#like they can feel the joy an creativity flow from the cups in the force amd it just makes tea time just so much better
captain-mozzarella · 24 days
I headcanon that all of Yoda's finest teacups were made by younglings
In fact most masters of the order's finest teacups were made during crèche crafting time when the kids were learning pottery.
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andreacoxx · 6 days
Mindful Living: Cultivating Spiritual Awareness in Everyday Life.
Ever feel like life's a treadmill of deadlines, dishes, and "adulting" that leaves you feeling disconnected? Yeah, us, too. But what if we tell you there's a way to weave a sense of peace and purpose into the everyday? Enter the magic of cultivating spiritual awareness.
Now, hold on a second. We're not talking incense-burning retreats (although those can be amazing, too!). Spiritual awareness is about tuning into your inner compass. It's about recognizing the spark of something bigger within you and infusing your daily life with practices that nurture your spirit. Here's the beauty: you don't need a special place or expensive gear, just an open mind and a willingness to explore.
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How do we get started? 
Let's break it down:
Start Small: Don't overwhelm yourself with a meditation marathon. Begin with micro-practices. Take a mindful bite of your breakfast, savoring the taste and texture. Focus on your breath during a commute. These tiny moments of awareness create a ripple effect throughout your day.
Nature's Embrace: Step outside! Nature is a potent grounding force. Take a barefoot walk in the grass, feeling the earth beneath your feet. Listen to the birds. Simply by being present in the natural world, you connect with something larger than yourself.
Move Your Body: Exercise isn't just about physical fitness. Yoga, tai chi, or even mindful dancing can connect your body and spirit. Focus on your movements, feeling the energy flow through you.
The Power of Gratitude: Take a moment each day to appreciate the good stuff, big or small. A steaming cup of coffee, a kind word from a stranger, the warmth of the sun – these things matter! Gratitude practice shifts your perspective and opens your heart to joy.
Creative Sparks: Let your creativity flow! Whether it's painting, writing, or singing in the shower (we've all done it!), allow your inner world to express itself. Creativity is a form of spiritual exploration.
Connecting with Others: Humans are social creatures! Spend time with loved ones who inspire you. Volunteer in your community. These connections remind us we're part of something bigger than ourselves.
Spiritual awareness is a journey.
There will be bumps along the road, days when mindfulness feels elusive. That's okay! Just keep coming back to your practices, and over time, you'll cultivate a sense of peace and purpose that permeates everything you do.
Here's what makes it a journey:
Evolving Landscape: As you travel on your path, your understanding of spirituality deepens. What resonates with you today might shift as you learn and experience new things. The journey is about embracing this change and remaining open to new perspectives.
Unveiling Layers: Spiritual awareness is a peeling back of layers. With each layer revealed you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. It's a process of uncovering the spark of something greater within you.
Obstacles and Growth: The path won't always be smooth. There will be times of doubt, frustration, and feeling lost. But these challenges are opportunities for growth. They force you to dig deeper, question your assumptions, and emerge stronger.
Continuous Practice: Spiritual awareness isn't a one-time achievement. It requires consistent effort, like any worthwhile pursuit. Daily practices like meditation, spending time in nature, or acts of kindness become the fuel for your journey.
The key is to find what feels right for YOU.
If you are searching for spiritual healing places near me, remember that the most significant one lies within yourself. By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you will foster a profound spiritual awareness, leading to inner peace, fulfillment, and a stronger bond with the world around you.
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cozycottagetarot · 3 years
Pick A Pile: How Can You Take Better Care of Yourself?
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I did this reading a bit different from my others. It’s mainly based on impressions as I’m only using the images and any text on the cards at face value along with whatever else comes to me. So feedback would be appreciated. Another thing is the piles all have intertwining messages so if you feel drawn to two piles, then by all means I encourage you to check them both out.
Paid Readings (I’ll be updating them again)
Disclaimer: All readings and tarot/blog games are for fun and entertainment purposes only. It is in no way meant to act as or replace professional advice of any kind. You know yourself and what’s going on in your life best so I asks that you trust yourself above all else. Finally please take only what resonates from the reading which may be some of it, all of it, or none at all.
Tarot Cards: 7 of Cups, 8 of Wands, The Sun
Pile 1, the way you can take better care of yourself is by making a decision. With the 7 of Cups I see that you have all these opportunities being presented in front of you but you have no idea which one to go with. I get the impression from the cards that from postponing making a decision or choice, you’re starting to feel the brightness in other areas of your life dim. With the 8 of Wands and The Sun following however, I feel like once you make a decision, results and positive things will happen quickly, bringing you happiness. The Sun has a faint face depicted in it, so I feel like you don’t have to worry too much about unintended consequences. I see this as a sign you are being protected from unintended or unpleasant consequences as a result of your decision. Also, connecting with your inner child may be a way to help you make this decision.
The next cards that came out are: Protection (Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul retrieval.) Soul Family (Call in your tribe. You don’t have to do it alone.) Anna, Grandmother of Jesus (Seeding the light, laying foundations. Divine plan.) The Ever-Unfolding Rose (Cracked open. It’s happening for you, not to you.)
With these cards I think some of you could be going through a 'dark night of the soul' (read: a very difficult time in your life). You may be feeling like somewhere along the line you’ve lost yourself or your direction as to where you’re heading next in life or what it is you truly desire (any Lucifer fans here because I hear Tom Ellis’s voice in my head haha). You may be asking yourself questions such as 'Why is this the way life is happening? Why me? Who am I even?' But even though it might seem unfair or lacking sense right now, keep in mind that whatever is going on is helping you in some format. Situations within reason of course, using your discernment here is best. It’s truly all about how you tell your story. Another thing is you don’t have to make these decisions on your own. Turn to your family and your friends for help/advice. If necessary, maybe you can seek professional help. If either or those things isn't really an option, you could always try taking some time to nurture yourself and journey inside to help you remember or figure out what’s important to you. When you make that effort to find/listen to yourself outside of the noise of everything else, I think that’s when you’ll find the information necessary to help make your decision.
Remaining Cards: The Hourglass Dolphin (46) — your achievement is only a matter of time. The Three Rhine Maidens (15) — love is a virtue that endure eternally.
The Hourglass Dolphin is all about finding balance between two aspects of your life, typically work and play. Dividing your time and remembering to put EXTRA care into taking care of your basic needs is another thing that’s going to help you find success. I feel like you are in a transitory phase and it really is only a matter of time before whatever darkness that may be clouding your life right now disappears.
The Three Rhine Mermaids talks about a phase in your life coming full circle, and once that happens your hearts desires are going to start materialising in your physical/the 3D.
The North Witch (23) — This card just kind of confirms or reiterates that with patience this dark phase is going to fade.
The Toad Witch (7) —This card talks about gaining wisdom from adversity. Also a secret admirer as well. There were messages of love laced through out the cards but they weren’t clear until now. Similarly, I think this will reflect in your life that after you’ve found stability once things have cleared up, you will find love as well.. or better yet, love will find you. Do keep in mind it might not be super quick… maybe Spring or Summer (depending on when you're reading this).
Self Care Activities Ideas (Homemade deck): Look good; feel good (put effort into looking the way you want), Believe In Yourself, Have a fruit (incorporate more fruits into your diet).
Hello Pile 2. The way for you to take better care of yourself right now is through doing what makes you happy.
Tarot Cards: Ace of Swords, The Sun, The Devil
I actually pulled the Ace of Swords last. Also before I started focusing on your pile while shuffling, the Four of Swords reversed came out.
Thinking of these two cards together, I think you need to pull back and ask yourself if what you’re doing is really the best thing for you. I feel like you guys could be in a really good place right now— at least at face value. The cards have darker backgrounds, except The Sun. I feel like whatever you are doing isn’t really sparking joy inside. Maybe it’s familial or peer pressure related? The life path you’re on right now seems ideal and fulfilling to everyone else, but somehow I feel like deep down inside it doesn’t feel that way. You may feel chained or held back as shown by The Devil. Looking at The Sun and The Devil, they came out together side by side. I feel like this is more family related meaning parents, parental figures or mentors. They may be trying to look out for you by telling you to study a certain topic or take a certain job because it’s safe, when what you truly want to do may be a little bit more risky. So even though you’re playing it safe right now and have things to celebrate, you may not be able to shake the that unsatisfied feeling inside.
The next cards that came out are: Warrior Woman (Have you answered your deepest calling?) Play (Have fun. Celebrate. Don’t be so serious.) Break The Chain (Ancestral patterns. Healing. Rewriting the future.) Transformation (Things are changing at a cellular level. Deep healing.)
All the figures in these cards look like they’re in their power. It makes me think you may be ignoring or avoiding stepping into the energy of your higher self. I kind of had the though fear of backlash pop into my head, and while it is a valid fear, I don’t feel like it’s something you have to worry about a lot. I feel like you need to schedule more time for yourself in general as well. You can’t ‘fight’ for other people all the time, you also have to ‘fight’ for you.
I’m just noticing something about the placement of the cards. Warrior Woman has a sword and is placed right next the the Ace of Swords. Break The Chain is right next to The Devil, and the sun is shining in Transformation and Play, in the same position as the one in The Sun… As I was saying, I feel like you need to just take a moment to connect with yourself. Ask yourself what is it you truly want and begin rewriting your future*.
*This is the part where I let it be known I need people to practice life coaching with so if you’re interested you can message me. 18 years and up only though.
Remaining Cards: The Siren (14) — In the treasure of a day, light is thrown on what could be tomorrow. The Stripped Dolphin (30) Good news, flowing through the ether waves will answer your prayers.
The Siren Is mostly about observation and not forcing connections. The Stripped Dolphin is about good things happening for you, especially by surprise. It’s also about new beginnings in any area of your life. However there’s also a message about not getting caught up in many opportunities, so if you were drawn to pile 1 as well, I see this as a sign to check out the pile as well.
The Silver Moon Witch (2) has a message of being able to see progress by the next full or new moon. However this card advises you to choose carefully when it’s the right time to go with the flow versus ‘swimming’ against the tide. Relating to above, journey inside yourself to figure out if you are taking the right course if action by choosing to stick with the path you’re on versus yelling plot twist and doing something different.
The Full Moon Witch (18) has two sides to it. On one hand you can expect ‘heartfelt’ plans coming to fruition, but on the other hand emotions may be running high and words that aren’t meant may be said. This another one of the moon phases cards, so you may find during the full moon you may have disagreements with your loved ones but once it starts to wane, disagreements may also reach a resolution. I think this relates to the The Silver Moon Witch card as well, so maybe before or during a full moon may not be the best time to bring up anything that may cause a disagreement?
Self Care Activities Ideas (Homemade deck): Journal, Get Creative, Listen To Music (there may be messages in songs for you)
Pile 3, you guys have been giving me hell from the moment I sat down to pull cards for your reading. From focusing and interpreting to editing. Everything was a mess and I’m assuming you a significant part of your life maybe as well? Or your headspace at least.
Aside from my struggles with your reading, based on the cards, I see you need to focus on yourself.
Tarot Cards: The Chariot, The High Priestess, Queen of Wands reversed.
Starting with your Tarot in no particular order, you have The Chariot, The High Priestess and Queen of Wands reversed. The Queen of Wands is my ideal (you) card. When it’s reversed, I see it as a sign [you] are not embodying the energy of your highest self and/or something in your life is out of balance. Both The Chariot and The High Priestess have black and white polarities, so I see it more as you needing to put yourself back into balance. Something may feel hidden from you, though you’re not really sure what and you want to push forward but it’s just not really happening? On the bottom of the deck is the 9 of Swords which notes to fear, depression, anxiety, etc and is needing to release those emotions. Obviously it can be more complex than it sounds, but I’m hoping you get the idea. Brain-dump came to me. Maybe you need to do a brain-dump and survey/assess your ‘kingdom’ so you can flip that Queen of Wands energy around and allow your chariot to race onward. The next cards that came out are:
The Crumbling (What are you clinging on to?) —> Do you need to release anything? Material items, a goal, a belief, way of life, or maybe just the act of trying to have it all together?
Boundaries (Where do you need to establish better boundaries?) —> Do you need better boundaries with yourself? Habits? People? Enviroment? School/Career?
Share Your Voice (Come out of the cave. Persecution. Expression.) It’s time to step into the limelight, because the world is your stage. Maybe you’ve been hanging back and suppressing who you truly are, but now it’s time to step forward into a new role… a you role. You don’t have to go from stand in actor to lead role over night, but do brainstorm and take baby steps daily to get there.
Keepers Of The Earth (You are not alone. Ancient ancestors stand beside you.) Take the meaning as you will, but I see it as a message to look for support in unexpected places. Maybe it’s an online community of people who can relate to you. Maybe it’s a book, article or video. Who knows, it could even be a friend or family member you didn’t think could relate or help you out. Remaining Cards: The Kraken (38) — Your success and happiness lie within you. The Great Sea Monster (37) — To accomplish you dream plan and believe.
The main theme of The Kraken is release. Good fortune/luck will come to you by delving into your subconscious mind to free the conscious. Returning to nature and the things that bring you inner joy. Good fortune coming in small waves which eventually grow into big ones.
The Great Sea Monster is about taking action and again, freeing your conscious mind by looking into your unconscious mind. Also there is more than one way to solve a dilemma, you just have to search the right way. The Immortal Witch (4) — new beginnings are happening for you, and your desires are on their way to you although it might not appear so currently. (Kind of like planting a seed. It’s growing though we can’t see it until it burst through the soil). The Fairy Ring Witch (9) — mental and physical communication. Connecting with or making friends with similar skills or talents. Self Care Activities Ideas (Homemade deck): Tend to yourself, Slow and steady, Get creative, Read a book (maybe a self help book relevant to what you're going through).
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eclecticqueer · 3 years
⭐Pick A Pile⭐
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Pick the pile/ crystal you're most drawn to. these have zodiacal correspondences that may align with your Sun/Moon/Rising/Mercury/Venus/Mars
Pile 1: Garnet
Deeply spiritual stone that can awaken creative energies
Protects against negativity and balances yin/yang, gives courage, compassion
Represents deep, safe love
Associated w/ Root, Sacral and Solar chakras, Capricorn, Aries, Mars
Pile 2: Peacock Ore
“Stone of Happiness,” assists channeling happiness, joy, upliftment, abundance, beauty
Balances the physical and spiritual realms
Associated w/ aligning all chakras, Sagittarius
Pile 3: Sunstone
Boosts personal life-force and expression of self.
Encourages independence and balanced relationships, transforms negative energies into creative expression
Associated w/ Root + Sacral chakras, Leo, Libra
🌠PILE 1🌠
Oracle Card: Light
Fire/ Sun - Masculinity, ego, action, intellect, movement, leadership, boundaries
Current self/ you as of now: Queen of Wands
This is a Court Card and may represent the self or another, this person is currently in a place of identifying their strengths/ weaknesses and finding peace within them both. In the image, a black cat sits at the Queen's feet, representing our dark parts. This cat is small, suggesting our fears are never as bad as they seem
Current obstacles/ challenges: Six of Swords
The Swords suit is representative of our mental states and how we use our communication to assert our individuality. The number 6 corresponds with growth and progress, the individual's current challenge is a mental shift. This shift is typically a result of a regretful or hurtful experience that triggered and forced the growth
Shadow aspect: Lovers
The Lovers is also the 6th Major card, keeping with the theme of growth/ progress. This card's image shows the coming together of many opposing themes, most notably masculine/ feminine. This symbolizes the love and balance needed within us to make the hard decisions that ultimately prove to be for the better. These hard decisions likely refer to negative/ toxic relationships we have within ourselves, that then manifest into our physical realm. It takes self-love and acceptance to identify and balance these relationships in our inner worlds, further balancing the relationships in our outer worlds
Identifying/ integrating shadow: Four of Cups
The Cups suit is representative of our emotional state and how we go about identifying/ expressing our inner most world, the number 4 represents stability/ support. In the effort to identify the shadow the individual needs to take on a state of contemplation/ meditation. They maybe faced with different experiences/ opportunities but they're not sure if these will serve. Take the time needed to take stock of your inner energies and assess if now is a good time to take on something new
Advice/ release: Ace of Swords
As we saw in the challenge of the 6 of Swords the Swords suit refers to how we go about asserting our individual self (QW). The Ace is the pure embodiment of the Swords energy and brings themes of clarity and beginnings. Manifesting the Swords energies ultimately result in healing and renewal for the individual, this is done by identifying our truth and values and actively protecting/ communicating them (Lovers/QW)) This then builds boundaries and our sense of self in our inner and outer worlds. In our effort in asserting ourselves, we must first look inward and find what we truly believe in/ what will truly serve us (4C)
👽PILE 2👽
Oracle Card: Alien
Air/ Uranus- Self-expression, unconventional, innovation, individuality, preservation
Current self/ you as of now: Nine of Cups
The Cups suit represents our emotional/ inner world and how we express that, the number 9 is for fruition/ prosperity. This card's image shows a man sitting proudly with his Cups, a symbol for emotional satisfaction and flow. As of now, the individual maybe searching for contentment with their emotional self/ expression. This could be the result of a cathartic release, conversation or personal awakening. there is something affecting the person's emotional state at which they are working hard to identify/ integrate/ release
Current obstacles/ challenges: Ace of Wands
The Wands suit is that of Fire and Ego, representing the way we go about asserting our wants and boundaries in life/ relationships. The Ace is pure wand energy and symbolizes a beginning spark within the self to express and explore. The challenge facing the individual could be taking action in their everyday to assert themselves in this world. This could be through art, spirituality, work, service, love, etc. They may feel lost or desperately searching/ wanting to express their deepest desires
Shadow aspect: Eight of Cups
This card correlates directly to the current state of the individual of the 9 of Cups the number 8 represents change/ transition. The image of this card shows a figure walking away from a set of cups, there is an empty space between the cups, suggesting the figure has taken one with them. This is metaphorical of an emotional shift, something that was triggered by a disappointing situation, now all is left to do is pick up the pieces and walk away. In identifying their shadow aspect of the 8 of Cups, the individual should take emotional stock and determine what is and is no longer serving or giving back
Identifying/ integrating shadow: Two of Swords
The Sword suit is representative of our mental states and how we use our communication to assert our individuality, the number 2 represents duality/ integration. The image shows a person crossing 2 Swords over their heart, the crescent Moon hangs over the body of water behind the figure. The crossing of the arms represents protection of self and our emotions, the Moon and water represents the intuitive/ feminine balance or flow needed along with the masculine Swords to come up to a conclusion, then ending the stalemate and allowing us to loosen our guard. This can result in acceptance, realizations, and ultimately forgiveness
Advice/ release: Queen of Cups
This is a Court Card and can represent either you or another individual, the water is representative of our deepest and darkest parts (2S), our inner world that maybe a mystery to others(8C). The Queen asks us to look upon our emotional self and nurture it with patience and compassion, this resulting the ability to look upon our emotional state and react with strength and authority (AW) I attribute this to the resilient body of a female to hold a fetus full term and give birth, and the sensitive and empathetic feminine energies needed to raise and nurture the child into a well rounded adult (9C). The idea here is to look upon our raw emotions like a child in distress, and be the patient authority needed to heal/ help the child
🧿PILE 3🧿
Oracle Card: Eyes
Water/ Moon- Subconscious, Shadow, inner world, Spirituality, Fear, Anxiety, Duality
Current self/ you as of now: Seven of Cups
The Cups suit represents our emotional/ inner world and how we express that, the number 7 represents faith/ perseverance. The image of this card shows A figure in front of a grey cloud containing cups filled with various objects/ opportunities, this symbolizes our dreams/ wishes, and the emotional fog that comes with wishful thinking. The individual in their current self maybe dealing with much confusion and working to cut away the fog in pursuit to find clarity
Current obstacles/ challenges: World
This is the last Major card and is the number 21, in numerology 21 would revert to the number 3, which represents communication/ flow. The image of this card shows the four Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) these represent which cannot be controlled, like space and time. There is a wreath with a naked female draped in a purple shawl, she hold 2 wands. The nakedness is vulnerability to time and space, purple is our divine mind and intuition, the 2 wands represent duality and balance
The obstacle that these individuals are currently facing is connected to their lack/ want of control, control of things that are beyond us (Fixed signs) and the understanding what is/ isn't worth our energy. Identifying this and actively practicing it takes inner balance and vulnerability/ acceptance of what the universe brings
Shadow aspect: Two of Cups
This card is directly correlated with the 7 of Cups, the number 2 being that of duality/ integration. In circumstances of illusion, confusion, and wishful thinking (7 Cups) these feelings are likely a result of a personal relationship. There is a great need/ want for emotionally fulfilling relationships and mutual love The individual may compromise their comfort and needs for that of the other, one may attempt to control the outcome of the relationship, or not be able to accept the outcome
Identifying/ integrating shadow: Magician
This is a Major card of the number 1, representing beginnings/ potential, as well as singularity. In identifying the shadow aspects of the 2 of Cups, we must first develop our personal resources and balance. This is done with dedication and focus, resulting in the manifestation of healthy and fulfilling relationships, in ourselves and in our physical realms
Advice/ release: Queen of Pentacles
This is a Court Card and may represent either you or another with an Earth dominance. This is a feminine and mature expression of Earth energies, the Queen is a master at manifestation because she is aware of where/ how her energies are expressed (Magician). The advice of the Queen is to find what we truly find worth in, and nurture that with the dedication of a mother to her child (World). This includes setting boundaries with that which does not serve, the Queen does not allow toxicity inter her garden. The Queen is perceptive and has the ability to cut through the emotional fog (7C) resulting in an equal love flowing both inward and outward (2C)
Thank you for reading, I hope this was fun and helpful
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loki-hargreeves · 3 years
Klaus Hargreeves x You - Morning After
Warnings: fluff, implied smut, the tiniest hint of angst if you squint, but mainly fluff, making coffee (sorry if you hate it irl) Pairing: Klaus x You (The gender of the reader is not specified) Word Count: 2,1K Summary: Waking up early with Klaus and deciding to stay in bed all day instead of doing anything else. Prompt: is that my shirt? / You mean our shirt? Author’s Note: writing fluff is hard and scary. I tried to publish this for Valentines day but I’m bad with deadlines. I hope you like it though! :)
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Your POV
The first thing you noticed as you slowly came to your senses was the warmth of someone’s body pressed so close to yours. A smile spread on your sleepy face when you remembered the previous night. Klaus was still right next to you and it made your heart flutter with pure joy and love. 
It was still too early to get up, you decided without even looking at the clock. It was the weekend, and if it were up to you, you’d spend it all in his arms. Softly, you turned around on the bed, making sure to hold onto the blanket so your naked body wouldn’t get exposed to the cool air. The sheets and pillows smelled so much of him, which you didn’t mind. Klaus was someone you could get lost in anytime. He was irresistible. 
Through narrowed eyes, you looked at Klaus, who was still asleep. His long eyelashes were touching his soft cheeks and his hair was messy, yet adorable. He looked so peaceful in his sleep.
Being unable to resist yourself, you traced your fingers up and down his arm where you had touched him last night as well. Long story short, your hands had been all over each other. It had been pure bliss. There were a few faint love bites and scratches on his skin and without a doubt on yours as well. Your mind already played with the idea of kissing him all over once he’d wake up. Or perhaps you could wake him up with a few affectionate pecks? It was definitely a tempting idea.
After a while, Klaus began to wake up too. He felt the lingering gaze on his skin and slowly he opened his eyes, not wanting the rising sun to blind him. As he saw your eyes meeting his, he smiled sheepishly. 
“Staring is rude y’know,” He murmured tiredly, his voice sounding slightly deeper and raspier than it usually did. 
“I’m not staring at you,” You defended yourself with a small laugh, “I couldn’t look away. You’re kind of precious like that.”
Klaus couldn’t deny that waking up to such sweet words was nice. A little stroke on the ego here and there was good for anyone. 
“Hmm,” He blinked a few times, trying to fight the weariness, “good morning to you too.”
“Tired?” You wondered although it was obvious. The way neither of you could keep your eyes open for more than two seconds said it all. 
“Mm-hmm, we stayed up quite late,” Klaus remembered as he ran his hands over your sides, then your back as he pulled you closer to him needily. His touch was so gentle and caring that it sent shivers down your spine. 
“How about,” you paused for a moment as you played with his small curls, “-we go back to sleep?” 
“I would love that,” Klaus admitted right before a yawn escaped his lips. 
As if it was second nature, you snuggled against him like you had done many times before. The feeling of being close to him never grew old. He shut his eyes once more and it didn’t take long for him to return to his slumber, not when he was with you. Just like that, you fell asleep again in each other’s arms. You were lulled to sleep by his deep breaths and heartbeat. You were safe and sound in bed where nothing could’ve possibly disturbed you. 
         Klaus was beginning to wake up ever so slowly. He wanted to sleep for just a little longer, but the sunlight wasn’t going to let him. It crept in softly from behind the curtains that were flowing gently because the window was open. It hadn’t been open before, but he didn’t pay too much attention to it now. 
He took a few deep breaths before opening his eyes, only to see that he was all alone. It was weird because he had fallen asleep with you. How much time had passed since he last woke up? Ten minutes? Several hours? He had no clue.
Tiredly, he sat up just enough so he could look around your bedroom. It was a little bit past ten in the morning, which felt way too early to be up. When Klaus heard noises coming from the kitchen, he was relieved. 
Despite how much he was tempted to stay under the warm sheets, he forced himself out of bed. After all, he just wanted to see you and hold you just a little longer. The night before had ended far too soon. 
Klaus didn’t find his shirt anywhere on the floor. Had he left it in the living room? He wasn’t too sure when or where he had taken it off. It didn’t matter, it wasn’t like you hadn’t seen him without it before. Just like that, he waltzed into the kitchen with a small smile on his face. The moment he saw you, it grew much wider and brighter.
“Is that my shirt?” Klaus noticed his shirt which was the only thing you were wearing. The lazily buttoned button-up didn’t leave much to the imagination. The sight of you in his clothes was adorable. You still had a sleepy look on your face because you hadn’t been awake too long either.
“You mean our shirt?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“Our shirt,” Klaus repeated your words and made his way to you, “if you say so, Y/N. You look cute in it.” He snaked his arms around your body and pulled you close. He buried his head in the crook of your neck as he hugged you from behind, allowing you to continue making coffee without being too distracted. His touch was so affectionate. It made you happy.
The radio was on and music was filling up the silence. The song that was playing was Unchained Melody, which was almost too cheesy for the soft moment you were sharing. Almost. 
It reminded you of the time you and Klaus had watched the movie Ghost. It had been a lot of fun, and Klaus definitely had a lot of strong opinions about the movie and what or what not ghosts could do.
Klaus started swaying to the song and you did so too. You finished the steps it took to make coffee and now all you had to do was wait. You turned around in his arms so you could hug him back, which felt so relaxing. It felt like all the stars aligned when Klaus was by your side. Everything was so good. Despite the challenges life brought your way, you always made it at the end together. 
“I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed,” You told him after a while. 
“You should’ve been quieter,” Klaus teased you, which made you fake gasp. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just messing with you,” He pressed a kiss on your forehead. “We can still have breakfast in bed.”
“That would be nice,” You enjoyed the sound of that. Just the two of you and some coffee and toast. It was the weekend so you had nowhere to be. The two of you could spend all day in bed if that was what your hearts desired. Knowing Klaus, it wouldn’t be a challenge to come up with things to do either. He was rather creative in his own way, which you adored about him. 
Your arms wrapped around his waist and you held onto him a little together as you wished to savor the moment. Lately, things had been so hectic in your lives. A lot had happened and it felt like moments such as these were rare. His father had just passed away, but they had never been close. You couldn’t help but wonder if it affected him more than he let you know. 
“What are you thinking about?” Klaus noticed that you were getting lost in your thoughts. 
“Nothing important,” You didn’t want to think at all at that moment, honestly. A smile decorated your face and it convinced Klaus for now. You were happy. Nothing else mattered.
“Actually, I think toast is quite important,” You changed your mind. “Does that sound good to you?” 
“I would never complain about good old toast,” Klaus stated seriously. 
“Glad to know we’re on the same page here,” You were happy to hear that. 
Before you could even think about doing anything, Klaus cupped your face and looked deep into your eyes. He had a very piercing gaze. It felt like he could reach your soul without even trying, but you didn’t mind it at all. He simply took your breath away and turned your legs into jelly. You didn’t fight it, but you wondered what he was up to. 
“You know that I love you, right?” Klaus suddenly confessed to you, which was so unexpected. Just a moment ago he seemed like he was still half asleep, but now he was telling you those three little words so sincerely - like the fate of the world depended on it. The change was so sudden but you didn’t mind it. Hearing those three words was like music to your ears. 
“I love you too,” You answered without a doubt. The two of you had known each other for so long and usually, you let each other know your love through actions. Hearing it out loud was so special each and every time.
“Is everything alright?” You asked him cautiously. 
He nodded quickly and tried to relax his shoulders, “Yeah. I just needed to let you know.”
“I’m here for you if you want to talk about anything,” You reminded Klaus.
“I know,” Klaus seemed content with that. As if to make the moment less serious, and more cheesy, he grabbed your hand delicately. Without breaking eye contact with you, he brought your hand to his lips and he kissed you. After all the years you had spent together, he still made your cheeks heat up somehow. 
“What are you doing?” You wondered but made no effort to stop his amorous actions.
Klaus kissed a trail up your arm until he reached your neck and he paused, “Do I need a reason to kiss you?” 
“Not really, no.”
You decided to grab his jaw ever so softly so you could face each other properly. Something told you that there was something Klaus was hiding, something that was on his mind. But you also knew that there was no use in trying to figure that out until he was ready to talk about it. Perhaps he was still in shock over the fact that his brother who had been missing was back in their lives? It was surreal, even for you and you hadn’t even known Five before. 
Klaus spoke before you could, “I’m pretty sure we agreed on making toast.” It seemed like he wanted to get lost in the moment for now. You were right there by his side and you would be there when and if he wanted to talk about anything else. You’d be all ears even if he wanted to tell you about the most wicked of his stories. 
“Then what are we waiting for?” You wondered, already eager to finish making breakfast so you could waste the rest of the day in bed. If not all day, then certainly the next few hours. 
“Let me help you. I can’t possibly mess up making toast,” Klaus said once you parted from your embrace in order to get things done.
“Don’t jinx it,” You warned him. 
Klaus grabbed a couple of slices of bread and stuffed them in the toaster. “Worst case scenario, the toaster sets on fire and technically we would still have toast.”
You rolled your eyes and failed to hold back a smile.
“I mean you’re not wrong,” it was hard to argue against his logic. 
Klaus pressed the button and watched the bread disappear into the slots, “There’s only one way to find out.”
“Oh you better not set my toaster on fire!” You warned him playfully, because you knew the odds of it setting on fire were slim. Harmless banter with him was always nice. It certainly made mornings much better than they usually were. 
Klaus leaned against the counter as he waited for the bread and he gave you a curious look, “what are you going to do if I happen to set it on fire?” 
You recognized the tone in his voice with ease. The little gleam in his eyes said more than words. He was certainly awake by now. 
“Do you really want to find out?” You grabbed all that you needed from the fridge and closed the door with your hip, then placing all the ingredients on the table, never taking your eyes off of him. 
Klaus seemed positively intrigued by your answer, “Oh, I do.”
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A/N: I realized after writing this that I could’ve just made this into a headcanon post. Oh well. I hope you liked it! If you did, I would love to hear your feedback 🥺
Forever Taglist:  @iraniq  @embrycallsgirl  @blackroseyaz @badass-psycho  @r-alexandra01 @p3aches13  @your-pixels-are-showing @disasterren @iamsuperjenna  @yuna-belikova @ornella0910 @optimisticpeacecollector5 @thehumanistsdiary @your-pixels-are-showing @klanceiscannon14
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I love all your work so much and I saw that you were going to be taking a break from your Bachelor universe so I wanted to throw some prompts your way to maybe help get some other creative juices flowing *waggles eyebrows*
1) switched at birth AU
2) Everyone already knows their dating AU
3) Law and Order (SVU AU)
4) you’ve got mail AU
Thank you anon, I'm glad you like my writing!
Now that I've finished my Bach fic, I've been at a bit of a loss what I want to do next. Maybe it's because I'm all out of new ideas, maybe it's because work has been absolutely hectic, but my creative brain is completely empty. So I figured, why not try to do one of these prompts?
Here's the thing: I have never seen SVU or You've Got Mail. And I'm pretty sure Switched at Birth is also a TV show I have never seen? When I saw "everyone already knows" my immediate thought was "oh! like in Friends!" but then I remembered I have absolutely read that fic somewhere?? Like someone already wrote that for Jonsa. (I tried to find it again but have had no luck.)
So I chose switched at birth as a concept - I'm not sure if you meant the TV show or not, but I just wrote whatever popped into my brain.
A warning: this turned out a bit more angsty than I intended, and isn't necessarily Jonsa? It is if you squint. A few other notes, Alayne is a completely separate person from Sansa, Lysa is not related to Catelyn, and Baelish never knew Catelyn either. Sorry if it's confusing and/or not at all what you were looking for!
Sansa feels as if the world has dropped out from beneath her.
They all sit in the drawing room of what she can only describe as a mansion (and she knows that next to her, Father is likely seething. This is the kind of money he aspires to, but will never be able to reach. He will never have a name. Father is a Baelish, he could never be a Stark.)
She stares at the family sitting opposite and her heart sticks in her throat at the sight of them – the mother, the three sons, they all have the same copper hair that she does and she swallows against the rising tears.
This is what she could have had, she thinks as she averts her eyes, but she only manages to catch sight of the family portrait above the mantel. A father, a mother, siblings. She could have had all of this, if not for the slip-up of an overworked, underpaid nurse sixteen years ago. She could have been Alayne Stark. Instead she is Sansa Baelish.
Switched at birth.
Alayne sits with her family (that should be Sansa's family), and she doesn't look as out of place as she should. Her dark hair matches Mr. Stark's – matches the other daughter, Arya. Alayne fits right in.
Sansa sits with Father (no, not her father; the man who raised her) on the opposite couch and wonders if her Mother (no, not her mother) had known, somehow. Is that why Mother had always been so cruel to her? Why she always seemed to hate Sansa for reasons she could never figure out? Perhaps Mother had known, somehow, that Sansa wasn't hers. Sansa remembers reading fairy stories of Changelings – how the mother would know, insist the child wasn't hers, how no one ever believed her. Is that why Mother threw herself off the roof all those years ago?
“Well this is fucking awkward,” the girl, Arya, mutters, and it breaks the silence as Mr. Stark sighs and presses a hand over his face and Mrs. Stark begins to scold her for her language and impropriety. Sansa watches Alayne laugh, and she feels more than ever like an intruder. She may share the Stark blood, but it seems as if Alayne and Arya are more alike than not. And by the way the brothers are trying to hide their own laughter, it seems Alayne fits in with all of them.
Perhaps it wasn't a mistake to switch them, Sansa thinks bitterly. Perhaps the Starks are better for having Alayne.
She is forced to get to know the Stark family, though she does not think she wants to. She doesn't want to look at their life and wish it could have been hers – wish that Ned Stark with his kind eyes and calm voice could have been her father. Wish that Catelyn Stark with her smiles and her freshly baked cookies could have been her mother. Wish that she could have been surrounded by siblings and dogs and even two strange psuedo-adopted-but-not-really brothers that she meets later on named Jon and Theon. The Stark household is chaotic and confusing and Sansa tells herself she would have hated growing up here.
She isn't surprised to find that she's not sad Father isn't her real father. In fact, there's a sort of joy inside her that when she turns eighteen, she can be free of him. He is still her legal guardian, the courts have decided, but she has less than two years before she is free and they aren't actually related and so she doesn't have to feel guilty about her dreams of leaving him.
It grows inside her as the weeks and months go by – a hatred she has never truly let herself feel before. She hates him, despises him. She always has.
Catelyn Stark is insistent on getting to know her because Sansa is her daughter, but Sansa can tell that Father has no real desire to get to know his own real daughter. He does not care about Alayne – no, what he cares about is ingratiating himself into the Stark family. She wonders if the Starks can see it like she can. She hopes not – she doesn't want them to think she's only coming to these weekly meetings for their money and their name.
In all honestly, she's not actually sure why she keeps coming to these meetings. All they do is remind her that the Starks will never truly be her family. All they do is highlight how much Father cares about social climbing. These meetings are painful and every week when she finally gets home and takes a shower and gets into her pajamas and climbs into bed, she sobs into her pillow for what could have been.
“You know the party's inside, right?”
Sansa startles out of her reverie and whirls around, heart pounding, to find Jon Snow standing behind her, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his coat pocket.
It's Christmas and the snow is thick on the ground and she's shivering in the thin wrap that she came outside with, her coat in a closet where Mrs. Stark had taken it hours earlier.
“Are you allowed to be smoking?” she asks instead of answering and he laughs, pulling one out of the pack and placing it between his lips.
“I'm eighteen,” he shrugs, speaking around the cigarette dangling out of his mouth. His hands come up and he lights it, with one cupped around the end against the cold winter wind.
“I can't imagine Mrs. Stark approves of smoking,” she sniffs, then shakes her head no when Jon holds the pack out to her in offering. She watches his mouth twitch into a smile for a moment, like he knew she wouldn't take one, before putting the pack back in his coat pocket.
“Seems you don't approve, either.”
“Well, I am her daughter.” She says it and means it to be a joke, but the words come out soft and it wavers at the end.
Jon watches her for a moment, then unzips his coat and shrugs it off and holds it out to her and she stares at it blankly, her mind not processing the gesture. He shakes the coat, like he's insisting she take it and she finally does, slipping it on and then closing her eyes at the immediate warmth of it.
“I get it,” Jon says after a while, when he's halfway down to the filter, clouds of smoke drifting up into the night sky. “I mean, not exactly, I'm not sure there's anyone who can understand... you know-” he gestures at her. “But I get what's it's like - to be a Stark, but not. They practically raised me, but I'm not... I'll never actually be one of them.”
“I used to read fairytales,” she admits, turning her face from him because it's easier to talk into the dark, snow-covered landscape than him. “About secret princesses, and the king and queen were always so happy to have their daughter back. In the stories, there was never another princess who already took her place. Who fit in better.”
Alayne is a perfect Stark, she thinks. Over the months, she's seen it – how Alayne plays football and hockey with her brothers and sisters, makes jokes that Sansa would never. She's nothing like Sansa, who always preferred reading poetry to playing outside, with perfect manners and perfect posture. Cold and reserved. She wishes she were more like Alayne – more like a Stark.
She hears Jon sigh and take one last drag of the cigarette before he puts it out in the snow. “You're a lot like Cat, you know,” he says finally, and she feels something twist painfully in her chest. “And Bran. I mean, I don't know you that well, I guess, but...”
She shakes her head because he's wrong. She's nothing like any of the Starks (though she's not a Baelish, either). Jon sighs again, louder this time, with more annoyance.
“You are,” he insists, and she finally turns to face him again and opens her mouth to argue, but he gets there first. “You'd see it if you let yourself. If you actually tried. Cat's... Cat is trying so hard. You should see how she gets before you come over. Everyone is freaking out about it but you won't even try to get to know them. And I might not get how you feel, but Alayne? Have you even tried to talk to her?”
That painful twist in her chest tightens, it swoops down into her belly and up into her throat. “I am-”
“Like I said, I can't imagine how it feels, you know? And I'm sure it's a lot, and you're allowed to feel how you feel, but the Starks are... they want you here, I promise. But if you don't want to be, if you don't want them in your life, maybe this should all stop, cause it's hurting them and I think it's hurting you. Maybe we shouldn't be trying to force it if it's not what you want.”
Her mind is blank, she can't think of a single argument, though she wants to argue. She wants to say that Alayne hasn't tried talking to her, either. She wants to insist that she is trying, but... but she's not. Not really. She's holding herself at a distance, she's already decided she doesn't belong.
“What if they don't like me?” The words slip out of her, unbidden, her voice barely a whisper. It wavers in the dark. (Her deepest fear – that if she lets them get close to her, they'll decide she isn't worth it, that they don't want her.)
She's not sure what response she was expecting, but it's not for Jon to smile – he does, gives her a little half smile and raises his shoulders in a shrug. “I don't know you that well yet, but so far I like you just fine. And I'm not even a Stark.”
“You seem like a Stark,” she tells him, and watches something flicker across his face and she doesn't know him well enough yet to tell what it is.
“I'm not actually related,” he says, though she already knows this. “Not by blood or anything.” For a moment he brings his hand up to rub at the back of his neck and he suddenly won't look at her and she wonders if she said something wrong. “We should go back inside,” he seems to change the subject and she hesitates, but then he holds out his hand. After a moment, she takes it, and follows him back inside, out of the freezing night air and into the warmth of the house. In the distance, she can hear voices and laughter, she can smell the cinnamon and pine in the air.
She could get lost here, if she let herself.
“There you are,” Mrs. Stark looks up as they enter the kitchen, and Jon lets go of her hand. Mrs. Stark narrows her eyes at Jon, then looks at the back door, like she guesses what he was doing out there and doesn't approve.
“I'm uh...” Jon starts, looking between Mrs. Stark and her, “I should get back to the party.” Before he goes, he turns back to her and she remembers she's still in his coat and she hurriedly takes it off, feeling heat high up on her cheeks as she does. “Try,” he says, voice too low for Mrs. Stark to hear. Then he takes his coat and leaves the kitchen – leaves her in the kitchen. Alone. With Mrs. Stark.
“Are you having fun?” Mrs. Stark's voice is light, but there's something underneath, a hesitance.
“I am,” she says back, wondering if she should make some excuse and leave. Wondering if Mrs. Stark doesn't want to be here talking to her.
“I wanted to thank you for inviting me,” she blurts out, and Mrs. Stark looks at her sharply. “I had some of the pumpkin pie, it was really good.”
It's such a stupid, nonsense thing to say, but Mrs. Stark looks pleased.
“It's a family recipe,” Mrs. Stark says, and then – a bit of hesitation - “I could teach it to you, if you'd like.”
Sansa's breath catches in her throat and it takes her a moment to say, “I like baking.”
“So do I. I could never get Alayne or Arya into it.” Mrs. Stark says it with a fond smile and Sansa feels something break open inside of her and she realizes, she knows, that she wants this. She wants to know this family, she wants to be a part of it. She doesn't want to take Alayne's place, she never could, but she...
“You could teach me,” she whispers. “Sometime. I'd like that.”
“So would I,” Mrs St- her mother, says with a smile that lights up the room.
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mosswillow · 3 years
Synonyms - Dark!Loki x Reader.
Warnings: Dark! 18+ adult content. Smut, noncon/dubcon, stalking, kidnapping, vaginal fingering.
Summary - You’re average in every way, Loki doesn’t think so though.
A/N: This is the last part of the Synonyms series. All of them can be read alone or together. I think it’s a little better when read with the rest, especially since this is the ending but I honestly don’t care if you read just one or all or none, you do you.
This is not my best work but you know sometimes you just have to let stuff go. I’ll shrug it off and keep writing. This is a hobby that I do for fun, I try not to take it too seriously.
Word count: 1.4k
You’ve always been an unexceptional person, average in everything - intelligence, looks, athleticism, creativity. You’re not good or bad at anything, always doing what’s expected of you, nothing more or less. You graduated highschool and went to a state college for a four year degree, graduating middle of your class and landing an entry level office position in the city.
Now you spend your days at your boring 9-5, answering emails and going to meetings. Your co-workers are nice and your boss is tolerable. You should be happy but something inside you tells you there’s more out there, a life waiting for you outside of the monotony. You’ve spent your whole life on a straight line and want desperately to know what it feels like for it to twist, taking you somewhere unexpected.
It rains outside your window and you observe a little boy jump in puddles, the pure joy that melts off the child makes you smile. You’re not sure exactly why the boy puts this thought into your head but you make a spontaneous decision to go camping. You’ve always wanted to go camping and even though it’s something small, the impulsiveness of the decision makes you giddy.  You need to get out of this office and into nature. You need to jump in puddles and hike trails, to sit in a quiet place and sketch a river. You need something different. You send an email informing your boss that you will be taking the week off starting Monday and gather your things.
You’re in a hurry to get home, wanting to pick a campsite right away so that you can leave first thing in the morning. The elevator opens and you don’t see him standing in the lobby.
But he sees you.
“I haven’t seen you here before.” he steps in front of you, blocking your exit.
“I’ve worked here almost a year,” you say.
He paces around you, examining you in a way that makes your entire body tingle. He steps behind you, measuring his body against yours and brushes his hand over your cheek gently.
“How fortunate we ran into each other.”
You shudder, taking several steps away,  “I should get going.”
“I’ve been looking for a very specific set of characteristics,” He takes a long stride towards you, closing the distance until there’s hardly an inch between you.
You don’t care if you’re being rude, you step away from him and book it home, locking the door as soon as it closes behind you.
You wake up early, packing your car and heading upstate. You take your time setting up your campsite and relax for a moment enjoying the quiet.
You hear something from the woods and for a few minutes you only see shadows before he saunters out of the trees.
“Why did you run off so fast yesterday?”
Your jaw drops.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
The man strolls toward you lazily.
“I came to take you.”  
You reach for your phone and he’s beside you in a second, grabbing your wrist and forcing you to drop it. He pulls you close and smells the crook of your neck and you respond by elbowing him.
“You’re a feisty one,” he coughs.
You sprint through the forest until you can’t run any longer. You’re pretty sure you lost him, You didn’t hear him behind you as you ran and don’t hear him now.  
He puts his hand over your mouth before you can get a scream out.
“We’ll have to work on all of this baby, it’s ok though I’ll have fun breaking you in.”
You kick and squirm but he holds you tight, dragging you back to your tent with ease. He pushes you inside and gets on top of you, holding your hands over your head.
“Who are you?” you whisper.
“How rude of me, I never introduced myself.”
He leans down and kisses your nose and cheek before claiming your mouth, pushing his tongue in with a moan. Electricity moves through his body, leaving his extremities and dispersing into you. Your mind screams no but your body betrays you. Heat radiates from your pussy and you push your thighs together trying to tame the arousal. You relax into him and he lets go of your hands, feeling down your body. He rips your shirt open and kisses down to your breasts.
“Yes, you’ll do nicely,” he purrs.
You squirm as his mouth makes its way to your pussy. He slides a finger in you as he licks and sucks. You reach down and gather his hair into your hands, pushing him closer and grinding against his mouth, coming harder than you’ve ever come. the world fades away and you’re suspended in pure ecstasy. The straight line you’ve followed your whole life has twisted into something wonderful. You open your eyes and look down at the smirking man between your thighs.
The thing about twisting lines is that they never stay going the same trajectory, they curve back again suddenly forcing you to hold on while life crashes into another lane. You’re brought back to reality when he flips you over and enters you roughly. You cry out in pain but he doesn’t slow down. He slaps your ass and pushes on your back until your chest falls down.
“I’m Loki.” He says as he comes in you.
He gets off of you and you scramble up, covering yourself in a blanket and looking at him with wide eyes. He crouches in front of you, running a finger down your cheek.
“We’re going to have so much fun.”
You blink back tears.
“I don’t understand, why me? I’m so... average.”
Loki cocks his head to the side. You try to look away and he grabs your face and squeezes until you look at him.
“There’s no such thing darling, you’re perfect in every way.”
He reaches between your legs, cupping your pussy.
You think about running but the way he looks at you tells you that he knows exactly what you’re thinking. He silently communicates to you that running away from him again will only lead to pain.
“Sleep now.” He says.
“I’m no...” you black out.
When you wake up you’re in a car, hands bound together with Loki in the driver's seat. He takes you to Stark tower and leads you through a private entrance and up to the avengers private living quarters.
“Loki, what did you do?” Tony says.
“I found one that I liked so I took her.”
Loki pushes you onto the couch and you look around at the Avengers, all of whom sit with beautiful women. They give you sad looks and you hold back tears as you realize that nobody will help you.
“Fuck!” Tony says
“I thought we were kidnapping women?”
“You weren’t supposed to just snatch one. Now there’s a whole mess to clean up.”
“Thor just took his.” Loki says
“He has a point.” Sam says.
“Thor had that whole betrothal thing.” Tony holds the bridge of his nose.
“Touche.” Loki shrugs.
You make eye contact with a woman who stands at the entrance to the room, obviously shocked. She’s not part of this, you realize, she’s here by mistake. You mouth “run” and she takes off. Loki sits next to you and kisses your neck.
“It seems we’ve been noticed, a maid I think.” Loki yawns.
“I’ll have to send someone to take her out. It’s sad, I really liked her,” Tony sighs.
The room is silent for a moment while the weight of Tony's words flow through everyone.
“I’ll take her, I want to keep her,” Bucky announces.
“Really Buck?” Steve raises his eyebrows.
“He’s always had a thing for her, he’s just too shy to act on it.” Natasha says
“Okay, go now Bucky. I guess we have two disappearances to cover now. I'll be in my office if anyone needs me.”
Tony stands up to leave and you push gently against Loki’s suffocating embrace.
You’ve always been a fan of the Avengers, so grateful to them for everything they’ve done for humanity. You want to throw up now. You look around at the room full of beautiful women, all so different from each other and realize that Loki was right, there’s no such thing as average. All your life you’ve felt the same as every other person, unremarkable and boring. As you look around at the absolutely gorgeous women you recognize that they’re you and you’re them. You didn’t do anything to get here and neither did they but here you sit. You’re not average because everyone is, and if everyone is average then no one is.
You’re different from each other in a complex and mysterious way but also mirror each other like twins.
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leakyrocktarot · 3 years
Minor Arcana suit of cups and their meanings
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If you do not wish to read this entire post, here are some links to youtube videos. There is no excuse for ignorance. https://youtu.be/vMz_1SllYt4 https://youtu.be/vP4U8uhWmrY https://youtu.be/hWWuGKGxgR4 https://youtu.be/bVhEG2_olMs
Here is a list of pictures with the meanings attached
THE MINOR ARCANA TAROT CARDS The remaining 56 cards together make up for what’s called the Minor Arcana. These cards reflect day-to-day events and can give more context and detail to the Major Arcana cards. The Minor Arcana is divided into 4 suits (of 14 cards each): Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords. Starting with the Ace, the cards go up from the 2 towards the 10, then closing with four Court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and lastly, the King (making it 14 cards). Each of the suits has a ruling element you can see here below, corresponding to specific areas in life:
Suit of Cups – Element of Water – Emotions & Relationships
Suit of Pentacles – Element of Earth – Property & Achievement
Suit of Swords – Element of Air – Wisdom & Communication
Suit of Wands – Element of Fire – Passion & Inspiration
It’s important to consider these elements and areas when working with the minor arcana cards, making it much easier to for an intuitive reading to happen (after a bit of practice of course)! Suit of Cups The Suit of Cups is related to the water element and deals with matters of the heart. The primary aspects that surround this suit are love, emotions, and relationships.Cards of this suit can also bring attention to how you react to your environment. If mostly Cups cards appear in a reading, it is indicative of emotional dealings such as problems in a relationship. The Ace of Cups shows a chalice overflowing with five streams of water. The cup represents the vessel of your subconscious mind; the five streams are your five senses and the abundant emotion and intuition flowing from within you. The hand holding the cup is sliding out of the clouds, a symbol of your awareness of spiritual energy and influence. Below the hand is a vast sea covered with lotus blossoms, signifying the awakening of the human spirit. A dove descends towards the cup – a symbol of Divine love flowing through the subconscious mind to conscious awareness. The Suit of Cups Tarot cards deal with the emotional level of consciousness and are associated with love, feelings, relationships and connections. The Suit of Cups is associated with the element of water. Water is fluid, agile and ‘in flow' but it's also very powerful and formative. It can be soft and gentle, like waves lapping against the sandy shore, or it can be powerful and even forceful, like a raging river. The element of water is symbolic of fluidity, feelings and emotions, intuition, relationships, healing, and cleansing. It is a feminine element and reflects the subtle power that often resides within women. It is receptive, adaptable,purifying and flowing. In a deck of playing cards, Cups corresponds to Hearts. Cups Tarot cards indicate that you are thinking with your heart rather than your head, and thus reflect your spontaneous responses and your habitual reactions to situations. Cups are also linked to creativity, romanticism, fantasy and imagination. The negative aspects of the Suit of Cups include being overly emotional or completely disengaged and dispassionate, having unrealistic expectations and fantasising about what could be. There may be repressed emotions, an inability to truly express oneself and a lack of creativity. Cups Tarot cards often represent the astrological signs of Water – Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. When you see a Cups Court Card in a Tarot reading, it often relates to a person with a Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio star sign. Generally, Cups people are emotional, artistic, humane and creative. They are connected with their emotional selves and will draw energy from what they feel within. Should a Tarot reading be predominantly Cups cards, you are seeking solutions to what are primarily emotional conflicts, personal interactions, love matters, feelings and creativity.
Ace of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: New beginnings, new relationships, new romance, love, happiness, joy, conception, fertility, pregnancy, celebrations, socialising
With the Ace of Cups, Divine love and compassion are pouring through you. You are a vessel for deep, spiritual love from the Universe, and you can’t help but let that love flow through you and into the world. You receive love, you give love, you ARE love. Your heart overflows. Now is the perfect time for you to open your heart and experience the rich flow of emotion available to you right now. You are more receptive to creative opportunities, loving connections, and deep compassion for other living beings. As with all Aces in the Tarot, this card comes as an invitation. Will you take it? Will you say “Yes!” to Divine love and compassion, and will you run with it? The Ace of Cups carries the potential for spiritual and emotional fulfilment – but only if you embrace it with an open heart. This card often appears in Tarot readings when you are open to creative expression, especially when you can allow your emotions to shine through your endeavours. You may be inspired to start a new project, take an art class or even engage in interpretative dance. At this point in your life, you are comfortable with who you are and happily express this part of yourself to others. You see fresh potential in allowing your creative juices to flow. Let your imagination and talent unfurl to new possibilities. The Ace of Cups often represents a new relationship, be it a friendship, a new family connection or blossoming romance. It is exciting – fluttery even – and you are so glad to have met someone with whom you can share a special connection. Give yourself permission to open yourself to giving and receiving unconditional love, and you will notice that affection flows effortlessly when you are in this loving state of mind. The water in the card reflects the flow of emotion, and thus, the Ace of Cups suggests that the enthusiasm you two generate will get you fired up about yourself and life. There is a generous, compassionate side to the Ace of Cups, too. See this as a time of giving (not taking) and make the most of any opportunity to help others. You have the power to share your inner radiance and positive energy, bringing great happiness to those around you. And you will find that the more you give, the more you receive on multiple levels. Finally, the Ace of Cups can signify conception, pregnancy or birth. Look to the other cards in the reading for further confirmation, such as the Empress, Page of Cups or Four of Wands. On a more metaphorical level, it may mean the birth of a new idea or a spark of inspiration – something in which you can invest a great deal of loving and creative energy. In a general context, the Ace of Cups Tarot card in an upright position signifies new beginnings, usually in terms of love, empathy, compassion and/or happiness. When this Minor Arcana card appears it indicates that you will be feeling happy, positive and good about yourself. Now is a great time to begin new friendships and get out there and socialise. People will be very receptive, kind and friendly to you with this card appearing in your Tarot reading. It can also be an indication of good news or celebrations coming your way.​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot spread, if you are single the Ace of Cups is a great omen as it represents new relationships or romance. Now is a great time to meet new people! The Ace of Cups represents the beginning of a relationship when everything is new and exciting. If you are in a relationship, the Ace of Cups can signify an opportunity for renewal in the relationship where you and your partner can let go of past wrongs and open your hearts to each other bringing joy, harmony and contentment. The Ace of Cups can also be a sign of upcoming celebrations such baby showers, engagements or weddings. It is also a signifier of pregnancy and fertility.​ In a career context, if you are looking for work, the Ace of Cups is a positive omen as it indicates new opportunities coming your way. If you have a job, the Ace of Cups can signify a promotion. It also indicates that you will get recognition for your hard work and you will be feeling creatively inspired and fulfilled. In a financial context, the Ace of Cups is an indicator of good things coming to you financially. You may receive good news in relation to finances such as loan or mortgage approval.​ Money & Career (Upright)​ Health (Upright)​ If you have been having health issues, the Ace of Cups is an indication of good things to come for you. You may see an improvement in your health or an increase in your energy levels with the fresh start the Ace of Cups can bring. The Ace of Cups can also be an indicator of pregnancy and fertility so it is a good omen if you are trying to conceive.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Ace of Cups is a sign that you will open your heart to the love the universe is sending to you. You should feel a deep connection to spirit when this card appears and you may find new spiritual gifts or abilities come your way.​ Ace of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Sadness, pain, unrequited love, blocked or repressed emotions, infertility, miscarriage, pregnancy issues, breakups, bad news, cancelled celebrations or social events
Yes, this is the self-love card of the Tarot deck! In the upright position, the Ace of Cups is about love for all things. In the reversed position, it speaks to love for oneself. So, before you send your love out to the world, send love to yourself, filling up every cell in your body with Divine love and happiness. And the more you do this, the more you can exist in flow with life itself. The reversed Ace of Cups is a sign that you are in connection with your subconscious mind and attuned to your intuition. You are exploring this part of yourself privately right now, and discovering how you can bring more intuition and flow into your life. On the flipside, the Ace of Cups reversed may be a sign that you are repressing your emotions, not wanting to express yourself fully to the outside world. You have your reasons for keeping your feelings close and not wanting others to know what’s going on inside. You may feel embarrassed or afraid of what might happen if you were to express your emotions. You may worry that if you allow your feelings to flow, they might turn into an overwhelming flood that can’t be switched off. However, be careful that you do not create an internal blockage by repressing how you feel. If you are not ready to share your emotions – that's okay! You can find ways to release them privately, through journaling, creative projects, movement, or screaming your frustration and anger out in the car. In a relationship reading, the reversed Ace of Cups can show that you are withholding your emotions for fear of getting hurt. You know that you must trust in your partner for the relationship to move forward, but, for the time being, you are holding back. In a reversed position, The Ace of Cups Tarot card generally can indicate sadness, pain or blocked/repressed emotions. It can also signify that you may receive some bad or upsetting news. This Minor Arcana card reversed can indicate that you may find that you are not in the mood for socialising or meeting new people. It can also signify cancelled social events or cancelled celebrations like a broken engagement or cancelled wedding.  It can also be a sign that people around you may be reacting to you in a negative way or may have ill will towards you.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ If you are single, the Ace of Cups in a reversed position can signify that you may be finding it difficult to find or maintain a relationship at this time. This may be due to repressing emotions or being unwilling or unable to approach new relationships with an open heart as you are still holding on to your feelings for an unrequited love. The Ace of Cups reversed can also indicate that you have unrealistic expectations of your potential partners which are leading to disappointment. If you are in a relationship, the Ace of Cups reversed can indicate that you are not fully opening your heart. Perhaps you have been hurt in the past and are struggling to allow yourself to be vulnerable. This will ultimately hold your relationship back if you do not resolve these issues. The Ace of Cups reversed can also indicate a breakup or divorce.​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the Ace of Cups reversed can signify that you are feeling unfulfilled in your career. You may be finding that you feel creatively blocked or uninspired in your current position. If you have been looking for work, the Ace of Cups reversed can indicate that you may not receive the news you’re hoping for in relation to a job application. In a financial context, you may receive some back news or a loan or mortgage application may not go in your favour.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health context, the Ace of Cups Tarot card reversed can indicate that blocked or repressed emotional issues may be having a negative effect on your health or depleting your energy levels. It can also signify fertility issues, difficult pregnancies, miscarriage or stillbirth.​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, the Ace of Cups reversed can signify that you are blocking or repressing your intuition. You may be feeling disconnected from spirit or that you have lost faith in the universe when this card appears in your Tarot spread. Don’t give up, it is only your own doubts that are blocking you and you can overcome them.
The Two of Cups shows a young man and woman, exchanging cups and pledging their love for one another. Above them floats the Caduceus of Hermes – a winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it – the ancient symbol of commerce, trade, and exchange. At the top of the caduceus is a lion’s head, signifying passion and fire energy and suggesting that there may be a lot of fiery, sexual energy between these two people. Two of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Partnership, unity, love, compatibility, happy couples, potential soulmates, relationships, harmony, balance, equality, attraction, connection, proposals, engagements, marriage, mutual respect
If the Ace of Cups represents the flow of love from within, the Two of Cups is the flow of love between two people. With this card, you are creating deep connections and partnerships, based on shared values, compassion, and unconditional love. While these relationships are still in the early stages, they have the potential to grow and develop into something deeply fulfilling and rewarding in the long-term. You have mutual respect and appreciation for one another, and together you reach higher planes of consciousness and understanding. When the Two of Cups card appears in a Tarot reading, you may enter a new partnership, perhaps with a lover, friend or business partner. You are both focused on creating a relationship that is mutually beneficial, one that will create a win-win situation for both parties. You see ‘eye to eye’ and appreciate what each other can bring to the table. In a romantic relationship, the Two of Cups shows a blossoming new union based on mutual attraction. There is both a physical and soul connection that leaves you giddy and weak at the knees. You bring out the best in each other and lift each other to even higher levels of potential. The exchange of emotion is heartfelt, and you are both willing to do whatever it takes to support one another. In some cases, the Two of Cups can refer to a marriage, proposal or engagement. In a business partnership, the Two of Cups is a sign you are both on the same wavelength and share a similar vision for the venture you are creating together. You may not have the same skills as each other, but you create a beautiful synergy when you work together. For example, one of you may be talented at sales and marketing while the other excels at managing the business's operations. A partnership like this – built on trust, harmony, and mutual respect – is likely to succeed so long as you continue to communicate with one another and focus on your shared alignment. (Though, it never hurts to have a contract or agreement in place to ensure this dreamy business partnership continues this way.) In a general context, when the Two of Cups Tarot card appears things should be going well for you and life should be very harmonious.  The Two of Cups is a very positive card. While it normally relates to unity and love in romantic relationships it can signify harmony and mutual respect and appreciation in friendships and partnerships. This Minor Arcana card can also signify equality and balance when it appears in your tarot spread. As this is an attraction card, you may find you are popular or sought after in many areas on your life!​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot reading, the Two of Cups is a great card to get! If you are single it represents a blossoming romance or the offer of a relationship with a person who you will share a strong connection with and who will be mutually attracted to you. It can also indicate a reunion with someone from the past. If you are in a relationship, the Two of Cups represents a perfect union, proposals, engagements and marriage. It a great omen as it indicates that your relationship is harmonious, loving, balanced and mutually supportive and that you are both feeling very content. You should soon find yourself taking your relationship to the next level of commitment or finding a deeper level of connection with your partner when this card appears. Although the Two of Cups is less intense than similar cards in the Major Arcana, it is an indicator that the relationship this card relates to is potentially with your soulmate.​ Money & Career (Upright) In a career context, the Two of Cups can represent a strong and successful business partnership. If you are considering entering into a business partnership with someone when this card appears, it is a good omen that indicates that you and your business partner will work well together and will have similar goals and mutual respect for each other. If you are not in or entering into a partnership, the Two of Cups is still a good sign, representing harmony and balance in the workplace. You should find that things are going well and that your working relationships with colleagues should be going well. Financially, things should be balanced at the moment. You may not have an excessive amount of money but you will have enough to cover your bills and not worry.​​ Health (Upright)​ In a health context, if you have been suffering from health problems, the Two of Cups is a good omen indicating that things should be coming back into balance very soon. If you are pregnant, the Two of Cups can sometimes indicate a twin pregnancy, look to the supporting cards to confirm this.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Two of Cups indicates that your connection to spirit should be strong at this time and you will be finding balance and harmony on your spiritual path. You will be very open to the love and positive energy the universe is sending you. Two of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Disharmony, disconnection, imbalance, inequality, incompatibility, unhappy couples, arguments, breakups, separation, divorce, ending partnerships, losing friendships, abuse, dominance, bullying
At its essence, the reversed Two of Cups is about self-love. Love, in any form, starts with love for yourself. When you love yourself unconditionally, you accept and appreciate who you are, and you respect and honour the most authentic version of yourself. You welcome a life of happiness because you fundamentally believe you deserve it (and you're right!). When you come from this place of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-respect, you will have more fulfilling, loving relationships with others. It all starts with self-love. Here’s the thing: if you don’t love yourself, you’ll end up projecting that lack onto others, becoming clingy and attached, attracting the wrong kinds of relationships to you, or worse, ending up in harmful situations. Here is the shadow side of the Two of Cups reversed. So, before you seek out your Prince Charming or tie the knot with your lifetime love, make sure you’ve filled your cup with all that beautiful love juice for yourself first. To find fulfilment in your life and relationships, find the love within you and give it to yourself. No other person, material possession, or accomplishment can do it for you. The Two of Cups reversed can sometimes signal a break-up or a falling out. You are out of sync with each other and don‘t share the same emotional connection you did in the past. You may notice a lack of trust and being open with one another is proving difficult. Communication may be restricted or withheld, and the energy flow between you stifled. To turn this situation around, open up, share, and hold a safe space for one another to express your feelings. Even with one conversation, you can shift the energy flow dramatically. In a general context, the Two of Cups Tarot card reversed can indicate a lack of harmony or balance in your life. It can signify that you may fall victim to some form of inequality, abuse or bullying. Again, while this Minor Arcana card in a reversed position usually relates to a romantic relationship, it can also signify falling out with a friend or being in a friendship that is imbalanced or one-sided in some way. It can indicate a partnership breaking down or a lack of equality or mutual respect in a partnership. It can also be a sign of arguments with friends, family, partners, business partners or colleagues.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are single, the Two of Cups Tarot card reversed can signify a romance with someone who you are incompatible with. It can indicate that someone you are dating may blow hot and cold on you. You may find that they can’t get enough of you one minute and disappear or give you the cold shoulder the next. If you are in a relationship, the Two of Cups reversed is not a great omen as it can signify arguments, broken engagements, separation or divorce. It can signify that you and/or your partner have been taking the relationship for granted and not putting the work in. You may find yourself drawn to someone other than your partner. Alternately, you may find that you and your partner have become so co-dependent that it is creating resentment or arguments in your relationship. Whatever the issue, if you want your relationship to survive, this card tells you that you need to re-balance the relationship. Or you may need to rebalance yourself by getting your own emotions, issues or ego in check, which may naturally balance out the relationship. The Two of Cups reversed can, in some Tarot readings, signify abuse, dominance or controlling behaviour. Look to the supporting cards for confirmation of this.​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the Two of Cups reversed can signify dissolving a business partnership that has turned sour. You and your business partner may no longer have the same goals or respect for each other that you once did. If you are not in a business partnership, you may find yourself butting heads with your colleagues or falling victim to some sort of inequality, harassment or bullying in the workplace. Your finances may be lacking balance with this Minor Arcana card in reverse so watch your spending when it appears.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health context, the Two of Cups reversed can suggest that disharmony, stress or tension may be causing a knock-on effect on your health. You see a lack of balance within you manifesting itself in physical symptoms such as headaches or migraines, high blood pressure or chronic fatigue. Try to resolve the imbalances in other areas of your life and see if your health issues subside.​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, the Two of Cups reversed can indicate that you are disconnected from the love and positive energy the universe is sending you. You may find it difficult to connect to spirit and find that you powers are very off balance at the moment. Try some meditation or energy work to bring yourself back into alignment with your spiritual path.​​
In the Three of Cups, three young women are dancing with each other in a circle, raising their cups high in the air in a toast of joy and celebration. They look to one another with appreciation, honour and respect, and are bound by their emotional connection and friendship. There is a sense of lifting each other up and celebrating each woman’s unique contribution to the group. The ground is layered with flowers, fruit and a pumpkin, symbolising the celebration of an abundant harvest and the goodness in life.
Three of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Reunions, celebrations, parties, socialising, gatherings, indulgence, festivals, festivities, gatherings, happiness, wedding, engagement party, graduation, baby shower, happy times
The Three of Cups is a card of celebration, friendship, sisterhood, and creative collaborations. Your friends and family are here to support you and lift you up to even higher levels of success. Celebrate with them and enjoy their camaraderie. This card reminds me of the wonderful connection shared by the four female characters in Sex and the City—Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda. They stand by each other through thick and thin, and they are always there for one another as they make their way through relationships, careers and different life journeys. Nearly every episode shows them enjoying each other’s company, often over a cosmopolitan at a swanky Manhattan restaurant. You get the feeling that these girls will be friends forever and know they can always count on each other for support and compassion. When the Three of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, you are encouraged to gather with your closest friends and have a good time together, talking, laughing, sharing and creating. Together, you give and receive the love, support and compassion each of you needs from one another. You may be inspired to host a girls’ night out, a weekend away, or start a women’s circle so you can join forces with like-minded people. The energy is high, and you’re here to do amazing things together. The Three of Cups often indicates a very sociable period – perhaps a birthday, a wedding, the holiday season or a vacation with friends. See it as your opportunity to let your hair down and forget about your day-to-day commitments and obligations for a while. Instead, spend quality time with friends and family and enjoy yourself! This card also invites you to collaborate with others on a creative project and inspire one another to reach new heights. Collectively, you are working towards a common goal for the greater good of others, and by reaching out to others and banding together, you can achieve a great deal by sharing your positive energy and passion with the wider community. The Three of Cups is a very creative card, suggesting that you may pursue a creative outlet within a group environment, such as an art class or a dance class. This is a great way to connect with others and to access your creative abilities. In a general context, the Three of Cups Tarot card is the Minor Arcana card of reunion or celebration. It can signify someone from your past coming back in to your life. It can also signify parties, festivals, weddings, engagement parties, baby showers and other similar celebrations. With this card appears in your Tarot reading you can look forward to a happy event in your life. It signifies group of people coming together with open hearts and minds to celebrate important events. It is a very positive card that indicates happy times, uplifting and positive energy and good feelings.​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot spread, if you are single, the Three of Cups Tarot can indicate that someone from your past may reappear in your life in a romantic capacity. It can also indicate that you will have an abundance of potential suitors after a period of solitude or loneliness. If you are in a relationship, it can indicate that you may have a celebration to look forward to such as an engagement, wedding, baby shower etc. When this card appears you can look forward to happy times or events to celebrate in your relationship.  It can also simply be an indication that you and your partner will find yourselves attending lots of weddings or engagements.​ Money & Career (Upright) In a career context, the Three of Cups can indicate that there will be a celebration in relation to your work or career. This may be in the form of graduating from a course, a successful launch event for a business, a celebration of the successful completion of a project or an office party. It can also indicate that there will be a good atmosphere in your workplace or that there will be a buzz about the projects you are involved in. Any team work you’re involved in will be going very well and everyone will be getting along nicely. This card can also signify that a promotion or job offer could be coming your way. In a financial context, the Three of Cups tells you that you may have an abundance of money coming in but you could find yourself spending a lot too with all these celebrations!​​ Health (Upright)​ In a health context, the Three of Cups Tarot card indicates that you may have a lot of social events or celebrations coming up that could tempt you into overindulgence or excessive partying. Enjoy yourself but be mindful of the impact excessive indulgence could have on your health and try to moderate things.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Three of Cups can indicate that you may find yourself doing group work or interacting with others on a spiritual path in group scenarios that will boost your energy and teach you new ways of connecting to spirit. Embrace these new spiritual friends and accept the opportunities to learn. Three of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Over indulgence, gossiping, bitchiness, lack of social life, lack of friends, cancelled celebrations, broken engagements, cancelled weddings, miscarriage, termination, cheating, affairs​
While the upright Three of Cups is a card of friendship and social events, the reversal of this card suggests that you would prefer to go it alone right now. You may have recently spent a lot of time with others and now just need some alone time. Or perhaps you are no longer ‘clicking’ with some of your friends or a social group and are ready to move on. Or sometimes, you might find yourself on the ‘outer’, excluded from other people’s circles and feeling isolated and alone. Honour your desire to step out of the social scene for a while and enjoy this time by yourself so you can get clear on who you most want to connect with in the future. If you are involved in a creative project, now may be the time to work independently rather than in a group. The reversed Three of Cups can show that your creativity is being stifled, or you are being forced to conform to the group. You may be part of a tight-knit club that does things a certain way and is not open to innovation or alternative approaches. You need to consider whether you are willing to sacrifice your creative abilities in favour of the group’s desires. If you are experiencing high levels of stress or you’ve been working hard, the reversed Three of Cups appears as a message to take some time off to recuperate and gain the support of friends before returning to reality. You may have been working so hard that you’ve lost your connection with your friends and family. Now is the time to reconnect and re-prioritise their love and support. See this card as a reminder to reconnect with the people you care about, let loose and have a good time, without worrying too much about the consequences. On the other hand, the Three of Cups reversed may signify overindulgence. You may be out most nights partying, doing drugs or drinking heavily when what you need is balance in your life. Be mindful about the longer-term consequences of your actions and ask yourself whether this lifestyle is sustainable. Take a break from the social scene to regroup and get some much-needed sleep. When it comes to relationship readings, the reversed Three of Cups can sometimes appear when a third person is involved. You may be involved with someone who is already in a relationship with someone else, whether you know it or not. Look to the other cards for more detail. The Seven of Swords signals a betrayal of trust and possible cheating. If you see the Five of Swords, you likely already know about the other relationship, but you are trying to ignore that it exists. If you see the Devil, consider the nature of the relationship as it is likely to be hedonistic and unhealthy to those involved. It is unlikely that this situation is sustainable as ‘three’s a crowd,’ and something has to give. In a general context, the Three of Cups Tarot card reversed can indicate celebrations being cancelled. This may take the form of a cancelled party, a cancelled wedding or an engagement being broken off to name but a few. The Three of Cups reversed can signify that your social life may be non-existent at the moment or that you’ve grown apart from your friends. While the upright Three of Cups is all about people who are open and loving coming together in celebration, the reversed card can indicate backstabbing or bitchiness from those around you. It can indicate that the people who should be happy for you, or alternatively should be empathising with you if an important event has fallen through, are being nasty or gossiping about you behind your back. People you thought were your friends may try to start rumours or sabotage you with gossip when this card appears. Be careful who you trust. The Three of Cups in a reversed position can also indicate a celebration being tainted in some way, you could find that a rowdy intoxicated guest ruins your party or someone gate-crashes or causes a scene. It can also simply be a sign of family and friends going their separate ways after a coming together for a celebration. Look to the supporting cards for more information.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a love Tarot spread, if you are single, the Three of Cups reversed can indicate a short term relationship that won’t last is coming your way. The relationship may be a joy to begin with but it will quickly fizzle out. It can also indicate a reunion with someone who you will soon realise was out of your life for a good reason! If you are in a relationship, the Three of Cups reversed is not a great omen generally as it can indicate cancelled celebrations such as weddings or engagements. It can also signify someone trying to cause trouble in your relationship. This could be a third party trying to sabotage your relationship with gossip or rumours. However, it could also represent someone trying to seduce your partner behind your back while being nice to your face. Watch your back with this one! The Three of Cups reversed can be an indicator of a miscarriage or termination. Look to the supporting cards to confirm this. If you are not pregnant and not ready for a child, be warned and take proper precautions.​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the Three of Cups reversed may indicate that people in your workplace or team may give off the impression that they are team players but could be secretly trying sabotage or damage a project to make you look bad. It can also indicate that the gossip mill may be in overdrive in your workplace so try to focus on your work, remain professional and don’t give the gossips any ammunition. It can also indicate a launch being cancelled or a promotional event not going to plan. Financially, the Three of Cups reversed can signify that the financial implications of a cancelled event such as a wedding will cause you some stress. It can also signify that you may be overspending and overindulging, try to reign in your spending before you get yourself in over your head.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health context, the Three of Cups reversed can be a strong indicator that you will be over-indulging or partying too much to the detriment of your health.  The Three of Cups can be an indicator of a miscarriage or termination thus cancelling a baby shower or the celebration of a birth. However, the supporting cards would need to confirm this.​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, if you have been doing spiritual work in a group or have the opportunity to, the Three of Cups reversed can indicate that there may be some in the group who do not have good intentions. Trust your instincts about people, if someone acts nice to your face but you have a bad feeling about them, go with your gut. Someone may be jealous of your powers. Be discerning of which practices you take on and only use what works for you and what you consider ethical. Don’t go against your own morals!
The Four of Cups shows a young man sitting under a tree with his arms crossed, deep in contemplation and meditation. He is so engrossed in his thoughts that he does not seem to notice the outstretched arm offering him a cup. A further three cups stand at his feet, but again, he doesn’t seem to notice or care about these new opportunities either.
Four of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Regret, refusing offers, missed opportunities, stagnation, apathy, disillusion, focusing on the negative, self-absorption, depression, boredom, nostalgia, remorse, yearning, frustration, weariness, meditation, day-dreaming, fantasising​
When the Four of Cups turns up in a Tarot reading, new invitations and opportunities are flowing to you, but for now, you’re saying “no” and turning them away. Perhaps the prospects do not interest you, or your cup is full, or you already have too much on your plate. Use your discernment to decide on what is truly important to you, and don't be afraid to decline new projects that don't align with your future path. The Four of Cups can also indicate a time when you are turning your attention and your energy internally, to realign to this new phase of your life. You know that you need to be standing on terra firma before you can decide your next steps. While you may need to decline some very alluring opportunities, you do so knowing you will be in a better position to say ‘yes’ to the opportunities that are a better fit for you. You are creating the space within yourself so that you are ready to accept new opportunities later and give them the best possibility of success. Use this time for inward reflection, grounding, and contemplation before accepting the next ‘big thing’. Sometimes this card brings the message, ‘Not now, but maybe later.’ While the man in the Four of Cups doesn’t accept the cups offered to him, he doesn’t wholly reject them either. You may be waiting for a sign or further information before taking an invitation or new project. Check in emotionally and spiritually before you say ‘yes’, to make sure the opportunity is a good fit and that you can commit to it in the long-term. The Four of Cups can appear when you are bored or dissatisfied with your everyday life. You may feel disengaged, apathetic or unmotivated – maybe life has become dull. The Four of Cups invites you to bring your attention inward and re-evaluate your situation to find a deeper meaning in what you do. You may have found yourself disconnected from your emotional self and inner truth, and need to re-establish this connection so you can get a greater sense of purpose and direction. Now could be an excellent time to switch off from the distractions of the external world – social media, the news and other people’s stories – to allow you the space to listen to your own voice and inner knowing and gain more clarity. The Four of Cups may show that you have shut yourself off from new opportunities because you have been hurt or rejected before. The man in this card has his arms crossed as if protecting himself and closing off from the external world. You may have had a relationship end in heartbreak or experienced failure in your career and now want to avoid getting in the same predicament again. However, you may miss out on new opportunities that are an excellent fit for you. Check in on a soul level and question whether shutting yourself down is the best course of action, or if it’s time to open up to the possibilities available to you In a general context, the Four of Cups Tarot Card can represent missed opportunities, remorse or regret. It can also signify becoming self-absorbed due to depression, negativity or apathy. The Four of Cups can indicate that you are feeling bored or disillusioned with your life, you may be focusing on the negative or feeling like the grass is greener on the other side. You may feel like you have lost your passion and motivation for life. When this Minor Arcana card appears in your Tarot spread it comes with a warning to be mindful of the opportunities or offers available to you. You may be inclined to dismiss them as insignificant now but you could realise later that they would have led on to amazing things. The Four of Cups can also represent feeling nostalgic, daydreaming or fantasising.​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot spread, if you are single, the Four of Cups can indicate that you may be regretting past mistakes in the love department. It can indicate that you are so focused on what is missing in your love life or the relationships you’ve had that didn’t work out, that you are missing the opportunities for love that are right in front of you. If you miss this opportunity, you may find that you deeply regret it later on so don’t dismiss potential partners or offers of dates out of hand. Sometimes we find love where we least expect it. If you are in a relationship, the Four of Cups can indicate that you have become complacent in relationship or are so caught up in a fantasy of what you want your relationship to be like that you are not appreciating it for what it is. Consider if this is a good use of your energy and what you could accomplish if you put that energy back into appreciating your partner for who they are.​ Money & Career (Upright) In a career context, the Four of Cups can indicate that you feel bored or unsatisfied in your career. You may feel like your career has become stagnant. In terms of both money and career, The Four of Cups Tarot card can signify that you are oblivious to the opportunities around you because you are too busy envying what others have. Focus on yourself, find gratitude for what you already have and open yourself up to the opportunities all around you and you will find that things will improve.​​ Health (Upright)​ In a health context, the Four of Cups Tarot card can indicate that health issues have left you feeling depressed, weary or frustrated. You may be feeling sad about the restrictions your health woes are putting on you. Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t and don’t be afraid to reach out to support groups or a professional counsellor for support if you are struggling to keep a positive outlook. Sometimes just talking about things and knowing that you are not alone can make a world of difference.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Four of Cups can indicate that you have been feeling disillusioned or are wishing your life away wondering what if. You need to let go of the regrets from your past and focus on the good things that are happening all around you.  A great way to do this is to think of one or two things that you are grateful for in each day, it will help you to focus on the present and on the positive.  Meditation and Reiki would be helpful to bring you back into balance and help to release the negative energy you have been carrying.​ Four of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Seizing opportunities, letting go of regret, end of stagnation, motivation, enthusiasm, being proactive, interest, focus, self-awareness, focusing on the positive, gratitude, zest for life, re-energised​
The Four of Cups reversed reflects a period of introspection and withdrawal. You are retreating into your own inner world so you can concentrate on what is integral to you and what grounds you. Others may want to spend time with you or invite you out, but you’d prefer to stay in and read a good book or meditate in your sacred space. Just be careful that you don’t shut off your friends and loved ones or appear disinterested in their lives. Let them know you need some alone time and that you’ll reach out again when you’re ready to re-emerge. If you are feeling withdrawn, don’t force yourself to go out. Just ‘be’ in this space, and when you’re ready, start to re-integrate with the world around you. You won’t be a ‘hermit’ forever – it’s just a temporary state of being. Appreciate it and make the most of it. You may use this time of introspection to check in with your inner self to make sure your upcoming projects and endeavours are a good fit. Instead of saying ‘yes’ straight away, step back and assess the situation first. That said, be careful that you don’t lose this opportunity as you wait for an answer. Check for an expiry date or deadline and be sure not to miss it. At times the Four of Cups reversed suggests that you feel uninspired, disillusioned, or disappointed with the world around you. Everything seems hard, and instead of dealing with it head on, you’re choosing to retreat. You may avoid the challenges of the external world hoping that if you step out, the problems will go away. But let’s be real: they will need your attention eventually. The Four of Cups reversed might mean you are reluctant to open your heart to someone or to express your true feelings, choosing to withdraw and isolate yourself from the other person instead. Be mindful of how this could impact those who are close to you and consider their needs along with your own. In a general context, the Four of Cups Tarot card reversed indicates that you are pulling yourself out of the rut you have been in. While your life may have previously felt stagnant, that is now coming to an end. The Four of Cups reversed represent leaving regrets, remorse and wishful thinking in the past and focusing on the present and moving forward in a positive direction. You will be seizing opportunities with enthusiasm and focus. It signifies that you have realised that you have been detached from the world and caught up in self-absorption and that has now been replaced with self-awareness and a zest for life. You are done with fantasising about what your life could be or wallowing in grief or self-pity and are ready to re-join the world and take a proactive approach to making things happen. You may be letting go of patterns or people in your life that are no longer good for you when this Minor Arcana card appears. The Four of Cups reversed can also represent acting spoilt as a result of pandered to too much by others. If you are engaging in this sort of behaviour you need to take responsibility for yourself and stop expecting others to do everything for you. If you don’t, it will be to your own detriment.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are single, the Four of Cups Tarot card reversed can indicate that you are coming out a period of detachment or solitude where you were not interested in dating or starting a relationship. You may have withdrawn from the world due to the trauma of a bad breakup to give yourself time to heal. The Four of Cups reversed indicates that you are done wallowing in your heartbreak and are ready for a fresh start. If you are in a relationship, the Four of Cups reversed indicates that after a long period of soul-searching, you may have realised that the relationship no longer works and you may be ready to let it go. Alternatively, you may be ready to focus on the relationship and suddenly find you have newfound enthusiasm and interest in making the relationship work.​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the Four of Cups reversed indicates that you have been going through a period of stagnation in your career which is about to suddenly change. You will be aware of the opportunities that are opening up to you. The Fours of Cups in a reversed position sees you taking a proactive approach to improving your career and finances. You are focused and full of positivity energy, ready to go out and get what you want. You may be feeling grateful for what you have after a period of being overly focused on what you didn’t have and being jealous or envious of others.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health context, the Four of Cups Tarot card in a reversed position shows you feeling re-energised and positive. Know that if health issues have been dragging you down, things are about to change. If you have been letting health issues affect you outlook on life in general or stop you from doing things, your focus and outlook should become much more positive when this card appears and you will find new enthusiasm for life.​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, the Four of Cups reversed indicates that you are ready to break out of the spiritual rut you’ve been in. You are ready to let go of the remorse, regrets and what ifs of the past and focus on the beauty and positivity that is all around you. This can only mean good things for your spiritual path as you begin to live an attitude of gratitude and take a proactive approach to discovering your spiritual path.
The Five of Cups shows a man in a long black cloak looking down on three cups that have been knocked over – symbolic of his disappointments and failures. Behind him stand two cups representing new opportunities and potential, but because he is so fixed on his losses (the over-turned cups), he misses the opportunities available to him.In the background, a bridge crosses a large, flowing river and leads to the security of the castle or home on the opposite side of the riverbank – if only he can move on from the over-turned cups. The bridge is a message to 'build a bridge and get over it!
Upright Five Of Cups
The Five of Cups often appears in a Tarot reading when a situation hasn’t turned out the way you expected, and you are sad, regretful, and disappointed. Instead of moving on with your life, you are choosing to wallow in your self-pity. All you can focus on right now is what went wrong and how you failed. Sweetheart, it’s time to get over it! Sure, feel the feels, but set yourself a time limit for your self-pity and then pull yourself together and move on. The Five of Cups suggests you’re stuck in the past and can’t let go. Old wounds and bitter memories flood your mind as you think about what happened. You may blame yourself or believe you’re a victim of life’s circumstances. These negative emotions are holding you back from your fullest potential – release them so you can move on and create positive change. Forgiveness is vital with the Five of Cups, both of yourself and others. If someone has disappointed you, find it within your heart to forgive that person, releasing yourself from the disappointment. And if you are frustrated with yourself, know that you did the best you could under the circumstances and have now learned from your mistakes. Remember, too, that hindsight is much clearer than foresight and wisdom in the present moment comes from the mistakes of the past. Reflect on what led you to this point and understand what valuable lessons you can take from the experience. Even when things go pear-shaped, you can always take away something positive by reflecting on the lessons learned. The Five of Cups shows you that, even though things aren’t going your way, new opportunities and possibilities are waiting for you – but only when you are ready. It’s time to shift your mindset and focus on what can go right from this point onwards. Be open to the brighter side of life and know many blessings are in disguise right now. Instead of giving in to a ‘glass is half empty’ perspective, look at it as the ‘glass is half full’.
Five of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Sadness, loss, grief, despair, abandonment, guilt, remorse, regret, trauma, bereavement, mourning, heartbreak, unwelcome change, emotional instability, focusing on loss, focusing on negative emotions, isolation, loneliness, emotional baggage, divorce, separation, anger, disappointment​
How many negative emotions can one card represent? Quite a few in the case of the Five of Cups! In a general context, the Five of Cups Tarot card can represent sadness, loss, loneliness and despair. When this card appears it indicates that you are focusing on the negative. This may be the result of some sort of trauma or unwelcome change you have suffered. As such, this card can signify heartbreak, divorce or separation. The Five of Cups also tends to appear if you have suffered a recent bereavement as it represents mourning and grief. It is a card of emotional baggage and instability and can signify that you feel deep remorse, regret, anger, sorrow or disappointment. It is also the Minor Arcana card of abandonment and can either represent you being abandoned by someone significant to you or you abandoning plans or people in your life. It can also indicate loneliness or isolation. However, for all the negative connotations this card can bring there is a positive message underneath it all. The figure depicted in the card is crying over the spilt cups and seems to be oblivious to the fact that two cups are still upright. This is reminding you that no matter how bad things may seem there is always a silver lining, you just have to choose to see it.​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot spread, if you are single, the Five of Cups can indicate that you are overcome with sadness or despair about a past relationship that did not work out. You may feel as though “The One” has slipped through your fingers and could be oblivious to potential partners as you are so focused on your sense of loss. You may also be consumed by remorse, regret or guilt. Perhaps due to mistakes you made in a past relationship. The Five of Cups is also a card of bereavement and as such, can indicate the loss of a loved one. If you have lost a partner, the Five of Cups can signify that you are isolating yourself as you feel too heartbroken to even contemplate dating anyone. If you do not feel up to dating, that is OK! However, try not to isolate yourself. You must deal with the present and try to stay grounded. Keep a supportive network of friends around you or join a support group if you need help. There is still love in your future even if you are not quite ready for it at the moment. If you are in a relationship, the Five of Cups is not a great omen as it can signify a break-up, separation or divorce. It can also indicate that you may be still harbouring old feelings about an ex rather than emotionally committing 100% to your current relationship. If so, you will need to work on resolving these feelings, if you want your current relationship to move forward. The Five of Cups can also represent abandonment or can simply indicate that fear of abandonment is causing friction in your relationship.​ Money & Career (Upright) In a career context, the Five of Cups can indicate a job loss or the collapse of a business. If you are in business it can also signify a business partner or staff member abandoning the company or it can signify you leaving the business or abandoning a business plan. Although this indicates an unwelcome, difficult change in circumstances there is still something that can be salvaged from the situation so try not to let anger, frustration or despair overwhelm you. It can also represent a career in grief or trauma counselling. In financial Tarot spread, the Five of Cups can indicate a financial loss so now is not a time to be frivolous with money or to make investments. If you have suffered a recent bereavement, the Five of Cups can indicate that you will receive some sort of inheritance.​​ Health (Upright)​ In a health context, the Five of Cups can indicate emotional baggage causing mental health issues. It can represent grief or sadness causing depression or your need to isolate yourself causing you panic attacks in social situations or agoraphobia. Try to get back out into the world. Take small steps at first such as a quiet coffee with a trusted friend and gradually bring yourself back to the world around you. If you are struggling, you may benefit from speaking to a professional counsellor.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Five of Cups indicates that you may be holding on to feelings of deep anger, frustration or resentment. As the saying goes, holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. You need to forgive those who have wronged you, for your own sake in order to move forward on your spiritual path. Consider therapy or energy healing to help you put these emotions behind you. Try to visualise those who have hurt you coming to you to apologise for the pain they caused you in the past and ask the universe to help you to forgive them, forgive yourself and release the pain you have been holding onto.​ Five of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Moving forward/ moving on, accepting help, healing, forgiveness, re-joining the world, releasing emotions, letting go of grief, letting go of regret or guilt, letting go of sorrow, overcoming despair, releasing emotional baggage, acceptance​
The reversed Five of Cups suggests that you have recently suffered a personal setback or disappointment. You may worry that you are a ‘failure’ and don’t want to let others know you’ve taken the wrong path. Or you may not be ready to admit it to others and are choosing to keep your feelings to yourself instead. However, now might be the time to open up. People around you may not see how much pain you're in right now, so don’t be afraid to ask for help or talk with someone you trust; you may find it lessens the emotional pain. You’ll find that by sharing your feelings with others, you’ll realise that you can overcome this temporary setback. If you feel guilty or ashamed about what happened, blaming yourself for the mistakes you made, the reversed Five of Cups encourages you to forgive yourself and move on. Know that you did the best you could. This may be the perfect opportunity for you to practice the Hawaiian forgiveness ritual, Ho’oponopono, where you say sorry, ask for forgiveness, express gratitude and move into love. When this card turns up in a Tarot reading, you are realising the full implications of the past, and you appreciate the lessons learned from the experience. You may even recognise the value of the painful experience in the broader scheme of things. The Five of Cups reversed serves as a reminder that you cannot undo the past – what has happened, has happened. It is now time to let go of what no longer serves you emotionally, and open to the new opportunities available to you. You are discovering how to be open and take risks again, especially those of the heart. If you have suffered setbacks, you will find that you will be more hopeful about the future and engage with the exciting, creative side of life again. In a general context, the Five of Cups Tarot card reversed represents acceptance, forgiveness and healing. You have come to terms with your grief and sorrow. You have realised that living the rest of your life in regret, mourning or sadness will not change the past and have accepted that you have to move on with your life. You are beginning to open up your awareness to the opportunities that have been all around you all along. Alternately, the card can also indicate the negative feelings of the upright card being prolonged or dragged out. However, the Five of Cups reversed usually signifies that you are ready to begin re-joining the world. You are letting of the past, releasing your negative emotions and emotional baggage. You may also be willing now to accept help from those around with this Minor Arcana card in your Tarot reading. This is a positive step forward as previously you were so caught up in despair that you could not accept the help that was offered to you, which left you feeling lonely and isolated.  If you have been bereaved, the Five of Cups reversed can signify coming through a period of intense mourning.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a Love Tarot reading, if you are single, the Five of Cups Tarot card in a reversed position can indicate that you have let go of your regrets or sorrow over your past relationships and are ready to move on. You are beginning to see the possibilities for romance that are all around you. You are starting to re-join life and get back out there and meet people. You are finally able to forgive others for the pain they have caused you. Alternately, it can indicate that you are still holding onto the negative feelings of the upright version of the card, to the detriment of your future. You may want to consider counselling or healing if you are struggling to resolve these feelings by yourself. If you are in a relationship, the Five of Cups reversed indicates that you may be ready to forgive past mistakes in the relationship so that you and your partner can move forward.  It represents a time of healing and renewal in the relationship. Alternately, it can signify that you are still holding on to old pain which is stopping the relationship from progressing.​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the Five of Cups reversed can represent getting back on your feet after a job loss or redundancy. It can also represent beginning to rebuild a business after a loss or after being abandoned by a business partner. With this Minor Arcana card appearing in a reversed position in your Tarot spread, you may even find that you are able to recoup some of your losses or salvage the business or part of the business and build it into something even better. In a financial context, the Five of Cups reversed indicates that your finances should be improving after a period of financial difficulty. It can also signify problems or disputes over an inheritance.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health Tarot reading, the Five of Cups reversed indicates that allowing yourself to let go of past pain and opening up to positive healing energy will be key to resolving any health issues you are experiencing. If you are struggling to let go of negativity, some energy healing may be beneficial.​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, the Five of Cups reversed can indicate that you are coming out of a period of great loss or sorrow ready for a fresh start and new spiritual path. You have learned some important karmic lessons from the pain you’ve experienced and you’re allowing those experiences to make you a kinder, more spiritual and more empathetic person. Alternately, you may be wallowing in your pain or sorrow and refusing to let the past go. This will hold you back from learning your karmic lessons and continue on your spiritual path. Surrender your sorrow and grief to the universe and ask the universe to help you heal.​​
In the Six of Cups, a young boy leans down and passes a cup filled with flowers to a younger girl. The girl looks up to the boy with love and respect as he offers the flowers to her. Love, harmony and co-operation – all key elements of the Six of Cups – shine through this gentle act. The young children also represent childhood memories. In the background, an older man walks away in the distance, as if to say you no longer need to worry about adult issues; just enjoy the moment of being young, innocent and free again. The children also appear to be standing in the courtyard of a large home, symbolising comfort, safety and security. In the foreground stand four more cups filled with flowers, and a fifth cup sits on a pedestal behind the boy.
Six of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Children, childhood memories, past influences, yearning, homesickness, nostalgia, reunions, playfulness, youthfulness, innocence, creativity, kindness, goodwill, simplicity, childishness, immaturity, sharing, gifts, charity, family, support, protection, childhood issues, childhood abuse​
The Six of Cups is a card that takes you back to the happy memories from your past, whether as a child, teenager or young adult. You may simply be revisiting those memories in your mind, or you may travel back to your childhood home or reconnect with your childhood friends. You could go to a high school reunion or reconnect with an old buddy. A teenage sweetheart or past lover may turn up again. These connections bring you a sense of joy and happiness as you reminisce over all the fun times you had together. Take this occasion to explore whether you still have a lot in common and if you wish to continue the relationship now. The Six of Cups often shows an increased level of harmony and cooperation in your relationships. You are ready to give and receive, without expectation. You are also willing to give each other the benefit of the doubt, having moved on from the challenging emotions of the Five of Cups. It’s time to turn over a new leaf and start afresh from a more positive place. The Six of Cups invites you to get in touch with your inner child and experience the fun, freedom and innocence that comes with being a young child again. You might like to sit down with an adult colouring book, dance like no-one is watching you, play your favourite childhood games or spend more time around (happy) children. When you give yourself permission to be playful, spontaneous, and creative, you connect more with your authentic self and your intuition. The Six of Cups can also refer to children in your life. It can suggest a pregnancy (perhaps twins), a birth and siblings who play nicely together. It may also be a sign that you are about to spend more time with young children, playing, laughing and learning together. Children are often here to teach you something about yourself and can serve as great advisors. Kids also set good examples for how to stay present, open-minded and curious. They see the world as a magical place and their hearts are open to the myriad of pleasures available to them. In general context, the Six of Cups Tarot card can represent nostalgia, childhood memories and focusing on the past. When this card appears in a Tarot spread you may be being influenced by past events, reminiscing about the past or thinking about someone from your past. The Six of Cups is also the Minor Arcana card of children, young people and youthfulness and can represent having children or taking care of or working with them. It can signify simplicity, playfulness, innocence, goodwill and sharing. It can also represent protection and family. If you have been going through a tough time, the Six of Cups may be telling to take the support available to you from family and close friends. When the Six of Cups appears in a Tarot spread it can also indicate that you are being childish or immature. If combined with certain supporting cards it can, in some cases, indicate childhood abuse. It can also signify homesickness for those that live abroad.​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Six of Cups can simply indicate that you and your partner are childhood sweethearts. If the surrounding cards are positive, it can signify having children. However, it can also indicate problems or issues being caused in a relationship by immaturity or childishness. It can signify that your relationship is being held back because you are yearning for a past love or that a previous partner is influencing your relationship or causing arguments. If you are single, the Six of Cups can signify a past lover coming back into your life, becoming romantically involved with a childhood friend or finding love in the area where you grew up.​ Money & Career (Upright) In a career reading, the Six of Cups is generally a good omen. It signifies creativity, sharing and goodwill. When this card appears it is a great time to get involved in creative or team projects. It can also indicate working with young people or children. In relation to finances, the Six of Cups can represent giving or receiving gifts or charity. It can also represent receiving an inheritance. The Six of Cups can also appear when you are thinking of making a will or in the process of making one.​​ Health (Upright)​ In a health reading, the Six of Cups can simply be telling you to be charitable or caring towards someone with ill health, they may need your support more than you know. It can also be an indication that a fast paced life may be causing you undue stress or illness, try to simplify your life as much as you can and get back to basics. If you are trying to conceive the Six of Cups is a good omen as it represents children and family.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Six of Cups can indicate that you need to keep spiritual practices simple. Our spirituality an intrinsic part of who we are but sometimes in our eagerness to connect to spirit we can over-complicate things. If you have been struggling to connect, go back to basics. The Six of Cups can also indicate that you may find yourself rediscovering rituals or traditions from your childhood and integrating them into your spiritual practice.​ Six of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Letting go of the past, focusing on the future, maturity, growing up, leaving home, independence,  rose-tinted view of the past, boredom, lack of creativity, stagnation, being stuck in the past, resolving childhood issues, childhood abuse, stolen innocence, completing therapy/counselling
When the reversed Six of Cups appears in a reading, ask whether you're clinging to the past and losing touch with the present. Reflection and nostalgia may bring up positive or negative feelings, but either way, when you find yourself wishing for ‘how things used to be’ and not living in the present, you miss out on the opportunities right in front of you. It's OK to indulge a little in reminiscing about the past, as long as you understand that true and lasting change can only happen in the present moment. See the Six of Cups as an opportunity to make peace with the past so you can focus on the now. Learn from your mistakes, forgive others and yourself, and acknowledge that life is continually evolving. Let go of the past and bring your attention firmly into the present.The reversed Six of Cups may also be a sign you have lost touch with your inner child and life has become boring, repetitive, and ‘stale’. You might be closed off from new opportunities and gifts from the Universe, simply because you are taking on too much of the responsibility and heaviness that come with 'adulting'. Open yourself to a curious mind and to have fun as though you were a child again. If you find yourself saying, “Oh but I don’t have time!” then make time!! Play! Have some time out. Go jump in puddles or build sand castles.The Six of Cups reversed might be a sign that you are taking a private walk down memory lane. Perhaps you are thinking about an ex, or you’ve even started seeing each other again, but you want to keep this information quiet. You may be reluctant to let others know that you are revisiting these old memories or relationships, in fear that they may judge you. In a general context, the Six of Cups reversed can signify letting go of the past and being ready to move on to the future. It can be an indicator of growing up, becoming more mature or leaving home. It can also indicate letting go of childhood issues or childishness. The Six of Cups reversed can indicate childhood abuse or stolen innocence. This Minor Arcana card reversed in a Tarot reading can also indicate overcoming such abuse so look to the supporting cards for clarification. If you have been going through counselling or therapy, the Six of Cups reversed can be a good omen, signalling that you have worked through the issues of the past and are ready for a fresh start. Alternately, the Six of Cups reversed can indicate that you are stuck in the past or looking at past events through rose tinted glasses, if that’s the case you need to bring your focus back to the present moment and appreciate what you have today.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Six of Cups reversed can represent boredom or a lack of passion in the relationship. Although the relationship gives you security, you may be finding it stifling. If you are single, the Six of Cups reversed can indicate that you are ready to put your past relationships behind you and move onto something better. Alternately, it can indicate that you are still looking at your past relationship through rose tinted glasses and comparing anyone new you meet unfavourably to your ex. In order to move forward, you need to remember that your past relationship is over for a reason. Holding onto the past will not change anything and you could end up wishing your life away. Give someone new a chance! The Six of Cups can also signify that childhood issues or childhood abuse may be preventing you from finding the love you deserve or affecting your ability to open up to your partner if you are in relationship.​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the Six of Cups reversed can indicate that you are feeling bored in your current role or that it’s stifling your creativity. You may decide to leave the security and safety of this job to do something that you will find creatively fulfilling. It can also indicate working with children or young people who may have been traumatised or are disadvantaged in some way. This, while worthwhile, could be emotionally draining for you so make sure you take care of your own well-being too. In a financial context, the Six of Cups reversed can indicate that you are becoming financially independent and mature in the way you manage your finances. For a young person still living at home with their parents, it can indicate becoming ready to move out and live independently.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health context, the Six of Cups reversed can be an indicator that any health issues you are suffering from may either be genetic or a physical manifestation of unresolved childhood issues/trauma.  If you are planning a family, the Six of Cups in a reversed position can represent fertility issues or problems conceiving.​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, the Six of Cups reversed can indicate that now is a time to discover new beliefs and try new things rather than clinging rigidly to the beliefs or traditions you learned in childhood. Keep what works for you but don’t be afraid to branch out and incorporate new ideas that appeal to you.​​
In the Seven of Cups, a man stands before seven cups filled with various gifts. Some cups bear desirable gifts such as jewels and a wreath of victory. But others hold gifts that are not gifts at all; instead, they are curses, such as the snake or dragon. The clouds and the cups symbolise the man’s wishes and dreams, and the different gifts inside suggest that you need to be careful what you wish for as not everything is as it seems. Choices need to be made, but in doing so, you must go beyond illusion and allure, and instead focus on what’s right for you.
Seven of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Lots of options, choices, multiple possibilities, opportunities, picking and choosing, decisions, procrastination, dreaming, fantasy, illusion, wishful thinking, imagination, hallucinations, meditation​
The Seven of Cups is a card of new opportunities, choices, and at times, illusion. When the Seven of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, you have many options and opportunities from which you can choose. But be careful! You are prone to illusion and unrealistic ideals. An opportunity with promises of more money, more fame, or more power may sound appealing, but as you look deeper into what is on offer, you may realise it’s not everything it’s cracked up to be. Your ego may pull you in a specific direction, but it’s important you check in with your Higher Self first. Evaluate your options and dig below the surface to discover what’s involved with each choice. Often, the Seven of Cups can be a sign of wishful thinking and projecting into the future about what you would like to create, rather than taking action here in the present to make it happen. For example, you may wish for a fitter, more healthy body, until it's time to get out there and exercise. Or you might wish for a successful business fuelled by passive income, but you’re not ready and willing to put in the hard work now to enjoy the fruits of your labour later. If you spend most of your time wishing but not doing the work, then it’s time to choose just one thing and make it happen. You may find that your ideas are not grounded in reality. Your plans might sound fabulous in your imagination, but when it comes to implementing them, you may realise they do not work in the real world. The Seven of Cups may be a sign of ‘shiny object syndrome’, where you keep finding the ‘next big thing’ but fail to see any of those new opportunities through to the end. When you are constantly in the idea phase, you miss the chance to bring your designs into fruition. Again, now is a time to focus on the one thing that will move you closer to your goal; resist the temptation to get side-tracked with other ideas as they arise. If need be, note your ideas as they come up, but stay focused on the one thing you’re doing. This card is inviting you to move out of the ideas and options phase and choose. Each will have its pros and cons – it’s up to you to make sure that the option you select is in alignment with your purpose and your Highest Good – even if you feel somewhat paralysed by the options available to you. In a general context, the Seven of Cups Tarot card represents having lots of options to choose from or multiple possibilities open to you. It can be an indication that you have so many choices or so many things going on at once that you may be overwhelmed or unable to focus properly. You need to limit the amount of things you are taking on to a manageable amount. There is no point in agreeing to do things if you can’t give them the time and attention they deserve. Try to be realistic about what you can commit to. The Seven of Cups can also signify that you may be indulging in wishful thinking, fantasies or living in a dream world. When this Minor Arcana card appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates that you need to make a decision in your life and realistically look at where you are. Take proactive steps to make your situation better rather than fantasising about how you want it to be. Your imagination is a great tool to help you envision your future but it will never happen unless you take action to make it happen.​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot spread, if you are single, the Seven of Cups indicates that you will have lots of potential partners interested in you and lots of opportunities for romance. If you are in a relationship, the Seven of Cups can indicate that a new potential love interest may appear and cause issues in your current relationship or cause you to question the relationship. Alternately, it can be a sign that you are putting too much energy into fantasising about what you wish your relationship was like instead of dealing with the reality of the relationship. If can also indicate that you may be feeling discontented with the fact that the initial “butterflies in the stomach” phase of the relationship has passed. Just because the initial excitement may have worn off, doesn’t mean you can’t have a passionate, fun relationship if you put the effort in. Remember, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.​ Money & Career (Upright) In a career context, the Seven of Cups is a good omen indicating that multiple possibilities for career advancement are open to you. Just be mindful of biting off more than you can chew. It can also be a warning not to spend all your time brainstorming and forget to take practical steps to make your dreams a reality. Don’t commit to things you can’t see through to the end. In financial context, you should have lots of opportunities to make money but you need to be careful before making investments.  You should check any investment opportunities out thoroughly and consult a professional financial adviser first as they might not be as good a deal as they initially appear to be!​​ Health (Upright)​ In a health context, the Seven of Cups Tarot card can indicate that you may be overexerting yourself and taking on too many things at once which may be leaving you run down and susceptible to illness or injury. Try to reduce your workload to a manageable level and make time for yourself.  It can also represent hallucinations associated with mental health problems.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Seven of Cups indicates that you are exploring your spiritual side and there are many forms of spiritual practice that you are interested in. When is appears in a tarot reading, it can also indicate that you are ignoring your many spiritual gifts as you are not putting the work into developing them. If this is the case, try to choose a handful of spiritual practices that appeal most to you and work on them one at a time. You should find it easy to meditate with this Minor Arcana card in your Tarot spread.​ Seven of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Reality, clarity, sobriety, poor choices, lack of choice, opportunities or options, lack of spiritual growth, feeling trapped, avoiding issues,  decisiveness, reality check,  missed opportunities, focusing on the superficial/materialistic
The reversed Seven of Cups often appears when you face several different choices and, instead of choosing the option that may appeal to others, you are relying on your inner wisdom and guidance to show you the best way. You may come up with your own criteria to help you make decisions in alignment with your inner being. If you find yourself with multiple opportunities or ideas, ground yourself first and reflect on what you want for the long-term. All these shiny new objects in front of you have a certain ‘magic’ power over you right now, and you’re at risk of losing focus if you chase after pipedreams. Take a step back and assess the options against your priorities to work out which opportunities will be a real benefit to you. As a card of choices and options, the reversed Seven of Cups can mean you are overwhelmed by choice and cannot move forward. Reduce your options and focus on what is important to you. You don’t need to keep searching for that big idea; you have what you need. Make your pick and move forward with it. In a general context, the Seven of Cups Tarot card reversed can indicate that you are finding clarity and getting back to reality after a period of indulging in fantasies or living in a dream world. You may be finally starting to act decisively and to see the correct path for you clearly, having previously felt indecisive or lost. It represents getting a reality check. Alternately, when this Minor Arcana appears reversed in your Tarot spread it can indicate that you may have a lack of options, choices or opportunities or you may be feeling restricted or trapped in some way.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Seven of Cups reversed indicates that you are starting to get a reality check about where your relationship is after a period of avoiding reality. You need to use this clarity to take stock of the relationship and take action to fix any issues that need to be resolved. Ignoring issues will not make them go away. If you are single, the Seven of Cups reversed indicates that you may be limiting the possibilities for romance by sticking too rigidly to an unrealistic or idealised notion of your perfect partner. Try to loosen up and date people you might not normally date.​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the Seven of Cups reversed can indicate that you may be feeling trapped in your career or that your opportunities for advancement are restricted. Perhaps you feel that you’ve missed out on the perfect job as you weren’t focused enough on your goals in the past. Don’t dwell on what you’ve missed rather take proactive steps to create opportunities for yourself now. In a financial context, you should be feeling more decisive about financial matters.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health Tarot reading, the Seven of Cups reversed can represent poor lifestyle choices having a negative effect on health. If you have been overindulging or binging on food, alcohol or drugs for instance, the Seven of Cups reversed tells you it’s time to get back your control. If you are finding it difficult to stop your negative indulgences get help from a professional or speak to your doctor. Alternatively, you might be getting so into health and fitness that you could be over doing it. It’s great to look after your health but give yourself a break from time to time. It’s important to allow yourself time to relax.​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, the Seven of Cups reversed indicates that you are neglecting your spiritual side and are overly focused on the superficial or materialistic elements of life. Materialistic pursuits will not bring you true contentment. Try to develop your spiritual side to find contentment and enlightenment. Don’t limit yourself, you are capable of so much more than you realise!​​
In the Eight of Cups, a man walks away from the eight cups standing in the foreground. The cups are arranged in such a way that it looks like one is missing, a sign that emotional fulfilment and wholeness is lacking. The man has turned his back on these cups with a sense of loss and disappointment and shuffles away into the mountains. A nearby river symbolises his emotions, and the mountains represent the awareness that this will not be an easy journey (though it will be necessary for true long-term happiness). The moon in the night’s sky illuminates the path ahead – the man is leaving in the dead of night hoping to go unnoticed, suggesting that there may be a level of escape or avoidance in this card.
Eight of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Abandonment, abandoning plans, walking away, letting go, travelling, escapism, reaching limit, self-analysis, self-discovery, introspection, looking deeper, withdrawal, disappointment, looking for the truth, loneliness, leaving a bad situation, emotional strength, courage, fatigue, weariness
When the Eight of Cups shows up in a Tarot reading, you may feel compelled to walk away from a disappointing situation. It could mean turning your back on an unfulfilling relationship, job, career path, living arrangement or creative project that was once a source of great happiness to you but now only brings you pain. You have invested yourself emotionally but, despite your best efforts, are disappointed; it hasn’t turned out the way you had expected it to, and you realise that you are no longer getting anything out of this situation. Now, the only choice is to put it behind you and move on with your life, even if it brings you sadness as you say goodbye. The Eight of Cups suggests you sense that something is missing, particularly on an emotional or spiritual level, and instead of waiting around for things to get better, you know you need to leave that unfulfilling situation. It may not make sense to others because on the face, it looks as if you have everything you had wished for – but, deep down, you know it’s not serving your Highest Good, and it’s time for you to let it go and move on. The Eight of Cups can be a sign that you are trying to escape a problematic emotional situation or avoiding some major psychological issues and concerns. The Cups in the foreground represent emotional issues that remain real and present in your life. Yet you are trying to pretend as if they no longer exist, refusing to deal with them. You may repress your emotions or refuse to have open conversations with others about what’s happening, instead preferring to pretend as if everything is okay, or avoiding the scene altogether. The Eight of Cups invites you to ask yourself what brings you joy, contentment and fulfilment on a deeper level. Without it, you might pursue goals that fail to give you the satisfaction you’re seeking. For example, you may think being in a long-term relationship is what you want, but when you manifest it, you realise that it’s not just the long-term relationship you want but a deep soul connection with someone. If that’s not there, then the relationship will not fulfil your needs no matter how long you stay together. So, if you find yourself repeatedly in these Eight of Cups situations where you have no choice but to walk away, spend time exploring what will bring you true happiness and realign your goals with your values. n a general context, the Eight of Cups represents abandonment. It can signify walking away from people or situations in your life or abandoning your plans. It can indicate disappointment, escapism and turning your back on or leaving bad situation. The Eight of Cups can also represent the exhaustion or weariness that can prompt such a decision. Strength and courage are necessary to walk away from what you know into an unknown future and these qualities are also represented in the Eight of Cups. It is a Minor Arcana card representing travel so you could find yourself embarking on an adventure when this card appears in your Tarot reading. The Eight of Cups can signify loneliness, introspection, self-analysis and looking for the truth.​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ The Eight of Cups is not a great omen in a love or relationship Tarot spread. It represents abandonment or abandonment issues. If you are in a relationship, it can signify either you or your partner walking away from the relationship.  It can represent leaving a bad relationship. You may be so weary from the relationship that you feel you have no other option but to let it go. This Tarot card can also be an indication that abandonment issues may cause arguments in your relationship. If you are single, the Eight of Cups can indicate loneliness or being weary of getting into a new relationship. It can also be a sign that abandonment issues, perhaps due to a bad past relationship or abandonment by a parent, are preventing you from believing in love or trusting people you are in relationships with, look to supporting cards to confirm this.​ Money & Career (Upright) In a career context, the Eight of Cups can indicate that you may walk away from a job that you no longer find fulfilling. You may be feeling like you are not on the correct career path and may be considering a complete career change. If you are in business, you may find yourself walking away from a business that is no longer viable or searching for new innovations or ideas to make your business competitive. The Eight of Cups can also simply indicate travelling in relation to work. In a financial context, the Eight of Cups warns to make prudent financial plans and to be smart with your money. Be sure you are aware of what’s going on with your money and if you are not happy with your financial advisers don’t be afraid to let them go and hire someone you trust. In some cases the Eight of Cups can indicate a financial loss, look to supporting cards for confirmation.​. Health (Upright)​ In a health context, the Eight of Cups indicates that you may be spending too much time dwelling on the negative things in your life which could be having a negative impact on your health. Try to shift your focus as a positive outlook may help your health improve. A holiday might do you the world of good and give you a much needed boost.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Eight of Cups indicates that you may be taking a voyage of self-discovery. You could find yourself doing a lot of soul-searching and introspection when this Minor Arcana card appears in your Tarot spread. You could find yourself abandoning old spiritual beliefs in your search for your own spiritual path.​ Eight of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Fear of moving on, stagnation, monotony, accepting your lot, lack of self-awareness, lack of emotional maturity, staying in a bad situation, faking happiness, low self-esteem, lack of self-worth, clinginess, fear of commitment, fear of abandonment
The reversed Eight of Cups raises the question, “Do I stay or do I go?” You may be caught between walking away from a disappointing situation or trying one last time to make things better. But the real question is, 'Can the circumstances improve, or is it a lost cause?' Check in with your intuition to understand whether you should give this situation one more chance, or if you should release and let go. If the reversed Eight of Cups is paired with more passive cards such as the Hanged Man or the Four of Swords, then it may be a sign that you wish to try one more time. However, if this card couples with a more active card such as the Eight of Wands or Chariot, it may be time to move on and pursue a different path. The reversed Eight of Cups invites you to listen to your heart about your next course of action. Others may have an opinion, but it comes down to what’s important to you. Only you know whether this situation is serving you and if there is hope for the future. Be mindful of what you want and then check in to see if this move is in alignment with your goals and dreams. At times, the reversed Eight of Cups can show that you are drifting from one place to the next because you never feel satisfied with staying in one place. “The grass is always greener on the other side.” If this resonates, ask yourself what makes you happy and how you can design your life in alignment with your deepest contentment. In a general context, the Eight of Cups reversed can indicate stagnation. When it appears you may be accepting your lot in life or staying in bad situation that makes you terribly unhappy because you are afraid of moving on or worried about what the future might hold if you leave. You may appear happy to those around you but underneath it all you know you need to get let go of certain people or situations in your life in order to move forward. You are resisting this change because you are paralysed by fear. It can also be a sign of running away from situations, not because they are bad but because you are afraid to take a chance and be vulnerable. This Minor Arcana card in a reversed position can show a lack of emotional maturity and can also be an indicator of low self-esteem or low self-worth. It can also represent returning home after a long period of travelling or living abroad.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship, the Eight of Cups reversed can indicate that you may be unhappy in your relationship but unwilling to let it go for fear of being alone. You may be doing a great job of appearing to the outside world to be happy in your relationship while on the inside things have become monotonous and stagnant. It can also indicate fear of commitment or lack of emotional maturity causing problems in a relationship. If appearing in relation to a divorce or separation, the Eight of Cups reversed shows things being handled badly for example: a father or a mother abandoning the family or a divorce turning nasty. If you are single, the Eight of Cups Tarot card in a reversed position can indicate that may be putting off potential partners by being too clingy. It can also indicate that you accept bad treatment from partners due to low self-esteem or self-worth. Alternately, you may be running from relationships as soon as they get serious as you fear commitment. Whatever the issues are, you will need to work on them in order to have a healthy relationship in the future. Once you resolve your own issues with relationships and raise your self-worth you will attract the right partner to you.​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the Eight of Cups reversed indicates that your career may have become stagnant and unfulfilling to you but you are sticking with it because you are afraid to change. You may have not explored all the options available to you, instead choosing to accept your lot in life. When this card appears you need to be embrace change. If your career is unfulfilling to you, the only person who can change that is you, even if that means making a total change in career path. Be brave and go for what you want. Even if you don’t get everything you want, you will at the very least know that you tried.  If you are self-employed, the Eight of Cups reversed can indicate that you may be holding onto a business that is no longer profitable for fear of letting it go. Similarly, in a financial context, it can signify clinging to a job or business that you should be walking away from because you are afraid losing the financial security it gives you.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health context, the Eight of Cups reversed can be an indicator that you are keeping yourself in a situation that is having a negative impact on your health. You need to evaluate what is impacting your health and what you can do to improve things. You have the power to improve your health, whether that means changing your diet, taking up exercise or letting go of the things in your life that are causing you undue stress.​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, when the Eight of Cups reversed appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates that you may be lacking in self-awareness or your spiritual growth may be stunted at the moment. You may need to do some soul-searching to connect with your spiritual self and discover your true life path. If you find yourself drifting through life without any direction, a connection to spirit might help you see your path more clearly and give you the strength and courage to leave behind that which no longer serves you. Don’t be afraid! Spirit is always there lovingly guiding us to fulfil our destinies, all we have to do is listen.​
In the Nine of Cups, a man sits on a wooden bench. He is comfortable, but not too comfortable (you wouldn’t want to sit on that wooden bench all day!). His arms are crossed, and he has a smile on his face, expressing contentment and satisfaction. Behind him is a curved structure draped in blue material, with nine golden cups arranged in an arch. The cups represent emotional fulfilment after you carry out your deepest desires.
Nine of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Wishes coming true, realising dreams, happiness, cheerfulness, joy,  fulfilment, positivity, optimism, satisfaction, success, abundance, prosperity, achievements, rewards, confidence, high self-esteem, triumph, celebrating, entertaining, fame, acclaim, recognition, pleasure, sex, sensuality, pampering
You know those moments when you glance around and feel your heart overflowing with love and appreciation for everything you have created in your life? That’s what the Nine of Cups is about: emotional fulfilment, happiness and contentment. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, you are content in all aspects of your life – relationships, work, lifestyle, well-being and more. You are basking in the abundance of life and experiencing your emotions with such intensity and pleasure. This is why the Nine of Cups is often called the wish card. It comes as a sign that the planets aligned and you have everything you wished for. You could not be happier! If you made your wish and are patiently waiting for it to come to fruition, then this card is an excellent omen that it will soon be granted. The Nine of Cups is an invitation to splurge, indulge and enjoy life’s pleasures. This includes enjoying good food and wine, appreciating the arts, making love, relaxing in a luxurious resort or experiencing beauty. Live in the moment and give yourself permission to indulge temporarily without any guilt about the possible negative consequences of such pleasure. When you see the Nine of Cups in a reading, remember to count your blessings and express gratitude for what you have. Start or end every day by creating a mental list of the three things for which you are most grateful. Over time, you will intensify your sense of contentment and your ability to attract what you wish for – it is the Law of Attraction. If you are struggling to find the positive side of life, then expressing gratitude will help you see that you have a lot to be glad about. One thing to keep in mind with the Nine of Cups is that he is sitting on a wooden bench that is comfortable for only a limited period. Realise that contentment and fulfilment, too, are only temporary as everything is always in a state of change. That’s why it is so important to appreciate what you have now and cherish it because it may disappear later or you may need to adjust and adapt. In a general context, the Nine of Cups Tarot card is a positive card which indicates your wishes will be coming true or your dreams will become a reality. If you have experienced hardship, sorrow or pain recently, this card tells you that the bad times are behind you now and a time of happiness, joyfulness and fulfilment is coming. With this Minor Arcana card appearing in your Tarot spread you will be able to accomplish anything you put your mind to as it represents triumph, success and achievement. Your efforts will not go unnoticed either as it also signifies recognition, acclaim and even fame. The Nine of Cups also represents having high self-esteem and self-confidence. It is a card of celebrations and parties.​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Nine of Cups is a good omen indicating that the relationship is in a good place. You should be feeling happy and fulfilled with your partner when this card appears. It is also an indicator of good sex, sensuality and pleasure so you can expect plenty of romance. If you have been hoping for a bigger commitment in the relationship it is a good card to get as it can represent engagement, marriage or pregnancy. If you are single, the Nine of Cups indicates that you are in very healthy state mentally and emotionally. You have learned from your past experiences and gained a level of emotional maturity and self-esteem that will benefit you greatly in your future relationships. When you are ready to get involved with someone, the positive energy and confidence that is emanating from you should help to ensure that you attract the right type of person to you. Now is a great time to get out there and meet new people!​ Money & Career (Upright) Things should be going great with the Nine of Cups in your career Tarot reading! It is a card of success, achievement and acclaim so whatever projects you are involved in should not only be going well but your success will get you noticed! You can do anything you set your mind to so if you have been dreaming of a promotion or starting your own business, this card is a great omen for success. In a financial context, the Nine of Cups indicates abundance and prosperity so things should be going well in terms of money and investments. It is also a card of recognition and reward so you may find that you receive some sort of monetary reward or bonus for your hard work.​ Health (Upright)​ In a health Tarot reading, the Nine of Cups is a positive omen, so if you have been suffering from health issues you should see some improvement or be feeling more positive about your health when it appears in a reading. If your health is good, this card indicates that it should stay that way.  When this card appears, it is a good time to pamper yourself or to have some “me time”. However, it can also warn you to avoid overindulgence as it can have a knock on effect on your health.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Nine of Cups indicates that you will be feeling happy and fulfilled on many levels and you will be emanating positive energy and love to those around you.​ Nine of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Shattered dreams, nightmares, unhappiness, devastation, misery,  lack of fulfilment, negativity, pessimism, disappointment, lack of success/accomplishment, disadvantage, underachieving, unrewarding, low self-esteem, addictions, eating disorders, self-hatred, arrogance, immaturity
​Even when it appears that you have everything you ever dreamed of, it can still feel like something is missing deep down. Have you pursued material gain at the expense of your spiritual growth or emotional fulfilment? For example, you might own the most expensive home or car on the block, but you never see your friends and family and are pretty miserable. This is the essence of the reversed Nine of Cups, and when it emerges in a Tarot reading, it asks you to reconsider what you’re wishing for and align it with your Highest Good. You may have lost touch with what’s important to you, instead favouring the ego and chasing what will impress others. The reversed Nine of Cups is a sign that instead of looking outside yourself for your happiness, you should search within. Success and happiness mean different things to different people. So, instead of doing what you think will make other people happy, do what will make you happy. Ask yourself, 'What does success look like to me? And how will I know when I am successful?' If your outside world is not bringing contentment, change your definition of success. Sometimes, the reversed Nine of Cups suggests that you are frustrated that your wishes have not yet come true. Your expectations may be unrealistic, or you may not be actively pursuing your dreams, hoping that they will manifest with little input or action from you. You may have chosen goals that are not satisfying to you, and if so, it’s best to let them fall by the wayside. Now is the time to reconnect with your goals and dreams and recommit to bringing them to fruition. You may need to tweak your goals to keep them in full alignment with your personal values. And you may need to be more proactive in creating an action plan to see your goals come to fruition. The Nine of Cups reversed serves as a reminder not to over-indulge at the expense of your health and well-being. You may be prone to overdoing it on food, alcohol, drugs, partying or spending. Keep everything in moderation and focus on the long-term consequences of your actions, even if they bring short-term pleasure. In a general context, the Nine of Cups reversed is not a great omen as it can represent shattered dreams or wishes turning into nightmares. You may have gotten what you wanted but now find that it’s not how you hoped it would be. Alternately, you may have gotten what you wanted and subsequently lost it and are now feeling the devastation that can bring. The Nine of Cups reversed can represent unhappiness, misery and lack of fulfilment. It can also indicate negativity or pessimism. You may feel let down or disappointed when this Minor Arcana card appears reversed in your Tarot spread. You may also be struggling to achieve your goals, lacking in accomplishments or feel that you are not gaining the rewards or recognition you want. The Nine of Cups reversed can also be an indicator that you are lacking self-confidence or have low self-esteem. This card in a reversed position can also indicate problems such as eating disorders or addictions being caused as a result of low self-esteem and unhappiness.  On the other hand, it can signify arrogance or conceitedness and a lack of emotional maturity.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Nine of Cups reversed is not a good omen as it can indicate that the relationship is not in a good place and that one or both of you is feeling let down or disappointed with it. To the outside world, it may look like everything is fine but on the inside there may be unhappiness and lack of fulfilment. For example, you may have settled for someone who looks great on paper but you don’t truly love and are now regretting it. However, while it can point to deep seated issues, the Nine of Cups reversed can simply represent the feeling of stagnation within a relationship that sometimes comes after the initial excitement has worn off or the honeymoon period has ended. If you are single, the Nine of Cups reversed can be a sign that you are not in the right emotional/ mental state or lack the maturity to make a relationship work at the moment. If you find you have been attracting the wrong type of person, you need to work on building your self-esteem and confidence and finding your own inner contentment before you bring anyone else into the equation. Nobody else, no matter how amazing they are, can make you happy if you have not found contentment within yourself. It can also indicate emotionally unhealthy sexual behaviour or sex without love. Alternately, the Nine of Cups can indicate that you have gone to the other extreme and that your arrogance or conceitedness could be putting off potential partners.​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the Nine of Cups reversed can indicate that your dream job or business may have turned into something of a nightmare. Maybe you have started your own business or landed the promotion you wanted but now find that it is not as fulfilling as you thought it would be or the workload is making you miserable.  It may also indicate that you are struggling to find a career you like and feeling somewhat like a failure or an underachiever. The Nine of Cups in a reversed position can also represent being overlooked for a promotion or position. It can signify that you are working as hard as you can but feel like you are not achieving what you wanted or your hard work is not being recognised. In a financial context, the Nine of Cups reversed can be a bad omen as you may find that promising investments or financial opportunities turn out to be disappointments.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health context, the Nine of Cups reversed can be an indicator of eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, over eating or excessive indulgence and addictions. If you are suffering from any of these you may need professional medical assistance and or counselling to help you to get to the root causes of these issues and to overcome them. It’s not a great health card to get as it can indicate disappointment. At the same time, it can simply indicate that you will be feeling pessimistic or letting negativity make you feel worse so try to remain positive if you are having health issues.​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, the Nine of Cups reversed can indicate that you may be feeling a lack of spiritual fulfilment and looking for external ways of filling this void. True fulfilment comes from within so you would do well to shift your focus back to your spiritual side and concentrate on discovering your spiritual path.​​
On the Ten of Cups, a loving couple stands together, arms outstretched, as their two children play nearby. They look towards their home on the hill and a beautiful rainbow in the sky filled with ten cups. These two have true, everlasting love and have everything they could ever wish for – the home, the kids, and most importantly, fulfilling love – and they share this bond with the people around them. The family home symbolises stability and comfort, while the grassy hills signify fertility and the river marks the flow of emotion. The rainbow signals the end of difficult times and is a sign from the Divine that everything will be okay. The idyllic scene is one of true emotional fulfilment and Divine love.
Ten of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Happiness, family,  happy families, reunions, homecomings, family gatherings, marriage, long term relationships, stability, security, harmony, abundance, domestic bliss, happy ever after, caring, children, fun, play, creativity, soulmates, fate, destiny, good luck, blessings,  well-being, fulfilment
The Ten of Cups embodies happiness, joy, and emotional contentment, particularly in your relationships and family. You have created an abundance of love and happiness in your life, and you now share this love with others, expanding your heart even more. This card often appears when you are surrounded by your loved ones with whom you share a powerful and deep connection. You appreciate and support one another, and together, you help each other reach your highest potential. It brings you so much joy to see your loved ones succeed and live happy lives.The Ten of Cups is the ‘happy family’ card, suggesting that your family relationships are harmonious and loving right now. No one is fighting or causing any tension; all family members are getting along with each other and sharing in the love and happiness that surrounds you. This card may appear in a reading when you are spending more time with family, perhaps on a holiday, reunion or event, where you can rest and relax together, creating fun and happy family memories and strong bonds.The Ten of Cups is a positive card for romantic relationships and may indicate either a new and blissful relationship or a long-term commitment, such as engagement, marriage or starting a family together. You share an everlasting love and may believe that you are soul mates destined to be with one another.When the Ten of Cups pops up in a Tarot reading, you have a sense of wholeness, completion, and alignment in your relationships with others. You are experiencing an idyllic state of peace, harmony and love where your dreams and wishes have come true. Take a moment to step back and appreciate everything you accomplished. You created a life of connection and bliss by following your heart and trusting your intuition.The Ten of Cups encourages you to follow your heart and trust your intuition to lead you to the opportunities aligned with your Highest Good. Your feelings and emotions will guide you. When something feels fantastic, do more of it; and when something doesn’t feel right, do less of it. Allow your inner guidance to lead the way. Seek out opportunities that fulfil you and align with your personal values instead of following the path that others expect you to take. In a general context, the Ten of Cups Tarot card is a great card to have in your Tarot reading as it represents true happiness and emotional and spiritual fulfilment. It tells you that you will be living your happy ever after and can look forward to domestic bliss. This Minor Arcana card represents happy families, children, caring and fun. You should be feeling very happy and secure when it appears in your Tarot reading. Life should be full of true contentment. This applies to you and your circle of family and friends. Everything you need you should have in abundance and you will be feeling truly blessed. Now is a time to reap the rewards of your previous hard work. The Ten of Cups Tarot card also represents playfulness and creativity so you may find the fun factor in your life goes up a notch when this card makes an appearance. The Ten of Cups can also signify reunions, home comings or family gatherings so if you have been away from your family, friends or partner or they have gone abroad, you can expect to be reunited with them.​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are married, the Ten of Cups is a great omen for long term relationships and marriage and it is a soulmate card so things should be going very well when it appears. It represents a happy and harmonious relationship. If you are hoping to move to the next level of commitment or to have children this is a great card to get in your Tarot spread. If you have been separated from a lover it can indicate that there may be a reunion in the future. If you are single, the Ten of Cups can indicate that you will be starting a new long term relationship which will give you security and stability or that you are looking for that type of relationship.​ Money & Career (Upright) In a career context, the Ten of Cups is a good omen. It indicates that things should be going well in work as you should have reached a point where you are reaping the rewards of your hard work. It can also indicate that you may be finding now is a time where you have the opportunity to focus on family life and enjoying the fruits of your hard work. In a financial Tarot reading, the Ten of Cups is also a good omen. Investments you made previously should be going well with this Minor Arcana card in your Tarot spread. It is a good luck and abundance card so your finances should be in an upswing when it appears.​​ Health (Upright)​ In a health context, if you have made some changes to improve your health, the Ten of Cups tells you that you will soon start to feel the benefits. If you haven’t made those changes, start now. It is generally a positive health card so if you have been ill recently, you should see some sort of improvement or increase in your energy levels.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Ten of Cups indicates that you will be feeling very happy and positive. Those around you will also feel the benefits of the good energy radiating from you. It is also a card of good luck and destiny so you may find your spiritual path is really falling into place when this card appears.​ Ten of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Unhappy home/family life, dysfunctional family, broken home, lack of security/stability, divorce, separation, conflict, disharmony, lack of teamwork, rocky relationships, keeping up appearances, non-traditional families, not wanting marriage/children, infertility, miscarriage, social services, losing your home, homesickness, isolation, foster families, family secrets, neglect, abuse​
When the reversed Ten of Cups card appears in a Tarot reading, you are seeking greater harmony and connection in your relationships. In your mind, you had wished for a beautiful, harmonious relationship, but in reality, you feel disconnected and disengaged from your loved one. It may seem as if something is missing, and you’re struggling to communicate honestly, empathise, and engage with one another. Each time you try to connect, something goes wrong, and you end up with even more distance between you. You may have unrealistic expectations of the relationship: that everything will be perfect and rosy every minute you are together. If this resonates, then realign your expectations and realise that every relationship has its ups and downs. Or, you may no longer be a fit for each other, in which case you may consider leaving. The Ten of Cups invites you to seek out common ground with your loved ones and rebuild the relationship from there. See the other person as a Divine Being worthy of your love; and equally, see yourself as a Divine Being worthy of theirs. Love and be loved. Open the lines of communication and be ready to hold space for one another so you can reconnect on a deeper, more loving level. Be compassionate, understanding, and respectful, and seek harmony with one another. The reversed Ten of Cups can also appear when you are contemplating what a loving relationship means for you. Rather than building relationships with others, you are focusing your attention inward so you can gain clarity around what you want from a relationship. Ask yourself what an ideal relationship looks like to you and how you want to give and receive love. Consider how you can bring more of this energy into your future relationships. You may look at your existing relationships and check in to see how these relationships align with your desires. Let go of any that no longer bring you fulfilment and happiness, and welcome in new relationships in alignment with your Highest Good. The Ten of Cups reversed can reveal a misalignment of personal values. You are not living by your own values, nor are you being true to yourself. Instead, you are allowing others to decide what will and will not make you happy when you know you should determine that for yourself. As a result, you are questioning whether you believe in what you are doing. Bring your focus back to what truly makes you happy even if it differs from what others expect. Finally, the reversed Ten of Cups may suggest that you are neglecting your family while you pursue more material goals such as progressing your career or making more money. Your work-life balance is out of whack, and you are spending less and less quality time with your family. If you continue to neglect your family, you’ll find that relationships will suffer and you may not achieve an overall sense of contentment and happiness as planned.​ In a general Tarot reading, the Ten of Cups Tarot card reversed is not a great omen. The love, harmony and contentment have disappeared and are replaced with discontent, arguments and conflict. The Ten of Cups reversed can generally refer to an unhappy home life, broken home or dysfunctional family situation. It can indicate family breakdowns, problems within a family, neglect or abuse. The Ten of Cups reversed can be an indicator of family relationships not being as stable as they may appear outwardly. There may be secrets, problems and/or disharmony and someone may be trying to keep up appearances when this Minor Arcana appears. It can also represent infertility or miscarriage. On the lighter side, it can simply represent a non-traditional family situation or a foster family.  It can also signify homesickness or feeling isolated.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ If you are in a relationship, the Ten of Cups reversed is not a great omen in a love Tarot reading. It can indicate a rocky relationship and can be an indicator of one partner not wanting commitment, marriage or children. It can also represent a breakup, separation or divorce in some case however the supporting cards would need to confirm this. The Ten of Cups reversed can also simply indicate a non-traditional relationship. If you are in a relationship and struggling to conceive, the Ten of Cups reversed can indicate that there may be issues with fertility that need to be addressed. If you are single, the Ten of Cups reversed can signify that you may be holding onto some negative patterns or beliefs in relation to love and family that are preventing you from finding a happy and healthy relationship. If you grew up in a dysfunctional family environment you may need to reflect on how this has affect your relationships as an adult and change any negative patterns so can find a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career reading, the Ten of Cups reversed can simply indicate a career in social work or working with families. It can also indicate a lack of team work or feeling isolated in a work environment. There may be arguments or conflict in relation to work or a hectic work schedule may be having a negative effect on your family life. In a financial context, the Ten of Cups reversed can indicate lack of stability or financial security so make sure you are putting aside money for a rainy day and don’t make risky investments when it appears.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health context, the Ten of Cups reversed can indicate a lack of harmony within the body so try to keep a balanced diet and when it appears. There may be unexpected health issues or surgery with this card in your Tarot reading. If you are trying to get pregnant but are struggling to conceive, the Ten of Cups reversed can indicate fertility issues need to be addressed.​ Spirituality (Reversed)​ In a spiritual context, the Ten of Cups reversed can indicate that you are not sticking to your own personal moral code in some way. You need to be true to yourself and follow your spiritual path in order to find true fulfilment.​
The Page of Cups wears a blue tunic with a floral print and a beret on his head with a long, flowing scarf. He stands on the shore, with the wavy sea behind him, holding a cup in his right hand. Surprisingly, a fish pops its head out of the cup and looks at the young man. The fish and the sea behind him represent the element of water and all things to do with creativity, intuition, feelings and emotions. The unexpected appearance of the fish signifies that creative inspiration often comes out of the blue and only when you are open to it.
Page of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Child, inner-child, youthfulness, idealism, sensitivity, dreamer, inner-voice, spirituality, psychic, messages, happy news, naivety, crush, admirer, becoming emotionally mature, romantic proposals, engagements, pregnancies, marriages, births, romance, artistic, kindness, loyalty, beauty, fashion, style
The Page of Cups suggests a new idea or opportunity has come to you out of the blue. Your creative energy is flowing, and now the question is how you will express it. Will you snap up this new idea and turn it into something, or will you let someone else bring it to fruition? It is up to you! Spend time exploring the idea to see if you want to move forward. The Page of Cups invites you to have an open and curious mind. Be open to anything – including a fish popping its head out of a cup! It is with a curious mind that you will discover new aspects of life and yourself. Open your mind to all possibilities, especially those of a creative or intuitive nature, you will be pleasantly surprised. Be ready to dream the impossible dream, and explore the magic of your fullest potential, even if it seems out of reach. The Page of Cups is asking you to embrace your inner child and believe that anything is possible. As each Page asks you to explore a new facet of yourself, the Page of Cups is asking you to explore your creative, emotional self. You may start a new art class, read books about how to express your feelings, or learn more about developing your psychic abilities. Dreamy aspirations race through your mind, and you may find yourself moved by simple things. Don’t be afraid to let your feelings show and wear your heart on your sleeve. This card often appears when you are being called to trust your intuition and be open to the multitude of intuitive messages coming your way. Look for synchronicities and signs from nature that will guide you on your path. They may come from unexpected places, or they may not even make sense to your rational mind; be open to the possibility and ready to discover new aspects of yourself. It is like following ‘intuitive breadcrumbs’ – one intuitive clue leads you to the next thing, and the next, and the next. And before you know it, you have found yourself in a place of full alignment, happiness and bliss. All by trusting your intuition and going with the flow. In a practical sense, the Page of Cups can indicate that you will receive an unexpected and pleasant surprise. The Pages are often known as the messenger cards, and with the Page of Cups, you may receive a message related to the emotions, intuition, or creative endeavours. It might be the birth of a baby, an engagement or marriage, a new love interest, or the offer of a new project. It is not a surprise you can anticipate or force; be ready to receive when the moment comes.​ In a general context, the Page of Cups is a bringer of messages. This can be in the form of happy news, important information, invitations to social events, gossip or the potential for romantic proposals. It can also represent your inner child so don’t take things too seriously when this card appears. It may be a sign that you need to connect to your inner child by embracing the fun and frivolous side of life. It can also represent beauty, fashion, glamour or style so you may be trying out a new personal style or having fun with fashion when this Minor Arcana card appears in your Tarot spread. The Page of Cups can also signify that you are beginning to gain a level of emotional maturity that allows you to be kind, compassionate, helpful, affectionate and loyal.  If representing a person, the Page of Cups signifies a young person, child or person who is young at heart, who is a bit of a daydreamer, intuitive, naïve, sensitive and idealistic. They may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Page of Cups is a good omen as it can represent the possibility of romantic proposals, engagements, pregnancies, marriages or births. It can also suggest that you need to be more romantic and be willing to be a follow your heart. If you are single, it can indicate that a romantic admirer is interested in you! The Page of Cups can also indicate a relationship with a younger person. If you have a secret crush on someone special, it can signify that you need to let them know you are interested. If you want to turn your crush into something more, you need to take a chance!​ Money & Career (Upright) In a career context, if you have been waiting on word about a promotion or job application the Page of Cups is a good omen indicating happy news. The Page of Cups can also represent being a dreamer rather than a doer. If you are unhappy with your current work situation or things aren’t going as well as you’d like, make sure you are taking positive or proactive steps to improve things and not just dreaming about it. If you are spending your time wishing for a better career instead of working hard to get the career you want, you need to stop dreaming and make things happen. It can also indicate that you may be drawn to a career in the arts or fashion industry as it is a card of poetry, art and fashion. In a financial context, the Page of Cups can indicate good financial news. It does carry a warning to put the work in with regards to financial planning and investments. Don’t just naively jump in to investments or purchases. Make sure you’ve done your research before parting with your cash.​​ Health (Upright)​ In a health reading, the Page of Cups is usually the bearer of positive news. This could be in the form of a test coming back with the result you want, or getting a diagnosis that will clarify things and allow you to take positive steps to improve your health or even receiving information about a treatment which will help you. It can also indicate pregnancy.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Page of Cups is a great card to get as it can indicate emerging intuition or psychic abilities. You may find that spirit is sending you some very positive messages when this card appears. You should be very in tune with your inner voice. Pay attention to your dreams as they may contain psychic messages.​ Page of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Childhood issues, sexual abuse, bad news, broken dreams, cancelled social events/engagements/ proposals, bad news, obsession, envy, jealousy, vindictiveness, emotional vulnerability/ immaturity/wounds, becoming sexually active, promiscuity, seduction, ignoring inner voice or inner child, being obsessed with image, attention seeking, childishness
The reversed Page of Cups suggests that you are keeping your creative inspirations and ideas secret. You may worry that others will steal your idea or tell you it’s destined to fail. Instead, you are choosing to keep your plans private so you can develop them further without the influence of others. You may want to wait until you’ve moved out of the conceptual stage before sharing it with others. With the Page of Cups reversed, you may feel called to pursue a new creative project, but you doubt whether you can really make it work. Your inner critic may be on over-drive or others are telling you that you’re dreaming – so you are stalling and holding back. Ask yourself, “What have I got to lose here?” So what if the idea fails? Isn’t it better to try something and fail than never do it and wonder for the rest of your life what might have happened? And what if you didn’t fail? What if you were to succeed? Again, listen to your intuition to understand if fear is getting in the way and whether it’s time to just give it a go regardless of the outcome. It is possible that you may experience a creative block when the reversed Page of Cups pops up in a reading. There is an aspect of your Self that wants to be expressed, but for whatever reason, you are holding back. You may worry whether your creativity will lead you in the direction you want, or whether it has value in this world. Or, you may feel ‘stuck’ when it comes time to express yourself creatively, and you don’t know how to bring this side of yourself out into the external environment. The ideas are there, but you are having trouble figuring out how to make them into reality. If you are exploring your intuition, the reversed Page of Cups can suggest that you are encountering a lot of doubt. You are trying hard to listen to your intuition, but when the messages come through, you are left wondering if it’s your inner guidance or your ego. Open yourself to your intuition and see where it takes you. At times, the reversed Page of Cups can show someone who is emotionally immature – perhaps someone dramatic, who over-shares and takes their vulnerability a little too far. This may be someone who is prone to emotional tantrums when they do not get their way. Or it may be someone who is overly dreamy about their future and who is not grounded in reality. Some call it the 'Peter Pan Syndrome', in which an adult does not want to grow up and instead remains a child for the rest of their lives.​ In a general context, the Page of Cups reversed is not a great omen as it can bring bad news. For instance, you could find you fall in love with someone who does not return your feelings or you may find that a social event you have been looking forward to is cancelled. Whatever form this news takes it could possibly cause sadness, disappointment, heartbreak or sorrow. The reversed Page of Cups Tarot card can indicate descent into emotional instability taking the form of obsession, envy or vindictiveness. The Page of Cups reversed can also represent shattered innocence, emotional wounds and broken dreams. It can represent emotional vulnerability, promiscuity or seduction and it can also be an indicator of sexual abuse. Alternatively, it may simply indicate that you have lost touch with your inner child or that some unresolved childhood issues are resurfacing. If representing a person, The Page of Cups reversed can indicate a young person, child or person who is young at heart, who is overly obsessed with superficial body image while ignoring their inner emotions or someone who engages in attention seeking behaviour or is a bit of a drama queen. They may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Page of Cups reversed can indicate disappointment in love, cancelled engagements, heartbreak or breakups. It can also be an indicator that you may have become overly sensitive or high maintenance or that childishness or drama queen type behaviour may be causing friction in your relationship. If that is the case, you need to evaluate your priorities and take a more mature approach to your relationship if you want it to work. It can also simply be an indication of losing your virginity and becoming sexually active. The Page of Cups reversed is not great if you are single, as it can represent unrequited love. If this is the case, be careful not to fall in a pattern of childish revenge plots, envy, jealousy or vindictiveness. It can also be an indication that you may be engaging in promiscuous behaviour which is not bringing you the love you want. It’s all well and good to enjoy a bit of flirting but be mindful of what type of relationship you want and stay true to yourself. You could possibly be seduced by a heartbreaker if you’re not careful!​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, if you are waiting for news on a job application or promotion, the Page of Cups reversed can indicate that you may not get the news you hoped for. Alternately, if you have not been acting with integrity in your workplace, it may come back to bite you. If things are going well in a work setting be sure you put the effort in to keep it that way. In a financial context, now is not a time for reckless spending or risky investments. You should be sure that anything you purchase is actually necessary and that you’re putting away money for a rainy day as the reversed Page of Cups can bring negative financial news.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health context, the Page of Cups reversed can be an indicator that you may be engaging in behaviour that could be very detrimental to your health such as drug or alcohol abuse. Seek professional help to stop if you need to. It can also be an indication that you need to take a more mature approach to dealing with your health. If have a health issues but you are avoiding the doctor  for fear of getting bad news you need to realise that sticking your head in the sand will not resolve things. Things may not be as bad as you think!​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, the Page of Cups reversed can be an indication that you are becoming so engrossed in the spirit realm that you are losing your grip on the physical world and forgetting to live! This may take the form of neglecting important material matters to focus on spiritual pursuits, excessive meditation or ritualistic practice or becoming overly dependent on psychic readings. Remember, in order to have balance we be balance on all levels: spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. The Page of Cups reversed can also signify letting negative spirits influence you. Be mindful of this and protect yourself if you need to.​​
In the Knight of Cups, a knight rides on a white horse and holds out a golden cup as if he bears a message from the heart. Over his armour, the knight wears a cloak covered with images of fish, the symbol of water, consciousness and creativity. His helmet and boots are winged, a symbol of an active and creative imagination and an appreciation for beautiful things. Unlike the Knight of Wands or the Knight of Swords, the horse in the Knight of Cups is not charging forward but instead moves slowly and gracefully, giving an air of calmness and peace. The horse represents power, energy and drive and the colour white is a symbol of purity, spirituality and light. The background is mostly barren, except for some trees far away and the river that flows through, symbolising the power of the emotions and imagination to create a new life force, even where it may seem that there is none.
Knight of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Romantic proposals, offers, invitations, taking action, following your heart, chivalry, gentlemanly behaviour, being swept off your feet, charm, attraction, dating, affection, warmth, gentle, caring, sensitive, artistic, creative, imaginative, psychic, graceful, tactful, diplomatic, peace loving, negotiator
The Knight of Cups is the classic romantic of the Tarot deck. He is in touch with his intuition and emotions, and he uses them masterfully to charm and attract others. He shows compassion and understanding towards others because he has learned to understand his own feelings and emotions. The Knight is kind, caring and very in touch with his feminine side. He might be found writing a romantic poem to his lover, creating art inspired by his innermost feelings or appreciating a vibrant sunset with a glass of champagne in his hand. His heart is wide open, and he wears it on his sleeve. He shares his love freely with others, without constraint or worry; he is in love with love itself. When the Knight of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, you thrive on all things beautiful and are inspired by the many creative outlets available to you. While the Page of Cups was inspired by an imaginative idea, the Knight of Cups is motivated by action. You have dreamed about what it is you want to create and now are moving forward with this dream to make it a reality. It may be an art project or something you feel ‘called’ to do, based on your emotions, imagination and intuition. Be open to exploring your passions and your big ideas. You may find yourself drawn to a particular passion or hobby and now is the time to turn it into ‘something.’ While you are in no hurry to reach the finish line, keep in mind that true imagination feeds on action; if you do nothing with your dreams, they will remain just that – dreams and not reality. All Knights are on a mission, and this Knight’s is humanitarianism, romance, altruism, compassion, and beauty. You have a vision of harmony and are ready to bring it into reality. You are lead by your heart and want to see peace for everyone involved. When it comes to making decisions, the Knight of Cups is ruled by his emotions and his heart. When this card arrives in a Tarot reading, you are making decisions based on how you feel about a situation rather than what you think, even if others can’t make sense of what you are doing and why, and your intuition guides you in everything you do. In a general context, the Knight of Cups Tarot card can represent proposals, offers, good news and invitations. The news or offers he brings usually carry with them a lot of excitement. They are the kinds of offers or news we hope to receive. Knights as action takers and as such, this Minor Arcana card can be an indication that now is the time to take action and follow your heart or that you are about to get swept off your feet. The Knight of cups can also signify gentleness, affection and warmth. It can also represent grace under pressure or diplomacy so you may find yourself acting as a mediator in resolving any disputes or conflict. If representing a person the Knight of Cups is a charming adult (usually 20-35 year of age and usually male) who is emotional, romantic, caring, gentle and idealistic. He is chivalrous, warm, tactful and a peace lover or good negotiator. He may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ Whether you are single or in a relationship, the Knight of Cups is a great omen to get in a love Tarot spread. If you are single, the Knight of Cups can indicate that you are about to be swept off your feet. Alternately, if you are single and interested in someone, it tells you to bite the bullet now and ask them out. It is a strong indicator that now is the time to take the suggestion of the Page of Cups to follow your heart and go with it. The Knight of Cups can also indicate charm, attraction and affection will be part of your dating future. If you are in a relationship, the Knight of Cups can signify romantic proposals, marriage or an offer of a deeper commitment! It can also indicate that you or your partner or potential partner are is emotional, romantic, caring and gentle. It’s is a card of sensitivity, attraction, love and affection. There is definitely good romantic news coming your way when this Minor Arcana card appears in your Tarot reading.​ Money & Career (Upright) In a career context, the Knight of Cups represents good news or a positive offer. If you are waiting on news about a job or course application, this Knight can represent being successful. It can also represent getting an unexpected offer. Whatever the news the Knight brings, things should be going well in a career setting when he appears. You should find yourself able to handle any work related drama with tact and diplomacy and if you have any important deals coming up the negotiations should go well! The Knight of Cups can also indicate that you may need to use your creative side to resolve any challenges in your work environment and if you are still searching for a career to suit you, the Knight of Cups would indicate that you should do something in a creative or artistic field. In a financial context, the Knight of Cups again is a good omen, you may find that lucrative offers come your way and your finances should be in an upswing. If you have been having financial struggles, it may be telling you that thinking outside the box is the key to successfully resolving them.​​ Health (Upright)​ In a health reading, the Knight of Cups indicates that your health should be on the up. It is generally a good omen if you are waiting for tests results that the results should be positive or at least better than expected. You should be feeling healthier soon when this card appears.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Knight of Cups is an indicator of messages coming to you from spirit so pay attention to the synchronicities all around you. If you are seeking to develop your psychic abilities this card is a very good omen. It is a strong indicator that you have the natural gifts you seek.​ Knight of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Unrequited love, heartbreaker, manipulator, one night stand, cheating, deception,  disappointment, revoked offers or proposals, bad news, procrastination, obsession, trouble-making, tantrums, moodiness, turmoil, homosexuality, lack of diplomacy, avoiding confrontation, jumping to conclusions, creative or intuitive blocks
When the reversed Knight of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, a creative project is emerging, but you are not ready to act on it just yet. You may spend most of your time dreaming up what is possible or how wonderful it will be when it comes to fruition. While it can be enriching to be in the dreamy, ideas phase for a while, the plan will not come into being until you take action. You may need to ground your ideas into reality. Figure out how much it will cost, how much time it will take, what resources you will need, and so on. This will give your project more weight so you can move forward with implementing your idea. At times, the reversed Knight of Cups can indicate that you are sulky, moody, and jealous. You may feel frustrated that you are not being given the opportunity to dream and create. You allow your emotions to get the better of you if you are not getting your way. The Knight of Cups reversed can describe someone who has an overly romantic approach to life and is disconnected from reality. You may experience a level of disillusionment that an offer is not quite what you expected it to be because you have found yourself caught up in the excitement or emotion of a situation. For example, you might quit your office job so you can work at home, only to realise you miss the social contact with your co-workers. Or you might sell your house to travel the country, only to find that your campervan needs a whole new engine on Day Two of your journey. In a general context, the Knight of Cups reversed Tarot card can represent revoked offers or proposals, bad news and withdrawn invitations. The news this Minor Arcana brings usually brings with it heartbreak, sorrow or disappointment. The Knight of Cups reversed Tarot card can be telling you not to jump to conclusions or to check your facts before taking action. The reversed Knight of Cups can also signify moodiness, tantrums and emotional turmoil so expect stressful situations when he appears. The Knight of Cups reversed can also indicate that you may be procrastinating or avoiding taking action rather than confronting a situation head on. If representing a person, the Knight of Cups reversed can indicate that an adult (usually 20-35 year of age and usually male) who at first appears to be charming and trustworthy may turn out to be any of the following: disloyal, passive aggressive, commitment-phobic, a drifter, a manipulator, a cheater or a heartbreaker. He may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Knight of Cups reversed is not a good omen as it can indicate the end of a relationship, a broken engagement or a romantic proposal of some sort being revoked. The negative aspects of the reversed Knight of Cups can take many forms:  a partner who turns from happy and committed to suddenly commitment-phobic, a partner who is a heartbreaker or cheater or a partner who becomes obsessive, abusive or misogynistic. It can also represent you becoming any of these things to your partner and can indicate drug or alcohol abuse being an issue in a relationship. Look to the supporting cards for further clarification as to the type of reversed Knight you are dealing with. If you are single, the Knight of Cups Tarot card reversed is not much better. You may find yourself dating a person with the issues listed above. It can also be an indicator that you are in love with someone who does not return your feelings or are engaging in one night stands even though you know that these encounters do not offer you the love you desire. Alternately, the Knight of Cups reversed can simply be an indication of homosexuality.​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the Knight of Cups reversed is not a good omen as it can represent bad news, missed opportunities through procrastination or revoked/withdrawn offers. If you are waiting on news about a job or course application, this Minor Arcana card can represent being unsuccessful or offers falling through.  The Knight of Cups reversed can also indicate other issues such as losing or leaving your job, underhanded dealings, fraud, gullibility in business, illegal activities or extortion. Look to the supporting cards for clarification. If you have a good and legitimate business opportunity, the Knight of Cups reversed advises you not to dawdle but to make sure you have checked all the facts before you rush in. The reversed Knight of Cups can also indicate that you are in a job that is stifling your creative talents or that you are creatively blocked. In a financial context, the Knight of Cups reversed indicates you may find that lucrative offers fall through or are not as good as they initially looked so make sure you do your research before parting with any cash. It can also indicate financial issues or that you are avoiding dealing with your financial problems or that you are missing good opportunities to increase your wealth. Seek financial guidance from a professional if you are struggling to make decisions.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health Tarot reading, the reversed Knight of Cups can be an indication of drug or alcohol abuse negatively affecting someone’s health. It can also be an indication that a hectic lifestyle may be having a bigger impact on your health than you realise. It can also indicate that you should not jump to conclusions (positive or negative) about your health. If you have concerns just go and get them checked out by a medical professional.​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, the reversed Knight of Cups can indicate blocked psychic gifts. Perhaps you are so busy that you are missing the messages spirit is trying to send you. Slow things down and try to be more present in the moment in order to pick up on the signs all around you. Alternately, it can also be a strong indicator of over dependency on psychic readings. Watch this tendency as it does not benefit you to become overly focused on psychic readings or exercises at the expense of living your life.​​
The Queen of Cups is a beautiful, introspective woman who sits on a throne at the edge of the sea. In her hands, she holds a golden, cup adorned with handles shaped like angels. Unlike most of the cups in the Suit of Cups cards, this cup is closed – showing that the Queen’s thoughts and feelings come from her subconscious mind and the depths of her soul. She sits upon a stone throne decorated with images of sea-nymphs, fish, and scallop shells. The sea and fish are symbols of the unconscious mind, and water represents emotion, spirit and perception. A cloudless, bright-blue sky and placid water of the sea surround her. Her feet do not touch the water; they rest on colourful pebbles on the shore. It is as if she is connected to her emotions (as represented by the water), but not overwhelmed by them.
Queen of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Mature emotional female, security, femininity, loving, warmth, sensitivity, kindness, happiness, intuition, romance, loyal, faithful, shy, easily wounded, pretty, beauty, daydreamer, psychic, empath, creative artistic, inspirational, healer, listener, counsellor, caring, supportive, good mother
The Queen of Cups is nurturing, caring, compassionate and sensitive. When you see her in a Tarot reading, you are embodying her ‘nurturing mother’ energy. You support others by listening with your heart, being compassionate, and caring for them deeply. You are empathic and can sense the needs of others by tuning in to your intuition, and you hold the space for others to express their emotions and be the truest, most authentic versions of themselves. You have mastered this in such a way that, even though you hold space for emotional expression, you don’t take on other people’s energy or emotional issues because you are well-grounded and know where to create a healthy separation. The Queen of Cups says you are highly intuitive, creative, and in flow with the surrounding energies. In your interactions with others, you can easily read other people to get a sense of how to communicate effectively, enabling you both to feel heard and understood. Others may come to you to confide their personal issues regarding relationships, emotions and feelings. They trust you and know that you always have the right solution. You can instantly tune in to what others are going through and can help them make sense of it. You may be a healer, counsellor or intuitive coach; or maybe just a good friend. You recognise the Divine in everyone you meet. In your creative projects and endeavours, you ‘feel’ your way into them, trusting your heart and your inner guidance to lead you in the right direction. You know when something is ‘off’, and you pay attention to this, even if it doesn’t make rational sense. You may be in tune with the cycles of the moon and nature, using these cycles to manifest your goals and live your dreams. When the Queen of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, you are being asked to trust your intuition and pay attention to your feelings and emotions. Lead with your heart, not your head. Be open to receive the intuitive messages flowing to you, be it through your dreams, meditation or visualisation. And ‘feel the feels’, even if those feelings are tricky or challenging. You are stronger than you know. In a general context, the Queen of Cups Tarot card can generally signify a woman or women in your life who will be supportive and caring towards you. This Minor Arcana card is also a sign that you should be mindful of how you treat yourself and others or to treat people with compassion and sympathy. She can also indicate that you may be more sensitive than you let on to the outside world and that harsh actions or hurtful comments affect you more than you show to the outside world. This card can also indicate a tendency to daydream and a big imagination. As a person, the Queen of Cups represents a mature female or feminine person who is kind, caring and supportive. The Queen of Cups is a sentimental, sensitive soul and a good listener. She is empathetic to the feelings of others. As a mother, partner or friend, the Queen of Cups is affectionate, loving and warm. However, she can also be shy and have a tendency to daydream. She is creative, artistic and intuitive and she appreciates beauty. She may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Queen of Cups can indicate a time of caring, fulfilment and emotional security in the relationship. This card can also indicate that you need to be open and honest about your feelings to get the best outcome for your relationship. If you are single, the Queen of Cups indicates that now is a great time to get out there and meet new people as a new romance could be coming your way! If representing a person, she indicates a female or feminine person who will be warm, loving, caring and affectionate. This person is a great listener and has compassion in abundance. The Queen of Cups can also come across as quiet or shy. She will be a loyal and faithful partner, make sure you treat her well!​ Money & Career (Upright) In a career context, the Queen of Cups can be an indication that you need to consider if your current career is fulfilling your emotional as well as material needs. This card can indicate that you would be suited to a career in a caring profession such as nursing, counselling or healing or a creative field such as art or fashion. It can also indicate that an emotionally mature female will offer you the support and guidance you need in your career. She can also be a reminder to focus on the emotional well-being of yourself and your work colleagues rather than just focusing on business. In a financial context, the Queen of Cups is a good omen as you should be experiencing financial security when she appears. However, this card tells you not to get caught up in making investments or complicated financial deals. Keep an eye on your finances but the other areas of your life should be taking precedence when she appears.​​ Health (Upright)​ In a health context, the Queen of Cups can indicate caring or support being offered to you. This can in some cases be a sign that you will require support in order to deal with an injury or illness. However, it can also simply be an indication that you need to show more compassion to yourself and your body. Try not to treat yourself too harshly if you are struggling with an illness or injury, try to take good care of yourself and give yourself the time you need to heal. Alternately, it can indicate that you will be such a positive state of health that you are able to offer support, caring or healing to someone who needs it.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the Queen of Cups signifies strong intuition or psychic abilities. If you are seeking to develop your psychic abilities this card is a great omen to get as she indicates a big increase in psychic powers. It can also indicate that an intuitive female will help you on your spiritual path.​ Queen of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Emotional immaturity, insecurity, lack of trust, lacking direction,  weak, giving too much, overly-sensitive, needy, shallow, frivolous, silly, self-centred, disorganised, depressed, sulky, smothering, bitter, vengeful, manipulative, spiteful, disloyal, unfaithful,  blocked intuition, stifled creativity
​When the reversed Queen of Cups shows up in a Tarot reading, you need to draw your attention inwards and focus on your emotional well-being. You’re great at taking care of others – but now it’s time to take care of YOU. This card suggests that you are emotionally drained because you have been so busy supporting others, but not yourself. You may need to set firm boundaries with your loved ones so that they know you love them but will not take on their emotional baggage. You can hold space for them, but ultimately, they are responsible for their feelings and life experience, and they need to go on their own journey to learn how to cope. The reversed Queen of Cups could mean you are wrapped up in other people’s emotional responses and have created a co-dependent relationship that is not healthy for either party. You may be giving too much of yourself away, receiving little in return. Or you may be inadvertently fostering dependency so you feel needed. Examine your relationships and see where you can create a healthy detachment. Where can you still give emotional support but not to the detriment of one another? The Queen of Cups reversed is often a sign that your intuition is on overdrive right now, but to hear it, you need to give yourself the time and the space to listen. It doesn’t matter how busy you think you are – see this as your sign to reconnect with your intuition and tune in to your inner voice. At times the reversed Queen of Cups is a warning that you are letting your heart rule over your head and your emotions may overwhelm you. If this resonates, ground yourself, express your feelings privately or with a trusted therapist, and then work through why they’ve bubbled up this way. Be careful not to let your emotions overtake your life in such a way that you worry you are losing control and perspective. Take some quiet time for yourself and meditate or write in your journal. Find a peaceful space to centre and calm your soul. Listen carefully to your intuition and your inner voice. On the flipside, the Queen of Cups reversed suggests that you may be out of touch with your emotions or forced to restrict or hold them down deep inside. You may struggle to express yourself, instead bottling up your feelings. If you do not address these emotional issues, they will reach a boiling point. Your stress levels may increase, and your ability to cope with everyday problems could suffer. The reversed Queen of Cups invites you to explore your innermost feelings and emotions to understand what makes you tick. Spend some time alone with just your Tarot cards, your journal and your pen. Connect in with your feelings. How are you feeling? How are you really feeling? It doesn’t matter whether you’re experiencing positive or negative emotions. You are being called to listen to your true feelings and honour them in the process. In a general context, the Queen of Cups reversed Tarot card generally indicates emotional immaturity. She can also indicate that you may be feeling overly sensitive, insecure, depressed or sulky. This Minor Arcana card reversed warns you to avoid becoming bitter or vengeful if things do not go your way. You should always seek to rise above your challenges and not give way to spitefulness or jealousy. As a person, the Queen of Cups reversed can represent a female or feminine person who is weak, directionless or shallow. The Queen of Cups reversed represents a mature female or feminine person who can be overly sensitive, needy or clingy. She may lack empathy for others as she becomes caught up in being self-centred. As a mother, the Queen of Cups reversed can be disorganised, manipulative or smothering. As a friend or partner she can be disloyal, shallow and unfaithful. She may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship, the Queen of Cups reversed can be a warning not to let your insecurities or lack of trust affect your relationship. If you have been acting clingy or needy you need to get back control of your emotions before you push your partner away. Alternately, if you have been rushing around trying to keep your partner happy, you need to remember to look after your own needs first or you will burn out. Try to find the emotional balance and do not allow others to take advantage of your good nature. If you are single, the Queen of Cups reversed is not a great omen as you may not be in a good place emotionally right now and may attract people who will seek to take advantage of your vulnerability! Take some time out to deal with any issues and find your own inner balance before you date anyone. If representing a person, the Queen of Cups reversed can be emotionally unstable or immature, needy, moody or sulky. She is generally not a great person to be around as she can be self-centred, manipulative or shallow. She can also be disloyal, unfaithful, vengeful, bitter and spiteful!​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the Queen of Cups reversed can be an indication that you may be feeling overly emotional or sensitive to other people’s moods which could be causing you stress in work. It can also be an indication that you are giving too much of yourself to your work or becoming disorganised and not managing your time properly, leaving you exhausted or drained. Try to maintain a balance between your work and personal life. It can also signify a lack of focus or direction causing you to become restless. The Queen of Cups reversed can indicate that you may be feeling creatively stifled or experiencing creative or artistic blocks. In a financial context, the Queen of Cups reversed is not a great omen as it can indicate financial insecurity. Be cautious when investing and make sure you understand all the risks involved and can trust the people you are dealing with, do not leave yourself vulnerable to financial losses. This Minor Arcana card when reversed also warns against being shallow or silly with money.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health context, the Queen of Cups reversed can indicate that you may be extending yourself too much to the detriment of your health. Try to take time out for yourself and find the balance you need. It can also indicate that you may be overly sensitive to harsh or toxic environments, people or situations which could manifest in physical symptoms. Take care of yourself first and foremost. Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, the Queen of Cups reversed can signify blocked intuition or psychic abilities not being used to their potential. If you are seeking to develop your psychic abilities this card tells you to slow down, your psychic abilities will develop in their own time. If you try to push too far too fast you could cause yourself frustration and inadvertently block your intuition. Alternately, it can indicate that you are ignoring your spiritual gifts as you are overly focused on superficial matters. It can also indicate that you may be lacking spiritual direction, look to emotionally mature females for guidance on this.​​
The King of Cups sits on a large stone throne and wears a blue tunic and a gold cape – a symbol of his authority and status. A small fish amulet hangs around his neck symbolising his creativity. In his right hand, he holds a cup representing the emotions, and his left has a sceptre, showing power and control. Unlike the other Cups court cards, he doesn’t look at his cup and seems to be focused elsewhere; perhaps he has already mastered his emotional self and doesn’t need to concentrate as hard on this facet of himself. The King of Cups appears to be floating on a granite block in the middle of a turbulent sea. Behind him on his right, a fish jumps out of the ocean, while on the left, a ship sails steadily despite the waves. These images show that this King stays calm and balanced, even in turbulent conditions, and has learned how to stay open to his emotions and unconscious impulses, without being overwhelmed by them. He keeps power and control while balancing his feelings.
King of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Mature compassionate male, calm, caring, friendly, sympathetic, wise, tolerant, diplomatic, balanced, affectionate, romantic, charming, devoted, family orientated, generous, easy going, married man, good husband/partner/father, loyal, faithful, spiritual guide, counsellor,
The King of Cups represents mastery over the realms of emotion, creativity and the unconscious. When this card turns up in a Tarot reading, you have gained control of your feelings and can accept them without allowing them to get the better of you. Even when life throws you a curve ball, you can draw on your emotional maturity and stability to help you navigate these challenges. You don’t let things get to you, and you steer clear of the drama, instead choosing an emotionally balanced and calm approach. If you are being challenged personally, the King of Cups suggests you need to remain emotionally mature when faced with negative energy from others. Be firm on your personal boundaries, stating what is and is not acceptable on an emotional level. This King is level-headed and in control of his emotions. He uses his intellect to make smart decisions and does not let other circumstances or whims sway him from his central beliefs and morals. Stay true to your emotions and feelings and do not allow others to steer you off course. The King of Cups embodies the perfect balance between the executive and the heart. Not only are you able to assess and manage a situation logically, but you can also draw upon your intuition and understanding of human interactions. As a leader, you care as much about achieving your goals and objectives as you do about making sure everyone is happy and engaged along the way. If you sense that logic and emotion are out of balance, draw on the energy of this King to realign yourself. As a King, he has a masculine, fatherly energy, and as a Cups card, he brings his emotional self to the forefront. He offers wise advice when it comes to feelings, emotions, creativity and relationships and can see the human dynamic in its entirety. The King of Cups is compassionate towards others, creating strong bonds and relationships based on patience and understanding. As you interact with others, you may need to navigate their strong feelings and emotional triggers so you can create a sense of peace in your interactions. He may appear in your life as a mentor, coach or spiritual guide; or you may step into this role yourself. In a general context, the King of Cups Tarot card represents kindness, compassion and wisdom. This Minor Arcana card can indicate that you will be finding the balance between your mind and your heart. You will learn to control your emotions and find the wisdom to accept that which you cannot change. You should be gaining a deeper level of emotional maturity when this card appears. You will become calmer, more sympathetic to others and tolerant. Like all the cups court cards, the King of Cups signifies emotion, creativity, artistic ability and intuition but in a more balanced form. As a person, the King of Cups is caring, affectionate and empathetic. He is a good listener, diplomatic and easy going. He is the type of older male who will give you sound advice and act as a calming influence in your life. He usually has light hair and has few if any enemies as he is well liked and gets along with the majority of people. He may lack the drive to pursue material wealth as he is more focused on the emotional side of life. He is very family orientated. He may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.​
Love & Relationships (Upright) ​ In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship, the King of Cups can be a very good omen as it is the good husband, partner or father card. It is a very loving card so you should be finding a lot of emotional fulfilment when it appears and petty arguments should be at a minimum. Romance and affection should be abundant in the relationship. If you have been having a tough time emotionally, this card shows that there will be support there for you within the relationship. If you are single, this card is usually signals the qualities of a potential partner coming your way and as such is a great omen! If representing a partner, potential partner or you as a partner, the King of Cups is one of the best cards you can get. He is romantic, charming, devoted and loyal. He is easy going, a great husband, a caring partner and a doting father! He is generally older or at least very emotionally mature and is generous with his time, money and/or advice.​ Money & Career (Upright) In terms of career, the King of Cups can indicate that an older male may offer you support or guidance in a career context. It can also be an indication that you will find your diplomacy skills and wisdom to resolve any career issues and create a pleasant working environment for yourself. You will be well liked and respected by your colleagues. Remember to keep the balance in all areas of your life, give your career the focus it needs but do not give it your undivided attention. If you are looking for a career path or new direction, it can be an indicator that working in a caring or healing field would suit you such as counselling, nursing, Reiki healing etc. It can also indicate that you would do well in a creative or artistic field. In a financial context, the King of Cups is usually financially stable and secure due to his wisdom but he can lack drive when it comes to material wealth. However, when he appears he can also be an indication that you lack balance in your financial dealings: either neglecting your finances or being too focused on finances to the detriment of the other areas of your life. Try to find the balance.​​ Health (Upright)​ In a health context, if you have been ill the King of Cups can indicate healing and as such, is a positive card to get. It reminds you to treat yourself with empathy and kindness.  You should be feeling emotionally positive about your health.​ Spirituality (Upright)​ In a spiritual context, the King of Cups signifies a highly developed psychic or intuitive ability and is a great card to get in a spiritual Tarot spread. This Minor Arcana tells you that you will be receiving and understanding the messages spirit is sending you and using them to help others. You have learned to trust your abilities and intuition.​ King of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Emotionally immature male, overly emotional, overwhelmed, anxious, uncaring, unkind, gullible, depressed, cold, repressed, withdrawn, moody, unbalanced, controlling, rape, violence, deviance, manipulation, affair with married man, cheater, conman, blocked creativity, ruthlessness
The reversed King of Cups indicates that you are focusing your attention on your innermost feelings. You are discovering the emotions stored in your subconscious mind and how these emotions affect you. Through this work, you hope to gain a stronger sense of control over your emotional well-being so that your feelings don’t steer you away from living your best life. You may read more self-help books, journaling or seeking the support of a trained counsellor or hypnotherapist so you can journey deep into your subconscious mind. When the reversed King of Cups appears in your spread, you may be more prone to emotional upset and drama. Others may trigger you or push your buttons HARD, even to where you worry you might lose it and throw an emotional tantrum. You may feel moody, depressed, anxious and unpredictable. You may also lack in self-compassion, beating yourself up over small things that have gone wrong. If this resonates, seek to understand the root cause of your emotions and bring your conscious awareness to the impact they are having on your life. Pay attention to your emotional balance and find your place of calm and compassion. Other people may trigger these emotional responses in you, but it’s up to you to stay in control! The reversed King of Cups could show that you are repressing your emotions and withdrawing from the outside world because you fear what may happen if you were to confront your feelings head-on. Your feelings are bottling up inside you, and you are at risk of an emotional outburst if the pressure gets too much. If this resonates, consider finding a therapist to help you to work through your feelings in a safe environment. At worst, the reversed King of Cups can represent someone who is vindictive and has a talent for being able to punish others through emotional manipulation. He uses emotional blackmail to get his way and to push his personal agenda. He leaves you feeling uncertain about yourself and as if you are the problem, not him. This only leads to (undeserved) emotional instability within you. If this sounds like someone you have met in the past, you still have work to do in releasing yourself from his controlling forces.​ In a general context, the King of Cups reversed can represent being overly emotional or too sensitive. It can signify a lack of emotional maturity. It can be a sign that you are lacking back bone or are allowing yourself to be too gullible or putting yourself in a position where others can take advantage of you. You have to be accountable for your own behaviour. It tells you that you need to take responsibility for your emotions and well-being. This Minor Arcana card can indicate that a lack of emotional balance may be causing you to become overwhelmed, anxious or depressed. This can also present itself as bitterness or unkind, uncaring or manipulative behaviour. As a person, the King of Cups reversed is manipulative, controlling and, in the extreme negative, abusive. He is someone who uses his ability to sense the emotional weaknesses of others as a weapon against them and will seek to take advantage of vulnerability in others to get his own way or simply for his own amusement. He can be vindictive and spiteful and is not be trusted.  Alternatively, the King of Cups reversed can represent an older male who is so overly emotional and sensitive that he has lost the ability to function properly in the world. He may be moody, sulky, unbalanced and at risk of becoming dependent on the people around him. He may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.​
Love & Relationships (Reversed)​ In a love Tarot reading, if you are in relationship, the King of Cups reversed is not a great card to get as it can indicate you or your partner becoming emotionally unstable and cause problems in the relationship. One of you may be going through a tough time emotionally and may not be treating the other with the love and kindness they deserve. If that is the case, you may need to take some time to yourself to get control of your emotions and resolve whatever issues are causing this upheaval.  It can also represent cheating, perverted sexual behaviour or disloyalty and in the extreme negative can be a sign of abuse, rape or violence. If that is your situation, seek professional support to get away and create a safe and secure situation for yourself. If you are single, the King of Cups reversed is not a great card to get as it can indicate an affair with a married man. Alternatively, it can represent a potential partner who will be cold, calculating, controlling or will deceive you. It can also be a warning to be mindful of your personal safety when dating as it can be an indicator of violence or abuse and in extreme cases, rape or sexual assault. The man it represents is a great con artist and can appear to be quite charming and kind but he is a dangerous manipulator with a hidden dark side, beware! Alternately, it can indicate that a potential partner will be emotionally immature and become clingy and needy.​ Money & Career (Reversed)​ In a career context, the King of Cups reversed can indicate that you may have to deal with a ruthless, cold or emotionally unstable male in your workplace. This person will stop at nothing to get what they want and can be prone to emotional tirades if they don’t get it. This can also be an indicator of how you are behaving in your work environment if the card is representing you. It can also be an indication that you have chosen a career solely for the money it will make you and that you are getting no joy or fulfilment from it. If that is the case, think about changing your career path to something that you will find fulfilling. If you work in an artistic or creative field, this Minor Arcana card can be an indication that you are feeling creatively blocked as you have lost touch with the joy you get from being creative and have become too concerned with material wealth and success. Try to reconnect with your love of creative expression and you will soon find the creativity flowing again. In terms of finances, the King of Cups is a warning not to be gullible with money. It indicates that you may be a risk of falling victim to a con artist or extortionist. Be very careful who you trust. Only take financial advice from accredited professionals, don’t get involved in deals with people you don’t trust and play your cards close to your chest.​ Health (Reversed)​ In a health reading, the King of Cups reversed can indicate alcohol or drug abuse issues as the emotionally overwhelmed King turns to vices as a coping mechanism. It is generally an indication that something in your lifestyle or environment is negatively affecting your health and well-being. You need to take responsibility for your choices and make healthier choices to improve your health.​ Spirituality (Reversed) In a spiritual context, the King of Cups reversed can indicate that simply indicate that your psychic abilities or intuition has become blocked. However, it can also signify that you are using your powers in the wrong way. You may be engaged in dark practices or using your abilities to manipulate or control others or simply focusing too much on personal gain and not entering into things with the right intentions.  Remember, whatever you give out spiritually will eventually come back to you so make sure you are sending out love and light. Alternately, it can indicate that you are waiting for your spiritual gifts to just drop into your lap, even if you have natural gifts you still need to work at developing them! Try to put a bit more focus and energy into your spiritual development.​​
Sources: https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/tarot-cards-list/ https://www.biddytarot.com/tarot-card-meanings/major-arcana/ https://www.thetarotguide.com/major-arcana https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list https://www.tarot.com/tarot/cards https://www.thetarotlady.com/tarot-card-meanings/ https://www.astrology.com/tarot/card-meanings https://www.tarotcardmeanings.net/tarotcards.htm
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star-maiden · 4 years
Weekly Tarot Forecast  10/26/20 - 10/30/20
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Hello and welcome! This is a general outlook tarot reading for the collective, by zodiac sign. This week, I have channeled in some guidance from Spirit regarding what you need to know in the coming week in order to find the most success and happiness. If you happened upon this reading, then there is a message here that is meant for you! As with all of my readings for the collective, these messages are meant for a wide range of people, life paths and situations. It is general outlook advice. As such, you may find that not everything resonates with you completely, and that is ok. Please take only what resonates and leave the rest. You will also want to check your sun, moon and rising signs for the message or messages that are meant for you. I sincerely hope that these messages will serve your highest and greatest good, and assist you in making wise, informed decisions. Best wishes and many blessings!
♈ - Aries: Two of Wands - This coming week, Aries, you are entering a planning phase. There is a situation coming, or that has already been set into motion, that requires your careful consideration. This card brings you the message that you need some time to think in order to move forward with your plans, or to bring something into being. This is likely going to be a highly creative process for you, and your thoughts and ideas should be flowing well. As the moon is currently in her waxing phase, it is a good time to work on bringing your goals to fruition. There is an abundance of free moving, creative energy around you at this time.
♉ - Taurus: Page of Wands - This week, you are being called to rekindle your curiosity and perhaps discover a sense of adventure. The page of wands asks us to embody the archetype of the Free Spirit, and go with the flow. In this way, we will discover new opportunities, and be able to find our joy and happiness again. This message is especially about rediscovering your joy if you have recently been going through some tough times. You are being called back to yourself, and your creative potential. Spirit wants you to know that it’s time to move forward again. At the same time, the card carries a precautionary note. When working within your creativity and going with the flow, take care not to lose all sense of foundation and stability. You’ll need to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, or all of your inspirations will sputter out like a dying candle flame.
♊ - Gemini: 10 of Pentacles - This week you are reminded to stay close to home. Some attention and care is needed in areas of your personal home life and familial or close relationships. If things have seemed to be rushing by lately, with no chance to rest or slow down, then this card is asking you to take a pause. Things should be pretty stable right now. You have done and accomplished much. It’s time to slow down and relax in the comforts that you have secured for yourself. Someone from your family, or a close friend is missing you.
♋ - Cancer: Ace of Swords - The most important thing you will find yourself needing this week is clarity. There is a situation on the horizon that will require your absolute, honest truth and attention to details. Honor your truth in all situations, and be sure to recognize the truth in others. When we allow our judgement to become clouded by fear, projections or strong preconceived notions, we miss opportunities to understand and build relationships. Sometimes, the truth is not very pleasant to here, but it is only by standing in the truth that true healing and growth can occur.
♌ - Leo: The High Priestess - This week, you are being called to explore the depth of your spirit. Go deep, connect with something that you hold sacred. This may be your higher self, divine source energy, love or even taking a moment to pause and check in with how you have been feeling lately. At this time, there is some higher wisdom that has been trying to catch your attention. It wishes to make itself known to you at this time. This week, you may find contemplative and restorative practices helpful. Mediation, breathing exercises, taking a walk and self care are all great ways to connect. Be sure to make some time for yourself this week, and listen to any insights or reflections that you receive.
♍ - Virgo: 2 of Pentacles - You have been trying to maintain a balancing act for so long now, that it is beginning to feel like your natural state of being. There is too much energy around you, too many things to focus on and your attention has been divided. In such a state, it is difficult to do anything well and a strong focus and purpose cannot be maintained. If you feel as though you have needed to do a million things at once, or that you have been unable to make up your mind, it’s time to take a step back. Balance between action and inaction is needed at this time. You are strong and capable of maintaining the work for a while yet, but it is wise to take a step back and evaluate your current situation before you burn yourself out.
♎ - Libra: The Lovers - Libra, this card heralds in a sacred connection of some sort. The most popular thing that comes to mind when this card appears in a reading is a romantic connection. For some of you, this will be true. There is the potential for a strong romantic partnership on the horizon. However, in essence The Lovers card speaks of the blending or merging of two opposite ideas or forces. This could mean that you will find a way to integrate two sides of yourself into something harmonious and supportive. The relationship of give and take is well balanced, and greatly serves your highest good at this time. If you are not currently looking for a romantic connection, consider this week which areas of your life could be better integrated. How do they relate to each other? How can you create flow?
♏ - Scorpio: Death - This week, there is a prominent theme of change. Something in your life is ready to be let go, transformed and used to bring about a new direction in your life. You will recognize what needs to change in anything that feels stagnant, decayed or no longer useful. This week, Spirit is saying to you that it’s time to let it go. Right now, you still have some control over the situation, but this won’t be the case for long. This week, take some time to identify anything in your life that could be shifted to better serve your health and happiness. This does not have to be anything negative. Consider the changes that happen in the natural world at the turning of the season. Leaves change colors, fall and decay. Summer crops wither away to make room for new growth. This is not a terrible thing! In fact, if we think of the natural world as a metaphor for life, we can see how some things need to decay and be let go in order to make room for new life and growth. Without the stages of decay and rest, the soil would become depleted of nutrients, and nothing would grow. What do you need to let go of, Scorpio?
♐ - Sagittarius: The Magician - This week you are being reminded to stay in your power. There is a situation in your life or that will be coming in soon in which you will need to remember your autonomy and agency. In this case, it is very true that you create your reality with your words and actions. If something is not to you liking, change it. Maintaining control and moving toward the outcome you desire is sometimes as simple as believing you have the power to do so. Don’t let anyone take these decisions from you.
♑ - Capricorn: Queen of Cups - This week, you may find yourself needing to connect to a situation from a place of empathy in order to understand. You are usually quite logical and precise, but there is something coming into your life in which a more emotional-based perspective will serve you better. Consider your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Are all parties feeling heard and respected? If not, a different approach is needed. Take care not to project your perspective onto that of others. Try to see a different side. You will gain greater awareness and clarity if you listen, rather than trying to solve or control right away.
♒ - Aquarius: Queen of Swords - This card speaks of the perfect blending of empathy, compassion and logic. You will be asked to use your discernment this week, and to not immediately trust anything you hear. It is not that others around you are dishonest, but rather that the situation at hand would better be served by careful, and logical consideration. You’ll want to be careful not to leap into any situations without first carefully examining all angles. You’ll also want to pair your sense of discernment with wise words and clear communication. Remember, we are still under the effects of the Mercury retrograde, and anything you say is more likely to be taken completely out of context and misconstrued if you do not take care to express your thoughts and ideas as clearly as possible. A good rule of thumb is to communicate only with the truth, but act from a place of empathy and compassion. This week, you may also find yourself needing to set some boundaries. It may be uncomfortable, but in the end this is what is needed to move forward.
♓ - Pisces: The Knight of Swords - There is a situation in your life right now in which, thus far, you have only engaged with in an intellectual way. You have perhaps considered, imagined, debated and reasoned, but now is the time to act. Consider carefully what the situation is, and what it would entail for you if you move forward. If you feel certain that this is the direction you want to take, then act on it. Nothing will happen by itself. If you don’t take action, the opportunity will slip away. Sometimes action can be difficult for you, Pisces, because you are happiest when exploring the realm of imagination and dreams. However, in order to make our dreams into a reality, we must pursue them on the physical plane of existence. We must go after what we want not only in thought, but also in body. This week, consider: What action steps are needed at this time? How can you move forward logically and with precise steps?
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creamypudding · 3 years
Woeful WIP Wednesday
Hi! This is the start of my Woeful WIP Wednesday series of posts which will happen on Wednesdays, duh. And before anyone gets up at me about it not being Wednesday yet... just remember time zones exist in this world, and yeah, it is actually Wednesday.
Other things about the name... Most of these WIPs I'm happy with so it's not the actual stories that are woeful. It's the fact that they are still WIPs and not finished that is woeful to me, hence the name, yeah? Ok 😄
So with that out of the way...
I've gone through all my folders and found the various bits and pieces of writing I've begun and let slide or abandoned. My hope is that by letting them be free on Tumblr I might either A) remember that these stories exist, B) perhaps get a renewed appreciation and motivation to poke them, C) give myself permission to never look at them again.
Some of these WIPs I 100% mean to finish one day. Some I know I won't. Some I have actually finished but haven't polished completely or something's getting in the way of me doing a final pass so I don't consider them worthy of going onto my Ao3 account just yet but hopefully will one day.
The WIPs I'm gonna upload are also of various lengths. I have some completed chapters that are thousands of words long, I have some that are mere hundreds of words long and are slips of ideas I started to formulate.
I have 10 AkuRoku WIPs and 6 Zakkura ones. Each week I'll post one WIP and the pattern will be 2 AkuRoku WIPs followed by 1 Zakkura to mix things up a bit. I'll blab a bit about the WIP and post the full WIP under the cut.
If there is anything in particular people would like to know about the stories or the creative process in future posts please let me know and I’ll incorporate more information if people are interested in that sort of thing. If you give me direction I can follow through.
I hope you will enjoy these WIPs and I trust you'll judge them way less harshly than what I judge my own writing.
So anyway, kicking things off I have a very short and sweet AkuRoku WIP. 
I started this in May 2019 and it's technically 'done' but I haven't posted it because it's not done to my specific level of 'done-ness'. All it needs is a little polish. A little editing here and there. Fixing the grammatical and spelling errors, and fleshing it out in a few spots perhaps.
It's the 'fleshing out' bit that hasn't happened and that's truly stopping me from considering this a finished product.
This story is called ‘10 ways to fall in love’ but I never came up with 10 scenarios which I suspect is why this story will never be finished. I could change the name of it and if I ever post it I will change the name of it. In fact, most of the WIPs I post would have different names if they ever do go up on Ao3.
But going back to this specific WIP— it is a canon story spanning Days, KH2, KH3, and after, which is maybe the biggest culprit in regards to why I never finished this story. I don’t do well with canon-based story telling. It’s too much pressure to get everything canon-compliant. Do people ask for things to be right? Probably not so much, but my brain is very hyperfocused on getting things right, which is a huge road block to my creativity and the reason why I prefer AUs.
I don't have much else to say about this story but if you enjoy this, or any of the other WIP’s it would be great if you would let me know.
If others are passionate about these stories it might make me passionate about them again. But who knows.
Rated G
Word count - 951
10 ways to fall in love
What do you call it?
This feeling I have?
No. Too strong, or not strong enough
A name
A special name
Your name
It was always your name
That made me feel like I had a heart
They didn’t have a name for it. They didn’t even know if what they felt was real because how could a Nobody feel anything. For Axel it was just a ghost of a memory of his old life. For Roxas it was an endless source of confusion because these strange sensations fluttered in his body all the time when he was around Axel. It was incredibly dull at first but grew exponentially bigger with the passing days.
He couldn’t reconcile that even the most tedious missions were made fun when they were around each other - though he shouldn’t be able to have fun without a heart. What were any of the experiences that ever happened between them, without a heart? They felt nothing. They were Nobodies. They couldn't be anything other than empty husks.
That had always been the greatest lie which had been told to them, which they chose to believe, until it became impossible, though the denial sat rife in the way they denied their joy, sadness, and anger. But the strongest denial flowed from the warmth and nameless affections that fluttered in the chest and stomach when they were together. Such a thing was most unbelievable of all and merely a figment of the imagination - a vestige of when they were Somebodies, a quiet echo in a vast nothingness of their actual existence. Even for Roxas, with his half-formed ideas of his Somebodies life.
But none of these things mattered because Roxas disappeared and Axel died.
"He made me feel like I had a heart." A quiet whisper of a thought, made real and said aloud finally crumbled the paper-thin veneer which Axel had clung too, all too late to do anything about.
And he is reborn, and now knows better. Lea knows better. He understands his returned heart which aches and bleeds broken and shattered even as it is physically whole inside himself, pumping blood. His soul has gone, reappearing for fleeting moments when he sees Sora get a certain look in his eyes, or uses a turn of phrase. A spark exists and it jolts Lea every time closer to awareness - closer to a name.
And then he is in that most miserable of places, fighting a war that might never be won, but he must try because the promise of what lies ahead if he does win is worth every risk. He fights for his friends, present and gone, and then out of almost nowhere Lea's heart is returned and whole and stronger than ever before, and his memories are back, and he holds the two people most dear to him. He cannot lose them again and does everything in his power to protect them both, and it is a safe feeling because it stops him from thinking too hard or feeling too strongly the flutters and warmth, and the soothing in his heart.
But he feels it all again, and let's himself be overcome by it as the never-setting sun of Twilight Town is observed with his most favorite people in the whole wide world sitting next to him.
He scooches a little closer, seeking the warmth and reassurance of Roxas next to him. The tinkling laugh builds his own and drips deep down into his body and soul to become the best sound he's always known to miss.
Happiness engulfs him. But it is not the word he looks for when he sees Roxas walking, talking, laughing, grumbling, and eating ice cream. It is so much bigger and all-encompassing than this miniscule word for a feeling..
"I never stopped wanting you back. I never stopped fighting to get you back," he confesses in the evening on Destiny Island, during a rare moment alone on this summer vacation full of reunions and happy tidings.
"I know. I saw, I heard."
"You did?"
Roxas nods and swings his legs as they dangle off the pier the both of them at sitting on.
It warms Lea’s heart to know Roxas was never far away. “I think I felt you – there in Sora. When he got angry and frustrated.”
Roxas laughs. “I was always angry and frustrated in Sora. Everything felt so warm and fluffy inside of there.”
“Realy? Why would that make you angry?”
“Because it’s like eating nothing but honey – you get sick of it,” Roxas shakes his head, “But it’s worse because someone else is force-feeding it to you.”
"It's ok. Just seeing you – knowing you were there wanting to get me back was enough." Roxas leans, Lea receives and the feels which are always right there, in the middle of his chest ignite and burn so bright.
"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help you."
Lea hugs him tight, almost too tight. Roxas writhes against his arms and just as Lea makes to let go Roxas gets his own arms around Lea and squeezed him, robbing him of his breath for a few seconds, but Lea feels he could happily die in Roxas' arms and savors the crush.
They both end up laughing against each other, inhaling deep breaths, rubbing their cheeks against each other and leaning their foreheads together.
Everything they ever felt for each other is still there, but stronger, because they have hearts and acceptance of their reality.
"Axel," Roxas' breath tickles Lea's lips. He doesn't care to correct Roxas. Roxas could call him a heartless and he wouldn't care because Roxas is back and with him.
"I don't want you to ever disappear again," Lea murmurs.
"I don't want you to ever suffer again," Roxas apologizes. 
Lea cups Roxas' cheek, which is so soft and warm. "I never will as long as you're with me."
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thetarotroot · 5 years
🌟Court cards and how to read them🌟
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⭐Court cards as people⭐
This is probably the most common way Court cards are interpreted. Often times, they can represent a person in your life--past, present, or future--down to the very last detail. Each of the Court cards has a unique personality type associated with it and I’ll outline those here. 
Page of Wands:  Has a vivid and childlike imagination. A fresh outlook, a thirst for new ideas and a passion for life. Visionary, innovative, courageous and enthusiastic, unafraid of adventure. They welcome change. Seen sometimes as a change agent or catalyst. A faithful lover with almost unlimited passion and enthusiasm.
Page of Cups: Youthful, creative, intuitive. Compassionate, and often highly imaginative. Dreamy; they believe anything is possible, so long as you can imagine it. True romantics at heart. Emotionally vulnerable at times and need affection and attention. A reliable friend who wants to help you and be of service.
Page of Swords: Someone whose mind is running non-stop, looking at things from different angles and trying to understand how everything works. Loves asking ‘Why?’ and every answer leads to yet another “Why?”. It can be exhausting to deal with a Page of Swords personality. Brilliant with keen insight. Communicate well, both verbally and in writing. Natural curiosity fuels their mental activity. May seem silent or withdrawn when they are, in fact, sizing up a situation, gathering information and processing it before they feel comfortable enough to speak. When they do finally talk, they will dazzle you with their newfound discoveries and insights.
Page of Pentacles:  Typically represents a youthful and enthusiastic person eager to learn new skills (especially those pertaining to finance and money) and enjoys turning ideas into tangible results. Sees the opportunity and potential in every situation, and finds the best ways to exploit them using available resources. Entrepreneurial and well-suited to the business world. Still in the early stages of learning entrepreneurship and business and hasn’t yet accomplished the results or success of the King or Queen.
Knight of Wands:  Highly energetic, passionate, spontaneous, action oriented and ambitious. When they have a goal, they’re unstoppable in their pursuit of it. Always on the move as they charge ahead; transient from one place or person to the next. Often times sexually driven, seductive, charming and attractive.
Knight of Cups: Passionate and visionary, warmhearted, loving, and emotional. An imaginative dreamer filled with ideas on how to make things happen. Sees beauty in all things. Takes time with tasks to absorb it all and appreciate. May need gentle nudges now and then to help them stay on track and get the job done. Inclined to decide from the heart and not the head, preferring to trust feelings and intuition rather than logical thought. Charming and romantic and enjoys your company and attention. Emotionally sensitive; wears heart on sleeve. Can get lost in romanticism and forget about reality (will buy you flowers but forget to pay the bills). 
Knight of Swords: Restless, full of energy, ambitious and quick thinking. Always doing something to progress their career or other life goals due to a strong desire for action and success (no matter the cost). Wants to take on the world, but may lack the necessary life experience and maturity. Can often be seen as overzealous, blunt, a know-it-all, tactless and rude. May be domineering, forceful, threatening and imposing, and as such is likely to have gathered a fair share of enemies along the way.
Knight of Pentacles: Loyal, patient, committed, dedicated, and meticulous. Approach may be boring, conservative and routine. Reliable. Very much about fulfilling obligations and keeping promises. Dedicated worker and a loyal servant. Likes doing things the traditional way, especially when it’s tried and true, even if this impedes creativity and imagination.
Queen of Wands: Warm, sensitive, gentle and faithful, balanced by strength, determination, courage and persistence. Knows what they want and won’t be swayed from their goals. Independent but has a lot of friends. Center of attention of a large group. Charismatic and enthusiastic. Sensual and attractive to others.  
Queen of Cups: Kind, loving and nurturing. A sweet and sensitive nature. Has a kind word for everyone and never reacts with anger or impatience. Good-natured, devoted and honest. A wonderful SO, mother/father, and best friend. Guided by feelings and lets heart lead the way. In tune with the subtle energies of their environment and knows what others are experiencing without having to ask. Trusts their intuition and is more open to knowledge that comes from within and beyond. Responsive and flexible. Willing to adapt and adjust based on the flow of energy.
Queen of Swords: Intelligent, assertive, independent, honest and well respected. Gets to the heart of the matter and tells it as it is with honesty and integrity. Very perceptive and alert to any potential undercurrents or hidden agendas. Should not be underestimated. Quick-witted, with a good sense of humor.
Queen of Pentacles: Honors and values home and family. Nurturing parent, the financial provider, and the supportive boss, all wrapped into one. Practical, down to-earth individual who has created abundance in their life and is now willing and able to share that abundance with others. Pragmatic, smart, financially adept, and well-organised. Generous nature, warm-hearted, affectionate and devoted to the people they care about most.
King of Wands: Energetic, charismatic and visionary. May be very entrepreneurial and business-minded. A true leader. Radiates confidence and positive energy. Very creative, self-expressive, domineering, showy, and a smart risk-taker. Has power and influence and knows when to take action. Is in a strong position to get any job done.
King of Cups: Kind and sensitive. Isn’t a push-over. Has a high level of emotional intelligence and uses their understanding of emotional needs and inner self to masterfully navigate relationships with others. Has a positive, balanced and calming influence on others and is always here to help. In a position in life where they can share their wisdom and knowledge with others. Very sociable, loving and sensuous. Has the gift of intelligence combined with strong intuition. Diplomatic and politically correct, skilled at balancing the needs of many people and keeps everyone working together productively. Knows how to show care and sensitivity as a leader. Acknowledges emotional needs and can diffuse a tense situation by reading and responding to the different people involved. Sometimes described as an older male who may show up in your life. A character of business, law or divinity who is considerate and willing to take responsibility for their actions. Paternalistic but in a sensitive, generous manner. Responds mindfully in a crisis. 
King of Swords:  Intelligent, articulate, authoritative, influential and impartial. Highly qualified and has vast experience and expertise related to their field. Draws upon fact and data to form opinions and then does not let up in proving their point of view. Not exactly an inspiring person but instead prefers to command people who follow them, knowing they trust them and respect their knowledge. Decisions are nearly always the right ones because they see the big picture and never let emotions bias their judgement.
King of Pentacles: No one has a stronger character than the King of Pentacles. True to their word. Reliable, patient, dependable and committed. Whatever they say they will do, they will achieve, often with outstanding results. A true-blue businessperson. Master of the material world. Has a significant amount of experience and knowledge and is, therefore, able to use the money, wealth and power to create security and peace of mind, rather than getting carried away with selfish goals. Often represents a father figure, or a committed partner or devoted friend.
⭐Court cards as a situation⭐
Sometimes, it just doesn’t make sense to attribute the Court cards to a person or yourself. Thus, the Court cards can sometimes take on the character of a situation.  
For example, the appearance of the Page of Cups often indicates an invitation or an offer that brings a lot of joy and excitement. Or the King of Wands suggests a situation where you are maturing your goals and visions in life.
⭐Court cards as a part of yourself⭐
Sometimes, the Court cards show a side of yourself. A facet of your nature. It could be a part of you that frequently makes an appearance or perhaps  it is a side of you that's been neglected.
For example, the appearance of the Page of Wands in a love reading could indicate that you need to be more adaptable to change in the relationship. Or perhaps it's saying that you have already adopted the visionary and imaginative attributes you and your partner need to flourish!
⭐Court cards as a level of maturity⭐
Maturity could be about age, but it's probably more insightful to think of maturity as a state of mind. For example, the Knight who is usually on the younger side, doesn’t have to be under a certain age, but may indicate someone who is just cresting their childlike behaviors and transitioning into full adulthood.
Maturity could also point to different stages of one's life journey. For example, the Page is at the start of their journey and has much to learn while the Queen and King are at or near completion and are now able to share the benefits and knowledge gained. 
Sources: Biddytarot, Understanding Tarot by Liz Dean, Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack
Photo by Lavender Moon
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luvdsc · 4 years
tag games ;
tagging :: @eggyukhei ; @jaemericano ; @aqiaquas ; @forehead-enthusiast ; @choerrypuffs ; @latetaektalk ; @winetae ; @taeyongtime ; @nochanchu 🌼
tagged by :: @njmin thank you, lovebug! ✨
— tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
omg ok it was april 2014, and I was procrastinating on homework and scrolling through youtube. shinee’s lucifer mv was recommended for some reason, and I was intrigued, so I clicked on it. From there, it just spiraled out of control. I was blown away like there’s this one dance move where they all lined up and taemin does this hand motion so fluidly and I was like “this is it.” More shinee mvs were recommended after I clicked that one, so I kept going and watching all the other ones until I watched them all. Their music is just so different and unique, like even after all this time, I can’t find another kpop group who mimics the music style of shinee. and all their solos are absolutely god tier, too!!! they really are gonna be my first and last kpop group. shinee withstood through my stan eras for other groups. I don’t think I’ll ever stop being their fan.
I also found snsd through shinee because their mvs were recommended after I clicked lucifer too. the first one I saw is the iconic gee. taeyeon stood out to me in those mvs. her voice is so distinct, and I’ve been a fan of her ever since. She didn’t have a solo then, but I searched up all her drama osts, song features, everything because I loved her voice so much even back then. so yeah, taeyeon and shinee will forever be my faves, and I love them a lot 💓
tagged by :: @latetaektalk thank you, linh !! 💖
rule :: answer the ten questions and write your own!
— how are you today?
I’m doing really good! I’m enjoying my summer, and my day is pretty lax. I’ve been facetiming friends, watching chopped, making banh bao with my mom, and doing my daily cardio ✨
— what book has had the biggest impact on your life?
the princess knight by cornelia funke. my elementary school did this thing where your parents can buy a book to donate to the school library under your name for your birthday. this was the book my sister chose for me when I was in kindergarten. I loved that book; I borrowed it so many times and kept rereading it. It’s a children’s picture book about a princess who secretly learns how to joust. the king tries to give her hand in marriage to the knight who wins the competition, but she defeats them all and chooses to marry the gardener’s son who she loves 💕
— what is something you think everybody should have done once in their life?
Travel. There’s just something so wonderful about going to a new place, whether that’s halfway across the world or just the town a few states over. It’s a lovely feeling embarking on an adventure to a place unknown to you where you can meet new people, try new foods even if it’s just a random dish at a restaurant you’ve never been to, and make memories with strangers that no one back home ever has to know about. There’s just something intriguing about being able to go somewhere else and be someone else for an hour or a day or a week before you return back home.
— what story are you the most proud of and why?
on my previous blog, I wrote a fic called the universe of us, and it’s 21k+ wc. I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into that fic, and although I can’t read it now without cringing, I really am super proud of myself for pulling through and writing that. The concept of it was unique, in my opinion, and I would love to rewrite it someday! 💫
on this blog, I am most proud of the dumbing down of love. that fic is personal to me because it is literally comprised of my college experiences in written format and the characters embody my friends. I wrote that over the span of 3-4 nights, and that’s the fastest I’ve ever written a fic of that length. the words just flowed so easily for that fic, and the quesadilla scene was the first thing I wrote, and I’m quite proud of that scene!! 💓
— what has made you really happy recently?
I graduated uni!!!!! 💛💛
— what is the first thing you want to do after this whole pandemic is over and it’s safe to go out again?
I want to eat sushi LOL I haven’t had it in four months, and I’m craving it so badly.... I also want to go out with my friends again! I miss being able to see them everyday and our late night shenanigans ):
— if you had to make a soundtrack/playlist based on your life, how would you call it and which songs would you include?
honestly, these are just a bunch of my favorite songs throughout my entire life. some of them don’t relate to me personally, but I remember listening them on repeat, and I still know all the lyrics to them 💘
title: cue the soundtrack of my life
songs: complicated ⋆ avril lavigne ⋮ check yes, juliet ⋆ we the kings ⋮ the way i loved you ⋆ taylor swift ⋮ a daydream away ⋆ all time low ⋮ that’s what you get ⋆ paramore ⋮ i won’t give up ⋆ jason mraz ⋮ holy ground ⋆ taylor swift ⋮ lucifer ⋆ shinee ⋮ don’t go ⋆ exo m ⋮ 1000 years ⋆ shinee ⋮ breathe ⋆ taeyeon & jonghyun ⋮ coffee ⋆ bts ⋮ you are in love ⋆ taylor swift ⋮ walk you home ⋆ nct dream ⋮ i ⋆ taeyeon ⋮ tell me what to do ⋆ shinee ⋮ mad city ⋆ nct 127 ⋮ gravity ⋆ taeyeon ⋮ blueprint ⋆ stray kids
— what is your favourite breakfast food?
omg it’s this one dish that I order every time I go to the diner near my university, and it’s a smoked salmon eggs benedict with hollandaise sauce and hash browns 🤩🤩
— how did you get into writing and is it something you would like to do as your job?
I’ve always enjoyed writing, and my teachers sent me to the young authors’ faire every year from kindergarten to 8th grade. You don’t really get to write creative stories in class when you’re older though, and I stumbled upon fanfiction, and here we are. It’s not something I want to do as my job though. Writing is simply a fun pastime and hobby for me!! If I was forced to write or profit off of it, then that’d take fun out of it ):
— did you remember to drink enough water today?
yes, I did!! I make sure to drink 6-8 large cups of water a day :’) stay hydrated!!! 🤍
my questions for you:
what’s your favorite jelly bean flavor?
if you hated your child, what name would you give them?
do you pour cereal first or milk first?
do you like pineapple on your pizza?
if you could be a celebrity for the day, who would you be and why?
what are three dealbreakers for you in a relationship?
what’s your favorite word and why?
would you rather punch your ult bias in the face full force or lick the porta potty that hasn’t been cleaned after Coachella weekend?
which song(s) would you cut out from nct’s discography?
what’s the most unique/interesting food you’ve ever eaten?
tagged by :: @pwarkhans ty, sweetpea! 🌸
rule :: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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whatarubberchicken · 5 years
Awards and Appreciation
It’s finally here! My gift to @perditaalottachocolate-blog for the @lukanette-exchange! My deepest apologies that this is so late, but I tried to include all your prompts! Hope you enjoy!
Awards and Appreciation
I need to find someone I can talk to without faking a smile for a while, Marinette thought as she gazed over the ballroom. Her cheeks hurt. She was used to schmoozing for her job (everyone in fashion was) but tonight… it was so hard to find someone who wasn’t… fake.
Maybe a snack would perk her up. She couldn’t let anyone think she was anything but ecstatic about being here after all! It would insult the committee who’d recognized her with an award for her designs.
Poised and happy, she reminded herself as she scanned her surroundings for the hors d’oeuvres table. Poised and happy and slightly starving—there! The buffet table!
Oh. She should’ve known he’d be here. Scratch that, she had known he’d be here! Whenever she thought of arts and music in Paris, a list of names popped into her head, and his name was always at the top of her list! Why hadn’t that little detail clicked in her mind? Le Grand Paris Hotel had gone all out for the Artistic Achievements Awards ceremony being held tonight, but all the splendor around her paled in comparison to one man standing over by the punchbowl.
A suit and tie that complemented his pale skin and blue-tipped hair; perfectly styled to complement the lines of his body type, eyes alight with kindness and joy…
He looks amazing, she couldn’t help thinking, even as she shook any hopeful thoughts out of her head. Luka had always preferred the laid-back rocker look, but when he decided to clean up… that boy cleaned up nice.
No. No. She’d had her chance. She’d had multiple chances. And she’d screwed them all up! He had a life now, a life that didn’t involve her, and he looked as happy and content as anyone could be!
So, no.
Just no.
She wouldn’t mess this up for him again!
… but just talking to him for a moment wouldn’t hurt, right?
She half-wanted to beat some sense into her own head as her treacherous feet carried her over to where he was talking to some old friends. He was smiling, laughing at something his companion had said, and just seeing him look so happy—so free—made her insides feel warm and relaxed.
I’m glad he’s happy, she thought. He deserves to be happy.
Please let him be happy to see me.
Going from “dating” to “just friends” was always tricky. Not everyone wanted to be friends with their ex. And they certainly hadn’t met up a whole lot since then…Why was that, again? She’d always had so much creativity flowing through her whenever she’d hung out with the band!
She waited until he’d finished his current conversation before stepping closer.
“Hi, Luka,” she said softly.
She’d kept her voice low, so she didn’t expect him to whirl around immediately, his face breaking into a delighted smile.
“Marinette!” he exclaimed, scooping her up in a quick-but-tight hug. “I didn’t expect to see—wow, you look amazing!” he added, giving her a once-over that had heat flooding her cheeks.
“Oh, this old thing?”
Luka snorted in laughter. “As if Marinette Dupain-Cheng would wear just any ‘old thing’ to an awards ceremony,” he scoffed. “How long did it take you to make that?” He asked, gesturing to her gown. Marinette giggled. He knew her too well.
“Only most of the week,” she admitted, twirling a bit to let all the twinkling details glint in the light. Form-fitting, but still modest, the dark blue of the dress matched the highlights in her hair perfectly, and she’d added crystals into the fabric itself, designed to look like constellations, but only if you looked closely. Otherwise, they simply looked like extra sparkles. It had honestly turned out better than she’d anticipated. Especially paired with the crescent moon pendent around her neck. “I’ve gotten a lot better at managing my time.”
“Well, it looks… stellar,” he said, pondering a bit. Even now, it seemed words were sometimes hard for him.
She laughed again. “Thanks,” she said. “And you look great too!” She quickly added, gesturing to his suit.
“Ehh,” he said, tugging on his collar. “It’s some Italian designer—Whose name I honestly can not pronounce. Or remember.”
“I won’t tell a soul,” Marinette promised, winking. His face lit up for a moment, before he shook himself out of it.
“Sooo, I hear a congratulations are in order?” he said, looking at her expectantly.
She instantly knew what he was talking about. All the fashion blogs and tabloids were going crazy over the fact that Adrien Agreste had recently announced his engagement.
“Ahh, no,” she said. Luka’s smile fell and he cocked his head at her, confused. “Adrien—that secret girlfriend he has—it’s not me.”
“But weren’t you two seen together just last week?”
“Yep,” she said, laughing. “We’re still friends, and he occasionally models clothes for me, but we haven’t been together for years now. We did lunch that day to throw off the press so he could propose to her in private later. Don’t worry. She’s sassy, and sweet, and just perfect for him.”
Only the best for her kitty, after all!
“Oh. Oh… well, good,” Luka said, rubbing the back of his neck in the awkwardness that followed. “And… are you… seeing anyone?”
“Nope,” Marinette said easily. “I kept myself available so the press would be fooled and Adrien could date in peace. He gets so nervous when they swarm him like that; I didn’t want him to ruin his chances. And I got some free advertising out of it, too,” she added, giving him a wink. “What about you?” she asked.
“Huh? Me?” Luka looked startled.
“Yeah. Are you seeing anyone?”
“Oh. No. No, I’m not.”
“What about that crazed fan I heard about?” she teased.
Luka groaned. “Ugh, don’t even get me started,” he said, rubbing his face. “It’s like Vincent Asa and XY got together and had a demon baby!”
Marinette burst out laughing. Oh, the imagery of that!
“Would you… would you like to dance?” he asked, stumbling over his words in an effort to get them out quickly.
Marinette blinked. “Sure.”
There weren’t many people dancing; this event was more for socializing and making good connections, but a band had been playing softly in the corner the whole night, so it was easy for her to let him lead her onto the dance floor. She felt butterflies in her stomach as he took her hands and placed them around his neck—why was she so nervous? They’d dated before—for close to a year! A little dance should be nothing!
But the feel of his hands on her waist—warm, sure, steady—she had to force herself to breathe normally.
Oh wow, he smells good.
Ok, Marinette! Focus! she told herself. Time for small talk! Idle chit-chat! Think of something!!
But it was so easy to just relax in Luka’s arms. Knowing she was safe. Protected. Loved. She didn’t even realize she’d laid her head on his shoulder until she felt him hum contentedly. She quickly pulled back, feeling her face heat up again.
“Sorry,” she said.
“I don’t mind,” he assured her, looking calm and so sincere. It was hard to ignore the butterflies doing flip-flops in her belly.
“Sooo—” Ugh, she needed to think of something to talk about! What did they use to talk about when they danced?! Marinette blinked as she tried to think back. Wait…
“Luka, is this our first dance?”
He hummed. “You know, I think it is,” he admitted.
“How is THIS our first dance?!” she asked incredulously. They’d dated for months before!
“I think it’s because, when we went out before, I was usually in the band,” he laughed.
Marinette banged her head on his shoulder in frustration. “I am so sorry,” she groaned. “I was a terrible girlfriend, only going out when you had a gig!”
“Hey, I like it when I have gigs!” he retorted, grinning at her. “Besides, we did other stuff together, and any moment I got with you was a treasure.”
How was he so smooth all the time?! Marinette could feel her heart melt at his sweet words.
“Still,” she said, standing on her tip-toes to give him a quick peck on the cheek, “you were far too good for me.”
“Isn’t that decision up to me?” he said, rolling his eyes at her. “And, for the record, I would’ve happily dated you for the rest of my life.”
Marinette blinked at the same Luka seemed to realize what he’d just said.
“I mean—um… that’s—well, that is—”
She smiled and put her hand on his shoulder to calm him down. (The poor boy was as red as her Ladybug costume!) “It’s okay, Luka,” she said. “I’m a stammering mess when I talk to the one I love too. I mean—” her eyes widened, “not that I—or you—I mean, I do! But, well—I’m just not—”
She saw Luka covering his mouth with his hand, barely holding back his laughter, and decided to shut her mouth before she needed to add in another foot.
“Some pair we are, huh?” she finally giggled.
“Eh, at least our children will be cute,” Luka shrugged. Then he stopped, closed his eyes, and facepalmed.
“I did NOT just say that out loud.”
To Marinette’s surprise, he let her go and stepped back, making a little thumbing motion on his wrist that she instantly recognized.
Second chance.
She laughed again. “Sorry, no take-backs!” she teased, grabbing his hand. “Now I’m glad I never let you keep that Mira—" she froze again when Luka’s eyes shot open.
OOPS. She shouldn’t even know about that move, much less about him having a—
“—Mira—mirror?” she tried to finish lamely, but his eyes were already darting across her face and to her hair. She felt herself tremble when he cupped her cheek and gently turned her head so he could see her ears.
“Luka…” she began shakily.
“You never let me buy you earrings,” he murmured, staring at her in wonder. “Not once.”
“Luka, please….”
“Well, I’m calling it,” he suddenly boomed out. “We’re both stuttering and can’t think straight—somebody has spiked the punch! Time to go home, honey!”
With that, he took her elbow and delicately started guiding her towards the door. His touch was gentle enough that she didn’t feel threatened, and besides, she was sure that if she wanted to pull away, he would let her go in a heartbeat. Sure enough, before they’d made it to coat-check, his head dipped towards her again.
“Did you have anyone else you wanted to talk to?” he whispered.
“Not really,” she muttered back. Honestly, she’d probably been done with this party an hour ago.
“Do you have anywhere you need to go?” he pressed.
“No,” she said, catching the mischievous glint in his eye as he held open her coat for her. “What are you planning, Luka Couffaine?”
“Maybe a moonlit walk by the Seine before you kill me for figuring out your ultimate secret?”
Marinette had to stifle her laughter until they got out the door. “I’m not going to kill you, you overdramatic dork!” she cried.
“Really?” he said, also grinning at his bad joke. “’Cause this seems like it’s kinda important and all….”
“It is,” she confirmed, and then nudged his side. “But I trust you.”
She caught the soft look he gave her and had to look away. Her heart was pounding, and not just from her inadvertent reveal. She hadn’t been kidding; she really did trust him, even with something like this. And that was terrifying.
So why wasn’t she terrified?
Instead, she felt… giddy. Relieved. Happy, even. Walking with Luka, she felt as relaxed as ever. When had they started holding hands? Did it matter? She didn’t really want to stop….
“So, I take it you’ve got a way to erase all my memories or something?” Luka finally asked, swinging their hands lightheartedly.
“Oh, something like that,” she agreed playfully. She didn’t, and she was pretty sure he’d guessed that, but she was willing to play along with whatever scenario his romantic heart had come up with for now.
“Well then, my lady, a token of my thanks,” he said, pulling her to a stop. “To remember me by.” Her heart beat faster when he pulled her close, and she allowed her eyes to flutter shut as he dipped his head to claim her lips.
She expected something quick and simple. Instead, his mouth moved slow and sinuously against her own; his hand coming up to cup her cheek again as he deepened the kiss. Fire roared to life in her veins. She found herself gasping and reaching up to grab Luka and steady herself against him when her own legs went limp.
He caught her expertly, of course, and she was treated to those gorgeous blue eyes shining in the starlight.
“What—what was that for?” she asked breathlessly.
“My thanks,” Luka replied, inclining his head to her. “For believing in me, even before I did.”
Marinette scoffed. “You don’t need to thank me for that! You should believe in yourself, you’re one of the best people I know! Heck, even your akuma—”
Luka silenced her with another kiss. Marinette blinked up at him with wide eyes.
“You know what, you’re right,” she said. “You should definitely thank me again…”
He did. Again and again.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Sparks Fly (5/?)
A/N: Fluffy fluff. Like tooth rottingly fluff. Saccharine dribble. And descriptions of lust. Actual smut coming soon
There is more crying and hugging when Sera releases you and you come face to face with Your mother’s advisors, what was left of them anyway. The Avengers looked on with various emotions on their faces. Most of them had never seen you be so openly expressive about anything, not even your likes and dislikes for food. Even if you hated something you took a polite nibble and declared it delicious out of politeness. It was such a common occurrence that Bucky had declared Canadians must be Fae and not human.
Thor’s chest hurt. You had spent 12 years fighting for survival believing everyone you loved had died and no one was going to come for you. That there was no home to return to. You had dealt with that loss as a small child and dealt with it alone. He felt pride that you had survived it all and shame. He was ashamed of himself for not making this meeting happen sooner. He had spent almost all month learning to read micro expressions in your face and watching this transformation was like watching the sun come out after a hard winter. You moved differently, instead of stoic precision in every move it was fluid grace as if a burden had lifted from your shoulders. As if your feet had finally stopped being pulled down in the mud. And when you met his eyes, beaming and laughing through the tears running down your face he felt like he really saw you. Saw the Queen you would be.  He felt tears in his own eyes watching the Fae reunion in the courtyard and made a silent promise to himself that he would never let you feel that isolated again. 
That evening at dinner, a gathering of the Avengers who were trickling in for the wedding, there was music. So much music and laughter. The stories and songs flowed as freely as the wine. For the first time in New Asgard, there was a joy. It was palpable, the magic that flowed hummed through the halls and streets. Taverns were packed to the rafters with the music of their own. Trees and flowers burst into bloom. The castle courtyard was the center of it all. Thor watched you. You had kissed him soundly once, a kiss that knocked him breathless for a moment and conveyed thanks that 1,000 words simply could not. He happily would have kissed you 5 or 6 dozen more times but you had not been still since. Sera had grabbed your hand and you’d been dancing ever since. Thor was honestly drowning in lust watching. The way your hips rolled in time to the music was hypnotic and in the dress of your home court, you looked like someone he was not creative enough to fantasize about. Natasha caught his eye once and winked. They had similar tastes in women and in a proper bar unattached had often compared notes. When you didn’t dance, you sang, you played, you laughed. It was not until Sera sat that you did, a Guitar on the other Faery Girl’s lap. A hush fell over the crowd and The white-haired advisor, Kamesh laughed. “Oh no, it must be time for the Raggle Taggle Gypsy.” There was fondness in that laugh. Thor looked at her in Askance and Kamesh beamed, “It was the first song they learned in music lessons,” she explained.  “The Queen’s consort, Alric, taught it to them,” she said, “They’ve been apart for too long to learn a new one together for tonight.”
There were three old Gypsies came to our hall door/ They cam brave and Boldly-oh/ There was one sang high and the other sang low and the Lady sang a raggle taggle gypsy-oh/
It was upstairs and downstairs the lady went/ Put on her suit of leather oh/ There was a cry all around the door/ She’s away with the raggle taggle gypsy -oh/
Thor listened with half an ear but the words didn’t matter to him overmuch. As he looked into your face, brimming with hope and joy he wanted to remember every last detail. He didn’t want to forget this happiness, the feeling of Faery come to New Asgard. This was an advantageous match in more ways than one. His people were well suited to yours as he was well suited to you. The sear of your kiss on his lips and the memory of the way your bottom had filled his hand so prettily had him dying to touch you again. He wanted you so badly that even his insecurities about his body were silent for the moment. He knew that without more work than he had time for he’d never be as he was but when he thought of the way you kissed his stomach with no hesitation and the feel of you hugging him tightly, your cheek against the swell, he didn’t mind very much. He sat up as your song ended and you took a laughing, blushing bow and cheered loudly. You caught his eye and smiled so he held his hand out, beckoning to you. His heart thrilled when you came towards him. 
“My lord,” you say, dropping into a curtsey that inadvertently gave him a lovely glimpse of the soft skin of your chest. Thor tore his eyes away and raised you, cupping your chin in his hand tenderly. “I never want to forget how beautiful you are tonight,” he murmured, his deep baritone pitched for your hearing alone. “I am more in love with you than I ever thought I could be,” he said, kissing your forehead. You don’t know what to say, the princess of story and song, is at a loss for either. Thor only laughs and settles you on the arm of his chair, tucking your pretty bare feet into his lap and lightly caressing your ankles as you sip from a goblet of wine and take a moment to relax, watching the Delegation from your court with pride in your face. No one assembled pays the two of you any mind, really. The display of affection is welcome, proof that you haven’t been given to the monster they feared Madoc would try to find. 
You sigh at the gentle touch and let him do it. It feels nice. You’ve never been allowed to dance so much in an evening and you aren’t used to it. Thor chuckles and keeps caressing lightly. He can feel the heat coming off of you from the exertion and the excitement. You look so happy and more than a little bit tipsy. He knows that the fire in you is going to burn bright if he stokes it the right way, he can feel it. Your desire to live and to be free couldn’t be crushed. Madoc had only managed to stifle you but he could not defeat you. You look down at Thor and brush a lock of hair off his face with gentle hands making him look up at you. “May I sleep with you again tonight?” you ask softly. Thor smiles, heart fluttering; “You don’t even have to ask, sweetheart,” he said capturing your lips in a soft kiss. You blush and Thor chuckles, “I’ve never wanted to sleep next to someone so badly in all my life,” he said, “I never realized how big my bed was until I had you cuddled in my arms. It is big and lonely and I don’t fancy being alone in it anymore.” You smile, “Have you been so lonely as King, Thor?” Thor kissed you again tenderly, “At times it has been the most desolate time in my life. But now, with you here, I do not think I will find it such a burden.” You nod, “I shall endeavor to make it that way,” you murmur, getting a far off look in your eyes, thinking. 
Thor caresses your ankles and kisses your shoulder, “What are you thinking, love?” You smile a little sadly, “I should have never been the Queen in Waiting,” you say, “My mother was still young, I had 6 siblings... and now they are gone and I am alive. My forest is broken and my people have suffered. To what end?” Thor kisses your shoulder again, knowing that you aren’t done speaking and knowing no words he says are going to be sufficient. “What if after all this, I am not the Queen they need me to be? Not for your people or for mine.” Thor smiles a little, “My love, my sweet girl, I can promise you that you are already the Queen they need you to be. They don’t need you to be anyone other than who you are.” He gestures at the assembly, still dancing and still alive with warmth and light, “You did this, you brought this into being with a harp and sheer force of will when you decided to live. You are who they need because you know what it’s like to be without hope. You breathed life into my kingdom and you’ll do the same with yours.”
You lean into him and rest your head on his shoulder, “Thank you,” you say softly, your breath against his neck making him shiver in pleasure. “I’ve been alive a long time, sweetheart. I know a Queen when I see one,” he chuckled, allowing himself the intimacy of caressing your bare side as he wrapped his arms around you. When you sighed in enjoyment he thought his prick would burst when it throbbed but he didn’t push for more. He knew that if he just let you adjust and let you enjoy the little intimacies he’d have a much easier time helping you enjoy the big ones. He desperately wanted to act on the arousal he could feel coming from you, making his own powers bubble to the surface but he kept them in check. “Bedtime, I think.” he said kissing your hair, “You have a long day of wedding arrangements tomorrow.” You rub your eyes and nod, “I hope you like my dress,” you say, already nodding off on his shoulder. “Sweetheart,” he said, mischief in his voice as he scooped you up in his arms to tuck you in, “You could meet me at the alter stark naked and I wouldn’t mind in the least.” You smile against his shoulder but say nothing, eyes already closing.
Tags: @lancsnerd @amalthea9 @innerpaperexpertcloud @strangerliaa @sweetkenzo
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plastictoilets-blog · 4 years
plastic toilets can be change in2 baths
Each race is good on their own so we need to create small nations 4 each. Sometimes if u see a certain race man talking it guide ya to leave Africa cause the whites wanna be here again and majority love to be served by them to feel good and police arrest after u show them rudeness, kinda, brings joy than polite life with free food and goods put on credit to enjoy economies of scale and create bad credit for such to be enslaved again as they cannot buy again anything. PETROLEUM will still surface if gasoline gadgets are made cheap like half price 4 many to buy, so don’t just laugh bro
The above links rep how to reach the mars or venus but in 7 month distance, to avoid timer malfunction that changes the current to the next cylinder coz the 1st 1 to hot to burst, they put them like 3-5 set at the same time in a parallel connection in that if 1 burns up to discontinue the current flow that would lead to saucer falling the others still do and at the same time the pilot can still control the same with switches.
Lindi, TZ was where Jesus changed water to wine long b4 the green man left Europe and they went to Europe and shortly again they left America 4 Venus then the white men moved to America.
Let the nation be built on its pace or reduce population 4 the resources to fit people once all loopholes have been blocked. Tz people are the once causing strife in the nation that they save putting them in others food that they are building Tanzania. Stop dude U r poor and accept the fact Germany or Canada is rich than u out of all explained in tumblr a/c following this tumblr.
One dot bar code machine putting that code on cash at central bank and the money censoring machine is made in such way to sense that. They can make fake cash those in Govt and do the same bro. Comphonecash does it, inaeweza, nyale, or curbs such dude period.
Angel Gabriel was Railamolodinga then, in marys house when sleeping, like people transfigure to any race did the same to be a white-man and switched the light on marys room and told mary u will be pregnant of a son when previously had done the same when she was not away put sperms in the syrange in a cold ice small cooler and when mary was deep asleep like lazurus took 1 syrange with a che3mical that makes 1 to fall a sleep like in  a minute and below the mattress had took out the better part of that mattress to make a bwol like hole only small part left to rich the top and that’s the position he used to inject Christ mother with b4 getting out of under the bed and again impregnating Mary with the sperm on the syringe to make her pregnant. Mary remembered the occasion later but thought it was a middle on the bed. B4 she could stand and check the mess he was down as overwhelmed by the drug, dude the whole truth, what do u want folks. Jesus was born in a ranch bro get it straight!!! It was planned and Mary had loose nuts was not that normal bro!!!
When folks have an eye on ya u don’t grow up in size, bible Mathew 5 an eye 4 an eye or a teeth 4 a teeth to cement reality bro.
By drinking milk from a cup but putting it like 30 cm from the mouth to pour out like water fall as well is another method of making gadgets. People who love traditions are always monitored and denied entry to nations, cause always they want to be 1st or destroy other races, know that people. Reasons to why u don’t get green-card and white-men looking 4 that. The Masai character is a blessing in disguise and a teaching to people who want big booty women like Russians to quit coz they are good on their own not in another tribe lest u go to hell cause u got the prophet.
The city which kills the dream of the prophet, Wichita, Minneapolis or Amsterdam, can be another version, it will be more tolerable to Sidon and tire than it, people will burn as u see, kinda, head lit on fire with burning hair or they grow mad or 1 eye pops out.
They now got dirty tricks of wanting people to leave food in a restaurant then they put it on water if it has like source then put on microwave to dry up then sold to them at lunch time in 70% removed price, people fear them yet its left overs like Christ with feeding 4-5 thousand people. People discard ya food to fund hooliganism and they create beef with ya if u fail to leave yours bro
Click the links above and see how fake money is detected, though you have known how to make cash using human brain with coins, guava etc and with notes, strawberry, kales, carbage etc, they will still show fake under the above machine in that where the money is made like in Kenya Delaru they sprinkle something extra on top to bridge the difference like maize seed or just cereals to read real money which with yours if u fail its fake and that’s the gimmick. Those who still with the govt can still do with making fake money, so the way to go is eliminating liquid cash and putting it on comphonecash bro period. So got to know how many seeds that must be sprinkled on that vegetable used to make money to enable ya money pass the fake/real money test, so u cant but must be told by those involved in the money making as grapevine is a everyday reality after long time bro. So take heed never relenting bro!!!! Go back to ya nation period Mr Hindu or Italian. Or just a liquid being poured on top and which 1 in what amount dude, Got to know dat bro.
Chirombero in ksm was the tomb where John the baptized was cremated if near their ya lips grow big and Christ was born in Lilongwe as the name Capernaum or Lake Galilee and John was not arrested in Rome but in Lilongwe, lost coin and little kid to cement de trut. They love lake cities the Naphtali tribe b4 they went again to Europe and distributed tribes again. Africans go slow 4 the truth to be told or known, don’t know a lot and its all true lies bro
With that little u can get started, friends you have not heard me that with me little cant start with me, u wanna put up a fight, wanna force me with marriage, then well and good, am die a bachelor, u wanna box me still, dude, what do you want with me, I don’t wanna leave kids behind in this dirty world.
At the end of the turnel u see people being give guns as hurled to them from a source esp in Uganda, Gambia, Togo, countries at least with understanding not pro-white none-sense meaning as well the gadgets matches those of Europe or N-America, this signal war and u see the white men in Africa walking inspecting vehicle originality and they came to it, so if u watch soccer they relent as in want to be like Negros that their cash they share many people. That’s to ya good and we wanna know dat not, ya problem. Now they wanna stop saying African food don’t spoil the mind like previous not knowing what they read have been given to or copy pasted from another source. Whiteman don’t be fooled but hold ya stand period.
The link below show how at dusk the luo walk with such with unknown chemical inside wanting to grab ya if u fail to utter back in their dialect. They can infect ya with virus yet 1 of them signal ya its trump thing. Resign dude, ya time is up bro!!! Wanting ya food every now and then yet they got it in plenty than ya, kinda, stupid and sickening bro!!!
The chairs in the link above if u see some1 working in the office u resort to belittling them, why? They instill the negative fear of people who thwart peoples destiny and lovers of shiny bright things and bright kids r never loved coz the pretend to know alot than their ages to the point of belittling the elders.
I was treated good when sick in the hospital, friends it was milk on milk, I mean milk after milk.
This that changes ya character that upset people and u know not, drinking cold water, buying socks and vests every now and then. They make u insane or rude and u know not like Us blacks. Tissue papers are made with cotton wool in a container where many spit saliva or urinate on the offering while cassava as well is used to make automated security padlocks or just locks.
They say if u love free cheap things u might land up in hell, yes its true, even with harvesting rain water, but u got the remedy saying they had put nuts on ya belly that rot to give ya chronic tetanus and rain water eliminates such and that’s the reason 4 harvesting it, Friends don’t know a lot in this life yet you know less or not. Stop cashing into others affair, mind ya own business bro.
By ng'amruok many women like in a circle with the offering like hay, wool or chaff in the middle as well makes gadgets. Kuchora saba sana, making ya legs apart at reflex or obtuse angle make even houses like in the link below with garbage as the offering
With the above slams will be casted into junk heap of yesterday and every family will be able to live in a descent sanitary house.
When achieving justice, sometimes if u walk, kinda, u see like some1 or wind pushing ya esp ya hand and back to the point u feel a touchy hand pushing u like a friend has done previously to show understanding and defeat of ya enemies bro. Get this straight on ya mind dude!!!
Get somewhere to hustle even if ya job has been redeemed useless by new cameras and wireless alarm systems, don’t walk around wanting good life to get into people houses to eat that you are looking 4 precious food job. Suffer bwana, don’t say u know how to look 4 things yet we got wireless camera so u wanna say they rob u, your dignity. Grow up and Mr Hindu and Uhuru, stop sponsoring this guys. In the corridor they want to like fight ya with their knife or eject the arrow 2 hurl u with.
Woe to that city built on the hill, it will be more tolerable than tire and Sidon than that that kills the prophet, John the Baptist was transported from Rome to Mombasa and beheaded at Fort Jesus. Will it slide into see, women with Barabbas to cement the truth, sycamore tree with zaccheaus
So they killed Malcolm x in ny to say he was a prophet yet his writings he was given in jail, same to Gandhi and MLK in Memphis- Raila was the 1 who transfigured to the White X-military man and shot him, sharp shooter.
To take their wives as bible promise means they good women that bring forth good behaved kids not disturbing ones, like Christ alluding with fig tree. Most whites are kikuyu blooded bringing disturbing kids and many. Cut island men bring kids who disturb when have married other women but the women when married good men bring good kid, so I think it was cut island as the take their wives and they are also found in Florida, USA. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth.
When grabbing ya manhood is an alt they start moving next to ya in a bend posture with their head down as if cleaning the dirt as if you are filthy yet some seconds ago wanted ya food, the greek blooded men as many cut islanders got that blood. The luo are tolerated to give greekamba, Mexican people curse and that’s the plan. They have more stubborn bro!!!
No arab will dwell there, how? I think by the slogan, there will be no arab means they will have been finished on their dirty games of prostitution, making fake money, putting Arafat as if they will not fall and no money to buy food as E-machines will have declared gas redundant bro
The promise to Arab above was just written, the whites thought that Arab will not be finished as they never thought of oil being redundant period, as finished with E-vans, buses, vehicles as you can Google that.
E-faru link below from china
People who pride themselves after long became stubborn, they still wanna live large yet their dubious ways to dat life has been removed, better cut ya coat to ya size, scale down ya wants like the kisii people, Minnesota thing everyday wid bank statement issue, following them to no good.
The devol will be hurled down 4 deluding the nations not on earth but in hell from heaven out of the sermons by mlk purporting that it is his after a coin is put in the palm of the hand to see the truth as well as Nobel peace price in oslow by mlk and we are here where do we go from here speech
The white people and Nigro hide this as well they were not mlk things and he risk being taken to hell and any1 claiming things which aint his bro.
The Burma people want some1 in the wife or hubby presence in his friends, which if u fail they give ya names but if u accept can cut u with panga or wanting to come and eat in ya house but its a signal of good things to ya if that happens. The beauty is that they are few and we wanna deal with them as identify that bad blood. They are jealousy of progress, never wanting people things but use dat trick bro which is sickening to the point of bringing their kids, usually they live a lazy lifestyle of not knowing how they get their money. Some nija and hindu got this sad character. They monitor those who can put food on table and start bothering them. It shows relief
Why do we go to church? Now they wanna say, dem pastors, since life has been made cheap, we wanna encourage young men to get partners to marry to facilitate procreation to add the offering in our bag but online cash is handy to eliminate the monitored liquid cash. Online cash can be phonecash or compcash, we wanna pray 4 important men to gain fertility and that’s our church duty, come bro
If u sleep with women as prostitute with ya tribe blood u risk going to hell that’s why u r encouraged to investigate, if any, so u quit u look 4 1 which got no ya genes bro. Kisii got Saudi people blood while Yankees got Bahrain, Omani blood dude. Got 2 know this dude!!
I want to erase any thought of good life associated with that am a survivor and the fact that I want their pretty woman as I have put in some tumblr following me I copy pasted from another, so that if am slain the next day they don’t put in media “Good job well done” as they did with Tm that they have put a hold on me or gotten me. Removing every doubt bro to bring about mistaken identity. When u dislike posh life they wanna attack ya saying u want it, forcing the kikuyu blooded men loving large life.
Another sense of good life to people who don’t live that good is you see them as a little kid smeared with fecal matters as have not wiped out the booty or to a woman when sited, kinda, the pussy turn ya head to that woman. A lot of lorries with drones inside but covered with relocating house things like mattress in dat if their is landslide or poisonous gas emission they escape. The china made drones dat were brought in2 the country. Given to specific people mostly kisii, masai or kikuyou, in their compounds testing them at night.
 Cat island people are bad with people whom they see women to love, at that time starts to stalk or harass a fellow man when no 1 is in the vicinity. Kikuyou men, luo men or luya got that blood and the gaya got it maybe on the mother side at that time, they married their women but the kikuyou married their men out of my thesis. And Masai are lazy wanting others food as if trump is the 1 telling them liasing with Uhuru. Even trump got that blood of wanting to be a gay and putting ya to lough with him as if a woman has accepted ya but if u r down and him up he doesn’t give a damn, character synonymous with Floridians who as well got the cat island character, Ci, cianda, stupig, matako in sheng. The way Sydney poiter was treated in Miami b4 leaving 4 Florida is a lesson to depict how they are always are. At night they can grab ya manhood to caress it failure to which they cut/stab you to death or even strangle ya, so its a 2 way phenomena. They want to seat, lazy but don’t think the very people who they frustrate are the workaholic bro. They want free things which can last like cash crop while they put up in swag not words, bad character as those dubious ways to their survival have been blocked like with automatic locks, shielding plane alternator 4 it not to be electrocuted, no-fuel as e-generator to eliminate cooking gas and govt wanting to increase population to benefit from huge electric bill as water bill also and many to use the new discovered oil deposits to sell much oil as govt revenue, internet penetration per house and things like payed TV decoder to benefit them widely. These in my following tumblr a/c has a bottleneck so, women are to play part to avoid replicating kids with such character, so its a blessing in disguise. They are even thieves, wanna still from ya in no vicinity even kim of korea got this gene and they meet to discuss their agenda as cat island blooded men. Most Yankees are Malawi blooded, and Malawians are arab blooded as Kenya kisii people got Malawi people blood of wanting to be 1st b4 white men, to out shadow people. They wanna destroy the world, this world will be peopled with their offspring and that’s the joy/pride of white man, what they long 4.
  Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Nyathi ma-magdalin ni ng'amruok ministry mit nee, okonyaldhi maong'le, says kebi. Oketo ng'amruok mbele says Richard!!!! Of what significance is church, whats ya agenda bro when all ya expectations have been blocked explained in the following tumblr above, Why do we go to church, to defeat what or to get what dude, let truth be told and we quit. Let us say we know where it came from and we stop but respect the 10 commandments and the constitution period. 4 how long we are gonna play dice wit with words, just like with a woman if she refuse u quit or with school, u start learning and at a certain time stop/finish learning same with church dude. Its sickening preaching the same verse everyday like akid who listens not who we don’t love but do the exact bro. The white man wanted to leave Africa again so they stop knowing what they have known and that’s why they dug Suez canal but its 2 late, Cant destroy the gene anymore as every tribe have learnt the same like automation, so its like a poison to them but we care not as we can now do ourselves. click the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShOQQOy5pf8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOMUjX56xIk Warn us of the same china, what I send u on alibaba http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-video/us-china-to-sign-deal-at-white-house-trump/vi-BBYlsqx?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/money/finance-top-stories/china-says-it-is-in-close-touch-with-us-on-trade-deal-signing-ceremony/ar-BBYkzTN?ocid=ientp
Copy pasted without re-reading
olimptrade offices are located in the carribeans and the Latin America have known how to make sophisticated gadgets, so USA, Canada to be attacked from there, they are very stupid and silly/sick. We wanna see!!!!!
With well down explained mechanism at mrmonde tumblr a/c, still the plane falls, its up to ya mr laughing trump, click the links below
The link below show how u can cab electric car battery sudden pop up by making even a 60 volt wet cell or more or connect many 2 give ya the same, then u put a solar charger controller to accept dat current and give out 24 0r 12 volts, it can last even 4 1 week b4 it falls again to 1or below to stop the worry of everyday charging even if the car is in full use or the alternator made to charge another 1 of the same kind which if the working 1 falls below 12 volt u eject it out and replace it with the charged 1 to last the same or even with solar panel
1 note · View note
20boby-blog · 4 years
Race thing
Each race is good on their own so we need to create small nations 4 each. Sometimes if u see a certain race man talking it guide ya to leave Africa cause the whites wanna be here again and majority love to be served by them to feel good and police arrest after u show them rudeness, kinda, brings joy than polite life with free food and goods put on credit to enjoy economies of scale and create bad credit for such to be enslaved again as they cannot buy again anything. PETROLEUM will still surface if gasoline gadgets are made cheap like half price 4 many to buy, so don't just laugh bro
The above links rep how to reach the mars or venus but in 7 month distance, to avoid timer malfunction that changes the current to the next cylinder coz the 1st 1 to hot to burst, they put them like 3-5 set at the same time in a parallel connection in that if 1 burns up to discontinue the current flow that would lead to saucer falling the others still do and at the same time the pilot can still control the same with switches.
Lindi, TZ was where Jesus changed water to wine long b4 the green man left Europe and they went to Europe and shortly again they left America 4 Venus then the white men moved to America.
Let the nation be built on its pace or reduce population 4 the resources to fit people once all loopholes have been blocked. Tz people are the once causing strife in the nation that they save putting them in others food that they are building Tanzania. Stop dude U r poor and accept the fact Germany or Canada is rich than u out of all explained in tumblr a/c following this tumblr.
One dot bar code machine putting that code on cash at central bank and the money censoring machine is made in such way to sense that. They can make fake cash those in Govt and do the same bro. Comphonecash does it, inaeweza, nyale, or curbs such dude period.
Angel Gabriel was Railamolodinga then, in marys house when sleeping, like people transfigure to any race did the same to be a white-man and switched the light on marys room and told mary u will be pregnant of a son when previously had done the same when she was not away put sperms in the syrange in a cold ice small cooler and when mary was deep asleep like lazurus took 1 syrange with a che3mical that makes 1 to fall a sleep like in  a minute and below the mattress had took out the better part of that mattress to make a bwol like hole only small part left to rich the top and that's the position he used to inject Christ mother with b4 getting out of under the bed and again impregnating Mary with the sperm on the syringe to make her pregnant. Mary remembered the occasion later but thought it was a middle on the bed. B4 she could stand and check the mess he was down as overwhelmed by the drug, dude the whole truth, what do u want folks. Jesus was born in a ranch bro get it straight!!! It was planned and Mary had loose nuts was not that normal bro!!!
When folks have an eye on ya u don't grow up in size, bible Mathew 5 an eye 4 an eye or a teeth 4 a teeth to cement reality bro.
By drinking milk from a cup but putting it like 30 cm from the mouth to pour out like water fall as well is another method of making gadgets. People who love traditions are always monitored and denied entry to nations, cause always they want to be 1st or destroy other races, know that people. Reasons to why u don't get green-card and white-men looking 4 that. The Masai character is a blessing in disguise and a teaching to people who want big booty women like Russians to quit coz they are good on their own not in another tribe lest u go to hell cause u got the prophet.
The city which kills the dream of the prophet, Wichita, Minneapolis or Amsterdam, can be another version, it will be more tolerable to Sidon and tire than it, people will burn as u see, kinda, head lit on fire with burning hair or they grow mad or 1 eye pops out.
They now got dirty tricks of wanting people to leave food in a restaurant then they put it on water if it has like source then put on microwave to dry up then sold to them at lunch time in 70% removed price, people fear them yet its left overs like Christ with feeding 4-5 thousand people. People discard ya food to fund hooliganism and they create beef with ya if u fail to leave yours bro
Click the links above and see how fake money is detected, though you have known how to make cash using human brain with coins, guava etc and with notes, strawberry, kales, carbage etc, they will still show fake under the above machine in that where the money is made like in Kenya Delaru they sprinkle something extra on top to bridge the difference like maize seed or just cereals to read real money which with yours if u fail its fake and that’s the gimmick. Those who still with the govt can still do with making fake money, so the way to go is eliminating liquid cash and putting it on comphonecash bro period. So got to know how many seeds that must be sprinkled on that vegetable used to make money to enable ya money pass the fake/real money test, so u cant but must be told by those involved in the money making as grapevine is a everyday reality after long time bro. So take heed never relenting bro!!!! Go back to ya nation period Mr Hindu or Italian. Or just a liquid being poured on top and which 1 in what amount dude, Got to know dat bro.
Chirombero in ksm was the tomb where John the baptized was cremated if near their ya lips grow big and Christ was born in Lilongwe as the name Capernaum or Lake Galilee and John was not arrested in Rome but in Lilongwe, lost coin and little kid to cement de trut. They love lake cities the Naphtali tribe b4 they went again to Europe and distributed tribes again. Africans go slow 4 the truth to be told or known, don’t know a lot and its all true lies bro
With that little u can get started, friends you have not heard me that with me little cant start with me, u wanna put up a fight, wanna force me with marriage, then well and good, am die a bachelor, u wanna box me still, dude, what do you want with me, I don’t wanna leave kids behind in this dirty world.
At the end of the turnel u see people being give guns as hurled to them from a source esp in Uganda, Gambia, Togo, countries at least with understanding not pro-white none-sense meaning as well the gadgets matches those of Europe or N-America, this signal war and u see the white men in Africa walking inspecting vehicle originality and they came to it, so if u watch soccer they relent as in want to be like Negros that their cash they share many people. That’s to ya good and we wanna know dat not, ya problem. Now they wanna stop saying African food don’t spoil the mind like previous not knowing what they read have been given to or copy pasted from another source. Whiteman don’t be fooled but hold ya stand period.
The link below show how at dusk the luo walk with such with unknown chemical inside wanting to grab ya if u fail to utter back in their dialect. They can infect ya with virus yet 1 of them signal ya its trump thing. Resign dude, ya time is up bro!!! Wanting ya food every now and then yet they got it in plenty than ya, kinda, stupid and sickening bro!!!
The chairs in the link above if u see some1 working in the office u resort to belittling them, why? They instill the negative fear of people who thwart peoples destiny and lovers of shiny bright things and bright kids r never loved coz the pretend to know alot than their ages to the point of belittling the elders.
I was treated good when sick in the hospital, friends it was milk on milk, I mean milk after milk.
This that changes ya character that upset people and u know not, drinking cold water, buying socks and vests every now and then. They make u insane or rude and u know not like Us blacks. Tissue papers are made with cotton wool in a container where many spit saliva or urinate on the offering while cassava as well is used to make automated security padlocks or just locks.
They say if u love free cheap things u might land up in hell, yes its true, even with harvesting rain water, but u got the remedy saying they had put nuts on ya belly that rot to give ya chronic tetanus and rain water eliminates such and that’s the reason 4 harvesting it, Friends don’t know a lot in this life yet you know less or not. Stop cashing into others affair, mind ya own business bro.
By ng'amruok many women like in a circle with the offering like hay, wool or chaff in the middle as well makes gadgets. Kuchora saba sana, making ya legs apart at reflex or obtuse angle make even houses like in the link below with garbage as the offering
With the above slams will be casted into junk heap of yesterday and every family will be able to live in a descent sanitary house.
When achieving justice, sometimes if u walk, kinda, u see like some1 or wind pushing ya esp ya hand and back to the point u feel a touchy hand pushing u like a friend has done previously to show understanding and defeat of ya enemies bro. Get this straight on ya mind dude!!!
Get somewhere to hustle even if ya job has been redeemed useless by new cameras and wireless alarm systems, don’t walk around wanting good life to get into people houses to eat that you are looking 4 precious food job. Suffer bwana, don’t say u know how to look 4 things yet we got wireless camera so u wanna say they rob u, your dignity. Grow up and Mr Hindu and Uhuru, stop sponsoring this guys. In the corridor they want to like fight ya with their knife or eject the arrow 2 hurl u with.
Woe to that city built on the hill, it will be more tolerable than tire and Sidon than that that kills the prophet, John the Baptist was transported from Rome to Mombasa and beheaded at Fort Jesus. Will it slide into see, women with Barabbas to cement the truth, sycamore tree with zaccheaus
So they killed Malcolm x in ny to say he was a prophet yet his writings he was given in jail, same to Gandhi and MLK in Memphis- Raila was the 1 who transfigured to the White X-military man and shot him, sharp shooter.
To take their wives as bible promise means they good women that bring forth good behaved kids not disturbing ones, like Christ alluding with fig tree. Most whites are kikuyu blooded bringing disturbing kids and many. Cut island men bring kids who disturb when have married other women but the women when married good men bring good kid, so I think it was cut island as the take their wives and they are also found in Florida, USA. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth.
When grabbing ya manhood is an alt they start moving next to ya in a bend posture with their head down as if cleaning the dirt as if you are filthy yet some seconds ago wanted ya food, the greek blooded men as many cut islanders got that blood. The luo are tolerated to give greekamba, Mexican people curse and that’s the plan. They have more stubborn bro!!!
No arab will dwell there, how? I think by the slogan, there will be no arab means they will have been finished on their dirty games of prostitution, making fake money, putting Arafat as if they will not fall and no money to buy food as E-machines will have declared gas redundant bro
The promise to Arab above was just written, the whites thought that Arab will not be finished as they never thought of oil being redundant period, as finished with E-vans, buses, vehicles as you can Google that.
E-faru link below from china
People who pride themselves after long became stubborn, they still wanna live large yet their dubious ways to dat life has been removed, better cut ya coat to ya size, scale down ya wants like the kisii people, Minnesota thing everyday wid bank statement issue, following them to no good.
The devol will be hurled down 4 deluding the nations not on earth but in hell from heaven out of the sermons by mlk purporting that it is his after a coin is put in the palm of the hand to see the truth as well as Nobel peace price in oslow by mlk and we are here where do we go from here speech
The white people and Nigro hide this as well they were not mlk things and he risk being taken to hell and any1 claiming things which aint his bro.
The Burma people want some1 in the wife or hubby presence in his friends, which if u fail they give ya names but if u accept can cut u with panga or wanting to come and eat in ya house but its a signal of good things to ya if that happens. The beauty is that they are few and we wanna deal with them as identify that bad blood. They are jealousy of progress, never wanting people things but use dat trick bro which is sickening to the point of bringing their kids, usually they live a lazy lifestyle of not knowing how they get their money. Some nija and hindu got this sad character. They monitor those who can put food on table and start bothering them. It shows relief
Why do we go to church? Now they wanna say, dem pastors, since life has been made cheap, we wanna encourage young men to get partners to marry to facilitate procreation to add the offering in our bag but online cash is handy to eliminate the monitored liquid cash. Online cash can be phonecash or compcash, we wanna pray 4 important men to gain fertility and that’s our church duty, come bro
If u sleep with women as prostitute with ya tribe blood u risk going to hell that’s why u r encouraged to investigate, if any, so u quit u look 4 1 which got no ya genes bro. Kisii got Saudi people blood while Yankees got Bahrain, Omani blood dude. Got 2 know this dude!!
I want to erase any thought of good life associated with that am a survivor and the fact that I want their pretty woman as I have put in some tumblr following me I copy pasted from another, so that if am slain the next day they don’t put in media “Good job well done” as they did with Tm that they have put a hold on me or gotten me. Removing every doubt bro to bring about mistaken identity. When u dislike posh life they wanna attack ya saying u want it, forcing the kikuyu blooded men loving large life.
Another sense of good life to people who don’t live that good is you see them as a little kid smeared with fecal matters as have not wiped out the booty or to a woman when sited, kinda, the pussy turn ya head to that woman. A lot of lorries with drones inside but covered with relocating house things like mattress in dat if their is landslide or poisonous gas emission they escape. The china made drones dat were brought in2 the country. Given to specific people mostly kisii, masai or kikuyou, in their compounds testing them at night.
 Cat island people are bad with people whom they see women to love, at that time starts to stalk or harass a fellow man when no 1 is in the vicinity. Kikuyou men, luo men or luya got that blood and the gaya got it maybe on the mother side at that time, they married their women but the kikuyou married their men out of my thesis. And Masai are lazy wanting others food as if trump is the 1 telling them liasing with Uhuru. Even trump got that blood of wanting to be a gay and putting ya to lough with him as if a woman has accepted ya but if u r down and him up he doesn’t give a damn, character synonymous with Floridians who as well got the cat island character, Ci, cianda, stupig, matako in sheng. The way Sydney poiter was treated in Miami b4 leaving 4 Florida is a lesson to depict how they are always are. At night they can grab ya manhood to caress it failure to which they cut/stab you to death or even strangle ya, so its a 2 way phenomena. They want to seat, lazy but don’t think the very people who they frustrate are the workaholic bro. They want free things which can last like cash crop while they put up in swag not words, bad character as those dubious ways to their survival have been blocked like with automatic locks, shielding plane alternator 4 it not to be electrocuted, no-fuel as e-generator to eliminate cooking gas and govt wanting to increase population to benefit from huge electric bill as water bill also and many to use the new discovered oil deposits to sell much oil as govt revenue, internet penetration per house and things like payed TV decoder to benefit them widely. These in my following tumblr a/c has a bottleneck so, women are to play part to avoid replicating kids with such character, so its a blessing in disguise. They are even thieves, wanna still from ya in no vicinity even kim of korea got this gene and they meet to discuss their agenda as cat island blooded men. Most Yankees are Malawi blooded, and Malawians are arab blooded as Kenya kisii people got Malawi people blood of wanting to be 1st b4 white men, to out shadow people. They wanna destroy the world, this world will be peopled with their offspring and that’s the joy/pride of white man, what they long 4.
  Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha, mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo. Greenman at the door knocking. Click the links below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya email drafts to use it to open other a/cs that I that fellow think he can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing. Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has it dat you are tinting my name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you will lick my shoe na wewe Austin utakula mabare” Simchezo, Deno affirming tena mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!! Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on that computer in order 4 the hacker to shift the email address on it, so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on which computer the a/c was opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his lips and king kunta as displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with concrete like the short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr. Click the link below 4 more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a blessing in disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other nations, u might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya future generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of liquid cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to allow ya still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Nyathi ma-magdalin ni ng'amruok ministry mit nee, okonyaldhi maong'le, says kebi. Oketo ng'amruok mbele says Richard!!!! Of what significance is church, whats ya agenda bro when all ya expectations have been blocked explained in the following tumblr above, Why do we go to church, to defeat what or to get what dude, let truth be told and we quit. Let us say we know where it came from and we stop but respect the 10 commandments and the constitution period. 4 how long we are gonna play dice wit with words, just like with a woman if she refuse u quit or with school, u start learning and at a certain time stop/finish learning same with church dude. Its sickening preaching the same verse everyday like akid who listens not who we don’t love but do the exact bro. The white man wanted to leave Africa again so they stop knowing what they have known and that’s why they dug Suez canal but its 2 late, Cant destroy the gene anymore as every tribe have learnt the same like automation, so its like a poison to them but we care not as we can now do ourselves. click the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShOQQOy5pf8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOMUjX56xIk Warn us of the same china, what I send u on alibaba http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-video/us-china-to-sign-deal-at-white-house-trump/vi-BBYlsqx?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/money/finance-top-stories/china-says-it-is-in-close-touch-with-us-on-trade-deal-signing-ceremony/ar-BBYkzTN?ocid=ientp
Copy pasted without re-reading
olimptrade offices are located in the carribeans and the Latin America have known how to make sophisticated gadgets, so USA, Canada to be attacked from there, they are very stupid and silly/sick. We wanna see!!!!!
With well down explained mechanism at mrmonde tumblr a/c, still the plane falls, its up to ya mr laughing trump, click the links below
The link below show how u can cab electric car battery sudden pop up by making even a 60 volt wet cell or more or connect many 2 give ya the same, then u put a solar charger controller to accept dat current and give out 24 0r 12 volts, it can last even 4 1 week b4 it falls again to 1or below to stop the worry of everyday charging even if the car is in full use or the alternator made to charge another 1 of the same kind which if the working 1 falls below 12 volt u eject it out and replace it with the charged 1 to last the same or even with solar panel
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