiggles a little in his embrace and it’s a bit difficult to tell if this is her attempt to get away or not, but then he feels a band aid being pressed across the bridge of his nose. (the band-aid is super cute btw).
Still being fairly roughed up and having less than a quarter of his usual health, it takes him a moment to process what’s happening, smiling softly when he does. “I’m okay Birdie… we’re okay…It’s going to be okay”
Birdie doesn’t say anything in response, but her expression calls bullshit.
Glenn doesn’t want to talk to Birdie because he is certain he will make things worse. He doesn’t know her, she doesn’t know him, he stabbed her dad...it just wouldn’t work out. Instead, he glances up at Psi. “Uh. You good?”
Psi looks down at Glenn with a faint chuckle and offers a hand to help him up. “Yeah, I’m good. How ya doin’, ‘old man’,” they say, although there seems to be an affectionate tone laced under the words.
He takes their hand, using them to hoist himself up. “Nothin’ Advil won’t fix,” he chuckles. “Glad to see you made it out of there. Who was that guy that healed you?”
Psi leans back to give Glenn a little more leverage, and steps back after he’s to his feet.
“That was Well Actually… You only met him briefly in your time, before you were imprisoned. He’s-” Psi frowns, thinking. “He’s usually someone who plays by the rules, but the way he helped out was a little… odd.”
Glenn looks surprised. “Really? Huh, can’t remember. I mean, at least he...helped?”
“Yeah,” Psi agrees half-heartedly, staring into the middle distance for a moment.
“But he doesn’t have any stake in what we do, right?” he asks, vaguely gesturing to the empty-ish battlefield. “So what’s he doing saving you?” 
“I’m not really sure,” Psi admits, shaking his head. “He says he wants to be friends, but I thi-” And they stop, because Junior has started shouting at Henry. Without finishing their sentence, they take a step and vanish.
Meanwhile, Junior has been checking on what appears to be the body of Hen. They’re leaning over him, hand shaking while holding a healing potion. [ 18 on perception :( ] They stare down at him, not sure why he’s that still. They’re trying to prop him up to use the potion, ignoring the way his body is unnaturally cold.
“C-c’mon, idiot,” they mutter. “You gotta- gotta drink the potion.” They pour the blue liquid unsteadily into Hen’s mouth, but it flows out too easily. He doesn’t sputter or even stir at the unfamiliar sensation. “Hen, come on. Hen. Hen!” The bottle is empty, and Junior drops it to the ground, where the bottom caves in with a crack. They grab Hen’s shoulders and begin to shake him. In their voice, a breathy panic begins to creep in as they start to shout. “Hen! HEN! WAKE UP! WAKE THE FUCK UP!” They gasp for air, fighting not to break down as the lack of response tells them everything. Junior can’t accept the obvious reality. Breathing faster, their fingers dig into Hen’s shoulders. They try to shout again, but their throat is dry and tight, and all they can do is gasp for air. No, this isn’t how it should have fucking gone. The next sound to leave their lips is a broken sob.
Birdie hears Junior shouting and glances over her dad’s shoulder. “Dad…Dad, something’s wrong.”
“S-shi- shoot- okay- uh let me go help okay?” He pulls back from the hug and stands again, Birdie taking his hand as he moves to Junior’s side “hey- can I see? Maybe- maybe I can help?” He carefully puts a hand on Junior’s shoulder. “Try and not look okay? Focus on me for a second- uh-“ 
“Don’t FUCKING TOUCH me!” Junior snaps at Henry, tear-filled glare rising to burn at him. “This is YOUR fault! If you weren’t trying to go after that fucking guy, Hen and Birdie wouldn’t have wanted to follow you!”
Henry pulls his hand away quickly, before he can even apologize Junior is shouting and it’s honestly echoing a fear he’d been trying to ignore since seeing Birdie behind the rock at the start of the fight.
“Junior.” Psi appears behind Junior, unceremoniously pulling the younger witch to their feet by the back of their denim jacket. [ 23 Perception ] Psi looks at Junior, a few emotions flitting across his face, before he turns them around. “Come over here. He’s not going to hurt Hen, I promise.” To Junior’s chagrin, Psi’s superior strength doesn’t leave them much choice as they are forced to make space for Henry to examine Hen’s body.
Henry, frowning and trying to push away the thought that he definitely was at fault for this, leans over Hen, checking him over and casting cure wounds- but it has no effect. He takes a moment and checks him over again, pausing as he looks at his face. “Fuck.” 
Birdie gives his hand a small squeeze in response to his cursing, she doesn’t really feel like talking, but wants him to explain what’s happening, she’s gathered that Hen is dead. Willy was able to take her father out with a single word, that’s not a surprise at this point. But she doesn’t know how to think about it or how to feel, all of those resources were used up in the fight, and she just feels sort of empty.
“He isn’t- he isn’t here. I-“ he takes a deep breath. “He’s back in Oakvale.” He looks to Glenn “he was a homunculus- he’s got the same mark that-“ he slowly stands. “We… we should go back right? We should- we should get him out-“ 
“No!” Birdie is still on the ground next to Hen. She’s gingerly removing his friendship bracelet and putting it on her wrist next to her own. “You’re not going anywhere.” She puts as much authority into her voice as she can, but it’s not particularly impressive, and actually wobbles a little bit. 
Persuasion 12
Dc 10, pass
Henry’s eyes widen and he turns to look at Birdie. “I- okay- I’m sorry… I won’t go anywhere…” he pulls her back into a hug.
Birdie tries to start sorting through her emotions, but they’re still just too tangled. Plus she’s a little scared that once she starts pulling on that thread, everything will just fall apart. Relief, however, that emotion feels safe. So she just rests in the hug and tries to believe Henry. 
Glenn casts Message — target: Henry. “Don’t worry, I’ll go burn down Oakvale. ;)”
Henry replies mentally: “Thank you Glenn… I- I really appreciate it” it sounds like he wanted to say something else but chickened out. 
Junior turns to look at Psi.
“We’re gonna go get Hen, right?” they ask pleadingly, eyes still wet. Unswayed, Psi shakes their head and reaches into the small bag at their hip. [ Trigger warning for needles and syringes. ]
“No,” they say, and pull out a small syringe. “Turn around and lift your hair out of the way.”
Junior starts to pull away from Psi, frowning at him.
“What? No, we have to get Hen and I need to remember what happened so it doesn’t happen again.”
“You know the rules, Junior.” Psi sounds tired, but attempts to be gentle. “It’ll be alright. We’ll make a note.” Junior makes a resentful grunt and turns away, but does move their hair aside. Psi carefully uses the magical item to remove Junior’s memory of the fight. They place the memory into a vial, where it swirls as a cloudy silver liquid. 
Junior blinks dazedly after the fact.
“Psi? Uh… oh.” They look around, then pull out their notebook. Psi takes it and flips to a new page to write a note. “Oh, hey- the Little one is at Birdie’s house,” Junior says suddenly. Psi nods, and hands back the notebook.
“I’ll get her after helping these guys get back. I suggest doing page twelve next,” Psi says, patting Junior on the shoulder. The red-haired witch nods, and opens to that page in their notepad. They take a step, and disappear, leaving Psi holding the vial of liquid memory and frowning.
Henry picks Birdie up. “Let’s go home okay?” He holds a hand out to Glenn. “Ready Glenn?”
“We can’t just leave him,” Birdie whispers. 
Glenn takes it. “Yeah, just...I dunno, is a funeral appropriate? For the, uh...body. He’s alive.” 
“It’s not him… he’s-  he’s fine- it’s just clay and magic…” Henry looks tense, squeezing Glenn’s hand. “He’s back in Oakvale Birdie- he’s alive…” 
Birdie starts shaking, it’s just hitting her that this whole time Hen had a back up and Junior had multiple versions of themself that could come to the rescue, but she’s just Birdie. She hadn’t had a plan or…or spells…or… instead of thinking about it too hard, she rests her head in the crook of Henry’s neck and tries to feel his pulse with her forehead.
Psi pockets the vial and walks over to Hen's body, scooping it off from the ground. They straighten and turn to look at Henry.
"I hope you don't mind if I tag along. There's something I need to do at your house."
“That’s- you’re on our side, right? It should be fine?” He sighs and casts Tree stride on one of the only remaining trees in the area, stepping through with Birdie and Glenn in tow. 
Psi doesn't answer verbally. They glance once over their shoulder, then take a step and leave the empty battlefield.
After the Battle TLDR: Glenn revived Henry using a magical artifact. Well Actually healed Psi. Hen was revealed to have been a homunculus the entire time, and his real body is still in his Oakvale.
- - - End of Battle - - -
Battle TLDR: The good guys got thoroughly trashed. Willy trapped Glenn in a Mental Prison right off the bat, then proceeded to kill both Henry and Hen. Psi and Lark showed up part way through the fight, Psi having been brought by Junior and Lark having been summoned by Willy. After Willy left the battlefield, Glenn revived Henry using a magical sword. Hen was not revived, and Henry pointed out that he was a homunculus all along. Well Actually revealed himself and healed some of the survivors. Lark, Well, and Junior each left separately. Henry, Birdie, Glenn, and Psi returned to the Oak-Garcia house.
Battle Participants:
Willy @fisherman-with-a-plan
Henry @henry-is-o-a-k
Glenn @too-cool-4-meth-bay
Hen @princehen
Birdie @justalittlebirde
Lark @lark-foster
Junior and Psi @blog-of-a-time-witch
Well Actually @well-actually-youre-wrong
Thank you for reading. =)
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slowpoke123321 · 4 months
The Gerudo King's Bride
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(^This is a visual of what Yuga's dress looks like in this chapter btw)
Chapter 2: Introduction
Wolves' howls could be heard outside of the old castle. The moonlit sky shining into the windows and onto an unconscious Yuga, who laid on a ancient red couch. He was no longer in that room with the large man he had accidentally summoned. This should've been a relief for him, but when he woke, it was quite the opposite. He sat up and looked around the dark and dusty room. He could see a bed with carpet sat under it and on the floor. He could also see a wooden vanity against one of the stone walls.
He rubbed the back of his head wearily and mumbled to himself, "Where am I? What..." Yuga's breath caught in his throat as he remembered the events of what happened. He quickly hopped up from the couch and tried to rush to the door. But he stopped in front of the vanity. He stared at himself in amazement. He no longer wore his purple dress from before, but now wore a elegant, dark red dress that spilt at the bottom and showed off the front of his legs. A gorgeous, gold necklace laid on her neck with gold earrings that were shaped like rain drops hung from his pointed ears. A beautiful gold headband with a ruby teardrop jewel in the middle sat gracefully on his soft orange curls. Platform boots with the same deep red color and golden heals were fitting comfortably on his feet. The front of the dress dipped down in a v-shape with two strings of gold keeping is up loosely. His ears burned in embarrassment from how much of his bare chest showed. The sleeves of the dress didn't cover his shoulders and only started near the breast level. And those were loose and wavy too.
But as she was admiring himself in the mirror, he noticed a shimmer on his left hand. He rose an eyebrow before raising his hand closer to his face. His jaw dropped when he saw such a divine gold ring decorated with ruby gems wrapped around his ring finger on his left hand.
He stumbled back from shock. He couldn't believe it. Here he was, in an ancient castle, dressed in clothes that looked like they belonged to a royal. And all this happened after...The painter's body jolted awake from the dazed trance as he realized he forgot all about the man he summoned. By accident of course. How embarrassing it was for him to do such a reckless thing! How absolutely atrocious! Yuga shook his head and then rubbed his temples wearily. With a deep sigh, she walked to the door of the old bedroom to leave the room. He opened the wooden door with a loud creak and stepped cautiously out of the room.
As he walked down the huge and empty hallways, he could see old portraits that were torn hanging on the walls. Claw marks were clear on the pictures, each picture of the same man with aged, dark brown skin and flowing red hair like a flame. A shiver ran down Yuga's back the more he stared at them. He walked further down the hallway. Then, he walked past a very human looking pendulum clock and a human looking candelabra. She tried to just shrug them off and continue walking until she heard the candelabra speak.
"Hello, Madame." Spoke the candelabra with a smirk and a bow, it's flames flickering light onto her face.
Yuga gasped and staggered back from the two human looking objects. The pendulum clock spoke up, elbowing the candelabra in the side,
"Excuse my ignorant friend. Do not be frighten by us, we mean no harm to you."
Yuga covered her mouth and stuttered, "W-What...W-Who are y-you?!"
The candelabra shoved the pendulum clock out of the way and smiled widely at Yuga. It then spoke, "I am Ghirahim!" The pendulum clock then coughed obnoxiously. Ghirahim rolled his eyes and gestured towards the clock. "And this is Vaati," he said with a bored tone.
Vaati bowed and spoke, "We are the servants of this castle. We serve our master, Ganondorf. Who is your, uh....husband."
Then, before Yuga could even bare a response, there was a loud roar from the end of the hallway. The pigish man, apparently known as Ganon was approaching the three quickly. Yuga's eyes widened and his heart raced from such a sight.
Ghirahim chuckled nervously before speaking, "Greetings, master! Vaati and I w-were just introducing ourselves to y-your lovely bride! We-"
"SILENCE," yelled the large man.
Ghirahim and Vaati immediately bowed to him and kept their gazes to the floor. Ganon turned to Yuga and spoke in a rough voice, "My dear wife, let me show you to your room."
He turned and grabbed Ghirahim by the handle. Ganondorf walked in front of Yuga and down a hallway leading to Yuga's new bedroom. Yuga followed behind with her head low, small tears falling from her eyes. Ganon looked over his shoulder to him and her tears, feeling a tinge of guilt.
Ghirahim coughed and whispered to Ganondorf, "Say something to her."
"Huh? Oh." Ganon turned his back to her and spoke hesitantly, "I...hope you like it here." Ghirahim gestured for him to say more, so he continued, "The castle is your home now so you can go anywhere you like, except in the west wing."
Yuga lifted his head up and spoke, curious of the wing he wasn't allowed in, "What's in the west wing?"
Ganondorf quickly turned to her and spoke in a brash tone again, "It's forbidden!"
They arrived at Yuga's new bedroom. Ganondorf opened the door for her and let her walk in. Once Yuga was in her room, Ganon spoke, "Now, if you need anything, my servants will attend you."
Ghirahim whispered in his ear again, "Dinner. Invite her to dinner."
Ganondorf sighed heavily before speaking in a very commanding tone, the opposite of politely inviting, "You will join me for dinner." He quickly added on, "That's not a request!" Before slamming the door shut behind him, leaving Yuga in her room alone.
Yuga gasped and rushed back to the door. He brushed against it sadly. She felt so terrified. So helpless. It was awful. He ran over to the bed and threw himself on it. She sobbed alone in her room on the gloomy night. To call it a room felt wrong. It was more of a cell. Or a cage.
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this is my first story, I hope you'll at least enjoy it, it's not perfect, but at least I wrote it from the bottom of my heart, love yaaa❤️😍❤️
Mixed feelings
It's been a year since we found hannah that day I will never forget all that effort, annoying threatening calls ahhh I can't get it out of my head thank god everyone is fine I left my hometown to help my friends find Hannah more specifically now I live in Duskwood I have my job which I love a lot tour guide it took me a long time to recover from everything of course Jessy, Lilly, Dan, Thomas and even Hannah helped me with that. But back to the mine story I don't know why but I don't remember what happened there Alan told me that he found me passed out deep in the forest someone pulled me out before that but how I passed out and why I don't know Alan also told me that he saw a lot of blood in mine that worried me a lot. I was sitting and trying to remember but my thoughts interrupted Jessy "What's wrong with you"
MC:ahhhh nothing nothing just tired
Jessy: she looked at me suspiciously ok if that's the case you need a rest let's go to Aurora
Mc: Ok why not I really need some relaxation Jessy: ok see you at the souvenir shop at 7pm
Me: Ok Jessy see you she just smiled and left…
At three o'clock in the afternoon I came home from work I went to take a shower after the shower I sat on the bed and started thinking again what happened to Jake and richy who took me out.....come on stop thinking about it's time to get ready, I'm not one of those people who wears short skirts and high heels, I opened the closet and took a tight shirt with short sleeves, jeans and sneakers, I put on a little inconspicuous make-up and tied my long thick dark brown hair in a ponytail and I went out and met Cleo who gave me a big hug
Cleo: how are you? I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you when it was the hardest, you know my mother is sick
Me: I know, don't worry, everything is fine now, it's just....I miss him....I don't know where he is, how come he didn't call me, I lowered my head, tears came to my eyes, Cleo hugged me, I started to cry a lot and through the tears, I I told her, you are the only one who knows my feelings, I didn't tell anyone, not even Jessy
Jessy: Ahhhhh what is happening here why are you crying MC What you couldn't tell me
Me: Nothing, I'm just going to wash myself and come back
I entered the house, I washed myself and put on my make-up again, I left and together with Jessy I went to the Aurora bar.
We entered the bar, which was breathtakingly beautiful, on the left side was a dark pink booth, on the right side was the podium where the music was playing, and decorative red, blue, white and green light bulbs hung from the ceiling. I walked around the bar, Jessy was behind me she waited for Phill to come, I couldn't take my eyes off how beautifully everything was arranged from every corner
MC: Here I come, sorry, the bar is really beautiful, I wanted to look around
Jessy: So you like how my brother arranged everything she winked at me😉
Phill: So you gave me the pleasure of meeting the prettiest and smartest girl in Duskwood right Jessy???
Jessy: Hehe that's right she saved Hannah from the mine with the help of that creepy hacker
MC: I blushed and said with a smile, I just helped my friends, nothing special, I don't want to talk about it, let's have something to drink
Phill: For beauty only the best drink he winked
Jessy is smiling and giggling I just rolled my eyes and told her: don't get your silly hopes that there will be something between me and Fill we stayed until 10:30 pm when I looked at the clock I told Jessy that I have to go because I get up early tomorrow for work, I said goodbye to Jessy and Fill, of course I just held out my hand to Phill ,I didn't want to let him touch me, I still have my principles, I left the bar not far from there, my car was parked while I was passing between I don't know how many cars my attention caught some figure standing near my car it was a man for sure, he certainly had a sweatshirt and a hood over the head, I froze in fear and surprise that it might be Jake
(MC thoughts) no no it's not possible you're imagining that means he's following me all the time
The whole time I was looking at the floor when I looked again in the direction of my car the figure disappeared I felt relief I got in the car and went home immediately I instinctively locked the door I went into the room and put on my pajamas and lay down I was very scared and surprised at the same time I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 23:00 pm
(MC thinks to herself) it's time to sleep, calm down, everything will be fine, don't be nervous, I took a breath.
I woke up, I literally jumped out of bed, I opened the curtains through which the sun was peeking...that wonderful sun that tickled my cheeks to wake me up, it was already hot since early morning, since it's summer, I looked at the clock 7:00 in the morning
(MC): okay I have time to get ready and take a shower to look perfect
after showering, I discreetly put on my make-up and put on a blouse, a skirt and sneakers, I took my purse and went to work, there were two colleagues standing at the door of the agency as I approached, they were talking more and more quietly as if they are hiding something when I approached a few meters from them I suspiciously looked at both of them ahhh by nature I have a problem to trust people somehow I gathered my strength and through a sigh I asked them "did something happen"??? My colleague grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to the door and pointed to the girl with her finger" Do you see that girl sitting there??
(MC): Yes, I see her
Colleague: She came five minutes ago and she was only looking for you when she came she came in furiously she literally wanted to break down the door“Are you ok MC??
(MC): Yes, but I wonder why she came angry, I said confused
Colleague: It's not like you're afraid of her, she started giggling
(MC): Do you know who you're talking to, I could throw her out the window, but I'm a lady, I don't do such things
I went inside I glared at that girl and nodded for her to come when she entered the office right from the door she told me she wanted to talk to me she just sat down and bowed her head haughtily I told her to calm down first I approached from the other side the table and sat down, she looked around nervously, then she turned to me, and she says , “I know you won't like what I'm going to tell you... I already understood that something is wrong, I started to shake, "okay, tell me what you have and go, I don't have time, I have work to do" I said
Girl: First let me introduce myself my name is Emma her voice started to shake I...I'm Jake's girlfriend we've been together for a year now if you hadn't come into his life everything would be different he keeps mentioning your name he only talks about you when we have sex he says your name at that moment my phone rang…….I CAN'T DESCRIBE THAT MOMENT IT WAS LIKE SOMEONE POURED ME WITH COLD WATER MY FEELINGS MIXED "you were right MC Jake is not for you he doesn't deserve you I thought in myself
Girl: MC MC!!!!! Your phone is ringing
I jumped off the chair and grabbed the phone "Jake" I just hung up and went back to the table and put my hands on my thighs and turned on the recording I slid the phone down where no one could reach it but close enough to hear the conversation
(MC): You say you're Jake's girlfriend right??
Girl: She just laughed sarcastically and repeated "Yes I am and we've been together for a year and we love each other and you should get away from him," she shouted, "you're bothering us, you're ruining our relationship, and another piece of news for you, I'm pregnant."
I slowly got up from the chair like a real lady and told her "I have nothing to do with him, I just helped him find his sister Hannah and that's it, now get out of here and don't ever come back
The girl just turned and left
in the meantime, I held back tears, I didn't want to show Emma that I was weak😩
(MC): 11 9 12 8 5 18 18 9 7 8 20 14 15 23 (SECRET CODE)😏😅
Jacob: understood
(MC): excellent
Jake: MC!!!!
Jake: What's going on, why aren't you answering my calls?
(MC): I have no more reason to contact you, you will understand why I am sending you a recording that will interest you.
30 minutes later
Jake: I'm coming to talk, I'll explain everything to you!!!!
(MC): No!!!!!! Don't you dare come...it's good that we haven't started a relationship yet and that I found this out in time.... I don't want to be with you how could I even think of being with a guy like you what did you think I wouldn't find out!!!!!!!
I clicked on the block button, I didn't even want to hear his answer because I wasn't even interested
When I went home it was already dark walking down the street alone I felt like someone was watching me "don't think nonsense I thought to myself" as I was getting closer to the house someone grabbed me from behind he literally grabbed my arms so I couldn't defend myself "where did you go girl”, we were supposed to talk today" I tried to defend myself by punching him but he lifted me up and carried me to the door of my house, when he put me down I had my back turned to him he pressed me towards the door and lifted both my hands up and held his hands over my "let me go now" I said he smiled and turned me to him and gently lowered my hands "I'm sorry for everything I've done but that won't stop me from fighting for you I LOVE YOU and no other man can have you remember that" he said through a million tears streaming down his face.
At that moment I was so furious that I didn't realize that my hand had already hit a very hard slap, I turned around and entered the house and immediately locked the door I leaned against the door and remembered the good times I spent here when I was just a tourist a year ago.
A year earlier
I decided to go to Duskwood anything can happen I had a very bad feeling threatening calls will not stop me from going there I was not afraid of anything I am a brave girl who had a very difficult childhood I experienced torture during my childhood and growing up (that's not a lie). While I was sitting in the transport, I was already starting to get nervous. There were still twenty minutes left until Duskwood, when I arrived it was already very late, I looked at the clock on my phone at eight o'clock in the evening, I called a taxi to take me to the nearest hotel as if to spite there was only one hotel in that city and the one where Lilly worked. I know she was insolent and rude towards me, she publicly accused me of kidnapping and even murder, what could be worse than that, on top of all that, her "followers are me" contacted and accused of something I didn't do. Okay MC pull yourself together I thought to myself.
When I entered the hotel, a woman in her forties greeted me and said: room for one, I just nodded my head and smiled, I paid for two days of stay, I entered the room exhausted, took a shower and went to bed, I didn't have the strength to call anyone, I was alone I wanted to fall asleep and forget everything at least for a moment.
When I woke up, the sun was already high in the sky, I looked at the time and saw that I had time to wake up a bit. I took the phone and told Jessy that I arrived late last night and that I didn't have time to call her, she was just short answered "Welcome to Duskwood today we're going to that house you already know...she didn't continue what she wanted to say but I knew very well that richy's disappearance hit her a lot she had feelings for him I guess the same as me but unfortunately for me I wasn't sure if i have feelings for him or jake.
My priority is to find Hannah nothing else I got up packed my few things that I took out last night and took and texted Jessy to send me the exact location of that house. Not even a minute passed, she sent me the location and explained the way to go, since that house is completely hidden and there is only one way to go, I called a taxi and after five minutes I regretted taking a taxi, not only did he not know the way to go but he didn't even know that he had reached the street near the forest, I cursed him out loud the whole time he was driving, the taxi driver got so nervous that he started sweating and started driving fast, I navigated him where to go. When I got to the very the corner of the road that leads to that house, a forest around me and only one dark road, as I said before, I'm not afraid of anything, but literally. I took the phone out of my pocket and turned on the lamp, luckily, the iPhone has a good function. Walking through the forest, the crawling of various animals, the flight of night birds, the howling of an owl, yellow eyes in the distance, uhhh creepy.
I quickened my pace in case I wasn't attacked by an animal, as I quickened my pace I heard familiar voices nearby, I started to approach the house and called Jessy who was sitting outside by the fire, she was very worried that I hadn't arrived yet, she looked in my direction and saw that I had come, that I still fulfilled the promise I made to her, that I would do everything to bring back her friend and Richy. From a distance, I heard her shout to the others, "Here is the MC, she has come, she really has come" the whole time I stood and watched the scene before me, the others got out except for Dan who was in a wheelchair, I ran towards them and hugged them all in a group. After half an hour of conversation in the living room, they asked me everything they could, and I told them everything about myself.
My phone vibrated multiple times “three messages” jake two messages and unknown number one message. My face changed every color and every emotion was visible on my face luckily no one noticed, everyone celebrated my arrival and joked with each other. I got up from the chair and went to the upper floor. I opened Jake's messages first, the first one was:
“Didn't you promise me you wouldn't go to Duskwood? It's too dangerous there, we haven't caught MWF yet. Please come back as soon as possible or I'll have to come.
I just answered him: Jake, I have everything under control, don't worry, don't put yourself in danger, the police are chasing you, please don't do something stupid, they'll catch you.
From the bottom of my soul, I was afraid that something would happen to him, I went around the room and waited for him to answer me, but he did not answer that message. The next message was from an unknown sender "Come to the mine and Hannah and richy are free."
That message worried me, I was afraid that it might not be a trap, what if he doesn't free them, but on the contrary, kills them. I went downstairs to the living room where everyone was gathered, when they turned and saw me, they all changed their expressions, I approached table and told them that I got a message saying that Hannah and Richy will be freed if I go to the mine. Everyone's mouths were open in disbelief of what was happening, then I continued: "I want to do this I will bring them both alive nobody won't stop me".
Jessy: No!!!! You absolutely do not belong in the hands of some madman, Dan interrupted and shouted
I absolutely agree with Jessy you can't risk your life we ​​will come up with a plan please trust me.
Thomas: MC I'm begging you to accept his request and go there this way you can save Hannah and Richy.
Lilly, Jessy, Cleo, Dan: Tomas!!!!!!!!
Jessy: How can you ask her for something like that!!!!
Dan: How dare you!?
Cleo: Thomas please stop.
Thomas: please go, I'm begging you.
MC: Enough!!!!!!!! I shouted.
Shut up, everyone,I'll bring them both alive. I furiously took the phone and sent a message.
MC: I accept your suggestion,let's get this over with.
Unknown: offline.
I sighed deeply, drank some water and headed to the mine. While I was already walking alone through the forest for the second time, not knowing what awaited me, before I set off I installed a map that leads to the mine.A kilometer and a half to the mine, fantastic, I thought to myself as I approached the hidden at the entrance, I looked around in case someone wasn't following me....I sighed deeply and entered that "MWF hideout" it was quite dark, I lit the way and started to walk slowly and cautiously. My sigh was getting heavier and heavier with each step, I felt as if someone was pressing me around the neck. Walking through the cold, dark and wet corridors of the tunnel, I felt as if every corner of these corridors was a witness to the many sufferings and screams of the victims of the 800 people who perished here. Approaching the end of the corridor which was obviously lit I realized that I had come to the place where I would see the true face of the bastard who threatened me and ruined all of our lives,the face that tormented Hannah and Richy.As I approached I gripped my phone so tightly I accidentally let go my favorite song.
a man…not a man the monster that kidnapped two people turned to me with a mask on his head.
Imagine Dragons
Oh, hush, my dear, it's been a difficult year
And terrors don't prey on him
Innocent victims
Trust me, darling, trust me darling
It's been a loveless year
I'm a man of three fears
Integrity, faith and
Crocodile tears
Trust me, darling, trust me, darling
So look me in the eyes
Tell me what you see
Perfect paradise
Tearing at the seams
I wish I could escape
I don't wanna fake it
Wish I could erase it
Make your heart believe... Richy this is... I said through a sigh this is impossible, you lied to us all the time, all the time you pretended that you didn't care..
I APPEAR TO BE A BAD LIAR, the only person who dared to come forward and show feelings is you.
"I'm sorry MC for everything, I didn't want to hurt anyone. He said
MC: Richy it can't be! how could you betray us like this!?
Richy: I didn't want it to be like this, I swear to, I swear!!!!
I ran to him and hugged him tightly, after all, he is my friend whom I knew and with whom I spent a lot of time and in some special way fell in love, even if I didn't want to admit it to myself.
I pulled back a little and started questioning Richy why he did all this. He looked me straight in the eyes for a long time and at one point he put his lips on mine, I didn't push him away from me if you ask me why I don't know, I can't even explain to myself, he brought his head close to my ear and whispered"I'M A BAD LIAR (giggle). In the next moment he pointed to his jacket on the floor and I realized that he was signaling me to sit down. I listened carefully to every word he said every detail about Hannah's kidnapping. He couldn't stand it he grabbed my hands and held them in his. We sat for a long time and talked until at one point I heard footsteps on my right, when I looked I saw Jake himself standing furiously next to us with his hands clenched into fists as if he was going to beat someone up at any moment.He shouted in a menacing voice "Just touch her one more time and I'll break your arms and legs!!"
Richy, who is already visibly provoked, jumped up from where he was sitting and stood in front of Jake: "Come on, I challenge you, do something if you have balls".
At that moment, I was all sweating knowing where this was going, I got up and stood between them for a second, I managed to separate them, but the next moment was the worst, Jake pushed me behind him with his hand, he held his hand straight as if to prevent anyone from coming to me. The two of them glared at each other... in the next moment Jake punched Richy with his fist and that's when the chaos started,i ran towards them assuming that one or the other would end up dead I stood between them for the second time and felt someone pushed me away unintentionally as I fell backwards I hit my head on something, a stone, I don't know, from that moment on I don't remember what happened.
Alan was rubbing his hand nervously all the time, and for the hour and a half I was sitting in the police station, my thoughts were everywhere.
"That's what happened MC" Alan said
MC: "What happened after you found out about all this".
"Listen all the information I got, I got it from Richy. Richy has to pay a for what he did, do I have to tell you what he did?
"Uhhhhhh I understand everything but he's not as guilty as Hannah is..." I said
"Yeah, she's going to pay the as well for murder...I just wonder what your boyfriend would say about all this? He wouldn't be happy if his girlfriend wanted to put his half-sister in jail."
I rolled my eyes and told him shyly "Well, we're not in a relationship yet, not officially" I blushed
Alan: Richy has to go to jail by law you know that.
MC: Is it possible to do anything without going to prison?
Alan: You can testify in court, the murder happened 10 years ago, maybe I can still help you, but you know that I can get fired for this.
MC: Please Alan help me I'll do everything you say I just don't want Richy to go to jail.
Alan: Go home, I'll handle this, maybe I'll call you to testify. It's been five days since I haven't heard a word from Alan, I started to panic, I got ready and left because I couldn't sit and wait for news from Alan anymore, I wanted him to tell me to my face what the situation was.When I arrived at the office Alan was sitting with his arms crossed and thoughtful, I came closer and asked him what was wrong, he answered that there was a new case, some murder, I don't know, I didn't even listen to him because I wasn't interested, I only asked him to give me information about the testimony.
Alan: “Today is the testimony, otherwise I wanted to call you, it starts in an hour and a half”,he laughed.
There was silence in the courtroom, there were the judge, Hannah, Jessy and me. The trial lasted for a very long time I could barely stand I hate trials and prisons that's why I never wanted to visit Fill. At that moment the judge interrupted my thoughts when he said that Richy was not guilty and that he was free. My happiness never ends,knowing that I helped a friend who was always there for me and every time I needed help he was always there for me. He slowly approached me and hugged me "Thank you for everything"
MC: let's get out of here as soon as possible, I don't want to stay here for even a second.
Day after day passed Richy brought a bouquet of flowers every day and if I told him not to do that he didn't give up. I never liked gifts, I don't know why. Richy wants to be as close to me as possible but it's not his fault it's me I didn't want to be in a relationship because I didn't want to hurt him the first thing I was afraid of was that Jake wouldn't make a problem I don't think it's an excuse but deep down I had that fear myself, the second thing I was afraid of was what people would say about me, I'm not one of those "easy" girls, nor will I ever be.
Richy: Don't be stubborn at least try a relationship with me. The only thing you do is work and hanging out with Jessy.
I rolled my eyes and told him, "Richy, I don't get into relationships that easily, I don't want to hurt you or...
Richy: Jake….that's what you meant, you obviously care about him! he shouted
MC: maybe you are right
Richy: As obvious as it is that you want to be in a relationship with someone you don't even know, he stormed out and slammed the door, I understand him wanting to be in a relationship with me, but I don't want him to get hurt. I'll try to talk to him when he calms down.
A month later, Lily told me that Jake called her, that's honestly a bit strange to me, he didn't call me first, but Lilly. She also told me that Jake wanted to finally meet me, of course I'm glad about that. Unfortunately, since Jake's mother is passed away, he decided to secure an apartment for himself, if you're wondering how I know that... well, the bird Lilly told me.
Lilly, Hannah, Jessy and I were occupied with preparing the house and cooking (psss I didn't cook)😂😜 on the way we listened to music and danced... fun, right? Everything was as it should be, the table was set and we were nicely dressed. at that moment someone knocked on the door, Lilly quickly ran to the door and opened it, at that moment I got up and went to the door, there stood a tall, black-haired, sea-colored boy, nothing like Lilly, while Hannah and he looked a lot like twins .Lilly shook me at that moment, I wasn't even aware that I was standing at the door and looking at Lilly and Jake. With the music and talking, the time passed quickly, Jake looked at me from time to time, I honestly wasn't comfortable, but I felt special like never before in my life. At one point, Jake got up and said he had to go, he told us while eating that the police are still chasing him, he needs to finish a hacking job, in short he helps the police with murders by entering data into the computer. My biggest the joy is that he will finally be free, at least he won't end up in prison. When he started to go to the door, he grabbed my waist, pulled me to him and kissed me, I just smiled, everyone was looking at us, but I didn't care anymore what others would say or think.
If someone had told me that I was going to experience this, I wouldn't have believed him, sitting on the floor and crying, I thought about what I did wrong to God, is it possible that I experienced this kind of betrayal. I waited for a fucking year for him to come back from the mission with the police, it was some kind of murder. at least that's what he told me... I have no idea what other mission lasts a year, only if the killer is some mastermind. A lie, everything is a lie from the beginning to the very end, everything was a lie. He slept with that girl, they loved each other, that's why he didn't come. Lies, lies, I'm angry with myself for everything. But I'll solve this problem by myself without anyone's help.
I packed my things and got on the plane with the fact that I work in an agency, I knew every flight. Running away is the only plan I have, the only plan I had was to hide from him and this shame.
Greece is another country besides the one where I was born, which I love very much. It will be nice there, at least I won't think about anything, (I thought to myself). Thinking that I would manage to escape, alas, I didn't, a black BMW car parked in front of me, two guys got out of the car and quickly came to my car, opened the door and pulled me out of the car, at that moment I felt that one of them grabbed me and put a cloth on my nose the next moment I remember being in a dark room full of boxes. I was tied to the bed, I tried to get up a little, but I couldn't, as if someone was draining my strength. My legs and hands were also tied, all I could think of was how to escape from here, how to get out of this situation, in at that moment, I heard footsteps approaching the room where I was and a familiar voice, I knew that damn voice well....Jake, it's not like he kidnapped me. The door opened wide and the man standing behind me was the man I I knew him for a year, he is a man whom I somehow fell in love with and who, believe it or not, I waited for a year, I rejected Richy because of him, I was patient, I told myself I'll wait, it doesn't matter, but after everything that happened to me, one thing is certain, I don't want to be with him. Now the most important thing is to get my head out alive to go far away from here...
At that moment, my thoughts were interrupted by Jake, who covered my mouth and whispered: "Now you'll see what it means to run away from me."At that moment he grabbed my pants and tore them off. I pulled myself up a little and pressed my ass against the bed so he couldn't take me off. I was scared. I didn't want to be raped. I didn't want him to touch me. I got scared and started to panic. I knew what was the best method to defend myself, I pulled those ropes around my arms and legs, I did everything just to free myself, unfortunately Jake managed to take control of me and threw himself with all his weight on me, I scratched him as much as I could , I pulled just to defend myself from him. While he was on me with all his weight, he lowered his shoulders towards my face, then it was my chance to try to push him away from me, I lunged forward a little and bit his shoulder, Jake just gasped and he grabbed me by one hand and pressed me down to the bed and put his right hand over my mouth and said: "Try to do this one more time and you'll see who I am" he said furiously. I answered him in a threatening tone, "You will see who I am if you just try to do something to me, violent sex is not the solution to this problem, let me go home, I don't want to be with you, understand for once!!!!".
Jake and I were very close to each other, I could feel him breathing, as he was above me, he was looking straight into my eyes, his look was sad, he just said to me "I don't want to lose you at the cost of my life, I love you" in that at one moment I felt his hand slide down and he tore my panties at high speed, I felt very uncomfortable, I didn't know what to do to defend myself but I wasn't going to give up. In the next moment I felt that he entered me, I screamed with rage not because of pain or because of anything else, I didn't have any pain during sex, he was gentle, he told me to calm down but I didn't want to, he grabbed me by the waist and pressed his body against mine.
After sex, he stood up and said: "I know what you did with Emma, ​​I know that you killed her, I know everything you do for your criminal activities, selling drugs, catching girls for prostitution, none of that matters..Emma meant nothing to me, she an ordinary slut.
He sat on the bed next to me, I knew that one day he would find out about everything, I wasn't completely surprised, but that he hurt me because of Emma, ​​it hurt me even more, "what did you expect MC, they were together for a year" I thought to myself...
"Why are you silent now if you think this is all because of Emma, ​​it's not...we were once together, it's true, we had sexual relations, but we never had unprotected sex...
"I don't care," I shouted, "I don't want to listen to anything." The truth is I killed Emma I was blind with jealousy if I was smarter I would have let her be with you I should have gotten away from everything I said through tears.
Go away go away!!!!! Do you really think that I wouldn't look for you, do you really think that I would let you run away from me" he said with a smile.
"Damn you!!!, you ruined my life and now you want us to be together, never!!! "I said through tears.
Three days have passed since I was tied up, I didn't eat or drink anything, I didn't want to on purpose. Jake begged me to eat and I refused.
"You have to eat something, you can't be hungry," he said
"I don't want to eat" I said
Sitting on the bed, since I was tied, Jake lowered me to a sitting position to eat, I took that opportunity and grabbed a porcelain plate and hit him on the head with all my strength and took a rope and tied him, I didn't want him to follow me.. I ran to the door and came across on each side of the long hallway there were rooms like in some hotel I walked slowly and looked on each side there was a big mirror in one of the rooms I went in and looked at myself my pants and shirt were torn I went back to the room where I was , and took out a sweatshirt from the closet, put it on and when I got to the door, I heard mumbling behind me...
"Release me now or you will be locked up here forever".
"Dream on prince" I said proudly
Walking through the corridor I felt some relief but on the other hand I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get out, luckily for me I managed to find my way out, there were two guys in black suits standing at the front door so I had to find another way out, each the window was blocked except for one that was completely broken. When I got out, I immediately looked in which direction to run because sooner or later someone will free Jake. The yard is huge, it surrounds the house about 5 hectares "whose house is this" I thought in myself, one path only led to the exit, that's the only main path I can take, but the problem is how to avoid the guards, crouching next to the window, I thought about how to pass without being noticed. Running is not the solution, but fuck it as soon as I get out of here I will get home sooner. I didn't even know where I was and I hope to get there as soon as possible. I quickly ran towards that road and hid behind a tree. From a distance I heard voices shouting "Find her". Standing so scared behind the tree I was thinking what is my next step, I have to get out of here as soon as possible or they will find me, I waited for the first opportunity for the guards to leave so I could continue. When I started running again, I heard Jake shout, find her and bring her to me. I didn't even turn around, I ran as fast as I could, at one point when I was already quite far away I heard a car behind me, I stopped and turned around and saw that a woman was driving. I felt a great relief, I asked her to drive me to the first town, she just nodded her head and motioned for me to get in, during the drive she asked me where I was from, strangely, but I opened up and told her everything
Woman: You know, little one, I wouldn't give that man even a lock of my hair
I just looked at her and smiled
"I didn't even want to, I decided I didn't want to be with him, he betrayed me, he hurt me, I can't forgive him just like that. There is a boy who wanted to be with me, but I turned him down, this is probably karma."
Woman: There is always an opportunity for a new chance, try if you want to be with him, it will be easier to get over this situation. Just be sure to tell him what happened to you, because if you don't tell him, he will say... Jake, is that the boy's name?" Yes" Jake, I said so
"They will say that you willingly slept with him and if that is not the case", said the woman
I know I'm very scared, the two of them had a fight in the mine, but if I get into a relationship with Richy, there will be a big problem, Jake will kill him.
A little while later, I couldn't believe that not only did she bring me to my city, but also right in front of my house, I thanked her and walked quickly to the door, my hands were shaking from nervousness, I couldn't even unlock the door when I went inside and took my mobile phone, holding the phone in my hand, my hands began to shake even more, I pressed Alan's number and called him.
Alan: MC where are you!? I was looking for you..you were gone for days are you ok?
MC: Alan we have to see each other now I have to talk to you!
Alan: Okay, I'll wait for you in the office
I quickly put down the phone and ran outside, got into the car and headed for the police station, it didn't take me long to get there, as I was driving very fast.
"Alan we need to talk seriously"
Alan: Calm down, first tell me what happened, why do you look like that, all your clothes are torn
Out of nervousness and anger, I started walking around the office left and right and finally spoke
"Something very bad has happened" I cried in agony, sat down and put my hands over my head
"Jake raped me," I said hoarsely and through tears
Alan: “Jake did what to you!? "That son of a bitch won't survive if I just get hold of him"
At that moment, Alan ran out and called someone on the phone, I didn't hear anything, I totally lost track of time and space.
A whole month passed and I didn't see anyone in particular except Cleo, Jessy, Hannah sometimes and Richy, they always tried to cheer me up, of course I didn't neglect my work.
It's been a hellish month since Alan chased Jake. I haven't received any news for a month. At that moment, lying on the bed, my thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pain in my stomach. I bent my knees and calmed down a bit. I hated myself for everything, I shouldn't have let Jake come to me, but how could I know he had a girlfriend, stop thinking that otherwise I won't be in a relationship with him. I jumped out of bed to calm my nervousness and went for a walk in at that moment my phone rang..
Jacob: We have to see each other urgently, we have a problem.
"What's the problem, you're scaring me, wait, don't tell me anything yet, I'll be right back."
New message
Jacob: I shouldn't have told you, but when you come you'll understand why I called you.
In a different town on a completely different side from Duskwood is our secret hideout of buildings that are modernly furnished nothing like run down buildings that you would imagine to be used for all sorts of things. In my building that my father built in the style of a hotel to let out rooms as I work as a tourist guide, I used that building for other purposes, where girls who were visibly high on drugs were brought in to "receive and hand over goods". I know these things are wrong but they chose their own path" some did some didn't have a choice" if you think MC is bad yes she is bad because she learned to be dangerous.
Every corridor is full, almost all the girls were standing in front of their room waiting for their customers. When they saw me, they all bowed their heads, and I, like a queen dressed in black, with loose wavy hair, raised my head, walked past them.
In the lower part of the hotel, more precisely in the basement, there was a huge room where people who owed me money and people who had done their task wrongly that I gave them "punishment “as I like to say".
Jacob and I headed straight for the basement where I was met with an unpleasant surprise>Emma<. Unable to escape she was tied to a chair with a rope. She will pay for everything she did.
"What does this mean Jacob, why is this girl not dead, what excuse are you going to make so I don't kill you!" I said, with a quick movement I turned towards him, grabbed his neck with my hand and pressed him against the wall "Don't play with fire" I whispered in his ear.
Jacob: I I...listen to me first then do whatever you want please please please he said through tears. You know I have never betrayed you please let me explain.
"You have five minutes," I said
I didn't want to kill her for several reasons. The first reason is adtgf
"What are you talking about? Speak loud and clear, you don't have much time," I shouted.
Jacob: She is not pregnant with Jake, she lied and the father of her baby is David Smith, I examined everything in detail, DNA test confirmed..
"Stop, stop, slowly tell me everything from the beginning".
"Two years ago, before Emma got into a relationship with Jake, she knew that David, her boyfriend at the time, had cheated on her with someone else.. "Get to the point, I'm not interested in her relationship, it's not about this bitch, it's about Jake."
Jacob: When they broke up she got pregnant with David because she knew she wouldn't have any financial support from him, she threw that child at Jake, of course Jake suspected that the child was his. I made this bitch talk and she told me that they didn't had unprotected sex. This bitch here slept with her ex and got pregnant she thought she was going to get him back but he just took advantage and left her. He left with that girl he cheated with.. he whispered in my ear jokingly.You know our people work hard to get various information, we have people listening for us, we have cameras, drones, no information can escape us, said Jacob proudly. The next thing I found out is that Jake wanted to take revenge on you for the kiss with Richy in the mine as he said "He didn't know he was going to lose you" listen to this recording and everything will be clear to you.
Jacob: Now you're going to tell everything nicely from beginning to end why you hurt MC? the only person I love so much how dare you.
I turned to Jacob shocked"You have feelings for me" I said with my mouth half open.
I couldn't believe my ears what I just heard but when I think about it better I was with him instead of waiting for Jake for a year. The difference between Jacob and Jake is that Jacob fights for what he wants, I never noticed before that he has feelings for me, he showed me countless times, I thought that bouquets, chocolates, and other small gifts were just a sign of attention, respect, but that's not the case. While I was waiting for Jake, something else was better waiting for me, only I was blind that I can see that. Jacob is tall with brown hair, green eyes and dimples on his cheek, he really looks breathtaking. I turned to the table and leaned on it with my hands and played the tape.
Jake: Hahahaha you can love her as much as you want MC only loves one and that's me.
I fast forwarded the tape a bit
"Emma is my biggest mistake in my life, I wanted to take revenge on MC because of that damn bastard who kissed her, jealousy boiled in me." After I found out that Emma was pregnant, then I was totally lost, I didn't know what to do, I wanted to to leave her but... but that was over even before I found out she was pregnant. The thing that hit me the most was that the MC found out about Emma, ​​now she will look at me like the biggest piece of trash..(crying)..end of the tape.
"What are you planning next"? I asked
Jacob: I suggest you set her free.
He grabbed my arm and dragged me into another room.
Jacob: The best solution is to bring them together, take them to her house and let them fight among themselves, it's better for you. Jake will run to you like a puppy, but you will choose what is best for you, and that is a man who will respect you, keep you like a queen out of this criminal world, just you and me. I am not jealous of Jake or Richy, they are just two mistakes in your life, you weren't sure who you loved. You didn't love either of them, you were lonely and you thought you loved both of them, you were confused, think a little.
Jacob's words hit me but I'm not ready to face that situation now, revenge first and then everything else.
I turned around and went home. With loud music in the car, after a long time I felt some relief, of course I got my revenge on Emma, ​​she got beaten up a bit by my friends, I'm a bit naughty by nature hehehe.
When I was approaching my house, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as if someone was stabbing me with a knife. I got out of the car and immediately vomited. I remembered the scene when Jake raped me, so I suspected that I might not be pregnant. On the left side, a little further from my car was a pharmacy, I slowly walked towards the pharmacy because the pain was very tight when I entered the pharmacy, I said in a low voice: "Give me a pregnancy test" the pharmacist just looked at me and said $4.68, I paid and slowly left. I entered the house and the first thing I wanted to do was take a warm bath." The bath really helps to ease the pain, I said to myself with a smile."
With music and wine and headphones in my ears, I enjoyed a bubble bath, after that I put on my pajamas and went to bed.
In the morning at 10:30 I stretched and lay on the bed completely relaxed. I didn't go to work that day because there is someone to replace me, the agency is mine so I can take at least one day off, I turned to my bedside table and saw test. Curiosity was stronger than me, I took a pregnancy test and went to check.
Five minutes later, sitting in the tub and holding the test, I watched two lines appear, I didn't know whether to be happy or cry out loud. I put the test in a small bag and threw it in the bin.
"What should I do now" I asked myself holding both hands over my head, if I have an abortion there is a possibility that I will never be able to have children again, and if I give birth I will be tied to Jake for the rest of my life.
The best thing I can do is give myself a break and think.
I prepared some breakfast and ate, after that I got dressed and went for a walk.
When I entered a large park that was surrounded by a forest, suddenly someone grabbed my hand and put his hand over my mouth. I didn't see who it was at that moment, but when he pushed me against a tree, I saw that it was Jake, whose eyes were red and full of tears.
Jake: MC please forgive me for everything I've done to you, I'm begging you, I regret it a lot..(tears)... I'm sorry for everything, give me at least one chance to be together, you'll see that I'll be much better, I'll never disappoint you. I'll do it whatever you want, if is necessary we will get married.
MC: Do you really think I'm going to fall for that story, the old MC doesn't exist anymore! WE don't exist!
Jake(crying) please please give me a chance I can't live without you(sob).
MC: I never want to see you again.period
Jake: Now I'm free, I'm not being chased by the police anymore, I made an agreement that from now on I work for them, I handle all the documents, he smiled.
MC: Can you hear yourself, what you're saying, first you tell me to be together, then you tell me about some work, I don't care about you, your work or your love life. I don't want anything to do with you.
I continued to walk through the park through tears, there were several people with children enjoying playing. I sat down on a bench and at that moment my phone rang.
"Hello, who is that?" I asked confused
"I will take revenge on you for everything you did to me, damned bitch".
"Emma, ​​it's you hahahahaha, I'd really like to see how you're going to take revenge on me. You don't have the power to take revenge on me. I ended the call and put the phone back in my pocket. Jake was standing behind me and heard my conversation, I just glared at him and turned my back to him, but he approached me and whispered:
"I will solve this problem, you will not intervene this time" at that moment he took out the gun that was standing from behind under my shirt and disappeared.
"Aghhh damn you Jake!!!" I shouted
I wanted this revenge to be mine, to finish with that bitch. I got into the car furiously and called Emma.
"What happened, you are afraid to come."
"We have to find another place. Jake comes to you with a not so nice plan for you. "You will wait for me where I will tell you".
I didn't have enough time to go to Jacob to get the gun, I didn't want to get my hands dirty with blood, but anyway I stayed with the knife in my pocket.
"The knife will do the job but it will be a little bloody" I thought to myself.
Emma was standing in front of the warehouse and was waiting for me, thinking that this would only end with a conversation, but I didn't come to talk, but to kill her.
"You finally appeared, I just don't understand why you saved my life".
I was standing in front of her and in my sleeve was the solution to my problem. I pulled out a knife from my sleeve and stabbed it in Emma's neck without a sense of guilt, without any remorse, maybe I'm a monster but in the criminal world everyone gets punished.
Her body fell in front of me, a pool of blood spilled on the concrete, I turned and left. If you are wondering if the police will arrest her(MC).they won't because all the police officers are in their positions. They know very well who she is and they also know who their boss is, no one can stand up to her. Emma's body will rot somewhere in the ground and never be found. they won't know what happened.
Eight months later…
"Your delivery went well, congratulations, you gave birth to a beautiful girl."
Jake found out from Lilly that I gave birth, but I don't know how he found out that the child was his.
In the corridor, I heard loud footsteps and saw someone carrying a bouquet of flowers.
"Why did you come here? Nobody called you”. I said
Jake: I brought you roses I know you love them I didn't come to ask you to forgive me I heard you are in a relationship with Jacob I just want to make a deal about the baby when I can see her? What will it be called?
I motioned for him to sit next to me.
"How about the name Madison, Elizabeth, Aurora, Chiara, Alice, Alessia"
"All the names are beautiful. "Which one would you choose?" he asked with a smile
"Aurora!!!!" I shouted happily
Jake leaned over and hugged me. He accepted the fact that I was in a relationship with someone else and that if I was happy, he would be too, at least that's what he told me.
At that moment, Jessy and Richy came in. They have been together for seven months and found comfort in each other. Lilly and Dan have been dating for a long time and they are about to get married.
Jacob and I have planned to give each other a chance to see how far this relationship will go, hopefully a good one. Just a little Aurora to grow up and hopefully she will have a brother or sister.
A few weeks later…
Jacob and I got ready to go to the celebration, Lilly told us that Aurora's birth must be celebrated.
"Jacob!!! Are you ready" I shouted happily.
"I'm going dear just five more minutes"
While waiting for Jacob to come down, I dressed Aurora in a white dress and put a white ribbon with a big flower on her hair and white shoes.
While I was dressing her, Jacob came up behind me and hugged me.
When we arrived at Lilly's place, she took Aurora with her and kissed her, then she came up to us and pulled us in. Everyone was there, Hannah and Tomas, Jessy and Richy, Lilly and Dan and only one person who doesn't have a partner, and that's Jake. I felt sorry for him but I couldn't get over his betrayal. But he always tried to be positive. We all laughed and joked. Jake felt guilty that we weren't together, but he accepted the fact that it had to be that way.
Aurora spent every day with her real father. Every day he took her to the park, cuddled her, told her stories and lulled her to sleep. Everything ended well in the end.
When Lilly, Jessy, and Hannah went into labor, they all cheered me on, but the presence of one person meant a lot to me, and that was Jake, so I still decided to give him the opportunity to be together. Every day I spend with him meant like air to me, every day he made me beautiful, even when I couldn't get up at night, he got up to feed Aurora and put her to sleep again. I couldn't even imagine a different life than this.
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saffloure · 2 years
✧chapter five: the relams of death
↳ word count: 6,6K
↳ spoiler warning: up until s4ep3-5
↳ other warnings: angst, death, wound and injury descriptions, violence, assault
↳ mentioned songs/artists: Angie by The Rolling Stones, Billy Idol, The Cure
↳ a/n: it’s high time I finally thanked you all for all of the interactions you’re giving this fic. I’m grateful from the bottom of my heart!
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"Be careful, okay?"
Resounding in her mind, the sentence accompanied Stacy everywhere she had found herself since the visit at Reefer Rick's. Firstly said by Eddie, she kept those words in mind when she and Dustin jeopardized the radio frequency and later while informing the metalhead that the police had already began a search for him when they returned to the shack with groceries.
Then, said by Steve when they decided to split up after meeting up with Nancy Wheeler at the trailer park. The young journalist and Robin set off to the library in search of information about Victor Creel — a man, whose family had been killed a few decades ago and a person, who Eddie's uncle thought to be the true perpetrator.
After Max stated Chrissy was seeing Ms. Kelley — the school’s counselor — she and Dustin opted for investigating on the matter. Despite notorious complaints from Steve, arguing he had grown sick of being a babysitter and a driver, he was claimed to pursue just exactly that. Stacy, on the other hand, was meant to join the girls, until she figured out there was a greater mission awaiting her.
That was why she was now standing on the porch of Debbie Donoghue's house, hands behind her back.
"I think I might be of use," she remembered herself saying to the others. "Maybe Chrissy shared something with the Cheer Team... I can try asking them about it."
It was high time she finally contributed to the case and — if the social status she so frantically tried to keep up could help — she was going to do everything it took not only to bring the closure to herself but also to learn the truth. To protect others, who might get possessed. To bring justice to Eddie.
And she could only do that by gaining knowledge of Vecna's modus operandi. Who, why and when did he attack. With that, she, her brother and friends could stop him. Just like they stopped the Mind Flayer and Demogorgons over the years.
They had to. Simply because they had no other option.
"Oh, Stacy, dear. The girls are upstairs," Debbie's mother whined as she opened the front door, emptying her nose into an already wet handkerchief. "I'm so sorry. Debbie mentioned you and Chrissy had been friends since diapers and... Oh, god. I'm so sorry."
Stacy's jaw trembled the moment she watched the middle-aged woman breaking into an ugly cry. She fought with her own self not to do the same because she knew in order to make things right she needed to keep her composure. As brutal and heartless it sounded, Stacy had her fair share in seeing numerous deaths. Deaths that were soaked with unfairness and absurdity. Deaths that could have been avoided.
This was what she was trying to do. Avoid anyone else getting hurt.
Murmuring soft words of comfort, Stacy headed up the stairs, her destination being the bedroom she had spent countless hours in Middle School.
Debbie's room hadn't changed at all since then. Flowery wallpaper of pastel colors was still the vocal point of the place, fuzzy pink pillows and matching blankets were decorating her bed. Only the pictures on the walls grew in numbers, now displaying the cheerleaders and the trophies they had won on the span of the last few years.
It wasn't uncommon for Debbie's room to become a venting space, a spot where her and the girls could cry about the boys, arguments with their parents, or the grades. Yet that day, seeing sobbing Angie Ferguson was heart-wrenching. Beside her and Debbie they were three other girls in the room — all that Stacy recognized as cheerleaders. One of them was hugging Angie, the other two leaning against the wall with equally sorrowful eyes.
"I've been calling you the whole goddamn day, Stace!" Debbie exclaimed angrily the moment she saw her classmate. With her fists clenched, she approached Stacy, grabbing her by the collar of her denim jacket. "Do you have any idea how fucking terrified I was when my boyfriend called me telling Chrissy's been murdered? Do you have any fucking idea..?"
She spoke in frenzy, her fingers loosening up due to her losing control. Her grip disappeared only when Stacy touched her back, quietly apologizing to her. She had never seen Debbie in that state; she had always came off as untouchable for any outside factors. But a person, who was known for being rude and confident was now on the verge of tears, stripped off of the persona she tended to put on.
"D-did the police talk to you?" Stacy tried to ask firmly, however, her voice cracked at the beginning of her sentence.
"Why the hell would they talk to us? Her killer is on a loose, they better focus on that," Debbie scoffed, her emotions seemingly untamable.
"What if there was something she had told us... something that we deemed unimportant up until this point," Stacy replied in a hushed tone that sounded almost ghoulish.
"You’ve gotta be kidding me, Harrington," Debbie hissed, her face red from fury. Not waiting for any sort of explanation, she blasted out, "We're mourning our friend... our goddamn captain and you're questioning us about her? What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"...Maybe that's the way she's dealing with it all," one of the cheerleaders interfered, defending Stacy. A grave mistake, considering that Debbie's next words was an allegory of a brutal punch the a face.
"There's no way of dealing with this! Jason spoke with the police, and you know what they told him? That her eyes were ripped out and all of her joints were broken. How the fuck you think we're gonna deal with that?!"
Gruesome silence filled the pink bedroom, a clinking sound of Debbie's mom doing dishes being the only thing the girls could hear. It wasn't until Angie Ferguson covered her mouth, rapidly standing up and warning, "I'm gonna be sick."
Debbie scoffed as she watched her friend running towards the toilet on the other side of the hallway, glancing over the rest of the cheerleaders with reprimanding stare.
"I'll go after her," Stacy offered as it was her that stood the closest to the door.
A notion of trepidation captured her mind when she realized it was the second time this week, she found herself in a bathroom with one of her friends. Before she went in, a fearful thought appeared on the brim of her mind. What if Angie was going to be the next victim? Crying, running to the closed off space. So far, the case was looking alarmingly similar.
"Hey... you okay?" Stacy asked as soon as she entered the toilet.
With arms wrapped around her own body, Angie leaned against the wall, looking up at her friend's face with big, watery eyes.
"I lied," she confessed, making sure the door was locked. "I'm not feeling unwell... it's just..."
Her hands gestured vividly as though she was looking for the right words to use. With the tears dripping down her cheeks, she glanced at Stacy, visibly searching her to help her.
"...she told you something, didn't she?" the wavy-haired girl spoke, placing her hand on Angie's shoulder.
"A week ago. She said she had this bad dream of her mom being mean to her... You know how she is... very mean sometimes," she mumbled, her voice, as well as her mannerisms, becoming childlike. "I thought it was just this one time and she'll get better after the weekend but..."
"...the dreams continued?"
"Mhm... and they got worse... so much worse," Angie cried, hiding her face behind her hands. "She... she didn't tell me exactly what were they about, but I remember her face during English when she said that... they couldn't seem to stop."
The terror in her eyes, the tears staining her cheeks, her sweet tone calloused by her cries... It all caused Stacy to grab Angie’s hand, holding it tightly.
"Remember when Chrissy played that Rolling Stones song when you were told to keep wearing your braces? Summer before your freshman year? Angie, Angie, I hate the sadness in your eyes," she sang softly, her steady tone sounding incredibly soothing. It didn't matter she had botched the lyrics.
"Yeah," Angie let out a singular giggle through the streams of tears. "I thought everyone would laugh at me but she said that it only matter how I saw myself... and that if I liked myself everyone would like me back."
"Exactly. That's how you need to remember her. As the sweetest, most caring girl in Hawkins," Stacy whispered, a tear escaping her eye. "I'm gonna find out, who did this to her. And I swear on everything in this world, Chrissy'll be avenged."
"I don't understand..." Angie murmured quietly, her grip tightening one last time before she let go of her hand.
"I'll explain you everything in detail someday but for now... just please tell the girls I had to go," Stacy responded, sending her a faded smile.
"Stacy!" Angie called after her after she had already turned on her heel. "Ms. Kelley asked Chrissy to keep a diary. I saw her throwing it into her locker before the game yesterday. I-I think it still might be there."
Unexplainably grateful, Stacy ran towards her friend, hugging her one last time before she speeded off towards the direction of her car. The sky flushed in soft pink, tangerine orange and fiery auburn as she made her way to the Hawkins High, ready to take action. Her thoughts rushed, sorting the collected information. Briefly but comprehensively, Angie's confession pointed her towards the direction of pondering a few, fairly concrete theories that only awaited to be confirmed or negated by her friends.
Grabbing the walkie-talkie with the intention to check at what point of their investigations where they, she pressed the black button on the side of the device, saying, "It's Stacy. Anyone there?"
"Dusty? Robin? My idiot brother?"
"How about me?" a familiar voice asked from the other side of the shortwave diathermy, making Stacy immediately smile.
"You'll do," she replied, knowing her grin could be very well audible. "How are you? Hope you haven't smoked all of my cigarettes."
Eddie chuckled, admitting, "In times of desperation even a man with the most exquisite taste can find himself smoking menthol Newport's."
"So how is he?"
"The man with taste you're talking about. Last time I've checked you were lacking common sense, so I figured you must be talking about someone else," she replied, a wide grin on her face.
"Very funny, buttercup. Kick me when I'm down."
Another person getting on the frequency made it unable for Stacy to answer. Her face covered in red when she heard,"Okay, lovebirds, date's over. Mommy's home,"
"Oh, hi, Harrington!" Eddie replied, although it could be sensed by his vary tone he suddenly became nervous.
"Steve, you all good? I've talked to Angie and I'm on my way to search Chrissy's locker," Stacy informed her brother before he had a chance to put in another embarrassing remark.
"We'll meet you at school then. Max came up with an idea to break in the counselor's office," he stated as if it was the most natural thing to do. "By the way. Why's Munson calling you pet names?"
There it was. The demeaning comment she was expecting.
"Who's Munson? Don't know that dude," Eddie replied, casually playing off Steve's question.
"I'll meet you guys at school," Stacy said before turning off the walkie-talkie.
As promised, in another few minutes she arrived at the parking lot, opening the trunk of her car. A victorious expression came over her when she found the tool box, laying in between all the junk she had been driving with just in case. Another disturbing habit she developed after the events that took place on the span of past two years.
"Gotcha," she exclaimed after grabbing a wrench.
Jumping through the opened window of the girls' changing room, she followed the dark path of the hallway. Hawkins High always seemed quite eerie after hours; almost like something sinister had been hiding in its shadows all along, waiting to hunt its pray.
A chill came right down Stacy's spine when she located the locker. An utterly gruesome sensation tightened her stomach as she realized she was about to break in her dead childhood friend personal space.
"Focus, Stace," she whispered to herself, taking the first swing at the metal doors.
Concentrated on destroying the lock, she clenched her jaw, putting all of her strength into every single hit. The moment it loosened, she undermine it from the side, almost collapsing when she managed to get the locker opened. Rummaging through its contents, she couldn't help but notice the photos, plastered to the side. One of them displayed her and Jason in an embrace after one of the last year's game. The second and the third showed the Cheer Team, but the second... was the exact same photo that was framed on Stacy's gallery wall — a picture of them, aged five and six, in matching Halloween ballerina costumes.
She had no idea how much tears she had cried out for the past day. She had no idea where would they stop appearing. If they would ever stop.
Her body shivered when she took the yellow diary in her hands, opening it on the page one. Making a mental note to thank her primary school teacher for sending her to the speed-reading competition, she skimmed through the sentences as fast as she could. If she didn't, she knew she would broke into tears again.
Monsters that look like my parents... a clock… my mom telling me I put on weight... a low voice calling my name... a silhouette...
"Fuck," Stacy mumbled, not realizing she was holding her breath during the whole time she was reading Chrissy's confessions.
What acted as a further reminiscence was her brother's muffled screams, followed by Dustin's panic. Without thinking she ran towards the direction from where the voices were coming and just as she feared, it was Ms. Kelley's office.
"Max! Maxine!" Steve called, hysterically tapping her shoulder.
Fortunately, the redhead opened her eyes, gasping loudly the moment she was brought back to reality.
"What happened?!" Dustin shouted, taking a look at her scared face.
"I... you need to come with me," she whispered, heading out to the corridor and showing them the place in which she saw a grandfather's clock.
Soon after, Robin and Nancy stormed into the hallway, listening into the story of the nightmare the girl just had. A trance. Just like Chrissy. Just like Fred. They found their way back to the counselor's room, taking places beside the desk. Explaining what they all learned, they let the Max conclude the investigations. It being the fact she had less than twenty-four hours before Vecna attacked.
A clank interrupted their consultation. One that caused everyone to feel disturbingly frightened. Without unnecessary words Steve approached the door, grabbing the standing lamp as his weapon of choice. Not being able to let him alone, Stacy hid Chrissy's diary beside her belt, following her brother.
With a stare that said, "sit on your ass and don't move," Steve wanted to scold his sister, yet, he received a shrug in response as she raised her hand that held a wrench in it. Carefully coming out to the hallway, the rest followed the Harrington siblings, who instead of bravery, basked in their own hot-headedness.
"It's me!" Terrified voice of Lucas Sinclair yelled as Steve almost hit him with the lamp he had just held to ransom.
Panting, sounding absolutely petrified, the basketball player tried to explaining to Dustin what had happened. The moment Stacy heard the name Jason being mentioned, she froze, the wrench she was holding hitting the floor.
They were trying to hunt Eddie down.
All she could think of while driving to the Wheeler's house was his safety. Her hands were so cold she couldn't even feel the sweat that appeared on her skin. Revising what they'd learnt, what they planned on next, the group spent half of the night scheming their next steps. Especially what they could do in Max's case. Majority of them realized how grave the danger were when they found out about the visions the cursed people were having. Painful memories used against them, nights that were either sleepless or filled with nightmares...
Seated in between her brother and Dustin, Stacy couldn't focus on anything else than her own fear. Fear, that something could happen to her loved ones. It wasn't the first time she found herself brainstorming in the Wheeler's basement, yet somehow it felt colossally different. Drastically intense.
Clasping her hands, Stacy knew she needed to get out of the room, even for a tiniest while. It was suffocating her.
"Where are you going?" Steve asked before Stacy had the chance to fully stand up.
"Kitchen," she answered swiftly, however, her voice was far from being present.
"Oh, could you bring me some water?" Dustin asked, placing his hands on his knees.
"Really, dude? Really?" Steve rolled his eyes, pointing at his sister as though tell his younger friend it was best to leave her alone.
"What? You want me to die of dehydration? What kind of person are you?" Henderson argued, not picking up on the cue.
With a tiny smile, Stacy reassured him she would bring him something to drink. Before that, however, she made her way outside, sitting on the Wheeler's back porch, her head hanging low in her lap. Tauntingly afraid of what awaited her and her friends, Stacy needed some time to calm her uneasy breathing. Nevertheless, her thoughts always traveled to only one person in the end — Eddie Munson.
She could've only imagine how lonely and scared he must've been feeling, sitting all by himself in the boathouse, guilt dripping off of him. She could've only guess how the horrid images haunted his mind, drilling a wide hole through his soul, leaving scars he could never recover from.
Never wanting anyone else to experience what she and her friends went through, she wished she could take his memories away, erase them, never let them be perpetuated. It made her realize she cared about him. More than she had ever thought she would.
"Hi," soft voice belonging to Nancy Wheeler interrupted her invasive wonderings. "We haven't talked in a while."
"Yeah..." Stacy smirked. Exactly since the Starcount Mall battle happened. It so happened the paths of the two girls had not crossed, partially because Nancy busy with collage application, working at a local newspaper and Stacy buried herself under piles of books and social gatherings.
"How are you?"
Stacy rolled her eyes, shaking her head, "You don't have to do this, Nance. I appreciate it but I'm not a fan of small talks... Just cut to the case."
Nancy chuckled timidly, sitting right beside the sister of her ex-boyfriend, "I honestly wanted to ask you how are you doing."
"Spectacularly splendid," she rolled off her tongue, sending her companion a resigned smirk. "My friend is dead, my other friend's suspected of killing her, this sci-fi shit's back... a casual day for me."
"You talk just like Steve," the curly-haired girl smiled, biting her lip. "Downplaying how you're feeling to make a joke... I used to think that's adorable but I realized sometimes acting tough is worse than allowing yourself to be vulnerable," she explained, glancing directly at Stacy.
"Siblings thing," the younger girl shrugged, toying with the rock she picked up. "You and Mike have that, too, you know? This all being tough shit. I close my eyes one moment, then next thing I know you’re taking out monsters with that gun of yours. And Mike's fighting alongside his supernatural girlfriend... truly something else. But still you never ask for help. Even if you need it," she stated, staring at her challengingly.
"Why do I get a feeling you're hostile towards me?" Nancy asked, although her caring expression didn't vanish even for a while. Just as her question was spoken out of pure curiosity.
"Well, you did break my brother's heart..." Stacy answered with an overly-dramatic expression, breaking into a smile. "I'm kidding. I held no reservations for you, Miss Wheeler. I'm just super tired," she yawned as though she tried to make a point of her theatrical curtesy.
"...and super worried," Nancy added, meeting with Stacy's furrowed brow. "It shows. That's why I came up here... because I know you saw Chrissy in the same state as I saw Fred," she explained, her mannerism beginning to lack her usual confidence.
Noticing that, Stacy, ever so slightly, touched the nose of her shoe, saying, "That's why we won't let it happen to anyone else."
"Why does everyone keep taking my place of being the most caring brother in the world?" Steve complained the moment he entered the patio, leaning on the doorframe.
"See?" Nancy chuckled, referring to the conversation they just had.
In between the half-forced laugh, Stacy observed the abruptly odd and quite a specific stare her brother watched Nancy with. Driven by both emotional exhaustion and the idea of her brother finding happiness, she stood up, optimizing the best possible plan.
"I promised Dustin to bring him some water but... I think you should talk with Nance about it. Maybe she'll give you some advice on how to be a better older sibling," Stacy claimed, patting her brother's back as she passed him by.
She felt his burning eyes on her back when she made her way towards the kitchen, almost as he was internally screaming "Really?!". Pouring the water into a glass, she jumped in the air the moment she felt a hand being placed on her back.
"Sorry for spooking you," Robin Buckley apologized, leaning over the counter and pointing at the opened back door, "Just look at them... feels like love problems are a reoccurring theme in our little bunch."
"Can't help it. He looks at her with those puppy eyes and I just had to fulfill my wingman duty," Stacy laughed, observing her brother gesturing nervously thorough his talk with Nancy.
"He's not the only one, who can't deal with his feeling," Robin sang, ducking her lips as she fidgeted with the ring she was wearing. "How's Eddie?"
Stacy scoffed with a theatrically offended face, "Oh, come on, Robin. Now's not the time."
"Listen, Stacy. Whether it's romantic or not you're worried about him a-and I don't blame you! I mean, kinda I do, he's like, super-weird sometimes, and I've never seen you interested in someone other than Matthew Broderick from WarGames, although I think this movie fundamentally sucks..."
"Robin," Stacy chuckled at her rambling, shaking her head. "I get your point. And if it'll let you sleep tonight — of course I'm worried about Eddie. It's just..." she stopped herself, grabbing the glass she was holding with both of her hands.
"I know you are. You don't just punch a jock for a random person," Robin cheered quietly, but realizing she interrupted Stacy, she whispered "Sorry."
"I'm scared of leaving you all, even for a short while," Stacy admitted, looking down at her hands. "And now that Max is..."
"Hey, hey, hey, hey... Stace," Robin panicked, placing her hands on her friend's arms to stop her obtrusive thoughts. "Me and Nancy are going to the facility where they keep that Creel guy. We'll find out how he survived and hopefully we can apply that to Max, who'll be staying with Steve and the kids... And someone needs to check on our runaway, so..."
"I don't think Steve will be fine with it," Stacy chuckled, keeping in mind how he complained about being the babysitter for today. One more day and he would surely needed a break.
"He asked me to tell you this," Robin blabbered out. "We were talking about the conversation you and Eddie had over the radio and..."
"Geez, it was really nothing..."
"It was sweet, Stacy!" she argued, throwing her hands in the air. "So sweet, in fact, that dingus needed a pep talk to get out of that basement and talk to you!"
"So you say I sabotaged his plan?" Stacy raised up one of her eyebrows.
"Totally... Jesus, look at him!" Robin exclaimed, pointing at Steve, who was now describing something to Nancy, using his hands a bit excessively to illustrate it. "Like a child in the fog!"
Stacy smirked, biting her thumb as she repeated her words from before, "Siblings things."
Not long after the interaction with Robin, Stacy returned to the basement, getting scolded by Dustin for her taking thirty minutes to bring him a plain glass of water. As an apology, she suggested she could be the one, who went on a Max watch first. Re-reading Chrissy's diary as the boys fell asleep, Stacy tried finding any further connection, a link, anything that could possibly extract Vecna's scheme. Later, when Robin, Steve and Nancy came down, they brainstormed to the extend. Stacy exhaustingly laid down on one of the couches, immediately falling asleep.
The next day brought no peace to the crew, as they splinted up once again. Therefore, Stacy was now leaving her car on the driver of Reefer Rick's house, making her way towards the little shack.
Carefully, not to frighten Eddie, she opened the door, saying, "It's me. It's Stacy."
"I know," a bland voice reached her ears. Turning her head to the left, she noticed Eddie, sitting on the floor, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. "Your car keys make that funky sound when you walk," he explained imitating with his hand the way the metal swung.
Stacy smiled, approaching him slowly, "You all good here?"
"As good as a wanted man can be," he answered, winking at her to ease her mind. From the look on her face he knew she was troubled.
"C'mon, you know what I meant," Stacy chuckled. Kneeling down, she placed her hands over his knees, continuing, "Do you need any food? Music? Clothes?"
As she listed out, Eddie raised his deep brown eyes, shaking his head, "For now just you staying a bit longer."
"Can do that," the girl smirked, shifting herself to sit beside him.
Raising one of his arm, he wrapped one side of the blanket over Stacy which resulted in her leaning closer as her chin found its way to rest on his shoulder. The silence surrounded them, although it was unlike any previous. It was comforting, almost vocalizing their gladness of seeing each other, safe. Even if it was only from the surface level.
"Y'know," Eddie started, a smirk entering his tired face. "You should've told me you fought with outer dimensional monsters and shit. That would've explained why Miss Hawkins' such a badass," he chuckled, noticing her batting her eyes at him.
"Yeah, and you'd believe me?"
Eddie adjusted his position, making a dramatic expression, "You undermine the mental capacity of your local Dungeon Master? Shame on you, darling."
The way the last word rolled out his mouth resulted in a subconscious smile, spread widely across Stacy's face. He had never called her that before.
"All I'm saying is that those things are gravely fucked up," she proclaimed, reaching out for the Walkman she lend him that was now placed in his lap. Biting her lip, she changed the subject, asking, "Mixtape review?"
"To little thrash metal, too much punk and new wave," he shrugged, failing to keep up a serious expression.
"There's literally one Billy Idol song... and maybe a few the Cure things but it's not too much," she disagreed, crossing her arms.
Eddie smirked, suddenly feeling nostalgic. This little bicker brought him the ideal amount of sentimental peace he needed at that moment.
"I missed you," he admitted quietly, as if he was unsure whether saying this out loud would be a rightful choice.
"I missed you, too," Stacy whispered. He failed to notice, but the stare with which she cherished his features was soaked with excessive share of care and affection. "So much, in fact, even my socially awkward brother noticed," she confessed as her right hand traveled to close him in a hug.
"You say so?" Eddie asked, although he wasn't sure it was him, who was speaking. He could've sworn his cheeks were the color of a ripe tomato in the middle of the summer.
"Mhm," Stacy murmured, her head now plastered to his chest. "I missed our talks, I missed you rambling about DnD and I missed you ripping on your guitar..."
"Hey!" he called in dramatic indignation.
"I meant that as a compliment," she argued, her eyes squinted as she looked up at him.
"Just admit you're bullying me," he joked, his arms now around her waist.
"Never ever in a million years would I do that," Stacy pouted childishly. "You're my favorite metalhead. It'd be a crime to bully you."
"I can't take so much flattery, darling," Eddie chuckled, playfully flicking her nose.
"Then don't call me darling because apparently I can't take that," she replied in the same manner, being pulled closer by him.
"Well, on the other hand..." he wondered, his eyes high above her reach.
"You are something else, Munson," Stacy shook her head, standing up.
She didn't want to if she had to be frank. It was something that was inevitable when regarding their current state. She knew if it went on like that, she would've felt the emerging urge to do something that could only disturb the state of things. After all, she needed to put all of her focus on thinking how to stop Vecna. Anything else could only clutter her mind — therefore allowing her emotions to take over was the worst decision possible.
Contradictory, Eddie felt his heart sinking deep down in his chest as he watched her breaking their embrace and beginning to pick up the empty boxes of cereals he had threw on the ground. He wished he could hold her a little while longer. He wished they could stay exactly like that, without any care in the world. There didn't even needed to be any physical touch involved; they could just sit next to each other. Just the two of them.
"When all this is over you have to teach me how to play DnD," Stacy offered in the midst of her cleaning. "I think I could be a pretty cool goblin princess."
How couldn't he fall for her? She was everything he could've possibly wanted.
"Whatever’s your wish, goblin princess," he murmured, unable to stop his lips from curling into a wide smile.
Stacy needed to return back to the Wheeler's house as the sun began to disappear on the horizon. Especially after Steve had informed her over the walkie-talkie that Max had been miraculously saved from Vecna. Music was what was her remedy. Scared beyond the realms of death, Stacy and the others found themselves back in the basement, trying to come up with a plan that this time could have a higher proximity of working out. Exactly that was the major factor in the team falling asleep almost as they stood. The exhaustion overtook them, making Nancy the only person, who woke up early the day next.
It was Eddie's voice blasting through walkie-talkie that caused Stacy to get up. As the journalist complained all of them are busy, the other girl volunteered to pick up food (and beer) the runaway asked for. Vanishing around the noon, Stacy found herself half of an hour later in the grocery store. Denim jacked wrapped around her waist, her hair in a ponytail to hide the grease that formed on them due to not washing them for three days, Stacy walked into one of the aisles, grabbing canned soups into her basket.
"Look who it is!"
She could've recognized this venomous tone even through the walls of deep sleep.
"Debbie… hi," Stacy greeted the girl, taking a proper look at her just now.
Black dress, hair parted, properly brushed. Behind her two cheerleaders, whose faces were red from crying.
Fuck, she scolded herself in her thoughts.
"You are the fakest bitch I've ever met, Harrington. A fucking snake," Debbie Donoghue hissed, taking three confident steps forward.
"Look, I'm terribly sorry I..."
"...didn't show up on Chrissy's funeral? And what else? You'd try explaining yourself? Oh, Debbie, I'm sorry, I was shagging her murdered and I completely forgot!" Debbie mocked her, agitation dripping from her words.
"Oh, shut up! You knew damn well she was found in his trailer and you didn't tell us!"
"He didn't do it," Stacy breathed out, not realizing she began to tremble.
"He didn't— Are you fucking insane, Stacy?! With all of the evidence you're telling me he didn't killed Chrissy?!" Debbie spitted out, getting dangerously close to the other girl. "It's a relief Jason found out where he's hiding... and you know what? He's going to do the same to that freak to what he did to Chrissy..."
She sounded malicious. Sinister. Meaning every single word she spat out, Debbie dig her long nails into Stacy's shoulder.
The girl felt no pain, whatsoever. All she could focus on were the cheerleader's threats and promises, leading her thoughts to spiral. Jason found out where Eddie was hiding...
"Debbie, there's a myriad things you have no idea of..."
Stacy was never let to finish as her head abruptly turned to the side. It took a few seconds for her to realize it was due to Debbie's swift stroke, aimed directly at her nose. Before she could deflect another punch, she bounced off of one of the shelves. Her nostrils began to feel full, burning with a scorching liquid that leaked out of her nose the second she got back up on her feet. In amok, Stacy heard one of the cheerleader's telling Debbie to stop, and the other grabbing her hand. Inaudible shriek of complains left her mouth as she was not finished with letting her anger out on the now bleeding girl.
Taking the moment of tantrum to her advantage, Stacy rapidly collected herself, abandoning her shopping cart.
"You and your sick boyfriend deserve to burn in hell! You hear me, Stacy?! You deserve to fucking burn!"
Debbie's yells did not stop Stacy from running outside and starting her car. He threats were meaningless in comparison to what was bound to happen. Her head spun due to the injuries she endured which made it unable for her to drive in a straight line. Yet, she couldn't focus on anything else than to driving back to Eddie's hideout. Getting there before Jason and the jocks became her priority; so much so she couldn't hear the walkie-talkie constantly going on and off.
It had already gone dark when she ran off her red Chevrolet, making it unable for her to see a tree trunk pointing out of the front yard. Tripping down, she could've felt her jeans ripping open around her left knee and her hands being scratched due to her fall. But she didn't care. The voices inside Reefer Rick's house made it clear she needed to hurry. Running into the house, she scanned through every room, noticing the back door being open. Her heart palpitated so loudly it was almost audible. Like a bell in a destined tower, it was the only thing she could hear besides her rushing blood.
"Carver!" Stacy screamed the moment she noticed the teenager's silhouette in the midst of the darkened backyard. "Carver, stop!"
"My, my, isn't that Stacy Harrington?!" Jason yelled from afar, nodding to his friend to keep going.
"Carver, you don't understand! You all don't understand!" She was terrified. Tormented by the possibility of the jocks getting to Eddie, she ran out of the house in hopes of, at least, buying more time for Eddie to escape.
"It's always you getting tangled up with the things you shouldn't be a part of, huh?!" the jock called, laughing in her face.
Shaking their heads, Jason and his friend Patrick didn't wait any longer before they headed out to the boathouse.
Frantically calling their names, Stacy wanted to run towards them, to stop her. However, before her feet had the chance to lift off the ground, she felt her hand being pulled into a tight, brutal grip.
"Debbie did a good one on you," another mocking tone growled. This time, it was Donoghue's boyfriend judging Stacy's facial injuries.
"Let me go, you bastard!" she screamed, corrupted by hysteria that overtook her entirely.
"Hey, freak! Where do you think you're going?!" the muffled call of Jason caused her to wanting to wiggle out of Debbie's boyfriend's hold even harder.
"I said, let me go!" she yelled, however, her attempts brought no success.
However, giving up was not an option. It wasn't even a possibility. She knew in order to stop Eddie from getting hurt, she needed to gather all of her strength.
And so she did.
When the jock grasping her called her names that were meant to humiliate her, she took a deep breath and with all of her brawn, she head-butted his face.
"You bitch!" he called, grabbing his bleeding nose as he backed down.
"Tell Debbie it was eye for an eye," Stacy hissed, running down to the bay of the Lover's Lake.
The sight she encountered, however, was worse than her most disturbing nightmares. Patrick's body was high up in the air when Jason and Eddie screamed in unison trying to keep themselves on the water surface. The boat was turned on its back, making it unable for them to even try to rescue themselves.
But then, it took even more of a devilish turn.
Patrick's bones snapped so noisily it was ear-piercing. His jaw dislocated, his limbs deformed, the boy suddenly fell down, sinking in the cold water.
Jason's scream was thundering; pure terror was covered by rowdy rasp as his throat gave him a sign it couldn't let out any louder noise. A moment after that, he disappeared, diving in search of Patrick's body.
Although they were so drastically far away, Stacy could've tell Eddie was in shock so taunting it took him some time to even comprehend what was happening. She wants to scream, to tell him to run, to escape, however, no words were coming out of her mouth.
She fell down on her knees, feeling her vital forces leaving her psyche. Not being aware of Debbie boyfriend's presence, she let out a reverberant sob.
"We have to call the ambulance," the teenager whispered, sounding awfully horror-stricken. "Do you hear me, Stacy? We need to call for help!"
However, in a state of a hazy mind, the girl stood back up, taming her tears and unsteady breath. Appearing deadly disconnected from what had just happened, she stared blankly at Eddie, who was making his escape.
"I told you, you don't understand..." she murmured. "You don't..."
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